#if you guys keep this up i'm going to make her recreate that scene from evangelion where unit 01 goes berserk and rips into zeruel
attleboy · 10 months
the people in the tags of my last post saying pomni should kill and maim... hehehe i'm being enabled.... :))))
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asirensrage · 24 days
Saudade - Chapter 6
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Rating: Explicit Pairing: Mikey x OC, Hanma x OC, Ran x OC, Mikey x OC x Draken Fandom: Tokyo Revengers Warnings: swearing, violence, threats of violence, murder, smoking, sex, consensual sex between teenagers, alcohol, recreational drug use, mention of trafficking, torture, family neglect, mentions of sexual violence. isekai OC. memory loss. unbeta’d **warnings are not exhaustive** Summary: No one seems to realize she doesn’t belong until she finally runs into her “new” brother, Hanagaki Takemichi. Now, hearing his story, Takara makes the choice to help him and hopefully find her way home, but faking it til you make it only lasts so long when you start losing the memories of the life you had before. As Takemichi becomes the only family she’s ever known, how far will she go to protect him?
notes: Thank you so much for the comments on the last chapter. I'm so glad you've enjoyed it. I hope you like this one as well. This includes one of my friend's favourite scenes
Please be advised it does follow canon in this next part and that does include canon character death…in a junkyard…where our girl meets some of our favourite siblings ;)
I hope you enjoy it. Your comments mean the world to me. Thank you all.
also on ao3
fic masterlist - prev chapter
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Takemichi tries to keep Takara out of the fight. The one that he’s already warned her changes their future and results in Hina’s death. She promises to stay away so that he doesn’t have to worry about her and breaks it the moment he leaves. She’s not about to let her brother do something stupid. Not when she can help. 
The junkyard where the fight is organized to happen is easy to find. It takes Takara a little bit to get past some of the people dressed up and getting ready to celebrate the day. Part of her regrets not being involved, being excited to scare others and gorge herself on candy…but she has enough weird things happening in her life. She doesn’t need to search for more. 
She pauses at one of the entrances, checking around quickly for the best place to watch this go down. Most of the spots are already taken by various boys wearing signs and colours she doesn’t recognize. The ground is also not solid which means she’s going to have a hell of a time walking over on her wheels. She hears a bunch of voices coming closer from behind and she makes a split decision, heading for a section that’s out of the way but seems manageable to sit at. There’s also not as many men in the area as others but she makes the choice to ask instead of barging in on their area they’ve claimed.
“Hey, you guys mind if I sit with you?” 
They look over at her in surprise. She doesn’t know if it was because she hobbled over in her skates or the fact that she asked. 
“What are you doing here?” the blond asks. 
“I came to see if my brother’s going to get his ass kicked again. Someone’s gotta look out for the punk.”
That gets their attention. “Your brother?” the one with the braids asks.
“Yeah, he’s in the Tokyo Manji gang.”
“You’re fucking brave, aren’t you? You know there’s a reason there are no girls here, right?” the blond asks again. 
“Family over gender,” she says, waving it off. “I’ll take off if I need to.” 
The two look at each other before the one with the braids nods. “Alright, you can sit. We’ll make sure no one touches you.”
She grins sharply before hopping up on one of the scrap heaps with her hands. “Thanks.” They don’t say anything else, eyes on the groups that are coming in to actually fight. Takara looks, trying to find her brother in a sea of black and bleached hair. It’s harder than she thought it would be. Draken however is easy, both by being tall and in the front. As is the asshole who stole a kiss from her. Her lip curls, unimpressed at the sight of him. 
They don’t seem to notice her, at least not at first as their attention is focused on the other gang…until Takemichi yells her name. 
She curses him under her breath as multiple eyes look toward her. “Idiot,” she mutters. The members of Toman frown at her presence, except for Mikey who nods toward her. She’s not worried about them though. 
“Come to see me win, princess?” Hanma shouts at her. He’s grinning widely, looking completely unconcerned about the fact he’s about to be in the middle of a major gang fight. 
“Only to see you fucking bleed!” she snarls back. He just laughs, as though he expected that response. She turns her attention to Draken who’s watching it all carefully. “Hey! Draken! That’s the asshole I had to teach consent to!” 
Draken’s expression darkens just like she expected it to. She remembers the way he reacted to her telling them about it. Hopefully, he’ll take care of that problem. 
She doesn't really know what's going on if she's honest. There's a lot happening and she loses sight of Takemichi multiple times as the gangs swarm together. It's only easy to see Mikey once he’s climbed up on the junk pile, even as he looks like he's defeated. 
She can sort of make out what the one boy is yelling at Mikey, which makes it seem like there was a bunch of drama behind the scenes that led to this build-up. It wasn’t surprising based on what she remembers her brother and Baji telling her, but it reaffirmed that it was probably one of those things where it all could have been avoided if the boys just had a proper conversation. 
She keeps her mouth shut, watching Kisaki make a call to arms to help Mikey. She could see how it looked natural, but based on everything she knows, it feels like a set up. It is too easy, especially with how he slipped through the sea of bodies to make it there. Then…Baji appears, aiming straight for him.
Takara remembers the way Baji told her he had a plan, that it would work but not that it was good and when she sees the one who attacked Mikey sneak up on him, blade glinting in the light as he stabs him, she knows Baji failed. She also knows this has officially gone too far. 
She digs out her cell phone, watching Baji force himself to stand, acting like he’s fine. She’s seen enough boys try to hide injuries so they could keep playing over the years, her brother included, to know he’s lying, even at this distance. 
“Hey,” she calls out to the two older boys who let her sit with them. “You guys might want to run. I’m calling an ambulance.” They offered to protect her while she was here. The least she could do was give them a fair warning. 
“Fight’s not over,” the blond with the glasses points out. 
“Yes, it is. Someone brought a knife to a fistfight. That means the rules changed and I’m stepping in before this goes off the rails. No one needs to die for some stupid shit.” She dials the number for emergency while the boys she’s with don’t move. They might rat her out for this, but she’ll take the chance. As soon as someone picks up, she starts talking fast, pitching her voice up higher so it’s less recognizable. “There’s a fight!” She gives off the location before continuing, trying to sound more panicked than she feels. “Someone’s been stabbed! I think they’re really hurt! Hurry!” She hangs up as soon as they confirm that someone is on the way. 
The one with the braids shakes his head, seemingly amused. “Get ready to move.”
Glasses glares towards her but Takara simply shrugs back, turning to see Mikey pummeling the one who stabbed Baji. She knows she should be concerned, but that seemed like a logical consequence for trying to murder a friend. Besides, the cops are on their way…even if she should have maybe requested two ambulances…
She watches as Baji calls for Mikey to stop as he stands…and then decides to be dramatic and stab himself. Again. 
Takara doesn’t think. She jumps off of the junk that she’s sitting on and hobbles her way over as she hears the boys panic, crying at Baji for what he’s done. No one’s putting pressure on the wound. Honestly, you’d think they were helpless.
She doesn’t listen as people try to stop her, managing to slip out of their grips before she can reach Baji and those who surround him. She can suddenly hear sirens and the panic around her increases. She ignores it, ignores the way Mikey stares at her as she pulls off her shirt and uses it to press against Baji’s stomach wound as she drops to her knees next to him. 
“Fucking idiot,” she mutters. Baji just grins at her. 
“Worked,” he says back before talking to her brother who moves in next to her, trying to cover her up from the gazes of the boys and men around them. She’s in a sports bra. Even if it’s not something anyone else here is used to, she’s fine. 
The one who stabbed Baji is stock still, staying even as Takara has to threaten her brother to leave. She’s not sure who pulls who away as Takemichi and Chifuyu leave, but she throws his jacket to Takashi so there’s no trace him. She doesn’t move, keeping her hands pressed against Baji and telling him that he’s not allowed to die. He grins at her again before passing out and she realizes that she hasn’t stopped the blood from the wound on his back. 
“Give me your shirt,” she demands, not even looking up at the attempted murderer. 
“What?” he asks, still seemingly in shock. She doesn’t know why. What did he think would happen? 
“Your shirt! Now!” 
He quickly strips it off, coming to kneel across from her on the other side of Baji. She grabs it and uses it to try to staunch the blood flow from the wound he created. 
“Is he..?”
“Shut up!” she snaps. She’s trying to save a friend and the cops are coming and she has to figure out what the story she’s going to tell is. Takara can only try because everyone else is fucking useless including the boy who stabbed her friend in the first place. Just because he’s passed out doesn’t mean he’s dead. There’s still time. 
It feels like forever before the ambulance finally arrives, paramedics praising her as they take over. Baji is taken into the ambulance and Takara stands in the junkyard alone, hands covered in blood and surrounded by police as they arrest the boy who stabbed him. 
She’s covered with a blanket to give her some sense of modesty. She’s not sure if it’s for her or them. The police can’t seem to decide whether or not to praise her or tell her off for getting involved. Her story was that she was rollerblading and came across the two of them fighting. She saw Baji get stabbed and it devolved from there. She called emergency services and tried to help. That’s how they found them. 
She gets charged for being a public nuisance because of her rollerblading, because one of the cops recognized her, but it only comes with a small fine and a warning. She’s forced into slippers and doesn’t get to leave though until she’s picked up by an adult because she’s technically still a minor. 
“What about my friend?” she asks once they finally stop repeating their questions. “Is he okay?” 
There’s a moment of silence, the officers looking between each other, that tells her everything she needs to know. That explained why they suddenly came in earlier, their questions more demanding than before.
She had tried. Her hands were still stained with his blood. She could see it in the cracks of her skin and under her nails. She had tried. 
“Your friend died in the hospital,” one officer says softly. “They tried but…there–there was too much blood loss and his internal organs were shredded.”
“Fucking idiot,” She mutters again. She doesn’t say anything else. 
Takara feels as though she’s been submerged in water as the world moves around her. She can hear her father lecturing her for getting involved but she can’t really make out the words. It’s doesn’t matter. He’s not really hers. He finally falls silent, leaving her to her own thoughts on the ride home. 
She walks into the house, still wrapped up in a scratchy blanket, wearing thin slippers that threaten to fall off of her feet as her father tucks her blades away, and Takemichi comes running from the other room. He skids to a stop, looking at her. 
“Takara! What happened?”
“Baji’s dead,” she tells him, the simple fact it now is. She hears him protest, demand more information, but she ignores him, moving on autopilot to the bathroom. There is blood on her clothes and her skin. She strips, throwing the clothes in the garbage before stepping into the shower. She turns the water on as hot as she can stand it. 
Baji is dead. 
They weren’t close, but she liked him. He felt familiar, he made her laugh, and now he was dead because the boys in this world were fucking idiots. 
It was a sharp reminder of what awaited them, that the threat that continued to linger over Takemichi’s head waiting to fall in the future was real. 
She scrubbed hard at her skin. That was never going to happen to her brother. Just because the boys of this world were idiots, didn’t mean she had to fall into that same trap. Takemichi was going to be fine.  She’d make sure of it.  
Takara has never been to a funeral like Baji’s.
Takemichi has yet to leave, to go back to his proper place in the future, and he leads her through it, whispering guidance. None of his advice helps when she finds her arms full with a crying older woman who is thanking her for trying to save her son. 
“Don’t thank me. It wasn’t enough,” Takara says softly. 
“It was,” the woman insists. 
She’s never dealt with this before but she hugs the woman back, hearing a voice in her head telling her that everyone deserves comfort, and she offers her apologies and assistance should the woman need it. 
The woman pulls back and cups her cheek gently, smiling softly at her as tears fall. “You’re a good girl. Your parents must be proud.” 
They barely act like she exists, but Takara nods and Baji’s mother is led away by another relative, back to her position for the wake. 
She sits with her brother. Their parents were too busy to attend a funeral for a boy they didn’t know, but they handed them money to contribute and left them to their own devices. They’re surrounded by friends, all of them here to offer their respects.
Chifuyu and Emma are crying, while Draken looks solemn. Mikey looks like he’s still in shock, like he did in the hospital when his men were around him and he was determined to be strong. It looks exhausting. 
Takemichi is crying. Of course, he is. She pulls out the tissues she brought in her bag because she knew he would and hands them over to him. Takara stares at Baji’s picture on the altar, listening to the service and the sounds of mourning but she doesn’t really hear it. All she knows is that it won’t be her, she won’t be sitting in a wake mourning again. She’s lost too much already. She won’t lose another brother. Not if she can help it.
