#if its only a dream it will be the end of me
mourninglamby · 1 day
i really cannot wait for the day someone makes a genuinely intensive and compelling video essay on dream smp as a story and how that story functioned. sure, a few people come close, but most videos on youtube "looking back" on dsmp are mostly... surface level? and from people who, while may have been invested, were not as deep in the fandom trenches (cough loretwt) i appreciate those videos for what they are, primarily light hearted recap videos. but man... i dunno. i feel the need for someone to really express my thoughts on a larger scale and confirm that im like, not the only one i guess? who thinks about it that way? i think it deserves to be taken and analyzed seriously. which sounds stupid but i dont think it should be.
bottom line, youve put words to a lot of feelings i struggled to express. part of me is even hesitant to ask for a video like this because i feel very adamant that its made by The Right Person. eventually one of us is probably just gonna end up doing it ourselves 😭
Ugh… anon you have no idea how truly validating this is … I agree. I get physically sick sometimes seeing those videos in my recommended. They never get into the meat of why specifically the STORY and the type of fandom it spawned was harmful, which surprises me because there’s more than enough evidence in dsmp of them being fucking sickos! It would do nothing but strengthen their arguments against the content creators behind it like Will and dream, simply from the fact that the ending was so horrific. Like it or not, the narrative of dsmp communicated values the real people have, using rhetoric and pre-existing bias’. They wrote what they knew- not my fault it was abuse apologism! Now study it !!!!!!!!
Anyway …my friends and I have actually be working on a giant essay based on another anon, but I’d love to do a video essay one day.
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susansontag · 14 hours
my guide to lesbian anime both canonic and subtextual
(won’t include every lesbian anime ever, this is a personal list)
the canonic-gay section:
revolutionary girl utena
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nothing before or since has ever done it like this. trigger warnings for everything imaginable. loads of homosexuals in this one. gender commentary, fairytale allusions, a lot of kids who are having a hard time growing up and moving beyond their pasts. sword lesbians.
flip flappers
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the problematic favourite, in that there’s at least one uncomfortable sexualised shot each episode (roughly speaking; some have none and one has even more, unfortunately), so be warned. but at its heart flipflap is about repressed cocona going on adventures with outgoing and expressive papika, and their exploration of various fantastical lands/inner worlds of people they meet. hugely inventive and pretty, and a core thread is cocona discovering she’s gay.
aoi hana (‘sweet blue flowers’)
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the comfort lesbian show, with not a romantic relationship at its heart, but a friendship between two childhood friends who meet again, both of whom are gay (though only one realises this during the show’s run, as it’s based on a manga). one of them dates an upperclassman at her school, and there’s various gay and bi side characters. it’s just very wholesome, lovingly animated, sweet and sometimes painful stuff.
bloom into you
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I controversially do not care that much for bloom into you, but as the best, high-production, non-skeevy yuri show in years - that is based on a manga by a woman - it’s worth mentioning. late-bloomer girl dreams of romance, though has never felt it, and finds affinity with a girl who similarly is disinclined to date. that is, until said girl says she fancies her. genuinely moving exploration of developing gay identity at times, only downside is my personal disinterest in the black haired girl. some weird ‘heightened’ moments that feel inauthentic and titillating do arise, but it’s very few - to the point where some would disagree with me on my reading of it, I’d imagine.
sailor moon
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the bits which the lesbians are in, etc. it’s a classic. I haven’t watched all of it myself because I don’t care much nor do I have nostalgia for sailor moon, but it’s one of the most notable examples of a butch/masc lesbian in anime, so that’s nice.
o maidens in your savage season
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nerdy teenage girls who are part of a literature club make it their quest to discover sex and dating, in various ways (unfortunately, not all of them dealt with well… teacher/student foolery that is fortunately abandoned before it gets worse but is nonetheless handled with mixed results, imo). mostly though it’s hilarious, sweet, silly, and there’s a gay girl in it, but I won’t spoil which one. adults predating on children is also handled much, much better in another of the show’s storylines, and I do appreciate it for trying to tackle that difficult subject matter.
oniisama e (‘dear brother’)
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an oldie, based off a shoujo manga by one of the greatest (riyoko ikeda). there’s a central relationship to root for (better articulated in the manga), but it’s mostly just what if we were messy depressed lesbians at an all-girls school and we were also melodramatic and mean as hell.
revue starlight
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what if we were at an all-girls dramatic arts school and engaged in utena-like duels to become the top performer? main implicitly gay couple with canonic side gay couples. it’s quite cute. also worth watching if you like takarazuka in any way (prestigious all-female japanese theatre troupe), because the main conceit of the school is very much based on that idea.
the gay-themes section:
sound! euphonium (season one)
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in which director naoko yamada’s awesome legacy of writing lesbians and then saying “who’s to say though, ha ha” continued (she did it already with a side character in tamako market). this one is known as the gaybait to end all gaybait, but hear me out: the first, and best, season, is not only a fantastic self-contained story with many great characters and plot points, but it’s main character is undoubtedly lesbian-coded and even has a love interest you can argue about. frankly I think she’s gay-coded throughout the whole show (even when she dates a guy for two minutes), but this feels very “I wanted to focus on this compelling relationship between two female characters but the adaptation’s success meant we had to revert back to the source material in later seasons”. what we got from this is perhaps my favourite lesbian anime of all-time, following utena.
a place further than the universe
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this show is about four girls who join an expedition to antarctica, and what if I told you they’re all great, believable dorky teenage characters, and they exist in a well-written and thematically satisfying show… and there’s nice lesbian implication between one of our adult female protagonists and her old (deceased; not a spoiler) friend who was the main teen girl’s mother. there’s some sad here, obviously.
puella magi madoka magica
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the well-known, much beloved deconstruction of the magical girl genre is also pretty gay, as it happens (so gay in fact it started a trend of gay-coded pink+black magical girls). it’s not a particular favourite of mine, but it’s visually one of the most notable anime productions ever, so it’s well worth seeing just for that.
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the 2000s manga+show about the two twenty-year-olds who meet on a train and discover they’re both called nana is also pretty gay! to the point where there are heated fandom debates about nana komatsu’s (pink one) possibly being a lesbian. they both have many relationships with guys, but it’s their bond that forms the heart of the show, and the bisexuality (or, who knows, homosexuality) of the leads is pretty undeniable. to the point where you’ll get blasted on the nana subreddit if you try and suggest otherwise.
the wild-card section:
keep your hands off eizouken!
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this is a show about three oddball girls who start a club to create anime, but have to pose as the film club instead for various reasons. it’s not even subtextually gay, I just personally think that all three of the leads are gay and the whole thing feels like a very female-centred creative endeavour. hugely fun watch, and very high production values. you wouldn’t regret seeing it.
skip & loafer
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these two you see here are side characters. this show is actually about mitsumi, the greatest female protagonist of this kind of shoujo-esque slice of life show, who moves from the countryside to tokyo for high school. here she meets many a misfit, including the pretty blonde and the nerd girl who have undeniable chemistry and form one of the most popular pairings in the show. it’s just a good time.
