#im phrasing this badly but my point is
reiney-weather · 4 months
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my heart in the dimly lit aisle
Heyyyy so I just got around to drawing one of my absolute favorites from @nextsoundofthefuture !!! bright <333 followers expect more and also read the comic because it’s so good. firmly gripping my brain also
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bitegore · 9 months
Oh okay so i'm evil evil today huh
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kerorowhump · 1 year
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"Yeah, but I really don't feel like it."
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shitsndgiggs · 1 month
so you said your half danish and im alsooo
so could I request fluff where reader takes pau to Denmark and shows him the culture the food and teaches him danish?
take your time<3
A/N: ANOTHER DANE?! Wooohooo!. Hope you like it
Showing Pau Denmark
Pau Cubarsí x danish! reader
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It had been a while since Pau and I had a proper getaway, and with a little time off from football, I decided it was the perfect chance to take him to Denmark.
I couldn’t wait to show him my homeland, its culture, and, of course, teach him a bit of Danish.
I knew he’d struggle with the language — after all, people joke that Danish sounds like someone speaking with a potato in their throat. But the thought of hearing Pau trying to pronounce it made me giddy.
The first morning in Copenhagen, Pau and I walked through the cobbled streets of Nyhavn, the colorful buildings lining the canal making it feel like we were walking through a postcard.
Pau was holding my hand, his eyes wide as he took everything in. “This place is so pretty,” he said, glancing at the row of boats bobbing gently in the water.
I smiled, proud to share this part of my world with him. “Wait until you try the food,” I teased. “Danish pastries are nothing like the ones in Spain.”
He grinned. “I’ll be the judge of that.”
We found a cozy café with outdoor seating, and I insisted on ordering in Danish. Pau watched me with a curious expression, his head tilted as he tried to follow the conversation between me and the waiter.
“Can you say something to me in Danish?” he asked once the waiter left.
I thought for a moment, then grinned. “Okay, try this: ‘Jeg elsker dig.’”
Pau squinted at me. “Uh, what does that mean?”
“You’ll find out if you can say it right.”
He raised an eyebrow, accepting the challenge. “Okay… yay el…sker dig?” he attempted, butchering the words so badly I couldn’t help but laugh.
“No, no, no,” I said between giggles. “It’s ‘Jeg elsker dig.’” I repeated it slowly, exaggerating the pronunciation.
Pau’s face twisted in concentration as he tried again. “Yai… elska… dig?”
I burst out laughing. “Close enough! It means ‘I love you.’”
He smirked, leaning closer. “Well, then… Jeg elsker dig,” he said, this time with more confidence — though still sounding pretty off.
“Not bad, pretty boy, not bad.” I teased, patting his cheek.
After breakfast, we explored more of the city — the Little Mermaid statue, Amalienborg Palace, and of course, the famous Tivoli Gardens.
Pau was amazed by the history and charm of it all, though he kept attempting random Danish words and phrases, and each time he got them hilariously wrong.
In the evening, we headed to my parents’ house for dinner. My mom had made traditional Danish frikadeller, flødekartofller, with brunsviger for dessert. Pau was excited to try everything, but the moment he tasted the frikadeller, his eyes widened.
“This… is so good,” he said, shoving another bite into his mouth.
“I told you,” I said smugly, watching him devour the food.
My family couldn’t resist teaching him more Danish words throughout dinner, though Pau’s attempts had all of us in fits of laughter.
At one point, my dad tried to get him to say “rødgrød med fløde” — a classic Danish tongue twister — and the results were nothing short of comedic gold.
“Rr…rö…rød…what?” Pau’s face twisted as he tried to make sense of the sounds.
“Rødgrød med fløde,” my dad repeated, grinning.
Pau threw his hands up in defeat. “You’re all making this up! No way that’s a real word!”
We all laughed, but Pau was a great sport, his cheeks turning a little pink from the constant butchering of Danish. “You’ll get there,” I reassured him, squeezing his hand under the table. “Or… you know, just stick to Spanish.”
Later that night, after a long day of exploring and laughing, Pau and I strolled through the quiet streets of my childhood neighborhood.
The cool evening breeze carried the scent of the sea, and Pau wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer.
“You know, even if I can’t speak Danish properly,” he said, his voice soft, “I love everything you’ve shown me today. Your home, your culture, your family… it’s beautiful.”
I smiled up at him. “And you’re doing great, amor. Just… maybe leave ‘rødgrød med fløde’ out of your vocabulary for now.”
