#im just here collecting some riddlers
surrender-souls · 1 year
there’s so many characters running around dc and so many incarnations and different versions and shit man i just wanna grill!
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gamertales · 27 days
Gotham, July 30th, 2024.
Hey, over here. Youre that blogger lady, right? Looking for info on the supposed ring of collectors of objects belonging to the Bat clan? We talked...well texted a bunch recently about the market.
Hah. Well i cant speak to this supposed ring, but i can show you my own personal collection. Sure its secured, i get a lot of people sniffing around so i try to keep it locked up, but im not stupid. No point tryin to hide from the Bats or what have you, this is just for the schmucks and their bosses. Hah.
Alright, if you follow me into my van.
Oh, yeah, i get that a lot. But look, im 52, i havent got the energy to flirt with 40 year old tired house moms. Kidnapping sounds like a lot of work.
Bit of a shocker compared to the outside, huh? Yeah, I had the interior and body upgraded a few years ago, added comfort and protection,still kept the rough looking exterior tho, keeps attention down.
Yep. Glass repair, window replacement, skylights. Heh. Youd be surprised to know how many small contractors making a living cleaning up qfter the Bat clan. Lotta companies downtown cant get insurance for windows, doors, ventilation systems. Gives us smaller guys a little more space to play.
After that throw down between Nightwing and Riddlers goons across from the Bank of Gotham last week, i managed to get in quick, and lock down the window contract.
This parts important, first crew on the scene gets to move in after the cops move out. Now Gothams finest do their best, but the number of small things they miss...
Take this for example, its a section of Nightwings glove with those fancy little spike things on them. Found it in the rubble under the skylight. Along with some mooks hand. Turned the hand in of course.
What? Oh its an informal alliance, but we keep each other in the loop, and let each other know when shits going down near em. If I cant make it across town, i'll send a text to the crews closest.
The goggles? Harley quinn dropped them a couple years ago, found them in the bushes outside the Exchange. Thats not the prize piece.
This. Two Batarangs from the Bat himself. To be fair i didnt really have to go far to find them. Summer of '19 the big guy landed on my roof. Hard. Dropped, rolled, and started running down the alleyway. Now i was dozing at the time, and that startled the literal shit out me. Cue the clown goons jumping on my truck to give chase. Big threw four of these beauties, making them scatter, and doing more damage to the van.
Four batarangs tho? I sold 2 of them to my buyer in the city. A collector of this stuff. He calls it "pretentious peacocking for poorly adjusted prats." Yeah, Mr Wayne is different enough. Only met him the one time, but he was very affable, even hired me to do the new windows for his guest house.
Made enough to upgrade ole Greaser here to their current condition. And a little.
Other than Mr Wayne? Im afraid i only deal with Mr Wayne; he pays fair, promptly, and usually sends a gift basket. No, i go thru his Butler now.
Right? A Butler. In 2024. Still, he seems harmless enough, spends all his time at charities i hear.
The Ring again? Look, im serious i have nothing to do with that side of the market.
...if you are really determined tho, contact Marc Belvedere, if anyone i know knows about this, itll be Marc.
Listen, i have toinstall some skylights at the City Hall in an hour, so i gotta get moving. Yeah, tell your friends Karl Aleksev is The Window guy when in a pinch.
By the way, what was your name again? Barbara Gordon? Like the Gordon Gordon? Your his daughter? Well, good luck, and be careful, theres a lot of money in this business, and money gets people killed.
Yeah. I guess you didnt really need that advice, huh.
Maybe we will cross paths again.
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escrupulo42o · 4 months
my name is antonio/pedro but you can also call me toño or tono. i use he/him but they and it are also fine. you can check out my pronouns page if you want too
list of random facts about me (i love making lists):
im bilingual, i speak english (duh) and spanish (my first language). i also know like a tad little bit of russian and ive been trying to learn guaraní (i have the language level of a 2 year old).
i have autism and adhd.
I LOVE GETTING ASKS‼️ also i am not the most creative person so if you have any ideas for drawings please drop them there!!
i go to a technical school so i might not be super active but i do try.
this blog supports palestine, if you in any way support the illegitimate state of israel, you are not fucking welcome here get tf out.
i like to treat my blog as a magazine or something similar to that, theres different segments n shit that i will list here:
the first segment being #toño's garbage wich is just the tag i use for my drawings
second segment is the #intellectual toño time wich is my tag for music analysis
and lastly #toño talks, pretty self explanatory, i talk (i dont use this one that much)
other tags i often use:
#ñ, this is just the tag for stuff in spanish or things that are somewhat related to my culture
#yeah/hell yeah/fuck yeah or any other variation of that is the tag i use when i reblog stuff i really like (idk how to express exitement like a human)
following this is a list of some of my special interests/hyperfixations:
MORTAL KOMBAT ‼️ the hyperfixation has being going strong for a few months now. i really like tomas, syzoth, raiden and kung lao (i also have my very own AU!)
STAR WARS‼️ it is not as strong as it was last year but i still really like it and will reblog stuff relating to it
ANIMALS N NATURE‼️ this one has been here since i was a kid. im bad at picking favourites but i do get really exited every time i see an aguará guazú, wombat or quokka lately (wich could be kinda obvious if you've seen any of my au stuff)
COMMUNITY‼️ the tv show i mean. i mainly like trobed and jeffbritta
MUSIC‼️ I LOVE MUSIC SO MUCH DUDE I COULD TALK ABOUT IT FOR HOURS. i have a pretty wide music taste but i think my favourite bands/artists at the moment could be El mato a un policia motorizado, Gorillaz, Tyler the creator, Las ligas menores, Alex G Dillom n probably some other stuf that i am Too Lazy to write (you can check out my spotify account!)
SMILING FRIENDS‼️ this one is very recent but it has invaded my brain
BATMAN AND THE RIDDLER‼️ also the joker but whatever (the riddler is literally me but. more fucked up)
gif/blinkies/sticker collection (i have more but i picked the best ten (?):
i made the first one myself, i am very proud of it like this literally me if i was a gif
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toothlesshat · 2 years
this is making me really angry so im gonna say it in your inbox . so i preordered riddler year one #2 ( one of the covers ) from an online comic book store , right ? i have another cover of the second volume that i got from the comic book store by my house so basically im just waiting for this one to come in the mail so i can have a variant cover to add to my collection , whatever . place i bought it from is two hours away from my house , it gets shipped out and ends up at the usps that’s like 30 minutes from me . ok , should be at the one like 10 minutes from me the next day ( usually how it goes ) . check the package tracking , it’s in florida . ?????? .. ?2?4?4,2,3??:?. I LIVE IN PENNSYLVANIA !:$:$$4?4? whatever . ok . i’ll wait for it to get back to pennsylvania it says it’s going there . look at it today , it’s in new york city . that’s fine that’s fine nyc is what , some , 3 hours from me ? that’s not as bad as fucking florida . all this is to say i should REALLY call the store i purchased my variant cover from and be like ‘dude what the hell is going on here Lol’ but 1) best they could probably do is just send me another one and i am still waiting to see if it actually makes it to my house and 2) they can’t refund me the money cuz i bought it on preorder and those are non-refundable . anyways . to add some salt to this wound i preordered EVERY variant cover from their website for volume 3 . i am starting to sweat a little bit .
