#illustrator tips for beginners
type1dragonwolf · 3 months
Hey, just a reminder for everyone
To support beginner artists.
seriously, even if it’s just liking their posts, please go support them!
A feel like one of the reasons that some people quit art is 1. Because it’s hard/tiring and/or 2. Because they feel under appreciated
A big part of the reason I left Deviantart is because I felt like no one wanted to see my art, and I felt overwhelmed by how good other user’s art was.
But when I started on Tumblr everyone was just so NICE, which shocked me. A lot. And when I started out I got one like. One like on my first ever post. And I kid you not, just that one like made my WHOLE FREAKING DAY.
That one like was what inspired me to work harder and improve my art. It was one of the things that made me want to make MORE art, and add a little improvement to each piece. And it worked.
And every little like, reblog, comment, fanart, ask that I’ve gotten, and ever friend I’ve made, have just made me feel SO much better about my art, and made me feel like improving, and I hope I continue to improve and make more friends.
So, please, if you see a beginner artist, like their post. Reblog it. Comment something you like about it, even if it’s only one thing. It could make their day. Or their week, or their month! Maybe their whole life even! I know that I still have a few likes, comments and reboots that I still hold dear to me.
And if you’re a beginner artist, someone who thinks their art is crappy, or even just someone who’s feeling a little down:
You’re doing great. Your art is amazing, YOU are amazing, and there ARE people who care about you even if you can’t see them. Trust me.
Keep going, and you’ll be fine.
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glitter-alienz · 1 year
i was testing the new animation feature on ibis paint, big struggle tbh but waaaayyy easier than flipaclip
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baby donnie doing a belp and older donnie getting startled by mikey
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paranoia-art · 5 months
◦•◦Simple Side Profile Tips◦•◦
The side profile is composed of 2 shapes, a triangle and a circle, with thes properly aligned it can make a side profile!
Ofc you can change the side of the shapes to suit different side profiles because everyone has different features.
For example: drawing the nose with a circle to draw a round nose instead of a sharp one.
It's better to experiment around to find one that matches the character features your drawing!
(I know the drawing sucks, sorry!)
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dainogo · 1 year
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Look at the first design, and you immediately think: "Oh, it's simple, I know how to design it too."
And do you know what? 95% of people who think it's simple couldn't do it, or at least they did it wrong.
I just uploaded a tutorial video on Illustrator tips will blow your mind and change the way you design. I hope it proves helpful to you. If you like it, please give me a thumbs up. Thank you!
Video:👉 These Illustrator Tips will Blow Your Mind (Part 1)
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anielskaaniela · 5 months
Easy Jumpsuit Pattern Tutorial: Design Your Dream Jumpsuit
In this post, you will learn how to create your dream jumpsuit pattern . Are you ready to dive into the world of fashion design and create your very own jumpsuit pattern? Look no further! My beginner-friendly guide is here to empower you with all the tips and tricks you need to self-draft a jumpsuit that’s uniquely yours. Whether you’re dreaming of a chic sleeveless number, a casual romper with…
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jandoesart · 8 months
How I Choose Colors.
Choosing colors is one of my favorite parts of drawing. It can really pull a piece together and help portray a mood. There are so many different ways to go about color there is no way I would be able to go over them all. I can go over 2 of my favorites that I tend to use the most in my work though. This is going to be a longer post but I do hope that you stick around. I am not a professional artist so some of the terms I use may not be 100% accurate but I do hope that I can get my point across.
Muted Color schemes.
When trying to convey themes of sadness I will often go with cooler colors. Using muted tones can also help bring about a sort of calmness as they aren't as striking to the eyes.
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On the left, the colors are warmer, and while we can see on his face he is experiencing some sort of sadness, the overall color scheme of the image doesn't necessarily convey that. In my opinion, a warmer color scheme is much better for conveying happier moods. it shows more comfort and joy.
On the right, the colors are cooler and it makes the drawing look colder. It makes it feel a bit more like he is feeling isolated and his environment reflects his sadness.