Pau chuckled, leaning down to press a soft kiss to my forehead. “Deal. But I think I’ll keep saying ‘Jeg elsker dig’ — even if it sounds terrible.”
I laughed, my heart swelling with warmth. “It doesn’t sound terrible. It sounds perfect coming from you.”
As we walked hand in hand through the Danish night, I couldn’t help but feel like this was the perfect trip.
Pau might never master Danish, but he didn’t need to — the way he embraced every moment, every laugh, and every bite of Danish food was more than enough.
And hearing him try, despite the language challenges, just made me fall for him even more.
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saintetheldreda · 4 months
one of the most fascinating things to me about supernatural is how the mistake that the show is remembered for and hammered for the most is how it handled destiel. which sounds like just one element of the show. i mean, the main plotline isnt about that, the show isnt about that. but no fan will tell you youre disproportionately upset when youre inconsolable about november 5th. and its because in a way it wasnt just an element of the show it was kind of the whole show. so many of the most famous moments of the show are the comedic ones, and the moments of self-parody, and the episodes that dont take themselves very seriously, that conjure new rules out of thin air so that they can make something totally awesome happen. and its like, actually, maybe this show was an average horror show and a camp masterpiece
i mean im being a bit hyperbolic in my phrasing there but im trying to make a point. take dean for instance. so few fans admire how strong and brave dean is in comparison to how many of us are in love with him for being an utterly failed attempt at masculinity, for trying so hard to be cool and always coming off awkward, i mean the show itself saw the most value in rock as something that is self-aware about how stupid it is - sam and dean singing badly to wanted dead or alive, dean blasting rock of ages to go into battle with two people who just think its so lame - and these are moments of unseriousness that are also SO serious, they are desperately needed sources of strength in these moments
and you start to feel like the masculinity that is supposedly bound to heterosexuality is just another idea that is so much stronger, more helpful, more useful and more meaningful when it is self-aware about the fact it is performance. dean can be masculine but there should be no rules about how he does that. it does not have to be defined by a boundary, with an other - men are allowed to do this, women are allowed to do that - it can contain its paradoxes within itself. without a boundary
and i guess in conclusion my point tl;dr is that the show was always being most true to itself when it loosened up and let itself be a space for experimentation and weirdness and performativity. and every time it pushed away the liberated, camp elements it was a little like dean not confessing back to cas. it affected the very direction of the show and steered it a little further away from the heart of where it should have been pointed to
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tame-a-messenger · 5 months
Ok I’m glad that we’re getting sword af again but I’m disappointed it’s audio only. Like is it bad that this announcement kinda ruined my day a bit? One of the things people like the most is seeing the cast interactions I mean a majority of the posts I’ve seen about sword af are about their interactions and reactions to things (and several posts about the seating arrangement for next season only to get no seating arrangement 😔). Also like I don’t really do podcasts. I can’t focus on audio only things for that long and (even though I’m definitely going to try to listen to season two) I don’t think I’m going to be able to listen to season two because I can’t focus that long when there’s no visuals. Everyone keeps saying budget is the reason for it to be only audio but smosh mouth and smosh Reddit stories are their podcasts but both of them have video too. Cut the video for smosh mouth if you have budget problems not the show where acting and reactions and interactions are so important. This is just going to hinder the sword af experience like I don’t understand why they did it?? I just can’t believe they delayed sword af season two for like 5 or 6 months only to make it audio only. I’m so sad that I’m probably not going to be able to enjoy season two as much because I’m not going to be able to get into it like I can when I can actually see everyone.
Also the wording really got me too like “rejoice!! 80% of what made sword af so good has been taken away!!! Hazzah!!!” Like wtf?! I keep seeing people saying we should be grateful we even get a season two and like yeah. I get that but also it’s going to be a completely different experience now and we have a right to be a little disappointed about that. Idk I’m just disappointed and a little upset but I’m going to give it a try and hopefully I’ll be able to enjoy it still
I’m happy it’s not dead in the water too, but at what cost?
Having it be audio only???? like how can you miss the point so badly?? 
I want to talk about the possible reasons they changed it to a podcast but I’m honestly too confused to even think of reason they would change it at all? Like it got similar views to most of the other content they put out at that time?? it wasn’t that different? And the community LOVED IT! 
