#if i don’t care about the next blockbuster of the month i’m pretty sure that disney is gonna be fine lol
devilsskettle · 3 years
maybe if people stopped defining their identities by what movies they like then they could talk to people who don’t share their interests without feeling attacked by totally innocuous statements of opinion
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
Somehow, I can imagine Vinny, Al and Victor ""adopting"" Taylor so...👀
I’m just going to do this one off the top of my head and see what happens
-Taylor was accepted into RMU, but oh no! They don’t have enough money to cover the dorms. Their parents are just “It’s too bad you don’t have any friends in G4 to stay with″ and Taylor realizes...oh no...I have friends in G4.
-They didn’t want to admit how much they actually hoped Revenge House would accept them when they called. Taylor will tell anyone who asks that they called for the sole purpose of getting shot down and ruling this out.
-Vincent: “I see. Well - “ Albert: “YES” Victor: “I’ll fix up the guest bedroom” Vincent: “...I guess you’re staying with us then”
-There are a few house rules. Don’t go in the basement (there are cyborgs in there). Don’t roam the house after curfew (that’s when we let the cyborgs out). Don’t feed Winston (Taylor isn’t sure if this one is a joke or an actual warning).
-Otherwise they get a pretty nice bedroom, soft bed, quality blankets. Not soundproof and they can hear the screams and weird metallic noises from the rooms two floors down, but hey, they won’t complain.
-At first, the guys pretty much leave Taylor to their own devices. That’s the nice thing about them being a legal adult: they don’t actually have to be good or attentive parents
-Victor and Albert are the two who pay them the most attention. Victor actually carries on conversation like a normal person. Well, mostly. He still always kind of sounds like he’s gathering information to use for nefarious purposes, but Taylor’s used to that by now. Also being called “my dear Taylor” was offputting at first but now they see it’s a genuine term of affection.
-Albert is...an interesting guardian. He’s always approaching Taylor to talk about non sequiturs, usually morbid, and Taylor has gotten used to this and kind of enjoys it. “Speaking purely in hypotheticals, what do you think tastes better: the spleen or the lungs?” “Spleen. Why are you even asking me this? That one’s obvious.”
-But weirdly Albert is in exchange the one who actively cares the most for Taylor. He makes sure they’re stocked up on supplies, and by that I mean Taylor enters their designated bathroom to find no fewer than twenty toothbrushes, all different colors, bound with a ribbon and a note that says “Pick your favorite! ~AK”
-Also instead of taking them shopping for new college wardrobe, Taylor is awoken at 6 a.m. by a phone call from Albert. “I’m at Hot Topic and they have an assortment of androgynous leather accessories. What’s your size?”
-Vincent and Taylor don’t interact much, at first. But they develop a relationship based on their lack of relationship. They both enjoy the value of comfortable silence. They can be in the same room doing separate things and know they don’t have to bother with greeting one another outside of a quick nod or 0.2 seconds of eye contact.
-Right away, though, they all make it clear that Taylor gets free food. The trio does their usual routine of making extremely high-quality luxury food and just lets Taylor chill out doing nothing until the dinner bell rings. The catch is that some of these things, they weren’t sure were food before this, but hey, turns out they don’t hate sashimi.
-Classes start. Every day when Taylor gets home and brings their books and assignments of the day to the dining room to study, Albert and Victor flock around them. Albert: “How was school? Did you make any lasting memories? Do you have an ARCHNEMESIS yet?” Victor: “Does Professor Browne still have a stick up his ass, metaphorically speaking? Has anyone of your preferred gender asked you out yet?”
-Until dinner time, the dining room is Taylor’s study sanctuary.
-They know better than to bring friends home, however. Not a single college pal who’s entered Revenge House has left with at all a good feeling. Some of them have considered calling the cops because there’s no way these people aren’t going to murder Taylor in the dead of night (sillies...Taylor’s the one person they WON’T murder in the dead of night)
-And as for dates? Unfortunately, the few times Taylor has been asked out, they’ll keep it secret and arrange a meetup at a neutral location and show up at the restaurant only to, halfway through the date, realize that they can spot distinct flashes of pink, red, and black positioned around the restaurant like the Bermuda Triangle and greeeaaat, their guardians followed them to spy on the date.
-Which isn’t always bad because one time somebody actually tried to take advantage of Taylor in the alley out back of the restaurant and before any articles of clothing could be forcibly removed, the offender practically explodes from the impact of being shot by Victor, punched by Vincent, and stabbed by Albert at the same time (the bullet almost clipped Albert but it was worth it)
-Taylor’s never sure how to introduce these people. Parents? Guardians? Friends? Roommates? Usually, it ends up something like “This is my...this is...this is Vincent. He’s Vincent. That’s it.”
-They go out as a “family” unit sometimes, usually to dinner or something where they can all just have conversation. There’s usually going to be some rando who walks past the guys and goes “Your daughter is adorable!” and Albert pulls out a rather long and wicked knife while saying “Their preferred pronouns are they/them, and I HIGHLY suggest you respect that.” Victor and Vincent glare on in the background.
-Taylor is torn because they like having guardians who respect their gender identity but also some of these people are just making honest mistakes
-Victor: “I just want to warn you that when you engage with other college students, you may be pressured to try smoking, drinking, and other narcotics. In a strange environment, any of these may be laced with poison or spiked with different drugs. Here in Vincent’s mansion, our stashes are always pure, so if there’s anything you want, just ask us and we will get you a safe supply.” (Though “safe cigarettes” and “safe hard liquor” are oxymorons to a 19 y/o but Victor is trying. Taylor doesn’t even want any of those things)
-Sometimes, though........Taylor has to be the parent figure to these three
-They might end up trying to drink away their sorrows, falling asleep in a vomit-covered living room. Taylor will clean up any obvious mess and get them some pillows.
-Taylor: “So, did you ever want to...talk to me any more about the childhood stuff that was bothering you?” Albert: “...Yes”
-One night, though, they make a big breakthrough. They find evidence for the Myers revenge scheme and confront Vincent with it.
-Vincent tells them everything. Not without getting a little emotional.
-Taylor’s just like “Oh.”
-Somehow this turns into a hug.
-The guys FORBID Taylor from getting directly involved with Myers. That said...they do act a consultation role sometimes.
-Eventually they meet some of the basement cyborgs. Also they’ve gotten pretty friendly with the Dream Eaters. If all the guys are out of the house and Winston is doing his usual hermit thing, Taylor will be “babysat” by a group of awkward yet well-meaning monsters. (The Dream Eaters have been instructed to keep the cyborgs from eating Taylor, though, and they’ve had to actually step in several times. The Dream Eaters also like the taste of human flesh but Albert said this one is NOT FOOD so they respect that.)
-Those days when the guys come home dragging a corpse/an unconscious person, and Taylor catches them, and the guys stare at them like deer in headlights until they say “I never saw this. Carry on.”
-At some point, though, Taylor decides they want a little more, so they suggest “Do you guys wanna go to the mall and catch a movie?”
-Cue a mall trip that involves Vincent criticizing all the secondhand clothing, Victor flirting with the cashiers at every boutique, and nobody knows exactly what Albert is up to but there’s blood leaking from the dressing room so let’s not ask.
-They go to see a fall blockbuster that Taylor really enjoys and the three guys are having varying degrees of enjoyment toward. If it’s got deep themes, Vincent will be happy. If it’s got romance, Victor will be happy. If it’s horror, Albert will be happy. If it’s a superhero film, NOBODY BUT TAYLOR IS HAPPY (so they kind of like taking the guys to Marvel stuff to annoy them on purpose)
-They talk the guys into accompanying them on other Taylor-style adventures. Like bowling. Bowling was either the best or the worst idea they had, because it turned into a four-person DEATH MATCH. (Figuratively, this time. Maybe literally next time.)
-Vincent draws a HARD LINE IN THE SAND at pizza, though. He will not even look at a pizza, let alone eat one or enter a pizza establishment.
-After some months, Taylor and Vincent are conversing more, but it’s usually Taylor asking questions about how the legal system works because Vincent can explain it better than anyone else and in a way that doesn’t fly over Taylor’s head.
-Sometimes, though...Taylor gets sick. The first time, they didn’t actually expect any of the guys to do anything about it. But Vincent drops off hot meals without a word and leaves, and rude as he is, the food’s always DELICIOUS and particular faves of Taylor’s. Victor is the “Text me if you need anything, sweetie” guy who will drop everything if Taylor needs an ice pack or a barf bin. Albert will sit in the room at a safe distance to talk to Taylor about random things and make sure they don’t get lonely. Also, Taylor will have weirdly no nightmares whatsoever, and they know Albert has something to do with this.
-Sometimes...Taylor is sad. All three of the guys will sit around them, encouraging them to talk about everything that’s bothersome. Brief hugs will be exchanged (Victor’s are a bit too tight since, y’know, metal arms, but that’s fine by Taylor). And then if there was a particular entity that caused the sadness, well, that entity might end up dead in a pool of blood in a back alley later.
-There’s also a contract on the table stating that if Taylor is ever incarcerated, then Vincent, Victor, and Albert will break them out of jail at the earliest convenience. Taylor isn’t sure when this will ever have to be used but they’re glad it’s there.
-They make an even more amazing meal than usual for Taylor’s birthday and spend way, WAY too much on gifts. Some of which aren’t even things Taylor wanted (”It’s...a baseball bat with barbed wire around it. Uh...just what I always wanted? Thanks, Albert.”)
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lahyene · 4 years
A Hollywood Love Story.
Pairing: young!chris evans x reader
Summary: Making it in Hollywood is hard, and when you run into the up and coming Chris Evans at a party, you can’t help but be a little intrigued by the frat boy vibes he practically emanates. You never knew you’d actually fall in love with him while both of you climb the ladder to the top.
Themes: romance, fluff, alcohol, smoking
Word count: 2208
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You’re sitting on the kitchen counter, your crop top barely covering your breasts and your shorts practically the size of underwear. As a girl must dress if she’s trying to make it big in Hollywood, being nothing but an Instagram model. Cigarette in your mouth, you take a drag and let the smoke blow out rather close to the face of the man who’s desperately trying to chat you up right now, but you couldn’t care less as your eyes wander the scene of this house party. You’re here to network, to find connections. If you can’t make this work, you’re going to have to move back home and that’s the last thing you want after being exposed to so much freedom.
You saw him the second you walked into this party. He hasn’t quite made it big yet, but he’s probably the most famous one here. Chris Evans. He’s appeared in a few movies, nothing blockbuster, though he’s very well known for his incredibly handsome features and well defined body. You’re sure the two of you have more in common than one would think, being seen more so for your appearance than your personality or talent. People assume you to be trashy and shallow, but they don’t realize that in this world, you have to come off that way in the beginning. No one’s going to wait around to get to know you or the level of depth you have. It’s all about your looks until you finally make it.
When you last saw him, he was on the couch with a girl on either side of him, taking turns making out with each. You’ve heard he’s quite the party boy, dabbling in drugs and alcohol, and practically drowning in female companionship. You thought he was dating Jessica Biel, but seeing his tongue shoved down this blonde’s throat as his hand snakes up the thigh of the brunette, you figure they’re not as committed or exclusive as they let on.
Quite honestly, you’re not interested in him in terms of networking. He isn’t going to do you any favors, he’s probably in a phase where he needs to look out for himself before anyone else. And you completely understand. It’s what Hollywood does to you-- makes you selfish, desperate, twisted. You know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, but damn, is it a long tunnel.
You’ve barely even realized the male in front of you is still talking. You’re about to shut him down when you see Chris enter the kitchen, without his little playthings, surprisingly enough. The two of you make eye contact. You don’t even have to try; you can already tell he’s intrigued. You aren’t sure whether that’s flattering or concerning. He seems like he’d be intrigued by a hobo, as long as said hobo were to have a vagina. He walks over to you with a gait of confidence, corner of his lips already tugging upwards. He steps in right next to the man, his presence shutting him up.
“Hey there. Haven’t seen you around here before. What’s your name, beautiful?”
You take another drag as you listen to him, your expression barely changing. This time, you turn your head to blow the smoke out before looking to him again. “Y/N.” You tap the cigarette in the ashtray next to you, arching an eyebrow. “And you’re Chris, if I’m not mistaken? It’s nice to meet you.”
“So you already know who I am.” He states, and you’re almost amused by that arrogant twinkle in his eyes. “It’s very nice to meet you too, Y/N.” The male standing next to him finally speaks up in annoyance, “Excuse me, I was in the middle of a conversation with-”
“It’s not a conversation if only one person is talking.” You cut him off, disposing of the cigarette entirely before handing him your empty cup. “Make yourself useful and toss this out for me, would you?” He scoffs incredulously but takes it, grumbling as he walks away. Chris looks at you with a grin, clucking his tongue. “Damn, baby girl. Ice cold. Not that I can blame you, you looked bored as fuck sitting over here.”
“Were you watching me?” you ask innocently, your voice silky as you gaze up at him. His eyes are gorgeous, you have to give him that. His whole face is, really. As much as you’d love to say that he’s overrated, you can’t. He’s handsome, and he knows it. “A little bit, yeah.” He admits shamelessly, glancing back to the spot where he was sitting on the couch, the area slightly visible from where you are in the kitchen. “Those little kittens over there are great and all, but… I dunno. Something about you is more appealing.” He looks back at you and smirks, continuing, “Probably the fact that everything about your beauty is natural.”
He’s right, but you imagine he probably says this to even the most Botox-ed of Hollywood women.
“Thank you.” You practically purr nonetheless with a small smirk. “Wanna step outside with me for a bit? It’s getting kind of hot in here.”
“Sure. Let me grab us a drink too. What do you want?”
“A beer’s fine, thanks.”
His eyes practically light up, his smirk growing wider. “Oh, yeah? Damn, I’ve never met a girl at one of these parties that drinks beer. Always complaining about how it’s going to make them fat or whatever.”
You shrugged nonchalantly as you slid down from the counter, tapping your lightly toned stomach. “Fast metabolism, I guess. Those fruity cocktails and shit have way too much sugar, I’d probably get less sick if I just drank rubbing alcohol. Beer’s good.”
He laughs and you can tell he’s already impressed. You feel strangely good about this. “Alright, sweetheart. I’ll meet you out on the deck.”
It’s a whirlwind of a romance.
You never thought this would happen to you. You constantly hear about celebrities getting together after knowing each other for ten seconds, getting married after dating for eleven. You’d scoff at the thought. That’s infatuation, not love.
Now as you’re holding Chris’ hand as he uses his other one to shield you from the lights of the paparazzi cameras flashing in your face, you wonder how the hell you got here. Going on dates every week, spending the night at whomever’s place is closest- you’ve even Facetimed his parents a few times, for God’s sake, and you’ve only been dating for three months.
You haven’t told him you love him yet, nor has he told you. You’re not ready for that. He’s clearly still dripping in the residue from his playboy days, and you’ve simply always had a difficult time with… well, emotions.
It’s the main cause behind any arguments you two have. While he still has a very frat boy-esque mentality, he’s also very sensitive to feelings. He’s a romantic at heart; he’s like an open book, and he surprisingly has no problem being vulnerable. You, on the other hand, keep everything bottled up. It’s what you’re used to.
Still, you make it work. You’ve never been in a relationship that feels so serious. Even the arguments only furthermore make it seem real, like you've been dating for years rather than a few months.
The two of you finally approach the gate of the apartment complex, entering as you let out a little breath upon being free from the paparazzi’s clutches. “I don’t know how you deal with this everyday.” You shake your head, barely laughing. “It’s exhausting.” He chuckles and guides you inside, raising a brow. “Well, baby doll, it’s going to be your life pretty soon now that you’ve found yourself an agent- you know that, right?”
You can’t hold back your smile, even though you’ve been strictly telling yourself not to keep your hopes up. “I don’t have one yet, it’s just a meeting. I can’t get too excited!” He scoffs and suddenly grabs your waist, playfully tackling you down onto the couch as you squeal. “Well, I’m going to be excited for you then. C’mon baby, look at you. You’re fucking gorgeous, and you’ve been gaining more and more followers by the second. And the agency reached out to you first to set up a meeting, you didn’t even have to send your headshots in. You know how good of a sign that is?” He playfully starts tickling your sides and you practically shriek in laughter, squirming through your giggles. “Chris!!”
He finally stops and you exhale, breathless but smiling as you reach up and hold his face lightly. “You really think I’ll make it big one day? That I’ll eventually be walking that runway during Paris Fashion Week?”
“Hell yeah I do, cupcake.” He murmurs, leaning down to peck your lips, “And I’m going to be sitting front row at every single fucking show.” You smile, briefly shutting your eyes before opening them again as you trail your fingertips along the stubble of his jawline. “Oh, yeah? What if you forget all about me because you’ll be a big Hollywood star by then? What if you show up front row, sitting next to your girlfriend Megan Fox?” He blinks and laughs deeply, moving his mouth down to kiss at your neck. “Mm… I’d be watching you walk that runway and dump her right then and there to beg for you back, that’s what.” You hum softly in delight as he nibbles on your sensitive skin, his husky voice continuing, “But you know that’s not going to happen, right baby? I can’t imagine doing this whole Hollywood thing without you by my side. You support me so much, and I want to do the same for you. I just… have a really good feeling about this relationship.”
You lightly move his head to look up into his eyes, reading his expression. He looks nothing but genuine.
“Me too.” You whisper, caressing his cheek lightly with your thumb. “I think we’re both gonna make it big one day. And we’ll be doing it together.”
“He was my first.” You laugh softly as you wipe at your eyes, looking up towards the ceiling of the lavish five star hotel room as if that will stop the tears from returning. “I was only eighteen when we met. Still new to LA, only had a few thousand followers on Instagram. God, why am I crying right now?”
Your friend Taylor hands you a tissue, shaking her head. “It’s okay to cry sometimes, you know. It’s good to have feelings.”
You scoff through the tears, taking the tissue and wiping at your wet eyes. “I just can’t believe everything we’ve gone through. Me becoming an international model, him becoming Captain freakin’ America, adopting a dog together, traveling the world together for his press conferences and my photoshoots, meeting each other’s families…” You sniff, finally letting a tear actually slide down your cheek. “Do you remember when I had to get an appendectomy? And I was so fucking freaked out about the surgery, I had never had one before- but he was there with me the entire time I was recovering. He even told the director of Gifted that he needed a few days off.”
“Yes, Y/N, we remember.” Jasmine sighs, handing you a glass of wine. “Drink up girly, you clearly need it tonight.” Candice raises an eyebrow, questioning, “Hasn’t she drank enough? I think that’s why the crying is happening…”
“And we even talked about having kids together. We just knew we’d make it, you know? That our relationship would last forever. It wasn’t delusional, we knew it.” You sniff, taking the wine nonetheless as you take a sip. “Oh my God, remember when I had that pregnancy scare? And it looked like I’d be having a baby, and I was so nervous to tell him, but when I did he was so fucking ecstatic. Guys, he was so happy. Literally jumping for joy. He told me he wanted nothing more than to have a baby with me, even though we hadn’t planned for one that early.”
“Well, thank God you weren’t actually pregnant,” Meng pipes up, a glass of wine in one hand as she goes to open your closet door with the other. “Because then shopping for this would have been a lot more difficult with a baby bump.” She pulls out the wedding dress, playfully moving it from side to side in front of her body. All the girls immediately laugh, cheering as they raise their glasses. “Hell, yeah! Our girl’s getting married to the love of her life tomorrow!”
You giggle through your tears. Your happy tears, to be exact.
“C’mon, Y/N, stop crying already!” Elsa laughs, shaking your shoulders lightly. “You’re acting like Chris dumped you!” You laugh too, wiping at your eyes. “I can’t help but be a little emotional, okay? God, this is his fault. I never used to be such a crybaby until I met him.” You lift up your glass for another toast as you smile widely. “To the best damn bridesmaids in the world. Thank you for dealing with my sensitive ass during this whole marriage process.”
“Anything for you, soon-to-be Mrs. Evans!”
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365days365movies · 4 years
January 26, 2021: The Expendables (Epilogue)
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Let’s just get this over-with. Spoilers ahead or whatever.
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Cast and Acting
Yeah, OK, it’s exactly what you’d expect from this roster. Just to repeat it, this film features Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Randy Couture, Terry Crews, Mickey Rourke, Steve “Stone Cold” Austin, Eric Roberts, Bruce Willis, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. And if you look at that...you can guess how the acting in this film is. You can’t see past these actors into the characters, they’re mostly just playing themselves. Now, that’s not to say that this is bad; it’s just not anything stellar. If I was to call out performances, it’d be Statham as the runner-up (he does well with his romantic crises), and ABSOLUTELY Mickey Rourke, who somehow not only disappeared into the role of Tool, but also happens to be THE ONLY PERSON I CARE ABOUT IN THIS MOVIE. I mean that, he’s a complete character with a haunted past, and Rourke actually does a great job with his few scenes. And so, for the cast and acting...6/10. Crews and Couture are also pretty fun, by the way.
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Plot and Writing
Again: you get what you’d expect with this movie, and honeslty...3/10. Yeah, it’s the most standard “badass mercenary” plot EVER, and the writing is so peppered with ‘80s style one-liners that it feels like Sylvester Stallone wrote this movie...which is because he did, alongside storywriter David Callaham. But Callaham, who has DONE THINGS I LIKE (Godzilla, Ant-Man) wrote the story; Stallone wrote a lot of the script for this movie, and it feels extremely dated sometimes. Yin Yang? REALLY? Jesus. 3/10.
