#im going to be honest the only reason i typed this up was because i'd already pinned half of it up on my board with red string
nucifraga · 4 months
Been doing some research for a mini, mike-themed, conspiracy-esque board, and I've come across some interesting things:
Firstly, a 1981 article on the effects of being struck by lightning.
It's... very, very interesting how many ways a lightning strike can mess up your body. Human beings are very fragile things indeed. Notably, though, the results were that 'no continuing problems [were] observed' in the victim, which checks out. ["The doctors told me there would be no long-term damage from my accident."]
This 2008 article has a few things of relevance; namely that lightning strike victims:
Bear lichtenberg figures as a result of damage to the capillaries which usually go away in 24 hrs, but may be associated with 'deep pigmentation'. But I don't think this is the case with Mike, as I believe his scars are pale/almost-white. ["his face got so pale his branching scar seemed almost to vanish"]
May experience keraunoparalysis; the temporary paralysis of of the limbs, as result of the lightning's electricity taking the path of least resistance (i.e. through the nerves) and playing havoc with the nervous system and subsequently, both motor ability & sensation. ["you’re trapped in a statue of yourself"]
May experience retrograde amnesia; the inability to remember past events/experiences. ["The part that always bothered me was how I didn’t remember it. Not really."]
He was almost certainly hit dead-on/directly by lightning.
There's a few types of lightning strikes from what I can tell; direct, side flash (indirect), ground current & upward-streamers. The fact that Dominic Swain was unharmed (and within hearing distance of Mike, right before the flash) suggests that it wasn't a side-flash or ground current. You need a tall object for an upward streamer, but they were "playing in a field" so it's unlikely to have been that. That leaves only a direct strike. Direct strikes are less likely to have living victims, but this is TMA. And Mike survived. Mostly.
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thepaintedsable · 1 month
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Spread finished! I decided the other page would be fanart of fandoms I find somewhat more entertaining than the actual media at this point.
Mostly because I like to watch fires burning, lol.
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Even though this art isn't explicet and only shows the main guy, obligatory notice that the game "Your Boyfriend" is 18+ only, and the creator does not want minors interacting with the game nor in the fandom due to its content. Additionally, do not seek out/invade 18+ parts of fandoms as a minor. Heed this warning, for yourself and for others.
Talking and some sketches below the cut:
I mean this wholeheartedly, fandom is so fun. I derive so much joy by digging through what feels like surprise extra content, except it's made by people who like the same thing you do. From wholesome to unhinged, I love it all (generally, anyways. Some things can get a little... too unhinged).
I mean no disrespect with anything I say.
But for some reason??? That's Not My Neighbor and The Amazing Digital Circus got slotted into the same part of my brain for "unhinged fandom" as Your Boyfriend and Undertale??? Like guys 💀 How did I manage to get onto the unhinged side of a fandom for what amounts to a stationary point-and-click game??? A cartoon with two whole episodes??? I am having the time of my life but???
At least Your Boyfriend has an... excuse? It's a "romantic visual novel" type game but one of your love interests is actually a stalker who kills anyone who gets too close to you. Also falls into the "character knows its a game" trope but I haven't played myself to know if it shows up in-game just yet. I can see how that can attract a group of Individuals™️. I don't even know how I found the game/fandom, I'm going to be honest. The game is not even finished yet, and it looks like it's last big flush was two years ago. Horror media is horror media, tho, and I've been able to dig out some actual horror fan content in-between the... other stuff.
Undertale is Undertale. We all know what happened with Undertale. I had my time with Undertale, and even though it's past I generally hold the least regrets with my enjoyment of it in terms of fandoms. I used to like Underfell Sans lol. I still enjoy the game, never got into Deltarune.
That's Not My Neighbor fandom, or at least the side of it that I've stumbled into, is so real. It is so funny I love it. It is somehow all Milkman and that means I am either being pushed memes or the most down bad horrendous formation of words and brushstrokes you can imagine. Let my boy sleep, he didnt do nothing wrong 😭 I don't even think I'd personally enjoy the actual game, from the videos I've seen. The concept does vibe with me though (1950s, postwar era monster horror? Hell yeah).
TADC is only here because it is insane to me that even some people did not think Jax was going to be an absolute trashbag and flipped the switch on him (im unsure of how many people really held this beleif, but ive seen it talked about). Totally yalls poragitive, but man was that FAST. I guess I'm too used to seeing people liking vilian/antagonist characters, but I guess I'm proud of yall for realizing you can't fix him lmfao?
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^ Sans Undertale disapproves in your choice of men
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^ Some sketches I did while making the character stills.
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bornagainmurdock · 2 months
my (apparently) controversial matt murdock headcannons pt1
contents: 18+ ONLY, suggestive but no smut, this post contains multitudes
word count: .6k
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matt is so bi coded it’s oozing off of him
also think he's on the ace spectrum (but probably bc im ace)
on a similar page, mans loves a threesome loves being in the middle of a threesome (& also in the middle of a cuddle pile)
sometimes wears lifts in his shoes just to be a little bit taller and intimidating, especially when on patrol bc 5'10 isn't tall enough apparently
has kissed foggy (sober) & would go it again (sober)
kissed all his friends in college for fun at parties (and also in his bed on the weekends to avoid studying)
loves a mocktail, sometimes he doesn’t drink when he goes to bars bc he fears losing control but also loves flavored lemonade and fancy syrups and the aesthetic of drinks. loves a mule the tin cup and everything
fucks with a good brewery or distillary with specialty drinks
matt would never cheat on his partner. matt is a big communicator and thinks its the foundation of every relationship. he’s all about being open and honest about his feelings no matter how silly it seems. “i thought that person over there had a really hot voice. what do they look like?” “omg this barista hit on me the other morning while i was getting fog karen and i coffee and i flirted back bc wow and also left a really generous tip”
matt is into ethical non-monogamy and absolutely would be into having an open relationship. type to research relationship anarchy and implement that into his relationships in order to make everyone feel valued and heard
has read the ethical slut (3rd edition) and recs it to everyone he meets
big masochist but refuses to admit it, but loves loves to play fight and wrestle with his partner(s)
obviously into choking i mean c'mon
has a massive voice kink (especially accents he doesn't hear often) bc he can hear all the little intricacies in every single word and it drives him absolutely crazy
would go running barefoot if he wasn't in NYC and at risk of stepping on dangerous things
the kind to hike barefoot in the mountains to feel more connected to the earth
would hate theme parks bc of the noise, but would really like all the food offerings
fucks with legoland hard
and on a similar note, would eat anything once just to experience it
listens to bubblegum kpop when he boxes sometimes
also sometimes listens to death metal when he boxes
has gone clubbing a few times and finds it too overwhelming, but he loooooves dancing when he's been drinking. will grind on whoever is within reach (with consent)
and also if drunk enough, will be the one grinding at the club
loves operas, will go when he can
has a pair of fluffy slippers under his desk so he doesn't have to wear his stiff loafers all day at work
has an extra pair of clothes at the office in case he has to change out of the daredevil suit before it can make it back to his apartment
has taken a few of those 'street medic' classes intended for people going to protests in order to stay updated on the best ways to help stitch himself up and take care of wounds
is CPR certified for similar reasons
really into ping pong
hates bowling, is really bad at it and gets pouty when you put the bumpers up for him
thinks about joining a local rugby league but they won't let him because when he showed up to inquire they determined he needed ot heal a bit more before he came back (mans is always covered in open wounds and bruises rip)
sometimes attributes the bruises on his neck to daredevil activites when really yall had a wild night the previous night
author's note: like this format? let me know by sending an ask! i have so many more headcannons to share. (also i'd love to hear your headcannons! send them my way!)
