#im both freezing and overheated
banannabethchase · 5 months
I am very sunburnt, very burnt out, and eyes are burning from allergies.
One could say, perhaps, I'm on fire.
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astranite · 3 months
Holding Onto Icicles
John, Gordon and hypothermia. Whump, a bit of hurt/comfort and brothers. (John too is a protective big brother. The fish is rather frozen. They both need hugs. More poetic than this intro makes it sound.) 670 words.
Written from the @Augusnippets prompt day 9: hypothermia/overheating/dehydration (a little early but as the muse goes!). Also written because it's winter and IM COLD TOO. And needed a short thing to write because I feel better when i write and that no my creativity hasn't all been eaten up im just cold, tired and stressing!
The ocean wasn’t nearly as cold as space— 
John leant over Gordon, checking once again on him, laying his fingertips, even gloved he knew, against his brother’s cool, pale cheek
—but it didn’t have to be. 
John hunched himself up further, to shelter Gordon from the wind with his own body. It bit into him, worming its way in through the neck of his space suit as if it could blow straight through every thermo-controlled layer like a thin cotton t-shirt. His helmet wasn’t recoverable, neither was Gordon’s. They hadn’t been prepared, not properly. Gordon was a limp weight in his lap, head flopped over to rest against John’s chest, over his heart.
Gordon had gone in the water, but he hadn’t. John was shivering too, but Gordon wasn’t.
Thunderbird Two would be here soon, she had to be. No matter how off course the storm and rescue had sent her. He and Gordon needed rescue too. 
They needed their brothers.
“Hang in there, Gordy,” John whispered.
Gordon blinked up at him. “‘S nice to see you…” he slurred.
A clumsy hand wobbled and reached to bump at John’s chin, patting it affectionately. “Wanna hang out with you m-more.”
Gordon hit John’s rather numb nose in the process. John couldn’t care less at this point. It meant his brother was still responsive. 
“We will. I promise. You’ve got first dibs on me, for whatever you want to do.”
When John had dragged Gordon out of the water from the edge, it hadn’t been a guarantee. 
“Yuh...mean it?”
If he was more with it, Gordon would’ve made a joke about being a beached seal or something because he’d been too exhausted to haul himself out of the water. There probably would’ve been sound effects.
His brother’s lips were blue.
Gordon had been silent, curling closer to John with hands that fumbled their grip on his baldric. Orange and yellow, together they were sunset colours.
It was John’s turn to blink but much more quickly than Gordon had. “Of course I do, nothing could possibly stop me.”
Not even the aftermath of water churning with icy slush and a bitter wind. He’d do anything to ensure his brother’s safety in this moment: beg, pray, make a deal with the devil to sell his soul, kill if anyone tried to take away his brother. The universe shouldn’t even bother to make the attempt.
Gordon’s fringe was beginning to freeze. Ever so gently, John swept Gordon’s damp, salty hair away from his forehead. His fingers were cold and difficult to move; he did it though.
A sliver of ice, a sword-tipped icicle, was driving itself though the back of John’s neck, into his spine. Not literally, not quite. The intensity of the cold ached sharply, seeping through his entire body, radiating inwards and outwards. It seared deep into his chest. Maybe it was a bit like what Gordon felt with his back. He’d tried to describe it once. John hoped it wasn’t too painful for him right now. John’s head pounded.
Gordon was still breathing. John held onto that as the facts and flow of his own thoughts grew slippery, as if he was attempting to hold onto icicles on a warm summer’s day. The ice gnawed at them.
His aching hand was splayed out on Gordon’s chest. Everything hurt. The colours and textures of their respective uniforms contrasted with each other, but both were blue in the end. His hand rose and fell. He and Gordon both were blue. 
The ocean, space, they weren’t so different really. Neither were him and Gordon. 
“Of course I mean it, I love you.”
Even if John didn’t know whether Gordon heard, he still had to say it. It should never have been a question.
John closed his eyes as the weight of the cold settled heavy on his shoulders, blanketing over him, more smothering than gravity. It all grew further away—
A Thunderbird’s great engines sounded in the distance.
—but he clung to Gordon tightly.
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regalvoid · 9 months
Decided to walk to my pharmacy instead of drive for some reason even tho its almost a mile away and its like 30F out.
Now my peets hurt and Im sweating buckets while feeling both overheated and freezing,
Great idea me : )
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mgentamn · 2 months
my opinions on horror books
haunting of sunshine girl: i really enjoyed this book. instead of the little ghost girl segments scaring me, what scared me most was the gradual change in sunshines mother. the small things, like her eating raw meat and displaying unnatural strength. huge no for me. that's so scary. and I obviously loved sunshine and nolans friendship. ive been jealous of Nolans leather jacket since day 1 and jealous of sunshine since she got to wear it.
the shining: all i have to say is that the book blows the movie all the way out of the water. stanley Kubrick really ruined the original plots potential imo. im not saying that the movie was ass but it could have been sm better if he had stuck to the plot. its crazy bc before i ever even read the book or watched the movie, the only thing i knew about the shining was the 2 twins in the hall. i kept waiting and waiting for that part to come up in the book but it never did. the movie messed tony up so badddd oml 😩 like in what universe was making Tony pretty much dannys alter ego a good idea. that doesnt even make sense. and also the movie did a horrible job at displaying the strain jack hitting Danny & him being an alcoholic had on the family. that was the main thing in the book and the movie did that element no justice at all. what the movie did get right however was the way it had the overlook freeze in the end. that was pretty freaky for the movie, however i did appreciate the overheating boiler element displayed in the book. 1 of the few instances where i really appreciated getting to see both outcomes. the overheating boiler really added angst to the book and omg i just feel like stanley Kubrick took all the elements out that made the shining the shining. the bloody elevator scene was cool but i was also so disappointed that the movke didn't really mention the dream jack had abt his father. It left so many key elements out
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nexter2nd · 5 years
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Hee-hees in Italian
Almost finished with my Illuso cosplay so I figured I’d post it
This is the worst outfit to wear ever what is wrong with this rat man
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specialmoogakii · 2 years
Hello! I love your work! Is it possible for a sun x reader x moon? I’d really like to see them fight over the reader (gender neutral pls). The rest is up to you!
[I hope you don't mind that Sun and Moon are two different animatronic!]
I think i took the "fight" a little bit too literally and im so sorry for that. I still hope you enjoy it.
Warning:Grammatical errors,Jealousy,a fight scene,yelling,injuries.
Not fair!
Oh,Sundrop was sooo happy. Absolutely overjoyed.
He spend a lot of time with you today,you visited him in your lunchbreak! Oh! His poor heart when he saw you. His metallic heart was overheated and maybe it melted a little too. But that doesn't matter,you wanted to spend time with him and sacrifice your lunchbreak for HIM.
He wanted to scream so badly and marry you on the spot,you were so cute to resist. Oh,but he had to. Sundrop want to make every single hour worth it for you and couldn't bear the possibility of ruining something in our little dates. He would die if only one single mistake is done.
You deserve the best and he is going to give it to you. Tomorrow he got everything planned to make your visit better then before.
Oh,All kids knew. They know his massive crush on you,it was almost impossible to not notice it. The kids saw him doing different things that only revolves around you; jumping around happily more then usual, he freeze for a second when you touch his hand, he is more distracted when you're around and also leave some drawing with you in like a teenager in love and etc.
The kids weren't oblivious and totally tease him about it. Leaving Sundrop absolutely red and trying to distract the kids from the truth,which, it doesn't work that well. Their teasing only become bigger at every denial from Sundrop.
Sundrop had to run in his room before his heart dies for how much the kids were stubborn about it. He sigh and relax his back on the door, hoping the kids doesn't tell you about his change of attitude when you're around. Oh lord! It would ruin everything!