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tag list: @raith-way @zeleniafic @veetlegeuse @chickensarentcheap @residentdormouse
@themaradwrites @kingsmakers @thatmagickjuju @awkwardchick87
tr tag: @mitsuwuyaa @blackfire2013 @bleach-your-panties @reiners-milkbiddies
saudade tag: @thisbicc @scythegal
network tag: @pixelcafe-network
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thencitytales · 5 months
Non-stop Teasing - CYJ
🌷Pairing: Choi Yeonjun of TXT x fem!reader (3rd person used)
🌷 kinda enemies to lovers
🌷wc: 4.1k
🌷 Fluff? sort of angsty tho
🌷 warning: drinking, cussing, frat party, Yeonjun being kind of down bad
🌷There are a few other idols mentioned, some of them in a relationship with each other, I do not think these people are together nor do I ship them, I just felt like the story could have used these dort of relationships (ChaewonxWooyoung, KarinaxJeno)
🌷 Hey!! I am back because i felt like it. This fic is a fleeting idea i had a long time ago and was finally able to finish. In the beginning it was not meant for Yeonjun but it had mostly OC'S so if you see random names I'm sorry, I have yet to proofread it. Feel free to give me notes and feedback, as I appreciate it a lot!! 'Til next time <3
(not my GIF)
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Yeonjun. Stupid, fucking Yeonjun.
Idiot, average-looking yet so stupidly attractive Yeonjun.
“If you really hate him you should stop staring at him, you know?” a blonde girl talked to her best friend, who shushed her in response.
“Shut up Chaewon, I’m not staring” Y/N retorted against her best friend. 
Except she was, and she knew it.
Another person in the library was also very aware of Y/N and what she was doing, because he could feel her eyes pierce through his head. 
And he loved it.
“Ask anybody here, they’ll say you’re staring,” Chaewon said in an amused tone, making Y/N’s eye twitch in frustration.
“Well, then it’s hate-staring, glaring if you will,” Y/N looked away from the boy and glared at her best friend, turning her head ever so slowly, as to recreate the scene in a horror movie.
“Just like I’m glaring at you right now.” Chaewon let out a laugh at her friend’s antics and shrugged it off.
“Sure thing, love. Keep telling yourself that.”Chaewon said. Y/N could only scoff before going back to look at her books.
Look was indeed the best word to describe what she was doing, the words on the page being read for the tenth time in as many minutes without understanding nor absorbing any of it. Biology sucked, and so did Y/N’s brain at that moment. So much so that after a couple of seconds she got distracted again.
“What is it with the stupid beanie anyway? Like what’s the deal with that? DO YOU THINK HE HAS A BALD SPOT?” Y/N whisper-screamed, making Chaewon almost spit out the water she was trying to drink after finally reaching the end of her chapter.
Suddenly the girls heard a louder voice coming from behind them.
“It’s actually for style-related purposes, no bald spot, though if you’re still in doubt you could always ask him. Also, Y/N, you were one hundred percent staring at Yeonjun, just FYI.” Wooyoung said whilst chuckling at the little jump the girls made upon hearing him. Y/N turned around, red in the face, a mixture of embarrassment for being caught and pure wrath, caused by Wooyoung’s presence.
“How long have you been here?” She said bitterly. The boy could sense she wanted to add something, the words dying in her throat a bit too fast. He assumed a “dickhead”, or “asshole” was missing, but he let it go, not teasing her any further. 
“The whole time, love,” he said mocking what Chaewon had said to her friend just a few minutes prior. Then turned away and returned to his spot at the same table with Yeonjun, Soobin and Changbin.
Y/N looked warily at her surroundings to make sure no one else was around to eavesdrop on them.
“How in actual hell are you able to like that guy?” Her shocked expression clearly visible on her features.
Chaewon shrugged.
“He just likes to tease you, he’s actually very nice” She answered, her cheeks turning slightly pink before continuing. 
“I mean it’s not like they’re the fuckboys group.” When Chaewon said that, Y/N was still looking at them and immediately turned around. 
“No, they’re worse, at least the fuckboys are self-aware of how awful they are” she sighed.
“Oh my God you’re so dramatic,” Chaewon said rolling her eyes before going back to typing at her computer. 
Y/N shut up and went back to try and drill a hole through Yeonjun’s head with her gaze, sadly, without any success.
As if on cue, the boy turned around, looked at her, smirked, and turned back to speak with Changbin, making her avert her gaze and awkwardly look around to find God knows what.
She couldn’t take it anymore, her heart pounding in her chest was beginning to feel like it was too much, she could literally hear it and the sensation made her shudder. She got up and headed to the bathroom searching for some quick fix to the sudden heat of her body.
As soon as she got there Y/N quickly splashed her face with some cold water to try and stop it from getting all red, failing miserably. She looked defeatedly at her reflection.
“This is a PSA for that tiny voice living at the back of my head, I am kindly asking you to shut up” She lightly hit her head with her hand in the process so that the point would go across. 
“You understand me??” The girl sighed and took a step back from the sink to exit the bathroom, but as soon as she turned around a familiar face was standing leaning on the door frame.
“Try hitting it harder next time, that should work better.” He chuckled lightly before taking a step towards her.
“This is the girls’ bathroom, Yeonjun” Y/N backed up and glared at him for what was probably the thousandth time that day.
“Sorry, I was headed to the guys’ bathroom but something here caught my attention” he smirked once again. 
Y/N was on the verge of breaking. That smirk. He had to know the effect it had on her. Or was it just a stupid habit of his? 
It didn’t really matter. Either way, she wanted to kiss him so badly right now. And subsequently, run away, completely change identities, go to Peru, and start a potato plantation or something, to hopefully never be found again. She would never EVER admit to wanting to kiss that boy.
Frustrated even more than before, she ran back to the table where Chaewon was waiting for her, shoving Yeonjun in the process, and making him audibly laugh, clearly enjoying how easily he could fluster her.
“I gotta go, or I’m going to be late for the party,” Chaewon said the moment she saw her best friend enter her view.
“Again” Y/N added to Chaewon’s statement, knowing how long the blonde usually takes to get ready. The other girl got up and quickly added:
“Remember, I’ll be at your dorm around 10 pm, we’ll see what to do from there. Remind Ryujin too when you get home, please.” Chaewon said while collecting all of her stuff and messily throwing it in her bag.
“Sure thing, I’ll finish this chapter and go home too in a half-hour or so. Don’t worry about Ryujin, knowing her, she’ll be all dressed up already. You know who you should be worried about, though.” Y/N answered, looking up from her books.
“I already texted Karina, I told her I’d be at hers around 9:30 so she’ll hopefully be ready when we actually get there.” The girl chuckled at her best friend’s trickery and waved her goodbye, mumbling a “perfect” in the meanwhile.
On her way out Chaewon was stopped in her tracks by a slightly taller figure.
“Hey there,” he sweetly addressed the girl.
“Hi Wooyoung, I’d love to stop and chat with you but I really need to go.”
“See you at the party, then” Chaewon looked at him surprised.
“You should really stop eavesdropping other people’s conversations. Besides, you don’t even know which party we were talking about, there’s like 5 every Friday night without counting the ones outside of campus” 
He gave her a playful smile and said “Don’t worry, I’ll figure it out.” The girl laughed and answered “Good luck, darling” before going her way.
After that Wooyoung quickly got back to the guys’ table where all of his friends were sitting, trying to finish some sort of group project.
“Okay, talking about important things, what do you guys know about parties tonight?” Wooyoung said, sitting down.
“You mean here in the campus? or in general? Also like, frat houses or bars?” Soobin started throwing questions at him to try and narrow down the search.
“I don't know, man, Chaewon was talking to the Menace and they said they were going to a party tonight.” Wooyoung just answered him calmly.
As soon as he heard the words “Menace” and “party” together in a sentence Yeonjun’s interest was piqued. He looked at Wooyoung, completely ignoring the semi-blank document opened in front of him.
“Well I don’t think they’d go off campus, the Menace is too lazy for that, she’d want to be as close to the dorm as possible.” Soobin started the brainstorming session.
“That still leaves like at least five or six parties” Changbin pointed out, then turned to Wooyoung and asked:
“Is it just the two of them?” to which Wooyoung quickly added Ryujin and Karina to the mix.
As soon as Karina’s name came up Changbin and Soobin looked at each other and said: “Keystone Lodge.”
“Is there something I don’t know?” Wooyoung asked given how the boys answered the place of the party seemed obvious but he had no idea.
“Karina’s boyfriend, Jeno. He’s in the frat.” Soobin pointed out.
“Okay but aren’t parties at KL like, invitation-only or something like that?” Changbin quickly raised the question.
Yeonjun, who had just started fantasizing about what could’ve happened at the party and had no intentions of having his dreams ruined just like that, said: “don’t worry guys, be prepared, I’ll text you later.” and quickly got up and gathered his things before exiting the library.
“Does he have to do it every time?” Soobin asked.
“He got it from Mark, says it gives him the surprise effect later on and the mysterious effect right away.” Changbin answered rolling his eyes, to which the other two guys only answered almost in awe with an “Ooh.” probably thinking it was the best idea a man could have.
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“Okay, how did you get us in Yeonjun?” Wooyoung asked, almost alarmed at how quickly and seemingly easily their friend acquired the invitations.
“I know Haechan, and he owed me. He still does.” the older boy simply stated, raising Wooyoung's alarm instead of calming him down.
“Now let’s get this party started” Yeonjun exclaimed walking up the stairs to Keystone’s Lodge with a smirk on his face.
“You’re going to try and make her life hell, aren’t you?” Changbin said clearly amused at how his friend was planning on being even more annoying to Y/N than he usually was.
“Just wait and see Changbin, just wait and see.” the smirk on Yeonjun’s face growing with every step to the door he knocked on, where they found a guy standing alone, waiting for proof of invitations.
Inside the Frat house, the music was blasting. The air felt damp and everything smelled like cheap alcohol, adding to the mix the group of smoking boys at the far end of the room anyone could imagine that the atmosphere was not very romantic. Which is exactly what they expected.
Changbin went straight for the bar, getting everybody something to drink as the other guys scanned the room for their targets. 
Wooyoung quickly saw Chaewon sitting on the couch with her friends. They were talking to a few frat guys but they seemed nonthreatening enough to his ego. The Menace was sitting dangerously close to one of them, almost in his lap. Wooyoung could not recognize the guy though, no matter how much he squinted.
He nudged his friends and with a nod pointed the scene out, hoping they would get curious and approach them, so he could flirt with Chaewon once again. 
As soon as he realized what was going on, Soobin turned to look at Yeonjun’s reaction, gesturing to Changbin to hurry over, so he could witness it too because despite what those two liked to admit, they had this tension between them that was almost romantic. They were definitely, on some level, attracted to each other but they would never admit it. That’s why Changbin Soobin and Wooyoung were now staring at Yeonjun, hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever they had theorized.
Yeonjun’s brows furrowed. The night just started and everything had to be so simple already, not even a bit of a challenge. He sighed, took a drink from Changbin’s hands, and turned to Wooyoung. 
“Let’s go say hi to your princess, shall we?” Yeonjun told his friend, who was very happy about the poor lighting, meaning the other boys were not made aware of his rosy cheeks prompted by Yeonjun's comment.
As they approached, Chaewon saw them and a big smile tugged on her lips. She raised a hand to say hi and the boys did the same.
“Well Well Well, I’m surprised to see little Sherlock actually did find us.” She chuckled looking at Wooyoung.
“I told you I could do it. I’m very resourceful” he winked and the girl lightly laughed. 
Everybody then fell back into conversation, except Y/N and her mystery guy, who were so distracted by each other that they didn’t even say hi to the newcomers. 
Yeonjun cleared his voice. 
“I know you don’t like us Y/N but not saying hi is simply rude, even for you.” He smirked, knowing very well what it did to her.
The girl turned around, her surroundings didn’t make it easy to hear but she was sure she heard a voice talking to her. 
From her sitting position she looked at the new figures that had joined the conversation. And then she saw his face. She simply rolled her eyes.
“Who even invited you here? Seriously, please tell me so I can avoid the lunatic all night long, people just become crazier and crazier by the day”
“Actually,” Yeonjun chuckled.
The guy whom Y/N was talking to gently removed his hands from her hips, feeling a bit embarrassed. 
“I think that might have been me,” He said. 
Y/N looked at Haechan with a void expression.
“You’re his friend?” She asked, not believing it for a moment.
Haechan was slightly taken aback by the question, thinking the answer to be obvious, so he simply answered:
“Yeah?” at which Y/N glared at both the boys.
“That’s a shame, I really liked you.” And with that, she got up and went to the bar to pour herself yet another drink. The alcohol was probably what made her act so suddenly with that silly explanation but even sober her had no intention of being affiliated in any way with Yeonjun.
Seeing how Y/N was behaving, the boy thought that his mission was going to be such a delight with how simple she was making it.
Yeonjun followed her, leaving behind their friends absorbed in whatever conversation, and a very confused Haechan sitting on the couch.
As Y/N approached the bar, she bumped into a few people obstructing passages left and right and leaving her even more annoyed than she already was.
She took one of the red cups and poured herself some beer. 
Not the ideal drink but it was the first thing her hands were able to grasp. 
As she was about to take a sip, a hand snatched her drink.
“Thanks, I was very thirsty,” Yeonjun told her, earning a glare once again that day.
