#if it flops we'll pretend it didn't happen thanks!!!
Friendly Encouragement
A/N @darklydeliciousdesires thank you for introducing me to this man. So writing this took like six turns, and it's now become a multi-part childhood best friends-to-lover anthology; this is part one. My confidence is still pretty trash, especially because this is a new fandom/character so I'm not all that happy with this even with the seven rewrites.
Contains: Fluff, supportive Sean, childhood best friends to lover, mild smut.
1.7 K words
After getting some help from Sean, there ends up being some revelations.
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The daylight was well and truly gone, and Sean had been pouring over your rejected grant proposal for hours, trying to figure out why it hadn't made the cut.
He lifted his head off his hand, looked away from the paper and shook himself awake before throwing the folder onto the ground and turning to you with his jaw clenched. "I don't get it, love, it's flawless."
You shrugged. "It's also apparently too client focused. Too much about helping people and not enough about the bottom line."
He rolled his eyes, clearly ready to rant about what the heads of charities really got up to, before he stopped himself. "You're going to go back in there tomorrow and demand he reconsider."
You looked at him for a moment, hoping you'd heard him right. "Yeah, that's not going to happen, I don't even know where to start. I'd go to the CEO, but she's travelling, and he'll get ahead of it before I even try."
He was off the couch like a rocket, marching over to you with a determined look set on his face. "Then we'll practice."
He wrapped his strong hand around your upper arm and dragged you to his home office, letting you go a few feet from his desk before sitting down. "Pretend I'm this finance arsehole, we'll work through it together."
You wanted to protest, to tell him he was being silly, but the look on his face told you that you wouldn't be leaving the room until you did what he asked.
You sighed and threw your hands up. "Fine, but I don't see how this is going to help. I am capable of getting things done, it's just him."
He almost looked offended. "I know that, I've known that since you called Mr Bollen a pompous baboon in the fourth grade."
He paused and smiled softly, that disarming smile you had seen him use so many times before. "Think of me as an empty space, I'm not going to do anything other than sit here so you can bounce your ideas around."
You huffed. "Fine."
You left the room and closed the door, taking a deep breath before knocking twice. "Come in."
You walked in, head held high and back straight like you did that morning, and met Sean's eye, his serious look preventing you from laughing. "Mr. Campbell, I think you should reconsider my grant. The numbers page on page six made it clear that it's doable and…"
Your thoughts left you, and you flopped down onto one of the office chairs. "This isn't going to work."
Sean wasn't put off and reached across the table to grab your hand. "He's not the first pig you've had to deal with, he won't be the last. Now what's tripping you up?"
Sean had a knack for getting information out of people, so there was no point in lying, you just had to say it carefully so no one ended up dead.
It wasn't really that hard to relent with the way he was looking at you, his face neutral but his eyes full of twinkling affection that almost looked more than friendly, it made your heart flutter. "I'm pretty sure I lost the grant because I refused to go to the luncheon. I didn't think the money that could be going to the program should be spent on drinks."
You saw the fleeting glimmer of anger in his sea blue eyes, but it was gone in a flash, and you continued. "This isn't the sixties. He gave the grant to one of his drinking buddies, and it's not going to help anyone, and I can't do this because if I'm alone in a room with that prick, I'm going to hit him."
Sean chuckled and patted your hand lovingly. "Ah, love, you might not want to hear this, but you need to sink to his level." Your eyes went wide, and you stuttered about being unable to do that, but he cut you off. "I'm not talking about blackmail, just let him know that all it would take for him to lose his job is an off hand comment in the lift while the CEO is there."
You sighed, he was right, as always. He took in your look of resignation with a smile and waved his hand. "Well then, up you get. Once we can get through this without that bleeding heart of yours balking, I'll order in from your favourite restaurant."
You raised your eyebrows and shook your head. "Bribery, Sean, really?"
He still hadn't let so of your hand, and his thumb rubbed your skin affectionately. "Only the best for my favourite girl."
You were still riding the high of how well it all went when you showed up at Sean's. There was no point in knocking; the Wallace house was your second home, and you practically lived there. You waved to Mrs Wallace as you walked by the kitchen, and she gestured towards Sean's room to let you know where he was.
You rapped on the door, and his voice floated through the wood. "Come in." He grinned when he laid eyes on you and popped up from his small desk to greet you. "You're smiling, so it went well. Tell me everything."
It all came out in an excited flurry, going between telling him what had happened and explaining how the head of finance had squirmed like a coward the more you spoke. Sean's grin only grew until he was close to laughing, accepting your thanks graciously as you wrapped your arms around him.
He could feel your excitement as you spoke and he couldn't find it in himself to let you go as you finally slowed down and it became his turn to speak. "I'm very proud of you y/n." He paused, wondering if the tone of the hug was really changing or if he was just imagining it, but he took his chance anyway. "And it is I that should be thanking you, the way you have handled the last year has been admirable."
He didn't know how to put the rest of his thoughts into words, that you were all he thought of when he was away, that despite being back at the top, he felt achingly lonely when you weren't around, that he's loved you since he was sixteen. He tightened his arms around you and buried his nose in your hair. "I love you."
It wasn't a strange thing for him to say; you said it to each other all the time; it was the way he said it that gave you pause, but you replied nevertheless. "I love you too Sean."
"Not like that." He pulled away from the embrace, but only enough to place his hand on your cheek. "I've loved you since you showed up on my doorstep in that bubble gum pink dress the night of that stupid year ten dance."
It felt like a dream, the way he tucked a strand of hair behind your ears as he gazed at you like you were the most precious thing on earth. "Your mother bought me that dress. It was hideous."
The distance between you got smaller as you both leaned in, and he whispered against your lips. "I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen." His nose brushed yours, and his other hand left your back so he could hold your face in his hands as you moved yours to his shoulders. "You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."
When his lips found yours, it was like you had the last breath on earth between your lips. Your hands wove into his hair, and you moved in step towards his bed, finally stopping when the backs of your knees hit the edge. You pulled away from each other breathless, his hands moving to your shirt as you spoke. "I knew before you."
He chuckled as he pecked your cheek, his beard brushing your skin as he made his way to your neck. "Is that so?"
"It is." You broke contact only long enough for him to pull your shirt over your head, his polo following as you took in the sight of his bare chest. He was all lean muscle wrapped in pale, freckled skin.
He licked his lips as his eyes raked over your bare skin, then his lips were down your neck to your chest as he reached behind you to unclasp your bra. "When?"
It was hard to reply with his plump lips sealing around your nipple, but he looked at you through his red eyelashes in a way that let you know that silence wasn't an option. "Two weeks before the dance when that Harrison freak ruined my science project after I turned him down and you punched him."
He smiled against your skin before nipping you, the bite of his teeth sending a shiver up your spine. His lips found yours again as your hands moved to his belt, your fingers played with the buckle for a moment, but it was your turn to smile as you moved your hand down to palm his rapidly hardening cock through his black trousers.
It seemed to be tit for tat with him because he slid his hand down from your rib cage to use his long and dexterous fingers to pop open your pants, dispensing with any teasing so he could graze his fingertips over your bare flesh. Your breath caught in your chest as he slid his fingers through your slit, stopping for a moment to rub your clit before they continued with their nonsense patterns.
He parted from you briefly, his face flushed with lust as you managed to get his pants off and pushed them down enough to get your hand on his cock. He gathered himself enough to look at you like he wanted to swallow you whole and kissed his way to your ear to speak. "We have some catching up to do." With that, his hand left your pants, and he brought his fingers up to his lips to lick you off of them.
The sight was enough to make your knees buckle. "Yes, we do."
His lips were restless as you moved onto the bed to lie on your back, and then he was ripping your bottoms off, underpants and all, before shedding his own. "You're not leaving this bed until midday tomorrow."
His fingers were back on your centre, and the look in his eyes was positively heartstopping, a mix of lust and love that made it feel like your skin was on fire. "That's fine with me."
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olsenmyolsen · 1 year
Microwave Popcorn
Part 28 of On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen
Word Count: ~5.6K
"Oh, that's them!" Trent says with a certain excitement in his voice as he races to the door. "Who?!" I tell after him but by the attentional voices entering the house. I know exactly who it is.
God damn it.
I get up and off the couch to greet my (step) sister & brother Courtney and Jake. I breathe a little sigh of relief when I don't see any sign of our Dad. "What are you two doing here?"
"Us? What about you?" Courtney says with a sly smile while rushing over to me to pull me into a big that I swear is going to cause my chest to collapse. "I just wanted to visit before going to a friends!" I cheerfully say while eyeing my sister. Her eyes look away from me while Jake pulls me into a hug. "How's filming?"
"Good!" I say, adding more enthusiasm to my voice. "Can you spill secrets yet or what?" If only he knew. "Never." Jake rolls his eyes and makes his way toward Trent. "Where's Jarnie?" Court asks next to me. "In the kitchen." Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jake and Trent head that way.
"So, what are you two doing here?"
I mean, no offense, but them coming here without Dad doesn't happen often.
"Well, I wanted to come over and see Jarnie and Trent since I've been away this past month. Plus, while you were filming in London, I'd try and stop by and see Jarnie and have dinner and stuff." Courtney's voice trails at the end of the sentence. I know she loves my- our family, so I didn't mean to sound rude if I came across that way.
"Right. Of course! I didn't know about the dinners, but that's nice!" Court shines a smile at me that I give back. "Let's go see the woman of the hour!" I place my arm around Courtney and bring him into the kitchen, where Jake and Trent are already pushing her buttons.
"Okay, that's enough! Every Olsen with a penis, get out!"
I physically have to stop myself from covering my face while Courtney laughs and the boys groan with a couple of ewws and gross Jarnie. Once the boys leave to do whatever they want to do, Courtney greets my mother. "Hey J!" She says as they have a short hug. "How was Mexico?" My mom asks Court before getting back to working on dinner. I see now that my mom did wind up preparing food for more than just three people. So she knew Jake and Court were coming? Hmm.
"Oh my gosh! It was so wonderful! Between the beaches, the sun, and the authentic Mexican food, I could've died." She looks so bubbly as she speaks. I knew she looked tanner, but then again, she lives in California, so whatever.
"When did you get back?" I ask, leaning myself into the kitchen island, pulling Court's attention to me. "LAX. Earlier today." My eyes widen at the answer as my mom briefly looks up at us. "So did Lizzie." Thanks, mom.
"Did you?!" Court doesn't look as surprised as her voice sounds. Does she know? "Anyways, Lizzie, I gotta show you some of the pictures I took!" Court starts patting herself down as if she's looking for her phone. But I see the outline in her front pocket. "Probably left it in the living room. Come on." She pretends to sound annoyed as we leave my mom alone to finish up tonight's pasta.
The second we're out of earshot from Momma J, Courtney pulls me to the couch and brings her phone to my face. "Oh my God!! Lizzie, who is the girl!? Is that THE Y/N?! Please tell me that's her! Is she here?!"
When my eyes adjust to a phone being shoved in my face, I see the picture that Courtney is talking about. It's of Y/N and I, you can clearly see Y/N, but you wouldn't know that the other person was me, but I know it's me. Court knows it's me.
"Well?!" The phone is being removed from my sight as my face turns to see my sister, happy as can be, asking her question again and again.
"So, are you back together?"
"We'll hello to you too, Mary-Kate!" I roll my eyes as I flop back onto the soft bed. "Yeah yeah yeah, hello and all that. Now answer my question."
"No, we are not back together and- wait, how did you get that picture?!" I raise myself from the bed as the line goes quiet. "Are you in LA?"
"No." MK finally breathes into the phone. "Okay... Mary-Kate. How did you get that picture?"
"My sister took it. She couldn't believe she saw Lizzie and her friend at the airport. She would've gone up and said something, but in her own words, they goin' through it."
"Ashley?" I hear Mary-Kate's laughter erupt into the phone. "No, my other sister. Courtney."
Oh, that's right! Damn. I always forget that there's more than just the twins.
"If you must know, she flew back in from Mexico today, and to her surprise, she just so happened to see the two of you. She had heard of you and seen some of the articles from the last couple of months, so when she saw the two of you, she sent me that picture with the text, "omg, who is with Lizzie?! Is that Y/N?!" So, could you, honestly, answer my question? Are you back together?"
As MK keeps talking, I can't believe what's happening. Of course, the day I ran into Liz at the airport, her sister just so happened to be there and see us.
So weird how you run into people at the airport.
I don't know why MK asked me again. The answer still hasn't changed, and as if she wouldn't know. I roll my eyes. "Please, at this point, you'd find out before me." I laugh to myself, but MK doesn't find it funny. "What do you mean?"
"What, Liz didn't call you the second she left the airport?"
Well, no, Y/N, she didn't. It's been three weeks since I saw or heard from Lizzie. The last thing she said to me was an apology before walking out of my apartment at two am. And through the efforts of my twin, I still have yet to talk to our little sister. Since I'm not the one that blamed my fuck-ups on other people. I'm not the one that was angry at themselves. No those go-to little miss perfect.
"No, she didn't."
Apart of me wants to spill it to Y/N that, I haven't actually talked to Lizzie in weeks, but that'd be unfair and messed up to do, so I choose to keep it to myself. Just don't expect Lizzie and I in the same room anytime soon.
"Oh. Well, to answer your question. Again. No. We're not together. I promise you. We just ran into one another."
I couldn't help but hear a slight pain in Y/N's voice as she finished her plea. She misses her. "Oh.. well then, I guess my next question is, what are you doing in California?" For real, what is she doing?
"Seeing some friends."
"Friends, huh?"
