#im referring to storylines that back this idea up
narniangirl1994 · 1 year
While I think the 'thank you' and 'fuck you' speech Ted gave his mom worked in the context of their relationship - seeing as he was thanking her for the loving and supporting things she did over the years while expressing his hurt over the other ways in which she hurt him, I do NOT think it worked in the context of Jamie and his dad.
Jamie saying he'd want to say both fuck you and thank you to his own dad - likely because he believes his dad's abuse is what gave him the drive to succeed in football - might make sense for his character to feel, but should not have been backed up by the narrative like it was.
Between Ted's line last season about successful people often having dads who were hard on them and the bits in this episode of Jamie forgiving and reaching out to his dad, the narrative genuinely seems to be saying the abuse Jamie experienced helped make him the athlete he is today.
And that interpretation really bothers me. Especially because you see it in other shows and real life.
Just like the line "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger," a lot of people seem to think hardship and abuse makes people stronger/more motivated. But in reality, abuse tends to hinder people on their life journey - not the other way around - by making them more scared/anxious, doubtful, sad, blinded by anger, isolated, etc.
Take it from someone with perfectionism that stems in part from my own childhood experiences and anxiety, I think that has caused me more issues than it has helped me over the years. Even though I've always been decently 'successful' at certain things (ie: school, work), I really wonder if I could have actually accomplished more - or at least accomplished the same things without the extra struggles/stress - if I wasn't constantly worried about having to be perfect.
Jamie being a prick to his teammates (because he felt like he needed to be tough to get his dad off his back) was even shown to be detrimental to his team's success and his individual success as a player. And Jamie's fear over his father's presence and criticism both at Wembley and at the Manchester City stadiums were shown to make him more distracted and prone to errors.
It was once Jamie started working with his teammates, accepting guidance from others, and receiving their unconditional support, that he grew and improved as a player. Hence why this was the first year he made the national team. He's got plenty of talent and it's quite possible he would have had the drive, just from something else, if his dad didn't abuse him. I could easily see a desire to play alongside his hero (Roy) or make his hometown proud serving as helpful motivators for him growing up.
But even if Jamie WAS a worse player or never got this far without his dad's abuse motivating him...who cares? You can't tell me he wouldn't have been a much happier, healthier person without that abuse in his life. So the idea so many narratives and real life people push that there is a silver lining to abuse or that abuse is solely responsible for someone's success is a harmful one that seems to imply abuse is worth it in a way or that abuse victims should be grateful for the good that came out of it.
It's one thing to want to thank a complicated parent for the good that they did bring to your life even if they also brought some bad. But it's an entirely separate thing to thank a complicated parent specifically for the objectively terrible things they did to you, just because it may or may not (most likely did not) have the side effect of making you more successful.
I really wish writers would put a little more thought into narratives that would seem to support this idea. It just really takes away from so many other positive - or frankly more realistic - messages they could go with instead.
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applepixls · 3 months
i think something like season 8's moon big thing is going to happen again this season-
in several magical mountain people's recent episodes (i remember mumbo mentioning it a couple episodes back and grian as well? not sure who else) they've mentioned that something weird/something big feels like its happening in the world (grian even made a straight up moon big reference) but i think this time it's going to be something with the ocean
this kind of starts at the very beginning of the season and follows through. in grian's very first episode he calls magical mountain a volcano and that idea has followed through and now they're hollowing it out. in another episode when he gets flung up in the air he makes a moon big reference. soo early season ideas/references seem to be following through to now
in episode 2, grian gathers a crowd of people (gem, etho, impulse, skizz, ren, cleo, cub) and they all just chat and fish and make jokes about how the ocean can get you addicted to fishing and pretend the ocean is a higher being that will provide fishing rods to those it sees worthy (we also see it a bit in the end of grians episode 1) eventually leading to ren saying "i don't know why im doing this but i don't want to stop" and cleo agreeing. etho originally had also been skeptical but quickly got dragged into the shenanigans and very happy with getting lily pads for some reason? it's just a fun random interaction but some of those things can lead to lore.
etho also says in this interaction "dont drink the koolaid" because gem randomly suggests to all eat a pufferfish which i don't fully understand the phrase but it comes from a guy who made a cult and lured his followers out into a jungle (etho loves jungles) and because cults always have a like Date where they believe their higher power is coming to save them and commit mass suicide on that day, the guy made a lot of poisoned koolaid and everyone died. so cults
in gem's most recent episode (19) she builds an artists house and says the artist looks out on the water for inspiration but as a result has become quite paranoid.
in season 8 they have a cult of people not sleeping because they think the moon is a higher power come to save them or something and early season 10 was a cult of people fishing, not to mention that certain patterns seem to repeat every other season (season 7 and 9 were both really long, in season 9 people were nostalgic for season 7 and in season 8 people were nostalgic for season 6 and certain storylines that could have some parallels drawn not to mention that everyone compares season 7 and 9 for the length and says that they were incredibly long perhaps suggesting that this season might be a bit shorter? its also the fact that in season 7 and 9 everyone built Starter Bases and then moved out to larger bases but in season 8 and now season 10 they seem to have made starter homes and expanded on them while still living out of their day one builds)
basically, tldr: something big is happening and i think the oceans doing it
theres something in the water and its making the freaking frogs gay (its making the block people all do __punk or east asian vibe stuff and bureaucratic/public service-y)
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transhoverfish · 8 months
so a few days ago, krafton (their publisher), apparently had this like presentation of their plans over the next like 2 years. and during that they talked a bit about sub 3!
