#im not rewriting any more. i think it was just that introduction that has been ripped a part and shuffled around that needed it
lordsardine · 1 year
uasndfidfugadfasdfka when did it become 6:45.....
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butterpony100 · 1 year
Ok I have just reached the episode “queen banana” and I’m here to rant about the atrocities that are Chloe Bourgeois “character arcs” cause she deserves better, and how my personal take would go (this is just mostly me ranting and rewriting this dumpster fire to sooth my anger at the writers cause chloe deserved better
The first few seasons has many episodes showing that Chloe was a bully, but also someone with layers. Someone who was raised with no expectations about how she needed to act or who she needed to be with others. As the episodes went on, we were showed how she came to realize that not everything could be handed to her, no matter her schemes to get what she wanted. She was learning that sometimes she needed to give in order to get.
And then- she just regressed to who she was before?? No- she was actually made worse than she was previously.
Now I will not be blaming characters like Zoe for this change, despite her rushed introduction, she has no part in this. The only ones we can hold responsible are the writers who, despite months and even years of planning, apparently had this atrocious character assassination planned from even as far back as “queen wasp”.
So instead I’m changing that cause that’s bs
In season three, Chloe is forced to accept that she messed up her chance to be queen bee, but it’s still a hard pill to swallow. Instead of obsessing over getting it back like in the show, she puts in renewed effort to her personality change (with mixed results). We’d have Zoe introduced in the season 3 finale of miracle queen instead. Chloe would see her half sister, effortlessly kind and considerate, and able to make friends with ease, become frustrated. In those around her and herself. The catalyst to her becoming queen bee would be that she wanted to prove she was “worthy”. Worthy of what? Not eve she is really knows. All she knows is that she’s of no use to any one around her. The rest of the finale kinda goes the same but with a different version of Chloe when deakumatized. She would be drained and upset, mostly at herself, and instead choose to silently go home after returning the bee miraculous when the dust settles. When she gets home, she and Zoe talk. About how Chloe isn’t used to meeting expectations and how Zoe herself has always been forced to meet them. Both begin to teach eachother the benefits of both reaching expectations and letting go of others opinions. We cut Sole Crusher from season 4 completely and have a desperate plot of Zoe getting akumatized to be given a charm by lady bug. Banana queen would change that Chloe, rather than wanting to kick Zoe out of the movie, just wants to be in the movie. The movie has been in production by the class for months and Chloe’s initial reaction left most of them iffy about her joining (she said the same thing that they recounted in the episode) and she would say “well yeah I said that but I didn’t mean it.” And the whole class would be like “ehhhh…” Zoe and Adrien would eventually convince the class to give Chloe a chance. Of course, once the production is underway, Chloe’s old personality slowly resurfaced and similar events from the og episode occur. In the end they go through with their original script like in the episode, and Chloe gets pretty mad, mostly hurt and upset. Later, adrien mentions the promise they made and how he wasn’t sure they could be friend anymore. Chloe would be more visibly upset by his words and, while still dismissing him, would be mush more distraught by the time shadow moth contacts her. Zoe still becomes the new holder of the bee miraculous, but I imagine at some point in the future of this au, Chloe will be able to wear a new miraculous and be given a second chance, just as soon as she finishes her own journey of learning who she is.
Im thinking of calling this au “Sour to Sweet”, and basically reworking Chloe from the ground up with the crumbs of character development the show actually gave us. I’ve also fallen in love with Zoe despite only having her for two episodes, so she’ll probably play a big part as well.
If you have any ideas, feel free to share!
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dextixer · 2 years
RWBY - Ice Queendom - The quintessential RWBY experience (Review)
Original post on Reddit - HERE
Since i am moving away from the more V7-8 focuses content as most of it has been discussed to death, i decided to move on to Ice Queendom for the most part. I have made a single thread on the subject, but nothing else. Personally, it also surprises me just how little Ice Queendom is talked about especially since this hiatus is this long. The hype was bigger than the post-release discussions. After the initial episode discussions it seems to have died down a LOT.
Regardless, before starting any of the more deeper topics i want to talk about Ice Queendom in general and just give my personal general thoughts about the entire thing.
The Recap
Episodes 1-3 are mostly a recap of the entirety of Volume 1. I think those episodes initially gave people the wrong impression about Ice Queendom and made some expect a full Volumes 1-3 rewrite, at least initially. Regardless, the recap itself, in my opinion, is the superior version of Volume 1 at least in terms of storytelling.
The storytelling and the introduction of characters in the episodes is clean and much more clearer. The relationship between Yang and Ruby is more established, we are shown that how Ozpin and Tai talk about Ruby joining Beacon, we see glimpses of Weiss family life and even have a glance at Blake between the train heist and Beacon. A lot of the things that were in different episodes and even volumes got condensed into 3 episodes, and it is very well done.
Of course, there is the benefit of there not being any Jaunedice. And Jaune himself has a lot minimal role in comparison to the main 4. This is not a dig at Jaune, simply acknowledging that focusing on team RWBY in my opinion is simply a better decision.
There are some recreated fights from the first Volume, i will cover it in another section but for the most part the fights are recreated competently besides the Black trailer recreation which in my opinion was lacking. But i will get to that.
Of course, the recap is not perfect. I did say that it is a superior version in terms of storytelling, but it also feels like a more... Stilted? Official? What im trying to say is that it loses that charm of early RWBY. I miss the jokes that were present in Volume 1. A good example of that is the crew being sent in the forest. While we still get the comedic moment with Jaune here too, it is not the same as it was in the original, with Jaune being just confused and Ozpin being smug.
The recap feels sanitized, professional. If i would make a comparison i would compare it to restaurant food. Yes, its competently made, its tasty and the restaurant is clean. But it lacks warmth, soul. I would rather prefer to go to the local kebab place with the friendly cook that i know by name. If the comparison makes any sense.
The recap both wins and loses something with its approach.
Besides that the only minor nitpick i would have is the presence of Klein. While Klein has his different personalities in the nightmare, i do not remember it even being hinted at in the recap episodes, which is somewhat strange. But again, this is a minor nitpick in my opinion.
I would give the recap a 9/10.
The Story
In my opinion, the story is the strongest part of this show. Not only is there ample opportunity for symbolism, which is being HEAVILY used in the entirety of the show, the episode progression is very well done.
The new introduced character Shion is also really cool. Not only is their design cool, but they also act very collected. I like them.
The main story starts with the investigation of the dream and the emotional state of Weiss in general from Episode 4. This discovery phase feels relatively calm and more like an inside look into who Weiss is. The interesting Symbolism is extremelly present in the initial stages of the story and i have covered that in another thread. We get a clear look into her family, the relationship of Weiss to her family and some of the pressures and expectations that have been heaped upon her.
It is later on when the entire gang is there that the real progress of the story begins. Once Yang and Blake join the fray, the nightmare gets more active. It is no longer a passive exploration but instead the start of the fight against the nightmare and a more active exploration not of Weiss and her family, but how Weiss regards her friends like teams R-BY and JNPR. Tensions and the nightmare is escalating. The symbolism is still there but in my opinion its at least slightly lessened due to the general activity during the middle episodes of the show.
This of course escalates until the very end, where Blake herself intentionally gets infected by a nightmare (Intentionally) to have an epic confrontation with Weiss and to finally break her out of her own nightmare. The stakes and emotions are high.
One thing has been nagging me the entire time i was watching Ice Queendom. As a fan of RWBY i liked this story. To me these are inner looks to characters of the original show. A window, both confirmation and even more theories that can be used to explore the characters of the main show. I appreciate transformed Blake because i can recognize her design inspiration (Adam), i can appreciate how Batwhitley is loyal to Weiss even if he is a bit annoying. I can appreciate the symbolsim because im familiar with the original show.
And thats my question. Is this as effective to people who have not watched RWBY? The story is still competently made. But it is nothing "special" in my opinion unless one already has a connection to the series. Its fanservice that i appreciate, but will it affect any others? I cannot deny that some people did get introduced to RWBY with Ice Queendom. But was it really that effective?
The same goes with the whole concept of "One has to be close to be let into the nightmare", and this is where i think the recap hurts the main story. We, the watchers of the original KNOW that these characters are close, we have seen their adventures for a long time now. But in the show itself, the recap takes only at best a few days, yet we are supposed to believe that all of these people instantly became friends close enough to be invited into the nightmare? Especially Jaune?
I think there is a bit of a clash there.
I would give it maybe a 9/10 personally. But thats because im already a fan of RWBY, if i wasnt, it would probably be 7/10.
The Fights/Animation
The fights and the animations of them feel like a mixed bag. First i want to cover the recap fights. I think that the Black trailer fight was very weak. It feels slow and has little choreography in my opinion. The original black trailer was incredibly cool by how it paired Blake and Adam fighting together, quick moves, fighting game like combos, one fights in front other in the background. Its fast, its strong, its active. And in Ice Queendom it just feels so slow, especially with Gambol shroud being used to do the whole pistol on a ribbon thing. It moves like a snake, like its alive. Its weird and the animation doesnt help matters.
The other fights like the fight against Boarbatusk, Ruby vs Goons, Weiss versus Giga. They are WELL animated, especially the Weiss fight which is a relatively close recreation of the White trailer. HOWEVER. Im just going to say it, please noone take it the wrong way.
Its just not the same... Its not Monty.... The fights are competently done, but they run into the same problem as the recap they are in itself. Its just not the SAME. It doesnt have that same soul. That POWER that Montys fights had. It doesnt help that the music is really generic too. When i remember the initiation fight against the giant Nevermore, i heavily remember Red like Roses Pt2. The music enchanced the experience. And now its just GONE. And the scenes while competently done just cant capture that activity that Montys style had. Of all the things to anime i think they should have sticked more to the original animations of the series at least for those fights.
It gets better in the Nightmare itself in my opinion, but once again, its a mixed bag. The fight of team RWBY against Nightmare Blake (both versions)? Amazing. But otherwise, its just so... Boring... There is little fighting. Its mostly just skirmishes. A person hits, runs away, shoots, runs away. Yang is introduced into the nightmare as super strong, and yet when its time to fight against Weiss and her Grimm summons, she just gets a decoy instead of... Yknow... Just punching the thing into pieces?
Weiss Versus Blake was also dissapointing. Most of the time out camera isnt even following the fight, and while there are some good scenes in that fight, its once again, mostly just running and jumping around. RWBY has Aura as a concept to create amazing cinematic fights. And it feels like Ice Queendom squanders that entire concept.
Blakes transofrmation though. MY GOD. That was a HYPE moment. That was an AMAZING scene an whoever animated that needs to get paid DOUBLE for what they did. You could feel the impact and the power. Its extremelly weird that in a show that supposed to focus on Weiss, one of the most memorable fights and scenes belong to Blake.
Keep in mind, im not an animator. The best i can do is point vaguelly to what i feel. Its all a mixed bag in my opinion. There are some stinker animated scenes and fights, there are some good ones and there are some amazing ones. Its just so incosistent and its a shame.
As far as the recap fights go. I think the animators had an impposible task. There was little chance they could match what Monty did. It still stings. Those fights are what got me into RWBY, and i still come back to watch them from time to time.
The food fight in the last episode i think was mostly done justice though.
I have to give this aspect of the show the lowest score. 5/10. Its just a shame. There are just not enough good fights in a show that was initially made to faciliate fights.
My final Verdict of Ice Queendom would be 7/10. Its Average. Its neither great nor bad. I think its also why there is so little discussion about it. For good or bad Volumes 7-8 elicited more extreme emotional responses, people either heavily liked or disliked them. There were and still are many discussions surrounding them Because of how divisive the Volumes were.
Ice Queendom however, is competent. Its innofensive. Its average. It does not mean that its bad or not to be appreciated. But it also does not elicit too many emotions in my opinion. Its simply a competently made average Anime that does not stand out in any real way shape or form.
I also think that just like the series itself, Ice Queendom runs into the problem of one side of itself being better than the other. The story of Ice Queendom is great, it is mostly let down by its fight scenes in my opinion. And RWBY is the opposite, the fights are great but its story lets it down.
As such in my opinion its a quintessential RWBY experience. Its average but in a different way from RWBY.
