#im back on my bullcrap
moltengoldveins · 4 months
yeah no, I think the realization that I’m older than Anakin Skywalker in the second prequel is doing something to my brain. yall. Y’all, he was a child. He was nineteen. He wasn’t even in his twenties. Say what you will about the Jedi culture (I have… so many thoughts. Most are positive, with a few glaring negatives) it obviously did not work for him, and it was not supporting or caring for him the way he needed, and nobody got him out. There was no way out. No “hold out until you graduate, then get an apartment away from your family and find peace” no “leave that group of friends and find people who love you” he had Obi Wan, Palpatine, and Padme. Obi Wan made it quite clear that Jedi weren’t Allowed to love the way Anakin had been taught love was supposed to work, and he clearly didn’t explain how Jedi love worked. Not well enough for Anakin to internalize it around the screaming background noise of suspicion and slavery. Palpatine was a Sith. And Anakin married Padme. We’re literally never shown evidence that he made other close friends in the Jedi, or anywhere else. Obi Wan, traumatized oddball with a maverick master and a years-long gap in his padawan training that he was, had Quinlan, had Windu, had Yoda, had Bant, had Dex. He had People. Anakin did not. I’m kinda… kinda loosing my mind over that, cause I know how bad that can get. I’ve had people now for a few years. I didn’t, for nearly two decades. I am rather uniquely situated to be sympathetic. That doesn’t excuse how badly Anakin screwed up but damn if it doesn’t explain it. I am older than he was. I’m really still a kid. I’m in college. I’m learning how to balance a sleep schedule. I’m taking meds for the first time. I’m new to making friends. he’s married. He’s battlefield-knighted, thrust into a spotlight, and told-but-not-told that it’s His Responsibility to end this war. He’s holding dying men. He’s raising a thirteen year old girl who’s never been trained for a conflict bigger than a diplomatic dispute. He’s cradling his beaten and violated mother in his arms. She doesn’t have enough breath to finish telling him she loves him before she’s gone. I’m pretty sure I woulda snapped, too. I’m pretty sure I woulda snapped sooner. I dunno if my nigh-unhealthy adherence to my oddly specific moral code (no violence against children, ever, period) would have stopped me in the Temple, or at the Tusken camp, but I woulda done horrible things in his situation. I think we all would have, and it makes me uncomfortable when people say that Anakin is some kind of monster. I think we like pretending that there’s some inherent difference between Bad People and Good People that starts at birth. There isn’t. We’re all fallen. We’re all entirely capable and Actually Rather Prone to evil in all its forms, yes including that one. you are capable of that level of evil. The whole point of these stories is to show you how easy it is to ‘fall,’ how convenient it is to reach for the darkness, how quickly you could find yourself lost. You are capable, in certain circumstances, of committing atrocities. You are. We all are. We are lucky enough to be born with decent parents, with a supportive community, and a lack of significant influences to the ‘dark side.’ But there is no difference between you and i and a murderer in our levels of ‘inherent soul goodness’ or whatever, just a difference in our stubborn adherence to what is good and right. Our choices are our own, yea, but they are always human choices. There has never been a choice made by someone that could not have, in another circumstance, been made by anyone else.
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tubbytarchia · 10 months
I'm back on my crap
Song is Forest Fire by Brighton
It'll be a general animation of the life series in general, and not shippy! Just general... Really wanted to animate this scene first though to some degree teehee
If you'd be so kind, please suggest some significant feeling scenes that I could add into the animation involving Impulse, Skizz, and Pearl outside of Double Life + Lizzie outside of Secret Life!!
woe Jimmy and flower base upon ye too
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emmyrosee · 1 year
"yeah pooks?" you answer dreamily
"... what're you lookin' at?"
the question comes non combative as osamu asks, only a genuine curiosity lacing his voice. you're quick to snap out of your hypnotic gaze with a hefty blink and a small shake of your head. then, you smile softly, letting your eyes glaze over his features. there's a wad of food pocketed in his cheeks, making him puffed out as he talks with his mouthful, eyes glimmering and behind the confusion, is shining with love and excitement at the prospect of continuing to eat.
"i like watching you eat," you say simply, and a brow from the chef is quick to rise.
"because you look cute," you hum. you reach to pinch his cheek childishly, and with a small string of snickers, he shakes his face from your grip. "you just look so happy."
osamu's cheeks are flushed, as if he's been caught doing something embarrassing. his eyes move back to his bowl and he pokes the contents of his bowl with his chopsticks. there's a shy smile that wants to splay over his cheeks but if you know anything about your man, you know he'd rather die on this table than let you know your words are having an effect on him.
"i just like food," he mumbles, and you can't resist tossing an arm around his shoulders to plant a flurry of kisses on his cheeks, snickers and snorts sneaking from his mouth as he titters small 'stop it''s.
osamu doesn't get it. and that's okay. because it makes him even more ridiculous to tease and smother affections in. he's not used to someone obsessing over him, and you can tell in his shy demeanor that he he's obsessed with being obsessed with.
"you are so insufferably cute, i can't stand you." you do stop kissing him, if only to let him keep eating in peace, and he gives you a shake of his head.
