#im not great at writing chase either. like i can Do It but i dont understand his motivations as well as i do foremans
realbeefman · 8 months
9 ^_^ (& 12!)
my VISION my dream story is to write a werewolf!chase x hunter!foreman au where foreman catches chase changing and. he never really BELIEVED in all that monster stuff his dad was always talking about growing up. always chalked it up to more religious talk and disregarded it. but here is chase, who he's known for years, becoming something WRONG right in front of him and it fucks him up real bad and blah blah eventually they have werewolf sex in the hospital you get the gist. i have the ENTIRE thing plotted out so perfectly in my mind but i just CANT write foreman's voice for the life of me. he's my specialest little guy and it kills me that i cant get inside his head the way i can for other characters. i understand why and how he reacts to things the way he does i GET him on a psychological level but if you asked me to write like three lines of realistic foreman dialogue i'd be incapable of it. ill write this fic someday but until then i have to study my fucked up little guy like a bug intently under a microscope until i can put him in Situations in a way that feels true to his character.
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freebreadmoon · 8 months
is there anyway you can write a cute, fluffy little story for Walker Scobell?
warnings: fluff, reader plays annabeth (i love leah dont come for me), no use of y/n, reader and walker aren’t dating but are obvi crushing
requests are open!!
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You and Walker were filming a buzzfeed puppy interview, sitting in the middle of the floor.
Walker sat with his legs crisscrossed, smiling wide at the brown spotted dog that nuzzled his leg. “Is it on? Oh, hi, I’m Walker Scobell, and I play Percy Jackson.”
“Hi,” you introduced yourself, “I play Annabeth Chase,” you picked up the fluffy fured black one that was by your foot, “and your watching buzzfeed!” You put a thumbs up at the camera, earning a laugh from the boy beside you.
“Wait I wanted to say it, I’m literally the main character—“
“But I’m the best character. Walker, you can say it at Vanity Fair.” He rolled his eyes at you, smiling slightly.
“Okay, moving on! um…what’s the question? What was your favorite scene to film…um…oh thats a hard one. I’m gonna say…either the fight with the Ares kids in capture the flag, or falling out of the arch. The harness thing was annoying to put on, but the other parts were fun.” Walker was only half paying attention, preoccupied by the dogs.
“I think the tunnel of love scene, or the one where Annabeth pushes Percy in the water, ‘cause I got to push Walker really hard.” You glanced at him, watching the smile curl onto his face.
“Yeah. We did like 15 takes of that because she kept laughing.” Walker laughed, shaking his head. “Actually, she laughed a lot. We had to retake lots of stuff ‘cause of her, especially the tunnel of love scene. The boat flipped and she wouldn’t stop laughing.” He shifted closer to you, messing with the puppy you’re holding.
“Oh! the next question…what’s your opinion on each other? Um…walker is the best blonde dude ever i think. like he’s literally my kid i swear, and he was honestly the best choice for percy. i think he’s the reason i even got to be annabeth, im really greatful for him. Aryan is super sweet and cool, he’s my best best friend, we do the stupidest things together, and I can’t imagine a world we aren’t honorary siblings.” You scratched behind a puppy’s ear, letting it lick you.
“Well I was just gonna say you’re awesome but…I guess I think we make a great team on-screen as well as off-screen. She’s a true friend. If it weren't for her, I don't know what I'd do, y'know? She’s like my very own real life Annabeth." He glanced up at you subtly, wanting to gauge your reaction, smiling in victory when he noticed the red tint to your cheeks.
“The…the next one says, how do you feel about fan support? is it overwhelming? Well, my answer is yes, sometimes. Especially with people who are really like into the book to the point where they hated the casting over looks.” You had started to speak a lot quieter as Walker drifted closer, trying to get the puppy off your lap.
“I don’t think much of it.” Walker shurgs. “Only really the edits that I see anyway, those are fun.” He smiles encouragingly at you , finally meeting your eyes.
“…Yeah. The edits.” You smile at him, referring to the ship edits. You’d talked about it in multiple interviews, and you had a favorites folder for them on Tiktok. You raised an eyebrow at Walker, who continued to move closer until his head was on your lap, giggling softly and starting pet his hair like you did the puppys fur.
“Okay, last question…have there been any memorable moments on set? Um…probably when i first met her. I just got the feeling she was gonna be Annabeth, she gave me this ‘what is he doing?’ Look, and it just clicked.” He stayed with his head on your lap, turning so his head is on your stomach when puppies come and attack him with licks.
“They think you’re one of them!” You push him off a little so the puppies can get to him. “And my answer…um…I think when Walker gave me the piece of banana that was in my hair in the show. He kinda just tied it in and left my set trailer, and it stuck. So if you guys wondered what the weird blue fabric in Annabeth’s hair was, it was not in fact a design choice, it was a Percy choice.” You turn so the camera can see the small braid in your hair with the bandanna piece at the end.
“And Percy’s got one too, if you look hard enough.” He lifts one of his feet, showing the vans he wore during filming, and the flimsy piece of bandanna tied through his top shoe hole. You shake your head, laughing at his insistence in staying with his head in your lap.
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While you layed on his bed, you scrolled through your fyp, stopping when you see the familiar scene of you two in the buzzfeed room, with his head in your lap. Nodding your head to the song in the edit as you scrolled through the comments.
“IRL percabeth?” He questioned from beside you. You looked at him, not realizing he had started paying attention to you, jumping to get your phone from him.
“No, I’m commenting! And reposting!” He laughed, rolling away from you. You got off the bed behind him, giving up taking the phone and blinking when he simply commented ‘real’.
“Well, so much for ‘it’ll blow over’.” You rolled your eyes, knowing the dating allegations will only get worse after this. Walker smiled triumphantly, waiting for the responses to come in.
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taglist: @persassyxo @diorlorenzo @ilovewalkerscobell @paytonthereader @platypusbearrr @kissatelier @riptidelor
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malwaredykes · 3 months
ok. finished honest hearts. most of my inventory is plants and mushroom and Soups And Potions And Elixirs made from said plants and mushrooms. which is excellent.
the salt-upon-wounds confrontation was Tchruly garbo like. first of all they lit up ole josh before anyone even had the chance to say anything LOL that wasnt like Bad necessarily just rly funny. like yeah we can negotiate before anything breaks out *the camera pans to Jotchua Grams lifeless body on the pavement* but um second of all what the hell was that dialogue. "grrrr im gonna kill you" "[speech 75] no thats stupid. dont" "umm okei :) but i'll be back >:(" *runs away* Like. man. listen. throughout the entire dlc i Did Not want to be fighting all those white legs lol. i didnt know those people. you know i generally hate the Hostile By Default Irredeemable Canon Fodder Raiders crap and in this case its just especially egregious to me, with them being a Tribe and with me being some random ass normie strolling into the area getting instructed by the local white saviors. like, okay, since i Was getting involved, then if anyone deserved to Feel The Judgment Of Mine fall upon them it was in fact salt-upon-wounds with his track record of being a horrible fucking person. so i had to fight my way through all those white legs only for the Problem Guy to be like "Hm Okay. Deal. You Leave Forever And I Get To Live. Sounds Good. Sucker" like. fuck no. youre dead. this is for waking clouds husband how DARE you make my bald queen SAD
which btw i did encourage cloud to get mad at daniel for hiding that from her. like yeah girl dont take this shit from him. youre allowed to feel angry. who does he think he is. making decisions for the sorrows like youre all children. be mad at him. chase him out. tell him to never show his stinky mug around these parts. If You Want. ahh but then the ending slides said she forgave him.... well i suppose i have to respect her choice... but... cloud honey if you ever wanna team up and chase daniels stinky mug far away just give me a call
i also encouraged follows-chalk to go out there and experience the world outside... i really hated how he felt obligated to ask joshua permission, and how joshua was like Well 🥺 I wont tell him what to do but 🥺 Is it wise... I just worry about my foolish little lamb 🥺... like. Shut Uuuupppp.... chalk is an adult. i think. either way what do You know. jotchua. last time you ventured into The Civilized Lands (lol) you were a fucked up genocide army general so forgive me for thinking you might not have the most objective and up to date outlook here. Anyway. chalk come hang out sometime. come to the lucky 38. youll meet my epic swag friends and family. LOL bit of an aside but (mostly so i dont become insane because of the dlcs writing) i like to imagine that most of the time chalk expresses incredulity about some Civilized World Concept like gambling (-_-) or big dams or big weapons, hes literally fucking with you. like hes joking around. he used to mess with daniel and jotchua like that and now hes doing it with you. like Wow... How Strange... You Say It Is Called A... "Window".... 😂😂😂...
loving how the ending slides barely mentioned joshua also. like wtf happened to him. who knows. damn maybe he did die and i didnt even notice. im sorry jotchua. may your soul quickly find its way to NOWHERE lol #owned
final verdict: waking-cloud and follows-chalk are great, joshua graham is an extremely funny character, daniel is nothing to me, the area is cool, the plot is dumb as hell, the whole thing is racist, the quests are boring. 3/10
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im bored and kinda high so heres my opinion on all the reboot characters
caleb - is a character
axel - im just as gay for her as the next guy but there's no way in hell she's final two next season lol but i wanna hold hands w her
nichelle- yass girl give us nothing 🥰
scary girl - idc idc she was funny asf but i am glad she went early bc if she stayed any longer i wouldve hated her lol
damien - one of the best things to come from the reboot and yall are doing him a huge disservice shipping him w priya 🥴 that shit is so boring but honestly? there might be something there somebody's gotta make me a believer tho. CONVINCE ME
mk - as a bitter, annoying, sarcastic individual myself i could not stand this bitch omg 💀 her character has a ton going for it but all they did w her is make every single one of her lines sarcastic n shit and i was BORED
raj - dumb gay man i love him
wayne - dumb ace man i love him
ripper - bro just wasnt funy. i dont get why they make characters who just pride themselves in being nasty n shit kind of a waste of development idk
zee - we can all agree that he was great but he gives me early boot vibes for next season bc like if we're demanding development for all the first season early boots then he's just gonna be there ig. dumb can only get you so far yknow?
