#ghost simon riley fluff
tumblerlove · 7 months
Boydad!Simon is something I feel like would be really healing for him to break the generational trauma
When you first told him you were pregnant after being married for a while. He was shocked. You both wanted children and talked about it before... but now it's real, and he's gonna be a father
His first thought that came in his mind was excitement and joy...but then he thought too "What if I fuck this up" but he didn't want you to think that he wasn't excited because he was happy that he would have a child with you.... but he was worried... so he hid his concern for now
He went to all of your appointments with you, he took time off work anytime you had to go so he wouldnt miss them. Simon wanted to see the baby on the ultrasound and see for himself that the baby and you are ok
Simon was there with you throughout the entire delivery holding your hand, encouraging you and cutting the baby boys cord. A boy. Simon had a son... throughout your pregnancy, Simon still didn't mention his fear that he would fail as a father. And now that he has a son, he's even more scared that he'll just be like his dad
As you're recovering the following days from the birth, Simon was super helpful he'd get up during the night and take care of the baby so you could sleep and heal. He was doing everything he could to help you and the baby
He would just stare at his son at nights and look at him and hope that he'll be better then his dad...he needs to talk to you he knows that...but how is he gonna tell you his fears without saying the wrong thing and scaring you into thinking hell be his father and become a failure not just for his son and well a failure for you too
Simon did come to you a few weeks after the birth. He had just laid the baby down while you got ready for bed. "Honey, can you come here?" he calls you softly to the bedroom. "Yeah, what is it, Si?" You ask with concern seeing his face etched in worry
"Im afraid...fuck...I'm afraid that I won't be a good enough father for our son." he spits the words out fast like they burned him. "Oh, Simon... you could have talked to me about this." You crawl up the bed and into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. Trying to comfort him the best way you know how
"I haven't wanted to tell you and admit it out loud... and make you think that I couldn't be a good Dad." he looks away from you, ashamed for saying it. "I know that you can be a dad, Simon. I watched you throughout my entire pregnancy already being a dad... being there for our son and for me. " You press your forehead to his. "These past few weeks, all you've done is be a good father...a great father Simon." You say to him softly
"I don't want him to think of me in the future like I think of my father...I don't want that." his face is breaking your heart. He looks so concerned and upset about it. "He won't ever think of you like that because you're not like that at all... if you can't tell already that little boy loves you so much he looks at you and he just sees love" you tell him as you comb your fingers through his hair
"I look at him, and I see that too...I see you and see love too," Simon says softly, his worry slowly going away from talking to you. "You're the best, Dad Simon. He's lucky to have you, and im lucky to have you as my husband. " You say into his chest as he starts falling asleep from calming down after talking, and you easing his worries
*15 years later*
"Dad, can you come outside and help me with this!!" You and Simon hear your oldest son from the backyard while you watch TV together. "I'll be right out!!" He calls back out to him. "Have fun," you say as he walks to the backyard
Simon had found this perfect home in the countryside after you guys had your second son. He wanted to give the boys lots to room to grow and run around and be happy like he didn't get to have. After your third son, Simon was very glad he had found this home. All three boys were just getting taller and bigger, just like their father. The boys also looked just like Simon too but with your eye color
"What do you need help with, Son?" Simon asks his son. "I can't get the ball into the net from this side...I just keeps missing it," he says, frustrated. "Alright, well, I can help with that," Simon says with a smile, earning him a smile from his son too
Anytime any of his boys smiled at him, his heart could've burst. Simon watched him first kick the ball to see how to help him. He went through the moves with him afterward to show just how to do it. Simon couldn't remember ever doing such a thing with his dad... being patient with him and teaching him. But Simon was different from his father. He was patient, caring, attentive, and loved all the boys deeply...and of course you too. The one who proved time and time again that he could do this
"You can do this son give it a go," Simon encourages him. He goes to try again, and sure enough, he made it with Simon's help. "YES FINALLY," your son screams out so loud that you even walk outside to see what happened
"What on earth happened!?" You call out as you see Simon and your son embracing. "He finally got it, didn't you hear?" Simon laughs while you shake your head in laughter. "Boys, put your shoes on. Let's go out back!" You call upstairs to your other two sons who were upstairs
They run right past you, heading straight towards Simon and your oldest. Not slowing down and pile driving them onto the grass. "Christ," you hear Simon say as he takes the weight of all three huge boys. "You guys are gonna squish your father to death one day," you say as you walk up to all of them. Still all on top of each other and poor Simon at the bottom
But it wasn't poor Simon...because he couldn't be happier right now. He couldn't have been any luckier in life. Finding you and your strength that helped him become who he is now. He couldn't be happier with his three boys on top of him, and with you laughing at them
So I did finally write boydad!simon and let me know what yall think...because I do love this 🥹
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mcntsee · 5 months
The real barbie is Y/n.
