#im only good at songfics
juceynightmare · 1 year
give me your forever (18+) - hook x reader songfic oneshot
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my masterlist
hook masterlist
pairing(s): hook x fem!reader
warning(s): swearing, time skipping, underage drug and alcohol use, use of pet names, unprotected sex, creampie, daddy kink, breeding kink, praise kink, degradation kink, hints of jealous!hook at one part
genre(s): fluff, smut, established relationship, multi-media fic.
word count: 11,454
summary: the day has finally come where y/n graduates college. however, y/n is more nervous about the fact that today is also the day when she gets to introduce tyler as her boyfriend of 8 years rather than her “good friend since elementary” to her parents. she's so nervous, in fact, that she texts tyler during the ceremony and the two go down memory lane.
song: give me your forever by zack tabudlo
[y/n] AHHHH
[tyler] woah there missy. don’t you have a ceremony you should be paying attention to?
[y/n] you’re not even paying attention
[tyler] actually, i am. as soon as they pan the camera over to your family and me, i’m lifting up this giant photo of you they gave to me
[tyler] it’s literally your head on a stick
[tyler] but what’s wrong? i can feel your distress all the way out here
[y/n] i’m nervous
[tyler] all you have to do is walk across a stage, grab your diploma, shake some hands, and you’re done
[tyler] you’ve done it before
[y/n] not that
[y/n] i’m nervous about telling my parents
[y/n] i’m shocked they’re not even questioning that you’re here
[tyler] we’ll be fine
[y/n] you know how they are
[y/n] they’re gonna freak out when they find out you’re my BOYFRIEND of EIGHT YEARS
[tyler] you remember the rule, don’t you?
[y/n] blah blah, no dating until i get my degree because boys will distract me and i’ll fail school and become a drug addict
[tyler] and what are you about to do
[y/n] ??? idk ??? die ?????
[tyler] im the one who dropped out of college to make a living out of beating people up but here you are not even able to connect the dots. i’ll answer for you.
[tyler] you’re about to get your degree.
[tyler] you proved them wrong. you’re not a drug addict and you’re graduating college with a degree in computer science.
[tyler] might i add that you’re also at the very top of your program :) my smart girl
[y/n] still doesn’t mean they won’t flip out
[y/n] yeah i proved them wrong but what if they don’t accept us? accept you?
[tyler] we’re going to be okay, mamas. i’m not going anywhere. nothing is going to happen to us.
[tyler] i promise you.
[tyler] i’ll take care of you.
[tyler] i’ve always taken care of you, mamas. haven’t i?
do you remember? when we were young you were always with your friends wanted to grab your hand and run away from them
“that’s a stupid fucking rule.” tyler muttered, a joint hanging between his lips as he cupped his hand around the end so he could light it.
“you tell me! like, do they really have that little faith in me that they think i’ll fail school all because of a boy? how idiotic is that!” y/n huffed angrily, kicking tanbark up into the air.
tyler was sitting alone at the end of the stairs of the play structure when y/n walked up to him and sat beside him, already beginning to ramble her little head off. it truly bewildered tyler how a girl could have so much trouble with her parents when they were both only eighth graders. then again, tyler was certain his dad would beat his ass until he was bruised and bloodied if he found out the type of crowd that tyler's been involved with, and the shit he was currently doing.
“i think they’re just protective of you and that’s why they have that rule in place.” he answered, inhaling and holding the smoke in his mouth before pulling the joint away from his lips. he held it out for y/n to take, although he knew that she wouldn’t take it. as the girl shook her head politely, tyler inhaled the smoke into his lungs and held it there before blowing out into the air.
“yeah? well i think they’re irrational. god, i wish i could just prove them wrong so that when the day comes that i graduate college, i can laugh in their faces like, ‘jokes on you! i had a boyfriend the whole time!’” she groaned frustratedly, pulling out her phone when she felt it start to buzz. y/n answered the call and held it up to her ear. “yeah, mom. i’m at the same park i always wait at for you to pick me up… yes the club’s good… no i’m not alone, i’m with tyler… you know, my friend from elementary? … mom, he’s not my boyfriend! … no, he’s not a bad influence he’s -“ she took a second to glance over at tyler, watching the boy take another puff from his joint and covering her nose as the wind blew the puff of smoke towards her direction. “he’s just a normal middle school boy, mom. … no, i already told you he’s not my boyfriend! … what do you mean stay away from him? i’ve been waiting at this park every day since i’ve started middle school and he’s been here every day making sure no creep talks to me. he’s a good guy, mom! mom?” she huffed as she shoved her phone back in her pocket, realizing her mom had hung up on her.
“you know, i like the idea of you proving them wrong and laughing in their faces.” tyler pitched in after he blew out the smoke into the air. he looked over at the girl, catching her gaze. “what better way to prove your parents wrong than by dating the ‘baddest boy’ in school, as everyone calls me. your mom seems to think that i’m a bad guy too.” he mused, watching the way y/n seemed to think over tyler’s words.
“are you asking me out?” y/n asked, her eyes suddenly widening at the implication of tyler’s agreement.
he shrugged his shoulders, flicking off the ash at the end of his joint into the tanbark below them. “you’re my friend. you’re cute. i think i’ll be more than okay with dating you. besides,” he began, reaching out to sling his arm over y/n’s shoulders to pull her into his side. “you’ve said it yourself. i’ve been here every day since we’ve started middle school because i know you have your little after-school clubs and would most likely be waiting alone. i’d hate it if some creep came and took away my friend.”
“what’s in it for me?” she asked, feeling her face warm up from being so close next to tyler. she could smell the cheap cologne that clung to his skin, and y/n tried not to lean against him.
but tyler had his own plans, as he leaned in and pressed a kiss to the girl’s forehead. “you get to experience life outside of textbooks and strict parents barring you from parties. i’ll help you sneak out and take the blame for everything.”
she blinked up at him once he pulled away, and y/n wondered how she never noticed tyler’s dimpled smile before.
“you’ve got a deal, senerchia. but i get to make the rules.”
“that’s fine. but don’t think that i won’t take care of you, y/n. you’re my girlfriend now, and my mom taught me how to treat my woman.”
i knew it that it was time to tell you how i feel so i made a move, i took your hand my heart was beating loud like i've never felt before
[y/n] yeah you have
[y/n] even before we started dating LOL
[tyler] can't believe you had no idea i had a massive crush on you
[tyler] what fucking loser just sits around a park and waits for a girl who has after school clubs
[y/n] you. you're the loser.
[tyler] there was another dude
[y/n] jackson??? i remember him being there in the beginning of seventh grade
[tyler] he had a crush on you, that's why he was also waiting
[y/n] you're lying. why am i just now hearing about this?
[tyler] yeah, i told him i was your boyfriend and he backed off and never waited for you again
[y/n] well, at least you didn't punch him like that dude at lisa's party
[tyler] you said it was fair game
[y/n] i didn't think he'd have to go to the hospital because he got concussed!
[tyler] he touched what's mine.
[tyler] you told me i could punch him once, and i made sure it counted.
[tyler] besides, i got pussy afterwards so it's a win
[y/n] oh calm your ego.
[y/n] i can literally SMELL the testosterone radiating from the crowd and it smells like YOU.
[y/n] HONEY??
[y/n] oh my fucking GOD I SEE MY GIANT ASS HEADS
[tyler] i got that dawg in me
[tyler] woof. (with rizz)
you were smiling at me like you wanted more i think you're the one i've never seen before
"i want to go home." she whispered, her voice almost getting lost amongst the sounds of the bustling party if it wasn't for the way tyler focused on only her. he was so attentive that he'd be hyper fixated on her whenever she'd take a breath.
"everything okay, baby?" tyler asked quietly, taking her cup away from her and setting both of their cups down on the windowsill beside them. he guided her to wrap her arms around his neck before pulling her in by her waist and ducking his head so that she could speak directly into his ear.
the two of them had come far from being eighth graders waiting by a playground for their parents to pick them up. they were now sophomores juniors in high school, if we consider the fact that sophomore year just ended and they were now at a grad party for a friend of tyler's that had just graduated high school. tyler had gotten significantly taller, and his voice had deepened in a delicious manner that sent y/n's head reeling whenever he'd talk to her. y/n for the most part had stayed the same, but the baby fat on her face had started to slim down and tyler tried his best not to let his gaze trail down further to where she had began to look more... womanly... for lack of better words.
they hadn't ever talked about the way their relationship started. from what was once something that y/n had entered to spite her parents had now blossomed into a full blown relationship with tyler that she cherished above everything else in the world. and for tyler? well, the boy had always had a little crush on y/n whether he wanted to acknowledge it or not, and now that she is his, tyler couldn't be any happier.
and the best part? no one knew but them. well, people had speculations and they'd whisper, but y/n and tyler would only ever be so touchy at parties. at school, they didn't even talk to each other because of their different social circles and classes. and when they were asked what they were to each other...
"oh, yeah. she's/he's been my friend since elementary school." followed by either a "my parents told him to make sure i stay safe at parties, that's why he's always with me." or a "we all know she's too innocent for the party life. i gotta make sure no one taints her, you know?" depending on who was answering.
"you know how you stepped away to get us drinks?" she asked softly, feeling him nod his head. y/n took a deep breath, stepping closer to tyler and feeling his arms wrap around her waist. "that dude to the right of us in the flannel walked by me and full on grabbed my ass."
tyler didn't know if it was the disco lighting, but he suddenly saw red at y/n's words and he felt as though he sobered up in a second. his head snapped in the other boy's direction, his jaw clenching and his eyebrows furrowing in concentration as he made out the stranger's frame. tyler pulled her closer to him until she was completely pressed against his front, dipping his head back down to ask her, "what else did he do?"
tyler noted how the other boy had glanced over at where he and y/n stood once he returned, and now tyler knew why. it was taking everything in him to not walk over there right now and plant his fist square in his- "well, he didn’t do anything else besides that. i guess i should be more specific about how he did it though. he like... you know the thing you do? where you put your hand in my back pocket and spin me into a kiss? yeah he tried that and tried smooth talking his way with me. i don't think he was gonna back off until he got pulled away by those two girls he's talking to right now."
if looks could kill, tyler was certain that he'd have burned a hole through the boy's chest and killed him without even needing the other boy to notice the murderous look in his gaze. "can i punch him?"
"i'm not joking. he fucking touched you, y/n." tyler rested his hands firmly on her hips so he could pull her back from him. he held her gaze, and it as then that y/n could feel her heart get caught in her throat.
tyler looked more than ready to kill for her. she had never seen him this angry before, and if she was being honest, her body seemed to have quite the reaction. "just one." she breathed out before she could even think about the consequences of unleashing tyler on the poor, unsuspecting boy who had made the mistake of trying to hit on the wrong girl.
she had already felt slow because of the alcohol in her system, but y/n was certain that even if she was sober, she still wouldn't have been able to process the next minute. "don't fucking touch girls without their consent, asshole!" tyler's voice rang throughout the house, so loud that it could be heard over the blaring music. the next sound that followed was a loud smack as tyler's fist collided with the boy's jaw and laid him out flat on the floor. before she knew it, tyler was already dragging her out of the house while people around them were whispering: "do we call an ambulance?" "he's out cold..." "man, it's a good thing i didn't shoot my shot with her. i would have been in that position." "he's sorta hot for doing that, isn't he?" "that's tyler? no wonder why he's popular with the ladies."
"let's get you home, baby." tyler muttered into the air as he walked down the street to where his car was parked, his hand still tightly holding hers as he practically dragged her along with him.
"wait, slow down." she begged.
he grunted out in frustration, turning on his heel and sweeping the girl off of her feet. tyler carried her bridal style the rest of the way to his car. "i'm fucking pissed. little boy thinks he can touch up on my girl? god, i'm sorry for leaving you alone, baby. never again, i promise." he angrily huffed as he set her down on her feet once they reached his car.
"you're sorta hot when you're angry." she admitted softly as tyler unlocked his car. he was about to open the passenger side door for y/n when she suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck to stop him. she stared up at him, her eyes wide and her lips pulled into a soft smile. “it’s like i have scary dog privileges.” she giggled, crinkles forming by her eyes as her smile grew wider.
his hands were quick to find her waist, feeling his breath get caught in his throat as the moonlight hit her just right to give her a slight sparkle in her eyes. and suddenly, his anger had faded away just as quickly as it arose, replaced with the need to have her in that moment. “we’re not in a rush to go home, right?” he asked softly. he tapped his finger against her side, a sign for her to hop up and wrap her legs around his waist. he hooked his arms under her knees to support her once she did so, and he pinned her to the side of his car.
a blush rose to her cheeks, craning her head to the side as tyler’s lips pressed against the side of her neck. “you know the rules. as long as you get me back before my parents wake up.” she whispered into the air, her eyes fluttering shut as he suckled against her skin.
“that’s more than enough time.” he mumbled against her as he pulled away from her neck so that he could crash his lips against hers.
i want you to know, i love you the most i'll always be there right by your side ‘cause baby, you’re always in my mind just give me your forever (give me your forever)
[y/n] IM SORRY??
[tyler] i accept your apology
[y/n] ugh, weirdo
[tyler] helping with your nerves, mamas?
[y/n] a little
[y/n] do you remember when you first called me mamas
[tyler] of course
[tyler] on your 18th birthday
[tyler] and i got to fuck you raw for the first time because we were both like "AH FUCK IT WE'RE 18, IF WE HAVE A BABY THEN OH WELLL"
[tyler] but then we bought the plan b beforehand just to make sure we wouldn't make a baby
[tyler] s tier sex by the way
[tyler] no, i called you mamas while fucking you
[tyler] and you nearly came from me just calling you mamas even though i just put it in
[y/n] i do not recall
[y/n] this is fake news
[tyler] ok if we're talking nonsexual
[tyler] then yes it was after
[tyler] after you came back to your senses once i filled you to the brim
[tyler] they're about to find out that i've been fucking their daughter for years and raw dogging her too.
[tyler] also, i'm already sporting a semi out here
[tyler] thinking about how shy you got after i called you mamas when you came down from your high
[tyler] how giggly you got
[tyler] so happy and fucked out
[tyler] never stopped calling you mamas after that, and no matter how many times i call you mamas, you still have the same reaction
[tyler] you're blushing and smiling right now, aren't you?
[y/n] SHUT UP
[tyler] if i remember correctly, i think i told you "you feel amazing, mamas.” the very first time i called you mamas
[tyler] but then after i got you cleaned up and dressed, i told you “i love you, mamas” and you literally melted in my arms it was so cute
[y/n] you remember all this but god forbid you remember where you parked your car in a packed parking garage
[tyler] that's not important
[tyler] i worship you
[tyler] i commit everything that is about you or involves you to my memory
[y/n] there aren't enough words in the universe to explain how much i love you
[tyler] just give me your forever. that’ll be enough.
[tyler] i love you mamas
[y/n] i love you too, honey
[y/n] i can’t wait to spend forever with you
i want you to know that you’ll be the one and i’ll be the guy who’ll be on his knees to say i love you and i need you and say i’d die for you (just give me your forever)
he was kneeling between her spread legs, one of his hands rested on her hip and the other wrapped around his length as he pumped himself slowly. their chests rose and fell in time as breathy sighs filled the room. tyler lined himself up with her entrance, keeping his gaze locked with hers as he spread her arousal over his tip. he pushed in slightly, just so that his tip was nestled in her warmth. the slight intrusion making y/n’s eyebrows furrow together.
he leaned over her body, his hands reaching for hers so he could lace their fingers together as he kept her hands pinned to the pillow besides her head. he held her gaze as he pressed his hips flush against hers slowly, his jaw dropping open at the feeling of her walls clinging around him without a thin layer of latex separating them. once he bottomed out, he stayed there for a moment, his eyes threatening to shut as he felt her walls pulse around his length.
“you feel amazing, mamas.” he whispered, the new pet name falling from his lips so effortlessly. and suddenly, y/n was bucking her hips up against his and squeezing his hands tightly, her mouth dropping with a drawled out whine that tyler knew all too well. he grunted, feeling the familiar feeling of her walls convulsing around him, but the experience had been heightened with the lack of protection separating them. “fuck, you like that, don’t you? you like being called mamas.” he mumbled, pressing a quick gentle kiss to her cheek. tyler pulled out until just his tip was left in her before snapping his hips back into hers.
“feels so good, daddy. give me more.” she moaned out softly, her legs wrapping around his waist as if to pull him in deeper into her.
tyler repeatedly thrusted himself into her, picking up speed as he felt her legs begin to quiver at his sides. he glanced down between their bodies, catching a glimpse of the slick wetness that coated his length whenever he’d pull out of her. his gaze snapped back up to hers as he felt her legs squeeze at his sides in warning. “already close, mamas? daddy’s just getting started.” he grunted over her breathy moans, adjusting his position slightly so he could directly hit her g-spot. when a particularly load moan was pulled from her throat, tyler covered her mouth with his own to swallow her moans.
she knew that fucking without a condom would feel different, but she didn’t expect it to feel like this. y/n could feel the drag of his length inside of her with every thrust, and she struggled to kiss him back. instead, she was focused on the way she could actually feel his length pulsing inside her, and the way the head of his cock kissed her cervix with every thrust.
it wasn’t long before she was shaking her him, her hands squeezing his hands tightly as she moaned loudly against his mouth. her walls clenched down on his length tightly, and the feeling was so intense that tyler had moaned against her mouth. he pulled away from her mouth, focusing on chasing his own high as he let go of one of her hands to guide her to rest her legs up on his shoulders. tyler folded her in half with his body weight, his hand finding hers again as he jackhammered into her.
“you’re such a good bitch for daddy. cumming all over my fucking cock. fuck, i’m so close.” he gasped out, his hands squeezing hers tightly as the familiar knot in his stomach began to tighten. “beg for me, mamas. beg for daddy to fill you up.”
“please daddy. please cum in me. i can’t take it anymore, it’s too much. i just want your cum in me. please daddy.” y/n cried out as she begged for tyler, her back arching off the mattress as he continuously rammed himself into her. tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as her body continued to shake under him with every thrust sending waves of pleasure through her body. “breed me, daddy.”
with a few more thrusts, tyler was burying his face in the crook of her neck, spilling his seed into her with a whimper as his hips sporadically continued to buck into her with each rope of cum that painted her walls.
eventually, he stilled and the two of them were left breathing heavily in time as he fell limp against her body, letting go of her hands so he could hook his arms under her body and wrap them completely around her mid-section.
she wasn’t given a moment to catch her breath before tyler was already pulling out of her and flipping her around. “face down, ass up, mamas. you didn’t think i was just gonna fill you once and be done, did you?” he asked from behind her, helping her lift her hips up and get on her knees. his hand trailed along her spine, watching the way she instinctively arched her back and pushed her hips back against him. “you asked daddy to breed you, so that’s exactly what daddy’s going to do.”
“i feel it dripping.” she whined out in complaint, biting down on her bottom lip to bite back a scream as tyler’s hand came down roughly on her ass.
“don’t worry, mamas. i’ll fuck it back into you.” he grunted, reaching for her hands and pinning them behind her back. tyler watched as his cum continued to drip out of her and onto the mattress, the sight instantly making his head foggy with lust. he rubbed his fingers over her clit, watching as the girl’s pulled away from him from overstimulation. he laughed as he pressed his other hand on the small of her back to keep her in place as he continued to rub circles over her clit, collecting more of his dripping cum on to his fingers.
“oh god.” she cried out as tyler pushed two of his fingers into her, curling them right up into her g-spot.
tyler thrusted his fingers in and out of her, his other hand smacking her ass roughly as she tried to crawl further up along the bed away from him. “god’s not here.” he grunted, grabbing at her thigh to keep her from crawling away from him as he scissored his fingers inside of her and making her cry out in pleasure. “cry all you want, bitch. he can’t save you now.” he huffed as he pushed his cum deeper into her, eventually pulling his fingers out of her and lining his cock with her entrance before ramming himself into her once again.
she didn’t know how many times she came that night, or how many times tyler had filled her up. all she knew was that this is the closest to ascending to the heavens that she’d feel in this lifetime. her whole body felt light and tingly, and a fuzzy feeling fogged up her head in the best way possible. a light smile was permanently etched on her face and tyler would tell her that she’d have the most beautiful after-sex glow that he’s seen on her.
he dressed her up after he cleaned her with a towel and gave her the plan b to take. afterwards, tyler peppered kisses over her every inch of her still exposed skin, whispering praises as he did so. and when he made it back up her body and hovered over her, tyler caught her lips in a gentle kiss and kissed her languish manner.
he pulled away and laid down beside her, pulling her into his chest and pulling her blanket over their bodies before wrapping his arms around her frame. “i love you, mamas. happy birthday.” he whispered into her hair before pressing a kiss to the top of her head. tyler smiled as he felt her melt in his arms, her body falling limp against his as her arm draped across his midsection.
she lifted her head, pushing herself up to peck his lips before falling flat against him and closing her eyes. “i love you, honey.” she whispered, her voice hoarse from screaming and moaning into her pillow because she couldn’t hold back her moans by the time tyler was fucking her through her third orgasm.
the next day, after tyler would pick her up just a few hours after sneaking out of her room once she had fallen asleep, he’d laugh in her face as she’d pull out her phone to read the message she typed out for him. “i lost my voice so i can’t talk.” she‘d slap his arm playfully in response, but she’d still smile as he greeted her with a kiss when he was at a stop sign away from her house.
“you should call me mamas more.” was the next message she typed out for him as they were waiting to be seated at a restaurant with her friend group that tyler didn’t know all too well.
“i wasn’t planning on stopping.” he typed back his response before sneakily handing her phone back to her so that her friends wouldn’t see the exchange between them.
as far as her friends were concerned, tyler was tagging along because he’d known y/n the longest out of them and she wanted him to be there. they didn’t mind, because tyler never seemed to talk much during these birthday breakfasts for y/n, and because of that, it made it easy for them to continue on with their antics.
they did, however, find it odd that whenever y/n wanted to speak but couldn’t because she somehow lost her voice - it was tyler who she’d have read out her typed messages.
i never knew it would be possible for you to be with me ‘cause you loved someone else back in ‘73 i was so jealous seeing you with him
[tyler] i can’t wait to put a giant rock on your finger
[tyler] so that when you go to your next 5sos concert, luke hemmings will know you’re taken
[y/n] you’re still on this ??
[y/n] it was like first year of college when i had a massive 5sos phase
[y/n] that’s already so long ago
[tyler] ok and
[tyler] every time you talked to me about how hot luke was, i thought you meant an actual dude you knew named luke that you met here in college that i just didn’t know about.
[y/n] i literally told you it was 5sos luke
[tyler] no you didn’t
[y/n] YES I DID
[y/n] i do think it’s funny that
[y/n] you snapped at me while pacing in a parking lot at the arena
[tyler] it is very funny, i’ll admit that
[tyler] it’s still on sight if i see him too, btw. you better hope i don’t see him when i’m out in la
[y/n] honey
[y/n] i only need you
[tyler] that’s right, mamas
[tyler] you only need me.
oh, baby, i know that i can treat you better back in those nights oh, you wouldn’t cry from his stupid lies oh, baby, i was there watching wishing you to be mine
“luke this. luke that. who the fuck is luke?” tyler finally snapped as he ran his fingers through his hair, frustration laced in his voice as he paced back and forth outside of the arena where all of the aew talent’s rental cars were parked. he was dressed in only a pair of sweats, having been previously getting warmed up and pumped up for his appearance tonight when y/n suddenly called him and he excused himself to answer her.
he’d always answer her. unless he was working, then tyler would simply call her back as soon as he could. even though her calls would range from “serious” reasons to call him (such as, what he’d like for a holiday gift, when he was coming home and if he needed a ride, letting him know she was flying out for a show etc.) to simply telling him about her day or complaining about something that troubled her or just random thoughts she wanted to tell him, tyler would always answer.
between training to wrestle and shadowing his dad and following him on the road with aew, tyler wasn’t home often and he suddenly went from seeing y/n everyday to seeing her once or twice a week. this was the main reason why tyler would always make it a point to answer her calls.
however, for the past week, tyler has been hearing nothing else besides stuff about this luke person and “how hot he sounds” and “ugh i miss when he had his lip piercing.”
he wouldn’t ever think y/n was cheating on him. after all, she was speaking so openly about this luke person that tyler knew that it couldn’t have been someone she was seeing behind his back. but for the life of him, tyler couldn’t remember who the fuck luke was in her friend circle and he thought he knew all of their names.
when the line fell silent on the other end, tyler let out a huff, “hello? love, you still there?”
it was then that he heard her chuckle on the other end of the phone, and she asked him, “woah there angry man. you don’t remember?”
she knew tyler would only ever call her “love” if he was irritated. it was his way of letting her know that although he was most definitely irritated, he still loves her and that she shouldn’t question his feelings for her during their argument.
“clearly i don’t, and for the past week you won’t fucking shut up about this luke guy. do i need to remind you that the only man you need in your life is me?” tyler paused for a moment, even taking a second to stop in his tracks as he ran his own words over in his head. “well, and the other men in your family… and your close friends… but that’s besides the point.” he grunted before continuing to pace back and forth, his hand repeatedly smoothing and ruffling his hair out of habit.
“honey, what do i want for christmas?” she asked him, trying to help him jog his memory.
“ugh. those concert tickets for that one band you’ve liked since middle school.” he answered quickly, reminding himself to make sure he got the time off for when the concert date rolled around so he could tag along with her.
“smart boy. now, what’s the band called?” she asked again, and tyler could practically hear the wide smile that adorned her face.
“fuck if i remember. something with time and a season.” he grunted, stopping in his tracks and pinching the bridge of his nose. tyler squeezed his eyes shut as if it’d assist him in thinking harder.