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and this obviously creates a LOT of questions. not to worry, though, because unknown worlds added on to this:
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im honestly not surprised by this. iirc, when below zero released they said it would be a WHILE before the next game, and they only announced this back in like... january? now, the first game's release was in january, and bz was in may, so it's definitely possible early access with be in spring of 2025. those games did not have multiplayer aspections tho! its possible we'll wait until mid 2025, and full release will likely not be until 2026. but who knows? the first game took like ten to be fully finished!!
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and honestly. THANK GOD. i can't imagine any subnautica game having BATTLE PASSES or LOOT BOXES. i would have just straight up ignored this game 😭
i do wonder what these updates will entail! "many years to come" is definitely something interesting to me, because other than bug fixes... i dont remember sub or bz getting many updates post full release. is this referring to bug fixes, or is it implying that it will be in a state of early access for much longer? are they going to just keep adding new things (like the building update for sub1) and taking fandom suggestions? very interested!!
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maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but i actually,,,, dont want multiplayer. now i do like bz, and these games arent really intended to be horror games, but also bz is very noticeablely less scary than sub1. and some of it i think definitely has to do with all the extra characters and dialogue. its hard to feel isolated when you know al-an and marg are nearby. so im very happy that it's optional, bc i know i will probably enjoy single player a lot more enjoyable!!
so now... SPECULATION.
so the first thing im curious about that the development team didnt mention:
"uncover the mysteries on an entirely new alien planet"
apprently we are NOT returning to 4546b. which im kind of sad about!! ik the story is very obviously done there, but it feels weird that its going to be some other planet this time around. THERE WONT BE PEEPERS!!!! (well there could be but it would be weird if some other random planet had the exact same lifeforms)
now my next immediate thought is: is this a direct continuation of below zero? my opinion is: no. probably not.
mostly because it mentions up to four players, and robin and alan are, if you look very closely, only two people. now they COULD just create two new characters to go alongside them (my fanfic brain loves the au idea of marg and ryley 🥺) but im just going to assume that with the addition of a new planet, we're going to drop the old storylines. which means no more degasi, sunbeam, aurora, or ayou sisters. we might move away from architects/precursors altogether! (my basis on this is absolutely nothing and i could be wrong, this is 100% just theorizing)
also, i imagine that it would be difficult to keep the plot the exact same with two established characters and then two new ones, depending on how this multiplayer aspect works. if its another crash, it would be a lot easier to just have the extra players die/survive, then try to work in a balancing act of one guy playing al-an.
(also i like keeping the ending of bz vauge. if they show up again, they would have to mention what happened to the rest of the architects, and i think it's much more fun if thats a mystery!)
((also also, im gonna drop a bomb on u all for a second. i actually,,, dont like al-an. i have a deeper connection to probably every single other character in bz. i think they really fumbled al's character and story and he is so incredibly bland to me. it feels like they go nowhere with how he was responsible for the kharra outbreak because the game ends immediately after he confesses! it would be nice to give him another chance, sure, but i personally dread the idea of even more al-an. sorry everyone for this horrible news))
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i hope they bring back some cut content creatures for this!! i noticed this new area looks VERY similar to the safe shallows, and several of the fish seem to be variations of ones we've already seen (im already seeing bladderfish and hoopfish color pallettes, and the shark resmbles some early concept art for the shadow leviathan, but with the ice worm's colors...)
will there be more land areas?? is it going to entirely underwater?? more kharra?? NO DISEASE AT ALL?? AAAAAA!!!!
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horrorscoupes · 1 year
im supposed to be writing a term paper rn but instead im gonna explain why regulus’ listener does not need a dedicated name because ive been pondering it for like. a year
cw: the usual dehumanizing/demeaning/manipulative/etc regulus shit 👍
the biggest and most overarching theme of regulus’ storyline is and always has been a comparison of love and obsession/possessiveness, especially now that we’ve gotten some extra info on the guy they were seeing before regulus came back from the slammer. obviously there is something so incredibly wrong with him- both because he’s Like That but also because in a patreon stream erik said smth to the effect of “oh just wait until you see how he ended up like that” which to me means that something either deeply traumatizing or catastrophic led to regulus being the mangy beast he is today. <- this is supported (in my opinion) by how rampantly insecure he is shown throughout all of his videos, most noticeably in the beginning when he’s vulnerable about how he’s been lonely too (“I don’t want you to be nervous when you’re with me. I want you to feel safe. At home. Because that’s how you make me feel. You make me feel so warm inside. It’s been a very long time since I felt that way.” [Yandere Invisible Man Makes You His Forever (11:10)]). that quote among many others lends to the theory and idea that something happened to him/one of his charges/etc that irreparably affected his ability to maintain healthy boundaries. all of that is obvious tho.
