#if she’s ooc Sorry. I’m on episode 9
cutwiththecakeknifr · 4 months
Hi sorry i always do this but i’m doing it Here is my. Self ship art dump of the day
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i have more but i’ll just dump my ones with haruhi 4 now… started watching ohshc and i love her so muc. i’m a little scared of fans of the show though. Taps my shoulder taps my other shoulder taps my forehead taps my chest Amen.
Also thanks to the person who rebloggef a bunch of my posts i woke up to that and smiled
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vicontheinternet · 4 months
Fandoms you couldn’t pay me to join even though I either really do like the show, did once or have been interested but for whatever reasons have been turned off by its fandom in no order
9-1-1 (did watch but fell off vapid fandom)
Buddie (no)
Bridgertom (was interested vapid racist fandom I find shonda Rimes to be very...)
Greys anatomy (did watch fell off vapid fandom with hints of racism)
Japril (I hate this ship with a passion mostly because their stans are annoying and turned me off)
Atla cartoon (comfort show vapid vapid fandom)
Anti legend of korra ( I have a love hate relationship with this show)
Driven (I do like them on a surface level but some of their fans can be intense) you will never get me to interact with driven content one I’ve seen multiple post attacking musa for being with riven or or calling musa ugly (she’s a cartoon character) or calling Darcy’s “spell” a dubbing issue while that might be true atp I’m over driven
Klaroline (jesus fucking christ sorry for using your in vain but this ship stans I once saw a fanfic that made caroline a original heretic and she was in the box instead of ester I'll give the points for originality but if they were to do a heretic bonnie was right there you know the wich that already had powers
Anti jegulus ( im not entering a fandom where the couple is written ooc to be together atp they are whole different characters) not trying to yuck someone yum
Sterek (these are some of the most annoying fanbase they don't even like these characters fr because rewrite them to make them so ooc that they are new characters. Why would stiles be in derek pack)
Stiles (I'm not going to lie I used to like stiles but his stans ruined him for me they were insuffible he could do no wrong in their eyes. All because he's a white snarky/sarcastic boy. Dont let write a crossover then they'll make him the most powerful being in the universe. Crossover with tvd/to he's loss mikealson crossover with supernatural hes either a Winchester that has demon blood also or an angel. They think that stile would be a better werewolf then Scott when everything in the show has told us that if he was the that had been the that had been bit his eyes would been blue by the end of season 1. And don't get me started on the friend subject)
The mcu (I used to love the mcu and watch every release but it became quantity over quality and its downfall for me was very sad)
Wanda maximoff and wandavision (I could make a whole video on the whole rollercoaster of thoughts I had on wanda and wandavision because like the mcu I liked both then I didn't. The decent of wandavision was more gradual with wandavision it was episodic to me it was a let down and didn't make sense while I thought Elizabeth Olsen acting was good the writing was not it find out that the writers were swayed not to look at the source material for the show because kevin fegie didn't want them to be influenced although that's the whole point because you're making a supposed comic book adaptation then there's the alleged part reshoot that happened because ppl guessed the ending and let's not forget the whitewashing of Wanda and peitro maximoff who are canonically romani and the mcu deliberately changed it to a made up country somewhere remotely European and made wanda a knock off Jean grey (red hair, pale skin, mind powers) for over ten years so bad that it started to influence the comics
Tony stark (hes a war profiteer, his fans infantilize him. They recognize his PTSD and mental problems only. His side of civil war was dead wrong and ppl to this day will not accept that even if you explain it to then like they are 2. Come onguys the un is useless even iron man knew he was wrong he broke the accords three times in the movie and kidnapped a child to fight adult that he had no business fighting. Also his fans are insane)
Specifically black arianitors that excuse everything thing that grow women does (now I don't dislike her or hate her but man her fanbase is annoying as hell especially the black ones it's like the one non black person who does problematic shit but has a lot black ppl in their corner rooting for them so when they do something out of pocket they don't even have to say anything they're black friends do it for them)
Taylor swift (need I could say more mind you I like some of her songs)
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bogappreciation · 2 years
i rewatched the episode of doctor who where i got my pfp from and the rest of season 1 (mostly) and oh my god. oh my god they did her so dirty. readmore so people don’t have to listen to my EXTREMELY LONG rant about why I hate the new era because if you enjoy it please don’t let me stop you lmao
prefacing this with “I hope season 2 is better” but
I can’t believe the first female doctor has to deal with shitty chris chibnall writing including the most ooc, centrist takes and a middle aged white man taking all the good moments. why did they pick an ensemble cast if they don’t know how to write an ensemble cast.
doctor who has done it just fine before!! I mean, the end of season 1 had that lovely run of episodes with a triad two companions + one very good episode with 3 (boomtown!), and much of 11′s run had 2 companions, and they added River Song to the mix and pulled it off (I mean, debatably, but none of the characters were shafted), and hell even 12 and Bill and Nardole with bonus Missy was 3 companions done well. Or in 10′s run, the eps where all the companions met up. Or the episode with Rose & Sarah Jane & K-9, if you count K-9 as a companion.
But no they had to do it poorly for Jodie Whittaker. I’m sorry but after watching season 1, I couldn’t tell you what Ryan’s personality is besides “I’m only disabled when the writers remember me but I don’t let that stop me” and “I’m bad with kids.” Or what Yaz’s personality is besides “caring and not like other cops.” I don’t need to ask that question for Graham, because it feels more like his show than the Doctor’s.
It feels like all the focus is on Graham’s plotline, and on the monster of the week. I don’t care about Graham. And I don’t care about the monster of the week. I care about the Doctor, and interpersonal relationships between companions + the Doctor. I’m getting none of that. No little moments between the Doctor and anybody. I really, really want to like the companions- I’ve liked every other companion, to varying degrees- but I just don’t know 13′s companions.
And I could go into detail about why the Doctor is out of character.
And I will! I will go into detail!
Why did they make her centrist! Kerblam fucking sucked! So much for “Sleep no more” and “Oxygen” and all the other subtle and not-so-subtle critiques of capitalism. No, space Amazon is great and the systems aren’t an issue! Capitalism wins yet again!
Also, the episode Rosa was like, critically acclaimed, but it gives no agency to the character it’s about. They hold her damn hand like she’s a butterfly they can’t step on when time has rarely been that fragile. Shakespeare and Dickens were fine learning about all manner of extraterrestrial things, but Rosa Parks can’t know a racist from the future came to stop progress?
Can we talk about the Doctor going from punching a racist out of rage to barely reacting when people are racist as hell to two of her companions. And why the hell did she not just zap the future-racist into the future? I cannot see the Doctor in previous seasons just letting him do things??
And I’m sorry, I get that the Doctor is a pacifist, but seeing a giant spider suffocating to death and not wanting it to be mercy killed? After 11 almost lobotomizing a star whale, after 12 giving Clara the choice to kill the moon baby or Bill the choice to kill the thing in the thames? No.
It’s like Chibnall read the “rules” of the Doctor (no guns, etc.) and didn’t think about the reasons behind them. She doesn’t like guns because she’s a soldier with fucking PTSD you dingus, and she doesn’t want to become cruel or cowardly. Letting something die slowly is fucking cruel.
Outside of my hatred for their misunderstanding of her pacifism. Oh my god, sorry, but the gang’s reasoning for wanting to join up- Graham was like “I’m running from my grief” and she didn’t even question it. Why would she not give ANY pushback?? She knows grief, she knows how bad it is to bottle it up and not feel it. Why would she enable his unhealthy coping mechanisms when she’s clearly capable of recognizing them as unhealthy?
With Yaz & Ryan and Graham, I feel like each of their personal lives just gets a one-off episode instead of being continually references. Demons of the Punjab for Yaz, Resolution for Ryan. Every episode for Graham actually, he’s the only one in the whole series who gets the consideration of being a real character. I’m mad at him because of that.
My god I hope Doctor Who feels like Doctor Who again when RTD comes back
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meetmeatthecoda · 3 years
I here that they plan on doing a 2 yr jump cut scene for s9. Thoughts on it and what it might be?
Hello, anon!! 👋 Yes, I have heard this as well... my phone was presumptuous enough to alert me 😒 And thank you for being interested in my thoughts on it, that's very flattering!! ❤️
That said, here are my thoughts... Firstly, just seeing the headline of the article on my phone cemented one thing in my mind & heart that I was fairly sure of already: I doubt I will ever feel anything other than heartbroken over this show. I've managed to block out a lot since the Finale From Hell, but it was a mistake to think of it as anything akin to "acceptance" or "moving on". Bc that one headline (along with the recent DVD release & tidbits I've accidentally stumbled upon concerning the filming of season 9) brought everything screaming back to settle like a rock in my stomach & I genuinely felt nauseated. It was kind of shocking tbh. Long story short, I'm still very fragile & hurt & bitter about what they did & it makes me so damn sad.
Secondly, as for how I feel about the time jump specifically? It might just be my bitterness showing, but I'm disgusted by it. Obviously, we can't know how they'll handle it, but it just feels so... disrespectful to Liz/Megan to push so far forward as if she never existed. I just hate the idea. But I guess we can't expect anything better from the writers who killed her off in the first place.
Lastly - & this is probably most important - I want to emphasize that I will not be watching season 9. I've said this before in various posts but we all know I'm weak when it comes to this stupid show & I've sworn it off in the past only to come crawling back... but this is very clearly different. I have less than zero interest in The Blacklist without Liz. I don't want to watch Red self-destruct over the loss of her or - even worse - be written in such an OOC manner that he "gets over her". The thought makes me physically ill. I just don't want any part of it. That finale destroyed me emotionally & seeing the recent headline & other content only solidified my belief that I will never watch anything past what we've already seen. And other than Liz miraculously coming back to life? I'm confident nothing will make me change my mind. I intend only to re-watch good episodes with friends & reblog old gif sets & hopefully, hopefully... get around to writing fic again. Even though it's taking everything in me just to try & I'm not even sure who's around to read anymore... but I won't stop trying, if only for myself & a sense of completion.