“5 seconds of summer.” she answered for him with a hum, “i’m going to assume you don’t remember the names of the members even though i’ve pointed at them individually and told you there names and forced you to listen to all their songs with me.”
“why the fuck would i remember shit like that? i remember stuff about you like how these 5 seconds of summer guys are your favorite band. that doesn’t mean i have to remember who they are.” tyler groaned out, feeling his irritation start to bubble over. “where are you even going with this?”
“luke’s the lead singer. remember? the blonde one with the hair like you but he actually knows what a comb is.”
tyler fell silent at her words, and he felt his irritation shift into something else unrecognizable that made his entire body run cold. he opened his eyes and let his hand drop from his nose as he resumed his pacing. “i know what a fucking comb is, mamas.” he grunted, and it was then that y/n blessed his ears with a whole-hearted laugh that had tyler grinning.
y/n apologized softly, “sorry for talking your ear off about him, honey. they released a new-”
“released a new album and you’re very excited about it and judging by how much you’ve been talking about him, you’ve probably gone on your little fangirl spree and watched a bunch of videos, yeah i know.” he finished for her, and he heard her gasp out a soft “ok, maybe you know me a little too well” that had him chuckling. “sorry about getting all snappy with you, mamas. i thought you were talking about some dude you met.”
“what was the thing you said earlier? the only man i need is you?” y/n asked, although she already knew the answer.
“yeah.” he answered.
“you’re right, honey. when it comes to my partner for life, the only man that i need is you. i love you. i’m sorry if i made you feel insecure.” y/n’s tone changed. her voice grew soft as if to let tyler know that she truly was sorry for making tyler feel irritated and potentially insecure with her rambling about another man to him without clarifying that the man she was talking about was simply a celebrity.
“i love you, mamas. and for the record, i’m not insecure. i’m sure i can take that luke guy on anyway. i beat people up for a living.” tyler defended himself as he made his way back inside the arena.
her laugh coming through the speakers was enough for a wide dimpled smile to stretch across his face.
i want you to know, i love you the most i’ll always be there right by your side ‘cause baby, you’re always in my mind just give me your forever (give me your forever)
[y/n] the period at the end of the sentence scares me
[y/n] in like a
[y/n] “i can hear you say it in my head all possessively and i’d really like to kiss you right now” way
[tyler] good
[tyler] i’d love that
[tyler] too bad you’re about to get your diploma and i finally get to post you
[y/n] post me?
[tyler] it’s sitting in my drafts right now
[tyler] on all my social medias
[y/n] lies you only use instagram and tiktok but your tiktok is private and you’ve already posted me on there since i’m your only follower
[tyler] as i said, all my social medias
[y/n] wait i wanna see before you post
[tyler] respectfully, no.
[tyler] i can’t wait to tell the world about you
[tyler] the girls in my dms are about to have a field day
[y/n] LMAO
[y/n] you literally posting an average looking woman on your insta while you have literal models in your dms
[tyler] tf you mean average
[tyler] you’re beautiful mamas
[y/n] you tell me everyday, honey
[y/n] do yk the adam sandler speech?
[tyler] jog my memory for me
[y/n] “i’d like to give a shoutout to my fellow nominees, who will now be known as the guys who lost to adam fucking sandler”
[tyler] classic
[y/n] that’s how i’m going to feel once you post me and all the girls and guys who were tryna shoot their shot at you realize you have a girlfriend
[tyler] LMAO
[tyler] didn’t you also feel that way that one time
[tyler] see, i don’t even remember her name
[y/n] i do
[y/n] her face when she realized that you weren’t lying about having a girlfriend
[y/n] and then the double take after seeing my average ass
[tyler] not average
[tyler] you’re the most stunning woman in the world
[tyler] that’s why she did a double take
[y/n] ok yeah let’s ignore her snobby ass “you’re dating her” with the disgusting tone when she referred to me
[tyler] she can’t see properly with all the cum in her eyes from all the dudes she blows just to feel wanted
[y/n] TYLER
[tyler] what
[y/n] you’re so mean
[tyler] you love it when i’m mean
[y/n] yeah to ME in BED not to OTHER PEOPLE
[tyler] damn
[tyler] that sucks
[tyler] i hate humans
i want you to know that you’ll be the one and i’ll be the guy who’ll be on his knees to say i love you and i need you and say i’d die for you (just give me your forever)
senior ditch day happened to fall on the week before graduation. their class had decided to all go to a beach that was about an hour out from town. y/n and tyler had planned to hang out with their respective friend groups, but made it a plan to come back to the beach during the summer for their own date - preferably when their entire senior class wasn’t there.
their groups ended up next to each others on the beach, which tyler and y/n clearly didn’t mind because they could admire each other from afar. while tyler’s large friend group set up the large canopy they brought as well as laying out various towels and setting up tables, y/n’s small friend group was putting together their cozy beach pop-up tent complete with fairy lights and multiple towels for them to lay on.
later on, while her friends were all off towards the ocean, y/n had stayed behind to watch their stuff and just lay on her beach towel and rest. tyler’s friends all seemed to have the same idea, all of them already running off to the water with various water guns and other toys. y/n had let them know that she could watch their stuff for them and they were all game.
it had only been about 5 minutes since everyone left when tyler would return - still damp and covered in sand from having jumped into the ocean. “hey pretty lady, this seat taken?” he asked, gesturing to the spot beside y/n as she pushed herself up on her forearms slightly.
she smiled, laying back down and patting the spot beside her for tyler to join her. “it isn’t, but i’ll have you know: my boyfriend kills people.” she warned.
tyler laughed, laying down beside her and scooting in further so that he’d be under the shade. he lifted her head, sliding his arm under her head before setting it back down. “damn really?” he asked, watching her nod her head.
“why aren’t you out with your friends? i offered to watch your guys’ stuff, you know.” she said, turning her head towards tyler to find the man already looking at her.
“hailey got annoying.” he admitted with a sigh. “she ‘slipped’ and ‘lost her footing’ or whatever and fell on me and we both fell to the ground. which, you know, would have been fine if it was actually an accident, but when i tried to get up, she was practically trying to push me down and then i noticed she was trying to kiss me. so, i pushed her off, said i had a girlfriend and came back here.” tyler grunted.
y/n had known of her, but she had yet to put a face to the name. with hailey’s advances towards tyler, she had heard a lot about the girl. “which one is she?” she asked as she looked out at the area where hers and tyler’s friends mingled.
“uh.” tyler followed her gaze. “the one that is angrily walking over right now.”
“tyler! what do you mean you have a girlfriend? i asked the boys and they all said that you don’t have one!” hailey screamed while tyler and y/n sat up. tyler sighed, feeling y/n tense up beside him. he glanced over at y/n before looking up at hailey. “do you mind? i’m trying to have a talk with tyler here.” hailey suddenly turned her attention to y/n, who seemed like she wanted to be anywhere but here.
before tyler could speak, y/n rolled her eyes and said, “whatever you want to talk to him about, you can say it in front of me.”
“what does it matter to you? it’s a private serious conversation between tyler and i. tyty, let’s go somewhere else to talk.” hailey spat, taking a step towards tyler and reaching for his hand before y/n quite literally smacked her hand away.
“it matters what you want to talk to my boyfriend about without me being there.” y/n fired back, her eyebrows furrowing in anger as she stared up at hailey.
tyler knew better than to get between a cat fight, so he simply kept his mouth shut and slung his arm over y/n’s shoulders to pull her into his side in silent support.
hailey looked between the two of them, switching between staring at y/n’s fiery gaze to where tyler wasn’t even meeting her eyes because he had buried his face into the side of y/n’s neck to hide his amusement. “you’re dating her?” she gasped out, something like disgust dripping down her chin as she addressed y/n. “tyler are you blind? she’s a fucking nerd who doesn’t even know the first difference between lip oil and lip tint. tyler, you’re far too good looking to be with someone like her!”
y/n looked over hailey, acknowledging that the girl was near model status and could easily make it big if she got scouted out. “it’s sad that you got so angry over finding out your crush is dating me that you had to go after my looks because you know you lose in every other category.” she sighed, offering hailey a sad apologetic smile. “look, sorry or whatever it is you want to hear from me. but tyler’s been my boyfriend since the eighth grade and i don’t have any plans on breaking up with him at all. what about you, honey?” she suddenly asked tyler.
he shook his head, pulling his face away from her neck so he could smile at her. “hell no, the fuck? i’d be a fucking idiot to let the most stunning girl in the world go.” he hummed, knowing that it’d piss off hailey more.
y/n rested her head on tyler’s shoulder, watching as hailey seemed to lull over her thoughts in her own head. “fine. what can i do then to prove that i’m better than her?” hailey asked, seemingly determined to get with tyler.
“nothing.” tyler answered quickly. “there’s no one better than y/n for me. but i know people have their opinions and that’s why no one knows yet that it’s her i’m dating. she doesn’t deserve this shit that you’re giving her right now just because you think she doesn’t fit me based off of looks alone. although, i do suppose it‘s a good way of weeding out the fake bitches that i call my ‘friends’.” he paused once he saw a flicker of guilt seem to wash over hailey, before it was quickly replaced by the anger that was once there. “look, hailey, if you truly are my friend then you’d walk away right now and leave us be. i’m happy with y/n and in every universe, even if i were to meet someone first or if there was someone else in the picture, i know that i’d choose y/n every time.”
hailey looked between the two of them again, and this time it was y/n who had her face buried in tyler’s neck to hide the blush that had crept up on her face. “whatever.” she huffed, rolling her eyes and flipping off tyler. “your fucking loss. i hope the two of you last for another two weeks.” she swore before she stormed off, heading back towards the group so that she could get her mind off of being so wholeheartedly rejected by tyler.
“you know that one adam sandler speech?” y/n broke the silence that fell over them once hailey left. she pulled her face away from tyler’s neck, cupping his cheek and turning his head so that he could look at her.
“which one?” tyler asked, leaning in so that he could peck her lips quickly.
“the one after he won that award” she answered, smiling as tyler repeatedly pecked her lips.
“oh yeah, you show it to me all the time.” he hummed, his arm dropping to wrap around her waist as he hauled her into his lap.
“that’s how i feel right now, knowing that you’d choose me even though you have drop dead gorgeous girls willing to take my spot.” she admitted, straddling him and wrapping her arms around his neck as his free hand cupped her breast over the fabric of the bikini she wore.
“they’re pretty and all, but they’re nothing compared to you, mamas.” he whispered. “you look so fucking good in this bikini. the guys won’t stop staring over at you whenever you walk by. they keep asking me why i’m gatekeeping my ‘hot nerd friend’ and all of your other hot nerd friends when they ask me to introduce them to you guys and i say no.” he mumbled before pressing his lips against hers and kneading her breast to make her gasp against his lips. he glided his tongue across hers, swallowing her soft moans as he let his hand reach under her bikini top.
she giggled, pulling away from his lips and opening her eyes to look at him. “we’re in public, honey.” she scolded him, watching a pout form on his lips as his hand dropped from her breast to circle both of his arms around her waist. he dipped his head, pressing a kiss between her breasts and pulling his head away after. “also, i don’t get it. the girls in your group are way prettier.”
tyler shook his head. “different aesthetics. the girls in my group are your average mainstream hot girls in those teen movies.” he muttered. “but you? hot sexy nerdy girl with an ass and tits that’s finally being shown off because all you usually wear are sweats and a baggy ass hoodie. you’ve just got a different aesthetic. the guys and i have a type, and we all agree that hot nerdy girls are the best.” he mumbled, leaning up to kiss her cheek. “too bad i’ve got the baddest bitch of them all, though. isn’t that right, mamas?”
she leaned down to peck his lips before shuffling off of his lap and standing up. “all yours, daddy.” she muttered just loud enough for tyler to hear. the cocky dimpled grin that tugged at his lips had let her know that he did hear it. y/n held her hand out for him to take, helping him stand up before letting their hands drop. “i’m not driving and my friends don’t drink. think you can pour me a shot before everyone comes back?”
tyler laughed, wrapping his arm around her waist to pull her in for another kiss while his hand fell down further to grab her ass. “anything for you, mamas. want me to mix you something up, too? i just learned how to make a lychee drink just for you since i know you love lychee.”
do you remember? i was on the aisle waiting for you, babe
[y/n] oh shit they’re gonna hand out the diplomas
[y/n] fucking finally
[y/n] 4 years and thousands of dollars to walk across a stage, get a piece of paper and shake some hands!!!
[tyler] i’ll make sure to scream so loud i lose my voice tomorrow
[y/n] don’t you have work
[tyler] mamas
[tyler] i don’t even talk for tv most of the time
[y/n] true
[tyler] thank god you’re near the beginning, i ain’t sitting through all these other fuckers
[tyler] i just want to kiss you already
[tyler] my pretty mamas
[y/n] SHUT UP
[y/n] putting my phone away now!
[y/n] take lots of pictures and videos for me
[y/n] thank you for being my number one supporter
[y/n] i love you so much, tyler
[tyler] i love you the most, y/n
[tyler] and for the record
[tyler] i’m your number one supporter for more reasons than just being your boyfriend
[tyler] if it wasn’t for you
[tyler] god knows where i’d be right now
[tyler] thank you for supporting me even though i’m a college dropout who’s trying to make it big in wrestling
[tyler] congratulations, my forever lover
[tyler] i’ll see you soon
saw you in your gown i was crying all my tears i told myself that you are the one (you are the one)
tyler didn’t know why he suddenly felt emotional, but seeing her hug her parents with her diploma grasped tightly in her hands while she still had her cap, gown, and stole on was doing something to him. he wiped away a tear that had suddenly fell from his eyes and shifted awkwardly on his feet as he waited for her to greet him.
“are you crying, tyler?” she asked as soon as she let go of her parents and turned her attention to tyler.
“just a little.” he admitted with a laugh, spreading his arms out wide for her as she jumped into his arms. he wrapped his arms around her midsection as she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. he spun her in a circle, burying his face in the crook of her neck. “i’m so fucking proud of you, mamas. congratulations.” he mumbled into her neck before setting her back down on her feet gently.
“thank you, honey.” she whispered, unwrapping her arms from around his neck and taking a step back from him. she turned to face her parents who were already looking at them questioning what they just saw. “mom, dad. do you want to take photos? my boyfriend can take them for us.”
before she could give them time to react, y/n was already shoving her phone into tyler’s hands and taking her spot back between her parents. she threw her arms over their shoulders and pulled them closer to her, smiling widely with a loud “cheese” while her parents simply stared at her and screamed “boyfriend?”
the flash of her phone camera caught their attention, and soon they were all smiling and going through a variety of different poses while tyler took their picture.
“how long have you and tyler been dating? i thought he is just your best friend?” her dad asked beside her while they posed.
“since eighth grade.” y/n answered sheepishly.
her parents echoed her words loudly, both of their heads snapping to look towards her while tyler held back a laugh as he captured the moment.
“i got my degree in the end, didn’t i? he wasn’t a distraction at all.” y/n pointed out, reminding her parents of the rule they set. she grinned widely as tyler continued counting down “3, 2, 1” as if it were a mantra between each photo he took.
a moment of silence fell over them that left y/n feeling uneasy while her parents seemed to think over her words. it was her mom that’d cut through the silence. “she’s right, darling. we can’t say anything now. our baby’s all grown up, has her degree, and now we don’t have to worry about taking care of her anymore, she has her own man.” her mom laughed, hooking her arm with y/n’s and resting her head on her shoulder.
y/n’s dad sighed in defeat, standing behind them and wrapping his arms around the both of them. he rested his head on top of theirs and said, “at least it’s tyler. the kid isn’t too bad, and he’s already making money and doing his own thing. you just come to me if he starts any trouble.”
y/n giggled, turning around in her parents arms after tyler snapped the photo so that she could hug them. it certainly went better than she pictured, as she expected her parents to put up a little more of a fight rather than give up so easily. she felt them hug her back and she sighed in relief. “i’m going to be honest. i thought you guys would kill me for keeping him from you for so long.”
“if you told us this at your high school graduation, then we would have definitely sent you far away for college even if you didn’t want to go.” her dad admitted with a laugh. “but your mother’s right. we don’t have a say in who you date now. the rule was that you couldn’t date until you got your degree from college because you’d get distracted and fail school. but you managed to graduate all while having a boyfriend and proved us wrong, so who are we to suddenly break you two apart?” he continued, pulling away from the hug and taking his wife’s hand in his.
her mom looked over at tyler who had stopped taking photos to pull off the hoodie he wore and was in the process of shoving the hoodie into his backpack he always had. she laughed, covering her mouth with her hand and nudging her husband with her elbow. “darling, look at tyler.”
y/n and her dad both looked at tyler’s direction just as he slung his backpack back over his shoulders, a wide smile on his face as he proudly wore his “i love my girlfriend” shirt with a photo of y/n on the front. “honey, what is that?” y/n screamed, her face burning red with embarrassment.
“my new favorite shirt.” he answered without missing a beat. he took a step forward, holding out y/n’s phone for her dad to take and his own phone for her mom to take. “can you take our photos, please?” he asked, already reaching for the signs of y/n’s heads so that they could pose with them. he thrusted one of the signs into y/n’s hands before wrapping his arm around her shoulders and guiding her to step back with him.
y/n’s mom happily got into the rhythm of taking photos for the two as they posed, clearly having been silently hoping for years that tyler wasn’t just her daughter’s “best friend”. mother knows best, after all, and y/n’s mom wasn’t a stranger to the way tyler has been treating her daughter. she’ll admit she did find it odd when her daughter was in middle school that tyler would always be with her when she came to pick her up, and had once caught a whiff of weed in the air that she knew just had to come from the strange boy. but as tyler seemed to become a permanent fixture in y/n’s friends that she’d hang out with in high school, she chose not to bring it up again simply because she knew her daughter was still at the top of her class. she also chose not to make it known that she had once peeked out the window when she knew tyler was dropping y/n home after asking to take her out with him for his birthday dinner and just so happened to see them kiss in his car.
y/n’s dad on the other hand hesitated for a moment, simply taking the time to observe the way the two interacted. he had never wanted to assume anything was going on between them in the years he had known tyler, and y/n was still excelling in her academics in a way that he thought she wouldn’t be able to if she had a boyfriend. clearly, he was wrong. and as he watched tyler carefully handle her as they posed for each photo, he knew he didn’t need to worry. after all, if y/n’s been dating him since eighth grade, he was sure he didn’t have too much to worry about. he taught y/n to never settle for less, after all. “let’s get a photo of you two kissing so i can post it on facebook and give everyone in the family a heart attack.” he called out as he stood beside his wife, pulling up y/n’s phone to snap a photo as the younger couple stared at each other with red faces.
y/n’s mom cheered loudly as tyler and y/n kissed for the photo, tyler’s arm circling around her waist and dipping her as y/n’s hand came up to cup his cheek.
i want you to know, i love you the most i’ll always be there right by your side ‘cause baby, you’re always in my mind just give me your forever (give me your forever)
“straight to my house, tyler. no funny business. do i make myself clear?” y/n’s dad asked, his hand still firmly gripping tyler’s hand. although tyler was taller than him, tyler couldn’t help but feel as though he were six feet shorter just from the way he knew that if he fucked up now, the older man would certainly have his head on a stick… literally.
“yes, sir. no funny business.” tyler reassured him, ignoring the giggles from the two women that were standing behind him.
the four of them were all in the parking garage, already ready to head home so that they could continue the celebration with family that was already waiting at y/n’s house. y/n had asked if she could have tyler drive her to their house, and after a little hesitation, her dad agreed.
y/n was already showing her mom all the photos she and tyler had taken together throughout the years, and her mom wouldn’t stop gushing over the fact that her daughter had such a handsome boyfriend who was making a name for himself in the wrestling business. tyler eventually walked over to them, his hand finding its place on y/n’s hip.
“drive safely, tyler.” y/n’s mom told him, pulling him in for a hug. “see you later, baby! don’t do anything in the car that should be saved for the bedroom.” she teased before going off to join her husband in making their way to their own car.
“fucking finally.” tyler breathed out, turning his full attention to y/n as he planted both of his hands on her hips to pull her against him. he dipped his head down as y/n’s arms came up to wrap around his neck, pulling him down further and meeting him in the middle for a heated kiss. “one pair of parents down, one more to go.” he mumbled against her lips as he backed her up to press her against the side of his car.
she parted her lips, allowing tyler’s tongue to slide against hers and whimpering against him. y/n pulled away, not wanting to let themselves get too carried away. “wanna call them now?” she asked, unwrapping her arms from around his neck so that she could cup his face in her hands instead. she reached up further, running her fingers through tyler’s hair in an attempt to calm the mess, although in all the years she’s been with tyler - she already knew that was nearly impossible.
“no need. already sent them the photos while we were walking here. just waiting for them to reply.” he laughed, leaning in quickly to peck her lips once more before taking a step back. “i’ll post on my instagram tonight. i’m afraid that the longer we stand here kissing and not driving, your dad will actually kill me. i’m certain he was just being nice because there’s so many people here.” tyler said, taking a step back and letting his hands fall from her hips. he waited for her to step out before pulling the door open for her, waiting for her to slide into her seat before shutting the door and jogging around to the other side.
“let’s get you home and celebrate with your family, mamas.” he said as he slid into the drivers seat, quickly starting the car and pulling on his seatbelt.
“at least this time, when my aunts and uncles all ask me if i have a boyfriend, i get to pull you around and be like ‘here he is!’” y/n laughed as tyler leaned over the center console to give her one more kiss before pulling out of the parking spot and driving off. of course, they kissed at every red light and stop sign as they were unable to contain their excitement of being finally able to freely and openly love each other.
i want you to know that you’ll be the one and i’ll be the guy who’ll be on his knees to say i love you and i need you and say i’d die for you (just give me your forever)
tyler had retreated to y/n’s room two hours into the party. after being bombarded with loads of questions from y/n’s relatives, he needed some time for himself. but he also needed to answer his mom and dad’s facetime call, so he used that as an excuse to be up in her room.
“hey mom! hey dad!” tyler greeted as soon as he picked up the call, laying back in y/n’s bed and kicking off his shoes.
“since eighth grade?” taz asked, clearly in disbelief at the fact that tyler had managed to successfully hide his relationship from them for so long. especially since tyler had just started working with him and was on the road with taz.
“yeah. been going strong for years and years. not one break up or nothing. mom taught me how to treat my girl right.” tyler laughed, as he opened up his instagram app, already heading to his drafts so that he could add a few more photos and videos to the post he had already typed up.
“where is she? i miss y/n, i haven’t seen her in so long ever since you started working with your dad. now it makes so much sense why you’d always have her over when we haven’t even met your other friends!” tyler’s mom asked, seemingly happy that her son had a girlfriend that she had already met and thought of highly.
“i feel so dumb. she’d sometimes fly out to our shows and tyler would just be like ‘oh i just miss my best friend, you know. been around her my whole life and now i can’t walk down the street to see her.’ i can’t believe i took that ‘best friend’ story and believed it.” taz gasped out in disbelief.
“she’s downstairs with the rest of her family. i think she’s drinking with her cousins right now. i’m up in her room because her aunts and uncles have been asking me questions nonstop. some of her uncles are apparently fans of you, dad. they went real crazy over it.” tyler hummed. he switched apps to his messaging app and opened up the group chat he had with his parents. “i’m about to post her on my instagram since we can date openly now. i’ve been waiting years to show her off. do you think she’ll be mad if i post this one?” he asked them as he sent a photo of y/n in a sports bra and tyler’s ring gear, with her hands taped and everything. she even had the ftw championship slung over her shoulder, and for effect, her hair was tousled and messy. y/n was pulling off her best “mean mug” face although she was failing horribly.
his parents laughed as soon as they saw the image, and taz joked, “she makes the championship look better than you do.”
“i don’t think she’ll mind, baby. but your dad and i are going to go have dinner now. behave yourself and for the love of god, don’t have a kid. we just found out you have a girlfriend of eight years, we don’t need to be sent to the hospital because we had a heart attack over news of you getting her pregnant.” his mom said.
tyler said his goodbyes to his parents. once the call dropped, he went back to his instagram app to continue editing his post.
“honey? you in here?” y/n’s voice rang throughout the room as she peeked her head in.
“hey mamas. just about to post you. is it cool if i include this photo of you cuddled up against my chest even though there’s a big ass hickey on my collarbone?” he asked, holding up his phone for her to see although she was still in the doorway.
she felt her face heat up as she walked further into the room, shutting the door behind her and sitting at the edge of the bed. “sure, why not? let’s give your die hard fans even more reason to be angry at me.” y/n laughed.
“god, i’m so happy i get to hear that laugh forever. hold these hands forever. kiss these lips forever. love you forever.” tyler admitted softly, his gaze locked with hers as her hand came up to cup his cheek. she leaned in and tyler met her in the middle, capturing her lips in a sweet kiss and tasting the alcohol that lingered on her lips.
he grimaced once she pulled away, his tongue peeking out to swipe at his bottom lip. “what the fuck are you drinking down there? is that jd?” he asked after tasting the alcohol, pushing himself up so that he was sitting up on the bed.
“there’s henny if you want that instead. but come down soon, they’re already asking about you again.” she hummed as tyler’s arm came around her from to wrap around her waist. she leaned into his chest as he kissed her, moaning against him as his tongue wrapped around hers. y/n placed her hands firmly against his chest, pushing him slightly as she pulled away. “later, daddy. if you convince my parents to let you stay the night.”
“even if they didn’t let me, i’ll just sneak back in, mamas.”
just give me your forever
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ambrozjas · 4 months
Could you do a songfic with the song 'Mary' by Alex G with Dallas?