Of course, keep in mind, this is all my opinion, any agreements/disagreements and discussion is welcome.
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marinesocks · 2 years
writeblr intro!!
hi hi!! i'm helena/danger (she/her) and i'm new to tumblr but i saw a bunch of people doing writeblr introductions and wanted to join in!! i'm a bit shy when it comes to reaching out but if you interact with me at all i will like. 100% respond!!! ok here goes!!
about me
i am a:
ADD haver,
third culture kid,
hobbyist reader,
psych major,
avid dog enthusiast,
wannabe artist,
horror movie fan,
ecology nerd,
and, as you might have guessed,
a writer!!
i'm not incredible at it but for some reason i cant stop doing it so here i am!!
favorite genres/niches
fantasy mostly!!!
i like to think i like plot but honestly i'll like anything if the characters are good enough
HUGE mythology and folktale fan!! i have very strong opinions on how to incorporate those into a novel tho, so only ask about that if you dare!!
surprise creepy concepts and crapsaccharine worlds are like my favorite of all time. i 100% support lying about the contents of a project to keep that twist extra shocking!!
romcoms might not be my favorite but im a sucker for cute couples, especially if they are LGBTQ+
psychological horror is excellent, one of my favorites (even if i'd never dare to write it)
depictions and representations of mental health is probably the thing that's most consistent throughout my work? maybe its just the psych major talking but i find that stuff endlessly fascinating
i've lived in various places overseas for most of my life, so i enjoy stories set in unique locations absolutely DRENCHED in culture!!
current projects
i feel a bit awkward sharing these because again, i'm not a great writer, but i like reading about other writeblr's projects so i figured i'd give other people the option of seeing mine! warning for pretentious titles for very straightforward and basic concepts
WIP - flowers that mean "we'd miss you" - a short story I wrote while testing out subtext, character dynamics and prose!! the basic run-down is that a boy wakes up in the hospital and now he and his friends have to navigate a very difficult conversation. the subject matter definitely requires a content warning, and it has a few gaps i still need to fill, but overall i really like the direction it's headed!! out of all of these projects, it's probably the one i have the least issues with.
in the ataraxis of aftermath - this one is a novel i wrote for NaNoWriMo 2020! it is post-apocalyptic with elements of fantasy, slice-of-life, and romance, specifically lgbtq+ romance. it's about a girl exploring what remains of her flooded city when she suddenly finds another survivor. despite the genre, this novel is very slow-paced and calm, relying more on the character dynamics and emotional journey of the protagonist instead of traditional story beats and plotlines!! i finished the whole first draft that november (and without any real outline to guide me, so altogether it's a bit of a mess), and i plan on rewriting it after i finish the two following projects!!
WIP - the owl's wish - originally intended as a short story for just a friend and i, this project is quickly expanding into a full-on novel!! it's a haikyuu!! fanfic, but i've been told that the story is well enough removed from the show that it can work even if you don't that context. the only summary i can give without spoilers is that it's about an owl spirit with amnesia who finds a friend, and together they set off to get their wishes granted by the mysterious Lady of the Yellow Springs (but it's about more than that, i promise ;) ). it's set in ancient japan, and i referenced a few traditional fairytales when drawing up the outline, but otherwise it's a completely original folktale that can hopefully be accessible to anyone who picks it up!!
WIP - currently titled ouroboros paradox - this is a novel i am currently plotting, so honestly i'm not so sure how much i can say!! this is a fantasy novel coming from my intense passion for large creatures, horror elements, and norse mythology. as far as i know now, the story will follow two protagonists in the city of jörmungandr - one from the past and one in the present - as they try to navigate life, religion and ethics in a world where murdering living beings lengthens your lifespan. i plan on finishing my outline before this november, so i can try to hit 50K for nanowrimo this year!!
where to find me
Instagram, Wattpad, Art Fight, AO3, & Toyhouse! If you would like to read my writing but don't have a Wattpad account, i've linked the google docs directly to the titles :)
and that should be it!! if you read this far imagine i am giving you a very firm handshake with very watery eyes. if you'd like to reach out, ask questions, or share some of your story tidbits with me, please do!! i'd be so happy to reciprocate however you'd like :) have a great day!! drink some water!!!
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second thoughts (legolas x reader)
The Fellowship of the Ring - Part 1
warnings: none (i think)
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
a/n : so after writing it for the first time, rewriting it and then rewriting it again lol the first chapter of my canon lotr fic is here. not much legolas x reader interaction in this one, more of just an introduction to the series and the readers relationships etc. i also quickly wanna thank @falcor-thee-luck-dragon​ for being super supportive of this ever since i even mentioned it as an idea ily! im super excited for it and i hope you enjoy it, thanks for reading i love you and i hope you have a wonderful day<3 (also i guess let me know if you want to be added to my taglist)
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The journey to Rivendell was purely insufferable. Not only was it due to the time it took nor the saddle sore that you had endured, but to how the time had passed so quickly and yet so painfully slowly at the very same time. You had always loved to travel, but you did not seem to have any time at all to admire the vast amount of sights that appeared before you. In the blink of an eye they were gone, and the views became new for a brief second before they disappeared beyond what you could see. Your eyes were forced to stay focused on the road and the rider ahead of you so that the way would not be lost.
When you arrived at Rivendell, however, all of the annoyance that you had endured throughout the voyage seemed to simply melt away. There were no words for how you felt in that moment when you dropped from your horse, gaping at the infrastructure in complete awe. Always, you had associated elves with inexplicable beauty, but never would you have expected something as incredible as what lay before you. Quick to abandon your guide, you made sure to take your precious time when you strode through the decorative archways, following up the spiral staircase, marveling at everything your eyes could possibly muster.
It had hardly been long when your eyes travelled to seek out shards of a broken blade, sat on a bed of silk, a statue standing tall behind it. The concrete seemed to present it to all who passed. You dared not touch it, though a wave of tempt washed over your senses. The fragments made up Narsil, the blade of King Elendil, the one used by his son, Isildur, to cut the finger that held the One Ring of Sauron the Terrible during the War of the Last Alliance. The legend of the One Ring had faded into less than nothing over the years of its absence, but fear always struck you when you imagined the dreaded return of the Dark Lord. The longsword that lay in front of you belonged to the heir of Isildur, the King of Gondor, Aragorn Son of Arathorn. Your heart forever ached with hope that one day he would return to the White City and that the useless steward that held his place would once again be nothing more than just that.
You had scarcely noticed the figure sitting beside the balustrade until you had felt an uneasy turn in your stomach, signaling that someone was watching you. As you shifted your eyes over to the body in black, they fell upon a man with long, unkempt hair and a scruffy grown-out stubble that covered his face and neck. His arm was casually slung over the handrail, his lips drawn into a perfectly straight line and his eyes were fixed on you. The edge of his lips turned up as your eyes locked.
You blinked. “Aragorn! Forgive me, I was unaware of your presence; I would have come sooner.”
“It is good to see you, Y/N.”
“You, as well, mellon nin.” You clapped him on the shoulder. “I had planned to ride north a little while ago.”
“And I had planned to ride for the White City, until Gandalf called upon me.” Aragorn said, and your mouth turned up into a smile. Your eyes flickered up to the ceiling, once again distracted by the beautiful view.
“It is beautiful here. You are very lucky.” Aragorn gave you a small smile. “For why have I been brought here, Aragorn?”
He took a breath. “You will find out, soon enough. For now, you should rest. Your journey could have hardly been sparing.”
“Oh, alright.” You mused, now engaged with the thought of bed and sleep. He gently shook your shoulder. “Goodnight, Aragorn.”
“Goodnight.” He returned to his previous position; arm hung over the bannister as you ambled off in search of a place where you could find rest.
During your search, your feet treading across smooth slabs, and you came to a halt. There were small folk, talking to one another. They were speaking in the common tongue, and seemed half of your height, though you could not really tell from a distance. Fascinating, you thought. So far, the thought had not even crossed your mind that others might be here, besides yourself, Boromir and Aragorn and Gandalf, of course.
One of them moved toward the other, who was staring out among the balcony. The starrer turned, showed something in the palm of his hand and spoke.
“You’re right, Sam. We did what we set out to do.” He opened his hand and lowered his voice. What he said next could not be distinguished by your faint ears. “I am ready to go home.” He put his hand back into his pocket before it slithered out once again, only this time it was empty.
“And where would home be for you two?” You asked. They turned to look at you.
“The Shire, miss.” One said, the one called Sam.
“Hobbits! In Rivendell! How incredible. How curious.” Kneeling down to get a better look, Sam straightening his vest as the other kept a firm hand on his pocket. You noticed. “Do not fret, hobbit from The Shire. I am not interested in stealing from you. Or anyone else, for that matter. But perhaps a small piece of advice is, make it less obvious that you are carrying something worth taking.” The hobbit with brown, curly hair and bright blue eyes smiled sheepishly. You chuckled, standing. “Go to rest, hobbits. Get ready to go home, to The Shire.”
They bumbled off and a smile spread across your face as you continued the forage for somewhere to sleep.
The morning came quickly. The night had been comfortable, and you set out early to explore the inhabitancy that you had found yourself entering that day previous. A meeting had been called to finally reveal why your presence had been requested, and now, you sat on a chair in a circle, surrounded by some known faces and many unfamiliar ones. There were elves and dwarves grouped near each other, which would never be a good idea. One of the hobbits from the day before sat beside Gandalf. You were located between Boromir and Aragorn, two of your very good friends. Lord Elrond sat at the head of the circle. He stood once everyone had arrived.
“Strangers of distant lands, friends of old. You have summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it.” Lord Elrond began. He scanned those sat before him. “You will unite, or you will fall. Each race is bound to this one fate, this one doom.” He paused, turning to the hobbit. He brought his arm forth, inviting him.
“Bring forth the Ring, Frodo.”
By Elrond’s instruction, Frodo placed a golden ring on the centered table. Boromir muttered something under his breath. Then Frodo turned, and sat back in his seat, looking rather timid. You gave him a small smile before your eyes glued to the table and the item it held upon it. It called to you, whispering things in a language that you could not understand and subconsciously you were sure you did not want to hear what it was saying to you. How did a hobbit from the Shire receive a Ring of Power? What business did he have with it?
“It is a gift.” The voice tore you from your thoughts. Your eyes caught sight of Boromir standing beside you. “A gift to the foes of Mordor. Why not use this ring?” You pursed your lips in disapproval. One who thought of using any of the Rings of Power is a fool.
“Long has my father, the steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay by the blood of our people, while your lands kept safe.” He looked at you, nodding, giving you the notion that you should be encouraging him. But you couldn’t help but think that Boromir sounded rather ill. Your eyes travelled to the floor for a moment before he continued. “Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against Him.”
“Do you know nothing of the Ring?” Your brows furrowed as you spoke, unable to contain your discontent for his words any longer. “It is because of Man’s weakness that the Ring survives. It is not safe in the hands of Men.” You spat unwillingly. You hadn’t expected your words to come off so aggressive. After all, you did not want to hurt Boromir’s feelings, just make him see sense. His eye caught yours and you gave him an apologetic look.
“It does not matter; you cannot wield it. None of us can.” Aragorn said. “The one Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master.”
“And what would a ranger know of this matter?”
“This is no mere ranger.” Behind Boromir someone stood. It was an elf. Some of his silky hair had been tied back into braids and a velvet cloak smothered his built body. His dark brows drew together as he spoke. “He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance.” You studied him with curiosity, narrowed slightly whilst you scanned his presence. His eyes locked with yours for a brief moment before you turned them back to Boromir, who seemed to be staring at your friend in utter disbelief.
“Aragorn? This, is Isildur’s heir?”
“And heir to the throne of Gondor.” The elf finished and you looked at him as a way to avoid Boromir’s gaze. It was true. The White City that Boromir’s father currently ruled deserved to have their rightful King back. You could only hope that one day Aragorn would finally take the throne and restore the faith of Gondor once again.
“Sit down, Legolas.” Aragorn spoke in an elvish tongue. So, this was the infamous Legolas, you thought. Aragorn had spoken a lot of him to you in the past, but you had yet to meet him until this very moment.
