#if i must use this platform For Good i will do so but i'd prefer u just keep sending me stuff about pegging crowley
olderthannetfic · 9 months
Tumblr seems to be sliding in a downward spiral, and it feels like the start of the end of a fandoming era for me. I've been through it before; platforms are born then die, and life fandom finds a way. I'm just not looking forward to floundering for a bit, and dreading what the next hub will look like.
AO3 isn't really a place geared or meant for the same thing, and that's fine. My only fandom-related activity took place on AO3 only for a few years between my leaving LJ and joining Tumblr, and I lived ;-) But during that time, I was my own little island in fandom. Reading, leaving a few comments, not being super active. It's only when I found a community again that I was back to being really active in fandom once more.
And it's not that I actually use Tumblr to post about myself, but I do use it to read and reblog cool things - art, gifsets, science stuff, discovering new fandoms, and the like. I'm not sure where else I could find my people, with sameish purposes. The other sites I've tried didn't fill that niche in a way that suited me, in part because of how they look and work, in part because of who and what is(n't) there.
I have DW & PF accounts just to be safe, but I'm not very fond of group chats Discord-style - and without Tumblr, IDK how I'd even hear of new communities where I might pop in once in a while, loins girdled and everything. The micro-blogging platforms are not what I'm looking for either. Sure, I can follow a few DW comms and blogs; I already occasionally do and I will be more consistent about it if I must.
But one of my greatest fear is that the next platform will be phone-based, app-only, or some such BS - and that is something I just won't be able to deal with. Phones are tiny, it's uncomfortable to write anything, I don't like touch screen and much, much prefer a proper keyboard and a mouse (copy-pasting on a screen? (x_x) << it me), art/pics are too small to properly appreciate, a phone isn't comfy to hold for a long time for me, and the app system means you have no control over anything as a user… and that anything there must be Apple Approved, dick-free, blood-free, and tasteless. And I say this as someone who's pretty much uninterested in sex IRL or in my entertainment ;-) I still support and want the tits, the gore, the everything, and as long as I have the tools to curate - oh, wait. Curate things myself? That's not something that's popular these days, is it? It's not going to generate money, if I'm happy ;-)
So… I guess I'll play some more on Neocities, and see if anyone wants to have webrings again? (it would be fun and nostalgic, but not really viable on a large scale; people who haven't known those would just laugh and point and go on the InstaTok of the time).
So here is my little cane-waving rant of the day! I know things evolve and change and that in ten years I'll be rolling my eyes at my moping. It's only that I feel tired of moving from one shitty platform to another, of fearing I won't adapt (or more accurately won't want to adapt given the annoyance/benefit ratio) to whichever new place things will move in a few years. It's saying goodbye to a former home, moving, and hoping you'll make another home elsewhere kind of sniffles today!
We already know the next platform. It has been Discord for a few years now.
If you want the one after Discord, I think you're looking at waiting things out for quite a few years (or until Discord makes a major misstep as a company).
True, real time chat is not for everyone, but small discords with well-chosen channels can operate more asynchronously. Just like a lot of people who hated the look of Tumblr early on eventually capitulated, a lot of chat haters have jumped ship to Discord already.
Realistically, 90% of fandom always goes where the action is, no matter how much they claim the features make that space impossible, and 10% disappears.
We might get the 10% back on the next platform or they might leave fandom for good. There were LJ-haters who resurfaced post LJ era.
But as for where you'll find out where people are... probably AO3 author's notes.
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spinningbuster98 · 2 months
I must confess that, for the longest time, I did not have the best of times with Sotn.
You see for as much as people often say that this game is piss easy I used to actually have quite a bit of trouble back during my first few playthroughs. The Colosseum, Olrox, the Inverted Castle, the Clock Tower, I used to get my ass kicked quite a bit, which caused me to grow resentful towards the game.
As the years went by I gradually realised that it was mostly my fault. There was a time when RPGs were the bane of my existence, I could not get into their mechanics and Sotn's rpg mechanics were no different, moreso due to the fact that this is not a turn based rpgs but something more akin to an action rpg. I used to do some absolutely baffling mistakes. I kept forgetting what items I had in my inventory, like if I had specific armors or weapons that would be better for certain circumstances (like lightning armor to defend against the lightning attacks of Galamoth for example), I kept forgetting to use spells strategically, instead I kept trying to attack enemies with my regular weapons and sub weapons which made the Inverted Castle harder than necessary. This stuff frustrated me and when I get frustrated I play even worse
One example is my first experience against Beelzebub: I could not defeat this rotting bastard because I could not figure out how to reliably hit his head without getting pelted by his flies. I died a lot and ragequit
...then I realised I could dodge his flies by using the mist form, which I had but didn't think to use during combat encounters. And that there are a bunch of platforms in the room leading right beside Beelzebub's head. And that I could use spells like Soul Steal and Tetra Spirits to deal with him easily. Oh and that there's an Axe Subweapon right outside his room, ideal for hitting targets too high up to reach.
I, as a player, have always been shit with multiple choices. I'm the kind of player that, once he finds a solution to a problem, will keep using that solution without searching any better alternatives, and if I can't find a solution then I will keep hitting my head against that brick wall until it breaks. Sotn being a game that gives you a million different ways to approach things sort of...disoriented me you could say
But this is the reason why I've come to technically disagree with the idea that Sotn is an easy game. The game actually has several moments that can and will easily kill first time players. I'd say that Sotn is more easy to break than just plain easy
This game gives you so, SO many ways to break its difficulty in two if you have even a little sense of exploration (which is needed anyway to even progress through this game)
And I'm torn
On the one hand I technically prefer how future games will gradually attempt to better balance the difficulty, and I don't think I'd want another game that handles it like Sotn does
On the other hand however I love it when games reward my efforts by giving me overpowered tools. One of my favorite things in Classic Sonic games is abusing Super Sonic, which I love to do mainly because it's my reward for completing the games' Special Stages. You get to break the game because you were good enough to complete an extra challenge
Sotn is similar in this regard, since you usually have to either find its most game breaking tools...or they're just straight up secrets
You have to find the Holy Rod on your own if you want to break the first half of the game, you have to find Alucard's equipment in the Inverted Castle to get through that place more easily, you either have to find out on your own or look up on the Internet that you can use late game spells early on
And while most people claim that this game's difficulty is due to the developers being inexperienced with this new style...I think this was at least partly done on purpose
Do you think that putting stuff like the Crissaegrim or the Alucard Shield was an accident? Or stuff like this?
Remember: Sotn was purposefully made easier than the Classics to be more accessible, so I genuinely believe that most of this balancing was by design, in fact I think that Sotn is quite literally not properly designed to be chellenging.
Even if you go out of your way to not equip anything on Alucard to make him as weak as possible you'll find that the game just becomes frustrating, at least to me, as the enemy placement is often far too cluttered for you not to wear armor to mitigate most of the damage and bosses especially either barely try to attack you seriously (Cerberus) or their attacks barely follow any pattern and barely feel like you can reliably dodge their attacks without specific tactics. It just doesn't feel anywhere close to as deliberatly designed as the Classics in this regard, everything feels designed knowing that you're going to steamroll over everything using OP equipment
Sotn, to me, is the equivalent of a power fantasy: it's not about having a challenge, it's about doing short work of the opposition in spectacularily overpowered and flashy ways, because you're playing as the son of the Dark Lord himself and he does not fuck around (and of course Richter himself has his peculiarities though I'll probably mention him next time)
I'm personally a bit torn over how this impacts exploration: ideally you'd want to explore in a game to get more powerful in order to more easily handle challenges. But since Sotn gives you such over powered tools you can basically ignore most weapons and armors. Even stuff like Life and Heart ups can be mostly ignored, which makes exploration, partly useless
But at the same time, as I mentioned, it's through exploration that you gain some of these tools in the first place and I believe that, at its best, Sotn's exploration can actually be even better than Super Metroid's!
In that game, other than the plethora of item expansions and the mostly progression required upgrades the only truly unique stuff you can find completely on your own were beam upgrades
Here not only is it completely up to you to find the most broken weapons, stuff like the various extra powers for Alucard's transformations and the gravity boots feel more rewarding to find as they influence his movement in big ways and are generally more exciting that just having a different beam weapon
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rosalind-hawkins · 1 month
Ryo for the meme?
So sorry for the delay on this one! I kept having issues with my draft not saving and needing to start over.
I sincerely think Ryou was my first favorite character from Yugioh, even before Kaiba, if you can believe it.
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
When I was first introduced to Yugioh, what struck me about him and made me latch onto him was the obvious emotional pain. At the time I was just starting to figure out my own depression and anxiety that my family was oblivious to, and I think I just related to that lack of support. I guess this is the answer for Question 25.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
How excited her gets about food, actually. He and Joey are probably almost equally enthusiastic about it, and it's adorable.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
How they changed his dad in DSOD. I preferred it when the dad was an oblivious nerd just trying to give his son a cool gift instead of being a power-hungry weirdo.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
This probably sounds silly, but I want him living his best life in a Pokemon game with a team that he's bonded to, getting to live an RPG adventure just like Monster World, but a little bit safer. I want him taking a nap leaning on his Altaria with an Absol curled up at his feet, looking like it's asleep but keep watching. And don't forget his floaty little Shuppets hovering about.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Friend of Foe by t.A.T.u. because I watched so many AMVs at the time that I was introduced to Yugioh. The song captures his poignant and desperate confusion with his own life and identity.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Honestly, aside from Question 1, nothing specific comes to mind aside from general nerdiness. I used to have a bad sweet tooth, like I imagine he does, but not so much anymore.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Making him a sweet spooky boi with 27 tarot card decks at home that dresses like he's going to bible study. Also, a big one is giving him visible scars from all the stuff Y B has put him through: the arm, the left hand, the chest.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I wouldn't say despise. Not sure I'd say I dislike anything the fandom does with him too much
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
I imagine he's a night owl, so as long as he keeps things quiet at night, we wouldn't have a problem.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Definitely! We could probably introvert in the room together, doing our own things, or chat about art.
11. Would you date this character?
Again, I'm married, but if I had the chance and Y B was gone for good, absolutely.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I've actually always headcanoned that Ryou had a Catholic mom and she tried to pass on her faith to him, but it didn't fully stick, necessarily. This isn't from nowhere, I swear. In the church scene in season five, in the English dub, Ryou goes into the church saying "I should be safe in here" after running from a disembodied voice. I think that means that he must have some small level of faith if he thinks the church itself will ward off the evil.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Galaxy Goth - Give him star earrings and glittery platform boots. Give him galaxy print leggings and an illusion neckline shirt with sheer/lacy sleeves. 👌👌👌👌👌✨✨✨✨✨✨ Hell, make it femboy too, he could rock that so hard. Make it pastel galaxy goth, it works just as well. Dress this boy up.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
You know I can't ever just pick one ship. I'm a multishipper. It's never just one.
Euroshipping, Minorshipping, and Puffshipping are my top three.
