#if i was told the answer of where i can find it then ill be too lazy to look around the rest of the building
elegyofthemoon · 7 months
my need to powerwash my brain by spending my time exploring the dreamscape vs the dreamscape trapping me in stealth games
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heich0e · 7 months
shouto has not stopped talking about his new nephew for an hour and fifty seven minutes.
you can't blame him, really, for not being able to stop rambling since he got home—you saw the photos he snapped on his phone, the sweet little boy is borderline cherubic. and it's his first nephew, after all, with touya being the first of the todoroki siblings to have any children. there's added novelty to this new arrival. the fact that the baby is so cute is just a serendipitous bonus.
"...and then he fell asleep right in my arms." shouto rinses his toothbrush under the stream of water flowing from the tap in your shared bathroom. half the story he'd just told had been lost to the froth of toothpaste in his mouth, talking around the toothbrush as he cleaned his teeth before bed, but he'd already told you this part of the story three times—so thankfully you didn't miss anything.
you smile as shouto wipes at the corner of his mouth with a towel hanging from the rail on one side of the bathroom, watching his reflection in the mirror. his eyes flicker up to meet yours in the surface of the glass, and he sees the mirthful twist at the corner of your mouth.
he turns to you in the narrow bathroom just off your bedroom and approaches you slowly, his arms winding around your waist as he tucks his face into the crook of your neck. he's in his pajamas now, ready for bed, and without lifting his head or stepping away from you, he begins shuffling the two of you out the door towards your waiting bed in the next room. you can't help but giggle as you go, reaching up and wrapping your arms around his neck for balance, allowing him to guide you wherever he sees fit.
shouto leans you back gently once the back of your knees hit the edge of your mattress, crawling overtop of you to get to his side of the bed and then pulling you into his chest once more as he tugs the blankets up around you both.
"sounds like you had a lot of fun today," you remark quietly as you settle into bed, your fingers tracing idle patterns into the flat plane of shouto's sternum.
"i didn't expect him to be so small," shouto replies. "or to smell so good."
you want to laugh at his sincere tone of surprise, but hold it back.
"i hope i get to meet him soon, too," you say.
"touya says you're welcome any time," shouto insists. "he said i'm only welcome some of the time, though."
that really does make you laugh, because you can practically hear the eldest todoroki son's voice saying the words.
it's quiet for a while as you and shouto lay in bed, tangled up together.
"he's gonna make me the godfather," shouto finally says after a while—so softly you almost miss it. the remark, and the tenderness in his voice, makes something in your chest squeeze tight.
"that's so nice, sho," you answer.
"that means if anything ever happens to touya, we get the baby."
'we' he says—not i—like he doesn't for a second picture any future (even one where his beloved older brother has met some untimely demise) without you in it.
"don't wish anything ill on him just because you want to steal his cute baby," you tease him, lifting your head up and resting your chin against his chest so you can watch his face. he looks pensive, like he's really mulling over your words, and it makes you want to laugh again.
"but it would be nice, i think," shouto finally speaks again after his careful contemplation. "having the baby here with us."
heat floods up fast to your cheeks, and you glance away unconsciously. you're sure shouto has no idea what he's just said—still a little giddy from how smitten he is with his new nephew. but it still makes your mind go to places it shouldn't.
"no baby stealing," you reiterate firmly. flopping down again to go to sleep—if for no other reason than you suddenly find it hard to meet his gaze.
shouto sighs a little, but the sound is resigned like he's reluctantly agreeing to your terms. he eases you over onto your side so he can curl up behind you underneath the cover of your quilt, his strong arm looping over your waist.
the heat of shouto's breath hits the shell of your ear as his face rests on the pillow behind you, and you can still smell the spearmint from his toothpaste. his warmth seeps into you as he presses into your back. you close your eyes and luxuriate in the familiarity of it.
"we could have our own, you know," shouto's voice is much nearer to you than you expect it to be when he speaks again, his lips brushing against the back of your ear softly as they shape his words. his hand slips up underneath the t-shirt you wore to bed—the tips of his fingers feel scorching as they ghost across your skin. "and i bet our baby would be even cuter than touya's—no stealing required."
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f0point5 · 7 months
Lando Norris x reader Masterlist
Only rumours ‘bout my hips and thighs - News of Y/N and Lando’s budding “relationship” hits F1 news
It’s blue, the feeling I’ve got - Rumours about Lando and Y/N heat up. Meanwhile, Y/N is skeptical about Lando’s friendly overtures
You will take the long way - Y/N discusses her secret, and Lando lets out his frustrations with Max
At least I’m trying - Y/N catches up on the new season of Drive to Survive, while Lando makes another effort to befriend her
Gain the weight of you - Y/N ties up loose ends as the stage is set for the relationship to go public
You told your family for a reason - Y/N arrives in Bahrain, and the deception deepens
The jury’s out - Y/N meets more people in Lando’s life with mixed reception, and attends her first race
(They) find something to wrap (their) noose around - Lando is subject to some controversy, which means Y/N has to step in, whole fighting to stay in her comfort zone
You don’t know how nice that is…but I do - Y/N attends the race where she makes an immediate connection with Oscar, and Lando makes an ill-advised move to impress her
You don’t feel pretty, you just feel used - Y/N finds herself in high demand, much to her dismay, as she heads to Australia for the next race
I’m feeling like I don’t know you - Lando’s feelings about how Y/N is spending her time in Australia bubble over
New to town with a made up name - Y/N does a Q&A
Every time you shine, I’ll shine for you - Lando secures an amazing result at the Australian Grand Prix, while neitzens discuss his new relationship.
That old familiar body ache - Y/N is forced to get back to work, which includes seeing Lando
The rust that grew between telephones - Y/N’s campaign debuts while she and Lando are in Japan. Lando searches for answers for what happened in Monaco
It’s hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound - Y/N skips the Japanese Grand Prix and puts her job in jeopardy
Did you see the photos? No, I didn’t but thanks though - Y/N is forced to defend Lando from gossip, while her position as his girlfriend remains precarious
They say what doesn’t kill you makes you aware - Max F weighs in on Lando’s troubles, while Lando finds he and Y/N have a common interest
Lights, camera, bitch smile - Y/N puts on an impressive show at the Grand Prix. Lando’s jealousy gets the better of him, leading to a frank conversation
Don’t you worry your pretty little mind - Y/N reaches out to Lando when he is the subject of online trolling to offer support
I did my best to lay to rest - Y/N and Lando get closer in Miami, but the increased publicity may lead to things being unearthed that Y/N would like to stay buried
I was grinning like (he’s) winning - Y/N watches Lando become a Grand Prix winner
You can’t talk to me when I’m like this - Lando wins the Miami Grand Prix, but a misstep means Y/N is not part of the celebration
I never grew up, it’s getting so old - Oscar steps in to help when Y/N and Lando aren’t speaking
Can (he) see right through me? (I) see right through me - Y/N takes Oscar’s advice and opens up to Lando
Our secret moments, in a crowded room - Y/N and Lando spend time together while Monaco hosts the Historic Grand Prix
They’ll be chasing their tails trying to track us down - Fans speculate when Y/N and Lando are not seen together and she misses the Imola Grand Prix
It’s nice to have a friend - Y/N has a busy week in the South of France, and Lando tries to be supportive as the two plan to keep the rouse going when his family comes to town
I spy with my tired little eye - Y/N attends the Monaco Grand Prix
We might just get away with it - Y/N remains in Monaco with Lando to keep up pretences
Telling me to punish you for things you never did - Lando arrives alone in Canada while the internet finds out Y/N has been spending time with Freddie…and so does Lando.
Love’s a show, but I would die for you in secret - Father’s Day brings Y/N closer to understanding Lando, and letting Lando understand her
Braced myself for the goodbye, (…) but you took me by surprise - Y/N attends the Spanish Grand Prix. After a disappointment, Lando receives some tough love
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shadowtriovibes · 1 year
it's a sign of the times
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3.2K
Summary: request [paraphrased]: "Rivals-to-lovers Sebastian and MC use a Time-Turner to travel to the future with Ominis in search for a cure for Anne. Instead they find a girl who's the spitting image of MC trying to sneak into the Restricted Section in the 1910s, only she has freckles like Sebastian..."
the 'verse continues in "the train ain't even left the station" [AO3]
“Anne-Marie Sallow!” she calls out. “Just where do you think you’re going?” At once, the three of you freeze. “Did she say ‘Sallow?’” hisses Ominis. “Did I hear that right?” “I – no. No,” Sebastian stammers. “There’s no way that’s what she said.”
“Can you please remind me again why I’m even a part of this harebrained scheme?” you ask for at least the third time.
You’re crouched around a small table in one of the far corners of the upper section of the Library. It’s well past curfew, but since you aren’t technically breaking any rules by avoiding the Restricted Section, you’re currently getting away with your loitering, as do most students who are caught studying after hours this close to final exams.
Only, you’re not studying. You’ve been summoned there by Ominis, who despite being your closest friend at Hogwarts is also a conniving, duplicitous liar who neglected to tell you that this whole thing is Sebastian’s idea.
You watch warily as he turns over a contraband Time-Turner in his hands, inspecting its impossibly small dials and knobs. The golden sands inside the hourglass hypnotically shift back and forth while he reads over its inscriptions and consults the guidebook he’d smuggled out of the Restricted Section earlier that same day.
You have no idea where he managed to get the device – perhaps in one of those vaults along the coast in Cragcroftshire that he’d been exploring during the summer term. However, now he’s got it in his head that perhaps the reason you haven’t been able to heal Anne is that the cure to her curse simply hasn’t been invented yet. Therefore, a quick jaunt several years into the future ought to reveal a way to rid Anne of her illness (and maybe even earn his way back into her good graces).
It’s not the first ludicrous and impractical idea he’s had in the past year, nor will it be the last, but it’s certainly one of the more radical ones.
“Merlin’s beard, I’ve already told you,” Sebastian sighs. “Since we’re going forward in time rather than back, this is an unauthorized use, and in case we get stuck in the future, we might need your ancient magic.”
“So I’m an insurance policy?!” you demand.
“Not so much for Sebastian as for me,” Ominis answers plainly. “He thinks he’s got it all sorted out, but I’m not as sure.”
“I know what I’m doing,” Sebastian interjects.
You huff and roll your eyes. “Need I remind you that using a Time-Turner to go forward is expressly forbidden by the Ministry? It’s only to go back.”
“Loads of people have done it, though,” he argues. “I’ve been reading all about it, it’s well-documented.”
“And they’ve all come back to the present?” you demand.
“Yes,” he snaps. “...For the most part.”
You scoff. Unbelievable.
“Do you two honestly think my magic is just an unlimited get-out-of-Azkaban-free pass?” you hiss. “I have no idea how to manipulate time and space. If we get stuck there, we’re stuck there.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure something out like you always do,” Sebastian mutters distractedly as he fiddles with the Time-Turner.
You glance at Ominis pleadingly and he just shrugs.
“You know we can’t let him go alone, we’ll never get him back,” Ominis reasons.
“Is that such a bad thing?” you grumble.
Sebastian shoots you a warning look before he holds up the Time-Turner for the both of you to inspect.
“I have it set to jump forward twenty years,” he explains. “We’ll have to get cozy before we go, as we’ve all got to be wearing it. Physically, we’ll land precisely where we are now, at the same time of day.”
“What if the layout of the Library changes?” you ask skeptically.
“The castle hasn’t changed in centuries,” Ominis points out. “Compared to its history, two decades is indeed quite short.”
“...Fine,” you finally mumble. “Go on, then. Let’s get this over with.”
The three of you stand in a tight circle in a spot tucked away behind some shelves, hoping to remain hidden there after you make the jump forward in time. Sebastian drapes the thin gold chain connected to the Time-Turner around the three of you; it even seems to stretch and extend in length to fit. Then he murmurs a brief incantation to the enchanted timepiece and spins the innermost piece a whopping twenty times.
Your stomach lurches while it turns over and the world around you seems to spin out of control, almost like one of those Muggle carousel rides you saw once as a child. You can barely make out years and years of students and professors walking around you – through you, even – and countless books sliding on and off the shelves until everything comes to a sudden halt and you fall straight to the floor.
Ominis and Sebastian tumble with you, winded.
“That felt bizarre,” Ominis wheezes. “Where are we? Did we travel anywhere?”
“N-no,” Sebastian breathes. “Everything else just… traveled around us.”
You glance around the Library and see that as Ominis had suggested, it looks largely the same. There are some newer books among those you recognize on the shelves, their spines less creased and dyed with more vibrant colors than those of your time.
One title jumps out at you: Advances in Practical Conjuring, 1900-1910
We’re in the 1910s, you think bewilderedly. We’re in a new century.
Mercifully, the layout of the library seems to be largely unchanged. Rows and rows of dimly lit stacks stretch along the length of the grand room with two winding spiral staircases leading down to the lower level.
Once you catch your breath, the three of you cast Disillusionment on yourselves and huddle together to make your way downstairs to the Restricted Section. Ominis leads the way with his wand extended to search for any lingering students or restless ghosts, having long since proven that his spatial awareness bests both yours and Sebastian’s even without his sight.
Your trio makes it downstairs and past the first row of shelves before Ominis stops in his tracks. Sebastian collides with him and then you knock into Sebastian, causing you both to hiss some choice words at each other.
“What’s going on?” you demand in a whisper.
“Someone just came in,” Ominis explains. “The librarian is at the desk and she hasn’t noticed, but a student is coming down the stairs.”
Sure enough, across the room you see a faint flicker of light and can just barely make out the outline of a small student sneaking down the main stairs – must be a young one, you think, no more than thirteen.
“I think it’s a girl,” you offer. “I can see her just over there.”
“What’s she doing?” Sebastian whispers.
“I’m not sure yet,” Ominis says carefully. “She’s past the desk, the librarian didn’t see – oh, for Merlin’s sake.”
“What is it?” you breathe.
“She’s going straight for the Restricted Section,” Ominis mutters. “Just our luck, I suppose.”
The three of you remain crouched behind the shelf while you watch the girl creep ever closer to your hiding spot. You’re panicking inside your head, wondering what possible seams of the universe might immediately be torn to shreds if she were to spot the three of you, but thankfully she seems single-minded in her mission to gain access to the locked collection of books across the room from you.
“She’s tiny,” Sebastian snorts. “I suppose the young ones are even more bold in the future.”
“Weren’t you about her age when you first started to sneak into the Restricted Section?” Ominis reminds him.
Sebastian insists, “No, I was fourteen. I didn’t go in until Anne was attacked. She’s got to be twelve at most, maybe even a first year.”
“Will you two be quiet?” you hiss. “She’s going to hear you!”
Across the room, the Disillusioned girl pulls a key out of the pocket of her robes and starts to insert it into the lock. A girl her age wouldn’t have mastered Alohomora yet, you think, nor would it be effective on this kind of lock. You have no idea how she managed to get a copy of the key, however.
“Do you suppose we could just go in after her?” Sebastian proposes. “She’s nearly got it open, we should take advantage of that.”
“Are you mad?” you scoff. “We can’t be in there at the same time, we’ll get caught!”
“So what if some little girl from the future sees us?” Sebastian argues. “Why wouldn’t she believe we’re just students from her time doing our own research?”
But before you can further explain to Sebastian how astonishingly stupid that idea is, the girl across the room gasps softly and drops her key to the floor. In front of her, the lock is glowing red as if it’s searing hot.
That’s a new security development from your time, you think. It’s rather lucky the three of you didn’t discover that the hard way.
Immediately, the young librarian leaps from her seat and hustles across the room to the Restricted Section’s gated entrance much faster than Madam Scribner ever would have.
“Hang on…” you say under your breath. “Is that – that’s Sophronia!”
“Who?” Ominis asks.
“Sophronia Franklin, she’s a fourth-year in our time,” you explain distractedly. “She’s always lingering in the library, of course she takes over for Scribner once we finish school.”
“I know her,” Sebastian chimes in. “Tried to get me to play a game of trivia in exchange for returning a book on curse breaking I’d been waiting for. Rather precocious, I thought.”
You glare at Sebastian and he merely rolls his eyes.
“I didn’t mean it in a flirtatious way, I was referring to her choice in books,” he grumbles. “Merlin, you’re protective of her.”
“She’s a sweet girl,” you murmur, appreciative of the fact that Sebastian can’t see you blushing. Truthfully, you don’t think much about Sophronia these days, other than that she absolutely cannot catch the three of you in her Library as she’ll easily understand what you’re up to.
Before you can try to convince the boys to call it quits and return to the present, Sophronia rounds the corner and the girl’s Disillusionment charm melts away in surprise.
“Anne-Marie Sallow!” she calls out. “Just where do you think you’re going?”
At once, the three of you freeze.
“Did she say ‘Sallow?’” hisses Ominis. “Did I hear that right?”
“I – no. No,” Sebastian stammers. “There’s no way that’s what she said.”
“Apologies, Madam,” you hear the girl say with a cheeky lilt to her voice. “I was just looking for a book for my aunt, that’s all.”
Just then, Sophronia leans down to pick up the dropped key and all three of you catch a glimpse of the young girl’s face. She’s probably around twelve, like Sebastian had guessed, but her face… Merlin, she could be your younger sister.
Her slightly-upturned nose is nearly identical to yours, only she’s got a small smattering of freckles across hers. Then there’s her chin, which juts out just a bit like yours does, and you’re too far away to make out the color of her eyes but you’re positive that they’re almond-shaped just like your own.
Now that you think about it, her hair is tied back like you always did with yours when you were younger – braided with a green bow at the end, only her hair is a rich, warm brown color.
“...Is that you?” Sebastian asks softly. “How. How are you doing this?”
“That’s not me, I’m right here,” you remind him.
“Hold on, what am I missing?” Ominis whispers.
“That girl looks exactly like this one,” Sebastian insists. “She’s got her nose, her eyes, her face shape. It’s like there’s a second-year version of her, standing right across from us.”
“We’re twenty years into the future,” Ominis reminds you both. “...What if she’s your daughter?”
You feel like the room is starting to spin around you again, and you find yourself pitching to the side before Sebastian quickly tugs on your arm and pulls you back behind the shelf.
“Do not go daft on us now,” he mutters. “I don’t care if that is your daughter–”
“She’s your daughter too, you know,” Ominis chimes in. “In case you were wondering.”
“Wh… What?” Sebastian stutters, and Ominis gestures for the two of you to listen in.
“Goodness, Miss Sallow,” Sophronia sighs. “You really are so much like your father, always sneaking into the Restricted Section.”
You watch as the girl puffs up her chest proudly, a mischievous smirk on her face that doesn’t strike you as particularly like you at all – but rather Sebastian.
“I’ll gladly take that as a compliment, Madam Franklin,” Anne-Marie says.
“While I respect that you are both voracious consumers of knowledge, he, like you, had little respect for the rules of the Restricted Section,” Sophronia continues. “I’ll have to ask you to leave until you get permission from a professor for relevant research or turn fifteen.”
Anne-Marie is still arguing with the librarian as she’s being escorted out. “Perhaps if you would just let me borrow the book for a while–”
“I’m afraid I’ll also have to give you detention this time,” Sophronia interjects. “I can’t keep looking the other way simply because I owe your mother a favor. This is the third time this term!”
Anne-Marie huffs and folds her arms. “But my godfather–”
“Your godfather is a very busy man who would undoubtedly appreciate it if you spent more time staying out of trouble,” Sophronia finishes, “than trying to emulate your father. In fact, I think Ominis would agree with me that one Sebastian Sallow in this world is quite enough!”
Well, that certainly clears things up.
Sophoronia marches Anne-Marie up the stairs and out of the library. The three of you, having already forgotten your original mission, put your heads together without a word so Sebastian can drape the Time-Turner around your necks and return you to the present.
You collapse in a heap on the library floor, but this time it’s fully empty – even the librarian’s desk light is extinguished. You sit in silence for a few moments, and you and Sebastian don’t dare look at each other. Eventually you force yourself to stand and offer Ominis a hand up, steadfastly ignoring the other boy.
“So,” Ominis finally says, barely concealing his smile. “When exactly is it, do you suppose, that the two of you fall hopelessly in love with each other?”
You both curse at him at the same time, and Ominis throws back his head and laughs.
“Shout at me all you want, but that little girl is proof that the two of you are destined for each other,” he crows. “Oh, how brilliant!”
“Come now, Ominis,” Sebastian says with a nervous laugh. “You don’t seriously think that girl is, what… our child or something?”
“That’s precisely what I think,” Ominous answers, smirking. “You said it yourself, she looks exactly like her mother.”
“Stop!” you interject. “I’m not anyone’s mother, in case you forgot.”
“Perhaps not yet,” Ominis agrees primly. “I imagine it will be several more years before Sebastian makes you one.”
Sebastian goes deeply red while you sputter indignantly.
“Thats – that’s foul, Ominis,” you insist. “It’s untoward to even be talking about this!”
Sebastian folds his arms and raises an eyebrow. “Really? You’re that offended by the very idea of us having a child together? I’m hurt.”
“W-well, I just meant that we shouldn’t talk about things that haven’t yet come to pass,” you explain nervously. “Besides, all that is years away. Decades, even.”
Sebastian glances sidelong at you, and you wonder if you’re imagining the way he looks you up and down.
“Right,” he says slowly. “It’s not like we know anything for sure, obviously.”
“Of course,” you agree. “...I don’t suppose you have any other family members named Sebastian? Distant relatives, perhaps?”
“Why?” he drawls. “Looking to snag a cousin of mine so I won’t be the one to father your children?”
You shove him right into one of the bookshelves, but he laughs like he doesn’t regret it one bit.
“Now now,” Ominis murmurs. “You ought to be kind to your future husband, you don’t want to damage his virility.”
“I have half a mind to put a dent in Sebastian’s virility right here and now to save me some trouble later,” you reply, casually aiming your wand at his groin.
“Have you gone mad?!” he stammers as he takes several steps backward. “Put that thing away!”
“Oh, will you please relax?” you sigh. “We just saw one of your descendants, your ability to procreate is in no danger.”
“You could still put me in the Hospital Wing,” he sulks. “Besides, it’s not just procreation that I use it for.”
Ominis snorts. “Unfortunately, I am intimately aware of that.”
You make a face while Sebastian grins cheekily, offering no apology.
The three of you start to make your way toward the exit into Central Hall, ignoring the weak protests of the prefects stationed outside. As you make your way back toward the Slytherin common room, you all fall silent again, lost in your thoughts.
You aren’t sure how you’re supposed to forget what you saw, you think. In the future, you have a daughter. Her father is Sebastian Sallow, and… and she’s brilliant. Beautiful, courageous, more than a bit headstrong, and as determined as you both are if not more so.
You catch yourself actually grinning, and when you glance over at Sebastian, you see the same expression on his face.
“Anything you care to share?” you ask him.
“I know we probably shouldn’t talk about it,” he starts, “but there is one thing that girl said that I won’t soon forget.”
“What’s that?” you ask.
He’s quiet for a moment, and then he admits, “I heard her say she’s looking for a book for her aunt, and you haven’t got any sisters.”
You smile softly and reach for Sebastian’s hand. “No, I don’t.”
He lets you take his hand in his to give a reassuring squeeze.
“She’s still alive,” Sebastian says quietly. “She… she’s still sick, probably. But she’s still alive in the future. She meets my daughter, and she knows her.”
“She does,” you say. “And – and maybe we don’t quite know how that happens yet, but you can have a little faith, Sebastian. Things will work out the way they’re supposed to, and Anne will be with us for a long, long time. There’s still plenty of time to make things right again.”
He nods wordlessly but doesn’t drop your hand.
Just before you arrive at your common room, Ominis stops in his tracks.
“Hang on… Her name, Anne-Marie?” he asks you. “That sounds like something Sebastian would have picked. How generous of you.”
“Aww,” Sebastian laughs. “You must be so in love with me by then to let me pick the name.”
You grit your teeth and ignore them as you murmur the password to the giant stone snake guarding the door, hoping to get some well-earned rest and be rid of these boys for the night.
“Don’t worry, darling,” Sebastian says as he ducks around you and slips inside the door. “I’ll let you pick the name for the second one, and we can duel for rights to the third.”
You go running off after Sebastian and holler, “You bastard Sebastian Sallow, how many damn children are you expecting?!”
Ominis quickly pulls the door shut behind him and shakes his head.
“Godfather,” he mutters to himself. “I’ll never know peace, will I?”
[Get to know more of the Sallow kiddos in "the train ain't even left the station" ❤️]
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two-white-butterflies · 2 months
a lemon cake | daemon targaryen
Description: The Hendriks have always kept to their own. What happens when a betrothal happens between the only Hendrik daughter and the Rogue Prince? A story where, you go through lengths in order to ensure your lord husband's loyalty.
W.C: a lotta words super mega ultra
A/N: After re-watching Descendants. I figured that this would be a good plot. Reader basically gives Daemon a love potion. It wears off. He's still in love. No beta we die like men. OC Daemon because of the love potion, but otherwise still him.
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House Hendrik. In silence we persevere.
When the first lord of your house settled from Old Valyria, they did not bring dragons or swords - but they did bring magic. Magic that allowed the members of the house to hear the whispers of nature. But lately, nature has only answered with silence.
The lands were barren, and the sheep were dying of illness.
The gold in your coffers were nearing extinction. Correction, there wasn't anything left - your father has to work in the King's council to ensure that you and your children would live a comfortable life.
A prolonged sigh escapes your mouth. You stared at yourself through the reflection on the mirror. In silence we persevere.
You remind yourself of the words your father uttered before he left.
"My lady," the maid clears her throat. She was holding a sealed letter. "Thank you," you mumble while taking the paper from her hands.
You force a smile on your face.
My dearest daughter,
I am pleased announce that the King has agreed to an engagement, and your presence in the Red Keep is of utmost importance. It seems like the Seven Gods have answered our prayers. Do not think about the gold that we'll use to bring you here, your Aunt Jayne has agreed to sponsor the trip, with the promise that you won't forget her once you are a nobleman's wife. Take care.
All my love,
your father.
You finished reading the letter, inhaling the scent of vanilla. It was sadly a short letter, not detailing anything about your father's stay. He made sure that the letter was short and concise. He did not even have money for ink.
"My lady?" the maid inquires, curious about the contents of the letter.
"Lord Hendrik has invited me to join him in the Red Keep." you inform, watching as she poured you a glass of tea. "- will you promise to take care of the household in my absence?" you asked, and she presses a kiss to your forehead.
She stood as your mother, after Lady Hendrik died.
"I promise." she swore. "- have fun in the Capital." she smiled.
You could only nod.
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"You told me that he agreed on a betrothal!" your eyebrows merged together. "You wouldn't have come here if the only purpose was finding a suitable match." your father insists.
"Our house has stood proud, looked down on others with lesser breeding. If word ever comes out that I am here to save a sinking ship, our reputation will be ruined." you argued.
"If there was another choice, I wouldn't ask." he says regretfully, his eyes cloudy with tears threatening to spill out. "- my position in the King's council is under threat. My health has fallen drastically, and only a husband can save you and our house." he breathes.
He knows that it shouldn't be that way, but it is.
"What you mean to say is..." you could not stomach to say the word.
"- this is my last gamble, child. If you do not wish to do it for our family, at least do it for yourself." he pleads.
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Stupid family with their idiotic gambles. You cursed while continuing to concoct the potion. There was a hundred other ladies in this court, some more beautiful - some having bigger breasts - some having more melodious voices. And what were you stuck with?
This old gown that you inherited from your mother.
You weren't dealt the winning hand, so you must play with the cards that you were dealt with.
"Kesā sagon ñuhon." you whispered into the powder, feeling chills run up your spine as the magic takes effect. You will be mine.
You press a finger to your lips. Who will be mine?
Of course, they needed to be rich. You were in poverty and eating love for breakfast wasn't something you're looking forward to.
And of course, they needed to be handsome - because it will be a curse to stare at an ugly face everyday.
"Prince Daemon," you say out loud.
You fancied him when you were younger.
He had flowing silver-gold hair, and entrancing deep purple eyes. He was every maiden's dream. All everyone saw was a dangerous man - a shifting tide. He was quick to anger and slow to forgive.
But that wasn't going to be a problem.
If your love potion was going to take its full effect, he'd be a tamed dragon, and you'd be the most beautiful maiden in his eyes. He'd be loyal to you no matter what you did.
The thought of taming an untamable man was...alluring.
"Prince Daemon it is, then." you decide. Carefully storing the powder in the empty space of your locket.
The plan needed to work.
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Daemon's eyes narrowed, seeing Lord Hendrik's daughter walk across the garden. His eyes were drawn towards her figure. He's heard stories about your great beauty - and now he's finally had the luxury of meeting you. "Lady Hendrik," he calls your name.
"My prince," you bowed, surprised that he knows you. "- it is a pleasure to be be in your presence." your gaze remained on the floor.
"I believe that I am the one who should be saying that," he tilted his head with a pensive smile. His eyes alternated between your eyes and your lips, engrossing himself in your features. "- it is not everyday that a maiden from Quid Isle visits the Red Keep." he added, offering his arm for you to take.
"It is a long journey." you were quick to answer, holding his arm as you both strolled down the gardens. Your father's castle used to have a garden exactly like this - but all the flowers have wilted now. Its beauty was forced to remain in your memory.
"I can only imagine," he hummed - still staring at your face.
There was a look in his eyes, telling you that he was interested.
He kept staring at you and you found yourself staring at him in return, waiting until he opened his mouth again. "You're very beautiful." he observed, moving a strand of hair away from your face.
"T-thank you." you surprise yourself by stuttering.
Gods, you've always been eloquent but what you were about to do was making you nervous.
You turned to look at the table behind you, sprinkling the secret powder on one of the lemon cakes.
"Lemon cake?" you offered, holding the pastry up with a smile.
"Sure," he agreed, not bothering to take the pastry from your hands - instead taking a small bite while you were still holding it.