"never knew you paid attention to me when i'm eating," he teases.
you snort, "im always paying attention to you; i know more about your physical being than you do."
"i call bullcrap-"
"i bet you don't even notice the little dance you do when you're taking the first bites of food."
osamu pauses. his eyes fly open, his head whipping towards you.
"you sure do! and it's adorable!"
"please, for the love of all things holy, tell me you're gaslighting me."
"do a little sway, a little bop of your head-"
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Summary: Donnie is rambling to you about a issue he's having with Mikey's skateboard, and you assist him much to the terrapin's surprise.
Warnings: None!
Requested: Yep! 💕
GN Reader!
You sat quietly as you listened to your boyfriend ramble his frustrations.
You had arrived at the Lair not long ago, and Donnie had all but dragged you into his lab to keep him company while he fixed Mikey's skateboard.
The orange masked turtle had damaged the equipment while attempting something he was explicitly told not to do, and now Donnie was trying to figure out what exactly was damaged.
He let out another groan of frustration as you rubbed your hand up and down his arm soothingly, "I just don't get it! I can't find the bad part, but it still won't work."
"Maybe you should take a small break, Honey, I'm sure you'll be able to get it after a little rest."
Donnie waved off the suggestion with a sigh, "I'd rather just finish it now. Thank you though, Dearest." he once again began to pick at the wires and components, searching for the faulty piece.
You continued to rub soothing circles on his arms, glancing at the busted skateboard. Your eyes narrowed when something caught your attention.
"Honey, I think I see the problem." You said, gaining your boyfriends attention.
"Huh, where?"
"Look, that conductor isn't in the correct place, that's probably why the power wasn't relaying properly, because it was flowing off course."
Donnie looked to where you were pointing, seeing that you were indeed correct, and one of the conductor outlets had been knocked out of place.
"Wha- How did you see that? Also how did you know the power relay was the issue I couldn't fix?"
You blushed slightly under his gaze of complete awe, figiting nervously with your hands, "I- I just noticed that it didn't really look right, and I was paying attention when you kept testing to see of it was fixed yet. It kept spritzing out so I figured it was a plwer issue."
You looked down at your lap, chuckling nervously when Donnie didn't reply. Before you could react, you felt Donnie's hand under your chin as he guided you up to face him, then he kissed you. Soft and sweet.
When you pulled away, both of you were red as tomatoes, and Donnie was smiling like an idiot, "You are literally a genius! After I finish fixing the conductor, I swear we can spend the rest of the day watching Harry Potter. Ok?"
You nodded happily, going back to simply rubbing circles into Donnie's arm, not knowing how much your simple observation had affected the scientist.
There you are Anon, I hope this turned out well! 💕 (P.s. sorry for the long wait, I got caught up with school and such.) (Double P.s. everything I said about conductors and blah blah blah is complete bullcrap that I made up for plot convenience, I am an idiot with no scientific knowledge😄)
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crossthread · 3 months
Okay I swear to God I hope the directors of avatar (the alien movie) sees this post somehow but the whole reason the way of water flopped so badly is cause it was written over 10 years ago. So I like avatar. I thought it was a cool concept and good characters and overall a solid action movie. But the characterisation is just a dacade old man. It's really outdated. It instantly turned me off when Jake was seen to be a 'hardass' to his kids, and having them call him Sir, and have Neytiri taking kind of a secondary role as the 'peacekeeper' parent who goes 'but your dad loves you, he just wants you safe' bullshit trope that's just really not what this generation is looking for rn.
Emotionally mature parents is what's on topic rn. Dad's that step up and know what they're doing and don't have the 2000s 'military hardass emotionally distant' bullcrap. Just look at all the other movies and shows with family themes that did really fucking well. The Last of Us. Ultraman: Rising. Nimona. Even Maleficent, which I think is one of the earliest movies of this trope that's well known. They did well for a reason. You can't make Jake Sully a bad father and think the current audience will dig it. All of his kids, one way or another felt the pressure of living up to their dad's expectations, and im sure, whether he really loves them. And I assure you for all intents and purposes it felt like Neteyam died thinking he wasnt enough. You can't have those 'your dad loves you but he just doesn't know how to show it' bullshit anymore and expect the audience to like or even relate to that character cause a lot of us don't take that shit anymore from our own parents. A lot of millennials are actively trying to be present and good parents to their kids. So yeah. The way Jake Sully, and to a certain extent, Neytiri were characterised is probably one of the biggest reasons this entire movie flopped. It could have been great. But it isn't. And I kind of hate it actually.
My point is: if there's gonna be a third movie, the best bet to make sure it doesn't follow the way of waters footsteps is to overhaul a lot of the characterisation and plot. See what the audience wants rn, and what they audience relates to. It was clear the writing to that movie was old as balls and gen z or gen alpha don't take that shit man. Give us good parents
Edit: okay as someone pointed it out it wasn't actually a 'flop' flop because they grossed by over a billion or smth in the box office I think but to be fair half this post has been sitting in my drafts for like 2 years and I wrote this soon after I watched it back then, and a LOT of people werent that happy with it. But yall know what I mean. I waited for this movie for 10 years and all I felt was this low simmering disappointment because it could have been so good, but it wasn't.