"Yes, friends. I'm allowed to have friends that aren't famous." I can feel the playful eye roll across the county. "Okay, sure. But I have to know their names. What if something happens to you?"
"Fine. It's James. Max's brother." I'm trying to scratch my brain, knowing I know who she's talking about, but I'm coming up blank until Y/N says. "Remember from the club?" That's right. "Oh, right! I didn't know he lived out there."
"He moved here not to lon-" I hear a couple of knocks followed by Y/N shuffling her phone and her mumbled voice. "Oh shit, sorry MK, if I don't go and shower now, then we'll be late for dinner, AND before you joke, it's with his gf and Max's family." I laugh, knowing how well Y/N knows me. "Okay, I'll let you go, but I swear to God, I better not see a headline or photo about you without me knowing first!" I hear some laughs. "Trust me, I wasn't trying to photograph, but I'll keep you up to date." The sarcasm really rolls off her tongue today. "Alright, talk to you soon, Y/N!"
"Bye, Mary-Kaaattte!"
Our call ends, and I'm left looking at the photo Courtney sent. I stared at it earlier before I called Y/N up, and now here I am again looking at it. Fuck. The look Y/N has in her eyes, I've seen it before. Both times the look has been for Lizzie.
I set my phone down on my desk and sigh, running my hand through my hair.
I look up as I hear a knock on my open office door. "You okay?" I smile at the sight of my personal assistant Ruby. "Yeah, I'm good." I believe I made it sound convincing. I'm still an actress, after all. "Okay. Well, I came to drop these off." She says as she walks in and places a stack of binders for an upcoming shoot on my desk. "Ash has copies already. Also, your Friday meeting got pushed up. It's on your updated schedule."
Times like this make me value the people my sister and I choose to surround ourselves with. I swear, without them, we'd sink. "Thank you, Rubes!" I put on a smile as Ruby shines one back before turning to walk away. As I see the back of my assistant, an idea comes across my mind. "Rubes!" Quick on her heels, Ruby turns right back. I take a glance at my phone to check the time. "I know it's getting late, but do you have plans later?"
"No, Miss Olsen." I roll my eyes with a slight chuckle. She's been working here for 4 years formalities went out the window a while ago. "No, Mary-Kate." I remind her.
"No, Mary-Kate. I don't have plans. Do you need something?" I shake my head. "No, I was just wondering if you'd accompany me for some coffee and dinner. I know a cute spot."
Ruby doesn't seem to be stunned by my request. It wouldn't be the first time we've hung out after work. "Sure. I'd like that! Would you like for me to reserve a private table at either place?"
"For coffee, no. I'm friends with the manager, and for dinner, don't bother. They'll know who I am." Ruby smiles and leaves me alone in my office. I decide to try and finish up any work emails I have at the moment. I'm halfway through reading about a promotion opportunity when my cellphone rings. I let it ring and ring until it goes quiet.
When I peer down, I'm thoroughly shocked at the name I see: The Third One 🤍
My sister. Lizzie Olsen.
"Well?!" The phone is being removed from my sight as my face turns to see my sister, happy as can be, asking her question again and again.
"No. We're not together." Courtney slums her shoulders as she seems disappointed. "Oh.. I mean, it looks like you two were goin' through it. I just thought it was the idea of meeting Jarnie or the paparazzi." Courtney laughs a little to break the tension. I laugh a bit, but my mind is stuck thinking about Y/N's last touch of her fingers on my body.
"Hmm?" I lift my head a bit to stop my thoughts. "So if you guys aren't together, where is she? What is she doing here?"
"She's just meeting some friends here. I didn't know she was until we ran into each other at the airport." Court nods her head as she listens. "You guys didn't look.. disappointed to see each other." I smile. "I wasn't. I missed her." I clear my throat as I can feel my cheeks start to get warm. "I'm sorry." I look at my little sister, confused. "I'm sorry for all that happened to you and her and for not reaching out when it happened." I place an arm around my sister as she leans into me. "That's okay. I'm okay now. It fucking sucks that it happened, but honestly.. we're- I'm going to be okay." Courtney puts both her arms around me and squeezes. "Just so you know, Jake and I are both proud of you. I'm telling you now in case he forgets to say something." Courtney pulls out of the hug, and I look at the smile on my sister. I don't know why I was ever nervous to tell anyone in my fam-. "Dad doesn't know." Oh right. Fuck how am I going to tell him? "Dad doesn't even know about me.."
I whip my head at the words I just heard. "You?!" Courtney tilts her head as if this is old information. "I told the siblings months ago." I shake my head as I've never heard this before. "No, you didn't." Court pulls out her phone and opens the group chat with all the siblings. Well, everyone except me. God. This is just like the Avengers all over again. "Court, you have Robbie in there, not me." "WHAT?!" Court immediately rips her phone back from me and looks through the contacts in the chat. It doesn't take long for her to come to the same conclusion. "Oh shit. I guess when I set this up, you two were still together, and you might've been busy, so I just added him! Oh shit, Lizzie, I'm sorry!-" "Courtney! It's okay!" I place my hand over her mouth to stop her rambling. I don't need her to spiral. I remove my hand as Courtney takes a breath. "I was wondering why you never texted me about switching teams." I laugh as she scrolls through the chat. She passes by a lot of tiktoks and memes. I think if I even were in this chat, I would've talked about as much as I have without being in it. "I guess I'll set up a new one with all of us and no Robbie."
"Thanks, Court. I'm proud of you as well." Courtney smiles as she exits the one chat to make a new one. I don't mean to watch, but I can't help but notice that Court and Mary-Kate have recently texted. "Hey, Court, what have you and MK talked about?" I let those words fall out of my mouth without stopping them. "Oh. Uh.. We were talking about you and Y/N." Courtney goes back down and opens the chat. Inside I see the photo of Y/N and me, along with texts between my two sisters. "See, nothing bad!" I roll my eyes. "I hoped not." Courtney goes ahead and sets up the new sibling's group chat without Robbie this time. I make sure to text in it first, so everyone knows I'm there.
"Okay, girls!!" We both perk up as we hear my mom call to us from the kitchen. I glimpse at the time on my phone and didn't realize had much time went by. "Come on!" Courtney pulls me up and off the couch. "Oh, by the way, is Trent really annoying about his gf?" I smirk. "A bit." "Well, thank goodness you're here!" I laugh as Courtney pulls me to the kitchen.
"Actually, one second." I hold my hand up and pull my phone out. "I'm going to make a call, and then I'll help!" I shoot my sister a smile as she nods and goes ahead.
Once I click on the name and hear the line ring, I take a deep breath hoping to talk to someone I need to apologize to.
Why do other people's showers always work differently? I swear it took me 5 minutes to try and make the water the right temperature. So now here I am post-shower, rushing to put on what little makeup I have with me while deciding what to wear. 
"Hey, Y/N, I don't wanna rush you, but we gotta go soon. Like real soon." James says through the bedroom door. "Okay!" Great. I move myself like a tornado around the bedroom, and in the end, I find myself dressed in a long sleeve keyhole dress that stops just above my knees. I don't even remember buying or packing this dress, so I'm pretty sure I've been transported to another universe, or we do live in a simulation.
Anyways we made it. James is parking his car in front of some modern look ass restaurant, and suddenly, that's when the nerves hit me.
"Shit," I mumble to myself as I hear James unbuckle himself. "What?" I look at him, and my eyes scan over his button-up shirt and dress pants. He's looking smart for once in his life. Lmao. "Y/N?" I meet his eyes. "Chill," Easier said than done. "My parents love you, alright. What's got you nervous?" I shrug my shoulders. I really don't know why. It's like the time I had a panic attack because I couldn't find the pair of sunglass that I bought one day prior. "Take a couple of deep breaths, and then we'll hop out, and then you'll meet-
Andrea!" James drops his arm behind my back as he fast walks/jogs up to a short girl with Auburn hair. They kiss as I look her over. She's thin and tan, but her arms! Her arms have got definition to them, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't stare at them as they wrapped themselves around my best friend's brother. I shut my mouth as the couple turns to look at me. "Andrea, this is Y/N! Max's best friend and essentially my little sister." I playfully roll my eyes as I shake Andreas' hand. Hmm. Soft. "Nice to meet you! James has told me so much about you!"
"I didn't know about you till a couple of hours ago!" Andrea and James look at me, shocked, until Andreas' face softens. "Keep that up, and we'll get along great!" I laughed along with her even though what I said I didn't mean to say. It just happened. "Are my parents here yet?" James takes a quick look around as we stand in the orange dusk of the night. "They're already inside. I just wanted to meet you and Y/N first." She giggles to James, and now I'm starting to feel a little uncomfortable.
"Well, thanks, babe!" James turns to me. "Let's go!"
I'm not going to lie. The fact that my mom made homemade pasta so effortlessly pisses me off a little. I tried and tried and tried and came up with lumpy dry shit, and she knocks it out of the park. Ugh. But yes, my mom is fantastic, and dinner was delicious and fun.
It brought me a bit out of the fog I've been stuck in lately. I've done my best to navigate through it, but sometimes a home-cooked meal surrounded by loved ones is all you need.
Throughout dinner, Trent gushed about his girlfriend and all the things they plan to do over the next couple of months. Courtney caught us all up on her shenanigans that she's been doing. The pictures she showed us from Mexico were beautiful, and she had a certain glint in her eye when she mentioned one of her friends. Jake talked about the idea of modeling again, but he's not sure. He also tried to get me to spill spoilers for anything Marvel-related, but thankfully mom was there to stop him.
Of course, when it was my turn to talk about my life, there wasn't anything new to say. Thanks to the media and my life on the big screen, everyone already knows everything. So all I got instead was a show of support.
"Who wants to microwave popcorn?" Trent yells out to the house as I put my phone down, just as the third phone call to Mary-Kate goes to voicemail.
"Lizzie?" I flash my eyes to Jake and put on a fake warm smile. "What?" "Are you cool if we watch Interstellar?"
"Oh yeah, sure! I won't be staying anyways, so go ahead." All three of my siblings at once go: "What do you mean?" "Excuse me?" "You're not staying?"
"Guys, I'm staying at Aubrey's. She's on her way over."
"Are you sure, Lizard?" I roll my head over to my mother. "Yes. I already promised her, and she's an impossible person to say no to." I raise my finger up to Trent, knowing he was about to say something inappropriate. "Oh, come on." He whines.
"Listen." I get up from the couch, making my way to all my bags near the front door. "Now that I'm back, I'll be able to spend more time with you all. Alright? But for real, if I don't stay at Aubrey's, she will kill me." It's a joke, but low-key isn't.
Everyone begrudgingly agrees and starts forming a line to say goodbye. With my mom being last and squeezing my brains out until we hear a horn honking. "I love you all!" With a mixture of I love yous back, I open the front door but turn around. "Could someone grab the guitar?"
"I got it!" Courtney quickly hops over and grabs it to help me bring it to Aubrey's car.
"Is this Robbies?"
Courtney doesn't say anything but mouth the word "oh."
"What up, you brunette whore!" I instantly find myself chuckling as Aubrey shouts from her car before she hops out, running around the front to tackle me into a hug! "I've missed you!!"
"I've missed you too!"
Aubrey stops the hug as she takes my luggage, tossing it into her trunk. "Who's this?" Aubrey says as she walks and points to Courtney. "My little sister Courtney." Courtney has met celebrities and models before, but I won't lie. Meeting someone like Aubrey Plaza is intimating. So maybe that's why she's as still as a scarecrow in a co- oh no, her favorite show is Parks and Rec!
"Oh shit, what's up!" Aubrey nods to Court. "You're amazing," Courtney mumbles before realizing what she just did. "I like this one," Aubrey says to me as she brings Court into a hug. While they do that, I take the guitar case and put it into Aubrey's backseat. "See you, Lizzie!" I turn back, and see Courtney walking back to the house, excited as can be.
"What did you say to her?"
"I just did her favorite April Ludgate quote and said her name in that voice." I shake my head as we get into the car. "What's with the guitar case?" Why is that anyone wants to talk about? I used to play as well, people!
"It's Y/N's. Long story." Aubrey laughs as she pulls out of my mom's driveway. "Good thing we have until I kick your ass out."
"Which you never would!"
"No, of course not. I let you go once, Lizzie Olsen. I'm not making that mistake again!" Aubrey yells into the car, making us both laugh.
If I do go missing, you know where to look.
"Alright, be honest with my Lizzie. When they're putting all that paint on Paul Bettany, how much time do they spend on his penis?"
"Let's see.. Oh! There was one time Max told me that James thought honey was bee poop, so he refused to eat it! To this day, if you bring up anything with honey, you can see him hesitate." Everyone at the table erupts in laughter as I've taken this opportunity to embarrass James. Hey, it's not my fault he had to go to the bathroom.
"Oh my God! Is that why he never puts honey in his tea?!" Andrea looks at me with bewilderment. "One hundred percent, dear!" James' mom Barbara says from across the table.
"What's so funny?"
The table does their best to try and calm down from the laughter, but I'm pretty sure James figured out what happened.
"Which story did you tell?" James glares right at me. "The honey one." James sighs, defeated. "For the last time, I didn't think it was poop; I thought it was throw-up. You know what, can we please finish up so we can go?" Andrea leans herself into her boyfriend. "Aww, is someone getting grumpy?" James rolls his eyes as his father, Randy, pats him on the back. "I regret introducing you two." I stick my tongue out at the party pooper as Andrea laughs.
