#if anything a wolf nb
shepherdsnwolves · 1 year
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Don’t talk them, they angy. 😡
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morrigan-sims · 17 days
Hi! :3 I'm sorry but I don't know the names for most of the things I'm asking for so this may be a confusing read :{ basically yknow that one character rook that you've been using as a dnd character? I really like his corset thingy majig or like top that hes wearing but I can't find it anywhere :( do you remember where you got it? or what its called?
Hi nonny!!! No worries! You got it right! I've been calling them corsets in my head too. My beloved idiot bastard man looks so good in them, and I'm sure your sims will too!!! 💖
I'm not sure which corset shirt you're talking about, bc he's worn two. I'm going to assume you're talking about this one from my most recent CAS pics (which my best friend, Ash @heyastra, calls his "slut shirt")
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You can find that one here. (reuploaded bc the original is paywalled)
but in case you're not looking for that one, there's also this one from the Hanged Man render and my earlier CAS pic of him.
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Which you can find Here.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 month
In wolf's clothing
Yan Hybrids (Rabbit, NB. Mouse, Fem. Swan, Male) + Gender Neutral Sheep (?) Hybrid Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Mentions of Murder
Four animals are brought into questioning following the gruesome murder and dismemberment of their neighbor- A rabbit, a mouse, a swan - and a sheep. A sin of this caliber has not been committed since the founding decades of their shared home. The culprit responsible for the heinous act is to be brought to justice through execution by hanging in front of the town as a cautionary example to any who desire the same level of senseless bloodshed. 
Shall we begin?- 
The rabbit was an upstanding figure in the community. An outsider who quickly made a place for themselves amongst their peers, garnering love and tolerance by means of pleasant conversation and baked treats. Once the rabbit was present, sadness and grief were a thing of the past for most to whom they were acquainted. Honest and true, the rabbit has never told a lie nor done anything to jeopardize their new cozy life. 
“It's such a shame what happened to Mr. Possum.” Said the rabbit. “We had plans for brunch on the day he vanished. I even whipped up a batch of the scones he loved so much.” 
“Did you kill Mr. Possum?” 
The rabbit doesn't bat an eye as they reply. “No, I did not.”
“Where were you the morning he disappeared?”
“I was making tarts for another one of our friends. I think you may know. Sheep may not be the most talkative, but they enjoy my baking as much as any other. Where is Sheep? Are they alright? All this fuss surely must be getting to them by now…I hope they enjoyed the tarts….” 
The rabbit is released from custody. 
The mouse was a timid creature. On the rare occasion she wasn't holed up in the confines of her burrow, a common place to find the mouse was wandering along the borders of town where roads ended and the treelining began. Day in and day out, the little mouse would scrounge for fallen branches. The mouse found purpose for herself weaving baskets and other trinkets for herself and the neighbors who treated her in kind. 
“Oh…This won't take long, will it? I'd rather not be out past nightfall…” 
*Did you kill Mr. Possum?” 
Pain grips the tiny mouse’s voice as she squeaks. “I could never hurt a fly! Mr. Possum was such a gentle soul too… If not a tad misguided…”
“Where were you the morning he disappeared?”
The mouse dries her tears as swiftly as they fall. “Taking a nap after being up all evening making a necklace for… Oh, stars- Sheep, they're here aren't they? Could you let them know I'll be waiting for them outside? My poor, sweet Sheep…”
The mouse is released from custody. 
The swan was nothing if not a beautiful face. Tending to the upkeep of his image, the swan had no care for the outside world nor the people who dwelled within it. A shut in, abiding his precious time in the sanctity of his study. A man of few words; letters were the only feasible way of communicating with the bird, less the matter was of utmost importance and worthy of his time. 
“This is pointless.”
“Did you kill Mr. Possum?”
The swan scoffs - pinching the wall of his cheek with his teeth to avoid expression. “What good would killing that old bastard do me? Now look what you've done? If I develop wrinkles from frowning there will be hell to pay, Mayor.”
“Where were you the morning he disappeared?”
The swan brushes dirt off his fine coat. “In my study as always. That morning I was preoccupied writing notes in one of my books I intended to let that sheep borrow for a time….They are in this building, are they not? I'm sure they've asked for me by now.”
The swan is released from custody.
The sheep is a shadow upon the community. Lurking just out of sight, the sheep did everything in their power to remain unseen amongst their fellow townspeople. Their aloof nature when approach proved their odd behavior was not out of malice, but few still had their suspensions. The sheep was a sweet and gentle soul nonetheless. If only they took more care of their fur…
“Do I really have to be here? I didn't know him very well to begin with.”
“Yes… I'm afraid. Did you kill Mr. Possum?”
The sheep licks at the corner of their mouth, tongue collecting every crumb of pastry glued to their fur. How they wished they could have had just one more bite before coming. They blink, beady eyes glossing over with tears. 
“Did you…kill Mr. Possum?”
The sheep fiddles with the string of their new necklace tucked beneath their shirt as the mayor presses further- fighting every urge to gnaw at the bones dangling over their chest. “I… I didn't.”
“Where were you the morning he disappeared?”
The sheep recalls a distant memory- Lines written in a book they'd read not long ago. “I…was at home. I'm sure Rabbit, Mouse, and Swan can vouch for me….”
A hand squeezes the sheep’s shoulder. The mayor, a noble and charitable elk, nods in understanding at the smaller animal. He eyes the rings of red lacing their neck as they nervously pick at the skin. 
“Understood. Make sure you stick to this story if anyone else questions you. Hurry on home, young one, and be quick.”
The elk leans in closer- Whispering, though the walls of his office are as thick as the saliva the sheep swallows as he utters those dreaded words. 
 “It's about time for you to trim your claws again.”
The sheep is free from custody. 
Scurrying on home with their tail still tucked between their legs, the sheep finds three familiar faces waiting for them there.
“Sheep!” Warmth bathes the terrified animal as they're swept into the caring arms of their long-eared companion. The rabbit dabs their wet cheeks with their apron. “Are you alright, hunny-bunny? Tell us everything that happened.”
Through teary eyes, the sheep details every portion of their integration. “I think the mayor knows I didn't do it…. I hope the same goes for you guys…” 
A collective wave of relief falls over the group.
“That's good news.” Mouse adds. “If anyone is incapable of hurting someone it's Sheep… Poor Mr. Possum….I feel terrible for what happened to him.”
Swan rolls his eyes. “I’d say his demise is poetic justice for accusing Sheep of being a… well you know what.”
Rabbit shoves Sheep's head into their chest. “We all agreed not to talk about that anymore! Especially if Sheep is present! We've all had a long day… Why don't we head inside and relax after all that kerfuffle with a nice, rejuvenating cup of tea? Sheep, could you be a dear and grab that kettle I bought for you?” 
“O..oh… Um…Alright.”
The sheep squeezes past Swan and Mouse as they step inside their home. The remainder of the group wait for the telltale sound of them scrounging around in their room for the present before any of them speaks. 
Rabbit sighs. “Okay. I know they're horrible with keeping track of everything we give them so we have a few minutes to chat about this. Mouse, did you return the ax?”
Mouse points in the general direction of another house off somewhere in the distance. “I put it back in Squrriel’s shed where I found it last night.”