“Gondor has no King. Gondor needs no King.” Boromir took his seat beside you, but you still refused to return his eye. Instead, you and the elf shared a look.
“Aragorn is right. We cannot use it.” Gandalf confirmed.
“You have only one choice.” Lord Elrond stood. “The Ring must be destroyed.” Silence fell among the space for a moment, before a dwarf shifted off of his seat, his fingers tightening around the axe beside him.
“What are we waiting for?” He rumbled, swinging his axe over his shoulder to slice the Ring with a roar. His blade ricocheted and shattered. His back became flush to the floor, his eyes wide in shock. You gasped, sitting forward in your seat to rush to help him. But before you could, the other dwarves appeared by his sides, steadying him.
Frodo clutched his chest when the dwarf’s blade collided with the Ring, as if the axe had struck Frodo himself. Pain seemed to radiate through his body. You looked to him, concerned. Gandalf had also noticed the hobbit’s reaction to the attempted destruction of the Ring.
“The Ring cannot be destroyed Gimli, Son of Gloin, by any craft that we here possess. The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade.” Lord Elrond looked around at the subjects once again. “It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came. One of you must do this.”
“One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. The great eye,” he made a circle with his hand, “is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this, it is folly.”
“Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said? The Ring must be destroyed.” Legolas stood, once again challenging your companion. You agreed that the Ring had to be destroyed, there was no doubt about that. Venturing deep into Mordor, however, was an impossible task.
“And I suppose you think you’re the one to do it.” Gimli bellowed from his seat, eyes wide with hatred, fixed upon the elf.
“And if we fail, what then? What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?” Boromir stood and you mirrored his actions, gently grabbing his arm, ushering him to calm down.
“I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an elf!” The words of Gimli, son of Gloin, had all of the elves standing in protest which quickly led to the dwarves standing in hostility too. The squabbling continued despite your attempts to calm it down. You took your seat, sharing a defeated sigh with Aragorn. Gandalf stood to try to diffuse the tension.
“I will take it.” A small voice against the yelling caught your attention. Frodo had stood, standing beside the table. You pulled Aragorn’s sleeve to get his attention, your brows furrowed.
“I will take it!” The disputing seemed to die down when he raised his voice and you shook your head gently at him. “I will take the Ring to Mordor. Though… I do not know the way.”
“I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins. As long as it is yours to bear.” Gandalf placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Aragorn stood from beside you, marching towards the hobbit, keeling.
“If by my life or death I can protect you, I will. You have my sword.”
It was no question for you as you stood, kneeling beside Aragorn. “You have my knives.”
“And you have my bow.” Legolas moved towards the hobbit. The three of you moved behind Frodo. You gently rubbed his shoulder, sharing a smile with him when he looked up at you.
“And my axe.” Gimli raised his weapon in the air, joining you.
“You carry the fate of us all, little one. If this is indeed the will of the council, Gondor shall see it done.” Boromir gave you a smile and you were quick to return it. A yell echoed from behind, another hobbit running to join Frodo. It was Sam.
“Mister Frodo’s not goin’ anywhere without me.” He crossed his arms over his chest.
“No, indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you, even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not.” A smirk tugged at Elrond’s lips and more shouts were heard from behind. Two more hobbits joined.
“We’re comin’ too! You’ll have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us.” One said, slinging his arm around Frodo’s shoulders.
“Anyway, you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission. Quest. Thing.” The other chimed in, raising his eyebrows. The other turned to him in disbelief.
“Well, that rules you out, Pip.” You giggled quietly at the hobbits, the one in the yellow waistcoat turning to grin at you before Lord Elrond chuckled slightly. His eyes scanned over the group before him.
“Ten companions. So be it. You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring.”
“Right! Where are we going?” The hobbit in the green coat, Pip, asked. The other, once again, stared at him in disbelief. Gandalf shook his head.
You were chatting aimlessly with Aragorn by the gates of Rivendell, where you had arrived only a few days previous. The Fellowship were getting ready to leave in the next hours, you had been preparing for days. Now, all that was needed was to get little extra items that could help along the journey.
Aragorn gave a smile to someone behind you and you turned, standing beside him. It was Legolas. You smiled at him and he returned it.
“Forgive me, my Lady, but I am unsure of your name.” He said.
“Y/N. Pleased to finally meet you, my Lord.”
“Legolas Greenleaf.” He corrected. “The pleasure is mine.”
“So, you are the infamous elf that Aragorn has mentioned to me so many times. I had begun to believe Arwen was no longer in his heart and you had taken her place.” Legolas and Aragorn chuckled at your joke. You gave Aragorn a cheeky grin before you caught sight of Boromir. “Please, excuse me.” He made his way toward you as you did the same. When you reached each other, he chuckled, shaking his head.
“You just cannot help yourself, can you?” Boromir said and you giggled. “I am proud of you. It was a brave thing to do.” You threw your arms around him, pulling him into a hug.
“Thank you for coming along, too. It will be nice to have Aragorn around and, of course, the others who I am yet to know, but I am very glad for your presence.”
“And I for yours.” He chuckled, clapping you gently on the shoulder. You gave him one last tight squeeze before making your way over to the dwarf. You stood silently beside him for a little time, while he mumbled things to himself that you could make out.
“Forgive me for interrupting you, Master Dwarf. I would like to know your name; I do not recall it from the meeting.”
“You’re not interrupting me, lassie. The name is Gimli, Son of Gloin.” Gimli responded, giving you a tight-lipped smile. You returned it with a genuine smile though you worried he was wary of you.
“Pleased to meet you, Gimli, Son of Gloin. I am Y/N.” You responded kindly. Not knowing what else you could say, your feet decided to take you over to the hobbits, one of which you had already met. Sam and the other two hobbits were tending to their respective packs that they would bring on the journey. Frodo was absent.
“There’s a girl?”
“Yes, there’s a girl, Pip. Did you not see?” The other replied.
“Stood beside Strider, she was.” Sam mentioned, earning a nod from the other.
“Are you talking about me, hobbits?” You drew your arms over your chest, one of your eyebrows raised, a smirk tugging at your lips.
“N—No, miss! We were just—”
“Then, what exactly were you talking about?”
They looked between each other. “Merry was speaking about you, miss. Talkin’ of how pretty you were, he was.” Sam admitted and your heart felt warm in your chest. Pip nodded to back up Sam’s claim and a light blush dusted over Merry’s cheeks. You smiled.
“You are very sweet, Merry. If I may call you that.”
“Meriadoc Brandybuck is my full name. But call me Merry if you please.”
“Alright, Merry.” You said softly.
“What’s yours?” Pip questioned.
“That’s a nice name.” Sam gushed and you could not help but grin. Who knew that a few hobbits could be so incredibly sweet? You pondered, ruffling their hair gently before you wandered off again, sitting by yourself this time.
It had been almost a week since the Fellowship had set off from Rivendell and all had agreed that a night stop was definitely needed. You and Aragorn had agreed that you would take the night watch for you did not get much rest even at home. It was not difficult for you to still function without much sleep. Before everyone went off to bed, however, they were shoveling food down their empty stomachs. You sighed, looking at the food spread. You were not particularly hungry though you knew you were going to have to eat something. Sam finished his own food and made sure Frodo completed all of his, plating up another portion and plodding his way over to you. He sheepishly held out the bowl to you, scratching the back of his neck with his spare hand. You gave him a smile, thanking him, taking the bowl before biting into the food. Sam took a seat beside you, making sure you would eat everything.
“You should really be eatin’ everything you can, Y/N. We wouldn’t be wanting you to starve.”
A breathy laugh left your lips. “I’m alright, Sam. You needn’t worry about me.”
“Not worrying, miss. Just making sure you’re alright.”
“Thank you.” Sam shared a smile with you. “And you? Are you alright?” He gave you a nod. You continued to eat until you had finished everything in the bowl. By that time, most of the Fellowship had settled down to get some sleep but Sam was still at your side.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He yawned, treading off to settle beside his master. You wrapped your cloak further around yourself, sitting beside Aragorn. Neither of you spoke for a while, rather just enjoying the other’s presence in a comfortable silence.
You do not remember much of how you and Aragorn had met, only that he had saved your life. He was known to you as Strider back then. There was a creature that attempted to attack you. You knew nothing of combat back then. He slayed the beast and brought you back to Rivendell. Quick friends you had become. Somehow, Lord Elrond arranged for you to be taken to Gondor. It was there that you would grow up. Boromir acted as your father since you had first arrived there. He was protective of you; you were the daughter he had failed to have.
“What are you thinking of, mellon nin?” Aragorn said in a whisper. You took a breath.
“Our friendship. And how I am glad to spend time with you once again before I make my decision.”
“Have you made it?” He queried, turning his head to look at you and you shook your head at him.
“It is not simple, Aragorn. How am I supposed to make a decision that affects the rest of my life and those who will come after me?” Another sigh left your lips and you leaned into Aragorn’s side.
“I could not describe the feeling when Arwen chose what she wanted. My heart ached with many feelings.”
“Arwen has something to choose for,” you mentioned. “Who knows? Perhaps I will meet a lovely fellow, be it man, elf, dwarf, or even, hobbit, and I decide that I want to spend the rest of my life with them. That would sway my decision quite a lot. I could not imagine being shipped off to the Undying Lands while my love stays on Middle-Earth. Nor would I want to wait for them to die and then hop on a boat to live forever. I am unsure, Aragorn.”
“You need not make any decision yet, mellon.” You continued to speak with your close friend throughout the night, whilst keeping close watch on your surroundings. However, what you did not notice was that a third member of the Fellowship was far from sleep and had in fact been listening in on your conversation.
Legolas rolled over, turning away from the two of you, his head against something that acted as a quite poorly pillow. He had not the slightest idea of what you meant, only that for some reason, you could choose to make your way to the Undying Lands. But this was something that man could not do, so why were you able to choose? He did not know. But he wanted to find out. He did not know why but you intrigued him. How friendly yet quiet you were. The timid yet confident way that you carried yourself. The knives that you held on your belt. He had not seen you use them yet, luckily, but he was looking forward to. You were the first woman he had seen since Tauriel who carried weapons. It was not common for a woman to be trained in combat. He pondered where you had learned, and if you were any good at all.
“The night is long, mellon nin. You should rest.” Aragorn suggested.
You let out a chuckle. “And leave you by yourself? You will need me to protect you from any danger. I will not rest.” Aragorn smiled at your words and gave you a nod. Your eyelids became heavy throughout the night, but you refused to give in to the temptation and the snores of Gimli were sure to keep you from any sleep that you could potentially get. Fixing your cloak around yourself for warmth, your eyes continued to search the space around you. Your ears perked up so to hear any sign of movement. You watched your breath exit your mouth and disperse into the crisp air. The moon was bright and tall in the sky. Hoping nothing would come in the night, you sighed and relaxed against the tree that you were sat up against though still keeping a firm hand on your knife belt. Aragorn pulled you into his side and you smiled. Your hand tightened around your belt.
“Goodnight, Aragorn.” You whispered, and you hoped it would be.
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mjxmoon · 4 years
sapnap takes you to meet his family 🌿
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sapnap x black reader
word count: ~780
request: Okay so Sapnap is from Texas which is country asf so like what if he takes his black s/o to meet his family and they’re like lowkey racist
a/n hiii im back from my hiatus to deliver shitty work!!! are there random commas because that's my version of editing? yes i wrote this at midnight. also, a bitch struggled with this one and i might rewrite it because it’s ass. sapnap hun, if you stumble on this blog, please don't think that i think ur family is racist - i think everyone in texas is (/hj)
warnings: swearing
“Why are you so nervous about meeting the rest of my family?” Sapnap asks, glancing at you from his spot in the driver's seat. The whole ride, you’ve been staring out the window, mumbling to yourself about everything that could go wrong. “They won’t hate you.”
“Well, I don’t know we’re going to like the racist valley of Texas.”
“My family isn't like that.” He replies with a reassuring smile.
“Yeah, sure, sure.” You say, patting his shoulder. That's precisely what a person with a family like that would say. Not that you don’t trust him but living in Texas as long as you have, you’ve learned to be overly cautious.