Regardless, those are my thoughts, anon, depressing as they are, & I'm sorry to say that I won't be a good person to come to for season 9 thoughts from here on out. Thank you for this ask though, I really appreciate it!! 💕 And much love to you, my friend!! ❤️
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incorrectdmp · 3 years
okay so like. i’m GENUINELY sorry that i haven’t been updating this blog a lot outside of ooc spoilers. genuinely my sense of time rn is so messed up that i think i’m updating it semi-frequently then realize i only did one round of quotes before a new episode drops lol. didn’t even do anything for last episode my sense of time is just utterly fucked. so sorry hahaha i can’t promise i’ll try to remember things but. i still love this blog i’m just drifting outside of space and time atm
spoilers ahead as normal but honestly this episode was so chill and vibin you could PROBABLY read this update without watching and wouldn’t be majorly spoiled for much. ngl this is one of my fav ooc spoilers because not much super intense happened so i was able to capture most of the shenanigans through memes
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-charlie, probably (made by pip for space game. Saved it in advance knowing it was spoilers for this episode lol)
I’m pretty sure tasting the colour pink is just peptol bismol
Charlie has reached a new low 2 episodes after the pizza image, somehow
“Despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage” -thorin
Alex’s nickname on the fanserver sure is real awkward now
Charlie is a weeb. next up, the sky is blue
I mean. If YOU gained god powers don’t tell me you WOULDN’T watch every anime in existence
The biggest tonal dissonance between the art and the music i’ve ever seen
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-art by cam
Cant believe zephi is cg’s friend from work
My therapist: calm voice CG isn’t real he can’t hurt you. Calm voice CG:
Even the void is not immune to capitalism
Vinny is phoenix wright 
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Junior is denied playing with dogs by virtue of not being in the show. Shame.
Thorin being left alone with zephi, this could only end well. Just look how minerva ended up!
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Vinny straight up admits he’s willing to kill a dog
“Ezra, yay or nay about val’s area” 
Miss Charlie steal yo girl
“I fucked your girl shitlips” -charlie, probably
Maybe ONE day the space jam scenario will see the light of day
Welcome to FUCK IT
The local mall cryptid returns at last
Two legends make a triumphant return: junior no last name and the gazebo
Junior nolastname can legally swear
How dare you make me sad over one piece jokes
Just Starbucks
After months of CG and grace being the best goddamn dynamic in the show despite it being ENTIRELY noncanon they GET TO FUCKING INTERACT IN THE SHOW
Alex’s hyena laugh my beloved
Paul blart flesh mall
Do not investigate the meat
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Yugo wasn’t dead, he was just put in gay baby jail for a nap
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Hailey gets struck by the apollo ball
Yknow. A proposal. As a friend. She put a ring on it. As a friend. 
Tommy and angalena h*ld h*nds
Sometimes ur just so depressed you dont realize ur girlfriend proposed to you in a romantic way
Perhaps, just once, the girls will not be fighting
“It’s like i’m a WEBSERIES CHARACTER” -hailey looks directly at the camera
Dads havin a good dad talk. I’m just vibin to this music
“The surrealism of it made me nearly scream”
Daily reminder that percy blackwood punched a kid at sunday school
Things gettin spicy in this mattress store ;)
Val averts thine eyes, at the disappointment of the fans
Kingdom hearts called, it wants its belts back
Dmp would be instantly solved if junior hadnt been demoted to mall cryptid. Bitch been on screen for like 5 minutes and he’s goin full cinemasins on CG’s ass
Jesus canon to dmp
Junior decided to test god, he fucks around and finds out
CG throwing a temper tantrum and ripping apart his dolls like an angy 5 year old
(bitch), CG edition
Eternal gazebo time
HOLY SHIT???? People go to malls to SHOP???
oh wow! [eldritch screeching] my favourite pokemon!!!
Oh noooooooo my two favs are talking whatever will i dooooooooooo
Yall are really just gonna shove doc’s corpse into a pretzel box huh
Charlie just progresses more and more into being comically small and sad
Rip the mall announcer, lost to the parking lot. We barely knew you
Charlie is a basic bitch, we been knew
Yeahhhh no cg sure as hell aint human. No human being would reasonably wear THAT
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literaphobe · 4 years
season four of she-ra rated by catradora content
the coronation: okay so... rightfully. there’s nothing i should be appraising here. adora and catra didn’t interact or bring each other up at all. but bro... catra’s new outfit... the best character of season four. i’m kidding but also she is so hot. catra seems to be dealing w the portal incident by framing it as a victory, since the rebellion was hurt by it. but also who cares. who fucking cares man. her arc this episode was about her deciding to make hordak her little bitch and design a new sexy outfit. that adora did NOT talk about nor seem visually affected by >:( yes, this entire season will be measured by how much i think it was a missed opportunity that adora did not get to thirst. jk but also am i? 500000000/10 for catra’s new look, 0/10 for official catradora stuff
the valley of the lost: god...... this episode. i know it’s like one of the few catradora moments we have this season already but it makes me LIVID that adora said that flirty ass line and catra never even got to hear it. anyway, let’s begin properly. double trouble seeks catra out and says they’re gonna be her new best friend. catra says “oh, yeah? i’m done with best friends”, making it official that she and adora broke up 😔 like friend broke up oh my god 😔 KFKSKDKD like we been knew but i think it is so dramatic and funny of catra to announce that she’s never having a best friend again because adora broke her heart 😔💔 i mean i know it’s also like sad but let’s keep it light ok uwu anyway. sigh. double trouble! auditions for catra! by pretending to be her in battle! which is great for them, but not for me and my hang ups about adora bringing back a flirty line catra said to her in season one and winking and then catra doesn’t hear or see ANY of it. sigh. let’s go through the scene. adora sees who she thinks is catra run in and say “hey! careful with the goods”, pouncing on adora and taking her down. adora tosses dt!catra into the walkway above and they get a cut on their face. not sure whether this is meant to signify adora pulling less of her punches around catra or double trouble just not being as agile as catra is in combat. it’s probably the latter because when you think about it, throwing catra away is much more of a defensive tactic than an offensive one. anyway! double trouble still does a more or less good job fighting adora as catra. huntara calls adora over and is like hi adora! could you stop fighting ur gf for one fucking second? we need you to do literally anything else. and adora (who has NO IDEA she’s not fighting her ACTUAL gf) is like :( wait no what really?? ok :( one sec tho lemme pull off this super cool sexy farewell thing before i stop fighting catra i’ve been practicing it for years u kno kinda been working up to doing this bit. and then she. grabs dt!catra after stopping them from running away, and grabs this trap thingy to trap them against the side of this wall. “i got something more important to do :) it was fun distracting you though ;)” and she actually WINKS and she looks SO PROUD of her damn self but it means pretty much NOTHING because that’s not ACTUALLY catra :( wtf :( the worst thing about this whole situation is that adora clearly wanted to do her whole super strong super powered thing and then go BACK to catra and like.... gloat or something.... flirt some more.... kiss her.... i don’t know. but dt!catra is gone because they’re good at getting out of tight spots, and adora is like “how did she get out of that? :( i wanted to see more of her tf....” anyway double trouble, scorpia, and catra are escaping in a skiff after this. catra thinks double trouble did marvelously. “i grew up with adora, and you fooled her” well catra. i’m very sorry. but if i were adora seeing you in that new look for the first time, i wouldn’t be checking to see if u were ooc. i would be.... hm idk.... flirting with you as hard as possible? like i know i complained that we never got a proper reaction from adora re catra’s new outfit, but i think we could interpret this scene as a lapse in adora’s morals <3 like she gave catra such a hard stare the last time they saw each other, and the next time they saw each other (after this) adora glared at her too, but somehow this time she’s all 👅👅👅👅👅it was fun distracting you ;) ;) ;) like ok. slow down there horn dog. “if you can do that, we can do anything. this is gonna be fun...” catra :( perhaps you would have more fun :( if you suggestively fought with adora :( yourself? :( 8/10
flutterina: catra’s having bad dreams :( her mistakes and past actions are haunting her and the guilt is messing her up so bad :( so what am i choosing to focus on? the fact that adora was in her dream :) dream!adora looks Angry and dream!catra is scared and backing away :( a quick callback to when adora gave catra an angry Look when she destroyed the portal, and catra looked scared for a second before her face hardened back to something equally pissed off looking. so this dream obviously tells us that the thought of adora genuinely just hating and being pissed off at catra... hurts and scares her. because we all know that she loves adora and just wants adora to love her back! but.... ya lmao. dream!adora asks “why did you do it?!” reminiscent of what she said last season, but angrier this time. and we all know that catra doesn’t really know why. sometimes things torture you so bad and you do stuff that you can’t come up with sound or logical reasons for. u would rather keep running or keep deflecting, and so catra deflects dream!adora’s questions by waking up. i wonder if catra dreams about adora more than what we’re shown in this scene. i also REALLY wanna know if adora dreams of catra. i want more :( why this season gotta be the fucking break up season bro :( like i KNOW they’re thinking of each other. gimme the content :( for now, let’s skip ahead to💔 their only real interaction this season💔 holy fuck. stay strong u guys. stay strong me. i think it’s very offensive of she-ra to not give me a catradora heavy season every season? like yeah this season is good but god at what cost? they should’ve known i was going to do an evaluation? :/ that i was gonna rate each ep out of ten according to how much catradora content there was? :/ the fuck bros. ,,,,anyway, let’s get to the actual scene. catra’s walking around w an ipad and scorpia is talking to her. catra looks like. v serious and :| and >:/ BUT when scorpia asks about she-ra catra becomes >:) and >:D “she-ra was in elberon, which means she’s nearby.” “do you think she’ll try some secret attack? :0” “;D oh i’m counting on it ;)” fucking god catra can you just flirt normally??? like be horny in a normal way??????? u can just ask adora out on a date. have u tried that? i know she blocked u for nearly destroying the world but adora’s a hoe ❤️ she would’ve said yes ❤️ u don’t need to kidnap a town as an excuse to see her ❤️ yes i know she did it to plant flutterina!DT into the rebellion as a spy but shhhhh ❤️ we finally get to the most GORGEOUS “hey adora”,,, ever because it’s the only hey adora of this season 💔 i looked back and we did