“Everyone keeps saying budget is the reason for it to be only audio but smosh mouth and smosh Reddit stories are their podcasts but both of them have video too“
(maybe not so much Reddit Stories because they make bank $ off those videos) BUT SMOSH MOUTH?? Like we could have had at the very least 1 steady cam pointed at them (or if we want the very least- a recording of them in a zoom call (I’m assuming the reason it’s going to be audio only is because they’re filming sessions at home through zoom/discord??) I would literally take that over no visuals
They said S2 was dropping Dec 10 2023 (holy fuck I went to fact check and they removed the release date off the end of the video..)(I’m pretty sure it was supposed to be sometime in Dec) then they pushed it back with no new release date- THEN THEY TAKE BACK THE VISUAL ASPECTS????? WTF
Thanks guys, really, thanks....
“the wording really got me too like “rejoice!! 80% of what made sword af so good has been taken away!!! Hazzah!!!”
Actually had me seething. I can’t believe they phrased it that way. 
Don’t get me wrong. I love Sword AF. That’s exactly why I’m so pissed off about this whole debacle, they teased the FUCK out of S2 only to strip it down to the absolute bare bones. 
I just don’t understand why they would do this.
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ceilidho · 8 months
How did you learn how to write so good 😭 I so badly want to write fanfics and headcanons, but I always feel like at the end of them they’re terrible haha. Do you use any references or anything for your writing?
no lmao ive been writing since the 5th grade ahahah it's just practice. i probably have tens of thousands of hours of work under my belt tbh. also, you probably only think your fics and headcanons are terrible because they come from you and you're scrutinizing them too hard - your writing is probably not anywhere near as bad as you think. it's just very easy to be hard on yourself.
i mean i definitely do like "study" writing when im reading a book, like i learn new words that way, different expressions and phrases - i try to analyze how people write "twists" in a book or revelations to understand what makes it work and that sort of thing. but at this point, i don't really need references, i just have to think a bit about it and put in the work. but yeah, you are always learning! that's why it's still important to read a lot as a writer.
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 months
Hi Ari, I just sent an ask about being happy that you’re still valuing your love of MHA, but I think it might have been phrased pretty badly and I wanted to apologize because it made me sound like I was picking on people who didn’t like the ending. Which I promise wasn’t the case at all! I’ve just seen a lot of posts of people saying things like “no one hates this thing more than the fans” or “I love this thing but I’d never want anyone else to get into it” and it made me wish people were more open about joy and being “cringe” and loving things with their chests sometimes instead of feeling almost…idk, ashamed? If that makes sense? Even when those things disappoint us. I’m sorry if I upset you at all! I might not have and I might just be overthinking this lol, but my brain wouldn’t leave me alone until I sent another ask.
im answering this ask just bc u sent it after but i wasn't bothered for the first one at all!! i do get what you mean and i know you are not mal intended so its okay. despite how much it aggravates me at times ill always have a genuine and deep love for it. i sort of want to homer simpson style choke out hori rn but thats besides the point snjsdnfjk
i do get the other side of it though where something like this goes on and it just makes you as a fan feel really disconnected. i feel sympathy for that too for sure but i also get what u mean !!! it can feel disheartening in some sense. everyone deals w the grief of it differently
ive always felt that bnha was an extremely overhated series and always felt it had its merits regardless of how much i dunked on it. it was never a bad series and it has excellent character writing and very compelling relationships. there's some parts and some arcs i would never discount in it and even this dog water ending would not make me truly hate it.
if anything its my love for the series that is making me this critical of its end yk. i loved it so much that i wanted better for it in general.
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
with the historical figures, do you mean like genuinely trans men or just people who crossdressed for jobs and things of that ilk ( genuine question im sorry if it's phrased badly)
My point is in many, many cases, we have no way of knowing which one a given historical figure was! Most of them lived too long ago to have actually identified as trans men within their lifetime, and "they did not went their birth sex to be discovered because of their identity" and "they did not want their birth sex discovered because they feared having their life's work discredited" are both plausible. Would they still take on a male identity and try to pass as male that lived in a society that allowed women to pursue education and jobs and wear pants on a daily basis? We genuinely do not know and anyone pretending they know for sure in most cases is wrong.
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dyketubbo · 1 year
Holy shit thank you so much for your posts. It seems like tumblr is decades behind on its talks about feminism.
I see either:
- Basic feminism posts about the fundamentals of patriarchy and how men benefit from it getting bombarded by people saying the user is terfy (they have somehow never heard of men as a social class and think that every comment about men is bioessentialist)
- Posts with some of the most annoying rebranded notallmen stuff on the planet (I've seen a lot of posts saying women being wary of men is Bad because they're also oppressed! and there are Good Men out there!!)