Once you finally arrive at his Aunt’s house, you’re filled with even more stress when you spot all the ‘Trump’ signs hanging up in the neighbors front lawns. “Dude.”
Sapnap tries to stifle his laughter. “Ok, I know this looks bad, but I swear my family isn't like that.” He repeats this time with a little doubt in his own statement.
“You’re lucky I love you because I would be gone right now.” You mutter, hopping out of the car. Please don't let me get hate crimed.
You follow him up to the door but trail back a little as he knocks on the door. “Sapnap!” A woman exclaims swinging it open after a moment, “Lovely to see you!” She gives Sapnap a tight hug.
She then looks back at you, a little confused “And you are?”
“Oh, this is my partner!” Sapnap says proudly.
You say your name holding out your hand “Hi! it's really nice to meet you.”
She shakes your hand, hesitantly, looking between you and Sapnap almost in shock “Well come on in, everyone's been waiting for you two.”
You can already tell that you were not what they were expecting, and despite Sapnap's constant reassurance, it's obvious that your presence might cause some disruption. “Everyone Nicks here!”
You go through yet another round of familia introductions, even meeting a cousin who had an ‘all lives matter’ shirt on. Oh shit, I'm in hell. After introductions, everyone basically ignored you. His aunt barely spoke when you tried to make conversation, and his grandmother, who seemed like the sweetest person on the planet, didn't even bother to look at you.
Finally giving up, you take a seat outside on the porch fiddling with your fingers, just wanting to go home. You get that not everyone has to like you, but you can definitely tell that the reason for it has everything to do with the color of your skin. You don’t even have the strength anymore to prove that you’re good enough and decide to wait out the rest of the evening outside until you can go home.
“Hey, why are you out here by yourself?” Sapnap asks, stepping out onto the porch “I’ve been looking for you.”
“Oh, yeah, sorry, just needed a break.” You say, forcing a slight smile.
He nods his head, not really buying that excuse, and plops down next to you on the porch swing. “Uh-huh...so what's really going on?”
“I don’t know I just feel like your family doesn't like me...because I'm black.” He gets quiet, and you’re reevaluating how good of an idea it was accusing his family of having some sort of negative racial bias against you - which you’re positive they do.
“Have they said anything? Should I talk to them?”
“No, just a feeling.” You say, not able to describe it any better, “And the whispers, and the stares and the trump signs across the street.”
“Then let's leave.” He says seriously fishing through his hoodie pocket for his keys. In all honesty, he’s still a bit clueless on what’s exactly going on, but the fact that you feel unsafe is enough of a reason to leave.
“No no, don’t feel like you have to leave!” You know how much he was looking forward to seeing them and now you feel kind of bad.
“Just 'cause they’re my family doesn't mean I'm gonna keep you in a place you feel uncomfortable. Come on let's go.” He holds out his hand and you take it happily.
He says a quick goodbye to his family (who seemed oddly excited for you to leave) before heading back to the car. “I’m never coming back here by the way.” You say in a very serious tone as he begins to drive out of the neighborhood, passing a newly put up confederate flag in someone's yard.
“Yup, got it.”
pt. 2!! sapnap takes you to meet his family II
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demonicintegrity · 3 years
With the introduction of Phillip Whitabane some people are curious if he’s Belos. And that’s not an unfounded guess.
Supporting evidence goes as follows: Similar voice (not that I’ve bothered to check if they do have the same voice actor), both have hair sometimes kept in a ponytail (one of Dana’s drawings is of Belo’s with hair in a pony), both have an interest in the human realm, Belos’ mechanical staff could be as a result of being unable to have a normal staff (and mechanics seem a bit more sophisticated than what the isle normally uses), motive for “unity” between the two worlds, and them being the same person could explain Belos’ knowledge and subsequent ability to repair the portal.
Evidence contradicting this theory is: Philip should be dead (came about in the 1600s, though tbf this could be what the Palismans are for), Belos’ magical ability does not seem like that of a humans, if Phillip has been around for so long, why has Belos’ reign only started that last 50 years, and what changed Phillip’s motivation from studying and going home to colonization.
Because of the last two points, I’m more inclined to believe Philip isn’t Belos. Whilst it would be really easy to believe a (presumably) white dude from 1600s would have absolutely no qualms with colonizing and ruling the realm, I just can’t see him being interested in that?? Granted we only have one entry, the first one. And in it we know Phillip 1) is intrigued by this realm and 2) wants to go home and 3) he succeeded in making the portal (or at least heavily implied) and subsequently lost it?
I can 100% see Philip at some point taking a look at the Boiling Isles vs colonial America with plagues and fighting and political nonsense and deciding “eh maybe I’ll stick around here.” Esp since it probably takes him years if not decades to make the portal, so he’s likely to make attachments. And if Luz’s presence is any indication, witches really don’t care who/what resides with them.
But staying around because it’s interesting/you’ve settled down hardly translates into colonizing in my mind. Although some of Belos’ reign would be smth a colonial white dude would do (calling the locals and the time before him savages, rewriting history, putting himself in a dictatorship, general lack of care for those around him, framing himself as a prophet to a “god”, etc.) some aspects bring questions. Why Emperor as opposed to King? What about Philip’s religious beliefs from the human realm? What did Philip think he could gain from being Emperor in the Boiling Isles? Why not just bring some magic home and rule the place he knows best?
Im kinda spitballing here but I just,,,, don’t see it. Maybe if we learn more I’ll change my mind but for now i will remain a skeptic. All that aside, I do think Philip and his journal will be key in learning about the “savage” ages of the isles and eventually figuring out how to get back to the human realm.
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hellooo! is it okay to ask for a few tips? ive been working on an original story for years now (i started it 7 years ago oof) and im stuck rewriting from the start over and over again because i felt like the concept is cliche
the farthest i got to write was chapter 7 lmaooo (and it was just the introduction pf the characters phase)
buuuut the main problem is, i know the story and how the ending goes, the plot holes, backstories and all that but i dont know how to write the middle 😭😭😭
do you have any tips for outlining the story? and possibly how can i progress in the story?
thank you so much 😭❤
Under the cut cuz this one's a very long answer
Ooooh yeah of course! I definitely know where you're coming from, I have two stories like that too! Both of which have been, *shudders* ten years in the making 😵‍💫 (one of which I'm converting into fanfiction here!!) But yes oh god the rewrites!
My first tip for that is that it's easy to feel like a story you've been working on forever is cliche or repetitive considering you've been working on it for so long. And don't read this wrong, it's always good to reread and revamp certain parts and passages to your liking, but it's also easy to get caught in that rewrite trap. My go to is to ask someone to read it, get yourself a beta reader, per se. For me it's my best friend, for others it could be actual beta readers, and so on!
But yes, oh god, I understand the slow pace it takes to write these, especially as you grow older and mature, your writing style and your understanding of certain topics change and so does your narrative. Although, 7 chapters to introduce characters is interesting, I'm intrigued! They must be well fleshed out then!!
Let's talk about outlining first! When you outline a story, it's good to start at the beginning and then the end, which sounds like you already did! Now think of your main conflict, what's the pathway your characters will take to resolve it? Do you have any sub conflicts? Add those into your outline too. When outlining, don't make it too detailed. One sentence only as to what's going to happen. For example, my Original Zemblanity outline literally starts with "YN gets trapped in the Sector" and the next one is "YN meets Kun, an inmate who lies about being an inmate." Don't think too hard about the details of the outline, it should just be bare bones so you can easily change it if needed (and that's okay if it does! Don't lock your creativity to one possibility!). Once you have your outline are pretty and everything, then you can flesh out those bullet points and add more flavor to them!
Quick shout out, I use the program Twinery for all my outlines. It's actually a program for visual novel games, but I find it so helpful. Here's a quick screenshot of a bit of my Without a Trace outline, the chapter overview, and a bit of a text box with the details of that overview for an example:
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Anyway, onto your main problem. Knowing the gist of your story and how it ends is perfect, you know your end goal and you know how to achieve it kind of thing. Sounds like you're following the three arc structure (First Arc: Introductions, establishing your plot and conflicts and other relationships; Second Arc: The tedious middle; Third Arc: The thrilling conclusion). When following this, it's good to keep in mind your small tidbits of information. Think of it like an extension to the first arc of introductions. I have some ideas for the middle, so let me bullet point it out!
Develop your conflict | Why are your protagonists doing this? How is the conflict relevant to them? I can't stress that enough, your conflict has to be relevant to your characters in some personal level, that's their motive for going out in the first place. In my fic series [Without a Trace], the group of vigilantes fight the Charlatan because that villain is slowly killing off and taking control of people they considered as friends, it's tarnishing their already ruined name because of the vigilante ban. They want to be seen in good light and they want to honor their fallen friends, so they have to hunt down and bring the Charlatan to justice. With that said, you can take this middle part to really flesh out why your characters care so much about this conflict and what they are hoping to gain from it.
Develop your characters | Growth, Development, and relatability. Your characters can't just be one sided, they can't just adhere to a moral code, they should fluctuate sometimes to make them real. For example, a lawful good hero (Think Hawkeye) will often be faced with the hard choice of someone they care about over the masses. If they stuck to lawful good, then they'd go with the greater good. But, they can fluctuate, and instead go to the person they care about. If you've established a character as, I dunno, a barista at the beginning of your story, explore why. Are they broke as a joke? Okay, why are they broke? Do they like coffee? They do? Why? And so on so forth. This filters directly into all of my other points too, relevancy. How do your characters respond to the conflict and how do they respond to each other? What's the problem solving process like and what's their morals?
Develop their relationships | It's nice to have a good cast of characters, but they're only accessories to each other if their relationships aren't fleshed out. In this case, let's talk about two instances:
Your characters are meeting each other for the first time | Okay so what brought them together? Let's use [Covalence] as an example. Our deurtagonists met because they ran into each other at the same café after coincidentally having the same class prior and their relationship builds from there. It's slow, it's rocky, they're getting to know each other and establishing boundaries with one another as they get to know each other. In cases like this it's nice to follow their journey in understanding one another. YN understanding Kun's home life, for one, and Kun understanding YN's previous relationship for another. These two fundamentals of each character is what builds their interactions and adds that room for exploration for the middle.
Your characters have already known each other prior to the story starting | Let's use the [Original Zemblanity] as an example for this one. All the inmates obviously knew each other before they knew YN and it was clear through their interactions alone what their relationships were like aside from info dumping and, what I like to call, writer-splaining. Let's use the most obvious example of Dejun and Yangyang who very clearly don't get along. It's clear from how they interact with each other that not only is it largely one-sided, it's also from a place of trauma. As the story progresses, we learn why exactly it is that Yangyang could never forgive Xiaojun and we learn why Xiaojun, although he understands, makes no move to defend himself. In cases like this, it's easier to reveal certain aspects of relationship and hash out as you go along your narrative
With that said, back to the main point. You likely already established these understandings back in Arc I: The Introductions. Just develop upon them and give it more life and more character and, suddenly, you have 5K worth of middle story.
Develop your world (In a Modern Sense) | If writing in a modern setting, this is easy. You can pull on already understood details of settings and romanticize or terrorize them. A cup of coffee on a table can be equally horrifying as it is comforting if you know how to write it. For example, envision a coffee cup on a table. What's around it? Who put it there? Does your character drink it or warm it up? I'll describe it in two ways with different tones and this will establish different things (hopefully)
I brushed my hands through my hair while I walked out into the kitchen. Lorraine must have left the house already, the room was spotless save for the coffee mug on the table. Dark roast and black with two sugar packets next to it and a note adorned with that cursive writing of hers: 'Good luck on your midterm <3' was all it read with a short 'XOXO' at the bottom.
I closed the door quietly behind me, not wanting to disturb Lorraine, if she was still here. The floorboards were cold under my feet while I walked to the kitchen. Everything was in order, as if untouched, save for a mug on the table with a note. It was cold, it must've been sitting their for a while now, and the two sugar packet's next to it were left in a hurry. The note read a simple 'Good luck on your midterms <3 - XOXO' and nothing more.