chase - him and emma both are such wasted potential like BREAK THE HETEROS UP OMG their relationship dragged the second half down so bad like chase is just bad for the sake of being bad. like he wasn't even funny either just a waste of space by the time he was gone 😭
emma - first i'll say im glad we got a plus sized girl w some fucking athletic ability beCause THEY EXIST yay happy but anyway she was so funy until she got back with chase and that whole shit w him throwing that challenge for pizza was so DUMB like she honestly thought he did that shit for her 💀 like she was CONVINCED bro the straight delusion was insane
julia - she was the bad bitch we all needed and deserved but i cannot sit here and let you mfs say that she played the game well bc she absolutely DID NOT. girlie had no actual strategy other than winning and thas not even a strategy. even her trying to "manipulate" chase that one time sucked too lmao. bro her goal was to get everyone to hate her and win out of spite that shit is so dumb but it's so her so idc we love her anyway
millie - there were so many times where i lowkey forget she existed lmfao i don't even dislike her it was just "oh yea she here too lol" but i gotta say it kinda feels like they used her as a scapegoat to make writing her outta the finale easier idk maybe it's just me. but her crying after bowie clowned her ass when she was eliminated was the funnies bit in the entire show i was giggling n shit bc she honestly did that to herself lmao rip
priya - people compare her to zoey and sky way too much honestly (its me, im people) but when you look at it we have a mary sue that was infuriating to watch , the same girl but olympic flavored whos existence i have to be reminded of every two months, and priya. priya is perfectly fine and she was a nice winner even if i knew she was gonna win the second she was onscreen lolZ but when she read millie's notebook and absolutely demolished her ego i was living. like girlie ate her up w absolutely no crumbs left idc
bowie (the real winner) - i was fully prepared and ready to hate this twink istg. like i was in my homophobic era and ready the second his name was called but omg i love him sm. he was the queen i never knew i needed in my life. and to all the mfs who say his gayness is his entire personally have never met an fem black man and it shows 💀 idc what anyone says he's the best writer character in the entire show 🤭 as much as i love him i cannot let his fit slide. the pearls can stay bc those were a serve but the pants??? THE FUCKING PANTS??? THOSE FUCKING FLOOD WARNING HIGH WATERS.?? why would they do him like that omg. fits like that are why we get hate crimed 😔
ok im done good luck to anyone who actually reads this lmao
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weirdlizard26 · 1 year
ok im going try to write my initial thoughts on mutant mayhem, MASSIVE TMNTMM SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT obviously!! another note is that a lot of these arent final ofc, just my first reaction! i will def be on the lookout for a closer investigation of these points by people smarter than me, i just need to write these down. ok lets go
ill start with the exceptional positives :-) the animation was STUNNING and the fight scenes and chase sequences??????/ fuckin breathtaking!!! i think the dynamic btwn the turtles was rly fun too :-) and an interesting take on leo's whole leader situation! like that scene where the guys were surprised that hes on board with the hero plan,,, i also rly liked the little nods to other iterations, like when in the end raph said hes glad his brothers are the last thing hes gonna see before dying felt so similar to what 2014 raph said in a very similar situation and it was fun to notice hehe. also i know donnie having a purple hoodie is pretty generic but i like to think it was a callback to rise donnie :-) AND I CRIEDDDD WHEN THE HUMANS STARTED HELPING THEM OUT IN ANY WAY THEY COULD,,, THAT WAS SO SWEET AND I LOVE THIS SORT OF THING IN SUPERHERO MOVIES,,
now as for negatives. not a fan of the milking gag 😬 it just made me kinda uncomfortable tbh. so upset abt baxter dying right off the bat :-( idk if it wouldve been bad for the narrative or whatever but i just wish he survived. and its kinda. weird that the ONLY character to die in this movie was him idk. also not feelin great about all the mutants introduced in the movie being siblings/cousins???? especially since splinter ended up dating the cockroach lady?...... like. superfly's group all consider each other siblings and they consider the turtles their cousins and splinter is the turtles' dad so. like i know its a cartoon and its not that deep but i Do Not Like That. really fucking wish they used literally anything other than ao/t for donnie's anime of interest. come on man. also really wish the puking wasnt. like that. or wasnt there at all. man. maybe its just me idk. and finally! got some mixed feelings on the conclusion with superfly. LIKE. yes obviously the goal of murdering all humans on earth is Bad but ultimately his point was that humans cant accept the existence of mutants. and i mean. his point was kinda proven over and over again throughout the movie? and literally the only reason the mutants (minus superfly) were welcomed into society or whatever was because they helped defeat "a bad mutant". but that. sends a weird message? i think? bc like. so if youre just existing as someone different from others, people can just outcast you and thats totally cool and fine and if you want to be accepted you have to be useful to them in some way? i dont think thats a very good message gdkjfgd,,, idk maybe its not that deep either but it left me feeling kinda. wondering how long this would even last,, which sounds pretty pessimistic but i hope im getting my point across.
thats all i had to say on the matter for now! once again, im looking forward to reading more different opinions on this movie and im hoping someone mentions any of this so i know im not insane <3 ig let me know what u think if u think its important? im always always willing to learn
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speaking of readers and binge readers
should i start making 'pit stop' chapters before arcs i know will be rather engaging and throughout my books where things slow down for a bit and are a bit shorter and lower stakes so people can stop and go get a like...intermission snack/drink/ restroom/ walk becasue 1 i think id enjoy writing those and 2 i realize after speaking to one of my dearest and oldest beta readers (from over ten years ago now i think! wow-) that i, that reader, and my beta reader, and likely other people MAY NOT BE TAKING BREAKS WHILE READING FANFICTIONS BECAUSE WERE GETTING TOO INTO THEM so maybe intermission chapters would be like, health benefitial, optional of course you can keep reading and not take your snack breaks but i do worry- so im making a poll about it plus it'd be a great chance to explore things like curses in my magical boys fic, or interesting yokai encounters and more slow paced things that arent as plot relevant but i still want to get in there and not just constantly be chasing the plot bunnies everywhere
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prettyboykatsuki · 6 months
hi my lovely fang!! ramadan kareem! also happy belated isagi day!! loll i’m tipsy doing my skincare and watching formula 1 + premier league football (<-being delusional abt my teams winning. i’m no better than a m*n) but my mind ran on you so i said lemme go blab in your askbox <33
not day drinking or anything dw. just came back in from a bday dinner and then we ended up at a nightclub ?? for some reason ?? the music was really good and it felt good to be out with friends. idk, the old me wouldnt have even entertained the idea of going out so i hope ur proud of me for socializing even when i got drained like an hour into the whole thing.
hope the spring's been good to you so far. (i for one am salty since this weather still feels treacherously winterlike to me.) and remember to pace yourself for school.
life has been so interesting lately: moved out of a toxic household and decided to establish boundaries with family (got villainised for it), trying to learn an instrument as a hobby, became a deku fan (‼️♥️☹️‼️) and an arthur morgan enthusiast (⁉️), my kitchen sink randomly flooded and my landlord was an ass abt it, finally watched howl’s moving castle,
always always still thinking of oliver tho. atp i mentally chant his name like my own personal litany against going apeshit in law school. i think u were talking abt songs that remind u of him and i would like to add for ur consideration: that tyler song w/ pharell? called “ifhy”. also DONT LAUGH but i cannot hear anything off the wiped out album without some association to him. some russ songs too. idk what it is abt that bastard but i enjoy putting him in mental aus he has no business being in: like we both know he’d be a regency AU scoundrel or like a rake or smth and yet i’ll be on the subway crafting it in my mind palace LMAO
back in the day i used to depression-watch the encore westerns channel so those scruffy ruffians u have been read dead posting abt are making my ears perk up a little (a lot).
if i was actually writing you as a legit penpal i would decorate your letter and use different coloured ink and stickers and send u a polaroid and stuff. i am so fond of you like whoa. hugging and squeezing and pulling you 🫂🫂🫂🫂 like taffy!! have a great day and an even greater eid !!
-resident oliver gremlin xoxo
RAMADAN KAREEM EVEN THO I AM ANSWERING POST EID AS SOME KIND OF FOUL BEAST!!!! and happy belated isagi day to u twin i hope it was wonderful
i actually heard alot about the f1 stuff from beloved mutuals posting and general internet circulation!!! lots of . stuff going on in that place from what i can tell . i hope ur special sports guys won i love u !!
also glad ur not drinking too much. a birthday dinner and nightclub feel like a random combo sdjhsdkfj but sometimes u just dont want the night to end so i really get it. im not a club girl either it is so overstimulation for me in a way i have a hard time with so im SO proud of you
i feel u abt spring it is so midwest core how cold it fawking is rn fdkjkhdjfkg. but its fine we ball
ALSO SO PROUD OF U!!!!! setting boundaries w fam is sooo dogshit but u did right by yourself and thats all that matters. iA it becomes easier. also instrument, deku fan, and arthur....... ohhh anon it has been a busy and fun life i see.
I MISS OLIVER SOOO FREAKING MUCH IM HAPPY U BRING HIM UP. i agree ifhy by tyler suits him so much im going to throw my guts up fkgjdffgklsd. also no he is very russ song actually.... best on earth ft him and bia.... i will eat glass. im glad his horrible and annoying ass can support the bad beautiful shorty u are thru law school... the most he is capable of im afraid. ALSO WAIT REGENCY AU KIND OF EATS...... WILL BE SIMMERING ON THAT ..... i think him being a sleazy powerful noble who's been enaged a billion times and broken up with even more chasing u a mean noble girl who hates him ohhh .. ohhhhh
ALSO IM GLAD U LIKE MY RDR POSTING. i am. completely out of my mind about them forreal its actually notfunny anymore JKFDJLKS. but thats alright.