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Directing and Action
SHAKY CAM. GUUUUUUUUUUH THE SHAKY CAM. And outside of that, the direction was OK, I guess. Definitely feels like an ‘80s movie, almost like Sylvester Stallone himself dire-you know where this is going. And what about the action? Explosions are cool, I’ll give you that. The knife and gun stuff is very hindered by the REALLY bad blood effects, holy shit. And the hand-to-hand? It’s weirdly not great. Feels fake, feels stilted, and the choreography honestly isn’t amazing. Which, given the people in this movie, is a miracle? Like, wow, this should have been FAR better. 4/10.
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Production and Art Design
Um...5/10? Had an environment, but somehow no atmosphere? This film felt empty. This film made me feel empty. Sets, props, and clothing existed, sure, but I can’t say they were stellar. Honestly, they were just kind of...there. Average. Nothing to write home about. So yeah, 5/10.
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Music and Editing
Yeah, I genuinely don’t remember the music in this movie. Not to mention the fact that it was weirdly quiet at some points? Composed by Brian Tyler, who has DONE THINGS I LIKE (Transformers: Prime, Iron Man 3, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Power Rangers), it just isn’t memorable to me...AT ALL. Like most of this movie. As for the editing...eh, it was OK? Shaky cam may have been an issue, but that isn’t the editor’s fault. Nothing here to report. 6/10.
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This movie...this movie hurts. How? HOW CAN THIS MANY ACTION BLOCKBUSTER STARS BE IN IT, AND I DON’T LIKE IT? For God’s sakes, I LIKE LAST ACTION HERO MORE THAN THIS MOVIE. This is my lowest scoring movie this month. Which is AMAZING to me. 
I just...I’m so disappointed. I need something to pick me up from this, I’m SO let down. Well, guess I’m just gonna have to move on to the next of this set: the constantly recommended action movie. Sure. Whatever.
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greycappedjester · 4 years
Can we have a few spoiler/sneak peak about the relationships in AtFoO pleeeease *puppy dog eyes* maybe something about dick/kori
Yep, sorry, this ask has taken me forever to answer.
Here’s a Kory/Dick scene from the upcoming chapter. I’ll admit it’s more plot heavy than romantic; but, there is something pretty big in it. Also, I’m putting it under a Read More for spoilers. Hope you enjoy it!
Dick watches as Tim finally heads upstairs--only partly to make sure he doesn’t pass out on his feet halfway up. Then, he moves to the computer, plugging in his comm device to the main frame and programming it into the network to boost the signal.
He holds his breath as he hits the connect button.
The screen goes fuzzy and grey and...
Dick’s knees feel weak and the relief that hits him is staggering.
“Hey.” Dick smiles softly as Kory’s face resolves on the screen. “Hey, beautiful….Honey, you would not believe the week I’ve had at the office.” 
Kory’s face is the warmest sight in the universe, even halfway across the galaxy.
“That bad,” Kory asks gently.
“Oh, another maniac’s trying to kill us,” Dick says, tone aiming for blase and sounding too strained by a mile, “you know the Gotham specialty.”
Kory hums. “I have news, too; but….I believe I would rather hear yours first.”
Dick lets out a breath. “Well, the short version, a metahuman mobster found out my identity, left a dead body in my bed, blew up my school, shot at me, tried to kill my friend, oh, and I’m shutting myself in Gotham until further notice.”
Kory blinked.
“But, Donna’s move went well,” Dick tacks on. “Plus, Lian’s really getting the hang of fingerpainting--Will sent pictures.”
“Mel klexh,” Kory says, tone serious.
“I know.” Dick scrubs a hand through his hair. “Kory, I think he’s going after the people I care about. And that could be anyone. Wayne Enterprises is already increasing security in all the branches but...fuck, I’m supposed to take my place on the Board next month. That’s basically asking for an opening--if Blockbuster doesn’t attack before then. Wayne Enterprises. The manor. Babs. Tim and Jason. And Haly’s circus is still in town.” 
He sinks deeper into the chair. 
“Kory,” he says helplessly, “there’s too many open targets and I don’t know how to protect them all.”
“Oh, Dick,” Kory’s face blurs on the screen before refocusing, “please do not say you are taking this weight all on alone.”
Dick loves her. He truthfully has no idea the person he’d still be without Kory by his side.
“I’m not,” he promises. “You know Babs and my brothers wouldn’t let me take on all of it.”
Kory tilts her head, red hair falling over her shoulder and there is nothing Dick wants more than to have her here to hold closer.
“That does not mean you are not letting it weigh all on you,” Kory says because she knows him, too.
“....that’s a lot harder to pull off,” he admits.
“Dick,” Kory says.
“I know, Kory, I’ll try.” Dick smiles at her. “Anyway, we probably don’t have long before the transmission cuts out again. There’s an electron cloud passing through Cannis Major so who knows next time the comms will work and, honestly, I’d rather hear your voice than mine.” He smiles. “What’s your news?”
Kory sighs but let’s him change the subject.
“The negotiations for voiding Komand’r’s previous regulations and restoring Ryand’r to full autonomy have finally been agreed to,” Kory says.
Dick stops. “Kory….”
“They are getting my ship ready now.” Her smile goes soft. “I am coming home.”
Dick leans his head to the comm, a breathless laugh bubbling up with it.
And he knows that space travel isn’t instantaneous. That even with Tamaran’s advanced technology, the journey to earth will take at least a few months. But, that’s a later thought. Right now, there’s only one thing that matters.
“Welcome home, Kory,” he whispers. “I missed you.”
Kory’s grin matches his. “And I you, mel klexh. I love--”
The screen goes grey, sound falling to static, and briefly Dick sees a flash on screen to notify him that the signal’s been lost. Dick tries not to let it bother him.
He leans his head back to the comm.
“I love you, too, Kory. Always.”
*Tamaran translations
mel klexh= my heart
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Never Touch Him Again
Summary: Barbara finds out what Tarantula did to Dick. She takes justice into her own hands.
I originally wrote this for Dickbabs week but didn’t quite finish it. Also, not really shippy at all. The prompt was “touch.”
Word Count: like 3,000 ish
Characters: Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Catalina Flores
Pairings: Gen
“Don’t…touch me…”
Babs slammed the pause button and shoved herself away from her desk. Her skin flashed hot and cold until she was shaking and she felt like she was going to throw up. She lashed out and hit her books off the desk. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, but it was futile. It was times like these she desperately wished her legs worked; she needed to get up, to pace, to kick something until it was broken beyond repair and her foot was bleeding.
Instead, she yanked her hair up and wheeled over to the punching bag in the corner, where she picked up her escrima sticks and started mercilessly beating the shit out of it. If the punching bag were a person, it would have been dead, the muscles and skin pounded to bloody oatmeal sticking to splintered bones. When the back of her shirt was soaked with sweat, she threw the escrima down in a corner and reluctantly forced herself back to the video. She owed it to Dick to find out the truth.
She’d already found the truth that Bruce wanted: Dick hadn’t killed Blockbuster. He’d been there, and he’d watched it happen, but he hadn’t been the one to kill him. 
She hadn’t been surprised when Bruce came to her. “I need your help; I think Dick may have killed someone,” he’d said. Babs had been horrified, but not surprised. Dick had been very, very… off…  for a while. As soon as Bruce had brought it up to her, she knew that whatever she found would explain Dick’s behavior.
And it was explaining more than she’d expected. Right now, she only needed to watch far enough in the tape to see if Tarantula listened to Dick and left him alone, or if she didn’t and raped him. Babs considered Dick’s recent self-destructive spiral, and her heart sank. She was pretty sure she already knew. After steeling herself with a few deep breaths, Babs watched the next few seconds of the video, then turned it off. Her heart sank down to her stomach and sat there stewing, making her nauseous. Tears burned her eyes and left hot tracks down her cheeks. How selfish, she chided herself. Dick is the one who has the right to cry, not you.
Babs started putting herself back together, piece by piece. She did it, as she always had, with a plan of action. Her eyes still burned as her mind whirred. She had everything on Tarantula, and nothing on Catalina Flores
She had a recording of Tarantula shooting a man in the head. The man was universally hated. Tarantula was wearing a mask.
She also had security footage of Tarantula attacking and trying to kill her while she was at dinner with Dick. Again, she was wearing a mask.
She had evidence of Tarantula bribing police officers. No one cared—not in Gotham, and certainly not in Blüdhaven. 
She had footage of Tarantula raping Dick. Again, she was wearing a mask. If she were ever put on trial, Nightwing couldn’t very well show up to testify. Plus, she had connections. It wasn’t going to work.
Clearly, Babs would have to take things into her own hands.
She didn’t tell Dick what she knew. She didn’t tell Bruce, either. She didn’t tell Helena and Dinah. She could do this herself. She’d beaten Tarantula once before, and this time, Oracle would be the one catching Tarantula unprepared, and on her turf.
The plan was to do this the Bat Way: Lure Tarantula to Gotham, get her to commit a crime here, and let Commissioner Gordon handle the rest.
Babs knew just the crime: attempted murder. Of the commissioner’s daughter, no less. Babs allowed herself a grim smile. She had her work cut out for her.
The next time she went to see Dick, she wasn’t sure how to act. She worried that she was overcompensating by goofing off because she didn’t want to seem too serious, and she also worried about overcompensating with coldness or rudeness to avoid pitying him. She honestly wasn’t sure what he was up to recently; their conversations were concise and infrequent. She figured she had the best chance of cornering him into talking in the Batcave. She asked Bruce when Dick would be there and then used a software security update as an excuse to be there when he arrived.
“Nightwing!” She called, grinning nervously.  “Long time, no see! Get your butt down here!”
It was no longer “get your cute butt down here,” for which she allowed herself a gust of sadness.
He didn’t swing over using the bars around the cave. Instead, he click-clacked down the stairs and over the walkway to her, his leg brace altering his gait just enough that Babs probably couldn’t recognize him any longer by his walk alone.
He gave her a bow with a hand-twirl. “At your service, oh great Oracle.” 
Now that,  at least, was normal. While the theatrics didn’t have as much heart as usual, they hadn’t disappeared. 
Babs had thought over her next words and planned them out to the letter. “I’ll get straight to the point. I miss you, Dick.” He was wearing the Nightwing mask, so she studied the rest of his face for a reaction. All he did was tighten his lips to not give anything away. This close, she could also see that he looked deflated, like one day he’d just decided to shrink half a size, but only his skin had gotten the memo; It was stretched taut, making him look hollow and angular.
He waited for her to continue.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been in contact as much. That’s on me. And…I miss my best friend.” She tilted a sad smile at him. “Can I take you out to dinner this week?”
He just stood there blankly, like she’d caught him off guard and now he didn’t know which expression to paste on next. Babs ached at how worn down he looked, and subtle anger squeezed her heart. Dick didn’t deserve this. She sighed. “That’s okay if you don’t-“
“No, no, that’d be great. I… miss you too, Babs.” He still looked diluted, like not all of him was there, but now he was smiling. 
“Great, I know this really good place a few blocks from my place. Big yellow M on the front, you might have seen it before. Called McDonald’s.”
It was a pretty low quality joke, but Dick let out a huff of laughter anyway. 
“I’m kidding,” she said. “This weekend?”
Everything she’d said was genuine, so she refused to acknowledge any guilt she felt over her ulterior motive.
Tarantula’s night of crime had taken some careful planning.
First, she’d had to stick surveillance on her to get some manipulation material.
Then, she’d had to find a place to rent with a good insurance policy. She’d also faked documentation for the past few months, just to be safe.
Then, she’d gathered evidence of Tarantula’s crimes in Blüdhaven and planted a file on her in the GCPD’s system.
After finishing the paper setup, she’d enlisted Batgirl as her eyes, ears, and knight in shining armor. Cass had installed the camera system in Babs’s new decoy apartment. Cass had also been the one to deliver the blackmail letters.
Now, all she had to do was go to dinner with Dick then come home to the new apartment and wait for Flores to come try to kill her.
Dick picked her up. He would also give her a ride back. It wouldn’t do for Flores to try to kill her before she got back to her heavily-monitored-and-filmed apartment. Babs had planned everything out to the last letter so she could focus on dinner with Dick, but she still needed a moment to steer her head out of Oracle mode and into friendship mode. While Dick helped her into the car, she methodically threw out any thought of her impending attempted murder.
Dick wasn’t very talkative so far; he didn’t even question her new address, but Babs explained anyway. If her explanation was a little embarrassing, hopefully it would only serve to show Dick her candor and openness with him.
“I’m only here for a week or so. I punched a whole in the wall with my escrima last week, and when they came to fix it, they found a rat infestation. I can’t be there while they’re fumigating.”
Dick maneuvered the car into the left lane, then shot her a glance, clearly disgusted. “Rats? That’s horrible!” He exaggerated a shudder. Babs had another explanation planned for when he asked why she wasn’t staying with her dad or even Bruce, but he didn’t seem to question it. Her heart squeezed; Dick was still dazed and not quite right. She’d already planned to be the one carrying the conversation, though, dinner would be fine.
“Believe me, I know that better than you do at this point. First hand experience.”
“Seriously, that is so disgusting.”
It was Dick, so she couldn’t help but mess with him at least a little. “Yeah,” she said. “They came scurrying out of the wall all together. They were this big,” she said, leaning to show him her hands measuring about the distance of her forearm. “Their noses left little greasy prints on my wallpaper. I thought I could handle it, until one night I reached to untangle the computer chords and I grabbed one of their tails.” She added an authentic shudder. 
Dick gaped and made a gagging sound. Well, not the best expression, but at least he was a little more animated. “You’re kidding! Babs, yuck! Please tell me you’re joking!”
“Kidding!” she said, laughing. “Don’t worry, Dick! I hightailed it out of there the moment I heard the word ‘rat’. I’m not going within a mile of there until every last one is exterminated.”
“Thank goodness. You had me seriously worried for your health and sanity for a bit there.”
“Aw, you do care!” she crooned. It was so easy for Babs to slip back into their old rapport, but the conversation died there. She had to remember that they’d broken up and also that Dick was very traumatized and probably wouldn’t be his old self for a while. She felt a sudden, sweeping melancholy as she realized that things might never go back to the way they were. It wasn’t fair to feel upset right now, she knew that. So instead, she pursed her lips grimly and reminded herself that at least Tarantula would be arrested later that night.
They made a nice little scene walking into the restaurant, Babs in her wheelchair and Dick in his click-clacking leg brace. No less than 4 employees and 3 non-employees offered to help them. Dick just glared, expression blank and flat, while Babs politely reassured them that they could manage. She did not roll her eyes even once.
It was a nice restaurant. The food was good, and the service was good. The conversation was not that good, but Babs hadn’t really been expecting otherwise. Nostalgia stung her the whole night, like lemon juice on a forgotten paper cut. 
She tried to diffuse the awkwardness between them with casual insults, a Barbara Gordon specialty. Dick reacted slowly and gave his chuckles and smiles a little late, but when they left and were once again seated in his parked car, he sighed and apologized.
“I’m sorry Babs, I’ll drop you off. Thanks for dinner.”
Babs locked eyes with him fiercely and fought not to show her anger at Flores. “Don’t apologize. Don’t you ever apologize. I can tell you’re going through some stuff right now. It’s not your fault, okay? Dick? Look at me. It is not your fault. I’m here as your friend, don’t think you owe me anything. I care about you. I-” don’t back down, Babs— “I love you. I’m not going to push you into telling me anything, but just know that I’m here for you, okay?”
Dick wasn’t looking at her, but the passing headlights of the highway reflected bright in his teary eyes. He cleared his throat. “Thanks. I… appreciate that more than you know.” He blinked hard, and drove her back to the makeshift apartment. By the time they got there, he was able to give her a normal, dry-eyed goodbye, and offer his help for her rat situation. Babs squeezed his hand and gave him a reassuring smile before waving a goodbye. 
The next part made her feel like an idiot, but it was necessary. As soon as Dick was out of earshot, she scooted closer to a potted plant that she knew was bugged and murmured sweet nothings in a low voice. She clapped a hand over her mouth to stop the laugh that bubbled up, then made some lip smacking sounds and moaned a little. It wasn’t a very high quality bug, so it wouldn’t be strange that it only recorded her voice because she was supposedly closer. Breathlessly, she said, “you naughty boy, you know I have to work on my thesis tonight. Tomorrow.” She followed up with one more smack for good measure, then left her apartment and closed the door.
The moment the bug was out of earshot, she had Cass on the comms.
“Bait taken?” Babs asked her.
“Yes.” Babs was having a hard time not giggling. That was probably the stupidest, most embarrassing thing she’d ever done.
“Estimated time frame?”
“One hour.” The gravity of the situation settled on her, and there were no more giggles. 
“Thank you. Oracle out.”
Babs let herself back in, and, once again, she wanted to pace. Just as well that she couldn’t, she didn’t want to tip Tarantula off that she was expecting her. Instead, she changed into pajamas and erased the last 10 minutes of footage from her security cameras.
The dinner with Dick had gone okay from an interpersonal perspective, and from a make-flores-want-to-kill-me perspective, it had gone even better. It was pretty obvious from the dinner where Tarantula attacked her that she was jealous of Babs’s relationship with Dick. It should be just the little extra nudge that would get Flores over here to deal with her personally. The day before, Babs had delivered blackmail letters via Batgirl. Dearest Catalina, she’d written. It’s obvious that you’ve got half of Blüdhaven in your pocket, but I know for fact that the other half is in the pocket of Roland Desmond’s only surviving relative. She’d be very interested to know about this. Here, she’d taped a disk with footage of her shooting Blockbuster in the head. If you want my copy destroyed, get in touch. Much love, Barbara Gordon.
This was not Oracle style. When Oracle wanted to blackmail someone, they had no way to trace her, and she usually only did it to get criminals to up their paranoia and sabotage themselves. This time, Babs wanted Flores to track her down. She wanted to look like an easy target. Really, the only thing that "Dearest Catalina” could do now was kill her. It would be too much of a risk for a commissioner’s daughter to have that knowledge, even if the disk were destroyed. Sure, Flores would feel bad about it, but she’d know it was necessary. But, that wasn’t enough for Babs, so she made Flores angry. Batgirl had tailed Flores from Bludhaven yesterday and watched her plant a bug in Babs’s newly-placed potted plant, and the day before, Babs stood right next to it and gushed about her date with Dick. Flores would show no remorse, no hesitation. 100% premeditated murder. Batgirl was ahead of Flores now, and would be waiting for Babs’s signal to jump in and help her out. 
Now, all she had to do was wait. 
15 minutes, and she decided that waiting was the worst part.
15 more, and she was so glad she didn’t actually have a rat problem.
She hoped Dick was doing okay.
Fifteen more minutes, and Cass buzzed in to tell her Tarantula came armed with a knife and zipties but no gun. Good. Tarantula was going to get personal, maybe even tie her up and blabber even more condemning evidence. She got ready and pretended to be asleep. Ten minutes later, her window creaked open. She sighed softly and shifted in under her covers, keeping her eyes closed even though her heart was pounding. She struggled feebly when Tarantula grabbed her wrists and tied them together, feigning disorientation. She held off until she was already tied to struggle with her full strength.
“What do you want! Who are-” Babs was cut off with a slap to the face. Ouch. She tried to wipe blood off her face with her shoulder, but only succeeded in smearing it. It dried there, making her skin feel dry and crackly.
Flores sighed. “You know, I have nothing against you! I would have just let you be!”
“Is this about Dick?” 
“We could have made this quick and easy, but you just had to keep causing problems!”
“Oh, good. So this is just boy drama. Not about you shooting Blockbuster. I thought you were going to kill me.”
“Oh, I’m going to kill you, alright,” Tarantula snarled. 
Babs sneered. “I’d like to see you try.”
Tarantula punched her in the gut. She kicked, hard. One landed in her gut again, but most on her lower torso and upper legs. Hah. All of her spinal nerves down her legs were non-functional. Silver lining.
Babs squirmed but didn’t fight back. She needed to lull Tarantula into thinking she posed no threat.
Finally, Tarantula pulled out the knife. “I hate you. I thought I didn’t want to do this, but for you, I really don’t mind.”
Babs held still until Tarantula grabbed her by the hair to bare her throat. By this point, she was done pretending. She sliced through the zip tie and swung her fist directly into Tarantula’s nose. She grabbed Tarantula’s broken nose in her right hand and twisted, getting a scream. As her hands went to her face, Babs grabbed them and twisted again, breaking wrists and fingers. She kept one of Tarantula’s hands, squeezing it so the bones crunched slightly. She squeezed tighter, feeling Tarantula’s metacarpal bones grinding together, then screamed directly into her ear, rupturing her eardrum and signaling Batgirl. 
Babs leaned to Tarantula’s other ear and hissed, “This? This was nothing. Never. Touch him. Again.”
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Direction – Five | Hunt x HWU MC (Danielle)
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Summary: And work begins... unfortunately, there might be more than just one problem for Danielle and Hunt.
Words: 1200+
Notes: I'm still here, I promise! I didn't disappear again. It was just what I like to call 'birthday season’ in my house (because, for some reason, literally everyone's birthday except for mine's in May, and two of them are within two days of each other).
❥ Previous Chapter: Four ❥ Moodyvalentine’s Masterlist
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She didn’t see Hunt again until the next week. She hadn’t heard from him, either. All she knew was what the production team had told her – that he’d been in contact with Viktor, and that he was, indeed, going to be directing the movie. Not surprisingly, that turned out to be true. After all, there wasn’t much else he could have done. Danielle had tried to get dirt on Viktor herself, though that endeavour came to a quick end when she realised that the people who would have the information she needed were likely in his pocket and would not hesitate to tell him she was snooping around. And that would have the opposite of the desired effect. So she’d racked her brain to find something – anything – else she could do, but she came up short. By the time filming was due to resume – and she was going to have to face Hunt again – she still was in the exact same spot she’d been when he’d turned up at her apartment that night.
