#i dont think i am doing anything special im really just living and thats an option for Everyone
crazykitsch · 8 months
heyy babe! just had a thought abt marc and reader being in the same friend group and they have a friends with benefits thing going and at a party some guy is flirting with her and he gets jealous and there’s an angsty confession🫣
Marc Guiu : killin’ me good
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pairing: marc guiu x reader
warnings: none(?) apart from my terrible writing
❝I think of you more than I should, I die when you give me that look. You’re killin’ me, killin’ me good.❞
Recently my .. friend I guess? Well, Marc has been gaining quite a lot of attention from the media. What nobody knows though, is that me and him kind of have a thing going on. I mean we’re definitely not official, it’s more a friends with benefits kind of thing.
It started with one kiss, and then one more came and more and more and we kind of started acting like a couple when no one’s around but then again also not?? Really confusing, I know.
One big thing about being friends with benefits is obviously to not catch feelings. Failed. Can you blame me though? He’s fine, tall, sweet and I can go on for an hour. I don’t think he likes me like that though, im not really a special girl or anything to be honest.
GROUPCHAT: la masia 💙❤️ + y/n & liz😒
lamain hoe:
are we still all going to mateo’s party tonight ??
pau cubarsi:
depends if youre all going
liz gf mwah 💋:
im going if y/n’s going 🤷‍♀️
hector 👎:
same thing for marc
im coming for liz ❤️❤️
liz gf mwah 💋:
love you bae
marc 🫶:
hector next time i see you i’ll hit you and drag you to the ground
but yes im coming too
lamain hoe:
didnt need to know all that but okay! i’ll see all of you then ig ??
PRIVATE CHAT: liz gf mwah 💋 & y/n bae 🎀
y/n bae 🎀:
kill me 🙏🙏🙏🙏
liz gf mwah 💋:
no hi
no good evening
but alright!
want me to get you a therapist?
y/n bae 🎀:
my life is too complicated for a therapist to handle
friends with benefits is the dumbest thing i’ve ever done oh my god how did i fall for him
liz gf mwah 💋:
y/n bae 🎀
i dont know what to do ☹️
and that party tonight ????should i talk to other guys??? or is that weird???? and would he want to talk to other girls????
i guess theres only one solution: moving to a another country 🎀💌🩷🦢
liz gf mwah 💋:
i mean if you want to talk to other guys you should do it, you could try to get over him if thats what you want
and if you move to another country pls take me with you 🙏
y/n bae 🎀:
thank you queen you’re so wise
I’m getting ready for tonight while listening to some music. I can’t stop thinking about marc though.. but I guess that’s a problem for in an hour.
Okay i’m finally ready and hear the bell ring, I look out of my window and see Liz. I run downstairs and open the door. ‘Hi future mrs Guiu!’ she says teasingly, ‘Liz oh my god shut up.’ I reply. I mean not that I wouldn’t like it.. but still.
‘Are you ready to go y/n?’ ‘Yes Liz’ I say and we start walking to the party. Luckily Mateo only lives like 7 minutes away from us. As we enter his house we see Lamine and Hector and greet them. We talk for a bit but then I really needed to go to the bathroom. ‘I’ll be back in a few minutes, bye!’ I say.
I’ve been at Mateo’s house a few time so luckily I know where the bathroom is.
After i’m done I wanted to walk back to where my friends were but then a guy walked up to me. He’s quite tall and attractive.. but nothing next to Marc though.
‘Hey pretty girl.’ he says.. oh my god what do I say!?!?? ‘Hey, i’ve never seen you before’ I reply. I suck at talking to guys oh my god. ‘I’ve never seen such pretty girls in Barcelona either’ ‘Oh really? There are a lot.’ I say, my god y/n am I trying to introduce him to other girls or something?? ‘Hmm I highly doubt it.’ he says and I notice he’s standing closer to me now.
I smile as we hold eye contact but then I look to my left.. from all the people I could see right now I see Marc. Marc Guiu. This world is plotting against me.
I see him looking kind of annoyed? But at the same time upset and mad. What do I do? Do I go after a guy that’s technically just a friend or do I stay here talking to a guy thats actually interested in me? The first option.
‘Sorry.. i’ll be back!’ I say to the guy who’s name I didn’t even get. I walk towards where Marc was walking and see he’s with our friend group.
‘Hi..’ I say. ‘You took long, thought you were making out with someone for a minute’ Liz says and I can see Marc getting more annoyed.. ‘Wouldn’t be surprised at this point.’ Lamine says jokingly and I reply ‘Don’t be mad at me because you cant pull Lamine.’
‘I’m going home, you coming with me Hector?’ Marc says all of a sudden. ‘Oh yeah sure.’ Hector replies. ‘Oh.. ehm, bye Marc.’ I say but he ignores me, maybe he just didn’t hear me.. but then again when the rest of the group says bye he does say something, odd.
A few hours later the party is done and me and Liz walk home. ‘Liz? After I went to the bathroom a guy walked up to me.. we started talking and he seemed interested.’ I say. ‘Oh my god really? Im so happy for you!’ ‘Thank you, don’t think Marc is happy for me though. He saw us and didn’t look too excited for me.. and when we both were back to our friendgroup he also looked annoyed and ignored me.’ I say. ‘You know what that means right y/n?? He likes you.’ You see, I really love Liz.. but sometimes she IS delusional because there’s no way.
The next day I wake up and luckily it’s still weekend. I open my phone and decide to text Marc since we were supposed to hang out today.
PRIVATE CHAT: marc 🫶 & y/n 😺
y/n 😺:
hi marc
are we still hanging out today ?
marc 🫶:
dont know
wouldnt u prefer to hang out with that ugly, shrek looking guy?
y/n 😺:
is that why you didnt talk to me at all yesterday?
please reply ☹️
Fuck. He’s leaving me on opened. Now a smart woman would take this as a sign to leave him alone and move on. Yet I am not that intelligent so I decide to text Hector.
PRIVATE CHAT: hector 👎 & y/n 🦭
y/n 🦭:
hiiiii bff!
hector 👎:
since when
y/n 🦭:
since now.
look you and marc are besties right
and you love me right😁
hector 👎:
y/n 🦭:
well ..
would you be so kind to tell me why marc is so upset with me all of a sudden
hector 👎:
not saying marc said anything to me, but imagine if a guy you really liked started flirting with other girls all of a sudden 🤷‍♀️
y/n 🦭:
What do you mean Marc likes me? What the fuck should I do now??? Okay you know, fuck it i guess i’ll just go to his house.
Ten minutes later i’m walking to his house and think about what I should say to him. Before I know it i’m there and knock on the door. ‘Okay girl, you got this.’ I say to myself.
His mom opens the door, okay atleast it’s not Marc. ‘Hi y/n! Marc is in his room.’ she says, ‘Hi, thank you’ I say as I walk in. ‘He seems a bit upset.. maybe you can cheer him up?’ his mom says. ‘Yeah I noticed, i’ll try.’ I say and I walk to his bedroom. Okay girl you got this just knock on his door and tell him how you feel.
I knock on his door and walk in ‘H- Hi Marc..’ I say, god why do I do these things to myself. ‘Hm? What do you want?’ he says. ‘Uhm.. I..’ I say, I can’t find the words to tell him how I feel. ‘Continue.’ he says. Okay this is my chance, don’t fuck up. ‘Look, long story short.. I do not want to be friends with benefits, as a matter of fact I.. I do not want to be friends at all. I like you. As in more than a friend and more than a friend with benefits way.’ I say and only now I realize what I just said. I hope he really does feel the same.
Marc is silent for a minute and right when i’m about to freak out he says ‘I like you too. I don’t want to be friends with benefits anymore either.’
‘Then.. lets not be.’ I say. ‘Y/n, will you let me be your boyfriend?’ He asks and that question sounds unreal to me. I never really expected Marc to ask me that. I reply ‘Yes, i’d love that Marc.’
I smile at him and hug him, he grabs my waist. ‘Were you jealous? back at that party?’ I ask him, ‘How could you tell?’ he says while laughing like it wasn’t obvious. ‘You’re not the best at hiding your emotions.’ I say. ‘Can’t help it when someone flirts with you, don’t like it when you give other guys attention.’ he says. I laugh and say ‘I won’t from now on.’
His mother walks towards the stairs and shouts ‘Y/n? Are you staying for dinner tonight?’ I smile, look at Marc and say ‘Yes i’d love to!’