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I’d get in trouble for this, because the primary romance factor in the show is a famed heterosexual love triangle with chihaya at its centre and her two male childhood friends at the side. but go with me on this. chihaya is oblivious to romance and feminine socialisation, she is obsessed with a card game and with her equally dorky dark-haired rival… she’s anime’s greatest autistic lesbian lead. and you get more than what you pay for, because the two boys I mentioned? a lot of gay stuff going on there too.
the big-screen-cinematic section:
the adolescence of utena
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revolutionary girl returns in the sequel of a lifetime, slightly older (sixteen, say) and gayer than ever, to escape this place with the love of her life. cue the impromptu dance sequence (with stars and rose petals)!
liz and the blue bird
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the naoko yamada directed gay cinematic universe continues with a gorgeous film starring two of the side characters from sound! euphonium’s second season (not necessary to watch beforehand). that means it has plausible deniability whilst being so crazily gay it’s almost some kind of joke. this is a highly detailed, laser-focused character study of two girls in their high school band club and their ever more strained relationship. yamada never misses.
the summer
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this is korean! it’s about two girls who meet at school and start dating in secret, what happens as they grow up and move to seoul, and how their relationship changes and strains when met with the conservatism of contemporary korean society. it was sweet and like aoi hana above for japanese girls, felt pretty frank to the experiences I’d imagine young korean lesbians might have.
puella magi madoka magica: rebellion
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if you’re a fan of the show, you probably don’t talk about this movie. sure, it’s a visual feat, sure, it’s insanely entertaining, but it’s also frustrating and upsetting and potentially undermines the neatness of the original as a perfectly-crafted story. BUT. kyouko/sayaka becomes all but canon in it, and everything else aside, that’s all that really matters. but you should definitely watch the show beforehand.
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featguler · 3 days
kylian relationship headcanon?
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can i come over ? ────── just another episode of tenderness.
♡ ────── pairing : kylian mbappé x reader ♡ ────── tags : reader's gender, ethnicity, nationality, and appearance is not specified. ♡ ────── wordcount : 667 ♡ ────── notes : posting this one as a good luck token for the france vs netherlands game!! ily kylian. i try to not just write the happy parts of the relationship but also the hurdles you two might face? i might do more of these since i've got some ideas still :^) (quick disclaimer: since these are headcanons of real people, i'd like to emphasize that if you do not agree with any of the things i write, please kindly click off the post). title is from cool dry place by katy kirby ♡ masterlist.
Kylian Mbappé. Every single person on the Earth knows his name. But you especially—how could you not? When he doesn’t have his eyes on a football game, or his legs on a football field, he has them on you.
Hand on your knee at every single group dinner, behind your neck at every hangout with friends; his skin is always in contact with yours at every single second.
Touchy does not even begin to describe him.
If it were up to him, he would drag you to the changing room and have you sit between his legs—but no, it is not up to him.
Well, mostly because he doesn’t want to be the one that brings the elephant into the room, but also it is so bad that other people are beginning to think of you as a nuisance.
“Mbappé can’t keep his hands off his partner,” a tabloid once wrote, and it only took a few quote retweets from some Parc des Princes employees, heavily agreeing, for it to go viral.
“Sorry,” you once said to a manager, then to a janitor, then to a teammate, Kylian trailing quietly behind you, arms around your waist.
And he gets sooo whiny if you push him away—what’s worse than losing a match? His dramatic ass would say that it’s having you steer away from his touches!
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“Kylian,” you whine on the couch, pushing his face away as he tries to kiss you for the hundredth time that hour. “Please, I’m trying to watch a film here.”
“Mhm,” He pouts, arms around your back, hoping that you’d look at him. He looks at you, his chin on your chest before sighing. “You hate me right? Be honest.”
“Please,” you say again, eyes never leaving the television, “you can kiss me all you want the moment the movie ends.”
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He tends to avoid. You’ve known him for so long, and you are at the point where you would almost forgive him for the amount of issues that have simmered too long in both of your discontent.
But you don’t do that. No. You see forever with this man, right? So you sit him down and talk.
You’ve got to admit that Kylian has gotten so, so much better in recent years.
He used to flee at every problem—it’s not that he has trouble expressing his emotions, it’s that he has trouble being vulnerable.
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“You’re doing this again,” you roll your eyes, arms crossed over your chest. Kylian won’t look you in the eyes. “I’m sick of this.”
“Come on,” Kylian tries reaching a hand over the table to you—well, if he’s going to ignore you, you sure as hell are going to ignore him too. “Look at me, we don’t have to talk about this right now.”
“Right,” you huff out, letting out a sarcastic laugh, “so when are we going to talk about this.”
Kylian stays quiet.
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Kylian likes luxurious things; and he likes you. The same thing, really, in his eyes. A priceless watch and your priceless kiss—this is the kind of luxury a man like him can only dream of.
He goes all the way for his show of love, of course! He customises everything he owns with your initials.
Once, he somehow left his passport in the airport, and what got people into talking was not his passport, but your initials embroidered on its leather cover.
The strap of his duffel bag is changed into a shade of your favourite colour, your initials and his sewn together under it—it does not stop there! A gold plated lapel pin with your name on it becomes a staple on every single suit he wears; socks with your initials when cuffed; matching bracelets he only takes off before practice and matches.
He makes sure the camera flashing on his face gets it: he’d pose in a certain angle, throw his scarf over his shoulders in a certain way.
Even when you’re not there, he still loves showing you off!
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bitterchocoo · 2 days
hello! feel free to ignore this request if you do not want to do it
dr ratio with a gender neutral student reader who doesn't try in their studies because they believe it'll all go to waste? like reader is discussing their life plan with dr ratio and the reader talks about how its stupid?
Dr. Veritas Ratio | Gender Neutral Reader (Platonic)
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"Teacher tell me all about my life.. down on which road am I meant to decide..?"
"I believe you know why you're here?"
"I did something wrong?"
"More or less."
"It should be illegal for a professor to be vague.."
Ratio sighs at the other words. How annoying. It's not everyday he comes across a student who has the gal to be this sarcastic with a professor. They would be nervous, shaking in their boots! But here they are! Slouching against their seat, a bored expression, and a sarcastic remark. They're really testing his patients.
"[Name], you have so much potential. Yet here you are lazing around, being uninterested, and only doing the bare minimum! When you could be so much more!" Ratio says, a little agitated by the mere thought of it. His student. HIS student. Being a slacker? A lazy bone? Especially with how they are barely passing their assignments? Impossible! All of his students are of top quality! He can't let this slide!
"Don't you want to be successful? Don't you want people knowing your name? Don't you--" "No, I don't."
"Huh?" He blurred out without thinking. "No'".? Why? Why would they say no? Wouldn't anyone want to be successful in the future? Wouldn't anyone want their name known throughout the world? To have recognition? To live a happy life filled with riches and fame? The ultimate dream?
"This is stupid." [Name] began slowly, leaning even more on their seat. "It's all so stupid.. we're all gonna die in the end anyways, so what's the point? We need to eat, even though in the end we're just gonna exited out of our system anyways, we need to learn, even though our memory won't be as good the more we age, we need to sleep, even though we woke up still feeling tired, we need to have friends, even though they stab you in your back."
"Everything is simply useless, stupid, dumb.."
"Why do we continue this endless cycle of misery if in the end.."
"...we're all just gonna die?"
It's completely and utterly stupid to want to continue such pain, and it's even more stupid to want to achieve something such as fame and riches when all in the end they'll just turn to dust.
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just-zy · 2 days
Lost a letter (II)
pairing: Wednesday Addams x Fem Reader!
summary: You have a hard time trying to swoon Wednesday, but having her roommate be your friend? It doesn't always end well.. Maybe..
A/N: this took longer than I anticipated.. sorry 😞
Warnings!: cursing, I don't know, my writing, lemme know if I have a bunch that needs to be put on warning!
part 1 || Masterlist
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I woke up earlier than usual, the nerves got to me. I had this moronic dream where I literally slipped to my face and Wednesday freaking Addams saw the whole thing, which certainly had me wide awake at what, 4AM. Great. I knew I couldn't go back to sleep considering the anxiety radiating off of me.
