#if you refuse to read as platonic or insist on reading as romantic please find something that actually caters to your tastes instead of this
myeagleexpert · 1 year
The Silence of the Seven
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The peaceful atmosphere is shattered when Yuu finds one of her friends in a coma of unknown causes. Determined to uncover the truth, Yuu and her friends begin investigating the case and discover a curious pattern that links the victims. But as the investigation progresses, they find themselves in a tangle with powerful enemies, and this time the danger is out of Twisted Wonderland. Yuu and her friends will have to fight against unknown forces to find answers and unravel the mystery before it's too late.
Notes: I won't give many warnings before each chapter, because, you know, the suspense. Yuu is a girl and is around 18 years old. I'm just saying that we will have many platonic and romantic moments in the series, and that you always read until the end of the chapter <3
Chapter I: I'll Get You
Yuu walked through the long corridors of the ancient library, passing them as if he knew every old corner and every forgotten book. Because actually, she does. As soon as she arrived in this strange world, she tried in every way to return to her original dimension, digging through all the books on multi-dimensional travel, mining any and all information about how to return home. But that's not why she's here today and with Riddle much less.
“If you want to survive in this world, you have to learn about it”
It was the purpose Riddle insisted on taking some classes with the foreign student. The leader of Heartslabyul had crimson red hair and the temper of a kindergarten principal, his nostrils always smoked and his mouth recited the 810 questionable laws of the Queen of Hearts. If not for the beautiful blue-gray eyes, Yuu would have joined the chaos of anarchy, but being peaceful she opted for one provocation or another.
"Riddle, I've been wondering, are these laws really necessary?" usually this led to some fun discussions with the grinning Cheshire cat
Today they were at a secluded table in the ancient library, discussing the origin of some figures and mythology.
“According to historians, the Queen of Hearts had a proportionate head, but due to an accident just before the coronation, she suffered an injury that led to swelling of her head.”
“And your ego…” Yuu muttered, he had several things to say about the tyrannical majesty but bit his tongue… today at least
"What did you say?"
“What about the creatures from the Kingdom of Roses?”
“It is said that the creatures are extinct species from the kingdom during the colonization…- he stopped and looked for the page in the book with illustrations- When the settlers tried to explore some unknown lands it was reported that they found flowers so tall that they stopped them from going on, so they decided to cut them down and heard voices from the forest expelling them.” Was that supposed to be scary? An idea flashed through the mind of the magicless student, her eyes glistening with memories and she did the best horror storytelling voice she could muster.
“The legends here are very interesting, but in my world we have a different view of nature”
“Ah, please tell me Yuu.” Riddle leaned forward as Yuu approached, naturally curious and thirsty for knowledge.
“In the era of exploration, a rich farmer wanted to increase his lands and for that, he destroyed the protected lands of the indigenous people. Once he took his foreman to open the forest in a sacred land and on this day, the furious nature sent a creature with a head of fire and feet turned backwards to end man's miserable life.”
Widening his eyes and holding his breath, Riddle silently nodded his head for Yuu to continue "With an animalistic scream the creature drove a fiery stake through the heart of the man who fell 'dead' to the ground-
“Why the quotes? Is he not dead?” Rido questioned the physical quotation marks his friend made, but felt an immediate chill when he saw how much his face darkened.
“However… he was so hideously terrible that both heaven and hell rejected him and earth refused to bury such a devilish soul. The now Dry Corps was cursed eternally into a condition of filthy spirit doomed to roam the cities until the end of time but… it is said that if the Dry Corps finds a host as bad as it is, it will possess it and use the living body to do even worse evils until a stronger entity of nature appears.”
The so stern leader of Heartabull kept his eyes fixed on a specific corner, he felt anesthetized with so much information that he had just heard so much that he didn't even notice that Yuu had gotten up from his chair with the mischievous intentions of scaring him from behind.
“Riddlee~” with a light pat, the red-haired one let out a high-pitched squeal that, yes, the entire library heard.
“Oh by the Seven! Yuu!”
"Riddle-chan, you shouldn't make noise in the library, you know?" teased him
“I wouldn't have yelled if you hadn't—
“Yanoo….cans of tuna…” a darling feline, Grim, was sleeping peacefully with no problems on top of the books when he escaped words in his sleep Such an action, brought to the two leaders childish and innocent giggles, which were muffled by the soft fur of Grimm. A sweet moment few would ever see…
And like all good things come to an end….
"Aaaah Kingyo-chann I know you're there" a very familiar voice of the two echoed through the halls
“Aa-ah Floyd! He can't see me, otherwise I'll be late for the Riding Club" his little antennae flick up in warning and in agitated whispers he turns to Yuu
"I distract him, Grim takes him to the corridor 03 passage" whispered back Yuu and traded a can of tuna for his companion
The girl knew the secret passages of the NRC like the back of her hands, and Riddle trusted them so because Ramshackle's memorable duo were like brothers to him, which was very difficult considering the walls and barriers that had been built since his overblot .
“See you later, thank you.” "Thank you"
A code of signs was exchanged between the two before Riddle entered the dark secret passage on the other side of the library, the language was created little by little, a mix of the sign language of his dear world and Twisted Wonderland that deepened as he went. that the bonds with the other person were deepening.
“Who was Koebi-chann talking to?” The twin's voice snapped her out of her thoughts, he was at the table they'd been studying at just now, his posture relaxed with the familiar wide, sharp-toothed smile.
"Floyd, let's play."- determined she started her plan in mind.
“Aaah, I'm not in the mood to play tag with Koebi-chan, I want to play with Kingyo-chan"- Already uninterested Floyd got up with a serious expression
“What if we make a deal?” When Yuu stepped in front of the tallest one, he didn't expect those words from her "If you catch me in 3 minutes, I'll tell you where Riddle is, but if not, I won't tell you anything." Oh that got his attention, already setting the timer on her watch
“Koebi-chan is so creative! Let's play! I count ok: 1…2…3 and that's it! Run fast or I'll catch you~” the twin hummed, lazy voice but a predator's gaze
The two ran wild leaving the library, Yuu was dodging the tables while Floyd, the mermaid, preferred to jump on top of them to annoy the students. Outside, the girl got a good boost down the hall, taking advantage of Floyd trying to get through the door.
2 minutes…
Each on the opposite side of the hall, Floyd showing his sharp teeth and Yuu a playful smile, the laughter of both spread in the hall: loud, uncoordinated and without any concern. As she turned a corner that led to the patio, she lost Floyd and only then did the adrenaline let her remember a little thing: Where there's fire, there's smoke. And the horror twins, as Grim calls them, are a real fire. Floyd is here…where is Jade?
1 minute-she checked her watch
"Ahh I'm so close to getting rid of this crazy guy!"-She thought with her chest rising and falling and breathing heavily. Her eyes searched every possible place to climb or hide, Floyd is faster but if she can stay away from him until time stands still…
"The tree!"
30 seconds
The girl ran with all her might towards the patio tree, her loud footsteps alerted Floyd who was trying to see where she was. The little bug was out of breath and was trying to circle the patio trying to kill time to get to the damn tree just didn't count that—
“Oya oya, what do we have here?”- She didn't see where the voice was coming from, she just felt someone put her foot on her for her to fall, Floyd who is not silly at all, took the opportunity and grabbed the student rolling them both on the floor.
“I got you Koebi-chan!~~~” for a moment they forgot why they were running, laughing until their stomachs hurt, biting each other- hey, that's a sign of trust, right?- “Come on little shrimp…I got you ahead of time. You have to do your part of the bargain!”
“You cheated Floyd! I made the deal with you and not Jade-
“I was just passing by and coincidentally tripped over it just as our dear Yuu was running. Oh, I'm so sorry. What a tragedy.” With her hand on her chest, Jade helped her to get up from the ground, but her smile had nothing innocent about it.
“Don't even come with that Jade-” not here you felaa-” Floyd, it was supposed to be you alone but since I'm in a good mood today let's do this: I'll tell you where Riddle is NOT and you can hug me more…”
“What a good treat Koebii~” Floyd didn't need any more words to convince him, throwing his tall frame on top of Yuu and her brother, taking them to the ground.
But she was used to the twins' unpredictable tendencies. After all, 1 year had passed since his arrival. When she arrived in this strange world, everything was very “strange” for her, so much so that reality only dropped three days later, and when it did, all she could think about was hiding in a dark corner of the abandoned house.
The sun was setting when they got up, after laughing and talking about various topics Yuu would probably regret someday. After so much brutality, Floyd extended a gentle hand for his friend to stand up, his eyes widening as he realized—
“Neee~Koebi-chan, you're getting heavy and meaty too!” happily he comments
“Hunhun, and it looks stronger fufu. It ran a lot further this time and endured my brother's hugs longer” Jade congratulates her, looking at her legs and biceps that were no longer fragile matchsticks
“But if you grow too big, I won't be able to call you little shrimp anymore…ah! Ah! I know! If you grow any bigger I’ll call you the little lobster, okay?”
“Well, get ready, honey, I’m going to be a lobster!” determined Yuu hugs her friends and then says goodbye. She didn't know it, but there were eyes watching her...
A year later adaptation arrived, his body that had lost a lot of weight due to the excessive work of a certain crow and the constant stress that brought it, was weak and thin, but now with the balanced diet that Vil himself had prepared and physical exercises with Vargas she was able to get back to the body she was: strong, toned and curvy, she could keep up with the athletics group with Deuce and go for morning jogs with Jack - when Grim pushed her out of bed she inevitably woke up and by coincidence Jack was passing by Ramcharchle. Killing two with one stone.-
It was at the start of quiet sophomore year that her hair, once a shade of brown with golden, curly strands, was dyed night-black. Her hair was opaque before and didn't reach her chin, as the foreigner used her impulsive cuts as a defense mechanism, saying it was "not to draw attention". A year later, her hair was bust-length, shiny and perfectly brushed and styled.
At first glance, her ties were deepened here, but there was a symbolism behind it that left your mouth bitter. Her natural hair was her memory of home, something that says "I'm not from here, I have a place to go back". Crowley was the one who came up with the idea "Well, if you're going to stay longer, why don't you look like your beloved director who welcomed you as a father figure, my little bird?" Crowley and Crewel became very attached to the girl, always taking care of the puppy with affection but with hugs that didn't allow her to go very far. .
In her second year, she improved her beast taming capabilities. Occasionally, she is seen piloting a great blue dragon through the skies, or combing the fur of a dangerous chimera, or stopping Grim from stuffing his mouth with fish at Scarabia's dinner. The latter, he finds to be the most useful skill.
Not far from there, Riddle had finished his Riding training, saying goodbye elegantly to his colleagues and walking to the Heartstabull...unfortunately he didn't get there.
'Huh? Call from Carter?' - In the middle of her sacred coffee with Grim, Yuu receives a call from her senior, Carter Diamond. What would the magicam star want at a time like this?
-Hello? It's Yuu, all right senpai? -A-ahh Yuu, I need you to come to the dorm now! -Is it really necessary? I put my coffee on now… -What Yuu?? I'm not l-l- istening! Something… interfering… -The toast is warm too…want to have a coffee with me? -I'm serious Yuu! It's- an emergency! Come quickly!
And hung up…
Her precious coffee was already in the cup filled to the top, waiting to be taken and enjoyed by the tired student, but the agitated and trembling voice of the so cheerful Carter made her take only three sips worriedly, leaving quickly with Grim meowing that the toast would get cold. Until a hoarse, frightening scream interrupted her mind and the thousand scenarios of what could be happening.
“How strang-!!!”- Yuu gasps, clutching Grim protectively in her arms, despite being flustered the girl takes a moment to record the image of the sound maker, who was on an old pole near the house.
It was a white bird, a type of owl with a heart-shaped face and eyes like completely black spheres, then a hook-shaped beak. The creature turns 160 degrees and stares at Yuu and Grim, the girl feels a shiver run down her spine and a bad feeling settles in her stomach but….
Yuu decides that with so many fantastical creatures and so many overblots, a white owl is the least of her problems right now and continuing on her way more quickly she thinks back to what could have happened in the dorm, which she considered her second home.
Of all her imagined scenarios none came close to the vision in front of her.
Riddle was lying on the floor. His body pale and icy. His eyes were completely white, without corneas, without irises and without pupils. His red hair was an aged shade of red, as if all of his life had been sucked out of him. Veins, now transparent, pulsing reluctantly to life and bringing a barely existent low breath, no signs of waking up.
“Carter! What's going on? What happened to Riddle?”- one of the clones of the red haired one grabbed Yuu who ran when he saw the scene and tried to calm her down, while Trey covered his fallen friend's body with a jacket.
“Riddle took a long time to come back, 15min late. This has never happened before.”- Trey replied from afar.
“We arrived here and when we saw his state, we called you and the Director”- completed Carter, who was trying to take Yuu to check the body, he himself didn't have the courage- “We cast an invisible barrier spell, and we waited for the director to arrive to take him quickly to the infirmary.” he concluded.
“What do you think it could be?”
“I don't know, I've never seen anything like it. It must have been something really strong to catch him off guard and leave him with…”- swallowing the fear and sadness trapped in his throat, the green-haired one tries to continue, being the responsible senpai ever-”… with that expression. terrified in the face.”
There were no signs of violence on the body, no spell fighting, no signs of poisoning. Grim didn't smell any different, saying it was the same as the one in the library.
“Let's sort this out, guys.”- giving one last look at his friend, Yuu puts his jacket over him again and stands up to look and investigate.
They checked every inch of that area, but the wind blew a small white feather from the enclosure.
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princess-geek · 7 months
"The Hollywood Theatre"
Duke of Holly (Thomas Hunt) x Lady Alexandra Spencer (Alex Spencer)
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Thomas Hunt, the Duke of Holly, returns to England after years living abroad.
He is outrageously rich and fairly handsome, despite having already passed the thirty-year-old barrier. Among the ton was a universally accepted truth that a man of his wealth and status should look for a wife. The ton tried to tempt him; however, neither debutantes nor spinsters nor widows seemed to please him. In fact, he rarely appears at social events.
According to gossip, the fault lay with a French opera singer named Yvonne, whom he had followed all over the world and who broke his heart by marrying an American merchant.
Only one thing seemed to spark any kind of passion in him: the opera.
In a great declaration of love for that art, he buys the old "Wood Theatre" in London, restoring it. The newspapers dubbed it "The Hollywood Theatre".
Determined to make his theatre a reflection of "The Palais Garnier", the duke hires artists from all over the world, administering it with rigour and discipline. Of all the rules, there's one he's especially strict about: romance, only on stage. Falling in love behind the scenes was a cardinal sin for him.
However, his biggest dream was not yet fulfilled. He had been composing an opera for years - "The Last Duchess". It was finally ready, but there was a major problem - none of the singers he had met so far were the "Duchess" he had imagined on those many sleepless nights.
Despite being told that his criteria were impossible to meet, Thomas was determined to find her, even if it was the last thing he did in his life.
Escaping an arranged marriage and family expectations, Lady Alexandra Spencer arrives in London with a single dream - to become the prima donna.
When she read in the newspaper that "The Hollywood Theatre" was looking for new singers, Alexandra felt it was a sign.
After two days in line, it was finally her turn. Despite being a mess, exhausted from the waiting and the nerves, Alexandra took a leap of faith and changed her repertoire at the last minute, risking everything with “Armide”
Immediately recognizing the opera, Thomas was about to order her to stop. That was a very difficult opera. A girl like her would never make it. It was blasphemy. Notwithstanding, contrary to his first instinct, the Duke listened to her until the end.
She made some mistakes, had some mistakes typical of a beginner, but she sang with an emotion and intensity that touched his soul.
So, to the astonishment of everyone at the theatre, Thomas not only hired her but also gave her the role of the 'Duchess'.
Despite her natural talent, Alexandra lacked the refinement of a diva that the Duke of Holly idealized. Because of her stubbornness in correcting certain so-called "defects", Thomas took charge of the mission to become Alexandra the perfect prima dona.
However, as he learns about Lady Alexandra, or 'Alex' as she insists on being called (despite him finding it a ridiculous name), the Duke of Holly realizes that they are precisely her apparent flaws that make her unique and special among all other singers... and among all other women.
During the intensive months of rehearsals, Alex discovered that behind the mask of the demanding and rational man, there is a sweet and kind heart that rivals any romantic protagonist in operas.
Refusing to be just Thomas' platonic love, Alex prepares to leave London and move to Paris at the invitation of the new director of the " The Palais Garnier", Victor Montmartre.
Will the Duke of Holly follow his heart? Or will he play it safe and spend the rest of his days just living the loves sung in operas?
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Dear, @storyofmychoices
I hope you like these silly Thomas and Alex AU headcanons.
They are incredible, and I never get tired of hearing from them. Only someone as special as you could have created them.
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emolgum · 2 years
Can I do a Fatgum and/or Tamaki where the reader is in the hospital after surgery and they were all worry about them and visit them
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MHA/BNHA: Post-Surgery x Reader Headcanons
CHARACTERS: Tamaki Amajiki, Fatgum (Taishiro Toyomitsu)
NOTES: Tysm for requesting! I'm so sorry if this is a little late!
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Tamaki spent all of his time worrying. From the day he found out, to the day of the operation. It was a huge punch to his nerves.
He didn't say much when he checked you in, just "I love you", "You will be okay." and a "Please be safe" under his breath.
He spends the rest of the day just worrying. He's already prepared for the worst-case scenario. Mirio had to come over to calm him down.
Once he gets the ok that you can have people see you, he would be the first to see you. He wouldn't want you to be alone during this time.
He wouldn't want to leave you alone. What if something happened and he wasn't there to help you or get you help? He couldn't bring himself to leave you until he is forced to.
He constantly wants someone to be near you, not in a romantic/platonic way, just someone to be there and check up on you regularly, just in case.
He would refuse to touch you, even if it is just holding your hand He wouldn't want to hurt you or be the reason why something happened to you. He treats you as if you were going to break at any moment, like a porcelain doll.
He does anything he can to make your time in the hospital a bit more enjoyable.
He brings you things from your home that he knows you like, whether it is a special stuffie, book or anything else.
Once you are out of the hospital, he still tries to be careful around you, but he is a lot more like his old self. He is less afraid to touch you and his nerves will be mostly calmed down
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Fatgum had spent the time before you had checked in reassuring you that he will be with you every step of the way.
He wasn't nervous, well maybe a little bit, but he trusts that your surgery would go well. He spends a lot of time doing stuff you two would normally do.
All he can think of is that he can't wait until when you are done and better again. He tries to push back the possibility of everything going wrong.
When you are finished and he gets the OK that you can have visitors, he is right by your side.
He spends a lot of his free time with you normally, so why would it change?
He would bring in stuff for you two to do, board games, DVDs and anything else he can get his hands on to entertain you.
He wants to make you as happy as possible. He prioritizes your happiness over anything else, so he does his best to get a laugh or at least his favourite smile out of you during this time.
If you are unable to eat for a while, he won't talk about it near you. He usually tells you what he got for breakfast, lunch dinner, how good the new sushi place is right down the street from the agency and where he hopes to take you for dinner. He feels like it is a form of bragging and doesn't want you to feel like you're missing out.
You like to watch him as he's doing his hero work on Tv and he knows this, so once he sees a camera filming him, he will wave and say "Hi Y/n! I hope you are feeling better! I love you!" and it always makes you giggle.
Once you are out of the hospital, he insists that you crash at his place for a while just so he can 'Check up on you regularly', but you know he loves it when you stay at his place.
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Tysm for reading, and I apologize again if this is a little late. I tried to find a gif with him in his hero form (Actual Fatgum) but I had no luck finding one I liked. Also, I have never had surgery before if you couldn't tell, so I hope that this is accurate!
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 1 year
Besides the implied one in your post, what svsss ships are you not into? /for legal reasons this is curiosity and a pls don't block me oh lovely goddess
Ahh lol, there are... a lot more than I have with any other MXTX work. Um, Any to do with Shen Jiu. I hate the romantic fanon reading regarding him and Yue Qingyuan. If you truly loved someone with all your heart (arguably yes, I do think Yue Qingyuan DID, platonically), you would not ever be that cruel to your supposed one and only, or, refuse to make amends to them. Which is the entire epiphany Shen Qingqui has regarding his entire relationship with Luo Binghe and how actions in the now matter more than anything for loving support.
Cum/plan... just... ew. No. Get him away physically from Shen Qingqui or anything with romantic leaning with them. Shen Qingqui doesn't like him and barely maybe finds him tolerable. He doesn't bother even hanging out with him anyways unless it's a PEAK CONFERENCE.
Liu//jiu Come on.... don't fucking do that to Liu Qingge. Despite whatever stubbornness he has, he is very much proto-Lan Wangi and does have standards without liking Shen Jiu for good reason for being a miserable lump of a human that's also pretentious. Despite being STUPID Liu Qingge isn't without honor and doesn't at all like those without it.
Luo Binghe, OUR Luo Binghe, in any polyships. Given he has a harem in the original PIDW because he was trying to find real love and care, it just rubs me the wrong way. Especially since the usual suspects of this force him to be with someone he doesn't like (for very good reason).
Liu Qingge and Mu Qingfan... where does this come from... please stop forcing Liu Qingge with anything that has legs and talks thanks.
Anything that insists that Shen Qingqui could falls for anyone in the story proper other than Luo Binghe. No.
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randomwriteronline · 2 years
(I Missed You)
(WARNING for a long paragraph featuring depersonalization, derealization and mentions of medication. Begins a little after Ingo was home again. Medication mentions continue until the end.)
The desk across from him was dusty.
Emmet blinked slowly, grabbing the covers idly between his fingers. His eyes wandered about: Excadrill was curled up on her side, Chandelure sat on the pillow with her beady eyes closed; Crustle had discarded his own house on the floor in an unexpected display of vulnerability in favor of hiding under Durant’s steel exoskeleton as if she were a weighted blanket. Galvantula cradled Archeops in her front legs, mandibles nibbling ever so slightly at his feathers, while Eelektross had his tail wrapped around Klingklang’s core, pulling it down to hover closer to the bed; too big to lay on it without either taking up all of its space or breaking its frame, Haxorus and Garbodor sat at its ends, heads leaning on it no matter how awkward the angle might have been, their own vast bodies acting as mattresses for Gurdurr and Boldore respectively.
This was a brand new low.
Sleeping in Ingo’s bed.
He had managed to avoid doing something that pathetic until now. Even made it through the first year - arguably the worst one - without ending up like this.