So when she arrived at the studio that morning, she wished she could be anywhere else. Luckily for her, Hunt wasn’t the first person she met. Though she wasn’t sure just how much better running into Ethan was. He’d stepped out of a cab shortly after she’d arrived and just barely managed to catch her before she got to the gate. “Wait up, I’ve got something to tell you!”
Danielle sighed. “Look, I already told you, I’m fine. It’s going to be fine.”
“No, you’re not. And it’s probably not,” he said and shook his head. “But that’s not what I mean. You’re going to want to hear this.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Unless it involves a time machine or the tools to stop Viktor, I don’t think so.”
“I can get you out of your contract.”
She froze, then blinked a couple of times to process what Ethan had just said, and eventually turned around ever so slowly. “What?”
“I’ve found a loophole. We can get you out of this contract, and you won’t have to worry—”
“Are you insane? You think I’m just going to let everyone else deal with my mess?”
“Well, I—”
She took a step closer, getting up in his face. “Absolutely not. I will fix this, Ethan. I’m not going to run away from this.”
“I didn’t mean to… I thought…”
“Oh, you thought, did you? You of all people should know how important friends are to me. I will not leave them to—”
“Hunt isn’t your friend, Danielle,” he pointed out, and she suddenly felt like someone had stepped on her chest.
“Well… I mean… but Zoe and Chris and—”
Ethan shook his head. “This is about Hunt and you know it. Do you really think he wouldn’t take this opportunity if he was in your position? Because if you do, you’re unbelievably stupid. He wouldn’t care what happens to you, so you shouldn’t, either.”
“You’re wrong,” she said, and she believed it. Because Thomas Hunt may have been many things, but a coward wasn’t one of them.
“I take it that means you’re not interested?”
“No, Ethan,” she said exasperatedly. “I’m not fucking interested.”
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Thomas could think of a seemingly infinite number of places he would have rather been that morning – one of them being hell because, surely, hell could not have been worse than working for Montmartre. But, alas, there was nothing he could do about the situation – for now. He would find a way to make him pay and, preferably, stop him once and for all. Because what had only been professional differences before had been made personal now, and Thomas would not let himself be bullied by men like him. Unfortunately, for the time being, he didn’t have a choice. He had to comply with Montmartre’s every demand, which was why he found himself addressing the cast and crew of Montmartre Pictures’ newest blockbuster on Tuesday morning.
Though it wasn’t quite the entire cast and crew. The first thing Thomas had noticed upon entering the soundstage was that one key member of the cast was missing – Danielle. He couldn’t say he was surprised, however, as he had been her professor for several years, and he’d stopped counting how many times she’d been late to class or other important events after less than three months. So he began introducing himself and explaining his plans – which, first and foremost, included reshooting everything that had been shot with Phelps as a director – without waiting for her. But when she still hadn’t come in once he was done, his agitation grew. He could understand why she didn’t want to be here, but neither did he, and he’d come nonetheless.
Angrily, he made his way to the door in hopes of having better cell reception outside so he could call her, but then he saw her standing there, leaning against the wall right by the door. “Hey Hunt.”
“Where have you been? You were supposed to be here at ten.”
She raised an eyebrow. “I was. Or, well, may have been one or two minutes late, but I’ve caught pretty much all of your speech.”
“And how come you haven’t joined us?” he asked.
She rolled her eyes. “Hunt, just fucking let it go. I’m tired, I’m pissed, and I’m just trying not to murder anyone here.”
“Well, we all know we can’t put that past you, so I suppose I’ll count my blessings that you’re trying,” he said, immediately regretting it upon seeing the look on her face. “Danielle, I didn’t mean—”
“Yes, you did,” she said, her face hardening. “Come on, it’s time to get to work. Let’s have a look at that revised script, shall we?”
“Danielle, I’m—” he began, but it was clear she’d already stopped listening as she made her way to the rest of the group. He let out a huff, then followed her. That could have gone better.
He didn’t get far, however, as he froze when he heard Montmartre’s voice from behind him. “Well, well, well. A lovers’ quarrel already? I suppose they do say never to mix pleasure with business. Though I, of course, disagree.”
“What do you want?” Thomas asked, turning around to see the smirk on Montmartre’s face.
“To see how everything is going, of course,” he said. “I am still the producer of this movie. And I won’t allow you two to mess with it.”
“Don’t you have better things to do?” If Montmartre was to be on set every day – which Thomas couldn’t imagine he would, but who knew how far he’d go to torment him – this would be significantly worse than he’d imagined.
“Oh, I’m just going to check in at random times,” he said with a sly smile. “But, make no mistake, you will be watched.”
That, at least, was to be expected. “Yes, I imagine one of those PAs over there will be reporting our every word and interaction to you.”
“Now, now, don’t be so judgemental. I’m simply making sure this movie gets made. That’s what we all want, isn’t it? Speaking of – why don’t we join the others? I believe you were planning on going over the new script with them, weren’t you?”
Thomas huffed. The last thing he wanted to do was work with Montmartre in the room but, then again, he didn’t have a choice. He only hoped he’d tire of being there soon and leave them alone. “Of course. Come with me.”
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Tags: @lilyoffandoms​​ @trappedinfandoms​​ @flyawayboo​​ @oneemofungirl​​ @alleksa16​​ @silversparrow02​​ @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​​ @alj4890​​
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eurynome827 · 6 years
Why Buy The Cow?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Your enthusiasm for your favorite comedian leads you on a journey with Bucky.
Word Count: 1,535
Warnings: DEATH BY FLUFF, lots and lots and lots of John Mulaney bits (one instance of bad language). The John Mulaney/Bucky Barnes crossover literally no one asked for, but you’re getting it anyway. This is for @omnomsauruswrites 1.1k writing challenge which posted today, and I laughed out loud when I saw the prompt and the whole story flashed through my head. I’m sorry I posted so damn early, I was possessed by this. I am putting my prompt in the story in bold.
Bucky stood in front of your treadmill and waved. You did your level best to pull out your earbuds and not fall down at the same time.
"What's up, Buck?"
"Do you realize you're laughing?"
You knitted your brow. "I'm sorry?"
"We're running a training session over here and you are interrupting."
"Oh." You stopped the run program and slowed down to a stop before explaining. "I'm really sorry, I didn't even realize I was laughing out loud. I'm listening to John Mulaney, do you know-"
Bucky waved you off. "Just keep it down." He turned back toward Steve and something in his face made him look back at you with one more word. "Please."
"Sure...sorry. SORRY STEVE!" You yelled over in his direction and he acknowledged you with a much friendlier wave. Suddenly feeling very awkward in front of the recruits in the session, you hopped down and headed toward the gym door. "Grump." Putting your earbuds back in, you missed Bucky's annoyed glare back in your direction as you started giggling again.
"I was once on the phone with Blockbuster Video, which is a very old-fashioned sentence. That's like when your Gram would be like 'we'd all go play jacks by the soda fountain!'"
"Was it REALLY that bad?" 
Pepper laughed at your incredulous question. "Oh, honey, did you really not research who you were working for? It was ABSOLUTELY that bad. I had one week where I escorted out a different woman every morning."
"TONY!" You couldn't help laughing at his devil-may-care expression. "You have the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair!"
Sam reached toward you for a fistbump. "YES. Love Mulaney,"
Bucky huffed in the corner. "Two peas in a really annoying pod."
"Not my fault you don't have a sense of humor, Barnes!" You tossed him a wink and walked out. 
You looked up from your book to see Bucky walking into the kitchen.
"Hey, Buck. Can't sleep?"
He seemed too tired to argue or snark at you. "Was sleeping. Didn't work out for me." He sat opposite you at the table and even managed a small smile. "What about you?"
You smiled back. "I keep telling myself 'one more chapter and then I'll go to bed' but that hasn't worked out for me yet. Want some ice cream?"
He nodded at you. You brought a pint of chocolate peanut butter and two spoons to the table. The two of you ate out of the cartoon in companionable silence until Bucky pointed at your shirt with his spoon. 
"I have to ask. What's that mean?"
You looked down at your shirt and stifled a giggle. "Please don't get up and leave, because I'm actually having a nice time with you."
"Why would I leave?"
"It's a John Mulaney bit."
He actually bit his lip to keep from smiling, which you found adorable. "Okay. What does it mean?"
"It's 'What's New Pussycat' listed 21 times with one 'It's Not Unusual'. They're Tom Jones songs. It's from a bit, one of my favorites." You took a gamble. "Do you want to hear it?"
He hesitated. Who knew what was going on in that head of his (his way too handsome head that you spent way too much time thinking about considering how often you argued with him.....). Finally he answered.
Your face almost hurt from smiling so hard and you scrolled through your phone and pulled up The Salt and Pepper Diner. "Get ready to laugh harder than you ever have in your LIFE."
On another sleepless night, Bucky wandered into the media room and found you and Peter munching on popcorn and reciting dialogue back to John Mulaney on the huge screen.
"STREET SMARTS!" You and Peter screamed with glee.
"Let me guess," Bucky droned with a half grin.
"C'mon, Buck, watch with us!" You waved him over to sit next to you. "I promise we'll be quiet."
"We've watched this every night for a month! We know every word!" Peter was practically bouncing next to you.
"Pete, calm down. And no more yelling! Let Bucky listen." You turned to Bucky and offered your bowl. "Popcorn?"
He took a handful and couldn't help smiling back. Gosh, he was so handsome when he smiled at you.
"STREET SMARTS!" Peter screeching broke the spell and you looked away from Bucky's eyes (were they always that blue, good gracious) and hissed.
You answered the soft knock at your bedroom door and your heartbeat kicked up a couple of notches. "Hey, Buck! What's up?"
"Hey." He smiled at you and your breath caught in your throat. "Are you busy?"
"Not at all! I was maybe gonna watch something. Wanna watch with me?"
"Yes." He answered quickly and you bit your lip to hold in a nervous giggle.
You closed the door after he walked in and realized quickly that there was nowhere else to sit but on your bed. You tried your goofy best to make this less awkward and hopped up to lean against your headboard. "Make yourself comfortable!" You patted the bed next to you and he followed, albeit a little less bouncy. "Do you want to watch a movie or a tv show?" You already had Netflix started and ready and waited for his answer.
"Actually," he paused and looked down before meeting your eyes with his and you almost choked on your own spit at how PRETTY he was. "Are there any more of those shows with John Mulaney?"
"Well, well, well, Bucky Barnes. Did I make you a fan?" You teased before thinking and then immediately got nervous. What if he got offended?
There was no need to worry. "I guess you wore me down, doll."
You forced yourself to look away before your heart hammered straight out of your chest and started rambling like a lunatic. "Well great, good, yay me! Um, there's two more on Netflix. I'll put on....Comeback Kid. Yes. New In Town is amazing too, I promise, but I like Comeback Kid just a tiny bit better."
He just smiled at you while you started the show and took a deep breath. You relaxed as soon as Petunia appeared. 
"All right, Petunia." John looked down at his French bulldog. "Wish me luck out there."
You were able to keep yourself from reciting along until the Petunia bit of the standup arrived and then all bets were off. 
"She always gives me this look of like, “Oh, the things I have seen, you cocksucker. You have no idea. The Gestapo threw my printing press into a river. But, go, tell your fucking jokes." You giggled after the line and then turned to apologize to Bucky but his face was right there and you gasped. The expression on his face was unreadable. You didn't know what was going to happen.
Bucky's hand reached out to brush against your cheek. Your eyes drifted closed as he moved closer and then you felt his lips on yours. You kissed him back gently for a moment but then couldn't stop yourself from throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him as close to you as you possibly could.
Somewhere in the background John Mulaney kept talking about convincing Petunia that he was eating dinner at 4 in the afternoon all the way through meeting Bill Clinton when he was ten years old while you and Bucky kissed and kissed and kissed.
"Babe, did you get the pizza?" you shouted from the couch when you heard the front door slam.
"Of course." Bucky entered the living room, put the pizza box on the coffee table and leaned over to kiss you hello. "What are we watching?"
"You pick. Your choices are Kid Gorgeous, New In Town or Comeback Kid."
Bucky actually groaned out loud. "Honey, really?"
"YES. It's our anniversary. How else can we celebrate?" You pouted up at your husband. "John Mulaney brought us together."
Bucky dropped on the couch next to you with a put-upon sigh. "Fine. Comeback Kid."
You kissed his cheek in victory. "Good choice."
By the time crazy Mr. Finch was proclaiming "Too old to be a duckling, quack quack!" you were leaning on Bucky's shoulder in a sleepy haze, full of pizza and wine and love.
"Hey, Buck."
"Yeah, babe?"
"Tell me, is it possible to love two men at the same time?"
Bucky looked at you like he had chewed glass. You kept a straight face for about thirty seconds before you burst out laughing. Bucky pushed you onto your back on the couch, tickling your tummy while you begged for mercy. When he finally stopped he lowered his face and nudged your nose with his, the affection in the gesture nearly doubling your heartbeat. Then he raised an eyebrow at you before asking, "Why buy the cow?"
You melted. "Because you love her. You really do." You kissed your man, once, twice and then again, before making a promise you meant on your wedding day and every day since.
"You'll never be the old man stumbling around looking for loose milk."
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becomewings · 4 years
Archived Network Event
2020 Secret Bunny Exchange
hai lovely! Im sparkle and I’m going to be your secret bunny. I hope you’re having a good day or night. 🥰 -sparkle ✨💫
Hello Sparkle dear! Thank you for being my secret bunny. I hope you are having a good day/night too and enjoying this wonderful comeback.
I’m enjoying it too! It’s such a good comeback, and I honestly love it. This is like my second comeback with them. -sparkle 💫✨
This is my first comeback, eek! I was not at all prepared for how much I would be waiting on the edge of my seat, but it's been really exciting!
Yes! It's such a good comeback honestly. When did you first get into BTS? What drew you to them? I'm sorry I'm asking for many questions. Lol. -sparkle 💫✨
It's okay, ask away! ^^ I stumbled across BTS by accident...which may indicate just how much I live under a cultural rock. I actually don't usually listen to much pop music. I'm a classically trained composer and video game soundtracks and moody indie/rock are more my jam, but last year I heard the YouTube ad that uses part of DNA and it intrigued me. I didn't know which song it was so I ended up listening through quite a bit before finding it...and fell absolutely in love along the way! So I have a soft spot in my heart for DNA. How about you, Sparkle? What got you into BTS?
So first, I hope you're having a too day/night! It's been a very long and busy one for me. I'm so glad to be off. Alsooo, I've been into Kpop for around 10 years now, so I've always enjoyed and I have a soft spot for 2nd gen kpop groups. When BTS started to get popular I didn't like them at first. But I saw Dope after the FBE channel reacted to them and I'm like okay they seem interesting around 2018. Lol. And I went down the hole, and have been stuck since. Lol. They're amazing. -sparkle 💫✨
Thank you Sparkle, hope you enjoy your evening off! Mine was busy too (we’re prepping for a move, eep) but at least it was productive. Wow, you’ve been into Kpop for a long time! Dope is really catchy (and I love that honky sax haha), I’m not surprised it got you interested and then hooked. :) Do you have a favorite era? Mine is probablyyy Wings, but I love most of Love Yourself too, and HYYH is so wonderfully nostalgic even if I wasn’t a fan then... and I’m a big fan of this new era too
Moving sucks! I'm going to be moving in the next year or so, and I"m not read for it. And yes! I've been into it for so long. But HYYH is one of my favorites as well. I think mine may be LY because that was the era that I started stanning them. I forget which one, but it's the one with idol as their title song. Wings is super amazing, and one of those that I'll always listen to. MOTS is just GOD TIER. Lol. I love it. -sparkle 💫✨
Haha MoTS being god tier is accurate xD Sounds like your move is a little ways off, but I wish you the best of luck when it happens! Ours is on a fairly tight deadline so I really have to hustle this weekend with house preparations (we still need to sell ours). I hope you have a lovely weekend, dear Sparkle! 💫
It is a little ways off, but moving just sucks in general. The packing and unpacking and then trying to get everything ready. Especially in your case. But I hope everything works out for you. And I hope you have a beautiful weekend too. -sparkle 💫✨
Thank you, Sparkle! We made a lot of progress today so I feel a bit better (and extremely tired). When the time comes, I hope you have the opportunity to prepare ahead for your move so it doesn't stress you too much. :) Have a nice start to your week! ✨
Heyyy! It's me sparkle! It's been alright so far, let's how it stays that way. And I'm glad you've made more progress on your move! Hopefully your Monday was good. -sparkle 💫✨
Thank you, Sparkle! There's so much going on in the world right now, close to home and far away... I am trying to stay calm and positive, with varying degrees of success. Please take care of yourself! (And that goes to everyone... I know it is difficult because we all have our own obligations to school, work, family, etc., but please try to prioritize your health and stay safe 💜)
Yes! I hope you’re staying safe. I don’t know what area of the world you live in and I know the virus is hitting others harder than most. We have 8 reported cases here. And it’s a scary to me. I hope you are staying safe. I just said that twice. Lol. Happy Thursday! -sparkle ✨💫
Thank you, you too! I live in the US (California, to be somewhat specific) and so far there have been two confirmed cases in my county. I'm grateful the university I work at is (finally) taking precautionary measures by banning large gatherings and moving classes temporarily online, and that I can continue working unless there is a full campus closure... Trying not to be too anxious about things that are simply out of my control and hoping that things gradually work out and improve. I'm also grateful for the community here, even if I don't know anyone personally, it is nice to come online and see people being reassuring and encouraging to each other from all across the globe.
Music and BTS are a good distraction when needed... Now that their promotional period is done, do you have a favorite moment?
I'll repeat you too, please stay safe dear, you and everyone who happens to read this 💜
I truly wish that my job would take some measures, and they have yet. I work with the general public a lot as a secretary. So it's like seriously having me on edge. I know the schools year have temporally closed down and moving things to online since it was spring break here. As well as the public schools closing for a month. Honestly, I'm not sure if I have a favorite moment honestly. Lol. They were all good moments, but I did quite enjoy watching all the ON performances. What about you?
I truly hope your employer catches on soon and makes accommodations so that you can practice some social distancing and have a safe work environment. We were just informed today that we have to work from home two days next week, on rotation, to keep our department staffed but also reduce the number of people on the floor -- for next week only so far, but I won’t be surprised if it continues past that. I can’t fulfill all of my responsibilities from home, so I’m grateful that they are allowing us to complete online trainings and such in the meantime. I am also so glad it’s Friday. What a week it’s been.
Ahh, I love ON! As a former member of drumline and marching band, I have such a fondness for the drum corps elements they incorporated into the music and background choreography. I was excited for the Official MV version too, so beautiful and thought-provoking! I also looove Black Swan (JIMIN’S DANCING EEK). I haven’t been as excited about something in a long time as when I stayed up late to catch their first performance on James Corden. So while I’ve enjoyed all of the comeback (especially as it’s my first!), that was particularly memorable for me. The surprise MV drop was also lovely 🦢🖤
Sorry, I am really rambly tonight. Please take care and have a good weekend! Hope you can get lots of rest! 💗
It’s been a long couple days! Sorry I haven’t gotten back with you! I’ve been stressed about everything going on, and I do hope that they catch on soon too. I was very excited for this comeback and the art in their videos has been beautiful. Black Swan and Jimin dance break? Quality content honestly. Yes! The surprise MV was great. I prefer this version of Black Swan over the other, but both are good. I hope you had a good weekend! -sparkle 💫✨
Hi again Sparkle, thank you for checking in on me! Please don't apologize for messaging delays, there's no need! We all signed up for this event long before any of this started, so I'm grateful you can spare a little time to chat with me. 💜 I'm working from home for at least the next 3 weeks because my uni is now fully closed... But I'm very grateful I have that opportunity. (As much as sometimes I would just like to go to sleep and wake up when this is all over, hah!)
Please continue to take care of yourself! Hope you find some comfort in music or other personal hobbies!
How are you doing? Last week was so stressful for me. So I am quite happy to be working from home this week. I hope you are staying healthy and happy through all of this! How was your week last week? I hope your weekend was alright? I had a pretty decent one me and a couple close friends had game night, and that was the highlight of my weekend. -sparkle 💫✨
I missed hearing from you, Sparkle! (But totally understand, the world is upside down right now.) I’m sorry you had a stressful week and I hope this one is better for you as you transition to working from home. My days have just fluctuated between quiet/boring and a little stressful (mostly re: house stuff, but that’s out of my control at this point), but I suppose I’m glad it hasn’t been worse than that.
Ooh what are your favorite games?? I’ve been trying to keep up creative side work between writing and blog content, but… I might purchase Animal Crossing soon hehe. Do you have any other hobbies to help distract you from stress/everything that’s going on? Take care dear! 💗
I know! I let time get away from me honestly! I hadn't been meaning too. I miss talking to you! I love all kind of games. I'm not particularly picky, but i do like that Game of LIfe. I've had just about ever version they've made. We played this one called Blockbuster in reference to movies and it was fun because if you know a lot of movies it's somewhat easy but you have to act out some of hte titles. Lol. Animal crossing seems like fun, everyone talks about it. Lol. -sparkle 💫✨ 1/2
I’ve never played it before. I’ve been thinking of getting an Nintendo Switch, but I don’t know how often I would play it. I know that game comes on there. But I heard it’s also an app? I’m not entirely sure. Lol. Also, I’m planning on making you a gif set for the secret bunny exchange! I know you said you love Jimin (my bias wrecker and sweet baby), Kookie, and Tae. And you were right, it’s hard to pick just ONE. Is there any particular one you want to see in a gif set? -sparkle 💫✨ 2/2
Receiving messages from you makes me happy! ^^ I know life is strange right now though so completely understand if you don’t have time. I’ll be patiently waiting!
