#im not the be all end all of rob opinions
charmac · 4 months
I’m new to this fandom and was hoping you could provide some insight. How come people seem to really dislike Rob ? What are your thoughts on him?
We need a welcome packet to the Fandom at this point, honestly.
I'm not gonna go through the exhaustive list of things you could call Rob McElhenney out for, but I will give you some insight on the fandom relationship with Rob.
Rob was always the more "humble" of RCG, having actually come from Philly, growing up in the lower class, no college education, basically completely scraping by to become an actor and create Sunny.. well, you know that story. Up until very recently, Rob has always seemed to hold to his values in the core idea of Sunny, that creatives should have control of their work, that the best stuff comes from the people who have the ideas and create it.
Since meeting and going into business with Ryan Reynolds, he's kind of done a complete 180 in that regard. Buying into NFTs and Crypto, believing A.I. has a place in writing for television and we should be using it.. (you can look into his company Adim for more on that) and straight-up admitting he wants to be in the "Ownership business," and is moving away from the creative side of his endeavors. Every other thing out of Rob's mouth nowadays is to build this new image of "Ryan Reynolds magnitude": that he's a businessman, that he should be seen as Hollywood elite, that he wants to be worth billions...as opposed to, you know, a guy that has cool ideas and makes really cool things...
So the Fandom watched Rob go from a humble, "doing it for the love of it" guy to "owning as much as possible and exploiting new technology to get there" business man, and that's rough, and gross, and sucks (and backseats Sunny.. a lot). On top of that there's the history Rob has, especially with Sunny, satirising/commentating on certain subjects poorly and doubling down on having done it, and him having the political views of what I'd call an "Obama Democrat," (take a walk through his older Instagram posts and off-handed remarks on TASP)... It's enough to kind of pick your poison or pile on and actively dislike/hate Rob as a person.
My personal thoughts are.. complicated. I don't "stan" Rob (or any real person for that matter), I love the show, and I will continue to see and value what Rob has to say about it because it's his show. He's the creator of my favourite thing in the entire world, and he still does put a lot into that thing, and you can't shake that Sunny is not Sunny in any way shape or form without him. On top of that, I have met him and I can't understate how genuine he was to meet and talk to, and how kind he was to me holds a lot of weight in my opinion of him (unfortunately? lol?). So I can't say I dislike him, but I can say I continue to be disappointed by his recent endeavours, and I hope he snaps out of it (though I don't think he will).
I don't blame people who dislike him or even hate him, I don't think there's any expectation for a fan of Sunny to like RCG (whether they never talk about them or openly talk shit about them), and I don't think there's a reason for fans to argue over liking/disliking them as people. They're all white, cishet (presenting) middle-aged guys in Hollywood who live in million dollar houses, there's no brownie points for defending them and there's no morality awards being handed out for calling them out. Feel how you want, Sunny's the focus here
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
Call Me | M Barzal
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summary: after your fight with mat, you guys were taking space apart. so when your apartment gets broken into he’s not the one you call.
The fight lasted days, all stemming from you finding a dm conversation with mat and his ex fling on his phone.
He insisted you were insane, that this was just friendly and that you were being dramatic.
You cried, so angry and frustrated that he was belittling your feelings when you were, in your opinion, expressing yourself pretty clearly.
On the third day, you ended up screaming at one another.
“You’re being fucking dramatic y/n!”
Tears rolled down your cheeks and you ripped at your hair roughly “Mat you aren’t listening!”
“I can hear you, you’re just not saying anything worth listening to!”
You gulped loudly “I… Mat do you want to be with her?”
You watch his eyebrows furrow and his eyes narrow at you “Have you been listening to me? God, y/n I’ve told you she’s just a friend-“
“Who you used to fuck!”
“And i fuck you now!”
You just sighed and shook your head “I need you to leave”
“Mathew, you need to go I don’t want you here anymore”
His staggered breath could be heard between his words “Y/N…”
“Mat” you grumbled sternly as you could through your emotions “I’m asking you to leave my apartment right now, please”
He wants to fight you, you know that but he doesn’t. Instead he picks up his jacket and heads for the door.
“You need to get over yourself sometime y/n” is all he says before he leaves. As soon as the door is closed you let out a guy wrenching sob, which Mathew can hear in the hallway.
He then wants to turn around and go back in, hold you and apologize but his ego is too big. So instead he walks away.
Usually your fights lasted a couple of days, Mat would go on a roadie and when he returned you’d be in his apartment waiting.
So the 2 weeks between now and him walking out of your apartment was somewhat alarming. Your missing presence from the UBS arena didn’t go unnoticed by people, rendering a lot of questions for Mat to answer on what happened.
The more he talked about it the worse he felt, the more he realised he was in the wrong.
At the two week mark he was moping around, laying in Tito’s apartment groaning on about how you still hadn’t called or even acknowledged his existence.
Anthony had stopped replying to him days ago, just letting him talk at this point.
“I mean we’ve been together for what? three almost four year and she hasn’t come to a single game? Text?”
“I mean you could call her” Tito suggested to which mat’s head raised and he peered over the couch
“She asked me to leave”
“I think you should talk to her”
“Yeah well-“
Mat’s excuses are interrupted by Anthony’s phone ringing, he picks it up looking at the caller ID before saying
“Hey y/n” which perks Mat’s interest.
“Woah, woah calm down. Breathe”
Mat’s worried, standing from his spot on the couch and asking Anthony what’s happening to which Tito shushes him.
“Okay, and the police are on the way? Good, ok im coming I’ll be there in ten minutes I promise”
As soon as he hangs up Mat rushes out “What? What’s going on? Is y/n ok? Why are the police there?”
Anthony rolls his eyes and jumps out of his seat “Someone broke into her apartment and robbed her, she’s shaken up but the police are going to her apartment so im going to head over”
“I’m coming too” Mat adds.
“Mat I don’t care just get in the car”
By the time they’d arrived at your apartment the police were already there. They walked in to find you talking to someone, giving your statement.
The house had been ransacked, your belongings were strewn all over the floor.
When you spotted Tito, you immediately ran to him “Thank You for coming”
He could hear the tears in your voice, kissing the top of your head he replied “Don’t stress it, are you ok? You’re not hurt?”
You shook your head “I was just shaken up, he didn’t hurt me just took some stuff”
At this point you had noticed Mat lingering around in the background and asked Tito “Why is he here?”
“He was at my place, was worried about you”
After the police had taken all the pictures and statements they needed you began fixing your things back to their original position. Anthony and Mathew had joined in, straightening everything out.
Tito left to fix the dining room up, leaving you and Mat alone in the living room.
“Why didn’t you call me?” Mat asks in the silence and you stop fluffing the pillow in your hand.
“When it happened, why did you call Anthony and not me? When you’re in trouble you call me!”
You looked at him, sad and sunken eyes showing all of your emotional turmoil from the past 2 weeks.
“Because, Mat when I was in this situation I wanted to feel safe and you… you don’t make me feel safe right now”
Mat watched you walk into the next room, leaving him heartbroken and thinking about your words on repeat in his head.
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sukioyakio · 2 months
Siren Sukuna
an:just more headcannon on this au,and more in sight of reader. Also maybe edited or not 😭 Part|, Part||, Part|||
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TheifReader who has been stealing stuff all her life,and now she’s this Sukuna company for life.(and she did once not come back with food and ended up sleeping in an empty alleyway.And she after that day she learned her lesson about the spell he put on her,her whole half body hurted)
Theifreader Who completely amazes and terrified of Sukuna.And at times she wonder if she will one day his lunch.
It was a good afternoon at the new place,and reader was very pleased with watching the little fishes in the pond.Your smiling at how cute the fishes look. Until A large sea creatures with reddish scales just bite off the fishes body and then killed them with his hands.In which your mouth dropped in sadness and disgust. And then Sukuna coming up to the coming up to the shore where you were.Just to show you how he brutally killed the fish with just his teeth and nails. “W-wwhat ..w-why the Fishes,I-i would’ve got food” You said completey upset at him eating the fishes.As you watch him tear up the fish head so easily and eating it. As you see him look at you with a Uninterested look. “Don’t care about your opinions brat,I was hungry” he replied while he sides another fish in his mouth.As you gulp down saliva in horror. ‘Oh lord,why did you give me to him,he just gonna eat me up’ You mentally said,shaking your head to the horrible thought of it.
