#if you've already done this and i just tagged you again forgive and ignore me
tathrin · 5 months
Writing Year Wrapped (2023)
Ooh, thank you for the tag @sallysavestheday!
3 Favorite Fics You've Written This Year:
Of course we have to go with my current obsession, And In The Darkness To Unmake Them, an as-canon-compliant-as-possible Fellowship-AU that asks, what would happen if Celebrimbor got himself re-embodied and came back to Middle-earth to try and make up for his mistakes by helping to destroy the One Ring (and brought all his unhealed trauma with him)? Plus a slow-burn romance for Legolas and Gimli, a whole lot of delicious world-building for Mirkwood, and a more active role for Arwen too!
Five Times Gimli Died (and One Time He Didn't) is, I think, despite the simplistic and trope-y title, one of the most elegant things I've ever written, and I am very much in love with it. It's the story of Gimli and Legolas's romance, from beginning to end (well...not really end, because the joy of them is that they're a story that doesn't end—Gimli Immortality Agenda, you can't stop me!—but the story ends with the beginning of their happily-ever-after, which is a sort of end, no?), told in a series of scenes that takes place from Moria to the Undying Lands, and could almost slip right in between the pages of canon if you squint enough to overlook a little bit of meddling from Mahal on behalf of his new favorite dwarf (don't tell Durin).
To Live In Undying Lands is a series of snippets set in Aman after Legolas and Gimli cross the Sea, focused on both their new life there and that of our beloved Hobbits who went over before. And I went back and forth several times deciding whether to swap the placement of this one and Last Temptation... below, but I ultimately think that was a bit more of a stretch than this one, despite the fact that I Never Write Hobbits and am writing quite a lot of Hobbits for this one, and also I Never Write Snippets Without An Overarching Plot—and because I'm such a sucker for Gimleaf that if I have to pick a favorite between any two comparable stories, it's always going to be the one with them in it! (Also: Gimli Immortality Agenda, always!)
3 Fics That Stretched You the Most:
Dead Faces In The Water; Dead Faces Everywhere - I don't write present tense, I don't write modern AUs, and I don't write zombie stories...but here I am, writing all three at once! (Thanks, @katajainen! This story is 1/3 your fault, 1/3 @roselightfairy and @deheerkonijn's fault, and 1/3 Mira Grant's lol. And you were the inciting incident, so you get first blame!) And somehow having a great time doing it! (So much world building! I'm in paradise!)
The Last Temptation of Narvi of Khazad-dûm - probably one of the most overtly ambitious stories I've ever done. It's likewise in present-tense, although that's considerably less daunting now after almost forty chapters of zombies; but there were a lot of other balls to juggle on this story, including my first time properly writing both of the main characters as well as anything set in Ost-in-Edhil; and of skirting right up against the line of how close it came to all ending differently and making that (hopefully) feel almost like it could have gone differently and avoided all that tragedy in a way that, hopefully, both satisfies and distresses the reader.
And (I suppose this is a bit of a give-away, but it's not like I tried very hard to hide anyway; the anonymity is mainly designed to make people feel more comfortable offering con-crit, which I have no idea if it actually helped or not but I did get some lovely and helpful feedback on it, so I'm going to say the tactic has been a success) definitely Cliffside Revelations, which has the honor of being my very first explicit smut fic...even if most of the smut is an excuse for world building, which I'm sure shocks all of you lmao!
(And sneaking in an honorable mention of On The Far Side of the Sundering Sea, because my name isn't on the previous one so it probably doesn't technically count...which means I can slip in an extra story as a technicality, right? Right. Shhh, it's fine!)
3 Favorite Lines You've Written (loosely interpreting "lines" as sallysavestheday has cleverly demonstrated):
Oh this is difficult. Most of my best lines are only their best because of the context around them; and it's hard to remember them as distinct lines after their sections have been finished and posted. But this does at least save favorite and not best, so that helps; let's give it a try, then.
First, from Five Times Gimli Died (and One He Didn't) we have a moment of a revelation on Gimli's part, as he discovers that his heart might not be as alien to his Maker as he feared it was:
He stood in silence, staring at the unseen form of he who had made all Dwarves; of the Maker of stone and rock and mighty mountain. Mahal, who had made the Dwarves…Mahal, who loved the green.
This is one that definitely needs the context to make it work, so we're including the whole preceding paragraph from Blows Uncounted, a little AU-take on Helm's Deep where either the uruks are stronger or Gandalf is slower, and the battle has a darker ending.
For Legolas was not simply any elf: he was an elf of Mirkwood. Taur-ne-Fuin, the forest under nightshade; Taur-e-Ndaedelos, the forest of great fear. These orcs and uruks of Isengard, used to preying on earnest horse-lords and forthright farmers, had never met an elf of his sort before. Their northern kin could have told them stories of what befell orcs beneath the black boughs of Mirkwood…but orcs did not often come alive from those dark woods, not at least without Nazgûl to guard their travels.
And there were no Nazgûl here.
And taking a complete one-eighty in tone from the previous, I am quite inexcusably delighted with this one from Honeysuckle and Cider, and still giggle to myself whenever I re-read it:
"Uh," says Aragorn, son of Arathorn, King of Gondor, first of the House Telcontar.
(The line after it definitely qualifies as a runner-up, but I do think this one beats it out. Sorry, Faramir!)
Actually there's one other line I really wanted to put in here, even more than the one about the Nazgûl, but I'm not going to, because it's the very last line of the story it appears in, and reading it before you read that story would suck all the wind out of its sails, I think; so if you want to know what that is, you'll have to go read The Last Temptation of Narvi of Khazad-dûm for yourself.
3 Characters You Enjoyed Writing (that surprised you):
Anntar (Sauron), actually! I got to play with him as more than just a Menacing Presence in The Last Temptation of Narvi of Khazad-dûm and oh, he was so much fun! This was Sauron in full-on seducing-the-Gwaith-i-Mírdain mode, with maybe just a hint of how he actually wanted to be stopped, so that he could let the schemes for world-domination go and just be happy here with his smith-lovers...or maybe that was all wishful thinking on Narvi's part. Regardless, it was great fun to play with both failed and successful manipulations here, as well as to actually write something with my new favorite OT3.
Boromir may have come as even more of a shock to me, actually. I very quickly went from "distant fondness but very little interest" in Boromir to taking great delight in him, thanks in largest part to Dead Faces in the Water, Dead Faces Everywhere (and a little bit to Two Fell Into Shadow, although most of that was written or at least sketched-out earlier; but I'm counting it, because I don't think I realized how much fun he was fifteen years ago or so when I was writing it initially). Also, of course, his part in And In The Darkness To Unmake Them, although I haven't gotten to the point of posting any of his Grey Company chapters yet (shhh). He's such a wonderful sort of "I did not sign up for any of this; I have no idea what's happening; but I Am Participating Anyway!" sort of character, dragged out of his element commanding Minas Tirith's armies (where he's an extremely competent and confident fellow) and tossed into this baffling world of weirdness full of elves and magic and nonsense, for which he is so ill-equipped and ill-prepared. And yet he gamely goes along with it, because it needs doing! Whatever the fuck it is! He has no idea!
And last but certainly not least: Gimli, although this one may be less of a surprise; but it was a surprise to me how often I ended up writing from his perspective. I did not expect that, because I'm much more interested in elves (especially Mirkwood elves) than I am dwarves in general, and I've done a lot less world-building (a lot less) for Erebor than I have Mirkwood; but it's so much fun using Gimli as "the sensible perspective" (as well as an excuse to get really flowery with my wording sometimes, shhh!), not to mention an extremely astute and observant one, that he makes for a very addictive viewpoint character. I actually ended up having to make a conscious effort to switch to Legolas's pov sometimes, in fact, because it was so easy and charming to fall into Gimli's head and stay there! That was definitely a surprise to me.
3 Unexpected Inspirations:
This fucking dream! I still don't know what the hell happened to me that night, but it sure was unique and extremely unexpected!
And quite startling was the time where seeing the Legolas-always-looks-back-for-Gimli gif-post from the LotR movies cross my tumblr dash right to an Orpheus-and-Eurydice poll basically popped this whole-ass story fully formed into my head in one big rush of inspiration. Although the same thing happened with this post and And His Hands Ran With Gold and Shadow, so maybe I should stop thinking "random post on tumblr" is unexpected inspiration...
And uhhh....this XD
3 WIPs You're Excited About in the Upcoming Year:
And His Hands Ran With Gold and Shadow which I swear I will get back into working-on as soon as I get some of my other ongoing stuff finished, because I absolutely adore it! and I definitely want to write more on it! very much so! but the vibes required for writing it are so different from the other stuff that it's hard to switch back-and-forth between it and them (same goes for the zombie-fic).
An As-Yet-Untitled story set many, many, many years after the end of the War of the Ring in the Undying Lands, where our three beloved Hobbits (and one Dwarf) living on those timeless shores discuss their mortal lives, and decide when and whether to let them end.
The sequel to The Dark Reborn, because I am at some point going to drag my brain back into the galaxy far, far away enough to start reading and writing Star Wars fic again, and I fucking will finish this fucking awesome sequel trilogy fic I started, kriff it!!!
3 People Tagged to Share Theirs:
Tagging with zero pressure: @babybat98 @bifuriouswaterbender @katajainen
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 14 days
Howdy howdy,
Putting in a couple ideas so you can whichever strikes your fancy the most! Or if none do, then that's alright too, of course haha
First idea (and forgive me if you've already written something like this) is Aemond discovering that you're thirsting over someone? Maybe Daemon? Dealers choice- and how he'd react to that?
Second idea is Aemond calling fem!reader daddy- either mockingly or in passing or whatever? I don't see anything like this in your drabbles so, again, if you're not into it then no harm done just ignore this
Or three, very simple- High Valerian dirty talk ahah (maybe where Daemon or someone else who speaks it can hear? idk, do whatever you like w this, of course, if it strikes your fancy)
I still need to go through and read all the stuff you've got out, but here are some nsfw ideas that have popped into my nog today thinking about Aemond and Daemon whom I am both head over heels for smh
👀 ty for giving me permission to pop a req in- just lemme know if these aren't for you np
Sorry, you sent this in January! Just letting you know this is now on the WIPs list and sharing a teaser...
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Gūrēnilaksir (Lesson)
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x f!reader Warnings: Incest, smut.
Summary: When Daemon's niece seeks out his help in becoming more proficient in the language of High Valyrian, he decides to teach her the phrases he knows she'll find hardest to forget...
Full fic coming soon. No tag list. Follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications.
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icehearts · 1 month
15 Lines of Dialogue
Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
tagged by: @paintedscales - thank you!! <3 tagging: @sealrock @aethergazing @shroudkeeper @sileniadream
@eyesofnidhogg @abalathia @aethermimic -- apologies if you've already done this, feel free to ignore ;w;
my WIPs are a hot fucking mess right now so I'm grabbing these from past RP scenes with @eyesofnidhogg ♥
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“Forgive me, I—" He swallowed. Naohisa’s forehead was now on the ground, completing the apologetic gesture. “I’m having unprofessional thoughts.”
"I find that I understand myself less the longer that I am around you." With one hand, Naohisa plucked two small ceramic cups from the cabinet. With the other hand, he withdrew a glass bottle of rice wine. "Everything from before has started to feel dull. I no longer feel sure of the things that I once wanted."
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"From Kugane no less," he repeats in an amused sing-song tone. "You're quite the oddity, aren't you?"
Mirou sets the stick of charcoal on the counter and holds his sketchbook up with both hands, examining it at an angle before turning it over to show her.
"I'm rather fond of oddities."
“Their excitement doesn’t concern me,” Mirou yawns. He’s a man of singular focus. “But if it must be endured for the chance to observe you further, then so be it.”
He waves down the bartender for a glass of rolanberry juice. “Do you mind?” He glances to Valentine — his drink is apparently going on her tab.
He jolts upright in his seat, nose wrinkling from the offending smell. Eyelids still heavy with sleep, Mirou frowns at the ink-haired culprit. "That was cruel."
"No need to resort to violence, Sol. As it so happens, I was finished with it." Yawning, Mirou glances down at the tome that had served as his pillow — Fabled Fauna of the Far East — and slides it over a few ilms. He drapes himself back across the table, resting his head on his arms, and observes his merciless companion. "What are you researching this time?"
"It very nearly was violence," he complains. "What if I'd fallen and hit my head? You could have killed me." He pauses, stretching his arms out in front of him and squeezing his eyes shut. "And I was having such a nice dream, too."
"It's gone now." Mirou sighs, burying his face in his now-crossed arms on the table. A moment passes, then he props his head up, peering once again at the dark-haired viera sitting next to him. "I was somewhere warm and sunny, I think." Honey-dark eyes follow his companion's gaze to the illustration on the page. "What've you got there?"
“Hold a moment.” He grabs Sol by the fabric of his sleeve and digs in his heels, attempting to halt his companion’s march into the city. “Let me savor this.” Though still a bit pale in the face, Mirou’s usually-sleepy countenance has transformed into wide-eyed wonder. He stands still, transfixed by the sights and sounds of the city, even as annoyed passersby push past him.
"Kugane Castle," he repeats with a faraway voice. "I should like to see it up close before we leave." It does not seem like the type of place Valentine might have frequented, but it's an impressive vista regardless. He closes his eyes, committing the scene to memory.
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keibea · 1 year
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
Is everyone sick of learning random facts about me yet? Yes? Well, here we go again, cause I LOVE THEM. Thank you @vmsims23 , @nectar-cellar and @johziii for tagging me, you all know me too well.
Are you named after anyone? LOL nope, I honestly wish I was. Jessica was the only name my parents could agree on BAHHAHA.
When was the last time you cried? Monday 🙃I had a painful exam experience.
Do you have kids? Nope and thank goodness for that because I can barely take care of myself BAHAHHA.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Oh yeah, I'm terrible. Not as much as I used to I don't think though, but often WHOOPS.
What sports do you play/have you played? I was forced to play a lot for school, as I think most people were. The ones I can remember the most clearly are netball (I was let on the team out of necessity I think), bocce (because we could all get away with sitting around most of the time and occasionaly rolling the balls), zumba (it was mostly just dance which was SICK), and ballet (if that counts??) is the one I stuck with the longest and the only one I chose to wilingly do myself.
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? Hair or smile. I'm not quite sure. One of those I think.
Scary movies or happy endings? No scary movies for me, nope. I'm horribly paranoid, I will start checking my wardorbe. Happy endings ALL THE WAY. Genuinely I will only watch a movie and read a book if I know it has a happy ending idc YES IM ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE.
Any special talents? Depends on what you define as a special talent. So I don't know if this counts, but I am weirdly a natural at baking??? Definitely not freestyle but if I follow a recipe (which I always do because I like doing things in order) it always turns out really well. So I guess that's just following a recipe, but I like to think I'm special and naturally talented at baking. My mum always finishes my baking off though because I get bored halfway through whoops and she genrally always helps me because I'm terrible with the oven so tbh maybe it's just mum that's talented.
