#if one of these blew up while this post was in drafts. so be it.
nanaminsmoon · 11 months
5 minutes ~ e.jaegar x goodgirl!reader. mdni. 18+
a/n: i hate the ending for this one, but if i didn't post it now then it'd be in my drafts for years so she had to go lol.
wc: 2976 + not proofread properly.
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the saying ‘opposites attract’ was coined for you and eren, with him being the night to your day. he represented the dark cesspools of society that your parents had raised you to stay very weary of. in fact, if there was a textbook definition for the type of boy you’d been warned to stay far, far away from, beside it would be a collage of eren’s mugshots. but first meetings with no knowledge of each other’s histories was the intersection of the paths you’d always considered to be parallel; perhaps walking beside each other, but never converging. and their merging would be caused by the fateful day you crossed the authoritarian line your parents had drawn very boldly since you were very young.
the magnetic field surrounding the young man had been unbeknownst to you, but he was the south to your north pole, reeling you in all night until you inevitably met in the midst of the crowd of moving bodies. you’d been second-guessing your decision to agree to attend ymir’s party with your friends, but any dubious thought in your mind dispersed the second your eyes met eren’s lidded ones. even with the dimmed lighting, you could sense them scanning you—leaving blazing traces of want in their wake. you’d hoped the embarrassment boiling inside of you wasn’t obvious, but it had set your body alight—its heat emanating off your figure to waft into eren’s smug face.
if ‘trouble’ had a look, and smell, it would be eren. it’d have his face—inviting yet seemingly cunning, and unreadable in its arrangement of his perfect features. it’d possess his ability to send a militia of chills up your spine the same way too—unsettlement marching up your spine at the potent smell of cigarette smoke, cologne, and whatever alcohol was in that red solo cup. magnetism brewed in eren’s chest, traversing through his bloodstream to reach the point of his fingertips that lightly traced the exposed skin on your arm. once it’d transfer to you, glances were no longer stolen, and neither were dances—both were given freely. and, alongside the pair, would go your moral compass, making you unrecognisable even to yourself as you moved with him—your ass pushing into his growing bulge. the heat transferring at the point where your bodies met would cancel out that of his burning gaze on you. that and his feverish hands grabbing onto your hips, catching everything you threw back on him. all the while, a cigarette would sit comfortably between his lips, grey smoke slipping past it to escape his mouth every time he groaned at the feeling of you brushing against him.
the newfound courage cloaked you, blurring your presence in the crowd of moving figures thus making it impossible for your friends to find you. sense regained, they stood at the door all ready to go home, but ‘home’ hadn’t been a thought in your mind since the smoke eren blew into your mouth, ascended into your brain to cloud your sense of better judgment. there would be a moment where your eyes would dart to them as they beckoned for you to join them, but eren would catch on quickly. and his fingers, hugging his cigarette between them, would wrap themselves around your chin as they turned you to face him,
“gimme 5 more minutes”, his cheek would be against yours as he spoke into your ear, and you’d nod like a fool as he smiled at you and took your hand in his, leading you upstairs.
and five minutes is all it’d take for the barrier holding back your tears to collapse unceremoniously, making way for the stream to coat the pillow cases of ymir’s parents’ bed. the combination of your wanton desperation, pleasure, and makeup would stain the material pressed up against your face—adhering it to your moist skin in a way that made your conscience pulsate with guilt. but the once clear-cut lines on your morality would fade with every collision of eren’s skin against yours. the moments leading up to this position had gotten you used to the way eren’s fingertips dug into your hips and, though similar to that of when you were dancing together, this time he could clearly see the way your flesh recoiled when your skin met his. finally, he could clearly hear the small, squeals leaving your mouth as his dick bullied its way in and out of you, leaving you a fucked out, dishevelled shell of yourself. and that shell that would soon be filled to the point of leakage when your walls tightening around him, unexpectedly stole eren’s release from him. and, somehow, five minutes would turn into two hours, until you were both dragged back into reality by heavy knocks on the door.
call it naivety, or wishful thinking that your actions would never catch up to you, but you had expected to never see eren ever again after that night. but the following months would be spent interweaved in each other. labels weren’t yet decided, so they changed depending on the day; on random evenings, you were eren’s alibi—voice shaking as you lied for him, assuring his parole officer that you’d been watching movies together when, in reality, you hadn’t even known where he was. and, on saturdays, your lap served as his most comfortable pillow as the incomprehensible words you read from your favourite book fell onto his face from above him.
but skipped classes, and unexplainable disappearances meant you soon found yourself under heavy surveillance. from being driven to and from uni, to not being allowed to meet friends, and being basically trapped in your home. the joy shared between eren and yourself had been for you two only. seemingly, the portions hadn’t been distributed evenly meaning that your friends and family sat with plates full of disdain and worry, prepared for a boy they didn’t even know. all they saw of eren was his effect on you; increased callousness, tanking grades, and constant escapades that rendered you a ghost floating in and out of their lives. and soon there’d be a fury-fuelled war waged between two sides; one side that hated eren for ruining you, and the other that hated your family for taking you from his grasp just as he was about to pull you from heaven into his unprincipled clutches.
unfortunately for your friends and family, armageddon couldn’t stop eren from trying to reach you. no matter how many times you denied him, he’d try his luck at getting to you through any means necessary; he’d call you, text at stupid hours of the night asking you sneak out, this boy even disguised himself as a delivery driver just to see you. but every single advance was (very reluctantly!) declined; calls rejected, texts ignored, and, after gathering yourself, you’d tell him that you hadn’t ordered anything and he had the wrong house. bottom lip in between your teeth, to combat the tears hanging over your waterline, you’d closed the door, taken a deep breath, before making your way upstairs to text him an essay of an apology.
that day, you forbode eren from coming to you but, as anyone who knew eren would tell you, he’d never been good at following instructions. so you’d be doing your uni work, when you’d hear loud ass music playing outside. expecting more self-control from eren, there wouldn’t even be a second where you thought it’d be him. even when incessant honking began, you’d ignore it and continue trying to replenish your plummeting gpa. and you’d succeed at keeping focused. until you heard a small knock on your door.
“y/n, you know that guy?”, your brother asked you.
“what guy?”, a finger pointing to the window would be your brother’s answer. and your limbs would freeze at the sight of the black hellcat outside, but they’d be quick in moving you once you saw eren’s car door start to open. by the time you opened your front door, eren was walking up your driveway and his determined gaze would soften once it landed on you. that was before he saw the frustrated presentation of your features as you marched towards him, then he’d just chuckle at you. both hands flat on his back, you’d push eren back to his car as he laughed and questioned you. but he’d get no answers until you shoved him against the car—his back facing your house—and started lecturing him,
“why are you here?”, you’d chide through clenched teeth.
“what, i can’t come see you?”, he’d ask, leaning on his car and reaching for your hand. stress would have you moving your hands from his own, as you rolled your eyes at him.
“not at my family home, eren, no!”, you’d let out an exasperated sigh, “are you out of your damn mind?! coming here and making all this noise, just because you ‘want to see me’?”,
“i miss us, y/n”, he’d say, eyes flittering all over your face as they examined your vexed expression. at this point, the anger was just a shield protecting you from his words because you knew that as soon as they penetrated your skin to enter your heart, you’d fold like a damn lawn chair. and, opportunistic as he was, eren would take the time you spent processing his confession as a chance to get sit his fingertips, one-by-one, on your hips. too deep in thought, you’d have no time to react before he pulled you closer to him.
“not now, eren.”, you’d instruct, placing your hands on top of his.
“you ain’t miss me?”, he’d tilt his head.
pretending not to want eren did nothing but spur him on. mainly because he knew that there was a mutual longing keeping you two connected. as harsh as you tried to be, eren could feel your internal conflict in your movements—the sour irritation in your words was no match for the way your body instinctually yielded to his touch. it’d be still as eren’s arms enveloped you, his heart joyous at the feeling of your body weight slowly increasing—your every appendage relaxing onto him. naturally, he’d grow smug and pull back to slyly observe the way he knew you’d chase his lips, just like every other time he stopped kissing you, and he’d grin to himself.
“i did, but not here.”, you’d shake your head, “not like this”, you’d say. and, in a successful attempt to still your head, eren’s hands would cup your cheeks before he gently pressed his lips against yours. there’d be a split second where your body would try and move you away from him but, as soon as his tongue gently grazed your bottom lip, you’d neglect your surroundings—hands massaging the back of his neck, as you pulled him closer.
“why not?”, he’d ask, quietly. his fervid gaze possessed enough heat to turn you into a patch of liquid, very similar to the one in the front of your underwear. and, though composure wouldn’t come easy to you, you’d grapple for it anyways, moving from him and ignoring the smirk on his face as he watched you.
©2023 nanaminsmooninc. All rights reserved. You may not copy, reproduce, or modify works without permission.
“you know why, now get off me before i scream and get the police called on your dumbass”, the feigned innocence would break and eren would outright laugh at your threat. enthralled eyes would watch the joy spread all over his face, the feeling contagious as you slowly felt the corners of your lips rise. that’d be before you realised where you were, and quickly moved your hand to cover his mouth to muffle the bellowing sound.
“i wouldn’t mind hearing you scream.”, he’d say after removing your hand from his face, “it’d make driving here worth it.”, he teased. and, once again, you’d be falling into his deep green eyes, beguiled by his intoxicating gaze. reminders of reality would only come when a quick flicker of your eyes to the building behind eren’s car revealed your front door opening. equally as curious as the young boy stood at the door, eren would turn but you’d quickly shoo your brother back inside, originally aiming to follow him.
“just gimme 5 minutes”, a low voice would ask, stopping you in your tracks. eren’s recklessness always seemed to rub off on you. perhaps remnants of it latched onto you when he held you close to himself, or maybe his lips spoke it to you as he kissed you. but, without fail, it’d rid you of everything you thought you knew about yourself. and it’d also have you following him into the backseat of his car.
though it was never expressed to you, you were just as much of a forbidden fruit for eren as he was for you. a chair occupied by thoughts of your chaste nature had anxiously sat in his heart, as the thought of his sodden fingerprints being the ones to pervert you spun around his mind. that was until eren placed your hands on the back of said chair, bending you over it and making his peace with sending you back to your parents with his depraved handprints, and debauched lip prints singed all over your body. forbidden as you may have been, eren couldn’t get enough of you. you were a banned berry that he couldn’t help but sink his teeth into, letting the taste of you reside in every corner of his mouth—your juices slipping out of the corners of his lips as you squirmed, and scratched at his leather seats. no more than a few minutes passed with you on eren’s lap, his lips busy marking your neck and chest—any regard for your parents’ reactions was absolved the moment your fingers intertwined at his nape to lightly tug at his hair. the only thought on his mind for weeks had been the taste of you, so he’d wasted no time in moving his lips from you and laying you flat on your back on his backseats. and your comprehension of any moment that followed that was wiped out by the tsunami of pleasure that flooded your conscious mind, as well as the white flash that accompanied it stealing your vision. the last thing you remembered was eren’s eyes—locked on yours—as his teeth plucked at your panties, pulling them down your thighs.
for most, self-reflection would be triggered by the fact that their partner’s friends and family hated them with a scorching passion, but not eren. he welcomed the scrutiny with open arms because, as toxic as it sounded, he had learned to love being a terrible influence. he luxuriated in being the guy your friends begged you to leave, those conversations always ending in teary arguments wherein you’d have to fight to justify your want for him. he loved knowing that even as every mouth around you told you to stay far away from him, his devious one always brought you right back. that, sweet as you were, you were addicted to the nasty way he fucked you; bent over in his car, or anywhere he could hide you from prying eyes. and the fact that, with every load he filled you with, droplets of his identity had been inserted into you with all of them being preserved perfectly, with not an ounce of alteration. whether that be his attitude, or his need to fuck the sanity out of you, you resembled eren more and more with every connection of his tip and your cervix. slowly, your vocabulary had matured to match his and you had started using words he’d never expect to hear from such a pretty, innocent-looking face,
“ffuck, i’ve missed this dick so much, eren”, you’d keened, ridding eren of any rational thought. his hips would hasten on their own at the sound of your lascivious wording, deepening every breath your lungs fought to take. and, as good as you felt, corrupting a good girl had never been something eren had wanted to do. usually, he liked his girls experienced, but you had a charm about you.
he liked the way your eyes glimmered at him as he spoke to you, and the adorable way you remembered small details about him. after a while, he began enjoying the way he was disintegrating every single value your parents had instilled in you, as well as you just letting him. but no more than the way you moaned his name, and made lust-filled promises that disgraced the parents who had worked so hard to raise you,
“i’m all yours, ‘ren, i belong to nobody but you”, you’d cried out, and he’d gently kiss your cheek. the romantic work of his lips, was in direct opposition to the cruel way his dick hit that spongy spot inside you, coaxing your release from you and refusing to stop.