The way he licked his lips made shivers run down your spine. You were indeed making the right choice. "Is it good?" you raised an eyebrow, waiting for that grumble on your stomach that told you that the spell was working.
"They taste different today." he admits, chewing at the sweet treat - surprised at the slight specks of saltiness. It brought the sweet flavor out, but it was the first time he's tasted lemon cakes like this.
"Good or bad?" you inquired.
Your stomach grumbles. His pupils dilate.
"Good," he says.
The love potion has indeed worked. He's looking at you the same way that the moon looks at the sun. There was a smile on his face, a soft and gentle smile only given to those feeling pure love. "You should try one, my lady." he offers, and you nod - doing exactly that.
"Is the court to your satisfaction?" he asked, unable to stare at anything other than you. "It is beautiful, my lord, especially the gardens. I've never seen anything quite like it." you smiled.
He admires the innocence in your eyes.
Your smile makes him want to smile too.
"Our gardens pale in comparison to Highgarden. Mayhaps, one day I shall take you there." he made a promise. You are slightly taken aback by the potency of your love potion.
"Take me there?" you repeated his last words.
"If it is your will, my lady." his hands rubbed circles on the back of your waist. "It is unbecoming, especially from an unmarried maiden. I wish not to impose, my prince." your mind returned to marriage.
Our last gamble.
"Oh yes, unmarried." he reminded himself. He takes a step backwards, a wave of clarity crashing through his features. You worried for a second that the love potion lost its effect, if it weren't for the look in his eyes - utterly dedicated and in love.
"I must leave to attend my business with the Gold Cloaks. Do not stray too far in the gardens, I shall talk to you later." he vows.
"Yes, my prince." was the only thing that you could say.
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Daemon was fascinated but now he was sure that he was in love. Ever since he spoke to you in the gardens - you're the only thing that he thinks about. When he drinks wine, he wonders about the types of wine that you like. When he reads a book, he thinks about what your favorite books are.
Even a chore a simple as breathing makes him think about you.
As the months occurred, he's spent every living second beside you. Braiding your hair, reading books about his ancestry. He's even taught you a few things about sword-fighting.
He's defenseless against your love.
There was no escape.
"I intend to marry the Lady Hendrik." Daemon boldly announces in front of his brother. He was a million times sure that you were the woman he wanted to spend his eternity with. "I beg your pardon?" Viserys gazes up from his miniature version of Old Valyria.
"You've been pestering me about marriage ever since that Bronze Bitch died. I've finally made my choice. Lady Hendrik, the Master of Coin's daughter." Daemon emphasized.
Viserys' eyebrows merged together.
"Have you spoken to her?" Viserys inquired, surprised at his brother's sudden enthusiasm towards you. "I have." Daemon responds.
"How many conversations have you had with her?" Viserys follows up, a little skeptical but otherwise relieved that his brother has found love. "It matters not, she is the best choice. She is set to inherit her father's island. It shall keep me out of your way." Daemon argues.
"Lady Royce inherited the Runestone. What makes you think that this lady of yours is going to be different than the last?" Viserys queries, poking through his brother's resolve - trying to look for holes. He does not wish to grant annulment or mend Daemon's losses when the time comes that he falls out of love.
"I will wed the Lady Hendrik. We will live in Quid Isle." Daemon ignores his brother's question. His destiny already written in stone.
"There isn't anything that could stop you anyways." Viserys agrees, finding no other reason to disagree.
"Speak to her father. Make sure that he agrees." Viserys adds, returning his attention to his little Old Valyria.
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"Your father has agreed to an engagement between us." Daemon announced from behind you, and suddenly your eyes light up. "Really?" happiness was leaking from your voice.
Your happiness, gives him happiness.
"I thought that what we had was merely friendship. You've really proved yourself, my prince." you smiled, as he presses your foreheads together. Your smile sinks to the floor, that feeling of guilt threatening to make your heart explode.
He doesn't actually love you. It's the potion.
"Is everything alright?" he inquired, his eyes flooding with worry.
I'm a horrible person for making him something that he is not.
All the nobles and maesters have fawned over his loyalty to me. The way he stares at me with love and adoration. He's not spoken to any other maiden except me. He refuses to dance with anyone but me.
When he realizes that this is all an enchantment, will he hate me?
"Darling," he repeats that term of endearment.
You snap out of the trance.
"I need a moment." you break free from the embrace. Sprinting towards the direction of your room. "Sure," you hear him mumble.
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Once the doors to your chambers were shut - the tears flowed. "I'm sorry," you mumbled while laying on your bed, covering your body with the layers of blanket and furs. "I'm sorry," you kept repeating.
I'm a horrible person.
You've toyed with the very will of the gods, made Prince Daemon fall in love with you and act uncharacteristically - all for what? So you wouldn't starve when all the gold in your father's coffers runs out? There were thousands of small-folks starving everyday, their lives are lost to famine - all the while you worry about not living in luxury.
It was another day for you in paradise.
Even if your father died, you'd still live a comfortable life - as long as you didn't live above your means.
You shouldn't have done that to Daemon.
And the worst part was, you loved him - loved him with your entire heart. He was a constellation to you. You've never loved anyone as deeply as you've loved him.
But you betrayed him!
Betrayed the man that offered you jewelry and pretty dresses. Betrayed the man that looks at you with warmth.
You sniffle, slowly rising above the pile of blankets on your bed.
You march to your vanity, beginning to concoct a potion that will reverse your love spell.
You needed to make things right.
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Daemon stares at the small hidden lake. It was something that his ancestors consecrated to have a piece of Old Valyria. The lake had magical powers, some say that it cures disease, but to him - it was the only thing that could convince him that gods were real.
"Ever since I was a little boy, I'd stare at this pond and feel peace." he explains, placing his hands inside of the lake - allowing that mystical feeling to wash over him. "They say that it is a piece of Valyria." he continues telling you the story.
These past few days, you've been avoiding him like a plague. When he meets your eyes - he sees nothing but sadness. He wishes that taking a bath in this lake would bring peace to you, or mayhaps cure the sadness that you've been feelings - you refuse to tell him what.
"Thank you for bringing me here. Dragonstone is beautiful." you were quick to thank, but your eyes were focused on the ground.
"Why do you evade my gaze?" he inquires, holding your chin with a finger - and lifting it so you'd meet his eyes. "We are going to be husband and wife soon." he announces, and that makes you flinch.
"I know," you hum.
"If you're scared of living Quid Isle - I promise you that we'll live there after the wedding." he points out one of the possible reasons as to why you were sad. "- I am much prepared to eat fish and chickens until I die." he smiles, and that sparkle returns to your eyes.
"Get in the water." he commands with a chuckle. "No," you shake your head - feeling his hand on your shoulder - threatening to pull you down. "Daemon," you warned, holding onto his forearm.
An involuntary giggle escapes your mouth, and you both plunge into the cold lake. That grumble in your stomach returns. Magic?
You hold onto him, unable to reach the bottom of the lake floor. "You are a cruel lord," you teased wrapping your arms around him.
He takes a second longer - still staring at your face. With that same lovestruck impression as the day you first met.
"Daemon," you say his name.
"I love you." he says out of the blue, burying his face on your nape.
For a second, his voice sounds deeper - his words more meaningful than usual. It almost made you doubt yourself.
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You were about to lose everything.
Today is the day that you give him the reverse potion.
"Lemon cake?" you offer, holding the pastry with a forced smile. Daemon's hands found the small of your waist. "I don't want one." he shakes his head, instead choosing to take a sip of his wine.
"Are you sure?" your eyebrows merged together.
Why was he refusing your effort?
"I don't really like eating pastries, my love." he covers his smile with another sip of wine. He's been looking at you with more adoration, lately. He's been more dutiful than before. Always opening the door for you, always carrying your books, and of course, helping with the planning of your wedding.
"But I seem to remember that our love story began with a lemon cake?" you try to persuade him. A lemon cake is also how it ends.
"I've not had the stomach for anything as of the late. I'm sorry, dearest." he tries to say no as politely as he could. "But you have to eat it, please, for me?" you resorted to begging.
"No," he responds as petulantly as he could muster.
"Daemon," you say firmly this time.
Don't make it harder than it has to be. Eat it and hate me forever.
"Give me one good reason?" he says. His voice telling you that he knew something that you didn't. "Because your future wife wills it." you insist, and he sighs - taking a bite of the lemon cake.
He eats it with a smile, watching your features carefully.
"Does it taste good?" you found yourself asking the same questions as before. "Yes," he responds - chewing softly. "How do you feel?" you inquired, worried about his wellbeing.
"Why are you asking, little flower?" his grip is firm on your waist, ignoring the looks that you were both getting. It was a behavior unbecoming of unmarried people, even if you were engaged.
"Nothing," you shake your head. "Do you still love me?" you found yourself carefully asking, masking it with sweetness just in case the potion wasn't in full effect yet. "I think that the potion takes a while to settle, my lady." he smiles, saying those string of words in a whisper.
You nod your head involuntarily until his words sink in.
The potion takes a while to settle.
"What?" your voice suddenly turns an octave higher.
"You are adorable." he muses, laughing.
"How long have you known?" the words spill out of your mouth. "It wore off when we swam in the lake of Dragonstone." he explains.
"So you've been pretending to love me these past few days?" you ask, guilt eating you whole. "I've not been pretending." he confirms.
"I'm sorry, I didn't have a choice. Our family isn't as rich as we appear to be, I-my father... I mean I thought that marrying you was the only way my family would be secure. But I love you and my conscience will not allow you to live in lie." you apologized, the tears pooling.
"Hate me if you want to. Have me executed for treason if you must..." you rambled but he silences you with a finger to your lips.
"You didn't need that spell." he says tenderly. His eyes still held that warmth, the promise to love you for more than a lifetime.
"I was enamored with you even without it." he chuckles, wiping the tears away from your eyes. "What?" you were confused. "- you need not to go through with the wedding." you add.
"But I wish to marry you, my lady." he takes the upper hand.
Oh, he's been long aware of your house's financial problems - it was one of the few reasons that Viserys chose your father as Master of Coin. He couldn't bare to see a friend of his suffering. And Daemon, well he's been drawn to you since you first stepped inside the castle.
You were magnetic and you made good company.
"Adorable," he hummed - pulling your face closer to his and silencing you with a deep and long kiss.
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jareaul0ver · 4 months
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I Wanna Be Yours
pt 1
wc: 1.6k warnings: douchey bf, mentions of sex, clubbing, alcohol, cheating (only a little) pairings: nika muhl x fem!reader
ok guys i’m doing a series!! this is partially why i closed my requests, so if this does bad i might cry. idk how many parts it’s gonna be but here’s part 1, enjoy :)
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You laid back with a sigh and watched your boyfriend get up. He immediately pulled out his phone and called his friend.
“Yeah. Yeah man, I’ll be there soon.” He hung up and turned to you. You were sweaty, tired, and uncomfortable; he couldn’t get you to cum to save his life. “Ima hang out with the boys babe.”
You frowned. “You’re leaving already? You just.. you just got here.”
He shrugged and threw a shirt on. “Yeah, but we already fucked.”
There it was again. Your boyfriend, the guy who supposedly was in love with you, taking part in his usual after sex ritual. You’d go to either of your places, fuck, and he’d either leave completely or pay no mind to you after.
It felt like a casual hookup, and it made you feel awful.
“Plus, I’m taking you out tomorrow night. Isn’t that enough?” He hoisted his shorts back onto his waist and fixed his hair in the mirror.
“I guess.” You sighed.
He walked towards the bedroom door. “Love you babe.”
You watched him leave without saying anything in return. Your eyes shut and you took a deep breath. It wasn’t unusual for him to act this way, hell it was the only way you knew he acted, but it still hurt every time.
Your friend slung her arm around your shoulder as you left class. “Yeah, then he just left.” You finished explaining yesterdays events to her.
“Girl, you’ve gotta dump his ass.” She shook her head in disbelief. “Come out with me and the girls tonight, we can go to a club and find you someone new.”
“I can’t, Ryan planned a date night today. Some sort of dinner thing.” You shrugged. “Maybe another time.”
She gave you a knowing look. “Fine, just call if you need anything, or if you change your mind.” She smirked before walking away.
You touched up your makeup and hair in the mirror. The black bodycon dress you wore made you look incredible. He had told you earlier to dress nice, so you found the nicest thing in your closet and threw it on.
Ryan was coming from one of his friends apartments, so you had to meet him at the restaurant.
You pulled up outside of the place and found a parking spot. It looked nice on the outside, pretty yellow lights hanging around the outdoor seating, surprisingly beautiful architecture considering it’s a restaurant.
It was nice, and you knew this was Ryan trying to make up for everything. You headed inside and a hosted led you to the table that he reserved for the two of you.
Once you sat down and ordered a water, you checked the time. He was running a few minutes late, which was normal.
A little more time had passed. A waitress had come to ask if you wanted to order, and you shook your head and said to wait a few more minutes.
Well, those few minutes passed and there was still no sign of your boyfriend showing up. You pulled out your phone and called him.
No answer.
You called him again, no answer.
You sent a few texts asking where he was, if he was okay, and if he’d be there soon.
A few minutes later you checked your phone and there was still no answer. The waitress had come back to the table and she noticed the tears welling in your eyes. “Listen, I know you’re waiting for someone miss, but I’d hate to see you wait here all night for them.”
You took a deep breath and nodded. “I’ll- Ill be leaving now, thank you.” You gave her a polite smile and gathered your purse and jacket before leaving the restaurant.
The second you got into the car the tears started flowing. In the end, you weren’t surprised this happened. He was a shit boyfriend and always ended up making you feel this way.
You pulled out your phone and dialed a number. “Hello?” The voice rang out over the loud sound of music behind it.
“What club are you at?” You spoke through tears.
“Oh, sweetie.” You friend frowned and you could hear it through her voice. “The usual. He didn’t show up?”
“Don’t wanna talk about it. Be there in 15.” You hung up and immediately started driving to the club.
You’d been on the road for 10 minutes and there was still no answer from Ryan. The second you parked you checked his location, and it showed that he was still at his friends house.
You quickly got it off your screen and rushed into the club, trying hard to find your friends. You also were trying hard to not let the tears in your eyes fall, but it was proving to be difficult.
Once you finally spotted them, you made a beeline towards the back of the club. Except you didn’t make it very far. You ran straight into a tall figure.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry.” The figure turned around and a brunette stared down at you.
She must’ve seen your shaken state and shook her head softly. “No worries.” She paused. “Are you okay?”
You blinked a few times and your eyes met hers. They were soft and brown and you felt yourself immediately being pulled in.
“Hello?” She waved her hand gently in front of your face.
“Oh, yeah, sorry. I’m- I’m okay.” You smiled a bit at her.
She smiled back and nodded. “I’m Nika, by the way.”
The second you heard her name it clicked in your head who you were talking to. Your eyes widened a bit. You were new to the UConn scene, only arriving as a transfer at the beginning of the year, but of course you had heard about Nika Muhl.
“I- I know.” You shook your head immediately. “I mean, I’ve seen you. Fuck- I’ve seen your games.” You let out a long breath and looked away from her. “Sorry, I’m a mess right now.”
She couldn’t help but smile at your nerves. She thought it was adorable. Nika laughed softly. “I’ve never seen you around before, y’know.”
“I transferred from Boston College this year.” You met her eyes again and realized her gaze hadn’t left you.
She nodded. “Why don’t I get you a drink, then you can tell me more?”
A small smile twitched at your lips. “Deal.”
The rest of the night went smoothly. You and Nika talked, and both of your groups of friends had been long forgotten.
Everything was going great until she asked about the one thing you hoped she wouldn’t. “So.. d’you have a boyfriend or anything?”
You froze for a second and took a deep breath. “I, uh, yeah. Yeah, I do.”
She nodded and took a sip of her drink to mask her disappointment, but she didn’t miss the tone of your voice when you answered.
“He’s.. awful though. I’m only here because he forgot about our date night.” You took a sip of your drink after that.
She scoffed. “What a dick.” She couldn’t believe that anyone could treat a girl like you that way. Nika had only known you for less than a few hours but she knew you were special, and deserved to be treated as such.
You shrugged and looked down at your lap. You fidgeted with the promise ring on your finger, only feeling more hurt by looking at it.
She watched you for a moment before standing up and pulled your hands out of your lap. “C’mon, let’s go dance. Forget about him.”
“Oh, no I-“ You shook your head. “I’m not a dancer.”
“Neither am I, but have some fun, yeah?”
You sighed and got up, letting her lead you to where everyone was huddled together and dancing. You stood there awkwardly for a moment before Nika started swaying, moving your arms around.
You couldn’t help but smile at her, and she smiled back. You started swaying on your own, dancing along to the music blaring from the overhead speakers.
More people joined their friends on the dance floor and it started feeling like a can of sardines. At this point, you were practically pressed against Nika.
The heat radiating off her body could be felt a mile away. You shouldn’t have been doing this with her, you had a boyfriend, but she was so beautiful and kind, you couldn’t help yourself.
Her hands found your waist and you let her rest them there. How could something so incredibly wrong feel so good?
Nika’s brown eyes stared down at you as you danced against her. Her gaze flickered lower, landing on your lips. She couldn’t help herself. She leaned in and kissed you feverishly.
You melted against her, letting the kiss consume you whole. But then Ryan’s face popped into your head. You were out, kissing a girl in a club, while Ryan was probably at his friends house asleep. He had no idea, and even though he was awful, you couldn’t do this to him.
You pulled away from her and took a step back. “I- I can’t do this, Nika. I have a boyfriend-“
“Yeah, but he’s a douche, and you deserve better.” She cut you off.
You shook your head. “But this.. this is wrong. I’m sorry.” You quickly pushed your way out of the crowd of people and through the exit of the club. You reached your car and let out a deep breath.
You ran a hand over your face and blinked a few times. “What the fuck did I just do?”
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shiratamahatsumiyo · 1 month
Twst with an Ubuyashiki Child reader
Platonic, of course. Contains spoilers of the Hashira Training Arc.
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Hinaki, Nichika, Kiriya, Kuina, and Kanata are the children of Kagaya and Amane Ubuyashiki. Born as quintuplets, their appearances are almost similar, save for their hair colors. They are supporting characters of the anime Demon Slayer. They assist their parents when it comes to Corps duties and aid their father to kill Muzan Kibutsuji.
• I decided not to put the other three because I couldn't find proper photos of them. Since the reader is a child of the Ubuyashiki couple, that makes them and their sibling sextuplets.
• Despite being only 8 years old, you're already mature enough to carry out your duties, and mentally strong enough to pass the deaths of the demon slayers each night unfazed. However, the brashness of the newly selected demon slayer at the Final Selection intimidated you. You can only watch as the boy named Genya harshly manhandled your sister. Your sister managed to keep her fear inside until after the selection. You're glad that the boy with red-eyes and hanafuda earrings stopped the boy before Kanata cried.
• You were trained and raised all your life to be proper and emotionless. Your mother and father did so in order to help you and your siblings ease the acceptance of the inevitable deaths of your parents with little to no grievance. After all, you must save the tears after the war. Only then you can finally be free.
• You and your siblings always take care of your bedridden father whenever your mother is out on duty. You can only hope that he might live long enough to witness Muzan's death. You sometimes help your brother, Kiriya, in preparation to inherit the estate when your father is too ill to teach him the ways of being the leader of the Corps. As per Ubuyashiki tradition, whether you are male or female (or non-binary), you must wear feminine clothing in order for you to live longer or until you get married.
• While the demon slayers are preparing for war, your father finally mastered his last plan and called for your siblings and mother. He thanked you for taking care of him for all of the years you've spent together and asked if you are willing to die by his side to which you answered "Yes, father". Your mother can only fix his bandages and told you to play with your sisters one last time.
• The thought of fooling Muzan to lower his guard is the greatest feat you and your sisters ever made, so you played with Hinaki and Nichika. Despite the fear that stayed in your minds, you wished that this sweet moment of pure bliss lasted a bit longer......
• You did not feel sadness, knowing that the rest of your siblings will be left alone.
• You did not feel fear when Muzan Kibutsuji intruded your home with the intent to kill all of you.
• You did not feel resentment towards your parents that they've never given you a normal childhood.
• You did not feel pain when the waves of the explosions engulfed your small figure with its flames.
• All you can feel is happiness, now that you finally shared your last moments with your family and dying alongside them.
• However... You won't be walking into the afterlife with them just yet.
• ...................................
• ..............................................Where are you?
????: "Fnyagh! The robes... Gotta get those robes!"
• ............... What?
• You lift your hand up only to feel the hardness of wood against your palm. Is this real? Are you not dead? Where is your family?
• Lost in thought, you started to notice the sudden change of the temperature inside of the coffin. You kicked and punched the door with your small limbs until the lid fell off. The little monster stood in shock as you raise your head out of the coffin.
????: "F-fnyagh?! Why are you awake?!"
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "....?"
• You falsely assumed that a demon is trying to cook you alive. But you calmly get out of the coffin, straightened your robe, and question him with a smile...
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "... Pardon me, but where am I?"
????: "Fnyagh? Ya must be stupid to not know where ya are! Doesn't matter, just gimme your robe!"
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "... And what are your intentions with my... robe?"
• That's strange. You don't remember wearing this robe. Nor, do you remember anything aside from the explosion. You stared at the monster for any explanations.
????: "To wear them! Now gimme or I'll burn ya!"
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "... You are not interested in eating me?"
????: "Fnyagh? Why would I eat ya? You're no tuna! A-and stop staring at me with those creepy-looking eyes!"
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "...Is that so? And who might you be?"
????: "I'm the Great Grim! The sorcerer extraordinaire! The most powerful mage in Twisted Wonderland! The most popular wizard in this school! So as the greatest, gimme your- Hey, come back here!"
• As the egoistic monster was distracted, you run as fast as your child limbs can take you. Your thoughts plaguing your mind with even more questions...
• You felt the heat of the coffin, which means you're still alive... This is definitely not the afterlife... If you're alive, then would that mean that your parents and siblings are here as well? Did the bait and trap failed? Is Muzan--
• Unfortunately, the monster easily caught up with you and cornered you at the dead end of a hallway.
Grim: "Fnyahaha! Ya thought ya can get away from the Great Grim's nose? We'll ya can't! I'm gonna roast-- OUCH!!"
???????: "You there, monster! Cease your attacks at once!"
Grim, struggling: "Fnyagh... What is... this rope? I can't use my magic!"
???????: "It's not just a rope! It's the Lash of Love, mind you! Don't even bother to struggle, it's useless trying to break through!"
• ... Is he a demon slayer? Wait, no... He's another demon. Is he fighting this demon for you as food? Then you must quickly flee before-
???????: "Aha! There you are! You must be the last student. I've been searching all of the coffins for you. However, I did not expect you to be this small..."
• ... Student? Does he mean you? Does he even know you're human?
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "... Are you referring to me?"
???????: "Of course, who else- Great Sevens! Did I hear your voice correctly? Don't tell me that you're a child?!"
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "... And what if I am?"
???????: "Oh my, you are a child! Did you happen to stumble here by mistake? How did you get past the school gates? Where are your parents? Did a student sneak you in here?"
• Is he asking these questions to confirm that you're alone? He sounded... Worried. Usually, a demon would sound bloodthirsty but... What if his constitution or state is like that of that Kamado girl?
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "... I am afraid I don't know where I am, sir. I awoke inside a coffin and happened to be lost."
???????: "Inside a coffin, you say? Then you are a new student here!"
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "... A student?"
???????: "Indeed. Though young prodigies like you are rarely enrolled here! But I must admit, how old are you?"
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "... I am 8 years old, sir."
???????: "EIGHT?! Sevens! 8 years old and you're already off to college?! Your family must be very well off or you're that intelligent!"
Ubuyashiki! Reader: "...I apologize, but whatever do you mean by college? And new student?"
???????: "My, my... You're small head must've been jumbled by the teleportation magic. Let me introduce myself! I am Dire Crowley, headmage of this school, Night Raven College!"
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lunajay33 · 2 months
It’s You❤️‍🔥
Summary: You went along with Bella to Italy to save Edward, but when you get there things go unexpectedly and you become mate to the strongest Volturi guard
Pairing: Felix x human female reader
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Moving into your uncles house a year ago to help him with daily chores and just keeping him company was a nice change from the hot dry weather I was use to when I lived with my mom before she passed, another reason Charlie had to take me in which I was incredibly grateful for, then a few months after I moved in my cousin Bella moved back from Arizona and she became very secretive, I swear some nights I’d hear two voices coming through our shared wall, whenever I tried to question her about it but she’d always brush me off just saying she was up late talking to her mom on the phone
Eventually I got fed up with all the secrets and the way she was treating me like I wasn’t even in her life, so on a rare sunny day I decided to go over to the cullens house, basically Bella’s second home, I pulled up into the drive way amazed by how gorgeous this house was, sure Carlisle was a doctor but this had to be old money to get a house like this around this area
I got out of my old car and knocked three times against the door, after a while and a few faint angry whispers Bella finally opened the door which I find odd since this isn’t her house
“Y/n what are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here”
“I’ve had enough of the secrets and how you’ve treated me, we’re family Bella and I’m alone here I just want to be close again like we were as kids”
“Well we’re not kids anymore y/n I have my own life” she said a hint of anger laced with worry in her voice
“I’m not asking for your attention 24/7 I just want a friend” I said upset as I fiddled with my fingers
“Okay im sorry im just stressed, ill make a better effort”
And after that we spent a bit more time together, then Edward left, him and his whole family just up and left leaving Bella in a deep despair, her sorrowful shrieking screams at night draining me and Charlie, and the worst was I didn’t know how to help, I tried getting her out of the house or even just sitting in the living room with her to keep her company but I could still see how broken she was
After months and her seeing Jacob she slowly started to get better, one night I was up in my room reading when a commotion broke out downstairs, I ran down seeing Bella, Jake and Alice arguing in the kitchen
“What the hell is going on?” But before anyone answered Alice spoke
“Bella it’s Edward, Rosalie told him why I came, he thinks he’s dead, he wants to die too” everything was moving so fast, Bella and Alice were running out to her car and I was still in the dark with everything
“Bella what’s going on you’re scaring me” I said looking through the car window
“I can’t explain I have to go”
“Well you’re not going without me, I’ve stuck with you through this and I’m not leaving now” I said matter of factly hopping in the back, Alice gave Bella a wary look before she speed off to the airport, having no clue where we were going until we landed, when Alice finally told me we were in Italy, the scenery zooming past as she drove through town after town until we came upon a old castle town, swerving through a crowd all dressed in robes, Bella went running off and Alice found somewhere to park as we too started making our way through the crowd on foot now
“Alice you still haven’t told me what’s going on” she gave me a gentle smile as we came upon the castle
“You’ll find out soon enough, all I can say is that your life is about to change” her words sent nervous butterflies fluttering in my belly
With what must have been a surge of adrenaline Alice broke the lock on the castle door and we entered feeling the cold air breeze over me, cooling me down from the hot Italian heat
Seeing Edward with Bella and he looked dreadful and just behind them a shorter blonde man with piercing ruby red eyes, accompanied by a very tall man and as my eyes gazed over his body from his feet all the way up to his eyes my world stopped, I felt this pull to him like I’ve never felt before, a man I don’t know had this hold on me that I never wanted to get out of, our eyes never looking away from eachother until a smaller girl broke our trance
“Aro sent me to see what was taking so long”
“I won’t be needing your assistance anymore”
“Never the less aro would like a word”
Alice squeezed my shoulder reassuringly as we all followed the blonde girl into a now crammed elevator, with the lack of space my back was pressed up against the tall beautiful man with the ruby eyes
As my adrenaline finally faded away I was left with the realization that I have no idea what I’ve gotten myself into, Alice’s super strength, the ruby eyes of the strangers around me, the secrecy , it was finally scaring me feeling my heart beat so hard I could hear it and if on air a big hand gently rubbed up and down my back slowly settling my nerves, normally having a strange man touch me would have me running for the hills but there was just something about this ethereal man that I don’t even know the name of, that soothed my soul, like nothing bad could ever happen as long as I’m by his side
The elevator stopped with a ding, opening to reveal a long stone hallway with torches perched on the walls, giving a very eerie vibe to the whole situation, his hand still on my lower back leading me in the direction everyone else was walking til we got to these big doors that his touch went away making me whine for some reason
The little blonde girl pushed open the huge doors effortlessly to show a gorgeous marble room with three thrones with three men sat upon them
“Sister they send you out for two and you come back with two and a two half’s” a younger guy said as the blonde girl went and stood by his side
“Ahhhh Bella is alive fantastic” on of the three men stated standing infront of us
“And who is this?” He said glancing at me with those similar ruby eyes
“It seems one of our family has found their mate” the other glum man said
“What? Mate? What do you mean? Please just someone tell me what is happening” I asked overwhelmed as my bottom lip wobbled
“Oh dear…..may I?” The enthusiastic man asked as he held out his hand
Confused but I placed mine in his as he stared deep into my eyes
“It seems this beautiful girl doesn’t know a thing about us, she merely came to support her cousin”
“Felix how about you take her to your room and explain everything as we deal with this situation here”
“Yes master” his hand was on my back again as he led me out of the room back into the hallway
“Felix…..I like that name” his name sounded nice, sounded right, he looked down at me with the most loving look I could have ever seen
“And what might your name be mio amore?”
“Y/n…I’m y/n”
“Beautiful, a beautiful name for the most beautiful girl” I’ve never been treated like this before and it had my heart soaring
Finally we made it to a wonderful spacious room, the ceiling high, brown stone walls with red and black accent decor, with a glamorous bed in the corner with red silk sheets
“Sit my darling” he said gesturing to the bed so we sat face to face, he gently took my hands in his like I was made of glass
“What did he mean? Am I your mate? And what does that mean?”