Where were you born? AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE, OI, OI, OI 🦘
What are your hobbies? Sims, sims, also sims, reading about early Victorian fashion, reading about the Victorian era, reading and that's probably it.
Do you have any pets? I have a beautiful little cat named Mikey. He is my best cat friend (and tbh, best friend in general) and I love him very much.
How tall are you? My father says I'm very short, and calls me a worm (both said affectionately I should add), so I assume pretty short. In terms of numbers though, not a clue. I believe I'm average-ish height for a woman, maybe a bit shorter.
Fave subject in school? HISTORY ALL THE WAY. Mostly modern history, purely because I love the Victorian era, but I do enjoy ancient history as well.
Dream job? Fashion historian! That or an author of historical fiction OR a book on early Victorian women's fashion.
Eye colour? I like to call them swamp green, but my mum would disagree, so I'll say green.
I shall annoy @lazysunjade , @amuhav , @thesimperiuscurse (oh yes you bet I am @ ing people who are inactive and who also never do these things, I am 100% that sort of person), @akioakashiya , @itssimplythesims , @lifewithmysims , @elderwisp , @happy-lemon , @servospawn , @tau1tvec , @bunmou , @stinkrascal , @cozygirlsimmer , @moonsonnet , @doka-chan
Please forgive/ignore me if you hate doing this sort of thing, or if you've been tagged and done it already, and wow thank you all for being my mutuals I didn't know I had so many amazing people following me back LETS GOOOO
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
hellooo!!!✨✨okok so--i know you already did break up PRANK hcs but hear me out on this one!!-- TBHK boys getting into a really bad argument with their s/o and then a day/few days later the boys overhear their s/o talking to someone about how they might actually break up with them💔?If you want to ignore this thats fine but if you do, then angst to fluff please!!✨✨✨
kou minamoto x gn!reader, teru minamoto x gn!reader
a/n: RAZOOOOOOOOR MY DEAR FRIEND, THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING, I LOVE ANGST TO FLUFF BUT. I'M TAKING SO LONG WRITING THIS AND I FEEL SO BAD SO I HAD AN IDEA??? I'M GONNA POST!!! WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN NOW!!!!! AND WHEN I FINISH THE OTHER PARTS I'LL TAG YOU IN IT AND COUNT IT AS THE REST OF THIS REQUEST;;;; I'm so so sorry for the inconvenience, and probably disappointment, but the parts i have written are fairly long, so maybe that'll make up for,,,,,, the unreasonable wait you've had to deal with, and what will probably continue to be an unreasonable wait;;
also this highkey goes from headcanons to a oneshot so??? i'm sorry, it's,,, it's chaos in my braiiiin /lh
warnings: mention of arguments?
word count: 1,857
kou minamoto <3
Kou tries his best not to jump to conclusions, especially regarding your relationship with him. However, now, he can’t help it…
He doesn’t typically lose his temper. Teru tried to reassure Kou that you both simply got fed up with something, and that arguments were bound to happen… what mattered was that Kou apologized. Think for a bit, realize where he was in the wrong, and admit that to you. Be sincerely sorry, and then leave the forgiving up to you.
So, that’s what Kou wanted to do… he at least wanted to apologize. Kou wasn’t sure that you’d forgive him, but that’s all he wanted.
“Kou? Ah… we… got into a pretty bad argument yesterday, so I haven’t really talked to him.”
“Oh? I’ll take it you’re considering how to break up with him? I mean, if it’s bad enough to make you not feel like talking to him.”
“I’m… well, maybe? I can’t say just yet, but I won’t say it’s not going to happen. Just… how would I-”
Kou turned around, walking as quickly as he could, until he couldn’t hear the conversation. His feet felt like they froze up on him- as he turned back around. At this moment, he would be completely lost.
He genuinely couldn’t bear the thought of losing you. As he stared back down the hallway, Kou would be… put simply, full of guilt. What could he have done to prevent the argument? Why couldn’t he have admitted his fault sooner? What could he do to keep you?? No… did he even deserve you at this point?
Heck if he was going to let you go so easily… no, no, he had to try something. Anything.
So, he’d walk back to where he came from, turning the corner to where you were as if he heard nothing. He appeared normal- walking with the same amount of confidence a boy his age would. But, when he spoke-
“(Y-Y/N), could we… walk home together?”
The way he stuttered, and the general tone of his voice, practically gave him away. Maybe it was for that reason you agreed? Were you curious? Or were you just looking for an opening to break up with him…?
The walk was silent… silent, until you were far enough from others that Kou could speak about the topic comfortably.
“(Y/N)... please, please… at least reconsider breaking up with me.” He spoke, looking over at you, a more serious look on his face than you thought the usually fairly lighthearted boy could muster. Still, his eyebrows were furrowed, as if he were desparate. “Please.”
A second passed before he inhaled again, turning to face you completely, no longer walking. “I promise you, I’ll never raise my voice at you again. I’m so sorry that I did- I’m so sorry for yesterday, and I thought about it, and- and not even because I love you, I was in the wrong. So… so, just tell me what’s wrong. If it’s something I can change- if you need me to change for the better, I… I can do my best, alright? Please?”
“Kou…” You sighed, unsure how to approach this. He looked as if he was going to cry- as if he was trying not to look emotional. Maybe to look strong? Or maybe hoping that his emotions wouldn’t affect your answer- and that you would answer the way you wanted to… he could only hope that it would be the way he wanted.
“Kou, I’m not going to break up with you. I had to think, yes- I had to think long and hard about that argument. But, I’m glad you’re apologizing- and I’ll apologize as well. Really, that’s all I need for now, so… calm down, you goofball.”
Kou’s entire expression seemed to lighten, a very visible switch from his previous emotions showing both on his face and in his body language. “Really…? You’re sure?”
“I’m sure, I’m sure. We may need to talk about some things? But, I still love you, and I’d muuuuuch rather work things out- which I’m sure we can do- than break up with you.”
Excitedly, Kou slung his arms around you, squeezing you tightly- as tightly as he could without hurting you. “Thank you so much, (Y/N)... I’m so happy. I’m so, so sorry- thank you for forgiving me. I love you so much-”
“Ah- I love you too, Kou. Very much.”
teru minamoto <3
Teru losing his temper is extremely rare, especially with you.
However, when he does… it’s very intense. He knows how to get under any person’s skin, he manages to figure out every little insecurity or pet peeve about people he barely knows- of course he knows yours. He dislikes using his knowledge against you, but when he starts to lose his cool, he simply knows how to express his anger through words.
(Words being other words than ways he’d deem “childish.” Yes, he takes arguments seriously, and doesn’t want to seem incompetent- well, not at any time does he want to seem incompetent, but especially not during an argument.)
So, no one could blame you for having the option of breaking up- or maybe just… splitting for a bit, just to have time to think- cross your mind. Actually, cross it several more times than either of you would like.
As much as Teru wanted you to apologize, he knew that he’d have to eventually. He wanted to be as mature as he could, but even he wanted some time to simply… think. Consider the words he said, and consider the ones you did. Consider what started the argument in the first place… yes, he just needed to think.
And he certainly did think. In fact, he’d think and think about it for a while- all day at school, until he found himself thinking a bit more heavily, a bit more panicked, and a bit more serious- unintentionally (at first anyway) eavesdropping on a conversation between you and a friend.
“He just… he knows how to annoy people, you know? It’s like he knows everything about me to a point where he can use it against me. I’m not unique of course- I’m sure he knows every little thing that bothers you. He’s just… attentive, I guess. But it’s getting overwhelming- I’m starting to consider just… breaking things off. Or at least distancing ourselves for a bit??”
Your friend sighed a bit, barely loud enough for Teru to hear- “I understand. He seems like a nice guy, so I’m not sure I could have guessed. Still, you do what’s best for you. There’s no need to rush things, but if you have to seriously think about breaking up, then I’ll support you all the way!”
As Teru heard you thank your friend, he walked away- trying his best to keep his composure. Panic mode was on for the tall boy, as he stepped into the (thankfully) empty School Council room. He locked the door behind himself, and took a seat.
Teru would place his head in his hands, trying to force himself to think. What should he do? Would apologizing work?
“I’m an idiot,” Teru verbally sighed, standing back up. Rarely did he exclaim things aloud like that- but he genuinely thought of himself as nothing more than an idiot in that moment.
He’d unlock and open the door, stepping into the hallway, then making his way to where he knew your locker was- the school day had barely just ended… surely, you would be there by now.
There you were- slinging your bookbag over your shoulder as you waved goodbye to your friend. Teru did his best to seem casual, making his way over to you. Not many people remained in the hall, so Teru hoped it was few enough for him to talk to you casually.
“Hey, (Y/N)...” He spoke, waving his hand slightly. Never had the school prince felt more awkward- if for nothing else, this was why he hated arguments. The mix of guilt and embarrassment was truly starting to bubble up inside of him.
“Ah. Teru. What brings you to… my locker?”
“I wanted to talk to you. The vice president will be a while- so, could we talk a bit in the School Council room?”
Teru could feel his nerves increase as you looked hesitant, glancing to the side as if you were searching for an excuse.
“I’ll leave the doors unlocked. Aoi could enter at any moment, and you can leave as you please. I just want to… apologize, mainly. But I do want to talk, just for a bit- for as long as you’ll listen.”
You glanced up at Teru, making eye contact for the first time that day. “Yeah? Will the ‘talk’ be you insulting me again?”
“...I’m sorry, (Y/N). I can’t express how sorry I am. I know I can’t take words back, and that saying sorry truly fixes nothing, but I will do whatever you need me to. Whatever it takes for you to understand how genuinely sorry I am.”
Yes, Teru prayed that you could see how sorry he was. He was willing to apologize in front of any students who may be around… the prince himself indirectly admitting his faults. Though he’d continue to spill his feelings in front of everyone that remained, a part of him did hope you’d prefer privacy-
When you sighed, turning in the direction of the club room and walking, Teru internally cheered. You were considering his apology. He was… doing alright- still, he needed to do better.
Once the two of you are alone, Teru would express his genuine guilt, sincerely apologize many times, and go into detail as to why he was sorry- what he was sorry for- and how/why exactly he’d change. The reasons he’d do all he could to never treat you that way again.
“Teru,” You sighed, his monologue now settled in your mind. “I understand you’re sorry, and I appreciate it. I’d apologize for my part, but- I see the way you’re looking at me. You don’t want me to apologize,” Teru nodded at that part, agreeing with the statement, “and I appreciate that as well. I may have to think a bit, but I don’t want to end things if I don’t absolutely have to. Just… prove yourself to me, alright? And that’s all I’ll ask for. I’ll do my best to prove myself as well.”
“That’s fine. You don’t need to prove anything to me, (Y/N). You’re an angel in my eyes,” Teru spoke, standing up and gently grasping your hands. For once, you could tell that Teru was nervous. His hands holding yours shook slightly… and you were surprised at how warm they were- vaguely sweaty. You would have joked about how un-prince-like that was, if it wasn’t for the gentle expression he wore.
“I love you, (Y/N). Thank you for giving me another chance to prove myself.”
“...Alright, alright, I love you too. Don’t get too overdramatic about it- just don’t be a cocky jerk- at least not to me- and we’ll do just fine.”
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Anger - Trent Alexander-Arnold
Who: Trent Alexander-Arnold Request: A request was done based off the moment below, which happened during Liverpool's match vs Arsenal. Trent is angry when he is substituted. Requested by: @allthemenofmydreams Warnings: none Thanks for your request. Hope you'll like it!
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Trent was angry. Angry at this match, angry for being substituted, hell, he was even angry at the grass beneath his feet. But most of all, he was angry at himself. During his entire time out on the pitch today, he just couldn't get his body to do what his mind so desperately wanted. He wanted to make the most beautiful passes and assists, but just couldn't get it done. Everything he attempted, turned to utter shit today. When Trent saw his number on the substitute's board around the 70th minute, he wasn't even that surprised, but somehow it confirmed all his frustrations of today. Trent stalked off the pitch. He ignored the outstretched hands of his teammates, and even ignored Klopp. He took the jacket that was handed to him, but didn't put it on. Trent angrily threw the jacket onto one of the empty chairs, before slouching down in a seat on the back row of Liverpool's substitute's bench, actively choosing to be as far away as possible from everyone and everything. All he needed right now, was to be left alone and not spoken to. Trent's eyes followed the remainder of the match, but he registered nothing of it. His anger turned to ominous thoughts whirling through his mind. What if he ended up in a bad spell of form again? Would he be able to deal with that again? And, most importantly, what would he need to do to get out of this sudden spiral of negativity? "Trent?" Trent startled when he suddenly found Klopp sitting next to him. The rest of the bench was empty, and almost all players had left the pitch already. Trent had zoned out, completely lost in thought, and had totally missed that the match had long finished. "Are you okay?" Klopp's hand rested on Trent's forearm. Most of Trent's anger had made way for worry and insecurity by now. "Uh.... no." For a short moment the thought to lie crossed Trent's mind, but he decided to tell the truth. Klopp knew him way too well anyway to buy into any kind of lies from him. "I was useless today," Trent growled, anger rising up again. Klopp watched silently as Trent stomped his foot on a water bottle lying on the floor. "Well," Klopp sighed, "maybe this one is on me." "Why?" Trent bit back before his coach could finish. "Maybe I should not have put you in the starting lineup directly after coming back from that Covid infection," Klopp admitted, "you've only had two training sessions, so, in hindsight, it might have been better if I hadn't started you." "But I feel fine," Trent shrugged, irritated. "Sure," Klopp agreed, "but it was a virus nonetheless. Sick or not, your body's been dealing with it." "Perhaps," Trent shrugged again, not convinced by Klopp's words. He knew Klopp was trying to make him feel better, but so far his anger wasn't subsiding. "What I'm trying to say." Klopp chuckled softly at Trent's continued anger, because it showed him how much the young man cared. "I know you're not very forgiving to yourself, but don't beat yourself up over this for too long." Trent nodded grudgingly. "I'll try." Klopp flashed Trent a smile, giving the young man's shoulder an encouraging pat. "Good lad." Tags: @glam-khal, @evie-pr, @gryffinwars, @auawdo, @meteora-fc, @de-geas, @stonesyyyy, @katerinahunny, @hbstre Liverpool tags: @theqazer (Tumblr won't let me tag you 🙄) Trent tags: @footballffbarbiex Requested tag for this imagine: @soccerfanfiction If you would like to be added to the tags list, too, you can fill out this form and I'll add you to it!
