#if you didn't want tails feel free to send another ask and tell me who you wanted and ill reanwser this!!
myymi · 7 months
For the character ask thing;
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
imm assuming tails for this? lol
12) auugh well. i have sooo many, but one of the ones i don't mention very often is him telling his feelings through songs rather than outright saying them
like sonic, he has learned to bottle up and throw away his emotions, but he's a bit easier to read if you know his music
7) i love it when people allow him to be scared but still capable
tails is 8 years old and has been surviving from something his whole life. bullies, the battle kuku, eggman, etc. he's absolutely desensitized to the things that happen, but he can still be scared when things get bad. however, being scared doesn't mean he can't hold his own in a fight
its usually one or the other when it comes to the fandom portraying tails in a battle, but it should be both most of the time. especially when it comes to forces rewrites and tails faces off with chaos.
he's allowed to be scared. he can still put up a fight. let him.
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busycloudy · 11 months
HIIII HOW R U i saw ur 100 follers event and went: OMG UESS LETS SEND IN A ASK
So Can u do romantic chenya hcs or fic on a reader who is bffs with leona but chenya is like actively trying to rizz reader up? Pls twll me if this doesnt make sense and feel free to delete this if ur not in the mood for it :D
Oh ans pls make it gender neutral but female is fine too tyy and make sure to take care of urslef :D
Thanks for asking red! im doing good👍 I loved the idea and writing this, so I hope you enjoy!(I'm not sure if I did this correctly so if I didn't I'm truly sorry!)
A Jealous Cat
 • Reader is gender neutral and goes by they/them pronouns 
• Ft: Chenya and Leona 
• Tw: None 
• A fluffy and crack(?) fanfic 
• Chenya and/or Leona might be a bit ooc 
• Hope ya enjoy! ______________________________________________________________
You and Leona were best friends. Ever since you came to NRC you became friends with Leona at some point, but also a certain cat started to talk to you more. This was Chenya of course! When the two of you first met in the Heartslabyul maze you didn't talk much, but when you and Leona started to become better friends Chenya started to hang out with you more and more, and became a bit clingy to. It wasn't so often when Chenya left Heartslabyul, but for some reason he did a lot more. You would always find his arms on your shoulders, or his tail wrapped around your waist. Especially when you was with Leona he would do this. You were talking to Leona about what Ace and Grim did this morning until you felt a sudden weight on your shoulders. "Boo!" Chenya grinned ear to ear. You just simply sighed, used to his antics by now, and continued talking to Leona about what happened. "Why do you always hangout with this feline? Y'know, I'm much more paw-some, and energetic at that" Chenya interrupted again, wrapping his tail around your leg. You could see Leona slightly scowl, and at that Chenya's grin grew wider, maybe even sticking his tongue out to, but of course you were unaware of this. "C'mon Herbivore, let's get away from this pampered prince" Leona attempted to take you away but Chenya interfered. "Last time I checked Kingscholar you were a prince. Although, I don't recall me being one" Chenya had a small grin on his face. "It won't hurt if we stay with Chenya a bit longer Leona" You said. Leona mumbled "Fine" and you could hear the reluctance in his voice. You and Chenya then started talking. You'd sometimes go back to talking to Leona, but Chenya always found a way to get your attention back. When you and Chenya talked his face slowly got closer to yours, he always made teasing or flirty remarks. Wait...He was...Flirting with you!? The moment he said another flirty remark you instantly became flustered. What was you supposed to do in this situation!? You turned back around to Leona to try and get your mind off of this and started to talk. Chenya let the two of you talk for a moment, his head resting on the top of yours. Eventually Leona left, but before he did so he gave Chenya a quick glance, then finally leaving. As some days past you and Chenya got along more and more, eventually telling each other your feelings, and Leona supports your relationship. ______________________________________________________________
A/N: I think Leona would be a bit protective of you when around Chenya at first, but when you and Chenya's relationship gets stronger he would have trust in Chenya. Maybe a little frenemy thing going on? We love a protective and supportive bestie <3
Hope you liked it red! And again, I'm truly sorry if this is not what you wanted!
(Forgive me for my lack of cat puns)
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ravenwitch45 · 11 months
Could you please do headcanons for Loona x Reader, where reader is another non-royal friend of Octavia's, and Reader starts crushing on Loona HARD almost immediately? Thanks for your time, I love your stuff!
Aww! Thank you Anon, I'm glad you do, Crazy to think I didn't really do these until Exes and Ooohs came out, and now it's a regular kind of ask I get. I enjoy doing these, and this particular idea I find adorable so sure, no problem! Thanks for sending this in!
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Loona meeting another Non-Royal friend of Octavia, who starts crushing hard on her almost immediatley.
She was surprised to hear Octavia had another non royal friend other then her, don't get me wrong she loved her, but she certainly read as a sheltered child who was just getting out from under that, but 17 years is a long time so no matter how she met you, if Octavia thinks your good, she's happy with meeting you.
When Octavia introduces you two, you quickly go "Wow Via, you didn't tell me your new friend was this pretty! Loona right?"You say offering the Hellhound your hand.
Loona of course not really used to being complimented so openly, blushes and awkwardly takes your hand, thanking you for the compliment, getting a "Your welcome!" The enthusiasm just giving her more butterflies to deal with.
During that first encounter you just get to know eachother a bit, Octavia often giving some of the more open details she knows as Loona is very closed off, such as her occupation and the fact her dad is her boss as well, Loona awkwardly going "A-Adopted, mind you." Still not used to calling Blitz dad especially publically.
You say it's really cool that her dad is including her like that, to which she's not sure how to feel about. But overall it's a good meeting. Afterwards Loona finds herself thinking back to it, raking over all the perfect replies she could have given and things she could have done to make a good first impression, since you seem generally nice and she feels like she looks stupid socially a lot, seeming more distracted then usual even.
As for you, you often just think of her a lot, realizing you might be crushing pretty quick. Just loving how cool she is, how her eyes contrast her fur perfectly, and her magnificent tail that you'd love to touch cause it just looks so fluffy.
Of course your not being a creep, your respectful in your thoughts, and when you see her when your both hanging out with Octavia (Often cause you ask her if Loona is free a lot) And you'll never touch her without her permission. (Your Smitten, not Insane.)
Eventually Octavia tells you she can tell your crushing on Loona, from how much you've been daydreaming, and how often you seem to want her to be around during your hangout sessions. So she bluntly tells you should just ask her out already instead of dancing around it.
Your apprhensive, not wanting to seem hastey, Octavia just telling you won't (btw this is like a few weeks to a month or two after you met Loona) and telling you Loona isn't too bad as long as your nice to her, which you've been more then nice she notes.
Octavia isn't gonna set you and her up, she respects both of you too much to do that kinda thing, she just wants you both to settle the tension between you two cause it's painfully obvious to her.
One time when all three of you are hanging out, Via leaves for a bit so you awkwardly scoot up beside Loona and ask if she'd like to hang out, just you and her some time. She blushes in surprise, but still questions if you mean it like a date. Not in an annoyed tone just curious.
You just say if she'd like it to be one your fine with that, but it just being hanging out would be fine to. Awkwardly chuckling which makes her a little less nervous admittedly. She accepts, but asks if it can be at the office, since she doesn't have to do much until a client calls or comes in. You say that's fine, though later realize you will probably meet her father, which has you very flustered.
It's a good time, Blitz makes it very clear he's keeping an eye on you, Moxxie and Millie are nice, but of course your attention is on Loona for most of it. Both of you just talking, sharing stories, funny things, and just learning more about eachother, which is very enjoyable, when the day winds down she gives you her number, saying she'd be fine texting or calling some time. Which flusters you a good bit
You ask if she'd like to do this again, and she says she'll think about it, and you part ways, but a few days later she texts, saying she'd like to, suggesting a restraunt Blitz told her about it, also saying she wouldn't mind seeing it as a date. And of course you immediately call Octavia in panicked happiness and having no idea how to prepare, but still happy nonetheless, looking forward to the day greatly.
Okay there you go! I have to admit I'm pretty proud of this one, and I'm not usually that proud of my Loona ones, so happy about that. Hope you enjoyed! Thanks again for sending this in!
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witchofthescions · 1 year
Erna wasn't really in the habit of digging up graves. That was more Lenar's thing. (She was certain he'd find that morbid joke amusing were she to ever bring it up.) But she wasn't sure how to feel about her first grave desecration, considering there was a distinct lack of remains within the opened crypt. She, Thancred, Alisaie, Lyse, and her own team stood around discussing the implications of this discovery.
"Speaking from experience," Thancred said, "I can tell you that Ascians have no qualms about taking a living host, let alone a dead one."
"You're saying an Ascian is walking around in Zenos's body?" Lyse said.
"It seems a distinct possibility." Thancred paused, his gaze suddenly shifting to Lenar. "Lenar, you look like you have something on your mind." 
All eyes turned to the Elezen, who looked lost in thought. After a moment, he finally spoke. "The cadence of Zenos's voice was off. And the diction. The voice sounded unmistakably like Zenos's, and yet it didn't sound like him."
"And you've the best ear for voices of anyone I've ever known," Thancred said. "Which certainly lends even more credence to the idea of possession, but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. Before leaping to any conclusions, I want to know for sure if a body was ever buried here... and how certain we are that Zenos was properly dead."
"If he wasn't, that was some trick," Lyse said. "He as good as cut his own head off."
Erna shuddered despite herself, the image of Zenos's final moments flashing before her eyes ever so briefly. It was not exactly a pleasant image to recall.
"Anyway," Lyse continued, "Raubahn needs to hear about this. If you find anything out, send word to me at Rhalgr's Reach."
Thancred nodded, and Lyse swiftly turned on her heel and headed back down the way they came. Alisaie heaved a sigh.
"I don't know why I'm surprised—with matters settling down in Doma, we were due another crisis." She turned to the assembled Warriors of Light. "Shall we make for the Rising Stones, then? It's past time we shared these developments with the others."
"Ah, Ernastral?" Thancred said as she turned to leave. "Would you mind lending me a hand with the lid? I fear I may struggle to get it back as it was before on my own."
"Oh, sure," Erna said, stepping towards him. He gave the others a firm nod.
"I shan't keep her long, I promise," he assured them. "Feel free to go on ahead."
Gohnoh'a's tail flicked behind him, the only sign of any sort of emotion on his part. Cress glanced from Thancred to Erna and back, his own face refusing to betray his thoughts.
"Well then, if you're sure," Lenar finally piped up. "Let us be off."
The four of them started making their way down the trail after Lyse, while Erna and Thancred set about the task of placing the lid back onto the crypt. It was easy enough, what with Erna having the advantage of a farmgirl background and about a two foot height advantage. Getting it back into position and making sure it looked as undisturbed as possible was a piece of cake.
"Ernastral," Thancred said, once the task was done. "I've been meaning to ask about that scar on your chest."
She paused and blinked, before she glanced down and remembered. Oh, right. He never actually saw the damage from her first confrontation with Zenos. The last time she saw him she was still wearing that armor Aymeric had given her.
"What about it?" she said, crossing her arms and hiding it behind her sleeves.
"How... recent is it?" Thancred asked, gaze drifting from the obstructed scar up to her face.
Erna shrugged lightly. "Kinda old at this point."
"How old, exactly?"
Her gaze drifted to Zenos's empty coffin, and Thancred's gaze followed. He looked back to her, a grim frown settling across his features.
"Ernastral." His tone was firm, but there was an obvious sense of genuine concern behind his words.
"'S from the first time I faced him," she said, shrugging as she tried to downplay it. "Back when he sacked the Reach."
His frown deepened as it clicked. "From... Thal's balls, I'd heard you'd been injured, but I hadn't realized—"
"It ain't nothin' to worry about." She waved a hand dismissively.
"You were out of commission for a week," Thancred insisted. "And even then, I heard tell that you refused to stay still."
"You've been laid up before," she pointed out, refusing to look him directly in the eye. "You know how much lyin' around sucks."
"Being laid up in bed isn't exactly the most riveting experience, aye. But..." He paused, as if struggling to find the right words. Ironic for the man with the silver tongue who always seemed to know how to put it to best use. "Are you sure you spent enough time recovering?"
"I had plenty of time to rest up durin' the boat ride to Kugane."
"Which had an unexpected stopover that resulted in you fighting a voidsent siren, if I recall correctly."
"It's not like it was a primal or somethin'." Another dismissive wave. "A single voidsent's nothin' to a Warrior of Light like me. It was almost nostalgic, fightin' one. Like I was back to my apprentice thaumaturge days."
"You've fought voidsent before," Thancred said, his tone a mixture of awe and a certain level of fond exasperation, "as an apprentice. Of course. Why would I think otherwise? It's not as if we haven't been throwing you headlong into danger since the day you joined the Scions."
"I can handle myself," she insisted. "I've been handlin' myself since I first joined the adventurers' guild."
"Aside from that time you threw your wand at a tree," Thancred said, a teasing smile creeping onto his face. Ernastral huffed and pretended to be put out.
"I thought we agreed never to speak 'a that again."
Thancred chuckled, though it was a more restrained sound than she was used to. Like he was holding back for some reason she couldn't quite place.
"Still," he continued, "it's generally ill-advised to go rushing off halfway across the world only a week after sustaining a significant chest wound. Y'shtola was out of commission for over a month."
"I'm fine," was her terse reply. I get enough fussing from Lenar, don't you dare start in on it too.
"Look," she snapped, finally looking at him just to glare, "I don't need you fussin' over me like I'm eight or somethin'. I'm a big girl, and I know my limits."
Thancred met her gaze, his expression stern. She refused to look away. You still see me as that young thaumaturge unknowingly chasin' a wayward princess through the desert, who barely knew her chants from her gestures. Who needed savin' from her first black-robed Ascian, because gods know she didn't have a clue what she was gettin' dragged into back then.
"Don't run yourself ragged," he warned. Erna's lip curled in annoyance.
"I'm not!" Her voice came out louder than she really meant it to. I'm not a helpless little girl who needs your protection, Thancred. "I ain't an idiot like you!"
The words left her mouth before she had a chance to stop herself. Thancred's eyes widened as he leaned back, as if struck. Regret crept through Erna, settling in her stomach like a few mouthfuls of slightly rotted produce. She opened her mouth, wanting to say something, anything to make it better. To take back what she said. But nothing came out.
Finally, Thancred let out a mirthless chuckle. It cut through her like a knife, worsening the guilt and regret.
"I suppose I'm the last person who should be lecturing you on taking it easy, huh."
Their eyes met. She curled in on herself, and her gaze drifted away from him. She heard him inhale, as if about to say something more, before stopping and letting out a little huff. She glanced up in time to see him shaking his head, before he offered her an empty smile.
"I should pay a visit to those responsible for interring the crown prince," Thancred said, as if nothing had happened. "Go catch up with the others. I shall inform you all of what I discover later."
They stood there, staring at each other for a good few moments longer than strictly necessary. She opened her mouth again, hesitated, shut it again. She nodded, and finally forced herself to turn and make her way down the hill to join the others.
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entomjinx · 1 year
Before you continue: Eat something, drink something, take your meds, and get some rest if you haven't. This blog will still exist tomorrow. <3
I don't think I ever had a proper pinned post for this blog, so I'm doing that now! (Last updated: 9/23/2023)
My name is Jinx, and I use all pronouns. You may perceive me however you see fit to, and it is impossible for you to be incorrect.
This blog is for my orginal content. I do not reblog things here unless I am adding to it, or doing an ask game of some sort. The blog where I reblog literally everything and anything I see is @jinx13gxa2 . Follow that one at your own risk, because there is so much spam.
My ask box is always open, and anons stay on. I'm to anxious to leave asks on people's pages 99% of the time so I want to keep that curtesy extended for others like me. I'm a loser with too much going on in my head and I'd love to talk with you! Honestly, I'm probably as anxious about answering you as you are about sending something!
This links you too all of my socials.
I mostly write fics on Ao3, but I occasionally post doodles and such here too. I love to do headcanon lists, but I haven't made any in a long time.
Fandoms I currently create content for:
Fairy Tail (Link to the post about the LGBTQIA+ friendly server that I help run (still semi-active: 2/28/23)) (I don't currently plan on coming back.)