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astrologista · 2 years
i hate to say it but all bruce does these days is whineeeee. which i feel like is antithetical to how i understand him as a character. like yes, he broods and he does obsess, but he doesn’t really whine unless some of the time if only alfred is there to witness it lol.
like, fr. i haven’t really been keeping up with comics, so maybe i’m off base with some of this, but here’s what it looks like from the outside
bruce’s relationship with dick is under-served or just basically ignored, when they do bring it out, it’s only for very quick angst fuel then right back to business like they don’t know each other at all
bruce accepting jason back into the family was rushed and handled by sub-par writing which didn’t support the emotional gravitas that said reunification should have involved. i’ve seen a lot of fics that did it way better than what they did. it feels shoe-horned. also, why is bruce tacitly rubber-stamping jason as batman-affiliated when he’s still using GUNS? like WHAT. how does that make any sense. do bruce’s emotional boundaries matter at all? does everything have to be jason’s way or the highway? bruce is notoriously stubborn. much as he loves jason, i can’t see him letting that slide IF this were to work. DON’T SKIP OVER THE IMPORTANT CHARACTER WORK. like, set up the foundations and then build on top of that. don’t just jump to the payoff and try to walk things back as you go! it’s lazy and shows where editorial mandate stymied good storytelling. and there are way more issues with it that i have than just that. of course i love to see bruce and jason caring about each other and getting along as much as the next fan but the way they chose to go about it raises SO many questions
tim who?
no tim has been flanderized so fucking bad. actually he’s been transformed more into the fandom-lite version of himself, which i do kind of hate. oh yeah, he’s with bernard now. WHOOP TEE DOO! the fans have been clamoring for that pairing for years i’m sure.
there have been an assortment of good-to-middling damian comics since the 2010s as at least some writers seem vaguely interested in that dynamic with bruce but for every 2 mildly tolerable issues they drop one that’s got fucking jack shit bonkers writing in it and relies on only the most tired of “U LIED TO ME” tropes. nothing will compare to the tomasi 2011 batman and robin run and that was like the single decent output of the new 52 and the best thing dc has released in years. i’m right
among the newer characters they’ve released, it’s sad that they never really seem to... stick? PLEASE INVEST IN SOMEONE. more duke! more harper! more LITERALLY ANYONE!
bring the fun back to comics. where’s the storytelling. decide whether you want to create a new shitty joker and/or riddler iteration, or a new army of jokers and/or riddlers and/or scarecrows. or just create a new poo poo shitty villain of the week who will age like milk. why not have one based on social media. that’s a new one that i’m sure no one will ever see coming.
STOP SOFT REBOOTING EVERY ISSUE. we know, you’re going to start the next new groundbreaking run, take everything back to basics so nobody is confused, bring on the new readers with this cool new jumping on point, simple just batman alfred and the joker with juuuust enough of a new “modern” twist to it to differentiate it from the thousands of other times you did this. great job dc. doing great. when you’re done with that let’s do another mass cataclysm event across 20 books. im sure people will want to collect all those variant covers.
and i love how there are SO many fics that do it so, so, so much better. jesus fuck. and fic writers aren’t even being PAID! we’re not even being PAID!!
so, yeah, i’m kind of done with comics for time being. i’ve been dabbling in anime and games again, getting back to roots, but so far, it’s mainly been independent web content free of advertisers, executives, editorial and other bullshit that’s caught my fancy lately. the artistic freedom is really needed to tell a good story now. the multiverse / soft reboot / re-configure the universe every year bullshit that marvel popularized has infiltrated, like, everything, as well as the netflix model of “let’s cancel immediately after season 1”. there is no buildup. there is no excitement. there is no story. mba’s and boardrooms do not understand “story”. they don’t know what creativity is. they know what numbers, profits, engagement look like, and they are optimizing for that curve. i do not know why they are shocked when that curve sinks lower and lower every year. i just simply do not understand.
im so mad. kevin conroy’s dead and we’ll never get something like b:tas ever again. media has been my life since i was a baby. so i have to find some kind of stories to try to enjoy even if i have to eke it out in the margins of society lol
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odiwtbl · 2 years
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The Man from Under the Streetlight
Dano!Riddler x reader
Warnings: light stalking ig, sfw
Author’s note: this is my first time posting on Tumblr lol pls be nice.. criticism is v much welcome but be gentle. Also my first time writing with the whole ‘you’ thing instead of pronouns so im not sure if it works, and also I can never tell what tense im writing in so bear with. Not beta’d either, send it. Also no y/n :) enjoy lmao
Wc: 2082
Your day could not be going any slower. It was one of those gray days in Gotham, which, granted was pretty much everyday in the city, but today was especially dull. The rain had been on a steady drizzle, soaking through anything within minutes, leaving the diner with little to no patrons. You had been working since 1pm, it now being 9:30 and you had only served maybe six people. It’s a surprise you hadn’t gone absolutely insane due to boredom. The diner was small and had always been family run. It had been serving the Gotham citizens for the past 60 years, although you were sure no one would really miss it if it weren’t here. The things the building had seen over the years, it was extremely close to the The Iceberg Lounge, setting it up nicely for some interesting happenings.
As you wiped down the counter for the hundredth time, you looked up through the windows. The streetlights had been on for a few hours now, the sun setting earlier and earlier, a warning sign that winter was still oncoming. Streams of water collected and ran down the edge of the sidewalk, carrying bits of trash and debris. People hurried by with their coats drawn and hoods up. While Gotham wasn’t the safest of places to live, the people had always interested you. So many faces, so many stories. You could people-watch all day, it being the best thing to pass the time on dead shifts like this one.
A man with a bright red coat, maybe a gift from his wife or girlfriend. A woman pulling a child along, the umbrella she’s holding mainly covering herself leaving the little one to get wet. Another woman stepping out of the corner store, throwing her items in her bag hastily before stepping out into the rain.
A tall man with mousy hair, stepping under one of the streetlights, the light catching his locks causing them to glow like a halo. Little raindrops caught on the lenses of his glasses, fogging up his glasses. Round cheeks that were tinged with red from the cold. His breath leaving in little puffs of cloud in front of his face. Every step or so getting bumped by a passerby. You could tell he was unsure of himself, not knowing how to command his presence. There was something about him that made you watch for longer than normal. Longer than necessary. His eyes darted up and around him as more people jostled him about, before looking through the window and catching yours.
You looked away quickly, making yourself look busy, pretending that you weren’t just completely gawking at a stranger. After a few moments of fake wiping the counter, you looked back up to where he was, only to see the spot under the streetlight empty and the movement of the sidewalk back to normal again.
You were the prettiest thing Edward Nashton thinks he’s ever seen. He’s never seen eyes as wide as yours, eyes that were actually looking at him, not through him. The subtle expression you were making as you looked him over, ingrained in his memory. The way your skin flushed pink with embarrassment upon being caught. Yes, definitely the prettiest.
