#if anyone is reading this go watch the video really
exhaslo · 1 day
Hi! I've been reading off and on and I loved puzzle pieces and I'm excited for Overtime! I do have a ask if you have the time.
The reader is a spider person and has a couple friends and is good at her job in alxmex. (I don't think I spelled that right forgive me.) but when she reports or gets missions from Miguel she clams up and doesn't really talk much just stoic and shy (definitely trying to fight the crush and just staring at him.) and he notices how different it is from the watch footage and what everyone says about reader. Layla figures out she has a crush and tells Miguel. Plot twist though the reader stays late practicing web moves in the gym and goes to the locker room/showers to rense off and change and there's Miguel waiting for her after his shower cause it's Miguel he likes to make people squirm. (I assume the gym locker room/shower there is unisex for reasons only for the plot 👀) So Miguel's there in just towel looking at the reader, and the virgin reader (cause of course she is.) is trying to be polite and not look at him and then chaos can reupt.
The idea popped into my head and I really enjoy your writing so I think it would be really fun to see how you interpret it. In my head I definitely see him going "you can look you know?" And the reader is just refusing and maybe he has to make her. I'll let you decide that lol. Anyway I really love your writing and I hope when you get this you have a good rest of your day or it gets better! 😊
Haha, the plot armor is STRONG with this one! Also, thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my series~
Warning: MINORS DNI, some smut, mentioned of sex, teasing, touch-starved Miguel
What would it take for your eyes to gaze only at him?
Despite what everyone believes about you, Miguel could only see one side. The shy and quiet you that could barely stutter a word whenever the two of you were alone. Your gaze always avoiding his, but yet, always stares whenever you thought Miguel wasn't looking.
So what would it take for you to open to up him?
This all started with you. Miguel knew that you were always a good worker. Everyone loved you and always praised you, but you always gave Miguel the cold shoulder. At least that was what he thought at first.
Miguel remembered it like it was yesterday. You had done a mission for him and there was barely anyone at the Spider Society. You were so quiet and embarrassed that you stumbled and fell against Miguel when delivering your report.
Your hands against his chest. That sweet voice of yours apologizing profusely as those glowing orbs of yours stared into his. It felt like an eternity. Miguel almost didn't want to let you go. He had wanted you to keep touching him.
It had been weeks since that encounter, and Miguel could only get a brush of your hand ever now and then.
So, what would it take for you to touch him again?
It was getting to the point where Miguel was becoming obsessive. He had started to watch videos of you from your home world. Watching your every lively moment. You weren't quiet to others. Miguel just wanted more of you.
"Ohoho, I think I found something interesting for our little Spider creep."
"Stop calling me that, Lyla." Miguel hissed towards his AI, "What did you find?"
Lyla withheld a snicker as she pulled a video up.
"Sooooo, (Y/N), when are you joining the dating pool?" One of your friends from your world asked.
"Ah-I'm not sure," You said with a light laugh, "There is this one guy I work with...He's kind of my boss, but he is so amazing. You're going to laugh, but I clamp up and can't say a word to him!"
"Liar. You never shut up!"
"My heart just keeps racing whenever I see him! He's so handsome and perfect. I just don't think I'm good enough for someone like him."
"What's his name and how long have you liked him?"
"Miguel and call it cheesy, but it was totally love at first sight. I can't even begin to describe my dreams~"
Miguel felt flustered as he immediately turned the video off. So that was why you kept avoiding him. Unable to hide his smile, Miguel knew that it was going to be much more fun from now on. Hopefully his teasing will get you to open up more.
With a heavy sigh, you scurried your way inside the Spider Society. It had been a long day of both work and crime fighting. Alchemax had you up to your head with paper work, then of course your Rhino decided to cause some havoc in the city.
You were due to a nice shower.
Hearing the alarm go off, you let out another sigh as you accepted the anomaly request on your watch. You entered the different world and nearly gasped as Miguel swung over you. Your face turning bright red as you got a good look at his ass.
Unsure if you should stay or not, you panicked. What if you messed up in front of Miguel?
Deciding to stay, you hurried to Miguel's side. This time the anomaly was a Doc Ock. You scrunched your face up as this Doc Ock used mud like attacks.
"Watch out, (Y/N)!" Miguel called out.
You felt your spider senses tingle as you went to dodge an attack. Before you could move, you felt yourself being pulled. Gasping sharply, you landed in Miguel's arms as you pulled you to safety. His grip tight around your waist.
"You take him from behind, I'll go front." Miguel said.
You squeaked in response, unable to say anything. Instead, you followed his lead, trying to forget about his arm around you.
You knew you were going to sleep good tonight.
Miguel had his eyes on you during the whole fight. He wanted to touch you more. Using the fight as an excuse, Miguel kept grabbing your arm, pulling against your waist and even bumping into you. Any kind of touch was what he needed.
Once the Doc Ock was captured, Miguel had you follow him back to the Spider Society. By this time nearly everyone was getting ready to go home.
"Ugh, I need a shower," You whispered, "Um....M-Miguel...G-Give me like....twenty....twenty minutes....p-please?"
God. You sounded so sweet. Miguel knew he was handsome, but to make such a outgoing person like you stutter and freeze was new. Hell, it started to turn him on.
At this rate, Miguel needed to be the one to make the first move. These little touches here and there weren't going to get you out of your shell. Having an idea of where you were going, Miguel just chuckled as he decided to have some fun.
A shower was definitely what you needed. Washing off the sweat, stress and mud from the way was so refreshing. Letting the water run down your body, you started to recall how Miguel kept touching you during the fight.
This was the most he had ever made contact with you. It was so hot and addicting. Knowing that the place was empty, you decided to give in to your small urges.
Letting your hands roam, you leaned against the shower wall and started to think of Miguel. The way his hands felt against your body. If only they could touch you elsewhere. His deep, charming voice whispering dirty things in your ear.
Imagining Miguel finally kissing you. His fingers making a mess of your sex while you cry and beg. How wonderful would that be?
"Sounds like someone needed to destress."
You gasped, recognizing the voice to be Miguel's. Your face was probably a million shades of red as you bend down and tried to hide inside the shower. Though, there really wasn't any use since he knew you were in here now.
"(Y/N)?" Miguel hummed lowly, "It's okay to show your face."
"B-But..." You covered your face, feeling embarrassed, "Sorry,"
"For what?"
Hearing the curtain open, you squeaked and looked up at Miguel. His lower half in a loose towel as he looked down at you with what seemed like a seductive grin.
"How cute. All wrapped up?" Miguel chuckled lowly.
This was the most you've ever had a conversation with him. Registering that you were naked, you tried to close the curtain again, but Miguel stopped you. He bend down to your level, his towel falling off, causing you to look away.
"Don't be shy, (Y/N), you can look."
Your mind was racing a mile a minute. Unable to refuse such a offer, you slowly turned your head to face Miguel. Your whole body had probably turned red from embarrassment as you tried to hide. How could Miguel say something to tempting?
"You're cute," Miguel chuckled as he grabbed your chin, making you look at him, "I like you, (Y/N). I like you a lot."
Your eyes widen to Miguel's confession. Trying to stutter the words out, you decided to take the leap. Leaning forward, you pecked Miguel's lips to respond to him.
That was a great mistake.
Miguel pinned you against the wall, his lips all over yours. Your body resting against his hips as his hands roamed your body. You weren't sure where to touch him, so you kept your hands around his neck. His tongue ravishing your mouth in the meantime.
Your body arched slightly as you felt his dick poking against your entrance. You wanted to say that this was moving too fast, but at the same time....You wanted him to fuck you.
Stroking your hands against his chest, you felt Miguel groan. He broke the kiss, watching you pant for air.
"Don't stop touching me, (Y/N). I want to see the side of you that everyone else sees."
"Mhm," You still felt shy towards his words, "T-This....This is the side I...I will only show you..."
"Even better," Miguel said with a grin as he captured your lips again.
You whimpered into the kiss, enjoying every second of it. His hands reaching your breasts, giving them a squeeze while he moved his hips to rub his dick against your cunt. You were feeling hot and wet, ready for this to escalate.
"Thank god the showers are still open. MJ and I had a fight so I'm sleeping here tonight." One of the Peters said as they entered the shower room.
Miguel was quick to shut the curtain, covering your mouth with his, wanting to keep you quiet.
"I wish I got into a fight. I got kicked out of my apartment because I couldn't' pay rent in time. I gotta crash here until I get a new place."
Wrapping your arms around Miguel's neck, you gently tugged against his hair to have him stop. Miguel pulled away, smirking down at you. He leaned towards you, nibbling against your ear,
"You really shouldn't have done that," He whispered, "We'll going to continue this in my office."
You rolled your lips inward as you just nodded. Miguel still held onto you, wanting to make sure you knew how hard he was. Covering your face against his chest, you tried your best to hide your smile.
This was the best day ever.
And the fun hadn't even started yet.
Hope you enjoyed!!
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hellfirenacht · 16 hours
Wing Man 12
Fic Summary: Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington is your best friend, and is constantly striking out. Sick of this, you two make a deal; you’ll wing man for each other. Hooking Steve up with dates is easy, but he finds himself struggling to find you a date. At least, until Dustin starts talking about his new cool friend Eddie.
Chapter Summary: You go to your audition, but things never go as planned.
CW: Unwanted flirting, Chris Morrison
5.4 Words
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When you weren’t busy with work, talking to Eddie, spending time with Steve, or sleeping, you were working on your audition. You’d called Chris one time in the week that led up to the audition time, and in that thirty second phone call you had learned absolutely nothing about what to actually prepare for the audition. 
You’d been on stage before, but you didn’t exactly have to audition for the middle school talent show in 8th grade. Everyone was forced into it, so you were put into the show by default, not that you minded. But, that wasn’t exactly a good example as your act had gone disastrously and you pushed down that memory every time it reared its ugly head. 
When you thought of being on stage, you preferred to think of your first time as the Virgin Sacrifice, or the time that you had been in the school’s production of Our Town two years ago. You’d signed up for auditions as a way for extra credit, and had been cast as part of the ensemble and had even been given three full lines. 
That had been the first time you had noticed Robin Buckley, actually. You didn’t talk to her at all during the audition, but you remembered her reading off the script so passionately it actually took your breath away. It had also taken Robin’s breath away as well, unfortunately, as she had finished her speech and promptly passed out cold. 
The next time you remembered really noticing her was at prom a few months later when she had burst in, her dress cut up and looking damn near manic. She’d danced once with Sheena Rollands and then had been chased out of prom. You remembered this distinctly because she looked, well, way cooler than anyone there. Her hair was choppy and messy, and her dress looked like it had been hacked at as well, with stars sewn onto the new hemline. She looked like a rebel, like someone who mattered. You could never actually be cool like that, as much as you wished you could. 
You had heard rumors that she was on the run from Hopper for being a runaway that night, but that seemed stupid because what runaway would run away to her high school prom?
You’d asked her about it a few weeks into working with her at Family Video, and she just shrugged and said that Paris had been the goal, but Prom was more feasible that night. You didn’t press further. 
With that small shared connection though, Robin had helped you put together something that resembled an audition. Chris had said that all you needed to do was show up bu it didn’t feel right to show up to a real audition like it was your school play, so you roped Robin into helping you find some sort of speech to give as well as re-watching your video copy of the movie, doing your best to mimic the choreography on screen, both in dancing and in general blocking. 