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sweet-honey-tears · 21 days
Advertising Hero
Makeup. P2
Part one
Tetsu, Shoji, Tokoyami, Aoyama x Reader
Hello, all my bubble bees. IM BACK -for a limited time only. As requested, we have another hero makeup! I did these while taking a break between work, and it was really enjoyable to do. I also can't get over the idea of Deku’s makeup being cosplay makeup—that boy definitely costplayed all might. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
Warnings: Reader wear dress and makeup, possibly suggestive if you squint.
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“New Pro Hero makeup brands have been released to the public as of yesterday. And all I can say is it is no bullcrap branding. There seems to actually have been a lot of thought out into these product- cruelty free and safe. There even seems to be ointments in the makeup to help with skin… actual care was put into these products.”
🩶 Tetsutetsu 🩶
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Tetsu: Luid metallic eyeliner
Advertisement: The background was black, allowing all focus to be on you and Tetsu. You stood facing the camera, arms crossed and legs shoulder width apart, a power pose. The tight version of Tetsu’s hero costume was barely visible on your frame. The room was dark, minus the sliver of light that crept in to catch the liquid metallic linear that adorned your face; its mirror-like quality allowed the shape of Tetsu’s signature ‘mask’ to be seen. A mysterious, dangerously flirty smile played on your and testus lips as he ‘looked’ over his flexing arm, his eyes covered in shadow. Tetsu stood behind you, back to yours, as he flexed his arms, his quirk causing the tiny sliver of light to shine over each defined muscle in his bicep and catch on the points of his sharp white smile.
💪 Shoji 💪
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Shoji: Wet Eye Liners - Water Activated Dry Liners Pallet
Advertisement: It was a sweet scene with a calming blue background. You and Shoji sat face to face as the camera caught your side angle, the warm lighting only causing the two of you to rest in your golden hour. You sat on your knees, leaning over to reach the towering man sitting before you. Shoji’s mask remained on, but it was clear from his eyes that he was smiling widely. Your hand held a small brush, a light blue pigment at the end of its bristles as if caught in mid-motion of painting on flowing hearts to his upper cheeks. Your own were adorned with small, beautiful pink flowers that reached the corner of your eyes. The open pallet played to the side, and its light colors were fully displayed to the camera. The label ‘inner calmness’ with all the color's names splayed open.
🖤 Tokoyami 🖤
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Tokoyami: Gothic Eye Shadow Pallet and Black Lquid Linear
Advertisement: It was a dark mansion setting, with a dark background and an almost throne-like chair where you sat. Slightly leaned over to rest your chin on your palm, elbow resting on the armrest. You glanced over at the camera, a confidently dangerous grin on your dark-painted lips. Your hair was woven in a way that portrayed a crown, with silver strands woven in. Your eyeshadow was dark purple blended to black with a slight touch of a dark grey shimmer nestled between the two colors, a sharp glossy cat-eye cutting through the blended color. Tokoyami stood by your side, leaning against the relatively large chair. You both wore black; Tokoyami a suit and you a simple dress with a slight shimmering bottom to compliment the look.
✨ Aoyama ✨
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Aoyama: Fine Body Glitter- Safe to put on eye lids
Advertises:You were standing on the red carpet with Aoyama, your arm resting on his as you turned to model for the many paparazzi. You stare at the camera, a large smile on your lips, a hand on your hip, and the other resting on Aoyama’s. Your strapless shimmering dress with elbow-length matching gloves complemented the shimmering body glitter on shoulders, eyelids, and even hair; which was elegantly pulled up. The lights of hundreds of cameras only made the sparkles more beautiful. Aoyama stood off your side, seeming perfectly fine not to be in the camera flash for once, his eyes glued to you.
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blackswan446 · 7 months
worth it. - five
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→ pairing: yan!knj x reader
→ wc: 2657
→ cws: drugging, scars, mentions of murder/body disposal
→ notes: i procrastinated this so long and i don't even like it but i just want to get it done 🫠🫠 guyssss im so sorry this story was not planned out in the slightest and i feel like it's so boring and lame and run-of-the-mill but i hope you guys enjoy anyways! truly sorry for publishing this bullcrap but look out for more (and better) work in the future. <3 oh and also if you somehow enjoyed this pls like reblog and comment because it makes my dayyyy!! okay love ya enjoy
for the first time in days, you finally felt peace.
when you were shut up in your room, rotting in your bed, jumping at every slam of a car door, and falling farther and farther into the murky depths of your own anxiety, jiwon had tried to make you leave. everyday, he'd sit outside your bedroom, and plead for you to get some fresh air with him, to go for a walk, or to just sit outside in the sunshine.
every day, he'd show up, and beseech you, and stay outside your room, and every day, you'd ignore him. it was starting to become more of an expectation than a chance, that was, until he came back with a new proposal.
one day, after many long days of jiwon's lone voice echoing off the walls of your house and being met with silence, he came to the door with a suggestion that piqued your interest. "what if namjoon went out with us? he said he wouldn't mind. maybe you'd feel better being around more people."