TheifReader Who just gets lost in sight of staring at Sukuna body,and at times you wonder how such a beautiful creature would have a scary presence.(Girl is completely oblivious to her little feeling for the damn fish),Whenever she get food in the afternoon and if she has extra time she’ll looks though rich folk house and try not to get caught up in the act of robbing jewelry or jewels that reminds her of the scary siren.And then brings to him as a gift from her. After she done running away from the guards.
After running a while from the guards and making sure that the food wasn’t too shaken up by all the running (she gets her food from a old friend who had known her since she started her life a thief and treated her like a family friend) when you got to the large pond,you walked around the grass and announced your arrival to a particular siren fish.You were more happy to show the jewelry you ahem borrowed from. ”Sukuna!!Im back from My visit” You announced once again,now continue walking towards the water fall,As you wait near where the water fall to see if the red siren would appear. As you watch the sky and sun shine turn it into it most beautiful colors.You put the plates of food onto the ground so you could glance at the jewelry you brought. Dangling it in the sky The red ruby shines with the sunlight making it look so beautiful and divine.It was a Necklace with gold base but the charm was a skeleton case in a ruby gem. ”Brat im here” Sukuna response with a big yawn on his mouth as he swim where your at.His face shows disinterested in what your holding. As you turn to see him at the shore of the pond,you smile at him;you quickly put the jewelry’s in your pocket and grab the plates of food.Now Sitting off in the shore as you give him his plate of food (ever since your first day of giving him food he clearly didn’t like vegetables very much but liked meat). You haven’t look at him or touch your plate yet. He quickly grab the plate and began chomping on the cooked meats.He could see that you had something to say to him,either it was another question or another story time. ”What is it women,You haven’t touched your plate yet or it because you think very highly of me and give it to me” Sukuna says with a tease and a smug smile as he plotted another steak into his mouth. You look at him with an ‘Are you seriously think that’ kind of face.You just mutter ‘as if’ underneath your breath.As you sip out a heavy sigh.And began talking.And as observant Sukuna is when reading your expression,he couldn’t read this one.Which has him curious about what it is. “It nothing,I swear” You said with an awkward smile waving your hands as to dismiss it.Sukuna wasn’t going to have you ditch what bothering you. ”Spilled it already brat” He replied with a glare of irritation at your attempt of dismissing your point. You flinch at his gaze as you started to speak. ”o-ok alright,I’ll just didn’t think you’ll like it,but I got you a small little gift,Well it almost got me stopped by the guards but I couldn’t stop myself from getting these jewelry.It reminded me of you so here it is” You rapidly spoke with a little shy smile scratching the back of your neck. As you go into your pocket and show the necklace and the other jewelry such as rings with red gems on it. You even stole some from the those stands that sell jewelry. As you show the necklace,while holding it with delicacies. If anything hearing you talk about how stuff reminded you of him made him feel something in heart that he had never felt in his entire fish existence. Which get this scary looking fish cheeks and ears red.Who just flick your forehead off,making you groan out in pain. You put the necklace down to rub your forehead But without asking him a simple question. “So Do you like it?Can I put it on you”You asked him with a cheeky smile,As you watch him covered his face his large hand.He doesn’t want to appear weak.He just grumble about how stuipd of a brat you have to be. “Ugrh no now just eat your food before I do it for you”
Siren Sukuna who still allows you to put on the necklace on;on the very next day.With some Grumbling and hissing he allow you.In which he couldn’t admit that he didn’t enjoy seeing how you smiled at him When you were done with puttting the necklace.
Siren Sukuna who at random days Tells you mini stories about his life,either it would be about the spells he could do or how many people he had killed in one day.
“I have family out there in the ocean” He says nonchalantly without a single thought to what he said,floating in the pond watching the clouds move and the sun shining down onto them with it warmth as well it breeze of cool air. As you were doing the same watching the sky with a small smile on your face,as you lay on the bright green grass. ”that cool. .. must be nice to have family there” You breathlessy says without a the need the need to continue on. You pause for a moment before riseing up from your position and turning your head to him with a confused face. ”arent your family just fishes,how can you called them family if you literally eat them?”You answered him with your hands animating how he eat fishes. ”No you fuck tard,How dumb are you,Brat.Never mind what I said.” He replied with irritation creeping up his face. “Nuh Uh!!Your not leaving nor swimming out this conversation”
Siren Sukuna hates whenever you ask him to do your hair,or help you brush the nuts off.Like what is he your maid or somthing.(he still does it,but at times he will tug down on your hair on purpose)
”OWW!!!Please Don’t fucking brushed so hard” You said with a mumbbling of how your head hurted. It was technically your fault for asking a siren to do your hair,and the first thing he bring is a fork (I could never use a little mermaid reference 🙄)He just replied with it your fault that you don’t have a high pain tolerance or not being able to do your hair. “Shut it brat you want your hair down or not”He harshly says. “Urghh fine stupid brunt fish” you replied as soon as you finish speaking another tug was done again.You cried out in pain and curses at Sukuna. And Sukuna smirking devilish.
Siren Sukuna Who randomly blurs out that he can use a spell to give him a human form just to see your reaction.
”WAIT!!Really?!?Then why don’t you use it fish!” You exclaimed loudly as you shakes your hands up in frustration as an angry pout is painted across your face. And a smug expression is painted on his as well. ”I Still dont believe you,Fried fish,how About you show me your big fat lie of a spell!” You announced to Sukuna with a disbelieving eyes staring down at Sukuna red orbs. ”And what make you think you are deserving to see my human form or matter of fact spell,maybe if you don’t talk for a whole day then I’ll be willing to show it to you” He says with confidence and proud,his voice carrying himself as you pout for a bit then put on a fake smile. ”you know how your pretty voice of a siren would do for me when I do my job aka stealing,quick answer FUCKING EASY!” You yelled at him with your hand crossed at him. You felt a sense of pain flatter on your shoulder,making you cry out in pain. You glare at Sukuna.Ofc Sukuna pinches you if you become to loud.
Siren Sukuna who doesn’t know or want to understand what he was feeling when you came back from the city all hurt and bloody.But he hated the most is when you came back to him like your left leg isn’t broken or the fact your shoulder is bleeding out blood because of a arrow.With a reassuring smile to think that he’ll be alright to see you like that.
It was your fault for thinking that you’ll be able to steal something from the royals house.The First thing that was wrong,was that you decided to steal something in daylight.You didn’t even get anywhere near the castle.Because you landed off and broke your left leg. But you push yourself to walk into the house and quickly walked into whatever room and steal anything.But right when you were going to walk out one of the royal guards saw you and yelled at you and yelled for backup.In Which your body was in fight or flight and you started to run as fast as you could even if it meant hurting your left leg. You were able to get on top of houses to jump onto other house so the royal guard couldn’t get you.But even that they were able to land a arrow onto your shoulder. All you thought was going back to the pond. When the guard shot you in the should you were going to jump down the last house,but you slip your landing badly,hitting your head onto the building but your made it,and continue to push the pain and run down onto the grass of the exits. But your head was bleeding and blood dripping from your head onto your face. Full on running,toward the pond and fully escaped the guards.You try to maintain your breathing while trying to keep focus on your movements and not the pain that radiates through your body.As you pass through multiple trees. When you made it to the pond you couldn’t even see clearly,holding your right arm close to at least stop the bleeding.You couldn’t think properly as you called out for a fellow fish. “S-sukuna!!-You cough up a bit of blood walking more closely to the pond before-Sukuna. . . I’m back.”You breathlessly spoke up,as your breathing was becoming more heavy and unsteady. Sukuna lazily got out of the little cave inside the water fall and now swimming up to the surface with a completely disinterested look. That until he saw you in that state,His eyes widened in fear or in shock or in anger he couldn’t tell. ”What the fuck happened!”He exclaimed in a harsh tone but lance with concern.Already in your direction.He could see that your breathing isn’t steady. And the fact you couldn’t even stand properly. “O-oh hi Sukuna… L-look what I got for. . Y-you” You replied barley properly with each other word your breathing get more shaky. You took out two bracelet pieces with a weak small. ”Fucking Brat!! I didn’t ask for that! I’m asking what the fuck happened to your body!!You can’t even walk or breathe properly!!Stop fucking smiling at him like that When your ass is fucking bleeding out so much”He yelled with a stern and cold voice as his eyes were filled with anger,fear,and worry. His heart beating and pounding against his heart.He fucking didn’t even know why he so scared if that what he calls it. “Ha-ha … you should look at . . . Yourself. . it was.. T-the guards”You said so weak and small before you could even get to give his bracelet.your vision turn black and you collapse onto the grassy ground. When Sukuna saw you collapse onto the ground his heart sank into a thousand pieces,He scream your name out as he quickly transformed into his human form and carried you into his large body. He started to perform his healing spells on you,as he curse multiple times underneath his breath,about how dumb you are and that he hates how you brings him things that he doesn’t need like your jewelry’s. He nevers wants to see you like this ever again.You made a deal with him and you will keep it.