The vivid dreams, the ones where he hugged a living man and the ones where he hugged a body bag, where he sank to the bottom of a bog with it and where a Zoroark lured him in its den through his own blind despair - those had happened. He could not control that.
(This had been such a long and pleasant one.)
What had brought him to scrape so hard at the bottom of the barrel, anyways? Emmet struggled to remember the date, but still he was certain it was not around the time of the anniversary of his brother’s disappearance. He drew a blank on whatever he might have seen or listened to that could have reminded him of his twin being there - a song, a movie, a piece of art of sorts… Maybe his coat. Yes, it had to be his coat, he could feel it under his fingertips, under his arm.
God, even worse than he thought.
Taking his brother’s coat and curling up in his bed, like a distraught Lillipup desperately trying to sorround itself with the scent of its trainer.
He raised himself to sit up; a handful of Joltiks clinged harder to his shirt.
He hadn’t even changed himself.
What a fucking joke.
Emmet removed the ‘tiks slowly, gently, one by one, sitting them next to their much larger, evolved sister.
(They had had two Joltiks, both little ladies; in Opelucid, another kid had traded a Spinarak for Emmet’s, and Ingo had gifted his brother his own electric bug. Haxorus had belonged to both of them when he was still an Axew, and so had Garbodor when she was still a Trubbish, but Ingo was the one more involved in their training, so without Joltik Emmet would have remained one Pokémon short - which was unacceptable. When they evolved into Ariados and Galvantula they began a courting of sorts; Emmet followed their relationship as intently as an old lady follows a soap opera, and kept every batch of eggs. His brother had noted they were lucky Emmet had only evolved one of those that hatched, or they might have been drowning in Galvantulas instead.)
(Which would have been much less manageable.)
Now he stared at the dusty pavement where a square block of rock laid, its inhabitant busy sleeping on clean covers.
Both their teams were there. The poor things must have confused him for Ingo. Not that he blamed them, far from it - they were more than allowed to grieve, to have their judgement clouded enough to believe such a poor illusion. He hoped they were having good dreams. Hopefully that would have sweetened the disappointment and heartbreak when they woke up.
His legs shook a little when he stood (at least he’d had the decency of taking his shoes off) and began wobbling his way to his own room.
He vaguely remembered crying so much he had no tears left. His body must have been trying to find an alternative outlet that wasn’t screaming by making him near incapable of moving his feet.
It was 3 in the morning, the alarm let him know with its dull glowing digits.
He thanked it by staring at it for a little longer.
Two hours and a half.
What was he to do for two hours and a half before opening time?
Going back to sleep would have been impossible. He had tried before and it did not work.
He could have just gotten properly dressed and sneaked into the station to do some early work, which on the other hand always worked, at the expense of his breakfast and lunch being forgotten and the blinds remaining closed for the whole day. See if the coffee machine was full, if maintenance had been properly scheduled. Check the lights, the trains, the routes, the timetable and shifts.
Make sure depot agent Jackie had not managed to once again get locked inside on purpose to sleep in the main room for the sake of validating the weird shit they liked to tell challengers about having never been out of the station even just once in his entire life - although that had stopped happening now that the substitute had made it clear through horrendous promises and examples of grievous bodily harm that she was very willing to physically remove him from the premises with a literal kick up his ass.
Emmet pawed at the nightstand to find his Xtransceiver; then, remembering he had not changed into his pijamas, he checked his wrist. The smooth plastic and glass had his fingers sliding over it.
He didn’t even need to look. He found the contact and called.
One ring.
One whistle.
Two rings.
Two whistles.
Three rings.
Three whistles.
Emmet covered the device, brows furrowed, to muffle the sound.
Four whistles.
Five whistles.
Six whistles.
Like a very insistent steam locomotive.
He turned around, quickly, walked like a fury back in the empty dusty room.
Ingo laid curled on his side under clean blankets, snoring softly, arms reaching out ever so slightly. He looked so tired, with his tattered coat strewn on top of him to keep him warmer somehow, with his Pokémon curling around him so protectively. Close to his legs the sheets were ruffled and pressed where the younger twin had been just a few moments before.
Emmet gazed at his older brother sleeping for what felt like an eternity.
Then the Xtransceiver gave a twelfth ring, and he hurried to close the call before it would wake up any of the resting bodies.
Was he still asleep? Dreaming? His eyes fell back onto the man in his twin’s bed. His hand shook a little as he approached him, fingers bent, arm completely paralysed halfway to the other’s shoulder.
Was this really his brother? So all of that - Elesa telling him the news, Burgh filling him in, learning about the amnesia from Cheren, making all those calls, the nerve-wracking wait, seeing him again, holding him, crying, crying, crying - all of that had been real, and not just an elaborate fantasy? His palm hovered above the body without even grazing it, a horrid thought sliding in his ears to clog his throat and tie it in a knot: would he have woken up, if he touched his brother? Would he have been thrown back into reality if Ingo stirred awake in this dream and found himself on the floor of his twin’s bedroom, alone?
His entire body trembled hard enough to give him spasms. He bit down at his finger to calm himself, almost shoving it whole in his mouth: his teeth gnawed at the bone and left craters on the pulled skin.
Should he risk it? He wanted to. So bad. So bad. The memory - or dream - of holding Ingo lingered at the back of his head. He needed to know he was real. He needed to know this wasn’t fake. And if it was? No. It had to be real. He had to be real. He had to try. He had to. Even if he was scared.
Fingertips grazed the sleeping limb. Then they pressed upon it some more.
Ingo kept groaning intermittently like a train, unbothered.
Emmet laid his palm on the shoulder, cupped it in his hand whilst making sure not to shake it. It was stiff, hard and bony, but its muscles were relaxed.
It was real.
He finally let go of a raspy breath that had lodged itself in his throat and let himself drop to sit back on the mattress.
He caressed his brother’s shoulder mechanically, slowly, softly, trapped in a sort of trance. It wasn’t quite like being drunk, the lightheaded feeling that had him almost ooze out of his own body, or losing his grip on reality – overwhelmed, that was the word: he was overwhelmed, with relief and with such a heavy kind of love falling in chunks out of his chest. Ingo was there. Ingo was alright.
Ingo was back with him.
His hair was longer. At least, it sort of looked like that in the poor lighting. Emmet reached out slowly and caught a white lock in his fingers, twisting and curling it around them. It was clean. A little soft. So unlike Ingo, to have hair like this.
He could have had a mullet now, like he wanted when they were kids. He was too afraid to commit to it fully back then. Maybe this was the right time.
Emmet blinked.
What kind of thought was that, he asked himself in what would have been a laugh if he had been present enough in his own head to muster one. His brother is back after years of being missing, and the first thing he notices is his haircut. If he weren’t aromantic he’d make for a good boyfriend, he assumed - wasn’t it a cliché, that of a girl cutting her hair to make a boy notice and failing. Not that he’d know if that really happened to real people.
He registered all that slowly, distractedly. His own words were white noise against the deafening silence of his senses as he took in his twin’s concrete existence piece by piece, as if composing a puzzle.
He was… Mostly well kept, unlike his clothes. Which was a relief, even if his cheeks seemed a bit too shallow, and his palms and fingertips were cut all over, and his eyes were circled by a faint purple shadow. Emmet cupped the side of his face in his palm, carding through Ingo’s sideburns in the process. His thumb stroked the pale skin softly, carefully; his brother let him coddle him as he pleased, continuing to sleep without a single worry to crease his brow.
The notable loss of mass and the beard made him seem much older. Not frail, somehow - but he still appeared so, to his younger twin; maybe it was how his knuckles peeked through the skin, or how he slept on his side half curled up on himself, as they had stopped doing a little after moving in with their uncle…
Emmet shook his head slightly. Maybe he was just projecting.
He wanted to lay down and fall asleep again, wrapped in a hug around Ingo, but for that he would have had to move Excadrill and he could not fathom doing such an awful thing to her.
She had missed him so much.
(That must have been the real reason she had taken care of him.)
(In her grief she must have convinced herself he was Ingo.)
(Poor sweet thing.)
(Emmet didn’t know that if Excadrill had heard him she would have jabbed him in the stomach with her claw and yelled at him to never think such a thing again.)
The lights from streetlamps outside casted bright shadows through the blinds, distorting colors into colder hues. It made their skin gain a cyanotic undertone, similar to the blue of veins snaking towards knuckles; but Ingo telegraphed each of his breaths by expanding his ribcage with every inhale and snoring softly at every exhale, and Emmet juxtaposed his own breathing cycle with his brother’s, and so he knew they were both alive, there, together.
Then Ingo groaned, whined, stirred; his eye opened and lit the room with how white it was.
Emmet felt his chest implode.
His brother’s scarred hand rose in the air in a clumsy manner: “Emmet,” he called, blindly, grasping at nothing until he was caught by another set of much smoother fingers. His elbow punted itself against the mattress as he tried to stand up: “Emmet – sorry, I’m late - no delays on, on the schedule, I’ll–”
He found himself getting pushed back down gently, with a long slew of hushed monotone no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no‘s almost lulling him back to sleep instantly.
“It’s early,” he heard his little twin say in that voice he had completely forgotten yet missed so much, “Verrry early.”
“Verrry early,” he repeated absentmindedly. It was so immediately familiar.
Emmet nodded, feverish, panicked: “Verrry early. I could not sleep. I woke you up. I’m sorry. Go back to sleep.”
“It’s fine,” Ingo reassured him, “It’s fine…”
“Go back to sleep. I woke you up, I’m sorry. Go back to sleep. It’s early. It’s…”
He quieted down as his palm was squeezed intermittently. The fear of waking up from a dream now that Ingo was awake began to wobble, to shrink and wane like an image on distorted water.
“It’s fine,” his older brother repeated.
For a little bit, all they did was hold each other’s hand in the dark.
Then Ingo’s eyes adjusted to the darkness, and he looked up to Emmet from where he laid on his side, and held his hand a little tighter.
His twin felt a knot in his throat, a sudden shame coiling around him, and murmured sheepishly: “I didn’t mean to…”
“It’s alright, really,” the older brother replied, “Don’t worry about that.”
“You should sleep. You’re… You were tired. Verrry tired. You should sleep…”
“You should too. It won’t do you good to lose sleep like that...”
“I - I’m not…” he didn’t want to lie to him - he didn’t want to worry him, either. “I can’t sleep.”
The rough voice came to him kindly: “Can I stay awake with you, then?”
Emmet nodded with a bit of difficulty. Ingo’s fingertips were rough and calloused on the back of his hand. Suddenly it felt like he was a teen again, and Ingo was their uncle (must have been the beard...), half dozing back off and grumbling but still listening to the night together.
The thought made his heart clench in guilt, and he held his brother’s hand a little tighter to get rid of his musings.
The older twin held his gaze on him for a moment more, swinging their arms slightly. Then his clear eyes turned curiously to look around the room, to the glimpses of furniture the poor lighting showed off through silhouettes and angles reflecting vague sources of cold light in a sort of fuzzy way.
“I don’t… Think, I fell asleep here,” he noted absentmindedly
“You didn’t,” his brother explained: “You were on the couch. I made you wait. I had to change the sheets. They were dusty. I’m sorry.”
His piercing stare returned on the face mirroring his, words soft with puzzlement: “For what?”
“Making you wait. But the sheets were dusty. You couldn’t…” Emmet played with his lined nails for a second or two, tracing them with the thumbs of both his hands. “You couldn’t sleep on that.”
Just for that? Oh, but it was no reason to be sorry...
“You didn’t have to fuss about something that small for me,” Ingo reprimanded him without bite, kindly, though it sounded more like a reassurance than anything else: “It wouldn’t have been a problem…”
“But they were dusty.” his twin insisted. He made it sound like it was an awfully important thing, that they were dusty. That Ingo could have never slept on them because they were dusty, like that would have been an insult to him.
He blew a huff through barely parted lips, like a complaint; Emmet gave an unamused stubborn hum in return.
They were playing with one another’s hands now - tracing and caressing fingers, tickling lightly the skin folding and creasing between index and thumb, circling knuckles, running along the lines carved along their palms, along thin scars, along what remained of the mending left by medical stitches, along thin crusts of punctures pierced open by teeth.
Ingo looked around the dimly lit bedroom.
“This is… My room?” he asked.
His brother nodded.
“You carried me here?”
Now he shook his head. He lifted his gaze a little, to direct the older twin’s attention to the dragon slumbering with deep breaths on the bed’s headrest: “Haxorus did.”
The razor sharp mandibles at the side of the beast’s head felt like smooth bone when he ran a hand over them. Haxorus grumbled lightly, shifting in his sleep so that his scaly head would bump against the pale knuckles; Gurdurr held a little tighter onto him with his own strong fists.
Ingo looked at him with a sweet sort of melancholic awe: “He used to be an egg,” he muttered.
Emmet wheezed a chuckle: “He did,” he nodded. “We saw him hatch.”
“A great honor,” his brother whispered. His neck strained a little trying to get a better look at the Pokémon held by draconic limbs: “And who’s that…? Tim… Con… Gur…”
Ingo snorted a bit, a stunted, sleepy laugh escaping him: “Could you say that again, please?” he asked  while failing to contain his amusement.
Emmet repeated, rolling his Rs as much as he could: “Gurrr-durrr.”
His brother’s hiccuping giggles were music to his ears.
So he pointed behind himself, to the dark blue and reddish amalgamate of rocks laying on a pile of literal toxic garbage: “And over there,” he said, and he stressed the letter as far as he could again, “There’s Bol-dorrre.”
Ingo laughed softly, hiding his mouth behind tthe back of his hand, muffling his voice as if he was afraid he was being unpolite when his younger brother so clearly was putting every ounce of his phonetic ability to vibrate the trilling consonant just to amuse him as much as possible.
“That’s the little one,” he remembered, “That’s him… And the big- the large one there - she is… Ah, I know it, I know it…Bo, bo… Odor...?”
“Garrr-bo-dorrr,” Emmet nodded, making him chuckle a little more. His thumb stroked his brother’s metacarpal bones through his skin while his chest jumped and trembled with mirth, and a sense of elation like he though he had never felt it before seized him right before adding: “She eats trash.”
“Oh!” at that his twin shook his head against the pillow, still giggly yet now murmuring with slight worry: “Oh, that cannot be good for her…”
“No, it’s fine - it helps her poison,” he was reassured. “And she eats normal things, too.”
“That’s a relief…”
His free hand dug into short, dense fur; with a quiet whirr similar to a purr, the enormous mole at his side shifted a little, removing metal claws to showcase the soft unprotected belly, immediately seized by vicious sleepy scritches.
Ingo watched her kick a little in her sleep as he tried to recall her name: “Drill… Excadrill,” he attempted, turning to Emmet to check if he was right. When his brother nodded he shifted his attention onto the purplish flames barely crackling in the dark, their master in deep slumber: “Chandelure…” he murmured reverently, overwhelmed for just a moment by her beauty.
Something with an exoskeleton rustled a moment as if adjusting itself, making him turn again. He squinted at the indistinct mass, recognizing a pair of bulbous eyes: “That’s - Crust, I think… Crustle... Ah - oh dear,” and now he covered his own eyes, embarassed: “He’s naked.”
Emmet raised a palm to contain the laugh leaping out of his mouth like a playful Tympole, but he could not keep it from spilling all over the covers in a shower of irregular pearls.
“No!” he hiccuped out, trying to direct his focus to the metal sheen above the rock bug: “No, he’s covered, see!”
His brother peeked through his fingers: “Not much…” he lamented, though his tone was delighted as he listened to the stunted chuckles still falling off of equally pale lips. The iron carapace attracted his attention, and he tried his hand at remembering the name attached to the fearsome mandibles glinting dimly in the dark: “That’s… Something about heat, that’s the one who eats her, right?…”
“Yup,” his twin nodded. He took in a breath to regain composure: “She’s Durant.”
“Durant, Durant… A bug,” Ingo noted. His finger rose all the way up to Emmet’s head, curling a strand of hair around itself and pulling lightly, to tease him - getting a silly grimace out of him: “You have an awful fondness for bugs. You have… A whole lot of them. Way too many, really... And they’re everywhere, all the time… In your pockets…”
“I do,” his brother admitted, “And they are.”
As if knowing they were the subject of the conversation at hand, a few weak squeaks arose from a yellow mass just behind Emmet, maybe vexed by a few bad dreams that dissipated once the crying bundle of static-y fuzz was wrapped in a warm palm.
He presented the quieted down pest to his brother: “You meant these?”
Ingo squinted to see the small insect in the dark: “Hmmm-hm, yes, that’s the one... It’s those - they are… Ah-” he clicked his tongue; his finger twitched a little to point behind the small heap, to the huge legs holding something between a lizard and a bird: “The big one’s called… Galvantula, I think. I can’t remember the... Hmmm...”
“Tiks?” Emmet helped.
His twin hummed and screwed his brow: “Tiks - tik, Jol? Tik? Is it Joltik?”
He nodded, pensively: “We have so many of them… You have so many of them… They keep- they eat the, the… The lightbulbs.”
“Those are too big for them,” his brother replied. He very carefully placed the little soul-sucker on Ingo’s shoulder, picking another one to keep it company: “They like chewing cables though.”
“Ah, you’re right,” the older twin agreed. “They cost us a lot, don’t they.”
“Not anymore. They learned to behave.”
Ingo hummed approvingly as his shirt was nibbled slowly by little mandibles.
His brows furrowed now as he looked at the flying lizard gekkering in its sleep. He struggled to get something out of himself - a gaping hole in his memory swallowed the thin, almost snake-like head whole, leaving him only with a vague blunt noise - and he hated that.
“There’s...” he still tried, pointing at him: “There’s a hard sound in there.”
Emmet followed the clean line of his index: “That’s Archeops,” he filled in the blank for him.
That... Ingo furrowed his brows: “Not ‘chen’?”
“No,” his brother replied patiently, “Archeops. He used to be Archen, but he’s Archeops now.”
It sounded neither right nor wrong to him - though it was most certainly right, because it was Emmet who said that, and Emmet had not lost his memories. The uncertainty made him uneasy.
Now he was focused on a round mouth squashed on itself, fangs peeking through and slimy limbs sustaining the head, indiscernible from the rest of the neck and spine, upon which laid a long crest of sorts. It was huffing regularly in its sleep, eyes closed, with a slight gurgle like boiling water coming from the recesses of its throat. It was his brother’s, he believed.
And no matter how hard he tried, no matter how much he felt like it was important to his twin, no matter how hard he screwed his face in thought, he could not for the life of him recall its name.
He detested that.
“Eelektross.” Emmet helped.
It could have been any other for as much as he knew.
“He is my ace,” his brother’s voice explained: “Like Chandelure is yours.”
Ingo nodded, apologizing softly for not being able to remember on his own. No matter - no matter, he did not want to worry anybody with a fould mood. His eyes fell on the complex metal creature hovering sleepily under the enormous electric lamprey, and he lightened up slightly as he gave a fond huff of recognition: “I know that one,” he said, pointing at it, “Its name is a bit silly - my brain makes that sound when I think… Kling-klang, kling-klang, kling-klang…”
That made Emmet snicker: “Does it?”
“Hm-hm,” he nodded as he repeated, overly amused with himself: “Klingkang, Klingklang, Klingklang…”
A long sigh filled Ingo’s chest and deflated him softly, and Emmet watched as that glowing semblance of happiness melted slowly off of his face, as his scarred thumb drew circles on the younger twin’s knuckles, almost mournful.
The distraction had not worked.
It- he was Emmet’s ace, and he had not remembered that. Had not known that. Not felt that - only barely, vaguely, that he had some kind of importance, but nothing more. Ingo should have remembered that. He should have. Just like he should have not needed Haxorus’ name to remember they had seen him hatch, or like he should have not needed any clues to figure out Joltik, or Durant, or Garbodor, or Gurdurr, or Boldore, or Archeops. It should have been easy. It should have been immediate. Instinctive. Like recognizing his own room, and the objects within it - another task he horribly failed at the more he took in his shadowy sorroundings.
“I don’t know enough…” he growled softly at himself. He sounded heartbroken.
His twin held Ingo’s palm a little tighter and brought it to his mouth, to press his lips on it.
“It’s fine,” he murmured against the bony phalanxes comfortingly, “You know a lot. It’s good. You’re doing good, trying to remember. It’s fine if it’s not all at once. It’s better. And you’re here. You’re right here. It’s fine.”
Ingo hummed. He wasn’t that sure of it.
But he remained quiet, stroking his brother’s index with his thumb. He felt the gentle grip tighten slightly and release, tighten slightly and release, to ease his thoughts. Ah - that’s where that quirk of his came from. He had not even noticed how he had squeezed the nervousness out of his little twin at first.
The back of his hand was kissed kindly again. It made the knot around his heart a little easier to digest, enough to think of somethinge else he wanted to remember in some way.
“Is it just us?” he asked quietly.
His brother hummed: “We live alone, yup.”
The silence was filled with the sleep-chatter of their Pokémon. It was comfortable, in a way; but not the point.
“And in our family?” Ingo continued. “Is it just us?”
Ah - of course, that’s what he meant, Emmet thought to himself, of course. He would word himself very specifically usually, to make sure Emmet had no trouble understanding what he meant - but he was so awfully tired, and he was ever so slightly careless when he was tired, so he would lose a little in the translation between thoughts and words, even though he never meant to be unnecessarily obscure or incomprehensible.
But, if this was about family, then he better get - sitting like this was fine, but not for this. He had to... Hold on--
“Hold on,” he murmured, placing his brother’s hand back down on the covers with a careful pat before untangling his own from it as he stood up: “Hold on, I need a chair. It’s not comfy like this. I’ll take a chair. Hold on.”
The older twin followed him with his gaze and immediately disagreed as he started dragging the swiveling chair closer: “Not that one - it’s dusty…”
“It’s alright. I don’t mind.”
“No - it’s dusty,” Ingo insisted (he made it sound like it was an awfully important thing, that it was dusty, that Emmet could have never sat on it because it was dusty, like that would have been an insult to him). “You’ll get dirty…”
“It’s fine. I’ll shake it off,” his brother just assured him. A fleeting thought made it out of his mouth before he could stop it: “I need to dust your room.”
“I can do that later…”
“No. I’ll do that. You need to rest.”
Ingo grumbled in displeasure; Emmet replied by blowing a raspberry at him.
He never lets me help, they both thought. One day he’ll collapse from fatigue and I’ll have to tuck him in to sleep so tight he won’t be able to get out of bed for a month.
A scratched palm reached out once the chair was close enough; fingers still healing from self-inflicted bites caught it tight.