Develop Your World (In a Fantasy/Sci-Fi Sense) | If writing hard fantasy or hard sci-fi, put yourself in your world of creation. How would you live? Let's say you live in a DnD esque world. Monsters run about, different races and species live as equals, and so on so forth. Imagine your house first. Knowing you live in an area that could be target to a monster's wrath, what precautions would you take? Would you put up high walls so they couldn't go in? Would you keep a forge at the back of your house? Your bookshelf, what's on it? Although it may seem like adding these tidbits of information and making long winding paragraphs on description is rather excessive, I promise you it's not. It adds vibrancy to your novel and helps with immersion and escapism. And, this part's important, there is a subtle and appreciated beauty in implied storytelling, reading between the lines and drawing conclusions that can only be done through these windy descriptions and seemingly mundane events. Here's a little shameless excerpt from one of my decade novels (as I lovingly nicknamed them)
The Market itself was crowded, there wasn’t a place where one wouldn’t be bumping shoulders with another, and it certainly did not help that there were Enforcers at every corner. The stalls were crammed against each other with no room in between. Vendors were shouting left and right, trying to get anyone to buy their products over their competition. Most, if not all, merchants came from the other colonies and they all sold what they claimed to be the best from their native colonies.
From this, hopefully, a few things are established. It lays the foundations for what the significance of The Market is in this world and society. It's busy, for one, lots of people go there and so many people pack into this area that a large number of law enforcement is present at a given time. It establishes the law system being one that's large enough to allow this kind of behavior. It establishes that there is a booming economic system. And so on, so forth. Let's look at another example from the same novel
“Shit!” Catherine catches the object that was ejected. It looked foreign and unfamiliar, almost like something that came out of the Directorate of Thoughts and Sciences. Maybe a scrapped experiment, or something of the sort. Catherine saw that it was mechanic at the very least, a system of cogs and springs were visible on its structure. Its handle seemed to rest comfortably in her hand, and beyond that handle was a barrel that connected to a thin tube. The object was somewhat heavy in her hands, signifying that the object was quite durable.
This is kind of killing two birds with one stone. Characterization of the protagonist Catherine and characterization of the world around her. A keen eyed and deep thinker should be able to piece together that the object she's holding is, indeed, a gun, but she doesn't know that. Why? Are they not common in this world? Nope. And the Directorate of Thoughts and Sciences, it's easy to infer what it is from this passage alone and from their name. They're an innovative institution that specializes in restoration and research.
These examples, I hope, provide some ideas and some help as to how to build the "Tedious Middle."
I hope this all made sense and I wasn't just rambling aimlessly to the point where it all got muddled ahhhhhh but if you have any more questions, just shoot me another ask and I'd be happy to help!!!
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rorynne · 5 years
Time Lost (Rewrite) Prologue
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Reader
Summary: An accident during a mission sends you back in time to the second world war. There you enlist the help of Peggy Carter, Steve Rogers, and Bucky Barnes to find the object that can send her back.
Word count: 1.8k
A/N: This is a rewrite of an OC fic that I have been writing and been wanting to turn into a reader Fic. Im unsure if I will be continuing the OC fic currently, I may just transfer it completely to my reader Fic. Currently 6 chapters are up of the OC fic, and I shall be posting a rewritten chapter every few days on here. 
You adjusted your dress slightly as you watched the party from you perch atop a high barstool. Who would have thought that experimental arms dealers liked 40’s themed parties? Apparently other arms dealers by the looks of it. “This place is a real whos who of people you don’t want to fuck with, isn’t it?” You stated more than asked as you stirred your drink with a mixing straw.
“Yeah, unless you’re us.” Clint’s voice said through the communication device in your ear.
You chuckled, taking a sip of your drink. “Unless you’re us. How is setting up that distraction going?” You peeked down the hall where two guards stood watch over the entrance to another corridor. “Macho Man and Biceps Mcgee don’t look apt to let me through.”
“Patience Y/N/N, patience.” You rolled your eyes as he continued. “The Blues Brothers should be off your back in a few minutes.”
“Stop calling me that. I didn’t need to help you with this mission, remember?” You said, leaning against the bar. This was not how you intended to spend your day off. “Why did I agree to this again?”
“Because I’m your best friend and you love me?” He offered as the lights flickered. You looked down the hall again to see the two guards moving to investigate. Bingo.
“Oh, right.” You said as you slid off the stool. “You wouldn’t stop begging me until I caved.” Head held high, you walked into the hallway as if you owned the place. “You owe me an introduction to Captain America when this is done.”
“You know, I wouldn’t need to introduce the two of you if you just joined the avengers.” He said as you turned down the now unguarded corridor. “The door you’re looking for should be on your left.”
“I don’t like the limelight.” You defended, “Remember the entire reason why you’re asking me to do this is because you can’t walk into a room without being recognized anymore. Not after what happened in New York.”
“Yeah, yeah. You would think people would have forgotten by now.” Clint grumbled making you stifle a laugh. Forget the people that saved New York from giant space whales? As if. You tried the door Clint had directed you to and found it locked. You sighed. “Probably should have expected that.” You pulled a bobby pin out of your hair and started to pick the lock. “So what exactly am I looking for here? Just some files?”
“That’s what Hill said.” He confirmed. “Probably something on the tech they are trying to sell, you know, arms dealery stuff.” The lock clicked and the door swung open. You quickly slipped inside, closing the door behind you.
Wasting no time, you immediately started pilfering the desk in front of you, looking for anything that might be of note. “This guy’s desk is a fucking mess. Do you have any clue what I’m looking for specifically?”
“Uhhh,” Clint replied, making you groan.
“You didn’t think to ask for specifics?” Jesus Christ, half of these documents are in german, do you even kn-” Your eyes went wide as you looked up. You didn’t know how you managed to miss the giant, bell-shaped, hunk of metal with a fucking swastika in the middle of it when you entered the room, but you did. Especially since, now that you noticed it, the thing seemed to produce a low, unnatural hum. “Uh, Clint?”
“What is it? Did you find something? You gotta hurry up the guards are on their way back.” Clint urged as you approached the Nazi bell.
“Are you sure Maria only said anything about files?” The bell seemed to grow more agitated as you stepped closer, vibrating strongly enough that its edges seemed to blur. “What the hell is this thing?” As you reached out, the door crashed open. You whipped around to see the two guards from earlier, their guns aimed directly at you. Thinking fast, you dove towards the desk as the guns fired. The bullets hit the bell with a thundering clang, causing the bell to go deathly silent before emitting a dull blue glow. The glow quickly intensified into a blinding blue-white light until a shock wave of energy exploded from the bell with a deafening gong.
You were thrown against the back wall with such force you saw stars. Groaning, you stumbled to your feet as alarms started blaring. Swearing to yourself, you blindly grabbed a handful of loose papers, and ran out of the room, jumping over the two, now unconscious, guards in the process. Glancing both ways down the hall, you swore again as you saw a swarm of guards running down the way you came. Papers in hand, you sprinted down the corridor away from the guards.
“Clint? I could use a little back up right about now!” You hollered but got no response. “Clint!” you said again, raising a hand to your ear. Your heart dropped when you felt no communicator. “Son of a bitch.” Hooking a right down another hallway, you stumbled as the building shook, another loud gong ripping from the bell now rooms away. Damn, that thing was loud. The walls began to crack from the force of the shockwaves. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that bell was going to bring the entire building down.
You looked over your shoulder, the guards were nowhere to be seen. God only knew if they were going to come back or if they had decided to save themselves. With the noises the building was making, you honestly couldn’t blame them if they chose the second option. The red glint of an exit sign caught your eye as you turned down yet another hall. “Thank god.” You gasped, forcing yourself to run just a little faster. You lunged at the exit as a third gong tore through the building.
You fell out of the emergency exit gasping for breath as the sound of sirens screeched overhead. You froze as you took in your surroundings. Why was it so dark? Pulling your phone out of your bra, you checked the time. 5:36 pm glowed up at you brightly. You shook your head, that was impossible. It was far far too dark. You looked back at the building you escaped from, only to find it completely restored to its original state. Except, you noticed, there was no door for you to exit out of. “What the fuck is going on here?”
The sirens continued as you turned on your phone’s flashlight. No signal, you noticed, great. You walked out of the alley and down the street, not a single light was on anywhere, not even streetlights. Did that bell have something to do with this? You looked down at the papers you managed to grab as the sound of planes roared overhead. ‘Die Glocke’ was all you were able to read before being unceremoniously dragged into the shop next to you.
“What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing? Walking around with a torch in the middle of an air raid? Are you mad?” The woman scolded, your phone in her hand. your jaw dropped as the woman fumbled with your phone: Peggy Carter. The Peggy Carter. The same one whose picture you passed every day walking into the shield offices. That Peggy Carter was now standing in front of you, trying to figure out how a cell phone worked. “How do you turn this bloody thing-”
An explosion rocked the street, shattering the glass of the shop they were in. Both women dove to the floor on instinct. You took the phone from Peggy and turned off the light. You popped your head up and peeked through the broken window. The building you had just escaped from was now reduced to a pile of rubble. Holy shit, you realized, That bell has sent you back in time. You had no chance to rationalize this information when you heard the signature sound of a gun being cocked. You turned to see Peggy pointing a pistol at your head.
“Who are you, what are you doing here, and what is that?” Peggy gestured to your phone. Oh god, how does someone even begin to explain time travel via nazi bell?
You took a deep breath. “Do you want the answer that makes me look like a nutcase? Or the quickly cobbled together lie you probably won’t believe?”
“I want the truth” Peggy answered firmly, making you feel very much like a scolded child.
“My name is Y/N L/N. I am here because of an accident.” You said slowly, trying to give yourself time to plan out how to explain time travel. “I, well, I was sent back in time by a giant Nazi bell.” You glanced at the crumpled papers still in your hand. “Here!” You shoved the papers towards Peggy. “Die Glocke, the bell! Maybe this can help explain it.” Peggy eyed you warily before taking the papers. Peggy squinted at them, reading slowly with the lack of light. Slowly, she lowered her gun, instead, focusing on the documents.
Peggy sighed, “You’re right. Your story does make you sound like a nutter, but these documents…” her voice trailed off as another bomb rocked the street. “It isn’t safe up here.” She said simply, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you towards the back of the building. “How did you get into this situation Y/N?”
You stumbled, trying to keep up with Peggy, as she dragged you through the shop. “I’m an agent of shield.” You paused for a moment, should you really be saying this? “An organization you help form after the war.”
“At this point, the war doesn’t feel like it will ever be over.” Peggy sighed again, stopping in front of a blank wall. She stepped forward and pressed an unseen switch. The wall opened up to reveal a small elevator.
You stopped just short of following Peggy inside. “Are you sure this is a good idea during an air raid?”
“We don’t have time for this nonsense,” Peggy said, rolling her eyes and pulling you in by the collar just as the doors began to close. Peggy looked over the papers again in the dim light of the elevator. “You said you were an agent Y/N?”
“And no doubt you want to get back to your time.”
“Well, yeah, that would be preferable.”
Peggy nodded. “Then I supposed, you would have no issue helping us find this bell HYDRA created.”
You looked at her, “Who is ‘us’ in this equation?”
“The Strategic Scientific Reserve. SSR for short. Have you heard of it Agent L/N?” The elevator rattled as more bombs exploded above.
You scoffed, “Heard of it? I was named after one of the agents. Yeah, I’ll be glad to help, especially if it gets me home.”
Peggy furrowed her brow, “What agent were you named after?”
“Agent Y/N M/N L/N? My family has been in shield since its inception, I grew up hearing all the stories about her.”
Peggy shook her head as the elevator stopped. “There is no Agent Y/N L/N. Unless you count yourself.” She said before stepping out into the hall.
You went wide-eyed as Peggy’s words sank in. “Oh my god. I was named after myself.”
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elliot-orion · 5 years
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Sparky wasn't exactly what you'd call a "good person." He was a Villain, a big one, liked to blow things up probably a bit too much. Meeting Aves and Shadow, both of who had technically been sent to kill him, really turned that all upside down. Because they didn't kill him. They helped him, and now he might just be on the way to recovery. Hell, he might even save the world while he's at it, maybe fall in love, maybe even remember what it means to be not-evil, though the whole "good person" thing is a bit of a stretch still. Go big or go home, right?