I love your writing sm it genuinely makes me happy <3 take your time with this request and have a lovely day !!
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mary is the girl that leaves you to rot ꨄ︎
✧˖*°࿐ notes 🧸ᰔᩚ
i cried makjng this n im so proud of it n i love alex g sm
✧˖*°࿐ warnings ᰔᩚ
major character death, grieving reader, weird descriptions of adrenaline because i’m obsessed with it, song lyrics r in italics !! 💕
✧˖*°࿐ word count ᰔᩚ
2276 words, 12170 characters
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
mary is the girl that i wanna kiss
she’s got big red eyes and big red lips
she’s got big sharp teeth and big fat hips
dallas winston was known as a lot of things. he was a hood, a filthy greaser, a pervert, an idiot. and while you had heard all of these things about him, you had never actually spoken a word to him besides a gruff, “watch where you’re going” when you bumped into him.
you took notice of the hollowness in his dark eyes, the way his hair was always tussled, the way a new purple bruise was always blooming on his cheek, the milky skin that shone through the small slit of his shirt lifting when he stretched, the fullness of his pink lips whenever a cigarette was sticking out between them, how soft they looked..
no, you told yourself. dallas winston was a no good hoodlum who couldn’t keep his hands to himself. that’s all he was, and that’s all he’ll ever be. but how wrong you’d come to be in the future.
mary is the girl that i wanna fuck
she’s got leather heart and leather gloves
over the next few weeks, your mind couldn’t help but wander about dallas. you practically analyzed every part of his being. the way his eyebrows furrowed when he struggled to light the cancer stick meticulously placed between his index and middle finger, his leather jacket creasing at the forearms in the process.
but of course, your thoughts had to be interrupted. whether that was for the better or worse, you couldn’t decide.
“hey! what’cha lookin’ at?” your friend slides up next to you on the bench, slipping out of the sun’s reach and under the tiny umbrella shielding you two as she followed your gaze. you both were at a small diner, eating outside despite the tulsa heat causing your thighs to sweat when you sat down. you didn’t mind the heat, maybe that’s why you started playing with fire by talking to dallas winston.
you muttered a quick, “nothin’” when you saw your friend roll her eyes and groan at the fact that you were watching him, dallas. you snatched the juice box that she held out to you while she continued to watch dallas with two younger kids chase a group of small kids around, shouting about in an attempt to scare them.
“i still don’t get it. yeah, he’s a bit cute but i don’t understand why you’d go for a guy like that—“
“i’m not going for anybody. ‘s it a crime to observe the locals?”
“bit creepy but,” she paused as she tsked, “not a crime.” she sighed, sipping on her own juice box once more.
she’s the only girl that i wanna love
when you had finally mustered up the courage to talk to ‘the big bad wolf’ himself, you got through the brief scoffing-at-your-attempts-at-conversation stage and actually realized that dallas isn’t all that bad. maybe he’s wore you down, maybe it’s just habit at this point, but he’s actually tolerable when he’s not around all these dumb broads who are looking for a quick bang.
it took a while. like, a long while. but dallas didn’t mind you anymore. you were no longer the pest that buzzed around his ears in hopes that you weren’t swatted away. dallas claimed he didn’t have friends, need friends. but you’re one of the closest people that would ever get a chance to see dallas the way he truly is. you had met the curtis brothers, already recognizing sodapop from school before he dropped out. you had met two-bit, an obnoxiously flirty drunk who threw teasing remarks at you and dally at night long. you had met steve, although all he did was sneer at you when you got close to him, similar to a dog with a piece of beef in its mouth.
when dallas had finally asked you out, it was curt. grumbling a small offer in an attempt to sound tougher so he would mask his awkwardness if you said no. but if you’re being honest, you couldn’t imagine being with any other boy besides dallas winston. he plagued your mind, planted like weeds that you couldn’t get rid of. whether that were his intentions all along were unknown, although you wouldn’t put it past him. dallas was an interesting guy, for sure.
listen to me baby, i don’t mind
i wanna be with you and waste my time
“y’know, you don’t have to be here right?” you asked him, watching as he blowed another cloud of smoke through the small gap his mouth provided on the other side of his cigarette occupied lips.
he merely glanced at you, his arm behind his head as he lounged about on your bed, weight crinkling the sheets.
“because if—“
“can you relax? i wanna be here, otherwise i’d get up and leave right now.” he plucked the cigarette from his mouth as he fully turned his head to look at you.
you shrugged, “i wonder what’d make me ask when you’ve said ‘i’m wasting my time’ and ‘how long are you stretching this out’ and—“
“alright, alright. i get it.”
you sat in silence for a bit, feeling a bit awkward at the fact that you pulled his card and had said nothing more. you were convinced dallas would leave once he had sat up, dusting some ash off of his dark shirt.
“how long ‘til you finish that thing?” he pointed to the paper on your desk below you, leaning his elbows against his thighs as he got comfortable in the new position.
“why? you need t’much attention?” you cooed at him teasingly, still keeping your eyes glued to the paper.
“feels like you’ve been workin’ on it forever. i don’t wanna spend my time in silence while my girlfriend is just working on her homework.”
girlfriend, you repeated in your head. he’s been getting pretty ballsy with this label thing, huh? you smiled to yourself, writing one last sentence before putting your pencil down and getting up from your desk. dallas’ eyes trailed your figure as you stood between his legs, his hands instinctively resting on your hips.
you would almost call it domestic, the way his brown eyes gazed at you. the brown eyes that were so full of disdain and resentment for the world, somehow had room for adoration whenever he looked at you. you always admired that about him.
you placed your hand on his face, before giving him his wishes and unceremoniously plopping on top of him. you couldn’t deny him, dallas winston always got what he wanted.
give it to me baby, i feel good
i wanna feel whatever you think i should
sing it for me, baby, play my song
i wanna hear your daddy sing along
“i dunno.” he said, shrugging his shoulders.
“what do you mean you don’t know?” you put your hand on your hip and looked down at dally, a cancer stick shoved between his lips as usual.
“i don’t dance, ‘specially not with losers like you.”
it was the perfect moment, you were at a family party with dally. you two decided to go to a small clearing behind the house, the smell of trees wafting in the air. it was distant enough that nobody would see you but it was close enough that you could still hear the music faintly blasting through the speakers.
“c’mon dal, nobody can see us. just you ‘n me.” you held out your hand, tilting your head as you offered for a final time.
he stared at it for a second, eyes flickering between your face and your hand as he cocked an eyebrow similarly to two-bit’s habit.
you scoffed and rolled your eyes. “fine, guess i’ll just go find another guy to dance with. i’m sure andy would love—“
and then came dally’s hands on your hips pulling you back towards him when you tried to saunter away back to the front of the house. you yelped as he tugged you towards him, getting up from the small white garden chair.
you laughed and threw your head back as dallas tried to twirl you, he was almost comically stiff as he did a small two-step shuffle with you in his arms.
“wow, so romantic.”
“shut up.”
you leaned forward and rested your chin on his shoulder, relaxing in his embrace as the music changed to a much slower song. you assumed the adults were slow-dancing with each other, too. you found it funny how when you were little, you would gag at anybody else doing these actions and now, you just realize how in love they were with each other.
you mumbled the lyrics a bit as you swayed in dally’s arms, resting your eyes as his hands came to sit on your waist.
dallas relaxed a bit, too. he listened to your sweet voice as you lowly whispered the lyrics from off the top of your head, mumbling incoherent phrases at lyrics you didn’t know.
if you had told anybody else about this, about how you had practically domesticated dallas winston, about how he was no longer the big bad wolf of tulsa but instead of a common dog who rested his head in your lap, they’d never believe you. they could never believe that he could be anything else besides a greaser, that’s all that mattered in this town. you cherished these moments, oblivious to the futures ahead of you and dallas.
mary is the one who leaves you to rot
she says, ‘i am real and you are not’
that phone call from dallas still haunts you. his voice was breathy, you heard him groan at the slightest shift of movement, he sounded like he was on the verge of tears.
“what did you do, dal?” you remember the way you clutched the landline, your palms had already been sweaty. one second you were hunched over a desk stressing about math homework, and the next you were pressed up against the wall as you frantically tried to get dally’s location.
you remember the way he had whispered your name over the phone. his voice cracked as he repeated it. for a while, it was ‘doll’ this and ‘baby’ that, he rarely called you by your name anymore.
“please, just tell me where you’re at dallas.” your voice was barely a whisper at that point, you were surprised at how the phone picked it up. you pressed your forehead against the wall as you begged him not to go once he told you his goodbyes. you remember how before he slammed down the phone, he let out a small cry.
“i love you.”
and then came the familiar dial tone.
you remembered feeling a pang in your heart, it was like your vision went blurry. your throat was practically coated with barbed wire as you fought back a sob, biting your fist to avoid a cry from escaping your lips, an old habit you had learned from dallas whenever he tried to hide from you.
it was nothing like the movies, where a dramatic string quartet would play in the background as you ran in slow-motion out the door. your mind couldn’t think, your thoughts couldn’t focus. your thighs started shaking as you ran out of the door, not even bothering to put shoes on.
the cool air hit your legs, creating a pebbles effect against your skin as the goosebumps raised. your legs didn’t stop, you ran until you couldn’t anymore as you followed the noise and the array of police cars that made a bee-line down the street to the old convenience store.
you remembered the burn in your nostrils and at the back of your throat, the cool air hitting both your bare shoulders and sinuses. that didn’t stop you, though. all you could think about was dally.
you remembered how your eyes couldn’t even focus on what was in front of you. all you saw was dallas, and in his hand was a gun, in replacement of his normal cigarette.
she says, ‘i am real and you are not’
you couldn’t eat after that. who could eat so casually after watching their boyfriend be gunned down right in front of them?
it’s all a blur now, your adrenaline blocking out most of the details. all you remember was crying, as shouts came from the gang, yelling about how dally was just a kid. those screams still haunt you to this day. even now, you can’t look at a pack of kools without thinking of dallas.
you understand why he did it for johnny. johnny was the closest thing dally had to a family. if he was alive now, you’d smack the shit out of him though. you weren’t selfish, nor were you a mean person, but you couldn’t forgive dallas for doing this to you.
as you laid in bed the night of his death, you remembered how dally had made promises that were soon proven to be empty about escaping this small town, to a place with no worries. you realized now how stupid it sounded, but that didn’t matter to you because you had dally. had. and now what you had was gone, lost with the solemn memories of resting against the silk pillows and whispering small words that no other person would ever get to hear, for those words would never leave that bedroom, and those words would never leave your mind either.
you know it now, that dallas was trying to just plant himself in your mind. in his own sick way, he wanted a piece of him to be left with you. and you couldn’t deny him, dallas winston always got what he wanted.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ the outsiders did NOT have to go that hard with that “whatever dally wants dally got” quote
kiss kiss ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱
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verstawppen · 26 days
❣ me gustas tu
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verstawppen writes: Hello guys! I'm Ryu and this is my first time ever writing smth for F1. It is a fandom I've only recently become a part of but the drama, the memes, the drivers and the sport itself is so exciting! I appreciate any constructive criticism and suggestions yall have to offer and I'm more than happy to interact with my readers so feel free to dm :) And it was glorious to see Charles take P1 in his home race yesterday (yes im a ferrari girl at heart) so this one's for him. alr enough chatter onto the story- summary: Going into the Monaco GP, you could not be more in love with your brother's teammate, Charles Leclerc and you also couldn't be more wrong about your feelings being one-sided. warnings: fem!reader, sainz!reader, carlossainzsister!reader, shy!reader, fluff, confessions, making out, unrequited love, friends to lovers, songfic. ─━──━─━─━─━─━────༺ 🏎 ༻────━─━─━─━━─━─━─━─━─━
The media liked to say that you had the life most girls would kill for. You were Carlos Sainz’s sister after all, along with being his assistant manager. Hopping from continent to continent, hanging out in the paddock by day and in the club by night, celebrating race wins. But the media, as always, knew only a portion of the truth. Though you loved your job, you were good at it and helping your brother out with his hectic schedule was always a pleasure, it was excruciating to be so close to Ferrari’s golden boy, yet so far away.
You had feelings for Charles Leclerc. And yes, you knew how it sounded and that’s why you’d never said it out loud. until….
Me gusta los aviones, me gustas tú (I like airplanes, I like you) Me gusta viajar, me gustas tú (I like to travel, I like you)
Charles was soundly asleep on the aeroplane seat, looking comfortable in his dreamland despite the odd position his body had curled up into. His curled locks of hair fell onto his face and brushed against his closed eyelids every once in a while, making him scrunch up his face in annoyance. You wanted to brush his hair out of his eyes, you wanted to be in place of the pillow he had clutched to his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. But you remained in your place and averted your eyes to the book in your lap. 
The pilot announced you were going to land in Monaco soon. You looked out of the window to see the sun beginning to set on the city of splendour, hues of orange, yellow and pink capturing the city sky. You heard Charles shuffling in his seat, probably awoken from the announcement. He stretched out his arms and rubbed his eyes, you watched him from the corner of your eyes. He slowly turned to see the view from the window. A warm smile crept up his lips and a sparkle rose into his mesmerising emerald eyes. He looked pure and happy with the look of a 5-year-old visiting Disney land for the first time. He was home. You smiled and went back to your book.
Me gusta la mañana, me gustas tú (I like the morning, I like you) Me gusta el viento, me gustas tú (I like the wind, I like you)
The weather was delightfully sunny and breezy when you awoke in your hotel room in Monaco. Though most people thought you were a night owl, you actually enjoyed mornings, relishing in the golden lull of sun and solitude. You made your way to the Ferrari garage in the paddock earlier than usual for your morning meetings, wearing a yellow sundress that made you look like the embodiment of sunlight and honey. Your charming smile completed your look and it only widened when you saw Charles was there too. He was sipping on a cup of coffee, and scrolling on his phone. He looked up the moment you entered, he sat frozen in place, eyes unblinking for a minute. If you were delusional, you would have thought he was admiring you, but you knew better. Both of you greeted each other at the same time, “Good morning” “Good morning” A light pink blush rose up on both of your cheeks at the synchronisation. Flustered, you shot him a quick smile before moving to get yourself a cup of coffee. You leaned against the counter atop which the espresso machine sat, facing Charles. Other Ferrari staff had started coming in so Charles and you were no longer alone.
A strong gust of wind came in through the nearby open door and blew your hair right into your face as you were conversing with one of your colleagues and friends.
The sound of your playful laughter floated to Charles’ ears and before he knew it, he was looking at you from across the room, barely paying attention to his trainer. How could he, when you looked so ethereal, the wind styling your hair in a wildly attractive manner. “Charles, are you listening?” “Sorry yes-” He snapped his head back to the man in front of him and shook his head to clear his thoughts of you.
 The sound of your laughter brought warmth to his heart, and he made a mental note to joke around you more.
Me gusta soñar, me gustas tú (I like to dream, I like you) Me gusta la mar, me gustas tú (I like the sea, I like you)
Charles’s win in Monaco was phenomenal, it was his absolute dream come true. Though you were a little sad for your brother, who’d suffered a puncture and hadn’t been able to perform at his level best, you were overjoyed for Charles. When he crossed the checkered flag as the winner of the Monaco Grand Prix, marking the first home win for the Monegasque, the Ferrari garage launched into an uproar, screams of joy and chants of Charles’ name being heard all around. You felt a lone tear of happiness make its way down your face as you watched the excited crowd. You were smiling like an idiot as you heard Charles thanking the entire team through the team radio, feeling warmth filling your chest accompanied by a sense of pride. You spotted Carlos returning to the Ferrari garage and you ran to him, giving him a loving hug.
“You did so well, Carlos! P3 hermano, you drove so well!” Your brother smiled at you. “You should save the praise for the winner of the race, hermana” You immediately blushed at the mention of Charles and it did not go unnoticed by your elder brother. You kept looking over his shoulder to see if Charles had come back yet and he smirked, “Go to him, he’s on his way.” You shifted your gaze back to your brother and shook your head, ”No, Carlos I want to stay with you here. You must be tired after that intense race, no? should I get you something?” Carlos smiled and shook his head, heading towards his driver's room, “Just go to him hermana, maybe your feelings aren’t as one-sided as you think”. Your eyes widened, you’d forgotten that Carlos was also one of Charles’s best mates and there was no way your protective brother Carlos would have asked you to go to him unless they’d had a conversation about you before. You slowly nodded your head and walked out of the Ferrari garage in a euphoric daze. Did Charles really like you back?
And that’s when you spotted him a little further away, celebrating his win near his car, his admirers and supporters in the paddock encircling him. Your gaze met his across the distance and he took off his helmet, revealing his tousled hair. He looked exhausted but glory shone bright on his face. You found your legs carrying you towards him, the lyrics of your favourite song being the only words you could use to describe the turmoil in your heart.
¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais pas (What am I going to do? I don't know) ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je ne sais plus (What am I going to do? I do not know anymore) ¿Qué voy a hacer?, je suis perdu (What am I going to do? I am lost)¿Qué horas son, mi corazón? (What time is it, my heart?)
Before you knew it, you were standing right in front of the man you were in love with, your shining eyes looking into his sparkling green ones. The crowd around him dispersed, setting the stage for what was about to happen next. You immediately went in for a hug, you didn’t care if he was all sweaty from the race, you just needed him to know how proud you felt and how much you cared. His hands wrapped around your waist, and it felt so right.
His head settled in the crook of your neck, inhaling the scent of your light perfume and the scent bedazzled his senses. “I’m so so proud of you, Charles” you whispered to him. The two of you were in your own little bubble, oblivious to the ongoings of the paddock and you were grateful that the rest of the world allowed you two that moment. You felt him smile into your neck. “I couldn’t have done it without your support, cherie” Your heart skipped a beat at the nickname and you gently pulled away from the embrace, his arms still holding you in close proximity. You didn’t know how long you stood there, just staring into each other’s eyes, and irises exchanging all the words you had left unsaid. Your hands cupped his cheeks and his entire world zeroed in on you in that moment. “Charles, kiss me now” you whispered. You needed to know. He did not need any further encouragement, the moment those words left your lips, his were on yours. And God was it amazing. The way his soft, slightly chapped lips met your own halfway blew your mind and your hands moved to his damp hair, gripping them slightly to ground yourself. This feels so right, was all the two of you could think. His arms around your waist tightened impossibly closer and he relished the feeling of your lips against his, the feeling of your electrifying presence near his before pulling away and opening his eyes to you. The smiles that grew on your face were instantaneous. The kiss was everything you had wanted, needed from Charles and it was confirmation enough that he liked you as much you liked him. “So, what are your plans tonight, pretty boy?” Now it was his turn to blush at the nickname. “Probably partying at Jimmy’z, it still hasn’t set in you know” “I know”, you said while admiring just how perfect he looked like this. Winning looks so good on him, you thought to yourself. You felt one of his hands leave your waist and come up to your ear before tucking away a stray strand of hair. “But tomorrow, cherie, we celebrate together, just the two of us. I want to show you around Monaco, properly. Maybe take you out to the sea” You laughed with delight before pecking his lips, the sound of your melodious laugh making his heart bloom. “I can’t wait, amour” ─━──━─━─━─━─━────༺ 🏎 ༻────━─━─━─━━─━─━─━─━─━
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yxstxrdrxxm · 9 months
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SYNOPSIS: Kazuha, a well-known tailor in Inazuma, had a spouse. It's only a shame that his spouse is known for their 'infidelity' in his eyes. [ songfic ]
TW/S: Yandere tendencies, stalking, minor and major character death/s, emotional manipulation in a way, gore, violence, fire/arson, sewing... questionable fabric, unreliable narrator, shifting POVs, dead dove: do not eat, dollification, delusional thinking, Kazuha progressively loses it till the end, beheading, oh God this fic and tws are long Im so sorry―
NOTE: During the fic, it is recommended to listen to "The Tailor of Enbizaka". It will make sense when you read through this fic :)
(also, I apologize if this took a while for me to write. I got busy and writer's block hit me :( anyways, second work and its the best boy! Though, I hope you all don't blame me for fucking him up. Also also!! This is very much a long, LONG fic— like 2k+ long, so 🫡 gl soldier, I'll see if I don't need to make this to a 2 part series)
(update: this fic took 6k words, good luck y'all, this one is a WILD ride)
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In Inazuma, there is a tale that is shared by many about a crimson clad man and his lover.
The others never settled on what he looked during the day before his death, nor were they sure what his prior job was before he became a tailor. However, they always complimented him for his looks and his skill, knowing that whatever he used as his own special fabric would be tailored and taken care of well.
Even with one full of holes and tears, he is gifted with the ability to patch them up till it was brand new. In the village he lived in, he was regarded for having such a talent, and he had his shop open and full of visitors.
However, the only thing that made people question him was his behavior. Despite how mild-manner the tailor was, he often comments on how his beloved darling refused to come home and continues to cheat on him.
Many those that still lived during the time said the crimson-eyed tailor acted delusional, but just how far can those delusions go?
No one knows but the man himself... And the one who persecuted him, too.
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It was that year since I've seen my beloved after the accident.
A year that, when I saw them, I've longed to see them and speak to them about our time together as a married couple.
To begin with, I am Kaedehara Kazuha, or― as the townsfolk here call me, the 'Crimson-Eyed Tailor'. Although I am highly regarded for my craftsmanship, many told me that I am odd for my adoration for my beloved maple.
Why is it that odd? I thought all married couples do this, even if some think that it feels off.
Besides that, however, my darling isn't quite aware of my... Endeavors. More specifically, their streak of getting out for hours, perhaps days and weeks, and not even coming around to speak to me.
I am bound to them by an oath when we were married: we both drank sake together under that faithful light of the moon, with only nature watching over us. However, it would seem as if they have forgotten that, and ended up cheating on me in broad daylight.
Like they had no such shame.
Alas, I am but their husband, and I can't simply get mad at my beloved spouse. I know they did no wrong, for they sometimes meet with others as an act of being 'friendly'.
So while I focused on fixing the kimono, I've began to hear something that had been passed around in the village.
Something related to my darling's little ventures.
"I have spoken to [Name] about the matters in their marriage recently," one of the ladies spoke, her voice not so soft enough to conceal who she was speaking about as I fixed the fabric in my hands.
"And from what they told me, they're getting their kimono fixed for when their lover returns home!"
I simply continued on sewing, but the lady's next words had me flinch.
"Ah, they've been married for years, aren't they? And it seems they even have their shiromuku ever since their marriage to sir Kamisato Ayato. How romantic!"
The blood continues to spill on my finger, with the needle that I used pricking it when I've lost focus and got too careless.
How uncouth.
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From the tale shared by the folks of Narukami Island, they talked about the crimson-eyed tailor's marriage with his supposed 'spouse': an immigrant of sorts from Fontaine, traversing to Inazuma to meet with their lover.
Their relationship together is strange. From the accounts of those with prying eyes, they said that he was the only one putting an effort to their relationship, and they wished to take it slow.
However, there are those that disagreed, saying that it had been the other way around— and it was he who wished for them to slow down.
No one can decide what the tailor had done, for they can't even tell if his desires were to rush or to slow down. But what can be confirmed is one thing everyone kept saying.
He doesn't like his trust being broken.
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It had been days after hearing what I did.
I hadn't seen my dearest beloved in those days, and the day I saw them had been when the heir of the Kamisato clan had returned.
I had been busy as ever in sewing till I realized that I'm running out of thread. I don't have any spares, and I'm well aware that there are a few shops that sell supplies for sewing.
And so, on a lazy afternoon, I've got out of my shop in the hopes that I can catch the store to buy the supplies I needed.
The soft sound of wood hitting the pavement greeted my ears, alongside hushed murmuring and discussing with the commonfolk. I greeted a few that noticed me in passing, but they were swift to return to the people they were speaking to prior.
It was a mundane thing, really. But it was the type that felt familiar.
Turning a few corners, I managed to locate the shop I was looking for. Walking up the stairs, I waved at the lady taking care of the store—
—not before my ears perked up at the soft chattering in the distance.
My eyes trailed over to the source, and then, I see them.
My beloved maple.
I saw that they were conversing with the heir of the Kamisato clan, his hand reaching over to hand them a small gift: a small box, with the ribbon being the color of purple. I spot the gleam of gold on top of the ribbon, which eludes me to think that it is the insigna of the clan crested in gold.
How tacky.
I had to hold back the urge to stop them as their conversation was hard to discern, my focus back on the woman running the shop with the supplies I require.
"Hello, madame," I greeted, making the woman smile and nod in greeting as well. "Do you need fabric again, Kaedehara?"
I chuckled, but it was only to mask the bits of instability in my voice.
"Oh, not fabric, madame. I simply desire thread. I have ran out of red and black, and I didn't want to delay the commission I had from monsieur Lyney. Do you have any right now?"
"Red and black thread, hm? I can check at the back. Please give me a moment to look."
With a bow, the seamstress turned around to leave. With that, I let go of the breath I held and turned my gaze back to the bridge, just a few ways away from where my beloved sunset was at.
Watching the two figures, I couldn't help but simply stared at the attire that the heir wore.
Montsuki Haori Hakama: that usually means black or gray. I've known that colored kimonos were not worn with this in mind, and he certainly didn't wore anything that would be too straining.
Still, that shade of black is made of high quality. I'm not surprised if he wore it so rarely, as though to preserve the detail and its intricate work from his very own seamstress.
I wonder if I can take it?
Watching the two descend from the bridge, my eyes wandered back to the lady as she returned with the spools of thread, all varying in degrees of color and quality.
"Here you are, Kaedehara! These are the best I can find that fit the colors you asked for."
My eyes twinkled as I took the spools to my hands, my fingers turning and nudging the thread to see just how strong it is.