“i know, baby, you ain’t gotta tell me. i know. you’re all mine, and can’t nobody do shit about it.”, he'd reply. and he was right. because, as long as he made you feel the way he did, eren was untouchable. whether that be for 5 minutes, or for the rest of your life.
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slytherinshua · 18 days
summary. your love is pursuing his dreams as a violinmaker in italy, leaving you to wait for his return. genre. slight angst. fluff. based on whisper of the heart. warnings. some crying. reader feels lost and alone and like she's not good enough :( not proofread. pairing. zhanghao x fem!reader. wc. 1.3k. request. no. a/n. tiánxīn = sweetheart btw. ofc hao is already perfect for the role of seiji cause he plays violin (also he looks like seiji fight me). for all the other writers out there (even tho i don't ever plan to get properly published) we all relate to shizuku so much :') her struggles are so relatable and i just love whisper of the heart so much i think its such a beautiful and underrated ghibli movie. divider by @/aquazero.
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The night air nipped at your cheeks as thoughts swirled in your head. Hundreds of worries, feelings, and uncertainties followed you wherever you went, and all you could wish was to be back in high school when everything felt a bit easier. Back with Hao to occupy all your thoughts and in turn take your mind off of everything.
Sometimes you wondered if waiting was really worth it. You were doing your best to pursue your dreams, do well in your final year of university, and throw yourself and your work at different publishers, hoping that one liked you enough to give you a chance. But you felt like a constant failure in comparison to your boyfriend. You’d always thought opportunities were more beneficial than school. Hao only seemed to prove that to you.
He was working in Italy, getting valuable skills from the masters. You were still stuck in your hometown, going to the same university everyone else in your family had gone to, trapped in the same system. You wanted to get out, prove yourself, do something meaningful with your life. But did you even have the talent to? Were you even worth it?
On nights where your thoughts just wouldn’t leave you alone, you grabbed a handful of Hao’s letters and walked up the hill back to the spot where you used to watch the sunrise with him. You missed him more than anything. Without his presence, you felt lost. There was no one to ground you, no one to reassure you, no one to believe in your flimsy dreams.
You hadn’t received a new letter in a while, and you were starting to wonder if it was a post issue, or if Hao was too busy to write. You hoped you would get one soon. It was the start of Winter already, and a breeze blew past you, causing a chill to run up your spine. You hugged Hao’s old jacket closer on your body. It must be even colder in Italy…
You slid one of the old letters out from its envelope. You were always careful to keep everything intact. From the colourful wax seals to the elegantly written address, to the coarse texture of the fancy paper, everything about it was precious to you. Hao was always meticulous, and his presence could be felt from every detail of the card.
Tiánxīn, how are things back at home? Lonely. 
How is your writing? Did you finish the last 3 chapters you were struggling to write? I finished the final draft last Saturday. Are you proud of me?
I’m doing well here, although I never stop missing you. At least one feeling is mutual. 
It’s the beginning of Spring as I write this, and the flowers are starting to bloom. Every pink bud reminds me of you. How are you always so romantic, Zhang Hao?
I taught some kids how to hold a violin properly the other day— one of them almost dropped it. I swear my life flashed before my eyes. If they had broken it, I could’ve gotten kicked out. They don’t know that they’re handling a piece of wood worth thousands of dollars. As much as it scared me in the moment, spending time with the kids cheered me up. Childhood innocence is an endearing thing, don’t you think? It is. Is it bad that I wished you had gotten kicked out just so I could see you sooner? I want you to tell me everything about Italy with your own voice.
I’m starting to find beauty in things that used to annoy me. It’s a strange feeling, but I think I could get used to it. The flowers used to only make me sneeze, but now they’re a gentle reminder of who I’m living every day for. Children used to get on my nerves, but now I can only think of your baby pictures. I keep working hard every day hoping that I’ll get a break to come visit soon. I’ve been saving up for tickets. Hopefully before Winter, I’ll be back in your arms. It’s Winter now… I miss your arms around me.
Ever yours,
You could only sigh and blink back the tears that had formed on your waterline. Why did he make you miss him so much? You sniffed, from the emotions and from the cold. It was getting even later in the night, and while you didn’t want to leave your special spot, you also needed sleep.
When you got back to your cheap apartment, you sprayed some of Hao’s perfume on your pillow and changed into pyjamas. It was funny how much time went into hunting for the exact fragrance he wore; but you had been thankful for it every single day since you bought it. Any way you could to bring traces of him back to your home was worth it. You fell asleep hugging the pillow tightly and hoping that he would grace you in your dreams. 
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A soft puff of air hit your nose making you scrunch it up. It woke you out of your slumber, but not enough to open your eyes yet. You were in a confused bleary state trying to figure out where it came from. You definitely didn’t leave the fan on in the middle of Winter, so why…?
“Tiánxīn, wake up.” 
You blinked your eyes open slowly, furrowing your eyebrows as the view came into focus. Light from the morning sun shone through the window, cascading down until it hit the side of a face. Hao’s face.
“Am I still dreaming?” You whispered. A lump formed in your throat at the thought that you were— you must be. How could he be right in front of you? He was still far away in Italy.
He shook his head, a smile splayed on his lips. He moved closer, his weight dipping down on the bed. You could only stare, memorising everything about him. His eyelashes fluttered as his gaze dropped to your hand and he reached to hold it. His hands were warm and the skin of his palm was soft, although his fingertips were roughened by calluses after years of playing strings. He cupped your cheek with his other hand, brushing his thumb against your skin.
“I missed you. I’m sorry it took so long for me to come visit.” He frowned slightly as he saw tears start to build in your eyes. You squeezed his hand, as if still deciphering whether he was actually real. It had truly been years since he had first gone for his apprenticeship and then got accepted full time to make violins and teach. Although you had communicated through letters, it could never compare to being with him like this. 
“It’s okay.” You tried to steady your voice, force the lump in your throat down, blink back the tears. But you couldn’t with him right there.
“Don’t cry.” He wiped your tears carefully, his touch soft as always.
“Kiss me. Please?” 
And he obliged. He would always do anything within his power to see you happy. If you told him one day to fly to the moon and bring you back a piece of it, he was sure he would find a way, just to see you smile. The feeling of kissing him again was indescribable. You’d forgotten how it felt to be kissed by his soft lips, how they melded with yours like a dream. As if you two were meant to be.
You knew you always were. Your love story, although it sometimes felt tragic, was like something out of a fairytale. You would never forget the lengths Hao went just to get your attention. How ambitious, determined, and caring he was. He was your constant motivation to keep striving to be better. 
It was hard to live for your dream while being so far apart from him. Part of you knew that he would have to go back. Maybe in a month, maybe in only a week. Maybe sooner than that. Your heart would break once again saying goodbye to him.
But, for now, as he kissed you in the morning sunlight on your bed, you felt your heart healing from his touch. The long years away from him were a small price to pay for moments as precious as these. 
↳ zerobaseone taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @okshu,, @chewryy,, @haecien,, @sobun1est,,
@emmylksblog,, @talkingsaxy,, @thesunsfullmoon,, @chenleszone,, @sxmmerberries,,
@cupidslovearrows,, @dimplewonie,, @50-husbands,, @hursheys,, @mjupis,,
@kangtaehyunzzz,, @nonononranghaee,, @forever-atiny,, @nicholasluvbot,, @stantxtforabetterlife
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an0ma1y-th3d0ma1y · 4 months
The Tickle Tax
A/N: I had a random urge to write something and I found this in my drafts- Decided to finish it up and post it :D I’ve been meaning to make some content for the spiderbros considering I love them sm- HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY !!
It had been a fairly peaceful morning for the spiderbros, which for them was like finding a needle in a haystack.. but a very VERY small one. The youngest spider was in his room, on his phone mostly just playing games, responding to the occasional text from a friend. What he couldn’t expect from this morning was to be charged with a very important bill..
His eyes shot up at the sound of the door suddenly opening, Peter 3 walking through with his hands on his hips in a playfully angry way. “Alright, cmon. Pay up bud.” He said, making a ‘pay me’ gesture with his hand just to add to it. “..What??” Peter 1 slightly raised an eyebrow, clearly confused by the sudden request as he placed his phone to the side. “What do you mean? Ihim not even 18 yet!”
“Well, they still demand the money, young sir! Please pay up now or I will get my lawyers involved!” Three said in a playful lady voice, getting a giggle out of the youngest. “Ihihi don’t have the mohohey!” He giggled out, backing away from him until he was at the end of the bed. “Well then, if you’re not able to pay in money.. You could pay another way..” The older brother teases, immediately giving One the hint when the wiggly fingers came in. His brown eyes widening. “..You have five seconds.”
Peter 1 took those 5 seconds as a luxury as he scrambled out of the bed, falling on the carpeted floor before returning to his feet and quickly sprinting out of the room, giggling while hearing his older brother behind him. “We got a runner! He’s got brown curly hair, and an adorable little giggle!” Peter 3 yelled, muffling his voice like an intercom while One squealed and quickly turned a corner. Quickly closing the door behind him and rushing into the closet, closing the doors and hiding behind all the hung up shirts. Slapping his hands over his mouth as he heard the door open, swallowing back more laughter when Peter 3 came in with his hands formed into a fake gun. “..Coast is clear, search the area!” He says into his fake intercom, hiding a shit eating grin when he heard familiar bubbly giggles from the closet. “Hmm.. I think we might’ve found our criminal mastermind righttt…”
Three swung the closet doors open, grabbing the young spider who screeched when he was playfully thrown onto the bed. Giggling and trying to crawl away but being dragged back in by his brother, squawking as ten evil fingers vibrated into his sides. “AAAAHAHAHEEE!!- T-THREEhehehAHEEE!!!” He cackled out, kicking his legs and squirming like a worm. “I noticed you’ve been getting away with not getting tickled at ALL this week, so I had a talk with the tax payer and he said you owe gasp! 5 raspberries!?” “WHAHAHAT!?” The youngest squealed out, snorting up a storm when his brother’s fingers danced across his tummy. “Nononohoho leHEHEMEHE GOHOHOO!!”
“No can do, Uno! This is what happens to little spiders who don’t pay their bills!” The older man growled, pulling the young spider into a bear trap hug with a playful smirk. Peter 1 kicking his legs and squirming like a fish on a hook, his nervous giggles being interrupted by a loud squeal when Three blew a raspberry into the crook of his neck. Causing his younger brother to thrash and snort, a big dimpled grin glued onto his face. “HYAHAAHAHAA!!- NAHAHAHA THREEHEHEHEEEE!!- snort YoHOu AHAAASS!!” He cried out, getting a playful gasp out of the man.
“..WHAT did you call me!?”
“W-Wawawahait I-I didn’t mean it I-I sweheHEHEAAAA!!” His desperate attempts at apologies were cut short when Peter 3 buried his face into his tummy, blowing a big raspberry on the kid’s tummy button which elicited a girly shriek from him. “NAHAHAHAAA!!- THREEHEHEHEEE STAHAHAA!! snort snort” He squealed out, pulling a chuckle from the older spiderman. “Wohow, 2 in a row!? Man, just WAIT till dos hears this!” He laughed, poking around One’s tummy. “Hmm.. If my calculations are correct.. gasp you still owe 3 more raspberries!” Peter 1’s eyes bugged out hearing the number, being quick to try and scramble away however just being dragged back.
“Ah ah ah! You’re not running away on my watch!” He teased, blowing a prickly raspberry on the kids spine while his shirt was still lifted. Pulling a squeal from the spider’s lungs while he arched his back. Kicking his legs and squirming from side to side. “Come on, 2 more bud!” Three chuckled, dipping down to blow a raspberry on the kids side next.. ending it all off with one final one on his ribs. Lifting his head and leaving the poor kid in stitches, unable to stop giggling while his older bro rubbed his back.
“You still with me, Uno?” He giggled, the younger spider nodding as he flipped on his back. His face flushed while the grin on it had not come off. “..W-Whyhy did yohou- snort do thahahatt…” He whined, Peter 3 laughing as he ruffled his hair. “First rule of this household. Taxes and debts must always be paid.” He smiled, helping him up. Both of them jumping when the door suddenly opened. “Hey, I ordered some pizza and- woah… Seems you two were busy, huh?” Peter 2 chuckled seeing One’s disheveled hair and pink face. “He attempted tax fraud.” Peter 3 stated, Two rolling his eyes playfully. “..Well, better get down here before the pizza goes cold.”
Peter one wondered when his next payment would be…
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billys-pretty-babe · 1 year
How Could You?
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : Sometimes, Billy needs reassurance that you love him especially after Neil gets into his head, using your name against Billy, knowing that hurts worse than when his father puts his hands on him.
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Warnings : child abuse, Neil Hargrove, swearing, Billy makes a sex joke 😐
Word count : 835
A/N : My mental health has been so bad recently so this might be my last fic for a while that I actually take time to write. I have stuff in my drafts ready to post in case I need them.