Mumbleshipping, Rollshipping, and Teaseshipping are my top poly ships for him.
Honorable mention to Graceshipping, cause I think he and Ishizu could be so damn sweet together, and that's my #1 straight ship for him.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Tendershipping, actually. I don't hate on it or people who like it, and I have a soft spot for some of his ships, but I just can't see Yami Bakura the way a lot of the fandom sees him, and that's where it comes from. I don't wanna get into it because this isn't a Y B post. I'll just leave it at that. No hate here, just a different perspective.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Deathshipping. I can appreciate some of the art and some of the sillier conceptions of this ship, but I'm not personally into it.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
I haven't read the manga, but I've seen enough moments from it of Ryou and Joey together (included what looked like stealing a camel together), and their bond in DSOD was too adorable. It made me so happy to finally see somebody standing up for Ryou.
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
Obviously I wish he didn't get so roughed up by Y B.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Normally I'd leave ship characters out of it, but I can't help it: Ishizu, Joey, and Duke are my top picks here.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I play around with different versions of what's Ryou's mentality can be like after Bakura is gone and what the lasting impact is. There's a lot of options there, which is why I don't write just one version of Ryou.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
There's a lot of things that people do with him. I love when people flesh out his relationship with his family and
23. Favorite picture of this character?
But him with the banana.
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Okay, gonna try to stick to canon personality with this.
From Touken Ranbu, Nikkari Aoe. He seems sweet and normal on the surface, and then he'll suddenly say the weirdest occult crap to you with the most normal smile and you just want to back away slowly. And then you realize, oh dear this man's a weirdo. An absolute weirdo. (He's the one that can see ghosts after all, there's a real connection over that.) (He gets two gifs because you need to understand what a weirdo he is.)
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From UtaPri, we've got Shion from Heavens. He's a quiet shy boy on the surface with soulful eyes, but still waters run deep. I feel like they're both easy to underestimate.
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And from Nanbaka, I can't really explain why, I always associated him with Seitarou Tanabata. Maybe because they share the spiky Christmas tree hair, idk. Maybe I just think they'd be good friends.
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25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
See Question 1.
This boy is helpless in the kitchen. He's gonna have to count on his partner to either cook for him or teach him how to cookl
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raccoonspooky · 1 year
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Hiya, I’ve gotten a few questions across different platforms about commissions so I’ve decided to bite the bullet and do it!
Obviously, I’ll still be writing fanfic but this way you can get something specifically catered to what you’re into!
You’re totally welcome to use any of my pre-existing fics to give me an idea of what you’re looking for (tone, vibe, kinks, sequel, etc)
Important things to note:
I need a way to get into contact with you to chat about your piece! There needs to be some form of communication so I can send you any questions, or so I can send you some bits for your approval and feedback.
You can message me here on tumblr on this blog or on my main blog @possumteeths, otherwise I’ve also got discord or an email address. DM me for discord or email!
Payments will be through paypal or my kofi. (Please talk to me about the commission beforehand! Sending anything does not mean I’ll write your fic unless youve spoken to me beforehand and you’ve been given the go ahead!)
If I write over the agreed wordcount, which I likely will because I don’t know how to shut up, that's yours for no extra charge! If I get excited about an idea and end up writing more, that’s just a bonus for ya!
Rules, Pricing and other Info under the cut!
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You MUST be 18 or older to commission me.
I will not write anything nsfw involving an under aged character. I will not write scat or anything referencing necrophilia and extreme gore. Characters getting hurt or canon typical violence is absolutely fine, I just won't write horror/gore in a horny sense. I will not write incest, if the reader insert is involved with brothers or something, I’m 100% fine with that I just refuse to write family member x family member.
No real people please! I will not write real people!
That being said, if your fic is a little on the darker end and might squick any of my readers, or if I’m not comfortable posting it to my page, I’ll post it anonymously or email you a pdf.
Overall, if I am uncomfortable with something I’ll let you know but there’s not much that squicks me out besides what I’ve listed.
If you’d prefer the reader insert be named, I can do that but I will not write your pre-existing OC. I'd rather use a named default character or a character that you and I design together. You’re welcome to chat with me about characterization of the reader insert or third person insert though! I’d love to brainstorm with you!
If you post this fic anywhere, be sure to clearly state that I wrote it and link my tumblr/ao3. Do not mention it is a commission!
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More stuff:
I enjoy writing second person x readers without using the “y/n” device. Of course, I can write third or first and integrate any reader insert devices that you’d like.
Character x Character or second person x reader format stories are things I’m good at!
x female reader is always my default but any gender of reader is fine with me! Any pronouns you prefer are fine! I can write f/f or m/m as well.
I write mostly smut!, your commission does not need to be rated E, but I quite like writing rated E type o things haha.
Monsterfuckery is something I LOVE and i’d love to write.
You will not be charged anything extra for poly or reverse harem ships! But if keep in mind, I can only fit so much into certain word counts! I’ll let you know if I think your idea is unfeasible under a certain word count!
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Fandoms/Characters that I know well and I’d love to write for:
Horror/Slasher films: (Love! The Sinclair brothers, Brahms Heelshire, Billy Lenz, Harry Warden, Leslie Vernon, Bubba Sawyer, Thonas Hewitt and Billy/Stu from Scream.) Don’t let this list deter you! Im pretty much down for all forms of slasher fuckery, these ones are just my favorites lol!
Dead by Daylight
The Boys
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
Tons of other junk.
Original works/generic (insert trope) settings
I’m open to writing anything else, just ask me if I know the fandom/characters and I’ll let you know! Crossovers? Hell yea. I’m always down for silly shenanigans.
If it’s something I haven’t seen/read/played I’m totally down to consume the thing for a fee depending on how much I have to watch/play/read and how easily accessible it is lol!
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Base price: 1,000 words ($15)
Any increase of 1k will be an additional $5 until 8k words.
After 8k words, price will be $10 per additional thousand words. For example, a 10k fic will be $70.
As of now, the cut off for what I'm willing to write is 40k words!
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When can you expect your fic?
A 1k fic will take me about a week but at the most it could take me about 2 weeks. Anything after 5k to 10k please give me up to a month to get your fic done!
If you for whatever reason need a fic done ASAP or by a certain date, you can put in a rush order, meaning I'll ask for an additional 10% on each thousand words that you're asking for!
I'll post all commissioned fic on my ao3, it will be gifted to your username if you have one! If i'm uncomfortable posting it, it will be posted anonymously or emailed to you as a PDF. Its totes okay if you want to keep your commission to yourself! I won't post it if you don't want me to!
If I'm very busy, I'll let you know and let you know when you can expect your fic before we even start talking about premise!
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the-final-sif · 2 years
“Who are you?”
I’m Sif (she/her/they/them)! I’m a writer, an artist, and I will literally never stop talking. I have an African gray named Cecil, and I love him very much.
“Where can I find you?”
Here on Tumblr, On A03 as Rosae or Sif  - Or on the dreblr discord server
Discord is the fastest way to get in contact with me, asks on tumblr can get eaten and DMs on tumblr are weird for me. I'm not active on any other platforms
“When will x/y/z update?”
I don’t know. Don’t ask me or leave comments pestering me about updating things. I have adhd, and fanfiction is a hobby that I do for myself, so I work on things as I’m able to. My focus is fickle and I tend to jump from project to project, because that’s how I have fun. When it comes to my hobbies, me having fun is the whole reason I do them. Pestering me just makes me want to do it even less. Seriously.
“Can I send you asks about x/y/z? Do you mind talking about x/y/z?”
I'm not going to be upset about any ask sent in as long as it's in good faith, but that doesn't mean I'll answer every ask I get. If I don't answer an ask, it means that I wasn't sure on an answer, I'd answered the question before, or I just didn't feel like it. Odds are it's nothing personal, if I have an issue with someone or something, then I block.
That all being said, I don't answer questions asking for personal information of any kind unless it's something I've publicly discussed. I also prefer that people do not use tone indicators in asks, or if you must, please use full words and not acronyms. I'm pretty good at reading tone in text to begin with, and I run under the assumption most asks are in good faith.
“Can I use your idea/headcanon/etc in my fic/art/etc?”
Yes! People are always welcome to use my ideas/headcanons/etc with credit. You can create stuff set in my AU/make your own takes on them. All I ask is that you don’t copy my stuff word for word (ie reposting), and give credit if heavily referencing my works. You do not need to ask my permission to use my stuff as inspiration, but if you do create something 100% feel free to tag me/send it to me! I love seeing this stuff!
“Can I repost your fic/artwork/headcanon/etc?”
Probably not. I’m okay with my chat posts and non-fictional PSAs/advice posts being reposted to other platforms (with credit). For anything else, I do not allow reposting unless you ask me first (that being said, I do sometimes give permission when asked, it just depends on the post and platform you want to repost on). Translations and Podfics are absolutely fine though!
“Will you tag (specific trigger) or (spoilers)”
Probably not, sorry! I’d like to say that I could, and I try to tag major triggers & spoilers when I remember to, but again, ADHD means I tend to be pretty scattered brained and my tagging is pretty inconsistent as a result. I don’t want to promise to tag stuff when I know I’ll probably forget at some point.
“Do you take requests/commissions/art trades/do collabs/have a ko-fi?”
I do not take formal requests or requests for unrelated fandoms/characters/etc. I love talking with people and discussing ideas, but that’s entirely on my own terms. You can still always ask me about my AUs or offer specific ideas, but if I decide to write anything for it is all up to me.
I am not currently taking commissions, but I do take them every so often when the mood strikes. I already work to support myself, and as I’ve said before, fandom is a hobby for me, so I prefer to spend that time creating things at my own pace. Since I get people asking about it, I do have a ko-fi but please don’t feel obligated to send me anything.
Art/fic trades and/or collabs are a solid maybe at any given time, depending on what I have on my plate. Hit me up on discord if you want to talk about it.
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tealeavesandthorns · 5 months
Name / Alias: Laura (she/they)
Are you over 18? :Yes / No
  – W R I T I N G –
Are you selective about who you write with? : No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only). --
Are you selective about who you follow? : No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people).
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon? : Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / Not Applicable.
What post lengths do you write? : One-Liners / Single-Para / Multi-Para / Novella / All of the aforementioned. (I prefer single/multi-para for general rp and then cracky stuff and the occasional one liner I enjoy).
Do you use icons and/or GIFS? : No / Gifs / Icons / Yes / Sometimes. (Depends on the thread and such)
Do you write on other platforms? : No / Yes (I've tried it, discord and IM makes me uncomfortable so I'm just sticking with tumblr).
What level of plots do you write? : Unplotted / Open-Ended Plots / Semi-Plotted / Fully Plotted Epics / All of the aforementioned - Honestly I really like just having a sort of general idea of what we want and then seeing where it takes us.
How quickly do you usually respond to threads? : Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks) / Average (1-2 weeks) / Fast (less than one week) / Very Fast (less than three days) - This depends entirely on how my brain is working, if I'm in a good place and excited and stuff it can be the same day a bunch of times....