"It's going to be okay, James," Barbara says to her only son. "Here, James, you can tell them embarrassing stories about me while I go to the ladies' room." I stand up and push my chair in as Andrea stands up. "I'll join you. James, you better not share anything embarrassing about me!" While Andreas' threat was delivered as a joke, I wouldn't mess with her. Andrea turns to me and takes my hand.
So I thought Andrea knew where the bathroom was, but it turns out she was hoping I knew where it was. Anyways it took us longer than an average person should. Once both get done doing what we came to do and wash out hands, Andrea turns to me. "Am I okay?" I turn my head confused. "What do you mean?"
"Like, do you like me?"
"Oh.. Yeah. I think you're great." I mean, I've only known you for like two hours but sure. "Okay. I know Max, and I have had problems in the past, and her opinion means so much to James and his family, but to James himself, your opinion matters too.
"Oh..." I continue drying my hands as I think about what I've just been told. "Well, until you fuck up, I think you'll be fine." Andrea laughs. "Is it cool if I hug you?" I nod as I feel those strong arms wrap me up. I almost comment but stop myself. "Thank you, Y/N!"
"Of course!"
With both of us freshened up, we leave the bathroom, and this time we know which way to go back to our table. As we're making our way back, I spot someone from the corner of my eye. I slow down as their table comes up next to me.
Aubrey POV
Okay, whoever the fuck keeps ignoring Lizzies call needs to answer it. She's done it three times since we left her mom's, and every time they don't pick up, Lizzie keeps looking more frustrated and sad.
"Alright, phone down or give it to me," I say as she goes to try again. "Who the hell keeps ignoring you anyways?" Lizzie sighs and drops her phone. "Mary-Kate."
I wasn't expecting that answer. I turn the car as we pull up to my house. "I thought you were going to paint it?"
"Yeah, but I'm probably going to move soon anyways, so it can be someone else problem." Lizzie nods as I park the car. "Where would you move?" I shrug as we both hop out. "I don't know wherever the great Elizabeth Olsen goes next."
"You keep talking like that, and people will start to think that Ingrid Goes West is a documentary." She laughs that angelic laugh of hers as we finish bringing her luggage to the front door—guitar case in her hand. "So." I pull out my key and unlock the door. "Why is your sister ignoring you?" Lizzie groans, knowing I won't drop this.
"Let's get this stuff inside, and I'll explain."
"You better. I know when you're lying."
"That was one time!"
After showing my Olsen to her quarters and guest bathroom, she decided that she would take a shower, and we'd just chill here for the remainder of the night. My original plan was to go out, but we have all the time in the world. 
Oh, also, when Lizzie wasn't looking, I took her phone and put MK's number in my phone so that she won't ignore her sister this time.
"Yeah!" Shit, I guess she's done with her shower. "Have you seen my phone?" I immediately down my glass of red and slide the phone to the opposite end of the kitchen counter. "Yeah, I think it's down here."
"Okay, I'll be down in a sec."
I could've sworn I had my phone with me when I went to shower, but I guess I'm just tired from all my travel today. After a quick nightly routine, I head downstairs to find Aubrey sitting on her couch with a glass of wine in her hand and a bottle in front of her. Oh, it's going this kind of night.
"Hey, pretty girl!" Okay, the pet names have started, so Aubreys already downed a glass. I wave to cutie on the couch and search for my phone. "I think it's on the kitchen counter." I look over, and sure enough, there it is! "Thanks!" I am about to start fiddling with my phone when Aubrey begs for me to join her on the couch. So without missing a beat, I grab a glass from her cabinet and join her.
"So, what are we watching?" I ask as I sit myself down next to Aubrey, making sure to pull a blanket across the two of us. "I don't know. Nothings been catching my eye. Want to take a look?"
"Sure." I grab the remote from her and begin searching. Every time I passed one of my movies, I felt a nudge from Aubrey until I passed by Oldboy, and I felt nothing.
I look to my left and see Aubrey calling someone, but it looks like they didn't pick up. "Damn it," Aubrey exclaims before calling them again. "Who is it?" Aubrey smiles at me before I hear a faint "hello!?"
Next thing I know, Aubrey's phone is shoved into the side of my face, and I'm left wondering what the hell is happening.
I'm standing in the ladies room of the restaurant I took Y/N too the first day I met her. Except instead of Y/N I brought Ruby. I'm not wanting or expecting anything to happen between us because they would be very wrong, but I need a win. Right?
Almost like a sign interrupting my thoughts, my phone rings out for the seventh time in the last couple of hours. I know exactly who it is, and I know I'm going to break down and answer her soon but not right now.
I pull my phone out to watch Lizzies contact disappear, but instead, it's an unknown number. But not only that, but it's a California number. Shit, what if this is important.
I take the gamble and decide to answer it. "Hello!?"
The bearded man himself looks up from the woman sitting across from him. "Oh my God! Hey! What are you doing here?" Robbie lifts himself from the table and brings me into a hug. "I'm here with James and his family."
"Oh, right. So that was here? Small world."
"It just keeps getting smaller." I practically mumble to myself before turning my attention to the woman across from Robbie. "Hi, I'm Y/N!" I extend my hand out to her, and she looks at me, astonished, before looking at Robbie. "This is Y/N?" Robbie smiles and chuckles. "The one and only." I retract my hand and focus on the table in between them. I see a glass of white wine in front of the woman but water in front of Robbie. I make a mental note to congratulate Robbie later. It looks like they both paid separately, so this isn't a date. I look at the woman again, and she looks so familiar.
"Y/N, this is Marlana!" Robbie introduces me. She waves to me as the name clicks. "Oh! From Milo Greene!" She nods with a smile. "Sorry I didn't recognize you."
"Believe me that's alright." Robbie and her laugh as I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Y/N. You okay?" I look to my left to see James. "Oh yes." Shit, I forgot I was on my way back to a table full of people. "Sorry, I just ran into Robbie and Marlana." I gesture to the two as they wave to James. "This is James." Robbie makes an "oh!" face. "Y/N, I'd hate to pull you away, but we just finished up-"
"Oh, you guys paid? I told you I was-"
"I know, but it was my Dad, so I couldn't really argue." I roll my eyes, but I understand. "I'm going to go, Andreas, tonight, so here." James places his keys in my hand. "I should be back tomorrow before you head out." He glances toward Robbie. "Alright, thanks." I look behind James to see only Andrea standing at the front of the restaurant. She sees me and waves, so I wave back. "Tell your dad I said thank you!" James nods his head. "I will. I will."
"Alright, well, drive safe." "You too." James and I share a hug before he makes his exit with his strong-armed girlfriend. I turn my body back to the table with two-thirds of Milo Greene. "Cute boyfriend." Robbie practically chokes on his water as Marlana's joke hits my ears. "Ha ha ha," I reply back as Robbie wipes himself down.
"Well, it was nice to meet the two of you-" "Oh, trust me, it was nice to put a face to a name. Robbie spent most of tonight talking about the work he's excited to do." Robbie sheepishly looks away from me. "Whatever you two put together, I'd love to hear it." Marlana smiles. I fix my eyes to Robbie, who looks back. "Sure! We'd love that."
"Great! Well, Robbie, Y/N, I'll take this as my leave and see you when I see you." She gets up and hugs the two of us before she's out the door.
"She moves fast!"
"That she does.. Oh shit." Robbie sighs as I sit in the chair across from him. "What?"
"She was my ride." I laugh as Robbie's groans turn into a chuckle. "Think she did it on purpose?"
"Marlana? 100%!" I let the moment between us rest, but I decided to speak up when I saw Robbie's eyes dart to the glass of wine.
"I'll give you a ride." Robbie smiles. "Thanks. You'd be kind of a dick to leave me now." I lean forward. "But I still can." Robbie agrees and looks out the windows across the restaurant.
The smile he has drops.
"Oh shit."
"What?" I follow Robbie's eyes, and that's when I see them.
And they just got the perfect shot for tomorrow's headline.
Part 29
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kulemii · 2 years
Hey!! 💜
A7, A9, B6, C5, C8, C11, and… a freebie!! Pick one you really wanna answer
A.7) Favorite substory? Most of my favorite substories come from 0. But The Doll Girl is my number 1 favorite. Also, thank Doll Girl for getting me to start writing again, her and Majima were so damn adorable it got my creativity pumping! I will be eternally grateful to them for that. There are definitely some honorable mentions but I don’t really feel like rattling them off because decisions are hard.
A.9) Favorite game location(s)? Serena, the entirety of the Sotenbori map no matter which game
B.6) Are there any characters that you wish you could be more like? Akiyama; rich, hot and dumb of ass.
C.5) Which character would you like to see as an antagonist? Haruka! Can you fucking IMAGINE THE DRAMA?!?!?! That would be a moment. I would love that for her! I mean, think about it! The Tojo Clan fucking ruined her fucking LIFE. They all had it coming tbh.
C.8) What was the worst plot twist? Can I say ALL of Yakuza 4? Because ALL of Yakuza 4.
C.11) Which character has the best taste in clothing? Who has the worst? Best; Nishiki, we'll pretend that double breasted coat didn't happen though. Worst; Majima.
Freebie.) Which character should have died but didn’t? (If that’s too harsh, who deserves to rot in prison?) Iwami Tsuneo. Of all the times they chose to avoid their formula of killing the big bad, choosing NOT to kill off Iwami no bocchan was the flop of the century. He should have died right along with that stupid fucking war ship. All of that for what, because you wanted your damn daddy to give you a wittle pat on the head? Give me a fawking break. I've never hated a character so much in my life. I genuinely hoped that Kiryu would have crossed the line JUST to end his bitch ass. GOD, I hated that man.
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highfivecalum · 5 years
Coachella {CH}
a/n: k so i’ve been dreaming about those pictures of calum like they’re haunting me in a good way so here’s some half assed/kind of shitty 3k one shot of coachella calum that i don’t expect to do well but i’m posting it anyway lmao so!!! anywayyy hope y’all like :))
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It was hot out and the music was blasting. Everyone stood around the pool, laughing and singing along to the music, having photo shoots on their phones and expensive cameras. Coachella weekend was one the biggest and funnest occasions and of course Mallory and her friends were going to attend. They hadn’t missed it in years.
Her friends were a mixture of normal, non famous people like her, Instagram influencers, and actually, famous worldwide known people. Photographers, models, bands, you name it, she was friends with them. She couldn’t remember how her average self became friends with these people, honestly, but she was thankful for them. They didn’t act like they were famous, just like they were normal people like her, and she appreciated that. They didn’t treat her as if she was any less of their friend since she was normal.
Mallory huffed as she leaned over, resting her hands on her knees and trying to help the aching pain that was in her back. It was the third and last day of Coachella, and the standing and dancing all day and night the past forty-eight hours were taking a toll on her. Backaches weren’t common for her, so it felt like her spine was breaking off.
“You good over there?” Mallory lifted her head up at the sound of a voice, keeping her hands on her knees, an letting out a breathless laugh at Calum’s question. Calum Hood, one of her very famous worldwide known friends. The two of them weren’t as close and the rest of the band, but they still hung out and talked. He was usually reserved and closed off and Mallory knew that, so she didn’t take it personally.
“My back is fucking aching,” Mallory groaned. “Coachella ain’t for me this year.”
And she was right. Unlike the years before, it was hotter outside, her whole body was absolutely aching, and the exhaustion was taking over. But day three was always the most fun, so she wasn’t going to stay back at the house and miss out on the fun. She was going to troop it out and drink the pain away like everybody else was doing.
“Why don’t you sit down?” Calum took a long drag of his cigarette and exhaled the smoke. He watched as Mallory stood all the way up, throwing her head back in pain, and pressed his lips together at the sight of the glitter her and her friends had applied to their chests. She was glistening with glitter and sweat and her outfit was revealing, just like everybody else's. It was hard for him to keep his eyes off of her.
Calum had always had a soft spot for Mallory. He wasn’t sure what it was about her, but he was drawn to her the minute he met her. He was still distant and closed off, but he would talk to her when he was around her. He wanted to get to know her better, become closer, but he was scared of getting too close to anybody - minus his band - especially when it was a pretty girl with a personality that every guy fell for.
It wasn’t a secret that some of the guys in their friend group liked her as more than a friend and thought she was attractive. It was hard not to like Mallory. She was nice, probably the nicest one in their friend group, gorgeous, and could make anybody laugh. All in all, it was hard not to like Mallory. Even platonically. That’s why Calum tried to keep his distance.
Mallory looked around and frowned at the lack of chairs. All the lawn chairs were taken and the few fold-able camping chairs her friends had brought were in use, and sitting on the concrete ground was definitely not going to help ease the pain in her back. “There’s nowhere to sit.”
Calum looked around as well, noticing that the only place to sit was the ground. He wasn’t about to let her sit on the ground. But, he also didn’t want to stand. So, looking down at his parted legs, he looked back up at her and bit his lip in thought. “C’mere,” Calum patted his blue pant covered thigh. Mallory looked at his face and to his hand that was patting his thigh with raised eyebrows. “Sit on my lap. It’s better than the ground.”
Mallory and Calum weren’t affectionate. They had hugged maybe four times in the five years of being friends. Unlike Mallory and Michael or Luke or her other friends who often hugged every time they saw each other. So, she was hesitant. She couldn’t even try to lie to herself and say that his thigh didn’t look good to sit on, because it did. Too good.
Mallory was attracted to Calum the second she saw him. I mean, who wouldn’t be? She followed him on Instagram before she even met him in person, already being a fan of his band, so when she first met him and the rest of the band through a mutual friend, she was a little starstruck. But then she realized that she was already friends with famous people and the guys were no different.