That’s right guys, I’m actually doing it! I’m actually rewriting Sparks Fly, which means we get a brand new introduction post! Yippee! If you want to read more about the changes in Take 3 of Sparks Fly from draft one, it’s below the cut!
The biggest change in T3 is, as i think you’ve guessed, that Sparky is no longer a Super Thief, he’s now a Super Villain. I mean, he turns into more of a Thief, but at the start he’s a full on, bad to the bone, i’ll blow up who i want to blow up, Villain. I’m super pumped (hehe) about this change because it gives so much more fucking room for growth, whereas the first draft always felt really flat i guess. There wasn’t much character growth in any of the dorks, but now we’ve got a lot coming your way. Sparky is the biggest, obvi, he’s the MC, and he goes from being a Villain who’s just pretty desperate for relief from his powers and doesn’t give a shit who gets hurt with them, to someone who actually cares and wants to be better. There’s a lot of Sparky learning to care for people and get attached again and remembering that not everyone is out to hurt him and he can ask for help and will get it. Sparky’s backstory is also a bit different, and yea. 
Some other big changes are with Scout. He’s now completely nonverbal and only talks using sign language, though he can speak, he just doesn’t bc anxiety. His anxiety is also a lil different and he’s more salty now and stuff. so that’s fun as hell. Hall is pretty much the same only he isn’t so afraid of his powers anymore. I’ve done a bit of worldbuilding on the Elementals so i’ve figured out how that works more. And Scout and Hall have been dating for 2 years prior to meeting Sparky. But basically the trio are the definitions of distinguished, functional and disaster gays (Hall being Distinguished, Scout being functional, and Sparky is a disaster as we all knew) 
Plot wise has also changed a lot, there’s a lot less screwing around with the three becoming friends/dating bc that was boring and annoying, with a lot more pining, lots more Character DevelopmentTM, and more plot. Sparky is now being asked by the main villain, White Cat to help bc he is a Villain, and even might agree to help... and yea, its just a lot more of Sparky remembering how to be human and the dorks all figuring out how they work together and shit. I can’t give you much more than that bc i don’t know much more than that. (My plot boards consist of vague “this is a conflict you need to address at some point in some manner” and the characters take it from there. So yea). 
Anyways that’s pretty much it? that i can think of? and yea, Sparks Fly T3 is underway and knock on wood i don’t run out of steam and give up again! yayy!!
Oh and im going to use my tag list for once!! @albatris @merigreenleaf @norawritess @dreamcontagion @shadow-maker @ageekyreader @knightedwriter
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ethereal-lix · 6 years
You have sweaty hands
A/N: so this will have two parts because the requester wants BTS And Got7.
Warnings: none unless you count terrible writing lol Also this will be my first time writing in soooo long so im so sorry if its terrible. i need to get back into writing so imma be a little rusty. Also please ignore any grammar mistakes, i have no one to proof read for me lol
Also i wasnt sure how to keep to the request with everyone so i kinda changed it a little bit. i hope thats okay, and if it isnt let me know and ill rewrite it. And some are shorter than others. i just wasnt sure how to write this and do 7 different scenarios. so this will be bad im so sorry
Request:Hi, can I request a got7 and bts reaction (it can be separated or in the same post idc.) about their shy gf and her hand gets sweaty when he’s holding her hand for to long? I have this problem so I need help.😣😣😭😭😖😳
Here is part two with BTS
Mark: You and Mark have held hands before, but you’ve always found an excuse as to why you had to let go. Today though, today was different because Mark decided to take you on a walk through the park to see if you would try and retract you hand. As expected, you pulled your hand away, or well tried, but Mark wouldnt let you. Mark sighs and looks down at your intertwined hands, “Do you not want to hold hands? Every time we hold hands you always find an excuse as to why you have to let go. Do you not want to be with me?” You and Mark had only been together for a little over two months and he still made you super nervous. Anytime you saw him he always brought butterflies to your
 tummy and you thought that after about a month you would grow used to being around Mark and not get so nervous, but here you are.. “No its not that Mark, its just, you make me really nervous and you know im shy so it doesnt really help the situation, especially because i really like you and when i get nervous my palms start to sweat and then i get even more nervous which causes me to overthink and then i get even more nervous and its just a never ending cycle that i cant break and i wanna hold your hand, but i dont want you to think im weird to something because my hands are sweaty and i cant really stop it because.. well you know..” you trail off looking at the ground. Since you were looking down you didnt see that Mark had left out a small sigh of relief before smiling. “Y/N, its okay, you make me nervous to. And since we’re being totally honest, i thought you didnt want to hold my hand because well one, i thought you didnt like me as much as i liked you and two, because my hands would get sweaty form how nervous you make me as well. So its nice to know that you didnt want to hold hands because yours was sweaty.” Mark leaned down and kissed your forehead gently. “Shall we?” Mark questioned, holding out his hand for you to hold. “Yes, we shall.” you smiled grabbing his hand.
Jackson: “AHHHH!!!!!” You and Jackson had screamed in unison. you and Jackson had some how gotten suckered into going to a haunted maze with the rest of the boys. Youre not too sure how you ended up in this situation. All you know is that there was a game of ‘rock, paper, scissors’ involved and thats all Jackson would tell you. You’re pretty sure that BamBam had said, “lets play a game of rock paper scissors and whoever loses has to go through the haunted maze tonight”. Unfortunately, if it wasnt obvious Jackson lost. You wanted to let go of Jacksons’ hand because your palms were sweating like crazy, but at the same time you didnt want to let go because you were terrified of letting go. Now heres the thing, since your hands are sweating uncontrollably from the frights your hand keeps slipping from Jacksons’ tight grasp, which honestly is a shock since he has a pretty tight grip on your hand. “Yah! Y/N stop trying to . let my hand go! Cant you see that im scared?!” You gasped in shock, “Excuse me? You’re scared?! You’re scared?!” You questioned. “You’re the one who got us into this mess in the first place Jackson! you cant get mad at me because youre scared! That’s one. Two, im just as scared as you and you know that when we hold hands for too long my palms get sweaty, so im not intentionally trying to not hold your hand, my hand just keeps slipping.” You didnt notice that you had stopped walking until Yugyeom walks passed you guys laughing. “How can you two be bickering while in a haunted maze? i mean honestly, you guys will bicker anywhere if given the chance. But i think you should finish this argument outside where you can stand around all you want” You and Jackson looked at each other before giggling and continuing through the maze.
JB: You and Jaebeom were standing outside the dorm. “Y/N, you okay? Your hand is sweating real bad.” You gulp and look down shyly removing your hand from his to wipe it on your pants. “Uhhh yeah, im sorry, im just super nervous.” Jaebeom smiles and kisses the top of your head. “No need to be nervous. They’re going to love you i promise.” You give him a small smile as he grabs your hand again opening the door. “Hey guys,” He shouts as soon as he steps through the door with you following. “Were here!” When you walked into the living room you saw all the boys lounging around before they all got up to proper introduce themselves to you. “Guys this is Y/N,” Jaebeom said while slightly nodding your way before he looks at you and lists everyone off pointing to each one so yo can place a name with their face. “Y/N this is Jackson, Mark, Bambam, Yugyeom, Jinyoung, and Youngjae.” “Hi guys.” You said giving them a small smile and a wave. After the introduction you and Jaebeom made your way to sit on the floor, Jaebeoms back resting on the couch and you sitting in between his legs. “What are you guys watching?” You asked trying to make small talk. “Nothing really, we were just trying to bypass the time waiting on you and Jaebeom to show up, but now that you guys are here we can eat and play some games.” Jinyoung answered. As the night went on eventually all the boys split into smaller groups and ultimately left you and Jaebeom alone. “Told you you had nothing to worry about” He whispered in your ear. 
Jinyoung: “Jinyoung, what if they dont like me?” you asked as you and Jinyoung walked up to the restaurant door. “My parents will love you, let me ask you this. Whats there to not like about you? You’re a very lovely person with a great personality. You’re nice, kind, funny, amazing. Theres absolutely no reason they wont like you.” “But-” Jinyoung cut you off with a chaste kiss to your lips. “But nothing. Everything will be fine and things will go great.” Jinyoung opens the door for you so you can walk through, with him following closely behind grabbing your hand. “Just maybe dont shake their hands?” Jinyoung laughed while you slapped his arm with your other hand. “Babe! I’m shy and you know that i get sweaty palms when im nervous! dont laugh at me” you tried to have some authority in your voice but you couldnt help but giggle as the hostess walked you to a table so you can wait for Jinyoungs parents to show up.
Youngjae: You and Youngjae were currently backstage getting the finishing touches done on your make up. “You nervous?” He questioned you. “What gave me away? My trembling body or my nervous giggles?” you sarcastically asked with a playful smile. “actually it was the fact that you cant stop wiping your sweaty--or should i say leaking hands-- on that very expensive dress i bought you.” He retorted instantly. “ha-ha, very funny. i think im going to die of laughter.” you reply dryly. You and Youngjae were presenting an award to your favourite idol group and you were so nervous because one, you’re going to be on stage in front of thousands of people, and two you’re giving an award to you favourite idol group. They were the reason that you were going to be on this stage. They inspired you to follow your dreams of becoming an idol and here you are a long and hard 4 years later presenting them with one of the best awards that the industry has to offer. “once Youngjae was done with his finishing touches he walked up to you and lightly kissed your temple so he wont mess up your hair or make-up. “You’ll be fine. Dont worry.” He smiled at you as the make-up artist gave you an approving nod and thumbs up before walking off to finish someone else. “Just think of it as performing. You’ve been on a stage just as big as this before and youve done amazing.” He states as he moves to stand in front of you with his hands finding a place on your shoulders. “Yeah, but this time its different. Im not performing. Im not singing or dancing. Im talking. I have a speech that i have to recite to thousands and thousands of people. And this is being broadcasted live where millions will see at home.” You sighed as you rested a hand on his forearm. “Y/N, Youngjae, are you ready? You’re up in 2!” a stage producer yelled. “Alright sweaty palms, are you ready?” He asks as he looks down at your grabbing your hand. “As ready as i’ll ever be.” You smile and lightly chuckle, before walking out on the stage taking a deep breath. 
Bambam: “You nervous Y/N?” Jackson asked you. “What?” you questioned not really hearing what Jackson just said. “That’s a yes” Yugyeom stated. You looked around slightly confused as to what was going on before your yes landed on your boyfriend who was sitting right next to you. Bam leaned down and lightly brushed his lips on your temple before muttering, “when you get nervous not only do your hands get sweaty, you have a tendency to rubs your hands up and down on your legs.” You looked down intrigued by the news and saw that you were in fact rubbing your hands up and down your dress. “Ohh..” you whispered before you thought back on all the times that you were nervous and also saw the pattern. “Hey,” you began going to defend yourself, before Jaebeom cut you off. “Its okay Y/N we know you’re shy and when you get nervous your hands start to sweat. Not only did Bam tell us, but we also caught on to your other nervous habits, such as rubbing your hands on your legs.” He gave you a small smile as Mark piped up. “You shouldve seen when BamBam used to get nervous when he was younger, he would-” Alright!! Thats enough!” Bambam would yell over Mark so he wouldnt have to relive any of his embarrassing moments that he’s tried so hard to forget. 