What types of themes do you like? : Adventure / Romance / Fluff / Angst / Violence / Tragedy / Domestic / Family / All of the aforementioned - I love everything but I have to say that romance, fluff, adventure are all my favs
What genres do you like? : ( Feel free to add! ) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romantic / Drama / Action / Smut / Adventure / Espionage / Dark / Emotional / All of the aforementioned - it just depends what I'm in the mood for, smut I'm not a huge fan off tbh, I'd rather write drabbles for that.
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog? : (Not triggers) No / Yes / Sometimes
Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged? : I honestly don't think there are many things that I find uncomfortable to write, or read, if the subject is handled well. I do struggle with some things though, and some topics and subject matters.
  – S H I P P I N G –
What types of relationships are you open to? : Romantic / Platonic / Familial / All of the aforementioned
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to? : Romantic / Platonic / Familial / All of the aforementioned
Do you have OTPs? : No / Chemistry Only / Yes
Do you have NOTPS? : No / Yes
What is your muse’s sexual orientation? : Heterosexual / Heteroflexible / Bisexual / Pansexual / Homoflexible / Homosexual / Demisexual / Sapiosexual / Asexual / Still trying to figure it out / Depends on the muse you’re asking
What is your muse’s romantic orientation? : Heteroromantic / Heteroflexible / Biromantic / Homoflexible / Homoromantic / Panromantic / Demiromantic / Sapioromantic / Aromantic / Still trying to figure it out / Depends on the muse you’re asking
Are you comfortable writing smut? : No / Selectively / Yes
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically? : Autoship / During plotting / After a couple IC interactions / Several IC interactions / Slow burn / Plot dependent / Never - It really just entirely depends.
Are you open to toxic ships? : No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure (but they must be handled with care and I need the other mun to be open to talking about our muses oc if I have questions. And there must always be to option of dropping the ship if either one had grown uncomfortable with it. - keeping this from Krys' answer because it's so true!)
Are you open to problematic ships? : No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
Are you open to polyamory shipping? : No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
Are you an exclusive shipper? : Never / Sometimes / Yes - very very rarely do I exclusively ship, I'd rather just be open to stuff and then potentially I sometimes have favourites.....
Does crack shipping ever happen? : Nope / Yes / depends
Stolen from @asoulunbound tagging: YOU!!
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marauderswolf22 · 1 year
Hi! I'm doing some research on the marauders fandom, and I saw that you've posted some content for it! I'd love it if you could take this anonymous form, about your opinions and experiences in the marauders fandom! (If you wanna be extra lovely, would you be willing to share it with your followers, too?) Thank you so so much :) Here's the link: forms. gle/MggR6iFc7mk7KxD9A
I feel so honored!!! Thank you <3 all complete, so i wanted to share my answers :) (i don't know how to write it, but hell yeah i want to) +i skipped the part about myself (age, country...) and i also make them shorter, but with the same meaning (hope you're not mad!) and i also wrote here so much of them lol
At what age did you read the Harry Potter books? ⬤ 8-10 years old
Have you ever read Harry Potter fanfiction? ⬤ yes
If so, what year did you start? ⬤ i think it was 2021
Do you consider yourself in the hp fandom, the marauders, both, or neither? ⬤ the marauders fandom
Which platforms do you use to consume marauders content? ⬤ Tumblr ⬤ ao3 ⬤ Wattpad ⬤ Fanfiction. net
What do you like to consume within the marauders fandom? ⬤ Fan art ⬤ Fanfiction ⬤ Fan edits (with movie clips)
When did you first engage in marauders fandom? ⬤ in the beggining of 2022
Did you participate the marauders fandom in late 2020 (atyd era) ⬤ No
Have you read atyd? ⬤ no, but im in the fandom anyway
(Here i missed some questions, sorry)
Have you read crimsom rivers? ⬤ I want to!
Have you read art heist, baby? ⬤ No
Do you ship Jilly? ⬤ yes, also with other characters
If you ship them with other people, who are they? ⬤ james with regulus, sometimes lily with mary
Do you ship jegulus? ⬤ Yes (i fucked up here lol)
If you ship them with other people, who are they? ⬤ James with lily &lt;3
Do you ship wolfstar? ⬤ yes (hell yeah)
Do you ship jeguilly? ⬤ No
Do you ship rosekiller? ⬤ i really don't know!!!
Is there a very popular ship i haven't mention? ⬤ Dorlene? And marylily i think
Have you had any experiences with sexism in the marauders fandom? ⬤ don't remember but possible that yes
Have you had any experiences with racism in the marauders fandom? ⬤ yes
If yes, explain here: ⬤ i saw a fanart one time where james had a darker skin (he was latino) and someone commented that it doesn't suit him (i meant that they said that it doesn't suit his personality)
Have you had any experiences with fat-phobia in the marauders fandom? ⬤ again, possible bit don't exactly remember anything
Have you even been harassed while engaging in the marauders fandom? ⬤ no
How do you see james potter ⬤ i don't have a preference! (Everything is interesting!)
Do you think you are the minority within the fandom? ⬤ i think most fans view this character the way i do
How do you see Sirius and Regulus? ⬤ i dom't have a preference!
Do you think you are the minority within the fandom? ⬤ i think most fans DO NOT view this character the way i do
Do you think that Peter is plus-size? ⬤ yes, but it's not that important to me
Do you think you are the minority within the fandom? ⬤ i think most fans view this character the way i do
Do you think that Lily is plus-size? ⬤ i don't have a preference!
Do you think you are the minority within the fandom? ⬤ i think most fans view this character the way i do
Do you think it's problematic to ship characters who, within canon, are death eaters and DO get a redemptiom arc? ⬤ i don' think so, everyone have theur own canon and for some it can be problematic, but for some not (my english had a break here)
Do you think that it's problematic to ship characters who, within canon, are death eaters and DON'T get a redemptiom arc? ⬤ i don't ship them but only because im not really deep into their stories (yet?) but again, not for everyone and every canon (my english understanding was sleeping, god)
GUYS DO THIS, IT'S SO COOL and you must put a lot of effort in this, good job! Have a good day lovies <3
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kokokulto · 1 year
hi ! long time fan of your work Koko :) i wanted to ask you what your experience has been like delving into each social media platform, trying to get a feel for each, and now settling on tumblr ? how would you compare each of them, and why do you feel that tumblr has been your best experience so far? thank you for your time <3
[really long post lol]
There are so many things going on in my mind that I want to be able to articulate into words as I read this question lmaooo.
To have a fuller understanding I've talked about quality over quantity of social media interaction here and here. To summarize, I did some reflecting after attempting to 'reboot my art accounts' earlier this year. I realized that attempting to spread myself thin doesn't make me happy and I should only focus on a platform that encourages meaningful feedback and thoughts from other people. To me, Twitter and Instagram was not a place for it due to the nature of its design and algorithm.
I prefer comments over numbers. Something that in my experience isn't super common on Twitter or Insta (unless you're a really big account, or your post blown up to a massive audience). Most interactions there start and end with a like, and perhaps if they are generous enough, maybe a Insta Story share or retweet. The stories are just plain, and it's not often one get's a quote retweet (if you have more qrts, then you are being ratio'd LOL). It's a numbers game. The only parameters you base your "success" on these platforms is through the amount of likes or retweets you have. I am not saying it is impossible to have a good experience on these platforms, nor saying it's impossible to get mutuals there. However, I personally did not feel that people are actively encouraged to actually say something about the artwork if the person isn't a mutual or someone they already know. One experience that put it into perspective was when an old FNAF painting I did got around 1,500 likes despite the account being new and bare. Flopped on Insta but blew up on twitter; it dawned on me how meaningless and based on luck these large numbers were.
Now, here is where tumblr kicked in! Tumblr was part of the social media 'i tried to reboot'. I know that the growth here can be long (the ban, and people left blah blah yeah), and honestly did not expect much from it. But, I channeled my familiarity with tumblr from 2014 and remembered: "hey! In the tags, guys". Posting and reblogging made me enjoy the "tag culture" of this hellsite—even WAY more than before! The "comments via tags" thing is almost a way to give your thoughts and prayers remarks without the expectation for direct social interaction. Some people prefer this over the actual comment section, and it makes them more comfortable to say something about the work! I value every reblog that has comments and tags. Being able to hear your thoughts about the piece, why you like it is 1000% better than tons of likes. I get to actually see why people interact with the post; I'd describe it as having a touch of humanity in the interaction. Actual quality!
This is inherent to Tumblr's design from the beginning. There were no likes on this site before. At its core, people must reblog. And with the whole craze back then on this site with fandoms and such, people just started blurting out comments via tags. Even when likes were first introduced, the number reblogs often out weighed the likes. Because tapping a singular button and ending it there doesn't actually show much appreciation! Being on a platform where the community is encourage to use the tags beyond blog organization is amazing. Input and thoughts, are valued here and I think that's pretty cool. I look at the type of interaction the platform can give, not its quantity. I had fun time here at 40 followers, am still having that same fun at 200+. Probably will be the same throughout! (hopefully)
At the end, this place is still social media and one's relationship with it should be monitored. All comments (good and bad) shouldn't go to your head too much. But, at the very least, Tumblr's design and community allows a bit more of a humane touch when interacting with someone's work.
In terms of design though, I like that tumblr allows for different types of media (videos, audio, image sizes, long posts, asks + answers). Its archival system and the ability to open different blogs is also cool. Customization and markups are really nice! I love how personalized this place can be.
Hopefully this answers your question, and is comprehensive enough LOL . Again, this is my experience, and my journey. It may be different from yours. Just remember to go where you grow while having fun!
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kinghaargrove · 1 year
Name: Keltie Pronouns: she/they Preference of communication: Discord (available to mutuals upon request) Most active muse: Definitely Billy. Second place is tied up between Arthur Morgan and Jim Hopper. Experience / how many years: I want to say around 14/15 years of RP? I think I came to tumblr RPC around 2011 or 2012 Platforms you use: Tumblr & discord
Best experience: Despite how much of a raging dumpster fire this fandom can be?? I honestly think this might be my best experience so far, second only to my early days from when I was writing Loki. Putting the blinders on and ignoring fandom/interpersonal drama, I think I've made some pretty amazing new friends and like minded enthusiasts here. I wouldn't trade my circle of sweet beans for the world, and I'm grateful to have each and every single one of them, even those I don't get a chance to chat with as much as I'd like.
Rp pet peeves: So many, but the biggest one? Fucking purity police culture. The "how dare you write a multifaceted yet ultimately troubled character, you must ALSO be a piece of shit!!" crowd. Villains, villain coded characters, and basic bitch troubled individuals/bullies are fun to write and I won't pretend that they aren't. MUN DOES NOT EQUAL MUSE. Please, by all means, tailor your own online experience how you see fit, but do not drag your problems with x character/scenario into other people's space, attack them, and try to claim moral superiority. By attacking people over a fictional character, you're automatically as bad, if not, worse than the fictional character you're bashing. You are hurting real people. Billy ant!s, I'm looking at you. Billy Hargrove is not in the room. Billy Hargrove has not and cannot actually hurt you. He's fake. Chill.