Mallory looked around once more, hoping a seat had opened up, and sighed in defeat when one hadn’t. She took a few steps towards Calum and carefully sat down on his lap sideways, so her legs were in between his parted ones. She let out a breath and sighed happily as she instantly felt the ache subside just a little bit.
“Better?” Calum laughed.
Mallory nodded her head. “Much.” None of their friends thought anything of her sitting on Calum’s lap, really. They knew there was alcohol being consumed and weed being smoked, and nobody’s head was completely sober or clear, so it wasn’t too strange for Mallory to be sitting on his lap.
Calum was hyper aware of Mallory on his lap. She wasn’t heavy at all, but he could feel the warmth from her bare legs against his pants and could smell the coconut tanning lotion she had put on earlier mixed with the smell of the Strawberry Daiquiri she was currently drinking. Calum wasn’t one to drink fruity drinks, but it smelled so good, he had to at least try it.
“That good?” Calum pointed to her drink and she nodded her head as she took a long sip. It was hot out and the coldness of the drink did only a little to cool her down. She held the cup out to him, offering him a sip, and he gladly took it, offering her his cigarette in return. They both wrapped their lips around the ends of them and sucked and inhaled. “Damn,” Calum took another sip. “That shit is good.”
“Want me to make you one?” Mallory tried to get up, but realized Calum’s hand resting on her hip was a little too tight and kept her sitting down. She didn’t mind, though.
“Nah, ‘m good. I’ll stick to my Corona.”
Mallory snorted. “Strawberry Daiquiri too feminine for you, Calum? Gonna kill your masculinity?”
“That’s exactly what it’s gonna do, Mal.” Calum laughed and Mallory shook her head. They fell into a comfortable silence and listened to their friends converse. Mallory swayed back and forth to the music playing that was getting everybody hyped for the artists they were going to see later on that day.
Ashton was walking around taking pictures of everybody with his phone, acting as their photographer even though they had actual photographer friends there. His face lit up when he saw Mallory and Calum, looking more like a couple than friends since she was on his lap. “Cal! Mal!” Their heads shot up and looked at Ashton expectantly. “Picture time. Pose for me.”
Mallory instantly went into model mode and wrapped her arms around Calum’s neck, surprising him but not disappointing him, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned back slightly so she wasn’t covering Calum’s face and grinned widely, showing off her pearly white teeth. Calum’s facial expression mirrored Mallory’s and instead of looking at the camera, he looked at her and admired her, thankful for the sunglasses on his face that covered his eyes. Nobody could see through them, so nobody could catch him staring at her.
Calum took a few solo, per Ashton’s request, and so did Mallory. Calum pulled her back down on his lap so the pair could look through the pictures Ashton took of them. They were cute and totally looked like they were a couple, but Calum didn’t mind. He hadn’t posted a picture on Instagram in a while and he knew that he had to bless the fans with good content, and that’s the best content he’s had in a while.
“These are so cute!” Mallory giggled tipsily.
Calum hummed in agreement and opened an app for picture editing. Once they were both satisfied, Calum sent them to Mallory like she asked him to and he sent them to himself off of Ashton’s phone. Calum’s thumb hovered over his Instagram app. “Mind if I post ‘em?”
Mallory’s eyes widened in surprise, but she shook her head no. “Not at all. Why would I mind?”
“Dunno.” Calum shrugged. “You know how the fans can be. They usually freak out when we post pictures with friends that are girls and I don’t want you gettin’ attacked by them.”
Mallory thought it was sweet how Calum was looking out for her. And she thought it was sweet that he wanted to posted a picture of the two of them. Sure, there were a few other pictures he was posting too; two of just himself and another of him, Ashton, and Luke, but still. She was involved and it made her happy to be a part of something.
“I’m surprised you wanna post them,” Mallory admitted. “I mean, you don’t post often, and when you do it’s never of you and some random girl.”
Calum frowned at Mallory thinking she was just some random girl. She was everything but that. They were friends, not the best of friends, but they had known each other for years. Sometimes, in his mind, Calum considered her one of his closest friends. “You’re not just some random girl, Mal. You’re a good friend. You know that.”
Calum gave her his blessing to post the one of them and she added some other ones of her and her girl friends, but her Instagram blew the fuck up with notifications, likes, and comments. Some good and some, most of them, bad. But she ignored them. She and Calum were just friends and nothing more than that.
Lingering touches and dancing close to one another were how Calum and Mallory spent the rest of their night. Calum had never been touchy, never been one to show affection to his friends, but after he had a few drinks and after Mallory got off of his lap, he couldn’t seem to take his hands off of her.
He had his arm around her shoulder as they walked through the crowd and watched from stage to stage. Or, if it was a particularly crowded set or crowd, Calum would instantly, without a second thought, take Mallory’s hand in his so he wouldn’t lose her. They danced together, Calum holding her hand up and spinning her around, or the two of them pressed against one and another.
This time, their friends did notice the touching. They didn’t think anything of the lap sitting, but the dancing and hand holding? It was out of the ordinary. That’s when Mallory’s friends pulled her to the side to question her.
“What is going on with you and Calum?”
“What do you mean?” Mallory furrowed her eyebrows.
“You two look like a couple.” Her other friend butted in.
“What?” Mallory laughed loudly. “Yeah, right. We’re friends, guys. You know that.”
“I have never seen Calum be that touchy with a friend before, Mal. Is there something goin’ on that you’re not telling us about?”
“No, guys, seriously,” Mallory grimaced as she spoke the next words that she wished she didn’t have to say. She had spent the whole day with Calum and it could have just been the alcohol in her system, but she found herself getting more and more attracted to him and starting to liking him, not just as a friend. It was crazy, she thought. But she coudn’t help it. “We’re friends, that’s all. Just friends.”
Her friends gave each other looks, but Mallory ignored them, and huffed in annoyance. She was tired, her feet and her back hurt, and she was not in the mood to be interrogated by her friends. She had already seen all of the performers that she wanted to, so she was ready to call it a night. If she didn’t leave soon she would get cranky and nobody wanted that.
“You don’t have to believe me, but it’s true,” Mallory shot down their thoughts before they could voice them again and let a yawn rip out of her mouth. “I’m leaving now. Tell everyone I say bye.”
Her phone was dead, so there was no option of calling an Uber, and the house they were staying in was a thirty minute walk, which was long but not the worst, so she decided on walking and not bothering the rest of her friends to leave with her and get her an Uber.
“Ay, Mal! Wait up!” She heard Calum call and she turned around, walking backwards once she made sure nobody was walking behind her. He continued jogging to catch up with her. “You leavin’ already?”
“Mhm,” Mallory hummed tiredly. “I’m tired and gonna call it a night.”
“I’ll go with you.” Calum pulled out his phone and went to order them an Uber, but it died just as the app opened. He didn’t want to make Mallory walk, but now they had no choice. Halfway through the walk, Mallory groaned in pain and kicked her platform sandals off. She couldn’t believe she had lasted in them all day and night. Calum stopped in place and crouched down in front of her. “Hop on.”
Mallory didn't even try to protest and happily jumped on Calum’s back. She let her arms hang on either side of his neck, her shoes in her hands, as she rested her head on his shoulder. She was exhausted and could have fallen asleep on his back, but every time he would shift and hike her higher up on his back and squeeze her thighs, she was wide awake. The feeling of Calum’s hands on her thighs had her thinking way too many thoughts she should not be thinking about a friend.
Once they were home, Calum let Mallory down and her bare feet barely hit the ground before she was losing balance and stumbling over. Her knees and feet were aching and standing was not something she was capable of doing anymore. But before she could hit the concrete, Calum was wrapping his arms around her waist and catching her.
Her breath hitched in her throat at how close their faces were, how close Calum’s lips were to her own, and she nervously swallowed the lump in her throat. Calum’s lips looked so plump and so fucking inviting and she wanted so badly to kiss them, but she didn’t have the balls to make the first move.
But it seemed she didn’t have to make the first move as Calum pressed his lips against hers. It took her less than a second to wrap her arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. They both wanted it so bad, wanted each other so bad, that they didn’t have to pull apart to make sure the other wanted it. They felt it and they just knew.
Calum’s dropped Mallory’s shoes, slid his hands down from her waist to her butt, and her thighs. He gripped them and lifted her up effortlessly. She wrapped her legs around his waist like she had done it so many times before and slid her fingers through his newly dyed blonde hair that she absolutely loved. Calum walked blindly to the patio that was hidden behind trees and bushes and fell back onto the couch that was there.
Her lips trailed down his lips to his neck and collarbones, sucking and biting, leaving marks on him. His breathing was unsteady, uneven, and he felt like a teenage boy when he felt himself getting hard that quickly, but that was just the effect she had on him and he loved it. He loved the way she made him feel and he had barely even felt her yet.
Calum peeled his shirt off and nearly tore off the knit tank top Mallory had on. Her lips trailed down his stomach as she slid off of his lap and her lips stopped just below his belly button. She expertly undid his belt, the button and zipper on his pants, and started taking them off, all the while his eyes never left her. He lifted his hips just a little bit to help her and he was left in just his tight boxer briefs that were even tighter against his already hard cock.
Mallory palmed him through his boxers and watched as his eyes fluttered shut just at the touch of her hand. She loved how he reacted to her. Pulling his boxers down, she didn’t warn him before her lips wrapped around his hard cock and began bopping her head up and down. She smirked against him when she heard the small moans and pants leave his mouth. She pumped what she couldn’t fit in her mouth and looked at him through her eyelashes. She swore that her new favorite sight was Calum like this; brows furrowed, eyes squeezed shut, bottom lip between his teeth to stifle his moans.
She got lost in looking at him, too entranced by his beauty and the facial expression and noises he was making just because of her, she was  surprised when he unexpectedly took a fist full of her hair and yanked her up from his cock. Attaching his lips to hers again as he mumbled against them, “As much as I love your mouth, wanna taste you.”
He slid down the couch, so only his back was on the cushions and his feet were planted firmly on the ground, and she was hovered over him. She was wearing a skirt so all he had to do was push her panties to the side and she was exposed to him. His mouth went to her heat, his tongue flicking against her clit, and she gasped. Her moans were endless and the grip she had on his curls was getting harder and harder the closer she was to her orgasm.
“Fuck, Cal,” Mallory moaned breathlessly, trying her hardest to be quiet since they were outside still, but it was hard not to be loud with how good he was making her feel. “‘M gonna cum.” He hummed in response, loving how she looked above him, and his tongue flicked harder. Her mouth hung open, her eyes squeezed shut, and her grip on his hair so hard her knuckles turned white. Calum’s new favorite sight, just like Mallory’s, was her coming undone above him.
She moaned his name as she came undone on his mouth and in one swift movement, he was sliding up the couch and she was sitting on his lower stomach, dangerously close to where he wanted her the most. He connected their lips and she didn’t care that she was tasting herself on his mouth, way too caught up in the moment of it all.
“Want you to ride me, baby.” Calum mumbled against her lips and Mallory didn’t have to be told twice. She lifted her hips, moving them back just less than a centimeter, and gave him time to retrieve a condom from his wallet. He slid it on and there was no more time wasted before she was sinking down on him. “Oh fuck, baby. Feel so, so fucking good around me.”
She bounced up and down on his cock, letting him guide her hips as much as he wanted, and she buried her face in the crook of his neck, leaving love bites all over his skin as he gripped her hips so hard she was sure there would be bruises. But she didn’t care. Calum could do anything to her, leave bruises and hickeys all over her skin, and she wouldn’t care because it was him.
Calum took control, never letting her hips go as he thrust into her, staring into her eyes as he held her up since he knew she was getting close. His thumb came down to her clit, rubbing lazy but fast and effective circles against it, and by the look on her face, he knew that she was about to hit her second orgasm of the night. The way her jaw hung open and her eyes rolled into the back of her head, the way she threw her head back and let out a strangled moan, had Calum hitting his own orgasm.
They hit their highs at the same time, moaning each others names as they came undone together, and once they were done, they didn’t get up right away. They wanted to stay in that position; with Calum still inside of her and her around him. And even if she did want to move, she wouldn’t have been able to with the grip Calum still had on her and the way her already tired and sore legs were shaking.
“That was unexpected,” Calum mumbled against the skin on her shoulders, a light laugh leaving his lips. “Unexpected, but amazing.” She was too tired to respond, tired from being in the sun and on her feet and from all of the alcohol consumed during the weekend, and now from that, Mallory just hummed in response. “You tired?”
Mallory mumbled a ‘yes’ and she carefully got off of him, careful to steady her legs before she fell over, and the two of them dressed themselves in silence. It wasn’t an awkward or uncomfortable silence, it was nice, and they didn’t need to say anything to each other.
Calum found himself in Mallory’s bed instead of his own, in just his boxers now, with her next to him in his shirt and her underwear. He moved the hair that had fallen in her face and ran his thumb over her lower lip that was swollen from his teeth biting it. He couldn’t believe what had just happened, so unexpected and so fast, but so fucking good.
“We’re not just friends, are we?” Mallory asked sleepily, peeling her eyes open to see him. She too, just like Calum, was in shock about what had happened. There was no regrets between the two of them, though. They both knew it was more than just sex. 
Calum grinned and leaned forward, kissing her lips in a more tender, less rushed and less intense kiss as the ones the shared before. With complete honesty, he told her, “We never were, love.”
