#if y'all don't make more content for my mans I'll face God and write it all myself
viviennevermillion · 2 years
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Teasing them
notes: guess who's back to writing about twisted wonderland? i always run back to this fandom eventually snfhsjfjd also y'all can bet I'm replacing leona's header with the new card as soon as we have it because god I've been thinking about this man since I saw it and he's taken over all of my braincells. sorry leona's is shorter, i wrote riddle first and then ran out of brain juice
contains: character x gn!reader, established relationship, reader is a menace
characters included: riddle rosehearts, leona kingscholar
warnings: none
dark content creators and consumers dni
Riddle hates being teased. Or rather, he hates the fact that he's absolutely kinda into it if you have a mischievous side. In his heart he still feels the pressure to follow every rule to utmost perfection but you're like a siren with horrible ideas slowly luring him into chaos.
You'll walk up to him sitting at the table in the Heartslabyul kitchen, wrapping your arms around his shoulders from behind and resting your head on his. "What are you doing there, Riddle~", you start and he lets out a sigh, already anticipating nothing productive from you right now. "I'm writing down every odd number up to 487 because it's a Tuesday and the rules of the Queen of Hearts say that at 6pm the dorm leader- y/n what are you doing?", he pouts and blushes when you sit down on his lap, hugging him close.
"Affection", you explain and press a kiss to his cheek. "I can see that, but I have to write down the numbers", he sighs again but gives in when you press your lips to his, kissing him gently but passionately. He eventually pushes you away gently. "I really need to finish this, y/n", he says and you get up, walking towards the doorframe.
"Aw, what a shame", you sigh dramatically, "and here I thought we could cuddle and I could spoil you a bit with some kisses....oh well, another time then."
With that you exit the kitchen and lay down on the bed in Riddle's room, picking up a book in the meantime. You glance at the clock. I'll give him 20 minutes at maximum, you think to yourself and chuckle.
And within those 20 minutes he's back in the room, making his way towards you. "Not. a. word", he just gives you an empty warning and lays down next to you, snuggling up to you and resting his head on your shoulder. You don't look up from your book but wrap an arm around him and start playing with his hair. He rolls his eyes at the shit-eating grin on your face.
"Did you finish writing your numbers, love? ~ ☆"
"Yes", he mumbles quietly and buries his face in your neck. You let out a laugh. "You've always been a horrible liar."
You put your book aside and lift his chin up to press a kiss to his lips. And then another. And Riddle melts into your embrace in frustration, indulging your whims and kissing you back lovingly. "You're gonna be the death of me", he whispers quietly, still blushing. His lips brush against yours while he speaks because of how close he is. "I love you too", you wink at him and kiss him again.
When you go to the kitchen later to pick up some food, Cater sits there with Riddles sheet of paper and the numbers. "Hey! I don't know about you, but the last time I checked 487 was not the number that came after 93!", he comments with his usual laid-back demeanor. Riddle pulls the paper out of Cater's hands and blushes furiously. He turns around only to be met with a smirk from you as you raise an eyebrow. "You only made it to 93?" "Shut up."
On Thursdays according to the rules of the Queen of Hearts, the Heartslabyul students aren't allowed to eat dark foods. What a perfect day for you to make a chocolate cake for Riddle. Trey and Cater absolutely have a blast with the fact that you can play your boyfriend like a fiddle and Trey gladly helps you with the cake. He's pretty happy that you've been the reason Riddle has becoming more and more lax with the rules.
"Y/n, have you forgotten again? We don't eat dark foods on Thursdays", Riddle looks at you with a disappointed expression. "Aw but I made this specifically for you and it turned out great honestly", you look to the floor with an obviously false sad expression, "guess I'll have to eat all of it alone."
And then you sit down directly across him and eat that chocolate cake. "Okay fine, give me a slice", Riddle sighs and you can tell he really loves that cake once he started eating it, which brings out a smile from you.
"You're the personified antithesis to everything Heartslabyul stands for", Riddle crosses his arms on the table and buries his head in them. "Personally I think I'm an enrichment for this dorm." "You've brought dishonor to our hedgehogs."
Leona is a tease himself but he absolutely wasn't expecting for you to turn the tables on him on a regular basis.
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"Y/n, stop that", he growled at you. "I don't know what you mean~", you smiled at him brightly and poked his ear again with the blade of grass, causing it to flick uncontrollably. You thought it looked adorable.
Leona had decided to take another nap in the Botanical Garden and you felt like keeping him some company. Somehow, "company" had escalated into annoying your boyfriend for your own personal amusement. He had already slept for 11 hours before this, he could stay awake now.
Leona turned around and grabbed your wrist, pulling the grass out of your hand and throwing it as far as he could from that position.
Then he rested his head on your lap, ready to resume his attempts at sleeping. "Oh, would you rather I do this instead?", you smirk and start gently rubbing his ear. You knew how much he loved this. But Leona didn't want to admit that. "I'd rather you just let me sleep, herbivore", he just growled and closed his eyes again.
"Okay", you responded and shrugged, stopping your motions and instead deciding to look through Magicam for a bit. As you had expected, Leona was starting to grow quite agitated. He had his eyes open again, staring at nothing in particular and his tail was flicking back and forth.
"Is something the matter, Leona?", you ask sweetly but he sees right through you. Now one of his ears flicks even without you making it do that. A desperate but subtle sign that Leona wanted you to continue your affections. He simply let out a "tsk" sound in response and glared at a nearby tree in frustration. Why can't this man ever say what he wants?, you sighed and crossed your arms in front of your chest. "You know, you can't expect me to indulge you if you never tell me what you want", you said with a genuine tone. Leona sighed. He knew you were right. "Can you resume with the ear thing?", he mumbled and grabbed your hand to hold in his. After a bit of hesitation he added an even quieter "please", which made your hand wander back to his ear and gently caress the soft fur.
You could feel Leona relaxing and his breathing became very calm. He closed his eyes again and his tail curled around your leg as he left featherlight kisses on the wrist of your other hand. You looked down at him with a smile.
It was still pretty early in your relationship and you knew Leona had trouble opening up to you about his feelings and wanting your affection. He felt a little like that would make him look even more pathetic if you one day just chose to leave him for someone better. He became so used to only being second-best, that his sense of pride; originally used to protect him; has gotten in the way of him making the most of your time together. But as time went on, he'd become more comfortable addressing his wishes and feelings with you and for now you were ready to give him the patience he needed.
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I Need Thee Every Hour
Nobody asked, but I delivered!  It’s Pucci Time, Lads.
Additional Warnings: gaslighting(ish), unreality.  Mild internalized ableism.  I was raised Protestant and therefore know next to nothing about Catholicism, do not come for me for this.
“Napping in the confessional again, child?”
Your eyes startle open, and you jerk back from the warmed wood lattice your cheek had been pressed against with a little gasp.  You find yourself rubbing at the sticky skin with one hand, self conscious, even as your mind catches up to the present and you realize the other man has no way of seeing you.
“No.  No, Father, I was—“
The priest’s chuckle is low, musical, and you find your excuses faltering without him even saying anything.
“There’s no need.  Nobody else is here…and it’s better for the bench to be used for rest, rather than not at all, I’d think.”
You’re still working past the confusion that always muddles your first minute or so of wakefulness, so your grasp on reality isn’t very firm yet.  There’s a moment where you feel ten years younger, back on that sweltering summer afternoon (it is quite warm in here.  The air feels heavy in your lungs) when you’d been caught sneaking cigarettes by one of the nuns from your school.  The feeling—of being caught in some petty, irreverent act by a lovingly admonishing authority figure—is exactly the same, even if your reverence for the clergy has faded to a vestigial politeness and the age difference has changed from fifty years to maybe five.
The moment passes, however, and the confusion morphs into cold dread.
It’s happened again.
“I’m happy to see you again so soon, but I’ll admit this wasn’t what I had in mind when I asked you to start coming to church more.” It’s a testament to Father Pucci’s charisma that you can hear the smile in his voice, as if indulging in a shared joke. It’s a testament to your own composure that he can’t detect your distress as you try to piece together your last few moments of awareness, but it’s disjointed and futile, like forcing together puzzle pieces from opposite sides of the board.
Over the past couple of months or so, you’d been experiencing…you’d been calling them Skips.  Fainting episodes or blackouts wasn’t the right term for what was happening; during those, you would have collapsed to the floor and awaken some time later, in the same place.  You wouldn’t have remembered doing anything because you didn’t do anything.
(You would have preferred it if you’d simply been having blackouts.  These would have an explanation, some kind of cause.  You could justify going to the hospital.  People would be worried about you.)
