#im afraid to talk at all for fear of saying the wrong thing
Anybody know an equal alternative to anxiety meds for someone who just found out it would change their fucking life but can't afford fuck-all much less a dr appt or prescription????
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sensitivegoblin · 1 year
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astrolynnworld · 9 months
pairing: matt x reader
summary: matt takes care of you after rough sex
warnings: aftercare, comfort, kink talk, sweet, romantic, love
a/n: something short and sweet cause all my matt fics are smut
word count: 714
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“fuck i’m so proud of you baby. you did so well tonight” matt says after pulling out of me
i don’t respond.
“baby? are you okay?” matt asks
i try to speak but nothing is coming out my mouth.
“you’re shaking princess-“ he pulls me up and holds me against his chest, “can you tell me what’s wrong baby? please?”
“i’m sorry. tonight was just a lot.. i’m not used to you being so rough” i say in a soft tone
“baby i’m so sorry. i didn’t realize that you weren’t enjoy-“
i cut him off
“no no no i did enjoy myself, i just don’t think my body was ready for all this-” i imply
“i mean .. i came three times, i can’t say i didn’t enjoy myself. it was just a lot” i continue in a lighthearted joking tone
he continues to hold me and lightly trace his fingers through my hair
“so.. i didn’t do too much?” he asks anxiously
“no baby, i’m just a bit overstimulated” i say as i lean back and look in his eyes
i could tell he really felt bad. which only made me feel worse
matt would never intentionally hurt me or do anything i don’t enjoy
we do have safeword, if i ever felt uncomfortable im not afraid to use it.
im just so used to a soft dom matt.. not a matthew who’s slamming into me at full speed while pushing my head into the bed so i can’t breathe.
i mean i was done after the second orgasm but he kept going, and i couldn’t stop him. it felt so good
i couldn’t even think anymore. he had his hands around my throat squeezing softly while lightly slapping my cheeks. it was all a lot
don’t even get my started on the hair pulling. i never knew matt even had it in him to be aggressive.
i think what set me over the edge was when he told me to stick my tongue out so he can spit in my mouth. he’s not even into that?
but regardless, it was all very overwhelming so i’m not surprised that i froze up after our final round
“baby?” matt calls out
“hm?” i respond
“did you hear what i said?” he asks
“do you want me to run us a bath, would that help you relax”
i simply nod my head and he gets up to run the bath water
no less than a few minutes later he comes back and carries me to our bathroom and sits me in the tub loaded with bubbles
“aww you put bubbles in it? matt that’s so cute” i snicker
he smiles, “i thought you would enjoy more than the regular clear water”
he hops in the tub and sits across from me.
a comfortable silence fills the room for a minute before matt begins to speak
“are you sure you liked the sex tonight? i kinda just wanted to try something new, im sorry i didnt bring it up to you”
“matthew, i promise i enjoyed tonight! i just wasnt expecting it whatsoever.” i reply back
“okay oka-“
“it was really hot actually. i didn’t even know you were into some of these things” i interrupt
“like what?” he asks
“the spit..”
“honestly. i kinda always wanted to try it but i never did in fear that you would hate it” he exclaims
“what? no! that shit is such a turn on.”
“glad to know..” he smiles
i laugh, “boy! stop”
more silence fills the air for a few more minutes until i start to feel the drowsiness take over me
i yawn, “im getting sleepy..”
“wanna head to bed?” matt asks
i nod in response
he gets out the tub and guides me out, matt drains the tub as i dry myself off then we head back to our room
“where are you going?” matt asks
“to find a top?” i reply
“you don’t wanna sleep body to body?..” he questions acting offended
“you’re such a girl” i laugh
we hop in bed and i get comfortable in matt’s chest
“i love you so much y/n”
“i love you more matt”
our last words before the silence is filled in by comfortable snores
a/n- the end 🫠
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cvnt4him · 3 months
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sassy deku >>> (big ass forehead)
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Getting an attitude w sassy men
M. izuku.
You and izuku never really get into fights so when you randomly got an attitude w him you better believe he got pissed. He's so sweet and nice to you under all circumstances whatsoever, he doesn't want to disrespect you at all but God lately you've just been getting on his nerves. The way you bitch around and yell at him like he exploded the sun.
"are you fucking kidding me izuku? Like are you genuinely insane. I just cannot with you."
You scoff and yell at him with an angry tone.
He rolls his eyes and ignores you, you've really just been so annoying. Like God why can't you simply shut up and suck his cock. Like he's been through so much in his life and this so what he gets in return?
"yeah okay bitch."
"excuse me?!"
"you fucking heard me, you've literally been bitching all day over some shit I had nothing to do with like I just can't. I've saved all of Japan and instead of getting a loving girlfriend to cook and clean for me you're sitting here being a whiney little bitch."
He spat venom with every word that left his beautifully pink tinted lips, his eyes squinted at you with spite. The way he spoke stunned you, you were frozen in shock. You're sweet loving boyfriend who'd never raise his voice at you or even attempt to hurt your feelings,
Tears welled in your eyes as you were blinded by the forming tears, blinking heavily trying to bat away the tears that were starting to become present. Izuku never got angry or even attempted to fight with you, he hated the guilty feeling he'd always feel and not djd you make him feel it.
You made him sleep on the couch for a couple of nights, the main reason he actually stayed on the couch was because he felt he deserved it after what he'd said and how hed spoken to you. Izukus kother would be so disappointed in him. The words that left his mouth were misogynistic and ugly, he wasn't that kind of person, but for some reason you brought out the bad in him.
There was also the good. You knew how to make him laugh, smile, feel oh so good. So why had he been so mean to you lately. He wished he knew.
Izuku came knocking on your shared room door waiting for you to say something, anything. It'd been so long since he'd heard your voice, since you'd spoken to him directly.
"come in."
A soft voice was heard through the wooden door as he practically pushed the door down trying to hurriedly open it to get to you. He gulped out of fear, afraid of what you'd say to him, how you'd feel if you looked at him. He hated himself for what he said, and he wanted to apologize.
You looked at him with sad eyes, you were under the cover hiding your face at first. It felt so good to see your beautiful face after so long. He sighed at your gorgeous features, your lips in a pouty frown and your hair a mess. You looked good no matter what.
"my pretty girl..."
He whispered to you, rushing to your side. He instantly wrapped his arms around your figure as you did the same, he moved the cover on top of the both of you and cuddled you. He buried his face in your neck planting little fast kisses everywhere.
"I'm so sorry.. you've just been so.. difficult lately."
He says into your ear. he feels you tense under his touch before moving back to look at him with a disgusted look. He gave you a confused one, why had you looked like this? He was apologizing!
"are you fucking kidding?"
"I'M being difficult??? If I'm SOO difficult just fucking leave."
Here we go again. He sighed heavily getting rather impatient which izuku was nothing but. You were angering him once again because you're bitching and nagging before he can even get a word out, per usge.
"my god you're such a spoiled little bitch. you never let me speak, always making things about yourself. I came fucking apologize but if you're going to be a fucking cunt I might as well fuck yours."
"are you fucking kidding me izuku?! you-- wait what."
Anyways he bent you over and yanked your underwear and pants off in one go didn't even bother prepping or anything just shoved his semi hard cock inside of you and thrusted into you at an insane pace.
Moral of this story is he didn't stop fucking you until you were a sloppy cum filled mess.
I. tenya.
Tenya was so full of your shit. You've gotten in trouble in class, kept blowing him off, and then proceeded to ignore his texts.
He was so fed up with you. He needed to talk to you and you were going to hear him out not just as the class president but as your boyfriend.
"what do you want tenya."
"for you to stop acting like a cunt."
"i--- wha-"
"I'm so tired of your shit y/n you've been acting like a cold hearted ice queen towards me all day. I want to be with you but I can't stand being in the same room with someone who doesn't care about me."
"I never said i---"
"yet you're acting like I'm some minor pleb. Y/n I love you more than anything and yet you're standing here treating me like a insignificance to your presence."
He says putting his hands on his hips. God he looked so sassy like that it was actually kind of hot. He saw how a smirk appeared into your face as you looked him up and down and he tensed under your eyesight.
"yeah you're right tenya I've been kind of a dick all day hm, baby? Let me make it up to you yeah?"