One Piece (Main Fandom as of 2023)
Fandoms I previously created content for, but likely will never return to:
Edens Zero (No new posts.)
I would like to keep this blog as discourse free as possible, as every time I've been thrown into it, I've been harassed, told to kill myself, and in two cases, doxxed. Some of that harassment still continues to this day, and I regularly have to delete anon asks with disturbing content. I will block drama causers without response, as I no longer feel the need to try and back sass you to "one up" you like I did as a teenager. I'm 22, I've grown passed that, and I'm tired. We can coexist quietly and amicably or we can block one another and move on.
Below this is the context of the previous discourse I was involved in, because I'd rather be transparent for anyone just showing up. Warning: It's not as short as I'd like. (TWs: mentions of stalking, harassment, death threats, and suicide baiting)
I will not be deleting any old discourse. It is something I was involved in regardless of how much I wish I wasn't, so I refuse to just erase it despite my personal growth. Everyone may do stupid shit as a teen, however, that will not stop me from holding myself to a higher standard explicitly because it's me. 2019-2020 ish is where the last of the public responses end, I believe.
When I first joined the Fairy Tail fandom, I had a real life stalker, who used the ship Gray/Juvia (and many others) as an example of why I would have to fall in love with him eventually. I was fourteen. This fucked me up beyond belief.
Because of that whole fiasko, I politely asked shippers of the ship and people who really loved Juvia's character to DNI. I wanted nothing to do with it because it brought up all of that trauma and fear. I immediatly began recieving harassment and I was being told that the only reason I didn't like them was because I shipped queer ships in the fandom and thought Juvia was "in the way." The latter didn't bother me much, but the mass amounts of messages telling me to kill myself was incredibly straining.
I fully acknowledge that none of the following was the correct way to go about things, even if it was much better than the alternatives(ex: harassing back).
So I started putting out little anlyses showing the toxicity of the relationship and Juvia's various mental health issues that are never dealt with in the series, and I've even written fics about it. The harassment only grew worse.
I couldn't---and still really don't---understand why people would seek out people who don't like what they do just to harass them, and vice versa. That's why I and a few others who didn't enjoy the ship created a vent blog to keep all of the dislike for the ship contained, and even encouraged shippers to block us, which unfortunately, did not work. We wanted it to stay away from anyone who didn't want to see it, but to be there for those who needed that space to vent about it without it being traced back to their blogs where they could be harassed and sent death threats for disliking something. (This blog is no longer used by anyone. it's been fully shut down, as it should have never existed at all.)
It backfired greatly, and even now I get 15-20 anon asks a week telling me how I should end my life. Sometimes they spike up randomly into 100 a week for shits and giggles.
Because of the way that the harassers treated my friends and I, I believed fiction affected reality on a 1:1 ratio for a long time, which it doesn't. I thought the whole "Anti vs proshipping" discourse was a firm stance on your morals because no one corrected me, yet I was being harrassed by both, which is what forced me to come to terms with the fact that I was being played like a fiddle for a fool.
The entire thing was incredibly immature and ridiculous. Fiction does not affect reality on a 1:1 scale, and it's better for dark topics to be explored in fiction than in real life. That doesn't mean I should have been harassed for not wanting to interact with a certain aspect of it, but that also means I should have just blocked people who were harassing me instead of giving them the angry responses they wanted.
I will fully admit to many of my responses being made out of anger, fear and with more generalizations than they should have been because of the above. Those people were also harassing my friends and I, so I do not feel remorse for being unkind, only for being unfair with my comparisons of fiction to reality.
I have never told anyone to kill themselves, that they should be caught in an accident, or harassesed anyone. I hate the way it feels to be told those things, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies nor the people who harassed me.
Should you scroll down into my blog, you may encounter some of this very angry discourse, and you will, due tumblr showing you the most recent posts first, encounter some of the final, angriest pieces of that discourse without the context for any of it. So here's your context, make of it what you will, and I can only hope that you don't judge me solely on 14-18 year old me's poor descisions and reactions.
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hwanchaesong · 2 years
Okay so for the song prompt list thingy
I need something sad rn cause I’m a sad bitch so why not something super angsty with Psycho - Red Velvet and with Hongjoong (look- I’m still in my Hongjoong feels 😩)
a/n: had to do a double take bc one of my fave writers here in tumblr sent an ask- howdy, serving you your order~ @hyuckilstan
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👤: ATEEZ Kim Hongjoong
📼: Psycho - Red Velvet
genre and warnings: heavy angst, sprinkle of fluff but that is only for flashbacks, mentions of sex, cheating, cursing, overall pertains to toxic relationship
word count: 1.5k
for anyone who wants to, don't be shy and send me asks based on Prompts Request Song Version. Thank you so much!
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"My baby is so pretty." your lover smiled, tucking a hair behind your ear as you looked down to hide your blushing face.
"Stop it!" you said, slapping his chest as he proceeds to wrap an arm around you, kissing your temple, "I'll do that when I stopped loving you, and that will happen in like, never!"
Your relationship with Kim Hongjoong is like a fairytale but instead of a happy ending, you were stuck in a time loop of conflict.
You once thought that the two of you are each other's missing puzzle piece, you did fit together, though it seems that the two of you only cut a part of yourselves just so you could force the suitability of your connection.
The warmth on your nose woke you up, upon opening your eyes, you saw the reason behind that.
"Your morning breath stinks!" you teased him, not that it affected him.
"I don't care, I shall give you all my love and affection, bad breath or not."
Sucks to reminisce about things like that, especially when you saw his phone light up, multiple messages from a person named 'Minhee.'
Now, you're not the type to get jealous, she might just be a friend, but boy you went feral when you saw a particular text that says,
"When will we meet up again? I miss your dick inside me."
He's cheating on you? How dare he?!
When he went out of the bathroom, freshly showered, you threw his phone at him, effectively causing an uproar in the middle of the night.
"What the fuck?! Y/N, what's wrong with you, this is expensive!"
You scoffed, "I bought that phone, why don't you ask Minhee to buy you one. Considering that she'll do anything just so she can get your dick wet."
He went silent with your words, you now knew that he was cheating on you, his mind making up reasons to make you stay. He can't afford to lose you, he can't imagine being with someone else. He can't imagine you being with someone else.
"It was an honest mistake, believe me, baby, you're the one that I love, not her." you slapped him right across the face, fuming at the fact that he had the audacity to tell you that when his actions already spoke for him.
"You should've thought of that before you screwed around." you turned your back on him, keen on escaping from his shackles, and just when you thought you're free, you're back in the cage called his arms once again.
You didn't know how it happened, he was apologizing at your doorstep, crying rivers then suddenly he kissed you, one thing led to another and the only thing that you remember was moaning his name out loud while he made love to you. Whispering empty promises that you, a fool, believed.
He was like a puppy, wagging his tail at you and following every order that you say. It's his way of making it up to you, gain your trust again because, he said and you quote, "I have never loved someone like this, I need you in my life or else I'll die."
He gave you all his gadgets, no password so you can monitor all his messages and social media. You told him not to talk or interact with other girls no matter who they are, instructed him to tell you his whereabouts, who he's with, everything about his day.
"What? You're back together?!" your friend, San, screeched at the café you're at, the other customers looking in your direction as you cupped a hand over his mouth, laughing when he licked at your palm.
A certain, watchful eyes saw the whole interaction, his whole being filled with rage and jealousy. There he is, being a good boy for you and this is how you repay him?
When you went home, it was silent, eerie but you don't find it in yourself to care, you just want to plop into your soft bed and sleep.
"Who was that?" a booming voice startled you, there he stood in the kitchen, eyes blazing, "I saw you with someone today, you look close with him."
Realization hits you, "Ah, that's my friend, San."
He squinted his eyes at you, San? The same one that has a crush on you ever since highschool? Your first love? Choi fucking San?
"Don't meet up with him anymore." he demanded, voice steady but low, and that made your spine tingle because he never spoke to you like that before.
"You don't have any right to tell me w-"
"I have!" he raised his voice, heels turning around to approach you like a prey, his hand gripping your arm tightly that you actually felt pain, his nails digging in your skin.
"You tell me what I can or cannot do, I know that you do that because of what I did before, but I am the man of this house. I deserve to get a say to who you hang out with."
He released you roughly, making you falter a bit as tears sprung up on your eyes, fear coursing through you. His eyes soften when he sees your state, walking over to you as he engulfed you in his embrace, the very same hand who hurt you is now caressing the burning sensation on the same spot he abused.
You both promised each other to communicate properly after that, wanting to save your relationship, solely for the same bullshit of a reason, 'love.'
Do the two of you really love each other or just love the idea of being with each other?
From bringing the best out to waking the beast within, this is really taking a toll on your sanity, but you just couldn't let go of him. You can't, you won't, you mustn't.
"Oh my god, he hurt you? What? Are you gonna wait until he kills you next?!" you were with San, yes you did promise Hongjoong that you wouldn't meet up with him again, but come on, promises are always meant to be broken.
"It's nothing." you bashfully replied, feeling giddy over the attention and concern that you're getting from the man.
He sighs, "Y/N, this is not healthy. You need a better man," he held your hands in his, and the comfort that you have forgotten has risen up in your veins, "like me."
And cut, the moment was done when a fist flew in San's face, knocking him down as a seething Hongjoong stood in front of you.
"Weren't you supposed to be at work?" you asked him.
"Weren't you supposed to be at home?" he quipped back.
The tension is palpable between the two of you, a staring match ensued and the first one to blink is the loser, in which you did because a girl suddenly latched her self over your boyfriend.
"Hongdeongie~ go back to our seats! We haven't seen each other for a long time, let's make the most out of it." she seductively said, her finger trailing down his chest.
You let out a mocking laugh, "Oh? So this is the job? Bet you wanna do her so bad."
He glared at you, pushing the girl off of him before pointing towards a dazed San, "And that's home?"
You raised an eyebrow at his challenge, "Yes, he is."
Hongjoong felt his heart break like his phone that you threw at him when you discovered his unfaithfulness.
You called someone your home, and it's not him. Maybe because he really wasn't, he's your jail, and so are you. Keeping both your freedom in exchange for greed and lust, a poison that you thought of as love.
No he won't accept that.
He dragged you out of the bar, you didn't reject it, mind hazy due to the amount of events that happened within the span of 5 minutes. When you snapped out of it, you thrashed around, ordering him to let go of you.
"No! I would never let go of you!" he put his hands on your shoulders, halting all of your movements as he peered over your eyes.
"Let's fix this okay?" he mumbled before landing a peck on your forehead, "I want to live with you for a lifetime, I want you to be by my side until we're grey and old. There's no one like you in this world."
You are too enticed by his words, forgetting the surroundings and the past, melting in his chest as he whispered more sweet lies.
People said that the two of you look so cute, a picture perfect couple that is fixed in a frame, little did they know, the glass had already been broken.
You'll just look ahead, you won't mind what the two of you have become during your weird journey as long as you're together.
Life has its ups and downs, and so are relationships. Yes, you'll be okay, he'll be okay, the both of you will be okay.
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kaijime · 3 years
picture perfect
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includes. step-brother! hinata shoyo x f!reader
cw. step-cest, mentions of nudes, masturbation, blackmailing, toys [butt plug], fingering, use of pet name 'bunny', video recording, praise kink, vaginal penetration, creampie, theres a mirror?
wc. 2.1k
a/n. this is for @dilfhub's everything-cest collab, hope you like it!! also i might make a pt. 2 for this
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hinata knows what you've been doing, the pictures you've been posting, and the videos you've been sharing for anyone to see, and he plans to use it for his own benefit.
tit started with atsumu showing him a picture of a girl online, 'some girl on onlyfans' he said, but as soon as hinata saw one picture, he was hooked on your body. he quickly asked atsumu for a link to your account because he couldn't get enough of you from just a few pictures.
that night when he finally arrived to his room he was eager to follow the link atsumu had sent him. he paid for the exclusive photos and delved into them.
the most recent one was a picture of a girl's body, posing in front of the mirror, a pastel pink bralette and thin, lacy panties adorned her figure. he could swear he recognized that phone case from somewhere, but he brushed it off as a casualty.
but as he scrolled through the gallery, he kept recognizing things from the background. a jewelry box, the bed sheets, some shoes on the floor.
and then it clicked in his mind.
your jewelry box, the one he'd seen you open thousands of times when he still lived in your parent's house. your bed sheets, he remembers the day you bought them, claiming this color would match your room aesthetic. your shoes, the one's he specifically remembered you wearing for your family reunion.
it was too specific to be a coincidence, but you wouldn't do this kind of thing, right? when he still lived in the house, you never seemed like that type of girl. you never invited any boys over, and you never wore such revealing clothes like the ones you wear in these pictures.
he's scrolled too far, and every single picture he's seen has only driven him to his position right now, cock in his hand, stroking himself to you. he didn't care if it was you anymore, he needs relief after seeing your body with those different poses, different underwear that made his mind run wild with thoughts of making you his.
but his hand around his cock isn't enough to satisfy him. now that he's convinced you took those photos of yourself, he only wants to be buried between your legs, he wants to see how much of his cock you can take before whining and pawing at his chest, moaning that its too much for you to handle.
as soon as he pictures you sprawled out on the bed beneath him, panting his name as he ruts into you, he's a goner. he cums quickly, thick ropes of his cum falling on his stomach and dripping down his toned body.
he makes a reminder to confront you about it the next time he sees you, which is conveniently right now as he stands in front of your bedroom door. now, he's not sure if he really wants to do this. what kind of step-brother would he be if he blackmailed his pretty little step-sister?
after spending the whole day with his family, he decides to stay at his old childhood house for the night, and the only thing he can think about is how pretty you'd look wearing the pretty lingerie set you wore in the last picture you posted. he knocks on the door once, twice, until he grows tired of waiting and opens the door, surprised to find out it was unlocked.
he doesn't know what he was expecting when he decided to open the door, but he certainly wasn't expecting to see you posing in front of the body length mirror, a frilly pair of panties adorning your hip and a lacy bra that barely covers anything. even though you're posing in the mirror, there are still other props sitting unused on your bed, bunny ears and a butt plug with a little fluff at the end, a bunny tail.
he stands on the door frame, not daring to move an inch as you stumble to cover yourself with a blanket. despite not moving much, he closes the door behind him and locks it, leaving you with a confused, blushing face.
you can practically feel your heart beating out of your chest in anticipation, waiting for his next move, too embarrassed to say anything yourself.
"you're beautiful" he mutters under his breath before slowly approaching you, caressing your arm and coaxing you to take off the blanket that covered you.
"what are you doing? y-you shouldn't-"
"i know what you were doing" he says, pulling the sheets from your hands and throwing you over his shoulder. he throws you on the bed and towers over you, reaching his hand over to find the bunny ears.
"were you planning on wearing these?" he asks, when he really thinks about it, you would look nice as his little bunny. he puts the ears on your head and runs his hand over your cheek, soft skin trembling under his touch. he could tell you were scared, yet you didn't put up a fight. "they'd look very nice on you"
he reaches over again, fidgeting with the little butt plug between his fingers. "you gonna take another picture in them?" he asks.
"wh-what are you talking about?" you ask, acting innocent to his accusations.
"don't lie to me" he says, flipping you over so you're laying on your knees, your flimsy panties doing little to cover up the skin of your ass, completely exposed to him.
"i-i don't-"
"c'mon, i've already seen all of your photos" he says, a warm blush creeping into your cheeks.
he knows.
you can't do anything but keen at his words, bucking your hips back towards him where he rubbed the plug against your puckered hole. "i've seen you" he continues "in your cute little lingerie" he runs his hands up and down your body, pressing at the curve of your ass. he just can't believe you're finally like this, laid beneath him just how he imagined. "you looked so pretty, i knew i had to make you mine when i saw you like that"
"we can't" you protest, trying your best to slap his hands away from your body, but instead he takes both of your wrists in one of his hands, using his free hand to insert a finger into your ass. he works you open slowly, thrusting one of his knuckles to fuck into you until you're ready to take the metal plug.
you mutter curses under your breath when he pulls his fingers away, only to be replaced with the hard metal as he pushes it in. "ah!" you exclaim, gasping when its finally all inside and he pets the fluffy tail.
"good girl" he praises while he toys with the tail. when he's done admiring your ass, he slides your panties to the side and runs his fingers through your folds.