Siren Sukuna Who makes sure to visit the city,especially to the royal guards and burn and killed multiple people with the same logo of the arrow that was used to shoot you in the shoulder. And when he was done he cancel his fire spell and Grabs him clothes for him to cover his naked body and some clothes for you too. (He says that he did this not for you,yea right.But for him to remember that he is still the strongest creature alive)
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That all I wrote today,I hope you like this one,even though I Think I wrote a little too much 🥲
But if you have any suggestions or ideas or opinions on this please feel free to share them in the comments.
Made by @sukioyakio
also thank you for 180 followers
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ppnuggie · 9 months
      MTMTE x gn reader
    『 rodimus ,, ultra magnus ,, chromedome ,, rewind ,, megatron ,, whirl ,, tailgate ,, swerve ,, cyclonus ,, first aid ,, ratchet ,, drift ,, gender neutral reader 』
  -> christmas on the lost light
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — sorry i havent been uploading as much 😭💔 ive been busy with work and school ,, but im on christmas break so hopefully ill be able to get through the few requests i have sitting in my inbox rn and reopen requests :(( ima try to start uploading more now as much as i can ❤️ heres a little something for christmas though ! hope you all enjoy christmas this year <3
• it was natural for the bots aboard to be interested in human customs ,, having lived in a war most their life . death and violence were something they were quite used to experiencing ,, never really having the time to experience anything outside of the horrors of war itself .
• swerve was one of the few main bots that pestered you often about human holidays . cybertronians didn't celebrate much ,, unless they were a group of autobots who just gave some decepticons a what-for .
• then again ,, swerve usually asked many questions regarding things on earth and what humans do . sometimes you humored him ,, sometimes you told little lies ,, like if you clapped three times in a mall it would be a sign that a tiger was loose . it was quite fun to put silly nonsense in that processor of his at times .
• though when it came to christmas he would not leave you alone . whether you celebrated it or not ,, you still explained the custom in general to him . how old saint nicholas would mosey on down the chimney ,, eat the cookies and drink the milk left out for him ,, and leave presents under the tree lit well and adorned with ornaments .
• you even pulled up the santa tracker for swerve ,, showing him where santa would go and be ,, how on christmas eve he would be flying around with his reindeer and leave presents
• hearing all of this intrigued chromedome and rewind ,, as well as tailgate and whirl . cyclonus didn't understand the hype and belief of having an old random man leave gifts in your house and eat your food even if left out specifically him . tailgate was thrilled though ,, a funny little old man leaving him gifts seemed so heavenly to him . chromedome and rewind ,, however ,, had different opinions . rewind was interested in this human holiday ,, whilst chromedome shared the same opinion as cyclonus . how were you sure this 'santa' guy wasnt gonna rob you ? and when you were sleeping nonetheless .
• rodimus already knew of this tradition ,, as did ratchet and ultra magnus . rodimus was quite ecstatic at the idea of having a christmas party ,, watching christmas movies and sipping on energon . maybe he could even have you sit on his lap ,, all cozy in those soft blankets and sippin on your own mug of hot chocolate .
• ratchet couldnt care less ,, grumbling something about how 'you humans and your holidays and customs' . though he definitely didnt deny the offer of going to this christmas party ,, it was nice to spend some time that didn't involve life threatening situations for once .
• ultra magnus ,, on the other hand ,, was quite picky about how the christmas party should be set up . he even tried to ban home alone ,, saying he didnt want rodimus to get any ideas from the traps in the movie . the last thing he needed was to end up in one the next day . though ,, the many outweigh the few ,, and so home alone was allowed in the movie marathon .
• now when you told him about the grinch ,, he wasnt sure if you were mocking him by saying it was an actual movie or if he should be concerned for what this dr.seuss guy was drawing . i mean ,, have you seen how hairy the grinch is ? or how the whos in whoville are shaped ? pointy noses and all ,, it was quite new to magnus .
• megatron ,, who overheard everything ,, already knew he wasnt going to be wanted at the party . it made sense ,, his past and everything he's done to earth and its people . though when you asked him to come ,, that you personally wanted him there ,, he swore he felt his spark stop for a second . he only gave a nod ,, whilst ravage bickered to him that night in his habsuite .
• whirl ,, to say the least ,, was prepared to fight santa . he was watching the santa tracker ,, waiting for the jolly fellow to pop up so whirl could fly down and bring out the big guns ( that brainstorm recently made ,, not yet tested out or put through a test trial so lord knows what may go wrong) . magnus almost had to throw him in the brig if he couldnt contain his sudden rage and fury for the old man .
• first aid was somewhat interested ,, never having celebrated a holiday before . it would be nice ,, getting together and doing nothing but watching movies all day . he hadnt seen movies from earth that much either ,, besides a few fast n furious ones here and there . needless to say ,, he was somewhat concerned for humans need to trash cars . he cringed a little on the inside ,, watching those perfectly good cars blow up . it was like a horror movie but for cybertronians .
• during the movie marathon ,, whirl tried to sneak violent night and black christmas in ,, saying they were also christmas movies and that they should watch them . magnus ended up throwing them out ,, saying no one really felt like seeing dying people during this one time of peace .
• drift enjoyed the nightmare before christmas ,, the claymation alone was enough to captivate him . then the designs of the characters ,, the music and songs ,, even jack's childlike wonder for christmas matched his own (in a few ways) . during that movie you sat with him ,, sharing a few facts about the movie itself . how long it took to make and how hard it is to do claymation movies .
• during the polar express you stayed with rewind and chromedome ,, snuggling in between the two and sippin on your hot chocolate . rewind enjoyed watching the train on the ice whilst chromedome puffed about how he coulda easily done that himself and saved everyone . you only rolled your eyes ,, muttering out a sure as you fought back a smile .
• during a break in between the movies you noticed megatron ,, standing awkwardly in the corner with his own cube of fools energon in servo . you smiled at the bot ,, walking up to him and having a small conversation with him . you didnt honestly think he’d show up ,, but youre glad he did . he let you sit with him during one of the movies ,, bonding well with the giant bot .
• he was quite warm ,, heat coming from off his body as you huddled close to him . he tucked his servo around you ,, worried you may fall off . for a few moments during the movie you swore you saw him smile at some of the corniest parts ,, or chuckle softly at some of the dumbest jokes .
• you took turns ,, switching between bots during different movies . you would sit in their laps ,, explain little things you liked about the movie playing and share a few things of your own childhood during this time of the year .
• it was nice ,, to say the least . having time to the bots ,, doing things that reminded you of home . it wasnt the same ,, but it was the thought that counted . spending time with them peacefully was more than enough for you ,, and definitely more than you could ask for this christmas .
