#if you actually read all that um. i want to give you a prize or somethin lol
stellamancer · 6 months
considerate (reader x satoru gojo)
notes: blah blah blah comfort fic. lmaoo. um, i love steamed buns. i bought some frozen pizza buns from my local japanese grocery store during the writing process. they are indeed good. if you have never had them i hope you get to try one day.
contains: f!reader (inferred to be wearing lingerie), tsundere-ish reader, eating food, gojo. part of the infinite loop fic verse
wc: 2k || read on ao3 (account required)
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All you want to do is sleep.
It’s been a rough week— three difficult missions back to back with no time to rest in between. By the time you’d finished the last one, you were practically dead on your feet. It’s times like these that you’re glad for the room you have on the campus of Jujutsu High; you think you’ll collapse before you can make it back to your actual apartment.
In fact, you almost do anyway– you’re barely through the door of your room when the exhaustion tries to take you by force. It takes every fiber of your being to at least shed your curse-stained clothes before you become one with the bed.
Your sleep is blissfully empty.
And it ends far too soon.
A loud series of knocks forces you from your slumber. You groan and pull the pillow over your head as if it’ll make the sound stop, but it doesn’t. After a few minutes of constant, incessant banging, you finally give up and crawl out of bed.
There’s only one person you know who would relentlessly pound someone’s door and when you throw your door open you find him— Satoru Gojo on the other side. He’s dressed casually, comfortably in sweats and a hoodie, for a day off, sporting tinted glasses instead of that blindfold he likes so much.
“What?” you demand.
Gojo peers at you over the top of his glasses, lips twitching as if he’s trying not to smile. “You need a minute?”
Your eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. “What are you talking about?”
The smile finally makes its way onto his face and you can’t help but feel annoyed. Gojo points at you with a long, slender finger and says. “Matching set, huh?”
It’s then that you realize that you are only wearing your underwear.
Embarrassment surges through your body. You had forgotten that you hadn’t bothered changing into any sort of sleepwear— you’d only taken off your dirty clothes. Mortified, you slam the door in Gojo’s face.
If thoughts could kill, one of you would be dead on the floor right now; you haven’t quite decided who yet.
You shuffle around your room and throw on the first set of comfortable clothes you can find. Just as you’re fitting your head through the sweatshirt you hear him knock again.
“I’m still out here!” he hollers.
“Get lost!” you snap.
“But I brought food!” he whines. “I brought steamed buns!”
His words make you pause. When was the last time you ate? Yesterday morning? You don’t feel particularly hungry, but that could be because you just woke up.
“They’re getting cold!”
You weigh your options. Accepting food from Gojo is far from the worst thing in the world. It also saves you the effort of going to find something; it’s your day off, and the less you have to move the better.
With a heavy sigh, you finish dressing before opening the door again. The second Gojo comes into view, he beams at you and holds up a plastic bag from FamilyMart. You reach for it, but he raises it up, keeping it out of your grasp.
“Now, now,” he tuts as if he is reprimanding an overeager child. “I was thinking we could share. There’s way too many for one person, don’t you think?”
You don’t know how many steamed buns are in there, but you’ve seen Gojo eat: you know he could polish off that whole bag. Honestly, you probably could too. “Wanna bet?”
Gojo grins. “Sure. If you can’t finish them all then you have to spend the entire day with me.”
Not the way you’d want to spend your day off. “And if I can?”
“Then you get to have all the steamed buns I bought!” he says cheerfully. “Awesome prize, right?”
You scowl. “No, that's a shit prize and you know it.”
“Okay then, what kind of prize would you prefer?” There’s something ominous about the way Gojo’s looking at you right now; he’s smiling but you feel almost as if you’re looking at some sort of feral predator. Letting you choose your own prize sounds like some sort of trap and you wouldn't put it past him to twist whatever you choose to suit his own agenda.
“...can I think about it while I eat?” you ask.
“Sure.” Gojo shoots you a knowing smile, fully aware of the fact that you're just trying to buy time to figure out how to get out of whatever he's scheming. He hands you the bag of steamed buns and pushes past you into your room, settling himself against the wall opposite your bed.
You peer into the shopping bag and even though he said he’d brought steamed buns there’s other stuff in the bag. Some other miscellaneous snacks, candy and a few bottles of water and Gojo’s favorite brand of cola. A little excessive, but then again, everything about Gojo is excessive. You fish out the paper bag holding your food and hand the rest to Gojo before plopping back onto your bed. Knowing who bought them, you expect to find only red bean buns and custard buns in the paper bag; after all, his sweet tooth knows no bounds. But, to your surprise, there’s actually a bit of variety. You recognize the smooth tops of what are either red bean buns or custard buns, but also the crimped tops of what are likely pork buns as well as…
“Pizza buns…?” you mutter quietly, fishing one from the bag. Similar to the pork buns, they have a crimped top, but instead of a pale off white of a regular pork bun, the bread is a pale orange color.
Gojo chuckles and you look up at him. There's a cocky grin plastered to his face. “They are your favorite, aren't they?”
You gawk at him, heartbeat stuttering a little in your chest. He’s right; they are your favorite, but you’ve only ever mentioned it a handful of times.
It’s… surprising that he even remembered.
Gojo always manages to catch you off-guard when he remembers the little things like this. It really shouldn’t surprise you; he’s the same way with his students, and yet…
Your heart skips yet another set of beats.
“Did you finally fall in love with me?” he asks, sounding infinitely amused.
His question reminds you that, surprisingly thoughtful or not, Satoru Gojo still remains to be the most annoying man in existence. “Absolutely not.”
“Well, if you say so…” His tone makes it clear that he doesn't believe you and you know better than to try and convince him otherwise; Gojo can be as delusional as he wants. “Better eat up before they get all sad and cold!”
“Yeah, yeah…” You grumble. “Thanks again.”
You shove the pizza bun in your mouth. It's the perfect temperature: hot but not enough to scald your tongue. You finish it in a few bites and grab another. From the looks of it, there's probably a little over a dozen steamed buns in the bag. You think that's doable as you polish off your second bun (a juicy pork bun).
As you start to eat the third (a cheese curry bun), you notice Gojo staring at you over the top of his glasses. His eyes, unnaturally bright and blue as always bore into you; and something about his gaze is almost expectant, waiting— for what you don’t really know. It’s kind of weird, honestly, you would have expected him to play with his phone or whatever, not just… watch you eat. Without averting your gaze, you slowly take a bite into the steamed bun.
Gojo continues to watch you.
You keep staring back at him as you finish the third bun and you don’t break eye contact as you reach in for another one. Gojo continues to watch you, his expression focused. You’re starting to get a little unnerved now. It doesn’t even seem like he’s blinking. You shift a little to the left and his eyes follow the movement.
Halfway through the fourth bun (a custard bun), you decide to finally say something. “Do you have to stare?”
Gojo snickers, mischievous. That never means anything good. “Yeah? I mean, I have to make sure you eat them all, don’t I?”
“...do you think I’m going to shove them in my shirt and hide them or something?”
For a split second, his expression falters, the briefest look of shock crossing his features before he snorts. “You’re welcome to try, but it’s an automatic loss if you do!”
You roll your eyes and shake your head. No way that you’re going to waste perfectly good steamed buns. That just means you’ll have to ignore Gojo’s incessant starting.
Which turns out to be easier said than done.
After your fifth bun, you’re starting to feel a little uncomfortable. Almost like you’re an animal in a zoo. Not only that, but you’ve noticed that Gojo’s been slowly moving closer. He started over against the wall, but now he’s practically at your feet, staring up at you. HIs pupils are blown wide and it’s almost like he’s staring into your soul.
You stop eating.
You wait for Gojo to say something, some smartass remark or tease you about being full or something.
He says nothing.
Gojo only continues to stare at you, silent as his eyes look impossibly bigger. It doesn’t just look like he’s begging for one of the steamed buns, but for something else. Your heartbeat echoes in your ears as you try to figure out what it could possibly be. With each second, the thumping grows louder and louder and Gojo seems to be moving closer and closer despite being still firmly planted to the ground.
Is it you that’s inching toward him now?
The realization startles you. Why would you even—? Panicked, you reach into the bag and pull out a bun at random and shove it in Gojo’s face. He makes a surprised sound but it’s muffled by the bun.
“Just take one already!” you exclaim, pressing it to his mouth as hard as you can without smashing it to pieces. It occurs to you that he might gloat about you feeding him by hand but you’ll deal with that later. You need to get him to stop looking at you like that now.
He laughs, triumphant as he removes the bun from your grasp and takes a big, big bite out of it. “Looks like I win. As usual.”
You merely grumble, watching as he polishes off the steamed bun in no time flat. He holds out his hand, wiggling his fingers and you hand him another. It’s fine. Just because you can finish all these steamed buns doesn’t mean that you should.
As for having to spend the entire day with Gojo… You try to look on the bright side and tell yourself that there are worse fates out there. After all, you could be working.
“So, what do you want to do today?” Gojo asks mid-bite.
“I don’t really wanna do much of anything,” you grouse. You suppose it’s nice of Gojo to ask, when you know the reality is that you’ll be at the mercy of his whims for the rest of the day. Mentally, you brace yourself to be dragged around Tokyo, shopping or whatever it is he likes to do on his time off.
Gojo chuckles softly and the sound of it makes your stomach drop. You don’t like it. Something about it is dangerous. “Okay, let’s just stay here then, play a video game or something.”
You can’t help but stare at him. Then you think of the snacks and drinks he brought along and the fact that he’s dressed more for lounging than going out. You wouldn’t put it past Gojo to intend to occupy your entire day, but could it be that he planned to just hang out in your room the entire time? Playing video games or watching movies because he figured you wouldn’t have the energy to go anywhere.
There’s no way that the most selfish and annoying man you know is that considerate.
Gojo tilts his head to the side and offers you a gentle smile, eyes glimmering behind his glasses. You swallow thickly, nervously, ignoring the odd feeling in your chest. There’s just no way.
No way at all.