not get a ‘hey adora’ last ep. honestly, adora should’ve figured it wasn’t catra JUST from the lack of greeting. catra is fucking POLITE ok :( anyway. it’s so homophobic that we only got ONE “hey adora” in THAT LOOK but..... it’s okay. because it’s such a good one. catra’s hand is propping her face up and she just looks so pretty.... the way she SAYS the hey adora too like bros... how we holding up? bad? she’s posing and lounging so prettily... “took you long enough to show up” HHHHH why does she sound like a gf who’s a little :/ that her gf showed up late for their date.... bro....... must she SMILE that prettily..... also adora’s reaction... she goes :0 and her EYES get this like ‘oh wow’ look for a Moment right before she remembers she’s supposed to be mad when she sees catra then she’s like >:( CATRA >:( and like. let’s dissect that look for a moment? it’s almost like AWE but why??? why would she be at all surprised to see catra??? catra is IN the horde like. she got happy for a moment until she remembered she’s meant to be mad. good bye <3 i will now be passing away <3 “seriously. i thought i’d have to kidnap another town to get your attention” TO GET. YOUR ATTENTION. HHHHH HELP THEY’RE GAY...... BRO WHY.............. THE GAYNESS UNMATCHED..... anyway catra continues like OH RIGHT u were at a PARTY feeling SPECIAL and adora.... oof oh fuck she COLD she was like skip the SPEECH i’m done playing your GAMES and she like reminds catra of the portal and they just... oof this really IS the breakup season it’s so brutal bros :( can’t they just kiss :( like nooooo don’t stare at each other angrily you’re so sexy aha OK BUT... at the end after catra runs away and adora’s getting hugged by flutterina and everyone’s cheering for her... she lets her ‘catra BAD’ and ‘yay haha rebellion for the win! :)’ facade drop for a moment... and she gets this really sad look on her face that makes u think.... and the next scene we see catra sitting on the ledge of where she and adora used to sit together? and she looks real upset too???? they hate being enemies. 9/10
pulse: in this ep adora fucking SHUSHED spinnerella and netossa while they were bickering and like... ok wow. rude :/ adora straight up was like ok HAHA WOW we GET IT ur HAPPY y’all have WIVES and iiiiiii don’t HAVE a GIRLFRIEND because my crush is EVIL :( on the other hand, we find out that catra is meeting up regularly with double trouble to get intel. it’s very funny because she’s like yeah yeah WHATEVER what can u tell me about SHE-RA >:( like girl? u are not subtle ❤️ catra literally met double trouble and said let’s be friends with benefits ❤️ the benefits? you spy on adora and tell me everything about what she does ❤️ was she pretty today ❤️ haha jk she’s pretty everyday ❤️ here’s some bitcoin for your troubles ❤️ AND THEN the next time double trouble facetimes catra they transform into bow and glimmer to roast them and catra is at most unamused and annoyed but BUT when double trouble pretends to be she-ra catra’s like HAHAHAHDJSJDJSJD OMG,,,, INSPIRED FAM,,,, SO FUNNY TOP PEAK COMEDY,,,, ABSOLUTE LEGEND,,,,,, SHOW ME SHE-RA AGAIN,,,,, u know that thing where you find people who you’re attracted to way funnier than they actually are? ya :-) apparently catra doesn’t even need the Actual she-ra/adora to lose her shit. she just needs to see a physical representation of her and it’s suddenly Peak Comedy. someone once pointed out that this moment was the last time catra was happy all season and... can we take a fucking second to cry about that. haha 💔 anyway double trouble is happy that they finally cracked the code to making catra go from ARGH >:( to HAHAHAHAHAH :D so they give her she-ra intel as a treat ❤️ “she-ra’s going back out to destroy the bot that hurt her friend” “ugh 🙄 typical heroic adora plan” shut up bitch u dream of her lips on yours!!!!!! 7/10
protocol: no rights for white boys ❤️ 0/10
princess scorpia: well, nothing! but since i’m scouring i might as well say the line where catra says “you don’t need a princess in your life telling you what to do!” to hordak she’s actually talking about her and adora haha i mean duh :-) anyway since i’m here can i talk about how hot catra is again this season. i’m madly in love did y’all see her from behind? even her back view is beautiful i am going to combust <3 2/10
mer-mysteries: what a great episode! 0/10
boys’ night out: catra gets banned from doing war crimes because hordak wants to do the war crimes all by himself and this is a real bummer because there’s an even SMALLER chance she’ll bump into adora now :( jk ik she was avoiding her this season because the guilt was eating her alive haha :-) also glimmer and adora fought and we all know that ‘but the rebellion’s in a worse place than ever since you showed up’ is like a very :( line but when u think about it it’s true because adora joining the rebellion pissed catra off so much she became an antagonistic force driving most of the conflict in the series up to this point in the story JFJDDJDJDJ like imagine if they brought catra up in this convo ‘i’m doing my BEST glimmer :(‘ ‘ok but what can we do about your terrible taste in evil women????? was ur catgirl gf ex really worth it????? did she hit that different???? did the catgirl ***** slap that hard????’ 1.5/10
hero: man mara is so hot! 0/10
fractures: scorpia said catra’s name in front of adora... ‘shadow weaver! and at bright moon! everything is making so much sense about why catra’s been acting the way she has’ and adora’s reaction is so interesting.... she goes from this ‘catra....’ look to this ‘catra >:(‘ look and like it’s interesting to see catra’s psyche explained to adora like this and it’s clearly something that makes adora feel bad but then she remembers the bad stuff catra did and forces herself to focus on that. 5/10 for that alone lmao
beast island: bow being very upset and annoyed and disappointed in glimmer is a fun little parallel to how adora has felt about catra’s descent into the darkness. you feel doubly upset and doubly betrayed when someone you’re in love with goes against what you stand for, and the goodness you know they’re capable of but aren’t showing. 1/10
destiny part 1: ‘i’ll be happy when the rebellion and she-ra are gone for good!!!’ are u sure about that catra :/ 1/10
destiny part 2: catra gets into a huge fight with some dude and right after she sort of collects herself after barely beating him she hears “hey, catra” and she completely freezes up. she’s been so proactive with avoiding adora all season... and the moment in 4x03 nearly doesn’t count because she was acting specifically to get double trouble snuck into the rebellion. aside from a necessary interaction in which she was far away and removed from adora anyway.... where she was far enough away to smile and laugh and manipulate the situation.... she hasn’t wanted to see adora at all, clearly. and having this happen now, right after one of her worst fights, right after she thought she was going to win... “no. you can’t do this. you can’t come in and take this from me now.” “woah, i knew this would get a rise out of you, but still, you really are obsessed, aren’t you, kitten?” and catra’s standing there like 👁👄👁 until double trouble reveals themself and says stuff that :( hurts :( i am not going to repeat until i get to anything catradora relevant because i don’t wanna be bummed out ok hoes 😔 anyway double trouble becomes adora again and is like “didn’t need you... left you” and puts catra’s hand on adora’s cheek...... and then shoves catra???? rude :( 7/10
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RWBY vs Comic
Alright, I said I was gonna do this back when the comic first started getting published but I got so frustrated reading it that I couldn’t actually keep up with it enough go through with it. I think I stopped around issue 4 because that was when I just got angry and threw my comic back into the plastic. I figure now’s as good a time as any since I’m actually rereading it now. My whole issue with the RWBY DC comics is that they’re super canon divergent but somehow still canon material. It’s so frustrating that this is the case because we’re supposed to take into account things that happen in the comic as gospel- things like Adam revealing he’d always been genocidal, Bumbleby’s bottlecap, Weiss’ zoo animal arc, etc, but a lot of these different story arcs don’t make sense in our current canon. So I’m gonna talk about them because why not.
 Issue #1:
The first issue actually isn’t that bad- mostly because it’s just an intro to the series- but there are still some huge inconsistencies between the comic and official canon.
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These two panels are a fucking mess.
1) Ruby was passed out when she was delivered to Patch by Qrow. She’d just used her Silver Eyed Warrior powers for the first time, hurt Cinder, frozen the dragon, and passed out. We were literally forced to listen as Qrow carried Ruby out of the rubble and back home, because she was unconscious. But the comic has her just arriving back home all on her own. “I came back to my dad’s house.” No you didn’t, you literally woke up in your bed after what must’ve been days of being unconscious.
2) We know Blake didn’t get to Menagerie on a little wooden boat. We all watched the episode. It was a decent sized ship with multiple crew members, dozens of passengers, and literal armaments designed to destroy Grimm. Sun can’t hide in a robe for 3+ days on this boat. This boat wouldn’t have survived a Grimm attack in the first place. Idk why they decided to draw this boat instead of just drawing the Pride the way it was designed in the first place, but whatever I guess.
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RNJR didn’t tell Taiyang they were leaving. Ruby and her team just left. There was a whole scene dedicated to showing the shock and horror on Tai’s face as he saw Ruby’s letter and ran out of the house hoping to catch up to his daughter before she left. Also not as important but still relevant, RNJR left during winter. There was snow on the ground. I don’t see no snow in this panel- that tree looks real green. That last issue is mostly a nitpick- who cares what season they left in tbh. But the fact that they just wrote this panel into the comic despite the fact canon shows Taiyang had no idea of Ruby’s departure- and the fact that Ruby’s departure is actually really important to a bunch of later scenes in this show is really fucking weird.
Issue #2:
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I know we know next to nothing about Raven Branwen, but holy fucking shit do I wanna believe this is ridiculously out of character for her. You’re telling me that Raven actually did come visit Yang and Tai and Ruby, but the one time she ever made her presence known to any of them was to berate and terrify Ruby the one time she’d learned anything about Summer?! Like BRO. This is so fucked up! This is too fucked up! This is straight early 90′s level villainy right here. What was even the point behind this?! This scene tells us that she felt so negatively about Summer Rose that she was willing to break her silent cover just to disillusion Ruby for no other reason than to tell her she was weak. Which makes no fucking sense because when we finally meet her during season 5 Raven has nothing bad to say about Summer at all! What did Qrow say to her after they spoke? “Hey sis why the fuck are you flying around your ex’s home scaring his daughter who just lost her mother? You realize you’re talking shit about the woman who raised your child too right?” Like, this is so wildly terrible, that if we’re meant to take this into account, I don’t see how anyone who reads these comics could say anything positive about Raven ever again. This is strike one, two and three for her entire characterization.