on one hand, you didn't really want to go out yet, you were still too shaken up by the incident to even stomach the thought of facing other people. on the other hand, you felt kind of...obligated. namjoon was offering his free time to hang out with a kid he's only known for a month and his hideaway sister. who would want to do that? he probably just felt bad, you thought. he probably felt like he had to do it. yet when jiwon assured you that it was his idea, and his idea alone, it only set in stone the compulsion you felt towards the whole scheme.
so, you agreed, albeit very reluctantly. it was only when the three of you planned out where to go, and you saw the genuine expression on namjoon's face, did you start looking forward to it. the more you thought about it, the more you realized just how kind he was. he always made a point to ask about your day, and listen to your thoughts, and he even brought over some cookies he made himself, because "you're going through a hard time and you deserve them"(although you couldn't eat them, because you were allergic to the ingredients, it's the thought that counts!)
all was well, until the day of your long-awaited outing, when you woke up to a feverish jiwon, plagued by what seemed to be some sort of food poisoning. "don't worry about me, [name]," he shouted from inside the bathroom, "i still want you to go out. you'll still have fun, i promise." the sounds of him vomiting followed shortly after, and you found yourself sitting on your bed and staring at the wall mindlessly, wondering if you should even go. would namjoon still want to go if it were just the two of you? should you cancel? would he cancel first?
grabbing your phone and biting your nails anxiously, you searched for the contact you had saved as 'namjoon', and took a deep breathing before hitting the 'call' button. putting the phone up to your ear, he picked up surprisingly fast, the phone not even ringing a full time.
"hello?" he said, voice calm and casual.
"hey, so, i have some bad news. jiwon's really sick right now, and he won't be able to go today." you said sadly, bracing yourself for him to call off the plans.
"oh, that sucks. but we can still go, can't we?" he asked, like it was the simplest thing in the world.
surprised, and with excitement running through your veins, you searched for a response. "i..uh, yeah. yes, we can. are you sure you don't mind?"
he chuckled fondly, his deep voice ringing in your ears. "do i mind? i should be asking you that!" all you could do was laugh in response, his willingness to go regardless of the situation still slightly shocking you. "of course i don't mind, silly. trust me, i'm more than happy to go with you, as long as you don't mind either."
you smiled at his eagerness and good attitude. "alright, that sounds good. see you later, then." you concluded, body flooding with relief and a spark of excitement burning in your stomach.
all of those events led to now, where you were sitting comfortably on a dock overlooking the inky waters of the ocean, legs dangling off the side and namjoon right next to you. the day was just great, and was nowhere near as awkward as you were anticipating it to be. you started off with checking out some dusty antique shops and second-hand clothing stores, then you grabbed lunch at your favorite place to eat before going to see a new movie that had released last week, and wound down by grabbing some ice cream and heading to relax by the beach. all the while, namjoon was right there, being an absolute gentleman. he didn't complain about anything, didn't let you carry your own bags or open your own door, and didn't let the conversation die down and become bland. all in all, it was the textbook definition of a perfect day.
as for namjoon, he had been on cloud nine since the second he woke up. everything had went just perfectly. everything from his scheme with the cookies (which had effectively kept your brother out of the way - who knew using expired ingredients would work so well!), to the conversations, even the weather, was flawless. and as the day drew to a close, and the sun sank below the horizon and was replaced by it's mysterious counterpart, he knew that you thought the same thing. which is why he felt so confident moving onto the final - and best - part of the day.
letting out a sigh, and turning to look at your relaxed figure, namjoon set out in his mind what he was going to say. "today was..the best day i've had in years. you're a special person, [name]; you're like nobody i've ever met before." his words made your heart race, and you glanced down at the clapping waves below your shoes.
"it was amazing. i can't thank you enough, for everything. i needed this day." you blushed, mind replaying the day over in your head like a romance movie. "i..." he started, stopping as if he were carefully considering his next words, "sorry, i've never really said anything like this before. it's just..." he continued shyly, "you are - i think - you're the type of person i'd like to spend forever with."
at this point, your heart was racing, and the butterflies in your stomach had turned to full-on pigeons, flapping around violently. your eyes met his, and before you could respond, he took his hand in yours gently and kept talking. "come on, [name], think about it. think about everything that happened today. wasn't it amazing? just think. that could be our future. every day, spent together, just like this. doesn't it sound beautiful?" he explained, the look in his eyes falling somewhere between enamored and desperate.
taking a minute to consider your response, namjoon watched you the whole time, his...loving...gaze not faltering for a second. "namjoon, i...i definitely think there's something here, a connection, or something. but we've only hung out alone once. shouldn't we give it more time?" you suggested, eyes downcast and looking at your hand wrapped in his.
this part wasn't in his script. it wasn't part of the narrative he had set in his head for this. no, this was the part where you'd agree, and then he'd take you away from this shitty little town, and you'd live happily ever after. just what went wrong?
namjoon chuckled, a weird look of relief coming across the place. "oh, princess, you don't get it, do you?" he said fondly, heart swelling at your confused face. "that's my fault. i should have been more clear with you. let me try again." he said, shifting to have both his hands on your shoulders, holding you with a grip as strong as iron.