It hurts you deeply, seeing him like this, so vulnerable, so hurt by his own father. Neil left with Susan, leaving Max and Billy at the house. Max was the one to call you, she heard everything that happened, and heard every word that Neil spewed at your boyfriend. You're pretty sure you broke almost every law in town to get to him, needing to be with him.
She let you into the house, hugging you quickly. "I left water and Tylenol outside of his room, I don't know if he took it." You nodded and thanked her and she went to her room as you went to Billy's, the water and medicine nowhere in sight. You knocked and walked inside, seeing him in his bed, shirtless and in shorts.
He looked at his ceiling, holding his necklace tightly and you knew the chain was digging into the skin, making it raw. "Baby," you said quietly. He didn't take his eyes off of the ceiling as he hummed to you, acknowledging you. You shut his door behind you and moved to the edge of his bed, his ankle against the bottom of your back.
Your heart sank when you saw what exactly Neil did to him, "Oh baby." He shook his head, "Don't do that, not for me. I'm not deserving of that." Still, his eyes never left the ceiling. "Yes you are." He shook his head, "I'm not, trust me." Slowly and with calculated movements, you reached for his knee, gently rubbing it, doing your best to not get knots in the brunette hair that dusted the skin.
"Why aren't you?" He sighed, "Because I'm not." You hummed, "That's not an actual answer, B." He stayed quiet. "Do you want me to leave," you asked after a few minutes of silence. "No," he deadpanned. You nodded, "Okay," you said as you got comfortable, sitting beside him, gently yanking a pillow out from underneath him.
The room was silent besides Billy's ragged breathing, his adrenaline through the roof as he tried to calm down. "Do you love me?" You looked at him, "Of course I do." He hummed, "Okay." You sighed before speaking again, "It was after our second date, when you brought me back here and you were working on that junk bike. You were so open with me, I was able to ask you anything and you immediately answered. I got to know William, not Billy or the keg king, but William Hargrove. So yeah, I can positively say that I do indeed love you, a lot more than I could ever express."
He nodded, hand reaching for yours and you held it, seeing little cuts on his knuckles. "Did you hit him back?" He shook his head, "I think I'd be dead if I did. Punched the bathroom wall, there's a hole now so I moved the picture over it." You nodded and rubbed his knuckles gently. "Did you break anything?" He shook his head, "Already checked myself like you taught me to." You nodded.
"Is it hard to love me?" You shook your head, "It's second nature for me, like breathing." He nodded and looked at you quickly, "You forget how to breathe sometimes." You grumbled and he laughed. "Shut up, Billy." His laugh made you smile, usually it was something just for you. "Imagine forgetting how to breathe that you have to watch your boyfriend do it." You rolled your eyes, "Imagine eating fucking bubbles in the shower." He thumped your thigh, "That was one time because you blew bubbles at me."
He leaned down and kissed the top of your head, murmuring, "I love you." You smiled, "I love you too now give me a kiss." He laughed and tipped your head back before kissing you. You smiled when he pulled away, "Man, is this what Disney is like?" He laughed, "I mean, you do get to ride your favorite ride." You gasped and he laughed, placing his hand on his stomach as his shoulders shook, head thrown back and you laughed with him.
"Billy, that's inappropriate." He snickered, "Look at who you're talking to. Of course it was." You laughed and shook your head, looking at the bottle of Tylenol on his bedside table. "Go tell her thank you." He groaned as he got up, trudging next door before coming back a few minutes later and he laid back down. "Need me to mend anything?" He shook his head, “I'm good, maybe my dick." You sighed, "Billy, shut up." He laughed before Max piped up through the wall.
"Yeah Billy, shut up!" You both laughed and he knocked on the wall, "Shut it, Maxine!" You laughed, shaking your head and got comfortable, kicking your shoes off. You curled up against his side, trying to be aware of his bruises and sore spots. "Love you." You smiled, "I love you too." He talked to you until you fell asleep, holding you tightly to protect you from anything and everything.
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pupsclawz · 1 year
Outside - Drabble
Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Reader
Warnings: Smoking, Language, Smut/Lime (if any), Shitty writing
Word Count: 289 (I think?)
Summary: Jenna wants to smoke after she and R finished. R doesn't wanna get the room all smelly
A/N: This was written after the first couple of days after the clip of Jenna smoking blew up. Uh, this has been in my drafts for a while, I didn't know how I missed to post this. Take this while I work on Gone II. I hope you guys like it, As always, no beta. We die like true writers.
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You breathe heavily as you ride out the high of your post-orgasmic bliss. Jenna was beside you, curling up to your side trying to calm her rapid breaths and heart. After a few minutes of silence, sans the heavy breathing, you both calmed down enough to cuddle. Just as you were about to reach out to her and pull her in, you heard the telltale sound of Jenna’s cigarette pack which made you cringe on the inside.
Jenna took a cigarette out and moved around. Not getting up, to try and find her lighter. Several minutes of this finally made you speak up.
“Do you have to?” You asked, apprehensively.
A beat of silence passed before she finally answered. “I don’t… m’sorry.” She put the cig back in the pack and threw it at your bedside table.
She rolled over to get closer to you as one of her arms went over your stomach and her legs intertwined with yours.
You didn’t know how much time passed as you both just held each other in an embrace you never wanted to leave. A rustle, then another, her legs were now moving now and again, her fingers now played with her rings. You roll your eyes at her before blindly grabbing the pack from your nightstand knocking over a bottle of water in the process.
You threw the pack at her, hitting her on the face. “Do it outside, don’t get everything so smelly,” you say, repressing a laugh
She hits you on the shoulder before she wordlessly stood up and put her clothes on. She gave you a kiss on the forehead as she leaned over to grab the pack before heading outside, leaving you alone in the room...
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lqvesoph · 2 years
not until you're okay - pablo gavi
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gif by @gavidaily
pablo gavi x reader
summary: this takes place after the super copa final. you're incredibly proud of your boyfriend and love to celebrate with him but you're scared of fireworks
ive been having this in my drafts ever since the final and idk why i haven’t posted this
You couldn't believe it. Barcelona won the Super Copa de España. You obviously hoped for a win but after all it was an El Clásico final against Real Madrid. But Barca won by 3:1.
And that wasn't even the best. You boyfriend Gavi scored the opener and assisted both of the other goals, receiving the well deserved player of the match award after.
After the final whistle blew and the other players stormed on to the pitch you followed them with a bit of distance. Due to your uncle being Xavi, Barcelona's coach, security didn't stop you so you were free to join the players.
Your eyes searched for your boyfriend who currently was involved in a big group hug with Pedri, Lewa and Araujo.
You couldn't help but smile when you saw how happy he was and stopped a further away to let him give time to celebrate with his teammates. But shortly after, Gavi pulled back from the hug and searched through the crowd, stopping when he saw you with your hands in your jacket pockets standing a few meters away.
The smile on his face grew further, if that was even possible and he walked over to you, speeding up the closer he got to you and wrapping you in his arms when he finally reached you.
He slightly lifted you off the ground, which made you laugh while pulling your hands out of your pockets and wrapping them around his neck instead.
"You did so good!!", you called over the noise around you, your face still pressed against his neck. "I couldn't have done it without my lucky charm", he replied, pulling back to look at you.
His hair was sweaty and some of it was sticking to his foreheads while his cheeks were slightly red.
Gavi put you on the ground again and you moved your hands from around his neck to grab his face. "I'm so proud of you", you smiled, pulling him in for a kiss after.
"Hey lovebirds", Pedri's voice interrupted you two. He slapped the back of Gavi's head, earing your boyfriend's elbow in his rips.
"Great game, Pedro", you smiled, letting go of Gavi to hug the other Barça player. Gavi took your hand immediately after Pedri let go of you.
"Come on, celebrate with us", he mumbled and pulled you with him to his teammates before you could protest.
You congratulated the other Barça players, even some Real Madrid players you knew quite well from the Selección avoiding the one who pulled Gavi's hair earlier on.
You jumped with the team, always keeping close to Gavi to hide under his arm when the hustle got too much for you. He always happily accepted and put his arm around your shoulder.
"I think we gotta go", Gavi said, nodding towards his teammated who lined up to congratulate Real Madrid before they got to collect their medal and throphy.
"Go get it", you laughed, pulling him in for a last kiss before letting him go.
You watched as he excitedly ran over to stand next to Pedri.
Each player collected their medal and walked further to the podium.
Busquets being team captian walked over to the team as last, the trophy in his hands and as soon as he lifted it and they started celebrating, a bunch of fireworks shot up in the air, making you flinch.
You hated fireworks. In fact your were scared of them. You hugged yourself to give you some comfort while watching your boyfriend laughing and jumpiness up and down with his teammates.
When your eyes met, he quickly noticed the frightened look on your face even though you tried to hide it as best as you could. Gavi excused himself and walked over to you, wrapping you in a tight hug when he reached you.
He kissed the side of your head and pressed you closer to his body, making you relaxed into him immediately.
"Go over to the team and take the pictures", you whispered, flinching when another loud noise from a firework sounded through the air.
"Not until you're okay", Gavi smiled comforting and pulled you in again. You hid your face in his neck and tried to focus on his heartbeat to distracted yourself from the loud noise around you.
"Te quiero", Gavi mumbled against the side of your head, making you smile a little, before he placed another kiss to your forehead. "Yo también te quiero", you replied, smiling at your boyfriend.
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nalaniisthebest · 11 months
if ur still taking request for jack harlow, here’s one
y/n and jack are co stars on white men cant jump and they’re in s secret relationship. they’re at the premiere and one of the interviewers ask if y/n and jack are a thing because they’re always flirting.
heyy guys! i know it’s been a good five months since i’ve posted and im so sorryyy i completely forgot about this, i found this in the drafts and decided to finish it for yall. idk if i’m going to the bachelor series i started, but instead of worrying about that, enjoy what i wrote a few months back for yall. i love y’all so much and hope y’all have been doing good❤️❤️
no smut just fluff
“what was your reaction when you found out you got the role in this movie?” the interviewer asked, pushing the microphone my way. “umm, we’ll i grew up watching this movie all the time with my dad. he always showed me all these funny old school movies growing up. so when i got the call that i got the part, i was actually with my dad! he was so happy and proud and it was just a moment i’ll never forget.” i explained smiling, just thinking of the memory.
“so is that what really made you want to do this movie?” the interviewer asked, making me nod my head. “yeah. that an—“ i was quickly interrupted by a pair of hands harshly grab my waist. i quickly spin around seeing the tall curly brown haired man behind me, dying laughing making me roll my eyes. “ i got you didn’t i?” he asked laughing as i pushed him. “shut up.” i mumbled. “y’all got that, right?” jack asked the camera man.
“you should’ve seen your face, y/n.” the interviewer laughed. “yeah well, he thinks it’s so cute to scare people.” i started taking the microphone from the woman’s hand. i turn my whole body towards jack as i spoke into the mircophone. “it’s gonna be cuter when i punch you in that pretty face of yours cause you scared me so bad.” i finished “what you gotta say about that?” i asked pushing the mircophone in his direction.
“ i don’t know..” jack said confused, sucking his teeth. “ i think somebody mad cause i successfully scared her. that’s what i’m hearing.” he shrugged his shoulders, sucking in his top and bottom lip to form a perfect straight line with his lips. “i was literally in the middle of answering question, and you came behind and scared me.” i said defensively. “or maybe, you’re just mad cause you fall for it every time.” jack said confidently. as i opened my mouth to say something, nothing came out.
i rolled my eyes and gave the interviewer back her microphone as jack laughed with his finger pointed at me. “hush modeee.” he bragged laughing. “this is what it’s like working with jack harlow, by the way.” i said in the mircophone, still pointing at him. “it’s like working with a 5 year old.” i added as he calmed down, the interviewer laughed at my joke before continuing with the question she asked me earlier.
“i’m sorry, what was i saying? i completely forgot, because of somebody.” i pointed at jack, looking up at him. i noticed the way his baby blues sparkled while piercing my whole body, still. the way a soft smile crept in corner of his mouth, while his messy curls lightly blew from my wind. i felt my core start to arch for the man beside me while his hand creep on my back, dangerously low resting a couples inch’s above my ass.
“y/n?” the lady asked, grabbing my attention. “i’m sorry? i wasn’t listening, what were you saying?” i said, giving her my undivided attention. i watch her look at me then at jack before smiling again. “i was telling you that you left off answering what made you want to be apart of this movie?” she asked as i nodded.
“right! i said because it means a lot to my dad. honestly another reason is jack harlow. he’s just suck a handsome man, why wouldn’t you not want to work with him? look at him.” i heard a soft laugh leave the ladies, indicating that she thought it was a joke. it wasn’t. i was being serious. once jack told me he was going to be in the movie, i wanted to work on something with him. so did i.
“what do you have to say about that, jack?” she asked as i looked up at jack, exactly how he was looking at me earlier. “i-im uh, flattered r-really.” jack stuttered with his eyes still on mine. “ y/n is the best scene partner ever.” jack said, breaking eye contact. “so that’s all you like me for, is just making scenes?” i asked jokingly defended.