Issue #4:
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I’ve said it already but fuck this boat.
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Not so much an issue with the comic as it is with RoosterTeeth’s sometimes sloppy storytelling, but we really need an exact age on Adam. Is this man a pedophile? We know Blake is about twelve here, meanwhile- besides looking maybe a little scrawnier- Adam looks the same as he did during the show. How old is this kid right here? Fifteen? Seventeen? Was he 20 during the events of volume 1? Was he 25? I really dislike this specific problem RT has created because at no point during canon were we led to believe that Adam was significantly older than Blake or our other characters, but here in the comic we’re getting huge pedo vibes. Idk if this was RoosterTeeth retroactively trying to throw Adam’s character even further into question but... Idk man, RT y’all need to hurry up and carbon date this kid because I’m really not liking this.
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I’m not gonna harp on the whole “Adam as a revolutionary vs Adam as a genocidal maniac” issue again. Most of y’all already know where I stand on this and have either made up your minds that either, yes, Adam’s sudden change towards being genocidal after being forcibly conscripted by Cinder doesn’t make much sense, or, no, Adam’s behavior is entirely in line with what little we’d seen of him up to that point in the story. I’m not trying to change anyone’s opinions on this issue, I’ve got about a dozen other posts for that. My issue with these panels specifically is that this is the moment Blake discovers Adam is genocidal. This is the moment Blake realizes that Adam never wanted peace, never wanted coexistence, never wanted what the White Fang actually wanted in the first place. He wanted Faunus supremacy- a goal entirely removed from the White Fang’s goal of equality between Faunus and humans. This is the moment Blake realizes that his ideology is so far from what it is she herself wants. If this is correct, why does Blake never mention this AT ALL when she’s talking about Adam. When the conversation comes up during season 3, she specifically states that Adam’s change was gradual. Not that he’d been hiding who he really was from her but that he’d become a completely different person from the man she’d originally known. I recognize that a lot of people say that this could be explained away as evidence of Blake’s abuse- oftentimes abusers don’t even realize just how monstrous their abusers are, even after they’ve escaped from said abuse. But this is just such a monumentally larger issue than manipulation and abuse. Adam is outright saying that he wants genocide! He’s not trying to hide it, he’s not trying to lie, he’s not trying to manipulate her! He’s telling her explicitly that he wishes he could kill as many humans as possible. But during the Black Trailer she’s still asking Adam about the crew members as if they hadn’t had this conversation hours ago! During season 2 she’s drawing him in her notebook as if she misses him! During season 3 she’s explaining that he’s simply misguided! This is apologia of the umpteenth level that is absolutely inexcusable. If I’m honestly supposed to be made to believe that Blake knew Adam was genocidal from before the events of the Black trailer and season 1 but still had feelings for him... I’m sorry but I’ve lost any and all respect for her entire character. You can’t have feelings for someone who’s genocidal- who you know is genocidal- and expect sympathy. No amount of abuse would forgive someone for having feelings for Hitler.
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I recognize the comics aren’t supposed to be a shot for shot recreation of the show, but what the fuck is this panel? The frame of Adam dismembering Yang was such a good, amazing, impactful frame. The black and red framing, the yellow of Yang’s hair and weapons, the red of Adam’s sword. Why would you not even try to recreate that?
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Leaving nitpicks for the end, really wish they hadn’t used “sunflower” here. That’s Yang/Ren. But again, the comic is made by people who aren’t in the fndm and don’t interact with the RWBY community at large in the first place, so of course they wouldn’t know.
Issue #5:
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Why does Blake seem so ooc here. Like, the fact that she’s trying to make Weiss feel guilty for “cheating” in a “win by any means necessary” free for all match is really??? Weird??? When we know Blake isn’t above using underhanded tricks herself considering what she did to Reese during the tournament and her Semblance in general??? But whatever, that’s mostly a nitpick as well.
Issue #7:
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My issue with this story is that it ends with Yang like, wistfully thinking of spending more time with Blake. But this is before she even put the prosthetic on. This is before she even got to talk with Weiss after meeting up with Raven. This is so early on in her healing process that I find it extremely difficult to believe that Yang is fondly remembering any time she spent with Blake. When Ruby talks to her during 3.12, she was angry that Blake had left her! Abandoned her! And then in the conversation she has with Weiss that happens after this event in the comic she’s still frustrated with Blake for leaving. So like... did she suddenly forgive Blake just a few weeks into her recovery and then relapse back into feeling like she’d abandoned her? Wtf is this?
Issue #9:
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I know she’s obviously supposed to be drunk here, and we barely got to know her during the short scenes she had, but like... she never struck me as this kind of person. To literally forget how old her daughter is? Like...???? The same woman who was so perceptive she was able to recognize that Whitley was acting out because he’d felt lonely and abandoned by his sisters? Doesn’t know how old one of her children is? This is silly.
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This isn’t the same woman we met during season 7. This isn’t the same quick witted woman who immediately directed Weiss to the cameras she’d hidden around the house when it was time to spring the trap on Jacques. This isn’t the same woman who was so honest when she admitted to her own faults just a few short months after this scene supposedly took place. You could argue that the events of this comic are what led Willow to become the person we meet later on, but like... That’s an absolutely ridiculous amount of offscreen growth you’re expecting me to just assume has happened. These aren’t the same people. This is ridiculous.
Issue #12:
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This seems so ooc for Sun. Why is he literally begging her to run away and not face a problem when his entire relationship with Blake up to and past this point is him teaching Blake to love herself enough to face her problems head-on in the first place? This is so weird and gross imo because it just feels like they’re warping Sun’s character to make it look like Yang is the only good influence in her life when that’s simply not the case. Every conversation Sun has with Blake from season 1 to season 6 is him telling her that she deserves happiness, love, and to forgive herself. There are multiple songs about this aspect of their relationship! Sun has helped Blake grow just as much as Yang has. Why is Sun taking this approach to manipulate Blake into staying silent about something that’s bothering her? On top of that, Sun’s never been the brightest banana of the bunch anyway, why the FUCK is he smart enough here to recognize that if Blake tells the truth and makes those people feel bad, that they’d draw more Grimm? He’s never been this intuitive before. It really feels like they made him smarter than he normally is just to make him scummier than he’s ever been so that we could feel that Blake’s relationship with Sun is less than her relationship with Yang. Awful writing and characterization from the RWBY DC team here
Issue #13:
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This is so wrong and despicable and manipulative and terrible. Again, this isn’t the same woman we met in the show. 
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Willow never made excuses for herself or her actions like this. Not once during the entire time she was on screen did she do anything like this. She knew she wasn’t a great mother and she took full responsibility for her actions- and inaction- I don’t know WHY she’s trying to excuse herself here. This is more Cruella De Ville than it is Willow Schnee.
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I’m not gonna explain how lumping this “prized menagerie” story with “Faunus slave labor” story together is godawful but just recognize that it’s Black History Month and this plot point they decided to write in is not MLK approved.
Anyway, that’s the whole RWBY DC run. All in all it wasn’t the worst adaptation of an established series, but goddamn. I’d rank this up there with Eragon or Percy Jackson or the end of the Soul Eater anime or something. This is such a slap in the face by people who obviously only ever skimmed through the show for the explicit purpose of writing this series that I’ve read fancomics and fanfiction that handle canon better than this. It’s really frustrating too because this comic run is like, beloved by certain people in the fndm who are only in this for the ships, and people who refuse to see anything wrong with this series ever. The healthy servings of Bumbleby and crumbs of Monochrome and White Rose are apparently enough to make people go “fuck all the inconsistencies, this comic is great.” Cannot express how much these people make me wanna slam my head into a wall. 
I did this just to highlight all the issues I have with the run, but I’m sure other people have other issues with this comic than I do. Have fun in the comments I guess.
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no nuance november except i do provide nuance because let’s be educated: criminal minds edition
1. spencer getting mad at jj and the whole fight thing during 7x02 was completely ridiculous. it was a spy mission and its the fucking fbi, jj couldn’t go around telling literal fbi secrets and when reid shoved his addiction at her, that was the biggest guilt tripping thing ever and jj didn’t deserve that at all (also reid getting snippy with her was not it and giving her the cold shoulder)
2. you guys ignore elle, morgan, and jj’s (and probably others but i’m blanking rn) trauma all in favor of reid. we shouldn’t compare trauma but the way you guys obsess over reid getting hurt yet when it’s a woman or a poc you guys just ignore it and then villanize them (jj and elle). it’s just sexist and racist and there’s no excusing it.
3. speaking of elle, you guys got mad at her for going rogue?? she killed a literal rapist???? like literally go her. but you guys got mad at her for snapping at the team??? that’s what trauma does to you like god forbid the traumatized woman snaps again, see point 2
4. idc what anyone says ashley seaver is annoying and was so god damn bland, call me sexist but i simply did not vibe with her especially when she was unnecessarilyrude to spencer (i probably don’t like her cause she was meant to be a younger jj cause cbs thought the show wouldn’t do well with older women)
5. speaking of people being rude to spencer, when they (the bau) tell him to shut up???? like it doesn’t take a profiler to know that he likes his facts and tid bits of info getting validated and when his friends shut him down??? like that’s not cool bro-
6. i am so sorry but i just hate how quirky garcia is like it’s just so annoying and i try to love it but i am so sorry i know everyone loves her but i simply am not on the same vibe length with her 😪✌️
7. someone should’ve called reid out for being a dick to emily during his addiction post revelations. like just because someone is going through it does not mean they get to be an ass (but i also do wish at least one of the team members comforted reid about his addiction besides that vague thing we got in jones with gideon because they comfort strauss but not their own team member?? huh??)