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marvelous-imagines · 4 years
Eli "hawk" moskowitz x reader
Request: ok! if you get too busy or don’t like the idea you don’t have to do it...but would it be possible for you to do a Miguel or Hawk imagine where the reader and him (either boy is either) get into a fight and they accidentally hit the reader cause of ✨karate✨and then they have to apologize and stuff and maybe it’s like...fluffy idk...if you don’t want to do it that’s fine! No pressure! <3
Warnings: language. Angst. And fluff at the end because I'm all soft for eli🥺
Tag: @klt123456
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You stormed into your boyfriends bedroom slamming the door, face flushed with anger while you pace the room. Eli watched you with a cold hard stare, arms crossed as he huffs out a un-amused chuckle.
"shouldn't I be the one pissed? Considering you're the one who was hanging around that jerk!?" hawk growls, causing you to scoff and shake your head. "you was flirting with that - that asshole! All night!" he yells, walking closer to you.
You only roll your eyes and glare at him. Thankful his mother wasn't home to hear his loud yelling, "I wasn't flirting with him! I was hardly even talking to the guy!" you retort, voice raised as you stare at him, watching his anger grow. "and what words I did say to was about me and you Eli!" you tell the truth, for you told the random guy about eli and your relationship.
But the man who your boyfriend claimed you to be flirting with was insistent with his flirting toward you, one of the reasons you waved Eli over in the first place. But he was a stubborn hard headed hot head after he joined that karate class he always tells you about.
"then why the hell did he have his hands all over you? Why did you let him do that!?" eli yells stalking closer to you, his eye's alight with anger, rage rolling off him in burning waves. You actually felt a little intimidated by him and let your anger soften a little, trying to calm down.
"I didn't. That's what you're not understanding!" you spoke through gritted teeth. The man just slung a arm over your shoulder and started getting a little too friendly for your liking. Why you waved your boyfriend over.
"what you're not understanding is that you shouldn't have even talked to the asshole in the first place!" he exclaimed, clearly getting even angrier. You sigh deeply and shake your head.
"I'm going home until you calm down..." you say calmy, heading for the door until he graps your wrist and spins you around, hard blue eye's glaring down at you.
"you're not leaving until this is settled!" you huff out a frustrated breath, fed up with his attitude.
"there's nothing to settle Eli, not until you stop being a childish asshole" you said, venom dripping from your voice as you angrily pry his fingers from your wrist, in a attempt to leave. But when you done so he done some sort of move making you flip and land on his floor hard on your back, the wind knocked from your lungs. You stare up at your boyfriend with a frightened, betrayed look. This was not your Eli... Eli would never do something like this to you, at least you thought.
When you met his gaze, his blue eye's was wide with a horrified expression. He was quick to crouch down beside you, reaching for you. But you backed away, standing up and running out fthe door. You heard Eli yelling for you, pleading for you to talk... But you left his house. Tears swelling in your eye's.
You wasn't hurt, you pissed he'd do that, you was pissed at cobra Kai for corrupting your sweet shy Eli into an ignorant asshole who thought karate was the key to fixing everything. Like tonight at that stupid party he dragged you to, if your shy sweet Eli saw a man flirting with you, he'd take you home and calmy tell you what he was feeling, taking care of the situation calmy, he'd see you push the jerk away and cling to his side as you reassure him he was the only man for you.... But the new Eli... Hawk, he saw everything different, he saw the man wrap a arm around you and assumed you was madly in love with the stranger, he saw the chance to use his flashy new fighting skills and took it. Showing off his new self. You hated it.
A solid week went by with you ignoring Eli, not answering his calls or texts, distancing yourself from him at school or anywhere you saw him actually. You even had to ignore poor Miguel because he tried getting you to talk to Eli. But you didn't want to, not after what he done.
That's how you ended up walking home alone from school, bag slung over your shoulder as you kept your eyes glued to the sidewalk. But the sound of approaching footsteps caught your attention, you look behind you to see aisha. She walks beside you steadily. You sigh and already know what she's hear for....
"look, I have no idea what happened between you and hawk... But maybe you should try talking to him? He's really upset, he's even missing karate class" you look over at her as you stopped walking. That was a bit of shock, Eli skipping lessons like that.
"he's not been showing up for his lessons?" you ask, a curious brow lifted at her.
She nods, "he hasn't showed up for a week now, even sensei Lawrence is concerned about him, maybe you should call hawk, try working things out?" aisha told you. But you wasn't gonna forgive Eli that easily, just because he was skipping karate doesn't mean you'd forgotten what he done to you.
"maybe sensei Lawrence should give him a call, because I'm not letting Eli forget his mistake that easily" you grumbled, aisha sighs and follows you to your house.
"what did he even do? It can't be that bad!?" she said a little loudly as you got ahead of her. You stopped walking again, nearly home as you grip your backpack strap hard.
"he freaking body slammed me aisha! It's pretty bad" you state with frustration. Aisha's eyes widen as she catches up with you.
"why the hell did he do that?" she asks, starting to side with you on this one. You opened your mouth to answer her but no noise came out, you stared at your porch steps at where the familier man sat, his head resting in his hands as he bounced his knee, his anxiety getting the best of him.
You groan and March over to him, trying to ignore him as you head for the steps, but he stood up fastly and looks at you with big pleading eye's, his expression one of pain and regret. You felt your heart ache for him, for you remember this look on him all to well, the nights you spent holding him in your arms as kids words from school about the scar on his lip got to him...
You push those thoughts away and try to pass him, but he stops you gently, his shaky hand softly grasping your hand. You yank your hand from his grasp causing his heart to break right there, his eye's showing the defeated pained look that action caused.
"get out of my way hawk... Go home or whatever" you grumbled quietly while staring at him with a look over anger.
He sighs, a little frown on his face. He knew he messed up big time when you called him hawk, something you never called him, ever. "I'm sorry y/n, I'm so sorry for what I did. I didn't mean to do that... It was a reflex -
"don't go making excuses for practically body slamming me hawk, now move and get lost" you try and make him leave by putting up a angery facade. But it obviously wasn't working.
"please y/n! I'm sorry, what I did was stupid, how I was acting that night was stupid and nothing will ever make up for what I did, I know that but..." he sighs, looking down as his lip trembles. Pain embracing your heart at the sight, you hated seeing Eli cry...
"I can't leave without you y/n, I know that sounds cliché... But it's true, I didn't realize how enjoyable life was when you were in it... But when you left? When you're gone... It's miserable, a living hell because I can't stand not hearing you're voice or seeing you're face - I miss you y/n, so fucking much it's killing me not being near you... Please just give me a another chance " he spoke with tears slowly falling from his blue eye's. This was Eli, not hawk the big badass karate champ, but sweet, sympathetic, vulnerable Eli moskowitz. "please" he muttered.
You stare at him, eye's roaming his face. You look into his blue eye's, the eye's you've gazed in for nearly 3 years. You look over his adorable nose you've made a habit of kissing whenever he'd get stressed or frustrated over anything the action always melting his heart. Then lastly you look over the scar on his lip, the scar he hated with a passion. You've placed many kisses on that scar, telling him it wasn't seen as a flaw in your eye's, but a beauty mark, something that made him characteristic. All of that took place in the years before he went to Cobra Kai. The years you both was madly in love...
"eli... I'll never forget what happened that night, you acted like a total asshole, you overreacted over something stupid because you let anger and jealousy get the best of you, and you hurt me. Not only emotionally, but physically and that's something I'll never forget" you said with a through growing frustration. Eli's eye's already showing the way his heart was shattering at what he thought was you breaking up with him.
"but... That doesn't mean I'm just going to leave you, sure I may be angry but I'll never stop loving you Eli....but if you ever pull a stunt like that one more time... I won't be as forgiving." you say while giving him a serious look.
Hope fulls his eye's while he gives you a ghost of a smile. "it will never happen again, I swear y/n I'll never let no one hurt you, not even myself" he muttered. You sigh and walk closer to him. Delicately cupping his cheeks as you look up into his eyes, you then lean in and kiss his nose. His eyes fluttering closed as he let's a breath escape his lips.
"I love you Eli, I'll always love you and only you" you murmur as a smile tugs at your lips. His eye's open again as he smiles down at you.
"I'll always love you too babe, I'm sorry for being such an asshole...." he looks down as his smile turns to a frown. You make him look up at you by tilting his head up.
"let's put it behind us Eli, there's no point on dwelling in the past when there's a future ahead of us" you say, knowing guilt was eating away at him for what he done. And sure, you was still bothered by what he done... You knew he had alcohol in his system and wasn't thinking straight. And like he said, you knew it was a reflex.... Why hold one mistake on the man?
"okay..." he muttered with a smile, you smiled back and kissed the scar on his lip. He melts in your touch, while you both just stood there.
And as months went by, Eli stayed True to his word. He didn't let anyone hurt you, not even himself. He showed others hawk when you wasn't around, but when you was by his side. He was the shy sweet Eli you had fallen in love with.
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Prompt: Inspired by the song Things You Make Me Do by Devil Doll
Word Count: Long-ish
Pairings: Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: +18, angst, heart break, manipulation
Editor: @thenightmareismyreality
Tag: @ziasaph , @marlananicole , @akiko-tanaka , @wickedsunfire , @sassymox , @nicolewoo , @saccreigns , @mindofasagittaruis , @reigns-5sos , @drewmcintyrekoccsrocbwdgfan , @auawdo , @lustyromantic , @babydee17 , @yungbludjazz360
Notes: This song is amazing, this band is amazing and I missed my main man, so enjoy lol ❤️ If you’d like to check out my other works, you can find them on my Masterlist 😉
I've got a secret plan to love you and I do so night and day
And I always stand right by you, have your back in every way
And you wish that I could save you and I wish that I could too
But if you cause too much pain for me I'll leave if I have to
He stood up from the hotel bed and began to get dressed, and as she stared at his figure, she wondered until when was she going to put up with this
But I think about you constantly all through the night and day
And I toss and turn in bed at night and hope it goes away
But it never does and when I wake and you're not next to me
I remember where you are, I hope your girl forgives me
“Are you leaving already?” She asked
“You know I have to” He looked at her “We can’t have people suspecting this” He motioned to the space between them “I would be fucked if they did” He scoffed
“Excuse me?” She asked, hurt by his lack of emotion “What do you mean by that?” She couldn’t have felt more offended, even if she chose to
“What, Y/N? Look, we fuck every once in a while, we have a good time but that’s it!” He chuckled, as he tied up his sneakers “Don’t try to turn this into something that it isn’t” He stood up
“Like what?” She asked angrily
“You know what? I’ll see you later” He winked, and walked out the door of her hotel room
Do I need you?
You seem to think I do
Can't seem to see through anything that you do
Oh, ooohhh, the things you make me do
Y/N was walking down one of the dark arena hallways, when a pair of strong arms grabbed her from behind, pushing her inside of one of the locker rooms
“Aren’t you gonna talk to me?” He asked, with his lips glued to her ear
“No, and let me go! I have work to do”
“You’ve been ignoring me for three days straight! Why is that, baby?” As his lips made contact with her skin, trailing down her neck
“Roman, just let me go. This is not the place and DEFINITELY not the time”
“I miss you” He whispered “Y/N, baby, you hurt my feelings when you treat me like this” He buried his face in her hair and caressed her body softly
She scoffed “As if you had any”
“Hey” He turned her around so she could face him “What’s the attitude about?” He looked into her eyes, and saw the resentment they held
“Is this because of what I said in your hotel room?” He sighed
“If you know, then why play dumb?” She spat
“C’mon Y/N, I’m sorry, ok?” He hugged her waist “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m an asshole! Please forgive me?” He pouted “Please, baby? I hate when you get mad at me” He begged with his eyes
“You don’t deserve it, you know” She crossed her arms in front of her chest
“Don’t be such a bitter bitch...It’s hotter when you’re MY bitch” He teased
When she tried to hold back a cackle, he knew he had won again
I should know better than to follow your lead wherever you go
Through the raging rivers, stones and alley ways we go
Sometimes I wonder if you really know where you take me to
But your radio is on so loud I can't get through to you
But if everything's ok with you then it's ok with me
You are such a little boy with you're big philosophy
But I'm not a little girl, I am a woman, don't you know?
I'm packing up my toys, I don't want to play anymore
“I don’t want to do this anymore” She said, watching him turn around and get dressed again - as he did every time.
“What are you talking about?” He frowned, as he looked for his shirt
“I don’t want to see you anymore, I’m done with this bullshit”
“You’re breaking up with me?” He laughed, in disbelief
“Well technically, in order to break up with someone you need to be with them in the first place”
“Not this again” He rolled his eyes in annoyance “Why do you always have to get feelings involved, huh? For fucks sake, can’t you ENJOY a one night stand like everybody else?” He threw his hands up in the air
“One night stand?” She widened her eyes in surprise “Do you call fucking almost every night for two years straight a ‘one night stand’ ?”
“Sexually speaking, we couldn't be any more compatible if we tried - so what the fuck do you want me to do? You’re a good fuck to me and I’m a good fuck to you! Why would I search in clubs and bars for something I have next door?” He tugged on his hair out of frustration “I don’t have to date you to like you, Y/N” He sat down beside her on the bed, and caressed her face delicately “You know I like you, don’t you, baby?”
“Yeah I know” She slapped his hand away “You like me when your dick is inside of me”
“Y/N” He sighed
“Get the fuck out” She kicked him on his lower back, in a repeated attempt to shove him out of the bed “Get out!”
“I’m leaving!” He said, grabbing his jacket
“Out!” She threw one of her heels at him, and her aim made it so it nailed him sharply in the hip
“I said I’m fucking leaving” He grabbed the door handle “Crazy bitch!” He said loudly enough for her to hear as he left
But what he didn’t hear were her sobs, which lasted the entire weekend
Do I need you?
You seem to think I do
Can't seem to see through anything that you do
Oh, ooohhh, the things you make me do
Six months had passed. Y/N had transferred to Smackdown, leaving Roman and all of their bitter memories together with Monday Night Raw, and for once in her life, is truly happy. That night, as she approached her car in the parking lot, she spotted none other than Roman himself leaning against the drivers’ door of her vehicle
And how can you smile at me when you know just what you can do
And it's not fair to me cause you know that I can never have you
How can you make me feel so good but then you make me feel so bad
You know that you are the baddest love that I've never had
“Hi, baby” He smiled sheepishly “I missed you” He tried to hug her, but she dismissed him
*It’s not going to be as easy as I thought* He mentally said to himself
“Can I talk to you for a minute? I wanted to apolog-”
“What are you doing here, Roman?” She asked sharply
“I got transferred to Smackdown”
“Good for you” She nodded once and continued “Now, if you excuse me, I’m really tired” She pointed towards her car
“Y/N” He cupped her cheek “Please, just hear me out? I regret everything I did, baby. I mean it! I should have never treated you like that, you don’t deserve it! You’re a beautiful, smart, sexy woman and it was a huge mistake to take you for granted” He brushed his lips softly against hers “Tell me you forgive me, I beg you, please, baby”
“I forgive you and then what? Everything goes back to what it used to be? You treating me like shit? No, Roman. This is not fair to me” She shook her head
“And you’re absolutely right! That will NEVER happen again! I give you my word, baby. Just give me one more chance and I promise I’ll make it up to you” His long fingers stroked the back of her neck lightly, making her miss what they once had.