So you like tabletop games? Sounds fun! I gravitate toward video games more personally, but haven’t had too much time lately to play. There are definitely fun ones to try if you ever get a Switch! There’s Breath of the Wild of course, which I admit I am still holding off on finishing because I don’t want it to be over LOL, some Mario & friends party games if that’s your jam, as well as some really beautiful indie games (Gris for example!). ANYWAY I won’t ramble about that anymore haha. I’m not sure what the app is, if you were referring to Animal Crossing–might be a companion to the game? I saw a tweet referring to using an app for quicker messaging in AC lol, but I haven’t played the game myself yet. 
Aw thank you so much for asking about the gift (and for making it in the future)!! Oh dear you want ME to pick one? If I’m honest, I think Jimin and Tae light up my heart the absolute most (any vmin content gives me life but totally understand if that’s not your thing) but… please don’t ask me to… choose between them HAHA. How about you go with whoever would give you the most joy to gif right now?? I will truly be happy to receive any gift from you, regardless of who is featured. :’)) thank you dear!! 
(Edit: btw who is your bias??)
I love tabletop games, and I play a lot of video games too. So don't get me wrong, I am huge into video games, but I don't play them as often. my boyfriend uses his PS4 all the time. I'm still trying to get through SpiderMan, but that's also because I don't wanna end it. I'm almost finished though. And yes! It's so hard to choose just one honestly, so I get your dilemma. And I can do vmin content! I don't gif them much and I want too. I can't wait to work on something for you! -sparkle 💫✨
Yay!! Sounds like we might have that in common. I have a huge appreciation for video games (and video game soundtracks is one of my favorite ‘genres’ of music, recognizing that they’re incredibly diverse of course), but I spend more time watching videos of other people playing them than playing them myself haha. We have a PS4 too. SpiderMan looked fun but I never tried it! I loved watching my partner play FFXV and Death Stranding. Trying to remember what I’ve actually finished on PS4, it’s been awhile lol... Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture and Rime were beautiful. I started Last Guardian but didn’t get very far before life got too busy. :( Hope I can pick it up again some day! Do you have a favorite PS4 game?
Aww you’re too kind. I’m so excited to see what you create!! And to chat with you off-anon. :) Who is your favorite member to gif?
Yes, I also like watching other people play video games, but it's rare when I do. I always end up getting distract sometimes. I've played SpiderMan, Horizon Zero Dawn, which are my favorites as well as Tomb Raider. I do really like FFXV, but i haven't played it in so long though. I can't wait to talk to you off anon either. I be having to really make sure I press the anon button. adlfkjsl I"m bad at forgetting. And Yoongi is my favorite to gif. -sparkle 💫✨
Oo I forgot I watched some of Horizon Zero Dawn too! Very impressive game. It looks like a lot of fun and I might try to play it myself in the future.. but like you said, it’s easy to get distracted. Life just likes to get in the way huh. Have you seen/heard of Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice? Intennnnse. I’m an absolute coward when it comes to horror games (or movies) and somehow my partner tricked me into playing one of the scariest parts because he got too scared HAH. That being said, as much as I love really emotionally intense games, I love soft gentle ones too… especially chill co-ops! (I’m thinking of the one we played most recently, Pode… that was on Switch though.)
Yayy Yoongi! I really do love all of BTS, and while the maknae line ran off with my heart, I have a big soft spot for Yoongi. I was never really drawn to rap/hip-hop except maybe Linkin Park like in middle school am I dating myself until I met Yoongi and just… wow.  ._. He’s so expressive in his delivery, his lyrics are heart-breakingly raw and honest, and he has extraordinary range between his gentlest material and the lines that come at you with a knife. Also I’m so proud of him for continuing to work as a producer and refine those skills on top of his life as an idol. What are your favorite things about Yoongi? If you can even choose haha 💗
Lol I know what you mean, I was really paranoid the first 2 weeks about sending anon messages to my other partners on mobile because the interface was different and I was really suspicious of the term ‘public’ vs ‘private.’ And every time I send the ask for about 5 seconds I question whether or not I clicked anon.
P.S. I should keep my mouth shut but … I have an itty bitty guess of who you may be. I won’t say any more than that and I guess I’ll find out in 2 weeks whether I’m right or wrong haha. xD take care sparkle dear!!
That game was really fun honestly. I still haven't finished. And sameeee! I am not into the horror games. The movies I can do, but the games I'm just too scared to really play them. I tried Resident Evil, and I was like this is a BIG FAT NO. Lol. And I haven't heard of that game though, but it sounds intense by the name of it. I also like soft gentle ones, or the ones were it's not a lot of challenging aspects to it. I really like Spyro. The original and the remake. -sparkle 💫✨ 1/2
Linkin Park is one of my favorite groups. I love them, and miss Chester so much. Also it sounds like we're maybe around the same age because that's when I got into them maybe? And I am so proud of him for everything that he's done. Yoongi originally wasn't my bias at first. I think maybe it was going to be Taehyung, but watching their variety shows made me fall in love with him. Outside of his hard exterior, he's so sweet and loving of the boys. It's so hard to just pick one! -sparkle 💫✨2/2
Okay, so one more. Lol. Because the ask limit is so short! I get paranoid all the time, and i have to like double check to make sure I Press it. alkdjfls NOW i'm curious as to who you think I am! But I do how you have a wonderful weekend. -sparkle 💫✨
Dying over your Resident Evil reaction because... SAME lol. However. I have enjoyed watching some playthroughs of 7 and the remake of 2, which is the closest I will ever come to watching a horror movie again. xD I have really fond memories of playing Spyro at my cousin’s house as a kid, but haven’t tried the remake yet! It looks like fun too. There are too many good games to choose from, not nearly enough time to play lol.
I only really listened to a couple of Linkin Park’s old albums, but I miss Chester too. \: We could be around the same age yeah! I’ll tell you when we’re messaging off-anon. :) 
If I may tell a story, my discovery of BTS went like this: heard a music clip in a YouTube ad of all places (normally skip them lol but I got it a couple times at work and thought hmm this is catchy). Then had to dive into some compilation videos to figure out which heckin song it was (turned out to be DNA). But along the way I found more songs I liked. And then I fell HARD for the Mic Drop MV (again, a little strange for me, because it’s pretty hip-hoppy). Jungkook makes this super intense expression at one moment that made me go oh. hello. So then I slowly learned who the different members were, and since this was me mostly streaming YT in the background at work haha, I had to keep switching tabs to check who was singing. I loved Jungkook’s singing but then also realized that I loved Jimin’s sweet voice too (yes I admit when I was first getting to know them, I could not always tell them apart). And THEN mister baritone Tae with his unique falsetto and delicious low range (I really wish they featured his chest voice more but OH WELL I digress) snagged my attention and ANYWAY long story short that’s how I fell in love with BTS and also the entire maknae line I guess. :’)
Hehehe I’ll tell you after the event ends if I’m right or wrong, don’t worry. It might be almost over, but I hope you had a lovely weekend too! ♥♥♥
Yes, somehow my sister convinced me to get it like she was going to play the game too, and she did not. I ended up exchanging the game because I'm like this is a waste of money. haha. I usually always skipped them too, so I totally understand. Everyone I knew liked but I had stopped listening to kpop for a while after the members of Big Bang went into enlistment (sad sad times). I first heard Dope. The FBE Youtube channel reacted to them, and I'm like OKAY GUYS. 1/3 -sparkle 💫✨
When Jungkook hits that high note I was like COME THROUGH VOCALS. So then naturally I had to go and look a few more videos. This was during around the time they had appeared on the AMAs the first time. And then I listened to I Need U and Save Me (this is one of my favorites). And I was hooked. I went and watched their Ellen interviews, and they're so sweet. I ended up binge watching their variety show and Bon Voyage and I was hooked then. -sparkle 💫✨ 2/3
Run BTS was when I realized that Yoongi was my bias. Because I'll admit that I did not like him at first, but I said that already. And then I just realized how sweet and funny he actually his. And I think he's just shy at times. At least in the beginning, but he's so handsome and his stage presence is like a 360 from him being off stage. If that makes sense. I could go on for house about Yoongi. Lol. -sparkle 💫✨3/3
The high notes in Dope are pretty ridiculous because they’re at the start of the phrase so they get little to no preparation lol. Their vocal abilities are truly impressive... and then they do it all while dancing :’) 
I agree that Yoongi’s stage presence is strikingly different from his real self! Or the self we get to see in their behind-the-scenes content lol. Possibly like a lot of people, I thought he was super intimidating and tough until I saw more of him offstage... and then went awww he’s a big softie who just doesn’t pull his punches when he’s rapping and producing.
Do you have any favorite Run BTS episodes? So far I’ve only watched a handful of the recent ones, but all the random gifs and clips of older content warms my heart or makes me laugh. I’d like to eventually watch them all from the beginning... some day lol. (see all previous mentions of being too busy to do anything fun outside of work haha)
They are ridiculous. I love when they hit high notes in songs. All the boys have such a beautiful range, and I love hearing them. Especially when they do their solo songs. Jimin's solos are normally my favorite because his voice is the type I tend to lean towards a lot His stage presence is so different! Just like Jhope's. It's always so different, but it's them all in a nutshell, if that makes sense. Lol. I was in Chorus for a while, and I liked it begin in a group. -sparkle 💫✨1/2
It's easier being in a group, but I could never do it by myself. And favorite Run episode? Hmmm, there are so many that I love. I prefer some of the older episodes to some of the new ones. I'll have to find them again, but there was one where they were doing like this haunted house type of thing and it had me dying of laughter. They're all so funny though. I'm still trying to catch up with some of the new ones they've been doing. -sparkle 💫✨2/2
The vocal line is so wonderful, but I’ve been increasingly impressed with the rap line’s singing too. I have always liked the beginning of Spring Day and I confess it took me an embarrassingly long time to wonder which one of them was singing, and I was surprised to learn that it’s Namjoon. Also his low line in Louder Than Bombs is wonderful... I don’t even care if it’s probably autotuned a little lolol. And I only recently found out about the song Sea, but Tae’s chest-range melody at the very end.. UGHGHGGH it’s too. good. (DEAR BIGHIT COMPOSERS, MORE BARI PLS.)
I had to sing in choir in grad school and ended up enjoying it way more than I thought I would. (I’m a composer/pianist and I needed ensemble credit.) I’ve always been really self conscious about my voice, and now... I would love to take vocal lessons some day. While I know that no two people will play an instrument exactly the same, it’s kind of magical that you don’t know what the true sound or full potential of your own singing voice will be until you train it. Do you play any instruments? :)
The vocal line is amazing. I love all of their voices for different reasons, and sometimes I'm in the mood for one, and then another time I'm in the mood for another. If that makes sense. I haven't listened to Sea that much, but it is such a beautiful song! And you're right. His chest tone HELLO VOCALS. Lol. I'd love to take vocal lessons one day, but not sure if I ever would. And I don't play any instruments, but I would love to learn guitar one day. Lol. It's a dream of mine. -sparkle 💫✨
Hii Sparkle. I’m sorry it took me a bit to get back to you, but it really makes me happy when I receive your messages! Yess Tae’s chest voice deserves all the shouty caps all the time hehe. I hope you have the opportunity to learn the guitar someday if that’s what your dream is! Everyone starts somewhere... I would love to learn the cello too :)) one day haha. 
Do you have a favorite “underrated” bts song? Just curious! Take care dear, looking forward to finding out who you are soon~
Yay! I'm glad you like hearing from me! I really like talking to you. I don't talk to many people on here sometimes, but then other times I do. So this is nice just to be able to talk with a fellow army. One day I will learn it, I just have to learn how to read music first. Lol. Because I definitely don't know how to. Hmm honestly there are a few that I feel are underrated, that i Iove. Spring Day, Hold Me Tight, and Autumn Leaves. These songs are queens! What about you? -sparkle 💫✨
Music is a lifelong learning process but it’s worth it. :’) I believe in you!! 
SPRING DAY!! 🌸🌸🌸 One of my all-time favorites. I honestly might not have a very good awareness of what is underrated and what isn’t, especially among older songs, but... I love Spring Day, The Truth Untold, Jamais Vu, and most recently Sea... lol hm I’m sensing a trend of bittersweet/melancholy songs. But also House of Cards (it’s just so delightfully WEIRD and dark and different??). On the other end of the spectrum (although not sure if it’s underrated?), Silver Spoon/Baepsae. What a jam. Love to tune out the world with that one at work on one of my walk breaks if I had a frustrating day. And maybe it’s too early to tell from MOTS 7, but I get the impression that I might love Louder Than Bombs way more than the average army. And that’s okay :)
I don’t talk to or know very many people on here yet too, probably because my blog is still relatively new. So I’m very glad to be getting to know you
I loved Spring Day as soon as I heard it. I still listen to it a lot when I'm in the mood for it. It's such a beautiful song. The Truth Untold IS A QUEEN. I love that one too. Jamais Vu, I think I have to be in the mood to listen to it sometimes, but it's growing on me. House of Cards, that one I heard last year sometime and I like that one too. I don't listen to it as much. And Silver Spoon is my go too song honestly on my way to work. Louder Than Bombs is really good. -sparkle 💫✨ 1/2
I listen to that one a lot myself. I think We Are Bulletproof 2.0 maybe one, but I'm not sure either. I absolutely adore that song so much. It's such a beautiful mad song honestly. And also you're right this update is kind of weird, but I don't mind the font so much. -sparkle 💫✨2/2
Yasss I’m glad you like Truth Untold too. It’s too beautiful. I practically cried when I heard for the first time a live performance video (somewhere in Japan) where he sang a higher note in the climax than in the studio recording auuughgghgh my heart. 
We Are Bulletproof pt. 2 took awhile to grow on me but I was happy when it did. I can be a little odd about the order in which I listen to songs, and usually need to listen in album order, but for some reason I really like that one after No More Dream. Also, though it’s hardly underrated, I now know what all the fuss is about Cypher pt. 3. I’ve been gradually purchasing their older albums (kinda out of order) and finally got to Dark & Wild about a month ago haha. I’m listening to all these mad songs now. Been in a weird sad mood for a lot of today tbh and... mad bts is helping a little haha. So is chatting with you!
I’m probably overreacting about the dashboard, but something about that bubbly serif font is irritating haha. And I don’t see this mythical option to revert to the old dashboard that people are talking about in their settings. Boo. I’ll get over it... eventually haha.
The Truth Untold is one of my favorites, and I normally don't like ballads a lot. It takes me a while to get into them, but this one just caught my eye. I'm learning Korean, and it's one of the ones that I can sing along too while reading the lyrics! I am super proud of that accomplishment. When I was going through their albums after I got into them, I skipped the older ones at first. I wasn't sure if I really liked them. -sparkle 💫 1/2
I listen to a select few of them on their darker albums, but a lot of it isn’t really what I like hearing. Although, I think I may revisit the albums again. It’s been a while since I actually listened to them. haha if you go to settings > dashboard you’ll see it there. Just let it load for a second, adn then it pops up. -sparkle 💫✨ 2/2
(Ugh I typed an answer and then tried to drop in a screenshot and everything disappeared. Got it, tumblr. No dropping images. REDO.)
Oo that’s awesome that you’re learning Korean! Are you self-studying? How long have you been studying? I’ve been studying Japanese for several years (very slowly lol). Then a few months ago, thanks to BTS, I was suddenly really interested in learning Korean too. I worked on memorizing hangul for a week and then had a “lol what am I doing” moment when I realized I didn’t know nearly enough Japanese yet to realistically tackle two challenging languages at the same time. So Korean is on hold for now, but I really wish I could just… magically be fluent haha. It would be amazing to understand their lyrics or interviews/conversations on the spot without relying on translations. And English is stupidly difficult, so as much as I appreciate how much effort they’ve put into learning too… as an international fan, I wish I could return that effort too and learn their language so that they don’t feel like they need to learn English. 
Love Yourself: Answer was my first album and I purchased that one specifically because it was a compilation and contained most of the individual songs I already knew I liked from YouTube haha. Then I expanded from there. To be honest, if I had found BTS when they were just getting started, or anytime before HYYH, I probably wouldn’t have connected with their music, sound-wise or thematically. But… they were exactly what I needed when I did finally find them. And now I have immense appreciation for their beginnings and how far they’ve come, even loving some older songs/styles that I never expected to. As I mentioned, I don’t usually listen to pop or rap/hip-hop… like ever haha. But something about them just reached into my heart and I’ll be forever grateful to them.
I tried what you suggested (waiting on the page) and… the text kinda jumped at one point as though something else had loaded, but nothing else displayed. Am I derping around on the wrong page? \:
edit: I see it in the source code, idk why the toggle isn’t displaying for me 🙃
Yes! I am self learning. I have been doing it on and off for like two years, but the last part of last year I've been doing it most often. However with everything that's going on, it's kind of slowed down and I've just been focusing on what's going on in the world right now. I feel the same. I think if I would have found them before, I don't think I would have liked them as much as I do now. I do have an appreciation for their older music even if I don't listen it to it much. 1/3 -sparkle 💫✨
Their first two albums I didn't like as much, but everything from then on I'm pretty sure I am obsessed with when I found them out. Lol. I do remember you say that previously that you don't listen to a lot of that style of music. What do you normally like to listen to? I listen to a lot of everything, so I'm not sure if I have a genre that i really stick too. Although, I think in the beginning i listened to a lot of hiphop/rap and alternative stuff. -sparkle 💫✨ 2/3
Then the older i got the more I got into pop music because I found kpop when I was about 17, and it's been stuck to me ever since. Lol. So I don't know I like a lot of music that makes me feel good and I can dance too or sing along with. I think maybe it depends on my mood. Lol . -sparkle 💫✨3/3
I think that’s awesome that you’re working on learning the language on your own! And I understand the challenges of keeping it up independently, especially in such strange and challenging times... I feel guilty that I stopped my daily kanji studying pretty much as soon as I started working from home. It was initially because I used my commute time to study (I’m in a vanpool) and... definitely lost some motivation once everything started changing. I know I shouldn’t be too hard on myself though for taking a break, and I hope you are not either. I’m hoping to get back into soon and reform some study time habits :)
Yeah it sounds like you’ve been listening to Kpop for a long time! ^^ Aside from my fairly recent BTS obsession, I gravitate toward moodier music in general haha. Evanescence was my instant favorite way back in middle school and... tbh I still listen to their albums sometimes! I tended to like anything indie-ish with piano or rock + orchestra. I loved this European band Within Temptation, their music is like a blend of rock and symphonic orchestra. Nowadays, I love video game music and that’s probably what I listen to the most... Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasyyy), who is probably one of my biggest inspirations for pursuing composition, Austin Wintory (Journey, Abzu, etc), and more recently Jessica Curry (everything the Chinese Room studio made lol). The past few days I’ve been streaming the songs from Death Stranding. I admit I don’t tend to have a lot of variety... I’m kind of picky and when I find something I love, I will listen to that obsessively over and over for months on end. Like BTS. xD No regrets haha! But I know I should broaden my horizons too...
I'm trying not to be so hard on myself, but I know I'll get back into it soon as I set a schedule for myself. Evanescence is amazing, that's all I got to say. I love them so much, so I totally get it. That's interesting though. I love learning about others music interest. It's always so different and diverse from mine. And also, I realized I didn't answer your question about the dash, and for some reason I don't know why it's not showing up. You were in the right place though. -sparkle 💫✨
Yayy glad you like Evanescence! Yes it is amazing and also wonderful that we all have unique tastes. I know I should make a better effort to try out new things, because finding something new that I connect with is amazing (see: BTS hehe).
I'm so excited to meet you next week!! Please take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend 💗
Sometimes it’s harder to really step out the box. So I totally understand, but I’ve always kind of had “weird” taste in different music so I like listening to whatever it is I like! And yes! I can’t to show you what I’m working on. I’m still searching for things for it! Lol. So I hope you like it. Also I hope you have an amazing week! And also a good day! -sparkle ✨💫
I woke up way earlier than planned thanks to this new isolation insomnia, but I was so happy to see your message. 💜 I’m so excited to meet you, but don’t feel like you have to rush on the gift! I know whatever you make will be wonderful. I hope you have a great week too. Do you have any ~weird~ music suggestions? I’ll give them a try!
I totally understand how that is. I hate waking up earlier than I want too because then you don't want to get up out of bed, but then you're too awake to go back to sleep. At least that's how i feel. Hmmm, weird music suggestions? I'm not entire sure. I like Florence and the Machine, FK Twigs (this might be an acquired taste), Panic at the Disco. There's so much I listen too, and my mind is going blank. Lol. -sparkle ✨💫
Yeah, that was my feeling exactly. :( At least I put in a couple extra hours of work, so I’ll get to take a shorter Friday. Or whichever day we try to brave a grocery run.
Thank you, I will check them out! Hehe due to your comment, I am intrigued by FK Twigs. For some reason I couldn’t really get into Panic at the Disco in high school, even though I had friends who loved them, but... I do appreciate that someone made an Emote! at the Location bot on twitter. xD
I hope you are having a good week so far! Tbh mine has been a little gloomy, but... I am really looking forward to meeting you! And finding out if my guess is right haha :’)) Take care dear!
And I loved Panic! They were so good, I still love them or Brendon Urie. Lol. FK Twigs is really good, but I know she's not for everyone. I really enjoy her music honestly. And honestly, I'm just about finished with your gif set. I have to find a few more videos and I'll post it probably tomorrow or later tonight depending on when I finish. And hmm, I don't know I don't think it is, but it shouldn't be long though. however, I'm really curious to know who you think I am. -sparkle ✨💫
EEek I’m so excited!! (Please don’t stay up late just for me though!)