“How do you manage to be so annoying Yeonjun?” Y/N said while pouring another cup, this time she grabbed some gin, sensing she would need something stronger than a beer.
“I give it my best, just for you” he grinned.
Y/N couldn’t help but groan as she looked for the soda to mix her drink.
“What did I ever do to you? Have I offended you in any way? Are you holding a grudge from your past life?? Why do you like to annoy me so much??” She sighed in defeat.
“Woah,” Yeonjun said taken aback by the sudden seriousness of the question.
“Well, for starters I could ask you the same thing…” He answered calmly.
As she started to protest he shushed her.
“Buut, I am not going to lie, I do find you very cute when you’re frustrated” He chuckled.
“Are you hitting on me?” She asked, mouth agape.
“Do you want me to be hitting on you?” There it was again. The stupidest grin on the face of the earth. If there was a way to wipe it off instantly, Y/N would’ve gladly taken that chance. Thinking about it, there was a way, and to be honest she had reluctantly considered that way many times before, but always ended up avoiding it.
A kiss was not the solution, everything it could’ve done was only create more problems.
She was snapped back to reality by Yeonjun waving his hands in front of her eyes. She had been staring at the grin for god knows how long. A faint red was starting to tint her cheeks.
“You want to kiss me so badly,” Yeonjun told her, the grin never leaving his face.
She tried to play it as cool as possible, hoping the poor lighting of the room helped her conceive the blushing situation.
“Projecting much?” She smiled turning on her heels, determined to get out of the house for some fresh air.
As she walked away Yeonjun screamed over the music.
“I never said I wouldn’t like it” Y/N briefly stopped in her tracks, surprised by the sudden confession. Thinking it was just another way of getting under her skin she slowly reached the door and opened it, stepping out onto the backyard.
“You just love messing with her, don’t you?” Chaewon said as she approached Yeonjun, Wooyoung by her side, holding her waist.
“I have a tendency not to lie, actually. Everything I said is true. She’s just… compelling” he tried to find the best word to describe her.
“Compelling? You mean messing with her like that is compelling?” Chaewon said, a bit offended that Yeonjun enjoyed toying with her friend’s emotions like that.
“Tell me Chaewon, when have I ever done anything truly bad to her? All I do is tease, in her opinion, when in reality I was always simply…” Yeonjun said, meanwhile Chaewon tried to start a list of all the times he’s gotten you frustrated and quickly realized most times it was just his very annoying, twisted way of ... 
“Flirting,” Chaewon said, shocked. She looked at him straight in the eyes, her expression painted with shock.
“Oh my God, you just flirt with her” Chaewon continued. She suddenly realized that every time Yeonjun ever talked to Y/N he was flirting, and that enraged her friend for some reason. He never actually DID anything bad to her. He never insulted her, let alone take action to actively ruin her day. The only times he did something of the sort she was always with a guy, like 10 minutes ago with Haechan. Yeonjun was always just… flirting with Y/N.
“I am very confused.” Wooyoung said looking at his two friends.
“You never admitted it to us and it takes you like three seconds to tell it to her best friend? I kinda hate you and I am not sure I would like to be friends with you anymore.” Wooyoung continued while watching Yeonjun's every move and acting offended.
“It’s not like you guys ever really asked, I thought it was obvious if I have to be honest. She’s pretty, she’s smart, she can be a pain in the ass but she’s one of the nicest and kindest people I ever met. Not with me, which I can not really comprehend, but if teasing her incessantly is the only way I can get her to interact with me I don’t think I will ever stop.” Yeonjun said earnestly to his friend. A small smile appeared on his features, almost sheepishly.
A voice behind him startled him right after.
“What did he just say??” it was Changbin, who basically screamed in his ear after he heard just half of the confession.
“I think he likes the Menace!!” Soobin screamed at Changbin (and in Yeonjun’s other ear) in hopes of being understood over the loud music.
Meanwhile, Y/N was outside, freezing because she forgot to bring a jacket. 
Why did he have to always be so annoying, why did he always have something to say that would just make her heart beat at a worrying speed? Why did she have to like him so fucking much?
As her mind birthed the last few words she stopped pacing back and forth on the grass.
Of course, she liked him. It seemed as if every stupid decision she could make she would take and this was not even a conscious one. 
It would explain why her fight or flight response would kick in every time he would even just look in her direction, and her choice was fight. 
Thinking about kissing him all those times was not just a stupid silly thought. 
Y/N was hopeless.
"So?" The question was raised suddenly by a voice she recognised immediately.
He was standing right there, in front of her, handing her her jacket.
She happily took it, silently thanking him with a smile before muttering.
"So what?" her eyes looking at him defeated. She liked him and he was just playing. He was just teasing, and look where all that teasing led her. A terrible position she never wanted to be in.
"Am I getting that kiss you so badly want to give me?" Here he goes again. Non-stop teasing.
This time Y/N did not find it in her to fight, not him nor the feelings she finally realized she had.
"You should be more careful with your words Yeonjun, one might think you actually want it, crave it even" she said calmly before chuckling lightly. She was now sitting down on the bench and her gaze was everywhere but the boy's figure.
"As I said when you were storming off, I do think I'd enjoy it" he slowly sat down beside her, surprised by her tone. This felt more like an actual conversation now. It didn't seem like she had any intention of fleeing this time around. Just them two, talking like normal people. It was new and he liked it. He liked it more than words could explain.
"Stop teasing me please, I honestly don't think I can take it anymore. I won't be bothering you again if you promise me you will leave me alone without uttering any other word that you don't mean" If someone were to pass by and listen very closely, the sound of Yeonjun's heart could be heard as it was cracking and falling apart like glass under extreme heat.
She didn't want to see him anymore, but what was worse is that she didn't think his words were honest. She thought he didn't mean it, ever.
He meant it from the first smile he flashed her, from the first hello he said. The first time he saw her he was struck by lightning and did not feel like himself anymore. All he could do was think about her, all he wanted to do was to speak with her. He did not care if it meant he had to endure rolling eyes and frustrated groans, at the very least he was interacting with you.
"So?" this time she asked the question. Her eyes showed how hurt she was and he could barely look at them.
As he turned to face her, Y/N noticed tears welling up in his eyes. She didn't understand.
"You really think I don't mean it? Y/N you consume my thoughts in the best and worst way ever. I think about you all the time. All I ever want to do is speak with you and I don't care if it means you'll hate me, I won't stop doing it because I am selfish like that. I don't want to feel miserable, and the only way I have to do that is if I speak to you. You can tell me you despise me a thousand times but I won't care as long as you're in front of me, addressing me, acknowledging my presence." As Yeonjun spoke Y/N could not believe his words. 
If it was just minutes ago she would've joked about how "you're so obsessed with me, jeez" but at that moment the expression on Yeonjun's face was making her want to cry. It seemed like he meant it.
He did mean it.
"You like me?" she asked, furrowing her brows in confusion.
"I think like is a bit of an understatement at this point..." he chuckled looking into the distance, the palms of his hands rubbing against each other awkwardly.
Y/N moved closer to him. He did not register how close she got until she turned his head towards her with her hand.
They stared at each other, they are not sure for how long. It could have been mere seconds or hours on end. Then she moved closer and finally kissed him. 
She tilted her head as he deepened the kiss. 
Everything felt good. They were finally happy.
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alitgblog · 2 months
s9 vol 6: oh fuck I was joking last time but am i.. is this gonna be a Hamish route for me??? 😳
i guess first of all, the kelly/kat drama. I know it's yet again Finn and Kat but I'm happy they're dealing with it in a different way (although if S5 is Suresh's island, I can't help but think S9 is Kat's island 🙄). The thing that annoyed me the most is MC not being able to say anything? Like Kelly brought up the note, I feel like MC and Finn should've said something.
however we do get this, which, as someone with a friend whose name starts with K going through relationship troubles with a Korean man, actually I'm offended they took my joke and made it less funny,
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but snog marry pie! Most of the girls (my MC included) choosing to kiss Hamish? It's like we all forget how bad a kisser he was in S6 like what happened. however, uhhh kinda worth it like I was initially intrigued about a Finn or Stefan route but Hamish is really coming in as a dark horse with chat like this (especially considering how sassy MC can be this season)
and the thing too is even though hes clearly changed bc they're making him a serious LI this season, there are several moments where I'm like yeah that's the same guy that had the audacity to ask S6 MC to run away with him at the end of S6
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Then I played by rules like Chen, and chose a different person to snog, a different person to marry, a different person to pie. And then Hamish gets his little moment kissing and marrying MC, which kind of undermines the big moment which is his speech where he pies himself? like the talk on the terrace later this volume is great and I love the flirty banter between him and MC but he's so wishy washy about Natasha and it just doesn't really get addressed?
Kat's partner (in my game, Jude) is a whole mess. Like it'd be one thing if he's gonna be like "hey I'm sorry I was just defending Chen because I misinterpreted some stuff I thought you did" but it's another to do all that meanwhile he was also being shady about flirting with Melissa???
Then they call the incident Melgate bc... fusebox struck gold with Cherrygate and has been trying to recreate it ever since and has always failed. I never clicked the gem scene that would prompt Kat to tell you this story, and so I was so confused until they explained it in the next episode and that was so annoying. Then they do the thing (again!) where they like shame you for not being a friend (Kat's like "I tried to tell you"). this is worse than when you had an ugly dress and the girls were like God you look awful.
Jude being vague during the game was annoying bc i know theyre just stretching it out but also absolutely I could see that happening on the show where he's like "you know what you did. we'lltalk about it later" and it cuts to MC in the beach hut being like "judes being a real bitch. of course I know what I did but which time are you referring to"
Chen being constantly voted the sweetest during the challenge and then awards night is great but also just reminds me that his character is gonna be so vague from now on bc he's sharing a personality with three other guys. like its gonna hurt to break him but also he's not getting the care from the writing team that they've been giving the other routes so unfortunately he's boring rn 😬. doesn't even have the audacity to be mad just has to go away and think. And Chen just keeps taking L's too with MC (at least in my game) flirting with everyone and Jude in his ear saying MC can't be trusted. like if he twists in casa I'm not even sure if the audience would blame him (they would bc they love MC but ya knowww)
God don't remind me I'm missing not only missing actual litg season 2 but also what I have instead is Kat and Finn season 2
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anyway MC being able to say never have I ever had a steamy shower with someone? she's so messy
also with Natasha explaining more of what she did in casa on her original season has me making things up in my head bc you gotta be a pretty memorable casa girl for the game to pretend you're an all star but she didn't even make it to the actual villa so that's even harder to imagine, but I'm going to pretend she flirted with one of the guys while also sneaking behind his back with Roxy and people ate that up. then he tells her he wants to bring her to the villa and she rides off into the sunset with Roxy instead (or Roxy breaks her heart goes in the villa with a guy idk)
I'm starting to think Kat's gonna end up either with Finn or if MC is with Finn, then single but then we get a reunion episode and she reveals she's dating Finn's brother bc she has a TYPE (also wouldn't be out of the ordinary for fusebox bc of the grace/ozzy/marshall thing but it's still icky to me lol)
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then lastly for brunch we got the first of TWO prompts this volume to lay to learn about your own backstory?? I mean no question I'm upset about paying for information but your OWN character??
I had no problem saying no though like I feel like there's enough context about Sarah Ann for me to guess (side note, if anyone from Casa comes back with Sarah Ann I'm throwing hands)
OK but awards now. I feel like awards night is usually an end of season thing when the producers of the show have not much drama left bc the couples are solid and they want to throw in drama for the last week, but seeing as this is a game and they can just write in the finale whenever, I guess here is alright. (I wonder if that means no movie night then though?)
the clip they showed of Natasha? honestly, I respect her more for it. like idk she just seems more real than this perfect character flirting with MC all the time if she's venting to Hamish about also being sick of Kat and Finn or small things like Kelly taking long to get ready.
Here's where I did wish there was more branching like I think if you didn't do anything with Finn you should get a nice award, like about being loyal, while the clip still showed Finn being sneaky. like I don't doubt that if this were real, the producers of the show WOULD show the note and then getting cut off before MC realizing it's Finn and not her partner, but it's irritating to get blamed for that and even worse, MC does not get a real chance to defend herself, we just listen to everyone else's reactions.
anyway in my game MC should've been shown pieing off Finn at the pool and then Jude apologizing realizing he didn't understand what he saw. and then subsequently after show the clip of MC trying to kiss Finn at the shower and him rejecting her bc I personally loved that moment and I actually gasped when I thought they were gonna show it instead of cutting it off (bc again, not enough branching)
I did spend the gems on the second MC lore thing bc I was like ehh why not it's the end of the volume and like wow I get why I like s9 mc now, she's so Bobby coded 🤣
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once again, I do appreciate the effort going into Hamish's route rn bc he has actual consequences and regrets for hooking up with Melissa and it getting exposed. OK maybe not actual consequences bc I think the game will just continue to pair up him and Natasha but the fact that there are some repercussions at all AND he gets to talk out his feelings and regrets about it with MC on the terrace after? And then he continues to show interest in MC and explain his reasons for not being with her and also the whole hi trying to look for validation from his dad? sorry Finn and Chen, the writers are playing favorites
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I did not think we were getting casa lmao. there's no casa in the actual love island all stars and love island games so I was surprised but I'm curious about who the other boys are, if they're all gonna be international or are we gonna see at least one more UK islander? if Cassius is coming in during casa it feels like he's gonna be overshadowed and his route is probably merged with some international guys, which I guess makes enough sense like we didn't know him during season 7 anyway but I'm just curious.
oh yeah and this guy
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late to the party like I know the game keeps reminding me of him, but the more they did the interested I was, but I could be brought back
OK fingers crossed they don't dump single islanders post casa
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carmenized-onions · 3 months
I’m speechless (I have so much to say)
Your mind?! Your skills?!