Fluff, angst, or smut: ALL. GOOD FOOD. It's hard to get Billy to a place to write fluff with him, but it's so rewarding those rare times it gets to happen. I enjoy angst more than the average person, I'm sure. Breaking the hearts of my RP partners is how I show love. As for smut - Billy is the horniest muse I've ever had, he wants smut in abundance. I find it hilarious because I, the mun, am asexual. Plots or memes: Both. Memes for the low brain days, but some of my most favourite plots have stemmed from those! Long or short replies: Whatever I'm in the mood for, though a lot of my stuff ends up long Best time to write: LMAOOO. Whenever I'm not busy or in chronic pain, rarely am I either. I do like the peace and freshness of mornings, but some of my best bangers I happen to push out late at night for some reason. Are you like your muses: Depends on which muse. When I was 17, my name might as well have been Billy Hargrove. I was in a Bad Place back then, I was the same kind of "bad survivor" of my circumstances. Of all the characters I've ever written, I think he's the most like me. It's a good thing I had people who believed in me and helped me get better, to be the person I'm proud to be, today. He never had that chance or those supports and it's part of why I write him. Even "bad survivors" can get better.
I am most certainly not like 99% of my other muses, though. I played a lot of villains back in the day. Billy’s my gentlest and mildest muse in a long time, by comparison.
tagged by: @firstcurse tagging: everyone who'd like to fill it out!
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maryellencarter · 1 year
So! Being as I am spending so much more time at work lately, I'm running out of entertainment options. Specifically, I'm looking for recommendations for video games.
Relevant information:
* Switch only for now. I don't have any other console and I don't have room for my gaming laptop at my workstation. Eventually planning to buy a PS5 if there's a game you think I'd really enjoy.
* Must be fully pauseable at any point, including at any point during combat or platforming sections. Breath of the Wild handles this especially well -- press a single menu button, set aside the controller, and nothing changes in the game until I come back to it. Animal Crossing timescale, where time passes at a constant rate whether I'm in a menu or what, is acceptable only if there's no way to die while AFK. Minecraft, where you can get attacked and die while in the pause menu, is right out.
* Replayability strongly preferred. In Animal Crossing, Breath of the Wild, and Pokemon Scarlet, I'm in a basically endgame state where most of the remaining objectives are collectibles sidequests, completing X ludicrously large/grindy task, max ranking all your inventory items, etc. I don't want to have to delete my saves in order to get back to a point where I can make progress on achievable goals in a reasonable time. Sometimes I want to have those endgame saves available, but I also want to be able to create infinite character profiles on the same player profile, like in Minecraft or Mass Effect.
* If combat/dying exists, easy mode availability preferred. I don't enjoy dying over and over again figuring out how to beat a particular fight. There's a DLC shrine in Breath of the Wild where you basically die at least a few times in every section and get sent back to the beginning, so by the time you actually reach the end, you probably have a repeatable strategy for each section. I hated it.
Games I've played, in approximately alphabetical order, and how I felt about them:
* Animal Crossing New Horizons. Do enjoy: Terraforming, town design, wide variety of activities available, realtime seasons and holidays, villagers do not die or despawn unless I tell them they can leave, multitude of customizable options for almost everything. Do not enjoy: Only one island per Switch, cannot access certain items without having friends who play the same game (although that might be limited to just fruit species now?), limited options per day for just dicking around on your island, no practical use for cooking.
* Breath of the Wild. Did enjoy: Fucking gorgeous, amazing open world with good signposting of where to go, lots of customizable clothing, the voice acting is really solid in the parts where it's voiced, plenty of very practical use for cooking, can tank through the combat with sufficient armor and hearty meals even though I do not have Leet Gamer Skillz and cannot consistently flurry or parry most enemies (I flurried a stalkoblin once, which was hilariously beyond useless), the story is really neat and very layered as you piece it together, it's possible to play in the world for thousands of hours without seeing everything.
Did not enjoy: Anything about the handling of gender with the Gerudo, especially how their women's clothing is some of the worst armor in the game and doesn't even give you heat resistance unless you wear the full set, while the men's armor (which you have to buy at the kink club next to the bondage hood) is basically a necessity for desert travel. The whole Gerudo storyline is practically unplayable for me while I'm female, it's so aggressively gendered. Also do not enjoy the bottomless pits in many shrines, or the drowning animation if you run out of stamina while swimming -- this game does nothing for my phobias of either heights or drowning. Would really appreciate an easy mode, although once I bought the DLC, Majora's Mask turns most monsters peaceful (until they see me kill something), so I can focus on the open-world exploration shit.
* Dragon Age. Played the intro section of Origins as each race and gender, got fairly far in with (I think) a human warrior. Was extremely unimpressed by the way the male town elf's story is rescuing your kidnapped girlfriend but the female town elf's story is *being* the kidnapped girlfriend with a massive helping of threatened sexual violence the whole time you're fighting your way out. Also found the handling of religion boring and did not care about most of the characters. Found the reputation system very confusing. Did enjoy the section in the mystical setting -- what was it called, the "Fade"? -- where you morph into different forms in order to solve puzzles, sort of like how Lego Star Wars has you hot-swap characters to progress through certain areas. Have not tried the other Dragon Age games.
* Flight Rising (browser petsite focused on breeding and decorating dragons). Do enjoy: Dragons will not die or despawn unless I sell them or remove them from the game, thriving in-game player marketplace with a healthy and balanced economy, unlimited fairly mindless resource grinding option (for most resources) when I feel like mindless infinite grinding, turn-based combat with well-understood recommended builds. Do not enjoy: I'm basically endgame there too, the only remaining objective is one that receives ongoing updates every month so I'd never truly finish it and I'm always further behind when I wander back, only one resource grinding option exists and I'm pretty burnt out on it.
* Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Enjoyed the demo, played a few levels, discovered I don't enjoy platformers. Being very precise with button pushes and joystick control is not my skillset. I tend to flail wildly, get stuck to walls, and over-prepare massively for boss fights so that I can win without actual Gamer Skillz. Did enjoy the artstyle and music, very cheerful little game.
* Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (first six movies version). Did enjoy: Silly Lego artstyle, easy availability of cheats and walkthroughs so combat/progression wasn't frustrating, very strong aim assist on blasters, getting to do Star War things like tow cable an AT-AT with my snowspeeder. Did not enjoy: Vehicle combat segments (I get so carsick on the podrace especially), platforming segments requiring too much precision (I still haven't beaten Mustafar), repetitive stuff like having to tow cable *fifteen* AT-ATs to beat the snowspeeder level, the part where after I collected a certain assortment of characters I couldn't walk around the hub area without getting constantly aggro'd on by whichever characters were my enemy.
* Mass Effect trilogy/Legendary Edition: If it was available on Switch, I'd be set, but it's not. Do enjoy: Near infinite replayability with different story and teammate options, open world/galaxy exploration options (especially driving the Mako on uncharted worlds in ME1), full player character customization including gender, massive assortment of found-family characters, easy combat options, high aim assist and auto squad combat options, combat pause HUD which can be maneuvered while paused, amazing high-quality full voice acting, incredible modding community.
Did not enjoy: The almost stereotypical gamer-dev sexism on display in practically every treatment of a female character, including occasionally the player character. (On PC, I now have mods to eliminate a lot of that! I haven't been playing the PC version much though, because I was trying to stream it for some friends, and there were audio issues and I'm also struggling with the mouse sensitivity. I'm honestly considering getting a PS5 just to play Legendary Edition on my TV while at work, but that's gonna be another couple paychecks at least. Although if there are other PS5 games that sound like they'd be right up my alley, let me know, I guess?) Would not have enjoyed Virmire if I hadn't been warned in advance.
* Minecraft. Do enjoy: The infinite number and size of open worlds, obviously. The simple, distinctive artstyle. The infinite modifiability of each world. Do not enjoy: Fall damage. Drowning. If you play on Peaceful, there is no use for cooking, and you can't get certain resources such as blaze powder. (I'm too much of a klutz to play on non-Peaceful difficulties for very long.) The confusing nature of multiplayer/servers/Realms?
* Pokemon Go. Burned out around generation three or four. Did enjoy: Learning about Pokemon cultural references, the outdoor component. Did not enjoy: Inability to get most non-desert types, slow development of the assessment tools so that I eventually turned out to have put in tons of effort on Pokemon that were retroactively revealed to be pretty crappy, requirement to have a strong multi-person raiding party in order to get any of the legendaries, limited-time events, increasing requirements to buy things like raid passes in order to stay relevant, inability to beat boss battles due to type imbalance due to living in desert...
* Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu (remake of Pokemon Yellow). Did enjoy: Learning more Pokemon cultural references, especially the towns and NPCs that everyone else knows from the anime I didn't watch, catching a whole bunch of the same pokemon and then going through to consider which had the best stats. Did not enjoy: Impossible to finish Pokedex unless you trade with a local friend who has the other version (Let's Go Eevee), I was so disappointed I couldn't get a Gengar that I quit entirely.
* Pokemon Scarlet. Crashes more than any other game I've ever run on hardware it was intended for -- it doesn't crash quite as often as my first Mass Effect trilogy playthrough on an *incredibly* underpowered laptop where I had to turn off things like search indexing and the print spooler to keep it from crashing to desktop every time there was a lens flare, but that bar isn't just on the ground, it's down in the *asthenosphere* somewhere! Did enjoy: Having a large but finite collection of little critters to work on, having all of their stats be adjustable (with use of resources) so I didn't have to worry about putting too much effort in on a critter that turned out to be of poor quality, ability to get Gengar from an NPC, surprise trades are very fun, turn-based combat is easy to "pause".
Did not enjoy: The pseudo-open world? I'm really damn glad @tabbiewolfreblogs warned me about the non-scaling gym system, because I would have been terminally frustrated if I hadn't known to look up a list of what order to go in. I realize measuring other open worlds against Breath of the Wild is a high bar, but that was a weird way to handle it. I also really disliked the way the game forces me into unexpected battles at certain points and doesn't allow me to change my team before fighting, which meant I wound up in several situations where I realized right away I couldn't win but wasn't allowed to flee, so I had to just battle through and get my ass thoroughly kicked, which was very discouraging.
Also considering:
* Link's Awakening remake for Switch. I've watched a complete playthrough, it's a cute little thing, love the artstyle, but it's very... slight? I don't know that it would be worth the $50 price tag. Not sure how pauseable it is, doesn't look like it would have much replayability.
* Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, a hack-and-slash (I think that's the genre name?) Breath of the Wild tie-in prequel. Tried the demo, it's pretty button-spammy and I suspect it would hit some of the same "I do not have the amount of experience holding a controller that this game expects" that platformers do, but I've also seen a playthrough and I really love the story. It also has some serious "you're expected to replay the same maps several times with different characters to grind levels and loot" that might be a good console substitute for Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, I do enjoy grinding on repeatable maps sometimes. Definitely has the amount of content that would make it more worth $50. I'm not sure if it even *has* a pause button though. And all the online guides for it assume that you're going to play in exactly the specific ways they like best, so they're like "The unequivocal best and worst characters/builds! Don't even bother with defense, just never get hit!" and so forth, which annoys the hell out of me because it's so gatekeepy and does not acknowledge that people can have different playstyles.
Anyway! That was a lot. Any recommendations of other games I might like, though?
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angelus-tenebrae · 1 year
NAME: Kitsune, Kitsu (Formerly Shin from Deviantart)
PRONOUNS: She/Her (I am Cisgendered. To clear up any confusion. I have run into that before about pronouns and I don't want anyone getting confused again.)
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Discord. I am far too busy to do messages here these days. Save for a select few who are actually active on here. But work is wearing me out more than ever and I am sometimes too tired to message on tumblr.)
NAME OF MUSE(S): My main muses are: angelus-x-tenebrae: Ryou and my newest muse on there, Yugi. (Kaiba is not my most active muse but he is a fun one) And my main muse is on a side called kurai-honoo with my Orichalcos Yami Yugi. Also has Season Zero in his personality.
List of muses: Ryou, Yami Bakura, Kaiba, Atem, Jack Atlas, Dartz, (good boy post doma Dartz that is) And most recently, a half human, half harpy Yugi. Plus some side muses like Mahad, Mana and Solomon/Yugi's grandfather.
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): Since 2013 with yoru-no-requiem and my Kuja. Over time, deity-of-calamity became my main until Yami. So my YGO muses are my main focus nowadays.
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Deviantart, Skype, Discord, Tumblr, Facebook (mostly just for playing games. As I was never interested in that social media for much else.) Youtube (mostly just for watching videos) Twitch (my boyfriend got me into that one)
BEST EXPERIENCE: Making some of the best of friends I could ever ask for that have kept me going through some of the worst of times. But mainly, @xdeerxhealerx Who is my best friend on here. And such a good adoptive sister to me. I would not still be here on tumblr without her. And I also owe a lot to the wonderful friends I've made since she gave me a chance to give Tumblr a second chance. Give her all the love you can, okay? She deserves so much of it.)
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: Godmodding, saying my character likes this or that (I decide that, not you) And having an OC be related to my character. I can accept that as a hc for your muse if it's a canon character. I do not own said character if it's not an OC. But I cannot bring that into rps for MINE. Because I REFUSE to have a background I was not part of. Therefore ALL OC's are strangers to mine. The only exception is if I talk the muns beforehand and we come to an arrangement.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I write all. I am very good with fluff and angst the most though. Smut doesn't happen very often but I can and do write it. I just prefer clean smut or fading to black because I am SENSITIVE to certain sexual things. Most images are a no go unless it's... Covered enough for me not to be uncomfortable. Or if it's a ship I just so happen to like but you must ASK before showing it to me.)
PLOTS OR MEMES: I'm fine with either but I usually wing stuff. Plots are fine though.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: It depends. On my mood and how much I have to work with in my rp partner's response. If there's only a little, don't expect a longer response from me. I am not trying to match length but I do need to have enough to work with for it to be longer.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: After work. Which tends to be around 4:30 to 5. But that's just when I get home. I can still do asks on mobile but I am more comfortable with my computer. For the weekends? Anytime past 9 am is fine.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): It depends on which muse. I'd say I'm the most like Ryou because I am kind but super into horror things. It's the goth in me lol. I can also be a lot like Yami. Minus the destructive magic. Because I love chaos and dark things and I do have something of an anger problem. I just don't get into fist fights like he would.
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aaronyhc · 1 year
Social Media (Aaron Chy)
I believe that social media is a global network or hub where various forms of information can be shared or exchanged to be managed in many ways. It is a term in which it doesn't really have a refined definition as social media and the internet in general is always evolving to which many users, especially businesses, will have to adapt how they manage their resources and how they can connect to many users in various ways. Social media is something that is very essential to our everyday life due to its accessibility when trying to connect with others and managing information that is created and shared for reasons based on the user's intention of how they want to use their platform.
I would characterize myself as an avid, but casual user. I am someone that mainly uses social media for my own personal preferences and enjoyment such as making use of wikis, blogs, messaging, streaming, and overall, all the essential social media platforms relating to those aspects. I like using the resources or platforms I must catch up with any series I like along with interacting with communities within those series I enjoy. I also use social media as an efficient and accessible way to learn about the news along with educating and learning new things I may be interested in now or in the future. Overall, I am a very proactive user but more so for my own personal interests in contrast to that of businesses or corporate accounts.
The strengths I consider in my understanding of social media is learning how to manage information efficiently, along with knowing what sources may be credible or not. I consider social media or the internet in general as a mass sea of information and there is a lot of things I've learned and educated myself reading from all types of platforms, especially from wiki and blog pages. But not everything should be taken as fact especially at surface level because just like when exploring deeper into the sea or iceberg, there are many things the mass media may not have a good understanding of regarding many ideas. Especially regarding complex matters, it's easy to see many people have a surface level understanding of a particular subject while the other minority who may be more thoughtful and provide a more credible/objective understanding of something remains unpopular. However, it is an idea that I believe is completely subjective and has more to do with morality and how it varies from person to person. My challenges in social media I'd say would being more proficient in adapting to the constantly evolving social media climate as I've had experience in using any form of social media platforms or techniques that later become outdated within a few years or months and it would take me a while for me to adapt compared to others when using new social media platforms.
What I want to gain from partaking in my social media communication course is to achieve a higher understanding of the fundamentals and how all the aspects of social media work and can be utilized efficiently for myself and possibly others. As of now, I mainly use social media for personal use, but I do consider doing something related to content creation and with that, I need to learn the most efficient ways I can utilize my resources to help achieve my goal as I'll most likely have to consider multi-platforming to help achieve my goal.
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accio-dambrick · 2 years
JKR is a terrible person and I just feel sad when I see all her tweets.
I've seen a few people say Harry Potter fans are 'ungrateful' to her because she created the books and we're just here hating her. I'd like ask, why is it that we must blindly support someone who hurts , who refuses to acknowledge the identity of people who have been shunned their entire life? Now I'm not trans, but I cannot imagine how painful it must have been for trans people who grew up reading Harry Potter, who found a home in Harry Potter, just to see the author completely disregard their identity. We don't have an obligation to support her just because she write her books. Personally, I think she's a great author. She made good books. Her characters are good people who would absolutely detest her for what she's doing. Ironic seeing that she's the one who wrote them.
But that doesn't mean I'm going to excuse her blatant transphobia. I'm not in debt to her, and I have the right call her out for being a bitch.
Her book characters taught us to accept and love everyone for who they are, but there she is, using her large platform, to not just disregard, but support other people, other organisations that hurt the trans community. It's not just a simple opinion. It's not just saying she prefers pineapple on pizza or cereal before milk. This is an opinion that harms the trans community and harms the people who respected her. A lot of people might just agree with her because they blindly respect her or because they don't know much about trans people. And that's harmful. And she could have so easily used her platform to help trans people. But ofc not.
I've seen people say she's a good person because of all her donations to orphanages. I'm not going to try denying that she hasn't done good things. She used to be billionaire but donated to orphanages and became a millionaire. That was a good deed. But you can't use that to justify her hurtful comments to the trans community now. It's not an excuse. Your current actions can't be excused or ignored or supported just because you did something good before.
I'm sure she believes that she's standing up for woman and that she's totally right which is why she's still being persistent and a complete bitch. I don't speak for all women, but I don't feel reassured or comforted by seeing her bully the trans community. I don't feel like my rights are secured because of her 'activism'.
I don't want her dead, and I honestly think the death threats are helping her making excuses of how bullied woman are for speaking up. I hope she steps on legos though. I hope her pillow is warm on both sides. But most importantly, I hope she can see how many people she's hurting by going on. How much she's destroying. I hope she realises the difference between gender and sex and I hope she can stop. Or even better, change her perspective.
For now, I'm just going to not watch or buy anything related to her, including the Fantastic Beasts Movie which I wasn't gonna watch in the first place because of Johnny Depp being fired. I'm not saying everyone has to do the same, but I mean there are pirated versions of movies in 4k quality so if you really want to watch it, you could maybe watch it from those websites instead? The money from the movies go into her pockets which is why so many people have discouraged others from watching the movie.
And I still love Harry Potter, because luckily I could separate the characters from the author, again let me reiterate, those characters would be disgusted with jkr. But while I like the books, I'm never getting new books, or new merch or anything that benefits jkr. My love is limited to reading the books and analysing or fangirling the characters or plot.
JKR used to be someone I respected but I've lost all the respect. Personally, what pisses me off is that she uses her giant platform to advocate for feminism by discriminating trans people. She has the right to have her opinion. But if you have such a large community and you know the trans people have been moved by your work, is it that hard to keep your opinion to yourself and let them live their lives? Is it hard to not ruin their lives? She isn't just giving an opinion here, she's using her large platform to hurt them which really angers me.
But um anyways, these are just some unfiltered thoughts from reading her tweets, fuck you jkr.
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fytheuntamed · 4 years
How much of the novel do you think was Mxtx's actual outline for the story, how much was to keep the audience engaged, and how much was the request of her readers? I'd say most of the explicit romance stuff was to keep the audience. Whenever wangxian need to be physically intimate alchol was involved because she knew the ml would never do those things on their own and she needed a excuse to write it. Which imo is bad writing if you can't get the ml in your romance to be intimate without alchol.
Well there’s certainly a lot to unpack here, anon, but I’m afraid my ability to respond is quite hampered by a few things: I’ve only read a portion of the MDZS novel and I haven’t read any of MXTX’s other novels, MXTX’s initial intended audience was readers in China (which I am not), and I don’t know MXTX, so I can only guess at her intentions. That being said, I will share a few of my thoughts on the matters mentioned in your ask.
I think that with any story that is heavily plot driven, as opposed to a more slice-of-life story, the author has to have a fairly well thought out outline for the story before they begin writing, or at least before they begin publishing. Absent this, it’s inevitable that the story will become full of plot holes and loose ends. While the plot aspect of the novel may not be perfect (plot holes that exist in the drama don’t necessarily exist in the novel), the most common complaints I’ve heard about it weren’t plot related, leading me to believe the plot of the novel must be fairly cohesive. Reading your ask, though, I get the impression that what you’re asking about isn’t the plot plot, but rather the dynamic between lwj and wwx. Did MXTX make wangxian a couple to boost readership? Again, I don’t know MXTX, so I have no real way of knowing what her intentions were. That being said, I’m leaning towards no. My guess is MXTX just wanted to write a story where two guys are in love, and it probably wasn’t for any deep reason other than that she wanted to. I won’t get into the reasons why, as that would be a whole other post, but lots of girls really like writing mlm stories.
