#im beyond pleased in case you couldn’t tell
mintmentos · 5 months
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I'm not even sure how long these took me to make but I FINISHED KNITTING MY FIRST PAIR OF SOCKS!!
I've had such a great time with these and learnt so much. I've used double pointed needles for the first time, been working in the round, actually succeeded at ribbing after the flop on my jumper and managed the dreaded heel turn! There's definitely a lot still to learn, I managed to do the kitchener stitching on the outside of BOTH socks somehow, they're a little bit on the small side so l need to sort my tension out (which I'm hoping to solve with blocking - wish me luck!) and the laddering is still quite prominent.
This was all round such a fun project and I'm so excited to try again and hopefully improve as I go!
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bluesworldd · 1 year
pairing: miles morales 42 x gn reader
cw/tw: death, description of blood, panic attack(s), cursing, mention of vomiting, using the word “god” in vein, mentions of depression, lower case letters intended. no use of y/n
*if i missed anything please let me know*
genre: ANGST!!, hurt/comfort.
synopsis: you never seen your boyfriend like this, and as much as it hurts all you could do was be there for him.
proofread?: yes/no/kinda
blues says: this wasn’t supposed to be a series but here we are… first fic im kinda nervous. hope you enjoy
spoilers ahead !
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standing on top of the body miles couldn’t breath- god what has he done? there was blood everywhere; on the ground, on the walls, on him. the world seemingly began to spin, miles was beginning to hyperventilate with ringing in his ears.
it had happened so fast, too fast. he was supposed stop some of these guys from a smuggling, he never meant to kill anyone. god where did he go wrong? trying to remember only seemed to make this all worse, he could feel his mouth start to salivate, miles was gonna be sick-
“MILES! hey are you listening?!” aaron yelled. grabbing his shoulder while taking miles out of his trance. just how long have they been standing here? “hey look we have to go” he had began dragging miles to the parked car. this was all surreal and too sudden, fuck what was he going to do now? how could he possibly live knowing he took someone else’s life? what if he went to prison? how would uncle aaron see him? how would his mom see him? fuck how would you see him?
being practical shoved in the car he could hear his uncle’s voice. “listen miles we tell nobody, not your mother, not your friends, absolutely nobody. ok?” miles truly wishes he could respond but honestly everything his uncle said went into one ear and out the other. instead of responding miles opted for nodding thats all he could do right now.
god miles just wanted to go home and sleep the night away in his parents bed like he used to, when everything was fine and all he had to worry about was going waking up on time..oh how the times have changed, miles can’t remember when it all changed.
miles was so absorbed by his own thoughts that he didn’t even notice he was already home. turning his head he could see the conflicted look on his uncles face. “look miles…im sorry none of that shit should have happened….fuck” miles wasn’t upset with his uncle, no it wasn’t him who dragged miles into this, miles did this to himself. he got so engrossed with his depression and rage that he ended up taking this stupid offer in the first place but here he is, dont get him wrong, miles never intended to kill anyone. besides needing a distraction from his grief he needed this money, miles refused to watch his mother work herself to the bone. either way if miles could take it all back he definitely would.
“…so what should we do now?” god his mouth was so dry and his voice sounded so weak. “ill fix all of this, you don’t have to worry about anything…” aaron trailed on “fuck im so sorry miles” his uncle’s voice didn’t sound any stronger than his, miles could hear how apologetic his uncle was. “..why dont you head inside, its late and your mother is probably worried sick…ill deal with everything..” nodding his head miles made his way into his complex. miles was beyond tired and decided that he would sleep all of this away and deal with everything tomorrow.
©️bluesworldd 2023 || All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, copy, or claim my work as your own.
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(Henry Cavil x actress!reader ) Part 3
First things First Im sorry it took me so long. I was mad at myself for how I ended part two so I lost the story in my mind for a minute. But don’t you worry I have found it. This will be the last part. I really hope y'all enjoy it. 
I have been loving the love the other parts of this story has been getting. This give me the motivation I need to keep writing. 
Please like, reblog spread the love!! I love seeing how every is liking my work!!
I don’t really know what I want to write next so if you have any suggestion please let a girl know!!! I love you all so much and thank you again!! 
-Love Abby kay 
 With out further ado part 3!!
part two
Part one 
here are the links for the other parts!! (I just learned how to do that. I am very happy for me) 
warnings: Y/n brain is about to implode from information over load, Zendaya being the best friend we all want. Mention of sex(Kinda) 
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He loves me. He wants to be with me for the rest of my life. What does that even mean?  He has wanted me since the beginning of our friendship? My brain hurts. I can't tell if I still want to be mad at him or not. I spent six months of my life thinking I lost him for good. I spent six months thinking he didn’t love me and he was just trying to let me go easy. That wasn’t the case at all. He had a plan. I don’t know the steps of this plan but he had one. My  simple “Please” made him throw that out the window. I know that man and I know without a plan he goes a little crazy. In hindsight , ambushing him as soon as he woke up was not a good idea. 
“How are you?” Zendaya said. I look up to see she is right in front of me. I didn’t even know she had come into the room. I could tell by the look on her face she was trying to read me to get a clue on her question. “How are you?” felt like the hardest question I have ever been asked. I didn’t know how I was. 
“I’m Breathing.” Was the only answer I could give her. Beyond  that I didn’t really know. He gave me such a big answer I was trying to make it fit into how I felt. “He told me he loved me.” I look her in the eyes and rest my head back on the wall behind me. Maybe if I can see how she will react it will help me see how I feel. 
“He did what?” she was just as shocked as I was. That is not helping me work through this. “That can’t be. He told you he couldn’t be with you. That he didn’t love you. Hell he let you run away for six months. Not a text or a call. Not even a carrier pigeon.” She had a point there. Six months of nothing is what was stopping me from wanting anything from him. That was making my head spin. 
“He never said he didn’t love me.” I wanted to stand up for him. “Want to know what he said this time?” I slid down the wall and sat on the floor. I look up at her as I ask the question. I see her nod her head.”He said he has loved me since he met me. He felt I was too young at the time and wanted me to “live my life”. Whatever that means. He had a plan for telling me this but the me asking for sex kinda throw him off his plan. And he is not very good without a plan.” I watched her the whole time I was talking. If I could see how she reacted it might help me. Her face was giving nothing away. 
“That’s a lot.” Zen said as she crossed arms over her chest . 
“No shit it is a lot. That is why I need your face to give me answers. He put the ball in my court. I told him I needed a minute and he said take all the time you need. I'm not letting you run this time.” 
“Oh wow, that's something. But why not talk to you for six months? That is where I am stuck.” she moves to squat down on her haunches.  Holding herself up with a hand on the ground. 
“It is where I am stuck as well.” I start rocking my  head back and hit the wall ever so gently. My hope is if I hit it a good amount of time an answer will come to me. I will have some kind of revelation. An aha! moment if you will. 
“Stop doing that. You're going to get a brain injury.” Zen says she reaches out to put her hand on my  knee. She gives it a light squeeze then moves to sit on the floor. 
“I feel like I already have one. My brain is wanting to take a break from my body. I can just feel it. I just don’t ..” I stop speaking as I hear a knock on the door. I look at Zendaya to see if she looks as shocked as I am. I raise an eyebrow then call for the person to come in. When they do I see it is my assistant, Jess. She looks very unsure of herself. Like she is very uncomfortable  with being here. I look to Zen to see if she is getting the same feeling. By the look on her face she is. “ I’m kind of in the middle of a breakdown here Jess, so unless the building is on fire can it please wait.” 
“I know that’s why he sent me in here to check on you.” Jess looks down then starts picking at her fingers. A nervous tick me and her share . Wait a minute. 
“Who is he? Henry?” I am not 100% sure it was him. It very well could have been Tom. He gets very antsy  if me and Zen disappear for too long. I feel that is not the case right now because she is acting way too odd for that to be so. 
“Yes Henry. He sent me to explain something to you.” she takes in a sharp breath. Goodness. I have never seen this girl so nervous. Jess has been working with me for almost a year and was the best I have ever seen. She knew how to keep me calm and get the job done. You would not know that if you saw her now.  
“On with it please Jess. The suspense is killing us.” Zendaya says as she starts to rub her forehead. She is now looking as stressed as I feel. 
“So you see,” Jess lets out the breath it seems she has been holding in,’’ Right after christmas Henry started texting me everyday. He would ask how you are doing and what your schedule was, have you been sleeping all that kind of stuff. I didn’t know why until you got back from your little break that you guys had some kind of falling out. He never really went into details about it. I never really asked. He then begged me to text him once everyday to give him an update on you.” 
“He checked on me everyday? For how long?” I finally feel like I’m getting some kind of answer now. Like it is all coming together. I just need to know how long he kept that up for. 
“My last text to him was yesterday.” Jess was finally able to look me in the eyes now. 
“Everyday for the past six months you have texted him about me? Everyday not stopping once?” I have to be sure I am hearing her right. 
“Yes, Everyday for the past 6 months I have been giving him a Y/N update.  He didn’t miss a day.” she nodded her head giving herself a job well done. I can’t think of anything to say back to her. So she takes that as her sign to leave. She adds in one more thing before she goes. “He also said if you frie me he will give me a job. Just letting you know in case you don't want me working for you anymore.” 
I smile at her. “Your job is safe for right now. Can you make sure everything is ready in our dressing room? We will be there in a minute to get ready.” She gave me a nod then left. 
Zendaya and I sat in silence for a few minutes. I was finally getting my head around everything. I have all the answers I need now. All of them but one. Surprising myself and Zendaya I spring to my feet. I turn to her to see she has moved as fast as I have. “Go to the dressing room, I will be there in a minute.” I don’t give her anytime to respond as I leave the room. I know what I’m looking for now and I have to find it. Forever being the creacher of habit I know he will be in the same room he is always in when he comes to the show. I round the last corner and I see his PA standing out front of his door. “Is he in there?” I called her as I got closer. By the smile on her face I had the feeling she knew I would be coming. She gives me another smile as she turns to walk away. I finally got to the door. I can't stop now. I pause for just a second to gather my breath before I  barge in. I wanted to knock. I really did but I felt the courage I had slowly leaving me so I just went for it.  No knocking, just opening the door and stepping in. I turn to shut the door then turn back to face into the room. 
There he was. He was on the couch along the wall in front of me. One arm draped across the back, the other in his lap holding a glass of what I assume is bourbon. The smile on his face was definitely one of the shit eating kind. I can't quite tell if I’m happy or upset about the fact he seemed to know me well enough to know I would come right to him after he sent Jess to me. I lean my back on the door and cross my arms over my chest. He keeps eye contact with me as he brings his drink to his lips. After taking a small sip he brings the glass back down to rest in his lap. He tilts his head to the side as he runs his tongue over his bottom lip. Oh this man knows what he is doing. For some reason I have it in my mind I don’t want to be the one to break the silence first. I don’t know why. I just know I want him to say something first. His heavy eye contact is making me nervous. I bring my hands down in front of me, I start to pull on my fingers.
“And there it is. Your tell. Tell me sweetheart what's going through that lovely brain of yours.” I smile at him as he speaks. Somewhat proud of myself that he spoke first. 
“You get very cocky when you have a drink in you.” I say as I go back to crossing my arms. 
“I have so many jokes for that one but we have something serious to discuss so I will let it slide.” 
“Okay, One question.” 
“The anticipation is killing me.” 
“Why now?,” I push off the door and walk towards him,”After six months of watching me from the sidelines, why now?” It had been the one thing that was running through my mind since Jess left me. He was the only one I wanted answering the question. 
Effortlessly he pushes himself off the couch. He sets his drink on the coffee table in front of him, he moves to walk around it. He doesn't stop until he is right in front of me. “I heard you have a date coming up and I didn’t want to have to fight someone.” He showed no emotions. He kept his face even. This man. I couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Why is that funny?” he did not seem amused with the humor  I found in this all.   
“A date? The only thing you could be talking about is my coffee “Date” with Sebastian. I use the word date very lightly here.” 
“Oh but you still used it.” He spoke with a venom I have never heard from him. It shouldn’t have but it made me smile.”Why are you smiling? This isn’t funny”
“You are jealous. It’s cute. And it is not a date. We are thinking of doing a movie together and he wanted to talk it out with me. Not to mention the fact we have been in a few movies together and he wanted to catch up.” 
“Well you had Jess put it down as a date and I got scared you were moving on. So I called Graham and asked if I could be on the show.” And there it was. I now had all the puzzle pieces together. The sweet loving man before me was scared of losing me so he had to step up and do something about it. I still want to be a little upset that, that  something was blindsiding me on a tv show but I feel I can let it slide this time. Because I know this is a plan he had. A plan he wanted to go very smoothly. “ I become a crazy man when I think I am losing the one I love, Y/N.” 
“You're not losing me.”  His head snapped up as I spoke. The hope in his eyes was all I needed. “I will say I don’t know if I want to hit you in the face or kiss you” 
“Can we do the latter first? We can circle back to the other if you feel we need to.” 
“You into that kind of thing Cavil?” 
“Baby I will be into whatever you want me to be into. Now let me kiss you please?” 
He didn’t have to ask twice. I jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist. One of his hands went to the back of my head and the other rested on my back holding me to him. His lips met mine at a speed I have never seen before. The kiss was so hungry I forgot how to breathe. I pulled back and rested my forehead on his. He wrapped my hair around his fingers and pulled my head back ever so gently. His lips were on my neck making it even harder to breathe. He was biting down ever so softly. “Easy big boy, we don't want my make-up team to have more work.” I tell him very breathlessly. With that he fully bits down and sucks. I pull back to scold him  but then we hear a knock on the door. 
“I’m busy!” he called to the door sounding very irritated. 
“I’m sure you are but I need Y/N.” I hear Zendaya yell back at him.”Are you fully clothed I’m coming in?” 
“I was trying no to be.” Henry said under his breath as he sat me back down on my feet. 
“You are very cheeky today.” I say as I august my self and move to open the door. 
“Wait,’’ He grabs my hand to spin  me to face him.”We are a couple now right? I don’t want to go back to friends.” 
“You told me forever so that's what I'm betting on.” I lean up to kiss him.
“I’m coming in. You better be clothed.” I hear Zendaya say as she opens the door. I turned back to face her . 
“It would be pay back, I promise.” I tell her as I reach out my hand for her to take. She rolls her eyes at me as she takes my hand.  
“We have to go.” She then pulls my hand as she walks out of the room pulling me along. 
“I love you, Henry. See you later.” 
“I love you too” he calls after me. He adds in “That's my girl everyone.” 
It feels like the start of something beautiful. And I can’t wait to see what happens next.
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Tag list: (I have a tag list! This makes me feel so loved that you for that!) 
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steveandstave · 2 years
a little motivation
professor!steve x gn!reader (mostly) (implications of fem!reader at the end, but can be ignored)
warnings: 18+ mdni i will fold you like a chair :) oral (m receiving), slight degradation, i think that's all let me know
wc: 1.4k
beta read and requested by : @steveharringtonscarkeys
a/n: please like this lol. i will cry lmao. this is my first smut fic also lower case intended. please reblog, likr or comment!
you hear all the lovely stories about making friends while you’re away at college, all the parties you’ll go to, how your classes are so much different from your shitty high school ones. what they don’t tell you is, how much you struggle when you’re paying for everything on your own. so, when i got twenty-two credit hours on my fall semester schedule, i knew i was in deep shit. you try working two jobs and still having a bunch of work to do when you get off your shift. it seemed like your only saving grace was your oral communications class. taught by one of the hottest teachers on campus.
the first few interactions with mr. harrington is what you would expect between a teacher and their student, simple, and short. at least that was until you confided in him, possibly still drunk from the night before, about how you were looking for another job, to hopefully have some of your own money to spend, outside of the tuition you were paying. mr. harrington offered the idea of being his assistant, most of what you would be doing would be grading papers, doing coffee runs and helping him sort through all of his filing cabinets for course materials, it sounded like it was an easy job, so you took it. it seemed like your other jobs scheduled you for more days as soon as you took the job, not only were you missing his class, but you also had a crap ton of papers you had to grade. not to mention any in class work that was supposed to be turned in couldn’t be redone.
after speeding to campus, you got to his class with a few minutes to spare. you sat down at the first chair available and pulled out your notebook and a pen, class went on as usual, a few discussions, mostly note taking and silence unless he was talking. once class was dismissed, you packed up your belongings and started to walk towards the door until your name was called. mr. harrington stood next to the white board with a marker in his hand. “i think we need to have a talk. could you have a seat in my office please?” it felt like your stomach fell on the floor when he said that, without an answer you walked to his office and sat in your usual spot and a few moments later he came in and closed his door. “you’ve been missing class a lot recently; it’s been tanking your grade a little. it states in the syllabus that any work completed in class cannot be made up, i’m sure you’ve read that though. so, what’s going on?” he had his arms crossed over his chest, leaning against his desk. was it wrong to be turned on by this? sure you flirted with him from time to time, but it never went anywhere beyond a soft blush against his cheek and a laugh.
keeping eye contact with him was going to be the hardest thing ever. every time you looked at him you, your stomach turned, and you couldn’t help but rub your thighs together. you opened your mouth to speak, praying your voice wouldn’t be meek and small, “since i took up the assistant job you offered me, my other jobs have scheduled me during class time.” you licked your lips and averted your eyes from his gaze. “if i don’t come in, i get fired and im not exactly in the position to be without my job and i’m sorry for missing class i just- “he interrupted you, standing up from his previous position, hands now in his pockets “look, i understand your position., but you’re missing notes from several chapters we’ve gone over in this class. you don’t exactly have the time to catch up. i need you to do better” it felt like you were being scolded by your father, your head hung low with your hands in your lap, you knew you were one of his favorite students and you thought maybe kissing up would get you a little leeway in this. “yes mr. harrington... anything for you” you looked at him walk to his office door and lock it. “i don’t wanna hear that, you know that won’t work with me you gotta work for it, you got that sweetheart?” now he’s standing in front of you, hands still in his pocket, chewing on his lip. “i think you just need a little motivation, yeah” you couldn’t avert your gaze from him now, he stood next to you in your chair, hand lazily wrapped around the nape of your neck, hard on almost pressed against your face. “i think i can give you some motivation”
it was like your body moved on your own, sliding down on your knees to sit on your heels, head pushed backward, waiting on your next command. you felt like a dog waiting for its owner to bark out another order. Looking at your professor in this angle, him towering over you as if he were a god, maybe in this moment he was, one of his chiseled arms hanging by his side as the other moved towards his belt, taking it off as slow as he could. He had a smirk plastered across his face, “i’ve never seen you this eager for anything, baby. You want my cock, don’t you?” you nodded your head and tried to speak, but nothing but a whine came out. “oh no, I need your words honey.” You felt your cheeks heat up, sure you had a few sexual experiences, but this felt different, you felt like putty in his hands, you knew he had control over your ever move, your every thought, in this moment you were his. “I want your cock in my mouth mr. harrington.” after what seemed like years, he took his belt off and unbuckled his pants, sliding his pants down just enough so his bulge could be pulled out from his boxers with no problem. You couldn’t help but lick your lips at the sight, he had a small wet patch right where his tip was. You sat up on your knees and pressed a kiss to his tip, pulling his boxers down, letting his length spring back against his lower stomach.
you must have died and gone to heaven, his cock was the prettiest you had ever seen, thick and long, paler towards the base and bright red at his tip, a prominent vein on the underside leading right to his slit. You felt like you could cum just by looking at it. Not wanting to waste anymore time, you took his dripping tip in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it bobbing your head slowly. “fuck. I knew your mouth was good for something” you saw his hand move to your head, holding it steady. you quickly got to work, taking most of him in your mouth, surprising yourself and him, one of your hands rested against his thighs to keep yourself steady and the other cradling his heavy balls. he was bucking into your mouth, making you gag, your throat slightly closing around him. “ah baby, if you do that again i'll cum down your throat.” you looked up at him, head still bobbing, giving him a soft hum around his cock as a response. You hollowed out your cheeks, feeling him twitch in your mouth, you knew he was close. You slowly pulled back and started jerking him off, hand twisting around his length as you moved your mouth down to put one of his balls in your mouth, never breaking eye contact with him as you suckled on his balls after a few moment you popped off, your hand still pumping his leaking cock “ can you cum for me mr.harrington, please?” you say looking at him with the most innocent look you could muster. you knew you looked filthy, precum and spit spread around your lips, the sounds your hand made as you tugged at his cock were sinful. you wrapped your lips around his length and bobbed your head, gagging each time you went past what was comfortable. “shit, im cumming” his words were jumbled together and rushed, soon after his sentence, you felt his cock twitch again as ropes of his cum sliding down your throat, humming around him as he came. you pulled off and showed him his cum pooled on your tongue before you swallowed it all with a smile. you wiped your face and slowly stood up, knees a little weak from kneeling for so long, your own arousal slick and sticky around your thighs. panting, leaning against his desk, a smirk plastered across his face when you spoke. “i don’t think i'm motivated enough, sir.”
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saturnsstufff · 4 years
If your requests are open, could you maybe do a C!Techno x Reader? Like, the Butcher Army is there for Techno and Phil wasn't able to give him a\such an early head's up so he's not really prepared, and Quackity has the reader hostage when they show, cause maybe they were outside doing something... You don't have to, of course! -Sugar Anon (may I claim this Anon?)
Ooh! Most definitely! And of course you can claim it your my first anon!🖤
Warnings: Blood, swearing
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Techno was a pretty well known man, lets face it. Maybe not in the way you hoped, and in this instance you mean he was wanted.
But you were not awhere of that because you lived with him out in the chilly Tundra. Phil would usally bring you two the new updates and anything you should be aware of. So when he didnt show for his morning tea you were a but skeptical to say the least. But techno had casually shrugged his shoulders, waving it off that he had gotten busy. This was true. Phil was a awfully busy man, he never seemed to stop moving, building, or exploring. So you joined techno on his assumption.
Techno was casually brewing potions that afternoon. Not a uncommon occurance to say the least. You had grown accustomed to seeing the towering man working over his bottles. His large but gentle hands gracefully, and carefully manuvering the glasses to where he pleased.
"Techno love? Im going to go trade these books nearby ok?" You mentioned as you took your cloak. Slipping it on so you could contain your warm. Techno hummed in agreement. Since you were so far from L'amanburg he didn't really mind you walking freely to the nearby village. He actually viewed your common trips as a large help.
"I have seven emeralds in that chest over there, could you see if any of them are willing to trade for a mending book?" He asked well he looked up to you. His reading glasses resting on his nose. You smiled brightly and nodded.
"Of course!" Anything you could do to help you were down to do. L'amanburg wasn't aware Techno had a lover, mostly because Techno didn't want you getting pulled into his rather volient affairs. He viewed them as his battles. Not battles that you had to fight.