Interesting. Good quality, too... Maybe I can use this to finish that outfit I've been saving for a while.
"Thank you, madame," I thanked her, making her laugh. "Oh, it's not a problem, Kaedehara! You've done so much for this little town of ours, this is but a simple thing to repay for your efforts!"
With a nod, I paid the seamstress and turned back down to descend from the bustling upper part of the town, the sight of what happened in the bridge a bit further away bothering me from within.
No matter, Kazuha, I mused, carrying the items I required as I felt myself walk back home. Even if you want to get rid of him, it will be much too complicated. You simply need to be patient and wait till the opportunity comes.
Although, whoever made his clothes... I wonder if I can speak to them to inquire about their techniques.
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The first case that started this was a cold one.
One that is related to a person no one knew so highly about, be it by their background, appearance, and even their name. All they were known for is being the 'tailor' for one of the clans.
There had been a lack of evidence and information about this due to how many tailors had been requested all across Inazuma at the time. It was understandable that people chalked up to them being missing as nothing more than an unfortunate case, not one worthy of being dug into.
Others had suspected that it had been associated with something else, that something (or someone) had done this deliberately. There was no evidence to this, but their claims were loud as they were bold, making it difficult to ascertain its authenticity.
However, the masses have all agreed that this was a normal occurrence. It was not one worth noting, because there had been a lot more that spoke of the same tale, always eluding to their fate being that they were murdered.
It was, unfortunately, the 'norm' of the village in the legend. A norm that, if the people of Inazuma heard it today, would have turned their heads in disgust for how abhorrent it sounds.
Still, many remained curious of the biggest what if that seem to echo in their mind.
Was the tailor associated with his sins?
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The Kamisato clan has had it's ups and downs, and it isn't strange to see that they were seeking out talented tailors and workers to work under them.
What was surprising (to everyone), however, was that the head of the clan hired me to work as the Kamisato Clan's personal tailor.
The reasoning behind it was quite simple, especially with what the heir spoke to me when he and I met in the morning when I was to be summoned in the estate— due to his personal tailor (a family friend, he said) going missing for days, they were unable to track down his whereabouts and presumed that he has gone missing.
I was only hired as a "replacement" for the clan's special tailor till then, and he made it extremely clear that there was nothing else to it. Nothing that would spell the fact that I will permanently stay in that position.
Of course, to many, this may sound as an odd deal. There are so many tailors such as myself that would die to be consulted on, to work as the head of the clan's seamstress and work for their outfits. And perhaps, in their naivety, they may consider it as their efforts finally paying off in some way.
However, I have been in a clan myself before. This is nothing more if not a business deal.
A deal between one rising clan, and one whose surname has lost it's widely known heritage.
This only benefits the Kamisato Clan in the effort to save face. To save face of the potential backlash they'll deal with should any information of the missing clan's tailor be brought to light to everyone who remain blissfully ignorant of the innerworkings of the clan.
I would normally deny this kind of offer, mostly because there is no benefit for me to join and work for them. However, times have changed, and I simply reconsidered denying Kamisato Ayato's offer.
... There is a few benefits to me joining. It may be minimal, but it is better than scrounging around in the dark.
And so, I agreed to the offer.
The arrangements set for me to move was quite swift. I'm aware that that he is a man of his word, so it was quite easy for us to prepare my living arrangements and move to the estate.
With the supplies I get from the clan, it's been easy to stay put and gather information to the person I'm targeting.
... That was, until that day came.
I remember it clearly: it was the ends of fall, where the maple leaves fell more and more around the estate's grounds. This usually signified the coming of winter, so I usually savor the season by having time off to admire the scenery.
And in one of my walks, I had travelled from outside of the estate to see if things have changed.
Which, to my luck, I've encountered my darling beloved.
But just like last time, they were not alone.
In the journey of my wandering, I have seen them speak to the sibling of the older heir, Kamisato Ayaka, as they sit on the table outside of the Komore Teahouse.
From how far I am to the entrance of the teahouse, it gives me enough space to watch them interact like friends. The way that the Himegimi raised her fan to cover her face, perhaps from her eyes crinkling in amusement from what they told her...
... It was intriguing. Very intriguing.
So much so that I've felt the claws of envy grip in my chest, clutching its metal nails and making punctures on my already bleeding heart.
What a nuisance. Must you hurt me like this, darling?
I can hardly remember what happened after that. After all, my focus had been set on the two speaking to each other like they were simply companions, unknowing of what fate may bring upon them.
"Oh? Kazuha! I didn't notice you came to the Teahouse as well!"
My attention was swiftly pulled away from the sight of my dearest gem, and it landed on the familiar sight of olive eyes. From the appearance alone, many wouldn't think that an immigrant of Mondstadt would be a fixer.
Not even I would be able to see it happen.
However, this man had the skills to prove of his worth— after all, being Inazuma's 'fixer', he's often the go-to man to fix any and every problem that the Narukami Island and others may face.
Which makes him a glass canon— one that is volatile and unpredictable, even under the guise of a friendly face.
That is what Thoma is.
But this "glass cannon" has his weakness, and I know how to use it to my advantage.
Letting a smile slip to my lips, I chuckled, raising my hand to cover my mouth. "Well, I've been foretold by others about Komore Teahouse and it's history. I've been meaning to visit it, but I'm so busy fixing kimonos and making them to have time to spare."
A white lie, but then again, there are many of those that have been foretold in the waking of this world.
What does adding one do at this point? I'm already damned by the heavens the day I've seen the 'truth' of this fate of mine.
Just one lie wouldn't hurt, right?
"Haha, I can't blame you," the taller blonde seem to answer my query with his own, albeit he did seem to look more like he was at ease. Still, I needed to be weary; he can change sides if he so much as sensed that something is wrong.
"After all, with what the missing tailor in the clan circulating around the others in the estate, I'm even surprised that you manage to fill up in their position for months!"
... Oh? So he's noticed my talents, hm?
I shook my head.
"Oh, please. I'm just a humble tailor, Thoma," I reasoned, letting out a heavy sigh. "I have thought of asking them for advice on how they do their work, but since they're missing, all I can do is substitute for their absence."
He gave me an apologetic smile and nodded.
"That is true... I guess I'm just a bit too ecstatic to finally have someone that can fill in their role seamlessly. Lord Kamisato Ayato would've been panicking if we didn't have a replacement soon for his anniversary with his spouse."
... Spouse, huh?
"Hm... Is that so?"
I frowned in thought as I ponder over wanting to... Ask him for a favor. Sure, this one wouldn't do well on one's conscious mind if they knew, but it was simply for their sake.
It was all for them. I knew that.
It wouldn't hurt anyone if I asked Thoma to do this for me. At least, while I still have the chance to do so.
I can only hope the cannon does not think of shooting it's shot to me if I slipped up.
"Speaking of, Thoma, may I ask you for a favor?"
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After the first missing case of the tailor, there had been more that were reported. The victims were all varied in their appearance, age, and even from where they used to live, be it in Narukami Island or even outside of Inazuma itself.
It was difficult to tell how many there were exactly, especially with how the legend is interpreted. Some said it was 20, while others said it was 50. This legend has been passed mouth to mouth, so details were not a key figure for a few to remember well.
However, every iteration has the same detail. The victims all had the same similarity as the tailor that simply went "missing".
All of them, in some way, were associated with certain individuals— one of them being his maple, where a few commented that they were the apple of the crimson man's eye.
From the legend and how it has been told, it is safe to assume that the motive was obvious from the first missing case.
It is akin of an open secret, if said secret was twisted to fit his ideals.
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"Haven't you heard?"
"What? What is it?"
"The fixer, Thoma… He went missing just few days ago."
Ah, so he went missing like the others?
My ears had perked up at the news that we were told. Although Thoma is one many people never thought of being a 'target', the fact he went missing is... Odd.
"Perhaps he had done something," I heard one of the servants whisper amongst themselves, looking rather cautious. "After all, he's been very privy on a few things..."
"Yes, but he isn't the person I'd expect to vanish like that—"
"Shh—! People are going to hear you, you know! Keep it down!"
Hearing their footsteps echo as they take their leave, I turned back to what I have been working on. The sight of the kimono graced my vision as I raised the needle.
I began to sew the tears on it, letting out a soft hum while I fixed the black fabric from it's horrible state.
Slip, stitch, cut, sew.
Slip, stitch, cut, sew.
Slip, stitch, cut—
"Sir Kaedehara? Someone is looking for you."
I felt the needle prick my finger, but I didn't say anything. With a quiet hum, I raised my head to see someone speak to me, their face grim as they shifted on their feet.
Despite the feeling of blood pour onto the fabric, I smiled and nodded, putting down the fabric of the kimono I was fixing.
"I'll be right there. Please tell them to wait for me."
"Really? Oh, thank Archons. I'll get going."
Watching them take their leave, my eyes flit over to my scissors.
Still as sharp as ever, I mused, pushing myself to stand up before fixing my attire. Mayhaps today won't need it to be sharpened.
For now, I had to see what the client wants from me. It would simply be a shame if I leave them alone for far, far too long.
Mayhaps they're here to inquire about the kimono I made. I made sure to add my personal touch to it.
As I walked to where my client sought to look for me, I see a familiar sight befell in the grounds of the Kamisato Estate.
The himegimi is currently speaking to my betrothed like they are close companions, and the magician (Lyney was his name, I recall), had been listening to their discussion at hand.
His eyes seem to lit up when he saw me, offering me a welcoming grin.
"You must be the tailor that my sister assigned, aren't you?" he asked when I was close enough to hear him, making me chuckle. Taking a seat across, I simply nodded, keeping my professional smile and demeanor in fear of offending him.
"Indeed, I am that tailor. My name is Kaedehara Kazuha, it is a pleasure to meet you."
"Haha, please, the pleasure is all mine!"
The magician shook my hand with mine, and the meeting went as smoothly as one may expect. Although, I couldn't help but let my eyes wander sometimes to where my lover is.
You were speaking to Ayaka like she's a friend of yours. I shan't stop you, darling, but perhaps you aren't aware of the pain you put me through.
Still, I couldn't afford to raise my voice, nor can I think of hurting you with my actions.
How unfortunate. Mayhaps I need to teach you a lesson myself, my angel.
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If there was one thing that the legend failed to elaborate, it is the state of the missing people. However, there were... Creative liberties to those that began to see if the legend was true; or, pray tell, associated with any real life events.
To the eyes of others, going missing is a serious deal. It sparks a lot of ideas for what could've happened to them, and especially if they are alive or dead.
Albeit many shrugged off the prior cases, this one was serious. After all, the one that went 'missing' is the fixer of Narukami Island— Thoma, the immigrant in the nation of lightning.
It is, after all, what sparked the eventual downfall of the crimson-eyed tailor and his beloved. Many had thought this was the turning point, but those that did were found to be wrong.
This, after all, was simply the beginning of such downfall. But it wasn't to his lover, the missing residents, or even his companions.
It was to himself, when he used the blades to commit a sin undeserving of forgiveness.
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The news that brought upon the missing Himegimi greeted the Kamisato estate that day.
I remember how people were in a disarray. They were much more shaken as they tried to get any sort of lead to where she is, and for some, they were already thinking of quitting.
The estate is already shaken from when Thoma went missing, but now that the young heiress has up and disappeared— especially in winter— it was in chaos.
While I sew the kimonos handed to me, there was an obi that laid on the pile by my right. It was a bit worn, but it can still be saved.
I needed to fix it, and give it my own personal touch. That way, it wouldn't look as though it had been abandoned by it's past owner.
Alas, the noise is getting to me. I could feel the silk resting on my bandaged hand slip every once in a while, if it weren't for how tight I've been holding the fabric.
Slip, stitch, cut, sew.
Slip, stitch, cut, sew.
I needed to put my focus on what I'm doing. I needed to focus on the job.
Slip, stitch, cut, sew.
Slip, stitch, cut, sew.
I mustn't let blood nor dirt stain my creations.
That is what my mother taught me.
Slip, stitch, cut, sew.
Slip, stitch, cut, se—
"I apologize if the estate is in a disarray, detective," I hear a familiar voice speak amongst the hushed and panicked whispers. "The estate hasn't been the same ever since my retainer and my younger sibling had gone missing."
"Oh, it's alright! I'm sure this matter is too serious for you and the others to keep things organized."
"Haha... You can say that it is. Now, it's just right this way..."
... A detective is in the estate. How curious.
It wasn't right to snoop, but I was curious. Curious enough to have finished the kimono I was fixing before I stood to leave my quarters.
The others paid no heed as I followed after the two to Ayato's room, too focused to do what they were assigned to even bat an eye when I got close to where they were heading.
It was only when they were inside that I've stopped and simply bid my time, my focus set on what was happening by the shoji leading to his office. And it didn't took long till I hear things from the other side.
"Ah, so you think that someone is out for you?"
"Yes. Although I am normally adept in figuring out who it could be that's causing this to happen, I can't put heads or tails with how their presence eludes me."
"Man alive... And you said that it started when they went missing?"
"... Yes, detective."
"I see... Man alive, that sounds like it wasn't just a single, one-off case, then. I can help you, but this will take a while if there's no leads."
"I see. It's fine, detective. I'll pay you enough when you figure out where my retainer and sister are. I could hardly think that someone would take them without such consequence."
"Oh, no worries. With me around, no criminal will get out unscathed— I'll make sure to bring them here when I figure out who did this."
I see.
Perhaps its about time I have to settle this with him.
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There was a time where I have thought that things will change.
Where these cases will be laid forgotten, perhaps even unresolved with the lack of hints.
I spent weeks on end, keeping my tracks short and erasing any leads that can lead towards me again.
I spent so, so long trying so desperately to hide anything resembling my crimes.
But alas... He found me.
It was the time where I had to dispose of those bodies. Although I had no heart to bury them under nature, I was not above treating them as though they were simply people.
Even in death, I wanted to make them feel like they look peaceful. Although, perhaps simply sewing their wounds left by my scissors was not something I can treat.
In the middle of the night, I was carrying the Himegimi outside of the abandoned houses I tend to with her retainer, Thoma. I had thought of letting her rest someplace else. Her attire has been sullied, and I needed to keep the two somewhere where no one can find them.
Corpses rot over time, and if it was possible, letting them turn to nothing in the likes of Tsurumi Island will be enough for my weary heart to rest.
With how adept I am of keeping my tracks hidden, I had thought no one would be able to tail on me. But alas, due to the missing cases I've caused, perhaps I wasn't expecting this to happen.
"I knew you'd be here, Kaedehara Kazuha."
I simply paused upon hearing his voice, my head craning back to see that it was Ayato. Despite how composed he looks, I can tell that the nights he spent trying to search for his beloved sibling and retainer wore him down.
His once flawless appearance was nothing but sullied, his attire feeling like its simply hanging off of him, and the way he staggered while looking at me without a shred of restrain is new. Raw for such a heir.
"And that body..." he murmured, his eyes glaring daggers when he found out who it was.
Perhaps it's her dress that makes her recognizable. Or the hair.
"... I thought I've erased everything that can lead back to me," I spoke, sighing as I placed Ayaka's body down. "What a shame. I was quite close to erasing any traces and signs of their whereabouts. It would be nice to only have them be marked as 'missing', not dead."
"So... You admit to it, then?" the heir asked, walking over with stride. "That you have done this, Kaedehara?"
I simply said nothing.
And I knew that was enough of a confirmation for him.
"I knew something was wrong with you," I heard him speak, which caught my attention. Turning my body to finally face him, I watched as he scoffed and continued, "After all, a man as serene as you often had the worst to hide."
"Oh? How curious. Why would you say that?"
I saw his lips curl to a smile.
"Why, I had someone tail after you," he answered, his tone sounding so blunt and his demeanor became more like he's simply 'teaching' me something. "Someone that is associated with the clan. I'm sure you know who it is."
... How uncouth.
"I see... And you confronted me now? For what?"
"A duel."
He unsheathed his blade, and raised it towards my direction.
"I do not usually participate in these, but I'd like to honor your tradition. If I win, you turn yourself in to the Tenryou Commission. Confess all of your crimes, and we shall call it even."
"... Very well."
I raised my own blade, as a sign to his own.
"I needn't state my own terms if I lose, as I can't let you get out alive. Now, let us settle this matter... To each of our graves."
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Usually, such details cannot be recreated from interpretation alone.
However, this one was the few exceptions to it's inevitable fate due to it's popularity.
The legend had focused on keeping the existence and ties of the Crimson-Eyed Tailor up for the listener's interpretation. This scene, however, was directly associated to a case that had been tackled many years ago.
The case went as such: each resident of a town goes missing each week. No one knows when it happens, as the day is often random. The victims of these disappearances are also random, so no one could derive from it being a 'pattern'.
No matter how young or old one is, their gender, their living conditions, and even their past... When they least expect it, they simply vanish. Erased.
The only times where the victim was found, several eye-witnesses had different iterations. Some said that the bodies were buried, while others found it floating by riverbanks and the side of the sea.
But the most common— and widely known, of course— was that each victim were made to a doll.
Their limbs were nothing if not sewn with thread, cuts of various degrees being patched with thread of similar color to 'mask' it's oddity. Their eyes were closed, but those that were unfortunate to open it were only greeted with it being turned to the back of their heads.
In some victims, several pieces of their possession were taken. However, most kept theirs on their person, and were seen to not be tampered with.
No one knows what drove someone to this degree. No one can even comprehend such a fact that it was entirely possible.
But to someone who's mind was twisted to the point of no return... It was.
This case had a name, but every resident of Inazuma refused to speak of it. Each time one does, they were told of the legend behind this case.
They were told of the Crimson-Eyed Tailor, and they were warned of one thing.
"Do not look at him or his betrothed. If you do, you're as good as dead."
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It had been a year since our fight happened.
I remember the chaos that occurred back when I finally erased that man. Although it did left his body in an undesirable state, I still fixed and sew him up so that he didn't look as such.
Even in death, I wish to give the heir some form of dignity. That, in some way, I wish to give him his final respects.
After all, he had simply misunderstood my intentions. He didn't knew that I was out for one person from the very beginning.
The downfall of the Kamisato Clan was imminent at that point. I've seen many flee, and witnessed the tragedy befall on the Narukami Island. Many of the people I've met had simply ran off to seek refuge, the terror grasping and choking them like they were unable to think.
However, I remain clear. And I simply continued to do my work diligently.
I have been working on something... Special. And with one last snip of my bloodied scissors, it was now complete.
My final and life-long work, all laid across and now in my hands. The fabric I chose was rather difficult to sew. I should have known that human skin would be too hard, depending on where I retrieved it from.
Dying it in black, I wrapped the obi that had been sewn with the use of the Himegimi's locks, and retrieved the crest of the Kamisato Clan. Adorning it on my person, I viewed myself at the mirror to see my handiwork.
"Finally," I murmured, feeling an odd sensation in my chest as I wore the fruits of my labor. "It is now complete."
With the chaos guiding me and masking my presence, I fled to head by the mountain.
I knew where you were bound to go.
I knew of your crimes long before you knew me.
I didn't paid much attention if anyone saw me. I didn't care if blood simply poured from my attire and to the ground that I'm walking on. I could hardly give a damn if some realized of my crimes in that blasted estate.
I had my scissors with me, and I only wish to fulfill my last wish before I leave this cursed world.
You murdered my family, [Name].
You were the one who caused that fire all those years ago.
I remember those burns you gave me. I remember just how much of a coward you were, fleeing from the scene you caused yourself.
How could I lose everything? And how can you keep your family?
No. No, that mustn't happen. I must set this right.
As your 'lover', I'll make sure you understand what you did wrong.
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The culprit of the legend was caught, at least by the end.
All of the townsfolk had banded over to help the detective figure out who had caused such a stir, and it was only because of one eye-witness that said everything. That simply told the truth of the man behind it all.
It was the Crimson-Eyed Tailor, the one who was gripped with envy, that caused such a massacre to occur.
When they found what became of the last victim, his 'lover', they became a doll of his own. After killing them, the legend proceeded to speak of how he had simply 'sown' their skin alongside his, making them his perfect beloved doll.
One of the iterations even mentioned that his unnamed lover was in a Shiromuku outfit, eyes gouged so they may "never look at another man". At least, from what the tale has concluded.
Because of the severity of his crime, the tailor was sent to be on his death row. When the detective tried to get information out of him, they found out that he has lost his mind.
He became a shell of the brilliant man they knew, laughing and speaking that he has finally fulfilled his desire.
Even when he was dragged onto the guillotine, that day was marked as the end of the massacre, and those who were alive spoke of the man's chilling laughter up until his head was cut off.
And that was the end of the "Crimson-Eyed Tailor" and his legend.
Or, more accurately, the history of the known "Dead Man's Heart" case, and how Kaedehara Kazuha murdered the one he "loved" for revenge.
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@.throw-letter-away | do not republish or repost my works anywhere | 2023
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comicallylargemango · 6 months
Senku I. X Reader! !!
Fictype: songfic
Genre: fluff
Warning: none
A.N: h IM BACK!! With a Senku Ishigami fic!!! He has been plaguing my mind for a month so ermm ywah
Aslso N/n means nick name
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★I've rejected affection, for years and years.
At this point everyone knew Senku ishigami was a man of science, he had no time for such illogical things like love. but fate disagreed.
★Now I have it and damn it, it's kind of weird.
When you had first told Senku the words, "I Love You" he was quite shocked, in a good way, of course. a feeling of warmth and affection rose from the dark, mechanical depths of his heart. No one had ever told him that directly, though he knew from their actions and and body language, everyone had their own way of saying I love you, be it platonic or romantic.
It was only natural that he'd be tongue tied when he heard the words "I Love you." Come from your lips. He was hesitant to say it back, the three words feeling foreign 'n weird in his mouth. Never would he have thought he'd say them.
★He tells I'm pretty,
He however, is indifferent to to looks. He doesn't care about the way someone dresses, or how he dresses for that matter. He knows he looks fine.
But for some reason, whenever you were around, he found himself more conscious of his looks and mannerisms. At first he thought it might've just been hormones but never had he felt that way before, so his second thought was you. At the beginning, when you two had first met, he was... Uninterested, to say the least. But as time grew on, he found himself hyper aware and overly embarrassed whenever he did something even just slightly off character Infront of you.
★Dont know how to respond.
When you complimented his knowledge in science, it... Made him feel better, more confident. It wasn't the first time someone had complimented him before but hearing it from you just sounded better, sweeter in his ears. So much so that whenever he'd finish his projects or experiments, he'd always look for your opinion first, his first thought when making something amazing was you.
★I tell him that he's pretty too,
So it was only natural he'd start reciprocating, after all. He isn't some self centered prick, he knows feedback and constructive criticism is important. Though he was a bit hesitant of saying it out loud at first.
"Yo. Y/n." He greets you from behind. Looking at the project you had finally finished. It wasn't overly amazing or perfect, it was fine, it was... You. (In his own words.)
"Heya, Science Guy." You looked over your shoulders to greet him, smiling softly as you wiped your sweaty forehead.
Senku stood beside you, examining it for a while before turning to look at you, hesitating for a while. "Good job, N/n. I'm ten billion percent sure you're getting an A."
★Can I say that? don't have a clue.
He was patiently, (nervously, though he'd never admit it) waiting for your answer. It wasn't usual for him to give out compliments or anything of the sort.
But the way your eyes lit up, the upward curve of your lips, and the way you puffed out your chest and stood straight with confidence?
Yep, he'd have to start complimenting you more often.
"Thanks! Senku."
★With every passing moment, I surprise myself.
At first he doesn't notice it, all the acts of service and words of affirmation he gives to you completely fly over his head. It was only when Gen pointed it out that he finally realised.
"Isn't it so strange?" Gen nudges at Senku with his elbow.
Senku looks up at him in confusion. "What's strange?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Mmm, I don't know. Maybe the way you're a lot more affectionate towards Y/n-Chan than towards anyone else?" He teased, feigning innocence and curiosity.
"Dunno what you're talkin about." Senku shuts him off bluntly.
Gen has an evil smile on his face. "Oh? Then what about that gift you gave them two days ago?Or the week before that? Or when you complimented their technique despite everyone else doing just as well?" He smiles wider.
Senku facepalms, looking at Gen with an uninterested expression. "That's because it's important to reward people for their hard work, Gen."
"And it's because they have been working harder than others."
"Hmmm, is that so~?"
★I'm scared of flies, I'm scared of guys.
When Senku first acknowledged his feelings, they were small, like the bud of a flower waiting to bloom.
But when the petrification happened, the dark void gave his feelings time to ferment and grow stronger. Aside from counting every individual second, you were constantly plaguing his mind, despite his best efforts, sweet images of you and Him constantly threatened to reset the count. But somehow, he managed.
★Someone please help..
And as he broke out of the stone prison, his condition only worsened, (by condition; I mean him wanting to see you again so badly) the many memories you both had together had been modified by his feelings for you and turned sweeter, overly romanticised, if you will.
★Cause I think I'm falling inlove this time,
And it didn't help with the fact that practically everything reminded you of him.
Whenever he needed flowers for dye, boom bam a million memories of the few times he touched your soft skin.
Whenever he saw the sunrise, it reminded him of your smile, the way your eyes would shine whenever he complimented you.
★i blinked and suddenly I had a valentine. (Valentine)
It was all so surreal to him, how he managed to fall in love. someone like him, falling inlove? If you told the Past Senku he woulda laughed in your face, and then go on a rant about how illogical love is blah blah yada yada yada.
But he wasn't complaining, who would complain about having a valentine?
♪ ♪ ♬
★What if he's the last one I kiss?
You remember it like it was yesterday, the first time you'd have kissed Senku. Though it wasn't hot and steamy like how the forbidden part of your brain thought it'd be. It was more or less, awkward. But sweet nonetheless.