The VHS tape got a work out with the constant pausing and rewinding. You and Robin had spent a good afternoon with her directing you on your lip syncing and movements. By the end of the afternoon, the two of you had worked out something that you hoped showed that you belonged in the show. 
You zipped up your jacket as you stepped out of your car, and made your way to the theater. There weren’t any cars in the parking lot other than yours, which should have been your first red flag. You had double and triple checked the time, and yes, you were set to meet up for auditions in the next seven minutes. 
The sun was setting over the old theater, bathing the world in gold and red. It was late in the afternoon and as you approached the old marquis, you wondered briefly how Eddie’s lunch went. You pushed that down, not wanting to think about your crush and guy you were kind-of-sort-of seeing spending time with an old flame. 
This wasn’t about him, this afternoon was about you and you alone. 
Your stomach flipped as you approached the heavy wooden doors. You went to push and realized they were locked and the ‘closed’ sign hung there as if to say don’t you know what time it is? Why are you here?
You knew what time it was, you’d been checking your watch every two minutes since you parked. 
Was this some sort of prank by Chris? Another false hope that you could be part of something? To feel like someone? To matter? 
It was five minutes after your alleged call time, and you were about to turn around and go home and give up. Maybe you’d shake down Steve and Robin for a pity party where you could gripe and watch a shitty movie. No wait, they worked tonight. Eddie? You didn’t know if you were ready to know how his lunch went. Maybe you needed more friends. 
Long shadows started to cast across the parking lot from the theater that loomed over you. Without the bright welcoming lights of the marquis, the building felt more foreboding, towering over you as if judging your worth to even be here when casual moviegoers weren’t around. You felt small, the lack of lights telling you that you didn’t belong anywhere, let alone in a spotlight. What were you really doing here?
You started walking away, and had made it five steps before you heard the slow creek of the front door opening, and the sound of someone calling out your name. You turned, and Chris was there opening the door and giving you a smile. He was fully clothed and, thankfully, not wearing those metallic gold shorts you had seen him in last. 
“Sorry about the wait, I lost track of time.” Chis beckoned you in and you hesitated for a moment before following you inside. 
“I thought more people would be here.” You said, trying to ignore the way Chris’s hand lightly pressed on your lower back as he ushered you into the empty lobby. The air smelled like stale popcorn and felt stagnant, like no one had turned on the air since Halloween. Your voice felt too loud in the empty room, as if your presence was a disturbance when the theater wasn’t bustling with people.
“I’m keeping the auditions private. I’ve had people come in and out all day.” Chris explained, leading you towards an ‘Employees Only’ door. “I have a form for you to fill out and then we can start.”
“You’ve been having people...?” Wait, was Chris in charge of the audition?
“Oh, did I not mention?” Chris looked at you. “My dad owns the theater now.”
No, he had not mentioned that. He had failed to mention a lot of things, actually. He didn’t mention that his dad owned the theater now, he didn’t mention it would be a private audition, and he certainly hadn’t mentioned that he was in charge of whether you’d be in or out. Again. 
There have been some recent changes to management. That’s what Chris had said that night. The Halloween show had sucked because Chris’s dad took over the theater-
A clipboard appeared in front of you, snapping you out of it. You took it, looking over the form. 
“It’s just to keep track of who’s been auditioning.” He said. “Basic things, name, number, any experience you’ve had.”
You took a seat in the office, while Chris leaned against the desk, watching you. You really wished he’d look anywhere else while you filled out the basic information needed. When it came to “on stage” experiences you put down your ensemble experience for Our Town and stopped. 
“Feel free to put down the talent show.” Chris laughed. “I think it fits in with the show perfectly, Miss Pussy Lover.”
You winced at the nickname, and there was a voice in the back of your head that told you to crack the clipboard over his head and storm out. Stubbornness made you stay and give an awkward laugh. He wasn’t... completely wrong. Your talent show act had caused a commotion among your peers in a way that had followed you into high school. It was too much to hope that everyone would have forgotten about that almost seven fucking years later, you guessed. 
“Yeah, it wasn’t supposed to be taken that way, but at least it means I’m not afraid to say dirty things on stage.” Your words felt forced, and you didn’t like how it made you feel. Making dirty jokes with Steve and Robin was a daily activity, you trusted them and had fun doing that. Making dirty jokes with Eddie was especially fun, and the attraction you felt towards him helped with that.
“Good, because that’s what this show is about.” Chris’s face looked smug.
“So, your dad owns the theater now?” You asked, trying to keep conversation focused and relevant. 
“Yeah, he took over a few months ago. He bought it off the old owners, and we’ve been working with the Rocky Horror troupe since.” Chris said. “Since management is now owned by my dad, he put me in charge of it.” 
Things were starting to make sense, and you didn’t like it. That voice in your head was getting louder now, saying that this wasn’t a good idea. 
“So you’re in charge of the shadow cast and production?” You couldn’t keep the skepticism out of your voice. 
“I enjoyed running tech for the school play, I figured I could run this.” He smirked. 
Straight into the ground. You thought, remembering how Columbia and Riffraff had been talking to each other in the corner that night. 
“So, did you have anyone in mind that you were wanting to audition for?” Chris asked, ignoring whatever face you were making. 
“Uh, I always really liked Janet and Columbia.” you offered, trying to focus. “I actually got really bored one winter and glued pennies onto an old pair of shoes to make some fake tap shoes. I tried to learn Columbia’s choreography but I ended up slipping and spraining an ankle instead.” 
That little stunt had you spending the holidays with your foot propped up on a pillow while you binged holiday movies and ate junk food. There had been worse ways to spend that week, especially since all of your friends at the time had been busy with their own families. 
Chris’s laugh echoed through the small office and you would have bet that it could be heard in the empty lobby. You had meant for the story to be a little humorous, but he was acting like you’d told the funniest joke in the world. 
“Didn’t realize you were such a clutz, Miss Pussy Lover.” He said as he calmed down. 
“Please don’t call me that.” you said. “And I didn’t realize how slippery pennies would be on the wood floor.”
Chris’s hand clapped down on your shoulder as he retrieved the form from you. “It’s fine, it’ll be the perfect name for you while you’re with the troupe.” 
“I’m not in yet, so just my name is fine for now.” you said a bit more firmly, standing up and sliding out of his grasp. 
“Oh, don’t worry about that. I think you’re already going to fit in.” he continued, standing way too close for your comfort. “I already like you more than anyone else who’s auditioned today. And you’re in luck, our Columbia just quit.” Chis’s eyes looked you up and down. “But, I think you’d be a better Janet. You’d look good in her outfits.”
Janet had two main outfits outside of the end of the movie. The first outfit was a simple sweater and blouse with a long skirt, sweet and modest. In the second half of the movie, she was running around in a bra and slip. It was clear what outfit he was talking about. 
“Actually, let’s start with having you read for Janet.” He continued and went to the desk and pulled out a piece of paper. “How about we start with the scene where Janet takes care of Rocky when he’s scared and injured?”
Oh. You hadn’t thought about that. You took a small step back and he took a step forward. Chris wanted you to act out the part of the movie where Janet decides to seduce Rocky and sleep with him, turning her officially into a “slut”. 
“I’d actually really rather audition for Columbia.” you said, handing the paper back over. Chris pushed it back into your hands and stepped forward again, and you bumped against the chair that you’d been sitting on before. 
“We can have you read for Columbia, but I think we should start with Janet.” He insisted. “Janet is cuter anyway, and you’ve gotten a lot cuter since school.” 
The voice in your head was now ringing every alarm bell, and before you could say anything, Chris kept talking. 
“I can make you Janet easily.” he said. “She’s basically the lead. I’ve seen your energy at the shows, so I know you can handle it.”
“I... listen, I really don’t think-”
“You don’t need to think. Just listen to me and follow my direction.” Chris said, smirking down at you. He had a good six inches on you, but thankfully he didn’t move any closer. “Hey, you’ve heard of a casting couch right?” 
Time froze for a second and your blood ran cold. “Wh.... what?”
“It’s fine. If you’re worried about protection, this is Rocky Horror. I have plenty of condoms-”
Chris was on the floor, grabbing his crotch before you realized what you had done. 
As you burst through the lobby doors, the sound of your shoes echoed through the empty lobby. Your eyes blurred and stung, unable to allow yourself to take in the sight of the place that had been your safe haven for the past two years. In just ten minutes it was tarnished, ruined by the idea that you could ever really belong where you wanted to. You didn’t fit in here, you didn’t fit in anywhere. Rocky Horror, Hellfire, school, work, it was all the same. Who were you trying to fool? You were a background character, an npc, an extra. And that’s all you would be. 
The shadow of the theater stretched and followed you to your car, not quite touching it as you hopped inside and slammed on the gas. You didn’t even care that Chris was being sleazy, you’d dealt with creeps before. This was the first time that you had kneed one in the crotch though. 
It was the humiliation that every time you tried to fit in or stand out you were shoved back down. Every time you reached out to be something else, reality brought you back down to earth. You had told yourself that you were different now, that you weren’t the same person you were in high school, but was that really true? The talent show, Halloween, Rocky Horror, all desperate attempts to stand out, only to be dragged down. 
You were a fish out of water, and you had been holding your breath for so long that it was catching up to you. You couldn’t breathe. 
You were drowning. 
Getting back home was a blur. You were probably speeding, but it didn’t matter. You just needed to get as far away from that theater as possible. Tears spilled over. 
You didn’t even get to say goodbye. 
Now here you were, in your room, in the dark. Night had fallen quickly after you’d left and it looked black as midnight outside, despite being early in the evening still. 
The plastic gray phone in your hand droned on as you held it off its hanger. That one low note, continuous and echoing in your lonely apartment. That voice in your head that you had tried to ignore earlier was telling you something new, and this time you intended to listen to it. 
The numbers you pressed were a ten note song that sung in your head every time you had dialed it over the past week. 
The phone rang for an eternity, you counted. Each ring sounded like a hundred years, and as you heard that final ring start its long note, it cut off. There was a click, and for a moment you resurfaced and felt oxygen returning to your lungs for just the briefest moment. 
“Hey.... Eddie?” your voice squeaked over the first syllable of his name. “Sorry I... Can you come pick me up? I’m at home.” 
“I’ll be right there.” There wasn’t a question in his voice, not hesitation. Just a simple statement. The last thing you heard was a distant jingle of keys and then a click as Eddie hung up, leaving you to wait for that next breath.  
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“So... what happened?” 
It was the first time that Eddie had said anything since you had jumped in his van four seconds after he parked. You had immediately shaken your head and turned up the volume on the tape that he had been playing, needing to hear something as hurt and furious as you felt. 
That had been ten minutes ago, and now you were in a place where you felt like you were finally able to talk. You turned down the volume and took a deep breath. 
“Chris’s dad owns the theater now.” you said, your voice sounded so distant to you. 
“He- wait, Chris Morrison’s dad owns the theater now?” Eddie repeated and you could only nod your head. 
“Yeah. He owns the theater. Chris was put in charge of the show. He uh....” you took a deep breath and watched intently as the streetlights passed by in a constant flash of warm yellow. “He made a move on me.” 
Eddie’s head snapped to the side to look at you before remembering that he needed to pay attention to the road. 
“I thought that I was going there to audition.” you started telling him everything. You told Eddie how Chris had been using the audition to get laid and that you had blacked out and had probably kicked him in the dick when he made a pass at you. 
