#im a jeff hater
alottiegoingon · 4 months
love letters part II
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shauna shipman x fem!reader
summary: the one where reader finds the truth about shauna's feelings.
warnings: r dates jeff, jealousy, homoerotic friendship, shauna is reader's best friend, no crash, shauna doesn't know how to talk about her feelings, angsty first, short but with a happy ending cause i dont wanna get murdered, not proofread
this is the second part of a fic i wrote weeks ago that can be found here
you came to the conclusion that refraining yourself from speaking to shauna for a few days couldn't be so difficult. there were plenty of other people to talk in wiskayok high after all.
of course, these people weren't shauna. they didn't wear flannels or either would bring your favorite ice cream flavor after school to feast on while watching a dumb movie or to use it as a background for your incessant conversation.
you would be just fine. you had jeff, your boyfriend.
"you are doing much better without her, babe." jeff was impatiently waiting for you to grab your books from your locker to put his hands on you, as if you were a important prize to show others. you thought it was cute the first time it happened, when he was so anxious to have his dirty hands on your waist to show his new possession. now it just pissed you off.
"look. i know she was your friend," jeff stops walking, not satisfied with your silence and feeling even worse about you not agreeing with him. "but that chick was hella weird. we have classes together and to this day, i don't even know the sound of her voice." he seems to finds his own way of talking about your best friend amusing as he snorts to himself.
he's too entertained to notice you looking at him dead in the eyes. yes, shauna was quiet and she didn't talk much but because she was observant. loud and clear, shana had called you desperate for attention two days ago. if anyone had the right to talk shit about her, this someone was you.
"come on, don't be so serious. it was a joke!" jeff hurriedly defends himself as you storm off, the sound of the locker door slamming reverberating in the corridor. "are you still coming to the party tonight?" his voice draws attention from other students passing through the hallway.
your dilemma on how to ignore shauna was quickly resolved, though not exactly in the way you anticipated. escaping from jeff's presence, the world around you seemed to halt as you caught sight of Shauna walking in the opposite direction. clad in her signature flannels, her dark hair tied back in a loose ponytail, her doe eyes were even more prominent.
meanwhile, as the world around you seemed to freeze in time, you thought about waving or greeting her with a faint smile. despite the exchange of heated words between you two, fueled by anger, you knew deep down none of it was genuine. none of that was real. she was still your best friend.
the time was up and you had to do something but she was faster and chose for the both of you. shauna did nothing. she ignored you. abruptly breaking the eye contact as fast as she could as if you were some kind of deathly disease.
things didn’t get any better after that.
you met her again when leaving the bathroom after lunch. getting out of the stall, you were petrified to see her right in front of you washing her hands. you knew she had seen you through the mirror thanks to the way she quickly looked away and never bothered to face the mirror again.
it took you a minute to realize that she wasn’t worried or upset. she was her casual self, calm and composed while you were overthinking every step of her. washing your hands by her side, you try to initiate at least a small interaction, facing her with the corner of your eyes, but she didn’t seem to notice.
you see her drying her hands and getting ready to leave the bathroom, so you quickly wipe your wet hands on your pants to follow her.
“hi, shauna, can we-“ you mutter quietly as you reach for her wrist, but she’s quicker, and in an instant, she darts out, leaving the door to close in your face.
off to a good start.
it wasn’t until when you saw yourself wearing more pink clothes than usual because jeff wanted you to look like the stereotypical feminine standard, or reading less because you spent too much time lost in your imagination, that you found out that shauna was right.
you had changed. and worse, for a guy.
you would never put your favorite book aside just because your boyfriend told you so or find new movies to like because the ones you liked were too “manly”.
you couldn't escape the vision of shauna laughing and jeering in your mind. she had tried to warn you, but your defensive response only made things worse, and the worry of ruining your friendship with her kept you up at night
“no, babe, hear me out.” jeff has his arm around you hanging over your shoulder and mouth full of french fries with eyes glued on tv, barely making any sense out of his words. “you gotta get rid of it. it’s pointless to keep this, shauna doesn’t care anymore.”
you thought you liked jeff for many reasons. he was good with his words, even though the letters stopped coming, he was decent at football, treated you well, even if not paying attention to everything you said, and your parents liked him. but you didn’t like him for his empathy.
jeff had given you a ride after school and bought food for you. now, sitting in the couch, he was doing an awful job at pretending to listen to you talk about how badly you missed your best friend. you mentioned that shauna was the one who gave you an adorable stuffed bear for your birthday three years ago, the one you were always holding onto lately, when you were obsessed with watching nature documentaries.
