eviebakes · 21 days
Evie! How bout 🧠, 🌝, amd 📚.
Hi bud!! Thank you for the ask! 😄
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
Oooh so I’ve thought a lot about (and even jotted down some ideas) about a fic focused on that period of time after Ellie learns the truth in SLC—an AU “what if” that sees Ellie tackling some of those big questions in life. Nothing concrete yet, but it’s def something I want to explore one day!
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
Tommy!! I love him so much and think he’s so under-explored, so there’s always a few loose concepts bouncing around in my head about stories I could write from his POV (so many ideas, so little time lol!)
📚 Do you read your own fic?
Definitely!! For enjoyment and to make sure I’m keeping the continuity/details from the world I created 😄
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dissonantdreamer · 2 years
Heya Diss! Hope your having a good day. For the ask, 7, 17, 32, and 46.
7. What's you ideal number of blankets to sleep with?
One strategically placed corner over my stomach so I don't overheat and am still impervious to the random night time attacks the demons subject me to every time I close my eyes.
17. Want any piercings? Where?
I wanna repierce so many places. I used to have a double eyebrow piercing I miss. I had a lip ring I wouldn't mind having again. New piercings I'd want septum or my bridge. I think if I get a matching cartilage piercing on my opposite ear, I'll have it punched instead of stretching like I did myself. It'd be much cleaner and I'd be able to get a 2g flat.
32. Already answered. (Spoiler: it's Australia)
46. What do you need when you're sad?
My needs are case by case basis when it comes to sadness. Sometimes it's to let off steam other times its a lot more whiskey than I'd like to admit to. Many times I just need a small group of people to pile on top of my and crush me like a boney weighted blanket.
Hiya shipz! my day got a lot better! Hope yours has been good! thanks for the ask, bud!
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cinmonpunch · 11 months
"Don't go where I can't follow"
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A collaboration with @igodownwithmyshipz.
Please check out the original ficlet here.
Bonus below ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎
I added this lol. Because I can't take any angst.
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olliesasimplething · 11 months
can we get an ellie in a suit ? :]
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I think this is an improvement on my last one 👀
@callmekittenandyourmajesty so you don't miss it 😉
@igodownwithmyshipz @mbeezy123
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yazzsketches · 1 year
hi! how is it going? 💖 and can you draw like a knight ellie? 😵
hi! thank you for the request, of course i can!! hope you like it <3
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tag list: @tlouadditc @callmekittenandyourmajesty @betterthanasix @machetegirl109 @g1orywh01e @igodownwithmyshipz
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it's been one year (okay yeah technically the one year is tomorrow, but whatever!!!) since i posted my very first chapter on AO3. in my first year here i have made a bunch of new friends, i've read a damn lot of good stories, and i've written about 372,000 words!
this is probably sappy, but oh well. I want to say a sincere thank you to everyone here. I could not be any luckier to be in a community like this one.
An extra special thank you to @mbeezy123 who has been both blowing up my phone and allowing me to blow up her phone 24/7 for MONTHS. i will never get enough of chatting about these characters!!!
and thank you of course to my very good friends in this community, @callmekittenandyourmajesty @preciousfawn02 @wafflesthewombat @outer-edges @liveandletcry23 @veggiehotdog1 @dizzyupthegirl @igodownwithmyshipz @overlookmax @olliesasimplething @softbeebee @respectablesentiment @jinxedgods @owl127 @godisacirclemp3 @betterthanasix (honorary mention to @hylorien who is not in tlou fandom, but is still dope and would not have been someone I met without this tumblr and without this past year)
and i'm almost positive that there are folks i'm missing here but know that i love and appreciate you in ways i cannot even describe!