Skips were different.  You would start in one place and find yourself in another, hours later.  People would try to continue conversations you didn’t have the start of, or mention seeing you somewhere you had no business being.  Even now, what Father Pucci said about seeing you again so soon—when was the last time?  Could you work out what was said without him getting suspicious?  
Why was it that you would sometimes, for no real reason, simply not remember what you were doing?
After the first couple times you’d noticed it happening, you hesitantly typed your question into the library’s search engine—something to the effect of ‘doing things without remembering’—but when you started reading words like psychotic break and split personality disorder, you became overwhelmed, fleeing the librarian’s gaze in a mad dash for the refuge of your home.  You canceled the doctor’s appointment you’d scheduled for the next day.  Dinner was cold leftovers alone rather than at the diner with your friends, and their numerous phone calls went unanswered; you were too afraid.  Were you going crazy?  Did that just happen to people?
It’s only when Pucci stops that you realize he’d been talking to you, and for a very scary moment you think it’s happened again, but you’ve just been too absorbed in your thoughts to pay attention.
“I’m sorry, Father,” you mutter, “I’ve…I guess I have a lot on my mind, lately.”
Your friends had been getting impatient with your newfound absentmindedness, but Pucci just hums.  Perhaps priests are used to talking to people busy thinking of other things.
“Look around,” he points out, and you catch a glimpse of movement through the screen as he shifts a little closer to where you sit, “there’s no better place in the world for a moment of quiet contemplation.  Given what you were doing before I got here, though,” and here you can hear that quietly teasing smile in his voice again, “perhaps a cup of tea and a walk would do more good for your thoughts.  Come; perhaps I can even convince you to tell me what the problem is.”
The aged wood creaks as he gets up and exits his side of the booth, clearly expecting you to do the same.  You follow suit, though you can’t help but notice the lack of stiffness in your body, despite your unnatural sleeping position.  You weren’t there for very long, then.  No more than a few minutes…but what were you doing, and why did you come here?  Answers remain stubbornly out of reach as your eyes adjust to the brighter interior of the cathedral, roving along the empty pews until you turn to see Father Pucci, adjusting some of the candles nearby.
Something in his free hand catches your eye, glinting in the afternoon sunlight filtering through stained glass.  You can’t help but blink in surprise.
“You listen to CDs, Father?  That’s very modern.  I didn’t think priests could do that.”
Pucci turns the disc over in his hand, considering it carefully, and then slips it into his sleeve.  There’s a flicker of something in his expression, something strange and intense, before his features rearrange themselves into something more casual, and you could easily believe you’d imagined it entirely.
“I really shouldn’t, you’re right.  I suppose I can’t help it…even when I know I have work to do, I find I’m doing it again.  Something about…” his eyes meet yours, and he coughs, a little awkwardly, and turns away.
You find yourself smiling, in spite of the cold fear still dragging at your footsteps as you follow him out of the chapel.  “Alright, Father, I won’t tell anyone.  Though now I have to know: what genre are you into?  Jazz?  Classical, Disco…not, Rock, surely?”
“A Capella, actually,” he shrugs, opening another door for you to walk through, “instruments are wonderful, of course, and they’re doing exciting things with modern electronics, but there’s something untouchable about the human voice, especially one so steeped in holiness.”
“Ah.”  The answer is more boring, somehow, than you expected.  A Capella is…well, it’s typical for a priest, isn’t it?  Too in character.  For a moment you were sure you’d learn something interesting about your unlikely friend, but he’s slipped back into the comfortable realm of the proper clergyman.
It’s only when you reach another set of doors—and this time you open it to admit him, rather than the other way around—that you realize you had been leading the way to the kitchenette, despite never being there before.  You’re not able to do much with this thought, however, because Pucci’s already pouring a cup from the waiting kettle and sliding it towards you with a sly smile and a whiff of bergamot.  His hands don’t brush yours as you take the cup, though you think you see his fingers twitch and imagine it’s because of desire.  Maybe he sees how stressed you are and wants to comfort you, but can’t.  Do they teach people not to touch at seminary?  Is it one of their vows?
You’re only here for the drink, you tell yourself as you stir in milk and sugar and watch him drop a lemon slice into his own cup.  Only here for the drink, and then you’ll be on your way, off to try to work out what had transpired in your missing hours.
There’s a nameless tension in the silence that reigns, as you drink without tasting and nibble listlessly at a shortbread cookie from the nearby plate.  The lull in conversation doesn’t feel like an absence of words, but an expectation of them, like he already knows you’re going to say something and is ready whenever you are.  You’re not going to tell him anything, of course.  The guilt can twist at your stomach all it likes, you won’t be saying a word to him.  You can’t make everyone you know worry about you.
You don’t last three sips.
“Father, I think I’m going crazy,” you blurt out, and regret it the moment you see him raise an eyebrow the moment you finish the sentence.  So much for not making him worry.  You keep going.
“I keep…forgetting things?  I don’t know how to describe it.  But I’ll be walking home, or buying food, or talking to someone, and then it’s like…something happens, and suddenly it’s hours later and I’m on the other side of town—“
It’s like a floodgate has opened, like every word you failed to say to everyone else is suddenly coming out now in a rush.  Your thoughts can barely keep up with what you’re saying, you’re in too much of a rush to say it all.
“—and of course Madeline is worried and so is Ashton, but you can’t just say ‘hey sorry I actually have no idea where I was or what I was doing when I was supposed to be giving you a ride home and it might happen again’ without sounding insane, and I don’t know, I’m really scared this is going to turn out to be something wrong with me—“
You almost want him to cut you off—to stop you before you devolve into terrified rambling—but Pucci just stands there, not once taking his eyes off your face, until all the words are out and you’re practically gasping for breath.
His hand is warm on your shoulder.  It’s heavy.  You force your breathing to return to normal, to let him ground you in the moment.
“It must be terrifying,” he murmurs, “not knowing what’s happening to you.  I’m so sorry you’ve been keeping this to yourself for so long…have you told anyone else?”
The cup rattles in its saucer as you try and fail to sip, to give your mouth something to do other than talk.  “No.  Uh.  This is going to sound really silly, but I don’t want people I know to find out this is happening.”
A smile pulls at his lips.  “Well, we’re not in the confessional, but I’ll still keep your secret.  It’s only fair…you have one of mine, after all.”
You bark out a humorless laugh and wince at its harshness.  “Sorry, Father, I don’t think the two are equal at all.  Your thing isn’t even that weird.  No offense.”
“You’re right,” he nods, “the two aren’t equal at all.  As for your condition…I won’t force you to tell anyone else about it.  They’d only tell you to see a doctor.”
“I should, though, right?” you mumble bitterly.  “I mean, if it turns out I really am—“
“You know yourself better than anyone,” Pucci replies, which is an excellent non-answer, “ultimately, you will decide whether or not to seek medical attention.  Until then, however, I have an idea that can help you.  You own a phone with a camera, right?  It seems everyone does, these days.”
You fumble for your phone, before remembering you’d left it at home; you didn’t want to risk seeing a call.  “Yeah, I do, but the camera’s not very good—“
“That doesn’t matter.  All that matters is that it can take a photo at all.  From now on, set an alarm on your phone for every hour, on the hour.  You said you still behave normally when experiencing this memory loss, right?  So you’ll remember what the timer is for, even if an episode is happening.”
You’re not sure you’re following, but you nod anyway.
“From now on, every time the alarm goes off—not during the night when you’re asleep, obviously—you should take a picture.  It doesn’t have to be of anything, just have the picture.  Later, if you’re having an episode, you’ll have a better idea of what you were doing.  Who knows?  It might even help you remember.”
That’s…holy shit, how didn’t you think of that before?  If he wasn’t sworn against that kind of thing, you’d jump up and kiss him.  Maybe you could even start recording conversations…if you couldn’t track your time on your own, you could get machines to do it for you.  Nobody would ever have to know something was wrong!
Your drink’s unfinished, but you barely care; you have to get home right now, maybe drop by an electronics store for a recorder.  “Father, you’re a lifesaver.  I’m going to get on that right away.”
“Thank me by coming to Mass!” he calls after you as you bolt out of the room without a glance back.  
It’s only when your footsteps have fully subsided that he releases a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.  He takes the cup—not the one he poured for himself, but the one you were drinking out of—and brings it to his lips.  It’s pathetic, maybe.  This indirect kiss doesn’t compare at all to what he indulged in, only a little while ago, but he savors it all the same.  Is it greedy to take any touch from you he can, however slight?  
Is it greedy to love both your joy and your fear--to see your face light up when he promises hope, to imagine what you’ll look like when you finally notice the livid red splotches along your collarbone, or the blood splattered on the side of your shoes?
Perhaps—but that’s a confession you’ll never hear.