"you got so wet from me playing with your ass?" he asks teasingly. "my little bunny"
the pet name makes you drip down your thighs and he notices, he can see that your hole is drooling with your essence, eager to be filled to the brim, and who was he to leave you all high and dry?
"don't play with me shoyo" you whine, squirming and struggling to get his hands off of you, feeble attempts to make him stop.
"i'll play with you all i want" he says "unless you want me to show them what a little slut they have as a daughter"
he's blackmailing you. you're stuck between a rock and a hard place, nothing to do except do whatever he wants. you shouldn't have posted those stupid pictures, and you curse to yourself for getting involved in such a stupid cashgrab.
"no..." you shift your hips closer to him, grinding against him in hopes it would change his mind.
he knew you'd cave in as soon as he threatened you, but he didn't expect you to be so receptive. when you grind your wet panties against his clothed cock, how can you expect him to hold back?
"god, you're gorgeous" he sighs, the feeling of your wetness on his fingers excites him, drives his crazy as he sucks on his fingers, reveling in your lovely taste.
he inserts two of his fingers into your clenching hole, imagining it was his cock instead. he grows harder by the minute, biting his lip to hold back his want for you, and he swears he could cum on the spot when you moan his name.
"shoyo, please!" you whine when he curls his fingers to hit that perfect spot that left your legs weak, barely able to keep you kneeling properly on the bed. "'m gonna cum" you warn him.
"not yet" he says, releasing your hands and spanking your ass, then he lightly pulls on the plug buried between your cheeks.
"fuck! p-please let me cum!" your pleas fall to deaf ears, he's focused on getting your phone from the nigh stand and pulling out the camera app. he starts recording you, zooming in the camera in on the sight of your drooling hole, and capturing all your noises in the video.
"cum, bunny" he orders. you don't hesitate to let go of the built up pleasure, cumming around his digits and coating them with your slick juices.
"f"-fuck!" you say between sobs, tears streaming down your dainty face as he takes his fingers out. he pulls them apart, showing off the string of juices that cling to his fingertips to the camera.
he stops the recording and grabs your hips, rough calloused hands leaving dark marks that would probably be visible tomorrow.
"did you like that?" you can't even reply, still lost in your own pleasure and clenching onto the sheets. you're so buried in your mind, you don't even notice him taking his cock out of his pants and positioning it to your entrance. he covers it in your slick, using it as lubricant to slide into you.
he fills you up perfectly, leaving you gasping for air when you feel the head of his cock pressing against your cervix. you're stretched out beyond your limit, cursing under your breath at the burn he sends throughout your whole body.
shuddering under his grip, he starts his pace, rutting his hips into you at slow pace. he treats you so carefully, as if you might break if he makes a wrong move. you're a porcelain doll for him, a porcelain doll that clenches around his cock deliciously every time he hits your sweet spot.
"doing so good for me, bunny" that nickname again, it drove you crazy.
you pant and bury your face deeper into the pillow, trying to suppress you moans from him. you didn't want to give him the benefit of your moans, but he makes it so hard when he angles his thrusts to hit your g-spot over and over, prompting more and more sounds for him to drink in.
"taking me so well in your little hole" he keeps praising "this greedy pussy was made just for me" he pulls you closer with a hand to your tummy and drags it lower, low enough to roll small circles to your clit. you can't help but buck your hips against him, driving him insane with the way your little tail jiggled every time he thrusted into you.
he grips one of your cheeks with his hands, spreading you open to get a better view of the little plug, pushed neatly into your tiny hole.
"sh-sho- fuck! 'm cumming, 'm cumming!" you exclaim, your walls pulling him deeper into your cunt.
he almost cums along with you, but he remembers to take your phone and start recording again, capturing your hole as it clenches around his cock in the frame.
a few curses and he's lost in the pleasure, barely conscious enough to hold the phone correctly as he spills everything inside your tight hole. he records your trembling figure, and he puts the phone closer to your cunt, focusing in on the sight of him pulling out his cock and his cum seeping down your thighs, oozing out of your little hole as you pant and drool all over the picture.
the last scene he captures with the camera is the one of him pulling you up, positioning your body to have you kneeling on the bed, facing the mirror. he records your fucked out body, struggling to stay up and look towards the mirror.
its a sight enough to make anyone cum. its a sight enough to make atsumu cum as he sits in his bed, imagining its his cum that drips down your legs and makes a lovely puddle of slick on the bed. he sits in disbelief as he watches the next video, because he recognizes the red head that kneels behind the fucked out girl, caressing the skin of her hips lovingly.
he definitely has to talk to shoyo when he's back from his trip.
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© kaijime 2021 | all content belongs to kaijime, do not modify or repost
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tazcreates · 2 years
FNaF SB Headcannons:
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Dad friend
Has anxiety
Can tell somethings wrong without even looking
Would try to fix your problems
Really apologetic for something that's not his fault
Dating Bonnie and Monty
Would cry over snakes
Heavy sleeper(snores too)
He is a very fluffy boy
Awesome cuddles and hugs
Would be ticked off if you hurt his boyfriend(s)
MEN he loves men
Mother hen
The short one TM
Loves food, will cook for you, will cook for your friends, will cook for a complete stranger
Bffs with Bonnie
Dating Roxy
She praises Roxy for almost everything. She knows she has self esteem issues
Stress eats
Also very fluffy
Good hugs
Would only get mad at you if you took her food away for said something rude about Roxy
Very energetic
Sometimes gets the zoomies, if she has them, she immediately goes to mazersize.
Fruity af
Makes weird faces
Stronger than you would think
Knows where you are almost all the time
He hears you
He hears everything
Smol UwU bean
Cuddle bunny
Teases Monty 24/7
Bffs with Chica
Wensday Bowling with Chica as they talk about their partners and how annoying the staff bots are
He skips around the pizzaplex when hes happy
Will fuck you up
If you touch her gf you will get kicked in the face
Self esteem 📉📉
Hair is very soft
Floofy tail
10/10 would pet her, but you gotta ask first
Sibling-Like relationship with Monty
She would hit him, run away, then bring him a smoothie and play golf
Zoomies? I think so
When she has the zoomies she either
Runs around the pizzaplex
Goes to Roxy Raceway
Beats up a staff bot
Violent sometimes
She either has the zoomies, depressive episodes, or is with Chica. I don't think theres an in between
Show off. All the time. Showing off.
Bisexual with a preference for women
I'm just gonna say it, I'm a simp
Sexy leezord man
Same with Roxy: Touch Bonnie or Freddy and you get wHACKED
Would throw a golf club at you
Anger issues started when Bonnie went missing
No he didn't do it, thought the staff seems to think so and a lot of evidence points to him.
Would crush your skull with his big strong arms
Hes actually really gentle tho
Invades Bonnie or Freddy's room at 3A.M. if he isn't already there
He just wants to talk let him speak
Long tail go woosh- accidentally trips people sometimes.
His tail is almost always in the way, it knocks over everything!
It also got him banned from the Daycare
But we don't talk about that
He needs to be holding Freddy or Bonnie's hand at all times
Hell, why not both?
Big dumb baby man
"There is NO such thing as way too much fun"
If he an another animatronic are mad, he will snatch them and take them to a backroom and trash it.
Hes doing his best
Separation anxiety
Very creative
They can come up with games right on the spot
Very fun!! 10/10 would recommend hanging out with them
They would comment a lot during a movie but at least they're funny
Loves the slide
Very good a distracting kids,
Would give someone a free plushie if they got hurt. Make them feel better
Really comforting
Would race up the slide
Encourages kids to have fun but also follow rules
Has really good eyesight and knows where almost everyone is at all times
Wears bells so vision impaired people know where they are
Knows sign language for hearing impaired people
Almost the same as sun, but a little darker
Not as energetic, pretty laid back and chill
Would not comment during a movie, but would hush people who spoke during it
Carrys sleepy kids to bed
Almost always has a blanket on them
Has melatonin for nap time
Doesn't care much for rules, but also doesn't want kids to be wound up and crazy
Not as creative but rather has a set list for down times
Great listener. Would let you come into the Daycare just to vent
That's all I got for right now! Feel free to send me asks on anything else :)
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andre8398 · 2 years
Summon's End (Part 5)
Memories flow like a river. Two rivers that ran parallel never meant to meet, becoming one as the lines that made them individuals cease to exist. Only leaving one being, a new start for both. 
"How long have I been wandering in that abyss?"
"How long until I realized I wasn't alone?"
" I had given up everything in hope that they would one day be free of the endless cycle, yet at the same time it is as if I hadn't given up anything at all." These are the thoughts of a being in a similar situation.
Shibuya Ward
Everyone is surprised as an obsidian-colored dragon with a similar appearance to the Golden dragon of the typhoons appears to take the blow of Yoritomo's sword. Then while keeping the sword embedded into his arm the dragon headbutts Yoritomo. CRACK!!! Yoritomo is knocked back and becomes disoriented. The dragon then looks back at the pair of students behind him as he throws the sword to the side. 
"Are you two alright?" The dragon asks as Tatsuya and Yui nod in confirmation. "Good, now hold on tight to each other." The pair do as they are told, feeling as if knowing that the dragon means them no harm. "OI! BUFFALO! HERO! YOUR TURN, CATCH!" The charging Wakan and Daisuke continue their attacks as the dragon swings his tail causing Tatsuya and Yui to go flying into Wakan's arms. Daisuke's Sacred Artifacts protect the groups from any further attacks leaving the dragon outside.
"So, you're the one that was summoned. I must admit you are quite strong." Yoritomo speaks as tries to recover. Then promptly returns to his attack stance, well at the same time getting a closer look at the dragon. The dragon wore a school uniform. His clothes were torn and tattered, while his shoes and shirt were missing and his uniform jacket was perched on top of his shoulders like a cape or robe. There was a peculiar watch on his wrist, the watch looked like a smart device with an orange rim and silver details.  The dragon himself was muscular even for a dragon. He was well defined, yet he didn't appear to be lean. Though it caused a mouth watering reaction from Yoritomo. 
"You're very well built, tell me. Are you an athlete or a fighter of sorts, or an officer of the law?" The dragon gave no response, but his silence was confirmation enough. Prompting Yoritomo to continue his analysis. The dragon's horns were hard to describe though the most notable was the damaged ring on his left horn. "Splendid, you'll make a great friend." 
The dragon scoffed as he did his own analysis of the 3 before him. The Giant doesn't have any malicious intent, while the child on his shoulder only seems to be interested in showing his strength and seeing who is stronger. The man in front of the dragon, he was unlike the other 2 he was more clever and cunning, and his voice sounded cold yet cheery with a lustful glint in his eyes "Friends? Hm.. I see you're that type of person. I refuse. I will not be your ally nor your enemy. I want nothing to do with you or whatever you may be scheming." 
"That's a shame, but I already figured that was your answer." Yoritomo says slyly as he snaps his fingers. CLANK!! Chains come out of nowhere ensnaring the dragon causing him to become immobile. "Those chains are strong enough to keep even Balor in place." The Giant behind him scoffs affirming his identity. "Now, if you don't mind, shoot the barrier down." All the dragon can do is watch as the child on Balor's shoulder shoots an arrow of flames. CRABOOM!! He turns his head only to see the arrow destroy the net of ropes created by Corona Borealis. 
The dragon's mind raced as he tried to figure out what to do. He struggles against the chains. "If I change back to normal I'll be ripped apart by the chains! If I don't they will die!" He thought to himself. Suddenly the child gets another arrow ready to shoot. The dragon yanks on the chains quickly realizing that chains were being held down by people.  The dragon smirks. As the arrow is shot the dragon pulls the chains with full force sending the soldiers holding the chains down flying, then uses the chains to intercept the arrow. BOOOOOM!! The arrow and the chains explode into a large flash. When the light disperses all that's left on the field is the dragon and the 3 opponents in front of him. 
"So, that was your plan all along wasn't it, Boy! Hahaha I commend you for your performance. Well now that all but you are gone. It is only custom that royalty introduce themselves before battle." The dragon gives him a confused look. Balor points at the ring on his horn. "That's a mark of royalty amongst dragons. You wearing it so naturally marks you as a descendent of a royal. However, your look of confusion tells me that you never noticed it before. Regardless, let me introduce myself. I am Balor." 
"You're Quite clever using those chains to block my arrow, I'm Teda by the way." The kid on Balor's shoulder interrupts. 
"I'm Yoritomo." The dragon scuffs at his introduction. Then looks forward and introduces himself.
"I am Ryugo." He says before returning to a defensive stance.
"Courageous Little Dragon, there will be no holding back, COME AT US WITH ALL YOU HAVE OR PERISH." Balor roars. 
Author Notes: Sorry for taking so long I wanted to complete the story all at once but looks like that won't happen I'll post this here today I'll post the next part in a couple days
Like before Yui and Tatsuya are the wonderful @shinjukuspiritcommittee Oc's you should check out his work and his new Health and Sports Day series.
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tsumuniri · 3 years
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━━━ Atsumu Miya is a free-loader. Living inside his twin brother's home as if it was his, he would bring home girls and annoy Osamu most of the time. Y/N L/N is quite the opposite apparently because she's a virgin loser. Being the popular anonymous BL mangaka known as Yamazaki, she stays in the homey abode of her parents and watches boys from afar for references (not for admiration sadly).
Now what will happen if fate decided to tie these two idiots together and made them live across each other in one apartment?
。m.list ❯❯ ┃next
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DO YOU GET NERVOUS to the point you wouldn't be surprised that you already took a shit, not pee, but discharge the residue on your pants? That's how a certain H/C-haired female felt as she sat across the table with her editor on the other side. It was only a figurative speech, though; if she took it literally, Y/N would gladly dig her own grave and plan her funeral up to what kind of horrid gown she'd be wearing in her casket.
It wasn't your fault to be this anxious. You've been doing this type of gig for almost five years, yet you couldn't help but tremble slightly on your seat as you noiselessly wait for the male editor to enlighten you with comments in regards to this unreleased chapter. You hate having to go through this type of initiation, but hey, you love your job nevertheless.
"Great work today, L/N-san. You accurately followed my advice when it comes to the panels. As expected from your skills and experiences in the field." Akihito remarked, pushing up his glasses with his thumb and closing the original copy of the printed manuscript.
You now had the ability to breathe as you draw out a deep sigh of relief. "Well, thank the gods for that! When you criticized the paneling of this chap two days ago, I panicked a bit and had to rearrange them all." You rambled on and began to ravish the food on your tray to satisfy your empty stomach. It was a bit difficult to comprehend your words due to the continuous eating of the delicious french fries. However, your editor somewhat understood you in the end.
Akihito watched you chowed down on the poor potato snack and shook his head from the ridiculous spectacle of your hungry state. "You're the infamous Yamazaki, but you asked me to meet up with you in a place like this?" He panned out.
"What do you mean? And didn't I tell you not to say my pen name out loud? What if people might hear you!"
"Y/N, we're in McDonald's." Your editor frowned, gesturing around the place full of children with a nudge of his thumb. With the sudden dilemma of your hidden identity, he cocked a brow and turned his head to glance at the screaming little monsters chasing each other on the matted floor. It was clear to him that these youngsters didn't pay any mind to their talk.
"We took the table by the playground. I don't think kids of their age would know someone who makes picture books of men sucking-".
"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! STOP!" You cut him off right before he could finish his ambiguous statement. You took a bite on the fry you were holding and dipped it in the blob of ketchup on the tissue paper. "I chose this fast-food resto because the atmosphere in this place is loud. I don't want someone to hear you nor see the material you're reading." You licked the salt off your fingers once you finished eating your fries.
His slanted eyes squinted in suspicion as his onyx irises surveyed your get-up from head to toe. Your patterned sock-covered feet nestled on black Adidas slippers as you had plaid trousers that seemed to look like matching pajama pants of a clothing set. The white shirt with the oppai logo you wore made up for your lacking asset. However, the best feature of this apparel you came up with was the unusual pair of large rimmed shades covering your eyes. "It seemed like you do know how to act natural, Y/N..." Akihito trailed, deciding not to ridicule the outfit you chose to wore for their meeting since he knew you were in a hurry to meet the deadline.
Your eyes glanced at the watch wrapped around your wrist and realized the current time. "I better get going. My mom would kill me if I didn't do the groceries. Thank you for today, Akihito!" You pushed yourself off the table, sitting up from the cushioned seat then bowing towards the male.
