#if she'd asked I'd have just given her the damn thing
lokilickedme · 2 years
Filed under: Shit I Had To See With My Own Eyes Today
A middle aged woman rode up to my yard sale this morning on a bicycle.  Not a mountain bike - a kid’s BMX bike.  Full-on Karen hairdo, dangly earrings, high heeled sneakers, shoulder bag.  Rode over to the vacuum cleaner I had sitting near the sidewalk with a $25 price tag on it, grabbed it by the handle neck, picked it up, and rode off with it.  Never glanced at anything else, never looked toward the house to see if anyone would see her, never indicated in any way that she even cared if anyone saw her.
I’m sure the cops are laughing their asses off watching the security cam video I sent them.
Who does shit like this??
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roosterforme · 1 year
Adult Education Part 2 | Hangman x OC
Summary: Jake wasn't sure what he had done wrong, but the last thing he wanted to do was scare Jessica off. With a little bit of help, he manages to get a few minutes alone with her again. And all she does is effortlessly make him want even more.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, swearing
Length: 2600 words
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female OC
This story is part of the Beer Boy and Sugar universe but can be read on its own! Adult Education masterlist
Seriously, who let Jake on my masterlist!? Banner by @mak-32
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Jake was still perplexed the following afternoon as he listened to Maverick lecture about the efficiency of the modified fuel system in the F/A-18. He couldn't help but think that Dr. Reed would have done a much better job speaking on the topic. And looked cute while doing it. 
He'd spent most of the night thinking about her, trying to determine where exactly he had fucked things up. It seemed like she was into him while they were at the bar. The cheap beers and peanuts at Chippy's let Jake know she would be relaxed enough to hang with his friends. And the way she looked and her PhD in physics let him know she would hold his interest. If he was looking for someone to date, it would be Professor Jessica in a heartbeat.
She was so charming and intelligent. And maybe that was the problem. Maybe it only took her an hour last night to recognize that Jake wouldn't be enough to hold her interest. She really went running for her office as soon as they were outside.
"Damn," he muttered once the aviators were all dismissed for the day. When he unlocked his phone, his browser was still open to the tab of Jessica's profile on the San Diego State University website. That little photo of her wearing her glasses and a blouse with the top buttons undone was really messing with him. He practically had the About Me section memorized by now, and she'd said nothing about a spouse. He went to close out of it, but he couldn't. 
"Hey, you need a ride again today?" Bradley asked him, checking his own phone.
"Nah, I got my truck back this morning," he replied. "But thanks."
Bradshaw just shrugged and grunted in response, but then he was holding up his phone for Jake to see the screen. "My wife apparently has a message for you."
Sugar: Tell Hangman I ate lunch with Dr. Reed today. And she wanted to know if my sexy aviator husband happened to know another sexy aviator by the name of Jake Seresin.
Jake perked right up at that. "Mind if I text Dr. Tits myself?" he asked, and Bradley handed over his phone. 
"Just as long as you don't call her Dr. Tits. Jesus, I'm shocked you're still alive."
But he wasn't listening. Rather he was already texting. 
Hey, it's Jake. Did Jessica say anything else? After we had some beers at Chippy's, she kind of ran off. I'd like to see her again, but I'm not so sure she'd want to see me.
Jake sent the message and stared at the screen. "She might not be able to respond right now," Bradshaw was saying. "She's got a late lecture this evening." But the messaging app was telling Jake that she was in fact currently typing. 
"Shh," Jake said, devouring the message as soon as it arrived.
Sugar: I told her I know you. Be thankful that I painted a much, much prettier picture of you than I could have. But she didn't say much else. However... she does have office hours until 7:00 tonight. Just so you know.
Jake groaned and handed the phone back to Bradley. Of course he was relying on help from the woman he had accidentally given a vulgar nickname. He didn't know what he should do. On one hand, he'd love to show up at Jessica's office and pick up where they left off. On the other hand, there was a good chance it would be awkward. But he wanted to know what he did wrong. 
While they were at Chippy's, Jake had been thinking about inviting her to have dinner at his place one night. He thought about making her smile and laugh in his kitchen while he tried to convince her he was smart enough to keep up with the conversation. Imagining how it might feel to press his lips to her elegant neck.
"Yeah, I'm going," he grunted, checking the time. 
"Going where?" Bradshaw asked, looking at him like he had two heads as they finally exited the deserted classroom. 
"Visit your wife at work," Jake replied with a wink. 
He just rolled his eyes in response. "Tell her I'll pick her up at 9."
Jake didn't even bother to change out of his flight suit. He'd only been out on the tarmac for a short period of time today, so the jet fumes didn't seem to be an issue. He grabbed his wallet and keys from his locker and rushed for his truck. It was already after 6 o'clock. Depending on traffic, he might not even make it to campus before Jessica's office hours ended. But what did he have to lose?
"Come on," he complained, merging with the congestion of cars leaving North Island. Everyone was creeping across the bay bridge, and Jake was watching the minutes tick away. When he was finally close to campus, he tried to remember where Bradshaw had parked yesterday. He cut down a side street and came out near the math and science building, but there was nowhere to park. 
"Shit," he said, and then someone was pulling out of a spot further up the block. Somehow he managed to successfully squeeze his truck between two other cars, and he hopped out onto the sidewalk. He tossed his sunglasses onto the front seat before locking his truck, and tried to fix his hair as he walked toward her building. He could see Chippy's across the street, and he briefly wondered if she might head over there if he couldn't find her office in time. 
When he tried to open the door to the math and science building, it was locked. He jiggled all the door hands, but none of them were open. There was a card reader off to one side, but no students in sight. "Fuck," he groaned. The building was probably only left unlocked yesterday for the mini lectures. 
Jake started scrambling for his phone so he could call Bradshaw and get his wife's number. But then he saw her walking down the hallway inside, and he pounded on the door. She turned and looked at him with a cautionary glance until she realized it was him. Then she walked over and pulled the door open for him.
She grinned and said, "Just in time for office hours, I see."
"Thank you," Jake said, and he didn't even call her Dr. Tits. "I owe you one. For the information and for opening the door."
She just pointed him toward the row of elevators and said, "Dr. Reed's office is on the fifth floor, to the left when you exit the elevator."
"Thanks!" he called out as he practically ran to push the little up arrow. And now he was nervous. Why did he think this was a good idea? As the doors slid open, he registered that it wasn't too late to just go back to his truck and drive home. But as they started to close again, he found himself darting inside and pushing the number 5. 
If he got completely shot down, then so be it. And if she was already gone for the day, then maybe he'd consider stopping by Chippy's and running the risk of having her bartender friend give him the third degree. But it would be worth it just in case Jessica wanted to talk to him again. 
Fifth floor. He turned to the left and read all of the names on the doors as he made his way down the long hallway. And then he saw it on the placard on the second to last door on the left. DR. JESSICA REED, PHD.
The door was slightly ajar, and Jake let out a deep breath before he knocked. 
"Come in."
When he pushed the door open and stepped inside her small office, he smiled. Jessica was sitting at her desk, writing something down in that red notebook he saw yesterday, and when her gaze slid up his body, her lips parted in surprise when she met his eyes. "Jake."
"Dr. Reed," he drawled. "I almost missed your office hours."
Her eyes were wide, and she nudged her glasses up higher on her nose with the backs of her fingers. "What are you doing here?"
Jake took a step closer to her desk, and she slowly stood. And hell if she wasn't wearing another cute skirt today. 
She was eyeing him curiously, still waiting for an answer when he said, "You told me I could borrow your copy of the Journal of Propulsion Science. The edition with the information about Super Hornets."
"Oh," she whispered, her face falling a bit. "Right. Of course." She turned away from him and started to search along some shelves that were jammed with books and periodicals. His eyes roamed over the back of her body all the way down to her feet and her high heels. He watched as she pulled a few glossy journals out and turned to hand them to him. "Here's the Propulsion Science journal, and here are a few more that might interest you. I don't need them back. You can keep them."
Jake took them and immediately set them down softly on her desk without looking at them. "Thanks, but that's actually not the only reason why I'm here."
"Why else are you here then?" she asked carefully, and Jake wished there wasn't a large desk between his body and hers. He felt himself starting to hesitate again, but he was already in this deep. Might as well go all the way.
"Listen, Jessica. I was having a pretty great time last night at Chippy's." He was trying to gauge her reaction as he added, "You're beautiful, funny and smart, and hey, I'm only human. And I thought you were maybe feeling what I was feeling? And correct me if I'm wrong here, but I thought we were having fun? And it didn't even seem like you expected me to lay down my usual bullshit, which was really nice."
"Oh," she gasped. She worried at her bottom lip with her teeth before she said, "No. You're not wrong."
He shrugged at her, heart pounding as he asked, "Then what did I do wrong? Why did you run off?"
She laughed softly and looked down at her desk. "I nerded out so hard."
Jake grinned as the sheepish look on her face. "You must have been able to tell I was enjoying myself. God, I could have stayed at Chippy's with you all night long. You know more about my jet than I do, and I have the NATOPS memorized."
She ran her fingers nervously along the top of her desk as she looked at the stack of journals he was meant to take with him. As Jake planted his hands on his hips, she glanced up at him. "It's just too good to be true."
He shook his head slightly. "What's too good to be true?"
He raised one eyebrow, about to ask what that was supposed to mean when she said, "There's always a catch with the charming, good looking guys, right?"
"A catch?"
She licked her lips and pressed her palms on the desk, leaning a little closer to him. "I've been through this before. There's always someone else. A sexy naval aviator in his uniform shows up to my lecture and then flirts with me? Please. There's always another girl."
Jake was kind of stunned. "I would never do that."
But she still looked apprehensive as she said, "As soon as you started ignoring calls and messages, you said you had to leave."
Bradshaw. He was ignoring calls from Bradshaw who was trying to tell Jake to meet him at the Bronco. And he was only ignoring him because he didn't want to leave her at all.
When he didn't respond right away, she shrugged and said, "Figured it was your girlfriend calling you."
Jake made sure she met his eyes before he said, "I don't have a girlfriend."
She barely hesitated before asking, "Wife?"
"I don't have one of those either."
Jessica slowly pushed off from her desk so she was standing at her full height, lips forming a perfect, kissable pout. She looked a little embarrassed now as she messed with her glasses. "That's all really useful information to have," she muttered, picking up the stack of journals and walking them around her desk. 
Her steps were intentional and deliberate, the little click of her high heels muffled in the small space. Even in those shoes she only came up to his chin, and she didn't stop until she was right in front of him. He could smell her shampoo or perfume. He could see gold flecks in her eyes. This time when she held out the journals, they grazed his flight suit. He took them in one hand and murmured, "Thank you."
"Mmhmm," she hummed, and Jake almost tossed the literature aside and pushed her against her desk when her fingers met the patches on his flight suit. He stood still against his desire to tilt her face up and press his lips to that pout. She looked good, and she smelled good, and Jake was convinced she would taste good, too. Then she glanced up at him, fingers still tracing his patch that said HANGMAN. 
He cleared his throat softly. "What if I decide I want to return the journals after I read them? And what if I have some questions only an expert would be able to answer?"