8. if you know that emily was supposed to be a lesbian and you still ship hotchniss (or any other emily/male character),,,, that’s lowkey homophobia luv
9. elle greenaway is a lesbian (have you SEEN her hatred of men, she was the stereotypical mean lesbian and good on her)
10. i know thomas gibson got fired but couldn’t they have written a better exit for hotch??? like my man just stopped showing up a few episodes and then got announced he was going into witness protection??
11. elephants memory is def one of the top 3 best episodes of criminal minds
12. writing maeve in..... was a choice. i love the actress (beth riesgraf) with my entire heart but she was the literal women in refrigerators trope and she honestly deserved better
13. the writers of the show making gay men predatory but not including gay men protagonists???? like ik cbs said no to bi!reid and lesbian!prentiss but the least you could do is like not make the lgbt community villains and predators when it’s a common stereotype???
14. the way you guys write jj so ooc in your fics- sexism❤️
15. on a final note, most of the cast has done something bad and lowkey problematic yet they haven’t done anything to improve even when they were called out,,,, stop stanning people you don’t personally know
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booasaur · 4 years
Just going off the Harlivy anons and wanted to say I wouldn't be too worried about Ivy! I think her behavior in this episode made sense for her, and it’s not that she isn’t actually in love with her best friend cause homegirl 100% is. But Ivy's biggest fear is being abandoned, and opening herself up to emotional vulnerability I think is part of that. She already knows Harley means SO much to her, that's she's her "ride or die" (1/3)
so I'm sure the thought of having even deeper feelings terrified her which is why she was so quick to want to brush it off. I do think she loves Kite Man (though how she isn't more annoyed by his occasional “bro-ness” I will always find ooc for her, I don’t see Ivy finding it nearly as endearing as the writers have decided and it does make me cringe a bit). But overall he is a nice, caring guy and deep down I think she knows he does love her more than she loves him. (2/3)
And to Ivy that is the safer option that she wants to cling onto right now, but she won’t be able to fight off her stronger feelings for Harley much longer. If anything I was just hoping they wouldn’t drag the love triangle for the whole rest of the season with a long cheating subplot, but alas that does seem to be what might happen. Also sorry for multiple asks but apparently I had long thoughts on this! (3/3)
Oh! That’s a really great point. Between the two of them, Ivy has so much solely invested in Harley. The show’s emphasized that again and again. In ep 9, when they fought over Harley joining the LOD:
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And like, Ivy was right that the LOD sucked and they’d literally told her they were gonna reject Harley, but Harley getting accepted didn’t need to turn into this. 
And after Harley bailed on Ivy to go meet up with Joker, from ep 11:
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Like, this was part of the whole season 1 finale arc, Ivy being upset at the mere idea of losing Harley.
And then as you said! From this week’s ep:
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You’re so right. For someone who’s already so scared of losing Harley as a friend (and the fact that she sets herself up as the alternate to the Joker for Harley’s time and affections and doesn’t even realize), the emotional risk from being in a romantic relationship with all the additional volatility and chance for messiness that comes from it... It’s understandable, why she’d shy away from that.
As for the triangle, yeah, I’d been hoping this ep would be the start of some meaningful change, but they really are gonna drag this out, it looks like. I really wanted to see them together and how that’d affect them in this world we’ve already seen a season and a half of, their relationship with each other and other people except now as romantic partners. It’d be so different from what any other show’s done because they’re just so central, they drive all the plot, and any other time we’ve seen lead characters in f/f relationships that develop on the show, it’s either a very temporary thing over almost as soon as it begins or it happened in literally the series finale. Like, how is each wacky plot of the week gonna be affected by this major change, especially when we have their friendship to contrast it against?
ON the other hand. I do really, really love getting that payoff after an angsty slow burn, like with Atypical, or after the suspense and tension from Killjoys’ last season, and I feel like for this show, I can’t really think of any other way to slow things down and add that suspense aside from a third party? The cheating’s not necessary, of course, that’s on the writers, but like, without him there, there’d be no real reason they wouldn’t just talk this through earlier, there’s not the same societal pressure or homophobia you’d get in other stories. Yes, yes, the fear of being in love with your best friend, but like, Harley in yesterday’s ep would have 100% said something without him there, right. So as much as I hate him, I get his narrative value here and I don’t mind this being drawn out.
Oh, and no worries about the multiple asks! Clearly I have a lot to say about this too! 
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sweetbroloveit · 3 years
Okay I have some ranting to do. (sorry)
I've been rewatching The Office over the last few months and now I'm up to season 9. I remember most of it but there are definitely some S9 episodes I've only seen once or never seen at all.
I don't agree with people who say the show only went downhill AFTER Michael Scott left. There are some poor episodes in season 6 and 7 before he left and some GREAT episodes in season 8 after he was gone. But season 9 is really not good. The characterisations are all over the place for the sake of drama. Michael, Kelly, and Ryan are all gone. Andy and Jim's screen time massively reduced (and Andy is suddenly an asshole whenever he is there). And worst of all it's making me not root for Jim and Pam???
For the first 8 seasons I thought they were soulmates. But by mid season 9 I'm starting to think Jim has outgrown her? Like, he's finally pursuing a career he's passionate about, and she's just super happy to keep everything exactly the same and not try anything new? For years Jim never wanted to pursue anything that would take him away from Pam, he worked a job he hated to be near the woman he loved, and finally in season 9 he starts to reach his potential and it's just not what she wants. No doubt the way Jim goes about some of those decisions is wrong, and poor Pam carries the family burden mostly alone, but some of that also feels OOC to manufacture drama.
Maybe he would have been better off with someone like Karen? She was also ambitious and wanted more for him. But he never really gave that relationship a fair chance because he was still so in love with Pam.
We'll see how I feel by the end of the season but yeah, at the moment? Maybe Jim and Pam would have been better if they didn't end up together.
(I hate that I feel this way btw)
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milesducemdominus · 3 years
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OOC: I’m likely going to be here in the background, quietly adding to my queue- Mostly working on icons, I think-
My mom has started another bad mental health episode and I’m wondering if I’m going to manage to get through this one. I have her on a waiting list now to get some help but she has to be in a good enough state of mind to accept it on the day the telephone consult is - which is literally a weeks time and if she doesn’t then we’re all back to despairing at step one.
I’ve got a lot o random shit hanging over my head that I need to get sorted, too, and frankly I’m finding it all unbearably overwhelming.
Most of the time I either want to sink into FFXIV or my drafts but 9/10 I don’t have the time. I’m tired, mentally and physically. I’m genuinely struggling and I just want to apologise to those I speak to OOC’ly if I vanish or don’t respond very quickly because... I’m struggling to talk to anyone at the moment. I’m sorry. 
And to the anon in my inbox over 12 times comparing me to other Aymeric blogs - you’re the reason anon has now been turned off.
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To the Ends of the Earth 9
A/n: OOC Gabriel 
Link to Chapter 8
Pairings: Gabriel x Reader
In front of you stood Adam…
You stood motionless as you looked at your twin with surprised eyes. It had been too long since you had seen your twin. For years you had blamed yourself for the way that your mother and brother had died. It didn’t matter how many times Sam or Dean said that it wasn't your fault, it was always “your fault.”
He smiled. 
“Hi Y/n. I have missed you.” 
You didn’t wait a moment longer before taking off to your brother and wrap your arms around him. Adam held you back and pressed his face into your hair
“How are you here?”
You asked as you reached up to cup his face. Adam smiled before glancing over his shoulder at Dean. 
“They helped. That is all that matters. How have you been?”
You thought about telling Adam everything but decided against it. The last thing that you really wanted to do was scare Adm with the past few years of your life. You hadn’t even thought of how you were going to tell him that you were dating an archangel. That was going to be an experience in itself! Internally, you winced. Sam and Dean didn’t take it well. Why in the world would Adam take it decently? 
“Things are great now!” 
Adam took your hand and led you to the couch. He sat down beside you and didn’t let go of your hand. 
“Tell me everything that you have been up to.”
You thought about your words carefully. Adam didn’t like it at all when you chose to go with John Winchester. He about hit the ceiling when you dropped the last name Milligan and went to Winchester.
You looked up when Sam said your name. Gabriel stood in the hallway watching you with Adam. His amber eyes were locked on the way that Adam held your hand. You sighed as Adam frowned. Even if Gabriel didn’t know who you were exactly to him at the moment, you knew that look...jealousy. 
You said his name softly before standing up. The last thing that you wanted was for Gabriel to lose his temper and throw you across the room. Even in his right mind, Gabriel wouldn’t have been thrilled to walk in and see you holding another man’s hand. 
Gabriel’s eyes flickered to yours as he gave you the most insolent frown ever. You held your hands up and gave him a soft smile. 
“Come here. It's okay.” 
You said softly. Maybe if you kept your tone gentle everything would be alright. Gabriel looked between Adam and yourself. He glared at Adam and in the moment you prayed that Gabriel wouldn’t figure out that he had archangel powers. 
“Gabriel, please.”
You said again. Gabriel’s attention turned back to yours before slowly walking in your direction. You smiled and reached out for his hand. Gabriel immediately backed away and left you shaking your head. Before the accident, you had made so much progress with the archangel. You could touch him whenever you wanted now. There were sometimes he would shrink away but it was becoming less and less. The more Gabriel stayed on earth the better his reactions to human contact was coming. 
“I’m sorry. Here it's okay. You know it's me. Well, I wish you did.”
You said the last past sadly. Gabriel finally stepped a bit closer to you but would not make any kind of move to touch you. 
“This is my brother. He’s like Sam and Dean are. His name is Adam.” 
Adam, meanwhile, frowned and glanced at his older brothers. Both Sam and Dean were looking at their feet awkwardly. Dean finally looked back up. 
“Y/n, why don’t you take Gabriel and get him settled? Whatever it is you do and sweet Jesus I don’t want to know.” 
You nodded and motioned for Gabriel to follow you back to your room. Stopping at Dean you gave him a scowl. 
“Sex is off the menu right now. In case you haven’t noticed, he is scared to death of me. I could say boo and he would probably hide for weeks. Grow up.” 