Well collecting the gems into your basket he spoke up again, his hand coming to the small of your back. "Take Carl ok? I can't have my princess walking like the peasants do" he said bemused. Pressing a gentle but loving kiss to your forhead.
You leaned into him, enjoying the physical affection he gave you. Techno wasn't one to voice his love Rather, instead he would gift you, or make physical actions twords showing you how much he cared.
You walked out and hopped onto Carl the sturdy, and loyal steed waiting for the new adventure he would be taking. Edging your heels into him you began to head for the forest.
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After a while of riding through the woods you began to grow weary. You felt like you were being watched. You were not a Hybrid like Techno so you couldnt smell or hear any abnormalities. But you just knew somthing was off. It was a harsh mental debate on whether to turn around or continue. Ultimately you decided it was best to just turn around. For how on edge you were you figured that telling Techno, and him laughing at you was better than lingering outside anymore.
You pulled the reigins, signaling for Carl to turn, however when you did, someone had jumped onto Carl behind you. Grabbing you tightly to prevent your flailing. You couldnt help the blood curdling scream you let out before your mouth was covered by a hand. You were panicking. You couldnt see your attacker but very well felt them behind you.
"Im gonna make you a deal. Your going to take us back to that nice cottage of yours, or I'll paint your blood all over the snow" the voice sneered next to your ear. "Im going to remove my hand. If you so as utter a word I wont hesatate to get rid of you. Am I clear?" The voice was slow, but threatening. They meant what they said. You could only nod slowly as he removed his hand from your mouth. "In case you get a wild burst of courage... I'll just leave this here" he had taken his sword out. Lingering it by your neck. You didn't know what else to do, so you just took the reigins and slwoly started back home.
When you got to Technoblade's Cottage you were forced off of Carl, the snow did little in softening your fall. You looked up praying thag techno herd some commotion.
"Technoblade get your ass out here!" The man Yelled, you looked up to him. He had black hair poking out from his beanie. Underneath his armor was a bloody a apron. All, in all, not someone you wanted to be around.
When the door opened you called out for Techno. Trying to make a run for him. But instead you were only grabbed by your ankle and dragged back to the raven haired man. The sword he held finding it's way to your neck.
"Let her go Quackity." Techno's eyes were narrowed and calculated. He wasn't pleased by any means for how Quackity was manhandling you.
"You think I'm going to listen to you? Your fucking delusional. Heres whats going to happen Techno. Your going to come with us. Or I'll kill her and give your front lawn a nice new red decoration." You whimpered. All you wanted was Techno. You wanted to be in his arms, you didn't like how This 'Quackity' man was talking or handling you.
"Your going to let her go first." Techno stepped closer. His hand drawing his blade. You could see Techno's breathing. He was angry, and so were the voices.
"I wouldn't step any closer." The blade pressed in more. Your hand coming up to try and push the blade away. "Your going to drop your blade and walk up to fundy to get handcuffed. Then I'll let her go." You watched as Techno weighed his options. In the end he did drop his blade. He valued your life above everything. Once his hands were tied securely, you were let free. The first thing you did was run to techno. Hugging onto him for dear life.
"(Y/n) listen to me. Your going to go into the house and wait for Philza. Ok?" You looked up at him with pain in your eyes, shaking your head.
"No! Im not letting you go alone!" You started to tear. You didnt know where they were taking him. But you knew it wasn't good.
"(Y/n) I said go in the house. I will be fine.." He manuvered his head to wrap around yours since his arms couldn't. "I don't want you involved ok?..." his tone was gentle, trying to ease your haywire nerves.
"Techno please let me come.." Your eyes begged, but he didnt budge. Quackity only took and shoved Techno further.
"Wait in the House!" Was the final thing he said as he was forced over the Hill.
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Waiting for his return had you beyond restless. You could only look from the clock back to the fire. The raging 'What if's running through your brain. It was extremely late before techno had returned back home.
When he opened the door you rushed over to him. Almost tripping over your own feet. To feel him in your arms was the one thing you needed to calm your nerves. You gripped onto him for dear life. His arms gently wrapped around you. Rubbing a ligjt circle into your back.
"Thank god your home" you said. Your face buried into his chest. The lingering sent of dynamite and the iron smell of blood on his clothes. "I was so worried about you..." you felt his hand move to the underside of your thighs. Lifting you up into his arms so he could move inside.
"Come now princess... You didnt really think I would let anything happen to myself, now would you?" He mused. His eyes soft as he looked up into yours.
"I.. I mean" You looked down at him, the bit of worry still remaining. He sat down on his sofa. Leaning back into it as he looked up at you.
"Baby girl, you know Technoblade never dies" He said cocking a eyebrow up as his face went smug. You only smiled a little at that. Moving to rest your head in his neck.
"I still worried..." you said gently. Relaxing into his chest. Glad to see him home safely.
"I know princess... I know" He knew he would have to tell you about the execution. But for now he knew you were distraught. He may have been poor at comforting, but he knew right now the best thing was for you to just lay in his arms at peace. Let you try and forget what Quackity had probably etched into your memory for months to come. Because Quackity was only the start now. Now everyone knew, Techno had someone he truly loved.
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spencessmile · 4 years
Page 143
Pairing - Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary - Spencer finds your journal.
Warnings - Depression, thoughts of suicide, self-harm, mentions of death, & angst.
Please know that you are NEVER alone. There are people who love you. Don't be afraid to ask for help. YOU. ARE. WORTH. IT. I LOVE YOU.
Word Count - 1.3 K
And all imagines/fanfics/blurbs are written solely by me so please don't steal my work and/or post it without my consent. Feedback and Comments are welcome. Happy reading!
{Part 1 of 2}
Requests are CLOSED!
When you didn’t answer the door Spencer slid his spare key into the lock, turning the knob, closing the door, and setting the bag of food down on the table, as he switched on the lights.
“Y/n, you home? It’s Spencer,” Nothing. It was quiet.
Spencer knew you were having a rough couple of days so he decided to drop by bringing some rental movies and food; he knew you loved your cheesy rom coms and Thai takeout.
Spencer walked to your bedroom door, pushing it open as he noticed case files were spread across the floor. Your desk night lamp was on, with a half cup of black coffee sitting beside it.
In all the years that Spencer had known you, he definitely realized one thing about you quickly; you were messy. You were not an organized or neat person. You kept things all over the place and it was beyond Spencer’s comprehension, on how you ever found anything.
Spencer maneuvers his way through your mess, as he grasps your blinds, pushing them apart letting in the morning sun as it illuminates the dark colour scheme in the bedroom. He cracks open the window for a breeze.
Spencer sighs, looking around your room. Your go-to bag was stationed beside your bed, where it always is. Your work phone was sitting on your nightstand beside a glass, Spencer raised the glass and a strong dose of whiskey filled his nose. He noticed a pile of clothes besides your closet, which was most likely weeks of unwashed and dirty clothing.
Spencer dug his hand into his jacket pockets, as he stood amongst your disaster, he felt as if your room was staring back at him, yelling ‘clean me’.
Spencer knew you’d be super pissed at him for touching anything of yours. You liked your stuff messy; whether that be your desk space at work, your apartment, your room, or even your life. You didn’t like it when people picked at it.
Spencer couldn’t help it as he shuffled through your room, wrapping your case files and organizing them alphabetically. He grabbed your laundry basket, dropped all your clothes in as he dumped them into the washer, and added a little extra soap. He made his way to your kitchen, putting all your dishes in the dishwasher. Next, Spencer went to turn off your night light but accidentally knocked over a pile of books sitting next to your open laptop.
As he reached down to pick the books up, his eyes glanced over to a small leather book. He slowly reached for it, his hands meet a soft velvet texture. Spencer turned it over to read the words ‘This Is Who I Am’ written in cursive. His eyes moved to the right-hand side where your initials were carved.
This wasn’t a book.
It was your journal.
Spencer didn’t think much of it, he placed it on the side of the desk, reaching for the other books. Once Spencer collected your books, he placed them back on your desk, he quickly turned around but halted his steps as something fell making a loud thud noise. He noticed your journal on the floor again but this time it was opened.
Spencer reached down to pick it up, but he couldn’t help notice it was dated two days ago along with the time.
No, he shouldn’t.
He can’t possibly read what you’ve written in your journal. Those are your thoughts. Thoughts that belonged solely to you. That wasn’t anyone else’s business. Not even his; definitely not his.
He can’t do this.
He couldn’t do this to you.
But the longer Spencer stared at the journal, the urge to read it spread through his body. His eyes already read the first sentence.
The damage was done.
He looked over towards the door and then back down at the journal. He pulled out your chair, turned your nightline on, and began reading.
December 15, 2019 | 4:18 AM |
I can’t walk without wanting to fall apart. Im breaking. I can feel myself falling to pieces; all over again. Nothing is working. I can’t keep doing this. I can’t do this all over again. I barely made it out alive the first time around. I didn’t fight the last time; I was pulled out.
My mind is dark, cloudy and it’s always raining down on me. It’s a shitstorm up in there. I can feel myself slipping away from my own hands. I can’t grasp onto anything. I'm starting to feel blank, nothing. I can’t feel the hot water from the hour-long showers that burn at my skin. The boiling hot coffee when I over pour my cup. The rain when I stand outside as I let it drown me in my darkness. The warmth of some random strangers smiling as they pass me on the street. The morning sun that used to light up my insides, only makes me want to hideaway. Or even my own laughter when I pretend everything is okay for a split second.
I can’t breathe.
When I stand I can’t feel my own legs, I spend days on the floor. I lay there feeling lifeless, worthless, a burden to this world. I hate the person I see in the mirror.
I hate her. The problem is; no one hates me more than I hate myself.
She is a twisted dark person.
I have no control.
I’ve spent days and nights gripping the bottle tightly, sometimes it’s the only thing I look at. I opened it once, I dropped one into my palm and stared at it for what felt like years. I hate myself but I can never get myself to take it down. Why not? What twisted part of me still wants to live? To still be here? What is there to live for? Who is there to live for?
I’m drowning in the emptiness of nothing.
My job. My job. My job.
What the hell am I supposed to say when someone tells me I saved their life but I can barely keep mine intact. Do I say your welcome? Should I have wrapped my arm around them and held them tightly enough to make myself feel whole again? Instead, I smiled at them and said ‘you keep fighting, alright?’
I go out there and I do my job so damn well that no one knows what happens when I'm alone. But how much longer? How much longer before I crash and burn in front of them? Until they figure it out? Once they do, they'll try to help; no one can help me now. Who will they be trying to save? One of them is already on to me. I already get broken looks from them. I get sidelined and benched. They have no idea who’s dying behind that smiling face. But I love them, my God, do I love them. They are the only family I’ve ever had but I can’t tell them. I can’t drag them down with me. I love them so for my sake and theirs, im letting them go.
I stand in the line of fire without a fear. I don’t shake. I don’t tremble. I don’t blink.
Stand tall, without fear, without hate. Maybe next time I’ll do …
One less soul makes the earth a little bit lighter, right?
Spencer felt his eyes burn, the tears rolled down his cheeks.
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scarofthewind · 4 years
Too Far || Slashers x Reader
A/N: I had two requests that were kind of the same, which I will have below. Warnings, there is angst! Enjoy! 
Request 1 by @brideofcthulhu10 : Hey! First of all I wanna say I absolutely love your slasher fics, very detailed, you have a lot of talent! (I mostly dabble with Lost Boys on my blog!) Anyhoo, I'm not sure if I sent this yet, but I was wondering if you could do Brahms reacting to an S/O who's usually very patient with him crying because of an outburst? Like she's his caretaker who usually can handle his fits, but one day he goes too far screaming in her face, breaking things, and she just falls apart?
Request 2 by anon:  Hi!I was thinking of a request if you wanna do it ofc, with Michael Myers when he is stressed out about something and maybe neglects or takes it out on s/o and she gets reallyy sad and goes for a walk at 3am and he Wakes up and not seeing her makes him feel guilty and sad and starts getting a panick attack just when she is returning and comforts him,im sorry if I’m being so specific I just wanted super angst with fluffy ending with Michael being super needy 🥺 sorry if i bother you
Brahms Heelshire:
You had never seen him so angry over something so small in the time that you’ve been with Brahms. Not even being able to recall what the fight was about, you stood there in the center of the room that had been utterly destroyed. The lamps that were on either side of the couch were beyond repair, the book case was tipped and all it’s remains were scattered on the floor and the glass topped coffee table had long been broken. Brahms circled you like a feral animal, the glare in his eyes made you look to the floor in fear. You jumped when you heard another object being broken behind you and a coaster went flying by your head from behind you, hitting the wall in front. The small dent in the wall from the coasters collision, reminded you just how strong Brahms was. 
“You can’t do anything right!” He shouted; the sound of glass crashing followed his words. “Why do I even bother keeping you’re pathetic ass around?!” He shoved past you, moving down the hall to grab the coatrack and throw it to the floor. One of the ends broke off and rolled towards you but you didn’t dare move, or even breathe. Your heart pounded ferociously against your chest and you wondered how you hadn’t had heart failures yet from all the stress he puts you through.
“Honestly, I should just get rid of you.” Brahms continued his rampage, breaking things and ripping paintings off the walls. You had become so numb to his usual rampages, that you were surprised when you found tears pooling out from your eyes at his words. Suddenly turning around, he walked over to you and you did your best to tune him out. His words cut like a knife and all you could do was stare forward and pray that this would all blow over. 
But even then, prayers have their limits. “Why can’t you understand that I can’t stand you? You’re nothing but a good fuck and that’s all you will ever be!” That was the icing on the cake. A gasp so silent, it cut through the quiet air, left your lips and that’s when Brahms realized exactly what he’d done. It was like a switch had gone off in his head and the anger was gone, replaced with a guilt and fear of abandonment. His hands moved to cup your face but you almost tripped moving back, his eyes widening at your actions. 
Everything he said was a lie; you both knew it, but he still thought them up somehow and felt like unloading them onto you in that moment. “(Y/N), I didn’t mean it.” Brahms felt sick watching as you backed away from him into the nearest corner he managed to maneuver you in. All the thoughts in his head came to one conclusion: There was nothing he could do or say in that given time that would make you want to stay. 
“Please, listen to me.” He begged, his eyes holding so much fear you almost didn’t recognize the man before you. Brahms reached out to you gently, touching your shoulders and then your neck and then your face. “I didn’t mean any of that. Please forgive me; don’t leave me.” 
Your throat was dry and you had nothing to say, all you could do was stare. “I love you, baby, please talk to me.” You felt his thumbs wipe away the tears on your cheeks and his lips pressed kisses to your forehead. Brahms knew exactly how much he had fucked up and the guilt and shame were eating him alive. “My god, what have I done?” You tensed as he pulled you into a tight and possessive hug. Your arms stayed by your sides, not moving an inch as the words and his face full of anger, kept replaying in your head. “Don’t leave me okay? I can fix this; I’ll fix it, I swear, my love.”
Meaningless. Everything felt meaningless.
But you had nowhere to go and you loved this man, even with all his issues. So, you swallowed any pride you had left and hugged him back, hearing him sob just a bit as he swore up and down that you wouldn’t regret it. 
Michael Myers:
You couldn’t remember how you managed to get out of Michael’s grip while he was sleeping, but somehow you ended up outside in the freezing cold of night, walking down the sidewalk. You had managed to snag one of Michael’s jackets on your way out the door and thanked god it covered you well enough. 
It wasn’t like you and Michael didn’t fight; you did, a lot. Tonight’s was just different and hurt you in more ways than you thought possible. 
“Can’t you fucking leave me alone for once?” Michael’s voice was harsh as he moved away from your hands that were on his back. You realized he’d been under a lot of stress lately and he hadn’t really been himself; you were only trying to help ease the tension.
“Sometimes I really hate you and I think ‘why in the world, did I end up with her?’.” You remember that being the moment your heart sank to your stomach. The cold glare in his eyes was real, not like all the other times he’s done it. 
The moon made your shadow look odd as you watched the pavement before you, every now and then glancing around to see if anyone else was up. Your already puffy eyes burned with the feeling of tears again and you managed to choke them down. “I should’ve let your father kill you. I would be a free man right now.” 
You made your way around the block, making your way back home. “The only time you’re worth it is when your warming my cock.” You stopped, having arrived back at the front door. Your fingers twitched at the doorknob and you wondered if it was really a good idea to go back in. Michael had apologized after the fight and resulted in him not letting you out of an arm’s reach. But still. Was it worth it?
The second you opened the door, the air felt wrong. Shutting it behind you and taking your coat off, you realized why. Everything was torn apart. The furniture was all over the place and some pieces were broken, the TV was shattered and various pictures on the walls were on the ground. Loud sounds of footsteps came from upstairs when you shut the door and Michael practically tackled you. 
To say you were shocked was an understatement. The man who put on a ‘Mr. Tough Guy’ act was now trembling in your arms, pulling you closer to him with each passing second. “Michael.” You said calmly, gently stroking his back with your hands. You heard him sniffle and your made a mental note to remember this moment. 
“Look at me.” Your voice was calming and you were there. You didn’t leave him like he thought. His eyes met yours and you reached up and brushed his tears away, moving his hair from his face and cupping his cheeks in your hands. “Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?”
He shook his head, his mouth too dry to speak from all the yelling he did while you were out on a walk. He’d woken up to your side of the bed cold as ice and all he could think was that you finally left him. He tore the house apart looking for you and when he couldn’t find you, he broke. This mountain of a man who hates showing one ounce of actual emotion, broke. 
“That’s good. Can you tell me why the house looks like this?” You asked him, being very careful with your words as his hands once again pulled you against him. 
“I-I was looking for you. I thought you left me.” His body shook as though the thought alone sent a chill down his spine. “You aren’t leaving me right?” His voice was so weak it was hard to remember what this man was actual capable of. 
“Of course not, Michael. I couldn’t sleep and needed some fresh air.” You cooed, peppering kisses along his jaw and chin. “I’m here, I’m not going anywhere.” You assured him, nuzzling your face under his chin and letting him hold you close. 
“I’m so sorry for hurting you. I didn’t mean any-” You shushed him, wrapping our arms around his back. 
“I know you didn’t mean it.” Your words were music to his ears and he pulled back enough to bend down and press a kiss to your lips. “Let’s go back to bed, okay? We can clean this up in the morning.” You told him as your lips parted; you led him upstairs and to your bedroom, not leaving his arms for the rest of the night. 
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sweetberrysmooch · 4 years
HC: Call This The ‘Can This Man Cook’ Section
(….. I don’t think these men can cook 😔)
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First post pog :D I wrote a majority of these super late at night, so please forgive and let me know of any mistakes you find <3 Also, it’s a little long lol
Characters: Dream, George, SapNap, Badboyhalo, Wilbur, Technoblade, Philza, Quackity, Fundy, Schlatt.
Warnings: None, except for a kinda risqué comment in Philza’s. Oh and I guess there’s mentions of eating meat in case someone wants the warning :3
Song Recommendation: I Love You So- The Walters
Hella fluffy! Hope you enjoy <3
From best to worst:
#1: BadBoyHalo-
Bad is the best at cooking on the server. He is the creme of the crop, absolute top one percent, king shit at cooking.
He can cook, bake, and temper chocolate perfectly, what more could you want?
His favorite to-go recipes are cheesy garlic bread and a special spicy chicken and rice recipe which he typically makes when the boys are over at his house for the night. When he’s with you he goes for something a little smoother, some mulled sweet berry cider with a smoked cod fillet, eaten under the light of candles while you quietly chat about life and your fellow friends. It’s always one of Bad’s most anticipated hangouts, and he’s very careful about planning when it comes to those days.
While he appreciates being complimented on his food or his skills, deep down he wants to have someone to cook and share his knowledge with so the cooking process becomes much richer. He’s cooked for so long and learned so much, but it means nothing if he can’t share it with another person. The moment you come to him and ask him for help on any kind of recipe, he’ll drop almost everything to help you.
Side note; he absolutely carried lunch and dinner for his fellow DTeam members. While Sapnap would mostly take over breakfast, Bad would be hounded by begging puppy looks from these adult men who couldn’t cook and kind of just sigh and get the ‘kiss the cook’ apron ready. It’s not like he hates it or anything, but the endearing factor kinda slips off after a few years of adult men groveling.
(Bad’s hands rest over yours, dwarfing them entirely as he helps you cut the pasta sheet straightly. “There you go!” He encourages, squeezing your hand gently and stepping away, moving back to dice the vegetables on the cutting board next to you. A comfortable silence falls, and with it comes something in Bad’s heart softening. The worries and exhaustion in his mind ease, and he slips into a contented routine of finely chopping and slicing. It’s been a while since he’s felt so calm. There’s nothing that can ruin this- 
The front door slams open. Footsteps walk in and approach the kitchen and you both hear it, 
“Baaaaaaaaad.” Bad cringes, taking a step back.
“Baaaaaaaaaaad, we’re hungry.” Sapnap. 
“Yeah Bad, feeeeeeeed uuuuuuus.” George. 
And then, from around the door frame, a white mask peeks in. Nobody says a word, but you can feel Bad deflate next to you like let go balloon. 
“It’s alright, big guy.” You laugh, grabbing his forearm and leaning up against him. His sad puppy eyes make you smile a little, and you try to reassure him. “We can hang out alone another time. Let’s keep working on the pasta.” He sighs, but still returns your smile. “Yeah, another time.”)
#2: Philza 
Sigh…. he can cook. Not quite as good as Bad can, but better than Quackity. A solid second place. It stems mainly from being so knowledgeable that he just knows and has tried so many different foods, but since he doesn't actually do much cooking, I'm making him a flaky second place.
Doesn’t mind cooking, but doesn’t love doing it either. He’s always focused on so many different things that he’ll forgo eating to keep working on what he’s doing. He mostly cooks for Techno and Ranboo or the few guests (you) they seem to receive. Makes great stew, and even better roasted chicken, is absolutely immaculate when it comes to cooking bird.
He didn’t teach Wilbur or Techno shit! I wish I could say it’s because he wanted to but just couldn’t, but he was literally like “hmm. Im a little busy now, maybe next year” every year!! But, this being said, if you ask him to make something with you or teach you how to cook a particular dish, he will agree to help you. Old age has really mellowed him out, and after certain events, he realizes he needs to stay a bit closer to those he cares about from now on.
He likes sweets well enough, and will always thank you for any gifts you make for him. Along with growing older, he’s had time to lose his pickiness he had in his youth. If he does end up cooking with you, he’ll prefer doing the harder recipes over easy ones. He will lose it laughing if it turns out bad, so don’t worry about any disappointment (his children make up enough of that ^^).