“I’m here,” Emmet assured Ingo as he took his seat next to the pillow: “I’m here. You’re here. I’m here.”
His elbows slid across the pillowcase until his chin was resting upon it as well, snug and comfortable as he leaned his whole back forward. He smiled for a moment, a strange huff leaving him, like a need to cough out a sudden unexplained giddiness, and his grin just grew as he took in the same silly excitement in the slight curve of his brother’s frown. They struggled a second more still with that sudden feeling of complicity, like kids sneaking into one another’s hiding spot in secret - trying to get as comfortable as possible - and finally, finally, Emmet hummed and hawed and bit his lip a little, trying to figure out where to start.
In the end, he decided the best way to do this was chronologically - from oldest to youngest. Hopefully he would not forget anybody.
“We have an uncle,” he began: “Drayden. He’s a gym leader, Dragon type.”
“The one in Opelucid city? Like Skyla said?” his twin interrupted him briefly.
“Yup. And we have a cousin, and a cousin-in-law too. They have two children. Half-siblings. We grew up with them.”
“We did?”
“Yup. The oldest is... uh... eight?” yes, that seemed right. “Eight years younger than us.”
His brother seemed very surprised at that: “We are that much younger than our cousin? Than our uncle’s-?”
“Yup, yup! He had our cousin early. Verrry early. And we were born... I think late. Not sure. But we have younger cousins too. The half-siblings. We’re not proper cousins, but we call them that and they call us that back. The older one is Marshal and the younger one is Iris. They’re both verrry strong. We should battle them again these days, if we can. It would be fun. They’re verrry serious in their battles. Iris was born when we were sixteen.”
“Ah... Then we--” Ingo’s eyes widened suddenly. He gasped quietly at an unspoken realization, and tried propping himself up on one arm as he whispered, leaning a little closer to Emmet, white irises breaking through the darkness with a sort of excited glimmer emphasizing their clarity: “Did we get to hold her? When she was a baby?”
Emmet popped his mouth: “Yup.”
“And how was she?”
“Like a little prune.”
His brother’s awe cracked a little when he snorted: “That’s not nice!”
“It’s the truth. She yelled a lot, so you would yell with her and she would stop. And then you’d stop and she’d start all over again. It was terrible.” and he pushed his nose against the older twin’s, making his head fall back on the pillow while he stared into his pupils with eyes enormous to the point where his expression was comical: “Terrrible.”
Their cackles caused quite the quiet commotion around the twelve sleeping bodies curled up with them, making them all turn and whine and hiss and grumble in a concert of varied calls, and the two men fumbled to reach out their hands and shut each other up, pressing palms to their amused mouths.
Fortunately, none of their beloved beasts awoke.
Emmet kept laughing softly for a moment more, a little stunted, in short bursts, and one of his eyes squinted as it was caught in a square of blueish light peeking through the blinds, another one missing the other eye just barely. He wheezed a little - he had a wheezy laugh, breathy and intermittent, and Ingo instead was prone to long snorts that rattled his throat and face, and in a way it was something they complemented each other in, one of many other little things.
It was a comforting thing to know. To remember.
Like having a family.
“And that’s all of them?” he pressed on. “All our relatives?”
“Yup. For us. Iris and Marshal, they have other cousins too, I think. Proper cousins. Not sorta cousins like us.”
“But they’re not our cousins as well, right?”
“No, not ours. We’ve never met them.”
“That’s a shame.”
His twin hummed in agreement. From what Marshal had vaguely explained a few years ago, the older seemed very serious about battling as well, and the younger was very eager to surpass him. A multi battle... Twins against brothers. All four, very serious. That would have been fun. Verrry fun. The idea curled nicely in his mind like a strand of hair tucked behind the ear.
“Do we have parents?”
Emmet hushed for a moment.
“They’re alive, probably.” he answered quietly.
Ingo understood, as he always did.
“They’re dead to us.”
Neither were going to talk about this again. Judging by tone alone, there was no need for it.
“Was it our uncle? Who raised us?” he asked instead.
“No. But we lived with him.” a tug at his heart. “He’s a good man.”
Ingo’s hand slipped in his hair, and it felt so very real. He felt it scratch gently at his scalp, soon joined by its mismatched twin with a little difficulty, as the arm had to snake rather awkwardly out from underneath his body; Emmet let him play with his head, let him sway it in his hold and pull it a little closer to his own, until his brother’s beard was almost in his eyes while he pressed his mouth to his forehead. Despite the foreign sensation it felt comforting, it felt real. It felt good and heavy on his shoulders when those scarred arms wrapped around them. He closed his eyes as he embraced him back and soaked into the everything around him, the warmth, the texture, the weight. He smelled like nothing and held him tight enough not to hurt. The phantoms of bruises his brother had sunk in his back when they had first seen each other pulsed dully and sang, reassuringly, that all of it was alright.
“I’m sorry.” Ingo murmured against his skin.
It froze his blood solid.
Like icicles injected in his veins.
“That this… That all of this happened.” he heard him again. “I didn’t… I didn’t mean for it to happen. I swear. I’m sorry. I’m… I’m sorry, I didn’t…”
Emmet held him as tight as he could.
“It’s fine. You’re here.” that’s what matters, he wanted to say, but something made it so that he couldn’t bring the words to leave his mouth. So he just repeated it: “You’re here,” he said, as his fingers dug gently into his brother’s hair, comfortingly, “You’re here. I’m here. You’re here. You’re here. It’s fine. You’re here.”
But it didn’t help: “I’m sorry…”
“You’re here. It’s fine. I know. I know. You’re here. You’re here. You’re with me. We’re here. You’re here.”
“I didn’t mean to forget…” you, he didn’t manage to breathe out. “I didn’t want…”
“I know you didn’t. You wouldn’t. I know. It’s fine-” a horrid doubt came to him - why was he apologizing? Why would Ingo apologize? There was no way for him to have cause his own amnesia and disappearance like that, so why? Was this really happening. Was this real. “Ingo - you’re here. It’s fine. You’re here. You’re here. We’re here. You’re here. You’re here. With me. You’re here with me. We’re here. You’re here. You’re here. You’re home. You’re here. You’re here with me. With me. You’re here. You’re here.”
Maybe if he said it enough times it would come true.
Ingo could not cry, but he tried. He tried as he held tight onto his brother’s back, like a child, as he felt Emmet kiss the side of his head and comb through his hair to assure both of them of something he could not vocalize.
“I love you a lot,” he sobbed for the both of them.
His twin tightened the hold around his head and laid the bridge of his nose on his temple. He did not say anything: his neck was tied in a knot; that horrible question spiraled further on its own.
“I love you a lot,” Ingo sobbed again. “I love you so much. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Emmet must have cried too hard the evening before, because he had no more tears in his eyes to shed.
His brother’s voice was muffled: “I’m sorry…”
He kissed his cheek in complete silence. I love you a lot too.
This was too good.
Ingo was there.
Ingo was in his arms.
Ingo was home again.
This was too good to be true.
He was going to wake up at any moment, wasn’t he? He was going to get up and fall off of bed, he was going to go out and talk about how happy he was that his brother was back only to be met with concerned stares and reminders that there were no news regarding his twin’s whereabouts – no, reminders that they had found Ingo’s body, just his body, just his lifeless body, and he was going to be put on medication so that he wouldn’t kill himself directly or through a slow decline into some kind of addiction, because a dream so good could have only come as a misguided attempt at comforting after something indescribably horrid  - he must have drunk, must have eaten something, consumed something, to have such a dream, or such a hallucination, he must have, he must have, and now it was making him spiral into the delusion that Ingo was there, that he had changed the sheets for nobody, that he had not been talking to thin air, that he was not pathetically hunched over his brother’s bed imagining to hug him like a madman – they must have already put him on medication, they must have done that a month ago, when they found the body, and yesterday he thought he didn’t need it anymore, that he was fine, and he didn’t take it, and now look at him, like this… Serves him right, serves him right, serves him right - he needs it, he needs the medicine, he needs it, he needs it, he doesn’t want to be like this, he doesn’t want to be like this, he wants to live, even if it hurts, he wants to like, he doesn’t want to be like this, he doesn’t want to curl up in the idea that his brother is there and solid and real and warm and breathing and sobbing and holding him and telling him he loves him a lot if it means he’ll drown in it and destroy himself in it – Ingo would hate that, Ingo would blame himself, he would be devastated, he would cry, he cannot give Ingo this grief, not when he’s dead, not now that he’s supposed to be sleeping peacefully for as long as he wants without any pesky schedule waking him up early every morning, he shouldn’t have to get up just to haunt his brother to make him function, he shouldn’t, he shouldn’t, he should sleep, he should be let sleep, he’s so tired… Life is so tiring, he should sleep… He should be allowed to sleep… Ingo is asleep… Forever, forever, he’s asleep… He should not worry him… He should not worry him… The medication, now, he needs it, he needs his medication - Ingo should be allowed to sleep… To sleep…
Emmet tried to stand, to pry himself away from the hold of warm arms that tightened ever so slightly when he tried to leave (it was not real, no matter how solid it felt, no matter how much he wanted to melt into it), shaking so much he could barely move.
“I need to go,” he muttered, struggling to get the words out of  his mouth. He needed his medication. Now. “I need to – get… Get ready. For- for work.”
“You said it was early,” Ingo murmured, worried, scared, holding him.
The hand squeezing his shoulder to calm his uncontrollable shivering felt real. It felt heavy, it felt comforting. He could not fall for it, he needed his medication, he needed to get himself back on track: “It’s- not- I- I need to-”
But Ingo – the hallucination, it insisted: “What time is it?”
Through some miracle, he managed to get his Xtrans to his face. It was barely 3:45. One hour and forty-five minutes.
He still had an hour and forty-five minutes.
“It’s early,” his - not his brother, said, and he- it insisted, reassuring, gentle, terrified of having done something wrong, of being alone, “It’s still early… It’s still early - Emmet, sit down, it’s early, you’re tired… It’s useless getting ready right now, you’ll have time later…”
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
He had to go. He had to. He had to. Before he drowned. His throat felt dry as he tried his best to think and hack out something that made sense.
“Wash… Face…”
Now he was in the bathroom.
His head hurt and his eyes were burning.
He had promised to go back once he was done.
He squeezed his eyelids shut and managed to cry just a little bit more.
His shaking hands struggled to open the cabinet, searched feverishly through whatever was in there. It should have rattled if it had the pills in it, right? It should have - this? No, no, no, bandaids, bandaids, tape, this...? He knocked something over and cursed at himself. This one - this one rattled, it must have been this one. He unscrewed the lid and blindly dumped as many capsules in his hand as possible; then he stopped.
No. Moderation. Safety first and foremost. Safety through moderation.
He counted the pills as he dropped them back into their container, as if the slow and repetitive motion coupled with his own shaking monotone could have helped steady his nerves, until he had only one still in his hand. Just one. Just one would have worked fine.
Most of the water he slammed down with it ended up splashed all over his face. It didn’t feel unpleasant. Even his shaking seemed to be slowing down just a little bit. Maybe the medicine was working already.
“Emmet,” called the voice from Ingo’s bedroom.
Emmet should have ignored it, should have waited for it to melt away with the chemical aftertaste. But he walked back anyways, exhausted; he sat back on that dusty chair, fell back in those arms that could never be real. He could allow himself this, he thought to himself, leaning into his brother’s hold, just this once... Just one sweet dream. Just one. Safety in moderation. Just one, and then he would have gone back to having lost his twin. Just one nice, sweet dream.
Ingo (if this was him) kissed his forehead. It was soft. It was so soft...
“Try to sleep a little more,” Emmet heard him murmur, almost with a tinge of concern: “It’s still early...”
He held onto that body that shouldn’t have felt as solid as it did.
“I will... Be, off. At work. The whole day,” he stumbled on his words, struggling as he chastised himself a little for warning a dream that he would have never had again anyways. His head felt heavy and light at the same time. “I will be back... Late. At night. Don’t wait up for me. Ok? You need to sleep well. Regularly. ‘s important. El... Elesa will come. At noon, to bring groceries.”
“Elesa?” the voice swam in his ears.
He nodded a little: “Our friend. Dear friend. Dearest. Like... A sister. Sweetheart. Verrry pretty. Verrry pretty... Verrry... She has... We gave her keys. So she won’t.... Phone. Or bother you. You need... To sleep. Skeep- sleep. It’s early. It’s... Go... Go to sleep. You need that.”
His face was sunked back into the crook of a neck: “You need that too...”
“Hm. Hm. Yes. I will... I will...” he should have gone to his own room. Distancing and all. But he felt so sluggish. So tired... Just one dream... Just one... “Can I... Can I stay here? With you?”
The hold seemed to tighten ever so slightly.
If Ingo said anything past that, Emmet wouldn’t have known. The single sleeping pill had him breathing deeply, calmly, wrapped tightly in his brother’s very real hug, in a dusty nest of clean sheets and their tangled Pokémon.
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≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Title: Pulled
Pairings: (Romantic) Wanda Maximoff x Reader, (Platonic) Avengers x Reader, (Familial) Natasha Romanoff x Reader, (Familial) Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Summary: The Avengers, Earth's chosen heroes. You thought the name was absurd, and you knew that being around them is trouble, especially since the son of Odin himself is working with them. But of course, no matter how much you tried to pull away, no matter the consequences of you being a demon, they still insist on pulling you back, among all of them, she insists the most.
Warnings: Canon Violence. Demons. Mentions of Hell
Additional Tags: Wanda being the best girlfriend for a demon. Natasha being a soft mom. Tony being the annoying brother. Avengers being the lovable idiots that they are. Pietro being alive is my shit.
Reader Pronouns: She/They
Word Count: 3276 words
GIF isn’t mine but boy do I adore it. Feedback is much appreciated. Thank you and Enjoy Reading! Requests are open, see pinned post for more info
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Grief. Pain. Sadness. Anger. Guilt. Fear.  Six of the most common negative emotions one human can have, and somehow, this two human children had them all. You silently watched as this human girl and her twin brother hide under the bed to protect themselves from the bomb just 3 feet from them. You can sense both their fears, it's what led you to them in the first place. The intense fear and emotional pain in their souls was intoxicating, it makes you want to devour it and take their souls straight to hell. But for some reason, you couldn't bring yourself to enhance it, to give them more pain, just for your own sake.
So even as your hunger clawed and begged to be satisfied, you ignored it, looking for something to comfort the trembling twins. Out the corner of your eye, you saw the damaged TV, making quick work of fixing it with your magic, turning it on, only to find the girl's glowing red eyes trained at your naturally red eyes. Your eyes widened as you realized she could see you. You then turned your attention to the other twin, his child-like eyes staring right at your non-existent soul.
“And you can see me. Great.” You voiced out, sighing. You didn't even know why your glamour didn't work on these two brats.
“Yes.” They answered timidly, Heavy Sokovian accents ringing throughout the air.
“Are you scared?” You ask them, tucking your wings in as to not scare them further more, much to your displeasure. You didn't really know why you're acting like this.
“No.” You smiled at their response, they were lying of course, but it was adorable nonetheless.
You debated on what to do next, you could erase their memories of you but quickly realized that you couldn't considering this human child is a witch. You sighed, you rarely interfere with human foolishness, the outcomes of said foolishness make up for your daily meal, so you leave them be, but for some reason you were being pulled to do the opposite.
“This is going to be the last time you see me.” You state coldly, refusing to get attached.
You maneuver your magic to levitate the bed they were currently hiding under, gray wisps of magic enveloping the bomb to keep them from detonating, you watch as the human girl seems fascinated with what she sees despite the life-threatening situation they are in right now. The human boy dragging his sister towards you as you envelop them in your magic as well, protecting them for what's about to come.
“Hold on.” You say, their arms wrapping around yours as you extend your wings and fly upwards, the air harmless to the children in your arms when it should have killed them based on your speed alone. You looked down at them, the human girl buried her face into you as fear mixed with relief pulsed out of her. The human boy on the other hand, looked ecstatic with the speed you are going at.
'Children' You thought, chuckling lightly.
You both dropped them off at the local Sokovian orphanage, prompting to leave when the human girl tugged on your black wings making you look back.
“Yes?” You asked
“Stay” She says, smiling. You smiled back, despite seeing how the events of today slowly dawned on both of them, pain filling both of their eyes.
You just shook your head sadly, a frown quickly settling at your face, realizing you let your guard down, before flying away, disappearing in a blink of an eye.
You never thought you would see them again years later, all grown up.  You were on an errand appointed to you by your brother when you stumbled upon Sokovia. The place swarmed with ridiculous looking military. Your eyes widening as you see them displaying their powers fighting against the Avengers. You smiled softly and rolled your eyes when you saw that the human boy now had super speed and the human girl had her witchy tendencies, beautiful red wisps of magic floating through the air, as a human man, named Captain America, tumbled down the stairs.
“We have another enhanced. Female. Do not engage.” You frowned at that, they're treating her like a threat, and that didn't place right with you. Prompting to leave this problem to future you, you left
“Enhanced?” You ask yourself as you flew away, not having the courage to face the twins right now.
Days pass and you still barely have the courage to give in to the pull that they both had, you spent the days you had trying to find whatever it is that you have with the two of them, it was something you cannot explain with words. The pull was extremely hard to ignore, it was a bond of some sort. But you never made a contract with them, did you accidentally make one? But this feels like something more, it wasn't just a normal contract, it feels much more intimate, familial in a sense.
You were reading ancient books, feeling particularly annoyed at the pathetic wails of souls being tortured, annoyed that your brother decided placing his torture chamber near your library where it should be quiet, quiet enough to read without some human soul screaming their hearts out as they are force to relive their most painful memories over and over again.
Your head snapped up when you felt intense amount of anger and pain course through your veins, you dropped the book you were reading and immediately materialized on Earth, finding the human girl in a headlock.
Your vision blurred, only seeing red, you charged towards the man, slamming him to the glass, breaking it, walking forward more, you slammed him to the wall, gripping his neck, you could see green slowly seeping from it. You clenched your teeth, feeling hot flames bursting from around you, cracks emerging from the concrete as molten lava seeps through. Your magic prevented him from transforming. Your eyes a vicious black as anger pumped throughout your whole being. You could feel the monster in you, clawing it's way out, telling you to rip this man's head off and feed it to Cerberus, taking his soul to the deepest, darkest depths of hell.
“Go on. Piss me off.” You growled out, mocking his words, your black wings extending, hiding the both of you from the other's view, who stopped fighting as soon as you materialized from the ground.
Gripping harder now, you ought to kill him, enduring the pain of random blasts and the feeling of a vibranium shield repeatedly being slammed into your wings.
Soft red wisps wrapped around your wrist, comforting you, lowering your guard for a little, allowing the human girl to touch you. Her hands running through the feathers that your wings had.
“It's okay. I'm okay. You don't have to.” Her soft voice rang through your ears, making you drop the coughing man and hold her hand.
“Are you sure?” Your voice raspy from growling.
She just nodded, gripping your hand as well. You didn't even notice the commotion happening. You didn't notice Thor slamming in, zapping the capsule like thing. You didn't notice the android emerging, You didn't notice a single thing. Not until she let go of your hands did you regain senses.
“I thought you said we weren't going to see you again.” She says, making you face her
“Uhm.” You gulped, now that you took at good look at the human girl, she certainly...enhanced herself since you last saw her.
She raised her brows as her head tilted, staring up at you. You felt as thou you were the one being hunted, rather than being the hunter that you are.
“Things change, Little Witch.” You tried to steady yourself, nearly losing your footing at the blue blur that ran past you.
“Wingie! You came back!” The human boy exclaimed.
“...Wingie? What the fuck?” You thought as you narrowed your eyes at them. Watching as the woman chuckled, you looked at her pointedly, knowing that she read your mind, to which she just shrugged.
“You refer to us as human boy and human girl. We refer to you as wingie, it's a fair deal isn't it?” She smirked, her Sokovian accent sending shivers down your spine.
“It is not.” You stood straigher. A frown placed on your face as you knew you needed to leave and cut ties with them. Even if you did not want to, Demon-Human relationships are strictly forbidden, unless they willingly sign their soul to you.
As if sensing this, The human girl took a hold of your wings and tugged on it, giving you a sense of nostalgia
“Stay.” She says with finality.
“I guess it would be nice for you both to tell me your name.” You say after a moment of silence, hissing slightly when you see a mark forming on your palm.
You had given in to their bond, they have successfully pulled you in. It left you wondering how this happened and why has your father, the almighty God, allowed this. Better question, why did Luci never interrupt this bond, he just let it be, even when you asked him about it, he nonchalantly says that you should give in. What better purpose does this have?
“...Now I really need your name.” You mumble out, spotting the glowing marks they both had shining through their clothes.
“Ooooohkay. What is happening around here?” You tore your gaze from the twins to look at the tin man.
“Please do not talk tin man. This does not concern you. However, I believe that The First Son of Odin can help you satisfy your curiosity about me.” You say, gaze returning to the twins.
“Y/N.” You smiled.
“You now have a personal demon at your command.” You grin, showing your true fiery self to them, bowing like a servant, surprising them a little, Then laughed, comfortable with teasing you at how ugly you looked in your true form, which also made you laugh. A memory you will never forget.
“What's in your mind darling?” Wanda brings you back to reality, her hands softly holding your face.
Tony was kind enough to give you a whole floor to yourselves in the tower, it now looked like a big apartment with a 70's theme due to you and Wanda's modifications just last night. Your wife did have a knack for changing your apartment's theme to different eras, you suspect it's from her love of sitcoms so you just let her be. Besides, her sitcoms are growing on you.
“How we met.” You state, a content smile on your face while tracing the mark she had.
The room you both shared is enveloped in your magic, the illusion showing the night sky, shooting stars passing through despite being in broad daylight.
“Hmmn. You traveled far.”  She chuckled, nuzzling further into your wings. You chuckled.
“You love my wings more than me, my love, why must you be like this?” You teased her
“They're softer than you.” She teased back
“You wound me little witch.” You lean in to kiss her, only to be interrupted, your illusion breaking as the door slammed open
“EW EW EW EW EW!” A blue blur barged in, only to run out again.
You huffed out in annoyance, It's 7am and Pietro is already annoying you.
“Why must I also have a bond with that prick.” You grumbled under your breath, burying your face into Wanda's neck.
“Because he's my brother, and you, my love, are my wife. That makes you his sister as well.” She says, pecking your lips multiple times, her Sokovian accent slipping out.
“Mrs. Maximoff, and Other Mrs. Maximoff. Ms. Romanoff wanted me to remind you of your training at 8:30 am after breakfast. And Mr. Stark is demanding you both to have breakfast with the team” FRIDAY, the AI's voice rang out.