Taglist: @singt0mecalum @lockthisheartinchains @wrappedaroundcal @cosmocalum @roselukes @kinglyhood @babyurart @ ashtoniwir @cheyenne-in-wonderland @youmaycallmemrshemmings @cantbehandled-ever @gosh-im-short 
688 notes · View notes
Jealous (Lee Minhyuk x Reader)
Title: Jealous
Word Count: 1, 485
Summary: [Y/N] is mad at Minhyuk. Her friend, Ae-Cha, decides to invite him during their hangout without telling [Y/N].
Warning/s: Slight innuendo.
Note/s: This story was written back in 2018 so it's probably a little dated and it's probably not seen the light of grammar check.
Dedication: To my friend, @concretelyabstractself , who likes Minhyuk. Thank you for the challenge that happened to be this story. Hope we could have one again. ✌️
Wattpad Link: Jealous (Lee Minhyuk x Reader)
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"Way to go, Min, just keep doing that." Ae-Cha muttered and shot a glare at the famous red headed Korean, Lee Minhyuk.
"Excuse me?" He looked at her confused. "What did you say?"
"Stop attracting chicks." Ae-Cha flopped on the couch, closed her eyes and crossed her legs. "Aiyaaa, I'm gonna suffer a lot of complaints from her."
"Ae-Chaaaaaaaa, it's my job. Understand me." He sat down beside her and swung an arm over her shoulder in a friendly way.
"Why are you always the guy who gets the girls? Can't you just do a music video without one?" Ae-Cha looked at him with eyes that said, 'I had enough of this bull, Lee Minhyuk.'
"I told you already, it's my job." Minhyuk faced her. "Publicity."
"Whatever, you better make it up to her." She closed her eyes again. "Aiyaa, I need more sleep."
"You didn't sleep well? Why? Miss him?" Minhyuk asked.
"Very much." Ae-Cha said quietly until she perked up again. "And that is why you better straighten out, Lee Minhyuk!"
She suddenly stood up and pointed at him.
"You better spend your time wisely before you go to the military like Eunkwang!"
Minhyuk chuckled. "You know, for someone who's sleepy you sure are energetic."
"Oh, that?" Ae-Cha calmed down. "We had coffee a while ago."
He nodded with a smile. "Do you know where she is?"
"You have a phone, text or call her, you know." Ae-Cha sighed. "You better talk to her now before she kills the girl you were with in the video."
"She's not serious, right?" Minhyuk rose an eyebrow at her.
"I don't know. Don't ask me, ask her." Ae-Cha replied and looked at her watch. "Oh, and yeah, we're going to a cafe and have bubble tea. We'll see you there?"
"Inviting me?" He smirked.
"I'm just trying to save your relationship and a girl's life." She said as she went towards the door.
"See you later." She went out and the door closed.
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"Still mad?" Ae-Cha asked as she sat down in front of [Y/N], Lee Minhyuk's girlfriend, with a Chocolate Mint bubble tea in her hand.
[Y/N] gave her an 'Are you serious?' look as she drank her bubble tea.
"Hey, didn't you order your favorite?" Ae-Cha asked. "It's full of happiness, so what's with the face?"
"The girl, of course." [Y/N] snapped at her. "Do you think I'm okay with what he did?"
Ae-Cha shrugged a she drank her bubble tea.
"I know it's his job but still!" [Y/N] said, irritated. "You're lucky yours isn't like that."
Ae-Cha smiled a bit before she pouted. "He's not here though."
"Sorry about that." [Y/N] apologized.
"It's okay." Ae-Cha forced a small smile.
At the same moment the door to the cafe opened.
Minhyuk walked over to them and sat beside [Y/N].
"Hi." He smiled and turned to [Y/N] who just gave him a glare.
"You gonna order something, Min?" Ae-Cha asked to break the tension.
"Ah, no. I know something that tastes better than that." Minhyuk smirked at [Y/N] who gave Ae-Cha a wide-eyed expression.
"I'll pretend I didn't hear that." Ae-Cha muttered and just decided to quietly sip her bubble tea.
"What are you doing here?" [Y/N] snapped at him.
"I'm here for my girlfriend." Minhyuk replied as he leaned back on his chair. "And last time I checked, you're my girlfriend."
He winked at her and [Y/N] bit her lip in annoyance.
"Oh God, help me." Ae-Cha thought as she looked up at the ceiling and drank her bubble tea quietly.
Minhyuk and [Y/N] locked eyes for a few moments with Ae-Cha sitting awkwardly in the corner.
"Is this what they call 'eye sex'? What the what?" Ae-Cha thought as she watched the two.
She gave a cough and the couple quickly snapped back into reality.
"Soooo," Ae-Cha started. "What's up with the two of you?"
"Stop lying. You're a genius, I'm sure you figured it out already." [Y/N] snapped at her.
"Eh?! I got dragged into this too?" Ae-Cha sweatdropped. "Sorry."
"You look cute when you're mad." Minhyuk chuckled.
[Y/N] glared at him. "Shut up. And how did you even know I'm here?"
Ae-Cha and Minhyuk glanced at each other nervously.
"Why? Is it bad that I want bubble tea too? I can go wherever I want, you know." Minhyuk made an alibi as he crossed his arms.
[Y/N] scoffed. "You haven't even bought one yet."
"Because you're too beautiful to ignore." He smiled at her.
"How about Ae-Cha?" [Y/N] rose an eyebrow. "She's not beautiful?"
Ae-Cha controlled herself not to spit out her drink.
"She's beautiful." Minhyuk said. "But I'm not the one who's supposed to say things like that to her. They're reserved for someone else."
"Oh, like who? That girl in your new music video?" [Y/N] hissed.
"If I have to lock you two up in a room just to stop fighting each other, I will do it." Ae-Cha muttered but she was clearly ignored by the couple.
"You're jealous?" Minhyuk said to [Y/N] with a teasing tone.
Before [Y/N] could answer back, Ae-Cha cut her off.
"Ah, Min, aren't you getting thirsty? Why don't you go and buy a drink?" Ae-Cha suggested and Minhyuk nodded before he went towards the counter to order his drink.
"[Y/N]." Ae-Cha sighed. "What's up with you?"
"Him." [Y/N] replied. "He feels like he's so handsome."
"Hey, it's true. He is handsome." Ae-Cha replied. "If Eun-Kyung was here, she would have said a lot about you two. I know you wanna go and hug him and stuff so stop acting like that. Don't act so hard to get."
[Y/N] rolled her eyes.
"Just admit it already." Ae-Cha said. "And can you guys have a conversation without fighting? Because if you guys don't I will seriously lock you guys in a room."
"Can you do it?" [Y/N] smirked at her.
"I'll ask help from Sungjae and the others. Try me!" Ae-Cha threatened her with the use of a straw.
Minhyuk came back with a drink and sat beside [Y/N] again.
"What's up with you two?" He asked innocently.
"Nothing." The two girls replied.
"Okay." He said slowly, letting his suspicions rest for a while as they all drank their bubble tea quietly.
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"I think I should go." Ae-Cha said. "I told Joo-Eun I'll go to an anime event she's gonna host."
"What? There's an anime event?" Minhyuk exclaimed, surprised. "Why didn't you tell us?"
"You're all busy." Ae-Cha deadpanned. "Your manager is gonna kill me."
"Can I go? Besides, I have nothing to do today." [Y/N] said as she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
"Sure you can!" Ae-Cha's face lit up.
"Yah! If she's going, I'm going too!" Minhyuk voiced out. "I'm just gonna use the bathroom."
He stood up and went to the bathroom.
And for some odd reason, he's taking too long.
"What's taking him so long?" Ae-Cha asked innocently as she looked at the bathroom door.
"Do you seriously have to ask that?" [Y/N] had to struggle to keep her laugh.
"What?" Ae-Cha asked. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, Ae-Cha." [Y/N] waved her hand to dismiss the subject.
At the same moment, Minhyuk went out the bathroom.
"Let's go?" He said with a big smile on his face.
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"Thanks for today, Ae-Cha." [Y/N] said with a smile.
"No prob. See you guys soon." Ae-Cha waved goodbye to the couple. "You guys should make up, okay?"
And with that she rode the bus to wherever she's going.
"Come on, I'll walk you home." Minhyuk said as the bus went on it's merry way.
"Walk, really? Can't we take a ride on your car?" [Y/N] looked at him tiredly but still in a glare.
"I meant-Just come on." Minhyuk took her hand add led her to his car. He opened the door to the car and lee her in, she sat at the passenger seat as he went to sit on the driver's seat and proceeded to drive to her house.
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He stopped the car in front of her house.
"Here we are." Minhyuk announced and looked at [Y/N].
"Thanks for the ride." She replied with a small smile and got ready to step out of the car.
"[Y/N], wait." He reached out grabbed her wrist.
[Y/N] looked back. "Yeah?"
"Don't get jealous because no one can compare to you." He said, meaning every word.
"Really? You're so cheesy." [Y/N] rolled her eyes.
"But you forgive me, right?" He smirked.
"Yeah, yeah," She waved her hand.
"Give me a kiss?" He pulled her inside the car again and leaned over to her.
"Do you really have to ask?" She smirked at him as he slowly pressed his lips into hers.
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The End
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moririki · 3 years
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heya!!! so recently i've hit the milestone of 100 followers, and i'd just like to say thank you so much! i'm so honoured that i've reached this so quick and i'm glad that you guys like the stuff i write :))
so uh. i have decided to celebrate it! with a prompt list. hopefully this doesn't flop (if it does let's just pretend i never posted this lmao) and yeah that's about it. there's a few rules n stuff, but other than that happy requesting! and once again, thank you guys so much i love you all <33333
UPDATE: tHank you so much to the ppl who requested!!! i had so much fun with this event and i'll be sure to do more in the future!
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i. i intend to have a deadline for the event (though nothing's set in stone) so try to send a request before july 23rd if you want to participate in the event! please note that this prompt list can still be used after the event finishes, though requests will not be prioritised
ii. unfortunately, current series (kiss list) and outstanding requests will have to be put on hold, as the event will take priority
iii. the regular rules for the content that i write still apply to this event, and i will only write for characters that are found on my masterlist however, my understanding of the characters that i write for are of varying levels so i can't guarantee that everything i write will be of the same quality
iv. regular requests are still open while the event takes place if you want to stick to a more traditional format however, these will not be prioritised by me and will most likely not be written until i finish the requests from this event
v. you can request as many times as you want with as many characters as you want drabbles & preferences are welcome! please keep this character x reader, though
vi. if you want your request to be a specific genre (smut, angst, fluff etc) please make that clear when you request
vii. nsfw content is permitted in this event, so take care if you do not wish to see it and let me know in your request if you are against it being used as a smut prompt all nsfw content will be tagged as such, and will have a read more tag
viii. when making a requests, just send me a number and a character then i will do my thing >:) to make things easier for me please do fill out these criteria, and any other details that you may want included
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"i won't let you do this alone"
"let me bandage you up"
"come here, i'll carry you"
"is something wrong?"
"stay with me"
"hold me. please"
"you're the first person i think about when i wake up"
"i would go anywhere with you"
"no one has ever made me feel like this"
"i missed you... a lot"
"come back soon"
"i'll never forget you"
"you're overworking yourself... please take a break"
"i didn't make you uncomfortable, did i?"
"what happened to you?!"
"i'm sorry"
"i love waking up next to you"
"we can look out for each other"
"you don't have to pay me back"
"can i give you a hug? you look upset"
"i'm yours"
"how much did you drink?"
"i asked if you were having a party. i didn't tell you to have a party"
"this is the opposite of what i told you to do"
"how did you get in here?"
"you owe me a kiss"
"that's not even fair"
"why don't you take a picture? it'll last longer"
"detention? again?"
"why don't you just go?"
"it doesn't matter any more"
"don't lie to me"
"why do you keep bringing it up?"
"maybe in another world"
"i can't do anything right"
"nobody's seen you in days"
"why are you awake?"
"i told you not to fall in love with me"
"is there a reason you're blushing like that?"
"i think you might be my soulmate"
"sleep over? please?"
"are we on a date right now?"
"quit touching me, your feet are cold!"
"could you please.... oh, i don't know, maybe put a shirt on?"
"aren't we supposed to be working?"
"i'm telling you, i'm haunted"
"what do you mean they're my new partner? they tried to kill me last week!"
"i could punch you right now"
"i'll feel much better if you let me walk you home"
"apparently, all of our friends have a bet going that we'll end up together"
"i don't know how to exist in a world without you"
"i don't know who you are any more"
"we're not just friends and you fucking know it!"
"seeing you between my legs is so hot"
"the noises you make are incredible"
"bite your lips once more, i dare you"
"god i love your hands" "let's put them to good use, then"
"i know you can be louder than that"
"never trust a man whose smile steals the breath from your lungs"
"sorry, is that supposed to impress me?"
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pushing the limits - tsukishima kei
a bloodstained confession - rengoku kyojuro
a moment of vulnerability - miyuki kazuya
beautiful boy - kawakami norifumi
more than you'd bargain for - denji
a devil, then a man - denji
a giver - denji
beyond words - inumaki toge
finish what you started - miyuki kazuya
observant, as always - miyuki kazuya
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take a look at the menu - ,, 📦 ·˚ ༘ ꒱
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my first prompt for bad things happen bingo! excited for this!
pneumonia - kobra kid
word count: 1,218
i’m truly sorry, i don’t know how to do a read more cut on mobile, i’d really appreciate if someone taught me : (
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it started as just dust allergies. a common cold. something like that, something that he didn't even pay attention to.
but before he had a chance to speak up and get himself sorted out, the coughing and the chills peaked and left him all hollow inside.
jet had mother-henned him into going to bed early, after the firepit left him sneezing and coughing like ghoul after a bad cigarette. he couldn't tell what time it was now; probably morning by the light peaking through the girl-proofed (see also: boarded up) windows in the bedroom. the heat of the day was creeping in, settling like a fog even indoors. it just added to his lethargy.
with a heaving sigh, he kicked the blankets from his gangly limbs and rolled over, grunting as his shirt stuck to him with cold sweat. his red jacket was draped across the edge of the mattress, probably set there by poison.
and speak of the devil, the door creaks open and the light pitter-patter of poison's footsteps fill the room. kobra tries his best to sit up for him, because maybe if he pretends not to be sick anymore they'll all stop mother-henning him and let him go to the crash track, but scooting up sends him into another coughing fit.
kobra's dizzy when his lungs finally decide to cooperate, and he slumps back against the nest of pillows poison had propped up for him.