The brunette also stood up for courtesy's sake, softly smiling at you in gratification. "Thank you for your hard work as well, L/N-san. I'll make sure to send out a copy of the weekly magazine as soon it releases to the public. Your international fans will definitely enjoy this chapter once the global publishing company releases the translated magazine." He assured.
"Well, I'm happy to hear that everyone gets to enjoy my works! I'll see you soon, Akihito." You gave him a lazy grin as you turned your back and left for your pending chore.
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"That man sure bought a lot of cleaning products." You thought out loud as you recalled the fascinating scene of a fellow shopper with a basket full of cleaning merchandise. You couldn't pinpoint his looks since the guy was wearing a face mask. But from his athletic build and large hooded eyes that made the other shoppers distance themselves away, you had a feeling he's good-looking. It wouldn't be surprising if he already has a girlfriend.
Or a boyfriend if he likes bananas over tacos.
Your little bubble of thoughts soon popped as you stood outside the gate of your household, staring at the moving boxes stacked on the grassy floor of your mother's garden. 'Now, what are they up to?' You mused, having a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach from the cardboard packages.
You hoisted up the two paper bags full of groceries against your chest and pulled the gate open. "Mom! Dad! I'm Home!" You greeted out, walking past the boxes and almost tripping on one of them. Your left arm had lifted the groceries with difficulty as you used your other hand to twist the doorknob of the front door.
The spruce door was pushed open by your right arm. As you took a step inside, your ears caught a pitched bark from the end of the hallway. A smile fixed on your lips once the familiar energetic sound registered in your mind.
"Kazu!" A short-coated corgi ran out from one of the doorways as it continued to bark and jump from the excitement of its owner arriving back at home. Its fluffy butt waddled with every step it took with its soft paws— bouncing a couple of times once you called out its name.
You smiled from ear to ear, "You miss me, boy?" You cooed, slipping out of your slippers and setting the bags of groceries on the hall table by the door. The dog barked softly and looked up at you with his beady eyes, wagging his tail and letting out another bark in reply. You would've played with this cute bunch that the gods have blessed you with, but the questions about the boxes haven't stopped galling you for answers.
"Where's mom and dad, Kazu?"
Kazu tilted his head and barked as if the corgi understood what you were trying to tell him. The dog turned around and darted over to the staircase leading upstairs. 'Maybe that's why they didn't hear me.' You thought to yourself and followed your dog over to the flight of stairs. The fluffy puppy used his time in climbing up the steps, but you decided to scoop the dog up in your arms and carry him midway due to how hard of a time the corgi's having.
You gently placed Kazu back on the floor after you both reached upstairs. Your brows furrowed together as you caught the sight of the two pieces of luggage outside your bedroom door. If your gut was telling you before that something grave might happen, it was screaming at you now that something will. "Mom?" You called out for your mother, needing an explanation for what the hell her parents are doing to her room.
Finally, the said person peeked her head out from the doorway of your room. "Y/N, dear! Welcome back!" She smiled and waved her hand to beckon you over to her side.
"Since you're finally here, your father and I have some great news for you!"
You eyed your mother, suspicious by the way she's acting, but you still heeded her command and took hesitant steps in the direction of your bedroom. "What's happening, mom? Why are you guys in my r-" You weren't able to finish your sentence as you find yourself in an almost empty bedroom with your father sealing a box with packaging tape.
The middle-aged man looked up from what he was doing and beamed once he saw his daughter walked inside the room, "My lovely girl! Great timing! Help your old pal in bringing your stuff outside the house." He hummed.
You didn't know what to say— you already had an idea of what the old couple was about to do, but you don't want to believe it. Your wide eyes shifted between your mother and father, "Don't... Don't tell me that..." You stammered as you were in disbelief from the current event playing right in front of you.
"We're kicking you out, Y/N!"
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## and this is the first fic that i posted here on tumblr! though, i already published it in wp as well LMAO. i hope you enjoyed reading the prologue :'>
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COSMIC - S3:E3; Chapter Three, The Case Of The Missing Lifeguard - [Pt. 2]
A Will Byers x Reader Series
𝘌𝘭 𝘨𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘉𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳. 𝘞𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘴 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥, 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘓𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘋&𝘋. 𝘋𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘺 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘙𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘱𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘶𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘨𝘦.
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📝: guys.... he's finally here 🧙🏻🔮 you'll never believe me but when typing out the "day free of girls" line i literally typed "a day full of girls" on accident and I lost it.
"Holy shit, I can't believe we're really doing this."
Max caps the magic marker pen and flips the last name card around, the three friends grinning down at their work before them. Together, Y/n, El, and Max had gathered enough scraps to make a roulette wheel of sorts made up of a piece of cardboard, drawing paper, and an old Coke bottle. In other words, the decider of El's next trip to the void.
Max tosses the pen back on the bed and Y/n manages to fix the glass bottle before it rolled off the cardboard. Her back dug into the wall where she sat next to El but all she could feel was excitement. That and the terrible sinking feeling she had been ignoring all night.
"Ready?" Max asks.
"Remember, you don't have to do this, okay?"
El cocks her head to the side and smiles at Y/n.
"Y/n. I'm okay."
That feeling grew worse with the anxiety bubbling in her stomach. But the look in El's eyes was gentle enough to quell the fears. It was stupid to be worrying. Wasn't it?
"I know, I just mean we're not gonna make you do anything you don't want to do," she looks at Max and she nods.
"Totally," she agrees.
El can't contain the warm smile stretching across her cheeks, and any previous feelings towards the void and going in solidified. She knew before this moment she could trust her friends as she went back in. But it was reassuring to know they were still looking out for her, making sure she felt safe.
"It's okay. I want to,"
Y/n's smile returns and she nods, signaling El to spin the bottle. It twirls with a muted clatter before landing on its first name.
"Mr. Wheeler," the three of them read aloud.
Y/n makes another face at the card and Max scoffs.
"Blech, boring,"
"Yeah," El chuckles, looking to Max. "Boring,"
"Spin again," she encourages.
El reaches for the bottle, a small frown forming as she looks between them.
"Against the rules?"
"We make our own rules," Y/n says simply.
El's cheeks were beginning to hurt from all this smiling.
Nevertheless, she reaches for the bottle, winding it back before spinning it full force. Their eyes are trained patiently on the glass, watching as the glass nozzle slows over,
Y/n feels another stone sink to the pit of her stomach like a skipped rock. Unsure, she sends a look to Max who is looking less than thrilled. The redhead scoffs as Y/n rises from the bed to retrieve the radio. After nearly a year of friendship with Max, Y/n had learned more or less what to expect with her best friend's stepbrother, but she also knew not to rule out any surprises. Part of her, a small part she apparently shared with Max, was scared they were sending El into a sure moment of trauma.
She just didn't realize what kind in that moment.
"Okay, look," Max warned, as Y/n made her way back to the bed and began fiddling with the radio. "I should just warn you if he's with a girl or doing something gross just get out of there right away before you're scarred for life,"
"Max," El warned playfully, taking the headband Max had nearby.
"I'm just saying, he's really gross,"
"Max!" El laughed.
"Okay," She chuckled, readjusting herself on the bed. "Shutting up now,"
Y/n manages to find the correct station just as El hooks the headband over her eyes again.
A silence falls over the room. Any muffled voices from the TV Hopper was watching in the other room were drowned out in the static seeping into the air. Y/n and Max watched carefully as the girl's shoulders rise and fall in a deep breath.
When El arrived, she immediately felt cold.
She had developed a sense of time in this place long ago, and she knew her getting here — finding Billy — didn't take long, but it wasn't as fast as it had been when she looked for the boys.
When El arrived... everything felt wrong.
First of all, Billy wasn't anywhere in sight. Not right away.
All that was waiting for her was a car, just feet to her right. The headlights were on, bright yellow beams shining over her legs, staring at her like eyes as it sat watching her in the dark.
El tries to ignore the beating of her heart in her ears as she inches closer to investigate. She tries to ignore the growing urge to turn tail and run. To ignore her instincts completely, leave the void and tell Y/n and Max she was sorry.
But she didn't. She crept closer and closer to the only clue she was given and found her unease growing.
The glass of the windshield was hopelessly cracked, dented in like something had hit it. Hard. And when she crept even closer, it was confirmed to her the car was empty. Even more curious, the trunk was open.
El grew closer to the trunk, but before she could investigate further the sounds of fearful whimpers finally reached her ears. It deepened her frown and pulled her eyes deeper into the void. That's when she saw it.
She could barely make him out, he was so far away but it was him.
"I found him,"
"What's he doing?" Max asks, sounding as unsure as Y/n felt.
Neither of them liked the look forming on El's face under the headband. She looked worried, and when she finally spoke she sounded it too.
She sounded scared.
"I don't know,"
Everything had become harder to make out. Every step she took to close the distance between her and Billy made the connection worse.
Like something was blocking her.
Whatever it is, it isn't strong enough to block out Billy's coarse and hollow voice.
"Don't be afraid."
"He's... on the floor,"
His back is to El, knelt over the floor. His dark gray tank and jeans nearly working to blend him into the darkness he's hiding in. He was nowhere near even a scrap of light, undoubtedly the reason it took her this long to spot him.
His voice is as chilling as whatever atmosphere she had just stepped into. She was in the comfort of her own home, surrounded by those she trusted to pull her out but it was not enough.
Against Billy's words to this stranger, she felt afraid. Nor did she believe the next words to leave his mouth.
"It'll be over soon."
"talking to someone."
The whimpers grew louder and more frequent. Whoever this girl was, she was crying.
Nothing about this trip made her want to get closer, but El continued on. She was determined now, despite the suffocating fear. She was worried for this girl.
El could barely see her. She too was cloaked in darkness. And she was also obscured from behind Billy's figure.
"Just stay very still,"
El's lungs felt like they were flooding. Her legs turned to led, slowly bringing her to a stop just a few steps behind Billy. Tears had crept into her eyes by the time he rose to his feet, his broad shoulders meeting her eye level.
Her instincts were screaming inside her like an alarm; bright, violent flashes of fear growing more rapid by the second until—
El flinched as he whipped around to face her, sunken, darkened eyes widening as they piercing her own. He had not uttered a word to her but she still heard it. A force so strong and revolted — so concentrated — she could feel the thought in her bones.
He could see her.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
She's too shocked to do anything. Too afraid. But she wasn't prepared to let that stop her. Heather was going to do something, she had to. She would.
But that all died when Billy suddenly stood up, looking almost disinterested in her as an eery, unnatural sound reverberates throughout the darkness before her. Slowly, her head turns to face the dark abyss when she catches movement out of the corner of her eye.
His face is as hard as stone though his eyes hold a flicker of struggle and pain when it all unfolds. Heather may be the only one in binding, but she is not the only one who is trapped. There is nothing at all Billy can do but watch as the large and bloodied mass of flesh stomps forward from the shadows, ready to feast.
Neither is there anything to do to stop the sudden plunge of a million icy daggers into his system as his head is jerked around. His senses had suddenly been dialed up to twenty in the blink of an eye, the skin over the back of his neck tightening when it senses her.
Heather's bloodcurdling screams swallow the silence as his stomach plummets two more stories.
It was the girl.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
The headband is torn suddenly from El's tremoring body, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she gulps down shaky breaths of air.
"What is it?"
"El, what's wrong?"
El feels a warm hand gently graze her own, and while it does wonders in putting the icy chill to bed it's not enough to banish the fear flooding her lungs.
It takes great effort for her to meet her friend's watery eyes, but when she does, it's impossible to ignore the grave look El casts over Y/n.
"You sure you don't mind me leaving?" I ask as I stand to collect my papers.
Y/n smiles at me from where I left her on my couch, surrounded by notebooks and dice.
"Of course not," She says, sitting up to help gather our things. "You know if El called me up, you wouldn't let me miss out either. Besides, I've been meaning to see Max."
How was she so understanding?
"Thanks," I grin. "We're still on for tonight though, right?"
She grabbed my face again and pulled me in for a kiss. I nearly forgot to breathe until she broke away, smiling warmly at me.
"Wouldn't miss it,"
I stare down at the gameboard, my eyes trailing over my notes. They were littered with Y/n's annotations and doodles in red ink, giving me the encouragement I need.
She should be here.
She worked just as hard as I did to make this happen, she should be here to see it.
"If Mike says he wants to hang out, just the guys, I say run," she told me. "Someone should get to see this campaign. I'm okay with missing out if that's what it takes."
I gave her a look, testing her own words. But she seemed sure. I could tell with just one look, she wasn't giving up.
"It sounds like Mike needs you, anyway," Y/n broke out in a grin and handed me my papers. "And who better to solve any problem than Will the Wise?"
I thumb her notes and I can feel the indents of the pen made on the paper by her handwriting. Down in the corner of the page, I notice something I hadn't before. It was a hasty doodle of Y/C/N looking up at me next to the words, 'Safe Travels to Kuzaton, Sir Will!' And then a smaller, cruder doodle of Y/C/N holding a fireball in her hand as she winked. 'PS. Inform me if your companions are in need of a little persuasion'
I laughed, remembering her promise in Castle Byers. Carefully, I tear the page out and fold it into my pocket for safekeeping before looking up at my friends.
They were still passed out; Lucas was on the floor, Mike on the couch, with a can of Coke still in his hand.
I sigh, trying my best to hold onto the encouragement Y/n had given me. But I couldn't go off of it forever. Of course she was going to support me, she always has.
Just like they used to.
And now everything was a mess. I try to let go of the anger but it's sticking to me like sap; I can't just brush it off. They had been ignoring me all summer. And before that, I wasn't myself because of what happened the year before. It's the first time I realize the last time we were all like this was before the Upside Down. Now that everything had settled down, and El and Max have been around, Dustin's isn't even here and everyone else is too caught up in each other.
Y/n was the only one to notice me. And now, even she's not here.
I actually begin to consider her offer but I shake the thought away. I can't run to her, even if she could kick their asses. This was between them and me.
They just forgot what they're missing.
I rise from my seat and feeling rather brave, I turn the volume up on the boom box before pressing play.
The tavern music blasts throughout the basement and Mike and Lucas jump awake.
"What are you doing?" Lucas says, peering up at me as he squints against the lights.
"Yeah, Will, can you turn down the music?" Mike cries.
"Please address me by my full name," I declare.
I refuse to go meet their eye, showing them I wasn't going to let them walk all over me anymore.
I slam the staff into the ground, glaring at Mike. "My full name!"
"Oh, god, okay," Mike sighs, rubbing his eyes. "Will the Wise, can you please turn down the music?"
"That is not music. That is the sound of destiny! I have seen into the future and I have seen that today is a new day. A day... free of girls!"
"What is happening right now?" Lucas asks, his eyes still stuck shut.
"Will, come on," Mike groans.
Ignoring him, I dip down to the board, admiring the work that had taken so long.
"A tribe of villagers are under threat from an evil force from the swamps of Kuzaton,"
"Will, it's so early,"
I glare at him, slowly rising.
"Is it?" I ask. "Is it early, Michael? Tell that to the villagers crying for your help. Children so frightened they cannot sleep. Are you truly going to let them perish? Or are you going to come to their rescue and become the heroes you were always meant to be?"
Lucas, who had been blinking through sleep my entire speech, peers up at me as he raises his hand.
"Can I at least take a shower first?"
The clouds above our heads were growling with thunder, threatening a heavy storm as the three of us made our way to Max's house to investigate Billy.
"It's gonna start pouring soon," Max says, voicing my thoughts. "We should be at the mall, or watching a movie or something,"
Poor El. It had taken so long to calm her down last night. And it took promising her we'd go check out it later today. So here were are. Traveling up Cherry through the hot, muggy air, and a bad feeling still in my gut.
"You guys don't believe me?" El asks, growing sad.
I shared a worried look with Max before both of us nod our heads quickly.
"Of course we do!"
"And we're sure you saw some super weird stuff, totally," Max continues. "We're just a little confused. I mean, did you really contact Y/n through there once?"
El didn't seem as receptive as she had been, and I jumped in, nodding. "Yeah, last year when everything was going on with Will and Dart. Granted, I thought had I had been dreaming at first but I put the pieces together. Plus, El, didn't you say Mike has sensed you before?