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sourwulf · 3 years
oh god i have a sad ask 😳 could u maybe do something where after stiles and the nogitsune became two separate beings, reader gets stabbed by the oni and dies but stiles finds her and comforts her as she slips away? like theyre not dating but they're really good friends? but then he has to carry you out to everyone else and they all react to your death?? if this is too depressing u dont have to write it but im a sucker for angst
༄  word count  —  788
፨  characters  —  stiles stilinski, scott mccall, isaac lahey
☓  tw  —  death, gore
⊹  cw  —  lots of sadness :/
☼ a/n — i don't write a whole lot of angst/sad stuff so forgive me if it's not great 😬
✎  masterlist
you ran through the empty halls of beacon hills memorial hospital, the lights flickering above you. being separated from stiles and everyone else was not ideal right now, considering the nogitsune and his oni were chasing you down.
as much as stiles was doing his best to keep you safe, you'd managed to get away from him without realizing, and you were on your own.
you stopped dead in your tracks when you turned a corner, seeing the familiar body of your best friend accompanied by a tall masked figure, but it wasn't him. it was another version of him, one that fed on chaos, strife, and pain.
“shit,” you whispered to yourself.
“nowhere to go now," said the nogitsune. he and one of the the oni began walking towards you, and you turned around to run back to where you came from, only to see the other oni at the end of the hall.
here you were, in the middle of an empty hospital floor, stuck with three supernatural beings trying to kill you.
the figure behind you suddenly stepped forward, and you felt a sharp pain through your back and into your stomach, warm liquid soaking your skin and dripping down your front.
you looked down, mouth agape, to see a blade sticking through your torso. you looked back up to see a smirk on the face of the creature posing as your best friend.
the blade was pulled out of you and all three of them faded into thin air, causing you to drop to your knees. you managed to crawl over so you were leaning back against the wall, painting a trail of blood behind you.
you placed your hand to the wound, pulling it away to see it was a deep red. you let out another tired ‘shit’, a tear sliding down your cheek.
it wasn’t long before you heard footsteps running toward you, looking up to see stiles and scott, both of them with a look of horror on their faces.
stiles immediately knelt in front of you, looking at your stomach.
“it’s okay. i’m okay.”
“you’re dying.”
you gave him a small smile. “yeah.”
he reached over and gripped your hand, wrapping both of his around it. “i’m sorry.”
“for what?”
“i should’ve been here.”
just then, you shivered hard enough to send pain radiating through your stomach.
“here,” he said, taking his jacket off. you leaned forward and allowed him to drape it over your shoulders.
“thank you.” you started crying again, making him hold your hand again. “i didn’t think tonight would be the night. i thought i’d make it a little while longer. at least until all this is over.” you coughed and wiped your mouth, seeing blood on the back of your hand. “thank you guys for everything. you saved my life more times than i can count.”
“i’m sorry we couldn’t have done that tonight,” scott said, crouching down next to stiles, who had started crying.
you reached up and wiped his cheek with your clean hand.
“i’m just glad you’re here now. i didn’t want to die by myself.” you began feeling lightheaded, and your vision slowly got foggy. “i love you guys, you know?”
you’d told them both you loved them in platonically many times. but this time was different. this time would be the last either of them heard it.
and within the next minute, you were lifeless. your head fell forward, your eyes closed, and your limbs relaxed. it was silent for a moment before stiles leaned forward, pushed your head back, and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
scott reached over and placed his hand on his best friend’s shoulder, who wiped his nose with the back of his wrist.
“we can’t just leave her here,” stiles said. “we can’t leave her body.”
“we can take her.”
neither of them wanted to step outside. neither of them wanted their friends to see your lifeless body, which was covered in blood. neither of them wanted anyone else to suffer.
but they knew they had to bring you with them. so scott pushed and held the door open for stiles, who was carrying you bridal style. he was numb, a dark cloud of sadness hanging low over his head.
isaac was the first to notice you. and being your closest friend, he was also the first of them to cry. he ran over, asking what happened.
he wanted to scream. he wanted to kill something — or someone. he wanted to get justice for you, for everyone who’d been killed by the nogitsune.
and that’s exactly what everyone set out to do, while your body laid comfortably in the backseats of stiles’ jeep.
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keichanz · 4 years
kay so i really don't care if some of this doesn't make sense because this is the first thing i've written in a while that i don't absolutely hate. well this version at least. ending up scraping the first draft because it just seemed wrong and went in a different direction. im glad i did cause im happy with it.
anyway i realize that this may not get much feedback because i took a different approach to it, aka the entire pov is from an OC but i can't bring myself to care too much because i wrote this purely for myself. got inspired, started writing, and i actually liked the content i was writing. end of.
btw the oc doesn't refer to inuyasha as a half-demon because he's unaware he is one and i was too lazy to delve into those waters anyhow.
also for the sake of this oneshot pls dont look too closely at the ranks of diplomat and ambassador. i was too lazy to put much research regarding positions of power so just...go with it.
inspired by @stillunderyourbed​'s art that can be found here.
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It was…quaint. Smaller than what he'd expected. The housing structures looked subpar, there didn't appear to be any wooden walkways, and he could detect the distinct odor or fish in the air with hints of manure. There even seemed to be a perpetual dust cloud hovering at about waist high, thickening from the numerous carts, wagons, horses, and villagers kicking up dirt as they went about their daily lives. Already he felt like there was a layer of dust caked on the inside of his lungs and he wasn't even inside yet.
All in all, it was your typical countryside village, home to simple folk that made a living off of fishing, farming, and trade. The diplomat sneered in disgust. For being the rumored home of the creature strong enough to destroy the despicable Naraku, the village was…less than impressive. And to say that he was underwhelmed would be a vast understatement.
Shifting atop his mount, a chestnut gelding that had been his faithful companion for the last four years, Takeji frowned as he surveyed the sight before him. It was early afternoon, so men were out working in the fields, women were chatting amongst themselves as they laundered clothing at the river, and children were running about, playing and laughing while dogs barked at their heels. He could see the great red torii gate and the stone staircase that led to the shrine and he could hardly refrain from rolling his eyes.
The village was obviously poor, possibly even teetering on the edge of poverty, and instead of feeding themselves for a good long while, they decided to construct that monstrosity. He would never understand the minds of simple common folk. Daft. All of them.
Barely keeping himself from scowling, Takeji reluctantly climbed off his mount and forced himself to move forward into the pathetic excuse for a village. Already he knew he would have to burn his expensive attire; there would be no getting the dust and stench out of it after his ghastly visit. A visit he had not wanted to make, but being a highly revered and prestigious diplomat, it was his duty to travel to far off lands in hopes of establishing a profitable relationship that would ultimately benefit his homeland.
Although, looking around and fighting against the urge to retch at both the nauseating stench and the mere sight of all the unwashed villagers milling around, Takeji wondered not for the first time why he even bothered to accept this task. True, it was said the slayer of Naraku did hail from here, but surely having his homeland associated with this hovel would garner nothing but loss. So why had he agreed to come?
Oh, yes, he mused, grimacing as he stepped over a large manure pile right in the middle of the road. Because apparently, being all chummy with the nation's hero will allow us to have him at our beck and call, because who doesn't want a powerful demon capable of slaying the most evil demon in all of existence as an intimidating presence during negotiations, and let's not forget he alone would be equal to about one hundred soldiers in battle.
Rolling his eyes, Takeji tied his mount to a hitching post, withdrew his satchel with all the necessary paperwork, and set about finding this Inuyasha fellow. He'd been told the demon wore scarlet robes, carried a sword at his hip, and had white hair so no doubt he would stick out like a sore thumb amongst the droll browns and grays of the common folk, which suited him just fine. The sooner he was done, the sooner he could leave because there was no way he was staying even a second more in this village than he had to. Even if the next inn was hours away, he'd make the journey; the inn here was probably as unclean and riddled with bed bugs or something. Ugh. How vile.
Shrugging the satchel over his shoulder, Takeji bit back a groan, sighed, and hadn't even made it a single step before the sound of screaming froze him in his tracks. He gasped and immediately started looking for the danger, body tense, preparing to hop back onto his steed lightning fast and make a hasty getaway.
But as he looked around with wide eyes and a frantically beating heart, Takeji couldn't help but notice that he was the only one that appeared to have heard the sound of terror. The villagers were just continuing to go about their day, calm as you please, either severely deaf or completely uncaring. Takeji was beginning to wonder if he was perhaps hearing things when it happened again, a high-pitched sound that he realized with dread belonged to a child.
Takeji gaped. A child was in danger and nobody cared?! What kind of village was this?! Another shriek pierced the air, and Takeji made a decision. Very well; if these imbeciles weren't going to do anything about it, then he himself would see to the danger. While by no means a swordsman or warrior, he did have some weapons training he could fall back on for this precise reason. Traveling alone was dangerous, and you never knew what you would encounter.
Resolved, the diplomat set his jaw, unsheathed the dagger at his waist, and darted toward the direction the screams were coming from. He meandered between houses, hoped over lazing dogs, dodged startled villagers in his path, and he came into a small clearing by the forest's edge. The sight that greeted him was…not what he expected.
Coming up short, Takeji watched with a befuddled frown as one child chased around two other, slightly older looking children. One might think they were playing a game of sorts, and the diplomat started to believe that was indeed the case…until the one doing the chasing, clad in red, suddenly jumped high into the air, over the heads of the other two children, and landed before them with hands raised.
Hands, Takeji noticed with growing dread and disgust, tipped with claws on each finger and he quickly realized what exactly was happening. That wicked little demon brat, that creature was toying with those helpless children! It was keeping them trapped, preventing them from running away by leaping over their heads and blocking their route of escape! They screamed, the demon child laughed, and so potent was his fury, so enraged was he for the fact that the villagers apparently did not care about what was happening right beneath their noses, Takeji failed to notice the wide smiles on all three of the young one's faces. The blood pounding in his ears prevented him from hearing the gleeful giggles as the two human kids scrambled away from the one clad in red, and without another thought, Takeji moved.
"Run, children!" Takeji ordered as he hurled himself into the clearing, dagger raised as he charged toward the demon brat with a baleful glare. "I will take care of his filthy animal!"
All three children froze in place, eyes wide as Takeji inserted himself between the two human children - twin girls, he idly noted - and the demon spawn that dared raised its claws toward them. The brat stared up at him with big brown eyes and it - she - actually looked confused. Takeji scowled. He would not fall for such a ploy.