You say batting your eyelashes at him walking towards him and rubbing your hands up and down his chest, burying your face in his neck and whispering and fanning your breath over it. He shivered and put his hands on your waist pulling you closer into his chest, he lifted your head closer to his, your lips so close to touching.
He pushed you down on the bed and dusted himself off.
"you've got to do a better job than that if you want me to forgive you.
Fuck, the smirk he gave you while walking out of his room was diabolical. God how did you end up with a sexy boyfriend like this. Yet he's such a pain in the ass too.
M. neito.
Monoma was an ass sometimes, sure. A sassy diva, yeah, but he was never rude to you. He never made you feel like you were less than perfect, he always gave you what he felt you deserved and always made sure you knew how much you meant to him. He never let his feud with your class fuck with him. Until now.
He's been letting everything your class does get to him, and since you're in class 1A he's been getting rather pissed with you. The way he blew you off and pushed you aside like some petty diva was about your last straw.
You walked all the way to class 1B dorm house and bust through the doors in a fit of rage. You were not going to let anyone stop you from fucking up his world.
The way all of his classmates looked at you like you were crazy, some laughing others just genuinely confused why someone from class 1A was here to begin with.
"where the hell is he."
You say yelling to his classmates as they all pointed to up the stairs where the dorms were. You've been there before, not while everyone was awake. But you've been there before. You knew exactly where his dorm was located.
You stormed up the stairs and quickly made your way to his dorm. Upon arriving you bust down his door with your foot, he screams and hides under his work desk for cover. Once he seen it was you he scoffed and was ready to tell at you before being stopped before anything could even leave his lips.
"are you fucking kidding me?? You've been a dick to me all week for what? Because my class is higher than yours?? get over it. At the end of the day you're in hero courses you'll live. Stop treating me like a nuisance because of some sick twisted vendetta you have with my class!"
He scoffed, getting up from his hiding place with a hand to his chest in an offended manner. There was no way you seriously just spoke to him like this?? Where has this side of you come from?? You've always been so sweet and obedient with him!
He was speechless, not a word left his opened mouth. How could you speak to him like some loser. Like those dorks in your class!!
"nothing to say?"
You ask with your hands on your hips. He was sassy, but you knew how to play sassy as well. He crossed his arms and looked away from you. Not daring to utter a word. You kind of liked this side of him, the side that didn't talk back to you. It suited him. A pretty face with such pretty lips need to be shut sometimes. He looks better when he sits there and looks pretty.
You smirk and push him down onto his bed, he lets out a sound as you crawl on top of his lap and put both of your hands on his chest.
"my pretty boy.~"
He was a flushed mess, he opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish, he was stunned that you'd just done this to him. He was always the one to take the lead and initiate things!! He hated how much he didn't mind you being on top.
B. katsuki.
Katsuki Bakugou, the world's sassiest man. The way he walks with a sway to his hips, the way he stands, the way he just exists unapologetically is enviable to all. Some envied his tiny snatched waist while others envied the fire behind his eyes. He loved being a hero but he loved his girlfriend more.
He loved you so much, so dearly he had no problem with admitting it either. However he hated, absolutely despised when you caught an attitude with him like he doesn't treat you like a queen.
He was absolutely appalled when you started bitching and yelling at him, waving your arms about and threatening to slap the fuck out of him. He scoffed with wide eyes and a smile like he was daring you to. He wasn't afraid to hit you back by all means, however he loved you too much to bring you into harms way in any kind. So he wouldn't actually hit you but throwing you against things, oh yeah that was an option.
"like honestly katsuki could you be more stupid?"
"bitch? Me, stupid? Hah! You're hilarious! Actually, you deserve an award for your humor honestly, how do you do it."
He jokes slapping his knee with an angry smile still plastered on his beautiful face. God you hated how he had such an effect on you despite how furious you were with him. He knew the huge effect he had on and used it to his advantage.
He smirked and pulled you by your waist mid sentence, you were yelling at him and your fiery words were instantly cut off by the way he looked at you, the way he touched you, the way he moved slightly closer to you face his breath fanning over your face. He peered down at you with those volcanic ruby red eyes of his, daring you to do something anything. He wanted it.
"fucking asshole."
"I could fuck yours if you'd like, yeah?"
God you hated how much you loved him. He was an asshole, but he was yours. He never took you seriously when the two of you argued or when you got an attitude with him. You knew this and it angered you, but you could never stay angry with him because he'd always fuck it out of you like he hated you.
He pulled you into a passionate kiss still having that shit eating smirk on his face once he pulled away holding his forehead to yours as he chuckled lowly.
"you hate me."
"so fucking much."
You say pulling him into a heated kiss, walking backward towards his bed so he could fuck you like a slut.
AN: chat this was the worst thing I've ever made, I don't think I made them sassy at all, except katsuki anything he does is sassy. however I low-key love how mean I made izuku, I js feel like after his vigilante arc and the war he's a different person, like he's still a sweetie pie but he doesn't take shit from anyone me thinks.
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hello! i’m love your post and arts so much! I look at your posts after a hard day and my mood immediately changes to excellent. can I ask a couple of questions?
which pairing with Ethan do you prefer?
and… can we get to know you better? a little biography?
Thank you for your time! I'll be waiting for new arts! (sorry if i made mistakes, my english is not so good. im russian)
i like basically every ship with ethan! it mostly depends on the mood im in, but if im being honest, mithan, winterfield, and wintersberg gets frustrating to think about because they all dont treat ethan well canonically... lethan is fun because they have never met and i can make my own assumptions!
i used to like wintersberg the most and i still do like it, i just have expanded my horizons to other ships as well...., its mostly like a punchline to me though. they have the funniest potential which is why a majority of their posts is just joke comics. i do not like how people try to erase how karl is arrogant and egotistical tho. thats like removing the flavor.... the way karl acts is just very funny to me, hes so lame in a good way and i like how everytime he talks to ethan it sounds like hes twirling his hair and kicking his feet. canonically speaking, karl was very much in the wrong for trying to use rose and not elaborating and i will die on this hill. ethan is not in the wrong for being disgusted and angry that karl would ever try and propose that in the deal. karl is very arrogant so when ethan says no to him it makes him mad and he tries to use fear to get ethan to take his deal (kicking his chair and warning him) i like karl, i like how messed up and arrogant he is but i dislike how people try to portray him as a nice guy. however, in a AU where everythings the same except he doesnt try to use rose i do enjoy the dynamic they could have, especially if the teamed up (not with the deal where they use rose. ethan wouldnt agree unless karl never involved rose in the first place). karl is just a very entertaining character and i like him a lot, hes funny and his personality can be extremely hilarious
mia and ethan is pretty tragic and thinking about it too much makes me a bit sad, imo in a reality where ethan survives re8, he needs to divorce mia. im not saying ethan needs to hate mia and never talk to her again i just dont think they should be so intimate together because of her behavior... please do not take this as anti mia. they loved each other dearly but it wasnt healthy. their relationship was kept afloat by lies and mia doesnt change even though she deals with the consequences of her own actions in re7. she actively tries to hide her past from ethan and is mostly focused on trying to move on and have a normal life even if ethan will have to live the rest of his life in the dark.
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she loves her family so much, shes very afraid of them leaving her so she hides all the bad things in the hopes that they wont leave. its selfish, its human, its real, her character is so amazing and i love her. she doesnt learn from re7 and hides important information from ethan again. i geniunly think they should have gotten divorced after re8 if ethan had survived. its tragic and its sad but they love each other so much. it sad because they both geniunly love rose so much but they themselves shouldnt be together. its just sad to think about it. whenever i draw them it usually takes place before re7. they should have divorced on good terms and shared custody of rose.........
ethan and chris is also frustrating to think about... chris is a major jerk in re8, whenever i draw it, its under a unspoken AU that chris did not behave the way he did in re8. his weird behavior in re8 is probably for a meta reason imo. capcom wanted to set up a twist villian so they make chris very vague and unesscarily cruel. while its frustrating that they turned chris into a jerk for the sake of a twist, it still happens in canon and i will forever roll my eyes whenever i see him on screen. he did what he thought was best but imo, execution matters more than the intentions. same applies to mia. they both did things that hurt ethan because they thought it would be the best but in the end they just hurt ethan.