I feverishly walked to my desk, turning my light night on. I expected my desk to be scattered with papers and whatnot, not an ounce of cleanliness recalling the night before. Rubbing my eyes while my left hand caresses the desk in front of me, I grumbled thinking about why I didn't feel anything that was on my desk, until my fingers lightly bumped on a paper.
Uncovering my eyes, I took the time staring at the singular parchment on my table that was staring right back at me.
Did Enid send this off while I was asleep? Did she clean my desk as well?
Thinking nothing of it, although it looked odd with its aura that was spitting at me, I still took my time opening it vigorously.
In the library tomorrow 8pm sharp, if you want that letter back.
Someone had my freaking letter. I was fuming, I glanced around trying to find a clue if they had left anything else behind— Why the fuck was my window open.
"Enid I swear, you have to come with me!", Begging and insisting wasn't really my thing, that letter anxiously kept me up this morning. She was hesitant at first, but then looked so sure that she wasn't going anywhere with me. "Y/N. I won't be going because I have a project that I have to finish with Yoko, now go before that letter gets to Wednesday!" She then urges me to scurry away.
I huffed as I knew I had no other choice than to oblige, I grumbled and whined how unfortunate I was being.
Making my way to the library felt like an eternity, dragging my feet on the concrete wasn't really the brightest idea, but I couldn't help it. Thinking about all the horrible possibilities once I'm in that library.
What if Wednesday is already there waiting for me?
Peaking through the door as I took slow and cautious steps inside, you never know, people tend to come here to make out..
I made my way to a nearby table, and I noticed a folded paper.. Holy shit that's my letter!
"Hello, Y/N."
Oh no.
At a fleeting moment, I took a hold of the letter and stuffed it in my coat. "W- Wednesday! Hey.." I spun around, completely sulking about the situation I was in, I still can't comprehend how my letter got here.
"..Well? Don't you have something to give me?"
"I– what? Pardon?"
She sighs and crosses her arms, lightly tilting her head to her left. "You sent me a note, a note that says to meet you here. At this specific time. To hand me something?" Her brows creased, as if she was inspecting me. I coughed and started making excuses, "Are you sure it was me? It could've been anyone–"
"You're the only one here. Now hand it over, I don't have all night." I backed away as she began taking a step forward, closer to me.
My fingertips shook as it made contact with the crumpled paper in my pocket. What would she think of me once she read this letter? Would she stop giving me those nods when we pass each other through the corridors? Would she stop being my seatmate? Would she still be able to give me her undivided attention?
I took out the letter, straightening and smoothening the creases I unintentionally made.
"Here– I'll be leaving now if you don't mi—" Before I could've finished my sentence or even get passed the door, she took a hold of my wrist, her other hand busying itself to fold open my letter.
Wednesday Addams,
In the quiet corners of my heart, you found a blank canvas, untouched, waiting for your touch, for your ink to dance across its surface.
With each glance, a line was drawn, with each word, a shade deepened, you traced your essence onto my soul, transforming the emptiness into art.
In the soft light of dawn, I feel the permanence of your mark, etched into the depths of my being, a testament to the bond we share.
In the quiet of night, you dip your pen into the inkwell of my soul, each stroke, deliberate and tender, traces the contours of my unspoken truths.
Not merely a signature, but a symphony of lines and curves, your presence has become the ink that writes my story.
In the stillness of the night, you arrived, a whisper on the wind, a brush dipped in starlight, ready to ink my soul with your essence.
Her eyes scanned through the words that etched on the parchment, the longer I stuck still, the longer her hand grips onto my wrist, it didn't hurt me, it might've reassured me at some point, but not the nagging in the back of my head.
After she was finished, she folded the paper back to its form, placing it on the wooden table, her grip on my wrist loosened as she examined my face. The softness of her gaze made my knees buckle, such action showed how hopeless I was when I'm around the girl.
The only thing that brought me back to reality was her touch, her touch alone can send me into orbits of galaxies, even without her realising. How her thumb caressed my wet cheeks. I hadn't known I'd been crying.
The taste of her burgundy lipstick, and the warmth of her lips. I truly felt like I was front to front with Satan's door, ready to let him take my sins and my wrong doings. The way I quietly sobbed onto her lips as she held me with such care and gentleness.
Maybe this was the nagging feeling that kept me up, the ink to my soul.
E: what happened! Tell me everything!
T: *typing everything through Wednesday's typewriter*
A/N: okay so I don't take full credit of the free versed poems... I had a.i help me with a few, I hope you all liked it!!
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nemo-in-wonderland · 2 days
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"I guess it goes to show, does it not? That we've no idea what we've got until we lose it And no amount of love will keep it around If we don't choose it And I don't know what's got its teeth in me But I'm about to bite back in anger No amount of self-sought fury Will bring back the glory of innocence
My, my, those eyes like fire I'm a winged insect, you're a funeral pyre Come now, bite through these wires I'm a waking hell and the gods grow tired Reset my patient violence along both lines of a pathway higher Grow back your sharpest teeth, you know my desire
I have traveled far beyond the path of reason Take me back to Eden Take me back to Eden"
"Take Me Back To Eden" - Sleep Token
You remember how, the other day, I wrote about how Aranea would eventually meet her demise a few centuries after the events of BG3?
Well, you know that with me, angst and fluff go hands in hands, so I wanted to draw the moment Mephisto found Aranea, mere moments before she is to pass. And he knows that she is going to pass, because he already can feel her soul drawn to himself, reaching for him, as part of their contract. So, before this happens, he brought her to the small garden of rocky trees and crystals that he created for her when she joined him in Cania and became his consort.
As for HOW Aranea has met her end, I like to imagine that it was always her desire for revenge that got her, and her inability to let go of grudges just lead her to a poor decision that, eventually, brought to her demise.
Her grudge against the Dream Guardian, who he was, and how he tricked her into taking her late husband form, was something that Aranea NEVER forgot nor forgive. It was something done deliberately, something that brought her excruciating pain (born out of hope and longing) even if her frozen heart was already in Mephisto's hands, and she could never look past it, not even if the Dream Guardian was the reason she didn't become an Illithid.
So, after the events of Baldur's Gate, she would go her way to find him again, with all the intent to make him pay for what he did (I know, I know, the retribution might be disproportionate, but considering that this happened after Aranea spent a whole century reaping souls for Mephisto, her morals are a tad skewed).
So, considering that the reason for Aranea's death is once more connected to the reason why she sought Mephistopheles' help in the first place, I decided to go down the symbolic route, and give her a garment that resembled the one she had the first time she invoked Mephisto, in a sort of cruel irony.
As for who is taunting Mephisto...well.👀👀👀👀 (but gods, I loved drawing Mephisto so pissed, if anything because drawing all sort of strong emotions is truly a treat for me eheheh).
BUT BUT BUT. This is just one outcome, and not even the canonical one! You know how all the characters have different endings in BG3?? Same thing applies to Aranea as well, I promise! THERE IS PLENTY OF AU WHERE SHE IS ALIVE AND WELL, WREAKING CHAOS ALL AROUND THE NINE HELLS (and Faerun as well lolol), and to be honest, my most favourite outcome among them all. I *live* for a trickster immortal fiend, Consort of Mephisto lolol. (plus, while I explore various possibilities, in my brain all my characters are alive forever, lolol)
I promise that the next artwork with Aranea and Mephisto will be a JOYOUS one (fluff? SMLUFF? who knows, but it will completely devoid of Angst. Only 100% Pure Smluff of Certified Origin lololol).
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jessi4fanfics · 3 days
Will You? (Broppy Oneshot)
|this is for you❤❤ ur welcome|
Perfect, perfect, perfect!! 