That’s why he was stood in the alleyway beside the diner. Waiting for you to lock up and walk home. He just wanted to make sure you were safe, that’s all. He could be your guardian angel. Watching from afar, keeping you safe and clean from the filth and the rot of Gotham. He would do that for you because you deserve it, he could tell.
If there was one thing Edward was, it was patient. He’d been standing in the rain, in the cold, in the dark, for the past three hours now. Listening for the sound of the door closing, your soft footsteps along the sidewalk. He’d wait however long it took for you.
Another twenty minutes passed before he heard you closing up. You walked past the alleyway, not seeing Edward, not seeing anyone. You had your headphones on, Edward could even hear your music leaking out slightly as you walked by. How were you supposed to hear if anyone was about to attack you? About to follow you? How were you supposed to keep yourself safe if you weren’t aware of your surroundings? That’s why Edward stayed behind, you can’t look after yourself the way he could.
He kept a safe distance from you, the streets now practically empty. It was about midnight, Edward thinks. You shouldn’t be out this late. You should be home, safe.
Your apartment wasn’t far from the diner, maybe a fifteen minute walk, and Edward was proud of you for taking a well lit route home. Maybe you do have some street smarts after all. He stood across the road after you had entered the building. It wasn’t the nicest of places, but for Gotham it wasn’t so bad. Some minor deterioration on the outside, the fire escape seemed to be covered in rust and grime, and the windows on the ground floor were boarded up. He prayed that that wasn’t your apartment, how would he keep an eye on you if he couldn’t see you?
The lights on the third floor flicked on and Edward held his breath. You passed by the right side window and through to the left, turning the light on in the new room. His eyes lit up seeing your face again. The back of your head was lovely, but nothing compared to your face. Your beautiful face. He wanted to hold your face, feel your skin in his hands, your breath on his face. He wanted you. All of you.
His breath hitched as you turned you back and removed your work uniform. You need blinds, anyone could watch you. You stepped away from the window, moving further into the room and out of sight. But he stayed just in case. A glimpse of your head was all he needed. Edward stood and watched through your window well into the early morning. The sun was almost coming up by the time he left to go to his own home, the sky turning from black to a blue colour. He imagined what you would sound like on the walk to his apartment. He wandered what you smell like, what your laugh sounded like, how you take your coffee. Edward was desperate to know every little part of you, how your brain works. He needed to know. And he will, he’s sure of it.
The next morning was gray like the one previous, but at least it was dry. You didn’t have a long shift today either, only the breakfast shift which you didn’t mind too much, it always seemed to pass by relatively quickly.
You could tell the diner was busier today on the approach, the booths that lined the windows were all full, mostly with the regulars. The people of Gotham love a routine, you thought to yourself.
The bell above the door chimed as you pushed it open, the familiar sounds and smells soon engulfing you, everything as it normally is, except for one person.
Their back was to you, hunched over, writing something. Your heart jumped when you noticed the familiar mousy hair and slightly awkward posture. It was him. The man from under the streetlight.
Taking a deep breath, you breezed past the counter and through into the back to put your bag away, forcing yourself to not look back at him as you passed. What is he doing here? It must just be a coincidence, right? Too many thoughts crossed your mind as you started to almost panic. There’s no way he’d come out to see you. You had been thinking about him all night, from your walk home to lying in bed. This had never happened before. Your brain had never been so consumed by something, by someone, before. There wasn’t even a reason for it, not one that you could think of. He was just a stranger caught in the rain, you just happened to see him. It was all a case of right place, right time. So why were you almost obsessed?
You placed your bag and coat into your locker, pushing the door shut and twisting the dial to lock it. The chef, Michael, was the only one in the kitchen this morning, already 6ft deep in tickets and orders, but he still grumbled out some sort of greeting as you called his name hello. Generally you got on with the people you worked with, it was only a small team, but the other waitresses were decent enough, you all looked out for each other on shifts which was nice. After all, it’s important to stick together.
As you pushed through the doors that led out behind the counter, you had to force yourself to think about something other than the man from yesterday. You could feel his eyes on you as you picked up one of the notebooks from behind the till. You could feel his eyes on you as you went over to one of the regulars, Danny. You could feel his eyes on you while you filled up empty mugs and took away empty plates.
At last, after twenty minutes of constant watching, he seemed to have settled down, turning back to whatever he was working on, scribbling away and murmuring to himself. It finally gave you a chance to look at him. Really look at him.
His brow was furrowed in concentration, his right eyebrow jumping occasionally as he thought something over. It looked as if he had forgone a haircut for a little too long, his almost brown but significantly blonde hair dropping down into his eyes. He had a strong nose, paired with a softer jaw, his side profile resembling that of a Greek statue. It looked like he had blue eyes, but that you couldn’t be sure of from this distance. Slight stubble coated his chin. And he looked tired, so tired. His eyes were slightly sunken, dark circles painted underneath. You could look at him forever, you think. He’s interesting.
You sucked a breath into your chest, before walking over to him.
“You need a top up?” You questioned, looking down at his slightly empty cup. You were stood opposite him, behind the bar. Up close you could see he was writing into a ledger, his writing messy and barely legible, you couldn’t even hazard a guess as to what it said.
His hands stilled at the question, his head snapping up almost too quickly. His eyes, that you could see now were a blue-gray, were wide looking at you, as if he were surprised you had even spoken to him, “Uh- Oh, y-yes. Yes, please.”
You smiled politely as you tipped some fresh coffee into his cup. Like his presence suggested, he seemed to be on the shyer side, not that you minded. It made a nice change from the type of people you have to deal with in Gotham.
“I’ve not seen you in here before. What’s your name?” You couldn’t help yourself but to ask his name, you were too curious to go without it.
“I’m, uh, Edward”, he replied, pushing his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose.
“Edward… It’s nice, suits you.” His cheeks turned pink with the compliment, he thought you were just being friendly, like you must be to all your customers, but you really meant it. It’s a nice name. You told him yours shortly afterwards, him tripping up once more on his reply. You excused yourself when another customer called out for a refill.
Edward. It’s a strong name. Eddie suits him more, you think. You made yourself busy, wiping up tables and carrying out food, occasionally glancing over at Edward. Really you wanted to go over and talk to him more, but decided against it just in case you came off too strong.
You heard Michael call for you from the kitchen, something about a ticket not making sense. You made your way over to the hatch that was behind the counter, leaning through the gap slightly to answer him.
Once again you could feel a pair of eyes glued to you, following your movements, but by the time you turned back around hoping to get another look at him, Edward was gone.
part 2
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ok, they're collecting evidence from his hotel room. from what i see, it seems real won the elections by default, what with the dead opponent. it was pretty obvious that they didnt want him as a mayor. if he hadnt died would he have done voter fraud to keep his post?
martinez vaguely trying to stop batman more out of habit than anything else lol.
so he's a forensic accountant, who saw the fund malversion and as an abused orphan who grew up in squalor, he promply went apoplectic with rage. he has a cage full of rats plus a single bat. he left another card to bats saying only "my confession". considering this, i think he's in love with batman! i already knew that, but thanks for confirming it in the text 🤣
if you're gonna queercode your villains, make them Actually queer, it will make them better :)
"500 followers. real fringe types" i dont really have context for this, because i dont use twitter, but that seems like so many? i have like, barely 200 followers here.