"i. love you. okay? i love you, more than i've loved anything before and more than i'll love anything else, ever. alright? do you understand now?" he laughed. your brows knitted together at his erratic behavior and random profession of love. you shook your head. "no, you don't love me, namjoon. not yet, you don't. we haven't known each other for long enough..."
he scoffed, like the words you were saying were nothing but bitter, poisonous lies. "i don't love you? that's a ridiculous thing to say, darling, of course i love you! if i didn't love you, do you think i'd do this?" he said as he released the grip on your shoulders. if only you had listened to the voice that told you to run while you could.
he yanked at the long sleeve of his black jacket, pulling the cuff to his elbow and bringing his shirt sleeve with it. "this hurt like a bitch, [name], but for you, i'd go through hell and back." he sighed, before turning his exposed wrist to you. and on there, marking his clear skin, were the letters of your initials, scarred on his flesh like a carving made into a wooden table. he smiled as he showed you the mangled letters; he smiled sickly, like he was proud of what he did.
the air was sucked out of your lungs, the glow of moonlight on the water blurring as your head started to spin. a wave of nausea hit your body, and everything in your stomach threatened to come right back up in that moment. "do you believe me now? because if you don't there's something else i want to tell you." he prodded, picking up your chin and roughly turning your head to look at him. "you want to know, don't you? i know you do, i know it'll nag you, and eat away at your brain if you don't." he smirked, the sick smile still plastered on his face.
"don't worry, darling, i'll tell you anyways. i'll still tell you, because i love you." he said, releasing the grip from your jaw and moving his head close to your ear, so the sinner could confess his wrongdoings under the cover of a whisper.
"i killed daekwan, and i fucking loved it."
he leaned back from your ear and smiled proudly. "and i'm going to tell you all about it, alright? don't you want to know how i did it? don't worry, sweetheart, i'll tell you. just look at me, okay?" he said, pushing your chin up to force his maniacal gaze onto your own terrified one.
"so first, i knocked him out, with a big brick to the head. then i dragged him into this alley, right? a creepy old alley where nobody else would dare to go - look at me, baby - and i just went at him with a huge bat, and i'll spare you the gory details, but he looked more like a piece of meat than a human being when i was done with h-look at me. i'm trying to tell you something. and then, alright, i threw him in a big bucket with a bunch of chemicals, and watched him fizzle away into a big bunch of nothing, and then-fuck, look at me. pay attention. then i dumped him out." he paused, waiting to see if you would ask the question, not just any question, but the question he knew was banging on the walls of your brain, screaming to be let out. when you responded with nothing but a scared stare into the water, he knew he had to make it easier for you.
"you want to know where he is?" he finally finished, asking the question like an excited child asks about the whereabouts of a mystical creature. his deep brown eyes still searched for your own, and no matter how many times you tried to look away from the acidic burn of his gaze, the chill that ran down your spine whenever he commanded you to look at him was enough to make you tremble in fear and meet his eyes once again, even if it were only for a minute.
"he's right in front of us."
the words took a minute to process, the meaning behind his cryptic confession not reaching your brain right away. the truth, when it finally hit you, did so like a ton of bricks. clasping your hand over your mouth in shock, the tears that were brimming in your eyes fell heavily and continuously, matching the stormy waves of emotions crashing through your body.
curling up into a closed up form; knees to your chest, arms resting on top of them and head buried in your elbows, you felt his arms wrap around your crying figure. you swatted him away, shouting some variation of "don't touch me". you saw out of the corner of your eye how his arms reeled back gently, resting awkwardly on the dock. one of his hands reached slowly into his left coat pocket.
he sighed. "[name], listen to me. i know you're scared, and surprised, and upset, and i get it. but i did it for a reason, hm? you get that? i did it because i love you. everything i do, is because i love you. you need to understand that. as soon as you do, you won't be afraid anymore. i promise." he explained softly, contrasting sharply with the psychotic and unhinged tone he took earlier when describing his heinous actions.
"i'm telling you this-" he said, swiftly looping his free arm around your shoulder with a tight grasp-too tight for you to break free from, "because what's about to happen probably won't help your nerves. so just stay nice and calm for me, alright? nice and still. i won't hurt you, sweetheart."
with that, namjoon pulled your trembling figure close to him and turned you to lean against his chest, his brawny frame partially shielding your tear-stained face from the sudden chill in the wind. he removed his other hand from the depths of his pocket, only now, it was holding something. a flash of white caught your eye-which only sent you further into your panic.
namjoon stilled your shaky arms and shoulders by moving his hand from its spot on your arm to around the front of your shoulders, pressing you further into his chest. by now, garish sobs were escaping from your lips; what a shame there was nobody else there to hear them. to see you, and swoop in like a superhero.
too bad.
"you're going to have to be quiet, princess, alright? sooner or later someone's going to hear you. besides, the crying won't get you anywhere. your fate was sealed the moment that blade hit my arm." he warned, his tone of voice doing more than enough to tell you that he wasn't amused or affected by your cries.