(“Now,” Phil starts, washing his hands quickly as you wait for him next to the cutting board. “Pufferfish needs to be prepared perfectly, or we will die when we eat it. But I don’t need to explain to you how a pufferfish works, now do I?” 
When you shake your head no, he comes up behind you, tarnished wings bound and hair pulled up in a pony tail. 
“The meat of a pufferfish is very delectable, and much better with a glass of wine.” He grins cheekily, “ If this works out well, which I’m sure it will, dinner will be delicious.” 
It falls quiet for a second, and as your hesitantly looking over the fish that may be your last, you gasp when you feel him press up against you back and rest his chin on your shoulder. “Maybe there’ll be other delicious things to eat as well,” He murmurs into you ear, before leaning back and busting out laughing. Your face feels stupidly hot. Dilfza quest activated.)
#3: Quackity-
Quackity can cook. I know!! I’d say he’s like the third best cooker on the list. And he’s not half bad at baking either.
He likes making up stupid bad recipes and trying them out with you, even if at the end of it the one of you up chucks your damned creations the hour after. Despite his reigning need for chaos though, he knows how to make a decent amount of recipes and strives for praise when he’s actually putting forward effort. He’ll arrange little dinner dates (“A handsome man and his very pretty friend, good food made by yours truly, and La Chona, what do you say, baby?”) and will sit there with a 🥺 look on his face until you tell him if you liked it or not.
He tries to act like he’s unaffected by your words, but even a small, “That was really good.” will make him turn red and giggle like a schoolgirl. He tries to play it off, but it’s easy to tell he loves the complements. Will also never tell you anything you make is bad. You are a deity descended upon  minecraft Earth and he is but your prettiest disciple who will uphold your honor and treat you like you should be treated!!!! But he’ll then promptly choose to help you with and guide you into cooking/baking better ^^; He loves you!
As for baking, he really likes making cakes because of how simple they can be. It helps calm him down when he can just slip into bake mode and follow a recipe and make something nice at the end of it. Speaking of, he also has a sweet tooth, but not quite as bad as Techno does. Any sweets or food you make for him is always eaten, and always held in high regard. Will try to entice you into feeding him 👀👀 so watch out.
(He’s doing it again. You try to avoid looking directly at the dopey lovesick smile Quackity has on his face at the moment, but as you lift the fork up, you get a better idea. 
You look at him (to which he seems to melt a little under your gaze), look at the fork, and then back to him, raising the piece of cake up to his lips. His expression turns flabbergasted and his blush deepens. 
He doesn’t seem to believe you for a second, until you nudge the cake close and flash him a smile. Then it’s like a switch has been flicked; he giggles, blushing, and eats the cake right off the fork. He’s gone back to smiling that silly smile again, this time even brighter, but it’s okay. You try to ignore the way your heart speeds up in your chest when he begs you for another piece.)
#4: Schlatt-
Another cooker~! He specializes with formal dinners more than anything else, and adores a good steak.
During his presidency, he didn’t cook very often. Quackity and you had to keep him fed through most of it, and the memory of watching you cook in his kitchen while he looked over work papers at his dining table leaves a mark on him, sealing a new crave for domesticity that he hadn’t ever wanted before.
Sometimes he would cook though. You, Quackity, and Tubbo would all gather around and eat together every once in a blue moon, when Schlatt was sober and calm. It feels tense at the table but also not in a way? Schlatt always seems to be chillest during dinner, a mix of the alcohol wearing off and the emphatic family feel that comes with Tubbo, Quackity, and you surrounding him.
He loves cake! It’s one of the few desserts he’ll eat, but you have to watch him closely or he’ll gorge himself of the treat. Indulge him and invite him to make a cake with you, and it will be one of the most interesting bakes of your life. How Schlatt got three eggs to stick to the ceiling is beyond you, but the look in his eyes tells you he’s completely fucking sober and hamming up his own cluelessness. You probably wouldn’t have even noticed if it weren’t for him hiding all the other eggs around your kitchen as well. How did he get one on the top of your door without it falling when you opened it? That’s between him and god.
Overall, a good 4th place on the list.
(“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Schlatt says, deadpanned, looking you right in the fucking eyes with an undisturbed egg sitting perfectly straight on his head. 
“Where are the eggs, Schlatt.” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
The container you kept them in is completely empty on your kitchen counter, once full of eggs but now reduced to a desolate husk of its former glory. Speaking of former glories, your president turns around, arms crossed and stands there silently. 
You look around. Theres one in the door handle of in the pantry, another wedged between two slices of bread in your bread box, and- oh god. On the fucking ceiling. Three, stuck to the ceiling, unmovable. After a full minute of dead silence you manage a “What the fuck have you done?”, and Schlatt turns to look. 
“Oh hey. There they are.” Your mind turns into a rock, shatters, and crumbles into dust.)
#5: Dream-
Honestly if you’re looking for edible food that tastes range from ok to good Dream is your man. 5th place.
He knows a lot of ‘depression era’ type recipes just because he’s pretty homeless and his man hunts don’t allow him much time to hone his skills. Stuff like bread or mushroom stew comes easy to him after so many times of having to do it on the run. Bread is the only baking he won’t screw up.
Can cook meat well enough too, but doesn’t really do anything special to it (besides his sauces).
To elaborate: Over the unknown span of his life, he’s acquired these recipes for forgotten and questionable sauces that he’ll store in little jars and leave at your house for you to use. They’re odd, and the ingredients aren’t ever what you think might be edible, but they’re surprisingly tasty none the less. He likes to show you a new one every month or so to keep things fresh.
Pretty general about sweets, but has a severe love for chocolate, especially dark chocolate. Has never had one, but dreams about chocolate cake. It’s high on his bucket list and written another four times over.
One of his favorite things to do with you is bake, mainly because of how ruinous it always turns out. No matter your skill, Dream’s vibes decimates any luck the two of you will have while baking. It’s scientifically proven. You left the cupcakes in for a minute-JUST a minute over what they should’ve been and they came out rock solid. Dream tried to eat one anyway. Best part was watching him try to bite through the shell.)
(He thinks he’s over selling it, half-gnawing on the brown cupcake (it was supposed to be vanilla, he thought) and making stupid growls when his teeth barely break through the surface, but the feeling he gets when you start laughing hysterically next to him wipes away any negative thought he had and fills him with utter joy. 
It's very late into the night, and you’re both a little loopy, but all the while you still lean against him as you giggle, the spot tingling where your hand rests on his arm. 
His heart thumps crazily, before sinking. Oh god. He’s in love with you.)
#6: Technoblade-
Knows a lot, but very little. He can cook the meat perfectly fine, but there’s a difference between being cooked and tasting good. He doesn’t know how to season them. Salt is the bare minimum you get.
6th place ^^; sorry king.
He’s good with potatoes though. I like to think that the countless hours spent potato farming had to account for something. He likes having cheese and butter on them every once in a while, but for the most part just eats them salted like an animal. It’s practically a show to watch him eat a cooked potato in three bites without anything but salt on it.
Big man loves food though, even if he doesn’t eat like it. Steak and cooked fish are high on his list of foods, but only if it’s cooked by Philza. And eventually you fall into his “I trust to eat this from you” category as well, but he has a special place in his heart for Phil’s cooking. Rabbit stew is at the very top.
He also eats a lot, being 6’10 and 200 something pounds of muscle, gotta consume quite a bit to keep him moving.
As for the sweeter variety of food, he’s got a massive sweet tooth. The moment you make him an apple pie or honey candy or anything of the like, he’s immediately enamored with you. Sweet things are hard to come by on the smp, especially with how far out he lives, but it’s a secret weakness of his that is very easily exploitable.
(You’ll be the death of him, he thinks, watching you closely as you trudge your way through the freshly fallen snow towards his house. Your normal pack is lighter than it usually looks, and he worries that you may slip and hurt yourself on the ice before you make it to the door. But still, you keep walking until you're standing at his doorstep, fist raised to knock when he opens it for you. 
You look surprised for a second, and then a grin splits your face and his heart races. 
“I can’t stay for long,” you say, having spent at least 30 minutes to get there. “But I wanted to drop this off for you before you went out to hunt again.” 
Out of the bag, you pull another smaller leather bag and hand it to him gently. It rests heavy in his palm, and for a moment he’s sure it’s ender pearls that you’ve brought him. But still he opens it, and he’s immediately taken aback by the smooth golden candies you brought him. 
“They’re honey candies.” At this point you’re practically grinning. “I thought you might like some while I was making them last night.” 
He doesn’t have to see his own face to feel the deep blush setting in on his cheeks and ears. You…. you’re so…… sweet. You are very…. sweet, he admits to himself, and he is very not attached to you. Not at all.)
#7: Fundy and Sapnap tie.
Has his old man's cluelessness but is a fast learner. He doesn’t have much time to expand his food repertoire so it’s pretty much the basic stuff that he’s eaten during the war or before that when he was younger.
He really likes cooking though, and will invite you to come cook with him for dinner or lunch if he wants to hang out. When they were together, Dream had given him an old dusty cookbook that had several recipes he hadn’t ever heard of before, so that’s where most of what he tries to make comes from. His favorite to date was a special mutton dish that he asked you to try with him on his last birthday. It was just the two of you, but he had never had so much fun before.
Doesn’t like eating fish however, there’s just some bad vibe he gets when he thinks about cooking one or catching one. (Desperately ignores the fish fucker. Desperately ignores the fish fucker. Despera-)
Loves sweet berries as treats, seeing as that’s the only sweet thing he grew up with. Not too big on other sweet flavors. Likes honey in his tea though.
7th place cooker, will get higher as he learns more dishes.
(He raises his wine high with a laugh, clinking your glass with it as you both giggle drunkenly. 
The lamb you had cooked together turned out amazing, juicy and tender and flavored with crimson fungus juice. The recipe was from an old cookbook he had, he faintly remembers telling you, hiding the fact that it was Dream’s cookbook that he was given after a particularly nasty argument. 
He doesn’t want to think about him, especially not while he’s with you. Especially not when it’s his birthday. 
So instead he ponders the trip through the nether he took with you to harvest some of the fungi, how the juice was tangy and slightly bitter, but how it had done wonders when basted onto the meat while frying. 
You had looked so happy when you two plated the dish, so proud of him, all in a way that Dream never was. 
Even now, as you tiredly smile at him from across the table, cheeks pink and eyes focused solely on the moment you were sharing, he feels at peace for once. This is what contentment felt like. Oh, how he loves you so.)
Shame the shit cooker. Ok ok, he’s not as bad as some of the others on this list, but that’s just because he can make a half decent breakfast. It’s not much competition.
Bad has desperately tried to teach this boy some cooking besides eggs and toast, but the only things that seem to have stuck are mashed potatoes and grilled pork chops. Neither of which he even likes enough to make often.
He prefers fish to meat, and would eat any kind of cod you offered to him. Likes smoked salmon a lot, it’s something Bad made for him a lot when he was younger. He tries to recreate the dish, but comes up short and feels disheartened when it isn’t like Bad’s. He’d appreciate any time you took with him to learn how to make the dish, and it wholly sticks to his mind afterwards. He never forgets the experience, and treasures it very closely.
Likes not-sweet sweets. Not bitter per say, but just not very sweet. He likes chewy taffy in particular, but the old lady kind that lasts 60 years but gets hard in 6 minutes after being exposed to open air. Gotta be polite about it too, or he’ll end up embarrassed and pout for an hour.
(He’s eaten 6 of those fucking taffies since you sat down on the couch, completely straight-faced as the two of you of you listen to Dream and George talking. 
At this point you’re completely checked out of their conversation, solely focused on the taffy Sapnap keeps eating. Where does he even get those? How many does he have?? You’ve been friends with him long enough to have seen him pop a taffy every other second of the day. He seems to have a stash on him at all times tucked away, filled with paper-wrapped pastel covered sweets. 
“Want one?” Sapnap asks, holding out a light blue taffy with a little star drawn in yellow dye on the wrapper. 
“What?” Startled, you lean back a bit and realize you had been staring him down as he ate, and flush with how rude that probably seemed. 
“Want a taffy? I don’t mind sharing with you, cutie.” He winks and offers the taffy again. “....” You gaze at the taffy curiously. You’ve never seen him offer another person one of his precious taffies before. Hmm. “...Yes, thanks.” 
You take it delicately, unwrapping the wrapper and taking a bite of it experimentally. It’s very lightly sweet, soft and chewy and surprisingly pleasant. 
Sapnap watches you from the corner of his eye, softly smiling when he sees you eat the rest of it. Glad to see someone else has good tastes around here.)
#8. George-
Meager man makes a meager meal. I said what I said!!! This flatbread boy knows diddly squat, and the only things he can cook successfully are bread and mushroom soup. Which he will make. And that’s all he’ll make. Any food that isn’t that is cooked by either Bad or Dream, and he’s still picky about it.
He’ll make you the soup and bread ladies and gents. I’m not saying they’ll taste great together, but he will definitely make them for you. Anything else he’s pretty critical about, and he doesn’t care much for treats or dessert. He does occasionally like dark chocolate though, which he and Dream will beg Bad to make for them. Soon he begs you to make it for him, and then you have to go ask Bad how he makes it so George won’t complain about how it tastes different from Bads. It’s a weird situation. You make a lot of chocolate. Dream and George linger at your house for weeks on end until you get fed up and shoo them away with a broom.
To his credit, even though he can’t cook much, he’s really proud of his mushroom stew. Any time you let him cook, his go-to is his mushroom stew. He likes to feed you and know that you’re not hungry somewhere, and to top it off he gets to show you his prized dish; not Bad’s or Dream’s stew, but his. He’s cute or whateva…
(George places the bowl down in front you, stepping back and turning to grab his own, before sitting down next to you. He immediately begins to eat, and you give him a half glance as you bring the soup up to smell it. 
It… doesn’t smell that bad, actually. Not burnt, at least. You spoon some of the soup into your mouth. 
Despite all you’ve seen of George’s cooking, this is pretty well made. It’s nice and warm, and the flavors are rich and the mushrooms soft. You choose to ignore the small smile of his face next to you, and keep eating your soup quietly together.)
#9: Wilbur
Wilbur can’t cook for shit. Literally nothing. This man knows apples grow from trees and that animals are made of meat and that’s it.
You think Wilbur made any of his food when he was president or exiled or ever? Not a chance. He ate anything given to him, Tubbo and Tommy absolutely brought this man all the food they could find so he wouldn’t get eat straight trash or starve throughout the presidency. Techno slid him bare cooked potatoes in Pogtopia and he thought “oh this slaps….. this is the pinnacle of food”
Which I know, not really sexy. But! This means that the moment you feed him something a step up from a bare cooked potato he is in food heaven. He especially loves saucier kinds of foods with lots of flavor and spice to them, it’s just so fucking good. Food becomes his kryptonite after you feed this silly man.
With sweets, however, he isn’t that much of a fan. He does like those small lemon creme crackers, and you and da boys are the only ppl he’ll share them with.
(You hear him before you see him. The familiar clambering at your window draws your attention away from the pork you were dicing, and one look over your shoulder shows a disheveled but grinning Wilbur. 
“I hope I’m not too late for dinner.” He jokes, brushing off his pants before approaching you to press a kiss to your temple. Soon after that you hear another set of clambering, and two pairs of stomps reveals one Tommy and one Tubbo respectively. 
“What’s for dinner tonight, mate?” 
“Hope you don’t mind if we join in!” 
You sigh, turning back to hide your smile before they can see it.)
// Hope you enjoyed! I might write a pt2 of this later with some other ppl in it lol we’ll see :3
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
New Home
Joel Miller x reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: some self-doubt, cuss words, insinuation to smut 
Author’s Note: the way...this is my favorite thing i’ve written in a hot minute. Joel i love you so much please come back to me (also, i will keep using video game joel gifs for the rest of my time as I am pressed their making a show about it. I am preparing for the onslaught of pedro pascal fans by writing very fluffy fics about video game joel because im salty) 
Summary: The first day settling into your new home. (set between the end of the first game and around the beginning of the second) 
Genre: flUFF, some angst at the beginning but all is settled
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif) (im gonna cry i miss him sm)
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You ran a hand through your head and looked through the window of the house. It didn’t seem very...homey yet. Tommy had tried but you could tell the little bits he had set up were for Joel. Even a couple of lonely flannels had been set up in the closet. 
You and Joel had been together for going on a year but you still felt like you shouldn’t have assumed that when you finally settled down it would be in the same house as him. You hadn’t even assumed you would get here. 
Endless years of running and sneaking and then you were taking Ellie to a place you ended up stealing her from. Now the possibility of a domestic life was within your grasp and you weren’t sure how you should go about it. The guilt of killing all those people and lying to Ellie still hungover you, even if it was mostly Joel. 
The door opened and you stood up from the bed link you needed to be formal. You felt stupid the second he saw you. 
“Tommy really shoved you in here didn’t he,” he grumbled. 
“What’s that mean?” you asked, still feeling dumb. He shook his head and walked up to you, putting his hands on your lower arms.
“You didn’t see Ellie’s little room. She wanted to show you.” You nodded slowly.
“Do you think we should stay here together?” you asked him, unable to do anything but speak your mind. He was caught off guard by that and clearly tired. You should have waited for a bit before speaking but you couldn’t help yourself.
“Why wouldn’t we?” he asked, suddenly way too tired to have a conversation that may make him feel vulnerable. You shrugged and sat down on the bed which he promptly followed.
“I’ve just never actually thought about settling down I guess. I wasn’t sure if we should have separate housing or what was appropriate or anything.” Joel wasn’t sure how to answer. His jerk reaction was that you shouldn’t leave his sight. It was pretty safe to say the two of you had formed an unhealthy codependent relationship. It had just been the two of you for a while before Ellie came along. 
“Do you want separate housing?” he asked gruffly. You looked into his eyes, gauging his emotions. 
“No,” you said honestly, a little bit of lingering emotion in your voice. 
“Me neither.” You let out a sigh of relief. 
“Good. I was scared,” you said laughing a bit. You stood up again quickly and reached out his hand. Your mood shifted immensely now that that weight was off of your shoulders. “Care to show me to El’s?” He let out a long tired sigh but took your hand anway. He couldn’t say no to you. 
He took you to where Ellie had coped up, in a small house a couple of streets over. Tommy was outfront talking to her. You wondered if Joel had told him yet, about the whole immunity thing. 
Joel had an arm firmly around your shoulders as you approached. Codependency showing quite clearly.
“Hey! I’m glad he dragged you over, come here!” Ellie said loudly, opening the door to her new house. You smiled at Tommy who smiled even wider back. He was beyond happy to see that Joel had found someone he clicked with. He was worried all his older brother would have was his grief. 
“Alright alright,” you said laughing as Ellie took your hand to drag you away.
“Don’t pop her arm out kid,” Joel said, letting you go reluctantly.
“I won’t!” Ellie promised even as she dragged you with all her might inside. You slipped behind the door and it didn’t shut, just in case either of the guys wanted to follow but they strayed. Tommy looked over at Joel, a cheeky grin on his face.
“You like the house I had saved for y’all?” he asked. Joel crossed his arms and nodded. 
“It’s nice.” Joel looked over at you and Ellie. He couldn’t really hear your words but Ellie had her arms up high, showing you each bit and you nodded along eagerly. “Thank you,” he said begrudgingly. Tommy took the gratitude gracefully. 
“Of course. Anything for my big brother and his girl.” Tommy shoved his hands in his pockets. “You look real happy with her. As she does with you as well.” Joel gave him a prompt ‘be quiet’ look but Tommy shook his head. “Hey, I’m just happy you found each other is all.” 
Joel had to admit, he was happy too. Although he would never say it out loud to his brother.
“Looks awesome El! And we’re not too far away from each other. I will expect sleepovers,” you said as you approached the door again. She nodded, laughing from something you had said inside.
“We’ll have to kick Joel out of the house,” she explained.
“Hey now,” Joel protested, chuckling lowly. You were back at his side and just like that you leaned against his chest with your back so that he could put his arms around you. 
“I’ll just come over here, give the old guy some space. God knows he needs it sometimes,” you said. 
“I don’t know, looks like y’all are pretty attached,” Tommy teased. You kicked him. Ellie giggled at it. 
“We’ll see you both tomorrow,” Joel finally said. You nodded.
“Breaking the house in?” Tommy asked and Ellie was the one who hit him this time.
“Golden star for Ellie. Goodnight you guys,” you said as you started to walk away. 
“Goodnight!” Ellie called.
“Night,” Tommy said as you and Joel trotted back to the house. There was a moment of content silence as you walked, happy to be safe, happy to be together.
“Should we?” Joel asked.
“Huh?” you questioned. He nudged you.
“Break it in.” You scoffed, nudging him back. 
“I’ll race you.”
“Oh for Christ's sake.”
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vore-scientist · 3 years
Return of the Dragon King pt 1: Prison Break
[A non-sexual high fantasy GT/vore story with both hard/fatal+ other fantasy violence and safe/soft]
This story is a prose adaptation of an RP between @vixen525 and I. It takes place in one of her worlds and features mostly her characters.
Summary/Pitch: Separated from Sophia by the evil (and illegitimate) Prince Nero, Yonah must rescue his princess from Nero's devious clutches. With a collection of quirky fantasy characters as allies, Yonah aims to bring an end to Nero's reign and return the rightful heir to the throne.
But before that, he must escape from one of Nero’s prisons.
Story General Warnings: Return of the Dragon King overall will contain hard/fatal vore (in an intense fantasy violence style) along with soft/safe (the good stuff). Themes of abuse and torture as well. (There may be one instance of soft fatal that if I ever get that far I’ll warn for that specifically but it’s so far off from this it may never get written down)
Chapter Specific Warnings: This chapter contains all the story general warnings. This is NOT the chapter with soft/fatal. It’s hard only. It very much treads the line between hard vore and just standard fantasy violence. This part contains a very brief mention of attempted (and failed) sexual assault.
Onto the story:
For the 20th night in a row Yonah was replaying the moment in his mind, and like the 19 times before, this time was slightly worse than before.
It started with merriment, feasting, dancing, joking. Then transitioned to screaming, to blood, to Sophia being dragged away and him unable to stop it. And finally ended with waking up here, on a hard stone floor, in a room with no windows, with cold metal around his ankles and a chain attached to a back corner. With a terrible pounding in his head and an indescribable weight upon his core.
While he wondered why it had happened. Why this diplomatic mission to another world had been under false pretenses, however it wasn’t really worth dwelling on. He wasn't going to get answers here. All that he knew was he had failed. He had failed to protect Sophia. His charge. His friend. His princess. She was taken and he had let it happen!