all the ships ive discussed with people ethan has met canonically just makes it look like i dont even like the ships... LOL ... ethan just has horrible luck with the people he meets i guess... but i do enjoy the ships and drawing them, but again all of them come with the canon baggage that ends up making me sad because everyone treats ethan poorly whether they had good intentions or not
which is why leon and ethan is the most fun to draw without getting stressed... LOL... they have never met but just drawing what i think their dynamic would be like is very fun.
please dont take this post personally, this isnt a post declaring why ur fave ship sucks, this is just my own personal preferences and in the end i draw all of them anyways
if i had to rank the ships based on drawing silly comics it would be
wintersberg has the funniest potential just because of karl and mithan can be funny if u water it down to "i love my wife so much" and said wife comes home with suspicious amounts of hard cash
i enjoy making joke comics far to much
if i were to rank the ships based on how healthy they would actually be for ethan it would be
winterfield, mithan, wintersberg (no particular order)
sorry 😭
leon and ethan have literally never met but imo it would still be the healthiest because ethan gets to start new
the three other ships r all unhealthy in some way, at least canonically without changing much about the characters (i do like winterfield but just because of how chris behaved in re8 it knocked them down)
i cant even rank them on personal preference because my opinion changes so often 😭 it changes based on discussions i have with my friends or recent art i see that inspires me... me and my friends recently had a discussion about mia and ethans relationship which made me very frustrated and sad with mia so i defiently wouldnt be drawing them anytime soon... meanwhile i hvae been talking to a friend who really likes winterfield often so the conversations we have give me art ideas and i end up drawing it more. if a friend of mine really enjoyed wintersberg or lethan and talked to me about it often id probably start drawing it more, the joys of being a multishipper
it changes a lot based on how im feeling and if im in the mood to draw something funny or something serious
sorry u asked a really simple question and i responded with a essay
and a little bit about myself is that i go by crumb, i am 18 and i go by all pronouns and prefer it/its
im vietnamese and live in texas
i made this tumblr acc solely so i could post my ethan art and im a re7/re8 girly so if ur here waiting for me to draw the re1-re6 characters im sorry u should probably expect nothing
i also make personal animations sometimes which u can find here
thanks for the ask and sorry for the rant!
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bingusbongu · 7 months
A/N: an obey me request!!! I haven't been playing obey me in awhile, the last thing i tried was Nightbringer- but honestly, Lucifer TOOK MY BREATH AWAY WHEN HE CAME ON SCREEN so i can ABSOLUTELY. Kinda short:) lots of love<3
Remember, these are just headcanons, NOT CANON!!!!
Reader dialog is in pink, BUT they are gender neutral! Its just to tell who is talking! Mammon is orange, Solomon is Blue, and Lucifer is red!
《 Masterlist 》
《 Rules 》
TW: yelling/scolding, overworking, Harassment
Lucifer obey me x timid! Reader Hcs/slight imagines
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• he found out in the worst way possible. You did something, lets say with Mammon or just doung something wrong. He snapped at you, expecting you to just say sorry, but nope! You stared up at him with big, watering eyes and nearly started crying while mumbling 'im sorry' over and over again
He didnt know what to do, he didnt expect you to cry of all things, he kinda just stood there in shock. It was Mammon who stepped up and patted your back, huffing at his older brother
" look what ya did! Humans are sensitive ya know that?! "
And Lucifer watched Mammon lead you away to go and cheer you up, most likely going to buy you something
• as the avatar of pride, he has no room for feeling sorry unless it's of his brothers. You were just a mere human. There was no reason to feel sorry for you. And he didn't understand why he did.
he observed you for a while in the household. How you spoke so quietly, how you apologized for every little thing that wasn't even your fault. How his brothers softened their tone when around you as to not scare you, even Satan!
He didn't understand, so he went to the one person who might actually know: Solomon (much to his displeasure). As another human, he may actually have an answer to why you act like this, it couldnt be normal.
When he asked Solomon, he laughed at him. But automatically stopped at Lucifers glare.
" Oh, you're actually serious - well, it's normal for a human to act like that. Scared, nervous, and flinching at every touch, some humans are like that, or they are like that due to their specific past or something that has happened to them. I mean, take a look in their shoes, imagine you're a human, living your life, and all of a sudden you're in hell. Not only that, you're living with the 7 deadly since and made to go to a school full of demons that could easily kill you. They are scared. They aren't used to this, and are afraid that the moment they look someone in the eyes wrong, they are dead."
Lucifer had to sit and process that information. Now that he thought about it, it made total sense.
You were small, fragile, weak, just a simple human in hell. He hated to say it, but Solomon seemed right for once. Its not like he hadnt noticed the way you tried to avoid him and stay close to one of his brothers when he was around. Maybe when he yelled at you, he caused you to fear him.
• he felt awful about it now that he understood the concept. So, he decided to atleast try and fix his relationship with you, for some reason, he didnt want you to fear him anymore.
When he entered the room and you were in there, he stopped himself from having his usual glare. And greeting you gently instead of just completely ignoring you. And occasionally, would hint you a tiny compliment or a small nod at you if you do something in particular.
• his brothers caught on very quickly. Instead of you clinging to their side when Lucifer was around, he seemed the need to not do so. And Lucifer was being polite to you, after he seemed like you were inferior to him!
One of the instances when they were caught gaurd was after an accident. Lucifer was NOT happy at his brothers for something they did, and was chewing their ears off. But, to their confusion, automatically stopped when the door opened and you came in. Instead, Lucifer cleared his throat and greeted you gently, asking you very sweetly if you can leave the room and give him and his brothers more time to discuss.
They were BAFFLED. since when did Lucifer start being so nice to you?? They tried to beg you not to leave, but once you did so, Lucifer continued scolding them, but with less volume.
• over time, Lucifer would notice that sometimes, youd flinch when he'd enter the room. But, instead of staying tense, you relaxed when you just noticed it was him, and for some reason, that made him feel, good.
Not only that, but you would actually talk to him now, without cowering away from him. It was nice to actually talk to you, without you whispering responses when he asked you questions.
• one time, it was late at night, and Lucifer was busy finishing his paperwork. After so long, he decided to take a break, he had his back scrunched for to long and he needed to stretch his legs. So, he left his office to go and take a walk around the mannor.
It was quiet, all the lights were shut off, but he could see perfectly. Everyone was asleep, after making sure to check some of his brothers rooms to make sure they were sleeping.
Though, when he walked passed your room, he realized that your light was still on. It was quite late, you shouldnt been awake, humans need rest after all.
He cracked your door open to see why you were still awake. He found you hunched over your desk with your desk lamp on. A book open and multiple notes scattered around. It looked as if you were, struggling.
He gently knocked the door and called your name. He watched you jump and look up in panick.
"O-oh! Lucifer! I... i uh..."
"What are you doing up this late? Humans need their rest more than we do"
He watched you hesitate, looking over at the papers on your desk and sigh loudly. His heart nearly cracked at your tired voice.
"Im getting behind in my classes, and im not understanding this demon homework and i dont want to bother Solomon.... im sorry"
God, it felt like all his pride left his body when he saw how guilty you looked. But the fact that you admitted it instead of covering it up like his brothers would.
You expected him to yell at you, but instead he pulled up a chair beside you.
"Here, let me help you"
To your suprise, he started teaching you the homework in a way you could understand. He was slow and gentle with you, instead of rushing you like your teachers were doing to you and making you stressed out. He actually... helped you. Not only that, but with his help, you got it done in an hour. And he herded you back into bed.
"next time, dont be afraid to ask for help"
• After that, Lucifer gained your full trust.
youd greet Luicfer happily and with a smile, no matter who you were around. And became more comfortable enough in his presence to talk to him! Sometimes he liked silence, but he also adored the fact you trusted him enough to talk to him without any fear
Occasionally, youd be invited into his office to just talk with him while listening to his records and possibly having tea, hust talking with eachother, and Lucifer actually enjoyed your company. Hed ask you about your grades, and was glad to hear you wete doing alot better with his help.
• if you were to make him something as a thank you, like going to buy him something or baking him something or making his favorite food, he is in disbelief.
• oh the things he would do to keep you save MY GOD
• you won over his pride filled heart
• wherever he goes, you are usually seen with him. Either just walking, going out, or occasionally at meetings. He liked it when you came along with him, that you felt safe enough to go places with him around.