I totally forgot that the fucking iconic freezer fight never happened in the first chapter because Tony/Inky/Chip/Best Repairwoman To Ever Live/ Baddest Bitch To Ever Exist/ etc got there just in time, so to see it HERE??? So fucking satisfying. It’s like a train wreck you can’t look away from and you managed to completely recreate that scene, only now it’s Tony’s heart breaking instead of Claire’s 😔
I also love the fact that it was the “You’re fucking nothing!” line that prompted Tony to intervene. The same thing Lee said to Michael 💔 (Fuck that guy)
And your characterization of Tony is honesty my favorite because it’s like Carmen says, she defends herself without being mean (even though he deserves to be locked in the freezer again AND the office just for good measure) and THAT makes Carmen’s words all the more vicious because she knows he’s spiraling about something, she’s trying to be compassionate, she’s trying her damn hardest to believe that he doesn’t mean it, but then he delivers the final blow to an open wound and yeah…he must mean it
Also, Richie ready to throw down with Carmen after he made Tony cry??? Sydney immediately comforting her??? Both them AND the staff ready to WALK??? Sweeps not knowing what the fuck is going on during his smoke break??? I love them all 💕
“No. Richie’s got it. You’ve gotta keep your kitchen in order.” The way I would say the same shit just to be petty 😊
Also, the Exec asking for her number??? ew
Jump scare fr, didn’t see that coming at all 😂
Carmen’s gonna have an aneurysm when he reads that
The parking lot scene between Tony and Richie was so cathartic. They grieved Michael’s death separately for so long, blaming themselves, and now they can grieve together 🥺
I once again fully support Tony’s decision to let the stray fur ball eat Carmen’s flowers AND to leave the black plate out to fend for itself 😊
And FINALLY, “I know you said I’d be a perfect match for your little brother…” I’m SOBBING. Carmen was out here thinking that Michael and Tony were a thing when all along his older brother was trying to play matchmaker 💔
I’m gonna need about 5 business days to recover
I’m also gonna be very disappointed when season 3 drops next week and I don’t see Chip pop up within the first couple of seconds. Like THIS is season 3. It’s canon. 💜💜💜
I feel bad not responding in order but I have to start with the end. Can I be so fr. Me too. LMAO. I HAVE R O T T E D MY BRAIN. I HAVE RUINED THE BEAR FOR MYSELF LMAOOOO. I'm gonna be watching in 6 fucking days going,,,, but,,, but toneee???? but chipp??? where chip!!?!?!?!!
So I'm glad other people also think this. Delights me. I am hoping that a bunch of plot points I did still happen in season 3, because some of writing this has genuinely been either me guessing or just wanting a fun thing to happen in S3 (I.e I think wedding catering ep would genuinely be so fucking fun. like terrible. but so fun)
ANYWAYYYSSSS Back to this chapter's thoughts.
Thank you sm for having sm to say because I love to hear it-- An analysis??? ooohhfhsdfhksdjfh i could. i could maybe die. Fuckin love when people DIG IN!!!
I don't remember if I always planned for this fight to lead with the freezer fight, but I do remember seeing like a gifset of the freezer fight, and going oh I can't just let this all go unsaid. It would be AN INJUSTICE to Carm/Rich to not let that air out. You gotta level a building to rebuild. And there's just something I think on like, a reader level/ me writing it of like-- Knowing when this was supposed to happen and where that really adds so much to reading it this time, because instead of a door between them it's fucking YOU!!! FUCK !!!!!!
YEEAAGGHHH!!!! (You will see why I cannot comment more on this point of Uncle Lee later. But Just know. YEEAHFKJDFHGKJDFHGFKJDFG!!!!!!!!!)
Every time people say they love Tony as a character, an angel gets it's wings. That's how it feels for me. But 100% it made that whole scene so much more brutal because she's trying to explain and trying to understand but that's simply not how any dynamic Carmen's ever been in has worked and so it's just making him wig out more. RAH!
The other thing, that I think is like, a golden rule in writing fights-- Or at least it's always been one for me-- The hardest hitting line will always be the one that the person hearing it thinks is true about themselves. Peoples princess? Sure. Don't work here? Ouch but okay. The one thing that haunts you every day that you blame yourself for and were just waiting for one person to affirm it for you? OH!!!! OH!!!! BABYYYYYYYYY!!!!
The aftermath with the kitchen was so tough for me to think out, because I was like-- I cannot have them fucking punch Carmen. Like we can't do that. But also like. Richie would do that. WOP WOP! But I eventually agreed with myself that he'd go with chewing him out BEFORE the punch, and thankfully Chip stopped him in time.
Syd was me, when my friends cry. The yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo-- came from an extremely real place. and that place is my mouth. I love The Bear and Tony's relationship, which is also what makes the I don't think anyone's my friend all the more heartbreaking, because everyone was on her side there. And she just cannot see that. SON OF A BITCH BROOOOO BROOOOO STOPPPPPP I'm the one writing it who am I telling to stop?
I-- With the petty line, bro,,,, I wanted to dig into hell so bad. I wanted to snatch that motherfucker's soul-- But I left it at your kitchen because it just wouldn't be in Tony's like,,,, energy? to do so?? Like she'd already been murdered at that point, so she couldn't turn on roast mode. my poor bird.
JUMP SCARE EXEC!!! There were actually surprise surprise whether you believe me or not, a lot of different ways his dinner could've went, and I'll probably share them in another ask down the line, but the one thing I felt pretty solid about is he would be into Tony. ew.
The parking lot scene really was everything for me tbh, I'd been waiting to write this chapter overall for some time, but that one like,,,, fuck i really adore these two and it's exactly like ya said, so very cathartic for them to finally get to be absolutely not over anything togetherrrr yknow?
And that's another vote for---Fuck it, poll,
As for Mikey Matchmaker,,,,, -- You know what, i'm gonna save this for after either the series is done or after chapter 13, pending. But remind me later that i need to tell you something about Mikey and ,,,,, fire???? Yeah. Tell me I need to tell you about that, after chapter 13 or so.
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acaplaya-musings · 2 months
Voiceplay Visuals - Jingle Bell Rock
Voiceplay weren't originally planning to release any proper full-length video for December last year (2023), just a Mini or two, as they were busy in November due to a special performance with the band Chicago. They asked their Patrons for song suggestions for Minis, and then put the three most popular suggestions into a poll for people to vote on. Jingle Bell Rock won out with 55% of the votes, but then a Patron provided a suggestion of doing it "Mean Girls style". Initially the guys were confused, (as was I when I first read the video title when the Premiere appeared) - was there some different musical styling that they weren't aware of? But they soon realised that "Mean Girls style" was referring to the iconic dance scene from the 2004 movie. And so, on the 16th of December, 2023, we got a proper video, not just a Mini, with plenty of absurdity and "Voiceplay brand of dumb", courtesy of Layne! (Layne was in charge of both the arrangement and the video, and is also co-credited for creative direction along with Tony).
Now please don't kill me, but I've never actually watched Mean Girls (*GASP*). However, I know a fair bit about it just from it being popular on Tumblr and the internet in general, and I know this specific scene in the movie quite well, as my dad and I would watch the clip of it every year in December. I have also rewatched the original scene before starting this post, because I'm gonna be doing screenshot comparisons! For one thing, this isn't a super long video, so I'm not worried about image limit, and for another, VoicePlay put a lot of effort into recreating this scene as closely as possible (albeit with some, er, aesthetic alterations 😜), so I wanna prove it, because why not!
Anyway, that's a fair bit of introductory stuff already, so I'll leave my other notes/commentary/thoughts for during the actual video talk bit. Let's get into this!
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Making a shot from this little opening bit as the thumbnail was one heck of a choice ngl. Maybe they couldn't be bothered finding a better shot from the video, or maybe they just wanted to keep most of the video as a surprise for viewers, idk, but I was so confused from the thumbnail-title combo when the premiere appeared!😂
Also if you don't already know from the video description, this was all filmed on Tony's iPhone! (Doesn't mean it was all handheld though - tripods/stands for phones exist!). It was because VoicePlay were without a cameraguy for like 2-3 months, because their old one moved states.
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So instead of doing any sort of "sexy santa/santa's helper" costumes like in the original, Layne decided that he and the others would be dressing up as characters from Christmas movies! Cesar as Buddy The Elf (perfect casting and also gets off easiest in the outfit department, lol), Layne as The Grinch, Geoff as Oogie Boogie (duh), and Eli as Santa/Sandy
(Also fun fact: the Oogie Boogie costume is the same one that Tony wore for his very brief appearance in VoicePlay's Kidnap The Sandy Claws video! (Also it's pretty hot to wear apparently, and Geoff had to tie his hair back to get the head/hood fitted properly, before he ended up asking for a wig cap, rip))
Also if you don't know the original scene, the original line after "but I'm always on your left!" is "that was when there were three of us, and now the tallest go in the middle", but here, the tallest (Layne/Grinchy and Geoff/Oogie Boogie) already are in the middle, so it's switched out for "now the fat one goes in the middle" (also watch for Eli's/Santa's quick surprised reaction to that line, lol)
(Also not a visual thing, but if you haven't picked up on it already, the announcer doing the "please welcome to the stage" bit is also Layne)
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I know I didn't mention it in all my rambling at the start, but yes, shoutout to Adriana Arellano who is also in this video! (And blonde now!). This is her fifth full-length collaboration with the group, and second for a Christmas video! (Third if you count the Frozen 2 Medley).
Also do you recognise the set? Again? I'll say more later, but those curtains were almost definitely added in post-production I'll tell ya that!
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Can't recreate the OG scene without an audience, and so we haveone! That just happens to also include the VoicePlay guys themselves! (Geoff must've been sharing his cloning machine around! 😜😆
Huldra has a video on her channel I believe saying who's who in the audience here, but they're also all credited in the description, so I'll list them here for you!
Standing up at the back: Michelle Arellano (Adriana's mum)
Back row: Eli, Ashley Jacobson (Eli's wife), Asher Jacobson (the baby that Ashley is holding; Eli's new son who was born in November last year!), Eileen McCarthy (don't know who she is), and Gayle Stein (Layne's mum).
Middle row: Franchezca Buiser (in shadow behind Cesar) (production assistant for Kathy/VoicePlay), Cyndi Stein (the blonde one behind Layne) (Layne's wife), Christina Arellano (Adriana's sister), and Adriana
And of course in the front row: Cesar, Layne, Kathy, and Geoff!
(Oh and "The Grinch" waving to Layne and him waving back (in the O.G. scene it's Gretchen waving to Jason) was definitely a cute touch)
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Cyndi absolutely killed it playing Amy Poehler's part in the scene here, but wow already the similarities are stronger than I realized!
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Totally the same picture! 🤣
So long as everyone had a good time, amirite? 😁
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Pfft, Geoff acting shocked/scandalised, as if he hasn't done more than that in his Way Down video! 😆
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Cesar is having the best time, and we love that for him honestly <3
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Cyndi also really got into it! Stan! (She and Layne really are perfect for each other huh - same energies!)
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Not a recreation of any bit in the original, but I love the little moment of Eileen and Gayle looking at each other in what can at best be called "great shock/surprise" 😂
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Firstly, I love how they managed to include Ariana as a lead singer while still keeping with the original "plotline", by having a 'reveal' that Adriana was just lip-syncing to the boombox track, (still her vocals of course), which is revealed when it gets kicked and starts glitching.
Second of all, I love Cesar's attitude of "when in doubt, Remain Cute". Iconic 😂👌
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Lol rip, had to happen! (And in the BTS video, they actually kinda show how this bit was done!)
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Somehow I feel like Cyndi had the most fun out of anyone in this video shoot 😝
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At this point I might as well make note of something you'd be forgiven for not immediately realizing - or perhaps not at all! And that is the fact that they're not actually on a stage! They made it look like one with the use of clever directions and camera anglings for the audience shots, but yeah no that's the same set VoicePlay used in 2022 for Christmas Don't Be Late, and the same set Geoff used that same year for Way Down, and it's totally flat! No stage!