Sundrop hide his face in his hands,not wanting to think the embarassing situasion that would happen if the kids reveal his crush on you. But,his thoughts were interrupted by an aggressive scoff coming from the other side of the room.
It was dark but Sundrop knew who it was,His little brother Moondrop, the shy and awkward yet recently aggressive Lil' bro. Oh no,it was one of thhose days where Moondrop was angry!
Sundrop smile awkwardly at him and waves,a little scared of what moondrop is upset about. "You forgot that me and Y/n got a special ""date"" tomorrow,hm?" Moondrop says with a monotone voice,already expecting a loudly no from sundrop as he fix his audiobox before he goes in reboot.
"WHAT- YOU TWO GOT A DATE" Sundrop loudly exclaimed,leaving Moondrop surprised for a second,sundrop actually forgot about it, unbelievable. "I-i mean! Of course you don't-! This one of your pranks,isn't it!?"" Sundrop anxiously denied,not believing what moondrop said.
"I know your little special plan for tomorrow,im not going to let you have that,big brother." Moondrop says almost spitting venom out of his mouth,getting closer to him making sundrop a little more anxious. It was useless to deny in front of Moondrop.
"Why not!? Don't tell me you're in love with them too!!" Sundrop yells out of shock. he didn't notice!! He was too busy looking at you to notice he had an rival and its even worse the fact its moondrop.
"Of course i am,wh- how the hell didn't you notice" moondrop says confused,you both are acting very clearly in love for y/n, this disappoint moondrop even more. He thought that maybe Sundrop was teasing moondrop over stealing y/n but nope,the truth its even worse.
"I definitely notice you acting all adorable around y/n! I can't let you win them all over just for your silly little childish crush" moondrop continues,not letting sundrop speak and run away to this argument. But,surprisingly, Sundrop was getting more angry with no intention of letting moondrop win this little argument.
"It's not CHILDISH! STOP THINKING OF ME AS A CHILD!" Sundrop loudly exclaimed again. He was having a tantrum in front of moondrop. Sundrop wanted this to stop and tries to calm himself down,while Moondrop was trying to find a common ground and failing to calm his aggressive mind.
"And you stop stealing people from me! You already have everything!" Moondrop point out,he had everything moondrop wanted; The kids attention,the spotlight and etc. He won't let him have your attention too.
"You don't have rights over people! That why they want me more then you,possessive boogieman!" Sundrop yells again because of his tantrum and inability of communicate normally when angry, leaving moondrop speechless and more aggressive at his remark.
"Why you-!' Moondrop jump on sundrop out of control, the "vanny" glitch is still stuck in his code and uncontrollably throwing hands at Sundrop while Sundrop was defending himself, not feeling the gusts to punch him back.
Sundrop was able to get free and run away from his room,absolutely scared and in panic mode. "You can't own y/n,moondrop! That's not how love works!" Sundrop trying to reason with moondrop but the vanny glitch stuck in his code doesn't want to hear it, still attacking him in every way possible.
"I don't want to own y/n! I want someone special in my life for once!" Moondrop yell while his eyes start lighting up in a intense red eyes more then before, it was the end for sundrop. But,he doesn't give up.
"Y-you have me! You have your older brother! Am i not special for you?" Sundrop frown a little after finishing the phrase leaving Moondrop to growls out of guilt and annoyance.
"That's not what i mean!" Moondrop punch the wall so hard that it could literally destroy it but by miracle,its didn't fall down. Moondrop's hand doesn't seem so well after the punch,you could literally see the wires out.
"I want someone in my life to actually see me behind the usual freaky monstrous "sidekick" of sundrop! Every kids avoid me or scream when i get close with no malicious intentions!" Moondrop stop for a moment due to the big injury in his hand, he growls in pain but continues
"you don't know what it feels like to be ignored. all children love you, adore you and praise you while I receive the exact opposite. I hate this,i hate being used as a emontional punchbag from everyone.." sundrop doesn't say anything and get slowly close to moondrop. Once he is close enough, sundrop hold moondrop's injuried hand very gently.
"I just want som-someone..to love me,sundrop" Moondrop finally break down and start crying oil,sundrop hug him very tightly and start crying with him too. Sundrop feel so bad for his brother but he can't leave his love for y/n. Maybe they can find a compromise?
"Im so sorry,moon. I..i didn't notice the difference. I thought the kids treat you nicely like me.." sundrop whisper and keep hugging moon, moon reciprocate the hug after calming himself down,sundrop's shoulder was covered in oil but that doesn't matter for now.
"Hey,how about this?" Sundrop free moon from the hug and let moondrop look at him so he understands what kind of answer moondrop would give without saying anything. "We could share y/n together! Giivng then more love with certainly make them more happy,right!?" Sundrop's eyes shine while still being nervous in the inside,but thankfully moondrop smirk and nods.
"Alright,fine. If that mean i can have couch cuddles for myself" moondrop says jokingly. Obviously wanting sundrop to have an exaggerated reaction which it happens. Sundrop gasp in offense and gently punches his arms like a little kid.
Moondrop laugh and drag sundrop out of there,reaching the door with his injured hand since the other one is too busy dragging sundrop away only to be interrupted by Y/n looking pretty exhausted.
"I hear a loud sound coming from here. Please,tell me it wasn't monty!" Y/n tries to say while breathing heavenly,you must had run miles to get there which make moondrop a little nervous. He is trying to hide his injuried hand behind his back.
Y/n definitely notice it the sudden movement and ready to let him spit whatever he is hiding from his mouth. "What did you do moondrop" you put your hands on your hips, waiting for moondrop to start speaking only to sundrop to interrupt before moon could say anything.
"O-OH! MX. Y/N! We're just.. uuuh finding more toys for the kids. You know how kids want new things everyday! Ahahah,let's go moon-" Sundrop take moondrop's arm and tries to walk away awkwardly, Y/n stop them from walking any futher with an face that make them understand they are fucked no matter what excuse.
"Spit it out" y/n simply says,looking terrifying to both sundrop and moondrop and immediately let a "Yes,y/n..." following with all the things that happen.
I don't think i need to say who needed up with two clingy robots for the rest of your life.
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thespiantherepist · 4 years
Android Iida x reader Smut
For all my nasties.
It only started as overheating in the groin area for Iida. He normally never had an issue with seeing you change. Hell, you had asked him to help you change before!
He's had his hands on your nekid body!
He has seen your chest!
Why now is another part of his body warming when he sees you?
All of this was thought of as he walked into your steamy bathroom. You were naked of course, you had just gotten out of the shower, why would you have clothes on?
But he felt weird, his nether regiond felt like a streinous pain in his pants. The gears in his mechanical lungs wheezed in strain, and discomfort.
He handed you your towel.
Thanking him you grabbed it, ans wrapped it around yourself.
He persuaded himself not to look down.
'You're not a deviant Iida! Dont do this, its time to leave now.' He thought to himself as he stood frozen.
"Iida, did your systems freeze again?" You asked, putting a hand on his bicep. You looked at his eyes in playful concern.
"N-no my star," He said shakily, "However, I feel as if I must bring something to your attention."
"If this is about you wanting to marry me, im aware, you've told me three times today! You said cheerfully, lightly punching his forearm.
He breathed in deeply,
this troubled you.
He was worried about something...
You could feel it.
"My star, I think I've been having some... program issues."
"Whys that man?"
He paused for moment, "I get all warm when I see you nude."
"Yeah dude, that happens to everyone," you said nochalantly. You moved to hug him, but he stepped back, supporting you by the wrists with his hands.
"No, I mean..." He trailed your hand downward, until it rested right above his crotch.
He bit his lip, and closed his eyes.
You lightly shook your hands from his. You knew exactly what to do.
You reached to his shorts instead, letting yourself pull them down.
"Its supposed to be." You said seductively.