A/n: Hellaurrrr pookies,, im a bit slow I apologize but im trying my best to work on all requests!! Hope you like it 😜🫶
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hamlet but i haven't seen it (yet)
there's this guy named hamlet who's the prince of denmark
somethings foul in the state of denmark or something
hamlet's dad, the king, got killed before the play and hamlet suspects his uncle claudius (is that his name?)
claudius marries hamlet's mother and is now king (bit weird but okay)
hamlet doesnt like that
the ghost of hamlet's father appears to hamlet and tells him to kill his uncle in revenge
hamlet the master of indecisiveness™
to be or not to be
thats like about whether to act or not i think
hamlet is a college student so actually quite young (i think boy started to go to college at age 14 and hamlets probably around 16 but nobody's sure)
a phrase stuck in my brain is "hamlet the frat boy" but im pretty sure he's more of a theater kid
instead of killing his uncle hamlet stages a play similar to what he thinks transpired to watch how his uncle reacts to it
the lady doth protest too much, methinks
shakepeare does love to make his protagonists spiral into insanity
i heard hamlet is a story about grief and i also heard that it's like a mirror, what you see about hamlet says more about you that hamlet himself (but dont ask me to elaborate i am realising my brain retains information i have no clue how i got)
in the end almost everyone dies because of hamlet
hamlet stabs someone through the curtain i think its the father of ophelia (polonius or smth i dunno) cause he thinks is his uncle
im not sure why his uncle should be behind a curtain tho
hamlet randomly gets kidnapped by pirates but we never see it because shakespeare already new how expensive special effects are
i bet the pirates let hamlet go because he's a little bitch
hamlet is A LITTLE BITCH
i think in one scene he just tries to fluster ophelia (his not-quite-girlfriend) by turning everything she says into sexual innuendo (may i lay my head in your lap so on so on)
there's one scene with a grave digger whom hamlet asks for whom the grave is the man is digging and the man responds it is his own to which hamlet answers something along the lines of
one would thinks so for thou dost lie in it
great pun
ophelia actually manages to drown in a brook which is characterised by it's shallowness
its unclear whether she did it intentionally
there are some guys named rosencrantz und guildenstern (probably didnt spell that right) and i know nothing about them except that they die because of hamlet and for some reason they always get mentioned together which makes me think they are an item
many people die because of hamlet
also there's a skull
is that yorrick?
hamlet talks to it
david tennant got the role of hamlet because he randomly picked up a real human skull
hamlet dies (big surprise!)
there's a duel? and one of the sword's is poisoned and hamlet picks up the wrong one? is that with laertes? i know he dies, too
also there's horatio, everybody seems to like him so i tried to not mention him for as long as possible to annoy them (not really i just dont know much about him)
people think hes gay for hamlet
hes not nobility but wellspoken
something something sweet prince?
horatio does not die
he lives to tell the tale
which is somehow worse
while i know (claudius?) hamlet's uncle dies and thats kinda the point of hamlet's whole actions i do not actually know when or how he dies (but i know about the curtain stabbing, the brook and the duel, weird)
or is he the one in the duel?
i bet hamlet's mother dies too
i also dont know how hamlet dies, something with the duel and the poisoned sword i guess, i know he picked up the wrong sword but im not sure if the wrong one was that with poison or not
i am very confused about how much there is in my brain about the guy
i do think there must be more to horatio except 'gay for hamlet' but i dont know anything
rosencrantz und guildenstern sound like a comic relief duo who dont know what they're doing
something about mother and knowing about playing with her drapes... (is that from hamlet?)
im sure this is enough for now
please do tell me how wrong i am
also tell me if you know why i seem to know so much about this (even if it's not true)
yes, this was inspired by @weirdly-specific-but-ok 's good omens post and @hello-ello-ello 's post about macbeth
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shiftingtomydrs · 5 months
Alright so same as with some other drs my personal stuff like name and everything is the same soo wont go into that a lot tbh
then backstory, i originally wanted to be like an exchange student in france but then like i cant very well be ladybug if im only there for a year so i switched it to i move to france for some reason i dont know yet and i live there with my aunt or smth bcs she lives near paris yk? then basically i just kinda take marinettes place but not completely, like shes still there and stuff but im there too yk? my love interest is adrien and marinette will get together (and stay together) with luca cos theyre cute and im not sure yet if i should script her crush on adrien out or just say it disappears at some point
changes in plot: i dont like anything after season 2, dont ask me why, i just dont like it idk why either, so im gonna script seasons 3-5 out with some exceptions (e.g. i kinda really like cat blanc so i might leave that in with some other stuff but the whole shadow moth and all that shit no) also lila isnt the next supervillain shes just a regular mean girl cos it doesnt make any frickin sense that a 15 year old is able to manipulate every single person she meets. like shell still be able to lie and manipulate people her age but not adults cos thats just stupid imo. Also i havent even watched season 5 yet so im going off spoilers i saw for the next part: none of the miraculous will have permanent holders except ladybug and chat noir (aka me and adrien) cos i like to be special :) also i wont be guardian of the miraculous until much later like college or smth cos thats a ton of pressure and it went sideways for marinette so i dont want it going sideways for me. oh and a big one: ill be taking the whole sentimonster plot out cos i hate it and i think ive never hated a plot as much as that one. like sentimonsters can exist okay but felix and adrien and kagami etc arent one. cos just no. oh and ofc i wont know adrien is chat noir haha
now a bit more about myself: idk yet if i just wanna kinda steal marinettes interests and do the whole design thing cos i am a sucker for parallels and the parallel of adriens parents and adrinette is there but then again why would i wanna be like gabriel? so i might just do what i do in 90% of my drs and be a songwriter (well ill be that anyway question is do i add the designing part on top or not?), otherwise i like baking, ill do figure skating or gymnastics or ballet prolly like all the things i wanna do here but cant for this or that reason. my nationality will be german prolly cos i like having the german passport and also i dont think i need a visa for france cos its in the eu. i wont really script much more about like me and adrien except that we end up together but in my head its kinda similar to the adrien and marinette situation cos im a sucker for slowburn and idk it just fits i think also with my issues with trusting people have good intentions and not just spend time with me bcs of a bet or shit like that.
Physical looks, i might change my hair color cos idk i think itll fit and yeah but ill still have my eye color and height and stuff just be a bit fitter cos with my endurance theres no way ill be able to be a superhero (ik theres magic and shit but still)
im not sure yet if i should leave the dr as a cartoon or do it like this reality (leaning towards this reality bcs i think cartoon would freak me out a bit for my first shift and id overcomplicate it) or maybe ill just do two drs, one cartoon and one not.
anyway, if you have any questions, id love to talk more about this dr so pls ask them <3
@ningsols here it is :)
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omfg so this is for @strawberrylabs birthday which was a month ago school has overtaken my life and i havent been able to work on any reqs or really anything except school i am so sorry to anyone whos requested and i still havent done the request - im trying my best to finish them but final year is very hectic
anyways without further ado~!
how they celebrate your birthday !!
ft. nagi seishiro, bachira meguru and kaedehara kazuha
!!WARNINGS!! gender neutral reader / no pronouns mentioned no actual warnings just pure fluff
nagi seishiro
so nagi
my husband
we all know how he is, he's very lazy and does not like putting effort into things
he loves you very much but he doesn't have the energy for anything
honestly a part of me feels like he'd forget about your birthday and reo would have to remind him
when he remembers its your birthday he'll do a little something
i think he'd by you a little gaming console as your gift so you could play games with him
this man cannot cook to save his life so dont expect him to cook you dinner
but he would order some food and light a small candle and make it look like a cute romantic dinner date
he only puts effort into / pays attention to things he likes
and he likes you a lot :)
after the dinner he'll drag you to bed and cuddle with you
and once he's latched on to you good luck getting him off he'll be on top of you cuddling you
and this man is h e a v y
tall muscle man
if you need to get up for whatever reason youll either have to pry him off or beg till he gives in (which will take a long time so you better start prying his arms off your body)
i like to think he likes wearing oversized hoodies so he can pull them over your head and the two of you can cuddle in his hoodie
my skrunkly baby mwah mwah i love him
bachira meguru
this rat /affectionate
this man would do SO MUCH for your birthday
imagine coming home from work / school and the entire house is decorated
like there's balloons everywhere and confetti
oh and a giant pile of gifts
you'll do a double take when you see the huge gift pile "meguru darling! what is this-" you call out to him "hun!! you're back!!" he pops his head into the room
he has a giant grin on his face and he's wearing a little party hat
he runs over to you and spins you around in a hug and puts a little crown on your head
"come on i have so much planned for today!"
he doesn't even let you get a word in he just drags you off
you have an amazing birthday
he makes you open all the presents while he records because he wants to show his mom his amazing partner
most of the gifts are very sweet and things you wanted
but there will be a couple of… odd- gifts
like a single sock
idk don't ask
this man will literally tell you he's proud of you for being born
10/10 very good boyfriend
kazuha my love
so as we know from what beidou said when she introduced him flowers come out of his mouth the moment he speaks
so just be prepared for that
i think kazuha would write poems for and about his s/o all the time and that includes a special birthday poem for you
if at the time of your birthday youre out at sea with the alcor crew then your birthday will be celebrated by the whole crew all together
its a very lively and fun celebration
but afterwards (when most of the crew passed out) kazuha will take you to a part of the ship where no one else is
the two of you will sit in the moonlight and he'll sing? recite-? idk but he'll tell you the poem he wrote for you
the two of you will have a nice romantic moment
the two of you might end up falling asleep together on the ships deck under the moonlight
AN// ohkay! thats done now
i hope you like it beloved <33 and others who read hope you enjoy too~!