After his 5th day in the prison cell he had given up trying to escape. Whatever that pressure was, pushing on his core, it stopped his magic. He had woken up without his robe, staff, and hat. For a normal wizard that would be a problem, but Yonah HaEsh was half FireWitch in addition to half giant. He had his own natural magic! Surely he could melt the cuffs and bars.
Nope. He could see the air shimmer with heat around his hands. He was generating magic, but it seemed to be… negated as soon as he tried to release it. All it succeeded in doing was make him tired. And hungry.
He was so hungry. The prison guards were giving him just enough food and water to stay alive for reasons that were beyond him. So he spent most of his time laying on the floor. Conserving his energy. For what purpose? For what event? None at all. He just hoped. And cried. Or at least tried to. His tears had long since dried up.
The screech of the prison bars sliding open grated upon his ears and he drew a harsh breath but did not give the guards the satisfaction of interacting with him. He had tried to rush at them a few times, just to have a little fun. But the chains weren’t long enough to let him reach the bars. All his antics got him was humiliation.
“Oy! Halfbreed Thing, you’re in luck,” came the voice of a nameless guard, “the warden decided to give you a treat tonight!”
Yonah didn’t respond. It was clearly sarcasm.
“He also said if you don’t eat up, you get nothing for a week!” And the door was closed again.
He still did not look. He had decided he wasn’t going to even touch what they had assumedly given him. It was probably poisoned, or drugged. Or both. He drew another breath.
That smell.
He finally looked. His heart racing. They wouldn’t… would they?
Standing with her back against the bars was a young woman with straight black hair, wearing a similar tattered outfit as himself. She must have been cold, and scared, but she was not shaking. Instead she stared right into his eyes. The fear in them was evident.
Now that his ears were no longer ringing he could hear her breathing. She was trying to calm down.
Apparently she succeeded. As she talked first.
"So... I guess they put you in here because you use magic too?" her voice was weak, and her accent thick upon his ears but he understood her well enough.
Yonah did not respond right away. Carefully he sat up, leaning against the back wall where his chains were connected, rattling them as they piled up.
“Well they certainly didn’t throw you in here so you could be my pet.” he snorted steam with his words, happy he could still do that much, and pleased him to see her concern at this display. So perhaps he could have some fun, even as her scent started to permeate his cell, leading his thoughts in another direction.
“No…” she answered, not moving any closer. “I doubt they’ve been feeding you well. I suspect they threw me in here in hope that you’d eat me.”
Yeah no shit. Had she heard the guard? Or was she too scared to listen. He had listened, even if he pretended otherwise.
“Being tossed a person to eat. How barbaric. Do they think I am some sort of feral animal?” His voice was hoarse with dehydration, and conflict. For he was considering eating her. Yonah HaEsh, despite being half giant, was not above eating smallfolk, if necessary. And she certainly smelled…delectable.
She shook her head “Many giants wouldn't hesitate if hungry enough… They may be normally polite to smaller folk but when half starved? All bets are off”
Yonah nodded, “I suppose so… Though I am only half giant.” He couldn't do more than suppose, as he did not know anything about giants of this world, though he remembered seeing one at Prince Nero’s castle. A little less than twice as tall as his own mother, and his mother was over 40ft tall! What he did know was that giants in his world would be tempted just like him, and while they were also normally polite… ish… their own survival was more important than the life of someone they did not know.
So why was he holding back? Well for one thing, she was out of reach. For another… He did not like the idea of being fed a person, it was insulting. The idea was nearly offensive enough to scare his hunger away. Nearly.
“Why you?” he hissed. Trying to chase away the remaining offensive thoughts. The mental images of grabbing her, sinking his fangs into her soft tasty flesh, and using his jaws and hands to rip her apart. The thoughts of how delicious it would be to finally satiate his hunger properly for the first time in weeks.
It took her a long minute to answer “I… keep escaping. I got out the door this time, nearly made it to the outer wall.”
“Ohhhh, curious” he breathed out, glad his ‘treat’ turned out to be interesting enough to distract his thoughts with. “You do not look like an escape artist. Or are you of hidden talents?”
She shook her head “The magic they use to… nullify the magic of others… doesn’t work on me. And my own magic doesnt like that im captive and kept… helping me escape”
Ohhhhh fascinating. He did not say out loud this time. “Sounds like you are a handful. Though perhaps you are rather, a mouthful. Or two in my case.” he smiled with all his fangs.
She swallowed nervously “Y-yes”
“Why don’t they just kill you? Are you important?”
She shook her head again “They are waiting for the execution order. That’s… why I’m here.”
“What do you mean by that?”
She took a breath. “If another prisoner kills me… they don’t lose their capital funding for executing a prisoner without the proper paperwork…”
“That’s where I come in” and he snarled “I don’t like being used as a tool. And I don't really want to eat you”
She nodded “That’s… good”
“But I am hungry.”
“Why are you in this prison?”
She looked away. “I… killed someone. With magic.”
More fascinating by the second. “Why, would you do that.”
It was an obvious struggle for her to answer “It wasn’t… it wasn’t intentional. He pinned me up against a wall and started tearing off my clothes. My magic just... reacted. The next thing I knew he was dead”
Yonah snorted again “Should have been intentional!”
“I haven't had any formal training! My magic just happens!”
“Shame” he sighed. “Do you know why I am here?” he asked, changing the subject.
“You’re… a mage. A rogue one. Like I am.”
That was new to him, “A rogue mage?”
“Practicing magic is highly regulated, don’t you know?”
“No.” Yonah saw that made her very confused “I am not of this world”
She seemed to accept this easily. This world seemed to be more comfortable with the idea of other worlds than his own, which had only started to make contact with new realities. He had also decided she didnt need to know his story yet. For he had not made up his mind on keeping her alive, or eating her. If he ate her, then it would have been a waste of breath to tell his own tale of woe.
He tugged on his chains to pile them up and keep them from getting tangled. And for the next few minutes he occupied himself with this task.
“They stop-”
Yonah looked at her so fast his neck cricked. She started again.
“They stopped using shackles on me because the chains kept breaking. Perhaps I could” she took a single step forward, and seeing that Yonah did not react, took another. “I’m sure you would appreciate more freedom of movement.” She took another step.
“Well not all of us are so damn talented now are we?!” he growled. She took two steps back.
“Im trying to help you! Maybe I can figure out how to get it to work on you too!”
“A self proclaimed untrained mage!” he spat “and why would you help a monster like me?”
For as much as he wanted to be civil, he was also a monster. And as much as he tried to fight the temptation to be monstrous, he did not know if he could succeed.
“It wasn’t being a monster that got you in trouble! It was magic.”
She sounded very sure of that.
Yonah snorted “That is your own assumption”, and turned around to lay his head on the chains, facing the corner.
After a few minutes he heard her soft footsteps, and he craned his neck to look. She had gotten a lot closer than he expected and was reaching for his chains. She was clearly in the mood to help him. Unfortunately he was in a mood to play with his would be treat instead, and he did not have any confidence that she could help, so why not have fun.
“Are you sure that’s wise little morsel?” he sighed with a fanged smile.
Amazingly she did not back up but touched chains by his ankles.
“No. But sooner or later they will get the execution order signed. So my odds of survival are shit. But they are better if I free you.”
Yonah made his eyes glow with what fire he had left “Are they better? You said you were untrained.”
She looked embarrassed, “I’m hoping I can practice on these chains of yours. My magic does disable the nullification. We can work together to get out.”
“Untested magic is dangerous” yonah growled “Maybe I should just eat you!” he snapped his teeth.
Still she did not leave. Instead she stood up and glared at him “So what? I die and you survive another week until the next council meeting and your execution is approved?”
Yonah narrowed his eyes “Maybe I dont care about that anymore.” but he does not move either. “You dont know why im truly here. Maybe I deserve this!”
His fiery eyes still on hers, she retaliated “I dont care if you do! I need to get free, and I cant on my own. You want to be free to dont you? If I can use my magic, I can break these chains, disable the anti-magic on this room, save us both!”
Yonah rolled his eyes, losing their staring contest. He did not stop her from continuing her investigations of the chains. But his mind wandered, until he exclaimed.
“Maybe you’re a plant! Instead of using me to kill you, you’re here to kill me!” he jerked the chains away from her.
“I’m unarmed!” she insisted and scrambled forwards to maintain contact with the metal.
“You said they cannot chain you, that their anti-magic shit doesnt work on you, so yours does work, and it’s killed someone before!” He knew that this new panic was not helping him in the slightest, and yet he did not care.
“Most of my magic isn’t working! I just somehow break chains and disable the magic nullification! I don’t know how it works or how to activate it! But the fact I can means they want me dead so they stop having to catch me! And magic isn’t allowed and I definitely don’t have the indicator that I have special permission, those are super obvious.”
Yonah blinked “Could be lies! You could be spitting lies! Permission to use magic. How ridiculous”
“Everyone knows that the few legal mages have face tattoos to make them obvious”
Yonah breathed steam again and finally she backed away from the painful heat. “I dont! I don’t know anything about this world! You could say anything and I wouldn’t know if it was truth or lies!”
“Oh… right” she looked at her feet “You aren't from this world. That must suck as much as my own problems with my memory…”
She rambled a little more about how she was definitely a prisoner, it was obvious from her malnutrition, and that despite not being able to be kept in chains she had marks on her wrists and ankles from the failed attempts.
But Yonah was not listening anymore. Once again he turned away and was trying to cry himself to sleep.
So she took the opportunity to touch the chains near his ankles again.
“Careful now!” he hissed without looking at her. “You don’t want to get burned” Hearing her yelp as she touched the chains, which he had put his mind to pumping his fire into. Maybe he couldn’t melt them, but he could make them painful to touch.
He heard her curse, and then the chains rustled again as she grit her teeth and grasped the half giant sized links, whining in pain and holding back tears. 3 seconds were all she could manage before she had to stumble back, sitting on the ground and blowing on her burnt hands.
Yonah sat up and looked at the chains. He did not let his face show any surprise as he found rust and cracks that had not been there before.
“Wow. It didnt work. Big fucking surprise, some help you were, but I guess you were telling the truth about being being put here for me to eat.” he lay back down. “Maybe I’ll do that in the morning.”
Suddenly the pain in her hands was not as important as what the half giant had said.
“It started to work! But I couldnt hold on long enough!” she wailed, “I tried! I really tried, to help you’re sorry ass!”
“And you FAILED” he snorted back.
“Only temporarily!” she insisted
“And look where it got me. Nowhere. I’m going to sleep”
“If the chains were just a little cooler! Then maybe-”
“I told you to be careful. You have only yourself to blame for your failures and your injuries” he stated, fully aware it was his fault. And that he was sabotaging himself. And yet he couldn't stop himself.
“I was trying to help you. You don’t have to be so rude. We are stuck in the same situation and I am trying to make a difference.”
“I dont have to be polite either. Now you’re the one being rude, keeping me awake”
She crossed her arms in defiance of her own fear “You’re kind of an asshole. I thought maybe we could work together to escape but apparently you’d rather stay and be executed.” She stood up, glancing at her hands, “Guess I’ll just try to figure out how to disable the nullification and escape without you if you really are that opposed to working together.” She turned and walked back to the cell bars before sitting down again.
Yonah looked away, no longer amused by her company, for he was too tired, and too hungry, too angry. Mostly at himself for heating up the chains.
Of course, he couldn't sleep, even though he wanted to do so. After about 10 minutes he glanced at the human, who was making hand motions at the bars. He could just barely feel the sparks of magic failing to become embers at her will.
That got boring really quickly, and he noticed that, unlike earlier, she was shivering. Not with fear…
“You’re wasting your time, little one”
She gasped and jumped from her sitting position, nearly toppling over. He was not asleep like she had assumed. And now he was staring at her with those glowing eyes again, full of fire and hunger.
“I am not giving up” she yawned and shook even worse, “I have no desire to be executed, not by the prince, and not by you!”
Yonah’s eyes dimmed with compassion, “You can try again in the morning. You keep this up and you’re going to freeze to death”
To his surprise she snarled at him, “What do you care!? You obviously arent worried about execution, and I dont have much else to do at the moment!”
Yonah rolled his eyes “Do you want a warm place to sleep or not? I’m only offering once. Can’t imagine you’ve had a warm bed in a while”
“I- what?” she paused, processing what he said, “Warmth… sounds wonderful… But you talked about eating me in the morning!” so she did not step near him.
“I said maybe. So you don't have to worry about it until then” He considers for a moment “I’m still making up my mind. I dont want to be used as an execution method, but I am starving. However” he yawned, his fangs looking larger than before, “I promise not to eat you tonight, and I am very warm if you want to sleep in my arms.”
“This room is absolutely freezing…” she admitted, “But I dont like the idea of you waking up before me to have a snack!”
She still looked hesitant so he added “Tiddles won’t be able to bring anything with you still visibly uneaten”
Now her fear was replaced almost entirely with confusion “Tiddles?”
“One of the little guards who did this to us. Sneaks me food most nights. If he comes tonight, I promise that I will let you try again, in the morning, to break the chains, before I resume considering whether or not to eat you. How does that sound?”
“How… likely is this Tiddles to show up?”
“He appears most nights, but not the last, and he never skips more than one night in a row.”
“How about you promise to let me try again, regardless of if Tiddles shows up!” she was not about to take such a chance.
Yonah scrunched up his face “Fine.”
“Alright, that’s much better.” she took a step towards him again “It means you have to let me go, and you wont think about eating me until after I get to genuinely try to free us”
“If you’re not tucked out of sight soon, I dont get fed, and I’ll have have a much harder time not thinking about it” he threatened “Tiddles can’t claim he thought I ate you if you’re standing alive at the front of the cage!”
A few more steps, she was almost within reach… “Fine… I guess… I just want to try a couple more times, it will be quick”
His patience waring thin he made his eyes flash “but I want to sleep, and to get fed”
“It will only take a moment!” she stopped just out of reach.
“Tiddles often manages to get me an entire barrel of crap! I’ll be willing to share” his mind now on the food, he couldnt think of much else.
“Im starting to figure it out though”
Why was she so insistent! This was not the time! “You’re tired, and cold, and hungry. You try any more magic and you’ll just pass out.”
He had gotten to his knees but he deflated a bit, lowering down into a position not unlike a crouching dragon “So I offer one more time than I said I would. A warm place to sleep. A proper meal. Or you refuse, and I get angrier, I get hungrier, and you stay cold and my only option for dinner”
She hesitated and finally sighs, “You are probably right... I just got so close to escaping today... I was gonna use a wind spell to blast open all the doors when one of them tackled me...” She took the step forward that got her within reach, and Yonah slowly reached around her, stopping her rambles. “But maybe after a rest I’ll have better success”
Having held back long enough, yonah scooped her up and returned to his corner to curl around his new teddy bear, thin and cold as it was. In contrast, his own embrace is soft, pillow-like even. And warm. So very very warm. She tensed in his grip for only a moment before calming down and closing her eyes with a deep sigh.
“By the way, I didnt introduce myself. My name is Savina”
Not resisting the urge, Yonah nuzzled her with his face, his normally neatly trimed facial hair overgrown and tangled and in need of a wash. He was drinking in her scent, even if he was resisting getting a taste, “I didn’t introduce myself either. Now shut up or I’ll put your head in my mouth to shut you up. I hear Tiddles”
As he was facing the back wall, it appeared as if he was alone in his cell, as the footsteps got closer, along with scraping noise and soon, a jingling of keys. Unlike earlier, the screech of the door opening was not so bad, knowing what it meant.
“You awake big guy? Damn this thing is so heavy… I managed to get a lot of scraps so it’s not mostly water this time! Probably tastes just as bad as all the rest, worse since I couldn’t sneak any salt in... but better than nothing right?”
The only response Tiddles got was a slight movement of Yonah’s head. His bushy mane of unkempt black hair shifting. Then two orange lights appeared. The giant's eyes locked on him with anticipation and hatred.
The guard, Tiddles, who couldn't have been older than 20, dragged a barrel within reach of Yonah, though the prisoner did not make any move.
“The others were laughing earlier about how you got a decent meal tonight… but I dont see any plate. Not surprised it was a lie. Im sorry again that this is not seasoned. But…” He left and returned before Yonah could investigate the food. Holding a large sack, the smell coming from which made yonah take a very intense breath.
“I did bring these… They were going to be used to torture other prisoners. Tested them on me. Just one bite and I thought my tongue would burn up in my own mouth, I drank so much water I thought I would throw up. But maybe it’s not as intense for giants!”
Through his dehydration Yonah started to drool, the spicy smell of the hot peppers filling his half FireWitch brain.
The display of hunger caused Tiddles to freeze up a moment “Um… I’ll take that as a yes to these. Great Goddess they make my eyes water!” he set the sack down and went to the other back corner where an empty barrel was on it’s side.
“I’ll take this one, yes?” Tiddles didn’t wait for an answer but said “you’re… not as talkative tonight. Usually you threaten-joke about eating me along with the slop. You alright?”
As soon as Tiddles had moved away from the full Barrel and sack of peppers, Yonah Sat up and scooted over with one hand. Revealing the reason he was not talking. Savina was tucked into his elbow, having fallen asleep.
Tiddles seemed briefly transfixed by the woman. If yonah had to describe the expression the closest would be reverence. Before cringing away.
“That’s what they meant by a good meal!?” He shook off his surprise “what a load of dragon crap. You’re not some feral animal”
Yonah didnt respond to this continued attempt to bond with him as he dragged the barrel back to his corner and stuck his finger in, building up his fire to warm up the cold scraps and water. Tiddles made no more small talk and left him to his pitiful “meal”.
Once the contents of the barrel started to steam, Yonah nudged Savina awake. She was not happy about that.
“I was actually sleeping well, what the fuck”
Yonah set her on his lap, the barrel in front of them both. “If you dont eat some of this now, I’ll eat all of it. You wont get a single drop, but if you eat now, you wont make a dent in it noticeable to me”
She nodded, understanding, and put her hands into the barrel. Yelping in pain as the hot slop made contact with her burnt hands.
Grumbling about how she was an idiot, yonah rummaged around in his chain pile for a flat piece of metal. It was a band from a previous barrel that he had broken. That was the only time he had gotten an earful from Tiddles about how if he continued to do that, Tiddles wouldnt be able to sneak him more food. He was able, with some effort, to heat it, pinch it, and bite it into a sort of ladle, which he used to scoop up the scrap soup and hold it to Savina who was very grateful.
Even with his encouragement she ate very little. Yonah had no idea how long she’d been here, but it was likely longer than himself, and it was very probable that her stomach had shrunken, so he eventually gave into his own hunger and stopped trying to get her to eat more and let her slump against his middle and fall back to sleep.
But before he ate any of it he took the peppers out of the sack and crushed them into the prison soup. It took all his self control not to just eat the peppers straight up. So he rewarded himself by licking the juice from his fingers.
He would have downed the contents of the barrel like a shot but resisted as it would have wasted all his patience preparing it for better taste. And even if it was literal scraps in unsalted water, hunger was the best seasoning. And the peppers, made this the best thing he’d tasted in the time since he woke up in this cell.
It made it much easier to not think about eating the woman in his lap as he too lay down to fall asleep.
He woke first, and during the hours of the night his stomach had become rather empty again. Though he kept his promise and resisted thinking about eating her. He did not, however, resist tasting her; he never made a promise involving tasting.
“NO!” she yelped and sputtered as he licked her face like a very large dog waking up it’s owner, clearly convinced he was going to eat her, panicking.
He stopped licking her, But he was not listening to her protests. The moment she yelled the world felt lighter. He felt… no, no time to dwell. He tossed Savina aside and focused on generating a lot of fire into his ankle cuffs. It wasnt enough to melt them, but it was enough to make them soft. Soft enough that he could pull and stretch them and get free.
And then the feeling was gone. Back to that soul crushing feeling that had been ever present, as if it was never gone.
“What did you DO?” he snarled as he rubbed his freed ankles, which were red and raw from the previously tight metal cuffs.
Savina got up, looking frazzled with one side of her hair sticking up and out at odd angles due to half-giant spit. “What I was trying to do last night! Hey!”
Yonah crawled to her and picked her up, putting his face close to hers to demand, rather loudly “Do it AGAIN”
Defiantly she took his gaze and his rank breath “I wish I could! Like I said before, and like you just saw, I can’t do this on purpose! It just happens!”
In a rage his eyes flash and he bares his teeth “Fucking useless!”. His urge to throw her against the wall lost out to his being touch starved and instead he sat back down to hold her just a little too tight.
He did not fail to notice that a small hint of the relief of pressure occurred when she gasped at his moment of rage.
“So. Did that count as your morning try? Should I start considering whether or not to eat you again?”
She stiffened in his grasp “that wasn’t intentional! But doesn’t it prove what I was saying, that I am too useful to consider eating, that with practice I can succeed?”
“I already got my legs free. I can reach the bars now. Reckon i can try smashing them… and if I eat you i may have the strength to do it” he huffed. With a small amount of food and a night’s sleep, what he had was the energy to be a massive dickhead again. “So you would be helping me.”
“Those bars are heavily reinforced with the prison magic! They’ve kept giants bigger than you in this prison!”
“I’d still like to try, so you’re lucky I want company more than a proper meal right now,” he chuckled against her. She was so skinny she wouldn't even be a proper meal, maybe half of one.
“Please let me try again later to disable the nullification. Then we can both get out and get decent food” she sounded both desperate and angry.
“I know exactly what I’m eating if I get out” his eyes flashed again and he licked his lips.
Savina shuddered but did not sound disgusted when she said “i think i have an idea of what… or who… that might be”
“So, are you going to try again or what?” Yonah was getting impatient.
“Will you be ready to break down the bars when the magic reinforcement is gone?” she asked.
Yonah backed up against the wall, bracing himself so he could charge. If she succeeded.
Savina went to the front of the cell, grasped the bars and closed her eyes, muttering. Occasionally she let go and made hand gestures.
Maybe she needed encouragement. Yonah growled at her. Low and threatening. Savina stiffened and he felt the pressure lift, very slightly, very briefly.
“Get on with it!” he hissed.
“I’m trying!” she shot back, walking to the center of the cell, it didnt seem to matter where she was.
Then she screamed, her whole body hitting the ground as suddenly Yonah was on top of her, having pinned her under a hand. He snarled in her face “Maybe I should just eat you then! At least my last meal will be a tasty one!”
This succeeded in having the desired effect. Whatever the nullification was, it lifted. However he could feel it coming back.
“NO! I’m trying, give me one more chance, I know I can do it!”
He was not listening to her. He had confirmed his theory. Without hesitation he took her left arm in his jaws. She started crying and screaming, Pushing at his face to pull away. “Stop Stop! You’re hurting me!” Her voice was shrill.
/That’s the idea/ he thought.