Dean waited until your bedroom door closed before he turned his attention back to Adam. 
“Well, welcome.” 
Adam stood and motioned down the hallway. 
“What in the hell was that?” 
Dean glanced over at Sam. They were both mentally doing rock paper scissors on who was going to tell Adam that his twin was in love with an archangel (an archangel that had totally lost his marbles but an archangel all the same). Finally, Dean sighed and decided it would be him. He was the oldest brother, time to do the rough part. 
“That is her boyfriend.”
Adam frowned. 
“What’s wrong with him?”
Dean walked into the kitchen before coming back with a beer. He handed it to Adam before motioning to the table. 
“ You’re going to need this. We sure as hell have.” 
Adam followed his older brothers to the table and sat down. Dean took a sip of his beer before meeting Adam’s questioning gaze. 
“Okay kid...do you want the rough part or the easy part first?”
Adam shrugged. 
“By the way that you two are acting it looks like none of it is going to be easy.” 
Sam nodded. 
“Good observation.  Adam, Gabriel is an archangel. He and Y/n have been seeing each other for a long time...apparently. We didn’t know because she kept everything from us…”
“That is until she ran off with him.”
Dean supplied. Adam frowned. 
“Is this some weird joke?”
Dean motioned to the hallway. 
“Go ask Y/n if you don’t believe us. She is the one that fell in love with him. I don’t know how or why. Neither one of them apparently want or have any idea how to talk about how they got together in the first place. To be honest, I don’t really want to know because...gross. All that I know is Y/n is happy. As much as I want to barf seeing them together...I’m not making her end whatever they have. It's good to see her happy for once....” 
Adam sat for a good few moments digesting everything. It really seemed like some weird ass joke but given his family's history; it probably wasn’t. Now he had to take in the fact that his sister, his other half, was dating something that could easily kill her...not to mention something that was millions of years older than her.
“So what’s wrong with him?”
Sam sighed. 
“His brothers aren’t happy that he is dating a human. They apparently wiped his memory and he is almost vegetable like right now. We are working on fixing him but it isn’t going so well.” 
Adam took a sip of his beer before turning to Dean. 
“Do you have anything stronger than this?”
Dean chuckled and stood up. 
“You bet I do.” 
When Dean walked out of the room, Adam turned to Sam. 
“So Y/n is just going to sit around and baby this guy for the rest of eternity?”
Sam shrugged. 
“As long as it takes. I wouldn’t even try talking her out of it. You’ll just be wasting your time.” 
Adam rolled his eyes. Screw that mess. He was definitely going to be having a talk with you! You needed to get your head out of whatever romance novel that you were stuck in and come back to reality! As far as  Adam was concerned, he was going to be on your case until you broke up with the archangel. There was going to be no more dating angels once Adam got his say! 
“That isn’t going to work.” 
Adam spun around as Castiel came out of the shadows with a frown on his face. 
“Yeah? Why not? She’s going to listen to me.”
Adam sneered. Cas didn’t back down. He didn't have time to deal with Adam at the moment. His plate was full as it was and dealing with some kid with a vendetta just wasn’t happening. 
“Y/n has seen Gabriel’s wings.”
Adam frowned. 
“Yeah, so?”
“You don’t know what that means?”
Cas asked. Adam shook his head as Dean returned with two glasses of whiskey. Dean put the cup down before taking a shot of his own drink.
“It means we can’t break them up.”
Adam leaned back in his chair as Cas sat down across from him. 
“It means that she is his soul mate. If you try to keep them apart, when Gabriel comes back to his senses...you are going to be number 1 on his list. I wouldn’t tangle with an archangel if I were you.”
Adam stood up and rubbed his hands over his eyes. This was the most horrible thing that he could have imagined happening. He was expecting to come back and the two of you just pick up where leaving off. You could be brother and sister again...best friends. Now he knew that nothing could be what it was because nothing was the same. 
“Son of a bitch!” 
You sat across from Gabriel as he stared off into space. Sighing, you wanted nothing more than to reach out and stroke one of his loose curls away from his face. This would be a hell of a moment, to have your actual boyfriend back! 
“You don’t have to worry about Adam. He’s my brother and this isn’t an episode of Game of Thrones.”
Gabriel’s attention turned to you as he looked at you curiously. You smiled. 
“That got your attention.” 
Gabriel only blinked a few times. You were struggling. Struggling was a light word to use at the moment.You were so close to losing it that if there was one more slight inconvenience; you would probably break out in tears. 
“Gabriel, I wish that you could talk...or know who I am...anything. I am trying so hard to help you and I feel like I am not getting anywhere. That doesn’t mean that I don’t love you though. I love you so much...if I have to spend the rest of forever trying to fix you I will but I am going to need some help from you too. All I know is, when I get my hands on your brothers...it isn’t going to be pretty. Hell, you’ll probably get mad at me for what I am going to do to them…” 
Gabriel reached out and took your hand in his. He stroked the palm of your hand slowly. 
“I think somewhere in there you know where I am.”
Gabriel’s honey eyes rolled back to yours before giving you a small smile. He didn’t let go of your hand before moving his fingers into the shape of sign language letters. You frowned before following along slowly. He couldn’t speak a word but could remember how to do sign language. You would take it! At the moment, you would take anything that he had to give you. 
“Pretty girl.” 
You said with a smile when his hand stopped moving. Gabriel nodded before continuing to stroke your hand. You couldn’t fight the smile that spread across your face. Looking back up, you met Gabriel’s face. Just that little bit was enough to renew your very weak faith in some kind of miracle. 
“We’ll figure it out.” 
@brokencasbutt67-writer​ @maggiolim​ @tas898​ @supernaturalways​ @stuckinsaudi1​ @authoressskr​ @authoressskr @shaylybaby2032 @summer-novak @emiwrites3reads @li0nh34rt @untoldshortsofthefandoms @mycuddlycorner @wontlookaway @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @deanwherescas @hankypranky @sprnaturallover @marichromatic @fandom-trash-worth-it @shitfaceddaniel
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lol-jackles · 4 years
I stopped watching the show when Carter left the show. But i stayed in the fandom so i saw all the criticism of bibros (i'm kinda a bibro myself, but mostly a sam girl). And a few days ago i started Dabb's era. Idk why, i just missed the characters probably. And oh, boy. What happened with Misha? His acting and... his face (sorry, i know it's rude, but wtf). But J2 are still fine. I read that their acting got really bad, but it's not true? Hm. And about the show. (1)
I agree it’s not true the acting from J2 got worse, Jared continues to improve though in smaller increments compared to his golden seasons 2 through 9, Jensen is always good as Jensen “Dean Winchester” Ackles with the exception of season 10 misfire.  Misha gave up on the craft around season 7 and tried to be a personality actor, except you need something distinctive to pull it off.
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The daytime ghosts was disconcerting along with the some of the cheap looking monsters, but they’re not memorabe so they pretty much don’t count.
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You make a lot of sense with general audience pov vs fandom pov.  Perhaps I’m following the wrong bibros as I haven’t seen them upset over the shoehorning mentions and “all of you” line because they know it’s pretty weak arguement from Michael and everybody, including the general audience, knows there is Dean’s ~family and then there is Sam.  Like the easily forgettable daytime ghosts, those minor inclusive lines were just as forgettable.  But raw emotional lines spoken either by Sam or Dean gets ingrained in the viewers and as you said, all is forgiven.  BuckLemming’s “Prophet and Loss” was a weak episode but the last 3 minute emotional scene between Sam and Dean, plus Sam’s slow spiral throughout the episode earned BuckLemming instant forgiveness by the fans.
One of my favorite thing to do is compare the povs, in “Beat the Devil” when Sam was killed by vampires and Dean had to leave his body behind in order to get the civilians to safety like he did in “Red Meat”.
What Destiels shippers saw: It’s the end of the toxic codependency, literally!
What Bibros saw: Dean is so OOC, he should have stayed and gotten killed by the vampires too!
What General Audience saw: Sam died horrifically and Dean is so devastated that he goes mute and keeps seeing Sam’s death in his mind, ignores the civilian trying to give him sympathy even though she also just lost someone the same time Sam died * holy shit the Sam and Lucifer scene was amazing balls!* and at base camp Dean is about to return for Sam’s body when…
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helihi · 4 years
Thoughts on RWBY Vol. 7
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Quarantine day 20: I finally force myself to re watch volume 7 instead of doing my French homework.
Spoilers ahead for RWBY and How I Met Your Mother (yes).
Volume 7: The Story of a Broken Narrative Kingdom
The day has come where I finally sit down and watch the whole season again. Some of you wondered why I didn’t simply do a The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty review on the last episode of the volume like I did with the previous ones. The answer is the same reason why Ozpin’s speech at the end of the volume encapsulates the volume’s theme as a whole: finales affect the way you look at shows, comics, movies, and books. It provides a framing.
Did any of you watch How I Met Your Mother? For those of you who didn’t, it was a often called the show “which could replace Friends”. Something that you may not know is that fans of the show renamed it something among the lines of “How I should date your Aunt Robin” after the last episode aired. You see, the ending of the show changed the way most viewers see the show in the present.
The show had main character Ted Mosby narrate to his children how he met their mother. However, the story doesn’t begin during the day that encountered happen; no, it starts years before, when Ted declares he wants to settle down and find the love of his life. In that very same episode, he meets Robin Scherbatsky. In the end it’s revealed that the mother (the character we spent years speculating about) is dead (which I expected), and Ted asks his children if they give him the blessing to date their Aunt Robin. Originally, the fans could excuse episode 1 centering around Robin because it was the instance where Ted decided he wanted to settle down, but after the veil was lifted; there were no excuses, this whole story was a Ted’s way of convincing their children he should marry Robin, the main woman in his life during the whole show (even if we spend the last season on her wedding with one of Ted’s best friends).
Perhaps the ending of Volume 7 didn’t destroy the character development of 3 main characters, but it drastically changed the way I felt about the volume.
“The Kingdom of Atlas will remain safe, that’s my promise”- James Ironwood, Volume 7, Episode 1.