“i can’t get rid of it, jeff. it’s cruel.” you roll your eyes, irritated at his idea of solving problems.
“it’s just a plushie for babies. i can give you a new one.”
disregarding the sound of your boyfriend's voice, now more irritating than ever, you dash from the couch with the stuffed bear in hands. finally emerging from his TV daze, he gazes up at you, his brows knit in confusion.
“you’re not liking the movie?” jeff asks, oblivious of the thing that was actually making you go crazy. you couldn’t care any less about the movie when shauna was mad.
“i’m going to shauna’s. i need to tell her that i’m sorry.”
“what? now? i just got here.” jeff eyes widen and you notice how he looks like he’s panicking over your words.
“great. so you know the way out, right?”
when you knocked on the door, shauna's mom greeted you with a big smile and let you in. no questions asked. this made you think that shauna hadn't spoken to her parents yet and you didn't expect her to, anyway. she rarely shared her feelings with anyone who wasn't constantly reassuring her.
what truly caught you off guard was her absence. you'd understand if it were a friday night, but on a school day? what if she'd made new friends? found a new best friend? a boyfriend or girlfriend? it didn't matter to you. shauna wasn't yours to control. you weren't upset in the slightest. even if the physical pain in your chest, as if your heart was being crushed, was undeniably there.
you knew the way to the attic. her bedroom looked just as it always did. the large 'reality bites' poster still dominated the wall, a messy pile of books lay on her bed, and clothes were draped over the small armchair near her bed. the only noticeable difference was the stack of new notebooks on her shelf.
as you headed towards her bed to wait for her, you tripped over a cardboard box that clearly wasn't there before; you knew her room inside out. cursing under your breath, you dragged the box closer to the bed and sat down to see what was inside.
inside the box were numerous papers and envelopes. you plunged your hand into the mess and picked one out, curiosity piqued. your brow furrowed as you recognized the content from past letters you had received. you grabbed another, and then another. each was handwritten by shauna, with a space left blank for a signature.
jeff's signature.
panic sets in. your heart skips a beat. soon, shauna's bed was covered in a sea of letters that you've desperately read. everything clicked into place. jeff's name didn't match the rest of the handwriting because he wasn't the author. your best friend was.
"what are you doing?" shauna's familiar voice echoed in the room, pulling your gaze to her figure at the door. she didn't have the same unbothered demeanor as she did at school; now, she appeared frightened. her attempt at a low, threatening tone faltered, and all you could see was a scared looking kid in her eyes.
"what is this?" you countered, holding a piece of paper between your fingers as you rose from her bed. extending it toward shauna, you expected her to defend herself, but she remained unfazed. she didn't even need to look; she knew exactly what it was.
"It's nothing," she said sharply, swiping the letter from your fingers without bothering to look at it. "this is private. since when do you think it's okay to snoop through my belongings without asking?"
"since when it's okay for you to lie to me?" silence. she doesn't say a word.
"you acted so weirdly when i told you about jeff and i thought you were just jealous but you already knew about them cause you wrote all of this!"
"no, i..." her voice dwindled, grappling for words. you observed her eyes soften and become watery, yet somehow, there was still a lingering anger buried in there.
"what? you thought it would be fun to mock me? i thought we were friends!"
"we are! it's complicated you don't understand!"
"and whose fault is that?" your voice, previously charged with annoyance, gradually regains its usual composure as memories of the last heated argument flood back. you had come here to mend things, but how exactly were you supposed to do that now?
"jeff asked me to help him. he didn't know how to talk to you and we had a class in common and-"
"oh my god, shauna!" you groaned, hands instinctively rising to cover your eyes briefly in frustration. "and you just decided everything for me? like i was some type of character in your journal that you could decide its faith?"