“I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out but……we are vampires and so are the cullens, vampires have mates and some of us are lucky enough to find them, we’d do anything for our mates like I’ll do anything for you, to make you happy and safe”
His words had me frozen……vampires were real? And I’m mated to one, a gorgeous one at that but still this was all so much
“This…..this is a lot to handle Felix, I mean this is all so new to me I’ve never had a relationship before and definitely not with a vampire, sure you’re extremely handsome but I still don’t know what to do” his smile softened then slowly turned into a smirk
“You think I’m handsome little one?” He asked tucking a strand of hair behind my ear making the blood rush to my cheeks
“Of course anyone with eyes can see that”
“You never have to be worried with me, we can take this slowly, I’ve waited forever for you amore, I can wait a little longer until you’re comfortable” his hand caressing my cheek
I felt more relaxed at his words
“So what now? Do I have to go back to forks? If I do we will never see eachother” my heart clenched at the thought
“If your heart desires you can stay here, but only if that’s what you want, because I know my heart couldn’t handle us being apart, but it’s whatever you want tessoro”
“I……I want to be with you Felix, please”
“Then you will stay with my little one” I had the answer to Alice’s words, my life was going to change but all for the better
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Comment if you wanna be tagged in this series❤️
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amarmoria · 1 month
Nepenthe Ⅲ
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Qimir x Padawan! Reader
Why would your master want a padawan like you when he has his acolyte?
Notes: thank you guys for your support, like for real, please like, comment or reblog so I'll know if u want me to continue the story!
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You didn't have to go with him, but you had to ride your lie for you to survive, although you didn't think he'd trek the whole planet.
He told you he knew another apothecary, you were walking for hours without end, your legs were shaking at every step, yes you were following a path, but it didn't look like you were gonna find that apothecary any time now.
You arrived here at sunrise and you're still here until what, noon? But you didn't want to speak up, scared he'd kill you once you do. You can feel him glancing behind at you every now and then, checking if you were still there.
You cringed at the thought of trying to escape, he had his hand continuously clutched onto his saber, and you had nothing, you wished you brought your knife, if your master were here, your legs would've been tied to a tree, punishment, or worse he'll kill you for making such a small mistake.
You desperately licked at the last bit of water in your flask, your throat was dry, aching, you contemplated asking him for his water, but you heard the Jedi are very.. protective, of their things.
"Uh," you pause, he looks over his shoulder to you, not fully, but you can see his side profile. "I- uhm, are we near yet?"
"Hm, been waiting for you to say."
You heard him chuckle, abruptly halting, you bumped into his back, making you stumble back.
"I said, I've been waiting for you to notice."
"Notice.. what?"
"You really don't know?"
"Huh, I.." your eyebrows furrowed, scratching your head, what does he mean? You don't know what? You've been walking for hours, you're hungry, tired, your legs are aching, what does he even want from you?
"W-we're going to the, the apothecary you said you knew where.."
"Look around you," he gestures to the forest, the neverending tall trees surrounding you and the Jedi, your eyebrows furrowed even more, is this some kind of test? Was your master spying on you right now?
He sighed when you didn't answer.
"We've been going around in circles, I've been making us go around in circles"
"W-what? Why would—"
"You didn't get a single thread of malice when we just kept climbing and climbing rocks and whatnot?" He quietly groans, massaging his temples like a stressed father. "B-but the apothecary—"
"Jeez, there's no apothecary out here in the middle of nowhere, they're all there in the city square!"
"I don't understand y-you said there is an apothecary out here, that's why I went with, with you, a-and"
"Are you ill? or just purely an idiot?"
"What? I'm not!"
"Then why—" he pauses, his jaw flexing, nothing was said between the two of you, only the sound of trees filling the awkwardness. "I should go—"
You frowned.
"W-what did you say?"
He tilted his head.
"Uh, nothing?"
You turned around, fast walking away from the Jedi, your face was burning from embarrassment, you could still feel his eyes on the back of your head, the way he was silently guarding you as you jumped off the small boulders.
Turn around.
You paused mid jump.
Go back.
You scratched the back of your neck as you feel goosebumps around your nape.
You glanced behind your shoulder, your eyes widening when you saw that the Jedi's eyes still never left you.
You mouthed a what, only earning a shoo from him.
Go to him.
You cover your ears, then who was speaking to you? You were about to take the leap when you lost your footing on the particularly slippery moss.
You would've used the force where it not for the Jedi, it looked like a soft landing from where you were so you took fate and went along with it.
But the impact never came, your arms still remained crossed on your face with your legs dangling below you, you heard grunting from above you, that's when you realized the hand holding you in place, his defined muscles flexing as he adjusts his hold on your stomach.
"H-hold— on—"
You yelped as you slipped slightly from his hold, the root of the tree he was holding on to, moved, resulting in the strained hold you were in, the ground looked far too big of a drop for you to just hop down, you didn't notice your hands gripping onto the arm he had around your stomach.
You had the time to glance down at the Jedi's arms, it looked a lot like your master's, when he wears sleeveless robes during missions, but his was more defined, much much bigger, the Jedi's were big, but not as big as him.
You were too busy trying not to let the precious vials you had in your belt not slip, your master would have your eyes if even one of them get lost when the Jedi's saber falls and hits the back of your head, it was too late to try and save the red vial from falling out of your grasp when your vision turned black.
You were still groggy when your eyes fluttered open, the first thing that hit your face was the smell of machine and a faint whiff of bacon. You almost forgot where you were, almost.
You expected to wake up to a spiky ceiling, your concrete bed, and hear Mae and your master training, but none of that. There were too many sounds of clutter for it to be the cave, and the blinding light in contrast to the warm ones at home.
You groaned and rubbed the top of your head, if this was not the cave then where were you?
Your eyebrows furrow as you slowly sit up, you can fill the center of your stomach aching, maybe even anticipating an incoming bruise.
Oh yes.
The fall. The saber. The jedi. Your vial.
Your whole body was light, airy, like you weren't wearing any clothes, your eyes widened as you realized your dark clothing was replaced with beige sleeping garments that were a little too big for you. (Again, no matter how big you think you are, these men will prove you wrong)
No, no,no, what time is it? Kripes, he's going to kill you, you hopped down from the soft bed, hurriedly trying to find your things, this didn't look like a house, maybe a bunk? Or a ship? Or both?
You hit the back of your head on the bunk bed when the door opened, revealing the Jedi, he wasn't wearing any robes, only clutching a tray with a bowl and some medical supplies.
"You're awake?" He sounded a bit confused, of course you are, you're a powerful sith's padawan.
"Yes-- I, how long was I out?"
"Just a few hours," he pulled a table from behind him and settled it beside the bed you were laying on earlier. "Didn't peg you for a sleeper."
You frowned. "What does that mean?"
He didn't answer, only chuckling and pulling out a bunch of ointments and ice packs.
"You know I-- I think I should go.."
"Nonsense, I've hurt you, it's only best I treat you till you heal that bruise on your stomach."
You blanched at the statement, how did he even know?
As if he sensed your distress. "D-don't worry, I have a female coworker who just left, she was the one who, who did all that" he gestured to your get up.
"Uh, thank you, but I, it's late and my f-friend, they're worried about me and I,"
"Relax," He shoots you a warm smile. "I'll get your clothes, just stay here."
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Notes: "No qimir scenes?! Why would you do this to us mori?!" Relax beeswax, nxt chapter will satiate you with his scenes😈
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Mine- Carrington
summary: you tell your friends that you and your boy best friend are just friends. but that will change soon…
“should i wear the red or the blue bikini, y/n?” your best friend tara yells down from upstairs. you guys stayed the night at jake, johnnie, and carrington’s house because they were throwing a fourth of july party the next day.
“um, go with the red it’ll look good with your hair!” you yell back.
you would’ve given a better response, but you were busy texting your best friend, carrington.
you were close with jake and johnnie, and loved their friendship, but carrington was your best friend for life. you guys would text everyday, send pictures of your outfits of the day, and literally were always on facetime.
tara ran downstairs in her outfit as you walked upstairs to get changed.
you slide on your bikini bottoms as you hear lip gloss by lil mama play-your ringtone.
“y/n! your phone’s ringing, it’s carrington!” tara yells while putting on extra mascara.
you practically run down the stairs to get your phone and answer it before it rings out.
“heyyy!” carrington says. him and jake were in the middle of costco picking up alcohol and jello packets for the party later.
“heyy!” you reply.
“what are you wearing to the party, y/n?” carrington asks.
you move your camera up a little to show him your navy blue string bikini. he stares at you blankly, speechless. “you look great!” he says.
“thank you! i have to go set up the keg, but ill call you back if i can!” you say goodbye to him as you hang up, going to get the keg barrel.
you haven’t told anybody but johnnie and tara this, but you have a BIG crush on carrington. the way his blue eyes look at you and the way his curly hair bounces when he laughs hard, you just find him so attractive.
sometimes, you think he likes you too, but you tell yourself that he doesn’t, so you don’t get your hopes up.
you distract yourself from the thought, going back to assembling the beer keg as tara hands you the pieces as johnnie watches lazily.
“y’know y/n, you should go for carrington. he so likes you.” johnnie says breaking the silence.
“nah, i know he doesn’t.” you reply shaking your head.
“he does, he told me.” tara interrupts your racing thoughts.
you guys ramble on about carrington like teenage girls until carrington and jake arrive home with bulk boxes of tequila, beer, and jello packets.
madness is the only way to describe the house right now. there are over 200 people in jake webbers house and backyard and you’re 3 drinks in, stumbling around the backyard.
“jake, do you even know half the people here?” you ask.
“eh not really. most of them are johnnie or tara’s friends.” he says, then he elbow bumps you while walking over to talk to nick sturniolo and larray.
“hey!” you hear a voice from behind you say, one that you recognize almost immediately.
“carrington!” you exclaim. he wraps you up in a friendly hug. you inhale his scent, his valentino cologne mixed with costco tequila.
“can we go over here to talk, it’s kinda busy right here.” he says, nodding to the pool area.
you nod as you guys walk over there, talking about life.
you guys ramble on about different movies, restaurants, and you guy’s shared love for the vampire diaries.
“hey, y/n, you looked really pretty today.” carrington says. you blush so hard, looking him into his blue, icy eyes. “you look pretty too.” you reply.
“why don’t we go inside, maybe get some pizza, and a coke?” carrington suggests. you’re starving, so you nod and he holds your hand, guiding you into the house.
“this pizza is good, where did you get it?” you ask him.
“costco!” carrington exclaims, wiping a little bit of sauce off of your chin. you giggle and blush in return.
“hey, can i take you somewhere?” carrington asks.
“of course, carrington.” you reply.
he guides you up the stairs, leading you to his room. his room looks just like you imagined it. a plush bed with colorful posters on the wall, as well as pictures of him, jake and johnnie framed on his nightstand.
“your room is nice!” you say.
carrington fails to respond as he looks you in your eyes, a glow radiating off of him as he looks at you.
“y’know y/n, i’ve been keeping a secret from you, but i’m gonna tell you now. i think your the most beautiful girl in the world. i’ve liked you for a while, i’ve just been scared to say anything. and i know it just sounds like something i would say while i was drunk, but i’ve only had like one drink. i love you y/n.” carrington says.
he looks into your eyes, searching for an answer. you try to reply but can’t form words, you’re just so happy.
“i feel the same way about you, carrington, well besides the girl part.” you both giggle as he grabs your hand, rubbing little circles around your hand with his thumb.
you lock eyes with him, as he leans in softly and places a soft, passionate kiss on your lips. you lean into him more, elongating the kiss.
his tongue presses against your bottom lip, waiting for entry into your mouth. you guys’ tongues bump against each other occasionally, and you feel a smile forming on his lips.
you finally pull apart, smiling at him.
“so, y/n, can i take you to dinner tomorrow night?” he asks you politely.
“yes, of course you can!” you reply.
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Tim Drake: Ugly Duckling (dp x dc)
So this is the last day of pride month, and so also the last day of me trying to write as many LGBTQ+ canon dc characters. It’s been fun (and I got to read a whole bunch of comics which was actually much more fun than the first time I’d tried to read those!!)
Now even though this is the end of June, feel free to send an ask if you want me to write a blurb with any character. I make no promises, but I will very much try! (It might take a while especially if I’m in a Tumblr hibernation phase.)
Anyways, for the last day of pride month I wanted to do Tim Drake coz he’s dc’s main “it” gay girl. I’ve been working on this Dead Tired fic for ages, based on the post about Tim getting turned into a swan and meeting Danny, who as a prince has to give him a kiss to change him back (I can’t find the prompt but it was hilarious so this was my take on it).
Here’s the beginning of the fic:
Red Robin was on patrol duty, while Batman and Robin were following a lead on possible joker safehouses. All in all, It was a pretty quiet night with only two muggings, both low-energy as both perpetrator ran away as soon as a bat-shaped shadow moved. 
So Red Robin had spent most of the night chatting with Babs. He was grappling around town, as they started on the new date app they’d both found out Jason was using.
“I told him he can’t put only photos of his motorcycle but- wait I’m getting a call,” Oracle interrupted herself. Tim waited before the earpiece came to life again.
“Sorry to cut this short Red Robin, got a full-attention request from Canary. If you need anything, beep me, and Keep your coms open.”
“Bye, Oracle,” he said, and like that, Red Robin was alone once again.
 He stopped on Grand Avenue Station and just let himself take in Gotham. The city was beautiful at night, and Tim was itching for a camera. He seen hundreds of pictures of the city’s skyline but they always managed to be unique. The night sky may always be covered by dark clouds above, but Gotham had its own stars in the lights shinning on top of the skyscrapers. So lost in his thoughts, Tim was, he almost missed the soft noise that sounded behind him. The voice that sounded behind him was harder to miss.
“Wither away so late, Little Red Bird?”
Red Robin turned to see a tall woman standing half in the shadows
“Sorry, can I help you?” Answered the vigilante despite the bad feeling creeping up to him.
“I’d like to know where I can find your guardian,” the woman said, still in the shadows.
“You mean Batman?” He chanced.
The woman nodded and Tim resisted the urge to sigh.If this was another one of Bruce’s ill-advised fling, Tim was going to hack every electronic device the man had to play sex-eds on loops for at least a week.
“He’s busy at the moment.” Then feeling like he shouldn’t assume what the woman wanted Bruce for, he continued. “But if you need any help, I’ll do my best.”
The woman stepped forward, and Tim could see her better. Her face was bare, but her distinctive outfit seemed to indicate she was some kind of vigilante-slash-criminal. The outfit did, in fact, ring a bell in the back of his mind, but it was dim. Tim didn’t tense up, but he did angle his body in a way to accommodate for a better escape through grappling. She continued walking until she was within arm’s reach of Tim, towering over him. She extended a hand to lightly caress his cheek, and Tim went still at the touch.
“Such a kind Little Bird you are,” she said gently. “You know, you remind me of my daughter.” She sighed. “Oh, what pretty children you both are.”
“Thank you,” said Tim as he sidestepped out of the way. “I’m sure she’s a lovely person.”
“Oh she was,” the woman said and through his growing wariness, Tim spared a thought for the girl. “She had dark hair and the fairest skin, just like you. The most beautiful girl in the land some would even say.”
That niggling feeling came back as a feeling of familiarity poked at him once again. “You must’ve been very proud.”
The woman let out an airy laugh before saying playfully/contemplating. “mustn’t I?”
A shiver ran down his back. Alright, there was something wrong with this woman, and Tim wasn’t waiting around to find out what. Not without any information or backup.
“Well, if there’s nothing I can do for you, I really have to get going,” Tim said as he took out his grapple gun. In a second, the gun was ripped from his hand , and he was slammed to the side of the staircase leading up to the roof. He let out a gasp at the impact and his features tensed in pain. The woman hadn’t even touched him.
“Not so fast, Little Bird. We don’t want you going back to the Batman just yet.  I’m not ready to make him my Knight yet.”
“Your knight?” Tim managed to get out. He tried to move his arms, but some unseen force was pinning him in place. Shit, that meant he couldn’t reach the comm to send out a distress signal. Hopefully Babs would check in soon.
The woman smiled as she approached him once again. “What better for a Queen, than a Dark Knight?”
And just like that it clicked. “You’re the Queen of Fables.” 
“Well look at this, you’ve got the brains and the beauty,” she teased, her voice as smooth as honey.
“What do you want with Batman?” Tim asked though he could guess from previous encounters she had had with the Justice League that the villainess wanted to turn Bruce into a fairytale character of some sort. She’d done the trick on Clark, and twice on Diana, so it was probably Batman’s turn now. So, yes, Tim could guess, But the longer he kept her talking the more time he had to figure out a way out of this.
“I told you, he’ll be a Knight of the Queen,” She extended a hand and tilted Tim’s face up. “Do you know what that would make you Little Bird?” 
Most villains assumed the batclan worked like a crime family. So the family of a knight? “Nobility,” Tim guessed, unsure where this was going.
“Exactly.” She smiled, and then she moved. Tim braced for the hit.
Instead of a punch though, he only felt a tingling sensation. Cautiously, he opened his eyes, only for them to grow bigger as he took in his uniform. Or the lack thereof.
He was in something-century clothing, in some sort of frilly shirt and pants, all in white. This was worse than a punch. Then, as the thought hit him, Tim’s hands flew to his face only to come in contact with the silky fabric of a masquerade mask. He sighed in relief, and as he calmed down, he realized he was now free of the force pinning him down.
“The color is for my daughter,” the Queen said. Then, she let her head fall to the side before tracing a line across his forehead and Tim could feel something like a circlet setting down on it. “There you go. Now, it’s perfect. You could practically be siblings.” 
“No thanks.,” Tim answered.
The Queen tsked him. “That’s no way to behave Little Bird, has nobody taught you to say thank you when you receive a gift.”
“I don’t want anything from you,” Tim disagreed mildly as he took stock of his weapons. Everything was gone, including the earpiece, which meant Babs had to have been alerted and someone was en route.
The Queen frowned. “I was going to be merciful, for you guardian’s sake, but I no longer feel generous.” She raised her hand and Tim tried to roll away, but the magic beam swerved and hit him in a blinding flash of light.
When he managed to open his eyes once again, the world seemed quite a bit bigger than it had been moments before. 
“What did you do to me?” He said. Or tried to say.
Instead a strange squawk echoed and Tim took a step back in surprise. However, he lost his balance and started to fall and as he tried to catch himself with his hand, two large white wings unfolded. He dropped down, which wasn’t as far as he would’ve estimated and laid stiff. He moved his left arm, and a white wing followed suit. 
Oh, no. Oh no no no.
A grating laugh interrupted his freak out. “There you are my pretty Little Bird, all better. White really is your colour, don’t you th-“
With a loud hiss, Tim propelled himself towards the woman. Making use of his newfound beak, he pecked and bit everything he could, as he flapped his wings.
“Blasted creature- Get off! Stop it, you despicable, puny-“ 
Finally she managed to grab Tim and throw him away from her. He landed with a squawk, but managed to get himself back to his feet quickly. “You little/awful brat,” she snarled. “You’ll pay for this!”
But as the Queen threw out her hand, something rippled in the air between them and the magic beam seem to explode midway into a green vortex. Tim’s clumsy attempt at waddling away had him head straight towards it, and it was in vain that he tried to redirect the course. She and Tim made eye contact as the swan-boy tipped right into the swirling green vortex, both of their eyes wide-open in surprise.
Danny was exhausted. He was currently on week one of the full month of Royal Duties he’d promised Clockwork. Being Prince of the Infinite Realm was not all that it was cracked up to be, and that was saying a lot since he had already been expecting it to be awful. 
When Clockwork had made the request, Danny had proceeded to freak out about his new status, and then tried to abdicate. It was only the master of time reminding him of all the terrible possible candidate for the throne per rites of combat (such as Vlad) that stopped him from washing his hands of this mess. And now Danny was forced to spend one whole month of his summer vacation in the Ghost Zone to fulfill his duty as a Prince. 
He thought it would be some paperwork, maybe a battle or two, nothing too bad, but nooo. Because, of course nothing was easy, Danny had to show up at Events, and be Diplomatic. It was meeting, after meeting, after weird parties that were a mix between Medieval Banquets and Debutante balls. 
And worse of all were the marriage proposals. Danny could sorta understand, marrying into royalty was a definite plus for a lot of more powerful ghosts but when they called him a half-breed behind his back, only to smile in his face with a marriage contract in one hand and flowers in the other, that was where he drew the line. 
Plus there was also the fact that he was, like sixteen.
Suffice to say, Danny was exhausted and hiding out in Pariah Dark’s old castle as a last resort. It wasn’t his favorite place all in all, but the gardens were absolutely beautiful, which was where he was walking. He was currently headed to the hedge maze, since it was the best way to get rid of any tails he may or may not have. 
The maze was nasty if it didn’t like you, and it didn’t like anybody but Danny, and even then, it still tried to take a bite every once in a while. Despite the snaking vines and roots trying to capture anything that moved, the flowers that wailed softly when disturbed or the sharp thorns of the hedge plants themselves, it was still a beautiful place. Uniquely, the closer you got to the centre, the more colorful (and dangerous) everything got, which was why he liked it best. 
He reached the centre much quicker than the first time he tried, thanks to the maze actually helping him, and something pale caught his eye right in the middle of the open area, right next to the bench Danny loved to use. As he got closer, he realized it was a swan laying on the floor, seemingly unconscious.
“Oh no,” Danny said as he approached. “What happened to you?”
As if awakened by the sound of his voice, the swan started to shift, its wings twitching and it rose its head groggily. As soon as it clocked in Danny, it let out a surprised squawk, followed by a long hiss as it struggled to move away.
“Hey, hey, none of that, Duckie, you’re ok.” Danny raised his hands placatingly. “I don’t want to harm you, ok? I just want to make sure you’re ok.”
The hiss subsided by a bit, but that may have only be due to the swan managing to get further away.
“Sh, sh, it’s ok,” Danny repeated as he slowly inched forward. The swan stopped hissing but still observed him warily. “I don’t want to hurt you Duckie, but I do think we’d better get you out of this maze.”
Danny took another step, and this time the swan stayed still. “How about bringing you back to my rooms just for now.” The swan hissed louder at the statement. “Don’t worry Duckie, I’m not keeping you prisoner it’s just this maze has been known to eat people. And you’re too pretty to be eaten,” Danny flashed a smile at the swan which had it stare back with a gaze saying really?
“So what do you say, wanna crash at my place?” Danny asked. The swan didn’t move forward but he didn’t move away either.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t trust a guy who talks to birds either,” Danny allowed. “And the place where I’m staying is a little gloomy, so I don’t blame you, but I can’t leave you here. The maze is honestly really dangerous, especially for a nice bird is like you. “
The swan seemed to hesitate before it hesitantly made its way to Danny. Ghost animals were usually smart but the swan seemed to understand English, which made communicating that much easier. Danny smiled and opened his arms. “I can carry you.” The swan just looked at him, with what Danny would’ve thought was a deadpan stare. “It would go much faster.”
If the swan was human it probably would’ve sighed, but instead, its wings just fell a little before it waddled towards Danny and looked up as if to say ‘get on with it’.
Danny smiled and gathered the animal in his arms. “Buckle up,” he said before flying off towards the maze exit, which was accompanied by a low hiss. Making sure there was nobody there to ambush him, Danny made it back to the castle in record time.
“Here we are Duckie.” Danny set the swan back down and it plopped down on the ground and just steadied themselves for a while.
Tim was a swan. He had wings and no fingers, and his feet were webbed.
He was handling it though. By which Tim meant he was shelving the impending panic attack for later when he wasn’t stuck in a swan body. 
Ok, so he’d been turned by the Queen of Fables, so there had to be an answer in a fairytale,a way to make him normal again. He knew the ugly duckling story. That had a swan in it, right? He didnt know any other swan stories, except maybe as a dish during the wedding banquet of whichever princess. He vaguely remembered a Barbie movie that had passed on the TV when he was younger but the only thing that came to mind were a scary-looking Troll thing, and ballet.  So with lack of better alternatives he was going to go with the ugly duckling. The ugly duckling’s happy ending was reuniting with family, so maybe all he needed was to make his way back to Gotham.
“Are you ok?” 
And that was another thing. The guy. The one Tim had at first wanted to get away from. He seemed nice and all, but he also had neon green eyes, and fangs. Unfortunately, while they suited the boy very well, they also marked him as an unknown. 
On the other hand, if the glowing portal wasn’t enough of an indication, the green tinge of everything around was clear indicator that Tim wasn’t in Kansas anymore. The guy seemed to want to help him, and having an ally wherever he was could only help.
Tim nodded as best as he could with his long weird neck, and he had to take a few steps to regain balance.
“That’s good,” the boy smiled with his white pointy canine. “How did you end up in the middle of that maze?”
Tim just looks back tiredly. He didn’t know how to even try and explain when he couldn’t say a word and had no opposable thumbs.
“Yeah, sorry.” The boy winced. “Maybe stick to yes or no questions.”
There was a sharp knock at the door that had the boy turning away.
“Prince Phantom!” A voice rung through the door.
The newly-dubbed Prince Phantom got up to open the door, “yes, what can I do for you?”
“Your meeting with Queen Dora is approaching. Do you still prefer to forgo an escort guards?” a purple lady was saying.
“I’ll be fine without, Maj but thank you very much,” Phantom answered with a polite smile.
“I’ll pass it along, my Prince.” She bowed and closed the doors behind her.
Phantom walked back to lay on the bed with a sigh. “I really hate that they call me that.” He turned towards Tim to continue. “I bet swans don’t have royalty. You guys had the right idea.”
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kamii-2 · 4 months
can i req a angst? kk arnold x reader. reader was having a tiring and stressful day! so she was angry, very angry and bored. kk tried to approach her to annoy her a bit (as always) just jokingly, but reader unintentionally ends taking out everything in kk, she yelled at her, cursed... and kk becomes sad 🥺🥺
hi anon,i hope you enjoy the story!
warning(s): cussing, angst
genre: angst & fluff
pairing(s): kk arnold x reader
today was one of those days where everyone was making you mad. you woke up mad and as the day went on you got more mad, nobody really talked to you today and you were glad. after all of your classes you went to your apartment, kk was already there waiting on you. when you walked in you put everything up then went to sit on the couch. “hey baby.” kk said as she walks out from your room, sitting next to you, you muttered a hi back and started to work on homework and other things on your computer.
kk started to poke you over and over again even if you said what, and you were starting to get mad and should’ve said stop but you weren’t thinking straight and instead of saying stop you yelled at her. “kk stop, i’m not in the fucking mood, leave me the hell alone for once!” yoi realized what you said and immediately shut the laptop and set it down on the coffee table, “kk i’m so sorry.” you said as kk moved to the other side of the couch, visibly upset. “please kk im sorry, i didn’t mean to yell at you.” kk kept ignoring you. “kk.” you said as she got up and put her shoes on and walked out of your apartment.
the moment kk left you started to write a paragraph to her about how sorry you were and you told her the reason you yelled at her in the first place. she replied fast and it was not what you were expecting at all
“why are you texting me? i thought you wanted me to leave you alone for once” reading the text made your heart break and you started crying so hard. you had no response to the message so you left her on read and went to bed, the sweetest and happiest person you know is now mad at you and won’t speak to you. the only person who can cheer you up no matter what was now the reason you’re crying. you were thinking of all of the things she might do, will she break up with you? will she stop talking to you? you weren’t sure and you didn’t want to find out.
it had been a week since you accidentally yelled at kk and she left your apartment. you guys haven’t talked since, she’s been ignoring you, you didn’t know what to do. even though kk has every right to be mad, you mad at her for being mad. you were mad that she wouldn’t hear you out and listen to what you had to say. you were getting sick and tired of her ignoring you over an accident.
you were so sick of it you literally went to her dorm. you knew she most likely wouldn’t answer because it’s her shared dorm with her team, but you didn’t care. it was 7:12 pm and you were at her dorm, knocking and waiting for someone to answer. after a few minutes her teammate caroline answered, “kk doesn’t want to speak.” she said while attempting the shut the door. you slide in as she was shutting the door, getting smashed but still getting in, “i don’t care.” you replied and you ran to kk’s room before someone could grab you.
when you walked in kk was in her bed, looking sad while scrolling on her phone. she looked up and seemed happy before immediately looking mad, “how did you get in?” she asked rudely, “doesn’t matter, anyway i came here to apologize for everything. i said the things i did brii was in a really bad mood, which doesn’t excuse my behavior, but still im really sporty and ill do anything to make you forgive me. im really sorry.” you quickly but sincerely apologized. kk just stared at you for a second before getting up and hugging you, “im sorry to over reacting and not talking to you for a week but what you said really hurt me.” she whispered into your neck, still hugging you.
you weren’t sure how but this simple hug felt like it fixed everything. she hugged you so tight, not loosening her grip once. everything felt like normal, it wasn’t awkward and silent like how it had been for the past week. this hug was everything but awkward, it may have been silent but it wasn’t a bad one, a comforting one.
you two stood there hugging for a while, you were surprised nobody walked in or tried to. when your long hug ended, kk led you to the bed and showered you with kisses and praises. “i love you so much, i never want to lose you.” she smiled and she continued to kiss all over your face, you giggled and wrapped your arms around her waist, pulling her closer into you. everything was back to normal.
so sorry this took 4 million years to get out but i really hope you liked it, i hope you have a good day/night, love you 💋💋
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hugmekenobi · 2 months
A Bad Batch Post S3 Oneshot
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Gif by @barissoffee
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Summary: Just when you think your fresh start can officially begin, the past still finds a way to haunt you
Warnings: No (Y/N), me adding one actual personal characteristic (sorry if you aren't arachnophobic), reader has hair long enough to hold, light PDA (kissing), mentions of scars, SMUT (shower sex with non-explicit descriptions of oral m&f receiving, handjob, fingering, making out, dirty talk,hints of praise kink), suggestive dialogue, reader wears a sundress, swearing, hints of Tech/Phee, just stick with me on the Lyra explanation please, mentions of food and drinks/alcohol, drink and general tampering for the sake of poisoning, me making up medical things, descriptions of illness (vomiting, fever, bodily pain), mentions of medical testing/needles and injections, concerned bad batch family, brief dark/protective Hunter, injury (cuts, blaster shots, broken nose/nosebleeds) and torture descriptions with further mentions of pain and blood, a certain lizard makes an unwelcomed appearance, big on the overall fluff and loving vibes but also big on angst and hurt/comfort, references to death and torture, near-character death, fluff and happy ending don't worry
<Previous Oneshot (not totally necessary to read but helpful for build up)
Masterlist for S1,S2 and S3
Word Count: 24.9K (don't look at me lol)
Rating: 18+
Author's note: This is a crazy ride jam-packed with fav tropes of mine, so I can only apologise for the emotional whiplash, but blame my dream because that is where this entire concept came from! Hope it was worth the wait!