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marcspectorsbooty · 2 years
Won’t Say I’m In Love
(Marc Spector x f!Reader)
TW: tooth rotting fluff and cuteness
Description: Marc comes to terms that he has feelings for you after conversations with Steven and Jake.
A/N: I knew I needed to write more Marc content, so here's some fluff for y'all.
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No chance no way I won't say it, no no
(Give up, give in, check the grin you're in love)
This scene won't play I won't say I'm in love
(We'll do it until you admit you're in love)
You're way off base I won't say it
Get off my case I won't say it
(Girl don't be proud it's okay you're in love)
At least out loud I won't say I'm in love
Marc watched as you danced and sang along, wiggling your body while you sat on the couch. Hercules was one of your favorite Disney movies and he had promised you that he would watch it with you. After all, he had never seen it and he couldn’t miss out on one of the greatest Disney movies of all time. Marc loved seeing the smile on your face when you were staring at the TV or the melodies you would hum as your favorite songs from the movie played. 
The two of you sat at opposite ends of the couch, but Marc couldn’t help but feel a want to close the distance between you. If only he could just reach out and hold your hand.
That’s stupid, I shouldn’t, he thought to himself for a moment.
He felt silly for thinking those things. After all, you were just a friend. It was only a few months ago when Steven had taken you to a cafe to nerd out about mythology. It didn’t take long for you to find out about Marc and Jake, which you had immediately befriended as well during your time together. And now here you were, at the apartment almost every night, sitting so close but yet so far away from Marc.
Marc remembered that first time talking to you. He basically held his breath and tried to slow his heartbeat as you two walked through the bookstore together. You were enticed by the stacks of books, trying to scan through and find the one you were looking for. When you looked at Marc, you could immediately see the change in his demeanor. 
“Steven, are you okay?” You had asked.
Marc’s heart started to beat faster in his chest. God, she is going to be the death of me, he thought at that moment. You were so beautiful and he felt so lucky to be in the same room with you. He knew about his feelings for you right at that moment, but clearly didn’t want to freak you out.
“Not Steven, actually.” Marc said shyly.
“Oh, you must be Marc! Steven talks about you all the time, you’re the alter that I haven’t met yet.” You beamed at him. 
“Yeah, that’s me. I’m Marc.”
“Steven and I were just looking for some books before we picked up coffee. Do you drink coffee?”
He felt his cheeks heat up. “I love coffee.”
“Marc? Marc?”
He snapped out of his daze looking over at you, realizing that he had totally not been paying attention to whatever was going on. You smiled at him, beautiful and bright as always. 
“Sorry.” Marc muttered. 
“It’s okay, I was just asking if you wanted me to make more popcorn. Looks like you got a little too invested in the movie.” You giggled.
“More popcorn would be great.” He smiled shyly and handed you the bowl.
“See, I told you this movie was good. I'll heat up the other bag.”
You got up and walked over to the kitchen, disappearing from Marc’s view. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, feeling the warmth still on his cheeks. He paused the movie and got up, making his way over to the bathroom for a second of solace. 
Marc closed the door behind him and went over to the sink, turning the tap on and splashing water in his face. 
“Stupid.” He muttered to himself as he grabbed a towel to dry his skin. “Stupid, stupid, stupid.”
“Ooo, Marc’s got a crush.” The British man in the mirror said. 
Marc looked up to stare into the mirror directly at Steven. “Shut up.”
“It’s all right, mate. We’ve all been there. She’s a real treat too, I think you should go for it.” Steven beamed.
“What’s the worst that can happen?” Jake chimed in. 
“She won’t see me like that.” Marc gritted, feeling his heart ache. “I can’t risk losing her, she’s too important.”
“We’re not gonna lose her.” 
“Jake’s right, Marc. Even if she says no, I’m sure she’ll still want to be friends.” Steven assured.
“But what if she does say yes? What if I do this with her and then she finds out how messed up I really am? What if she leaves?” Marc felt the tears welling in his eyes. “What if I fuck up?”
“You don’t know if you don’t try.” Jake said. “All I know is that she’s worth it and even if all that shit does happen, we’ve still got you.”
“We’ve always got your back, Marc.”
Marc took a deep breath and ran a hand down his face. “Okay, I’ve got this.”
He exited the bathroom and came back to the couch where you were patiently awaiting his return. The bowl of fresh popcorn sat in the middle of the couch, inviting him to sit on the other end. You smiled at him as he sat down again, ready to press play on the movie again. 
The both of you watched the film intently, occasionally grabbing handfuls of popcorn out of the bowl. Marc felt like his heart was about to implode from how fast it was beating. How do I do this? What should I do? He asked himself in his head.
And then, for a moment, there was a spark between you as soon as your hand brushed up with his while trying to grab popcorn. Marc looked at you, his cheeks probably beet red as he slowly pulled his hand back and let you grab your popcorn. 
“Sorry.” You muttered.
“Don’t be.” He grinned. 
“Your hands are really clammy, are you okay, Spector?”
He took a deep breath and went with it. Here it was, it was happening. Finally, after all these months, it was happening.
“I really want to kiss you right now.” Marc admitted, feeling his body immediately heat up with shock.
You took the popcorn bowl, placing it on the coffee table. He noticed your cheeks turning pink at his words and he was hopeful for a positive response. 
“Then what are you waiting for?” You asked.
Marc immediately closed the gap between you, leaning over to kiss your lips softly. His hands cupped your face gently as he took you in, loving every single second of your interaction. You pulled back after a moment, resting your forehead on his and grinning at him.
“It’s about damn time. I didn’t know how much longer you were going to keep your feelings a secret.” You chuckled.
“What?” Marc furrowed his brow. “You knew?”
“Steven told me within like the first week of me meeting you.”
“Of course he did.”
“I think it’s sweet.” You pecked his lips again. “And just so you know, I’ve felt the same way since I first talked to you.”
Marc kissed you again, pulling you into him and never wanting there to be space between you again. You both spent the rest of the night in each other's arms, exchanging sweet words, kisses and jokes about Steven and Jake’s reactions. Marc wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
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hotshot624 · 2 years
Headcanons for daddy eddie and how he plays and interacts with the little reader ( they ask for dress up and tea parties pease, daddy?  And how can he say no to that!?)
I don't remember if I sent this one yet or not!
So sorry if its a duplicate and this is my last request for the moment.
Thank you so much for everything!
Okay so like I'm trying (keyword: Trying) to finish a fic you requested but I'm just horrible at dialogue so I'm giving up for just today. I'ma try again tomorrow with a new mindset and (hopefully) better dialogue. But knowing me it's still gonna suck. anY WHO I decided that maybe writing some headcanons might be the best bet and help with my writing. I have a feeling that there gonna be a lot so just remember you brought this on yourselves/j
✨🍼Daddy/Cg!Eddie x Little!Reader Headcanons 🍼✨
(Look at me trying to make this look fancy lol)
Eddie is literally like the best daddy/cg/whatever you wanna call him ever
I'll admit he's not absolutely perfect (I mean no one is expect my cat) but he does his best and that all you can ask for
He's very attentive always watching and listening to what you have to say and is always careful not to push past your comfort zone
It doesn't matter to him what age you regress to, he'll take care of you as long as you let him and with no complaints
He's just so good at matching his energy with yours it's honestly impressive
Like he could be jumping up and down with you running up the walls excited
Or he could be mellowing out with you on the couch as y'all watch She'ra
He's like always trying to get you to laugh it's adorable
Funny faces/voices, dumb jokes, tickles, running around cashing the reader, whatever he came to get the you to smile or laugh he's doing
My man's loves to play with his little. It could be argued that he enjoys it more than his little does
His favorite is making up games and playing pretend
He'll set up a whole story line with characters and adventures and task so his little is never bored. He's also will always try to be apart of the game your playing either with helping you on your adventure, being a bunch of side characters that all have a bunch of different, funny voices, or being the antagonist
Whatever he's doing, he just wants to be doing something with you
And if his little wants to have a tea party then by god are they gonna have one
He'll try and set up tea cups and the tea pot and fill it with lemonade or some sort of fun drink as well as some cookies or treat to eat with it with your stuffy joking you guys as well
You absolutely have to do clinkies with him or I swear to God he will cry
Your pinky has to be out too. Gots to be proper😙
I would also like to mention that he will not refuse to wear a tutu or dress as well as make up or finger nail polish
He's got NO shame when it comes to his little
I'm just imagining him with like messily put on lipstick that like going up his face as wells as a bunch of random stickers, his hair in like multiple pigtails, wearing a tutu with his regular clothes on underneath with the most content smile on
He's unbelievable, I love him
My man's literally could not care less what you called him
Bubba, Daddy, Dada, bubs, Eds or even just his name will send him over the moon
Just the thought that his little was comfortable enough to share this with him, nevermind wants him to be with them while while smalls brings a tear to his eye
While Eddie is a great care giver sometimes he has his moment
Sometimes he gets a little to dramatic or frantic in trying to make his little laugh and he ends up scaring them and makes them cry
Or maybe he gets a little too mad and snaps at them if they were miss behaving to much (nothing to much just him yelling "Will you stop that!" or "I said not right now Y/N, knock it off!" loudly)
Once he sees his little getting a teensy bit misty eyed he's already on his hands and knees apologizing to them and begging for forgiveness
Okay not all of that like he will try to comfort you depending on how you feel like if you want physical contact or want to be left alone he'll always accommodate for your needs but he'll still apologize a lot
He wants you to know that he is truly sorry and that sometimes his emotions get the best of himself
Again he's not perfect but that okay
He tries his best and tries to fix what he did so he doesn't do it again and honestly that's all anyone can ask for
Cuddles and a bedtime story are a must before bed
They also have to be read dramatically or he will be hearing from your lawyers
He also must tuck you in and give you a lil goodnight kith before you fall asleep it is LAW
Eddie's uncle is aware of your regression from walking in on you regressed one time and let me tell you this man could not care less
Like I mean he's glad you and his nephew trust each other enough to be like this but other than that he doesn't really care about it. He'd appreciate if you didn't trash his home or write on his walls though
Eddie let's you wear his Hell fire club shirt if your feeling small. He loves how it looks on you and you like that it smells like him so it's a win win
He's honestly considering making you a Hell Fire shirt onesie so look out for that
All in all Eddie is a great Cg.