Yugyeom: “So, wait, you mean to tell me you’ve never been to a school dance before?!?!” Jackson practically yelled. “Jackson!! SHHHH!” You whispered shouted hoping that Yugyeom didnt hear. “Yes, thats exactly what im saying and if you could please keep your voice down so people in LA wont hear you that would be great!” You huffed after crossing your arms over your chest relaxign back into the couch. “What? How? And why doesnt Yugyeom know this?” Jackson questioned you with genuine concern and shock. “You’re very pretty and funny and awesome, and kind, and sweet, and youre the whole package. How have you never been to a school dance?” “Well, i guess the other boys back home didnt agree with you thats why.” you sighed as you started playing with a sleeping yugyeoms hair. “But can we please drop it? i dont wanna talk about it anymore and you cant tell Yugyeom, you promised.” you reminded him before changing the subject. Later on that night you were in the studio with Yugyeom keeping him company while he as working on some music. After about an hour yugyeom got up off his chair and walked over to you and held his hand out for yo to grab. You looked up at him quizzically before taking his out stretched hand. He helped you stand and led you to the middle of the room before he left you to walk back to his computer playing “Thinking Out Loud” by Ed Sheeran. As soon as the song started to play you started to blush and your palms became sweaty as you tried to wipe the sweat off by rubbing your palms on your thighs. ‘Oh no’ you thought. He must’ve heard the conversation that you had with Jackson earlier in the day. He looks at you with a slight blush rising on his cheeks. “So i may or may not have heard what you and Jackson were talking about today and i figured what better way to experience your first slow dance than with someone in a studio listening to one of the best love songs created?” He said, barely above a whisper as he grabbed your hand. “No need to be nervous Y/N. Its just me and you, no one else.” He stated as he started to sway you side to side noticing your nervous habit. “Its just me and you.” He whispered in your ear as he pulled you closer.   
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hope-for-olicity · 6 years
Fabulous Olicity Fanfic Friday - April 27th, 2018
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Happy Friday! So this is my attempt to both thank awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and offer my recommendations to anyone who is interested. Here are the fantastic fanfic stories I read this week! They are posted in the order I read them.
Remarkable multi-chapter WIP by @tsukikomew - What if Oliver met Felicity during the pilot instead of episode 3? Oliver Queen is back and determined to save his city. While the Hood sets off to take down evil and crime, Oliver Queen finds himself drawn to her. As the Hood makes a name for himself, Oliver has to decide what he's willing to sacrifice to save his city. A complete retelling of Season 1, 1 chapter per episode. https://archiveofourown.org/works/7011949/chapters/15967018
I'll Be Better (post 6x19) by @dust2dust34 - Post-6x19. Oliver gets a taste of his own medicine. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11888871/chapters/33201207
(My Waking) Nightmare by @alexiablackbriar13 - Post 6x19. Felicity awakens from a nightmare about Oliver dying due to being hurt while alone in the field... to find her husband missing from their bed. Understandably, she panics. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14377521
Above All Else multi-chapter WIP by shesimperfect_butshetries - A different take on episode 6x14: Rene shoots but Oliver jumps in front of Felicity. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14101470/chapters/32490537
Another Chance at Love multi-chapter WIP by @smkkbert - It’s been almost two years since Oliver lost his fiancée Detective McKenna Hall when she died in the line of duty. He closed his heart to love ever since, unable or unwilling to give love another chance. That changes when he meets Felicity Smoak at the annual gala of the Starling City Police Foundation. Is he ready to give love another chance, though? http://archiveofourown.org/works/13561101/chapters/31119801
A Dance With The Devil multi-chapter WIP by @it-was-a-red-heeler - A Season Five re-write http://archiveofourown.org/works/13792770/chapters/31707645
Olicity Fic Challenge 3: Pancakes by @spaztronautwriter - “You’re still here… and you’re making pancakes?” https://spaztronautwriter.tumblr.com/post/142778757233/olicity-fic-challenge-3-pancakes
No More Brownies (An Olicity AU) by @spaztronautwriter - Felicity contacts Oliver to make her pancakes after a drunken night including a brownie https://spaztronautwriter.tumblr.com/post/143197790313/no-more-brownies-an-olicity-au
Bottomless Breadsticks (An Olicity AU) by @spaztronautwriter - Oliver calls Felicity after his date steals his wallet. https://spaztronautwriter.tumblr.com/post/151680523148/bottomless-breadsticks-an-olicity-au#notes
Untitled by @smoaking-greenarrow - Arrow Out of Context Prompt: “Don’t worry. I’ll figure out what’s wrong with Oliver.”  “You’d be the first.” http://smoaking-greenarrow.tumblr.com/post/173174827739/could-you-do-5-please-from-the-arrow-season-2
Revelations by @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl - There's a lot that Ray doesn't ask about when Felicity shows up out the blue after they haven't seen each other in a year. Those answers come to him in time. If he's totally honest with himself, he isn't sure he was prepared for them. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14384493
Don't Take Satisfaction by HopeShannon3000 - When Curtis said he basically took satisfaction in Oliver being alone (in 6x19) i was disappointed that Felicity didn't say anything so i fixed it and made what i wanted her to say to Curtis. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14388264
Jealous Oliver Queen multi-chapter WIP by Overwatch_queen_olicity - Another alien invasion. This time, it's in National City. Kara calls for backup from team Arrow, Flash and Legends. When everyone meets up at the DEO new introductions are made. Winn instantly takes a liking to Felicity, but Oliver isn't too okay with that. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14395686/chapters/33243285
Last Dance (Post S6) by @dust2dust34 - Oliver and Felicity say good bye http://dust2dust34.tumblr.com/post/173200119409/and-because-im-in-an-angsty-mood-17-last
Untitled by @smoaking-greenarrow - Arrow Out of Context Prompt: “You deserve someone better, who can harness that light that’s still inside of you, but I’m not that person and I never will be.” http://smoaking-greenarrow.tumblr.com/post/173198269409/16-of-the-out-of-s2-context-prompts-plssss
Curious Transformations multi-chapter WIP by CharlotteCordelier - From the Department of I-didn't-think-this-all-the-way-through, a season 2 AU. Felicity comes to in a train station, missing some time. And that's only the beginning of the weirdness. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14161659/chapters/32641764
To Sacrifice the Sun multi-chapter WIP by @emmilynestill - Oliver and Felicity are ARGUS agents working on a mission in Mexico, the two share some very important history. A MUST READ! http://archiveofourown.org/works/7510744/chapters/22505918
Untitled by @felicityollies - Prompt: "my bf found my shampoo by smelling all of them" http://felicityollies.tumblr.com/post/173208772812/are-u-by-any-chance-writing-about-my-bf-found-my
Tempest multi-chapter WIP by @so-caffeinated and @dust2dust34 - Three years ago, tragedy struck Julianna Queen’s life. Now, she wears a mask and fights at her father’s side, looking for closure and justice as she tries to find a path to move forward with her life while holding on to her past. But that may a bit more complicated than she thinks… http://archiveofourown.org/works/13309731/chapters/30461850
Damn It, Why Won't the Eagle Just Land Already? multi-chapter complete by @smewhereelse - President John Diggle would really appreciate it if everyone would stop gossiping about his security detail and his science advisor and get back to work. He’d appreciate it even more if his best friends would pull their heads out of their asses and get together already. A White House romantic comedy AU. https://archiveofourown.org/works/13132602/chapters/30040788
Butterflies Around a Flame... multi-chapter WIP by @arrow-through-my-writers-block -  Isabella doesn't expect a lengthy string of code on her laptop to transform into a letter from her recently deceased mother offering to tell her the truth about her father, but she accepts the ghostly offering with slight hesitation. In the confession comes the remarkable tale of Felicity Smoak's whirlwind romance with troublemaker Oliver Queen and their desperate attempt to escape the circumstances that brought them together in the first place. (inspired by the film 'Fire With Fire' | title from the song 'Birds of a Feather' by The Civil Wars) https://archiveofourown.org/works/7834591/chapters/17885317
Growing Together by @tsukikomew - In a world where the Gambit never goes down, Felicity Smoak just wants a burger. She just wants one night at Big Belly Burger the way it used to be, before Oliver Queen cut himself away from his family fortune and started being a server there. When she forgets her cell phone one night, Oliver tracks her down and begins a love story neither of them were expecting. https://archiveofourown.org/works/7548208
Coming Together by @tsukikomew - After Oliver Queen walked away from his fortune, he was surprised to meet the love of his life at Big Belly Burger. Now Olicity is confronted with dealing with Moira Queen. A continuation of "Growing Together". https://archiveofourown.org/works/10812036
Loving Together by @tsukikomew - Oliver and Felicity have done it all. They've overcome having no job, no money, and no place to go. They've overcome having three children and parents who were not always supportive. Now they have one more thing to overcome and it doesn't help they start out with three puking children. No matter what they are together and in love, and that's what matters. https://archiveofourown.org/works/10992861
Bodyguard multi-chapter WIP by @originalhybridlover - Felicity needs a new bodyguard and Diggle referred her to an old friend, Oliver Queen. Unknowingly she meets the man she would one day marry.  LOVE THIS and the writer says she’s working on an update :) https://archiveofourown.org/works/9656798/chapters/21814571
Oliver on Vacation multi-chapter complete by @tinaday3w - Olicity AU.  When Oliver Queen’s best friend, renowned psychiatrist Dr. John Diggle, encourages the stressed-out CEO to go on vacation, Oliver can’t believe Digg’s “vacation” choice is actually a psychiatric retreat nestled deep in the Blue Ridge Mountains.  Oliver simply doesn’t think he needs this kind of intensive therapy.  And he definitely doesn’t think he needs the attentions of Felicity – the frivolous, frolicking forest fairy who flits her way into his life and challenges all his assumptions.  What Oliver doesn’t know is that he’ll never be so happy to be proven wrong. A MUST READ! https://archiveofourown.org/works/4662243/chapters/10637169
Time for a Story multi-chapter WIP by @smkkbert - This fic shows Olicity and their life as a (married) couple with family. Although Olicity (and their kids) are the protagonists, other characters of Arrow and Flash make appearances. YOU NEED THIS STORY IN YOUR LIFE. http://archiveofourown.org/works/3912157/chapters/8757172
It's the Side Effects That Save Us by @theshipsfirstmate - Post-5x20, my attempt to sort through that wholly unsatisfying final Olicity scene. https://archiveofourown.org/works/10869822
Take Two by @yet-i-remain-quiet - A slight rewrite to the Olicity scene at the end of 6x19. When Felicity comes home after seeing the explosion and is looking for Oliver. What if the couple had had a real conversation. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14428407
The Story of Tonight multi-chapter WIP by @arrow-crack - Set in the Revolutionary War. Felicity, a rich daughter of General Smoak meets a strangely charming soldier under her father's command, Oliver Queen. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14073570/chapters/32423250
Re-Airrow 1x17 by @lostolicityscenes - Here is episode 1x17 FS version. https://lostolicityscenes.tumblr.com/post/173275491621/re-airrow-episode-1x17-an-you-may-notice-that
Rainbow in the Dark multi-chapter Complete by @tdgal1 - The team is tracking a sex trafficking ring leading to an auction on a boat.  Oliver has a PTSD attack resulting in understanding his true feelings for Felicity. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14345985/chapters/33110745
Everybody Leaves by shesimperfect_butshetries - Rewrite of the end of 6x17. Felicity and Oliver discuss the collapse of Team Arrow. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14416086
Love On Top by @sanxo - This is a one shot, set after 6x19, I may say that it's a little an AU too, oh and its also a little celebration of the Olicity sexiversary! https://archiveofourown.org/works/14416902
Real Love (Is Never a Waste of Time) multi-chapter WIP by @callistawolf - Oliver and Felicity are CEOs who are more partners than they are rivals, but they still bicker whenever they meet up. Constantly pestered by their families and board members, they turn to each other for a simple solution. But marriage is never simple, especially when these two are involved. When Oliver's younger sister decides to hold her much-anticipated wedding on a tropical island and insists her brother and his wife attend, will the island paradise prove to be the tipping point in their carefully balanced relationship? https://archiveofourown.org/works/13604955/chapters/31233603
The Best Deceptions multi-chapter WIP by @smoaking-greenarrow - From the moment Oliver Queen met Felicity Smoak, all he’d wanted to do was keep her safe. But to protect her and his city, he had to become something else. Five years later, Felicity finds herself wrapped up in a dangerous murder investigation and a treacherous relationship. Intent on finding out the truth, she has to rely on a government sector she doesn’t trust, the hacking skills she gave up on, and a man who she thought had given up on her. http://archiveofourown.org/works/13920333/chapters/32038635
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foolgobi65 · 7 years
OMG I love this meme!: “Alright, I’ve given you one week to sit here all holed up but it is absolutely time to get back to your work!” to "Avantika knows that she’s missed something, but watches Shivu nod and sigh as his mother walks out of the hut" from Chapter 6 of nayaki
ok oh!! ok ok lets do this. 
first: here’s chapter 6   http://archiveofourown.org/works/11574489/chapters/28560112
so basically this is the introduction of sanga, who is clearly the head of the village – if anything i’d say her husband is gearing up to be the next spiritual leader. i wanted to portray her as someone kind and loving but also with an air of authority about her. canon sanga is unfortunately ignored, but i think in my iteration its going to be a little more difficult for shivu to ignore her. 
she calls avantika gorgeous because tammanah is very beautiful and that’s a classic aunty thing to say about a pretty girl your son is in love with. we see that avantika doesn’t see herself as someone attractive, mostly because that’s not something she was raised valuing. at her core she clearly enjoys beautiful things: i can see her finding a lot of joy through pretty flowers and sunrises and silks that she eventually sees devasena wearing. but that’s all a little later. for now she just looks at herself and thinks that she’s ugly and that’s a shame. sanga disrupts this a little. 