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The day of the party everyone had been eager awaiting had finally arrived. It was being done in your and the rest of the Batch’s honour and was serving as a combined official welcome to Pabu/congratulations on making it through everything alive type of thing but regardless of the slightly elaborate purpose, the island was all a buzz with excitement and preparations.
You and Hunter were meandering away from the busy colonnade. Your offer to help with the last of the party set up had been politely declined so instead the two of you had opted to join the others at the beach.
You turned in surprise at the familiar voice and you saw the woman running off her ship and towards you. “Oh hey! What-” Your question was cut off with a huff of air as you were brought into a tight hug.
“Let me see-” Lyra stepped back from you and grabbed your hands excitedly but stopped short as she held them.
“See what?” You looked at her, utterly perplexed by her behaviour.
Hunter resisted the urge to clamp his hand over Lyra’s mouth but there’d be no believable way to explain that away, so he just had to stand there and cross his fingers that you didn’t pressure Lyra for further elaboration.
Lyra realised her mistake and backtracked quickly. “You. Let me see you. It’s been far too long.” She dropped your hands and just walked around you, analysing your form. “Yup, I still got it. Both of you are looking pretty sharp in my stuff if I do say so myself. So, I bet the rest of your lot do to.”
“Stop that.” You twisted your head around and waved her away with a fond yet bemused grin. “Why are you acting so weird? Better yet why are you here? Not that I’m not happy to see you.” You added hastily but you were a second too late.  
Lyra placed her hand over her heart in faux offence. “Wow, months with no word and then only sporadic comm channel conversations and this is how I’m greeted? I told you I would visit. Speaking of, I brought more samples of my work.” She gestured to the two cases by her feet. “Top one is yours, the second is to be divided between the rest of your crew. But to answer your question, I’m here for the party.”
You titled your head at her. Your last call had been before the party had been decided so you didn’t know how she knew about it. “The party? Who invited you?” You asked quizzically.
Lyra shot a nervous glance to the man at your side. She’d already almost blown it; she didn’t want to risk doing it again. “Uh, Hunter did actually.”
You glanced at Hunter curiously. “You did?”
Hunter maintained a sense of calm as he answered, “Well, technically it was through Echo, but I put them in contact. Also, a lot of people were asking about our clothes. Figured it couldn’t hurt to see if Shep needed someone like her here. Today felt like the perfect time.” That part was a genuine truth. He hadn’t thought much of the situation on Christophsis in the short time he’d been there- well, what he had thought wasn’t in any way positive-, and you’d always expressed interest in figuring out a way to get Lyra out of there and somewhere better. He was killing two birds with one stone here.  
“Yeah, a party and a job opportunity away from Imperial bullshit was too good to pass up.” Lyra confirmed with a grin.
You smiled broadly. “Oh okay! That’d be pretty great actually! So, Christophsis hasn’t improved since I left?”
“Just kept getting worse.” Lyra said plainly. “Got decent enough business to buy that condemned ship but it’s still pretty awful there. I definitely would not miss it.”
You shot her a sympathetic look before you clapped your hands together, “Well, I better go get Shep and officially introduce you two!” You wandered away to go find the man that was busying about the area making sure things were on schedule for tonight.
Hunter waited until you were out of earshot. He placed his hands on his hips and stared at Lyra. “That was subtle.” He deadpanned.
Lyra cringed. “I’m sorry! The transmission from Echo was pretty dodgy. I couldn’t quite hear him. I just heard ‘Hunter, party, Pabu’ so I though this party was to celebrate what had happened, not as a lead up to what’s going to happen.”
Hunter heaved a weary, stressed sigh. This was beginning to become the best yet somehow worst kept secret on Pabu. He was just grateful that the one person who he really didn’t want to know still appeared to have no idea. How that was possible, he really didn’t understand since it seemed to have spread from the need-to-know people to what felt like every citizen of the island, but he didn’t want to question it too much in case he jinxed it. Each time he passed someone by, and they shot him that knowing smile, he felt a flare of panic that you would notice and start to question him but so far, you just took it as standard practice from the naturally friendly disposition of the people here. He was almost there, he just needed everyone around him to keep it together. He straightened up and signalled to Lyra to act natural as you approached them once more.
“Lyra, this is Shep. The best mayor of Pabu and overall, pretty incredible man. Shep, this is my friend Lyra.”
“Nice to meet you.” Lyra stuck her hand out with a friendly grin and nodded to you. “She’s always spoken highly of you.”
“We’ve all grown very fond of her and the rest of the family.” Shep smiled and shook her hand in return. “It’s nice to officially meet you too! You’re joining us for our little shindig? And Hunter also tells me you’re looking to live and employ yourself here?”
“Yup! Can’t keep me from a good party. And yes, if you have the space for me, I’d love to talk to you about it more!” Lyra said cheerily. “Anything I can do to help with setting up in the meantime?”
“I’m sure there’s something. It always gets chaotic in the final stages.” Shep said, sweeping his arm in front of him to guide her in the direction he was going.
“Hang on, you said-” You started to argue.
“Go enjoy your day, we’ll see you later tonight!” Shep said dismissively.
“Your cases!” Hunter called after the fading figures.
“They’re yours!” Lyra tossed over her shoulder. “Although, I’d wait until you’re alone to open yours!” She said to you specifically.
You let out a small groan. Your mind immediately entered panic mode and started jumping between every experimental or bold combination of clothing that she felt the need to put you in. She’d been on point so far, but you knew there had to be a catch at some point.
“We can take a slight detour before heading to the beach, right? It’s only a couple minutes out the way.” Hunter double checked with you.
“Yeah def-” You didn’t even get a chance to finish your sentence or pick up a box before someone swept in and addressed Hunter.
“Don’t worry, Hunter. I’m heading past your house anyway to grab some supplies we need up here. I can drop them off. You guys can carry on with your day.”
“Thanks Kyan.” Hunter said as the fisherman picked up the boxes.
“Yes, thank you so much!” You echoed as he left. “Why is everyone being so nice?” You mused as you saw him head in the direction of your home. “We’re basically passing our house anyway; we could’ve done it.”
“They’re always nice here.” Hunter said nonchalantly, hoping you wouldn’t sense his nerves increasing. He snaked an arm around your waist and guided you down the winding path.
“I guess.” You mirrored his gesture as you strolled towards the beach. “This just feels different, like they all know something we don’t.”
“I wouldn’t think too much about it.” Hunter advised. Two more hours. Only two more hours to go before the secret would finally be out in the open.
You and Hunter stood on an outcrop of rocks just overlooking the sea and you called over to the group of people and dog sitting on the beach. “How was the swim?”
“Amazing! You really should go for one too. The water is so nice!” Omega encouraged as she lounged on a towel, letting the warm sun dry her off. Her and Batcher had been the only one to actually enter the water, the others had only decided to get their feet wet.
“I’m good. We don’t have long before the party and I’d rather-” You sensed the threat a second to late. With a yelp, you were shoved over the edge and entered the water with a splash.
You came to the surface to the sounds of laughter from the bystanders on the beach- even the dog was barking in a way that sounded like a laugh. You glared up at the clone staring down at you with a smug grin on his face. “You mother-”
“So… how’s the water?” Hunter taunted.
Two could play this game. “Yeah, it’s great actually, you’re really missing out.” With that, you raised your hand and with a tug of the Force, Hunter swiftly tumbled into the water too.
His aggrieved shout before he hit the water was music to your ears.
“Okay, I should’ve seen that coming.” Hunter admitted through a short series of coughs as he reappeared from below the depths.
Your plan of revenge had instantly backfired given just how perfect he looked right now. Your breath hitched as you saw the way his wet hair fell around his shoulders and framed his profile as well as the way droplets of water dripped down his face. He was a sight to behold. You reached up and stroked some of his damp fringe just behind his bandana. You’re beautiful.
Hunter gulped at the compliment. It had never been a word he’d apply to himself; he didn’t really view himself in that light, it was only ever you. Yet you said it to him with such sincere feeling, he knew you meant it.
You kissed him softly before you made to swim for shore, but you didn’t get very far.
In one short stroke, Hunter reached you and kissed you fiercely.
You tangled your fingers in his damp locks with a pleasure filled sigh as you matched his strokes.
Hunter could taste the salt on your lips, and he could feel the way your body pressed against him as you grew more eager, it only spurred him on further.
The few disgruntled and offended shouts as well as a ship flying overhead caused you both to hastily pull apart.
“It’s Echo!” Omega yelled happily, wriggling out of the protective hand Wrecker had placed over her eyes- it wasn’t like she had no idea what was going on. Not waiting on the rest of them, she and Batcher dashed back towards where his ship was going to land.
“Um, so-” Hunter began awkwardly. He used to be more careful about the public displays of affection, especially around his family, but it would appear that feeling free, relaxed and in love could be quite a distraction when it wanted to be.
Should everything go to plan, they were taking her anyway, but the confirmation felt necessary. “Yes, we’ll take her tonight.” Crosshair said, shaking his head in the direction of the two of you but a smile was on his face.
“Ha! The gang’s all back!” Wrecker cheered, slapping Tech’s shoulder as he, Tech and Crosshair followed the young girl. “I can’t wait for this thing to get started!”
“Yes, this party should be quite the reunion.” Tech remarked simply as he walked and finished making the finishing touches to the repairs to his goggles.
“Echo’s taking a break from the clone rebellion for a party?” You furrowed your brow as you reached the sand and half-heartedly wrung out the edges of your top.
Hunter shrugged as he wiped some water off his face. The fact that his brother was indeed making an appearance meant a lot, but he couldn’t very well act like that in front of you. “It’s supposed to be quite the party.”
You huffed out a laugh. “Right.”
“Plus, he was right there with us, so it be a shame if he didn’t make an appearance.”
You inclined your head in acceptance of that. You then took proper notice of the way his soaked clothes clung to his toned body, emphasising very muscle. Despite the chill of the water, your blood ran hot as intense longing overcame you. You turned away from him and attempted to regain control of yourself.
Hunter noticed the way you swiftly stopped looking at him and he knew you were fighting to regain control the same way he was but, quite frankly, he didn’t want to. He came up behind you and draped his arms around your front.
You exhaled happily and leaned back against him.
“How about a shower?” He crooned in your ear as he brushed his lips just behind your ear.
You nodded dumbly as he gently nipped at your earlobe. Control was overrated.
You let out a squeal as the door you were pressed up against opened suddenly and you stumbled backwards- if it weren’t for the strong hands gripping your hips, you would’ve fallen straight down. Your kisses with Hunter were a passionate and frenzied mess of tongue and teeth as he backed you down the hallway, muscle memory guiding the way since neither of you wanted to pull apart, not even to catch your breath.
A trail of wet clothes marked the way through to the refresher.
A gasp left your mouth as the first cold spray of water hit you, a gasp that Hunter took full advantage off as he kissed you deeply, swallowing your groans of pleasure.
The water soon turned warm, but goosebumps still graced your skin as you were pushed up against the cool wall tiles. You leaned your head back as Hunter removed his lips from yours and began biting and kissing along your neck. “W-wait.” You managed to say breathlessly. He had always been the one to cater to your needs and you wanted nothing more than to be the one to do that for him first. He so rarely put himself first both in everyday life and in this particular regard and it was something you wanted to change.
Hunter immediately stopped and braced his hands on either side of your head, his breathing heavy as he waited until you were comfortable to carry on. Or not.
You nearly lost it at the sight of the man in front of you. Beautiful had been an understatement. He looked positively ethereal as his hair was wet and loose around his shoulders, the pieces of fringe at the front just demanding your touch. Water cascaded down his toned back and his usual caring brown eyes were nearly black with lust yet there was a slight crinkle in his brow to indicate that he was happy to wait until he knew you were okay with proceeding which only added to your desire. You inhaled deeply and pressed a seductive kiss to his mouth before you trailed your lips down his neck, kissing the hollow of his throat. You then gently pushed him away from you in order to change positions, so that he was the one against the tiles now.
Hunter looked at you questioningly but any words he was about to speak became a hoarse groan as he felt you reach down and wrap your hand around him. He tipped his head back against the tiles as you moved your hand.
You ignored the feeling of the water on your back and fixed your focus entirely on him as you kept your touches teasing, relishing each groan that left his throat. Look at me.
Hunter was all too willing to follow your instructions, but he saw you getting ready to kneel and he caught your elbow. He swallowed harshly as he rasped through the haze of pleasure you were granting him, “Y-you don’t have to. L- let me-”
You shook your head to silence his protests and paused what you were currently doing. You pressed soft, doting kisses up his thighs, before making your way up his ribs and affectionately kissing the jagged scar left by the wild reeks all those years ago and then you carried on downwards once more as you formed a path of kisses to his abdomen before you moved lower still.
“You’re always the one to give. I want you to take.” You encouraged as you licked a slow, sensual stripe along the length of him.
Hunter’s head fell back against the shower wall and a choked moan left his throat.
You stopped and tutted. You rose to your full height and grabbed the back of his neck, so he was forced to look at you once more. You needed him to watch so he knew just how much you wanted to do this for him. Keep your eyes on me. Do you think you can manage that?
Hunter just about managed to nod. He was utterly enraptured by the sight of you. Your eyes were bright and laced with longing, your heavy breaths came from lips already swollen from the kisses you’d shared and there was an overall desire that radiated from you that he was completely captivated by.  
You smirked and kissed him deeply. Good boy.
“Fuck.” Hunter breathed as he watched you go to your knees once more but even as you nodded up at him, he still found himself not wanting to take full advantage of the situation. He sought purchase against the shower walls as he fought with the primal urge within him to do what you were asking of him.
This particular scenario that you were invoking was new territory for him- you knew he would still be hesitant- so you began with that you knew would make him lose his mind and remove all doubt from his brain. You needed him to stop overthinking it and to stop being concerned with your pleasure needs for the moment.
You needed him only thinking about himself and the pleasure he wanted from you.
With his eyes still looking at you, Hunter’s hands slipped against the slick tiles as he fought against the impulse to tangle his fingers in your wet hair as each frustratingly slow and light touch had him losing his mind. Your name left his mouth in a cracked whisper as he pleaded, “P-please.”
Please what? You replied innocently. You looked up at him as you carried on, keeping your pace slow and your ministrations featherlight.
The alluring glint in your eyes had him swallowing hard as he searched for his voice. “I need- fuck- I need more…” He made a move to drop one of his hands but stopped. “Sweetheart, I-”  
You only need to take. You reminded as you placed light kisses along him.
At your words and as the instinctual need for release finally took over, Hunter found himself fisting your hair and guiding your mouth down the length of him.
You groaned appreciatively at the action.
Hunter released a choked gasp as the vibrations from your throat only added to the sensation that he was getting utterly lost in. And he was continuing to follow your instructions and he could understand why you’d laid them out. Watching your eyes flutter shut in pleasure as you accepted him made him close to finishing right then and there and he had gain control quickly or this would be over too soon.
You were compliant to his every move, making sure every response you gave him was what he wanted. His own moans and the broken praise emitting from his lips for you as he grew more and more caught up in finding gratification drove you on as he claimed your throat in the way you had been waiting for him to do.
His gruff sighs made your own simmering arousal burn red hot in your veins.
This was exactly what you wanted.
You wanted him incoherent.
You wanted him to let go.
You wanted him to focus on himself.
The release Hunter was chasing arrived faster than he’d anticipated but he couldn’t bring himself to pull away from you. you felt too good. The best he could do was attempt a hoarse, stammered warning, “I’m gonna- oh fuck-” He kept looking at you and a new longing took a hold of him, the one he had before this began. “I want to taste y– I need to tou- fuck you’re doing so well-” But he still couldn’t stop despite him meaning the words he was blabbering. “I’m- wait-”
You already knew he was nearing his climax by the way his hips stuttered but you didn’t want him to hold back. You clasped his free hand in encouragement and kept yourself right where you were. It’s okay, I want it.
That was all he needed. With a loud and hoarse shout, Hunter reached that sweet moment of ecstasy.
You stayed strong, only stopping when he demandingly pulled you to your feet and before you could even process what had happened, your back was to the shower wall once more, Hunter’s body pressed tight up against yours as his lips crashed into yours.
Hunter could taste the remnants of his release on your tongue, and it prompted him to hold the hinge of your jaw to tip your head back as he licked into your mouth. A deep growl sounding from him as he did so.
You welcomed his kiss and matched his intensity as you pawed at his muscled back as if you could somehow remove every inch of offensive space between you.
Hunter finally pulled away for air, but he raised your arms above your head and pressed your wrists into the wall.
It was hard to imagine that not 30 seconds ago, you had reduced this man to a tongue-tied, purely desire driven mess. Yet now the positions had rapidly switched.
Hunter licked the water away from your neck, smiling against your skin as he felt your pulse quicken at the action. He kept one hand entrapping your wrists, but he slowly brought his other hand down, his fingertips steadily descending down your arm. “Do you know why I so rarely let you do that for me?”
You shook your head; you didn’t trust that actual words would exit your lips. Goosebumps graced your body at his touch.
“Because as talented as you are at that and as grateful as I am for you allowing me to do that…” He nuzzled his nose against the side of yours before he kissed the corner of your mouth, pulling away ever so slightly as you turned your head to kiss him properly.
The roguish, teasing grin on his face made your breath catch in your throat. Your desire grew more intense as his already low, smoky voice somehow went an octave lower and his seductive words sounded more like a deep growl as he spoke to you, and it made you weak at the knees. Your chest heaved as each yearning breath left your lungs as you watched him.
He caressed your cheek. “There’s something else that also brings me that much pleasure…” He kissed along your jaw before he carried on with his plan.
You could only observe him, the sight of his lust-fuelled gaze and the way he was suddenly so in control made your want for him burn that much hotter.
Hunter then rested his hand just at the hollow of your throat, feeling a shuddering breath leave you as you swallowed, he glanced up at your face which was watching him with both heightened curiosity and desperation as you waited for him to touch you were he knew you needed him to.
He trailed his fingers sensually down the rest of your torso before moving them tenderly up the inside of your thighs, a hint of delight flowing through him as he already felt how ready you were for him already and it was all from what had just transpired– he was yet to do anything. “Because when I touch you here…” He murmured as he ever so slightly rubbed that sensitive spot between your legs, delighting in the gasp that sounded from your lips. “I can watch you fall apart…”
A whimper sounded from your throat.
“And when I kiss you here…” He stopped his movements for the most part, instead just tenderly rubbing faint circles with his thumb as he mouthed his way down your body.
Your breathing was leaving you in short, sharp pants.
“I can watch you fall apart on my tongue.” With that, he lifted your leg onto his shoulder before his mouth joined where his fingers were. An eager moan came from his own lips as he finally got to taste you and for the moment, he wanted to savour this. You were a craving- an addiction- that he couldn’t get enough of. He was in no rush, and he draw this out for as long as you both could handle it.
His name fell from your lips through a raspy groan. He knew your body so damn well and that was both a blessing and a curse. He was barely giving you enough to gain any form of satisfaction but yet it was just enough to drive you crazy with need. You scrambled for a grip on the slippery tiles as desperate cries sounded from you. One hand fumbled against the small shelf as a particularly wicked curl of his fingers made a jolt of pleasure rush through you and various shower supplies came tumbling down with an unnecessarily loud crash but neither of you paid them any attention, instead you merely clamped that hand over your mouth to quiet yourself.
“You know I want to hear you, sweetheart.” Hunter crooned as he stopped what he was doing. The demand needed to be met before he would continue.
You nodded, through a pleasure induced daze as you removed your hand. You had to keep reminding yourself that you had a place of your own now and you could be as free as you wanted to be, there was no risk of being overheard or interrupted but it was a habit that was still proving difficult to break.
As he finally showed willing to bring you closer to the point of release, your mewls of pleasure left you without restraint.
Hunter hummed out his approval as he put his mouth back on you and began moving his fingers once more, and this time, he wasn’t drawing anything out.
He wanted to watch you come.
He angled his eyes up as he found that spot that he knew would have you finding your release in no time. He let out his own appreciative sigh as he saw the way your eyes flickered shut, as he saw the way your brow furrowed, and your lips parted in sweet relief as those special breathy sighs exited from them, signally that you were close.  
You arched your back as you went tumbling towards that blissful climax and you finished with a strangled groan, your hands tangling in Hunter’s soaked hair to ground yourself as he worked you through it.
Hunter made sure you were back to being steady on your feet before he prompted you to face the wall so he could press loving, accepting kisses to the scars on your back. “I love you... so much.” He nearly found himself following that up with the question, but he stopped himself. Too much had been planned and he knew exactly how he wanted to do it. He wasn’t about to ruin it with getting too caught up in this wonderful moment.
“I love you too.” You replied softly.
Hunter placed one last kiss between your shoulder blades before he gathered up the fallen shower products that had scattered around his feet.
You braced your forehead on the cool tiles to gather yourself once more. For a moment the only sounds were the steady of jets of shower water and Hunter placing the items back on their shelf,
“Okay… so… now we need to do the actual showering part.” You said breathlessly as you finally turned around and brushed back his fringe pieces.
Hunter chuckled and nodded his agreement. “We have a party to get to after all.”
“Hey, I have a question.” You asked casually as you appreciatively watched Hunter get dressed. You had made no such moves yet and were instead lounging on your bed still in your bathrobe.
“What’s that?” Hunter asked as he finished buttoning his shirt.
“How important is it that we attend this party?”
A wave of panic hit him, and he had to rely on old training to keep his voice steady. “Is everything okay?” Even with his fast-acting composure, he could tell his voice was strained but if you noticed, you didn’t call on it since you carried on as normal in your response.
“Well, no. After that display in the shower, I find myself not quite wanting to be so social.”
Hunter held back his sigh of relief. This was something he could handle just fine. It wasn’t your fault that you were looking to cause a bit of trouble, he was just glad that there wasn’t a more serious reason to your original question because that would make the rest of this evening rather tricky. “Given the fact that they’re having it in our honour, I’d say it’s pretty important that we go.”
You shuffled to the end of the bed and sat up. You caught his hand as he walked by you. “But there are five other honouree people that are going…”
“Sweetheart…” He really had to figure out how to navigate this without giving anything away.
“Now let’s see…” You feigned pondering as you went through the options in your head and rubbed your thumb along his hand. “We’ve already done the bed, the shower, the table, the couch and the counter…”
Hunter’s attempt at swallowing was interrupted as various memories flashed through his head, some highlights being your thighs wrapped around his head, you straddling his lap and his handprints imprinting on the glass of the kitchen cabinets. It was true that he had been rather insatiable lately and you had been all too willing and happy to match his enthusiasm but now was the time for self-control. He released a choked cough as he attempted to steady himself.
“But I don’t believe we’ve done a wall yet...” You said coyly as you started to pull down the arm of your bathrobe to expose more of your clavicle. You also spread your legs a little wider, so the fabric hitched up your thighs as you nodded to the dresser behind him. “Or the bureau…”
Hunter released a guttural, unrestrained groan before he kissed you. Hard. But just as you threaded your fingers in his hair and made to pull him on top of you, he found himself once more. He had to act now, or he’d never want to leave here. He stepped away and stopped your hand that was continuing to lower the shoulder of your robe, but he couldn’t help but notice the few remaining water droplets on your neck that were calling to be kissed away.  
“Hunter…” You pretended to pout as you gently yanked on the loose ends of his shirt, so he was forced to come and stand between your legs.
Hunter pushed down on your shoulders and your arms above your head. “Go.” A chaste kiss to your lips. “Get.” Another quick kiss. “Dressed.” He placed one final brief kiss to your mouth before he readjusted the shoulder of your dressing gown.
“The robe has to come off to do that though.” You whispered as you placed a tender kiss to his mouth.
Hunter huffed out a laugh as he stood tall once more. He quickly walked out the room before you had the chance to accidentally ruin everything he had put together. “Don’t take too long!” He called back to you.
You released a heavy, grounding sigh before you sat up and hopped off the bed and your eyes caught sight of the case. With apprehensive curiosity, you strolled over to the new package that Lyra had gifted you, bracing yourself for what was going to be revealed.
You unclasped the lock, but you were pleasantly surprised by what was inside. It was a variety of sundresses, each one a similar design but in a variety of colours. They were a new thing for you to try but you figured a party could call for doing something different, plus you couldn’t wait to see Hunter’s reaction to something like this.
You picked out a red dress and was unsurprised to see that it fit you just right. You had a rummage through the rest of the box to see if there was anything else or if it was just those dresses, but you regretted that immediately.
A horrified, strangled breath left you as you saw the three sets of lace lingerie. A red, a black and a white set were all folded neatly at the bottom of the box. You held up the red set and recognised the design immediately. You muttered a series of curse words to yourself before your eyes caught sight of a small black silk bag and the items in there left you frozen in shock. This was something you would have to keep well hidden. You slammed the lid shut and shoved it to the back of the shared closest.
You quietly walked down the short hallway towards the front room which served as an open planned area with a kitchen and living space. You leaned against the wall and a smile graced your face as you watched the domestic scene with fond affection- Hunter had just finished gathering and hanging up your sodden beach clothes and was proceeding to put away some dry dishes. It made your heart soar that he had settled into the domesticity of the island and the routine here so well, it made making a life with him here all the more appealing.
As much as you enjoyed watching him, and as much as you would enjoy just staying in, you knew he wanted to go to the party, and you knew you would have a good time once you were there. You just wanted a little bit more fun first. “Zip me up?”
Hunter half-turned from where he was putting away a plate, but he forgot how to both breathe and operate as a functioning human as he saw you. The dish slipped out of his hands and smashed against the ground.
You smirked. That had gone even better than you’d expected. “Hmm, that’s an interesting technique. Sure, it saves space but I’m not sure how sustainable it is in the long run.”
Hunter struggled to find his voice. He bent down to gather the broken pieces and throw them away to try to buy himself some recovery time, but it didn’t help. All he could do was stare at you. The red sundress you were wearing complimented you perfectly and it showed off your body to the best degree. You were, to put it mildly, simply stunning and suddenly, his entire operation for this evening didn’t seem that important anymore.
You whistled and waved your hand in an attempt to bring his attention back. “Hey, Hunter, my zip?” With that, you turned around and waited.
Hunter wasn’t sure how he willed his feet to move but he soon found himself behind you.
His knuckles grazed your skin as he slowly brought the zip up your body and attached the small clasp at the top. His jaw was clenched tight as he caught a whiff of the body wash and lotion you had used, and it was getting harder and harder to find the willpower to step away from you. He had a plan. He’d had this plan for weeks yet one look at you in this dress and he was seriously considering throwing it all out the window and to hell with the consequences of it. “You look beautiful.” He said through a deep exhale. Just one more hour. He only had to make it one more hour.
“Thank you.” You said quietly as you too worked on calming yourself.
You turned to face him. “You look pretty good too.” You complimented as you gave him an appraising look up and down– in your attempts to distract him, you’d failed to properly take him in before. He wasn’t quite wearing a suit- it would be too hot for that tonight- but the lightweight formal black button-down shirt and matching black bottoms fit his frame handsomely, and to make himself even more appealing, he had rolled the sleeves up to his forearms. “New one of Lyra’s?” You guessed as you smoothed down the front of your dress.
Hunter nodded. He didn’t offer too much detail because much of what was in his box consisted of proper suits for him and his brothers that he hoped would be useful in the near future.
“Gotta hand it to her, she knows what she’d doing.” You mused before you loosened your shoulders and linked your arm through Hunter’s elbow. “Come on, we’ve got a celebration to get to.”
Night had fallen but the area on the colonnade was all lit up by the warm orange glow of a vast number of lanterns. The party was in full swing. Food and drinks were already flowing, and the music was getting many people up and dancing.
A playful wolf-whistle greeted you and Hunter as the two of you entered the scene.
“Damn, I am too good. What a fine-looking couple you two are.”
Evidently, by the cheery and slightly lopsided way Lyra walked over to you, she had been hitting the punch pretty hard already.
“Having a good time?” You asked with a laugh.
“Very! This party is fantastic! Everyone here is so nice! And I got the job!!”
“Lyra, that’s awesome!” You hugged her tightly.
“Congrats.” Hunter offered mildly but sincerely.
“So, better get used to having me around. And that’s just as well cause you’ll need me to des-” She quickly cut herself off. It would appear that alcohol only aided the inability to keep a secret.
“Want a drink?” Hunter asked you swiftly before you could follow up on her comment.
You nodded. “I just gotta talk to Lyra about something.”
Hunter couldn’t very well insist you join him, but he only hoped what you needed to talk about wasn’t close to what would hopefully unfold tonight. He squeezed your hand before he hastily walked towards the drinks stand.
You faced Lyra once more after he was a suitable distance away. “Now, I’m happy for you but also rather irritated with you.”
“Why?” Lyra asked innocently as she brought the cup to her lips to hide her grin.
You didn’t believe her lack of awareness for an instant. “You put those in that case? What were you thinking?” You hissed.
“Why not? You were willing to before everything went to shit. I remembered the design and everything! And you have more options now!”
You shook your head. “I was feeling brave back then, that feeling has since passed.”
Lyra scoffed, “Please, with the way the two of you are, I’m surprised you haven’t done something like that already.”