i think that regulus choosing his listener as his charge (as opposed to being assigned to them as ive seen some people on here say)(“I believe they were not his official charge, but he has now kind of taken them on as an unofficial one… …They were not his-- they were never an official charge of his, but, y’know they are… He would now consider them a charge. I don’t know that they would agree.” Working on the Train Model and Hanging Out (2:34:00)) was very deliberate, since it’s very clear that for as long as he was in their house the first time, no one was overwhelmingly worried about their absence from the outside world. that isn’t to say that no one was worried at all, we still don't know how he got caught, but it’s obvious that his preying on them had to do with their predisposed social isolation. this is clear to me because he watched them for a great deal of time before he ever intervened. 
before i get to the main point i also want to chime in on the ever present discourse of how he managed not to starve to death. in my opinion, there are two equally likely scenarios for his first stint with them, with one being far more likely for the second stint. his listener had close to no mental strength before him, and certainly did have much during his stay with them, so there’s no particular evidence that could prove he Never Ever put them to sleep (or just left them magically paralyzed) and left to filter feed out in the real world for a bit. i don’t know how likely that is after he got out of prison, but i don’t think it’s entirely out of the question. the second, probably more likely, possibility is that after days/weeks/months of nonstop love-bombing, physical affection, and manipulating regulus’ listener Did enjoy being with him. not in a conscious or happy sort of way, but by way of their body and brain reacting positively to his presence. when you don’t have anyone else, even an abuser can be a point of relief.
FINALLY onto the topic that i started word-vomiting over in the first place. i think that the most articulate and correct way to refer to them is as “regulus’ listener” for one very specific reason. i think that they are purposefully nameless. he doesnt call them by petnames or by their actual name because they don’t need it. they are not a person to him, they are a possession. he wrote over their memories of their boyfriend, wiping away the way him calling them “sweetie” made them feel, because he will never call them that in any kind way. 
his most recent video gave A LOT of context to their living arrangement and the way that he controls them on a day-to-day basis (as all of my friends have suffered through hearing about lol). and i think that the context we learned is really important when set against all of the other manipulatorcore characters we get to see on there. it seems very vital that his listener has no name and no identity, but he still requests their permission to “help” them (“I can rework these memories. I can make them feel better than you could ever imagine. Mine. I can help. I can fix this. Can I help? Will you let me help? Please let me help.” Possessive Yandere Demon Rewrites Your Memories (4:03)). in doing this he offers them autonomy that he has no obligation to give, but he still won’t give them a name. because, as he calls them 52 times in that one video, the only thing they will ever be to him is “Mine.” 
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typellblog · 5 months
people like to say that Marvel blew it with the MCU because after Endgame people were not interested in more MCU content and that seems almost exactly backwards to me
people loved Infinity War and Endgame, they were so ready for more content
it seems to me that Marvel were simply not prepared to produce it
we saw other studios looking at Marvel's overarching storyline, realise it was part of the key to their success, and attempt to replicate it in disastrously rushed ways
but once Marvel finished their overarching storyline they were put in the exact same position as these other studios, and seemed unable to adapt to the circumstances either. people were ready for more Marvel movies. they were not ready for them to kind of suck
something i think about a lot is that Endgame was not written at the same time as Infinity War. they just killed off half their cast. with no idea how to follow it up. like, obviously they knew they were gonna bring them back somehow but the time travel was so obviously invented on the spot for this specific purpose. its kind of a passe criticism at this point but if you can call anything killing off characters for shock value it's definitely this
having an interconnected cinematic universe is a rarity and became a genuine selling point for the MCU but that doesn't mean they're like. good at it. they kinda bumbled their way into it. fundamentally i don't think the incentives of the studio align with good storytelling
each movie has to be created and marketed as a separate project created according to a generic plot formula, they have no fundamental sense of connection to one another because they're basically just stapled together with references and cameos and post-credits scenes, nobody has the power to bring the worldbuilding between these massive projects into harmony or create multi-movie character arcs that dont get ruined by the next director (see the star wars sequels for another example of this dynamic)
the movies don't all completely suck but they do feel hollow. and not just because they're slop, im hardly above slop, its just that they have such a strong sense of apathy towards the grand project they're supposedly contributing to. ive yet to see one that makes me go hell yeah i love the Marvel Universe ™
and unless the movies are consistently great thats not exactly going to inspire people to keep watching The Franchise
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tetrafy · 1 year
Rant/ Spoilers for Pokémon SV DLC: The Teal Mask!! I’ll also add a Sona drawing of my Legends AU and the Paldea one below! I know the style is different. This is my inconsistent style arc LMAO 🫶
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Just quick description of why I have 2 Sona Designs! So the first one is the one everyone has seen on this account which is the one that Simps for Adaman and gets taken to Hisui. The other, is the Paldea/Present Storyline (and she simps for Perrin). They both have almost the same backstory (with some minor timeline changes) but one progresses like normal in life while the other gets stuck in the past in the end.
I drew my Typhlosion that way because I thought it would be a cool idea for it to evolve in Sinnoh/ The Distortion World as my Sona somewhat takes over the role of Dawn/Lucas for the Platnuim storyline! And since Hisui and Sinnoh are the same and the Dex entry for Hisuian Typhlosion is:
“…I believe its form has been influenced by the energy of the sacred mountain towering at Hisui’s center.”