“you know what i mean, don’t do that.” he smiled looking down at me. i couldn’t help but not to warm myself around him. his arm embrace, making me feel at home. i couldn’t help my smile from leaving my face as jack warmed his arms around my back, leaving a soft kiss ontop of my head. “all jokes aside, this is my girl. sweetest person i’ve ever met. i love this girl so much!” he said not letting go of me. the interviewer pout before awwing us.
i rested my head against jacks chest as he wrapped his arms around me, embracing me in a hug. “so another the internet as for the two of you, are you guys dating? i mean me and the internet can tell there’s some type of tension between.” jack and looked at eachother before laughing our asses off at the interviewers question. “jack and i are not a thing.” i admitted while still laughing.
“yeah, she’s like my best friend.” jack also replied. i released myself from our hug, but kept one arm wrapped around jacks waist as he cropied my movements. “okay.” she said defensively, after she shot her hands up. “just checking, you know i love the drama.” she laughed. “i mean don’t get me wrong, he’s a very attractive man. but we’re just friends.” i smiled.
“well thank you so much for answering the question y/n! both of you look so amazing tonight and i can’t wait to watch the movie!” she smiled for the last time. we said our goodbyes and walked off, leaving that interview in the back of our minds.
“you really do looking stunning, baby.” jack whispered in my ear as i looked up at him with our arms still at eachothers waists. “oh, i know.” i smiled.
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cinnamongorll · 9 months
a fragile line - chapter 15
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read on ao3 (111k words) | previous chapter | next chapter | masterlist
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female OC
Tags: extreme slow burn, age gap, older man/younger woman, protective joel, jealous joel, hurt/comfort, pov third person, mutual pining, angst, sexual tension, friends to lovers, canon-typical violence, feral joel, parental abuse, eventual smut.
Fic synopsis: three years ago, Juliet escaped her father's religious survivor camp, ending up in the Boston QZ. Juliet created a life for herself in Boston, desperate to forget the trauma of her upbringing. One day, Juliet arrives home to find a mysterious letter which forces her to return to her home town. Juliet can't travel the harsh post-apocalyptic landscape alone, so she enlists the help of the grumpy and, at times, frightening man she works alongside: Joel Miller.
Word count: 2.5k
Chapter 15: 'Bloodstream'
Juliet's POV:
The floorboards creaked as Juliet stepped into the living room. She cringed and her eyes darted to Joel’s motionless body on the floor beside the couch, his head still cushioned by her jacket. 
A sharp sting of fear pierced her heart as Juliet waited for Joel’s chest to move. Her steps rushed towards him, darting around the furniture in the room. Eventually, as she staggered upon his resting form, she watched his chest rise and fall, a soft groan escaping his closed lips. Juliet’s breath rushed from her open mouth, her whole body sagged in relief as she bent down in front of him. 
The apology she had drafted inside her head, while standing outside in the cool night air, died on her tongue. Joel didn’t look angry, he didn’t look disgusted, instead, he looked almost peaceful. No doubt, his stab wound was still excruciatingly painful, but in sleep, that didn’t show. Juliet reached out her bloodstained hand, fingers trembling, towards his face. She wanted to smooth every line on his forehead, soothe every anxious thought from his mind, stroke the surprising softness of his lips. But she stopped herself, her hand halted only an inch from his face. Juliet could feel the heat from his breath caressing the tips of her fingers. She closed her eyes.
Joel was alive, Joel was okay, Joel was still with her… for now. Juliet repeated the words in her head as her fingers hovered over his face. She wouldn’t touch him again, she wouldn’t dare feel his rough skin against her smooth flesh. Juliet wouldn’t allow herself to submit to the desire that lurked under her skin. If she touched him again, she didn’t know what she’d do. Juliet couldn’t predict herself around Joel. He’d changed her, chipped away at her usual defences, allowed her to see a part of herself she didn't know existed. 
It was dangerous. He was dangerous. Juliet had known that since her first day in the Boston QZ.
She opened her eyes and stood up, moving to sit on the armchair opposite Joel. Juliet sank into the dust coated cushions, coughing softly when a cloud blew upwards into her face. As soon as her body touched the plush fabric, an intense tiredness attacked her mind and her eyes closed. 
Joel was alive, Joel was okay, Joel was still with her. Juliet let the words lull her to sleep, her breathing imitating the rise and fall of Joel’s chest as she let the terror of the day fade from her mind. 
Juliet woke to the sound of grunting. Her eyes fluttered open, sunlight invading her vision as she sat up. Her back ached from sleeping on those stiff cushions all night. Juliet rolled her neck, her mind was still fuzzy as she yawned. Then she heard another grunt, followed by a curse. 
“Joel?” Juliet groaned as her eyes finally focused on Joel’s struggling form. He was trying to stand but his body was too weak. That didn’t stop him from attempting to pull himself up using the coffee table, though.
Juliet leapt from the armchair and instantly broke her new rule: she touched him. Juliet grabbed his shoulders without thinking, her fingers gripping his soft flannel as she positioned her body behind him, taking his weight. 
“Leave me, I’m fine,” he growled, the sound vibrating right through to Juliet’s chest pressed against his back.
“You’re not ‘fine’... you were stabbed,” Juliet gasped out between rough breaths as she struggled to hold him upright. “Please stop moving,” she pleaded after she caught her breath. 
Joel came to his senses and stopped attempting to claw his way onto the couch, his body sagged against hers. 
“Okay I’m going to push you up on three…” Juliet croaked out. She could imagine Joel rolling his eyes at her shaky command.
“One, two…”
On “three”, Juliet pushed against Joel’s shoulders with all of her strength as he gripped the couch cushions, rolling himself onto the sofa with another loud groan. Juliet tilted backwards, just catching herself before hitting the floor. Reaching a hand behind her, Juliet pushed herself up, now standing over Joel as his body stretched out on the sofa. Her eyes darted to the gauze peaking through his rolled up shirt, checking for any fresh blood. There was none, thankfully. 
Juliet had to force her gaze up to Joel’s face, sweat coated his forehead and dampened his hairline. She wanted to look away, her mind screamed at her to look somewhere else, anywhere else, but it was like time had rolled backwards to the night before and she was still leaning over his body after painstakingly stitching his wound closed. She was locked in his gaze again, Joel’s dark eyes were an abyss she desperately wanted to lose herself in. 
After a moment, Joel’s stare drifted slowly down her body as though he was memorising every detail. He stopped at her stomach, his eyes hardening. Juliet’s forehead creased as she followed his stare, then she realised what had caught Joel’s intense attention: she was still covered in blood, his blood. It coated the bottom of her t-shirt and both of her hands. 
“Were you hurt?” he questioned in a harsh, demanding tone. 
Juliet shook her head, her brows furrowed in confusion.
“It’s your blood,” she whispered back, the horror of the memory kept her from speaking louder. She didn’t want her voice to crack as she answered. Joel was stained with it, too. Surely he noticed the dark red patches which soiled his shirt and the top beneath it. Joel wasn’t looking down, though, he was still staring at Juliet with an intensity she wanted to run from. 
Seconds later, Joel shifted, his whole body flinching as if he finally remembered what happened the night before. His head pulled back like he’d been slapped. 
Juliet wanted to scream. She wanted to grab him and pull him close again. She wanted to grip his shoulders just to push him away. Every look he’d thrown her way, every touch he’d grazed upon her skin crawled over her at once. Juliet was frozen, waiting for Joel to say something, anything, to dispel the tension, to allow her to breathe properly again. 
“Thanks,” was all he said, turning his head away from her, severing the eye contact. The action hit Juliet like a blow to the chest, she almost stumbled backwards. Last night she had armed herself to walk into the room and beg on her knees for Joel’s forgiveness, to tackle the consequences of that kiss head on. At the same time, a small part of her had hoped, selfishly wished, that Joel wasn’t horrified by the kiss, that his loud groans were actually signs that he enjoyed it. 
That part of her died when Joel turned his head away from her, dismissing her entirely. She had stitched him up, saved his life, but nothing more happened, and nothing more would ever happen. Juliet swallowed the lump crawling its way up her throat and stepped backwards, running her hand, still stained with his blood, over her face.
When she was far enough away from him, Juliet straightened her back and blew out a long breath. 
“I’m going to see if I can find us some clean clothes,” she muttered, hesitantly looking over at Joel again. He didn’t even turn to face her, just nodded his head in a sharp, dismissive movement. 
Juliet fled from the room on unsteady feet. She had gotten what she had wanted, there was no mention of the kiss between them. 
Juliet didn’t expect it to hurt this much. 
Upstairs, Juliet searched each room for wearable clothes for her and Joel. Tears burned in her eyes but she kept looking, kept pretending that there wasn’t an ache in her heart again. In the first bedroom she found a tank top around her size and in the next bedroom she found a flannel. Armed with her new clothes, she rounded the corner and pushed through the door into what she assumed was the master bedroom. Everything looked untouched, just like downstairs. You would never have known the world had gone to hell unless you looked closer and noticed the layer of dust that covered every inch of the room. Juliet thought it was strange that the bed was still made, as if the owner would return to it later, pull back the covers and sink into the mattress after a long day. 
Juliet walked around the haunted room, her eyes gliding over every object, every decoration, every sign that there was once life here. Then her eyes closed and a hot tear escaped from the corner of her eyelid. Home was such a foreign concept to Juliet. Life with her father was a prison, life on the road was a nightmare, and life in the QZ never really felt like her own. Juliet struggled to think of a time when she closed her eyes to sleep and actually felt safe, like she would wake up the next morning without a care in the world. The tear burned against her skin as it rolled down her cheek and dropped onto the clothes tucked against her chest. 
Juliet blew out a breath and kept moving, searching for another closet. Thinking about what she didn’t have was never a good idea. 
Around fifteen minutes later, Juliet walked down the stairs, dressed in her new tank top and flannel with Joel’s new shirt gripped in her hands. She readied herself to see him again. Her heart rate increased with every step but she transformed her features into a neutral expression. 
Walking into the living room, Joel was still spread out on the couch, his eyes closed and his moving in a steady rhythm. Juliet inhaled a breath of silent relief. 
This time, she let the floorboards creak on purpose, waking Joel from his sleep. She needed his attention and wasn’t going to risk touching him again. He opened his eyes with a gasp, immediately searching for Juliet. His head fell back against the couch when he noticed her standing over him, a new shirt dangling from her fingers. Joel reached up and took it from her, stretching it out to see the navy material. He nodded his thanks. Juliet responded by turning around and dragging her backpack over to the armchair, then digging her hands in to pull out a can of food. 
Next, she grabbed her water canister and wet her hands, attempting to scrub off the reminder of Joel from her skin. She kept her head turned away from him, giving him privacy to get changed. Juliet heard him struggle with his wound but she knew he wouldn’t appreciate her help, so Juliet kept staring ahead, fiddling with the can opener in her hand. 
She couldn’t bear to see another look of contempt in Joel’s eyes.  
After a few minutes, Joel had gone silent and Juliet felt that it was safe to turn around. She grabbed her water canister and brought it over to Joel, who sat upright with his back against the couch. Joel, now dressed in his navy blue shirt, had missed the top buttons so Juliet was forced to look at the patch of chest hair it revealed. 
Juliet bit the inside of her lip, hard. 
Joel took the canister from her and drank the water in large gulps. Juliet had to look away when her gaze strayed to the muscles in his throat, swallowing down the water. Had it always been like this around Joel?Juliet wondered. Had she always felt such a magnetic pull towards him?It felt as though the kiss had awakened something in her, like she had touched him once and now her skin couldn’t forget how he felt. Longing pulsed through her as his dark eyes quickly grazed over her new outfit while his throat continued to move. 
Juliet tasted blood in her mouth. She looked away, clearing her throat. 
Joel stopped drinking and used the back of his hand to wipe his mouth before he sat the canister on his lap, his legs spread as he leaned back on the couch. 
“Just a couple hours to rest and we can be on our way,” Joel said, his fingers tapping against the metal canister.
His tapping stopped. 
“No?” he challenged, his head tilting to the side. 
Juliet crossed her arms over her chest. There was no way Joel would be ready to continue their journey in just a few hours. He couldn’t even sit up without extreme effort. If they left now, he’d hurt himself even more.
“I didn’t stitch you up just for you to burst it open the next day,” Juliet countered, raising her chin to help make her point. “We’ll stay here tonight and discuss this again tomorrow morning.”  
Joel was shocked, Juliet could see it all over his face. His lips parted as he struggled to formulate a response. Then something shifted, his eyes turned dangerous again. 
Juliet involuntarily took a step backwards.  
“So you make the rules now?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. 
Juliet ran her tongue over her dry lips. 
Joel’s eyes dropped to her mouth before flashing back up to her eyes, his jaw hardening as he waited for her reply. 
