#illegal wizard council
wizardvalshadar · 1 year
New Wizard Staves for sale
I have completed crafting 6 new Sacred Tree Wood staves for sale or trade to any Wizard, Warlock, Sorcerer, or other being that can manage to use them.
Please send offers.
@wizard-island-trading-co - Feel free to distribute the offer amongst your clientele, I can provide detailed descriptions of each staff on request.
@the-illegal-wizard-council - The dimensional portal entrance to my tower grounds is just to the west of your tower on Wizard Island if any of your members care to stroll over and check them out.
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I don’t actually know if I am even in @the-illegal-wizard-council. I guess everyone just assumed I was? Am I? I’ve done quite a lot of illegal stuff. I’m still not sure.
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ultraluminarious · 11 months
To Mr/Miss Ryder
This is the ICTSE, We are contacting you as you have yet to file your tax documents and pay payment. Failure to do so will result in deletion and or imprisonment in the Trash-Folder till a bail equating your owed debt is paid.
Current debt : €132.98
casts spell of fireball
i am working very hard to evade these taxes smh
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@the-illegal-wizard-council @irrumabo-ego-solem
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I never got a quest
Could you perhaps report the illegal wizard council to the druids for bear-summoning? I would do it myself but I have a lot of paperwork to do.
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it has come to the council's attention that we were not invited to the wisquet (wizard discord banquet)
we will be dehairing whoever's responsible for this, beard included.
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Fuck it, character sheet time, no this isn't standard
Age: hahahahaha
Level: 8704
Classes: 1
Magic styles: 7
Homebrew magic styles: 1
Strength: 7
Constitution: 23
Dexterity: 10
Intelligence: 20
Wisdom: 3
Backstory: was just kinda obsessed with toast, so he gained an insane amount of power, and combined them into one, which created toast magic, which at its maximum power would likely deal as much damage as a low level fireball
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soupnbeans · 1 year
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It's no surprise liberals made testicular torsion illegal, I hear Archmage Krumbilldor, Krumbilldor the crummy I always call him, has no testicles at all and he is VERY upset about it. I'm being targeted by the corrupt wizard council yet again. SAD!
I hope Crummy and his goons come around in the upcoming tribunal, as I hear he has some skeletons in his closet. Necromancy, no good folks, very nasty business.
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wrightfamily · 1 year
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more here. happy april 19th
[ID: A screenshots of various discord messages, texts, and tumblr posts edited with Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney sprites over them.
image 1: Trucy Wright: *sending a meme featuring a picture of a young woman dramatically dying in the rain while another person holds her. the text says "she overdose on yaoi cocaine"*. Ema Skye: can i make a joke about your absent father (note: she is referring to Zak Gramarye). Trucy: yea
image 2: Apollo Justice, disgruntled: Just saw an adult man growl at a qr code on the wall (A translucent Phoenix Wright glares behind him, indicating it was him.) 
image 3: Drew Misham (called "Dad" in this screenshot): Have you ever thought of creating Nightcore anime images? For example: (the rest of the message cuts off here)
image 4: Trucy Wright: *grinning with her hands behind her back* Guess what?? We have a rabbits nest in our backyard. Apollo Justice: *looking at a sheet of paper* ok. Trucy: *angry with her hands behind her back* Does nothing matter to you?
image 5: Magnifi Gramarye: As chair of the wizard- [PARRIES A SPELL] As chair of the wizard counc- [PARRIES A DIFFERENT SPELL] As chair of the wizard council, I- [PARRIES A DIFFERENT SPELL] As chair of the wizard council I think staffs should be illegal during these meetings. Valant Gramarye: oh i thought this was the staff meeting.
image 6: Trucy Wright (with Phoenix Wright laughing behind her): I used to love ancient pottery until my stepdad bought me my first hammer. Now i smash that shit on sight.
image 7: Ema Skye: Btw if I say things like “by god” or “good lord” in posts please be aware I don’t mean it in a catholic way I mean it in a 1950s scientist reacting in horror after they create an evil creature in the lab set in the distant future year of 2005. Wocky Kitaki: io che nonostante sia atea dica “grazie agli dei” e simili perché si io non credo in niente ma miliardi di persone hanno religioni e dei differenti ed io non voglio far sentire escluso nessuno . Ema: im frankly lucky the above reblog is about how theyre an atheist because there is nothing more terrifying than saying something slightly blasphemous and seeing a paragraph of italian in your replies.
image 8: Disbarred Phoenix Wright: no context november. figure it out. Apollo Justice: *thinking* what is this in reference to. Phoenix: figure it out.
image 9: Ema Skye smiles and says "your boyfriend fits in a test tube. im putting him over the bunsen burner". Klavier and Apollo have distressed expressions behind her.
image 10: Phoenix Wright, looking off into the distance: were you the one that said 5 year olds should get jaw reshaping surgery. Kristoph Gavin, angry: what i never said that. (Kristoph smiles) i said they should get an eyebrow lift.
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Pst hey you, yes you. I need to tell you something.
I cast
Zone of truth!!!
You fool, you fell for my trap. Now tell me your most evil spell.