Eddie had a stone face as he stared out the windshield, a stone face of a very pissed gargoyle. 
“Did he touch you?” he asked, and you noticed he had a death grip on the steering wheel. 
“Only on my shoulder.” you said. “He didn’t like touch me, touch me.”
Touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me!
You never wanted to hear that song again. 
Eddie didn’t relax at that, and still looked pissed. “You really kicked him in the nuts?” 
“Yeah, I remember him saying something about condoms and then he was on the ground grabbing his dick.” You said, running your hands over your thighs. “I’ve never hit anyone before.”
“He deserved it.” Eddie said. 
“Yeah, but... I don’t know. I feel weird about the whole thing.” You sighed, rubbing your face in frustration. “I’m pissed. Chris hitting on me was just the cherry on top. I knew it was too easy trying to be part of this, and now I’ll never be able to go back.”
“I’ll be surprised if there are any shows after this.” Eddie said. “Everything Chris touches turns to shit. He dropped Hellfire and I had to pick up the pieces. Maybe someone will be able to pick the show back up in the future.” 
It was a nice sentiment, but it did nothing but tell you that maybe one day you’ll find a piece of driftwood to cling to. 
“I don’t know what to do now.” The paved road turned to dirt and gravel as Eddie pulled into his neighborhood. Trailers and RVs of different shapes and sizes were scattered around, and you could barely see the dirt road as Eddie pulled up next to one. You assumed this was his home. It occurred to you that you had never asked where Eddie lived before. You two had only ever hung out at The Hideout or in his can before. 
Eddie didn’t make a move to get out after he parked. It was pretty common, the two of you sitting in here for hours just talking and getting to know each other. 
“The show was the one place outside of work and home that I felt like I could actually belong.” You said, hating that you were dumping all your shitty problems on him. “Once a month I had a place where people didn’t expect anything out of me. I didn’t have to be the assistant manager, I didn’t have to struggle to fit in, and I didn’t feel out of place.”
You leaned back in your seat, rubbing your eyes to rid the tears that threatened to start up again. This was so fucking embaressing, crying in front of the guy you liked after you begged him to pick you up after a bad day. 
“I know that The Hideout isn’t exactly the most, uh, glamorous place.” Eddie said slowly, knocking his rings against the steering wheel. “We don’t exactly draw a crowd, and it’s not brimming with freaks like you’re used to, but you can come any time we’re playing.” Eddie turned and grinned at you. “If you want I can drag you on stage to dance with us, if it helps. You could heckle us, too. It’s been a while since we’ve had someone throw something at us on stage. It’d keep us humble.”
You found yourself grinning back, unable to stop the rumble in your chest as laughter escaped you. 
Eddie took that as a sign to keep going. “I think you’d do better at it than our normal drunks.” he continued. “See, you actually listen to our music. You’d get creative with your insults. I’ll write out copies of our lyrics and give you a head start. You can start throwing dice at us. I think I can handle being called a ‘satanist freak’ if it’s from you. Maybe you can start doing some satanic chants during some songs-” 
“Oh my god, Eddie.” You laughed, “Has anyone ever told you that you’re a weirdo?” 
“Excuse you, I am the mean and scary freak of Hawkins.” Eddie said seriously, placing a hand over his heart. “I will not settle for anything less, sweetheart.” 
Your heart jumped at the nickname and the warmth in your cheeks from your laughter intensified. 
“My apologies, Mr. The Freak. I’ll be sure to address you properly next time.” you rolled your eyes, but your smile was sincere. 
“Please, Mr. The Freak was my father. You can just call me Eddie.” He leaned against the seat, his side pressed against it as he looked over at you with a smile. 
You offered your hand to him in greeting. “Hello, you can just call me ‘weirdo’ or ‘that one girl’ or ‘hey you.’” you said as he took your hand and shook it. 
“It’s nice to be properly introduced.” Eddie said with a snort. His hands felt warm in yours despite the chill in the air. 
You felt better, you were still pissed as hell and upset, but you at least didn’t feel like crying. 
“I hope your day went better than mine.”  With the Chris drama being put aside for a moment, you might as well pull the pin out on this conversation. You didn’t want to have it, you really didn’t, but you liked Eddie. You really really liked him, and you decided it was better to know sooner rather than later what the deal with him and his ex was. 
Eddie blinked his eyes in surprise that you were the one to start the conversation. He looked thrown off for a moment, but shook it off quickly. 
“Paige is in charge of a new-ish label that she’s trying to get set up in Hawkins.” Eddie started. “She wants Corroded Coffin to audition for a chance to be signed.”
“Holy shit, that’s amazing.” you said, and you meant it. You had only seen them play a few times, but each time you felt like they belonged to something bigger. Even on a small stage, they acted like they were playing in front of a crowd of thousands. “You’re gonna do it, right?”
“Yeah, I... I really can’t pass this up. I mean, I still need to tell the rest of the guys and get their input but I doubt they’ll turn it down.” Eddie said. 
“Even a small label is a big deal, right? That means you’d be able to record and play somewhere outside of the Hideout.” you said. 
“Paige said that she wants us to audition by the end of the year and if things go well, then she could have us in a studio by summer.” 
“Wow.” you breathed out, leaning back against the seat. “So, can I get you to autograph a few things now to get ahead of the crowd? I figure one or two for me to keep then a few more for me to sell off as you get bigger.”
“Ha ha, real funny.” Eddie said dead pan. 
“I’m not joking.” you said. “I got bills to pay, and you’re about to be signed. Help a girl out!”
“We haven’t even set up the audition.” 
“So? She flew out here, told you that she wanted you to audition and that she could have you in a recording studio next year! I really doubt that she would tell you all of that unless she already had you planned for the roster.” you pointed out. “It sounds like the audition is more of a formality.” 
“You really think so?” Eddie asked, perking up slightly. He hadn’t thought about it like that. 
“I don’t know what happened between the two of you, but it can’t have been horrible if she wants to sign you still.” You added. 
Eddie had an expression on his face that you couldn’t read.
“I guess.” He shrugged, but he didn’t seem convinced. 
“Either way, I hope your audition goes better than how mine just went.” 
Eddie took a deep breath. “Paige tried to kiss me.” he said quickly, and all that anxiety from the day shot back up. 
“Oh.” You failed to sound neutral about what Eddie had just said, disappointment clear in your voice. 
“No, I- I turned her down.” Eddie clarified. “After the meeting she started leaning in and I told her no, that it wasn’t a good idea.”
“Oh...?” you were searching for words, but nothing else came out. 
“I also...” He hesitated for a moment, messing with one of his rings. “I told her I was seeing someone.” 
“Oh!” It was your turn to be surprised, and once again you felt the warmth in your cheeks. “How’d she take it...?”
“She took it well.” Eddie said. “I don’t think she was really thinking it through when she tried. I think she just got caught up in this fantasy about me being some sort of rock hero. It’s business, that’s all it is. Paige even said that it wouldn’t ever actually work between the two of us.”
“She’s not pulling a Chris right?”
“No, she said that the audition is still on with or without any entanglement.” He promised.
“And you don’t have any romantic feelings for her?” You asked. 
Eddie shook his head. “No. I don’t.”
You believed him. You didn’t have any reason not to anyway. Eddie had been up front about his relationship with Paige every step of the way. If Eddie had been a lesser person, he wouldn’t have told you that she was his ex and he really wouldn’t have said anything about an almost kiss. 
Plus, when he said he was seeing someone your stomach felt like it was full of butterflies and glitter and that was something you were having a really hard time ignoring.
“Alright, I trust you.” you nodded. “At least one of us should have something good come out of this night. I’m happy for you, really. I want this to work for you.” 
“Thanks.” His voice was soft. “Do you uh, want to come inside?” 
When you had asked Eddie to pick you up, you hadn’t thought too far ahead of what that would mean or where you would go. You glanced at the trailer for a moment, and suddenly you were really curious about where he lived and what his room looked like. 
“Absolutely, I do.” you said. After the emotional roller coaster you had just been on today, you were fine with any kind of distraction. 
The two of you hopped out of the car, and Eddie swung the door to the trailer open for you and let you in first. It was a small trailer, with a living room, kitchen, and you could see the open door to Eddie’s bedroom from where you stood. 
“Do you have enough hats?” you asked, stepping into the living room and looking at the many hats and mugs that decorated the walls. “And mugs? I don’t think you have enough mugs. Whatever will you drink out of?”
“Those are all my uncles.” Eddie said, shrugging off his jacket. “He’s been collecting them since I could remember.” 
There were still hints of Eddie in the living room, despite his uncle's collection. A few papers were scattered on the coffee table, filled with numbers and notes next to a set of dice. On top of the tv there were a few VHS’s of old monster movies that you’d seen at your own job as well. 
“Sorry about the mess.” He had made his way to the kitchen and quickly disposed of something you couldn’t see in the trash. 
“You haven’t seen my apartment, don’t apologize.” you said, thinking back to the unwashed pile of dishes waiting for you in the sink at home. You should also really take out the trash and fold your laundry instead of tossing it all on the chair- 
“My room’s this way.” Eddie said. It occurred to you that the last time you followed a guy into a private room he tried to make a move on you. But when you thought of Eddie being the one to lean in and tell you that he had some condoms, you didn’t feel that disgust you felt earlier. You were actually finding yourself hoping that he’d make a move as you followed him to his room. 
Eddie Munson’s room looked exactly how it should. A hand made Corroded Coffin banner hung proudly over a stereo system, and the walls were more poster than paint. Every inch of the room proclaimed proudly who Eddie was and what he was about. It was loud, and cluttered, and lived in, and absolutely perfect. 
You watched as Eddie tried to subtly pick up some of the empty beer cans around the room and toss them in a small basket in the corner of the room. Your eyes were drawn to the nightstand where there was a small pile of tapes which you helped yourself to go through. 
“Eddie, what’s this?” You said with a snicker, holding up a cassette. 
“Shit, nothing!” Eddie reached out to snatch the tape from you, but you sidestepped him, looking it over.   
“ABBA!” You giggled. “Oooh, I am so telling your friends about this.”
“I’m holding it for a friend, I swear!” Eddie said defensively. “It’s not mine. I was peer-pressured. I don’t touch that shit. It’s Zacks!” 
You turned the tape over. “ABBA Arrival. I didn’t take you as a Dancing Queen fan. Are you really so young and sweet and only seventeen?” You continued to tease. 
“I’m not!’ Eddie tried to argue. “I’m old and bitter and an adult.” 
He took a step closer to you and you took a step back as he grabbed the tape out of your hand. You bumped against the nightstand, sending a book falling to the floor. 
“Oops, sorry.” you said and reached down to pick it up. It was a worn out copy of The Hobbit, and as you picked it up, the bookmark he had been using fluttered to the floor. 
You grabbed the construction paper stem and held it up, noticing that you also knew how to make this kind of flower. 
...You had made this kind of flower before. 
You stared at it for a moment, and then looked at Eddie. Your mind raced to that night at the theater under the yellowed light of the marquis, how it felt so familiar. You thought of the yearbooks you’d looked at and how every year Eddie’s hair got shorter he became more familiar. Eddie on stage. Eddie under a street light. Eddie playing guitar. 
You remembered. 