"i know the real you" wow. was his attempt at bruce wayne just a test? is he just riddled (ha) with parasocial brainworms? who can say :)
aaaww, edward wants to see the batman :) im sure this will go well for him :) his emotional wellbeing wont be worsened by this encounter :) he's just gonna talk with his forever idol for the first time. it's gonna be fiiiine
"you're a good cop" no such thing, but whatever whatever. if i couldnt shake off my distaste for copaganda id be incapable of watching anything lmao
edwards Face, oh my god. he's so in love, it makes him very pretty 🤣 "i told you i'd see you in hell" oh, so this bitch just did a season 3 hannibal. he got himself caught on purpose so batman could come visit him! that's cute.. and very forward. harlot behaviour
"if only you knew how long i've been wating for this day" oh, you got it Bad <3 "they'll remember me now. they'll remember both of us"
with how weirdly he elongates bruce's name, i suspect it's a favorite for when echolalia strikes him. also, he's Looking at him very intently, like he's testing his reaction. bruce stopped making eye contact, his face twitched with nerves, he swallowed, he's subtly trying to keep his breath from speeding up, he looked at the camera filming everything. riddler definitely noticed
he goes from a rant against the rich boy orphan, seemingly directed at batman for some reason (could he..?) and then neatly goes for commiserating With batman, about not being able to kill bruce. about BOTH OF THEM not being able to get bruce.
"god. look at you" i Understand you. i too become fascinated by battinson's everything at random times. "your mask is amazing. i wish you could have seen me in mine" translation: i wish you could have seen me kill and got horny about it. the movie's making this too easy 🤣
"we've been doing this together. you're part of this" oh honey.. you got a big storm coming 😔 "i couldnt have done this without you. you inspired me"
oooooh, here it comes 😬 "you're out of your mind. this is all in your head. you're a pathetic psycho begging for attention. you're gonna die in this mental institution. alone" projecting your own fears much bruce? recognition of the self through the other (derogatory) and all that
aaaand he is headed towards meltdown. god i hate when this happens during a charged conversation or a fight. all i want is for the words to just Stop so i start screaming to drown everything else out. sucks ass
"it was all there. you mean you didnt figure it out? ooooooh, you're really not as smart as i thought you were" you are just realizing this?? his crush erased a multitude of sins, including brucie's dumbassery ig
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curious-menace · 4 years
The rogue gallery members general reaction to encountering the batman who laughs and his creepy ass Robin's.
ok id like to preface this by saying that red death batman straight up crucified riddler and decapitated scarecrow and the batman who laughs is MUCH worse than red death batman. 
i want to enjoy the dark knights metal but it is needlessly fuckin complicated with all this multiverse oververse omniverse shit. maybe i just don't have the galaxy brain necessary to get it so i apologize if this is all wrong 
(also i know its canon that the batman who laughs has no rogues gallery left, either because he killed them or joker killed them before he turned but hey ho hypotheticals it is)
also no one talk to me about kiss fan lookin riddler from this verse. im not ready. 
i think his first reaction was to laugh. Batman’s finally gone and he took joker with him. I mean he literally calls him "bat gimp". I seriously doubt he anticipated the fallout of batman becoming some sort of hideous joker hybrid. he still chuckled when he started seeing the news. someone calling themselves “the batman who laughs” and “the darkest knight” then he sees the robins, he even recognises damien and it makes him a little sick. he books the next flight out of goodwin before things get too hot. 
shame goodwin was burned to the ground to stop anyone leaving gotham. 
with everyone inside. 
i dont think its an exaggeration to say he was absolutly fuckin horrified. it's rare that harvey and two face agree on something, but this bastard has to go. the murder and mayhem he could tolerate, hell even killing the other rogues, some of them needed to be stopped. but having to look at this creature and know it was once bruce? harvey knows better than anyone its a fate worse than death to be trapped in your own mind with someone else running the show. they do their best to stop the darkest knight, bring all the hired guns they can to the fight but it wasnt enough. Harvey dies, but at least he went out trying to do the right thing.
Poison Ivy
She sensed him coming, her flowers screaming at her to save herself. part of me wants to hope she took one look at that abomination and noped the fuck out of there to slaughter swamp or something. but we know ivy, she stands her ground like a tree planted by a river. she looks people like batman and joker right in the eye and down the barrel of a gun and says “no, you move” Shes not a good person, but in this verse she might as well be the hero of the story, maybe the only meta human in gotham who stood a chance against him. The batman who laughs was scared of her and thats why she had to die. if she’d just minded her own business she might still be here but no. She dares the batman who laughs to come for her, she’s going to take him out. for what he did to her plants, to gotham, to HER home and HER friends. unfortunately for her ivy was one of the first on his kill list. She doesn't go down without a fight. ironically it was her human qualities, the human drive to help people that got her killed. she heard one of the robins crying and went to investigate. the batman who laughs doesn't care about those robins, he’s got a basement full of jokerized kids to throw at people. 1 to trick her and a few more to hold her down while he doused the lot of them with weedkiller and gasoline then poof.
i doubt the botanical gardens will ever be the same. 
part of me wants to say he’s loving this. He’s enjoying all the suffering and sadness and fear as the batman who laughs murders everyone and everything from the dandelions upwards . but he cant, not just because he’s not the one causing it. this is fear without meaning or purpose, this is killing hope so thoroughly that there is nothing left for people to fear, not even death. he’s not so foolish as to think he wont also be on the batman who laughs chopping block. so he makes himself scarce, works on a toxin that might be able to stop him or even slow him down so someone has a shot at it. Jon knows hes going to die, its only a matter of time before that thing calling itself the darkest knight sends one of his minions to his doorstep. He’s been working on something to try and help the rabid robins. he has a small soft spot in his cold obsidian heart for kids and looking at these creatures makes him physically ill. 
he thinks hes made a breakthrough, thinks he’s finally got a formula that will effect batman and the joker and hopefully, whatever abomination they’ve become . he decides theres no time like the present to try it out when word of the other rouges deaths reach him. he’s the last one left and thats....well its scary. His surprise attack works, the robins go down without a fight, screaming and scratching at their faces, their throats and each other. regrettable but if he stops the darkest knight now, maybe jon can help them. Just when he thinks he’s got him, scarecrow goes down. so close, he falls at the finishing line, his toxin having as much effect as a gentle summers breeze. Much like the original scarecrow , the batman who laughs likes using guns. For jon however? he makes an exception. poor scarecrow gets eviscerated by his own scythe, pilfered from arkham asylum by the batman who laughs. gotta love the classics, right?
