#if not i'll just give you whichever seems more fitted
zeitlosleben · 2 years
like for a one-liner? they’re free, and you can dispose of it at any time.
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wexhappyxfew · 7 months
hey!! could i request "enjoying the sun that's warming their face" for whichever character/ship you're feeling? thank youuu 💕
hello anon! thank you so much for stopping by the askbox! and thank you even more so for sending in a prompt - i really loved getting to work with this prompt so so much and it honestly led me to a (1) new OC for MoTA and (2) writing with a new character from MoTA that I wanted to try some writing for! :) SO, i hope you enjoy the first introduction to WAC, Lieutenant Annie Chattaway from Mankato, Minnesota!
It was a wonder to Annie what a Lieutenant bar did to a man.
Not only did she watch men seem to hastily salute in her direction, or shove each other quickly to their feet, but they watched her with a shaky gaze before she kept on moving past.
The bright sunlight above seemed fit for arrival, her transport having dropped her by the entrance to Thorpe Abbotts, with Colonel Harding taking her in for introductions, hand-shaking and flattery. Now, with her belongings sorted out and her bearings gathered, she was in search of a few select names that Harding had graciously offered up.
"Looking for something special?"
The rumble of a military-grade jeep, fumes and all, pulled up beside her in a hurry, screeching to a halt, the breaks in need of a good oiling, and a smiley Major in the front seat. Annie halted for a moment there on the tarmac and offered a sweet smile, from behind the Raybands and her cap and stepped to the edge of the jeep.
"Depends on who's asking." she told him with a smile and a nod, before saluting.
"John Egan, uh, Major Egan," he said, another smile spreading on his lips, tilting his head to the side, "Bucky if you like." More widening of the grin.
"Pleasure to meet you, Major Egan," she said, dismissing his grinny self and stuck out a hand forward, "Lieutenant Chattaway, just in from Fort Des Moines. I've been assigned here, as a translator."
Major Egan made a show of raising his brow from behind his own pair of Raybands and leaned forward, arm up over the passenger's side of the jeep, hand on the steering wheel and smirked.
"Sounds like you got yourself into a nice gig," he said, "….translator, huh?" Annie stared at him from behind her Raybands. Right.
"Can I ask where your mess hall is, sir?" she asked him, side-stepping the translator question, "Colonel Harding mentioned it after introductions."
"Wanna hop in? I could give you a ride over, chat over coffee, hey, I'll even show you where the officers' club is." he said and then scooched back to his side and nodded to the seat, smiling, "Take it or leave it." Annie watched him for a moment and debated her options - ride with Major Egan, possibly get some coffee that he definitely knew the location of, or continue to wander around base looking like a sorry excuse for a bull in a china shop.
Annie turned to behind her, following Major Egan's line of sight, and found a Captain walking towards them, his eyes squinting in the bright sunlight, saluting Major Egan and then turning his eyes to her. He watched her for a moment, before she quickly saluted him, watching him quietly from behind her Raybands - tall, large stature, soft eyes.
To think he was a pilot by the way his peak cap covered his head, seeing all the war the planes brought to the air and the sky around.
"Brady, just in time," cooed Egan, jumping up from his seat in the jeep and coming towards the Captain - Brady - wrapping an arm around his shoulder and nodding, Brady slowly looking towards Egan with a tired look.
"This is Lieutenant Chattaway," Egan said with a nod to her, "didn't find the time for a first name, but I know it's there. She's gonna be translating." Brady eyed her for a moment.
"Pleasure to have you here, Lieutenant Chattaway." Brady said, nodding firmly, a quick itch of a smile on his face before disappearing and looking over to Egan, "Major Egan, I've been meaning to discuss with you-"
"Later." Egan said, clapping Brady on the shoulder, "right now, we gotta show Lieutenant 'No Name' Chattaway to the mess hall. Get her some grub." Brady glanced her way again - she stared right back at him through her Raybands and cleared her throat.
"It's fine really, sir," she said quickly, "I can find my way." She smiled slightly.
"Nah! Nah, c'mon, Lieutenant," Egan said, "look, here, Brady and I, consider us your personal tour guides-"
"C'mon, let's roll." Egan said and then gave Brady a clap on the shoulder and a wink and then moved back towards the jeep. The two watched him go before standing in silence.
Annie looked back towards Brady and found him already watching her; when he caught her eyes on him, he offered a small smile.
"You doing alright?" he asked her, the smile on his face soft, the sunlight bathing his face in a golden light; looking up towards him she put on her best smile and nodded.
"Yes, sir." she said firmly.
"He can be…." Brady trailed off and looked over her shoulder and nodded, "….yeah."
"It's fine, really, sir," she said, "seems like a fun guy." Brady grinned at her comment and nodded, before looking down.
"Probably best if we get in the jeep, before he starts well…." Brady smirked, "….you can probably guess." Brady imitated a little circle beside his head - before he starts going crazy, she seemed to finish it off in her mind. Annie smiled.
"Captain John Brady," he said, holding out his hand, "I know Major Egan introduced you as Lieutenant 'No Name' Chattaway, but that's-"
"Annie." she said, meeting his hand - warm as anything, encasing her own, firm, "Annie Chattaway." A loud beep-beep and a rumble of an engine appeared beside them with a slightly, pathetically disgruntled Major Egan in the front seat.
"C'monnn, let's goooo," he said, clapping his hands in front of him, "days changing to night, I think the first leaves of fall have come down." Annie looked back over to Brady and watched the small smile dart onto his face.
"What? Are you going to turn into a pumpkin, sir?" Annie questioned turning to him and moving towards the passenger side, before climbing right in the back, looking over to Egan who was smirking at her - she glanced then at Brady, "Will you be joining us, Captain?" Brady looked to her and then offered her a smile and climbed in the passengers' side.
"What would happen if I turn into a pumpkin, huh?" Egan called over his shoulder, "You hear that, Brady, she thinks I'll turn into a pumpkin!" He started up the jeep.
"I think a pumpkin is being generous, sir!" Brady called back over the roar of the jeep as they moved towards the barracks. Annie smirked to herself and admired the life around base - the Land Army women, the townsfolk, the pilots, the airmen, the ground crews, the sky, the sun, the trees. The world as they knew it.
"So, Chattaway, where you from? Wisconsin? Harding mentioned something or other..." Egan called over his shoulder, "They make cheese right?"
"Minnesota, sir!" Annie called back, "Mankato!"
"Never been!" Egan called over his shoulder, "Should show me how to make The Bootleg - you know….. they said F. Scott Fitzgerald would sip on some of those."
"Really." muttered Brady unenthusiastically from beside him.
"Oh, cheer up, Brady, you could be getting The Bootleg tonight - you'd be thanking me for it, too." Egan called as they pulled up to the front of mess, "Right, we're here." Egan turned to look over his shoulder at her and grinned.
"Liking the view?" Annie offered a smile.
"Thorpe Abbotts is beautiful, sir," she said glancing to the sky, "I'll be excited to see the mess hall." Egan grinned and gave Brady another shoulder slap.
"You'll be pleased as peaches to see coffee," Egan said hoping out and turning to her, laughing to himself, "I mean, I know I always am." Brady moved out and straightened out his pants before glancing over his shoulder and turning towards her.
"It's nothing more than watered down G.I. coffee, but it's something," he said as Annie slowly shifted forward, "Major Egan just gets excited when there's still extra by midday."
"Don't be telling my secrets now, Brady," Egan said pointing to him, "it's a precious commodity, we don't go saying that around here." Annie smiled to herself and then slowly stood, placing her hands on the edge of the jeep before noticing a hand appear.
Looking up, Brady was stood there, watching her with the sun warming his softened face. She smiled at him, gratefully taking his hand, letting him help her step down onto the ground. It was only a few seconds more before the two were dropping their hands and Major Egan was making a show of pointing up to the mess hall and going on about something or other about a beer bottle being thrown at the wall - but as Annie followed quietly behind both Egan and Brady, she noticed the clench of Brady's hand there.