"I had to! do you know how incredibly annoying it is to think about you every single day?" it was her turn to raise her voice now. her expression was a tumult of emotions—anger, sadness, desperation, fear. her face flushed with emotion, nostrils flared and cheeks tinged red. "maybe if you had a boyfriend, everything would stop!" she yelled, finally releasing her pent-up feelings.
her words brought you to a halt. there was nothing left to say. your expression of disappointment turned into an empty canvas, nothing but a void where words failed to form, and, for shauna, this was worse than seeing you sad. she couldn't read you.
"what do you mean?"
"you still don't get it, do you?" shauna's sigh was heavy as she approached, flinging the letter onto the bed. "why do you think i wrote all that? i couldn't stand the idea of jeff's disgusting hands all over you, but it was the only way i could make this horrible feeling to stop!" her voice cracked, a mix of whining and huskiness, tears trailing down her cheeks. it was hard to discern whether it was anger, sadness, or perhaps even relief.
"shauna..." your voice came out in a soft murmur, barely audible. "do you-"
"have feelings for you?" she cut in, taking a deep, shaky breath amidst her tears. "do you usually write love letters for your friends if you don't have feelings for them?"
with her words preempting any possible questions, a bunch of thoughts raced through your mind in the span of a single heartbeat. shauna had feelings for you and she wasn't the only one. the ache of separation even during just a week without talking, the tender and way too friendly gestures like legs entwined while watching movies, how she truly adored you, evident in the small details like bringing you your favorite ice cream even if she hated it, were insignificant to some but meant everything to you.
despite all odds and against shauna's every expectation, you seize her by the collar of her flannel shirt, drawing her closer until your foreheads touch. "don't you ever make me kiss jeff again just so you can hide your feelings and avoid me," you whisper, your gaze shifting between her dark eyes and rosy lips.
setting aside her initial shock, shauna's hands, shaky and unsure, eventually settle on your waist, holding you close as if afraid you might slip away. "it's a deal. was it that bad?" she giggles through tears and the quite silly and adorable view makes you smile.
with one hand firmly gripping her shirt to keep her close, you use the other to gently reach up to her face, wiping a tear from her cheek with your thumb. "you really have no idea," you chuckle softly before closing the gap between you entirely and pressing your lips against hers.
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biblicalhorror · 1 year
Girl help they're calling the guy who blackmailed his wife and her teammates over their trauma to save his furniture store a "himbo who just loves his wife and wants her to be happy"
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so so I finally found words for it but there is no way Annie as a character is meant to be with Jeff,,, and yes this does come from a place of hate for anything even remotely related to JeffAnnie but it's also more than that and totally based on their behavior towards each other throughout the seasons but I just found the perfect moment that incapsulates it
and that is in 4x13 Advanced Intro to Finality wherein Jeff is ready to graduate and there's sorta paintball with the darkest timeline and all that (which just saying is such a cool fucking setup but this is not the post where I talk about it) and both the Annie's (from the normal and darkest timeline) are facing off against each other,,, what the evil Annie tries to persuade the normal Annie with is the fact that they (jeff and her) are sleeping together in this alternate future and normal Annie literally responds with, and I quote, "No-one is supposed to sleep with him. Not even me." let that sink in
Now does this seem like somebody who has a serious romantic crush/is in love with the guy? What it seems like to me is a case of admiration (as a person and a human being) which is further warped into her assuming it's love because that's what we're supposed to do and told to do by society... What is more she obviously views Britta as a woman who (might not be the smartest and I will always hate on how the show ruined her character) but is still recognised and acknowledged as a woman,, something that Annie feels alienated from since most people look at her and tend to infantilize her (which is also a part in her dynamic with Jeff which is just,, n o),,, so a lot of the tines she tends to look at britta's choice of partners to turn to, to fall in love with (obv this is something that I derived from the 6 seasons laid out before me but this is my opinion and yeah)
and yeah the question then becomes why didn't she do the same with Shirley,,, number 1. Shirley is obviously in a different place in her life with her husband and kids,,, number 2. Shirley and her also have quite a big age gap which is again only widened by number 1,,, and number 3, if you notice properly there are episodes wherein you can see her try to emulate Shirley,,, the easiest and most off the top of my head example being the one where they are the campus security together which does end with her professing that she wants to be a grown powerful woman like her.