Y/n’s a doctor, a cop, a scientist, an agent, vet, hero, villain, astronaut, lawyer, spy, criminal, artist, chef, engineer, psychologist, architect, journalist, firefighter, event planner, mechanic, photographer, musician, actor, interior designer, bartender, fashion designer, barista, florist, forensic scientist, flight attendant, profiler, tour guide, translator, etc.
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lapetitepatisserie · 2 months
cod × fem!reader ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ ᡣ𐭩
The familiar sound of keys in the door alerted you to your husband’s return.
“My love?” he called, looking for you, boots making heavy footsteps as he made his way towards you and your child. His eyes soften once they land on you and your baby girl.
“How’s my princess?” he drawls, voice deep with exhaustion from work.
You look down at the child sitting in your lap, occupied with trying to fit a chubby foot into her mouth. A steady finger reaches underneath your chin, lifting it to meet his warm, intense gaze.
“I’m talking about this one.”
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jammyjen26 · 2 months
Simon won’t ever admit it but he loves your cuddles, he loves shoving his face in between your tits and just falling asleep.
You usually initiate the cuddle session so today you don’t. You want to see if he’ll ask you or not.
He comes homes and does his normal routine, greet you, shower, eat, and cuddle you after you practically have to beg him to comply.
You’re lying on the bed, on your phone not paying him any mind. He climbs under the covers and just stares at you.
“What?” You ask, turning your head to look at him.
“Nothing.” He mumbles and gets on his phone.
You shrug your shoulders and get back on your phone, internally smirking. He continues staring at you for at least ten minutes before he just pulls you close and hugs you.
“What’s wrong?” You ask.
“Cuddle me.” He says without even looking at you, burying his face in your tits.
“You like my cuddles?” You grin and play with his hair.
“…Yeah..” He reluctantly admits.
You guys cuddle and eventually fall asleep in each other’s arms.
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oceantornadoo · 2 months
simon riley with a very american girlfriend who gets very flustered at every british endearment he throws her way.
“yeah, love?” youre a puddle in his lap, even when you’re just telling him about your day. you tuck your chin and bite your lip to hide the embarrassment but he’s always too cognizant of you, tilting your chin up so he can see the look on your face. “like tha’?”
“here ya go, sweetheart.” all he’s really doing is feeding you a bit of pasta but you moan anyways, the sound going straight to his cock. your tongue peaks out to lick the sauce on your bottom lip, giving him doe eyes. “i like when you call me that.”
“alright, cheeky” he likes calling out your attitude, especially when you’re on your period. knows calling you cheeky will get you to stop talking back as your cheeks warm with a combination of embarrassment and arousal. you’re tucking your face in his neck to hide your feelings as he chuckles, pulling you in further, never letting you go.
shoutout to @peachetteprice who’s been teaching me british (LOL)😌
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zvdvdlvr · 3 months
imagine ur bd being out of the picture and your little girl running up to si ☹️🤍
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   Simon looked down, eyes wide at the little girl wrapped around his right leg. Johnny eyed him carefully. He was thankful none of the other café patrons paid any mind. “I’m not your daddy, love,” Simon said. He tugged his leg away gently but the strength of a child is hard to match.