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after many hours of playing video games with gojo you muster the energy to tell him you want to go out to eat. he pays. it's not a date (it's so totally a date).
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mattypattypinky · 3 months
Could you please do some romantic joy headcannons?? I loved the other headcannon one you did!! :D
I'm gonna assume you mean what she'd be like in a relationship!! so, I'm gonna do that
Romantic Joy Headcannons <3
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Okay so, I think Joy would be extreemely big on PDA. . .
If you're in a relationship with Joy, everyone knows it, and she makes sure they do - and she's very very open about how much she loves you. You're the moon to her sun, the jelly to her jam.
She flaunts you like you're her proudest prize, and she tries to make sure everyday you have a smile and a good day at HQ...
She'd make you cute little gifts anytime she gets freetime, and she'd definitely try to make you laugh, or smile...
She'd ask you to dance with her at random. Even in unfitting moments... She's super giddy, and enthusiastic, and nothing makes her happier than to dance with you.
BUT, I think her dancing wouldn't be slow dancing, it would be goofy or silly, and fast paced. She might accidentally step on your feet mid dancing and then suck in through her teeth and apologize frantically, all while still doing some goofy boogy with her hands.
I feel like she'd be a little bit of a biased partner. If you were in the wrong about something I think she'd still defend you tooth and nail.
Her sweetheart could NEVER do anything wrong!!!
Um, physical affection is unintentionally condescending, as I said in my last Joy post.
Cheek pinches, head pats, hair ruffles, cheek cupping, chin grabbing, big smothering hugs, nose boops, back pats etc. She does alllll of these things to you.
If you two are openly dating in HQ, which if you were dating, it would be open because Joy can't keep a secret to save her life I think - she'd flirt with you in front of everyone.
Her flirting is definitely a feigned attempt to be smug and sly, but she just looks super goofy... You know that fake ass smile she does at Sadness? Yeah. She pulls that type of face a lot when trying to flirt, its kind of cute and funny.
She's the type to do incredibly dramatic eyebrow wiggles when using a pick up line she read from a pun book. She can embarrass you sometimes...
She's actually so corny by the way. You can not not get embarrassed by her. She'll find a way.
She'd randomly joke and slack on the job whenever you two are together at the Panel. I'm talking, making stupid jokes and giggling and sprawling herself across the panel and slapping her knee - Elbowing you and bringing up something stupid funny that happened a few minutes ago, etc.
She's actually super duper giggly around you. She's giggly regardless but it's so much worse around you. When she's with you, anything remotely funny you say, she'll hoot and holler. She finds you absolutely hilarious, even if it doesn't make sense.
She'd let you sleep with her in her bed, and when you need to, she'd bundle herself into a ball and cuddle up to you. I feel like she'd try to fight over who's big spoon though, she definitely wants to be the bigger spoon.
I feel like, even though you two are dating, she'd be more keen to forehead and cheek kisses. And if she really wants to get to you, she'd take your hand and kiss the back of it, along your knuckles. She likes when you fluster, it gives her a little wee bit of a confidence boost.
I think her ideal date would be something vibrant and energetic, like listening to upbeat music, having a little party or sleepover, or being in charge of something exciting at the panel together.
I think if you both were using the panel, she'd hold your hand when you touch the panel sometimes. She just likes doing that, it makes her feel happy to lean on or over you and hold the back of your hand while you click a button.
I feel like she'd... sing in the shower about you.
Or come up with stupid, terribly written songs of the top of her head about you.
She is a corny girlfriend. 💛
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Another scenario that occurred to me about Spider-Barbie Reader 💖 x Spider-Noir 🖤, is where Noir got tangled in his webs and ended up on his head and when Barbie reader finds him he decides to help him, but not before lifting his mask to give him a Spider-man kiss, the situation can also be reversed where it is reading Barbie who ends up on her head and Noir kissed her.
So use whatever situation you like, darling ^^
Crystal 💞✨
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
guess who got tangled up? (spider noir x barbie reader)
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summary: the spider gets stuck in his own web, and fortunately enough, our heroine in pink arrives to help him out! though, she's here to claim her prize for saving him before any of the saving--and peter's all for it. word count: 397
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"crabapples..." peter cursed under his breath as he squirmed and tried to break free from his own bounds from his webbing. he had fiddled with peter b's webshooter, and now, well, he's stuck in a sticky situation. he grunted as he tried wiggling his way out of it, but to no avail. he was stuck for what seemed to be an hour and a half already, and he was starting to feel a little (actually, extremely) helpless since nobody else was in the room at that time. he would've called for help, but like there'd be anybody to even help him right then and there.
just when all hope seemed lost... a pretty doll, literally and figuratively, came in looking for him. "peter! oh, goody, i finally found y--what happened here?" asked spider barbie as she carefully approached the webbed monochromatic man who was hung upside down. peter struggled to explain to her in a non-pathetic way how he got like this, but all that came out of his mouth was, "...applesauce." "applesauce?" spider barbie repeated as she walked over to him, now face to face with the hung spider.
peter felt a warmness flush his cheeks as he looked at spider barbie, staring right back at him. he gave a shy smirk and nodded, then he shook his head when he realized that answer was not at all related to the situation at hand. "just, um... please help me, love..." he pleaded to the pretty pink spider as she smiled wider and nodded. "oh, of course!" she said as she placed her hands on the back of peter's head, which caused him to gasp a little at the contact. "but first..." she began as she leaned forward and kissed him gently.
she pulled away not long after, leaving a pink lipstick mark on peter's lips. with eyes wide open and a reddened face, peter wanted to get another kiss from her--but as quickly as that kiss began and ended, he was soon freed in an instant from his binds. "that's better! see you, peter, don't get stuck again or i might just... you know." spider barbie said as she bid him goodbye and walked off, with peter staring at her all the while, his blush worsening and smile widening at the prospect of getting another kiss from spider barbie if he got himself tangled up again.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @k4tsu3 @fiannee @fictarian @yuridopted0 @luvstarrstruck @thee-fantastic-mrfox
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gaslysainz · 1 year
Lost (PG10) pt4
Summary: The world is utterly unfair. He was her most prized possession, her life, her first ever commitment of love. But to him, she was just a mere person lost in his big world.
warnings: ; unrequited feelings; Pierre is a douche , arrange marriage, angst, explicit scenes and languages.
Author's Note~ Heya guys! I present to you the 4th part of my fanfic. I'm overwhelmed by the response ❤️ Really Thanks a lot to everyone who had liked the story so far. Something's have started to cook. Hope you look forward to it. Love You All 😘 Here's my first ever story for you guys. As soon as I finish this one, I'll start taking requests maybe! Till then please show your love and support for "LOST".
This one's a filler chapter, so please bear with me.
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Something completely different happened today. A knock at my door woke me up from my 1 hour nap which has unfortunately turned into a 3 hour nap. I stood up from the bed and opened the door only to find my husband standing there and running a hand through his curls. Oh! What a sight! He looks like a Greek God.
"Hey! Did you need something? I'm sorry I fell asleep, also you can come inside"
He thanked me and entered my room, this is completely new. But nonetheless, I had to take a chance. He was looking around the room and the pictures hanging on the walls. His eyes stuck to one picture in particular. A picture captured by Pierre's mom of Isaac, Pierre and myself. It was Halloween and Isaac wanted to be a Vampire and on the other hand Pierre and Me were Romeo and Juliet. He was 6 and I was 4! We did not even know who Romeo and Juliet were! It was because of the elders who had insisted on these costumes! Oh! What I'd give to have those days back.
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"You need something?"
"Ah! No, um actually yes, I have to attend an event with the rest of grid tomorrow. And you have to come with me. So be ready by 7pm tomorrow, will you? Wear something nice. I'll send someone with dresses for you to choose today in the evening. Just pick something from there."
There it is! Like I've mentioned before, he only remembers me when he needs something or needs to go somewhere to show off the world our so called amazing married life. *Scoff* But I'm not mad, at least I'll be able to meet HIM after so many days. The only person who happens to care even a little bit for me. Who always greets me with a beautiful smile on his face. A friend? Nope, he's like an angel for me.
I really hope everyone gets a friend like him!
" *Cough* *cough* You there?"
" Oh yea! I'm sorry, I was a bit distracted. Umm, Why don't you take Julia with you? I'm sure she would love to accompany you and also I'm sure she has several dresses in her wardrobe already. Won't even have to buy a dress last minute"
The look Pierre gave me after I mentioned Julia simply yelled 'ARE YOU CRAZY'. I mean I knew why he wouldn't take Julia, but I just find a different kind of satisfaction by reminding it to him.
"Um, I'll be ready tomorrow. Don't worry. By the way, where's Julia?"
"I sent her home, no need for her to stay here for these two days, either way we'd be busy. It'll only distract us."
Oh well! That was odd! Distract us from what exactly? Sometimes this man leaves no tables unturned to confuse me to no end. Anyways. I know better now than to crack my brain over these things. It's actually useless cause I won't get anymore clear answers from him than this.
"Any specific colour that I need to keep in mind while choosing the dress?"
"Not that I'm aware of, just keep it a bit formal. I'll get going. If Julia calls or comes asking for me, just tell her I've been out for a meeting since morning."
And then he rushed out the door, not before checking our childhood photo once again. Okay! That was highly confusing! I mean why was he avoiding Julia? Or am I reading too much between the lines? No one knows. I better go eat something until then.
But still, I'm a bit lost here.
LOST in confusion.
PS - Please lemme know what do you think about LOST and also let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list ❤️
@peachiicherries @crimeshowjunkie @oblomovissad @torossosebs @janeholt3
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shukufuyu · 2 months
[Card Backstage Translation] Itaru Chigasaki SSR - Great Suzaku's Luck (2/3)
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Itaru: My luck skyrocketed for real, it’s actually getting scary.
click below to read more.
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Itaru: Next one… here.
(Got an info saying they’re holding the raffle here, but it’s one of the most known places…I won’t be surprised if they’re sold out already.)
(Well, it’s still the first store I’m entering today, I gotta be patient…)
(the one displayed over there, that’s it! 