That was until her phone rang, and the first chords of the Davy Jones Locket song echoed through the parking lot, remembering her of what she had now.
She smiled, as the song continued “No, I have to go” She took his hand off her face and entered the car to go meet the owner of that ringtone.
I've got my own man now, he treats me the way that you never could
And now you're all like "I should’ve, could’ve, would..."
But I'm afraid you've missed the train, you were too busy playing games
And now our story comes to an end, you ain't my lover or my friend
And when I am walking down the aisle oh so happily
Then you'll be saying "it could’ve, should’ve been me."
“Rumor has it, you’re getting married” Roman said, leaning against her office’s door
“Wow, news travels fast in this business, huh?” She answered, not paying too
much attention to him
“Can I see the ring?”
“Why? Want to buy a new one for your wife?” She scoffed
He decided to ignore her tone “Can I know who the lucky guy is?”
“Will it change anything if you do?” She continued to read her papers
“Can you stop answering my questions with other questions?”
“Will you stop asking me personal questions then?”
He chuckled softly “I missed that acid humor of yours”
“What do you want Roman?” She glared at him
“Your happiness” But this time, he meant it
“Now, that’s a bad taste joke” She laughed bitterly
“I know you don’t believe me, but I do”
“Right” She said dismissively
“Can you tell me who it is?”
“I figure, if you know I’m getting married then you also know who the groom is. Why hear old news again?”
“It’s Drew, isn’t it?” He asked defeatedly
She sighed “Yes, Roman. It’s Drew, are you happy now?”
“When is the wedding?”
“October. Why are you suddenly so interested in my love life?”
“I need to know how much time I have to kidnap you before you commit the biggest mistake of your life” He joked, but deep down, he meant it
“I’m pretty sure I’ve already committed that one” She said, intentionally making eye contact with him
“I love you, Y/N. Always have”
“You have a funny way of showing it” She murmured
“I’m sorry, babe...but I felt trapped. I didn’t knew how to express what I was feeling and I was so confused” He locked his gaze with hers “I would do everything different now, I swear I would”
She ignored his pleading eyes, and returned her gaze to her paperwork “I’m afraid that time is gone, Roman...There’s nothing left to do”
If you need me, I will not hear thee
Stay away from me, trying to decieve me
Oh, oh, ohhh the things you make me do
Oh the things you'll never make me do
Oh the things you’ll never make me do
Roses are red, violets are blue and so are you
One year later, Y/N is gathering her personal belongings from her office, her pregnancy doesn’t allow her to travel with the company any more, so she’s going to be working only from her home office for the foreseeable future. A knock on her door made her look up
“I heard the stork will be visiting you soon” Roman said
“Yeah, apparently she will”
“How far along are you?” He approached her carefully
“Just turned four months”
“Baby is popping out of nowhere, huh? Until a week ago you had no bump at all, and now” He reached his hand to touch her belly, but stopped midway
“It’s okay, Ro, you can touch it” She encouraged him
He smiled widely and rested his big hand against her tiny bump
“Do you know what you’re having?” He asked softly
“Girl” She smiled brightly “Regan”
“Even got her a name already? Damn baby, you’re fast- Sorry I shouldn’t have called you that” He said weakly
“It’s ok, don’t worry about it” She tried to hide the nostalgia the pet name brought to her
“I wish...” He trailed off
“Don’t. Don’t go there, please”
“You can still run away with me, you know?” He smirked, teasingly
“I’m sure you would look great holding a female version of Drew” She tried to joke
“As long as you birth it, I don’t care who made it. Although I wish it was me” He tried, one last time
“Maybe in another life, Ro” She smirked sadly, as she reached the door
“Do you promise?” He asked
“I’ll see you around” Smiling widely, she made her way out the arena doors, leaving him behind, for the second time (in that life).
But who knows what can happen in the next one?...
Please, if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated 🥰😘
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handsoffmyfriends · 4 years
PAIRINGS: ex!Kuroo Tetsurou x gn!Reader, platonic!Akaashi Keiji x gn!Reader, ex!Sekimukai Kouji x gn!Reader, pining!Akaashi x Bokuto Koutarou, pining!Sekimukai Kouji x Izumi Yukitaka, Kozume Kenma x Hinata Shouyou
WARNINGS: dumb choices, drinking, sex mention, kissing your best friend lmao, unhealthy coping mechanisms, pining, so much pining its a pine forest, lovesick fools, angst, really really self indulgent like look at the ships lmao
A/N: so this thing became an entire au that has evicted the actual paying tenants in my head to squat rent free lmao just a bunch of maybe chronological events beginning with The Breakup and leading up to Getting Back Together
i totally lost steam at the end rip but i need this out of my drafts since scrolling 34 years to find my smau drafts is killer
tags: @samanthaa-leanne @finnydraws @peteunderoos @lowermoons @deestielluv @angyboibakugo @carmomo18 @kuroirl​
Part One
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The day started with melancholy. The weather seemed to disagree, not a cloud in the sky as the morning sun filtered into your room through poorly drawn curtains, the warm rays scattering along your faces. 
It was your last day together before you moved to the other side of the country for college for the next four years. Hokkaido had offered you exactly what you wanted to pursue, you just had to sacrifice your life in Tokyo to take it. Kuroo had been overwhelmingly supportive when you received your acceptance letter, rambling on and on about how Kenma would make sure he had a decent computer setup so you could video call every day, how the physical distance wouldn't matter in the long run.
You didn't tell him how much it meant to you that he would go to all those lengths to be with you. You didn't tell him how you couldn't ask that of him, how unfair it would be of you to tether him to you like that. You knew he deserved better than that, better than text messages and video calls. He deserved to be with someone that could be physically by his side, and that someone just wasn't you anymore.
You woke up somber, despite the warm, comforting arms wrapped around you like a cage. You allowed yourself several minutes to relish in his warmth, to commit to memory how perfect it felt to be by his side, since you knew you would never have this again.
Usually, you were both slow to wake, indulging in early morning cuddles and kisses, but today you couldn't bring yourself to bask in the little world of happiness the two of you had cultivated over the three years of your relationship. You were going to tear it all apart, but you knew it was for the better. There was no happiness in a relationship that would be held together by loneliness and longing, of staring at phones and wondering when the next text would come, when the next call would come. It would be torture and no matter how much you loved him, you couldn't bring yourself to demand that of him.
So, you didn't roll over and kiss him awake like you usually would. You don't stare at his sleeping face for minutes on end, marvelling at how peaceful he looks in slumber. You already knew every facet of his face, every emotion he was capable of expressing, so you don't need to commit anything to memory. 
You pull yourself from his grip, despite him trying to tighten his hold on you as he came to consciousness. Even in sleep, if you tried to wiggle away, he would pull you closer instinctually. He looked up at you bleary eyed, a little confused, but happy to see you nonetheless, a sleepy smile gracing his features. The pure adoration he held for you sent your heart plummeting.
You gave him a tight smile back before leaving the comfort of the bed, the beginning of a bigger departure. You left him to doze off as you mulled around the bedroom, picking out some clothes and heading to the bathroom without a second glance. If you had looked at him again, you would have noticed him watching you with furrowed brows. 
He knew you were worried about moving to Hokkaido, he was feeling down about, too. Today was your last day together in person, but he meant every word when he said he would be on top of calling you. Part of him knew your behaviour wasn't off because of the move, he knew you were keeping something from him, but he wasn't about to pry. He knew, deep down, that something was wrong, but he ignored that niggle of anxiety, just like he ignored the space that had suddenly grown between you.
It continued in the little actions throughout the day. You could barely look him in the eyes, could barely respond to his numerous assurances that he would call you, that it wouldn't be different, not really. You tried to wear a polite smile and nod, but it felt worn, like a terrible disguise and you knew he could see through it. It caused him to lay it on thicker, that by being overconfident and overbearing in his determination to make things work, it would smother the uncomfortable atmosphere that you had created.
"It's going to be fine," he repeats for the hundredth time, rubbing your shoulders soothingly. "I know you're nervous about the move. Hell, I would be, too!" 
You hum, an acknowledgement that he's spoken but nothing more to contribute to the conversation. You're sitting in the living room, your bags packed and ready to go. You get the notification that your ride is here, that will take you to the airport and send you to the faraway island.
"You can call me when you're settled," he continues. "Or when you land. Whenever you want, kitten. I'll always answer." 
It's almost sad, how desperate he is to convince you it will be okay. You have no doubt in your mind that he would hold true to his word, that things might even work out in the end, but you also know that would demand crippling loneliness. It would demand that each of you be on each other's beck and call, that when that phone rings or a text comes through, you're expecting to answer or reply. It demands that you're both hanging on the edge of your seat, waiting desperately for that phone call, that text message.
You hum again, looking up at him in inquiry. It's a mistake, he's looking down at you with all the love in the world. It wavers your determination, makes you falter in your resolve. You want to reciprocate that love so much, with every fibre of your being, and you do, you really do, which is why the next words out of your mouth are, "let's break up." 
The next few moments go by in a blur. You barely register what he's saying, if he's saying anything at all, or what you're saying in return, if anything at all. You know deep down, this needs to be done, neither of you can live happily hanging onto that next text message, that next phone call. He deserves better than that, and so do you.
You gather up your bags in a daze as Kuroo is speaking fervently, questions and compromises falling on your deaf ears. You give him half hearted responses, barely formed excuses that you both know are bullshit. You don't look at him the entire time, knowing if you gave in and looked at the pain you had inflicted, you would cave and take it all back.
You leave without another word. Kuroo is torn between chasing after you and demanding a proper reason, but he knows it would be to no avail. He lets you go, knowing he has no chance to get anything out of you today. He tries to convince himself it's because you're leaving, that your nerves are wound up, that you're stressed and anxious about the move and about the new school, that you aren't thinking properly. That in a few days, you'll realise how silly you're being and you'll take it back.
He lets you go because he's confident he can change your mind. 
He's calling you the next day. 
It startles you out of your light slumber. You'd been going non-stop ever since you left, arranging your new room, organising your college schedule, finding the closest shops and most effective public transport, being thrown way out of your depth at the sudden independence that this new life demanded of you. Thankfully, you had a week to get used to it before college started handing your ass back to you on a silver platter.
You scramble to see the caller ID and your blood runs cold when you see. Everything in you is telling you to answer, to apologise for your actions and to take it all back, to even beg his forgiveness, but you just stare at the phone as the call goes to voicemail. You breathe a sigh of relief, though it's short lived when you get the text that you have a new voicemail. 
And then he's calling again. 
It goes like this for a solid fifteen minutes. Call after call, your heart desperately wanting to answer him, but your mind knowing you shouldn't. You've repeated it to yourself a thousand times already, that it's better off this way, that you both wouldn't be happy.
You're starting to hate yourself for being so stubborn.
The next day you're introduced to your roommate. Which, to your surprise, is someone you recognise. You hadn't expected to know anyone here, and if you're being honest with yourself, you don't really know Akaashi Keiji all that well. To you, he was just the friend of your boyfriend's best friend, who went to a completely different school. 
Well, ex-boyfriend. 
Akaashi seems to be surprised to see you as well. He introduced himself politely, finishing with, "you're... Kuroo's parter, right?" 
It stabs you in a way you didn't think possible. You can feel your heart skip a beat before it picks up in double time, loud in your ears as Akaashi regards you with polite interest. You clear your throat, avoiding his gaze as you say, "ah, n-not anymore." 
You find that Akaashi isn't a very expressive person. If he's shocked at the revelation, he doesn't show it. "Oh, my apologies." He doesn't pry any further, his voice devoid of any genuine feelings towards the matter. You don't know if you should be annoyed or relieved that he doesn't ask you about it. 
It's then that your phone, from the very traitorous place on the kitchen counter, starts to go off. Akaashi glances at it before you're able to clamber over the sofa to the offending device, Kuroo's face and ID lighting up the screen in an entirely offensive display to your pride. 
You hastily hit the reject button rather than letting it ring out, which earns you a raised eyebrow from your roommate. You can see the gears working in his brain as he pieces together the facts, though you're not given a chance to recover as your phone is going off again.
Apologies spill out of your mouth as you escape the communal area, shutting yourself in your room and away from Akaashi's judgement. You clutch at your phone like a lifeline, the feelings of remorse and desperation taking you over as Kuroo tries to call you over and over, the tears falling relentlessly for as long as he tries.
He gives up after ten minutes this time, though he leaves a voicemail for every unanswered call. 
It's later that evening that you finally emerge from your room. Kuroo didn't try to call again, but he's been texting you non-stop all day. You've been reading them, how could you not, your heart breaking all over as you read the begging. It would almost be pathetic, how desperate he is for your attention, if you didn't reciprocate. You ask yourself for the hundredth time if this is the right course of action. 
Akaashi, to your surprise, has made dinner for the both of you. He's still in the middle of serving the meal, his eyes flickering up as you enter the room. 
"Are you okay?"
The question throws you off guard. You sputter, "I— what?" like a moron, feeling entirely off balance. You'd expected a lot of things to come from Akaashi, mostly negative, but not concern for your wellbeing. 
"I asked if you are okay," he repeats, setting two bowls of food onto the low table by the couch. The apartment made use of the minimal space, meaning it was an open living layout with no dining area. 
You gaped at him like a fish, unsure of what to say. He's patient with you, taking a seat and waiting for you to catch up to the present moment. You eventually do, wordlessly taking the floor across from him, staring at the meal like it held all the answers to the universe. 
"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," he continues. "I don't mean to be presumptuous, but I find myself in a similar sort of situation." 
You glance up at him like a rabbit staring down the jaws of a fox. He's regarding you with a carefully neutral expression, his hands busy with his bowl and chopsticks. You open your mouth to speak, but it's dry, and your voice comes out a lot raspier than usual. "What do you mean?" 
"A long distance relationship," he says simply. "Bokuto suggested it, but I talked him out of it. We came to the agreement that we could try again once I graduate college, since he's going professional." He arches a delicate brow when he looks back up at you as he says, "I assume you had a similar conversation with Kuroo?"
You feel the knot in your belly tighten. You swallow thickly, willing yourself not to cry. "Not really," you admit, voice laced with emotion. "We didn't... discuss anything."
He studies you in a relaxed way as he eats, prompting you to start on your own meal. You thank him quietly for the meal despite not feeling hungry at all. You eat it all the same.
Akaashi is remarkably understanding about your decision. The only thing he doesn't agree with is you shouldering the decision, but he knows Kuroo well enough to know that there would have been no convincing him otherwise. 
Kuroo continues to try to call you daily. Usually, its towards the evening, when you and Akaashi are either eating or watching TV to wind down for the day. You ignore it every time, Akaashi growing increasingly more worried about you as the weeks go by. 