As much as I am terrible at branching out, I do enjoy finding new music I like, so thank you again for the suggestions! I will try to listen with open ears and mind haha. Have you heard of Fleurie? I stumbled across her music when an artist I followed made a piece inspired by some of her lyrics. She might be quite a bit different than the artists you recommended though.
I’m going to feel a little silly if I’m wrong, but I’ll tell you after the reveal so I don’t make a fool of myself early. xD Can I ask you one question – do you know your Myer-Briggs type?
I'll probably go to bed soon. I'm actually in bed. I just got stuck on the tiktok app, and I really shouldn't. I've never heard of her, but I'll have to check her out tomorrow and see what she's about. And yes! I do know my Myers-Briggs type! -sparkle ✨💫
Oops you fell down the internet rabbit hole before bed :) Hope you didn’t stay up too late and got enough rest!
Love and War is the first song I found by Fleurie, and it’s also the title of one of her albums. It’s a little bit older but probably my favorite overall! I love the song Hurts Like Hell. It’s devastating but beautiful.
Have a great day, hope to talk to you more soon! 💜
p.s. I’m INFJ ✨
I did fall down the rabbit hole of the internet. It always happens. Also you should check out Kerli! she's really interesting, and I really like her music. Her music videos are also really nice. Intriguing at most. Lol. And I'm infj too! -sparkle ✨💫
I know the reveal has been made, but I didn’t want to leave this sitting all alone in my inbox.
Thank you, Ash, for taking the time not only to make me a beautiful gift but to talk with me this past month. Thank you for being a light and comfort in these uncertain times. I will miss your little surprise messages, but I hope we keep in touch. Now I will go back to liking your wonderful posts (because I confess I held back once I started to guess who you were, I didn’t want you to be suspicious either HAH). I’ve said it a lot but I really hope you stay safe, healthy, and happy!!  💗✨💫💗
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ariannjs · 5 years
HAPPY | A SasuSaku Short FanFic (1/4)
For Day 4 (City Lights) of SasuSaku Month 2019 - @sasuxsakumonth
This fic was inspired by the Filipino celebrity pair/loveteam called “AlDub” (based from their screen names: Alden & Yaya Dub) or “MaiChard” (their real names: Maine Mendoza & Richard Faulkerson, Jr.). The plot and content have nothing to do with the said actors, but I based the idea for this fic from the themes of Maine’s two most controversial blog posts.
Rating: K+
Summary: The truth was loud and clear, that the combination of pink and green wasn’t meant to be with black and blue – both professionally and realistically.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto and AlDub.
Warning: Get some tissues.
Enjoy reading!
...or not.
Hey, Blossoms! It’s been a while! I know I haven’t touched this blog since my open letter half a year ago, but I have important things to share with you – finally – as you read this.
First, I want to thank everyone who has been tweeting me or commenting on my posts to ask about how I am doing every now and then. I may not be able to reply but I’m really grateful to know that there are still some of you guys who care so much about me (despite the amount of fans-turned-to-bashers that came out since the last time I opened up through this blog). 
To answer your queries – I’ve been very fine, really. 
I’ve been a lot happier. 
I’ve been a lot me. 
It took some time, but when I posted that open letter about me feeling like I was losing myself within the whirlwind that is show business – because of all the overwhelming requests (demands) of our loveteam’s fandom – it helped me to be more genuine with myself.
For once, I’m living and working as I should, not as I’m told. And I’m doing things as Sakura, not as any other role.
So yes, I’ve been very fine even though you guys haven’t seen me much on social media. And I’ll always be grateful for all of you who have stayed, respecting me and caring for me as a person, and not just as a celebrity that you often see onscreen.
Second, I know there had been lots of speculations about this but I never answered yet because I know that there would be another uproar that could cause unnecessary hate to a special person in my life. 
That’s what I want to avoid, honestly. I’ve already received tons of hate after I voiced out my thoughts through my open letter that eventually led to the needed separation of my former loveteam. And having a special person receiving hate as well – just because people prefer someone else as the one I should love – is something that I wouldn’t tolerate anymore.
But yes, I want the truth to come from me: I’m officially confirming that I’m happily dating Sasori Akasuna. 
Since when? I’m not gonna tell. 
How? I don’t think I’m required to divulge that. 
Why? Wait a sec—are you kidding me? Cos my answer to that is: Why not?
Although I am deeply flattered with your love for me and my leading man for four years, I have already mentioned in my open letter that Sasuke and I are only friends and workmates in the industry. Up until now. And just because you’re supporting our loveteam, and you’re paying for our movies, or you’re managing fan accounts for us, doesn’t mean that you could dictate us about the matters of our hearts.
Even though we love you, we have our personal lives and individual decisions that need some respect too. After all, whatever you see onscreen doesn’t necessarily reflect our real lives. 
So really, to ask me why I’m dating Sasori is as if you’re asking me why I’m making decisions for my own life.
To give you some sort of peace, Sasori makes me incredibly happy in ways I have never imagined. He cares for me even better than I care for myself. And my family adores him, probably even more than they adore me! Haha. 
What I want to say is that (for my true supporters), you guys don’t have to worry if I have chosen the wrong guy. And (for my former supporters), I understand that there are things (or a person) that you think is the best for me but honestly, at the end of the day, the decision is still mine. 
And now that the truth is out in the open, I truly can’t wait for everything else that is in store for us throughout this year. But what I can assure you all is this: I’m feeling a lot better than I’ve ever been since I’ve entered showbiz, and one of the reasons that contributed to this is my newly found freedom to finally be true to myself without being afraid of what people would say. 
I hope all my fans would respect this.
So thank you, really. For sticking around. It really means a lot to me that you’re supporting not just the Sakura or other roles of me that you see onscreen, but also the real Sakura behind the scenes.
All the things that you’ve done for us as SasuSaku will always be a part of my sweetest memories. But I hope you would continue to support me, and Sasuke, despite going our separate endeavours as artists. I am pretty sure that he’s meant for greater things, even without me as his leading lady. And I can’t wait to see that from afar.
Til next time, Blossoms! Continue blooming where you’re planted! 
— Sakura H.
He shut his macbook, albeit with a little more force, as his other hand pinched the bridge of his nose. He remembered reading another post from the same website months ago, and the way he felt after reading it wasn’t like this.
Back then, he felt proud of her. For standing up for herself in a world that tried to manipulate her just because she’s the best leading lady for Sasuke Uchiha, realizing that she has a life of her own and she wasn’t meant to please people even if the fans were basically the ones who made them the most sought-after loveteam of their generation. Amidst the sea of facade, she decided to choose to be real. That personality development that was vivid in her open letter posted six months prior was enough to make him so proud of her.
His head whipped around his bachelor pad, seeing black and blue here and there. His mind traced back to seeing a tinge of pink and green in this same place every once in a while, but as his gaze landed on his macbook once again, it hit him like a tsunami that seeing pink and green here will never happen again. 
That’s why the feeling was different now. 
The truth was loud and clear, that the combination of pink and green wasn’t meant to be with black and blue – both professionally and realistically.
A week after her open letter, they found themselves seated in front of their main manager, setting a new arrangement for the two of them so as to lessen the uproar of fans’ expectations on the world’s sensational loveteam SasuSaku – as their fans called them – with the projects that they were a part of. 
The Music Show that they were hosting alongside another love team – NaruHina – had a drastic adjustment in terms of who would report on the field and in the studio. It wasn’t VJ Sasuke and VJ Sakura together in the studio or on the field anymore. But it was VJ Sasuke in the studio, and VJ Sakura on the field.
They also didn’t have commercials or magazine shoots together anymore, let alone movie projects even after their worldwide blockbuster hit movie entitled “The First,” which was ironically their last.
Although he was discreetly uncomfortable with the idea, considering the fact that this was totally new to their four-year status quo, Sasuke complied and adapted to the changes.
At first, he thought it was just the adjustments that made it difficult. But it suddenly dawned on him when he was offered a project with a new redhead leading lady that it wasn’t just about missing his old routines anymore.
He missed her.
Damn. He totally missed her.
There’s no more continuous chatter from his passenger seat on their way home after shoots.
No more pink strands on his shoulder during long flights.
No more lazy good mornings and good night hugs in their offsite tents. 
No more Sakura.
It was on times that Sasuke was very worn out after coming from the gym or a commercial shoot that the reality of this sank further in his mind. Parked in front of his condo one night, he unconsciously glanced at his passenger seat and blinked as a blurred pink suddenly clouded his vision, or so he thought.
He drove her to her place like the usual, but tonight, he wasn’t able to stop himself from staring at her after turning off the engine of his car. 
Gladly, she stared back as if it was the most normal thing to do at a time like that, which only urged him to slowly lean in, pausing slightly as if to ask her permission, before capturing her lips with his.
It wasn’t their first kiss. But it was their first without a number of cameras recording every angle of the contact. 
And Sasuke liked it. He liked how slow and achingly beautiful the moment was, until they both pulled away, breathless and flushed.
A part of him wished this was how his every night ends and how his every morning starts. But for now, he could only continue to stare at those green pools that never failed to draw him in, whether it’s filmed or not.
As he lifted a hand to tuck a few strands of her hair behind her ear, she then chuckled. “That was one heck of a good practice for our next scene, huh?”
And just like that, he was suddenly out of his daze as if a blue electric current coursed through his veins.
“Thanks for the ride. Goodnight...Zeke.”
The next thing he knew, she was already out the door of his car, leaving him blinking once, twice, as his brain slowly processed what had happened. His hand then collided with the steering wheel. “Damn it!”
What he didn’t realize was that their little moment was quite similar to the one on their recent script. 
Groaning, his face fell on his hands. Did she really think he was still on work mode?! He wasn’t being Zeke! He was being Sasuke! 
That night, he went home without touching the said script even though he had some lines that he needed to memorize for the next day.
Just thinking about it now, he wished he didn’t become complacent. Heck, when he entered the show business he was already aware of the fact that nothing is constant in it. He had seen how the ones before him and even those that started alongside him didn’t really have careers that remained skyrocketing. 
He was only one of the fortunate ones and it all began when an undeniable chemistry was seen between him and Sakura on a TV series that aired five years ago. 
While he was still paired up with her, he realized he should’ve made the most out of the time they had. He should’ve told her that his feelings weren’t that of Landon’s, nor Zeke’s, nor Marq’s anymore. 
Instead, his feelings were – are – of Sasuke’s.
But like what people always say, regret comes in the end.
And indeed, it came. Like a wildfire.
(Happy - PART 2)
This was done weeks ago but I posted it days late for Day 4 because a lot of things had happened lately, hahahuhu. Let me know what you guys think! This is my very first SS angst so I’d love to know your feedback on my writing! <3
Check out my other works here! It you like what I do, kindly consider supporting me on ko-fi or patreon. I’m also saving up for a special post-birthday trip this November so your support would mean a lot to me!♥️
June 2019 | AriannJS
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welcometophu · 5 years
Into the Split: Avalanche - Interlude
Twinned Book 3: Into the Split
Avalanche - Interlude
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Dear Mom & Dad,
Stop worrying. I’m going to be fine. This is a school, not some backwater suburb where no one understands what it’s like to be different. People here aren’t scared. Most of them don’t even believe the stories that are coming out of the cities. I think it’s just an exaggeration, honestly. Have you see any Shadows yet? They’re a nightmare story that’s supposed to scare kids.
I don’t know why non-Talented people are suddenly hearing about them. It’s like finding out someone took one of our legends and made it into a horror movie, and next thing you know, everyone believes the bogeyman is real.
If you’re afraid that people out there are hating Talents, then the safest place for me and Josef to be is where we are. At school, lost in a crowd, looking just like anyone else. We’ll be okay, I promise. If people are panicking, I don’t want to try traveling now. We’ll come home for the holidays, when everyone’s forgotten all about this. It’ll fade in the winter, just like the memory of every other summer blockbuster.
I love you. I’ll call Josef, too, I promise. We wanted to get together soon anyway.
Stay safe. Hug Nik for me.
Mom & Dad,
Mikhail and I got together for a movie over the weekend. We met up at the theater and we got dinner after. I met his girlfriend, which I am not supposed to tell you about, so I won’t tell you that they’ve been dating for three weeks already and I think she’s much more into him than he is into her. I’m sure you’ll hear about her if he decides to keep her.
Anyway. Mikhail was angry about you telling us to come home. I think things are better for him than they are for me at school. Not that anything’s happened! Not yet. But he’s at a really traditional place, and at the same time, it’s very progressive. There’s also a lot of money, and it’s already very set apart from everything else. It’s like it’s own space, really. Gorgeous, I know, and I remember that’s what he loved about it. But it’s like you go there and you disappear from everything else. And they had some good communities on campus, I remember that, too.
But where I am… there have been some fights on campus. There were signs up on the walls when I first got here about taking back the world for humanity. Fighting the darkness. Some of it is really subtle, like the signs everywhere that say “I will walk in the dark by your side, and I will protect you from the shadows” which could be just be about being a good samaritan. But it’s not like that. Not here.
There was this girl on my hall, and she’s a Mage. I really liked her. Like, we hit it off at orientation. I had looked over and she was playing with water—making it move around, then freezing it, sublimating it. That’s her natural ability. So I made it rain, just a little cloud right over her hands, and we kind of talked to each other about it. There’s no formal community here for Talents, and it was nice finding someone else I could just be me around.
Someone found out. I don’t know if she slipped in front of someone else, or someone saw us that day and waited before they said anything. Or maybe she trusted someone that she shouldn’t have trusted, but it doesn’t really matter in the end. She got threats left on her door, and some slipped under the door into her room. After the news broke about the wall going up around New York, someone left her a big bag of dog shit, and she just—she wouldn’t show me the letter that came with it, but she cried.
She tried to stick it out, but she withdrew a few days later and went back home to somewhere outside of Boston. She won’t even answer my texts and I hope she’s okay.
You’re right, it’s not nice everywhere. But this is where I am right now, and I want to stay as long as I can. Let us know if you’re leaving, though. Let us know where you’re going and we will meet you there when we can. The world isn’t ending, and we’ll all be okay.
Dear Mom & Dad,
You’ve got to be kidding me. You can’t do this! I’m only a junior, and I’ll be fine until I graduate. Everything’s good here! I keep my head down, I get great grades, and I’m one of the top engineers in my class. I’ve got a girlfriend, too. I know Josef told you about her.
Her name’s Karen, and she’s really pretty, with these big green eyes and dark curly hair. Her family’s kind of conservative, but she isn’t. She’s also a biomedical engineer and she’s planning on being pre-med. It’s been two months now, and I really, really do like her. She says she loves me, but I don’t know about that. Love is a weird thing, right?
Anyway, I don’t want to leave school. I’m an adult, so if you cut me off, I’ll just get my own loans and I’ll get financial aid and everything will be fine.
Yes, I did hear about the city. I know they’re building the wall, and I heard they’re going to do the same thing around Philly and Boston and Trenton. I think people are overreacting. I mean, I know you’re not the only one. My friend Sage left school on a leave of absence last week. She said she’s going home to help with her grandmother, but I know she’s Clan. They’ve always been weirder than anyone else about the Shadows, haven’t they?
How is Nik? He and Seth are still really close, right? Like, he’s not going to go into a dream and pull Shadows to you? You’re safe, aren’t you?
Tell me where you’re going, and I’ll be there to visit, but I’m coming back to school.
Mom & Dad,
I’m sorry that this email is going to be really short, but I’m on a bus on the way to meet Mikhail. I’m trying to play it cool but I feel like I’m having a panic attack right now.
Someone lit my project on fire.
I don’t mean like a pyrotechnic thing from a Mage. It wasn’t an accident. It was arson. The rag was right there, soaked in gasoline, tossed on top of it. It’s not that it was a big project—I’m only a first year. There was another Architecture major who is working on her senior project, and they spray painted hers with slurs about Clan. Then set it on fire.
I don’t know how they found out, Mom. I didn’t talk to anyone but my friend from Boston who left early in the semester. I’m a freshman. I’m not out as Talented in public anywhere, but I’m scared.
They said if they found me they’d kill me.
They’ve hurt people, Mom. One of the guys was working on his project got caught in the fire. I don’t even think he’s Talented, and I don’t think whoever did it cares.
I called Mikhail and he’s meeting me at the movie theater, and we’re going to see a movie like it’s totally normal, and get dinner. Then we’re hitting the road to try to meet up with you.
Dear Mom & Dad,
You were right. I was wrong. We’ll meet you as soon as we can.
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themurphyzone · 5 years
Part 1
My idea for NegaGosalyn in the DT17verse.
Rosie King-Fisher was named for her distinctive red hair, as it was the first thing her parents saw when she hatched out of her egg. 
They lived in a mansion in one of the nicest parts of St. Canard. 
Rosie’s parents were rich and they loved Rosie a lot. When she was five, her parents went out for a date night and they entrusted her care to the household staff for the evening. Rosie’s a sweetheart, but she knows how to up the cute factor to coerce the staff into letting her stay up past her normal bedtime.
Even so, a maid puts her foot down when it reaches 11:00 pm and tells Rosie that she needs to go bed. Rosie refuses, and the two get into an argument, and Rosie’s throwing the typical don’t-wanna-go-to-bed tantrum.
The phone rings, and a butler walks past the quarreling parties to answer it.
The maid and Rosie argue even as the butler motions for them to quiet down so he can hear the other end.
Then he drops the phone, and the maid and Rosie glance over to him, confused as to why he’s clutching the table.
“Send Rosie to bed and call an emergency staff meeting,” the butler tells the maid when she rushes over to check on him.
Rosie asks what’s going on, but the maid doesn’t reply. Rosie’s scared. She knows something’s not right as she watches the staff speak in hushed tones and hurry downstairs as fast as they could despite their sleepiness, but the maid leading her back to her room doesn’t offer an explanation. The maid hastily rushes Rosie through her bedtime routine, tucks her into bed, and leaves without giving Rosie the chance to demand a story or lullaby. 
Rosie gets out of bed, pressing her ear to the door. She doesn’t dare open it for fear of getting caught. 
The words are all jumbled and confusing and Rosie doesn’t understand how they all come together. She falls asleep on the soft carpet by her door, and that’s how the maid finds her in the morning. 
The funeral was held a few days later. The staff attended out of respect, but they would all pack their bags and find new employment eventually. None of them could take Rosie in, and she had no next of kin either. 
Rosie had to go into an orphanage. The staff put together several small photo albums that Rosie could take with her, along with a simple suitcase that contained a week’s worth of clothing and a single stuffed animal.
The adjustment was hard for Rosie, both due to the loss of her parents and because of the drastic change in lifestyle. Rosie wasn’t used to making her own bed and cleaning up after dinner. The staff always took care of those things. It was hard, and Rosie wound up pitching a fit many times in the first couple days.  
Many prospective parents came by and looked around. Sometimes they spoke to Rosie, sometimes they didn’t. But she was still reeling from her parents’ death, and often didn’t want to talk for long. They all moved on, interested in some other kid instead. 
After several disinterested parents, Rosie began watching the other kids to see how she could make herself more appealing for adoption. 
They liked politeness. They liked cuteness. They liked sweetness. 
Rosie’s fits decreased in number over the months. She began to wear pink dresses and snow white socks with the little laces on them, tying her bright red hair in pink ribbons. 
She began to ask for everything politely and sweetly, often to ridiculous extremes. The workers were slightly worried, but they were relieved they didn’t have to calm her down much anymore. 
Rosie presented herself to prospective parents, curtseying upon meeting them and answering questions politely. But it still wasn’t working. 
Then she notices all the other kids have some kind of talent. Soccer, hockey, playing doctor, doing miniature experiments with any objects they can scrounge up. 
Rosie figures she needs a talent to make herself appear even more noticeable, but it needs to be something cute. One day, the orphanage workers bring in a bunch of arts and crafts supplies along with many different socks, then allow the kids to make sock puppets. 
It’s fun for the first day, but most of the other kids lost interest in it after a while. But not Rosie. She loves covering the socks in glitter and making up voices for them. 
Soon she takes to making puppets out of spare fabric and materials, and she’s amassed a collection before long. 
Still, Rosie worries that making sock puppets talk in silly voices wouldn’t be considered cute by most prospective parents. 
Then an orphanage worker calls her into the main office one day and introduces her to a visitor. The man turns out to be a talent scout, and he’s searching for a child to provide a voice for a character in an animated movie. When he brought his idea to the orphanage staff, they immediately recommended Rosie since she spent a lot of her spare time making up stories for her puppets and acting them out. 
Rosie shows the scout her puppets, telling him their names, ages, occupation, stories she’s made up with them, etc. Impressed, the scout asks Rosie if she would like to voice act in an animated movie. 
Rosie says she’s never done that sort of thing before, but the scout shrugs it off, saying that this particular director didn’t mind if she hasn’t been trained in this sort of thing. Sure, they’ll acclimate her with the studio, give her a few lessons, but a child’s voice will bring out the raw emotion the director hopes to capture. 
Rosie slips back into Polite Mode, curtseying and saying ‘I accept your offer, sir.” 
But mostly, Rosie wants to see if there’s anyone at the studio who’ll adopt her. 
An agreement is settled on: Transportation will be provided for Rosie to bus her to and from the orphanage when she goes to the studio. As Rosie is a minor and has no relative to help her, the studio will appoint someone to manage the pay she’ll receive. 
On Rosie’s first day at the studio, she meets the director of the animated film, who introduces her to several more experienced voice actors who welcome her with open arms. It’s a little daunting, but Rosie shakes their hands anyway. She searches their faces, wondering if it was possible to get one of them to adopt her. 
The director decides to give her a grand tour of the studio to help acclimate her to the environment. They take her around in a golf cart, and Rosie thinks it’s cool, but she forces herself to remain in her seat and just smile instead of screaming about how awesome the ride was. 