Even then you were confused as to why your dad gave your android a dick. Or a sex drive.
(dadum tsss)
Youd never seen it before, but you were intruiged to say the least. Especially since he was starting to struggle.
He looked down at you while you continued, not wanting to stop you. He knew about sex, yes of course. However he didn't know that he could have a drive for that sort of thing.
Yet here you both were.
When you got it out you where a little intimidated.
'Dad. What the.fuck?'
There was no need for your dad to make your android this big. Did he do it anyway?
You bet your dumbass he did.
Your energy drink driven, blonde, cockateil of a father gave your android a big dick.
Maybe he was trying to tell you something.
You leaned back, taking a full look at it. Surprised with the craft.
Iida looked at you concern in his eyes, but also...
Had he never looked at himself?
He cleared his throat, chuckling awkwardly,
"I uh, never actually have seen it , or th- thought about it much." He said sheepishly. You looked up at him, kind of surprised.
'Hes never looked at it?' You thought, 'Hes probably never touched it either?'
You lightly trailed your hand along the top, watching as the member twitched.
You realised.
Your dad put waaayy to much effort into this.
'Why does he need receptors?' You thought, shocked.
"Keep going my star." He said, a pleading tone laced in his voice.
You smiled up at him. You wrapoed your hand around his member, and lightly started pumping him. He put a hand over his mouth at the sensation, the mechanism within his chest unit buzzed with acknowledgment to the feeling. He hummed in thought, savouring the feel of your hand on his member.
You decided to go a bit faster.
He was taken by surprise when your hand started moving at a faster pace than before. He placed his hand atop your head trying to stabilize himself. He rubbed his thumb iver the top of your head, soothing you whilst you commited to your progressions.
You slowed down again, this time lining your mouth by his member.
"Iida?" He looked at you his eyes blown wide in surprise, and lust.
"My star?"
"Do you want me to continue?"
"Please." He said pleading, gently placing both hands on your head. You smiled up at him.
Taking him into your mouth you hummed a little bit. He groaned loudly as he felt your lips connect with his member. Lightly tilting his head back at the sensation.
Once you felt like you could breathe again you started to pull you head back, then down again. Setting a rhythimic pace for both of you.
Iida felt the buzzing near his groin come back harder, even though he had you beneath him.
"M-my star, I hate to ask this of you but could you g- ahh, go faster?" You looked up at him, and blinked in acknowledgement.
You bobbed your head faster, sucking harder on him to gain a heaftier response.
"Ooh, My star I didnt say you ha- ahhh~d to d-do all that!" Iida himself was seeing stars at this point, and he couldnt care less. He pushed his hands harder on your head guiding you. You sped up more, having Iida openly moaning at this point.
"Ahh~Hah! St-taar!" Iida felt something collectively growing in his body, his inner mechanisms going wild. Red lights filled his vision, and the red light on his neck turned on.
"My Star, I th-iiink, I-I ahh~" At this point he was openly wheezing. You got far enough down to where his tip touched the back of your throat, and he broke.
He kept you down, as liquid flowed out of him.
'What. the. fuck. dad?' You thought as the liquid trailed down your throat. You pulled back perplexed, opening your mouth letting some of the liquix spill out.
Iida nearly short circuited. The beautiful sight was nearly captured on his eye cams.
He groaned, kneeling down. He grabbed your cheek, and kissed you deeply.
The liquid tasted like Vanilla. Which also perplexed Iida.
"My star what?"
"I dont know."
He chuckled with you a bit. Brushing some of the liquid off your lips. He picked you up from your butt. Placing your legs on his hips.
You smiled at him sweetly. Pulling him back for another kiss.
He walked into your bedroom, lying back into your matress. Keeping you on top. You sat back up, grinding on top of him slightly. He placed his hands on your hips.
"Iida, im going to start." You said, lining your entrance up with his member. He nodded.
You tried to slowly lower yourself onto him. Keyword,
Iida got surprised pulling your hips down farther than you wanted to go.
"AAAH~HH!" You moaned in pain, stilling yourself on the base of his member.
"My star!"
"I-its fine, give me a second you said. Adjusting to the painful sting he left you with.
You sat still, feeling as Tenya traced invisible hearts onto your thighs. Leaning up slightly to kiss a line up your stomach.
"A-ah Ten. Im going to go now."
You rocked your hips agaisnt him gently, causing him to groan in satisfaction. You bit your lip, pushing yourself up a bit before psuhing back down. You slowly got into a rhythm.
From under you Iida huffed lightly. Bringing his hands back up to steady your hips. This spurred you to go faster, using your thighs as leverage to bounce yourself further down. Moaning as you did you.
Tenyas hips rose to meet yours as you quikened your pace, trailing up, and down, his member hitting all the right spots inside you.
"M-my star, ahh~ Youre doing so well. You take me so nicely." You shuttered at the praise, leaning your head into his palm placed by your head. You sped your lace up faster. Lewd sounds comig from beneath you.
You leaned forward from the stimulation. Creating a bridge over Tenya.
You pushed your hands on his shoulder, going harder than before. Both of you eager to meet your release.
"Nyeahh~ Tenya!"
"Come on My star I feel it, do you?"
"Yes!" You moaned loudly, feeling yourself coming closer. Suddenly you felt yourself being rolled over.
With Tenya over you he slammed into you at a brutal pace. Hitting your g-spot every time, he had you seeing stars, as your eyes rolled back into your head.
"T-tenya! C-coming!"
"Yes My star, please with me!" He leaned down, kissing you deeply.
With one final push you both came to your realease. You felt a warmth seep inside you.
"Ooh~ Tenya."
"I love you Star."
"I adore you Tenya."
He noticed the game that you were trying to play.
"I know." He said in playful cockiness.
"Hey!" You laughed with him. Chuckling as he pulled out.
He left for a second.
Coming back with a towel he cleaned you both up. He smiled, kissing your neck while you giggled.
"Tenya stop!" You said smiling.
"Mmh... no I dont think I will." He said devilsihly as he leaned down, blowing a raspberry on your stomach.
"HAHHAH! TENYA STAHP!" You laughed loudly as you hit his back, lightly.
He smiled adoringly back up at you. Lying next to you happily.
You cuddled into him happily, eyes falling like curtains over your eyes as you drifted to sleep.
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tatianafarenheit · 3 years
Devourer (open ending)
TW: GORE, slight lime,
It was pouring. The wind was howling woefully while it quickly rushed trought the trembling leafs of the Wangshu Inn’s Foundation of a tree. Even the sound of the other travelers, stopping for the night, was drowned by the white noise that rang trough-out the halls of the Inn, creating a terribly uncomfortable sensation of chaos. Xiao hated these kind of nights where the inn was bustling more than usual, and the fact that his only remaining comrade from the war was near him did not comfort him either.
He felt restrained almost rigid at the heavy awkwardness that strangled the room for the past two hours. Neither him or Yanay said a single word since they first reunited and Xiao’s mind was near overheating while trying to think of something to say.
His attempts where rewarded with emptiness and that frustrated him. He hated feeling like a kid, palms almost sweaty because he could not communicate with the only being that experienced the same pain he did, the only being who also had to witness the same horrors of war and was unfortunate enough to live on to tell the story.
Truth be told, they didn’t end on the best terms. Xiao blamed Yanay for years for the cause of his comrades deaths and vice versa, only to realize later that the person to blame was the misleading messenger between them. Yanay didnt in fact given the wrong orders, the messenger did and Xiao in fact did not leave his friends to die because he ran off, he was just too late to help.
Every since the truth emerged the both of them felt uncomfortably awkward next to each other, stuck between feeling a need to apologize and not wanting to open the wound that the sorrowful memories left behind. How easy it would be if stolen glances could be an actual form of communication. Yanay hearts raced while looking at Xiao, she felt a painful voide eating away at her heart while she looked at the broken man, a small fragment of what he used to be, almost like a living memory of the past, a guardian cursed to carry and reopen his old wounds each time he looked around him. Every single fragment of Liyue was a breathing reminder of what happened upon its lands all those years ago.