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Dividers by: @strangergraphics
Tag List @k8loo @terrormonster55 @sp1dyb0y1008 @crocwork-clockodile @ali-r3n @mxcheese @josephquinnschesthair @gagasbee @peaches-roses-sins @witchwolflea @vintagehellfire @royale1803 @cumslutforaemond @prestinalove @browneyedgirly93 @perpetualmess @thebook-hobbit @cultish-corner @grishaversecaptivated @sortagaysortahigh @halialex1119 @siriuslysmoking @huffledor-able541 @pookiesnatcher @eddiesguitarskills @browneyes-8288 @sheneedsrocknroll92
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janmisali · 2 days
just wanted to say thanks for sharing your Inspiration playlist on YouTube! Since finding it ages back, I've really enjoyed most of the videos and found a few mainstays in my YouTube watching!
Your recent addition has led me to try to recreate ChongoShow's Wheel of Fortune through Pygame (learning as I go!) which has already been super rewarding.
I think I do have a question beyond saying "thanks" now. What about the stream made it go into the playlist?
For me, it's all some combination of (the rugpull moment/ the game format itself/ the interesting math behind balancing it / very funny bits) but especially just wanting to play it myself!
it's definitely a combination of all of those reasons you described. it's really fun concept for a game, it's well-executed but in a way where "the seams" are clearly visible ("good in a way that feels replicable" is one of the main types of video I'd describe as "inspiring"), and chongo's three guests are all really funny. what more could you ask for?
(btw for anyone else reading this. if you like my videos and haven't seen my "inspiration" playlist I highly recommend checking it out. it's a curated selection of my favorite videos of all time, including some really underrated deep-cuts)
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lonesome-witching · 3 days
I Melt With You
Another day, another prompt from @rabbitofdeath-atcastleaarrggh. This one is a return customer and I'm glad they keep coming back. Anyway, this one is based of a song, although very loosely based. I tried my best to write a romcom montage. It's weird, it's not serious, it's meant to be ridiculous.
Do you have any prompts yourself? Or do you want to dive into what I wrote before? You can read my previous prompts or send me some new ones.
Robin Buckley was in love with Nancy Wheeler. That much was sure. It was ridiculous and embarrassing, but it was the truth. She had gotten feelings for prissy Nancy Wheeler.
She wasn’t entirely sure how it happened. One day she had been complaining about her to the Odd Squad during band, the next she was ready to sink to her knees in front of her. It had to be something to do with how Nancy could command a whole room with her voice. The realization had dawned on Robin during Nancy’s history presentation on the Roman Empire.
The presentation on its own hadn’t been all that special. She told the same tale as all the other students. But then one of the jocks in the back of the class had made a joke in poor taste and Nancy had snapped back. It had triggered something in Robin that hadn’t been there before.
Since then, Robin had been thinking of Nancy Wheeler all the time. She screamed into her pillow about it every night.
“There are worse people to be into,” Steve said from his spot behind one of the racks of video tapes. She had only recently caved. Steve had been pestering her for weeks on end. It had gotten to the point where Robin couldn’t take it anymore. He already knew she was into girls. It was a small leap from there.
“C’mon, it’s prissy Nancy Wheeler we’re talking about.”
“She’s really not that much of a priss.”
“I guess you could know. How long were you two together?”
“Almost two years. Why? Do you need help to get the girl?” Steve’s head was poking out from the shelves, a smirk on his face.
“No, dingus, don’t be an idiot.”
“Alright, how are you going to win her over?” Steve walked over, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I’m not going to win her over,” Robin sighed.
“Not with that attitude.”
Robin rolled her eyes. “Not with any attitude. Nancy is… she’s not like that.”
“You know what we need?” Steve slapped his hand on the counter.
“Do I want to know?”
“We need a cliché, rom-com montage.”
“How would that even work?”
She pushed the note into the locker. She had never been the type for romantic gestures. Mostly because she never had anyone to be romantic with. But Steve had pushed her to write down her feelings. Just to see how Nancy would react. She hadn’t signed her name at the bottom. She hadn’t been that courageous, or stupid.
Once the note had slipped from her hand, fallen somewhere into the darkness of Nancy’s locker, she’d felt the fear in the pit of her stomach. This was a mistake. She tried to remember what she had written, if any of it could lead to her.
I look at you from across the hall and long to be nearer. I long to be as close to you as I could possibly be. I dream of a better world, of better lives, where I could tell you this without fear. A world where I could declare that for you, Nancy, for you I would stop the world. Simply to melt with you. To be with you. To love you.
All she could remember seemed vague enough. Nothing to even indicate her gender. Nothing to incriminate herself.
The bell rang and she rushed away from the locker that didn’t belong to her. Just far enough that Nancy wouldn’t notice her. At least not right away. Just far enough that Nancy wouldn’t suspect her.
She watched from across the hall as Nancy wandered over to her locker, toying with the lock for a few moments before opening the door. The slip of paper drifted out, twirling in the air for a moment before it landed on the floor. She could barely see Nancy’s frown as she leaned down to retrieve it. Her slender fingers unfolded the piece of paper, her eyes scanned over the words.
Robin had expected her to look around. But she didn’t. She just sighed and pushed the paper back in her locker, in between some of her books. And then she shut her locker and walked away.
She walked right past Robin without looking anywhere but right in front of her. Holding her books close to her chest and marching on.
“It didn’t work.”
“Of course it didn’t work,” Steve exclaimed from the break room.
“If you know it wasn’t going to work, why make me do it?”
“Because it was step one.”
“Step one of what?”
“Of our cliché rom-com montage masterplan.”
“There’s gonna be a step two?”
“Do we really have to watch?” Robin asked, sliding further down the seat.
“It’s part of the montage.”
“Steve, you do know no one is recording this right. We’re not in a movie.”
“I know we’re not in a movie.” Steve threw his head back in irritation.
“Then what is this about.”
“Ssshh, there she is.” Steve pointed out the window of his car.
Robin watched as a 16-year-old placed a bouquet of roses on the Wheeler porch. Moments later Nancy opened the door. She clearly sighed as she picked up the roses and threw the door shut. She turned back towards Steve and noticed the frown on his face.
“I don’t think your plan is working.”
“Time for step three.”
Robin bit the inside of her cheek. All she had to do was wait for the right moment. No matter how long it took. It probably wouldn’t take all that long. Which was sad for a whole other reason.
She noticed Nancy out of the corner of her eye. Just walking, books pressed up against her chest.
“Look at that, Nancy the slut Wheeler,” a guy yelled from the other side of the hall.
Nancy just kept on walking.
“Why don’t you shut the fuck up? Frustrated you can’t get in her pants? You didn’t truly think someone as beautiful as Nancy would sleep with you, did you?” Robin shouted back. She’d practiced the response in her head. Several times. Steve had said it would show Nancy she cared, or something like that. It just felt nice to shout back for once.
But when she looked at Nancy, who had stopped in her tracks, she saw nothing but a scowl on that pretty face.
The last person Robin had expected to see in detention was Nancy Wheeler. Maybe Steve was on to something with his rom-com montage. Maybe some deeply exhausted, overly stressed college student was dabbling in writing all of a sudden. At least that was what it felt like when Robin walked into the room and saw Nancy sitting in the front row.
Nancy didn’t turn around, didn’t show any sign of acknowledgment. She just sat there, staring at the front of the class.
“Hi,” Robin said, sitting down next to Nancy.
“We’re not supposed to speak.” It was the first time Nancy had spoken to her. Directly to her.
“There is not really anyone to stop us.”
“What exactly are you trying to do?”
“I’m trying to talk to you.”
Nancy just nodded, her lips pressed together. One of her hands was tapping a pattern on her thigh.
“What do you have against me?” Robin felt the onslaught of words threaten to slip out.
“Nothing,” Nancy replied.
“Is it because of the rumors? Because I truly thought if there was one person that didn’t believe everything she heard around here, it would be you. But here you are shunning me for whatever reason, and I can’t imagine it’s anything else. A few days ago, you had never even spoken to me. You probably don’t even know my name, do you?”
Nancy turned toward her. The scowl gone and replaced by confusion. “It’s not— I don’t dislike you.”
“Really? Could have fooled me.”
“Not everything is about you.”
“How the hell is you being a bitch to me not about me?”
Nancy groaned.
“No, please enlighten me. Because for the past few weeks all I’ve been trying to do is woo you. I’ve written you notes, I’ve sent you flowers, I defended you in front of those assholes. And all I’m getting in return is the cold shoulder.”
“That was you?”
“Who did you think it was?”
“Well, I knew you defended me. But the other stuff? I thought it was Steve. After we broke up, he paid some kids to serenade me, so this wouldn’t have been a stretch.”
“He did ask me to serenade you. I just thought that would have been a bit too much.”
Nancy laughed softly. “So, why did you do all of this?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“The note, the flowers, you know?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“What song would you have picked?” Nancy asked.
“Is this really the time, Nance? We’re supposed to be rushing here.”
Nancy smiled, leaning back down to kiss Robin again. “I’m just curious. If you had serenaded me, what song would you have picked?”
Robin’s fingers flexed against Nancy’s waist. “I Melt with You by Modern English.”
Nancy hummed, moving away ever so slightly. “I’ve never heard of it.”
“Who cares?” Robin pulled her back down, connecting their lips.
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taehyungfirst · 6 months
Hiii ☺️
I stumbled upon this guys review the other day of Layover tracks that I really enjoyed and thought you might too. It's so nice to hear someone echo my thoughts that Tae's aura, level of uniqueness and uncompromising authenticity makes him a legend/icon in the making.
Now when it comes to my favorite things about Tae, I would have to say it is his ability to take his hardships and struggles and turn into positives that become infused in his overall character. He never indulges in embarrassment, humiliation, or self pity for too long. If he messes up, he quickly laughs it off and turns it into something cute and charming but then also quietly does his best to makes the necessary improvements. I also love how he is not afraid to show parts of himself that would be considered less appealing especially in an industry that is built on curating a perfect image. For example, attempting to grow out his beard for fun or happily showing off his pimples. I also love how he is able to connect with so many different people regardless of language or cultural barriers which shows how empathetic he is and frankly is not mentioned enough.
Hello dear! First of all, thank you so much for the recommendation, I don’t usually watch a lot of youtube reviews, but this one was genuinely interesting. The guy reviewing did such a great job, and he really hit the nail with his insight. When he mentioned Van Gogh (I’m assuming he’s not really a Bts fan) I was amazed because we know Tae loves him, and he said some things I noted so that I could share with you because I liked them:
“There is something so artistic about V’s vision and his soul as a person that bleeds through all the videos, in such a beautiful soulful easy way […] V soul is so beautifully expressed throughout his music videos, they don’t feel like k-pop, they dont feel like music videos, they feel like an expression of who he is as a person.” I really really liked this part because I absolutely agree with it, Layover is a masterpiece and the music videos are so quintessentially Taehyung that rewatching them is always so easy, and every time you discover something new (this time I found out a cloud in SD video had the shape of a god, I haven’t noticed that before because I was too focused on Tae in the shot ahaha). My heart fills with pride seeing people recognizing just how much of a good insightful artist Taehyung is, how much he takes from the world and transforms it into art. Into something his, something unique. So really, thank you for the recommendation!
And about the things you like about Taehyung I couldn’t agree more, he will always be one of a kind, always felt like a best friend more than a kpop idol.