The one that had touched her own.
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inlovewithpandora · 1 year
- Overworked -
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Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem!stressed!reader
Request: [ @spidersthetic ] Jesus, have you been awake the entire night? + Look, I'm okay! I've pulled all nighters before. + I'll carry you to bed if I have to. + Go. To. Bed. That's an order. or I'll check in on you in an hour. You'd better not have moved. Whichever fits. w/ Hobie Brown || Reader is working on a presentation for work and stressing over it cause she wants it to be good because she might get a promotion she neglects sleep and Hobie notices and tells her she needs to sleep but she is too stubborn and refuses to so Hobie has to basically drag her to bed and that's where you can use either go to bed or I'll check... or both if you can fit it in.
Synopsis: When you start drowning in work Hobie is there to save you.
Content: angst, fluff, established relationship, concerned Hobie, stressed reader, Hobie forcing reader to gts, reader being stubborn but does listen to him, kissing toward the end, just a cute little fic!
Author’s Note: Thank you for requesting! I hope it meets your expectations!
Word Count: 1k
Extra: Requests are open! Please read rules before requesting! || Likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated❤️!
Links: Navigation || Astv Masterlist || Main Masterlist || Taglist
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As you scan through your presentation for the millionth time tonight, drinking another can of your favorite energy drink, you decipher the sound of footsteps inside the apartment.
You know it’s Hobie, so you don’t leave your work zone, continuing to work with tunnel vision, hoping that this presentation wows your boss and earns you the well-deserved promotion.
Every night you’ve spent working on this presentation made you want to rip your hair out and claw at your eyes from the stress. And even though you are filled with tension, you know that the all-nighters, consumption of unhealthy amounts of energy drinks, and overworking will be worth it once your new work bonus hits your account.
Hobie walks quietly, assuming you were fast asleep. He walks down the hallway, about to walk into your bedroom, but he notices that there is a light on in another room. When he approaches your home office, he hears your groans of frustration. He opens the door and sees you running your hands down your face then slamming them on the desk.
When you look up at him, he can see you’re tired. The sunken eyes and the way you seem to be fighting the urge to let them flutter close give it all away.
“Jesus, have you been awake the entire night?” He asks rhetorically as he doesn’t need your answer to confirm it, his voice laced with both concern and disbelief.
“Yes, but-”
“Love, you need to sleep and not stress about this presentation.” Hobie knows how much this presentation means to you and he’s rooting for you to get it the promotion, but he doesn’t want you to neglect your health over it.
“Hobie, you know how much I want this promotion! I’m competing with multiple people and I need to be at the top.” A yawn slips through your lips upon finishing your sentence. You begin to rub your puffy eyes as you turn back to your desk and continue working on your presentation.
“I know, but I just don't want you to tire yourself out-” Hobie cuts his sentence short when he notices you dozing off. “y/n! See this is why you need to go to sleep, your body is begging for rest!”
You straighten up and act as if you weren’t drifting just a second ago. “Look, I'm okay! I've pulled all-nighters before. I’ll just drink some more energy drinks or take caffeine pills so I can stay awake. Stop worrying, babe. Just go to sleep and I’ll join you later.” You plant a kiss on his cheek, trying your best to reassure him that you're fine, but Hobie knows that this is only your stubbornness making an appearance.
“No, y/n, you’re going to sleep. I'll carry you to bed if I have to.” His words just go in one ear and out the other. You are solely focused on this presentation and nothing is going to stop you –apparently, except for your boyfriend. As you blatantly ignore Hobie’s pleas to come to bed, trying to add the finishing touches to your PowerPoint slide, you feel a pair of hands scoop you up.
“Hobie! Put me down. I need to finish this!” You lightly hit his chest as he carries you down the hallway in bridal style.
Hobie gives you the same treatment you gave him earlier, ignoring your words as he places you on the bed. “Go. To. Bed. That's an order.” He gets into bed next to you, pulling you into his embrace and wraps his arms around your torso.
You start to form a protest against him, but when you feel his warmth against your skin, you decide that a little “nap” wouldn’t hurt. Just a little nap then you would go back to work, or that’s at least what you try to convince yourself.
“Fine, but only because you forced me.” You playfully roll your eyes, running your hand through his hair to lightly massage his scalp. After a while of both of you cuddling in silence, snores begin to echo throughout your bedroom with both of you sleeping peacefully, intertwined with each other's bodies.
The next morning you wake up full of energy. Being able to finally have a full night's sleep makes you feel the most relaxed you’ve felt in days. You now have the ability to come up with new ideas for your presentation without having brain fog. You feel so thankful that Hobie forced you to get some rest because if he didn’t you wouldn’t be able to have this new sense of clarity.
As you start cooking breakfast, you feel a pair of large hands wrap around your waist. “Mornin’, love.” His husky voice rings through your ears as he kisses your cheek and rests his head in the crook of your neck.
“Good morning.” You reply with a smile as you run your hand down his cheek before placing your attention back on your food. Hobie looks at the different things you are cooking and realizes it all makes his favorite breakfast combined.
“Is all of this for me?”
You turn around, wrapping your arms around his neck while looking up at him with loving eyes, “yes it is. I wanted to make you breakfast as a “thank you” for helping me last night. I really appreciate you seeing that I needed to take a break.”
When you pull him in for a tender kiss, he’s taken by surprise, but it doesn’t take him long before he kisses you back, moving his hands from around your waist and gliding them down your body and lightly squeezing your butt which makes you grin into the kiss.
“You’re welcome, love. You know I’ll always look out for you.” Hobie smiles softly as he lovingly cups your cheek. Hobie always makes sure to keep an eye on you because he knows you have a tendency of overwork and causing yourself stress. “So now do you promise to not overwhelm yourself with work?”
“Yes, babe. I promise. No more overworking. But if I do, I know that I’ll always have you there to ground me.”
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I hope you enjoyed❤️!
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Editor - @justmemyselfandthemoon
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Taglist: @inspace1 @phoenixx69 @savagemickey03 @soilmayo @liyahsocorro @baizzhu @solanawrld @onlyloaksgf @popeheywardssecretgf @number1gal @taylormarieee @toneystank-3000
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©️inlovewithpandora ━━━ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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hopefulromances · 1 year
hi! could i request either a jamie tartt or roy kent (whichever you feel is more fitting) x reader based on tolerate it by miss swift herself? she/her please 😊
It was giving season one jamie vibes lmk
It was late. Very late. And you sat at the dinner table, straightening the silverware for the umpteenth time. He was supposed to be home hours ago for dinner but not even a text or call later he still wasn't home. The food was long cold and the warmth in my chest was gone as well.
Following Jamie from Manchester was a bad idea from the start. But he promised that the two of you would make it work. You'd given up everything for him, school, family, a job, all because you loved him. And he told me he loved me, too.
But slowly, you felt him slipping from my grasp. The more he slipped, the tighter you held and the faster he left. You just wanted him to look at you the way he did before, to see you the same way. But the more love you gave him the more he seemed to throw it away.
The front door opened and Jamie entered laughing at someone on the phone.
"Oh my days, I'll have to try that next time," he boomed, throwing his keys on the table. You pushed back from the table and walked over to greet him but he just walked right past you. "Yeah, yeah. Look, mate, I've gotta go but I'll talk to you tomorrow, yeah? Great, cheers."
He threw his phone on top of his jacket and let out a sigh.
"You're late," you stated, voice quiet.
He looked over at the set table and shrugged. "Sorry, some of the fellas wanted to go out after training."
"You couldn't have texted me?" I shot back, my voice raising slightly.
"What? You want me to tell you every decision I make before I make it then?" Jamie snickered. "You sound mental."
"No, Jamie," You gritted your teeth and rounded on him. "I want you to tell me when you're coming home late so I don't waste my time making you a dinner. I want you to not stay out late at all! I want to spend time with my boyfriend."
"Babe, I can't just ignore my team."