Yanay managed to find herself a new purpose, or more like the purpose found her. Ningguan found the resentful and nugatory girl and could not help but see potential in her, a woman that only needed someone to open her eyes. Ningguan offered her a job and a promise of a new start, a painfully docile life, she promised she would never have to suffer again and so Yanay followed her. Ningguan’s helping hand helped Yanay wake up, but only by her own will did she only find herself again, patching up her still bleeding old wounds hoping that one day they would stop…but they still bleed to this day.
Thats the difference between Xiao and Yanay is that Xiao accepted it, came to terms with the brokenness his whole existence represents, he got accustomed to the horrible misey that chews and spits him out every time he breathes, so accustomed to it to the point he doesnt feel it anymore. Yanay on the other hand could not, her mind still whispers menacingly to her, each time her eyelids tremble shut, the terrifying truth she had to endure. And each time, she fights it, she refuses it wholeheartedly, her resistance only making everything burn even more and even deeper.
“Im going to sleep” Yanay whispered and Xiao heard it, looking away and only giving a hum as a response. He felt bad, truly, he wish he could speak to her more, to apologize, to tell her that he can be there- but his savage heart wont let him, his prode chaining his mouth shut so he could not get himself hurt more. He tried to justify his actions by saying things such as ‘she wouldn’t care anyway’; ‘it would not help her so whats the point?’ But Xiao forgot to consider how much Yanay cared for such small things, how much she cherished in the back of her rotting soul the fact that someone thought that she deserved an apology.
Yanay laid down, her back facing Xiao, afraid of letting him see her composure falling apart each second she was next to him. And so with one last heavy puff of air her eyes closed. Xiao soon followed laying as far away as possible from her.
Xiao was awoken by the sound of the sheets being tousled around and as he looked in Yanays direction he could only see her figure hunched over. “Why are you awake?” He said in a gruff voice, slight annoyance tainting his tone from being awoken this early in the night. What he saw next made him freeze up, his blood turned cold and eyes froze open. Yanay looked back at him with tears in her wide eyes “Take them away-“ she barely whispered, her voice trembling along with the hands that gripped her sides in a crushing strenght.
Xiao felt like his world crashed down onto him, his veins thinning as he looked the the now seemingly vulnerable woman in front of him. His whole idea of who Yanay is was completely ruined, hes never seen her like this. So fragile and so… brittle- It was almost like someone’s possessed her body.
“You can eat dreams, right? Please-“ the girl cut herself short, her eyes scanning him frantically. She knew she was asking for too much, she felt it so deep in her bones that they felt like they might snap-. “I know im asking for too much but please- take them! Devour them until theres not even a single one that escapes!” Her voice was getting more and more unstable, her gaze running over the room back and forth, avoiding his apparent burning gaze. He just stared for a second, it all felt unreal to him. His breathing got labored and heavy as he saw the marking scene before him. A warrior turned to a broken maiden, looking for a kind of alleviation that only he could bring her.
Yanay took his silence as a refusal, her cheeks burning with embarrassment as she turned back to her hunched position. His gaze felt unbearably heavy on her back, almost quelling her to the point she felt minuscule. “Never mind- it was stupid of me to ask that. Please forget i ever said anything.” There it goes again, the voice Xiao was so accustomed to. He couldn’t help but feel a wave of disappointment wash over him.
Without rationality he reached out to her, his fingers grabbing onto her shoulder and turning her around a bit more harshly than what he meant.
Yanay jumped, her composure falling apart by his own hand. “Tell me what dreams im looking for..” his voice was awfully soft, so soft that it made a small electric string run up Yanay’s spine, a wave of ecstasy running over her body. But once the realization of what he really asked hit her, her eyes turned dark and cold. The kind of eyes Xiao used to have, so he immediately knew what he had to look for. “I will help you but-“ it was now his turn to look away in embarrassment, his face feeling way too scorching all of the sudden.
Yanay stared at him and thought of how she’s never looked at him in this kind of light before, he was absolutely breathtaking and innocent, not a shred of bad ill painted onto his face and so yet again she felt selfish for never trying to understand him- and now- here she is, asking him to do something that he most likely won’t enjoy. “Its gonna be a hell of a lot to take in, not only for you but me as well.” He continued and turned back to look at her. She almost gasped once her eyes met his, shes never seen them so close in order to see the true intensity they held. His gaze pierced trough her with such power that her breathy hitched. She only nodded. Xiao sighed, his fingers now trembling onto her skin knowing that whats about to come wont be able to be erased. Yanay’s perception of him was about to change even more.
“Turn around for me..” his voice was almost a whisper but still so moving that it made goosebumps rise on Yanay’s skin. She eagerly complied, her shoulders relaxing under his vexing touch. As she tuned around the sound around her began to fade, her attention fully concentrated onto Xiao. The next thing she felt was his chest pressed against her back, so tender yet so much pressure. She had to restrain herself from releasing a shuddered gasp once his body connected to hers. Her skin lit up, nerves trembling deliciously. Xiao felt it too, his eyes closing shut as he bit back a groan, his hands rose next to Yanays own hands, almost afraid of touching her thinking that shes gonna break. He was afraid that she’s gonna be repulsed by his touch but nonetheless he placed his hands in front of Yanay’s torso. “Grab onto one of my hands and relax into me.” He said again, his breath gently caressing Yanay’s ear shell.
Yanay’s lucidity began to dissolve, he was so close oh so close that if she turned around she could kiss him…to bad that will never be an option. After regaining a fracture of her rationality back, she complied to his words, her hand gripping one of his while she relaxed fully into him. His other hand gripped her jaw and moved it so that her face was right under his. Her eyes opened and looked at Xiao with such an irresistible innocence that he almost lost it. It was refreshing to see his comrade so complying and so sweetly vulnerable. Xiao leaned his head in, his lips barely above hers, so close that she could feel the heat coming from his face.
“Tell me when you if want me to stop..” he said against her lips before they met. Yanay’s heart felt like it was imploding, beating so hard and fast that it almost punched trough her ribcage but what came next took Yanay by surprise even more. Her limbs started to feel like putty, so soft and light. While her mind started to become intoxicated and slow, she wasn’t thinking of anything but Xiao and the overwhelmingly pleasurable feeling that started to spread inside her. It almost felt like and aphrodisiac, her body disconnecting from her mind, detaching so much that it almost felt like another person possessing her body. Xiao felt the affects too, his hand gripping Yanay’s jaw harder as he leaned his head in more, deepening the kiss, his tongue running hungrily over hers. While he knew that he was supposed to focus only on devouring Yanay’s horrible nightmares he couldn’t help but indulge in the sweet release that she was, a breath of fresh air. He wanted to claim her, to make her heal him with just her presence and maybe he could help her by erasing every parasitic nightmare that plagued her thoughts every night, but that wouldn’t be healthy and he knew it.
Yanay tried so hard to grip onto her lucidity but the more she tried the damned thing ran further and further away. Her flesh felt like smoldering cinder while her stomach felt like a void, it felt like feathers were running over her skin. She was so overwhelmed that she almost passed out from the electrifying feeling that he induced. Xiaos hand left hers and opted for her waist, digging his fingers in and dragging her torso impossibly closer to his. She was so delicious that it drove him mad, forget the damned nightmares he wanted to devour her. To rip her ignorant facade apart and watch her true face show itself from the ruins that he alone tore down.
His hunger was cut short when he finally reached the nightmares he was looking for and they were exactly as he expected. Corpses rotting on the muddy field while tired soldiers pushed on whith their last breath, people screaming and crying and the worst of all, the feeling of being helpless, powerless, the feeling of having to watch knowing you cant change a god damn thing.