(there will obviously be no scene where shivu makes her “beautiful.” if there is a scene like that it will be wth avantika’s full consent and the other person will be a woman helping her to blend in with mahishmati people. the most shivu will ever go is maybe, with her consent, doodle a little temporary tattoo. ON BOTH OF THEM. ) 
ok also this is so nitpicky but part of avantika’s characterization is the idea that  the resistance owns nothing. everything they are and everything they have is for the struggle, so the idea that sanga calls shivu avantika’s is shocking to her. if they own anything at all its extremely precious, maybe heirlooms of remembrance so again sanga calling shivu avantika’s is wild bc avantika is a stranger – its so trusting of sanga from her perspective. 
i feel like relationships in the resistance are very.. temporary just because everyone probably dies a lot of the time. they’re also probably super loose just because … well people are dying and in times like that they have sex. people’s lives are their mission so real steady relationships are probably things for Kuntala Before. there’s an argument for using this as a way to allow avantika and shivu to have a sexual relationship early on in the narrative arc but i think that’s less than ideal because i want them as friends and equals before they muddy everything with romance and sex. avantika has seen so little of the world, and i just feel like there’s an unequal power dynamic so they’re going to be good friends and equals and then they’re probably going to kiss right before the big battle. honestly, avantika calling shivu a friend is probably the bigger character development. 
shivu just thinks avantika is nice and pretty and is really embarrassed by his mom right now. he probably doesnt date a lot because… i kind of see him as someone well liked but not with any real close friends. his strength keeps his apart, and my shivu is desperate to see the wider world because there has to be something .. more out there. the next chapter is basically the village singing “stick to the status quo” and shivu being like … bruh … please let me find lumber to fix ur roof properly …. let me sell our stuff outside of our community ….. i am Tired of eating fish with every meal …. (he also wants to find people as strong as he is, people he isnt afraid to break.) 
the big difference btw canon and my shivu is that he actually does enjoy helping people out and his sole purpose in life is not to climb the waterfall but just ... idk figure shit out so that he can continue helping people better. so when sanga tells him that people are starting to get suspicious he really does take that seriously because he’s going to be the next chief and he needs to be aware of perceptions -- he wants to deserve his role not just age into it. 
i debated between avantika not knowing anything about sex and her just treating sex as something super natural and went with the second because infantilizing her in that way was a big thumbs down. if shivu asked, avantika would be very direct about sex but couching it in terms of “for your own pleasure” probably go over avantika’s head. the fun part about these two is that for me i see them as people aware of sex but also for their own reasons not really into romance/sex because they’ve each been focused on other bigger things. and now they’ve finally found someone outside of their usual worlds and they think the other is beautiful and amazing and now its like ... they’re both discovering A Whole New World 
.... i think this is it? if anyone wants 2 talk to me about nayaki plot past present or future please send me an ask or message im dying 2 talk about this ridiculous rewrite because there’s so much plot and im just .... diverging from the real script now for no reason at all lol. 
Thanks @avani008 I hope u like this ??? im not even sure if this is how I was supposed to do it I just rambled and went off on weird tangents love u!!!
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luv-engineering · 6 years
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Missing sections in "5th Edition"?? I like this book, and had owned a prior edition. I bought this edition because of new sections. WATCH OUT -- the copy that I bought says on the cover (and on the title page) that it is the 5th edition, yet it is missing all of the supposed "new sections" that are purported to be in the 5th edition. The back cover says "The fifth edition includes profiles of successful home winemakers, as well as sections on ice wines, port-style wines, late-harvest or dessert wines, cold-hardy grapes for northern states, and sparkling wines." Only one of these sections is present in the book (a section on sparkling wines) -- all of the rest are missing. I am disappointed, and will likely return the book. It is possible (likely) that this is a case of a manufacturing error by the publisher... putting the new cover on an older printing of the interior. (Since the 5th edition is said to have come out in March 2015, and I purchased this in May 2015). I am returning the book. Go to Amazon
Clearest descriptions of pruning I have seen anywhere Best I have seen on pruning. All other books I have looked at throw words at you without explaining what each refers to. This one not only says what the technical words are, but also gives drawings. Some reviews complain that not all pruning systems are covered. If you are growing a few vines in your back yard, this book will do you just fine. If you are growing commercially, you should be consulting local government agencies. But even then, you might find this book will help you understand the more advanced or up to date advice. Go to Amazon
Stunningly good This book is supremely well written. The step by step instructions actually give me a hint of confidence to try and develop a vineyard on my 5 acres. So far im planning to plant only 2 acres but I've been overwhelmed by the process. This book helps me feel educated in the proper workflow required to take on a project like this. Now the hard part. What varietals to plant and how much of each. Also need to find some professional help. With the appendices and references stated in this book finding help will be much easier. All I can say to Jeff Cox is thank you for providing a treasure trove of info at such a slight cost. The read itself is payback enough for what the book cost. The info in here is priceless. I hope you are getting $50 a book for use as a college text. Go to Amazon
A good intro book The book is a general overview of winemaking and growing, which it does pretty well. What I didn't enjoy was the author discrediting several styles of wine just because he doesn't like them. If an Italian reads this, they would be pretty upset at how he describes grappa as being "nearly always a bad drink." Also, he describes rosés as being "almost always ordinary." It's OK to not like something, but descriptions such as those discourage people from experimenting with those styles. A more objective opinion throughout the book would've been more enjoyable. Overall, it's a decent introduction to winemaking and growing grapes. Go to Amazon
Ya gotta love wine! Loved the book! I have read many books on the subject and work within the wine industry. I think its a great introduction to all the parts in the process of growing grapes, and making wine. And hey, who doesn't like wine? If your just interested in how your favorite wine actually came to be, have an interest in making your own wine at home, or are involved in any way in the industry its a great way to broaden your understanding. From working the grapes, to pouring the wine I feel it's important to understand just what it takes to make that glass of your favorite wine. Wine aficionados are sure to find a new respect for that next glass between the covers. Great read, cheers! Go to Amazon
Good guide for getting started. There's more detailed guides out there for professional growers, but for the amateur grower just wanting to get started with a backyard vineyard, its well worth the read. There's some romantic wine tasting silliness in here that may turn you off, and some servings of cheese such as when he describes his wife crushing grapes that I could do without, but it was enough to get me started with some vines. Go to Amazon
... read a little already to learn which grapes work best in AZ I've read a little already to learn which grapes work best in AZ. It is very informative; especially for .CA residents. It should do well for my wife's mini vineyard! Go to Amazon
easy to understand This book is the ticket to making wine at home , easy to understand . I'm a first time wine maker and I have 40 gal of 4 types of wine ready to rack . I'm lucky to have access to grapes from Napa, Solano , and contra Costa with vines in my sack yard . Jeff Cox did a good job with this book . And the price is right , Love it like my vines and wine Go to Amazon
A Great seller- Product just as described Must-have for hobbyist growers Five Stars A useful update to oringinal book THE reference for the home vineyard and winery It's packed full of fantastic information, and I'll use it for years to ... Five Stars Unfortunately, after five rewrites, the author has not ... This is a great book to learn the art of wine making. Five Stars
0 notes
luv-engineering · 6 years
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Missing sections in "5th Edition"?? I like this book, and had owned a prior edition. I bought this edition because of new sections. WATCH OUT -- the copy that I bought says on the cover (and on the title page) that it is the 5th edition, yet it is missing all of the supposed "new sections" that are purported to be in the 5th edition. The back cover says "The fifth edition includes profiles of successful home winemakers, as well as sections on ice wines, port-style wines, late-harvest or dessert wines, cold-hardy grapes for northern states, and sparkling wines." Only one of these sections is present in the book (a section on sparkling wines) -- all of the rest are missing. I am disappointed, and will likely return the book. It is possible (likely) that this is a case of a manufacturing error by the publisher... putting the new cover on an older printing of the interior. (Since the 5th edition is said to have come out in March 2015, and I purchased this in May 2015). I am returning the book. Go to Amazon
Clearest descriptions of pruning I have seen anywhere Best I have seen on pruning. All other books I have looked at throw words at you without explaining what each refers to. This one not only says what the technical words are, but also gives drawings. Some reviews complain that not all pruning systems are covered. If you are growing a few vines in your back yard, this book will do you just fine. If you are growing commercially, you should be consulting local government agencies. But even then, you might find this book will help you understand the more advanced or up to date advice. Go to Amazon
Stunningly good This book is supremely well written. The step by step instructions actually give me a hint of confidence to try and develop a vineyard on my 5 acres. So far im planning to plant only 2 acres but I've been overwhelmed by the process. This book helps me feel educated in the proper workflow required to take on a project like this. Now the hard part. What varietals to plant and how much of each. Also need to find some professional help. With the appendices and references stated in this book finding help will be much easier. All I can say to Jeff Cox is thank you for providing a treasure trove of info at such a slight cost. The read itself is payback enough for what the book cost. The info in here is priceless. I hope you are getting $50 a book for use as a college text. Go to Amazon
A good intro book The book is a general overview of winemaking and growing, which it does pretty well. What I didn't enjoy was the author discrediting several styles of wine just because he doesn't like them. If an Italian reads this, they would be pretty upset at how he describes grappa as being "nearly always a bad drink." Also, he describes rosés as being "almost always ordinary." It's OK to not like something, but descriptions such as those discourage people from experimenting with those styles. A more objective opinion throughout the book would've been more enjoyable. Overall, it's a decent introduction to winemaking and growing grapes. Go to Amazon
Ya gotta love wine! Loved the book! I have read many books on the subject and work within the wine industry. I think its a great introduction to all the parts in the process of growing grapes, and making wine. And hey, who doesn't like wine? If your just interested in how your favorite wine actually came to be, have an interest in making your own wine at home, or are involved in any way in the industry its a great way to broaden your understanding. From working the grapes, to pouring the wine I feel it's important to understand just what it takes to make that glass of your favorite wine. Wine aficionados are sure to find a new respect for that next glass between the covers. Great read, cheers! Go to Amazon
Good guide for getting started. There's more detailed guides out there for professional growers, but for the amateur grower just wanting to get started with a backyard vineyard, its well worth the read. There's some romantic wine tasting silliness in here that may turn you off, and some servings of cheese such as when he describes his wife crushing grapes that I could do without, but it was enough to get me started with some vines. Go to Amazon
easy to understand This book is the ticket to making wine at home , easy to understand . I'm a first time wine maker and I have 40 gal of 4 types of wine ready to rack . I'm lucky to have access to grapes from Napa, Solano , and contra Costa with vines in my sack yard . Jeff Cox did a good job with this book . And the price is right , Love it like my vines and wine Go to Amazon
Good basic information The book I bought was used and had1999 copyright. I enjoyed the book very much. I found two errors in the book on page 101. Under titratable acid he calculates the acid in parts per thousand. The first example is correct when he uses 10 ml of NaOH and comes up with a 5 ppt total for titratable acid. He then present two examples and uses drops of NaOH in place of ml of NaOH. 20 drops of solution equals 1 ml of solution. Go to Amazon
Must-have for hobbyist growers Five Stars A useful update to oringinal book THE reference for the home vineyard and winery It's packed full of fantastic information, and I'll use it for years to ... Five Stars Unfortunately, after five rewrites, the author has not ... This is a great book to learn the art of wine making. Five Stars Five Stars
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