Now, if we talk about her other main crush, talking about Troy here throughout the first few seasons,,, it's again based a lot on her admiration for him for being popular and again THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO AND WANT TO BE especially when you're literally at the sidelines of the high school hierarchy so much so that you would busy your ass to score good and do good but still never be known by anyone or acknowledged for anything you do,,, and she technically knew nothing about him which at most i can grant her being infatuated w him and yeah
and most of her attraction to anyone feels very surface level,, in the this-is-what-i've-seen-people-do-so-this-is-what-i-need-to-do-as-well,, instead of being properly attracted in a,,, i want to be romantically with you sense,,, she's essentially creating a fairytale of her life and idealising it and all the models she has for them are heterosexually inclined,, so this is the kind of behavior she ends up adopting and emulating,,
so a large part of Annie's behavior I do chalk up to heterosexual compulsivity (or comphet) because there are moments throughout wherein she shows more admiration and love for women than men in a i-want-to-be-with-you kind of way (and it would be really interesting to look at her struggle as a difficulty to differentiate btw I want to be her,,, and I want to be with her)
a large part of her character is also so interesting to me because of the fact that it feels like she gets away from the writers quite a bit,,, because a lot of the instances you can see how the writers want her to be perceived vs how she ends up being perceived by us (but that's true for most things related to media concerning the expected reception vs the actual reception)
i didn't know this was going to end up being a lesbian or at least queer Annie post either,, but apparently that's my truth and I stand by it
(also I do acknowledge the fact that the part of all this (the part about her being queer) can be chalked up to my own desires and biases and a little bit of projection but regardless,,, in any case, JeffAnnie is still weird and bad and doesn't really fit for their characters regardless (technically for both of theirs but this too long already) and I'm a firm believer of that (anti JeffAnnie till the day I die fr)
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solazu1 · 6 months
I just hope everyone knows I actually don't like creepypasta I just like marble hornets.
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tomfordjasminrogue · 2 months
kind of dont even want the community movie anymore im scared of it actually
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480pfootage · 1 year
The “realistic creepypasta” is gone too far. Thanks for letting us know! My faith has been restored. Now I can freely write BEN, and Zalgo as redeemed benevolent characters! :D
I wouldn't say it's gone too far lol it's just severely annoying to see people write the pastas being *all* abusive. To me it seems like blatant ableism seeing as most if not all of them are mentally ill with often stigmatized illnesses (i.e. schizophrenia, narcissicism, aspd).
Someone tagged it like this in the post you're referencing it was sumn like "if you're gonna write them as abusive assholes, say it's because they're serial murderers and not because they're mentally ill" and that's banger advice
Most of them are more likely to jsut be aloof and not there completely instead of full on "I'M GONNA SLAP AND VERBALLY ABUSE YOU AND YOU'LL STILL STAY WITH ME BECAUSE YOU LOVEEEE ME 😈😈"
Either way write what you want I can't stop you, I just block whoever's writing stuff I disagree with
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I started the first Zodiac Academy book last night and couldn't make it through the first chapter
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Omfg im trying to read a jeff the killer fic and
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ascendandt · 1 year
im so glad thst jackie and shauna is like 0% about jeff. like neither of them loved him its like fucking juri and shiori esque if i dare say that
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angelhound · 2 years
feeling personally victimized that ptv did not play their new song when i saw them bc i have heard 30 seconds of it that were leaked and it’s literally. so good it hurts my feelings. going to kill myself later when it comes out