He couldnt stand looking at the dreadfully realistic replicas of the past so he started tearing them down, devouring the from the most affecting ones to the lesser. He tore them down with each movemnt of his lips against hers and she couldnt have been more grateful. Suddenly his kisses turned from exhilarating to melting. His movements so soft and tender that Yanay felt like she was about to burst. She never realized how much she craved this feeling before and now- now she couldnt get enough of it, she was frightened that if he touched her like that one more time shed forever be bound to him, craving him each second of her existence. Her hand slowly moved to the nape of his neck, softly caressing his satin like hair.
Xiao couldnt do anything but melt under her gentle touch, his mind finally going at ease after all of these tormenting years he had to indure all alone. Afraid as if shed disappear from his desperate clutch, he held her closer, relishing into this intoxicatingly serene moment. Oh how he truly wished they could stay like this more…
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lovebug5151 · 4 years
It happened again
Alrighty! I managed to type this out in record time once i saw This Comic by @grians-of-salt and it inspired me! This is some angst and fluff including Grian and Grumbot and Jrumbot. I might actually write more of this because I love the interaction they had.
Wow 1510 words. Im pretty happy with this, Hope yall are too!
Uhh Spoilers for Grians newest video. This also contains mentions of NPG and RobotGrian.
It was the night after Voting day, and everything was quiet. Everyone had voted, and the next day the Hermits would begin taking down all their Mayoral campaigns. There was one person awake, however. Flying quickly towards the Shopping district, needing to remedy a problem they had caused.
As Grian landed and stared up at the broken Grumbot, he too felt broken. He didn’t know how much Grumbot had heard when he was breaking down, but he hoped he hadn’t heard their laughter. His was shocked, horrified laughter, and he was too caught up in his horror to listen to Mumbos laughter. God he hoped it had been horrified, and not giggly laughter. The only thoughts that had been running through his head were ‘Not again. I did it again. Not again. Not again. No no no no no no no! Not again!’ He had been in shock the rest of the day. He couldn't even remember who he had voted for, though he thought it wasnt Mumbo.
He shook his head and took a deep breath, as he couldn’t stand there forever, he needed to get this done. There was a reason he decided to do this at night after all. Grian went to the back of Grumbot, and opened up the latch to see the inner mechanics. He had the thought that being short actually helped for once, and smiled vaguely. He searched for a moment, before finding it. 
He’d had Mumbo explain everything he was doing to make Grumbots AI, and explain all the parts to creating him entirely. He wanted to learn, to get better. This object was the main part to Grumbot. His Heart, or his Motherboard, whatever you wanted to call it. It contained who he was. It contained how he acted, how he thought, everything to make him a person. Because he was a person. He wasn't just a robot. Grian had made that mistake twice already, and wasn't about to do it again.
Grian moved forward carefully, seeing all the wires and smoking parts, until he reached the Heart. He looked it over, his past of building robots helping him to unplug it safely. Once he had unplugged it he picked it up to carry it outside. It was heavy, but he could handle it. It was too precious to drop. Once he was out in the open, he carefully put it in a shulker. The shulker had things to soften the fall if Grian did drop it. 
Once he did that, and picked the shulker up, he also headed to Jrumbot. He opened the back of the shop, to show a smaller Heart. This one was only to protect the shop, or was supposed to be. Grian carefully picked This one up too, not wanting to break either. 
As he headed back to his base, only one thought was in his head. ‘I can’t let this happen again… I won’t let this happen again.’
Grumbot felt… something, when he was booting up again. He didn’t know what it was, hasn’t been able to live long enough to know what it was. But something  he did know was that his Dad's voice was murmuring to him. 
“There we go. Your booting up. I hope you like this body, uhh, I hope I did good, I’m sure I can fix anything if i did do something wrong…” 
Grumbot opened his eyes to see Grian staring at him. Grian smiled softly, nervously, and said “hi Grumbot, how are you feeling?” 
It took him a moment, but Grumbot accessed the area that let him speak, as he suddenly had one, and didn’t have to communicate through paper.
“I- am alright. What- happened Dad?”
He managed to stammer out brokenly. When he asked what happened, he saw Grian’s eyes flash with sadness. 
“When, when we asked you what to do for the election on voting day, you,” he paused as if searching for a word. “You melted. You were panicking, and overheating, and you broke.” His voice broke and trembled on the last word.
Grumbot froze hearing that. He then remembered, and looked down before he spoke. “You, you were laughing. Both of you were laughing.” He sounded hurt, and it was only the sob from Grian that made his head raise. 
Grian had tears coming out of his eyes, and was shaking. He lunged forward to hug Grumbot as he started trying to talk. 
“I-I’m so (sob) so sorry Gru- (sob) Grumbot! We (sob) we shoulda been able to help! We- we couldn’t and you (sob) you got hurt, and I’m sorry, I shou- (sob) should have protected you, I shouldn’t have laughed I’m sorry, I’m so sorry son, I’m (sob) I’m so sorry”
He was clutching onto Grumbots shoulders, and Grumbot slowly brought his hands up to hug Grian back. 
“I-it’s okay Dad I-“ 
“It’s not okay!” Grian suddenly yelled out, letting go of Grumbot to look at him “I should have stopped Mumbo from laughing! I shouldn’t have laughed! We shouldn’t have pushed all this mayor stuff onto you! We- we shouldn’t have done that to you, you’re,” he paused here, tears were still streaming down his face, and Grumbot knew that Grian didn’t mean to laugh. He was hurt by his own reaction. “You're just a kid.” Grian murmured. “You shouldn’t have had to worry about anything like that.”
Grumbot hugged him, and felt Grian freeze. “I forgive you dad.” He was crying now too. “It’s not your fault!” Grian sobbed again, and hugged him back, and they stayed like that for a couple minutes. 
“Umm,” Grian muttered, pulling out of the hug. “I uhh, I built you a body. As you, can, uh tell.” He chuckled awkwardly. “It’s closer to human size, and uhh, you're welcome to change it however you want cause, it’s your body. Umm, I made you a voice box, and I built you some stuff to help you move, you have extendo arms and legs, that was uhh, that was fun to build.” He laughed, and was about to start rambling again when Grumbot grabbed his arm.
 “Can you help me walk?” Grumbot asked, kinda embarrassed he couldn't do it automatically. Grian laughed quietly and nodded. 
“Sure. Here lemme just-” He grabbed Grumbots arms, and helped him slide off the table he was on. Grumbot stood up tall, and realized he was at least a foot taller than Grian. He giggled quietly and Grian smiled at him. “Yeah, I wanted you to still be tall ya’know?”
Grumbot started taking small steps as Grian stayed nearby. Once Grumbot was able to walk all around the room they were in, and jump and crouch, Grian took a breath.
“Oh, another thing Grumbot.” Grian started talking and Grumbot turned around to look at him. Grian took a deep breath before saying “I also grabbed Jrumbots Heart, though he didn't have as much AI coding, and I wasn't sure where to go with it. I built his body, but didn’t want to mess up more AI’s so I wanted to know if you wanted to help me make him a full AI.”
Grumbot paused for a moment before nodding. “I would like Jrumbot to be able to move and be alive too. This is way better than being stuck in one place!”
Grian laughed softly and nodded. “I know what you mean buddy.”
Once Grumbot got more coordination down, they started working on Jrumbot. He actually wasn't missing as much as Grian had thought, and was able to be brought alive rather quickly.
As Jrumbot booted up, Grumbot looked at the body Grian made for Jrumbot. It was small, probably a head smaller than Grian. He looked more childlike, and cute, than Grumbot did, as he was built after his first look.
Jrumbot beeped as he raised his head, and his eyes clicked and lit up.
“Hi Jrumbot,” Grian murmured smiling, “How do you feel?”