• if anyone were to point it out, he will avoid the subject and change it. (you are his emotional support human, but he would NEVER admit that)
• though, if someone where to yell at you, or speak to you as if you are lower and should know your place, god he would be pissed. ESPECIALLY if they make you cry
He would destroy hell if it were to hurt you in any way shape or form. He would escort you away, but you BEST believe he is coming back and showing them what true hell feels like
• you are the only one he allows into his room uninvited. Infact, he perks up when its you, and lets you sit with him. Even in silence, its comforting
• he is ontop of making sure you are okay. The moment you seem more sad or timid then usual, he is stopping everything to make sure you are okay.
• even if one of his brothers raises their voice around you, or say something mean he is there and glaring them down with the force of 1000 suns.
• when you are stressed out or afraid, he puts his hand on your back and makes you focus on him. Speaking softly and gentle to you, trying to sooth you into a calm state. Wiping your tears away with gentle hands
• them buying you a sweet treat:)
• GOD you have this man of pride WRAPPED around your finger
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venomhound · 10 days
Hazbin Hotel - Dumb Lucifer Scenario Dump
Here are just a bunch of like random scenarios that popped into my head; usually when I was half asleep or hadn't slept for several days. Im not going to do anything with these beyond this post so if someone wants to like turn these into a short story or comic, feel free. Just link back and give me credit for the idea please ~<3
WARNING: Actual brainrot below the cut. Not beta read we die like men -ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈
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Who Needs Magic Anyway? ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
(Little bit of context; this idea came about because I was talking to @writteninlunarlight-years about the whole 'there is only one bed trope thing)
Lucifer and reader are both drinking together. They both get so plastered that the reader cant go home on their own and Lucifer cant make a decent portal. (The portals keep fizzing out, going to the wrong places.... Point is he cant do it right atm).
So Lucifer offers to have the reader stay with him for the night. Even in their drunkin state, the reader side-eyes Lucifer at his offer and the guy just keeps digging his hole deeper Saying stuff like:
Lucifer: I-I meant we can sleep together as friends. Reader: *blinks* Lucifer: WAIT-
Lucifer even offers to make you one of those stupid pillow walls in between you two if your really that uncomfortable. What a gentleman
Anyway, you both eventually end up in his bedroom and Lucifer changes into duck pajamas (because of course thats what he has. what else would the guy have really). Then you both look at each other awkwardly as you both realize you… don't exactly have anything comfortable to sleep in.
Lucifer quickly says that its fine! He will just magic you up some pjs! Easy! Well. The problem is when he does this, his alcohol infused brain defaulted the entire concept of sleepwear to mean 'Lucifer’s sleepwear.' So when he zaps you, you end up with a perfectly matching set of ducky nightshirt and pants to Lucifer’s very own.
Lucifer immediately wants to die.
Bonus: This entire thing has now made me headcanon that Lucifer cannot control his magic when he is drunk
Playing the Hero ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
NOTE: I used a spider here, but really it can be any bug. Or whatever you want. I just did a spider because fuck spiders, and the idea of Lucifer cowering at a mini Angel Dust was very funny to me
Its late at night and as usual Lucifer cannot sleep. Lucifer is suddenly disturbed however, by the reader in their adorable pajamas. They are looking around nervously, with their hands hidden in their sleeves.
The man is immediately ready to do anything they ask cause they are just so darn cute.
The reader sheepishly asks him if he can kill a giant spider that has decided to make itself at home in their room. Lucifer, ever the sin of pride, (and maaayyybe wanting to impress them a little), excitedly says that of course he can! Completely pushing away the fact that, he too, is afraid of spiders.
They both go to the reader's room and as soon as Lucifer sees the spider he panics a little. (”Oh god, that is actually a big spider.”, ”Why are its legs so long??”)
Wanting to play the hero but also not wanting to go anywhere near the accursed thing, Lucifer thinks itll be a great idea to just- zap it.
Well, the thing is Lucifer’s hands are very shaky at the moment, due to a combination of having all the reader's attention on him and the fear of holyshitspider. So when he tries to zap the thing he completely fucking misses like an idiot.
The spider goes flying toward the two of them, resulting in both of them bursting out of the room screaming bloody murder and waking up the rest of the hotel.
Don't Overthink It ₊˚ ‿︵୨୧
(Again, inspired by @writteninlunarlight-years specifically her post about Making Flower Crowns for the Hazbin Men. This prompt takes place during Valentines Day, but you can easily modify it to be during a different holiday. Can be platonic or romantic.
Valentines Day comes around, and you decide to gift one to the infamous King of Hell. Because youll be sending it anonymously, you decide to go all out. You get him a super nice duck themed gift, handwrite him a card, as well as get him a stunning bouquet.
What you didn't anticipate however, was Lucifer completely losing it when he receives the gift. Apparently its been decades/centuries since he last received a Valentine, let alone one as nice as the one you gave him.
He was the King of Hell after all. You assumed he got a million Valentines automatically because of his position. I mean, Alastor got piles of them so why WOULDNT the King of Hell?
Because of its anonymous nature, Lucifer's ever romantic heart gets obsessed with the Valentine. You love bombed the poor guy on complete accident. Lucifer starts trying to do his own little 'investigations' to figure out who made it for him, like comparing different handwritings to the one on the card and such. Lucifer even starts daydreaming about who it could be and imagining what they are like.
(if its romantic) Your afraid to tell him you did it because you don't want to complicate your friendship with Charlie. A part of you also feels guilty that you somehow managed to put yourself on such a high pedestal in Lucifer's eyes when... your just you.
(if its platonic) You don't want to break Lucifer's heart and tell him that you just wanted to do something nice. You feel guilty for getting his hopes up for something/someone that doesn't exist.
BONUS: At some point in the story, the reader walks by a trashcan/dumpster full of Valentines meant for Alastor that he clearly just trashed right away. Alastor hates Valentines day because everyone wont. Stop. BUGGING. HIM.
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st4rvedbuck · 1 month
I think the fandom of Ninjago should talk about Zane's fear of losing his humanity and his fear of any negative emotion in general. And how they contradict each other.
(warning, yap sesh ahead) TLDR: can nindroids get therapy? If so we need 5 therapists for Zane immediately
It's already established that Zane has a fear of being seen as just a machine, nothing but a freezer with fake coded emotions. But I haven't seen anyone talk in depth how he seems to turn off his emotions whenever he's faced with grief or stress, and how he only learnt to not do that far into his life.
He probably picked up that habit from when Dr. Julien turned off his memory switch before "dying" back in season 1. And he realized that if he went so long not feeling bad about the "death" of his creator by simply not remembering it or not having the actual emotion of grief, he wouldn't feel bad either when anything similar happened if he just turned off his emotions like Dr. Julien did to him.
The fact this lasted as long as it did meant nobody picked up on it* and tried to tell him he was wrong. Which only validated that idea because if there was a problem with it, someone would've told him..right?
But how can you say you don't want to lose your sense of humanity as a robot while simultaneously doing something humans can't whenever you're faced with stress? I'd say he'd overthink it, and feel guilty about not being honest with himself. He knows hes being irrational, but hes still terrified of the thought of no one seeing him as a person.
But at the same time, he's never been taught how to face stress by himself. Only for other people. It's not like he just doesn't know that ignoring your feelings is a way to avoid the problem and a bad coping mechanism, he obviously knows that. He probably just doesn't know any other solutions because his situation is so niche.
Because how could anyone not want what he has? In his position, he probably feels as if everyone would kill to be a nindroid. Since nobody tells him otherwise. We even see clips where the others use Zane's robot body as a joke or in one case, use him as a fucking cleaning robot. Can you imagine how dehumanizing it must feel for someone to be forced against their will like a puppet into doing a weeks worth of chores?
Zane probably feels as if his fears are irrational. Like he shouldn't have them because being a nindroid seems to be the only thing that others care about when they see him. He's a logical person for sure, but everyone has irrational thoughts and unless you face the reason you have those thoughts they aren't going to go away and they'll cloud your judgement. Zane, for sure, is not doing that. Because we can see he just simply forces himself to stop having emotions when they happen instead of facing them, which only fixes it temporarily.
So hes afraid of being seen as just a freezer with fake emotions (i have more to say about the "fake emotions" part), and because he doesn't face his feelings about why hes afraid of that he lets himself believe that is how people see him. Which causes him to think that fear is stupid and that he shouldn't have it, which makes him turn off his emotions for a while, and the cycle continues.