Can’t believe I actually found it this soon…)
(Looks like the A-prize figure is also not taken yet.
I suppose the power of Suzaku is not to be underestimated)
(Now that I took a good look at it, there are only a few remaining raffle tickets until the last prize.
At this point my luck is getting super scary…)
Excuse me, I’ll take all of the remaining raffle tickets.
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location dorm
Itaru: I’m home.
Izumi: Welcome back.
Um, I’m guessing that smile and large box means…
Itaru: Yep, a total Big W on the raffle. Also got the A-prize figure without a hitch.
My luck suddenly went up like crazy, it looks like Suzaku’s power is legit.
I’ll have to express my gratitude to Homare-san after this.
[CHOICE A] Izumi: Legit…your luck really went up that high?
Itaru: With just a little prayer, the first convenience store I went to had the raffle box.
On top of that, I didn’t only get the figure, with just a few tries I also got the last prize.
My luck skyrocketed for real, it’s actually getting scary.
Izumi: I’m glad it went well.
You got the figure you wanted without any problems, now to fulfill the promise with Chikage-san, now, you’ll have to tidy up your room.
Itaru: Yep, I’m in a great mood, so I’ll be doing it, perchance.
[CHOICE B] Izumi: How powerful…!
Itaru: I also didn’t think I could get this much profit. To be honest, I wasn’t as convinced until yesterday.
But seeing these results, I thought, maybe Suzaku really did lend me power. I even prayed just to be safe.
Izumi: I see… Then, maybe I should ask Homare-san to borrow it when I look for lodgings at the shopping district next time.
Itaru: Why not? Suzaku might just clear you a spot for overseas trips.
[choice end]
Itaru: Hm? This is…!
Izumi: What’s wrong?
Itaru: The mobage I’ve been playing a lot just announced a collab with another one of my favorite anime.
Looks like they’re gonna be holding a gacha banner for the event too, don’t think they’re gonna be having any reruns, I’ll have to get it no matter what…!
…Anyways, director.
…I have important matters to attend to.
Izumi: Right, understood.
(...I wonder if he went to pray to Suzaku.)
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Chikage: Chigasaki, you've been working too hard on polishing that since earlier.
Itaru: Thanks to the great Suzaku, I won big at the raffle, as I convey my gratitude I’m preparing to head into my next fight.
Now that it’s perfectly shiny, I'm all clear.
Chikage: If you’re cleaning up, clean up the whole room, will you? Your stuff is making this room narrower and narrower.
Itaru: Now hold on, Senpai. Don’t say things like that to the great Suzaku. What will you do if my luck goes down?
Chikage: Dunno. Even if your luck goes bottom rock, it won't have anything to do with me.
Itaru: Whatever, I knew you would say that.
Anyways, I shall convey my feelings…
O Great Suzaku, please give me the collab event card. I will be in your care.
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flownwrong · 9 months
and you shall receive (due south fic)
Fraser/Kowalski, rated E; tags: established relationship, panties; 1.7K words
Summary: He wants to ask, what's that about, what were you thinking about, is this a woman thing, is this a gay thing, is this a Ray thing, what, what?—but it feels weird when he's already doing this.
A/N: @nigeltde-fic mentioned Ray and panties in one sentence. I said, I wanna write that. I wrote that. In under two hours. Thanks, Nige!
read on ao3
"Thank you kindly, ma'am," he hears Fraser say. "You can reach detective Kowalski at this number. Please don't hesitate to call if you remember any details."
Ray's at the back, running his fingers over the lavender silk of a camisole. Stella used to have one like this, way back, and it was thin and skin-warm under his fingers when he'd put his arm over her as she read in bed, and he was beat from the long day, squeezing his eyes against the glare of the bedside lamp until he'd pass out, and somehow that was what got him going later, when they had the time and the mood was right, seeing that loose, familiar thing on her when they'd brush their teeth side by side, golden light filtering through the frosted bathroom window, making the silk shimmer—oh yeah, that was the ticket.
Fraser puts a hand on his shoulder, and Ray turns to look, and he has this—expression, staring just above Ray's shoulder. Not deer in the headlights, more like a flashbulb over his head. He licks his lips and looks back to Ray, eyebrows raised.
"Gimme a second," Ray says, and Fraser nods, looks at Ray's hands still on the camisole, nods again and leaves. Ray waits until the wind chimes ding to see what the hell got Fraser's flashbulb on.
It's a rack. With panties. Not the hot pink scratchy monstrosities, but more subdued, all delicate patterns and price tags that bite. Ray takes a deep breath. Okay. Okay. So Fraser has—a thing, which thing? He'd read the files, knows damn well Fraser doesn't mind the implication—and hey, he should ask about that some time. But this is new, and that anybody could look at him and—
"Need a hand, love?"
The lady—the owner, their witness—barely reaches his shoulder and reminds him more of a librarian than a lingerie connoisseur. He sees, actually sees himself nod, like he's staring at the back of his own head. His hands are clammy and—yep, shaking.
"Um," he says, and she puts a hand on his arm, pushes him gently until his nose is practically touching the damn things.
"Let's see about the size." She eyes the rack critically, gives him a once over for good measure.
"Uh," he adds, ever helpful.
She reaches up with this hook-on-a-stick thing, pulls down a pair of navy blue panties from somewhere above their heads and holds them up, as in near his face, for some reason.
"Blue is your color," she says, with the finality of a judge, and pushes the things into his hands. They're soft, satiny, no bells and whistles, just fine dark fabric, except for the little mesh piece in the middle that would be an invitation on a girl, a road to the prize, but on him—probably go right over his dick and—do what? He has no idea.
And then he's somehow out the door, and god, he's really doing this, he is.
He drives Fraser to the consulate in a fog, squeezes his knee weakly and lets him go. Opens his jacket and sticks the little bag into the glove compartment, can't go into the station like this.
He's home before Fraser—thank fuck. 
He stares at the razor, puts it down, feeling a little sick. What if he read this wrong, what if he's—what if he chickens out and misses out on some new and unfamiliar Fraser? Perish the thought.
He showers, feels weird about rubbing down with his old towel, well overdue for laundry. Pads around to the cabinet, dripping on the floor, and grabs the one Fraser bought him because—hell knows why, but it's red and soft and big enough to wrap himself in and he instantly feels better.
The panties aren't exactly uncomfortable, but all he can see in the mirror is his skinny ass and his soft dick and his weird rib cage and—yep, no, they're not doing anything for him. But it's not what this is about, right? So he pulls the sweats over them and leaves the bedroom while he still can.
By the time Fraser's key turns in the lock, he's mostly breathing fine, and the dishes are all done—a necessary evil, something to do to keep himself from going batshit.
Fraser's managed to change and is walking towards him before he can talk himself out of it. Ray meets him in the middle, presses a hesitant kiss to his cheek. Has to hide his face in Fraser's neck then and hold onto his waist, and Fraser's hands come up to hold his shoulders, which, shit, he's got the shakes again, so much for the dishes.
Fraser puts a gentle hand on his face, tilts it up, eyes wide and disbelieving. Fuck knows what his own look like. He wants to ask, what's that about, what were you thinking about, is this a woman thing, is this a gay thing, is this a Ray thing, what, what?—but it feels weird when he's already doing this.
"Hey," he says and manages a smile. Fraser's warm and sure and safe and he feels the chills grow dull, let him go.
"Ray," Fraser says, a question, not a greeting. "You shaved."
He only shaves in the mornings, unless they have some fancypants place to be, which is not often, and even then Fraser has to give him a look, the times he pretends to forget.
"Uh, yeah," he rubs the back of his neck. "You hungry?"
Say no, say no, he begs silently; he's hungry, but his stomach is in knots and he's half-hard from the adrenaline alone—and yep, the mesh is stretching over him, not unpleasant, hugging his balls, too—and he doesn't think he could live through dinner.
"No," Fraser says, and it's a lie, he can see, but he thanks the patron saint of sexual experimentation anyway.
He doesn't know the next step, so he presses tighter against Fraser, with his rolled-up henley sleeves and his wondering eyes and his fingers spanning Ray's cheekbone, nestling themselves behind Ray's ear.
Fraser gives him this nod, this 'wow, really?' nod he gave Ray the first time Ray put his hand in Fraser's and meant it. Grabs his wrists, leads him down to the bedroom, gentles him down like he's spun glass, fuck, and closes the door—against what?
Fraser's hand spreads possessive over his ribs, and then he's down on the bed and Fraser's nestled between his legs and the sweats are off and he whimpers at the relief of it, at being spared the words and the wait.
Fraser doesn't even look at the panties—which, what? He takes Ray's hand, kisses his knuckles, frowns a little at Ray, and he closes his eyes, tries his best not to burrow into the pillow, whispers, "This what you meant?" and Fraser puts his head gently just above his knee and whispers back, "God, Ray, how did I—," and Ray says, "What, what?", and looks down at Fraser shaking his head, wearing this helpless, almost pleading look, and then he's kissing his way up and into the crook of Ray's thigh, and Ray shivers and draws his leg up and back and over Fraser's shoulder, and oh yeah, now it's the eyes-on-the-prize, all-in Fraser, nosing under the edge of the fabric, cupping him whole with one big hand, pressing down—and then he licks between his own fingers, keeps it up until Ray's leg jerks, almost kicking him in the ribs, and he keens and reaches for Fraser's shoulder and the back of his neck, thrusting up and up and up, his dick wet and full and almost hurting, and he could cry from the way Fraser's moving his whole body under Ray's hands, like he can't stay still, needs to put his fucking back into loving Ray, and his next breath catches on a sob, and Fraser's saying, "Thank you, Ray, fuck," and Ray can see the frantic movement of his hand where he's holding himself up on his knees, feels when he groans into Ray's belly and drops down and gets himself off against Ray's fucking calf, and Ray's gone, has to close his eyes and take deep breaths for a minute so his heart doesn't explode and take them both with it.
He zones back in as Fraser's sliding the panties down his legs gently, holding up one foot, then the other, so nothing catches on anything.