“I make the rules when you’re not thinking clearly,” she replied, shifting on her feet. 
Joel didn’t like that, his hand wrapped around the canister in a crushing grip. Juliet didn’t know how he managed it with his injury but he straightened on the couch, making him seem taller. Joel’s presence dominated her even though Juliet was the one towering over him. She had to stop herself from shivering in response to his wicked stare. 
“I’m not thinkin’ clearly,” he repeated, lengthening the words in his southern drawl. “How so?” he finished after a pause. His voice was lower than usual, darker almost. 
Juliet swallowed. Joel followed the movement. 
“You’re injured,” she whispered in response, losing her bravado every second Joel held her in his piercing gaze. 
“Is that all?” Joel questioned, tilting his head to the side as his stare shifted down her body again. 
Her skin started to flush. Juliet didn’t understand what was happening. One second she was in control, innocently insisting that Joel take a full day to rest his injury, and the next moment, she’s trembling under his gaze again as a hot, traitorous, desire spread through her bloodstream. 
Joel’s fingers began to unconsciously stroke the water canister up and down as he continued to watch her, waiting patiently for her answer. 
Juliet had to put a stop to this, slice the tension, get back to the matter at hand. She tightened her arms against her chest and sucked in a deep breath. 
“That’s all, Joel,” she replied, breaking eye contact as she whirled around and walked towards the half-open can sitting on the armchair. Juliet could feel Joel’s stare heating her back but she didn’t turn around. Surely he must still be delirious from his injury. Joel had never spoken to her like that before. Juliet gripped the can opener, twisting the cool metal with more force than necessary. 
How would she survive the rest of the journey with him acting like this?  
A thousand questions shot through Juliet’s mind, but she knew one thing for certain: she wasn’t the only one affected by that kiss.
@amyispxnk @shotgun-shelby
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eddiediazismyhusband · 4 months
Do you think Buddie would have another kid after getting together? What are your headcanons for that?
Personally, I say yes and see them worrying that Chris would feel some type of way about it and then approaching the conversation very carefully and then Chris is just like “so I get a sibling FINALLY? Awesome”
Oh bestie i absolutely think they would… especially with how much buck wants a kid and how eddie would love the chance to be there for the important things he missed with chris.
(i actually have an ongoing fic series called “Never Grow Up” centered around buddie being baby-girl dads; i will link it below if you want to check it out ☺️☺️)
but one of my headcanons is that they would name their baby girl after maddie- i don’t think she would be maddie diaz, i think they would make her full name Madeline (or any similar spelling) followed by her middle name being Isabel after abuela.
if they had a baby boy, i could 1000000% see them naming him after bobby in some capacity whether that be his first name or not (i also love the idea of him being called robbie instead of bobby so that it’s like the same but different)
i think buck would immediately become the helicopter parent for whatever extracurricular activity they join (im talking coaching the kindergarten soccer team, sewing dance costumes for dance competitions, volunteering as a kid wrangler for school plays, etc.)
i think eddie would sing old lullabies to their children as he rocks them to sleep at night, buck would tell him he has a beautiful voice (he would), and eddie would shake his head and say he doesn’t think so
buck and eddie would both find moments during the day when chris would sneak into the nursery and be telling the baby a story about their family, or saying sweet things like “im slways gonna protect you” or “i will never let anyone hurt you” “if anyone gives you a problem you come to me”
buck would go all out for their birthdays, often bringing out clipboard buck to make sure everything goes exactly the way he planned
their kids would call all of the 118 uncle/aunt/auntie
i think buck would be the one who everyone thinks spoils the kid, but in reality eddie is much worse about it than buck is (although they are both bad about it)
i think they would have at least one baby via surrogate, so that buck would have the chance to he a biological father, but any more, they would look into adoption, getting help from henren through the process
i think they would raise the kids to be bilingual (buck would come home raving about research he did on how beneficial it would be to raise them in a bilingual household, and eddie couldn’t say no to buck)
eddie would get really insecure over messing up again (bonus points if he panics about not knowing how to raise a little girl) while buck reminds him that he is an amazing father and he will be just as amazing with their kids
I am so sorry this took me like over a week to post, anon… I started a draft of these and then life kinda blew up and i only just thought about it… i guess better late than never, right?
If you are interested in reading my baby-girl-dad!buddie fics, i am going to link the series below (there are currently only two one-shots, but i am sure there will be more to come!)
Thank you for the ask, anon! and again, i am so sorry it took me so long to get to it! 😭🙏💕
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headgehug · 10 months
beat generation dash simulator
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📝 windblownworld
I need to run away and live on a mountain fr
#jack.txt #my buddy gary @ dharmabum has a good gig lined up for me next summer. #feels like forever away #fuck my life
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❕️This post has been flagged for the following community warnings: mature
📚 starvinghystericalnaked
okay, you know what, fuck you. fuck. you. there's nothing "obscene" about my poem. in fact the bible is more "obscene" than this. maybe if you had the guts to read it you'd understand that YOU are the problem. WE are the movement WE are the people WE are the answer.
🔁 🐒 oldbulllee14
Allen, I completely agree with you. Customs officials are a load of cock-sucking bastards. Next time you are in town, come over. I just got back from Mexico if you know what I mean.
🔁 📚 starvinghystericalnaked
say less 👀🍃
#like for real say less LMFAO if the feds are on tumblr we are so fucked
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🚗 coloradocarjacker-deactivated04011948
"Well it's about time you wrote, I was fearing you farted out on top that mean mountain or slid under while pissing in Pismo, beach of flowers, food and foolishness, but I knew rhe fear was ill-founded for balancing it in my thoughts of you, much stronger and valid if you weren't dead, was a realization of the experiences you would be having sown there, rail, home, and the most important, climate, by a remembrance of...
read more
🔁📝 windblown world
needed this right now. missing you, brother.
#does anyone know if neal remade or is he just gone? #did he say anything to anyone? he told me he was just remaking
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🎶 bopaholicedie Follow
happy 1 year anniversary of the official annulment of my marriage
#if you're reading this jack go to hell. I wish you'd rotted to death in jail with that m*rderer #after all these years and not even a fucking thank you
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📝 windblownworld
logging off indefinitely. my editor needs a draft of my book by the new year and I already blew my advance so there's no way I can ask for an extension. if you see me online tell me to fuck off
#mutuals can still send letters
Pinned post
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❤️‍🔥 lucienspress
feeling blessed for all of my good friends today. real ones know — rip d.k. '44 — keep the hustlers and parasites at arms length, we'll get through this!
#this one goes out to you jack! 🙌 hit me up sometime
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🛤 railmanmoriarty Follow
what's up motherfuckers! remade from @coloradocarjacker
🔁 📝 windblownworld
neal? holy shit. is that you? are you busy tonight?
🔁 🛤 railmanmoriarty Follow
kerouac my boy my lad my good man for you I am never busy I have to just drop carolyn off at the motel and procure a fine feast dinner for her and the kids and then maybe an hour two just setting around making sure she's and they're alright and then if you pick me up at 10 no I better say 10:45 not a minute later than ten forty five pm jack I will be fired up and ready to go out with you
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📝 windblownworld
SAL AND DEAN ON THE PROWL TONIGHT JUST LIKE THE OLD DAYS!!! if you want to party with the OGs first rounds on me.
#NYC beat scene #jack.txt
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❤️‍🔥 lucienspress
"Make 'em laugh, make 'em cry, make 'em horny."
#quotes #beatnik #beat literature #deep #counterculture #new york city #on the road core #kerouaquette #writer #writing advice
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itsstrange · 5 months
Teenage Years
Fandom: Marvel
Relationship: High School Tony Stark x Reader
A/N: Something short that I’ve posted on my IG account a few weeks 2 Months ago, enjoy some BBY Stark while I finish the rest of my drafts! 🫶
Summary: Popular Rich Boy Tony Stark. Aka, Your Boyfriend, Aka The One Boy Who Can Make You Bend a Few Laws.
Words: 943
Warnings: (No) Pure Fluff, High School Years, Senior Tony Stark, Senior Reader, Romance, Romantic Tony Stark, Cute, Kisses, Rebel Years, Happy Cute Ending,
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It was April 15, 1987. A warm, bright, sunny Friday afternoon. Feeling the way the heat began making its way towards New York as its winter began melting away, bringing beautiful colors all around, sunflowers and chirping birds will soon be coming out of its hiding.
A wide smile spreads on your lips at the thought of summer, but also due to the boy who leaned against his Baltic blue 1987 Porsche. Both his hands were in his Jean pockets, as he had one ankle crosses over the other. A smirk shaping his face as he watches you run down the steps of the school with an excited skip.
“You know my father already doesn’t like you,” You start to say as you reach him, arms immediately wrapping around his neck as you continue, “And making me ditch class won’t help the situation,”
It wasn’t a lie, your father indeed did not like him, claimed he wasn’t fit for you, just another arrogant Stark who only thinks about himself and will one day break your heart, or worse leave you pregnant. But you didn’t believe one word because your father simply didn’t know Tony, he didn’t know his story, his struggle at home, his distant relationship with his father. He didn’t know the real Tony Stark, and he never will.
“Well you like me right?” Tony asks, eyebrow raised as his light brown eyes look into your own,
You smile at him, soft chuckle slipping past your lips, “Yes. Yes I do,”
“Then that’s that’s all I need,” He comments with a smirk before closing the gap between you two, feeling the way his lips softly latch onto your own, carefully and gently kissing you,
You melt against him, sighing against the kiss as you let your fingers slip into his hair, massaging his scalp as you slightly deepen the kiss. The moment doesn’t last long since he breaks it first, smiling at you he leads you to the passenger side, opening the door and allowing to slip in the far before closing it behind you and quickly making his way towards the drivers side where he drives out of school grounds. Burning rubber on the way out.
Music played loudly on the speakers as he drove down the streets, fresh wind blowing against your hair and skin, making a large smile spread on your face as you close your eyes, relishing the feeling of the weather since you missed the heat. While one hand was interlocked with Tony’s, your other extends out to your right, past the passengers door as you move your hand up and down in the air. At one point while driving down the road, Tony happened to turn around to glance at you and boy was it a goddamn sight. Your eyes shut, faint smile on your lips, head slightly bobbing to the music as the wind blew against your hair, sending your beautiful (H/C) strands to fly in all kinds of directions. You were an absolute work of art and he couldn’t have been happier to have you in his life.
Smiling at you once more he brings your interlocked hands towards his lips where he places a peck at the back of your hand before continuing in driving down the road.
In less than 30 or so minutes, you arrive at your destination. Parking in an empty lot, straight ahead was the beach where some people walked or relaxed in the sand where others swam in the water. It was barely three in the afternoon but people were already sunbathing and enjoying the beautiful weather. Which you rather be doing than being in a classroom watching movies or taking notes of the film. Since you basically only had two months left of school, most of your teachers spent their class period relaxing and letting the senior students enjoy their time with friends before graduation, knowing it’ll be the last time anyone will be in touch due to everyone parting ways.
The future did scare you—you won’t lie. Scared what will happen in the upcoming years, scared what will happen to you both. Would it last long? Would you two part ways? Maybe and that’s the truth. It hurts, but that’s how life is. You get hurt and you learn from it to get better. But as of now, you’re going to not think of the future and just enjoy right now. Enjoy him.
You two sat on top of the convertible, having ate a hot dog and soda to wash it down and now you both sat there. Talking to one another about anything and everything, neither caring if you both were skipping school. You two remained there, next to each other. Enjoying one another, because you both were making it memorable for as long as possible.
“Should probably take you home,” Tony whispers, large smile on his face as he stares into your (E/C) eyes,
“Yeah, you should,” You respond, sharing the same smile as him,
You both remain staring at each other for another good minute, knowing neither one was ready to say goodbye, not just yet.
“Wanna get some ice cream?” He asks as your hands cup his face,
“Thought you’d never ask,” You tell him with a wide smile before gently latching your lips with his,
The question that hovered in the air was, will you end up being grounded until you graduate for skipping school and for getting home late? Most likely. But not once will you ever regret this day, because these are moments that are worth making and worth remembering. They don’t call them ‘Teenage Years’ for a reason.
-Hope Y’all Enjoyed This Short One!! Been a Minute That I Wrote About Stark!
-Make Sure To Turn On Notifications!! 🔔 For More Updates!!
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lieslab · 6 months
Look after you
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꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Pairing: Han Jisung X gn reader
Summary: Your boyfriend thinks the two of you should break up because he's not good enough, but you have other plans.
Genre: Comfort/hurt
Word Count: 1.5K
Trigger warning: Anxiety, social anxiety, self-hatred, and insecurities.
A/N: To whom requested the people pleasing drabble, I'm currently drafting it. I said I wanted to be more active here in another post and I meant it. In the meantime, here's this while I finish that. I love Han so much and I hope he knows how loved he is.
_ _ _
“I think we should break up.” 