I want to stress again that I don’t know how the platform on which MXTX published the novel works, therefore I don’t know what level of communication existed between MXTX and her fans on said platform.
As for the physical intimacy between wangxian, again, I don’t think she wrote it just because she wanted to please the fans, but rather I think she probably wrote it because she herself wanted these scenes to exist. Was she also aware that readers were hoping for such scenes? Of course! (Assuming she read fan comments). I think it’s very standard practice in many countries, regardless of the medium, to include one (or multiple) scenes in which the main couple have their first time together. If you’ve properly written and developed the relationship between the couple, depicting them being intimate in this way with one another should be quite gratifying to readers. Now I don’t mean this in a, “if they haven’t boned, they aren’t really in love” way. I simply mean that such scenes can be used to show a deepening of the couple’s bond, which for readers who are invested in said bond, is really nice to be able to witness.
as far as novel!wangxian are with physical intimacy, i think their novel dynamic does rely more heavily on some classic tropes that didn’t make it into the drama because of censorship. Things like lwj’s possessiveness and jealousy that existed far more heavily in the novel couldn’t make it into the drama, as these were deemed to be too obviously non-platonic to make the cut. I think MXTX wrote lwj throughout the story as a man who is very repressed due to his upbringing, so I honestly don’t think it’s too surprising that she made him drunk during such intimate scenes. Putting aside whether it’s good writing or not, as that’s a can of discourse I don’t particularly want to get into right now, I don’t think it’s that lwj wouldn’t want to do such things with wwx while sober, but rather that he wouldn’t allow himself to do such things while sober (at least initially when he isn’t sure of wwx’s feelings for him). So in this case I don’t think it’s a case of bad writing in terms of inconsistency of characterization, as one could easily understand why someone like lwj would be hesitant to act in such a manner while sober. It would be one thing if lwj had been raised in a clan that was all, “follow your heart and your dick, go be free,” and still needed to be drunk to get intimate, but that just isn’t the case here. again, i’m not getting into any of the discourse surrounding their intimate scenes because i think i’ve already touched upon the matter in a previous post and said what i wanted to say on the matter.
in conclusion, because this post has gotten far too long: i don’t know MXTX - none of us do - so we can only guess at her intentions. i don’t know how large or small a role her Chinese fans played in shaping the story, but my guess would be MXTX wrote the story as she wanted to, not as her fans may or may not have wanted her to. i also want to say that because wangxian’s relationship is the backbone of the story, i don’t think it’s something she could have slapped together haphazardly in the middle of the story. their love story is so interwoven with the plot that i would be very surprised if MXTX revealed their relationship was simply an afterthought or the wishes of the fans. finally, in my opinion, novel!wangxian’s intimate scenes, putting matters of consent aside, do appear consistent with MXTX’s characterization of lwj as someone who is both possessive and repressed. whether fans prefer this characterization of lwj or the drama’s characterization of lwj is between them and themselves.
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marias-in-pyjamas · 3 years
Eclipse: Chapter 1.3
See more from the masterlist.
Commanding Agent Adam du Mortain x Detective Eliana Langford x Specialist Agent Mason ; Agent Nate Sewell x Detective Ellara Kingston
Content Rating - Warnings: T - language, mentions of guns, dead body
Disclaimer: The Wayhaven Chronicles belongs to Seraphinite Games. This is based on TWC, and the fic will almost follow the game's original timeline. This is purely an AU where there are two detectives in town instead of one.
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Inside the Police Station
14 Jan ’19 – 09:20
More than an hour had passed after Eliana’s talk with Officer Friedman earlier and Detective Kingston still hasn’t showed up. Whatever case she’s overseeing must’ve been serious if it took her that long in returning to the station. But still, Eliana waited patiently in her seat in front of the officer’s desk, only standing up for a few minutes every now and then to have a smoke.
The body from the crime scene arrived half an hour earlier, enclosed in a cadaver bag. The crime techs brought it straight to the lab downstairs without so much of a glance at her. Eliana resisted the urge to ask for details, knowing they’re not going to give her any.
Officer Friedman, thankfully, remained focus on his work even when she goes outside. He kept his phone in his pocket, and was alert to answer the few civilians who ask for help in the station. She’s itching to help herself, but she knows she can’t do anything yet until she talks with Detective Kingston first. As far as anyone is concerned, she’s still an outsider in this police station and this town.
As Eliana was finishing the cup of coffee the officer made and offered her, a man stepped outside of the laboratory. He is wearing a crisp pair of slacks and pressed button-down shirt underneath his lab coat, and was distractedly making coffee for himself. While he was waiting for the machine to finish brewing, he turned his attention and looked around the station. Apparently only noticing her then, the man’s head slightly tilted to the side, as if in thought.
Turning to the police officer in front of her, Eliana asked, “Officer Friedman, who’s that?” She motioned with her head towards the man in the pantry subtly.
Looking at who she’s talking about, the boy turned his body around and answered, “Oh, that’s Doctor Verda. He’s our pathologist.” Seeing that Dr. Verda is already looking at the pair, Officer Friedman called out to him to introduce the two of them. “Hey, Doctor Verda,” he motioned with his hands, making the doctor raise his eyebrows in question. “This is Detective Langford. She said she was transferred here from the big city. Do you have an idea what time Detective Kingston will arrive?”
His curiosity piqued a little, Dr. Verda approached them. “I’m sorry, I don’t,” he answered the officer. “Is that true? There’s gonna be a new detective around?” He addressed his question to the detective.
“Seems like it, doctor,” Eliana said. She stood up and extended her hand towards the pathologist. “Detective Eliana Langford. I’m from the Metropolis Police Department. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
Dr. Verda shook her extended hand firmly. “No need to be so formal, detective. It seems like we’ll be workmates from now on. I’m Doctor Solomon Verda.” The doctor smiled warmly at her and added, “I came from the city myself, you know, before finally settling down here with my family.”
Instantly feeling a little affinity for the man in front of her, Eliana cracked a little smile at that. After withdrawing her hand, she asked, “Oh? And how was the adjustment from the big city to the small town?”
“Well, having my family with me helps a lot. And I’m really more of a quiet and calm environment kind-of guy than the hustle and bustle of the city.”
Oof. Family. The concept’s a little far-fetched for Eliana. “Surely you must miss some of the things that the city can provide?”
Dr. Verda thought for a few seconds before answering. “Convenience stores,” he snapped his fingers. “Can’t find more of that except in the city. In this town, most of the shop is already closed before 8 in the evening.”
“That’s a bummer,” Eliana responded. As someone who’s used to patrolling in the night and having convenience stores easily accessible all the time, it’s kind of a letdown to find out this information.
The doctor chuckled a little at that. “Aside from that, I’m good. Wayhaven’s home now.” His eyes falling at the cup of coffee in Officer Friedman’s desk and her stuff in the chair, Dr. Verda inquired, “How long have you been waiting for Detective Kingston now?”
Eliana checked her wristwatch before answering, “Almost 2 hours now, doctor.”
“That must’ve been a surprise for you. Your first day at work was spent waiting for the detective.”
Oh, you have no idea, she thought, but bit back from saying it out loud.
“Although that’s not really unusual in this town. For as long as I’ve worked here, this is the only time we’ve had a murder case. It’s not an exaggeration to say that nothing really that exciting happens in this town,” Dr. Verda continued. “Anyway, let me shoot Detective Kingston a message and inform her of this. It was nice meeting you, Detective Langford.”
“Thanks, Dr. Verda. Nice to meet you too.”
Dr. Verda waved a little before going back to the pantry to get his coffee. The man gave a final nod before returning to his laboratory.
At least he seems nice, Eliana thought as she sat back down on the stool, resuming her wait for the town’s detective.
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At the Station
Ellara checks her time, suddenly realizing just how long it took her to arrive at the station. The traffic was heavier than usual and she's probably making a bad impression at the new detective for being so late. Her eyes go to the drink and bread in her hand before she pushes the doors open. At least I have my lunch with me already.
Turning around, she first saw Douglas tensely sitting on his station. 
"Glad you aren't using your phone today, Officer Friedman," she says genuinely happy at the younger's sudden change today. 
"Detective! I'm glad you're already here." Douglas greeted, his voice laced with something aside from his usual enthusiasm. Elle can't quite figure it out but she dismissed it just as her eyes landed on the woman sitting on the chair facing the younger's desk. 
 Eliana's ears instantly perked up, hearing Officer Friedman addressing the woman who had just entered the precinct as "Detective". Finally, she thought. I was beginning to wonder if she'll ever show up.
 "I see you have a complainant, huh?" She asks, pretending not to know who the woman is. The stranger suddenly stands, eyes darting at her way with an eyebrow raised. "Hello Detective Kingston, Wayhaven PD. How can we help you, ma'am?" Ellara says with a smile. She holds herself back from laughing just to see how the other would react.
"Detective Kingston, this is Detective Langford. Wayhaven's additional detective," The young officer intercepts gesturing to the woman in front.
Is she messing with me? Eliana's right eyebrow remained cocked, but she decided to drop the matter for now. Introductions must come first, so she can finally start working.
Standing up to her full height, Eliana cleared up the snark that was bubbling in the back of her throat, strode forward and extended her hand. "You must be Detective Ellara Kingston. Detective Eliana Langford of Metropolis Police Department. My superiors said I was to be transferred here for the time being." She inspected the other detective with a scrutinizing gaze, surprised that she's a lot smaller than she imagined. Her eyes, the same color as her’s - hazel - is filled with amusement and curiosity. Her light brown hair is done up on a ponytail. Detective Langford made a quick scan at other detective's clothes, wondering how she'll be able to run and pursue a perp in those shoes. She noted that Detective Kingston is wearing platform boots with matching tweed coordinates. I thought I was the one who came from the city here. Why does she look like she's up for a picnic or something? Her eyes stopped for a moment at the tea and croissant in Detective Kingston's hand. Well, it looks like there's the reason she took so goddamn long to return here.
Ellara watched as the other woman's eyes scanned her from her feet up to the top of her head, smiling despite the nervous rattling in her heart right now. The latter is towering over her, and Elle would easily cower upon the sight of her if she didn't know the woman yet. And there's also a weird feeling inside her, a feeling she can't describe with words.
How can someone look so intimidating and not feel like it?
Ellara shrugs her thoughts, focusing her mind back into the present. Her smile never left her face even when Detective Langford had been looking at her with so much disdain and confusion in her face. It makes her want to play with the latter more.
"Yes, that's me. I'm Ellara Kingston, but you can call me Elle, everyone does! However, detective...? There must be a mix up," Ellara says, tone light but with confusion laced with it as well. She extends her arms to shake the latter's but her smile turns into a frown.. "Captain Sung would've told me about you being transferred here otherwise.
Eliana is confused about the look Detective Kingston is giving her. Sure, there's the familiar sense of someone being intimidated with her. But there's something else too, something she can't quite put a finger into yet.
