#if it got a reboot
letstalkaboutit100 · 6 months
Ideas pt 23/ pt 2 of the O'hair twins
*Both girls stop eating with shocked faces* H: "Can you even do that?!" G: "I don't know! The only person who signed it was Snow white's daughter! Orange? Banana?" R: "Apple mom" G: "That's right! Apple white! Apparently Raven wants to write her 'own destiny'. *Both girls spit out the leftover food they have in their mouths and look at each other* R: *Surprised* Girls are you ok? P: "Uhmm, yeah! We're fine Mom! Can we be excused? *stands up to leave and grabs Holly's arm before their mom says anything* R: "What was that all about?" G: "Twins! Who knows" *shrugs her shoulders and continues to sip her tea* *Back to the Twins* H: "Poppy where are we going?! Stop!" *Poppy continues to drag her sister and ignore her protests until they reach their room and lock the door* "What was that for?!" "Did you hear what Grandma said?!" "Yes, I heard I was just there!" *rubs her arm* "Do you know what this means!" "That the most important and famous fairytale is going to 'poof' and their families are going to die? yeah, what a shame." *sarcastically* "What? no! I mean your probably right but that's not what I meant!" "Well, what?" *Pouty now that her arm hurts* "YOU CAN COME TO SCHOOL WITH ME!" *Starts to squeal and jump around* "Wait what?!" "You heard what Grandma said! Raven wants to 'write her own destiny'! That is exactly what you said yesterday! You can come to school with me! You're not the only one without a destiny! This is so exciting! Now we can go to a real school together! *starts to talk fast* We'll have classes, and teachers who aren't our parents, we'll meet new people, even princes!" *Sighs and smiles dreamily at that* "Woah woah woah! Poppy! Come down. Okay? Take a deep breath." *breath together* "Ok, now what is it your trying to say?" *Tries not to shout it but is literally shaking with excitement and shouts* "COME TO SCHOOL WITH ME!" *shocked* "What?!" "You can come to school with me!" "Woah! Ok, Poppy, thank you for always being concerted for me but I-" "No buts! We find out that one of the most supposedly evil person there RAVEN QUEEN wants to be good and 'write her own destiny' like you and you're saying that you don't want to go?!" "Ok, yes that is very shocking and I didn't say I 'didn't' want to go but-" "Then come with me! Legacy Day was a flop so they probably accepting new students and you can finally find out who you're meant to be! "I-I I don't know Poppy I mean-" "Just think about it! Ok? Please!" *Cue puppy dog eyes lol* "Ugh! Ok fine!" "Yay!" *Jumps and hugs Holly and saying thank you* *Laughs and hugs her back* "Okay, okay! But don't mention it to ANYONE got it? I don't want to get anyone's hopes up." *nods* "Okay!" *Squeals again and starts packing and blabbing about how great it will be* *Holly rolls her eyes fondly*
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potatounicoorn · 2 months
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The fact we grew up along side him makes me emotional every single time.
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nocofamilyau · 5 months
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man how messed up is he? (3/24)
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sugar-tooth · 1 year
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flustered JFK >>>>
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sketchy-tour · 8 months
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Okay listen I got distracted while working on my ask doodles. BUT LISTEN THIS IS SO SELF INDULGENT cause I was listening to an early 2000s playlist on spotify and realized... Reboot Wally would so be a blink 182 fan. And you SO know he would sing that mess at karaoke. A dork. I love him.
Reboot AU belongs to @/bloodrediscream (Man I do not need to tag them for just my silly doodles.
I WILL HOWEVER tag @kawaiialeisha because I feel like you'd appreciate this
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temeyes · 8 months
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that other big guy, i guess
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duncanor · 1 year
Honestly, Studio Orange are such a bunch of chads because this reboot was so risky.
The animation changed, they made the season 1 a prequel and didn't tell anyone, they changed the timeline, they added new characters with different designs and used a different flavor of sci-fi.
A lot of things that could make it fails so easily in the eyes of most people.. But they pulled it off so damn well.
They went against the odds and delivered something beyond amazing.
I am impatient to see what the future holds for this show.
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aronair · 27 days
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Meow meow
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shiningclown69 · 1 month
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apple bottom jeans, boots with the jeans...
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writer-room · 8 months
Dragons Rising is too dangerous for us, cause now the writers have proved they care about their characters. Pixal still existing, Kai having screen time again, and finally acknowledging Lloyd is the grandson of God? This is too much power. One has not ever dared get their hopes up in Ninjago, not for anything.
And they're gonna be the death of me specifically, because now the chances that they'll acknowledge Lloyd's dragon heritage aren't at zero anymore.