And would you look at that? The sacred mountain is Mt. coronet
So since Sinnoh is the Hisui region, it could be cool that the distortion world caused the a mutation of its dormant Hisuian genes to influence its Johtoian/modern day evolution.
- In the distortion world, time doesn’t flow properly and or it doesn’t follow the laws of physics so that could also be a cool loop hole. I get that it wouldn’t make sense for a Pokémon to evolve if time doesn’t flow, but in game, an eevee could still evolve into an umbreon or espeon so I’ll take it LMAO
So it can learn Inferno Parade and some Ghost type moves and it’s Tera Type is Ghost, hehe!
Anyways I’m rambling so move on!
Okay, so all of you know that I’m a fan of Legends Arceus so you can tell that I’m just going to mainly gush over the Perrin Storyline. I think that’s pretty much a given but just know its just me giving a play by play and my reactions so this might not be interesting!
Spoilers, officially starts here!
Okay so seeing Perrin for the first time in game, I literally screamed. Like hello?? You can’t blame me like seriously. She’s kinda my way for coping with the lack of Adaman content and Legends Content but she’s also so prettyyyyyy. So when Kieran literally started saying like, “I’ll meet you there” to progress the main story, I ran up to her trying to progress her story first before anything.
God, they did her justice when they translated her from the official art to the game! I wish to see Adaman in SV rendering style gahhh!!
- I do wish they explained why Hisuian Pokémon are around and not extinct, but that might just be like, “some were bred out of existence”, “they’re rare”, or something of the sort. Either way, due to them bringing back Hisuian Pokémon, im sure they’re might be an explanation in the future!
- I do also wish she explained why she had a Hisuian Growlith in the first place, or our player character mentions “what Pokémon is that?” Or something cause I would assume that Hisuian Variants are rare. Then again, it could be a thing that they talked about them in class. After all, Professor Laventon was on screen in Raifort’s Board
- But Perrin having Growlith just could be a hint that Adaman and Irida got together because she does give you her second Growlith at the end of her story. You know, cause one of the Pearl Clan’s nobles being Arcanine and the whole Colbat Coastline story in Arceus.
- It could mean Adaman and Irida got together, Their clans Merged and or disbanded, or it could literally just be a reference that pokemon did and I’m reading too much into it LMAO
Anyways! As someone who doesn’t do the Dex in Pokémon games, you can imagine me when I heard Perrin mention the requirement of 150 Pokémon for the Kitakami dex. I got like weird Legends Deja-vu and started “sobbing” to my friend, @deflatedrock, over the fact that I have to do the Dex for DLC.
- Also got Deja-vu over the fact that she called me “Kiddo” (yes, I was a Sans simp in my early days…)
- As someone who is not a minor I was like “Perrin please!! I’m not a kid!!” But yes, i understand that the protags in these games are all kids HAHA
- I just imagine my Sona (on the right) just trying to say how she’s not a kid with slight annoyance and embarrassment.
But Did I do it? Yes I got 150 Pokémon under 24 hours, what of it? And that was also including the story and the fact that was under leveled at the beginning of it LMAO
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Imagine me screaming when the cutscene of her starts when she challenges me. I love the smile she has and it makes me wish that the switch was a more powerful console! Also Leafeon being her Second pokemon absolutely made me smile and it was super adorable the fact that she was taking pictures of us whenever she battled! Like :((((((((
The story starts after I beat her and she accepts me on taking on the job of helping snap a picture of a hard to find pokemon. I absolutely, am giggling over the “Partner” title I received from her. I was over the moon, on cloud nine LMAO !!
If you saw the direct/played the game, she wants to take a picture of Ursaluna with a unique marking on it’s head and the vague Hisui mentions throughout the story absolutely made me lose my shit. Small bits and pieces that Ursalunas used to be common back in the day or how mentions about her homeland.
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Small mentions of Hisui/ Legends make me think of a high possibility of another Legends game could be in the future.
- I am hoping Johto but I do say it would be reasonable for it to be Unova or Kalos. But main reason I want it to be Johto is due to me never playing BW/BW2 or XY. I do plan to play them but the Grind for Unova is rough since DS game and XY i havent gotten the motivation to buy it and play it on 3DS (i know excuses HAHA)
- But I do hope that every region eventually gets its own Legends remake but with actual effort put into it like how Legends did. Legends with it’s music that is a call back to the Diamond, Pearl and Platinum games and a unique take on a pokemon game with Dex being the main priority rather than battles made it that much enjoyable. I do wish they didn’t put out BDSP and focused more time into Legends rather than releasing both.
- obviously not every region needs it, but I would be cool to live through the war or something that was mentioned in Kalos, or live through the events during the Sprout Tower. (I don’t know anything about Unova but *insert something a Unova fan wants from a Unova Legends game*)
But Im rambling so let us continue!
We make our way to the Timeless Woods, the location where the Ursaluna is often spotted and at the time, I didn’t really think much of it. I just thought, “Oh cute! ‘Timeless’ because this story is Hisui coded with Perrin and Ursaluna!”
But love the cute interaction moments:
- Whenever Perrin spoke to the polliwhirl and just calling it a “cutie pie” and speaking to it like anyone would do with their pet. Should’ve been me.