With a sickening CRUNCH and a shriek, it was Yonah’s turn to be thrown, against the wall.
Not that he cared. Not one bit.
The magical nullification was gone.
From the entire prison. With no signs of coming back.
Keeping his promise not to eat her, and extending that promise to any part of her, Yonah crawled over to Savina and opened his jaws to release the nearly severed arm, along with at least a gallon of bloody drool. Savina just sobbed. Hmmm she could bleed out. That would also be counter to his promise, in spirit, if not in word. He rubbed a thumb and finger together until they were red hot and pressed the tip of the finger to her shoulder.
The scent of burning flesh filled the air as he cauterized her wound. But there were more important things to take care of now.
Fueled by adrenaline, hunger, and literal fire in his veins, yonah gripped his prison bars, making them red hot. In a few moments he wrenched them apart and he was out. He barely noticed the flash of light behind him as he stepped out of his cage.
The alarms hadn't even started ringing by the time he ran into the first unfortunate guard.
It was the alarm bells that brought Savina back to earth. She sat up, and blanched as a sticky arm rolled off her chest and into her lap. She was still covered in blood but the wound had sealed. For all her lost memory she did recall something very important. She should keep her arm. Holding it kept her from trying to touch her shoulder. She had never experienced anything so painful in her life-
No… wait. She had experienced something more painful… Now her head throbbed too! Nevermind any of this! She had to find the half giant mage, he was her ticket out. Even with the magic nullification gone, she wouldn’t get far drained of her own magic and severely injured.
It wasn’t hard to find him. All she had to do was follow the trail of carnage and busted cell doors.
The first guard she found had no head, and a chunk of a shoulder missing. Blood pooled on the ground from the massive bite. Hmmmm. He had a nice sword. Putting her arm down momentarily, She took the sword and a belt to sheath it. It was a bit tricky to get the belt off the person and onto herself but she managed. Before she took her arm off the ground and continued on, not caring to avoid stepping in the blood. .
More dead guards lined the halls as she progressed. Most of them were missing their heads, some of them burned to a crisp. But many were only missing their limbs, or had a bite taken out of the side. Some of those were still living. One in particular had been bitten from the hips down, their guts spilling out onto the floor. She decided not to use her sword to put them out of their misery. Her excuse being that it would be too much effort to put her arm down every time.
Finally she caught up to the large mage. He was in one of the storage rooms where the more dangerous items confiscated from mages were kept. He was ransacking it, shoveling items into something, but finished as she entered and stood up, putting a hat on his head. If he wasn’t so large and didn’t have such a distinct physique, she might not have recognized him.
Dressed in a stunning outfit of mostly blues and golds, with a massive wide brimmed pointed hat to match, his hair now shining and tied back in a segmented pony tail, standing up to his full height and holding a majestic wooden staff, the once brutish creature from the cell was looking more like a person. Except for the fire in his eyes and blood and viscera hanging from his jaws.
With misplaced confidence she walked right up to Yonah and holding the shoulder end of the severed arm she swung to smack him in the ankle. He had on boots now and she wasnt sure he felt that until he looked down at her.
“You FUCKING ASSHOLE!” She bellowed “You TORE my arm off! Why would you do that?!”
He looked at her angry and quizzically “The anti-magic field is gone. It worked.”
She did not back away from his gaze, since he was not currently trying to eat her she figured he wasn’t going to. Clearly he had not hesitated with the guards. She waved the arm around in frustration "you didnt have to BITE IT OFF"
Yonah crouched down to snarl “Clearly I did. You weren’t in enough… danger to disable the field. I’m rather clever you know.” Without asking he scooped her up to hold her up to his face with a cheeky, blood stained grin, “After you told the story of your assault, I started to put the pieces together. Mortal peril seems to do the trick nicely”
“I still dont think you needed TO BITE MY ARM OFF,” she repeated.
Once again she used the severed arm to slap him, now in the face.
He blinked in a kind of shock and then bared his teeth “I think you’ve lost your arm privileges”
His first instinct was to get the wrist between his teeth and gulp the arm down. But… he still felt like he should keep his promise. And now that his belly was half filled with chunks of prison guard he could think clearer.
Savina shrieked as the giant man pinched her arm, the severed arm, plucking it from her weak grasp. His eyes flashed and it was lit up like a match.
Lost for words she watched as her arm burned into ash before her very eyes, the giant man grinning once again.
Now she was shaking with rage “I COULD HAVE RE-ATTACHED THAT”
His grin became a scowl “How in this reality was I supposed to know that?”
“Weren't you listening, you didnt even need to bite it off in the first place! My magic was starting to work!”
He talked as he placed her onto his shoulder, securing her to the harness he had found with his belongings.
“Didn’t I? We dont know that. Guess we will have to experiment later” he smiled wickedly, marching out of the room “But right now, I’m still hungry and there’s still more guards left alive.”
As he said this a guard rushed around the corner with a crossbow and fired. Yonah, having heard the footsteps just jerked his staff and the bolt exploded. He snatched up the guard, put the poor fucker’s head in his mouth and bit down, while pulling the body away. The sound was similar to when he’d bitten her arm, and blood spurted from the neck onto his face, and Savina’s entire person.
Yonah swallowed the head and tossed the body aside “I can’t eat them all at my size even if I only eat pieces. I can burn them, or crush them” he explained as yet another guard appeared which he simply squashed by slamming his staff down upon, “but I think we need some help. The human prisoners do not seem so eager to get back at their tormentors as I had thought.”
“They are running away from you. If you weren’t on a massacre they would probably be taking the advantage to riot and get revenge.”
“So we need more monsters.”
As he continued through the prison he broke every occupied cell, letting the prisoners run, and killing every guard with an intense savagery. But the most horrific thing, in Savina’s opinion, was when he picked up whole and alive guards and tossed them into his hat.
Eventually he broke into a cell and the prisoner inside did not immediately cower or run, but stood up, eyes reflecting in the darkness. A tall pale man with dark hair smiled with sharp fangs.
“That’s a vampire!” Savina informed him. The vampire bowed.
“A very blood starved vampire, and I could smell the flood coming from the other side of the prison, yet I was too weak to break myself free once I felt the magic nullification just, go away. Was that you?” he stared at Savina, not Yonah.
Savina gingerly touched the raw, burned flesh of her shoulder and looked very annoyed, “Yes. it was me.”
“I’m going to feast now, as I see you have been doing, mysteriously small giant”
“Don’t fill up on the ones I’ve killed, take out the ones still alive” Yonah instructed.
“Wise words,” said the vampire, “though I will take a little of this one, just to gain back my strength.”
Before leaving yonah sniffed at the vampire. Then reached up into his hat and pulled out a fancy, though sadly wrinkled and dirtied, suit. And tossed it at the vampire.
“Smells like you”
The vampire stood up from taking a drink of blood from the guard who Yonah had decided to merely kick against a wall.
“My clothes! You are a gentleman monster!” And with a snap of his fingers swapped out his prison outfit for his old one. “I feel more like myself already!”
Done with the small talk, Yonah moved on. It was time to get out of this place, with hopefully minimal distractions. He would still make a snack, a charred corpse, or a bloody pulp out of any guard he came across.
But it was only a few cells later that again, the prisoner did not immediately scream or flee. Yonah could sense a very eerie magical aura from her, she was pale like the vampire but he suspected she was not one. She smiled at him like the vampire but her teeth were flat.
“My dear emancipator, did you come across a spider necklace during your rampage? I would very much like to have it back.”
That was odd enough that Yonah decided not to ignore it and instead reach into his hat. He did not recall a spider necklace so he could only think the words. An object indeed fell into his hand. Which he tossed to the woman who squealed like a giddy teenager as she caught it.
Putting it on she rubbed the shining black thorax of the obsidian spider inlaid on the silver medallion.
That eerie aura from before increased 100 fold, followed by the chittering, skittering, buzzing of millions of tiny legs and wings. Unlike Yonah’s cell, this woman’s had a window. And through it marched or flew an unimaginable number of insects and arachnids.
Yonah took a step back. But the plaque of bugs was swarming into the prison from every window, every crevice, every crack in the wall, every broken pipe.
“My children will clean out this place” she giggled, though it was closer to a witch’s cackle.
Yonah backed away from her. Deciding that it was now time to leave this wretched place, confident the bugs could take care of the rest. It was by her merciful magic that the bugs avoided him entirely, and seemed to be able to scramble away from his footsteps even as he started down the corridor.
Ah, another guard, coming out of a nearby door, a good distraction from the creepy crawlies. He rushed and shoved the guard up to their torso into his mouth and got ready to bite down. As the ribs started to crack between his teeth the taste of this guard matched up to a familiar smell.
Releasing his jaws he held a gasping, screaming Tiddles.
“If you dont want that one, my babies will happily take him!” The bug witch called from behind him.
Ignoring the creepy aura yonah wheeled around snarling “He’s MINE” and he secured the flailing young man to his shoulder.
“Suit yourself” said the witch, “but he seems to not like you very much, and I am not overly fond of him myself”
Tiddles was indeed trying to free himself, earning him a swift flick to the head. “Probably hurts with those broken ribs to struggle like that, little one. I will keep you safe.”
Without another word Yonah turned back. Enough of this. He pointed his staff at the wall and blasted a hole through, stepping outside. Still in the walled compound he did not take a fresh breath of freedom just yet. He ran for the walls.
Arrows and crossbow bolts rained down at him. Fine. It was time for some big magic. Yonah stopped and took his staff, raising it into the air he found in it the perfect spell. He swirled it around and chanted. The morning sky, which was clear, crackled, and a swirling storm cloud gathered overhead.
The guards on the ramparts screamed as bolts of lightning struck them, leaving Yonah free to take down a section of wall and flee into the forested mountains.
It was after he had been half running half jogging for 15 minutes that he stopped and sat down against a cool boulder shaded by the trees. Or rather he nearly collapsed. One big gorey feast after weeks of starvation would not immediately restore him. That would take time. He had been running on the reserves of his magic, adrenaline, and a bloodlust.
The moment he closed his eyes to rest however, he felt Tiddles renew his struggling.
“Why do you keep this up” Yonah mumbled, not looking at Tiddles, but feeling him freeze.
“I dont want to die!” the young man squeaked. “I saw you eat the other guards!”
“Well then aren’t you in luck that I filled up on them? I had enough to be satisfied for a while.”
That did not calm Tiddles down any more, the struggling was back “You kept me as leftovers!” he shrieked.
“Naw” Yonah said and reached into his hat to draw out an intact, but dead, guard, “I already did that.”
He felt Tiddles faint at that declaration. This did not bring Yonah any joy, as Tiddles’ terror had done before. Being so full Yonah just returned the corpse to the pocket space that was his wizard hat.
“So, where to now?” Savina said after five minutes “We need to get going, surely someone will try to follow! There is more than one shift of guards and they will be looking for all the escaped prisoners, especially you, who was responsible!”
“I think the bug witch will make sure no one does” yonah said, though it was more likely that at least one idiot would manage to slip away. “But I am tired, We need to find a cave or something to hide out in to recoup my… I mean our strength”
“I can help with that”
As if on cue the bug witch stepped out from behind a tree. Yonah eyed her suspiciously. Savina was too hurt and too exhausted to do the same.
“Oh really? And why would you?”
She just laughed “You saved me? And you returned my amulet to me! I owe you big time. By the way, you look just awful. Would you like my children to clean you up?”
“What do you mean?”
Before she answered there was more buzzing in the air as wasps swarmed around her “these little gals are very efficient! I promise they will not sting”
“They cannot hurt my humans either!” he said, nervous about what was about to happen.
“Of course”
He still held his breath as the wasped charged at him and his companions. Savina screamed as well before she smartly held her breath too. Tiddles was the luckiest, unconscious for the whole thing.
It was over in just a minute, thank the gods, as Yonah would have to take a breath. Still, he sneezed and a few bugs flew out. Savina was breathing heavily.
“So, bug witch,”
“Cait… What’s a nearby place for a big monster to get some rest?”
The woman considered “Hmm… The woods that way are decent. Bears will be scared off by you. Humans should leave you alone. There’s a cave in those woods if you want extra shelter. I want to get back to my home but I can have one of my babies guide you there”
“That would be much appreciated” Yonah focused and gathered up more strength to stand up. And then froze in place as the largest drider he had ever seen came into sight.
“Babe!” he called, ignoring yonah and scooping up the witch into a hug that transitioned into messy kisses.
“I got out of the prison!” she declared, “this nice big fellow helped me! Got my amulet!”
The Drider was a full head taller than Yonah and eyed him over with all 8 eyes before nodding. From between all of his feet a smaller, but large dog sized tarantula, scampered up to Yonah.
“Charlie here will lead you to shelter!” said Cait, “Now I haven't been home in a long time”
And with that, the witch and the drider left.
Charlie made a hissing sound while scraping her feet on a rock to get Yonah’s attention. She led Yonah to a large rocky incline and eventually to the mouth of a cave.It was large enough that if he crawled, he could get in. Which he did without hesitating.
The cave was larger in the inside and he probably could have stood up but he stayed sitting.
The spider stayed at the entrance of the cave, made a little dance, and then disappeared.
“Seems safe enough…” Yonah said. He unharnessed Savina so she could sit in his lap. “Guess what, I was lucid enough during my rampage that I picked up food that wasn’t dead guards!” and from his hat he got out some bread and cheese, and even a barrel of water.
“Um… no thanks” she said.
“You must eat, Savina”
“Im too nauseated from the pain.”
She did look a little green now that she said it.
“I have a healing potion… it should numb the pain a bit.” This he took from a sleeve. A small vial. Just a single ounce. It was like a grain of rice in his palm “It will even help with your shoulder, to at least regrow the flesh around it and stop infection”
She took it, and still looking like putting anything in her mouth would make her vomit, she downed it like a shot.
30 seconds later she felt much better. Or at least, felt less pain… She still felt like complete shit. But took the food with her good arm and started eating.
“I dont know why you brought him along…” she said, referring to Tiddles through a mouthful of bread.
“I doubt someone as kind as him works at an evil prison if he has a happy home to return to. Plus if i had let him go.. The other prisoners might not have been so kind to him. He was still a guard.” Yonah yawned, “Fuck. Im tired. Didnt we just wake up like, an hour ago?” he asked.
“Sure but you just broke a prison” Savina pointed out.
“I did… didn’t I…” Yonah tried to lay down but found that didn’t work with Tiddles on his shoulder. So he resigned himself to sleeping upright for now.
Still half starved, Savina did not manage to eat much. So yonah put the food back. He found a outcrop of rock that he could lean against and put an arm protectively in front of Savina. She put her own remaining arm over his. And they both fell asleep at the same time.
Even through the exhaustion of his over half a month in prison, and the torpor his kind got from a full belly, Yonah HaEsh heard the quiet footsteps of someone entering the cave.
Yet his brain was still slow to react. He opened his eyes and stared down.
Kneeling in his lap, holding Savina’s arm to his fanged mouth, moments away from biting down, was the vampire.
UHHHH thanks for reading. If you liked this please let me know. If this fits your blog theme please reblog it!
I hope you enjoyed this. and I hope to have more of it for you in the future. lots more adventure to come!
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Serendipity - Part I. (Harry Styles)
a/n: i am BEYOND excited to share this story with you guys! i’ve been working on it for over a month now if not more and what started as just a oneshot, slowly grew into this massive fic. i really hope you’ll love the story of Harry and Lis bc im obsessed with them haha. please feel free to share your thoughts and reactions about the chapter and the fic itself!
pairing: Harry x OC (Annalise Lloyd)
word count: 8k
SERIES MASTERPOST  ⚫️ my masterlist  ⚫️  come and talk to me about Serendipity!  ⚫️ consider buying me a coffee!
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Serendipity (n.) Finding something good without looking for it.
There are people who plot out their New Year’s Eve plan even months before the last day of the year, making sure they will be celebrating the upcoming year at the best party possible. And then there are the folks who just ignore it until the very last moment and end up spending at a random place with even more random people.
Harry Styles desperately wanted to be the first kind, but unfortunately often found himself falling into the second case scenario. With his busy schedule and endless ocean of his upcoming projects, he never really had time to think about the last party of the day and usually ended up just tagging along some of his friends wherever they headed to. This year was no different, having to work up until even the last few days of the year, Harry had little to no thought about where he would be when the clock strikes midnight.
Just about a day before it, one of his old high school friends, Griff hits him up with a text if he would want to join them for the celebration at the pub he opened not that long ago. Harry didn’t think twice to accept the invitation, finally checking one more thing off his list, so he won’t just stay at home, and pathetically fall asleep at ten.
It’s nothing big or fancy, Griff assures him in the morning when he rings his friend up to ask when he should arrive and what he should bring.
“Nothing, ey? Just come and ‘ave a good time with us,” Griff tells him, though he already knows Harry won’t show up empty handed.
 December 31st
A little before seven Harry opts for a quick shower before he dives deep in his wardrobe to find something to wear. He is torn between wearing a fancy outfit or something cozier, but eventually stands up for the latter, putting on a pair of light washed jeans, a simple white button up and a seaweed green knitted jumper under his coat. He doesn’t pay much attention to his hair, his curls falling around his head in a messy, warm brown halo. It’s been raining all day, it wouldn’t have had any use to try to tame them.
Slowly but surely, Harry feels the buzz in himself, excited to see his old friends and maybe meet some new people while having drinks and just relaxing. He grabs a bottle of fancy whiskey from his bar and heads out around eight.
Griff is one of the few people Harry stayed in touch with after his career launched so abruptly, the two of them often met up whenever Harry was around, having a pint together, just chatting up. Griff bought an old pub a few years prior and completely renewed it, opened at the beginning of the year, Harry was there at the opening party, he had way too much to drink, but he surely had a great time.
“There he is! My favorite arrogant son of a bitch!” Harry immediately hears as soon as he steps into the pub that’s already quite filled.
The tall lad makes his way through the groups of guests until he can envelop his old friend in a warm, brotherly hug as Harry chuckles at the name he just called him. Griff always loved that line from Harry’s song and never missed a chance to call him that. He doesn’t mind though, keeps that playful side of their friendship he always adored so much.
“Good to see you, mate,” Harry smirks at him. “Here, this is for yeh.” He holds out the pricey drink and Griff shakes his head at him.
“Told ya not to bring anything!” he sighs but accepts the gift anyway, knowing well Harry would just sneak into the back anyway and leave the liquor on his desk. “We ‘ave a nice evening ahead of us. Got food, drinks, everything’s on me, take what yeh want,” Griff assures him as the two of them walk further inside.
Harry sees a few familiar faces, high school friends, kids from around the neighborhood that are now grown adults, just like him, but there are quite a lot of guests he doesn’t know.
“C’mon, yeh need t’ ‘ave a welcome drink with me,” Griff grins as he pulls Harry to the bar and fills up two shot glasses generously. Harry doesn’t even bother to ask him what it is, he just takes the glass willingly and after they clink in the middle they both send it down.
Harry grimaces as the hard liquor burns down his throat, Griff never played around with the soft drinks, he knows what hits the best and fastest and Harry figures it’s one of those drinks that would have him crawling on the floor after two more shots.
It doesn’t take Harry long to mix and mingle, get into conversations and meet new people, just enjoying the welcoming and warm atmosphere of the party. He is pleased to see that people treat him just like any other guest, rather than a famous person and he is beyond thankful for that.
Near the bar, Griff has set up a quite rich buffet table filled with all kinds of snacks and food. It’s way past ten when Harry shuffles over there feeling his stomach growling. He grabs a paper plate and his eyes roam everything that’s set on the table. Humming to himself he decides to opt for the delicious looking fries, his mouth drools just at the sight of them, so he puts a generous amount to his plate before his eyes spot the bowl of peas. That’s exactly what he needs to go with the fries.
He goes a little overboard, but he couldn’t care less. Once he is satisfied with his meal he puts back the spoon that was sat in the bowl of peas, right when someone reaches for it. Glancing up his gaze meets a pair of warm brown eyes and a shy, but playful smile. Harry can’t stop himself from smiling instantly as the woman takes the spoon and fills her plate with peas. He looks down and sees that her plate is filled with the exact same things: fries and peas.
“Excellent choice,” he smirks teasingly and her eyes snap down to her plate before she sees the similarity on Harry’s plate. She lets out an airy chuckle before she tugs her chestnut colored, wavy locks behind her ears with her now free hand.
“Mother always told me to balance the junk out with something healthy,” she admits, the corners of her mouth curling up as she blinks a little shy under Harry’s burning gaze.
He always knew he had an eye for pretty things and he never dared to deny himself from admiring them once he laid his eyes on something he found breathtaking. She was by far the prettiest thing he has seen in quite some time, so he doesn’t shy away from taking in her figure in front of him. Delicious looking curves dressed in a pair of tight jeans and a sheer shirt with a top underneath it, the front tugged into the waist of the jeans. Her hair looks effortless, but he can tell she probably spent some time forming the natural looking waves before coming here. The thin eyeliner makes her eyes appear more cat-like and her long lashes dance around with each look she pays him.
“You want to—um, sit?” she stammers nodding towards an empty table near the buffet, a soft blush tainting her soft skin. Harry absolutely adores the hint of innocence in her features.
“’fcourse,” he nods and follows her.
The two of them move over to the table and sit down with their meal, Harry sneaking a fry into his mouth right away.
“’M Harry, by the way,” he says, realizing he hasn’t even introduced himself just yet. Some people tend to look at him weird whenever he does it, as if it should be common knowledge to know who he is, but he never takes it for granted. Luckily, she doesn’t find it funny or weird that he introduced himself.
“Annalise. But everyone just calls me Lis,” she explains and holds out a hand for him, which at first looks a little odd and he can tell she regrets the motion, but he appreciates it, even finds it cute. So before she can pull her hand back he takes it and gives it a soft shake. “So what brings you here tonight?” she asks as both of them digs into their food.
“Griff invited me, saved me last minute, didn’t have any plans.”
“How do you know him?”
Harry finds it amusing that she didn’t bring up that a famous person like him would probably have tons of invitations to fancy parties. He hates when people assume that his social life is blossoming at all times, packed with parties and events to attend every day.
“We went to high school together. Stayed in touch through the years.”
Lis nods with a small smile before her eyes return to the plate in front of her.
“How ‘bout you?”
“Oh, um… Well, Griff and I had a blind date like ages ago, but we both figured out pretty quickly we are never gonna be more than just friends. But that we are perfect for. Have been meeting up every once in a while. I was kind of in the same shoe like you, wasn’t planning on coming out tonight, but… I was forced to,” she admits with a nervous chuckle.
“Y’ don’t like to go out?”
“I—uh, don’t really have the time,” she answers, clearly a bit nervous at the topic so Harry decides to just drop it.