Riddler was second on his kill list. only because the batman who laughs knew how much it would annoy riddler not to be at the top. He’s another rogue who stood a chance of stopping him if he really tried. sadly edward is nowhere near as altruistic as harvey, and could never be as strong as ivy. He likes to think his escape is for everyone's benefit. live to fight another day and all that. He learned from harvey and pamelas mistakes, took one look at this new batman and his creepy kids and said “fuck that noise” and tried to run. except he didn't really try. god if he’d only gotten out of the city, he would have been the only rogue that survived. the batman who laughs looks at him like a pathetic insect, unworthy of notice. he’d have killed riddler eventually, maybe put him in a riddle with no answer or a trap with no escape for extra irony points but he wasn't about to stop the little green cockroach from skittling away.  but of course, riddlers ego got in the way; he just HAD to try and best this new batman, no matter how much he scared the shit out of riddler he just HAD to try. and of course, pride comes before downfall. 
The batman who laughs helpfully provided riddler with some rope to help break his fall. 
Harley Quinn
some part of her was happy to have joker back. he was different, scarier but she was used to the abuse. what she wasn't used to were all the kids. she recognised damian wayne but didn't quite put the pieces together to realise it was bruce under there. she thought maybe he was just a random casualty . she tried hard to look after the kids but they act like animals rather than humans, there was nothing she could do.As time went on she found it harder and harder to sit at the right hand of this clown prince of horrors. harley has always been along for the ride, but how are you supposed make the whole world laugh if everyone in it is dead? i dont know what happens to harley in this world. either she leaves and much like joker, the batman who laughs fails to notice, shes killed by him because he was bored or she does when the world is destroyed by barbatos. either way, no happy endings here. 
Thanks for this incredibly depressing ask Ghostly T-T
im kidding, im kidding it was fun! it makes me wish i knew what the everloving FUCK was going on with this verse so i could enjoy it properly. the only comic store i know of has been closed since like march of last year and i don't know what im looking for on amazon to actually order them. i have 1 issue of nth metal but it was interesting enough that i want the collection.
if anyone knows what the collection is actually called hmu bc i wanna buy it. 
yes i could read it online but i like owning the hard copies. 
got something you wana talk about? send me an ask or a dm!💜💙🧡💛💚❤️
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could john doe be autistic? telltale batman theory
A couple of months ago, I was looking at random batman stuff when I came across “batman: the telltale series” and “batman: the enemy within”, and let me tell you, its probably one of the best games ive seen since undertale and even corpse party (corpse party is and will remain my favourite game though… unless I change my mind). I loved the story and the characters, but one of them stood out to me, and that was John Doe. Now let me be clear, I do not, and I repeat NOT class John Doe as the joker at all (unless you choose the choices in order to make him the joker), no I class John as ‘the joker, if he got rehabilitated’ or just simply as John Doe. And me being the type of person who automatically likes anything that has to do with the joker because I find his personality and the overall character incredibly interesting, when I finished watching all the john scenes (im not even kidding, I spent days watching every scene I can find with John in it), even though he doesn’t act like the joker, I loved his personality. One day when I was watching it, I noticed some key things that stood out in Johns personality, which are kind of similar to………………….and then it clicked in my brain. Could John Doe from the batman telltale series, be autistic? Now I know “John Doe” has traits or all the symptoms of antisocial personality disorder and possibly schizophrenia, but I could not help but find other symptoms to Asperger’s syndrome/autism, though this is only with john doe, not with the original joker (trust me I tried looking but he’s just the definition of antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy). I did some research and watched the batman telltale series repeatedly, and here’s the evidence I collected. Behavioural symptoms: •    Often verbalizes internal thoughts that most would keep private – this isn’t shown quite often in season 1, however in season 2, John does say/shout out his thoughts depending on the situation. For example, (in season 2 episode 3) when he was asking Bruce about dating advice, and Bruce pretended to be Harley, John yelled “why won’t you love me?!” in front of everyone at a café. Another example is (in season 2 episode 1) when John yells at the man who shh’ed him in church by saying “you shh me again, you’ll be mourning the loss of your teeth!”, he did calm down and stated “that outburst, its antisocial I know”. He also yells “at least he went out with a bang right?” when talking to Tiffany about her dead father, At his funeral. Another scene is (in season 2 episode 2) when Bruce starts the car for John after struggling with it for a few minutes and he says “you are literally my hero Bruce. –I mean wow”. another quote is “Bruce is strong and smart, and handsome, I mean, super handsome, its nuts you guys, and-… where was I going with this?”. on the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5), when first meeting Alfred, he states “wow. The Alfred. I’ve been taken polaroid photos of Bruce for years and you’re in the background in at least a third of them”. • Appears to lack empathy – this is very clear in both season 1 and season 2, John will attack/kill or steal anything from anyone without feeling empathy towards anyone, apart from Harley and sometimes Bruce, and will laugh when seeing violence himself. Many examples of John not showing empathy to anyone is: laughing at Victor Zsasz when he’s murdering someone (season 1 episode 4), laughing when Bruce defends him from Willy by knocking him out (season 2 episode 2), laughing when Harley threatens one of Bruce’s workers (season 2 episode 2), laughing when Bruce/Batman beats up Bane (season 2 episode 4), laughing when exploding the Gotham bridge with a lot of people still on it (season 2 episode 4). On the villain ending (season 2 episode 5), he has no empathy for the people he and Harley kill with the virus. On the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5), he stabs 3 people while injuring tiffany with a joker-rang through the hand, he also throws joker-rangs at a lot of agents, which impale them, he also shows no empathy to bane when he either hits him with his car or drops a smock deck on him. • Has a difficult time interacting with peers – this is mostly shown in season 2. (in season 2 episode 2) When Bruce is inspecting John’s house or ha ha-ciesta and he looks at the beer bottles, John explains that in order to talk to Bane, he has to give him his favourite bottle of beer so Bane doesn’t tear his head off, even stating “he’s scarier than anyone I met in Arkham”. He also says to Bruce that he has a hard time talking to Harley as it is indicated in a previous statement that she loses interest quickly when talking to John, though this could be the fault of Harley, not John. John also despises the riddler because he always interrupted him when he was telling a joke “making him look like an idiot, in front of Harley and the other guys”, riddler even calling john a “white faced prick” (season 2 episode 3), though this can be seen as just a normal rivalry and not a difficult time interacting with people. • Talks excessively, especially about one specific topic – John talks a lot, and I mean a lot in season 1 and 2. He does switch topics in conversation depending on the situation but most of the time, he is either talking a lot about Harley or a lot about Bruce. The Harley topic is clear in nearly every episode of season 2, and Harley even stated to Bruce when John went to get her a slushy “he thinks the world of you” (season 2 episode 2), indicating that he talks about Bruce to the pact a lot. John does talk about Batman to but not as often. He mostly talks about how he’s best friends with Bruce, constantly saying “we’re two threads in the same stitch”. • Frequently has one-sided conversations – John shows this (in season 2 episode 4) when Bruce finds him surrounded by corpses he had murdered, and when Bruce disagrees with John on if he should trust John or not, John will yell “you’re supposed to be on my side!”