He also might believe his emotions arent needed. Like maybe at some point he convinces himself that if everyone else only sees him as a calculator with ice powers, maybe that's what he actually is. So on top of everything, he feels like since hes only a computer, all his emotions are fake. Therefore unnecessary.
Not to mention he most likely feels as if he's weak for letting Vex manipulate him. And emotions = weak, weak = manipulated again, manipulated again = letting everyone down. But thats just a little thought i had to let out.
If i could write I'd probably make a fic about him being confronted by this fear, but until then it'll stay in my brain.
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Poor boy. Just look at him. He doesn't deserve this bro AUUGIGUGJGJGGHHGHHHH IM AUTISTIC 🥹
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Edit: *i rewatched crystalized today and realized the other ninja ARE aware of Zanes habit. They just dont gaf 😭WHICH MAKES IT WORSE!!!
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kyokutsu-sama · 5 months
omg, this was a random thought that popped into my head😭william with an s/o, who during her period, gets the WORST anger issues? im talking she gets annoyed if someone breathes wrong😭how would he react to her random sobbing and extreme clinginess during all that? thank you!!!
A/n: Hi!!! When I read the request I just find it funny cause this is so me when I'm on my period😭🤭 I hope you like it.
I really felt sorry for William after writing this one😭
As we all know, William is a very kind and very patient man. It's almost impossible to get this man out of his peaceful state (unless it's something really bad). He begins to notice that for a few days now, she has been acting strangely towards him and everyone in the room. She who used to be as respected as the captain and so nice to everyone, was now shouting at everyone and without any patience. William already suspected that she was going through that typical monthly phase where she just wanted everyone to disappear but at the same time would cry if that happened. He decided not to confront her with that, out of fear, since she was looking like a wild animal on the loose. He couldn't help but stare at her when she was acting like that, towards someone from Golden Dawn. He even tried to get closer to her to interfere but when he saw her looking at him with that dark look, he hesitated. "WHAT'S WRONG WILLIAM? WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME? DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL ME?!" She shouted at him The captain just stood there, with wide eyes and an expression like "Honey... I was just passing by... I didn't do anything wrong🥲" It was then that some of the members reported situations like this to him. "Captain, with all due respect but she's going crazy! Everyone in the division is shaking because of the way she's yelling at everyone and looking like she's going to kill someone!!"Klaus said, completely terrified, to the captain who assured him that he would solve everything She spent the whole day walking here and there, hurriedly, while doing her duties within the division, keeping an ill-tempered look on her face, which made the members of the division afraid to approach her, since even breathing seemed like a problem for her. That attitudes, created small murmurs among the members in the corridors of the HQ, wondering what could have made her like that. At the end of the day, she used to go to William to see each other, as they rarely saw each other during the day because of work, but that day it was he who went to see her, especially after she shouted at him and avoided him when he tried to interfere when he saw her scolding another member when he dropped some papers on the floor that were for the captain. William slowly opened the bedroom door, peeking inside and saw her sitting on the bed, with her knees to her chest and crying. A scene that broke his heart. William approached and she quickly threw herself at him, hugging him tightly and he held her, caressing her back with his hands, while she sobbed. He sat with her on his lap, listening to her lament for being so mean to him and others. "I'm sorry for yelling at you William, I'm really an idiot, I'm horrible and I don't deserve you..." She sobbed, clutching the fabric of his uniform "Don't say those things, my love. You're important and I really like you and so does everyone here, do you hear? I love you so much." He whispered, wiping her tears while she was still there, clinging to him and apologizing He always stayed by her side while she calmed down, he couldn't help but smile when she gave him a load of kisses and hugs. He thought she was cute even when she was mad, although the sudden change in mood was still leaving him a little confused. "William, will you forgive me?" She asked for the thousandth time "Yes, I forgive you," He sighed. "I know this time of the month makes you more sensitive and ...a little angrier but it's normal and I'm always here, whenever you need me, okay?" He moved her hair away from her face, kissing her forehead "Oh Will, you're so cute I think I'm going to cry again..." She said in a tearful voice and he chuckled "You don't need to cry anymore. I'm always here." He gave her a peck and hugged her This man is a sweetheart❤️
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tumblerlove · 7 months
Boydad!Simon is something I feel like would be really healing for him to break the generational trauma
When you first told him you were pregnant after being married for a while. He was shocked. You both wanted children and talked about it before... but now it's real, and he's gonna be a father
His first thought that came in his mind was excitement and joy...but then he thought too "What if I fuck this up" but he didn't want you to think that he wasn't excited because he was happy that he would have a child with you.... but he was worried... so he hid his concern for now
He went to all of your appointments with you, he took time off work anytime you had to go so he wouldnt miss them. Simon wanted to see the baby on the ultrasound and see for himself that the baby and you are ok
Simon was there with you throughout the entire delivery holding your hand, encouraging you and cutting the baby boys cord. A boy. Simon had a son... throughout your pregnancy, Simon still didn't mention his fear that he would fail as a father. And now that he has a son, he's even more scared that he'll just be like his dad
As you're recovering the following days from the birth, Simon was super helpful he'd get up during the night and take care of the baby so you could sleep and heal. He was doing everything he could to help you and the baby
He would just stare at his son at nights and look at him and hope that he'll be better then his dad...he needs to talk to you he knows that...but how is he gonna tell you his fears without saying the wrong thing and scaring you into thinking hell be his father and become a failure not just for his son and well a failure for you too
Simon did come to you a few weeks after the birth. He had just laid the baby down while you got ready for bed. "Honey, can you come here?" he calls you softly to the bedroom. "Yeah, what is it, Si?" You ask with concern seeing his face etched in worry
"Im afraid...fuck...I'm afraid that I won't be a good enough father for our son." he spits the words out fast like they burned him. "Oh, Simon... you could have talked to me about this." You crawl up the bed and into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. Trying to comfort him the best way you know how
"I haven't wanted to tell you and admit it out loud... and make you think that I couldn't be a good Dad." he looks away from you, ashamed for saying it. "I know that you can be a dad, Simon. I watched you throughout my entire pregnancy already being a dad... being there for our son and for me. " You press your forehead to his. "These past few weeks, all you've done is be a good father...a great father Simon." You say to him softly
"I don't want him to think of me in the future like I think of my father...I don't want that." his face is breaking your heart. He looks so concerned and upset about it. "He won't ever think of you like that because you're not like that at all... if you can't tell already that little boy loves you so much he looks at you and he just sees love" you tell him as you comb your fingers through his hair
"I look at him, and I see that too...I see you and see love too," Simon says softly, his worry slowly going away from talking to you. "You're the best, Dad Simon. He's lucky to have you, and im lucky to have you as my husband. " You say into his chest as he starts falling asleep from calming down after talking, and you easing his worries
*15 years later*
"Dad, can you come outside and help me with this!!" You and Simon hear your oldest son from the backyard while you watch TV together. "I'll be right out!!" He calls back out to him. "Have fun," you say as he walks to the backyard
Simon had found this perfect home in the countryside after you guys had your second son. He wanted to give the boys lots to room to grow and run around and be happy like he didn't get to have. After your third son, Simon was very glad he had found this home. All three boys were just getting taller and bigger, just like their father. The boys also looked just like Simon too but with your eye color
"What do you need help with, Son?" Simon asks his son. "I can't get the ball into the net from this side...I just keeps missing it," he says, frustrated. "Alright, well, I can help with that," Simon says with a smile, earning him a smile from his son too
Anytime any of his boys smiled at him, his heart could've burst. Simon watched him first kick the ball to see how to help him. He went through the moves with him afterward to show just how to do it. Simon couldn't remember ever doing such a thing with his dad... being patient with him and teaching him. But Simon was different from his father. He was patient, caring, attentive, and loved all the boys deeply...and of course you too. The one who proved time and time again that he could do this
"You can do this son give it a go," Simon encourages him. He goes to try again, and sure enough, he made it with Simon's help. "YES FINALLY," your son screams out so loud that you even walk outside to see what happened
"What on earth happened!?" You call out as you see Simon and your son embracing. "He finally got it, didn't you hear?" Simon laughs while you shake your head in laughter. "Boys, put your shoes on. Let's go out back!" You call upstairs to your other two sons who were upstairs
They run right past you, heading straight towards Simon and your oldest. Not slowing down and pile driving them onto the grass. "Christ," you hear Simon say as he takes the weight of all three huge boys. "You guys are gonna squish your father to death one day," you say as you walk up to all of them. Still all on top of each other and poor Simon at the bottom
But it wasn't poor Simon...because he couldn't be happier right now. He couldn't have been any luckier in life. Finding you and your strength that helped him become who he is now. He couldn't be happier with his three boys on top of him, and with you laughing at them
So I did finally write boydad!simon and let me know what yall think...because I do love this 🥹
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wildpeachfarm · 6 months
been browsing the reddit and there is an interesting point they bring up that i think a lot of people are afraid of pointing out for fear of coming off as victim blaming. and its the fact that people are very quick to dismiss accountability on caitis side, with most people pinning it all on her friends. and im guilty of this too but theyre not wrong in that caiti deliberately chose to word her first stream like that, she chose to leave information out/lie, and she chose to share that screenshot even though it was fake and said nothing to clear it up. even if her friends have influenced her, she still chose to go through with it. her friends did not hold her at gunpoint and force her to do those things. and i guess its because i was thinking about the framing of "freshly 18" and the way that people are accusing george of sexually assaulting a "young girl". like we pushed back on those things because 18 is an adult, she's not a child and infantilizing her is weird in an attempt to smear george. but i think by pinning all the blame on her friends, we kinda circle back around to making it seem like shes just a helpless little girl who cant make decisions on her own. and i 100% understand that her pain couldve caused these things, maybe she really didnt remember things well, maybe she was afraid if it didnt sound bad enough no one would take her seriously, i dont know. and i empathize with that but also she needlessly demonized a man to a wild extend and i do think she needs to take responsibility for not portraying things faithfully at some point. being hurt doesnt excuse you from hurting others. saying that caiti made mistakes too can coexist with her being hurt by what george did that night.