She smiled and said, "Then I would implore you to find me and avoid Dr. Leeland and the rest of the physics department."
Jake laughed softly, but then she removed her hand from his flight suit, and he started to reach for her. But she was already turning toward her desk, tearing a page out of her red notebook. As she bent at the waist, Jake stifled a groan and rubbed one rough hand over his mouth. Her skirt rode up along her legs, exposing so much skin, he couldn't look away. Perfect, gorgeous skin from her bare thighs down to her ankles and those stupidly high heels. 
He was definitely caught staring after she finished scribbling on the sheet of notebook paper and spun to face him. He wanted to ask her if she wanted another three dollar pint and some peanuts, but she folded the paper in half and handed it to him before he could gather his thoughts into a sentence that actually made sense.
He glanced down and saw that she'd written her office hours in her neat penmanship. 
Dr. Reed's office hours for journal topic discussion:
Tuesdays 5:30 to 7:00
Thursdays 6:00 to 7:30
"I might be willing to stay late again. For you." 
Jake looked up into her pretty eyes and tapped the sheet of paper. "Any chance you'd add your phone number for me, Dr. Reed?"
The soft smile and dreamy look she bestowed on him had him grinning like an idiot, he was certain. He wanted that phone number in the worst way. When Jessica's fingers ghosted along his patch one more time, she said, "Maybe I'll see you on Thursday?"
"Yes." Jake would make it a point to come back on Thursday. 
Professor Jessica thought she nerded too close to the sun. And Jake really did give off some of the telltale signs of a man who is up to no good (including but not limited to looking hot in his uniform). Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32
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vivwritesfics · 1 month
Fuck The Drummer
She's been there for him, by his side since they were kids. She's there when he starts performing with his band. She's there until he'd rather have Maria
Band! Rhett
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Everything was going so good. Rhett and his band had rocked the stage and, for a good five minutes, she had all of his attention. He looked damn good, in his usual cap and open button shirt.
But then Maria Olivarez walked into the bar.
She had been sat with Rhett's arms around her when Maria walked in. Rhett's arm fell from around her shoulders and he strode towards the girl that had never given him the time of day.
Even when they were all in high school together, Maria didn't even know his name in high school (and, if she did, it was because he used to get into fights with other kids). When she'd come back to town, a week before Rhett's band had their first performance outside of Wabang, she'd brushed him off every time she tried to talk to him.
Rhett stood from the seat beside her. He finished his beer and strode over to Maria. She slumped against the table as she watched the way Maria flirted.
But she had no reason to be jealous. She and Rhett weren't together. They were just best friends that sometimes fucked. Rhett could do whatever he wanted, and she had no reason to stop him.
Rhett pointed towards her and she raised her hand in an awkward wave. But then Maria strode over, Rhett following her like a lost puppy.
"Hey," Maria said as she leaned against the chair Rhett had just been sitting in. "I didn't think I'd see you here." Her smile was an an attempt at being kind, there was no malice behind it.
But that wasn't how it came across. "Why wouldn't I be here?" She asked, voice a little rude as she looked past her, looked at Rhett. She didn't mean to be rude to Maria; she'd known her close to forever.
But she knew how much it got to rhett, didn't have enough fingers to count how many times she'd gotten his hopes up only to bring them crashing back down.
That was the reason for her first time with Rhett, in the barn while she was supposed to be helping him with chores when she was supposed to be staying over. She'd let him pull her back into the hay, felt the way his large hands settled over her hips as he pulled her on top of him. Things hadn't been the same since.
"Did you catch the performance?" She asked, mouth tight and voice a little gravelly. But that was where she'd been cheering between songs.
Maria looked almost reluctant as she shook her head. "You know, I actually didn't. I was hoping to catch you at the next one, though," Maria said, fully turned to Rhett.
She didn't miss when Rhett's eyes lit up. What she wouldn't give for him to look at her like that, just once. "You're coming to the next one?" His voice was so damn hopeful, she couldn't help but roll her eyes.
"Every good band needs a roadie, right?"
The way her pint glass hit the table had everyone quiet. "Maria, do you have any concept of what a roadie is?" Her fingers massaged her forehead, trying to take care of the headache that had been forming ever since Maria showed her face. "It's the road crew, not the girls that tag along to sleep with the drummer."
Maria's expression dropped. She turned on her heel and marched away.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Hissed Rhett as he stepped up to the table.
She sighed and pushed her chair away from the table. "Oh, just go and chase after her. Be her night in shining, fucking armour, but don't come crying to me when you find out she's a heartless monster."
With that she placed her empty pint glass on the bar top and marched away.
She hated that she and Rhett had gotten a room to share. The lingerie beneath her clothes had seemed like a good idea when she put them on, but now she was full of regret.
Still, she laid there on the bed they would have been sharing, wearing the lingerie and nothing else, watching shitty motel TV. She felt pretty, and that was all that mattered.
The lock in the door twisted. Her eyes glanced up as the door opened and Rhett strode in. Maria wasn't with him, but that didn't come as a surprise.
When he sat on the end of the bed, she sat up. "Did you fuck her?" She asked, brows furrowed as she looked at him.
A sigh left his lips. "Does it matter if I did?"
Instead of answering, she hopped off the bed. She reached into a bag and grabbed a hoodie, one she'd had for so long she'd forgotten it was his. "What're you doing?" He asked as she got herself dressed.
She didn't answer as she pulled her shoes onto her feet and reached into her bag for her car keys. "Hey," he said and went to grab her keys.
"I'm going home," she said quickly.
But Rheet stood and held the door shut. "Darlin', no," he whispered. When he reached out to touch her, he stepped back. "I need you here."
Pinching the bridge of her nose, her fist hit his head. "When are you gonna get it through your thick fuckin' skull that I'm in love with you?" She shouted, spit flying into his face. "You're a fuckin' idiot, Rhett, an' I'm goin' home."
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darknight3904 · 10 months
The Stars
Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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Asgard 2013
Warnings: Loki's dirty thoughts about  Astri, Loki talking about his life with Thanos.
For someone who had been locked up for weeks, Loki looked a little too desirable. His deep voice was soothing as he read the book he had chosen for tonight. Astri had long ago stopped focusing on the words and was admiring him through the yellow barrier that separated them. His hair was a bit curlier today than it had been yesterday, Astri wondered if he had done it like that on purpose. The green leather and golden armor he normally donned was gone and in its place was a softer more comfortable-looking outfit, perfect for the lounging that took up his days.
   "You aren't listening," Loki said suddenly
   "Sure I am." She lied
   "I chose a romance book because I thought you'd enjoy it." Loki sighed
   "And why would I enjoy a romance book?" Astri asked
   "I thought most females enjoyed romance books." He reasoned
   "How stereotypical of you, Loki." Astri smiled
   "Well if you don't want to read what do you want to do? Our options are limited given I'm stuck in here." He said, snapping the book shut
Astri thought about what they could do with Loki stuck in a cell. The idea of trying to push her way through the golden barrier crossed her mind, sure her magic might be strong enough but was Odin's rath worth it? Astri wasn't quite sure. 
   "How about we just sit and talk?" Astri suggested 
She took Loki's silence as agreement and began the conversation. 
   "What do miss now that you're stuck here?" 
   "Everything," Loki admitted 
   "If you had to pick one thing," Astri said
   "I guess I'd choose...the stars. It was always peaceful looking out my balcony at night when the stars shone. I wish I could experience it again." He chose 
   "Interesting choice." Astri complimented, standing up
   "Where are you going?" Loki asked 
   "To my chambers. I'll see you another time." She explained as she walked away 
She could hear Loki scampering to find a reason for her to stay longer, even offering to never choose a romance book again for them to read together. Astri was glad that he had chosen something simple for her to bring to him, had he chosen something like conquering Midgard that would have made her idea much harder. Now, all she had to do was figure out how to get through that damn gold barrier.
Loki didn't see Astri for the rest of the week, the only signal that she wasn't angry with him was the romance book she had sent to him via a guard who had handed him a note to go with it. 
Thor's lady, Jane, says men who read romance books are hopeless romantics themselves. 
Was he a hopeless romantic? Surely not. They were just means of entertainment for him after all he had a higher purpose that he'd someday fulfill. Astri's analysis was wrong. Speaking of Astri, where the hell was she? She had said she'd see him again but didn't give a date or a time and it was driving him mad. The only other real interaction he'd had since she left earlier this week was with Frigga who projected herself to his cell. Sure, it felt like she was close to him but it hurt when he'd try to reach for her only for his hands to slip right through. Loki loved Frigga deeply but he yearned for Astri's sharp remarks and how she'd immediately call him on his lies. 
He wondered what she'd be wearing the next time she entered the dungeons. Perhaps a lilac dress? She had been in a pale pink the last time they spoke. Of course, he'd love if she wore the blue one she had that had white lace embroidered on it, that one was his favorite. The way it accentuated what she thought was hidden so well under the fabric was perfectly sinful. Astri's figure had been on Loki's mind a lot recently. Initially, he thought it was because of being stuck here and the fact that she was going through his mind at night. But it had continued the entire week and he hadn't seen her at all. Sure, it could have been her going through his mind but that didn't explain why he thought of her even during the day. He'd spend time reading or drawing and find his mind wandering to her what her lips would taste like. He had smelled the stuff she put on them once, it smelled like fruits, would she taste like it too? Loki's mind spiraled more as he wondered what she'd look like if he slipped his hand up her skirt and into the apex between her thighs. He'd love to pin her down on the bed he was sitting on now and press his face between those same thighs until she screamed from overstimulation. He wondered about what she'd look like above him, gasping in pleasure as she took what had always been hers.  Loki wanted to be able to press a kiss to every inch of Astri's body and yet here he sat, imprisoned while she flitted about in the castle about him.
   "Good, you're still awake." 
Astri. Finally, she showed. Loki's hands fumbled with the pillow beside him as he placed it quickly over his lap. It was so late what was she doing down here now? 
   "Well don't be shy, get up and greet me properly." She commanded 
Loki eyed her arms which were overflowing with a bundled-up blanket and a big wicker basket. Ordinarily, he would've risen to greet her but his half-hard cock wasn't something she'd want greeting her so he stayed put. 
   "Fine, be rude." Astri huffed, pushing the blanket and basket through the small weakness in the yellow shield that was meant for delivering his meals. "You'll be thanking be after this." 
Loki's eyes widened as Astri's closed. A soft blue hue covered her body as she took a step towards the shield. 
   "What are you doing? The guards will-" Loki stopped his words as Astri phased right through what was penning him in. "When did you learn to do that?" 
   "What do you think I've been spending my week doing?" She smiled crossing the cell to get to him 
Loki wasn't expecting a warm hug but he welcomed it anyway. 
   "I can't believe you tried conquering Midgard," Astri said pulling away and giving him a hard shove 
No sooner had he opened his mouth to explain his glorious purpose than Astri had slapped her hand over it, shutting him up entirely. 
   "You can talk about glorious purpose later. I have a surprise." She smiled, turning around and laying the blanket on the ground. 
   "What are you doing? You do realize this is a dungeon...how did you get past the guards?" He asked suddenly curious 
   "A cloaking spell." She smiled and began unpacking her basket which as it turned out was full of food. 