11/10 would recommend
I told y'all these would be long. Okay tis not that long but still. I kinda like the headcanons actually so tell me what y'all think. They seem way easier to write then fanfics (I say watch these get harder) so if y'all want more of these please request them. Thank you for requesting this btw I really enjoyed writing this. It was pretty easy for my ADHD brain to type this cuz this is usually how I think. In short busts that aren't always complete sentences. Alright that's all for now. Love y'all 💜💜💜
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Hey man I was wondering if you could write about the main 4 (and maybe balsam Lucan and saaros) reacting to an mc during their periods where they get a lot of mood swings? Happy, sad, hella horny, all that stuff? As explicit as you're okay with. Ty :)
I can always tell when my period is coming because a day or two before I'm filled with insurmountable rage and hatred whenever anyone speaks around me. Like it's not the actual words it's literally the sound of voices. It might also be a sensory thing idk all I know is it's a warning sign that's never failed.
AFAB GN!Reader, exaggerated mood swings because it's funnier that way, not separated by character, Colored Bullet Rule (Felix, Anisa, Sage, Rime, Saaros, Lucan, Balsam), mentions of NSFW content that I will toss below the cut, I would be more explicit but I don't wanna weird people out?? Idk maybe as I do more NSFW reqs I'll get more brave
You're not feeling great so Anisa takes you out to get ice cream and then a child bumps into you and spills your ice cream and Anisa has to hold you back before you punt the kid
Does anyone else have comfort shows/movies they watch? Let's be real we're on Tumblr y'all totally do. You're trying to explain the plot of one to Lucan and you start crying because you really wanna watch it right now but you can't because, y'know, Astraea. Lucan very quickly makes (really bad) sock puppets and gets Sage and Balsam to help him try and recreate whatever it is you want to watch. They try their best and that's what counts.
So imagine,,, Saaros knows you're on your period (you probably complained about it coming up or whatever) and they went to Azimuth to ask for some future-sight help and Az just kinda grins. Saaros is going into this blind. You spend like ten minutes super happily and excitedly babbling on about something and Saaros thinks Hey Maybe They Can Handle This!!! And you guys are talking and they say something totally innocuous. And then out of literally nowhere you're completely silent and glaring and just generally Pissed™ and they're like Oh. Okay. Uh. And then three minutes later you're hugging their arm and being really clingy and like What Do They Do About This.
You're playing with Stella and messing around as Felix does some experiments,, like you're laughing and having fun right? And then two seconds later you're sprawled out on the ground contemplating your death while Stella walks all over your back and Felix is just getting a little bit of whiplash
You and Sage are out at the bar and at first Sage attributes your mood swings to being drunk! But uh! You throw your still-full drunk at someone who was talking too loudly! And now Sage is having to diffuse a fight (which is very unfamiliar for him) while you're going all Feral Gremlin™ over there.
You and Balsam are fucking around and having a pillow fight and he hits you in the face and you start crying and he's like !!!! Oh Fuck Oh No Oh Shit Are You Okay Fuck Did He Hit You Too Hard Do You Need A Healer Fuck He's So Sorry !!!!!! And anyways it takes like twenty minutes for you to calm down enough to tell him you're fine and the entire time he's freaking out. You tearily call him an asshole and he's like 'I Know I Am I'm Sorry' ;A; someone help him
Rime is having a self-loathing day and at first you're trying to cheer him up but then you get hit by a hard bout of self-loathing and now he's trying to cheer you up and you're both just suffering while trying to help each other.
Saaros is barely speaking because they don't want to upset you but then you take their silence as them being mad at you so you start getting sad and crying and they're just like What The Fuck Do I Do About This Oh Stars Oh God and they're just panicking because Why The Fuck Didn't Azimuth Tell Them How To Handle This
It's because Azimuth thought it would be funnier and they were fuckin right
Sage thinks tickling you will make you laugh!!! Unfortunately he did it in one of your Rage Swings and you kick him in the crotch. Now he's on the floor in pain and you're half trying to help him and half snickering
Someone calls you a 'bitch on the rag' and now you're having to restrain Anisa from getting into a fight. Bonus points if she's on her period at the same time.
No that being said your period syncs up with Anisa's and you guys are just wreaking havoc e v e r y w h e r e because even though your cycles synced up your mood swings very much have not!! Rime makes a joke that makes you cry and Anisa threatens to snap his horns off. Everyone gives you two a wide berth for the next week.
Rime gets you an ice pack (or uses his ice magic) and he's rubbing your back a little because you're in pain and it's in his forgotten nature to help and,, you start crying because you're so overwhelmed with affection for him and he thinks he hurt you somehow and he's trying to figure out what happened and how he can help fix it and you're just curled into a ball and sobbing
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Okay so I know I make jokes about 'calling myself out' and whatever but I have to ask, does anyone else get into like,, more intense kinks when they're on their period? Idk how else to describe it
Anyways who would have sex with you while you're on your period? I do agree we should de-stigmatize and de-gross-ify periods but I also think not everyone is gonna be down with having bloody sex. Y'know who would be tho? The Griefers. And probably also Rime.
Okay so we've canonically established that ilephtas are inhumanely warm so all of the Griefers would be like heating pads and that would be really nice :3 very warm and comfy and cuddly. and Rime is an ice pack so that would also be nice :3
That being said I don't think Anisa or Felix would ignore you or anything!
Honestly I'm not sure about Saaros,,, they kinda give me ace vibes so,,,
You're out at the bar with Sage and you guys are flirting and you start to climb onto his lap because You Don't Give A Shit and he has to stop you (and this might be one of those times you guys fuck in an alley I really don't know if either of you could make it back to Fathom sorry). That being said I also think that uh,,, listen I'm a big advocate for Cat!Sage and I think that in the days before (aka during your ovulation) he would subconsciously smell something is up with your hormones or whatever and I think he'd be extra horni during that time so like. Fun.
Lucan would be so soft cause he doesn't wanna hurt you :( and then you tell him to go harder and he's like :( Are You Sure :( and honestly you might have to top because he's just too worried about you to go harder. Also I think he just likes you on top!! Would be willing to do whatever you're in the mood for as long as it doesn't hurt you, because he's also a little worried that you're so horny you're not thinking straight and you might regret it later. That fear probably subsides the longer you're together.
Oh Balsam would have no problem going harder and getting kinky. He is like a bull seeing red (hahahaha i'm so fucking funny). I would recommend you get a safe word!! I would also recommend you have a lot of hydration on hand. But after the kinky sex, I think he'd be really sweet with aftercare!! Carries you to the shower/bath if you need it and smooches you a lot. Tells a lot of dumb jokes and shit too, because he's a nerd like that.
Rime is gonna be somewhere in the middle. He won't indulge all your requests because he knows it'll hurt you after, but he does go along with some of them. I think if you're into dirty talk or degradation he'd definitely go along with that. He just keeps it easy physically speaking. Makes you beg a lot probably. Aww little baby is so desperate huh :( better fucking prove it
What a dick
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fr1d4y-wr1t1ng · 3 years
Your “Love Song”
Request: nooooo, I wanted to do an intro kinda writing thing lol.