. He will also say “it’s been hard knowing that you haven’t been straight with me, Bruce”, even though John has his own secrets that he hasn’t shared with Bruce, and Bruce knows this. He also says “You steered me wrong, at every turn” to Bruce when Harley abandons him (season 2 episode 4). On the villain ending (season 2 episode 5), john blames Bruce entirely for making him become the joker after Bruce didn’t believe him about the murdered agents. On the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5), john claims “I believed in you, batman. like I never believed in anything, and it was all a lie!”, and when batman wants Waller to leave Gotham, john goes against that idea shouting “this is so very disappointing. You’re a hypocrite! Your letting her off the hook, because of what? Because she has a badge?!”, john also believes that Bruce/batman is becoming or is very similar to Waller near the end of the episode. • Is unable to understand societal norms – this is shown in season 2 on many scenes. The main examples of this are: John talking very loudly and saying inappropriate comments in church (season 2 episode 1), and John believing that girls like men who are desperate (season 2 episode 3). Another scene is when he takes selfies during a funeral (season 2 episode 1). He also does a pinkie swear with Bruce in the middle of a pub, even though he is an adult (season 2 episode 2). John also believes that his green hair is ‘natural’ due to him not remembering his hair colour before it turned green (season 2 episode 3). • Does not understand the concept of personal space – this is not very shown as John keeps his distance when he’s around people, but the times that this has happened is when he randomly hugs Bruce after Bruce chooses to believe him about the murdered agents (season 2 episode 4) or when he takes selfies with someone, he raps his arm around their shoulders and takes a photo (as seen in multiple photos on his wall, he even does it too batman). Sometimes when john is speaking to someone, he would sometimes inch closer to them but that is not much of an issue, until he leans his head forward while he’s talking, which causes the person he talking to, to move back slightly. Other times include: grabbing Bruce’s arm in the church (in season 2 episode 1), grabbing batman by the shoulders after john gave him the laptop and/or teaching john how to throw a batarang (in season 2 episode 3), punching Bruce (multiple times in different episodes), and even carrying batman in the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5), when interrogating Waller, he gets really close to her face in order to make her talk, which still doesn’t work. • Flat tone / speaking style that lacks pitch – john’s voice has a bit of a lack of pitch when he’s speaking to anyone, though this could change depending on what mood he’s in. multiple times in the game, it shows that john sometimes mimics another person’s voice, in season 1 episode 4: he puts on a high pitched voice (presumably a woman’s voice) saying “ahh ohh someone save my baby”, he also put on a deep voice (presumably mimicking Harvey dents voice) saying “I’m going to find your drugs”. In season 2: he puts on a deep voice (presumably mimicking batman) saying “just get it john” (episode 2), also in the vigilante ending (episode 5), he puts on a deep voice again (mimicking child Bruce) saying “no Alfred, I am the knight”. John also alters his voice when he’s being sarcastic, for example (in season 2 episode 4) when john is upset with Bruce and says in a weird voice “just manipulate her john/just be yourself john”, or he’s in an awkward moment for example (in season 2 episode 3) if you take too long to take the laptop of john, he pulls a confused face and says “you did want this didn’t you?, I’ll just leave this rrrriiiigggghhhhttttt here” while putting the laptop in batman’s hand, then finishing the sentence with a very high pitched “K”. Physical symptoms: • Unusual body postures, gestures and facial expressions – John has rather bad posture when sitting and/or standing, as his back is always hunched. For facial expressions, the main facial expressions that John portrays is the very wide and toothy smile/grin, a frown, a shocked face, and one that’s I’ve been noticing a lot, the confused/thinking face (the best scene to see this facial expression clearly is when John says to Bruce that he thinks he’s fallen in love, and Bruce asks “are you in love with me?”, John pulls that face soon after the comment (season 2 episode 4)). On the villain ending (season 2 episode 5), whenever he’s been insulted or when he first walks into Wayne enterprises, he always smirks, which hasn’t been seen in the previous chapters before. • may perform repetitive movements, such as hand or finger flapping, or rocking back and forth – mainly during season 2, when John is either happy and excited/grateful, he will always interlock his hands while crouching a little bit. He does clap in season 1 and in season 2 but this only happens when he’s presumably excited (he does this when he first meets Batman (season 1 episode 5), he does this when Harley comes back and says she’s going to be the new management instead of Bane (season 2 episode 3), and he does this again when he is in the elevator going to the secret lab (season 2 episode 4), he also claps his hands when he first meets Alfred in the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5)). Another repetitive movement that John does, mainly while talking, is finger pointing, this can be seen whenever John is talking to anyone, but mainly towards Bruce and sometimes Harley. In the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5), john repeated puts his hands/fists/knuckles on his hips, though this could be john thinking that he’s a super hero. • Apparent insensitivity to pain – many examples of this are shown in season 2: John gets shoved by Catwoman and is knocked on the floor, He doesn’t react (season 2 episode 3). John gets a black eye from Harley, we are not sure what his reaction was there but he doesn’t seem fazed by it when Bruce arrives (season 2 episode 4). He gets punched in the face by Bruce and he doesn’t react (season 2 episode 4). He gets slapped in the face by Bruce and he doesn’t really react, though seeming a little surprised (season 2 episode 4). He gets tazor-ed by Tiffany, he does fall to the floor but soon after he just stands back up coughing and laughing (season 2 episode 2). In the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5): he gets picked up by his neck and thrown to the floor by bane and he laughs (while saying “ow, god”), he gets shot in the shoulder by the agency (he does show pain as he crouches on the floor while bleeding, but minutes later, he stands up and laughs), he gets punched, electrocuted and gets his face hit off a railing multiple time and he just laughs, he also gets a batarang through the hand and a couple of minutes after either getting head butted or electrocuted, he just sits there as if it’s not in his hand (which is pinned to the table). On the villain ending (season 2 episode 5): he gets stabbed multiple times and he laughs, he gets kicked and punched repeatedly and he laughs, true he does go into cardiac arrest but when he gets out of it he just lies there giggling and talking to Bruce. • Poor handwriting skills – this is only seen a couple of times, but johns hand writing is the kind of writing that looks messy, but readable. For example, (in season 2 episode 1) when Bruce opened the card john gave to him, john wrote his name into the card, and the writing looks a little bit messy. His writing is also shown (in season 2 episode 5) on the villain ending on the various cards, the side of a van and on the tombstones, still messy but readable. Cognitive symptoms: • Lack of social skills – though this may be caused by an unknown amount of time locked in Arkham asylum, John has a notorious lack of social skills, though in this case he does talk to a lot of people, he just doesn’t know how. The main examples are all the things he says when he’s in the church (season 2 episode 1), and when he tries to convince Harley that he is the only man to do the job, which lead to him getting a time out by Harley (season 2 episode 3). • May have one or a few very select interests that one is extremely knowledgeable about – even though being a rather smart character, John knows a lot of information about different things, but the main things he is extremely knowledgeable about is the Vikki Vale’s drugs, Bruce (even detecting that he’s Batman) saying “you forget, I know you. The real you. Always hiding behind some kind of mask. Playboy, business man, criminal….bat. you can’t fool a friend, someone who really takes the time to look” (season 2 episode 4), and Harley, stating “let me talk to her, I know her better than anyone” (season 2 episode 4). • may engage in violent outbursts, self-injurious behaviours, tantrums or meltdowns – this is very clear in season 1 and 2. For violent