   "So you're here to have a midnight picnic with me?" Loki asked finally standing up 
   "No, silly. You said you missed the stars, so I brought them here." Astri smiled pulling him down on the blanket with her. 
Loki decided to indulge her desires and got comfortable beside her. His hand reached for a grape as Astri snapped her fingers beside him. The area around them dimmed and the ceiling of the once bleak cell was transformed into a brilliant light show. The other cells disappeared as Astri's magic took over and seemingly wrapped them in their own little bubble. The stars twinkled and danced in front of Loki's eyes as he observed what she had done for him.
   "Do you like it? I know it's not the stars from your balcony but it's the best I can do right now." She said
   "I love it." He smiled, looking at her 
   "Good...I also brought some food." Astri awkwardly pointed out
   "Yes, I see, thank you. " He said genuinely 
They sat in awkward silence as Loki tried to think of something to say to the girl next to him. This was the first time they had been physically in front of each other in weeks. His hands itched to take hers in them, they looked impossibly small as she picked at the skin beside her nails. 
   "What the hell were you thinking?" Astri asked suddenly 
   "I bed your pardon?" Loki asked, confused. 
   "You knocked me out, destroyed Joutunheim, then let go and fell who knows where after Odin woke up and tried to help you and Thor." She explained 
   "Is that what they told you happened?" He laughed 
   "Yes. I want an explanation, now." She demanded, reaching to poke at his ribs, an oddly ticklish spot for him 
   "There was no point in staying behind. There still isn't anything for me here on Asgard, my rotting in this dungeon proves it. I have never and will never be essential to the house of Odin." He said 
   "Nothing here for him he says." Astri sighed "What about me? Or Frigga? During the year you were off gathering an army did you ever think about what we were feeling?" 
Loki felt his anger boiling in his stomach. Did Astri think he was off galavanting across the galaxy, feasting war generals so he could use their troops to win Midgard? 
   "Do you honestly think I was living my best possible life after I left here? What do you think I was doing all that time?" He snarled, upset that Astri was only talking about her and his 'mother'. 
   "I've wondered every night what you were doing where you were but you never speak of it." Astri said 
She had him there. 
   "Have you ever heard the name Thanos?" Loki asked, he felt his hands shaking. Why is he telling her this? Stop it. Send her away, yell at her to go back to her room, and push her away. 
   "I've heard it, in whispers from travelers and reports from across the galaxy, Odin has mentioned him." She said, Loki could feel her eyes on him, his gaze cast at his lap. 
   "After I let go I ended up in a place called the Sanctuary. I met Thanos there. He offered me control of Midgard in return for the Tesseract." He said shakily. 
   "What more? Months after you went missing, I kept trying to find you, and one night I did, or I think I did. You were suffering heat or something was being used." Astri said gently brushing her hand along his shoulder. 
   "He uh...He, Thanos used a tremendous amount of heat to buy my submission." Loki said, shutting his eyes. "Frost Giants can burn as it turns out." 
Loki felt Astri's hand rubbing at his back and her chin resting on his shoulder. 
   "After I had submitted to his whims, he used the Mind Stone, one of the Infinity Stones to do his bidding. After that, he sent me to Midgard, Infinity stone in hand." He said, "It remains there, those Avengers have it." 
Loki heard Astri let out a soft hum of confirmation next to him. Minutes passed and Loki dared open his eyes when he felt Astri shift beside him. 
   "I want you to know something, Loki." Astri said hooking a finger under his chin so he'd look at her "You are good. You always have been even if can't see it. 
Their noses brushed as Loki's eyes fluttered shut again. He felt hot tears run down his face at Astri's words. Damn it why did he always cry when he wanted to express emotion? 
   "Thank you, Astri. I don't feel that way, though." Loki said his eyes opening to meet Astri's whose face was close to his. 
   "You will. One day." She reassured 
Astri was indescribably warm as she pressed her forehead to his. Their breaths mingled as Loki took her hands in his. 
   "I missed you. There wasn't anyone to read with or joke with." She admitted 
   "You could have with Fandral." Loki smiled 
   "Oh please, Fandral reading?" Astri scoffed 
   "True, I think he'd rather chop off his right arm than pick up a book," Loki said, sitting up and pulling away from her slightly. 
Astri's hands broke from his, and she grabbed at his shirt, pulling back towards her. 
   "Wait." She murmured 
   "What is it?" Loki asked 
Astri's face grew redder the more Loki looked at her. 
   "Don't you have something to say? You told me to wait." He teased 
   "I just..." 
Come on, say what's going through that pretty head. 
   "I like it when you're close to me." She whispered as if it were a secret.
   "I it like when you're close too," Loki admitted, reaching out and twirling a strand of  her hair around his finger 
Astri let out an amused giggle and leaned closer. 
   "Guess I should stay nearby then." 
Loki had no complaints about that statement and nodded in agreement. Astri's scent invaded his nose, it was exactly as he remembered. Fruity yet flowery at the same time, and yet it wasn't too overpowering. He watched as her tongue appeared, slightly wetting her lips, it was like she was trying to tempt him into touching her. 
   "What're you thinking about?" Astri asked 
   "You," Loki said 
Astri barely had enough time to crack a smile at his admission. Loki knew what was next, a smart comment about how she was always dancing around in his mind. So, he stopped it in what he thought was the cleverest way possible and brushed his lips on hers. They tasted of fruit just like he had imagined for so many years. Astri had let out a small squeak of surprise when Loki had leaned in but now, he felt her smiling into their kiss. Smaller arms wrapped around his shoulders as she let out a laugh, breaking away for air. 
   "What was that?" She breathlessly asked 
   "You said you liked it when I was close." He said a wide smile on his face. 
Astri tossed her head back with a laugh and Loki felt his own laugh bubbling up through his stomach and out his mouth. He felt Astri's hands playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck, her nimble fingers pushed through his dark strands and a shudder ran down his spine. Their lips met again, this time with Astri initiating. Loki gently cupped her face as he felt her invade all of his senses, her presence was casting an unbreakable spell on him and he gladly welcomed it with open arms, after all, it was all he could ever dream of. 
Hehe first kiss for Loki and Astri. 
I am having Coriolanus Snow brain rot. Tom Blythe is one sexy mf. 
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foone · 8 months
So if Threshold happens to different Trek crews, who gets who pregnant? Voyager is one of the few shows where it makes heterosexual sense, (for lack of a better word, "sense" not being the word anyone would use to describe threshold)
So for Voyager, it being Paris (pilot) and Janeway (captain) makes sense through that lens. Paris, sure, because he is a pilot. We could pick a Science Guy to do it, but then it might be B'Elanna who does the flying fast, and then who is she going to kidnap for Lizard Sex? Harry? ... Yeah it'd be Harry. Anyway once you've picked Paris, you've got to figure out which woman is funniest to have him abduct into Lizardry. B'Elanna? No, not funny enough. She'd be a Klingon lizard and beat him up instead of mating, even if they did get married later. Besides, what if she evolves into a super-advanced Klingon, not a lizard? *claps* PUT TUVOK ON THE SHUTTLE. Kes? No, they already did a Tom v Neelix episode. Seven of Nine isn't on the show yet, so Janeway it is.
Ok so for other shows, we gotta pick a pilot or science guy (who might be screwing around with transwarp, and thus get Lizarded) and someone they could turn into a lizard to have babies with. The show is assuming heterosexual pairings here, but we know about things so we are not so limited.
The original series: as much as I'd love to say Sulu and Uhura ("I'll save you, fair maiden!" "sorry, neither"), I think TOS was much less of an ensemble than later Treks, so it'd need to be Spock. Spock is doing some science stuff, he gets hyper-evolved, and he picks someone else to hyper-evolve and turn into his lizard bride. As much as I want to say "Kirk", I think it's more likely that he runs off with Uhura and then Kirk has to rescue them. Kirk was always about being the one who rescues people, having the Enterprise come rescue Lizard!Spock (is that antisemitic?) and Lizard!Kirk and it's called commanded by McCoy? Nah.
TNG: the direct analogy to VOY would mean we have Wesley and... Picard? No, no, and no. Sorry. Frankly, we already had this plot on TNG (Genesis), and canonically the answer is Worf and Troi. The problem with it being a pilot thing is that Wesley is a child and Data (the official science guy) is an android, so he can't really be hyper-evolving. We could go with Geordi, the other Science Guy, but then we've got the image of a black man kidnapping a white woman. Uhhhh no. We already did that episode and it is an example of Deep Shame for the show. So Worf and Troi it is.
DS9: so this is what inspired me to make this post. We all agree Sisko would be a damn good father to his lizard babies, but would it be him? If so, with who? You could have it be Dax, and she lizards first and kidnaps him, which makes some sense given that she's a Science Guy. But you also have to consider Weird Guys. Every Trek series needs a Weird Guy so that whenever an ancient alien artifact turns the whole crew into Muppets or whatever, they can be the one who isn't affected and can thus solve it. This is all to say, Odo/Kira could be done. We've had a few episodes where he's been shown to do very extreme things out of his pining for her, so it makes some sense. Odo/Quark would be funnier but given how the DS9 writers handled Profit and Lace, I really don't want to see them do a gay mpreg episode.
ENT: the series with canon mpreg! Direct translation of would be Mayweather/Archer. Mmm. Probably not. I think it's gonna be a rarepair: Trip/Hoshi. Trip/T'Pol is too canon to be funny. The next best option is Archer/T'Pol and that's just kinda bleh. It makes sense but it's just the kind of thing they'd do and it'd be bland. We can do better. Honorary mention: Trip and Reed.
I've not watched enough of the New Treks to have an opinion there. Maybe SNW: Ortegas and La'an. Don't ask why.
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dessarious · 9 months
This was not the Plan
New Years one shot (please let it stay a one shot)
Marinette could not for the life of her figure out how she'd ended up here. She was supposed to be at home, in her pajamas, asleep before the ball dropped. She had a plan, damn it.
That plan did not include Alya showing up at her apartment in London. Especially since she was supposed to be covering the ball drop in New York. It didn't involve said friend dragging her to an upscale party where Adrien and Felix just happened to be in attendance. And it damn sure didn't involve listening to Alya try to give her a pep talk (read lecture) about asking Adrien to kiss at midnight. No, this was definitely not the plan.
Cass and Steph were supposed to be on a plane to Gotham. Unfortunately, some asshole (read Scarecrow) gassed the airport, and it was in lockdown until a HazMat team gave the all clear. Instead, they were stuck in an upscale London hotel. Which wouldn't be bad except there was a fancy New Year's party going on and the host had cornered them as they were checking in to invite them. Cass hated having to keep up a public image. But at least she had Steph to make things bearable.
They were standing along one of the walls, Steph making highly inappropriate comments at other people's expense, when Cass noticed two women. One obviously excited to be there and the other... not so much. As they wandered closer, Cass could hear their conversation.
"I feel I've been very clear on this." The one who looked like she'd rather be anywhere else sounded frustrated and annoyed.
"I know you think he's out of your league, but you'll regret it if you don't shoot your shot, girl!" Her tone was exasperated, if fond. Given the reaction from the other woman, this was a recurring debate. Cass didn't think she'd ever seen anyone roll their eyes so hard.