- Her getting embarrassed that the player might’ve tuned in with her pet names to the wild pokemon
- The fact that we saved her from a wild pokemon that came out of nowhere
- The cute camp setup! I will eventually draw her and my Sona sleeping in the tent together as we wait for the fog
- or just any time she would take a photo of us and calling us heroic and such
But before anything Ursaluna related, we must survey the area to see the different species living here. So I go up to her and click “A” to progress the story and we wait for the fog to come in at night…
I didn’t expect much going into it. Literally just thought, Pokémon snap but in SV. Once the survey starts and we officially load in im standing in the woods. The first note plays in the background and I am stunned. My eyes start to well up as the music continues. Heartwoods plays in the background and I had to put down my switch for a moment. I let out an excited squeal as I couldn’t help but just say “oh my god, stop…” with a chuckle. I sat there on my bed just listening to it and letting everything sink in. I couldn’t help but imagine the idea of my Sona possibly getting Deja-vu or her tearing up alongside me.
I stayed in the woods longer than I should have. Taking my sweet time snapping photos of the Pokémon in the area, even though it won’t even matter how good they were as long as the Pokémon were recognizable. I realized I never even screen-recorded anything during this part of the game. I was too immersed to even remember to do that. Perhaps it’s a biased towards Legends but this by far was one of my favorite DLC storylines in a Pokémon game at this point.
But of course, I wanted to progress in the story so I took the photo of the Duskull, completing the side quest. I was absolutely smiling and tearing up over this and my brain making the connection “Eterna” and “Timeless”, the names of the two areas that had this song placed in. Man, this just made me so happy.
Progressing, we learn about Perrin’s creativity problems with her being a burnt out prodigy and all. Focusing on how others want it and how she could get the most points from judges rather than what she thinks looks good.
Telling her that we take photos how we want the Pokémon to turn out makes her think and gets back into her usual mood.
- Her arc in this is great. It’s relatable and I think expands her character her more. I was afraid that she would be just a pretty face that Pokemon won’t do much with other than take photos and be a Legends homage.
We eventually hear stomping off in the Distance that interrupts the moment. We come to the conclusion that it is the Blood-moon Beast and head towards said direction and can I say, THIS GUY LOOKS FUCKING SICK!!
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First off I love the fact that it looks like a very old Ursaluna as that as lived through the years and seen the world change along side it. The fact that is stands on 2 rather than 4 legs, the Fur being more Ursaring colored and whatever the gray stuff is growing around it? Perhaps more gray fur to represent it’a age?
I just absolutely love how it looks, I was expecting a regular Ursaluna with a red moon instead of the yellow one it has but this absolutely blew me away. It reminds me of the Crystal Onix that was in the anime! A cool super rare variant that looks like that due to the conditions it was in.
- Don’t count this Ursaluna as a regional variant until it’s confirmed that it is.
I also noticed how it didn’t seem to attack either of us until Perrin accidentally snapped a photo with auto flash. It more or less attacked us by us startling it than Anything.
Like gahhhh!! Like there’s no such thing as a Alpha Pokémon in Present day Pokémon but using the alpha theme to express the tension and idea that this is no ordinary Ursaluna is so good !!
And when you get into the battle with it- LIKE OMG!! The Wild Pokémon battle music used for this just made me scream. And it’s blood moon move One-shorting some of my Pokémon, I was terrified of losing LMAO
- I loved the occasional times that Perrin motives you and cheers you on, I just enjoy the small cutscenes that’s main/ significant characters do that!
But we catch the Ursaluna and the main story part ends. I do enjoy the cute mentions of her taking photos of us while we battled and how they’re her favorite. She wants me fr fr.
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She talks about needing to develop them right away and tells us a family saying and We eventually decided to meet back at Mossui.
Again, the call backs/references to Adaman and her being a descendant of the Diamond Clan is just so good! As you can assume, I was just screaming like “Adaman Reference!” And bouncing off the walls. I was at an all time high at this point.
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As an Adaman and Legends fan, I was being fed!! With these small details. She also mentioned her dad and how he used the Shaymin Tent but im not sure if we’ll ever see her father. And if he were to be shown, don’t be surprised if I start simping for him too.
- Also can we mention the pose she does whenever she is idol sometimes? The fact that she puts her hand in her pockets like Adaman? Like I can’t be reading too much into it, that’s clearly a Adaman reference, right? IDK IM HAPPY ABOUT THIS
But the rest of the dialogue is her completing her arc of taking photos of how she wants it and now focusing on perfection and the photography standards. I also think it’s cute that she didn’t know the player’s name until now and does a endearing reintroduction with pride. She then gives you a Hisuian Growlith that enjoys battling and talks about how Growliths “like these” tend to come in pairs but even when separated they’re paths will surely cross again. She just confessed to me guys, don’t worry you’re all invited to our wedding, not delusional I swear.
-but guess the Growliths are still around but not often seen based on how she’s referring to them idk
But she leaves and that’s pretty much the end of the story! I do hope we see her again in either a different title or in the next wave but I don’t see her being in the next one. If I remember correctly, it will take place in Blueberry Academy and it’s in the middle of the ocean or something LMAO
Okay but overall: 10/10 experience for the Perrin Storyline!