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kiefbowl · 1 month
how do i get over a guy who chose someone else over me, after telling me i was the only woman he could even think about? i know rationally that it's insane to be hung up on someone who clearly is not interested and also lied to me, but im unfortunately a certified yearner and have a very hard time letting go in situations like this. hoping for some practical advice to get my head to stop lingering in places where it's not loved in return
First step, stop calling yourself insane. Stop being self-deprecating. Stop expecting yourself to not be human. You're trying to shame yourself out of having feelings, just any feelings. I can tell by the way you've typed this you feel deeply embarrassed to have uncomfortable feelings, and you're anxious about how other people perceive you when you show those feelings. Can't do that, because those feelings have to be felt and there is NO REASON to be ashamed about having completely expectant feelings, and when you don't let yourself feel things, you do weird shit later.
Second step, get out of the house with other people. Or, go to other people's houses. OR, stay home but invite people over. The point is you have to start getting distracted instead of spending only your time being introspective to try to unfeel feelings. Go to the movies and feel your feelings there. Go to brunch and feel your feelings there. Go to the park and play frisbee golf and feel your feelings there. Your brain will be actively working on other thoughts while your body can feel your feelings, and it's like multi-tasking.
Third step, talk about your feelings. Just tell your friends what you're going through, tell them how you've been feeling. It can be scary, but I'll give you some jump offs:
"It makes me nervous to admit this, but I've actually been feeling a little obsessed over [blah blah]. I feel like I think about him constantly, because he really hurt me. I wish I didn't think about him this much. I really need help."
or you can try this
"What did you guys think of [blah blah]? I don't know if you guys have noticed but I'm actually pretty sad about what happened between us. I've been keeping it to myself but I'd like to talk about it."
or you can try this
"I'll be honest, I feel like I'm really hung up on [blah blah]. It would really help me to get some of my feelings out right now, but then after that I would appreciate it if we didn't talk about him much."
This is all to say: You are a normal person who is experiencing heartbreak. You are not a "certified yearner," that is something you made up for yourself because you feel shame. You don't need to feel shame! Yearning, heartbreak, love, and feelings are all normal and everyone around you experiences these things. Your feelings do not dictate your actions, and it's your actions that are the judge of you. But if you don't let yourself feel your feelings and find that pride within yourself, your feelings can become extreme and difficult to manage. So give yourself a break and allow yourself to be heartbroken! Why would you be immune, you're just as human as everyone else. Give yourself a break.
Secret fourth step: pursue pleasure
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reilleclan-blog · 23 days
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So errmmm apparently Neil is a Zionist which I'm being honest when I say this. I don't pay attention to actors or actresses or ppl that are part of development teams unless it's something I'm super fixated on. Like cyberpunk and cowboy bebop and naruto shit like that. So i didn't know that the Neil dude was a Zionist I didn't even know his name until a couple days ago cause ppl were talking about him saying something about Ai.
So I started reading on the comparison of tlou and Israel conflict and idk it kinda grosses me out that a story about revenge and change and identity , had something to do with "Israel vs Palestine" tbh . (Yes I'm gonna sound uneducated) but I didn't know shit about why Israel and Palestine were constantly going at it but it seems like Israel are just being blood thirsty bullies. (I really only started hearing about it just recently ) but yeah I'm ngl I'm kinda confused why was that the "inspiration"
I understand not Neil is the only person helping out when making the story but he was the back bone of it all. And idk I feel so weirded out lol. I didn't get a hint of Israel politics (prob cause I don't know shit about it ) but there's political stuff in everything and everywhere but yeah I'm so confused but then again he's a Zionist so ig it makes sense it's in his work. .. damn idk if I want part 3 anymore lol
So I just read the article I see the perspectives a lot. And I said this while I was playing thru the game but them explicitly letting the audience know Dina is Jewish was a choice. And most times when something explicitly says "this person is Jewish" idk it's usually for some weird reason. The article talks about "Jewish ppl surviving" and idk (dude bare with me it's 2am and I sped run thru the article I know I'm not writing a essay) some other stuff like they talk "oh this is an issue" but don't talk about a relative solution of the problems "the cycle of revenge" but why is revenge so powerful.
In the article Neil says something about "universal hate" and i genuinely don't think that exists I GENUINELY don't believe that. It takes zero effort to love and care for someone but to hate someone b/c "hate is universal" .. sounds a bit white supremest im ngl. B/c if someone justifies enslaving another person because of their skin color or b/c of their religion.. or being different in general .. u sound insane. So yes Tlou2 has Israel and Palestine propaganda. Ngl I hate those type of fans that just deny everything just b/c it's not explicitly said. There's a ton of evidence to back up the claims in the first place. AND AGAIN U CAN LIKE SOMETHING BUT ALSO GIVE CRITICISM ON SAID MEDIA . U DONT HAVE TO BLINDLY LIKE SOMETHING(but honestly most ppl wait for some random white dude to say the same fucking thing then somehow everyone starts agreeing lol) after finding that out tho it kinda makes my tummy feel icky inside. If Ellie and Abby were two white dudes I wonder if I'd have enjoyed the story as much lul
The article "not so hidden Israel politics of tlou2" from vice
I feel like I still have more to say about the game but this is it for now. And do not come at me sideways about this fucking game I will block u idc I hate annoying fanboys that dickride everything and hate different perspectives
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utahlive · 1 year
This ask isn't directly for Wilbur or the blog, but rather the person who runs this. A bit of an ooc ask about world building and expanding this universe since I'm invested
Are we as the audience perceived as people in this universe watching this show/documentary about Utah at our homes, sending in questions via telephone. Or are we just random people that show up in the gas station and keep coming back one by one at random times to talk about the "Dabi cosplayer". (I'd like the imagine the second one; just a but of faceless people pressed up against the glass outside asking the weirdest questions. Fits the vibe)
Do you, the owner of this blog, have a part to play in the universe? Are you the director to the show, a main camera man, or something else.
The fanart that's made for this blog, I'd like to imagine it's—again—just faceless people running up and slapping drawings they make on the convince store windows and running off, leaving the producers and Wilbur with it. Stuff like that :]
Im gonna be honest I said I was gonna do author q&a today specifically so I could answer this ask because I feel weird just answering it willy-nilly
I tend to be... pretty bad at storytelling. I always get wayyy too into my own head, and things get so complicated to a degree where only I can understand whats going on, which is something im obviously trying very hard to avoid. However I don't wanna sacrifice the story I want to tell, so I'm just doing my best here.
One of the biggest limitations right now is that I'm just struggling to explain exactly how the world works/the translation between "Utah" and irl/us. The biggest ones are time and what exactly is being aired, because obviously it doesn't take one whole day to answer two questions, but I don't have the energy to answer more than two q's per day. And of course the 'film crew' arent actually filming Wilbur while he's sleeping or anything like that, but it's hard to tell the story I want to tell without having scenes like that. Im hoping that things will get smoother as we go, but for now I've just been making it so that episodes that dont have 'transcript's in them aren't filmed (or have "artist rendition" notes), and lets say that even though its been over a month of answering questions for us, it's only been two or three weeks for wilbur.