If she wants one of them to adopt her, she has to be good. 
They tell her story after story, making her giggle, then there’s a sudden commotion at one of the lots. 
“CUT! WE GOTTA DIG HIM OUT!” someone shouts. 
Everyone around Rosie groans and rolls their eyes. 
“Pay them no mind, Rosie,” the director says as he steers the cart toward the loud disagreement. “That’s where they film the TV show Darkwing Duck. They’re always having trouble on the set because their lead stupidly insists on doing every stunt himself. I guess we’d better help them out and make life a little easier for the saner people on their crew. You don’t mind if we make a small detour, right?” 
Rosie shakes her head, and the director brings them over to the lot. Several people are gathered around one of the actors, whose foot is pinned under a heavy appliance. 
Oddly, the actor seems more concerned about filming than getting his trapped foot out, and he’s yelling at everyone to stay out of the camera’s range. He’s dressed in a purple blazer, mask, and cape, and Rosie vaguely recalls seeing him on the only TV in the orphanage, but she’s never paid much attention to the show because liking violent TV shows wasn’t something a little girl would do (at least, some of the prospective parents she saw gave her that impression). 
The adults get out of the cart and go to assist the TV crew, telling Rosie to stay in her seat. The trapped actor scoffs at the newcomers. “Don’t you have some happy feel-good kiddy stuff to film?” he asks scathingly. 
The director rolls his eyes. “Nobody’s gonna watch you try to get yourself unstuck, Starling.” 
“Oh yes, they will,” Starling retorts. “I’m inspiring kids to get themselves out of sticky situations like this one.” He winces in pain, trying to pull his foot out, but grits his teeth and lies flat on his back, giving himself a quick breather before trying again.
Everyone rolls their eyes in frustration. 
Rosie knows she’s ignoring directions, but she gets out of the cart and cautiously approaches the adults. As she gets closer, she can tell that Starling’s foot is red and swollen, and he should probably get some medical attention because she’s pretty sure his bones are crushed too. 
Starling is the first one to spot her, and his beak scrunches up. “What is this? Another kid actor here to get ruined by some hotshot director’s grandiose dreams of the next blockbuster?” he snorts. 
“Hello, Mr. Starling, sir,” Rosie says. “My name’s Rosie King-Fisher, and this is my first day at this studio. The director and his crew have been really nice to me so far. How come you’re not letting them help you out?”
“Because Darkwing Duck doesn’t need help from anyone,” Starling scoffs. “He can get himself out of his own jams. So back off, kid.” 
“Is someone gonna have to cut off your foot?” Rosie asks. Her stomach churns at the very idea of it. “That’s what they did in this movie once. We didn’t get to see the ending because one of the orphanage workers turned it off, but a man tied a band around his leg and sawed through the entire thing to get free from the giant rock the bad guy dropped on him.”  
The adults around her make funny faces, some turning away and disguising barks of laughter as coughs. Starling didn’t seem to think it was funny though, and his face paled as his eyes flickered nervously between Rosie and his trapped foot. 
“I, uh, suppose it would be detrimental to Darkwing Duck’s duty to defeat despicable denizens,” Starling swallows. 
The appliance is finally moved off his foot, and sure enough the bones appear to be broken. Starling protests as he’s whisked off for medical attention, claiming he was still well enough to keep going. 
Meanwhile everyone else is half-amused, half-shocked that a little girl defeated Jim Starling. 
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chasholidays · 7 years
Tumblr media
Like, Love, Haha, Wow
A Followers timestamp for @spectacular-spectacular​ and @pottersandtheirredheads, whom tumblr will not let me tag. Thanks to @bgonemydear for graphic!
"I still don't understand how famous people go on the internet."
Clarke glances over at Bellamy, sees he’s on tumblr and his dashboard has presented him with a photoset of pictures of the two of them together, taken from Clarke's instagram.
"The same way regular people do, but our computers are better and our connections are faster."
He snorts. "You know that's not what I meant."
"Yeah, but I wanted to be a dick." She leans in to check the tags on the post: #clarke griffin #clarke griffin's incredibly hot boyfriend #seriously are we sure he's not a model? #or some kind of perfect human specimen she had custom made for her in a hot guy lab? #does anyone know where this hot guy lab is? #asking for a friend. "Who is this person? Are you following them? Which account are you on?"
It's not like he doesn't use bb-hate anymore, but he has had to cut back. It's not, exactly, that he has an internet presence he's embarrassed of, it's just that he has an internet presence he didn't think anyone would ever care about. He curates hollywood-histories carefully, but his personal blog was just that. With his own name in use, it didn't take long for the followers he had there to figure it out, and once one person started spreading the word among her fans, it caught on.
Apparently he's not used to getting anons asking for threesomes.
So he's largely abandoned that tumblr, only passed the new one along to mutuals he actually trusted, and he's rebuilding a new kind of internet footprint.
"This is the one I made to stan for you," he says, and she snorts.
"I forgot about that one."
"I was just checking the Clarke Griffin tag, but I decided I wanted to start actually keeping up with some of the fansites and BNFs. See if there was anything--bad, I guess."
"You know Raven does that, right?"
"We can both do it. You have plenty of weird fans to go around."
"I guess I'm just used to it," she admits. "All of it. I was raised knowing that people were interested in my parents, and interested in me. I knew about all this--stuff." He raises his eyebrows, and she shrugs. "There was a countdown website for when I turned eighteen."
"Jesus, really?"
She shrugs. "People are gross and women are oversexualized. That's why my mom didn't want me to come out as bi as early as I did, she thought it would make people worse. And maybe it did, I don't know. There was enough grossness that a little more didn't register. I did warn you," she adds, because she did.
"Is it worth it?" he asks.
"I think so. I don't know what else I'd do."
"That's a shitty reason to do anything," he teases.
"I like it. And it's been better, recently."
He actually looks surprised. "Me?"
"It's nice to have a personal life. And someone who's just--mine. I've never had that before."
He smiles, a pleased flush on his cheeks. "I like you too."
"So it's worth it to you too? Celebrity by proxy? Because it's going to get worse."
His expression falters. "Worse how?"
"We've got that premiere next week. Imagine how good they're going to think you look in a suit."
"I do look good in a suit." He kisses her hair. "It's mostly still--fucking surreal. That people are interested in me. I went from like fifty Instagram followers to twenty thousand. And I keep getting new ones. I don't even do anything on Instagram."
"I should be recording these conversations for my mother. She was so sure you were just using me to get famous, and every time you realize people know who you are it freaks you out."
"It's weird," he grumbles. "What's a red carpet like, anyway?"
"Depends on the red carpet. This one shouldn't be too bad. The movie's pretty small, so it's not like--legions of screaming fans or anything. You'll look nice, we'll get our picture taken, you won't be in some of the pictures because no one cares about you. Sorry."
"Yeah, we talked about this. I would love if no one cared about me."
"Most of your Instagram followers are just hoping you're going to post pictures of me, if that helps."
"Sort of." He clears his throat. "Look, it's not like--it's not exactly a downside for me. It's fucking surreal, don't get me wrong, and sometimes people will recognize me, which is weird. All my classmates know, and my professors, and sometimes people ask me about you. It's definitely weird, but it's not some huge burden. And at least the internet thinks I'm hot."
“Yeah, that’s a comfort.”
“It is. Not—I don’t need it for my self esteem or anything, but it would suck if the what’s she doing with that guy? tags outnumbered the good ones.”
“Yeah, you wouldn’t be able to stalk me on tumblr.”
“And that would be the real tragedy.” He leans over and kisses her. “It’s worth it, Clarke. A lot worse than this would be worth it. I just still can’t believe this is my life,” he finishes, nodding to the tumblr post. It’s got almost 1500 notes, and as far as she’s concerned it deserves more. They’re really cute.
“I can’t either,” she says. “But maybe we’ll get used to it.”
“Are you sure you want to do this? You could find another escort.”
Clarke frowns at her mother. “That seems like a waste when I already have a boyfriend.”
Abby sighs. “I’m not asking because I don’t like him. I think he’s a very good boyfriend for you.”
A month ago, Clarke wouldn’t have believed her, but Abby really does seem to have come around on Bellamy. Clarke thinks it’s a combination the way he’s mildly terrified of cameras and his obvious and genuine adoration for her.
“So why are you asking?”
“Because I know how overwhelming public appearances can be. If he’s not ready, it wouldn’t be hard to find you some other company. One of your co-stars from Goredd, maybe, someone who obviously reads as a friend.”
“I think this is probably a good choice for his first one,” she says, slow. If Abby wants to have a real discussion of this, Clarke is game. “It’s not like there’s going to be a ton of press. If he can’t handle this, it’s way better for us to find out now, instead of letting him off the hook and bringing him to a blockbuster.”
Abby regards her for a moment, and then asks the question Clarke’s been expecting since she told her mother about Bellamy three months ago. “So, you think he’s going to be here for a while.”
"I want him to be. And even if I didn't, it seems stupid to plan around him not being around."
"That's not what I meant. You know how it is. I know how much he cares about you, but your star is on the rise. This is likely to get harder, not easier."
Clarke's not actually sure that's true. Bellamy is, honestly, the most interesting thing that's happened to her on a personal level in years, both for her and for the media. She's always been a disappointing child star, quiet and serious, and part of that has been that she's not necessarily interested in becoming a star. Prestige TV is a good fit for her, a schedule more like a regular job, time to really dig into her role, to get to know her character. Some of her co-stars are less enamored of it, don't like having to be doing the same thing for so long. Some people get into acting because they want a lot of roles, but Clarke is aware, always, that this isn't her passion, not like it is for a lot of actors. It's a day job, and TV shows make a better day job.
Her mother thinks that Goredd is the next step in her career, but Clarke's starting to wonder if it might be the peak. If this might be the height of her ambition. Not that she can't do movies sometimes, over the summer, but she thinks that being that kind of actress might not really be her goal.
It's possible it won't get worse. Especially as Bellamy stops being exciting. Her dating a grad student she met on the internet is a great story, and she can certainly get publicity out of it for now, but if they keep on being themselves, two nerds who like hanging out on the couch and watching bad movies, the opposite of an exciting tabloid cover story.
That could be enough for Clarke, as a future. A steady career, a quiet life, a boy she thinks she might already love.
"I want him to come with me," she says. "And he already got a tux."
"You already got him a tux."
"I'm a lot richer than he is," she says. There's clearly still a part of Abby that thinks Bellamy is taking advantage of Clarke's wealth, but Clarke couldn't live with herself if she made Bellamy rent his own tux to go to her event. If not for her, he wouldn't be going to this, and nice tuxes are expensive. Even just rentals. "If you say you like him, you have to actually like him."
"I like him." It's not even that grudging, when she says it. "But--he's nothing like I was picturing for your boyfriend."
"He's nothing like I was picturing either," says Clarke. "I'm just lucky, I guess."
"So is this premiere a quid-pro-quo situation?" Bellamy asks. He's straightening his tie and adjusting his hair in the mirror, and Clarke is watching him both because she likes watching him and because she knows she's set and she doesn't want to start obsessing over how she looks. Looking at Bellamy is a lot better.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
He finally gives up on tweaking his appearance and sits down next to her on the bed. "I have the grad-school equivalent of a red carpet next week. I couldn't decide if I wanted to ask you to come or not, but then I realized I don't want to go alone."
"I'm not sure what the grad-school equivalent of a red carpet is."
"Department cocktail party. It's--everyone else is going to be bringing significant others, but I feel like if I do it I'm showing off. But that's bullshit. You're my girlfriend, I want you to come with me. And it's not like they don't know we're dating."
"Do you want me to come?"
"Yeah, of course."
"Then I'll come. Assuming I don't have a conflict."
His mouth tugs up in a small smile. "Thanks."
"That doesn't have to be a quid-pro-quo thing," she points out, bumping her shoulder against his. "You don't have to come to things with me to get me to come with you. That's just girlfriend stuff."
"I figure it's probably kind of--" He waves his hand vaguely. "It's like a public appearance. Those are stressful."
"It's not. I'm not there to be Clarke Griffin, I'm there to be your girlfriend. I can be polite and shut people down and shift focus to you."
His eyes narrow, expression clouding with suspicion. "I always forget you're actually good at this stuff."
"It's my job. Speaking of which." She exhales and stands. "The car should be here soon. Are you ready?"
"Almost." He stands himself, leaning down to press his mouth against hers, soft and brief, trying not to mess up her makeup. And then he sighs, gives her a crooked smile. "Okay, ready."
The movie is a fairly small independent, with good award buzz, but a limited release. It's very much a critic's movie, and Abby was the one who wanted her to take it, another positive step for her career as a serious movie actress. Clarke likes it well enough, but she's definitely a supporting player in a guy's life, not quite a prize, but not a fully formed character on the page. It's the kind of thing where she might get some nods for best supporting actress, even though she's third-billed, just because the story isn't enough hers.
If she'd been dating Bellamy when she was filming it, she probably would have complained a lot. As it is, she just says, "This is the film equivalent of when a white guy in his thirties tells you he's been writing a movie loosely inspired by his own life, just so you're prepared."
He snorts. "So, the main character is a writer going through a mid-life crisis? Are you the grad student he decides he needs to sleep with?"
"No, I would have vetoed that. It's not as bad a role as it could be, but you can tell that the writer assumed my character just stopped existing when a guy wasn't looking at her."
"What do you say about stuff like that? When people ask."
"Euphemisms, and then in like ten years I can be honest." She shrugs. "It's not as bad as some of them, I just wanted you to be ready. It's not my favorite project."
He squeezes her hand. "It's going to be fun. I haven't seen you on the big screen since we started dating. It'll be even weirder than regular TV. Do you take your shirt off? Is it that kind of indie movie?"
"Is that really a draw? You saw me naked like half an hour ago."
"I'm pretty sure I'm never going to get tired of seeing you with your shirt off."
She has to smile. "I think it's just down to bra and then the sex scene fades to black."
"Whatever, I'll take it. Anything else I need to be doing? Do you like your co-stars? Is anyone going to ask me any questions?"
"Just be yourself."
"Are you sure?" he teases. "Sometimes myself is an asshole."
"Just don't be honest about what you thought of the movie. Unless you liked it. You really don't have to be nervous," she adds. "I trust your judgement."
“Cool, can’t wait to break that trust.”
Clarke glances at him. “You aren’t actually nervous, are you?”
“No. Can I take a picture of us for my Instagram?”
“You want to?” she asks, surprised.
He huffs. “I’m going to the red carpet premiere of my girlfriend’s movie. This is exactly the kind of thing I want to be documenting on Instagram. If my thirty thousand followers want to say weird shit about it, I’ll live.”
She snuggles in close so he can get the shot. “I’ll tell Raven to share it from my account too,” she says, and he takes a few so they can pick the best one together.
The red carpet is, as always, kind of a weird zoo. She and Bellamy pose and smile, and she introduces, and he gives the right answers to all the questions he gets about if this is his first premiere and if he’s excited and what tux he’s wearing and what he’s studying.
For Clarke, it’s a lot better than she was expecting. Not that she thought it would be bad, but she never really likes these things that much. They tend to wear her out.
But she liked her co-stars, and she finds she’s looking forward to introducing them to Bellamy. Raven meets them there so she can do social media stuff and get free drinks, and suddenly it’s a lot less like a work event and more like seeing a movie with a couple of friends, albeit a movie that she’s in.
Plus, there are a lot of cute pictures of her and Bellamy in formalwear. She’s definitely happy about that.
“You could do this more often, right?” she asks, finding his hand in the dark before the movie starts.
He kisses her hair. “As many times as you want me to, yeah.”
Clarke Griffin fandom is, apparently, very excited about the pictures.
“There’s definitely a vocal minority that’s upset you’re dating a guy because it means you’re not a real bisexual,” he says. “But I’ve been fighting them.”
“You have? Really?”
“Don’t act like you don’t want to fight them.”
“Obviously, but I guess I usually don’t.”
He shrugs. “I’m not doing it as myself. I know how to sockpuppet. But someone needs to remind them what bisexuality means.”
“Are there a lot of cute pictures of us?”
“Tons. My selfie’s definitely the most popular.”
“Everyone likes a candid. And we're cute." She props her chin on his shoulder, closing her eyes. She had a long day filming, but she likes coming home to find him in her place. He hasn't officially moved in yet, but she gave him a key and he's around all the time, and Clarke loves it, loves coming home to find him there, making dinner or drinking tea or playing video games. "I'm really glad you came. To the premiere."
"Me too. I'm excited to go to more." She feels his lips press against her temple. "Seriously, I had fun. It wasn't hard."
"So what about yours? Grad-school red carpet. How am I going to do with that?"
"It's more similar than I thought it would be, honestly. Mostly a lot of drinking and schmoozing, but there's a speaker instead of a movie."
"That doesn't sound too bad."
"No." He clears his throat and she opens her eyes to consider him, all perfect profile and freckles. "Just--I assume it's a lot weirder being the only famous person in the room than the only non-famous person on a red carpet. I don't know how anyone's going to act."
"You're a lot more likely to run into people being assholes to you in Hollywood."
"You say that, but academia's full of snobs, and you--" He worries his lip. "At least one person is going to be an asshole about how your highest degree is a GED. And you can deal with that, I know you can, I'm not worried. Just--I'm sorry it's going to happen."
Clarke smiles, kisses his jaw. "I'll be fine. I've had producers condescending to me since before I knew the word for it. It sucks, but that's not going to be new. And we can gossip about the assholes after."
"So, you're telling me this relationship might actually work?" he teases. "Who would have thought."
"Not to jinx it," she says, taking his hand and twining their fingers together, "but I really think it might."
She's pretty sure Bellamy is more nervous than she is about the whole thing, and Clarke will admit, she can't blame him. There's this inherent risk to bringing a high-profile guest anywhere, and bringing a B-list actress to an academic lecture is really a lot. The fact that she's his girlfriend and his bringing her is completely understandable only does so much good. She's still Clarke Griffin, and it's still weird for her to be here.
But she's not planning on going anywhere, so they should get used to her.
"You know, I've seen pictures, you talked about her, but I still didn't really think she was real," says the first girl they meet, Harper. "Or, you know, your girlfriend."
"That would have been the weirdest long con ever. Was I hacking her official social media accounts and no one noticed? She puts pictures of me on her Instagram."
"Technically my social media manager does that," Clarke says. "She says I'm not good at Instagram."
"You're not good at Instagram," Bellamy agrees. He considers Harper for a moment. "Were you guys betting on if she'd really show up?"
"Obviously. Not money, but--yeah, we were gossiping about it like every time you weren't around. Sorry!" she adds, flashing Clarke a smile. "Just--it sounds so fake."
"If I was going to make up a fake girlfriend, I wouldn't pick a famous actress. I would have said she lived in Canada like a normal person."
"I film in Vancouver sometimes. I could totally be your girlfriend who lives in Canada."
"Lives in LA, commutes to Canada sometimes."
Harper is watching them with a smile playing on her lips, but when Bellamy raises his eyebrows, all she says is, "You know, I can see it. I see why you guys are dating." She pauses. "But you didn't really meet on tumblr, right?"
It's not as representative of the evening as Clarke would like. His classmates are mostly fine, aside from the expected assholes, the ones he's been ranting about before they started dating. And it is nice to be able to put faces to the names, to meet the people who make up his day-to-day life.
But she hasn't felt so conspicuous in a while, and hasn't felt so guilty about it. She draws attention in a way she didn't want to, news that she's around spreading like wildfire, heads turning wherever she goes. And while Bellamy doesn't seem annoyed that she's drawing focus, he is clearly annoyed that everyone is being so, well, obvious.
"Fuck, you're just a person," he says, once they're on their way back to her place.
The teasing tone doesn't quite land, and he deflates. "Sorry. I'm not--I shouldn't have asked you to come, I'm sorry."
"I don't mind," she says. "It's just--it's going to take some getting used to. More for them than for me. It's like Harper said, probably a lot of them didn't really get it."
"I tried to warn them."
She squeezes his hand. "Seriously, it's fine. I haven't felt weirdly famous in a while. It's probably good."
"Sure it is." He wets his lips. "You want to get used to it?"
"The lecture was really interesting," she says. "I wouldn't mind coming to more. And once Goredd wraps, I think I might want to get a degree? I don't know. I like school, I think it would be fun. So I should do that where you are, so everyone will be used to me."
After a second, he laughs, this soft, short little huff. "Sometimes I still can't believe you're--trust me, I want to still be your boyfriend when Goredd wraps. I want to be your boyfriend forever. But it's still hard to imagine. Having a future together."
"Yeah." She leans her head on his shoulder. "I love you," she says, soft. It's hard to know if it's too soon, but it doesn't feel too soon. She's been thinking it for weeks, and she's tired of not saying it, tired of thinking he might not know. "I'm not planning on breaking up with you."
"I love you too," he says, and tilts her chin up for a kiss. "So--we're going to get better at this stuff."
"Yeah," she agrees. "I think we'll be fine."
The next red carpet is six months later, and it's both a much bigger and much smaller deal.
"I'm not actually nominated for anything personally, so they're not going to want to talk to me too much. Just some sound bytes about the movie."
"I know you think this is helping, but we're still going to the Oscars."
“You don’t have to come.”
“It’s the Oscars, Clarke, of course I’m coming. Especially since you’re not sure you want to do more movies. This might be my last chance.”
“They invite me every year, I just usually don’t go. If you want to, we can whenever, but it’s honestly pretty boring.”
He pauses, and then starts to laugh. “Jesus, I can’t believe I’m dating someone who goes to the Oscars so often it’s not even novel anymore.”
“My mom used to make me com with her.”
“Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.”
“Is there an academic equivalent of the Oscars? Do I go to that?”