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 11 months
it does something incomprehensible to my little writer’s soul whenever alex articulates a phenomenon of the writing process i’ve always picked up on and then goes on to describe it in exactly the same way
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brainlessbaguette · 7 months
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Y'all I am so scared. This could either be great or an absolute dumpster fire of a movie. Why live-action? No seriously why live-action??? For Zelda, the games that are so wonderfully cartooney even at their most serious? Why is Avi Arad producing a Zelda movie? His mixed bag of movies aside I DON'T THINK HES DONE FANTASY??? Like correct me if I'm wrong but I believe its mostly sci-fi, superheroes and stuff.
I know I'll enjoy it regardless, trashy movies are my jam. But if we want more it can't flop like 1993 mario(love that movie) and thats the bit thats got me nervous.
I'm gonna anxiously hold out hope solely becuase the tweet opened up with "This is Miyamoto." Just DON'T do BOTW/TOTK. I know you want to pick the cash cow Nintendo, but video game movies are WAY more likely to flop if you pick the one where everyone would rather just play the game. The bigger the fanbase the worse the odds get, so I am begging you not to come out of the gates with an adaptation of the ones where everyone and their mother has played it.
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satturn · 1 year
Im begging you to infodump about That Song actually
THE THING IS!!! the thing is that it's the fact that silver springs was mean to be on the rumours album and stevie was so proud of it, and also wanted to give the publishing rights to her mom as a gift, but pretty last minute they cut it because it was too long (only so much you can put on vinyl) and i think if i remember correctly mick informed her of this in a parking lot!! so of course she was rightfully fucking mad. they did put it as a b-side on the 'go your own way' single, but so instead of silver springs being a main 'rumours' song it became kind of a deep-cut and kind of forgotten.
so then 20 years later (1997) they do 'the dance' which is the first album in ten years with both lindsey and stevie and it's mostly the popular hits. but also silver springs (i've reblogged this song so many times already i assume everyone has seen this performance but if you haven't watch it!!!!). but so stevie gets to sing this song she wrote twenty years ago about their breakup right into his face and it's a fucking prophecy that came true!!!! he never got away from the sound of the woman that loved him!!!!!!!!!! cause here they are 20 years later and she's singing this song she wrote fresh out of their breakup decades ago At him with a look that should incinerate any mortal man. like PLEASE i'll follow you down till the sound of my voice will haunt you!!!!! she said that this was about the fact that he would hear her on the radio for the rest of his life ("and it will bug you. i hope it bugs you" !!!!!!!!) but not only that they're here still performing together!!!!!!!! they never got away!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if i ever want to feel anything i watch that video it's the most powerful thing in the world to me. . anyway.
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i read a hannigram fic last night where op decided it was an okay thing to mention vatsyayana and my brain chemistry is fucked now.
#raj shitposting#afghdaklkjfdakjfgaskjgf#so for context i read the kamasutra as a joke earlier last month and istg i was not expecting what i read.#bro- listen i thought it'd be about heterosexual sex only but it's really not specified IN SO MANY PLACES IT MAKES ME WANNA YELL.#there's this entire section in the text about scents. now idk how many of y'all know seema anand but you should def check out her tedtalk.#because she kinda boils it down to the very basics with the best examples for all of those who do not want their brain chemistry altered.#and that was what got me into her stuff and i read the arts of seduction a couple years back but i wasn't unhinged back then-#-so i forgot all about it until like a month or so back when i came across a video of hers on yt and damn those floodgates BROKE man.#which lead to me finally putting my foot down and reading that shit and JESUS FUCKING CHRIST-#so back to where we were. there's this entire section about scents alright? and we all know where this is going so bear with me please.#so this section talks about how different scents stimulate excitement and how different parts of the body should be scented.#like seema anand does NOT warn you about how fucking DETAILED this shit is in the original text. AT ALL.#it's got i think somewhere around 600 different scents and the optimum intensity of the scents for like IDK TURNING INTO A MONSTER.#so like when i read the fic my brain thought HEY THESE ARE TWO UNHEALTHY OBSESSIONS OF THIS FUCKING SICKO THAT SHOULD ALIGN RIGHT? BOOM.#and i imagined post fall will experimenting with scents for fun and shit because why not who's to stop him at this point in his life?#and then my brain flashed me a very vivid image of hannibal BURYING his face into will's waist to smell the perfume he put there-#and then my brain short circuited because that is too powerful an image for a mortal brain to comprehend.#i don't think anyone will understand what the fuck it is that i'm on about but y'all should watch that ted talk.#and get ahold of the nearest fic writer you know and force them to write a fic on this BECAUSE THIS IS THE PROMPT THEY'VE BEEN WAITING FOR.#this is actual psychosexual bullshit and istg i've had SO MANY vivid dreams ABOUT SCENTS ALONE it's making me lose my fucking mind.#GAAAAAAAAAAAAH#hannigram#hannibal
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weak-aesthetic · 1 year
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raredrop · 11 months
as someone who went from fearing chargers, to sometimes using chargers, to maining them (and by them i mean mostly just the e-liter scope i used more in 2 than i do now)
watching people who do not play chargers play the e-liter for the first time or any sort of reason i just go YUP THATS IT START CRYING UNTIL U HIT A SICK SNIPE AND THEN BASK IN UR SECONDS OF FAME THAT NO ONE ELSE CARES ABOUT
#like i was a shooter main through 1 and 2 with some dabbling in various weapons in 2 usually chargers#during the rock paper scissors splatfest i said this was gonna be the start of me actually maining the eliter#id say in 2 my main was like...the jr.....#im also not into competitive play...i like watching videos going into things but im casual and ranked is something i only...sometimes play#but not enough to rank#chargers are like either confidant in their playing or like me stressed#and tho i cant say im like a pro charger despite the time i put into the eliter....i mean its still me after all#it is very...different from the other classes bc most of the time ur not gonna be good at holding a fight up close unless u get VERY lucky#but thats just me and i am maining the slowest charger with a scope#also watching someone talk about the comp nature of splat and how chargers will probably pick up the ballpoint like#i DO not like splatlings...way too awkward for me to play#i get one in salmon run its over its over hang up ur slops bc its over#the cool thing about the eliter is that sometimes you'll match with people who just want to leave you alone#the not cool thing is that people will also very much want to chase you down bc u got caught#mid repositioning#again im not a splat pro i just play casually so ur not gonna get actual good tips from me#also sorry if anyone acutally reads my tag rants bc they can get really long and idk why i dont kjust put all of this in the post itself any#anyway....
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so has anyone checked rusty quill's youtube lately
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magz · 2 years
Some of BadEmpanada's videos on genocide are rather good jumping off points to deal with these very charged discussions on genocide, racial discrimination, assimilation, etc. in leftist spaces, especially when the topic of propaganda comes up as well.
(I edited the cited source links in the videos' descriptions so they work now / are more accessible / books & research papers can be read beyond the title name.) (If a sci-hub link doesn't work anymore in the future, search a new sci-hub mirror site that still works, and paste the provided DOI number into the site's search bar.)
Video Link: "The Problem With Genocide" - https://youtu.be/m316DcYhb8w "What happens when you let the criminals define the crime?" Cited Sources: [1] Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, Raphael Lemkin. [Archive: https://archive.org/stream/AxisRuleInOccupiedEuropeRaphaelLemkin/Axis_rule_in_occupied_Europe_Raphael_Lemkin_djvu.txt] [2] The Return of Cultural Genocide?, Leora Bilsky and Rachel Klagsbrun. [Sci-Hub: (Abstract Paper) https://sci-hub.wf/10.1093/ejil/chy025 | doi:10.1093/ejil/chy025 ] [3] Australia: A Continuing Genocide?, Damien Short. [ Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.wf/10.1080/14623528.2010.508647 | doi:10.1080/14623528.2010.508647 ] [4] Totally Unofficial Man: The Autobiography of Raphael Lemkin [Z-Lib EPUB: https://usa1lib.org/book/5702167/962a19 | Z-Lib PDF: https://usa1lib.org/book/3587384/eac076 | Archive: https://archive.org/details/totallyunofficia0000lemk] [5] Genocide in International Law: The Crime of Crimes, William Schabas [Legal.UN: (Outline Summary) https://legal.un.org/avl///pdf/ls/Schabas_outline.pdf | Z-Lib PDF: https://usa1lib.org/book/861314/98af8f | Z-Lib EPUB: https://usa1lib.org/book/854833/e4046e] [6] https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-46217896 [7] https://bolivia.infoleyes.com/articulo/73871 (in Spanish) [8] http://www.derechos.org/nizkor/arg/ley/etche.html (in Spanish) [9] https://www.fiscales.gob.ar/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/LH_Dossier_2018.pdf (in Spanish)
Video Link: "Cutting Through The BS on Xinjiang: Uyghur Genocide or Vocational Training" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVlOSDWAkSM "A look at what the Chinese government doing in Xinjiang, and why." Cited Sources (including the ones criticized, clips + images used or mentioned): [1] Migration and Inequality in Xinjiang, Anthony Howell & C. Cindy Fan. [Academia.edu: https://www.academia.edu/es/5426334/Migration_and_Inequality_in_Xinjiang_A_Survey_of_Han_and_Uyghur_Migrants_in_Urumqi | Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.wf/10.2747/1539-7216.52.1.119 | doi:10.2747/1539-7216.52.1.119] [2] https://www.chinalawtranslate.com/en/counter-terrorism-law-2015/ [3] https://www.chinalawtranslate.com/en/xinjiang-uyghur-autonomous-region-regulation-on-de-extremification/ [4] https://web.archive.org/web/20210407183711/http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2018-10/16/c_137535821.htm?from=groupmessage [5] https://web.archive.org/web/20191216040455/http:/www.moe.gov.cn/jyb_xwfb/xw_zt/moe_357/jyzt_2016nztzl/ztzl_xyncs/ztzl_xy_dxjy/201801/W020180109353888301306.pdf (in Chinese) [6] https://archive.is/QZ2eM#selection-139.47-139.95 (in Chinese) [7] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVlOSDWAkSM [8] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wb-MNi8E-TA [9] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmId2ZP3h0c [10] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rH4gdxWEFI4 [11] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVlOSDWAkSM [12] https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2019/08/512399/uyghurs-freely-join-re-education-camps [13] Malaysia’s 13th General Election: Political Partisanship in the Mainstream Print Media, Mohd Azizuddin & Mohd Sani. [Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.wf/10.1177/1326365x14539186 | doi:10.1177/1326365x14539186 ] [14] https://www.businessinsider.com/uighur-china-father-mamutjan-abdurehim-wife-detained-ordeal-2020-7 [15] https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2021/03/24/china-xinjiang-children-culver-pkg-intl-hnk-vpx.cnn [16] https://news.cgtn.com/news/2021-03-23/VHJhbnNjcmlwdDUzMDQy/index.html [17] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM6nqRgSOaw [18] https://twitter.com/SMusapir/status/1232116450875170816 / https://web.archive.org/web/20201213222041/https://twitter.com/smusapir/status/1232116450875170816 [19] https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-55269384 [20] https://www.shahit.biz/eng/#home [21] https://shahit.biz/eng/#1240 [22] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBQSFr5HNo9cZQLLoL8v9tA [23] https://web.archive.org/web/20210513183432/https://uyghuraid.org/pages/who-we-are [24] https://www.nchrd.org/2018/08/china-massive-numbers-of-uyghurs-other-ethnic-minorities-forced-into-re-education-programs/ [25] https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3101986/china-claims-vocational-training-given-nearly-13-million-people [26] https://www.aclu.org/issues/national-security/detention/guantanamo-numbers [27] https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1172759.shtml [28] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/mar/09/chinas-treatment-of-uighurs-breaches-un-genocide-convention-finds-landmark-report [29] https://wits.worldbank.org/CountryProfile/en/Country/KAZ/Year/2017/TradeFlow/EXPIMP/Partner/all#:~:text=In%202017,%20Kazakhstan%20major%20trading,Germany,%20United%20States%20and%20Italy [30] https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-german-data-diver-who-exposed-chinas-muslim-crackdown-11558431005 [31] https://archive.is/kY4a7#selection-767.0-767.129 (in Chinese) [32] https://web.archive.org/web/20200507161938/https://ciwe.nankai.edu.cn/2019/1223/c18571a259225/page.htm / as-of-yet uncontested translation featured here: https://jamestown.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Coercive-Labor-and-Forced-Displacement-in-Xinjiangs-Cross-Regional-Labor-Transfers-A-Process-Oriented-Evaluation.pdf?x98189 [33] https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-56250915
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timeisacephalopod · 1 year
Watch "A Brief Look at Harry Potter" on YouTube
If you're feeling nostalgic for harry Potter watch this delightful breakdown of JKR's world done by a trans creator- seriously the breakdown of the politics of HP is brilliantly done. Watch it and let me know what you think of economagics 😂😂
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get-back-homeward · 2 years
The Beatles on Ready Steady Go (October 4, 1963)
[3:32] George flirting with Dusty Springfield [7:39] Ringo reads his ID bracelet inscription [11:32] Paul sleeps with his eyes open (?) [15:09] John: “Let me see your scabs” Paul: “Hey!”