El, who had been thoughtfully watching her feet as she walked, gears turning in her brain, suddenly looked up at me with a strange look in her eye.
"How did you?"
"How did I what?"
"Put your pieces together?"
I thought the question was strange, as I still don't understand what this has to do with Billy but I answered anyway.
"I don't know, I," I shook my head, feeling a thoughtful frown forming on my face. "Well, I realized I wasn't even fully asleep when it happened, I was wading in and out. I remember trying to stay awake cause I thought you were in my room, but you weren't. It felt really weird, actually, like I was dreaming with my eyes open. But I remembered what you said and I decided to take a chance." I shrug, hands in my pockets. "And I was right. It was you,"
But it still doesn't make sense.
"That was supposed to happen though, right? You said you had a way, I figured you knew I'd see you."
El slowly looked back up at me, looking almost concerned.
"I didn't," she admits.
She didn't know? But that day I found her... She said she could reach me. And if it's true, how come I'm the only one who can see her?
"I'm still worried," El admitted.
I brought my head to look at her, and I realized I was beginning to fall behind. I scurried a few steps across the pavement and back to their pace when Max tried again.
"Well, we'll check it out. But I'm sure it's going to be fine. A misunderstanding, I mean,"
Judging by the look on El's face, she wasn't letting up. Not that I can blame her. I'm not exactly feeling too great about this either.
"How do you know that?" El asks. She shakes her head like she's trying to forget what she heard. "What about the screams?"
"I know, but," Max sighs up at the sky, growing uncomfortable as she turns back to El. "here's the thing. When Billy is alone with a girl, they make like, really crazy noises,"
I grimace.
"They scream?"
Now I'm trying not to laugh.
"Yeah, but, like," Max darts her eyes past El, flashing me a panicked look. I shrug, looking back down at the ground as I try not to chuckle. "happy screams,"
El only seems more confused.
"Happy screams? What is happy screams?"
Max looked at me again, silently pleading. I shrug, not about to give El the talk. And judging by Max's expression, she wasn't about to either.
She just sighs.
"I'm just gonna lend you my mom's Cosmo,"
The chuckle finally breaks loose just as we reach the front of Max's house. "Yeah," I snort. "Hop won't freak out at all,"
Max rolls her eyes at me and they rest on the empty lot.
"His car's not here," Max says, all thoughts on the previous conversation forgotten. "You really want to do this?"
Finally looking back at El, I watch her expression carefully and the knot in my stomach burrows itself deeper. I haven't seen her this worried in a long time.
Since last year. And the year before.
I'm beginning to understand the bad feeling in my stomach now. The same one I had for the past two years.
I just hope it's wrong.
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Learn About Unconscious Bias:
Why Gaza Needs Our Help
How To Be An Ally
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Security Alert
Warning: stalking
“Reader stays after hours to finish some work but isn't the only one there.” and Steve Rogers requested by anonymous
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You yawn as you lean heavily on your elbow. The glare of the monitor burns your retinas and adds to the weight along your eyelids. You type with one hand, tired. Nights spent awake, listening for what you could never really hear. And what you could hear you wondered if it was all in your head.
But the messages weren't imagined, or the pictures, or the voicemails. But you felt crazy because no one would believe you. The one person you dared to tell laughed in your face. What was worse was that it made you feel as if they didn't even care for you.
You sit back and stretch. You shake your head as if to rid yourself of the shroud hanging over you. You boss breathed down your neck the whole day until your offered to stay some extra hours to catch up. You were the only one left besides the odd cleaner.
You save your work and your phone chimes. You look down at the screen as it flashes the alert. It's an automated message from the company disclaiming a security breach. You frown and stand, quickly packing up your bag.
As you head for the elevator, a hired uniform appears. He stops you.
"Ma'am, have you seen anyone?" He asks. "Anyone who shouldn't be here?"
"Just me," You shrug and adjust your bag. "What's going on?"
"Someone slipped in through the back doors. The alarm wasn't activated, we only caught it on the cam," He explained. "There was a robbery at the bank just-"
He's interrupted by the crackle of his radio. The signal clears and you hear another officer. "Back-ups here. I'm sending him up." Another voice, a familiar voice is cut off as the other end dies. The officer before you sighs. "They sent one guy to apprehend an armed perp."
"Armed?" You frown. 
"For your own safety, I think it best you leave with--"
The elevator doors opens again. You look over in tandem with the secuity guard. You gape at the dark blue cowl of the famed crusader, his shield shining against the flourescents. Steve Rogers jaw squared beneath his helmet as he steps onto the floor.
"Your partner said he saw the suspect take the stairs to this floor," He explains as his hand tightens on the strap of his shield. "I can take the east if you can get the other end."
"But she--" The guard starts.
"I'll see the civilian safe," The brave Captain America declares. "This man is very dangerous. I know him. This was more than a robbery."
"Sir," The guard straightens up and gives a farcical salute. "I'll clear the area."
"Good," Steve smiles and nods, watching the officer touch the can of mace on his hip as he turns to walk away.
You watch the the guard too. Your heart drops as you look back to Steve. He'd never been so close. Not with you knowing. It had taken you too long to realise, to believe, it was him. To ever fathom that the American saviour was haunting your life.
He angles his shield in front of him and holds the strap with two hands as he looks down at you. He chuckles.
"The suspect..." You utter, "He isn't--"
"A decoy," He steps closer. "Since you won't answer my calls, I haven't been able to arrange a time so I thought I'd... make one."
"I don't... I don't even know you. Why are you doing this?" You back away carefully.
"We met, don't you remember?" He coaxes, "That day in the station, I kept that car from taking your pretty little head off."
"I was already unconscious," You argue.
"I sent flowers. Didn't you get them?"
"Please..." You felt behind you, dragging your fingers along the wall. "What do you want?"
He blinks and stops as the wall disappears and your standing in the wide doorway of the shared offices. 
"You," He say.
His tone has you spinning on your heel. Your bag slips from your arm as you barrel between desks. You race past the cubicles, the wheeled chairs littered around them. You reach the rear staircase hidden by the restrooms and tear the door open.
You stumble down the stairs frantically. You hear the door behind you and his footsteps as he follows, but he's not running. Even so, he's on your tail. Three floors down you charge out of the stairwell and across the next set of offices.
Again, the door opens and closes. Again his footsteps are even, calm. You flit through to the lobby right before the elevators and reach for the button. A flash of metal barely misses your hand and the shield lodges in the wall before you.
With a metallic shink, it flies back and you turn to watch it return to its wielders hand. Steve isn't even winded as you pant and brace yourself against the elevator doors.
"Please," You beg, "Captain, don't--"
"Don't what?" He stops before you. "Don't protect you?"
He touches your cheek with his gloved hand and his fingertips walk down along your jaw and neck. He tugs at the collar of your blouse and follows the border to the top button. He pushes until it pops free and exposes the top of your cleavage.
"You don't--" You gasp. "Please."
"I keep you safe," He purrs as he frees the second button and it rattles over the floor. "I watch you because I have to. If I didn't..." The third button, gone. "I couldn't protect you."
You try to slide away from you and his arm flies out to block you, his shield clanging against the elevator. He unhooks the forth button and tickles along your stomach. He cups your tit through the plain white bra and his blue eyes twinkle beneath his cowl.
"Well, it's a pity the intruder got his hands on you," He grabs your sleeve and tears along the seem. "I could barely keep him from ravaging you." He messed your hair and untucked the rest of your shirt.
"The cameras," You whisper.
"Worse that they cut out at such an inconvenient time," His hand wraps around your arm as his other cradles you with his shield. "Just missed him." He smiles at the broken buttons. "But I gotta worry about getting civilians out of harm's way before catching my suspect." He begins to lead you away to the stairwell doors. "Get you safe and sound."
You try to plant your feet but he easily overpowers you. You're trapped against him as he hugs you close. You're trembling and you realise that will only make him more believable. He opens the door slowly and angles you through.
"You must be terrified after a violent assault," He steers you to the first flight. "A nice relaxing bath, maybe some tea..."
You're stunned, afraid, numb. The inevitable had come and you could do nothing to stop it. To stop him. This man they named Captain America could so easily use his stars and spangles to hide his own crimes. Could so easily march you down to the lobby and out the front doors.
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peachyteez · 4 years
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death’s grip ≫ DAY ONE, TRUST.
the tiger hybrid managed to escape from south korea’s top illegal hybird ring fights. of course, they didn’t let him go so easily. losing his chasers in a forest, covered in blood—his and others’—he decided to accept his fate of death from his wounds until a female and two other hybrids managed to take him from death’s grip.
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✧ taglist: @defsoul15, @choisaniskillingme, @joongiebug, @t-tbinnie, @chanyeolol, @danibookmarks, @hello-its-ya-boi, @murralyn, @alienmashup, @panini, @moon8894, @taetae123094, @luv3rxcha, @treasure-hwa, @etherealbyeol, @hwaseongzzz, @koasworld, @sunsethw4​
can’t be tagged: @yoongisleftboob
feel free to let me know if you would like to be added to the list!
✧ note: i know this is a day late; i have a lot going on and uni’s not being very nice :(
✧ WARNINGS: mentions of blood and death
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“okay, now that we’re here—yunho, come back!”
it’s been roughly about two weeks since the three had settled in their new home. it was a new experience for all of them. for both seonghwa and yunho, they were experiencing the heaven of living with someone that actually cared for them and not just using them like toys. for jiyu, she was experiencing the feeling of having people to come home to, people to rant to when she had a bad day at work, and people that she can consider her friends and dare she say, family.
now that they had settled down, jiyu thought it’d be a nice idea if she could let seonghwa and yunho experience things that they had never done before. like this time around, hiking.
running after a cheerful yunho who went after a butterfly, she breathlessly chuckled at his inner child peeking through. “yun, i know you’re a giant, and you’re really easy to spot. but it’s really dangerous on hiking paths since the trail can split off and i won’t have any idea where you went, alright?” she smiled while ruffling his hair.
“sorry,” he sheepishly apologized, his tail wagging back and forth in excitement at the new adventure that he was about to embark on. “come on! let’s go!” he yelped before running off towards the path again.
seonghwa chuckled. “he really is a little kid trapped in a giant’s body,” he said before running after the puppy hybrid to join him. 
jiyu looked after them with a sigh, but she couldn’t wipe the little grin off her face. “they’re such dorks,” she mumbled before running after them. “hey, wait for me!”
and that’s how it was for most of the hike: yunho running ahead, utterly fascinated with the little insects and flowers on the path. although jiyu had to physically drag the giant away before he could even touch the poison ivy. even if seonghwa wasn’t showing his excitement like yunho, jiyu could tell he was enjoying nature since his eyes were contently closed as he basked in the sunlight while walking. 
jiyu smiled seeing them enjoy themselves. movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention. her eyes lit up at the sight. “guys!” she whisper-shouted, pointing to a fawn and its child by a nearby river. “look, it’s fawns! but we have to keep quiet otherwise we’re going to scare them away.”
seonghwa and yunho’s eyes sparkled at the sight. they kept their eyes on the two animals who were drinking from the river. looking at their tails, jiyu couldn’t help but stifle her laughter—they were slowly wagging, a sign that they were invested with what was in front of their eyes. 
suddenly, the mother fawn’s head snapped up in alert. staring at the trees nearby, almost as if someone or something was there, she nudged her baby before they both took off. jiyu furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. did they see something?
yunho pouted. “aww, i wanted to watch them a bit more,” he mumbled. seonghwa nodded in agreement, the same small pout on his lips, too. “did they notice us?”
jiyu looked in the direction that the mother fawn was staring at. she shook her head. “no, the mother fawn looked over there, not at us,” she answered, still slightly confused at what couldn’t been there to startle the fawn so much. 
out of nowhere, a low growl was heard. jiyu and yunho tensed while seonghwa’s ears perked up in alert. standing protectively in front of the two, seonghwa intently stared at the direction that the growl came from. “who’s there?”
jiyu realized it was coming from the same direction that the mother fawn was staring at. carefully walking in front of seonghwa, she peered down and noticed an injured person sitting and leaned against one of the huge trees. her eyes widened. “sir! are you okay?” she called out, about to climb down the hiking trail and towards the injured person. 
seonghwa grabbed her arm. “what are you doing? what if you get hurt?” he asked, his eyes filled with worry. 
“he’s injured, hwa!” she defended. “come with me to check up on him.”
with a nod, seonghwa started carefully walking down the slope, away from the hiking trail. yunho hesitantly looked at the two as he debated if he wanted to follow them.
looking back at yunho, jiyu sensed his hesitation. “can you call the ambulance, yunho?” she softly asked, handing him her phone. after getting a nod, she immediately started to approach the injured man. but the closer she got, she noticed something on his head.
“a hybrid...” she mumbled. “yunho, wait don’t call an ambulance!” she called back to the puppy. looking back to the injured hybrid, her breath caught in her throat. he was looking at her with the most intimidating glare he could muster despite his many injuries.
“leave me alone...” he managed to growl out.
taking a closer look, she noticed he was clutching onto an open gash on his stomach, little cuts on his face, and he was covered in blood. blood was even dripping out of his mouth. she gasped. what happened?
“and let you die of blood loss?” she asked. seonghwa stood behind jiyu in case the hybrid were to attack.
the hybrid scoffed, wincing in pain after. “if that’s how i go, then that’s how it’ll be,” he mumbled, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the tree. “i don’t need your help, so leave.”
jiyu bit her lip in thought. she couldn’t just leave him here to bleed out and die. she turned to seonghwa. “can you go tell yunho to call yeonjun and explain what happened?” she gently asked.
seonghwa immediately shook his head. “what if he attacks when i’m gone?” he whispered back, the same worried expression back on his face.
jiyu ruffled his hair. “i’ll be fine. you seem to forget where i work at,” she joked. “go, hwa. i can’t leave him to die out here.”
after a long hesitation, seonghwa gave a warning glare to the injured hybrid before going back to yunho. the hybrid let out another scoff. “are they your hybrids?” he asked, looking at the wolf and golden retriever hybrid as they frantically tried calling yeonjun.
jiyu slowly sat down on the ground, keeping a safe distance. “yes.”
“what’s your intentions with them?” he glared. “use them for money? or perhaps your own pleasures? or—”
his eyebrows slightly raised in surprise at the woman’s firm tone. looking at her, her face was full of disgust and slight shock at the question.
“i’d never do that. they’re my family.”
“that’s what they all say,” he humorlously chuckled. “that’s what they all say to get us to fall into their little trap before they show their true colors.”
“not everyone’s the same,” she defended. “i don’t know what happened to you, but i can assure you i want nothing more than to just help you.”
he observed her. as determined and truthful as she seemed, he didn’t want to take another chance. he’s already been through so much, mentally and physically. he was tired. “stop wasting your time,” he weakly mumbled, leaning his head against the tree again. “just leave me be.”
a pained look flashed across jiyu’s face. to see a hybrid so easily give up on his life pierced her heart. however, it only motivated her more to help. 
“jiyu! yeonjun’s sending a rescue team!” she heard yunho call out to her. 
she wryly smiled to the hurt hybrid  “as much as you want me to do that, i’m afraid i can’t. a rescue team’s already on their way.”
the hybrid’s eyes narrowed. “this could all be trap for all i know. you could be sending me back to where i came from,” he growled. he attempted to stand, but he fell right back down in pain. “just leave before you're gonna regret it.”
as threatening as he seemed, she knew he couldn’t do much due to his injuries. she stood up and dusted her pants. “look, you can believe whatever you want, but i swear on my life that i won’t harm you. i work at a hybrid recovery center, i just want to help. please?”
hearing her pleading tone, he looked up into her eyes. they were filled with nothing but earnest and desperation. why? why was she so insistent when they didn’t even know each other? what’s her motive?
he sighed. he’s survived up til then by relying on himself. he’s obeyed his owners for the sake of his own survival; never rebelled, never bit the hand that fed him. until enough was enough. he fought and ran away. humans were terrifying beings, they only cared for their own benefits and pleasures. so what was so different about her? he wouldn’t be lying if he said he didn't feel the slightest bit safe around her. 
suddenly, he heard the sound of sirens and footsteps, making his ears stand in alert and his teeth sharpen. looking in the distance, he saw a group of men and the familiar hybrid ambulance. so she really did call a rescue team...