“Swan, did you check every one of those cameras you have to see if anyone saw us?”
Swan rolls his eyes. “Like anything that interesting happens in this town after nightfall. We're in the clear. We’d best head instead to help them. Plus, I need to get my time with them since you'll already taken front and center with everything else.” 
The death of Mr. Possum was later ruled as a robbery gone wrong committed by traveling crooks. It took many moons, but eventually peace fell upon the cozy little town and its tight knit community once more. Sheep, unable to sleep after the tragedy, sought refuge in the homes of those there for them in their time of need. 
Their doors were always open for their kind, gentle sheep. 
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campoverlook-if · 4 months
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Welcome to Camp Overlook, Where We're Stronger Together!
DEMO LINK ll Updated: 4/26/24 ll Wordcount: 70k [W/O Code], 16k [Average]
Secrets are all around you in the small town of Crescent Cove, and its local summer camp, Camp Overlook. A place where childhood memories mix with the unsettling realities of the unknown.
A place once known for freedom and friendship, is now shrouded in flickering lights crawling around the woods and campers vanishing into thin air. Far hidden in Hudson Forest is the truth of any person's most horrid nightmares.
As a counselor, you are entrusted with guiding a group of youngsters through their formative days of self-discovery as you grapple with the disturbing circumstances around you.
Whether you are a newbie or a returning former camper yourself, the secrets of the woods are still ominous and crippling. Among the cheer of camp, eerie events unfold before you.
Is Mr. Adams, the cheerful camp director, still a jolly man, or is there something now hidden beneath the surface? Is Crescent Cove, the quiet little mountain town, hiding a secret so great that it will do anything to keep it covered? Are the campers, lovable and rebellious, exhibiting behavior that goes against their nature?
Camp is supposed to fun, so why are you running for your life?
Setting: Crescent Cove, USA (Fictional Small Town)
Genre(s): Horror, Mystery, Drama, Romance
Warning(s): This is an 18+ story for depictions of violence, death, sexual themes, and child endangerment.
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Customizable MC - Name, gender, appearance, sexuality, and personality are all choosable aspects to make your counselor.
Get To Know Your Little Campers - The kids look up to you at the end of the day and their relationships with you reflects on the story.
Discover The Mystery of Crescent Cove - Learn the truth on what exactly happened thirty years ago that changed a small town forever.
Find A Summer Lover - Choose from thirteen ROs all looking for someone to love. Maybe you’ll find more than just one...
Meet Your New Best Friends - Create lasting friendships that survive the test of time. Or lifetime rivals that are ready to hurt you at any chance.
The Camp Needs You - Save your friends and protect the camp, or watch it all disappear before your eyes.
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Lucas [M] - The King of the Woods
Stuck up, arrogant, and just one half of an irritating duo. Lucas always has to have the last word and the last thing anyone needs is to hear him whine about not getting it. It doesn’t help that the staff like him, the liar. Just be sure to stay out of his way or else.
Asher [NB] - The Sleeping Angel
Completely checked out of life, or at least, that’s what Asher wants everyone to think. There’s just a little something more hiding under that quiet exterior but Asher isn’t the type of person to open up to just anyone. They’ve got demons in their closet, and they’ve come along to camp for the ride.
Jack/Jasmine [M/F] - The Wise Old Tree
If anybody can round up a group of rowdy kids and teens together its this counselor. Calm and collected, they're there when the situation loses control and everyone needs to be working together on the same page. But this personality wasn’t perfected over night and even the calmest of seas can swallow those around them below.
Ethan/Ella [M/F] - The Friend of None
What some may call everyone’s best friend, they're at this camp for one thing and one thing only. To make a summer that’ll last forever. Leader of the pack, they know how to get the populous together and have a good time. But even the party animal has to get tired at some point and it's those moments when the real them emerges.
Ruby [F] - The Little Red Hen
Soft-spoken, polite, and kind to a fault. Ruby is the person you want when you need a comforting hand. A true healer and guiding life even if she is a little shy around others. But all healers have a story, Ruby just doesn’t have the cure to make it all go away.
William/Willow [M/F] - The Undisguised Wolf
They say if you gaze into the abyss, it tends to gaze back and tells you what you’re made of. That’s how it feels when this quiet storm enters a room, the room grows cold and the fun dies out. No one knows what lurks behind those eyes, and no one knows for sure if they’re the eyes of a monster.
Oliver/Olivia [M/F] - The Two-Faced Lover
Excitable, sweet, just the happiest bubble around. Around most people at least. But really, they're just an actor who knows how to play their part. No one knows the real them and maybe that's starting to have a toll on them. But it’s not like they can suddenly do a 180 and show the world who they really are. At least that’s what they like to think.
.....and seven others to discover! (Character Bios Here)
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elegy-if · 10 months
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For the very first time in years, you’re met with the scent of fresh air. No antiseptic, no lingering smell of blood, still so thick you can practically taste it at just the memory of it. You’re not going back if it kills you. Which it very well might.
Nemisi is an 18+ modern horror/romance/urban fantasy interactive novel WIP. Play as a customizable MC, who’s on the run from Vicelie Labs.
The struggle between cosmic deities — now worshiped (or abhorred) as gods — tore its way into your planet not long before you were born. Unluckily for you, you were one of the first generations to be born exposed to Excinate, the name given to the radioactive-like sickness that comes from being exposed to magic not of your world. As your symptoms slowly got worse and worse, you were promptly ripped from your family after a doctor’s visit ushered on by your concerned parents. Since then, you’ve been shipped around and transported from facility to facility to be poked and prodded at.
Until now. No, now you’re free.
Aside from that lingering hunger for flesh you’ve had since becoming infected, of course. Just a little side effect from the radiation, along with a mouthful of jagged teeth and a jaw that can unhinge like a snake.
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Refs for RO skin tones can be found here!
Felix (he/she, bigender + bisexual): Curt, blunt, and too tired to deal with this mess, Felix really had no reason to suspect the lab next to gas station he works night shifts at had anything to hide. It’s not like the screams he heard coming from that direction were anything more than some kids messing around late at night, right? Besides, she'd met some of the employees of Vicelie Labs, and aside from the occasional lingering scent of blood, they seemed like just fine people. 
Okay, so maybe she did have a sneaking suspicion something was up. Not like he could do anything about it. Not until you show up, at least, crashing through the gas station door in such a tizzy you’d nearly run into it.
Tall and lanky, Felix often has a scowl spread across her face. He has tawny brown skin, dark brown eyes, and poorly bleached hair with quite a bit of jet black root growth. His hair is styled into a shaggy wolf cut, and of course one can’t forget the shitty stubble she’s refused to shave since it grew in. Felix has a body that might often be described as scrawny, or perhaps even gangly. A strong gust of wind could knock him over. Felix is most often seen in casual clothes; hoodies, band shirts, and jeans make up the majority of her wardrobe. Has several piercings; a bridge, septum, both nostrils, snake bites, and two eyebrow piercings side by side. She stands at 5’11” tall. Felix is trans no matter what. He will always use both he and she pronouns interchangeably. Please do not use they/them to refer to her.
Dr. Eden Neal (gender selectable, M/F/NB): Kind, but awkward. A doctor who didn’t know what they were getting into when applying for a job with Vicelie Labs. Fresh out of med school, the harsh reality of the labs was too much for them. They were assigned to examine you, and though it was hard to trust them at first (and even now) they were essential in your escape. 