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waitimcomingtoo · 6 months
A Film By Peter Parker
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: Peter gets back into making little videos once the two of you start hanging out
warning: extreme 2017 homecoming era nostalgia
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Of course he went for Liz.
Liz was the ingénue. She was perfect in every possible way. Perfect grades, perfect face, and the perfect boy pining after her. You’d been crushing on Peter since the third grade but with Liz around, he never noticed you.
But Liz was gone now. She had moved to Oregon following her dad’s arrest and taken Peter’s feelings for her with her. Now that she was gone, you decided it was time to stop pining after Peter from afar and start pining from up close. And so, when you walked into the cafeteria that day, you didn’t sit at the end of the table like you usually did.
“Oh, hey.” Peter smiled in surprise when you sat down next to him. Smiling was good. Smiling meant he wasn’t creeped out by you sitting so close. You gulped before giving him best smile back.
“What are you doing here?” Ned asked, making Peter give him a look. You immediately regretted your decision and wished you’d just stayed in your usual spot.
“What do you mean? She always sits with us.” Peter pointed out.
“No, she always sits down there. She’s never actually sat with us before.” Ned replied and gestured to the end of the lunch table.
“Yes, but I’m sitting here today because I needed Peters help with the chemistry homework.” You said and put your chemistry notebook on the table. You knew you couldn’t just randomly sit with them without a reason, so you came prepared.
“Oh, for Mr. Eddie’s class? It’s easy. I’ll show you my notes.” Peter’s offered with a smile. You returned the smile as he pulled out his own notebook. It was a win/win for you since you actually needed help with the homework and it would start a conversation with Peter. While he was explaining the problem to you, you never once looked down at the notebook. You were too focused on the curve of Peter’s suspiciously long eyelashes, the longest you’d ever seen on a boy. Ned noticed the way you were staring his his best friend and frowned a little.
“Does that make sense?” Peter’s asked when he was done explaining.
“Yeah, it does. Wow, thanks Peter. It sounds so easy the way you explain it. I wish this stuff came as naturally to me as it does for you. You’re so smart.” You said as if you had listened to a single word he had said.
“That’s nice of you to say but I’m really not that smart. I just like chemistry.” He replied as he blushed from the compliment.
“Oh, come on. You’re the smartest guy I know. You’re the only one that answers questions in that class. And you always get them right. When Mr. Eddie asks if anyone has any questions, I don’t raise my hand because I don’t even know what I’m confused about yet.”
“That’s I feel in English. I can barely make it through the first line in a poem and you’re already going back and forth with Ms. Teague about Pindaric odes or whatever they’re called.”
“You listen to when I talk in English?” You asked with a soft smile.
“Of course I do.” Peter shrugged. “I always find the reading boring until you raise your hand and talk about how you interpreted it. You make it interesting.”
“I liked that book we read when the kids ate the other kids.” Ned said and interrupted the moment. Your smile dropped as you and Peter looked at him with disgust.
“The one with the flies-“
“We know.” Peter cut him off.
“Anyways, thank you for helping me with the homework. I’ve been stuck on it all week.” You said to Peter.
“Ugh. That’s been me with my paper for Mrs. Teagues class. And it’s due tomorrow.” Peter groaned.
“Oh, the analysis essay? I could help you with that.” You offered.
“Really? You’d help me?” Peter smiled in surprise.
“Yeah. I already wrote mine. It would be no problem.”
Ned was watching this back and forth conversation for a while until it clicked it in head. He gasped and slapped the table, making you and Peter look at him.
“Oh my God.” Ned said. “That’s why you’re sitting here. You have a-“
“Can I talk to you for a second, Ned?” You quickly cut him off when you realized where that sentence was going. Before Ned could even answer, you grabbed his arm and pulled him outside the cafeteria to talk in private.
“You like Peter!” Ned whispered harshly. You clamped your hand over his mouth and pushed him up against the wall.
“You need to keep your mouth shut.” You hissed. “Yes, I like Peter, okay? I’ve had a crush on Peter since middle school. He never noticed me when Liz was around but now that she’s in Oregon, I might finally have my chance. I don’t want to scare him off so just keep your mouth shut and let me handle this.”
You took your hand off Ned’s mouth and he started to gasp for air.
“Oh, please. Your nose wasn’t covered. You could breathe just fine.” You said with a roll of your eyes. Ned stopped pretended and straightened up.
“So you actually like Peter? For his personality?”
“Yes. Is that so hard to believe?”
“Kinda, yeah.” Ned admitted.
“I like everything about him. And I’m gonna tell him that. Just please, don’t say anything before I do. I’ll tell him when I’m ready.”
“Are you going to cast a love spell on him using a lock of his hair?” Ned whispered to you.
“What? No. Why would you even ask me that?”
“Because you’re a witch.” Ned said like it was obvious.
“I’m not a witch.” You groaned. “I just accidentally cackled that one time but it was only because I had phlegm in my throat.”
“Then about that time on the bus?”
“We’ve been over this. It was just a coincidence that that biker fell off his bike after I gestured with my hand. I didn’t move him with my mind.”
“And that one time in physics?” Ned narrowed his eyes.
“I still don’t know how that guys shirt caught on fire.” You shrugged. “It’s a mystery to me.”
“It caught on fire after he made fun of you for being a witch.” Ned pointed out.
“Maybe he was just standing too close to the flame.” You shrugged.
“He was standing in the doorway. There was no flame.” Ned reminded you.
“The magic of science.” You shrugged again.
“But what about that time-“
“Don’t bring up the nosebleed.” You whined.
“I am gonna bring up the nosebleed.” Ned hissed. “In sixth grade, our Spanish teacher got a nosebleed right after he told you to stop staring out the window and made everyone laugh at you. How do you explain that?”
“You’ve made your point, okay? Now are you gonna tell Peter or not?”
“Look, I’m not gonna expose your gross secret feelings, as gross and secret as they may be.” Ned sighed. “But Peter is still my best friend so I have to look out for him. I don’t want any spells cast on him.”
“That’s fine. There will not be any spells.” You held your your hands in defense. Just then, Flash walked by and laughed when he saw the two of you talking.
“Woah. What is this, the friendless loser convention?” Flash snorted.
“Shut up.” You snapped. Flash immediately tripped over his feet and fell to the ground, making Ned look at you with wide eyes.
“Witch!” He whispered harshly as he pointed a finger at you.
“Shut up. Let’s go back inside.” You rolled your eyes and pulled Ned back into the cafeteria.
Later that day, you met up with Peter in the library to go over your assignments. You started with his English essay and finished that within an hour before moving on to your chemistry homework.
“You can plug the numbers into your formula now using the method I taught you. And then you just solve for x.” Peter explained as you worked out a problem together.
“Hm. You make it sound so simple.” You sighed and leaned on your hand. Peter saw the way you were staring at him in his peripheral vision and felt his face heat up.
“It’s, uh, it’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it. I never liked the way Mr. Eddie taught it. I figured this out myself and it’s worked much better for me.”
“Thanks for helping me. You’re a good teacher.” You said and put your hand on his arm. Peter laughed shyly at the contact and cleared his throat.
“Thanks. And so are you. That was the best essay I’ve ever produced. I honestly worry she won’t believe I wrote it.”
“Well if she says anything, I can vouch for you. You put in good work on this essay. You deserve the credit.” You assured him, making Peter blush all over again. It occurred to Peter that he never realized how pretty you were. You’d been classmates since 3rd grade so he always looked at you as just another girl in his class. Now that you had his full attention, he didn’t feel like looking away.
“Thanks. I appreciate you helping me write it. I know it can be frustrating to work with me because of my dyslexia.”
“It’s no problem. And it wasn’t frustrating at all.” You shrugged. Peter smiled at felt better about how long it took him to write the essay.
“Thanks.” He said. You had successfully gotten him to spend time with you one on one but now you needed to commence the next phase in your plan which was to hang out in a non school related setting.
“Would you ever want to hang out socially?” You blurted.
“Like, and not do homework?” He asked. You nodded your head and he smiled before nodding as well.
“Yeah. Sure. I’d love to.”
“Cool. Me too.” You smiled. You hadn’t meant to blurt it out like that but it worked nonetheless.
“Does this weekend work?” He asked you.
“Yeah. What do you want to do?”
Hard cut to that weekend. You were on the subway with Peter and he had his phone out to record himself.
“Firts social hang out with a girl. A film by Peter Parker.” He said in a low voice before flipping the camera to face you.
“Staring me.” You smiled and waved to the camera.
“Are you sure you’re cool with me filming this?” Peter asked as he flipped the camera back to himself.
“Yeah, of course. The other ones you showed me were so cute. But why did it seem like there were so many missing parts? You were always talking about something cool that I didn’t get to see.”
“Uhhh, no reason.” Peter said and looked to the side. He had skillfully edited out any incriminating superhero activity that you were not ready to see yet.
“Well I like it. I feel like I’m on Modern Family.” You said and posed for the camera.
“Which family member would you be?” Peter laughed and zoomed in on you. With his phone blocking his face, he could shamelessly admire your face on his screen.
“Duh. Lily.”
“I can so see that.” He chuckled. The subway lurched suddenly and you both grabbed onto the pole, coincidentally putting your hands in top of each others.
“Oh, sorry. Our hands touched.” You laughed shyly.
“Oh my God. So romantic.” Peter joked, making you blush and look into his camera.
“Stop it.” You laughed and covered his phone with your hand. He laughed as well and put his phone away.
After learn you had never been, Peter decided to the Lego Store. He’d been hyping it up to you all week over text and now that it was finally happening, he hoped it impressed you. You walked in together and Peter heard you gasp.