Branch hit the more perfectly as the song ended and the Brozonies shouted, "BROZONE! BROZONE! BROZONE!"
Branch's ears twitched, recognizing the voice he loved most in the crowd. He turned and smiled at Poppy, who was near the front with Viva.
Poppy turned to the random troll next to her and he heard her say, "THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND!!" over the cheering and noise.
 Branch chuckled as Poppy turned back to him and waved enthusiastically. She mouthed, "Love ya!!"
 Branch gently threw her a tender kiss.
 "Branch, stop flirting." John Dory brought him back to the middle of the stage. "We have one more song before this mystery announcement of yours."
 "Yeah, what is your announcement, anyway?" Clay asked, coming over.
 "Its part of non-ya."
 "What's non-ya?" Clay asked.
 "Non-ya business," Branch shot smartly.
 "Haha, how did you not see that coming?" Bruce laughed, fistbumping Branch.
 "Okay, guys! Let's focus! One, Two, Three-" John Dory shouted.
It's like you're my mirror!...
They finished the song and once again there was screaming and shouting for an encore.
There wasn't going to be one tonight though.
Branch gulped, looking behind at John Dory for the thumbs up.
JD nodded at him, and he started up to the main microphone.
"Uhmm...ahem- hello guys, I..."
The shouting slowly stopped and gradually trips started paying attention to him.
"Hello," Branch said again, awkwardly.
"MARRY ME BRANCH!!" A girl shouted in the back.
Branch totally flushed. He gave that person a small smile in their direction. "Thanks... I love you too..."
Branch gave a deep breath and looked down at Poppy.
She was watching, full attention on him. She looked a bit concerned.
 "So, as you know, I'm very blessed to be here, singing with my brothers. But I would like to credit the person who got me here."
 Now complete silence. Even John Dory was silent.
 "This troll not only encouraged me to give my brothers another try, not only tell me how our differences are special, but also how to be a troll and happy in general. She's always been there for me, and I will always be there for her. She is proudly now the love of my life, and I want her to know now how strong this love is." He turned to Poppy in the audience. "Queen Poppy, would you come up the stage, please?"
She seemed shocked. Everyone clapped and cheered when she got up on the stage next to him.
"Branch, what are you doing?" she whispered to him.
 He just winked at her before taking her hands.
When everyone was quiet again, he took a deep inhale and began.
 "Queen Poppy, you are the light of my world, the sunshine of my heart, and the cream to my bagel," he joked, bringing up a joke she always said to him.
She giggled and so did the rest of the trolls.
 "I could not ever imagine my life without you," Branch continued, seriously. "You mean everything to me and have taught me so many amazing things. I love you and always will with an undying love. I can only hope you feel the same."
 "Branchhh, of course I do," Poppy sang sweetly.
Branch smiled again. "Poppy-- I want to be by your side for the rest of our lives. So, will you make me the happiest troll alive and..." He got down on one knee and everybody gasped.
 "...become my wife?"
 Everyone cheered again. Poppy stood there, paralyzed, hands over her mouth, tears springing in her eyes.
They stood there for a bit.
 "Poppy? You okay?" Branch asked, still in his knee.
"M..me? You want to marry...me??" was all she could get out.
"Of course, who else would I want to marry?" he teased.
But Poppy began to actually bawl. "What if-- what if I'm a terrible wife, Branch? What if I can't pull off queen duties and family alone time? What if...?"
"Poppy." Branch caressed her arm. "I didn't ask you so I could test all of the 'what-ifs?'. I asked you because you're the girl of my dreams. And I want to spend my life with you, Poppy. " When she didn't respond, he whispered, "You don't have to answer now. You can wait."
Poppy bit her lip and looked at all the people expecting a yes from her.
She turned back to him.
 "Don't look at them. Look at me." Branch whispered, "No, is an answer too, y'know."
 No? No?
She couldn't say no, she knew that she needed Branch as well throughout her life.
She couldn't believe that he was asking her of all people! But she should take advantage. And she--
Poppy began to cry. "Oh, yes! Branch, yes! Yes! Yes!"
 She got on her knees and jumped on him, hugging him and squeezing.
Branch laughed and gave her a sweet long kiss.
 "Aww," the crowd said.
 "Who knew, that he was going to propose tonight, of all times?" Floyd explained.
"I'm proud of him," John Dory said, grinning.
"Yep." Clay nodded
"HAIII OFFICIAL BROTHERSSS!!" Viva ran up there, giving them all hugs excitedly. "We're going to be SIBLINGGSSS."
"Oh. Great." John Dory groaned. "Here comes the drammaaa... "
I wish TBT had a proposal scene, but maybe that they will add that in the next movie. I hope this is good enough! This is from my Wattpad Broppy Oneshots book! Check out my account @/JessiDelanett❤❤❤
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klxudykai · 9 hours
i live in my imagination
i realized this a few days ago but classic me, I avoided it. but that was until I made the "ugly side of shifting" post. so this is me coming to terms with the fact that I live in my imagination. its been like that for years but it hit way harder when i got into shifting. it was just something I did when I didn't want to be surrounded by the real world. but I realize that its become an unhealthy amount. I don't suffer from maladaptive daydreaming or anything (at least I dont think I do), but that doesn't mean its not affecting me mentally and even socially. I dont have the desire to hang out with my cr friends like that because I'm so used to my imagination. it makes me comfortable because I can made it however I wanted it to be. I can make the people say and do whatever. its part of the reason I don't really talk about my problems to people I'm close with too. they aren't going to tell me the stuff I want to hear or its going to end up being something I've heard already. i recently started saying that I like the way I do things. which is true. I like being in my own space dealing with my issues on my own because no one else would tell me what I need to hear.
and when the thought that it was becoming an unhealthy obsession hit me, I hated it. and I still do. I don't want to give up on something that has made me stable and happy for years, but I know that if I want to shift and also make a real bond with my cr, I have to. so that's why I'm making a post. this is one of those things I cant do alone or keep to myself because again, I like the way I handle things so if it was up to me, I would delete this blog and go back to daydreaming 24/7, but I actually want to shift. I'm hoping that with this post we'll hold each other accountable and remind each other to actually SHIFT instead of daydreaming all the time.
sadly I don't have a lot of ideas of how to minimize day dreaming because everything I do makes me day dream BUT we are cutting all fanfics out those only make our imaginations bigger and cause us to daydream. so DONT. start embracing your CR and do smth like go outside or paint or do a new mf hobby. avoid daydreaming as much as you can
i gave up on a lot of problem solving, but this is one I intend to actually fix. and I would love for y'all to do that with me. if you don't want to that's perfectly fine I wouldn't want anyone to feel forced, but if you know you can then do it. don't say nothing like "oh no I cant do it I give up" because that sets you back further. so please at least try
once again I love y'all so much, pls dm me if you have anything you wanna talk about and if you have anything you wanna ask my asks are open (if y'all can even see them cause on mobile its not showing up for me idk) but yea <33
(yes I double posted shhhh)
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starsreminisce · 3 days
What is with Elain and hearing a lot of people's heartbeats? Is that the usual fae physiology or something else?
I feel like it's a mix of both. Feyre was still trying to get used to her body three months after she turned fae, and since Nesta showed she was able to resist the effects of the glamour as a human, perhaps her transformation didn’t take as much of a toll compared to Elain’s.
Feyre was not only dealing with her transformation, but she was also showing exceptional strength when she threw her shoe at Rhys, hinting at her getting powers gifted to her from the other High Lords.
With that, Elain was getting visions that should have been disorienting for her to figure out what was real and what wasn’t, considering she was getting dreams of Vassa. Feyre described Elain speaking in riddles and hearing other things besides heartbeats.