"i'm going to give you something now, and you're going to get really tired, alright? don't be scared, darling. you're just going to go to sleep for a little while. you'll wake up, and everything will be alright. remember, i'm doing this because i love you. got that?"
before you could flail your arms, or kick your feet, or make any (futile) attempt to wriggle out of his suffocating grip, you saw a familiar flash of white, and felt yourself inhale a sweet-smelling odor that sent a chill through your veins. as the grip on this reality nightmare you found yourself in, the last thing you saw, through blurry vision and a dark night sky, was the face of your unrequited lover, the one whose vines wrapped around the stone walls of your tower, and before you could stop it, fully consumed it, blocking out the windows and locking the door.
taglist: @teugiie
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vilf-lover · 1 month
okay my review of kenju audio 🙂‍↕️
now- no hate. kind of. i absolutely don’t condone or encourage stealing other peoples artistic visions and ideas and creations but also i don’t want to criticize some doing something that makes them happy. you get it.
first: telepath bf comforts you
excited and scared, very scared. geordi and james aren’t exactly in the best places right about now but this is not redacted audio…….
okay….he’s australian
i can’t really explain how i feel about this. i’m um bored.
it’s very “i’m home. you suck. what’s wrong. you suck.” *extensive sigh*
where’s the flavor 😃
it’s giving early david but like not at all
he’s like more of a walking red flag believe it or not
so i’ve found the reason we’re being comforted he says “if they’re mean to you again” we getting bullied or what
“you’re my mess” brother wrap it up im so sorry but what
“you really shouldn’t let that stuff get to you- it’s a lot of bullcrap” 😐 okay
“you need to not care as much about what people think of you” that’s enough, this is not a pep talk
“just be yourself and that’s all you can ask for” i feel like im back in middle school at the inspirational seminars
“now are you done moping. LITTLE. BABY.” yk i can’t tell if david was this bad and im just more attracted to the idea of him or if this is just. dry. AND mean.
he wasn’t even supposed to be tsundere 😢
it was just boring, that’s really all. there was no background noise, stale line reading, very very scripted vibes (yeah i know the whole thing in this genre is a script you know what i meannnn)
i can’t even muster the courage to listen to the vampire ones because i’ll fight someone if i feel even a glimpse of sam-like mannerism
second AND LAST: tsundere werewolf has shifting trouble 😀😀😀😀
now part of me was trying to work with the benefit of the doubt and not think he was copying erik. this title within itself confirmed he is indeed. i’m not excited for this one especially after the last one.
no one can recreate my milo tho so this will be interesting
first second and i’m hearing grunting and i want to turn my phone off.
“go away, can’t you see i’m busy” get milo’s words out of your mouth
wait okay guys i’ve made a horrible lapse in judgement. he’s not having trouble shifting. he’s having trouble *not* shifting 😮‍💨 phew thought he was copying redacted but it seems like we’re all good
he fell down the stairs because he shifted randomly 😭😭😭
damn he’s mean
oh and it’s just his leg that’s shifting
i’m gonna go to sleep and this isn’t a sleep aid
wow vamp x werewolf lore crossover
“i pride myself on my control with my shifting” well that’s a bit of a problem now isn’t it
“god knows i wouldn’t hear the end of it from lucas and i know i would just get speeches from nate” …right right right
ohhhh and he’s the beta ☝🏼
“and don’t call me puppy” oh???? wow we’re really just collecting character traits
i had to skip through the rest fairly quickly because i simply could not
@vegafan69 my professional review done 🤓
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gravitytrips · 5 months
MVM Bullcrap
The team had been going at these moronic robots for days. Nothing was seeming to work against them. The team was in their improvised war room making a plan when Miss Pauling burst in, panting.
Everyone in the room paled.
Miss Pauling was confused as to why no one was evacuating. She instinctively started counting men. As her panic grew, she heard the Engineer.
“Oh my God… We just sent Scout out there.”
Miss Pauling turned to Engineer, looking the same cold way she did when she was about to kill somebody.
“What do you mean ‘We just sent Scout out there’?”
While Engineer stuttered out an explanation of how they had sent Scout out to see if he could find anything, Medic grabbed his binoculars and ran out to the balcony.
Medic’s eyes scanned the advancing line of robots, and finally saw a tussle towards the left side. Scout was surrounded. The robots were grabbing at his arms and legs, surely meaning to tear him apart. Medic yelled behind him.
“Sniper! Get over here!”
The doctor tuned back to the action while Sniper scrambled over.
Oh no.
Scout had been overpowered. The robots had him, stretching him out.
But they just seemed to be holding him.
Both Sniper and Engineer rushed into the balcony.
“What is it doc?” The Aussie asked.
“Look down zhere.” Medic ordered.
Sniper looked through his scope.
About seven robots had the little jackrabbit pinned down.
“You think he can get away if I take out…
aw piss.”
The sight Sniper beheld was not a good one. That blasted Engineer bot was coming towards their Scout.
Medic watched through the binoculars, unable to take his eyes off of the scene. The next thing he saw would haunt him forever.
The Engineer bot punched Scout in the chest.
Not in the chest.
THROUGH the chest.
“Gott im Himmel.”