The two of them sit there, just talking and eating and with each passing moment Harry finds himself more and more enchanted by the woman sitting on his right. The way she rambles sometimes, how her nose scrunches whenever she is laughing hard, how she likes to keep tugging her hair behind her ears all the time, are the smallest things but they easily catch Harry’s attention.
Besides, she is not just the looks, also an amazing company. Easy to talk about anything, even the riskier things too. She doesn’t shy away from giving her honest and raw opinion, but also doesn’t attack if someone thinks differently. Instead, she is open to other point of views, seeking opportunities to learn and grow. It’s a mindset Harry values highly and feels like it’s hard to find it. But on this evening in his mate’s pub, he found a gem, it feels like.
The plates soon get swapped to beers and Lis is getting giddier with each gulp, which he finds amusing, especially because she lets her thoughts slip without thinking about them and it allows Harry to look into that pretty head of hers easier.
He doesn’t fail to notice how his heart flutters every time she touches his arm or hand whenever she is deep in a story. The warm touch of her soft hand is sending him into trembling and he is glad they are sitting because he surely would be having a hard time keeping himself up on his feet. She is just the kind of person that wraps others around her fingers without even trying or noticing.
Though it’s only been over an hour since he first laid his eyes on her, he feels like he has known her for ages. The connection built up fast and smoothly, sweeping Harry right off his feet. He’s got it bad for her and he already knows he wants to see her again once this night ends.
“Oh, it’s almost midnight!” Annalise gasps snapping out of her thoughts, a hand snapping to Harry’s upper arm. The crowd is starting to buzz, getting ready for the count down.
“C’mon, let’s get some champagne,” Harry tells her and helps her up from her seat.
They head to the bar and each of them grabs a flute filled with the sparkly alcohol. They stand a little to the side, but still mingled in the crowd of guests. Harry can feel his hands getting sweaty as he thinks about the countdown. Every fiber in his body is aching to kiss her, even though he knows it’s quite crazy knowing the fact they have known each other for only two hours. But he just can’t help it, she has a spell on him with just one look, making him act like a teenager in love.
Annalise peeks up at Harry with a lazy smile, the drinks have made her a little lightheaded, but she is nowhere near being drunk. Her thoughts are absolutely clear and they all focus on the man standing close to her.
Harry watches her bite into her bottom lip and he wonders if she is thinking about the same thing. If she’d be mad if he kissed her when the clock strikes midnight or slap him right across his face. He notices as she draws a deep breath, eyes looking around before they return to him.
“Get yo’ drinks, lads!” Griff shouts from somewhere behind the bar and those who haven’t picked up a glass quickly work on the problem.
Then the countdown begins.
“Ten!... Nine!... Eight!...”
Annalise glances up at Harry and her cheeks blush when she catches him already looking at her. She wishes she had her beer so she could hide in her glass from his burning eyes.
“Seven!... Six!...”
Harry turns so his whole body is facing her and takes just one tiny step towards her. When she doesn’t back away from him, he takes it as a sign that she might want the same thing as him.
“Five!... Four!...”
She looks straight up at him with a sheepish smile and pushes herself against him right when his free hand finds its way to her waist. She sucks in a sharp breath, but doesn’t move while Harry is aching to taste her plump, soft lips.
“Three!... Two!... One!... Happy New Year!”
The crowd cheers as one, guests are clapping and screaming, welcoming the new year with high hopes and full of planes for the new chapter that just started.
Harry and Annalise lock eyes and while everything around them is a full chaos, he feels like a bubble of silence and tranquility is surrounding them. Harry sucks in his breath, lips parted as he doesn’t break his gaze with hers. There’s a moment of hesitation, but the voice in the back of his mind tells him that he can’t let this moment go to waste.
Fuck it! He tells himself before he leans down and his lips meet hers in a soft, warm and breathtaking kiss.
He is a man who believes in magic, in things he can’t explain rationally, he is a man who doesn’t try to pull reality into everything when something odd happens. When his lips meet hers, he is swept right off his feet with just that tiny touch. It’s not a demanding kiss, very restricted and shy, but it still makes his insides tremble for her, almost falling to his knees right in front of her.
There’s a moment of hesitation from her side, when their lips are just touching in a little awkward way, but it fades into nothing before Harry could wrap his head around it, her lips parting as she lets him deepen the kiss, a soft moan slipping out of her throat that brings a knot to his stomach.
The moment is so vivid, raw and intoxicating, he wishes he could bottle it up and open it to have a taste of her anytime later, keep her in his pocket just to have her lips glued to his like this whenever he needs to be grounded or taken away from the world. His fingers dig into her waist, pulling her close to his body, hoping to just merge into her, become one with the woman in his arms.
She softly glides her hands up his arms, through his shoulders before they stop at the back of his neck, digging into his soft curls, while never breaking the kiss. Their lips stay melted together, tongues and teeth clashing, they are a hot mess in the first minutes of the new year.
The cheering slowly dies down and the usual buzzing of conversations and laughter replaces it, but the two of them are still busy with each other and it takes quite some time to pull themselves out of the bubble they created.
“Happy New Year, Lis,” Harry smiles down, lips swollen, eyes glistening from the joy that’s filling up his veins. She glances up at him shyly from under her lashes.
“Happy New Year, Harry,” she whispers, biting into her bottom lip, coming off the high this little make out session gave her.  
One hour passes by, then another and the party is starting to slowly die down. People are flaking out the door, the crowd is getting smaller with each door opening.
Harry and Annalise remain in the corner of the place after their kiss, a barrier that’s been noticeably present before has come down as Harry has his arm swung over the back of her chair and she lets herself lean against his side. There’s something so calming and tranquil in just being so close to each other, sharing thoughts and stories while his fingers graze on her shoulder gently and her head always falls to his shoulder when she laughs on something. He loves her laugh, it could easily light up any place and Harry can’t help but feel sorry for the people who don’t see her shine. So many guests didn’t get the chance to get to know her, but on the other hand, he is a bit selfish, he wants her all to himself. No one else should have the honor of making her laugh or bringing a smile to her perfect lips. He wants her all to himself, even if it makes him sound like a mad man.
After she leaves to the restroom, she comes back with her phone in her hands and a tired smile playing on her lips.
“I, uhh—called an Uber. I really should get going,” she tells him and he wants to make her stay. He wants this evening to last forever, but he can’t ask her to stay longer than she wants, so he just slowly nods.
“I’ll walk you out,” he offers, but it’s more like a fact.
The two of them find their coats on the packed rack, Annalise says goodbye to the handful of people she knows, hugging Griff before they head outside to wait for her car to arrive.
“I really enjoyed tonight,” Harry mumbles, shoving his hands into his coat’s pockets, feeling like a nervous teenage boy talking to his crush. She glances up at him with a smile, but there’s something clouding her eyes he can’t really put his finger on.
“Me too,” she assures him, a pair of headlights turning the corner and they both look in the approaching car’s direction before facing each other. “It was really great meeting you, Harry. Take care of yourself in the new year,” she tells her, but he doesn’t like the weight of her words. It sounds like a proper goodbye, like she is bracing herself to never meet him again, but he can’t let that happen.
“Can I—Uh, can I have your number? I would love to take you out sometime.”
The car stops next to them and she nods in the driver’s way to let him know she’s the one he is supposed to pick up. Taking a step to the backseat, she looks back at Harry.
“I’m really sorry, Harry, but we can’t.”
Devastation washes over him, her words are like a punch into his stomach each. Why is she rejecting him? Did she not enjoy the evening? Did he say something stupid? She seemed to be having a great time, so why can’t he see her again?
“What? Are you sure? Because I really loved tonight and would love to see you again.”
Annalise opens the car door and shoots him an apologetic look. He has never felt this helpless in his life, than at that moment, looking at the woman of his dreams escape from his reach.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t get into… whatever it is you want from me. I really am sorry, I wish it was different.”
“But I just want to see you again. I thought… You didn’t feel like it was something special?” he breathes out, feeling the world crashing down on him with each passing moment.
“I did, but I can’t do this. I’m sorry. Take care, Harry,” she sighs, clearly not happy about her own actions and he doesn’t understand why she is fleeing away like this.
He stands there, completely frozen as she gets into the car and shuts the door open. Their eyes meet through the window one last time before the car starts moving and she falls out of his view. He stares after her until the very last moment, when the car disappears at the end of the street, leaving him in pieces from the major rejection he just suffered.
He stays out there until his nose and cheeks turn red and his ears are freezing off, part of him wishing that if he just waits she’s gonna magically reappear and tell him it was just a joke. He can’t believe he met such a wonderful creature and had to let her go like she didn’t flip his whole world upside down under just a couple of hours. Does she know how much of an effect she had on him?
She probably doesn’t, he thinks to herself, because then she wouldn’t have left so abruptly and without a trace for him to find her again.
When Harry returns to the pub, he is met with a tipsy Griff, shoving a pint into his hand immediately.
“Ay, saw you hanging with Lis all night!” he teases Harry, but the mentioning of her name just makes his heart ache. However, knowing that Griff is friends with her, he is ready to use him as a way to get to her.
“Yeah, hey, you have her number?” he asks, trying his best to look as innocent as possible, but Griff sees right through him, even with all the alcohol in his body.
“Sorry, mate. F’she didn’t give it to ya, I won’t go against her.”
“I’m begging you, Griff. I need to see her again!” he sighs in despair, ready to do anything he can to get to her.
“Y’not the first bloke to fall for her magic. I know what it feels like, but I can’t do anything, sorry.” He shrugs his shoulders, giving an apologetic look to his friend before he joins another conversation.
Harry could scream from the frustration, the urge to punch something or someone is growing with each passing moment, but he has to realize there’s nothing he can do at this point other than accept the fact that he met this wonderful woman, had the best night with her and then was forced to watch her walk out of his life before she could even become part of it properly.
Harry starts to realize that what he thought about heartbreaks is nothing compared to the feeling Annalise left in his heavy heart.
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There has to be a solid reason for what she did. Or did not do.
Endless theories about Annalise flood his mind through the days following that night when he was forced to watch her leave on such a bitter and painful note. Harry couldn’t stop himself from making up the most ridiculous cases just to give himself a possible peace of mind, but neither of them brought him enough comfort to forget about her.
His best shot was that she had a boyfriend, or even worse, a husband. This was the only version that sounded somewhat real and believable, though he just knew she is not the type of woman to cheat on a significant other.
How would you know? You spent just one evening with her, she could be a serial killer for all you know! Harry’s rational side was always quick to shut him down when his thought swirled around the idea of knowing her well enough to assume anything about her.
As the days dragged by him in a painful pace, he slowly had to realize it’s going to be a question in his life he’ll never get an answer to, so he just has to learn to live with the thought of the woman that got away.
The end of January rolls around faster than he could comprehend, February comes and he finds himself spending his days mostly in the studio, cooking up new music. Studio sessions are his favorite. That’s his element, he feels safe and comfortable, surrounded by people he trusts and enjoys creating his art fully. In the new year, he has also been eager to pick up a new hobby so he has been trying himself out in knitting and painting recently, finding both of them just a tad bit too hard for him just yet, but they were enough to get his mind off of the one woman who was constantly occupying his thoughts following New Year’s Eve.
Sitting in an armchair in the studio, he and his bandmates are listening back to some recordings they did today and he is trying to find that one thing that keeps throwing him off whenever he hears the song.
“I think it’s great,” Mitch states once the recording ends, and Harry agrees, it is great, but not the best.
“Maybe we could tone down the keyboard a little through the bridge, give more space for the guitar,” he contemplates, but really, he is just shooting in the dark, not sure what it is that keeps him on edge about the song.
“Why don’t we have a break?” Sarah suggests with a warm smile, seeing how everyone is keen on leaving for a little, except Harry, who is still fixated on mastering the song. But he agrees to have the break, however while everyone gets ready to leave and grab something to eat from the diner that’s around the corner, Harry stays where he is, eyes glued to his notebook.
“You’re not coming?” Charlotte asks him and he just shakes his head.
“No, not that hungry.” He looks up and shoots them a short smile and though they all can tell he could use the time out, they know him enough already that he won’t leave before he finds what’s not right.
“Alright. We’ll be back in an hour,” Mitch informs him and he dismisses them all with a nod.
He stays right there, going through the lyrics a few more times, making tiny changes in hopes that it’ll fix it all, but he can feel himself growing frustrated. Doesn’t matter how hard he is trying, he realizes his brain needs a break. Letting out a defeated huff he leans back, looking around in the empty studio. He doesn’t feel particularly hungry, but he could use something to snack on. So grabbing his coat he locks up the studio and heads out to the nearby Tesco they usually run out during sessions.
He is still humming the melody to himself when he walks in, a pair of sunglasses sitting on the bridge of his nose, his famous curls hidden under a green beanie. He doesn’t bother to get a cart or basket, just strolls inside and roams down the aisles, trying to decide what he desires.
He settles on some kind of canned tea and a protein bar, but before he heads towards the cash registers, he wanders down the aisle where they keep cereals, looking around aimlessly. It’s the middle of the day on a weekday, most people are at work at this hour, so just a few other customers are lingering around, filling their carts. At first, he doesn’t pay any attention to the figure a little further down the aisle, his eyes are glued to the shelves, but then he just mindlessly glances to his left, his brain not even processing what, or who he is seeing at first. Then he takes a double take and his stomach drops to the tiled floor when he recognizes the woman, deep in her thoughts to decide which cereal to buy.
Annalise is standing just a few meters away from him, looking just as beautiful as he remembered, wearing a pair of simple jeans, light blue sneakers and a white jacket, her hair is in a loose ponytail on the top of her head.
“Lis?” he calls out, as if he thinks she is just a ghost. Taking a few steps closer he watches as her eyes fall from the products on the shelves to him, then they widen and her lips part in shock.
“Harry? Wha-what are you doing here?” she asks and Harry is quick to read the panic out of her tone as she looks around cautiously.
“I’m… shopping?” he answers with a soft chuckle, holding up the items in his hands.
“Haven’t seen you around here.”
“The studio we use is nearby, I drop by sometimes. But today is clearly my lucky day.” Even though her reaction is giving him doubts, he can’t hide his joy upon seeing her again, fate clearly playing on his side this time.
“Uh, yeah?” she lets out an anxious chuckle, her eyes often wandering off him, as if she is waiting for someone to show up and it just fuels Harry’s rich theories about her.
“So, are you here with your boyfriend?” he boldly asks, deciding to just go for it. Annalise’s eyes widen once again, but not in a way that makes him think he just busted her, it’s more of a confused one.
“Boyfriend? What are you talking about?”
“Well, you basically ran away from me that night, I figured you had someone and that’s why you didn’t want to give me your number.” He tries his best not to sound petty or bitter, though that’s exactly what he’s been feeling ever since she left that night.
“Harry, that’s… not the case.”
“Okay, so does this mean you’ll give me your number this time?” he tries and he is so busy with her presence, he doesn’t even notice when a smaller frame runs past him down the aisle.
“Mommy! I want this!”
At first, he doesn’t even register that the little boy is talking to Annalise, he dismisses his presence, eyes still fixated on her, but then her gaze leaves him and turns down to the boy, holding up a bar of chocolate.
“Honey, that’s too big. Choose something smaller, alright?”
It takes Harry a few moments to put one and one together. This kid just ran up to her, called her mommy and most likely not on accident since she answered him, very much talking to him like his mother. Though Harry can’t see his own face, he knows it fell, shock completely taking over him as his thoughts finally add up. Annalise looks back at him in panic, completely puzzled about what to do or say.
“Benji, go get another one, a smaller one while I talk to my friend here,” Annalise softly tells the boy.
He turns to Harry, eyes meeting his as he cocks his head to the side, examining the shocked adult standing in front of him.
“Who’s this?” he blurts out.
“Just a friend, alright? Go get your chocolate,” she urges. Benji gives Harry another look before nodding and running off, leaving them alone once again in the cereal aisle. “Harry, I-I’m sorry, you weren’t supposed to know.”
“Are you married?” is his first question, taking her by surprise.
“The father. Is he your husband?” he urges, eager to clear the picture. Annalise shakes her head.
“No, we were never even married.”
He feels relief washing over him. At least at this point he doesn’t feel like a homewrecker. If he found out she wasn’t only a mother but also married, and that she cheated on the dude with him, that would have crushed him. But it’s one less thing to worry about on a long list.
“Okay, it’s fine. You are not married, it’s all good,” he breathes out and it brings her a smile through this absurd situation.
“You thought I was married?”
“Or at least had a boyfriend, yeah,” he nods, hands on his hips as he licks his lips. He surely had a mini panic attack, but he can feel the life coming back into his body.
“Do I come off like the kind to cheat that easily?” she asks with raised eyebrows, but she didn’t take it as an offense, she more like finds it funny rather than hurtful.
“No, not at all! I was just trying to figure out why you rejected me and this was my best shot!”
“I’m sorry, Harry. I just… I didn’t know how to tell and I didn’t really think you would want to see me again after that night.”
“I think I made it clear that I wanted to when I asked for your number.”
“Well, yes, but I thought you just wanted a hookup and that’s just not what I can do.”
“Because of…” he gestures towards the boy that jolted down the aisle just a few minutes ago.
“Because of Benji, yeah.”
“Alright, it’s understandable, but I did not just want a hookup, and that’s still not what I want,” he clears, his words certainly surprising her. This is definitely not what she was expecting when she came down to get groceries today.
“Harry…” she breathes out, already feeling guilty that she is about to turn him down once again. “You can’t be serious.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m a single mother with a six year-old and you are… you.”
“I don’t see your point,” he truthfully answers.
“I’m not some model you chatted up at some award show, who is living her best life, traveling the world just like you. My days consist of work, doing laundry, cleaning the house, cooking, doing first grade homework, going to football practice and watching cartoons. We are polar opposites.”
“No, just our lifestyles, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get closer.”
“Is that really what you want?”
Harry is about to answer right when Benji emerges again, proudly holding up a bar of KitKat in his hand this time.
“This one! This one!” he declares, stopping next to Annalise.
“Okay, put it in,” she nods and the little boy throws the chocolate into the cart with a beaming smile. Her eyes flicker back to Harry, who is now staring down at Benji, who is seemingly not that interested in him at the moment, his attention is more focused on the cereals on the shelves.
She is aware she can’t really push this conversation, but she also doesn’t want Benji to hear it.
“Benji, can you get me three apples? I’ll go get paper towels in the next aisle, alright?”
“Three?” he asks holding up three fingers to make sure he heard her right.
Benji nods and runs off once again, while Annalise grabs a random box of cereal off the shelf and starts pushing her cart, Harry walking along with him.
“It’s nice that you want to prove that you are fine with whatever baggage I come with, but I’m not stupid, Harry. I know I’m not the jackpot and I’m not naïve, I’m not trying to make myself believe that I’m easy to date when I’m clearly not.”
“You act like you are the only single parent out in the dating field. I genuinely don’t think that it’s that big of a deal.”
“Yeah, that’s what you are saying now. But then we would get more involved, you’d grow frustrated that I can’t just go after you whenever you feel like it, or that I would have to cancel on plans because Benji is sick or has homework to do that he needs help with. Or that my Friday night consists of playing board games, then watching whatever cartoon Benji is keen on seeing and I’m in bed by ten while you probably spend these nights out with your friends, hopping from one bar to the other. And I’m not saying that you shouldn’t, that’s exactly what you should be doing at your age… at our age. But for me, it’s just different.”
She is not talking just out of theories. She has tried to date, several times, but it was always kind of doomed from the beginning. Men in their mid-twenties don’t want to be a stand-in dad, though it’s completely not what she expects. But as time went by, they all grew tired of having to deal with a kid in the relationship and they all ended up leaving and she can’t even blame them. It’s not what they want in life at this point, but she can’t be what they wanted her to be so slowly but surely she gave up on finding a man before she turns thirty and her peers start to get into the whole idea of having a family that’s already been her reality since she was eighteen.
And the situation is even more complicated with Harry. An international rockstar is definitely not the right person for her and vice versa. She can only imagine what some lowlifes would think when they found out he is dating a single mother. People can be cruel for no damn reason and she is definitely not in the right mindset to be humiliated just because she is a mother.
The two of them move down to the next aisle so she can grab the paper towels along with some dish soap. Harry is keen on making her understand that he is still very much interested and he has nothing against her being a mother. It was just a little shocking to find out this way, instead of hearing about it from her.
“I think you have an unreasonable picture in your head of what my life is like,” he explains. “Yes, I do travel a lot and I go to parties, but it’s not what I do most in life. And I’m not expecting you to turn your whole life around for me.”
“Yeah, but dating me is kind of me asking you to turn your whole life around for us,” she simply says and he is stunned at her words, having nothing to bring up against them. “Look,” she sighs. “I appreciate the effort and everything, but I want to save you the time, just like I originally wanted to. I know that it seems reasonable now, but once you get involved, it’s a whole different world, I’m telling you. And while I would love to give you the chance to prove me wrong, I still have to think about Benji. I can’t just drag someone into his life and then have them leave when they figure out it’s not what they want after all. He needs stability around him and it’s enough that he can’t get that from his father.”
Harry has a million questions roaming in his head that he is dying to ask. Mostly about the father, because if he is not in the picture, he can’t imagine what kind of scumbag he is for leaving someone like her. But he keeps them all to himself, especially when Benji appears again with the three apples, putting them into the cart with a proud smile. The boy turns to Harry this time, finally acknowledging his presence.
“Who are you?” he asks. Harry looks down at him and pushes everything else into the back of his mind as he hunches down a bit, holding out his hand for the boy, a friendly smile playing on his lips.
“I’m Harry, your mum’s friend. Nice to meet you.”
The boy doesn’t hesitate to take his right held out, his small hand almost getting lost in Harry’s big palm as they shake hands like two adults. Harry is stunned by how confident he is, unlike most kids his age.
“I’m Benjamin Lloyd,” the boy introduces himself smiling and Harry can see the resemblance now clearer than anything. His smile is certainly his mother’s and the shape of his eyes along with his chin are the exact same as Annalise’s, leaving only a few traits that must have been inherited from his father.
Benjamin lets go of Harry’s hand and turns back to his mother completely unbothered by the man he just met.
“Mum, are we staying on the playground a little?” he asks as they all move down the aisle, heading to the cash register.
“Uh, yeah, we can stay for a little, but you need to do homework when we get home. Mrs. Conrad sent me all the work you missed today so we have to catch up on everything. You got away with faking sickness this morning, but you are doing the work you missed.”
Benji doesn’t fuss about having to do work, he knew this would happen when he faked to have a tummy ache, he nods understanding the importance of doing his homework and Harry is amazed by how great his behavior is. Most kids his age would have thrown a tantrum over what Annalise just said, but not Benji. He is like a small adult, Harry thinks.