As for what you guys are, you're viewers who are calling in from home! Kinda like a radio show. No one is physically showing up to the store or his house (that would be really funny though). I did have some scrapped ideas that I may bring back later about the film crew, but for now "they" dont have any deeper place in the story. I'm the camera man, I guess! I've been imagining it as just some guy with a camera in one hand, a headset to listen to calls, and a little paper pad to write down answers.
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There are 886 asks in the inbox right now! Not all of them are asks, some of them are just comments about whats happening (which I love, I <3 hearing what you guys think) but unfortunately I can't answer all of them. I have a general outline so whenever I do pick story/plot asks, its ones that fit that outline, and every other time I just try to be funny.
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nor/mal (jk. he/they/xe)
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I was typing out the whole story and reasoning behind the pictures I chose but it was getting way too long (because I ended up going down a rabbit hole). Basically I found an old blog from 2010 where a girl had posted a picture of her room, it was a very positive post so I didn't think it would be offensive to use it (also there's a comment from 2016 on the blog post asking if the image can be used as reference, no reply, the author of the blog has not logged in for years). The bathroom was made in the Sims 4/I used pictures of my own dorm bathroom
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smoked a blunt in the woods and thought about cwilbur's character arc a little too hard
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im shy 👉👈
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fucks me up that people continue to think about this blog after liking/reblogging
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your match up game looks so fun ‼️‼️‼️‼️ i wanna try it out hehe (rambling ahead)
1. beast of blood by malice mizer :3 i honestly don't have a reason other than it being chaotic enough that it fills up empty noise in my brain lol
2. 5w6 !!
3. ohh i LOVE youtube essays/analyses whether i'm fully listening or have em as background noise, i love horror youtube deep dives, particularly about analog/digital horror series and that one creepypasta iceberg hehe
4. i don't think i've ever had one ? to be honest i don't think i ever thought abt it until i saw it in like . cartoons n shit , never rlly knew about the concept of imaginary friends as a kid 😭
5. recently i use redacted sleep aid audios but most of the time i just . stay awake until my brain shuts down 🤞
6. honestly? i never thought abt this . but the first thing that came into my mind was veronica (idk either!!) though if i genuinely wanted to change my name i'd want it to be gender neutral, and tbh i doubt i'd have any important meaning behind it i'd just pick whatevr sounds nice
7. guy's sleep audio !!!! i joke about wanting guy angst a lot but to be real . this audio of his is so vulnerable .. like before that we only saw him being a goof and stuff yaknow . . idk that one forreals hit different 4 me
8. as much as i love every character, i do not understand why gavin is the most popular😭 don't get me wrong , love him, maybe it's because i haven't listened to the fl series but i do not get the hype💔
9. i don't know all the words per se but i would have to say mean girls . . as problematic as that movie is now its iconic and i love it and i need to rewatch it BAD .
10. damien tbh . haven't gotten to his other audios but i think i would want 2 be besties w him i relate 2 him a good amount (he also seems like the type id be intimidated into doing well in school for)
11. to be real i wld not be able to ramble if im tired LOL i think i'd be more quiet bcz i have a hard time sleeping to begin with
12. tbh just a soda (coca cola bcz i am basic) i go to convenience stores n stuff after school so im only there to pick up something quick before i go home so im in and im out 🔥🔥
13. the 2007 sweeney todd soundtrack 🤞 i cannawt find the movie ANYWHERE and its nostalgic to me so listening to the songs is the closest i'll get to scratch the itch in my brain
14. fnaf tbh EHWHEHW i've been into fnaf ever since i was a kid and it's stuck with me because it's what got me into horror n stuff  🫶
15. i'm a saggitarius, my mbti is INTP, i love horror and fashion, despite wearing a lot of darker alt fashion, my favorite color is pink (my phone case is decorated to the gods its very ridiculous) i like doing my own nails (funnily enough in bright colors) , i think i relate to honey the most in terms of personality, and i like to analyze most of the media im into!!
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So part of my thought process is based on your personality types, the Troubleshooter and the Logician. However, I have to admit a bigger part of my reasoning is I think Asher would love your fashion sense and would contrast you so cutely.
Like, on a deep, core level, your personality types give me the impression of someone who’s thoughtful and analytical and capable of solving problems. Those are good traits for a beta’s mate, especially when Asher can have more social, impulsive tendencies. On a funsies level, I imagine Asher dresses like your typical So Cal dude, kinda surfer chic, and he loves your style and what an odd pair you make. Like, on all levels but especially physical, you are the embodiment of the black cat/golden retriever couple.
Asher loves everything about you, so many things about you he finds it hard to pick a favorite. He loves the contrast between your dark clothes and your bright nails, loves asking you to paint his while you’re at it so y’all can match. He loves watching FNAF theories with you, because he was definitely a FNAF teenager. He even loves watching scary movies with you though he’s terrible with them. (Asher’s the type that loves the adrenaline rush while it’s playing but regrets it once it’s time to lock up the house.)
In the car, I just can't wait/ To pick you up on our very first date/ Is it cool if I hold your hand?/ Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance?/ Do you like my stupid hair?/ Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear?/ I'm just scared of what you think/ You make me nervous so I really can't eat/ Let's go/ Don't wait/ This night's almost over
Given we canonically know Asher to be a FOB fanboy, it’s hardly a leap to assume he’s a Blink fan, especially this song. I think this particular track is not only fun and nostalgic to him but captures his energy and vibes, how he felt when he first fell in love with you. It’s also catchy as hell, so you know he’s singing this at you full-volume all the time.
Anytime someone says they’re a horror fan, I’ve got to put Guy in their big three; one of my top headcanons is that he writes some gripping horror and loves it as a genre. (I also think he loves FNAF lore and finds it so fun, though he was not impressed by the movie.) I also love Lasko for you because I think he admires your bold, authentic fashion choices and finds them inspirational.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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carpedzem · 9 months
questionnaire results that i didnt forget about at all
im okay so i forgot and then forgot again a few times. ANYWAY. enjoy the results!!
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i cant post every written answer, so heres my favourite :)
whats your favourite animal, be as specific as possible
Peregrine Falcon
domestic cat! specifically MY cats but any cat will do
your mom
Black bear. One tried to walk into my house recently and he was really cute but I had to tell him no :( (ARE YOU OK?)