“Big Lego Aladdin.” You gasped and ran to stand under the giant magic carpet and Aladdin made of Legos.
“That’s the first time I’ve ever heard that string of words come out of someone’s mouth.” Peter laughed and went to stand under it with you. You looked over at him and were surprised to see he was already looking at you.
“This is even better than you described it. You need to show me everything.” You said and excitedly shook his arm.
“I can do that.” He blushed and nodded his head towards some of the sets.
Peter took out his phone to film you as you looked at everything in the store. The way you were looking around like a little kid brought a smile to Peter’s face. He zoomed in on you and caught himself staring at you fondly through the camera.
“Come on. I haven’t even showed you the coolest part yet.” Peter said and brought you over to the build your figure own station. He laughed when you gasped again and started to excitedly rummage through all the pieces. Peter didn’t bring his phone out again until you had built each other.
“Show me what you made.” He laughed from the other side of the phone.
“Looks! It’s a little Peter. He has a backpack and a beaker.” You said as you proudly showed the camera the little Peter figure you had made.
“This is Y/n. I can’t believe I found the shoes you always wear.” He said as he filmed the figure he had made of you.
“You notice my shoes?” You asked with a smile. Peter didn’t catch it because he was too busy fitting the hands of your Lego figures together.
“Look. They’re holding hands.” Peter gasped.
“Aw.” You laughed. “Us on the subway.”
“We should give them some privacy. They might not want us to hard launch their relationship.” Peter said and put his phone away.
“You’re so cute.” You laughed without thinking about it. Peter looked up at you with rosy cheeks and you gulped when you realized what you said.
“I mean-“
“Come on. I wanna take you somewhere else.” He cut you off before you could explain. He brought you to Delmar’s and ordered his usual for you to split. You sat together inside and you tried your best to remain calm. You always wondered what Peter got up to when he wasn’t at school and now you were in one of his favorite places and eating with him.
“Okay, this is Y/n’s first time eating at Delmars since he reopened. Let’s get her reaction.” Peter said as he filmed you unwrapping the sandwich.
“Wait, why is it so flat?” You laughed and held the sandwich up.
“Oh, sorry.” He chuckled. “I forgot to warn you that he always squishes it for me. But you’ll like it. Trust me. It’s much better when it’s squished down real flat.”
“Well I’m glad I now know you like your sandwiches to be squished. I would not have expected that about you.” You said and took a bite of your half before giving him a thumbs up.
“Yeah? You like it?” He asked hopefully.
“I do. Your squishy sandwich was surprisingly good.” You admitted.
“Well, I’m very pleased to hear that.” Peter smiled and phone away. “So to make it even, you have to show me one of your favorite places next time we hang out.”
“Oh.” You smiled coyly. “I didn’t realize there would be a next time.”
“There better be. I had a lot of fun with you today. How come we’ve never hung out before?”
“I don’t know. I always wanted to but you were busy running around with Ned or staring at…” You trailed off and chose not to mention Liz in case he was still hung up on her.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m just glad we’re friends now.” You said instead.
“Me too. I’ve never had a girl friend.”
“What was that?” You said and started choking on your saliva.
“All my friends in my life were guys. It’ll be nice to have a female influence in my life.”
“Oh. Girl friend.” You smiled tightly.
You hung out another hour before taking the subway back to your respective apartments. Peter walked to you the front doors of you building and you had an awkward moment where you didn’t know if you should hug or not.
“We uh, we should probably get an ending for your film.” You said with a timid smile.
“Oh, right. Thats a great idea.” Peter smiled and pulled out his phone. He pressed record and you waved to the camera with both hands.
“So, can you give our first time hanging out a rating?” He asked you.
“9/10.” You grinned and held up two thumbs.
“What? Why’d I only get a 9?” Peter scoffed and pretended to be offended.
“I had a 10/10 time but I have to deduct a point because we saw that guy cutting his hair on the subway and I was scared he was gonna throw the scissors at us.”
“Well I would’ve just protected you with my lightning fast reflexes.” Peter said simply. You smiled at him through the phone and he smiled back. He put the camera down and looked at you with a content smile on his face.
“Seriously, though. When’s the next time we’re hanging out?”
It ended up being just a few days later. And then again a few days after that.
“Peter’s first time!” You cheered as you filmed him during one of your hang outs.
“Trying boba.” He clarified. “I don’t understand this drink. Do I eat the balls?”
“Yes. Sip it slowly so they don’t all go down your throat.” You instructed. Peter took a big sip and immediately started choking.
“Peter! I said slowly!” You said as you slapped his back until he stopped choking. You quickly put the camera down to help him recover.
Your hangouts started getting more and more frequent and Peter soon considered you a best friend. Your weekends became each others and school days were often spent together in the library or at one of your apartments. You were quickly moving up the ranks in Peter’s life, just as you hoped. And the closer you got, the more Peter could not believe he had never noticed you before.
Little did you know, Peter often found himself watching the footage he had taken of you during your hang outs with a big smile on his face. He’d rewatch the videos he had taken and realize that they were slowly becoming less of a documentary and more of a highlight reel for you. He never imagined a girl as cool as you would for him so when he realized he was starting to fall for you, he quickly repressed his feelings. Little did he know, the feelings were mutual.
“Did you always make these little videos?” You asked Peter one day as he filmed you trying to balance on the curb of the sidewalk.
“I used too make them all the time but I hadn’t for awhile. I only started them again when we started hanging out.”
“Really? Why?” You wondered and stumbled off the curb.
“I don’t know. You remind me of the time before my life got crazy. It made me want to do these again.” He shrugged. You couldn’t help but smile at that information and turned around to look at him.
“So I could be the star?” You asked and posed for the camera.
“Exactly. You’re my muse.” He played along, making you laughed shyly. When he watched the video back later that night, he knew he had meant every word of that.
Peter sat in his bedroom one day and filmed himself wearing your glasses while you did homework at his desk. He looked over you every now and then just to admire the back of your head.
“Don’t break those.” You called without looking up. All you needed to hear was the sound of your glasses case opening to know what he was doing.
“I’m not even wearing your glasses.” He lied and admired himself in the camera.
“Yes you are.”
“No I’m not. But yes, I am.”
“Knew it.” You snorted.
“Hey, how come girls always smell so good?” Peter wondered. “Your hair hit me in the face when you turned too fast before it smelled like a baby in a damn meadow.”
“It’s just my womanly essence. Now can you stop looking at yourself long enough to help me with my chemistry homework?”
“It’ll be hard but I can try.” Peter dramatically sighed and set his phone down. You got yo from the desk and went over to the bed with a cheeky smile on your face.
“Incoming.” You announced and patted your elbow twice like a wrestler.
“No, don’t.” He pleaded. You ignored his pleas and jumped on top of him. He groaned and pushed you off, leaving you laying in the bed beside him.
“Ow. My ribs.”
“You’ll heal.” You rolled your eyes. “Now can you help me with number 7?”
“Oh, yeah. No problem. Can you check this email before I send it?” He asked and handed over his laptop. You handed him your worksheet before reading over his email draft.
“Oh, honey.” You grimaced just a few words into the email.
“Is it bad?”
“Good evening, Mrs. Howard. I hope this email finds you well. I’m so sorry for bothering you. I was just wondering if I could possibly have an extension on my midterm paper? No worries at all if an extension is not possible. I apologize for any inconvenience this email may have caused. Thank you for reading, Peter Parker.” You read out loud.
“What’s wrong with that?”
“After your name, you included the name of the class, the time you have it, and a description of yourself. She knows who you are!” You laughed and turned the laptop around to show him his mistakes.
“She may have forgotten.” He pointed out. “I can’t take any chances.”
“Peter, this email is way too submissive. You sound like such a bottom.”
“Well excuse me, genius.” He said sarcastically. “How would you write it?”
“Here.” You said and handed the laptop back after retyping his email.
“Oh, wow. That’s actually really good.” He said once he read your updated version.
“This is why we are such good friends. You have all the math and science knowledge in this little, beautiful head of yours-“
“Little?” He interrupted.
“You’re right. Sorry, I was just being nice. What I meant to say is that your head is huge.” You corrected. “Anyways, you have the math brain and I have the literary brain. It’s like you’re Einstein and I’m Victor Hugo.”
“Who the hell is that?” He laughed as he peaked at your mirror to see if his head was actually huge.
“The guy who wrote Les Mis.” You said like it was obvious.
“Never heard of it.”
“What? You’ve never seen Les Misérables?” You asked in a thick French accent.
“We have to watch it. It’s so good.” You said and snatched his laptop back. You pulled up the movie and handed it back to him.
“Oh my God. It’s two hours and 38 minutes long? And a musical? Hell no.” Peter shook his head and pushed the laptop away.
“But it’s so good.” You urged. “We can just leave it on in the background while we work. It’s super light and easy to watch.”
“Really? What’s it about?”
“Oh, you know. Just war torn France.” You mumbled.
“No. Absolutely not.”
“But you’ll like it! There’s prostitution and con men and um…oh! And orphans! You can watch it and feel represented.” You said and shook his arm.
“I hate you.” He laughed but nearly gave in to your request just to see you happy.
“Fine.” You huffed. “I finished editing your midterm paper, by the way. You don’t actually have to send that email.”
“And here is your completed chemistry homework.” Peter smiled and handed your worksheet back.
“Aw.” You gushed. “Look at us. I love cheating with you.”
“So do I. We make a great pairing.” He chuckled as he looked over at you. You looked back at him and gulped. You hadn’t realized how close you were with your arms and legs pressed against each other as you sat together in your bed. Peter knew his sheets would smell like your perfume that night and smiled at the thought.
“Now that we’re all done with our work, you know what we should do?” He asked as he moved in closer.
“W-what should we do?” You stuttered now that he was right there.
“You know what I’ve been dying to do with you for a long, long time?” He asked.
“No. I mean, I don’t know. What?” You laughed nervously. Peter moved in even closer and right when you thought he was gonna kiss you, he reached over and grabbed his laptop back.
“I wanted to show you a real musical. Not this French miserable bull crap. Have you ever seen a little movie called Hair-“
“No. I’m not watching Hairspray with you again. You scream-sang every lyric last time and I couldn’t even hear it.” You cut him off and reached over home to take the laptop back. He pulled it away at the last second and you ended up on top of him. You looked into each others eyes and both froze in the positions you were in. Your faces were almost touching but neither of you tried to pull away. Your eyes were going back and forth between his lips and eyes and he was doing the same. Like magnets, you two started to lean towards each other but before your lips could connect, May opened the door.
“What did you guys want- oh! Sorry! I didn’t realize I would be interrupting something. My bad.” May smiled sheepishly and pretended to cover her eyes. Peter burned bright red as you quickly climbed off of him.
“May.” He said warningly.
“Sorry. But maybe lock the door next time. And use protection.”She whispered the last part before shutting the door.
“May!” He groaned and threw a pillow at the door. There was a long, awkward silence before you were even able to look at each other. When you finally did, you smiled awkwardly and kept your distance.
“That was so weird. What did she think we were doing?” You laughed nervously to break the silence.
“Psh. I know.” Peter scoffed. “She said she was interrupting but we weren’t even doing anything.”
“Yeah. What did she think? That we were gonna kiss or something?” You asked and laughed like it was the most ridiculous thing you could ever suggest.