She said, “I can hear the sea. Even at night. Even in my dreams. The crashing sea—and the screams of a bird made of fire.” It was an effort not to glance to Nesta. Even the town house was too far to hear anything from the nearby coast. And as for some fire-bird … “There is a garden—at my other house,” I said. “I’d like for you to come tend it, if you’re willing.” Elain only turned toward the sunny windows again, the light dancing in her hair. “Will I hear the earthworms writhing through the soil? Or the stretching of roots? Will the bird of fire come to sit in the trees and watch me?”
I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I wonder if Elain is hearing all of these things because she’s connected to the earth. I believe her powers are connected to Lucien, considering that when he arrived, she started getting better and her visions started getting clearer. One possibility is that it's similar to how the Oracle of Delphi was connected to the Sun God Apollo through the visions he sent her, considering how SJM loves to pull inspiration from different sources. Another is the whole Cthona and Solas dynamic, which I am hoping will apply to Elain and Lucien.
I also think its to give angst for this line from Lucien, considering she said that she heard his heartbeat through the stone to end up in the library.
“There was no magic spell, no miracle to bring her back. There were no gathered High Lords to resurrect her. I watched, and she died, and I will never forget that moment when I heard her heart stop beating.” My eyes burned. “Tamlin got what I didn’t,” Lucien said softly, his breathing ragged.
Thanks for the ask!
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The Hedge Knight graphic novel - could it work as a roadmap for HBO's A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms?
So, per reports, HBO's Dunk & Egg show is going to be 6 episodes. I've seen several people saying that's too long, it should be 4 episodes at most, a 2 hour movie at most, there will be too much filler, blah blah blah. Well let me tell you, that's not true!
In 2003, The Hedge Knight was adapted as a 6 issue comic book (later collected as a graphic novel), and I think its script, each issue ending in a cliffhanger or dun-dun-dunnn moment, would work perfectly for the show, and is very probably how they'll do it.
Potential spoilers under the cut, but first - is this not perfect casting and costuming? It so is.
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Like I said, I think each issue could be the plot of each episode. So I'm just going to summarize these issues, I hope you've read the GN or the novella. (If not, go read it, go read all of Dunk & Egg, it's so good.)
#1 - Dunk buries Ser Arlan, decides to go to Ashford for the tourney, meets Egg and a weird drunk guy at an inn on the way, gets to Ashford, sets up camp in the forest (bathes naked in a stream), goes to the tourney field and sees Tanselle performing her puppet show, gets measured for armor he can't quite afford, gets back to his camp to find the weird little bald kid making dinner.
#2 - Dunk agrees Egg can be his squire, that night he sees the falling star, next morning goes to Ashford castle and gets told he needs to prove he's a knight to enter the tourney (or that Arlan was, since he says Arlan knighted him), meets Aerion (badly) but also the Kingsguard, sells his horse for armor money, talks to Tanselle and meets the Fossoways, then meets up with the young Dondarrion lord whose dad Arlan worked for and relates the House Dondarrion origin story (imagine them telling that via puppet imagery, ooh), gets told "yeah knowing that is no proof you're a knight, sucks to be you".
#3 - Dunk goes back to the castle, stumbles into Baelor and Maekar arguing about M's missing kids, Baelor remembers his epic joust with Arlan so yay Dunk can be in the tourney, Dunk and Egg talk to Tanselle about painting him a shield, they watch the opening of the tourney (lots of jousting and pageantry including Lyonel "the Laughing Storm" Baratheon), and the first day ends after Aerion deliberately kills that horse.
#4 - Dunk argues with Egg over how much of a douche Aerion is, more flirting with Tanselle, gossip with Raymun Fossoway about the Targaryens, Egg runs in to say Aerion's hurting Tanselle, Dunk beats up Aerion and almost gets murdered by Aerion's goons, Egg reveals himself to save Dunk, Dunk in prison, talks to Egg and Baelor, Baelor tells him he can be mutilated for striking a prince or ask for trial by combat, so "how good a knight are you, truly?"
#5 - Aerion says sure, trial by combat, but only a trial of seven, Dunk has to find 6 guys, talks to Raymun and Steffon Fossoway, Daeron apologizes and tells Dunk his dragon dream, shield reveal, next morning the smallfolk are all "a knight who remembered his vows", various guys show up to help Dunk and Raymun gets knighted, but Steffon Fossoway goes to Aerion's side so they're still missing a guy, "are there no true knights among you?", wait is that Valarr??? no it's Baelor in Valarr's armor omg
#6 - The trial of seven. You know how this ends. 😭 Then talking to Maekar, and Dunk and Egg ride off into the sunset together.
I hope that's convincing enough for the doubters! I can see a few points where something might be shifted from the end of one to the beginning of the other -- but on the whole I think the comic is an excellent roadmap for the show, and I hope this is the way they lay it out. Also ftr, the Sworn Sword graphic novel was also originally 6 issues so possibly season 2 ditto (unless they add an episode for the in between THK-TSS Dorne and Oldtown adventures that didn't actually appear in the novellas, idk). But the Mystery Knight was only released as one book, so who knows, they might go for more episodes when they get to that season.
Also, re taking inspiration from the comic, I really hope they adapt the Kingsguards' gold codpieces. Just because.
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windywriter · 2 days
The Demon and what it symbolizes is so fascinating. While their offer of eternal feasts and revelry are promising, it has been shown time and time again that all mortal creatures will eventually bend towards ruin.
It's first shown with the nightmares and how while the scholar first made it so that he only saw happy dreams, eventually those dreams slowly turned to nightmares as the human appetite for self destruction far out paces its taste for happiness
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And eventually it is straight up said: humans will always desire destruction in the end
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And while this is true. I think there are two ways of looking at this. First is at face value. Humans are nothing more than scared children, still clawing their ways out of their caves and into the cruel and inhospitable world. And in repayment for that unkindness they will take everything and anything they can down with them. Basically humans are evil at their core.
The second view however, takes a look at what lead to such wanton distruction. To me at least, one of the constants that lead humanity towards self destruction was an overfulfillment of their wants and needs. For example, the only reason the researcher began to see nightmares was because he had only seen good dreams. And also, for the ancient civilization it fell into ruin after the winged lion had fulfilled every wish they had.
Basically what I'm saying is in the absence of consequence humans will eventually begin to search for those consequences whether they know it or not. We are neither above nor below reality, we are merely apart of it. Nothing more nothing less.
A real life example of this could be the ultra rich and how tend to be so cruel and callous to others despite coming from immense privilege.
Ambition untempred by wisdom will always lead to ruin.
Ideals not based in reality will always be doomed by it. No matter how high they soar. And this feeds back into the main theme of dungeon meshi being "eating is the privilege of the living".
In order to truly succeed we must take the good and the bad.
Though of course both view points can exist at the same time. The nature of humanity at its core is contradictory and ever changing. I wonder if that's why the demon saw them as such a tasty treat.