Dumbo octopus
fancy rats
honestly i’ve always been too scared to settle on one animal as a favorite, because it feels like a question with no satisfying answer. like if i had to be honest it’s probably dogs? because i’ve grown up around them, they’re an animal i like beyond just aesthetic purposes. but when you hear this sort of question, you wonder if the asker wants to hear about something exotic, some random interest that caught the interviewees eye at a young age and never left their conscious. anyways i think it’s probably house cats
rainbow trout, luzon-bleeding hearts, and horses.. dogs too
emperor penguin
any type of liddol snake. I love them so
sea sheep
Long eared Jerboa
(most people chose cat)
george (42,5%)
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second place with also a lot of votes (37%)
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sapnap (45,7%)
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dream (44,1%)
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this is my favourite question and i cant believe i misspelled it
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you can put two of your mutuals against each other in a fight. who do you chose
i can’t answer this they all hate one another it’s too real. bellaya (bellaya was the most popular answer)
Lost and Kiuda. There can only be one (one of what)
Can I just give loyal a nice spa day? I'd like to give loyal a nice spa day
violence is never the answer
i would fight them all myself obviously
I fear that no matter who I put here they'd just give up and make out instead
I only have two moots I joined tumblr a day ago help (i wonder how this person likes it here so far)
Nunki "demonstars" vs Nov "sueñitos" for La Velada 2024
no fighting…. sharika shakira
Gogciety v powergnf battle of the golos
im giving you a gun with only one bullet. what do you do (vent section) (while a lot of answers made me laugh a lot im gonna skip ones that can get us in trouble LMAO. but remember you made ME laugh)
Listen would killing q give us usmp back? No. Would it make me feel SO MUCH BETTER??????? YES!!!!!! (i mean obv q took like half of the shots. the other popular answer was just lining everyone)
I give it to Sapnap. He has made it clear he will kill for Dream god bless
am i given a time machine? can i shoot someone already dead? does it have to be someone reasonably killable? the answer to these questions is irrelevant because no matter what i want it to be steve jobs.
shoot at internet cable
going to british land and the first dumbass cc i see gets it
use it to open a jar because my hands are very weak and im too embarrassed to ask anyone else to open it for me
only one :(?
Lay it carefully on the ground.
hand it to George he could judge more fairly than I (and hope he doesn't shoot Sapnap)
i send the gun and bullet to the dteam house as a secret gift with a note explaining that it's for sapnap and george only, and a letter stating to pass extras to the rest of the munchy squd. if we all donate our weapons to them, they'll be able to shoot all of dream's haters. the only obstacle is dream himself, which is why he can't know what's in the box.
Give it to gnf&sapnap and watch them fight over it
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top drolo 2023 - ones i forgot about
Radio statio guy
me. sorryyr i dont mean that
you (im soo not BUT THANK YOU)
I think all munchies deserve this spot, theyre all the best drolos :(( i love them
powergpu guy (jesse)
george deserves it tbh for slut smp (that is true, but i excluded snf bc i was afraid they will sweep...)
Lil nas X
THATS ALL. thank you everyone who took part in this AND ONCE AGAIN IM SORRY I FORGOT ABOUT IT.... ill be better next time o7
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like-wuatafauq · 4 months
Alright I'm sick and tired of yall. Cuz I see this A LOT. About bi/panphobia, and women who haven't had bottom surgery
Im gonna start off by saying in general ANYBODY left for anyone else is going to feel some type of way.
Sexuality does not determine a person's level of commitment towards a person, but invalidating someone's pain is wrong too. Everyone has their differences on who they want to be with but it becomes a problem when you shit on a specific demographic.
You don't want to date a Bi or Pan person? Fine, but don't go around being mean to them. Don't go around saying they are all cheaters. Don't go around disrespecting them. Don't fucking go around saying fucked up shit about/to them.
You're a Bi or Pan person feeling hurt by someone who doesn't want to be with you because you like men?
Fine, completely absolutely valid. But don't go around pretending Lesbians don't struggle with not being able to be a man,compared to men,create a family like a man,left for men,cheated on with men, used as a play thing only to go back to only date men etc.
Both of those are fucking wrong. Stop.
Stop invalidating bi/pan because that is the reason a lot of them don't identify as that. And don't feel safe around Lesbians and see us as mean.
Stop invalidating Lesbians for the decisions on who they want to be with.
Another good example is when Lesbians don't want to be with a woman who still has you know, a dick. I use to think I could be with a woman who hadnt had bottom surgery but then I realized I would fail to please them sexually. Do I think they are less of a woman? Absolutely.fucking. not. Would I be with a woman if they were getting it or had bottom surgery. Of course I'd even date a woman in the meantime before getting the surgery but I just wouldn't be able to do sexual things with them because i know what i can and cant provide. it's not that fucking hard to be honest with potential partners.
It's not fucking hard loving women.
I'm so sick and tired of seeing Lesbians shit on women who haven't had bottom surgery, and women who like women/men/+. Not wanting to date them does not excuse you being disgusting and mean towards them.
And I'm so sick and tired of seeing ppl telling Lesbians they are shitty for not wanting to date certain ppl.
Stop. It's literally not that hard to respect ppl. It's not hard to love women. Fuck. Yall make shit so complicated.
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about-faces · 1 year
I honestly wouldn't bother watching gotham knights for any reason, i'm caught up but i'm also doing a watch party where we pirate it and we just make up jokes from it. tho you /have/ missed the show making harvey cuck lincoln march (...ok on the real never thought i'd type that out and now im laughing at the absurdity of it) and him going "actually yeah joe chill is right i think he's innocent" because for some??? reason??? joe chill never pulled the trigger and the gunshots came behind him????? to which harv deduces that sounds?? forensically correct??? also stephanie loves her dad???? and he's not abusive?????
this show is slowly melting my brain i swear to god. between 'joe chill is innocent', 'harvey does a cucking' and 'talon is stopped by mahogany doors' i honestly could make a game where i make things up from this show and STILL have all the answers actually be correct.
Normally I would heed this advice, but unfortunately, I am burdened by blorbo compulsions to seek out anything related to Harvey. If I couldn't avoid sitting through the Long Halloween movie, I'm not gonna be able to avoid this. As annoying as I find all the above you mention, I can deal with most it by skimming through the non-Harvey parts.
(That said, I don't know if I'll ever understand why Steph is such a beloved character, but even on principle, WTF? Making Arthur a good dad is so fundamentally against the core of her character. It's like how they made Jesse Custer's dad a religious asshole in the Preacher show, it's just such a wrong choice that completely breaks and betrays the fundamental spirit of the source material)
Also, I'll be honest, I hate the Court of Owls so much for several reasons, so I find the prospect of making them ridiculous to be VERY appealing. Seriously, mahogany is their weakness? That's objectively hilarious. I love that. It's one step closer to my ultimate wish to see the Court revealed to be a bunch of rich, stupid, loser weenies who have only gotten as far as they have on good PR.
But at the end of the day, I need to see it for Harvey. And based on the three episodes I've seen, this isn't even CLOSE to being the worst take on Harvey Dent I've encountered. There's enough here for me to chew on, even if/when it's bad. Like the cucking, sure, okay, we're doing that, okay.
(Note: based on the reactions in the GK tag, I had been misled to initially believe that Harvey fucked Lincoln March's MOM, not his wife. I am very, VERY disappointed that wasn't the case.)
On top of all this, the inclusion of Harvey's dad is too personally relevant to me to avoid. Removing (?) the alcoholism but keeping the mental illness and the fears of inheriting mental illness is a problematic choice, but it sounds potentially closer to what I've needed to see from Harvey's dad than most stories, which just have him as a physically abusive alcoholic. I've needed to write about Christopher Dent for ages, tying in my own personal experiences, and this (likely bad!) use of him is something I'm going to want to take into consideration. I can't NOT see it.
This is my gift curse. This is my curse. It's a double-curse. Which tracks.