While Eden seems to be a kind soul, your bitter side can’t help but wonder if their assistance in your escape was some cruel joke.
Combined with their soft, rounded features, Eden’s dark hair is in long braids, often pulled back out of their face into a ponytail. They have large golden brown eyes with thick eyelashes, and their skin is a deep brown, with a hint of a cool undertone. More soft than muscle, though they still have some tone and definition to their arms and back. It’s not easy work lifting and moving those heavy vats around the lab, after all. Eden is most typically seen in a lab coat, though they lean a bit more business casual once they start meeting up with you for check-ins after your escape. They stand at 5’4”, regardless of gender. Eden is black, with dark skin.
Sable (gender selectable, M/F/NB): A bit of an outcast, Sable is an extremely shy mortician, and one of your (limited) options for getting the flesh you so desperately crave. They spot you sneaking into the morgue one night, half lucid and drunk with the need for blood and flesh on your tongue. They offer to cut a deal with you — they’ll give you all the scraps and leftovers that they can get away with, so long as you give them any information you’ve picked up about the consequences of using cosmic magic. 
Are they seeking power, or just simply curious about the consequences of magic from a biological standpoint?
Sable is one of the tallest RO’s, standing at 6’2” regardless of gender. They have a bright shock of long, curly ginger hair, and their near ghostly pallor is covered in freckles and beauty marks. Most notably, they have beauty marks to the right of their bottom lip, as well as underneath their left eye. They have a long, roman nose with a prominent bridge and blue eyes. Their body is on the heavier side, with a soft stomach and thick thighs. Sable doesn’t dress to impress as they’re mostly surrounded by dead bodies, typically wearing neutral colored slacks and skirts. They occasionally spice things up with an interesting vest or tie, but are much too scared to stand out to do so often. They have circle glasses. Sable is plus size, with a pear shaped figure.
Eris (gender selectable, M/F/NB): A hired killer, and the only other option you have for sating your hunger besides Sable. You meet Eris as you’re hiding away from Vicelie Labs in Eden's apartment, drawn to the smell of blood from them finishing up one of their “contracts” in the apartment next door. It’s a mess of guts and gore, and you can’t stop yourself from indulging. After a moment of awareness, you go to turn tail and run, only to find Eris still there. They have an offer for you — they’ll kill for you, and you can have at their fresh meat. Certainly an offer that’s hard to pass up, considering your current predicament.
Perpetually masked, you’re actually not certain what Eris looks like behind it. From what you can see, they’re very sturdy. All you can see besides their build is their hair, occasionally peeking out from beneath their hood. It falls to Eris’ wide shoulders, and from what you’ve seen is a dark brown. They stand at 6'0" tall, regardless of gender.
???: You’ve only heard of them in passing at the lab — someone who goes after rogue assets, like you. According to Eden, they’re after you, and with a vengeance.
Good luck.
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moon-rising-if · 2 years
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Being the eldest child to Clan Venture— the ruling clan within all of Venturia— casts a great deal of responsibilities upon your shoulders, but you’ve always been able to handle the weight. You knew that one day your mother would step down from the throne and choose you as her heir during the Blood Moon Conclave; the only time of year where Venturia’s borders open for all the creatures that lay beyond it.
You never expected that you’d be chosen for something else entirely…
That you’d be chosen as the key to an alliance between Venturia and Lunaria. Wherein you’re expected to marry the prospective alpha of the ruling clan.
Will you end up falling in love with one of your people’s mortal enemies? Will you find someone else?
But, most importantly, will you be able to stop the coming war that threatens to destroy not only Lunaria but Venturia as well?
Demo Features
This story is 18+ for depictions of blood, sexual themes, blood feuds, violence, dark themes, profanity, alcohol consumption, mentions of torture, and death. (Don’t worry there’s light moments too.)
You’re the Heir of the Venture Clan; the ruling coven of vampires within Venturia.
Customizable MC: name, gender (male, female, and non-binary), appearance, sexuality, hobbies, and a smattering of other things.
Romance 1 of 3 options; from your prospective werewolf spouse to a moody sorcerer.
Learn more about Lunaria, and it’s people, will you be able to see beyond the tales you’ve been told all your life?
Prepare for the battle to come, but don’t forget to rely on others… As that may just be the thing that saves you.
Fallon [M | F | NB] — The Alpha
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The prospective Alpha of all of Lunaria isn’t precisely who you expect upon meeting them; though you aren’t quite sure what you were expecting. With a deeply protective nature, Fallon seems like the perfect fit to become the ruler of Lunaria. They don’t seem to hate you, upon you meeting them, but they also clearly don’t trust you. However, they treat you with more respect and dignity then you were expecting. Could anything more possibly grow from the arrangement?
Appearance: Fallon stands at around 6’6” with steely blue-grey eyes and light blond hair. Their lightly tanned skin is always accentuated by the simple tunics that they wear; normally in forest green or earthy tones. They have a strong, muscular physique that exudes power. (M!Fallon has his hair to just beneath his ears, F!Fallon has hers to her shoulder blades, and NB!Fallon has theirs just brushing their shoulders.)
Wolf Form: Their wolf form is a monstrous bipedal beast that towers over you. Blond fur covers the muscular physique of their body, and far too intelligent blue-grey eyes peer out at anyone that comes across their path.
Some Tropes: Enemies to Lovers (somewhat), Arranged Marriage, Werewolf x Vampire, Royalty, and Star Crossed Lovers.
Sasha [M | F | NB] — The Sorcerer
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A grumpy individual that you meet upon during the Blood Moon Conclave. You’re not sure what exactly has made them so moody, barring the story behind the clear scars— almost like claw marks— peeking out from their collar. They seem to lighten up whenever they’re around Fallon, but a thunderous air seems to always follow them no matter what. Will you be able to uncover what lays beneath?
Appearance: Sasha stands at around 5’8” with closed off forest green eyes. Dark auburn hair accentuates the golden-beige tone of their skin; something that’s always clothed in the long sleeves of their robes. They have a delicately slender body that hums with their magic. (M!Sasha keeps his hair short, F!Sasha has her hair brushing her shoulders, and NB!Sasha has theirs to their jaw.)
Some Tropes: Oblivious Love, Dark Past, Emotional Scars, Cynical of Love, and Slow Burn.
Nico [M | F | NB] — The Vampire
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The closest thing that you have to a best friend. A person that’s always been by your side since you could remember. Nico may be a horrible flirt, and isn’t known to taking anything too seriously, but you know that for the people in their life they care for, they’d do anything for them. Which is why you’re not surprised when they tag along on your trip to Lunaria; though they cite it’s because they want to see a new place. Will you be able to get them to settle down?
Appearance: Nico stands at around 5’11” with expressive hazel eyes. Dark brown skin accentuates the onyx black of their hair perfectly. Though it may seem cliche, they’re commonly seen in red to make it a bit easier for them to be seen. They have a lithe body type. (Nico keeps their hair to just past their shoulders… This goes for all of them.)
Some Tropes: Best Friends to Lovers, Flirts With Everyone, Afraid of Commitment, Vampiric Love, Complicated Past, and Unrequited Love (seemingly).