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anemoiashifts · 3 months
detachment & attachment in reality shifting
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disclaimer !! this account doesn’t not support induced dissociation to shift. if you find yourself unable to tell if something is real or false, that is not good for shifting nor your mental health.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
if you are attached to something, that something dictates your life. that something dictating your self concept. if you don’t see yourself worthy of what you desire, you will never get it. this is why people say “don’t put shifting on a pedestal” because when something is placed so highly & idolized in your mind you me only choice is to look up at it. when you look at it from that view, you’ll never be at eye level. you’ll always have a different perspective. the concept of detaching from this reality, this current experience weather it be trying to get to harry potter or get a new job because you believe it’s bigger then you & the only reason why you think it’s bigger then you is because you think you’re not worthy of what you want. you think things or people are above you or more special when that’s not true. we all end up in the same place in death, we all cry and sleep and need air.
if you give something like your desired reality friends or partner the power to make you happy & that’s what you’re banking on to fill a hole in your life, then you’ll never be fulfilled. your happiness, you’re emotions all depend on you. the only thing we can control is how we react to things. if you say something like “im so mad that i didn’t shift” & it legitimately ruins your day or robs you of something, then you’re vibrating at a low level. the highest level we as human beings vibrate at is love & that loves comes internally. you don’t need someone or a place to complete you because you are already a complete person with the capacity to give & receive love.
ways to detach:
ཻ۪۪♡. meditation.
ཻ۪۪♡. become aware of your thoughts & recognize what serves you.
ཻ۪۪♡. persist in the state that you already have your desires.
ཻ۪۪♡. redefine your concept of self.
ཻ۪۪♡. affirmations.
ཻ۪۪♡. lucid dreaming.
ཻ۪۪♡. the hypnogogic state.
ཻ۪۪♡. paying attention to what music you listen to & how it makes you physically feel so it doesn’t keep you stuck in situation that doesn’t serve you.
ཻ۪۪♡. look at your failed shifting attempts as lessons & corrections I that you can take into your next attempt.
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
attachment is redefining your concept of self & learning that seeing is not always believing. the ability to see if one persons perspective. lady gaga once said she knew she was going to be famous. she had this internal sense of knowing & persisted in that feeling until her thoughts were a reflection of what she saw. if someone says “you’re car is ugly” that’s not a fact. that’s someone’s opinion of you or of a situation.
taking a step back & looking at the bigger picture, you have to trust yourself. if you can’t trust yourself what are you putting trust in ? the universe ? you are the universe. you are the creator of your own life. you decide when to stop trying.
ways to attach:
ཻ۪۪♡. you are what you allow yourself to have.
ཻ۪۪♡. redefining how you view other people; humanizing others.
ཻ۪۪♡. allowing yourself to feel or pretend that you already have your desires.
ཻ۪۪♡. shifting subliminals (or any subliminals that pertain to your desired self & life).
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infernothechaosgod · 8 days
One thing imma be real one thing i don't like about some mouseverse comics is that some characters just straight up look so human, and honestly I think that theres some good missed potential with some of them like the phantom blot la creatura
Before I got into the comics for good I thought the phantom blot was suppoust to be a human and that was one of the reasons why he freaked mickey out so much bc he's just straight up activating his uncanny valley/ is somewhere where he's just straight up not suppoust to be so he doesnt look like anything mickey's seen yet but apparently he's suppoust to be a dog
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I think blots design is very good without his mask he looks like one of these rich people way over their head (its bc of the mustache, brows and half closed eyes half of the time im telling you he looks like he has 500$ of spare change in his pocket at all times )
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(He'd rob me out of my money on etsy)
But blots design really doesnt look like a dog and I honestly think for him thats a strenght for a couple of reasons I dont wanna fully write out here bc id be getting into character design study for like 4 pager out here but the main point is Blot is the villian and a well masked one on top of that his design being highly diffrent from others is a good thing bc he's already not like others he stands out and he's evil and he's suppoust to be creepy so I think not really looking like a dog despite teachnicly being one has its purpose and even metaphor to it if you wanna go that route (maybe bc he views himself so above everyone and so humanized compared to them that he ends up sticking out, because he is so above them he's no longer one of them and its visible in his design)
But the points above start to fall flat and explode like a comicly large firework when you consider eeeeeh
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All these are background/one off characters so I understand why the designs arent exactly thought out on the same level as main characters that would honestly be ridiculous but some of them just don't look like any animals and some straight up look like humans with slightly altered face structure
And that unfortunately also goes for my best girl samantha
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ily but you do not look like a dog girl T T
When I was first reading that comic i thought she got the "kitty kat" treatment but turns out its just a thing for one off/side characters
Also there are some alternative designs for already existing characters that look more human in animation that arent used for some reason probably bc the animation and comic departaments being quite diffrent and also having a giant brick ball between eachother or disney just refusing to re-brand or re-design things that are already somehow well known
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Comic o'hara design ^^^
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Animated o'hara design ^^^
There very slightly diffrent but I can easily tell animated o'hara is a dog while the comic ver had me a bit confused (especialy since I didnt see the ears at first)
Also o'charas first apperance IN COMIC FORM looks alot more charming to me for some reason, the same goes for other police officers
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he's so fat here I love it
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They look alot cuter that way imo I like their snouts alot more in that form Plus they do the side eye every dog ever gives you at some point you know exactly what im talking about 🫵🫵🫵🫵
I dont know it could just be me being picky but I feel like there would be some ways of making the side characters look more animal but still easy to draw and design, maybe something like character base's for diffrent animal species that can get altered for diffrent one off/side characters...or giving the comic artist more time to do their job crazy idea i know
Idk like i said it could just be me being picky but I just don't like that and think there are some ways to change that
This is just my opinion and rambling though so lemme know what you think maybe im missing something or you preffer them that way Id love to hear others opinion since I know there are ppl out there who put alot more thinking abt the mouseverse than i did and probably ever will
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naomis-daydream · 2 years
forbidden fruit // shuri udaku
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summary: dora milaje!reader. your job becomes increasingly difficult when a certain princess is persistent on making you hers.
content/warnings: suggestive language, stripping/nudity, fade to black ending
a/n: in my head reader still has hair, but do as you please. im very attached to my hair, but a bald era is tempting. anyways, i had pre WF shuri in mind bc she seems more bratty then, but again, as you please
“Nkosazana! Are you alright?” Princess.
“Could you come here, please?” she shouted back.
You eyed the door suspiciously, unsure if you should enter, especially with all the antics she pulls. Reluctantly, you respond. “I’m coming in now, assure you are decent.”
If this were anyone else, you would’ve burst in without question, but with the princess, things were different. When you’d been assigned to protective duty over her, you immediately asked the gods why they’d do such a thing. Ever since you became a Dora, the princess made it her job to torture you, tease you, push your buttons just to see what reaction she could evoke. You assumed it was just her defiant nature, her being drawn to the thought of such an illicit affair. Though other times, it seemed she just wanted someone by her side—you.
You accompanied her on trips to the market, walks around the capitol, and wherever she roamed in the palace. She would start by asking your opinion on some object, usually tech or clothing. It would escalate to spending hours with each other, walking aimlessly until nightfall talking about everything from the weather to believing in the gods.
You began to look forward to seeing her, talking to her, laughing with her, simply being around her, but you were also keen on never letting things get to far. Shuri had a tendency to make her advances ever so prominent when you weren’t in the confines of the castle. From lingering touches, suggestive language, and walking a little to close for comfort between royalty and warrior. This cat and mouse game had gone on for months, and unbeknownst to you, the princess planned on winning.
You peaked your head in and scanned the room before walking in completely. “Shuri?” You called, spear pointed fiercely in front of you. You continued until she came walking from her closet, your jaw parting as your spear lowered.
Bast, help you.
There she was, in all her glory. Standing in the skimpiest satin robe you’ve ever seen, nipples perking against the pearl-colored fabric. You felt shameful as your eyes betrayed you, scanning over her body, not used to seeing this much skin. The robe stopped just under the curve of her ass, the front tied loosely with the belt ends dangling mid thigh.
“You’re staring.” she said, a confident, cocky smirk on her lips as you snapped your eyes back to her face.
Quickly straightening out your back and tightening the grip on your spear, you replied. “What is it you need, princess?”