"Sseeeeeeeennnnnkkkuuuuuuuuuu. . ." You poked at his face, trying to pry his attention off of his experiment.
"aaaaaaAAAAAAAAA. What is it now, N/n." He groaned exasperatedly. Carefully setting down the glass jar.
"I have a question." You smiled deviously.
Senku groaned even louder, glaring at you with the most uninterested face ever. "No a car will not pull itself if you attach a magnet Infront of it, My hair-"
"No— Senku that's not—"
"—my hair stands up because I style it that way, and—"
"sENKU" you shout exasperatedly, finally getting his attention.
"What?" He stares at you annoyedly.
"Can I kiss you?" You finally ask, suddenly seeming very serious, as if you were playing mario cart with Senku's competitive ass.
Senku's eyes widened in shock, though he immediately resumes his calm, uninterested expression. "Mmmmh.. Nah." He turns back to focus on his work with a smug smirk on his face.
Already imagining the dumbstruck expression on your face, nearly doubling over laughing as he can basically hear you pout through your voice.
"wHy not?" You ask, nudging his shoulder until you get his attention.
"Because I'm busy." He deadpans.
"Too busy for just a little peck?" You tap on his shoulder to get him to look at you, then using the most girly voice you could muster:
"Pretty pleaseeeeeee??" You put your hands together to seem more convincing.
It's effective! Senku ishigami loses -10 billion willpower! (Cmon now we all know he's soft on the inside)
Senku Inhales deeply before letting out the most obnoxious exhale you've ever seen. "Fine." He grumbles. He turns his body to face you, still slightly hesitant.
He leans in slightly, waiting for you to reciprocate. When you finally get over your inner fan-girling, you lean in a little too fast and end up bumping foreheads with Senku.
He rubs the place where you two bumped in a an attempt to sooth it.
"I—im sorry! I didn't mean to. ." You look down shamefully. Little did you know that, as soon as Senku recovered, that awesomely big science brain of his conjured a devious plan. (His words not mine)
When you least expected it, he brought his hands up to your cheeks, gently making you look at him. Before he leans in and kisses you softly on the lips.
It was short but sweet. When he leaned away, he took a moment to admire your starstruck expression, smirking at his accomplishment.
Before you could respond, he tries to lick his lips as sneakily as possible so you wouldn't see. (You saw it)
"That good enough for you?"
★What if he's the only one I'll ever miss?
You knew what love felt like, (mostly from TV shows but anyway) and it was nice. But, you'd never chase it, yeah sure it makes you feel all nice and warm and cozy. You'd miss it for a little while, all the affection n sappiness. But life goes on,
That is, until you met Senku.
As you grew closer to him, you had the strong urge to be near him, closer to him. He plagued your thoughts 24/7, him and his stinky, unique, Leek hair, it was quite obvious you loved him. How could you not?
The way his eyes lit up whenever he talked about science, the determination in his eyes to finish some project of his, his... Brash and oftentimes rude personality, though you knew better. He only cared.
★Maybe I should run? I'm only 21.
Sometimes it was hard, Loving Senku. Not because he made it hard, No No, in fact it was all too easy to love him. Before you confessed to Senku, thoughts of rejection constantly plagued your mind.
Senku was a man of science, no way he'd reciprocate your feelings, right?
And so you thought just blocking them out was the right way to go, though it only allowed your feelings to get stronger and stronger until it overpowered you.
★I don't even know who I want to become.
Senku was a straightforward guy, that's one thing you admired about him. This feeling only cemented when he proudly and confidently declared he was gonna revive the human race. Despite knowing Senku for a long time, it still shocked you. Though, it would throw off anyone really.
★I've lost all control, with my heartbeat now.
One thing was for sure though, you both loved eachother. Despite Senku being a bit stiff about affection sometimes, it was clear he loved you in other ways.
whenever he looks at you, so softly, so lovingly. And that smile you knew was reserved for you and you only. It never failed to make your heart race. Whenever he complimented you, or, use the teasing banter you two always had to indirectly say "I love you"
★Got caught in a romance with him, somehow.
It was all so surreal to you, Senku? Loving you back? If you told anyone that they'd look at you as if you were insane, probably because it was an insane statement by itself. Never thought it'd say Senku and Love in the same sentence unless it was "Senku loves science".
You weren't complaining however, a life without Senku would be utterly, thoroughly, mundane.
It was already late at night, you were both laying on the grass, enjoying the stars in the sky that were previously covered by light pollution 3700 years ago. You and Senku were laying down silently against each other, enjoying this brief moment together before the morning came and Senku had to go back to his duties as the chief.
"Hey, Senku." You turn to look at him, he sighs quietly as if to prepare himself for your shenanigans once more.
"Hm?" He hums, still staring at the sky,only tilting his head ever so slightly towards you to let him know he was listening.
"Why is it that love makes you "dumb"?"
"Because, N/n, the feeling you get around someone you love is actually the brain producing the hormones called, 'serotonin', 'dopamine', 'oxytocin', and 'endorphins'." He turns to look at you to see if you're still listening, instead he finds you staring at him Intently, with the most loving gaze ever.
He freezes for a moment before continuing, a tiny of pink on the tips of his ears.
"So when the brain inevitably gets accustomed to releasing chemicals around that person it will do nearly everything to be around them, making the person do or think irrationally and illogically."
"No wonder why I'm so "Stupid" around you." You smile cheekily.
Senku scoffs before looking back up at the sky, "nah, I'm pretty sure you're just stupid in general."
"Not nice, You leekhead!"
"Since when was I nice? And stop calling me leekhead."
★I still feel a shock, Through every bone.
It still shocks Senku to his core that he managed to fall inlove, someone like him? Inlove? He even took such serious measures to insure he'd never fall inlove.
But he's glad he's let his guard down this time, cause if he didn't? He would never have gotten to Love you.
★When I hear an "I love you" cause now I've got someone to lose.
When he first (directly) said I love you, it nearly short-circuited your brain. He rarely said it, usually because he saw no reason to since he knew you knew he loved you already.
Despite it only being three words it held a deep meaning in both of your hearts, a reminder that no matter what happens you're both there for eachother.
★The first one to ever like me back,
It wasn't the first time you've had a crush before, though you haven't been through alot of romantic relationships, or any at all.
So when you decided to finally confess to Senku, him accepting the confession was the last thing you'd thought he'd do.
★I'm seconds away from a heart attack.
It never failed to catch Senku by surprise whenever you'd outwardly state you loved him,
Not to say he didn't enjoy it, of course he did. Though he'd rather die than admit it.
All those times you'd randomly bombard him with affection and praises, it sent butterflies to his stomach.
"Bill Nye the science guy! Whatcha doin?" You'd exclaim as you walked towards him.
He sighed before looking back at you, "was "Science leek", "leekhead", or "leek-haired" not enough?" He stares at you with the most tired face ever, though it was actually quite the opposite of what he was feeling.
"Shshhshhhhhsh, anyway, whatcha doing?" You playfully put a finger over his lips to shut him up. Chuckling when he sends a glare your way.
He slaps the hand away before finally talking, "I'm making a robot from scratch. It's ten million percent hard and ten billion percent exhilarating." He smirks.
He rants about all the parts and materials he's gonna need and all their uses, what they do, and how exhilarating this is.
"And then-" he gets briefly cut off when you place a soft kiss on his forehead, then his nose, and his cheek. As his brain slowly starts realising, he can feel his face heating up. Though he immediately recovers and instead the tips of his ears become red.
"Oops, my bad. You're just so cute when you rant yknow?" You smirk smugly, aware of what you just did. The smirk on your face only grows wider as you take in Senku's confused face.
As you were lost in the blinding bliss of finally managing to catch Senku off guard, he suddenly leans in close to you and presses a soft kiss to the edge of your lips, missing your lips entirely.
He mirrors the expression you had as he gives you a taste of your own medicine. "Oh sorry, you're just so adorable when your all confident and proud like that, couldn't help myself."
"You're lucky I love you, Leek boy."
"I must be the luckiest Leek in the world then."
★How the hell did I fall inlove this time? And honestly I can't believe I get to call you mine.
He still can't believe he fell inlove, especially with you, no offense, he loves you and would probably die for you but he always thought he'd be most likely to date someone with more knowledge in science,
But, he'd much rather have your curiosity and enthusiasm to learn over someone who already knows.
★I blinked and suddenly I had a valentine.
He stands there in awe, wondering what he could've done to deserve you. He thinks about all the time you've done something for him even though you didn't have to. All those times you've listened to him rant during a phone call, all those times you'd help him carry some "heavy" stuff. Even though it was actually light and Senku just has the muscles of a twig.
He looks at the telescope and the gift you made personally for him, a little star carved out of wood. You two would spend forever in his room gazing at the stars through his old telescope. He smiles softly at the star before looking back up to meet yours.
"Happy birthday, Senku."
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cherryrainn · 1 year
Hazbin Hotel (specifically Alastor) songfic with a female reader completely based off the Hell's Coming With Me (poor man's poison) song???? Like, Maybe reader was a huge and powerful overlord who died in the 1700 or so (like in end of the western era) and basically was a very feared thief and killer when alive so when she finally died (she got caught and they put her on the train tracks) and came to the underworld she was hell of a powerful demon. And like when Alastor came to the picture after he died he and reader hated each other to death but in a respectful way (like they hated each other because they were a good rival) until one day Alastor finally 'killed' the reader. And what happens in the fic is that reader comes back decades after 'being killed', and she is now an even more powerfull being??
☽ ༚  ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ ༚ ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰ 
— hell's comin' with me
alastor x female reader (platonic)
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song link; click here
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in the crimson depths of hell's domain, you, a once-feared outlaw who had perished in the final days of the wild west, roamed with an air of undeniable power. your reputation preceded you, even in the underworld. clad in dark leather, your eyes burned with a fierce determination, matching the intensity of your gun-slinging skills.
years later, after countless exploits in hell, a new figure emerged—a sinner known as alastor, he was a serial killer before he got to hell. his arrival in 1933 marked a turning point in the hierarchy of the underworld. alastor, with his dapper appearance and sinister grin, quickly made his mark among the denizens of hell.
they all laughed as he turned around slow
the denizens of hell chuckled mockingly as alastor, the charismatic demon overlord, turned around slowly, his signature smile playing upon his lips. their laughter filled the air, underestimating the power that lay beneath his charming facade.
but you, stood apart from the crowd, a knowing smirk on your face. while the others laughed, you recognized the depths of alastor's cunning and the danger he posed.
they said you ain't welcome 'round here anymore
as the denizens of hell continued to laugh, their voices echoing through the darkened corridors, alastor's smile widened. the amusement of the crowd was but fuel to his twisted desires.
you just might as well go
with a wave of his hand, alastor's sinister power surged forth, engulfing those who had dared to mock him. the once boisterous laughter turned into terrified screams as their bodies contorted and twisted under the weight of their own fear.
he wiped the blood from his face as he slowly came to his knees
alastor wiped the blood from his face with a gloved hand, his grin never wavering even in the face of his recent carnage. the room was now a tableau of macabre artistry, the lifeless bodies scattered like discarded puppets.
a hush fell over the chamber, broken only by the echoes of his own laughter. the metallic scent of blood lingered in the air, a reminder of the power he had unleashed upon those who dared to mock him.
he said, i'll be back when you least expect it
alastor's reputation reached your ears, and a sense of rivalry ignited within you. the stories of his power and charm resonated with your own thirst for dominance. although you had arrived in hell long before him, fate had woven a tale that would eventually intertwine your destinies.
and hell's coming with me
as time passed, whispers of your rivalry echoed through the depths of hell. demons watched with bated breath, intrigued by the clash of two formidable forces. your encounters were marked by tense standoffs and battles of wits, each trying to outmaneuver the other.
hell's coming with me
one day, with alastor and his dapper figure standing tall amidst the aftermath, locked eyes with you, the formidable outlaw who had found her place in hell.
"there is a hill at the bottom of the valley"
the words echoed in your mind, a haunting reminder of the fate that awaited all souls in this realm.
"where all the poor souls go when they die"
a tension hung in the air as alastor and you locked eyes.
and if you listen real close,
you can hear 'em like a ghost,
saying you're never gonna make it out alive.
a flicker of amusement danced across alastor's face, his voice dripping with sardonic charm. "ah, my dear rival, it seems the spirits themselves have spoken. can't you hear them? the echoes of doubt, whispering that your demise is inevitable."
your gaze narrowed, determination burning in your eyes. "don't mistake their voices for truth, alastor. i've faced death before, and i've always come out on top." you smirked.
a wicked grin curled alastor's lips as he leaned in, his voice laced with mocking condescension. "oh, how entertaining it is to witness your misplaced confidence. the town at the bottom of the hill, the secret they keep... you think you can defy them all? you underestimate the power that resides within their grasp."
there is a town at the bottom of that hill,
they got a secret that they keep like a slave.
they got a black magic preacher,
we'd do well to let him teach her.
you'll be heading up that hill to the grave.
the tension between alastor and you reached its boiling point, escalating into a full-blown clash.
and it is well, with my soul,
with lightning speed, you drew your gun, which was technically a part of you as it just came down with you, the power it held was amazing. your movements fluid and precise. the room reverberated with the resounding echoes of gunfire, as bullets whizzed through the air, each aimed with deadly accuracy. alastor, equally skilled and nimble, danced through the chaos, evading your shots with a devilish grace.
you line your pockets full of money that you steal from the poor
the clash of power and skill was a sight to behold, as the air crackled with energy. each blow you landed, each bullet that found its mark, only seemed to fuel alastor's determination. his grin widened, a glimmer of sadistic delight dancing in his eyes.
despite your formidable abilities, alastor seemed to possess an otherworldly strength, a power that surpassed limits. blow after blow, he deflected your attacks with unnerving ease, countering with a ferocity that left you reeling.
the wounds you inflicted upon each other painted a macabre tapestry on your bodies, a testament to the brutal struggle for dominance. but even in the face of adversity, neither of you backed down.
yet, in a moment of unforeseen precision, alastor seized an opening. his movements became a blur, an unstoppable force that overwhelmed your defenses. with a final strike, he delivered a blow that sent you sprawling to the ground.
and on your way down the hill, you hear me ring that bell
the room fell into an eerie silence as alastor stood over you, his victory palpable in the air. the fight had taken its toll, and your body lay motionless on the cold, unforgiving ground.
a wicked smile curved alastor's lips as he observed his fallen rival. his voice dripped with cruel satisfaction. "oh, how the mighty have fallen. your skills were impressive, but in the end, my dominance reigns supreme."
the battle had come to a devastating conclusion, and the denizens of hell watched in a mixture of awe and terror. alastor's victory was undeniable
and the price he paid for challenging you was steep.
i'd pay the devil twice as much to keep your soul
decades had passed since the fateful encounter that led to your supposed demise. but now, in a twist of fate, you returned to the realm of hell, and transformed into an even more powerful being. as you ventured through the hellscape, your presence went unnoticed by alastor and the other inhabitants.
there was a drifter passing through that little valley
at first, you reveled in the anonymity, relishing the element of surprise that shrouded your true identity.
she had promised she was coming back to town
alastor and the denizens of hell had no inkling that the being before them was the same one they believed to have perished long ago.
they didn't know her by her face, or by the gun around her waist.
with each passing encounter, you showcased newfound strength and abilities that surpassed anything they had witnessed before. your presence was a force to be reckoned with, leaving those around you awestruck and uncertain of the true nature of your being.
but she come back to burn that town to the ground
in the aftermath of chaos, fire engulfed the once-proud "town" billowing smoke rising to the neverending sky.
first there was fire, then there was smoke, then that preacher man was hangin' by a rope.
alastor, drawn by the carnage, arrived at the scene, his eyes scanning the destruction with a mix of curiosity and concern. and amidst the ruins, a figure emerged, cloaked in darkness, the embodiment of vengeance.
yeah, destruction was normal here,
but it ever wasn't this bad.
then they all fell to their knees and begged that drifter
as the chaos settled, the townsfolk, once arrogant and prideful, now humbled by their impending demise, fell to their knees in desperate supplication. they pleaded for mercy from the drifter they had wronged, their voices laced with fear and regret.
no sinner could actually kill these folk. what was going on?
begged her please, as she raised her fist before she spoke
as the smoke cleared, your figure emerged from the shadows, a manifestation of both righteous fury and an unforgiving darkness. alastor's gaze locked onto you, a flicker of understanding crossing his face.
"i am the righteous hand of god, and i am the devil that you forgot!"
your voice resonated with a newfound authority, each word punctuating the truth that had been hidden for so long.
and i told you one day you will see
that i'll be back i guarantee
and that hell's coming, hell's coming,
hell, hell's coming with me.
your eyes locked onto alastor's, both filled with the weight of their respective histories. in that moment, the intensity of your shared animosity hung thick in the air. a brief exchange of words passed between you, laden with a mixture of bitterness and respect.
and it is well, with my soul,
you line your pockets full of money that you steal from the poor.
"you've returned, my dear rival," alastor drawled, a hint of intrigue mingling with his ever-present smirk.
"i've come to claim what is rightfully mine," you replied, your voice tinged with a steely resolve.
the clash began, a symphony of power and skill. blow after blow, your strength surpassed even alastor's expectations,
and on your way down to hell, you hear me ring that bell
your relentless assault pushed alastor to his limits, the battle teetering on a razor's edge.
the moment of truth arrived, the battle reaching its climax. you easily had alastor cornered, victory within your grasp. but as your eyes locked with his, something stirred within you—a flicker of recognition and a shared history that transcended the present.
in that fleeting moment, a decision was made. without uttering a single word, you spared him, stepping back and relinquishing the opportunity for a final strike with a growl.
and i said,
hell's coming with me.
with a nod of acknowledgment, you walked away, leaving the fallen demon behind.
alastor watched as you walked away, a mixture of curiosity and a renewed sense of purpose ignited within him, the encounter with you shifting his perspective in unforeseen ways.
he sighs, leaning his head backwards and against the ground.
"well, my dear outlaw. i must say, you've proven to be quite the enigma, to spare me when victory was within your grasp, that's a choice that defies the very essence of our rivalry."
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note; my 2nd songfic with alastor. i just wanna say, i had the time of my life writing this! it was so much fun, can't wait for more requests like this one in the future!
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dianneking · 1 year
Hiii👋 not sure if youre taking requests but I just had to send one!! Im inlove your fics 🫠 can I request Larissa/reader based on she by dodie wt a happy ending please 👉👈🥺 its alright if youre not accepting requests, just wanna shoot my shot :-))
Hi! I wanted to thank you for this request, because it made me discover this song that I didn't know, and it filled me with all the angst necessary to make this fic happen, so I hope you enjoy!
Tags: Angst and Feelings, Angst with a happy ending, Break-up, age difference, Boss/Employee relationship, hidden relationship, pining.
AO3 link in title, if you prefer reading it there!
She - Larissa/Reader Angsty Songfic
 Am I allowed to look at her like that Could it be wrong when she's just so nice to look at
  The light streamed through the window panes, silhouetting Larissa in sharp contrast against it. Her hair refracted the sun and for a moment it looked as if she was wearing a halo. Like a painting of a saint, or a goddess of old. And you, you, as always were her worshipper, blessed by the honor of drinking in her figure like that.
You were standing at the center of the room, the book you held in your hand forgotten by your side, so mesmerized by her beauty that you forgot to notice the tight curve of her shoulders, the way her hands gripped spasmodically the windowsill. You would remember all these details of course, but only later.
Too late.
And she smells like lemongrass and sleep She tastes like apple juice and peach Oh, you would find her in a polaroid picture And she means everything to me
  “I’m sorry, I don’t think this is going to work.”
She chose not to look at you as she said this, her eyes roaming the grounds of Nevermore from behind the glass of her window. Not even sparing you a glance as she broke up with you. You felt all the air leave your lungs at that, and yet all that could be heard in the suddenly silent room was a soft, pained Oh.
“I can’t give you what you want. You need to build a future for yourself and I…I need to be able to concentrate on Nevermore without any distractions.”
A distraction. That’s all you boiled down to. What for you had been the happiest period of your life was little more than a nuisance to her. You tried to swallow around the pain that this caused you. Was that what she had been thinking through all of your time together? The nights curled up in front of the fire, the stolen dates hiking through the woods around Nevermore, the way her fingers curled around yours when no one was watching? Nothing but a distraction?
  “I… should probably go, then.”
Larissa’s head whipped back towards you as soon as the words left your mouth, but she didn’t say anything for what felt like an infinite stretch of time. Still, you waited, standing in the middle of her office like a misbehaving student. You always waited for her. Of course you did, you loved her. Was that part of what made you such a bother to her?
“Is that all you’re going to say?”
“Was there anything you wanted me to say?”
I'd never tell No I'd never say a word And oh it aches But it feels oddly good to hurt.
“…I guess not.”
“I’ll leave you to your work then.”
You clamped down on the instinct to say I’m sorry because you weren’t. You were grateful for the time she had given you. And if she wasn’t going to apologize for breaking up with you, then neither were you going to apologize for making her feel like she had to choose between you and her work. You turned on your heel, walking away from the room, leaving your heart behind with someone you thought would cherish it forever. After all, that had been your mistake, not hers, right?
You had been the one to fall for her, madly, deeply. You had looked at her and seen everything you could ever wish for. You wanted to shout her joy from the tallest tower of Nevermore to the deepest ravine in the woods. You wanted to court her, to hold her hand, to dine with her in the candlelight.
She had been more reserved with her affection. You are my employee. It wouldn’t be proper for people to know about us. And then there was the age difference. It had always disturbed her more than it did you (although she hadn’t seemed so disturbed by it when your head was buried deep between her thighs). What is a young thing like you doing with an old woman like myself? You should go find someone to build a family with, she had told you multiple times. And every time you told her that Nevermore was all the family you needed, and that she was everything you wanted. Had that been annoying? It was the truth.
She smells like lemongrass and sleep She tastes like apple juice and peach Oh, you would find her in a polaroid picture And she means everything to me
  Going back to your usual work routine was unsettling. You went through the motions of your life as if you were sleepwalking, trapped in a bad dream. Re-shelving books, sending out emails, helping both students and fellow staff-members in their researches. The weekly meetings of the book club. They all felt familiar, and yet you couldn’t find comfort in any of those activities, that you used to love so much. It was as if you had left with her all of your ability to love anything else as well. And yet you powered through, with the determination of a machine that was only there to get its work done. Because anything else was now lost to her. How could you walk through the woods and not think of her carefree smile? How can you enjoy a sip of apple juice without remembering how it tasted on her lips?
Oh, oh
The meetings were the most difficult part of all. The first ones were staff meetings, and you somehow managed to get through those by sitting in the furthermost corner from her, letting your eyes roam all over her figure whenever she wasn’t looking in your direction. She looked perfect, as always. She was poised and attentive to her colleagues, ready to discuss the decisions that involved them and the school, always taking constructive criticism in stride, diplomatically mediating between arguing teachers with the ease of a natural leader.
Oh, oh
Had it been slipping when the two of you were together? Were the secret smiles that danced in her eyes when they met yours a sign of distraction, a weakness that would have been exploited in the long run?
She didn’t look any different in how she ran the school now.
The few meetings the two of you had to have together were painful. You stuttered through your reports, and forget to ask half of the things you needed to. After a while she just stopped inviting you for in-person meetings and asked you to submit the reports per email.
You retreated even more than usual into your reign, the library, and watched the seasons change from behind its stained glass windows.
And I'll be okay Admiring from afar Cause even when she's next to me We could not be more far apart
  “Happy birthday.”
She looked awkward, looming in the darkened library door without entering, her gaze suddenly shy, and that felt wrong. She’d never been shy. Not even when you were first together, she had always been the one to initiate contact. She had held your hand first, she had kissed you first. She had been the one to ask if you wanted to move your relationship further.
And she had been the one to put an end to it.
And now she was here, on the evening of your birthday, invading the one space that was safely yours, holding a small tray with a slice of peach cobbler from the Weathervane in her hand, as an offering. Your favorite. The fact that she remembered hurt you somewhat more. So whatever you had had not been completely erased from her memory. Did she remember all the other things, too? The things you whispered to her when she held you in the darkness if her room? Did she, and she managed to go on with her life as if nothing major had changed? As if it had been nothing more than a parenthesis in a novel. By then, you were used to the pain, and you let it wrap around you, like a dear friend who was becoming more familiar to you than her voice.
Cause she tastes like birthday cake, and storytime, and fall But to her I taste of nothing at all
“Aren’t you going to celebrate?”
The small talk was painfully stilted, and you wondered why she was so adamant in pursuing it.
“Not much to celebrate, I’d rather stay here with my book.”
“We don’t see much of you outside of the library anymore.”
“I wonder why that is.”
A whiff of her perfume reached your nostrils and you almost keeled under the onslaught of memories. There had been a time when the faint undertones of lemongrass had clung to your clothes, so much so that you had enjoyed the illusion of bringing a piece of her with you all through the day. An illusion, like everything else.
And she smells like lemongrass and sleep She tastes like apple juice and peach You would find her in a polaroid picture
“Why are you here, principal Weems?”
She seemed to recoil from her title, and seeing that didn’t give you any of the vengeful satisfaction you had hoped for. You didn’t like seeing her in pain. You never wanted to be the cause of her pain.
You knew all too well how it felt to be hurt by the one you love.
Except she didn’t love you.
You were starting to think she never did. It had probably been lust, the sense of adventure, the thrill of the forbidden. A younger body to press herself into. Maybe some sort of affection, too. But not love. You had made peace with that.
  “I miss you.”
And she means everything to me
  “I…beg your pardon?”