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loserlvrss · 3 days
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summary : maybe in another life you wouldn't have had a change of heart
genre : angst, san x afab!reader tws : language, mentions of trauma author notes : my mom triggered me so i wrote something sad instead of crying about it lolz word count : 0.7k
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you felt guilty. you'd seen it and read it over a million times over. you heard about it from friends. you saw your parents do it to each other. but, you never thought it would've been the case for you. you prided yourself on knowing that you could never take after the stories you were told and would tell.
however, every time you looked in the mirror you were faced with a stranger. you wanted to know the eyes that appraised you, once again. they judged you, they haunted you. months ago, weeks ago even, you would look at yourself with a smile. you were proud of everything you had made for yourself. you were better — past the trauma of your childhood — everything was good, seemingly always going your way. you had it all; the good-paying job, the appropriate hobbies and coping mechanisms. you had the penthouse with a view, the boyfriend and friends people would dream of.
simply put, you had an envious lifestyle.
but, that was only superficial — surface level. you believed the lies the more times they came off your tongue: i'm happy. i'm grateful. i'm in love. it got worn out the more ears it'd hit. i'm happy. i'm happy.
well, happily lying through your teeth.
there was once a fire, but now there wasn't even something you could re-spark. you felt like a vessel. less-than human. a puppet on everyone else's strings.
somewhere along the lines everything began to change. your heartbeat slowed, your thoughts didn't cater to anything or anyone in specific. you weren't proud of the things you'd accomplished anymore. you didn't listen to the same songs, or use the same texting language.
it was terrifying, but you told yourself everyone goes through change. and, unfortunately you'd had a dreaded one of heart.
you, simply, didn't love living your life anymore. and, you didn't want to drag the people you once loved down with you when you eventually crumbled.
your chest felt hollow, and the tears were empty, but they stained your cheeks often these days. the touches you used to love were foreign; the soft skin and feather-light breaths. you were cooped up with a stranger, swapping spit and one-liners to grasp at straws. holding hands through the pain, telling each other that everything would be okay if you just waited out the storm. lips that once made confessions were too scared to confess what you both knew couldn't be resuscitated.
"i-i'm sorry." you wanted to comfort him, but you also knew that you shouldn't. you weren't strong minded — less willed — and you already desired reeling back. "i really hated the saying 'its not you, its me'. i never really understood it before, but i do now. and, i'm sorry. its my fault i can't love you. i really wanted to, i did, but i don't anymore. i never thought i'd take after my fucking parents — as if we're only getting older — and i'd give anything to go back to when we first met." you tried to silence your tears, the burning throughout your entire body, "maybe in another life... i would've really liked to be in love with you for a little longer."
you were what each other needed, and what you ultimately needed was time. you would've really loved to do mundane tasks with him and enjoy them again. you would've really loved growing old with him. to watch your kids graduate. to sing songs on a porch swing and live life together. to end up rotting in a stone garden together. you would've really loved to love him, but your heart didn't swell with his thought. no, not like it did a couple years back.
maybe you two were too scared to learn to live without the other. maybe you'd become so codependent, and that's why you couldn't accept the grave you'd been digging, and were now stepping into.
maybe in another life it didn't have to end like this. maybe in another life you could've happily lived out each others dreams. had kids or a pet. maybe in another life san could've been the love of your life. maybe in another life you weren't full of dread at the thought. maybe your hands wouldn't shake. maybe you wouldn't cry. maybe in another life you had never met at all. and, you can't help but think that maybe in another life that would've been better.
your hand reached out, pressing against his broad back as he faced the wall. you knew him, and you knew he was trying to front being okay. you knew that since you two were demoting each other to strangers, he wouldn't cry in front of you anymore. you knew he loved you so much, and that's why he was really letting you go.
"you'll always be the best part of me."
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reblogs, likes and comments are greatly appreciated! thank u!
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thatdammchickennugget · 15 hours
Whisker Me Away
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pairing -theodore nott x fem!reader
warnings - non-compliance with restaurant hygiene standards, remi the rat, minor confrontation, smut, unprotected smut, semi public, this is just a silly little joke pls don't take anything I post serious, MINORS DNI
a/n - was inspired by @machiavellli sharing her böötigel blurb and decided I'm finally brave enough to share this. based on this silly request @finalgirllx got, thank you for giving me permission to write it. credit for the final line of dialogue goes to the amazing @fuckaperioddrama
request - Hiya!!!!!! Can i request a theo oneshot where he’s the head chef at a restaurant and you complain that the spaghetti and meatballs are cold and theo says he’ll come out to talk to you but you’re already shoving your way to the back and then you see him take ratatouille out of his hat and then it ends in smut? Thanksies! xx
wordcount - 1.8k
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You sit at a small, candle-lit table in the corner of one of the trendiest new restaurants in Diagon Alley, frowning at your plate of spaghetti and meatballs. The atmosphere is perfect, with soft jazz playing in the background and twinkling fairy lights casting a warm glow. Everything is ideal—except your food.
You pick up your fork and take another bite, but the cold noodles and tepid meatballs only deepen your disappointment. With a sigh, you wave over the nearest server.
"Excuse me, but my spaghetti is cold," you say, trying to keep your voice polite despite your growing frustration.
The server's eyes widen, and she nods quickly. "I'm so sorry about that. I'll let the chef know right away."
You watch her scurry off toward the kitchen, and a few moments later, she returns with an apologetic smile. "Chef Nott would like to speak with you about your dish. He insists on addressing these matters personally."
You nod, but before she can finish her sentence, you’re already out of your seat, determination driving you toward the kitchen doors. If the chef wants to talk, then you'll give him a piece of your mind face-to-face.
Pushing through the swinging doors, you enter the bustling kitchen, filled with the clatter of pots and pans and the sizzle of various dishes being prepared. You scan the room, your eyes finally landing on a tall figure in a crisp white chef's coat and a tall hat. Theodore Nott.
You’ve heard about him—how he’s revolutionized wizarding cuisine with his inventive dishes and meticulous attention to detail. But right now, all you care about is the subpar spaghetti on your table.
"Chef Nott?" you call out, striding forward with purpose.
He turns to face you, one eyebrow raised in mild surprise. He’s even more striking up close, with sharp features softened slightly by a dusting of stubble and intense, deep-set eyes that seem to see right through you.
"Yes, that’s me," he replies, his voice calm and measured. "You must be the customer with the cold spaghetti."
You nod, folding your arms across your chest. "I just wanted a nice dinner, but my food is ice-cold. I hope you have an explanation for that."
The chef's lips twitch into a slight smile, and he reaches up to adjust his hat. "I do apologize for that. Let me make it up to you."
Before you can respond, his chef hat is being lifted up just a tad, and to your utter astonishment, a small rat pokes its head out. You blink, wondering if you’ve somehow wandered into a bizarre dream.
"Oh, this is Remy," Theo says, his tone casual as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. "He's quite the expert in flavors."
You gape at him, trying to process the absurdity of the situation. "Is this a joke?" you manage to ask.
Theo chuckles, the sound warm and rich. "Not at all. Remy here has a unique talent for finding the perfect balance of flavors. Let me reheat your dish and make sure it's exactly as it should be."
You watch, dumbfounded, as Remy the rat crawls out from under the hat and down the chef’s arm. The rat grabs a stirring spoon, hops over to the boiling pot on the stove and sets to work.
Chef Nott catches your wide-eyed look and grins. "I know it seems strange, but trust me, you'll love the result."
Despite your initial shock, you can’t help but be intrigued. You’ve never seen anything like this before, and the sheer oddity of it all piques your curiosity. You lean against a nearby counter, watching as man and rat move in sync to enhance your dish.
Within minutes, the tantalizing aroma of fresh herbs and perfectly cooked pasta fills the kitchen. Your stomach growls, reminding you of your hunger. The chef plates the dish with a flourish, then hands it to you with a proud smile.
"Here you go, fresh and hot. Try it now," he says, his eyes sparkling with confidence.
You take the plate and head back to your table, aware of him watching you from the door leading into the kitchen as you sit down. The first bite is a revelation—the spaghetti is perfectly al dente, the sauce rich and flavorful, and the meatballs tender and savory. It’s like tasting a masterpiece.
You glance back at the kitchen, meeting his gaze. Unable to resist, you wave him over. He approaches, his expression curious and slightly amused.