Can I request?: absolutely.
Genre: Fluffy romantic head canons of the CC’s!
Content Warnings: none, except for swearing maybe. And of course my music taste /j (thought I would put this here, any references to a “her” or “him” has a they/them in brackets just letting y'all know)
CC’s in Post: irl!Dream(wastaken), irl!Sapnap, & irl!Wilbur Soot.
Description: These are the songs that I think would fit for your relationship with these CC’s!
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Cupid's Chokehold/Breakfast In America - Gym Class Heros
Holy shit Dream loves you so so so much it's unreal.
Like he would quite literally do anything for you like quite literally ANYTHING you can imagine.
Your day was shitty and you don't wanna do the dishes? He's got you covered.
You're sore from doing something physically exhausting? Don't worry, he'll do ANYTHING to make you feel better.
You got sick? He's already making soup and nursing you back to health.
He's semi-clingy like that you know?
Sometimes you may have to tell him that he doesn't have to do EVERYTHING for you, and that sometimes you can just do things yourself.
Remind him to take breaks too holy shit!! Like seriously mate go in there and REMIND HIM!!
But that's just because he loves you so much, he just can't express it any other way dude!!
I think the line that PERFECTLY sums up how he feels for you is “if I had to choose [them] or the sun, I'd be one nocturnal son of a gun.”
Just make sure you treat him the same, trust me on this one okay????? Pls?????
“Take a look at my [s/o], [they're] the only one I got!”
That's the only thing you've truly heard since he started streaming. You'd been sitting on his bed, scrolling through Twitter while minding your own business. You hadn't done anything to disturb him given the fact he was streaming and well… he hadn't exactly revealed you yet.
You looked at your boyfriend, just wanting your clingy little teddy bear back, you stared at him for a second, before seeing him mute and turn to you.
You two stared at each other, a slightly awkward but… mostly comfortable silence. His eyes looked like they had literal hearts in them. He chuckled quietly, looking at you until you spoke up. “...Clay?”
You questioned you boyfriend until he muttered, “you know, you're the most attractive person I've ever seen… right?” You started to laugh as your boyfriend got up and sat next to you. He quickly pecked your cheek and went back to his stream, attempting to make up for having chat wait.
To say this happened often would be an understatement.
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Never Ever Getting Rid Of Me - Waitress
I know people like to use this song in a more... stalkerish tendency. But, I don't think that's the meaning, you know.
Sapnap is very much... newer to love. It may come off in the wrong way, but he's trying to show you that he's not going anywhere because he loves you.
He can be awkward, but of course he's just excited!
You're his first s/o!!! How the hell could he not be excited?
Sapnap can be very “clingy” when your relationship starts... but don't worry. He calms down quickly.
Before you even know it, the relationship becomes natural, like you've been together for several years.
You two kind of end up acting like newly-wed’s when you get settled? If you get what I mean?
It's like you've been together for god knows how long, but you're just getting super settled and shit into a whole new level of your relationship.
I feel like the line that really represents how he feels is the line, “Oh, I'm gonna love you so. You'll learn what I already know, I love you means your never ever getting rid of me!”
He really believes that you're the one! So maybe (if you can) try to give the same energy back! Tell him you love him like, a lot!!
“I will never let you let me leave, I promise I'm not lying!”
What the fuck was that? You lay awake, thinking about the nightmare that just woke you. You slowly turned toward your phone. It's 4:08 am. You really shouldn't be up this early, should you? As you try to get back to sleep, you hear a muffled groan from him.
“Babe?” Sapnap asks, barely able to keep his eyes open, “Why ‘re you up?” You turned back to face him, wrapping your arms around his midsection. “‘is nothin’. Don't worry.”
His brows furrowed in thought, trying to stare at you for a second before asking, “Ya’ sure? You can tell me anything-” you quickly peck his lips, effectively shutting him up before mumbling, “it's just a nightmare. I'll be fine, as long I have you with me.” a small chuckle came from him before replying with,
“M’kay… love you.”
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Wilbur Soot:
Telephone - Waterparks
At first when he falls for you he's... really fucking nervous.
He doesn't wanna mess your relationship up AT ALL.
He thinks the you'd legitimently regret being with him, but we all know we trolley want a man like Wil.
But, there's still apart of him that really wants you to feel the same.
But once you start dating, this kind of stressing about making you regret dating him calms down a bit.
Keyword: a bit.
The intrusive thoughts about you two dating can still get to him yk, so, please just remind him that it'll be okay babes-
He's so soft when he's with you though, like, legit it's such a magical experience.
When he's not streaming or making music he's usually spending time with you!
He's just so sweet man, tbh I want a bf like Wilbur 🥴.
I think the lyric that really explains how he feels is “I can be your best yet, future favorite regret.” because he can be the softest motherfucker ever!! (or... well... hm.)
“I’m interested but distant to a fault, and I'd never want to complicate your heart!”
Boop ba boop! Boop ba boop! Your phone's ringtone filled your apartment as you dragged yourself from your bed to your desk. You sighed, looking at the number and realizing who was calling you. “Hey Wil.” you answered somewhat bluntly.
“[Y/N]! Hey!” Wilbur’s sweet voice rang through your ears like a whimsical melody. Your lips perked at his response, “Whats up?” you ask, your cheeks filling with heat as you looked at the screen. “Well I-” Wilbur cuts himself off at the noise in the background.
“...anyways, I'm coming over!” he finished. You realized he was probably walking his happy ass to your flat. You looked around at the mess, a small sigh escaping your lips as you replied, “I'll see you in five then?” a chuckle escaped his lips, “yup! See you in five!”
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Note: AAAAND THATS FINISHED, FINALLY. Why the hell did this take 2 days holy shit!? So, uh, I have an idea for making a part 2 but like... with the song that kinda describes the breakup (if there is one)? So let me know if you want that! Kay, see ya, byeeeeee!!!!
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mediawhorefics · 2 years
thoughts on doctor who!! echoes of previous companions always gets me good, like billie piper as The Moment
oh i have SO much to say about doctor who rip here's an incoherent rant/list of opinions !!
i'm an rtd-era supremacist so i'm DYING with excitement over his return!!! also this 14 news ??? HELLO?????????? SO SO SO EXCITED!!!!
my first doctor was 10 and he has remained my fav through and through. tho ofc i love them all in different ways. (fun fact my beta is the one who introduced me to dw back in the day)
my top three companions are donna (MY GIRL !!!!)/rose/the ponds
yes, i am in love with karen gillan and would like a spare hand in marriage ma'am
my greatest dw heartbreak is the fact that peter capaldi is one of my favourite actors and was probably the greatest ambassador for the show and i absolutely LOATHE the writing for his era.
steven moffat IS my nemesis and i hate what he did with the show. this man should have never been a showrunner. he's good with limits and boundaries and standalone.
full offence, i hate clara with a burning passion, no shade to the actress she's very talented, but everything about that character rubs me the wrong way. from the ~born to save the doctor bullshit to the has no life outside the doctor until moffat randomly decided to half-ass giving her a career to the badly written attempts at her having feelings for 11... truly, i despite this storyline so fucking much. again ship what you like but i don't get doctor/clara AT ALL. it makes me angry just thinking about it now. and she was there for SO long UGH.
my favourite series are s4 & s5 (yes i hate moffat i love s5, its complicated). also s2 because ROMANCE!!!!!
i hate moffat writing women for obvs reasons but i do love river song. highkey as much as i love matt & alex together NOTHING beats 12/river because peter capaldi said i'm playing a whole time lord in LOVE in that one episode they had together and my fucking HEART y'all. i know i have an unhealthy crush on peter capaldi but his face when he looks at her <333 it's almost as good as ten & rose's in love and utterly devoted to each other faces.
doctor/river still don't hold a candle to 10/rose obvs that shit was it. she was IT. rip to 16 yo me watching doomsday for the first time that shit fundamentally changed me as a person. where's that deancas/tenrose comparison post ?? cut me open and that's what you'll see.
i miss rtd era side characters SO much they were SO lived in and memorable and REAL and they made the show. we lost soooo much of doctor who's heart when he left.
its cringe but i ADORE torchwood despite all of its flaws. ianto jones was one of the very first bi-adjacent characters i ever connected with and he is SO dear to me. rip to my boy it's disgusting what rtd & co did to him :((( baby's first bury your gays, i was 17 and i still haven't recovered. thank god for big finish and all the quality torchwood content they produce.
speaking of big finish... if you're a who fan who hasn't tried to expended universe, i cannot recommend the 8th doctor audios enough. he is FANTASTIC and actually one of my favourite doctors. paul mcgann is INCREDIBLE in the role and it's criminal we only have the movie and that tiny one-shot for the 50th anniversary.