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wolfsetfree-if · 2 years
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DEMO (last updated oct 2023)
Rating: 17+
You are a packless werewolf, imprisoned and kept as pet for years by the clan of supernaturals that rule over the city. One day, a pack arrives at the lair and, as soon as they see you, they know your only option is for them to take you in.
play as an alpha, a gamma or an omega wolf
bond with your new pack and with your new pups
defend your pack from the evil supernaturals that lure in the city
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Bela Colnan - the Alpha
Gender: selectabe trans M or trans F
Age: 34
Appearance: Bela is around 179 cm in height, with a toned built, porcelain skin, ginger very long wavy hair and dark green eyes.
They wear an eyepatch to cover their left eye, though the entire side of their face is marked by deep claw mark. Another scarred area is their abdomen.
Temperament: They are protective, nurturing though also fierce and ruthless when the pack is concerned. They proved to be quite welcoming but cautiously observant at the same time.
They fathered/mothered the four pups of the pack.
Wolf form: Small, with a bright ginger long fur.
Kesha Colnan - the Beta
Gender: selectable M, F or NB
Age: 28
Appearance: they have fair skin, chin-length straight dark hair they dye white at the tips (they often keep them out of the way with hair pliers), blue eyes and a lean built.
They can often be seen wearing protective amulets and protective temporary tattoos.
Temperament: Kesha is often anxious, hovering over their packmates to be sure of their safety or just scared something bad is going to happen.
They cherish their comfort zone, bit they would do anything for the Alpha. They harbor a love for card games, especially complex RPGs.
Wolf form: medium sized, with short grey fur and white paws/legs.
Indigo Bellaria - the Delta
Gender: selectable M or F
Age: 32
Appearance: Indigo is a crossdresser, wearing only feminine clothes if M or masculine one if F.
They are around 1.84 m tall, with a beige complexion, wavy black hair shaved on the sides and dark brown eyes. They have a muscular built.
Temperament: they have a spicy attitude, playful with the pups and a bit confrontational with everyone else (often just for show). They are a loner and enjoy their time with themselves, though they'd miss the pack terribly if they were separated.
Despite what they might want others to believe, they have a major need to provide for them in any way, with gifts, food or comfort.
Wolf form: big and powerful, with a curly spotted black and white fur (like a cow, ironically)
Raine Colnan
Divine Macall
Heva Padberg
The pups
🌕 INFO ON PACK ROLES (Omega, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Alpha)
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About me:
My name is Christina, I'm 20+, and I love Halloween, makeup of all genre, horror movies, 2000s rom-coms, writing, cats...and Taylor Swift more than anything. I'm a creative person at heart and share personality type with Kat Strattford and Wednesday Addams. I've been writing since I read the Twilight books and currently write for Scream, Wednesday, TSITP, Marvel, and more
☆ My taglists form here
☆ My 2024 prompt list is here and you can send requests here at any time
Who I write for:
MCU characters (Peter Parker + Loki Laufeyson) | Masterpost
Teen Wolf (Stiles Stilinski + Derek Hale) | Masterpost
Outer Banks (JJ Maybank + Rafe Cameron) | Masterpost special fandom prompt list
Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls) | Masterlist
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon (Daemon Targaryen + Aemond Targaryen + Aegon II Targaryen + Jacaerys Velrayon (NEW) + Jon Snow) | Masterpost special fandom prompt list NEW
Wednesday (Xavier Thorpe + Ajax Petropolus + Wednesday Addams) | Masterlist
Marcus Baker (Ginny & Georgia) | Masterpost
Scream (Ethan Landry + Chad Meeks Martin + Mindy Meeks Martin + Tara Carpenter + Billy Loomis + Charlie Walker + Amber Freeman) | Masterpost special fandom prompt list
The summer I turned pretty (Conrad Fisher + Jeremiah Fisher) | Masterpost
Tate Langdon (American Horror Story: Murder House) | Masterpost
Young!Coriolanus Snow (Hunger Games) | Masterpost special fandom prompt list ** crossed fandoms/characters are on hold
I have the ability to deny and delete any requests I don't want to write
If the request is from a list, adding the quote with the number helps me a lot (I have more than one list and it gets confusing for me)
I don’t have a set word count for requests, but I try to keep them between 0.5k - 1k
Do not send me the exact same request you sent to many other writers. If see it, I'll then delete it
Smut is allowed, and welcomed
These NSFW themes — feet fetish, a/b/o, innocent!reader , humiliation/degrading kink, water sport, graphic SA or anything non-con (unless it’s part of a ‘game’)
RPF (real people fiction)
Romanticization of mental health (eating disorders, depression, any type of self harm, etc.)
Anything yandere related
Anything involving someone being sick or periods
Peter x Tony (romantically) or any form of incest (with the exception of GoT and HotD)
Pregnancies / main characters being a parent
nb!reader or gn!reader (nothing against it, I just wouldn’t want to write it wrong)
black!reader or plus size!reader (nothing against it, I just would want to offend anyone by writing something I don’t know about)
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potatomountain · 5 months
"Little Pet"
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Pairing: Yunho x amab reader
au: Werewolf
Warnings: smut, some degradation- mxm.
Word Count: 1.7k
Network: @pirateeznet
Banner by: @itsnotmydejavu
author's note: i am afab but i consider myself nb. Some friends were talking from a male pov and i got inspired so this is for them <3
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You were beginning to think no amount of prep was going to make this act any easier on you, or ever, but since you hadn't tried yet you didn't want the anxiety to get the better of you.
Having a man that towered over you in height and width- who's hands alone could wrap around any part of your body with ease- as your mate did little for your confidence. But Yunho never made you feel bad about your size, not once, he would call it cute even as he rested his arm on the top of your head and watched you pout.
You'd huff that you were a man too and had some pride, which was perhaps the main reason that you had pushed and pushed this part back as far as you could. That and the fact you were very human, how were you going to handle a wolf of this size?
Knowing about his packmates sex lives didn't lessen the anxiety either, the marks they would leave on their partners and the way they would be bedridden the entirety of the next day. Hell Jongho nearly broke the arms of his mate, instead destroying the bed they had been on during his rut.
You weren't scared he was going to hurt you, or that you would break- but what if you were too small? What if he didn't like it when he saw how small you were everywhere.
What if you weren't good enough? What if you couldn't please him?
You already knew what his cock looked like, but never once had you shown yours. Not until now.
He had come to you and let you know his rut was going to start soon and that he wanted to try things before it got to that point and he hurt you on accident. You couldn't tell him the idea excited you, but now you were nervous again.
"Are you sure about this?" Yunho sat on his bed in just his boxers, his bulge obvious and he wasn't even hard yet. Yet here you were in just your underwear and it wasn't even obvious like his.
You nodded, taking a deep breath and stepping closer. "Y-yes." It's not like you hadn't done anything sexual, kissing and making out and fuck could he devour you. Several months the two of you had been dating since he announced you were his mate, but that didn't seem to be enough to ease your worries that one look at you and he wouldn't want you. "I love being your mate I'm just... anxious."
"Tell me about it." He patted his knee for you, pulling you onto it when you stepped closer. "I know I dated girls a lot but your gender doesn't matter to me you know."
"I-I know but- I'm not exactly much of a man either."