"I have to admit," you say as he stands beside your table, "this is the best spaghetti and meatballs I've ever had."
Chef Nott’s smile widens, a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. "I’m glad you think so. Remy and I make a good team."
You laugh, the absurdity of the situation finally hitting you. "I never thought I'd say this, but a rat might be my new favorite chef."
He chuckles, and the sound sends a pleasant shiver down your spine. "Remy has that effect on people. But I'm glad we could turn your evening around."
You find yourself caught in his gaze, the connection between you electric. There’s something about his presence—his confidence, his passion—that draws you in.
"Thank you," you say softly, not just for the food but for the entire experience.
He steps closer and leans down to meet your gaze, his eyes darkening with an intensity that makes your heart race. "You're welcome," he murmurs, his voice low and husky.
Before you can think, you’re both leaning in, the space between you shrinking. Your breath catches as his lips brush yours, the kiss tentative at first but quickly deepening. His hand comes up to cup your cheek, and you melt into him, the warmth of his body against yours igniting a fire inside you.
When you finally pull back, you’re both breathless, your heart pounding in your chest. His eyes are dark with desire, and you know yours must mirror his.
"How about dessert?" he whispers, his lips grazing your ear.
You feel a thrilling tingle spread from where his breath tickles your skin, down to your toes. Your voice is barely more than a whisper as you reply, “I think I’d like that.”
His eyes flicker with a mix of amusement and something deeper, more intense. He takes your hand, guiding you through the kitchen, weaving expertly between bustling chefs and simmering pots. You can feel the eyes of the staff on you, but it only adds to the heady rush of the moment.
He leads you to a door at the back, pushing it open to reveal a small, dimly lit storage room. Shelves lined with jars of spices, bottles of oils, and boxes of fresh ingredients surround you. The door clicks shut behind you, and the room is filled with the intoxicating scent of the kitchen mingled with something else—something distinctly him.
Theodore turns to you, his gaze locking onto yours with a fierce intensity. Before you can say anything, he steps forward, gently but firmly pushing you back against one of the shelves. The cool metal against your back contrasts with the heat radiating from his body as he presses against you.
His lips find yours again, and this time, the kiss is anything but tentative. It’s urgent, hungry, filled with a need that matches your own. His hands roam, one tangling in your hair, the other sliding down to grip your waist, pulling you even closer.
As Theodore's hands explore the curves of your body, you feel a surge of desire wash over you, igniting a fire within. The shelves creak slightly under the weight of your entwined bodies as he lifts you effortlessly, your legs wrapping around his waist.
He carries you to the nearby countertop and with a deft movement, he pushes aside the pots and pans, making room for the both of you. You tear at his chef's apron, not caring about the buttons flying around the room as your hands roam freely over his sculpted chest, feeling the rhythm of his racing heartbeat beneath your touch.
His lips find yours once more, the kiss deepening as your bodies meld together in a primal dance of passion. Clothes become nothing more than hindrances as they are shed with urgency, revealing the raw desire that simmers between you.
With a gasp, you feel Theodore push down your panties in one swift movement, leaving you exposed completely. Your thighs tremble in anticipation of the next onslaught of pleasure. You throw your head back with a moan when his finger finally finds your sensitive clit, pushing down in gentle circles as he takes the opportunity to claim your neck with his mouth.
Your nails scrape across his scalp, his mouth sucking hard on your flesh, causing a sharp intake of air to burst past your clenched teeth. His free hand slides up to cup one of your breasts, his other now pressing insistently against your entrance, urging you to ride his finger deeper and harder. With your legs wrapped tightly around his hips and your body arching off the counter, you’re helplessly lost in the bliss, unable to hold back another soft moan.
A second finger is added, and you let out a cry, riding it out as your orgasm hits hard and fast. You only take a moment to ride out your high before your hands slide back to his chest and then further down, scrambling to rid him of his boxers.  You don't miss the hitch in his breathing as you tug the fabric of his boxers over his hips and away.
He watches you, eyes half lidded, with a slight smirk on his face. His erection springs free, and you lick your lips, eyes burning with lust and desire. He doesn't waste another second, his hold tight on your hips as he pushes himself into you.
You gasp at the sudden intrusion, a delicious shiver running down your body as he fills you to the brim. After a few moments of slow thrusting, you can no longer stand it; you need him now, you crave to have his cock buried deep inside of you, to feel that glorious tension as he explodes into you. So you grab his shoulders and pull him roughly against your breasts, your cries loud enough to be heard outside in the kitchen.
He grunts in response, his movements growing faster, rougher as he thrusts into you harder, deeper. Finally, his climax hits, and you feel him shudder against your core, his release shooting hot streaks of sensation throughout your body.
You both fall apart, gasping for breath and exhausted, panting for air. Theo lets out a deep breath, leaning back against the shelf as he watches you pick your clothing off the floor with a smirk before he says, “You can come back to rata this touille anytime.”
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lemon-natalia · 2 days
Nona the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 15
i am very concerned about everything going on with Hot Sauce right now. she knows something is up with Angel, she was at the burnings, she’s looking out of the window for something. i really hope she hasn’t gotten caught up in anything to do with BoE, or some other kind of conflict, i don’t think it will end well for her 
once again i adore the dynamics at play here with Hot Sauce’s little gang. and once again something that is written in a way that makes it initially funny but becomes very sad when you think about it, Honesty doesn’t take the painkillers for his black eye so that he can sell them
Angel is getting progressively more tired and less put together, and was dropped off by someone in a car - i wonder if this has anything to do with when she had mentioned being not quite a doctor, potentially she was some kind of medic in a military context? also i initially make short comments in physical handwriting on my copies before typing them up, and no joke it took me a good five minutes plus rereading all the descriptions of Angel so far to realise that i had written the word ‘doctor’ and not something unintelligible like ‘cleerr’ 
no-one coming to pick Nona up is somehow incredibly ominous, i have a very bad feeling about it given we last saw Camilla and Pyrrha tied up in a BoE van, with no guarantee they made it back 
oh and we have what is possibly an actual name for Angel, Aim. though Aim could still be a nickname for something else 
there’s a lot of mentions of food so far, and what Nona does/doesn’t want to eat. Nona only seems to hate eating actual food, and is fine with eating objects e.g., a pencil, which makes me wonder if thats somehow linked to chapter 7, where Nona mentions being hungry in the dream. and wayyy back in John 20:8 he talks about he and mysterious-Halecto-narrator being hungry ‘rarely’. 
huh, i wonder why Nona is so insistent that Hot Sauce shouldn’t use the term necromancers? ‘zombie’ i can understand, but even Gideon (and Harrow i think?) use the term necromancers and it doesn’t seem to be anything rude. unless it’s a slightly different term with different meanings in whatever language Hot Sauce/the whole city is speaking 
Nona and Hot Sauce are being very quiet and secretive talking about BoE, so it seems to be not quite as open a topic as i had thought. and given that Hot Sauce likely isn't involved with BoE given her apparent dislike of them, i hope she hasn't gotten involved with someone worse or more dangerous
and poor Hot Sauce, she’s seen an awful lot. i can understand why she hates necromancers so much, the description of how they used exploding bodies as lures is just horrifying 
not ‘The Secret’™. i wonder if its about the fact that she can hear the RB? but then Hot Sauce makes a comment about the ‘organ market’ … i’m guessing it has to do with the little mentions of how Nona is unhealthy in some way. and it’s not good that apparently she really doesn’t want to admit it to anyone else, not even Palamedes who could possibly help
Nona’s relationship with Hot Sauce is really very sweet, but given the reality of what/who Nona is vs how much Hot Sauce despises necromancy to the point of calling the BoE ‘zombie lovers’, i’m very worried about what’s going to happen to them in the future
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stilljuststardust · 2 days
I’m a 15 years old girl and my parents are very homophobic
Today my mom made me sat down because she thinks that I wanna turn into a boy and she told me for my old sis to also come downstairs to talk about it cause they found it weird mind you they’re very religious
After my big sis came downstairs my mom started talking about how I act like a boy when I’m a girl also that God made me a girl so why would I try to change into a girl and also said that if I keep acting like this she would take all my electronics
And send me somewhere else where I won’t see her and my siblings ever again
I’m crying so much because I did everything to change myself to become normal like others straight but nothing works and I found out that I want to be a boy I tried everything like manifesting being a man nothing it working and circumstances keeps getting worse and worse till the point it making me depressed like maybe I’m stuck this way maybe I will never be a man
I’m so scared cause she said if I don’t change I will not have access to phone I’m having a bad breakdown rn idk what to do anymore I’m so lost
But part of me still believes I’m a man no matter what
Hello, before I give you LOA advice let's talk
You ARE a man. You are a man. You are a man.