“your fever isn't letting up." poison comments, hand cool against kobra's forehead. their eyebrows are stitched together like they always do when they're worried, and somehow it just makes kobra feel worse.
"have you been drinking water?" poison's voice cuts through his thoughts, and he shakes his head, which absolutely does not help the headache that's forming in the crown of his skull. his sinuses feel like they're going to explode and shit, he just wants to fall back asleep.
his eyes must've fallen closed because he didn't even notice that poison left the room until they reappear a few minutes later wielding a rag and a bottle of water. his throat's so dry it's hard to swallow, but the effort of sitting up to drink sounds fucking impossible.
poison unscrews the cap and sits down next to the mattress, helping kobra grip the bottle. their hand is beneath kobra's face as he drinks, catching the inevitable drops of water that roll down his chin.
"i know, kobes. just a couple more sips, okay? then you can go back to sleep, i promise. scout's honor." poison says when kobra starts to pull away, scrunching his face up at the taste. clean water's hard to get in the desert, and the treated shit always had that sour taste left over from the treatment formula. but to appease poison he takes a few more tentative sips and poison doesn't fight when he pulls away this time.
"where's everyone?" kobra asks as he lies back, half lowering-half flopping himself back onto the linens.
"jet’s with mads on his day off. the girl’s out with ghoul, they went to drop some stuff off to doc and pony. why?" poison says, pouring the remainder of the water bottle onto the rag.
"i promised her we'd go to the track today." kobra lets out a sigh of relief when poison sets the rag on his forehead, the cool cloth seeping into the heat of his fever. it doesn't last very long, but it feels better than before with the warmth of the desert baking into the room like a fucking sauna.
"it's alright. you can go some other time." poison smiles.
"i feel bad." kobra chews on the inside of cheek.
"feel like i'm lettin' her down." he mumbles.
"kobes. you're not. she understands. she's old enough to get this stuff now." poison's words are reassuring but kobra's still not sure if girl would understand. they'd been planning this trip for days now.
"i guess so." he sighs, and tries to think of a way he could make it up to her later.
"we're home!" ghoul's voice rings through the diner, and a second later a weight slams into kobra's chest like a ton of bricks and sends him coughing again. the girl's hair rubs up against his chin as she settles herself on his chest. thank witch she's still snuggly, because with how independent she's getting, it hurts to see her need them less and less. it's all part of growin' up though, as jet would say.
"careful, girly. kobes isn't feelin' too shiny." poison warns. the girl edges off of him a little bit, her little face scrunching with concern.
kobra turns to ghoul. "how were doc and pony?"
"they're alright. you know doc, summer always makes his legs ache in that chair. pony's good." ghoul, much like the girl, attaches himself to his comfort person as soon as he gets home: he's slinking into poison's lap, nuzzling his face into poison's neck. poison wraps their arms around him, and ghoul makes a pleased nose that kobra's pretty sure is as close as a human gets to purring.
"i'm sorry we can't go today, baby." kobra sighs, and the girl climbs off of him a little bit to look at him.
"it's okay. you're sick." she claps her hands. "oh! and since jet isn't here to be doctor, i'll help you. first, let's assess your diagnostics."
"diagnosis." ghoul corrects, and poison nudges him. the girl just giggles.
"yeah! and then we'll work down to the root of your problem, and, oh, can we use those cool bandaids from the market?" she gives her best puppy eyes to poison, who relents (of course.)
"sure, but just one. no wasting." they say, and girl's rocketing out of the room, her swift footsteps disappearing in the direction of the kitchen.
"see? told you she wouldn't be upset. kid takes it in stride." poison says, resting their head on ghoul's shoulder. ghoul's already dozing off, and kobra's about to be right there with him, because all this exertion has him all dizzy and sleepy again.
the girl's back wielding a box of colorful bandaids, and she carefully plucks a yellow one and peels off the backing. she sticks it on kobra's forehead, sitting back to survey her work.
“there. don’t you feel so much better?” she asks.
“i feel so good, i feel like i could run all the way to tommy’s now.” kobra takes extra effort to make his voice as enthusiastic as possible, even if it’s scratchy and a bit unconvincing.
“woah! that far?” the girl asks, eyes wide.
“yeah, that far. but for now, i’m real tired.” kobra yawns.
“okay. but promise that we’ll race to tommy’s sometime? promise?” she
“pinky swear.” kobra says, locking his pinky with hers.
“alright girly, let’s let kobes get some shut-eye.” poison interrupts, tapping a now-sleeping ghoul who makes a noise of complaint as he rises from poison’s lap. the girl springs up from kobra’s bed, trotting over to where poison was opening the door.
“night-night kobra.” she whispers, following poison out. poison chuckles as they close the door behind them.
kobra falls back into his doze with a smile on his face and a bandaid on his forehead.
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salvatoreschool · 4 years
Every The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, and Legacies Ship Ranked
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53. Daroline (Damon Salvatore and Caroline Forbes)
Our first ship is our worst ship because we can't find literally anything nice to say about Daroline. Consent issues, mind-control, and death threats are not exactly the stuff of great romance, and Damon should thank his lucky stars Caroline forgave him for this abominable period when they were together.
52. Calaric (Caroline Forbes and Alaric Saltzman)
Ew. Gross. No. Kill it with fire. We've got no idea what The Vampire Diaries was trying to do with this ship, but we hated every second of it, and we're not ashamed to say it. We don't care that years had passed since Caroline was his student or that there were weirder ages gaps on the show, trying to ship a student-teacher relationship feels wrong no matter which way you slice it.
51. Klenevieve (Klaus Mikaelson and Genevieve)
Klenevieve was a blink and you'll miss it kind of ship on The Originals, but it still technically counts. Ultimately though, Klaus and Genevieve's connection was mostly physical, and there were far too many double-crosses and manipulations on both sides of this relationship to give it much credit.
50. Parkwood (Liv Park and Tyler Lockwood)
Liv and Tyler's love story kind of flew under the radar on The Vampire Diaries, but that's probably just because there were like 18 insane storylines happening at once in Season 6. This ship was actually pretty cute, and the only thing keeping it from a better ranking is the fact that Tyler, you know, killed her with his bare hands to activate his werewolf curse.
49. Malaric (Meredith Fell and Alaric Saltzman)
Talk about ships that flew under the radar. Alaric and Meredith Fell shared a brief tryst in Seasons 3 and 4 of The Vampire Diaries, but this relationship always felt like it was built to move the plot forward instead of the other way around. Kind of too snooze-worthy to deserve a good ranking.
48. Menny (Matt Donovan and Penny Ares)
We're not going to pretend like we cared even a little about Matt and Penny's romance on The Vampire Diaries. However, we're also not going to pretend like the scene where Matt hallucinates her ghost and begs her to take him with her after his car crash was anything other than devastating emotional torture that came out of nowhere and has stayed with us to this day.
47. Jolaric (Jo Parker and Alaric Saltzman)
Jo and Alaric really got the rough end of the stick as far as TVD ships go. They'd only just started to find their groove when Jo found out she was pregnant with twins, forcing them into a shotgun wedding that ended in tragedy. If these two had been given the time to start their family together the way they should have, we have no doubt they could have become one of the show's best duos ever. We'll have to settle for them creating one of the best duos ever -- Josie and Lizzie Saltzman!
46. Rizzie (Rafael Waithe and Lizzie Saltzman)
It's hard not to ship all of the Legacies kids with each other considering the great chemistry that cast has, but Rizzie is one we just never loved. Lizzie seems too intense for Rafael, and Raf doesn't exactly seem like the kind of guy that would give her the level of attention and devotion she requires. This ship was kind of a flop in Sesason 1, and we'd prefer it stay that way.
45. Debekah (Damon Salvatore and Rebekah Mikaelson)
Damon and Rebekah shared one night of tearing ballgowns and tuxes off each other, and then it was never really spoken of again. It's hard to properly rank a ship that basically came down to "that one time we had hate sex," but hookups like this were what The Vampire Diaries was built on.
44. Haylijah (Hayley Marshall and Elijah Mikaelson)
We really wanted to rank Haylijah higher on this list, but all the passion and angst in the world can't distract us from the cold hard truth: Hayley and Elijah had issues. Major issues. Not the least of which being that he killed her in the final season of the show. Whether you consider their love story to be one of the best or worst this shared universe ever created, at least you can comfort yourself with the knowledge that they gave it all they had.
43. Klaurora (Klaus Mikaelson and Aurora de Martel)
For as long as we've known Klaus, he was always teetering on the brink of insanity, which is kind of what we loved most about him. Aurora, on the other hand, has been batshit crazy her whole life and it's so not a good look on her. This weird, obsessive, "let's see who can out-crazy the other" romance was not to our taste at all.
42. KymG (Kym and MG)
We can't claim to be huge fans of the romance between Kim and MG on Legacies, though their names fit together so perfectly for a ship name that we almost demand they be endgame based only on that. Unfortunately, the show never really gave them the screen time they needed to get us invested in their love story before Kym decided she'd had enough superantural shenanigans and left Mystic Falls.
41. Elijah Mikaelson and Antoinette Sienna
On every TV show, there are ships that just make us shrug, and Elijah and Antoniette are definitely one of those. They don't even have a ship name, that's forgettable this tryst was. Even with memory loss, hidden pasts, and romantic pinao duets, this couple was kind of just meh.
40. Sizzie (Sebastian and Lizzie Saltzman)
Sebastian and Lizzie may have had potential, but in the end it turned out to be wasted. Their chemistry was off the charts, but like many teenagers swept up in romance, they never really took the time to connect or learn about each other. Maybe that's why they ended on such a sour note. Still, at least Sebastian went out a hero?
39. Jicki (Jeremy Gilbert and Vicki Donovan)
You know, we were really rooting for Jeremy and Vicki when The Vampire Diaries first started. They had that whole, rebels who are too cool for school, but not too cool for love thing going on. Ultimately though, we don't think Vicki would have ever calmed down enough for Jeremy, who was really only pretending to be a wild child to deal with his parents' deaths. This ship just wasn't to be.
38. Maroline (Matt Donovan and Caroline Forbes)
You know those Season 1 ships that you know are never going to make it, but every time you look back on them they make you nostalgic? That's what Maroline is for us. A cute relationship between two characters we love dearly that just never quite fit perfectly together. That being said, if there had been no vampires or life-or-death scenarios in Mystic Falls, Maroline absolutely would have been endgame material.
37. Stalerie (Stefan Salvatore and Valerie Tulle)
Stefan and Valerie had one of the weirdest love stories we've ever seen, but there was still a small part of us that was rooting for them. In a world not besieged by curses and vampire hunters and prison worlds, these two could have really been something! Sadly, Stefan has like five more appealing ships, which is probably why they never really made it that far.
36. Hafael (Hope Mikaelson and Rafael Waithe)
Legacies made a solid attempt to recreate another brotherly love triangle, but we weren't really feeling it with Rafael, Hope, and Landon. Raf and Hope have a great friendship going, but it's probably best left there considering how much more fans seem to prefer her relationship with Landon.
35. Marcille (Marcel Gerard and Camille O'Connell)
Remember when Marcel and Camille were a thing for a hot minute? Neither do we! Sorry to Marcille fans, but though these two had decent chemistry, they just never got a lot of attention as a couple, and so their love story kind of faded into obscurity.
34. Jasie (Jade and Josie Saltzman)
The Vampire Diaries universe sure does love its enemies to lovers ships, doesn't it? Josie and Jade started off on opposing sides in Kai's prison world, but after Jade turned her humanity back on, things started to change between them. At least the sex dreams they started having about each other did. Jade and Josie might be perfect for one another, seeing as they both understand having a dark side that's hard to deny.
33. Carenzo (Caroline Forbes and Enzo St. John)
While Caroline and Enzo never made it past the friendzone, we wouldn't have hated it if they'd had a thing. There was a lack of "epic love story" vibes between them, and when Enzo was at his worst, Caroline brought out the light-hearted, carefree side of him. Plus, all things considered, he really was her type - morally scrupulous Brit, who would burn the world down for the people he loves -- why does that sound familiar?
32. Mizzie (M.G. and Lizzie Saltzman)
Every day we go back and forth on whether MG and Lizzie are soulmates or whether they're the perfect best friend duo of all time. Could they possibly be both? Sure, Lizzie takes MG for granted sometimes, and MG can be a little thoughtless sometimes, but that doesn't mean these two aren't connected in a deep, meaningful way that most people can only dream of.
31. Noralise (Nora and Mary-Louise)
Though we only got them for one season, Nora and Mary-Louise had us from the moment they said hello. We do love a bad girl, and two bad girls together? We're toast! Our favorite thing about this ship is that while it was clear Nora and Mary-Louise didn't care about much in this world, they cared about each other, and that was more than enough for them.