And that's about all I have to say for Jingle Bell Rock actually! (No I'm not including the end bit - I do have some standards! 😂). That brings us up to date with VoicePlay's Christmas videos, but we're not even halfway into my 12 Days of Christmas In July miniseries! Next up, a couple of bonus VoicePlay Visuals posts, and then we'll be jumping over to Geoff's solo stuff! See you again soon!
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tired-demonspawn · 7 months
Okay uuuhh netflix avatar episode 1
i've got some thoughts which i think will be uuhhh reflected within the fandom? and the critiques? so i wanted to write them down
i might make other posts of this type after watching the other episodes (i'm watching it with friends and we only managed to watch the first one)(so i'm staying away from the tumblr tags for now cuz i dont want to be spoiled) but there's no guarantee
right off the bat i like that they are doing something "original". they're not just recreating the cartoon but in live action, certain details are changed and usually not for the worse(not for the better also but yknow they keep it same amount of nice)
i really like the bending so far, aside from the intro where they are??? cg??? for some reason??? (the people i mean ofc the bending is cgi)
expecially the earth bending, i'm half convinced the first scene was there only so the producers can go "see!!! its not like shyamalan!!! our earthbending actually looks good!!! no more 5 guys dancing haka to lift one rock!!!! see!! see!!!"
i like that they showed the attack on the air temple, what i didnt like was that while yes, sozins comet was visible, they didnt do the cool artsy turning-the-sky-red thing. i kinda missed it i really liked it in the show.
also the fire benders... dont seem all that empowered by it??? like i dunno man the amount of flames they were spewing in the rest of the episode was about the same as when they were killing the air nomads. (minus the iron maning up to the temple) i mean think of the last agni-kai think of ozai and his scorching fleet, the amount of fire that was present there! and then look at the amount of fire when sozin killed gyatso, now dont get me wrong it was a lot of flames still, but yknow, not the amount id expect from a comet empowered fire lord yfeel?
keeping it with bending i like that aang can fly(or yknow glide... fly-lite? he's not really ignoring gravity is he, he's kind of??? like if he had wings! yknow he has to work for it, you see how he manipulates the air around him to levitate, that's actually why i like it a lot, its not completely effortless), flying is the final form of airbending and he's an airbending master, i think it fits yknow?
which is why i really like that he teaches katara a bit, all bending forms have basically the same basics so for him to be the one to show her that is really cool imo
im a bit afraid about sokka, he has his moments yeah, i really like the "mysterious bald person" and "youre not getting me on that thi- AHHH" bits, but thats just it, they are few and far between i dont really think the rest of the episode has the tone for those jokes, the rest of it being weirdly serious. afraid very afraid. hopefully the later episodes will be better, lots of series have a rough first episode.
there's a lot of small character inconsistencies im afraid about, like there are small zuko bits where he's a tad bit too violent yknow? i was looking forward to him handing sokkas ass to him without using any firebending but then they had this weird stand off?? that ended with him almost fucking executing sokka? bit... concerning...
what i dont think will get ironed out is gran gran's name is no longer gran gran, but granny exposition, she's had maybe 2 lines of dialogue and they were both pure exposition, it was the only dialogue where i actually cringed, she is the worst character, like it would be okay if she played the role of a wise old character right but the words she said are just??? exposition. without any dolling up without any tombfoolery, just pure exposition.
that is to say im mostly concerned about a few details which i hope will get ironed out.
thats it thanks for reading :)
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subdee · 10 months
Tagged by @hxhhasmysoul thanks again munen!
I will tag: @nangke @syncopatedid @autumnxsunflower @trashsketch @applepi00 @mariposahxh. Only if you want to!
Favourite colour: these days, purple
Last song: Replacements - Answering Machine. Unless you count the baby music that plays from the baby toys, then it's Itsy Bitsy Spider
Last movie: I said it briefly on here, but it was "Barbarians" on Halloween. I went in blind after seeing it on an online best-of spooky movies list so all I'll say is it was seriously messed up and I still think about MANY of the scenes, especially when I have to go down to the unfinished part of my basement. It's been so long since I've watched a real horror movie (not a parody) that I forgot they can be genuinely disturbing.
...I'll say one more thing, it's a horror movie directed especially at women. I mean it's a horror movie about things that women, more than men, are likely to find upsetting and scary, especially in the beginning.
Other stuff I watched this year: I'm still on my Great British Baking Show kick! Currently on season 8, after the switch from BBC to Chanel 4 and after they changed the presenters. This show is terrible because it just makes me crave sweets - and I always crave sweets when the weather gets colder - and as a rule, there's nothing like that in the house. Like I'll eat some strawberries or part of a cantaloupe or an apple slice with honey because that's the only sweet thing we have. Anyway, I like the new presenters.
Shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: The Marvelous Ms. Maisel. We'll probably get back to it, but it was too hard to watch while also scrolling my phone / making the baby's food for daycare / cleaning the baby bottles / etc. during the one hour of free time I have every night before bed.
Currently reading: the BNHA manga as it releases each week, that's about it.
Currently listening to: the local jazz radio station, the records I have in my house. Carole King - Tapestry was the last one. And Andre 3000's new record with the funny tracknames.
Currently working on: STAINING THE BACK DECK, oh my God we've spent the last three weekends on this. But it needed to be done, it had 30 years of mold on it.
Current obsession: I was gonna say the baby, BUT ACTUALLY. I started watching the Scott Pilgrim anime and I'm four episodes in. The show tricks you into thinking it'll be a rehash of the comic by being a beat-for-beat recreation of the first volume - including the visual gags! - until suddenly, it's completely different LOLOLOL I had to get my comics off the shelves, and reread them to be sure that yeah, no, that's definitely not how it happened before. Gonna avoid the show tags bc spoilers, BUT HERE ARE MY PREDICTIONS:
It's a smart move for the show to switch the metaphor from Scott fighting the evil exes (your new girlfriend has baggage that makes you feel insecure, you have to deal with your insecurity by winning a fistfight against each ex to prove you are worthy of her) to RAMONA fighting the evil exes (you have to deal with your own past and put it behind you before you can move on). Because like, yeah there is a metaphor when Scott fights the exes, but it's an annoying one that centers the feelings of an insecure dude over the feelings of the girl he's dating.
.... though I'll miss the focus on the mundane in the original comic, how much it reminds you that Scott is a loser but he's like, trying to improve. Like you know he's a loser from the jump because he doesn't have a job and he's a mooch and he's dating a high schooler, but briefly you think he might be kinda cool because he picked up Ramona, but then she tells him he has to get a job AND HE CAN'T so you're like... oh. Yeah this guy actually is a loser. But (as Ramona says) perhaps he's a loveable loser? He does keep landing these great girls ...
And we can still do that exact same speculation without Scott on screen, as Ramona learns more about him in the course of her investigations, so that's pretty clever... I wonder if Ramona will actually like him if she ever manages to rescue him :p.
Anyway since this show is now a whodunnit...
As of episode four, vegan boyfriend #3 seems superficially like the person who kidnapped Scott, but it's too early for him to be the real kidnapper.
The next most obvious suspect is Wallace, because it's clear Young Neal didn't actually write the movie script, and only Wallace (probably) knew what Scott said to him that morning, before he went to the party and met Ramona.
Why would Wallace do it? To get Scott out of the apartment and become a movie star, maybe...
But I actually think Wallace is ALSO too way too obvious, and he's being set up as the person you'll suspect all the way up until the final reveal at the end...
I think it's probably Giddeon, in the end, again, actually. Like we know he has all these cameras set up to observe Scott and research him, right? Maybe he noticed Ramona was using his head as a shortcut and started his research early...
Why would Giddeon do it? Maybe part of a ploy to make himself appear sad and pathetic so Ramona will feel sorry for him and he can get close to her to date her again? Maybe he knew Scott would beat all the other ex-boyfriends (as written in the movie script) in a straightforward series of fistfights so he's trying a different approach?
Either way, I doubt the storyline with Giddeon is over. Even if it is, though, I'm really enjoying that this remake throws the original script out, because it's fun to speculate and fun to play spot-the-differences. Like maybe it IS Wallace, you know? Why not!
Though it is a shame that this is no longer a show about being a loser and 'leveling up' your life - the videogame conceipt is more of an aesthetic choice now and less of a thematic metaphor - and about the Canadian indie band scene.
On a final note, I know we're supposed to not like the scrubs - or would he be considered a fuckboy these days? - like Scott, but I always found him pretty relatable, personally. Especially because I was dating a woman when the comic came out, like, the idea that you landed this great girl but you need to fix yourself before you can date her... it resonated. :P
Anyway. Don't tell me how it ends XD I'm too obsessed to not finish this mini-series quickly, but I also only have an hour of free time a night.
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semimedieval · 15 days
the beach part 2: heteroerotic pearl diving
jenny's playing elden ring and keeps getting murdered by a guy with the sun for his head :( and me, i'm going to read the quartz and rim pearl diving scene. which is like elden ring to me.
Rim shot Through the water like a fish. Breathing wasn't a problem, and if it had been, he could hold his breath for three minutes, swimming full power. He suddenly noticed an oyster, several of them in fact. After a few minutes of diligent searching he found a pearl. (Not the pearl of course) The pearl was suddenly thrust out of the water, and fell on Quartz's head. "Ow!" she exclaimed, taking it out of the water where it had fallen. "What is this?"
Your honor, this is cute. I'm sorry, Quark for life, but this is cute. How do you flirt again? You throw precious items at a girl and then invite her to illuminate underwater darknesses with you. 10/10 no notes. He was right.
"It's a pearl. Duh." said Obsidian.
buddy you are not in that scene your ass was supposed to be racing chuji in the water. This ain't about you. Anyway, Rim comes back, and we hear his date proposition.
Rim bobbed to the surface. "Wanna help me find pearls?" He asked. "It's a bit dark down there, even with my water vision" "Uh...okay." she said, rather nervously. Rim grinned. "Thanks! And don't worry about air or swimming even if you'ld like!" She nodded and dove under.
Quartz trusts him very fast and has no follow-up questions about issues of air or swimming, which creates a delightful sort of retroactive implication that she was nervous about the implication that she's being asked on a sort of date, rather than the question of breathing underwater. Which Rim has covered.
A bubble of air appeared around her head, connected to the world above by a thin tube of air. He picked through the oyster, guided by her light, pick up some which would make good eating, and occasionally, picked up a pearl. She looked around herself, impressed. Underwater, it was unusually calm and quiet.
This is pretty much as atmospheric as we get but it's a really touching and lovely kind of atmospheric and exactly the sort of Extranei Juice that I'm hoping to emphasize in 3.0 – the sort of magic that creates new sight, new ways of seeing, new places to see. Rim and Quartz on the edge of a world that they by all rights should not be present in. I think there's enough vivid possibility in that image that it's almost helping me imagine a rich and interesting middle ground for the pendant stuff that happens later – I think the two should find an underwater cave, insist on backup for exploring it, bring Leander and Mina, and then find that for whatever reason one person (Quartz) must wait outside while the others explore. So we still get the sense of her waiting, helpless, and she does not get a pendant, but she is less comically removed from the action and the horror than she is in 2.0. And of course we get to recreate that image – Wryn trapped and in danger, Quartz waiting outside – at the end of the story. Just a rough sketch – obviously this will all make more sense in the outline. But I want to emphasize Sea Horror more and Sea Wonder too.
I do miss good old Moopy when I reread these roleplays. Wherever they are, I hope they're well.
They don't talk much down here in the roleplay, a feature that I changed in 2.0 – here, I use that moment to heighten emotional intimacy in a fairly utilitarian way. I just have Quartz ask Rim about his past and learn some things about it that she needs to know. I think it can be done better, and I think the way I write their friendship in 2.0 is dominated by my dedication to writing what was interesting to me at the time – a lesbian who figures out she's a lesbian and stays that way with no further divergences or doubts – and moments of intimacy between Quartz and Rim are undercut constantly by her narration going "Wow! That heterosexuality sure is compulsory!!"
Which is not the kind of narrative I find particularly compelling anymore, especially as it reflects a problem in which Quartz, as our only POV character, really only builds lasting moments/arcs of emotional intimacy with Obsidian, Rim, and Spark. She has moments of connection with Ky and Lupus (using the old names is killing me) but only by accident really. And Chuji, even as her future sister-in-law and one of her oldest friends, is criminally ignored by the narrative, all because of stupid beef with Augustine.
The point is Quartz should be so full of love it's killing her, and a little in love with everyone, and certainly a little (more than a little) in love with Rim. Or Wryn, as the case may be.
Here and now, these young and silly proto-versions of them who are still allowed to be a little in love but just as embarrassed about it as all of the gay people around them (much to consider) wrap up their pearl diving trip.
Rim passed her the rest of the pearls. He picked up a few more oysters. "Come on, we should head up again." He said. She nodded and swam upward, surfacing.
Rim announces that oysters are ready to eat. By implication, he lets Quartz keep the pearls.