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bunycube · 2 years
Hello!! i just saw your answers :') sorry it took some time!
aaaa i keep hearing lots of good stuff about Lamento but I'd have to find somewhere to download it tho I'm bad at installing games like that ,_, i did it for re:connect and it was a pain and took forever to figure out lol
i haven't played slow damage either! but i heard about the english release which is nice 👀
i only played TnC, sweet pool and dmmd .. it's funny because i never heard of any of those games before the beginning of this year :') i also prefer Sweet pool to TnC , just the whole general vibe i don't really know how to explain why tho x)
while i do love Tetsuo, Youji is alright too but for unknow reasons Zenya has stolen my heart :"))) and it's funny because i was expecting Makoto to be maybe the only "sweet" ending or something LOL it ended up being the most unhinged lmao i would have liked more than 1 ending option with Zenya and Makoto too ~
as for TnC Nano is my absolute favorite! i was also suprised with Motomi when i did his route i really fell in love with it too
currently listening to the sweet pool OST on repeat :')
rambled a lil so putting my answer under the cut!
OH HI HI HIIIII dony even worry abt it! man lamento is a pain to download i could only figure it out after looking at a youtube tutorial u have to dl all this extra stuff for it too its 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 but it was worth it for me!!! such a beautiful game, tho its so long.
hehe i only got to know abt the other chiral games late in last year...b4 that i only knew dmmd 😭 tho im glad i found out its been keepint me going since then nsbfdbsb
oh same same same i cant rly explain what i love so much abt sweet pools overall setting and atmosphere its so quiet and kinda peaceful but also a lil ominous? it always feels like smth bad is goinf to happen, which it does. i guess...but yeah theres always that feeling of "something is happening" in the air even in ordinary scenes, and it feels kinda nostalgic..the setting..idk. i love the lgihting and stuff in it too and the muted colours hmm yes.
ill be honest i didnt like tetsuo for a rlyyy long time. i still feel he has a bit of a cardboard box personality but he has his moments, and i dont hate him or anything..youji is very close 2 me tho im very fond of him.hes liek a friend to me, idk why tho..and same!!!! zenya is ky fav char i liked him from his first appearance!!&$^@ he seemed like such an entertaining n interesting personality?#,%,# and thd mroe i got to know abt him the more itneresting hsi char got..
ik zenya has done many bad things and it disgusted me also, but overall i still thought he was pretty well written n hes definitelyyy my favourite chsr hes jsut so interestimg i could write a whole analysis on him i think..i should..tho i never want zenya n youji to interact they should be kept entire cities apart imo in fact zenya himself should jsut move away farrr away drom his dad and all thid bs i think.
plsss there r no sweet endings in sweet pool 😭😭😭😭 tho just for my own happiness i like to imagien a universe where youji n makoto actually get to rebuild their relationship post hospital scene, anf they all hang out like they had planned...CRIES....
hmm abt tnc id say rin is my fav i loveeee his personality his design (NOT HIS POST TIME SKIP DESIGN THAT OUTFIT IS UGLYYYY) !! i liked nano in routes that werent his, but his route left such a bad taste in my mouth i cant bring myself to enjoy him anymore 😢 he still looks very comfy cozy tho, which i appreciate! i knew id love motomi from the start bc hes a dilf character (which is My Type) and i heard hes really kind n sweet so i lovedddd him! i love akira also <3 and i unfortunstely kinda like gunji too im sorry im SORRYYYY HES TERRIBLE HE WAS JEUT RLY ENTERTAINING tho his ending was obv painful to sit through. im sorry !!!&#^$ and i lvoe akiractoo so much more than i expected? hes a good kid <33
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stoatland · 5 months
I DONT KNOW HOW I WENT THIS LONG WITHOUT LOOKING INTO THIS GAME like. its so. its got so much neat meta stuff that scratches my brain the true lab is such a good horror-type segment that i love so much and scared me so bad fucking PAPYRUS EXISTS im never going to be the same oh miku above
REALLL I remember avoiding UT for like. A few months to a year as a kid?? because. alright. I saw Youtube thumbnails of it but *only* the True Lab and so I got into my head that Undertale was some kind of horror game. And it's weird because even as a kid I loved horror but for some reason the True Lab was so scary to me that I was driven off from it for ages until one day I just decided that I wanted to be brave. and that shit changed the trajectory of my life forever /DRA but Undertale did end up being one of my longest hyperfixations I think..... Before I even knew what that Was or that I could Have Them HBFHBDG
also oughghhh Papyrus...... Very glad that you ended up getting attached to him to be honest he's such a good character it took So Long for the fandom to recognize him outside of being Sans' brother he's so incredibly well written
I don't interact much with Undertale AU content anymore (Ironic for someone who has an Undertale Yellow hyperfixation but shhhh) but I'd actually also like to recommend Inverted Fate to you.... I read through the whole thing last year and it is very well written. Papyrus is actually one of the main characters in it and he makes me Very Happy. It's also gonna be wrapping up soon so
Only caveat is that it is. very long. will take a while to get through if you choose to get into it
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nemjun · 7 months
please tell me every detail of u and tsukasa because I am beyond obsessed with you two
would you believe I had 2 whole ass paragraphs written when i switched tabs and lost it all??? this is hell, tumblr is hell.
annyways YES OK SELFSHIP SATURDAY LETS GO, UNDER A CUT BC IM SHY AND IM GONNA BE RAMBLY. TLDR, summed up as Me and the Bad Bitch I pulled by Being Autistic
I GOTTA BE HONEST, tsukasa was not it for me when i first started the series, but i was also busy chewing furiously on senku bc he's Neat. but I was sunk after we found out about Mirai he loves her SO MUCH. big stronk man good with children is an instant K.O., i was smitten so quick.
Dr Stone is actually the first series i ever Blatently self inserted into! it was a really good fit and I felt that i could just, genuinely suit the story setting bc 1) ADHD has blessed me with sprawling random curiosities and an accumulation of trivial but Useful knowledge and 2) I literally studied archaeology for my B.A. and bc I live in Canada most of our archaeologoy is based on the Indigenous population who was still using stone technology when first contact with europeans occurred. random note for anyone who might be parusing, the 'ages of history' such as stone, bronze, and iron, didn't occur across all of civilization unilaterally, and the technology used by people is not an indication of civility or advancement of a social group. Anyways.
My real life plan for after I finished Uni was to go and teach english in asia! This didn't happed for various reasons, but it presents a good opportunity for bending realty into fitting me into the series, ehe. I genuinley think it would be really funny if I got revived by the Tsukasa empire by complete accident, busting outta the stone speaking minimal japanese and being a literal scientist by education - i was put here to cause problems on purpose. Tsukasa and I would absolutely start out as bumping heads, not quiet immediatley but as someone Anti smashing people and pro science it gets hostile fast. Arguments are conducted largely thru translations via Ukyo, who i quickly grow attached to as the only person capable of commincating in fluent english (we also have birthdays close together and I Adore that, we're birthday buddies, v cute stuff) I gotta sidetrack for a second bc as much as I love this series theres SO MUCH STUFF THAT JUST ISNT ADDRESSED AND I GET ITS JUST A MANGA BUT IM A WEIRDO. like, what about the bees??? they were just chill after having simbiotic relationships with humans for thousands of years?? sure y not. k sorry
I do wonder tho, if Tsukasa would see me as a threat to the stability of his Empire. Even with poor communication with the majority of the group, I've got a decent set of leadership skills and a lil bit of charisma, and who wouldn't like me really - esp with all the useful knowledge i can bring to the table (yes im hyping myself but its also true, i know how to do pottery and i've experience with stone tools & the types of stone you can use). I think even if he did, I'd really only get put in time out if I was causing problems, and like Taiju and Yuzuriha I might have someone keeping an eye on me. Thing's between me and Tsukasa start to change when we manage to find common ground, using him to practice japanese and finding out about his sister and his feelings about wealth etc - admittedly this was Not Well convayed in the anime, but when he's beaten up while getting seashells on the beach, the adult is yelling at him bc he doesn't want kids running around and stealing from 'his' beach. And his mom sucks too. I think that's something we could bond over, having lousy times growing up. I think he'd also be sensitive to the fact that I'm so far from Home and all my friends and Family, he's very thoughtful like that.