Jrumbot giggled and squirmed, much like a child would, and said “I feel good! Hi dad! Hi Brother!”
Both of them smiled at how Jrumbot had chosen to call them, and Grumbot reached over to pick Jrumbot up. He smiled down at Jrumbot and Grian smiled at both of them.
After making sure all of Jrumbots motor skills were working, and nothing was breaking, they went up into Grian’s mansion. The lowest floor was actually a floor with lots of rooms, instead of it being just a place for farms it was a house. Grian led them into a living room, and they all curled up on the couch, all falling into a nap.
While later would be time for Grian to explain about Mumbo, and why they had to hide for a bit, now was peaceful, calm, and quiet.
Before he fell asleep, Grian made a promise to himself. He would never make the same mistakes he made with NPG and RoboG with these two. He would make sure these two knew they were loved, and that he would never leave them without a fight.
Yeah! Hope yall liked this, I will hopefully post more Dad!Grian to Grumbot and Jrumbot because I really like writing them.
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xiaonesis · 3 years
unrelated to the last couple asks buT!! are you pulling for kokomi? i originally wasn't going to because i was just having a lot of trouble trying to form a team for her (please give recs) but i just NOW started the second archon quest and im. so in love with her already. like shes just so smart n thoughtful.. what do i do? im not guaranteed and my pity is probably only ~20-30
Ahh I'm going to be skipping Kokomi. She isn't a character I really wanted nor need, and I have been faithfully (read: desperately) saving for Albedo rerun since my goal/need is to pull at least 3 of him this time...it's all in for me there TwT I dont know if I'll pull for Kokomi on her reruns either...maybe if I had spare primos (as if) and there are no banners upcoming that I want.
As for a team for her though...I havent paid much attention to her but I got the idea she's like a 5 star Barbara (who I also do not use) so I'm not the most familiar with her skillset. She seems to be suited to support, as her official bio also states but Genshin is a game you can do whatever you want with your characters :>
Whether you build her as support or a main/sub-dps, all I can say is (and this is my personal opinion, I don't know about others) that overhealing isnt really useful especially in late game content like Spiral Abyss that is focused on dealing as much damage as possible in a short amount of time (heck, one of my main team comps in Abyss is a no-healers-we-die-like-men team) but Kokomi's healing and DMG after burst scales on her Max HP so there's potential for being both a simultaneous healer/dps but we wont know how far she can go until her release and we can stick some artis on her.
I'm assuming you want to use her as a main because you want to build a team for her and we all want to keep the char we love most on field as much as possible :3 So you might be able to do the above healer/dps whilst having a off-field elemental reaction provision team for her, like freeze team (Kaeya, Qiqi, Diona) or vaporize (Xiangling, Bennett), and even electro-charged (Beidou), while avoiding selfish characters like Razor etc who requires to be on field to shine at their best. If you have characters that buff Elemental Mastery, you can even take advantage of that while dumping down nonstop ele reactions (Albedo, C6 Diona, Sucrose etc)
Also, she can't crit but that means you save a lot of time, sanity and resin on artis farming since many struggle with getting both crits on their artis. Not needing crits means giving you leeway to focus on giving her quick bursts and EM. You defo want energy recharge on her since her main dmg output will be from there.
If you can do that, you can possibly give her a lot of utility as a main! Heck, one girl army!
Again, the above is my personal opinion without having played her nor studied her closely before release fhjdbfh
As for whether you should pull for her, if you REALLY want her and have no other upcoming characters you want to pull for in the next couple updates, I say go for it. Which in this case, low pity doesnt matter in any case and you can go all-in for her and hope for the best.
On the other hand, if you think you are patient enough to wait monthssss for her rerun and want to pull someone who is getting their reruns possibly soon (Albedo, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Xiao etc), then waiting is another choice. There's always a chance you might get Kokomi early so if you're saving for a future banner, you can perhaps pull another couple times on Kokomi and try your luck, but give yourself a cap. Maybe try waiting till the end of her banner and see how much you have saved, and then try pulling!
If you decide to pull Kokomi in the end though, I really wish you the best of luck and hope that you get her!!! Her aesthetic is really pretty and ngl, walking on water is cool asf (coming from me, a serial drowner in genshin).
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skylar102 · 4 years
congrats on 400 followers!! may i request some fluffy huddling for warmth?? i know it's june rn but im having winter vibes lmao 👀
Here is the fluff! Also mood on the winter vibes. Love me some cold weather lmao <3
“This was a stupid idea,” Magnus shudders. He’s drenched from his waist to his shoes.
“You’re the one who wanted to go ice skating,” Alec tuts as he carries his husband back to their log cabin. His pants are also soaked but Magnus had freaked out when he fell in the water and released a wave of magic that broke all the ice on the small lake. 
“It was supposed to be romantic!” Magnus cries, throwing his arms up in the air. The sudden movement almost makes Alec drop him. 
“Maybe we should have checked the ice first before going on it.” 
“It seemed solid enough,” Magnus grumbles, crossing his arms as a shiver breaks out across his body. He snuggles further into Alec for warmth.
“We’re almost there,” Alec promises. Thankfully the small lake is in the backyard of the log cabin they decided to rent for a week. Only a few more feet and they’ll be able to get out of their wet clothes.
“I’m sorry for ruining our vacation,” his husband mumbles into his neck. 
“You didn’t ruin anything,” Alec says as he nudges the front door open with his foot. “It was an honest miscalculation on both our parts.”
Magnus doesn’t reply as Alec carries him into the bathroom. He sets Magnus on the edge of the tub and goes about getting him out of the drenched clothes.
“I can do it myself,” Magnus chatters out. He tries to snap his fingers but he’s shaking too much for it to work. His shivers have gotten worse since entering the warm cabin. Alec leans up to press a chaste kiss on Magnus’ lips.
“Let me take care of you,” Alec whispers before taking off Magnus’ shoes and socks. Magnus sighs and once again crosses his arms. Alec would assume it was because he was upset but the shivers wracking his body say otherwise. 
Alec goes for the pants, asking Magnus to grab his shoulders to stand up. It takes a few tugs to get them off, the wet fabric sticking to his husband’s skin. Once he’s clear of pants and boxers, Alec presses a small kiss to Magnus’ hips before standing to remove his coat and shirt. With his husband is free of all his clothes, he leads Magnus to their bed, tucking him under the covers before heading back to the bathroom to shed his own soaked clothes.
He didn’t realize how badly he was shaking as well until he pulls his last piece of clothing off. He gathers up the wet clothes and tosses them in the hamper to be dealt with later. When he gets back to the bedroom, all he sees is a mound underneath the blanket with a tuft of spiky hair sticking out the top. 
Alec can’t help but chuckle at the sight as he makes his way to the bed. He pulls up the covers, receiving a yelp from Magnus.
“Hurry up! You’re letting all the cold air in,” Magnus scolds from his spot, reaching a hand out to pull Alec in. Alec laughs at his husband’s antics and he suddenly finds himself surrounded by the warlock.
“A bit clingy are we?” He laughs into the top of Magnus’ head.
“Mmm, you’re warm,” Magnus mumbles into his neck as he wraps himself tighter around Alec.
Alec rolls his eyes, but still pulls Magnus into him. His shivers aren’t as bad as before, but Alec doesn’t want to take any chances. He knows what magic depletion is like and how Magnus gets slightly cold after it, but with the addition of falling into freezing water, Alec is worried about hypothermia. He doubts that his husband has it as he can already feel his body warming up.
Magnus’ body relaxes further into his chest. The soft shuddering breaths he feels against his neck tells him that his husband is dozing off. Alec rubs his hand across Magnus’ back to stimulate warmth. Only a few seconds later he’s also drifting off. 