Focusing instead on the situation at hand, her right eyebrow returned back to its cocked state, her lips thinning into a straight line. "I'd prefer to stick with Detective Kingston, if that's alright with you. We're professional co-workers and that's more fitting, I think." She paused for a moment and continued, "Can you help point me to where your captain's office is? Or his current whereabouts right now? I'd like to speak to him personally." She had already slung her bag back to her shoulders, and is now in the process of hooking her helmet in her arm.
Ellara's eyes widen at the sudden mention of the captain and the detective's actions, making her raise her hand in the air a little, "No, you can't. He's playing golf with the mayor," she says. "Also, I was just kidding. I received the memo a few minutes ago." Ellara once again smiles and shrugs.
"I see," Eliana said simply. Truth be told, her patience has already worn thin. But she knows she can't repeat what she did with Officer Friedman earlier. For one, Eliana's afraid that if she suddenly pulls with that much force at the smaller woman, she might break apart. And second, she doesn't want to have a misdemeanor case in this town, especially if it's against her co-workers. No, it's not worth staining her spotless record over Detective Kingston's joke.
I'm going to drop this for now, but mark my words, I'm gonna be the one laughing next time.
"Welcome to Wayhaven PD, Detective Langford!" Ellara says loudly, getting the attention of everyone in the precinct– basically just Douglas, and a few other officers.
The people greet their new member just like how they do every time. Enthusiastic, and with joy. Everyone here treats each other as family, and she hopes that the detective will feel the same. Though it would probably take the latter some time to adjust as she just nods at all the greetings.
A person of a few words, huh?
Ellara decided that she probably had extended the welcome greeting too much so she gets Eliana's attention back.
"Come, I'll show you the office."
The taller detective followed Detective Kingston to the office wordlessly after accepting the greetings and welcomes of the other police officers with a simple nod of her head.
She watched as the smaller detective opened the door to a locked room, revealing a small office. Oh great, the bathroom in my apartment in the city is bigger than this office. The room has just enough space to fit a file cabinet, a desk, and a simple two-person sofa. Eliana's eyes did one full sweep across the room and landed on the woman in front of her, her face devoid of any reaction.
"So, this is it! I'm sorry I know it must be smaller than what you're used to, having worked in the big city," Detective Kingston said apologetically.
"No worries. It's alright. It could be a lot worse." 
"Well, good! Because we're supposed to share this office. We just need to find you a desk and another file cabinet and then voilà!" Ellara exclaimed with that bright smile of hers.
Well, fuck me. I spoke too soon.
It doesn't matter. There's a case. We should focus on that.
"I see," Eliana said again. She feels like this will not be the last time that she'll say that phrase in this town. In many ways, this small, quiet town is a lot weirder than the city. She knows that there will be more things to come that she'll just be forced to accept and agree, whether she wants to or not.
Placing down her things on the sofa, Eliana crossed her arms to her chest and turned to the smaller detective, who was also placing down her things at her desk. "Detective Kingston, I heard that there's been a murder. Can I ask you what details we currently have on that?" Eliana straightforwardly asked. She had always hated people who beat around the bush.
"Oh right! I was meaning to talk to you about that," Ellara replies just as she sits on her chair. Smile ceasing at the obvious straightforwardness of the woman. I haven't even eaten my lunch yet, poor foodies. "The victim is an unidentified tall, blonde woman who has unusual scratch wounds. Her cause of death is still unknown but I'm pretty sure that she's not from around here. Other than that, i'm afraid we don't have much information yet..."
Yes, useless information. I myself don't know where to lead with this. Kicking the thoughts away after a sip from her tea, she continued speaking.
"The statement from the witnesses will be reported later, and I'm actually about to head to the lab to know more about her." She stops, searching for a reaction on Eliana's face but the latter remains expressionless. "You should come with me so we can hear about it together. Oh, maybe I should give you a tour, too?" Ellara smiles, her eyes twinkling at her own suggestion.
Fuck, we haven't got even a small lead yet.
"Of course, Detective," Eliana answered, internally wondering what else she hadn't seen from the precinct aside from the inside of Dr. Verda's lab. Her eyes have already looked at every side of the station when she was waiting for Detective Kingston earlier, but she decided not to say anything for now. She needs to establish rapport if she's to work with the smaller detective. "Why don't you take the lead?"
Smiling at Eliana's suggestion, Detective Kingston stood up from her chair, her tea and croissant still in her hand. "Follow me, Detective Langford."
It took them less than 5 minutes to have the full tour around the precinct. Ellara introduced the new detective to some of the officers around. There's really not much to see, but I already knew that. God, this is gonna be a long reassignment, Eliana sighed to herself.
"Well, this is our last stop. The precinct's lab," Detective Kingston said with a flourish. "You've met Dr. Verda earlier, right?"
 Yes. Officer Friedman introduced us."
"Douglas?!" Detective Kingston exclaimed. "Oh, well, that's good. At least he's taking his job seriously."
Eliana had to bite back a snicker from escaping her lips from that comment.
"Let's go see what Verda has to say," Detective Kingston declared. She shoved the remaining croissant in her mouth and swiped some of the crumbs away from her clothes before bumping the heavy door of the doctor's lab with one hip. She didn't even bother to stop and take a look at the No Food or Drink Inside sign beside the door, her cup of tea still clutched in her hand.
Sighing at the other detective's blatant disregard for rules, Eliana shook her head and followed Detective Kingston inside the chilly lab.
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Inside the Laboratory
The white-tiled walls greeted the two of them just as they stepped into the lab. It was a clean room with only the silver machines at the edges completing the ensemble. They saw Verda sitting on his metal desk at the corner of the room.
"Hey, Verda." Ellara greets brightly, and with a smile. The doctor turns to greet her back with a nod before a voice cuts through their little interaction.
"I don't know how you work down here." Eliana says seeing how the doctor didn't even have his gloves on, a cup of drink is noticeable sitting on the table beside him.
"It's the first time I actually got to work, Detective Langford." The doctor turns to look at her and grin.
"I thought you're not supposed to bring drinks in here?" Eliana says, the careless disregard to the rules getting into her like a whiplash.
"It's a habit I picked up working from the city," He answers, tone bright and all. "You are one of the good-natured detectives from the city then?"
"Not really, no," Eliana snickers and shrugs, making the doctor grin.
Ellara watched the interaction, feeling glad that the detective is at least making conversation with their pathologist. Must be because they are both from the city?
A few seconds of quiet descended upon them before Ellara decided to break it, just as her eyes landed on the body covered by a white sheet on a table.
"You haven't started the autopsy yet?" She asks, walking towards the body. 
The doctor shakes his head, "No, but..." he pauses and purses his lips, "I found something you might need." He spins around and lifts an evidence bag from a nearby counter.
"You found her phone! They couldn't see it at the scene," she says, getting the bag from his hand.
"It was in her boot."
The three of them looked down at the woman, her skin now a grey-white, her lips so pale that they aren't even noticeable right now.
"We really need to find her identity-" the detectives said in unison. Their heads turned, eyes meeting each other. Both surprised at having said the same thing at the same time. 
"...so we can inform her family."
"...so we can find her killer." 
Ellara and Eliana continued respectively, earning confused looks from the pathologist that stands in front of them. 
"Well, I'm glad you care more about your people, Detective Kingston. At least more than some detectives from the city." Verda says, throwing a quick glance at Eli. "But you're both right. Finding her identity must be the first step." 
Ellara half smiles at the compliment, appreciating it despite not knowing if she deserves to be given the praise while Eliana just let the comment fly by her.
"There's not much I can tell you as of the moment." Verda continues. "Though the bruises in her wrists and ankles are noticeable."
"She was tied down?" Eliana joins the conversation. 
"So it would seem..." he answered, voice trailing off at the obvious sympathy for the woman. 
Ellara tightens her hold on the phone as she opens it through the evidence bag. The screen opened and she felt relief when she saw that it wasn't locked by any password. Flicking through it and opening her contacts, she didn't see much aside from the victim's family, workmates, and a few friends. Checking the logs and messages, she noticed that there weren't much in there too. 
"She obviously didn't go out much." Verda says as he is glancing through the phone, too. 
"Poor girl," Ellara says as she continues to explore the victim's phone, ending up in her gallery. "She must've been less of a target if she weren't so isolated." 
"Maybe," Verda says with a shrug, "But that might have not been why she was targeted." 
"I agree." Eliana chirps. 
The quiet once again fills the room as Ellara swipes through the photos. Until one particular picture catches her attention. The photo was blurred, but thanks to the stained walls and the crack metal beams, she was able to recognize the place, "This was the last photo she took. It's from the Farris Warehouse at the edge of the town." 
"You think she managed to capture where she was murdered?" 
"Will you go to the warehouse then?" Verda asked. 
"I will. After I finished up the paper works of course," Ellara says and with a smile once again. 
"Instead of going alone, how about you bring Detective Langford along then? Must be good for her to be familiarized as early as now." Verda suggested. 
"I was just about to ask her," Ellara grins and turns to the new detective, "Are you up for an adventure?"
Eliana's right eyebrow quirked up again at Detective Kingston's choice of words. "Sure, sounds good," she shrugged nonchalantly.
"Are you two gonna be alright?" Verda asks suddenly.
"We've got our radio if we need backup, and Tina also patrolled there the other day. It's impossible that there's still a deranged murderer hanging in there."
The doctor frowns in concern. "Be careful. Both of you please."
"You worried about us, Verda?" Ellara asks with a teasing tone, throwing in a smirk at the pathologist's way.
"You are about the best person I've worked for, and besides, Detective Langford here has been much a delight," he replies with a smile. "I don't fancy getting used to someone else."
Eliana gave a nod at the doctor's way and mumbled a small "Thanks," that didn't go unnoticed.
Ellara's laughter echoes in the room as she makes her way out of the lab, making sure that Eliana is following closely behind. For the first time that day, Ellara actually felt alright.
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Inside the Station 
Being out of the lab felt like a reward somehow as the cold Ellara was feeling dissipated into thin air. She looks back making sure that Eliana was able to follow along as she made her way back into the office again.
Eliana looks back up just as Ellara brings her eyes back to the front. Why is this precinct so quiet and boring? She thinks to herself, her mind unconsciously wandering back into her workplace before. Back home, she never had a down time during work hours. There's always a criminal to arrest, and a crime to solve. The fact that everything around here is moving so slow is making her feel cooped up and restless. Surely, her past captain had good intentions moving her here. Otherwise, why would he do that? It would be dumb to send off the youngest most skillful detective away.
Whatever the reason is, fuck it. I deserve to be somewhere more developed than this town. Won't exactly get any recognition, working here. Well, maybe if they can solve the case first. 
"I hope you've been settling well so far, Detective Langford," Ellara says with a smile, once again taking the seat behind her desk as the latter sits herself on the couch.
"I am," Eliana replies nonchalantly, fishing her phone out of her pocket and typing in the little information they have so far.