i am now going to go work on other requests while im still in the groove
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Here at i-am-an-arson-enthusiast, we i am dedicated to bringing you top quality content such as but not limited to: gay things, random thoughts, and even live arson that you don't even have to tune into!!
hi this is my intro post :D
here, have some basic info about me :3
name: anything goes pretty much but please use multiple names :] HOWEVER not neptune as that is reserved for @marcysbear , cass/cassie/cassiopeia is reserved for my boyyyfrieeenndddd <33 ( @mostautisticangel ) and dont call me enthu unless ur terri :] uh also you three dont necsessarily have to branch out more
OBLIGITORY QUEER SECTION!! i say that like i dont actively want this here. anyway! the labels i use are queer, bi, lesbian, gay, polyamorous, genderfluid, trans, gnc, non binary, genderqueer and arospec. arospec as in i am largely aromantic and use that as an umbrella term, however i am capable romantic attraction/ am flexible with such labels bc its all bullshit anyway.
i have audhd! i get hyperfixation and sometimes talk abt that if i so wish and my special interests are space and generally queer shit. also pls use tone tags i will think u hate me im too anxious for my own good sometimes
i am dogshit at spelling so. ignore the typos and misspellings!!
if u send me chain asks dont expect me to keep the chain going, ill answer it and say thanks but i wont actually do the thing
-pls don’t send dono asks i don’t got money bc im a minor
-dont think if i have a take like "i dont like taylor swift" i am personally attacking you. you can like whatever the fuck u want idc everyone is entitled to their own opinoins. i just dont like her as a person
-DONT call me the reserved names if you arent that one person
-try to refrain from calling ppl (including me) baby/babe/bae around me it makes me want to die sometimes and i dont want to constantly be a romance repulsed little shit around u guys (this means dont use those names for anyone if i am in the conversation i cant control past that) (it also isnt a problem here i dont think ive ever seen it here its really just discord tbh)
-dont ask for my discord unless were friends or close in some way and dont get offended if i say no
-u can call me a faggot or dyke or tranny as long as you are the slur you are using
-if you have my discord and were moots you can call me a slut and a whore all u want idm :3 (bc i am a slut and a whore.) (really really sorry if you didnt want to read that btw /gen)
i try to consistanly use them but sometimes i dont. sorry.
woah i’m using queue - i’m actually queuing a post for once instead of spam reblogging (which i mostly do sorry not sorry)
woah a real text post - me positing an actual text post for once but it’s becoming more common
cool ass art - art that i reblog (it’s all cool)
arson does half way decent art sometimes - my art. art i made. yea
boyfriend dearest - @mostautisticangel my hot and beautiful boyfriend :]
moots feel free to ask for tags <3
i will keep adding more as i remember them and make them so yea :D also i try to tag for things but i often dont add tw or cw because. idk. just havent ever done that. if you need me too you can tell me in any form and ill try my gaddamn hardest to add them. feel free to *kindly* remind me if i forgot. (as in no verbal abuse ya know. if ur scared ur probably fine)
i think. thats it. if u follow me and u didnt like this post dw im gonna screen u anyway <3
thank you for reading all of that i know it’s long. your cool so here’s a cookie 🍪 also here have this
~~~~~ blinky time ~~~~~
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holding up these blinkies to ward off ppl who dont like gaybians
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credit to @jeweledviolets @v-4-l-0-n and @theprideful :)
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officialgleamstar · 4 months
For the recommendation fic ask, 10 and 11 :)
hi anon!! you didnt give me a fandom, so im not sure what youre looking for recs for? :P but i am still thinking about oxventure fics so i will answer with that and if you want something else, you can get back to me XD (you absolutely want something else. i know this. i have like four followers who care about oxventure. i dont care though i wanna talk about these fics)
10. a fic in a series
[NSFW warning 👍‼️] the amount of time i spend thinking about how to get to the sea is like. i am absolutely incapable of explaining how much it lives in my head rent-free. and thats not even my actual recommendation here because actually, im talking about the sequel, and the ocean, which i think about EVEN MORE.
basically anyone who has spoken to me about oxventure knows that @stickthisbig is my favorite oxventure fan writer, i think their fics are brilliant and they can sell me on anything, but oh my god, and the ocean. i like, dont even know what to say here, but i was rereading scenes from this fic literally this morning because i just missed it. i think its such an interesting take on the characters, the plot points are engaging and feel well thought-out, the way everyone acts feels realistic for them, and it hits some tropes that are guilty pleasures of mine <33 i could read the hobby horses fighting with one another for 50 years if sabine was the one writing it. also the kids in the final chapter are so cute, i love them :(
11. Bonus: recommend your favorite fic
once again, probably not a surprising answer, even though its tied between two fics XD "travis, are they both gonna be the oxventurers guild as a polycule" HAHAHAHA. WHAT. yes obviously. have you seen me
another of sabine's fics, nsfw warning again: every which way but loose is just. its so fun. its so really very fun. one of those fics where i stayed up all night reading it even though i had something to do the next day. its silly, its heartfelt, its dramatic, prudence is severely weird about corazón, the guild actually has to deal with consequences for their actions while also hooking up with each other, and then they deal with the consequences of hooking up with each other, its just such a blast <3
aaand for a rated t fic this time LMAO: marriages are like wagons (you wait five years and then four turn up at once) by @ronniebox! (i am pretty sure these are the same ronnieboxes. if not im so sorry for the random @ lmao) im just a sucker for the guild getting married. i think its really cute. this is absolutely my most reread oxventure fic, which is crazy because i really do not tend to enjoy rereading/watching things but its just so special to me <3 in fact i am gonna go reread it again now. bye
fic rec game
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myrunawaysweets · 1 year
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I looked up at the tv, a commercial broadcasting across the country about building yourself a walking, talking, teddy bear! Of course with different models. Their supposed to be life sized, as you make your order on the website, your able to set customized designs. Of course these aren't actually teddy bears, but they're like humanoid robots, their structure and features supposed to resemble a humans exactly, not a flaw, all for comfort, they adore you, and would basically do anything for you.
"Get your own teddy bear and build a friend for yourself today! Hop on down to our website listed here! And if your not satisfied, send em back in in the first 30 days and you get a full refund!"
Everyone from my highschool had grown apart, some started working for hero companies, some traveled to different countries, and a few of us got married. All of us had our own lives, but me being quirkless, and a bad breakup with a certain duel quirked hero, had been cooped up in my apartment for almost a month.
I have no friends so I dont have a certain reason to go out, I work at home too, so I only leave the house for groceries and supplies.
'Hey, (y/n), I'm sending you a special package, think of it as a gift, considering I'm in America, as an apology' I questioned Mina's message, but I soon succumbed to sleep on my desk in no time.
I jumped in my chair as pain flooded my back, neck and face.
"Oh jeez... I'm only 26..."
Walking over to the door i look through the peep hole to see a girl in a delivery outfit.
""Hello! I'm here to drop off a package to ms. 'Y/n) (l/n)" she smiled, her sharp white canines almost seemed scary if it weren't for her relaxed yet energetic demeanor.
"Thats me..."
I signed the papers as the girl before me made small talk.
"I heard these are quite popular, I hope to get one someday, but thats not going to be anytime soon, if we meet again, tell me how it is! Bye!" She slowly placed the box in my livingroom and walked outside, closing the door behind her with a mischievous smile.
I looked back at the giant rectangular box, a light grunt coming from it before it fell over.
"MINA?!" I opened the box and was met with a blonde boy with crimson eyes sitting crossed-legged and covered in clothes "Are-are you okay?"
Without a word he held out his hand. Confused, I took it and was pulled into the box.
"Hey..." his voice was gruff as he hugged me tightly, sending butterflies throughout my stomache.
"I...I... do I know you?" I pulled away.
In reply he gave me a questioned yet hurt look.
"One sec, let me call Mina"
I stood up smiling awkwardly, walking towards the hallway dialing Mina's number.
"Hey (y/n)!" Her chirpy voice through the phone.
"who the hell is this guy?!"
"Do you like him?? I ordered him specifically for you! His name is Katsuki bakugou!"
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ORDERED-... oh my gosh, is he a-"
"Teddy bear!"
"Well ever since you and shoto broke up, I've been really worried about you, you never really leave your house, so I'm hoping Bakugou can help you get better, make you happy since I can't be there physically for you"
"Thanks Mina... it means a lot... your the best"
"Yeah I am! Also, take good care of him! I paid extra money for him to be the way how he is! See ya love ya" she didn't even let me reply before she hung up... well thats Mina for you.
"Is everything okay?" I snapped my head to the side to see katsuki leaning against the wall.
"Yeah... so... let's get your stuff unpacked!"
We were both finishing folding all his clothes up on the couch, it was around 12 now, its the weekend so I don't really have any work to do, since I never had anything to do since me and my ex broke up... I've just focused on working.
"Hey, im done getting dressed" warm hands slithered gently on the skin of my stomache as he hugged me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder.
"Hey" I hummed quietly, still getting used to receiving affection frequently every now and then, it didn't feel bad, it was actually quite comforting "so, I dont have anywhere for you to put your stuff, but we'll work that out, but I'm not too sure on where you'll be sleeping considering my place isn't big"
"Won't I be sleeping with you??" I turned around, my gaze immediately fixating on his crimson eyes.