The two of you talk about your not-boyfriends a lot. The difference being that Akaashi maintains a friendly relationship with Bokuto, the two texting on the daily and video calling every other day. You had been present for one of the video calls, milling around in the kitchen behind Akaashi. Bokuto had greeted you politely enough, but you could tell he was angry with you. You didn't blame him, he was Kuroo's best friend after all, and you were surprised to find him tolerating you at all. Akaashi must have explained things to him, because the next time you accidentally crashed their video call, Bokuto had been much more pleased to see you.
Kuroo's unanswered messages to you deviate from their begging to be more casual, recounting his day in a one sided conversation. Somehow, it makes it all the harder to continue reading them, but you don't have the heart to block his number and you feel like you at least owe it to him to keep reading them. You don't touch the voicemails, knowing that if you heard his voice, your resolve would crumble.
It comes to a head one day, six months later, when you're lying in bed, unable to sleep, when he's texting you again. The frequency has died down considerably, the daily texts and calls turning into weekly ones. You watch with tears in your eyes as he recounts his day yet again, how much college is kicking his ass and how much of a recluse Kenma is when given the choice. He mentions how he's been spending time with Bokuto, suggests that the four of you should all have a video call and how is Akaashi going by the way?
He calls you after he's finished, and you nearly answer. Your finger hovers over the green spot, and you're ready to give up, this clearly isn't working, but for the first time he doesn't call until it rings out to voicemail. It leaves you feeling hollow. You had finally come to terms that you weren't going to hold out, that you were going to answer him and beg for his forgiveness.
He sends you one more text that sends you over the edge. You only read the first line of the preview, "I'll always love you, kitten," before you're opening up your messages with Kenma, begging him to talk to Kuroo and ask him to stop contacting you. You couldn't do this anymore.
And just like that, Kuroo goes silent. You feel your heart shatter at the realisation that you finally got what you wanted, that Kuroo would finally stop contacting you. You aren't sure when Akaashi made his way into your room, but you're bawling into his shoulder as he holds you close, rubbing soothing circles into your back as your heart is finally able to fully break.
Things get better. You're able to focus more on your college work and your friendship with Akaashi becomes more than a pair of lovesick fools. It becomes genuine, and strangely domestic. Akaashi's a lot better at cooking than you are, so in turn you handle the cleaning. Usually, you'll watch him cook and narrate the process like you're on a cooking show, and you'll rate the dish and give a critical analysis that's full of bullshit words and terms you don't fully understand. Sometimes, you'll even get into the kitchen and have Akaashi instruct you on what to do. He almost always takes over.
You both prefer to study in the communal area, quietly enjoying each other's company, and you regularly watch TV together. You don't necessarily talk a lot during these times, but you both relish the companionship and how comfortable it feels to be around each other.
You take each other out on platonic dates on the regular, too. Usually just to the coffee shop on campus when you're both run down from a lecture, swapping who pays for whom every time. Sometimes, it's a little more elaborate, a casual night out at the local izakaya. 
Friendship with Akaashi comes as easy as breathing and he quickly becomes your closest friend. You confide in him as much as he confides in you, though the topic of conversation deviates from your mutual pining to more substantial things. You find that your original assumption of Akaashi not being very expressive was entirely false. He's just extremely guarded, but he feels at ease around you, almost as much as he feels around Bokuto, so you get to see his rare smiles and listen to his laughter.
There's a day where you're both exhausted from the week, feeling especially touch-starved, when you cross the line. Akaashi is the one to suggest it, his reasoning very sound. You're both craving physical contact, you're both helplessly in love with someone you can't be with right now, so why not give it a try? 
"You can pretend I'm him," he says in a low voice as he moves into your space. It sounds so unhealthy, but he would be doing the same with you, so it would be okay, right?
You find out very quickly that your relationship with Akaashi could never be anything but platonic. When he kisses you, and you kiss him back, you both recoil with an almost repulsed expression mirroring back to each other. You're the first to laugh, the small giggle escaping your lips with Akaashi hovering over you on the couch. He sits back and laughs along with you as you trade compliments for your kissing style, but come to an agreement that it felt wrong.
You never speak of it again.
After that, you're somehow even more comfortable with each other. You start calling each other by first name. You often gravitate to his side, whether it be huddled down on the couch, completely invading his personal space, or be it out in public, where he carelessly throws his arm around you.
The two of you could never see each other as anything but platonic friends, but you're still able to satisfy the cravings of the skin, in the form of casual touches and friendly embraces. It becomes the norm for you two to be touching somehow, whether it be hand holding or just standing shoulder to shoulder. It's therapeutic.
Some of your classmates ask if you're dating. You laugh at the questions, there's no way you could date Akaashi. You assure them that you're just best friends. It doesn't seem to convince anyone, but you don't really care. They don't understand and you don't want to make them. It's between you and Akaashi, and probably Bokuto, too.
You're at a party, entirely too drunk, when you're being pulled into a bathroom and you're being ravaged by someone you don't know. He's probably a classmate, someone you see every other day, but right now you can't find a name. You find that you don't care, and you lose yourself to his ministrations as he peels back your clothing and presses wet, drunken kisses to your skin.
It's when you muse his black hair into something far too familiar, moaning out a name you thought you'd never say again, that has you scrambling from the sink in a panic. You barely give the man another look before you run, out of the bathroom and out of the building, onto the cold, dark street. You fumble for your phone with ragged breaths, dialing Akaashi.
You're panicking and you're damn near in tears on the phone to him. It takes him no time at all to come to you, you were somewhere on campus, and he's wrapping you up in his scarf and jacket, holding you close as you come down from your hysterics. 
You walk home in silence, your hand firmly clasped in his. He sits you down on the sofa, wrapping you up even more like a burrito, setting a glass of water in front of you as he prepares tea for you both. You're dazed, or you're just still really drunk, because suddenly Akaashi is next to you and pressing the warm mug into your hands. 
"What happened?" 
You shrug helplessly. "I don't know. One minute it was fine, I was about to get the dicking of my life—" You stop yourself, your brain catching up with your words. "No, I wasn't. I was in a fucking bathroom of all places. No, that would have been a shit fuck," you murmur this to yourself, voicing your thoughts. You startle slightly when Akaashi places a hand on your shoulder, bringing you back to the present. "Oh. Um. For a second, all I could think of was Kuroo, so I panicked." 
Akaashi sighed, rubbing your arm comfortingly. "I'm glad you're okay. Next time, let me come with you."
You wiggle your eyebrows stupidly. "Why, you wanna get down and dirty with me?" The question barely makes it out before you're laughing. The idea of sleeping with Akaashi has become laughable. You suddenly grow somber as the thought crosses your mind and you look up to him with the biggest eyes you can manage. "Hey, can I sleep with you tonight?"
He snorts, an affectionate smile dancing on his lips. "You are so horny when you're drunk."
"Not like that!" you exclaim, a little too loud, a little too excited. "Just... you know. Sharing a bed. No funny business." 
He can barely hold back his own laughter, giggling softly at you. "No funny business," he agrees with a giggle, patting the top of your head. "Alright, give me a minute to make my bed." 
Akaashi is on a video call with Bokuto when he has to excuse himself for the bathroom, leaving Bokuto to spot you in the background and excitedly hollering your name, calling you over.
"We haven't spoken in forever!!" he whines as you take Akaashi's place on the sofa. 
You laugh as you say, "I'm pretty sure we spoke last week, man."
He playfully pouts, but excited all the same. "Yeah, but last week you hadn't kissed Akaashi yet!" You freeze and Bokuto bursts out into mirthful laughter. "Or slept with him!" he adds for good measure, and you feel like your entire existence should just cease to be.
"Well, uh, you see, about that," you try to explain, but you're stumbling over your words and Bokuto is having the time of his life on the other line.
"I'm just teasing," he assures in between bouts of laughter. "He told me all about it, but I've been dying to know your side of the story. C'mon, tell me, is he not the best kisser you've ever kissed?"
You pray for some divine being to smite you on the spot, to spare you the embarrassment of the conversation, but your prayers are not answered and you're forced to go along with Bokuto's asinine line of questioning. "Well, uh, no offense to you or him, but no? Like, objectively he's a great kisser, but like..." you trail off helplessly. "I've kissed better," you end up saying fruitlessly.
Bokuto's eyes shine with glee. "You mean, my best bro, Kuroo? Oh, hey, that rhymes!" 
You chuckle at him, ignoring the little pricks to your heart. "Yeah. He's spoiled me for life, I think," you say, truthfully. Neither that drunken mishap nor Akaashi could compare to how it felt when you kissed Kuroo. But, you very purposefully do not follow that train of thought, and you're blessed with the return of Akaashi. 
He gives you a quirk of the eyebrow as he takes a seat next to you, very much in your personal space, going so far as to rest his head in your lap as he looks up to the screen with pure adoration. "Are you behaving yourself, Bokuto?" 
"Always!" he barks back cheerfully. "Just sharing stories of what it's like to kiss you!" 
Akaashi buries his head in your lap and you feel like a furnace, no doubt your face is as red as the shirt you're wearing. Despite it all, you pat Akaashi's head comfortingly, and Bokuto actually squeals, an impossibly high pitch from the man, as he coos at how adorable you two are. 
"Is your partner as cool as I am with you being this affectionate with Akaashi?" Bokuto blurts. You miss the narrowing of Akaashi's eyes.
"We aren't together, Bokuto," Akaashi murmurs. Bokuto waves him off with a grin.
"I, uh, I'm not seeing anyone," you announce, forcing a laugh. You nudge at Akaashi ever so slightly, smoothly sliding out from under him. "It was nice to talk to you again, Bo, but I've got some shit I need to do. You kids keep it PG13 in the living room, okay?"
You don't see the stern look Akaashi gives Bokuto, nor do you hear the reprimanding when you close yourself in your room. You aren't privy to the conversation that follows, nor Kuroo meekly poking his head into frame. 
"This isn't healthy," Akaashi scolds. "It's been over a year, Kuroo."
"Then tell me with absolute certainty that I don't have a chance," he counters. "Tell me that it's a lost cause." 
Akaashi opens his mouth to say just that, but knows it would be a lie. He frowns as he says, "it still isn't healthy." 
College starts back up with little fanfare. You and Akaashi sign on to stay as roommates for the duration of your courses, which was a no brainer. You couldn't imagine not living with Akaashi, and for the time being, you'll let yourself live in the fantasy. You know you'll eventually have to let him go, when you both graduate and he returns to Bokuto, and you're fine with that. You don't know what you're going to do, but you figure that isn't something to worry about for another few years.
Bokuto comes to visit, though it's barely for a weekend. You try to give the two men their privacy, you know that despite not dating that they would want their alone time, but Bokuto is very insistent that you all hang out together.
Once, you would have said you were better friends with Bokuto over Akaashi. How could you not have been, you were dating his best friend and you all got along. Kuroo would often drag you along to their joint volleyball training camps, and he would often want to catch Bokuto outside of school hours. Bokuto was funny, easy to get along with, and charming in his own way. Akaashi would often accompany Bokuto on those outings, but the two of you just never hit it off.
Funny how things work themselves out.
Akaashi's having a shower when you drop next to Bokuto, throwing your legs over his lap and leveling him with a serious look. "I'm going to ask you something and you're not going to read into it or tell anyone about it," you say as you get comofrtable.
He raises an eyebrow impossibly high. "I can promise none of that," he answers truthfully. "I can't keep things from Akaashi."
You muse for a moment. "Okay, Keiji doesn't count." He suppresses a squeal of delight at you using Akaashi's given name. Something about your friendship with Akaashi really tickles Bokuto's inner fangirl. He schools his face into something more serious when you cock your head to the side. "Right. Um. How is... Kuroo?"
His eyebrows shoot even higher, eyes sparkling with intrigue. You're quick to deny any special interest (lie), you fell out of love with him long ago (lie), you're completely over him (lie). You're probably being too insistent on these facts (lies), but if you repeat them enough, they'll eventually become true, right? (Wrong).
"I haven't even said anything yet," Bokuto laughs, silencing you. "He's doing fine. I think he's seeing someone, but he's so tight lipped about it," he says with a frown while the news causes your heart to skip a beat. "He's still living with Kenma. Oh! Kenma and Hinata started dating, did you hear?" he trails off excitedly, and you find it difficult to pay attention.
Was Kuroo really dating someone? You had no right to feel as upset as you did, it is what you wanted to happen, after all. The whole idea was so you could both find happiness in someone a lot closer. Really, you should be happy that he managed to find it, but instead you feel bitter that you haven't been able to. You've been too busy denying your feelings, denying that you're still hung up on him nearly eighteen months later, but even if you decided to accept them, to take it all back, it seems it's too late for that now. You wouldn't deserve it anyway, not after how you callously threw him aside.
Akaashi joins you a little while later, and he knows something's upset you. He slips in easily between you and Bokuto, returning your legs to lay atop both of their laps, and he rests his hands on your thigh in comfort. He doesn't ask what's wrong, but he manages to steer Bokuto's topic completely away from all your old friends, to what the three of you should do tomorrow before Bokuto has to leave.
You start dating.
It's a lot harder than you ever thought. You never really dated in the first place, since it was in your first year at Nekoma High that you met Kuroo and very quickly fell into an easy relationship with him for the following three years. You didn't know how to date, and you were too embarrassed to ask Akaashi for advice. Part of you told you that he would be just as clueless.
Most don't go anywhere after the first date. It's surprisingly time consuming and you'd rather spend your free time with Akaashi. Some see a second date, but things just don't feel right and you don't pursue a third date.
You're walking through campus, on a haphazard video call with Hinata. He's not even in the country, he's in Brazil now, learning how to play beach volleyball. You'd always been friendly with the Karasuno middle blocker, but you'd made an effort to keep in contact since you found out he and Kenma were dating. Next to Akaashi, Kenma was your best friend, which meant Hinata was now your best friend, too.
"Sounds like you're having a wild time there," you remark to his latest misadventure. "Keeping it interesting so Kenma will keep sponsoring you?" you add as a tease, giggling with delight when Hinata gets all flustered and embarrassed.
As Hinata tries to save face, you notice a young man looking at you sheepishly, like a child that's lost their parent. He couldn't be older than you, maybe he's younger than you. "Ah, I'll call you back, Sho," you interrupt, quickly ending the call and giving the stranger a kind smile. "Can I help you?"
He looks about as awkward as you feel as he takes the two extra steps to approach you. "This is probably really weird, but were you just on the phone to Hinata Shouyou?"
That's how you met Sekimukai Kouji, who just so happened to be Hinata's old friend from elementary school. Your world in Hokkaido didn't seem nearly as detached as it once used to, and you struck up an easy friendship with Kouji.
It didn't take long for the two of you to start dating. It felt freeing, for a little while. You felt happy, or at least you had tricked yourself into feeling happy. As the months ticked by, guilt began to gnaw at you. Were you actually happy or were you just using Kouji as a stand in for Kuroo? Should you even get to feel happy after how you broke Kuroo's heart?