“I honestly don’t see why you still have to push me away completely. Did you not enjoy talking with me?” Harry continues as they stand in line, Annalise putting everything to the belt from the cart while Benji is busy playing around the poles that separate the lines.
“Of course I did!” she sighs.
“So then why can’t we just continue? See where it goes?”
“Because that’s just not how things work for me,” she says with a soft, sad chuckle.
“What, you can’t have friends?” Harry asks innocently as Annalise finishes packing, puts a divider on the belt so Harry can put his items behind hers.
“Oh, so you just want to be friends?” she asks raising her eyebrows, seeing through him easily. Harry opens his mouth, but then closes, a cheeky smile stretching across her face that makes her chuckle.
“For now, yeah?” he tries to sound convincing, but it’s more of a joke.
The cashier starts to scan her items so she pushes the cart over to the end and starts packing everything back, Benji still climbing on the poles, completely oblivious to the conversation happening around him, or he just chooses not to listen.
“You are unbelievable,” she shakes her head at the man in the line. The cashier finishes up with her items and she taps her card on the terminal, pushing the cart away a little.
Harry is scared that she’ll flee the moment she gets the receipt and leaves before she could go after her, but for his biggest surprise, she just pushes the cart a little away from the cash register and starts packing her items into totebags. Benji runs up to her and she gives him his KitKat without a word, the boy happily tearing the packaging open, snacking on the chocolate.
Harry is quick to finish with his items, catching up with Annalise as the three of them head out of the supermarket.
“Look, I’m gonna be honest with you, I haven’t felt like this with anyone in a long time, Lis. I loved talking to you, I feel like we had a connection, and I think you felt it too. I would hate to waste whatever we had so I’m offering you my friendship. I want to hang out, spend time with you, just as two adults enjoying each other’s company. Nothing more, if that’s what you really want for now. And we can see where it heads later. How does that sound?”
They reach her car and Benji runs to the backseat, tearing the door open while Annalise opens the trunk and she is surprised to see Harry help her pack her bags into the car, but she doesn’t protest.
“I really don’t know…” she sighs.
“Come on! Just friends. Give it a try! I have a great feeling about it and I promise to be very careful. I understand that you need boundaries because of Benji and I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable in any way. But you do have to realize that you need to open up at one point. You can’t use him as an excuse forever.”
“I’m not using him as an excuse!” she points out, but she can feel how that’s not the whole truth.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, Lis,” Harry smirks, pulling his phone out of his coat’s pocket and unlocking it he holds it out for her once she has closed the trunk. “I’m just asking for your phone number, not to travel the world with me. You can decide to block me later if you change your mind, it’s nothing serious, alright?”
Annalise’s hesitation is clearer than the light and in any other case, he would take offence at it, but not with her. Harry is keen on proving to her that he meant everything he said and that he is willing to take a chance with her.
Chewing on the inside of her cheeks, she glances back at Benji, who has climbed into his seat in the back of the car. She is fighting with herself, bringing up all pros and contras until she finally caves in. Grabbing the phone from Harry’s hand she types her number in and gives herself a ring so she can save his number as well. She hands the device back and Harry’s smile is so wide, she almost wants to punch him in the face, but she can also feel the excitement running through her veins.
“Great. You won’t regret it, Lis,” Harry beams shoving his phone back into his pocket. His hand reaches for her arm and gives it a gentle squeeze as he doesn’t want to try anything further with her at the moment.
“I better not,” she mumbles shaking her head before turning around to buckle Benji in. When that’s done she pays one last glance at Harry who stands at the car next to hers, watching her get behind the wheel and back out from her spot. He waves at her happily and she just nods in his way before turning around the car and driving away.
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“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?!” Harry rages through the phone, his anger only met with a soft chuckle from Griff on the other end of the call.
“Mate, I told ya, s’not my place! She didn’t tell ya, so I didn’t either.”
“You saw how hooked I was on her! You could have, no, no… you should have told me!”
Harry was quick to run back to the studio and called Griff right away to load everything out on him. He felt betrayed that his friend didn’t let him know this small little detail even after seeing him all crushed after she left without a trace to find her. He gets his reasoning, he does, but it still doesn’t stop him from being so bloody mad at his mate.
“Sorry! I really am sorry! But I know how protective she is over Benji. I was not gonna betray her like tha’.”
Harry takes a deep breath, paying up and down the hallway in the studio, trying his best to calm his nerves. It’s an unfortunate situation as a whole, he sees that clearly, but the frustration how it had to go down at the end is getting the best out of him for sure. He is not mad at one specific person, because everyone was doing what they thought to be the best, but everything added up to be such a shitty outcome, or at least on Harry’s side.
Pinching the bridge of his nose he huffs again, putting aside his burning emotions.
“Okay, okay. Sorry to snap at you like that, it was just… a lot.”
“I get it, don’ worry about it,” Griff assures him, glasses clinking behind him somewhere, he is probably working at the pub as they are speaking. “She gave ya her number now, right?”
“Yeah, she didn’t want to, but I talked her ears off,” Harry chuckles lowly. He could still feel the excitement that rushed through him when she finally gave in.
“M’happy for ya, mate. But please be bloody careful. She doesn’t need any shit right now, has enough on her plate.”
“I know. I’m just trying to be her friend first, that’s all.”
“Alright. Swing by the pub sometime soon, if ya want.”
“Sure thing. Bye Griff,” Harry smiles before ending the call.
Walking back into the recording room, all eyes snap up to him and he stops in his track.
“The hell was that about?” Sarah questions, asking in the name of everyone in the room. They all just heard his rage outside and now are dying to know what it was about.
“I uhh—I found her,” he simply says and watches all his bandmates gawk back at him with wide eyes.
“What? Did you like, hire a private investigator or something?” Charlotte asks, making Harry chuckle as he shakes his head no.
“No, I ran into her at Tesco. Well, her and her… son.”
His last word washes out the whole room, everyone stops breathing for a moment as they stare back at Harry who has that ‘yeah, you heard me right’ look on his face.
“A son?” Mitch asks snapping out of his shock. “Like a proper kid?”
“How do you not have a proper kid?” Harry asks him with a look.
“I don’t know! I’m just… surprised. How old is the kid?”
“Like six or seven. She said something about being a first grader.”
“Didn’t you say she is a year younger than you?” Sarah asks, as everyone is doing the silent math in their head.
“She is, with one year. Or that’s what she told me.”
“That makes her, what, like eighteen when she had the kid? And what about the father?” Charlotte trails, still trying hard to put the picture together.
“She didn’t say much, but from what I understood, he is not really in the picture. So at least she is not married or something,” Harry adds, still open about the relief he is feeling about that information.
“This shit is twisted,” Sarah huffs. “So what’s gonna happen now? Did you ask for her number again?”
“Ask?” Harry chuckles bitterly. “I begged, Sarah. I was ready to be on my knees in the middle of a bloody Tesco.”
A round of laughter runs through the room and the mood finally eases a little after the shock that just set in. It wasn’t the fact that Annalise had a son that sent everyone over the edge, but rather that she didn’t say a single word about it and how it all surfaced.
“And did she give it to you?” Mitch prompts and Harry nods, a shy smile stretching on his lips as the two girls start clapping and cheering.
They all saw his long face after New Year’s Eve, it couldn’t be missed how he was moping around for weeks. He told them all about this girl he met, who completely blew his mind just before breaking his heart. Now that she was found and gave him just a small crumble of information about her to him that makes him able to contact her, the change is visible. That little sparkle in his eyes is back and that’s all his friends wanted to see.
“So what are you gonna do now?” Sarah asks as Harry walks over to one of the armchairs and makes himself comfortable.
“Now… I’ll try not to scare her off. Hopefully she won’t push me away and at least let me be her friend.”
“Friend? Is that what you want to be?”
“Of course not,” he sighs, his head dropping to the back of the armchair. “But this is all I can do for now.”
They all just nod, tasting his words and letting everything that just happened sink in. Harry is doing the same, he has a lot to think about and figure out, but there’s one thing he is one hundred percent sure about: he will not give up on Annalise.
let me know if you’d like to be added or taken off!
@stylesfics-xx​​ @dontworrysunflower​​ @mariamuses​​ @bookwormandtea​​
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Diego Hargreeves’ child
Diego Hargreeves x child!reader
warnings: knifes, blood, guns, death mentions, mental hospital
prompt: anonymous: “Hi! Could you please write a “The Umbrella Academy” Diego Hargreeves x daughter reader headcanon? I always think Diego is such a overprotective softie dad ♥️♥️”
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deigo really said “?????”
how dad
but also he’d just the most loving dad anyone could ever ask for
✨it’s because he was never loved by his dad✨
“hi cutie, i love you, i love you, i love youuuuu”
he locked away all his weapons so that you couldn’t hurt yourself on them
but he always missed a few and he’d turn around and see you holding throwing knives and just FREAK OUT
“no, no, no, you may not have those! knives are for big boys like me, not babies”
“give back”
“‘give back?’ are you nuts?”
diego has conversations with lil you as if you know what the fuck he means dhshshhshs
as you got older, you became more interested in his “career”
“no, i dont care if you have powers or not! you have a bedtime, that means no vigilantism, you hear me?”
“if i say ‘no’ can i be a vigilante?”
“you know what? how about you clean up the gym for al so he doesn’t evict us?”
you did not sign up for this
you really wanted to meet your aunts and uncles, but you weren’t exactly sure they knew about you
i mean, you knew you had a cousin but everyone knew about her because aunt allison was a goshdarn celebrity
“dad, i want to meet the family!”
“no you don’t”
end of discussion
despite having a bedtime, you still watched movies late at night with your dad
he really liked marvel movies
“come on, that would never happen!”
“you come from a family of superpowered kids, a robot mom, and a monkey, and you’re upset about...a guy that shoots arrows?”
“maybe i am, what’re you gonna do about it?”
you ask about umbrella academy stories a lot, you your dad usually makes it about him
“and then i punched that guy in the face! and then i stabbed him in the leg because he was a dick! bet you’re friend’s dads arent as cool as me”
*yawning bc you’ve heard this story a million times*
you go to public school
you do have your dad’s last name
which occasionally gets recognized
“woah! wasn’t your dad a superhero?”
“i have no idea what youre talking about” :)
practicing your knife throwing while diego is away, him coming home to find his knifes stuck through various targets
so proud but he had to make sure you didn’t hurt yourself
you actually had to learn how to patch him up because he did come home a bit battered and bruised several times
“im okay, y/n. no need to freak”
“dad, there is literally blood dripping on the floor will you just sit down and stay still for five goddamn minutes?”
“woah, who the fuck taught you to cuss?”
watching the news at home when your grandfather was reportedly dead
you were actually very upset because you wanted to meet him so bad
even if he was a dick
your dad came home silent and you knew he knew
“you okay?”
“oh, yeah, im better than okay!”
finally getting the chance to meet your family
“who are you?” -allison
“im, uh, y/n. diego is my dad”
*jaw dropping*
and you know what? that happened four more times (plus ben but you didn’t get to see that)
“and you are?” -luther
“who’s the...the little one?” -klaus
“well, what do you know? diego’s a dad” -five
“don’t tell me that’s...no way” -ben
“you’re diego’s? wow, i can’t believe he didn’t tell anyone” -vanya
“i...i know who all of you are” -you
diego bragging about how perfect you are while everyone simultaneously rolls their eyes
“well, y/n, maybe one day we’ll schedule a playdate for you and claire” -allison
“‘playdate?’ how old do you think i am?...but yes i wanna meet her”
“god, you’re so much like diego, it’s unsettling”
you had been secretly training at al’s gym during your dad’s late night activities
so when trouble came your way, you were able to handle yourself pretty well
“where the hell did you learn that?”
“al showed me a few moves!”
“that old man? you’re kidding”
you met your grandmother, grace, who was tasked with keeping you safe at all times
you actually loved her sm
but there was something a bit off about her
besided the fact she was a robot
klaus snuck you out so that you two could have BoNdInG tImE
it wasn’t all bad
ben was a lil choked up that he got to meet one of his niblings
“they’re perfect”
“they just stabbed someone, buddy”
“who are you talking to?”
“okay, y/n, i need you to curve something when i throw it, got that? right at that security guard”
“what are you throwing?”
“you’ll know when you see it, make your uncle five proud”
<3 family
running into patch!!
“hey, kid, i just saw your dad. i thought i told you to handcuff him to the radiator when you were away?”
“yeah, well, he wouldve chewed his hand off so here we are”
that was the last time you saw her :/
well, your dad was now a wanted man
“what happened to your arm?”
you actually didn’t expect this family reunion to go south like this
wait—yes you did
vanya has powers????
“i thought vanya was the one without powers?”
“yeah. so did we.”
diego straight up did not want you anywhere near that
but you, again, were his child and also fuck authority you do what you want
the vibe is almost getting shot several times
by hazel, cha cha, and “commission” guys?
going 2 ur auntie’s concert 😌✨
“y/n, hide in the bathroom and stay there until i come get you”
“dad, i love you, but no”
“y/n, i love you too, but yes”
you won
but in the end (or not so much) you time traveled to...1961?
without any of your family
“this is...this is not good”
understatement of the year(s)
what was a kid like you gonna do in dallas, texas in 1961
no seriously, what
it was rough, but you managed to survive on your own
and open a paper in 1963 to find a mugshot of your dad
“son of a—”
visiting dad! (two years later)
“y/n? oh my god, y/n! shit, i missed you so much! why do you look different? you’re bigger, oh god. how long have you been here?”
“2 years, dad. you?”
his hair was so LONG
“2 months”
“christ, that’s it?!”
“i have to stop jfk from being assassinated”
“what makes you think that’s a good idea???”
“its the right thing to do, wanna help?”
“shit, i guess. as long as i dont end up here”
“no promises, people in the 60’s are crazy”
diego: 👁👄👁
you: 👀
running into five on the street soon after
“uncle five?”
“no time to talk”
“okay, asshole? i’ve been here for 2 years and you dont care?”
“two years, huh? i spent 45 years in a post apocalyptic world as a 13 year old and beyond”
“i didn’t say it was a competition, dude. you kinda dropped us all at different times. at least, me and dad. he—”
“is trying to kill lee harvey oswald, i know. come with me”
finally running into your other aunts and uncles, who were so excited to see you
you ran into their arms and they picked you off the ground and you felt closer than ever after only knowing them for 10 days
dad broke out
lila too
“im your new mom!”
“you’re what?”
diego dragged you along with him almost everywhere
he had missed you so much, but he keeps forgetting you kinda grew up without him for a while longer
meeting grandpa :)
“a grandchild, huh? how unfortunate”
“what did you just call me?”
“a bitch.”
your dad and basically the entire table trying to hold back laughter
reggie was stunned
cold hearted just like him <3 he didn’t know if he was offended or proud
this is so confusing
diego just disappeared off the face of the earth
and assassins were on your case
“the goddamn swedes are back oh shittt im gonna die”
“y/n, just curve their bullets”
“it’s not as easy as it sounds, klaus!”
you were doomed
theres too much to go over
apparently you died on a farm????
and then you didn’t??????
and your dad was almost apart of the commission
“hey, you okay, y/n?”
“i would like to take a nap please”
“yeah, me too”
“me three!” -klaus
yeah it was never that simple 😌💕 the end
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @cullens-stuff // @lotsoffandomrecs // @takethebladeawayfromme // @that-nerd-tessa // @teenwaywardasgardian // @spidergirla5 // @sheridans-dynamos // @freya-xo // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @jay-is-groovy // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @abbiesthings // @thereagles // @ofthedewthesunlight //
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jikooksgirl19 · 4 years
My Soulmates I 2
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Genre: Soulmate AU, fluff,angst,eventual smut
Pairing: Idol Jimin x Lawyer Reader x Idol Jungkook
Warnings: mentions of death and abortion
AN: Thank you for your patience with this chapter. Not only did I delete it prior not once but twice, I had a personal loss happen that caused me to take some time away from writing. But I’m back on track and writing this story again. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. It’s short but I have some big stuff coming in chapter 3. Please let me know your thoughts and give feedback. I love talking to y’all.
The three of you found yourself on the Top floor in Bang SiHyuks office. He sat across from you, hands clasped tightly just staring at you all. He hadn’t said anything in the last 15 minutes after you and the boys explained what happened, except to call on his personal secretary. The silence was deafening and you were so so tempted to tell a joke just to break the silence. Just as you were about to open your mouth his secretary Kim Hyunjae came into to office with a stack of papers with all the information about poly soulmates. He began to explain in detail about how the bond between you three is deeper than a normal soulmates, and it plays a huge part in the emotional side of things. Not only do multiple partners have a stronger connection to each other but their emotions, feelings, even moods can be affected by the other people in the relationship. It had been documented that on some occasions each party could physically feel what his or her mates were going through during moments of heightened situations. For example if one party had a headache or got hurt or even was sexually active the others could feel this both physically and emotionally. They also could not be parted from each other for long periods of time without it causing harm to themselves. Though extremely rare the pull of the bond would act as a tether and bring all participants back to each other, or risk crippling illness and the eventual death from the one that left or was left in the relationship. Unlike a normal Soulmate bond it could not be broken except through death as the universe had decided that these were the most sacred of bonded mates hence why they were so rare.
Only one case with no death of the separated mate has ever been documented, and that is in the case of Korean Soulmates Song Jungman, Jong Ara, and Im Jinna . The group had decided they wanted children so both Jong Ara and Im Jinna had tried to conceive but only Ara was able to do so. In a jealous fit Jinna claimed that Ara somehow caused her infertility and wanted to break the three apart. She played the victim so well and convinced Song Jungmin to leave Ara. Together they would start a new life with just the two of them leaving Ara behind. Ara was devistated as she was expecting their child and knew if they left her with the intention to not come back she could get sick, lose their child or even die. She pleaded with them both claiming her innocence but unfortunately Jungmin did not believe her and they left her to move to Japan. Ara waited to fall ill knowing that the separation would be too much but her overwhelming love for her child triggered a new bond that allowed her to survive the loss of both soulmates. After several years it was discovered by Jungmin that Jinna had once had an abortion before meeting her soulmates and as a result she became infertile. He was destroyed by this information because he didn’t try to listen to Ara and wholeheartedly believed only Jinna. He threw away part of his heart because he believed the other so willingly knowing that it would lead to the death of Ara. He believed Ara to have passed away after they abandoned her all those years ago. He left Jinna to go home to Korea and accept his fate wishing to be buried next to Ara and their unborn child only to discover that Ara not only survived but had twins, a son and daughter and was married to a man that had lost his soulmate years earlier. Though he tried to make amends with Ara it was difficult for her to forgive him as their bond had been broken beyond repair. They were both still connected but since they had been separated for over fifteen years it wasn’t as strong, in fact it was like meeting an old acquaintance instead of a lover. Unfortunately his separation from Jinna became too much and he succumbed to debilitating illness and died only three months after reconnecting with Ara and his children. It was later found out that Jinna died the same day in a hospital in Japan. Ara was of course sad at this news, but the love of her children allowed her to continue living and she was able to find peace.
You had tears in your eyes and noticed that you were holding on to both Jimin and Jungkooks hands during the story. You were so wrapped up in this that you didn’t even realize you three had unknowingly gravitated towards each other for comfort. They were both choked up as well. Someone cleared their throat causing you to refocus on the gentlemen in front of you. You sat up straight and decided to get straight to the point.
“So where do we go from here? I don’t even know what I’m supposed to be feeling at the moment, and now you’re telling me I have this life altering, can’t change a thing, you now have not one but TWO soulmates, and oh yeah, you will feel all their emotions and feelings and you can’t even be away from them for too long or you might just up and kick the freaking bucket situation going on...this is what you are saying to us right now?” You couldn’t help the panic rising in your voice. Your professionalism was flying right out of the proverbial window. Jungkook just looked at you, and then Bang PD and said “What she said.” You couldn’t help it you started to giggle at his brief statement then the boys started giggling with you.
Bang SiHyuk cleared his throat and got right to the point. “First we get you moved into the boys complex. You will have an apartment on the floor below the dorm along next to Jins soulmate Yuna. This will allow visits between you three without risk for now. Only essential staff will be told about this arrangement. Y/N you will be hired on as a permanent staff member within our own legal team. Also because you are also multilingual you will assist with our translation team while the boys are traveling, as well as help teach English to to boys. This will help with the questions the public might have about you being around the boys all the time. This is going to take some preparation before we can put this information out to the public. We are also going to have to get you started on the path to Citizenship here in Korea.” Said Bang SiHyuk loudly while clapping his hands together as though he just solved all the problems in front of him. “Now I suggest that you three get to know each other and settle anything else you might need to attend to quickly. Y/N I will have your apartment ready in two days. Is that enough time to get you packed up and ready to move?”
You sat there with your mouth open like a fish trying to digest everything that was being said. This was going too fast and you needed to pump the brakes on whatever this was that was happening. Realizing you needed to answer you opened your mouth to vehemently deny any of his requests and spoke up with a resounding. “Yes Sir.” It came out of your mouth like it was nothing. You immediately slapped your hand over your mouth and thought what on Gods green earth is wrong with me? I have lost my ever loving mind. While you and your inner bitch-demon continued to argue in your mind, the others started making arrangements for you.
You noticed that Kim Hyunjae didn’t seem as though he was fond of you or this situation you had found yourself in. He didn’t out and out say anything rude or with tone but your gut told you he was not happy with this relationship between you, Jimin and Jungkook. You chalked it up to the amount of paperwork this was going to cause him so you tried your best to let him know you would be as much help as you could and you would do your best for the boys and the company. At this point you were giving Jimin and Jungkook your current address and contact information so you could meet tomorrow morning for a “ Get to know you meal”. You excused yourself and prepared to go home when Jungkook caught up to you. “ I know this is a lot Noona and we are all a bit overwhelmed and know absolutely nothing about each other, but please know that I am so blessed to call you my soulmate. You seem very kind and you are beautiful and smart and amazingly funny even when you don’t mean to be.” He smiled at you and your heartstrings tugged in the most peculiar way. You were already becoming attached as you could feel a pull towards the younger man. He took your hand and shook it in a very businesslike manner and said “Till tomorrow malady” and bowed in a funny way causing you to laugh again. Jimin came out and grabbed your other hand and said he was looking forward to breakfast and getting to know more about you as well. You said your goodbyes and turned and left the building hailing a cab to take you home so you could process the events of today. You had not been prepared for the absolute crazy that happened today but deep down you were getting excited at the prospect of having and loving two adorable soulmates.
As Jungkook and Jimin were getting ready to leave Jungkook looked at Jimin and asked “What are you going to tell Somi?” Jimin just looked back at Jungkook with sadness in his eyes and shrugged his shoulders and replied “I have no idea.”