"With me?"
"Well I am your teddy bear" his body language was that of a pouting child, but his figure was not childlike at all.
"I-I guess so?? Okay then.. first off, lets get some lunch"
I got up to go to the kitchen.
"Where are you going?" I turned around to see katsuki already at the door.
"I was going to get started on the Ramen..."
"Lets go out, this place is stuffy as hell..."
I kinda got used to this so it didn't really bother me, I never thought it would make anyone else uncomfortable though.
"Okay, lets go" I had quickly grabbed my shoes, keys and was about to grab my wallet but my hand was slapped away.
"I'll pay"
"But you dont-!"
"Mina gave me some money to treat you" he lifted his hand to reveal a thick wad of cash.
My jaw dropped at the sight.
"Now let's go" he grinned, grabbing my hand and pulling me outside.
The walk was quiet, but awkward, did he feel awkward? He didn't let go of my hand while we walked the streets, or seemed bothered at all.
I opened my mouth to break the silence but was interrupted.
"Pro hero Shoto has saved the day once again! With his duel quirks, he's prepared for anything!" I looked ahead and was greeted with the one person I wanted to see the least.
"You know him?" I looked up at katsukis words.
"Yeah... he's my ex boyfriend... we used to date, up until a rumor started circulating around saying him and another pro were a thing, and then he left me for her" I smiled lightly at the ground, a bitter taste in my mouth as I remembered the events.
"Tch, he looks like he's full of it" I stiffled a laugh as katsuki mocked my ex.
》3rd pov《
Katsuki noticed how your mood improved when he made a remark about the pro.
"That half and half bastard must have his head too far up his ass to ditch you" he smirked, looking at your face through the corner of his eye to watch your reaction.
Your smile was beautiful, like dazzling diamonds. Your laugh like the best masterpiece of music made by the gods. He wanted more.
"He must be messed up in the head or something" you laughter only fueled his behavior.
"Who must be messed up in the head?" Your giggles stopped when you two realized who spoke in front of you.
A tall man with white hair on one side of his head which opposed the red half, stood in front of the two.
"Sho- todoroki! We were just-"
"We were talking about you, dickwad" katsuki cut you off and glared at the guy.
You could feel a drop of sweat make itself down the side of your face as you felt the awkward tension rise.
Todoroki turned to you "Who is he?"
"He's... my... " you looked at katsuki and panicked "my boyfriend!"
Todoroki looked somewhat shocked, as did katsuki who quickly shrugged it off and played along.
"Your... boyfriend?" Todoroki couldn't grasp the situation properly.
"Yeah, whats it to you" katsuki slung his arm over your shoulder as your face heated up.
"I just... nothing... " Todoroki turned to you "I'd like to have a talk with you, privately"
You gave him a confused look "I'm not going anywhere with you, there's nothing to talk about between us" you grabbed katsuki's hand and started walking away.
Todoroki watched as you and the blonde walked away down the sidewalk, unable to tear his eyes off "there is a lot to talk about between us" he mumbled before turning his attention back at the paparazzi that had surrounded the 3.
"I swear, if he wasn't a pro, I would've punched him right then and there! Like- who does he think he is to just ask to 'talk'?! HE'S the one who broke up with ME" you were still pulling katsuki along by the hand as you ranted to no one in particular.
Katsuki stopped you and pulled you into a hug, gently combing his fingers through your hair "calm down, your blood pressure is rising, stress isn't good for the body or the mind, relax"
You were so angry you didn't even realize you were practically running, face red and hands balled in fists.
You took a moment to breathe, relaxing at the scent of burnt caramel "thanks" you looked up at katsuki and smiled.
"Thats... what I'm for" he replied, but it sounded more like a question.
"Come on! I know this great place!" You grabbed his hand again and walked down the streets to get something to eat, and a few groceries that weren't Ramen noodles.
You and katsuki had a lot of fun, the day went by fast and next thing you know, its time for bed.
"When are you coming to bed?" Katsuki huffed.
You were slouched at your computer, back towards him as you worked on a work assignment "I still have to finish a few more pages before Wednesday, I'll should be there in about an hour or so" you mumbled.
"Its already 12:40!" Katsuki pretty much screeched.
"Only 12:40? Wow, thats the first" you looked at the time and mumbled again.
Katsuki walked up to you, saved the papers and turned the computer off before picking you up bridal style, carrying you to the bedroom, plopping you down, before tucking you in.
"My work!" You thought of wiggling out, but the blankets were warm, and the air was cold, all the days you haven't had proper sleep, all the fatigue started catching up to you, and next thing you know, your passed out.
Your snores were heard beside katsuki in seconds.
"Boyfriend, huh?" He questioned, looking down at you, gently caressing your cheek "if thats what you want, then i have no objections"
》time skip a few months later《
"(Y/n)! Dinner is ready!" Katsuki called from the kitchen in his pink bunny apron.
You two have gotten a lot closer since then, he does the house work, and you earn the money, it really did feel like you two were a couple, but that had gone unspoken about since the incident with Todoroki.
You snuck up from behind him and hugged him, nuzzling your face into his back making him go stiff as he held back a laugh.
"What did you make?" You were getting ready for a business trip to hosu city, your coworkers voted you to go for it since they were all antisocial and you actually had someone to go with. You were exhausted, but the bags were packed.
"I made miso soup with yakimeshi and yakitori"
You looked down at the foods. Katsuki had always been great at cooking, you weren't sure how he knew or where he learned it from but you didn't mind it at all.
You set up the table and you both began to eat.
He always looked calm and peaceful as he ate, thank goodness the teddy bears run off of food instead of gas or something, otherwise you'd probably be broke.
Your eating was disrupted as a knock sounded from the door. Katsuki began to stand up but you waved him off as you were closer to the door anyways.
"Hello-" you were met with a pair of blue and grey heterochromic eyes.
"You haven't been replying to my text messages so I thought I'd finally come check if you still lived here" his words were a bit slurred as his cheeks were dusted pink. His suit was wrinkled and he wreaked of alcohol "I really missed you, (y/n)" he stumbled inside and draped his self on you, making you yelp at the sudden weight on you as he tried to kiss you.
"I blocked you months ago" you pushed his face away, but his hold on your waist didn't waver.
"(Y/n)? Is something wrong?" Katsuki walked in and froze in the hallway.
Todoroki glared at the blonde as he held you close "hes still here?"
"Well he IS my boyfriend!" You tried wiggling out as the two continued to glare at eachother.
"Get. Your. Hands. Off. Her. NOW" katsuki was pissed, and that was an understatement.
Katsuki walked towards you and tried to pry the duel quirked hero off of you.
"Let go! She loves me! We were just on a rough patch!" Todoroki growled, his grip tightening on you as his quirks started activating slowly, one arm starting to get lightly coated with ice while the other started heating up.
"Like hell you were! She was broken hearted! You left her, for some dumb bitch!" Katsuki growled, his hands creating little sparks from his mimic quirk.
You screamed as todoroki's quirk finally let loose, burning one arm and freezing the other.
Todoroki let go in a flash, pain evident in his eyes as katsuki caught you, your legs giving out as you sobbed in pain.
Katsuki cooed comforting words, his hands hovering over you, not wanting to put you in more pain. He looked up at the guy who caused this and growled "get the fuck out of our house" before pushing him out and locking the door.
Katsuki quickly started tending to your burns, one frost and one just a plain fire burn. Eventually you fell asleep after the pain subsided.
The next day katsuki tried talking you out of going to hosu with your fresh marks, but all you did was get your boss to postpone it, just until your arm was able to move more, knowing none of your coworkers would do anything.
"You need to rest" katsuki insisted, gently nudging you into the bedroom.
"I'm just getting a glass of water" you giggled.
"I could've gotten it for you" katsuki gently pushed you aside to fill the glass.
"Its been 3 days, come on" you laughed.
"3 days isn't enough, an average human takes weeks to recover properly from something like that"
You watched as katsuki worked lately "katsuki, thank you for taking care of me, I never knew how much I needed you"
As soon as you finished your sentence, katsuki stopped his movements.
"Us teddy bears, can develope different characteristics, and emotions, just like a human, to better understand the human population... we... I am always at your command no matter what" he looked at you, now fully faced towards you "I... am yours... yours alone"
What did he mean by this?
"I'm sorry to say this to you, but you can send me back to the company and scrap me, get replaced by a different one, but I love you, (y/n)"
You stood still.
"Like in the way, that you once loved that half and half bastard" he mumbled, handing you the glass.
"I don't know how to respond to this katsuki..."
"Then don't, im at ease now that you know, just being able to be beside you is enough" he cupped the side of your face "but I am just a robot after all in the end"
That night you couldn't sleep.
What did you feel towards katsuki? Lately you two had been living like a couple, every moment was blissful, almost like a dream.
Next thing you know, weeks had passed and you were on your way to hosu, the train had stopped at around 7pm, the meeting was tomorrow.
Katsuki never brought the topic up, or bugged for an answer... its like it never happened.