It came to a head one day, several months after that fateful encounter, when you were getting hot and heavy with Kouji. You'd invited him over, it wasn't the first time he'd been over, with the intention to study until your brains were mush. Studious as you were, study took a backseat after an hour, when the numbers and letters started to swirl around your head and make even less sense than usual, when Kouji's hands found your thighs and your attention was very much no longer on the nonsense alphanumerics.
His hands gripping at your sides, pressing hot kisses into your neck, your hands in his hair, tugging fervently, when you both moaned different names. Neither name belonged to the present company.
You might have been more upset with yourself for allowing it to happen again, if Kouji hadn't done the exact same to you. You both break away with mortified expressions, apologies ready to spill from your lips, when you both register that you both fucked up. A tense second passes before your chuckle breaks the silence, and the tension with it, and you're both laughing at how ridiculous you both are.
Kouji opens up and explains how he's in love with his best friend from elementary school, has been for countless years now, how he's never had the courage to admit anything, too terrified to lose their friendship, and how he hoped you would have been able to distract him, for lack of a better word.
It's almost funny, if it weren't so damn sad. You were both using each other as a stand in. You recall Akaashi offering the exact same scenario to you almost two years ago and how ridiculous it had seemed at the time.
You explain yourself in turn, and you're both laughing with tears at how pathetic you both are. You encourage Kouji to shoot his shot, that having been friends with Izumi for so long means a confession couldn't possibly ruin anything. Kouji suggests you at least try and talk to Kuroo again, though he understands that your side is a lot more convoluted than his.
You break up that day, but you maintain a solid friendship with him, to the point that you still call each other by first name. You're the first person he calls after he confesses to Izumi, telling you with tears in his voice that he lasted a whole week being single. You congratulate him, just as teary eyed, so overwhelming happy for him, and insist on meeting his new boyfriend.
It's a bittersweet moment when you do finally meet Izumi, several weeks later. You're genuinely happy that it worked out, that Kouji is the happiest you've ever seen him in the short time that you've known him, but you can't help but feel a little bitter regarding your own feelings, on top of feeling like you don't deserve to feel badly about it, since it's all your doing.
You still spend time with Kouji, though the majority of your spare time is dedicated to Akaashi. When you're out on campus, Kouji will join you in a video call to Hinata. He doesn't visit you in your apartment anymore, which is just as well, since you've decided that your home is for you and Akaashi only (and Bokuto on his rare visits).
Your last year of college goes by uneventfully. In the final week leading up to your graduation, and your eventual eviction from the college housing with Akaashi, you're reminded that you need to find new housing in Tokyo. Hokkaido was only ever temporary, you loved the lifestyle of Tokyo, you loved the people in Tokyo.
Akaashi already has you covered. He doesn't take no for an answer when he tells you of the apartment he's secured, that the two of you aren't parting ways just yet, that Bokuto is still abroad and besides, you're just as important to him as Bokuto is. It makes your heart feel as light as a feather, makes you even more excited to graduate.
The new apartment is a lot more spacious than what you've been living in for the past four years. You decorate it together, going to the store together to find more space fillers, more indoor plants, to make the space something that's entirely you and Akaashi. Despite how perfect the place ends up becoming, how truly at home you feel in your new home, uncertainty gnaws at you. This isn't really your place, not really, not when Bokuto returns.
"Hey, Keiji," you lean over the island bench as Akaashi prepares a simple recipe for dinner. Bokuto is visiting this coming weekend, and you need to air your concerns before then. "What happens to me when Bokuto moves in?"
Akaashi regards you with a slight frown, as if he doesn't understand why you're asking, as if the answer is obvious. "Nothing," he says with a tone of obviousness that matches his expression. "This is your home, too."
You hum in thought, feeling your heart soar. "Yeah, but... won't it be weird for you? Having me around when you start getting serious with Bo?"
He stops what he's doing so he can give you his undivided attention. "My getting serious with Bokuto doesn't mean you have to leave. We've been living together for so long now, I think it would be weirder if we weren't." He places his hands over yours, giving them a gentle squeeze. "If you do want to move out when that happens, it'll be on your terms. I'm not going to force you out, and neither is Bokuto."
You blink back tears that you didn't know were welling up. You clear your throat and pull your hands back, feeling way too loved. You aren't sure what to say to such brutal honesty, even though you're used to his brand of honesty by now. Despite not replying, he seems satisfied enough with your reaction to continue with dinner, glancing at you occasionally with a soft smile. You can't help but reciprocate.
Bokuto moves in six months later, when he's finally released from volleyball hell. You find it isn't as uncomfortable as you first feared, and you continue to live with the happy couple for a following six months before you decide to move out. It pains you to do so, to leave your best friend of five years, but you aren't really leaving, not when you're moving a few blocks away. Akaashi insists that you visit frequently, which you do, and for the most part it's like you never even left.
But, now you have somewhere to go when Bokuto wants to have his friends over. More to the point, when Bokuto wants to have Kuroo over.
Bokuto never said anything about it, never asked if you would be okay with having Kuroo visit for the day, never even suggested it. He would only ever invite Kuroo over if he knew you weren't going to be home, and he would always make sure Kuroo was gone by the time you were due to return. He probably would have kept that up for years, but when you caught wind of what he was doing via Akaashi, you felt terrible. The apartment had become just as much Bokuto's home as it was yours, but you were making Bokuto have to treat his best friend like some kind of sinful secret.
Living alone wasn't bad. It took some time getting used to, and you very quickly had to learn how to cook on your own. You often phoned Akaashi during meal times, asking him how to do this or that, and sometimes he would just come over to help you. It was a good excuse for the both of you, as he missed you as much as you missed him.
As the fifth year ticked over and Bokuto's birthday inched ever closer, you came to terms with the inevitability that you would have to face Kuroo again. It was probably childish of you to hope you could avoid him for the rest of your life, to continue avoiding the truth of your feelings. It was amazing you'd managed to avoid him for over a year since moving back to Tokyo, especially during those six months where you lived with Bokuto. You told Akaashi that you were ready, that you weren't going to miss Bokuto's birthday for something so silly.
"I don't think it's silly," Akaashi disagrees. "Bokuto will understand."
"We're adults," you say with a shrug. "I can’t avoid him forever. I might even be able to apologise.”
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blackbatpurplecat · 2 years
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I posted 1.679 times in 2021
30 posts created (2%)
1649 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 55.0 posts.
I added 3.246 tags in 2021
#comic - 729 posts
#batman - 461 posts
#fan art - 379 posts
#catwoman - 363 posts
#purple catwoman - 315 posts
#batman x catwoman - 303 posts
#b/w - 226 posts
#earth-new-52 - 185 posts
#black catwoman - 149 posts
#bruce wayne - 136 posts
Longest Tag: 117 characters
#i love clark's helpless glance over to bruce like 'please bruce i'm begging you i can barely afford fresh vegetables'
My Top Posts in 2021
Just found out that my favorite voice-actor who’s accompanied me through my whole life, was part of my major fan obsessions, and I was lucky enough to meet twice, has dementia. I’m sad and very scared.
13 notes • Posted 2021-04-11 17:33:29 GMT
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Catwoman #32 (2021) - variant cover by Jenny Frison
19 notes • Posted 2021-03-25 20:01:04 GMT
"Jason: Bruce, I forgive you for not saving me. But why? Why on God's Earth won't you go DOWN on her? Ignoring what she's done in the past. Blindly, stupidly, disregarding the entire museums she's stolen from, the thousands who have simped, the friends she's made. You know, I thought... I thought she'd be the last person you'd ever let get hurt. If it had been you she went down on, if she had blown you out of this world, I would've done nothing but search the planet for this hot pile of evil bat-worshiping cat and sent her a gift card for taco bell.
Bruce: You don't understand. I don't think you've ever understood.
Jason: What? What, your moral code just won't allow for that? It's too hard to cross that line?
Bruce: No! God almighty, no. It'd be too damned easy. All I've ever wanted to do is go down on her. But if I do that... if I allow myself to go down into that place... I'll never come back.
Jason: Why? I'm not talking about going down on Killer Frost, or Harley, or Ivy. I'm talking about her. Just her. And doing it because... because she took you away from me."
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29 notes • Posted 2021-06-15 23:13:37 GMT
I mean
the statement that Bruce wouldn’t go down on Selina, in an R rated cartoon no less, because heroes don’t do oral and it would harm the toy sales just proves YET AGAIN that DC have NO fucking idea what they’re doing and we can’t take anything they say seriously
blood and gore and swearing? cool anything related to sex? HUGE NO NO
also you DO know that toys are for kids. kids who shouldn’t even be watching the harley quinn cartoon for obvious reasons
and adults buying your merch already know that bruce would do it
do you even know who your target audience is?! do you have any idea about anything, DC?!
74 notes • Posted 2021-06-15 08:48:20 GMT
Isolating at home
Getting bored all alone
And so I went and binge-watched Galavant
Medieval musical
Comedy TV show
Starring a handsome dude named Galavant
But, King Richard is my fav’rite idiot
The cast’s talented and whatnot
YES, that series is the best!
Was canceled way too fast!
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149 notes • Posted 2021-02-10 23:11:51 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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skz-candy · 5 years
finding her again
"Hey, Jisung," Candy said, making him look up from his phone. She was trying on clothes she'd ordered online, and he was the only one in the dorm so he got to witness the first time she put them on.
His breath hitched as she came toward him, a full gown on. He wasn't sure when she'd have a logical reason to wear it, but he never wanted her to take it off. She looked gorgeous, absolutely beautiful, obviously breath-taking.
"Does it look that bad?" Candy frowned, drawing Jisung from his thoughts.
"It looks beautiful. You look beautiful," he said, smiling widely as her cheeks grew pink.
"I'm not sure why I got it, I'll never wear it," Candy shrugged. "I don't even look that beautiful, you know?"
"What do you mean? You absolutely look beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
"Thanks, Jisung," she smiled, lifting the dress slightly as she walked back to her room.
Jisung spun around again in the chair, the studio spinning around him. He couldn't stop looking at the picture. She did look beautiful, just like he'd said almost two years ago. She always looked beautiful. He wanted to tell her in person.
Jisung stopped the chair, quickly Googling the time difference. It was nine in the morning for her. It would take him almost 14 hours to get there. He'd be there after all her obviously extravagant birthday plans, but still on her birthday. He didn't have to debate it.
He was going to L.A.
October 3, 2019 - 10:05 pm
Jisung could feel his phone vibrate over and over again in his pocket. He knew he needed to answer it, but his mind was more focused on finding Candy. His mind was always focused on her.
He didn't have security with him, or any of the staff. He didn't even know where she lived. He knew his best shot would be to text her, call her, and pray she would acknowledge the fact he was in her hometown or just acknowledge him in general.
He started walking. He wasn't sure if he was going in the right direction. He pulled up her Instagram and looked for the places she tagged, but came up empty handed. He needed a better plan than wondering the streets after dark and right now he didn't have any. He sucked it up and opened up her contact.
Jisung: Hey! I wanna send you something in the mail! Can you reply with that, please?
Jisung waited for it to deliver, then walked around some more. There wasn't much he could do until she replied except for ignore the boys and walk, so he strolled through the city of Los Angeles. He thought it was beautiful for as big as it was. Lights and people and cars and music and so many things happening at once. He was in awe. He could see the appeal, he could understand why Candy would want to come back here. He stopped outside of a Starbucks after sitting for a while when his phone vibrate.
Candy: uhhh, okay. i'm home so i'll just share my location with you!
Jisung nearly fainted. She would respond for him to send something, but not when Seungmin was begging for forgiveness, when Felix couldn't stop crying, when Changbin was angry she might not comeback, when they all missed her so much. He shook off the shock. His eyes were peeled for a taxi now, and he would be there shortly.
His stomach kept flipping the whole drive. Would she answer the door? Was he just going to knock? Did he call her? Text her? Leave a note? He honestly didn't think he would get this far. He leaned forward, pressing his face to the back of the seat in front of him.
"Are you okay back there, kid?" The cab driver glanced at him in the mirror, shooting him a smile. Jisung leaned back and returned it.
"Yes," Jisung lied. He most certainly was not okay. His palms were growing sweaty. His eyes stared at the back of the seat with no focus. He couldn't stop the way his leg bobbed slighty. He was a mess. His mind was racing a million miles a minute. What if she really didn't want to come back? What if there was nothing he could say or -
"Here we are," the man said. "Cash or credit?" Jisung realized the taxi was stopped. He was outside her house. He would, possibly, see her soon.
"Credit," Jisung handed him the card, a card he very seldomly used and he felt his heart rip at the swipe of money going out. When he got the card back and stepped outside, he realized that sixty dollar taxi ride was worth it. Seeing her, even if she was mad, was worth it. He quickly grabbed his phone from his pocket.
Jisung: Your package is on your front porch. Open the door?
He felt weirdly shy. He had no idea what she would do or say or think, if she would talk to him. He didn't even want to approach the door, but he had already texted her. The nervousness returned as he heard muffled talking behind the door as he approached. He was silent as he saw the door begin to open and the living room come into view. He looked away from the scenery to the person who opened the door, but didn't have much time to proceess anything before he was wrapped in a hug.
"I just- you- what-" Candy mumbled as she held him tightly. His arms almost immediately wrapped around her, pulling her as close as possible.
"Candy, what was it?" Cameron came up, stopping as soon as he saw Jisung and Candy hugging.
"Mom! Dad! Jisung is here!" He yelled, running back in the house. Candy looked up at Jisung, crying slightly.
"Aren't you happy to see me?" Jisung whispered, whiping her tears away. "Don't do that, okay?"
"I'm so happy to see you!" Candy smiled, pressing her face against his chest once more. She pulled away and wiped her own eyes before looking behind her. "Do you wanna go see everyone?"
"I saw your post and flew here. That's all," Jisung said for what felt like the millionth time. She rolled over on her bed to look at him, their faces incches apart. "I had to," he mumbled.
"I didn't think any one would come after me," Candy confessed. "A lot of the comments on my posts were saying don't come back. I know you guys texted and called as much as you could, but I still didn't feel wanted. Then you just showed up and everything made sense again." Candy paused, sitting up. Jisung did as well, letting her slide closer to him. "I was with Luna yesterday and she said that no matter what I did, a big part of me was still in Korea. She said she'd move there with me in a heartbeat, that she'd love to get to know you all, that she'd always be a home away from home for me."
"You don't have to come back if you aren't ready," Jisung held her a little tighter.
"I..I'm sorry Jisung," Candy started crying, making him shift more to conceal her. "I'm so sorry, Jisung. So, so, so sorry."
"Shh, shh. You don't need to apologize. I under-"
"You don't. You don't understand," Candy pulled away, taking Jisung's hands into hers. "I ran from you when you were so vulnerable with me. I shouldn't have done that. I should have responded better."