"I'm not asking you to ignore your team, I'm asking you not to ignore me!" You rubbed your face, frustration rising in your throat. "You never spend time with me anymore."
He rolled his eyes. The motherfucker rolled his eyes at you. "I'm busy, I don't know what you want from me."
You shook your head, scoffing at him. "Oh, fuck you?"
"Fuck me?"
"Yeah! Fuck you, Jamie Tartt," you shouted, getting in his face. "Fuck you and your stupid hair and your stupid promises that you break every single day." Jamie's face was stone cold as he listened to you. "I have tried so hard to be what you want Jamie... so. fucking. hard. But... I don't think you love me anymore. And Jamie... I don't think I want you to."
You took a breath then pushed past him, heading towards your bedroom. You flung the door open and grabbed your suitcase. Jamie followed along behind you, trying to look cool but his facade was breaking.
"What are you doing?" He asked, looking at the suitcase.
"I'm leaving," you told him.
"You can't leave," he frowned, coming over to try and stop you.
"Yes I can," you yanked your body away from him. "Because Jamie... the worst part of this is... I still love you. I have so much love for you." You bit your lip, looking between his eyes for anything, any sign that it was all in your head. But all you saw was confusion. "But my love deserves to be celebrated and you... you just tolerate it."
Your words hit Jamie like a slap. He took a step back and let you finish packing. Part of you wanted him to fight you, to stop you. To tell you that you had it all wrong and that he was sorry and that he loved you. But he didn't. He just watched as you packed your whole life away.
When you left the room and started towards the door, Jamie called out to you, one last time.
"Please... please don't go."
His voice was so small it almost made you stop. You dared a glance over your shoulder and saw him, hands stuffed in his shirt like he did when he was feeling nervous, eyes full of unshed tears. But it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough to make up for the countless nights you spent waiting up for him, or the looks at other women you'd ignored. It didn't make up for the life he'd promised you, that now laid wasted on the floor.
"Goodbye, Jamie."
And you left, you opened the door and left. Not looking back.
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aanoia · 1 year
your taylor swift song imagines give me life so I HAD to request one. Can you do something to Timeless from Speak Now TV with either james, sirius, or remus? whichever one you see fit!
I'm so happy I give you life ;) I chose James bc deep down I'm a James girl and it just fit best with him imo. I hope you like it!
James Potter x reader words; 2230 song; Timeless by T Swizzle (TV, duh) alright y'all, this one might get a little confusing. Let me break it down for you. italics is lyrics (and two other super small things, you'll know it when you see it), italics and bold is memories, there's two memories split into three parts total, when the story starts saying would that means thats what would happen if it did, yk. You and James do die, I just wanna make that clear. if you love a song, the marauders, and my writing, request a song fic and your wish shall be my command. now, i have two things. one, you can give me requests anyone in the marauders era btw, not js the actual marauders (i'll even accept Peter because i like to think he never became evil and was always just shy little Peter). Second, GIVE ME PREFERANCES PLS they'll be good fillers for in between longer fics so please pls pls i rly want sushi rn anywho HAVE FUN
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Down the block there's an antique shop
And something in my head said "stop", so I walked in
Y/n quietly walked into the small antique shop and the woman at the counter smiled kindly at her. She smiled back and gave her a small nod before looking around the shop. It was much bigger than it looked on the outside, so she assumed an enlargement spell was used on the inside. There were loads of trinkets across the many shelves, big and small.
On the counter was a cardboard box
And the sign said photos 25 cents each
Y/n’s eyes caught a bright white sign with bold red letters, “Photos 5 knuts per” she walked over to the table, curious. She thumbed through the pictures, all of them were old, as they were dusty and black and white.
Black and white saw a 30s bride and
Two lovers laughing on the porch of their first house
I smiled as I pulled out a picture of a man and woman. The man was in a nice suit, a bright happy smile on his face as he held the hand of a woman with a beautiful wedding dress on, her smile matching his. They seemed to be laughing in the picture, radiating pure joy. I turned the picture around and read the pen, “Just married! 7/24/36”
The kind of love that you only find once in a lifetime
The kind you don't put down
As Y/n flipped through more pictures, her mind wandered to James. She saw them in these pictures, together no matter the circumstance, with bright smiles on their faces and laughs leaving their lips. They’d be hopelessly in love in any universe, and she knew it.
And that's when I called you, and it's so hard to explain
But in those photos, I saw us instead
“Oh, did you stop by the antique shop?” Y/n’s mom asked as she walked in through the door, a small bag in my hand. 
Y/n nodded with a smile, “I did, it’s pretty cool in there. I’d love to talk more but I need to write James a letter.”
Her mom laughed, “All right, you go, don’t take too long though. Supper will be done soon.”
And somehow I know that you and I would've found each other
In another life you still would've turned my head
James looked up from his desk as a loud pecking noise was made on his window. He smiled as he saw his girlfriend's owl, banging his beak against the glass of his window with a letter tied to his leg and his claws clutching onto a brown package. James opened his window and let the owl in, petting him gently and placing a few pellets on the window cill for him to munch on. 
James opened the letter quickly, pausing as two black and white photos fell out. He furrowed his brows at the photos and his eyes flitted to the package. He grabbed it and untied the string, opening it quickly to find an old book, a few specks of dust on the front. He laughed to himself at the randomness and began actually reading the letter.
Even if we'd met on a crowded street in 1944
And you were headed off to fight in the war
“Off to war?” Y/n would’ve said, a laughing tone in her voice.
James would’ve nodded with a smile, “Yes. But we could write to each other, we could court and then once the war is over we’ll get married!” He‘d say excitedly.
Y/n  would have laughed, “Of course we will.”\
You still would've been mine
We would've been timeless
James would’ve been hanging halfway out of the train, the only thing keeping him in being his friends as he waved to the love of his life.
“I love you!” She’d shout and he’d blush.
“I’ll see you later, love! Don’t miss me too much!” He’d yell back, blowing her a kiss before he was forced back on the train.
I would've read your love letters every single night
And prayed to God you'd be coming home all right
“Oh, Y/n, don’t be ridiculous. James will be fine, I’m sure.” Lily would tease, smoothing down her skirt as she sat on the bed next to her best friend. 
“That’s easy for you to say, Lils, he’s not the love of your life. I don’t know what I’d do without him.” She’d say, setting his latest letter into a box that held all the other ones.
“Y/n, have faith in the man. He’s strong, he’ll make it.” Lily would persist and Y/n would nod with a sigh.
And you would've been fine, we would've been timeless
She’d run to James at the train station and he’d drop his bag and hold his arms out, catching her in an embrace and spinning her around. She’d laugh joyfully, thankful the love of her life was finally home. 
“Oh, I’m so thankful you’re okay.” She’d whisper and he’d kiss her cheek. 
“I’m thankful to be back with you, beautiful.”
'Cause I believe that we were supposed to find this
So even in a different life
You still would've been mine
We would've been timeless
James smiled at her idea, quite liking it himself. He loved listening, or in this case reading, about all her ideas. He knew how much her mind ran wild, thinking of every possibility for every little thing, and he loved it. He loved being a part of it. 
I had to smile when it caught my eye
There was one of a teenage couple in a driveway
Holding hands on the way to a dance
And the date on the back said 1958
James picked up one of the pictures and smiled at the couple, still in their wedding attire, holding hands tightly on a porch. He set the photo down, it not being the one he was looking for, and picked up the other one. He gazed at the two teenagers, almost imagining them as himself and Y/n. He could see it, and he remembered what it was like taking her to the Yule Ball. How beautiful she looked in her dress.
Which brought me back to the first time I saw you
Time stood still like something in this old shop
I thought about it as I started looking 'round
At these precious things that time forgot
Y/n and Lily walked into the train station together, hand in hand, happy to have made a friend before they even arrived at Hogwarts for their first year. Y/n giggled as Lily told her a story about one of her friends, Severus, and promised to introduce the two to each other. Y/n suddenly paused and Lily looked over, concerned.
“What is it?” Lily asked and Y/n pointed to a boy who was messing around with two other boys.