“Thank you FRIDAY.” You muttered out, begrudgingly getting up from your shared bed, your wings limp as if sharing your sadness, much to your wife's amusement.
“I don't get it. At all. We've been doing this for 8 years now. Why do I still have to train?” You whined, walking into the dining room where the rest of the Avengers are.
“Because, you little devil, you rely on your powers too much. Hand-to-hand combat is necessary.” Natasha pats your back, grabbing her newly made peanut butter sandwich.
Natasha met you after Bruce saved her from Ultron, your powers saved her by smashing in two robots to the ground, which seemed to amuse her, plus seeing you with horns made her laugh. The next day, she approached you asking if you wanted to spar with her, and you cockily said yes, boasting that you'll beat her in a minute. You were proven wrong, your ass got handed to you every single time, proving that you can't make it through life without your powers.
“And yet, you don't tell Tony to train.” You deadpanned at Natasha, and she looked at you like how an angry mother looks at a child throwing a tantrum.
You accidentally read Natasha's mind one day when you were starving, refusing to feed off your family's emotions, despite them being filled with negative emotions because, the receiver of a demon feeding feels intense pain as said demon sucks their emotions out, leaving them exhausted, sometimes in a coma, and sometimes just dead, it's soul going straight down to hell. She was thinking about how she thinks of you as her daughter, albeit being thousands of years older than her. You just shrugged and went along with it,  finding it funny, until you accidentally called her 'Mom' when she got shot, sending the one who shot her down to the pits of hell. And since then it just stuck.
“Because I'm a genius, devilious.” You rolled your eyes at his ego and his horrible nickname.
“Dumbass.” You murmured
“Bitch.” He shot back
“Jerk.” You retaliated. Puffing your wings up to hopefully intimidate him but he just powered up his reactor and threatened to blast you.
“Okay, enough from the both of you.” Wanda gave you a pointed look which had you pouting
“No powers on the dining table!” Pepper scolded.
“Sorry.” you mumbled, directing your attention to the elevator doors as they open to reveal Clint on the phone.
Your eyes drifted to Pietro as you both shared a smirk, if there's one thing that you both could agree on, is that you both love to piss off Clint, who despite being retired, visits the tower often.
You subtly use your powers to tie Clint's shoelaces together as Pietro sped to him, taking his phone.
“Hey!” He complained, taking a step to run after Pietro only to slam, face first into a pillow?
Your eyes then lifted up to see Wanda's glowing eyes, her hands wrapped with a red mist as you see Pietro being dragged into the room by said mist.
“Oh shit.” You murmured, seeing her head tilt, it's common knowledge to run when Wanda tilts her head, it's terrifying as fuck.
“...We can talk about this...” You say, slowly backing up. She just raised her brows
“Whipped.” Clint whispered tauntingly as he passed you
“Take it to the training room kids.” Natasha says, her steaming black coffee nestled in her palms
“I didn't even eat yet.” You whined, plopping yourself away from your wife, beside the metal armed man who pushed the plate of toast towards you.
“Are we still going to ignore how devilious is a literal demon and she's scared of Wondie?” Tony teased, bouncing Morgan on his lap while she drinks her milk.
“Okay. Tony, Tony, Tony. Stare me straight in the eyes, look at me, look, look. Come on, look into my eyes-”
“Yes, I'm looking into your “natural” red eyes, they still look like contacts” He says, air quoting the word natural
“First of all, they are natural. Second, stare right into my eyes and tell me that my wife isn't the MOST TERRIFYING PERSON YOU EVER MET!?”
“Meh.” He says, smirking
“Oh-hoho! Ouch.” You say playfully with a grimace, jaw dropping with a look of offense on your face.
“Let's just agree that wives are terrifying, yes?” You say quickly, motioning to Pepper who was chopping up some food for her daughter, who held up the knife as a response to your statement.
“And this is why I will never get married.” Natasha says, disposing of her plates to the sink before motioning to you.
“I can change that. Do you want a dog too?” Sam asks, grinning
“Get ready to get your ass kicked, Wilson.” You grinned seeing Nat's glare
“Language.” Tony says, motioning to his kid while winking at Steve who rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. The fitted shirt threatening to rip. You always wondered why Steve liked to wear clothes that's one size smaller that what he should be wearing. Maybe it was because of Bucky, or Nat, or both. You never knew with that man.
“It's been 8 years. Why is that still a thing?” Steve groan, making you all laugh.
Your laugh slowly faded, staring at your family, your weird but still very much your family, laughing and having fun without a care in the world, it's memories like these that you want to remember.
You don't want to remember the sacrifices you had to make to get this very moment, the actions you made were selfish yet necessary, for your universe at least. You had the power and the chance to change everything 5 years ago, and you took that chance without hesitation, even if it meant breaking the fabric of the universe itself.
You just hoped that the Avengers from the other universes wouldn't hate you so much for adding to their pain. After all, you did avert what should have happened in your universe, into another universe where the people of earth and it's mightiest heroes, suffered twice. Their pain increasing tenth fold as you merged two problems into one.
The consequence that you have to endure for that however, was white-hot pain. You will have to endure all the universe's pain, nightmares and visions of the battle that should have happened will continue to plague you, visions of Wanda in pain, visions of Tony Stark dying, visions of his funeral, visions of Natasha's death will play in your head over and over again. Your own personal hell.
But it's worth it right? …right? You'd do anything to make your family happy... right? You'd do anything to make her happy. It's worth it. It was definitely worth it... right?
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spyrothesquish-0006 · 3 years
Can I ask about the brothers visiting an MC in a coma, assumedly sometime after they left their 1 year school year at Devildom? Also would it be bad to ask for a platonic/familial relationship instead of romantic?
How the brothers react to visiting GN!MC in a coma (platonic)
Warnings: None besides hospital and coma mentions, also if you're uncomfy with platonic kisses I'm sorry 😢 I see Asmo as very touchy-feely so even if it's a strictly platonic/familial relationship, it would not be rare for him to kiss your cheeks. And platonic requests are always fine! I hope you enjoy!😊
• surprisingly was not the first to find out, but once he did, he was quick to be at your side
• depending on how you got to be in a coma changes his reaction
• if it's because someone hurt you, Lucifer will be on a war path to make whoever did it pay dearly for hurting someone in his family
• if it's because of an accident, his worry over you will increase, never wanting to see you in such a state again
• will take whatever measures necessary to make sure you stay safe once you wake up
• if the coma is due to an illness, Lucifer will do everything in his power to get you the best treatment possible
• only the best doctors and nurses are fit to care for his family
• if allowed, he will move you to a devildom hospital to be treated
• will not be leaving your side any time soon
• if you thought this demon didn't sleep before, it's even worse now
• he will stay by your side and hold your hand until he sees your eyes open again
• the paperwork in his office might pile up, but honestly he couldn't care less
• you become his #1 priority
• would often pet his hand over your hair and talk to you at night
• even if you can't hear him, he still tells you how important you are to him and his brothers
• "We're all worried about you, MC. You need to wake up. Please.."
• the minute he knows you're in the hospital he takes off, not even stopping long enough to learn why or that you're in a coma
• completely loses it when he sees you in the hospital bed
• it's a mix between fear of losing you, and anger at whatever it is that put you in that coma
• even if it was in no way his fault, he still blames himself for not being there to protect you
• still feels a bit guilty even if it's something completely out of his control, like an illness
• will be by your side any chance he gets
• definitely tries to curl up in the hospital bed with you
• if he isn't allowed to/there isn't enough space, he will curse until the entire hospital knows infernal curse words
• nothing gets between him and MC, that's his family!
• if for some reason he has to leave your side, his crows are stationed outside your window until he gets back to watch over you
• would call in any favors he has to if it means paying for the best medical care, or finding healing potions
• he remembers Satan once saying how if someone is in a coma, that they can still hear
• he often talks to you as if you're awake and responding, late night conversations lessening his worry about you, but sometimes these end in tears if he gets too carried away, knowing you're not responding and might not any time soon
• "Be a good human and wake up, won't ya? You got us all so worried, and it ain't fair."
• once he hears the words "MC" and "Hospital" in the same sentence, he has the worst panic attack imaginable
• accidentally summons Lotan and destroys part of the HoL in his panic
• races to the hospital, not caring who he has to talk to or push past to get to you
• all he cares about is his Henry being okay!
• hospitals aren't really his favorite place, being filled with people and germs, but he will stay by your side until you wake up, no exceptions
• he basically moves into your hospital room
• brings his and yours favorite handheld games and plays them all hours of the day and night
• doesn't want to fall asleep in case you wake up
• even though it makes him a blushy mess, he sits on the edge of your hospital bed and keeps his tail firmly wrapped around your hand to "hold" it while he plays video games
• even if you aren't awake, he still watches your favorite animes with you, hoping that maybe the sound of it will make you want to open your eyes
• "Hey, MC, this is your favorite episode right? Do you think maybe you could open your eyes and watch it with me?"
• once he knows you're in a coma he rushes to the hospital and immediately sets to work questioning every doctor and nurse that's treating you
• wants to know everything, why you're in a coma, for how long, what can he or any of his brothers do to help you?
• if the doctors treating you are not to his standards, he will throw a temper tantrum until better ones are brought in for you
• refuses to even entertain the idea that you might not wake up
• he gets very irratible with everyone and everything, but it's only because of how worried he is about you
• he may be pissy and quick to let his temper flare, but he's nothing but gentle with you
• he always holds your hand, sitting by your bedside and reading to you to calm his wrath and worry
• he picks only your favorite books, eyes flicking expectantly between the pages and you when he gets to your favorite parts, hoping that just maybe they'd excite you enough to wake up
• "MC, I brought your favorite again. We left off on chapter 6 right? I know your favorite part is coming up, so give my hand a little squeeze once we get to it, okay?"
• nearly faints when he hears you're in a coma
• once he's at the hospital, he demands to know everything
• Who, what, where, when, he accepts nothing but the most thorough answers possible
• is so wracked with worry that he actually forgets his own routines while he takes care of you, not bothering with his lengthy skincare routine or his beauty sleep, instead focusing on yours
• even if you're out cold, you still should be looking your best and be taken care of!
• after all, he would never leave his family helpless to take care of themselves
• he often talks to you while he brushes your hair or does your skincare for you, never wanting to let you fall behind on the gossip
• talking to you also keeps his nerves in check, often falling asleep while he fills you in on what everyone has been up to
• if he doesn't fall asleep while talking to you, he most likely ends up sleeping while scrolling through devilgram posts, curled up in your bed with you so he can still cuddle you until you wake up
• while he holds you he often peppers your face in gentle kisses, murmuring his affections for you and saying how much all of his brothers care about you
• he'd often call you sleeping beauty at night, but now that nickname leaves a bitter taste in his mouth
• "Do me a favor darling and wake up, hmm? It's so boring without you to talk to. If you wake up soon, I'll take you on a shopping spree, alright?"
• worried sick once he knows you're in a coma, rushing to the hospital and refusing to leave your side
• he doesn't even feel hungry as he watches over you, far too worried about you being okay to think about eating for once
• seeing you so fragile looking in the hospital bed reminds him too much of losing Lilith
• plants himself by your bed and is incredible gentle while he holds your hand
• he knows how strong he is, and seeing you in a hospital bed makes him even more wary about accidentally hurting you
• he does have to eat eventually, almost snacking on things in the hospital room before a worried nurse got him some food from the cafeteria
• it may not be the best quality, but he honestly doesn't care that much
• if it means he can stay by your side, he'd eat dirt
• despite how worried he is about you, he keeps a brave face and is always smiling and laughing as he talks to you, telling you about all the things him and his brothers have done after your year at RAD ended
• he always brings your favorite snacks when he sits with you, hoping that maybe you'll be hungry enough to wake up and eat with him again
• "MC, I brought your favorite snacks again, I'm sorry I ate them last time...if you wake up before I get hungry they're all yours though! I can get you more if you're still hungry after."
• to everyone's surprise, he was the first to know you were in a coma
• he often visited you in your dreams after you left RAD, making sure you didn't have any nightmares and to just chat with you
• so when he went to visit you in your latest dream, you told him how you were in the hospital and couldn't wake up just yet while your body healed
• he promised to relay the information to his brothers and was quick to be at your side
• he's less worried about your condition than his brothers, only because he can still visit you while you "sleep"
• just because it's not as bad doesn't mean he has no worries though
• part of him is scared that one day he'll try to visit you and you just won't be there dreaming anymore
• because of this fear, he sleeps as often as he can
• self care isn't exactly his strong hold, so he figures his brothers will take better care of you than he can
• instead of helping you physically, Belphie helps you mentally
• he makes sure you never feel lonely in your coma
• he keeps any bad dreams or negative thoughts away, and he never lets you lose hope about waking up, no matter how long your coma lasts
• to make things more fun, he often alters your dreams so you two can go on adventures
• if you feel like flying? He's got you. Wanna be pirates for the day? There's a sword an eyepatch waiting for you
• even though he can still spend time with you in your coma, he still insists on being at your side physically too
• would bring your favorite blankets and pillows and plushies to put in bed with you so you stay comfortable
• is another brother who would curl up in the hospital bed with you, even letting you use his pillow until you wake up
• snuggles you like a koala 25/8 and sleepy mumbles into your ear are common
• "mm, MC? I know it's fun and all, but you gotta wake up at some point dummy. Don't make me go in there and drag you out."
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dolliedarlin · 4 years
⏤l o v e s t r u c k 
s u m m a r y : you have a quirk called 'animate' and it's very emotions-based, meaning that if you feel a very strong emotion, you're able to animate things and however strong that emotion is, the stronger it is the things you animate. Also, the pupil of your eyes can change shape or colour in accordance - red for anger and blue for saddness. In battle this is useful for animating weapons and such, however, when you fall in love...it's usefulness isn't always straightforward.
a / n : this is my first time writing for bnha characters so i'm really sorry for any inaccuracies in personalities. also, i, unfortunately, have only been able to think of this imgaine concerning bakugou and todoroki. even so, please enjoy the read!
w a r n i n g s : profanity by the obvious culprit
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k a t s u k i  b a k u g o u  
❥ it happened when you saw his passion and drive during practice...
❥ You always held a deep admiration for people who knew what they wanted and fought for it no matter what. Those were your parents, pro heroes who fought for the greater good as well as each other, and you, so you wanted to be like them and make them proud.
❥ Not only that but you were also a fanatic about LOVE.
❥ Your parents may have only had you as their only child but the insurmountable amount of love they had for each other would give birth to over a hundred children.
❥ You wouldn't have minded having younger siblings but you knew that your parents, being pro heroes themselves, were already risking too much with having their relationship public as well as their status as parents.
❥ By hearing them always gushing over how wonderful it feels to be in love and to be loved back as well as seeing how they act around each other - still a pair of love-struck teenagers in love - you were eager to meet the love of your life and fight for him
❥ During training or instances when you have to fight, it's that want to love and be loved that also fuels the power behind your animations. This power has only strengthened the instant you found the person you were destined to stand with forever.
❥ Bakugou Katsuki.
❥ The moment you took the time to look at him, really look at him and understand who he was was during tests and hero training.
❥ He's a skilled fighter with passion and drive. Admittedly, he's as explosive as his quirk and as rude as rude can get but you saw through that every time his eyes narrowed into a focused stare whenever he was fighting or studying.
❥ It really shows through how passionate he is about becoming the number one hero and you found yourself falling hard for him every time you saw the fire behind his eyes.
❥ It was just so attractive; your little heart couldn't take it!
❥ The time you really fell for him was during the final exams.  Yes, he was stubborn but only because he was so determined. Yes, it was a struggle and they almost lost all home but he never gave up. He was the perfect one for you.
❥ Although you were worried and scared for them at the time, your heart skipped many beats and you soon found those hearts being animated around you as you watched on, worried but falling deeply in love.
❥ You know very well that he can protect himself but your love for him encouraged you to protect him at all costs, especially when you saw him in such a vulnerable state. He was never like that so you swore to yourself that you had to get stronger so that he'd never have to be in such a state again.
❥ Not only that but you had to get stronger for yourself as well as Bakugou.
❥ You wanted to protect him but also be worthy enough to stand by his side.
❥ It became easier to train after having fallen for Katsuki, actually. Now that you had someone in mind to push you forward, someone to visualise being by your side through tough times the way he would be there for you as well, only helped you grow stronger and stronger.
❥ Over time, it became obvious to everyone, even Bakugou how deeply in love you were with him. Not a day goes by without you losing your focus during class only to stare at your ash-blonde classmate with animated hearts floating around your head and hearts in your eyes.
❥ Because of that, you found your grades slipping and even though you asked super nicely, even offering a shoulder massage, Bakugou refused to tutor you.
❥ "Now get out of my way heart eyes!" he snapped at you as he shoved you to the side
❥ "But darling~" you whined, "how can I ever hope to become the perfect wife for you if I don't have a good enough education?"
❥ "HEY! Who said I would ever be marrying you?! And Stop Calling Me That!"
❥ "Oh! Would you prefer 'honey', instead? Or 'sweetheart'? Or 'love of my life'?" by now he was a blushing mess but he still had a snarl on his face. The pink in his cheeks was a win for you though so even if he continued to refuse, you wouldn't mind.
❥ "I don't prefer any of those shit names! Now Leave Me Alone!"
❥ "Fine," you grumble with a whimper and he almost felt guilty at the sad look that crossed your delicate features, "I'll just ask Midoriya-kun for help instead-"
❥ "My room! Bring your shit! 6 pm! Don't be late!"
❥ "Oh Darling~ I knew you wouldn't say no to me~"
❥ It was amusing really, to everyone except you and Bakugou, to see your interactions with each other. You were too in love to notice anyone's teasing whilst Bakugou kept being pushed over the edge by his supposed 'friends'.
❥ "Friends my ass," he grumbled as they whispered behind him about how hilarious it was to watch you pinning for him.
❥ It wasn't funny! It was serious! You were serious about him and he knows it, you said it yourself.
❥ "Stop overdoing it dumbass," he glares down at your exhausted, panting form. It seems as though you were doing extra training atop his tutoring sessions.
❥ "but..." you looked up at him with a tired smile, "I can't be the perfect wife until I'm strong enough to stand beside you..."
❥ He didn't know what to say except for, "I'd rather have a wife that can cook and have good grades at school than a dead one from fatigue," he helps you up and takes you back to the dorms. He didn't know why the hell he said that but you didn't say anything so he assumed you just didn't hear him in your worn state.
❥ After that day, however, you insisted on cooking every day and finally got your grades up. You almost beat him in scores, actually. It was surprising but it proved how serious you were about your love for him. He almost became soft for you.
❥ "Stop doing so much heart eyes," he growled as he saw you making breakfast in the early morning.
❥ "But I need to become a good wife for you, Darling~" you chirped happily as you poured him some apple juice, "and to do that I have to be a good cook - just like you said!"
❥ "Tch! How are you so sure you'll stay interested? You'll find someone else eventually," Bakugou always saying nonsense thoughtlessly whenever he was around you and it was beginning to get on his nerves. He didn't care about this shit, so why in the hell was he saying it to you?
❥ "Nonsense," you huffed adorably, hands on your waist as you turned to him with a frown after lowering the heat on your heart-shaped cinnamon pancakes, "you're the love of my life, there's no one else on this earth that I would ever want except you Katsuki," you flashed him a close-eyed smile, "You're my one and only, Darling~"
❥ He begins to shout out of habit before turning away so you don't see his blush, "Shut up with that bullshit! Your dumb pancakes are gonna burn!" you didn't see his face did you?
❥  In your perspective, you still had a long way to go before you could ever reach Bakugou's standards and finally stand by his side when in actuality you had unknowingly made him want to stand beside you by just being yourself.
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s h o t o  t o d o r o k i
❥ it happened when you saw him smiling for the first time...
❥ The moment you first met Todoroki, you were determined to make him your friend.
❥ No matter how many times he had pushed you away, you were never deterred, in fact, it only fueled your determination in befriending him.
❥ It hurt you to see someone so closed off and without a clue as to how amazing it felt to feel loved and return that love, whether it be romantic or platonic.
❥ You wanted Todoroki to feel that beautiful feeling as well.
❥ All your life, you always had a very loving home with many younger siblings that you adore taking care of. Despite the occasional tantrums that they would act out, they were still the sweetest kids in your eyes and you would do anything for them
❥ Obviously, growing up in such a warm environment made you a very compassionate and empathetic person, even your quirk stemmed off of that which proved to be an advantage in your journey to becoming a hero
❥ The more emotional you were - regardless of if you were extremely happy or angry - that became your source of power in battles, meaning that the things you animated became all the more powerful on the field. The more you wanted to save someone from evil, the stronger you were.
❥ That was the obvious advantage but...that wasn't the case for when you wanted to be subtle about feeling intense emotions like...
❥ falling in love
❥ You didn't expect it with Todoroki, however.
❥ At the end of the day, he was your dear friend through and through. It took a lot of hard work and persistence for him to finally put his trust in you and return your friendship
❥ You didn't want to sabotage all that hard work. He was just beginning to reciprocate your friendly gestures, gestures that you would almost cry over each time because it felt like such a big step for him.
❥ It made you feel such pride when you saw him lose the cold look in his eyes and finally relax when talking with others and engaging in friendly activities
❥ Admittedly, Todoroki was still blunt and clueless to some things but he had all the time in the world to work on that. Having already taken the first step himself, the momentum for his exploration in emotions and opening up to others had begun and you're sure everything will just fall into place after that.
❥ Of course, he still needed some assistance so you had been helping him understand certain emotions and why people would feel a certain way under different circumstances.
❥ It was honestly the cutest thing and you were beyond happy to help satiate his curious mind on various topics he never had a straight answer for.
❥ EXCEPT for studies...he was better than you in that regard most definitely- yep! He's the one that needs to help you if that were the case.
❥ "I don't understand how you could get such a simple question wrong, (Y/N)..." he mused, genuinely dumbfounded at how horribly you failed at answering the practice question.
❥ "Please just help me, Todoroki-kun," you whined, flushing in shame at how horrible you were at English.
❥ "I apologise," he gives a soft bow of his head as you smile and wave off his apology before... "but I really am curious, even a little bit concerned for you,"
❥ "Just help me!"
❥ Not only did you need help in studies, you needed help with hero training. So you trained together. The two of you were dedicated students and always provided great input on ways of improving technique and approaches towards attacks. You made a perfect oblivious pair.