     “Annalise, get off that man,” a woman cried. In the blink of an eye, she knelt near Simon’s leg and tugged the child away.
     “Dada!” She shrieked. Annalise’s chubby hands reached out for Simon’s. “Is dada, mama!”
     You shook your head. “I- I’m so sorry, sir. Her dad was in the military. Anna thinks everyone in fatigues is dada… Do you want me to get either of you a coffee to pay you back? I’m truly sorry.”
     Soap discreetly elbowed Simon harshly in the side. “‘M quite alrigh’ lass. Simon, here, would take a coffee if your serious. If you’ll excuse me, I got to go. Bye, little lassie,” the Scot rushed, face lightinf up at the way Annalise giggled as his parting.
     Annalise was still cooing and reaching for Simon. You just shifted her on your hip and rubbed her back. “Simon, yeah?”
     “That’s me, ma’am,” Simon nodded, feeling suddenly extremely exposed without the balaclava he had decided not to wear for one single occasion. “You don’t have to pay me back-“
     “Nonsense. I would feel like a bad person if I just let my kid latch herself onto your left and call you dad and then just swoop her up and leave,” you said, reaching for your wallet before walking over to the ordering counter. “What can I get you?”
     Simon ordered a small of his usual, watching you pull the money from your wallet without glancing at how much it costed. He observed you in that split second- a beautiful baby girl on your hip who thought any man in camo was her dad. So he had been in the service… Simon watched you smile kindly at the teen behind the counter who fumbled for your change. You murmured a quiet, “It’s quite alright, take your time.” A well-mannered, well put-together individual who was also very attractive. Simon knew what Johnny was doing when he left and Simon would be lying if he said he hadn’t thought you were a catch.
     “I seriously appreciate the coffee, ma’am, but it was unnecessary,” Simon said as you tucked your change back and waited for the drink. “As long as the kid’s alrigh’, I don’t need anything in return.”
     You smiled. You smiled at Simon and he swore his cold heart jumped in his chest. Clearly your bright smile disarmed Annalise as much as Simon because she let out a bubbly laugh and put her hands on your cheek. “What if I said I wanted to?” You asked coyly.
     Simon watched Annalise play with a baby hair near your face. “Then I’d say it’d be a cruel thing to tell a gorgeous woman no.”
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ghostsgrl666 · 4 months
roommate!ghost who's waiting for you when you get home in the middle of the night after going out with your friends. Sitting on the couch in those fucking grey sweatpants when you stumble through the door and drop your keys. Has to stare at the crack on the ceiling when you get down on your hands and knees to find them, pretend for his own sanity that he hasn't seen the tiny excuse for underwear you've got on under that little black dress.
Like clockwork, he's got you sitting on the icy bathroom counter as you giggle, telling him all about your night. He's got cotton pads and makeup remover in one hand and the other holding onto your thigh because you started unconsciously squeezing his broad frame when he stepped in between your open legs. He gently wipes away all the traces of the night, carefully mapping out the contours of your face like you're a masterpiece he's carved from some precious stone. Until he gets to your lips. The shiny, fucking sparkly gloss is all thats left on your skin but his hand freezes as he studies the crease in your bottom lip. You catch up two seconds later in your dreamy, relaxed haze, and without even thinking about it you close the gap, softly pressing your lips to the one's silently hovering over yours.
His breath catches and his grip on your thigh becomes molten hot as you just as quickly pull away. Innocently you smile at him, like you hadn't just killed him, like you hadn't just made him start planning your wedding down to the way your eyes would shine as you walked down the aisle, all for him.
Your laugh is the only thing that can pull him out of his stupor, "you have no idea how long i've wanted to do that." 