“Probably graduation. I assume you’ll come to mine and skip it once I’m just a professor.”
“Just a professor,” she teases. “Like that’s not an amazing accomplishment.”
“It will be if anyone hires me. Until they do, I’m sticking to trophy boyfriend. Which is the other reason I’m coming to the Oscars. If I’m not around to be arm candy, what good am I?”
She tugs him down by the lapels of his tux, giving him a much quicker kiss than she’d like. Bellamy was basically made to wear formalwear; tumblr’s going to be so excited.
“I think you have a couple other things going for you,” she tells him.
“Maybe one or two, yeah.” He puts his arm around her. “I want another selfie. I think pre-red-carpet selfies are going to be my thing. I’m trying to hit fifty thousand Instagram followers.”
He reconsiders. “I want to hit fifty thousand, but I’m not really putting any special effort into it. But it would be cool, right? To have a tradition.”
“Yeah, a tradition would be nice.”
And it is nice, every single time.
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wozman23 · 4 years
My 2020 in Gaming
I finished my 100th video game of the year yesterday. In a normal year that would be an embarrassing feat. By in 2020, pretty much stuck within these four walls for nearly nine months now, I'm really proud of it. The last few years, my gaming habits took a severe hit due to working too much. I was fortunate to have the finances to pick up the PlayStation VR and the Switch, but I couldn't dedicate a lot of time to them, and when I did, the joy wasn't there as much since I was often exhausted. In 2018, I still managed to get through almost 40 games, but last year that number fell to 25. There was so much I wanted to play, but I just didn't have the free time. And then 2020 dealt me a lifeline... When LA came to a halt, three and a half months into the year, I was only working on finishing Game #6. Since then, I've been on a tear. A large part of my efficiency came from two choices. In late April, I signed up for Xbox Game Pass for $1 for the first month. Then in June, the “Racial Injustice” Bundle with hundreds of PC games – about a dozen of which I really wanted to play - released on itch.io. Overall, it was a solid mix of AAA games and indie games, although I've skewed more toward indies for years now. There were big anticipated releases like The Last of Us, Part II and Doom Eternal. Splatoon 2 finally got the shrink wrap pulled off that it's been suffocating in for years. (It was fantastic, so I'm not sure why I waited so long.) There were massive games that I put dozens of hours into, like my 77 hours descending into the madness of Hades, or my 69 soaking in the world of Ghost of Tsushima, with a sizeable chunk of those hours being me just toying around with Photo Mode. (Props to the PS5 for finally telling you your playtimes via the OS.) There were dozens of small indie games that only took a few hours to complete – which is kind of my sweet spot these days. A few weighed in at just 30 minutes, like Swarm, a Steam game I found through Get Indie Gaming's Youtube channel, or Syphonia, a student project from ISART Digital that I was anticipating. There were games I replayed, like some of my favorites of all time, Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy and Alan Wake, as well as the remastered versions of Ghostbusters: The Video Game and the Crash Bandicoot and Spyro trilogies. There was great stuff I paid for, and a few awesome games that I got for free through the Epic Games Store, or via subscriptions with PlayStation Plus, Game Pass Ultimate, or the times I took advantage of free trials of Amazon Prime. And I even got hooked on an online multiplayer only game, which has only happened on a handful of occasions in the history of online play.A lot of people are going to look back on 2020 as a terrible year, but for me it's been a godsend. It's allowed me to enjoy multiple passions, with gaming being one of the biggest. Like any hobby, my gaming habits over the years have ebbed and flowed. Overall, the last generation I've been fortunate to own every major console for the first time in a generation. Yet – outside of a few phenomenal games like Horizon Zero Dawn, ASTRO BOT Rescue Mission on VR, and the other aforementioned PlayStation first party titles – overall I wasn't really impressed as much with the AAA offerings. The indie scene is only gaining ground. But with the PS5, the proper return of my all-time favorite franchise, Ratchet & Clank, and my Game Pass renewed until 2022, I'm optimistic about where gaming is headed. As for my favorite games that released this year, here's my list: 1. The Last of Us, Part II 2. Battletoads 3. CARRION 4. Hades 5. ASTRO's Playroom 6. Filament 7. Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout 8. Bugsnax 9. Ghost of Tsushima 10. Ori and the Will of the Wisps The Last of Us, Part II The original The Last of Us was my favorite game of the previous generation, as well as the most impressive game of all time. It was mind-numbingly good, so much so that I really did not want a sequel. I didn't even want to replay it. It was one of those things that just felt complete. Nothing more needed to be said, and in doing so, there would be a large risk at ruining what made it great. Slowly, Naughty Dog eroded away at me, and I began to anticipate the sequel. Right before it I even replayed the remaster of the original. Part II is one of those rare project that manages to one-up what you thought was already perfection. It's like a 30 hour blockbuster movie that just keeps ramping up in intensity. So much of what makes it special is within the design of its details: the way it presents itself, the pacing, its message. Like many, key details were spoiled by online trolls prior to launch, but it really didn't matter. This post could be just as long and be only about The Last of Us, Part II. (I still may write something up at some point.) There's just so much of it to dissect. But it's impossible to talk about without spoiling all of its magical moments. It simply offers a masterclass in game design and narrative flow. I really don't need a Part III, but should one exist, I know damn well I'll be there. Battletoads I loved the original Battletoads. I even replayed it, and beat it with the help of the Rare Replay rewind feature right after playing the new entry. It's practically impossible otherwise. When there was talk of a new game I was hyped. But when it was finally revealed, with a completely different art style, I was taken aback. Because of that, I went in to the new entry not expecting much. However, that stylistic choice is exactly what put it in the Number 2 spot in my list. The original Battletoads concept was created to ape the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and the original game felt much like the early TMNT brawlers. The new Battletoads doubles down though, expanding their empire to combat TMNT's cartoons. The game itself is a fairly straight forward 2D brawler, that looks and plays great, but the real stars are the cutscenes and the humor. It has this great Saturday morning cartoon vibe that I've never seen a game nail near as well. I don't watch a lot of the modern cartoons, but many have compared it to Rick & Morty. It's really quick, and silly, and feels exactly what a company should be aiming for if they wanted to create the next TMNT craze in the world today. Sure, the game itself is nowhere near perfect in all dimensions, but the way it tackles humor is really impressive and admirable. That's the main reason it occupies my Number 2 spot. CARRION CARRION reminds me a lot of INSIDE, typeset aside. INSIDE for me was this solid atmospheric game that at it's end became this awesome fever dream, but was over just when it was getting interesting. CARRION feels like INSIDE's spiritual successor. You play as this creepy creature, with all these grotesque tentacles, and you just run amok. It's just plain fun. Plus it's an insanely unique lifeform to play as, and there's nothing more I love than playing a game where you take on the role of some strange creature. Like many of the indie games I love, CARRION doesn't overstay its welcome. Over the few hours of its journey, it iterates, provides you with some unique challenges, they grabs its hat and coat and bids you adieu. There's nothing more I love than a game with that approach. Show me something cool. Make me play something that feels like something I've yet to experience in my over 30 years of gaming. Then get out of the way so that I can find another game that makes me feel that way. Kudos to Game Pass as well for partnering with the CARRION developers and offering the game on release day. I was looking forward to the game, but with so many games on my radar, I often simply can't get around to all of them. Had I needed to purchase CARRION, it might have had to wait in the wings for a while. I've played so many games on Game Pass this year that I may have otherwise never actually purchased, and many of them have found the ranks among my favorites from the last few years. Hades Up until now, I'd like Supergiant Games as a creative studio. I've played all of their games, and loved the artistry present in them. However, I've always felt like the gameplay was a bit lackluster. Not previously being a fan of roguelike games – although Game Pass has provided some great experiences there as well – I initially had no plans to buy Hades. But praise was unanimous, the Epic Store gave people a $10 coupon just for downloading Rocket League for free, and it was on sale for $5 off, so I scooped it up for $10. At first, I thought I had made a mistake. I wasn't really into it. But then it slowly started to sink its hooks into me. After about 30 runs, I'd finally vanquished Hades himself. And what was your reward: a brief encounter with your mother, followed by your death and cyclical return to The Underworld. And that's really where the brilliance of Hades comes in. In beating the game, you realize you have only scratched the surface. I played around 70 more runs. I got the full story from my mother. I tried out the different weapons. I played around with the perks and heat gauge. I maxed out the relationships with almost everyone. (I never got Demeter's final few dialog options to pop.) All along the way, I kept thinking, I'll quit after I do X, but then Y and Z would egg me on even further. I spent 77 hours in that world. Sometimes, with nothing to do during the day, I'd practically play all day long. No other game this year took up that much of my time. Few ever do. Not bad for a game I initially had buyers remorse for. ASTRO's Playroom I wasn't sure I was going to be able to get a PS5 at launch. I got lucky on release day thanks to the PlayStation Direct website. (Every other retailer is a giant hunk of shit, who doesn't care if they sell to an actually gaming fan or some asshole reseller.) Had I not secured an early PS5, it wasn't a big deal. Most of the games I wanted to play were coming to PS4 as well. The baked-in ASTRO's Playroom was the only exception. And there's always that extra special feeling of playing something right when it comes out. It's funny to think that the best PS5 game is given away for free with every console, but that is just the case. Much like ASTRO BOT Rescue Mission, which did wonders for showing off what PlayStation VR could do – it was my 2018 GOTY - ASTRO's Playroom shows off what the PS5 can do, primarily via the advancements of the DualSense controller and the solid state hard drive. I've never been one to care for graphics, and the PS5 will surely evolve over time, but those two details are what makes the device feel truly “next gen” so far. The way the triggers adjust tension is so wild. I really don't know how much they'll be used, but it's a cool option to have. And loading times are practically non-existent. (I've since went back to the Xbox One for a few more Game Pass releases, and loading times feel jarring.) As far as ASTRO goes, he's a terrific mascot in an age where mascot platformers aren't really a thing anymore. The experience relies heavily on nostalgia, as you collect relics of PlayStation's past. Also scattered throughout are other bots dressed up to reference other franchises. Dozens of franchises are represented, from characters like Crash, to Ratchet, to Kutaro from Puppeteer. It's really a lovely homage to PlayStation that any longtime fan will enjoy. Plus, it's a really fun game to play, with beautiful tech themed worlds, some infectious earworms, and some cool mechanics. Japan Studio has been a bit of an enigma for a while now. But the ASOBI Team is knocking it out of the park with ASTRO. ASTRO reminds me a lot of Iota from Tearaway: they're both cute mascot characters, crafted with a lot of love, from terrifically artistic games that did an excellent job of showing off new tech. I can't wait to see what ASTRO is up to next. Filament This one sat  near the top my Steam wishlist for nearly the entire year before I finally grabbed it about a week ago when it went on sale. I love a good puzzle game. Basically, you control a bot that tethers out a string-like filament that you use to interact with pillars. Sometimes you just make sure you graze the line by one; other times you loop around one. Sometimes you're simply turning a pillar on. Other times they must be linked in pairs, by color, or a specific number of times, just to name a few of the options. That's really where Filament glows. What starts of simple grows insanely complex by the end. You'll be combining mechanics in some rather brain-busting puzzle. And the game does very little to explain things to you, or help you along the way, yet it feels very inuitive. Still, many times I simply hit walls, where I was almost convinced the puzzles were impossible. In a few instances, it took a while to understand new rule sets. Eventually I solved every single puzzle without resorting to help. And it took me about 48 hours. (Granted I think my stat tracking was probably counting some idle time where I had the game running but walked away to do stuff like make a meal.) It's a surprising amount of content for a puzzle game that can easily be reduced to: solve puzzles by drawing lines. One other thing I appreciated was that I found myself taking notes and drawing things out on paper. That's a tactic I don't pull out often, but love when a game pushes me in that direction. One instance in particular even had me cut up squares of paper to piece together one of the secret text logs. By the way, I missed a ton of those logs. After completing the few I found, I did look how to unlock the rest, and some of the stuff there was absurdly complex. There's really not a lot to compare Filament to outside of The Witness. But if you like a really challenging puzzle game with a ton of content, give this one a look. Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout I don't like online multiplayer games. They rarely hold my interest. I put quite a bit of time into Rocket League, Uncharted 2, Resistance 2 Co-op, and Fat Princess, but that's been about it. And in some of those cases, the main reason I spent a good amount of time with them is because I was unemployed during their reign. Overall, I'm not one to interact with people online. And I don't like the idea of a game dictating when I play it. But when Fall Guys was included with PlayStation Plus, I liked the look of it enough to give it a try. Getting a win took a while, but after the first one, I started to become pretty consistent with my runs. Much like Hades, I thought, “I'll just play until I get the trophy for 7 wins.” Then I set my sights on 20. Then I got hooked on collecting the costumes. By the time I'd finished my first stint in Season 1, I'd reached the max Level 30 and had every trophy except for the one requiring five wins in a row. I've given up hope there. Sony says I logged 40 hours with it, which equates to a lot of rounds. One day I went back for Season 2, and enjoyed the new levels, even though I was getting eliminated since I was sight-reading them. I don't know how much time I'll be putting in with it in the future should I find gaps in my list of games. Usually with multiplayer games, the focus fades once I unlock all the trophies I can. And I'm not sure how much time I want to dedicate to becoming proficient at future season. But the fact that Fall Guys even got that much attention from me to begin with is a testament to how much fun it is. Bugsnax Bugsnax could have been a joke. The previous game from Young Horses, Octodad: Dadliest Catch was just that: a silly romp that equated to little more than just a goofy control scheme. Bugsnax was the butt of many jokes upon reveal, reaching meme status in which it became the Schrödinger's cat of games. When someone talked about it looking good, you weren't sure if they were being honest or a hipster. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was intrigued. It's another fine example of a list of stellar games that have been given away for free with PlayStation Plus. Would I have played it otherwise? Who knows? But I'm glad I got to. It is silly, but the silliness works in unison with what turned out to be a very fun game to play. The world and its characters are weird. Everybody has a laughable name, Filbo Fiddlepie, Chandlo Funkbun, and C. Clumby Clumbernut, just to name a few. ( I wonder what the C stands for?) The Bugsnax, which are part bug, part snacks, follow suit, with the burger inspired Bunger, the french fry spider, Fryder, or the popsickle, Bobsickle. The most delightful part is when you catch one of the bugsnax and you hear them say their name from the speaker in the controller. Hearing “Weenieworm” never got old. Any sound coming from Bunger put a smile on my face. Feeding the bugnsax to the other characters was a blast as well. Certain bugsnax resulted in sheer silliness, while combinations could provide interesting fashion statements. But past all that silliness was a fun game too. You're given a few different tools to capture bugsnax, and are sent to figure out how. By the time I was reaching the end, having done all there was to do, I was sad to see it end. It was simply a joy to platinum the game, and I'd definitely be down for more Bugsnax adventures. Ghost of Tsushima I love Sucker Punch to death. Sly Cooper is one of my favorite series. On the other hand, I've never been into the world of the samurai, or watched any samurai movies. But Sucker Punch is a studio I'm happy to support, and I figured I'd be getting a good quality game, so I was in. (Plus, I had the free time. At the time, I thought it might be my gaming binge swan song as I thought we'd be coming out of this pandemic in July. Boy was I wrong!) The world of Tsushima is breathtaking. The partnership of style and graphical fidelity creates beauty in every square inch of the world. As far as the game is concerned, it what I would expect from a AAA open world game. There are main missions, and side missions, and things to upgrade, and all kinds of places to explore. It's fairly predictable in that regard, although I did enjoy some of the ways it tackled many of those side missions. The haiku system was a relaxing alternative to combat missions. Foxes and birds always encouraged me to meander from the main missions. And shrines provides some nice platforming challenges. Combat was unique, and being about to cater it to your preferred combat style was appreciated. It did wear out its welcome a bit after dozen of hours, but I appreciate its simplicity. Still, most impressive was just that living, breathing world. I spent a lot of time in photo mode. A LOT! I could easily spend an hour or two just traveling around finding beautiful vistas to tinker around with lighting and effects. In the end, most of my complaints really just boil down to the fact that it's a large AAA game, and comes with the tropes and restrictions of the territory. Otherwise, it would be higher up the list. Ori and the Will of the Wisps Ori and the Will of the Wisps is a great game, but ultimately it's just more Ori. That's not necessarily a bad thing. It just doesn't really subvert expectations. Everything that made the first game great is here too. It looks gorgeous. It's fun to traverse and explore. But looking back, it doesn't stick out as fondly in my memory as many of the other games in this list. Some of that could be the fact that it released early in the year. It was the game I was playing when the world crapped the bed. But it could also just be that I prefer the intrigue of new IP over sequels. Even so, it's hard to discredit just how well it plays and how beautiful and rich that fantasy world is. Honorable Mentions (that released this year): Carto, Lightmatter, Swarm, Symphonia, Bartlow's Dread Machine, Doom Eternal, Control's AWE Expansion Honorable Mentions (I played that released years prior): Bomb Chicken, SUPERHYPERCUBE, Dead Cells, Moonlighter, Songbird Symphony, The Messenger, JUMPGRID, ETHEREAL, Spring Falls, Unruly Heroes, Celeste, Lonely Mountains: Downhill, Splatoon 2, My Friend Pedro, A Short Hike, Future Grind, SOMOS, A Plague Tale: Innocence, The King's Bird
0 notes
bonafidehero · 4 years
Bella the Teenage Witch
Summary: What if Bella Swan was a witch? Taking advanced classes, Bella graduates from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry early. With her mother and Phil traveling so much she decides to move to the sleepy town of Forks and spend some time with her father, who insisted on her attending the local high school to make some “normal” friends. Oh how wrong he would be. 
Read on AO3 and FanFiction!
Chapter 5: Friendships and Marathons
That night my owl, Hareton had finally made it to Forks. I'd considered taking him on the flight but he'd had to go in the cargo hold and also, he's an owl. How strange would that look? So I had Renee take care of him until I settled in and got him a new cage; then she sent him on his way with a letter to me. She didn't seem to understand that he'd find me, saying he'd end up missing. But I knew he would, owls; especially magically trained owls were very good at finding whoever it was needed finding.
He flew in through my window, which I'd left open once Renee told me he left and dropped down on my bed. He was a beautiful red screech owl, white and black spots dotting his feathers. He hopped up on my knees which I had pulled up to hold my book on and hooted happily before stretching his head towards me; asking for a scratch.
“Hi Hare!” I squealed, rewarding him with a good scratching behind the ears. “I'm glad you're finally here, how was the trip?”
Hareton puffed his chest out proudly before stretching his leg out for me to remove the note attached. I chuckled, translating that as it being successful. Once the note was removed he nipped my hand affectionately before swooping back out the window for a hunt.
This is so funny! I feel so strange actually handwriting something, it's like one of those old timey books you love!
Anyways, Hareton seems anxious to get to you. He hasn't seemed too happy since you left. I hope you're having a good time with your father and at school. Keep me updated on all the friends you make and any boys!
We miss you!
Mom and Phil.
I laughed, folding the letter back up and plopping it into my bedside table drawer. Mom was always one to get right to the point. I got up and filled Hareton's bowl in his cage with some treats that I'd had left over from school. I'd gotten them in the little wizarding community near the school. I'd have to find another community somewhere close so I could stock up on that and other things I'd miss.
Yawning, I went to the bathroom to do my nightly routine. Called down to Charlie goodnight and slipped into my bed ready to get a good night's sleep before I went back to school tomorrow.
The next morning I woke early and took a little more time on my appearance. Carefully brushing my hair into a slight side parting and picking a thick woolen sweater in forest green and jeans. After dressing I stared at my traveling cloak from school, should I wear it? It was still icy and cold outside.
It wouldn't be that odd.
Against my better judgment I snatched it off the hanger and threw it over my shoulders, slipped into my boots and tucking my wand into the side. I always carried it with me, either tucked into my boots or a jacket pocket. My cloak had a built-in wand sheath but I resisted the urge to place it there, if someone happened to hug me too tight or accidentally touch the area they would probably feel it. I'd rather not end up in a tight spot of questioning like I'd gotten myself in the other day in lunch. I clearly was a terrible liar.
Charlie was still here, surprisingly and I greeted him as I made a quick bowl of cereal. I miss the grandiose meals at school. They always had what you wanted and everything you didn't know you did!
“Nice coat, Bells.” Charlie chuckled as he poured a cup of coffee.
I looked up from my bowl, “Do you think it's too much?” I asked worriedly.
He stared at me for a moment and then smiled, “Nah. We're in a small town, there's characters everywhere.” He took a huge gulp and placed the cup in the sink. “I have to get going, lots of paperwork to do today. Have a good day, Bells. Love you!”
He marched out the door and I heard his patrol cars engine roar into life, after a few minutes of warming his car he finally pulled out of the driveway and down the street out of sight.
Once I was finished eating I washed the few dishes in the sink, slung my bag over my shoulder and locked up the house. My chippy red truck sat in the driveway, I turned it on and waited for it to warm. I glanced at the area where Tyler's van collided with the truck, you could barely even notice anything happened. A tiny dent. Whereas Tyler's van looked horrible and mangled. I kind of felt bad, hopefully he'd be able to get a new car.
I parked in my usual spot at school, but this time I stayed in the cab. The likelihood of me being chased down by another stray car was unlikely but with my luck so far I wasn't taking chances. Again I was here early, the lot was filled about half way again but most students were either in their cars or in the buildings. Too cold to mingle outside too long.
I looked over as a car parked down the way from me, this time I knew who's car this was. Edward's silver Volvo. Nobody exited the car, maybe his family didn't want to be in the cold too. I looked back straight ahead and thought about what had happened the day before.