Alec wakes up hot and overheated. Opening his eyes to see that Magnus at some point in the night not only crawled on top of him, but also turned the fireplace on. Turning their once cozy cabin into a sauna. Alec kicks the covers away from them and goes to move Magnus off of him.
“No,” Magnus whines and clings to him tighter.
“Magnus, I am going to get a heat stroke if you don’t let me go,” he laughs at his octopus husband.
“I’m comfy,” Magnus mumbles into his chest.
“Apologies, would you prefer I die?”
“It’ll be worth it for your warmth,” his husband giggles. “For the greater good and all that.”
Alec goes for his husband’s waist and the man launches himself away from him with a yelp. Alec follows, pinning him to the bed, tickling him anywhere he can reach. Magnus laughter fills the cabin and Alec goes back in on his sides.
“Okay, Okay!” Magnus cries out. “I relent!”
Alec stops his hands and sits up. At some point during the shenanigans, he ended up straddling Magnus. He looks down at his husband who’s trying to catch his breath but also pout up at him at the same time.
“That was mean, Alexander,” Magnus says, sitting up to wrap his arms around Alec. “I just wanted to huddle for warmth with you.”
“You were trying to kill me is what you were doing,” Alec points out, wrapping his arms around his husband’s neck.
“Nothing but lies.” Magnus presses a kiss to his lips and squeezes his arms around Alec. Alec returns the kiss greedily and slides a hand into Magnus’ hair. Their hips start to move against each other creating sweet friction. Before it gets any further Alec pulls back. 
“Are you better now?” Magnus hums and nods his head, licking his lips.
“Much better, thanks to my lifesize furnace.”
“Only the best for you.” Alec dives back in for another kiss. Magnus takes the opportunity to flip them around and settle between Alec’s legs. 
“Since you don’t want to huddle for warmth, I have another way we can create heat,” Magnus says, before making his way down Alec’s chest. 
Huddling for warmth isn’t all that bad, Alec thinks as he lets out a gasp. Though he will gladly keep out the falling into a lake part to get there next time.
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hell-bound-stories · 4 years
This wasn't the first time you could find Sydney working at her desk late on a Friday night alone. Her desk was a mess of textbooks and paper, with the newest trash being two empty cans of Red Bull. She had been working on this paper all afternoon since she got home from school, well into the night. Breaks, if any, where just to use the bathroom and grab another energy drink. Syd had gotten used to pushing herself like this for years, her AP classes demand it after all if she wanted to pass. She refused to admit to herself that she was getting more and more tired with each passing minute.
Nearing midnight Azz walked into her room, which was odd. They were almost always found hanging out in her room with her. This was the first time she’d seen them since they both got home from school. She realized she hadn’t even thought about them at all since she started working. “Hey” they said softly, “what’ca working on?”. ‘Unusual tone for you’ Syd thought to herself. “Just this book report, it's due next Wednesday” she said, trying not to sound tired as best she could. They nodded with understanding, “how long have you been working?”.
“Oh, I don’t know, I��ve got a few pages done so far” she glanced over at the thick novel resting on her desk, barely a few chapters in, “and a lot more left to go”, she rubbed her eyes. 
“Have you taken breaks?” Azz asked with concern. 
“Yes, I have” she said while getting back to work typing.
Azz walked over and closed her laptop. “HEY!”
“Bathroom breaks don't count” They stated firmly, hand still on top of the closed laptop. Azz glanced around the desk. “How many Red Bulls have you had?”.
“Just two” Syd said, pointing to the empty cans on her desk. Azz raised an eyebrow. “What?” she asked, starting to get annoyed with them.
 “I can see the three empty cans in your bin”.
“UGH so what I've had five Red Bulls, can you please just let me work!” Frustration clearly visible in her voice now. Azz looked at her with a ‘wtf’ face, “No” they said while walking over to Syd in her chair. “I can't let you keep working like this”, with that they quickly scooped Syd up out of her chair, obviously startling her. 
Syd never understood how Azz could lift with such ease. Syd wasn’t overweight but she wasn't the skinniest girl either, and Azz was tall and lanky, with absolutely no visible muscle. “Stupid demon strength” she muttered quietly. With no effort they walked her over and tossed her on top of the bed, then jumped on top of her. Pinning her down in a way. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” she hissed, very much done with their shit.
“Just trust me” Azz spoke “I know a great way to relax after a long day” said with a stupid teethy smile on their face.
“What” Syd said, with worry coloured all over her face. She was used to Azz being physical but this was a lot different than a hand on her shoulder or a hug from time to time. She was starting to get uncomfortable.
“Close your eyes” Syd gave them a look, “please, just trust me” They pleaded. She could tell Azz was being sincere. She trusted them. Syd sighed, “Ok”. 
The second she closed her eyes she felt a weight drop on her chest, no, on her whole body. She opened her eyes and saw Azz had dropped themselves on top of her, with their arms wrapped around her back holding her tight and their head resting on her chest.
“What…..are you doing?” She asked, worry and uncomfortable-ness turned to confusion.
“Cuddling” Azz responded, not even looking up.
“Cuddling?” This was a foreign concept for Syd. She knew what it was of course but had never actually done it before. ‘You need a partner for cuddling and I dont have one, dating is stupid and a waste of time’ she always thought, like a rebellious 7 year old getting told they would get married one day. Now that she was actually doing it……….she could clearly see she was right it is a waste of time. 
“Ok” she said sitting up, sliding Azz off her chest, “Thanks for….that, i'm going back to work” She was trying to keep herself composed the best she could.
“Oh come on” Azz cried, “please just lay down for like 15 minutes, then you can go back to work”
“Promise.” Azz said, basically sitting in her lap.
“Ok fine, 15 minutes, then i'm back working” She laid back down and Azz eagerly jumped back on her, getting into the same position as before. Syd sighed, trying not to yawn “I know you’re here to help me, but this is stupid”.
“How so?” Azz spoke, again not looking up, but she could tell they were smiling.
“This isn’t a depressive episode or a break down, I don't need help, I need to be working on my paper” She said firmly
Azz lifted their head up to look at her, “I know that, but I also know what will happen if you work on that paper all night the way you were” they said just as firmly as Syd. “In 15 minutes I’ll let you get back to work, for now just be quiet and rest your eyes, trust me, this is what im here for.” Once they were done talking they put their head back down on Syd’s chest.
“You’re impossible sometimes” she said, giving up grudgingly. Honestly trying not to smile. Azz could be frustrating from time to time, but she knew to trust them when it came to this sort of thing.
This is what they’re here for after all.
She’d never admit it but the moment she hit the bed wave of tiredness washed over her. She’d also never admit that this was kinda nice. The weight of Azz’s body over hers was somehow comforting. Azz wasn't heavy on her chest. She was breathing just fine. However even though she could breathe without a problem they still felt heavy enough on her to create a safe, secure feeling over her body, helped by their arms wrapped around her middle holding her tight. Syd didn't understand it, but she had to admit that it was nice. She honestly didn’t even know what to make of this feeling, she had never felt anything like it. She also oddly enjoyed seeing Azz’s head rise and fall with the movements of her chest and breathing. She could only see the top of their head, but if you knew where to look you could just make out the tiny two horns placed on top, always hidden by red hair. ‘Their so small and cute’ she thought ‘what's the point of them?’. She really didn't understand demons, especially this demon.
Azz’s freezing body also felt cool on her, keeping her from overheating. As spring turned to summer the nights kept getting hotter and hotter, making it harder for her to sleep (if she ever did). Azz was keeping her just cool enough to actually sleep comfortably, even though they were both fully clothed. Syd could also swear she was hearing quiet purring coming from Azz. All she really knew about Azz was that they were weird as hell, so this didn’t really surprise her.
Every passing moment Syd was struggling more and more to keep her eyes open. ‘I guess I can see why people would want this’ She thought before she slipped into some much needed sleep. She’d never admit this to anyone, especially herself, but she loved this. 