“He’s-” She paused, trying to find the right word. “Beautiful.” Lily laughed loudly and Y/n snapped her head to the side, “What?”
Lily shrugged, shaking off her laughter. “Nothing, nothing.”
That's when I came upon a book covered in cobwebs
Story of a romance torn apart by fate
Hundreds of years ago, they fell in love like we did
And I'd die for you in the same way
If I first saw your face
James looked at the book he had unwrapped and silently read the title. He hummed thoughtfully and opened the cover, leaning back slightly at the dust that filled the air. He smiled at the dedication the author gave. 
“To the love of my life. We, my dear, are timeless.” He read out loud softly. 
In the 1500s up in a foreign land
And I was forced to marry another man
You still would've been mine
We would've been timeless
“James.” Y/n would’ve said, running to him and hugging him after they were finally alone. “I don’t know what to do.” She’d cry softly as he rubbed her back gently.
“It’s okay, we’ll figure it out.” He’d say quietly, being equally as lost as her.
I would've read your love letters every single night
And run away and left it all behind
You still would've been mine
We would've been timeless
“Do you have everything?” He’d whisper outside the castle and Y/n would nod, handing James one of the bags.
“I do. Let’s go.” She’d say and throw the bag over the back of her horse, making sure it was secure as James would do the same. They’d share one last kiss before mounting their steeds and riding away as quickly as possible. By the time the castle woke up and realized the princess was gone, it’d be too late.
'Cause I believe that we were supposed to find this
So even in a different life
You still would've been mine
We would've been timeless
James laughed at her story, setting down the letter and glancing at her owl who hooted softly, waiting for something to return back to his owner. James pet the owl again before pulling out a piece of parchment, his quill, and an ink well, and immediately started writing back.
Time breaks down your mind and body
Don't you let it touch your soul
It was like an age old classic
Y/n smiled as the familiar pecking of her owl reached her ears. She rushed to her window and opened it, petting her owl gratefully and pulling the letter off his leg. Y/n sat down on her bed and practically ripped open the letter.
The first time that you saw me
The story started when you said hello
In a crowded room a few short years ago
It was third year, in the Great Hall. Y/n had spent the last two years of her life pining after the one and only James Potter, who barely even glanced at her. At least, that’s what she thought. But that couldn’t have been farther from the truth. 
“Just go talk to her already, Prongs.” Remus said quietly, patting his friend on the shoulder. 
James shook his head, “No way. I couldn't.”
“Why not?” Peter asked.
“Because Peter, she’s perfect. She’s beautiful, has perfect grades, I mean, she’s probably the smartest witch I’ve ever known, minus my mom. She’d never like someone like me.” He explained and Sirius rolled his eyes.
“Dude, you’re hot. That’s all you need, now go.”
And sometimes there's no proof, you just know
You're always gonna be mine
We're gonna be
“Hi, Y/n.” James said, standing awkwardly as the girl turned around awkwardly.
“Oh, hi, James!” She said, a small blush painting her cheeks.
“Okay, bye, Y/n.” He said, walking off and cursing to himself for messing it all up like that.
“Uh, bye, James?”
I'm gonna love you when our hair is turning gray
We'll have a cardboard box of photos of the life we made
And you'll say "Oh my"
“Aha, look what I found.” James would have said to his wife, pulling out the pictures she had sent him many, many years ago.
“Where did you find those? Did you find the book too?” She would’ve asked, a smile on her face as she would look at them. 
James would’ve shook his head, “Nope, no book. I’m not sure where that went. I found the letter though.” He’d say and pull it out as well. Y/n would smile as she reread her words.
“Oh wow, I’m such a sweetheart.” She’d say with a laugh.
“Not much anymore.” James would tease and Y/n would’ve hit his arm. “See what I mean.”
We really were timeless
We're gonna be timeless, timeless
You still would've been mine, we would've been
“Come on, Harry. I saw this shop when I was going on errands with mum.” Ginny said, pulling her boyfriend into a cute little antique shop. Harry looked around in awe at the shop.
“Why, hello there, young ones.” The lady at the front said, a warm smile on her face.
“Hello, ma’am.” Harry greeted and Ginny smiled at the old woman. 
Even if we met
On a crowded street in 1944
Still would've been mine
You would've been
“Look, pictures.” Ginny said, pulling Harry over to look through them. They sifted through them silently before Ginny pulled one out. “Harry, these look a lot like your parents.”
Harry grabbed the photo and inspected it closely, “They… they are my parents.” His eyes widened as he looked at the cost of the photo. The sign had bright red ink on it, “photo’s 5 knuts per”.
The lady at the front smiled when Harry placed the picture on the counter. She gazed at the photo and shook her head with a laugh.
“I remember when she first walked in here. Ah, it was such a long time ago. She bought a few of these and an old book, and two weeks later she brought him in. They were such a sweet couple. I wonder how they’re doing now.” The woman reminisced as she took the knuts from Harry.
Harry smiled at the woman, holding back tears, “Yeah, I wonder too.”
Down the block there's an antique shop
And something in my head said "stop", so I walked in
my masterlist
taglist (if u wanna be added js comment :));
@loving-and-dreaming @1lellykins @poetrypirate
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merakiui · 2 years
(cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, female reader, apocalypse logic, mentions of pregnancy/breeding, misogyny)
Jade is meticulous about every little thing he does, so this meticulousness also extends to choosing a bride. Since he's Azul's second-in-command, Jade is permitted to peruse in whichever way he sees fit. As enjoyable (and few and far between) as ceremonies are, they take up resources that should be put to better use elsewhere within the compound. So Jade makes his process fairly simple and decides that each eligible bride (which he will handpick to create a substantial list for himself) will meet with him for a ten minute interview, in which he will ask a set of questions to determine various types of compatibility, to fact-check health records and other files he's received, and to get to know a little more about the bride's personality.
Jade isn't a fool. He knows that most brides will stretch the truth in order to look more appealing than the last. After all, selection comes with its fair share of benefits and luxuries. Anyone smart enough to take advantage of that will, much like how Jade will take advantage of his position to choose a bride who will produce the best, healthiest results. Or that was his original plan, until he meets you and now his focus on his main objective strays.
He chooses you not because of your records or what's been catalogued on your profile, but because you're interesting. Unlike the other brides. An unexpected source of entertainment. The other interviews were not very special; in fact, they went about as well as Jade expected them to go, which is a shame considering he was hoping there would be a little more...excitement rather than blatant bootlicking. He's not very scary, or so he'll tell each bride with an amiably sharp smile.
You don't seem very frightened when you sit casually in your chair and answer each of his questions (nor do you try to gain his favor like the others), even being so bold as to ask him—the interviewer—questions. Jade ends up having a very entertaining back-and-forth with you rather than a true interview. And when your time with him reaches its end, you leave him with an enticing offer: "I don't expect you to love me or treat me with love, but I can at least make compromises. I'll give you what you want if you give me the things I want."
Jade's sold. He likes a person who knows how to negotiate and bargain, how to get the most out of a relationship. And lucky for you there are things he wants from you. It's not just to breed you full until you're guaranteed to give him lots of children. Jade wants to know the inner workings of the bride dormitories. He wants to know what goes on within those walls, what sorts of secrets are exchanged, what sort of information travels in and out. He's certain that there's something he can dig up that Azul might find useful.
Your relationship with Jade will be pleasant if you continue to provide him with everything he asks for. In return, he has no problems getting you better meals, moving you into a nicer, more spacious lodging, protecting you from any vindictive brides or handsy men, and so on. Just name your prices and he will pay them. Though it's also expected that you pay his prices, however steep they may seem.