“so will you let me help you?” she gently asked, squatting down by him. “you’ll be safe, i promise.”
watching a yellow-haired man interact with the wolf and golden retriever hybrid a distance away, he was surprised. it was a normal interaction for anyone, but to him, it was a whole new concept. he’s only been shouted at his whole life.
he closed his eyes, letting out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. “very well.” he’s been through hell and back, he could take more if that was the case.
jiyu smiled before giving yeonjun and the rescue team the okay to slowly approach and take the injured hybrid. “ah, that’s right. i never got your name. i’m jiyu.”
he pursed his lips. seeing her happiness, he slightly lowered his guard. “hongjoong.”
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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theme/s: alice in wonderland & brave inspired. a beginning; where the child of the red king meets the one that is fated to bring peace in the land. 
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word count: 1,957 words
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roze’s note: i suddenly wanted to write this as a multi-chapter but let’s see~ if my schedule permits it, why not? also, what do you think? should i really??
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a sigh leaves your lips as your eyes glances over the same flowers every single day. yes, the flowers were indeed beautiful, but whenever you see the color red, you just can't help but feel that coiling of your stomach and the tightening in your throat.
everyone thinks you don't know of the blood that spills on your father's hands, but you do, and you're only pretending you don't.
just as you were about to turn back to the house, a figure catches your attention and you immediately recognized who it was.
"nosuke! you're back!" your mood brightened immediately at the only one whom you could call a friend in the whole land. despite being surrounded by lots of individuals and loyal subjects, your guard is still always up and you never full trusted all of them—except inosuke.
it was explainable though. he's the only one who is not entirely by your father's side but he can still manage to stay alive. as the record keeper of wonderland, inosuke the white rabbit is more like the neutral individual. he doesn't have a side to pick on and that's why you don't have a problem opening up to him at all.
"how was your travel to the other side? did you bring a souvenir for me?" you excitedly approached the boy and his ears twitched at the sound of your voice, his head turning around to face you with his beautiful face that you sometimes envy upon. he's probably the prettiest you'd ever seen in the whole land!—as if you'd seen everyone yet. you never got to get out much aside from the forest because your father insists that you must stay safe and not act hostile because you are a royal, the future ruler of the reds, after him.
you didn't want to adapt your father's way of ruling but you can't also say no to him. it's not that you were afraid but mostly because you love him too much to hurt him. he raised you with the outmost care and compassion he could give. the only thing you could give back to him is by abiding in his rules and obeying him by following his footsteps.
but you can't kill anyone either.
"huh? souvenir? i was there for work, you know! you can't just order me to do something when i've got other things to do." you smiled at inosuke's response. harsh as it may seem to others, you know it was his way of conversing to someone he doesn't particularly call his "minion". he can be a bit superior against others but it's what you admire most in your friend.
"wait, inosuke. i heard you brought someone from the other side. is that true?"
your question seemed to have made him tense for a second but it vanished as soon as it came. you realized then that it must have been the same question your father might have asked him that's why the rabbit was summoned there.
"you mean gonpachiro? he's not going to stay here for long. the portal will open a week after, there's no need to worry about the legend."
ah, so that's what it is, you thought.
there's a legend in wonderland that there will come a time that someone from "the other side" will come and give a path to peace between the white and the red, making the land as one as it can be. looking at it now, many have lost hope that the legend was not even often said anymore. yet, it is also a fear for others, especially the royals since peace will result to a singular leadeship.
it's either one will back down and give way so the other will rule all over wonderland, or one will have to fall in misery as the other rises in victory,
either way, you're sure your father will never like the idea of that unless he will be the ruler.
"i'm not worried about the legend." you say, looking up a inosuke's eyes. "i'm more worried about this gonpachiro you're talking about. you know how my father works."
inosuke's lips seals tight at your words. you have kept from everyone aside from inosuke about your knowledge of your father's dirty works but until now, inosuke seems bothered about it.
now you don't really socialize with the others in your household much and you usually keep your distant most of the time. one of the main reasons why was because of your father—he often tells you never to trust anyone, including the ones that are loyal to them. you agreed in his logic for the reason that his loyal subjects are the ones that obeys his orders and has the capability of killing anyone. you never liked that idea, even if you don't show or tell it to others, especially your father. he'd be very disappointed if that so happens.
this results to a lot of free time for yourself. with an idea you got from the back of your head, you begun to imitate how your father's loyal subjects often train around the palace.
by training, it meant drawing a weapon and using it constantly for you to get used to it. at first, you thought of it as something you do in your past time. however as moments passes by and more killings were done in the red kingdom, you decided it was for your own safety. you never know when time will come when someone tries to avenge their lost loved one because of your father. as the only heir to the throne and the ones that carries the king's own blood, you will surely be the best prey for a predator.
drawing back your arm, narrowing your eyes and casting a breath, you let go of the tail of the arrow, watching it hit the target whilst quickly reaching for another one and repeat the process.
eleven years. it took eleven years for you to master the art of archery.
at first, you tried with knives, swords and even a fan—which was the weapon of one of your father's loyal subjects. yet, the bow and arrows were the only ones you had gotten a connection too. thus, it served you as your main weapon that you had learned throughout the years without any guidance from anyone.
your father didn't like the idea of you fighting for your own. even if you had kept your training a secret all these years. you had a feeling he knows about it and he was either already pleased about it or he's too disappointed that you were keeping it a secret that he wants you to confess it to him instead of confronting you.
your hair flutters under the influence of the wind as you balanced on your horse, already used to its movement and shifts as he glides through the trees of the forest.
you locked your eyes on a target however as you shot the arrow, a figure catches your attention and it was too late.
"look out!"
you were quite sure that the figure was so a hair-strand away from getting hit yet it dodges, the arrow marking a perfect score on the target on a tree trunk.
you halted your horse and ushers it towards the figure's way, your mind failing to recognize what it was.
"who are you?" you made eye contact with the boy, the crimson in his hair resonating his orbs that were certainly of a different hues than your father and the roses in your garden.
he looks... different. far too unique from the people in the palace.
"how did you gain access in here? from what i remember i told everyone that only i should be of use of the forest." your brows furrow at the sight of him, your guard up just in case he will try something.
although, his face displayed of a gentleness that you had not seen for the longest time—was there ever been a moment, even? that you don't know. from what you can recall, everyone only respected you because of your title.
not because of you yourself.
"don't be alarmed! i bring you no harm, your highness!" he raises both of his hands up as a sign of surrender, his voice tainted of assurance and calmness that no burglar or man with ill-intention would have.
you still refuse to trust him.
"how will i know of your claims?" your grip on your bow tightens, prepared of any kind of attack. "what's your name, stranger?"
he seems to be at ease with your questioning, making you curious even further.
"i am tanjiro kamado. i... the white rabbit and the mad hatter sent me here. he thought i could be of help to you, your highness."
"help? why would i need that?"
then inosuke and zenitsu? why would they send this boy without telling it to you beforehand?
"you need to know what the red king is doing. he needs to be stopped. inosuke told me only you are capable to do that."
"i already know of my father's schemes." your lips tighten in your words, being the second time to have told your secret, you were beginning to think it was a wrong move.
the boy named tanjiro looked surprised, betrayed even. could it be that inosuke lied to him? you guesses that might not be the case.
"you mean... you know that he's planning to start a war against the white kingdom...?" there was hope and uncertainty in his voice, a mixture that you had deemed obvious with how he toned it. however, it was least of your worries for his words had processed in your mind first.
a war? now that you don't know about.
"where have you gotten this idea?" you question him further. "i... i never heard of that."
he seems to have perked up at your last statement, his aura changing in a millisecond.
"muzan learned of my coming here. you know of the legend, right? i didn't know if it at first but i was warned that my arrival would cause great chaos in this world." it had been awhile since you've heard someone use your father's name.
that fact alone changed your perspective on the boy.
climbing down your horse, your garments sticking to your skin as the slight formation of the sweat from your training. without letting go of your bow, you stood in front of tanjiro, feeling like the world had stopped at how you were feeling the beginning of change in you and your household.
looking straight into his eyes, you spoke.
"yes, that is a fact." you scanned his face and found a genuineness that you were not used of seeing as a result of being in a place with people that wore a firm and strict expression constantly. you were getting tired of it.
wait, no. you are tired of it.
"but your coming here is a sign of hope." your muscles eases up at how you let it out all in one go, "you will be the source of peace in wonderland, tanjiro kamado."
all your teenage years you spent on being silent. now that you were getting close to your coronation, it is time to show everyone what is needed to be done,
and with this boy in front of you, you felt as if the coil in your stomach contort back and relax, a ray of light showing you the path that you should take in order for you to succeed in stopping your own father from destroying the land you call home and the king that has the same blood that runs in your veins.
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notfeelingthyaster · 4 years
Imagine (Son of Hades! Percy; Godswapped! Big Three's kids) (8/8) or (13/13)
Blood of Olympus pt.2 - The War
Hello! If you're here, it means you probably already know - but check the masterpost for both warnings and the other twelve parts.
I want to thank everyone who followed this fanfic? Imagine? AU? for the month it took us to get here. Tell me what you thought about it, if there's anything you are anxious to see in the epilogue - yes, we'll have an epilogue!
If you like my writing, you might be happy to know that I'm starting another AU - same style, no patience for prose - this time, a daughter of Zeus! Percy. Don't worry - it bares almost no similarities to this, and part 1 will be out before the epilogue, so stay tuned. For now, good reading :))
Maybe it was the death of Malcolm, but after that night, there was something different about the crew of the Argo II. Their journey to Gaea changed them.
Will notifies them as soon as morning rises, leaving Annabeth secluded in her room and Perseus to whatever was happening upstairs - they are told not to interfere.
No one knows exactly what happened on the deck between Perseus and whoever dared to attack them - there is nothing there but sea salt and dried ichor when Frank goes to take his shift.
The screams will haunt him for the rest of his life - they pleaded for mercy, but after this journey, no one in here is a merciful person.
There's an aura - an aura Frank recognizes well, for it clogged around Hazel in her first days in Nova Roma. An aura of death. Perseus is looking at the sunrise, cleaning his gold-stained ax.
He looks happy - for the first time since Tartarus, he is humming a melody to some song that Frank is pretty sure is from Disney. Percy grins at Frank.
"Hey, man."
Frank doesn't ask. He trusts Perseus - Perseus took a whip to the back, side by side with him. Perseus fell on Tartarus for his best friend. Perseus would give his life for any of them. The son of Mars Ultor is sure he did what he had to do.
It still spooks him a little when Perseus leaves, whistling what he now recognizes as Fathoms Bellow.
They're journeying to Delos - for more half a day - and then, finally, to Athens. Frank wonders if the monsters are too afraid of them - or if Gaea just told them to stop attacking.
The fact is that, for several hours, no monster touches them again. Might be the death air encapsulating the ship's bow. Might just be their reputation.
With nothing to do, Frank watches as the sun rises and his friends starting to walk around.
Leo has no fixed hours - so he might be either awakening or going to sleep. He crosses through Frank in his post and rambles for a second - the Legionis thinks it's cute.
Leo crosses Hazel - she never wakes past eight unless she had a night shift - who is probably going to breakfast. They exchange a kiss, and Frank's heart aches.
Hazel stops to talk with Jason - the last one awake, since Perseus and Will are probably sleeping, Annabeth still hasn't left her room, and Nico and Piper went to their room after the morning announcements - probably to grief.
The blonde is uncharacteristically serious for such an early hour, but with recent news, it's expected. Frank goes back to look at the sea - and wonder if any of them will ever be free of this.
The two of them retract to the war room - to plan the attack on Gaea. They are at a serious disadvantage. It might be better for them to ride back to Long Island and try to unit the camps and plan a war - just like they did with Kronos/Mount Otris.
It's very improbable that Gaea will give the same considerations to put Manhattan to sleep. Kronos wanted power - not to destroy humanity. Gaea is a nesting mother who lost her kids - she wants chaos.
But with all giants here - wouldn't be easier to do this here? Even if they have no support whatsoever? If they tailed back to Long Island, would the giants run rampant through Europe?
They wait until after lunch - when everyone is more or less up - to congregate and vote.
"There are seventeen giants - one for each Olympian plus Trivia, Proserpina, and the Fates, except for Dyonisus who has two and the twins who share two - and nine of us."
"Fifteen" Retorts Percy from his place opposite to Jason "I killed Aristaeus - the bane of Proserpina - yesterday. And the bane of Ares... Damasen... he was a good giant. He didn't reform."
Jason doesn't argue - Perseus was the one on Tartarus - even though he wants to ask who helped him kill the giant - and if he killed them afterward.
Fifteen is still a staggering number of giants. They have no chance alone - so after Delos, they solve to make their last stand on Camp Half-Blood.
Will, Perseus, and Jason are the ones to go down to the small island. Finding Apollo is exceptionally easy: it's just a matter of following the sound of the lyre.
He laughs at their request - full-blown laugh. Jason wants to punch him - the world is ending.
"There's no need for flowers. You already have the Physician's Cure. This is a name my son gave to his union to Zagreus - life and death."
Jason wants to scream. He wants to kill Nike - who is in her island, chilling after sending them in a goose chase. But Perseus and Will are already miles ahead of him - whatever happened last night unlocked something in him, even if the gloves never left.
"You'll come to Long Island. You'll fight - for as long as needed - against Orion and Gration." It's Will - defying his own father. Jason doesn't know if he has the courage.
"Promise - on your immortality, because I don't trust the Styx."
"I could still evaporate you"
"You won't. You need us too much."
Apollo promises - maybe because he sees everything and knows more than Jason about whatever will happen, maybe because that ax still bears gold in it - and exchanges some words with Will that neither of them hear as they walk back on board to tell the news.
Will and Percy disappear into a room - it makes something stir in Jason's stomach, as he remembers that he no longer knows this Perseus, but the one he knows, he loves.
Will and Perseus talk for hours - before being invaded by Leo - only to keep talking until the next morning.
"Change course to Athens. We have the Physician's Cure. Gaea will rampage through Europe. Hercules is on her side. There's no way we can go back now."
They agree - there's no crossing Hercules little island again.
An IM from Reyna cements their decision. A group of demigods serving Gaea - including the Censor that unjustly tried Hazel and was exiled - tried ambushing she and her sister - but the Amazons and the Hunters won against them. Thalia is alive - and she drove an arrow through Gwen's eye, the traitor in Nova Roma.
The Hunters called the Pegasi - and they all set course to Athens - while Reyna followed the statue who set course by the sea. Pegasus himself is going to Athens - he fought once against the Giants, he would do again.
They reach Athens in a little more than five hours. It's the last day of their time - and they are ambushed as soon as they cross the Parthenon.
They fight well - Gaea wants Perseus and Piper, so they rally around them.
Perseus is a fighting beast himself, but he is overwhelmed by the sheer number of monsters and unable to help others. He kills the Minotaur once again - the armies of monsters are almost endless - is the battle of Manhattan all over again.
Piper strikes against the three gorgons - Medusa can't petrify anyone without petrifying her own allies - and keeps the head as a prize.
Nico is in the sky - he looks like part of the storm. The flying monsters rally around him, but Nico doesn't disappoint - his sword cuts through them like butter.
In the end, the nine annihilate the whole army - Gaea has just her giants now.
But in the fray, two griffins escape - carrying with them Jason and Hazel. Now they have no option but to follow.
Perseus almost hits his head on the wall. Why was he so dumb? Gaea was playing them. Gender had nothing to do with the sacrifice - it's just one of the sea, one of the earth. And Hazel, as much as she is a daughter of the sky, her powers exist on earth.
He could deal with the bounty hunt on him. Even on Piper - just a person to protect - but not on two. He was not expecting this. Perseus thinks Gaea must be laughing right now.
He feels guilt creep on him. That was his plan, and now two of his best friends are gone in the sky. Leo looks even worse than him - he is weeping as if the two demigods are already dead. They probably are.
Annabeth takes the reins - and they fly to the Acropolis quicker than ever. The ship slams against the ground - it probably needs repairs. But they are here.
Jason doesn't remember feeling that much pain. He wakes up, chained in a sacrificial altar, Hazel just behind him. Their powers don't answer - the chains are as dark as Perseus' ax: stygian iron. In front of them, Porphyrion and Polybotes laugh.