"I don't think he's out of my league. I'm just not interested in him. I really wish you would stop acting like we're still teenagers. It was an adolescent crush, and it wasn't healthy on top of that." Her friend didn't seem to hear her.
"Look! There he is. Now's your chance."
"Alya, you're not listening to me. Besides, that's Felix, not Adrien."
"Oh? You can tell that just by looking, huh?" Her tone seemed to imply that meant something but her friend just gave her a dry look.
"Anyone who's met them should be able to tell that." She gestured to the man Alya had pointed out. "Grumpy cat." Then she scanned the crowd before pointing to another man identical to the first. "Excited puppy."
Cass observed the two and had to admit the other woman was right. It kind of reminded her of the difference in Damian and Jon's personalities. The first man was comfortable in the setting, but was extremely standoffish and full of himself. The other was happy and friendly, talking to anyone who got close to him.
"Quit stalling. It's almost midnight."
"Alya, I'm not-"
"You can't bail on me this time. Do you have any idea what it took for me to get tickets to this party? Give me one good reason why you can't go ask him to kiss you for New Years."
Given how red the other woman's face had gotten during her friend's rant, Cass expected an explosion. What she wasn't expecting was for the woman to turn and pull her down into an angry, almost desperate kiss. She didn't know how to react, so she just let it happen. Honestly, she felt bad for her... it was also kind of nice if she was being honest with herself. When the woman pulled back, Cass was a bit dazed. She turned on her friend.
"That's why!" And promptly stormed out to the balcony. Cass was startled out of watching her when Steph let out a laugh.
"I'd say that's a pretty good reason." Steph's amused tone caused Alya to flush red before storming off in the opposite direction from her friend. "You should go check on her." Cass raised an eyebrow at her and Steph gestured to the balcony with a knowing smirk.
"Do you really think she wants to see me? That had to have been embarrassing." Cass signed at her in confusion, but Steph just turned her and gave her a push towards the balcony. Cass still wasn't certain it was a good idea, but Steph had a better understanding of such emotions, so she went. She found the other woman leaning over the balcony, muttering into her crossed arms. "Are you okay?" She spoke in English even though they'd been talking in French before hoping she understood since they were in London. She could understand French well enough, but speaking it was trickier.
"I'm fine." She said it in English, barely audible. When she looked up Cass watched her go through a variety of emotions. First was exhaustion, then confusion, recognition, embarrassment, and ending with horror. "Oh dear Kwami, I can't believe I sexually assaulted a complete stranger. I am so sorry!"
"It's okay." Cass hadn't thought of it that way, but she supposed it was technically true.
"It's not okay! It's the complete opposite of okay. I can't believe I did that. I'm such a terrible person. I understand if you want to call the authorities. Or I can do something to make it up to you. I'm a fashion designer, not that you need new or better clothes, you look amazing in that dress, but if you wanted something, or I can tailor some things if you need it. Nothing will make up for-" The woman wasn't stopping to breathe and Cass had been trying to get her attention, but ended up latching onto her forearms to get her to stop. The guilt in the woman's eyes was painful to watch.
"I'm Cass." It wasn't what she really wanted to say, but it did stop her, well for a second anyway. Then she looked embarrassed.
"Oh, I'm Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng." She started going through her handbag and pulled out a business card. She wrote on the back before handing it over. "That's my work phone on the front. I put my real name on the back and my personal phone number so you can get a hold of me for whatever you decide. I really am sorry." Cass frowned at the card for a moment. "Is something wrong?"
"You're the designer for Foundational Fashions?" She couldn't help her surprise. It was an innovative brand that Jason had actually introduced her to.
"Oh, um, yes, but I'd appreciate it if you would keep that to yourself. I try to stay below the radar."
"I know." That got a confused blink. "My brother and I have been trying to find a way to commission you for a couple of years."
"Then I can make you something, both of you, to apologize." She sounded almost excited at the idea, and Cass had to force herself not to frown. No way was this worth whatever her prices were.
"I wouldn't feel right not paying you. Just getting a slot for a commission is more than enough." The woman's expression fell and Cass would blame that for what happened next. She really didn't like seeing her unhappy. "There is something else."
"Of course. Anything."
"Let me kiss you at midnight."
"Sure, no problem... wait what?" Cass looked for any sign she'd made Marinette uncomfortable, but all she saw was confusion. "After what I did, why..." She didn't seem to be able to finish the thought. "I mean, I'm sure there are plenty of people who would love to... why would you pick me?"
She seemed genuinely confused, and Cass didn't really know how to respond. The longer she stayed silent, the more Marinette drew in on herself and she had no idea why. She didn't seem to object to the actual kissing part though, so Cass felt a bit less creepy about asking.
"I don't want to kiss anyone else." Marinette's cheeks turned bright red and Cass was worried she'd said the wrong thing. "Earlier I felt... I would like to try it again." It was times like this she wished she was better with words. When she looked back at Marinette, the woman was studying her. She seems less embarrassed and more thoughtful.
"There's still half an hour until midnight. Why don't we sit and talk? Maybe start on you commissions."
Cass looked relieved at the suggestion, and Mari realized she wasn't the only one floundering. She still couldn't believe she'd done something so stupid and could only be glad that Cass didn't want her arrested. Once they were settled at the table that happened to be on the balcony, Mari wasn't certain where to start.
"So, what are your hobbies?" That was a good starting place, right?
"Ballet, and I do martial arts."
"Well, that certainly explains the physique." Yes Mari, let's be even more creepy. She absolutely should not be flirting.
"What explains yours?" She could practically feel Cass' eyes running down her figure. Okay, maybe she should be flirting.
"I grew up in a bakery. When it comes in bulk, everything is heavy. And once I got into design, bolts of fabric aren't light either. Then, Hawkmoth showed up, and I ended up in self-defence and parkour classes with a lot of my friends. Nothing anywhere near as structured as what you've done, though." And the whole superhero thing, but that was definitely not a conversation for a first... whatever this was.
"What happened to him?" Marinette fought not to wince. That was the million dollar question that only she knew the answer to. It was an extremely messy take down, and she'd had to wipe the memories of everyone involved. Including Adrien because of how badly he'd reacted to finding out Gabriel was Hawkmoth.
"All we know is that Ladybug said he'd been taken care of and she and Chat were retiring. Most people were just grateful it was over, to be honest." Granted, that attitude was helped along by the fact that no one could find her to question the official story. "Where are you from? Your accent sounds American."
"I live in Gotham." Cass' tone was odd but Mari couldn't place why.
"Oh, then you're used to worse. At least most of the damage Hawkmoth did could be reversed. The emotional toll was bad enough, but I can't even imagine constantly being afraid that anyone around you could end up dead in the next attack." Cass gave a hum, and Mari was worried she'd offended her.
"It is... difficult." Mari noticed Cass moving her hands as she spoke and realized she'd been doing it since they started talking. "I think most people have developed a sense of apathy, or maybe just put on blinders to the danger until it actually happens, since there's not much they can do if one of the major rogues decides to attack. At the same time, more and more people and organizations are coming together to try and help each other. It is still hopeful, and Gothamites are stubborn."
"Yes, people seem to be able to get used to just about anything if they have to." Humans were extremely adaptable, and that wasn't always a good thing. "Oh! You're signing, aren't you?" Mari hadn't meant to say that out loud and given the embarrassed look on Cass' face, she shouldn't have. "Sorry, I just noticed the movements."
"It's how I first learned to communicate. My childhood was... unorthodox." Given her tone, Mari had a feeling that was an understatement. "I can stop if you-"
"No! I mean it's fine. I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable." Mari really, really wished she could stop making an idiot of herself in front of the woman. She'd like to blame the sleep deprivation from her per Christmas dash to get everything done, but this was just how she was. She always turned into a disaster around pretty people. It's why she was so nervous around Adrien originally, because he had always been extremely pretty. Other people had called him handsome, but his features had always been too delicate for that. It took Mari three years to understand why she thought she liked him. And wasn't that a fun week long mental breakdown?
"It's fine. Some people just seem to think I'm trash talking them instead of going through the motions to help find the right words." Mari could only blink at her for a moment.
"I feel like those are the same people who are constantly trash talking people in their head and projecting that on to you." Cass let out an amused snort.
"Probably." They settled into a comfortable silence. It was nice, if Mari was being honest. Too many people she knew felt like they had to fill the silence, even when they had nothing to say. As the minutes ticked by though, she started to get nervous. Cass obviously noticed.
"We don't have to, if you don't want to." Mari started at her voice. God, she needed to not be so high strung.
"It's not that... honestly, this whole thing is just a bit bizarre. It would have made more sense for you to have slapped me. I'm just... trying to make sense of things." Mainly because, in her personal life, she wasn't this lucky. Then again, Cass was from America, so this probably wouldn't lead anywhere. And that thought made her realize that so far, she did want this to go somewhere. Great.
"I don't think there's a lot of people here that would slap a beautiful woman for kissing them." Mari felt like her face was on fire. This woman, her seriously could be a model, thought she was beautiful? Yep, crush officially formed. Shit.
"That still doesn't excuse my bad behavior. I shouldn't have taken out my frustration with Alya on other people. My being pissed off that she never actually listens to me is no reason to do what I did."
"I don't know. She seemed to get the message." Mari just sighed.
"Maybe. That or I'll be getting an extremely long lecture about embarrassing her tomorrow." Probably the second. Might be a good idea to find somewhere else to crash after the party. And figure out when Alya was set to leave London so she could avoid her until then. She loved her, but she was beyond sick of the whole Adrien thing.
"She should stop talking and start listening." Mari let out a giggle.
"Can't say I disagree, but I don't see it happening. Alya's extremely stubborn about certain things."
"If you're not willing to make excuses for your bad behavior, you shouldn't make them for hers, either." Mari blinked at her before letting out a huff.
"In theory that's true. But I can't control her actions, only mine." Cass let out another hum. Before she could say anything, people inside started counting down.
Oh dear Kwami, this was really happening, wasn't it?
Maybe it was a trick. Cass' way of getting back at her for what she did.
No. The way she was looking at Mari... she was actually going to do this.
Come on, Mari. It's just a kiss.
A kiss from someone with the softest lips she'd ever felt, but just a kiss.
Okay. Her heart felt like it was about to explode. She might actually pass out.
No. She is not going to create another scene tonight. She just needed to breath.
When did Cass get so close?
What if she was disappointed in the kiss? Mari was pretty confident in her abilities, but she had no idea what kind of experience Cass had.
What if she wasn't disappointed? What were they going to do then?
Cass closed the distance, and Mari just closed her eyes. Yep, definitely the softest lips ever. She was going to have to ask how she managed that. When Cass deepened the kiss, Mari's brain completely short-circuited. This. This is what home was supposed to feel like. She was so screwed.
When Cass pulled back, it took her a minute to remember to breathe. When she finally opened her eyes, she was on the receiving end of the softest look she'd ever seen. Suddenly, Gotham was looking like a better idea. Surely she could do some good there. She forgot how to breathe again when Cass cupped her cheek and ran her thumb over Mari's bottom lip.