Engineer threw up, the sight of that damned robot holding the kid’s still beating heart in its metal hand forever burned into his retinas.
Medic turned away, putting a hand over his mouth.
Sniper was frozen in place, watching through his scope as the robots bound the dead Scout and carried him away.
Miss Pauling ran out to the balcony, frantically asking each man what happened.
None of them could answer.
She turned to run downstairs, yelling.
“If we get out there now, we might be able to save him! He’s not a lost cause yet! He’s-“
Medic grabbed her arm, cutting her off.
“DEAD, Clarice! He’s…he’s…dead.”
Miss Pauling was suddenly overwhelmed. So many impossible things were happening. Medic had called her by her first name. The mad doctor was CRYING. Scout was…he was…dead.
Miss Pauling stumbled, the reality of it all slamming into her like a freight train. Medic caught her, holding her close as he fought his own tears.
Without the respawn machine online, Scout was really, truly dead.
                              End Part 1
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spirking-and-smirking · 9 months
Ah man, yall, im back on my batman bullcrap
time to go watch one of my childhood comfort shows, the 1960s batman show with adam west
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i’ve noticed that you update language barrier pretty much everyday with very little time or days between every update. i was wondering how you update it so fast? do you already have most of the story finished but just adding some last minute touch ups and/or checking for grammar mistakes? or do you just do one chapter a day in a impressively short time? i’m curious since what i noticed writers tend to take some time updating their stories so it was just really new to see someone update theirs so frequently. 
I shit u not, at this point im a degenerate neet
I wake up at 1pm, have one meal until 1:30pm abd then sit in front of the computer until 2am in the morning, typing away, each chapter i try to go for 4000 words but never able to reach them most of the time, so usually its around 3500 plus
It all started with me breaking my leg 💔 before that i had a job and shit but now nyeeh i cant really do shit without breaking down crying how painful my leg is, so im doing this to cope and stuff
If u look closer theres a lot of leg and foot injury mentions recently, especially when it comes to Yandere Best Friend
I dont do touchups and grammar check, or even check for plotholes or continuity- i rely on my vague recollection of the previous part , then i publish my chapters hot out of the oven, right after add a bunch of tags, link my masterpost and previous posts , at that point my brain is fried thru n thru and thars why my author's note looks like it was written by someone on fucking molly
How i write is by checkpoints or specific sentences that I want to be added in the story- and in between each checkpoints i pump out filler chapters, these filler chapters can range anywhere from one chapter or 7 fuckin chapters
U kno that wordy translation about "she who is divine" bullcrap? That is A checkpoint, everything else past the Giant vs 2718 fight was just filler lol
Fun fact, part 11 where theres a lot of angst with 2718 is considered a filler chapter 2 me
As soon as i put out a post, i go straight back to my drafts and work on the next part
The reason why thers so many fillers is cause i try not to use timeskips all that much, the pacing between chapters are usually within a 30 hour timeframe (with the exception where reader fell into a comas cause i dont want to write the entire journey back, i thought it would be boring as hell to just describe 2718 put a foot in front of his other foot repeatedly)
The next major checkpoint is probably like lightyears away, i try to churn out as much as i can before the end of this month, where ill restart uni and wont have any time to update AT ALL, lest i fall into dormancy until i break my other leg
Language Barrier is just one long bullshit session lol
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minhosimthings · 3 months
Hi, I'm new to your blog, so I have a few more of your stories to read 💕
Firstly, that anon who's a coward does not speak for me. I hate when people want to be horrible and mean to others want to hide behind the anon feature. Like say what you want to say without hiding, fucking asshole. Learn to stfu if you can't let nice encouraging things come out of your mouth.
Secondly, this is YOUR BLOG and you can do and/or say whatever the fuck you want. If you want to speak about your personal life, do it. This should be a safe place to be and share whatever we want. I will not judge anyone about anything. There's too much negativity and hatred in the world, people need to stop adding to it. I hope you don't let anyone silence you or make you feel bad for being you.
Thirdly, I think your writing is good. The only critique I would have is the few typos and the way you word things, it sounds like English may not be your main language and that's fine. I understand what you're getting across to the reader. Sometimes when I read works from authors whose main language isn't English, it helps me see the work in a new way which I've found interesting. I hope you don't stop writing. I don't mean to spam like your work but I reblogged some to come back to later.
Seeing that ask really pissed me off, and I wanted to reply. I hope you're doing well and are excited for our boys' comeback 😁
The anon feature really should have some tech shit to deactivate as soon as it senses some bullcrap or hate to an author, because if someone is really that confident in their stand, they can get the fuck off anon and say it.
naur I seriously need to start proof reading more carefully because UGH MY BLIND ASS CANT SPOT TYPOS
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liliallowed · 10 months
I hope sans doesn't hate us now hey hey Crimson you know sans well right do you think he hates us?????? :(
angst below
"don't worry darling he won't blame you as long as I'm around. in fact I can make it so he'll like you more by training you to fight me. he'll be so happy to see you eventually take me down"
"you know. like how cats bring dead birds as gifts? or like, just rip out my heart. I think he'll like that. probably kiss you or like cuddle. it's adorable how docile he gets around you. I'd imagine it's like watching a zookeeper snuggle with tiger cubs they raised while the other would rip other people to shreds."