Bonus @s to steal more spells
@absurd-construct @aroace-wizard @f4y3w00d5 @the-wizard-library @the-gnomish-bastards-hat @the-gnomish-bastard @the-illegal-wizard-council @thatgayforkcrow @blacktipreefsharkwizarding @slutty-wizard-council @sluttyambiguouswizard @thesluttyvampirewizard @chaos-familiar @combustion-witch @carnivalwizard @evilwizard @lil-adhd-wizard @greyhound-with-a-mega-wizard-hat @not-wizard-council-aristocrat @wizardvalshadar @wizardsisananimal @wizard-spells @wizard-council @a-mushroom-wizard @draco-the-chaos-quetzal @bobbyzombiegg @terrencetheshark14 @good-wizard @pollution-wizard @slymewitch @yourlocalbreadenthusiast @lixorloveslicorice @magical-bear-dubin @monsterfucker-research-wizard @the-moth-wizard-of-mayhem @wizard-detective-apprentice @detectivewizzard @ghost-of-a-swarm-of-bees @siley-the-wizard @the-shrimp-that-fried-rice @verylegalwizard @the-better-gnomlsh-bastards-hat @skyethebisexualwolfwizard @blooper-malte @littlepawzbigheart @amethyst-aster
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So, I've gotten a random surge of motivation to try and take a map of the actual Wizard Island and then edit it to include where all the local wizards have their towers and lairs, plus council lairs. I need all of you guys to tell me where your spots are via marking them on the map here. If we get to the point where its too many some of you are going to have to be in villages, so please clarify if you are chill with being not isolated. Now for me getting the attention of every wizard I know.
@the-illegal-wizard-council @the-wozard-council @the-wozard-council @the-council-wizard @the-wetland-wizard-council @the-worse-wizard-council @the-better-wizard-council @the-wizard-council-blog @wizard-council-bureaucrat @wizard-council-librarian @the-necrobotanist
Reblog this with @s for all the ones I missed. Here's the map, just mark it with a dot or something. IWC is in the woods I'm guessing.
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tegu-the-tegu · 6 months
Hey, any wizards got any of those FORBIDDEN MAGICS that the WIZARD COUNCIL don't want people to know about?
I'm just saying, I could really go for one of those ILLEGAL spells, since I'm a completely independent evil wizard who is not connected to the wizard council in any way, I don't even LIKE the wizard council, I would never even CONSIDER working for them.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 10 months
ROSE: As chair of the wizard- [PARRIES A SPELL]
ROSE: As chair of the wizard counc- [PARRIES A DIFFERENT SPELL]
ROSE: As chair of the wizard council, I- [PARRIES A DIFFERENT SPELL]
ROSE: As chair of the wizard council I think staffs should be illegal during these meetings.
ERIDAN: oh i thought this wwas the staff meeting
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rainbowgod666 · 7 months
A few oddities on the funny floating island of the tumbler
Over 65% of spells are related to henital punishments
@the-gnomish-bastard's tower: scanning and FreeCam didnt show any sort of system to move the island so yeah, his "dont fuck with the tower" makes sense because theres nothing to fuck with. However: the tunnel leading to his horde (the one with anachronistic dragons due to yours truly) is... not the only one. Theres a second tunnel leading into the gnome's Personal Piggy Bank and let me tell you. That shit is long and worrying, there are NO RATS in THAT tunnel.
@official-megumin: HER HOUSE IS CUP SHAPED AND THE ROOF IS HER HAT (squeals like a fucking anime girl)
Most of the island is... empty. Trees trees trees and maybe some critters but everything else is accessible through clearly mapped portals. Deep Reality Analitic Scanning yielded NOTHING either when the island was lifted, currently, or when itsgoing to be destroyed. Which means its either Like That From Before The Wizards, or Faunocide.
The area around my base (which is basically in a crater) is even MORE uninhabited. I tried it all: the rats, the gnome's fungus, ants... it doesnt "stick".
Turns out im immune to fucking chronological manipulation. Maybe i added "chronosapien bullshit" to my splicing and just... did not remember??? Huh.
On that note, this explains why lancer rpg's whole "lich licenses are retroactive" thing doesnt work on me. Cool huh.
Turns out this place is a few thousand miles off the USA east coast. Neat.
Internet and cable work here, but piracy is still based
I heard of "revolutionaries", what i dont get of them is why their boss looks REALLY similar to Sabo from one piece
Found the bowl of the original stew arcanum: someone stole it and used high-dimensionality to hide it... RIGHT where @the-illegal-wizard-council put their access. Good thing i have more dimensions than inches on my di
Theres a shrine to @nyancrimew. For some reason. I dont know but it looks cool. Left some flowers there cause it felt like the right thing to do. Idk
Theres a strange version of american wood bamboo (a thing that exists but isnt called like that) but metallic growing on the southeast side, and analysis shows that those are... caused by my presence. Whoops.
I saw TF2 POOTIS ENGAGE HEAVY in the forest. Not fucking with that
There is a portal (which didnt exist until my arrival so its probably some kinda fracture in spacetime) that apparently shows something like the future. I saw a bunch of wizardblr users crucifed and my literal corpse on a shining marble throne. Whats up with that huh?
The Fungus fears me. Which is dumb cause dude im not gonna use all of you for rice you dumb fuck-
Someone owns a giant rooster simply called "Mr.Cock". Not sure why tho... considering the name arrived to the new owner in a dream
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healerwizard · 1 year
@the-gnomish-bastard @combustion-wizard @good-wizard @slutty-wizard-council @terrencetheshark14 @evil-apprentice-wizard @succufaerie @evil-wild-lesbian-wizard @evilwizard @the-illegal-wizard-council @ashen-the-tiefling @lixorloveslicorice @yourlocalbreadenthusiast @thesluttyvampirewizard @the-wizard-of-revolution @the-wizard-library
Good evening. My name is Doctor Chorus. I am a healing wizard assigned by the grandmaster council of magic to wizard island due to the massive influx of injury reports coming in. I am here to assist with any necessary procedures and healing that you will need.
Come to me with an ask if you need help with magic related injuries. Those who I’ve pinged are simply those who are most statistically likely to experience or cause injury. My clinic is always open.
Please don’t make this difficult for me.
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here at the illegal wizard council we are not suffering from Greater Amnesia.
hey @wizardalexa what's a spell
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