“My towel.”
You gave her a deadpan look. “You pressed the emergency button on your beads,” you began, “so I could fetch your towel?”
She nodded simply. “Mmhm, it’s just there,” she pointed to the cupboard above the mirror, “on the top shelf.”
You clenched your jaw as she smiled at you, she fucking smiled. “And put that spear down, would you? You’re going to poke someone’s eye out.” It was then when you realized what a death grip you had on the object. If it weren’t made of vibranium-laced metal, you’re sure it would’ve bent.
Nonetheless, you obliged before walking over to the girl, standing directly in front of her. She looked up at you with those bright, beautiful eyes. ‘Lo mfazi uya kuba kukufa kwam’ you thought. This girl will be the death of me.
You faced the mirror, reaching up and stretching your fingers a few times before grabbing it as you heard the shower start.
“Here you go, my princess. Your beloved towe-” you said while turning around. Only to be met with Shuri’s bare body, accompanied by a small smile as she stood in front of the shower door, her robe abandoned at her feet.
“Shuri!” You shrieked, turning around, yet meeting her frame once more in the mirror. “Princess,” you said sternly, looking at the floor, “These…games have gone on long enough. This is highly unprofessional and inappropriate. It was ignorant of me to indulge in this-this-”
“This what?” She asked, taking a step towards you, her gaze lustful and longing. “Admit it, sana, you like me.”
Your eyes remained glued to the floor as she stalked toward you, like predator to prey. You swallowed thickly as she came closer. “It does not matter how I feel-”
“Uyaxoka,” she whispered, circling your body, her breath warm on the back of your neck. You’re lying.
“-your family, my duty, the elders! What would they think of us?” You meant for your words to be stern and stoic, but the response came out meekly, your body unable to hide the underlying desire you tried so hard to fight.
“I think,” she said slowly, “you are wearing far too much clothing.” As she spoke, top of your armor slid off your body, landing on the tile with a clang.
You shivered as the cool air meets your breasts, nipples hardening at the change—and your arousal. She walked back to your front holding your gaze as she lowered herself.
“Princess,” you warned.
It was no use, though. She smiled deviously as she slid your boot off, one hand on your inner thigh to keep you steady as she repeated on the other foot.
Looking down at her, she wasn’t looking at you. Her eyes were glued to her hands that were quickly and skillfully tugging down waistband of your pants, along with your underwear. She kept her eyes down as she guided your body out each garment, finally smiling up at you once she had you where—or perhaps how—she wanted you.
She kissed your thighs, massaging the soft skin of your hamstrings as she moaned softly.
“Nkosazana,” you said breathlessly. Shuri rose to her feet, her face inches from yours.
“Ubufowunele?” she answered slyly, laughing at your compromised state. You called?
“Please,” you begged, tilting your head back as you placed arms around her neck. She hummed in approval before kissing your neck slowly, hands on your hips while walking you backwards towards the shower.
Just as she left it, the door was open as steam poured out the entrance. She trailed her lips up your jawline as your back hits the wall.
Shuri peals her mouth off you, keeping her body close. She hovers over your lips. You part yours almost instinctively.
Her lips curl into a smile at your neediness.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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lazaruspiss · 1 year
found gotham knights concept art and i have Thoughts
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1) nightwing but red. eh. 2) EARRINGS. CROPPED JACKET. I WAS ROBBED. 3) all bloody <3 wouldn't have made any sense in game but its hot. 4) is this his yjtv look. i don't care for it.
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1) unpopular opinion but i want this so bad. how did they make the pill helmet look sexy. the jacket is so good. i want him to bend me over and [REDACTED] 2) too clunky robot for me. 2/10. 3) he wears this to the gay club to make sure the hot boys know hes available 4) another one that everyone would hate but i think its so so funny and they should have kept it anyways.
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1) sometimes babs makes me rethink my lesbianism. that haircut does not work for her. 2) kinda sci-fi? reminds me of the jetsons. no strong feelings. 3) LET ME PRETEND TO BE CASS IM BEGGING YOU. 4) decent looking. i don't mind it.
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1) i love the hair so much that id put up with the lame outfit. 2) is this his drake look? it'd be fun to have but i can't imagine ever using it. 3) pretty average, but i like tim with a cowl. 4) FUCKIN NERD. go back to arkhamverse loser. 5) red robin!! i love his red robin fits and this is no exception. i think we did end up with something similar in game but this one is also really good.
Anyways. favs from each. Nightwing: 2 / Red Hood: 1 / Batgirl: 3 / Robin: 5. If only I knew how to mod/make 3d models smh
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cannibalovers · 8 months
Hannibal song of the day: song no. 8
a bit about the song:
"Parasite"(released in 2010) is a song by How To Destroy Angels(HTDA), a music project by Trent Reznor(NIN) featuring his wife, Mariqueen Maandig Reznor, Atticus Ross and Rob Sheridan. His wife has taken over his usual lead vocalist position, with him taking on the background vocals, although in this song, both of them sing all the lines are the same time (although Mariqueen's voice is still quite dominant). The song fits the experimental, eletronica and post-industrial genres, beginning with a building guitar noise, thick drums soon come in, followed by more discordant guitar screeches. All the guitars soon stop and the drums and a synth bass are left to play behind Trent Reznor's and Mariqueen Maandig Reznor's low, smooth vocals and dominant drums, with the screechy, haunting guitars coming back in later. The lyrics are quite intimate, presenting two subjects talking, maybe asking each other questions about each other and answering them. They are slowly becoming each other, infecting each other, like parasites.
ngl it was hard to find anything about the set meaning, only everything about Trent's style and how he has mixed it with his wife and others, producing this album (so basically about the sound and production) so i guess this will be fully just my interpretation. very hannigram, once again, i have some other songs that remind me of other characters and stuff im gonna have to do smth about those too at some point lol
and again quite short, the song is very instrumental and feel based in my opinion but anyhow
Verse 1
"Yes, I can feel you
Yes, I believe
Yes, you can have me
Yes, I can breathe
Yes, now I need you
Yes, you are mine
Yes, you have shown me
Yes, you define
through the whole song, the lines are sung at the same time, creating a feeling of unity and harmony, which the subjects seem to be agreeing to feel. They both feel and need each other, they believe in each other, they agree to devotion to each other and admitting how they have changed after being with each other, they let each other be dependent on one another - it seems like they're merging, like parasites. Maybe they chose the word parasite due to it's slightly negative connotations, maybe that's how the rest of the world sees them, infecting, controversial and desperate and obsessive with their love or unrightous and incorrect - considering that this is most likely based on Mariqueen and Trent, they have rattled the world a bit, Trent being the frontman of a harsh rock band known for its depressing and angry themes and involvement in drugs, Nine Inch Nails and Mariqueen bit less rattling, having been a former vocalist of West Indian Girls and a Playboy model for one of their magazines, but them two together - that have rattled the world, receiving some negative and racist reaction after finding out about the two getting married, even producing a song called "The Space In Between" which talks about their relationship and how the media has been treating them.
for hannigram, these lyrics remind me of them due to this, how they view unity and courtship. They seem to infect each other like parasites - they are quite dangerous to each other and to others around them. Hannibal seems to be like a parasite, he latched himself into Will and since then, hasn't let go of the idea that Will should be his and like him, trying to turn Will into him and understand him as he slowly feeds off of Will's sanity. Will recognises that after realising that Hannibal framed him for his own murders and tries to get revenge, letting Hannibal indulge in him and try to pretend to become Hannibal to try and frame him too, but this ends up with them slowly become more and more dependent on each other, to the point where they can't deny it anymore. It wasn't Will's intention at first, but as time passed by, they both have willingly began to accept each other and Will finally let Hannibal in. Both feel and need each other, they believe in each other, they agree to devotion to each other and admit to how they have changed each other.