"okay wtf are you talking about. why would you... WANT him to like me? is this part of your evil plans?"
"mm. well, would you believe me if I said I just wanna see you somehow succeed without being discarded in the dumpster in sans's basement?"
"hehehe. yeah I'm planning on ruining your marriage at the last day. I want to be the worst wingman ever."
"I don't understand. why are you so sure he won't hate me? he... he wants to kill me."
"that's BECAUSE he loves you silly. it's his... way of making sure you're "safe" instead of becoming someone else's exp. kinda like a twisted way of giving his greatest mercy."
"he is going to kill you too right? doesn't that mean he'd love you too?"
"psht I WISH! nah he doesn't give me a fast out. makes sure it's as painful as it can possibly be before I run out of hp. then again it's pointless since I literally can't feel anything. that's not his mercy. that's straight up spite." they shrug.
"he really does care about you you know. it'd be a waste to die to him. DON'T LET HIM TAKE YOUR LIFE. he'd be lonely without you." they frown. "least with YOU he won't be left for dead in a ghost town if I'm gone. call it a plan B in case I actually don't come back. make sure you'll take good care of him"
"what? what do you mean?"
"I've stayed with him cuz leaving him would be too cruel. killing him would leave ME alone. but with you in the mix everyone is happy."
"then why did you give me the reset!?"
"so he can't push you away using the old (you wouldn't understand resets) bullcrap. such a drama queen honestly."
"liar. you just want entertainment."
"true. that too. can't a person just enjoy both being an asshole and being empathetic?"
"you're NOT going to start getting any sympathy from me because of this. you're manipulating me! I'm just a second in command pawn for you aren't I? you're replacement to torment THE ONE PERSON WHO GAVE A SHIT ABOUT ME!"
they stayed silent for a moment...
before pinning you down to the ground and slicing through your souls shield, poking their knife to your throat.
"of course I am. you're so fucking dumb to think I actually GIVE a shit about your dumb relationship with my rival. you almost seemed to forget you're a hostage here that I've had the GENEROSITY to teach self defense."
your eyes widen as you flinch feeling the tip break through the skin.
"I can hurt you room I can BREAK you too. I just don't WANT TO because it'd be too predictable. don't forget your place y/n. if you really are set on those ideals then whats stopping you?"
their grip loses from your hands as they place the blade in your hand.
"go on. then. slay me if you think Im SO evil. I mean hehehe... I'd still come back but if this is going to be your first kill might aswell be me right? "
your hand shook on the blade as they forced your hand forward into their chest.
"STICK TO IT THEN COWARD. FUCKING KILL ME. GO IMPRESS HIM! or are you gonna just make the excuse of killing people is bad? I'll kill sooooo many more people if you don't stop me here hehehe... I'll turn you into a monster too."
your hands shake. you can't. you can't you CAN'T. YOU HAVE TO FIND ANOTHER WAY. THERE HAS TO BE.
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welcometo-blackspace · 5 months
I need to fucking vent again cause my friend it annoying me so much. I'm like, it's so annoying whenever he puts his fucking messages on fucking silent and I find it later and he's talking about, "I don't want to bother you" or smth, and you know what, those simple words annoy me even more! Like you have something to say, say it to my fucking face than putting your message on silent saying that stupid, "i don't want to bother you" bullcrap!
Like we had a little disagreement somewhere early april and it made me the villain at the end of it, like fu c k i n g a l w a y s. IM ALWAYS THE VILLAIN AND HAVE TO FUCKING APOLOGIZE!!! IM STILL NOT OVER IT AND IM TRYING TO BE CALM BUT BECAUSE OF THIS BULLSHIT, IT MAKES MY ANGER RISE UP AGAIN.
I'm just so annoyed with him saying things like, "I don't want to bother you" or how I always have to say goodnight and all that crap. Because of all of this, my mother continues to pester me whether or not I'm in a relationship with him, if there my boyfriend and I always have to tell them fucking n o.
I'm so fucking tired of having to balance these scales of my mom asking me this over and over again and my friend's "passive aggressive" comments.
And you know what, let's backtrack to early april or smth. Like you how I said all these bullshit about my friends passive aggressive comments, well I gave him his just desserts. I gave him back what he gave me. AND BECAUSE OF THAT I HAD TO FUCKING APOLOGIZE. IM SEEN AS THE FUCKING VILLAIN OF MY OWN STORY. I literally feel like, I can never be happy.
I'll just be the fucking villain. That's how the world will see me.
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WHATS UP GAMERS IM Back on My Papa Louie bullcrap but this time it isn’t Marty!!!!!! No way!!!!! This time it’s of Carlo Romano no wa
This isn’t a ship edit btw, you can tag it as such if you really want but I just really like the song and I started running out of images so I used Koilee for one part LOL
Link to a version where the quality isn’t complete Ass:
Song is “Alright Let’s Get You Home!” by Will Wood i just think the song is very Carlocore
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itsmemaryk · 1 year
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