"Happy New Year." The words were as soft as her look and Mari, for once, thought that for once, it actually was a good start to what was looking to be the best year she'd had in a long time. Even if it hadn't been her plan.
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ask-squidbeaks-agents · 3 months
2,6,7,9,11,14,28,30,29,20 for four.
(This is my default question set for this one)
//Oh damn that's a lot in one go- okay
2. I have said before that Four likes Ink Theory and OTH but- if we go with non splat music for this question then She'd listen to rock and metal bands. Four would probably listen to My Chemical Romance religiously- Her favourite song would be Party Poison.
6. Four tends to just keep her hair (?) down, she doesn't care much for it besides basic maintenance.
7. Pigeons- she finds them cute.
9. Four isn't a picky eater- she'll eat just about anything especially sweet things, her favourites are tablet and chilli hot dogs. The only thing she will not eat is seaweed.
11. There's a few traits of mine I've given Four- She's Scottish, She's loud, short tempered, snarky and (while she's bad at showing it) caring. She'd different in the fact she has confidence which I don't. Honestly I don't think we'd get along? I'd probably annoy her too much lmao.
14. Yes. Generally she can do most maths in her head.
20. No Four can't drive and it's safer that way.
28. Four's more actions than words when she cares like offering to help more, going out of her way to be around them, asking them to do stuff with her (ie play video games with her) and for those she really cares about giving up her need for personal space (like hugging someone crying). However when she doesn't like someone she makes it very clear- out right telling them to their face "I hate you".
29. Generally no but if I had to pick something I think Four would fit Fire.
30. Very sweet like caramelised sugar.
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taradiddled · 16 days
@inubaki isn't feeling well. and I think @lilacwriter07 could use a pep-up, so I'm putting here another sneak-peek at the chapter I'm working on.
"Only a neglectful shepherd would leave their sheep's hooves unattended." She picked up her scrub brush again and began layering the hoof in soapy foam. "They need routine cleaning, because who the fuck knows what shit they pick up on a regular basis. I had one sheep that must have been not right in the head, because it used to stand in its own shit, totally oblivious to how filthy it'd get. Needed a cleaning twice a week, or else its wool would stink. I thought I'd have to put up with it for maybe eight or nine years, since it was so dumb, but the bastard managed to live to eighteen years before it croaked."
Lucifer snickered, amused at the mental image given. "I can't imagine you putting up with that for more than eight years."
"Well, I did," Adam stated proudly, her chest puffing up just a bit with pride. "It was under my care, and my protection. Just because it wasn't too damn bright didn't mean I was going to mark it for meat. Not when its wool was some of the softest I'd felt, and it was especially patient with the grandkids when they wanted to play." It'd almost been like having another nanny available, when the children's parents were busy with their own business of foraging and hunting to support their families. Though Adam had bemoaned caring for the sheep, she'd actually cared for it in her own way, and mourned the creature when it eventually passed away.
"What was its name," Lucifer asked, genuinely curious.
"Birn," Adam replied. "Birn the Burr." She finally finished cleaning Lucifer's hoof to her satisfaction. "Because of all the damn times I had to comb so much crap out of its wool." The first comb ever had been invented purely because of Birn. It'd been the size of Adam's hand, with four thick teeth, able to sort through Birn's thick-thick wool to pull out all the foliage Birn managed to pick up in a week's time. It'd been one of Eve's best inventions, and had saved Adam's fingers further abuse from the sharp twigs and tree needles that would get stuck in Birn's wool. How the beast had managed to collect so much debris in the pastures, Adam and Eve had never uncovered.
"You're good now," Adam proclaimed, setting Lucifer's hoof back into the water. "Your hooves could use a little trimming, but it's nothing urgent. Maybe in a week's time you'll need to give it some actual attention." With the task of cleaning Lucifer's hooves done, Adam turned to cleaning herself, tossing out the washrag she'd been using for a clean one.
While Adam started lathering up with some soap, Lucifer examined his hooves, blonde brows arching as he looked in awe at the difference made. "This looks better than when I use magic," he said, rotating one hoof so he could admire its underside. "Feels better, too. Yowza. You've got magic hands there, my Pretty Prickly Mistress!"
Adam scoffed at the syrupy sweet praise, rolling her eyes. "You said the same thing about me handling your balls a couple nights ago, Your Majesty." Still, it was nice to be appreciated. She brushed her foot against Lucifer's thigh beneath the water, lips curling with a naughty smile as she observed Lucifer's cheeks color that tangerine hue Adam knew so well.
Lucifer gulped, eyes going down to where Adam's foot was sliding up and down the inside of Lucifer's thigh beneath the water. "Wellllllllllll," he stretched out, voice taking on a higher pitch when Adam's toes found Lucifer's cock. "It's good manners to give credit where credit is due--oh!" He gasped when Adam's big toe rubbed against the tip of his dick. A pant rose from the king's throat. "Ada, as much as I would love to fuck around some more, we still have breakfast to get to, and that call we promised to make to Charlie."
Adam hummed, cocking her head to the side, making a face of consideration, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth, weighing her options, before she retracted her foot from its fondling between Lucifer's legs. As much as her ramped libido desired another go around, there were things that needed doing, and Adam remembered that the new Soul Counter was long overdue. She needed to check in with Charlie about her progress with her research, and start pulling together information so that they could start something substantial.
It's been over a month since we started, Adam reminded herself. If I keep lazing around, this shit won't get done until after Oz is born. And she'd be too occupied with her newborn baby and Lucifer to put any extra energy into starting up the Soul Counter.
With a sigh of reluctance, Adam resumed her scrubbing, washing away any sticky residue from her and Lucifer's earlier activities. "Sucks to suck," she grumbled, "Buuuuuuuuuuut you're right." She then threw the washrag at Lucifer's chest, the King of Hell just catching it. "We have work to do," Adam agreed, turning around so her back was to Lucifer. "So wash up my back quick, will you, goony? You're the one who wanted to finish on my back, anyways..."
"Orrrrrrrr," Lucifer started, wading his way over to Adam, seating him right at her back, "You could just ask nicely, like a normal person." Nonetheless, he began to tend to Adam's back, wiping away at the skin in careful, gentle circles. It was a relaxing experience, and Adam found herself leaning back into Lucifer's care, releasing an audible sigh of contentment, as well as a chuckle at Lucifer's suggestion.
"And why should the great Dick-Master of Humanity have to ask to get her back washed?" She looked back at Lucifer over her shoulder, grinning with ego she felt was rightly earned. "Especially from the devil whose dick the Dick-Master conquered."
Lucifer paused in his ministrations. With great amusement, he chuckled. "Is that what we're going to call me knocking you up from now on?" He resumed washing Adam's back. "Would make a far more interesting story: the naughty devil who met his comeuppance, ahem, literally, when his dastardly dick was valiantly, valiantly, conquered by the heroic Dick-Master?" He and Adam both laughed at how ridiculous the tale sounded aloud.
Adam's smile was rueful, and she shrugged her shoulders. "Hey," she humored. "You fucked it."
"And I will gladly do so, again aaaaaand again," Lucifer hummed with a melodic note.
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leiawritesstories · 1 year
Ahaha, I have another because I’m greedy 🙈 But this prompt for Rowaelin, please??:
I put you down as my emergency contact because I don’t know anyone else in the city, and we literally only met in passing, please forgive me but I am stuck at the ER and they won’t let me leave without you.
Thank you!
hehehehe okay so both you and @tomtenadia asked for this one and I really really hope this delivers 😈😁🥰
500 followers celebration prompt fills
Word count: 2.2k oops
Warnings: some angst and hurt BUT ONLY A LITTLE BIT I PROMISE and it's followed by so much comfort
Aelin blinked back into reality and found herself in a hospital bed, her body covered in a cotton gown, aches and dulled pains creeping back into her consciousness as her head cleared. She shifted and found her left arm in a sling, immobilized. She shook her head gently, trying to bring up the memories of just how the hell she'd ended up in the emergency room instead of back at her hotel.
"Good to see you awake," a woman's voice said from her right. Aelin turned her head to find a nurse, about her own age, clad in the same blue scrubs as the other staff. "You've been asleep for a solid few hours, probably thanks to the medication."
"Wh-what happened?" Aelin croaked.
The nurse pressed her lips together. "Do you remember a car accident?"
Just like that, the memories flooded back. Aelin had been sitting in the back of a taxi, heading from a coffee shop where she'd been at a casual post-session meeting back to her hotel in downtown Doranelle. As the taxi had driven through an intersection, a driver had run the red light in the opposite direction and hit the rear side of the taxi. Her memories got a little fuzzy after that, mostly just snippets of shock, confusion, flashing lights and sirens, and a vague recollection of being loaded into an ambulance.
"You remember?" the nurse asked. Aelin nodded. "Good. That's a good sign that you likely don't have a concussion." She scratched a few notes onto her clipboard. "Now that you're awake, we can finish discharging you. You're stable, so we won't need you to stay here."
"So I can go home?" Aelin signed the papers the nurse handed her.
"What do you mean, I can't go home?" Still a little out of it from the medication they'd given her, Aelin blinked at the ER nurse. "You just told me I don't need to stay."
"Let me clarify, then," the nurse replied. "You've been cleared to go home, but you have not been cleared to go home alone. You'll need someone to take you--and no, a taxi or an Uber doesn't count." A hint of a smile curled the corner of her lips at Aelin's disgruntled frown. "It's for your safety, Miss Galathynius. We don't want to see our ER patients back here within a few hours because they tried to do something they shouldn't have done."
Aelin sighed. "All right. You can call my emergency contact." She leaned back into the hospital bed. "I'd ask you to call my parents, but they live over a thousand miles away, so that isn't possible."
"As long as you have an emergency contact on file, that will be fine." The nurse placed Aelin's normal clothes in a small pile on the chair next to the bed. "I'll be back in a few minutes to let you know who's coming for you."
"Thanks." Aelin managed a half smile before tilting her head back and groaning. Gods. Of all the days and times to wind up in the ER, it had to be now, during her work trip to Doranelle. At least their healthcare system was well-funded and well-run; the staff who she vaguely remembered tending to her when she came in were polite, professional, and expertly trained. Muffling a grunt, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed, gripped the handrail, and stood up slowly, careful not to put too much weight on her legs at once. Shakily, she managed to stand up and reach for her clothes.
There, she got stuck. She couldn't get out of her hospital gown alone because the damn thing was tied in the back and her damn arm was in a sling to immobilize her injured shoulder.
She'd just screamed a string of foul curses into the pillow when there was a knock on the door and the nurse reappeared. "Good news, Miss Galathynius! A Mr. Rowan Whitethorn is on his way to pick you up."
Ah, shit. The thought of Rowan Whitethorn seeing her like this was almost enough to make her wish she'd been kept at the hospital.
"All right," was what she told the nurse. "I hope he's bringing food, because I am bloody hungry."
The nurse laughed. "I'm sure he'll be able to get you all the food you want once you're out of here." She handed Aelin a small paper bag. "There is a small quantity of pain medicine in here. I'd recommend taking it once or twice a day, depending on how severe your pain is, for the next four to seven days. You can take over-the-counter pain medications as well. After seven days, stop taking the prescription medication. If there's any left, you can bring it to any pharmacy here and they'll discard it."