“You’ve got a retired clone sergeant and a retired ex-Jedi living on a tropical island, things aren’t exactly crazy around here. I’ve lost my bold and brave streak.” You didn’t think she needed to know what had had gone on in the shower and the times before her arrival because that would only aid her argument if you were being perfectly honest.
Lyra merely rolled her eyes. “It’s not a battlefield. It’s a totally great way to switch things up, especially now that you’re in a secure living situation and you would both feel and looking fucking sexy. Plus, I bet you he would drop to his knees and do whatever you wanted if he saw you in one.”
“I will never- hey.” You relaxed quickly and cleared your throat as Hunter rejoined you.
“Did I interrupt something?” Hunter asked with a glance between the two of you as he passed you your drink.
Lyra angled herself towards him. “Hunter, let me ask you a question. If she had certain-”
“You interrupted nothing.” You interjected sharply.
“Um okay.” Hunter didn’t press the matter of whatever it was the two of you were debating. “Come on, the others are over there.” He pointed to where the bulk of the dancing and partying was taking place.
“Just think about it!” Lyra implored.
You glared at her as Hunter led you away.  
Lyra simply grinned and raised her glass in your direction. “Enjoy the party!”
The time was drawing near, and Hunter was just confirming with Shep that everything was set for when he got back when Hunter noticed you and Crosshair sitting and chatting, but you were also swaying to the beat of the music. He bade Shep farewell before he approached you.
The party was still going full swing and after you had the chance to catch up with Echo, you and Crosshair had retired to a seat on the side to people watch. The two of you sat in comfortable silence as you casually observed the goings on around you. There was a healthy split between the people by the food and drink area and on the dancefloor. Wrecker was enthusiastically dancing with Omega and Lyana and Phee, Tech and Echo were engaged in a pleasant conversation a few metres away and Hunter was chatting to Shep by the bar.
“So, you’re really sure about him?” Crosshair asked, breaking the silence first.
You frowned in utter confusion as you angled your head to face him. “What kind of a question is that?”
Crosshair shrugged. “Just checking.”
“You’re leaving that a bit late down the road are you not?” You were baffled by his sudden interest in the status of your relationship.
“Well, I haven’t been here for all of it. Trust me, I’m for grateful for that than I’m not. You two can be pretty sickening.” He added cheekily.
You rolled your eyes at his true Crosshair mannerisms. “So, is this your bizarre way of being a protective brother?”
“I’m looking out for both of you. He has some pretty annoying habits you know. I’d hate for you to be stuck with him before you fully knew what you were getting into.”
You snorted. “I’m all good, thanks Crosshair.”
Crosshair waited a beat of silence before his voice turned more serious. “Just don’t hurt him, alright? He’s been hurt enough already, we all have, the cycle has to end at some point.”
Your gaze softened. “I won’t ever hurt him.” You squeezed his left hand in reassurance before the two of you went back to relaxed quiet and you saw Hunter making his way towards you.  
The music turned slow and that caused a brief dispersal of the dance floor, which included Wrecker, Lyana and Omega to depart.  
Hunter reached you and held out his hand in invitation. “Come on.”
You looked at his extended hand, then at his face to see that he was totally serious. “Since when can you dance?” You asked, completely taken aback.
Hunter, nodded to Crosshair. “Back when we were first getting success as a squad, we thought it would be a way to impress anyone that came into 79s when we had leave from the war.”
You directed your question to both of them. “Did it work?”
Crosshair smirked as he said, “It worked for one of us.”
You laughed as you glanced to Hunter and said with a teasing lilt to your voice, “If you’re that bad at it, I don’t know if I want to.”
Hunter sighed. “Hey, I wasn’t bad, I had options, I just had a bad habit of failing to follow through.”
Crosshair continued to goad him. “Is that how you’re remembering it?”
Hunter’s voice went more defensive than he would’ve liked as he addressed his brother. “What about that red head who kept coming to our table the night we were celebrating the win at Boz Pity. She kept talking to me, remember that?”
“I remember who she left with.” Crosshair replied smugly.
You, having enjoyed watching their brotherly spat, took Hunter’s hand to stop the dispute going any further. “I will say, dance lessons were not really on the teaching agenda for Jedi, especially during the war, I don’t know-”
Hunter pulled you to your feet. “I promise to not let you trip.”
You reluctantly complied. “And if I stand on your toes?”
Hunter just led you to where the other people were dancing. “I won’t even react. And it’s slow music, I doubt you could inflict much damage.”
“You underestimate me.” You mumbled nervously.
“You’re too tense.” Hunter observed as he watched the way your eyes were fixed firmly on the ground.
“This is how your feet will continue to have feeling.” You grunted as you kept an intense focus on your movements. Even though the two of you were mostly slowly moving in beat to the soft music, your grip on his hand was tight and the one on his shoulder was digging into him.
Hunter released a low chuckle. “Here. Try this.” He adjusted the stance, so your arms were around the back of his neck and his coiled around your waist, so the front of your body was close to his. Now, the two of you pretty much stayed put and just enjoying the moment of being in each other’s company.
“I find it hard to believe you never followed through.” You uttered in quiet disbelief. The two of you weren’t moving from your spot all that much but the secure way he held you and the aura of calm confidence he projected was making it hard to think straight.
“It never felt right.”  
You hummed out a pleased sigh as you placed your head in the crook of his neck.
“I guess I was just waiting for you.” Hunter added softly as he rested his head against yours.
You removed your head from the crook of his neck, and you saw the heartfelt meaning behind his eyes. You leaned up to kiss him and for a minute, the entire buzz of the party faded away and it was just you and him sharing in a loving moment together.
As music the music came to a stop, Hunter whispered in your ear, “Want to get outta here?”
You nodded silently and intertwined his hand in yours.
Hunter took a deep breath as he led you away.
Ten minutes left.
The rest of them had gathered to watch the two of you leave.
“Let’s go!” Omega gasped eagerly.
“Hold on, kid.” Echo caught her arm as she went to dash after them. “Five-minute head start, remember?”
“Right, right.” Omega agreed as she recalled the particular details of the plan.
“Technically, only Echo should be the one going.” Tech reminded.
“Yeah, Tech, I don’t really think that was ever going to happen.” Echo replied simply.
“Damn right! We’re all getting to see this!” Wrecker argued.
Echo raised his eyebrows in Tech’s direction. “See. And you were never going to stay because you kept talking about recording it anyway.” He pointed out.
“My phrase was merely pointing out that we are all ignoring a part of the plan Hunter quite specifically told the rest of us not to get involved with.” Tech responded.
“We’re not big on following orders.” Omega said with a shrug.
“If you’re all done debating what is a pointless argument because we were all always going to watch, it’s time to go.” Crosshair drawled.
“Uh, Hunter, home is that way?” You pointed in the direction he was currently walking in the opposite direction of.
“How about a beach walk first?” Hunter offered.
You gave him a surprised smile but nodded your agreement.
It didn’t matter how much reassurance he’d received in the recent weeks that you would say yes. His heart was damn near pounding out his chest the closer the two of you got to the sight and his mind started to spiral. What if you said no? What if you hated the very idea? He should’ve spoken to you about this first but wait, there was something to be said for knowing when it felt right wasn’t there? But maybe he should’ve-
“Your palm is sweaty.” You stopped and got him to face you. “And it’s not just cause of that that I can tell that you’re nervous.”
Great, so much careful planning and keeping you away from people that were far too eager to give you hints and his own usually steady nerves were about to give it all away. He had done everything right so far yet now he was a sweaty mess.
“Hunter, is everything okay?”
“Everything-” Dammit his voice came out all cracked. He cleared his throat and started again. “Everything is fine, I promise.” He started to guide you again. “If you just follow me a little bit further…”
“Follow you to what? Why are you being so…” Your voice trailed off and released an awed gasp as you saw the scene ahead of you. A small section of the beach was set up with a canopy and illuminated in a warm glow by strings of lights and a short carpet led the way inside. “What occasion have I forgotten and how quickly can I make it up to you?” You said as you started to panic.
Hunter was quick to reassure you. “You haven’t forgotten anything, and I think we stopped keeping track of things like that a long time ago.”
“Well, aren’t we the romantic pair.” You said dryly as you looked on in wonder at the fairy lights around you before the two of you came to a stop at the end of the walkway and stood in front of a  
“I think we do alright.” Right on queue, the puck began to play the video Tech had put together, courtesy of Hunter’s guidance.
Your throat clogged with emotion at the display in front of you. The montage was starting right from the moment you had made yourself known to the squad and to when you’d first met Hunter and it was clear something transpired between the two of you. Something that you both would dismiss or shove away for a long time.
Hunter heard the footsteps and there were more than what he had ordered. “I’ll be right back.” He kissed your temple. “Keep watching.” He instructed as he saw you getting ready to question what was going on.
You couldn’t understand why he was leaving but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the images. It seemed it was progressing to show a mix of how your relationship had transpired over the years. From every emotionally charged yet pushed aside moment, to every squabble and every time the rest of the team trapped the two of you somewhere to talk as well as the infuriating times each of them attempted to convince either of you to do something about your feelings. It showed the highs and lows of everything that had happened since Kaller too and it reminded you of just how much you’d all endured and survived.
It was a strange thing to watch, to see how obvious your feelings were yet you knew you’d waited so long before acting on them. It was so evident that the two of you were always drawn together and it would always be that way, the love radiated through, and it was something that had continued to this day.
“You’re not supposed to be here.” Hunter hissed as he herded his brothers and Omega behind some rocks. Keeping this secret was hard enough and he was almost there but the appearance of his supportive and rather determined family might be the final thing that gave everything away before he had the chance to even ask you yet.
“But Echo was always allowed to-” Omega started to protest quietly.
“I needed him here.” Hunter couldn’t risk receiving this item until the last minute since he wasn’t sure he’d be able to hide it well enough from you and the last thing he wanted was you to find it accidentally before he had the chance to do things how he wanted.
“Here it is.” Echo handed said item over to him.
“Thank you.” Hunter said appreciatively as he took the small velvet encased box. “But how hard did you try telling this lot not to come down?”
“Eh, not very.” Echo admitted simply. “Come on, Hunter. We all wanted to be here to watch this.”
Hunter did know that, and he wasn’t truly upset, he actually really appreciated everything they’d all helped with. “Alright, alright. Just keep quiet, please?”
Everyone nodded.
Hunter knew they were never going to follow that, but he didn’t have time to push the matter.
“Better get going. By my calculations, the video should be finishing in the next minute.” Tech informed him.
The video came to an end, and you couldn’t believe Hunter missed sharing this with you. You sensed him approach but as you turned to question why he’d left, your breath caught in your throat, and you forgot how to form words as you saw him down on one knee and presenting a ring to you.
Hunter had rehearsed this so many times, yet his adrenaline was pumping like crazy, but he was determined to see this through to its proper end. He wasn’t about to ruin it because he got jittery. He took a deep, grounding breath before he started to speak. He kept his voice low and though he spoke quietly, he filled each word with intense and sincere meaning.
“I spent so much of the war doing what was asked of me. Winning each battle, completing each mission and that was easy for me, it was comfortable, I knew what I was doing, what my responsibilities were but I was also running on autopilot. I kept moving, doing what needed to be done, it was a routine that I didn’t see myself really breaking f-from. Un-”
He paused to settle his own emotions that rising in his chest and throat. “Until you. You came into my life, and I’d never known I’d been living in a galaxy of grey until I met you and you, with your fire and your strength, brought the colour I’d been missing. You could probably tell from that holo, but everything changed that day and I’ve never been more grateful for it. I knew from the second we met on Devaron that I was hooked. I was yours and I never wanted you to leave. I love you.” He said fiercely. “I love all of you. I love your kindness. I love your mind. I love your courage. I even love your stubbornness, no matter how much stress it causes me. I love how, no matter what, you don’t stop fighting. I love having you by my side, even if you’re arguing with me. I love how you’re always ready to face whatever is sent your way, unless it’s a spider and then you’re more than happy to surrender the room.” He added, the corner of his mouth twitching to hide his teasing grin before he carried on, “I love how you are with Omega. I love how well you fit in with my brothers. I love you in a way I’d never seen myself capable of, yet you make it so easy to do. We’ve been through so much; I’ve nearly lost you more times than I care to count but it also told me something…”
He allowed himself a second to breathe before he went into the final part, “I want it all with you. I know we’ve already got the home, the kid and the dog, and you’ve got the crazy in-laws.” He smiled as you let out a choked but genuine laugh at that. “I want to take the final step with you which is why I’m down on one knee and asking you this question...” He inhaled as he finally asked, “Will you marry me?” He finished and waited anxiously. He really hoped the silent tears running down your face were happy ones.
“Wrecker, get in the back, I need to record this, and I cannot see past you.” Tech demanded in a hushed whisper as the four of them watched from behind a cluster of rocks.
“Did she say yes? I can’t hear anything.” Wrecker asked, his voice rising slightly in distress. He didn’t want to miss any of this.
Crosshair spoke up next, “I see tears so it could go either way.”
Omega slapped his arm. “I’m sure they’re happy tears.” 
“Here’s an idea… why don’t we wait to see it all play out first before we start talking about it?” Echo suggested sensibly.
His family were quite possibly the least subtle people on the planet. Hunter still hadn’t heard your answer yet, but he could hear them no problem. He waved a hand behind him to signal at them to shut up.
A happy sob mixed with laughter echoed from your lips as you looked past him saw the group of people further down the beach keenly looking on.
You brought your eyes back to Hunter. You had so many things you wanted to say, so many affirmations you wanted to give yet the first dumb thing that left your mouth was an answer in the form of a question, “Are you sure?”
Hunter chuckled as he placed the ring on your finger, the stones dazzling under the moon and fairy light.  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”
You flexed your hand as you admired the stunning ring. The design of the silver band was simple with a white round cluster diamond in the centre but what really got to you was the two smaller blue diamonds on either side of it. Their shade was exactly like that of your old lightsaber. Your words left you in a frantic state of joy. “It’s beautiful- You got- how- I mean-” You couldn’t find the words. Instead, you just fell to your knees in front of him and kissed him fervently. I love you; I love you; I love you.
Hunter cradled your face in his hands as he pulled away for a short moment to respond, “I love you too.”
Feeling a bit more collected, you pressed your forehead against his. And I meant to say that I am yours too. I may not have realised it then, but I was yours on Devaron. I saw you, spoke to you and I’d never experienced a feeling like that before. I’d spent so much time doubting if I’d made the right choice by leaving the Order, if I was wrong for believing what I did, but then I met this squad. You retreated a couple inches to look Hunter directly in his brown eyes which were filled with emotion, and you added even more devotion to your tone. And I met you and suddenly I finally realised what I’d been missing. So, yes. Yes, I would love to marry you.
Hunter grinned adoringly at you before he kissed you again. Both of you smiling hard as you kissed one another in short, passionate bursts.
A series of whoops and gleeful cries interrupted your moment and the two of you got to your feet just as Wrecker bounded over and picked the two of you up, squeezing tightly.
“Congratulations!!” Wrecker bellowed as he put you down again.
“I’m so happy for you!” Omega cried as she and Batcher went next. She wrapped her arms around both your waists and the dog took turns jumping up on the two of you. “Let me see the ring!” Omega requested enthusiastically as she pulled away from you both. “Ah it’s so pretty!”
“About time.” Echo said kindly with Crosshair nodding in agreement.  
“Indeed.” Tech concurred as he too smiled at you both.
“You all knew?” You asked as you wiped away a few remaining tears with your uncaptured hand.
“You think Hunter could pull this off by himself?” Crosshair said with a mocking scoff in his brother’s direction, but he gave you both a genuine and pleased smile.
“Look, I had the ideas and I just needed help with the logistics of everything.” Hunter still felt the need to clarify.
“So, all of this…” You trailed off and gestured to the stunning set up that had been arranged.
“Yeah, they all helped me out.” Hunter told you. “And it wasn’t like I’d be able to keep it from them anyway.”
“All of you helped?” You repeated again. What had you done to deserve finding such a perfect family?
“I obviously put together the video and I was recording this moment.” Tech stated, adjusting his goggles. “It’s just as well I back everything up or the Marauder getting destroyed would’ve proven to be more problematic than it already was.”
“And Omega and I set this up!” Wrecker boasted proudly.
“And I helped with the ring.” Echo said. “Hunter laid out the design and I knew a guy who knew a guy who owed him a favour.”
“And you?” You asked Crosshair with a smile.
Crosshair feigned an aggrieved sigh.
“You were too late in claiming the set-up job.” Tech recalled. “And Echo and I had very clear responsibilities, you were just too slow.”
“Yes, Crosshair, unfortunately, had the worst job out of all of them.” Hunter revealed.
“Oh?” You regarded Crosshair curiously.
“I had to listen to him panic over and over again about every single detail and doubt in his head over this whole thing. Didn’t matter that we all knew you were going to say yes, he was a nervous wreck. It was up to me to keep him sane.”  Crosshair told you. He truly hadn’t minded, and it had offered more opportunities for him to hone his skills since he was a hand down.
You looked at the man who was usually so put together and who had never let even the most daunting of chaotic war battles phase him. “Seriously?”
Hunter nodded and awkwardly rubbed his hand along the side of his neck. “Yeah, he was the one I needed to knock some sense into me, sometimes literally I might add.” He said with a pointed look in Crosshair’s direction.  
“That way worked the best.” Crosshair said with a nonchalant shrug.
Hunter turned to you again, “And it still wasn’t enough. Believe it or not, I didn’t want to start sweating beforehand.”
You laughed before you addressed all of them. “Thank you. All of you. This was absolutely perfect! I’m so grateful!”
Another group hugged happened before Wrecker and Omega excitedly bounced on soles of their feet.
“Come on, the party’s just getting started!” Wrecker urged.
“Wait, I thought-” You broke off and looked to Hunter.
Hunter gave you a knowing grin. “You didn’t think the people of Pabu were going to let this go uncelebrated, did you?”
You inhaled sharply. “This party…”
“Is also serving as a congratulations on getting engaged.” Tech confirmed as he walked past you. “Hunter and Shep thought the whole thing through.”
“It’s a good thing you said yes or that would’ve been really awkward.” Echo commented with a smile as he too headed back up.
Well, that explained why Hunter was so dismissive of the change in attitudes the two of you had received in recent times as well as his caginess towards certain phrases or questions you asked. And Lyra’s sudden appearance as well as her ‘gifts’ checked out a bit more too. You stared at Hunter, incredibly impressed. “You somehow managed to plan this entire thing and I had no idea?”
Hunter nodded. “A lot of kind people live around us, but the price of their assistance was that they’re terrible at secret keeping and also made my life a living hell.” Hunter kidded before he kissed you once more and led you back the way you came, the delightful cold metal of your ring pressing against his fingers.
The walk back up to the colonnade was filled with cheers and celebratory whistles as the two of you reappeared. Much of the party remained the same except now a huge congratulations banner was on display.
Shep came over to you and hugged you. “Congratulations!”
“Thank you, Shep. For all of it. This is amazing!” You returned his warm embrace.
Shep parted and shook Hunter’s hand. “Everything go well?”
“Very. Thank you for all your help. I couldn’t have done it without you.” Hunter said gratefully.
“I’m just glad you finally did it. We were all losing hope that it wasn’t going to happen.”
“They were?” You nudged Hunter’s shoulder playfully.
“After we recovered from Tantiss, I was apparently still moving too slowly.” Hunter said lightly.
“We need not dwell on such things now. Please, enjoy the celebrations!” Shep waved goodbye as he went to make the rounds once more.
“Incoming.” Hunter warned you.
“What-” You were nearly tackled by the woman who had clattered into your side.
“About damn time!”
 “That seems to be the general consensus.” You said as you steadied yourself against Lyra’s eager hug.
“Let me see!” Lyra took your hand and gasped in admiration. “Oh, it’s gorgeous!” She then looked to Hunter. “You did good, well done!” She swivelled her attention back to you. “And you! You are going to get the best wedding dress ever! I have so many designs in mind already!”
“Can’t wait for that.” You said and you meant it but that didn’t stop the wary laugh you emitted either.
“My drink is empty, but we will talk more!” With that, she hurried away.
“I’m never going to be able to keep up with her on anything.” You commented as you watched her go, a soft smile on your face.
“Rather you than me. I’m all set.” Hunter said smugly.
Your response was interrupted by an approaching Rodian.
“Courtesy of Phee.”
You and Hunter took the cocktails from the tray the rather timid new island resident offered and looked into each other’s eyes as you clinked glasses. The two of you too caught up in the bliss of the moment to notice that your cinnamon sugar-rimmed glass had tracings of a white powder mixed in amongst it.
The next morning
To say you felt like hell would be an understatement. You awakened with a deep groan and rolled over onto your front.
Hunter woke up to the sound and saw that you were awake, but you were face down in your pillow. “And how are you feeling this morning?” He quipped.
You groaned again. “I am going to say this with all the love I can possibly muster… fuck off.” The threat lost some weight since your voice was muffled by the presence of the pillow.
“I didn’t think Jedi could get hungover.” Hunter said, a teasing lilt to his voice.
“Yes well, I was always making waves one way or another and here is another prime example of that. How many of those damn Phee cocktails did I drink?”
“I only saw you drink one, but the party ran late, and we weren’t together the entire time, but you were with Lyra a bunch, so I figured you were going her pace. You were pretty out of it when we were heading home, you fell asleep instantly.”
The entire evening post that one cocktail was a total blur, so you just had to accept that. The deep pain and nausea you were experiencing just had to be the effects of a first and truly awful hangover. “I’m so sorry. I really didn’t plan on that at all.”
Hunter shushed your unnecessarily apology and placed light kisses along your shoulders and down your spine. “What do you need?”
“A lobotomy and a new stomach.” You grunted.
“Naturally… and if I can’t get that arranged?”
You angled your head to face him and rubbed your thumb along his cheek affectionately. “I just need a few hours alone to sleep it off, I’ll be okay.”
Hunter got out of bed and quietly got dressed. “I’ll see what I can find to help. I’ll be back in an hour.” He lightly squeezed your shoulder
You watched him leave and let that concern you’d been feeling take hold. You felt absolutely exhausted and though you’d never been hungover before, something about this felt different but you couldn’t think of what or why that would be.
You pushed it to the back of your mind for now and focused on sleeping and feeling better. You had a future to plan, you weren’t about to let this throw a wrench in things.
Hunter had been waylaid by more people who he didn’t have the time to both thank and accept their congratulations from so he was later than he’d told you but the minute he entered the house, he knew something was wrong and it wasn’t because he was late.
That was when he heard the sounds of someone- well it would only be you- graphically vomiting. He dumped the supplies he’d gathered and hustled to the open refresher door where you were hunched over the toilet.
“Sweetheart, how long have you been like this?” Hunter asked, his concern evident as he rushed in and took over holding your hair just as you finished throwing up.
“Uh, when did you leave?” You rasped through sore, heavy breaths as you righted yourself but still remained slouched against small gap between the toilet and the shower.
“An hour and a half ago.” Hunter said quietly as he sat down next to you and stroked your knee in a soft, consoling gesture.
“Oh good, I got to sleep for thirty minutes.” You said wryly through gritted teeth. “Then I guess it’s been pretty much every ten minutes.”
Hunter got to his feet and ran a washcloth under some cold water for you before he dabbed it against your clammy forehead and the back of your neck. “You should get back to bed.” He said tenderly.
“I tried earlier but leaving the bathroom floor isn’t an opti-” You stopped short before you held your head over the toilet bowl and the whole process began again. “Any time you want to take this off, say the word.” You mumbled as you pitifully waved your left hand in Hunter’s direction before another ugly wretch sounded from you and your body heaved as somehow more vomit left your system.
“Enough of that.” Hunter soothed as he gathered your hair again. “I think we need to go see Dalia.”
You managed to shake your head just as the last of your stomach contents dispensed from your system. She was someone people go to with an actual injury or medical problem and this was certainly not that. This was just you not being able to handle your alcohol... it had to be.   
“Then how about Tech?” Hunter compromised quietly as he rubbed delicate circles on your back.
You resisted the urge to wince at the action that usual would bring you comfort but instead was only sharpening the thankfully now dulling ache in your limbs. “No, no. I’m-” You sat back once more and shakily got to your feet. “I think I just hurled my entire insides out which seems to have helped.” You accepted the water from him, and you had to make a conscious effort to drink slowly since your parched and sore throat welcomed the cool liquid. The nausea and general bodily pain were less, and you didn’t want to make a fuss, especially after all that had been done for you the night before. “I’m feeling better.” You said but as you went to step out the refresher, you immediately became lightheaded and swayed violently on your feet.
“Sweetheart, please.” Hunter implored as he caught your shoulders. He’d seen hangovers but this seemed more serious than your typical post drinking consequences and it was worrying him.
“Okay, we can start with Tech.” You conceded as the room finally came back into focus.
“I’ll comm him.”
“No, I want to walk. I don’t think being cooped up is doing me any favours.” You said as firmly as you could convey.
Even in your weakened state, Hunter could tell that was a point he wasn’t going to win an argument on. He gently placed his arm around you as you gingerly made your way to the door.
From afar, the Rodian and Twilek watched through macrobinoculars as their target left her home with her joined up with the rest of the clones.
“How is she out and about?” The rodian remarked in astonishment.
The twilek sighed in aggravation. “Remember what the boss said, she’s a fighter and she’s strong. You clearly got the dose wrong. She’s able to be out here cause she had to have thrown it all up.”
“But the boss also wants her alive, I gave the amount I was sure would leave her vulnerable but wouldn’t kill her.”
“Well, we can’t take her whilst she’s surrounded by that group anyway, and even if we get her alone, she needs to be fully incapacitated for us to even have a shot...”
“What are you saying?” The rodian asked nervously. He’d never been as sure or as excited about this job as his twilek partner was, but the money was too good to pass up. But there was a new kind of sociopathic gleam in the twilek’s eyes that unnerved him.
“I’m saying we up the dose until her body can’t fight it.” Life here was slow and the satisfaction he’d glean from watching you and the people around you hopelessly attempt to figure out and fight what was wrong with you was an opportunity too tempting to ignore.
To the rodian, that sounded awfully risky. Both for them and their target. This stuff was extremely lethal even in a small amount. Plus, the longer they lingered, the higher the chance that they’d be discovered. And he knew his poisons- this one was one of his own inventions too- which was how he also knew it was particularly volatile when given in large quantities. The build-up of symptoms was designed to make the recipient so agonised and weakened that they’d wish for a death that would never arrive but that was when administered at regular intervals of the same low quantity– death didn’t have to be the end result, the torture was what one would buy this poison for. But, if they went with this strategy, every deadly symptom would hit you all at once and he knew you’d never survive that which wasn’t useful to their specific remit. However, the twilek had been put in charge and he wasn’t someone he wanted to be on the bad side of. “The boss won’t be happy…”
The twilek dismissed that without skipping a beat, “So, we won’t tell her yet. We just need to get the Jedi to the boss alive for the premium cut of the deal. After that, who the hell cares how she ends up.”  His voice wavered in an attempt to stay level-headed with the rodian. This whole poisoning method was so tiresome- he much preferred a straight fight- but they’d been warned off that with this whole squad. Hence why he was stuck with this jittery rodian who had gotten into this line of work through offering his services and using his skills as an apothecary for what sensitive people would deem immoral uses and gains. But even he had to admit, a Jedi was easier to apprehend if they couldn’t fight back and everyone here was so stupidly trusting, it made getting access to you almost too easy. The trickiest and most time-consuming part would be getting you alone but from their brief, he knew that time would arrive sooner or later, he just needed to be patient.
3 weeks later
You finished dry-heaving and risked a glance in the mirror above the sink as you slowly went upright as it became clear nothing was coming up. You regretted that decision immediately.
You barely recognised the person staring back at you.
Your clothes stuck to you uncomfortably. The fever was a new addition as of last week and your hair was slick with sweat, and you wiped away the drops slowly sliding down your temples.
Your face was sunken and devoid of all life.
Dark circles were under your eyes, so dark that they could’ve been mistaken for bruises. There was no light behind them at all, no sign of that lively spark that had once been a constant part of you.
It was as if all your fire and vibrancy had evaporated.
You looked like a shell of a human being.
To top it all off, you noticed spots of blood at the corners of your mouth and in the saliva that you’d hacked up, but you put that down to the strain your throat had been put through. Cleaning up, you took one last strengthening breath but even that was proving to be more effort than you’d expected. You then heard a quiet knock on the other side of the door
You opened the refresher door to see Hunter standing waiting with his now standard worried expression on his face and your flask of water. He’d stopped offering you food in the early stages when it became clear you couldn’t hold it down and even water appeared to be a struggle.
You rejoined the group of people in the living room who were all here to supposedly help you plan the ceremony but all you got was the sea of nervous and concerned expressions from your squad- and that included Echo who had planned to leave once you were feeling better, but that day was yet to arrive- and Dalia. “I’m fine.” You exhaled wearily as you sat down. You thought just flinging yourself into what should’ve been a good distraction would aid in your recovery but, aside from the reduction in vomiting, things weren’t looking that much improved. In fact, you’d probably admit they’d gotten worse. You realised there were two faces missing. “Where are Shep and Lyra?” You asked, your voice strained and hoarse. You rubbed your arms because, despite the humid day, you felt goosebumps rise on your skin.
Wrecker placed a blanket around your shoulders.
“They didn’t think discussing flower arrangements was a smart use of your energy.” Crosshair remarked in a clipped tone, but it came from a place of care. He, like the rest of them, was growing more and more disturbed as your condition continued to deplete.
You lacked the gumption to argue with him so instead you just nodded in acknowledgement that you’d heard him.
Hunter noted you still hadn’t drunk from the water he’d handed you. He tapped the cup to prompt you to do so. “If you would just lie down...”
You did it for him but even water tasted wrong as it went down your throat and it really didn’t sit well. “Remember that stubbornness you love?” You said through a grimace. Plus, sleep pretty much eluded you these days.
“This is one of those times where it drives me crazy.” Hunter muttered fretfully.