Without looking Azz lifted their hand up from under Syd and pointed it at the light to turn it off. Then returned back to hug Syd, holding her tight while they both slept.
“sleep good you stubborn butterfly”
It had been four minutes.   
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whatthefuckistevvs · 5 years
🗨️ !
💬: talk about anything you want
Okay so in the first tinkerbell movie, when tinkerbell is choosing her talent, the winter fairies are there and put a snowflake among the talents, and also when she picks her artisan talent they fly over the winter land, and make mention of it
And yet in Tinkerbell, Secret of hte Wings, Winter fairies are basically a different race of fairies to the point that they fucking DIE if they step over the “normal” neverland without ice, to the point Periwinkle basically almost dies out of overheat.
Not only that, but normal faries are Forbidden from entering the winter land. They cant fly over it, either, because their wings freeze and they tear apart forever, which happened to Tinkerbell at the end of that movie (But it got healed up thanks to sister magic)
so im sorry, which is which???? you retconned the events of the first movie where there are winter fairies in non winter land, and they arent like, dying or overheating. fairies going over lands was forbidden by both the queen and the king, so like, tinkerbell was the first one to do that. Not only that, but in Secret of the Wings it is stablished the moment they are Born, that it is chosen if theyre winter fairies or not
disney??????? what?????? i am going to need some fucking explanation for this 
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britnxyspears · 5 years
I guess a small chunk of my life story feels a but more relevant right now... im not very open on this blog I'm a very shy and closed off person to he honest and its hard to open up sometimes. But I don't know where else or how else or who else to really tell and I feel like it needs to be out there somehow. Instead of just all inside me.
... when I was homeless and when I was living with Hoarder Gramother #1 (the one who's a lesbian) all I really had to keep some form of... idk, some calm in my life was watching Gordan Ramsay and Cam's King Family uploads... like those videos aren't most people here's cup of tea (I'm not like judging btw, I get it lol, you're not that interested in the guy aside from his voice acting and I'm sure the King Family fans are the same way but vice versa) but those videos were what helped me sleep when I was truly reaching the limits of how far I could go without going completely insane while homeless and the way he fondly talked about his family and the various other family or interest related stuff was filling the place of a loving family for me at the time.
I got kicked out for not being able to manage my grandmother's hoarding, (animal hoarding) my uncle's hoarding (garbage and too much of a good thing hoarding) and my little sister (who did not go to school. I got 0 break. I had to room with her too so no privacy either) and I was also expected to get a job even with all of that other shit. I got locked out of the house when I had enough for the day after 6 months of this and went to go to the gas station down the road. I got locked out, on my period, in the rain in winter (granted Georgia's winter is like crisp Wisconsin fall, but still) and I almost got gang raped, and was rescued by a pastor, who proceeded to yell at me for upwards of two hours when I squeaked that I was gay somehow in all of this.
So after all this I get back and they're sending me back to my mother. I left my mother in the first place because she was emotionally abusive and I was unable to stay in the closet. I made multiple suicide attempts because of it and I couldn't do it anymore. I thought my grandmother would be more accepting of me being both gay and mentally ill but she wasn't any better. And I had to raise a child.
After I arrived in Wisconsin, I find out I'm staying with my other hoarder grandmother, and the whole family expects me to clean her house... which they've been trying for decades... im supposed to do this singlehandedly...
Hoarder grandmother #2 is much more sympathetic. But she's also a million times worse with ocd. There was no where for me to even sit down in that house... so I had to live outside and every now and then I'd come back to the house to shit and piss. Sometimes the water and toilet wouldn't even work.
I would sometimes crawl into the car when it was snowing or raining. They somehow had wi-fi still in that house because my alcoholic nerd uncle lives there too. I would freeze in February and around this time last year I was overheating so much I thought I'd be another hot car death.
This whole time the only thing that ever helped me sleep was going back to those King Family videos... it was all I had. I couldn't even lay down but if I watched enough of them id feel soothed enough to finally sleep.
On my 20th birthday I was ready to kill myself... because the aftermath of all of that had and has left me so beyond traumatized that I didn't know what to do with myself... I went back to my comfort place, and I rewatched his 'stop me if you heard this' show... if you don't know, Cam Clarke has a very interesting life story himself. I kept rewatching the part where he talks about his birthday after he was diagnosed with hiv... how it was like a funeral that he could be there for. I watched it over and over and I didn't pass away that night.
I know it sounds dramatic but Cam is the reason I'm still here physically and mentally. I would have killed myself at least 4 times already if not for this man, or I would have lost my entire mind if not for him. I really owe him a thank you and its going to really really eat at me until I can. That's why it meant so much to me.
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0ystercatcher · 7 years
ask mem
tagged by @slavstars​ ty nerd
1. do you have a favorite pair of socks y e  s theyre good and red and fluffy with like...rainbow cuffs
2. do you have siblings, are they older/younger i have two brothers n theyre both younger! theyre a nightmare but theyre also, so v good and im so proud of them
3. what is your favorite type of pie/cake coffee cake or like...peach pie.
4. if you could be a household object, what would you be a french press!
5. whats the worst thing you’ve eaten/drank at someone’s house to not be rude my grandma and aunt apparently live off of the saddest most tasteless barley tea in the universe and only have that when i visit them so. that.
6. whats a word you really like that more people should use maelstrom bc it sounds So pleasing.
7. what form of art do you think more people should care more about not exactly a Form i guess but im still mad so many people think so little about abstract art so. that
8. do you like your room to be freezing or overheating for sleep freezing i Love blankets and being a warm little bitch in bed
9. if you could have a garden, would you yes! theres 1 in my house n ive tried growing veggies
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uuuhhhhh sonata sure why not
Who gets excited about Halloween in July: 
Neither. Ber loves summer fuck end of summer
Who starts wearing sweaters and scarves on the first day of September and completely overheats:
Both tbh. Ber is already overheating in teh summer bc he refuses to wear shorts soooo 
Who thrives in Fall/Who prefers Summer and warm weather:
Both thrive in fall  better #aesthetic, can stay inside, read and chill.
That being said technically Ber’s fave season is summer bc festivals and school’s out and his bday sooo simon
Who thinks the other looks so cute when they’re cold and trying to fight it with 50 sweaters:
uh... both? uh? 
Who offers the other their jacket:
Simon would bc Ber is a selfish bitch thanks he’s not giving up his jacket he NEEDS it 
Who doesn’t want to get out of bed in the morning because it’s too cold and has to run from the warm covers to the shower:
berlioz yup
Who touches the other with their freezing cold feet at night:
berlioz though apparently simon would too so they r just two cold cats 
Who makes the hot cider to snuggle under a blanket and drink:
Simon though Ber would do it like as a surprise ta daaa look i made u cider 
Who loves carving pumpkins and buys about 300:
uh...tbh neither? Ber isnt a big carving pumpkin kind of guy. lou always carved hsi pumpkins
Who is terrible at carving pumpkins:
both they lose the contest 
Who thinks pulling the pumpkin guts out with their hands is icky:
both though ber might think its funny to like flick it at simon 
What is their favourite Fall activity:
im not 
Who gets scared when they watch Horror movies:
simon bc ber LOVES horror movies
Who hands out candy to trick-or-treaters:
uhh both! 
Who accidentally scares the kids:
neither? they’re so gentle and good and nice? 
Who suggested the couples costume:
neither lol they just dont participate
What is their couples costume:
if forced, maybe bowie/iggy pop 
What is the best Halloween they ever had:
i like ur headcanon about the youth orchestra thing im taking that
What is the worst Halloween they ever had:
Ber was turned into a vampire and like almost killed the boy he was snogging at the time sooooo that is the worst for sure
Who eats too much candy and ends up sick the next day:
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