“I know I don’t have any right to say so. Not after I…I ended things between us. But I do. I miss you. I miss our time together, I miss having you reading on my couch as I wrap up the last emails in the evening. I miss asking for your opinion, I miss raising my eyes from my laptop and finding yours on me, since I don’t know how long. I’m sorry.”
Yes she means everything to me
“I’m not. Sorry, that is.”
You saw her close her eyes, resignation and sadness warring on her beautiful, kind face. She’d always been kind, even when she had hurt you. That’s why it was so important for her to understand.
“You chose Nevermore. I get it. It should have never been a choice you should have had to make, but I am grateful for the affection you have showed me in the time we were together. It made me feel alive in a way I never did. I understand it wasn’t the same for you and really, it is okay. It was probably foolish of me, but I did give you my all, and I don’t blame you for not knowing what to do with it. It was my choice, and I would do it again. I still love you but it’s alright. I made peace with it.”
She means everything to me.
“You still…love me?”
You nodded, unable to speak anymore. She looked soft, and her gaze didn’t hold the pity you were afraid of seeing, not the annoyance you dreaded. In her eyes you could only read an overwhelming wonder, as she looked at you as if you had just performed a miracle in front of her. “But don’t you want someone else? Someone younger, freer, more like yourself? Someone that hasn’t hurt you?”
“I don’t want anyone else. You mean everything to me. Whether or not you like me back, apparently. Whether or not I am a distraction.”
“Darling I…” the words caught up in her throat as she cupped your cheek with her hand. You had almost forgotten her touch, too. And at the same time, it was as if she’d never left.
  “I love you too. The gods help me, I love you more than Nevermore.”
liked it? you can find more of my writings linked on my fanfiction masterlist
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ptergwen · 2 years
OK OK IK IM GETTING BACK TO YOU LIKE AN HOUR LATER, AND THIS IS GONNA SOUND SO CLIQUE- but a songfic based on all i wanted by paramore. i’m talking reader and peter being really close friends until he starts straying from reader and hanging out with mj more. maybe they get into a fight one day where reader goes to the tower for a mission briefing and sees that mj is there (superheros aren’t allowed to reveal identities at all, and peter never let reader in on anything, reader found out he’s spiderman on her own) AND THEN THEY ARGUE RIGHT? both say really hurtful stuff THEN THEN READER TAKES MATTERS INTO HER OWN HANDS. GOES ON THE MISSION ALONE. THE WORST HAPPENS AND THEY BARLEY FIND HER. you can choose whether she makes it out or not 🤷🏻‍♀️ BUT YEAH THATS WHAT I GOT
like her, love you
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w/c: 1,005
warnings: angst, mentions of injuries
a/n: bestie you have done it again! i can always count on you for some good old angst mwahaha it has kind of a happy ending but i think the people will appreciate that <3 also i just posted a sleepover so make sure to check that out y’all! happy reading
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“talk to me, y/n. say something, anything.”
when you open your mouth to speak, you start to cough. you cough up dirt and dust, choke on it. you lie in the grass, where you’d landed. peter is kneeling on the grass in front of you. he has an arm behind your head for support, his free hand finding yours. he holds your intertwined hands against your chest.
the jet you had taken for your mission ran out of fuel mid-air. you never even made it there. you crashed, and it was only because of the tracker in your suit that peter was able to find you. he was supposed to go with you, but you two had gotten into a fight before you left. you decided to do the mission alone. you were heated and distracted coming off your argument, so you’d forgotten to refill the jet tank.
“peter? i… i…”
you try to sit up, resulting in another coughing fit, clutching at peter’s hand with both of yours. peter squeezes your hand in his back even tighter.
“just breathe, okay? just breathe. you can do it, y/n/n. deep breaths.”
peter inhales a breath and nods repeatedly, encouraging you to follow his lead. you wheeze at first, struggling to get air into your lungs. with peter’s help, your breathing eventually begins to even out.
“there you go. just like that.”
you let your head fall back on peter’s arm as you catch your breath. peter strokes your cheek with his gloved fingers, eyes staying fixed on you.
he’ll never let you out of his sight again.
he touches his index finger to his ear piece that he uses to communicate with the rest of the avengers.
“mr. stark? i found her. yeah, she’s alright. do you have the coordinates? okay. how long until you get here? okay, thank you.”
“tony’s coming?”
you lift your head up, but peter eases you back down.
“the whole team. they were really worried when they didn’t hear from you. we all care about you, so much.”
“do you?”
“how could you even ask that? you’re my best friend.”
“what about mj?”
“can i not have other friends?”
“i never said that.”
“no, but you implied it.”
you scoff and prop yourself up on your elbows.
“look, peter. i don’t care that you’re friends with mj. she’s cool. i care that you broke the rules, and you broke them for her.”
“i don’t know what you think you saw-“
“not think. i saw it.”
this is the same argument you’d had earlier.
when you arrived to avengers tower for your mission, mj was there. she was talking to peter, but not peter peter. spider-man peter. he was suited up, mask off, identity revealed.
tony has a strict policy about peter keeping his identity a secret. he’s experienced firsthand how much damage it does when your double lives overlap into one, and he doesn’t want his protege have to go through what he did. hence, the reason why peter wears the mask in the first place.
what’s the point if he’s exposing himself to mj? how could he even trust her?
you’re both friendly with mj in school, and she seems chill, but you don’t know much about her. her and peter are just getting close. he recently began hanging out with her outside of school, and apparently in the tower. you’ve been friends with peter and spider-man for years, and you had to figure out they were the same person on your own. he never told you.
but he told mj.
“please just give me a chance to explain.”
“i’m not interested in hearing it.”
you push yourself up to your feet, stumbling as you trek through the grass. you’re still a bit disoriented from your crash landing.
“where are you going?”
“back to the jet. don’t follow me.”
“it’s not gonna fly, you know. it’s out of fuel.”
you ignore peter and your dizziness and keep walking. peter’s fingers catch your wrist, forcing you to turn back and face him.
“the others will be here soon. just stay with me until they come. hear me out.”
your pride tells you no, but your love for him tells you yes. no matter how angry at him you are, he’s still your best friend.
you look down at your wrist in peter’s grasp, then up into his pleading eyes. you give in with a sigh. he lets go of you. you take a seat in the grass, sitting cross-legged. peter mirrors your actions.
“mj wasn’t supposed to find out. it was an accident.”
“what do you mean?”
“i was showing her around the tower, because you know my cover story, how i ‘intern’ there. thought it would be cool. mj sorta just put two and two together. she’s, like, really smart.”
“you never showed me around the tower.”
“why would i? you’re an avenger.”
“yeah, but i didn’t know you were… until i did.”
tears prick your eyes.
“how come you never told me? i’ve been friends with you way longer than mj, and she found out before i did. did you not think i could handle it?”
the tears escape. peter frowns and shifts closer to you.
“i knew you could.”
he dabs at the corners of your eyes with his thumbs, palms pressed to your cheeks.
“but that’s not the point.”
“then what is?”
“i didn’t tell you because i thought i was keeping you safe. i wanted to protect you. knowing my identity puts you in danger.”
you sniffle, more tears wetting your cheeks. your watery eyes meet peter’s.
“we’re best friends, y/n. nothing and no one could change that. i like mj, but i love you.”
you throw your arms around peter’s neck, hiding your face in his curls. a sob passes through your lips. peter hugs you back, making sure to be gentle because you’re still recovering from the crash. he kisses the side of your head and holds you in his arms, never once letting go.
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tags: @mystic-writings @just-lost-inbetween-worlds @lnmp89 @jenoslov @crvshnburnn@starlight-starks @belovasheart @liltimmyst @eviewriites @hollandsangel @parkerctrl @eichenhouseproperty @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah @varshhyy @ellebutnotwoods@magicalxdaydream @tayyx @parkerdadda @valluvsu @ronweasleysslut @peterficrecs​ @Winchestersgirl222
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bitwynn · 1 year
Not a fan
A SAGAU Impostor AU Songfic
Song used: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
...so I caved. Yep. Starting a new series even though i already have one. To be fair, i felt like i needed a break from that series since that beast needs a whole lotta world building and im planning for it to get into some heavy fucken subjects. This one tho is more chill and light-hearted, since theyre all just a bunch of kind of disconnected one shots that are all kind of connected. So like-- when this series gets a lil longer, you can literally start from any fic since its all connectedly disconnected. A better example was my original idea of me just writing the end goal where they finally defeat the impostor like-- directly after the Castaway fic to rlly show how connectedly disconnected it is but i refrained myself since i wanted to write more wanderer. Been playing as him a lot but i havent rlly done the archon quest yet lol but hes just a blast. Hes an annoying lil shit (affectionate)
Blue for Barbara, Yellow/Gold for Zhongli, Green for Wanderer, red for Diluc, Italics is Reader/General, Combined is Everyone. Colors only used for singing parts.
Is this the real life?
You were running again, the spears and arrows of the Millelith chasing you all across Liyue.
Is this just fantasy?
Zhongli was by your side, steadfast as a rock as he shielded you from their weapons-- both with his Jade Shields and his body.
Caught in a landslide,
A loose rock almost sent you tumbling down into the depths of the Chasm, Barbara grabbing you just in time.
No escape from reality.
Diluc recognizes the path you were taking towards Tiangong Gorge, immediately rushing off to the Chasm's Maw and letting loose Dawn-- his phoenix rising up into the sky like a blazing beacon, just buy the rest of you more time. He'll rejoin you once again, he knows the path you'd take. He's your main afterall.
Open your eyes,
The three of you make it, the relief from seeing the glow of the blue Waypoint almost bringing you to your knees.
Look up to the skies and see,
You stumble in, Barbara hauling your arm over her shoulder as Zhongli collapses the tunnel behind you. You may be Overseer of Teyvat but he is the Overseer of Liyue, and its stones still answers to his call. There is nothing left but the browns and greens that creep towards the borders of Liyue.
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy,
Your little group exit the cavern, the fresh air of the rainforest cooling the sweat on your backs and you see Haypasia's "little neighbor" peeking up from behind a leaf.
Because I'm easy come, easy go,
The tiny Aranara, though a little hesitant that more people could see him now, takes your hand and guides you through Avidya Forest. Thank goodness you had caved from your siblings nagging and finally done at least a part of the Sumeru quest.
Little high, little low,
You were still unfamiliar with the lands of Sumeru, trusting your little lettuce friend to lead you to a place of safety, of rest.
Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me,
Lettuce, as you had affectionately named him, lead you all deep into the rainforests of Sumeru all while deftly avoiding the little village of forest rangers and the rangers themselves. You hadn't said a word to him but you knew, deep in somewhere, that he would be leading you somewhere safe. Somewhere protected.
Though this... wasn't what you expected.
To me.
He turns to your group, the smell of tea faintly wafting from the pot he was tending. "I don't think I need to introduce myself, do I?"
After the short but silent panic that washed over the three of you (it took the you and Barbara 5 minutes to even get a centimeter pulling Vortex Vanquisher out the cave wall while Zhongli aggressively apologized to him), the four of you were sat on the floor watching the Wanderer tend to the bubbling pots of food he was making.
There was a strange... very not tense(?), and very awkward energy in the air as he set aside cups and bowls for all of you, his own cup still full with steaming almost black water. Zhongli was very noticeably trying not to stare at his oversteeped tea.
Little Lettuce had already left, presumably to keep an eye on the area or watch out for Diluc. You didn't want to use him as a shield or a way to break the ice or something but god-- the energy in the air was just so uncomfortable.
You all watched Wanderer in this terse silence prepare your food, his soft chopping of the grilled unagi sounding like death knells in your cave. He took each of the bowls he set out, placing a considerable amount of rice in each and a small handful of dried seaweed and sesame seeds. Bringing out a jar of umeboshi from his inventory, he placed each slab of unagi with a single umeboshi atop the bed of rice and seaweed.
He pours out the tea onto the rice, 1, 2, 3... and stops. He cocks his head. Frowns.
"Wasn't there supposed to be four of you?"
And the silence was broken.
"W-well, little lettuce already left--"
"Not the aranara-- wait, you named him lettuce? Tsk, whatever. Where's the other one? The red one?"
"Oh, uhm, Diluc?"
He nods, the small scowl on his face almost carved into him. You feel your face heat as you turn your face away from him.
"He ran off. To the Maw. Let out his burst as a diversion to buy us time --but he'll find us. He'll come back. He knows the way, he knows how I think, he knows what I'll do. He'll come back."
Wanderer sighs, disappearing the extra bowl. You're not sure whether you said all that to stop his retort or to diminish your own worry.
You're shaken from your thoughts by Barbara holding your hand. She gives it a squeeze, and you squeeze back, thankful for the comfort.
"Are you just gonna keep staring at your food or do you want to die of both exhaustion and starvation?"
"Okay, eating now!"
You're handed a warm bowl of Shimi Chazuke, Wanderer's specialty. It didn't look like its in game icon, only having the plump umeboshi on top of a bed of rice and seaweed with the pale tea glistening in the light. But you had come to learn that many things in game didn't translate directly, there sure as hell no quest or mention of a "Divine Overseer, and yet-- and yet.
You bring the bowl up to your face, the warmth soaking into your aching, tired hands and its steam gently caressing your face. You mix a portion of the rice together with the tea, scoop it up, and put it into your mouth.
And practically turn into jelly at the taste.
"Umai...!" you moan, savoring the taste of it all.
The fresh rice soaked in the bitter tea tasted amazing, each bite slowly turning into a different flavor as the oils and sauce from the grilled unagi gradually mixed in with the rice. Cutting up a bit of the eel with your spoon, you mix it with the rice and your mouth burst with deliciousness.
The eel was grilled to perfection, plump and juicy and flaky. And with the addition of the tea, it introduced flavors you hadn't even imagined from a simple grilled fish.
As you were about to burst that plump little plum, the Wanderer stopped you, a strange look on his face. He handed you a handkerchief.
"Wipe your face, the flavor's gonna be off if you mix it with your tears."
Stunned, you took the handkerchief. "Oh."
It... had been a long time since you've eaten good food and found a place to rest. Too long.
You hold it close to your chest, eyes squeezed shut as you tried to calm down. After a moment, you wipe away the sweat, and tears, and snot, and grime that had accumulated on your journey. It had been such a long time since you first found kindness in this world, even if that kindness came from an emotionally stunned automaton designed to be a god.
You chuckled to yourself, a wet little thing, as you realize that you kept weeping harder and harder with each swipe of the cloth. You bury your face in it, the handkerchief practically soaked with your tears as you take a few calming breaths to finally stop your tears.
"I'm... I'm sorry, I-- its been a while since I've... yeah. Uhm..."
You take a breath, still wet with your snot. "I, uh... I'm gonna keep this, I uh-- ruined it. I'll, I'll clean it though! If you want it back."
Wanderer, handily ignoring your breakdown just earlier, cringes in disgust. "No thanks. Keep it, you need it more than me if you decide to bawl your eyes out again."
Despite the harshness of it, you soften, tucking the offending handkerchief away. "Thanks." "Don't ever mention it."
He reclines back into his little designated space in your cave, and hesitantly stokes the fire with his anemo vision. You pick your unfinished bowl of chazuke, umeboshi still waiting to be eaten. It was good to know that at least there was a few things that didn't change now that you're here.
"Are you finished yet? Stop gawking at your food and finish it so I can do the dishes."
Yep, some things just never change.
You finally finish your meal with the silence in the cave now something much more comfortable, the crackling of the fire and the quiet rushing and clanking of dishes almost lulling you into a sense of "you don't have a bounty placed on your head and are definitely not running from anyone and everyone for fear of them betraying you and handing you over to your megalomaniacal doppelganger".
Wanderer, having lost the argument of who does the dishes against Barbara, was definitely not sulking in his little corner and absolutely not fiddling with his new(?) anemo vision. "So, why'd you come here to Sumeru anyways? I know you definitely were not looking for me, considering the fact you tried to impale my head on sight. Which to be fair," he chuckles at Zhongli's sheepish face, stood near the cavern entrance. "I would do the same."
You absentmindedly plucked the strings of your Windblume Lyre, the instrument becoming a sort of stimming/coping device, helping you deal with everything that had happened to you. He hummed to himself, the cogs turning in his head. "I can't think of any other reason why you'd come here-- finding and trusting in me is a huge gamble that you won," he clarified, turning away from Barbara's blank stare. "the ancient Khaenri'ahn technology scattered around Sumeru won't be of any use if you were considering taking the fight to your impostor, the Irminsul Tree could be a good reason but I can't see any way you'd use it to help you, though knowledge is always good to have anyways."
He scoffed, reclining into the dirt of your cave. "Archons, imagine how ridiculous it would be if you just ran here because you had no choice but to! Like a bunch of scared animals, ahaha!"
You slowly sink behind your lyre as he continues.
"In my time here, you're infamous for always evading their grasp-- heck, there's even an entire division of scholars here dedicated to just trying to figure out how in the world you do it. Some say you're a master at faking trails, some say you have some sort of... psychic power that lets you read the mind of your enemies so you can anticipate their moves."
He shrugs.
"Honestly, I'm more inclined to believe that last one-- in my brief time as your Vessel before your descent, you somehow managed to find information about me, despite my entire existence being wiped from the Irminsul Tree. Add to that the experiences that your other Vessels had, and it's a pretty compelling case." A sigh. "Shame that probing is one-sided though, a peek into the mind of the 'Divine Deceiver' or 'Overseer' or whatever fancy title you call yourself would be quite intriguing. Who knows what schemes are you cooking up in there. Now tell me,"
He straightens, eyes boring into yours from where you were, at this point, hiding in shame behind your lyre. "why are you here in Sumeru?"
"Aha... ha... haaa..." If you had a pyro vision, your face would be on fire by now. You had to turn away, the warmth of embarrassment creeping down your neck. "Well, uhm..." You clear your throat, gulping as you try to even find the words to explain how much of a legitimately normal person you are, who was practically forced to grow brain cells specifically for scheming because if you didn't you would die.
"So, uh...ah he he he... heh..." you take a breath, a shaky grin on your lips. "So, you know how reality is sometimes stranger than fiction?"
He raises an eyebrow.
You vaguely gesture, hoping that your flailing would get your message across.
He stares at you. He stares some more. He blinks.
His mouth drops in shock as he tries to process what you're implying. The rumors painted a... much prettier and mightier picture of you than the both of you thought.
"I-- you-- wha-- how-- what?!"
He takes a breath, chest rising despite his lack of a need for air. He pinches the bridge of his nose, and you get the feeling that he's restraining himself from grabbing you by the shoulders and shaking you stupid.
"So, you're telling me. That the 'Divine Deceiver' and their little posse made of a literal god, the once-captain of Mondstat's Knights of Favonius, and Mondstat's most renowned healer idol, have, quite literally, been running around like rats all over Teyvat and somehow, somehow staying alive by a thread?!"
"Oh my--"
He begins to growl, a black orb of anemo energy collecting in his palm. You squeak as you try to scramble to your feet, his face full of rage.
And the whirling winds in your cavern suddenly stops, Wanderer dismissing the dark energy in his hand. "Oh, relax."
He blows a raspberry at you, as you groan and sit back down. You bring your lyre back out from where you unconsciously disappeared it and clutch it like a lifeline.
"God, I never knew your idle could be that scary."
Barbara waves off his question, a sheepish expression on her face as she fixes her curls back into place. "Its... complicated. You'll learn more about it as you travel with us." She hands him the used and cleaned bowls and utensils. "You... will travel with us, right?"
He scoffs, taking the bowls and disappearing them with a flash of light. "Of course I will. Its literally in my name. Besides, I have nothing that ties me down anymore so I might as well wander with you guys."
She smiles at him, ever sweet and ever kind. She settles back down near the fire, drying her soaking hands. Though Zhongli is still taking watch by the cavern entrance, you could see the slightest look of pleased approval in his face. "Though if you are going to be travelling and running from the law with me, we need to make a plan instead of scurrying around like rats."
And at that, the entire cavern groans in exhaustion. "Not now, please." "We'd like to have some rest first, Wanderer!" "Please, fuck, no-- I've had enough scheming for 3 thousand years--"
"Wait, so you did have a plan going into Sumeru?!"
You wave him off, hands going to rest back upon the strings of your trusty lyre. "Well, it was more of like... a guideline? A safety net? We had a couple ideas on what to do if we ever ended up in Sumeru and we, yknow, ended up in Sumeru so we'll probably do that."
You pluck a couple strings as you remember what you "planned". "I hadn't finished the Sumeru main quest yet and I hadn't unlocked all of the Statues of the Seven yet either. We were thinking of unlocking all the Statues first since, without them, my 'all-encompassing' game map is jack shit here in Sumeru, and then we were thinking of finishing the main quest to both progress the story and better the... political? climate here along with a few other benefits. After that..."
You make a face, much more aggressively playing at your lyre. "We really didn't want to split up the party but, I kinda wanna finish the main story quest in the Chasm but also we need to collect all the Dendroculous and Electroculous for more stamina and stuff. But also, I kinda wanna visit Dragonspine since..." You let yourself trail off, the makings and ideas of plans evident in your voice.
Wanderer merely stares at you for a moment, the game terms flying over his head as Barbara mouths at him, "I'll tell you about it later". You sigh, dreading the planning of tomorrow as your fingers calm on the strings. "But, we can plan tomorrow. Please. We almost died multiple times again." He sighs, relenting. "At least you have the skeleton of a plan."
Humming, you sink into the soft ground, thanking the soils of Teyvat for giving you some comforts in this trying time. What little grass in the cave caresses you in gratitude, as you pluck at your instrument.
The Wanderer sighs, as he prepares a small pot of tea. "You've been messing with that thing all night and its about to grate at my ears. Do you even know how to play?"
You chuckle a bit, sheepish as you hand the lyre over to Barbara who plays a quick, jaunty tune with a flourish. "Well, I can sing...?"
He sighs again, bowing his head and resigned to the confirmation that you were much more... ridiculous than the gossip and rumors painted you as. "Then why are you the one with the lyre?"
You shrug as Barbara starts up another little song. "Gives me something to do with my hands. Helps me calm down. Diluc and Barbara have been teaching me though when we have the time."
Your soft smile at Barbara's song turns cheeky as you turn to him. "Wanna hear what they've taught me?"
"Sure, better than forcing this inane conversation."
You giggle maniacally as you smile at Barbara, the singer immediately catching your drift. "Follow me?" "To the ends of the earth."
You laugh, as she tunes the instrument to the right notes. "Not like that you sap!" "I know, I know! But yes, of course. His song right?"
You nod. "Yep."
"'My' song...?" Wanderer tilts his head in confusion, before realization dawns on his face.
"Hey, just because it has my-- ...that name, does not immediately mean its 'my song'."
The two of you handily ignore his slip up, you drinking some water in preparation for singing and Barbara testing the lyre if its in tune. "Oh, please," you say, sitting up. "you haven't even heard the full thing yet! It's definitely your song."
He sighs, leaning back against the cavern wall. "Very well then. Indulge me."
You start, reciting the beginning "poem" from memory. Barbara watches and waits, fingers hovering above the strings. Wanderer cocks his head, clearly interested. She begins playing as you get halfway, the lyre an excellent substitute for the piano. You continue, the Wanderer scoffing a little at the poem's mention of a poor boy needing no sympathy, but you pay it no mind. He hasn't heard the rest of the song yet.
Barbara picks up on her playing, wringing the lyre out for all its worth for those deep chords and piano-like sounds.
"Just killed a man,"
You summoned the small drum you bought from a merchant in Inazuma in preparation.
"Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead,"
You close your eyes, swaying to the tune of the song.
"Mama, life had just begun,"
You didn't need to open your eyes to know that he's really listening now.
"But now I've gone and thrown it all away!"
You quickly tap on the drum, trying in vain to mimic the band's performance.
"Mama!, oooh,"
Zhongli was sat at the entrance with his legs crossed and humming along.
"Didn't mean to make you cry,"
Wanderer was still. You could almost hear the turning of the cogs in his mind.
"If I'm not back again this time tomorrow,"
The steady beat of the drum was a stark contrast to the deep, heavy feeling inside his chest.
"Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters."
His Vision pulsed, as his hand unconsciously came to caress it. Was this what it was like to have a heart?
Barbara's fingers were gentle on the strings as a set of footsteps approached the entrance of the cave. You could hear Little Lettuce's pitter-pattering and the dulcet tones of Zhongli and Diluc's voices as they catch up in the short time they've been separated.
"Too late, my time has come,"
He had closed his eyes, listening intently to the music as the waves of sound rocked him gently and deeply into his sea of memories.
"Sends shivers down my spine,"
He can see it now, those old fleeting moments of happiness before they were all ultimately destroyed.
"Body's aching all the time."
He could feel it, suddenly hyper aware of his joints and limbs. The feeling of phantom strings and hands pulling and pushing him like he was some puppet. (But it wasn't like he was ever anything else.)
"Goodbye, everybody. I've got to go,"
He could hear it, everyone's cries and wails of despair filling his ears as he sailed towards Inazuma City to beg the Shogunate (his mother) for mercy that they would not grant.
"Gotta leave you all behind to face the truth."
He could also hear the Doctor's cackling laughter as he began to weave his web of lies, webs that would replace the strings that she had put on him. That he had cut away.
"Mama!, oooh,"
He could see it, the light shining through the patches in the walls and the roof of that old hut. The kind and innocent smile on that sickly, young face.
"I don't wanna die,"
He could see it, red, red, red lapping up and eating away at the walls and roof of the house. Red, red, red all around them. As if he was asleep in a meadow of flowers. (or sinking into a pool of blood)
"I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all.!"