#i think that last sentence may not make sense to the general public#idk how else to describe it#my life will begin and be over simultaneously#idk every time i find a new song that feels like this i think i am dying and being born#i think most recently the last song that was like this was jeff yr friend who cares by wasted space#maybe last month idk 2 months ago#its still a banger i could rip off my skin listening#this is about emergency contact#coming out tonight/tomorrow btw idk i feel like it was unclear#NO it might have been tommys car on carpools new album i rlly fucked w it#but idk that ones not quite the rip ur own legs off kind of love it#im going to have to make a list because i keep thinking of new ones ugh i love sound#no one but me wants to listen to a ‘songs that you could rip your legs off to’ playlist but i will be making it anyways#everyone tells me lately i spend too much time focused on music but i dont care im going to make my whole life about it actually#idk like i have several hobbies but this one is my primary life focus and i will live and die for it#hater mentality because u dont have something like that#why not make my life about what i am alive for#im here to be in love & make and experience sound thats it babe#im transcending the limits of my body in the act of creation#call me unrealistic and u might me right but i found out id rather be dead if i dont live the way i feel thats how i got here in the first#place. Its this or throw myself off a cliff and i kind of want to live so. i gotta follow the soul mission yk?#idk i get shit for everything people tell me im selfish for this because of course Everyone wants to live how they want but they cant#but idk what to about that other people should do it too then. maybe the pressure to do so isnt as agressive as it is for me otherwise#i cant imagine feeling like i do and not having this be the only option#also how is it negatively effecting u that im living in a way that makes me happy independently 🤔#i dont think i am doing anything special im really just living and thats an option for Everyone#I hope everyone finds out u can do whatever u want if u want it bad enough
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wingamy24 · 7 months
a lot of jeff/annie shippers have said that i'm just a no-fun anti that fixates on their age gap and, like, yeah, obviously. that's the main problem. but i also think jeff/annie go against both of the character's development.
annie constantly tries getting her "dream man" because she feels the need to be loved. she needs someone to love her and give her approval. she sees that man as jeff because, in her words, she believes that if she teaches someone like him to love, then she'll be loved forever. i think that jeff/annie could've been used as a way to make annie mature and realize that she doesn't need a 35 year old man's approval or attention and that she can love herself the same way... of course, this doesn't work if you try to make them endgame.
and jeff, well... basically, community finale. jeff sees annie as his youth, the one he desperately wants back. and, also, he feels lonely. he's a cold guy that constantly needs to look cool in front of his friends. he's VERY lonely. he doesn't want annie: same as her, he just wants to be loved. he's not used to loving. he wants to experience it, but as annie said in his weirdass fantasy where she was married to him... "is this what you really want?"*
i don't know, i feel like shipping jeff and annie is the equivalent of throwing their characters through the window of a 13-floor building.
*that's the translation of the spanish subtitles, i can't exactly remember what annie actually said in english.
5/3/24 update (i forgot that i wanted to add this)
in general, it just feels like they both want a completely different relationship with a completely different person, and they're trying to force the other to be that person. im mostly talking about annie here. if your favorite community character is jeff winger, you probably are his #1 hater, like me. annie doesn't deserve jeff. she deserves way better. and im not saying this in a "they are so silly hahaha annie deserves so much better than this silly guy" no, annie would get hurt in a relationship with jeff. she has high expectations for him. she has high expectations in general. my girl is FRESH OUT OF HIGHSCHOOL and the only 2 guys we've seen her canonically date are grownass men she met when she was 18/19. jeff just isn't her guy. can you imagine them actually living together? can you imagine jeff sleeping on a bed full of plushies? can you imagine annie groaning as she saw jeff's magazines of women? (jeff canonically has those, by the way) etc, etc. annie deserves SO MUCH BETTER than jeff. also, she doesn't really... get jeff. i know this is weird, i mean, they're friends. but jeff never really opened up to annie or went to her whenever he had personal issues. i don't think they'd be closer than friends (close friends).
there's also a whole thing in their potential relationship that could be harmful to annie: jeff's addiction to alcohol. i reblogged a post about it a few days ago that you might wanna check out
kk guys it's been like 3 days and i found it it's right here!
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cr33py-crawli3 · 2 months
Ticci Toby’s (or any other creepypasta’s) opinion on Mac’n’cheese. Do they like it? Dislike it? With seasoning?
Personally I like mac and cheese with shell noodles and salt, pepper, garlic powder and lemon pepper. Maybe some paprika or curry powder for some extra spice.