...and just for funzies, here's the word cloud of all my stories
I Don't Believe in Luck:
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A Long Line of Survivors:
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Wages of Sin:
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Faith Through Pain:
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Oddly Good to Hurt:
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Some Version of You:
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and of course, a word cloud of ALL my stories:
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wafflesthewombat · 1 year
“Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)” ❤️
I was sent this ask by both @olliesasimplething and @igodownwithmyshipz both of whom I love and I'm so honoured to be in your list of 10 🥺❤️
1. I think I'm funny
2. I think I'm a pretty good writer.
3. I've got a lot of patience
4. I like my haircut lol
5. I love freckles and I have a lot of 'em
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ellies-knife · 2 years
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I posted 1,257 times in 2022
That's 769 more posts than 2021!
21 posts created (2%)
1,236 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 401 of my posts in 2022
#tlou2 - 60 posts
#tlou - 57 posts
#the memes of us - 32 posts
#ellie williams - 31 posts
#fav - 22 posts
#ellie - 18 posts
#the last of us photomode - 16 posts
#the last of us part 2 - 13 posts
#mine - 12 posts
#the last of us - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#she knows if joel killed so many fireflies they had to disband a) marlene was killed or b) if she'd survived she would have come after them
My Top Posts in 2022:
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6 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
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A shadow of yourself
Bonus below the cut:
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9 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
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See the full post
10 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
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Hold on to the future
13 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Attempt two of Ellie's knife! Much happier with this one. It's not perfect but it's my first time making a cosplay prop so pretty happy with the result
20 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hatosaur · 4 years
First off your artwork is absolutely brilliant! Also I'm feeling some angst, I apologize in advance. Hurt Ellie with JJ. Like Ellie took JJ out on his first patrol and everything went wrong and now JJ is trying to help his injured mom.
Absolutely no pressure. Please feel free to ignore or say nope way too angsty. Again your artwork is truly fantastic.
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you said first patrol but for whatever reason, i went on auto-pilot and drew a younger-than-patrol-age jj so uhhh...imagine they got jumped during a simple hunting trip.
neither thought it could go this wrong.
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eviebakes · 10 months
Hope you had a good day Evie! Hope you have a good rest of your week! For the ask how about 17, 18, and 29?
Hi Shipz!! I’m just glad we’re done with Monday 😄 Thank you so much for the ask!!!
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
Definitely Joel!! It’s been a blast to get more into his head this past year :)
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Oh gosh, it’s probably a tie between Dina and Arthur 😭 I love them both, but I have to be really in deep writing-wise to channel them and ensure I’m accurately capturing their voices!
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Oooh that’s tough to choose!! Maybe something from into a world unknown, although it’s hard to pinpoint an exact line! I’ve been in deep with that story for so much time with writing and editing, so it’s definitely the one I’ve vibed with most this year in terms of my writing!
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dissonantdreamer · 3 years
Your tag about Joel's granola knee caps killed me. I am dead. Thank you. I needed a laugh
the family that crouch walks together, turns their kneecaps to nature's valley bars together.
hope today treats you a little kinder, bud <3
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laquilasse · 6 years
First off HOLY COW I ADORE YOUR ART!!! TIS SO BEAUTIFUL! Secondly your dickbabs gives me life and allows me to fly! Seriously your art is amazing! I love the way you draw Dick and Babs they are fabulous and precious!!!
:D thank you!! they’re my favourite and I adore them so I gotta make sure The Most Love gets put into every picture of them
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unavenged-robin · 7 years
Badly injured Dick or nightwing with Jason getting all mushy snd emotional thinking Dick's actually dying this time (because fake deaths don't count in Jason's book). Pretty please if that's okay.
Sorry this took so long but I loved the prompt the minute I saw it! :)
Read on AO3
It’s almost morning when he walks into the cave expecting a good, big, fat fight. Screams and accusations thrown at him with deadly intentions, and then fists and kicks and bo staffs and daggers to finish the job. He’s ready to take it too, honestly. Well, not the daggers maybe. But insults and a couple of fists? Yeah, he’ll give the kids that. He knows he deserves it.
But the cave is quieter than ever, only a distant beeping of machines and the lazy flapping of wings from a couple of insomniac bats to fill the silence, and as Jason carefully ventures towards the med bay it becomes pretty evident that there are no little birds hidden in the shadows trying to kill him. How weird.