in conclusion this is their song fr (<- what i say about every song i ever hear)
additional notes:
i've learned whilst researching for this that another song by htda, "the space in between" was actually used in a promo for hannibal holy shit i have this song in my playlist i am so writing about that one later
i have so many songs that technically apply for season 3 or where i could mention s3 and its driving me insane omfg but anyhow
i recommend the whole self-titled ep by them, it is very good
anyway hope you enjoyed<3
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hamausagi · 3 months
HELLO AND WELCOME to this episode of JAKES SOAPBOX !!! where i yap on and on abt things i care abt, but likely no one else does. todays episode i will be ranting and raving abt the highly anticipated (at least for me) OMORI official manga first chapter release !! below is my highly opinionated review <3 there are spoilers for the manga, and i do discuss the prologue and day one of the OMORI game so read this with caution. i added screenshots from the manga itself as well.
this is simply a critique from the point of view of a superfan who was hoping the manga would be suitable for both old fans, new fans, and people reading the manga with no prior knowledge of the game at all. this is simply my opinion. while i compare this manga to the game repeatedly, i want to make it clear upfront that i wasn't expecting this to be a cookie-cutter remake in manga form of the game. i believe that it's lacking some important story beats and pacing that makes the story as impactful as it is. enjoy
first of all, i was ECSTATIC when i saw the promo for this. i am OMORI's biggest fan forever and ever, so god knows i was sitting and (im)patiently waiting for this to come out. however, upon reading the first chapter, i can't say i'm a huge fan. i will say that i am the type of person to view content regarding my favorite things with the most insanely rose tinted glasses, however that wasn't going to save my first impressions of the manga from scrutiny. tl'dr, i was really disappointed.
now my first complaint: pacing. to start with the beginning, i do really like how it starts off with the same dialogue as the game does. the art is simple, yet extremely effective when it comes to portraying the overall "vibe" of OMORI, which is something that carries on throughout the first chapter and i'll talk about it more later. however, i'm really not a fan of how the story begins. the first three pages are showing this dream sunny is having, a contorted memory of a christmas spent with his friends, ending with a horrifying and distorted image of mari begging sunny to "tell her why".
now, my issue with this, is that the story is now lacking a very important aspect that made the original so much more impactful: a foundation. in the game prologue, we are introduced primarily to the whole group, all of the fun-loving and sweet characters all living happily in headspace- INCLUDING mari. it was meant to establish two very important things about sunny: A) headspace is a safe, fun place where all of his friends are, but something isnt right and B) the real world is NOT where he wants to be, it's scary and reminds him of something he doesn't want to remember. yet the way the manga is paced, it skips all of that. we are immediately thrust into the real world as sunny wakes up to get himself the steak from the fridge, where again, we are robbed of another crucial detail: sunny does NOT want to go down the stairs in the dark. in game, when sunny tries to leave his room, he doesn't allow himself down more than one step of the stairs. before i get ahead of myself, the artist did include this panel (right to left)
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which i think wonderfully portrays sunny's fear of going down the stairs. the wobbly lines and darkness coming out of the piano room is great. however, this comes after sunny has already come down the stairs and eaten the steak, and seems to be more centered around him being afraid of who was at the door. which, in my opinion, also holds even less weight as the original mari door jumpscare wasn't included either (which is a whole other can of worms), which was an actual deterrent from the player opening the door for kel in game.
(this leads me to another, much more nit-picky complaint: but that is the specific pacing of this page specifically:
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which occurs after sunny goes back upstairs to throw up the steak he ate in the bathroom. the panels, while aesthetically pleasing and visually descriptive towards sunny's paranoid thoughts, aren't really showing me what's going on. he slams the bathroom door shut, seemingly does nothing, and is suddenly back in the kitchen cleaning his knife. but for some reason, the kitchen is upstairs, rather than downstairs, which is where we get the panels of him being afraid of descending the stairs. i feel that this was an unnecessary change, and could have been avoided by sticking to the original planning of this segment. but again, this is just a small nitpick that doesn't really mean anything.)
speaking of kel at the door, this is another reason why the lack of a headspace prologue in the very beginning is frustrating. as of now, the reader has no idea who kel is, or what he really means to sunny. sure, we saw him briefly in the dream sunny has, but he says one thing, and that dream lasted 3 pages. two, of which, didn't show anyone besides mari or sunny at all. in the prologue, kel is shown to be very protective and caring towards sunny, notably staying by his side and making sure sunny isn't alone for too long when being "it" during the hide and seek minigame, and overall establishing that he (and the rest of the friendgroup, might i add) was an important person in sunny's life. knowing this, then hearing mom's voicemail about how kel has been trying to reach sunny all this time, and THEN hearing him call out to sunny at the door, makes seeing kel in the real world for the first time a meaningful experience. we understand why kel is so excited to see sunny come outside. but in the manga, to me, it feels so rushed. when playing through the story, you're in headspace for a good 3-5 hours before you even enter the real world, or have the chance to open the door for kel. in the manga, it feels lackluster.
this leads to the faraway town scenes. kel and omori make their way to faraway town, which is full of the typical headspace cameos that the reader won't understand due to the lack of the headspace storyline. when in hobeez, kel mentions how the store is the same, featuring "captain spaceboy games" and "sweetheart movies", which would mean a lot more to the reader if they saw the group dig through spaceboy's junkyard and battle him at the end, or sneak through sweetheart's castle and confront her on stage. these are small nitpicks, but the biggest issue for me is that during this segment, kei and sunny are going to hobeez to buy hero a gift. but yet, the reader doesn't know who hero is. there isn't that moment of realization that hero, alongside kel, is a real person in sunny's life, not just a figment of sunny's imagination, and he's old enough to be in college. there's no emotion there. they pick out the same cookbook, but the reader has no idea why this holds significance. in the game, we all know hero as the chef, the cook that heals the team with his snacks and his frying pan fighting skills- but the reader doesn't know why hero, mentioned as a pre-med student, would even want a cookbook. these details lose all meaning without being backed up by important scenes in the original prologue.
this leads to my personal least favorite moment of the whole chapter: the confrontation between basil and aubrey. i was so incredibly disappointed by the absolute assassination of her character, which is simply because there's more missing context left behind in the game prologue. aubrey is introduced as a sweet, silly girl in the game, who cares deeply for omori and her friends, which is supposed to shock the player when meeting her in the real world for the first time. aubrey's change is supposed to make the player really question what happened to these friends, what made these kids who clearly cared so deeply for one another behave this way, and wonder why sunny (and mari's death, along with why no one wants to talk about it) seems to be at the center of it all. there is none of this extremely necessary context here. what makes things worse is that the reader also has zero idea who aubrey or basil are. while yes, they too were mentioned in the 3-page dream at the beginning of the chapter, it was for one single page with one piece of dialogue each. these characters hold no meaning here. aubrey then hits basil with her nail-covered bat, which is NOT something that happens in game. its actually kim who pushes him away, NOT aubrey, which is an important detail as aubrey never meant to lay a hand on any of them originally. the manga just paints her out to be violent, angry, and in a rush to hurt people she used to care about. while her character is extremely detailed and nuanced, i won't get too into it here as the player wouldn't know at this point, and neither would the reader.
the altercation in the manga between sunny and aubrey continues as she mocks him for locking himself away after they supposedly "couldn't save mari". this sends sunny into a spiral, aubrey swings her bat at kel, and poises to hurt sunny as well when he swings his knife at her, slicing her shoulder. the choices the artist make here are astounding, in the most negative way possible. while yes, there is a fight scene with kel and sunny vs aubrey in game, it portrayed a lot differently. its made very clear in game that sunny is very seriously impacted by his inner world to the point where he sees apparitions of space bunnies or other creatures while walking down the streets, or even the "fight" between himself and the poster inside of hobeez. this is important to note, because the player can also see the RPG fighting menu, which is extremely important to display just how out of touch with reality sunny is. he can't grasp that there's a difference between reality and his dream world. inside headspace, fighting is extremely normal. combat is a huge part of the game and the story, where the player fights bosses, smaller enemies, and gathers weapons and even toys to use in battle. that normalization where the player is USED to battle in the dreamworld, where there are no real consequences, if a character dies they can be healed or revived, comes to a screeching halt when we realize that we, as sunny, just actually slashed aubrey. the battle comes to a screeching halt, aubrey collapses after just one hit, which again, the player AND sunny isn't used to after fighting so many hard battles, and displays real pain. this is a far contrast to the manga, where we just see sunny lash out at aubrey. while it can be argued that yes, the manga is a completely different medium of storytelling than the game where we have that fighting and battle UI aspect, there are a myriad of ways the creator could have given the same effect- which could have easily been achieved by including the headspace prologue instead of jumping immediately into the real world this way.