❥ The time your feelings decided to show was when the two of you had just finished sparing and it had been your turn to pay for an icy treat as a reward for such hard work. After making a short stop at the convenience store, you were now on your way back to the dorms happily chatting with ice creams in hand.
❥ "Is it weird to want to become closer to someone..." Todoroki stares at his icicle curiously, "someone that's close to you and is always there for you?" he feels a warmth in his cheeks that he's always having to suppress around you, it was never easy but he always succeeded.
❥ All he had to do was just think about you being in danger and being unable to help. That set his flustered state back to normal right away despite the sinking feeling he felt in his heart.
❥ "It's normal to feel that way," you assure, taking another taste of your ice cream, "there's no shame in that and it's definitely not weird,"
❥ "Oh," you flash him another reassuring glance as his lips tug up into a soft smile, "I'm glad,"
❥ That was when it happened.
❥ The setting sun had framed his smiling figure with a soft glow and you were instantly the victim of his content disposition. You knew he was handsome but...he looked all the more ethereal when he was smiling - smiling in the sunlight.
❥ The glow made his hair look like freshly fallen snow beside polished rubies as his eyes, one grey and one a paralysing blue captured the twinkling essence of the sunshine perfectly. His chiseled jaw cast a shadow across his neck, further defining his proportioned features as his angular nose gave him the desired picture-perfect side profile.
❥ If he didn't resemble the embodiment of perfection then and there, you don't know what did.
❥ As you stood dumbfounded, Todoroki had turned around, having walked several steps ahead of you and was stunned into his own silence.
❥ There you stood, a meter or so behind him with animated red hearts floating around your head, your stare was fixed solely on him as you let your coned ice cream gradually melt under the heated gaze of the sun; it's stickiness attempting to glue your fingers together.
❥ This wasn't the first time he had seen your animate quirk illustrate your emotions. He remembers you explaining that whenever you felt a strong emotion, whether it be happy or sad, you would lose control of your quirk and it would animate whatever it was that you were feeling.
❥ One time, you had ranked really low on an English test and a raincloud animated itself above you before it proceeded to soak you in rain. That day he had let you borrow his blazer to avoid Mineta's perverted staring and offered his tutelage on the subject.
❥ This is new. He wonders what strong emotion you were feeling. Hearts...what did hearts represent? Love...right?
❥ He looks around before his eyes landed on your icecream. Did you love your ice cream so much that you didn't want to eat it and just let it melt in your hand? He frowns. No, that can't be it.
❥ Could it be him?
❥ "(Y/N)..."
❥ if only he smiled more...-no!
❥ That would mean more people would see his soft handsome features and you can't have that! You are the first person he showed that side of himself to so you should be the only one allowed to ever witness it again-right? Or is that too selfish-?
❥ "(Y/N)?!" thankfully, Todoroki was able to successfully snap you out of your daze.
❥ "O-Oh! Sorry Todoroki-kun," you blushed in apology, looking to the side in embarrassment, only to squeal in shock horror when you notice the hearts floating around you. Shouting nonsense in between constant 'I'm sorry's, you waved the hearts away, "I-I'm really truly s-sor-"
❥ If it weren't for Todoroki taking your free hand in his own and tugging you back along the way to the dorms once more, you would have uttered your hundredth apology but, instead, you were left a stuttering and blushing mess, your animated hearts making their comeback floating around your head.
❥ As soon as you're right next to him, he lets go of your hand and pulls you closer by the waist. By now the hearts have begun to float around him and, although you were embarrassed beyond belief with your gaze fixed to the floor, Todoroki smiled even wider before leaning down to gently kiss your temple
❥ "Now, I know you weren't lying to me," this caught your attention albeit you were still a flustered mess of a person, "this feeling is so normal the other person feels the same way too, right?"
❥ You didn't know how to respond to that. Smile or faint from too much blood rushing to your head?
❥ How about both?
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n a v i . | bnha mlist
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fellhellion · 3 years
can you make a rec list of your favorite fe3h fics? if that's alright?
OF COURSE I WOULD LOVE TO <3 always happy to give my fave works a shoutout <33333
Though mind u this is going to be a LOT so ill pop them under a cut
from the heart in exile
TLDR: platonic hubert edelgard fic that haunts me. It’s extremely good with really well written character voices and focuses on these two characters trying to find out who they are beyond the war with their friends refusing to leave them behind
You can’t speak just yet to whether time—and age? experience? not that war or rulership have given you much of the latter, at least in the area of gardening—has made your thumbs any less brown, but the house in the Oghma Mountains is surrounded by so many growing things it hardly seems to matter. It sits at the edge of a forest, on the gentle lower slopes, and the people in the nearest town had all smiled to speak of it when they pointed the way for Hubert, the day you arrived. A number of them were old enough to remember what it had been like, years ago, in the warm and golden before, and to insist that it had not changed in the ways that mattered. It was still full of light. The air still smelled green.
In which Edelgard keeps a garden, Hubert learns to fly, and those they leave behind refuse to be left behind.
TLDR: platonic fic and amazing sylvain character study. Like genuinely one of the best i’ve ever read. If you’re someone who really wanted a deeper exploration of Sylvain’s feelings about Dimitri this fic is for u. 
When Sylvain is six and a half and climbs to the top of a tower with no one’s hand in his, he realizes that each and every one of the people he loves has been born as a gift to something else. Dimitri was born for Faerghus, and Felix was born for Dimitri. Glenn was born for the royal family, and Ingrid was born for Galatea and for Glenn. He realizes, too, that what they’re for decides their future. Dimitri will lead them into a better world. Felix will guide his path, and Glenn will protect his life, and Ingrid will bind her future to theirs.
And Sylvain, who was born for the border, will stand in a watchtower. He will see the enemy before it comes, and he will keep Dimitri and Felix and Ingrid and Glenn safe.
Dimitri reappears after five years. Sylvain knows it's his role to fix the mess they're in, but he doesn't know how.
little light
TLDR: really good exploration of flayn and seteth’s relationship (+ with his wife and flayn’s mother) pre canon (also post canon if i remember right) just a really good if heartbreaking family fic 
"She is beautiful, and she is perfect. It is foolish to say so, because the goddess herself says perfect beings cannot exist - but Cichol knows now she must have been wrong, because his daughter is perfect. They name her Cethleann. In the old tongue, it means 'light.'"
Cichol, Cethleann, what they lost, and who they became.
conjure the wind, ease my mind
TLDR: this author in general writes FANTASTIC work so pls check out their whole repertoire. a platonic fic between holst and claude w an exploration of claude’s past that’s just so good....found brotherhood i am WEEPING 
“I’d like to know what’s wrong. I’d like to help if I can.”
Calculating green eyes lock onto Holst’s own, but this time they’re laced with something a little bit like resignation
Many people call Duke Riegan a liar, but Holst feels like he knows the young man a bit better than that. To call him a liar is wrong, you see, because all Claude has ever really done is master the art of giving up as little of the truth as possible. He keeps truth close, treats it like a valuable commodity.
“I have three brothers,” he says. “Half-brothers.”
Claude won’t spar with Holst and Holst wants to know why.
my fellow passerine
TLDR: same author as before and just...god this fic is so good. a platonic exploration of the relationship between Claude and Cyril. This fic has it all: found brotherhood, worldbuilding about Almyra, Claude character study, CYRIL character study. it’s just fantastic 
Then the Alliance delegation shows up, and their offering strolls through the gates of the monastery like he already owns the place.
A reminder, for those who need it: Cyril is not an idiot. He has good eyes and he uses them.
An observation, for those who want it: The Golden Deer house leader is Almyran.
Cyril knows a lot more than he lets on, Claude is far less covert than he thinks he is, and messing with the guy your parents told you was a possibly-unkillable demon-prince isn’t usually supposed to earn you a lasting friendship but hey… life is already pretty damn weird.
TLDR: god this ferdibert fic just fucking...destroys me. i cannot get through it without crying at least twice and usually more. it’s basically a CF canon divergence with a heavy HEAVY exploration of ferdinand and hubert’s perspectives towards usefulness and how abelist thinking affects that in their efforts to find Shambala after Ferdinand loses his sight from one of Hubert’s experimental spells. All while falling in love. this fic is VERY fucking heavy, please mind the tags, it’s amazing but it’s subject matter is something you need to be very aware of. Also i would highly reccomend reading the prequel to this fic as it provides some critical context to Hubert’s actions that you don’t get through Ferdinand’s flawed pov. Basically this author is a master of character perspective.
Ferdinand von Aegir's war record ends in 1182. The war does not.
Or, blind man's bluff.
Coming of Age
TLDR: same author as before and god...just my FAVOURITE ferdinand character study. Takes place within the period Byleth is away. I don’t want to spoil anything but it’s incredible. Mines the fantastic character drama hook between Edelgard and Ferdinand that canon DIDNT rip
Ferdinand was a general. In theory. Edelgard had promised him continued command of his battalion, and a general needed a certain measure of wealth to supply his horses, his servants, his armor and rations and lodgings and, she’d promised.
But his father sat rotting in a cell, or worse, and it could be nothing more than a fable they thought him simple enough to believe. What did promises matter?
When the house of Aegir collapses around him, Ferdinand struggles to forge a path forward. He quickly discovers he can't manage it alone -- and neither, perhaps, can Edelgard.
Another Life
TLDR: same author AGAIN (can u tell theyre my favourite fjsdhfk). Ferdibert fic, a man loving his partner and trying to figure out the best way to support them as they silently wrestle with questions about their gender identity is something that can be so PERSONAL and make u CRY god. also dark flier hubert my beloved. 
Ferdinand notices things. He cannot say what he notices, precisely, because he has no one to ask, and if he were to ask Hubert it would damn well result in every questioned moment up and vanishing forever behind a new wall of prickly austerity. Ferdinand cannot risk that. The things that he notices stick in his chest, and he thinks only, but.
Hubert wrestles with unasked questions; Ferdinand wrestles with a pegasus.
Beneath the Sheets of Paper Lies My Truth
TLDR: Dimilix fic in my FAVOURITE fucking format of secondary in game historical sources exploring their relationship in retrospective.
It was said that Duke Fraldarius’s grief at King Dimitri’s death was more potent than even the queen’s—but said by whom, and how, and why?
A Fair Day’s Work
TLDR: Post CF Canon ferdibert where Hubert and Ferdinand’s overworked aides desperately try to get them together so they’ll be too busy being uhhhh AMOUROUS to give them so much work. Very much a romantic comedy with very fun OCs as our protags. 
“I may have some coffee in the place for you,” said Prime Minister Aegir. “Let me show you how much better I have become at brewing it to your taste.”
“If you insist,” said Minister Vestra but he sounded pleased. To Delarivier, who had literally made it her profession to attune herself to his tone (usually ranging from sort-of-murder-y to extremely-murder-y), Minister Vestra sounded very pleased indeed.
Ferdinand and Hubert's long-suffering aides figure out a way to work fewer hours.
TLDR: Dimilix post AM Canon with some pre canon moments. Basically an exploration of the complexity of their relationship with bird symbolism and extra Holy Kingdom lore. Gifting ur lover a vulture is something that can be so personal fksdhfsjkd
Dimitri makes an affirmative noise. Then he takes a breath, voice leveling out into what Felix had long ago dubbed his 'future king voice', all steady explanation: “Long ago, the saying fledged right along with the nobles' and royal family's love of hawking, and it has remained a common phrase from one generation to the next. As adviser to the king, the duke is meant to be regal and strong, even deadly when required, from his place at the king's side. To always act as the most piercing, watchful eyes over the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and her sovereign."
He looks over to Felix as soon as his mouth snaps shut on the final word, as always seeking approval on his recitations.
Felix tilts his head, trying to look unimpressed. “I like eagles.”
A hand automatically comes up to cover the lower half of Dimitri's face, muffling the inarticulate sound of a snort of amusement. “That is good, since you are to be mine.”
They say an eagle watches over Fhirdiad.
A faint and faraway sound
TLDR: Ferdibert with an excellent Hubert centric character study....just so good...makes me warm and fuzzy...the mutual pining and ROMANCE of it all
Hubert learns to be a person, with a lot of help and complication along the way.
In golden light
TLDR: A really REALLY good ferdibert fic with ferdinand centric pov that focuses on him reflecting on his life as he prepares the Aegir house to become a boarding school. Ferdinand sibling exploration is ABOUND here and it’s great
When his family's summer home at Lake Aegir is set to be converted to a boarding academy, Ferdinand pays it one last visit and contemplates his complicated relationship with family, love, and legacy.
one three four three four zero
TLDR: the fic that actually got me into dimilix. VERY heavy character study and you NEED to mind both the general fic tags and the content warnings the author lists for each chapter but it’s incredible. Takes a very familiar trope and just. slams you in the face with over 60k words of amazing character study. 
“How are you going to get the One-Eyed Demon of Garreg Mach, the Boar Prince of Faerghus, smuggled past Dukedom soldiers? What plan could you possibly have to get a creature that incapable of even pretending it isn’t a bloodthirsty beast into Dominic without getting caught?”
The Professor gives him one of their steady, unreadable stares. They definitely do not and could not possibly have answered him, “You’re going to pretend to be married to him.”
or, How to Pretend to be Married When One of You Can't Stop Hallucinating and the Other One Uses Hostility to Cope
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starlocked01 · 4 years
I Know the Stars Will Start to Fade
AO3 @tsshipmonth2020
Masterpost- Previous- Next
Summary-  Roman was born with three soul marks but now has only one. He doesn't want to ruin his last great chance for happiness but finds his final soulmate, Logan, isn't what he expected. And neither is he what he expected of himself.
Day 10 LAMP (Platonic Logince focused, Romantic Moxiety)- Soulmates are born with matching soul marks
Roman was starting to feel desperate. He had been born with three different soul marks but now was left with one. He really couldn't blame Patton or Virgil for getting upset with him. Somehow this was his fault.
The soul marks had been beautiful. Three shields with different intricate patterns inside. One had a castle overshadowed by a storm cloud. That one had matched Virgil’s. One had a heart floating in a broiling sea. That one had matched with Patton's. The last showed a brain at the foot of the mountains with a field of stars above. He hoped whoever this brain matched to would be the one who lasted and stuck around.
He'd met Virgil on an online forum for people with multiple soul marks. They hadn't talked much but Virgil went by st0rmcl0ud online and had described a soul mark that sounded remarkably similar to Roman’s. So he reached out in DMs and they swapped photos of their marks and then phone numbers and at Roman's insistence planned to meet up. He was already head over heels for his soulmate and giddy with excitement to meet Virgil in real life. Virgil and Patton had found each other through a dating app. Virgil recognized the heart shield as matching one of Patton's marks and had introduced the two of them as well.
For the first month, it was wonderful. Roman had never been so enamored, so certain of a future together with these two. It felt wonderful and nerve-wracking and exciting and passionate and everything the fairy tales had promised love would be.
They went on dates and got to know each other better. Roman went from infatuated to admiring his soulmates. He still put forth the full effort to love them but his heart wasn't behind it the way it should have been.
The stormy castle started to fade. He loved- no- cared for his two soulmates deeply. But the mark started to fade. Roman’s grand romantic vision of the future started to settle into something more friendly and domestic. He hid his soul marks, not wanting to upset either of them.
The stormy castle faded completely and the heart in the ocean was beginning to dull in color as well. Roman loved going on dates because it made his friends happy, but he felt no happier than if they had a quiet movie night at home together or spent the night video calling each other.
Roman had been frustrated, because Virgil and Patton were still head over heels for each other, in their own ways of course. Why didn't he feel that romantic spark that had pulled them all together?
One day, the heart in the ocean faded completely. Roman was terrified to tell his soulmates that the marks were gone. He was even more frightened by the realization that he didn't really love them the way they loved him and each other. He absolutely cared for Patton and Virgil with his whole heart, but the romantic vision was gone. He wanted them in his life but the idea of dating twisted his gut in the most unpleasant way.
Virgil noticed first. Roman didn't think it was possible to see the man any paler than his normal complexion.
"You lied to us…"
"No, they disappeared. They were there. They were real!"
"How do you expect me to believe that, Roman," Virgil's eyes were clouded with fear and pain. Roman couldn’t meet his gaze any longer and looked away.
"Why would you-"
"I don't know! I- you're my soulmate, Virgil… I don't know why our mark disappeared."
Virgil shook his head and pulled out his phone, dialing from memory.
If Virgil's anger had been difficult, Patton's disappointment was worse. His sad eyes bore into Roman’s soul and he couldn't even soften the blow by blaming Roman.
"Roman, do you not want us?" Roman's heart crumbled at the question.
"Patton, of course, I-"
"He was never our soulmate, Pat! I don't know how but he lied to us," Virgil hissed, pulling Patton back away from Roman.
"Guys, please listen to me," Roman was on the verge of tears.
"Yeah, Virge. I'm sure there's an explanation here that we aren't seeing. Roman, you still love us, right?"
Roman couldn’t help it. He balked and that sealed his fate. The moment Patton's heart broke was embedded in his memory, unlike the disappearing soul marks.
That was a week ago. And here he was, riding the bus to rehearsal as though his emotions weren't in shambles, one chance left to find happiness.
"Excuse me, sir? May I see your soul mark?" Roman turned to the unfamiliar voice and saw the hottest man he'd ever met giving him a difficult to decipher look.
Roman already had names picked out for the dogs they would adopt together.
"Ah, sure," Roman held out his arm and the stranger leaned down to inspect it. After a moment he pulled the sleeve of his jacket up and held up an arm with three familiar marks up to Roman's, "it's you! The brain…"
The stranger cleared his throat and pushed his sleeve back down, "yes. It appears we are soulmates. My name is Logan Crawford. What is yours?"
"Roman Prince," Roman replied breathlessly. He felt like he was on cloud nine and had his final chance.
"Well, Roman, I suppose you'll want to be in contact. Although, I must warn you that I am a disappointing soulmate and refuse date," Logan had pulled out his phone and was handing it to Roman.
"What do you mean 'disappointing'?" Roman frowned more in confusion than any negative feeling for Logan.
"I suppose you'll find out anyway. I am romance-repulsed. Even as one of my soulmates I won't date you or the others. Most everyone tells me that I will be a disappointment for you three but frankly, I know my boundaries and refuse to change them."
Roman stared at his final soulmate. He hadn't expected this. He took the offered phone and plugged in his number, taking a quick selfie for the contact photo.
"Well then, Logan, let's agree to just talk. Have you met Patton or Virgil?" Roman was met with an indifferent look that lacked any recognition.
"No, I have not. Have you?"
"Yes and I don't think you'd like them…" Roman said bitterly.
"Do you think I dislike you, Roman?" Logan said with the most emotion Roman had heard from him yet.
"No, I didn't mean that," Roman stammered, "I- I just meant that they're… very romantic. And I thought I had 'hopeless romantic' cornered!" Roman laughed to hide his discomfort.
"Wait, but you only had one soul mark. How did you meet them?" Logan asked with curiosity.
"My stop is coming up, perhaps we save the tragic backstory for another time?" Roman grinned as the bus rolled to a stop a block from the theater, "call me!" He rushed off the bus before Logan could respond, bewildered by the chance meeting with the handsome stranger.
Over the next few weeks, Roman and Logan texted and met up for coffee a few times. Roman was terrified of pushing things too fast and watched the soul mark on his arm constantly for any sign that it was fading. Logan never asked about the other two soulmates so Roman decided to not talk about them. He was still hurt but they had to be happier without him.
"So, Roman, you never told me the tragic story of how you met Patton and Virgil," Roman nearly spit out his tea.
"Do you really want to know, dear?" Logan bristled at the nickname but nodded.
"Well," Roman recounted the events of how they met and started seeing each other almost casually. He slowed down as he got to the part where the soul marks started fading. Logan encouraged him to continue but he couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud.
"Roman, did they hurt you?"
Roman shook his head no, not meeting Logan’s eyes.
"Can you tell me what happened?" Logan asked gently, resting his hand on Roman’s across the cafe table. Roman felt a metaphorical shock at the physical contact. He wanted a romantic connection with Logan so badly sometimes that the other’s staunch refusal to date felt like an arrow to the heart.
"My soul marks disappeared," Roman whispered, "and I couldn't promise them I was still in love, so they left."
"Disappeared? How unusual. Did they match before disappearing?" Roman looked up, surprised by the reaction. Logan just opened a new tab on his laptop and started searching a few keywords, "what? You know I don't care for sentiment. But soul marks that aren't permanent is a fascinating concept. And you say you fell out of love when the marks disappeared? Was it sudden overnight?"
"N-no… actually the marks- and the feelings- faded over time. About a week, really," Roman sighed, "actually, Logan I need to confess-" Roman pulled up the sleeve of his jacket to reveal his last soul mark, "-yours started fading a few days ago. The colors aren't as saturated as before."
Logan looked down at the mark, "and how do you feel about me? Regardless of my stance on the matter."
Roman sucked in a long breath, "I…. Honestly, I've been in love with you from that day on the bus. But I respect your boundaries and I wasn’t going to push it and as we have been talking and getting to know each other, I really value you as a friend as well. I'm still a little hopelessly over the moon about you but it's not like when we first met."
"Fascinating, it seems the intensity of your soul mark is directly proportionate to your capacity for romantic attraction. One moment," Logan turned back to the laptop and after a moment turned the screen to face Roman, "does this sound like you?"
The word and definition almost popped off the screen at Roman. Frayromantic - an aromantic spectrum identity where one feels an intense romantic attraction to strangers that fades as they get to know the person
"Yes…" Roman took a sip of tea to try and calm his swirling thoughts.
Logan turned the laptop back around and did another search. He read for a moment before reading aloud from the screen, "other frayromantics have experienced fading soul marks. Some say that the marks came back after they realized and recognized their identity or came to terms with their soulmate about it. Others never had the marks come back naturally but rather decided to get them recreated. Or they decided they didn't want the marks and carried on markless, with or without their soulmate."
"So I'm not broken, it's happened before? The marks could come back? It's not wrong to not love my soulmates romantically?" The questions spilled from Roman’s mouth before he could stop them.
"I'd actually prefer if you would hurry up and get over your crush on me, thanks," Logan said with a smirk.
Roman held back a snort of laughter. He was feeling immeasurably better.
Roman was glad he had kept Patton's phone number. After discussing it with Logan, he decided to reach back out, hoping Patton would be understanding and could encourage Virgil to be as well.
The phone rang and rang. Roman started to sweat. Logan was preoccupied with personal research but he offered a comforting hand on Roman’s shoulder. Roman was glad for his friend's support, the soul mark a faint but distinct outline anymore. It had never fully disappeared even as Roman’s crush had evaporated.