The only thing that hits him the moment he sets a foot in the infirmary, is the strong smell of blood. It’s not a strange occurrence, and it’s definitely not an unfamiliar one, but his stomach turns anyway.
He finds Dick exactly where he expected him to be, strapped to the gurney in the middle of the room, wrapped in bloodstained bandages quite literally from head to toes. Five bullets, Tim said. One grazed him just above the right ear, one in the shoulder, two - the worst ones - in his chest, and one in his left leg. A big, blue, Nightwing-shaped bull’s eye, that’s what his brother looks like. And it’s Jason fault.
“Hey”, a tired voice says, and Jason shifts his gaze to look at Tim, currently sitting crossed-legged on the floor of the room at the feet of Dick’s bed, hands tinkering with a device Jason doesn’t recognize. He takes in the dark circles under his eyes, the messy hair, the rigid posture, and his brain immediately conjures a red neon sign flashing the words not good into his mind.
“So?”, he asks anyway.
Tim bites his bottom lip and shrugs before he answers.
“We did all we could, we just have to wait for Leslie.”
His voice is flat and just above a whisper, no detectable emotion behind it. Jason knows better. He knows pain, and he knows worries, and he knows his family. But pain and worry are one thing, and anger and betrayal are another and those emotions they usually do not hide.
“Look, Tim…”, he starts, clearing his throat, but his brother immediately shushes him with one hand, gesturing towards the bed Dick’s resting in with the other.
Confused, Jason turns around, and that’s when he notices Damian curled up into the chair next to Dick’s gurney, Tim’s cape wrapped around him. Asleep.
Well, at least that explains the silence and the lack of violence, Jason reasons. Damian is in no better shape than Tim, looking tense and angry even in his sleep, and granted, being Damian, this could be just the normal way the kid naps, but Jason has his doubts about it.
As already stated, he knows his family, he knows which people are important to them. And Dick’s been at war with Bruce for the first place in every Robins’ heart for a long time now. Winning, for the most part.
He wants to say I know it’s my fault your brother’s dying, and I’m sorry, and so much more. Instead he keeps his eyes on the sleeping boy and softly asks: “Shouldn’t he be in bed? I don’t remember that chair being particularly comfortable.”
Tim raises an eyebrow at him but has the good grace not to call him on his bullshit. He’s a good person like that.
“I need to be at WE in a couple of hours”, he explains in the same low voice. “And we don’t know when Bruce and Alfred are going to be back.”
And, of course, neither of them want to leave Dick alone. Jason sighs.
“I’ll stay.”
Tim tilts his head and looks at him.
“Yeah. You two catch a couple of hour of sleep.”
Tim wants to say something. Jason can see it in the way he bites the inside of his mouth, can feel him considering the pro and the con of the argument that will positively arise if he decides to make a comment on it.
“Just make Dick proud and get the kid to bed, Red”, Jason says, offering an easy way out for both of them.
“I can stay with you”, Tim offers back. “I don’t think I’ll sleep anyway.”
He could stay and they could talk and Tim could prove to Jason that he’s not angry, that he doesn’t blame him, that he’s welcomed and wanted and unblamed, and Jason really, really doesn’t want to hear any of that right now.
“Then just lay down on your bed and pretend to be dead. It’s a good exercise”, he snaps.
Tim considers him carefully, furrowed brow and attentive eyes. He’s weighing his options again, trying to decide whether it is worth to push or if it’s best to leave it alone. Sometimes he’s so similar to Bruce it irks Jason for no other good reason.
But unlike Bruce, Tim usually makes the good call in this kind of situations, and this time is no exception. So Jason watches him standing up with a sigh and approach the sleeping Robin, and finds himself not really that surprised to see him gently brush the kid’s hair from his forehead before settling his hand on the little shoulder to shake him.
“Damian? C’mon brat, let’s go to bed.”