He cupped your jaw, forcing you to look up at him. "I don't love you for what's between your legs." He kissed your forehead, then your cheeks, nose and finally mouth. "And I very much want you."
Melting into his kisses, he practically chased the anxiety away with those few words. "I'm yours Yunho."
It always made you feel foolish how much you question his desire when he acted like this: like he was going to devour you whole and still wouldn't get enough of you.
"Mm my pet?" He pulled you further against his lap, one leg on either side.
You hummed in response, pressing close and wrapping your arms around his neck. His back was arched to hold you close and still kiss you, hands on your thighs to pull you right against his his growing hard on.
"I've been thinking about this for so long." One of his hands slipped into your underwear and grabbed the entirety of an ass cheek. The growl he let out when his fingers brushed the blug you were wearing was primal and had your own body reacting.
You're cock twitched against the fabric of your underwear, gasping out as he moved his lips roughly to your neck. "You smell so damned good. You'll tell me to stop if it's too much right?"
It seemed Yunho had his own anxieties about this as well, which further eased your own. "Of course baby." You tilted your head to give him better access, breath hitching as his fangs scrapped your nape.
He flipped you onto your back on the bedm hovering over you as he tugged your underwear down and off. Before you could even voice a protest, your legs were in the air and spread, giving him a full view of your bottom. Your hands flew to your face out of embarrassment, watching him through your fingers as he just stared.
"Are you teasing me?"
At the acrylic massive plug protruding from your hole or your clearly small cock, you couldn't tell- but he looked more than pleased: he was drooling. "You prepped?"
"Mhmm- I know how big you are." You whined out, whole body flinching as he reached between your legs, his thumb pressing the end of the toy to push it a bit further in. Your cock twitched, leaking precum in response. "Yunho~"
"Fuck- so tiny all over huh? I love it." He moved his hand up and wrapped it entirely around your cock, smirking at how easily he covered it. "Is this what you were anxious about?"
"Mhmm-" You whined as he twisted it just right, your hips bucking into his hand. "I-I was worried it wouldn't be enough."
For a moment the hard expression of lust was replaced with one of care and softness. "It's enough baby boy. So is your cute little ass and these cute fucking peaks of yours." He moved his hand up and pinched both of your nipples, wolf-like grin replacing the soft frown.
You could hear the slick sounds of the lube both in your hole and as he lubed up his own cock, his lips moving to your peaked nipples and scraping his teeth over them roughly. Things were going so fast you weren't sure you could ask him to stop even if you wanted to- and you mostly certainly didn't want to stop.
He bucked his hips against your ass, watching your expression. "Maybe- depends on if you like it? I can't see with those cute hands hiding that face of yours I adore. How am I going to kiss you?"
Whining, you let your hands fall away, just for him to grab them and pin them above your head. "Hold them there little one- no more hiding."
You obeyed, breathing heavily as your cock was weeping for stimulation. You watched as he pushed your knees up further, biting down on his lip as he stared down at your waiting hole again. "Can I pull it out?" When you nodded, he tugged on the plug, eyes flickering to yours as your breathing hitched and you grabbed the blankets above you. He slowly pulled it out, growing more and more excited from your reaction until the toy was pulled out with a pop. "Fuck I need you."
He crashed his lips down onto yours with newfound desperation, his hands working off his boxers and discarding them to the side. He pulled away only to reach for the lube on the table, giving you only a quick second to breath before he was devouring your every breath with strokes of his lips. You felt empty with the plug, but not for long as he pushed two fingers in with ease, scissoring them to stretch you out. The plug had been inanimate but with the two long appendages moving inside pleasure shot through you straight to your dick and your head.
Not when he pulled his fingers out and reached up to grabbed your wrists, nor when you felt his tip prod your entrance and push in. He pulled his lips away, holding one of your legs up so far your knee touched the bed and you could see his massive cock pushing into your when you looked down. Moaning as inch by inch he somehow managed to fit himself inside you, your head swam with ecstasy and pain alike.
He didn't push in fully, stopping a little more halfway and breathing heavily. "I don't think- fuck I'm sorry pet- I-" He was panting heavily, fangs elongating and nails sharp on your skin. "I think i triggered my rut. Fuck-" With one harsh thrust he pushed in the remainder of his length, a high pitched cry ripped from you. He apologized over and over like a chant as his hips took on a life of their own, brutally fucking your barely prepped hole.
His eyes were bright like his wolf's, the chants turning to growls as he shook the entirety of the bed with his thrusts. You should mind, you should care about the underlying pain under the massive amount of pleasure he was giving you by constantly rubbing your prostate. Your cock was red and weeping, whines and moans leaving you as tears pricked your eyes.
The sounds he made were too guttural to make out most. "So tiny... cute fucking dick... little pet... tight fucking hole-" What you could make out had you reeling with even more lust and desire.
"W-Wanna cum Y-yunho... please..." He had you on edge so quickly, but you were begging for the slightest stimulation on your cock. Something to push you that rest of the way.
He was quick to oblige, large hand wrapping around your tiny dick and applying pressure in just the right ways. You came quickly, crying out his name as white hot spurts escaped his fist and made it onto your stomach and all over his hand.
Did he stop there? No. He flipped your over with ease, one large hand on the center of your back and holding you down as his relentless thrusts continued until you could feel the knot pushed further into you. He bent over your small frame, pinning you to the bed as he licked along the back of your neck.
"Mine- my mate. My little pet- fucking mine!" He bit down, one more harsh thrust before you could feel him filling you up while simultaneously drawing blood from the bite- marking you as his permanently.
Your poor cock twitched from the overstimulation, tears having escaped your eyes from the moment he had flipped you over.
You weren't anxious anymore but you also were well aware that tomorrow you weren't leaving the bed... or maybe all week.
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Taglist- none for male specific pieces. If you would like to be, fill out the form on my profile and leave a comment!
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moontavern · 28 days
if your requests are still open and you're fine with doing fluff prompts, could I request Macaque x reader headcanons where his s/o is an affectionate wolf demon who can transform into an actual wolf when scared or angry?
reader s/o is gender neutral/nonbinary (it/its if you're comfortable doing that? or they/them if you're not comfortable)
thank you! and if you're unable to do this request then I completely understand ^_^
Eeeee I love this request so so much!!! Anything to do with wolf themed stuff is always my absolute fav! (Wolves at my favourite animal hehe)
And yes, absolutely! It/it’s pronouns are absolutely okay by me. (I use them myself!) <33
Just some fluff. Hope this isn’t too short!! 💗💗
Macaque x NB!Wolf!reader
Fluff hehe 🫶🫶
Macaque is used to seeing people of all sorts, so it’s not exactly new to him to have a S/O who has the ability to transform into a beastly creature. He enjoys the fact that he can admire and observe someone else’s power.
He would always be intrigued whenever It would transform into a wolf. It’s fur was beautiful, and the way it held strong during intense emotions made Macaque admire it even more. But he hated the fact that it would transform commonly when under high stress.
Whenever it would transform, he would try and calm it down. He would be slow, understanding the transformation could sometimes dizzy-up the brain and send someone into confusion.
If it would ever lash out in anger, Macaque wouldn’t take it to heart. He understands what it’s like to be angry and lash out with powers. So, he may leave if he needs too to let it calm down, or if it asks him to stay, he will.