I am super easy to please but I think it’s such a good story! Did wish it was longer or we had the opportunity to have her stay and have her have like a few more small quests/surveys like that are photo related after the main story? Kinda like how Mai was where you just had to catch Pokémon during the Massive Mass Outbreaks DLC.
My brain is starting to power down but I do wish for Pokémon to do more stories where you get cool unique Pokémon variants that are not shown. Again I hope it’s not a region variant for Ursaluna cause that would make it a whole lot cooler. He’s definitely going on my team.
Im very satisfied with the DLC and i hope we can get more Legends Content in the future. RIP Ingo, Unova Legends could be a good way to some how bring him back is all I’m saying *wink wink nudge nudge*
If you made it this far, thanks! You should comment your thoughts just saying if not then that’s cool too I’m just here to let me brainrot juices out!
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inexplicablymine · 1 year
IM ATTACKING YOU RIGHT BACK 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️ how did you get into fandom/writing fic and how do you come up with inspiration for fic ideas? is there a specific place or time of day that strikes you?
Ahem… BUCKLE IN FOLKS this is a long af answer but I have the time. So sit down with your popcorn. Lola this all your fault 🥰
How did you get into fandom: I have (brace yourselves) read in fandom for over 15 years before participating in any way shape or form outside of just enjoying it from the comfort of my screen. I read or watched something many moons ago and said I want more and tada I was initiated. But I stuck around for so long because of the sheer creativity, and talent, and ingenuity of people globally to come together and say “we want more and if you won’t give us more we will do it ourselves.”
I was that reader that lurked with guest kudos and left random inane comments from accounts you could never trace back to one place. When I mean read I mean… if I did have an AO3 account or an ffnet account during that period of time, the sheer number of works in the history would be of concern to everyone.
How did you get into writing fic: As for writing in general, I have a stack of journals I’ve kept since middle school, and an itch in my fingers that feels like I am broken if I am not writing. From the minute I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up “author” was the answer and it’s always sat at the back of my subconscious like one of those rocks in the bottom of your shoe. There are too many stories rattling around in my head that want to get out, but I took a break for 8 years of writing anything except my journal entries because the world can be a cruel place.
I started writing again just this year in June, and it was really a case of “write the things you want to see in the world,” + it’s time to get back on the horse + the thirst to participate more than just sit on the outside peering in at the inside jokes of chapter end notes and tumblr links I never clicked on. I joined a single discord, had a breakdown, and bon appetite here we are 3 months later with an actual AO3 account, a Tumblr, and a WIP list that is at least 15 works long 4 of which are 25+ chapter outlines.
(This truly was fueled by an idea I had this March for a RWRB full length mystery novel law-case thriller that I could NOT get out of my head, it now has 37 chapters outlined and is getting written this fall/winter to be posted next year)
Where does your inspiration come from: My inspiration comes from everything everywhere all at once. (Not meant to be a reference but it was too good not to use). A not so succinct list of places I’ve found inspiration:
the truth is stranger than fiction: my first day post for FirstPrince week is a “there was only one tent” situation that actually happened on a camping trip this summer. I screamed internally the entire time it was going down.
Songs: I could never write while listening to music except I absolutely will imagine storylines from it. The song Delilah by Mikolas Josef and Mark Neve is going to produce a smutty RWRB one shot of a ski weekend hookup
Co-Authoring: I am currently working on two different co-authored fics. One with @celaestis1 that was just us lovingly yelling at eachother in the DM’s until an outline was made and now every chapter we write makes me more and more giddy. The other is a RWRB x PJO au with @read-and-write- and @userd0esn0texist that is genuinely the most ridiculous fun I have ever had plotting. There is a full blown super six prophecy y’all are not ready.
Prompts: my first two works ever (ever!) were based off of the same prompt for a gift fic exchange. “Don’t look at me I thought we were getting ice cream” (you can read the results of that prompt here or here) I’m participating in @thebrownstone FirstPrince Week which has 7 prompts and @halloweenhuh with two different prompts as well. Sometimes it’s the best way to get the juices flowing.
Asking for it: if someone asks “hey is there a fic that does this” and I haven’t found it, it is really easy to think “hmmm but maybe I could write it” and then the dominos fall and I’m stuck with a problem of my own creation
Fulfilling a need or gap in the fandom: honestly, my current WIP I’m posting is an Ace!Alex fic because well… we need more ace fic in general, but also more ace fic that is happy, and positive, and loving. I love a good whump fic as much as the next person, but sometimes you just need some serious fluff. (Also my first two fics are Demi!Alex so maybe I have just stumbled into this on accident though many of my upcoming fics differ from this pattern)
I want it I got it: truly most of my WIP’s started from a “wouldn’t it be funny” idea that then morphed very quickly into an out of control spiral in my notes app.
Betas: the backbone of fandom and honestly the people who help me take incoherent ramblings and make them something readable. So many amazing ideas come from betas leaving comments in my gdocs and for that I am forever thankful
Is there a specific place or time of day that strikes you?: HA I uhhhhhh will wake up in a cold sweat at 4:37 in the morning with a fic idea, I’ll come up with one walking to work, I’ll get an idea standing in like for groceries. Genuinely my notes app is always open. All of the random ideas I get from a line, to a more fleshed out plot idea go into a note or the matching doc called “table scraps” and then if they evolve from there they get their own note or document for them.