Damian moans - a very childish, very sleepy and very cute moan - but gives no other indication that he’s awake or that he plans to wake up in the nearest future. Tim sighs and decides to play dirty.
“Damian? If you don’t get up I’ll carry you.”
That does the trick.
In a fast sequence the kid opens his eyes, yawns, stirs and hops off the chair while grumbling all the time. Jason waits for Damian to see him, bracing himself for the kid’s reaction - the first proper reaction of the night, he thinks, because when it comes down to fighting, Damian never disappoints.
But be it the drowsiness from the interrupted sleep, the fatigue of the long night, or the vivid concern for his favorite person’s well-being, the kid barely spares him a glance before focusing his entire attention back to Dick.
Damian moves closer to the edge of the bed, fingers outstretched towards but not quite touching his older brother’s hand, a silent confusion on whether he’s allowed or not to claim it for himself.
And yet, a hand for a hand they say, and Tim’s one is quick to find again its place on Damian’s shoulder. It lingers there for a moment, then moves to the back of the child’s head, rubbing softly the nape of his neck, and the gentleness of the gesture followed by the resounding lack of violent reactions feels like a punch right into Jason’s throat.
Tim says something, Damian answers, Jason puts his hands in the pockets of his jacket and doesn’t listen to it. He knows what it’s about, and he leaves it to Tim to convince the kid to do the smart thing. He’s ready to undergo a fight but he’s not going to provoke one. Not tonight. The voices start soft, then grow in harshness but not in volume. An entire fight made out of whispers, surely a novelty for both his younger brothers. But Tim never withdraws his hand, and Damian never steps away from the comfort it offers, so - again - Jason really knows better.
When they leave, walking side by side, Tim’s hand is back on Damian’s shoulder, and the kid is rubbing his eyes with his own.
Jason’s not used to associate his family with tenderness - or with anything that is not blood and sacrifice and a bittersweet homesickness, to be honest - but he knows he’s at fault there. There are good memories somewhere in his past, warm nights and simpler days. Years worth of brotherly resentment put aside the moment a soft touch was required, a hand always offered easily and unconditionally, no matter the past.
He takes the chair Damian’s just left and forces himself to look at Dick again. After that first and only glance at him, his eyes have been wandering on everyone and everywhere else, grateful to the distraction Tim and Damian provided. Now he has no more excuses.
Dick’s profile in the dim lights comes out more authoritative than Jason would’ve ever thought. All sharp angles and straight lines, no smile and no baby blue eyes to soften his brother’s features.
Not good, yeah. Bad. Bad enough for Bruce and Alfred to leave everything else and go fetch Leslie from the other side of the world. Bad, but hopefully just not the worst kind of bad, although it’s hard not to be fatalists when you start the day knowing that every night can be the last night. When there’ve been so many last nights already.
“I think I broke the kids, Dick”, Jason starts, leaning forward as if he were whispering a secret. “I mean, you broke the kids - or at least you being like this did - but since you are my fault I guess that for the associative property of guilt multiplication they’re my fault too. Three siblings out of four in one night must be some kind of record, don’t you think?”
Dick keeps what he thinks to himself, and Jason sinks back into his chair, nervous fingers tapping against his knees. He is suddenly very self-aware of having hands and not an idea on what to do with them.
“Look, I don’t want to be the moron who gets all monologue-y in front of a hospital bed - this is not even a hospital bed, by the way - but I…”, already am, his mind supplies. Jason shakes his head, looks up at the ceiling, rubbing his face with one hand. He feels stubbles under his fingertips and tries to remember when was the last time he took a shower. He lets his thoughts wander far away from the room for a moment or two, lulled by the soft beep of the machinery around Dick’s bed.
“It was my case”, he finally says, closing his eyes because for some reasons there are words that need to be spoken in darkness. “And I know I asked you to take a look between one thing and another, but for fuck’s sake, when did “take a look” become “get yourself trapped with a bunch of bad guys when you’re not in your costume” in your head? I mean, what the fuck Dick, you were- are supposed to be smart. You were the goddamn Batman.”