But he does, he really, really does.
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simonrileysfavteacup · 5 months
You stir awake, sighing as you roll over to face your sleeping husband. You sit up, fixing your stretchy shirt over your very swollen belly. You pat Simon’s side. “Si? Si! Si!”
He groans as he wakes up, rolling over and shoving his head into his pillow. “Go back t’ sleep.”
“I want a big mac.”
He groans louder. 
“Please, Si? I’m super hungry. And bubby keeps kicking.”
He sighs, “Look ‘t the time, lovie.”
You almost tear up. 
When he notices the frown on your face, he sighs again, getting up. “Which one is the closest?”
You smile, almost jumping with joy as you lean up to press a million kisses to his cheek. “The one on 42nd.”
He leans down, kissing your belly and your lips before heading off to get dressed. 
He returns 20 minutes later, a bag and 2 drinks in hand. You practically moan at the smell as he hands you the bag. 
“I love you,” you moan as you take a bite of your burger. He chuckles, eating his own. “Bubby loves you too. He’s kicking every time I take a bite.”
“Bet ‘e does.” Simon kisses your belly as you stuff a few fries in your mouth. “Lovie?”
“Yeah?” you ask with a mouth full. 
“Do ya think he’ll like me?”
“For the millionth time, my love, you are nothing like your father. You’re far too kind and too amazing and too sweet. He’s going to love you. Just like I do.”
He chuckles, “Love you too.”
He leans down, kissing your belly. 
“Both of ya annoying little buggers. Always fuckin’ hungry.”
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ghostly-whiskey · 5 months
simon riley who you "meet" through a program where you can send care packages to soldiers. you don't think much of it at first, just a simple package with a few necessities and treats. and along with that, a short, but genuine and handwritten letter thanking the unknown soldier to you for their service.
and when you go to retrieve your mail a few weeks later after getting home from work, brows furrowing together as you shuffle through the stack of envelopes.
bill. another bill. advertisement. paycheck. handwritten addressed envelope from 'ghost'.
your brain doesn't even connect the dots until you are inside, fingers gently picking at the envelope until your able to drag a finger through the seal to open it. a simple piece of what looks like notebook paper is pulled from inside. unfolding it, eyes quickly scan the letter to get an idea what it's about.
you've done plenty of care packages before. never did you get a personalized thank you letter back, so, this was a first. the letter starting off by thank you for the package and that he enjoyed the items, especially the "sweet treats". the two words put in quotations as he referred to what you referred to them as in your own letter. your own brain cringing slightly as you remember what you wrote.
again, thank you for all that you do and enjoy the sweet treats!
and while you expected the letter to end after thanking you, it didn't. additional lines asking about you. the sets of questions ranging from asking how long have you been doing the care packages to general questions about yourself. then, at the very end, after signing off as 'ghost', you couldn't help but notice the chicken scratch of handwriting that added:
p.s. you don't need to respond back if you don't want to, just figured it be nice to get something back in return. thanks again.
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chaosandmarigolds · 6 months
Simon Riley! who isn't traditional in the gross way but in the he wants to protect you and make sure you don't feel like you have to provide for yourself, he wants to be a safety net, something to rely on
Simon Riley! Who made it a point to buy your dream house as soon as you were married,
Simon Riley! Who didn't expect houses to require so...much...work
"Baby! The water won't turn off?"
"The fuck you mean it won't turn off just-" Simon grumbled as he dropped the moving box and walked into the kitchen, grabbing the handle of the faucet and trying to pull it, only for it to come flying off. Leaving him dumbfounded and you a giggling disaster.
Simon Riley! Who likes handy man tasks as much as the next guy but the people at the store are beginning to know his name
Simon Riley! Who didn't have a dad to teach him some stuff like plumbing and whatnot so he calls Price
"Oi, Cap-"
"She came to her senses and ran away, yeah?"