He waits until Fraser settles down, faces him on his side like a mirror image, pinkies touching on the pillow between them. 
"So," Ray says. He's not keyed up any more than usual, thank you kindly, and that just means the curiosity is back full force.
"Yes?" Fraser says, looking at Ray like he wants to pet his head or something. Ray shrugs and puts Fraser's hand in his hair, butts it gently until Fraser giggles and gets the message.
"So, you liked that."
"You're not gonna ask stupid questions, like how, or why, or am I okay, right?"
Great. He broke the Fraser. Fucking underwear.
Ray has to squint to hold back a laugh. "But I get to ask?"
"And you shall receive."
"Freak," Ray says, presses a kiss to the inside of Fraser's wrist. "So, what's that about?"
"You," Fraser says, the kind of deadpan Ray can tell means serious.
"Me, what, me?" Ray waves a hand vaguely at the foot of the bed, where the panties must be still, he's not looking. "They'd look hotter on you. Uh, hypothetically." Not at this juncture.
"It's not about looks, Ray, and I disagree." Fraser leans over to kiss his shoulder.
"No? So you don't want me in, like, a getup or anything?"
"No," Fraser says, simply, "unless you'd like to," and smiles like a dope.
Ray sighs and goes to take care of the cleanup. Puts yesterday's excuse for risotto on the stove while he's up. Remembers Stella's lavender silk, and how Fraser held him before he even saw anything, gentle, gentle.
"So, you knew I'd do it if you looked at me right, and it's not a woman thing," he says, walking to the bedroom, and then he gets it, and stops in the doorway. "Shit, Frase. It's a trust thing?"
He waits a bit, lets him think—but when he looks, Fraser's asleep, his open hand waiting.
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lesharl-eclair · 11 months
simi fic recs pt. 1
um i wrote half of this at 2am so.. any errors mine ::::) heed the tags etc etc i think this doesnt; need to be saisd
all fics below the cut; if you enjoyed these fics, please show the authors comment and kudo love; should you be the author of a fic that's here, and don't want to be here, please reach out to me and your wish is my command :)
individual fics first as always!
maybe just a little by neonbreadsticks (G, 4.1k)
Kimi doesn’t remember much these days. Only the soft glow of the sunlight through the beige curtains, and the smell of the flowers in the garden before they bloom. The sound of a beat-up Aston Martin idling in his driveway and his dustless shelves in his living room. The curve of Seb’s lips, pulled back against his cheeks, the crows feet that only appear when he laughs at things beyond Kimi’s level of understanding.  Kimi doesn’t remember much these days, but he remembers enough.
ok fr i cried (and proceeded to write this)
this is one of my all-time favourite simi fics because of how beautiful it is - their story isn't over-embellished, it's just given a lot of space to shine. there's a certain heartache that comes w/ the added complication of ferrari & discarding of naivete & us vs the world levels of heroic framing & the idea that seb isn't ok but kimi's there that makes the fic really bring on the waterworks for me.
to survive the tides by @shih-coulda-had-it (T, 4.6k)
The surge of want nearly overwhelmed Sebastian’s impulse control, sorely tested since the beginning of their partnership in Ferrari, and now so worn and tattered that Sebastian almost said, ‘Yes, go ahead, take whatever you want, I will give it to you.’ Sebastian Vettel attends the 2018 FIA Prize Giving.
OH MY GOD i spent an embarrasingly long time making sure it was actually your tumblr hehehaha.
something really special about the way you wrote the interactions. everything is incredibly true to life (warily impressed at the amount of research you must have done)
there's a sense of restrained tension slash want slash bittersweet something that runs through this entire thing. am very compelled. every time i reread this it's a different experience.
to the finnish line by @rosyjuly (E, 3.2k)
"It’s the perfect car to have some fun. Might even take the roof down.” They do. They also take Charles back to their hotel room.
can i just say i let out a very embarrassing noise when i realised who the author was on tumblr like oh my GOD. OH my goddd
SIMI DOMESTICITY SHINING THROUGH??? as unlikely as it seems in such a fic. inside jokes. the very questionable power dynamics lol. seriously torn about how to feel for charles. very brilliant unexpected characterisation.
what a thing to choose by @thereisstillalifetolive (E, 2/2, 10.1k)
If someone had asked Kimi what he thought about Seb’s acting ability prior to this he would’ve laughed in their face, Iceman or not. Because while Seb’s ability to talk circles around a question he doesn’t want to answer is unparalleled, a reasonably trained goldfish could discern how he feels about it. Except. Right now, Kimi’s not entirely certain what year he’s actually in.
still don't know how to talk about this fic coherently it was one of the holyshit moments for me
there are still some tiny sweet moments that shine through. amidst all the Stuff going on. and the vulnerability becomes all the more devastating. like yes this is ageplay this is performance (to some extent) but it's also very real. characterisation is breathtaking, sex speaks for itself, possessive kimi + desperate seb is hmmmmhmmhm. rearranging my brain.
thanks for reading, etc. there's loooots more simi fic recs coming your way if i can be bothered
as always, if you enjoyed this, or if i missed any fic, please let me know :) drop me an ask for any ship if you're dying to see something!
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pas-de-duex · 4 months
The Black Swan Chapter 7
Logan closed the shop several hours early. As he had already reminded himself multiple times, no one was coming to buy books anyways. He grabbed his bow, arrows, and medical kit and headed out into the woods once more.
He searched for the swan for hours, unwilling to give up such a worthwhile prize. After the sun set, he finally came across it.
It looked much more mangled than he remembered. Another animal must have found it, as not many other humans hunted in these woods. At least, not to Logan’s knowledge. Its throat was completely torn out and its head was sitting several feet away from the rest of its body. However, the body was still in good condition. He quickly cleaned off what little blood he saw on it in a small stream, and was about to set off when a twig snapped behind him. He strung an arrow into his bow and was about to release it when Remus stepped out of the clearing.
Logan sighed and relaxed his body.
“Remus, what’re you doing out here?”
“Well, I, uh,”
Logan couldn’t stop himself. He pulled Remus into a tight hug.
“I was worried about you.”
“Logan… we met one day ago!”
Logan released Remus. He took a few steps back towards the stream and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Well… yes. That is, that is true. I’m sorry, Remus. I just, I-“
Remus stopped him.
“It’s ok, Logan. I appreciate it. I guess I’m, I’m just, not good with people?”
Logan laughed. Remus gave him an odd look, and that made him laugh even harder.
“Oh, Remus, oh, I’m, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Logan took several deep breaths, willing himself to be calm. “The truth is, Remus. I… I am not very good with people either. I, I much prefer books.” He gestured to Remus’s hand. “Much like that one. Did you like it?”
“Oh, uh, I uh, actually haven’t started it yet. I was trying to… find a quiet spot.”
Logan nodded. “Well, um, if you’d like, we can go back to my bookshop? No one will be there for… probably another month…”
Remus looked at him, confused, but made no comment about it.
“As, as much as I would love to, Logan, I probably shouldn’t. Ja- I mean, my family will probably worry if I’m gone too much longer.”
Logan nodded, dejected. “I understand. Well then, good night, Remus.”
“Good night, Logan.”
Logan gathered the swan body, missing Remus’s hurt look. He had almost made it back into the heart of the woods when he heard more twigs snapping, followed by a “wait!”
Logan whipped around to see an out of breath Remus chasing after him.
“How-pant-how about-pant-what if, what if you met me back by the creek? At sundown, in two days time? I, I should have it all read by then.”
Logan stared at Remus, too shocked to speak.
“Oh, I’m sorry, that-that was-“
“No no no! I would, I would love to Remus. Two days time. Sunset.”
Remus nodded. He started to turn away, then hopped back to kiss Logan on the cheek.
Both men froze, taking in what just happened.
“Well, um, I should get going. I don’t want this to spoil.”
Logan once again missed Remus’s hurt look as he held up the swan body.
“Oh, of, of course. I will see you soon, Logan.”
Logan nodded, and headed back towards town.
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scarisd3ad · 11 months
Promptober day 24 - going to a fall carnival
Pairing - Bruce yamada x reader
Warnings - none
Promptober ‘23 masterlist
Main masterlist
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"Bye, mom!" Bruce shouts as he helps me out of the back seat of his mom's car. Our town was throwing a little fall/Halloween carnival at our local park. There was going to be a haunted house, bunches of games, and rides. Bruce and I decided this was going to be our little date for the month. Our fingers are interlocked as we walk up to the ticket booth. "I- um" Bruce looked up at the little menu that displayed the price of the tickets to just get into the park and the price of tickets to ride rides and play games. "Um, I'll have 2 tickets to get inside and 5 sheets of games and ride tickets. " The price of the tickets to get in was 2.50 and the price of the sheets was 50 cents each. The man who stood in the ticket booth gave a small nod that was paired with a grunt before shoving a stack of tickets towards Bruce. Bruce pays and then we walk into the park.
Our hands are interlocked as we walk through a cute little balloon arch that leads to the actual carnival. They decorated the park with pumpkins, spiders, and black and orange decorations. there are also a few booths set up at the front selling more tickets for the games and rides. After those booths start the game booths and food booths. "What do you want to do first?" I ask, my face bright with excitement.
"Umm, how about we play some games first? huh?" I nod looking around at the game booths that were closest to us. There was a beanbag toss game, basketball, and pick a duck. I tighten my hand around his and drag him over towards the beanbag toss. There's a blonde middle-aged lady, with a little name tag that read 'Deana', standing at the booth. "Hi 2 tickets to play," she says with a big fake customer service smile on her face. The gigantic piece of wood that you throw the bean bags through is shaped like a jack-o'-lantern. "You do it. I can't throw for shit," I whisper. Bruce played baseball. I knew he'd be able to win almost every tossing or throwing game for me. Bruce nods as he lets go of my hand and gives the lady 2 tickets.