Aelin nodded along. "Okay. Thank you." She flashed a soft smile at the nurse, who'd been nothing but kind to her.
"Of course." The nurse offered her a small smile in return and left the room.
Aelin considered whether or not it would be worth attempting to get into her normal clothes before Rowan got there and decided that it wasn't. If he had to walk her out of the hospital still wearing the godsdamned gown, then he would. Damn shoulder.
As if her thoughts had summoned him, Rowan Whitethorn pushed open the door and burst into the hospital room. His crisply pressed suit was disheveled, his tie loose around his neck, his collar undone, and his eyes were wild, almost panicky, as he crossed the room in two long strides and cupped Aelin's face in his hands.
"What the hell?!" She pulled away from him, hissing at the sharp twinge of pain caused by the sudden movement.
He stepped back, hands up. "You what the hell? Give me a fucking heart attack, why don't you, Galathynius?"
She rolled her eyes. "You barely even know me, Whitethorn. Shut it with the heart attack nonsense."
"No." He folded his arms across his chest and scowled. "Why the hell am I your emergency contact?"
"Because I'm a thousand miles from home, I don't live here, and you're the only person at this fucking seminar that's bothered to learn my name." The small rant spilled out of Aelin before she could stop it. "I needed to have someone on file, and your stupid face is the first name I thought of. You're lucky I had your business card, or I'd be stuck here until I convinced the nurse that I could Uber back to my hotel without dying."
Rowan's cranky expression morphed into mild shock, then concern. "So you weren't going to explain why in all hell your arm is in a sling and there's bruises all over you?"
"They're not all over me," she huffed. "There's some minor bruising on my clavicles, arms, and left cheek. And anyone who asks why I'm wearing a sling deserves to be told to shut the fuck up."
"Fair enough," he admitted. "Fine. I'll drive you back to your hotel." He offered one hand.
She held up her good hand. "Not so fast, Mr. Business. I need to change into my own clothes." She frowned. "But with this bloody sling, I can't get the gown untied."
To her immense shock, a blush spread up his angled cheekbones. "Um...should I call the nurse?"
"This is an ER, Whitethorn, not the regular hospital ward," she deadpanned. "I've been discharged, so as far as they're concerned, I'm no longer their patient. You can help me."
His blush deepened. "I..." He cleared his throat, schooling his face back into its usual impassive mask. "Fine. Tell me what you need help with."
She turned, presenting her back. "Untie the gown, please."
He mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like "she's trying to kill me" and carefully untied the gown, keeping his hands as far from her skin as possible. Which wasn't very far, since he was literally undressing her.
Aelin was still wearing her bra and underwear beneath the gown, and because she wanted to have a little fun, she let the gown drop to the floor instead of holding it up to herself. Rowan emitted a strangled cough and wheezed behind her. She smirked. "Is something wrong, Whitethorn?"
"Nothing," he grunted through clenched teeth. "Where are your clothes?"
"On the chair. Hand me my pants, please." He did, and she pulled on her slacks. "Blouse." The blouse was a little more trouble. Aelin got it halfway on and stopped, unable to wrangle her sling arm into the unbuttoned blouse. "Shit."
"Here." Unexpectedly, Rowan had picked up her sweater and draped it over her injured arm, careful to keep his touch light. He let her slip her good arm into the other sleeve, then buttoned the three big buttons on the front of the loose sweater. "Does that help?"
"Yes." She flashed him a small, hesitant grin. "Thanks."
He clutched his chest. "Polite words from Aelin Galathynius? What world is this?"
She rolled her eyes. "Don't be a jackass, Whitethorn, just let me grab my purse and we can get the hell out of here."
"Not so fast." He snatched her purse before she could reach it. "Are you supposed to be carrying this?"
"I still have one good arm," she sighed. "Give it to me." He raised one pale brow in disbelief. "Yes, Whitethorn, I can carry my purse. It's not too heavy for the limit they gave me."
Satisfied with that answer, he handed her her purse and held the door open as she walked out. "I'm parked kind of far away," he admitted as they left the ER building. "Couldn't find a closer spot."
"It's okay," she reassured him. "It's my arm that's injured, not my legs."
Her traitorous legs chose that very moment to wobble, betraying her strong façade.
"Mhmm," Rowan drawled, a smirk curving his lips.
She scowled. "Shut it."
He mumbled something indecipherable and, without warning, lifted her off her feet. "We'll actually get somewhere if I don't have to put up with your toddling," he teased.
Aelin's mouth dropped open. "Toddling?!"
His smirk grew. "Tell me you weren't as unsteady as a toddler and I'll call you a liar, Ae." The nickname fell from his lips as easily as his dry sarcasm.
"You're horrid," she grumbled, folding her arms.
"And look at that, we're already at my car!" he announced, triumphant. She sighed and let him help her into the passenger seat.
As they headed down the streets towards downtown Doranelle, Rowan flicked a glance over at her. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"
"Remember the accident that blocked up half of downtown earlier this afternoon?" she asked. He nodded. "I was in the taxi that got hit."
If he hadn't been driving, he would have stopped in his tracks. "You--what?"
"Rowan." Instinctively, she reached over and placed her good hand on his forearm. "I'm okay. It wasn't a huge crash."
"It wasn't--Aelin, do you know what happened at that intersection?"
"I remember my taxi getting hit."
His throat bobbed. "The driver that hit your taxi skidded on black ice and T-boned another vehicle. It was...it was bad."
She gasped. "I had no idea."
"Of course not," he murmured. "You were injured, Ae." He shifted one hand off the steering wheel so he could wrap it around her good hand. "There were some serious injuries, but everyone made it to the hospital in time and it seems like they're all stable. Police arrested the driver for DUII and reckless driving." His thumb rubbed across the back of her hand. "It's been all over the news and social media."
"I had no idea," she repeated, softly. "I...I'm glad everyone seems to be okay." She leaned back into the seat and was quiet for the rest of the drive back to her hotel.
At the hotel, Rowan surprised her again by parking, helping her out of the car, and grabbing a small duffle bag from the backseat of his car before accompanying her inside.
"What are you doing?" she hissed under her breath as he walked beside her to the elevator, his steadying hand on her lower back.
"I've been given orders to see you safely home," he drawled, mirth lighting his eyes.
She frowned. "I'm at my hotel, in case you haven't noticed."
He nodded. "You are. And I'm going to make sure you get to your room safe and sound."
"You going to pat me on the head and tuck me into bed, too?" she griped.
"Oh, I wouldn't mind putting you to bed, Aelin," he whispered into her ear. The heat concealed in his lazy words barreled down her spine, awakening a part of her that had absolutely no business being so active when she was supposed to be resting and recovering.
She stepped out of the elevator before Rowan and led him down the hall to her room, where she stopped, took a deep breath, and pressed her key card to the lock. The small screen flashed green, the door unlocked, and with her hand on the half-open door, Aelin turned to face Rowan, her calm voice belying her thundering heart.
"Stay with me, Ro?"
More emotions than she could count flashed across his face. He followed her into the hotel room, closed the door, and leaned himself against the door frame, resting the weight of his gaze on her.
"I'd love to."
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sulky-valkyrie · 10 months
Val! Can I get "there’s nothing you could have done." for Fenris/Anders?
You know it 💜 Honorable mention to @shardsof-stars because she'd requested a wee bit of Fenders on the run after the boom, and these two ideas ended up all tangled and muddied together and it doesn't quite use the dialogue and it doesn't quite have them on the run, but I'd like to think it fits the spirit (heh, Jsutice pun) of both thoughts
for @dadrunkwriting
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Kirkwall was burning, and Meredith had gone mad.  Or maybe Meredith's madness was why Kirkwall was burning.
It wasn't supposed to end like this.  No, that wasn't right.  It hadn't been supposed to keep going after this.  No, that wasn't right either.  He wasn't supposed to keep going.  
Boom, Justice and I are free.
It was supposed to be a symbol, a spark to light the fires of the world, to force Thedas to confront its prejudices, and to remind mages they could fight back.  And fight back they had, but Anders had never expected it like this.  A summary execution should’ve been his fate, or a show trial and a chance for him to make his case for the end of the Circles before being sentenced to death.
He hadn't accounted for Meredith's paranoia.  Well, he hadn't accounted for it enough.  Or her hatred.  Bloody knickerweasels, he'd confessed to her damn face, and she'd still blamed the whole of the Gallows and called for an Annulment.
Granted, he might still die today.  Orsino had nearly turned himself into a fucking abomination in a futile act of defiance and despair.  He shuddered.  If not for Merrill and her own demon, things would've been so much worse.  And it was bad enough already.
Meredith's sword sang with an oily discordant wrongness, jangling at his nerves and setting Justice on edge as she cut down her own people.  Even half an hour ago, the sight of Templars losing their guts and screaming would’ve given him grim satisfaction, but now, it was simply grim.  They fought against her as fiercely as they'd fought with her, and died just as easily.
He threw every spell he could, even healing fucking Cullen when the statues came to life and one batted him across the courtyard, but it still wasn't enough.  Over a dozen people stood against her, but they were starting to tire, and Meredith seemed unstoppable.  At least the rest of the Gallows mages made it out through the tunnels.
A whistle caught his attention, bright and piercing as it cut through the clatter of battle.  A whistle that sounded like -
"Ancestors balls, we can't leave you alone for one minute, can we?"
He glanced down and smiled, even as his heart clenched in fear.  "Siggy, babe, you're in the wrong place."
"Nah, we've been tracking that shit –" she waved a dagger toward Meredith "– for years. Good job making her show it."
"Is that what I did?" Anders asked sarcastically.  "Jolly good for me then."
A volley of fiery boulders rained down from the sky, battering Meredith to the ground. Velanna's work, no doubt.  
The new threat was apparently enough to send Meredith over the edge.  She looked as deranged as a blood mage as she climbed to her feet and shouted, “I will not be defeated!”
As she thrust her sword in the air, the horrible jangling feeling ramped up, like it was trying to crush his skull and burst it open from the inside at the same time, Sigrun winced and gritted her teeth. Interesting.  He'd assumed it had something to do with being a mage, or Justice's sensitivity to lyrium, but Sigrun was neither mage nor possessed.  
Interesting, but a question for a later time.  Even if he’d had the time to think about it, the pressure on his mind made everything blank with pain, as bad as what he remembered of the Joining, and when he started to worry that it might actually kill him, the damn sword exploded.
Shards of red lyrium flew out, but, for once, Templars actually came in handy.  What they didn’t block with their shields they blocked with their bodies, however unintentionally, leaving Hawke and the rest of Anders’ former-comrades unscathed.  At least they’ll be alive to hate me.
"Come on, we need to get you out of here."  Sigrun's hand caught his and she started to pull him away.  
Not how any of this was supposed to happen.  He resisted on reflex, but she was a Warden too, and built like bronto.  A small one, but a bronto nonetheless, full of densely packed muscle and maddening persistence.  
"Mage!"  Suddenly Fenris was there, tearing him from Sigrun's grasp and snarling, "You won't take him!"