- Actually extremely bigoted terf posts with some of the most unhinged pseudoscience stuff out there
It depresses me to such a huge extent! Why why why can't women actually call out misogyny? The focus on how white feminist women are bad genuinely reminds me of fucking gamergate. This isn't to say there is not a racism issue basically everywhere and also in feminism and its past and current history, but I always see that phrased used to dismiss women speaking out about misogyny and to coddle men right afterwards with stuff like "cis men we love you!!". Like please.
Sorry for the big rant internet stranger!
tumblr doesnt like feminism because it hasnt grown out of calling all feminists feminazis and its annoying as hell. ive had to explain to people that no, feminism isnt owned by terfs yes its about equality not about treating men as lesser and its fucking insane that people have let it get to the point where terfs have actually fucking managed to taint feminism in peoples minds. literally so many people have gone fucking backwards. even in queer spaces i cannot tell you how many fucking men can NOT go a single fucking second without talking about how actually its okay for them to treat women badly because theyre not attracted to them and seeing women make them dysphoric :((((
its sooooo fucked up. let women speak. hell not even just women just let feminists speak, in general! let the people who actually fucking understand the core points about treating people equally regardless of gender speak up. terfs and racists and bigots do not and should not have say about what counts as feminism because their idea of feminism is inherently inequal. i think honestly as stupid and corny as "what we all have in common is hating women" type statements can be it is very real that once you hate women, the more you disconnect yourself from women, from femininity, in order to hate them and look down upon them, you start fitting in. you start benefitting. (and of course theres nuance to this but its 12am and im not getting into all of that right now). and its not like i understand all the ins and outs, god no! im some 18 year old making feminist posts on my mcyt blog! but its incredible how many people just Miss the basics. completely. gnaws my arms about it
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blundergato · 3 months
spoilers for the acolyte, if you care about that sort of thing.
the acolyte hovers around being dull to relatively average until manny jacinto comes in and starts killing everyone.
im not really a big star wars person anymore, but the jedi have always been really corny and this show does a really good job in showing that.
although one thing that plagues both the jedi and the sith in this show is to constantly read out the most shallow of pseudo-philosophical phrases. it never sounds good and it always makes my eye twitch. i know this is what star wars thinks monks are like in real life, but geezus.
the fights are pretty good though, especially in the latter half. they are creative and have some fun use of weapons. the biggest issue with them is that they are shot in dark environments which just makes it more annoying to follow.
most of the characters, specifically on the jedi side, are completely unlikable losers. luckily most of them get murked, so i actually don't have to deal with them anymore, which is good.
amandla stenberg plays two twin sister characters, one good and one bad. their good twin character, osha, is the definition of lame. she feels like cyclops when cyclops is written badly. a total boring narc of a character. now the evil twin, mae, is WAY cooler, i think because the dark side is just written more fun and they actually do stuff, while the jedi just stand around uttering cornball philosophy and being cops.
manny jacinto is the true star when he finally appears, though im biased because he killed almost everyone i didn't like, which is awesome. he suffers from saying some of the most nonsensical philosophical lines though.
everything else is pretty meh. the character designs are pretty underwhelming for the most part. the amount of swipes they use for scene transitions is ridiculous.
i see that people are review bombing this show because its "woke" aka it has people of color, women and non-binary people in the leading roles, though im quite certain most people complaining about this show are not aware of that last point and are just angry because they are perceiving a black woman in a leading role.
i read some of their reviews, and they are pretty stupid. they are trying to argue in bad faith that this show is somehow ruining the sanctity of a series that has AT MOST 3.5 good movies out of 9 mainline films and a bunch of complete dogwater offshoot films. i see people now coming out to defend things that were previously hated, like midochlorians. people mad that the jedi are cop-like (they always have been). just a bunch of nonsense.
don't get me wrong, there is a lot wrong with the show. but these people are either not complaining about any of that or kind of just brush by those issues to complain about seeing black people. the show is so average, that i wonder why these people waste their energy to review bomb it, but i don't really wonder that because i know being bigots gives them the energy to waste time on nothing.
anyways, the acolyte? more like the wackolyte.