Roman was ready to give up when the line connected, "Roman?"
"Patton! Oh, thank the stars you picked up. Do you have time to talk? If not now, maybe we can meet up?" Roman grinned happily.
"Why? I thought we weren't… " Patton trailed off.
"Pat, two things. One, I figured out why the soul marks faded. Two, I found Logan. We can all know each other and work things out because despite what Virgil said, we are soulmates," Roman waited with bated breath for the response.
"Hold on a second- Virgil!" Patton pulled the phone away from his mouth as he called out. Logan squeezed Roman’s shoulder to comfort him.
"Yeah, Pops? What's up?" From what Roman could hear it sounded like Virgil had just woken up, at 3 in the afternoon. What followed was a muffled conversation from which Roman could only pick out a few words.
"Okay, Roman. Can you and Logan meet us for dinner tonight?" Patton asked brightly.
"Logan, how does dinner tonight sound?" Roman grinned as Logan nodded, "sounds great, Pat. Where do you want to meet?"
"You two should come on over here about 7, alright? Awesome, see you soon!" Patton ended the call, mind already bustling with plans to get ready for dinner.
"Roman, please don't try to speak for me tonight," Logan smiled nervously as Roman parked the car.
"Of course not. I know you can handle yourself," Roman replied.
"Yes, I just worry that you're going to try too hard to be what Patton and Virgil want, not who you are. I like you and respect you for who you are and they will too if they're smart. But in the all too likely case that you can't help trying to be a people pleaser, at least let me establish my own boundaries."
Roman gasped, "do you have so little faith in me?"
"Yes," Logan grinned and stepped out of the car. Roman started chuckling and both were smiling as the front door of the apartment duplex opened.
"Roman. And I guess that makes you Logan. Come on in, I guess," Virgil was as dour as ever as he showed them to the living room, "Patton says dinner should be ready in a few minutes so make yourselves at home."
"Virgil, it's so good to see you! I've missed your pale, crabby face," Roman grinned although Virgil did not seem amused.
Logan held out his hand, "it's nice to meet you, Virgil."
Virgil stared at the offered hand and poked it with his finger, "Nice to meet you too, Logan."
"Are they here? V, why didn't you tell me?" Patton came bustling from the kitchen and immediately wrapped Roman in a tight hug, "oh it's been too long! How ya doing, Prince?"
Roman grinned and hugged Patton back, "better now, that's for sure."
"Ah, and you must be Logan, come on in buddy!" Patton turned to offer Logan a hug.
"No, thank you. I'd rather not," Logan tried to wave Patton off.
"You sure?" Logan nodded, "Okay, dinner is almost done and we've got so much to talk about!"
Roman helped Virgil set the table while Logan followed Patton into the kitchen to help with the final preparations.
The conversation was light as they ate until Virgil asked the question no one else was bringing up.
"So Princey, why did the soul marks disappear?"
Roman took a deep breath. He could feel Logan’s hand on his knee under the table and was grateful for his soulmate’s support once again. "Virgil, Patton, I have discovered that I am frayromantic. I know that word doesn't make sense, but hear me out," he proceeded to explain, talking about how he had truly loved them when they met, and still wanted to care about them now. He even showed them the faded soul mark that matched Logan’s, explaining that it never faded completely because they had come to an understanding with each other about their relationship. He didn't bring up that the soul marks could come back, not wanting to give them undue hope or misguided ideas about his emotions. By the time he was done explaining, Patton was smiling with tears in his eyes and Virgil was nodding.
"Mark or not, I still want you in my life," Patton sniffed and reached across the table to take Roman’s hand, "we can work out the particulars later."
"Ah, Roman, I'm sorry. I was wrong to accuse you and I can't imagine how much that must have hurt you," Virgil spoke just above a whisper.
Roman nodded, "thank you, Virgil. I'll consider forgiving you."
"That's fair-"
"Consider it done!"
"Oh- kay thank you," Virgil chuckled.
"So Logan, why is tonight the first time we're meeting you?" Patton smiled at the stoic man.
"Simply put, I wasn’t seeking out my soulmates. I happened upon Roman by chance. I want to make it clear that I am not interested in dating any of you," Logan spoke with confidence. Roman was proud of him, returning the comforting hand on his knee gesture.
"Wait you two aren't dating?" Patton asked, confused.
"No. We are not dating. I am aromantic and romance-repulsed. I want nothing to do with mushy, complicated romantic emotions. However, and I hope Roman doesn't mind me saying this, I do consider him my best friend," Logan coughed, "and I actually wanted to talk with you later about a platonic partnership," Roman was surprised to hear this but more surprised by the blush on Logan's cheeks.
"Yeah, we can talk about that later, Lo. I definitely think you're my best friend as well."
"Wow, so… being soulmates isn't going to be easy for any of us," Virgil murmured.
"But we'll all work it out together!" Patton finished the sentiment, clasping his boyfriend's hand in his and smiling at the two soulmates across the table.
The soul marks that had faded completely never came back on their own. After a few years together, Roman decided to get them tattooed back on, asking the artist to match the intensity to Logan’s mark. The three faint marks helped reassure Roman that he was who he was and that he didn't need to change that to love his soulmates just as much as he could.
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cole-grey-writes · 5 years
Pains & Stains
Universe: The Witcher (Netflix)
Timeline: Post-Season One
Character(s): Ciri, Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier
Pairing(s): Ciri x Trans Male Reader (platonic), Geralt of Rivia x Trans Male Reader (platonic), Jaskier x Trans Male Reader (platonic)
Warning(s): not episode 6: Rare Species compliant, blood, period talk, vomit, swearing, temporary misgendering
Summary: When you wake up one morning in a puddle of blood, you look to Ciri, the only one who knows about you. You’ve kept this part of yourself hidden from your other travel companions, Geralt and Jaskier, for a reason. But, now it looks like you can’t hide anymore.
A/n: I had the worst period of my entire life. This is basically a retelling of what happened to me (with some embellishment of course). Sidenote, ciri x reader can actually be read as either romantic or platonic, whichever you prefer (it says platonic only because it’s not explicitly romantic) but since ciri and reader are both teenagers (id say 14-15 ish, give or take a few years) the geralt and jaskier x readers are strictly platonic/familial type relationships. Also, i got another week of spring break so pls send in asks before i have to focus more on school again. But anyway, enjoy °u°
Side Note: in regards to Geralt at the end, I genuinely don’t think he’s being transphobic or misgendering on purpose and that’s not how I meant for it to come off as. In my opinion, I think geralt is just wholely... unaware of the situation. He’s basically been isolated (with the exception of other Witchers) for a vast majority of his life so I think with that comes ignorance to certain things. So, he’s not being malicious, he’s just very uneducated.
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You know exactly what wakes you up. You know what the painful cramps and squishy, warm feeling in your pants means, but you don’t want to look down and confirm it.
The sun is slowly rising which means Geralt will be waking up soon and you don’t want him to find you bleeding all over yourself. You wouldn’t be able to explain yourself without having to tell him about you, so you accept your fate begrudgingly.
Sneaking a peak at Geralt and Jaskier, you take note that they’re both still sleeping in their separate bed rolls on the opposite side of the burned out campfire. You roll back over as quietly as you can and reach out to Ciri, who’s sleeping right next to you, and try to get her attention. It takes a few calls of her name and a shove before she finally wakes up confused. All you can do when she looks at you questioningly is ask for help.
Ciri is, rightfully, concerned and immediately up and ready to help. She gets her bag, fishing out the cloth she uses for her menstrations before she gives it to you. You stand to leave when Ciri asks, whispering, “What are you gonna do?”
“Go to a stream close by or something and wash my clothes.”
Ciri nods. “I’ll deal with the blood.”
You eye the small puddle of blood that had dripped down your leg and into the forest floor. You turn away quickly, agreeing. You head off in some random direction and it isn’t long before you come across a stream and begin stripping. It’s awkward being naked out in the open, even worse when the water you’re washing up in only comes up to your waist but you figure it would be even more awkward to explain to your travel companions why you have blood all over your crotch.
You bear the vulnerable feeling and refuse to look down while you allow the flowing water to clean your lower body, simultaneously scrubbing vigorously at your pants and smallclothes. You decide to take longer than necessary to wash. You know it’s gonna be a long day of walking so you wanna make sure you don’t immediately feel gross.
After the washing is finished, you just get your clothes back on, still stained but less so and now damp, when Ciri comes into view.
“I couldn’t get the stain all the way out,” you tell her, feigning nonchalance when all you can feel inside is panic.
Ciri tells you, “It’s fine,” before she’s pulling her cloak off and handing it to you. “You can wear it until we can sneak you some new pants.”
You sigh, relieved and grateful. “Thank you.”
Ciri smiles and you both begin to head back to camp. As you walk, Ciri questions you about the pain. You and Ciri go back a long time, practically grew up with each other. Your parents were soldiers of noble blood who fought alongside Queen Calanthe so you’ve known each other since you were kids. It didn’t take long for you to confess to Ciri about how you felt when people called you by the name your parents gave you or when your dad called you his little baroness or when the peasant boys you and ciri played around with called you little girl. And since you were so close, she knows all about how painful your time can be.
“It's not so bad right now,” you tell her, subconsciously rubbing at your abdomen.
“That's good,” Ciri says. You agree but silently wonder how long it will take before you’re completely consumed by pain.
You’re both silent as you make it the rest of the way back to camp. As you step back into the clearing where you had slept, you note that the camp is completely put away. The only thing left as a sign that anyone had been here is the circle of burnt firewood.
“Ah, there you two are, you little scamps,” Jaskier exclaims upon seeing you walk into the packed up camp, throwing up his hands dramatically. “We were beginning to think you’d gotten lost.”
Beside Jaskier, Geralt doesn’t look all that worried but he does look mad, although he does always look like that. He leans against a tree with his arms crossed, glaring at you as you approach. “Where have you been?”
“I told you I was going to the bathroom,” Ciri explains quickly.
Geralt says, without looking away from you but still gently, “Not you.”
Geralt’s tone doesn’t bother you as much as it used to. He was worse in the beginning actually. You used to think that Geralt hated you for some reason because he wasn’t as distant with Ciri as he was with you and then Jaskier joined Geralt in his travels again. And he treated Jaskier about the same as he treats you. It took a few days of observing interactions between the two men to figure out that Geralt wasn’t being mean or, rather, wasn’t trying to be. He was just reluctantly accepting of the presences of men.
It also crossed your mind more than once that it could be because Ciri was his child surprise, as Jaskier eventually explained. But whatever the reason may be, he acts differently with you and there isn’t much you can do about it so you ignore it as much as you can.
“I was washing up,” you explain lamely.
“We did that last night,” Geralt says through gritted teeth. Which, yeah, they did while Ciri bathes by herself away from sight — still within Geralt’s earshot for safety reasons, obviously —, the men bathe together. And since you haven’t had the courage to tell Geralt and Jaskier your situation, you, in fact, did not bathe last night.
“Oh, hush,” Jaskier says, waving Geralt off. “So he wanted to wash in the morning. I actually do it often when I'm not spreading the tales of your heroics and I find it quite refreshing. You know, some say people that wash in the morning actually-”
“We should’ve left by now,” Geralt huffs. “We’re late.”
You sigh, watching Geralt walk away and start leading Roach down the path.
Jaskier comes to stand beside you, throwing an arm over your shoulders. He playfully tells you, “Don't let Geralt bother you any. He's not a morning person, clearly,” which makes you instantly smile.
“Where are we headed?” Ciri wonders as she comes to stand next to you, too.
“About a day’s north,” Jaskier says.
You groan, throwing your head back. “A day?!”
“Yes, I’m afraid,” Jaskier confirms sympathetically. “Ah! But, if you would like a nice way to pass the time, I am always willing to give a little… sneak peak of my new ballad.”
Ciri gasps, eyes sparkling. “Yes please!”
You hum, “Sure.”
Jaskier begins strumming his lute and you all set after Geralt, doing your best to ignore the increasing pain in your abdomen.
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As always, it doesn’t take long at all for the force of the pain you usually feel to hit full throttle and in turn, the nausea sets in.
You wrap your arms around yourself, fingers digging into your sides with all the strength you have, doing your best to ignore it. You had hoped it would even out the pain so it wouldn’t be that bad, maybe distract you for a while, but it doesn’t work even a little bit and it’s downright unbearable.
By mid morning, your muscles are shaking, you’re sure you’ve carved little crescents into your sides even through your shirt, and you're dripping in sweat with the effort to not cry and fall to the floor in blinding pain. You blame the last one on the blistering sun when anyone questions you about it.
Your problem causes you to lag behind everyone else quite often, although Ciri does her best to stay with you and keep you mind off the splintering pain. She talks endlessly about anything and nothing at all but it helps only a little bit.
It’s during a particular lull in the one sided conversation between you and Ciri that you hear Jaskoer badgering Geralt insistently about something. You almost don’t pay any attention to it, it's Jaskier and Geralt so that's how they always are, until you hear him say your name.
“He needs a break, Geralt,” Jaskier says sternly and louder than his previous tone, which catches Ciri’s attention as well. Geralt continues to ignore the bard. “Maybe your witcher eyesight is starting to diminish in old age, so I suppose I'll enlighten you. He is positively sweating rivers, Geralt. He’s soaked through his little-”
Geralt pulls Roach to a sudden halt so he can growl in Jaskier’s face. “Fine, we can take a break if it will get you to shut up!” Then, Geralt ushers Roach forward faster, veering off the path.
Jaskier turns to you and Ciri, smiling a very smug smile. “Well, time for a well deserved break. Hopefully there’s a river nearby, we can fill up our waterskins. Maybe splash about for a while if Geralt doesn’t threaten to leave us behind for taking too long, if we’re lucky, if-“ and you tune him out as he keeps talking on account that a hot spike of pain stabs you directly in the pelvis. You barely manage to swallow a cry, although your face contorts in the effort. It caused Jaskier to pause mid babble. “Are you alright?”
“No, I'm fine,” you say, rather quickly. Too quickly.
“Are you sure? Because you really look very pale. And, actually, your hands are-”
You’re yelling before you can stop yourself. “I said, I’m fine!” Pushing past Jaskier roughly, you rush to catch up to Geralt who’s almost completely immersed in the foliage a little ways away from the path. You prefer, at the moment, to deal with an annoyed Geralt than a chronically curious Jaskier who questions you nonstop about what’s wrong with you until you get so fed up, you spill all your secrets.
There’s no river or stream where Geralt decided to stop and let Roach chew on some grass near his feet, but there is a small sized pond. You don’t wander too close to Geralt, keeping your distance like you always do, instead choosing to sit against a tree while pressing your knees hard against your chest to try and control the pain.
Jaskier and Ciri approach only seconds later. Jaskier immediately walks over to Geralt and starts talking to him about his new ballad, even though they’ve all heard it five times that morning so far, and Ciri comes to sit down next to you.
Ciri leans close to your side, whispering, “How high is the pain so far?”
You show her your hands, shaking visibly, causing Ciri to frown. She grabs one of your hands and holds it in her lap soothingly, rubbing her thumb across the back. “I also feel like throwing up.”
“That might have to do with the fact you didn’t eat dinner,” Ciri tells you as a matter of factly, side eyeing you pointedly. “And breakfast.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you say dismissively. You add, in a sad attempt to use comedy to cope with the pain, “I've made mistakes.” In response, Ciri doesn’t laugh but she hums with a small smile.
You sit silently for a few moments before you turn to Ciri and say, “I think, maybe it would be a good idea to throw up a little bit.”
Ciri shakes her head doubtfully. “I don’t know, Y/n.”
“I should at least try it,” you tell her, shrugging. “It might help get rid of the feeling, even for a little bit. Maybe hold me over until Jaskier can convince Geralt to stop for another break.”
Ciri looks like she thinks it over before she nods reluctantly. “I guess that makes sense.”
You and Ciri stand together, seeming to grab Geralt’s attention. When he begins to approach with Jaskier in tow, you turn sharply to give Ciri a questioning look. Ciri nods understandingly, sending you walking away speedily in a random direction, not bothering to spare either man a glance. You can feel the burn of Geralt’s golden eyes on the back of your head as you retreat into the forest, but you don’t slow your gate. You hear Ciri explain that you had to pee and silently thank her for being such a good liar.
You only stop walking when you feel you’re far enough from Geralt’s impressive hearing won’t catch the pitiful noises you’ll inevitably make. You notice that you’re near a fallen tree and you decide you can use it for support. Walking over to it, you drop to your knees and put both hands on the horizontal trunk. Waiting only a few seconds for the nausea to bubble up, but it obviously doesn’t when you want it to and you figure since Geralt’s been in a bad enough mood all morning, it’d be best to make this experience as quick as possible.
Opening your mouth, you stick a single finger to the back of your throat, gagging instantly. Except nothing comes up. Your breathing increases tremendously though and you do feel the sickness set back in quickly after. You gag twice more without any help from your fingers before you feel your stomach finally give a wet gurgle. Gagging once final time, a yellow liquid comes up. It's warm and slippery but there's hardly any of it, barely a handful.
You were right earlier, it seems, because you do feel better, if only a little. Your stomach finally settles and the sickness isn't burning the back of your throat anymore. You kneel on the ground for only a few more moments, making sure you’re done. You stand when you deem yourself stable enough, wiping the slime from your lips. Your turn to make your way back to your companions before you’re left behind, ignoring the quivering that spreads from your hands to your stomachs to your thighs.
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As it turns out, you couldn’t quite ignore your trembling libs and apparently, neither could Jaskier. He stopped you multiple times on the long and agonizing walk, asking if you were alright, and every time you told him you were fine every time. Jaskier clearly didn’t believe you if the increasing number of worried glances were anything to go by.
Your condition, as the day drew on, only grew worse and it was getting bad enough to cause a crease to appear on even Geralt’s brow. You barely make it to midday before Geralt is suddenly deverting from the path and leading the group through the woods to a new destination. It confuses you and Ciri, causing you to exchange glances, but you both choose not to say anything.
The new destination, as it turns out, is the nearest civilization that actually only takes a little over ten minutes to get to. It’s a small backwater village with barely ten families, only a single story inn, a quaint little tavern, some food vendors scattered around in the center of town, and, thankfully, a stable for Roach. Surrounding the village is nothing but yellow fields on one side and the blossoming forest on the other side, which is an odd combination in your opinion. Obviously, given it’s miniscule size, there’s nowhere to sightsee — not that you do much of that anyway, thanks to Geralt’s workaholic attitude — so you all immediately head off in the direction of the inn.
Outside, Geralt hands you and Ciri some coin. “Go inside, book a room–”
“–preferably with two beds,” Jaskier jumps in easily.
Geralt, ignoring him, continues, “–while I drop off Roach–”
“–and I look for work at the tavern.”
Ignoring Jaskier even harder, Geralt wonders, “Think you can manage that?” You side eye Geralt at that because you know he’s talking about you, but it doesn’t sound melicious like you would’ve expected from him. In fact, it sounds to you like his tone leans more towards slight concern than anything else.
Shifting around on your feet, you look down and fidget with the sleeves of Ciri’s cloak that is darker now at the ends from you wiping away the sweat from your face all morning.
Ciri takes the coin bag from Geralt. “We will.” When Jaskier and Geralt walk away, you follow Ciri into the inn. She turns to you as soon as you walk in, saying, “It might take a bit to get the room. Do you think you’re able to stand and wait just a little bit long before resting or maybe you should sit down?”
You shrug even though you feel like your limbs are weighing you down. Ciri gives you another doubtful look of the day and tells you to just have a seat while she gets a room. You watch her walk over to the innkeeper before your brain catches up.
You do as Ciri said, walking over to a stool that sits next to an empty table and drop into it, your feet dragging the whole way. Resting your head on the table feels more relieving than it should, but you really don’t have any more strength left to think about it or to keep your eyes open any longer. They droop and fall close.
It feels like only seconds that you sit there before a hand grasps onto your shoulder. Your eyes snap open, vision blurry with rest even though you feel like you got none at all.
“Sorry,” Ciri apologizes. “The innkeeper was trying really hard to negotiate a price.”
You shake your head drowly. “Didn’t really notice.”
“Well, the room is paid for now so we can go settle in,” Ciri seems overly happy about that but maybe it’s just for your sake. “You can change cloths before Geralt and Jaskier get here. Dinner won’t be served for hours so there’s plenty of time for a nap before that.”
You nod, agreeing. It does sound nice and it would be good to change cloths so you don’t leak while you sleep.
You stand to start walking with Ciri to your room, but as soon as you’re upright, a flash of cold air whooshes through your body and you immediately feel light headed. Stumbling, you accidentally knock over your stool and another next to you. Ciri grabs onto your arms to help you stay standing but it’s no use. Your knees buckle anyway, vision going dark just as you feel yourself collapse into Ciri’s arms.
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You wake up slowly only because you still feel like absolute shit. Your arms feel stiff and your legs feel as shaky as they have been all day. Your stomach is tying itself in knots and the nausea is back.
Your eyes actually don’t hurt from the dim light at your left, but you close your eyes anyway in hopes of going back to sleep.
“Oh, you’re awake.” You open your eyes at the undeniable sound of Jaskier’s relieved voice. You have to turn your head to actually see him, noticing as you do so that there is a cool damp cloth on your forehead and that you are laid above the covers. Jaskier, when he comes into view, is kneeling in front of the fireplace, setting two more pieces of wood in the dwindling flame. “That’s good. I was getting a bit worried.”
Not wanting to move your head more than you have to, you just look where you can from this certain angle. Thought, to be honest, there’s not much to look at. You are obviously in the room Ciri paid for. It’s small like you expected from a one story inn. There’s a chair in the corner by the fire with Ciri’s cloak thrown over the back of it. The dark blue curtains over the windows are closed and it would be drowning the room in complete darkness if it wasn’t still daytime out. But, given the bright orange light coming seeping through, you suspect it’s not going to be much longer. Also, there’s a small table next to your bed with a lit lantern sitting on it.
“It’s on low,” Jaskier says suddenly. You look at him questioningly. Jaskier smiles softly, saying, “The lantern. I put it on low so it didn’t hurt your eyes.”
You guess he must have seen you eyeing it.
“You’ve spent an awful long time without food,” Jaskier tells you, almost as if you didn’t know that yourself. But, still, you grimace at that thought of food. “Yes, I imagine food really doesn’t sound all that appealing given the nausea and cramps. But, alas, you must eat something.”