Whenever after the fit of emotion ends, and it slowly transform back into it’s normal form, he would sit and wait until it was ready to talk, or until it was calm so he could comfort it.
But if there was ever times where it would transform without any anger or sadness, he would glady transform into his dog form or bird form and accompany it. Sometimes, if it feels like a forest run, Macaque would fly close by, or run with it. That’s what he enjoyed the most <33
Regardless if you are angry at him, or someone else, he will be patient and slow with the situation. Like I said before, he understands the emotions to an extent, so he’s more then willing to be by your side to calm you down.
At the end of the day, if it decides to stay in wolf form, Macaque would transform into his dog form and you better expect cuddles <33
Tysm for this request! Hope I did okay.
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mjjune · 1 year
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[all image descriptions are in alt text] [banner art by @jamieanovels !]
MJ's Reintroduction!
updated 09.26.23
i'm m or mj (or whatever you wish to call me tbh).
this blog is solely dedicated to my writing and inspiration. to see my friend's writing (and writing i like in general), see my side blog @mj-library !!
ask and tag games open!
i might occasionally post/reblog mature content, but it will be clearly marked. interact at your own discretion.
i write fantasy of all kinds, but always with a touch of queerness. i lean towards dark and mysterious with supernatural and magical elements.
my favs: found family, female friendship, fairytale/myth retellings, anything queer (especially sapphic & aroace), neurodivergent & mental health rep, disability rep, anything with angst, reluctant heroes, enemies to [insert anything here]
all of my wips have a taglist. if you wish to be added to one/multiple don't hesitate to message me <3
My Projects Below! [or see this tag!]
DS // high fantasy
When their farm is raided by strange poisonous creatures from the sea, Sasha’s sibling is poisoned. She must journey into the deadliest monster-infested island in the world to find a cure. But the only person willing to help is a mysterious traveler—who she suspects is lying about who they are. She treks into the jungle and must uncover the truth of both the poison and the stranger, or else it might be not only her sister who suffers, but the entire island.
Status: Draft 1, 80k, alphas in-progress
Rep: gender stuffs
Full Page Here
WIP Intro Here
Blog Tags: #w: ds, #ds snippets
TWTR // dark fantasy red riding hood retelling
After six years, The Wolf has returned seeking Red, and the Woodsman is tasked with finishing what he started. But as he tracks the beast, The Wolf leaves behind clues and messages that hint that the kingdom isn't what is seems; the history they all know is false... The Woodsman must uncover the lies and defeat the beast, or else lose the closest thing he's ever had to a friend.
Status: 73k, querying
Rep: aro/ace, trans/nb
Full Page Here
WIP Intro Here
Blog Tags: #w: twtr, #twtr snippets
AVOF //dark urban fantasy duology
When a vampire sleeps with a werewolf to spite the ancient vampire order and homophobes everywhere, they accidentally reveal supernaturals to the human public. As media tensions, protests, and riots rise, the vampire must choose: risk everything to save his new lover, or hunt down the rarest creature in the world in hopes to prevent war.
Status: - Book 1 Complete, 97k words, shelved - Book 2 Draft 1, 109k words, editing
Rep: various unlabeled queer identities; asian, latine, black, jewish
Full Page Here
WIP Intro Here
Character Intros
Character Sheets
Blog Tags: #w: avof #avof snippets
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fromtheashes-if · 2 years
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You’ve never known anything besides the cold. Ice water pumps through your veins— at least that’s what your dear brother says. After all, you were found abandoned in the woods during one of the worst blizzards your clan had ever seen.
The world outside of Norway seemed as far off as Valhalla to you. You never expected to leave it, but your brother had other plans when he started speaking of a far off place filled with warmth and animals the like you’ve never seen.
A place called England.
If you had known all that would befall you within the far off land… You may have thought twice about stepping aboard that boat.
Demo Features:
Play as a Viking MC that travels to England to discover a new world. Meeting a cast of characters you may be familiar with. Viking story with an Arthurian twist.
Customizable MC: name, gender, appearance, sexuality, and much more!
Your very own dire-wolf! Customizable as well: name, gender, and coat color.
Romance 1 of 5 possible options! From the Leader of England to a disgruntled knight.
Will you be able to forge alliances? Or will everything collapse due to the coming war?
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This story is rated 18+ (Mature) for depictions of violence, blood, death, sexual themes, profanity, alcohol consumption, and mentions of torture.
More things may be added as the story progresses!
NSFW asks will be tagged #nsfw for anyone that wishes to avoid the topic.
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Arthur/Artura/Artur | M/F/NB, 29 Years Old, Leo.
The Leader of England. They welcome you into Camelot with a gentle smile after the recent events that had transpired. Seemingly a fair and just leader, while being a mighty warrior, you’re not sure what to make of them. Will you find it within yourself to trust them? And possibly discover something more?
Appearance: They stand at around 6’5” with golden blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Tanned skin causes them to have an ethereal glow like you’ve never seen. As if they had been chosen by the Gods themselves. (Arthur keeps his hair to his ears, Arthura to her shoulder blades, and Artur keeps theirs to their shoulders.)
Frey/Freya | M/F, 27 Years Old, Scorpio.
Your constant companion and someone you’d forever trust to have your back. Even if they have an abrasive attitude, can be a horrible flirt, and everything under the sun, you couldn’t imagine anyone else as your best friend. You’re just lucky that you still have them with you as traverse the oddity that is England. Will something more blossom than friendship?
Appearance: They stand at around 5’9” with light brown hair and hazel eyes. The gold and green of which cause their bronze toned skin to stand out that much more. (They both keep their hair a little past their shoulders.)
Lancelot | M/F, 29 Years Old, Aquarius.
You don’t know much about the knight that never seems to stray far from the Ruler of England— not even their name— but you’re well aware of their battle prowess. With a guarded expression, penchant for silence, and ability to always disappear when you’re looking for them, you don’t think you’ll ever get close to the knight. Will you prove yourself wrong?
Appearance: They stand at around 6’3” with dark brown hair. Light brown skin cause the sterling silver of their eyes to stand out. You’ve never seen them out of their suit of armor, but maybe something will end up changing that. (M!Lance cuts his hair short and F!Lance has hers to just over her shoulders.)
Morgana | F, 27 Years Old, Capricorn.
The younger sister of the A. Someone who keeps to herself more often than not, but you can tell that there’s more to her than meets the eye. With a penchant to stay in the shadows, you want nothing more than to bring her out into the light. Will you be able to break through her mask of snark and ice?
Appearance: Morgana stands at around 5’11” with midnight black hair falling to the small of her back in a mixture of waves and soft curls. Fair skin glows in the moonlight— if her sibling was blessed by the sun then she was blessed by the moon. Her violet eyes, a color you didn’t even know was possible, hold a great deal of knowledge, but an even greater deal of pain.
Percival | M, 28 Years Old, Cancer.
With a gentle attitude, and generally compassionate disposition, Percival— or Percy— is one of the most innocent warriors you have ever come across. He doesn’t like to spill blood unless it’s absolutely necessary and he does his best to make sure that’s the way it stays, but he’s also a competent warrior and won’t hesitate to defend people he cares for. There’s not a bad bone in his body is the common phrase when referring to him.