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potetosaradas · 10 months
You are so right about Prime wanting Rick's approval. We did see small glimpses of Prime's body hanging limply behind Rick when he exited but that still doesn't mean we won't see him again. I fully believe that we're gonna see him again no matter what, and if he did die then he's not going to stay dead for very long Everything they set up with them, the implications that were friends (lovers), there's so much about them that we don't know anything about and they're gonna address that eventually
I absolutely loved this episode because for the longest time I thought that the obsession was rather one sided. Rick chasing after Prime and trying to be like him (removing his own attachments and trying to become more detached i have thoughts about this btw) when i think about them, I think of the phrase ‘steel sharpens steel’, especially in precanon prickcest. I get the impression that Prime has always been a little bit better than Rick in terms of gadgetry, fighting etc and that Rick has always had to play catch up with him. I know i have my prickcest glasses on so hard right now, but i like to think that Rick pushed himself to be better in every way so that he could face Prime. No matter what, Prime has always been his driving force, in love and in hate. Just goes to show that he is, given that he was the last rick standing and the only rick to even make it out alive lol
But anyway, this episode showed me that the obsession goes BOTH ways and the fact that Prime in his own way, looks up to Rick is so Aaaaaaaaaaaaa to me hhhh the NEED to be better, the most rickest rick in the room… but that validation is nothing without lording it over Rick, and Rick has to know it too…
It seems too abrupt to have Prime go out like that, but also they did the same thing with evil morty, so at this point im not surprised about anything lmao, but i do think we are owed his backstory at least. I want the writers to drive the knife in lmao make me hurt, make me see the good times so i can cry over the bad hahah you gotta really love someone to hate them THAT badly.
I do hope we get to see him again though…
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Weird question and also no pressure to answer this at all!! But uhh i was wondering if like u and firesnap and all those ppl youve gone to lovejoy gigs were like irls or like... hm how do i phrase this
Ig what I'm trying to say is, how did you meetup safely with someone you met online?
Because I have someone I trust with my life, like I've literally given them . Probably too much information about me shfngkfk but the thought of meeting up with them, while i absolutely want to. So so badly. It's also... really scary now that im thinking about seriously?
Ive actually met up w someone online before and we did it super safely but that was bc they were already visiting close to where i lived so their plans didnt Rely on that. But this would be me flying to where they live, solely to meetup with them. And that thought is terrifying and . Yeah sorry if this is a weird ask shfkf i just thought that since youve (possibly?) done it before that it might be a good place to ask. But if this is like weird or too heavy or anything then uh dont answer!! Shfkgk help im so awkward at this and am maybe regretting this but im also literally not sure who else to ask so 😭😭
But also i recognize that ur literally just here for fic n stuff so i dont wanna put any pressure on u!!
Im so sorry if this made you uncomfy, pls just delete this from ur inbox if it did FHFJFK
this is a really good question, I don't mind answering it at all! I'd say when you're meeting up with an online friend irl, you have to consider specific details to figure out the safest way to go about it
firstly, if you're a minor you need to be extra cautious. this isn't to say you turn 18 and you're magically safe now, but as a minor you are much more likely to be targeted by creeps wanting to meet up with you irl.
when I've met internet friends irl, I've done it in a few different ways. by far the dumbest and riskiest way I ever met a friend that turned out fine but I look back at and cringe on was when I was 19 and I straight up just drove to a friend's house (she was 27 at the time for reference) when I found out she lived an hour away from me. I'd never met her in person before but we'd been talking for several months and I'd seen pictures of her, but just straight up going to a stranger's house was really stupid on my end. I sent the address to my mom before I left along with my friend's name and number so I took some precautions, but still that was very risky. it turned out totally fine and she's still a really close friend of mine to this day, but yeah uhh don't do that unless you're REALLY confident in whoever you're meeting up with
as for my more recent meetups, I met roxy eli and meri for the first time last year when we all agreed to go to twitchcon san diego together (though actually I'd met meri a month before bc they happened to be visiting a city close to me for a few days, so I drove over and picked them up at their airbnb and we got dinner it was very fun). for me I was the least at risk with twitchcon because I'm from southern california, so if things got weird I literally could've just driven home. it was more risky on roxy, eli, and meri's ends because they all had to fly out for the trip. it helped though that we were all staying at an airbnb instead of someone's house. we'd all seen plenty of pictures of each other at that point, and we were all in our 20s so I think that's why we all felt more comfortable with it as well, but no matter what meeting up with people you meet online carries a level of risk to it
firesnap was one of the least risky meetups I've done lol. she had an extra ticket to see lovejoy in NY, I already had been planning a trip to new york to visit a childhood friend of mine who lived there, so we just met up while I was over there. I stayed at my friend's place, firesnap had her own hotel, and we just met up at the lovejoy venue and hung out in the queue all day. that was easy because I had my own place I was staying at, firesnap her own place she was staying, we weren't relying on each other for any of that so if something had been weird we both would've been able to dip. so I was far less cautious with that one and didn't even see a picture of firesnap until literally the day before we met up
overall, I think if you want to fly out solely to meet a friend, you need to take a few steps to make sure you're safe. first off, see if you can do a video call with them at one point to confirm that your friend is really who they say they are. get their real name, phone number, and address and give it to someone you know so if things go wrong someone knows where you are. and when you fly out, make sure you have a backup plan to get out if things get weird. see if you have any family or friends you've already met in person that live nearby who can get you if things aren't feeling right, and if not, find a hotel near where your friend lives and make sure you have enough money to stay at it in case of an emergency. and if your phone has a tracking ability on it (like find my iphone) make sure someone you know has access to that. keep your irls updated on where you are and what you're doing, and if you're really paranoid, establish a safeword that you can text family or friends back home to let them know something has gone wrong and you need help.