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ecofinisher · 1 year
In the rain, but The Sims 3 made a plot twist on its own.
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It started raining and it appears, that the last students leaving school had no umbrellas.
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Parker: Uh hey.
Parker: I'm sorry about my friend VJ. He doesn't really listen to other, when it comes to mess up with other people's lives. He's sort of.....a troubled child at home. I admit at first, I did joke about the dead of intoxication. When I realized, that it was your dad I felt stupid about it.
River: You two are lucky, that you at least have your parents alive....One at least.
Parker: Well yeah. I mean VJ's mom left his dad, because he couldn't keep a job and my parents.....well they never were this present in my life as they were around my sister....VJ and I became friends, because of Lisa and Ethan. They assumed we would get along. We still do, but lately I've been more around Ethan, cause we're neighbors and practically like brothers.....
River: Yeah, I know. Perhaps I just got irritated a little too quickly. Look I do like you and appreciate, that you're really improving yourself to study for the exams. Let's just forget what happened. What happened to my father is almost 8 years ago.
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*Thunder noises* (Yeah love the game, when I want doesn't make any thunder flashes -_- )
Parker: Are you not taking an umbrella with you? They were some up in the second floor.
River: I wasn't expecting that it was raining this much.
Parker: Well, I took the last one. The others were taken by Michael and Mortimer. I can hand you out mines.
River: You don't have to.
Parker: I know, but you don't wear a jacket unlike me. I'm at least protected with one.
River: And your hat *chuckles"
Parker: Yeah *chuckles* By the way, now that we're here. I'm really grateful for everything you've done for me. You haven't known me from anywhere or not in the way Ethan and I do or you and Bebe. I thought you should know this. You're a really amazing girl, River. It's funny how it's just me out of the whole class, who notices it.
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What is Parker talking? He's known for sweet-talking with any random girl in the school. He has never done that to anyone, he knows he wouldn't stand a chance. Is this all now just a pure coincidence or is he being really sincere?
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River stood for a moment watching her friend offer her the umbrella, while it rained in large bits. River couldn't process, what was going on and the only thing, that threw her of the gaze, she had thrown at her friend during the offer was a clap of thunder.
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River accepted the umbrella a little recusant, confusing the boy for a moment, which dropped the umbrella on the ground, not noticing her supposed refusal.
Parker: Sorry.....
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River: I'm sorry too. I was a little lost.
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River: Thank you for your kind words.
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Parker: You're welcome.
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Parker: I better get going, before the rain gets worse. See you tomorrow.
River: See you tomorrow.....
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River: This guy is nuts.
This is not the ending, she just happened to do this and I lost my crap 😂 I wanted to see how low the chances are to recreate Miraculous' in the rain scene, but it obviously doesn't work, so I just took cute pics, which can work differently.
Under the rug, the normal ending
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It was quite an interesting ending for a school day. Rain can come sometimes, even without the weather analysis being right. It wasn't the way the school ended, that felt strange for River nor that she did get an offer to take an umbrella. It was from how River suddenly felt after accepting Parker's borrowed umbrella to go home. The whole atmosphere and his sudden "soft comment" gave River a different side of the school's playboy. This really was a charming deed, she thought.
The rain did sink slightly and River took the chance to walk out of the school lot to make her way home. Soon enough, we know nothing, but that both arrived home. One wetter, than the other. Being caught by rain without protection is a memory lot of people forget instantly, cause who doesn't experience this kind of issue once in a lifetime? This is something everyone thinks about, but from this one specific evening on forward, things were going to change a lot and no one was expecting it.
I did write about months ago an one-shot inspired by the "in the rain" scene. The only difference here, this drabble here I just focused on images and the plot is slightly different. This one is more of "a trash post" I wrote in 20 minutes.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s6e5 live free or twihard (w. brett matthews)
(please let the episode title be the only dig about twilight henceforth) very goth. bela lugosi's dead, haven't thought of that song probably since the 90s.
oh. kristen, huh. with the plaid and the long brown hair and the awkward. oh god and the papercut scene inside the restaurant scene recreated in this club-ish place. this man even has pattinson's edward delivery on a lot of these lines.
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twilight: new moon (2009)
dear god. this is just like. seriously a mishmash of straight up lines and beats from the twilight movies (twilight series is a comfort watch for me so i'm very familiar with them). and his name is robert. hoo boy.
this takes making fun of twilight to new heights. and boy do people LOVE to make fun of twilight. oh and it just keeps going!
DEAN Look at this. He's WATCHING her sleep. How is that not rape-y?
DEAN (Reading from the book.) "He could hear the blood rushing inside her, almost taste it. He tried desperately to control himself..." "...Romero knew their love was impossible -- " Romero? Really?
SAM Dean. Shut up.
DEAN This is a national bestseller. How is that POSSIBLE?
fuck you all very much. we get it. you think twilight is trash. enough already.
that reaction to the guys kissing... guess it'd been a while since they got some good no homo in
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guess it'd been a while since a solid noticeably-soulless incident and in case we'd forgotten, decided to go big with letting dean get turned
the sound design has always been good on this show (all the stuff aside from music, basically). and i really like what they did with this part of being in dean's head while he's turning and all the extra exterior noises kind of muffled and loud. very immersive
and i like how dean's noticed through all this that sam's heart rate isn't elevated. also makes me wonder what sam's thinking with all this, if he doesn't realize something is wrong/different at this point. is it, doesn't know it's wrong/wrong doesn't apply to him because now he's effectively got antisocial personality disorder?
how many times is he going to make poor lisa listen to the i'm about to die goodbye speech. accidentally hurting ben, great. that would give him a more lasting out, i imagine.
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SAM I should come with you.
DEAN No. Dude, you REEK. You're like a walking hamburger.
shame he can't stay a vampire,
well i was thinking sam was gonna be the one with the cure and he just wanted a guinea pig (but i mean in that case he could use any rando) but kind of a big tell there trying to convince grandpa he didn't know about the cure already. using him to get intel on the big bad is certainly more crafty.
SAM Are you serious? You think I'd do something like that, risk my own brother? What's wrong with YOU? 
very convincing! but again. whhhyyy did grandpa not notice this behavior in the year? he's been hunting with sam.
DEAN Yeah, first chance I get, I'll...I'll show you myself.
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having a moment with edward robert
BORIS You're off...by about...six centuries? And these are the best days in the last six hundred years to be a vampire. "Dracula"? Anne Rice? PLEASE. These stupid little brats are so horny they've reinvented us as Prince Charming with a Volvo.
le sigh.
ugh okay. i guess it'd also been a while since someone did any sort of SA threat to dean.
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it's dean fogg! i knew he was in the show, and i thought as a vampire (half remembered posts when i was following the magicians stuff), so hello there, friend.
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the magicians (2015-2020) rick worthy as dean fogg
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twilight (2008)
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it's a good look on him
welp. glad/not glad dean remembered sam letting him get turned. we're nearing the end of this ride, i gather. and now i'm imagining we're gonna get back on the "i'm having trust issues with sam" ride after he gets sorted.
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mammonsjuicyass · 3 years
Besti, inheard you were taking some commitions, so i am her to ask you! ༼
つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ hello!
I had a this thought last night at 2 am thingking : "Ayo, what if mc died infront of them, got reincarnatted which they look exactly the same as they used to, got selected as the next exchange student, and the brothers are having some freaky deja vuu, like, whenever mc's reincarnation smiled, their face flickered to mc for awhile and then back to normal"
Sorry if this doesnt make sense- english is not my first language and if you're nit comfy with it then please do ignore it, have a nice day bby ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
I hope I get your request right!! Also english is not my native language too so don't worry! I only made three brothers in this part but I will be keep going if you guys like this. Here we go. Enjoyyy <3
- How would brothers react if you died and reincarnated -
TW: Mentions of death, suicidal Mammon and suicide, mental illnesses.
💕 Lucifer
No! No! No! Not like this, Mc you can't die in front of him. He.. he couldn't protect his sister and now he couldn't the person he loves. How is this fair?
Well, the be honest he always knew god would not let him have something beautiful like you without a catch. Still he was here after watching the most painful scene he immediately run to your body. Hold your small and cold hands.
He picked up your lifeless body and run to Diavolo to ask him if there was anything he can do. He was ready to sacrifice anything he run over his own pride. But sadly even the Demon Lord couldn't do anything. After all you were just a fragile human...
He took a look at your body and wished that he would meet you in another life again. With tears in his eyes even if he said his last goodbye he was scared to let you go. But in the and he had to watch the love of this life fade.
At first times he was staying at this room all day. Thinking about bittersweet memories. But girlll I'm telling you he literally is thinking about coming after you. After staying in for weeks he had to go out. This man is busy you know. He decided to wait till the day he sees you again.
Years come and go but the pain he carries from his sister's and love of his life's death never goes away. He kinda learns how to live with it..
Eventually.. he gets to a stage where he can't bare the pain.. he needs to welcome the new exchange student today after all this years. He slowly walks to the RAD. Cursing Diavolo for forcing him to smile at someone who isn't you.
But when he sees the new exchange student... his hearth skips few beats. Isn't that you Mc??? DID HE COMPLETELY GO MAD?? No, no, no, no.. you're dead. This can't be you. He would sense you from miles away.
But then this must be a sick joke because someone who ISN'T you looks exactly like you. He gots furious snaps at the royal butler.
After learning the new exchange student was your reincarnation.. he doesn't how to feel. Look he know this isn't you but at the same time he can't help wanting to hug your reincarnation. He needs this.
Eventually he starts getting small de javu's looking at the new exchange student. He feels like he's seeing you in HoL again... Even if he doesn't feel the warm feeling when he was with you it is enough for him.
Slowly he starts feel love again.. he first thought your reincarnation wouldn't be same but this... this is you. His love.. his beloved Mc.
He finds comfort in your reincarnation's lap.. he starts recreate new memories with you.. Even if you don't remember anything about him from your past lives he's just glad to see you again..
He'll make sure you never get hurt again. He won't screw up his second change.
💕 Mammon
Hey! Hey! Why aren't you answering The Great Mammon?? How dare you human he's right here confessing his love for you to wake up!!
It doesn't took long him to realize he failed on protecting you but still he's in denial for life. He won't accept the fact you're dead now.
But nah you ain't dead you will still come to casino with him right?? You're his lucky charm for Diavolo's sake.
Even tho he's still in denial he still can't stop his brothers taking away your body and organize a funeral for your memory.
But why are they crying??? You will be back soon. You wouldnt leave him alone. I guess they don't know that yet.
For years he keeps living in denial.. At some point he starts seeing you in hallways. He sees you watching movies with him. Well, it's no harm to say he lost his mind for real.
But this all ends when he hears the news about the new exchange student coming down.
He feels a sharp knife right on his hearth. His whole world stops. The reality hits him right on face. You died years ago in his arms. All of these you were living only in his head.
No.. no.. no he promised to be with you no matter what. He can't live without you. He needs you to breathe. So he decides to be with you again.
Right before the new exchange student arrives he lays down in a bathtub.. not knowing what happens after death..
He writes six different goodbye letters for his brothers. He is nervous about this all suicide thing.... he just can't bare the pain after spending his years in denial.
But he knows he'll meet with you again in a short time.. Hang on there Mc he's coming after you..
💕 Leviathan
I'm not gonna bush it around this man starts screaming and sobbing immediately.
He holds you in his arms trying to wake you up knowing you won't. One of the most painful things he had to go through. NO NO I CHANGE THAT THE MOST PAINFUL THING HE HAD TO GO THROUGH.
What is he supposed to do without his henry?? He just ordered a two player game..he needs his favorite normie for playing. Mc you need to come back right now.
Not surprisingly he refused to leave his room. But not the like usual. He doesn't go to eat. He doesn't go to RAD. He never leaves that room for years. He stops playing games and even streaming. He spend his time crying and thinking about you.
With you his yucky Otaku life was a fairytale but now... the game he brought to play with you is on his screen for years.
Kinda stupid but he still thinks you'll come back and play as his player 2.
Did he lose his mind or is that you sitting in the dinner table.. yes it has to be you. He would recognize your smile from miles away.
He immediately runs to your reincarnation. He remembers the bittersweet memories again. His red face shows with tears in his eyes.
He gets close with your reincarnation and he finally plays that two player game with them. He starts leaving his room again. Hell he even changes his bed sheets.
Don't forget that you'll always be his favorite normie!!
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
So, does ACUPOP!Edmund has a little sweet cruch on Lucy (when she enters the picture) and does he embarrasse his uncle about Lucy?😁
I've never imagined this before!
Gregory Bridgerton meets Lucy Abernathy when he's 20 years old, he walks into his brother's house one day and suddenly the most beautiful woman he's ever seen is there. She's got long dark hair falling down her back, and almond eyes and when her eyes fall on him, her lips tilt upwards just a little.