Appearance: Percival stands at around 5’8” with dark auburn hair and forest green eyes. His olive toned skin causes his eyes to shimmer that much more. He’s usually never seen without a smile on his lips or a flower behind his ears— that a servant picked for him.
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decarabiandivorce · 4 months
Tbh the sheer magnitude of angst potential that decarabian has is untapped. Imagine thinking everyone loves you, that you know you’re taking care of them and they appreciate what you do for them, that people look up to you in respect. But in reality your kingdom is falling apart, everyone including your own wife hates you and your actions, simply because you’re blind to the world around you, trying and trying to protect everyone but nearly everyone else thinks you’re trying to hurt them. You have so much love in you for everyone you know that it system overflows into hatred, apathy, and obsession, and the two people who could ever have the potential to truly understand you and your motives are both plotting together to kill you
(he needs therapy)
😔 he needs both therapy and a divorce. Those who hated him realized they couldn't do anything about it just left. They would rather embrace the cold than defy him. No wonder why the only people left in his city were those who 'respected' him. Its survivorship bias. The naysayers are all outside his walls and so of course only the yes-men were in earshot.
Also yeah once Amos is like "you know what? I should leave him!". Decarabian starts to Spiral. Its not healthy at all, and it effects him a lot. Amos was completely justified in leaving him, and thats why i think Decarabian's winds get even worse. You know how there were tornadoes and such when Dvalin attacked the city? Yeah. Yeah.... Anemo guy gets abandonment issue 3.0 and acts like a dragon.
This just makes his citizen hate him even more, driving more people to the Nameless Bard's side. Oh once he realizes that all of them are on that bard's side he's going to blame the bard for everything. "Things were perfect until you came along!" Type of monologues. Its a mutual hatred, NB hates Deca for stuff that Deca didn't even do. They should stab each other :)
I can just imagine him at the top of his tower, the halls are as silent as they always been but its only now he can sense the *missingness* of it all. He knows something is wrong. He knows that he isn't happy. But he refuses to wake up. His throne glitters while the stone beneath him shatters. For the first time in a long time he feels emotions other than content. Anger. Despair. Bitterness. Guilt.
If he surrendered would he be able to see Amos again? See his citizens again.
Thats such a silly thought! He's trying to protect them! There is a war outside!
But Andrius's blizzards are weakening. When was the last time that wolf fought against his winds
When was the last time he went outside and talked to anyone
Everything is fine! Its perfect.
He misses her so much. He misses her so much. He misses her so much. Amos where did you go? Are you eating well? Are you cold? Your ring is right in my hand. Please come back. Please. You would do anything for her
Well, besides what she wanted.
Was happiness worth the lack of protection?
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Shuffle your “On Repeat” playlist from Spotify and post the first 10 tracks - Tag Game
tagged by @penguinsandpotterheads (thanks so much holly !! much love to you, my angel <3)
sex, drugs, etc. - beach weather
my house - hana vu
figure you out - djo
slither - djo
roddy - djo
francis forever - mitski
gloom - djo
mortal projections - djo
we will commit wolf murder - of montreal (credit to @asbealthgn for infecting my ears with this one, it's incredible)
starman - david bowie (keep your eye out for this one in the next chapter of it's rotten work)
tagging friends to do this so i can get some music recs (no pressure, as always): @asbealthgn, @jjoesjonas, @edmunsn, @paranoidmunson, @bayouteche, @the-redthread, @thorniest-rose, @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx, @bisexual-cryptid, @gay-little-bitch, @ilovecupcakesandtea, @bayouteche, @madigoround, @bmodiwrites, @anything-thats-rock-and-roll, @zerokrox-blog, @corneliuswatkins, @mixsethaddams, @useless-nb-bisexual, @vampireinthesun, @malachitedevil, @princessstevemunson
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sixth-light · 8 months
TGH/TDR vs WoT season 2: what's in and what's out pt 2 (worldbuilding)
This time we're doing concepts and settings introduced in TGH/TDR (or introduced in EoTW but not in S1 of the show).
Introduced in EoTW but not S1 Caemlyn Andoran politics inc. Tigraine's disappearance
Tar Valon was substituted for Caemlyn in S1 but I believe it has been confirmed as a setting for S3. In terms of information viewers need to remember, Andoran politics only *really* start to matter when we kick off the Succession plotline & I expect will be scattered throughout future seasons until we get to the main event in S5-6 or so. If Slayer is in S3 (I think this has also been suggested) then we could start to get some infodumps about the whole Tigraine & Luc disappearance drama there. (Side-note: I think show-only people are going to find it hilarious if Rand has an uncle Luke (Luc).)
Introduced in TGH Cairhien Daes Dae'mar Illuminators The Choedan Kal (not named) Ogier politics and culture The search for the Car'a'carn Seanchan/the Hailene The secret of the a'dam/sul'dam The Black Ajah The Accepted test
Still missing from the show but first introduced in TGH: Ogier politics and culture(differences between steddings), the existence and location of the Choedan Kal, and the Illuminators. The Ogier stuff may or may not EVER be relevant. The Choedan Kal can & should be introduced to up the stakes from Callandor when it proves too dangerous, although may get easter egg mentions prior, quite possibly as a Lanfear back-up plan. The Illuminators - again only necessary when gunpowder and its potential for weapons start to become relevant. They could be introduced in Tanchico if the plot goes there or as refugees from the Seanchan. (NB: I think show-only people are also going to be REALLY sideswiped by that whole plot, gunpowder weapons are so rare in the popular perception of epic fantasy. It's going to make WoT really stand out.) Another note: in the show the fact that the a'dam can be used on sul'dam remains a secret from the Seanchan and was not presented as an empire-shattering discovery, and the lore has changed so sul'dam are just very weak in the Power. I think there's a chance that in the show it becomes something known but suppressed in Seanchan rather than a genuine/complete rediscovery. Given how long channelers live that would check out; the books never make anything of it but Alivia is old enough that when she was born there were still a few free channelers in Seanchan. The 'Consolidation' was not a short victorious war but a multi-century period.
Introduced in TDR Tear (the city/Stone), Illian, and Ghealdan Darkhounds Wolfbrothers losing themselves Wolves and the Dream/prophetic wolf dreams Wide-scale ta'veren effects Tel'aran'rhiod Forsaken controlling nations (including specifically Illian, Tear, and Andor) Grey Men Callandor/the fall of the Stone Mat's luck Set-up for the Tower Coup Egwene as a Dreamer/Egwene's prophetic Dreams Balefire Fireworks as weapons
As with characters, there's a lot of worldbuilding from TDR that hasn't come into play yet! I think this is mostly for pacing reasons. On the other hand, we actually got a lot of Tel'aran'rhiod in S2 which aligns with TDR, a book where characters spend about half their time having prophetic dreams (or so it feels like).
Mat's luck and Egwene's Dreaming abilities - these are solid/obvious S3 arcs for these characters that they didn't have time for in S2. No question we'll see them next season, I think, although Mat's luck might have more of a slow-burn introduction than just suddenly working.
The Forsaken - have only just all been released! We'll certainly see them taking over nations in the next season or two.
Darkhounds, Wolfbrother lore, Callandor, fireworks as weapons - I think this has all been held back for pacing. Famously Perrin's plot needs to be spread out to give him stuff to do in later seasons. He might not get prophetic dreams though since it's a bit of a repeat of Egwene's Dreaming and never goes anywhere much.