She takes the tickets and trades them for 3 bean bags. Bruce leaves 2 on the little table and keeps one in his hand. He tosses the beanbag between both his hands slowly before he brings up his arm and tosses it towards the wooden board. The bag goes right through one eyehole that was labeled 5 points. "oooo 2 more and you can win our big prize!" the woman shouts a little too enthusiastically. He grabs another beanbag and winds up before tossing that one. It lands in the other hole. "5 more points! 2 more and you can win our big prize!" Bruce chuckles before he grabs up the last bean bag and chunks it towards the board. That one goes right through the mouth hole. A little alarm goes off, signifying he has won the biggest prize. "woo" the lady walks over to the prizes, and she grabs a big dog plushy that looks as if it was about 4 ft. "congratulations! You did amazing. " She hands the prize to Bruce, and he grins at her before handing it to me. "Here you go, babe," he whispers as he presses his lips to my temple. "let's go ride a ride."
The rest of the night, we spent our time riding all kinds of rides and playing every game we came across. Bruce had won me about 3 prizes that he held while we walked towards the Ferris wheel, which was going to be the last thing we were going to do. Our hands are interlocked and are swinging back and forth. When we get up to the line for the Ferris wheel, we leave all the prizes at the front before getting into the cart. We sit on the left side of the cart as the worker closes and locks the door to the cart. Bruce's arm wraps around my shoulder as the cart begins moving up. The cart sways slowly as the cart slowly ascends. "Thank you. I had a lot of fun," I whisper as I look up at him, smiling. "I had a lot of fun too," he whispers, pressing his lips to my forehead.
I cuddle up into his body as I look out at the view of our town. "I think I can see my house," I say with a tiny giggle as I point towards my house, which looks tinier than an ant from up here. When I look back over at Bruce, he's staring at me with a lovesick smile on his lips. "What?" I giggle as my brows furrow together. His lungs forward, pressing his lips against mine. My arms instantly wrap around his neck as his hand is placed against my cheek. "I love you," he mumbles against my lips before he pulls away.
@leonkennedylefthand @maexyn @truecobblepot @mfnqueen1 @zoey5252 @nezukos-number1fan @bxbyyyjocelyn @dr3amyk1ng
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projectbluearcadia · 1 year
Mission 42: Distract The Prince Of Hell
Annelie, Diavolo and Lucifer are working in the common room, only occasionally speaking to each other for short questions. 
Mammon: No, you disturb ‘em! I ain’t goin’ anywhere near those three workaholics!
Levi: Says the guy who just bragged that he wasn’t scared of Lord Diavolo! 
Mammon: Well if you’re so confident, why don’t you do it!?
Annelie looks up first, putting her pen down with a sigh. 
Annelie: What is it, you two?
Mammon: Well, um, it’s... 
Annelie: You don’t have to delay it. I’m not going to whip you. 
Levi mutters something under his breath, and Lucifer softly clears his throat.
Mammon: Well... Asmo said about a sleepover party since y’know we have eight people for that one game...
Lucifer: Game?
Annelie: Which game is this?  
Levi: The one Mammon brought back a few days ago. Basically, you divide into teams of four, and each team races to get to the prize through a variety of tasks. 
Annelie: Does that prize happen to be money?
Mammon: Yeah!
Lucifer: No. 
Annelie: Not a good enough incentive for Lucifer to want to play. 
Lucifer: You’re seriously considering it?
Annelie: You don’t play with your siblings enough. Mammon gets lonely. 
Mammon flushes. 
Mammon: Hey!
Annelie chuckles. 
Annelie: I was kidding; you don’t have to blush so hard. How about we each put something in the pot? Lucifer can put one of his prized 100 year-old vintages on the table? 
Lucifer: Oi. If that’s getting offered, what are you offering?
Annelie pauses. 
Annelie: My hellfire mushroom double brewed cigar cookies?
Mammon: Hell yes!
Levi: Please! 
Asmo: Did I hear Annelie’s making those cookies?
Satan: Hold on, what? 
Beel: Annelie’s cookies?
The rest of Lucifer’s brothers flood into the common room one by one. 
Annelie: ...uh...
Lucifer: ...
Looks like I didn’t have to make Lucifer fork over something to make him want to play... 
Annelie: You guys realize I might not be able to duplicate those, right?
Diavolo: You made hellfire mushroom rolled cigar cookies?
Annelie: Er, uh, yeah, I added a few things to the recipe we had though...
Satan: And they’re addicting. 
Uuu... if stares could pierce through people, I’d be full of holes... Diavolo’s in particular... 
Diavolo: I’d love to compete for them; that sounds fun. 
Annelie: Okay, um, but let’s finish this first. 
So I can remember how the hell I made them the first time...
Diavolo: Of course. Oh, and I meant to ask you about this actually, before Mammon spoke. 
Diavolo shows Annelie the page he’s on, pointing at a highlighted section that reads: HDRA / Human-Demon Relations Agency. 
Diavolo: I’m still going through a list of exchange student candidates, but the plan is to implement a policing system to make sure the humans that come here aren’t eaten. While the student council is enough of a hindrance for now, the fact that we couldn’t find you when you arrived here is enough evidence that our reach isn’t wide enough. If possible, I’d like you and Solomon to be in charge of it. 
You’re really just going to give that responsibility to me, aren’t you?
Diavolo: Do you think that’s a sufficient measure?
Annelie: Do I...?
Annelie pauses, her brows furrowing. 
Well, assuming I get a better grasp on magic, and I can keep Solomon out of trouble... 
Annelie: I think it’s worth a try, but the policing can’t be too obvious. Demons will probably think humans are being pampered at first regardless, but we don’t need them thinking that they’ve become less important. That, and we have to make sure that humans don’t feel they’ve been slighted when we correct any improper behavior. 
Diavolo laughs. 
Diavolo: It seems like you’re nicely cut out for the task. I’ll be counting on you, Anne.
...that was a lot of pressure. 
Lucifer: And I’ll help you. We all will. 
Lucifer’s brothers nod and agree almost simultaneously. 
Annnnnd he reduced it. Big softie. 
Annelie: Thank you. I appreciate it...
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Thanksgiving Reruns--Day 4: Black Friday--Chapter 2 of 3
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I would like to wish a very happy Thanksgiving to all my followers who celebrate it, and as a thank you, here are a few of my past Thanksgiving stories.  Enjoy!
Title: Black Friday—Chapter 2 of 3
Rating: G
Words: 1713
Summary: CS as single parents AU. As the holidays approach, Emma’s son Henry and Killian’s daughter Alice ask for a specific storybook which will ONLY be available for purchase on Black Friday.
 Tagging a few people who may be interested (Let me know if you want to be added or taken off the list): @sailormew4 @annaamell @flslp87 @emmateo26@bethacaciakay @ultraluckycatnd @ineffablecolors, @ilovemesomekillianjones @kat2609 @brooke-to-broch @missgymgirl @galadriel26 @the-lady-of-misthaven @charmingturkeysandwich @jennjenn615 @laschatzi @kimmy46 @snowbellewells @iamanneenigma @daxx04 @nickillian @a-rose-for-a-savior @in-spirational @gillie  @britishguyslover @ginnyjinxedandhanshotritafirst @kmomof4  @linda8084 @golfgirld @captain-swan-coffee @searchingwardrobes @hollyethecurious @laughswaytoomuch  @allyourdarlingswans  @winterbaby89 @facesiousbutton82 @therooksshiningknight, @lfh1226-linda @tiganasummertree​
 Other chapters: 1 2 3 5
 Black Friday—Chapter 2
“Um excuse me,” Emma said with a frown, “this book is mine.”
The person standing before her didn’t relinquish the book in question, and Emma glanced up at him…and then promptly wished she hadn’t.  This guy was hot.  Like middle-of-summer in Phoenix hot.  Like compared-to-him-the-sun-was-kind-of-warm hot.  No one had a right to look that damn good this early in the morning.  She should just arrest him and haul him off to jail for that alone.
Very much against her will, her heart swooped and her breath caught at his very proximity.  She saw the exact moment he noticed her reaction.  A sly, maddening, delighted (sexy) grin came over his face.  Emma frowned thunderously up at him, as angry with herself at her reaction as she was at him for his…well, his very existence.
“Much as I hate to contradict a lady,” he drawled (Oh gods, even his voice and accent were hot.  She was in serious, serious trouble), “I believe this book, in fact belongs to me.  I was here first.”
Her frown deepened.  “I don’t think so.  Give me my item before I punch you in the face.”
He chuckled, leaning forward and crowding her space. (Her stupid, traiterous heart picked up yet again.)  “Oh Darling, I can think of some far, far more pleasant ways we can spar than a bout of fisticuffs.”
Was it suddenly hot in here?  
“Look, I don’t have time for this,” she said with a sigh, her voice beginning to raise.  “Just stop being a jackass and give me the book.”
Suddenly a small man with a brown beard, a grumpy look on his face, and a hat that read “security” stepped forward.  “There a problem here folks?”
“None I can’t handle,” Emma gritted out.  “Soon as this guy admits I got here first and gives me my merchandise I’ll get out of your hair.”
“On the contrary,” the man said.  “I was the first one to claim this particular prize.”
The security guard, who wore the name tag “Leroy”, glanced back and forth between the two of them for a moment, and then shrugged.  “Look, I won’t have any fighting in this store.  Work it out among yourselves, or I’m kicking you both out.  Then neither one of you gets the stupid book.”
For a moment Emma merely glared at the man, and he looked back at her, a look of steely determination on his face.  Finally he sighed.
“Look, love, the security guard’s right,” he said. “While quite enjoyable, our standoff will get us nowhere.”
Was the (hot as hell) guy going to actually be reasonable and give in?
“So here’s what I propose,” he said.  “We purchase the book and then adjourn elsewhere to discuss the particulars of whose prize it will be.  Perhaps you’ll allow me to buy you a cup of coffee at Granny’s?”
She crossed her arms across her chest.  “Are you seriously asking me out right now?”