"So…" she heard Ellara speak from the far end of the room. “What's-" the woman was about to ask something when the door opened.
"Good afternoon, detectives." Captain Sung stands in front of the door, giving Elle a glance for greeting before he turns into the new detective and approaches her. "Detective Langford, I assume?"
Eliana stood from her seat and strode forwards, extending her arm in greeting. "Yes, that's right. Pleasure to meet you." After a quick scan at the man's posture and clothing, Eliana continued. "And you must be Captain Sung?"
The captain just nodded in affirmation, already busy fetching something from his pocket. "I'm just here to give you your badge and gun while you're working here in our town and ask how you're settling here?"
Eliana checked the handgun and was surprised to see it in good condition. Afterwards, she clipped her badge in her belt and the gun to her holster and answered with a simple, "Fine, so far," before crossing her arms across her chest again.
"Well, that's good. According to the Mayor, another desk set, and a cabinet will arrive later this evening to accommodate Detective Langford for the time being." Captain Sung then turns to Ellara. "I can see that you've been letting her catch up immediately. Nice work, Detective Kingston."
"Thanks, Captain. Detective Langford has been cooperative." Ellara throws a smile at Eliana's way, making the other's eyebrow raise.
After a short conversation between the people in the office, Captain Sung bid the two detectives farewell before walking out of the police station, telling them to work with and help each other to solve the murder case.
"Now that's out of the way, what say you we decrease some of this paperwork that needs filing, Detective Langford?" Ellara said with a charming smile, hoping that the taller detective is at least a little more patient than her in paper works.
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1337wtfomgbbq · 3 years
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First Year: 1969
Had anybody told him that he would be getting a letter in early 1969, being delivered by a man in strange robes telling him that he was a wizard and he would be going to a school called 'Hogwarts' and learn how to use magic, Sean would have asked if they were dropped on their head as an infant too much.
But it all became horrible reality as the man, Professor Ivan Dreyfuß, who taught Ancient Runes and Alchemy at Hogwarts as he explained, told him he would be taking him to London to a place called Diagon Alley, where he would be able to buy the stuff he needed for school.
What followed was a lengthy discussion between Sean, his older brother Andrew, his mother and Professor Dreyfuß about the following proceedings.
As it turned out Sean's best friends, Liam and Odhran, who lived in the same street as himself, had both also received the same letter as he himself.
That was why Professor Dreyfuß took all three of them, plus a parental guardian, to Diagon Alley to get their school supplies.
Sean still wasn't sure if the whole thing wasn't an elaborate joke, up until he stepped foot into Diagon Alley.
Unless they were all having the same dream, they were all getting books filled with spells and instructions on how to brew potions.
„Alright, this is real after all,“ Sean mumbled once he saw the wand that chose Liam, as Ollivander had put it, spray a plume of water.
His own wand, blackthorn with dragonheart string if he remembered correctly, spurted some small fireworks once Sean swung it as Ollivander instructed.
Odhran's parents stared in pure amazement at the cloud of green clovers his wand produced.
Their way to platform 9 ¾ on September 1st that year was just as surreal as their visit to Diagon Alley. This time however, Andrew and Henry could tag along.
Andrew wasn't really that impressed, promising him that he would be holding the line at home, while Henry was utterly fascinated by the hogwarts express and wouldn't stop asking their mother if he couldn't go to hogwarts as well.
„But I want to go too. Please, please, please,“ Henry begged, and their mother smiled and layed a hand on his shoulder.
„Maybe you'll get a letter too when you turn eleven,“ she said. Six year old Henry looked as if he couldn't wait to grow older.
A family shuffled past them, an older bloke and a boy that looked to be their age.
The boy had dark brown hair that was all curly and brown eyes that made Sean's stomach do a backflip as they locked eyes.
The boy smiled at him before being herded off by his mother, another family walked past them having Sean loose sight of the boy.
Liam and Odhran showed up a moment later and made him forget about the boy.
They hurried to board the train. An older girl had told them they would be leaving the station soon.
Sean promised his mother he would be writing, since Professor Dreyfuß had told them Hogwarts had a whole fleet of owls the students could use to stay in contact with home.
Henry hugged him and made him promise to write about the school, while Andrew patted his shoulder.
Once on the train he, Liam and Odhran got into a compartment, only for Odhran to promptly offer a fellow first year a seat.
He turned out to be from Derry as well; his name was Shain.
But they didn't stay in their compartment for long, as a plan had formed in Sean's mind.
They were already four first years that were from Derry, and, as it turned out, all of their families were also involved with the IRA. Who knew, maybe there were more.
And Sean turned out to be right, as they found Ryan and Thomas, who were also from Derry. Thomas had even went to the same primary school as them, they just hadn't been in the same class, but Odhran remembered him being pretty good at football.
Sean also remembered Andrew mentioning a boy he hab been in a brawl with british soldiers with, his name had been Doxey.
The world was a pretty small place indeed.
„What is that? IRA?“ a voice said just as they were in conversation about the current state of affairs in the Bogside.
Sean turned his head towards the source of it. It was a rather short girl with dark blond hair that stood in the open doors of their compartment.
She wore those robes the wizards had been wearing in Diagon Alley, so she was probably not from the muggle world as they were.
„I wouldn't know what it concerns you,“ Odhran snorted, prefering to ignore the girl. But she was oddly persistant.
„But you're talking about it so heatedly,“ she said, leaning more into their compartment, „It must be something important.“
If Sean didn't knew better he would have said her mouth was salivating at the prospect of gaining some gossip.
He got up. „You should leave,“ he said.
Standing so close to her he realized that he was towering over her, she had to tilt her head back to be able to look him in the eyes.
„But-“ she started as Sean pushed her out of the doorframe.
„Now,“ he hissed. She looked quite surprised and about to open her mouth again as Sean bodily turned her and pushed her down the hallway. „Goodbye,“ he said, quickly adding, „Go follow them,“ as he saw a boy with hair as bright as a beakon and a boy that looked like military school further down the hallway, „maybe you can annoy them.“
The girl stumbled off as Sean gave her a shove and immediately as he turned back he was faced with another new face.
„You know, you don't have to squeeze all of you into one compartment,“ a boy with golden blond hair said. He had a pretty thick scottish accent.
Sean had been about to groan in annoyance, thinking the boy would be as nosy as the girl, but sighed in relieve instead.
The boy had to be a first year as well, as he looked to be around their age.
He also wore one of those robes the girl had worn. But unlike hers the boys robes weren't black, his were of a dark maroon color. The remainder of his clothes also looked strangely old, like something from photos of people from the 19th century.
That reminded him, he had risked a look into his 'history of magic' book, and spend an entire evening reading about the goblin riots.
„What do you care?“ Odhran snorted, at the same time as Thomas said, „It's alright. We don't mind.“ They stared at each other.
And Sean remembered how this awkward timing had sometimes ended with Odhran and Thomas in a scuffle that needed to be broken up by one of their teachers; and them getting detention for it.
Sean chuckled as he remembered that, and so did the boy in the doorway.
„Well, alright,“ he said, „just thought I'd offer some of you a seat. Lewis said those compartments only hold four people.“
„No complaints here,“ Shain said and he and the other boys shrugged their shoulders in agreement. It was a bit crammed but they could manage.
„Well, Lew always liked to tell bullshit,“ the boy snorted, which made Sean perk up.
„Your brother's already going to hogwarts?“ he asked, his interest spiked.
The boy nodded, raising a brow as Sean leaned against the wall next to him, crossing his arms. „Do tell.“
„I don't know how much is there to tell,“ the boy said, „Everybody knows about hogwarts, right?“
Sean shrugged and the rest of the boys also looked rather lost.
The boy's eyes widened. „You're all... muggle borns?“ he asked.
„If that means we had no idea we were wizards, then yes,“ Ryan said and the rest of the boys nodded as well.
The boy, who turned out to be named Aaron, got extremely excited and soon they were seven boys in a compartment for four.
Aaron spend the remainder of the train ride telling them all sorts of things about the wizarding world, hogwarts and quidditch.
„So it's kinda like basketball but on brooms,“ Liam mumbled through a mouth full of pumpkin pasties they had gotten from the sweets trolley.
Aaron, trying to contain a chocolate frog, looked at him confused and the frog managed to jump out of his hands and onto the ground. „What's basketball?“
„Doesn't matter,“ Sean said, waving his hand dismissively, „Football is the only important thing.“
„What is football?“ Aaron asked, and now it was the boys that groaned.
„There is so much we can still show you,“ Odhran grinned, laying an arm around Aaron's shoulders, who looked at Sean with a confused expression that only grew once he saw Sean patting his trunk with a broad grin.
„I hope you got no cat in there,“ he said warily and Sean laughed.
„Of course not, just a football. My mom wouldn't have a cat in the house, she hates them.“
Aaron nodded. „Any of you got an owl?“ he asked once Odhran let go of him.
All of them shook their heads. Thomas' father wasn't too sure about having an owl at home, while Sean and Liam couldn't affort one.
„I have one,“ Aaron said proudly. „An eagle-owl.“
„Wow,“ Odhran said, sounding unimpressed. Ryan and Thomas on the other hand asked to see the owl later on.
They continued talking about quidditch and football and what was happening in the wizarding world vs in the muggle world.
It was strange for the boys to think that Aaron had no idea what was going on in Northern Ireland, just as Aaron couldn't believe they didn't knew a thing about the blood purity movement around he who called himself 'the dark lord'.
„It's so stupid,“ Aaron said. They had all changed into their school robes once Aaron's brother Lewis had showed up and told them they would be arriving at hogwarts shortly. „If we hadn't mixed with muggles we would've gone extinct long ago.“
„At least we would've gone extinct with grace,“ a voice said.
The voice belonged to a girl. With her dark hair put into a tight bun and her nose held high she shoved Ryan out of her way. „I wouldn't want your dirty blood.“
„They surely don't want your blood either,“ Aaron hissed at her, but the girl didn't seem phased.
She snorted her disdain and strutted off and out of the train.
„I swear this whole blood status thing is totally bonkers,“ Liam said as they made their way out of the train and onto the platform. Aaron nodded avidly.
They watched as the rest of the new students pooled out of their compartment. They were about to follow the older students as there was a loud, booming voice calling over the platform that made many of them flinch.
„Firs' years to me!“
It was a giant man in a furry coat who was holding a lantern and waving them towards him.
„Come on,“ he yelled, „we don't have all evening. Let's get to the boats.“
„Boats?“ Thomas asked, sounding frightened. He apparently didn't like riding boats.
The whole ride over the lake that he spend in a boat with Sean, Liam and Aaron he wouldn't stop shaking,
Thankfully the ride over the lake didn't take long and Aaron assured Thomas over and over again that this was the only time they would have to cross the lake like that.
Thomas still breathed a sigh of relieve as he was finally on firm ground again.
The whole lot of them followed the giant man, up an awefull lot of stairs towards the castle. It seemed to go on forever until they finally managed to reach the top of the stairs and an entrance to the castle.
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