10/donna are the best tardis team end of. that tennant/tate chemistry??? CHEF'S KISS. @ rtd fix her. @ rtd bring her back. i am no longer asking !!!!
christopher eccleston is CRIMINALLY underrated. 9 deserves SO much love. i adore him. thanks @ big finish for bringing him back to me.
matt smith was the best at playing ancient. i still don't know how he did that thing with his eyes where he looked 1000 yo but wow.
cybermen are incredibly boring and i really dislike most of their eps. i'll take 50 dalek stories over cybermen ones idc.
we never should have seen the weeping angels after blink. they've lost more and more of their appeal the more their mythology has been expended on.
i still don't understand the whole silence cult vs silence species thing and at this point, i'm too afraid to ask.
some of us witnessing the andrew garfield renaissance remember frank and his 1930s fruitiness from 2007 is all i'm gonna say.
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
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I love how this conversation is bringing out the homophobia in y'all's eyes😌
'Yall are scared Jimin will stop looking like a submissive gay man if he builds muscles'
So y'all think Jimin looks like a submissive gay man without his muscles????????
Isn't this the very thing I'm ranting over in these posts? That people think he looks gay and a sub/bottom and that he doesn't look like a real man because of the way he looks??
Isn't that why they are fixing him to look more masculine in these ads????
Y'all think him building muscles will change his sexual orientation if he is in deed gay and a sub???
There is nothing wrong with being gay or sub or bottom or whatever any gay queer person might be into. THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT! Omg!
Muscle building is not for men only.
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This is Namjoon's cousin. What about her makes her less feminine??????????????
Should she get longer nails? Bigger hoops? May be a Brazilian butt lift? Botox? Fillers? In order to look more traditionally feminine?
If she decides to stop working out or drink stuff to lose muscles so she can be seen as more feminine do y'all not think that would be ??? because she is feminine regardless?
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What about these women make them less feminine????? They build up too and they are women.
Jimin with or without muscles is still an androgynous man. Building muscles does not erase his androgynousity. That is Jimin.
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He is an androgynous MAN not woman. Looking skinny is not what makes him androgynous. Putting on make up and wearing feminine clothes is not what makes him androgynous.
We've been calling him androgynous from day one when he debuted and it's not because he didn't have muscles. He had them in abundance. so I find it weird that you will think we gay people are worried he is leaning into his masculinity- when the question we are asking is WHAT AT ALL IS MASCULINITY?
Didn't he ask the same questions when he asked his band mates, man man man- what the heck is man- when they said men shouldn't wear rings on their pinkie?
That was an iconic moment and I wish I could write a dissertation on it. Super iconic.
Is he a sex icon? Absolutely. Is he a queer icon? Yes. But he is not a gay God. No body is looking up to him to liberate them from no damn queer oppression- love how you trivialize and make fun of LGBTQ issues.
Really sista? You had to go there? And you say you are a Jikook supporter?? Interesting.
I think Tae put it best when he said Jimin may look cute and pretty on the outside but when he takes off his clothes that's when you see he's more masculine. I think for some of us, we've always seen Jimin as very masculine in his expressions and very experimental in his expressions of femininity. I've always seen him as grounded in his masculinity than feminity- although he does suffer from toxic masculinity every now.
I'm simply saying this may be one of those times. Emphasis on may be. I'm over it. Just took note of it.
When it comes to exercising, the members have said he used to be the one who trained the hardest in dance rehearsals. Didn't RM say he and Jin used to look up to him and learn from him because he is well disciplined?
He's always exercised. Y'all think him flipping through the air and defying gravity comes from a lack of exercise?????
This is the few times he's talked about exercising as a social male bonding activity with his members and even encouraged Hobi to join them. If you think he will look more masculine climbing rocks and building muscles then you are part of the problem I am trying to address here.
Do y'all not watch Bon Voyage and Run and Winter package? Do y'all not see him "be manly" and "lean into his masculinity" in those contents? Did he not say he wanted to go do yoga with the others but chose instead to go to the brewery with Yoonkook?
Out of curiosity, let me ask- which is the two options was the least masculine activity? I'm genuinely curious.
And no, I am not uncomfortable seeing him lean into his masculinity. I am uncomfortable watching him straddle the line of toxic masculinity and it's not limited to him. I think I have expressed similar sentiments with regards to JK and RM and Suga and the rest.
And no. It's not toxic that he is exercising or wants to exercise. I question that he wants to build muscles and look a certain way as a man especially if that way is the only way he and y'all think a man should look like.
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I don't know about you but this looks pretty masculine and feminine to me.
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As does this. He can look like the incredible hulk and I'll still see him as androgynous.
Now don't get me started on his upper lips and BigHit constantly concealing his upper lips with make up. Don't get me started on that! 😡
They are always erasing and tweaking something when it comes to Jimin! Always! I HATE IT HERE.
Jimin is not the first androgynous man in Kpop nor is he the only androgynous man in kpop. He doesn't have to be gay or queer to participate in social discourse.
And I understand that queer and gender issues may not be of importance to y'all cis straight folks but it is important nonetheless and BTS have dabbled in the discussions and voiced out their opinions on it. They are advocates for the youth and that includes gay queer folks.
How many times have they talked about same love? That their BT21 characters are genderless, that clothing shouldn't be restricted to specific genders? Jk have said he hates oppression and Jimin talks about self love and acceptance for all- you think gay people are not included?
They don't have to be gay to be gay representatives and "Gay Gods." Heard of Allies?
And when you say BTS are human not representatives- you kidding right???
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Have you seen BTS issue statements on Black lives matter, on Racism and Asian hate crimes etc?
Yes, they human beings.... who care about other human beings and their oppressions. Y'all praise these men for wearing unisex brands and genderless fashion and praise them for when they voice out on certain issues... except when it comes to gay issues? I see y'all's colors.
Also you ship Jikook but it pisses you off that we say Jimin is gay??? 👀
Jimin gay. Jungkook gay. Jikook gay. Does this annoy you? 👀
They are fucking eachother. Do you wanna block me? 👀
JK fucks Jimin. Jimin fucks JK. Are you dead yet? 👀 Do you wanna kill me? 👀
I don't see them as straight honestly. If I did and I thought they were facing straight issues I'd be talking about those too. I see them as gay dealing with gay issues that we all deal with and I talk about that.
Credit to the artist. I think that photo of Jimin from On MV is one of my favorites.
I might have to frame it and hang it on my wall.
Don't have any hard feelings against you but I thought I would address certain problematic statements you made.
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karasunology · 4 years
━ ❛ ➶ LOVE IN TRANSLATION . . . ! ❜
➜ a walk through of iwaizumi's love languages told through headcanons.
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ iwaizumi hajime <3
[ ♡ ] you've received two love notes from jae ! would you like to read one ?
💌 . . . hey bubs! this will be apart of a mini series i'm planning for some of our haikyuu boys, and decided why not post iwaizumi first since it is his birthday? next one would either be aone or tsukki !
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➜ this man on god is has one of the most smex appeal to me like ?? idk but i be like “ i know that his d1ck is big, i know it. ”
➜ BUT BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE, i just wanna say happy fuc king birthday to best man iwa-chan and everyone say THANK YOU for furudate for creating this magnetic force of a man and for iwaizumi for handling shittykawa
➜ anywh0res, let's start because my pussé is throbbing for sum iwaizumi content on my blog to be uploaded
➜ this mans wasn't the best at showing his affections confidently outside with a lot of people, he'd get a little nervous & tense up if he ever tries to show you physical affection with a lot of people around, and especially on the start of your guys' relationship.
➜ but nevertheless would make it known to you that he adores you and cares a lot about you and just express his overwhelming affections through small way
➜ at the first start of your relationship, he'd be a bit more careful with you and weary over his actions since he's quite nervous and doesn't wanna hurt you.
➜ like oikawa was like ¿¿¿?
“ iwa-chan! why aren't you like that with me ? ”
➜ but you reassured him that it was fine & you could handle his ass since you guys were already friends before you started dating, and you had already handled oikawa with him so ,,
➜ after that, iwaizumi was a bit more comfortable at small physical gestures towards you, gradually and subtly ─ but it is there.
➜ and he's trying his best okay 🥺
➜ he'd playfully nudge you, touch your hair, would intertwine pickies together fUCKCJJSJSHSJ
➜ but of course not without his cheeks flushed in scarlet tint
➜ and as time passes by, he'd start getting more comfortable and treated the unfamiliar but now familiar, throbbing on his heart whenever y'all would brush against each other
➜ he'd start sneaking his arm around your waist or shoulders
➜ even with other people around AWE WE LOVE A CHARACTER DEVELOPEMENT😌🙈
➜ AND WHENEVER HE HOLDS YOUR HAND, HE'LL BRUSH HIS THUMB AGAINST/OVER YOURS, a constant, unconcious, reminder that he's with you and wouldn't let go.