"Gregory come and introduce yourself to Lucy!" Kate calls out, startling him. Gregory stumbles forward, his feet struggling to keep up with his mind.
"I'm Greg! Bridgerton!" He practically screams at her, his voice cracking and crumbling, holding out his hand for her to shake, awkwardly tucking his Nintendo under his arm.
"Lucy." She's smiling just a little at him, making his heart thunder in his chest, but because he's an idiot he ruined it.
"I'm sorry, what are you doing in my brother's house?"
"Jesus Christ" He hears his Nephew's voice mutter from the sofa, Edmund shaking his head, his baby brother perched on his knee as he plays on his own Nintendo.
Lucy's eyebrows lift a little in surprise, her mouth falling open, but Kate got there first, swatting at him.
"You'll have to excuse Gregory, apparently he was raised by wolves. Lucy," She said turning pointedly towards him with a What the fuck man?! expression, "Is very kindly pretending she likes my watercolours to write an assignment on them for university."
Gregory nodded, a little desperate to know something else about her "You're at art school?"
Lucy smiled, "Yeah, I mostly do pottery though."
"Oh so you can recreate the scene from Ghost!" What the fuck was wrong with him?!
Lucy startled as Kate looked at him, aghast.
"I... could... I suppose." Lucy said it very slowly, as though she wasn't really very sure where this conversation was going, her brow furrowed
"Cool." He should probably just build a cabin in rural Iceland and stop interacting with humans altogether.
Kate sighed, "Greg, sit on the sofa with your nephews and stop distracting Lucy."
Greg forced himself to nod, flopping down beside Edmund and Miles, ruffling his hair.
"That was embarrassing for all of us." Edmund hummed, already starting super smash bros on the TV, but Gregory couldn't take his eyes off Lucy as he lost game after game until finally she said
"Well, I think that's everything. Thank you so much, Lady Bridgerton." standing from the armchair she'd settled herself in.
"God, please never call me that again, Kate's fine."
Gregory's stomach clenched, she was going to leave and he was never going to-
"Lucy?" Edmund's voice cracked through the room, Lucy turning back wards them a little startled from the door, her eyebrows raised as Edmund continued.
"I'm sorry about my Uncle Greg, he's an idiot but he's a really nice guy so maybe you could give him your phone number?" Edmund was smiling so innocently up at her, Miles on his knees smiling as well, adorably.
Lucy's look of surprise faded into bemusement, her bottom lip caught between her teeth, looking back at Gregory who forced a hopeful smile on his face.
There was a long beat of silence, Kate staring a little open mouthed at her son and then Lucy walked quickly towards him.
"Is this your play? Using your cute nephews to get phone numbers off unsuspecting girls?" Holding out her hand.
Gregory, a little startled, took her hand in his "I don't know, is it working?"
Lucy stared down at their intertwined fingers for a long moment before she said, "It might if you handed me your phone, that's what I was trying to- but this is nice too."
And for some reason, he feels like the rest of his life just started.
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scrollypoly · 3 years
Nsfw alphabet for a hunky, beefed up man we all know and love? Perhaps. We both know he’s an absolute snack. A delight. -🎀
Ah Fen~ 🥰I love this beefy hunk
Disclaimer that, hopefully you guys can assume, my offender is vastly different from the original, the original is shit, and I feel like it should be allowed to recreate a character like this. Apparently that's a controversial topic in the fandom, but oh well. I'm still working on his character, and at some point I hope to have a bio out for him as well as the other characters I write for. He's probably not even going to keep the name, but I'll figure that out too.
Offenderman NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Very good with aftercare, you get the shower drink and snack combo. He's always very adamant on discussing stuff too, especially if it was a scene of any kind; its partially him making sure you are actually okay and happy with how everything went, and partially him taking notes on what to do next time 👀
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your hands. They're so delicate and gentle and vastly different from his. Smaller. Also has an appreciation for legs, expect for yours to be promptly and thoroughly worshiped.
On him? Also his hands; they're a bit monstrous but he's still very prideful of them. I can also see him being a bit vain of his tendrils, very proud and almost boastful of them. He'll show them off if he can safely do so.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Actually fairly normal for an ender? Its cuz of his demon genes, nothing too special about it. Doesn't care where it goes fjshdjf. This letter is a bit boring 🤭
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
The tall dark handsome man at the bar that bought you a drink is secretly a midnight vigilante and can and will kill a man if he makes you uncomfy. Also he's not human ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Kind of experienced? Mostly from his mother, who was a succubus. She wasn't shy with her nature and profession before she died, and she told him some tricks. Other than that, he's had maybe a couple of partners in the past.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
It's an either or, with no in between. Mating press, or you on top. Pick your poison 🤭
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
More likely to be goofy, he'll be an absolute dork and crack jokes, especially if you're nervous in any way. He wants you to enjoy it, and if he makes you laugh, that's a bigger plus
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Again, enders are hairless, and so is he . . . so . . . no fuzzy for him
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Normally he just has hookups so intimacy?? What?? He's still like a big teddy bear but like. Actual trust and romance and openness??? Oh god, sign him up!
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Not often, tbh. Usually only on his cycles, maybe if he gets bored. Definitely if you ask to watch 👀
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Bondage and restraint. Maybe some roleplay. Dom his ass. Other than that, not a whole lot
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
His place, or yours. Not super big on public stuff, but, I mean, if you want hes not opposed 👀👉👈
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Good personality, intelligence, wit, charm, yada yada. If you can catch his eye, you have a chance of catching his mind and hand, he likes to be wooed tho, and he wants some kind of connection with whomever he sleeps with
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything that can injure you. No weapon play or blood play, though impact play can still be on the table. Gagging you is a big iffy too
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Super good and very happy to give it. Very dexterous with his tongue, and while his teeth are a bit sharper than other enders, he's very careful with them not to hurt you, unless you want it. And if you go down on him, he's very easy with you and absolutely makes sure to praise you and give you pointers and nudge you into making him feel so good.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Prefers going slower, but at this point I think it's well established that he's a service top so. Take him at whatever pace you want baby~!
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Oh heck yeah. Very fun and quick, great for teasing you and burning off the desire if it comes up. Very good at fixing and cleaning everything quick and detailed enough that literally no one will know by looking at the two of you either.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
More open to risks, so long as the two of you can fully discuss them. He's not gonna spring anything on you, and he would appreciate if you didn't spring anything on him too 😅
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Hella good, less from his ender genes and more from his demon genes. Being part concubus has its perks for sure, and he can go round after round if he wants too.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Just a few, a couple of dildos and vibes, some plugs, rope, flogs, blindfolds and gags. One of the few guys that will team up with toys and absolutely wreck you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Huge tease. Big on flustering and flirting and teasing you and making you get needy and whiny. If you aren't worked up and grabby when he takes you home, then he ain't taking you home
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Not as adept with his telepathy, and its more fun to moan and growl out loud for you anyway so. The loudest of the enders, and is very happy
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He's a Service Top :o)
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Not so similar as the rest of the enders, due to his mixed genes. Big and Thick, tho he still has some stray tendrils around the base. I think the demon genetics will always show through more than the ender genetics, so he is more demon than ender more of the time.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Kinda 50/50. He's not super horny, but it's not hard to work him up.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
If you trust him enough to fall asleep with him, he might fall asleep with you if he's tried enough. He will definitely let you cuddle up to him though, he is kind of a cuddle bug.
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yunkiwii · 3 years
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—potions gone wrong—
☆ hogwarts au ☆
pairing: bsf!hyunjin x gn!reader | ft. jeongin and mentions of minho
supportive oc: angela, female
genre: sfw. comedic and chaotic, may be considered fluff by some people
wc: 2.4k
warnings: hints of jealousy, mentions of illegal (magical world wise) actions, potion-induced obsession
a/n: i'm pretty sure that in the harry potter series amortentia doesn't work the way i described here, but let's just ignore that shall we? ♡
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summary: two boys decide to make a love potion to conquer the crush of one of them. unfortunately, something seems to have gone wrong and y/n needs to step in..
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shout out to: ficscafe prompt dialogue event ♡
↳ "I'll give you 20 bucks if you kiss me."
↳ "I don't think that's legal, but we can work around it."
↳ "Shut up, this isn't a wattpad fanfic"
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Completely imersed in the pile of books you gathered in the library in order to try and understand more about potions, you get startled when a boy throws himself into the chair next to you, a yellow stripped tie hitting your head in the process.
"I'll give you 20 bucks if you kiss me."
"What? No!", you give him a disgusted and confused look before digging your head into the old dusty pages again.
"Come on!! Angela keeps coming to me trying to snuggle and kiss me and-", as dramatic as he is, Hyunjin pretends he is going to be sick, exaggerating on the nasty sounds way too close to your ear.
"What? Why?", your bestfriend finally caught your full attention as you turn to face him, "Wait, Angela as in like, Angela your major crush perfect-Angela? Weren't you supposed to like, I don't know, enjoy the attention?" But then the face he makes, his cheeks turning shades of pink as his gaze drifts away from you and he sinks down in his chair in embarrassment, realization hits you, "No! No you did not! Are you like what, dumb?", you flick is head inducing a loud squeal to come out his mouth.
"It was Jeongin's idea!", his voice three pitches higher than before, "And I can't be that dumb if I managed to make that stupid love potion work. But that's beside the point, will you do it or not?"
"Do what? Kiss you? And how will that help you dimwit?", you went to flick his head again because, to be fair, he deserved it, but Hyunjin knew you too well and held your hand in time to stop you from hurting his pretty face, as he likes to state.
"To break the curse! Make her give up on me by making her think we're together or something!"
"What curse? There is no curse! And she isn't even thinking right now, she might just kill me out of jealousy!", at this point you're pratically yelling at each other and are forced to leave the library, resuming this odd conversation on your way to Ravenclaw's common room.
"I still can't believe you let yourself go with what Jeongin tells you. He's evil you know?"
"Should've guessed by the green scarf huh?", you slap his arm lightly, not very fond of the jokes made regarding the fact your other best friend is a Slytherin.
"So, how do I solve this?", he basically pleas at you as you sit down on the desk next to the fireplace, as far away as possible from your housemates. Every two in three students has made, or attempted to make, some sort of potion or spell to have something in their advantage. However, amortentia wasn't just "some potion", and if some were to find out that Hwang - head in space - Hyunjin succeded at his attempt they would never leave his poor ass alone, so for now your plan was to keep this subject as low-key as possible.
"Marry her." you say nonchalantly while, without his knowledge, already looking up all about amortentia, its possible side effects and how long it would take to wear off - if ever-, receiving a whine in return.
"It was really fun at first, you know? The flirting was cute, the smooches were great," and boy he put some emphasis on that adjective,"but now it's like she's obsessed with me! She's clingy and talks with that annoying voice and I can't seem to get rid of her!" Hyunjin throws himself face down into the old couch and whines again, words muffled by the pillow where he burried his face. "She's probably standing right outside the door just now!"
"Wait, what do you mean it was fun at first? How long has this been going on Hwang Hyunjin? And why am I only knowing of this now?", you turn around in your chair way too fast, hitting with your knee on the other chair next to you before facing the mop of brown hair all spread around the blue pillow.
"Well, I barely ever saw you all week!", the boy turns his head just the minimum amount to look at you, "You're either with your nose buried in those old books, or with your hands all over Lee Minho! Not my fault you no longer have time for your friends..."
"First of all," you pull out the pillow he's laying on, his face falling on the black cushion as a few curses leave his lips, "lower your tone! I did not spend the week with my hands all over Minho, I am tutoring him in potions!"
"Which you're not that good at, that's why you walk everywhere with those fat books..." Hyunjin rolls his eyes at you as he recovers the pillow from your hands again, "Don't deny it (y/n), you've got the hots for him!"
"Oh sweetie, I sense jealousy in your tone... is that why you gave Angela a poorly made potion?", you show him the page you've been reading between the backs and forths of your not so relevent argument, only for him to realize the potion should've worn off two days ago. Instead, it only got worse. "Perhaps you could use some reading too huh?"
The boy rips the book from your hands, grunting between his teeth sounds you doubted to be words as he makes his way out, only to shut the door as soon as he opens it, squealing loudly when his eyes meet the ones from the Gryffindor's brunette standing right in the middle of the hallway.
"I'm telling you (y/n), she won't leave me alone! It's like she's obsessed!", Hyunjin keeps his back against the door, afraid the girl could open it by some miracle driven by her potion induced feelings, hence she doesn't have the password.
"Well, you see Hyunjin... that's because she is! And it's your fault, you should simply face it..."
"Oh I'm going the kill Jeongin...", the boy grunts ignoring your words completely as the whines coming from the other side of the door overlapped them, "Can you go get him? Or get rid of her?"
You make your way to the door Hyunjin refuses to unblock and, when words and pushes didn't make the tall boy move, you had to resort to your wand, although the simple threat was more than enough for him to make way for you. He stayed hidden in the corner as you parted the door slightly to tell the girl her beloved had disapparated from there, and she should probably look at the quidditch court. The fact she believed you only proved how strongly she was affected by the potion, since everyone knew Hyunjin would never go to a sports court by his free will and disapparating into and out Hogwarts wasn't possible at all.