Those words shattered your world. There was love in your eyes when you looked at Han Jisung. The moment he uttered those words, it blew out like a candlelight. A lump began to fill your throat and invisible icy fingers curled around your lungs. 
“What do you mean?” You weakly got out. 
The two of you were on opposite sides of the couch. Han had been off all day, but you had ignored it. When you tried to ask a few times about the strange avoidant behavior, he brushed you off and insisted it was nothing. 
His sudden declaration blindsided you. It was a knife in your back. Flipping through the memories of the past few months, you weren’t sure what went wrong. You couldn’t think of anything that was different. 
The two of you got along great. There had been a few mishaps here and there, but those had the potential to occur in every relationship. They were normal and they always smoothed over. Your life with Han seemed to be pretty good, so why now? 
“I can’t be with you anymore. I’m sorry, but I-I can’t.” He struggled to hold back his tears. He blinked rapidly trying to hide the glossy sheerness, but it was too late. 
All day he had been fighting with himself about this situation. He didn’t like the thought of breaking up with you, but he didn’t know what else to do. How were you supposed to date someone when your own brain was against you? 
When you were poisoned with self-hatred and your brain was on the verge of imploding, how could someone handle loving another? When you were lulled to sleep with whispers about how they were better than you in every way. When anxiety gnawed bits of brain and tunneled its way through intestines and created gut-wrenching stomach aches, it wasn’t healthy in the slightest. 
Your head spun with multiple questions. So many things were on the tip of your tongue. Despite the sudden betrayal, you managed to push out one. “Why?” Your own voice sounded like a stranger’s, shrill and high-pitched. 
“Because…” The lump in his throat was starting to expand. He sniffled as his nose began to run. The maroon fabric of his hoodie wiped across his eyes. “Because I’m not good enough for you.” 
The words were like a baseball bat to your heart. The spider-webbing of cracks began to inch across the surface. Your face fell as you took in Han’s appearance. 
He refused to meet your eyes and kept his gaze on the floor. The ends of his hoodie sleeves were curled and bunched up around his hands. He sniffled again and squirmed beneath your gaze. 
“You’re not good enough for me?” 
He shook his head as a tear fell. “You-” His voice wobbled again. He had to clear his throat before he continued. “You deserve someone so much better than me. I can’t compete with what you have.” 
“I don’t think I understand what you mean.” 
“You’re more beautiful than I’ll ever be. You’re smart and you’re confident. You know what you want and you know what you’re doing with all of this.” He gestured around the room. “You know how to live and I don’t.” 
“I-I just feel like I’m worthless. I’m always so anxious and worried all the time. You deserve someone who is confident and sure about themselves. You deserve someone who’s smarter than me. Someone who is better and someone who isn’t always so busy.” 
“It’s not fair,” he managed to get out, “that I have to be away from you all the time for work. You deserve someone who’ll be around to support you all the time. I can’t be that kind of person for you.” 
You gathered your thoughts trying to come up with a response. Sucking in a deep breath, you shut your eyes before you reopened them. You shook your head, “no.” 
“No?” He echoed. 
“No. You don’t get to dump me because you think you’re not good enough for me. You don’t get to be the person who decides that because that’s not fair.” 
“But, I-” 
“Your brain might work against you, so I’m here to tell you that it’s wrong. I will sit here and combat every awful thing it says even if it takes me hours. You want the truth? The truth is that I love you and I will always love you.” 
“You don’t get to see all the good about yourself. You don’t see how much you make me happy. You make me want to live. You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met inside and out. You write the most amazing songs and I love the way your brain works.” 
“There’s something magical about you, Han Jisung.” You sniffled and sat up a little straighter. “So no, no we’re not breaking up because you can’t get rid of me that easily. If I let you go and if I let you believe the things your brain was telling you about yourself, what kind of person would that make me?” 
The tears filling up in Han’s eyes finally fell. Nobody had ever said anything like this before. There was nothing, but fierce determination in your eyes. You were ready to do whatever it took to change his mind. 
“Why do you care so much?” 
“That’s what you do when you love someone, you fight their battles with them. You support them through thick and thin. You love them despite their flaws and their scars. You’re like my sun and I will not let you leave me alone in the dark. Do you hear me?” 
His bottom lip quivered. He pawed at his eyes again and smeared tears along his cheeks in the process. The metaphor touched something in his heart. He was about to break down crying when you crawled across the length of the leather couch to close the distance between the two of you. 
You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him into your chest. You were expecting him to break down due to the intense emotions, but he didn’t. He sucked in shaky breaths instead. Warm salted tears coated your chest and soaked in the fabric of your t-shirt. 
You placed your cheek along the top of his head and began to rub his back. “No matter what happens, I won’t let you go. I won’t let you fight this alone. I’ll always be here when you need me.” 
He didn’t speak and he didn’t have to. You already knew everything he wanted to say. He made it very clear in the way he squeezed his arms around your waist and clutched you tighter. He held onto you like you were a raft in an ocean and in some ways, you were. 
Floating on an ocean of insecurities and being pulled away by the tide of abhorrence of oneself. It wasn’t up to everyone else to fix you, but a little self-assurance never hurt anyone. It was easier to breathe when the people around you helped support you. 
Anxiety was always a challenge. When you couldn’t control everything and the future was too scary, everything fell apart. Shredding you from the inside out, too much awareness, you were doomed. A constant weight on your shoulders, a constrictor squeezing your lungs, and non-existent bugs burrowing into your stomach. 
Self-doubt could be isolating. In a world full of social anxiety, when everyone was against you until proven otherwise, life was hard. A constant inner battle of turmoil and high-strung emotions that left the affected person exhausted. 
Going outside felt impossible at times. You never knew who you could trust. They say that even salt looks like sugar and it couldn’t be more true at times. Getting to know you was one of the hardest things he had ever done. 
To muster up the courage to approach a stranger and start a conversation. To some, it seems so silly. Conversations are a part of everyday life. The truth is that you can’t get very far without being able to communicate with others. 
For others, it is the bravest thing in the entire world. A measly ant-hill to some can be Mount Everest to others and there’s nothing wrong with that. Everyone has different battles and life has an array of challenges for everyone. 
Despite everything, you wouldn’t let go of Han. Not now and not ever. Love was something you didn’t take lightly. Sure, it wasn’t a marriage, but it felt like one to you. You gave your everything in romantic relationships and you wouldn’t stop now. 
You clutched Han tightly and you wouldn’t let go. You’d sit here with silent reassurance as long as you needed to. You wouldn’t let his anxiety win this time. You wouldn’t let it push you away. You’d stay here until the end of time if he’d allow it. 
Right here, wrapped up and intertwined with each other, there was nothing like it. As far as you were concerned, this was your home. Han Jisung was your home and there was so much love inside your home. 
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |
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I Would Tell Them If I Could, But I Can't
Words: 1823
Warnings: angst, reference to reader and Spencer having previous relationship, probably poor writing and OOC characters but whatever
Criminal Minds Masterlist Main Masterlist Join My Taglist
Reader and Spencer had a relationship for about 2 years before they broke up and then they just kinda slept with one another after bad cases which lead to the reader getting pregnant. They kinda have a co-parenting lifestyle where reader is the "lead" parent and Spencer get's child (Avery) on weekends and some weekday
Only Hotch and Strauss and JJ and Emily know (Hotch because he's her boss, Strauss because she's Hotch's boss, JJ because she's Spencer best friend, and Emily because she's reader's best friend)
Takes place during JJ and Will's wedding/the end of Hit/Run (Yes, I am aware that Emily also left in this episode, it basically was a double whammy. Except the whole team knew about Emily but not about reader)
I literally forgot about this...it's been sitting in my drafts for about 1-2 weeks lol
This was originally written for my OC Abby (which will be posted on my other account @imnotobsessedwfictionalchracters later)
Anywho, enjoy
Love Z <3
Y/N stared at her friends laughing and dancing around in Rossi’s backyard. She watched as Avery chased Henry and Jack around with a stick. She watched as everyone was happy. And she could tell that they were truly happy. Happier than they had been since Emily’s “death”. She wanted to keep it that way, but she knew that soon it would change. They go into the office on Monday and see her desk cleared. She placed the papers on Hotch’s desk yesterday morning. Before they were called down to the bank. She had no idea if he had seen them. But it didn’t matter. She was changing to work with the CIA. It was a better job. Better hours. Not much of a better pay...but she would get to be home for Avery more.
So she felt like this was a good goodbye. Everyone smiling and happy for JJ and Will. No one had to know about her resignation. Not yet. She knew it was cruel, leaving that down to Hotch to tell them. But she thinks it would be easier for her. She already knew that she wouldn’t be able to handle Penny’s crying. The only person who knew was Spencer. And him trying to convince her to stay was hard enough. She knew that if she had everyone trying, she would give in and let them convince her to stay.
“Does anyone know?” She jumped slightly at her Unit Chief's voice. He let out a small chuckle, “Sorry, I should have announced myself. I know you aren’t in the space to not be startled by someone coming up beside you.”
“It’s fine Hotch.” She blew out a bit of air, “And except for you and Strauss, it’s Spencer.” She crossed her arms, “Figured I had to tell him since he’s taking Avery this weekend.”
“Oh yeah? Where is he taking her?”
She laughed, “God I wish I knew. He’s keeping it a secret.”
“So, the CIA?”
She nodded, “They’ve been trying to get me since before that talk you had with us a few months ago.” She looked at him, “About the budget cuts. I was going to talk to you about it that day, but you walked out so fast I never had the time. And then we just kept getting cases so I never had the time to breach the subject with you.”
He nodded, “So what made you decide to take it?”
She looked back at everyone, “Something JJ had said about her time at the Pentagon and something Strauss told me.”
“Which was?”
“JJ told me that while she missed us, she would never deny how happy it made her to get to see Henry more. And to not have to worry about being pulled out and away from him randomly. More stable hours. All of it.” She pushed some hair out of her face, “I talked to who would be my boss to see if that would be possible. They offered me a different position. One I could only get with Strauss’s permission. That was how she found out and I started on the papers.”
“And what did Strauss say?”
“To think of Avery. To think of what would be better for her. And I did. The job at the CIA provides more stability. It’s more of an executive role. I could be home at a more reasonable time. And it’s a closer drive than it is to Quantico. Plus, it is a promotion.” She laughed, “I actually was in disbelief of Strauss convincing me to take it.”
Hotch laughed with her, “That is a strange feat.” He sighed, “So today was your last day.” She nodded, “And you’re leaving the responsibility to tell the team to me, aren’t you?”
She sighed, “It’s not like it’s what I want to do, but it’s easier for me. I don’t think I could handle Penny’s crying.”
He nodded, “You know you’ll just have her showing up at your apartment in tears, correct?”
“Yes, but she’ll also show up with a container of cookies. So it’s more of a win than a loss.”
“I can’t deny that one.” Hotch turned to face her, “It’s been a pleasure to work with you these past 4 years. And if you ever wish to return, the BAU will be happy to have you back.”
She smiled at him, for once she wasn’t surprised to see a smile on his face. If there was one thing Y/N had to say about Hotch, it was that he could be predictable. And she knew that he was going for a handshake, the more professional option, but she wrapped her arms around him. While he could be a pain in her ass sometimes, she would never deny that he knew when she needed a break and forced her to take it. And she wouldn’t deny that sometimes she saw him more as a father than a boss, which she knew was what he wanted sometimes.
“Thank you for not getting upset and trying to convince me to stay, Hotch.”
“If I know anything, Y/N, it’s that sometimes you need to make the choice that would be better for your kid. It may not always be the easiest, but it’s the best.” He pulled away, “I’m going to head back to the party before anyone becomes too suspicious of us talking.”
She laughed, “They are profilers afterall, I think they got suspicious the second you smiled.”
He laughed as he walked away, “That much is true.”
And as he walked away, she saw Spencer was walking towards her with Avery on his hip. She gave them a soft smile as they neared.
“Someone here is getting tired.”
“Aw,” She took Avery from Spencer’s arms, “Is my little girl tired.” Avery nodded softly, “Okay, it is getting late. We’ll soon.” Avery nodded again and laid her head on Y/N's shoulder.
“So, did you tell him?” 
Y/N nodded, “Pretty sure it was reluctantly, but he approved my resignation letter. I start Monday.”
He sighed, “You know that the only reason I didn’t really fight you was because it’ll be better for Avery. Otherwise I would have argued with you. And won.”
She hummed, “Nah, I would definitely have won and not given in. Only Penny can out-argue me and I will accept defeat from.”
He laughed, “That’s understandable. Like, totally and completely understandable.”
“Well, I think that I am going to go on out, join me out front in about 10?”
He nodded, “You gonna get my keys from the bowl?”
She nodded, “Yep, I’ll get them and transfer the stuff to your car.” She sighed, “I’ll go tell everyone bye. And try to avoid promising to see them on Monday.”
He laughed, “That’s gonna be a hard one.”