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really well-worded anon and i think this last bit really sums up everything. Caiti was not a silent, non-moving piece of this situation. She was the one who consciously made the choice to stream, use that specific extreme language, initially withhold proof, not verify screenshot sources, not talk to george privately first, etc. and while she can be hurt by what happened and possibly have made poor choices in response to what happened, it does not absolve her of any responsibility for this chaotic fallout.
I don't think that is victim blaming, i think that's honestly just not convincing yourself that the way she handled this and the things she did were perfect.
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crookednachogalaxy · 1 year
thinking about bowuigi like i always do, and im kinda noticing how a majority of media has bowser pursuing luigi for a relationship and... it makes sense???
now dont get me wrong - bowser is brash, he is bold, he is confident, and maybe even arrogant at times. he's the fearsome king of the koopas, he is not afraid to take what is his. his affections are loud because he is loud, and that's why it makes sense.
but what about luigi pursuing a relationship first?
first things first, i am not talking about luigi developing feelings first or something. i specifically mean luigi actively pursuing bowser romantically regardless of whether bowser has feelings for him.
that means taking him out on dates, giving him gifts, bonding with his loved ones, all the stops one pulls to get and keep another's romantic interest.
i want luigi to give him flowers. bowser has just won a really tough tennis match in the tournament they're taking part in, and luigi decides this is perfect moment to give him the flower bouquet he's prepared. so one moment bowser is desperately chugging water as if it's the last drop he'll ever drink, and the next there is this little plumber boy standing in front of him who he's pretty sure he beat up once and has definitely forgotten the name of.
and he's holding the flowers up, saying he did so great in his match and they're for him - and bowser almost wants to laugh. he wants to laugh because flowers are weak, and pathetic, and for soft-shelled koopas which HE'S NOT. but this tiny human's entire body is shaking, the smile on his face is steadfast, and he's looking at bowser as if he hung the stars and the moon in the sky, and something about it just makes his brain short-circuit for reasons he cant understand yet.
i want luigi to plan dates for him and bowser. picnics and fancy dinners and homemade dinners, amusement parks, private kart racing, watching the stars and/or the sunset. i want luigi fretting and overthinking on what bowser likes to do and how to invite him. i want luigi to forget any and all thoughts when bowser steps into the room. mario has war flashbacks about where he went wrong when raising luigi, while said plumber is looking across peach's ballroom with hearts in his eyes.
i want bowser to not realize he's going on dates with luigi. that he's seeing him every week at this point, that even kamek raises an eyebrow when he calls luigi his friend. he always comes home feeling great about himself after seeing luigi, because the human showers him in compliments, attends to his every wish. it takes him a while to realize that luigi isnt just stroking his ego, but that he genuinely likes bowser, and once he starts listening to what luigi actually compliments him on? he's stunned at how deeply his affection runs.
luigi complimemts him on the way he rules with fairness and respect. on the way he prides himself in his history and culture, how he seeks to uplift and celebrate it. he compliments him on his bond with his children, what a good father he is to them. luigi says things that bowser never even noticed in himself, things he didnt think anyone would ever see.
he compliments him on the things that make him him, he makes an effort to spend time and foster bonds with his children, giving each the time and sincerity they deserve. he is there to calm bowser when he's stressed or angry, comforts him when he's sad, never judging him for his faults or feelings. he makes an effort to know and love bowser for who he is. at some point it becomes hard to imagine what a life without luigi looks like.
and most importantly, he still has that first flower bouquet luigi gave him, next to the others of its kind, the plants kept alive by magic, the notes written on display, and the gifts he's given show they're well used.
i just really like the thought of luigi being the one to take these steps, to pursue a romantic love despite the fear that his body evidently likes to show, despite the racing thoughts that make him wanna believe its a worthless endeavour. let him be the one to actively take these steps, be the one to take bowser's hand with a smile and a kiss, be the one to walk him home when they were out later than they intended to be. its a mental image i very much enjoy
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southparktexts · 6 months
hii! can i request the main 4 (plus craig if you write for him please) with reader who's afraid of thunderstorms and stuff. thank you! absolutely love your new layout 🖤
Main four + Craig with a reader who has a fear of thunderstorms
goddamn thats a long fucking title, of course 🦇 anon !! i missed you
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Kyle :
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- i can imagine you guys were over at his house, studying.
- you were studying on his bed near the window and he was studying at his desk.
- the weather had been acting up lately so it eventually led to thunder.
- you jumped at the sound, running to kyle.
- he tilted his head at you.
“..whats wrong sweetheart?”
“..thunder. im scared, ky.”
- when i tell you his heart MELTED when you ran over to him for security it genuinely did.
- held you tight and put you onto his lap.
“shh.. shh.. its alright darling.. were inside.. its not going to hurt you.”
“…but what about-“
“no baby, its not going to hurt you.”
- holds you tight and kissing your face occasionally.
- rubbing circles into your back as you shake in his arms.
- basically a praising machine.
“good girl.. just like that.. its not gonna hurt you, just breathe.”
- holds you tight like hes about to lose you.
Stan :
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- you were currently over at his place at the farm.
- normally the two of you guys just hung out in his room, except today was different.
- you were downstairs helping stan’s mom while stan wrote songs for his band.
- eventually, stans mom made him dinner and you walked into his room to hand it to him.
- you put it down onto his bedside table when you heard a loud bang of lighting.
- you jumped onto stans bed, shaking slightly.
“babe? whats wrong?”
- he immediately put down whatever he was doing to come comfort you.
- he’s a silent person, he cuddles you but doesn’t say anything.
- rubbing circles on your back and patting you.
- rocking back and forth and planting kisses onto your head as you hug him for security.
- holds you tightly so you feel safer.
- a very, silent sweetheart.
- he would maybe check up on you after a few minutes of it being over.
- 30 minutes or so.
“baby how you holding up?”
“..alright.. thank you for being there stan.”
Kenny :
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- he was over at your house and you were both in your kitchen.
- he was helping you make dinner for you and him when you heard the thunder.
- you flinched, almost dropping the plate.
- at this point he didnt even need to ask if you’re okay because he knows your not.
- you are SHAKING while you try cracking egg.
- biting your lip trying not to panic.
- immediately turns off the stove and holds you from the back, tightly.
- imprinting soft kisses onto your forehead.
- giving you a soft shh.
“its okay, its okay.. its just thunder.. nothing to worry about..”
- huge praiser.
“thats a good girl, just like that. breathe for me.”
- you guys stay there for a hot minute until the end of the thunderstorm.
- he waits until you stop shaking and helps you cook again.
Cartman :
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- you guys were cuddling on the couch, watching movies.