➜ the unknown fuzziness in your heart that dropped on the pits of your stomach whenever he does these subtle yet somewhat intimate things makes your heart go over the speed limit and just 💓💕💖💗💘💝💞💟
➜ y'know ???
➜ is it just me or??
➜ and he'll be happy that you respected his boundaries and waited for him until he's ready aHhHHh 🥺
➜ sure physical actions is already something to show how you love them
➜ but what about non-physical ways ?
➜ scolds you; he scolds you.
➜ maybe that one time you were staying up too late because your group mates left all their work for you to do
➜ not saying this happened to me pero parang ganun na nga 😌✌
➜ and he would definitely spam call you to SLEEP TF UP because you need to REST
➜ also sent multiple voice messages on how he's ready to confront your group mates & would let them re create the whole powerpoint you already did to the smallest of details
➜ mans was just ranting now tbh
➜ and you had to coo at him and reassure him that you were almost done and he doesn't need to worry about you
➜ he'd grumpily and begrudgingly say good night but with the most softes ' i love you ' he ended the call, but not without you saying it back.
➜ then the next day you heard from your teacher that you were just going to present the powerpoint solo, because a CERTAIN someone told them that your group mates aren't doing s Hit
➜ after that, you guys met in break and you slapped his arm playfully but before he could do anything else ─ you tugged him onto a corridor where no students were and just  n u z z l e d  on the crook of his neck while soaking in the heat coming evidently from his face.
➜ would always remind you to exercise and WOULD exercise WITH YOU
➜ have an extra water bottle or two ready whenever you finished yours
➜ would definitey have a drawer of your things on his room, either you forgot about them and he lowkey doesn't want to give it back because the things remind and smell of you
➜ has you as both his lockscreen and homescreen on his phone, one of them was a picture of you and him and one is the vbc with you because he actually treasures them alot😌
➜ doesn't like taking pictures but does it with you anyway
➜ would have your notifs/post notifs on in all of his social medias
➜ it's one of the things he does before when he was still a bit uncomfortable with physical affections but still wants to make you feel warm the warm he feels whenever he's with you.
[ ♡ ] you've received two love notes from jae ! would you like to read the remaining one ?
💌 . . . this is so illegally short I'M SO SORRY, BUT I REALLY LOVE THIS BOY. don't worry, i'll be posting another headcanons of him either later or tomorrow which was requested through this prompt list. again, requests are open for your requests. send an ask and i'll write 'em. have a lovely day/night, bubs <33
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horanghaes-gaze · 4 years
Requested by: @bluekidohoonikonsmutopera
Group/member: Vixx's Hyuk (Han Sanghyuk), Got7's Jackson
Genre: Smut; warnings: daddy kink, fingering, cheating, no condom, fingering, mentions of marking, oral
Title: Man of the Hour
Word count: 3.2 k
Notes: This was a whole mess, I typed it out and it didn't save so I had to retype it and it was all just a rollercoaster. But, I finally finished it, I hope you enjoy, and I'm sorry this took so long to write~~💕💕 Also, tell me if y'all want a part 2 because that ending got me feeling 🥵🥵
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As the chandeliers lit up the dim and warm room, you put the champagne glass to your lips, taking a sip. The announcer still calling the last few names of the guests arriving, the last guest being the most important. This gala was the biggest one held every year, topping the rest and putting them to shame. It pulled off all the stops, fancy invitations, suits and tuxedos, long dresses and ball gowns, masquerade masks, the full 100. The venue resembled that of a royal ballroom. The dining table stretching to what seems like a mile long, the large, cushioned chairs and shiny fine china plates added as a perfect touch. The whole event was stunning and looked forward to every year, each time topping the last. Everyone's attention was at the entrance, awaiting for what name the announcer would say, this name being the last.
"And the last and most coveted guest of the night this year," his voice was loud and clear.
"The man of the hour, Hyuk, Han Sanghyuk"
You placed your glass of champagne down and clapped along with the crowd. You watched as the man walked through the doors, expecting another old man to walk down the stairs with his wife, sugar baby, and/or gold digger. But the man that did walk down the stairs was quite the opposite. He was clearly well built, tall, and despite the mask, anyone could tell that he was handsome. His sleek black hair parted and swept back with a jaw that could cut diamond, the suit he wore only accentuating his broad shoulders, small waist, and long legs. You swore that God carved this man himself as his looks rivaled perfection. He smiled and waved towards the crowd, a group of women fighting over who caught his attention. You continued to watch as he walked, surprised when he waved and smiled one last time. Looking right at you. In your eyes. It didn't last long however, as your husband wrapped his arm around your waist.
The night started off with dancing, the orchestra setting the mood for every song. You and Jackson, your aforementioned husband, were dancing the second to last dance, both swaying in each other's arms. You were content in his hold, calm, until your husband suddenly stopped. You looked up to see why and saw where he was looking.
"Excuse me," the man standing in front of you spoke.
"I'm sorry" was all he said towards your husband before leaving. You looked up to face Jackson, who gave you a confused look back, he shrugged, leading you to your table as the song ended.
"Hm, wonder what that was about" you said.
"Maybe he thought I was someone else, we are wearing masks, and this is masquerade gala." Jackson replied. The last song started to play, Jackson leaving to talk to some associates and business partners. You sat there, looking around until you locked eyes with the man who interrupted your dance, the same eyes that had caught you by surprise earlier, at the staircase. You had to think for a second, Hyuk, that was his name. You got up, your legs bringing you to him before you even realized where you were heading. And right now, not knowing what you were going to say or do, you're standing right in front of him. He gave you a smile and took your hand, leading you to the dance floor. You followed him, it was like he cast a spell on you, you were completely mesmerized. He took you in his arms, leading the dance.
"Why'd you tell my husband that you were sorry?" you asked.
"Because I am sorry, for what I'm going to do to his wife tonight"
The last song ended, and he lead you back to the table. He sat himself down right next to you and Jackson. Jackson took your hand, smiling at you, looking into your eyes with nothing but love and adoration for you. Hyuk saw this and a small part of him almost felt bad... almost. The servers soon filled the room, pushing in carts with food that enveloped the air with the most delicious of aromas. Food was being served on the fine china plates and all the guests were now preoccupied, including Jackson. This gave Hyuk a chance to start his night with you. His hand slowly went towards your thigh, his thumb stroking over it back and forth. You let out a small gasp, only Hyuk noticing as he continued to tease you. Throughout dinner you were trying your best to seem as calm as possible, keeping your attention mostly on the food. And also throughout dinner, Hyuk's hand only kept going further up your thigh, towards the inner direction. Hyuk only got more cocky as this went on, even having the audacity to strike a conversation with your husband, knowing fully well what he was doing to you. Once dinner ended, guests continued to socialize and chatter about. The men talking business, and the women complaining about their husbands and eyeing the young and attractive men in the room. You were now sipping on a glass of red wine, making your way to the balcony. You leaned on the thick cement rail, setting down the wine glass. Taking a breath in, you let the cool night air fan over your skin, gazing up at the midnight sky.
"It's a beautiful night isn't it? Romantic, even." you heard from behind you. Turning around, there Hyuk was, looking at you with that smile again. He walked to stand next to you, holding a wine glass of his own.
"It really is." you answered him.
"If you don't want this, tell me now. Because if so, I'll leave you be and we never have to meet again." he said with utmost seriousness. You shook your head.
"No, I want this. And I know it'll ruin what I have with Jackson but, I want it. I want it so bad."
"Here's the key to my hotel room, my driver will take you. I'll tell your husband that you got sick and called a cab home." He handed you the room key. Room 339. You left the venue and got in the car, the smell of roses filling your senses as you stepped in. You soon arrived at the hotel, thanking the driver as you got out of the car. Making your way inside the building, you looked around, the hotel's luxurious interior making you feel out of place. You went up to the receptionist and asked which floor room 339 was on.
"Room 339, let's see... It's on the very top floor, ma'am." she replied. Nodding, you bid her thank you, walking to the elevator. Pressing the button, you waited as the elevator made its way up, dinging when it arrived on the top floor. Taking out the key, you unlock the door and enter the dark room. Walking further in, you went to stand in front of the window, looking at the midnight sky once again.
"It's a beautiful night isn't it?" you knew it was him.
"Romantic, even." you answer back.
He smirked and took your hand, leading you to what seemed like the bedroom. You both stood at the foot of the king sized bed. He took off your mask, then his. You finally got to see his full face and there was only one way to describe him: breathtaking.