“Shh,” She hushed me, “Let me dream.”
She followed Spencer down and saw as he went to talk with Emily and Rossi. So she started with Penelope and Derek. Derek saw her walking over to them and threw his signature smile at her. “Hey Pretty Girl, how can we help you?”
“Hey, I’m gonna head out. Avery here is all tired out. So I think I’ll see y’all later.”
Penelope gave her a goofy smile, “Yeaaaah. We’ll see you on Monday!”
Y/N's smile faltered slightly before she kept it up, “Yeah! Totally! See you later.” 
She blew a kiss at Penelope and brought Avery’s sleepy hand to wave at the two as she walked over to Emily and Rossi. She told them the same and soon enough she was walking over to Will and JJ. JJ shot her a happy, but tired smile.
“Hey, you heading out?”
Y/N nodded, “Yeah, Avery is all tuckered out so I’m gonna take her home.”
JJ raised an eyebrow, “You or...?”
Y/N laughed, “He is. But I’m leaving first to be able to switch everything over to his car.”
JJ laughed, “Alright. I’ll see you on Monday?”
Y/N froze for a brief moment. Thought that she should maybe tell her the truth. But she didn’t. She just smiled and nodded, “Yeah, I’ll see you Monday.” She waved at them both, didn’t even try to have Avery wave as the small girl was dead asleep. “Bye JJ. Bye Will. Tell Henry bye for me.”
Henry nodded, “We will.”
Avery walked away from them and then out to the front of the house. She grabbed both hers and Spencer's keys from the bowl on the table and walked out of the house. She walked down to her car and carefully opened it without waking Avery up. She was able to move everything from her car to Spencer’s without waking the small girl on her hip. Just as she was getting Avery ready to place in Spencer’s car, he walked out. 
He gave her a soft smile as he got closer. “Is she asleep?”
Y/N glanced at him as she was buckling Avery in. “Yeah, she fell asleep as I was talking with Emily and Rossi.” She kissed Avery’s temple before carefully shutting the door. “So, when will I learn what you are taking her to do this weekend?”
He hummed, “Never if I have anything to say about it.”
She smirked, “So evil Spencer Reid, oh so evil.” She sighed and leaned against his car door, “Are you really okay with me leaving?”
He crossed his arms, “If I’m going to be perfectly honest? Absolutely not. But I know that it is what’s best. For your mental health and for Avery.” He sighed, “You know that the team is going to be upset that you’re leaving without telling them.”
She nodded, “I know, Spence, I know. But as you said, it’s what’s best for me and for Avery. And besides, Hotch said that if I wanted to rejoin, I always could. So who knows,” She shrugged, “I could end up being JJ and coming back because I miss this all too much.”
He laughed, “Maybe I’ll hope for that.”
She rolled her eyes, “Yeah, maybe.” She said, “I’m gonna go now. I’ll see you later, alright?”
He nodded, “Yeah, I’ll see you later.”
Y/N walked away from Spencer and back to her car. And as she got into the front and started it, she smiled sadly as she listened to “This Year’s Love” by David Gray played through her speakers. As she drove home, she thought about the past nearly 5 years she lived on this team. All of the good and bad things that had happened in the past years. All of the good and bad memories that she had.
She knew she still had more to go through. More to learn. More to live. But she was happy to have lived this life the past years of her life.
“We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere.” ― Tim McGraw
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ggomos-maribat · 1 year
As I said in the AO3 this was a fic that I had drafts for but never got around to completing. Thought it would be a waste not to post it anyway :D Do bear in mind that these were drafts, so the pacing is choppy and can skip over some things.
"Marinette? Can you help me change the curtains?"
"Coming, maman!" The girl zipped down the stairs, only to be greeted with an overfilled table. All sorts of delicacies decorated the top, with an elaborate centerpiece that Sabine only brought out when special guests were over. She chuckled and got the lace curtains from her mother.
"This is too much. You know we can't finish all of this." Marinette climbed on a stool and began putting on the newly washed curtains.
"Oh come on, you haven't seen them for a long time. Let me throw a feast." Sabine patted her back before moving back to the kitchen.
"No, you haven't seen them in a long time and now you have an urge to spoil them," said Marinette.
She hadn't expected that day to come quickly. For a rare time, her childhood friends had the chance to visit Paris, France, courtesy of Bruce Wayne's lavish spending. The boys would be flying over from Metropolis, Gotham, and Fawcett City and were staying over for a few days.
Sabine blew out a breath. "The ice cream shop texted me. Their delivery man isn't available today. I'm sorry dear, but can you go pick it up before the boys arrive?"
"Of course, maman. I'll take my scooter."
Marinette grabbed the money and gave her mother a kiss on the cheek before dashing down the apartment. She was peacefully driving on her scooter when she heard an ominous thump from the side of the ride. Skidding to a halt, she gaped at the mutated dinosaurs trampling over the city, sending Parisians into a panic. On the widescreen attached to a building, Nadja Chamack warned the public about the third akumatization of Dr. Anne-Jeanne.
"Not today!" Marinette groaned under her breath. From her half-open purse, Tikki sent a sympathetic look.
She took the next right to find a spot to transform. But she found herself speeding up, going too fast, only to be hit with a sudden impact on her side as she was knocked over by one of the villain's creatures. Marinette's breath fell short while she laid on the road, clutching her head. A few feet from her, she saw a familiar car pull over.
She regained her consciousness, but was cursed with a splitting headache. Marinette whimpered and burrowed deeper into the arms of whoever was holding her. When she tried to open her eyes, the light stung her vision, making her shut them tight again. She had no idea where she was or who she was with, but the smell of asphalt and the voices clued her in.
"This is a bad idea, Dames. We can't be seen in Paris—"
"Do you want us to sit back and let that thing wreak havoc in the city while Ladybug's nowhere to be found?"
"But the Justice League promised Ladybug they won't interfere—"
"The League promised. Not us."
"Wait, so technically, Billy's the one breaking the rules here—"
A snort sounded. "Wait a minute, I was the one who saved Marinette."
Marinette felt herself being shifted around. Billy . . . but the one talking didn't sound like Billy. It sounded like—She tentatively opened her eyes a little to see a lightning emblem on a broad chest. Captain Marvel. He was the one carrying her.
Her eyelids closed again. Head hurts. Dami. Jon. Billy. What . . .?
"Oh look, the cat can't even handle the villain himself," Damian (or Robin?) huffed.
"Even if we interfere, we can't purify the akuma without Ladybug," Jon argued.
"We can always stall until she arrives," Captain suggested.
The akuma! Chat! Marinette stirred, pretending to wake up for the first time. She squirmed and groaned, opening her eyes. Captain Marvel placed her on the ground but she swayed as  she tried to stand up.
Robin sharply nudged Superboy on the side.
Superboy cleared his throat. "I mean, citizen! Are you okay?"
Marinette clutched her head. "Hurts."
Robin's lips thinned to a line. Marinette knew his irises must be blazing behind his mask. "You probably have a concussion. Captain will stay behind with you while we fight the akumatized villain."
Marinette swallowed thickly. No, I have to get away from here. Transform. Get the akuma. Get the ice cream. Get back home.
"Why do I have to stay?" Captain Marvel asked.
"If you're spotted here, how will you explain that to the League?"
Robin rolled his shoulders. "At least our fathers are used to us getting into trouble."
Superboy glanced back at her worriedly as he flew up while Robin grappled away. Captain Marvel led her to a hidden alley for safety. Scratches and aches were scattered around Marinette's body, adding to the throbbing in her head. She braced herself on the wall just as more of the dizziness kicked in. I'm in no state to fight right now. Besides that, she wouldn't be able to concentrate because of that sudden revelation.
"Ladybug's cure will heal you right?" Captain Marvel fidgeted next to her.
"It should," she mumbled.
She waited for a time when the hero wasn't looking and removed her earrings to give to Tikki. The kwami immediately vacated her purse to hand the Miraculous to her partner.
Marinette slid down to a sitting position, holding her head with both hands. My best friends are superheroes.
She had arrived back home before they did. Marinette sped up the upper floor to drop off the ice cream, meeting Sabine's worried expression.
"Marinette? Are you okay? I saw the akuma attack in the news." Sabine's eyebrows furrowed. "I shouldn't have let you pick up the ice cream."
Marinette forced out a smile of reassurance. "I'm okay, maman. I went to a safe spot as soon as I could and Ladybug—err, the heroes fixed everything."
"Do you think the boys got caught in the attack too?"
"I'm sure they'll be fine." She waved the thought off. "I'll text them to check."
Without giving Sabine a chance to respond, she dashed up to her bedroom, saying that she had to change to a better outfit. Marinette practically threw her purse on the chaise as she steadied her breaths. First, she let her mind run. Damian. Robin. Jon. Superboy. Billy. Captain-freaking-Marvel who hadn't even revealed his identity to the rest of the League. The rest of the puzzle pieces fell into place. The Wayne family. The Kents.
Marinette groaned and held her head again. It had been so obvious. They were right in front of her the entire time! And yet she had never stopped to think that they were like her, living with two identities. She sat upright, stiffening. She would have to control her heartbeat around Jon. No. She'd have to be careful around all three of them. Jon was a walking lie detector. Damian was a detective. And Billy was perceptive and had the Wisdom of Solomon. She shuddered, thinking how many times she could've come close to letting her alter ego slip while not knowing about it.
She jolted when she heard her phone ring. Putting a hand on her chest, she answered the call. The frantic voice of Adrien bombarded her ears. "Mari? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I'm okay." She sighed. "The cure fixed everything."
"Are you sure? Tikki said you had a concussion. I have to send the earrings back—"
"No, wait!" The words tumbled out of her lips without much thought. "I think it's better if you keep the earrings and Tikki for a while."
"What? Why? Is it not safe in your house?"
Marinette stood up and opened a mini drawer on her desk to retrieve a pair of extra earrings that looked like her Miraculous. "No, not like that. We're having guests over later. I won't have time to meet up with you and it's too dangerous for you to drop in. I'll get the earrings tomorrow."
"Oh, okay." Adrien muttered a curse. "I have to sneak out for sweets."
"Don't feed her too much." She laughed a little, easing off the tension in her body. "Thanks for covering for me today, kitty. You did so well."
"Yeah, but the other heroes suddenly showed up . . ."
Marinette gnawed on her lip. "I—I saw them too. Did they interfere too much?"
"They helped save some civilians," Adrien grumbled. "But Robin won't stop nagging my ear off."
"Marinette!" Sabine called out from downstairs. "They're here!"
"I'll talk to them next time," she promised. "I have to go. Thanks again, kitty."
She took a few more seconds to fish out the Mouse pendant from the box as temporary protection. Fortunately, the pendant in camouflage matched her outfit perfectly. She bounded down the stairs to see the three boys, not a hair out of place as if they hadn't donned capes not more than an hour ago. Jon wore his usual sunny smile; Damian was his usual broody self, arms crossed and posture rigid; and Billy was tucked in a thick coat and black beanie.
Marinette put on a grin of her own as she hugged them one by one. "Are you guys okay? The akuma attack hit downtown and . . ."
Damian scoffed. "We're not foolish enough to get caught in an akuma attack."
"The dinosaurs looked pretty cool though," said Billy.
"I'm glad." As if nothing happened at all.
"Are you okay? Maman Sabine said you were outside during the attack too." Jon frowned.
Her voice raised an octave as she side-eyed her mother. "Fine! I'm fine. Why don't we eat now? You must be starving."
She gestured towards the living space. The coffee table had been pushed to the side to make room for cushions and pillows. "You guys can put your bags over there."
"It's a good thing you boys weren't harmed," said Sabine, placing the plates neatly on the table. "I heard some . . . foreign heroes were around as well."
Only Jon seemed to have a split-second reaction, Marinette noticed. Damian barely batted an eye when he replied, "It seems that they've been called in since Ladybug was missing in action."
Marinette wrinkled her nose. We didn't 'call them in'. Adrien would've been offended to hear that. "That happens sometimes," she piped up. "But Chat Noir always saves the city whenever Ladybug's out of commission."
"Dunno, he looked like he was being cornered back there," Billy recounted, sharing a look with Jon. "Um, we were watching from the car."
"Chat Noir's capable of handling things by himself." Marinette raised an eyebrow.
Jon poked her side. "I forgot you were such a fangirl."
"I'm not a fan—!" She sputtered out, face heating up. "Okay, I am, but not that kind. I just hate it when people don't appreciate Chat. He and Ladybug are partners. They're equals."
They took their seats around the table. Marinette's thoughts momentarily flew elsewhere. It was strange knowing their identities, and she knew she had to tell them. But the consequences of doing that were unpredictable. They might become overprotective of her, since knowing their secrets would make her vulnerable. Or they might also push her away in fear of exposing her to danger.
She absentmindedly sipped on her drink. It would be fair if I told them about me too but . . .