As soon as the path got clear you both made your way to the shrieking shack through the whomping willow everyone was so afraid of, but that was exactly why the three of you claimed it as your secret meeting place.
Jeongin was already waiting as you sent him a message through your magic notepad when you got rid of Angela, and you had to secure Hyunjin to not throw the book at the Slytherin boy who only laughed in return. The laughter didn't last long though, because you only stopped Hyunjin so you would be the one scolding the younger one, flicking his head the same way you did to the lover boy earlier.
"Hey! What did you do that for?", the boy frowned at you rubbing his forehead.
"To bring you back to reality, so you can both fix the mess you made!"
"But what's the problem?" Jeongin looked at you with honest confusion on his face, "Is this about the potion? You know that thing wears off in like a week or so right?"
"Exactly... do the math now genius..." Hyunjin rolls his eyes before leaning his back against the spiderweb covered walls.
The three of you spent the whole afternoon trying to figure out what went wrong in the first place, you analyzing every single detail of the procedure, and the boys trying to recreate every step they took to reach the final product. But, after hours of research and theories nothing seemed to have gone wrong, well except for the exaggerated and long-lasting effect of the potion.
"We should just obliviate the poor girl..." suggested Jeongin at one point, head in his hands as a sing of withdrawal.
“I don’t think that’s legal, but we can work around it...” You agree with him closing the book you were now reading for the fifth time.
"Are you guys serious? Because that sounds great! Can we get away with it?" Hyunjin's eyes were sparkling in hope as he shifted in his seat to a more straight up position, ready to do whatever it took to get to walk in peace around the school, without being unexpectedly smooched in the cheek and squezeed into a hug every time the girl spotted him.
"No, it's a joke!" You both sigh at your friend's desperation before calling it a day, deciding to resume your research first thing in the morning.
As per usual, you met with the boys for breakfast at the dining hall, though this time they weren't alone and you couldn't help out a giggle when Angela, as glued to Hyunjin as possible while feeding him something funny looking with a spoon, winked at you as soon as you sat in front of her and next to Jeongin. The latter looked almost as horrified as the pampered boy, and you had to focus to try and keep yourself from bursting into laughter before the scene that was unfolding in front of you.
Hyunjin looked like an annoyed pouty baby slumped in his chair - as an attempt to go unnoticed -, while the smiley girl, - one that seemed to have way too much energy in the morning -, pulled some strands of the boy's hair behind his ear before kissing his cheek, "You're so pretty Hyunnie-jin, and I hate to leave you," the girl pouts as she pinches his cheeks rather aggressively, "but don't worry sugarplum, I'll be waiting for you in the astronomy tower when you leave class." This time the kiss is aimed at his lips, but Hyunjin antecipates her intentions and dodges his head with a slick move, just not fast enough to be fully free of her, ending up with her lips awkwardly attached half to his jaw, half to the corner of his lip.
"So you decided to give in?" You couldn't help the grin that was forming on your face, finding it hilarious how the universe always had a way to keep things balanced.
"Shut up. I had to if I didn't want to starve myself, it was one sacrafice I was willing to take." Hyunjin furiously rubs his face with a napkin, as if it would erase the memory of the previous demonstration of affection.
"I say it's the karma, you were basically playing and manipulating her the moment you gave her the potion, now you face the consequences."
"It's like she's taking revenge..." Jeongin mumbles more to himself than to his friends, but he was still heard, and had now two pairs of eyes locked on him waiting for a further explanation to what seemed to be a pretty plausable theory. "We already concluded we didn't do anything wrong, right?"
"Yes, it's still hard to believe though..." you take a sip of your pumpking juice with a raise eybrow, honestly still impressed at how they pulled that off.
"So what if she got aware that Hyunjin gave-"
"We, Jeongin, we!! This wasn't just me okay? I just got the, uh, benefits?"
"Ok, sure, whatever... What if she became aware that we," emphasis on the pronoun as he glanced at Hyunjin, "gave her a potion and now that it wore off she is pulling this act as a pay back? Because, according to our lover boy, if it was nice at first then why would she suddenly start acting all obsessively?"
Both you and Hyunjin took a moment to reflect on this new theory, one Jeongin was really proud of as showed by his smug grin when he crossed his arms and relaxed back in his chair.
"I hate to admit it, but that makes a lot of sense... and explains why she winked at me when I got here..."
"Okay yes, she is faking it... why else would she wink at (y/n) when I'm the one she's supposed to be focused on?", the boy threw his arms up with a questionting - and slightly offended - look.
"Time for confrontation!" you were already standing up with Hyunjin following the lead, but you held yourselves back when you realized Jeongin wasn't moving, looking between the both of you still grinning.
"I've got a better idea..."
It was a terrible idea, you thought, and wanted no part in it at all so you let the boys discuss the details while you just sat there judging their poor life decisions.
The plan was for Hyunjin, instead of confronting her and get it over with as you suggested, to play along as if he too was deeply in love with her, and see who would break out of character first. As much as you tried to explain how childish and stupid the plan was, the boys simply wouldn't listen to you, convinced this was the best idea they've ever had.
Hyunjin got oddly excited about this and ran to astronomy class, already antecipating the act he would pull off when he'd see the girl waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs when he'd get out, leaving you and Jeongin alone in the dining all. The contrast of your opinions on this was pretty clear in your faces, Jeongin laughing loudly, you furrowing your brows and shaking your head in disapproval.
Then, all of a sudden, the boy stops laughing and looks at you, "What if they actually end up falling in love after all this?"
He sounded seriously concerned yet amused at the same time, while you only rolled your eyes at him before collecting your books and leaving for class as well.
"Shut up, this isn't a wattpad fanfic."
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networks: @ficscafe @k-library @k-dinernet @districtninewriters
taglist: @dreamwrld @su-lix @bobateastay @leihey @serialee @hyunsluvv
⇢ let me know if you want to be added to the taglist ♡
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inadaydream99 · 3 years
Hi! I hope you're doing well! So I have a bit of a weird request. I was wondering if you could do like an Ateez reaction that their S/O is an animator, or an animation student. I'm sitting her animating for a class project and this popped into my head, so I'd love to see what you write! <3 Thank you!
A/N - Hey! Thanks for this request ☺️ That’s so cool that you do animation, sounds like such a fun class! I really hope you enjoy what I’ve come up with, I decided to go for more scenario based bullet points... also, I’m not the most knowledgeable on animation but I tried my best 😂
Their S/O as an animation student/ an animator
Despite knowing that you are an animation student, Hongjoong hadn’t seen much of your work before
So when he lets himself into your place unannounced, to find you sat working on a project for that class, he’s a little shocked
He’s honestly not sure whether to approach you to let you know he’s here or just patiently wait until you decide to take a break?
But after watching you intently stare at your screen for a few moments he decides on the first, instantly moving up close behind your seat to gently place his hands on your shoulders
You jump a little, having not expected the sudden touch
But as soon as you turn your head to find Hongjoong you relax once again
“You almost gave me a heart attack!” You exasperatedly sigh, hand covering your racing heart
Hongjoong simply laughs in amusement
Once the shock has died down again you resume your work
“I had no idea you were so good at animation (Y/N).” Hongjoong mumbles next to your ear, leaning over the back of your chair as he watches you in complete amazement
You really have no idea how much it warms his heart to see that you are so creative (because he’s very creative himself)
“You’re too nice Joong.” You bashfully gush, shying away from him when he attempts to get you to face him properly for the first time that day
“I’m serious...” He beams, whispering as he cups his hand on your cheek, leaning his forehead against yours
One thing that your boyfriend wasn’t aware of was that you spend a lot of time animating, it’s escapism for you and so when you are feeling stressed you like to shut yourself away and work on creating new characters
Seonghwa, usually being very busy himself, had never seen any of your work
But that’s mostly because you are shy... and he doesn’t know
That’s why you’re currently hiding you face in your hands, hot with embarrassment as Seonghwa stares at your work
“How did I never know you could do this?” He questions in amazement, his eyes drawn to one image in particular
It’s only small, but clear enough to know it’s of him - which only makes you more flustered
“It’s not good...” you sigh, finally uncovering you face to reach out and close your work
Seonghwa’s hand reaches out instantly, covering yours and stopping it from clicking on anything on your screen
“You’re kidding... it’s amazing.” His voice is a whisper now, his free hand under your chin to guide you to face him, just so he can convey how much he means every word.
“Oh that’s so cute!” Yunho excitedly points out a cute little animation of two dogs cuddling into each other
He wasn’t meant to see that yet because it was something you’d been working on secretly for valentines
Being the ever excitable puppy Yunho is, you thought it would be cute to make a little animation for him to represent you both as your favourite animal
“Wait- why are you hiding it?” He pouts the second he realises you are trying to close your work down
“Because it’s not finished and I don’t want you seeing it.” You faintly chuckle
But Yunho isn’t having any of that, doing his best to persuade you to let him watch the ‘puppy love’ animation you’d made just one more time
And, of course, you comply because the elated smile on his face is worth it
“You did that?”
Yeosang is speechless as he watches your screen in amazement
You, on the other hand, can’t even look at him. Choosing to preoccupy yourself by playing with your fingers
“How come you never mentioned you could animate like that?” An amused smirk rests on his face as he approaches you, tucking his finger under your chin to direct your focus onto him
“I don’t know.” You swallow, your delicate voice barely reaching his ears from how lightly you speak
This only makes Yeosang more amused, however
He finds your shyness to be on another level of endearing and it makes his stomach flip
Deciding he wants you to come out of your shell more, and being the incredibly supporting boyfriend he is, he presses a little further in encouragement
“Can I see more of your work?”
For your final project, you had to animate a scene that was significant to you in some way
Which is honestly a lot more difficult than it sounds
You had chosen to recreate one of your most memorable dates with San; the time you sat out in the park, stargazing together
You have been working on adjusting the final movements of your characters laying in the grass, wanting each tiny detail to be absolutely perfect
“Is that us!” San whispers into your neck, pressing a light kiss as he smiles into your skin
You had no idea he was behind you, but now that you know you feel very self conscious
It’s obvious that you’ve drawn the two of you because of the bright pink hair you’d given the guy
“San~” you whine, face hiding in your hands as you feel yourself flush
You feel him snicker into you, his arms twisting tighter around your waist to pull you impossibly close
He doesn’t need to say anything for you to know he likes your work, his thumping heart can be heard out of his chest
And maybe that’s all you need to finally uncover your face and turn to him with a shy smile...
“Why can’t I see?”
Mingi has been pouting at you, sending you the most adorable puppy eyes as he tries his absolute best to make you cave in
You see, he’d recently found out about your animations because you had ranted to him about how stressful you were finding the class
Except, you wouldn’t let him see any of your work because it wasn’t finished at the time
“Because...” you trail off, trying to come up with a decent response
“But you submitted it yesterday...” he continues to plea, and that’s when you finally sigh in defeat
Sometimes you swear Mingi’s more of a child than your boyfriend... although you can’t deny that it’s one of the things you love most about him
That and the fact he never takes himself too seriously, which you really wish you found easier to do yourself
You can’t face him as he takes a look through your most recent animations
But relief quickly takes over when you feel him pull you into a back hug, his arms encapsulating you in his warmth
His next words making your heart skip a beat from how sincere and heartfelt they are
“I promise you have nothing to be shy about when it comes to your work... you’ll definitely ace that class.”
“You don’t keep secrets from me (Y/N).”
Wooyoung is frustrated at first, whiny and stroppy
But that melts away within seconds when you finally take his hand and tug him silently over to your work
A light “woah” emits from him as he takes in the short animation you’d been working on
You remain silent, your mouth dry from revealing something you’re quite proud of up to critique
Though you should know that Wooyoung would never
“This is why I’ve been ignoring you.” You finally speak up, meeting your boyfriends guilt stricken gaze over his earlier accusations
But the heavy air is cleared within a moment, pleased smiles adorning both of your faces as you take his hand in yours and interlace your fingers
“Can you teach me?”
“I thought we told each other everything...”
Yep, all Jongho had to do was pout and you were guilt tripped into showing him your animations
You still aren’t sure how he even found out about you taking that class because it always fell at the same time as his practices
But, you aren’t entirely against him seeing a few
You watch nervously, bottom lip trapped by your teeth as you chew away in anticipation
“You never cease to amaze me.” He gently thumbs your bottom lip out of its trap, smiling at you warmly
You aren’t sure what to say, all coherent responses seemingly erased from your brain
But there’s no need anyway, because the way your eyes sparkle as you stare up at Jongho tells him everything he needs to know
It conveys your relief that he likes your work, as much as, the overwhelming affection you have towards him
And he can’t resist any longer, drawing your face up close to his as your eyes flutter shut
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