the creator then chooses this moment to send sunny back into white space, which completely removes the interaction sunny has with basil and kel after the scuffle with aubrey. there's no walking with basil home, theres no learning about the photo album- in fact, there's no mention of basil's album at ALL, which is incredibly strange not only due to its immense importance to showing the bond between the friends, but the fact that it's a huge plot point and storytelling device.
in conclusion, i sincerely believe that this manga is a poor presentation of OMORI's story, and an incredible disappointment. leaving out the hours and hours of content before the real world is even introduced robs the manga of any substance, as the whole point of the prologue being so incredibly long was to establish a baseline for the player to become comfortable with, to allow us to get to know the characters and see how they interact, and then have that all be contorted and changed when brought into the real world. there is no established connection to the characters, the plot is ridiculously rushed, and the story feels empty and disconnected. it truly feels like the author barely knew what the game was about. i also don't feel that the artstyle in general works either, as the characters look extremely young, while the real world characters are 15-16 and the way they are drawn makes them look 12. but, i will rest my case there. i completely disagree with the flip-flopping of the story, and my expectations for the rest of this manga have plummeted to insane depths.
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reilleclan-blog · 4 months
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Yes I'm still here and while I'm here I decided to get rdr2 b/c I wanted to rp as a cowboy so fucking bad. Um honestly I don't hate rockstar games recent gta story wise and online play is ass to me movement and thr story felt so trivial to me(this js my opinion after years of thinjing rockstar and gta are relativrly good) but yeah. the only rockstar game i faithfully love is Bully.
and as i play rdr2 i feel like the story is basically like Bully except the entire plot of rdr2 is Jimmy(arthur) and Gary(Micah) going at it the entire game but also using a bit of mislead.
(and yes after arthur got captured by odriscolls i immideitely sused out Micah as being a snake. also i didnt believe a word of a "truce")
And yes i did look up the truth to confirm my suspicions b/c i don't believe in spoilers kinda. But yeah im gonna say a couple things about this game I genuinely think it's a cool and interesting game. I personally can't fathom how ppl thought Dutch was so "wise" and "complex" he basically was some dude that monologued EVERYtime he was on screen. Like I swear to god this dude was just a "head up his own ass" type of guy and it solidifies even more around the ends of the game. (In the beginning I thought he was sort of a good guy but once they sat up camp out of the cold .. I was like this guy is annoying ass shit and I absolutely hated taking orders from him as Arthur lol)
Dutch was basically a dude that thought he knew more than everyone cause he read a couple books and quoted shit all the time. My nigga , u are ultimately a fucking poser. U no better than anyone in the camp ANYONE could've done what he did he just got in the position before anyone else. I swear to god I'd skip so many cutscenes b/c all he did was talk and talk "blowing hot air" and as the game went on he continued to do dumber and dumber shit and everyone just went along with it. I genuinely think it's hilarious a separate job everyone does(robbing the bank) was the most fun mission with main side characters I'd probably had thru the entire game. And all that was pretty much thrown out the game b/c Dutch's plans made everyone have to leave again.
(Him saying "play both sides of the war" was the dumbest shit ever. But ofc everyone still listened to him. Hosea was having a mind of his own but STILL choice to do what he said.) Dutch wanted to play chess so bad but really he was playing checkers ever since they left Strawberry possibly Blackwater as well.
Also I wasn't sure how I'd like the game mostly the main character but Arthur actually has a personality and can be complex more than a lot of the characters ppl call "complex" . I honestly think rockstar could've gone farther with making the story so compelling maybe the main character could've been a woman who is living in the west u know and finds these band of misfits and it could show the struggles of crime and being a woman advantages and disadvantages. Something like that.
I don't think the characters aren't interesting not saying that lol I just think in the end this story didn't want to push further with complex understanding or characters. It's like yes it's a story but it's not here to make u think too much on what's going on. (That's how I felt) since most of the audience I'm assuming were biased players and SURPRISE straight white men.(even though funny enough cowboys were originally black and brown) so I think rockstar made a story just interesting ENOUGH to keep that certain demographics attention. I assume with ppl that assess games and the way the game plays out at times. For example a lot of the times during missions u could do something stealthy but still end up having a trivial ass shootout to "keep the excitement" of the game. A lot of the times that happens and it just annoys me b/c it'd virtually makes stealth pointless unless otherwise.
I'm still trying to finish up the game but rockstar has a tendency to make these games over long for no fucking reason . It reminds me of movies that are like 2hrs long just to have the entire movie be "racism is bad"(Cloud Atlas) or some dumb simple shit like that. So I'm still tryna see what the story this game is tryna tell me or show me but damn it's just taking forever for no fuckin reason TO ME. 💀 also feels like there's so much shit happening in the game that I can't grasp the story at times like there's no rest? Doesn't mean when characters died I didn't care but still
I was even baffled that the crew really went overboard and landed on some tropical island. Sometimes the events in the game seem unnecessary as well. Again adding to the fact the game is over long for no reason. Anyways um cya till next time.
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uriekukistan · 8 months
for the character ask, how about ur thoughts on shirazu? :]
ooh my silly lil guy :]
My first impression: i didn’t like any of the quinx squad at first bc i wanted anteiku back 🧍
My impression now: he’s my best friend that i keep in my pocket
Favorite thing about that character: he has such a big heart and i think that’s really overlooked by a lot of people
Least favorite thing: i think especially in the anime he sometimes comes off like he was written as a side character? and the rest of the og squad gets a full story (not even just in terms of the timeline, but w character development) and i sometimes feel like shirazu was robbed of that to be the comic relief, and a piece to fuel urie’s character development
Favorite line/scene: i think like right after he took down nutcracker and realized that she had humanity too, that was a really powerful scene and i feel like it kinda foreshadowed what was coming at the end of the series maybe
Favorite interaction that character has with another: when he gets urie the sweet red beans as an “apology” even though he knows urie hates sweets. basically any time he annoys urie bc my man urie deserved to get kicked around sometimes
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: in the manga they had more interactions so i would have liked to see more + in the anime too, but hanbee. also juuzou
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: yall im not good at this idk
A headcanon about that character: he really likes fish and has an aquarium in his room. he watches all kinds of ocean documentaries about different kinds of marine life.
A song that reminds of that character: it’s not related to his personality or story at all but xo by fall out boy because i was listening to it and i got the idea that shirazu is a fall out boy fan idk
An unpopular opinion about that character: im ngl i kinda live in my own world so idk the public consensus on shirazu 🧍
Favorite picture:
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i think about glasses shirazu often
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ilynpilled · 2 years
Hey! So I'm from the Jaime/Lannister side of the fandom but wanted to ask your opinion on where you think GRRM is going with Dany. I don't mean spell out her endgame or anything, but what messages do you think he is trying to impart through her character? I see so much Dark!Dany! theory shaped by the show that has just never really resonated with how I read her in the books. I see her more as a figure who will try to be Queen of Westeros, but will ultimately end up abdicating or even sacrificing herself during the LN because finding "home" is more important to her than ruling... but that is not based on much other than gut feeling. What do you think?