"I'm pretty sure the hotel is this way" you sighed, tired of walking already.
Katsuki was carrying both of the bags as you navigated through the empty streets.
"(Y/n)" you turned your head to see a figure approaching.
"What do you want, motherfucker" katsuki growled, his crimson eyes seemingly glowing.
When the man finally stepped into the street light, you recognized his heterochromic eyes immediately.
"Quiet, Dog" Todoroki snapped "the adults are talking"
"Dont you talk to katsuki like that!" You snapped, stepping in front of him, protectively.
"(Y/n), kitten, how much longer are we gonna fight? Its tearing me apart" Todoroki ignored your statement and started walking towards you, pain very evident in his eyes "cant you see how much you need me?"
"I don't need you, and I dont care what this is doing to you" you grimaced in disgust.
"Its because of him, isn't it?" Todoroki focused his eyes at katsuki who now had the bags on the ground "what do you think the media will think of you dating a villain?"
Your mind was struck with confusion. Just what was he getting at?
"What do you mean, asshole?" Katsuki now stood beside you.
"Pro hero Shoto, takes down villain and his lover, who was deceived so hurtfully" shoto got his stance ready "officer I just happened to be in the neighborhood when I seen this suspect of a recent murder walking down the street with this nice lady, and when I walked up to confront him, he attacked, inevitably leading to this poor souls death"
"Leave us alone Todoroki!" You almost cried from fear "this is illegal, I'll tell the police!"
"Darling, you forget about Stockholm syndrom"
"Get over here you bastard!" Katsuki barked, throwing his first punch at the pro.
Todoroki dodged, grabbing his wrist and burning it.
By the time the smoke had cleared, shoto had seen katsuki's circuits exposed, smoking ever so slightly.
"Your a-"
"A robot, yeah, I know, but at least I'm able to notice her worth before anything else, you scum" katsuki snarled, a smile on his face.
Todoroki sent a streak of ice aiming at the blonde.
"Shut your mouth!" He yelled, "you have no idea what your talking about!"
Katsuki barely managed to dodge the attack.
"Your just programed to love her!" Todoroki smiled crazily.
"No" katsuki stood up, the skin around his eye was ripped off as sparks flew off of him "I was programed to take care of her needs. Feed her. Keep her healthy. But I was never programed to love her... not like I do now"
"Your such a load of bullshit" Todoroki growled "Just come here (y/n)!" Todoroki reached for you.
Next thing you know he goes flying to the side by a blast.
You look where it came from and seen Katsuki with his hand outstretched, with his other hand in a circle.
"Protocol AP shot... leave. or i will call the police" Katsuki's voice never sounded more powerful.
"You think they'll listen to a robot? I'm a human, nonetheless the number 2 hero-"
"I have footage that is already downloaded onto the motherboard of you threatening to kill, someone who you thought was a human, without hesitation"
Todoroki glared at the busted open robot before fleeing the scene.
Katsuki smirked before falling to his knees.
"System failure. leakage of fluid and damaged parts are detected" Katsuki's voice sounded robotic as he spoke.
"Katsuki!" You ran to his side, getting onto your knees to examine what was wrong and how you could fix it "why would you do that?!"
Tears blurred your vision.
"You know why, (y/n)" he cupped your cheek, forcing you to look into his eyes.
His usually warm hands were now very cold and metallic against your skin.
"You... love me?" You managed to whisper.
He nodded "I'm sorry, but now you're sure to get a free replacement or something, or even money back"
You sobbed into his neck "dont go... please, your all i have"
"I'm sorry (y/n)-n)... but m-my body-y-y-y is t-too damaged" his voice malfunctioned.
"I cant say goodbye" you looked into his eyes, his face cold in your hands.
"You dont have to... I'm already-y gone" he smiled before his face fell limp and his red eyes turned grey.
You screamed in sadness, not knowing who to call.
》time skip, its now Christmas《
"Merry Christmas (y/n)!" Mina yelled, walking through the doorway of your house.
As soon as Mina opened her eyes she was met with a dark room, save for the computer screen. Clothes were piled on the floor, Ramen noodle cups were in heaps in your small waste bin.
"This place is a mess!" Mina sighed. Walking over to you.
"Its not that bad" you sighed, bags under your eyes.
"I know you've been very distraught since katsuki..." her voice trailed off before continuing "but you need to take better care of yourself!"
You looked up at the pink girl, tears in your eyes at the mention of his name "Whats the point?"
Mina sighed, placing a bag in the corner of your room before walking towards the door "I'll be back in a few days, I have patrol tonight, see you" Mina smiled before walking out the door.
You were alone again... no Mina... no katsuki... just you and and empty bed...
Why would this happen? He meant everything to you...
The sounds of knocking on your door brought you attention away from the blonde man.
"Delivery!" A familiar voice sounded from the front door.
"Coming..." you dragged your feet on the floor, cracking the door open.
"Delivery to (y/n) (l/n)" she handed you a small box.
You signed the papers and brang the box inside, placing it onto the table.
You started crying... she was the one who brang katsuki...
"(Y/n)! I placed your Christmas gift under the tree, I gotta go, a villain was spotted near xxxx, love ya!"
You opened your eyes after you heard the front door close.
Whats the point of Christmas? No ones here, no decorations accept the tree in the corner of your livingroom.
Under the tree were several gifts. Dozens of small ones, and a couple of big ones.
"Lets start with this one" you opened the box that was pretty small. Opening it to see a note and a ruby necklace.
'Dear (y/n), merry Christmas, I'm very happy that you accepted me as your teddy bear. Every day, you made life seem so amazing and I'm glad I can experience it with you.
You put it on, smiled at it before continuing with the presents. Each gift from katsuki, making you smile, some were cute, some were edgy, and some were funny... he really knew you.
Time for the last one, it was the biggest but it wasn't nearly as tall as the tree.
You didn't need to check the tag to know it was from katsuki.
"What did you get me thats this big, you dummy?" You mumbled, slightly excited.
You opened the box.
You were barely able to comprehend anything.
There sitting on his knees, was katsuki bakugou, his eyes closed and posture straight.
"Katsuki?" Your voice came out as a whisper, tears stinging your eyes.
As soon as he heard your voice, he opened his eyes to see you.
Before he could finish the first word of his sentence, you tackled him with a hug, tears streaming down your face.
"I Love you too!"
He smiled, hugging you back ever so tightly "thank you".
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youremyheaven · 4 months
I fell in love with a ketuvian who has uttara bhadra sun+jupiter and rohini moon.. he also has 12th house placements. I can tell you he was like a perfect man for everyone, but also unnoticed. Handsome and yet away from public eye. Wise and yet indecisive at some point(?) but when he comes to a conclusion, he will follow through with his choice. I admired him so much even when he told me everything about his life. Our situationship only lasted for 3 months, and yet here I am 4 years later still wondering if whatever he felt for me was true. I’m not really asking for advise but i only wanted to share(unless hehe). I never blamed him for anything tho, he has his choices to make, there was so much burden being shouldered. If anyone of our babies here have any experience with the same placements i mentioned, i hope i could hear them too. Hi to our precious admin, if this is alright to share here thank you very much.
I hope our discord members share there experiences too if they may! ❤️
UBP Sun & Jupiter, Rohini Moon, Ketuvian with 12h placements
I think people with heavy 12h placements are kind of unforgettable. they have something to them that makes them sooo special. its a very heavy energy ngl, you can always tell that these people are going thru tough stuff but their 'darkness' or suffering makes them more alluring somehow? 12h or pisces rashi is commonly found in the charts of manyyy iconic celebs and sex symbols. the darkness and mystique makes them vv intriguing despite them being so elusive. they're so hard to reach and penetrate energetically but this is exactly why people go crazy for them. the less they try, the more they magnetize others.
Your guy has pisces rashi AND 12h placements, no wonder you feel this way
but that said, you said you doubt whether "whatever he felt for me was true" and i think that's very Moon + Ketu,, Ketuvians are so detached that one often wonders whether they care about u at all. Moon's nature is ever shifting, one day its waxing, next day its waning, this means Moon dominant individuals are very moody and change their mind about things frequently. if you ask them about xyz today they'll say one thing but ask them 2 weeks later and they'll say something entirely different. this can be vv confusing and disorienting for others. Moon is also linked to manipulation but since idk this person, I can't say he was like that.
but all in all, i think our attachment to certain individuals, esp those who are no longer part of our life, says more about us than them?? youre capable of intense feeling and empathy, thats why he still lingers in your mind. you think of him positively for the most part, you view him in a nuanced way but focus on his light, i think you're very loving and giving as a person. but sometimes we can be too loving.
romanticizing our experiences and our lives is wonderful but sometimes it prevents us from seeing situations and people for what they actually are. try to think about it objectively, was this guy actually as amazing? think about his behaviour in different instances? did he ever say things or do things that were 'off'? our memory is very partial so we often only remember what we want to, so its possible you now dont remember any of his 'bad' qualities but i think it will give you immense peace to let go of this connection. you can wish them well and try to forget them. our minds create their own experiences, the more you think about him and try to dissect him, the more you take away from a time that is already past.
be content with the memories but let everything else goo
just my 2 cents,, i hope i dont sound like im trying to tell u what 2 do or anything (even tho thats literally how ive worded things lmao)
others with similar experiences, how did ya'll cope?