"I will not allow you to harm them," he spat and pointed his dagger at her. The child blinked at him and then looked behind him at the two girls who still had not taken the chance to flee. In shock, perhaps? Stunned? No matter; they were safe, so long as he stood between them and the threat.
The demon child made a face and started to walk around him, completely disregarding the weapon trained on her, but Takeji shifted and stopped her once more. He heard the two behind him whispering as the spawn looked up at him once again, this time frowning at him with narrowed eyes. And was that a growl he heard? He snorted. Was she actually trying to appear threatening? Pathetic.
Scowling, Takeji lifted a foot, placed it on her stomach, and shoved. The demon gasped as she stumbled back and then landed on her behind with a small grunt. He heard a gasp from behind him, urgent whispering, and then hurried scrambling. A glance over his shoulder told him they'd finally gotten wise and ran away. He nodded. Good. Now he could deal with this vermin without innocent eyes to bear witness.
But as he stared down at the pathetic sight before him, Takeji wondered maybe if such measures would even be necessary. The beast was still lying where she had fallen and was staring up at him with wide eyes brimming with…wait. What? Were those tears? Oh, you have got to be joking.
Rolling his eyes, the diplomat scoffed at the pathetic play for mercy and careless waved his dagger at her. The child actually flinched and followed the blade with her gaze, wariness clear in her eyes. Well. It appeared her self-preservation instincts have finally kicked in.
"Cease your theatrics," Takeji drawled, unimpressed. "They do not fool me. Now lucky for you, demon spawn, the pathetic sight you project has made me decide to spare your life. Your tainted blood is not worthy enough to soil my blade, so I will say this only one and you would do well to heed this warning, beast."
Hardening his stare and curling his lip into a sneer, Takeji spat, "Leave this place at once and do not return. There is no place for the likes of you, an abomination that preys on helpless children. Now get out of my sight, afore I kill you on principle. Your vile presence disgusts me."
The child grunted and Takeji watched, stone faced, as she got to her feet. Then to his surprise the little demon balled her hands into fists at her sides and glared at him, but the effect was ruined by the tears he could clearly see brimming her eyes. He cocked a brow, unmoved. She sniffled once, twice, and then to his utter surprise and bafflement, her face suddenly crumbled, her lower lip trembled, and she promptly burst into loud tears before spinning on her heel and running away.
Takeji frowned. Papa? Were the brat's kin nearby, then? Body tense and weapon raised, he waited, prepared to either fight or flee - because he wasn't a fool and knew when he was in over his head - but when no demons came bursting out of the tree line, Takeji slowly relaxed.
Bewildered and more than a little annoyed at the whole debacle - what a waste of time! - the diplomat scoffed in derision as he turned to watch the little demon brat scurry away. And then right at that exact moment, a figure donned in red dropped to the ground seemingly out of nowhere and Takeji felt a wave of relief sweep through him. Finally! This had to be his demon quarry.
Nodding, Takeji stepped forward and opened his mouth to call out a greeting—
And then froze in his tracks as the greeting abruptly died on his tongue. Because the little demon girl, the one he'd just pointed his weapon at and shoved to the ground, ran straight to the figure robed in red and Takeji could do naught but watch with a growing sense of horrified dread as the older demon knelt down to take the child into his arms.
All color promptly drained from his face and Takeji suddenly felt sick to his stomach. He glanced behind the pair and he was somehow not at all surprised to find the twin girls from earlier glaring at them and holding onto the skirts of their mother with a monk garbed in violet robes beside her. They too were staring at him in a not so friendly manner, but upon returning his gaze to the two demons, Takeji numbly thought that if looks could kill, he would surely be dead by now.
Because the demon robed in red - which was now unmistakably the child's father and none other than Inuyasha, the demon he'd come here for - was glaring absolute murder at him and it was obvious that he was. Not. Pleased.
Takeji swallowed and unconsciously backed up a step. With one small hand fisting her father's robes, the child had the other pointing an accusatory finger at him as she no doubt recited to him their earlier…ah, exchange. Inuyasha said nothing in response, but he didn't need to. The deep, nearly subsonic growl that erupted from his mouth, complete with fully bared fangs in a truly fearsome snarl, told him very clearly of his thoughts on his daughter's mistreatment by him.
Which, if Takeji had to guess, were not very Takeji-friendly. At all.
Somehow managing to fight against the urge to flee, Takeji swallowed hard as Inuyasha pushed to his feet and stalked toward him with that same murderous look on his face. Something told him, perhaps some deeply rooted self-preservation instinct, that if he even tried to run right then, it would not end well for him. So he remained where he was and tried valiantly to control the trembling in his body as he slowly, very slowly, tucked his dagger back from whence it came.
Inuyasha stopped in front of him and Takeji cleared his throat before attempting a placating smile, but it looked more like a grimace than anything. "Ah…I assume you are…In—"
One second Takeji was staring into the scowling features of one pissed off dog demon. The next there was a bright flash of light and then he was staring at the business end of a very large and very sharp sword. With the tip just a hair's breadth away from his nose, Takeji gasped sharply and stumbled back a step out of instinct.
Sweet merciful heavens! How—?
"Usually I'd ask who the fuck you are," the demon growled, his eyes twin slits of baleful gold. "But honestly, I can't really bring myself to care enough to know the name of the asshole who threatened my daughter when she was doing nothing but playing with her friends."
Takeji blanched for the second time and he could actually feel himself breaking out in a cold sweat. He fucked up. Oh dear god he'd fucked up so bad—
"There's—there's been a misunderstanding," Takeji tried in a voice higher than usual, raising his hands up in what he hoped was a placating gesture as he eyed the very sharp point of that blade. "I—I admit I've made a grave mistake—"
"Shut the fuck up and tell me why I shouldn't gut you where you stand," Inuyasha hissed, lips feeling back off his fangs in another fierce snarl. With his ears pinned back and those golden eyes glaring absolute death at him, the demon made quite the menacing picture. Takeji had the brief, if a bit ludicrous thought, that perhaps the demon Naraku perished from the sheer animosity that was coming off of the silver-haired demon in waves.
Swallowing once, twice, Takeji realized that he only had his quick wit to get him out of his certain predicament. So bracing himself, he opened his mouth—
"He's from the continent, Inuyasha. You can't hurt him."
Startled hazel eyes swung toward the source of the voice but amber eyes stayed locked on their target, the only acknowledgment of the voice a flick of an ear.
The owner of the voice the human diplomat could only presume was the child's mother, as the child in question was standing behind her legs and was actually smirking at him. He frowned.
"You're from Shenshi," the woman remarked and Takeji swung his gaze back to her. "Right?"
Though her expression wasn't openly friendly, it wasn't exactly unfriendly either, however the human diplomat still felt he needed to tread carefully. Because while her face didn't betray anything, her stare was hard and her mouth had tightened into a thin, flat line. She had one hand on her daughter's head while the other clutched a longbow, and belatedly he realized she had a quiver of arrows slung across her back. He barely held in a flinch as he realized this was one of the demon's companions that had assisted in slaying Naraku, possibly the young woman in which Inuyasha held a more meaningful relationship.
A much more meaningful relationship, if the child currently glaring daggers at him was anything to go by since she was more or less living proof of it.
Wonderful. So he'd gone and threatened the only child of two of the most powerful beings in Japan. Clearly he'd stepped over the wrong grave and pissed somebody off.
Clearing his throat and aiming a strained smile toward the woman who was still awaiting his reply, Takeji nodded once. "Ah, y-yes, my lady. I'm—"
"The diplomat Ambassador Sharaku sent to convince Inuyasha to join his ranks so he'd have the support and protection of 'The Great Slayer of Naraku.'" The woman raised a delicate brow at him. "How am I doing so far?"
Takeji had the good grace to look a mite sheepish. "Ah…well—"
"You can't kill him, Inuyasha," she repeated and Takeji thought she sounded disappointed. "If he goes missing, the ambassador will send his troops to find out what happened or if he returns injured, it could be taken as an insult and you can imagine what would happen after that. You would risk mine or Moroha's life like that, and you know it."
Inuyasha growled but said nothing to refute her words, so Takeji assumed he agreed.
"He threatened her, Kagome," the demon spat, inching the blade closer to his throat and Takeji flinched. "Called her a fucking animal, shoved her down, and waved a goddamn dagger in her face! You can't honestly expect me to let that—"
"Papa," the child - Moroha - suddenly said, successfully stalling her father's angry tirade. A quick glance revealed the girl, still sticking close to her mother, was staring at the older demon with big brown eyes, bright with the threat of tears as she worried her bottom lip. And evidently the sight was enough to calm the raging storm of Inuyasha's fury because he grimaced, released a low growl, and then Takeji watched in stunned amazement as the massive sword suddenly transformed into a rusty katana before it was sheathed at his hip.
With a weapon no longer at his throat, Takeji could breathe a little easier and he released a breath he hadn't even been aware he'd been holding. But then he sucked it right back in when Inuyasha suddenly stepped in close and got in his face, a low, threatening growl leaking past rightly clenched teeth bared in another snarl. Golden eyes bore into his own, filled with a lethal warning that had the human male's back straightening and his blood to run cold in his veins.
"You listen carefully, asshole," Inuyasha hissed, glaring so heatedly it was a wonder Takeji didn't burst into flame. "Don't you dare think that my wife's words have any sort of sway over my decision to spare your pathetic life. I'm not scared of your weakling ambassador and I sure as hell ain't scared of his little human army. No, the only reason that I let you live is because I don't want my daughter, the one you foolishly threatened when she had done nothing wrong, to see me sully my hands with your disgusting blood when I reduce you to nothing more than a bloody smear on the ground."
Takeji paled and swallowed thickly. That particular image was…not pleasant.
Inuyasha watched the color drain from his face. Satisfied, he sneered before saying in a growl filled with sinister promise, "Now get the fuck outta my village and if you ever touch my daughter again, I'll gut you so fast you won't even have time to fucking scream."
Then with that, Inuyasha leveled him with one last dark scowl before spinning on his heel and stalking away, a clear dismissal. Neither mother nor daughter even spared the frozen human male a glance as Inuyasha paused to pick his daughter up into his arms before striding away, his wife close to one side and his friends on the other.