Silent consent from Dick. Maybe dismayed ascertainment that life is bullshit sometimes.
“If you die”, Jason whispers, eyes still closed. “It’s going to be my fault. They’re gonna say it isn’t, but we know better, don’t we?”, so you’re not gonna die, are you?, but that he doesn’t ask.
There’s the soft sound of a dipping mattress, and Jason freezes because he knows Dick’s not the source of it. Knows that if he opens his eyes there’s going to be a Robin sitting at the foot of the bed, and is not going to be Damian.
Bullshit. So much bullshit in his life.
“He’s not going to die”, he says, louder this time, and his voice fills the room with anger and fear. “He’s not going to die, so back the fuck off, kid.”
Just like Dick, Robin keeps his opinions on the matter to himself.
Blindly, almost unconsciously, Jason reaches out for Dick’s hand, the one Damian was too scared to take before. He holds it fiercely in his own, and the warmth reassures him more than a thousand words could have, but not as much as the eight that follow his outburst.
“Jay?”, Dick asks groggily, sounding like he’s not sure about what direction the real world is. “Who the hell are you talking with?”
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melstanaccount · 3 years
Chapter 4 of my AU TLOU2 Fic set in Jackon and following Mel and Jesse.
This one is a fun one. The ship you never knew you needed sets sail ;)
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Ten songs + ten people
Rules: put your music on shuffle and list the first ten songs that come up, then tag other people
Okay I was tagged by @outer-edges and I was literally already in my spotify app so this works perfectly
Animals and Angels by Joy Oladokun
Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall by The Ink Spots feat. Ella Fitzgerald
Beyond Desolation by Gustavo Santaolalla
Maine by Noah Kahan
The Chain by Fleetwood Mac
Bros by Wolf Alice
for a night like this by Darren Criss
1985 by Bowling for Soup
After Many Miles by The Ghost of Paul Revere
Waiting Around to Die by The Be Good Tanyas
and I'm gonna tag ten people! @mbeezy123 @callmekittenandyourmajesty @preciousfawn02 @igodownwithmyshipz @veggiehotdog1 @softbeebee @overlookmax @hylorien @wafflesthewombat @dizzyupthegirl
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Just imagine Dick telling his kids stories of the circus, the team, bring Robin and nightwing, and his brothers. Like they live at the manor, Dick's tucked his kids in for the night. He's all this is the story of how uncle Dami became my Robin, followed by "Grayson!". Or this is the story of how I defeated Grandpa Bruce all dramatic. And the kids just here "Dick! It was a basketball game!" Like tell me this wouldn't be adorable! Or better Jason, Dami or Tim reading them fairytales!
I love this whole thing? So much. 
Because Dick regaling his kids with crazy stories of what he did growing up/ as a vigilante, makes me smile so much? And can you imagine them not believing him for a while, like ‘Oh Dad’s telling his crazy stories again.’ 
But his siblings, being the troublesome lot they are tell the kids everything’s real, including events that are 100% insane and not true. Worst of all they tell the kids all about the crazy things they did. 
So now Dick’s stuck with these kids who want to be just like Uncle Jay and who want Uncle Damian to teach them how to wield katanas and Dick can’t keep his wifi password under wraps because Tim’s taught them all how to hack it. And don’t get him started on Cass-who’s-training-baby-Grayson-Ninjas, and Steph who’s teaching them exactly how not to talk to their father. 
And Bruce. Listen, if there ever were a doting Grandfather it’s him. He spoils them rotten. Dick’s always willing to drop them off with him for a little while because he loves seeing the way Bruce’s entire being softens when they show up, and how his eyes light as they shout his name. 
And you know what? He wouldn’t trade any of it for anything because his family getting along with, and loving on his kids? It’s so worth every headache that could come from it. And he knows that his kids will be so much happier for it and grow up with all these great people in their lives. 
(Side note: am I the only one who can see Dick having twins? Because if any of the Batkids can handle twins it’s him)
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