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snarky-art · 2 months
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She’ll never be Daphne
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letstalkaboutit100 · 6 months
Pt 20/pt 2 of Lizzie's episode (This is after way too wonderland)
Courtly's plan is to have all of Wonderland turn their backs on Lizzie and her family! She wants the throne! *Well she can't have it!* Lizzie thought. "Enough!" *everyone freezes and looks at her while Courtly tries to escape* "All of Wonderland listen! I do love you! I care about our home and our future! My destiny is to become your next Queen and I take great pride and honor in that! You are not all just friends or subjects but my family! I stood by you! I fought for and with you! You all know me! You all know that I'm still just a kid with dreams of my own! Wonderland will always be my home and its welfare is my first priority! You all know that I am WAY too young to become Queen now! My mother is still in excellent health! I have so many things I want to do before I become your Queen! Just because I don't want to now doesn't mean I don't want to ever! It's a lot of pressure but I promise just as I have just sworn *you know when someone is about to be crowned king or queen that makes an oath? that's what she means* to be loyal to my kingdom and all who live here!" "It is you!" *Points to Courtly who somehow still hasn't escaped lol* "Who doesn't care for Wonderland! Who doesn't care for it's people!" "You tired to force me into my destiny early thinking that I don't want to be Queen at all when in truth it's all that I think about! Sure I want to be a fashion designer, but you know what? Who says I can't do both!? I AM following my destiny but I'm following it my way! There may be detours along the way! There may be bumpy roads ahead! But it's all worth it in order to secure Wonderland's future!" *Points her scepter to the ceiling* *Every cheers and claps and wipes tears from their eyes* *Lizzie looks down and has a shy smile on her face* *She looks back up and says while pointing her scepter at Courtly* "Guards! Capture that trickster!" "And take her to the dungeon!" *Courtly tries to wiggle out of the guard's arms but fails* "W-WHAT?! NO! She's lying! I do care! I care for Wonderland as if it's my own kingdom! WHICH IT SHOULD BE! Lizzie hearts and her mother are-" Chase: *Takes off his helmet* "Oh give it a rest Courtly. You're not taking over Wonderland today." Lizzie: "Or ever!" *Courtly looks behind her to Chase with a shocked face* "C-CHASE?! D-did I say takeover the kingdom?" "Yeah, you did" "Oh! Well, I-I didn't mean it! I was just HELPING Lizzie! Yes! I was helping her to-" Kitty: "Oh shut up Courtly!" (I feel it would be funny if they were somehow cousins. Maybe friends but then became enemies or something.) "Stay out of it feline!" "Ok! Off you go!" (Got a bit protected of kitty lol!) *Chase still holding her hands behind her back ushes her to walk forward to the dungeon.* "NO! C-Chase baby! C-Can't we talk about this?! I'll make you a deal! You let me go and help me take over Wonderland and I'll make you my king!" *Everyone says EW! lol* "No way!" "OK! Ok! How about captain of the guard!" Lizzie: "That won't be necessary." "Oh? Really?! Why is that royal brat?" Chae: "OK! I've had just about enough of you-" *Lizzie holds out her hand to silence him* "That won't be necessary because when I'm Queen Chase will be my first choice to become captain. Now take her away!" *Chase bows down to Lizzie and gives her a silly wink* "Yes Your Majesty." LM: "And good riddance!" *everyone stops and looks back to the real Queen of Hearts forgetting that she was here* (She escaped at some point and went to the mad hatters when everyone else was planning on what to do and told them everything How Courtly snuck into the palace and kidnapped her and locked her and up in her own dungeon! And when Lizzie found her Courtly threatened her Mother's safety so she escaped with Chase's help. She also did a funny war cry when her and the other came through the doors lol. She feels like a badass warrior queen to me) *Lizzie runs to her mom* "Mom!" *they hug* "I am so proud of you!" *They have a mother-daughter moment and talk about what she said in her speech and stuff* They have a big feast, talk, and go home!
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fumiko-matsubara · 11 months
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So the designs for the upcoming winx club reboot has been flooding my twitter for DAYS and I immediately fell in love with Musa's 😍💕
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epicbubblekitty · 5 months
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Truly the Final 10 of all time <3
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yeol205 · 11 months
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i got inspired by this post
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So uhm, I saw this...
And I just imagined the following:
Price: *makes his way into the locker room/communal showers at 5 a.m. sharp because they have to be wheels up in an hour*
Price: *stops by the sink first to clear his throat, spit out and then proceeds to hack up a lung because he smokes cigars like he's made of money* (don't smoke, kids. smoking is bad)
Gaz, Soap, Ghost, Roach, and every single other soldier, junior officer, recruit, medic, fucking anyone in the locker room or in the immediate vicinity in unison: "G'Morning SIR!"
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