From over his shoulder, Takeji could only watch in a mixture of shock and befuddlement as the little demon girl named Moroha smirked and then stuck her tongue out at him, safe and sound in her father's arms.
Left standing in a state of numb bewilderment, Takeji blinked, looked down at himself, and had the passing thought that it was a very good thing he'd decided to wear brown trousers that day.
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polandspringz · 3 years
gen:lock s2 ep 6 Liveblog
So, I had not been spoiled for this episode, I was scared though bc all the discussions in the spoilers channel of the server were blacked out so I was WORRIED. Warning how nonsensical my live blog is
(Starting off) I don't trust this chase
Okay already the tone of this episode is much much better
This feels like we ARE going down the path of "kill the whole team, replace them with copies"
(Side bar) Also I love that whenever I watch gL HBO likes to not put it in HD so i always suffer
bc Holcroft was first a transparent hologram im always surprised by how PALE he really is- baby got those baja blast eyes
I wonder if the HBO team are trying to get through the war plot to just focus on tech
UnLock. Well at least its not another fucking "mind-" concept I need to keep straight when writing.
I do like more Miranda focus this season-
I kind of hope we find out she's gL compatible (in retrospect, after seeing what they do to Sinclair, let’s HOPE they don’t do this)
Yaz and Val are KINGS- god Val looks so GOOD
"Are you in shape for the mission?" "Sorry no I've got a sleep paralysis demon"
Time to gaslight gatekeep girlboss i know this isnt gaslighting but for the joke we are using Dri without her knowing the whole context~
Henry what happened to you-
this slowly descending elevator is JUST the ironwood vault scene
WHAT???? WHAT WAS THAT I DONT WANT TO REWIND TO GO BACK (this was in ref to the looming giant Holon)
can they get a better caliban voice
I was wondering so hard about if we were going to get anymore Weller content after ep 1. WELLER AND CALIBAN FATHER SON INTERACTIONS
"for the sake of humanity, your body cannot be your own" feels like a THEME OF SORTS HMMMM...
really surprised we haven't checked in on Cammie i guess she's 100% dead then huh
So we are building a new nemesis very cool
ODIN isnt that norse
wOW nyc looks GREAT
I hate this Koala so much why is it so fucking UGLY- its name is mr. cook????
It's totally the true villain
"The HereAfter"- Jha you've joined a CULT
Oh so she just wants to stick it to Holcroft
This is some obvious Elon Musk/Jeff Bezos commentary which is not bad but I hate when shows decide to be obvious about it and don't go some way that famous books have done it with more metaphorical, impactful routes. Like either go ALL THE WAY or don't. Don't half ass this.
I have 5 minutes left I'm still like ARE WE JUST KEEPING CAMMIE DEAD
Oh god is Migas going to die too
wow are we going to get a fight scene finally
been a while since we've seen the striders or whatever they're called
oh are we going to parallel s1's finale of miranda jumping out of the strider with Dri jumping out of miranda's this time
oh great wait until Chase finds out who ELSE is inside that strider
"correction- WAS"
ABLE really delivering these lines im laughing so hard
worried Dri and Miranda are going to die in the bomb too and everything will go to SHIT
wow i would've thought chase would've had a bigger reaction
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julethiefs · 3 years
carmen sandiego as the jatp soundtrack
actually yes i am going to combine my two favorite tv shows and you can’t stop me <33
now or never
“clocks move forward // but we don't get older, no”
“keep dreaming like we’re living forever // but live it like it’s now or never”
“and even if we hit the ground, we’ll keep flying”
this song just ??? *screams* carmen right after she escaped vile... her being so excited to explore the world and not caring about falling down and her enthusiasm to stop vile without really knowing what they’re like yet... yeah 
wake up
“get out, get out, relight that spark”
“its not what you lost, its what you’ll gain”
“better wake those demons, look them in the eye”
this song has such jules vibes (jules is definitely julie in this hypothetical au... even besides the names its just so perfect), and besides the fact that julia’s mom is also dead (see necklace theory) jules finding this song and singing it would be so amazing i cannot handle this 
this band is back
“we gotta get ready, cause its been years” 
“can you hear me” “LOUD AND CLEAR”
team red singing this band is back is something that can actually be so personal... 
“life is a risk, but i will take it”
“we will fight to shine together, bright forever”
“together, i think that we can make it” 
do i. do i really have to say how much julethief this is. the way they shine and work well together, the way everything they do is the epitome of a risk but they do it anyways, the way together they can stop vile. yeah i’ll stop now 
flying solo
“my life, my life, would be real low, zero, flying solo”
“if somebody hurts you, im going to get hurt too”
yes i know this song is julie singing to flynn. in this au its jules singing to carmen (or vice versa idk) the amount of brainrot this au can hold... nobody mention stockholm but yeah it definitely fits and just. scream.
i got the music
“weight off my shoulders, dancing instead”
“can't stop the music // back inside my soul” 
i don’t even have coherent reasoning for this one i just think we should get to see jules sing this song and have player rap flynn’s parts. as a treat <3
the other side of hollywood
“we could go make history or you could rest in peace”
“everything has got a price but happiness is free”
“the rain don’t blind the rising souls // they got too much to see”
we all agree that hgc is basically vile but more dramatic and less green, right? also ive been trying to think of which of the faculty would be caleb in this au... i’m guessing countess cleo is the only one who could really pull it off well? but yeah... tr getting stuck at the hgc would be so so good and painrot
finally free
“hearts on fire // we’re no liars // so we say what we wanna say”
“i wanna fly // come alive // watch me fly”
“i got a spark in me” 
“been so long, and now we’re finally free” 
“now till eternity”
this is the ultimate julethief song actually i will not shut up about it (hence the excess of quotes). just !! the way its abt them not hiding anymore, “now till eternity” with “transcends space and time” ... yeah sounds like canon to me 😋  there’s so so so much quality content in this song i love it so much and just. this with julethief ???? my heart can’t handle this kind of excitement
perfect harmony
“bittersweet love story about a girl”
“two worlds collide when i’m with you” 
“we come to life when we’re in perfect harmony”
yes i know this was cs as jatp songs apparently somewhere along the line it dissolved into julethief but honestly are any of us surprised ??? its just so so perfect the way the lyrics describe them is just LGSHDAFLS “two worlds collide” (acme vs jules’s personal wants/desires) “in perfect harmony” *cough cought* did anyone mention the duane interview? no  ‘they work in harmony even when they’re not in the same scenes” yeah practically the same thing !!  (edit bc carmen pointed this out and i am screaming: perfect harmony is basically the tsonts dance scene and i cannot get over this) 
edge of great
“running from the past, tripping on the now” 
“what is lost can be found, its obvious”
“i believe that we’re just one dream // away from who we’re meant to be” 
“we’re standing on the edge of great” 
EDGE OF GREAT MY BELOVED !!! this song is SO iconic and you know whats even more iconic ??? the way it works so perfectly with carmen sandiego... carmen and jules post canon ?? 👀👀👀. i am looking at the lost/found line in particular for that but all of it works so so well (also side note but i would die if we got the classic juke nose scrunches with julethief actually)
unsaid emily
“i should have turned around // but i had too much pride” 
“and write in every empty space the words “i love you” in replace”
“the words i most regret are the ones i never meant to leave // unsaid emily”
to be honest this is the song that stumped me the most? it would take a bit of canon reconfiguring- either we’re making brunt more sympathetic (ew) or carmen grew up with carlotta and then had a falling out ??? i think that would make more sense, especially with carmen trying so hard to find her again after 25 years (the timeline matches closer than expected actually 👀 ) this song is peak painrot so have fun with this besties <33
you got nothing to lose
“ain’t nothing quite like living on the edge” 
“i’m chasing down a thrill, looking fit to kill” 
“you got nothing to lose, boys”
this scene would be so terrifying actually like, we already got the dark!carmen trauma so watching caleb have the ability to manipulate her would just be ABSOLUTE painrot *distant screaming* also the way the offer would be so tempting to team red ?? just bc carmens whole life is living on the edge, chasing down thrills, and being unable to settle down but she stays for jules i. yeah im soft what about it 
stand tall
“and it’s one, two, three, four times // i’ll try for one more night” 
“whatever happens // even if i’m the last standing // imma stand tall” 
“keep holding on, never look back” 
“i keep going on when it’s all falling apart // yeah i know it with all my heart”
thinking thoughts... julethief post canon with this song.... yeah i would be decimated on impact just the way jules thought carmen left but CARMEN COMES BACK.... canon ? i dont know her <33
in conclusion julethief/cs jatp au supremaki besties ♥️
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deathofthetext · 2 years
start of a hollow knight travelogue ic thingy (inspired by @garden-ghoul‘s same and me wanting to play hollow knight again)
[a scream a howl - kindred, pain. the distance, a duty?--
I come to myself already walking, past curled shells so ancient they don’t so much line the road as make it. Lights line the path, iron lamps curled like the ancient shells, full of trapped light flies surrounded by their untrapped brethren. Why was I walking? Where was I going? I reach the end of the road I’m on. A cliff falls ahead of me. Under I see a line of more lights. The road continues? It leads to an illumined collection of many lights. Is this where I’m going? I jump down.
hm. look about a bit. many things fall to my nail. one, a small rock, drops shiny little things--i like them. i carry them. above it is a dim passage to farther up, perhaps to where i was? i cannot go there, and do not want to either. i have a destination; i think it important to reach it, though i do not remember why.
the other way, towards where i think i must go, is similarly small. there are shells that block my way, but not very sturdy. they fall when i hit them. a little crawly bug runs into me and breaks my mask! i hit it back and am rewarded with both some essence juice to hold and with some of the shiny things from the rock. more! the light flies here are peaceful and do not move much, they seem sleepy. this is a quiet place where the winds do not reach.
climbing up a bit ive found a tablet that lights up when i approach. it says it is for higher beings to read. i suppose i must be one if it lights itself for me. it says i am strong and directs me to use the essence ive gathered to heal my shell. do most higher beings not know to do this already? i suppose the crawling bug i hit earlier didn’t.