Clearly Edward was not going to break easily, but did I really even want to know? Should I even know? Maybe it wasn't anything crazy. Maybe it was an adrenaline rush, those happened. I'd heard of one where a mother picked up a van to rescue her child, or something like that. It wasn't impossible, I guess.
From the corner of my eye I saw the back doors to the Volvo open and Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper crawled out. They looked back into the car, probably talking to the others before shutting the doors and making their way to the school.
About a minute later the front door opened and Alice stepped out, she looked up at me and caught my eyes. She seemed to hesitate before smiling a small smile. Then Edward's door flew open, he threw a dark look at Alice and then shut the door before stalking off to the school; Alice gliding after him and throwing another small smile my way.
I laughed, Alice seemed nice at least. I suddenly wanted to be her friend. Maybe I would, who cared if Edward didn't like me?
Not me.
I decided that I'd at least be nice to Edward, even if he did break his promise. I couldn't blame him, I had secrets. Maybe it really was an adrenaline rush, maybe he was as frazzled as I was by the events. I got out and made my way for the school. Today would be a good day. I'd make sure of that.
Jessica pounced on me the moment I sat down in Trig, I should have expected it but her ferocity surprised me a bit.
“Bella! What happened yesterday? I heard you were alone with Edward a lot at the hospital. Spill!” She spit it out quickly, staring at me expectantly.
I was a little surprised that she didn't even ask how I was, everyone else had been so concerned all day and begged me to divulge the events. Which I really hated doing, but I stuck to the story Edward asked of me.
“Uh, yeah, I guess.” I said slowly. “He was just... concerned. Making sure I was okay. His dad's a doctor, remember?”
“That's it?” Was it totally romantic? I heard he saved you!” Her eyelashes fluttered dreamily.
“Uh, yeah he did. But it wasn't anything like that!” I said quickly, feeling my face heat up. “Anyone would have done it.”
“Right.” She said annoyed, “So that's it? Nothing more interesting?” Her eyebrows pushed up expectantly, but I was saved from her attacks when Mr. Varner announced the start of class. I shrugged, trying to look disappointed and turned back towards the front of the room.
The rest of the day went by much the same, everyone asked what happened. Thankfully since I stuck to my story people began to get bored by lunch. Apparently my story had be spread around and everyone had accepted it.
I looked over at the Cullen's once during lunch, I couldn't help my curiosity. Would he still be hostile like he was yesterday? But when I glanced over none of the Cullen's looked, they played with their food, having some unheard conversation. Emmett's booming laugh broke out and the others smiled softly. I turned back to my group and tried to focus in on what they talking about.
Mike and I entered the biology classroom, Mike bidding me farewell as he took his seat and I took mine. Edward was already here, staring straight ahead and not meeting me eyes as I sank into my chair.
Alright. Hostile still it seemed. Or at least indifferent?
“Hello, Edward.” I said pleasantly, he could be grumpy but I would not sink that low.
He nodded back, barely moving his face towards me before turning stock-still back towards the front. Effectively letting me know he did not want to talk.
I guess that friendship died quick. I thought wryly. Why save me if you regret it so? He was so strange...
The month past quickly, Edward continued to ignore me and so I did the same. Trying to enjoy this time I had at a muggle school, meeting muggle kids. I did feel like I was stepping in line with the group I'd found. While I felt vastly different from them most of the time, some of them were kind and loyal. Which I appreciated.
One day at lunch they were all talking about their favorite movies, something I could actually relate to a bit. Movies were always Renee and my thing, we would try and see all the blockbuster hits every summer when I was home.
“My top has to be Fight Club or maybe The Godfather!” Mike enthused.
“Ugh, too much blood and gore.” Jessica mumbled, “What about you, Eric?”
Eric's eyes lite up and he thought for a second, “Definitely Lord of the Rings.”
“Dork!” Mike laughed
Lauren rolled her eyes, “Yeah, that's pretty lame.” and her and Jessica snickered.
“Girls don't like lame fairy movies like that,” Mike said “You gotta like manly movies, action and blood!”
Wow, what shit friends. I thought, I had to help Eric out. Plus I actually did like Lord of the Rings.
“No, actually that's really cool.” I said confidently. “My mom and I love those movies, we would go see them opening night.”
Everyone looked up at me, Eric's face was about to burst with gratitude. Jessica and Lauren looked surprised. Ben and Angela smiled softly at me and Mike's face morphed into one of determination.
“Oh, oh yeah. Uh those movies. Yeah, they're cool.” He hurried out, “Now that I think about it, there was a lot of cool fight scenes in there. Hey Bella, we should have a marathon one weekend. Just the two of us?” He asked hopefully.
“Oh, uh might as well make it a group thing, right? It's only fair. Eric, you'd go, right?” I asked hurriedly.
“No doubt, that'd be awesome!” He examined.
“I'd go.” Angela said quietly.
Ben glanced at her. “Me too, would be fun.”
“How bout you guys?” I asked Jessica and Lauren, although I was pretty sure I knew their answers.
Lauren glanced at Jessica, “Oh, no. Probably not, we'd probably be busy. Like shopping or something, right Jessica?”
Jessica seemed to be battling with herself, she finally blurted out. “No, I'd go. Why not? Could be funny.”
Lauren just rolled her eyes and returned to her food.
That weekend we actually did do that marathon. Charlie seemed extremely happy I'd had some friends over, even if we'd taken the TV and he would miss some games.
I realized quickly that the only reason Jessica had agreed to come was to try and get Mike's attention. She liked him, I could tell. But Mike wouldn't give her the time of day. Instead sitting as close to me as I'd allow, trying to pry me into a conversation whenever the movie got too boring for him. Jessica was steaming and once it was over and everyone was leaving she honestly look really sad.
I felt bad, I didn't like Mike at all. He was everything I didn't like in a boy. I'd have to try and get that message across to him some day soon.
Why make him think there was a chance?
Maybe some matchmaking was in the future. I smiled to myself, thinking about the ridiculous love potions some girls would use at school. I wouldn't do that, they were fucked up on so many levels. But maybe I could push him in the right direction...
0 notes
hutchhitched · 7 years
The Vintage Joshifer Series: End of Love—Chapter 16
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End of Love by hutchhitched
Author’s note: My sincere apologies for the wait between this chapter and the last. It’s been a very busy semester, and the aftereffects of Hurricane Harvey have been rearing their ugly heads. The rest of the story is complete, so there should not be a wait for the future chapters. The world keeps beating up our hero and heroine, but they find continued comfort in each other. Thank you to each of you who have read, reblogged, hearted, and supported this story. You are all rock stars.
Historical events in this chapter include the following:
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated by a white supremacist on Thursday, April 4, 1968, at approximately 6:00 pm at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, which is the current location of the National Civil Rights Museum. He was 39 when he died. He was in Memphis working on a campaign to end unequal pay for African-American sanitation workers. On the night before his death, he delivered his final sermon, which is commonly called the Mountaintop Speech. The subject was of a future utopia he didn’t believe he would live to see. As a result, many believe he predicted his own death.
The original Planet of the Apes released on March 27, 1968. It was a commercial blockbuster and inspired a series of franchise films for decades after its release. 
Chicago, Illinois, April 1968
“Tell me there’s coffee.”
 Josh turned over his shoulder and grinned. “Good morning, sleepy head. You’re going to be late to work if you don’t get a move on.”
 “Mmmm,” Jen mumbled as she took the mug of coffee he extended to her. She couldn’t stop staring at his broad, muscled back and the cut of his hips above his cotton boxers. “I could be late if you wanted to distract me.”
 “Tempting, tempting,” he murmured and pulled her into a side hug before kissing her on the cheek. “Wish I could, honey. I have an early meeting and need to get out of here pretty soon.”
 “Fine,” she grumbled and took a sip of her drink. “If you want to go save the world instead of having sex with your…whatever I am, then go ahead.”
 His eyes flashed, and he retorted, “What I’d rather do is not get shipped off to fucking ’Nam and get killed, so if I have to go to work at Big Brothers to do it, I’m gonna go every god damned day, Jen. Jackson’s already over there. Do you want me to die?”
 She gripped her coffee mug and stared at him with wide eyes. She’d meant her words as a joke, but she realized now he hadn’t taken them that way at all.
 “No, I don’t want you to die, Josh,” she whispered in a trembling rasp.
 He turned his back and pressed his palms flat on the countertop. “I’m sorry. I had a nightmare last night about it. I’m a little on edge.”
 She crossed to him, set her mug on the table, and wrapped her arms around his waist. She pressed her cheek to his back and then kissed him in the dip of his spine right between his shoulder blades. “Jackson’s going to be okay, and so are you. So is Andre if his draft number gets called. We both need to go to work, but when I get home tonight, be ready.”
 “For what?” he asked, a tinge of humor lacing his words.
 “Good stuff. That’s all I’ll say. Go get ready. Besides, it’s Thursday. The week’s almost over. Maybe we could go see that movie you want to see. Monkeys or something?” She quirked her eyebrow at him.
 “Planet of the Apes. I’m free tomorrow night. It’s a da— Uh, yeah, we could go.”
 She swallowed her frustration at his refusal to admit going to the movies together was a date and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She chugged the rest of her coffee as quickly as she could down the hot liquid and returned to her bedroom to get ready for work.
 “This war has to end,” she grumbled as she slipped from her building and hailed a cab. She didn’t have the patience to brave the bus system in her frame of mind.
 The past few months had flown by, and Jen was grateful every day for Josh coming back into her life. The day after the Tet Offensive, once they’d satisfied themselves physically after their time apart, Josh insisted they discuss what had happened back in California. The conversation stalled after a few minutes since she was unwilling to admit anything beyond what she already had. She’d slipped from his bed because the depth of feeling and pleasure he’d stoked in her that night had terrified her. Josh was too passionate and too intent on social change to commit to a full-fledged relationship. That hadn’t changed over the past two years, and she cared about him too much to admit how she felt when she knew he’d not respond in kind—even though she was convinced his feelings for her were every bit as intense.
 She hadn’t asked him how many women he’d been with during the time they were apart. She knew there were some and forced herself not to care. She’d enjoyed herself during her senior year in college too, but no one else had driven her as far over the peak as Josh had. She craved him, but she also recognized the need to focus on and develop her career. Married women didn’t last long in the field of journalism, so that wasn’t something she could entertain at this point anyway. As the cab pulled up to the Tribune building, she shook her head to clear it. She needed all her faculties today if she was going to deal with her misogynistic pig of an editor.
 Jack waved at her as she entered the office, and she stopped by his desk to check in. He greeted her with his gruff smile and informed her, “Headlines of the day: the president’s in Hawaii trying to make peace with the Vietnamese. Everyone’s a flutter about the Mountaintop speech King gave last night. We’re working every angle—civil rights leaders, everyone who was part of the Chicago Freedom Movement two years ago, people who might have run into him on the street once.”
 She snorted with laughter at his droll commentary. “Thanks for the update. I thought I was going to get here early today, but I should have known you’d beat me into the office.”
 He studied her thoughtfully for a few minutes before asking, “Have you ever thought about television reporting?”
 “Are you trying to get rid of me, old man?” she teased. Jack was one of the few people in the office she really liked. He was talented and conscientious, and she’d learned a lot from him in the ten months she’d been at the paper.
 “Never. I just think you could be happier than you are here with Mr. Murrow leering at your legs. Just keep it in mind in case you want to get out of here. Or in case he ever becomes completely unbearable. I’m lucky. He doesn’t like my legs.”
 “Thanks, Jack. I really appreciate it,” Jen said with a soft smile and chuckle. She crossed to her desk and picked up the manila folder with her day’s assignment. She heaved a deep sigh and got to work.
 The day flew by as she worked on a follow up article to the day’s front page news about President Johnson in Honolulu and his attempts to bring the situation in Vietnam to a peaceful conclusion. As she typed her story, she forced herself to remain calm. Thoughts of Josh being drafted and shipping out scared her enough that her hands shook as she typed. She tried to ignore the list of names that came down the wire every day and prayed every time she perused it until she made sure Jackson’s name wasn’t on it.
 “Jennifer, where’s your story? Your deadline was ten minutes ago.”
 Shaking from a work-induced haze, she glanced at her watch and gasped when she realized it was almost 6:00 in the evening. Her brief lunch break had been almost over six hours ago.
 “I’m so sorry, Mr. Murrow! I didn’t realize how late it was.” She glanced at his stern expression, but he seemed appeased when he handed her the sheet from her typewriter. “Here’s what I have. I think it’ll work without any editing. Because of the deadline, I mean.”
 “I’ll be the judge of that,” her editor barked. Glancing over her words, he nodded and waved a copy editor over to make the necessary corrections.
 Jen swallowed a scowl and straightened the papers on her desk. She was just about to gather her belongings and head out the door when another reporter shrieked from the corner of the room. “What’s happening now?” she grumbled and shut her purse back in her drawer. The television screen showed a crowd of people milling outside what looked to be a hotel.
 Her editor bellowed across the newsroom, “Everybody to their desks. We’re going to have to work up a different front page in the next few hours. Call home if you need to, but I need everyone ready to go in five minutes.”
 “What’s happening? Jack, what’s happening?” she begged desperately as he rushed by her.
 He whipped around to face her, his eyes wild, and explained in a dazed voice, “Dr. King’s been shot.”
 Ice flooded her veins, and she shook her head in disbelief. “But he just gave a speech last night! He was in Memphis working with the sanitation workers! How could they shoot him? He’s got to be all right! He’s got to be!”
 As she sank into her chair, it quickly became apparent that the civil rights leader was not okay. The wire pumped out report after report from Memphis. None of them seemed to have any answers or a report of his condition for almost an hour. Just as she felt as if she must surely be experiencing a terrible dream, the news broke that the assassination attempt had worked. Dr. King was dead.
 Jen sat stunned, unable to move until a fellow reporter barked at her to pass him a folder she’d been holding listlessly. She closed it carefully and extended it toward him. When he took it, she sprinted from her desk to the nearest bathroom and vomited into the toilet until her stomach ached. Gasping for air, she rose from the concrete floor and splashed water on her face in the sink. She gulped handfuls of liquid in a futile attempt to dispel the foul taste. After several minutes, she stumbled back to her desk and waited for further instructions.
 “Lawrence!” Mr. Murrow barked from his office. “You can go, sweet cheeks. Be here early tomorrow. It’s going to be a huge day. I need my best tits and ass on the beat.”
 Jen resisted the urge to flip him the finger. Instead, she calmly gathered her belongings and bolted for her apartment.
 “Josh?” she called as soon as she stepped through the door. “Josh, where are you?” Frantic, she threw down her purse and jacket and entered the small living room. The overhead fixture was off, and the lamps remained dark.  He sat on the couch, facing the television. Flashes of light streaked across his face from the images on the screen. The volume was turned down so low, she could barely hear it as she stood next to it.
 “Josh?” she asked softly.
 He raised his red-rimmed eyes to her, and her heart broke at the pain reflected in them. Tear tracks stained his cheeks, and she took a step toward him. He didn’t move or speak as she crossed the room and sat next to him on the couch. When she reached over to grab his hand, she was shocked to find it was ice cold.
 “He’s gone,” he mumbled, and she nodded.
 “I know. I’m so sorry, hon.”
 He crumpled then, bending over onto himself and releasing a howling scream that echoed through her bones. He pounded his hands against his knees and unleashed a stream of profanity. She sat helpless, terrified of his reaction, and unsure how to help.
 “They fucking murdered him, Jen. They shot him down like a dog.”
 Tears streamed down her cheeks, her heart breaking for him and all those who felt a connection to King and the work he’d done during his lifetime. She knew Josh was horrified by the act every bit as much as he worried about Jackson’s reaction once he heard the news. She knew Josh would insist that he spend time with Jackson’s family as soon as he could. Most of all, she feared that King’s assassination would be the catalyst for him to leave Chicago and become more heavily involved in the protest movement. He’d been semi-idle for months, and she wasn’t sure their relationship—whatever it was—would be enough to keep him from rejoining his friends as they fought to change the system.
 After several minutes of bellowed rage, he finally turned to her and crushed her to him. He sobbed into her neck as she held his quaking body firmly in her arms. His mouth sought hers desperately, and before she knew what was happening, he pressed her backward onto the cushions and was grinding hard against her. He grunted as he thrust his hips, and she shimmied her skirt upwards to free her legs. He broke from her briefly to fumble with the button on his jeans while she pulled off her panties, but his mouth returned to hers almost immediately.
 “I fucking need you,” he gasped as his fingers slipped into her folds, and she arched her back at the contact.
 “Whatever you need. I’m here,” she panted. She squealed her surprise when he flipped her over and pulled her hips up to rest above her bent knees before nudging in between her legs. Without warning, he slammed into her, and she cried out as he filled her.
 “Jennifer,” he groaned into the darkened room. “Fuck, you feel so good.”
 She braced her hands on the arm of the couch and reared back against him. As his hips slapped against her bare ass, she yelped his name as he stretched her. Her cries grew louder and more erratic as his pace increased. Within seconds, he bucked against her frantically, practically lifting her off her knees as he fucked her from behind.
 “Josh! Josh, slow down! I can’t—” She broke off as he pounded her and bit her lower lip before releasing a prolonged wail. What he was doing to her was painful, but it also felt amazing to bear the brunt of such frantic passion. She knew he needed her, even if he was lost within himself.
 Josh cursed as he drove into her, practically incoherent as he released his frustrations. He smacked her bare right cheek twice as he neared his climax and grunted her name repeatedly. When he began to chant a warning of his impending climax, Jen braced herself on one forearm and reached down to rub her clit furiously.
 “Holy fucking hell,” she howled as her walls pulsed. Josh cried out his release and poured into her as she expelled a gush of fluid. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back against his chest as he stroked her several more times. Their skin dripped with sweat as they collapsed in a ruined heap on the brown plaid sofa.
 His body shook behind her, and her heart broke when she realized he was still sobbing. She pulled from him gently and grimaced as he slid out of her and a gush of his ejaculate streamed down her inner thigh. She swiped at the mess with her discarded panties, but it didn’t help. Instead, she turned her attention to the broken man she desperately wanted to help feel better.
 Jen tried to kiss him, but he pulled away from her. Stung, she slapped at his chest and struggled to disentangle herself from him. When she finally freed herself, she ran to the bathroom where she caught a glimpse of her image in the bathroom mirror.
 Startled, she studied her tear streaked face and the mascara that had bled to black half-moons under each eye. Her lipstick was smeared across her left cheek, and her hair stuck up in several directions. She looked like she’d just been bedded by a paying customer, and a rush of shame flooded her. Josh had never been so rough with her, and it scared her that she liked it as much as every other time they’d been intimate in more gentle ways.
 After cleaning Josh’s semen from her legs, she swallowed her pill and sent up a silent prayer of thanks for reliable birth control. Josh had made no secret of his belief in free love, so condoms weren’t something she wanted to push. She simply prayed that he’d been careful during the time they’d been apart.
 When she’d finally regained her composure, she returned to the living room to see Josh sitting lifeless on the couch, his fly still unzipped, and his flaccid dick hanging loosely out of his pants. His eyes were vacant as he lifted them to hers. He blinked slowly several times before rising and stumbling to her bedroom. Once there, he stripped and fell into her bed. He curled his body into the fetal position until she slid in next to him. She kissed his bare skin until he unwound enough to pull her against him.
 “Don’t leave me again,” she whispered against his chest as they lay together in the dark. “I know you’re hurting right now and that you feel like you need to make a difference, but don’t go.”
 He barked a wry laugh and argued pointedly, “I didn’t walk out on you, Jennifer. If I remember correctly, you snuck out in the middle of the night so I woke up to an empty bed the next morning.”
 “You were leaving Berkeley. You weren’t going to be sticking around for more than a few days, and I didn’t think I could stand to say goodbye to you after…”
 “After what? After you let me get you off? After I helped you realize Nick was a jerk who didn’t care about whether or not you enjoyed yourself? I tried to find you every day between graduation and the day I left. I wasn’t the one who wanted to say goodbye.”
 Wincing at the bitterness in his words, she knew she needed to word her next statement carefully. She couldn’t risk driving him from her when he was hurting so badly. “I know that now, and I’m sorry. My only excuse is the one I’ve told you—that you were already leaving and I didn’t want to beg you to stay. I didn’t want to ask when I knew you felt the call to go. Jackson needed you then, but I need you right now, and I think you need me too. Please stay in Chicago—at least for a little while longer.”
 “I can’t promise that, Jen. You know I can’t.” She trailed her fingers over his chest and grinned as his skin twitched under her light touch. His physical reaction to her made her feel much more powerful than she ever had.
 “I know, but please stay until you can’t any longer. Don’t choose to go.”
 He didn’t answer. Instead, he rolled her over and kissed her deeply. Her mouth opened under his, and she felt the beginnings of another erection poking against her inner thigh. Realizing there wasn’t anything else to be said that could alter the situation, she lost herself in the feel of him.
 “More,” she begged as he teased her with just the tip of his shaft.
 “I’m sorry if I hurt you,” he murmured into her ear as he sank in another two inches before pulling out. When she moaned her disapproval at his absence, he stroked her deeper. “Forgive me.”
 “Forgive me too,” she begged. When he breathed his surrender into her neck, she shuddered and conceded to him and the orgasm he’d stoked inside her.
 They came together repeatedly throughout the night, clinging to each other as he woke from nightmares of burning jungles, maimed bodies, and pools of blood. His anguished cries haunted their bed for weeks, and Jen lost track of the number of times she woke with bruises from him thrashing against her in the throes of panicked, restless sleep. The time together was hard, but she kept reminding herself that it was better than being without him again.
 For weeks, Jen clung to the hope that her comforting presence would be enough to convince him he shouldn’t leave. Unfortunately, soon enough, it wouldn’t be.
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