“Us? Kissing? How silly. Imagine that.” Peter forced a laugh as well and looked to the side. The awkward silence returned and you struggled to look at each other.
“Do you think she made dinner?” Peter asked after a beat of silence.
“Let’s check.” You said and quickly got off the bed.
You didn’t discuss the almost kiss and went home shortly after. You couldn’t sleep that night because you couldn’t stop replaying the moment in your mind. No matter how much you wanted him to like you back, if Peter reciprocated your feelings, he would have kissed you.
Your pity party didn’t last long because on the subway the next day, you felt Peter put his earbud in your ear. You heard the Les Mis soundtrack playing in your ear and looked up in surprise. Peter was already filming you with a huge smile on his face.
“This guy 24601 should stop stealing bread and stick to singing. He has serious pipes.” Peter said.
“You listened to it?” You melted into a smile and held your hand over your heart.
“Yep. I stayed up all night watching lyric videos because I couldn’t understand what they were saying with their accents. It’s actually really good. I love Eponine. I just wish Marious wasn’t such an idiot. How does he not see that his best friend is clearly in love with him?” Peter asked with exasperation. You looked directly at the camera and hoped it picked up the irony before looking at Peter again.
“He’s not an idiot. He’s a romantic.” You sighed. “He doesn’t notice Eponine because he’s in love with Cosette. And course he is. She’s prettier and richer and has perfect hair. He doesn’t even see Eponine.”
“Good hair isn’t everything. Eponine is way better than Cosette.” Peter scoffed. “I’m team Eponine all the way.”
“Are you really?” You asked hopefully.
“Oh, for sure. I see why you like this stuff. These songs are awesome.” Peter said and put the other earbud in his ear. He then flipped the camera around to film the two of you sharing earbuds. As Heart Full Of Love played in your ears, you couldn’t help but longingly staring at Peter. The fact that he had stayed up late just to listen to something you suggested made you overcome with fondness for him. If he had done something like that, maybe he actually did feel the same.
“I forgot how good this album is. I haven’t listened in a while. I used to listen to it all the time back when you…” You stopped short when you realized you were about to say too much.
“When I what?” Peter wondered. You looked him in the eyes and decided that it was time to be honest. The song ended and a new, much louder one began to play in your ears.
“Back when you liked Liz. She was Cosette. I was Eponine. I was the one pining after a guy who never noticed me because he was in love with another girl. You were never mine to lose.” You admitted. Peter stared at you for a minute before pulling his earbud out.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear a word you just said. Master of the House is such a banger. What did you say?” He asked you.
“Never mind.” You smiled. “It wasn’t important.”
He smiled back before getting a text on his phone. You looked at his phone when you heard it buzz and realized he was still recording. In other words, he had just recorded you saying you liked him. Your eyes went wide but you only had a second to panic when you read the text he had gotten.
“Did Liz just text you?” You asked in a quiet voice. You felt like you were about to throw up. Years of crushing on a boy who liked another girl turned into months of pinning for your best friend and now turned into a rock in your stomach. Peter stopped recording the two of you to answer her text, which felt a little like a slap in the face.
“Oh, yeah. We’ve been talking lately.” He absentmindedly replied to you as he laughed at whatever she had written.
“You have?” You asked with a dry mouth.
“Yeah. She says Oregon is pretty cool. But she wants to come back and visit this summer to see everyone.” He told you.
“And see you?” You asked with a sad smile.
“I guess so.” He shrugged. “It would be nice to see her.”
“Yeah. Totally.” You said weakly. “So how long have you guys been talking?”
“I don’t know. A few weeks? She texted me a little while ago and we’ve been catching up.”
“That’s awesome.” You lied.
“I know. I didn’t think I’d ever hear from her again after she moved.”
“Neither did I.” You said through a forced smile. You needed to get off the subway and away from Peter before you started crying. So as soon as the subway doors opened, you bolted out.
“I gotta go. See you later.” You called to him before running through the subway station. You wiped tears as you went up the stairs and didn’t stop moving until you were in a bathroom stall at school. You gave yourself five minutes to be upset before drying your face and leaving the bathroom. It sucked, but it could have been worse. Now, Peter never had to know how you felt about it.
Peter was beyond confused by your exit on the subway but he wasn’t about to get any answers from you. You dodged his texts throughout the day and didn’t dare go into the lunchroom where you knew he and Ned would be.
“Y/n isn’t here yet?” Peter’s huffed as he sat down at your usual lunch table.
“Not yet. Actually, I haven’t seen your girlfriend all day.” Ned realized.
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Peter blushed. “And I’m pretty sure she’s avoiding me. She’s been so weird ever since this morning. Everything was fine on the subway until we got to school.”
“Well did anything happen on the subway that would weird her out? Oh no. Did you graze her boob with your hand again?”
“No. That was one time. And it was her boobs fault, not mine.” Peter whispered harshly. “We were just listening to music together and I was filming her like normal. But she could not get away from me faster once the doors opened. It was so weird.”
“Did you say anything weird to her? Girls don’t like it when you say weird things to them.”
“I know that. I didn’t say anything weird.” Peter replied as he pulled out his phone. He watched the video he had taken on the subway with no sound to see where he had gone wrong. All he saw was you looking at him with heart eyes which made his face heat up. But still, no evidence of where he messed up.
“I knew it. We were having a normal conversation about Les Mis and then I got a text from and then she ran. It makes no sense.”
“What was the text? Was it May saying something weird?”
“No. And stop saying weird. It doesn’t sound like a real word anymore.” Peter ordered. “And the text was just from Liz.”
“Oh shit.” Ned said when he heard this.
“What?” Peter wondered.
“Oh, Peter.” Ned sighed. “Peter, Peter, Peter.”
“What?” He asked again, annoyed now.
“Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter.”
“Are you gonna tell me what happened or just keep saying my name?”
“I can’t tell you. I’m sworn to secrecy. And I don’t want Y/n to put a hex on my family.” Ned said and held up his hands.
“Y/n swore you to secrecy? About what?”
“Can’t say.” Ned shrugged and zipped his lips.
“Does she not like Liz? And doesn’t want me to know?”
“Dude. Dude, dude, dude, dude. You are so close but so far.”
“So she does like Liz? Oh my God. Does she a crush on Liz? And she’s jealous that Liz texted me and not her?” Peter whispered with wide eyes.
“You’re getting colder.” Ned waved his hand. “I don’t even know how you got there.”
“That was all my guesses. Just tell me.” Peter whined.
“Hell no. I don’t want Y/n to curse my crops and make not grow for all of eternity.”
“You don’t have crops.” Peter pointed out.
“I could develop some.” Ned snapped.
“I just don’t understand what she would tell you something but not tell me. We’re best friends. She usually tells me everything.” Peter said right as his thumb accidentally hit the volume button on the video. Your confession to Peter on the subway was heard loud and clear by the two boys. Both of their jaws dropped as the video ended with you asked if Liz had just texted Peter.
“Well I wouldn’t have beaten around the bush like that if I knew you had video evidence of her saying she liked you right in your hands.” Ned sighed dramatically.
“I need to find her.” Peter said and ran out of the lunchroom. He looked around the school until he found you under the bleachers in the gym. You were sitting with your back against the wall and your knees drawn to your chest with your earbuds in your ears. When you saw Peter coming up to you, you quickly pulled them out.
“Hey.” He said and waved cautiously.
“Hey.” You smiled sadly as he sat beside you. You sat in silence for a minute as neither of you knew what to say.
“What’s going on with you? I haven’t seen you all day.” He started off. You looked at your hands to avoid making eye contact and sighed.
“Why didn’t you tell me you’ve been talking to Liz?” You asked quietly.
“I don’t know. I wasn’t hiding it. I just didn’t think it would interest you.”
“Well you have no idea how interesting I found it.” You laughed dryly. “What do you guys talk about anyway?”
“Well, she originally texted me to ask me to confirm I had an internship at Stark Industries because her boyfriend didn’t believe her when she told him she knew a guy who worked there. Apparently he’s been trying to get an internship there for years and he wanted to know how I landed mine. Then we just started catching up. I only talk to her here and there, though. And it’s only ever about school or work.”
“Oh. I thought you guys were talking talking.” You couldn’t help but smile a little when you heard the word “boyfriend.”
“No.” He shook his head. “Just regular talking. When you saw her text on my phone, she was telling me about her cat getting spaded. And I didn’t know what that meant so she had to tell me. I should’ve just googled it.”
You laughed softly at that and he did too. The tension was let out of the conversation and you could finally breathe again. When you stopped laughing, you finally looked in his eyes.
“Do you still have feelings for her?” You asked quietly.
“For her? No.” He laughed. “Those are long gone. I have feelings for someone else now.”
“Oh God. Don’t even tell me. I don’t want to know.” You groaned and buried your face in your hands. Peter looked at you for a minute until an idea came to him.
“Actually, uh, I came looking for you because I was just making another video. Wanna be in it?” Peter asked and took out his phone. You looked at him like he was crazy and could not believe he had just asked that during that moment.
“I’m not really in the mood right now, P.”
“Come on. I can’t make it without my muse.” He said and nudged you slightly. You couldn’t help but to smile at that and reluctantly nodded. He propped up his phone against the bleachers and pressed record.
“In a world where two best friends have no idea how to communicate despite spending way too much time together.” Peter said in a fake deep, gravely voice.
“Okay. Shade. That’s fine.”
“What will it take for them to admit they have feelings for each other?” He kept the voice as he looked at you.
“Wait, what?” You asked and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. Peter smiled softly at you and shrugged a little.
“What’s it gonna take?” He asked again in his normal voice.
“I don’t understand.” You laughed nervously.
“I watched the video from before. From the subway. I heard what you said.” He admitted.
“Oh shit. You watched it?” You grimaced.
“Uh huh. So if you’re Eponine, I guess that makes me the idiot who didn’t realize his best friend was in love with him?”
“I guess so.” You said with a tight smile and still didn’t understand why he wanted to film this incredibly awkward conversation.
“You know, if I didn’t have a video of it, I never would have believed that you liked me.” Peter told you.
“You wouldn’t? Why not?”
“Because it doesn’t seem possible that the coolest girl I’ve ever met liked me.” He replied.
“You think I’m cool?” You asked skeptically.
“I think you’re the coolest. And you know, I watch the videos I take of you all the time. And half of them are just clips of you existing. So I do notice you. It just took me a second to catch up.” He told you. A smile tugged at your lips as you stared into his big brown eyes.
“You’re my best friend.” You told him. “I’m sorry I want more.”
“I’m not sorry.” He shrugged.
“You’re not?”
“I’m just sorry it took me so long to wake up and find that what I’ve been looking for has been here the whole time.” He said as he hooked his pinky under your chin and brought your face close to his.
“Wait, why does that sound so familiar?” You wondered.
“Don’t think about it too hard.” Peter whispered right before your lips touched. You kissed for the first time under the bleachers but it could have been in a palace for all you knew. The world disappeared around you as Peter slipped a hand behind your head to deepen the kiss. When you pulled away, you rested your foreheads together and laughed nervously together. It was a good nervous, a happy feeling of anticipation.
“Was that Taylor Swift?” You realized when you finally placed where you knew that like from.
“Shh. No.” He shook his head. “But yes, it was. You’re not the only one with good music taste.”
Tag List 🏷️
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