His vehemence was a shock.  Fenris had barely spoken two sentences to him since the Chantry had exploded, but here he was, defending him again. Fruitlessly.  Anders had always known death would be the only escape from the Wardens.  "Fenris, there's nothing you can do," he sighed.
"Venhedis!”  He put his arm across Anders’ chest and glared at Sigrun.  “You won’t take him,” he repeated.
Sigrun held up her hands, not quite in surrender, but an obvious gesture of goodwill and grinned.  “Stones, Anders, you’ve been making friends again, haven’t you?”
“Er… in a way?”  He pushed Fenris’ arm down gently.  “What do you want with me?”
Before she could answer the paving stones shattered as a tangled mass of roots forced its way up next to her and Velanna stepped out, face pinched in even more irritation than usual.  “What are you standing around for, let’s go!”
Fenris reached for his sword.  “He goes nowhere he doesn’t wish to.”
“Oh for the Maker’s sake, Fenris, please,” Anders said before turning back to Velanna.  “Where are we going?”
She rolled her eyes.  “Where do you think?  The Chantry will be baying for your blood any moment now!  You know as well as I do that the Deep Roads are the safest place for you.”
He shuddered at the suggestion, but couldn’t find a fault in her logic.  I should’ve planned for this better.  He glanced back at Hawke, still arguing with Varric.  Probably about him.  He inhaled slowly and rubbed at his face.  “Let’s go.”
Sigrun and Velanna nodded, then headed toward the docks.  As Anders moved to follow them, Fenris fell in step behind him.  “You may be a fool, but you're my fool.”  His voice was soft, but challenging.  Daring Anders to argue with him, just like old times, yet nothing like them at all.
Debate wouldn’t solve this.  He was a fool.  Foolish to believe Meredith would blame the right man.
“I’m sorry.”  Once the apology fell from his mouth, the words wouldn’t stop, a rush of everything he’d wanted to say since he’d started planning this.  “I should’ve - I’m not sorry I did it, but I wish it hadn’t come to it, and I’m sorry she made it worse, but there was nothing you could’ve done.  I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, or Hawke - sorry that I used you, that I lied about –”
Fenris pushed him to the wall and cupped his chin.  “Hush, mage.  You think there was nothing I could’ve done?  You asked for explosives: saltpeter and flammable stone.  You asked for help distracting the Grand Cleric.  Nothing I could’ve done?”  He kissed him softly.  “Anders, I did everything, not nothing, and I’m not leaving you for this or anything else, and there’s nothing you can do about that.”
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imagoddamnonionmason · 3 months
Goose! Please tell me, is there a headcanon about Frank x Jodie's relationship that's been rotating in your mind but you haven't revealed yet?
Hi E!
YES! There is! I'll preface this with I'm pretty certain I've not mentioned it, but if I have, it will have been in passing; at least now I can go into a little more detail about it! I will also be adding a read more cause I think it's gonna get long-
One head canon I have for their relationship is how they ground each other in situations where their emotions either might be heightened or going through something mentally. For example, in some of my writings already, I've shown Jodie's moments of having little flashbacks, or reactions to certain stimuli that trigger a traumatic response due to her brainwashing (and general trauma). This is something that we could also attribute to Frank, too, given his long service in the military.
So, to get to the specifics, it's a small, subtle action. Simply, when either of them notices the other might need a little grounding, a reminder that they're not alone, or that they need to calm down, they will use their fingertips/knuckles of their fingers to either brush or tap lightly on the other person's hand/wrist.
The reason I've been thinking about it is because I knew that Jodie would be the kind of character that, when in turmoil, wouldn't want to be touched. If she's angry, upset, crying, she will not want to be touched (unless you asked and she invited it).
But I was also thinking that, especially given that Jodie has been brainwashed and Frank now has two people in his life that have gone through similar things, Frank would probably have a better idea of how to manage the moments where Jodie is 'not present'.
I've also seen it knocking around that Frank will also do something similar with Alex, those friendly pushes in cutscenes are a tactic Frank uses to make sure Alex is still grounded. Although I saw that after I'd already been thinking about this with Jodie and Frank, but it was nice to see that my understanding of Frank's character seemed to line up! Like, of course Frank would do something like that.
BUT Jodie does this for Frank, too.
I just thought having something so subtly intimate as a way for these two to interact in time of needing comfort (but maybe not wanting to be overwhelmed) is what will give me life right now.
BONUS: I had been speaking with @alypink regarding a face claim post I reblogged where Jodie's face claim, Kate Beckinsale, was wearing glasses. I do have a little headcanon that Jodie wears reading glasses to ensure she doesn't get eye strain.
POINT BEING, when they're in the workplace, maybe Jodie is reading some intel, combing through Birdseye view pictures of terrain - whatever it is. She's intently focused, enough that she wouldn't see Frank walking by. Just a little torment, maybe to break her attention for a split second (because this man knows Jodie will work herself into a hole and not take a break) he gently knocks the side of her glasses and sends them slightly skewed on the bridge of her nose.
Frank gives me an air of being able to be mischievously charming XD she'd look up at him, pouting with the glasses not corrected and he probably gets a little laugh out of it, whilst also achieving making sure that Jodie gets a small break (even if she doesn't realise that's his goal).
Sure he could straight up say, "take a break" but Jodie would also just be like "one more thing and then I will" but... respond that every damn time. Frank gets creative in making her break eye contact with the pages.
This headcanon is something a little softer, less serious, but thanks to Aly I couldn't stop thinking about that scene in my head.
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axailslink · 2 years
I just realized I forgot to add the character lol
“There was love”- Alex Isley
And the character is riri
Is there still love?
Riri Williams x poc FEM reader
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Summary: a fanfic based on the song "There was love" by Alex Isley in which Riri and the reader have recently broken up and they're acting as if they don't know each other but it's really hard when Riri and the reader know just how much they loved each other.
As you're in bed all your mind can do is replay the events of last week the yelling, the pushing and the cursing it was one hell of an event. You remember it a bit too well you want to forget and just remember the good moments of eating ramen because that's all you could afford or dancing with her mom because you were the only girl she liked. You can't deal with this but you can't sulk either you have class in fifteen and you're still in your pajamas. Even as you shower and get dressed all you can think of is her and how you wish you could mend the relationship but it's been a week you're long past mending and healing. When you arrive at your lecture you don't even bother to look in her direction because why would you? It's over you both are better off this way heartbroken and wishing for what you had in the past.
The lecture seems as if it's half the day when it's finally finished you grab your things only to see Riri standing right behind you with the bracelet you bought for her "I'm not taking that" you grab your bag and she sighs "please I can't keep it it's a reminder of you" "Riri I'm not taking back the gift I gave you I want you to have it even if we aren't together." She sighs again but this one is shaky as she breathes out and you can tell she's on the verge of tears. "Take the fucking bracelet" she adverts her gaze to your hands and shoves it in them when she looks back up at you her eyes are glassy and you almost break right there. She doesn't give you enough time to have a reaction as she hurriedly walks away. She'd given you back everything your hoodies your gifts but this one hurt the most. She never took this bracelet off she loved this bracelet it meant so much to her and this was the end you knew this was the end. She wouldn't have given this bracelet up if it was the last thing that could save her life in an apocalypse.
You can't. You just can't let her block you out completely like she did everyone else you can't become a nobody in her eyes not when you've seen all of her and loved all of her you wouldn't dare go back to being a nobody. You grab your things and follow her to her dorm before she can close the door you push past and close it for her "no Riri hell no! Okay I fucked up I did I lied I admit that but you can't just forget me you can't lock those feelings away" you grab her hand and she glares at your hand but she doesn't move "I only asked one thing of you and it was to never lie to me and you did it anyways! You lied to me!" You grab both hands now "I lied for your safety I knew you'd hate me but I lied for your safety! People want you dead...People want Ironheart dead and honestly truth be told fuck Ironheart but I love my girlfriend more anything in this world and if she is Ironheart I damn sure wouldn't let the world know it. I'd lie millions of times for you." She gasps at these words "you know?" You shrug "do you think I'm stupid? I can recognize you from your choice of words Riri you stopped showing up at a certain time, you came to your dorm tired, you had bruises, when Ironheart was being spotted you were gone it wasn't that hard to put 2 and 2 together. I lied to you for you! So hate me so fucking be it but I lied I ruined us for your safety. So keep the damn bracelet because you will not forget me or the love we shared. I love you and I will never stop loving you." You let your hands embrace her face as you stare at her tear stricken face you know better but you can't help yourself as you plant a kiss on her lips she kisses back immediately missing your touch. "I'm sorry I'm so sorry baby I would never lie to you if I didn't have to" she nods "I know." When you both pull apart you both have tears in your eyes "I know there was love once but is there still love?" You let your hand gently keep her near you as it holds her securely close to you as it lays on her lower back. "I don't know." It's a heartbreak but you understand as you nod and pull away. "Don't leave me..." You nod "I would never" you sit on her bed and pat the empty space beside you. "I would never."
A/n: this got a bit sad 😭 sorry
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wrightingdungeon · 4 months
My Tav OC
People seem to like young Tav so I thought I would introduce my little Tav. In my actual DND Game they are around 16 and I just aged them up for BG3 so they would fit more. 
She is a changeling but I use an elf for a base, idk if there is a race mod that will allow changelings like Orin, but also my laptop will probably burn up worse than Karlach if add anymore Mods.
Also all of this is my Headcanon, I just think it's cute having a no brain cell baby save the world
Heres a screen shot -
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Name: Sunny
Age: 16
Gender: doesn't care, they can be anyone *Watch the movie Nimona*
Race: Changeling
Class: Archer *a little multiclass in Bard*
Like family: Wyll, Karlach and Jaheira 
Best friends: Minsc, Boo , Scratch, and Fluffy (Owlbear cub)
Friends: Halsin, and Shadowheart
Awkward: Gale and Lae,zel
STR: 12
DEX: 17
CON: 13
INT: 7
WIS: 15
CHA: 11
About Sunny:
“Who has their brain cell?” is a sentence you would hear if it were modern times, and truth be told his little twin sister has both of their brain cells.
Had always dreamed of leaving the Feywild, but had no idea she'd leave with a parasite in her head
Lae'zel did not take finding a changeling on the notaloid well AT ALL, scared the poor baby into taking the form of a dead adult human they saw. *she panicked a bit before pushing the body off the ship, first time they touched a dead body*
Had never left their sister's side, when they woke up on the beach all alone their sobs and yells for her woke up Shadowheart
Is itching to change their skin and do so at night when everyone's sleeping
That's how Asterion figured out their secret. He was feeding one night and watched Sunny sneaking off, following them he saw her change back into her normal skin. “Well, it seems camp has two monsters hiding in it.”
They cry at being called a monster, but they understand why Astarion said so when he admitted to being a vampire 
I'd imagine Sunny's blood would taste like printer ink and it makes Astarion try and scrub his tongue clean. Astarion does not bite them again
Meeting Wyll was like one of those fairy tale knight stories she had been told. Looks up to him. Approached him in the Grove like a shy fan asking for an autograph 
She and Wyll are “Blade Buddies” She does not have a blade she has arrows, and no brain cells
Even after finding out the swamp was a trick He still ate the apples because “who poisons apples?” they had a bad tummy ache, and Wyll kept scolding her while the others laughed 
Is not allowed within twenty feet of the fire because one day their potions and other liquid items were frozen and she thought it would be smart to warm them up in front of the fire…. She forgot to pull out the Alchemist's Flame flasks and damn near nuked the camp.