Man this is already reallly long and i dont feel like I've really said much, but I think when it comes down to it, Tsukasa and I just share a lot of the same values. He's strong and kind and good hearted, and that makes me feel safe. He's just very caretaker coded to me and after thinking about it the last few days, i think thats something I'm really looking for in a partner. I think I also balance him out a little bit, make him look at a bigger picture and slow down to enjoy simpler things. When we start to get along a little bit, I like to think that I'd accompany him on simple outings to forage or something, or maybe I'd be able to drag him away for a little while to show him something Neat, or getting to teach him something. He teaches me how to fight a little bit as well, so that I'm better able to take care of myself.
I think that's all I've got for now, but it's nice to sit and think about it and write it down, maybe I'll do a lil more writing over the next few days :3 OH I ALMOST FORGOT, i did a star chart love compatability thing and what I got to read for free was SO FUNNY like, he's enchanted by my whimsy lmao
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tealeavesandthorns · 10 months
🦄 🔥 🖼 🛍
MY EXPERIENCE IN THE ROLEPLAYING COMMUNITY * send me a symbol and i'll tell you... - @kingofthewebxxx
🔥 my hot take about the roleplaying community
Okay, I don't think I actually have any hot takes, I have thoughts here and there.... like I wish people would be more honest about stuff. I wish some of the language was simpler because somethings are really confusing to me (probably a tism thing) - like why 'private' blogs advertise themselves in tags. If it says private I assume it means, completely closed off or like invite only or they don't accept random follows. - If it just means mutuals only I don't understand why you wouldn't use that language.
I have thoughts about shipping too - like I'm probably more sensitive to it because I'm an OC. On the one hand I wish people wouldn't assume that all OC's want to romantically ship, there's a lot of characters I'd just love connections with. I also wish I didn't feel so.... like not bad but like a certain type of way about curating shippy stuff, reblogging shippy stuff, making gifsets for ships I don't even have. - I have a lot of conflict about it because I'm trying not to put people off taking a look at my blog, trying not to make people think that the only reason I want to write with them is for a ship when that is far from the case and chemistry is the absolute most important thing to me. I think I just need to think fuck it and do shit anyway.
🦄 the best thing that's happened to me in roleplay this year
I definitely think coming back to Maria, realising how much I missed and loved her. I think being accepted again and finding new connections, reconnecting with old friends. I think those are the best things.
🖼 my favorite types of characters
I'm not going to lie, I think it depends on what I'm reading/feeling like. I love well rounded characters with depth though, or potential depth and I tend to be really attracted to side characters the most in canon.
In terms of playing characters, I adore sort of grumpy cop characters with a heart of gold, that's why in the past I've played Harvey Bullock, Lestrade, Alfred Pennyworth, a couple of OC's. I quite enjoy soft male characters too which is why I've had a couple of male OC's with a similar character type to Archie Hopper.
As far as female characters go, I tend to go for OC's rather than canon quite a lot. I couldn't tell you why because often in RP it's not about shipping them with someone, it's more about exploring characters. I like softer female characters with a strength in them and a tendancy towards kindness - that's what Maria is, it's what Briar was and Charlie. Even characters who are darker, like my vampire OC with Eva Green FC - have a great strength in them without being villainous or OTT. I've only played one or two canon female characters and one of them I had a horrible experience on (Tauriel from The Hobbit).
I LOVE a good dramatic villain, really hamming it up and making it panto. I love playing a mirror/evil version of Maria because that's exactly how I play her, as cartoonish, hack and hamming it up, but also kind of early 00's sexy.
🛍 the one thing i wish all of my followers knew about me
Oh goodness I'm not sure. Okay, maybe, how crippling awkward I feel all the time. How if I don't contact you, or I rarely IM it's not a reflection of how much I enjoy our threads. I just categorically NEVER want to be a bother to anyone. I get very in my head about how I might be misinterpreted or that I'm bothering people with my mere presence, that I'm too much. That I talk too much. So I just keep myself to myself instead. Even when there's gifs/drabbles/ideas/fun stuff I am DYING to share.
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sunstranded · 1 year
The ACTUAL xNTx Struggle
a blog from aff that I moved here
Okay so this isn't like my usual works that is either about me and my works or mamamoo this is a tangent about being an xNTx (ENTJ,ENTP,INTJ,INTP) whoever sees this tell me what you think or not, I don't really care I just want to rant.
Be advised, I am not basing anything I'm saying from the 16 personalities website with cute characters. I am basing all of what I am saying and also consider myself an INTJ based on cognitive functions by Carl Jung not the way 16 personalities website with 5 letters because they treat it as behavioral (which is wrong interpretation of MBTI tbf)
Now to my actual rant. First would be the stereotype NTs get. Stereotypes are fine when they're in comedic/satirical contexts but in the real world it sucks ass. It's not like MBTI that gives you a type to know yourself. Stereotypes reduce you into something that justifies prejudice against you. Typing yourself as whichever doesn't do that because it tells you you're understood, normal, and here's how you can work things out from people different from you. Stereotypes don't do that, only thing it does is either be funny or be a pain in the ass.
I should say, I am an INTJ but I never act like an INTJ fully when with other people. Even with my friends. There is only one person I never filter my INTJ self on and that person is an ENTP. ENTPs are one of the best and natural manipulators that I know do it out of convenience, curiosity, and not anything maliciously selfish and twisted. They're NT, obviously to me I'd see their reasoning to be logic-inclined or curiosity-based rather than "just felt like it."
Whenever I talk to this ENTP friend of mine I always feel great afterwards. It's because they get me and expound on the things I say in an NT way. To clarify, if you are reading this and aren't NT-type, what I meant is very abstract ideas played around in a logical way. So imagine an abstract concept like intrinsically valuable happiness then instead of going on and on about what makes YOU or PEOPLE happy, NTs would play around it with the question of: "what is intrinsically valuable?" rather than "what makes me happy?"
The thing I just mentioned by the way is the very reason I am the most private, loner, tight-lipped person in all actuality. Obviously if you follow me, see my A/Ns, my works, my feed, it doesn't feel like that. It feels like im an extrovert. Loud mouth full of random ass shit to say. I also interact with those who comment like I'm just all about the jokes. It's very unserious, unvillain-like, and inclined to feelings type of behavior. This is by the way, the reason why 16 personalities website is shit. I got ENFP there and from Cognitive Func ENFP is NeFiTeSi which, I am very much NOT. The behavior I have been describing when you follow me and see my works and feed is ESFP. Which is essentially the inner child/ aspirant version of an INTJ. ESFP are SeFiTeNi it is the reverse of INTJ's NiTeFiSe. I act and behave like an ESFP here because this is where I release my creative side. But I am NOT ESFP. I'm an INTJ presenting as ESFP so, I still to the core think like an INTJ. I just act like an ESFP.