further up there is a thing bluer than ive seen yet--most of this place is somewhat blue, but it’s dark too. this is luminously blue. when i hit it, blue goop fell. the goop on my shell feels strong but strange. nice to have, though, i suppose. when i ran into a floor covered with spikes later, the dried goop broke off but left my shell undamaged, which was nice. i’d rather not be hurt, and between the sharp floor, the sharp things falling from the ceiling, and all the things that see me and start chasing me, this seems a dangerous place. im fine so far though. none of the things trying to hit me are much good at it, and i can heal.
another tablet up top, once i got past a ridiculous little bit of sharp nonsense. why is this place like this! again it addresses itself to “higher beings” and poses a boundary to be crossed and laws to be obeyed, although it doesnt say what they are. well whatever. i suppose the place im going is called hallownest, at least by whoever wrote this thing. an eternal kingdom? past it is a door, much larger and sturdier than the shells ive broken before, but it too falls once i hit it enough. past it theres a broken bridge, so i jump down once more. ive found the road again, the one i was walking down when i... awoke? remembered? stopped not remembering? started remembering again? well anyway, it leads me to a collection of shells or rocks large enough to enter, and the first bug ive seen who is alive but doesnt try to hit me.
he says this place used to have more people, but they left down the well. he says there was a great kingdom--hallownest--and that people want to go there to see it. he says i probably want to go too, to “seek my dreams”. i dont know if thats so, but ill try it. apparently it’s dangerous, but i’ve seen danger and i’m fine so far. i suppose i can’t hit a sickly air with my nail? but im writing this down, so if someone tries to rob me of my memories they wont get all of them.
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pridewhatpride · 3 years
ok so I read your view on GX rivalshipping and how things would get messy when johan shows up because I was curious about another GX rivalshippers opinion, and holy you and I have the EXACT same thoughts.
Ive went on and on about how manjoume as a rival (and as someone who could have had the ability to support judai) was tossed aside as soon as johan shows up + turned into the comedic relief chara and nobody ever really knows what the hell im talking about LOL. a big thing for me is just how DIFFERENT that would be for manjoume as well? in the seasons before johan shows up judai is so clingy towards him, always busting into his room and being in his personal space...
then mr. buff arms big smile shows up with his frilly lilac blouse and homo dragon and suddenly judai is like. smitten. which like youve pointed- out who could blame judai? johan is hard to hate and hes kind of perfect in every way. I always imagine what that would do to manjoumes self esteem in particular, because as we all know it IS a bit fragile at times, especially when it comes to being the best he can be.
I think having johan around would make him feel absolutely insignificant not only as someone who LIKES judai, but even just as judais friend. is he really so horrible at being a support that judai needs a stranger to lean on? even though he never asked for judais help much, is he really such a burden when he needs to be saved? why is judai acting like hes never been able to connect with manjoume, who can also see duel spirits, before? whoever said opposites attract obviously havent seen judai and johan! thoughts like that.
I could go on and on but I dont want you to have to read my 2746373 word long ask about them. id love to hear any thought or analysis you have on GX rivalshipping because its my favourite and the shippers are so rare, so I encourage you to post them whenever you feel like it!
Dear anon.
You can't ever know just how happy receiving this in my inbox made me. I can't fully express how grateful I am at the simple fact that you read my long rambles and reached out to me. I respect your anonimity if you want to keep it, but honestly, DM me whenever, if you want to. I think I'd like to talk to you if you're comfortable with it? I really do want to read your "2746373 word" essay on them. For the rest of my life.
I might get a little personal in terms of my view on this, so just... be aware.
The thing is that the way Manjoume is cast aside is just... a big fear of mine. "Sure, we might be friends now, but I'm not all that good and you know it. You won't mean any harm by it, but you'll find someone you like better and I'll be alone again." That kind of line of thought is probably something that goes through Manjoume's mind? He doesn't really... have friends outside of Judai. Maybe Fubuki. And Daichi? Except he disappears into nothingness very quickly. But that's it. And he certainly had none before that: just lackeys who pretended to like him because he was rich and perceived as promising. He lost that and suddenly found himself isolated.
It's nice to think that he bonded with the other members of the gang, but... he didn't. Shou certainly never really stops disliking/making fun of him. You could say it's meant as like... friendly teasing. But it doesn't read that way because there is nothing to indicate actual affection. Kenzan, Aster and the transfer students just... barely interact with him? Like have they actually ever spoken to eachother? I doubt it. Ryo is just the admirable upperclassman. Again, barely any interaction. Asuka is... a mess I don't want to get into, but again, she would probably file a restraining order if she could.
So yeah. Manjoume has one friend and the taller and cooler guy just kind of takes that away. Of course Johan is not aware of this! He wouldn't have been able to do much to change it, either way. It was Judai's own choice and that's what hurts the most, to me.
If shifting the focus and making minor changes to canon is something you like to do, here's a thing I think about a lot. "Teardrop", the Season 3 opening, except it's what Manjoume feels when seeing Judai's suffering and desperation. You know.
As you hang your head and smile, a single tear lands on your cheeks
You pretend to be strong, but underneath You’re hiding sighs; your smile is cloudy It sticks into me Like shattered glass
It’s OK to talk about the pain in your heart
Your smile Has always saved me You can cry now I’ll stay here with you
I can't bring myself to blame Judai or Johan for it, but I think Manjoume- if he'd been written like an actual character past a certain point- would have been quite devastated by this.
As you said, it's not just being abandoned, it's also being indirectly told that he was never truly someone worthwhile, that he is little more than extra weight. What of his supposed status of equal rival and all that? Nothing. Judai is just... on a different level than him. So Manjoume is simply left to stagger behind in a desperate attempt to chase after greatness. He wasn't good enough for his brothers and Judai stood up for him. But in the end he wasn't good enough for Judai either.
I like to think that Manjoume made an effort to get along with the others. He just didn't quite know how and couldn't just... switch off his more prideful persona. And he ended up paying quite the steep price.
I know I'm extra melodramatic when it comes to my favourites, but it's something that bugs me. I understand why the manga decided to approach Manjoume's character in a completely different way and it's the reason why I like to read Manjoume's personality as a mix of manga and anime canon. I really have to mention this- how can one even pretend that the writers gave a shit about Manjoume when they joked about how stinky he was in a scene that could have been... emotional in some way. Judai frees Manjoume from the influence of the Society of Light by reminding him who he really is (I don't want to talk about Kenzan being too strong to be manipulated because that is fucking stupid and besically the equivalent of saying "ahah, the light got you because you're not strong willed enough @ Asuka @ Manjoume. Get rekt"). And like... great! They are actually showing off how much they care for eachother as friends despite the rivalry! But no. Judai ends up basically saying: "You smell and your coat has stains on it!" and Manjoume's just: "Oh yeah, I'm goth I hate wearing white, nvm."
... I swear someone on the writing team looked at Manjoume and went: "Let's bully him!" Ugh ;; Can you tell I'm hyper biased towards Manjoume yet?
This was hilarious to read, by the way: "mr. buff arms big smile shows up with his frilly lilac blouse and homo dragon"
But yes, this mess is now officially over. I will be spouting gx rivalshipping nonsense left and right because we were robbed of their dynamic and I'll never get over that. Also I really want to draw them, so that helps.
Ending this post by saying that this ask made me feel like I didn't waste time writing all that, that someone can get something out of it. I'm really glad.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being a younger Avenger and mentoring Kamala
Kamala Khan x reader
warnings: avengers game spoilers, guns
a/n: so excited about this one; i made y/n just a bit older (and gn!) so that they’re in their mid-early teens during a-day! hope thats okie doke! reader has electrokinesis. this accidentally got really detailed
prompt: anonymous: “Hey there! Would you mind writing HCs for the Avengers Game about female reader being a young Avenger (around 17) and mentoring Kamala Khan?”
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you were just a kid yourself when you joined the avengers
and you were an inspiration to kids around the world
“does SHIELD think nothing of child labor laws?” -bruce
the avengers became your family
and seeing what you could do...they knew you could handle yourself
and then a-day happened
the day started off so perfect
and the kids went ballistic over seeing you
“y/h/n! look, it’s y/h/n!”
“can i get a picture?”
“hi, guys! of course you can!”
but there was one kid who stuck out among the rest
kamala khan
“you’re the one who wrote about the sewers, right? i freaking loved it! may i just say your art is amazing?”
“oh, yeah! and the part where you had thor spin mjölnir to push water towards the sewer lizards so i could shock them? genius!”
she could not wait to tell abu about what you had just said
you obviously took a selfie with her and handed her a little pin with your own “icon” on it
but your world got turned upside down that day
the battle was one you’d never forget
and the fighting with your own teammates afterwards would haunt you for years to come
“what do you know, y/n?! you’re just a kid!” -tony
“oh yeah? im one of the only functioning members of this team!”
“everybody calm down. y/n makes a good point, but—” -nat
“thank you”
“...but there’s some stuff you should leave up to us. you really shouldn’t have to take on so much responsibility” -nat
“she’s right, y/n. this was our fault” -bruce
“are you kidding me?! i’m just as guilty as the rest of you, i’m an equal member of this team! for years we’ve dealt with this together, taken the blame together! what’s changed?”
“y/n...you saw what we did out there. that changed everything...” -bruce
you technically were an inhuman, just not terrigen-based
didnt matter to AIM, they took dr. pym for god’s sake
so you had to run, you were on your own for a while
a long while
you laid low for five years, most boring five years of your life
at least you still had your life, though. it just wasn’t what it used to be
but you got a message one day
“‘tiny dancer,’ huh? my moneys on either nat or tony. nah, tony would have chosen ‘rocket man.’”
you couldn’t be sure, maybe it was just a random shield agent...maybe hank pym? god, this was crazy
the message brought you to, uh, cap’s memorial statue
and there was a young girl arguing with a couple of boys...an inhuman!
you hopped in and saved her, she seemed scared
“hey, kid, you alright?”
“y/h/n? is it really you?”
she seemed vaguely familiar
“are you tiny dancer?”