outbursts: John beats up 2 guys knocking them out (season 1 episode 4), he cuts Zsasz’s face with a knife (season 1 episode 4), he hits Bane/Mr Freeze with a batarang/gun/sharp pole (season 2 episode 4), he hits an officer over the head with a crowbar (season 2 episode 3), he tries to punch Bruce when he disagrees with him (season 2 episode 4), he murdered a bunch of cops/agents (season 2 episode 4), he explodes the bridge (season 2 episode 4). On the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5), john snaps and ends up stabbed three agents to death. For self-injurious: if in an angry mood, John will repeatedly hit his head off any hard surface (the church chair (season 2 episode 1) or the elevator wall (season 2 episode 2)). For tantrums or meltdowns: the bridge scene and the fun house scene can be seen as a meltdown but more of an outburst of violence, he lashes out at a man in church after Bruce rejects his offer (stating his has a hard time dealing with rejection (season 2 episode 2)), etc. • Inappropriate laughing or giggling – this is shown a lot in season 1 and season 2. When John is talking (apart from some situations), he will automatically start laughing or giggling, but he has stated (in season 2 episode 4) that he laughs when he’s nervous, though we are not sure if this is a lie or not. All throughout the villain ending (season 2 episode 5), he is constantly laughing. On the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5), he also randomly laughs or giggles when he’s talking to someone or himself. • No real fears of danger – this is shown in season 1 and mostly in season 2. In season 1: he cuts Zsasz’s face even though he knows he has outbursts of violence (episode 4), John is unfazed when there is a riot going on in front of him in Arkham asylum while workers and patients are getting killed all around him (episode 5). He randomly drinks a drink when he’s threatened by a cop with a gun pointed at him (episode 5). In season 2: he starts laughing when he’s threatened by Willy with a knife pointed at him (episode 2), he doesn’t seem fazed when Tiffany points a tazor gun at him or when he gets shot with the tazor gun for that matter (episode 2), he runs into the lower floor of Riddler’s hide out (out of curiosity) even while knowing the place is a death trap (episode 3), he jumps onto a roof ledge just to stand with Batman (episode 3), he stands there smiling when the secret lab was about to insinuate them (episode 4), he looks around the corner when a machine gun was firing at them (episode 4), he hits Bane/Mr Freeze (possibly the strongest people out of the pact) with a gun/pole/batarang when Bane/Mr Freeze tries to kill Bruce (episode 4), he blows up the bridge even though he is still on it (episode 4), he leans and falls off the ledge of the bridge backwards (episode 4). On the villain ending (episode 5), john is unfazed by Bruce/batman threatening him, or when he fights him. On the vigilante ending (episode 5), john (and batman) fight bane who was the strongest in the pact. • may “day dream” or “zone out” when overstimulated – the best example to show of this symptom is on the villain ending (season 2 episode 5), when john asks batman what he thinks Harley would do if she found out about him giving the map to Jim Gordon, whatever batman answers with, john turns around and seems to zone out asking “what do you think that means, Dr Leland?” and answers with “uhh it makes me feel uncomfortable when you put it that way Dr Leland”. Psychosocial Symptoms: • Social isolation – he was in Arkham asylum for an unknown period of time (Dr Leland stated “John has been with us for quite some time”) (season 1 episode 4) • Lowered self-confidence – during the interrogation scene (in season 2 episode 3), John says that he did try to stick up for Bruce (“internally”) but said “I’m sorry, I’m not as strong as you” • Difficulties with social interactions – as stated before, John struggles to start a conversation with the likes of Bane and Harley (though this could be the fault of Bane and Harley) • Depression – after being punched and left by Harley, John enters a stage of depression while drinking an unknown amount of alcohol (from what I can see, I would say that he drank at least six bottles of beer), he also shouts comments like “I don’t want to do this anymore, not for you, not for her, certainly not for Gotham. I don’t care!”, “I’m John Doe, the lonely hearts club”, “you’ve got some real nerve you know that, buddy. Remember at the café (just be yourself John/just manipulate her John), then I stuck my neck out for you, way out! Bane nearly ripped my head off. And for what? Her flew the cope, and I have nothing. You steered me wrong, at every turn” and “I don’t want to find her. My heart can take another kicking. I don’t ever want to see her again, she ruined me, I-I can’t.” (season 2 episode 4) • Moodiness – John does have a lot of mood swings and outbursts of anger as stated in the previous symptoms, this mainly happens when someone rejects him or disagrees with him. • Troubled romantic relationships – in the villain ending (season 2 episode 5), john and Harley’s relationship seems to be a pretty stable one, until Harley finds out that john gave away the map or john stops Harley from killing Bruce, then she proceeds to try and strangle john while saying “I’ll kill you”. John also runs away leaving Harley behind with Bruce (batman) and Selina (cat woman), while Harley says “I’ll kill him” again. • Lowered self-esteem – (in season 2 episode 3), when Bruce asks why john has green hair, john aggressively said “I don’t know what’s with your black hair?” and then states “I’m sorry buddy I’m a little sensitive about my style”. Harley also states (in season 2 episode 4) “keep it with ya brucie, I can’t afford any more mishaps” while looking at john, who looks down with a sad looking face. • Feelings of being “unlike” his or her peers – in the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5), john believes that he’s a hero above all else, apart from batman (at times). For example, when Waller says “think whatever you want, you will never be a hero”, john becomes extremely angry and shouts back “How. Dare. You. Your worse than me! That makes me the hero! And this is what hero’s do to Gotham!” The symptoms I don’t think he has is: behavioural symptoms: • Lack of interpersonal relationship skills and instincts • Inability to express one’s own feelings • May not make eye contact or may stare at others • Not pick up on social cues and may lack inborn social skills, such as being able to read others' body language, start or maintain a conversation, and take turns talking • Have a formal style of speaking that is advanced for his or her age. For example, the child may use the word "beckon" instead of "call" or the word "return" instead of "come back." • may be extremely literal or have difficulty understanding the nuances of language, despite having a good vocabulary physical symptoms: • Heightened sensitivity and overstimulation to loud noises, bright lights, unusual textures, or strong tastes • Poor coordination • Clumsiness • Poor fine motor skills • Difficulties using gross motor skills Cognitive symptoms: • Difficulties with changes or upsets in routine • Difficulties picking up on the subtle changes in tone, pitch, and voice that accompany regular conversation • May be unable to understand sarcasm or jokes • Poor organizational skills • difficulty making friends of the same age, children with AS may feel more comfortable with adults or much younger children psychological symptoms: • Difficulty making and keeping friends • Challenges in finding and maintaining steady employment • Anxiety • Tendency toward shyness
Of course I am not a doctor, I can’t diagnose this, but there was a lot of evidence so I decided to check it out, and no I’m not saying that john is autistic just because I’m autistic, that’s just weird and very very low. If anyone finds anymore evidence or any other symptoms, let me know and I will add/edit it. (also, I am not too sure if some of these symptoms are in the correct categories (cognitive, behavioural, etc) if they are, please do not hesitate to tell me and I will correct it). This post is not making fun of autism or any mental disorders, this is just a theory that I created to see if it was correct or not (I would never make fun of any mental disorder) comment down below if you agree or disagree with me my laugh sounds really similar to johns/jokers laugh and I don't know whether to find that amusing or worrying Well that’s it from me bye
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elvencantation · 7 years
VIXX 101: A Crash Course
inspired by this post
special thanks to @hongbins-wife​ for helping with ken and chiming in about hogbin’s dramas! & @poorunfortunateseouls for letting your inner ravi stan run wild, and opening up about your experiences with hyuk as your bias wrecker!