For a while, he sees you as nothing more than a scarce commodity—a precious resource who's good for many things, one of those being breeding. But he's spent enough intimate moments with you, both in and out of the bedroom, to truly bond with you. Little things warm him up to you—like when you, still drowsy with sleep, wrap your arms around him from behind in what he thinks is a sweet good morning greeting while he's preparing tea. Or when you keep him up at night to talk about a world in which life is normal—would you be friends? Lovers? Enemies? Would you have even met? Or when you exchange playful, pointed statements about random things that aren't truly worth serious debates. Or when you're finally pregnant and you become oddly excited about the entire thing, constantly promising him with bright, happy eyes that you won't let him down. Truthfully, Jade would have preferred it if you hated him and this arrangement. He could have been fine if you fought and protested. That would have made it easier to not care about you so much.
Jade realizes something as he's organizing some documents for Azul while you sleep curled and comfy in bed, your belly rounded considerably and filled with a life that he helped create. It feels foolish and elementary to be so overwhelmed with love, especially during an apocalypse, but he likes you. Genuinely, truly likes you. And he isn't going to hand you back over to the bride dormitory after just one child. He's never had to be greedy with you, but now he wants to because you're all that consumes his every thought. He'll marry you whether you want that—whether you return his affections—and he'll be sure to keep you all to himself for the rest of his life. You won't be given a choice in this matter; he's already made up his mind, and when Jade has a goal in his head he'll do everything he can to achieve it.
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scummy-writes · 1 year
"What were you thinking? You could've been hurt!" w/ Silvio or "I ran here to catch you before you left. I need to tell you something." w/ Isaac <3 uwu Whichever works best for you~
Night air doesn't cool the fury running through your veins, nor the heat in your eyes. All it manages to do is keep you from the main street, annoyed with it brushing your hair in your line of sight.
Its there, between stone walls, that you finally breathe. A shuddering release of air, causing your hands to clench further, nails digging painfully into your palms. Here, you'd be alone. Here, you could seethe and let your bitter tears flow.
Yet, that damned jangling noise seems to haunt you further. In the near distance, you could hear each clank of jewelry coming closer with each step he took. And in that moment, you're still too pissed to think clearly. Instead, you turn to dive further into the alleyway, biting your lip near to the point of blood. Because if you see him, you'll break. You know you would. And damned if you'd let him know that.
But your luck only goes so far with you before you hear his voice, barking out at you. You try to ignore it and perservere, however his firm grip grasps your wrist like a vice, tugging you back towards him.
"Ya can't just run off like that! What are you, crazy?!"
"Let me go!"
"What were you thinkin'? Runnin' off into a backway like this. What if there were creeps- you could have been hurt!"
Each concern of his is blown away. His fingers still hold your wrist, and in a fit of anger overtaking you, you tug with such an intensity that Silvio finally shuts up for a moment as you take your hand back.
"Like you give a shit, you've been a creep since the first day we met!"
"Wha- when the hell have I ever hurt you like that? I wouldn't stoop that fuckin' low!"
"Yeah? Well you're fully willing to hurt me in other ways, you bastard!" In your anger you finally face him, voice shrill as tears finally shed- much to your dismay. But you're tired. You're so tired of wanting to be treated as more. More than just an outlet for whatever his whims were.
And in the heat of your emotions, you neglect to notice how taken aback he is as you continue to yell, "I have my limits too!! You can't keep treating me like that!"
Those words seem to echo against the stone walls, and all you register is Silvio's eyes wide in shock. There isn't disgust or anger on his face, but another emotion creeps in. And, just as quick, Silvio looks away.
...but the tips of his ears still poke through his hair, letting your see how red they are before he curses out again.
"Just... let's go back, okay? You can tear me a new one then when we're out of this damn freezing weather. Yer gonna get sick."
In the silence, your breath comes a little easier. The night air settles into your bones, almost all at once, reminding you of how you're not a pit of fire and brimstone- you're human, and you're cold. The streaks down your cheeks hurt, and you're quick to rub your palms against your arms, the fight slowly seeping out of you now that tears had come and gone.
That one word takes all the air from your lungs.
You can hear a sharp slew of words, but Silvio finally turns towards you. Avoiding your gaze, he all but tosses you his cloak, muttering out about how crazy you are once again.
But after his warmth is around your shoulders, making you feel small and watched for, you hear another muttering of words, ones he'd be too ashamed to admit he finally said. And just like that, guilt eats you alive, mixed in with heavy embarrassment.
Both of you could have bad days, it seemed.
Pre-relationship *nods*. I like the idea of a couple bickering their way into each others hearts. I'll let you decide whatever they argued about. In my mind, its not as serious as it sounds, she just hit a Breaking Point and Silvio is fucking bewildered that she had one.
Thank you for sending smth in!!
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chrysanthemumgames · 10 months
Hi! I'm so happy for you that you've finished your first draft and so excited to read it soon! (I wish I could finish mine haha). I have a... well it's sort of a question I guess. More of a rambly group of suggestions/requests? It's in reference to the type of bedroom that we can design near the beginning of the game, and the LI's eventual reaction to it.
So, more to the point, I'm the type of person that likes to "match" my LI's and their interests as much as possible. I can't really explain why it makes me happy to do so, it just does. Maybe I feel closer to them? I know it literally doesn't matter at all because they'll like anything I pick, but I still want to match them somehow. Like, for example, with some of them (Hermes and Pyri for sure I think) it mentions that if I pick the option with bright colors and plants, they seem to fit right in into my room, and that made me happy. But then for others (Charon and Hades were some I think) it said they seem out of place in my room, which made me a little sad (even though I know it doesn't really matter and they like it anyway). I would prefer to be able to pick options that my eventual LI will look like they fit into if possible? Like if it was something they would pick? (Are there options currently that I could pick where they would look like they fit right in? If so, could I know which ones? Ah, but if so, some would probably not include the two options with plants, which brings me to my next point...)
So I truly mean this with love and as a suggestion, but it kinda bums me out that only two of the room design options have plants as part of it. Because for me, as someone trying to play a Persephone who's really leaning into her powers, it feels like that means I really only have two options to pick from, since for me having plants is a must. And those two option are either adding bright or soft colors with plants, neither of which really appeal to me personally. I was thinking it would be cool if we could have a dark colors/darker vibe with plants option too. Or maybe even better, would there be a way to be able to make the "add plants to room" option separate, so that we would really be able to choose whichever design we wanted, without being limited to the couple that have plants now, if we are someone that definitely feels like plants are a must?
If not I totally understand, I just thought I'd give my thoughts and recommendations! I really hope I didn't come off as demanding or ungrateful! I'll love whatever it is you come up with, even if you feel you don't want to change anything, don't worry! :) Apparently I'm incapable of being concise, sorry and thank you for reading my wall of words! <3
Hey anon, I'm definitely planning to take a look at the room options again. It's already a lot of variation to write in the scene where people visit, but I will consider some alternate options in that vein, yes. :)
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rayssyscourse · 5 months
My hot take is similar to the the other anon: Origin doesn't matter. Experience matters. Trying to understand why our brains work the way they work and living life as peacefully and functionally and contentedly as possible matters. When I was very young, before the internet and plurality, and trying to understand myself and quirks, what mattered was how to keep living. What hurt was when I found the communities and started using that language because Finally! Someone! Understands! to eventually get torn down by both sides because I was telling my experiences and it didn't fit in either box.... That hurt the most. One box or the other, whichever I tried in later decades... the boxes made matters worse.
I understand why both sides are so passionate, but by golly are they destructive. Destructive to minors. Destructive to not minors who Don't Know. Destructive to those trying to discover. Destructive to those who thought X when Y was true but only had X vocabulary when venturing to the other side, only to get harrassed. Because so many refuse to acknowledge nuance or a variety of experiences.
I watched a whole Discord group gang jump someone here on Tumblr once. Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to tell that person. But I suspect they know. I suspect they get it a lot. Just because they're willing to (rather kindly, calmly, and matter of factly) give a different view.
There are a few people on both sides of the issue now that I'm older, more solid, and have spent some decades digesting the community who I like and trust. Agree with? Not always. I like the people who are able to point to the history the best. The ones who either have either been around long enough to remember or the ones willing to acknowledge how the community has evolved over the years.