She watched them carefully. Billy and Jon were both scarfing down their food while Damian was talking with Sabine. They're the same . . . but everything is so different too. She wouldn't fault them for hiding those secrets from her since she carried one of her own. But since she found out about them, another invisible weight added to her growing pile.
She shook herself out of her daze.
"I can finally beat you in UMS properly," Billy grinned with a mouthful.
"Properly?" She pointed her fork at him. "You've never beaten me at all."
"Hey, I've beaten Eugene a few times. I can beat you."
"Please. You're leaving out the real champion here," Jon chimed in. Marinette threw a napkin on his face, telling him to wipe the pasta sauce on his chin.
"If you beat me once, I'll buy you ice cream tomorrow," Marinette wagered. "Damian, you should play too."
"Tt. It's a childish game."
Jon rolled his eyes. "It's a fighting game. You like fighting."
"Not with hunks of steel."
"Mechs," Marinette corrected. "But if you want to sit down and brood for the rest of the night, be my guest then. I'll make you our food errand boy."
"Oh, he's gotta practice his scowl." Billy smirked.
"The threatening aura," Jon added.
"Fine.” Damian crossed his arms. I'll join you for one game."
All the words she could hear were garbled, echoing in the white wasteland. There were hands choking her as she clawed at anything she could touch. 
Icy blue eyes. 
Sharp teeth. 
A feral grin. 
He morphed into an image of Hawkmoth, who sent her flying from the top of the Eiffel right after seizing her Miraculous.
Marinette's breaths grew ragged. 
It's not real!
She woke up in a cold sweat, realizing that she'd been holding the sheets tightly. Painfully. She'd fallen asleep nestled between Damian and Billy, and Jon had moved near her, hand positioned by her shoulder.
He must've heard my heartbeat, she guessed.
"Are you okay?" he whispered.
She sat up and nodded numbly. "Nightmare."
"Want to talk about it?"
She shook her head. Not wanting to wake the others, she moved to the kitchen with Jon trailing behind her. "Sometimes I have trouble sleeping," she murmured. "It's nothing too serious. Don't worry."
Jon looked at her sympathetically. To him, she was probably a traumatized innocent, someone who had witnessed too many akuma attacks. But the truth was something deeper, something that she wouldn't be able to tell them.
"Want a cup of . . . tea? Coffee? Hot chocolate?" Marinette offered, filling up the heater with water.
"Whatever you'll have," Jon said. "Does it happen often?"
"Not too often," she responded hesitantly. "I . . . I get used to it?"
He raised an eyebrow. She winced. That doesn't sound any better, does it?
"But I'm okay, really. I just have to wake myself up before an akuma slips in or something." She shrugged. "It's a burden every Parisian has to carry."
"Why can't the heroes deal with Hawkmoth already?" he said bitterly.
Marinette's fingers twitched as she handed him his cup. You don't know anything. "They're trying their best. It's just a matter of time before he breaks."
"But Ladybug and Chat Noir are just kids themselves. Won't it be easier to pass the responsibility to someone else?"
She clenched her jaw. And get amnesia? No thanks.
"Hey, I believe in trusting them both." She half-smiled, taking a sip of her drink. "Don't let other Parisians hear you say that. They're protective of their heroes." 
“You’ll be joined by Ladybug for this mission,” Batman told him. “And Captain Marvel will accompany the three of you.”  
Robin froze in the middle of sheathing his sword, only dwelling on the fact that his father had nearly uttered ‘babysit’ instead of ‘accompany’. His face hardened, eyebrows knitting together and lips pulled into a thin line. “Ladybug? We can do fine without her.”  
Though Bruce’s cowl was pulled up, Robin knew he was silently saying ‘ no room for arguments on this one’. Batman turned back to the computer. “Sources say that the location has some strange . . . signature. You need someone with magic expertise.”  
“Captain Marvel is magic.”  
“You know what I mean, Damian.”  
Robin clicked his tongue softly. Ladybug. It wasn’t that he disliked her, it was just that her behavior was too closed off. Always insisting that she’d handle Paris on her own, along with her team. Always saying she’s not a part of the Justice League. Never allowing anyone else to research or even see the other Miraculi.  
He supposed that Batman agreed on her terms about Paris being a no-touch zone since the Bat himself understood that a turf was a turf. Like Gotham was his own miserable little city to protect. Damian, on the other hand, didn’t appreciate her lack of openness. Acting like she could handle independence from superiors or mentors when she wasn’t any older than him.  
Not to mention she’d been actively avoiding the JL in the past few weeks. 
“I’m leading the team,” he said indignantly.  
“ All of you will work together,” Batman ordered. “Don’t get ahead of yourself. Ladybug usually doesn’t work closely with the League. We shouldn’t waste the opportunity.”  
He scoffed. “So you decided to put her with the other kids, huh.”  
“Damian. ”  
“I will ‘behave’, Father.” He signed air quotes with his fingers. “But I can’t say that she will too.”  
That was what brought Robin, Superboy, Ladybug and Captain Marvel to the borders of Russia to infiltrate a cave which was pinpointed to be a base of a mysterious group. Robin, bundled up in a thicker suit, couldn’t help but side-eye the French heroine. Another thing that irked him was that the three of them would have to hide their identities from her, which meant there would be little casual conversation going around.  
He clenched his jaw, putting one hand on the cave’s entrance. She’s the intruder around here.  
“Do you think the cult has something to do with the Miraculous?” Superboy hovered nearby, squinting at the darkness to search for potential dangers.  
“Won’t be the first time,” Ladybug muttered under her breath.  
“What do you mean?” Captain Marvel asked.  
“The knowledge about Miraculouses isn’t exactly . . . hidden throughout history,” she explained, opening up her yoyo to use as a light. “When people find out about the power they hold, they tend to go extreme when they try to look for the Miraculouses or their holders.”  
“So that’s why you’re keeping the Paris thing under wraps.” Superboy stepped on one of the rocks leading down the cave. “I think it’s safe. I’ll stay at the front so I can keep an eye out.”  
“Part of the reason,” Ladybug followed behind Robin as they ventured into the deep hollow. From the corner of his eye, he saw her shiver.  
“I thought your suit protected you from the cold,” he said.  
She matched his scowl with a deadlier one. “Ladybug instincts. I don’t do well in cold weather.”  
“And yet you still accepted this mission.”  
“I need to be here in case Miraculouses are involved.” Her voice raised slightly.  
“So if it wasn’t, you’re just dead weight?”  
“Okay kiddies, break it up,” Captain Marvel butted in behind them. “Forward now, and look where you step.”  
Robin withheld a sigh. Ladybug fell quiet behind him.  
“I’m worried about them,” Jon sighed as he stepped over to another platform. The damp smell of the cave permeated in the air, making him wrinkle his nose every ten minutes or so. 
“Of course you are,” Billy said, “It’s Damian we’re talking about here.”  
“He’s a bit . . . abrasive towards people he doesn’t trust yet.”  
“Abrasive,” Billy repeated, snorting, as he nearly slipped on one of the wet rocks. “The guy punched me when we first met.”  
Jon laughed. “You know that was an accident.”  
Damian Wayne was obviously a tough nut to crack. He was harsh, blunt, and stubborn through and through, only letting a few people slip past the gaps. But Jon also thought the same of Ladybug. She hid behind her mask, blocking everyone with her walls the second they tried to get close to her. Maybe she was afraid of getting hurt. Maybe she was paranoid.  
Consequently, both her and Damian’s spitfire personalities clashed, manifesting as heated arguments and opposition.  
Then there was Jon’s other worry. Marinette.  
“There’s something I’m thinking about too,” Jon began, “I . . . I think I want to tell her.”  
Billy stopped for a minute to catch his breath. “Mari?”  
“I’ve been thinking too. We . . . we pretty much dealt with our shit separately at first, right? Damian and the League. You and your powers. Me with . . . you know.” Billy pursed his lips. “But then we got to tell each other in the end. Except her.”  
“How do you think she’ll react?”  
“Mad. Really mad. She probably won’t talk to us for days.” Billy laughed a little.  
Jon pictured it in his head: Mari would be devastated. Confused. Angry. Expectedly, there’d be a rush of emotions involved. Knowing her, she would probably accept the truth in the end, but the journey to that point wouldn’t be pretty. But he found comfort in the fact that they could confide in her someday.  
“You know how the heroes have civilian aides? Like Dad has Mom and Uncle Bruce has Alfred?” Jon raked his fingers through his hair. “I kind of want Mari to be like that for us. I know we can’t force her but—but—”  
“But she’d be qualified to help us. She’s that smart,” Billy continued. 
He nodded. “I just thought that maybe if she’s one of us, we won’t need to worry about hiding and keeping secrets.”  
“I get that. Do you see us telling her anytime soon though?”  
Jon’s shoulders sagged. “No.”  
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pixxelcatt · 4 months
So I was reading a fanfic about ice cream kitty, and then my mind started to wander and I came up with this idea (what kind of monster wouldn’t link the fic)
So you know how at the end of Earth’s Last Stand where they implied that Honeycutt was still alive somehow ??
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You bet I’m gonna take one tiny detail and make a whole big deal about it again 👍👍
Honestly I had a whole thing thought of for this, but I accidentally left this post in my drafts for too long and I forgot most of it lol but I’m gonna try to fish it out of my brain just for you
I’m thinkin here that, eventually, Fugitoid’s head either falls from the sky coincidentally in New York and also in the water so it doesn’t disintegrate on impact, or gets recognized and picked up by a visiting Y’Gythgba or the other guy I forgot his name (Sal Commander)
I don’t know wether he’d be conscious or not, he can kinda? function without his body (I forgot the ep name, but it’s the one with the Gremlins) but tbh since he blew up his power source on purpose, he probably would need some help
I made a silly doodle here, which happens to bring us back to the beginning of this ramble! While reading about ice cream kitty’s laments over being trapped in the freezer, and having not gotten to the end of the fic yet, I decided she should have a freezer collar that keeps her frozen 👍 and I think that technology is a liiiittle above Donnie (no offense lol) so Honeycutt was my next best bet
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(I’ve never drawn Fugitoid before, pls forgive me)
I have yet to think of exactly what his repaired body would look like, but I think it’d be cool, he’d get a tech mishmash body kinda like Metalhead, but reminiscent of his previous body because I love the shapes of it.
So yeah I think that’s kinda it 💔 if I think of more I’ll add it in a reblog
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vsthepomegranate · 11 months
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Joe Biden lied about seeing Palestinians beheading 40 Israeli infants and four days later a Palestinian American six year old was stabbed 26 times in his own apartment. Under Biden's direction the US vetoed UN Security Council vote calling for an Israeli ceasefire that would allow humanitarian aid, medicine and food into Gaza. Then he visited Israel, embraced Benjamin Netanyahu (who is Israel's Donald Trump, look it up) and co-signed the Israeli lie that Hamas blew up Al Ahli hospital themselves, drafted $100 billion dollar foreign aid package, sent weapons to Israel, and gave the go ahead for a genocide in Gaza.
So, no, we will not be voting for Joe Biden in 2024.
It's very clear that the Democrats are running the Bush 9/11 playbook, i.e. Change the Conversation By Starting A War Based On Lies That Will Kill Millions of Arabs, Sustain That Effort Through Clumsy, Racist (but always effective!) Propaganda, And Endanger Arab And Muslim Americans In The Process.
So Instead of supporting universal healthcare in the midst of a global pandemic, forgiving predatory student loan debt that has hobbled an entire generation of young Americans, safeguarding the Supreme Court or protecting Roe from the decades long relentless attacks from the Right, Joe Biden is going to send billions of dollars to one of the richest countries on the planet to leverage his way back into the white house via manufactured crisis and the fake moral injury of "Fifteen 9/11s." (Someone needs to tell Pop Pop that social media exists and we can see Israelis "at war" partying at the beach, eating sushi and taking duck faced mirror selfies on Tik Tok and Instagram in real time, forty miles away from piles of dead babies...)
So no, we will not be voting for Joe Biden in 2024.
The Democrats have clearly decided that they do not need our votes. And/or the votes of other people of color and/or people under 40 and/or actual leftists across demographics-- who all overwhelmingly support Palestine... And if they think they'll keep working class white votes by playing on their Anti-Arab racism and Islamophobia as they watch the money they were told did not exist for them get funneled to one of the richest countries in the world while they struggle... well, good luck with that habibi.
Now, I can already hear the Neoliberal Hot Take Machine whirring to life with self-righteous posts about how "we" have to prevent Trump or any Republican from taking power in 2024. So I want to say to those folks directly, if you are concerned about the loss of potential votes for Biden in 2024, you should be. But instead of whipping up patronizing posts "explaining how politics work" to people living and dying at the mercy of those politics your energy is much better spent reaching out to the Democrats and letting them know that this is a losing strategy for them in 2024.
And if you doubt that Democrats need the votes of the young/ people of color/ leftists/ white working class people to win the Presidency then you can always ask Hilary Clinton. Just give her a call. She's probably at home.
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