"No...I need you to tell me ho' to turn off th' water."
Simon Riley! Who does know how much you love watching him do yard work but doesn't dwell because these godddamn weeds-
Simon Riley! Who loves nothing more than watching you paint the walls of the house, finds it like to be a scene of a movie and it would be a lie if the reality was much better than the cinema
Simon Riley! Who hates facebook because you would randomly send him across the city because you found an old China cabinet you thought would be perfect
Simon Riley! Who doesn't care how his buddies tease him about becoming a domestic civilian so soon, because he would happily fix a thousand houses if it meant a thousand more years with you
(Comments and feedback make my day! annnd yeah that's it <3 )
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victoryverse · 8 months
simon can't get over the feel of how tight your cunt gets everytime he comes back from a mission. it's not been stretched in a while, your little fingers or toys are nothing in comparison to his fucking thick length.
"shit" he curses with every thrust, "how do you get so fucking tight every time? jesus christ. just squeezing me, aren't you?"
your mouth would be dropped open, pleasure and pain mixing together, your tight pussy opening up to take him in.
again and again, rough, full thrusts that make you run your nails down his back. he doesn't even react to the pain of that, too focused on opening you up for him.
"shit. gonna have to fuck this pretty cunt every day"
he smirks as he sees you gasp and writhe beneath him, too fucked out to reply.
"multiple times a day too, yeah?"
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stargirlstabber · 2 months
imagine looking for your husband and walking through the house for 5 minutes straight without finding a trace of him. not in the bedroom, not in the bathroom, not on the couch, he's not even in the kitchen or in the garden. opening the door full of stickers to your little girl's room, you see her at the small pink table with an even smaller tea set. once you fully open the door, you see him. simon riley. playing tea time with your daughter. you can't help yourself but chuckle when you take in how he looks. colorful ribbons in his hair, a small tutu stretching around his waist and a pink cup filled with imaginary tea in his large hand. -and is that nail polish on his fingers?
'part 2'
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joonieskinks · 28 days
Simon doesn’t like how your boyfriend treats you and makes you feel. He feels he could do better.
“Simon, please tell me this honestly.” You look to the ground nervously.
He chuckles a bit at how intense you look then hesitates. “Alright...”
“Am I ugly?”
Immediately, he laughs you off and simply shakes his head.
“Please, tell me honestly. I just feel like I need to know. My boyfriend, he- he doesn’t touch me, he doesn’t look at me, he doesn’t want me. I feel horrible about myself all the time, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Simon, so please. Just tell me.”
“No.” Simon’s voice booms.
Your teary eyes shoot up from the floor to meet his.
“No, what a stupid question. No, what a ridiculous thought. But yea, what an arsehole he is to make you feel this way about yerself, love.”
He strides over to you, taking your face into your big hands and looking into your watering eyes with so much love.
“No man should ever make you feel like that.” Simon says as gently as he can while trying to control his anger towards your boyfriend.
“I know I wouldn’t.” He whispers just low enough for you to hear and you’re taken aback.
“Leave ‘im. If not for a man who could treat you bett’r, than for yourself.”
His thumbs rub over your cheeks, soothing you. He’s so warm, so big, so caring. Never did you think you had a shot with him so you never tried. But here he is before you, gushing and he wants you.
“I didn’t think you were interested…” You look down trying to conceal your deep blush.
He lets out a huff of air as he smirks.
“Well now you know.” Simon takes a finger up to your chin to make you look into his eyes once more.
“Leave ‘im and I’ll show you how a beautiful lady should be treated properly.” God, he loves seeing the affect he has on you, you quivering below him, practically begging for him to touch you and never let go.
Guess you have some breaking up to do.
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jammyjen26 · 3 months
Simon hates commitment. He changes the subject whenever you bring up proposals and marriage. The worst of all, kids.
He doesn’t even wanna imagine being father, scared that he’ll fuck up like his own dad did.