I hope that helps! just take precautions and always make sure you have a way to get out if you need. communicate with people you know back home and have a plan in place with them so they can help you get out if you need. but I'm sure you'll have a good time. I've had a great time meeting up with online friends so I'm hoping you have the same luck!
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drdemonprince · 2 years
you say that and then say terms such as "adult sexuality" and "inappropriate adult emotional needs" but you want to get rid of the concept of "adulthood" entirely. you seem like you haven't really escaped that line of thinking entirely, which i can't really blame you for. I liked what you said about our shared responsibility, and it reminds me a lot about how women at any age above 18 are still given standards that re-create how they looked at a prepubescent age and that we should still feel responsible to point out the possible ulterior motives of that sorta push of "beauty" it's all extremely interesting what you're saying.
i'm not sure what this is in reference to but yeah i am an inhabitant of my current reality and time and life context and do show the signs of that by using words that refer to commonly held cultural concepts that are, admittedly, really full of holes, such as "adulthood" and "inappropriate" and stuff like that. i really dont aim for perfection especially with language but im happy to kinda probe the issues with these phrases because i agree with you philosophically about them not really making sense.
adult sexuality is for sure not a helpful framing, i cant remember where i said that but ill state on the record here that it isn't a term that really makes sense. people use "adult sexuality" or "healthy adult sexuality" the way they use "consensual" in phrases like "consensual non mongamy" is if to indicate that what they are referring to is the Cool Okay Kind, Dont Worry Guys, and it's all really unnecessary and it's also a handwave. like calling something adult or consensual doesnt ensure that it actually was okay or always is or whatever.
so like, i get your point. people not legally recognized as adults, who have no rights in our current society, also are sexual beings and while this is uncomfortable to grapple with and is used as an excuse to abuse children, i think denying that they are beings with attraction, libidos, questions, interests, sexual habits etc is to their detriment and is just factually incorrect.
inappropriate is trickier. i do think a lot of parents do place wrongheaded expectations onto their kids, emotionally speaking, and idk how to better refer to that other than like inappropriate, badly boundaried, emotionally immature (not my term, using that one because thats how lindsay gibson refers to it etc).
but like, yes, you are absolutely right that calling a thing inappropriate lacks specificity and confers a moral judgement, and when i say a phrase like that, im usually making a deliberate emotional appeal to the reader. when i openly call something inappropriate or wrong i'm implying that reader can see as easily as i can that an expectation was "wrong". im basically inviting them into my point of view about a subjective value judgement. and so to some degree the lack of objectivity in such statement is the point. if that makes sense.