30. Klayley (Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall)
When The Originals first premiered, we were sure Klaus and Hayley would eventually fall in love and live happily ever after with their precious loophole baby, but ultimately these two just weren't meant to be anything more than one really hot night. That being said, watching them as co-parents just proves that not all ships need to be romantic to work.
29. Rope (Roman Sienna and Hope Mikaelson)
Roman and Hope's sweet, timid flirtation on The Originals was like a breath of fresh air after some of the intense, life-changing, epic love stories we'd been getting for five straight years. Rope -- whoever came up with that ship name was having too much fun that day -- would have ranked higher if the whole relationship wasn't just Roman's ploy to get close to Hope's family.
28. Stebekah (Stefan Salvatore and Rebekah Mikaelson)
The Vampire Diaries had the best flashbacks on TV, hands down, partially because when your characters have lived for centuries, you can really mix things up. One of said mix-ups was the revelation that Stefan and Rebekah had been an item back in the 1920s, and while their romance is probably best left in the age of prohibition, it was always one of our favorites.
27. Hizzie (Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie Saltzman)
Hope and Lizzie would definitely have that whole "enemies to lovers" thing going for them if they ever decided to take the plunge together. The bond we've seen these two develop over the course of Legacies has been so wonderful to watch, and while at the moment we prefer them as badass besties, we wouldn't hate to see them head towards romantic territory someday.
26. Janna (Jeremy Gilbert and Anna Zhu)
When The Vampire Diaries first paired Jeremy and Anna together, we thought our little vampire-loving hearts would give out. They were both so damaged and dark and alone in the world that they somehow fit perfectly together. Not even multiple deaths could keep them apart! Losing this one was hard, but at least ghost Anna came back to hang out occasionally.
25. Datherine (Damon Salvatore and Katherine Pierce)
Call us crazy, but even through all the craziness and manipulation, there seemed to be a spark of something between Damon and Katherine that was just undeniable. Maybe it was the fact that they both put up a dark and diabolical front to mask their real feelings about the way their lives turned out. This wasn't a ship for the ages, but it certainly was a pairing we'll remember forever.
24. Kennett (Kol Mikaelson and Bonnie Bennett)
You know a fandom is strong when it can build a ship of dreams out of like 2 episodes and 10 lines of dialogue, but that's about all Bonnie Bennett and Kol Mikaelson ever shared. And yet somehow, Kennett is always going to feel like the one that got away in terms of ships that totally should've happened but never did.
23. Klamille (Klaus Mikaelson and Camille O'Connell)
Despite their messy ending, Klaus and Camille's relationship showed us sides of each character that we otherwise would never have seen. Though it was missing some of the passion usually found in The Vampire Diaries and The Originals ships, it was still absolutely heartbreaking to watch Klaus lose a woman who meant so much to him when Cami died.
22. Jandon (Josie Saltzman and Landon Kirby)
This short-lived romance between Josie and Landon may not have been super popular with fans, but it was perfectly in character for both these self-sacrificing loners to find their way to one another. It may not have been a romance for the ages, but it was an age-appropriate and utterly endearing one, and that's good enough for us!
21. Kolvina (Kol Mikaelson and Davina Claire)
As one of the few ships that managed to make it out of The Originals series finale alive, we have to give Kol and Davina props. Their love story survived multiple deaths, body-swaps, and that pesky problem of Kol accidentally murdering Davina that one time. We want nothing more than peace and happiness for eternity for these two crazy kids.
20. Jalaric (Jenna Sommers and Alaric Saltzman)
While some believe Alaric's love life is cursed, those of us who watched the early years of The Vampire Diaries know better. Alaric will simply never find someone as perfect for him as Jenna Sommers, which means he's destined to fall in and out of subpar ships forever. Poor guy, it's rough when your soulmate dies so early on in the first of three sequential shows.
19. Klefan (Klaus Mikaelson and Stefan Salvatore)
This one's another ship was never technically canon, but as far as we're concerned that was a GRAVE mistake. Klaus and Stefan had chemistry coming out of their ears, and you're seriously trying to tell us that nothing happened between these two during their days of debauchery in the 1920s? Yeah right, you're not fooling us!
18. Jayley (Jackson Kenner and Hayley Marshall)
Jackson and Hayley may not have had the passion and the fire that some of the best TVD ships boasted, but they had something that very few other pairings had: A rock-solid friendship built on trust and understanding that grew organically into true love. Considering how crazy their world was, they both needed a relationship like this to keep them sane, which is maybe why we ended up loving it so much?
17. Kalijah (Katherine Pierce and Elijah Mikaelson)
Katherine and Elijah only shared maybe a handful of scenes together over the entire course of The Vampire Diaries, but they're somehow one of three ships we would have watched an entire spin-off about. Their love stood the test of time and somehow overcame hybrid-sized grudges, and that's about as romantic as it gets.
16. Rebel (Rebekah Mikaelson and Marcel Gerard)
Though we love Marcel and Rebekah (especially when we think about the day they both take the cure and grow old together), this couple had one major problem... One of them wasn't on the show all that often, which meant their romance faded to the background every time Rebekah left town -- which was a lot. We'll put this in the category of ships that were done dirty by logistical, behind-the-scenes stuff.
15. Bamon (Bonnie Bennett and Damon Salvatore)
The Bamon saga was one of the most topsy-turvey things to follow on The Vampire Diaries, but we loved every minute of it. From shipping them a little bit in Season 1 to hating everything about it in Season 3, to watching them grow into best buds in Season 6, Bonnie and Damon went on a journey unparalleled by any other ship in the TVDu. Do we kind of wish they'd given romance a try? Sure. Are we going to let that invalidate how awesome their story was? No way.
14. Gialijah (Gia and Elijah Mikaelson
We're probably going to get some hate for this, but if we had to pick between all of Elijah's ships, Gialijah would probably win out. Sure, they weren't star-crossed lovers or centuries-old flames, but if you're looking for a healthy dynamic (of which Elijah was sorely lacking) with great chemistry and some awesome scenes, Gialijah is the ship for you.
13. Handon (Hope Mikaelson and Landon Kirby)
Hope and Landon are kind of the Stelena of Legacies. Not a pairing that we think will be endgame (no matter how heartbroken that will leave us), but integral to the DNA of the series nonetheless. We're content to enjoy this sweet couple strive for their happy ending, and we'll even root for them most of the time as they grow up together and figure out this crazy supernatural world.
12. Jaiden (Josh Rosza and Aiden)
Oh, Josh and Aiden... the ship that was too pure for this world. Literally. Though both these characters bit the dust before all was said and done on The Originals, their love story was super sweet, and, hey, at least we got to see them reunite in the afterlife!
11. Beremy (Bonnie and Jeremy)
If any of you ever had a crush on your older brother or sister's friends, you'll understand our undying love for Beremy. There was something so cathartic about watching Bonnie realize that Jeremy had grown up to be a sweet, sexy, utterly dateable guy instead of Elena's annoying little brother. Even though the didn't end up together, they deserve a high ranking in this list of epic ships.
10. Posie (Penelope Park and Josie Saltzman)
Considering how few episodes of Legacies Penelope was in before she bounced, it's remarkable that so many people fell so deep in love with the Posie ship. We guess there's just something intoxicating about a bad girl who will do bad things for the girl she loves. If you come for Josie, Penelope will come for you!
9. Steferine (Stefan Salvatore and Katherine Pierce)
Is it weird that we always kind of thought Stefan and Katherine would end up together when all was said and done? Don't get us wrong, that relationship was toxic at best, but when they were on screen together, you just couldn't pull your eyes away from them. It was like watching a really sexy, complicated train wreck in action.
8. Forwood (Caroline Forbes and Tyler Lockwood)
Considering how often Caroline and Tyler were separated (by distance, evil hybrids, or opposing loyalties), it's pretty impressive that they were still one of the most memorable ships from The Vampire Diaries. It some mixed the sweetness of Maroline with the passion of Klaroline, creating a happy middle ground for fans to enjoy.
7. Freelin (Freya Mikaelson and Keelin Malraux)
Did we really understand the term OTP before Freelin existed? We doubt it. Freya and Keelin had their ups and downs on The Originals, to be sure, but through it all, there was never a doubt in our minds that these two strong, smart, sexy women were absolutely made for one another. Knowing they're living out their happily ever after in New Orleans with a cute little baby named Nik is the only thing that gets us through the day sometimes.
6. Steroline (Stefan Salvatore and Caroline Forbes)
Considering how many ships exist in this universe, it's shocking that Steroline is one of only a handful to make it down the aisle. Poor Stefan seemed doomed to be forever locked in a love triangle with his brother until Caroline Forbes entered his life. Not only did he no longer have to deal with love triangle BS, he got to marry his best friend, who he knew would support him through thick and thin. If only it hadn't taken them so long to figure out how awesome they could be together.
5. Benzo (Bonnie Bennett and Enzo St. John)
Sometimes it's hard to ship characters that are thrown together at the end of a series as opposed to the beginning, but that was not the case with Bonnie and Enzo. One minute they were two characters who'd never really interacted much, and the next they were epic loves who built a strong relationship built on trust, compassion, and a lot of laughter. Honestly, they fit so well together even we were surprised by it!
4. Stelena (Stefan Salvatore and Elena Gilbert)
Of all the ships to ever grace our screens over the years, there was something truly special about Stefan and Elena. Maybe it's because we associate their love story with some of the best years The Vampire Diaries ever had, or maybe their connection really was just too epic for words. Whatever the case, Stelena was one for the history books, and we dare you to say different.
3. Hosie (Hope Mikaelson and Josie Saltman)
It might seem weird to put a ship that's not, technically speaking, canon (yet!) so high on our list, but we absolutely won't apologize for it. Putting aside the obvious fact that these girls are definitely, majorly, into each other, Hope and Josie have proven over and over again that they not only understand each other on a deep, intimate level, they also care enough about one another to go to the ends of the earth to keep each other safe and happy. That kind of devotion when paired with a healthy, supportive dynamic is a killer combination.
2. Klaroline (Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes)
Klaus and Caroline never really got the timing right, but maybe that's what makes this ship one of the best in the history of The Vampire Diaries universe. They were enemies, they were lovers, and they were kind of even friends for a minute there, and the fact that they never really got a chance to be together only makes this ship more EPIC. Plus, it's kind of impossible not to swoon when a guy declares he'll be your last love.
1. Delena (Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert)
Was there ever any doubt that this list would end here? Whether you loved Delena or not, there's no denying this couple was iconic, and a large part of The Vampire Diaries' success was built on their love story. Sure, we would have preferred for them to not have different versions of the same fight for four seasons in a row, but that doesn't mean we don't still get major chills whenever we rewatch their first kiss or their series finale happily ever after.
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Feel like we'll get shit on for this one but also re to that post we actually... Didn't have any problems with endos. A lot of them were genuinelu really nice people and created a welcoming community for us. On the other hand, we had traumagenic systems harassing us and sending us messages along the lines of "fake whore, kys", etc. and posting us to cringe/flop accounts for daring to associate with the endos, to the point where we felt ashamed when we got our official DID diagnosis bc now we shared a label with these fuckers. They were doing this to us when we were 14 and were open about being 14 and it took years (we're nearly 19 now) to finally feel safe interacting with this side of the community again.
There's NO hiding that this kind of shit happens, or pretending that it doesn't exist. It does and it's so important to talk about it. I'm so, so sorry you experienced that.
I do, genuinely and sincerely, hope that the community as a whole has grown and that you feel more welcomed.
Thank you for sharing!
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chromium7sky · 5 years
Damirae week Day 4: college au| i only focus (on you)
A/n: i’m a sucker series part 3 enjoy.
That damn headache made her lay on the bed again as soon as she wake up from her slumber. She felt aching sore of her body as she tried to move any of her limbs. As she about to doze off suddenly she remember she had an appointment on 11 am.
Quickly she jolted out from the bed and later she regret doing it as her head felt as if been hit by a train. "What happen last night oww... "
"Aren't you suppose to have class? "
Oh, shit. That voice. As she turn around, she saw Damian in his last night clothes holding two cups of coffee. Then she look around the room. "This is not my apartment!! " she goes frantic.
"Well obviously. " Damian sip his coffee casually then gives the other cup to her. "It's for the hangover. It'll helps."
Raven hesitately to accept but due to the trobbing headache she felt, she accept and took some sip, hopefully it will ease it.
"I think I messed up last night. "
"You really messed up."
Raven looked at him.
“Oh no. Oh god.” Her face grew paler then shake her head. Suddenly, she realise something. As soon as she settle her coffee at the nightstand, she look at herself, wearing a shirt , men’s to be presumed, then she took a peek under her comforter. No pants.
Damian observed her as she gasped realise the situation she's in. "Oh MY GOD! " She look at herself then Damian. He hide his smirk as he sip his coffee.
"What happen last night?! Did we do it?!!! " her eyes went wide. Guess her shock really has take over her killing headache.
"....We were have some fun. "
"F-Fun?" she's having her cold feet.
"FUN." Damian said it with his death-pan face. "And you almost break my bed. "
Raven felt her face burn up. "B-b-break? Oh God! " she buried her face with her palm. The embarassing is unbearable. "W-what do you mean fun? " as her voice muffled against her hands.
"Flirting, Undressing and... "
"Aaaa...I don't wanna hear it!" she pulled the pillow and cover her head.
Damian smirked as he sees her reaction after drunk night. 'Oh, this is FUN.'
"I'm an idiot!" Raven muffled squeal into the pillow.