However, today he’s spending the summer with your family in a beach house. He puts your guys’s things in the room you’re assigned.
He goes downstairs and greets your parents and then your siblings, he goes out in the porch and sees you playing with your older sister’s son.
“Aw, you’re so cute.” You coo at the little boy, feeding him his bottle.
He watches with a smile as you play with the baby, wanting one of his own. The longer he watches the more he wants one.
The baby crawling on the floor and calling your sister “mama” and your brother in law “dada”. He wants to experience it with you.
Later that night, as you guys are climbing in bed.
“Love, we need to talk.” He says as he pulls you onto his lap
“About what? Is something wrong?” You tilt your head in confusion, getting comfortable in his lap.
“I..want to have kids with you..” He says, staring into your eyes. His thumbs rubbing circles on your hips.
“What brought this on? Thought you didn’t want any?” You say surprised with a small smile on your lips.
“I see the way you look at your sister’s kid, you look cute. I want to experience that with you.” He nuzzles his face in your neck
You hum and run your hand through his hair. “After marriage.” You whisper, kissing his cheek.
“Yeah..after marriage.” He looks up and kisses you slowly, as if time stopped.
“I love you..” You say with a yawn as you pull away
“Love you too, lovie.” He smiles and lays you down on the bed, pulling you into his chest and turning the lamp off.
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skyrigel · 1 month
Simon who just can't say no to you.
It has been like this from the moment his eyes met yours, a very terrible Monday morning if he hadn't met you but now that you remembered, it's the most beautiful day of both of your lives.
“Is that seat taken ?” Simon looked up at the small morning roused and still sleep laden voice, you were as knackered as you sounded, probably runnin’ on black coffee and cuppa noodles.
“Yeah.” He wasn't even aware how quickly he said it, “Yes, ofcourse miss.”
He scooted his big thighs together, trying to make as much space as possible for you and as if some divine thought struck him, he looked up — cheeks tinting with red.
“Would ya’ like window ?”
“No, But thankyou for asking.” You answered, sitting next to him and making sure to leave some space because those legs were thick and definitely his big cock needed some room.
Fuck, look away —
“Ghost...” Another man climbed inside bus, his eyes trained on you and your partner who's apparently Ghost ?!?!
“Wot ?” He said roughly, his shoulders pressed against yours
“Nothin’ old man.” The other man smirked and sat next to a Grandma who knitted half a sweater.
“Your friend?” You asked.
“ A little...Simon.” He said, “Simon Riley.”
“Oh.” You smiled, feeling blush creep up your neck and cheeks.“I like Ghost better.” you would've booed if you weren't feeling so tingly and nervy.
“You would like Simon more.”
“I would like that.” You couldn't believe you were flirting on a Monday morning.
One month later
“Ghost...” John horribly snorted, sprawling on couch as Simon paid him no attention.
“Wot ?” He asked, giving you his pinky as you painted the last letter ‘Y’ over hot pink nail polish, completing your H-E-L-L-O K-I-T-T-Y nail art, every letter on each nail.
“Nothin’ old man.” John smirked as you clicked your tongue, beaming up at Simon.
“Done !” You blew air and flashed a grin as Simon brought his hand up to examine your work.
“Done Luvie.” He smiled, bumping your nose with ‘I’ on his nail.
And you also liked Simon better.
Grim Reaper! Simon
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amaranthinespirit · 1 month
roommate!simon riley when your vibrator dies before you can finish, and he offers to relieve that tension
your feverish body splayed across the bed, covers thrown into a heaved pile surrounding you as a thin layer of sweat coats your skin and dampens the sheets under you. pathetic gasps of desperacy slip past your lips despite the thin walls as you pressed the vibrator against your sensitive clit.
you could feel the buildup in the bottom of your tummy, the heat of release that pooled slowly rising and threatening to spill over. your legs bucked, your whole body trembling in desperation as your other hand squeezed your breast. strings of muttered pleases escaping your pouty lips.