If you go back in my blog and read my reviews for most of the volume, you will find glowing ratings and stars. Anyone that knows me, knows that I love a good politics game in the shows/stories I read, so I was really excited when the writing team started developing that during the first half of the season.
Our gang (RWBY+JNOR+Q+M) reach Atlas after finding out that Oz is a fraud, that Salem cannot be beat (by Oz), and that Cinder almost took another maiden’s power. They quickly realize that Atlas is in a state of chaos and Ironwood is consumed by fear taking authoritarian measures, which keep the kingdom divided.
The stage is set:
 Ironwood, Winter, and the Ace Ops.
Robyn, the Happy Huntresses, and Mantle.
 Watts, Jacques, and Tyrian.
I thought the way everything was set was fantastic, I loved the political drama, and I thought the writers were taking their time properly. Even now I give huge kudos to the Schnee storyline, which is my favorite. The volume showed us how flawed Winter’s coping mechanism is, how Weiss is still susceptible to her father’s gaslighting and manipulation, and how the household isn’t just broken by Jacques (Willow apologists, pls read this).
However, the cracks started showing during the first episodes and I noted that on my reviews. We have characters used for exposition dump: from the Robyn supporter, that explains what we could’ve learned by the normal progression of the story, who gets killed as soon as he returns home, and other characters like Maria talking about Pietro while he’s standing right there.
In contrast to that, we get wonderful montages which show the passage of time. The kids interact with one another and the Ace Ops, they train, they help with Ironwood’s plan. It seems weird to have 2 different tools one after the other.
Also, it it weird for anyone that Qrow and Winter only interact 1 time during episode 2 when in Volume 3 a clear rivalry was established? Winter’s storyline was supposed to follow Penny’s, while Qrow was supposed to grow attached to Clover. Because these 2 characters had to reach a certain point in the story, they are not allowed to deviate from the interactions needed for the plot to advance.
Another thing occurred to me while re-watching the season again... Why is Ironwood so fixated in protecting Atlas when it’s floating in the air away from Grimm? Yes, we know that some Grimm can fly, but by the many times we see Mantle in chaos, you would think Ironwood would repair Mantle’s wall to keep it safe?
That’s the theme, guys, girls and nonbinary folks: a kingdom divided.
Just like the Atlas kingdom falls apart, the narrative of Volume 7 has a specific breaking point that marks the decline in quality (you can see that in my reviews). The moment everything went downhill starts in Episode 8, with the dinner at the Schnee Manor.
We spend much time developing the political tensions of the volume for Jacques to be promptly arrested and taken away from the scene in a second.
While Ironwood, Winter, Penny, and Clover are shown doing plot relevant stuff, team JNOR does that ridiculous gag to get Whitley out of Weiss’s hair.  The rest of the team do jackshit, and we don’t hear anything from them until everything is over. Again, the writers reached the plot point and forgot about everything else.
Also, Ruby looks sadly at Weiss when Whitley mentions that Klein was “let go”, yet Weiss has never talked about him to Ruby on screen. Claiming Weiss could’ve done that off screen strips away the possibilities of Weiss bonding with Ruby the same way she did with Yang when talking about their pain during Volume 5.
Such a large table, and only 4 council members, isn’t that kind of stupid? I mean, if Ironwood had 2 seats, numbers wise it makes sense, but who are those other 2 supposed to represent? Why haven’t we seen them before?
Robyn is told by Yang and Blake that Ironwood doesn't know who to trust. She proceeds to pressure him in front of people he clearly doesn’t trust. This is the first instance of OOC Robyn.
The walls crumbled, and everything became obvious as a viewer. Some other notable flaws:
Tension jojoing. The people in mantle will revolt! Except they aren’t. This happens in Episode 5, 6, and 9. The only real uprising is the last one. The other two were silly cliff hangers that make no sense when you watch the show again. (they didn’t make sense before either  and I complained).
Hey there, Watts! You may have an interesting backstory, except it’s only implied you are pissed off Penny got chosen as a major project instead of whatever yours was. Also, Paladin incident? What? If he is the main villain of the Volume, why not expand on him? I shouldn’t be surprised, Hazel and Tyrian are not that complex. And Cinder? It’s been 5 volumes and we barely know anything about her haha.
Robin! I love how civilized and smart you are when the volume started, choosing to observe and talk instead of acting against the main characters. How awful is it that you forget to keep your calm when a Serial killer is on the loose. It would be a shame if someone were to... die.
I already gave my 2 cents over Clover’s death, and I’m not going to repeat myself. I am sorry to all the Fair Game fans, I’m afraid bury your gays is till alive and well.
The nail on the coffin is the final episode: after making a speech about how Salem wants to divide people and how the only way to go is to remain united, James does the exact opposite thing the moment something doesn’t go according to plan. Don’t get me wrong, his PTSD regarding the queen chess piece was foreshadowed, but the moment team RWBY offer an explanation and identify the person behind it, he’s to far gone. Then, Salem shows up, and goes for Team RWBY when Ruby gets under her skin. This shows that Salem has a weakness and that Team RWBY can be trusted when it comes to defeating her, yet that is promptly ignored.
Also, Ironwood might be hurt about Yang and Blake talking to Robyn, but after everything, they were proven right: Robyn is to be trusted, Ironwood was making a mistake.
The whole setting up a trap to attract Tyrian wasn’t Ironwood going “mad with power” or something. Robyn knew he has lying and allowed Ironwood to catch someone who could hack everything. Not only that, but the camera zoomed in on Ironwood, so nobody could see Robyn’s handy Semblance going red. Or... maybe I’m looking too much into it and the writers expected you to forget.
Sorry, I guess James Ironwood had to take a bunch of stupid pills.
“I wish it didn’t have to end this way.” - Clover Ebi.
“It doesn’t have to, but the writers need that Branwen angst.” - Qrow Branwen.
Volume 7: Part 1 of the Atlas Arc
Have you ever heard of Checov’s gun? It is a dramatic principle that states that every element in a story must be necessary, and irrelevant elements should be removed. Elements should not appear to make "false promises" by never coming into play. Let’s play a game called the false promises of the volume that may carry over to volume 8?
Renora: Nora sides with Robin, Ren sides with Ironwood. They do not communicate with one another and the tension builds throughout the volume. They kiss, nothing gets resolved. Ren cries when Neo turns into Nora.
Training: Ren is shown to throw himself into the enemy as a flaw, he repeats the same mistake when fighting with Neo. Oscar’s Semblance is questioned, nothing comes out of it. Ruby’s Semblance is questioned, nothing comes out of it.
Cinder got beef with Atlas? For some reason, Cinder talks about Atlas hoarding power when speaking with Winter. Bitch, where the fuck do you come from? Who are you? Do I know you? Sorry, the writers forgot to write a growth arc for you. My bad.
Nora, daughter of Atlas? Can someone explain to me why she became a SWJ (/s) during this season? We never get a backstory of her previous to Kuroyuri and for some reason Nora is super attached to the people of Mantle. The daughter of Atlas title was thrown around, why?
It’s so nice to see tea FNKI back! Too bad they are there for 5 minutes and never show up again, not even when Mantle is supposed to be defended by all huntsmen. I guess this was fan service.
What’s the purpose of the Happy Huntresses? Isn’t it funny how the only one who got wounded by Tyrian is the only character who could see in the dark, but didn’t tell Robin that Penny wasn’t guilty? Hi Fiona, I don’t know why you exist.
Marrow: the butt of the joke. Since the first episodes, Marrow is shown as the outsider inside the Ace Ops: his teammates don’t take him seriously, Ironwood doesn’t think Marrow is up to the challenge of some missions, and he’s the only Faunus, the only one that seemed to sympathize with Robyn at the end. Too bad he wasn’t allowed to break his mold.
The World Building looks pretty, but it doesn't play the part.
I have to praise the art direction of this season. I was blown away by the aesthetics of Mantle clashing with Atlas, the details in the backgrounds, the world building by back messaging, screens, and posters. My favorite scene of the volume is the penguins in the tundra.
However, you have to walk the walk, and the writing team failed to deliver.
Racism: hey, I know you guys kinda messed up the White Fang’s internal struggles and opportunity to expand on Adam’s power grab and Sienna’s leadership, but maybe don’t skip the racist elements of Atlas? All we get are Faunus mine workers looking angry, that drunk dude who yelled at Blake and Marrow making a simplistic comment about politics. What...? What’s the point of acknowledging u are bad at writing racism and then do nothing about it? Did none of the new writers know how to tackle this?
In-World Continuity: Hey, wasn't the Vytal festival broadcasted to the entire world? When I saw that camera focusing on Yang on episode 1, I thought there would be a call back to what everyone saw her do during the finals, but nope. Let’s not bring that up again. ever. The only important thing about the Vytal Festival is the tower, move on.
Weapons upgrade: We were told that weapons were an extension of each huntsmen; too bad none of our gang actually work on them. Pietro makes all the modifications and repairs. I remember the bumblebee fans eager for a scene of Blake repairing Gambol Shroud, don’t tell me you’re not disappointed.
Atlas ball: not found. Hey! We have Jacques Schnee celebrating his fake victory on the elections! It would be a perfect moment to showcase the disconnect between what’s happening in Mantle and what the people in atlas thing. Too bad we didn’t wanna make extra character models.
Closing thoughts
I wanted to re watch the whole season again to see if the bitterness left on my lips after watching that chaotic finale went away, but it only grew. There are so many character choices that made no sense, so many scenes where characters stood around in the background doing nothing.
Oh, I’ll tell you why: he needed to give a speech about themes to justify the stupidity that happened during the last episodes to get to that cliff hanger.
I am disappointed in volume that seemed to be doing so good at the begging, but hey... at this point we shouldn’t be surprised, should we? Interestingly enough, the people who dreamed about the ball and the scenes of Blake fixing Gambol Shroud grew quiet after the episodes aired... 
Almost as if criticism wasn’t allowed on the RWBY tag.
AN: The titty window isn’t justified Salem, your ex is now a child that’s PEDO—
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meetmeatthecoda · 3 years
I am shocked. And devastated. And just... deeply saddened.