You all gave him his moment, deep in his sea of memories. Diluc was wordlessly playing the zither, an imperfect substitute for an electric guitar. He'd noiselessly joined into your impromptu concert after he was caught up on the situation by Zhongli who had promptly disguised the mouth of the cavern as some kind of rock formation.
As he played, you thought back to the Wanderer's words. To the moment you first heard him say that-- his character teaser. Your heart had clenched back then, tears pricking the corners of your eyes but you couldn't help chuckling at his words-- that ever iconic song playing in your head. But you know that there was nothing to chuckle about here, Wanderer holding the brim of his hat in an almost vice-like grip. His jaw is clenched.
You all silently agreed to let the solo drag on at least a little bit longer. He takes a sharp breath. (You all know its his way of saying his thanks.)
Barbara begins plucking the lyre in a jaunty little tune, and you couldn't help but crack a grin. The atmosphere's heavy, but it's beginning to lift anyway.
"I see a little silhouetto of a man,"
The Wanderer scoffs, already knowing the next few lines by heart thanks to you. You all readily ignore the wetness in his sound.
"Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the fandango?!"
You were surprised at everyone joining in. Wanderer especially, being caught so off-guard that he jumped in his seat. "For the nth time, no I won't!" Barbara giggles as you push onwards, a manic grin on your face.
"Thunderbolt and lightning!"
Diluc only smiles at the mildly disgruntled Wanderer, his Divine Overseer and Mondstadt's Deaconess having stood up to sing their hearts out. "I'm pretty sure that's not gonna be the last time you say that to them."
"Very, very frightening, me!"
The singing duo once again became lost in the music of the song, belting their hearts and lungs out for their one audience member. Said audience member could only crack a smile and reply, "I had a feeling."
"Galileo, Galileo,"
You had all but screeched out said scientist's name as you pointed to Zhongli. When faced with the Wanderer's incredulous look, he could only gain a fond look in his eyes, shrug and say, "You get used to it over time."
"Galileo, Galileo,"
"Wait, you're all used to this?!" Barbara's sheepish as she answers. "They sing as a coping mechanism. We kind of picked it up over time as well." Diluc shrugs again. "It's better than alcoholism."
"Galileo, Figaro! - Magnifico, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,"
Wanderer cringes-- despite this, a smile is growing on his face. "You don't have to vocalize the echoes, you imbecile!" You merely put a hand to your forehead, aiming to up the drama with your next lyrics.
"I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me,"
He feels the tug of old memories, of old traumas still clinging to his skin. But he pays them no mind, knowing he must march onwards to the future. A future paved by a ragtag group of wanted divine beings and important people that are beginning to worm his way into his chest.
"He's just a poor boy from a poor family,"
Oh no. He's feeling it again.
"Spare him his life from this monstrosity!"
He cannot help but watch you all sing.
Barbara's fingers fly on the strings.
"Easy come,"
He felt what he felt back then, before she had forsaken him.
"Easy go,"
He felt what he felt back then, before he was fooled into thinking he had left him-- left them.
"Will you let me go?"
He felt what he felt back then, before he was torn away from him with no bigger enemy to blame but his own mortality.
"Bismillah! No!"
It was affection. It was care.
"We will not let you go!
(Let him go!)"
Oh archons, he's starting to care.
"Bismillah! We will not let you go!
(Let him go!)"
For hundreds of years, he's hardened his heart and closed himself off from everyone and everything. Sworn to scrub himself clean of human emotions.
"Bismillah! We will not let you go!
(Let me go!)"
And yet, for those same hundreds of years, he had never fully closed himself off-- never fully scrubbed away the feeling of... feeling.
"Will not let you go! (Let me go!)"
He couldn't help but glance at those two, fingers flying across the strings of their instruments. Humans, can they really be trusted?
"Will not let you go! (Let me go!)
His eyes slowly drifted to the other two, one ancient and the other practically a newborn. Can the gods really make him feel anything other than loathing?
"Never let you go!
(Never, never, never let me go!)"
He takes in their entire performance, all of them being their pure, complete, and unadulterated selves. With no masks to keep on, or roles to maintain. Merely singing, and dancing, and playing these instruments just for the heck of it.
"Oh, oh, oh!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!"
For centuries, he has roamed this world-- seeing and meeting many new people, and yet never regarding any of them as his companions.
"Oh, mama mia, mama mia!"
Would he be able to regard these people as such?
"Mama mia, let me go!"
Would he be able to trust them, like the did with the others? To stay and not break their promises with him?
"Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me,"
Would he be able to hold on to them, and they not let go as they had been claiming over and over?
"For me!"
Well, he has no choice in the matter. He's stuck with them now, as wanted fugitives.
"For me!"
Only time will tell if they forsake him like those before him. At least he's safe in the comfort that the world had forsaken them as well. Just like him. He hopes that strange sort of kinship makes you understand. He hopes it makes you stay.
You whooped with joy as Barbara absolutely nailed that note, Diluc quickly shredding on the zither afterwards. You would've given it to Zhongli but-- the man hasn't played a guitar before. And you need a certain "je ne sais quoi" to really pull off what Queen was doing. ...Also, you needed the sound of a guitar for the song.
You glance back to the Wanderer, mostly silently listening this whole time. He was lightly bopping his hand to the beat. You smile, taking whatever victories you can get. "Beelzebub? Really?" You blow a raspberry at him, preparing for the next part of the song. "I'll tell you about it later!" You clear your throat.
"So, you think you can stone me and spit in my eye!"
Diluc hits that sick riff.
"So, you think you can love me and leave me to die?!"
Barbara, even if she's practically undetectable underneath Diluc's strumming and your-- excuse me, Zhongli's drum beating, is still managing to bring up and compliment every single one of you performing.
"Oh, baby!"
You swear, if you all weren't wanted fugitives forced to live on the LAM because of a crime you didn't commit, you'd be a killer band.
"Can't do this to me baby!"
You do gotta thank Zhongli for subtly swiping away the drums from you-- you frankly weren't quite sure how you'd be able to focus on giving this song the power ballad it deservers while also playing an instrument.
"Just gotta get out,"
Despite all your peeking on Wanderer for his opinions on the song and to check on his emotional state, you weren't exactly omniscient. You were, afterall, still performing and still getting lost in the music.
"Just gotta get right outta here!"
So you didn't notice the twinge of an... almost fond emotion lacing his face as he watches you rock out to this classic. What can you say, Diluc kills it on the zither.
The sound builds and builds, Barbara layering on top of it and you not being able to resist the urge to air guitar to it as it slowly reaches its crescendo... And crashes back down, Zhongli and Diluc humming along to the sound.
"Ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah,"
You gasp for breath, the end of the song finally coming up. Diluc's energetic playing slows down, signaling the finale.
"Nothing really matters,"
You feel sweat dripping down your skin, having danced and moved around-- possessed by the power of the song.
"Anyone can see,"
You lean your back against the cave wall, relishing in its coolness as you bring the song to a close.
"Nothing really matters... Nothing really matters, to me..."
You sigh as you sink, pleased and satisfied at everyone's performance.
"Any way the wind blows..."
Zhongli finishes it off with the rapping of the drum, mimicking a cymbal crash to his best ability. Barbara beams at the Wanderer, who looks like he's regretting singing along to that last part.
"So," you ask, out of breath. "what'cha think about the song?"
Wanderer waves off Barbara's tired but happy smile, poofing the fourth bowl back into existence and busying his hands. He prepares Diluc's Shimi Chazuke as he hums.
"Well, despite it being a complete emotional roller coaster and the utter gibberish that it contains, I suppose that its worthy being called 'my song', as you will."
"I'll fucking take it! Fives all around guys, good job!" You quickly double high five everyone in the group-- Zhongli letting you slam your hands down on his, Barbara being a quick pair of one-two taps, and Diluc just lightly bumping his full hands into yours. You turn to Wanderer, waiting for him to high five you. "You too, hat boy-- you joined in the song, you get some fives."
At least Diluc had the decency to look away when he huffed in amusement. "Hat boy?! Let me tell you, I've gone through many names and titles during my journey. And each one is more eminent than any ordinary mortal could ever imagine!"
As he said these words, his heart slowly sank to his feet as he saw the stupid, cheeky smile growing on your face. "Yes, yes... But! and I quote, 'they're all just water under the bridge to me now.
Call me whatever you like. Go ahead, let me see what you can come up with.'" The Wanderer's eye twitched.
"And that's the best you can come up with?! If you know me so well, oh, great Overseer, then you would very much know that I'm also telling you to not disappoint me! Tell me, All-Knowing Guide, am I not disappointed?!" You snorted, too tired from the day's events to feel any sort of proper fear and trepidation at this situation. "Then, I'll just keep thinking of names until something sticks, mushroom head." You pat his head. "Now, how in the world did you even get here Lulu?"
He sips from his bowl full of rice and tea. "Doro44 Sumeru Chasm sneakpeek. Would've gotten here faster if the place wasn't absolutely surrounded by treasure hoarders and Fatui. Had a bit of trouble finding it as well, since it was behind some rock walls." He grabs a small twig from the ground and starts drawing. "Its a sort of cave that's absolutely overgrown by giant roots." "You dare to ignore me?!"
You flash that same cheeky grin at him again. "We didn't ignore you, we just changed the subject!"
Nope, he takes it all back. He hates all of you.
AND THATS A FUCKING WRAP AUGHHHHHHHHH-- broooooo, you would not BELIEVE how hard this was to write. both because Bohemian Rhapsody is SUCH a long song but also because of SOOOO many outside circumstances. like BRUH i was supposed to release this like a day after my castaways fic but NOOOOOOOO-- life got so in the way man. my parents started breathing down my neck for chores, we had to visit my relatives in the province (still in the province btw lol), i got FUCKING SICK BECAUSE OF STRESS AND DUST ALLERGIES and i literally spent like-- my first few days sick making my sickness FUCKING WORSE since our house was literally covered in dust and i was the only one who could clean it fucking apparently. bro, i even spent this goddamn christmas fucking sick. ugh this has been such a hell week. literally the only comfort i found this week was all genshin related AHAHA-- i was playing genshin, visiting the SAGAU tag a lot, waiting for fanfics to update, just generally genshin brainrotting.
ugh thank god i finally released this one. i do have a lot of ideas for this down the road and hell dawg! i even got a request! thats the one thatll be coming up next. i wrote like-- a massive part of this sick and it got sOOOOO out of hand ever since i didnt get to finish it that day so i hope it sticks together well and is mostly coherent. enjoy!! :))
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junoship · 2 years
♡ “ baking cookies for my love „ - 𖦹
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★ fuyuhiko kuzuryu (+ peko) x reader
★ warnings : fluff AGAIN EW , teasing , kissing , tsundere fuyuhiko , songfic(?) , reader only really shows up in the end lol , ooc fuyuhiko and peko idk how to write for them , pet names(sweetheart)
★ a/n : guess my fave dr character, take a wild guess . . . wrong its rantaro
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“ oh my god peko how do i do this “ fuyuhiko asked, having no idea what to do. he was currently in the kitchen with peko, about to bake something for you while youre out with your friends. “ the fuck?? how do i do this shit?? “ he asks “ i believe you should start with heating the oven “ peko tells him, turning on the oven and setting it to 375 degrees. “ then you have to grease the baking sheets with this “ peko continues, handing fuyuhiko the butter.
“ oh shit okay “ fuyuhiko says before grabbing the butter from pekos hands and greasing the baking sheets. once he finished he looked at his phone continuing to read the recipe. “ whisk white flour and baking soda together in a medium bowl . . . “ he says as he reads out the instructions. “ the fuck is a medium bowl?! “ he questions, not understanding what the fuck a medium bowl is.
for afew more hours the two finally finished the cookies they made for you. they quickly set up the cookies on a cute plate fuyuhiko bought you afew years ago before they both took one cookie each to try. it didnt taste like the ones u make and it made fuyuhiko a little sad but he hoped you’d like them anyway. he sat down on your couch with the cookies on the coffee table as he nervously waited for you to come home, peko already being upstairs in her room.
“ fuyuhikoooo ! im ho- hey it smells good in here ! “ you called out to him before being distracted by the delicious smell of chocolate chip cookies. “ ah- hey sweetheart “ fuyuhiko welcomes you home, standing up and grabbing the plate of cookies he made for you. “ these are . . for you “ he gives you the cookies, looking away so you dont notice the blush on his face.
“ you made these for me ? ! thank you so much ! “ you thank him before happily tasting one. “ well peko helped since i dont know how the fuck to bake “ he confesses before putting the plate back down on the coffee table, sitting down with you. “ well i love it either way fuyu, thank you ! “ you smile, swallowing the chewed up pastry in your mouth before quickly kissing fuyuhikos cheek.
fuyuhiko grumbles, looking away with blush on his face. “ youre welcome “
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luvpooks · 1 year
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warnings: self-doubt, relationship issues, crying, let me know if i missed anything:)
oh, i think you're standing on my left foot
Draco had just been informed for the Dark Lord himself that he had to murder Dumbledore.
He was frightened.
But there was one thing he knew he had to do.
He had to make sure m/n didn't get involved.
He know he could handle himself. He was one of the strongest people he never known.
But he has been close enough to Voldemort.
And he wouldn't just kill m/n, he would torture him.
He couldn't let that happen.
So that's what led to this.
it's hurting but that's okay.
"i'm sorry, m/n but i can't continue this."Draco blandly stated.
"w-what..?" m/n said shocked.
"You're kidding right? This is just some sick joke right?" m/n continued.
"Your in my way of becoming a great wizard." Draco calmly said.
These words were lies, the complete opposite was the truth.
He had to be harsh so it could be believable.
'cause i'm in your way.
"was...was all this- was all theses years a fucking lie?" m/n screamed.
Draco tried his best to not show any reaction.
It was so difficult.
you'll break that foot that you're standing on
"It wasn't a lie m/n, but i have to have complete focus to achieve my absolute potential." Draco lied.
i'll walk with the other one
m/n began to sob hitting Draco on his chest.
"no, your lying, please tell me you're lying please i love you so much please tell me what i did wrong!" m/n sobbed.
Im sorry m/n, this is our goodbye." Draco hid his tears.
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do want you want to do, do what you want to do
be want you want to , be what you want to
m/n tried to stay angry at Draco but he just couldn't.
He didn't stay at Hogwarts he couldn't bare seeing Snape standing in the same place Dumbledore did.
M/n kicked every rock he saw.
"stupid Draco, stupid me thing he actually loved me.." m/n grumbled.
Suddenly, m/n heard a branch snap.
go on and step on me
m/n turned around and saw one of the death eaters.
"shit.." m/n muttered.
The death eater removed their mask.
m/n stared wide eyed.
It was Draco.
"Draco..?" m/n whispered.
you're free to have everything you see
all that you want from me
free to be all that you want to be
do what you want with me
"why are you here." m/n said as more like a statement.
"i wanted to explain things." Draco said frowning.
"explain what, that you left me and that you didn't actually love me?" m/n retorted.
"no- god no i was lying." Draco's eyebrows furrowed.
"no you don't get a second chance Draco." stated m/n.
"not in a million fucking years." m/n continued.
"please let me explain.." Draco said somberly.
oh, i think your spinning inside my head
i think of you all the day
'cause you're in my way
oh i think you're holding the heart of mine (my heart is)
M/n rubbed his face with his hands slightly pulling his eyelids down.
He sighed.
"go ahead. explain." m/n sighed again.
"ok so when i ended things between us it was when i was told by the Dark Lord himself i was to kill Dumbledore." Draco started.
m/n nodded for him to continue.
"and i didn't want you to get involved. i couldn't let you. i knew you were more than capable to protect yourself but Voldemort is ruthless m/n. and i had to make it believable. i'm sorry m/n." Draco ended.
m/n didn't speak. He couldn't. There was only one thing you could even think of saying.
"i'm so sorry Dray." m/n sobbed.
squeeze it apart that's fine
do what you want to, do what you want to.
be who you want to, be who you want to.
"i dont know what to say..."he mumbled.
Draco brought him into a hug.
"you don't have to say anything." Draco said.
They sat there just hugging for a good moment.
"why did you just tell me.." m/n asked.
"i couldn't let you get harmed." Draco answered
go on and step on me
you're free to be all that you want to be
all that you want from me
you're free to all that you want to be
"god you're such a fucking idiot." m/n cried.
"i know love i know." Draco smiled.
"you left me for months.. i thought you just didn't love me.. i- i thought that i was going to live without you forever." m/n stuttered.
Draco didn't respond. He didn't have the right to.
he just let m/n continue.
"y- you left to become a death eater. i mean just what? i could've helped you like in every area for that dray. i- i- you left me and- and just god. i know it doesn't seem like a lot to be so upset about but i was alone completely alone during all of this. i had no one to comfort me. i was just. Alone." m/n finished.
Draco couldn't speak. He kissed the top of m/n's head.
do what you want with me
"i love you m/n and i'm so sorry i abandoned you." Draco apologized.
go on and step on me
"i know your sorry i forgive you and i love you too." m/n answered.
go on and step on me
"i shouldn't have done this to you." Draco explained.
"everything i did wasn't okay. i only did it to protect you my love." Draco ended.
"i know dray..i know." m/n responded.
go on and step on me.
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mxmentos · 2 years
— r u mine?
song ; r u mine? by arctic monkeys. character(s) ; pantalone genre ; songfic, hurt no comfort, angst, modern au word count ; 1415 cw/tw ; cheating, breakup??, moody/soft pantalone, not proofread a/n ; IM SORRY ILL MAKE Y/N THE GOOD GUY NEXT TIME i also have a very small insert from this fic which i didn't include so if yall would like to read it then let me know !!
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i'm a puppet on a string
“leaving so soon to mondstadt, dear?”
pantalone’s velvety voice echoed throughout the room. you turn your head around, meeting his twinkling eyes. you put your hands in your pockets as he looked at you keenly. 
“aha… yeah. there are places where i need to be, unfortunately. oh, and there has been a slight change in venue; i'm going to liyue instead.”
before you could leave the room, pantalone stood up and made his way towards you. he admired every single feature of your face dearly, his hands cupping your cheeks. he gently pressed his lips on your forehead, and gave you a warm smile. 
you swiftly placed your hands over his, attempting to remove them from your cheeks. his smile faltered as you averted his gaze. you sighed, as you took your phone from your pocket. 
“...i’m sorry. but, i really need to get going. see you, pantalone.”
you gave him a stiff smile and left the room without another word. pantalone stared at you as you made your way out of the room, climbing down the marble staircase. ‘they’ve never called me by my name…’ he thought. what has gotten into you over the past weeks? 
tracy island, time-travelling diamond cutter-shaped heartaches
you didn’t usually act like this. pantalone took a seat next to the window, staring at the velvet, morning sky. he traced every moment that might’ve led to your strange behaviour towards him, but he was unable to find anything that wasn’t justified. 
did he do anything wrong? he had given you everything you had ever asked for; diamonds, the finest wine from angel’s share, pristine jewels, antique machines from fontaine - you name it, he could get it for you. and he would seize it by any means necessary, as it was worth something not even money could buy - your tender smile.
come to find you four in some velvet morning years too late, she's a silver lining
whatever might be the reason for your sudden loss of interest towards him over the past few weeks, he would find a way to make it right. to him, you were the silver lining to his cloud, the rainbow after the rain. you lit up his world like nobody else, and if anyone were to quench the light, he would forever remain in the darkness.
he had already ruled out any part from his side to contribute to your mood, but was there something going on from your point of view? his darkest suspicions confirmed, his eyes widened at the thought of your waist held by somebody else other than him.
lone ranger riding through an open space in my mind when she's not right there beside me
‘now to think of it, they keep tilting their phone towards themselves whenever i come around…’
‘no, you should never lose faith in your lover,’ he thought. ‘there has to be some concrete explanation for this.’ but his thoughts alone couldn’t assure himself. he paced around the bedroom, attempting to calm himself down.
hands in his pocket, he couldn’t stop himself from reminiscing the times he had with you. he thought of the time when he was flipping through pages of ‘the pale princess and the six pygmies’ as you laid your head upon his chest and slept soundly, and the time when you played with his wavy hair as he told you about his day.
he knew that thinking of him and you being together was the only hope that he held on to.
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i go crazy 'cause here isn't where i wanna be
it had been a week since you had left off to liyue, and pantalone was free as ever, quite unusual for a harbinger. he couldn’t stop to bring himself away from the thought of your enchanting presence. if only you were right next to him, so that he could spend these countless hours with you.
so, why not utilise his time in visiting mondstadt’s goth grand hotel? he definitely needed a break and some time to distract himself from you. besides, it was definitely a pleasant visit to the hotel the last time he had been there. 
and satisfaction feels like a distant memory
once he set foot in mondstadt city, he couldn’t stop thinking of you. he didn’t know how, but somehow going to the hotel made his heart ache for you even more. the happy, little moments of you and him in mondstadt reeled in his mind; the time when he surprised you with a bouquet of cecilias brought back sweet memories.
oh, and he could not ever seem to forget the time when the both of you had a date under the moonlight. a relaxed pantalone enjoyed the breathtaking scenery, red wine swirling in his cup, while you laid your head on his shoulder under the star-strewn sky.
and i can't help myself, all i
pantalone sighed as he walked towards the statue of the anemo archon, eyes searching for a sign of the goth grand hotel. it had been a while since he had been to mondstadt, and so he was searching through the bustling crowds for any signs of luke, that arrogant fatui guard.
“you know, you’re really something else.”
pantalone’s eyes widened - was that really you? he brushed it off, thinking that it was just a figment of his imagination. he kept searching through the city for luke.
“it’s fine, he’ll never know.”
and there it was again. a cold shudder tingled down his spine. what were you doing here in mondstadt? wasn’t the venue of your business meeting shifted to liyue? with his questions unanswered, he swiftly turned towards the direction of the sound.
wanna hear her say is "are you mine?"
and there you were, your waist being held by another. only a string of saliva was separating you and your new-found lover beside you. hearing the sound of pantalone’s velvety voice, you turned around, your glassy eyes meeting his.
“p-pantalone? what are you doing her-”
“it’s me who should be asking that question, [name].”
the one who held you close had let go, and you felt a tear trickle down your cheek. pantalone was filled with emotions by what he had just witnessed – he was sad, shaken and most definitely furious with you. after all you both had been through, he would’ve never imagined you, out of everybody else in the world, to double cross his heart.
secretly, he hoped that the one tear that trickled down your cheek was for him.
well, are you mine?
pantalone never showed his emotions to anybody except you. but now, he found himself frozen in front of you, his eyes welling up with tears. he straightened his glasses and tried to speak, but his quivering lips couldn’t bring themselves to move. did everything he’d do for you mean nothing?
“i’m sorry, i was going to tell you but i-”
“save it, [name]. there’s no point in apologizing and promising not to ever do it again because i know that you won’t keep it. besides, promises are meant to be broken, and you are notorious for breaking them.”
are you mine?
that was enough to make pantalone snap. after all he’s witnessed, he simply couldn’t forgive you anymore. if there was someone else, then that meant that he wasn’t ‘good enough’ for you, didn’t it? even after the countless, expensive gifts he had gotten for you, the unconditional love he had shown for you, and all of the seconds he had to spare were all spent for you.
plus, if this was just one incident that he had witnessed, he couldn’t bring himself to imagine all the incidents that were unseen.
“oh, and one more thing – keep my pretty name out of your mouth.”
are you mine?
on normal days, he would never hurt you to this extent, as he believed that you would never do the same thing to him. but now his cold, stern expression that he wore only when he was on duty was now displayed on his pale features.
he strode out of the scene, leaving you and your new-found lover all alone, just like you wanted. he was never like this to others, usually keeping himself calm and composed, no matter what happened inside. but what happened with you and him, this time was different.
because, after a painstakingly long time, the one whom you held close to yourself had finally let go.
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fic by @/mxmentos on tumblr. note: i do not own any of the lyrics in this story, they belong to the original creators of the song. please support the artist(s) by listening to the song linked above, thank you <33
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20 questions for fic writers
thanks for tagging me @bbluejoseph <3
1.how many works do you have on ao3?
100 !!
2.what's your total ao3 word count?
831,744 words (after i orphaned like 100k+ words with fics that i didn't like anymore sooooooo could be a million i think...)
3.what fandoms do you write for?
mostly twenty one pilots, but also the umbrella academy and tried to write some good omens fics this year
4.what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
ehhh almost all of them are twn fics and i don't think they deserve these kudos and got them only bc the fandom is popular so i won't add the links but:
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5.do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i do!! i say thank you!!
6.what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7.what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Pale Moonlight
most of my fics have happy endings... i don't even know which one is the happiest dflkfghjh
8.do you get hate on any fics?
no :)
9.do you write smut? if so, what kind?
at times! awkward and unsexy and sad; im better at writing tension than actual thing. and i think i enjoy it more
10.do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
the only crossovers i've written were bandom fics and bandom is basically... a bandom
11.have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so
12.have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, multiple times!
13.have you ever co-written a fic before?
technically, twice. one of them is posted and we finished it together, and another one is my current wip (the idea belongs to my friend, and we started it together, but i'll finish it according to their plan)
14.what's your all time favorite ship?
joshler. if there was only one ship left, it'd be them for me. i always know what to write about them, platonically or not
15.what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i really hope i will never get into this situation. it's my biggest writing fear
16.what are your writing strengths?
writing whump, writing songfics without QUOTING songs, finishing fics, encouraging people to write their own fics <3
17.what are your writing weaknesses?
my grammar is not perfect. also, no idea how to write romance
18.thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
if it works, it works, so go for it!!
19.first fandom you wrote for?
fall out boy fsdklhghfhh
20.favorite fic you've written?