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cosmobrain00 · 2 months
embarrassingly genuine of me to have this on main but. u ever care for someone so much it’d somehow feel odd to ever put any label or word on it. care or like or love or even adoration doesnt really do bc they never tell the whole story yk? same with anything else really, saying u feel a deep fondness for someone or trying to convey the specific type of warmth u get from them just leaves u sorta gesturing aimlessly n pretty frustrated bc what do u Mean i cant get others to understand that ache in my chest when i think of them thats not even really an ache n. again, u get stuck trying to say this or that n it never cuts it, even if ur the most well spoken person on the planet if u dont find urself suddenly becoming an ineloquent mess ovr trying to describe someone u hold dear in ur heart, r u really doing it right? anyways long ass winded way to say im immensely enjoying my wonderful day out on this v special occasion w my one n only husband rex (“well arent u only engaged?” shove a sock in it u dont get it🙄). gen feeling like the luckiest person on this forsaken rock bc HOW did i get someone as amazing n genuine n perfect as this, aka three words that don't even begin to describe who he actually is because the dictionary is sorely lacking when it comes to this. honestly just someone tht gets me wanting to desperately live out tht fantasy of opening up ur fave person n crawling inside n living right next to their bloody beating heart bc even when ur right beside them its Still not enough. its tht feeling u get when u meet someone n when u get to know them one day ur suddenly hit with the realization of "wow. this was my missing piece all along!!" because i truly feel evryone is born w a person shaped hole in them n life is just one long journey of finding them n finally being able to feel whole at the end of the day. am i being corny w the whole "u complete me" bit? maybe but i think im beyond caring abt that now LMAO. truly something else tht i was able to find my person this early on n im just over here always wondering what the hell i did to deserve someone as lovely n charming as this. watch me pull out a whole list of his good qualities n the paper just keeps unraveling n fills up the entire room im in. n i could do this embarrassing schtick all day baby. i love u when ur gone i love u when ur here i see u in everything no matter what, n truly evry day of misery was worth it bf this since it meant it was all just leading up to meeting u, etc etc. n still none of this rlly even covers it, ive been a writer for years n this whole thing is me realizing u are the one thing that stumps me, someone who ill never be able to put into words properly<3
happy bday ml🫶
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Am I the only one who is a little sad that the moment Trixie was single she didn't take a second look at Katya and immediately went to the ex? She could've given her a chance. And I wonder how K really feels now that she wants kids. I know she doesn't want them herself, but I'm afraid this will change things between them and I really really hope they don't.
ugh okay first of all: im totally w u and i a 100% see ur point. these have crossed my mind too, and i can easily get to a place where these topics make me sad for a while. but genuinely i dont think we should worry too much abt any of it. at the end all i want is for them to be happy, no matter how that looks like🤝
on a further note, we cant be like *actually* sure abt any of what is going on? like yes it seems pretty clear, and it might as well be exactly as we think it is, its all spelled out, isnt it? its really just that we were the ones who spelled it out, and not T, or any other person who is practicipating in the situation. all im saying is that i wouldnt advise anyone to bet on whats going on w T rn (if for nothing else then just out of respect), and im sure eventually we will hear either a confirmation or a fully different story that will clear things up.
specualtion is free tho, and also pretty interesting, so as long as we keep it kinda hush-hush i think its okay that we entertain ourselves w these anecdotes. like im totally in, and i do think *the* ex is now truly an ex, like that much id even dare to place a bet on. the rest is just questionmarks😭😭😭 like i could see this new guy being actually something, or just a rebound-fling, or just a friend(?). and its also possible that he is the old ex, and then i do have even more questions, but the bar is under a frog's ass after the last guy, so im appriciative towards anyone who is slightly better than him, and it would appear to be a true challenge to be worse than him💀 sooo idk i do believe yall that that guy on the pics is really old KY guy, im just not sure if they r friends or fwb or dating or a secret fourth option? doesnt matter as long as T is okay and having fun. (also, i do think she could have spent some time being single IF she is in a relationship again, but hey, anything is better than how we were around a year ago, no? and as long as a guy doesnt treat her like shit im happy for her!!!) ((and yes. i am really sad miss K got looked over again if thats the case. even if i dont think we will ever get to live in a world they r actually legit dating. in another universe for sure. but in this one? too many hangups. these creatures cant even fucking talk abt the fact that they'd like to hang out more tgthr. like..... be fr😭 they r stooooopid, and thats okay. its sad, its tragic, but its okay, and they have a really special relationship regardless of whether they ever go that far or dont. there is always hope, and even if they fall out now, maybe they need it to break and actually confront the fact that they want to hang out? like there r so many ways for things to go. soooo many. i could sit here and spin this wheel on for hours with no end, i promise. i do think it could have happened in like 2020-2023? maybe even beginning of 24. but as things stand now... eeeh i think it wouldnt be such a clean cut, but they do tend to do things the more complicated way, at least thats how it seems to me. the thing is that they r such complex ppl and they have so many motives that i could make literal lists about what their excuses might be (such as work, but now that T says it doesnt matter that much maybe it changes, or such as age, or what-ifs, or fear of ruining what they have, or thinking that maybe they have missed their chance, new/old confidence issues, mental health states? ...these two...). on the other hand, do we really think K got looked over? Ts literal god? im not so sure, but only time will be able to tell wtf has been going on.))
i see ur concern, and yeah change is fucking scary, especially if such comforting things change. but u see, this could be exactly one of their hangups too. things keep changing no matter what, all we can do is hope they both r okay and happy and nice parts of each other's lives.
i understand that T keeps speaking abt wantimg kids, and sure, pop off! but like, i reaaaally doubt she would be actually having kids this year? like i feel like its maybe a new thing for her to think of having kids as an actual possibility she considers for her future, thus she speaks abt it openly since its one of the things she is interested in now! but like, having a kid is not this quick of a process, even a pregnancy takes 9 months😭😭 and also im pretty sure that her life isnt at a place where she could pick up a kid tomorrow and just go on and be her best self as a parent and i feel like she must be aware of that? T and K would both be at least okay parents, thats for sure!! but like, considering Ts past year... yeah i dont think it will be such a quick happening. once, in a few years, sure! even in 2, why not! but not tomorrow. she'd do fine as a single parent, she'd do fine w a partner, it will be fine, just really not as soon as some ppl r concerned it might be😭 let her just get that birdie first, i think that could be a logical and nice next step!
finally, i really dont think K would have such a problem w children? (even if she did, dont u think shed make an exception for T? im pretty sure she'd do almost anything for/with T.) like she absolutely adores her nephew as far as i know, so im certain she wouldnt delete T's contact info if/when she had a kid. im pretty sure T wouldnt block Ks number either just bc she became a parent, she also seems to know how nice K is to kids despite not necessarily getting them (see: her gifting a lot of money to her nephew's, like, 4th bday? but i could argue that thats a great gift, just more long term great😭). and what if T gets that kid and eventually calls K for help (more likely for herself and not the kid, but this is besides the point), and then K does help, and then they spend even more time together with this newfound excuse, and they realise how well they function as a family, and then they can finally move in together and be lesbians and be disgustingly in love and live happily ever after??? what then???? anyways, my point is that even if they r in a tiny bit of a divitation i highly doubt it would be due to T wanting a kid. i think its more that they both were afraid during T's break that if they reached out more they would annoy the other one, bc "omg what if she needed a break from me too???" (like. T needed a break from her god. and K needed a break from the person who tethers her to this earth. sure jan. emotionally they do have some challenges, thats certain!). and maybe they need to drift a bit apart to then get back together and be even closer (if that is scientifically even possible). things arent as linear and easy as we would like them to be, and since our perspective is and outside one, im pretty sure that from their pov it seems or at least feels sooooo much more complicated. while i just sit on the floor and go "just date ffs its not that hard!!4!4 look back footage of ur faces while u look at eachother!!! thats all u need!!44!", and we r both right! it is very complicated but it could also be manageable. (what i think might be more painful here is if T has the kid w a partner, bc that seems pretty, uh, *certain*, or unchangable, final? obvi its not ***that*** drastic, but it is a bigger deal. so yeah, but i stand by my op that none of this will happen in the blink of an eye, we'll see as it unfolds ig and hope for smth real nice)
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crushpunchh-art · 1 year
Lilith is so special to me bcs she's like so complicated and I love every aspect of her character lol
Also love the way you express her guilt thru Ur art!!
I feel like not enough people explore that.
Like, Lilith spent 30 years in the cult, most of her life, and despite being a victim it also probably caused her to do horrible things, especially to loved ones (i.e. Eda), almost killing Luz (a child), and it left her morality to be very flawed especially in S1 and what we can assume was in-between her initiation and her leaving.
And imagine the guilt for her actions. Like yk she's just cringing at all the horrible things she did in the past, and the horrible things she let be done to her "for the greater good".