My hottest take is that the ones who have only been around a couple of years are often the most destructive. They can't handle the nuance yet. And I don't trust them even with their sources because of their delivery. Not ALL. Not all on either side. But generally. My hottest take is that we shouldn't be bitterly fighting one another. We should be learning how to best live. All of us.
Time tells all. Do I fit? Not in the round peg or the square. I'm a wobbly piece that goes no where. But do I fit? Yes. And so do the others floating by that have been around for some time. And maybe some of the newer guys too.
But gee, take a chill pill and realize what your words and rants can do to others. For once. A lot of you people are bullies hiding behind principles. And that behavior shouldn't be accepted by any side.
this kinda feels like a poem. that's not a bad thing, it just... kinda sounds like a poem.
you have some good points here. i think origin does hold importance and meaning, because at its best it can help us understand ourselves and seek out the appropriate respective groups and resources.
but the way we talk about it is a problem. whether we like it or not, plurality isn't always black and white, and that's okay, but, as with everything in life, gray areas need to be handled with care and nuance, something that a lot of people don't seem willing to do.
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nesta-apologist · 2 months
So if we've got Cleric!Elain and Paladin!Lucien, which D&D class do the other ACOTAR characters fall into?
Thank you so much for asking! Hope you're ready for a dump of all my ✨thoughts✨
Here's a summary if you aren't interested in reading my whole dissertation (If you're wondering: yes I do plan to draw them all, we'll just see what I have time for)
Tumblr media
If you're interested in more details on subclasses/multiclasses you'll have to come back later (I'll reblog and add it to this post) but if you're looking for explorations and ponderings of this so far:
Generically, I made these choices based on both personality and powers/skills. Sometimes these seem to conflict though, and I’ll do my best to explain the conflict.
I'll start with Cassian and Nesta, because they're the clearest to me. Cassian is a Barbarian because of his Illyrian training. Nesta is a Warlock because of her power's connection to the Cauldron (for example: one could see the end of ACOSF as a conversation between a warlock and their patron)
Now that I've got you hooked, we'll revisit Elain and Lucien. Elain is a Cleric for the vibes yes, but also because of her source of power - the Cauldron. She is blessed with powers from the same deity/being that Nesta “bargained with” (stole from) for power.
Lucien is a tough one. I initially figured he’d just be a bard, but after thinking about it more I decided on making him a paladin. I’ve heard good arguments for him being a rogue potentially, too. I’m dedicated to him being a paladin because I believe it fits his loyalty and sense of justice. Plus, there’s a possibility of him having an oathbreaker subclass after leaving Spring 👀. I like to think he may have a history of being a bard/pursuing the bard class back in Autumn, but left it behind when he left the Court.
Non-specifically, I’ll think that all High Lords are some kind of Sorcerers. I also imagine at least some multiclass because I feel like it makes sense for people that are so powerful. Other than them, I’ll try to avoid multi-classing unless it makes a ton of sense (i’m figuring out alternatives I’ll get into when I make a later post about subclasses and multiclassing in Dnd!Acotar (probably after Cassian week)
Next, of course, is Feyre and Rhysand. Feyre naturally has had the Ranger class since she was human, and then she picked up the Sorcerer class when she gained the powers of the High Lords.
Rhysand, as mentioned his high lords, is a sorcerer as well. He will likely either multiclass in barbarian for his training in Illyrian fighting, or that will be the basis for his specific subclass (though I’m also considering basing the HL subclasses on their Court theme). Basically, I’m workshopping it! :)))
Rogue!Azriel seems pretty set in stone/obvious to me (though I’d love to entertain other ideas if y’all have 'em!). Once again deciding if he should be a barbarian of some kind for the Illyrian training …
I’m also workshopping if the Valkyrie’s develop a multiclass/subclass for finishing their training. Whichever that class is will likely be Emerie’s class. I’m deciding between Monk or Fighter for her, leaning toward monk.
Then there’s Gwyn! I’m considering her having a base class of Druid or Cleric because of her background. Maybe I just want a Druid in here, or maybe I think she should just match classes with Emerie. I’m leaning toward Druid!Gwyn + Valkyrie class.
Sorcerer!Amren makes sense to me, having the same sort of mystical magical background as the High Lords (though she’ll absolutely have a different subclass than any known HL).
Bard!Mor makes sense to me because a lot of her abilities seem to be in the diplomacy around fights. I’m sure other arguments could be made for her class, but we don’t know a ton about her powers, and I LOVE the idea of Mor giving Bardic Inspiration.
I didn’t mean to group Eris and Mor in any way, but Eris makes sense as a Bard for the same reasons Mor does. Eris is just trying to multiclass into Sorcerer right now lol(a.k.a. Become HL).
The last thought I had was about the potential of Helion being an Artificer/Sorcerer. If Helion isn’t an Artificer, he sure runs a Court full of them. I’m considering him to potentially be a Clockwork Soul Sorceror (I’ll get into in a later post), or being the only HL to be a Wizard instead of a sorcerer based on his study of magic. Once again: workshopping
Let me know if you guys have any ideas for characters I haven’t gotten to yet! Here’s a short list:
Tamlin, Tarquin, Kallias (once again, I’m thinking Sorcerer for HLs but maybe there’s more), Jurian, Vassa, Ianthe, Kier, Amarantha, the human queens, Drakon, or Miriam
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slytherinshua · 3 months
He definitely gives off charismatic vibes through the screen, but in person must a different level. How did you survive? Lol
I would definitely love to see more concert clips (if you want to post them) but unfortunately I don't have discord (debating if it's something I should get though)
I'm so excited to watch Ha Hyunsang! I've only ever seen him in the context of Hoppipolla and he was amazing. I'll definitely let you keep you up to date haha. I'm so glad you think that about the other vocalist though! Ages ago whenever I'd heard one of their songs from superband (I think it must have been snooze or something?) I didn't like his voice. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it, I just didn't seem to vibe with it. I do want to check gift out though
His dances are the cutest! When I was getting into Lucy, I happened to come across some of the live clips and I'd really enjoyed someday in the 21st century, but then when I saw Wonsang singing and dancing along to it I honestly fell in love with him. I loved his energy and excitement!!
I go by Violet (or Vi, whichever you want to call me haha). I need to update my page to say that, but I cba haha. (I saw you started to follow me! I will warn you, I'm a very boring person ahaha)
i swear on the stage in the center is just where sangyeop BELONGS and you can tell he loves performing so much SKDJKS HES SO FINE WHEN HE IS IN HIS ELEMENT. like i did not survive I MEAN TECHNICALLY I DID BUT I DIDNT.
i'll definitely sift through the rest of my clips and post some to tumblr hehe (any songs you wanna see?) discord is great for texting like i'm much more active on there and it's nice to have an active conversation but it also has an mb limit so some of my videos are too big for it even when i clip them to be like 10 seconds 💀💀 idk what tumblr's mb limit for videos or what it is but i feel like its much bigger than discord lol. but discord is so fun when you can watch videos together plus there's tons of kpop servers so you can make new friends <3
i fell in love with hyunsang on superband (i think everyone did lol) but then when i finished watching it i kinda forgot abt him?? but my youtube showed me one of his covers and i thought his voice was so beautiful and then i realized it was him from superband. and now he's one of my ult soloists his solo music is crazy good :( i really wanna get more into hoppipolla, i didn't stan them yet since they're pretty inactive rn so i just keep up with hyunsang atm. but i've heard some hoppipolla songs and i love them they're great <3 and yeah i mean like there's nothing really wrong with the vocalist they had on superband but his voice didn't really bring anything to lucy songs?? and you can even see when you watch crybird cover on superband vs the later performance they did of it with sangyeop that sangyeop's voice just FITS lucy perfectly. i couldn't imagine lucy songs without him they just sound so wrong.... i can't thank wonsang enough for making that choice to ask sangyeop to join cause he was what lucy really needed!! i've wanted to check out gift sometime as well like i really want to get into more bands cause i feel like i don't stan enough rn lol
the way he just looks like he enjoys performing sm :( hes always dancing and smiling at everyone in the audience and when his part comes on he sings it so cutely KSDJSK I LOVE HIM :((
ooo okay!! i'm zanna but you probably already saw that from my blog lol and you def don't seem like a boring person from these asks like i love answering them and talking to you <33
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alteredsilicone · 1 year
Ok, I'm gonna try to write a more coherent opinion post about Tennocon reveals, under the cut:
Looks beautiful, sounds beautiful. Gameplay seems a bit lacking in terms of how much you walk vs how much you actually do. The boss fight was interesting and atmospheric. The little turtle creatures are instant marketable mascot material, so good on that.