Similarly, it's a Big Deal when Rand gets Callandor and then it...stays where it is for five books, that's not good TV pacing. I suspect he will pick it up just in time to try using it and fail against the Seanchan. And we don't need to think about fireworks as weapons until Mat is in a place to take advantage of the possibilities.
Balefire, widespread ta'veren effects, Grey Men - these are all things which pose the question 'why aren't they being used all the time' once they're introduced, and the latter two will be quite hard to effectively and efficiently do in a visual medium. We'll get balefire eventually but at a much higher power level for our characters, and the other two we might never get at all.
Tear and Illian - genuinely no idea when we'll get to these cities! Illian we may never visit as not a lot happens there that has to happen *there*. We'll go to Tear (the city proper) at SOME point but...depends on a lot of things exactly when.
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hislittleraincloud · 9 months
French is my second language. (Basic French pet names within.)
When I was ten years old, I was forced to learn French, Italian, and German (mostly French, because we were going to live in France, but just travel to Italy and Germany...at the same time, I picked up some Romanian as well, since I loved vampires/the real Dracula at the time). I retained spoken French and Italian, but my spoken German and Romanian suck, and I'm much better at Spanish (which is my father's first language...I was just never formally taught it, and had to pick it up on my own after we came back from France since it's what my grandmother spoke). I am literate in several other languages, but my strengths are French, Spanish, and Italian (including "Italian" from the Renaissance Era...which is another thing that bugs the crap out of me re: the show, because modern Italian on an espresso machine owner's manual does not equal the Florentine dialect that Machiavelli wrote in, so that was a piece of dialogue hit me weird...probably a Me Problem).
The languages are much different than English, especially French. It's not just about how much Netflix Wednesday hates being compared to her parents. It's about the language itself that's kind of important if you want to insist that your Wednesday use French (or other non-English language) pet names for Enid.
In my other post about this, I made one small error in judgment: AB Sheriff Galpin is a little cultured since he was married to a Frenchwoman, so he would know some French. However, I still don't think Wednesday would pull any French terms of endearment on him, for that very reason...she wouldn't to be compared to Francoise and she wouldn't want to trigger Donovan like that. IF Donovan were to relax his trauma around Francoise, he would definitely be calling Wednesday "ma crevette"...i.e. "my little munchkin" (literally means shrimp 💀...he might just do so in some way yet, I'm thinkin' about it).
But before I get into the French, y'all need to be strongly reminded of just how much Wednesday despises the way her parents relate to each other romantically: She hates it SO MUCH that her hatred for it caused birds to die. Birds that look like they're supposed to be mourning doves.
The backs of their tails look like mourning dove tails:
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Though their undersides don't, but I'm going to chalk it up to lazy CGI and lazy detailing, like the extremely, extremely lazy prop masters/set dressers who made the damnably inaccurate articles on Sheriff Galpin's cork board. All the articles and information in them were terribly inaccurate to what we were told on screen.
Regardless, birds DIED. That's how strong her hatred for how they behave romantically is.
But if you must insist on having Wednesday behave like her parents, at least get the language correct.
French is a heavily gendered language. I'm not even going to get into the current war over gender neutral French for the nbs, because that's not what this is about. Wenclair is a lesbian couple, and we are definitely dealing with females 99.9% of the time here w/the ship.
Thus Netflix Wednesday, being proficient in at least Spanish and Italian, would know how to use the next romance language properly, and would know proper pet names for males vs. females. She's cultured like that, and anything less would make her look stupid...and none of us want to make her look stupid.
Now to get to what's been bugging the Hell out of me:
It wouldn't be "mon loup". It would be "ma louloute" (though a literal translation of "my wolf" feminine would be "ma louve", which is kind of cute and looks like "love", but when the French want to get cute, they get cute). "Mon loup" is to refer to a male, so if Wednesday was dating Xavier or Tyler, it'd be "mon loup".
When I was growing up in France, one big pet name was "mon chou" (literally "my cabbage", even though it refers to a chou à la crème, i.e. a cream puff). My mother used to call me "mon petit chou", even though at the time I was still *living within my young AFAB body (corrected for clarity, I'm AFAB of course, this was long before my transition); she wasn't and isn't ever accurate with her French, because the feminine of "mon petit chou" is "ma chouchoute/choupinette". (I could see a Wenclair Wends getting creative and creating her own word, "lupinette" based on this.)
Other gendered* appropriate terms of endearment Wednesday would use if so compelled:
"ma biche"/"ma bichette" (my doe/my little doe) (Enid: WHAT did you call me??? 🤣)
"ma tigresse" (my tigress 🐯)
"ma poule" (my hen) or "ma poulette" (my little chick 🐣)
"ma princesse"
"ma douce" (my sweet) (Enid: DID YOU JUST CALL ME A DOUCHE? 💀)
"ma puce" (this is another I heard often, it literally means "flea", but in French it's affectionate)
"ma petite femme" (my little wife)
"ma reine" (my queen)
Finally, it's not "mon chéri", it's "ma chérie". That's the most basic one there is.
There are a ton of others out there, but these are the classics that I remember, and classic is what I assume all canon Ortega Wednesday is. Traditional, allergic to technology, sticks to old fashioned behavior like Donovan (I mean, did you bother to read that one page of her novel from Episode 7? Her writing vocabulary is off the charts and typical of someone raised/trained classically... that's the real reason her publishers probably rejected her).
*I say gendered appropriate (not "gender appropriate") because I'm talking about the language and there are French terms of endearment that do not have a feminine form, like "mon cœur" and "mon amour". These terms you can use for women/girlfriends that are 'masculine' gendered (yes, I realize there are a lot of animal ones, but that's French for ya):
"mon petit monstre" (my little monster)
"mon petit oiseau" (my little bird...oh hello, Sandor, where'd you come from 💩)
"mon poussin" (my chick 🐣)
"mon chaton" (my kitten 🐾)
"mon trésor" (my treasure)
"mon doudou" (my cuddlebug, basically)
"mon coco" (literally coconut, but it's like saying "my dear")
"mon ange" (my angel)
"mon lutin" (my elf...which might by apropos for Enid 🫠)
This is not at all meant to be an exhaustive list; there are several other pet names and probably new ones since language is constantly evolving. It might help to poke around online and/or join forums dedicated to those who speak your target language.
I realize it can be confusing. Non-English romance languages can be, if you don't know anything about them. As a writer, I'm very appreciative of my experiences in France and Italy*, and I think the newer writers need to think outside of the Anglocentric box when writing for a character like Netflix Wednesday. (I need to take my own advice, because I programmed one of my deleted scenes in English audio without thinking of the non-English speakers who read my fic. That's a whole other issue tho 🧠💥.)
Huh. That wasn't as bloody as I could've made it. I must be getting soft in my old age.
Anyway. We all want Wednesday to sound like someone who knows what she's doing. We should do better with our conversational dialogue than the actual writers. We don't want our Wednesday to be embarrassed or embarrassing, again...
*And all the other countries I visited as a kid and adult...I know she's there right now, but I was in Buda in 2014 and while it's one of my favorite cities, Hungarian is the worst language ever 😭 EVER.
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