To Be Continued...
Taglist: @mrcleanheichou @itsminniekat @dreamescapeswriting @seaoffangirling @4evahevah @sonderkook @bisexualmess007 @chxustuff @aviwasabi21 @skyys-universe @ally22042000 @ramblingsofawolfgirl @eunoiavante @angelic-lawyer @purpleheartsfortae @the-obsessive-fangirl
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Blueberries and Cowboys: Chapter 2
A choose-your-own-adventure style fic. First, 2 platonic chapters for set-up/build-up. And then, the story will split into 2 paths depending on your romantic pairing preference: You and Thrawn, or You and Eli.
Chapter Masterlist
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Chapter 2: The Plan
Pairing: None...yet...
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of bullying
Length: 2k
AO3 Link (In case you like it better over there, it’s okay, no judgement)
The rest of the week saw the three of you using every bit of free time outside your classes and studies to gather information for Thrawn to build a solid plan.
Eli tailed his pesky classmate Arden everywhere, even skipping a class one day to break into his dorm, trying to learn anything about the guy that could be useful to get him involved in the plot. Thrawn analyzed the simulation software and protocols that would be used to administer the tests, mapping out every possible way Commander Burdick could hijack it. And you were the one spying on the Burdick himself. Since the commander didn't seem too interested in your grades, you were able to shadow him without suspicion, and had been able to slip a bug into his offices to eavesdrop on any potential conversations about his plans for sabotage.
Your classmates and the staff were none the wiser. That was the advantage of being social outcasts. Half of them avoided you all like the plague, and the other half already thought you were weird people doing weird things. So it wasn't long before you'd all gotten enough intel to work with.
It was late in the evening at the end of the week. You found yourself in Thrawn and Eli's shared dorm, which looked identical to your own in the opposite wing, because the Empire couldn't bother with things like individuality or comfort. Eli sat on the edge of his top bunk, his legs swinging casually, and his coat unbuttoned to reveal a wrinkled undershirt you knew he hadn't bothered to wash all week. Thrawn paced about in the middle of the room, his long strides only allowing him about four good steps before he had to turn around. He still had his uniform on, boots and badges and all.
You leaned against the railing of the bed, watching Thrawn as he went back and forth. Sometimes he sat still when he was scheming, with his fingers steepled and his gaze seemingly reaching into some unknown dimension beyond your comprehension. That usually happened when he was running through variables that didn't concern you, at least from his perspective. You and Eli had accepted long ago there would always be parts of his plans he would never share with you. He was kind of a control freak like that.
But tonight, he seemed to be more welcoming of collaboration, hence his steady rhythm of pacing in front of you.
"Only one variable remains, as I see it," he was saying. "We understand how the commander will manipulate the system to cause a redundancy in the simulation, thus rendering the test impossible to finish successfully."
You and Eli shared a glance; the only person who truly understood how that was going to happen was Thrawn. He'd tried explaining numerous times but when it came to codes and tech, the two of you weren't able to fully keep up.
"We also know through your investigating," Thrawn motioned to you with what you thought was an impressed look, causing you to feel a little pride, "that the commander plans to only sabotage my test, believing it will be too suspicious if Eli also fails. He will also manipulate his false code to originate from the computer of his former lover Eva Carroway, who currently works in HR. So if an investigation does ensue, it will be traced to her and not him."
You and Eli chuckled under your breaths. It had been a little amusing when you'd discovered Commander Burdick was using this plan to not only undermine Thrawn, but also get revenge on his ex-girlfriend. But even more hilarious was how awkward Thrawn treated the subject. He had been quite perplexed to learn people could be so vindictive after a break-up. And any time he explained that detail of the plan, like he was doing now, he hesitated over his word choice. You couldn't tell if he only pretended to be confused about romantic relations, or if that was truly an area he found himself lost in.
If Thrawn noticed your snickering, he didn't respond to it, only continued to recap the plan. "We have also determined how we will expose the altered code naturally, so it does not cast suspicion on us... What was the word you used?"
"Backfire," said Eli.
"Yes. It would not due to have anyone suspect that we altered the test ourselves, or to have our concerns disregarded altogether. Thus, arranging for the maintenance crew to get a mild case of food poisoning so their performance checks are postponed to occur right before the tests will take care of that variable. At the least, they will fix the altered code and I will take the test as normal. At the most, they will report it and the commander faces expulsion."
"So..." said Eli through a yawn as he stretched. "What's left to work out, then?"
Now it was time for you and Thrawn to share a look.
"Were you not interested in involving your classmate, Arden Fey?" asked Thrawn in his soft, contemplative voice.
Eli shrugged. "Yeah. But Burdick's already got his scapegoat, his ex. So it'll be easier to keep him out of it. Whatever."
You could tell he was trying to be nonchalant. But just this morning, he had spent the entire walk between classes ranting about some new insults Arden had come up with, and how badly he wanted to show the guy up once and for all. You knew your friend wasn't feeling "whatever" about it.
"It's not a matter of ease or difficulty," Thrawn stated plainly. He had stopped pacing and was standing with hands behind his back, highlighting the broadness of his shoulders and the height of his stance. His presence seemed to fill up the whole room, and not for the first time, you were glad to be his friend and not his enemy.
"Yeah," you added in encouragement. "We just have to get creative. Find a way to make Arden a more appealing scapegoat than Burdick's ex. In fact...."
You trailed off as an idea occurred to you. You darted out of the room, surely leaving your two friends perplexed, but you would only be a second. You sprinted down the corridor toward the lifts, where a bulletin hung against the wall with fliers and pamphlets. One notice was a bit larger than the others, a promotion of an upcoming gala event to celebrate the Academy's anniversary. You ripped it off and went racing back to the boys' dorm room.
Eli had come down from the bunk and held a concerned look, probably prepared to follow you if you hadn't returned so quickly. Thrawn was still standing composed, but there was a curiosity in his eyes that made you smile.
You held up the poster in front of your chest. "What do you think the likelihood is of us playing successful matchmakers this week?"
Thrawn understood your idea almost immediately, looking down on you with a pleased smirk. It made you flush a little, to know the Chiss was impressed. You rarely had a chance to contribute good ideas when his mind worked so much faster than yours.
Eli caught on next, and he started to grin, the happiest you'd seen him in a while. His smile was infectious and you grinned back. Happy looked good on him.
"We know Eva's not shy with younger guys," you explained. "Before Burdick, she was fooling around with some intern in the med bay."
"And Arden's vain enough," added Eli. "If he thinks anyone's interested, he'll go for 'em."
"So we get him to ask her to the gala as his date...." you said.
"Burdick sees the two of them together...." said Eli.
"And realizes he can get back at his lover in another way, by pinning the sabotage on another student...." joined Thrawn.
The three of you stood together, proud and satisfied that yet another plan had finally worked out. It was almost worth the stressful studying and petty bullying and all the other unpleasant things you had to endure at this god-forsaken school, just to have fun moments like this with trusted friends.
"We should attend this gala as well," Thrawn said eventually, holding out a hand for the poster. He inspected it thoughtfully. "It is only a few days before the tests, so I hadn't planned to pay it any mind. But now...."
"Yeah, we should make sure Burdick's as jealous as we want 'im," nodded Eli.
You were secretly pleased. The plan was already a win-win, but now you would be able to go to the event yourself, too. You hadn't mentioned your desire to go to either of them before, figuring they weren't interested and not wanting to sound silly if you suggested it. But you did love dancing, and it was so very rare you got a chance to wear something other than your Imperial uniform.
"It's a dance," you noted, in case they couldn't tell by the details on the poster. "We'll need to go in pairs."
"I suppose it would make the most sense for you and Eli to go together," said Thrawn quietly.
You looked between the two, realizing both of them were flushed slightly. Eli's cheeks were dotted with pink, standing out amongst his dark brown features, while Thrawn had more of a purple tint to his face now, a color you'd never seen there before. You could feel yourself growing warm and uncomfortable as well. It was only a dance... only a way for you to enact a much more important plan... but it was the first time your trio had had to engage in anything other than platonic friendship. The balance of your group seemed to be shifting ever so slightly in this moment, and you had no way of knowing if it was for good or ill.
You cleared your throat, pushing away any feelings that might have been brewing in your chest, and instead calling focus back to the mission at hand.
"Actually, I think I'd better go with Thrawn. Whoever doesn't go with me would have to find their own date, and no offense Thrawn, but I think Eli has the better chance of asking someone else."
You hoped they hadn't noticed how hollow your voice sounded, how hard you were trying to keep yourself emotionless.
Eli was pinker than ever. "Uh, I highly doubt that..."
"You're not completely hated around here, you know," you said quickly. "Definitely not with the girls. You're not bad looking, you can be charming if you try, and you're... you know, human." You glanced at Thrawn and added again quietly, "No offense."
Thrawn shook his head. His color and demeanor had already slipped back into his usual neutral self. "No, I agree. Those are the dynamics of our peers and we must work with it. I will take you to the gala, Eli will find his own date, and all three of us will push Arden and Eva together as well. It's a good plan."
You all nodded in agreement. But there was a knot in your stomach, a nervousness you didn't quite understand. You cared very much for both Thrawn and Eli. They were your best friends, your only friends. As a group, you were bonded by your ostracism, protecting and supporting each other on your journey out of this hell-hole.
And separately, you had something special with each, too. You and Eli came from similar backgrounds, and had the same need to disconnect from your surroundings and just have a bit of fun every once in a while. The two of you had spent many late nights together, either hopping between bars, exploring the city, making each other laugh uncontrollably, or quietly sharing the honest thoughts you both buried far too deeply inside. Some nights you'd done all of the above, and returned to your dorm feeling both exhausted and renewed.
But Eli didn't always appreciate the finer things in life, and that's where you connected with Thrawn. He wasn't necessarily an optimist, but he had this way of noticing the beauty that existed everywhere around you, even in the most simple or mundane of moments. Everything had the potential to be interesting. His calm but strong presence had kept you grounded and sane throughout your studies here so far. Sometimes you would talk, other times you would simply be in the same space. And either way, you felt better about life.
You didn't exactly want your relationship with them to change. But you couldn't help but feel this gala would do just that....
Next Chapter: The Preparation >
Blueberry Path | Thrawn x reader
Cowboy Path | Eli x reader
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thepolicequeen · 2 years
Could It Really Be Him?
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Iacon was known as the city that never slept. Day darkened into night and all that changed was who was sitting at the desk or running the cash register. While doing his final round around the station Detective Tyrest spots his young student still at work long after the Metroplexian should have been home.
Ultra Magnus, sleep deprived, desperate, and on the brink of madness, has a break in the case.
The precinct was quiet, as most night shifts were. When Tyrest, the head detective at the precinct, walked by other officers or detectives he nodded politely in greeting before moving on.
As he rounded the corridor to the meeting rooms, which should have been empty, he sighed when he saw the one at the end of the hallway occupied. The blinds were drawn so Tyrest couldn’t see into the room but he knew someone was in there based on the fact he could see the lights turned on through the blinds.
As the detective approached the end of the hallway Tyrest crossed his arms and looked down at the officer sitting directly in front of the door. “ Good evening Ironhide. May I inquire as to why you are sitting in front of this door so late at night.”
The officer looked up from the datapad he was holding, surprised at the detective’s arrival. “Well, uh, sir, tha’s quite simple. Ah wanted to uh, work away from everyone else?”
Tyrest looked very unimpressed. “Magnus is in there isn’t he.”
“Yes sir.” At least Ironhide had the sense to look apologetic. “‘E said ‘e just needed a few more hours of uninterrupted time. Ah know it’s unhealthy how much ‘e stays up workin on the case but if ‘e don’ do it no one will. Everyone else ‘as given up.”
Tyrest sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. It was true that ever since these murders started taking place his student was the only one who was finding the links between each one. Every break happened because of him. Now though, there hasn’t been a new victim in months and no new leads or evidence were being found. Tyrest was afraid his student was going mad.
“Please sir, just give Magnus thirty minutes.” Ironhide looked almost guilty as he said his next words. “Then ah’ll help ya get ‘im home.”
The detective looked down at the pleading officer. He knew in his spark that tonight would be the last night this case would be worked on. He couldn’t let Magnus live like this anymore. “Thirty minutes, then we take him home.”
— — — —
He’s been in here all day.
Hours upon hours of scoring over all the evidence gathered over ten years. Eighteen victims, seventeen crime scenes, one witness. He knew time was running out.
No one else was working with him, in fact throughout the day many of his coworkers who kept him company started talking about new cases, trying to convince him to move on without directly saying so. It was only a matter of minutes before his mentor took him off the case.
Magnus needed to find out who it was tonight.
The junior detective stared at the pictures in front of him, only a handful but all of them were likely suspects. Based on how the bodies were mutilated the killer had to have intimate knowledge of anatomy as well as combat knowledge since some of the victims were veterans and didn’t go down without a fight.
“Hurt like tha Pit I’ll tell ya that.”
Magnus turned to face a mech who’s torso was mutilated beyond imagination.
“Steelhead, victim number seven. Found in his house which was so bloody we had to send in a drone to take pictures before we could investigate the scene.”
“The bastard even tore off mah wings!” The large flightframe laughed before Magnus blinked, clearing his head. When he looked again the phantom was gone. In its stead he escaped into his mind remembering a few years ago after he first saw the phantoms.
“And you’re sure they looked real?”
“As real as you and me. It was like if you put their spark back into their corpse but didn’t fix the frame.”
The two mechs shivered and quickly took a shot of whatever the bartender poured them.
“You should probably see someone about that Magnus. Voices can be dangerous, phantoms are probably worse.” The junior detective’s drinking partner stared into his glass as if in a daze.
“Jack? You alright?” The smaller mech jumped in shock. “Oh yeah, just dandy. Uh I have to go, something I just remembered I had to do. I’ll see ya later Mags.”
A few hours later he got the call that another body was found, victim nine. He had to wait till morning before he could get to the crime scene. Magnus swore to never drink during a case ever again. Mostly because victim nine was burned post-mortem with engex but also because his hangover was not pretty.
A deca-cycle later victims ten and eleven happened within a few hours of each other. A scary time, the city went on immediate lockdown and anyone not home was arrested. No one ended up being suspects of interest.
The next victims brought about the biggest break the case had ever seen.
Magnus walked through the precinct quickly. It was late when he got the phone call but Magnus was quick to awake when he heard why he had to come in.
They had a witness.
The Killer was short but quick, he managed to kill two seekers of the air force. The information that the survivor gave them was invaluable since it lowered their search down to a small percentage of Cybertronians.
“After he killed my trine something strange happened. It was like a switch was flipped, he was completely different.” The black and purple seeker looked into the cup he was holding, his servos still shaking. “He was a monster that held no remorse, he tore them apart but after he wrote that message on the wall he started shaking like a leaf.”
Magnus hummed, thinking. Skywarp continued. “Then he said ‘oh Primus not again, he did it again. I thought I had him under control’ then he ran away.”
The junior detective was shocked, as were the other officers and detective’s around them. It was clear as day, the Killer of the Damned was a split personality.
“We’re just glad he snapped out of it before he went searching for Warp.” Magnus saw the bleeding and torn apart seekers out of the corner of his optics. “Yeah, it would’ve been tragic if he killed Skywarp, him being sparked and all that. Sad he miscarried though. Would’ve loved to have little us’s running around.”
Magnus covered his face with his hands and breathed deeply. He was getting nowhere. He felt like crying.
“Come on little brother, you can’t give up now.”
His head shot up. On the other side of the table was his brother Dominus Ambus. Victim fifteen.
“Dom, I have nothing. I’ve looked at everything in a hundred different ways and I don’t have a shred of an idea of who it could be.” His brother chuckled. “You know exactly who it is, you just don’t want to believe it.”
“What do you mean?”
“It was known since the beginning that you were dealing with a madman. Then Nosedive and Skydancer were killed and their third Skywarp let you know about the split personality. Stop looking for the Killer of the Damned and start looking for the personality he’s attached to.” Magnus stood up to walk to the other side of the room where his main evidence board was. “But what if I’m wrong.”
“You know who it is Magnus, if you believe then you will never be wrong.”
The junior detective looked hard at the wall where he pinned up papers of evidence and theories. His mind churned, not thinking of who the Killer is but who he could be hiding behind.
The phantom of his brother faded away smiling sadly.
Someone small, physically and mentally. They had to be weak if they couldn’t control him. Someone who was a soldier who knew anatomy. A doctor, no, scientist because of victims nine and four. They had knowledge of chemicals. Due to their reaction to the Killers' work they feel bad, they’re guilty. They would return to the scene of the crime.
No. It couldn’t be.
Victim five, Nylon.
“This is gruesome.” A small mech, no kibble with dirty blond hair. Magnus turned to the mech who was behind the police tape.
“Indeed. The work of this murderer often is. Not many can stomach looking.” The small mech laughed. “I’ve seen my fair share of gruesome things, just can’t believe it would be happening here.”
“Magnus we got something interesting over here!”
“Excuse me, I must be going. Just stay behind the tape.”
It couldn’t.
Victim eight, Hammer.
The mech again. “Hello Detective Magnus.”
“Greetings Jackbox. Why do you keep showing up to these crime scenes?”
“To see if you catch him.”
“Well Jack, not many people know this but the most common rule among criminals is never return to the scene of the crime.”
“This killer could be mad enough. Hey, do you want to go get drinks later?”
“Sure, I’ll call you when I’m off shift.”
Please no. Magnus grasped his head in his hands.
Victim fifteen. Dominus Ambus
“Jack, I don't think I can keep going. Dominus was all I had left.” His head was down against the table, multiple glasses empty of their high grade in front of him. It was a night he could never remember.
“Don’t say that Mags. You’re my only hope, you’re the only one who can catch him.” Jackbox pulled him up and grabbed his collar in his shaking hands. “You’re the only one who can do it.”
“I can’t! The Killer is like a ghost, he hides too well. I can’t, I can’t go on.” His optics were dim. Jackbox grabbed his face and made Magnus look at him. “Catch me Magnus. You’re the only one that can.”
“Magnus? Is something wrong?”
The junior detective turned around and looked at his mentor with teary optics. Jackbox, it was him, but he was so sweet and caring. He listened to Magnus like no one else would. He was the first friend he made on his own. It was all for nothing, Jackbox only got close because he was desperate. Jackbox hated what his other personality was doing and was desperate for it to end.
Magnus didn’t want his friend to go away but he knew what he had to do.
“I know who it is. I figured it out.” Tyrest hugged his student. “You don’t seem too happy about it.”
“It’s Jackbox.” He clutched at his mentor as tears began to fall down his face. “My only friend is the Killer of the Damned, I don’t want him to be treated horribly, it’s not his fault.”
Tyrest let his student cry into his shoulder as he looked around the room. Stacks of boxes full of evidence were piled up around the room, the table was completely covered by papers and all the walls and boards were full of sticky notes and pinned up papers. He knew Magnus was right.
“Oh Magnus. When will Primus give your spark a break from hurt.”
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taywans · 3 years
mod rewatch: episode 1
oh my god i forgot how good the opening sounded. the beat kicks in and so does my adrenaline.
the environmental shots of vm are so pretty - they really abused the heck out of their drone in this episode haha
foreshadowing: the posters of the election are everywhere. plus, the autopsy of natty's death reveals quite a bit about the circumstances leading to jane death, huh
the special effects and production value of this show are top tier
does hypostasis even set in that quickly? it probably takes a few hours, right? natty died 2 seconds ago lmfao what
pat's business card is so shiny YAAAA
jane’s actress is so skinny omg...
the food their eating looks super good though!
jane must be feeling so bad about natty’s fate right now, jesus
the parallel to the little mermaid is quite fitting. originally I thought it was about jane trying to change the narrative and prevent herself from being a sacrifice for love (for pued/rung’s sakes), but in hindsight the 'love' she sacrificed herself for was that for her students and hometown.
I tried searching the stanza she was teaching to her class, but I couldn’t find any similar results
I like how the club name ‘the mist’ mirrors the mist settling into vm in the earlier drone shots. mist can illustrate the precedence of great revelation. it can also represent approach death (browning) and the uncertainty about the future and beyond. very fitting for a show like mod !!
did inspector m literally ditch bun for (the) nut.
i forgot how well inspector m treated bun in the beginning! he was the one who took bun drinking. seeing inspector m being all wholesome and smiley makes me so happy. he (and oat?) took care of bun and gave him porridge the morning after haha
bun’s stretching and shower montage combo is so fucking unnecessary but we love it
why do they have a brand spanking new dead body on the table? its such a small town, who tf is dying left and right!
did oat and bun just up and leave their hospital rotation to go clothes shopping EXCUSE ME
why does pued have a bruise on his wrist? is this ever explained??
pued's smile is so forced when bun asks about his relationship w jane lmfao. he just runs away bc he isn’t able to handle it
i love the shot into the crocodiles mouth! bun is venturing into the jaws of danger oooh
the watch motif is so fucking strong in this ep.! pued looks at his watch moments after meeting bun. tan is also looking at his watch whilst being shot by bun’s camera at the director’s birthday party. rung is also wearing a watch. bun himself wears one. there’s almost a watch in every scene of the movie. side characters like oat and fai (the abortion nurse lmfao), as well as some of the vips, are wearing watches too. watches are a reminder that humans are inseparable from time (faulkner) or to represent the inevitability of death (poe). it can also symbolise that the character themselves are ‘watchers’ as in they are bystanders watching something unfold. in this case, they’re all ‘watchers’ of jane’s death, and no one was able to take any action to prevent it. again, very apt for mod.
just now realized the symbolism of clothing: rung, tan, pued are all wearing dark shades, as well as the vips there. contrarily, bun is wearing white - he’s the only innocent person there. oat is wearing a pink dress, but we don’t talk about that. we see jane in a red dress, which can foreshadow her murder. bun also has a red tie (symbolic of a bloody noose?) around his neck!! its all very interesting!!!
i forgot that tan was about to give up on having the conversation with bun, but bun responded right as he turned away, which made him turn back all smiley and soft ughhhhh
why is bun in charge of both coronial and hospital autopsy?? he literally does everything in this hospital asdjfkl
you'd think that the case wouldn’t have been assigned to him? he has an obvious connection to jane and a basic check of phone records would show that he called near time of death. he's pretty sus objectively, so he shouldn't be handling the case?
ok, for my own clarification, petechial hemorrage and facial congestion suggests the victim was hung whilst still alive - The More You Know
oat has way too many privileges as an intern …
tan was forced to take the fall for pued by saying he was jane's bf, right? he looks so fucking pissed lmfao. im also a bit confused at the testimony he gave. one look into jane’s text records and asking around would show that he's lying about their relationship, but ok.
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