"You ARE an idiot. I told you to blend in last night, did I? " Damian sighed, as he lean on the wall near his bed.
"As far as i know from urban dictionary, in a bar, blend in means drinking! " Raven defend her.
"Well, you could at LEAST pretend to drink but still, not bad for first timer. " Damian chuckled as he look at her.
Raven whimpered as she tried to process the information she get from the her 'fake' boyfriend.
"By the way, you are a childish when you’re drunk. Quite funny though when you talk like a ten year old." Damian starts to laugh as he remember the night before.
“But... But.. If its childish that means we didn't do anything...pervert, right?? " she tried to convince herself.
"I DIDN'T do anything pervert." Damian cross his arm and stare at her. "You DID."
Raven upon hearing it, she flop to the bed and scream into the pillow. How could she'd be out of control?! Especially with him!
"Come on, I made you some breakfast. Better eat it before it gets cold. " Damian walked out from the bedroom.
It took a while for her to come out and join him at the table, perhaps, she still shocked with what happen last night. Damian smiled then give a pat on a chair next to him,as a signal for her to sit NEAR to him.
Raven gulped then slowly she drag her feet towards the dining table. Slowly, she pull the chair and sit. Damian observed her as he rest his chin on his palm propping on the table.
"Uh... " Raven try to break the silence but she's kind of lost her words as soon as she look at him. Her imagination start playing on her mind about what happen last night made her fidget and embarassed.
"Don't tell me you're still shy sitting next me?"
"Wha... "
"After what happen last night, You sleep in my bed and on TOP of me. It should be NO problem when seating next to me." He smirked.
"Mmmm... " Raven pressed both of her lips into a thin line.
"Let's eat first then I'll send you to the college." The young detective poured orange juice into two glasses and he served one of them to her.
Raven looked her plate, there's a stack of mini pancake soaked with maple sauce, two sunny eggs and a muffin (where did he get the muffin?).
"Here's the butter. " Damian passed the butter.
"Gee, thanks."
"Aren't you going to call me daddy?"
Raven choked up on her orange juice. She glared at him as she coughed, adjusting her airways. "Must you tease me?" her pitch voice goes higher in annoyance.
"Oh, yes, Babe."
It gives her the cringe as well as she heard his laugh, kinda rare to see him so casual. The usual Damian she met are always serious, monotone and well, has that stubborn old man attitude.
She focus on her eating, couldn't afford to be late for this appointment. Before the drunk night , she happens to received a letter says there's an art association wanted to offer her sponsorship to Japan for study in art interactive and pop culture.
"So, you're gonna wear yesterday clothes for the class? " Damian asked as he ate his mini pancakes.
"Actually it's for meeting with an Art Association about scholarship. " she nimbled on eggs then sip on her drink.
"Oh? "
"Can we stop by at my apartment first then go to my college? " she looked at him. She need a new clothes. Appropriate one.
"Your apartment are much further besides, mine is nearer." as Damian finished his plate. "We'll buy new clothes. " Damian cleaning his dishes. "That's what boyfriends do, right? " he smirked as he sidelong stare at her.
Again she felt heat rushed to her cheeks. "Fine, I'm going for a quick shower." she sighed as she walked to sink to wash her dishes but instead he take her plate and her glasses.
"Take a shower at my room. The towel is on the rack besides the bathroom door. " as he washes her dishes.
Raven noded then went to the bathroom as she took the towel from the rack. The bathroom is so huge that she were agape with its spacious interior. She tried to find the shower heads. "Where is that goddamn shower? " as she try to find the switch hen she saw a knob with number 0-5.
"Is this for lighting? " She turn the knob and rain start to pour in the middle of the room.
"Oohhhhh!!!! " she exclaimed, like she just discover a new life hack.
"What?! What's wrong?!" Damian yelled outside the bathroom.
"Nope. Nothing. Just found the shower and don't come in!!" she warned him.
"It's almost 9.30! Hurry up, Mermaid!"
"I know!"
"So, where are we going to buy my clothes?" Raven ask as she sunk in her seat while Damian drive his car.
His black mazda entering the parking site of a shopping mall near by her campus site.
"Lady's store of course, where else? " as he pull her hands to several exclusive store. "Wh... " before she could reply several shopping assistant has pulled her to the fitting room as Damian ordered them. "Find something professional for her first interview. "
As she come out from the fitting room with soft cotton blouse, navy blue jacket and black palazzo, he noded and shows his ok sign.
"Damian, you don't have to do this." Raven stand beside him at the counter as cashier present the receipt.
Damian pull out his golden card to the cashier. "It's for your future, Raven. First impression is important. "
Raven sighed. "Don't judge a book by it's cover, Damian."
"It's not about cover, Raven. It's about..." he paused as he stunned looked at Raven's new appeal. " Its about discover a real diamond among the rubble."
"You and your talk. " Raven chuckled as she closed her mouth. As soon as they left the mall, Damian reached her campus at 10.50 am.
"There, you're 10 minutes early. I hope you could practice your speech before the 'interrogation' begin. " he smirked. Raven sneered at him and about to get out from his car.
Damian quickly caught her wrist.
"What?" Raven look at him as she saw he put on crystal bracelet on her wrist. "What is this?"
"Incase something bad happen, Pull the charm."
"But I have cellphone. I can... "
"What if that perp took your handphone? what if there's no line? what if your phone has no battery? what if... "
"Alright, alright, I'll wear it! " she sighed annoyingly. "You're sound like my mother." she pout.
"Of course I am because I... " he stop abruptly. "Because I am your fake boyfriend." he continued. " and I don't want you end up becoming my case investigation. " his stare getting darker.
Raven swallowed as she saw his smoldering look. "I'll becareful." Raven noded.
"Good luck." Damian pull her wrist that has bracelet and kiss her cheek. Raven gasped as she accidentally open the door. She almost fell out of the car backward but saved by Damian as he pulled her arm. "You are unbelievable." he muttered then sighed.
"I Gotta go. " she quickly gone out from his car. Damian wave at her then drove away. As she watch the car move towards the gate, she just sighed and cursed at herself for being clumsy.
She never been this clumsy ever since after the drunk night, maybe it was because of her mind wondering what happen yesterday? Perhaps so.
Quickly, she paced up to the a building that has several classroom that usually used for the interview but this letter said the venue is in the AV room.
As she reach to the room, she knock it first then come in. There is no one there. Strange...
"Hello? Is there anyone in here? " said Raven as she went in. As she wander around suddenly the light flickers. She look at the ceiling then she realise the monitor from the other room were open.
She felt goosebump starts to crawl at the back of her neck, she quickly dashed towards the door. As she about to hold the knob, she felt a surge of electric sting her that made jerk off from that door.
'Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.' Her heart become panicking. She looked around try to find a way to escape. As she consider the vent at the other of the room, a shadow start to merge behind her.
She felt heavy breathing behind, gather up her courage she tried to dash forward until she felt a hard knock on her head. Her vision become blurry and she fell on the floor. Black out.
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dar-manda-rjct · 5 years
Baby? (Pilot)
Summary: Sam and Dean find out that the Impala isn't how they left it. What the hell happened??
Warnings: (i rushed so it's pretty sloppy ma bad) confused baby dean uwu, skeptical and sassy Sam, cussing, HUMAN!IMPALA (i think that's it?¿)
Word count: +1300 idk
i hope you like it (i named it pilot bc this might flop lol love that for me)
Sam and Dean were on a case. They were posing as feds to find clues to a teenage girls death outside of the town. All signs pointed to vamps. They wanted to gonna go get some grub after talking it out with the parents.
"I don't know Dean, this isn't tying together so well, maybe we skipped something?" Sam called after his older brother.
They were heading back to the alley where they parked Baby, Dean was nodding back to Sam while he jabbered on, pretending to care when he actually wanted to bounce this place and get some food.
Dean pulled the keys out of his pocket and turned the corner where they parked the Impala. Where it should be parked.
Dean's pulse quickened. Sam sensed his fear and anger from five feet away.
"Where the hell is my car!" Sam winced, "Deep breaths Dean." Dean whipped around his face pale from being on the edge of passing out, "Shut up Sam!"
A figure rose from behind the dumpster. It was a woman. Her dark skin was bare, she didn't have any clothes on her, Dean spun around on his heels to look away from her naked figure Sam spoke up to her,
"Woah miss you should be-" his voice faded in pure awe.
Dean felt arms wrap around his waist, he lifted his arms and curled his lip in disgust flailing his arms around, "Off, off, off!"
Please help me Dean." He looked back down at her, her golden eyes glaring back at him, they looked familiar but he couldn't place it.
He realized she knew his name. He didn't tell anyone in town his name, he was posing as a federal agent and should be addressed as Agent Morris.
Dean put his hand over where his gun was tucked in his belt, Sam did the same when Dean flickered his uneasy gaze to him.
"How do you know my name?"
The woman's eyebrows furrowed, "You won't believe me, you hunt weird shit like me, but Dean-" Her words were cut off and the wind was knocked out of her lungs as he rammed her into the brick wall, he checked her mouth for any signs of her being a vamp before snarling at her,
"Who the hell are you! How do you know who I am and what I do?" His voice rose and he had his gun out pressing the cold steel to her temple.
The woman didn't flinch she reached into his soul through his eyes with her fiery gaze taking him aback and took the opportunity to shove Dean off of herself and grab a rusty bar that lay next to her.
"I'm your car Dean! I'm Baby! I woke up here and I have legs, I have fucking legs!" Dean stepped off and looked at her chest, his and Sam's initials were carved into it, deep scars. "Bullshit!" Dean said harsher, he disarmed her and thrusted her body into the wall again.
"Baby?" Sam said with a tang of sass. Baby turned to look at him, "Yes!" she brought her arms up in submission "That's what I've been trying to tell you."
Dean glared at her, observing her markings. She showed him the white devil's trap tattoo that was just above her back dimples like the one that was in the trunk, the scars from every crash she endured, mostly on her back and face.
Dean's car was human. Why? Who the hell knows.
Sam was the one to break the silence, "Well if you're Baby then where are all the weapons?" She looked at him with a raised brow and then caught onto what he was saying. taking their hands and leading them to where she was hiding earlier.
Behind the dumpster was the mass of guns, holy water, rosaries, knives, machetes, ammunition, and of course, grenade launcher. The duffel bags, cassettes, beer cooler, cases, cellphones, and wads of cash were there too.
Sam stepped closer to her his hazel eyes burning holes into her, "Alright then tell us something only our car would know."
Baby cackled, "I know how much people you slept with in my backseat, that you put legos into my vents, the army men, the amount of heads you've stored in the cooler that was in my backseat, the bodies you stored in the trunk."
She chuckled before the next confession, "When you kidnapped Crowley and put him in the trunk he would hum "Sweet Caroline" to himself. Good times."
She looked at Dean with an evil smirk, "Oh and that you and Cas-" Dean intervened , "OKAAY that'll do." Sam shrugged and pulled Dean to the side, "I mean I believe her."
Dean squinted at him, "What part made you believe her?" Sam raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips, looking at Dean. Dean caught on, "Shut up bitch."
Sam and Dean turned back to Baby, "Okay, we believe you, but try anything we will kill you," Baby smiled
"But before we go anywhere you will put on some clothes." Dean waved his finger at her like a scolding parent,
Baby cringed not liking that tone one bit, "Thanks?"
Baby continued to put on one of Sam's red flannel shirts and jeans, they were long, she cut the pant cuffs with a machete and fixed the pants to fit her hips with one if their belts. She took Dean's combat boots and socks and slipped them on.
She walked from behind the dumpster and did a little strut. "Eh? I look good." Sam giggled, "You look like me."
She fumed, "And I still look like a better lumberjack, shut your hole."
Sam, Dean, and Baby rented a car for the time being, considering their main ride had it's own two legs.
The three got back to the motel after getting some food. Baby likes cheeseburgers and fries, a lot. Dean insisted it be her first real meal.
"I love food." She said through a mouthful, the flannel sleeves sunk to her elbows when her hands were angled up because the shirt was so big. "We'll have to go find you some clothes soon." Sam observed her after taking a swig of his beer. Pretty soon Baby would want to try some beer too.
Baby was a fine looking as a human just as she was when she was a car. A few scars, sigil tattoos here and there, but she had the same golden eyes the car's headlights had, dark skin with barely visible freckles and short, dark afro that pulled her little 60s look together.
She had an hourglass figure which was hidden by Sam's clothes, she was about 5'7 and quite muscular, not to mention resourceful.
Even still, she looked as if she just came back from the 60s, it was strange; and they hunt monsters for a living.
"So what now?" Baby leaned into Sam to get his attention away from the computer. Sam looked at Dean, his eye brows furrowed, "Should we let her take this case with us?"
Baby looked at Sam, her gold eyes narrowing questioningly then flickering it over to Dean, curling her lips in a smile and winking, "I think you know the answer Dean-o." Dean looked up at her and chuckled, "Hell no."
Her face got a sarcastic look, "Too bad grasshopper, I'm tagging along. I tag along when I'm a car don't I?"
Dean gave her the Winchester bitch-face, "It's different now, I don't think you even know how limbs work."
Baby frowned, "You'll teach me then, or Sam will." Dean got tired of her stubborn determination, "Fine."
Baby smiled satisfied. "We'll leave in the morning then, get some clothes for Baby, teach her how to use her limbs and then continue on our way it's getting late anyway." Dean announced.
They went to bed early, around 12, Dean didn't sleep much. How could he? His car was asleep in the same bed as him. This job couldn't possibly get any weirder.
Could it?
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