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keeperofthebox · 1 year
ok second and bon voyage playlist lyric annotation post... let's go
we own the night - dance gavin dance
this post is probably gonna be EVEN LONGER also this song has yelling in it so if you look it up be warned. however i strongly recommend listening if you have any desire because the delivery of some of these lines is relevant 😭
also cw some of the lyrics have references to heavy drugs. uh this song is about heroin but we are drawing a comparison between being high and how chat noir feels when marinette/ladybug is affectionate toward him
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erm. idk if you noticed but bv adrien is a very very jealous little creature because his situation has him so insecure. but marinette is the one in the limelight right now, she's the one being targeted, she's at the center of all this so he wants to let go of all his own feelings and just be her bodyguard
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i think in chapter 1 i wrote a part (im too lazy to check) where adrien is thinking ilke "i literally do not care about my father or school or whatever i care about YOU you are what i need to protect"
so this makes me think of that
but it also just makes me think of the fact that he's slowly building up all this hurt inside from not being seen by marinette and it's killing him a little
she is his motivation but also the symbol of his desolation in the same way that "we own the night" is a happy and joyful and confident phrase but within the context of the song it takes on this desperate tone of clawing wildly for that to actually be true
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gotta go line by line for the chorus of this one
stomp that feeling: repressing his desire to be seen, he's only supposed to protect her, trying to convince himself that what she's giving him is enough
your puke is a mutant: seeing marinette/ladybug this sad is wrong and hurts him
can't think of who did this, well i grew stupid: his father is monarch and he never knew, his father literally tried to kill her
say accidents happen, (it's admirable/insufferable) acting: kind of the whole situation is the "accident", they're making do with what they have
marinette is the "it's admirable acting" interpretation of the line, she's trying her best to be paris's hero. i think this is the actual line? but i always hear it wrong and think he's saying "insufferable acting", which is more like chat noir's view of his own behavior, he's mood swinging like crazy and he feels so guilty about it
flicking the back of your ear with my finger: him vying for attention, trying to get her to look at him. him not being able to help but say things like "do you need a lap cat" and "i broke up with my girlfriend"
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separate is the way, though: he can't be anything but chat noir or else it will endanger more people, no matter how badly he wants to be "adrien" to her
second is the place though: again, he's no.2 in her heart as chat noir, adrien is her no.1
just fake it through the day and the night is your god: chat noir tries to keep up the facade that he's not hurting around marinette and tries so hard to not let his feelings affect his behavior. this is like him trying to convince himself to keep moving forward
see you in battle, your boat is my paddle: uhh they fight together HAHA and she is his reason to keep moving forward
your life is my business, your plaque on my wall: his INSISTENCE on protecting her and keeping her safe. DEVOTION. i think of his ladybug photos he kept in his trophy and the marinette lucky charm that he always kept on him (felix has that right now I wonder if that might have any relevance as to why everything sucks so hard for him atm *cough*)
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this whole part is spoilers lol remind me to come back to this after chapter 7 is out
those of you reading this far get to know the exclusive info that adrien is having a good time at that point in the story
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he just wants to be able to hold her and look at her and try to keep her safe from the supervillains trying to bully her and her loved ones but in their situation he views that as weakness because he's not supposed to Need anything right now
trying to remember what he's doing it for (her)
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i think of bv adrien and felix when i hear this part, there's a tone shift and musical... shift? idk technical terms, for this part because it's the bridge so it feels kind of like a topic change. and anyway felix is the one always fucking calling him HAHA but felix is the one back in paris actually with their friends that are being targeted by monarch. he's also the only one that HE knows, knows his situation (luka knows but adrien doesnt know that). so felix is like. the only person he can rely on for direct support. I promise that will happen in the fic it just hasnt yet LOL
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every time marinette/ladybug looks at chat noir in a "more than friends" way it gives him hope and makes him kind of manic/frenzied because it's what he's been silently and not-so-silently begging for this whole time
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the thrill is gone!!! he's sad all the time the vibe is so off!!!! but he's putting on a brave face. he's relying on impulsive jokes that slip out of his mouth to seem normal. he's trying to seem like he's not on the verge of Losing It Constantly from how badly he needs to be acknowledged!!! it takes so much distraction to be able to think about anything else and he's desperate for Relief!!!!
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he's suffocating under the weight of all this pressure and responsibility and duty........ the celebration thing relates to something directly but it's a spoiler. it seems like sometimes he can finally catch his breath but it doesnt last long because it's just a manic high from getting the dopamine hit he needs from marinette/ladybug it's not Actual contentedness or anything that resolves his insecurity. and then he's left just as sad and frustrated and stressed as he was before. and he hates how long its taking to beat monarch too!!!
HEH thanks for reading if you got this far <33
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afreakingdork · 2 years
HELLO YES IM SORRY I JUST HAD TO SCREAM AT YOU ABOUT YOUR OWN FIC AND HOW MUCH I LOVE IT please accept these deranged ramblings of an angst-addled mind
“They were worried about his wellbeing for whatever reason” - DONNIE. YOU DUM DUM. THEY LOVE YOU AND YOU LOCKED YOURSELF IN YOUR LAB FOR A WEEK >:c
Donnie reads like he’s so trapped and just trying to ignore it until it goes away :<  Ofc he’s gonna lash out when Leo backs him into a corner
Mikey and Raph are being oddly chill about it all though, are they trying to let Donnie sort through whatever he’s dealing with?  Casual brotherly support and this is probably not the first time they’ve seen Donnie behave like this, Leo just has that *Donnie Sense*  They just seem mostly concerned that he’s physically taking care of himself at the moment, which I know Donnie put on a facade but hhhhhhhhh 
Donatello “I’ll keep all my emotions right here, and then one day I’ll die” Hamato
I love how Donnie thinks he’s calculated out his family’s reactions to things and parsed out the appropriate resources in his mind, and then here comes Leo with a monkey wrench lol
The repetition…Leo…are you actually 12…
Leo: “Look, you know I hate pulling rank as leader-"
Raph and literally all of us: “You really don’t.”