"Don't worry about that, it's been months."
"I know you have thought about it. You thought it was your fault I left, right?" Candy raised an eyebrow.
"I mean, we all thought that."
"Jisung, since when have you ever been as vulnerable with the boys as you've been with me?" Candy dropped his hands to take his face in her hands. "Jisung, you are one of my best friends. My hero, my cuddle buddy, my therapist, my goofy dance partner, my midnight snacker, my rap teacher. I don't ever want to lose you."
"You would never-"
"Do you ever stop talking?" Candy laughed, running a hand through his hair.
"Sorry, he mumbled."
"I don't know what this means exactly, but I don't want anyone else to be by my side. I want you, Jisung."
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motleyfuckingcruee · 5 years
One Last Time (Nikki Sixx x Reader One Shot)
Hi!! I’ve read that you take request right now and i’m wondering if you could do a Nikki one shot based on the lirics of the song One last time by Ariana Grande and romantic smut
Fluff, angst, language, and smut (sorry if the smut sucks. I've never written something like this before)
(Y/B/N) = your best friend's name
(Sksksk i made this gif 👇)
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Your best friend pretty much drags you into Vince's house. You look around at the packed house full of sweaty bodies grinding against each other. You cringe at the sight of a couple pretty much fucking each other in the corner. This has never been your scene. Not even when you were with Nikki. Your heart drops at the thought of him.
Nikki fucking Sixx.
The man who broke your heart.
You know he's going to be here tonight. You expect him to be completely moved on from your relationship and making it with some busty blonde.
"Vinny really wants you here tonight," (Y/B/N) says.
She's been dating Vince for about two years now. You think they're great together. It's just that sometimes you don't trust Vince to keep his hands to himself.
"Why could Vince want me here?" You ask, feeling really skeptical at that.
It's no secret that Vince hated you when you two first met. He's learned to tolerate you over the years.
"Because you're one of his best friends!" She exclaims, trying to force a smile onto her face.
You roll your eyes. "That's bullshit. You're a terrible liar."
Y/B/N bites down on her lip. A tell tale sign she's guilty.
"Alright, Vince is worried about Nikki," She says, not meeting your eyes. "Vince hopes that if Nikki sees you one last time, he'll be able to get over you."
You scoff, following her into the kitchen. "Nikki misses me? I'm sure he's already fucked half of the girls in this room. Maybe even more!"
"(Y/N), he's not even leaving his house anymore! Vince sent me over to check on him one day and he was high off his ass!" (Y/B/N) exclaims.
Your heart stops. "He's shooting up again?"
She nods. "Worse than before. He's so strung out he could barely form a sentence. Hell, he could barely walk!"
"Fuck," You mumble, running a hand through your tangled hair.
You glance around, hoping to see Tommy or Mick. You know they could help you talk some sense into Nikki. Instead, your eyes fall on the gorgeous black haired man you've been dreading to see.
Surprisingly, there are no girls hanging around him. There isn't even Tommy by him. He's giving off his "Don't fuck with me" vibe. That's definitely a tell tale sign that he's shooting up again.
You leave your best friend at the counter, making your way to Nikki. You're scared that he'll go off on you. He's not the sweet Nikki you know. He's the Nikki that only cares about getting high.
You sit down next to him. He doesn't notice you at first. You shift in your seat, which causes Nikki to see who made the movement. His eyes widen as he meets yours.
"(Y-Y/N)?" He asks, stunned.
"Nikki, what the hell have you been doing to yourself?" You ask, looking at him with sympathy.
He completely ignores your question, reaching forward and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. He cups your cheek in his hand as he stares deeply into your (E/C) eyes.
"Please tell me this isn't another hallucination," He says, almost to himself.
You shake your head. You feel your heart melt at how broken he seems to be. "It's not in your head Nikki. I'm here."
He smiles, leaning forward. His lips catch yours. You kiss him back without any hesitation. God, how you missed his lips on yours. You hate to admit it, but you missed him. So many things are said in this kiss. I'm sorry, Forgive me, I love you, and please let me fuck you.
He pulls you aggressively into his lap. His hands travel down to your ass. He squeezes it, causing you to gasp into the kiss.
His lips break apart from yours. His lips trail wet open mouthed kisses down your neck. Your mind goes into a different place. It's only you and Nikki.
The sound of someone breaking something brings you back to reality. You gently push Nikki off of you. He looks up at you like you had just kicked him.
You lean down and whisper in his ear, "Let's go back to your place."
You know for a fact his house is maybe five minutes away. You've never been more grateful that Nikki chose a house close to Vince's.
Nikki doesn't respond. He only scoops you up into his arms bridal style. He carries you out of the party and to his car.
The entire way over, he couldn't keep his hand off of you. It was trailing further and further up your thigh until his hand just rested on your clothed core. He constantly teased your entrance.
Once you got to his house, you know you're done with the foreplay. You just want him to fuck you so that you can't walk for the next week.
Nikki unlocks the house, pushing you inside and against the wall.
His hands run all over your body. His lips are attacking your neck, leaving multiple love bites everywhere. His hands finally rest on the backs of your thighs. This is his signal for you to jump. You do so, wrapping your legs around his waist. He grinds into you agonizingly slow. He sucks at the exposed skin on your collarbone. You let out a small moan.
He tugs off your shirt, nearly ripping it in the process. You want to scold him, but he took off your bra without any warning. You're impressed that he didn't rip this one. You tug on his shirt, signalling that you want it off. He does as you wish. Your hands run over his shoulders then down his chest. You wrap your arms back around his neck when he pulls you away from the wall.
He carries you up the stairs. Your naked chests and lips are pressed together. You feel like you can barely breathe. You've missed this so damn much.
He practically throws you onto the bed. He tugs your leather shorts off. He smirks as he realizes you're wearing no underwear. You feel the need to cover yourself, but Nikki pins your hands above your head before you can do anything.
"Don't cover yourself up, baby," Nikki says, his eyes raking over your exposed body. "You're so goddamn beautiful."
He takes his other hand and gets his pants off. He wasn't wearing underwear either. He takes his free hand and slides a finger up your slit.
"Already so wet for me, baby," He mumbles, letting go of your hands.
He goes down to start eating you out, but you stop him. He looks at you questioningly.
"I want you to fuck me, Sixx," You say, feeling desperate.
He doesn't respond. He reaches over to the nightstand, opening a drawer. He pulls out a condom with a smile on his face. He rolls it onto his hard length. He thrusts into you without warning. He doesn't let you adjust to his size.
He pulls almost all the way out, then slams back into you. He thrusts hard and mercilessly.
Him just being inside of you is enough for you to come undone. You moan out as his fingers trail their way down to your clit, massaging the bundle of nerves. His mouth sucks hard on your collarbone. Pleasure is rolling in waves throughout your body.
"Fuck, (Y/N)," Nikki moans. "You feel so good."
You moan at his words. You start to feel the white hot sensation in the bottom of your stomach. Nikki's thrusts get sloppy as he reaches his climax.
The only thing that can be heard is your heavy breathing and the slapping of your skin.
Nikki releases when you do. He rides out your highs, his face nuzzled in your neck. His hair tickles you. You resist the urge to laugh.
"Fuck," Nikki says out of breath.
He pulls out of you. He takes the condom off, then throws it in the trash next to his bed.
You lay on your back, staring at the ceiling. You and Nikki used to share this bed. What the fuck did you just do?
You get up, starting to collect your things. Of course the only thing up here is your shorts. The rest is downstairs. Fuck.
"Where you going?" Nikki asks, grabbing your wrist.
"Home," You say cooly.
"No you're not," Nikki responds. "Look, (Y/N), I know I fucked up real bad. But, please give me another chance. I'll make it up to you."
You consider it for a moment. You miss him so much it hurts your heart. "Alright," You answer, laying back down with him. "On one condition. You won't shoot up anymore."
"Deal," He says. He pulls you closer, kissing you deeply. This kiss isn't lustful. It's full of his love. "I love you so fucking much."
"I love you too, Sixx."
All fics: @the--blackdahlia @sugar-content @sharon6713
Nikki: @moon-beame @slutfor-sixx @2dead2function
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sosthemortalcoil · 6 years
I think you've done a great job writing Michael. He's irritating yet potentially forgivable. It's just that he's had the most screen time and is very popular with some fans, so of course other fans who don't enjoy him are going to go from "meh" to "AUUGH" from hearing about him more than they want to. I bet it'll calm down once more characters get screen time and gain popularity. I love your work, it's already an incredible story, and I don't think you need to doubt yourself!
Thanks for the feedback!
And it’s completely understandable to be frustrated with seeing a character you don’t enjoy crop up a lot; such is the nature of the beast. But I’d rather spend time writing the game then answering asks that I’ve answered at length in other posts (I added a link at the top of the non-mobile page, called Ask Index–this is a very handy document that categorizes tumblr posts if there’s something in specific you’re looking for. I know finding stuff in this tumblr can be difficult, so please still ask if you can’t find it!)
If looking at any specific Michael ro stuff bothers you, I will start adding Michael only ro tag to those posts. You can then filter these posts out, following the instructions here. Viola!
On the game side, it also seemed from that post that the choices included so far:
#Screw calm. Michael’s really asking for it this time. The boy just happens to be the perfect excuse. (end of The Boy scene)
#Oh, hells no. This is in no way, shape, or form acceptable. (The most emotional/angry response to the AROF situation)
#He should have left already, in my opinion.
#Let him leave. (The same branch as above, but the more passive/ignore him route)
don’t seem to be answering that itch of telling Michael off. If that is the case, I need specific feedback about those choices. Not ‘Can we tell him off in the future?’ I view some of those potential responses to Michael in the game as quite hostile, but if others don’t feel that way, someone has to tell me. I am not omniscient.
For example, here’s the segment for an emotional/ruthless Gabriel when you choose #He should have left already, in my opinion.
Impulsively you reach out, snagging his shoulder in a tight grip. “I’m not done with you!” you snarl, anger suffusing your words. Michael scoffs, hands balling at his sides.        
“But I’m done with you, and this fool-hardy crusade of yours,” he snaps back, reaching up to pry one of your hands off.        
You step into his space, getting nose-to-nose with him. “Michael, I am not  playing around. Touch the child, and I will end you.”       
“Gabriel!”  Israfel’s tone is somewhere between scandalized and horrified, with a dash of fear tacked on.       
“Are you insane?” Michael’s hand are snarled in the front of your tunic, and he has a crazed look in his eyes.       
With a deft movement, you twist, one arm coming up and sweeping his hands away, throwing them off of you. “I am not the one trying to threaten my charge." 
Michael steps back, shaking his head. "Do not—I understand that you are upset, but voicing such sentiments in the wrong company could get you in serious trouble with the Council, Gabriel,” he states, running a hand through his hair and looking more distressed by the potential repercussions than your threat.
While overtly the scene uses Daniel as the reason for getting upset, that’s really more of an excuse than a justification (or at least, that’s my personal interpretation of it.) I don’t want to push the antagonistic relationship to the extreme right away, but if I need to edit it, again, someone has to say something specific.
As for tumblr, here’s a hint–if you want to learn about other characters, single character scenarios/asks are responded to quicker most of the time than @all the ROs because there’s 15 of ‘em and they take a while to respond to. So if you want to see less Michael, maybe ask about your favorite character so far?