“If I just sit around, I’ll go insane. I-” You lost energy halfway through your attempted to explain your reasoning. Instead, you readied yourself for the medical questions from Tech and Dalia- the town healer- that were sure to come your way now.
“Your fever is getting worse.” Tech observed as he took your vitals.
“Bacta won’t do you any good anymore. You’re just burning it off.” Dalia said as she confirmed Tech’s words.
“And I checked with AZ, his recent round of tests came up with nothing.” Omega said defeatedly, patting Batcher in an attempt to quell her worries.
“So, what else can you do?” Hunter asked Dalia and Tech anxiously. It really felt like they were running out of options. He saw you hunch over in pain, and he didn’t need to touch you to feel the heat radiating off you. He instinctively reached out to offer you some semblance of physical comfort, but he knew that hurt you now, so he stopped himself.
Tech started first, “We can test for-”
You straightened up and once the room stopped spinning, put on a brave face. “Look, we ruled everything out. It’s just stress, Tech. Besides, I’m not even throwing up anymore, it’s just dry heaving so that’s progress.” You said, attempting for levity but you were too exhausted to convey it.
“I’ve seen you stressed; your symptoms were not of this format nor this severe.”
“So, it’s a different type of stress.” You said tiredly as you forced yourself to stay upright.
“And your pain?” Dalia asked as she took examined you as best she could in this particular circumstance. Your medical case was infuriating, one because she liked you and hated seeing you in this state, and two, because she hated not knowing how to help you. Everything she had attempted had proven useless. She knew your ailments but had no idea what was causing them. Your pain wasn’t localised, and no pain killers were working. All she knew for sure was that you were incredibly dehydrated and sleep-deprived, your entire body ached, you couldn’t stomach anything, and you had a fever that was reaching near dangerous levels. How you still functioning had to be due to your special abilities, but it was also a testament to your sheer strength and force of will.
The pain was getting harder and harder to ignore. “Well…” You nervously fidgeted with your ring.
“It’s worse?” Dalia and Hunter said together in the same troubled tone.
“Let’s just say the sedatives you’ve given me to sleep are losing their effectiveness.” You mumbled.
“I can give you a stronger dose.” Dalia offered. It wasn’t a suggestion she liked giving but she was running out of ideas.
“I’m not spending my time half awake and barely alive.” The irony of the comment given your present condition was not lost on you though. “I still get a few hours with what you’ve already provided. It’ll do.” Although, saying you got even a few hours was also a generous statement.  
“You can’t be serious.” Echo couldn’t help but protest, voice rising in concern. “A few hours aren’t enough to-”
“Echo…” Hunter warned. He’d already gone down this path with you and it was something you’d never budge on.
Dalia heaved a sigh as she finished up and took a fresh blood sample for comparison to previous ones. She readied to leave. “Look, me being here throwing useless suggestions your way isn’t helping either. Best I can advise is slow down. I’m going to run through your labs again.” With that, Dalia got to her feet and headed for the door.
“Thanks for coming by.” You said to her, your voice heavy with effort it took to sound somewhat normal.
“For the record, that was not convincing.” Crosshair told you as he took your water canteen to refill it since Hunter was seeing Dalia out. “Why didn’t you take the damn sedatives?”
“If Hunter can’t even get me to do that, what makes you think you can?” You pointed out as you curled in on yourself. You also knew they truly wouldn’t make a difference.
You were growing more and more aware of the reality of your situation, and it wasn’t anything that could be prevented.
Hunter caught Dalia’s arm just before she exited. “Dalia, she physically can’t go on like this for much longer. And it’s not just because she’s refusing to ease up. There are days where I can convince her to just stay in bed, but it’s not helping.” He whispered, doing his best to keep his voice level as his worries threatened to overcome him.
“Hunter, I’m sorry. I’m looking into everything, I promise.” Dalia said in a quiet voice. “Tech and I even checked for poisons, but nothing came up. But I’m not going to stop, I swear it.”
Hunter sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I know, Dalia. Thank you.” Hunter said sincerely before he shut the door and took a calming breath as he turned around and filled him with both sadness but gratitude. All of them were doing what they could do support you.
He watched as Wrecker and Omega delicately fussed with your blanket, Tech continued to study furiously on his datapad for anything that might correlate to what was causing your illness, and even Crosshair was making sure you were drinking water regularly. But then, he saw that recognisable look in your eyes, and he saw Echo help you to your feet before you staggered to the refresher, and he exhaled shakily as he got control over his own deep anxieties over your condition.
He followed you to the refresher again, ignoring the fretful looks his family were sending both his and each other’s way.
You hadn’t managed to lock him out this time, so he was able to enter, shut the door and collect the hair falling forward around your face. Every miserable effort your body put you through in an attempt to rid you of whatever it was that was causing this sickness only exacerbated the strain on your worn out and frail form. He kept trying to not fixate on it because they were all working on figuring this out and he had to believe that someone would find something… because he knew you were running out of time.
You finished up and exhaled a shuddering breath, “It hurts, Hunter. Everything just hurts.” You admitted, your voice racked with agony. You only wanted it to stop. You needed it to stop.
Hunter’s chest tightened. “We’re going to find out what this is.” He promised. He reached for you but hesitated.
The need to be held by him overpowered the subsequent discomfort and you folded into his embrace and let the silent defeated tears finally fall.
“I really hate this, you know.” Hunter griped worriedly as he got ready to leave you at the door and spend the night with his brother’s and Omega. Somehow him saying you needed to get to sleep had turned into you sleeping here by yourself. Despite the fact that they’d all wanted to spend the night here; you’d gotten them to agree to leave you alone. How you’d managed to do that, he had absolutely no idea.
You knew he did but with all your tossing and turning in your feverish delirium, he wasn’t getting much rest either and you hated that more than you hated your own sickness. You raised your hand, your arm feeling unnaturally heavy, and placed it on his chest to quell his fears but even that simple action sent a sharp pain through your limbs.
Hunter noticed your efforts to conceal your discomfort and what you’d said in the refresher was still plaguing his head. How could you expect him to leave you like this. “Please let me stay, I really don’t mind-”
“Hunter, you haven’t had a solid night’s sleep since the night of the party. There’s no sense in us both suffering here.” You just about managed to give him a smile of reassurance. “It’s just one night and you’re only a few houses down. If I need anything, I’ll get you on the comm, I promise.”
“I won’t sleep any better away from you. I-”
“But here you have no choice. I need to know you at least had the option.” You insisted as you fought against the urge to slump into his arms. Your entire body felt like lead.
“I’ll see you in the morning.” You said with finality before your voice softened. “I’m only asking you do this for one night. Just one night where I don’t have to worry about you.”
“Worry about me?” Hunter repeated with combined fondness and exasperation. At least that sounded more like you. “Sweetheart, the only person that anyone needs to worry about is you and that should include you.”
“What if I promise to spend all my time tonight worrying only about myself?” You offered, a hint of your old spark coming through before it was squashed by another bout of pain settling in your muscles. Your jaw clenched in an attempt to keep your groan contained. You thumb fiddled with your ring in an attempt to distract yourself.
Hunter picked up on that too but not wanting to put you under the strain of further deliberation, released a long, drawn-out breath and managed a stiff and reluctant nod of consent to this idea.
“Thank you.” You whispered. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Hunter replied as he caressed your fingertips with his own. It was the closest to an affection gesture that he could offer you now.
“Batcher is going to stay with you.” Omega said with a slightly nervous smile as she patted the hound farewell. “Just in case.” She knelt down in front of the dog and stroked the underside of her chin. “Look after her, Batcher.”
Batcher gave her an affirmative bark in reply before she came and sat by your side.
“Thanks kid.” You waved as she and the others departed but Hunter still lingered. “Go.” You ordered with a half-smile.
With one final look in your direction, Hunter finally forced himself to leave.
You shut the door and braced your forehead against it as a fresh wave of dizziness and pain coursed through your body. You felt a wet nose nuzzle against your hand with a quiet whine. You opened your eyes to see Batcher looking up at you with an intense, concerned stare. “I’m alright, girl.” You winced as you pushed yourself away. You were employing the strategy that if you told yourself that enough times, maybe one day it would prove to be true.
You debated the effort of going all the way to your bed, but your body gave up halfway there, so you decided on the convenience of the couch, Batcher curled up on the floor beside you.
Hours had passed. You weren’t sleeping but you were working on attempting to trick your body into thinking it could by keeping your eyes shut.
The sound of barking caused you to finally give up and open them which you did, and you were greeted by the sight of Batcher snarling at the dark shape looming over you and watched as it reacted quickly to the attacking hound and the stun blast took Batcher out before she had the chance to inflict any damage.
To say you reacted sluggishly would be an understatement. You could barely will your body to move out of the way of the threat. Your eyes finally quickly adjusted, you realised it was a male twilek and he was currently sticking a need filled with a clear liquid into your thigh.
You finally slapped his hand away but not before the needle pierced your skin.
You shot to your feet, stumbling slightly as you recovered from the head rush that hit you as a result.
You immediately felt faint.
A fresh wave of intense pain tore its way through your body and the nausea and overall weakness that overwhelmed you was scarily familiar.
It was then you realised what he’d just infected you with was in fact the source your sickness. But what you couldn’t understand was how it didn’t show up on any of the scans and tests you’d undertaken. Even though at the time you’d thought it rather unnecessary, you had been checked multiple times for poisons in your blood, yet this got missed and that was deeply concerning in its own right.
The other concern was, judging by how feeble and breathless you became, this was finally the one that your body couldn’t fight against, and you didn’t know how much longer you could hold out. If you could just get to your comm…
“You’ve got a very protective group. I thought they’d never leave. Thank you for finally sending them away.” The twilek said, utterly unphased by being discovered. He stalked around the couch and placed himself between you and the front door.  
“How did you get-” You then remembered the open window in your bedroom.
“It’s funny how little people care about the security of their homes and personal effects here. You were basically inviting all of this.” He twirled his blaster with arrogant nonchalance. He saw the way you were clutching your side like you could brace yourself against the pain coursing through your veins and your knees buckled but you caught yourself against the coffee table the move seeing the cup of water fall to the ground, cracking with the impact. “Now, let me see, I’ve been hearing enough about how this poison works to remember some of the effects. Let me guess…” He tapped the tip of his blaster against his chin as he listed them off as you pitifully worked on getting to your feet, “Constant nausea, insomnia, fever, dizzy spells and extreme bodily pain. None of which standard medical can defeat. I’m sure I missed some but those are definitely the highlights. Does that sound about right?”  He taunted.
You forced yourself to stand tall. Your eyes darted to your comm link on the kitchen counter.
“I wouldn’t…” The twilek warned in irritation as he stalked towards you.
You didn’t listen. You channelled whatever energy you had left and landed kick to his stomach- the action causing you more pain than it did him- and made a dash towards it.
Just as you grabbed it, you felt a brutally take hold of the back of your neck and smack your head against the edge of the counter. Blood poured from the fresh cut on your forehead, and you collapsed to the floor with a pained cry and cups and plates came smashing to the ground around you.
You shook away the black spots encroaching on your vision and attempted to crawl along the floor to your discarded comm device, sharp pieces of debris cutting into your palms, your body screaming in agony with the effort.
“I gotta give you credit.” He picked at his cuticles. “You lasted longer than I thought you would but I’m sick of this place so if you don’t mind, I’m going to speed this along.”
You felt a knee on your back and the butt of a blaster smack against your temple, turning your world black.
“Did you have to beat her like that? The poison has clearly been working. One stun blast and she’d be done.” The rodian chastised as he saw the twilek unceremoniously dump your freshly bruised body on the floor of the ship. He swivelled in the pilot’s chair and turned the ship on.
“The bitch still put up a fight. Besides, you had your fun with your little concoction. I needed mine. Now, hold on, we’re not leaving just yet.”
“Why the hell not?”
“Give me two minutes.” With that, the twilek took off the engagement ring and departed the ship.
“You didn’t use that final vial, did you?” The rodian called after him but he got no answer.
The following morning
Hunter roused from his restless slumber. It had been a mildly better night but not one he’d be looking to repeat.
He tidied his section of the floor he’d been given- it was a tight squeeze with all six of them here- and put away his sleep mat and spoke to his family who were all gathered in the kitchen, nursing cups of caf. “I’m heading back to check on her.”
“We’ll join you momentarily.” Tech said, his sights fixed firmly on his datapad.
Hunter nodded but as he opened the door, his blood ran cold as he saw what was on the doorstep. He kneeled down to pick it up and a new type of panic sat heavy in his chest.
“Hunter?” Echo had been the one to call over, but they’d all noticed the change in his posture.
Hunter’s head snapped in the direction of the sound of frantic, worried barks and he saw Batcher come sprinting around the corner. He started running, the rest of his squad following close behind.
The front room set the scene for Hunter in brief yet terrifying detail.
The floor was a mess of broken glass and smears of blood.
Your comm lay abandoned on the ground.
And you were nowhere to be found.
Hunter couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t best the tightening in his chest and the fear taking root in his heart. All he could hear was a high-pitched droning in his ears and it took everything in him not to succumb to the terror he was experiencing as he realised you had been taken from him. Again.  
Around him, his brothers already started analysing the scene.
“The Empire-” Wrecker began to ask.
“Rex and I have been monitoring them and they have no idea where any of you are. This isn’t them.” Echo disagreed.
“It’s not their style either.” Crosshair stated.
“It is highly possible that a bounty hunter infiltrated this place in. Technically, I believe the price on her head would still stand.” Tech theorised.
“But who would know where we are?” Omega asked him.
“It would be best to consider past interactions and any new people you came across post Eriadu as well as those we already know who can tie us here. Now, naturally that should include Phee and Lyra. They may have accidentally-”
“Tech, no one on this island would ever give her or any of you up.” Echo argued.
Frustrations between all of them started to rise. They were going in circles and they knew your condition only made things that much more urgent.
“I’m very well aware of that fact but the truth is we need to think practically here. Someone knows where we are, and that knowledge has been used against us. Someone with enough skills to what I assume is poison her enough to take her out, and to elude all of us and take advantage of the very foundations of this place. Surely, there is someone that fits that profile.”
“There are too many.” Crosshair countered.
“There’s not way of knowing for sure.” Wrecker agreed with Crosshair. “And she needs us now.”
“Well, we need to start somewhere.” Tech said logically though he had to make an active effort to keep his own anxieties in check.
Meanwhile, Hunter carefully held your engagement ring and remembered the happiness and hope it was supposed to represent. How was that a little over a month ago, there had been so much excitement and joy in his life, and it had been so quickly overturned by pain and suffering. This was supposed to be a new life, a new beginning. You were supposed to be safe here, the threat of Hemlock and the Empire was over. Yet somehow, the past had come back to inflict more damage. Who could possibly have anything to gain from claiming that bounty? Who did they know that was that heartless, that calculated but would use a method so cowardly. And most importantly, knew they were here. Who could’ve- Hunter snapped out of it and pocketed your ring. He interrupted the steady stream of voices, “It’s Cid.”
All of them looked at him in bewilderment as he said that name.
“The Trandoshan from Ord Mantell?” Crosshair double checked since he’d never actually met her, he only knew the name through stories, but he knew that her name had nothing positive to go with it.
Hunter nodded.
“How do you know?” Wrecker asked.
“Because everyone else wouldn’t do this.”
“But wouldn’t we be aware of her presence here?” Tech pointed out.
“Lyra wouldn’t sell us out and neither would Phee. But there’s another link between us and Phee, and that’s Cid. You’re talking about bounty hunters, and we know she doesn’t do her own dirty work. It was her who told, same way she was the one that told the Empire we were here, and now she’s doing it again.” Hunter said, his voice eerily calm. “Tech, how much of the party did you record?”
“All of it.” Tech responded and, already anticipating Hunter’s next question, he pulled up the footage.
All of the gathered round as Tech brought up the recording of the party, increasing the playback speed as the evening unfolded.
Hunter, swallowing harshly as he made himself ignore all the tender moments with you that made that evening feel so perfect, anxiously scanned the flashing scenes in front of his eyes, looking for that first instance where you got infected and where this plan all started. “There!”
Tech paused the video feed.
“Dammit.” Hunter clenched his hands into fists. How had he missed that? How had he let you down that badly? “Dammit.” He hissed again under his breath before he departed and made for Shep’s.
“What did we miss?” Echo asked as the rest of them as they all stared at the frozen image of the rodian with the drink.
There was silence for a few minutes as they all peered at the screen.
Tech inhaled sharply as he next spotted the subtle difference. “The white powder…”
They all ran after their brother.
Shep heard an insistent pounding on his door and opened it to see Hunter standing there, breathing hard and there was a panic behind his eyes that he couldn’t hide and to Shep, that only meant one thing. “Is she-”
Hunter wasn’t even going to let him finish that thought. “The rodian from the engagement party. Who is he?” He questioned sharply.
“The rodian?” Shep repeated in confusion. This was the last thing he expected to hear.
“The rodian at the party.” Hunter repeated hurriedly. “He gave us our drink once we got back from the beach. He had yellow skin, quiet demeanour. He was new to the island; I didn’t recognise him.”
Shep recovered quickly. “Yes, yes.” He recalled the one Hunter was referring to. “He arrived with a twilek. They were quiet, mostly kept to themselves.”
“Were?” Hunter repeated and he felt his squad approach from behind.
Shep pointed down the road, “I checked on the temporary housing we provided them to see how they were feeling about the move, but they are no longer there. What does this-” Shep was only met with the sights on all of them racing for that house.
Hunter took in the front room. From the clothes left behind and the general disarray in the living space, it was obvious that they’d left in a hurry. He then noticed a puck for long range communications had also been forgotten about and that was the first time he felt a flicker of hope. “Tech.”
“I’m on it.” Tech confirmed as he began working on hacking into the system to trace where the communications went.
Hunter and the others continued to search the house and that was when Hunter spotted an old wanted poster of you nailed to the wall with a knife through your face. Hunter tore it down and curled one into a tight ball in a flash of rage before he composed himself continued searching the area for any sign of where they’d gone.
“Hunter.” Omega called over as she opened a cabinet just above the sink.
Hunter walked over to where the young girl was and took in what she had found.
There was a vast array of discarded and empty vials inside the cupboard which were accompanied by a series of instructions for powder ingestion or liquid injection. Underneath the untidy scrawl, was also a list of symptoms that would accompany each dosage but what caused the fear he was working on supressing to spike was that it seemed to be that their plan had consisted of giving you the second-most lethal one.
But there was no name of the mixture, no list of ingredients to go off of or any signs of a cure. It only served to confirm that what you had been experiencing was a cruel, carefully maintained poisoning.
“I’ve got the location.” Tech announced as he brought up the coordinates to Asusto.
Hunter memorised the number and he knew he’d be able to track you once he landed. Next, he barked out orders like he’d done for most of his life. “Tech, you start getting what you can from these instructions. You thought it was a poison before, do what you can to narrow the list down. Omega, you help him. I’ll confirm what they did once I find them and get the antidote. The rest of you, help Dalia get ready for our return.” With that order, he turned on his heels and ran for home.
He entered the bedroom and started preparations to leave all the while doing his best to not let each reminder of you in here to distract him. You needed him focused, not frantic with worry. He reached under the bed and pulled out the case of depleted armour that he’d never thought he’d have to put on again. It wasn’t even a complete set anymore, and it was still scratched and worn down, but it had to do. He grabbed his blaster and vibroblade and got ready to leave.
As he left, he saw that Wrecker, Echo and Crosshair had returned and were all stood there, blasters in hand and in whatever armour they’d had post Tantiss. “No.” He said immediately.
“Dalia can handle setting up herself. You’re not doing this alone. You need us as backup.” Echo reasoned.
“I can’t ask that of you.” Hunter said with a firm shake of his head. This was supposed to be behind them, he wouldn’t inflict this another fight on them.
“You’re not asking, and neither are we. We’re going with you.” Crosshair said definitively.
“Yeah, you mess with one of us, you get all of us!” Wrecker said in agreement.
“I already told Rex and he ordered me to stay here. You’re not doing this alone.” Echo added. “My ship is ready whenever you are.”
Hunter dipped his head in thanks before he led the way out.
Your head was pounding.
The cuts on your palms stung.
Everything around you sounded fuzzy- it almost sounded like you were underwater- and from what your semi-conscious self could tell, you appeared to be in some sort of basement. You weren’t cuffed or chained but that was probably because your captors realised you were hardly able to keep your eyes open, let alone plan an attack to get out of here. You could make out their blurry shapes just ahead of you, and you strained to hear why the rodian was in such a state. As you did so, you felt something wet dripping down your face, and you guess the damp basement had a leak somewhere.
“Shitshitshit, this is why I told you not to give her that last dosage!” The rodian cried in a frantic panic.
You felt a coarse fabric scrape under your nose, and you saw the crimson stain of blood as it was pulled away… so, clearly, it wasn’t a leaky roof. You had no doubt that signified the end for you- it was now only a matter of when- but your current disjointed thought process had you worrying more about the fact that the comforting presence of the ring on your left hand was no longer there.
“You wanted her to be an easy grab, I made sure of it.”
“I don’t have an antidote prepared!
“So, make one.” The twilek said with no concern whatsoever.
“With what ingredients? This was never the plan!”
“She’ll be dead before we even leave this room and if the boss doesn’t kill us, the client sure as fuck will!”
“She was as good as dead anyway; I only sped it along.”
“How long?” You croaked, interrupting their argument.
The twilek ignored you but the rodian, wringing his hands anxiously, said, “About two hours.”
“Ah.” You said plainly. “Guess you mistimed that one huh?” You winced as you curled into the fetal position as if it could ease the agony coursing through every fibre in your body.
“Just keep your mouth shut.” The twilek ordered as the both of you as they waited for their boss to show up.
You had been in and out of consciousness but came around to the sound of the rodian babbling to himself about how everything had gone to shit, and they were seconds away from getting killed. You clued in to the sounds of a door opening and footsteps descending to the basement.
You feebly raised your head and you saw the face you wished you’d never see again. “You bitch. You fucking bitch.” You seethed weakly. The last bouts of your cognitive abilities put it together: Ord Mantell, the Empire on Pabu and now these bounty hunters being able to find you… it all fell into place. “Betraying us twice wasn’t enough for you?”
Cid didn’t let your words bother her. “Money is money and you’re worth a lot of money.”
You attempted to sit up but the best you could manage was propping yourself up on your forearms. “I hate to break it to you, but the person in the Empire who wanted me is very much dead.”
“Who said it was the Empire?” Cid said coolly.
A new type of panic set in but you were distracted by the warm, wet liquid sliding down your face and on to your lips, the iron tang of it burning your tongue.
Cid then noticed the blood steadily dripping from your nostrils. She whirled on the two goons she’d hired. “That’s not supposed to appear until the last stage, how much did you give her?!”
The rodian just glanced to the twilek.
The twilek shrugged. “Look, boss, you told us to use the poison however we saw fit. She needed a hell of a lot more of it in her system, why do you think we took so long?”
“She’s no good to me or the client if she’s dead!” Cid said angrily. “How long has she got?”
A beat of silence.
“About an hour.” The rodian informed her nervously.
Cid cursed under her breath. “We don’t meet the client until midnight!”
“Just push the meeting to now. Get her to the client alive and take the cash and get outta there.” The twilek suggested calmly.
“They’d know something was up. And we’d never get away with it with how she looks like now!”
“You try what they gave me and see how good you look at the end of it.” You muttered in offence, a new type of delirium taking hold of you.
Cid paid you no attention. “What about the antidote?” She asked the rodian sharply. “This is your poison; you must know how to counter it?”
“Aw Cid, I knew you still cared.” You said hoarsely, and everything around you started to move in and out of focus, each haggard breath leaving you acted like a sick form of countdown.
“The ingredients don’t exist here, and I never brought them. It wasn’t supposed to get to this point.” The rodian admitted.
Cid tossed her hands in the air, her own nerves steadily rising. “You idiots! This deal was for a fit Jedi slave, and you’ve given me someone that isn’t going to last the next hour! How-” Her tirade was cut short by the sound of an explosion above them, dust descending from the ceiling with the impact.
“Do you know the great thing about having a family?” You said with a cold laugh. You forced yourself to sit up. You may be fighting a losing battle but one thing you still knew was who the cause of that explosion. You’d sense them anywhere. “We look out for one another.” You glowered at the twilek, “That ‘protective bunch’ are about to become your living hell.”
The twilek only glared at you.
“If they’ve found us, it’s because you left a way for them to track our communications!” Cid said angrily.
“Don’t look at me, he’s the one who was responsible for packing up.” The twilek said dismissively, readying his blaster for the fight he’d finally been waiting for.
“Well, he was the one that taunted them with the ring!” The rodian said in a panic as the thudding of footsteps drew closer.
“Ring?” Cid repeated, her stomach dropping to her feet in fear. She glanced to your depleted form, and the realisation of just what precisely had developed between you and dark and broody since Ord Mantell cemented her fate. She’d royally messed this up.
“You guys are fucked.” You said dazedly as you slouched against the wall and more blood spilled from your nostrils, staining your hands and the ground below.
The door at the top of the basement stairs crashed open and smoke engulfed the room.
Three precise shots fired through the smoke.
Cid raised her arms in instant surrender as the smoke dissipated and she saw the state of her hired bounty hunters. The twilek’s blaster had been shot out his hands and he was bleeding from a shot to just below the abdomen whilst the rodian took a hit to his shoulder. Both of them were now sprawled on the floor. She muttered an uneasy curse as she realised what was in store for her.
The effort of breathing and opening your eyes after each blink got tougher to maintain but you recognised the familiar tender touch under your chin from the man in kneeling in front of you. “Hunter.” You said, your voice barely sounding above a whisper. Your eyes flickered open as you took him in.
Hunter wiped away the blood from your face, but it just kept coming, the sight of it heightening his persistent rising panic but he pushed it away. It wouldn’t help you if he let you see how ruined with worry, he was. “We’re getting you out of here, I promise.” He started to lift you to your feet, uttering soft words of comfort and reassurance as you went with him but each rasp and pained whimper from you only fuelled his anger further. “Hold on. Just hold on.” He begged you quietly.
“I’ve got her, Hunter.” Wrecker offered softly as he came to your side and took over. “Hang in there.” He said to you, his gruff voice choking up with emotion as he took your weight and saw the way your face was drained of all life, the blood standing out too brightly against your skin.
Hunter waited until Wrecker was properly supporting you before he turned on the three adversaries. He ignored Cid for the moment, he’d deal with her last. Right now, his priority was getting your cure and for that, he needed the two hunters.
He did a quick scan of the two males, the twilek was gritting his teeth against the pain and his face was a cruel mask of indifference but the rodian was a mewling mess and his heart was pounding so loudly, Hunter had heard it from upstairs which meant that the rodian was his way in.
“Tell me what you did to her.” His voice quiet with lethal softness as he stalked towards him.  
But the rodian said nothing.  
“Fine.” With that, he stabbed the rodian just above the knee and angled to tip of the blade towards his kneecap and pushed. He also clamped his other hand down on the open shoulder wound and paid no attention to the miserable screams that emitted from the rodian.
Crosshair and Wrecker made no move to stop it either. Wrecker kept you propped up while Crosshair kept his rifle trained on the twilek and Echo guarded Cid.
“Fuck! Oh fuck, no!” The rodian yelled as he writhed in an attempt to get away from the blade, but each movement only caused the blade to twist further into his joint.
“What did you do?” Hunter demanded again through the cries of pain. With both hands, he pressed harder.
The rodian spoke through the pain in a rapid, terrified manner, “I’ll tell you everything! I- shit, just don’t do that anymore! It’s called Ghost. I c- created it. We put the powder in her water flask and coated her pain pills in it and spiked her sedatives with the liquid form! It- ow fuck- it can’t be picked up on any medical scans and it’s got no taste or smell but it’s fatal when used excessively. Its main use is torture and incapacitation but for that, it needs to be used precisely. That’s all we wanted to do with her! I swear! But what I calculated for her didn’t work so we upped the dose, but it was too much too quickly. I don’t know how she’s still going.”
Wrecker, Crosshair and Echo had to fight to keep their expressions neutral, but that information shook them all to their core. They’d helped this plan along and the thought left them repulsed.
The horror Hunter felt at the fact that they’d all inadvertently been contributing to your declining health threatened to engulf him. He caught himself easing up on the rodian in the pure gut-wrenching shock of it all, but he gathered himself swiftly. “But there’s a cure.” Hunter insisted, angling his blade further towards the knee.
The rodian yelped in agony. “Yes, there’s- ah fuck- there’s- a- an- an antitode!”
“Shut up!” The twilek hissed command earning him a rifle butt to his face. His nose cracked and blood poured down.
“No way! This shit wasn’t what I signed up for!”
Hunter eased up on his pressure slightly to lure him into revealing more.
“Here, take it, take it.” The rodian winced as he reached into his inside vest pocket and took the piece of paper out- it had been the one critical piece of information he had the wits to remember to remove when they’d left the island- but now he wanted it as far away from him as possible. He felt momentarily relief as the man removed his vice-like grip on his shoulder but that was swiftly replaced by fear as he saw a blaster pointed at his face. “No, please don’t! I promise I won’t tell-”
Hunter killed the rodian with a shot to the forehead. “Get that to information to Tech.” He ordered Echo sharply who took the paper with a nod and swiftly left the room.
Hunter fired two shots into Cid’s knees as she attempted to slip away once Echo departed.
Cid crashed to the ground, hissing in pain.
Your slumped form addressed the other hunter who was still alive. “You two were slipping poison into my system for 3 weeks… didn’t you have anything better to do with your lives?”
“It worked, didn’t it?”
You, still delirious, mimed applause. “Yup, it did. Extra points for you. Although you’re 30 seconds away from death and I still have a good hour so who’s the real winner here?”
The twilek saw the tattooed solider stalking darkly towards him. He wasn’t going to die begging for his life like his rodian counterpart, he’d done something others could only dream of. “And you’re more than three hours away from Pabu. We beat you, you’re as good as-”
Hunter silenced his words with a single shot of his blaster.