I really wonder how this will work as a live service online co-op game though. Everything about it just screams "single player exploration game", but alright, I'll trust Steve.
Whispers in the Wall:
Ok, first of all - Old Man Yaoi real, that surprised me the most. Now that I have that out of the way.
I am so happy that Warframe loves to be weird and unorthodox and I'm also blown away by the visuals and the new area and just... new enemies and the entire environment is your enemy. I am genuinely hyped for it. I just love the eldritch horror of the Void and I was really worried DE might drop the ball and do a generic "you team up with your buddies and fight god" but so far it sees they're doing it more intelligently.
Also seeing the lost islands of Duviri in the background is such a delicious touch.
Random comment only few will get - the murmur enemies and the weird atmosphere gives me Fear and Hunger vibes and I'm all here for it.
Warframe 1999:
Seeing real life technology feels sacrilegious in Warframe. I never played Dark Sector so I didn't feel a fake-nostalgia from this preview. It is cool because I'm biased and everything Warframe is cool, but I want to know how this fits into the wider Warframe narrative.
It might be a "rewriting timelines" thing or... maybe the Warframe universe really goes back that far.
Also random hot (?) take - Albrecht Entrati's Jojo getup is so goofy... My man you're gay where's the fashion sense!!! Let Loid dress you!!
Also I wonder if human!Loid's outfit looking like Limbo Prime is deliberate. Cuz we got a man named Arthur wearing Excalibur. DE is sneaky about lore but also they like to put a big red flag and then cover it with other red flags so you think it's a red herring.
So that's that.
Overall 9/10 Tennocon
Point deducted for the bullshit Heirloom collection. That shit is way too expensive and I hate whichever marketing ghoul invented it.
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amazingmsme · 1 year
I saw you put Peaky Blinders as one of your TickleTober potentials!! So thought I'd send you a VERY rough idea draft I've had floating about for a LONG time to act as a prompt if you'd like, as I'm probs never gonna do anything more with it it seems 😅. No pressure to use it at all of course! Just thought I'd give it a use lol. It's rather short currently so you could probs change/add to it to fit whichever free theme you want (onlyifyouchoosetouseit!!). Idk if this is a rly annoying way to do it but I'll just copy/paste it into this ask :)). All cool if it's not ur taste! (It's Ada and Tommy)
Sitting round dinner table. Polly's cooked.
Ada next to Tommy. Ada wants Tommy's attention with talking about something.
He's deliberately ignoring, preferring to listen to John, etc. (also partly out of 'winding up' cos u know... siblings)
~This goes on for some timelength ~
Ada just resorts to 'spite. Scratches neck or similar with hand, discretely sliding it down herself to under the table. Reaches over and squeezes just above Tommy's knee
Tommy slams leg up into table. Shelbys go quiet. Polly eyes suspiciously.
Tommy apologies, misjudged height of table when altering legs or some other bullshit reason.
Ada involuntarily sniggers, but quickly tries to stop herself.
Tommy slowly glances to Ada beside him with a COLD, (acted) menacing stare. Ada quickly just directs her attention back to her food.
Tommy now moves hand to make like altering napkin on lap (or equivalent).
Ada SOMEHOW didn't notice, now electing to simply listen to the conversation of Arthur/ John, and abandoning her attempt to speak with her second eldest brother out of very much self-regret.
Tommy tweaks her side, looking straight ahead. Ada flinches harshly and ends up crumbling her elbow forcefully onto the handle of her fork (or equivalent) that was sticking out from her plate, causing it to clatter onto the table?
Shelbys now look at her. "Sorry..." Picks fork off table back onto plate. Tommy smirks to self, Ada backsmacks him under table, he responds by pinching her side again more vigor. She has a bigger reaction this time, spluttering in the water she was attempting to drink.
Polly now confronts.
Been hoarding this all day because it makes me so happy thinking about them all sitting down for dinner & Ada is all fed up with being ignored & decides to mess with Tommy in front of everyone kabakabsjd. Interesting how I was talking with @a-fluffer-nutter about a similar scenario with Arthur & Tommy. Something about that man just radiating ticklish knee vibes, & everyone knows his siblings exploit it to the fullest extent lol. This is def going on the list! I think I can make it work for day 8(truth) because Aunt Polly makes them spit it out why they’re acting so weird
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✨ with beeg rise raph, either headcanons or a oneshot, whichever u prefer!
Ofc! Rise raph is such a big sweet boy, he needs more love!
Someone to lean on
Tcest DNI
Of all the things that could have gone wrong today, raph did not think it would have gone this badly. That was for sure. It was a seemingly normal mission they had gone on. Nothing out of the ordinary! Well, except this particular opponent had a knack for changing the size of things. Animals, objects, people.. Thats how raph ended up in this situation. They went in blind, and got cocky. Raph's caution regarding his size at a mere six feet was blatantly obvious, and it was that weakness that caused them to loose this fight.
Raph, now about twice his normal size, had to use the subway tunnels just to get back home. He was too big to get in through anywhere but the garage. He felt claustrophobic to say the least. Before it was tough being a foot taller and much bulkier than his brothers. Now it was upsetting. He doesnt fit through the doors, he cant go relax and goof off with his brothers, he cant even go take a nap! He takes up a good portion of the common room so his brothers cant goof around either..
He was sitting with his legs hugged up to his body, his head resting on his knees. He would hide in his shell but he was scared that if he wasnt careful he would break something coming back out. Like accidentally punching a wall whenhe sticks his arms back out. He kept trying to think but any time he came up with a possible way to sit this out or make it more managable, his dumb brain shot it down with an irrational contradiction! But.. he couldnt help it. He had hurt his brothers by mistake just being 6 feet tall. Now it was way worse!
He was distracted from his anxious sulking when he spotted his younger brother approaching. Leo. Probably here to make jokes. Leo seemed to have noticed his brother had spotted him, qnd waved up at him. "Hey, big guy! Mind giving me a lift?" Leo asked. Raph immedeatley hesitated, his head ducking into his shell a little because he was upset. What if-
"Raph. I have a portal sword. I'll be fine!" Leo reminded, practically already knowing what his big brother was doing. Leo had seen him do it a million times. Raph was a little caught off guard by the call out. He hesitated before reaching down to floor level so he could climb on. This was fine. He cant accidentally crush him.
Leo sighed. Well, thats progress. He got onto his brother's hand, and sat criss-crossed in his palm as he was lifted. He looked up at his big brother as he was brought to his eye level. "See? You didnt drop me." He said. Raph looked to the side nervously. He felt bad for worrying his little brothers. Leo reached out, resting his hand on his brother's face to comfort him. "Hey, we're gonna fix this! Its not as bad as you're making it out to be. Its inconvenient, sure, but its not that big a deal. Besides! You're super strong, you can beat up bad guys all the time." He said, trying to pep talk his brother.
"Yeah, thats the problem Leo. Im huge, and super strong. I know my own strength when im like a third of my current size! What am i gonna do if someone gets hurt.." he said, looking very upset and concerned. He was careful not to jostle his little brother.
Leo listened and smiled at his brother. "Dont think like that, raph? If you worried any more, and werent bald, you'd have grey hairs by now." He joked. "No one is gonna get hurt. We're gonna sort this out bo problem. Me, april, donnie, and mikey are gonna help you. We're gonna get through this." He said, leaning forward to rest his head against the bridge of his brother's snout. Thats as close as they can get to a hug.