You are a man no matter what.
You don't have to do anything to be a man. It's who you are deep down in the pit of your soul. You already are a man.
Not just in an LOA sense, I'm saying this from a non-manifesting perspective: you are not a girl.
You will never be a girl, you never were. Do you understand that? Who you are as a person is a man.
I'm like you.
It's ok to be a trans. Being trans is normal. Half my friends are trans, I'm trans. You aren't alone, you aren't the only one. There is nothing wrong with you.
Firstly I would like to say, always always always prioritize your safety and well-being.
I know it's easier said than done but the closet exists for a reason. It keeps us safe. Do not come out if it would put you in danger. You do not have to be out to be valid.
I hate that my advice is to fawn and pretend to be something you're not, but its safest sometimes.
It feels so far away now, but there will be a time when you are free to be who you are. You will find people who support you. You will find people who are like you. When I was in your place 18 felt so far away and unreachable, but it's not. Freedom will come. Please hold on.
Link to The Trevor project. (Councilors and hotline for queer people who are struggling mentally)
At the end there will be a handful of LOA posts I think you should read/you might be interested in + subliminals for you. The most important one in my opinion being the one I list first.
The law gets over complicated alot. At the end of the day it boils down to this.
An assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact.
An assumption being something you accept as the truth without needing evidence and persistence meaning you assume regardless of what the 3D shows you.
Essentially, you decide you have your desire and you are stubborn in that decision.
It's ok to feel intense emotions, it's ok to be scared and hurt and frustrated, you just have to assume that no matter what the physical world shows you you are undeniably biologically male.
There is no more advice to give, there is only the law. Assume, affirm, persist.
The posts
How I manifested my dream life with extremely hard circumstances (blushydior)
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If it's too long a read (seriously I think you should read the whole thing either way) here's the parts I thought would benefit you the most
What you need to know about loa
How to ignore the 3D
Nothing is true until you decide it is
It's ok to feel like shit
Loa checklist
Subliminals and affirmation tapes
Revise past negative events
Desired body
Mind over matter
It's done
Your desire is a fact
I keep getting results
If you need motivation
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This is the end, I leave it to free interpretation
:゚・*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
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- "I was fine with her acting as if I was not a big thing, she was my creator after all, she was who decided my fate, who chose what I should do, how should I act.. What I should be. But when these feelings started to bloom like white camellias petals inside of me I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted her to look at me like I looked at her, like I meant the world." - He knew that those foolish dreams were almost impossible for him to reach, what would you even see in him? He was simply inferior, you were incredible in his eyes, a perfect example of a goddess.
And you had so much to do to notice the growing feelings of one of your creations, you were someone busy, always finding something to do, baking new cookies, casting more spells to help them with their world, why would you worry about one in a million? Besides, since that failed spell he barely talked to you anymore, he was going to make that spell work even if it took a month or all his life.. Even if it meant messing with Crescent Moon Magic.
A few weeks passed by, the cookie's absence was starting to feel concerning to you, in your mind you could only regret that choice of words, of course you cared about him, not in the way a pet owner cares about their pet, you actually cared about him. It was a complicated feeling? Yes it was, you're supposed to be a witch for god's sake! Some of you even ate their creations and you? You were caring about the thought of hurting the feelings of one of yours! Gosh you were pathetic, even your teacher would be disappointed if she saw your predicament. With a sigh you left the book you were reading in the table of your tower, giving the window a quick glance, the moon was in its most dangerous phase, a crescent moon, you knew that moon magic was really powerful but you also knew the consequences of using it; it could end in your perdition, your soul would end up corrupting itself. You shook your head before looking outside the window, trying to get a better view of the forest beneath you, it was always calming to hear the sound of the rustling leaves and maybe.. just maybe.. No, you couldn't continue with that mindset, instead you wanted to see if you could get a glimpse of the cookie village nearby.
A couple hours later you could finally hear the portal being activated, it was him! Finally, the thought of seeing that blue cookie again gave your heart a warm feeling that you dismissed as it being relief. - "Finally! I was starting to wonder if you crumbled." - You joked a bit, trying to lighten up the mood before looking at the portal, but what you saw made your heart sink, Blueberry Milk was there yes but looked terrible, the noticeable eye bags and lack of sleep made you wonder what he had been up to. Even with that terrible look his eyes sparkled at seeing you like always, he was terrible at hiding his feelings but you were no better at getting them. - "I figured it out!" - He spoke excitedly, walking over to you and asking to be lifted up to eye level to which you complied, taking him carefully into your hands and slowly lifting him until you two could talk eye to eye. - "You did? What exactly did you figure out?" - It was a genuine question, he always had been so curious that even discovering how the fire worked would make him happy and excited. - "The spell didn't work because I wasn't compatible with it, but I was researching and found out this other spell, can.. Can I try again?" - That begging tone of his always made you lose it, it was easy giving in to him, so you agreed with a nod of your head, oh if only you could know what that simple nod makes his heart race like.
- "Okay! Be prepared alright?" - Blueberry Milk gave you a smile as he prepared himself, starting to cast that spell in a low voice, for a few minutes nothing happened and that made you smile softly at him, this time you weren't going to be that rude and risk your friendship. - "Oh don't worry, if the spell is old it's probably trash- I'm sure you'll manage to do it some day." - He was a bit disappointed but your reassuring made him feel a bit less of a failure. Then you felt it, a sharp pain in your chest, it was as if you were being stabbed with a needle in it.. What? Why were you feeling it? He was supposed to cast the spell in himself.. Wasn't he?. At the sight of your pained expression he spoke again, getting closer again with his hands together in a pleading manner. - "Is it working? Please tell me it is.." -
Finally something came into your mind, you heard of a spell that some witches used to connect with their creations better, a spell that managed to turn the witches into cookies, was he doing that? No.. It required the strong magic of a witch or a dark oath to do so, one like- all the pieces clicked together as the light of the crescent moon entered your room and the pain intensified, it all made sense, why he had waited until today, why he looked so sick. With your eyes wide open you managed to find your voice to speak in a whisper. - "You used the the Crescent Moon Magic so the spell could work?.. It's dangerous!" - You said, trying to make him see reason but your words lost strength as you did as well, your eyes closing against your will. - "I know it sounds bad but that way we can actually be together! Doesn't it sound fantastic? I could even show you around" - He spoke dreamily, sounding as if nothing wrong was happening, like he hadn't just corrupted himself, he knew about the risks? Yes of course, but he didn't care anymore, if his soul was the price to pay to be with you he would gladly take it.
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Funfact: white camellias mean adoration.
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