Have a good day/afternoon/night!!!
i hope u know this ask made me so hungryyyy i need a fried chicken sandwich with a side of mac n cheese so bad … im in the trenches…
anywayyy here’s some of he creeps opinions on mac n cheese (;3;)
before Toby got his gash he definitely had a phase where he ate Mac n Cheese for every meal of the day, untill he got sick of it, now he cant stand the sight of it. Though i think just in general, with his gash, toby would avoid eating softer foods, it would probably get pretty messy and he thinks its just a hassle overall.
Jeff is a certified melted cheese hater!!! its probably a texture thing for him. on another note, because mouth is split ear to ear its difficult for him to not be a messy eater, unlike toby tho he just dosent gaf, he probably thinks its hilarious when people get grossed out with the way he eats.
BEN is a cheese FEIN!!! but bc its a ghost i dont think BEN need to eat, but i do think it does like to on occasion. definitely likes box kraft mac n cheese, and it has been caught gnawing on blocks of cheese before… scary
Nina is the master of instant and microwaveable food, she can make insta ramen taste gourmet, and same goes for mac n cheese! nobody knows how she does it.. and she will never tell.
poor Masky/Tim is lactose intolerant, he has lactose free milk in the fridge and gets so mad when people drink it (hoodie/brian)
Clockwork is also lactose intolerant but shes in denial, she swears the stomach ache she gets after eating mac n cheese is just a coincidence! she loves dairy too much to let it go..
EJ does NOT fw human food esp not cheese… ur telling me humans eat curdled milk that’s pressed into a mold and left to ferment for years??? he is such a hypocrite, mf will eat raw human KIDNEYS but not cheese?
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my pookie wookie 💕💕💕
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whole-circus · 1 year
maybe jeff and toby with a self insecure reader with stretch marks and scars all over their body? gn would be good ♡
Jeff the Killer and Ticci Toby with insecure reader!
➥ Hi love!! Remember that you are way more than your body and you deserve love not matter what you look like (im talking about self love and love from others)!! Take care and be kind to yourself🫀 >:3
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˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
Jeff the Killer
Its pretty strange for Jeff usuall persona, but he gets it. His body is damaged (to say it nice); lots of scars, burns..well, you feeling insecure isnt weird for him. He knows that sometimes our self perception is cruel. We are our number one haters and as cheesy as it sounds, its pretty much true. So Jeff will limit his usual teasing and not-so-nice comments towards you. Even if it was only in jokes, then he would hate the thought that he had made you feel even worse! He is your boyfriend after all, his job is to make you feel good and happy! So as soon as he notices that you kinda..hate yourself, he lets himself be more vurnable around you. Even if he is asshole half of a time, then he can see that you need him. Jeff isnt the best when it comes to words, he doesnt want to make it worse, so you will receive small praises and lots of touches! Pretty much kisses your scars, he kiss all your body, all the places you dont like about yourself becasue you mean a lot to him!! Isnt as scared to show you affection in public, becasue he is proud that you are his! And if there is one thing that he want in this world, then he wants you to not be in pain because of what you look like.
Ticci Toby
Toby is a vurnable lover comparing to Jeff (or actually comparing to anybody).He has some scars too, and they are part of him - each one has it own story, even if its something small or silly. Stretch marks? Well, sure. Most of human beings have them, so does he. People does have imperfections, so why would he think of you any less? Its not something unusual. Toby likes to think of you in a way 'you are made from all this little things, some might be better than others, but its still you' - pretty simple, huh? Boy cant imagine not liking you becasue of things like scars or stretch marks. Its pretty normal to him, but he wont belittle your insecurities. He is and will find you perfect no matter what. Its not like he is unhealthy obsessed with you, no, he is well aware of your flaws yet he still finds them beautiful. Yes, you have scars and stretch marks, but are you aware of how your eyes lit up when you smile? Or how your hair is messy when you get up in the mornings? Your sweet giggles when he tells something silly? Toby finds it absolutely cute! Someone may seem your 'imperfections', but do they know your favorite type of tea? Or which scene in the movie make you tear up? Your favorite socks? Yeah, he doesnt think so. Toby sees every little detail in you and it only makes him love you more! Overall, you will recieve a lot of soft touches (he treats place you dont like about yourself with special love) with tons of compliements!
˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
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alfiely-art · 4 months
FINISHED ACT 2!!!! I promise I'm taking my time
Act 1 live reaction here
Here are notes I took while reading!!!
Hi vagabond fella… you're cute
Huh. So the world ended. Okay
Happy birthday john, you fucked up!!!! My god!!!!
Oh interesting… wonder if the kernel will come back later
I like this sprite lmaoooo silly guy
“It's a long way down” Hey. Hey wait a sec. Isn't that deltarune
Bro Rose probably thinks you're dead lmfaooooo
Am I supposed to ignore the Stop Scurrying button btw. He will scurry to my hearts content
“Would you like to play a game?” C…caliborn….? :3
We scurried until we couldn't scurry anymore
Aw he's scared :( WALK ACROSS IT ur fine…
A voice?? Is it the blue text. The sprite
Sorry rose I'm not reading allat
So wait. Did the game cause the meteors or is it just saving people from them. Why was there no warning
Betty crocker is born /j
Nvm sprite said No <3
“Hoo-hoo-hoo” HEY I SAW CALIBORN GIGGLE LIKE THAT IN A FIC. I know the Striders have more to do with Caliborn but let me reach
OH its the sprite
Dave. Honey. Nows not the time for your rap
Which admittedly has fun rhymes
Dave what are you yapping about
Fluthlu… I love you
I'm not even gonna try to spell that but I like the other squid octopus creature as well
Oglogoth… goth !!!!
Hey wait. The horror terrors are part of sburb. Is the game influenced by their lives and interests. Like. Deltarune
OH PSYCHE!!! hi Dave
Bleat like a goat and piss on your turntable
Oh Dave. Oh Dave
Hey wait is this earlier in the day.
Okay this is definitely earlier in the day
Aw. He doesn't wanna make satire of the sburb review
Is that. John's hand???? what the fuck is happening in midnight crew
Flagrant Homosexuality
YOU CANT BE SAYING THAT WHITE BABY (I was told that they use slurs, slur count 2!!!!)
Her life depends on you playing that game Dave
Ewwww what's the shit under the door
It's okay Dave piss probably isn't that bad. It's also probably Apple juice You're fine
. They're gonna fly out the window
Wait. Davesprite is a bird with a sword in him. Omg is that bird the beginning of Davesprite omg!!!!
Rose and her mom are fucking weird
Hardcore parkour
Jade be telling the future…. Why can she do that
Ironic Indulgence
Btw. Are you able to. Win the strifes. I'm so confused
“Fine, you'll interrupt your reading and turn around, but you don't see what could possibly be so oh my god it's a monster.” Hi this is absolute gold this is how I type
John died :(
Yay he's alive!!!
John is such a nerd I love him
Hi Nanna harlequin sprite
Dave is very suddenly creeped out by the puppets, okay. Don't diss Lil cal bro
Baked good hater for Life!!! Also I am just like John I have absolutely no idea what Nannasprite was talking about. We r along for the ride
Jade why do you know all this stuff
Haha Dave's an emoji
HI CAL HI BABYGIRL !!!! I like Cal he's the man
Sweet Bro n Hella Jeff is. I
Cals eyes are so shiny
U and me both Rose. We Are giggling
John died again
What the fuck is happening at Dave's house
What the fuck is happening
I WANT TO PLAY A GAME is this a caliborn reference. Anyway uhhh Bro is kinda weird what's going on with him
Why does he have a camera in the saw guy figurine. Bro. What's uh up with you
BRO REALLY IS A NINJA…. Whys he jusy moving Cal around
Dave. I know you said your Bro is awesome but I think he's just really weird. He's silly
I do think it's interesting. John doesn't like his dad even though his dad is great (worst thing is he ignores that his kid doesn't like betty crocker goods). Rose hates her mom, but.. for like, the wrong reasons?? Like yeah her mom’s an alcoholic and seems neglectful but she doesn't seem to do the Irony shit Rose says she does. And then Dave seems to think Bro is the absolute best even though. This is not a great situation. I wonder what Jade's family is like
Also John and Rose avoid their parents but Dave's Bro seems to avoid Dave. interesting
Hey that letter is the same as the one in the trans dirk comic I saw :0
Yoooo John that's a cool weapon actually
That's a big boy right there what a big boy
Big boy!!!!!!