- it was one of those days where you and cartman didnt do anything but cuddle and watch.
- that all changed when the thunder started.
- you shook and eric noticed
“honey, you okay?”
- you shook your head no and he nodded.
- you guys continued to cuddle and he rubbed your arm using his hand.
- eventually called for his mom.
“okay snookums!”
- asks // demands his mom to make you your comfort food as you continue to watch and get your mind off things.
- not vocal at all during all this.
- he prefers his actions do the talking for him.
- feeds you popcorn while you watch the film because you’re too shaken up by the thunder to grab some.
- cuddles you until you feel better.
Craig :
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- after dating tweek you cannot tell me this man is not prepared for this.
- definitely did research on what to do just in case.
- you were at his house playing with stripe and cuddling on the bed when thunder went off.
- you flinched almost scaring stripe.
- craig let out a unbothered sigh and got up from his side of his bed, walking up to his wardrobe and pulling out a box.
- it was a box of anxiety stress toys // figets.
- you smiled at the gesture, shaking as you hand over stripe to craig.
- craig has one arm wrapped around you as you play with the stress toys in silence
- craig is definitely not one to talk like eric and stan but he’s more to be a comfort.
- he definitely lets you bury yourself into him for maximum security.
- soft kisses on your forehead and playing with your hair.
- keep in mind this is rare when it comes to craig because he doesn’t show affection as much.
- afterwards he would talk.
“honey, are you doing alright after that?”
“..yes, thank you love.”
- buys more figets after that.
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peawinkls · 7 months
why jfabe is NOT!!!! boring and lifeless and proving that wrong, an informational thread discussing their relationship and dynamic, because honestly im getting tired of ppl saying their boring
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contains s3 spoilers!
The relationship between JFK and abe from Clone High is something alot of people within the community discussed, especially before s3, being talked about more after s2's finale. Many speculated that the two would remain friends or even become more than that.
Now with season 3 out, we have a lot more things to work out with, specifically episode 3. It's something a lot of people are too afraid to admit, but jfabe/abefk would make the show a lot more interesting, rather than its repeatable joanabe plotline.
So, I'm here to talk about the inner workings of this pair, why their so interesting, and why they work out so much, whether platonic or not. If ur not a fan of jfabe/abefk, or heavily dislike the ship, I'd recommend turning away from this post.
Introduction, the who, the when, the why, the how...and their differences n similarities
So, we all know these two characters. JFK the beloved, Abe the hated. Something that many people picked out of the 2020 clone high fandom. But what if i told you that the beloved and the hated were truly meant to be together from the start?
What we already know is that they are the complete opposite of each other in many ways. JFK is meant to be a parody on 90s jocks from highschool movies and tv shows. Abe is the weak nerd who desperately wants to be cool.
JFK is buff and shorter, Abe is tall and lanky. JFK is a douchebag, Abe is the nicer guy. The list goes on and on. And they even have stuff in common, such as the fear of abandonment and the fear of ruining things.
But one difference i can note is that Abe is way more naive than JFK, JFK is portrayed as empty-headed, but not empty-headed enough to not realize whats going on. Of course, despite the differences, both characters make a really good team.
And this was even evident in s2 ep10, aka the finale, where they both realize that they make a great "duo of bros who'll remain friends for the rest of their lives". Jfabe shippers were FEEDING on this shit back then you have no idea
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So with this stuff out of the way, it's time to talk about my favorite episode out of season 3.
Bible Humpers: A Much Needed Praycation
This episode revolves around JFK getting tired of having meaningless sex with girls and partying hard, and decides to seek out a new life when he and Abe discovers the prayer pals club, hosted by Lady Godiva. And at first, Abe is happy to see that JFK is taking on new opportunities.
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"Where the slut goes, the wing slut follows."
But eventually, JFK starts straying away from Abe and his friendship, to the point of even FORGETTING about the broniversary that Abe had planned for the both of them (he literally baked a giant cake for him, look at me and tell me thats straight cmon now).
Seeing how Abe had already lost Joan and Gandhi, he didn't wanna lose JFK either, and does everything he can to make him happy and thats so clear. And even at the end of the episode, it's revealed that Abe even respected his choice on ultimately choosing celibacy.
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He really does care a bunch for JFK, liking him for who he truly was (compared to JFK's other dates) and respecting his choices. And despite choosing celibacy over Abe, the two still remain close, which really tells you how great their bond is.
So something HAS definitely changed throughout the years, from them hating each others guts to potentially becoming clone highs next couple...which didn't happen, and I'm still petty about it i will admit.
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But even if they didn't become canon at the end, you could really tell that some people who worked on this episode wanted them to be a thing, and that's a good enough sign for me that they could hopefully become canon in the next season if we ever get one (still petty though).
Let's circle back to season 1 again. I'm not making a jfabe thread without mentioning Litter Kills: Literally, which is another episode that jfabe shippers fed on. In this episode, JFK's close friend Ponce dies, and he's left to grieve over him.
And in this episode, we see a side of JFK that we never saw before. He starts wondering why the hell he's feeling all of these emotions, because he's a Kennedy, and he's not used to them. But Abe helps him realize that emotions like this are normal.
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And even if the two hated each other, Abe apologized to him in the end and finally realized his mistakes. It seemed like Abe disliked him, yet he cares about him. Abe never knew what if felt like, because he hasn't lost a friend close to him.
So he starts berating Cleo for comforting JFK and was even aggressive towards JFK as well, believing that he was only doing all of this just to take Cleo away from him. That was all because he NEVER knew what it was like. But he finally understood.
He was sorry, but he felt like he couldn't do much to help because he didn't experience the same thing. So he just hugged JFK and held him...for a really long time.
But that was just enough for JFK, all he needed was comfort, and Abe chose to do that. So even at the episode, he couldn't help but ask JFK if he was alright. And by the next episode, JFK was already feeling better. All it takes is someone to tell you that its gonna be okay.
So what I'm trying to say is despite their own anxieties, flaws, characteristics, whatever, their PERFECT for each other. I don't like how people label them as "boring", when their so much more deeper than that.
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Jfabe/AbeFK is one of my comfort ships for this exact reason. Their lore, dynamic and relationship goes beyond that, i don't ship them just because i think their cute, but because their interesting, and it may seem like im going insane over a white boy ship, but i truly, truly, from the bottom of my heart, love this ship to pieces, and hopefully people can see that through me. Thank you, clone high.
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swmmi-kti · 1 year
Trophy? Pet or Spouse?
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Pairing: Aizetsu x Gn slayer reader
CW/ Summary: Reader is referred to as a pet, Angst. Talk about preparing human meat. (idk dead dove?) Nothing too graphic but reader is also referred to as a trophy.
Demons Don't kidnap at all. They are conniving, cruel, foul and they only ever do things for them. They don't care about anyone else but themselves. Only caring about their next meal. Every creature, simple minded or not, does the things they do for reasons one could never understand. 
And well that’s where you were. You were a slayer. You were a slayer for over two years. And well that had changed.  If it hadn’t been for the simple fact that you had been taken as a prize for a demon. 
You didn’t know how it happened. Really it was anyone's guess. You were fighting one moment and when you suddenly felt your life in danger for the first time. You willingly let yourself be consumed by a demon. 
You were just a slayer. You weren’t going to be able to defeat one of the twelve kizuki let alone upper moon four. 
You were alone when it happened. Fighting with everything you got and were being surrounded by the four clones. You were giving up. Your body was giving up. So you closed your eyes and waited. 
You weren’t winning, you knew your limits.So you waited for a blow, A screech, possibly lightning that immobilized you. But nothing came. So you opened your eyes. Meeting the cool toned blue eyes of sorrow. 
His spear just mear inches away from making contact with you. 
“What the hell is taking so long?” 
At the moment you stopped to accept death it seemed all your energy had left you. It seems You were exhausted. You kept your breathing as calm as you could keep it. But your arms are clearly trembling, your sweating heavily 
And even then it was admirable submitting to someone like Aizetsu. 
He found it beautiful. 
“Aizetsu? Cmon im hungry” 
Now even you were as confused as the other three. Tilting your head to the side as you looked at him. 
“Soo….. is he always like this or?” you asked randomly as if you just had a good spar with a friend of yours. 
The other three didn’t even seem to care that you spoke to them. Only looking at the clone as he flipped his spear down. 