He chuckled, and the sound did things to her, things that brought the color to her cheeks and stole her breath clean from her lungs.  He leaned even closer, so close she could feel his minty-fresh breath against her cheek.  “Sadly no.  I was merely proposing a parlay of sorts, a chance for us to settle our differences like adults.  However, if you’re hoping for a romantic evening out on another occasion, I could certainly accommodate you.”
“In your dreams!”
He wiggled his eyebrows.  Actually wiggled them!  “Perhaps.”
Emma growled.  “Are you kidding me right now?  It’s too early for this!”
He seemed to sense he’d pushed her as far as was prudent, and he sighed.  “I vow to be the perfect gentleman.  IIf we at least secure the item, we can then decide later who is the victor.”
She gave him a quick look and could see the sincerity in his eyes.  She was good at spotting when someone was lying, after all.  Finally she sighed.  “Fine.  But we both buy it–split the cost fifty-fifty.  That way neither one of us can claim ownership of the book before we get everything ironed out.”
“Here you are folks,” the perky brunette waitress said half an hour later.  “One black coffee and one hot cocoa with cinnamon.
Killian heard the waitress lean whisper “Emma, he’s hot” to the woman on the other side of the booth.
She growled and whispered “Ruby, shut it!” back.
He chuckled.  This was turning into one of the most delightful mornings he’d had in ages.  When the waitress had flitted over to another set of customers, Killian leaned back and grinned at his companion.  “She’s right, you know,” he said.  ‘I have been called devilishly handsome.”
“I’ll give you the devilish part,” she said with a wry quirk of her brow.  “Look…what did you say your name was?”
“Did I fail to introduce myself?  How very rude of me.  Killian Jones, at your service,” he said with a bow.  Her cheeks colored alluringly at his formality, and Killian was delighted at her reaction to him.
She was utterly captivating, and the truth was, he hadn’t been so quickly, completely and charmingly smitten with anyone since Milah.  Though he very much wanted to attain the fairy tale book for his Alice, he couldn’t say he regretted the complications this morning had brought.
He didn’t know what possessed him to ask this woman to coffee.  All he knew as they stood facing off in the bookstore was that he did not want their time together to be at an end anytime soon.
“Emma Swan,” she muttered.
A fit of pure devilishness came over him, and he reached over, took her hand and brought it to her lips.  “Enchanted.” he whispered.
Her quick, indrawn breath made his grin widen, and she quickly pulled her hand back and busied herself with taking a sip of her beverage.
“So, Killian Jones,” she said, her voice not quite steady, “what are we going to do about this book?  I don’t mean to be a jerk about it, but I really need this book.  My son…well, this is the only thing he’s asked for, and it’s been a rough year for him.  I just…I just want to be able to give him this one thing so maybe I don’t feel like such a failure as a parent.”
His heart turned over.  He could tell she’d said more than she’d intended.  Emma Swan didn’t strike him as someone who let her walls down quickly or shared her feelings of inadequacy with strangers.
“As a single parent myself, I can relate to the feelings, love,” he said, “but I’ve no doubt book or no book, you’re hardly a failure as a parent.”
“Yeah, well,” she said, glancing uncomfortably aside.  “I feel like it.”
Killian was silent for a long moment, taking a sip of his coffee.  If it weren’t for Alice, he’d give up his claim on the book in a moment, but it was for Alice.  Was there any way they could both get what they wanted?
“I don’t wish to be intransigent either,” he said finally, “and my behavior today is not a matter of mere stubbornness.  My daughter also has her heart set on this particular book.”
Her eyes softened at his statement, acknowledging their dueling claims as parents wanting the best for their respective children.  “Yeah, I get it, so that brings me back to my original question.  How do we decide who gets the book?”
Suddenly an idea struck him.  It was unorthodox to say the least, unorthodox to the point of being downright bizarre, but it did have it’s merits–namely the fact that, should she agree to it, they’d be forced to see each other again on a fairly regular basis.
“I do have an idea,” he said slowly, “but it may sound positively daft.”
She gave him an assessing look, taking another dainty sip of her cocoa.  “Okay, I’m listening.”
“What if we share the book?” he blurted out.
“Share it?  What do you mean?”
“I mean,” he said, “what if we trade off?  Your lad gets the book one week, and then my Alice gets it the next, and so on.”
Her brow furrowed.  “You mean like…joint custody…of a book.”
He shrugged with a grin.  “I told you it would sound daft.”
Killian was encouraged by the fact that Emma didn’t outright shoot down his (odd) idea.  She seemed to consider it, staring into space for several moments, before briefly nodding.  “It is a weird solution, but I think it might be the best way we can both get what we want.  Can’t believe I’m saying this, but you have a deal.”
"It worked!" Henry said excitedly he following Monday morning as he got off the school bus and sprinted over to Alice.  "My mom told me all about it.  Your dad and my mom decided to share the storybook!"
"I know!" Alice said, smile wide and delighted.  "My papa explained the situation to me.  I could tell he felt bad that he didn't get the book, and I wanted to make him feel better, but then I thought maybe it would be better to act kinda disappointed."
"Good thinking," Henry said with a nod as they reached their classroom and headed for their desks.  "If they feel guilty, then they'll make sure to always make the drop off, and then they'll have to meet every week.  We'll be brother and sister by Easter!"
"I hope you're right," Alice said with a sigh.  "I know my papa gets lonely sometimes, and it would be nice if he had someone besides me in his life."
"Exactly," Henry agreed. "And my mom needs to know that not every guy's like my dad.  Not every guy's gonna leave her.
Henry busied himself setting his backpack on the floor and getting out his books and then he looked back at Alice with a troubled look.  "You don't think they'll be mad at us, do you?  You know, for being sneaky and everything."
Alice shook her head vehemently.  "They'll be too happy together for that.  Sometimes adults are just too busy to see what's right in front of them.  That's when their kids have to step in and parent trap them."
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enelea · 2 years
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Victor found himself wanting to get to know Helga better and his brother advised him to do just that. So he took Mitch's advice and did so. He started using opportunities to chat to her while spending time with her and the children. The more time they spent together the more he started liking her up to the point that he felt he had a serious crush on her. "I am telling you Mitch, I am like some besotted school boy with the popular girl in class, hoping to just catch a glance of her. What in the world is wrong with me?" Victor laughed as he spoke to his brother one evening. Mitch paused, "You know Victor, you have no idea how good it is to hear you say that and to hear you laugh again. Michelle and I are actually praying that you and this Helga girl hit it off really well."
As the weeks sped by, Victor started noticing that Helga blushed when he spoke to her and she tried to avoid eye contact from time to time. Could it be that she felt the same about him. Was it time to make his first proper move? So he decided to take the plunge, but not before asking his brother and sister-in-law for the prayers and thoughts that they could possibly give, "if I mess this up, I will be completed and utterly depressed for the rest of my life" he said shaking. He felt his palms sweat against the earpiece of the phone as he poured all his fears out to his brother on the other side of the line. " It will work out Victor, you know how to treat a woman. Jill was just stupid, don't let her stupidity make you doubt yourself." " Yes but what if I read her body language incorrectly and she doesn't like me too, I am her employer and this could seriously mess things up. I don't want to be known as the desperate old pervert up the street who makes the moves on all the young nannies minding his kids". Mitch laughed so much in reply, that Victor couldn't help but laugh with him and Michelle. "You have me on speaker phone don't you?" " Ah yes, I do. Michelle says to tell you, you are not old enough to be known as the old pervert up the street." Of course this made all three of them crack up with laughter. " Ok in all seriousness Vic, go for it man. I have never known my big brother to shy away from a challenge especially when there's so much at stake. Keep your eye on the prize." " Ok, it's now or never." He suddenly thought of the old song: Back in the saddle again and smiled at his own silliness. He finally helped Jillian with her Math homework tonight and was proud that he could actually explain it to her. Vinnie was tucked in for the night and now he could toss and turn in his big lonely bed all on his own.
He waited until Jillian went to school and Vinnie was down for a nap. He had the day off so this was perfect. His nerves were raw. If only he smoked and drank, maybe that would have helped his nerves. He finally mustered up the courage. " So Helga, I remember you telling me you were single. I um would like to change that." He immediately regretted saying that and closed his eyes expecting some cutting reply. She laughed a beautiful laugh and then softly said, "that is the best pickup line I have ever heard, I thought you would never ask. What in the world took you so long?"
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littlemaggiechance · 2 months
As Maggie stomped down the street in her knee-high leather boots, a flurry of paparazzi clung to her coattails. It had never made much sense to her why people like Henry and Diego tried to avoid journos at all costs - well, perhaps she could sympathise a little more after slur-gate (homophobiagate, Diego-punching-a-pap-gate? There was no quirky name for someone stomping all over your civil liberties). But Maggie had grown up with the paparazzi, she had never known a life without them on every street corner. Some of the more infamous had even been invited to her Daddy's wedding to his second wife! She figured there were a few bad apples, but mostly, they were an easy way to get her face splashed over the gossip rags. How could she possibly have a problem with the paprazzi, when today, she had been the ones to call them?
Pushing her sunglasses atop her head, Maggie blinked against the bright sunlight as she approached the big, cast-iron gates that led to Marcus Greene's studio. Throwing her entourage a small smile over her shoulder, she forced a laugh.
"Okay, you guys can't follow me." she giggled, pretending to kick back a small, bald-headed man with the toe of her boot. "Shoo!"
Her cloud of dark curls fanned out around her shoulders as she spun, pressing the button for the intercom that would grant her access inside. Baby blue nails held the button down for an obnoxiously long time, til she heard the familiar British accent of the producer filter through the intercom.
"Marcus, it's Maggie." she cooed, leaning in close to the intercom, as though it might have a better chance of picking her up. Marcus, no fluff, no fuss, as always, simply buzzed her through.
She'd had the decency to call ahead. Marcus was used to the fluidity of the job, and the people he worked with didn't exactly work 9-5 lifestyles, but he was one of the only producers willing to actually deal with her, and she didn't want to piss him off. Compared to some of the people he worked with, compared to The Shattered Diamonds, Maggie was small potatoes. As much as she liked to think of herself as super hot, mega global superstar, she was, in fact, simply the daughter of one Damien Chance.