Hopefully this made sense :3
YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES. ALL OF THIS EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT THIS ASK. i feel like a lot of the time when people talk about lilith they act like its umm. a lot more black and white than it is? like either shes The Literal Devil (dont see this very often but theres this ONE GUY ON THE OWL HOUSE FANDOM WIKI.... endless entertainment watching them i promise you.) or Only a victim who Never did anything wrong.
like i love her BECAUSE shes garbage actually. she SUCKS in season 1. like obviously shes suffering but just. like. objectively? shes AWFUL. making fun of eda for her curse when She Caused it comes to mind. she SUCKED in s1! like, really badly! she kidnapped luz and was COMPLETELY unnecessarily menacing to gus and willow (girl chill out stop. you know damn well you could be handling this better) etc etc etc.
except also im like 90% sure she Knew she sucked. actually shes kind of the Leader of the Lilith Hater Squad. im not even sure its a case of flawed morals so much as a case of 'What Does It Matter? It's For The Greater Good'. / occasionally 'what the hell else am i supposed to do.' like does she KNOW shes doing awful things? oh totally. is she going to STOP? nope.
i would like to highlight. this part of your ask:
Like yk she's just cringing at all the horrible things she did in the past, and the horrible things she let be done to her "for the greater good".
lilith doormat truthers rise up. that woman lived under a man who hated her PERSONALLY for like 30 years. while her coworker was bullying her (Why was Kiki like that honestly like what was her damage when it came to Lilith. With Hunter okay sure. But Lilith??? Whatd she do to you???) you think she was STANDING UP FOR HERSELF? No! That woman hasn't stood up for herself since she was like 15! If she had she'd probably be dead by now!!!!
Sorry sorry sorry im ranting. I love her so much. Dumbest little cheeto puff who tries so hard and somehow still manages to do everything wrong.
TO THE ART BIT OF YOUR ASK: oh my god thank you so much!!! when im drawing her thats really like. what i try to focus on? like thats what i REALLY want to get across. that she feels so crazy guilty about everything.
thank you for having so many correct opinions about lilith. we will shake hands or if you dont want to do that we will nod approvingly at one another
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The beautiful and sweet @sucker-for--anything-acoustic tagged me to answer a couple of questions and i cant say to to a lovely mutual ssoooo
Are you named after anyone?!? I am not. I was actually given my name because my mom didnt want me to be named after the family name. Lol
When was the last time you cried?!? Like cried cried?!? Because i it would have to be when i had to end a friendship of mine a couple of months ago. I got choked up recently at something i was watching on tv lol
Do you have kids?!? I dont really talk about this publicly but i do! Just 1 but i want to respect their privacy and let them disclose information about themselves when they get to be that age where they start exploring the internet etc.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?!? Nnnoooooo, i neeeever use sarcasm 😏
What sport do you play/have played?!? My parents signed me up for basketball and soccer when i was little. But that was for a season each and then i pretty much stopped what with my parents being broke. I boulder every now and then and thats fun!!!!
Whats the first thing you'd notice about other people?!? Its aallllll about the vibe. Lol its always different for every and its always cool to see how it comes through for everyone and how it changes once people get comfortable with you.
Scary movies or Happy Endings?!? Today im digging scary movies over happy endings lol but it always changes. They have Evil Dead on Max now so I've been wanting to rewatch it even though it traumatized the shit outta me lol
Any special talents?!? So i legit Googled what could technically construed as a "talent" and i gave up after a minute haha i know how to knit, crotchet, play the guitar, bass, ukulele, speak a couple of different languages, i can cook, i dont know what else lol do those count?
Where were you born?!? This sounds one of those security "forgot my password" questions lol so ill just say Southern California
What are your hobbies?!? Probably all of the things i listed under "talents"
404 Error lol
Do you have any pets?!? There are 2 cats in my home, one of which prefers my company over anyone else living here. Her name is Georgia and shes a cat. Shes not that old but she has the personality of an old lady. No loud noises or personalities. Shes just trying to relax and i think thats why she gravitates towards me.
How tall are you?!? 5'6" 😊
Favorite subject in school?!? Cooking 1 & 2
Your dream jobs?!? Just something where i can create and use my hands. Whether its a musician, a farner, a cook, designing clothes, an artist, etc.
Eye Color?!? Brown. Apparently theres some green in there too but ive never noticed it 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ lol
These were a lot of fun!! Thank you again friend!! 😊
I dont know who to tag so im gonna leave this an open invitation to whoever has been wanting to do something like this and hasnt in a while!! Love you guys!
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cowboy-robooty · 8 months
Robooty Reviews: Royal Servant (3/10)
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Read this way back in middle school... shared mangago lists with one of my friends and recognized this one and decided to reread. Lord. Who Likes This. The story is about Kyon and his master Lucaon and theres like some plot bullshit since in this world theres these guys who are royals and got these powers that they never fuckin use and live longer too and are strong n all that. and the only way to kill one tho is to give them this special poison that is completely undetectable and the only way to cure it is if the person who administered it fixes that shit. But yeah Lucaon hates servants and Kyon is a servant and Lucaon is a classic stoic scum gong and falls in love with Kyon but only starts being nice to him once Kyon literally spends 20 chapters on the brink of death lol bro got a fever and slit his wrists and fell into an ice pond and then got a fever again and pneumonia and Lucaon went "..... ok ill be nice to you now"
the art is good for this story dont get me wrong but its really really really stiff expression wise. maybe i'm just a little stupid and i need to see a huge cartoon tear drop to tell a character is sad but for realsies I do think that the art is pretty, but the expressions when bitches are fucking dying and shit could be a little more extreme. its okay to sacrifice their pretty boy looks for one pannel trust me..
The romance itself is just like whatevs. I will admit I am a fan of how kyon will just take anything like bro does not give a fuck okay cuz hes madly in love with Lucaon and doesnt care what he does to him. Im pretty sure in one chapter Kyon is just walking in the halls and Lucaon lunges at him and bites him until he bleeds and kyon passes the fuck out from the attack and its just like ok lol. LUCAON DOESNT GIVE A FUCK HES SO MEAN TO KYON UNTIL HES SUDDENLY NOT BECAUSE HE HAD HIS SCUM GONG REALIZATION WHEN KYON TRIES TO LEAVE HIM 15 MILLION TIMES AND ALMOST DIES IN EVERY INSTANCE OF TRYING TO LEAVE. the upside to kyon is that hes a simp and a pussy and he is a bit of a little bitch but he isnt a whiny bitch about it. like lucaon is his tormentor and he finds out that THERES A POSSIBILITY that he could be the cause of Lucaon's demise and immediately is like okay ill kill myself i need to get out of here and thats why he almost dies 10 million times trying to leave bc he only tries to leave bc lucaon's blonde ass brother is like dude. you might cause Lucaon to die since you're a secret spy with your memories wiped. AND ITS KINDA FUNNY BECAUSE HE STRAIGHT UP SEES KYON ALMOST DEAD IN BED AND GOES "GOD I WISH THIS BITCH WOULD JUST DIE ALREADY" LOL!!
When i was younger i was a fan of the pink haired guy (lucaons other brother) and his servant who is his boyfriend and treated as an equal and yeah younger me was right tbh kind wish the story focused on them instead. but ngl i hate the entire family drama thing bc like its the plot and all that but im like WHO GIVE A FUCK? this manhwa is just mid. mid as fuck. I'll admit when i was younger i re read the 20 chapters where kyon is on the brink of death like 50000 times over and over again because i loveeee suicide and i lovee when kyon tries to kill himself a million jillion times and Lucaon is like FUCKING STOP. theres like idk tiny hints of goodness. I can enjoy a good scum gong alright and I do like when Lucaon is like "brah... ive seen you cry more times than smile..... thats kinda fucked" MMMMMMM YES. FEEL BAD. FEEL REMORSE. but its just not worf it okay the manhwa sucks and its 100 chapters or some shit like that bruh moment. I also do like how at the end Kyon acknowledges that hes going to die before Lucaon and Lucaon needs to learn how to love other people than him because he doesn't want Lucaon to be stuck on him forever and ever. I think it was a nice bittersweet thing. In short. just not my thing. mid. equivalent to eating spoonfuls of peanut butter for dinner. Like you can... wont be very satisfying tho
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homoerotic · 5 months
im just feeling very demoralized. exceedingly so. i want to be a radiographer so badly. i wish i had known sooner but i want this so so so bad. and i cant help but think the reason i didnt get in this time is due to two things:
1. i had one (1) C on my transcript. in ECON. a class that has no bearing on my major but dampened my gpa exponentially
2. i had a panic attack during the venipuncture lab in one of my rad classes because i didnt adequately prepare myself for it. and i distinctly remembering my professor telling me "if you cant do this you arent cut out for this major" so i bet she brought that up during deliberation.
its not fair man. i dont live at home w my parents, i dont have a free schedule to study constantly. i have so many bills, so many doctors appointments and health issues to handle. i have to take care of my family.