Wyll's dance scene is the tiefling party. She tells him she's never danced but loved to watch the higher courts dance. He happily shows her how to dance laughing when he spins them because of their happy squeals 
Sunny and Alfira serenade the camp till the last dancer falls
They aint smart but dont get in their sight, they are a marksman at heart.
Would be a Gunslinger class, but hes never seen a gun in his life. Mey Rin from Black Buttler vibes if he was given a glock
Wyll, Karlach, and Jaheira find out she is a changeling mid-fight. She gets knocked out of her human form and they attack her due to their not knowing it's their leader, thinking shes one of Orins goons who took their Sunny
Wyll stops them, shielding Sunny with himself, when he realizes that the crying Changeling is Sunny. “Stop! Stop….” “Sunny?”  “Hey, it's OK, it's ok… Blade Buddies right?”
Wyll is having a massive life-shattering moment back at camp both his best friends are things he swore to kill, but they aren't, they are his family. He feels so much guilt about how he let himself be lied to
Hold up Wyll though higher courts meant kings and queens, finding out Sunny is from THE Feywild just has him more confused 
Talking about the Feywild with them Wyll and Karlach are the first to find out Sunny is only 16. Wyll looks like -
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Karlach is just laughing at him and reminds him she was 15 when she became a hell soldier. Wyll needs a drink
#got fucked before 18 trio 
Lae'zel does ask Sunny if they know Orin, and no Lae'zel not all changelings know each other
God's help Gale… He always hung out at camp due to being a walking bomb and always eatting Sunny's shiny things. So when he mistakes their begrudgingly kind acts…. it…. It didn't go well for him
It's like a fucking benny hill chase scene. Gale running for his life, Ablaze Karlach, Lighting shooting Wyll, Scratch and Fluffy *Owlbear Cub* just thinks they are running around playing.
Wyll slapping tadpoles out of Sunny's hand like a parent trying to keep a child from eating sand and rocks
Sunny will fall asleep on Jaheira, Wyll, and Halsin. She forgot and passed out into Karach one night, that was fun
Minsc and Sunny get into so much trouble they, don't mean to, Boo told them it was a good idea
When Mizora tried to make it impossible to save Wyll's father. Sunny did try shooting a arrow right between her pretty eyes
Honestly had no idea Orin was in the camp, they thought Gortash was just scaring them
You bet your sweet ass Sunny and Wyll are following Karlach to the hells
One day fighting the hell swarms a portal opens a similar-looking hand just out and motions them to come in. Thinking it's withers throwing another rager they run through.
It's the Feywild, it's Sunny's younger twin sister Sage. She had been searching like a hound dog for her sister.
Of course Sage helps Karlach with her heart, she helped keep her twin safe after all.
They live happily ever after yay!
Thank you for reading my silly little Headcannon, it was fun to put Sunny out in the world
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ikkaku-of-heart · 4 months
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@celestiialnotes asked: " Your sail looks good from what I can tell. Nothing else needs to be replaced. Typical wear and tear but nothin' needing immediate attention. " A brief pause as he gently knocks on the metal frame of the Polar Tang. " Seen plenty of different ships but this has gotta be a first for me. Ain't half bad. Looks like it's well taken care of. " - Paulie
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The Polar Tang was a unique ship, and Ikkaku was generally considered the best person qualified to fix her after any given attack, accident, or just due to general wear and tear. It was a job the engineer was proud to do, giving her best day in and day out, making sure her beautiful submarine was getting the best care possible.
Yet despite her skills and natural inclination towards all things mechanical, Ikkaku also knew there was always something new to learn. And while traditional shipwrights would likely have nothing useful to add, or even have even the slightest understanding of such a magnificent, highly advanced submarine, the ones on Water 7 were considered the best in the world. If there were anyone who could teach her something, it would be them.
Hell, sometimes just getting an outsider's perspective was useful, so when the Hearts had stopped at the famous Captial of Water, she'd insisted on getting the Tang looked at, just to ensure there was nothing she could improve on or had missed.
The blonde shipwright - Paulie, if she had heard right - had certainly taken his job seriously, which Ikkaku appreciated. And she appreciated the comment about her submarine being well taken care of just as much. "Thanks," she said, beaming with pride. "She's the most beautiful and unique ship I've ever seen. From the moment I first laid eyes on her, I knew she was the best damn vessel in the four Blues. And I can promise she's looked after. I'm the head engineer, so I do my damnedest to keep her in tip-top shape."
Resting a hand on the yellow hull, she hummed in contentment. "I'd be surprised if you'd seen anything like her, but I guess if anyone would have, it'd be you folks. Bet you've seen all kinds of beauties sail in, eh?" she asked, giving the man a playful wink.
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getlostsquidward · 2 years
ring out the bells
pairing: agatha harkness x reader
warnings: shite writing. happy ending 😁
a/n: song used is when i met you
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Agatha is never shy.
With the exception of this particular minute as she looks at your face for any answer. 
“What? It's ugly, is it? I knew it, my skills are rusty. Here, let me throw it for you—”
“You knew how to knit?! And I didn't know? Oh god, I feel like I'm the worst girlfriend ever,” you hid your face in the fuzzy sweater, holding it so close to you so she can't get it back and probably light it on fire.
Needless to say, Agatha was confused. She initially thought you didn't like it, so it wasn't the reaction she'd had in mind while staying up late, yarn and needles in hand. Why she still continued on knitting the damn thing thinking that way, she didn't know.
But the adorable pout you have right now is certainly way better than whatever she thought of.
“I know how much you love handmade crafts and figured...I haven't made you one yet.”
“I love it, Aggie,” you say as you caress the fabric, a warm smile on your lips. “Is there a superlative form for ‘I love it’? I think that isn't enough...”
Agatha chuckles at your ramblings. Having you appreciate her gift was enough. Having you here is enough.
Her trance was broken as you shivered loudly, even Agatha could see the way your skin pricked at the cold. While she very much likes the view of your exposed arms, her heart was warmed by how you looked with the sweater on.
“It's so warm. I think I don't need any kind of heat from now on just with this.”
“Don't you want your ‘human body heater’?”
You looked at her with an exaggerated gasp, feigning shock. “How dare you say that! Come here,” you opened your arms, waiting for Agatha to slot herself up on the space. As soon as she wrapped her arms around you, you nuzzled your head against her chest, a deep sigh leaving you.
You didn't know when one of you had started swaying, but you find yourself humming along to the song that plays from your phone. You have half a mind asking Agatha to switch to a more Christmas-y song, but given the moment, romantic and sappy ones would do.
She kisses the top of your head, her chest bursting with warmth, love, and happiness she could cry. Her mind goes on a little trip down memory lane as the song plays.
Then you came, you brought me out of the shell. You gave the world to me, and before I knew
There I was, so in love with you
The song perfectly sums up how you brought light to Agatha's world. She was so used to the darkness she didn't think it was possible to see a spark — of hope, of love. A spark of everything she thinks she doesn't deserve.
But you showed her otherwise, and let it ignite within her.
You taught me how to love, and darling, I will always cherish you.
Today, tomorrow, and forever.
Agatha pauses the song seconds before it ends — and before you could ask her why, she gets down on one knee, and conjures out an elegant ring, the details too intricate for her to have just made it up now, but you wouldn't put it past her brilliant mind and magic.
She popped the question in one breath, which she is still holding as she awaits your response. Her bright blue eyes look up at you, hopeful, though you could see fear swirling behind them.
“I'd marry you in this lifetime, in the next, and all that follows, Agatha Harkness.”
Agatha could never ask for more.
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How do you think each classmate would react to the news of who is in the Ishimaru family ?
(ex : Leon's reaction when he learn that half the class is in Taka's family)
Hmmm, good question! I actually did something like this a long while ago when the family was smaller.
Class 78 is a huge amount of reactions. They're all trying to grasp onto how that was possible. Taka, Kiyo, Sayaka, Hina, Toko and Chihiro were siblings???
Makoto was definitely the most shocked, probably overreacting kinda shocked. Like, a loud ass "HUH?!" But he does think it makes sense. It made sense why they were all hanging out together everyday and all walked home (along with Mondo. But that's because Taka and Mondo are dating.) He's glad for a lot of them, though he is confused on how the Ishimarus were able to adopt them. But he doesn't say anything.
Leon definitely used that to ask Taka about Sayaka and how he can get a date with Sayaka. Right after his moment of shock. As he never saw that coming. (He does think that Taka's dad is sleeping with everyone's parents and that's why they're siblings. But that's not it, he's just stupid.) "Damn, Taka, your dad is getting LAID?!" (I make myself laugh.)
Yasuhiro wasn't shocked at all, given he already had knowledge of it all. Takaaki and his mom talk, they're best friends. He was the first to find out.
Mondo also wasn't shocked at all. Given he's dating Taka and all. But he was surprised at the fact Hiro knew before him. Mondo's the one dating Taka! How come he found out second???
Celeste said she figured as much, she all assumed they were good friends and that was the reason why they all walked home together. But they were siblings. Which made sense whenever she'd see Hina and Sayaka care each other, like if they were sisters. Or why Taka always brought Hina's swimwear whenever she'd forget. Things like that.
Byakuya didn't care that much. He was just surprised on how Takaaki Ishimaru could pay for the expenses of so many kids. Given what he knows about the Ishimarus financial situation. (He'd be very much aware of it, given the Togami and Ishimaru past bonds business-wise.) Then again, they can use the money Sayaka gets from being an idol. But he knows that they wouldn't. (He thinks it's foolish.) He just makes a remark and goes about his time.
Hifumi just exclaimed in shock. Just as surprised as all the others. (I really don't know what to write, lol. We can either go him being a perv about it or just what I wrote.)
Junko and Mukuro don't really care. Junko just says that she's kind of surprised that Taka of all people can have so many siblings. And not get annoyed by that. She finds it funny. Mukuro really doesn't care. She shrugs and says "Okay."
Sakura is at least happy that her friends are happy as siblings. Especially those who don't have the best home life.
Kyoko smirks and says she knew all along. Causing everyone to be surprised. But then again, she's very observant. Plus her dad is the headmaster, they keep a profile on everyone and their home life. Things like that.
Class 77 is just as surprised! Two underclassmens dads just adopted their classmates. There was definitely a lot of chatter about it throughout the class.
Hajime is surprised. But he doesn't have much of a reaction. Good on them! He can't say he's so surprised, but he is.
Fuyuhiko knew that Peko was part of the Ishimarus. She doesn't hide that much from him. So he doesn't react. He doesn't even react for the others.
(Uhhh, I don't know what to write for the others because my brain is so deaddd. I just repeated for most of these ughhhh. I'm sad I haven't played SDR2 or else I'd be able to write moreee. I'll get back to you later. I'm sorry!!! That's all I have!!! It's so badddd!!! I'll try to find my original post.)
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(Take this pudding as an apology.)
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