Raph listened to his brother's dumb pep talk. He sighed. He couldnt help but feel a little pride. When had his little brother gotten so good at these goofy speeches? He chuckled softly, finally cracking a snaggle toothed grin as his brother rested his head against his. "..thanks, Leo." He said.
Thats all for this oneshot! Feel free to drop an ask!
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heh im happy to answer questions!! :D im actually not out to anyone online as muslim and so this is incredibly fun for me to talk about sgjkgh
metatron! now i have to be honest, i had never really heard of metatron till.. couple weeks ago when i watched s2! and it seems that this isn't an uncommon thing too, there's much more description of metatron in jewish literature than islamic, his name isn't mentioned in the quran at all iirc, but given the other similarities in religion i thought to look it up and found that! he exists! but i don't know what the whole.. beyond the veil thing entails, really. 😔 not even sure what this "veil" is. regarding metatron i have basically no knowledge at all. we're all learning here!
but! the free will discussion... oof. honestly this is a big topic. as it should be, but a lot of young muslim kids ask this question of.. if everything is predetermined, how can God judge us for our mistakes? we're told we have autonomy and choice to do what we want (which is what makes us human.) but Allah has also predetermined everything. uh. so [shrug] the analogy that stuck with me most was that if a child is given two options for food by their parent, the parent will know what they are going to pick, but they still have the choice. its flawed like all analogies but it is a good framework i think. there's also the thing about Allah knowing everything that will happen but not actively enforcing it? its definitely confusing. i hope i made any sense at all ;-; again happy to answer any questions if that has raised any but i can't.. promise i'll give good answers sjkfhgh [gestures at these paragraphs]
israfil! well, judgement and resurrection are very closely linked. iirc, israfil is the only being (along with god) to know when the day of judgement will happen. he'll blow the famous trumpet once to end all life on earth except himself, and blow it again to resurrect everyone that has ever lived. nods. the second coming doesn't trigger this, but it does signify the end of days.
i hope that answered everything? sorry this was so long 😭 in my defence . uh. i have no defence. my apologies. but thank you for asking all this!! its rare that ppl show interest in my little special interest <3 - 🌙
hello again 🌙 anon!!!✨ well in that case im very honoured you are sharing this with me, anonymously or not, thank you!! thank you for your follow-up ask too; hope you don't mind that i answer both on this post? keeps everything neat and tidy, especially if i need to refer back to it at any point!!!
i was going to put the rest of this ask under a cut but fuck it the below 2nd ask is SO IMPORTANT.
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re: metatron, i did do a little bit of reading on their mention in the quran and it reads that uzair (who is possibly ezra?) is also the metatron...? not a question necessarily, just a mark of slight confusion that i need to look into further, haha!!!
free will: that's such a beautiful analogy... i guess it may not necessarily be a predetermination of only one path, but multiple different ones, and it's our choice which one we choose, even if god knows which one will be chosen. but that god doesn't tell us what will happen when we make that choice, because that would influence our decision, and as you said - either way doesn't enforce it. that i believe crosses over into some catholic thoughts on predestination, im not sure, but either way would strike the balance between god being omniscient, and her creations having free will - making the two compatible.
israfil: brilliant, thank you for clarifying, especially where the second coming might link to the day of judgement!!! follow-up q, i read a bit more about the day, and where (if ive read this right), each person had their book of deeds that supports whether they go to heaven or to hell. sort of related: where does the book of life fit into this in Islam? is each person's deeds reviewed, handed back to them in whichever appropriate hand, and they are then scratched from the BOL?
stars: that's... that's not brainrot talking, that's bloody ✨illumination!!!✨ wow!!! even if the star shower scene was before demons existed, the suggestion that the shower started after the angel who crowley was (AWCW) began to ask questions - something that firmly foreshadowed the fall - and given that aziraphale was the one to make him start questioning/then hurriedly cautioned him against asking them... the symbology of AWCW not necessarily protecting him from things that chase away demons, but protecting him from being implicated in whatever punishment was to come??? protecting him from the fall??? my GOD, im ASCENDING. oh my god oh my god oh my god
(wait --- going by the above from 🌙 anon, was i potentially somewhat right in this and this??? like obviously not exactly right, but that aziraphale was himself implicated in the fall, and AWCW protected him/defended him? FUCK)
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techtakesoff · 1 year
Hello!!! May I ask names and characteristic suggestions of a Land for a Prospit Heart player with a special interest in stars who is hopeful, but also very emotion driven? The player is also very kind and formal when needed to, but can be impulsive and gets irritated easily, and to finish it they are very focused on topics that revolve into the study of personality, like mbti (that’s also why she’s an heart player). I apologise for the lack of a Class, thank you regardless!!!
I know this isn't something I'm supposed to do for you, as you asked for land suggestions, and we'll get there, no worries, but before I answer this, I will say that since the lack of Class here is a bit troublesome as to how I personally do land/quest assignments, I'm giving your character a temporary class of Maid.
The emotional driving and impulsivity really screams a Maid of Heart to me, and as such, I'm going to refer to this character as a Maid in the land quest ideas. If you figure out a class better suited towards them, you are free to substitute if needed or resend an ask when asks are open.
I apologize if this isn't what you want, but it's merely an aid for me to complete this ask.
- Land of Supernovas and Forces.
This may sound like a name for a Space player's land, but your Force here isn't any typical scientific concept, nor the one you would otherwise expect from a certain franchise. This Force in mind is one of an emotional confrontational manner.
The Maid here has to travel upon the many clashing firestorms happening, and not only figure out that the Maid has to deal with consorts who just can't agree with each other, but to an all-out war between them. This will challenge the Maid, as they don't like to see others upset, and seeing this wears their patience thin.
They might act impulsively here, telling these consorts to quit fighting, to no avail. Over time, the Maid learns and understands that they're having a war over their Denizen's influence, where the Maid themself will have to get into the nitty gritty and have a VERY stern telling to this Denizen.
This might not end well, however, and the Maid will surely need to learn how to control their own emotions and especially their God Tier abilities, before this confrontation. When finally quelled, the firestorms will clear up in due time, as the consorts realize, with the Maid's help, that there's no reason to fight, and everything is okay.
-Land of Pinpricks and Algorithms.
Upon entering the Medium, this Maid notices something wrong with these consorts. They seem to be arguing. When confronted, they tell the tale of the Denizen, which sorts people into a four way type of personality group.
This clashes with the Heart player, as maybe their belief in such is that it's more fluid, needing more groups or just potentially arguing the point of it altogether.
Upon a further inspection, the Maid learns over time that these roles do serve a purpose, just like classpects do upon Sburb. The issue lies in that these roles are completely broad, and don't help these poor consorts at all. It's up to the Maid to confront their Denizen themself, and convince them to change the roles and their use, or the roles' definition altogether.
(Note: This might be more fitting for a Witch or Heir of Heart, but again. Using a placeholder class.)
I believe this land would take place underground, the "Pinpricks" in this Land's name referring to the little shines of light poking through the top of the cave.
Think that one area in Waterfall, in Undertale. They emulate stars, and maybe the consorts look to them for some societal reasoning, or maybe just a fun little reference you want. Who knows.
As for characteristics, I believe that regardless of whichever land you choose, make, or otherwise, you should incorporate their interest in stars.
Many metaphors for stars can be made with lands, and I really only had two major ideas. I'll list off some ideas you could have for this, as a compromise.
- Stars being a metaphor for loss, losing interests, or hope You did mention that this Heart player is very hopeful, and there are many directions you can take that in especially.
- Stars being a metaphor for potential, anger, or knowledge, mirroring Light and Rage as aspects.
- Stars being a metaphor for gaining interests, as an alternative. Depending how long you spend in your session, you might learn new things. Maybe a star pops up with new interests, for example.
I do hope, whichever path your Heart player takes, that it's one that's fufilling to them, and to your journey. Have a nice one, fellow Heart player.
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