i have such a bad needle phobia that i am actively working on. its bullshit! you dont NEED to do venipuncture as a radiographer! if i was specializing in CT/nucmed then YES 100% i understand that due to administering contrast. but every single nurse and radiographer ive spoken to has told me that learning that is a waste of time for me.
so how do i prove that im capable of handling the sight of needles now? drawing blood =/= seeing patients get their blood drawn/have IVs. they are not the same. i even wrote a whole essay about my phobia for that professor to help her see my side of it all. isnt it enough that im willing to expose myself to this daily because of how bad i want this?
i was fine, REALLY, i was fine not getting in this time. i really was because i was told left and right that getting in your first time is as likely as the lottery. so why does the girl that i see every single week for the past two semesters get in her first time? the same girl that ive constantly had to help through math and chemistry. who isnt confident in any of her homework answers. who needs me to hold her hand all the time through the complicated concepts.
and i know thats not fair of me to be angry at her. i know she works hard. she has good grades. shes in the honors program. but we both have medical experience. im 5+ years older than her. what did her personal statement have that mine didnt? why wasnt i good enough.
i know i am being over dramatic and acting very entitled but i cannot help but be angry and upset over this because i want this SO BADLY. i want this more than anything else and now i have to wait another year for it. a whole year of my life for the next slim chance of being picked. and what if im denied again? i'll be 27.
i want to start my career. i want to help my partner pay for our bills again. i want to stop struggling to survive. but now i have to wait and wait and wait. and i have to bend over backwards this next application period. get more certifications, dedicate more of my limited free time to volunteering. retake classes for a better gpa. spend more money. kill myself faster. struggle struggle struggle.
im so tired. im so fucking tired. im sick of being a student. im sick of college. im sick of feeling this age gap with my peers. im sick of being lonely. im sick of not being good enough. im sick of it all.
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czolgosz · 1 year
tell us abt fallen london !
ok!! i dont know much lore so thats not what this is about i will just talk about the game in general👍
(for talking about the story/events of the game ill just use first person the whole time it feels more normal i think.)
the basic idea of how the game works is it's a desktop text-based rpg game where you do stories and tasks and get items.
the story begins with you having just gotten to london (which is underground.). you were immediately arrested and taken to new newgate prison, where your cellmate helps you escape. and then you pick where you live (this can change its just where you start). different places focus on the four main "attributes" one can have which are shadowy, watchful, dangerous, & persuasive. i picked spite which is the shadowy location!
(also there are other attributes apart from those four, including respectable, dreaded, [these next two are more skills] monstrous anatomy, & mithridacy. those are just the ones i have. there are "menaces" as well which are basically the bad attributes. those are nightmares, wounds, scandal, & suspicion. and others but theyre less common & i dont have those)
right now i am situated in someone's attic. the rat that lives with me wants me to move somewhere thats not an attic but i have bigger things to worry about.
i currently have a job as a minor poet (i want to become a campaigner or journalist eventually) 👍
there are groups one can be associated with like criminals, the police, revolutionaries, artists, the church, &c... as i've said i've been trying to be associated with the revolutionaries! i will need a lot more money for a special pin though </3. and i dont really know at all how to make money other than selling things....
the main story of the game is called your "ambition", which from what i've heard take about a year to complete, as opposed to smaller stories you can complete in a very short amount of time if focus on them. these include "nemesis", where you try to hunt down the murderer of someone you knew; "bag a legend", where you try to catch some manner of beast i suppose; "light fingers", where you try to steal a big diamond but apparently about a third of the way through there's a big twist and it turns into a really dark horror story; and "heart's desire", where you try to get involved in a gamble for your soul so you can win your heart's desire of course. im probably going to do "bag a legend" when i feel ready to start one :-)
by the way the current event i've been talking about with the airships &c. is an annual thing called "estival". this year it's gardening + a war of sorts. (note: by the time i got into doing this event it was pretty much over; i can still play through it but im not actually helping the war effort im just getting items). i grew a nice plant and got a prize and then i went to a building related to the gardening competition, where a stalactite fell on the building and also on me. sad! and then these ghouls called "starved" started crawling out of it iirc. i ran away and did some helpful things and the ghouls were fought off. but it turns out that they plan to expose london to the sun and burn it to a crisp, i guess? im not really sure i cant remember anything. so we have to go look at the ceiling to figure out whats going on exactly. and someone was like "hey guy still severely injured from a stalactite falling on you!! come captain an airship and look at the ceiling!" and i did and it didn't go very well but i was able to obtain more items. and now im in the midst of the final(?) mission where all the airships are going together
this is kind of a mess but yeah there is something about fallen london !!
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lightbulb-warning · 1 year
[MAJORLY uncoherent anecdotal storytine:]
entertainment value: mild
cw: blood exams (not described in detail), vague mentions to struggles that aren't elaborated on, tmi personal rambling written by someone who is loopy from blood loss aka bad grammar/syntax/morphology/yeah also this got long whoops
im feeling mega loopy cuz blood exam (dundnt faint!! how outstanding of me. iamcurrently instanding. batumtssk!!i lie down now.)
but AT the blood exam a newer nurse stopped by and my usual nurse was like "PIVELLA meet [redacted <- (me. im redacted.)] this kid is a STAPLE in this department bla bla" and wow mom look im famius!! it only took me getting my blood displaced and stared at medically and faintinf a lot very often hshahahaah
the usual nurse is so NICE she's been doing my blood check traslocations since ive been like 15 i think maybe earlier?? idk idk i love her she's so nice and a kickass lady and she bullies all her coworkers and also me a lot!!! bully as in teasing she's nice yeah anyway yeah
me having to get my blood checked often is really inconvenient and kinda sucks!!! because i get koed and fuck if i can do anything for the next 24hs blegh but but BUT this lady has seen my grow up and seenbthe fuck up my life became and is seeing me pick up the peices abd whenever she sees me in the waiting room she shouts "its YOU" very dramatically and the staff has inside jokes about me and my dumv unoptimezed blood stats and thats REALLY NICE SOBS
like i dont wanna make a fable moral out of it like live love kaugh kindess uwu because realistacally, when i was fucked up previously (in the way that was bad compared to how i am fucked up now. funny joke. laugh.) i didn't gove two shits about people being nice to me because i was a massive hater and hated myself most (loser behavior!!!! the world hates you already love yourself out of SPITE!!!!!!!!!!) so people going out of their way to make a horrible situation slightly less horrible for me COMPLETELY went over my head "broom broom autopilot kill crush destroy ourselves!!!" (<- that's what my head looked like.ew there's no whimsy and silly in there, gross!! jk baby me gets the reatroactive love myself treatment bc noone els ecan do that for me!! what was i saying) and yeah i wasn't neurobiologically capable of giving two shits about anything, especially some random nurse going out of her way to crack jokes but idk i appreciated now!!! and she realizes i appreciate it now!!! and it's nothing big or grandiose i guess the world is still turning and nothing in the essential state of things changes bc i did a navelgazey testimony of WOW SOMETIMES THINGS CAN BE OKAY OCASSIONALLY HOLY SHIT?? but also!!! if i don't do it!!!!!!! who will!!???????
aesop would prolly write about foxes and grapes and terracotta pottery and crows and things being okay with time, but ME, a certified "just some guy", is gonna ramble about " it's gonna be okay" semantics because its!! been!! bullshit!! BUT THAT'S OKAY!!!!
shit got SO MUCH worse than what i could've imagined in my catastrophation!!!!!! id wasted my life preparing and planning for all the plans Ds and Gs and Js and Zs because my situation was FUCKED and i didn't have power to fix it, and too bad!!! SHIT HAPPENS AND IT SUCKS!!! time isn't gonna fix SHIT!!!!!! time is just a tracker of when!!! time does no good time does no harm!!!! what time did give my stupid fucking idiot idiot lovely self was time to change!!! not in just "omg change your perspective ✨" (which can be really really really important!! but you shouldn't take anyone's shit just because you see their perspective!!!! no you don't deserve to be treated like shit!!!!!! they don't deserve to get away with treating anyone like shit!!!!! what makes you so special that the world's evil needs to converge upon you?? you're just some guy!! they're just some guy!!! you be nice to you!!)
time is just there!! what does get okay with time is being!!! your enemy is no longer gonna cause you stress once you outlive them!!! you can be better than your yesterday self at any time!!! life goes on if you fuck up everything and you CAN do whatever you want with the peices!!! FAIL!!! FEAR!!! if we're scared we do it scared!!! it's not gonna be okay because its gonna be perfect, it's gonna be okay because it CAN be different!!
im still not """""fixed""""" , im still screwing things up and i still don't really understand what exactly is """""wrong""""" with me and that's okay for now, and hey!! i am capable of having a nice interaction with someone!!!! that's progress.
massive tangent lmao
local tumblr user gets some blood consensually stolen, has a positive interaction with someone, goes home and starts preaching at [unidentified recipient] jesus fucking christ maiora go to sleep this isn't the time for monologues
tl;dr: someone was nice to me just to be nice and im happy because i wouldn't have been able to appreciate it previously and it's nice to see people being nice for the sake of it
im nap now buh bye thanks for reading have a night or day!!!! be nice to you i can't do that for you!!! /lh
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