I love how Leo’s trying to convince Donnie to talk to him well after he’s already smashed his grubby gumball hands over all his buttons.  And laughing when Donnie is clearly upset - unfortunately very on brand, lmao ;v; Did he realize just how hard he poked the bear I wonder
“Make me” I can hear him just spitting it out like venom, I got fuckin chills, you KNOW something’s about to give hehehehehe
Ooooh, has Donnie not reached breaking point in a long time? That mental armor can’t protect you from everything Dee.  That, and you’re really good at spinning yourself in circles. There it is, classic Donnie overthink.
Donnie: Go ask your lover!
Leo: lmao bro i have no game wym
Man Leo really fell for that punchline
Sorry fhkajdfsk
Donnie really used Emergency Exit with that shell drop move, Donatello has left the building
“Don’t think I’ve ever seen you turn your precious computers off!” - Leo, who has apparently never seen a horror movie
The whole fIGHT I CAN’T EVEN
IT WAS SO WELL WRITTEN OMG y’know how sometimes you read a thing and you’re like ‘i can’t visualize where in space these people’s bodies are’ yeah no, I didn’t get any of that this was so well done I LOVED IT
“We are INSIDE, young man!” - Nice last-ditch effort, bro
I also wonder what was going on in Donnie’s brain during this, but I get the feeling it would be like angry TV static
The voice crack…..Donnie honey im ;A;
Did Reader blanking out their phone screen hurt? Yes.  More than it should have? Probably.  I’m a sentimental baby buhuhuuuu…
Also SIX DAYS???? HAS LEO NOT APOLOGIZED TO READER???? IN SIX DAYS???  Or would it be three? STILL!!!
Lmao I just imagine Leo on the phone with that lovely *wind* sound in the receiver also WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LOST DONNIE WHY WOULD YOU PHRASE IT LIKE THAT LEO WTF MAN  I mean he’s potentially concussed tbh so I guess he gets a small pass XDDDDD
Leo, forever now: ‘Did we check???’
Also!  You got Splinter’s voice perfectly right (at least that’s my opinion) I love it you did so good <3  Also I’m with Splinter “Did you not think to ask love interest first!?”
“Come here often?” Boi i will smack you myself
My dear Author.  The WHOLE scene with Donnie.  Broke my damn heart.  Again.  You’re very good at that, you know?
Angsty boy sittin alone on a cliff, and being able to visualize how damn tired he is, no energy to react physically until he literally drags himself to his feet, I’M-
And Donnie, honey, you’re very smart but there you go again hypothesizing with not enough data,,,how many different theories have you crafted baby boy,,,
Sometimes u gotta jiggle the Donnie
And then break his brain a lil ;3
Ohhh and THEN THE REALIZATION SETTING IN i loved that SO much, just ‘dear god, what have I done’ which TO BE FAIR I’d have done the same thing if Leo had laughed in the face of my assumed heartbreak
And oof, He’s gonna need some Down Time to recover from this emotional whiplash.  Just needs a good Sit and maybe a lil Cry and maybe when he’s feeling less Raw all three of you need to actually fucking communicate I swear to Pizza Supreme-
Anyways, holy shit, I have some FEELINGS ABOUT THIS FIC
You are AMAZING and I CANNOT WAIT to see what you do next
Shade you absolute animal (/pos)! I cannot believe you wrote me a play by play. I adored every minute of it!
For Mikey and Raph playing it chill, I imagine the brothers all show their love in different ways. Leo might have waited in another instance, but in this one he has a personal connection and intel on what's going on that's driving him a bit nuts.
The "lmao bro i have no game wym" totally destroyed me, full on ugly cackling. That is actually how I intended that laugh to go over! He was thinking "YOU KNOW ME, YOU KNOW I'M SINGLE AS HELL BRO"
Otherwise, I'll keep chugging along and
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Thank YOU and YOU have a good night!
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