You wonder for a moment if Ciri told them about you but you shove the possibility away violently. You know she wouldn’t do that. Ciri had promised when you first started traveling with Geralt that she would never say anything if you didn’t want her to. But, then again, it’s not a real surprise Jaskier knows. You’ve heard many tales of Jaskier’s many sisters while he’s traveled with you. He’s grown up with many women in his life, and while you are no woman, that doesn’t discourage your body from acting like one.
Jaskier walks over to you with a wooden bowl in his hands. Jaskier sets the bowl on the table next to the lantern. He says, jokingly, “It’s no rabbit stew, but it’s good, I suppose. Do you think you can sit up a small bit and have some soup?” You can groan minutely and turn your head away in response. “Come on, cub.”
You pause at the endearment. It's not new but it is surprising in this situation. Jaskier uses it often with you and Ciri given your high status Cintran blood. But, he’s never used it all those times he’s lectured you and Ciri about wandering around towns without supervision or when you swear when he’s around or when you and Ciri sneak away with his lute for some of your own concerts. Which means Jaskier is clearly not mad at you for keeping your secrets or at least he’s really, really worried about you.
“It’s been almost an entire day since your last meal. There’s no way you’re not starving.” Still not willing to force food down right now, you swallow around your dry, swollen feeling tongue. With a scratch to your voice, you ask about Ciri with as little words as possible. “Out. With Geralt, getting some… products.”
You don't miss the obvious way Jaskier stumbles. You have no doubt what word he skipped over in his explanation and it confuses you. Usually everyone just assumes–
Geralt comes clambering into the room with Ciri right behind him. Unlike Geralt, who has that permanent scowl on his face, Ciri is smiling brightly.
Ciri comes over to sit down next to you immediately, setting down the loaded bag on the bed in front of her. “How are you feeling?” She asks. When you hum noncommittally, Ciri hums back empathetically. “Well, we went into town and look!” Ciri exclaims, pulling out some black pants from the bag. “We got you some new pants. They might be a little big but I know you don't mind that,” Ciri tells you, smiling a little too cheerfully for something so simple as a pair of pants, but you smile back anyway.
Ciri goes to say something else, no doubt still praises about the pants, but Geralt interrupts her harshly. “Are you going to explain what happened or not?”
Jaskier’s head whips around from where he’d been looking on at you and Ciri. “Geralt,” he hisses.
Geralt is unbothered and continues despite Jaskier’s warning. “Why were you keeping secrets?”
“Geralt, is this really the time?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
Jaskier fully turns towards Geralt, hands resting on his hips. “Oh, I don't know, Geralt, maybe it’s because he’s sick!”
“She lied,” Geralt growls.
You sigh, resigned. You were expecting it but it still makes your belly sink with ice.
Your eyes flash open when the bed shifts violently. When you do, you see that Ciri has jumped up on the bed, towering over Geralt. “She?!” Ciri screeches indignantly, catching everyone off guard. “He is a boy!”
“Ciri,” Jaskier says gently, attempting to calm the obviously furious girl.
From behind her, you, as well, do your best to appease Ciri, even if you would really much rather crawl into the mouth of a Kikimore and never come back out. “Ciri, it’s fine…”
“No, it’s not. Do you even know how hard it is for him to be seen as who he is?” Ciri says, voice still booming. Geralt looks rightfully surprised. “He did not spend years publicly reinventing himself to be mistaken as a she!”
When Geralt tries to speak, Ciri doesn’t let him have the chance. In fact, Ciri raises her fists and starts hitting Geralt, saying multiple explicit ‘fuck you’s. Geralt, in turn, blocks her attacks but doesn’t try to stop her while Jaskier rushes over to calm her down himself.
The fighting only stops when you curl in on yourself from a painful cramp. You barely have enough sense to roll over to your side to vomit over the side of the bed. The puddle is even smaller than the one in the forest.
Ciri breathes heavily, crossing her arms while scowling that rivaled Geralt’s own. “Get out.”
“Ciri,” Jaskier tries, but Ciri moves away from Jaskier and tells them to leave again, more steely. Jaskier sighs. He puts his hand on Geralt's arm and shoves him towards the door. You have no doubt that Geralt allows Jaskier to move him, knowing that there’s no physical way Jaskier is strong enough to move him on his own. Jaskier turns back towards Ciri as he stands in the doorway. “Try to get him to eat, alright?”
Ciri doesn’t give any sign that she’s heard what he’s said or that she’s going to follow his direction. With that, Jaskier leaves and shuts the door behind himself.
You sigh from your fetal position, far more relieved to have them leave than you feel you should be. Actually feeling comfortable in this position, you’re reluctant to move. “You didn’t have to do that,” you tell Ciri, deciding not to face her.
“I did,” is all Ciri says in response. She sits in bed behind you, doing so slowly and softly so as not to jostle you. “You want some sleep?”
You hum, thinking. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt.”
“Yeah, I suppose it wouldn’t,” Ciri agrees. “You can eat and change your cloth when you wake up.”
“Sounds like a plan,” you joke lightly.
Ciri agrees again, shifting and wrapping her arms around you, curling up behind you. “I’ll be here when you wake up this time.”
You smile, shutting your eyes. “I’ll hold you to that.”
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notalwaysthevillian · 5 years
Parent Trapped
Warnings: Money worries, kissing
Pairings: Romantic Remile, platonic LAMP
Word Count: ~1.9k
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Chapter 11: A Real Date
“So, you’ve come to us.”
Remy was sitting on the couch, resisting the urge to roll his eyes as Roman paced in front of him. Logan merely sat on the side, a notebook in his hand.
“Roman, I just asked for ideas of where to go.” Remy shook his head. “Maybe I should just ask Em where he wants to go.”
Practically vaulting over the coffee table, Roman snatched Remy’s phone out of his hand. “No! Please, let us help. I’ve been dying here. You never give us any details!”
“Because there aren’t any to give.” Logan said before either of them could speak again. “This will be their first date, remember?”
There was a huff from Roman. “Fine. But I want to hear details after, okay? Emile clearly makes you happy, and that’s what we want for you.”
“I will give you details.” Remy held up a hand as though he was being sworn in. “Now can I please have my phone back?”
“Not until we think of a place.”
“What kinds of things does he like?” Logan asked, pen at the ready.
Remy thought back to all the times he and Emile had spoken. “Well, he really seemed to like Roman’s play. He loves talking about his job and how well his patients are doing, even though he can’t name names. Oh, when we were talking about Finding Nemo - Dory specifically - he mentioned that he hadn’t been to an aquarium in a really long time. Something about Patton being scared of the sharks and Virgil not liking the tunnel.”
“That’s perfect!” The high-pitched shriek from Roman had Remy and Logan covering their ears. “Sorry. But imagine it! He can check out all the fish while you check him out.”
Logan nodded, putting his pen down. “Not how I would’ve put it, but Roman is correct. An aquarium date seems like it would work well. And if everything is favorable, you could buy him a cute stuffed animal from the gift shop. From what I’ve seen from Virgil and Patton, their family seems the type to appreciate those types of gestures.”
“Can I have my phone back to let him know then?”
Plopping Remy’s phone in his hand, Roman picked up his own and began typing furiously. He and Logan left the room, likely talking to Patton and Virgil in their group chat.
Babe: How does an aquarium date sound?
Honey <3: That sounds lovely! I know a restaurant nearby, we can have dinner and then go to the aquarium if you want.
Babe: Sounds perfect. I’ll pick you up at 6?
Honey <3: Sounds good to me!
The second Roman walked in the door after school on Wednesday, he dropped his backpack and went to find Remy. “What are you wearing tonight?”
“Roman, I’m working.”
“You have a date to get ready for!”
Setting down his tablet pen, Remy spun in his chair. “It’s only three. I’m picking him up at six. Can I get an hour of work done before you insult my closet?”
Whirling around, Remy continued working on his design. It was a tattoo that one of his regulars had requested, and he was hoping to finish the overall design by the weekend. It covered a lot of skin and would rake in some much needed cash for the parlor.
He quickly fell back into the zone, working on the clean lines. It wasn’t until he felt Roman physically tapping his shoulder that he realized it had already been an hour.
“You’re done!” Roman said, pulling the chair back from the desk. “Time’s up!”
“Okay, okay. Let me save.”
Roman waved a hand toward the tablet before tapping his foot on the ground. When Remy had finished saving, he found himself being dragged into his bedroom. Logan was already in his closet, sorting through the clothes.
“I’ve found some suitable pieces for a semi-formal restaurant, as well as one that would require a more formal dress.” He said as he laid out some clothing Remy hadn’t worn in forever. “Do you know which type of place you’re going to?”
“Let me ask.”
Babe: Sweetheart, what should I be wearing to this lovely date?
Honey <3: Wear something semi-formal! Though I wouldn’t mind seeing you in a suit <3
Babe: A birthday suit?
Honey <3: I wouldn’t be opposed *kissy face emoji*
Feeling his face heat slightly, Remy pocketed his phone before Roman could steal it and attempt to read the messages. 
“Em says semi-formal.”
Logan put a few pieces back into the closet, before nodding to Roman. “You’re up.”
Roman dug through the pieces, holding up a shirt here and there. He shook his head on a few pieces, tossing those at Logan. Grumbling, Logan hung them back up and put them back in the closet as Roman continued.
After nearly fifteen minutes, Roman had a full outfit. He pressed it into Remy’s arms, pushing him toward the bathroom. “Go! Put it on!”
In the bathroom, Remy finally got a good look at the outfit. He couldn’t help but smile. Clearly Roman had gotten his sense of style.
He pulled on the gray pants. The black and white striped shirt was next, though he did fumble with the buttons for a second. It was a simple look, but it fit him extremely well. Emile wasn’t going to know what hit him.
Stepping back into the bedroom, Remy did a twirl. “Hmm?”
Logan tilted his head, taking it in. “I believe it would be best to show off your arms. Many people are attracted to tattoos.”
“I’ve definitely seen Emile checking out your arms.” Roman teased, coming over and perfectly rolling up Remy’s sleeves. “Lo?”
“It is as close to perfection as it can get, given that perfection is unattainable.”
With a smile, Remy held his arms out, wrapping them around his boys when they jumped into them. “Thank you for the help.”
“I have one final question.” Roman said, looking up. “What’s for dinner?”
“I don’t think we’ve seen Gerald in a while.”
After ordering the pizza, Remy headed back into his office to get some work done. He quickly found that he couldn’t concentrate. A certain pair of green eyes continued to float through his mind.
Before he knew it, he realized that he’d completely started a new design. A brain, with the definition lines showing off a question mark in the white space.
“That wasn’t the one you were working on before.” Came a sing-song voice from Remy’s side.
Checking the clock, Remy swore. It was only a few minutes to six.
“I’ll be home late. There’s ice cream in the freezer, do your homework, don’t kill your brother!” He called out as he grabbed his wallet, jacket, and keys before darting out the door.
He pulled up to the Picani’s just as the clock rolled over to six. Calming his breathing as he strode up to the door, he knocked.
Only for the door to open and have Emile knock the breath from his lungs anyway. The pink dress shirt hugged Emile’s small muscles in a delicious way. Not to mention the pants that were showing off his curves.
“You look amazing.” He said, sure that there were stars in his eyes.
Blood rushed to Emile’s cheeks immediately. “Why thank you. You look great as well.”
“Just go already!” Two voices called in unison.
Laughing, Emile shut the front door, following Remy into his car. He slid a hand over the leather seats. “I don’t think I’ve ridden in your car before. It’s nice.”
“A lot nicer than a minivan.” Remy teased, earning a playful glare from Emile. “I kid, I kid. The van is way easier for when we all go somewhere. Now, where is this restaurant?”
“It’s near the aquarium, so we can park in their lot and walk.”
Emile refused to tell Remy anything else about the restaurant. Instead, they chatted about how their kids were doing in school.
“Patton has been doing so much better, thanks to Roman.” Emile was saying as they pulled into the lot. “I’m glad he found someone who thinks like he does.”
Pulling the keys out of the ignition, Remy said, “Same with Logan and Virgil.”
The two got out of the car, Remy immediately offering his arm. Emile took it, feeling another blush creep up his neck. “It’s just over here.”
“Wait, we’re going to Lottie’s Boulangerie?”
Upon hearing the concern in Remy’s voice, Emile stopped. “Did you not want to -”
“No, I - I do want to.” Remy glanced back toward the restaurant, taking in the shining lights that were going to make Emile look positively radiant. “I just...it’s a little on the expensive side and -”
“Rem, I’m paying for dinner.” Emile’s tone of voice told him there would be no argument. “You can pay for the aquarium tickets.”
“But -”
Tugging on Remy to spin him around, Emile slid his arm up to wrap around his neck. When he heard the sharp intake of breath from the other man, he bit back a smile. “I’m paying for dinner.”
Emile immediately let go and started walking, trying not to laugh when he heard Remy scrambling to catch up.
Dinner went swimmingly. The two of them loved their dishes, and their waiter was as polite as can be. Emile snagged the check before Remy could see it, leaving behind a generous tip.
Before long, the two of them were entering the aquarium.
“Wow.” Emile breathed as they entered.
Remy felt his heart swell as he watched Emile look around. He’d purposely picked a day of Aquarium After Dark, so that they could be a little more alone. It was an adult only night, ensuring that they wouldn’t be bothered by any screeching toddlers or crying babies.
“What do you think?”
“It’s so much prettier lit up at night.”
Remy paid for their tickets, noting that they weren’t nearly as expensive as their dinner was. But Emile had insisted on paying, and he wasn’t exactly rolling in funds, so he pushed it to the back of his mind.
The two of them strolled through the different areas, taking everything in at their own pace. Emile had squealed when they found the ‘Finding Nemo’ tank, filled with all the fish that could feasibly live together.
“Look, it’s Dory!” He whisper-shouted, despite the two of them being the only ones in the room.
Remy pointed to a clownfish. “And Nemo and Marlin.”
By the time they reached the tunnel, one of the last areas of the aquarium, the two of them were holding hands. Emile let go to get up close to the glass, watching the sea turtle swim by.
Taking a deep breath, Remy walked up behind him, wrapping his arms around Emile and nuzzling his hair. “How was this for a first date?”
Emile gently turned in his arms, a soft smile on his face. “I’d say it’s one of the best ones I’ve been on.”
Their noses brushed.
Remy leaned in.
Their lips connected.
Emile’s hand moved to thread through the hair at the nape of Remy’s neck. Remy curled his arm around Emile’s waist, dragging him ever closer.
When they parted, they were both red faced and breathing heavier.
“Definitely the best first date.” Emile whispered before leaning in once more.
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thompsborn · 4 years
For the character thing- I'll give you may parker :)
Personally, I think she's cool, I would love to hear what you have to say abt her
how i feel about this character
i ADORE may so much !! in all versions of canon, she is such a supportive mother figure who has no obligation to become the sole parent to peter—she isn’t related to him, they were only considered family because of ben, but she stepped up as she not only adapted to having a child but became one of the best representations of a proper supportive caring concerned mother in popular media (imo)
all the people i ship romantically with this character
PEPPER! ben, obviously!! i usually prefer may and tony as platonic/familial but i have read a couple fics where that pairing was very fun to have as an addition to the story, honestly i’ve seen tags of may and rhodey and i havent read fics for it but i also am not against that, but i think my favorite (despite it not being popular At All) is peppermay. strong CEO becomes useless lesbian at sight of Glorious Italian Bi? absolutely. yes please. gimme gimme gimme
my non-romantic OTP for this character
may and rhodey!! while i said above i’m not against the idea of them somehow becoming romantically involved but i also just love when fics make them the power duo friends that are like “tony is too busy in Dad Panic Mode that we have to fix the problem get out of the way”
my unpopular opinion about this character
she is not overprotective!! fics that are jokingly like “ah man may’s gonna kill me lol” or whatever are fun and funny yes and obviously in fanfiction you can change things and explore different ideas for characters and i’m not dissing that in the slightest, but people who constantly create content of may being a hardass and refusing to let peter be spider-man or anything like that ??? nah man she gets worried and sometimes that worry can occasionally show itself in slight overprotectiveness but outside of that she is supportive and understanding and would put in the effort to compromise and find middle grounds and help where she can. “your scary aunt” does not fit may parker. she can be fierce and passionate and powerful and intimidating when the occasion strikes and especially when protecting peter and their loved ones but she is not scary. being scary and being powerful when protective are different things.
i feel like i’m rambling too much with this but basically may being protective is beautiful but her being overprotective feels very ooc for me
also i personally cannot see may ever disliking or hating tony. being angry at first when she finds out that tony kept spider-man a secret from her, yeah, but genuinely not liking or hating him?? nah they be powerful co-parents
one thing i wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
i mean?? i wish she was less insistent about peter taking his suit to europe in ffh. and like i know i said she isn’t overprotective but in ffh she almost seems a lil too loose about things? if that makes sense? idk i know may isn’t a central part of ffh but i wish she had been shown being more actively concerned about peter instead of just having her main thing in ffh be based on happy being in love w her, yk?
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Attempt #12: Recreate a movie scene
<< the eleventh attempt
wc: 1.9k
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The annual senior retreat is on Sunday and while Joohyun is making sure everything is going smoothly behind the planning and preparations with the student council, the twins have taken it upon themselves to plan what to bring and who will bring them by gathering everyone (minus Joohyun and Taeyong) at a cafe on a Wednesday afternoon after class.
“Yebin is in charge of the drinks, but to be fair, we need two other people to buy other drinks.” Minkyung brings out her phone to list everything down on her notes app.
“I can buy cola and,” You squint at Yebin, who bats her lashes at you, “Chasers.”
She looks pleased with your suggestion, doing a little shimmy with her shoulders. “Jungwoo said he has tequila he can try and sneak in.”
Jungwoo nods, “I’ll bring that and some snacks, too.”
You sipped on your chocolate frappe, listening to your friends volunteer on their contributions. Jaehyun says he’ll bring chips or maybe try and bake something with his mom that gets everyone riled up.
The day after the movie marathon, you felt paranoid that Jaehyun heard your little confession that when he asked you to come with him to the greenhouse, you lied and said Joohyun needed help. You told her about it and she was annoyed at first, accusing you of running away from your feelings but relents, confirming to Jaehyun that she needed you and all you did was bum in the council room with her.
Even yesterday, Jaehyun tried to bring you there, but you insisted you weren’t feeling it and wanted to eat lunch at the cafeteria with everyone else. He didn’t try asking you today and you thought he’d be hurt or annoyed, but he doesn’t seem bothered by it.
“[Y/N],” You look at Minkyung and she pouts, “I said, can you ask Taeyong what he can bring?”
“Oh, okay.” You open your phone, “What else do we need?”
As you type out a text to Taeyong, you don’t see Jaehyun slumping back on his seat and Mingyu nudging his shoulder. Jungwoo puts his head on your shoulder and peers at your phone, “Ooh! You’re going on a date with Taeyong on Saturday?”
“Yeah, the one he won.” You try to shrug Jungwoo off of you but he whines, clinging onto your arm. 
“Ooh, he says he can bring sweets.” Jungwoo reads off the new message notification that popped on your phone and you push him away, annoyed. “Bring jellies!”
“We leave early in the morning on Sunday.” Mingyu says, “Let’s sleepover at someone’s house on Saturday night and just go to the airport all together.”
Jaehyun snorts, “Just ask me and [Y/N] already.”
Minkyung smiles, clasping her hands together, “Thank you so much for offering!”
“We weren’t offering.” You and Jaehyun said in unison, sharing a defeated glance at each other.
“So girls at [Y/N] and guys at Jaehyun’s.” She ignores the both of you and turns to Miyoung and Sora, asking if they knew where you lived.
You move your attention to Jaehyun and watched him push around the crumbs of the chocolate cake he had. He looked a little bored… almost peeved? He hasn’t minded the guys inviting themselves over for a sleepover before; his parents were more lax with him inviting people over when he moved up to high school. He catches you looking, gaze almost pointed and piercing right through her, but she gives him a small smile and his expression softens to return it.
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On Friday, as you made your way to the cafeteria, you overhear the passing maintenance staff talking about how the flowers have started blooming in the greenhouse and you’re curious to see them now. You dart towards the back of school, promising just to take a peek and feeling a little guilty that Jaehyun had been asking you to come with him but you kept denying him.
You’re going to assume the greenhouse is the little building by the soccer field hidden by the looming oak trees. You trec over there, cautiously peering inside to make sure Jangmi or anybody else  was in there When the coast looks clear, you push the glass door open and gasped at the sight. There’s shrubs of varying heights and budding flowers in every color, a seedling table with benches, and even a persimmon tree. You don’t want to stay for too long, taking another appreciative glance around before stepping back.
Someone was behind you, though. You bumped into them and practically shrieked in their face until you realized it was only Jaehyun. “Oh my god! Why are you sneaking up behind me?”
Jaehyun laughs, eyes crinkling, “Why are you sneaking around in the greenhouse? I asked you thrice to come with me here and you refused.”
“Well,” You shrugged, “I didn’t feel like it until now.”
“Then let’s go inside.”
“Oh, we should probably meet with others—”
He has a firm grip on your shoulders, spinning you around and guiding you inside, “Five minutes, [Y/N]. It’s not like they’re going to file for missing persons..”
It’s a little warmer in the middle of the greenhouse, but it was nice; there was still a soft breeze going around that picked up the subtle floral scent of the area.
“No wonder could Jangmi fall asleep in here.” You quietly comment, letting your eyes soak up every corner. “Imagine if it was on the rooftop… I’d sing my heart out to any song.”
On cue, music starts playing and you spin on your heels to find Jaehyun seated at the bench with his phone out, playing ‘Can I have this dance?’ He cheekily grins up at you and urges you to sing when you missed the first lyrics.
“Keep your eyes locked on mine,” You sing along with a roll of your eyes, “And let the music be your guide,”
“Won’t you promise me,” His voice will never fail to make you feel something whenever he sings. You’d never be caught dead doing this in public, but you two were alone; you might as well indulge yourself.
“Now won’t you promise me,” You pluck the phone out of his hands and set it on the table, taking his hands into yours, “That you’ll never forget.”
He smiles at you, widely, and stands up, “To keep dancing,” 
“Wherever we go next.”
You owed him a proper dance from prom and this is it, with a hand in his and another on his shoulder. This was so much better than dancing to some slow songs; even better that you’re both singing along.
There’s pure mirth in your voices, almost laughing out the lyrics when he spins you around. When he pulls you back to him, you hold your breath at how close he was.
“Take my hand, I'll take the lead,” He sings, twirling you once more, “And every turn will be safe with me.”