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Buster & Rio
Buster: Distract me Rio: ? Rio: As much as it's one of my favourite things to do Buster: Please Rio: Okay Rio: I can catch you up on what's happened since you left if you like Rio: Never a dull moment Buster: Go on Buster: Tell me Rio: Well, Indie got caught riding her dirtbike again so the garda took it off her Rio: cue the phonecall that she's kicking off and me having to go down there and basically beg for it back/them not to actually charge her Rio: got away with a warning and not inducing Ro into labour by keeping it hush hush Buster: Bet Drew was really helpful over the whole thing Rio: As if he's voluntarily going anywhere near the station Rio: or Indie would bell him Buster: Sure she will after the fact to show him what a rudegirl she is, like Buster: 😂 Rio: 🙄 Not wrong Rio: the things she's gotta do to make her Da proud Rio: let's not Buster: Agreed, let's not Rio: I'm thinking if there's been much else drama Rio: aside from the obvious Rio: Everyone kinda letting Nance have her moment, idk if that's a good thing Rio: tell 'em to up their game Rio: So, what's wrong? Buster: I can't talk about Nance right now, okay? Buster: I've had a shit enough day as is Rio: 'Course Rio: She's alright, though, don't worry Rio: What can I do? Buster: Tell me I can get on a plane right now and not have to come back here until I want Rio: I mean Rio: You can do whatever you want, yeah? Buster: Until I miss too much school and my grades drop, like Buster: End of the world as the fam knows it Rio: Not naming names but you're probably good for a minor blip right about now due to, like Rio: That bad? Buster: Nah, gotta hang onto that golden boy tag for as long as, you know Buster: It's standard. That's what makes it bad. Does that even make any sense? Rio: Don't blame you, babe Rio: Completely Rio: Fuck the cunts, do something selfish, that's what you'd tell me Buster: Yeah Buster: But you're the only thing I want and I can't come and get you Rio: I can come and be with you Buster: I can't ask for you to just drop everything for me Rio: You don't have to Rio: Still coming Buster: What about Indie? Buster: Plus work Rio: She's got School too, like Rio: What's one more for Ma to drag in by her hair? Rio: I'll worry about work later Buster: Babe Buster: You don't need to worry about me Rio: Who else is gonna if not me? Rio: And I wanna, so let me Buster: Well, I want you here so I'm not gonna argue any more Rio: If I could make time go faster I would Rio: fuck this year Buster: You do Buster: That sounds really stupid but like Rio: Babe Rio: You know you deserve to be happy, yeah Buster: Shh Buster: You make me happy Rio: Good Rio: S'a start for sure Buster: Are you serious about coming here just 'cause I'm being a mopey cunt? Rio: Yeah Rio: like I need much of an excuse Rio: completely selfish, naturally 😉 Buster: 'Course Buster: Speaking of, we should probably start planning my birthday Buster: Get your lies and excuses ready for that at least Rio: I've literally been pondering on your gift so hard Rio: You're hard to buy for Rio: What do you want, baby? Buster: You do reckon you're gift enough? Rio: For every day? Obviously Rio: but it's your special day Rio: you get whatever you want Buster: Yeah but it's not like its an important one, what am I gonna do, go vote? Buster: Everything else I can do already Rio: I know you wanna be in charge always but like, yeah, do your civic duty, boy 😜 Rio: but now you can do it legally, fun fun fun right? Rio: adulthood, babe Rio: we'll make it important Buster: 😂 Buster: Let's go somewhere Buster: Not be surrounded by cunts for a change Rio: You wanna be surprised or you wanna look together Buster: Surprise me Buster: Anywhere but Skerries, like Rio: Damn Rio: 😂 Rio: I'm on it forreal, no caravans or fam in sight Buster: One of many reasons I love you Rio: If you get stuck for ideas for my upcoming Rio: just write that list, babe Rio: not that i'm already making this about me Buster: 'Course not 😇 Buster: Only room for one selfish cunt Rio: Already competing with Halloween Rio: how many costume parties can one boy have Buster: Good thing blind folds and ball gags aren't technically costumes so you can still wear them for me without me wasting a wish Rio: 😳 Rio: Okay, and you're acting like you don't have plans Rio: Damn Buster: No plans yet Buster: Just thinking Buster: Like I said, shit day Rio: Well, feel free to take it all out on me Rio: just keep me in the loop 'cos I wanna know Rio: Who's got you so mad though? Buster: You don't wanna know, babe Buster: I'm not trying to get you mad too Rio: I do but I dont need many guesses now Rio: What the fuck's she been saying Buster: Just ignore any screenshots you see 'cause you know the context isn't there Buster: Depends if you wanna be mad on my behalf or my sister's Rio: I'm sure I can manage both Buster: You and me both, babe Rio: Not amatuers Rio: She's a bitch on such a ridiculous level it should be comical Rio: but it ain't Buster: Yeah Buster: At least I as good as told her I have a girlfriend so hopefully that's the last time she'll find her way into my inbox Rio: Be nice but wouldn't put money on her being the respectful type Rio: See if she's got as much staying power as Ryan, ha Rio: I'm sorry Buster: Hardly respectful at the party from what I remember. And what I don't Buster: So I'm sorry too, like Rio: Don't apologise Rio: It's fucked up, she is Buster: Yeah Buster: She's so smug about it that's what's fucked Rio: That's gross Rio: Does she not realise what she's done or like? Rio: fucked up power trip, okay bitch Buster: [sends own screenshots because you suck Chlo] Rio: I hate her Rio: I'm gonna fuck her up Buster: You can't Buster: She's the exact type to get you in trouble if you tried Rio: Give a shit Rio: Who does she think she is Buster: You do give a shit though Buster: And so do I Buster: She's already fucked everything up, there's no way it's happening again Rio: Okay Rio: I'll get Billie to throw some bad juju her way then Rio: Oh, babe, now I know what you mean Rio: Fuming Buster: Same Buster: Like what can I actually do? Rio: Fuck her Rio: like, don't, ew Rio: but Rio: she's seriously not worth the aggro, avoid at all costs 'cos I weren't joking that she gives me those Ryan vibes Rio: you don't need that Rio: it's hard when she's winding you up like that but try not to engage unless you have to now Buster: Right pair me and you are Buster: How do we attract these types? Buster: Fucking hell Rio: Who don't we attract Rio: so irresistible, right? Buster: True Buster: I miss you Rio: I miss you too Rio: not for long, like Rio: just sorting shit here Buster: How long can you stay? Rio: I dunno, baby Rio: As long as I can, that's for sure Buster: I love you Rio: I love you Rio: She don't know shit, yeah, remember that Buster: I just wish she knew some shit Buster: It'd make things easier Rio: Who said that Rio: Can't argue with idiots, get you down to their level and win by experience, yeah? Rio: the lawyer in you gotta stay out of it babe Buster: Okay, you're right Buster: Just this once, obviously Rio: 😏 Rio: Won't even gloat Rio: 'cos I want you to feel like a winner too Buster: 👑 always Buster: Pormise Rio: Good Buster: What's Nance doing for Halloween, do you know? Rio: I've not heard yet Rio: Some cute nerdy goodness with June, no doubt Rio: I'll put the feelers out Buster: Like, can I be that selfish? You can't be in two places at once Rio: I'm sure I ain't all her plans hinge on Buster: Not with that attitude, babe Rio: 😂 Rio: Who's bday is it again, Nance? Rio: Do you want me to stay here? Buster: Don't be an idiot Buster: I just Buster: Feel like more of a cunt than usual today, that's all Rio: Don't let her do you like that Rio: She seriously doesn't know you Rio: and she can't chat about doing Nance wrong Rio: trust me, I know who she actually hates, and it ain't you babe, promise Buster: Nance still ain't gonna forgive me though Rio: She will Rio: it'll take a lot Rio: and time, lots of probably too but Rio: even if you were a total cunt Rio: she ain't, yeah? Buster: Such a know-it-all Buster: Christ Rio: Don't act like you don't love it Rio: 😏 Buster: I can't Buster: I can imagine how buzzing you are right now at being so smart Buster: so cute Rio: 😋 Rio: Fun being a nerd, I see why you rep so hard Buster: You wish, babe Buster: If that's what you're after you're gonna have to trade me in when we go check out Harvard Rio: That's the plan isn't it Rio: if I don't hook me a prof for the daddy vibes Imma get me a future billionaire Buster: Well, my plan was to see how far around Campus we could get before I got you too turned on to resist me Buster: Standard Rio: Well that sounds like more fun Rio: you've got to focus though, so serious Buster: I'll focus on you Buster: that sounds more fun to me Rio: 😒 boy Rio: catch me packing nothing but turtlenecks and floor-length skirts Buster: 😂 Buster: Catch me planning the trip for summer then Rio: You're mean Rio: play fair Buster: I could say the same to you Buster: Denying a whole university campus that body Buster: So selfish, babe Rio: Right? Aren't you proud of me, daddy? Buster: You're learning Buster: Very appropriate considering where we're going, like Rio: Not got the cap and gown but Rio: you're a pretty good teacher, babe Buster: You can borrow mine Buster: I reckon you'll look pretty good in it Rio: Reckon I can borrow something of yours forreal Rio: not a label whore just miss you Buster: 'Course baby Buster: Whatever you want Rio: better stick to a plan tee, like Rio: could be anyone's Rio: long as it smells like my baby Buster: So smart Buster: And cute Rio: 😻 Rio: I just like the idea of having you wrapped around my body even when you're not Buster: Well now that's all I can think about Rio: Good Rio: You wanted distraction, right? Buster: Now all I want is you Rio: I'm going to be there so soon Rio: Should I get a hotel or am I making up an excuse for being in LDN again? Buster: I'll book you a room Buster: You deserve it for being so nice to me Rio: Buster Buster: Yeah, babe? Rio: If you ain't gonna let me give you at least half, make sure it's cheap and cheerful yeah Buster: Not gonna happen Rio: It's not worth fighting you on this, is it? Buster: I mean, you can, and I'd enjoy it but I promise you'll enjoy the hotel more Rio: You're bad Buster: You love it Rio: All I know I love is that I can do whatever I want to you and not be disturbed Buster: You're not the only one with good ideas, babe Rio: I know Rio: tell me more about that blindfold and ball gag, like Buster: Thinking I need some silk scarves added to that list Rio: Yeah? Buster: I know you're gonna be here soon but I'm already thinking that I don't want you to leave Buster: It's one solution, like Rio: 🤤 Rio: Won't be complaining Rio: I don't wanna leave Buster: If you think that now, wait until you check in Buster: [sends fancy af hotel deets] Rio: Okay know I'm still mad but you spoil me so well Buster: Don't be mad I just want you close to me Buster: I can walk there if I need to Rio: I'm not Rio: I like it when you look after me but shh Rio: reputation already there without proving it Buster: I haven't even started to take care of you yet Rio: I'm meant to be looking after you Buster: I only asked you to distract me and you are Buster: I'm so fucking distracted right now Rio: My specialty Buster: Is everything you're packing a surprise or do I get to hear about what you're gonna wear for me 'cause that's part of your specialty Rio: I guess you gave me some spoilers to prepare me Rio: Only fair Buster: If you wanna play fair, yeah Rio: Decisions decisions Rio: Oh, I have some cute pjs Rio: wanna see? Buster: You know I do Rio: [Snap] Rio: Adorable, yeah? Buster: Babe Buster: Adorable ain't the word Rio: Give me the words Buster: I'll try, seeing as it's so unfair that you couldn't hear the sound I made when I opened that Buster: Fuck Buster: How do you keep doing this to me? Rio: Seriously unfair Rio: Your noises are my favourite thing Rio: Just doing what you asked me to do, babe Buster: You'll just have to get me to make them again Buster: Or others Rio: I want to so bad Rio: I want YOU so bad Buster: How bad? Buster: Show me Rio: I'm so wet it's embarrassing baby Rio: you should see my knickers then you'd know just how much I need you Buster: Embarrassing isn't the word, babe Rio: I've got no shame Rio: I'm your dirty slut, and I want you to know it Buster: Good Buster: You're perfect, I need you to know that Rio: Shh Buster: I'm trying to be quiet but you keep getting me to make all those noises you like so Rio: You better be recording yourself Rio: Or I'm gonna need you on the phone right now, like Buster: [Sends video] Buster: I know what you like, don't worry Rio: Yes, you really fucking do Rio: Fuck me Buster: I want to so badly Rio: I'm coming in the AM Rio: Flight booked, shit sorted Buster: I'll get you early check in so we can go straight there Rio: Good Rio: No better way to spend a Sunday Buster: It's gonna be the best, baby Rio: Yeah it is Rio: If you decide to go to School the next day though, I don't mind Rio: I can find plenty to do Buster: I'll mind Buster: Do me Rio: 😂 Rio: Just trying to make you behave Buster: That isn't what you really want Rio: No, but I only want to get you into fun trouble Buster: My attendance ain't nothing for you to worry about Buster: I'm a nerd, remember Buster: I'm not usually missing that many days Rio: Okay, cutie Rio: Stay with me then Buster: You ain't getting rid of me easy Rio: Not even gotta tie you up, yeah? Buster: I won't be mad if you want to but Rio: Hmm Rio: Might be fun to play look but don't touch with you Buster: Aren't we already playing that right now? Rio: Too true Rio: Didn't say it'd last long before I needed your hands all over me Buster: I know Buster: I need my mouth on you too so again, not mad about it Rio: Well, you can do that with you hands behind your back Rio: I believe in you, babe Buster: Yeah Rio: Indie is roasting me 😖 Buster: Dare I ask Rio: Thinks it's jokes how whipped I am Rio: no point trying to fool her these days Buster: As long as you don't tell her I am Rio: This is where the heroics stop then, yeah? Rio: Charming 🙄 Buster: If you need a hero tell her she's gotta shut and go so you can fuck yourself for me 'cause I need to cum for you Rio: BABY Rio: You can't just say things like that 😩 Buster: I just did Rio: The sound I just made was unholy and is so not helping my case Rio: Are you close? Buster: I'm gonna need you to make that sound for me right now Buster: Please Rio: Buster you're so fucking hot do you have any idea Rio: No one has ever turned me on as much as you, or as hard as you do Buster: I feel it too Buster: Like I said, you're perfect Rio: Maybe this is why we weren't meant to do this Rio: can't stop Buster: I don't care Buster: I don't wanna stop Rio: Me either Buster: I love you so much Rio: I love you too Rio: One day, we can let people know Rio: can't we Buster: Of course we can, babe Rio: It's not just that sneaking around is hard Rio: I want to too, you know Buster: I know Buster: Me too Buster: Even telling Chlo about you, sort of, was kinda nice in a way Rio: Yeah? Bet she was gutted Rio: Should be, bitch 🖕 Rio: Mine Buster: She just thinks I'm lying Buster: Give a shit Rio: Can see why but yeah, not gonna rush it just to wipe the smug off her face Rio: though it will be a nice bonus Buster: 😏 Buster: One day I'll be able to claim you properly, but for now I'll just have to settle with continuing to leave marks that only you can see Buster: As far as consolation prizes go, it could be worse Rio: I like 'em Rio: I'll put pictures up Rio: Gonna know I'm not just letting anyone do that, even if they don't know it's you, yet Buster: I know you do Buster: It's killing me to think about how much you like it Buster: And what seeing those pics is gonna do to me Rio: Hopefully wanna mark me some more Rio: Otherwise I've really fucked the shot Buster: That's what I always want Rio: Good Rio: I like your bruises 'cos I can see and feel how much you want me Buster: Good Buster: I've never wanted anyone as much as you Rio: Me either Rio: even before I'd ever had you Buster: I know Buster: And I can't act like it wasn't exactly the same for me Rio: Even the bad kiss was good, somehow Buster: 'Cause you loved me Buster: I could get away with anything back then Rio: Oh hush 😂 Buster: You so did though Buster: Take that mum and dad with your childhood love story, like Rio: 😩😬😶 Rio: How embarrassing, lil bitch Rio: you were cute Buster: You were beautiful and you ain't outgrown it Rio: Awh, bringing all the old feelings back here 😜 Buster: You're gonna have to wait until tomorrow for a kiss but at least this one actually will be worth the wait Rio: Looking forward to it, babe Buster: Bit rude if you ain't Rio: 😂 Rio: Bit weird too Rio: in it for the hotel room or? i'm not that desperate Buster: Glad to hear it Buster: Like I've gone whole nights without kissing girls on the mouth but I'm not trying to remember that right now Rio: How do you even... Rio: Never mind Rio: not remembering, I've got you Buster: I can show you if you're that curious Buster: But it's not rocket science Rio: I don't wanna Buster: Baby Rio: It'd make me sad Buster: I told you before, you don't have to worry about me Buster: Same goes for being sad Rio: I know, I know Rio: but I still do Buster: 'Cause you're perfect Buster: How many times am I gonna have to say this Rio: Erm, I ain't making you 😂 Buster: Yeah you are Rio: Babe Buster: Babe? Rio: You're a nerd Rio: and I love you Buster: Yeah, yeah Rio: 😠 Buster: What's that face for? Rio: You didn't say it back 😥 Buster: Well, you ain't a nerd really Buster: But of course I love you Rio: Ha ha Rio: 👀 you boy Buster: Good Buster: I love the way you look at me too so Rio: Who doesn't love 😻 Buster: Normally me but you make it work somehow Rio: 'Cos I'm actually seeing you Rio: not just your abs, though appreciating that too, of course Buster: Shhh Buster: You gotta keep my secrets, babe Rio: Yeah, that was way too close to sincerity Rio: Shut me up, babe Buster: I can't Buster: I need to hear every sound from you Rio: Well Indie's packed and gone so Rio: Call me Buster: Thank Christ Buster: I thought you'd never ask Rio: I know, poor baby Rio: Practically torture Buster: I'm not trying to cum when all you've done is breathe into the phone Buster: Who am I? Rio: Who am I breathing down the phone Rio: old school pervert in the phonebox, like Buster: 😂 Rio: not the sexy vibe i'm going for, babe Rio: can ask you what colour your undies are if that'll get you going Buster: Hurry up and show me your actual vibe then is all I'm saying Buster: Killing me here Rio: I know, soz, spend too much time with that one now I think I got jokes too 😏 Buster: We both know you've got jokes, babe Buster: But there's a time and place, like Rio: That's me told Rio: Gonna be good now, promise 😇 Buster: Not too good though, yeah? Rio: Duh, I already told you, slut for you always Buster: Good
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