With friends I hang out with, they also thought I was an ENFP (granted they didn't deep dive on Carl Jung as much as I did) but that assumption is still relevant to my point and the stereotype I am sick of that I keep getting as an NT. I had friends that straight up LEFT me despite 14 years of friendship because I was being such an NT. Aka the stereotype of UNFEELING, VILLAIN, EVIL, and straight up an ASSHOLE. I have received that IRL so much so I learned the NT struggle the hard way.
Actual NTs that are reading this will get what I mean. You can't be the honest rawest version of yourself in public. Because there are significantly less NT types than the others (SF, NF, ST) a lot of NT types in any setting, when they become their REAL selves, the version they are most comfortable to behave as, it's a painful what the fuck. It's always received as a cold, heartless, and inconsiderate to think, act, and speak like an NT type. 
I've mentioned how I've been treated by friends I've known for so fucking long. It takes time for NTs to warm up to anyone and show their trueselves because the way NTs depict their very real heavy emotions is weird. They're seen as very untrusting and emotionally empty but they arent. They feel. They feel things the same way everyone else does. They just don't act on them. They feel them even deny, but they won't act and use their feelings as reasons for what they do.
I never admitted this but man did it not only piss me off but kind of killed me inside when a friend I've had ever since forever walked away on me. On text too. Just upped and left. INTJs are masterminds, long-term planners, future-focused visionaries with executable ideas, but despite all that in the simplest sense, INTJs are problem-solvers. They will always seek out a problem with anything and give someone a solution AND THINK that they are being kind. So imagine you approach an INTJ with your poetry and they point out how you could use this to improve it or how you can change this word or ask you why this why that. TO THEM, that's how they would show they care. They imagine a problem where your idea won't work and give you a back up plan in case. Obviously they suck ass at deliverying it gently. So they sound like a critical condescending jackass. I learned that the hard way several types over and over because it didn't make sense to me. Until I realized that the way I view "showing my care and interest" isn't going to be the same for someone else. It sucks, but that's fine.
What I am sick of and tired of is every other type painting us (NT types) as JACKASSES when we just show how we care differently. People would rather assume and ask. It hurts my very soul to be at the end of a relationship BLINDSIGHTED that things were fine but they were getting sick of my behavior and how I show my care love etc. etc. Fucking communicate, don't wait for the last moment where everything is too late. It happened so much with me that I stopped acting like an INTJ to anyone I'm close unless I am 100% sure they're an NT type. If they aren't I get tired of hanging out with them but I still remain genuine with what I say, I just filter how I do it.
It's a pain in the ass struggle to keep doing because the world won't accept a conventionally smart "know-it-all" jackass that trips on even pavement. That's why I hate being called smart by the standards of society. That's why I absolutely resent being put in a higher pedestal because of how I think. It's just different. It isn't higher nor unattainable for others. It's just different. And I am FUCKING tired of having to bridge that differential gap with other types because I can understand and act without my feelings being the reason each time.
I wish the stereotype is deleted man. Fuck that shit. I hate it. It makes me cry inside when INTJs or ENTPs or ENTJs or INTPs are just reduced into smart robot unfeeling people. This idea and all of the things I said really really bleeds into my work. It bleeds into all the angst I've written. So much so that a lot of the angst don't feel like angst. Not because I don't feel and I can't make people feel but because the angst style I have is not focused on the character's feelings. Rather, what they are going through and how they deal with it. That's why ENTP characters under my angst don't act like ENTP. They act like the INTJ (the shadow function of ENTP) stereotype I've been labelled as. That's why ESTP characters act like INFJs (their aspirant function) when in love, giving and understanding to a fault. Idealistic in the long run but blindsighted by present logic and data. I haven't shared this part of the other angst I'm writing but the INTJ charac there acts like an ESFP (their aspirant function) because that's how INTJs tend to act when they're stressed. They grip to instant gratification that fulfills their internal beliefs personal feelings. ENTPs when stressed would be different but I personally prefer making them act like their shadow function wherein it's their last resort of solving a problem. ENTPs when acting like INTJs are hyperfocused on one thing and believe it despite outward realities. That's why they act like a victim sometimes or sometimes they erupt in and attack with logic.
But in reality NT types are the types that would fall head over heels, roll over the carpet, kneel and pray, when someone expounds their ideas in a way they prefer. ENTP and INTP prefer expounding them by different seemingly irrelevant ideas. INTJ and ENTJ prefer expounding them in a deducing or deep dive way. I only speak for myself on this one but when I talk to someone else I prefer INTP or ENTPs than ENTJs or INTJs it's mainly because having someone expound my deductions and deep dives is fucking attractive. Like yes, tell me more. TELL ME HOW WRONG I AM. (I will stop here omg lest this will turn NSFW real quick)
For the sake of actual coherence and brevity, let me summarize it all to 3 points. Honestly as much as I want this to be 5k words, I don't think people will have the patience for that.
1. The stereotype of UNFEELING, VILLAIN-LIKE, EVIL, CRITICAL and CONDESCENDING know-it-alls ENTJ, INTJ, ENTP, INTP types get reduced into being bleeds into how they get treated by anyone when they start acting like their raw and true selves without a "feelings" filter.
2. The treatment they get for being themselves forces them to feel unwelcomed despite having good intent, so most of them mask themselves and act like a different type completely. This also validates the other stereotype of them as scared of vulnerability or untrusting of others.
3. All NTs struggle with this in a different way but I think all INTJs will agree when I say the very thorn and achilles heel to all my Ni-long term plans are people. We can't control them, nor do we want to but it takes us more time to understand them because we want to understand them in a way that makes sense to our knowledge and beliefs. But man does it tire us to keep doing so, working more than everyone else just so that we don't get reduced to our stereotypes.
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datingdonovan · 3 years
hq boys falling for a manic pixie dream person
in which you are the manic pixie dream.
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inspo: I was listening to Portland by Bowling Shoes while cleaning
a/n: so this is the manic pixie dream person as in like, 500 Days of Summer and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. aka like, kinda sad story, emotionally unstable, and not that romanticized. leaves a lot. lol. I'd elaborate on my thoughts about mpdp tropes but this intro is already long so uhh send me an ask if you want to hear bc I could truly go on lol.
length: ~2k
warnings: yeah i wont lie this went to way darker places than i wanted it to and it became a lot about the manic pixie dream trope and relationships in general as a performance hahahhaa soooo this has real life angst along with the fluff. some scenarios work out and some don’t. sorry to be too honest. im literally becoming the ceo of emotionally damaged reader i dont know what else people expect. anyways off to the races.
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shockingly matches your energy. I mean this man is down to do anything, anywhere, anytime. you say the word and he’s there. starts asking to pick YOU up for random trips in the middle of the night and signing YOU up for couples kickboxing classes, and you bite your lip every time he calls you at 2:55am, not believing you found someone who can keep up with you but simultaneously scared you might be falling a little too hard. one night, he drops you off at your door, and you know the tables have turned too far. all of a sudden, he’s holding your hands and asking you to move in with him and your heart is in your throat knowing you just can’t. this is fun, but that’s closer than you ever really want to be.