"We'll be glad to offer your fathers your severed heads"
He wishes to talk back - but his mouth doesn't work. It's Clytius taking his voice away, right behind them - holding a scyther that is not unfamiliar. Is the same scyther that took Uranus manhood - the same one that cut him to pieces and reduced him to the sky.
"We take an arm from the daughter of the earth, blood and flesh, so that her connection with the ground is given to our Mother, so she is able to reclaim her dominion."
There's blood everywhere. Hazel's left arm is twitching on the floor, and she lets out an ear-splitting scream, before passing out.
"We take the ability from reproduce from the son of the sea, blood and flesh, so that his fertility will be given to our Mother, so she is able to reproduce again, the ability his father took from her."
Jason feels like the world is spinning. They will... they... they want to castrate him. He sees Hazel's blood staining the marble and the floor, running through his skin, and he wants to vomit - but something is preventing him from doing so.
Hazel is paling fast - she'll be dead in thirty minutes if they don't stop the bleeding. But he can't move. He can't help. A scream strangles in his throat.
If Hazel's voice was able to cut through Clytius magic, would his powers too? If he focused enough if he stretched himself enough.
Jason forces himself to stop thinking about the chanting, and focus. He imagines Nico - with no family, losing Hazel. Or Frank and Leo. Or Perseus. He pushes and pushes.
He doesn't find a source of water - but he feels her blood. He can stop it from coming out - just for a second, just for a minute, just until they rescue them.
They are going to rescue them. They are - none of them are dying today. They have to survive this war.
Jason focuses his thoughts on good things. After this, he is going to go to college. He is going to spend time with his sister. He'll work on greek-roman relations. He'll ask the male Praetor on a date. He'll punch Octavian. Everything will be just fine.
The scyther is just over Clytius head, ready to strike when an arrow takes its place in his eye. Thalia, mounted on Pegasus, barges in. The horse is bigger than Clytius - and he takes their chains, before flying off to the arena.
Thalia cuts his chains - throwing a gladius at him. Hazel is still passed out - curled into herself in the ground. Jason stands before her, still doing his best to keep her blood inside. It won't work for long.
The giants follow them - but to no effect. The ship crashes between them, the demigods jumping off - armed to the teeth. With a scream of war, the Amazons and the other Hunters come flying in their own Pegasi.
Reyna is not with them - Jason hopes, not for the first time, that the demigod settlements are in peace. That they won't have to deal with two battlefronts.
It's not the time for petty wars. They should be here, helping, if they were not caught up in past fights of over a hundred years ago. Gaea is much more urgent than whatever they are debating.
These fighters are not enough - they are fighting a losing battle. No gods are coming, and between immortal hunters and Amazons, no one is a deity.
Jason starts thinking he is hallucinating - wishful thinking - for the sky opens, and from there descents all the Olympians and Hecate. Nike is the first to appear, guiding the chariot of Zeus, a scream of battle in her lips.
Juno is in a chariot guided by peacocks. Behind her, Aphrodite - that's not Venus, but Jason has never seen Aphrodite so ready for war. There are no doves or flowers in her - just a giant bow and arrow and a spear, riding in a horse side by side with her husband and her lover.
All twelve Olympians, plus Hades, plus the Fates, plus Trivia, Nike, Juventa, Bia, and Enyo. Proserpina is not there - nor the court of Atlantis.
Jason can't help but think is too little too late. Why they didn't show before? Before Hazel lost her leg? Before Malcolm died? Before Perseus fell? Before this journey took everything from them?
The gods pair off with their children - Hades with Perseus, Athena with Annabeth, Aphrodite with Piper, Mars with Frank, Zeus with Nico, Hephaestus with Leo, Juno with Hylla, Thalia with Poseidon.
Before pairing with Will - who looks reluctant to do it - Apollo comes to them. Jason is good enough to go - but he won't leave Hazel.
"I can't regrow her arm - not here, not now. And never, if it has been amputated by a titan weapon. The best I can do is close it."
Jason is so tired of the gods being unable to do stuff they should be capable of, but he sighs and nods. Hazel's color starts coming back, even if she doesn't wake up.
It's Trivia who comes to take the place of Jason. He stalls - he doesn't trust any deity anymore with the well-being of his friends - but they are not much, and they need him to fight. He joins Ceres as she raises a sickle to go against her bane - Asterius.
The hunters follow their mistress and Amazons divide themselves between the remaining gods - Dyonisus and Mercury - and they attack.
It's not enough. They are stretched too thin. Clytius is the only fallen one after thirty minutes of battle - Trivia burns him down in rage for her acolyte and makes a still groggy Hazel make a little cut on so he dissolves.
Perseus fights alongside his father, mounting Mrs. O'Leary as he does Cerberus. Small Bob can't die unless struck by celestial bronze, so the giant's effort to kill the creature is useless. Both of them don't hold back. It's the first time he really remembers his training with the Lord of the Dead. But mostly, he remembers Persephone too, and the gardens of the Underworld.
Percy has to go back to her. To his stepmom, and his mom, and his other stepmom. He has to go back to his life - the life he can barely remember now, but that was everything for him.
He has to go back to the gardens and the lakes, to blue cookies and bare feet. At least one of the rulers had to be in the Underworld, so Persephone is waiting for them to come back.
It gives Perseus strength. They have to win, so the earth can prosper - so that they can go back to the Underworld. So he can meet Thanatos, and play with Cerberus, and debate with Charon. So that they can be a family.
They keep fighting, but even with Perseus renewed will, there's no winning. Alcyoneus retorts them blow for blow and they tire quickly. Hades turns to him - there's a grim expression in his face when he throws his helmet to Perseus.
Perseus notices to late what his father is about to do - and is unable to prevent it.
It's the first time he recognizes it. Hades has always been the lord of the dead to him - he only ever called him father in mockery. But this time, it's yelled in anguish.
"Tell Kore that I love her."
A giant blow from the Lord of the Dead makes both of them stumble. The giant falls to the floor, but not before running his sword through Hades' neck.
It's the first god to fall, and when Perseus cuts Alcyoneus' head in return, he stays dead. But it's not enough, because Hades is dead.
He'll have to tell Kore. Kore that loves Hades so much that she leaves the surface for months on end to stay with him. He'll have to tell her that he wasn't enough to save Hades.
Cerberus whine loudly and tries to wake his master - he sniffs at the ground soiled by ichor. No giant is able to approach the body or Perseus - Cerberus growls at every enemy who tries. Small Bob stays by his side, fighting alongside him.
A tear escapes his eye. After so much time, so much resentment, he didn't think he would care. His father lies on the floor like a puppet with the strings cut - and Perseus rages. He closes his father's eyes but doesn't stop - there's still a war going on, so he puts on the Helm of Darkness and goes on to join Ceres and Jason.
A scream rings through the arena - is Poseidon, noticing his oldest brother is gone. He throws his trident at Polybotes head - between him and Thalia, the giant is gone in the next ten minutes.
The god of the sea runs through the field, stepping through dead bodies and avoiding the corner where Trivia is taking care of Hazel. He clutches his brother's prone body and cries, ichor staining his clothes. Cerberus whines at his sound - it's heartbreaking.
Across the field, all four siblings cry together for their fallen brother, but none of them as badly as Poseidon. There's a cold spreading through the field - and soon enough, the sky opens again.
It's Vesta. The last Olympian - the one who stayed behind to tend to the hearth. But now, she looked as fiery as her nephew - descending from the sky with no armor or chariot. The eldest child.
Family - that's Vesta domain. Perseus never saw her fight, but she does this time - throwing herself against the closest giant - Gration.
But Hades is not the last to fall.
Between Jason and Perseus, there's no match for Asterius. Ceres cuts his head off, still sobbing for her son-in-law and brother, sobbing for her widowed child. It doesn't help when her sister falls by her side - Juno, in full battle armor, is cut in half by Eurymedon.
Perseus thinks it might be a scene worthy of being painted - her lifeless eyes stare at the sky, as her crown rolls off her and stops at the giant's feet. Hylla keeps on fighting - now joined by her mother, who changes from Enyo to Bellona.
Zeus, in rage for his wife's death, kills Porphyrion before striking against Eurymedon with his general and her daughter. Nico, even if he never cared for Juno, follows suit - there's a path of destruction behind them, where lightning bolts hit the floor and filled the ground with craters.
Dyonisus kills Elphiates with his oldest daughter by his side, but his brother doesn't die as easily. Athena is still fighting against Enceladus - Annabeth striking the giant from all angles, in perfect synchrony with her mother, with help from Nike, who shields them both with her wings.
Mars and Mercury fight against Hippolytus - but he is faster than even the god of travelers, and evade them at every turn. Frank is a dragon, and then an elephant, and a snake - but nothing hits the giant.
After a blow on the arm by Bia, Periboea spears the still masculine body of Piper. Her blood falls from in-between her legs as Aphrodite - scarier than even Ares - runs her spear through the giantess's eye, killing her.
To save her daughter, Aphrodite shifts her completely into a girl - it's jarring, and something that takes adaptation, but the only way she can keep fighting without dropping.
But it's too late, the damage is done. Gaea is awake, by the seed of a daughter of the sea. Perseus exchanges a look with Leo through the fray - Mimas is just defeated, as Hephaestus smashed his head in with his hammer, but he regenerates quickly as if nothing happened.
There's no winning anymore. The fallen giants don't rise again - the Doors are closed - but the seven remaining ones don't die either - Enceladus, Eurymedon, Orion, Mimas, Otis, Hippolytus, and Thoon - their mother healing all their injuries.
The gods that killed their banes rally together against Gaea - but it's futile. It's just like Perseus in Tartarus - there's no battling a primordial in their own turf.
Will leaves his father to battle Orion, with his sister and the hunters - as Gration lays, probably dead, across the feet of his brother, courtesy of Vesta - and joins the duo.
The three of them sprint through the muddy ground, and onto Festus. There's no winning from Gaea on the ground - but they might have one way.
"Don't let me die, okay?"
Will and Percy join hands across Leo's forehead - and try to bless him the best they can, without being gods themselves. A green sheen covers Leo - and this might be it.
Leo mounts Festus - now again a giant dragon - and rises to the sky. It is enough to attract the Earth. She leaves her battle against Vesta, Aphrodite, Bia, Poseidon, and Ceres - to go after the dragon.
"Trying to escape me, my little demigod?"
An explosion of fire rocks the sky. It's not enough to kill Gaea, but between Zeus' thunder and Leo's explosion, the primordial is unconscious.
Perseus focuses - on keeping Leo's soul in his body. Will, by his side, shines as Apollo himself - there's a sheen of sweat in his face. It might've worked
None of them have the power to kill her now - just the union of all the remaining Olympians would even be capable of rendering her asleep again.
They can't find Festus or Leo - Perseus renders this as a good sign, the sign that their powers were enough.
But for now, with her unconscious, she can't heal the giants. So the remaining gods do quick work of killing them - the last to fall is Eurymedon, with Zeus' bolt across his forehead.
The king of the gods falls on his knees and weeps. Juno is dead. Hades is dead. There are six hunters and twenty amazons remaining - from tens and hundreds.
Mrs. O'Leary died - from a stray arrow. Cerberus paws the ground where her dust is - Perseus can't even imagine his puppy back on Tartarus.
Nike - both wings pointing into different sides, spine broken by Enceladus foot - is sprawled on the ground. Her unblinking eyes stare at Athena, who is holding her hand.
"Did... did we... win?"
"Give them the... the crowns... don't forget..."
"I won't"
"There's no... no friends.... in victory. I wish I had... someone."
"I am your friend, Nike"
"My best one... don't let them forget.... champions don't die..."
She gags in her own blood. It drips around her chin. It's the first time Perseus sees Athena cry. It hits him - they, all of them, have known each other for thousands of years.
Mars is crying by his mother's head, his spear broken on his feet. Juventa, burned blonde hair blowing around her face, hugs Hephaestus as he cries for their mother - the one that never cared for them, but that was their mother anyway.
Vesta has Hades head on her lap, while his body lays broken on the floor. Ceres is trying to calm Poseidon - but the god of the sea can't stop crying.
On the other side of the Arena, most demigods are together around Hazel - Will is explaining about Leo, but most of them look hopeless. Hazel is crying in Frank's arms.
Eight of them are here - Hazel is missing an arm, Piper went through a jarring body change and Frank has a broken leg - but eight of them are alive, and there's hope for Leo.
Perseus stands in the middle - not joining the gods or the demigods. He looks at the ichor stained floor, the upcoming battle against Gaea looming. Cerberus and Small Bob are together on each side of him.
Apollo - from where he is laying with his unconscious, but alive, sister - raises to help the demigods. None of them are happy about any godly presence - but they need treatment, so they let it happen.
Perseus is the first to break the silence after everyone is healed. Some gods are still crying - but there's no time for grief now. He doesn't look at where his father lays dead - he can't process this right now.
"We... we need to go. To Long Island. We need reinforcements - the war isn't over."
"We need to recharge" Is Hephaestus that retorts "There's no way we can fight right now. Maybe in a day or so but..."
"I don't think we have this time." Jason points "We could try and stall things, prepare... Can you send us there?"
"I can" Say Pegasus, who was fighting alongside Thalia.
Perseus wants not to care. To say that Juno or Nike deserved it. But it's not fair - not even them deserve to die, to go back to the void or Tartarus to reform or be lost for centuries.
Annabeth, however, sits in her corner with the ghost of a smile in her lips - so many demigod's lifes lost for them, for their petty struggles, and now they have to pay the price too. Everyone is paying the price now.
If they helped before, if they didn't spend months cooperating with Juno's useless plan, perhaps now no one would be dead. They could have united the demigods without waisting eight months on stupid missions to kill giants - just for them to come back.
If they stopped thinking about their "oh so bad" split personalities, maybe they could've made this journey quicker, instead of letting them spend two months going in side-quests, fighting minor gods, and retrieving useless information.
So yes, Annabeth is vindicated. This - all of this, those deaths, the ichor soiling the ground - it's their fault.
Piper feels tired. This - this body, this recognition from her mother - is all she ever wanted. But now that she has it, she can't even appreciate it. Was it worth it? She would give everything back for Perseus' leg, Hazel's arm, Malcolm, Leo.
She looks at their mismatched little family - and remembers that yesterday, they had lunch together - all of them. It was not the best moment, but they were laughing.
They could've been happy. If they weren't demigods, most of them would be in college by now. They wouldn't be broken.
Perseus solves to travel by shadows with Cerberus - he still has his father's Helm, and the immortal horse won't let him mount with it. He feels sick - that's his father's dog and his father's armor. But that's their chance of survival.
No god look at him when he melts into the darkness - it's too fresh, too painful. Part of their family is dead.
She jumps on the Pegasus, holding Hazel up - she can barely hold on to her brother in front of her. The wound is closed, but the daughter of Jupiter is off-balance - there's nothing on her right side.
Hazel closes her eyes and rests her head across Nico's back - she is so tired. Leo is gone - maybe forever - and she doesn't have an arm. There's nothing there - nothing. She goes to move and she forgets it for a second - but then she tries to hold tighter to Nico and can't.
Nico feels his sister's tears on the back of his shirt and holds tight to Frank - who is almost strangling Will in his efforts not to panic - he is flying over the sea.
Jason is behind Piper - he is the last one - and he is much more comfortable. That's his half brother after all.
They land in Long Island after ten painful hours - and Will seethes, because their journey could have been so easy, so small - but the gods were too occupied by their insignificant problems that they had to journey for months.
One after the other, they dismount just shy of the river - Jason thinks the naiads look mad when Frank vomits all over their water.
"Flying on a ship is a thing. Flying on a horse is another."
He stills looks queasy when they cross the Pavillion. There's no one there, which is weird because it's morning. There's no one anywhere.
Perseus - powered by the Helm - is the first to get there - almost two hours before them. And the first thing he listens makes him utterly mad.
"Give our soldiers back - or Nova Roma will strike back!"
It's Octavian's voice coming from the hill that harbors Thalia's tree - and Perseus sighs. He looks at himself - he needs a shower, and sleep, and food. They need traps. They don't need a second war.
He is in no condition to fight right now. So he'll have to put his diplomatic skills to use - just the reminder of his father's death sparks a dull pain in his chest - still covered in ichor and dust, his ax slung over his shoulder.