it was right there, you were about to wash over—to drown in the sweet snap of that taut knot in your body. you pressed the tiny, bullet vibrator harder against your abused clit, hoping it would give you the release you so desperately chased after.
until it died. it wasn't a gradual slow down to let you know it was on its last moments—it just stopped.
you whined in frustration, feeling the orgasm about to wash over you all too quickly drain—after it had taken you all this time to build it up.
you were panting, body still trembling as another groan escaped your throat. you tossed the vibrator carelessly across the room, hearing it thud against the wall as your hands came up to cover your flushed face.
in the next room over, simon had heard the little whines and gasps you had let slip by, smirking whenever his name would reach his ears. he had heard you for months—the walls were thin—but he had never decided to act on anything.
it wasn't like he wasn't into you—because he was and he was in his room, fucking his heavy cock in his right hand pretending it was yours. it never worked—his hands were far too roughed and calloused compared to your soft, delicate skin.
but he never had the opportunity to approach you about it—until now.
when he heard that noise of frustration fall from your lips, the light thud against the wall, a knowing smirk teased the corners of his lips.
he pushed himself from, adjusting his sweatpants as he did so before he landed in front of your door.
he knocked—he had some decency after all—but he didn't want long for an answer before pushing his way in. he didn't know what he was going to find—well, he had an idea—but boy, you surprised him.
a choked gasp flew from your lips at the knock, not even getting the chance to at least cover up by the time he was standing in your—now open—doorway.
you had sat up so fast, it was dizzying, but you brushed it off as you tried to tug the covers over your bare body, but it didn't help they were half falling off the bed and slightly heavy.
his gaze traveled appreciatively over you, shamelessly staring at your slick covered thighs and glistening pussy, a damp spot on the sheets below you.
you yelped as you noticed his staring, clamping your legs shut as you attempted again to cover yourself—each tug at the blanket was like a fight for an ounce of dignity. you weren't sure you had any now.
your chest still heaved, body flushed and slightly pink with reddened skin over your left breast. you swallowed thickly, stumbling over your words as you avoided his gaze, "what...do you...you need something?" you finally managed out.
his brow quirked up at your question, humming as he examined—analyzed—your movements. movement made of embarrassment and shame to be caught like this.
"dunno, luv," his voice was dangerously low, and gruff. he cleared his throat, slowly stepping towards the side of the bed, "looks like y'might need sumthin', hm?"
he stalked towards you like a predator, his eyes dark and half-lidded in a way that made shivers run down your spine and your pussy wetter.
he chuckled as you shook your head. he could feel the embarrassment radiating off of you as he stood right beside the bed, the side you didn't occupy.
the bed dipped with the weight of his knee, his body heavy against the springs as he bent over, a hand coming to your bare hip. he watched the goosebumps ripple from the touch of his calloused hand.
his other hand landed on your knee, slowly prying them apart as he hummed lowly in appreciation of the sight of your soaking cunt, glistening under the low light of your room.
his hand slid your knee, down your thighs until he rubbed two fingers down the center of your pussy. the slick collected on his fingers as they glided through the folds with ease because of your arousal.
"hm, you sure about that, luv?" he teased as he heard the pathetic moan that you tried to stifle slip past your chapped lips.
he brought his thumb down against your clit, swirling over the oversensitive bud before pinching it between his fingers. he huffed out a chuckle at the mewl you let out.
he teased your slit, barely dipping his fingers against your walls before pulling them away to slide through your folds while he continued to tease and bully your poor clit.
he watched the way you became a mess under his hand, no doubt getting wetter by his hand than with the vibrator he spotted thrown by the side of the wall. he nearly laughed at the sight of the small thing, his finger practically the size of it.
don't worry, you were better off being taken care of in his hands, by his fingers as he brings you to release by just toying with your clit.
and he'll give you more if you let him.
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