First 🧚🧚 Nice Ask Day 🧚🧚 answer and I can’t wait to ask/answer more
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patrickerville · 1 year
Not sure if you're still answering asks about s11, but I just finished the series and it is such a beautiful work of art thats going to stay with me for a long time, thank you. I wanted to ask, im a big trekkie and I adored the little references. Near the end of episode 4 Kirsten is watching an episode from the original series that i recognized immediately and it blew my mind a bit at how deeply the episodes felt connected. Not just the audio clip played that references a synthetic flu or a similar troop of traveling Shakespeare performers, but the idea of this young person that is desperately trying to free her father from the burden of his past by any means necessary. What was the thought process behind referencing star trek and that episode specifically? I loved it so much
We had the good fortune to be making the show for Paramount, and therefore we always had access to those rights, so I knew while writing that a few references were probably going to come in handy.
Initially, when we worked in the Episode 6 script, there was a storyline about Kidsten’s time alone, in the year between separating from Jeevan and finding the the troupe. In that storyline, I had Young Kirsten doing a “Captain’s log” type thing in her head, but counting time in terms of the number of days it had been since the flu.
Because of that, I thought it would be good to see Kirsten watching Star Trek SOMEWHERE before that moment. We had already shot 107 and there weren’t a ton of opportunities there, so one reason we got the tv operational in 109 is so we could glimpse Kirsten watching an episode of Trek at the cabin. The moment turned out to be in the days she was alone, and ultimately grafted into the end of 104.
Once I knew she’d be watching Trek while waiting for Jeevan to come back, just before running outside and finding only the book, it came down to picking the specific episode. And that part was easy, given all the themes happening in the show.
Then, as these things happen, some money choices forced us to drop the entire 106 “Young Kirsten Alone” story. I had come to understand (by then) that we’d be okay without this stuff— for some reason in S11, just seeing the end moment (Kirsten walking off alone) and the beginning moment (The Conductor finding Kirsten) was usually enough to imply the lacuna… in this case, the horrifying story of Kirsten’s feral years.
But shooting 105 and 108 had helped me see that people could make the story leap me on their own if they saw the Point of Origin (the airport) and the Endpoint (the Y20 airport).
I maintain, despite the loss of the cool 106 young Kirsten story, that it really helps ground the graphic novel as a legitimate Sci-fi story when you know Kirsten also liked Trek. I’m personally a huge trek fan, and its “optimistic future” felt very much like the spirit of the show.
The only vestige you see of Kirsten’s internal “Captain’s log” is in 102, when she tells The Conductor that Dr. Eleven can’t feel time, and refers to Frank as her brother. This is the end of a mad conflation, in Kirsten’s head, of the graphic novel and her experiences in the wild.
The real loss of that story, I think, was that it served to show that Kirsten basically WAS a member of The Undersea before Tyler had created the cult— she, like all those kids she meets in 106, was living in a space where she couldn’t distinguish between reality and story, and also believed that all adults were deceitful and insane— all were Lonegans.
I think one thing Adult Kirsten is dealing with in the show, which is only in the subtext, is that she’s grown up now and she’s an adult… and she doesn’t trust adults. I think it would have helped Tyler’s story and helped us to understand why Kirsten related to Tyler to see that whole thing play out, but 🤷‍♂️. Sometimes you can’t shoot everything.
Long answer! Hope that helps.
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quillkiller · 3 months
Okay wait i NEED to hear ur regulily. Sapphic or not idc omg
good morning im so hungover and on the metro. lets do this…..
i have a tag /lesbian regulus agenda & another tag which is just /regulily <3
and! i don’t really have an au or storyline for them?? it’s all about vibes for me as of yet… and something i think about A Lot is lias @themuseoftheviolets tattoo parlor au. please ask him about it its SO good. lesbian regulily is one of my favorite ships.. something so yummy about menacing nonbinary he/him dyke reg who only dresses in hoodies and his giant of a mountain of a girlfriend lily.. salivating..
as a lot of you probably know if you’ve followed me for a while, i don’t like the remus/lily frienrship hc. i like them as friendly, but i am not a remus and lily bff truther. i think lily has earned the right to swear off male relationships entirely(friendship, romantically, sexually) after shes had to deal with both severus and james. which she always does to me !!
lily is 6ft or taller and reg is 5’6 or 5’7. reg takes one look at lily and he’s soooooo gone. the way he has to tilt his head up ???? and her being SO tall. he wants to climb her like a mountain. he can barely look away. like if you look closely there are literal hearts in his eyes. hes being absolutely pathetic with it. trying to be near her all the time but not really talking because he gets soooooo nervous. no one has ever wanted someone as badly as reg wants 6ft tall lily evans. reg is fighting the urge to like literally bend the knee and swear his undying love for the rest of time
lily is a little on the fence about reg at first, but mainly because hes sirius’ sibling and lily has worked hard to distance herself from the marauders. but she’s slowly growing intrigued with reg too and how hes nothing like his brother. regs pathetic loser aura has captivated her body and soul. she notices how he looks at her she’s blushing a little. so they’re taking small steps to becoming closer. mostly lily because she doesn’t beat around the bush and reg is flushing…. wide eyes and melting
whenever i think about regulily they’re almost always artists of some kind ? and that’s sort of what connects them. i love the idea or artist reg and his muse lily. i love sculpture artist lily and a whole ghost scene between her and reg. i love them going to museums and talking about the paintings. i love them fucking nasty in the musem bathroom
they’re both unbelievably pretentious to me. very much giving the vibe of only listening to Real music, refusing blockbusters, having deep and serious discussions, etc. and they’re soooooo annoying. hottest couple at university though :/ they’ve both earned the right to be absolutely insufferable.