HEY I WAS INVESTED IN SEEING JOHN FIGHT. Oh at least we can see Bro. Wait how's Rose
??? JADE???
What the fuck is happening I
vagabond is so silly I like him
Hey guys I think a king hurt vagabond. Just a guess. Probably reaching idk /j
Oh nvm. Btw can we get this guy a burger
HEY WHAT THE FUCK ARE ON THESE SCREENS BTW. Wait I'm shouting so much. But what the fuck. Dave has his sprite??? Yay???? I thought he was gonna fight Bro??? What happened to Lil Cal???
Hey isn't that Jade's symbol on the pumpkin
Yooo that's such a cool cutscene actuHUH HOW IS IT THE END OF THE ACT AGAIN
The frick….
Anyway. Thoughts: I like Vagabond. Jade is mysterious. Dave gay. Bro creepy. Someone pls save Rose. John you gotta put your big boy pants on and fight those ogres. Good act!!! idk why people say the pre-trolls stuff is boring I'm enjoying myself
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crushedsweets · 10 months
Hey, it’s your least favorite anon. I wanted to ask you about the different rivalries in your AU. I know there is Jeff vs Jane and Slenderman vs Zalgo but I was curious if there was others?
-Your least favorite Anon
ooo this is a good question.. i havent thought too much about this before i started writing so this is just my thought process as i go LOL
the operator vs slenderman is THE BIGGEST rivalry there is in my au. them fighting is what drives half the cast
toby and the rake have CRAZY BEEF toby has a MASSIVE claw-mark scar down his back from the rake. he's literally wrestled on the ground with the rake and beaten it with a stick. he wants to kill it but he never can LMFAOOO its like a fucking looney tunes bit. maybe even tom and jerry. toby is tom.
toby also doesnt like sally very much, again bc ghosts scare him (lyra reminders) and bc sallys mean to him. sally doesnt like him cuz he's mean in return LOL
jack and tim dont have a rivalry exactly but tim is kinda meaner to jack on the basis of jack being a demon. thinks less of him cuz of it. jack knows he does, but doesnt do anything about it
nina does eventually hate jeff, but she's a bit tied up since she's now friends with the proxies, but the proxies rely on ben, and bens besties with jeff, so nobody can touch jeff without pissing off the proxies.
im obsessed w ninakate now cuz lesbianism, BUT they arent canon in my au since i dont want any relationships (besides mary and jane) to be canon/'endgame'.. BUT IN AN AU WHERE EVERYTHINGS THE SAME BUT I CANONIZE NINAKATE nina would be hard beefing with ann . i literally just drew a comic today about nina following kate on a patrol, kate finds ann, and nina gets all upset and antsy about ann 'flirting' w kate. LOL. SO NINA AND ANN R HATERS. i think ill make them hate eachother in my normal au too.
honestly i tone down the jeff vs jane rivalry a lot. for a lot of years she is driven by hatred and wanting justice, but she eventually starts to settle down with her wife, accepts that it is unlikely jeff will be brought to justice once she learns about the paranormal involvement, and focuses on helping families with cases that can be brought to justice. . .
everyone kinda beefs w jeff besides ben. jeffs incredibly lucky that ben is so useful in retrieving/deleting police files, cctv footage, black market shit, credit card info... etc etc , otherwise they'd have killed jeff. but alas. cannot upset the little boy
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beelaboola · 9 months
Ayo Bella, who would you Bang, Marry, Kill among the creepypastas?
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id bang ej...... if we go with the demon hc of him, very handsome man,,, and i just have a thing for demons idk (or tim/masky, im aware that hes not really crp but in my head he is, hes so fine i need to draw him more)
id marry toby bc hes literally my bf and husband and i would do anything for him and be his housewife and and and an
and lastly,, id kill jeff............. only bc im his #1 hater (sorry jeff fans dont come at me please) and i will slander him at every chance i get
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