You felt your legs completely give out with the effort it took to remain vertical.
Wrecker, unfortunately had to ignore your moans of since he was left with no choice but to strengthen the grip that he had on you. He didn’t even need to have Hunter’s enhanced senses to see how grave your situation was now. He could barely feel your breaths leaving your body and each time he wiped away the blood, more continued to pour down.
Hunter heard your weak cries of protest, and he turned his attention to the pathetic excuse of an individual crawling on her front away from him, blood streaking the floor from the wounds in her knees. No matter how much he wanted to make this hurt, you were the priority here. He caught up with her is a couple steps, stamped down on her back before he roughly turned her around and replaced his foot harshly on her chest.
Cid couldn’t run. She couldn’t fight. But she knew fine well what was in store for her. “Look, bandana, it was just a bad business deal, okay? I didn’t know they were doing to use so much. You’ve got the antidote, just take it and get her the help she needs.” She said tightly through the pain.
Her words filled him with pure disgust, and he couldn’t stand to hear them anymore. With her out of the picture, it would finally all be over. The constant threat of her wouldn’t plague them anymore.
“You betrayed us three times. You don’t get a fourth.” Hunter said, his voice steely with quiet and controlled rage.
“It wasn’t personal, it was a business deal. I’m sure-”
Hunter cut her off with a shot to her face. He holstered his blaster.
“Move out.” He directed as he came to your opposite side and aided Wrecker in keeping you upright so you wouldn’t choke on the blood gushing from your nose.
Wrecker passed you fully off to Hunter as you all entered the ship, and he joined his two other brothers in the cockpit.
Hunter laid you down carefully on the cot, angling your head so you wouldn’t gag on the blood continuing to flow from your nose. He held one cloth over your nose in what he knew was a futile attempt to stem the blood flow before he also grabbed a cold cloth and dabbed at your forehead. Your skin was on fire, your clothes soaked through with sweat and even blinking seemed to be a monumental effort for you. “Hold on. It’s just a little bit longer, okay?” Hunter told you, his voice quivering as he helplessly watched you. It seemed like even breathing was a burden for you now.
You couldn’t even nod. Another shallow breath shuddered through you.
Echo had gotten the ship into hyperspace and Tech back on comms. “Tech, we’re heading back. Did you get anything more on the poison?”
“Unfortunately, not more than what you’ve already told me given that it was not on any official record. But I read through what we uncovered in the home. One thing to be thankful for is that, if the instructions we’d already found are accurate, there’s still time. The final stage involved bleeding from bodily orifices. If-”
“She’s bleeding from her nose.” Crosshair interrupted.
Tech’s eyes flashed with alarm. “When did that start?” He asked, his voice grave.
“Can’t be certain but she was bleeding before we got there.” Echo told him, his own nerves rising as he saw Tech’s expression.
“Tech?” Wrecker prompted; he hated the prolonged silence as Tech glanced at his datapad. “What does that mean for her?”
“Omega and I have gathered most of what is needed for the antidote here, but we’re taking Phee’s ship to go to the neighbouring planet to get the final plants required.” Tech said instead.
“That’s not an answer.” Crosshair said, his voice tense.
“The answer wouldn’t do any of you any good. Just get her to Dalia the second you land. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
As he disappeared. Echo, Wrecker and Crosshair looked down the hallway to where Hunter was crouched by your side.
“We can’t have been too late, we can’t have been.” Wrecker fretted.
“She’s survived this long. She can do it.” Echo said but it was more to convince himself than anyone else.
“I don’t know how much she has left to give.” Crosshair said, his own worries seeping through as he watched your chest barely rise.
You were already living for longer than you were supposed to but none of them knew how much more of that you could sustain.
Hunter had heard the words from the cockpit, but he refused to let them resonate. “I’ve got it.” He said gently as he saw you attempting to take the rapidly growing blood-stained fabric off your face. He removed it, threw it away and made to grab a new one but your gravelly voice stopped him.
“Don’t- don’t try to talk.” Hunter advised, swallowing thickly. “Save your energy.”
You didn’t listen and just about managed to make your eyes focus on him. “I- I hav- have to tell you-” You gasped through pained breaths.
“Tell me when you’re better.” Hunter instructed, hoping he sounded like himself even as he felt his own distress rise in his chest, in his throat. He couldn’t stand this, but he needed to stay strong for you.
“I’m not-” You broke off with a sharp, hurt whimper. “I- I’m not getting better.” You could feel your body giving up with every ineffective, weighed down breath.
“Yes. You are.” Hunter took your hand and pressed your fingers to his lips.
“I-I want you- t-to-know that- that I love you.”
“Stop-” Hunter his voice growing hoarser and more wrecked with emotion with every passing second.
“I- I want you-you to move on- I want you to-to live.”
Hunter stroked hair back from your burning brow. “I can’t do that without you.” He whispered but he could from the distant look in your eyes tell that his words weren’t landing as the fever had ultimately taken its deadly grip.
“I- I would’ve married you.”
“You still will.” Hunter said as firmly as he could manage but it required pushing away more doubt than he cared to admit.
“I…” But you trailed off as you finally welcomed what you had been resisting for so long.
“Keep your eyes open. Please.” Hunter pleaded, his voice breaking as he saw you take one deep, crackling breath as you slowly blinked.
You wanted to. You wanted to so badly, but you felt like the end would be the only thing to give you any semblance of relief. Your eyes flickered shut and darkness took over.
Hunter hung his head and held your hand tightly, and he could only watch your signs of life slowly fade away. “Stay with me.” He begged your unconscious form through a strangled breath as he hoped some part of you would register his words.
Your pulse was thready at best, your breathing ragged and shallow.
Your entire body was shutting down and there was nothing Hunter could do to stop it.
Thanks to Tech’s efforts, Dalia’s home had extended and doubled into a well-functioning medical centre with enough beds and equipment to cope with whatever came her or the island’s way. It had felt a bit excessive, but it was better to be safe than sorry, and today, that was good thing.
“Put her here!” Dalia ordered as Echo slammed open the door for Hunter and Wrecker to hurry through, your body hanging weightlessly between their arms. “AZ, prep her and check her vitals.”
“Where’s Tech?” Hunter asked urgently as he placed you on the hospital bed.
“I don’t know. He should’ve been back by now.” Dalia said as she got a cooling blanket for you as AZ worked on stopping the bleeding before she gathered up the part of the cure that was already made up. She’d barely finished her sentence when Tech came sprinting through the door.
Tech stopped short when he saw the perilous state you were in but recovered quickly. He handed the final components over before he made to depart but stopped as he realised that his brother was making no move to do so.
“Hunter-” Tech tried to reach and take a hold of his arm, but Hunter shook him off.
Wrecker made to do the same but got the same result.  
“Hunter, you need to leave.” Dalia insisted as she busied about prepping the antidote whilst AZ continued doing what he could to stabilise you.
“I can’t.” He croaked; his voice barely audible as he stared at your practically lifeless body. He needed to know that you’d be okay, he couldn’t leave you like this.
“If you want her to live, you need to let me work and I can’t do that with you here.” Dalia said bluntly. She cared for all of them and hated seeing this happen but there wasn’t time to be gentle, you were barely hanging on and your health outweighed politeness.
Tech nodded to Wrecker to leave first before he turned his attention to his unmoving older brother. Tech understood Hunter’s reluctance and he too found himself not wanting to leave until he knew you were at least stable, but he was just about clear-headed enough to realise their presence was a hindrance. “Come on, Hunter.” Tech tried again and this time, Hunter let him take a hold of his upper arm to guide him out.
Hunter could barely move his feet- Tech was doing most of the work for him. He saw the concerned faces of his squad staring past him into the room but as he turned around to get one last look at you, the door shut.
The door shut on him but not before he heard it.
He heard the sound that was going to haunt him for the rest of his days. The low drone of the machine chilled his body to the bone and his knees collapsed out from under him. If it wasn’t for Wrecker’s firm grip on his shoulders, he would’ve just crumpled to the floor.  
Hunter wasn’t a medical expert, but he knew what a flatline sounded like.
What was complete devastation was soon replaced by raw, unbridled desperation. It swallowed him whole as he thrashed against Wrecker’s grip on him in his fight to re-enter that door.
“Hunter, stop, stop.” Omega managed to dart in front of him and take a hold of his hands. “You’ve done all you can. Fighting won’t help her or you.” She did her best to soothe him or at least get him to stop struggling against Wrecker’s hold.
The best Hunter could do was let her words and touch stop his insistence to get back to you, but he was practically hyperventilating. Cid had put them through a lot, but this had affected him in a different, more visceral way. The cruelty of everything she’d planned out and attempted to execute cut him to his core. “I did this.” He said in quiet horror and that admission opened the dam.
Once Hunter eased up, Wrecker released his hold, but he remained close by just in case. “This wasn’t your fault.”
Hunter lost all emotional control. “I should have stopped this!”
They’d all been anticipating this and knew Hunter needed them now. He’d kept it together for as long as he physically could but what they felt when they heard that flatline, he would be feeling ten times over.
“No, you couldn’t have. None of us knew what this was.” Tech reminded him.
Hunter’s panic and anger were leaving him unrestrained now. He couldn’t stop. “I watched her drink from that glass the night of the party, and I didn’t notice! I just watched it happen and did nothing! What good am I if my mutation can’t even protect the people around me!”
“It was impossible to trace. There was a reason your enhanced senses couldn’t detect this; it was inherently designed against them.” Tech emphasised.
He couldn’t handle the logic right now. It didn’t matter. All he knew was what had happened to get you here and what’d he’d failed to protect you from. “I was killing her, Tech! Every day I gave her that damn flask, forced her to take those injections and painkillers, I was killing her!”
“No. The poison was.” Echo interjected.
“Which I was only helping along! Cid might as well have hired me for the fucking job! She kept telling me that she didn’t want them but took them because she was doing it for me!”
“Hunter, you didn’t know.” Omega tried again but the clone only shook his head in harsh self-deprecating dismissal of her words.
“I should have! I-”
“And if you’re going to blame yourself for doing what you naturally thought was the only way to help her, then blame all of us because every single one of us did that.” Crosshair said bluntly but he was only speaking as frankly as he was because he knew his brother would never assign that blame to them and he needed Hunter to hear how ridiculous and pointless it was to put something like this on himself.
That felt like a punch to the gut, and it took the remaining fight out of him. But he welcomed it. The last thing he’d do would be and he could hear your voice in his head telling him to see the bigger picture here. “I know you’d never-” He broke off and tried again. “That wasn’t what I meant. I know it wasn’t your fault.”
“And it’s not yours.” Wrecker echoed again as he moved to now rest a solid, calming hand on his brother’s shoulder like he’d done in the months post the disaster of Ord Mantell.
Hunter took a deep, grounding breath, before he nodded to Wrecker to indicate that he wasn’t going to do anything foolish. He stayed standing whilst his family sat in the waiting area chairs.
Now, all they could do was wait.
Hunter was on step 864 when he ceased his nervous pacing a half second before the door finally opened.
The others all got out of their chairs once they “How is her condition?” Tech questioned the healer.
Dalia inhaled deeply. “She’s alive.”
Hunter couldn’t help but think there was a silent ‘for now’ that was in amongst Dalia’s tone. He’d been all too aware of what was happening behind that closed door. The announcement hardly brought him solace. There was only a slight easing to his churning stomach and frantic heartbeat as he waited for her to get to the crux of what she had to say.
“Can we see her?” Wrecker inquired.
Dalia hesitated before replying, “I would wait.”
“Why?” Crosshair asked warily.
“She flatlined three times but we got her back. However, she’s not awake yet.”
Hunter choked on a breath as she confirmed what he feared he’d heard again throughout the day.
“Not awake?” Echo repeated.  
“But she will wake up, right?” Omega asked anxiously. “You gave her the cure, so she’ll be okay, won’t she?”
Dalia slowly elaborated on what she meant, “It’s possible that with the toil the poison took on her and with the amount of strain on her body... well, I just don’t know if she’ll wake up. AZ and I going to monitor her for changes, but I’d suggest going home until you hear from me.”
“That’s not happening.” Hunter rasped, but there was no mistaking the intensity behind his words.
“Hunter-” Dalia started.
“We’re staying here.” Crosshair said, backing up Hunter’s statement with his brothers nodding their agreement too.
“I don’t know how long it’ll be before we know anything more.” Dalia said truthfully.
“We’ll wait.” Tech said firmly.
Seeing that she wasn’t going to change their minds, and she didn’t really expect to anyway, Dalia bowed her head. “Very well.” She said before she walked back into the room.
The hours ticked by painfully slowly.
Then the hours turned into the next day.
And the next.
Shep, Lyra and Phee had periodically come by both to check in and to bring food and blankets since it was obvious that none of them would leave until they knew your fate.
“Any updates, brown eyes?” Phee asked, laying a caring hand on Tech’s shoulder.
Tech rested his hand on top of hers. “It’s still touch and go.”
“And how’s he?” Lyra inquired with a nod in Hunter’s direction but all she got were a series of uneasy looks.
“As far as we’re aware, he hasn’t slept or eaten.” Echo said worriedly.
“Nothing? Can I bring something else? He should eat something.” Shep offered.
“We’ve tried. He won’t take anything.” Wrecker replied, voice rough with tiredness and emotion.
“I’ve got it.” Omega said as she came over and took two of the prepackaged meals.
“I brought you some food.” Omega said delicately as she approached Hunter who looked utterly exhausted.
“I’m not hungry.” Hunter said gruffly.
“Eat.” Omega ordered more insistently this time.
“Omega…” Hunter just shook his head.
“She’s going to make it. And you’ll need your strength to see her once she’s up. You know it’s true. So, eat.” She instructed again.
Hunter took the plate with a tired sigh and allowed the young girl to rest her head against his shoulder as the two of them ate and sat in the closest thing to relaxed silence he’d experienced since coming back.
Nightfall had arrived on the third day and there was still no word.
The others had all been in and out of restless naps as they waited.
The only thing keeping Hunter mildly calm was the young girl whose head was currently resting in his lap as she slept. Her soft, regular sleepy sighs allowed him some form of meditative relief as he sat there waiting for news. He adjusted the blanket as it slipped down her shoulders.
Another 15 minutes passed before Hunter heard signs of life making for the door. And his head snapped up as Dalia and AZ walked into the waiting area.
The rest of them instantly got to their feet.
Hunter gently roused Omega from his lap as they both stood, and he could hear his own anxious heartbeat in his ears.
Until now, AZ had been the one to give them sporadic updates. If Dalia was out here, that only meant one of two things…
“She’s awake.” Dalia said through a weary but delighted sigh.
Hunter braced his elbows against his knees. He covered his face with his hands and inhaled and exhaled shakily as he resisted the urge to release a relieved sob.
There was a collective breath realised as they all heard her say those words.
“Thank you, Dalia.” Hunter just about managed to say as the crushing weight of his stress and worries lifted from his shoulders, and he felt strangely disconnected from every other sensation in his body as he fully comprehended that you were safe… that you were alive.
“She’s asking for you.” Dalia said, squeezing his shoulder.
As Hunter steadily walked towards the door, some part of him felt like maybe this was all a cruel dream and he’d wake up back in that waiting area to find that you were gone. That thought soon vanished as he saw you gingerly sitting up in the hospital bed.
“Hey.” You said with a real but still weak and tired smile as you saw him standing there.  
A strangled yet elated noise left his lips as he heard you speak.
“Yeah, I know I don’t look too hot right now.” You said with faint tracings of humour. But as you fully took him in, you realised that wasn’t what you needed to do.  
He wasn’t ready for that yet. Everything to too fresh, too intense for him to let this become something to joke about. He caught sight of you old, bloodstained clothing and all the emotions he’d been suppressing came to a head. “I never should’ve left you.”
“You weren’t to know.” You said as you realised you didn’t need to put on that front you had been prepared to maintain. You allowed your voice to soften, and you relaxed further into the bed as you no longer felt the need to act like you could just jump out of the cot. “But you got me out and back here in time.”
“No, I didn’t.” Hunter said with self-directed frustration. “You died.”
Dalia had filled you in on what had happened, but you didn’t know the extent to which he’d been around for that but now your own tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you realised what he’d had to go through. You knew how you’d be if you’d been in his position and it was something you could hardly bare to imagine so, for him to have witnessed what he did, it was no wonder you could sense his fear tearing him apart. “Hunter-”
“It’s a rare thing for me to feel as helpless as I have these past weeks, especially on that ship departing Asusto. It was a new kind of terror. I’ve always known at least something to do, but I couldn’t do anything to help cure you. Taking care of Cid was the last thing I could do for you and for the safety of this family.” He inhaled shakily, “But then I had to watch the poison destroy you and I couldn’t do anything.” Tears were running down his face, but he didn’t care. “You knew you were going to die, you told me as much on the ship. You told me to live, to move on. I heard each flatline. I heard you get ripped away from me time and time again, and I couldn’t take it. Each time I thought you wouldn’t fight your way back, a part of me died out there and if Dalia had come out there to tell us you were gone, that part of me wouldn’t ever come back. I’d exist but I wouldn’t live. Don’t ask me to move on because I can’t, I love you with all I have. You’re the other half of me and if you are ever taken from me like that again, that half goes with you.” He finished with a breath that was half exhale, half sob.
You wiped away a few of your own tears at his words. “Come here.” You whispered as you reached for him- for your other half- and moved to the other side of the narrow cot. “And it’s not going to hurt me.” You added in reassurance since you knew that’s where his concerns would instantly go.
Hunter swallowed through the lump in his throat and finally moved towards you and shifted into the bed.
You kissed away the salty tears on his cheeks and rested his head on your chest. You felt a little pressure at the action, but it was nothing you couldn’t handle. “Hear that? I’m still here.”
Hunter closed his eyes as he listened to the thudding that emitted from your chest. It still wasn’t as strong as it usually was, but it was there, and it was steady and that’s what mattered.
You delicately stroked your hands through his hair as you rested there. You focused on his warmth, his weight on your chest, and you’d never felt more content. You felt your spark coming back with each breath and so long as he was still with you, everything else now would fall into place.
Upon hearing rising voices and footsteps, Hunter had just sat back down in the chair by your bedside, when Dalia re-entered with AZ whirring behind her.
“What the status?” You asked the healer as you also heard the faint sounds of protests behind the shut door.
“With you or the insistent group outside?”
You chuckled quietly, “Why don’t we start with me?”
“I want you to stay here for at least a week. We need to get you rehydrated and start reintroducing food into your system and I want to give you one more dose of the antidote to make sure all the poison is out of your body. Does that sound acceptable? Bearing in mind that I know how you are, but I will really only take one answer.”
You laughed at that, “Yes, that sounds good, Doc.”
“Now, there is a rather eager group of people out there and I don’t know how much longer they’re prepared to listen to me telling them not yet. Can-” She got cut off by the door opening.
“The answer was not very.” Echo said apologetically as they all entered.
“Oh, for goodness sake…” Dalia muttered.
“Five minutes?” You requested with delicate politeness.
“Okay, fine but I draw the line at the dog.” Dalia said with a roll of her eyes as Batcher went of her hind legs and placed her front paws on the bed by your feet.
Omega whistled and hustled Batcher out of the room before she rejoined her brothers.
“Five minutes.” Dalia reminded you as she and AZ made to give you privacy.
“Dalia, I don’t even know how to thank you. I-” You began to say as the healer walked away.
“Don’t waste your precious time now.” Dalia said but she bowed her head in acknowledgment of your words before she shut the door.
“And I also believe I owe you all a rather large thank you.” You said appreciatively.
“Don’t mention it.” Echo stated with a smile as he gave you a happy squeeze.
“Just don’t scare us like that again.” Wrecker implored as he took his turn.
“Trust me, that will not be something I am looking to re-experience.” You said agreeably.
“I should hope not.” Hunter muttered as he kept a tender yet secure hold of your free hand, his fingers finding a natural place resting on your pulse as a way to ground himself in this moment and remind himself that it was real.
Tech studied the screens next to you and tapped at his datapad. “Your condition has stabilised considerably. I would agree with Dalia’s recommendation for a course of-”
“Hey, no staring at my vitals or talking about my health until you give me hug.” You just about managed to hold your arm open expectantly but it was a rather pitiful attempt since you were still feeling pretty weak, but the resultant pathetic appearance probably aided your request.
“Very well.” Tech said through a sigh, but his brief embrace was heartfelt and warm.
“You know, if you wanted out of the engagement, there are easier ways to go about it.” Crosshair quipped as he came in last, but the relief was evident in his face.
“Ha ha.” You drawled sarcastically as you accepted his hug too.
“How are you feeling?” Omega asked and she placed her arms around you.
“Exhausted and still a little sore but alive which seems to be a bit of a surprise.” You said lightly.
“A bit?” Echo repeated with a shake of his head.
“Keeping you on your toes, Echo. That’s me.” You kidded.
There was a combined reaction of eyerolls and heads shaking in disbelief.
“And hey, we gotta find the silver-linings of this whole thing eventually. If you guys hadn’t left me that night, I wouldn’t have gotten the antidote. We’d never have figured it out.” You reminded them, absentmindedly stroking your thumb along the back of Hunter’s hand.
“I knew you were going to say that.” Hunter murmured, the tracings of a smile in his tone.
At that, you angled yourself to face Hunter once more. “I’m also really hoping you have something of mine?” You asked quietly as they all stood around the bottom of the bed.
Hunter kissed your forehead and finally allowed a proper smile as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring. “Do you want the speech again? Cause I have a few amendments.”
“Tell me tomorrow.” You said with a loving grin in his direction.
Hunter gently took your left-hand in his. “You know this is forever, right?” He murmured.
“I do.” You breathed in joyous relief as the ring slid back onto your finger.
Hunter pressed his forehead against yours in and nuzzled into the side of your face as he kissed your cheek.
All of you silently absorbed the moment that finally, finally your new lives could begin.
Next Oneshot (to be posted)>
Taglist: @noeasyisnoisy, @andreaaxy, @notgonnaedit, @moonychicky, @arctrooper69, @dizzy-9906, @nightmonkeysstuff , @allthingsimagines , @thegreymarveljedi , @jellybeanstacey0519 , @callsign-denmark , @superbookishhufflepuff , @qvnthesia , @justsomerandompersonintheworld
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mknae-jongho · 3 months
Special day
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Summary: It’s your husbands’ birthday meaning he’s off work today and you’ll have all the free time you want. Since it’s his birthday you want to do some special for him.Its a day he may never forget!!
𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 : established relationship, idolhusbandChoiSan, Wife!femreader,teasing, pet-names (jagiya, sweetie, sannie, baby), explicit content, blindfolding, praise, cunnilingus, fingering, love-making, rough sex, unprotected sex (Stay protected pls), cussing; banging against the wall and mattresses/bed squeaking, choking, spitting, manhandling, just a good fuck and tuck.
Ps:ITS SANNIE BIRTHDAY, my mann is growing on me👏🏽😭. Since it’s his birthday i wanna do a little something special for ya!! He is 25 omg, but anyways Happy birthday sannie.😘
J pov
—Hyung don’t you think it’s a little too early, it’s freaking 7:30 i’m the morning.— shaking your head as you continued to push the shopping cart. —Janae we have to be up early if we want the surprise to turn out how we want it y’know.— Hongjoong adding the birthday supplies into the cart.
—yeah but still, im still a little tired.— seeing that joongie payed you no mind you just got on your phone to pass time.
—Hey joong umm sannie just texted me.— you looked up to see him already looking at you before he walked towards. —What did he say?—Opening up your phone you showed him the message as you began typing.
You: yes baby?
Sannie🏔️: where are you? it’s early and i don’t see you here.
Looking at hongjoong for help as you don’t know what to say . —Don’t look at me.— shrugging his shoulders with his hands on either side. —Joongie what am i going to say ? technically it’s your fault.— He looked at you with one hand on his chest with a face expression of offense.
—Just tell him you’ll be there soon.—
—But what if..okay— as you do what you’re told but sannie just kept texting, which isn’t shocking.
Sannie🏔️: where are you tho it’s early.
You: Sannie pls baby, I’ll be there soon i’m otw i promise.
Sannie🏔️: Okay i guess.
—okay he stopped texting now.— you guys make it to check out to pay for everything, while you guys got settled into the car you called Wooyoung.
OTP: -woo?-
—janae where are you san is getting on my last nerves.—
—i’m so sorry woo, we’re planning a surprise party for san and i need you guys to get him out the house for a while;while we set up the party.Pls woo?—
—where do i take him?—
—Anywhere woo just get him away from home.—
—Okay i got you.—
—thank baby.—
-your welcome janae now hurry.—
With that the call ended. —Okay joong i got woo & the other guys to take san out so we can set things up at home.— hooking your phone up to the bluetooth.— Great because we’re bout 5 mins away.
—JOONG HURRY!— turning around giving you a side eye. —Don’t give me no side eye.— taking the cake out of the fridge, you placed the candles on top. —Janae go get ready ill finish this up.— taking the rest of the candles out your hands thanking him before heading towards you & sannie shared room.
J pov
After taking me a quick shower and putting on my lingerie i received a ft call from sannie.
—Fuck.— in panic mode i happened to find a robe nearby that i rushed to put on. Setting my phone up straightening my hair up a little bit i answered the phone.
Sannie🏔️:Took you a minute to answer.
You: yeah i’m sorry i just got out the shower.
Sannie🏔️: So.. does today seem special to you?
Knowing what he mean i pretended to act oblivious.
You: Umm no, i don’t think so.. is it supposed too?
Sannie🏔️: Jagiya? are you serious?
My baby look so sad rn i just wanna kiss him all over his face and tell him how sorry i am but i can’t! not rn.
You: What?
Sannie🏔️: You really did forget.
uh ohh..😬
You: What baby?
Sannie🏔️: Nvm, we’re otw i’ll see you when we’ve arrived i guess.
You: okay baby i love you.
Sannie🏔️: Mk.
With that being the last thing said, the call ended. San always says i love you back…unless he’s pissed😬…oops.
knocked back into your senses you see joongie walking towards your room.
—Hey they are right down the street did you find something to wear?— Standing up, you walked towards your closet to pick out a black bodysuit — Yeah just let me put it on.— Closing your closet door your hear joong yell from outside.—Come downstairs when you’re done.— you hear him leaving and the door closed behind him.
Rushed putting on my clothes i spray sannie fav perfume before running over to my full body mirror in the corner of the room to check myself out. Grabbing my phone i took a couple a pics to post before going down stairs.
—Okay i just got off the phone with hwa , they’re here.— He ran to cut off the lights while i hid behind the couch. Shortly after we’re both hidden, the boys walked through the door.
—woo did she really forget?— aww he sound so sad. —San i don’t know you’ll have to talk with her.— Joong gave me two taps on my thigh indicating to get ready. counting down from three in my head.
—SURPRISE!!— the lights flickered back on as the boys including hovering around him, But his eyes stayed contact with you as left to go get the cake.
While the members sat in the living room watching television and chatting with each other, you felt two arms hug around your waist with a head in between your neck. Turning around wrapping your arms around his neck you kiss him a couple times while his arms gets tighter around you. —I thought you forgot my birthday.— he mumbled into the kiss before pulling away.
-No baby i would never, i just didn’t wanna ruin the surprise we had planned for you.— placing a finger underneath his chin rilling him in for another kiss.
It continues for a while with his hands gripping your ass lifting one leg up placing his bulge on your covered cunt before grinding into you slowly while one hand is on your neck.
—okay baby that enough for rn.— pushing him back while he let out a little whine. —How about you go tell the boys that it’s time to eat?— he stared at you for a while before shaking his head in agreement stealing a kiss from you before runnin off to the boys.
J pov
i watched as he left to go over to the boys. he’s just so sweet and deserves so much love. Knocking myself out of my daze, i turned to get everything ready and put food and cake on each person plate.
—Baby the plates are ready.— i yelled while placing each plate on the table for everyone to grab. They came in all at the same time to get their food & they all gave their thanks.
San pov
—Mmh, this food is so good..— i watched as the members agreed with me, some even slapped their head back.
I saw as my jagiya left out the kitchen with her plate in her hand and walked towards the living room where we were.
—hey baby.— she pinched my cheek before sitting down on the couch behind me. —Hii.— she said looking down at me.
I got up to sit down beside her on the couch before leaning in the place a kiss on her lips.
—Ya’know baby, i thought you’ve forgotten about my birthday.— i told her with a pout. — Like i told you before, i would never san.— she grabbed my face and gave me a couple pecks.
Her lips is so addicting, i’ve got so caught up in the moment that i didn’t realize that the room have gotten so quiet until my jagiya pulled away.
—Finally, you guys go get a room.— Woo young yelled hitting me in the back of my head.
—who wants to play mario cart?— Mingi shouted wanted to change the subject.
The guys all agreed while i just sat there. I want one last thing for my birthday, i just gotta plan how to get it.
J pov
Watching the guys play mario cart as i’m patiently waiting for my turn, san left to go grab a blanket as he claim that he’s “cold”.
Leaning my head back onto the arm rest, san made his way back into the room and layed down on top on me while placing the blanket on top.
—San baby you’re heavy.— Wrapping your arms around his neck, you gently draw circles on his back.
He rises up slightly placing your legs around his waist as he placed his arms over your head. He lean down to kiss you softly with doing so, only soon turned heated —I want you. i just want you for my birthday.— he moaned softly with grinding on my cloth clit.
—babe the boys are around!— i whispered but loud enough for only him to hear .
—Let’s go to the bedroom baby pls, i need you. please.— he whined putting his head between my neck placing soft wet kisses.
—Umm guys, me & san are heading to bed goodnight.— i watched as the boys faces are confused but continued to play the game while i grabbed sannie, making our way to our shared bedroom.
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As we entered the room making sure the door is locked. San pushed you against the wall kissing you roughly.