yeah idrgaf about the show tbh. i think it fundamentally misunderstood key themes that the books were exploring. corrupted/mad dany feels so deeply cynical to me. people have been reiterating this: she is a subversive messiah figure & she is given a narrative that is so often reserved for the “male hero”. the gender commentary in that would fall flat on its face to me if she becomes mad fascist female ruler like bffr. yeah, she will get darker come winds, like everyone else she will have to make choices and will face moral dilemmas because she is resolved to continue combatting the institution of slavery. she knows she will not be able to do it without dirtying her hands in some way. i think grrm is gonna explore the concept of necessary force and the question of when it is more moral to take a stand and draw blood: is it justified to cut off and burn something at the root, especially if the alternative is allowing the cancer to exist and continue to spread? the institution of slavery is a wound that cannot just be covered up with a bandaid. like this is a very important aspect of abolition. the only way i can see the idea of “madness” be relevant is in a more subversive john brown paralleling way with how people thought that man was insane bc he wanted to end slavery lmfao. if terrible people think you are mad for attempting to make radical changes that harm them that is a good sign. also would hate her becoming an aerys parallel like in the show like that is cringe bio essentialism territory, again, antithetical to the themes prevalent in these books. d&d’s #subversive #dark #unexpected ending was unironically the equivalent of:
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do not want her ‘idealism’ to be completely robbed from her at any point either really. im not opposed to tragedy but i dont think id vibe with it being too cynical in this instance. this series is about earned romanticism. its heroes are the dreamers yada yada. it is about a dream of spring. i always thought she represented hope in some way. she is gonna be the flame during TLN, literally and metaphorically imo. i do think there are thematic and more abstract aspects to lightbringer, like yeah humanity uniting over an ideal for a better future & it can be about hope or whatever, which is why multiple characters have some kind of flaming sword foreshadowing, but a main one is gonna be dany and her dragons. like on top of all the pretty overt foreshadowing, like let us think about the logistics here, what is gonna do more damage to the others?? three magic nukes or some convenient dues ex machina magical flaming toothpick we forge out of murdering a woman? i also do not want to instantly write her off as a doomed martyr either though. i see the appeal in the tragedy of the kind girl who wanted a home dying without ever getting to live in the one she created but still leaving it for millions upon millions of people present and future… but also idk i am just not crazy about martyrdom as a trope unless it is executed very well. i like when characters survive for a cause rather than die for it. dany always kept persevering, not just for herself, but others: her children and her people, so i like when altruism is framed in that way. also i might be a little bitter if she is the only one to die from the new generation or whatever like in the show
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bookwormlover10 · 1 year
So the owl house end it was fine from the most part..... But the part that really robbed me the wrong way is how Philip/ Belos dies.... Did he got what he rightfully deserved yes......did I thought that we weren't going to have a wittebros flashback yes....... But your telling me that after all that focus on his brother and he somehow wasn't involved in his death!!! Look I get it he wasn't an important character as others and they wanted to get their story done. But being stomp on was the why the wanted to end the (arguably) most interesting character in the show story ark!! Hek I would of been satisfied if he was just obliterated when Luz got him out of the Titans heart or better yet haveing Caleb and the previous golden guards drag him to hell!! Speaking of not getting obliterated.. how did he reform to his younger self though out season 3 the man could berly keep him self together now he has the strength to transform into his younger self?!?!
And the Titan basically saying that " hey he always been a di#k" also robbed me the wrong way........ Look if you're satisfied with his ending good for you, but when you look at his back story from either the hallow mind portraits or the seen we got in thanks to them, it is really tragic. In my personal opinion I would of like it if he just withered away on his own volition and out of it is kid Philip as soon sort of memory running to a Caleb memory, memory Caleb can have the look of an angry parent saying " did you have fun Philip" and memory little Philip is like a troubled kid and is like " no" then they walk to the sunset.
But that my personal take.. just to let you know Im most going to ignore Philip ending and I'm still going to do owl house stuff on here.
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sporkberries · 9 months
whats yr opinion of vkaz im inch rested now :3
i hope i can explain this well i just... i think alot of people want vkaz to be a healing thing for the both of them? or at the very least a good relationship that ends tragically but i dont think its that at all(i also dont think kaz could ever **really** love venom hot take i guess)
i see it as something that probably happened, but theres an underlying horror to it isnt there? if it happens before kaz knows v isnt bb thats pretty horrific and there's even the underlying question of if these are even v's feelings in the first place- or at the very least if v hadnt been brainwashed would he still feel the same? maybe they would find some comfort in eachother- as they've both been hurt so badly but i feel kaz would grow to resent venom. partially because of the fact venom goes along with bb's plans and outerheaven but also just because he looks like big boss. vkaz is in the end not its own relationship because venom has been robbed of his own personhood(and kaz has been tricked), there is always a third party in their relationship even when hes not REALLY there. i think this is why people like vkaz as being a more fluffy and happy relationship, you just feel badly for both of them, and hurt/comfort has an audience for a reason. i just dont think it could ever be a good/healthy relationship
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bombshelllblonde · 7 months
hiiihihii!! im backkkk to tell u abt my rdr playthough bc im bored asf haha
¡love this game omg!! the graphics, the story, the details UGH!!!!
hunting is actually so fun for no reason- i bought so many fancy ass guns too 😭
also my play type whenever i play ANY story game thats open world is to do every possible thing every except the actual story so i get a bunch of stuff and then its so muvh easier
in short i have 6000+ dollars 😋
bonus of exploring everything is i got thw white arabian and i love her sm ‼️‼️ i named her pearl and she is my baby
dress up is my seconf favorite hobby
my fav outfit rn is the red vest w the floral pattern on the front (i forget what its called) n the black french dress shirt underneath + the bison necklace talisman
(also arthur w medium-long length hair n short facial hair>>>)
this game is so detail oriented, its kind of insane- im doing a high honor run atm, and i came across the blind beggar for the third (?) time and the blind guy said and i quote
"that is which killing you will finally help you, friend- to hear and see."
is this foreshadowing this feels like foreshadowing
also ik arthurs dies (bc of tiktok edits and fics, they artists in this fandom is amazing!!!) and im not prepared at all 😭 im going to procrastinate so bad 
yk the hole lil speech he has at the campfire yk "most human beings seem to know why they were born but, for me- its seems i was just mean ton hurt and suffer myself" that one
im bawling istg if he doesnt get a good ending im going to be writing a formal complaint to rockstar games
tw opinions (ik bro its crazy to have opinions in 2024 whattt no wayy)
ive gotten to the point in playing where im in ch 3, and the only way i can progress the actual story is to help micah rob a stagecoach or whatever
micah is a bastard and i dont like him
him as a character is rlly well written and awesome but,,,,,hes,,,slimy,,and i hate him,,,,so he can wait for a little longer ☺️
my favorite characters rn in no particular order is
arthur (obviously) , charles , sean , javier , tilly , marybeth , and kieran
my pookies ‼️‼️
moving on im so sorry this is so so long 😭 idk anyone who likes rdr irl lmao
anyway hope u have a nice day and no wolves attack you and spoke ur horse who bucks you off a cliff
(in rdr btw)
((true story also))
yo, having 6k in chapter 3 is amazing. good for you!
my first playthrough i got the white arabian and i named her Lemoyne Tree as a tribute to the state of Lemoyne and my favorite post malone song Lemon Tree. But she always got super dirty so i then went to the lake next to Strawberry and tamed the red chestnut arabian. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that one, she's gorgeous and arthur always gets that one when i play it. my beautiful baby girl Diablo <3
also yes. heckin FUCK MICAH BELL. even from the beginning he's been a slime ball. hate that man <3
i won't go too far, but just keep yourself high honor towards the end of the game. you need that to be your first ending. :')
Charles deserves the absolute world. just listening to him speak and hanging out with him at camp, and the missions you continue on to do with him throughout the game are so much fun. charles is someone i wish i could have in my real life because he seems like he would be the best person to speak to and hang out with. he is so lovely and down to earth. even arthur says it a couple times throughout the game. charles gets a good ending i promise.
my top blorbos are Arthur, Dutch, Charles, Hosea, and Josiah Trelawny my absolute beloved <33333 just wait until you go on the mission with Charles to find trelawny. one of my favorite missions ever ever ever ever!!
a lot of people dislike dutch, but i love him so much. he is my actual father. i love him.
i also hate john. let me know how you feel about that little greasy weasel of a man. :)))
i'm so so so glad you're having fun and i am very invested, so please continue to keep me updated on what ur doing because i need to live vicariously through you. if i could erase my entire mind and replay the game over and over again for the first time, i totally would
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