Having a warm background and a cool character(or vice versa) may introduce an interesting contrast though. I haven't tried it myself much but now that I am thinking about it, I think it could work well to show how a character feels versus the way the world is around them.
A lot of the time when I use saturated reds in a drawing it's supposed to portray some sort of shock factor. I haven't used it much lately but I will show you an older piece I drew for someone that utilized a lot of red.
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In this piece the shock is supposed to come from the fact that this character is not completely human. The red sort of aids in this as it introduces a certain air of danger. The cracked mirror portrays the shattering of a facade and that general Idea.
Red can also be used to aid in portraying one character being the one inducing fear or a character being angry. This color language can be used with other colors as well such as yellow showing joy and blue showing tranquility or peace.
Anyway, those are the top two ways I choose colors. I hope that this helped, even if just a little.
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yosshhyyoomm · 6 months
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I lowkey want to become a pharmacist after watching apothecary diaries. Here’s Mao Mao for you guys ♡
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scopecomputer1noida · 6 months
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ryhmefinancer · 7 months
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Study doodle? I didn’t study anything but I learned some stuffs! Feel free to criticize or give tips, by the way this is digital art if you can’t tell already ^ v ^
I just wanted to draw a weeping willow tree from my childhood home’s front yard but also I wanted to test some of the new brushes I got!!!! :DD
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lost-in-letters · 9 months
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Started trying pixel art.
A funky little black cat with the colours. *meowss
(quite proud of this one)
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moonlight1237 · 1 year
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nxonlxghts · 2 years
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Or set a clipping layer above the lineart layer
I've been seeing beginner artists use these heavy black lines over soft, cute characters and i just wanted to point this out
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leo-vami · 9 hours
Acuarela para principiantes: Qué es la acuarela
Durante mi travesía por la acuarela me di cuenta que hay mucha información en inglés y, en cuestiones de material, poco que realmente me ayudará a iniciar con un presupuesto bajo en México, así que voy a ocupar un espacio del blog para hablar sobre todo lo que necesitas saber para iniciar a pintar con esta técnica.
Aquí podrás encontrar los materiales que existen, cuáles elegir según tus objetivos como acuarelista y los conceptos básicos que necesitas para tener un agradable comienzo con esta maravillosa técnica de pintura.
Lo primero que hay que saber es ¿qué es la acuarela?
La acuarela es una técnica de pintura que utiliza pigmentos suspendidos en un medio a base de agua.
Las pinturas de acuarela están hechas de pigmentos finamente molidos y mezclados con un aglutinante, como la goma arábiga, que ayuda a mantener unidas las partículas de pigmento y a adherirlas a la superficie de la pintura. Cuando se agrega agua a la pintura, ésta activa los pigmentos, creando una consistencia translúcida y fluida que se puede aplicar a un papel. 
La característica que define a la acuarela es su transparencia. Cuando la pintura se aplica sobre una superficie, deja pasar la luz a través de las capas, creando efectos luminosos y delicados. La técnica se trabaja en capas que van de claro a oscuro, para lograr profundidad.
La acuarela es espontánea e impredecible debido a qué es un medio líquido, requiere un equilibrio entre el control y permitir que la pintura fluya e interactúe con el agua, muchos lo consideran problemático y difícil por esta razón, pero, como cualquier otra técnica, con practica se puede llegar a dominar y disfrutar.
Si tu idea es utilizarla de manera profesional hay varias formas, desde art prints con diseños propios, hasta ilustración editorial.
Si bien la ilustración digital y otras técnicas también son medios fantásticos con sus propios méritos, las texturas únicas de la acuarela la convierten en una técnica flexible y muy divertida de usar, eso sí requiere mucha paciencia.
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miles333fan · 1 month
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blindedbybriars · 6 months
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My grandma wants me to start posting my art so here is a concept art for a clownfish Triton Bard/Rogue… get it? Clown fish! I hope you all like them and if anyone has name suggestions I would love to hear them. This character is in fact like a clownfish in the way he will be a man until one day he may transition
Also… Does this count at furry art, scalie art, or something entirely different? I don’t want to tag it wrong
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