"Not to be basic or anything but, like what you see?" he teased.
You look away, flustered and a little embarrassed for staring. He took your face in his hands and kissed you. Kissing him back, you couldn't resist giving into the temptation. Both of you fought for dominance, Hyuk eventually winning. Finally letting go for air, you both looked into each other's eyes. You leaned up and kissed him again, you arms wrapping behind his neck. As your lips crashed together, he laid you down on the bed. His lips left yours, moving down to your neck and collarbones, leaving a few marks. He looked up at you, sincerity filling his eyes.
"I'll ask you one last time, do you truly want this?" he asked. You nodded and kissed him again, urging him to continue. He sat up, taking off his jacket. He helped unzip your dress as your fingers worked on the buttons of his dress shirt. Once you both were discarded of all of your clothing, you couldn't help but admire him. Your hands hovered over his abdomen, not knowing if it was okay to touch or not. He noticed this and placed your hand on his body, silently telling you that he wanted you to touch him. Then, he finally took a moment to fully look at you, taking in your naked form.
"You look even more beautiful than I imagined"
"Imagined? But you don't even know my na-"
"Y/n. Your name is y/n, and mine is daddy for you tonight." he cut you off.
"Then please show me what you imagined, daddy" you said as your fingers traced his chest up to his shoulders. He kissed down your body from your chest to in between your legs. Spreading your thighs, pecking them and leaving a hickey or two, he slid two fingers between your folds. He then brought them up to you, showing how your arousal was practically dripping down his fingers.
"Suck" he commanded, placing his coated fingers on your bottom lip. You opened your mouth, letting his fingers enter and harshly sucking on them. He took them out, making a pop sound from how hard you sucked.
"Good girl" was the compliment you got before Hyuk made his way to in between your legs again. Starting with the two fingers you were previously sucking on, he started to slowly push them in.
Gasping as his fingers went deeper, your hands slowly bunch up the sheets under you in tight fists, the pleasure coursing through your body from head to toe. You then felt his lips wrap around your clit, harshly sucking, making your back arch off the bed. He added a third finger, going a little faster each time a moan left your lips. Your hands then went from gripping the sheets to lightly tugging his hair, legs keeping him in his position. Feeling the knot in your stomach tighten, your moans get louder, body getting more reckless.
"D-daddy, 'm gonna c-cum" you managed to get out between your moans. This urged him to go even harder on you, dead set on making you cum. He felt you clench tighter and tighter, adding a fourth finger, his tongue making obscene sounds against your wet core. He let out a small chuckle, sending vibrations through your pussy to the rest of you. With a few more pumps of his fingers and flicks of his tongue against your clit, you let go, your orgasm hitting so hard that your vision went blank for a few seconds. Hyuk licked up every single drop, absolutely basking in your taste and the way you clenched around his fingers even tighter than you already were when you cummed. Your chest was still heaving up and down when he took his fingers from your wet and sensitive pussy to his lips. He sucked his fingers off, lacing it with the same pop sound you had made earlier at the end.
"You taste so sweet, just like candy" he told you.
Giving him a small smile, you got up and took his hand, leading him to sit at the edge of the bed.
"I wanna taste you too. Can I daddy, please?" you asked, kneeling down between his legs. Taking a look at his length, you swore that it was the most beautiful cock you had ever seen. It was thick, long, and had just the right amount of veins. He lifted your chin to meet his eyes, nodding. Keeping eye contact, you start kitten licking his tip and watched as he let out a sigh of relief, head rocking back slightly as he bit his bottom lip. You then licked down the side, your tongue gliding over a vein, reaching the base and coming back up to the tip. Finally taking him in your mouth, he started to weave his fingers into your hair, holding your head down.
Going lower and taking him deeper, you started to lightly suck, keeping eye contact with him the whole time. You were now bobbing your head up and down on his cock, the tip hitting the back of your throat everytime you came down. His grip on your hair tightened, small grunts and moans leaving his lips as you kept going. Getting caught up in how good he felt, his hand kept your head still, hips starting to buck up and slowly thrust.
Now, his thrusts were harder, his cock hitting the back of your throat even deeper, making you gag slightly. Despite that, you let him thrust more, tears pricking at your eyes and threatening to spill, but you couldn't deny how much you enjoyed it all, enjoyed pleasing him. Feeling how his cock twitched when he thrust in, you knew he was close. He looked down at you, seeing how eager you are to make him feel good, your glossed over eyes, your lips wrapped around his length, how you were on your knees for him, hands on his thighs as your nails dug into them. Seeing you like this gave him the final push to climax, cumming with one last buck of his hips, grip on your hair tightening, and his quiet moans growing in volume, voice breaking towards the end. You got up, reaching eye level with him, letting him watch as you swallowed his cum, sticking your tongue out to prove that you consumed every last drop. He smirked and pulled your chin closer to catch your lips in a kiss, lips dancing with yours in a perfect harmony.
"Hands and knees on the bed, babygirl" he told you with a smirk.
You obeyed, scrambling as quick as you could to get on the bed in the position he had asked for. You heard shuffles as Hyuk made his way onto the bed, kneeling behind you, hands going to hold your hips. Leaning down, he spoke softly into your ear,
"Bad timing, but you're on the pill right?"
You nodded your head immediately, desperate for him to continue. He returned to his previous posture, now aligning his length to your entrance. He pushed in slowly, stopping when he bottomed out, giving you time to adjust. After giving him the okay, he started to thrust at a steady pace, rocking your hips along his cock while doing so. His movements made him hit deep and hard within you, making you feel fuller than you've ever been before.
Your body moved back and forth as he rammed into you, the sound of skin hitting skin echoing throughout the room. Moans were leaving your mouth like a mantra, sounding even louder than before. Arms giving out, you let your face meet the sheets, hands gripping at the pillows. His hips continued to harshly meet yours as he continued to push his length in and out of your now quivering pussy. Grabbing your wrists with one arm, he held them behind you as he continued to abuse your sensitive hole, going even faster and harder than before, eliciting even louder and more broken moans from you. His other arm reaching around to find your clit, rubbing it fast and harsh, making your body stutter along his thrusts.
"Tell me who's making you feel good" he grunted between thrusts.
"Y-you, mmf, you daddy, you're m-making me f-feel good"
"Yeah? How good?" he said, hand moving from your wrists to hold you hair, pulling you up so that your back met his chest.
"So, so, good-ah" you replied, moaning at how this new angle allowed his cock to hit a different part within you.
He continued to slam his hips into yours, soon switching your position so that you were now straddling him. Your arms held his shoulders, nails digging into them as he went harder with each thrust. Not long after, your nails raked down his shoulders to his back when he hit a specific spot that had you seeing stars. Incoherent curses were whispered in between your moans as he kept hitting that same spot, knowing fully well that he was ramming into your g-spot.
"R-right there, daddy, right t-there. Just l-like that please-" you were cut off by an especially hard thrust that sent you over the edge.
Your walls tightened around his length, your second orgasm hitting you even harder than the first. Your pussy was dripping, quivering, and convulsing as he kept going, riding out your climax. He loved seeing you like this, all fucked out because of him, from his cock, his doing, makeup smudged, saliva down your chin and even a few tears streaming down your cheeks. It all gave him a push to continue pushing into you, working up to his own climax. As he let his length slide in and out of your abused core, he ravished in the way you were still so tight, like velvet around his cock.
"Just a bit more babygirl, help daddy cum, can you do that?" he asked, seeing your worn out form.
Nodding your head you let out "yes, use me, use me to feel good daddy, use me to cum"
Hearing those words leave your mouth had his head become empty of all other thoughts, the only one staying being the thought of filling you up with his cum. Pushing into you even harder, and deeper if possible, he did as you had said and used you to reach his high. With a few last sloppy thrusts, he let go, cumming into you and filling you up as he intended to, staying still in you when he did. You let out an especially long moan when you felt his warm seed spill into you, happy and satisfied that you had made him feel good.
Pulling out, he watched as the thick, white liquid dripped out of you, mixing with your own arousal. Hyuk then got up, going into the connected bathroom, disappearing past the doorway. You closed your eyes, trying to calm down your breathing as you slowly came down from your high. You heard the water running from the faucet and how it splashed, then hearing a second faucet and water fill what you assumed was the tub. Then footsteps came from the bathroom, stopping near you. Feeling the bed dip, you kept your eyes closed as strong arms carried and placed you into the tub. The warm water immediately relaxing your muscles as you leaned back on the smooth surface of the tub. You were about to fall asleep, but before you did, you felt a kiss press against your temple.
"Don't worry, I'll get you cleaned up honey, just relax, you've had a long night"
Your eyes shot open as this wasn't the same voice you'd heard earlier.
It was Jackson's.
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