Cerberus stays by his side. Perseus sends Small Bob to Persephone through the old Labyrinth entrance - he needs the big dog, but the skeleton tiger would just be easy prey.
Perseus looks mightly tired as he takes on the scene - the greeks following Clarisse, Connor, and Lou, the Romans following Octavian and Mike Kahale. Reyna between them, with the gigantic statue.
The demigod looks between his first and his second family, none that he ever fit right, both of which he was the leader, and hold on to Cerberus.
"We - and by we, I mean nine of us, greeks and Romans, the Amazons, and the hunters - just defeated fifteen giants, with the gods. In Athens. We could've - and should've - had reinforcements."
"Percy-" Connor starts, but Percy raises a hand to stop him. There are shadows curling against his arms - his celestial bronze leg shines under the Athena Parthenos.
"I may have been gone for a while, but I'm still your leader - and their Praetor. You choose me to lead - both of you. Me, and Reyna, and Annabeth, and Frank, and Jason."
"Praetor Jackson-"
"Shut the hell up Octavian, this is all your fucking fault" Intercedes Reyna.
"I went through Tartarus - for a month - because of that damned statue, to close the Doors so you could be safe. I don't care about your petty little problems now - Earth has risen."
"IT'S A LIE, IT'S ALL LIES" Screeches Octavian.
"How can you know? You were here, raising trouble and creating unnecessary problems while we went on the freaking mission to save the world."
Octavian tries to reply, but Reyna's sword in his throat stops him.
"My father is dead. The gods are coming - but we need to stall Gaea. There's no time for this."
"I say kill him." Replies Reyna.
"I agree." Says Perseus, to the surprise of no one "We're the Praetors of Nova Roma. Our word is the law. For treason against our people, you're condemned to death, Octavian Simmons."
"Apollo will curse you for this!" Are his last words as Reyna cuts his head off. Mike Kahale backs down - no one would dare to go against them, not when Perseus is holding the symbol of his father in his hands and the Guardian of Hell in his side.
"Now that... that was solved, let's prepare for the true war. Gaea is coming - in hours from now. We have to hold on until the gods come."
They enter the Camp - the Greeks and the Romans aren't a unit, but at least they all trust Perseus, who sits on the top of the amphitheater with Reyna, and they wait until the others get there. Jason is the first to come to sit down by them - followed by the other six.
"I won't ask you to trust each other. I ask you to fight - with all that you can. Juno and Pluto, or Hera and Hades, are dead." Cries erupt from that, but silence quickly at Reyna's fulminant look "Nike, or Victory, has also fallen. Pray for your parents - burn food, whatever - so that they can take strength. They should be here in a few hours. We just need to hold on."
"Romans and Greeks - no one will survive if we don't fight. Together. For now, you take your orders from Reyna and Clarisse." It's Jason who completes.
Reyna and Clarisse sit down to discuss ideas - they don't trust each other, but are both daughters of war - and their objectives are simple. Lou goes to call her brother as Connor joins the table - Alabaster apparently refused to join the battle against the Romans.
While Romans and Greeks trade strategies and weapons, the travelers rest. Perseus is the first to fall asleep - holding his father's Helm of Darkness like a teddy bear, while most of the others keep their distance from it.
Cerberus makes the campers stay away from the eight. Two of his heads sleep and one keeps growling at whoever gets too close.
Annabeth is the last to fall asleep - she joins the strategy group for about thirty minutes before joining her quest mates behind the giant dog - it sniffs at her. She wonders if remembers the red rubber ball.
They have eleven hours to plan and rest. It's a miracle - Leo managed to knock Gaea down for 21 hours, almost a day.
At least is enough time for everyone to sleep and eat and plan traps. It won't be enough against the primordial, but it might just hold her for a while. They have no way of causing explosions to Leo's proportion - at least they have numbers.
Gaea rises from the earth like an evil mountain - she is the ground. Some of them - the ones on bare earth - die immediately, sucked into the mud as it turns to quicksand.
Frank takes the lead as the whole army charges against the goddess, striking again and again in every part they can find.
They last the three hours before the gods appear - but they lose two-thirds of their forces. Mangled corpses are everywhere on the battlefield.
The gods win - against a tired Gaea - without major losses for themselves. There's no need to recount their battle, for they will lord about it for many centuries.
What counts, however, is the deaths on the demigods' side - the ones who will be forgotten in the shadow of their parents' victory.
Connor sobs over the almost unrecognizable body of his brother, who died holding hands with Katie Gardner, being veiled by her sister, Miranda.
Hazel is helping Alabaster to find his sister, who missing somewhere in the rubble with the other 56 demigods, who are unaccounted for. The first they find is Clarisse - her still hot corpse trying in vain to protect Chris Rodriguez.
Jason holds Thalia's circlet - the only remaining thing of the Lieutenant of Artemis, who came into the battle with her mistress and died to save her. There are just two hunters alive. The sister he barely knows - and won't ever have the chance now.
Piper holds on to him - she can't bear to look as Mitchell and Ariel mourn little Lacy, killed by a fallen tree. Drew died taking a stone to the head for Piper - she doesn't know how to feel about it.
Will would help - but sadness devours him. Of his whole Cabin, he is the sole survivor. All greek children of Apollo are gone. His boyfriend is also dead - his metal foot caught on the quicksand, and he was swallowed by the earth.
Nyssa mourns her siblings - Jake, Leo, Thalassa, Kira. There's only six of them now - back to where they were just after the first war.
Reyna is alive - although with half of her face burned. Hylla - the last of the Amazons - hovers over her, tending to her injuries.
The smaller cabins help each other - there wasn't a lot of them at first, and now there is even less. Cabin 17 has no demigod alive - and won't ever house one again.
Frank is helping the legion to unearth the bodies and rescue the survivors - it's weird to see a giant mole with only an eye. He is the one who holds Hazel's hand as they have to break Lou Ellen's arm to take her from under a pillar.
Grover died protecting Juniper from Gaea's earthquakes. He became a little juniper tree, side by side with hers. Coach Hedge is the only satyr from Camp Half-Blood left.
But maybe the worst scene is where the Pavillion once was - Perseus Jackson is flicking in and off, large gashes in his torso. Hazel is the one to find him. Most of the survivors - and the eight travelers - stop to look. It's their leader, their savior.
Nico holds his head as blood pools under them - the irony, Perseus took a boulder in the chest for him, flying across the Camp at the end of the battle, and Nico was again unable to catch the hero.
Annabeth sobs over his body, screaming. She lost Luke to the gods. She lost Thalia to the gods. She lost Malcolm to the gods. She lost Leo to the gods. She lost Grover to the gods. Everyone is gone - she won't lose Perseus too.
"FIX HIM" She screams at Apollo "FIX HIM"
Apollo shakes his head sadly. In his benefit, he managed to save all demigods who still held on after battle - and most of their limbs - but Perseus is too far gone.
"Annabeth, he is beyond-"
"We can't, child"
Annabeth doesn't relent. She lost too much. She lost everything. They took all she was, all she had. She won't fail Perseus.
"Immortalize him."
"Annabeth, no-"
"Shut up, Nico" She barks. There's a mad look in her eyes. "You didn't let Heracles die, and he deserved it far less. Save Percy. Make him a god. You have the Fates right there."
Most of the gods look uncertain. Perseus denied immortality the last time - but they couldn't let the hero die.
No one disagrees with her. Most of their friends - the ones who know Perseus better, who aren't blinded by grief - look horrified.
Nico would argue strongly - but he promised himself that no harm would come upon Perseus after Tartarus. So he backs off - better than he hates them forever than dead.
Zeus is the one who finally takes a step forward. Perseus soul is almost leaving him - it's now or never.
"All in agreement?"
The gods nod and raise their hands over his prone body. It burns so brightly everyone has to look away
When they look again, there's Perseus - still missing a leg, but better than ever. He looks like his father - uncannily so. There are tears in the corners of Ceres's eyes. Poseidon can't look.
Juventa brings the jar of nectar - she is the one who can grant eternal life, the one who guards over her mother's apples. She puts the jar to his lips, and the boy - the god - wakes up, disoriented.
"W-what... h-how am I here? I-I was with Charles and... and Ethan..." He mumbles under his breath, looking lost.
The Fates look at him - but there's no pity in their eyes. He sees again the blue line being cut - is his life. It's gone. Even before they speak, he knows what happened.
"Earthopener, The Silent One, The Rich One, Lord of the Dead. Hail Perseus, the Underworld God"
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metanoiamorii · 4 years
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❛When I was young, I'd read stories about great heroes doing great deeds. The truth is, real heroes don't look at all like I pictured. They're far from perfect. They're bull-headed, stubborn, reckless. And also recklessly brave. They charge in without a thought to themselves. Not without fear or doubt, but in spite of it. We are all scared. But we are going to fight and die anyway, to give everyone else a chance at a better future. Because the future matters.❜
♧ Title: The Legacy of Vires Ius [TSOVI]
♧ Status: World-Building & Drafting
♧ Point of View: Third, I haven't decided if it's limited or multiple quite yet.
♧ Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Action
♧ Warnings: Deaths, violence, nudity, cults, classism, a touch of racism, some homophobia, some transphobia, war, torture, a bit of an apocalyptic vibe, gore, eldritch beings, a very long story; I'm sure I'm missing a few more
♧ Featuring: Well for all of you out there who love the found family trope, I got big news for you! On top of, a diverse LGBTQ+ cast of characters, complex and complicated characters, morally grey characters, complex world building, plenty of symbolism, fantasy religions, unique character arcs, if a dnd campaign got written as a story, not necessarily 'the chosen' one but they definitely take up the challenge as if they're meant to; I'm sure I'm missing some, but you get the point!
♧ Setting: Okay so like... You'll get to explore the ENTIRE world in this one. From the Western European inspired countries, to the Ancient Roman inspired Societies, to a Napoleonic France inspired nation, to indigenous islands, to.... Yeah, no, you're getting a whole look at the world in this one.
♧ Synopsis:
It starts with saving the life of an emperor....— scratch that, it starts sooner than that. It starts with a runaway noblelady, a woman who wants to change her life, an eldritch being that takes the form of a weasel, a wanted bastardized nobleman, and an assassin. Together they all take up a misfit job, never telling the truth to one another, aiming to use each other for their own gain.... They come out if it friends, forgetting the original plan.
So, they become an adventuring group together for some years, until an old friend calls in a favor. That's when it starts, saving the life of an emperor. They're rewarded a keep, a paycheck, and newfound nobility. Sure, it wasn't what they all intended, but it happened. Life looks good for them.
They adopt a child of mischief and care for him as if he was there own. And some years later, the child's mother comes looking for him... She joins the family too, with her own mischief group of trouble.
The family grows bigger.
No, none of them mind, not in truth. The keep is large and quiet, really. They prefer the noise and company. They're a happy family together, until...
You probably guessed it by now. Remember the runaway noblelady? Her cousin winds up in town, with a few friends, all hiding from their past, and the law. You guessed it. They stay at the keep and... Well, they never leave. They become family too.
So what happens when you have three different adventuring groups living together?
Well, it certainly isn't a peaceful, quiet life. Mischief is around every corner, and they celebrate life every day— because hey, you don't always survive slaying a manticore, or stopping a nation from going to war, or even protecting your friends from their past....
But you know what doesn't happen to every adventuring group? Not all of them have to fight a war bigger than themselves. Not all of them take up championships from the gods to fight a field bigger than themselves.
The group originally thought the worst foe they would have to deal with is... Well, they collectively decided his new name is Dickzini. He's a fool, and easy to handle. But, they never knew someone else pulled his strings.
And that person?
That person, who's older than even Khaalida herself, wants to burn the world to the ground as they know it.
So, no more keep. No more politics. No more partying every night. No more misfit jobs. It's time to wield a weapon and prepare for war. Not to protect the world, but to protect each other. It's not a problem if they will do it... But even if they never voice it to one another, they fear if they'll all make it out alive.
♧ Excerpt:
[I want to go on record, I went through at least twenty different excerpts trying to depict which would be best, and this is the one you get.]
"So what?"
Rihtyxr faltered where he stood when the nonchalant response was given. The bastard didn't even look up from his dinner plate... He had to stop himself from scrunching his face and showing his annoyace.
He took in a breath, his tail flicking behind him. "What do you think?"
Rihtyxr had to bite his bottom lip and tap his fingers against his legs to stop himself from doing something rash. "... The kid— my kid— I was introducing you to..."
"Oh." The knife stopped scraping against the plate. A napkin was picked up, used to dab away the ichor, before dropped onto the plate. Hands neatly folded, Rons'ta lifted his head to stared forward. "I don't like it."
Again, Rihtyxr faltered. "What do you mean—"
"You're playing with something dangerous, Rîxie." Purposely, he used that nickname to infuriate the trickster. "It'll either cost you your crown, if not your life... If we are lucky."
The trickster scoffed. "You're simply paranoid, like always, you bastard. My own flesh and blood would never do me harm!"
Rons'ta was quick to scowl. As it was a rare occasion, he allowed himself to slam a fist against the table and raise his voice at his compatriot. "You should have smothered it in its crib, you arrogant fool!" In he breathed. Out he exhaled. He raised his glass to his lips and looked away, muttering against the rim of the cup. "... You've birthed the end of all things, Nameless Ones help us all when he realizes his power.... Khaalida take pity on the fools to stand in his way..."
♧ Characters:
Here is your cast of characters, since there is a lot, I'll be supplying minimal information until their character intros. I'll be supplying the main ones, but gods are there many in this story.
Vires Ius: 'The Heroes'
♧ Kalimali Sayegh
Male • He/Him • Pansexual • Demiromantic • Half Elf • The Exiled Magister
♧ Blythe Vidya
Transfem • She/Her • Pansexual • Demiromantic • Half-Minx • The Lady of The Voice
♧ Helene Laverna
Nonbinary • She/They • Asexual • Demiromantic • Human • The Runaway Priestess
♧ Raz Gacheru
Transmasc • He/They • Bisexual • Demiromantic • Half-Witch • The Ex-Assassin
♧ Robyn Trikfoot
Male • He/Him • Out of my house asking about a child's sexuality • Halfling • The Champion of Redemption
♧ Biscuits
He/Him • Weasel • ???? • The Mascot
The Misfits: 'The Troublemakers'
♧ Vrykolas
Transmasc • He/Him • Demisexual • Demiromantic • Nephalem • The Trophy Son
♧ Diablos
Demiboy • He/They • Asexual • Aromantic • Arc'yni • The Scavenger
♧ Alacèto Qystione
Genderfluid • He/They • Pansexual • Aromantic • Half-Elf, Half Succubus • The Bard
♧ Eithirna
Female • She/Her • Demisexual • Aromantic • Witch • The Wolf Blood Witch
♧ Amidir Naberius Qystinoe Scathaghe
Agender • He/They • Demisexual • Demiromantic • Half Light Elf, Half Dark Elf • The Raven's Champion
The Shifty Bunch: 'The Riffraffs'
♧ Chayliel
Agender • He/Him • Grey-Asexual • Demiromantic • Nephilim • The Rebellious Soldier
♧ Niky 'Noé' Orlan Von Brandt
Nonbinary • He/They • Grey-Asexual • Aromantic • Witch • The Horned Witch
♧ Caiomhe
Transmasc • He/They • Asexual • Demiromantic • Fairy-Human-Elf hybrid • The Reckless & Selfless
The Angels of Darkness: 'The Cult'
♧ Damocles 'Dámianus' Aliah Teivel
Agender • He/They • Grey-Asexual • Aromantic • Great Old One • The Mad One of The Void
♧ Miriam 'Misam' Heyoka-Teivel
Nonbinary • They/She • All that matters is she is attracted to power • Witch • The Angel Of Darkness
♧ Gaylon 'Gazini' Mavolio
Agender • They/He • Asexual • Aromantic • Great Old One • The Thing That Shouldn't Be
♧ Karayan 'Ianira' Than Blackthorn
Genderfluid • They/He • Homosexual • Aromantic • Feytouched • The Dark Devourer
♧ Malachi 'Jinx' Puck Melodie
Genderfluid • She/They • Homosexual • Aromantic • Feytouched • The Laughing Mistress
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