N/Cha Hakyeon
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also known as Leader N! (and sometimes mother cha) he’s the main dancer, and a proud parent. has the voice of a goddamn angel, and when he dances? let’s just say eros would be proud. he’s just so goddamn elegant and graceful I really don’t understand it? basically he’s protective and loving but also somehow seductive with his voice and body and everything? came up with stage name N! Inspired by ‘fate’ [in-yeon] in Korean, so the ‘yeon’ in ‘Hakyeon’ also took that form.
he’s very hardworking and eloquent in speaking for the group, and really he deserves all the love and recognition! he has darker skin than most of the members which sometimes he gets picked on about but he’s more confident about it (which is good because his skin is gorgeous) he also kept a diary when he was a trainee of his hopes and dreams and achievements and apparently it’s one of his most prized possessions! how fucking precious is that im gonna die
Leo/Jung Taekwoon
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the lead singer (my soul soars and my skin clears with each and every high note) and precious shy kitten. he may seem aloof sometimes because he doesn’t know how to react or is overwhelmed, but flowers actually bloom when this boy smiles (proof). he used to be really camera shy, but being in musicals (Monte Christo and Mata Hari) helped with that! and also helped in killing me because GODDAMN gorgeous does he look good in period clothing?
this boy loves his lattes (hence his nickname latte-fairy)! he’s the oldest member after N and they sometimes act like the parents of the group. knows taekwondo and won championships swimming and boxing?? loves children!! see his video with his nephew (melt my heart) and is easily embarrassed, which is when you are likely to see the top of his head. also a drama queen and is usually the target of Hyuk’s shenanigans (not that he doesn’t deserve it sometimes)
 okay ill move on now or ill never stop. he’s my bias and he’s too precious and attractive and can move his body like nobody’s business (see chained up) kill me
Ken/ Lee Jaehwan
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main vocalist and king of aegyo! also called ken-jumma because he acts like an old woman sometimes. (but he also is called Power soul vocalist, Kenchopper, 4D Ken, Kenneth, and Kenyonce). he is incredibly extra and a goddamn sweetheart but then also turns around to stop starlights’ hearts? like for example being in the Boys over Flowers musical and apparently the Prince in Cinderella?? and recently Hamlet! he’s just really the most cheerful precious dorky flower ever ok and could probably make a rock laugh/blush
Ken is super suuuuper good at acting and I recommend checking out the musicals and dramas he’s been in! (that includes Boarding House #24 for a drama suggestion!)
Ken has two older brothers as well! His favorite foods include: instant foods and chocolate~ He’s also really great at drawing (he draws the little heads in the beginning of VIXXTV). Kenneth has also won multiple awards for song-writing. He wanted to become a voice actor if being an idol didn’t work out~
Ravi/ Kim Wonshik
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im gonna turn it over to my bestie @poorunfortunateseouls​ who is Ravi-biased and loves this goddamn dork:
alright, let the Ravi bias take over, *cracks knuckles*
vixx’s main rapper. Is well versed in the art of body rolling and spitting mad rhymes. Loves his cool, collected, and manly persona but will not kill any bug, they are his kryptonite. Protect this baby. Doesn’t know what shirts are. Is an avid shorts enthusiast. Tends to be put in stupid hats. Vixx song hype man. Adores saying his name before he raps, literally cannot resist saying his own name. Desperately wants love from all things, especially dogs, please love him, he can’t handle not being an animal’s favorite. Enjoys tattoos (YOLO. on his chest.) and having a flaming question mark on his face because he is secretly the riddler.
Abs. Just abs. Acts embarrassed but wants you to see them because damn they were hard to get and yes, you like them. Talents and works under-appreciated. Is incredibly dedicated to both his solo music and vixx’s tracks. Very thoughtful about the music he produces, hard worker. Has a great back and a killer face, watch out, he’ll snatch you with those raps of his and you will thank him because he is lovely. (also he’s in love with Ken. but can you really blame him?)
Bean/ Lee Hongbin
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precious cinnamon roll, literal human sunshine! the visual of the group, has a range so low it shakes me to the bone, and in general ruins my life with his goddamn dimples and that time he had pink hair?? he also took a photography class? looks absolutely drop dead gorgeous as a girl. is a giant dork and once said he was wearing green because he was a bean
is literally the sweetest? Leo fell during a race and bean ran over and cheered him to the finish line! giant Park Hyo Shin fanboy, which is precious, and knows a lot of girl group songs that he likes to sing along to. wanted to be a veterinarian if he hadn’t been a singer? how fucking precious is that? basically he’s a puppy in human form, but can be very savage, which is incredibly confusing
Hongbin also really hates couples but has had past relationships before debuting! HONGBIN IS ALSO A GREAT ACTOR??? LIKE ALL THE DRAMA’S HE’S BEEN IN I’VE NEVER SEEN HIM STRUGGLE???? (drama’s he’s been in are: Glorious Day, Moorim School, What’s Up With These Kids?,  and soon to be in the newest drama called ‘Wednesday 3:30pm’) He used to be an MC for SBS mTV’s ‘The Show’ from March 3rd, 2015 - October 13th, 2015 with T-ara’s Jiyeon and Super Junior’s Zhou Mi.
Hyuk/ Han Sanghyuk
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the maknae!! precious, dancer and also has a gorgeous voice. mesmerizes with his dance moves. sexy out of nowhere after him being so cute? also shot up and is one of the tallest members and constantly picks people up (especially Leo) because suddenly now he has muscles? likes to tease his hyungs and think he’s a grown man, which amuses everyone (especially Ken). he apparently once danced to Super Hero while he was sleeping and cosplayed as Sasuke from Naruto with his cousin!!
-Hyuk advocate and best friend chiming in again-
A problem. Seems like a small, innocent, silly baby but it’s part of his mischievous maknae game. Don’t fall for it. Stacked. That’s just science talking. A dork, wants to make people laugh and isn’t afraid to be silly. Great voice. Don’t sleep on his sexy vocals, boys got pipes. Impulsive but sweet. Is a ray of sunshine but will burn you as he flips from giggly boy next door mode to mr. steal yo girl in 3 seconds flat. Hard to pin down, needs to pick a lane because you will get whiplash staning this bulky man-child. Cute to dreamboat at the drop of a hat. And that hat is probably Ravi’s. (any hat)
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fun facts:
- here are the origins of their stage names if you’re interested!
-look here for some of their interactions as a group and fall in love with all of them in the process probably
-VIXX stands for Voice, Visual, Value in Excelsis!!
- the fandom is called ST☆RLIGHT and are probably the most humble and respectful fans I’ve ever encountered!
- here are some incorrect quotes i’ve done with them if you want an easy way to try to get to know some of their personality traits!
if this creates any new starlights (or just makes you laugh) i will be very happy 🌟
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