“This one is mine”
And well that's how you found yourself now. In a wicked way you were now tied to the demon who spared your life. At the Expense of being his prize. 
You grew to learn that Aizetsu cared for you. But it was more of as if you were just a pretty flower that he found. Maybe some fancy pottery, something other than human. Something like everyday life utilities. 
A pet. 
You wanted to ask for help, Tell someone that you weren't killed in battle. But unfortunately your crow was killed So there you were in this run down shack in the middle of nowhere hoping to have a slayer come by chance. 
If anything you also took up the role of a spouse as well. Aside from nice decoration like how sekido puts it. Aizetsu was rather kind. He wasn’t an angel by any means. But he was gentle with you. And not that he did share you with the rest of them. Or even the main body
But he was soft with you. It made you wonder why. Why exactly were you here and what use are you to him? Were you to be a spouse? A nice little pet or what? 
You wanted to ask exactly what was expected of you. But you feared speaking. Not that He ever gave you any reason to be afraid of him. But it wasn’t your place to speak. Afraid to say all the wrong things, afraid to ask what you were to him. 
Lucky for you he never made you kill for him. Lure food to him whenever he was away from the main body. But he did make you prepare it for him. To his liking. You would often find yourself praying over bits of meat sickened to your core that you, a slayer, were now kept to prepare the very beings you swore to protect. 
Luckily it was just cutting and or making such a nice plate for him, his counterparts or the main body. As when he tried to make you eat or cook it you couldn’t help but cry and throw yourself sick. 
Tonight thankfully he had come back along with the other three. You were thankful and at the same time ready to be yelled at to come along with their plans. However Aizetsu placed his delicate hand on your backside guiding you into the room that was fixed up just for yourself. 
You dreaded ever being in the same room. It seemed that whatever good karma remained speared you ever having to deal with the bad things that come with demons. Aizetsu had told you he never needed sleep. But on days like those many he would lay on your lap looking intently at you making you fidget. 
“Human.. Please sit” 
You listened. In the time you had been kept you never ever could speak to them again. But you just had to ask 
“May..” you watched as the demon jumped a little, startled obviously “May i ask you something?” 
Aizetsu’s gaze lingered as he squinted before sitting down in front of you face to face. No matter how many times you looked at him face, the same shiver ran up your spine. He rose his hand signaling you to continue
“What exactly am i to you?” You questioned “Sekido puts it as nice decor to be your little trophy but you treat me as if i am a dog and then treat me as if im a domestic partner and while i appreciate that you haven’t killed me and actually get me food when i get hungry i must ask what do you want from me?” 
There was silence. And in all the time you’ve been here you have never felt so uncomfortable then now. 
“I had understood that…human spouses are to do what you’ve been doing this entire time. Have i been wrong?” 
You were dumbfounded. You obviously expected the other three to be right about you being just a little treasure for the demon that could not kill you? But a spouse? “I … I mean no but. Spouses speak to each other. They treat each other with love if the circumstances allow it. Usually one isn’t afraid of the other”
Aizetsu looked at you now. His head resting on your lap as it should have been had you not opened your mouth. This time his eyes bore into you. Almost ripping you to shreds. But you couldn’t look away. 
“I’m sorry you fear me. Tell me what is it that i’ve done wrong” 
“You are a demon” 
“And im a human”
“I think thats very explanatory. I mean i was a slayer before…before this” You gulped down your nerves as you looked at him and asked again. “What is it about me that you find special enough to keep? Im sure you met countless of slayers such as myself”
There was an uncomfortable silence. His hand resting on your cheek as you two continued looking at each other. And there were many many things Aizetsu could tell you about what he liked, or why he kept you. The foolishness of it all to care so much about such a pathetic life of a slayer.  And maybe in due time you could learn to see it all or maybe he could learn to tell you it all. 
But in that moment all his mind and heart could say was 
“You have such wonderful eyes” 
And maybe that was good enough for now.
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nevernonline · 11 months
✧.* svt as songs from 1989 (taylors vrs)
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happy 1989 day to all my bbs celebrating!! xoxo. idk whose but one of these will prob end up being a full fic vv soon give me a suggestion lol im indecisive 🩵😌
seungcheol: i wish you would.
"2 AM, here we are see your face, hear my voice in the dark. we're a crooked love in a straight line down. makes you wanna run and hide but it made us turn right back around. i wish you would come back, wish i never hung up the phone like i did, i wish you knew that I'd never forget you as long as i live and i wish you were right here, right now, it's all good i wish you would."
jeonghan: is it over now?
"was it over when she laid down on your couch? was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse? "come here," i whispered in your ear in your dream as you passed out, baby. was it over then? and is it over now?"
joshua: new romantics.
" 'Cause baby, I could build a castle out of all the bricks they threw at me. and every day is like a battle but every night with us is like a dream. baby, we're the new romantics, come along with me. heartbreak is the national anthem, we sing it proudly. we are too busy dancin' to get knocked off our feet. baby, we're the new romantics the best people in life are free"
junhui: wonderland.
"flashin' lights and we took a wrong turn and we fell down a rabbit hole. you held on tight to me ’cause nothing's as it seems and spinning out of control. didn't they tell us, "don’t rush into things"? didn't you flash your green eyes at me? haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds? oh, didn't it all seem new and exciting? i felt your arms twisting around me, i should have slept with one eye open at night. we found wonderland, you and i got lost in it"
soonyoung: how you get the girl.
"stand there like a ghost, shakin' from the rain. she'll open up the door and say, "are you insane?"say, "it's been a long six months" and you were too afraid to tell her what you want. and that's how it works that's how you get the girl and then, you say i want you for worse or for better i would wait forever and ever. broke your heart, i'll put it back together, i would wait forever and ever and that's how it works. that's how you get the girl."
wonwoo: blank space.
"nice to meet you, where you been? i could show you incredible things. magic, madness, heaven, sin saw you there and I thought "oh, my god, look at that face. you look like my next mistake love's a game, wanna play?" new money, suit and tie i can read you like a magazine. ain't it funny? rumors fly and i know you heard about me. so, hey, let's be friends i'm dyin' to see how this one ends, grab your passport and my hand i can make the bad guys good for a weekend."
jihoon: you are in love.
"morning, his place burnt toast, sunday, you keep his shirt, he keeps his word and for once, you let go of your fears and your ghosts. one step, not much, but it said enough. you kiss on sidewalks, you fight and you talk one night, he wakes strange look on his face pauses, then says "you're my best friend" and you knew what it was, he is in love."
dokyeom: suburban legends.
"i didn't come here to make friends we were born to be suburban legends. when you hold me, it holds me together and you kiss me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever. i know that you still remember we were born to be national treasures. when you told me we'd get back together and you kissed me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever."
mingyu: wildest dreams.
"he's so tall and handsome as hell, he's so bad, but he does it so well and when we've had our very last kiss, my last request it this. say you'll remember me standin' in a nice dress starin' at the sunset, babe. red lips and rosy cheeks say you'll see me again even if it's just in your wildest dreams."
minghao: i know places.
"you stand with your hand on my waistline it's a scene and we're out here in plain sight, i can hear them whisper as we pass by. it's a bad sign, bad sign. somethin' happens when everybody finds out, see the vultures circlin', dark clouds. love's a fragile little flame, it could burn out. 'cause they got the cages, they got the boxes and guns. they are the hunters, we are the foxes and we run baby, i know places we won't be found and they'll be chasing their tails tryin' to track us down. 'cause i know places we can hide"
seungkwan: sweeter than fiction.
"seen you fall, seen you crawl on your knees, seen you lost in a crowd, seen your colors fade. wish i could make it better, someday you won't remember this pain you thought would last forever and ever there you'll stand, ten feet tall i will say, "i knew it all along" your eyes are wider than distance this life is sweeter than fiction"
vernon: now that we don't talk.
"you grew your hair long you got new icons and from the outside it looks like you're tryin' lives on i miss the old ways. you didn't have to change, but i guess i don't have a say now that we don't talk. i call my mom, she said that it was for the best remind myself the morе i gave, you'd want me less i cannot bе your friend, so i pay the price of what i lost and what it cost, now that we don't talk."
chan: slut!
"send the code, he's waitin' there the sticks and stones they throw froze mid-air. everyone wants him, that was my crime, the wrong place at the right time and i break down, then he's pullin' me in. in a world of boys, he's a gentleman."
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