—Fuck i need you janae.— he pulled back to remove his shirt and his pants only leaving on his boxers.—Come here baby girl.— You walked towards him as he sat on the edge of the bed waiting for you. He pulled you towards him softly before saying,—you look so good baby but i need you to take this off for me, hmm?— He gave your ass a soft squeeze before giving it a spank.
Backing away, you slowly remove your bodysuit and as you removed it, you saw san get up from the bed and walked behind you. You felt him grab your waist as you removed the bodysuit from your body, leaving you in your matching purple lingerie set you wanted to surprise him with.
—Sit on the bed sannie, i wanna give you something special tonight.— pushing him back onto the bed you walked towards your dresser pulling out a blindfold. Walking back towards him you got in his lap tying the blindfold around his head.
—Just relax and enjoy baby.— you push him back softly as he put his hands behind his head biting his bottom lip.
Your hands softly rubbed against his chest rubbing down to his stomach and then his v-line. You hear as his breathing became heavy and his hips grind up wanting to feel any friction.
—jagiya pls.— he removed one of his hands from behind his head to grab the waistband of his boxers tugging softly, licking his lips. Lifting your hips up you grabbed his boxers before dragging them down his legs. You climbed back on top of him seeing his reddened tip as it dripped precum.
Grabbing his dick, you slowly moved your hand upward and downwards seeing as he twitched in your hand. You stick your tongue out, softly licking the tip swallowing the precum before closing your mouth around his tip sucking softly moaning against it from the taste.
—Fuck jagiya,— he groaned putting one hand in your hair making a ponytail form before pushing your head down softly. — go lower baby.— he told you in a low tone which sent chills down your spine onto your dripping core.
Doing as you’re told, you began to go lower and lower until all of him is in your mouth. —mmhhh, feels so good baby, fuck keep sucking.— his grip on your hair tighten as he legs started shaking a little.
—Daddy’s gonna come soon. Fuckkkk babygirl.— he held your head still as he began thrusting up going deep down your throat. Hearing you gagging is bringing him on edge as his moans getting louder. Shortly after, you felt his hot steamy cum run down your throat as you started drinking his cum.
Taking the blindfold off of him, you climbed back into his lap before locking your lips onto his as he griped your waist tearing your underwear off. He lined his tip at your entrance as grabbed your throat with his free hand.
Entering slowly for you to adjust to his size, he made eye contact with you before speaking. —Gonna fuck you so good jagiya all you’re gonna remember is my name.— He said against your lips. Catching you off guard he suddenly thrust deep inside your core leaving an expression on your face making him smirk.
—Fuck sannie.— You moaned softly as you grabbed his bicep to hold onto something from the extreme pleasure. He gripped your hips harshly fucking into you hard before giving you a couple of harsh spanks. His grip still on your neck he pulled you towards him to locking your lips together before biting and sucking onto your bottom lip.
—You like that, hmm? Feels good baby?— kiss you softly. —Yess sannie, fuck you fucking me so good babyy, omggg.— moaning loudly as he flipped you over leaving him to be on top. —Who do you belong to? hmm?— Seeing as your moaning loudly and can’t speak correctly, He thrust into you harshly bringing you back onto earth before asking again.
—Answer me sweetie.— Giving you another harsh thrust, he gripped your chin lifting your head up to looking at him biting his lip. Giving you another hard thrust, your eyes closed and rolled to the back of your head as you began to scratch his back mouth hanging open.
—Who do you belong to hmm?— he began fucking you at a fast pace while still gripping your chin shaking your face a little to bring you back. He spat in your face and your mouth slapping you slightly. He grabbed your legs closing them to place them on your chest leaning forward to hit deeper inside you. You both moaned louder from the position
—jagiya,— gripping your hair harshly while giving your ass a hard spank. —I’ll ask again hmm?—spanking you again as his pace sped up making the bed squeaky and bang against the wall multiple times. —who.do.you.belong.too? hmm? hmm jagiya?— he place a hand on your stomach and press against it softly and felt his bulge in your stomach.
—i belong to you sannie, fuckkkk i belong to you. I can’t take it baby, slow do— Your cut off by him going faster inside you.
—i’m gonna cum babygirl.— he slowed down but his thrust is still hard. he spread your legs a little to place his thumb onto your clit rubbing in small circles. You moaned loudly as you felt your stomach tightened up and your legs shook.—fuck cum for me baby. i know you want too.— You went over edge and came all over san and your stomach, your juices rolled onto the bed as your legs shook fiercely before san pulled out as you moan loudly from the emptiness.
He went down on you spreading your legs wider before sticking his tongue out licking your clit softly. Your legs shake from overstimulation as he looked up at you watching your expressions before suddenly sucking harshly.
Your legs closed around his head tightly but soon was forced open. he began eating you out, licking, sucking, whatever he knew that made you feel good. You felt like you were going to explode from too much pleasure. moving your hand down you pushing his head away from you as your slowly climbed up.He sat up a little dragging you down by your thighs before placing his head back between your legs. your hands still moving to push him off as your moaning loudly. He suck harshly making you grip his hair hard.
He grabbed your wrist holding them against your stomach while still sucking. Feeling the mixer and pain and pleasure, you put your feet on his shoulders kicking back softly. Going nowhere he still sucking on your clit harshly before removing his head. A string on drool still connected ,he held your wrist with one hand to free one of his hands and placed two of his fingers at your entrance.
You looked down at him with your hair messy and your body sweaty, you see him looking at you before entering his fingers inside you gunning in and out. He smirked up at you while speeding his pace up. —Look at you jagiya, you look a mess. You’re taking what daddy’s giving you so well.— while fingering you, he attached his lip back on your clit licking and sucking. Sped his pace up, the room became quiet with nothing heard but the squelching noise that’s between your legs and the sucking and slurping noise from san.
Moaning loudly your legs shook harshly as you squirt over his face. Still fingering you through your climax. He looked back up at you before pulling his fingers out giving you a spank on the cheek. He leaned up to place his lips onto yours slipping his tongue into your mouth. placing his hand on your throat squeezing softly as he grinding onto you making you moan, he looked into your eyes before saying,— i’m not done with you yet baby, but your doing do well for me don’t ya think? hmm?— moving your hair from your sweaty face.— we’re almost done baby m’kay.—
Pecking your lips softly he grabbed your arm harshly before turning you onto your stomach. Slapping your ass a couple of times before grabbing your hips lifting you up. He spread your legs leaning down to kiss and lick your clit a couple of times gripping your ass. Leaning up he lined his tip up at your entrance before thrusting in harshly. Holding on to the sheets you moan loudly in a trance while he gripped your hips going faster.
—fuck baby, you feel so fucking good. just wanna fuck this pussy all day hmm.— one of his hands reached forward to grab your neck while the other one pulled your hair which made your head lean back and your back arched deeply. your hands reached up in the air unable to grab anything while tears run down your face and drool falling from your face.
— haha, if only you could see yourself jagiya, what a mess you are on my dick baby. Fucking you so good baby, what’s my name hmm?— thrust into you harder and faster your toes began to curl up as your eyes rolled back into the back of your head as your yelled san name out loud sounding like a trance. —fuck i’m gonna come babygirl. are you gonna come with daddy baby? hmm? like a good girl your gonna come for daddy?— speeding up his pace he put his index finger and his middle finger in your mouth making you choke on it.
Your juice squirts out and you’re getting closer and closer. San spanks your ass again harshly and placed his hand in the middle of your back pushing you down to go deeper. His cock began twitching inside of you as he leaned forward laying his chest on your back so your chest on laying on the bed. He thrust into you harshly as he put his hand over your mouth to hush you. He started making marks in your neck and your back leaving hickeys.
He grabbed your hair with the same hand that was over your mouth and pulled your head back before connecting your lips leaving sloppy kisses while still thrusting into you. —i’m cumming, im cumming baby fuckkkkk. IM CUMMING.— he stopped his paced as he shot his hot load into you as his legs shook. you both moaning together while he held you tight grinding a little to empty himself slowly pulling out laying beside you as you both breathe heavily.
—Happy birthday sannie.— wrapping your arm across his chest leaning up to place a soft kiss on his lips which he softly returned. Having a soft and sweet make out for a while he pulled back slightly before saying, — Thanks jagiya, i’ve gotten the best gift i could ask for, from my beautiful wife.
You both lied there in a comfortable silence before getting up grabbing his hand softly. — Let’s go get cleaned up baby.— He follows behind you with his hands around your waist as his head in your neck placing soft light kisses as you made it inside your bathroom bending down to cut your shower water on. You felt something hard against your ass as you felt him grind softly.
—Really sannie?.— reaching up to slap him softly against his chest. —Sorry jagiya, you’re just so hard to resist.— kissing your neck walking back until you’re bout under the shower head.
—I love you jagiya.—
—i love you too.—
—it’s a special day hmm?—
Yes it is…The End
A/N:Im sorry for any mistakes that are made while writing. If there are anything that’s misspelled i’m sorry forgive me😭. I’m a little late on posting this for my husband’s birthday but i’m posting it now.👏🏽👏🏽
Happy birthday sannie🏔️💕.
𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖟 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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freak4hamzah · 4 months
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・Safe Travels, pt. 1
bf!hamzah x fem reader
scene: You have been visiting your home country alone for a month, and you´re meeting Hamzah at the Canadian airport to catch the next flight to Curaçao!
a/n: First time doing a one-shot arhh, its kinda messy but bear with me pleasee + to all my native Canadian readers yall gotta pretend to have a different home country or smt my bad
tw: one sexual joke,,, not nsfw but pls be 18+
Part 2 coming soon
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ after landing..
I exited the plane after an 8-hour flight back to Canada after a month of visiting family at home. I’m meeting my boyfriend and my friends at the airport, and we are leaving straight to a weekend trip to Curaçao. That's an 8-hour flight from home PLUS a 10-hour flight from Canada in less than 24 hours.
I send a message to Hamzah to inform him that I landed safely while leaving the plane, and as soon as I exit the jetway I hear Hamzah calling my name and I look up to find him smiling at me. I grin and carefully jog up to him trying not to spill the opened can of diet coke in my hand. He was wearing a red beanie, black sweatpants, and one of the few hoodies of his that I hadn’t yet stolen from him with his headphones placed around his neck. He brings me into a hug and I stay in his embrace for a sweet while until he kisses my head.
“Finally.. you look so pretty” he said while flashing a genuine smile and looking down at my outfit.
“So do you baby, where are the others?” i ask and he takes both my hands,
“I told them to watch our luggage in the lounge so I could get some alone time with you before the flight” he answered while looking into my eyes, not realizing himself how cute that sounds. He kisses me and motions for me to let him carry my bag, which I gladly do.
“Are you hungry?”
“Starving.” He holds my hand and we walk to the gate to grab a quick bite. We sit down using this opportunity to catch up, even tho we have spoken over the phone every day for the past month.
We stroll around the tax-free for a while until ultimately deciding to meet the others in the lounge and finally board the plane.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷boarding the plane..
I boarded the plane for the second time that day with Hamzah following right behind me with all our luggage. He places his backpack in the overboard while I get seated in the window seat.
“Do you want me to place your bag too, babe?” he offers while looking at me for an answer
“No, it’s fine ill have it under the seat in front of me so it’s easily accessible” I reply giving him a tired smile. He takes my bag and gets seated beside me and places it under the seat in front of him.
“Your legs are longer than mine, I’ll have it in front of mine so it wont get uncomfortable for you” I say reaching for the bag until his hand stops me.
“Let me give you the princess treatment you deserve y/nnn, I haven’t been able to for so longgg” he begs with a frown on his face. I flash him a defeated face as I let go of my bag, too tired to quarrel with him.
The plane takes off and lean my head on Hamzah's shoulder, feeling myself doze off...
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dominimoonbeam · 4 months
Another mugging fic!
tw: mugging, light angst, friendship developing, pack feels, pack dynamics
They hadn’t called him.
He’d gotten a call from the Department about an incident with one of his pack. He’d rolled his eyes at first and nodded, waiting for another report about some conflict Darlin or Chrissy had gotten into. It wasn’t that the others weren’t possibilities, it was just that Milo would have told him before the Department and Asher was out of town.
But then they dropped a name he’d never heard the Department mention to him before, not since he confirmed them being in his pack. His heart squeezed in his chest. Mugged? What the fuck did they mean mugged?
“Where are they?” He was already out the door, keys in hand.
“Oh, um. It looks like they checked themself out of the hospital after making a statement to the unempowered authorities… It doesn’t look like they broke covert although the report does suggest the assailant was empowered…”
David felt sick, teeth too long and hand shaking around his keys. It was too much information at once, all tossed out carelessly by this desk clerk on the phone like none of it even mattered. Hospital. They had been taken to the hospital? What the fuck had happened? And who had mugged them? And why, in the hell, did this asshole think David gave any fucks about covert?
“How injured were they?” he interrupted. They’d been taken to a hospital, but they seem to have left on their own. David wanted to find comfort in that detail but he couldn’t, because he knew for a fact that Babe could and would push through pain and illness. They would sooner walk home with a broken leg than ask someone for help and risk being a burden.
Fuck! Now he was worried they were walking around on a broken leg.
“Um… It looks like they were treated for some cuts and scrapes. There’s a note about a possible concussion but the doctor didn’t seem overly worried.” And the empowered clerk on the phone didn’t sound worried either.
“And scrapes.”
David ground his teeth. “What makes you say the assailant was probably empowered?”
“Oh. There’s a note about them being bitten. They kept their story pretty vague though,” he sounded pleased and then huffed a smile. “The unempowered doctors gave them antibiotics in case of an infection.”
David hung up. He had to. If he didn’t, he would somehow kill this person through the phone. He immediately dialed another number, sliding into the driver’s seat of his truck. He put the phone on the dash and started the engine. It didn’t take Milo long to answer. “Boss?”
David hesitated just when he was about to speak. Babe was pack but they were human and they were so private.
“David?” Milo was louder, closer to his phone and focused with concern.
“I’m going to need your help, but I need you and Stealth to keep it quite.” It never even occurred to him to ask Milo to keep anything from his partner.
“There was an incident with Babe. I’m headed to their apartment now. I need you to find out everything you can from the department.” He took a turn and pulled into an alley beside their building, not caring if he was in a loading zone.
“Yeah. On it. Are they okay?”
“I don’t know,” he said without thinking and froze just as he was getting out of his truck.
He didn’t know.
His instincts raged, his wolf rolling under his skin. He didn’t know. A member of his pack—the most important person in the world to his best friend—and he had no idea.
“I’ll get back to you.” He hung up and used Asher’s spare key to get into the building. He couldn’t wait for the lift, taking the stairs two at a time. It wasn’t until he was in the hall that he knew something was wrong, something other than everything else wrong, but he couldn’t put his finger on it until he was at their apartment door.
He knocked, but already his stomach was twisting because his senses told him they weren’t there. Not only was their apartment empty, but their scent was so faint in the hallway that he knew they hadn’t been there in hours, probably not since they left for work that morning, definitely not with any cuts.
His skin crawled and he wanted to growl and whine at the same time. He needed to see them. He needed to know how bad this was and do everything he could to fix it.
He scrolled his phone numbers and tried to call them. It went immediately to voicemail.
“Fuck,” he pushed the heel of his palm against his temple. Did they even have their phone? Where would they be?
He could have the pack find them. If they fanned out, they’d have them in no time. But then he would be making this moment, this day—their day—pack public. And he didn’t know yet if that was okay with them.
Asher hadn’t called him yet. Which meant, either they were on the phone with him right now, or he didn’t know yet.
David needed eyes on Babe. He needed to be able to tell Asher he was looking at them and that they were okay, or he would lose his mind.
He tried to think up places Babe would go on his way down the stairs.
Where would he go if he was unempowered and recently attacked by a vampire? They’d called it a mugging. Had the biter really robbed them? He flipped his keys against his palm but stopped one step toward his car. The hospital wasn’t far from here. Even on foot, even slowed by injury, they would have been there by now. So, if they didn’t go home, where did they go?
He called Angel to ask if Babe had come to their place. No. Angel had questions, but David promised to explain soon and they promised to call if they heard from Babe until then.
His phone rang almost as soon as he hung up.
David answered.
“Are they okay?”
“I don’t know,” he ground out again. “They aren’t at their apartment.”
David looked up and down the street. It was getting dark. “Was their phone stolen?”
“No. It was broken. They were on their way home from work, just got off the subway—”
David pivoted, looking in the direction of their stop.
“In their statement to the cops, they called their attacker a biter at first—said he cornered them before they could get out of the underground station and took their jacket and their bag. They didn’t have any money or cards on them so they must have left the hospital on foot. They can’t have gotten far.”
“Did they have their keys?” David started walking toward the subway station.
Milo was moving on his side too. “It didn’t sound like it.”
If David was in Babe’s shoes, he would just want to go home. He would want to be in his own space with the door locked. But if they didn’t have their keys, they couldn’t get home. They could, of course, call him. He had the spare. But he wasn’t sure they would even if they had their phone.
He descended the steps into the subway.
“I can start at the hospital and track them.”
“Are you at the hospital now?”
“I’m on my way.”
“Good.” David hung up just as the call would have cut out anyway. The air was colder underground, the lights yellow and the hallways echoing with the hum of a passing train. The afterwork crowd had thinned out and it wasn’t quite late enough for the party crowds.
He hopped the entrance and shivered when he inhaled their scent.
He wasn’t sure he’d be able to explain how relieved he felt when he saw them standing there on the platform. They looked awful. Their pants were dirty and their shirt bloodstained and torn. He’d never seen them even mussed let alone a complete mess before. One hand clutched at the bandage around their wrist, squeezing as they frowned and stared, seeming to scrutinize the tracks.
For one horrific second he thought they were going to jump. They kept cutting glances up and down the tracks and shifting their weight where they stood at the edge.
They jumped and spun around too fast.
He closed the distance and caught their hands in both of his to tug them that one step forward, away from the edge.
They stared up at him, one eye blood-red where it should be white and their cheekbone bruised in dark purple clouds. Their jaw was scraped up like they’d landed on the ground, matching their scabbed palms in his hands. “What are you doing?” David asked, trying so hard to keep his voice low and soft—trying not to growl or yell because of the fear that had built in his chest from the moment he heard their name on that call.
“Oh,” they exhaled and their shoulders dropped. They looked down at themself and flushed. “Sorry. It’s been a bad night. I was mugged but it’s fine.”
They didn’t know he knew about that. “It doesn’t look fine.”
They turned toward the tracks again. “I kicked my keys when he went for them and they went down there… If he got my keys he could be at my place and if he didn’t, well, I need them.” Their voice was tinny, carefully logical but fragile in that desperation.
David nodded, still holding onto their hands and very gently drawing them another step away from the tracks. “I’ll look.”
Babe exhaled hard and shook their head, wincing at a pain in their body and stopping short in the gesture. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll find them. You’ve probably got someplace to be.”
David stared at them. Was it shock or did they really think he was just passing by? He folded their hands inside of his. This was the first time he’d ever touched Babe. Pack was very physical but David had never been good at building those relationships. With other wolves, it was easier. It was simpler. With the non-shifters in the pack, it had always been so much harder. He knew now that he’d made a mistake when he thought that was okay—that he didn’t need to build on those bonds as well. Babe was looking at him like a work associate being nice to them on a rough day. It was polite but unexpected and certainly unnecessary. They expected nothing from him.
“I don’t have anywhere to be. I came here looking for you,” he said, their hand spasming in his.
They looked down at their joined hands for the first time, as if just now registering the contact. And then their eyes widened and their face shot up to seek his gaze again. Their words rushed out of them. “I didn’t break covert.”
It was a gut punch.
They pulled their hands out of his and took a step back, chin pressing high as they tried to stand taller. “I would have let you know after… After I got home. I just…” They looked over their shoulder at the tracks and their lost keys again, frowning.
David nodded. First problem first. He could do that.
He stepped around them and up to the edge of the platform, eyeing the shadows until he spotted the bundle of keys on a ring. He jumped down.
“Be careful!” Babe rushed to the edge.
David could hear the trains and knew exactly how long he had. He snagged the keys, pocketed them, and jumped back up onto the platform. He was just turning them toward the exit when Milo came down the steps, slowing and stopping at the sight of them.
“Hey,” he said to Babe, gaze flicking over the state of them.
David heard the way the other wolf’s pulse quickened, the edges of rage tucked behind his teeth.
Babe sighed, shoulders drooping as they started up the stairs. “I guess this is a thing now.”
Milo frowned and turned to follow them. “How was this not going to be?”
David shot him a warning look but Babe didn’t wither under the badgering tone. They sighed again, a little groan of annoyance now. They were slow on the steps but neither shifter was going to rush them.
“I mean, I figured I could go home and clean up before it had to be public knowledge that I got mugged. Asher is going to be—” They stopped and swung around.
Both shifters stopped, arms out to stabilize them if they were falling over.
“Does he know? He’s going to panic and think I died.”
David blinked at the rush of words. He shook his head. “Not yet. I wanted to talk to you first.” He really just wanted to see them—to be able to tell his best friend that they were in one piece and breathing.
Babe sagged in relief, nodding, almost slumping into the railing with the weight of it. “Good. Good. Just, let me clean up and I’ll video call him. That’ll be better.”
David wasn’t sure it would be, but he nodded.
Babe started the upward march again. David had never realized how many fucking steps their were until he watched this human drag themself up each one. He could swear he could hear Milo’s teeth grinding on the effort not to pick them up—the same as his.
“Do you know who it was?” David asked, trying to distract all of them while getting a little information.
“The biter,” Milo helped.
Babe jerked a little, free hand flying to the bandage on their wrist. “I’m not going to turn am I?”
Milo laughed.
David groaned. “No. Asher really needs to take you to those classes…”
They exhaled tired relief. “Never saw him before. He cornered me and tossed me around. Bit my wrist and then laughed. He wanted my stuff, my phone, my keys, and my wallet.” They swallowed, looking up at the last stretch of steps.
David squeezed his fists until his fingers popped to resist scooping them up.
They continued to walk. “But my phone was busted from his initial attack and the keys I’d kicked. The next train was coming in. He took all my cards though and said…” Babe stopped then they reached the sidewalk atop the steps. They took a deep breath.
“Said what?” David asked.
They opened their eyes and looked at him, not seeming to know what he was talking about at first.
“What did the vampire say?”
A shudder rocked them when they remembered and it was like watching a person remember to be afraid. “Oh.”
They looked up the street toward their building. “He said he’d see me later.”
Milo growled low in his chest and David felt relieved at the sound if only because it was the echo of the one he was holding back.
Babe looked at them both. “He didn’t mean it though, right? I mean, that’s just something someone would say to scare. There’s no reason for him to bother with me again.”
David frowned. “You don’t need to worry about it.”
Babe nodded like he was agreeing with them, relieved and started down the sidewalk.
David tipped his head toward Milo, who hadn’t moved a muscle. “Find him,” David growled. “Get Darlin to help you and hunt him down. I want him in pieces in a box by morning.”
Milo nodded once and was gone.
David joined Babe, close at their side but not quite touching, always ready to catch them or buffer anyone else out of their way. It was one of the longest walks of his life but they both sagged in relief when they reached their apartment door. For a second Babe thought they’d lost their keys again, until David pulled them from his pocket and unlocked the door.
“You don’t have to stay,” they said when they were inside.
He shut and locked the door. The lock was just for them. Nothing was getting past him.
Babe let out a little laugh. “I’m going to clean up, okay? I’ll call Ash after that. Just… Just wait, okay?”
David nodded and stayed in the living room when they headed down the hall to their bathroom.
He kept his senses focused on their breathing, hearing it even through the shut door and the spray of the shower. It took everything he had not to move when they started crying. They needed that moment alone and he wasn’t going to take it from them. He was going to pretend he hadn’t listened, even if he was, even if he had to just in case they passed out.
He texted Angel to let them know that he had found Babe, everything was okay, but he’d be over at Asher and Babe’s for a while.
Babe tried not to cry. Really they did. It was stupid. It wouldn’t help anything. Oh god but it had been such a bad night. They’d been so scared and then so embarrassed and now they were a mess and they��d have to call Asher and he’d feel terrible and the whole pack knew and it was going to be a big deal and how could they even convince anyone it wasn’t when their face looked like that!
They stripped down and bunched all their clothes into a tight ball, cramming them down into the trash and then tying off the plastic bag and throwing it into the corner. They felt like a mess. They felt out of control and like everyone was looking. It made their skin hurt.
They showered, trying not to wallow and take too long because they knew David would still be out there. Poor guy was stuck having to sit in their living room, thinking they were falling apart. If they could show him they were fine he’d probably feel okay to leave.
They cried some more in the shower, hoping to get the last of it out. They cleaned up, dressed in some soft sweats and a hoodie with long sleeves. Their palms throbbed, the scrapes deep and matching the ones on their jaw. It was going to look even worse tomorrow. And their eye… they could barely look at it, the white gone red.
When it was as good as it was going to get, they marched back down the hall to their living room. David wasn’t there. Their heart lurched but just as soon as they’d started to panic that they were all alone, they found him in the kitchen. He had the fridge open but had stopped to stare back at them. “I forgot that living with Ash, there’s never any leftovers.”
They exhaled, letting some of the strain in their chest go with that breath. “Yeah. I can make you—”
He shot them a look that was between outrage and shock. “I’ll make us something. What do you want?”
“Oh. You don’t have to.”
“French toast, right?”
Babe stared at him, the sleeves of Asher’s hoodie bunched up in their palms, pressing into those scrapes. “What?”
“When we do pack get togethers overnight and make waffles or pancakes in the morning… Ash always asks for French toast,” he said as he pulled the eggs and milk out and then found a loaf of bread. “He never used to ask for French toast. He has a whole thing about pancakes being superior to all other breakfast options. He started asking for French toast when you joined.”
Babe felt heat rush their face and something ease in their heart. They sank into one of the bar stools at the kitchen counter, nodding. “Yeah.” They loved French toast.
David nodded and then took out of phone and waved it over his shoulder. “Do you want to call or do you want me to?”
Tears stung their eyes. It was stupid. Everything was fine and they just needed to let Ash know that.
They held out their hand and David passed them the phone.
It wasn’t hard to find his number and it only rang a couple times before that voice they’d been missing so much picked up.
“Hey buddy. What’s up?” Asher sing-songed, thinking it was David calling.
He was on some trip to meet and get to know other packs on the continent, a gathering out in the wilderness to build relationships. Baby sighed.
The levity was gone from his voice. “Babe? What are you doing on David’s phone?”
How the hell were they supposed to say this? “Everything is okay. Everyone is okay. I just… My phone is broken.” True but not all of it. They closed their eyes. “I got mugged in the subway and my phone got broken. David had to walk me home.” Nope, not quite. “There was a police report and I had to go to the hospital, but I’m okay and I didn’t break covert or anything.”
The pause seemed long even if it was only seconds. “Oh Baabe,” he said so gently that their heart melted. “I’m so sorry. You’re sure you’re okay? That must have been so scary.”
They exhaled so much relief, dropping their head forward onto their folded arm on the counter. Thank god he hadn’t freaked out. They weren’t sure they could handle that right now. They just wanted normal. “It was but I’m okay.”
“You’re home now?”
They nodded and then remembered they had to actually say it. “Yeah.”
“You’re so fucking tough, Baabe. I’ll be there in the morning.”
They sat up, dragging a breath. “You don’t have to—”
“You know I’m coming home. Really, you’re giving me an excuse to do exactly what I want, which is to come back to you. So just hang tight, okay? Order delivery or something, sleep in, and I’ll be there when you wake up, okay?”
Babe hummed something close to a yes.
“David’s there?”
“Can I talk to him? I’ll be home soon, okay? I love you so much, Baabe.”
“I love you too,” they said and then held out the phone.
David took it and held it to his ear.
David turned back toward the eggs.
“Who?” There was no smile or light-heartedness to Asher’s voice now.
“Milo’s on it.”
“How bad is it?”
“Not bad.” He couldn’t give him details without Babe overhearing. “I’ll text you.”
“Broken bones?”
“No,” he was fast to answer that.
Asher growled.
“Milo’s on it,” David reminded. “I’ll have it for you when you get here.”
“David…” Asher started, human voice shuddering with the effort to stay in that form when probably his whole wolf was trying to shift out and run.
“Anything,” he said.
“Just… stay with them until I get there? They’re tough but…”
David nodded. He’d never intended to go anywhere. “We’re making French toast. We’ll be here when you get back to town.”
Asher grunted and hung up. It wasn’t like him to be short on words but David understood.
Babe had their head in their arms again. “You don’t have to stay,” they said as soon as he started cracking eggs. “I’m probably just going to sleep.”
“Great. Then I can pick what we’re watching.”
Babe lifted their head and looked at him before relenting with a nod. “Sure. You’re a good friend. Asher’s lucky to have you,” they said, voice quiet with the soft compliment.
It made his chest swell but his brow pinch. “You’re pack, Babe. Yes, you’re Asher’s mate, but you’re also pack.” He sighed. “You should have called me from the hospital, not because this was some sort of trouble you needed to report but because you needed help.”
“I didn’t.”
“You could have used help,” he reworded for them and felt the echo of his words in words spoken to him by Asher in the past. “You could have called any of us. You don’t have to call me if you don’t want to, but Milo or—”
“My phone was broken.”
“There are phones in the hospital. You know you could have called… and I know why you didn’t. But you don’t need to need us to call us. It’s okay to just want us to show up.”
They pressed their lips, thinking about it.
He cracked another egg. “And stop worrying about covert.”
They looked up. “But you worry about covert—”
“Yeah. It’s my job to worry about it on behalf of the pack. You don’t need to give a shit about it. When someone hurts you, all bets are off, and I will handle everything else.”
Babe blinked at him and then finally asked. “The vampire isn’t going to come back for me, is he?”
David huffed, looking for the cinnamon on the shelf. “No. You don’t ever need to worry about that.”
Babe sighed and nodded. “Thanks.”
“Any time.”
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