➽➽➽hinata, atsumu, bokuto, lev, goshiki, noya, tanaka
same energy match as the above but bonus points because he’s so aware of what you’re doing. he does it to the people he chases, too, probably more than he’d like to admit, and with the two of you together, it’s gonna be mind games to the finish to see who falls in love first. real twin flame type of deal because you both sort of know you’ve met your match, and maybe if even one of you could just let down your walls, you’d find that it’s really something special to be together with someone else who is as smart, wacky, interesting, bold, and shockingly blunt as you. this one’s open ended. are you gonna take that chance or not? and even if you do, is he gonna be open enough to reciprocate? or will he just shut you down like he does everyone else?
➽➽➽TERUSHIMA!!!! I WILL SCREAM IT FROM THE TOP OF MY LUNGS TERUSHIMA!!!! (i’m sorry but who else is thinking about @applepiekyuu’s fics??? I can’t help but believe he would do this bc of the way gwen writes him!!! she writes my fave terushima ever), also feel like this could be tendou, with walls up and a sort of snarky calculated way that he goes about relationships
finds it really refreshing to be with someone who’s flippant with him, who doesn’t see him as some bigshot like all of his fans. it’s not as much about your antics. the relationship is more marked by the fact that you could care less about how what you do affects him, and somewhere in the back of his head is a little voice telling him that’s not a good sign, but it’s drawing him in like nobody else has in so long. it’s like falling in slow motion. he can see every red flag and every time you hold your real self back from him and he just ignores each one, knowing exactly where this is heading. Im thinking on the way down except you don’t catch him and he does fall right thru. wow this is actually maybe the saddest one because he sees the whole thing happening and just has this stupid hope that maybe it’s not gonna end that way, maybe he can change you, maybe he can really get you to you like him enough to make you stay.
➽➽➽OIKAWA. I know he’s the only one but im just getting EXTREMELy strong vibes thats all
isn’t phased by you. for whatever reason this man is a stone cold chiller. he’s really relaxed and down to earth and honestly finds your little act kind of weird and intriguing, but in a mostly disinterested way. sure he’s into you but he’s not swept up in the manic pixie hype. Im getting vibes of him just sitting on the couch doing something else while youre actively trying to show off for him or seduce him or whatever and he’s just. i guess it’s not that he’s not impressed but it’s that he’s not really interested in your trying to impress him. he’s like… what are you doing you weirdo. just come sit with me. you’re probably totally weirded out by this bc it’s sort of the opposite of above—rather than you not being starstruck by him, he’s not starstruck by you, which is something you really don’t experience a lot and have trouble figuring out how to handle. and i think how this ends really is in how you handle it. are you gonna exit stage left the second you realize he’s not swept up in your allure or are you gonna end up chilling right there next to him and finally letting your guard down? news flash i think this man could literally change your life if you allowed him to chill you out and give you a no judgement space to be your real self
➽➽➽MATTSUN, makki, semi, aran, fukunaga, iwaizumi. maybe Osamu??
tries really hard to pretend he’s not into it, but you’re pushing all the right buttons and he’s like, the perfect candidate for this type of thing. kinda sulky or uninterested or tsundere or sadboi whatever he is or whatever you want to call him he is SO into it. I feel like ive truly read countless fics about these guys doing exactly this already like the classic picking up your phone call in the middle of the night and really trying to be angry but just feeling so excited to hear your voice no matter what stupid thing you’re asking him to do. over the course of you nagging him and teasing him and forcing him out of his comfort zone, he goes from glares to smirks to soft smiles to actually enjoying the out of pocket adventures you take him on. but i think for you this is about you intriguing him, you going out of your way for him, you wanting to unlock him, and he’s just basking in that glow, always the one being let out of his shell without much give and take between you. when you leave, it’s abrupt, and it’s because you’ve had your fun transforming him, but he’s still no match for your chaos, and you need to find someone who can bring that energy to the relationship, who can entertain you sometimes, instead of it always being the other way around. and honestly, in the aftermath, i dont think you helped him as much as you thought you did, because maybe all he learned from this experience was not to let anybody in like that again.
➽➽➽TSUKISHIMA, yahaba (ok i know he seems out of left field but i can see him being like cocky and unamused and just… breaking down into a simp omg), SUNA, kenma, kyoutani omg, kunimi, sakusa, maaaaaybe kageyama if you could somehow get him interested in the first place hahahaha
falling way too hard. these are the ones you really probably wouldn’t expect to enjoy the manic pixie thing but oh man i am gonna speak from personal experience on this one guys like this they just let their guard down waaaaaay too much. they’re really fairly stoic and sort of intense decision makers in everyday life, but when they’re alone with you, that all just goes straight out the window. you’re such bad news but they just dont see it coming at all. they’re so distracted and SO enamored with every wild idea you suggest, and they’re sort of also scared out of their minds, but they’re on top of the world like they never have been before when they’re with you, and maybe most of all they just don’t want to lose you. of course, they inevitably get to the point of wanting to settle down with you. how could they not? you seem like the perfect person! but when that hint of commitment starts rearing its head you just become a totally different person. like omg have you seen Gone Girl??? where the whole thing is sort of the guys being like, where did that sweet sexy person go? I thought you would always be like that??? and the love interest is like… um… the act is part of the fun of it all. but eventually it ends. this was truly something but im not in it for the long haul. sayonara suckers
➽➽➽DAICHI, YAKU, weirdly getting daishou vibes here hahaha, hoshiumi and kindaichi maybe too?? SHIRABU. UKAI JR. ushijima, aone
ok i personally love this one. he’ll admit it. whatever you’re doing is very sexy, and he’s endlessly intrigued by you, but he’s no dummy. he knows you can’t really be like this all the time and he so badly wants to figure you out. this one really verges on sort of a protector role, like he can see the way you’re bending over backwards to be this exciting person and he doesn’t understand why. studies you when you’re not watching, trying to get a sense of what you’re actually like. and the worst part is that he really likes what he sees. you’re attractive, and fun, and you carry yourself with a real confidence and self-assurance when you’re not so concerned about how you’re being perceived. he wants to show you that you can be you around him, and he’d like that person just as much if not more than the persona you put on when you know he’s watching. and it’s so hard because he has to be so careful about it. he kind of agonizes over it. he wants to know you for real, and love you for real, and understand what makes you act this way, and handle all the baggage that comes with it. together. but if he oversteps or changes his demeanor for even a second, he knows you’ll pick up on it and disappear. please don’t disappear. please let him be there. I swear those moments with him would change you.
➽➽➽SUGA, ennoshita, kuroo, kita, AKAASHI, HIRUGAMI, im also putting yamaguchi ikejiri and asahi in this group with the caveat that they’d have to be emotionally mature and have the bandwidth for it bc honestly i think they have enough emotional issues of their own lol. finally this is out of left field but koganegawa. he gives me very strong vibes of someone who would want his partner to be totally at ease and themself, and i think he would be in the hyper excited category until he suddenly one day realizes how one-sided the relationship is and he’s like wait… the vibes are off... and investigates...
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