“no, i thought you might be? they sent you here, too?”
there wasn’t much time to chat, AIM was onto you
you two unfortunately got split up for a minute, but you were practically raised by the notorious clint barton and natasha romanoff, and various other spies
yes, you planted a tracker on her
and met her at the bus stop!
“you found me?”
“that i did, kamala. see, i do remember you”
“that is so cool! i mean—not almost getting killed, or the guy with the big head...”
“what guy? you need to tell me everything”
the whole busride was a bit overwhelming. kamala explained the resistance clues, her powers, her undying admiration for the avengers, you name it
but it made you feel good to know that there were people out there that didn’t hate you
“so what was it like? being the teenage avenger?”
“uh, it was...it was really cool. i felt like i was one-of-a-kind. but sometimes people didn’t take me seriously, it was kind of aggravating”
“yeah, no one takes me seriously either...”
“you know, depending on how this all goes, i might be able to give you a few pointers”
“really?! that’d be great!”
once you got to utah...you saw the chimera
it brought back some bad memories, kamala could tell
“you okay?”
“me? yeah, im good. just thinking...okay, well, do you have a plan on how to get yourself across all of this?”
“actually, i do!”
it was kind of creepy in there, but when you laid your eyes on caps shield, you kind of broke
“do you hear something, what it that?”
“...hulk. kamala, you need to get out of here, i’ll catch up to you, i swear”
she didn’t leave in time, so she got to see the greener side of bruce. you chased him back and tried to get bruce back
meanwhile, kamala found AIM troops...oops
bruce cooled off and man was he doing rough
“y/n, is that really you?”
“yeah, its me. surprise. how long have you been the big guy?”
“too long...a few years”
“jesus, im sorry. i’ll be right back, though. some kid brought me here, i gotta go get her. you kinda scared her off”
she was passed out when you got to her
but bruce is a doctor, he’d figure it out
“i could give her a little shock to wake her up, you know?”
“oh, i know. just let her rest for a minute. she needs it”
“right...well im gonna take a look around, maybe go see what i left behind. i could power the place up, but we’re missing some parts to actually get this thing running. best i can do is lights and doors”
you turned the little things on and turns out did leave a decent amount of stuff in here
your first pair of pistols that nat gave you, the gigantic stein that thor gifted you for your 13th birthday, gadgets tony needed an “extra boost” for *bzzt*, a note from cap that just said “good luck, y/n, you’re going to do great!” you cant even remember what it was he was referring to. you just missed him
kamala walked in while you were shuffling around and cleaning the place up
“hey, dr. banner wanted me to come get you. is this your room?”
“that it is, and it’s a huge mess. this is literally all my belongings ever”
bruce had his plan and you just went along, helping kamala out as you go
“baby steps, kam, don’t want you to pass out. but don’t worry, happens to the best of us” -you
“really? you pass out too?” -kamala
“oh yeah, for sure. tell her bruce, remember that time we had thor overcharge me to literally make me an EMP? and tony was busy listening to music so he wouldn’t get out of the blast radius and his armor shut down? so he was out of commission and i had just collapsed from it all? good times”
“y/n, we thought you died” -bruce
this hc is so long omg — anyways you guys ended up finding tony and it was sort of entertaining but he kinda punched bruce and then hugged you
“you got so big”
“shut up, tony”
you kinda harbored some bad feelings since none of the avengers did anything to help you once they started rounding up inhumans (but you still missed them)
getting attacked again
“okay, kamala, remember what i said about baby steps. dont overdo it. i trust you with this!”
“thank you, y/n! uh—oh my god!”
aaaanyways you went to the ant hill to see hank and pick up some supplies, boy was it great to see some familiar faces, then back the the chimera you went to fix it all up
“can you hold that right there for me, kamala? thanks. i think that just about does it. now i have a surprise for you...your own room!”
you helped kamala get it nice and tidy while talking about each other’s lives, she really did remind you of yourself when you became an avenger. excited, scared, underestimated, all of that. and she begged you to share some mission stories, so you obviously did
“you know, if you stick around for a while, you’re gonna have some cool stories, too. maybe even a kickass costume.”
“oh! a costume, ive got that sorta covered. check it out. a burkini, muslim women wear it for swimming and stuff. my mom got it for me”
“love it. soon we’ll find you a fitting name and update the suit, but seriously, this was the perfect way to go. you look great”
“you think so? i don’t know if i feel that cool. maybe i should try something else?”
“if that’s how you feel, you don’t have to stick to it. you can experiment all you want! but i really think you did awesome on this. come on, pose with me! and hey, i like your pins.”
at this point, you’d do anything for kamala, she reminded you so much of yourself. you would have killed for a mentor your age back in the day.
natasha was in fact tiny dancer...called it
“oh, god, y/n. you’re all grown up...im sorry we left you alone. but if it makes you feel better, i always kept an eye on you”
“well, i kind of took on a protégé...she’s like your grand-protégé. kam, c’mere”
after thor finally came back, everyone started fighting again and ditched, it felt so familiar. but you couldn’t leave kamala behind, you swore to yourself that you couldn’t do that.
she was so good for this team
MODOK was defeated (by kamala herself) but there was so much left to do, tons of threats to extinguish, training to accomplish
“y/n, tony won’t turn his dad rock off! he overrode the speakers in my room”
“oh, it’s on. get chastity’s fabric dye and bleach pens. we’re gonna start some trouble”
she gave you a high five one time and nearly broke your arm
sending each other tiny hand memes
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“hey, ms. m, how’re your parents? doing okay without their favorite super-daughter?”
“my abu doesn’t stop texting me actually, says my family is super proud of me. it’s a nice change of pace”
you take her on covert missions for field training, it was Educational(tm)
*elevator music playing* “so...what do you want for dinner? i was thinking we could ask thor to barbecue”
sleepovers in her room that just turn into her showing you her superhero merch, listening to music, prank lists, sneaking off to the HARM room for hand-to-hand combat training and power experiments, thinking up new costume designs
“tip: you always need backup suits, you never know what you’re gonna run into out there. one time tony pushed me into a tower of paint cans and they spilled all over me. steve yelled at him for two hours afterwards. worst mission ever, except steve said ‘motherfucker’ and i have never recovered from the emotions of that day”
“wow, i wish i could have been there for that”
“don’t worry, kami, you’ll see some crazy ‘team bonding’ along the way”
she geeks out about captain marvel sometimes
“hey, i’ve got a book carol gave to me about ‘teens taking responsibility.’ you wanna read it?”
“is it any good?”
“i don’t know, i only read the first two pages”
you ended up having a true heart-to-heart with her after one mission when she made a mistake that nearly cost you guys the mission. you told her that not every mission is going to go perfect, each avenger had slipped up in the field, and she had just started, shes not going to be perfect
“i am literally always here if you need anything. i know what it feels like to be a teenager among legends, but trust me, you’ve made it this far and you’ve proven how much of a badass you are. i know you can take anything that gets thrown at you”
kamala said she makes vegan nachos and yeah she makes vegan nachos
you guys have to hide from the rest of the team when she makes them bc they eat ALL OF THEM
gaff (the SHEILD vendor) has you test his gear, you recommend gear to kamala
you were so excited to guide kamala on her journey of heroism
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm //
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littlegiantposts · 4 years
kageyama x f!reader
may contain spoilers!
Here’s the link:
description: In which Y/n is a new addition to Karasuno’s Girl’s Volleyball Club 
THIS IS REALLY JUST LIKE...A TEST RUN..FOR THIS STORY CUZ I DONT THINK IM THAT GREAT AT WRITING and i feel like people wont really like it. so....yeah.
a/n: ok so, I’ve been thinking of this concept so much lately. It started off as just as a nice story to play in my head, but I really wanted to see if I could write it down. So, I felt like I haven’t really seen a lot of imagines or content on the girl’s volleyball club and I felt like it would be cool to explore that side. First things first, I am raised in California. Thus, I am quite incompetent in knowledge about Japan schooling. All my knowledge is really from me googling stuff and ofc, watching haikyuu. With that said, if I made a mistake on the take of Japan schooling, I do not mean to cause any offense. This is solely for entertainment purposes. With that said, I do not own the characters of haikyuu. However, there are some characters I made up with my own imagination. In addition, this is an “x reader” sort of story but I will be defining some of her characteristics so I am sorry if it hinders you from imagining its you. Finally, I am not that good at writing stories lol but im trying. I hope you enjoy.
I hate introductions. Y/n thought to herself as she sat back down in her seat after standing in front of the class, stating her name and her previous school. Her gaze shifted towards the window. The sun was out and shining and she had the perfect view of the gymnasium. Oh how she just wanted to get up from her uncomfy chair and leave the boring lecture and head towards the gym. 
It was the first day of school for Y/n at Karasuno High. It’s not like she started in the middle of the semester, no, she was just about a month late into the school year. With her work ethic, she didn’t feel any pressure in order to catch up with everyone else. She knew she would get it done.
It’s not really her fault she came a bit late into the school year either. Her dad’s job required a small move, not that she was complaining. She didn’t really feel tied down at her old high school because: she wasn’t there for that long and she didn’t really make any friends, despite joining a sport. 
It’s not that she didn’t want to make friends. It seems that her track record, or the lack thereof, from junior high with meeting new people has left an imprint on her.
Y/n looks down at the worksheet that was passed out in the beginning of class. The assignment was already completed due to Y/n’s eagerness to finish any homework that would take away time from her main passion.
Some people would say she was obsessed. Some would say dedicated. She simply sees volleyball as an opportunity. The class bell rings, signaling for lunch. Before she realizes it, she is walking towards the gym, in which she would meet the girl’s volleyball captain. As she is switching shoes, she can hear screaming from inside. 
“-What did I tell you about touching my onigiri! You are going to pay for that!” “I really didn’t mean it this time, I promise! I didn’t know it was yours!” The voices were muffled, yet she was still able to hear the sincerity in both of the voices. Y/n was about to open the gymnasium’s door when the door swung open by a tall pink-haired girl. She was being chased by another tall girl with long blonde hair, but she was a bit shorter than the pink one. Before Y/n could process stepping aside because it seemed the pink-haired girl had no inclination in stopping, she was tumbled to the ground by the girl who she can only guess took an onigiri without permission. As well, the blonde clumsily tripped and fell on top of the two.