Rapping on Marcus' door, Maggie poked her head around the door with a small smile, her eyes immediately falling to the man. She'd never actually seen him without headphones on his head or around his neck. She wondered if he slept with them on.
"I wrote a song." she jumped right in, crossing the room and dumping her Jellycat Smudge Rabbit Tote Bag - so cute! - onto a waiting chair. She delved in after it to take out her notebook, her prized possession, a smile on her glossed lips.
There was something easy about conversing with Marcus. She could be upfront, more herself. Normally, Maggie had absolutely no time for people who didn't pander to her whims and whose favorite word was no, but she could be a little more flexible when it came to the music producer. People often mistook his bluntness and straight-talking for rudeness, but Maggie appreciated exactly what Marcus had going on: no-nonsense, no bullshit pure honesty. It made her breathe a sigh of relief, and Maggie was able to settle into doing the thing she loved most, making music, without pretense.
"I think I know how I want it to sound, but it feels a little... um, like, clumsy? I don't know." she hugged her notebook to her chest, looking at him with big doe eyes. "Maybe you could read it, and I could give you the rough sound? I recorded some voice memos last night when I couldn't sleep."
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6okuto · 2 years
off topic but after reading your micah yujin bf hcs (the minecraft one specifically) I imagined like after possibly YEARS you get married and after like irl marriage Micah prepares a server FOR ANOTHER MARRIAGE like its just u,him,ur and his friends vibing on a server (U DONT KNOW SHITT ABT WHAT OTHERS R PLANNING)
Then they decide to give u a task or a quest or smth idk and they prepare the wedding ceremony's place as u struggle,after coming back tho YOU COME ACROSS A WEDDING CEREMONY HALL (before there was something cheesy planned by Micah probably,idk like a tiny puzzle he prepared for you and as you go along you read the signs he wrote,THEY'RE ALL FUCKING SAPPY AND WHOLESOME)
U r now married both legally irl AND on minecraft,u bet he celebrates both of those events' dates even after YEARS AND YEARS
— minecraft wedding with micah hcs
micah has been planning this longer than you think. he's been laying down the steps while you were asleep or busy with work.
^ burying chests in places you've visited and made bases in—at world spawn, your first house, that one super big ravine that shocked the both of you, etc etc
as for the reasoning for sending you off on a quest,, it'd probably be something like, under the guise of getting all the achievements and needing resources. or he's literally just like, here's a quest for an incredible secret prize from me ;))
^ you going "oh do i get to marry you again?" as a joke and he laughs like "oh? you want to make it official again? renewing already?" but he can feel his heart rate increase
you end up reading his thoughts on different events both in the game and in real life. you know for someone who already had irl wedding vows, this guy sure has a Lot more to say.
^"this is the stuff i had to cut out so my vows wouldn't be 3 hours long." is somewhere in a book by the way. he's real for that!
( ^ still manages to write his mc vows with a book and quill. finishes the book after you say i do)
imagining there's signs at every location too with cheesy pickup lines that he's used on you in the past. the most iconic ones (the ones he genuinely spent time to think of and planned when to drop on you) plus the casual ones he'd drop throughout the day
he does something silly in a double chest like strategically placing flowers in a heart shape with diamonds/something special in the middle
micah downloads specific mods on both of your desktops to make sure that you can get the Perfect Experience
^ i'm thinking mrcrayfish's furniture mod and pam's harvestcraft kind of deal if those are still updated. i have no idea i haven't played minecraft in a Long time
you realize it looks familiar and like,, he definitely tried to mimic the original wedding venue in the game. it's actually kind of shocking how familiar it feels
I Know You Have Cats. there's a cat that's supposed to be skrunkly/skrunkly's long lost relative, um,,, skrinkly. for sure. every pet is in the audience!
micah setting up fireworks to go off, your friends shifting and throwing flowers at you, etc etc
^ has a big firework show during dinner at night. literally sprints around so he gets hungry and can eat cake
oh my god sorry but like,, you guys all being in a discord call singing and it's the vc lag would be funny. a memory for sure. but there's also those proximity based mic mod things (i watched sykkuno) which would definitely make it all more realistic!
makes a whole thing of crafting beds and putting them next to each other
makes sure there's a time slot somewhere for screenshots . there has to be a folder made and shared for screenshots of the wedding and it has a silly name i think.
^ would not hesitate to print the photos because he thinks they're cute and also a little silly. puts them with the real wedding photos and scatters them around your house
^ sorry but you having an irl wedding photo that's professional and gorgeous then a (still gorgeous) minecraft screenshot right next to it. shaders and everything like that is so perfect to me personally.
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teenandbeyond · 3 years
Ichigo Kurosaki x Reader
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This is an old one-shot I wrote, just brought it here.
🍓Day Out🍓(Bleach)
Warnings: None
Ichigo’s been weirdly busy lately, but today you got to spend time with him...you did not expect to see a ninja-warrior fight a monster on your way home though.
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
“[Name] do we really have to do this?”
You scoff as you flip a page in his book, mumbling about it being the wrong page, “I don’t, but Ichigo, you do realize how behind you’ve been in class right?”
He scowled as he read over the page, writing what was useful, the obedient strawberry. “It’s not that bad.”
“Asano passed our test with a higher score than you.” He snapped his head over to you in shock, “What?! Really?! When did we have a test?”
You blinked, you had done the test three days ago, you got back your scores that afternoon, “Point proven. You need to study.”
Ichigo gave an uncharacteristic pout, “Fine.”
You smiled, “How about this? If you get five questions right, I’ll make your lunch tomorrow. If you can answer ten questions right at the end of this we’ll go to the arcade together. Your choice.”
“I’ll go for ten. I wanna hang out with you,” his eyes never left the notebook.
You felt a little giddy inside.
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“That’s ten right?”
“Um...yeah actually. You answered them quick, you were really determined to be right, huh?” You asked with a sweat-drop.
He grunted a little as he sat up from your table, walking off to his bag by your door, he muttered to himself, “I was determined to spend time with you.”
You don’t think you were supposed to hear that, but, it made you feel warm...no, it had to be the heater...in June.
“Hey, [Name], didn’t you say we were going to the arcade?”
You hurry to clean up the space and follow him out of your living room area.
“Sorry, let’s go!”
☆*: .。.  .。.:*☆☆*: .。.  .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
Ichigo blinked in disbelief, “D-did you just win?”
You couldn’t help but be a little smug.
“Of course, Ichigo, because I play better than you.”
He got an irk mark, “No, you don’t! If we played something else, I’d totally kick your butt!”
You smiled, but you knew he wouldn’t, “Okay. Sure.”
“That sounded so insincere!”
Next, you both played a shooting game, you messed with him a little in the beginning, making him think he had a chance, but no, he lost.
P@cM@n, he lost that to you, too, and you made a new high score.
That dancing game, he underestimated your quick feet, he lost that game horribly.
“My butt hasn’t been kicked yet, Ichi. I’m starting to think you’re just that bad at games,” you grinned.
He tsked, “I’m not bad at games, you’re just a beast at them.”
Your teasing grin got as wide as a Cheshire cat’s, “Wow, a compliment from the Ichigo Kurosaki. I must really be cool then.”
“Can we go?”
“Embarrassed about losing for two hours, despite me giving you chances to try again, and again?”
“No! Never!”
You gather all of your tickets, “Mhm. Let's go get prizes.”
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Ichigo’s eyes widened in awe at the giant plushie you held, “How many tickets was that?! 5,000?!”
“Over 9,000. I had, like, 20,000 tickets so I had some left over to get other things. I got a cute strawberry plushie for you in a bag I got from the claw machine.”
“I only had 3,000. How’d you manage to get that much?!”
You looked at him like that was the most obvious question ever, “Well, I’m better at playing games than you. Obviously.”
“Hey-” your phone interrupted him.
You flipped open your phone, checking the text, “I got a text from Orihime, she said something about inviting us over for dinner...hrn.”
Both your faces paled at the thought.
“We’re not going,” Ichigo gagged.
“Ichigo!” you smacked his arm around your giant plushie, “Don’t be rude!”
“But, I don’t want food poisoning!”
“I’ll just...help her...and...secretly fix all her dishes to make them edible.”
☆*: .。.  .。.:*☆☆*: .。.  .。.:*☆☆*: .。.  .。.:*☆
“Um...Kurosaki...[Last Name]...did you two go on a date?”
You both turned pink after you processed the question, subconsciously scooting away from each other on the floor. Suddenly you were too close.
“W-what made you ask that weird question?!” Ichigo scowled.
She shyly looked away, the tips of her fingers touching, “Well, you have plushies and things, and...you both are together alone...”
“It’s not a date Inoue. You know we’re just friends,” you willed down your warm face. Why were you flustered at this? It’s not like you would like to go on a date with Ichigo, right?
“Oh,” she smiled, “Well, I’m gonna go make dinner-”
“I’ll help you!” you hurried out, you would.
“[Last Name] you’re a guest, you don’t--”
“I do! I mean--Um, I insist...I can’t let a young woman cook for so many people on her own...”
That was a terrible excuse.
“[Last Name]...we’re the same age...And...there’s only three...”
Ichigo snickered at your demise.
“Just--Just come on!”
You glared at the orange-haired teen as you helped Orihime in the kitchen.
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“My food tastes different...” Orihime furrowed her brows in thought.
You and Ichigo stiffened, did she find out?
“Is it...good?” You tested.
She nodded, “Yeah, really good! That means I’m getting better!”
You kind of felt bad, but your taste buds felt amazing, you’d just give her cooking lessons sometime.
You glanced at Ichigo who ate like he hadn’t eaten for days.
“Oh, Kurosaki! How have you been doing with the Hollows--”
“Orihime,” he warned.
You tilted your head, “Hollows? What does that mean? Is it like, a code? Or a--”
“Don’t worry about it.”