Firstly, I have no ill will toward Megan. It has never seemed like she’s had a 100% fabulous experience on the show, for a variety of reasons, but we certainly don’t know all the facts, and it’s really none of our business. Of course, she has the absolute right to pick whatever projects she wants to work on & when. And who knows, she could want to spend more time with or perhaps grow her family. Regardless, I wish her the best.
Secondly, I am... confused & appalled at the writers. Not only for all their previous poor decisions (which I suppose are, after all, a matter of opinion & more importantly, I’m not interested in going into them right now/again) but for the way they handled this. Just... they obviously knew this was coming - these things have to be decided in advance - & this is how they chose to write their final season with their lead? I’m... aghast. She was straight-up gone for a portion (though we don’t know the truth behind that, to be fair), villianized for most of it, & pretty much hated for all of it. They knew she was leaving & they couldn’t be bothered to at least try to redeem her character & wrap up her arc in a positive way? Not to mention repair her relationship with the other main character, WHICH IS BY THE WAY THE ENTIRE PREMISE OF THE SHOW. I’m just... baffled. Granted, who knows what they’ll pull out of their rears for these last two eps but... I’m not fooling myself into expecting anything good.
Thirdly, all that “real life” business said... personally? I’m so upset. I saw the headline on my phone first thing when I woke up & the most awful horror spread through my chest. I know that sounds dramatic but... listen. This show means a lot to me. For all that I bitch about it (which I know is a lot), this show has been a constant in my life for over 8 years &... that’s a long-ass time. It’s seen me through the end of high school, undergraduate school, graduate school, AND a world-wide pandemic. I made this tumblr specifically to join the Lizzington community, I’ve made such incredible friends through it, & I started writing just for this ship. My time here has been a rock in tough times, a guilty pleasure, & a place to escape. I’ve met amazing people all over the world - some of the loveliest & purest relationships I’ve ever had - and even actual physical penpals, none of which I would have had the opportunity to do without this show. Watching the fandom slowly shrink as friends & acquaintances move on to bigger & better things has been so sad to see & I’m afraid of that just being compounded with the few of us left. I don’t want to lose the friends I’ve made because the show is effectively over. Maybe I’m being overly-sentimental because this is my first active fandom experience but... I don’t care. That’s how I feel. I’m not even sure what I’ll blog about anymore with no show to theorize about, no gifs to cry over, no crappy plots to bitch about. And in terms of fic... I don’t know. I’d certainly like to finish what I have in my line-up, but I’m not sure about after that. I’d love to finish my WIPs & write the vision I’ve always had for my final Lizzington fic. It makes me so sad to think of not writing anymore but if there’s no show? What else can I do? I won’t be stopping immediately but, as I suppose it’s always been, the conclusion of the show is tied to the lifespan of my fics & when one ends... I think so does the other. And that thought makes me so unbelievably sad.
I think I’m mostly gutted because I just wasn’t expecting this. I NEVER thought either Megan or James leaving before the natural conclusion of the show was EVER a possibility. And, more importantly, I thought we had at least one more season. Ever since renewals came into real question around season seven or so, it occurred to me that I should try to prepare for the eventual end. And I was mentally preparing for it! But, since the news that there will be a season 9, I was counting on at least one more year. Would it be bad? Probably. Would it be worth watching? Probably not. Would there be any Lizzington? Unlikely. But would I be able to liveblog & scream about it with my friends? Yes. Would there be inspiration for new fics? You bet. Would there be the smallest, tiniest, little glimmer of hope for Lizzington? .....Yes. Some may argue there was never any hope to begin with (& we would obviously disagree) but that’s the thing about hope: as long as there’s a little, there’s some. But there’s not anymore. Because without Megan, there’s no Liz, & without Liz, there’s no possibility for Lizzington. At least for me. So, to go from counting on at least one more season before it was time to prepare for the end of this whole experience, to suddenly just two episodes is... so painful. Just one week left. After eight seasons. And more than eight years. Usually you have so much more build-up before series finales, which is effectively what this is for me. To not have that just makes everything feel so... pointless. I know it’s not &, despite the shit show this all turned out to be, I WILL have fond memories of this time. And I WILL eventually get over it. It just... feels like a huge loss. Because it is. It’s unexpected. And devastating. And while it’s super dramatic & way over-the-top to say it... I feel like I’m grieving right now. This show - & more so this ship - meant so much to me. And I feel like we lost that today. Who knows what they’ll do in these next 2 episodes - if they’ll chose to retcon the mythology or if they’ll successfully tie up all the loose ends? If they’ll end with Red & Liz on good terms or friends (or more?) or if they’ll OOC tf out of the relationship in an attempt to set things up for season 9 & whatever their weird plans are...
But, I’m sorry, no matter what they’re planning? I won’t be watching season 9. The Blacklist has always - from the first promo - been about Red & Liz & their relationship. TPTB seem to have forgotten that. And to quote Megan... “I think it’s a love story.”
It’s a shame we never got to see it.
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My OUAT Rewatch -- S5E11 -- Swan Song
Link to Rewatch Review and Ranking archive
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Me getting through this episode . . . . . . . 
So . . . . this is gonna be LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG.  I have time, I have opinions, and I’m not holding back.  Under the cut for length and just a heads up there WILL BE BELLE CRITICISM UNDER HERE.  When I get to that point I will strike out all of the Belle critical stuff like this.  It doesn’t mean I don’t MEAN IT -- I just want to give those who can’t handle Belle being dragged the opportunity to easily bypass that section.  
Are we ready?
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Me AFTER I watched this episode, BTW . . . . . . 
So, honestly, as has been the case since this arc crap started, this is a rushed, sloppy, choppy, hacked up episode with a bunch of shit going on, it’s clearly a hot mess of shit, there are OBVIOUS deleted scenes we never saw and never WILL see, and I can totally understand why so many just flat out noped the fuck out of this show at this point.  Because it really is NOT enjoyable and frankly, even knowing what comes, it still makes me stabby.  
But I have to find a way of plodding through this here, so let’s do a point by point order of things, in no particular order:
1.  So Hook murdered his dad and left his little brother an orphan.  Whatta guy!  Honestly, here’s the thing -- all the anti-Rumple folk bitch about how many people he killed, and really I don’t think his body count is higher than Hook’s.  Rumple kills when he’s pissed off, and almost always in a heat of the moment thing (see: Milah, the dudes that used to bully him as a spinner, Tamara).  He doesn’t just go off killing to kill for thrills and funsies and murder trinkets.  Hook has admitted ON SCREEN to killing dozens -- and this was as a mortal with no dark curse whispering in his ear 24/7.  What’s HIS excuse?  
2.  OMG, Emma really just got completely destroyed at this point, didn’t she.  I found a VERY GOOD meta on the destruction of Emma Swan and why CS is such utter bullshit so I thought I’d share it here:
3.  Slight fun side note -- DON’S Mess with OQ, yo!  
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From the OFFICIAL Once Upon a Time Twitter!  Happy Endgins!  
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Okay where was I . . . . this is what happens when I scroll through late 2015 me . . . ahem . . . 
4.  This would have been the perfect way to keep Zee the fuck off the show forever.  Just saying . . . . . . 
5.  Side note 2: some fun times with December 2015 me live blogging this shitfest . . . . . 
Yup . . . they cut it . . . shocking, right?
6.  Post-episode Adam Horowitz being an absolute DICK to fans on Twitter -- just follow our vision, FUCK your vision, you hack! (Bonus points for a hijacking of this post by some asshole CS fan):
7.  The AMY MANSON saga:
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There are also BTS somewhere of Merida marching Arthur out of Storybrooke that were filmed for this episode.  Remember . . . at the end of The Bear King, Merida promised she was coming for Arthur.  Did that ever happen?  Of course not.  HACKS.  Also Amy did PRESS for this episode and so it’s clear they never even TOLD HER that her scenes for this episode were CUT.  So there’s also that.  HACKS. 
8.  Check out the Lily Sparks review of this episode because it is EVERYTHING:
I want to point out specifically, on page 3, what she says about Rumple taking back the Dark One powers:
And then Emma heard all the Parseltongue and followed the sounds to the pawnshop and Rumple was like, "LOL okay you got me, I totally performed a quick spell that somehow cleaved apart the Excalibur and became the Dark One because eff everybody invested in my character. I essentially have a multiple-personality disorder and no one on the writing staff gave me the memo about not trying to convey a genuine struggle while I was playing Rumple these last three years." I'm sorry but this twist was so lazy it infuriated me. I can't believe that shit made it out of a first draft, let alone through studio and network notes.
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Which, sadly . . . . . . brings me to Belle and Rumbelle.
9. Belle’s theme song:
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Yeah, it’s not gonna get better from here . . . . 
So damn . . . . Belle really was kind of a bitch in this episode, huh?  I mean . . . . at the TIME I was happy for the hugs and kisses and sex but watching it again just . . . DAMN . . . . . 
Also, “For the first time ever you were selfless” GTFO of here!!!!!
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For the first time EVER????  GTFO, what kind of shit writing is this???  How did Emilie even deliver that garbage fire of a line with a straight face, and how did Bobby even react to it without a lot of cursing?  Or maybe he did.  We do know that they wanted Rumbelle to bang on the bed in the shop and Bobby put his foot down on that one and they literally created a bedroom set for that 30 second scene because Bobby wasn’t gonna have them film the post-coital scene in the shop.  
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So yay for Bobby?  
10.  I wrote this post regarding this episode IN DEFENSE OF RUMPLE -- still stand by every word (there is Belle dragging and I mean DRAGGING in this post -- you’ve been warned):
11.  In closing -- A SUMMARY:
Here have some fan art:
Points tally:
40 points to start
20 points for 2 Rumbelle hugs
20 points for 2 Rumbelle kisses
5 points for Swan Queen
20 points deducted for BOTH OOC Belle and Rumple nonsense
10 points deducted for Hook & Zelena
Full 25 deducted and I want to give bonus for the Rumbelle sex but . . . . this episode just doesn’t deserve it.  
Total points: 30
Moving on .  . . are we ready?
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Follow #celtichearted OUAT ranking tag for more to come!
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