“You idiots! Will you stop it! We already told you, we got a guest coming today and we want to make a good first impression!” A stern voice called out inside the gym.
“Um, Moa-san, I think our wishes are already soiled.” Another voice chimed in from the gym.
“Wha- You dumbasses! Hey, are you okay?” A girl with dirty blonde hair came out from the entrance and offered a hand towards Y/n as the two perpetrators started to get up with apologies towards Y/n. 
“Yeah, I am good.” Despite just being tackled to the ground, Y/n remains as neutral as ever. 
“Aren’t you going to ask if we are okay?” The energetic, pink haired spoke.
“As if I care when you collide into our guest! You really need to be more cautious, Etsuko!” She barked. “I am Aihara Moa. Pleasure to meet you. You’re the first year that turned that application past the deadline, right?” she states more calmly than her previous statement. 
“Pleasure is all mine. And, yes. Sorry for the inconvenience.” Y/n states with quite the unfazed face. 
Does this kid crack a smile once in a while? Moa asked in her mind. She seems quite different than the other first years we have. Her thoughts continue.
“I am Oba Yuma and this is Morita Etsuko.” Yuma, who had the pretty, long blonde hair, spoke with a warm smile.
“Why did you introduce me?! I wanted to have a cool introduction!” Etsuko huffed with a small pout. 
“Well, it’s not like you can recover your so-called ‘cool introduction’ from that full-body collision.” Yuma smoothly replied. Etsuko’s eyes widened and cheeks heated up as she couldn’t come up with a sly comeback to her logic. 
“You guys are just lucky that Rinko isn’t here to scold you.” Moa warned the 2 first years. With the mention of the scary third year that wasn’t even the captain, yet she reigned supreme in the disciplinary department, they shivered at the thought of the punishment. 
As Y/n stepped further into the big, bright court, she spotted that she could only assume was the captain as she looked so appalled at what happened. 
“Hello, you must be Michimiya Yui.” Y/n knew she had to say something to pull the worried captain from her thoughts. 
“Hi! Yes, that’s me! I am so sorry for those two. I would say they aren’t always like that, but I don’t want to lie to a potential teammate.” Yui spoke with an uneasy smile.
Yuma and Etsuko’s interests peaked when they heard “a potential teammate” come out of their captains' mouths. They were the only first years on the team, so the thought of another person in the same boat as them made them excited and wanted to join the conversation. The two first years gave each other a look and started to walk towards Yui and hopefully their new friend. However, before they could even be in ear-shot, the pair got pulled away by Sasaki Chizuru, another third year.
“Oh, no. Don’t think you will be bombarding her with questions right off the bat.” She bluntly states.
“Oh, c’mon Sasaki, aren’t you curious about her? Like how did she get into volleyball? Or even, is she a beginner? Or maybe she is an absolute monster who dominates the court!” Etsuko proclaimed as her mind went too fast for her mouth to follow.
“As of right now, it’s not our business. All we can do, and are allowed to do”, emphasizing the word ‘allowed’, “is to watch from the sidelines and quietly eat our lunches.” Chizuru instructed the first years and pointed at the far corner of the gym. 
Despite her own words, Chizuru couldn’t help but glance at Y/n and wonder the same things that the first year questioned. At face value, Y/n was quite the enigma. The 2 first years gave a pout, but headed towards their desired location.
“So, you came from Niiyama Girls' High? That’s a really good school for volleyball. What made you come to Karasuno?” Yui asked.
“It was the most ideal school in terms of my dad’s work location.” Y/n states plainly. She didn’t technically lie. Well, it was an ideal school in terms to the proximity to her new apartment, but that was not the only reason. She saw videos of their interhigh-prelims last year and to be quite frank, Y/n was not entirely impressed with the state of their team. However, she knew that this meant there was room to grow for them. She knew very well that she could have gone to Shiratorizawa and joined their girls’ volleyball club. Objectively, with her skill set, Shiratorizawa made sense. Nonetheless, Y/n didn’t know what compelled her to pick this one. She convinced herself it was because she is a sucker for rooting the underdog. 
Does this kid show any emotion? Yui thought in her mind. It’s like nothing affects her. Her thoughts continued.
“How long have you been playing volleyball?” Yui curiously asked.
“Since the 2nd grade.” Y/n quickly states. As much as she wasn’t showing it, she was just itching to show what she can do. The court was right there in front of her, after all.
“That’s impressive, alright, well if you’re comfortable with it, I’d love to see some serves and sets from you. After school, we can hold a three on three since we all aren’t really in the right clothes to play.” 
“Sounds good.” To say Y/n was excited would be an understatement. As she removed her cream sweater, she could feel a set of eyes burning a hole on her back. She turned around to put her sweater down and realized that she was wrong. It wasn’t one pair of eyes, it was all of them, curious to see how good she really is. She could feel her heart pounding at the thought of holding everyone’s attention. She knew if she let her mind continue, the nerves would get to her and hinder her performance. She took deep breaths and started to quietly humm a song that was previously playing on her phone from her morning ride to school. 
Yui passed a volleyball to her and ran to the other side of the net, and yelled, “Let’s see what ya got!”
Y/n carried herself behind the serve line, taking one deep breath to keep her hands from shaking. With that exhale, she opened her eyes and focused her sights on Yui. The captain wouldn’t admit it, but she could already feel herself sweating under the first year’s gaze.  
She looks so intimidating. I’m not even on the court, yet I’m scared. Yuma viewed Y/n’s determined look. For Y/n, it was as if everything crumbled away and the only thing remained was the court. She starts her run up.
A jump serve?! Yuma, Etsuko, and Chizuru incredulously thought simultaneously with eyes basically bugging out of their head. They watch in amazement as she jumps with severe height and reeled her arm back. After that, all that could be sensed was a loud snap and then the ball smacked the ground next to the wide-eyed captain. The impact from the ball gave a small breeze through Yui’s short hair. The deafening silence that followed her serve filled the room in an instant. Those watching from the sidelines had to pick up their jaws from the floor.
“She’s a first year?! Are you sure?!” Etsuko broke the silence with her curiosity getting the best of her. 
“Boke Etsuko! That was already clarified, don’t make her repeat herself!” Yuma scolded. While Yui read your capabilities on your application form, it was nothing like actually being on the receiving end in real time. 
“That’s quite a serve she got in her arsenal.” A voice startled the three high school students, sitting on the sidelines. Etsuko and Yuma were the most startled, but Chizuru was quite used to her fellow classmates popping in every now and then.
“Seriously, Sudou. We have to put a bell on you or something because I don’t think my heart can take any of your surprise entrances.” Sudou Rinko only slyly chuckles at Etsuko remark. She looks over at Y/n and Yui on the court.
“Did you guys see the precision on that serve?” Rinko posed to the other three sitting on the ground, munching on their lunch.
“Well, not really, but it landed, like, near Michimiya, right?” Etsuko tries to come up with the answer that Rinko was looking for. 
“It landed right next to her left foot. I think that pipsqueak is able to aim her serve.”
“What?! That’s insane.”
“Yeah, insane, but not impossible.”
“With her, maybe we can win more games!”
“Don’t get your hopes up, Etsuko, a team is only good if everyone is giving their all.” Yuma reminds. “After all, there’s not only one person on the court, there’s six.”
“I heard she came from Niiyama Girls' High” Sudou stated as she reverted her gaze back to her fellow teammates. They stared at her after she gave more information on the stranger in their gym. 
“Why would she come to Karasuno then?” Yuma asked honestly. She knew that her team had strengths, but she also knew that other teams had strengths that overpowered them.
“How could you diss your own school like that?” Etsuko was almost angry at how her teammate was treating their school. She always was the one to take pride in everything she does. 
“No, that’s a valid question. It makes sense that a player with her caliber would be well-suited in a powerhouse school.” Rinko supported Yuma in her question. All four look ahead and see that Y/n is beginning to set for Yui.
“Her precision and accuracy are so on point, it almost makes me sick.” Yuma commented on how your form for setting only held the necessities. Y/n stepped with purpose, and it showed as she passed a nice set for Yui, allowing her to have optimal choices in where she can place her spike.
so um, that’s really all i got haha I started this like yesterday instead of doing hw so yeah. Feedback and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. So, did u like it? Did u hate it? Are u confused by it? lol yeah okie bye 
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cicada-bones · 4 years
i am literally waiting for the next updates in suspense! i check ur blog like once every half hour cuz I can NOT wait for everything to come
p.s this is not meant to pressure you in any way (get that chapter out whenever YOU want) , only to demonstrate the impact your writing has and spread some love!!
.....im SO sorry something came up today so it just didn’t happen. Feels like everything has been working against me in the writing department lately. so hopefully tomorrow? im cautiously optimistic but I also feel bad about breaking promises so i dont wanna say definitely 😂But here is a nice long snippet to maybe (?) make up for taking so much longer than i thought i would!!!!
Fenrys wasn’t there when she found out.  
He was out on a run, hunting through the forests around Doranelle. Chasing down after whispers of the forest-spirits. He knew they were here: the elemental beings, as ancient as the very stones and mountains and valleys. Older than history – than time itself.
Fenrys would hear them in the night – sounds of crashing rock and tearing metal, the felling of trees when no wind blew. Still fighting their ancient wars, either uncaring or ignorant of the affairs of lesser beings. But Fenrys had never seen them, nor did he know of anyone who had.
Every now and again, he would glance a fairy or two. One of the Little Folk, going about their little-great-deeds. But it was never when he was looking for them. 
It was something he and Connall used to do as young ones – charge through the forest, hunting for fairies. For the heroes of the tales their mother would tell them, over glasses of sweet fruit juice on lazy summer afternoons. Stories of battles and warriors and the hidden magic of the land. To this day, Fenrys didn’t know whether the stories were true, or if she had made them up herself.
He knew it was only purposeless distraction, and one that he would likely pay for when he returned. He just had no idea how much. 
So no, Fenrys wasn’t in the palace when Maeve found out. 
But Connall was.
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