You just sighed, did this have to do with why you haven’t seen him as much anymore? He seems more secretive now, always leaving class, falling asleep, suddenly fainting, most of the time it’s around your new classmate, Rukia Kuchiki. Is that Kuchiki girl his secret girlfriend or something?
Why did that make you feel cold? You should be glad for him, he needs someone who cares for him, better than you can.
“[Name] when we get done, I’ll walk you home.”
You smiled, but it wasn’t as genuine as the rest of the day, “Alright.”
☆*: .。.  .。.:*☆☆*: .。.  .。.:*☆☆*: .。.  .。.:*☆
You walked back and opted for silence, Ichigo didn’t keep secrets from you, and you know he’s been hiding something for a while. You respect his privacy, so you haven’t asked, but..you wonder if he doesn’t trust you anymore.
He’s always been a bit strange, spacing off for a moment, sometimes muttering to himself on a walk home from school but you didn’t care, he was still Ichigo, you loved...liked those things about your friend because it made him, himself.
Suddenly, he paused.
He snapped his head over to you like he’d forgotten you were there.
“[Name], hurry home.”
“What? Why-?”
You cut yourself off with wide eyes as you saw an awful-looking creature a few feet away.
“Ichi...go...what is that?”
“You can see it?”
“Can’t miss it! It’s, thirty friggin’ feet tall!” you exclaimed in fear.
“Back up.”
You did so with no question.
Next thing you know Ichigo became some Ninja-Warrior-- in your words-- and fought the monster.
“What the hell?! What the hell?!”
That’s all you could say.
It seemed it took him longer than he was expecting, but after a few minutes, he killed it.
He rushed back over to you, “Oi! You okay?”
You stumbled back, pointing a finger at him, “You--You’re some--some Ninja-Warrior?!”
He sighed, moving his blade after noticing you nervously had your eyes on it, “Substitute Soul Reaper, technically.”
You scoffed, “Oh, that’s so much better, you’re a bringer of death.”
“You’re mad.”
“At you taking forever to tell me? Yeah. The monster thing was scary, but I’m just confused with you more than anything.”
“I probably shouldn’t, but...I’ll explain...I could...see ghosts for as long as I can remember.”
“Well, that’s explained a lot about you.”
He sweatdropped, “You’re not...startled by that?”
You crossed your arms, “Ichi. I just saw a horse-loch ness monster-thing. So no, you seeing ghosts doesn’t startle me, apparently, I can see them too.”
He explained Rukia, which for some strange reason, you were relieved they weren’t dating, he told you how he became a Soul Reaper, which made you hit him after learning he stabbed himself. He explained Hollows and whatever else he knew.
“You’ve gone through a lot. Have you ever talked to anyone about it? How you feel?”
“I don’t have the time to talk about that.”
“Well,” you smiled at him, “You’ve talked to me about things before, now that I know this, you can talk to me about this too.”
“Hey, Ichigo! You killed the Hollow but I still feel high spiritual pressure other than yours. What going on?”
You turned around to see Rukia, also in the same get-up.
“Yeah, I thought I felt it too. Maybe there’s residue?”
“That’s not-”
“So am I just a tree or something?”
Rukia did a double-take, “Wait, you can see me?”
You raised a brow, “Kuchiki, I’m looking into your eyeballs. What do you think?”
Her brows furrowed, “Wait...”
Suddenly she was in your personal space, your brow stayed in its place.
“That intense spiritual pressure...it’s leaking from you.”
She backed up, a little out of breath, “It fluctuates every few seconds. It could have been because you were with Ichigo for a long period of time, whatever you had locked up, it started to release around him.”
“Um...” you scratched your head.
“Let’s go!” she walked away expecting you to follow.
“What? Where?”
“Well, we need to hide that or else you’ll die, we’re going to Urahara’s shop.”
Ichigo groaned at the name.
While you on the other hand, “Die?!”
“Well, yes, those erm..monsters will keep coming after you like that.”
You caught up to Rukia, “I know what Hollows are.”
She deadpanned, “Ichigo told you everything, didn’t he?”
“Well, it’s looking like you might be more involved in this so...I won’t worry about wiping your memory as long as you can keep it to yourself,” Rukia sighed.
“Wiping--Nevermind, yeah, I can, I’m better than Ichigo at that too.”
“Hey!” he growled from next to you.
“I suppose, I welcome you to this world, [Name] [Last Name]. It’s not pretty.”
“I figured after that Hollow I saw,” you told her in a serious tone.
You turned to your friend, “Hey, Ichigo.”
He glanced over with a hm.
“Thanks. You may not be better than me at games, school, secrets, dat-”
“What’s your point?” he asked with an irk mark.
You gave a bright smile, “But you’re the best at keeping me safe.”
His face turned pink, he looked away, “Yeah, yeah.”
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Wanda x Reader This Isn't Up for Negotiation
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You knew it was a bad idea to take Tony up on his challenge, but the prize was far too grand to walk away from. The most difficult part would be keeping your girlfriend from finding out about the wager. Tony made sure to make that rule number one if Wanda found out then the deal was off. Because if she found out exactly what was at stake then she would immediately help you succeed. You told yourself it would be easy the only real challenge was making sure. You didn't think about it at all when she was around you, because Wanda was not above reading your mind. If you were acting weird but you told yourself that you could do this.
You had to last a total of five days without cuddling with Wanda at all which was easy. At first considering she was still away on a mission on the official start of the challenge. Tony swore that you must have set up in your favor, but the mission was taking longer than expected. Which was completely out of your control and just benefited you in a way. You pranced around his lab for the first two days gloating in his face. On day number three it was his turn to gloat when the quinjet touched down at base, and Wanda came walking off unscathed but obviously exhausted. Natasha and Sam recounted to you how she carried the most of the part. Your girlfriend had wore herself out saving the spy and solider when they got captured.
A exhausted Wanda was a cuddly Wanda and that was the last thing you needed right now. There was no way you could turn her down when she was in this state. You could Tony's eyes burning into the back of your head as you embraced your girlfriend. Your head buried into her shoulder you were basically holding her up at this point. But she wasn't to tired to miss the way Tony was staring at the two of you with glee.
"Babe why is Tony looking at us like a little kid on Christmas morning?" she questioned confusion in her voice.
"Um he's just happy to see you alive and one piece. He was super worried about you love." You lied a little too quickly but lucky for you she was too tired to figure out why.
"Whatever let's just go to bed I could sleep for a week" she murmured finally pulling away. You let her take you by the hand tug you into the direction of your shared bedroom. Tony watched you leave with a victory smile.
Oh it wasn't over yet.
Wanda laid on the bed already half-sleep while you drew her a bath making sure to put some nice relaxing bath salts in the water. Anything that could put her to sleep faster was your best friend right now, and part of you wondered if you should try some sleeping medicine. But the thought of actually drugging your beloved girlfriend just didn't seem right to you. No matter how much you wanted to win the challenge with Tony.
Once the tub was filled and the water was at mildly hot temperature you went back into the room. Wanda heard your footsteps approaching and groaned.
"Come on y/n just get in the bed and hold me please the bath can wait till the morning."
You gave her a pity chuckle sitting down on the bed beside her. "For one no it can't because I just washed the sheets on this bed, and for two you should've said that. Before I went there and made you the perfect bath."
Wanda groaned again but didn't argue as you pulled her up into a sitting position. So you could remove her top clothing, and then you moved on to her bottom clothing. Once you had her undressed Wanda walked with you to the bathroom, and eased her body into the water. She let out a sigh of relief once her body was all the way in laying her head on your lap. While you massaged her shoulders trying to make her even more comfortable.
"You're the best girlfriend anyone could ask for you know that right?" she mumbled
"I do now and I'm only giving you what you deserve you know." You replied kneading her shoulders a bit harder.
'I feel like you're only saying that because you're keeping something from me. Tony is responsible for it somehow but it doesn't matter I'll found out once I'm rested."
Your hand movements paused for just a second before you started again. You chuckled nervously as Wanda just hummed in response. Ten minutes later she insisted on getting out because if she stayed in any longer. She would end up falling asleep in the tub, and you agreed helping her out. You hung out in the bathroom pretending to take forever with cleaning the tub. When you heard her pause in the doorway leaning up against the wall. "Come to bed I want to cuddle with you."
"Do you think you can fall asleep without them I have a lot of stuff I need to get done. I promise when you wake up I will be there." You said not even bothering to turn around. Although if you hadn't kept your back to her you would've seen her eyes narrow at you. The second your lame excuse left your mouth. You never turned down a chance to cuddle with her, and she wasn't about to let you start.
Red energy swirled around your entire body as you felt yourself being lifted into the air. You turned your head to look at Wanda her eyes were glowing red along with one of her hands. "Since when you do tell me no to cuddles y/n."
"Come on Wan put me down I just have a lot to do" You insisted struggling in her magical grip.
"This isn't up for negotiation y/n you can do whatever it is in the morning draga mea." she told you leaving no room for discussion as she walked into the bedroom carrying you with her powers. She released her hold on you once you were hovering over the bed. You dropped onto the bed in a heap bouncing a few times.
Wanda smiled at the little yelp you let out climbing into the bed. "Honestly Tony is lucky I'm too tired to go after him, or he would dangling over the edge of this building telling me everything."
"Wanda its not that bad I'm just trying to win something that could benefit both of us." You told her as she pulled your body closer to hers. You rolled over and nudged her shoulder indicating for her to do the same. Wanda eyes lit up once she knew you were finally giving up and rolled over so she could be the little spoon. You wrapped your arms around her middle nestling your body behind hers. You nuzzled your face into her neck leaving a trail of quick kisses.
"Don't worry love he'll give it to you either way there will be no negotiating with me. I thought you two would've learned this by now." Wanda sighed before snuggling closer to you.
"Hey well now I know cuddles are not up for negotiation it won't happen again. You whispered in her ear as you felt her body relax against yours and her breathing became even.
"Good promise to cuddle me till the morning" her voice said inside your head.
"I promise love it's not up for negotiation" you answered back tepathically.
Taglist: @wandanatvoid @yelenabelovasgf @romanoffomixam @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
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