Something in his eye changes; his gleeful expression morphing into something you could describe as melancholic, “Don't be afraid... afraid to fall, you know I'll catch you through it all.”
You lean your head on his chest for a moment, “Even a thousand miles can’t keep us apart.”
“‘Cause my heart is wherever you are.” He squints at you, cheekily as you pull away to sing with him.
All of a sudden, he picks you up by your waist and spins you around, making you shriek in panic. He bursts into laughter, putting you down on top of the bench and stepping up to join you. It wriggles a bit at the sudden addition of your weight, your hold on each other instinctively gripping harder. When you were both balanced out, he still tries to lead you into dancing a carefully paced waltz, stepping forward and backward together in the sliver of wood of the bench.
He jumps back down to the ground, scooping you behind your knees and supports your back as he carries you down from the bench with a dramatic twirl. 
“At least it won’t rain in here.” You quip, pertaining to the scene in the movie when it starts pouring all of a sudden.
“But there are sprinklers on timers, I think.” He hums, nevertheless continues dancing with you to the rest of the song. Neither of you were singing anymore, smiling to yourselves at the thought of how funny it would be if the sprinklers were to turn on all of a sudden. 
You adjust your hand over his shoulder and before you were aware of it, you trailed it up his neck to his nape, until it reached the soft, little hairs on the back of his head.
The wall you built up between the platonic and romantic areas of your relationship had reduced itself to a line; blurring so quickly when your eyes meet and you’ve let your guard down. 
His lips are soft and warm, perfectly slotting your bottom lip against them. You don’t know how long your lips are pressed together until you feel his hand cup your jaw and you’re reminded of what you’re doing and who you’re with.
You pull away with a gasp, eyes wide and face burning. His expression mirrors yours, but his brows are knitted together. 
“[Y/N].” He cautiously says in a low voice and you step away from him, shaking your head.
“I… I don’t know why I…” You catch his eyes flitting behind you and you glance back. Your heart drops when you see Jangmi stopping in her tracks with tears streaming down her face. You look back at Jaehyun, “I’m sorry. I-I shouldn’t have—”
“Wait, [Y/N].” You rush away from him before he could grab you, trying to avoid Jangmi as well but she stops you.
“[Y/N],” She sniffs, holding your arm. As she quickly wipes her cheeks with the back of her hands, you see Jaehyun coming after you and you break free from her hold to run away.
They’re calling after you but your legs don’t stop until you reach the entrance of the school building. Before going in, you glanced back at them to gauge how far they are to know where you can hide from them, but you falter a step; seeing Jaehyun’s hand on Jangmi’s shoulder as he shakes his head.
The same bottom lip that was between his lips moments ago is now trapped under your teeth in hopes to stop them from quivering. Everything felt like it was burning; your face red with shame, eyes stinging as they begged to shed tears, your throat wanting to let out a scream.
As you walk aimlessly along the empty hallways, you hear your name and the voice doesn’t belong to either of the people you want to see right now.
Taeyong has a worried look on his face when you face him; he had a water bottle in hand and a lollipop in his mouth.
“I don’t want to be here.”
He blinks at you, probably noting the signs that you were about to break down, and nods his head. He holds out his hand, “Okay.”
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the thirteenth attempt >>
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Sorry it's taken me a while to speak up, but if you still have spaces, I have a question and a request. My question is this; what's your favourite arc of Black Butler, and why? For my request, I would like to ask for Undertaker x Reader (female) please. As for headcannons, here we go; 1) First meeting 2) Admitting feelings 3) First time having sex 4) Favourite things to do during sex 5) Finding out S/O is sick 6) Ways he gets S/O 'in the mood' ;)
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@jasminewitch-blog  No worries, there’s no need to apologize.  Thank you for your interest and for following me.  I hope you enjoy the headcanons for everyone’s favorite mortician.
As for your question, the real answer is that I love almost all of the arcs of Kuroshitsuji because each arc had something about it that really sparked my interest, or had development for a character that I wanted to know more about or wanted to see grow, or made me consider deeper questions about humanity and life in general.  That being said, it was difficult to choose, but ultimately I think I’d have to choose The Green Witch arc.  I enjoyed it for multiple reasons, but the top reasons were: all of the servants were present and were able to showcase their abilities and strengths, rather than mainly being a comedy piece (which I am fine with, btw, but I like the contrasting duality between how they’re usually depicted and when they show why they deserve to be Phantomhive servants); Sebastian’s true nature and abilities were brought to the forefront again in spectacular fashion (whether it’s confusion at his tears or when he begins to act on his right to O!Ciel’s soul when it appears he’s retracting on his revenge or when he burns down the lab and we get to see his reveling in being able to flex his demonic powers-I’d be lying if I said that the last one doesn’t make me a little weak in the knees); and that with the addition of Sieglinde to the story, we finally have a female character who is O!Ciel’s equal in both intellect and determination and I really like their dynamic and I’m always for strong female characters in stories, no matter their age.
 Now as for your request, you’ll find it underneath the “Keep Reading” line.  I wanted to be safe and hide it somewhat since some of them are NSFW. (That is, if it shows up this time.  I triple checked that I had added it to the Vincent request, but it disappeared into the void when I posted it...oh well)
The circumstances under which you met Undertaker were not ideal.  You had been born into poverty on the East End and it was by some cruel miracle that you had survived until adulthood.  Your days were riddled with anxiety over basic necessities- where your next meal would come from or how you were going to keep warm in the winter.  It was difficult given there were three mouths to keep fed in your household.  So you did what you could to help provide for your parents and yourself, scraping by on thin soups and coin you earned from performing odd jobs here and there for those of the self made middle class who weren’t pretentious enough to let your background overshadow your skills with a needle.  It had been a bittersweet relief when the fever took your parents.  You had loved them, of course, but you couldn’t ignore the inherent practical advantage to having two less bellies to fill, two less aged ones to care for.  However, that relief was short lived when the realization struck you...you now had no home, no protection, and no food.  If you didn’t act quickly, you would be dead within a week or worse.  That was how you had stumbled upon the Undertaker’s shoppe.  You had been searching about for any odd job you could perform, any seamstress who might take pity on your plight and take you on for a day or two in exchange for a warm meal and a corner in their back storage room where you could rest your weary bones, when you heard the pleasant sound of humming coming from down the alley.  Curious, you slipped in between the two buildings and followed the humming to where the back door to the Undertaker’s shoppe, which was propped open to let in the warm summer breeze.  You cautiously glanced around the corner of the to see the back of a tall, robe clad man as he stood by a table where he appeared to be tending to someone’s body.  You were about to continue on your way when, as the man stepped out of the room, having been called by the sound of a bell that had chimed from somewhere inside the building, you spotted a heavily jeweled necklace.  Your eyes grew wide as the sun glinted off the precious jewelry.  That would get you enough money to eat for a week and provide a dry, warm bed for you to sleep in.  So, without a second thought, you rushed into the room, snatching the necklace and fleeing down the alleyway before the man could return.  This went on for two months.  Every couple of weeks, you would stop by the Undertaker’s shoppe and swipe something of value from the room.  They were corpses, anyway.  Why did they need such embellishments?  All it took was one time.  One time when you were too confident, too desperate to refuse the large ruby broach that sat on the table, almost begging for you to take it.  As your fingers wrapped around the cold stone, a firm hand gripped your shoulder, and that was it...you had been caught.  You begged the man not to take you to the police, that you were sorry but that you had no other choice.  Before you could stop yourself, your life story came rushing from your lips until, with cheeks wet with tears, you finished your explanation.  It was after a few minutes of consideration that the man told you he had a proposition for you.  Your stomach sank, fearing the worst, when he explained that his work kept him far busier than he would have liked, given he had a special venture he had recently taken on, and could use the help of someone who had needlework skills.  So, he offered his silence and a room in the living area above his shop, in exchange for your skills and your complete silence regarding anything you saw whilst working for him.  Not having many alternatives, you hesitantly accepted, silently wondering how you could have gotten yourself into such a mess.  With that, he led you upstairs to a small room that was to serve as your quarters, excusing himself to retrieve some sheets and blankets for the currently bare bed.  As he made to leave, you called out to him, giving him a heartfelt thanks before asking him what his name was.  At your question, a knowing smile spread his lips, answering you could simply call him Undertaker.
As with many things with your relationship with Undertaker, the confession of his feelings was sudden and fairly unexpected.  It had only taken a few short weeks for you to realize that you felt something for him and six months to know that those feelings were true.  He was odd, both as an employer and a person.  You would often catch him mumbling things about balances of chemicals and temperature and the like before disappearing to the cellar for hours on end-a cellar you were forbidden from entering.  He would often answer your questions with cryptic sayings, which would leave you more boggled than when you had first asked the question.  And he seemed to enjoy his work...a little too much, given that he dealt with death every day.  But you soon accepted his quirks as part of his eccentric personality and found yourself comfortably settling into life with him.  In all your time with him, he had never done or said anything untoward, never asked for you to repay him with sexual favors, something you had continued to fear would occur even a month into your employment.  In fact, he had never so much as touched you and, though you found the desire for him to do so growing with every day you continued your lives together, you appreciated his respect of your person.  Undertaker had not given much indication as to his feelings towards you, both romantic or platonic. Just a phrase here or there that would rekindle the spark of hope within you that maybe, just maybe there might be a whisper of a chance he would return your feelings.  However, almost a year into your employment, not a word of true confirmation had been spoken and that hope eventually died.  As despondent you had been at the realization, you took comfort in the fact you had a roof over your head, a warm bed, a full belly, and protection from a man who didn’t take advantage of your situation.  That was infinitely better than the alternatives of starvation or having to sell your body you were faced with but a year ago.  So to say you were caught off guard when Undertaker finally confessed his feelings for you was quite the understatement, especially given the circumstances under which it happened.  A customer had come in, demanding to speak to Undertaker directly.  He seemed to be one of the more unsavory clients from the Underworld who would occasionally visit, either for information or either needing to use his trade.  Undertaker had been working in the cellar all afternoon, so when the client continued to insist on speaking to him immediately, you found yourself at the top of the cellar stairs, calling down for him.  After several tries, he gave no acknowledgement of having heard you and, despite your better judgement, you began descending the dark staircase.  With each step the air became thicker, laden with chemicals to the point that by the time you had reached the halfway point, you had to cover your nose and mouth to stop your coughing.  That was when he cornered you against the wall, his voice low and threatening as he asked why you were there.  You stammered as you explained the situation, to which he sighed and ordered you back upstairs.  Shaken by his behavior, you sprinted back upstairs to the shoppe, quickly mumbling to the client that Undertaker would be with him presently before hiding yourself in the mortuary for the rest of the time the shoppe was open.  After your work was finished, you did all you could to avoid him until you had safely, and uncommonly early, retired to your room for the night.  Awhile later, a knock came to your door, Undertaker’s weary voice requesting that you let him in.  Not wanting to anger him further, you obeyed his wishes, cautiously coming to sit beside him on your bed.  After a minute or two of tense silence, he apologized for his actions and explained that the reason why he had forbade you from entering the cellar was because of the special work-dangerous work he was doing down there.  He looked down, thumb rubbing over one of the mourning lockets that was always on his person, as he continued saying he reacted so strongly earlier because you reminded him of someone he used to be close with, someone he had loved.  He pressed on, silver locks still covering his face, as he confessed that he had, in fact, come to love you as well and he never wanted to see you harmed by the dangerous things held within the cellar.
Even after having confessed his feelings for you, things did not progress quickly between the two of you, at least not physically.  Undertaker would touch you now, oh god, how he loved to touch you.  Every moment the two of you worked together, his hand would be somewhere on your person-your hand, your arm, your shoulder, your back.  He seemed to take comfort in finally allowing himself to ground his being in your presence.  On occasion, you would even kiss.  But his actions never moved beyond the realm of loving tenderness...and you had reached your limit.  However, you had resolved to extend him the same courtesy he had shown towards your person and never forced the issue.  But, you realized as you stared up at your bedroom ceiling, chest heaving as your body relaxed in the wake of your climax, you didn’t know how much longer you could last without his hands being the ones to work you over the edge.  It was after the accident that things changed.  You had been unintentionally careless with a bottle of embalming chemicals and it broke, slicing and burning your hands in the process.  Lady Dalles said that, thankfully, the damage would not be permanent, but it would take some time to fully heal and regain the function of your hands.  So, to spare you from having to overtax your hands, Undertaker began assisting you with daily tasks, including dressing.  A few weeks after the accident, he had joined you as he would in the evenings to help you out of your day things and into your nightwear.  In those weeks, your daily dressing and undressing began to become increasingly tense, each day he would take a little longer, his touch lingering on your skin a few breaths more, and you found yourself wishing you could see his damn eyes so you could know what he was thinking.  One of those nights, your ritual continued as always. Except there was something in the stiffness of his stance, the faltering of his warm breath which fanned over the back of your neck and shoulders, the intense focus he seemed to be giving your reflection as your breasts swelled within the confines of your corset with every breath you took that told you that tonight would be different.  A gasp escaped your lips as his fingers ghosted across your shoulders and trailed up the sensitive skin of your neck.  Your heart thrummed with eager expectation as you watched his reflection as he leaned against you, his hands coming to grip your hips as he lowered his lips to the curve of your neck, whispering against your skin that he was sorry, but he couldn’t resist any longer before placing a searing kiss on your flesh.  Things quickly escalated, ending in the tangle of your sweat slick bodies lying together in mutual post coital bliss, the floor of your room littered with garments long forgotten.  It was a night of many firsts for you, but the part you came to treasure the most was the first view you had ever gotten of his enchanting, phosphoric eyes.
Undertaker’s love of physical touch is, if anything, amplified when you have sex.  He cannot get enough of the feel of your soft skin beneath his fingers, his lips and he is vocal in reminding you of that.  That being the case, one of his favorite things to do for foreplay is for you to restrain his hands in some way, depriving him of being able to touch you while you in turn explore his body with the same care and attention he would show yours.  You work him up into a dizzying state of anticipation and longing until he can no longer bear it, easily escaping or breaking his bonds, no matter their construct, before eagerly grabbing hold of you, driving you wild with the same skill you had executed on him.  He appreciates your vocal nature as well, having an undiscovered praise kink.  There’s nothing that will make him come faster than your moans of pleasure as you’re in the throes of your orgasm, screaming his name, praises of how good he makes you feel falling from your lips like a mantra.
You find Undertaker’s ineptitude when it comes to knowing what to do with you when you’re sick as endearing as it is frustrating.  When you asked him about it one time, he shrugged his shoulders and explained he hadn’t worried about such things in some time and, given he now worked exclusively with the dead, he had lost whatever knowledge he had gained about treating the infirmities of the living.  So, whenever you become ill, you have to be direct in communicating what you need.  However, once he has instruction, he is more than willing to provide you with what you asked.  His tries, but his bedside manner just isn’t the best.
Undertaker isn’t often in the mood for sex, which he explained has nothing to do with his desire for you, but rather his body’s condition doesn’t allow for frequent sex.  At first you hadn’t believed such an odd explanation, fearing he had found something about you that displeased him, but just hadn’t worked up the courage to tell you about it.  However, there was once when you had managed to fuck two days in a row and after the second time, he had quickly fallen asleep and remained in a slumbering state...for three days straight.  You had begun to worry, frequently coming up to check and make sure he was still breathing.  Fortunately, the third day he awoke, rather disoriented and ravenously hungry.  It had taken the rest of that day to nurture him back into his normal self and it was then that you realized he had, in fact, been telling you the truth.  So when he is in the mood, he likes to draw it out as much as possible.  The whole day will be spent with him touching and kissing places that he knows will work you up, whispering the things he’d love to do to you if you weren’t working, but never proceeding beyond teasing until you’ve closed the shoppe for the day.  If he’s feeling particularly adventurous, he will disappear underneath your skirts while you’re still working in the shoppe and will tease you with his tongue until you almost climax, but will stop just before you do, giving your cheek a quick kiss before whispering in your ear that good things come to those who wait.
I hope you enjoyed those headcanons.  My apologies for some of them being pretty lengthy, but I wanted to give some context to some of them and I got a little carried away, lol.  But thank you again for your support and for following me.  I appreciate it so much!
Also, if anyone else is interested in a “100 followers celebration” ask, feel free to send one over.  There are still three available. For guidelines, check out the post I made about the celebration or you can reach out to me directly. 
*Note: Credit goes to Kumaqi for the incredible Undertaker cosplay that I used in the creation of the moodboard. (https://twitter.com/kumaqiii/status/925669701266563072)
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Hello. Hope you are doing alright with everything going on. When you feel up to it, may I request a pallet and or prompt for two people kinda sort of falling in love by accident, both mutually pining for each other and driving their friend in common (who loves them both platonically) nuts because 'Damnit! The two of you are obviously head over heels in love, will you two disaster people just confess already!' I don't know why that sort of romantic tomfoolery makes me smile but it does.
Sorry this took so long!
Dialogue Prompts
1) "They like you." "But what if they don't? What if you just read the signal wrong or something and they just like me as a friend?" "They literally sent me this text that says 'Oh shit, I think I'm in love with Person A.'" "But what if that's just a friend pranking you by using your phone?" "I'm gonna kill you." 2) "What should I do?" "I'm your secretary right now, after hours is when I'm your friend." "Help me." "Just tell them how you feel already." 3) "If you don't tell them how you feel I'm gonna kick your ass." 4) "Tell them!" "Now?!" "They're about to get on a plane and leave for six months, this is the only time you're gonna be able to tell them how you feel!" 5) "Do I have anything stuck in my teeth?" "Oh my god, no, you're fine. Just walk over and talk to them already. This is getting pathetic." 6) "I can't believe both of you have feelings for each other but are refusing to acknowledge it. Just kiss already." 7) "If I have to watch you two make eyes at each other throughout dinner I will vomit." 8) "They're a terrible dancer but I can't stop thinking about them." 9) "I gave them my number but they haven't called." "Because they're waiting three days to call." "What if they don't though?" "They like you!" 10) "We have to kiss in the play?" "Yeah." "Oh god, what if it's bad? What if they don't like it? What if I have bad breath?" "Oh my god, you're overreacting. They wanna kiss you, you wanna kiss them. Just kiss them!" 11) "So, do you know if they're like, seeing anyone?" "Oh my god, seriously?" "What?" "Just ask them out, they already like you!" "What?! No! Really? They like me?" 12) "I'm tired of this back and forth! You! You! Kiss. Kiss right now." "What?!" "You both like each other, you both want to, I'm tired of hearing you to pining for each other, it's disgusting. Just. Kiss." 13) "You've got some frosting on your lip." "So do you." "God, I'm so sick of you two. Check please!" 14) "Well, you know Person A so maybe we'll see each other again." "Yeah, maybe we will." "God, could you two make it more obvious you're into each other?" 15) "They're cute." "You just said you were going to stop sleeping with my friends." "You're right, you're right. I'm not going to sleep with your friend." 16) "I'm looking to buy some flowers." "What kind are you looking for?" "Ones that are as pretty as you." "Stop flirting with my friend, Person A, you're embarrassing me." 17) "I think you're the nicest person I've ever met." "I think you're the nicest person I've ever met." "I think if you two had kids they'd probably look like a combination of all the characters from Friends combined." 18) "Okay, how do I look?" "Like you're dressing for rejection. Please put on another outfit." 19) "Am I good looking? And you can be honest." "I'm not boosting your ego right now, I'm playing Mario Kart. If you wanna ask them out just ask them out. They already like you." 20) "Does Person A like, like me or anything?" "Is the sky blue?"
Regular Prompts
1) A is a waiter/waitress having a bad day and just so happens to spill soup on Person B who's rich. Their eyes lock in a magical moment before the manager yells at Person A. From then on out Person B can't stop coming to the diner to see them but swears they're just there for the really good pie. 2) Person A is waiting for a job interview as an assistant at a modeling agency and is told to wait in the costume room to meet their new boss. When in the costume room they end up waiting an hour and decide to try on the clothes there since no one's around. While striking poses in the mirror and talking to them self Person B watches the whole thing, smiling and trying not to laugh. When A sees them in the mirror they panic and apologize and B cuts them off asking when they could start modeling for them. A thinks it's a joke at first but B insists they're serious. 3) A is trying to make dinner for Person B but when B dumps them they argue in the hall and the food burns as B walks out of their life forever. When the fire department shows up they put out the fire and Person C, grabs a fork when they see A crying and insists the food isn't that bad and just has a smoky flavor. While making A laugh they soon find out they're neighbors and have cute interactions from that point on and A is determined to prove they can cook. 4) A is a retail worker and B is a person who bought popcorn, snuck into the break room, popped it, and is now watching a sad movie near the display for the TVs. When A tells B they have to leave they realize the movie playing is one of their favorites and A hands them the bagged popcorn and tells them this is their favorite scene. Bonus if A keeps coming back to do this and every time B is working they sneak back and watch TV with them. 5) A works at a skating rink training children but when they meet person B who is their age and can't skate they're spending the whole day teaching them. (Bonus if B is constantly falling and landing in A's arms and they're both blushing the whole time their mutual friend is rolling their eyes.) 6) Person A is new to town and knows Person B, when they see someone on the bus B knows, Person C, they walk over. When the bus hits a certain turn Person A lands in C's lap and they share a long look before introducing each other. (Bonus if Person B is forced to watch the sickeningly sweet interaction.) 7) Person A is an actor/actress and Person B  is a director's assistant. When a stunt goes wrong due to actor, Person C, in the movie and Person A is saved from injury/death by Person B the directors notice how good they look together and Person C is quickly fired and replaced by Person B. (Bonus if when they're not acting they're really shy around each other and if there's a kiss scene it's more passionate than it needs to be.) 8) A and B have a passionate night together and can't stop texting each other while they go about their day. When A shows up to their college class they discover B is their professor and A's friend just so happens to be their teaching assistant. (Bonus if A's friend C just says shit like "Better watch out, if you get a bad grade they might punish you.") 9) Person A is trying to find their dorm when they accidentally go into the one across from theirs and find Person B completely naked. When A apologizes and asks for directions all their interactions from that point on are awkward but cute. (Bonus if their mutual friend is roommates with one of them.) 10) Person A gets hammered and starts doing karaoke and Person B who is sober heads up with them feeling bad about them doing it on their own. Even though A was drunk they still remember doing karaoke with them and having a good time. And every time they're invited by their mutual friend they always have a great time but never feel like they can ask each other out even though they want to.
I hope these work for you, if not just let me know and I’ll try again!
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