Bright And Early For Their Daily Races the process of writing it itself is very important to me, and so is this fic. i tried to recreate this vibe in a few different works but nope. it's my best one, in my opinion. <3
tagging: @pantaloonwarrior @gabetheunknown @merrilark
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navstuffs · 2 years
Favorite Mistake
Pairing: Steve Rogers x GenderNeutralAgent!Reader
Summary: You have been secretly meeting someone you shouldn't have.
Warning: songfic, mention of smut (i cant write smut yet), angst, AU fanfic, no use of y/n, Galaxy is reader's agent name.
Authors's note: im OBSESSED with Favorite Mistake by Giveon and i knew i had to write about it but DID NOT want to write about cheating. finally got this idea in my head and i'm gonna try to do justice to this smooth/perfect song. lyrics to the song are in italic while text messages are in bold. this might have a second part but i dont promise anything and idk when would come out
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Are you on your way? Are you comin' soon to me?
The rain was hitting light against your bedroom's window. Weather Channel meteorologist had warned about rain all night, with chances of thunderstorms in the whole city. You played with your shirt, pondering if that was the right outfit choice, staring at yourself in the mirror. It was simple but effective. Modesty-wise, you looked good. Sexy almost.
You should have gotten used to this by now, but every time your phone vibrated with that message earlier in the day, you would get nervous. Like the first time you entered S.H.I.E.L.D, or the test to become an agent, or the first time working with the Avengers. You passed all those situations with honors so you shouldn't be technically so nervous.
Your phone vibrated again, startling you. You breathe deeply, your heart bumping into your chest. After attempting to unlock your phone two times unsuccessfully, you finally read the single message.
Are you ready?
Nope, you weren't.
Is my secret safe? Safe with just you and me We can't leave a trace This is my favorite mistake
You didn't look at your driver during the whole ride. You entered the car, fidgeting with your phone, reading past messages. What started a few months ago as a distraction, had developed into something more intense. Intense enough for you to be breaking S.H.I.E.L.D rules to fuck another agent. Intense enough for you both to keep coming back to each other.
Maybe this was finally going to be the last time. You knew this couldn't continue, you wanted to stop.
After forty minutes of driving, your driver stopped. You breathe deeply, feeling the driver's eyes on you through the rear mirror. Maybe this wasn't a new driver, at all. Maybe it was the same person who picked you up the first time. When you went back shaking head to toe to your apartment.
Your phone vibrated again and you jumped, opening the door of the car and getting out. As soon as you hit the car's door, the car went away, leaving you in the rain that was picking up stronger. You looked around the empty street, not one single living soul, and to the old building in front of you. Unlocking your phone, you read the message with a single number: 201.
Decided, you made your way inside the building.
Oh, look in my eyes Can you find the lies? Do you feel alive? Look in my eyes
You were in front of apartment 201 and your body suddenly turned into jelly. The building seemed completely empty, abandoned almost. Your reaction was dumb and you knew it since it wasn't going to be the first time but every time, every single time it felt like it. You didn't knock on the door, entering the dark room.
You could see his shadow sitting down in a chair, facing the window. He probably watched as you arrived.
"You took awhile" The man's serious voice greeted you. You ruffed, closing the door behind you.
"Well, I am sorry you got this place far away from everything. It is not like I wasn't ready when you texted arrived."
You gave a few steps inside the room. There was a big bed that didn't look old or dirty, with sheets clean, almost like new. The only window was the one he was sitting in front, facing against you in that chair. Looking at the bathroom, you knew you would have to wait to go to the bathroom in your house. At least, you wished you could pee.
"You gotta start looking for the ones with nicer bathrooms" You complained, a little louder than you should have.
You heard the man getting up from the chair, making his way towards you. Although you tried, always tried, your heart and your body betrayed every time Steve Rogers walked to you with so much intensity. You stood there, watching as he closed the distance between you two, the good Captain America facade completely gone. And you loved it.
Steve didn't answer, his eyes scanning your body, your raincoat completely wet with the rain.
"Are you ready to take those off?" He wondered and you blinked. You nodded, feeling his warm hands helping you take your raincoat.
Steve was slow that night. You liked the slower nights since he liked to take his time. No rushing to the bed or not getting your clothes ripped. Not that you didn't like that, but it was nice when Steve took his time. You let yourself melt in his hand as he started rubbing your body. You didn't get that much rain but didn't realize how cold you felt before.
"Thanks, Ste- Captain."
Steve hummed in accordance. He positioned his face in your neck as he held tightly to you. How much you loved this: you knew it was wrong, you knew it was against the rules of what you had fought so hard to get in, but there wasn't any better feeling in the world. Getting fucked by Captain America himself in those dubious buildings, letting him give himself for you, for you only.
Steve's hand went to rub your hips for a second, then down to your ass, grabbing it. You held back a moan, distributing kisses on Steve's neck. How could he smell so good?
"No. Remember, I want to hear every sound," Steve warned you, grabbing one of your asscheeks more firmly. You let out a moan. "That is it."
Without warning, he lifted you up. Instinctively, you surrounded your legs around his hips, his hard-on pressing against your groin. You two stared at each other in the dark, your hands itching to rub his face but holding back.
"Are you ready for me, Galaxy?"
"Yes, Captain."
We both know it's wrong but you're still comin' over Even when you're gone the feelin' just grow stronger Should leave it alone but you're still gettin' closer
You probably slept an hour before waking up. It was still dark outside and the thunderstorm was hitting stronger. Steve was laying on your side, still naked, his body almost glowing in the dark, his hand lazily rubbing your back. He had his eyes closed, but you knew he was awake. He always woke before you. Super soldier serum.
"Are you good?" Steve wondered, his eyes still closed.
"Mhm." You answered, stretching your body. Except for a good pain in the middle of your legs that would last for a while, all the bites marks, and future bruises in your hips, you were feeling extremely good.
"Good," Steve replied, opening his eyes.
"Did you sleep at all?"
"A little bit. Not much."
A flash of lightning lighten up the room and Steve's hands went to hold your body, almost as if protecting you. Six seconds later and you could hear the thunder sound, Steve's rapid breath against your head. You welcomed his warm body against yours, laying your head against his chest.
"I didn't know Captain America was scared of lightning." You bit your lips, half smiling.
"I am not."
"Are you sure? I am not the one cuddling for support here."
Steve jerked away from you, suddenly getting up. Well, shit. You guys had been doing so well lately. You had the feeling you had gotten closer: Cuddling, talking shit, and telling jokes. He had been more Steve Rogers, reserving Captain only to the sex time. You watched as Steve put on his black underwear, standing with his back against you.
"Steve? You know I was just teasing you, I am so-"
"S.H.I.E.L.D. suspects of something." His voice deepened a tone.
Your heart stopped beating. What?
"They asked Bucky and Sam a couple of days ago. They had been pestering Natasha about us but she won't tell them a thing."
"Okay? Do you think they know about us? Did they ask you anything?"
"No. Not yet."
"I see."
You got up from the bed, rapidly dressing your clothes. You two kept those encounters so secret, that not even Steve's friends knew about the locations or when you met. You knew S.H.I.E.L.D was going to eventually discover anyway.
"Are you sure none of them talked? Are you sure?"
"Don't Galaxy me, Steve Rogers. Are we sure?"
Steve placed his hands in your arms and gently turned you to face him. He was already fully dressed, the baseball cap the only thing missing. For a second you got distracted by the leather jacket Steve was using. You should have asked for him to leave it during sex.
"I trust my team with my life. If they say they didn't tell, they didn't." Steve's blue eyes stared at yours and you knew he wasn't lying. You nodded and he got closer locking your lips with his again. It was for a long second until you separated. "I don't want to stop with us. I still want to meet, if you want it."
You stared into his blue eyes for a second before turning around. You should finish this. It was doing no good to anyone since it had started. You two promise no feelings involved, no lovey-dovey shit but it had been getting harder to stay away. The meetings had been gotten more frequent and you knew you were reaching a new side of Steve you have never seen before. He was opening himself to you more and more, being vulnerable. You had to make a decision.
"I don't want to stop with us, as well. I like us. More than I should."
Steve let a relieved sigh as closed the distance between you two, his hands placing into your hips to turn you to face him. Steve seemed to be wanting to kiss you again but something seemed to stop him.
"I gotta go, don't I?" You wondered, watching his expression go cold.
Steve didn't answer, starting to involve you again. With his kisses, his hands, his body. You knew you needed to leave when your time was up, it was crucial for the relationship to continue, but it was getting more difficult to do so. You slowly got away from Steve's arms, putting on your raincoat.
"I will see you around, I guess."
"Be faster, next time."
"Find one with a nicer bathroom next time, Cap."
Steve smiled and watched you leave. He wanted to stop you, grab you back to the bed and make love to you, whisper dirty things in your ear, and cuddle until the morning, but he couldn't. He walked to the window, observing you enter the car to be driven away.
For a second, he stood there, feeling weak and sick to his stomach. He hated that you had to leave and he hated what he was doing to you. He walked towards his cap, finding the micro-headset in a secret compartment. Tony's doing. Steve put on his ear, turning it on.
"They are gone." He announced.
Two seconds passed when Sam's voice cut the silence.
"Are you okay, Captain?"
No. Not really.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Just find stupid I need bodyguards now."
"For your own protection, Cap," Clint argued and Steve rolled his eyes. Like anything could hurt him physically, especially Galaxy.
"Steve, until we know what is the true Galaxy's deal if they are a traitor or not, I won't leave you alone." Bucky's voice sounded adamant.
"Neither me, Cap."
Steve shook his head, putting on his cap. Two days ago, Nick Fury and Tony Stark had a very particular and serious conversation about you possibly being a traitor. Both Tony and Nick didn't care about the relationship, but they wanted to know what was Galaxy's true motivation. They wanted to start slow because they understood how important you were to Steve. Steve didn't want to believe them.
Steve knew you from the first time you entered SHIELD. He watched you train, your face and posture always focused on the task ahead. You looked so terrified on your first mission together. Your desire to save and help people. Steve remembered you shielding a few kids with your own body against an explosion.
The first kiss he gave you, a kiss he had been wanting to do for a long time, his first kiss since Peggy. When you first shared a bed and Steve would always be ashamed to admit how rough he was with you that day, but he never realized how deeply he wanted you. Your face as he gave you orgasm after orgasm, your legs wrapped against his hips, begging for more.
He couldn't believe you could be a traitor.
Selling SHIELD's secrets for money. For the enemy. That wasn't you.
So now Steve had a mission. Every time he met you, he needed to try to get more information out of you. Analyze you. Save you from being a traitor. Steve knew you weren't. It was impossible.
He was going to prove it. He needed to.
Our secret's safe so you're my favorite mistake That's why we gotta keep it on the low
You entered your house, running to your bathroom. You needed to pee so badly, damn Steve not getting good places with clean toilets at least. Sure, it would be nice to have a nice shower. It would be nice to shower with Steve once.
You washed your hands, looking at yourself in the mirror, the recently fucked version of yourself. You were a mess. A mess that was more relaxed. You hang your raincoat to dry in the bathroom. Rain was going to continue for a few more days, so you needed that dry. You knew you were going to hear from your co-workers tomorrow. You knew it was just a matter of time until one of them had connected the dots between you and Captain America. The fast look that came from him. Or maybe it was your looks, he always faked so well.
You let your body fall into your sofa, grabbing your phone. You texted the same number Steve texted you earlier.
You were going to drop your phone to your side since he never answered from the same phone but was surprised to get a reply back.
I'm glad. Stay safe.
Strange. Steve never answered you from the same phone. He always used different numbers to text you. You shrugged, relaxing a little more before the so deserving shower before bed. You were going to sleep like a baby.
You heard the footsteps on your door running away, getting up to find an envelope on your side of the door. Grabbing it, you opened: an empty piece of paper. There was nothing written front in back. Nada. You ran to your bathroom, grabbed your raincoat, and ran outside, still dressing it. You had no time to lose now. When you received one of those, you had to always hurry. The rain was very strong now so you couldn't see anyone ahead but it was good like that. You rapidly made your way to the meeting point, a dark alley not far from your house, that smelled dead and rotten.
"Someone saw you?" A voice asked you in the darkness.
"You met him tonight."
"Yes. They suspect me." You confessed, your eyes scanning everywhere. You knew Steve's team had been around when you arrived. Sam, Bucky Barnes, and probably Clint Barton. You wondered if Natasha was up to this as well.
"As expected, eventually. What are you planning on doing?"
"I will do what was asked of me. You have my word."
"We shall see, shall we?" You felt the presence leaving and stood in the rain, alone. You had to act a little faster now.
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sw33t-d1vine · 11 months
── ✮ Heather. William Afton!
ー William Afton x Cloud
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ー cw : CCxOC , highschool au , SONGFIC !!! clouds jealous of clara.. :( , kinda sad ??? angst..???
ー word count , 462
ー a/n : this might be a small series tbh , im thinking of writing 2 more parts with 2 other songs … maybe … idk !! anyway !!!!!! i will tag william afton x reader just bc id like for this to have more attention . ur also free to imagine my oc , Cloud , as urself ^_^ !
ー part 2 ,
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Why would you ever kiss me ?
A few days before prom, Afton having yet to ask Clara out. Cloud had offered to help with a prom proposal, and Afton had accepted.
He wished he never offered to help.
He helped write something up, came up with ideas for how Afton should propose. It was just for prom, but it still had to be special.
Cloud had Afton rehearsing lines to him, a flower in hand, as if offering it to him. But it wasn’t for him.
It was for Clara, not him. Those words were for Clara too. It was all for her.
I’m not even half as pretty
It made sense for Afton to like Clara.
She was perfect.
She was so much more prettier than him, she had good grades, nice friends, doesn’t smoke or do anything bad. He could see why he picked her.
He was nothing like her. His grades weren’t as good, he didn’t have many friends, and he was a stoner with no life.
His own boyfriend never even cared for him either. He probably only dated him out of pity. That made sense.
He fell in love too quickly. Bonnie had started to talk to him for a few days and he was head over heels.
Bonnie didn’t have feelings for him at all.
He was used.
You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester
Bonnie wouldn’t ever do anything like this for him. Cloud had to be the one to ask him out, bring him chocolates and flowers, and make a move.
Bonnie never appreciated it. The chocolates melted and the flowers withered, their petals falling and dying.
He felt jealous of Clara. Jealous because Afton was trying to do this all for her, and Cloud got nothing.
She was an angel compared to him though. The sweetest person ever. How could anyone hate her? But, he couldn’t help just wish she were dead.
But you like her better
Afton would never date him. He couldn’t see it. The only interests they shared were smoking together.
Afton had his eyes on Clara for so long, if he hadn’t come to the back of the school that day, Cloud and him would’ve never met. And it was only because of that.
They shared classes together, passed each other down the halls, yet the only reason they talked was because they smoked.
He wished he never had dated Bonnie. Maybe things would’ve been different.
Maybe he wouldn’t have been who he was now, and maybe he could’ve talked to Afton earlier.
And just maybe, they could’ve dated instead.
But, he knew those were all some dreams he had. Afton loved Clara, not him. Never him. He was only just a friend.
I wish I were Heather.
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scholastic-dragon · 2 years
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I posted 255 times in 2022
That's 255 more posts than 2021!
158 posts created (62%)
97 posts reblogged (38%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 236 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#tmnt - 100 posts
#tmnt bayverse - 71 posts
#tmnt leo - 65 posts
#tmnt donnie - 63 posts
#tmnt raph - 62 posts
#thanks for the ask! - 60 posts
#tmnt mikey - 57 posts
#tmnt headcannons - 51 posts
#guardians of the galaxy vol 2 - 45 posts
#hellboy - 41 posts
Longest Tag: 116 characters
#like you make it all cute with the hat and sharf and you look down and raphs made a freakishly (huge) realistic dick
My Top Posts in 2022:
hey!! is it alright if i asked for like a fluffy 'nd angsty kinda songfic with the reader referring or viewing the bay!tmnt with the lyrics, "your beauty never, ever scared me." by Ghost's Mary On A Cross? (bc im pretty sure they all share an insecurity abt their specie and physical appearance yk but reader loves n reassures them ,, thank you!!! <;3)
I absolutely agree, they definitely have a lot of insecurities about how they look.
I'm doing this as a Turtle of Choice thing, so you can imagine your favorite dude <3
This is heavily inspired by @turtle-babe83 post about insecurities but for the S/O not from the boys. (Please click the link her works are so good!)
Turtles x Gn!reader
Word Count: 822
Warnings: insecure turtles, them being soft bois, established relationship, first "I love yous", spelling mistakes
Summary: after hearing a lyric from your favorite song, your boyfriend opens up.
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Spring cleaning.
Worst time of the year because it comes right after seasonal depression and cabin fever which beat your ass. Every. Single. Year.
But now you had a boyfriend to help with all your chores and keep you...mostly...on track.
He offered a helping hand when needed, willing to do anything and everything you asked. Even if it was just sitting on your bed whole you folded laundry.
He knew you struggled a lot and if he could help you in any way he would.
Now it was late evening, the sun was setting, turning the sky pink, orange, and purple, and small stats were appearing in the sky.
You two were washing the dishes, listening to your favorite Playlist. You would scrub and rise the dishes then hand them to him, he would dry them and then put them away.
It was a perfect system, keeping you focused but making it a little fun. You'd tell him about your day, why this plastic cup was your favorite, or why you loved a certain song.
He found it so endearing listening to you talk about your interests and to do simple mundane things with you.
"Oh, I love this one!" You happily start humming and mouthing the words.
It was cute watching his face try to figure out if he knew the song and try to hear the words. His brows furrowed and he gently swayed to the music.
"It's from tiktok," You lean in, whispering as if it were some great secret.
He nodded, the gears finally clicking in his head.
"I would've gotten it," He mumbled, drying off a glass cup and putting it in the corner cabinet by your side.
"Eventually," You add, nudging his arm playfully. He laughed, taking the plate from your hands.
"Oh, this line reminds me of you," You gently touch his arm. He lowers his arms, still holding the towel and plate, listening to the song coming from your small speaker.
🎶"Your beauty never ever scared me," 🎶
You saw the moment the words registered in his mind. The way his mouth opened slightly, his eyes going slightly wide, the sharp inhale.
"That-that line?" He asked, cautiously. "Reminds you of me?"
You nod, as if it were something simple.
"But....But, I'm, well you know," Setting the plate down he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.
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585 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
Relationship headcanons for all bay!turtles?
So this turned more into a 'how did you and the turtle(s) start dating' type of thing, hope that's okay
Bay!Turtles Relationship Headcannons
Say hello to 'slow burn' 👋
This boy pines for you
Long stares, strong eye contact and obvious feelings....but this boy is too nervous to ask you out at first
He memorizes any and all details about you whenever he can
He stares....a lot. He just thinks you're so pretty
He really likes your laugh, he'll do almost anything to hear it, but he doesn't like it as much when he isn't the one to make you laugh
The "first move" He ever made was movie night. Since it was October, Mikey picked a horror movie, much to your dismay and protest. You were shaking the whole time and when the villain went to attack the main character, you jumped and buried your face into his shoulder with a mumbled. "Tell me when it's over," His hand gently rubbed up and down your back as you shook in his arms.
Afterwards you sheepishly thanked him, holding his hand for a little bit too long as you were leaving.
From them on you sat by him every movie night. It's kinda your thing™️
If you spend the night he will offer you his room. And no he won't stay in there with you, he's too much of a gentleman with anxiety to do that.
But he likes it because then his pillows smell like you
He's so nervous to be around you when he realizes he's crushing on you. He just wants to touch you. Not in a sexual way, but touching your shoulder when he walks by, hugging you hello and goodbye, snuggling, anything.
He melts when you yank him down for a goodbye hug after one movie night. You tuck your face into his neck and sigh deeply and he knows he's done for
After being friends for a few months you finally get him to stay in his room with you when you're spending the night.
But he's putting all the blankets on the floor...?
"Leo?" You sit up in his bed, peering down at him. "Are you going to sleep on the floor?"
"Where else would I sleep?" He pulls his blanket over his lap.
"In bed."
"With....with you?" He turned a few shades darker. You nod, scooting over and patting the free side.
You can see how he's shaking as he stands and comes over to the side of the bed. He awkwardly sits down, sweat dripping down his face.
"You don't have to, if you're too uncomfortable," You whisper, reaching out to touch his arm.
"I've just worried I'm going to mess this up," He mumbles back, taking your hand in his and running his thumb along your knuckles.
"You're not messing anything up,"
He let down some of his walls and finally decided to open up to you....literally the next morning.
He was too nervous to sleep under the sheets with you so he's laying on all the blankets watching you peacefully snooze.
After a bit you wake up and exchange some "good mornings" and then he just straight up tells you he's got feelings for you
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649 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Tmnt Headcannons part 3
Leo hates the word "moist"
Raph and Donnie unironically like dark chocolate
If offered, the guys will not say no to a glass of chocolate milk
Leo has a sensory thing and cannot handle the sound of bones cracking, it makes him do a full body shiver
He also hates the texture of jello. Not the taste, but the texture, it makes his teeth feel fuzzy
Their whole friend group (you, April, Casey, and Vern) all roast each other playfully, but if Casey or Vern were to make a sexual joke or mean comment to you. Shits about to go down.
One of Leo's toxic traits is watching the Olympics and thinking "I could do that" (we've all done it don't lie)
Donnie uses Leo's tea mugs for his coffee just to annoy him
Whenever they got out for a drive and are listening to music, no one can touch the radio.
"Mikey, don't you touch my fuckimg radio!" Que Donnie frantically hitting his brothers hands
There are at least 3 movies that Donnie and Mikey can fully act out. They quote it often, Raph and Leo don't get the jokes.
Donnie always corrects Raphs spelling in group chat messages
Raph has gotten up from wherever he was to hit Donnie because he corrected him. (He spent an hour in the haishi)
Leo makes really cute faces when he reads
Mikey gets irked when you call him "Michael" but he doesn't have the heart to tell you to stop (its kinda growing on him)
Ok, so everyone knows Raph is the knitter of the family, but if you knew how, you are now instant favorite.
He would be over the moon, head over heels in love with your ass if you knitted something for him.
"You made this?
"For me?"
He did cry over it (don't tell him I told you)
Every time Mikey makes Mac 'n cheese, he says "that's what good pussy sounds like"
653 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
Bay Turtle Kisses 💋
Thank you for requesting this @akesdraws-blog it was so cute and fun.
Warnings: giving the turtles the smootches they deserve!
Hear me out
Neck kisses
And not just the sexual kind no no.
Leo's a tall dude, even if he's not the tallest, he's still large. And you probably still have to reach up on your tippy toes to hug him. And because of that, the easiest place for you to place kisses was his collarbone and neck.
Knees: gone
It's just such a strange and sensitive place and he loves how intimate it is
He's gotten forehead and cheek kisses from his brothers and April, but your kisses are more personal and he can't get enough of them
He was terrified to kiss your neck for the first time, but he couldn't stop staring and it was eating away at his brain. He needed to know how smooth the skin was, how potent your scent would be.
It was date night at your place, you were watching a movie, wrapped up in a thick blanket, sitting in between his legs.
He had a perfect view of the back of your head and the side of your neck. Even more so when you moved your hair to the side because you thought it was bothering it.
It was but in a different way
He couldn't help himself, he leaned in, taking a moment to appreciate how your perfume, body wash and natural scent mixed before kissing the juncture where your shoulder and neck met.
He pulled away, not wanting to overstep, but stopped when your arm came up, pushing his head back to your neck.
At your small, "more, please," He was sure his heart had stopped
Game on.
Nose kisses
His favorite is when you both make eye contact, doesn't matter where or how far apart you are, and he licks his lips and keeps -purposefully- glancing down at your lips.
So you start to lean in, and he takes your face in your hands, tilting tour head, moving extra slow to build momentum....and then places a sweet kiss to the tip of your nose.
Then he pulls back, going back to whatever he was doing, trying not to laugh at your mad face
You make the cutest face when he does this, you try and make a mad face but your cheeks are red, eyes crinkled from laughed and fighting a smile.
He laughs, and plants kisses all over your face, leaving your lips for last.
One of his favorite pranks is when you're sitting at the dining table for a meal, he makes eye contact, licks his lips, then stands from his chair, leaning across the table with puckered lips.
You lean forward, giggling and mumbling something about how 'he can't even wait five minutes for another kiss'
And then.....he leans down and takes the straw of your drink into his mouth and happily sipps whatever is in the cup.
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827 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Being friends with the 2014/2016 TMNT boys
This is my first ever post and I'm a little nervous about it, but I really want to write so here we go.
Let me tell you, these boys are FUNNY
Memes 24/7
You 100% introduced Mikey to Tiktok
It was both the best and worst thing that has ever happened
On the one hand, he now sits quietly watching his phone
But once his phone is down he's screaming tiktok sounds
"We DoN't tAlK aBoUt BrUnO-nO-No"
"The woman was too stunned to speak,"
"Piggy dippin' piggy dippin' in da piggy pond"
It gives Leo a headache
Raph is most annoyed by it at first, but then he gets tiktok and starts doing it too.
You and Mikey spend HOURS showing each other tiktoks
You try to include Donnie
"...I wanna show you a tiktok..."
"...okay, but just one,"
It's never just one
They have movie nights Every. Single. Week.
They like to binge long movie series and sagas
They will not go back and watch pervious movies if you miss one. You will suffer and be lost
Donnie and Leo will share their snacks with you. Raph won't. Mikey will bite your hand if you try.
Donnie does not share blankets.
They will purposefully move your things around the lair and laugh as you spin in circles to try and find it.
It's been 3 weeks since you've seen your favorite water bottle
(It's in the corner kitchen cabnet)
Mikey likes to give you the remote to see what movies you put on
If it's Disney Raph will be all "manly" and be like
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848 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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