they’re always touching once they’re together. mostly its tall lily and her arm around regulus. it makes reg absolutely fucking insane. he feels soooooo safe and protected and loved. and lily ALWAYS has a hand on her. reg plays with lilys hair a lot. they share clothes a lot despite not at all being the same size whatsoever.
they absolutely refer to their sex life as ’making love’. its a whole thing for them. they will plan ahead almost. like they’ll spend an entire night fucking and discovering and playing with kinks and what not.
they get high together a lot which only makes them more pretentious and insufferable. their friends almost dont want to get high with them because theyre soooooo annoying
they lowkey live together from their first date and then on. reg just sort of never leaves lilys place again after they go back to her place after their first date. uhaul lesbian realness who don’t know how to take things slow
some thoughts on regulily!!!
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troythings · 6 months
rating donna troy costumes part 3
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oh god. what the fuck man. i have so many opinions about this damn costume. i should not have so many fkin opinions about this ONE costume. gahhhhhh.
it works for that specific version of donna and her origin. an aggressive, more conservative take on diana’s armor. the shoulderguards give off this cool militaristic silhouette, and the belt buckle kinda reinforces that by looking a bit like the one in a service uniform. also personally, the combination of the W logo coupled with the winged shoulderguards, call me crazy but that looks like donna’s belt logo got incorporated. that’s my crazy
it’s also fking impractical. like i think, besides the silver eagle armor its the most impractical armor on this list. the titans hunt#3 cover (left) fixes this by simplifying it and removing the cape. make the shoulderguards smaller and more ‘sculpted’ along the shoulders and it works. also get it a better palette.
i actually liked the composition of this costume when i first saw it, which is bc sonia oback did good job making a cohesive palette. front bodice and the harness buckles were red. side bodice, battleskirt and the upper side of the boots were brown. silver (crest, boot decorations) and gold (studs, shoulderguards belt buckle etc) were used appropriately. leggings and cape were black. there were flaws. but the color continuity worked.
so this starts to fall apart when the artists get inconsistent. finch doesn’t draw it as detailed as it was in the debut issue. the war torn arc had colorists with WILDLY different ideas on coloring the armor. the one in the middle (brad anderson) is all over the place. like holy god. there’s no organized palette or any contrast to diana’s. i also hate the way they colored that cape like. the fuck. why????
that arc did its thing and then new 52 donna popped up in titans hunt. for the most part it only looks good in the covers that yanick paquette drew for the series. like the skirt is simplified, the belt is simplified, we don’t have a cape in that cover and it actually looks redeemable. we also have a structured color palette again: silver makes up a majority of the metals there and maintains consistency, the bodice, boots and arm/sleeves/wraps/whatever are the same shade of red. skirt and armbands are same color. the black non-cape looking harness thing and the leggings match. in the comic it looks like hot garbage. that is all.
imo i think the paquette take on this costume should be the definitive version. it could be improved further by saturating the red further, giving donna actual bracelets, desaturating the gold and changing the red harness buckles to match the silver belt. darken the leggings to black and we’re good.
but like. the perception of this is heavily colored by that one arc. people see this costume and remember that this version of donna committed genocide. same way i hate the current one, just for being in the liberal virtue-signaling steve orlando storyline where unlawful combatant donna troy breaks international law and topples an entire country but its somehow ok because fAsCiSm. and like this costume has to be improved so much from canon. in canon it’s about as ugly as the first troia suit and only slightly more functional. so like. 0/10
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so this one’s solid actually. it’s a pretty cool way to tie in the black/silver color scheme without referring back to the godfuckingawful titan seed origin. here you just have the plausible deniability that a) the red became black, b) yellow stars went white and c) gold obviously turned into silver. sort of like a, costume graduation thing. kinda. like it’s a more tactical and reinforced version of the wonder girl aesthetic which is cool. modern militarism with amazon elements. i like the belt but i wish it wasn’t mistaken for an A all the time. the W on the collar is AESTHETIC im sorry but the one good thing of rebirth was that they gave the choker to donna and not diana. but it’s actually p good!! wish we still had it 10/10
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fucking 0/10 what were they trying to do here this is ugly this is needless whoever approved this should be court-martialed
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ew. ew. ew ew ew ew ew ew ew. like. im sorry but. dc it’s going to take a lot more than aesthetics to invoke the previous continuity. double that when this donna’s first solo story was her committing americentric violations of international law, thanks steve orlando for putting your dumbass liberal escapism in here and now this costume is ruined forever.
also im pretty sure its not gonna get better with the jimenez thing coming up. and the fucking “donna has a father” origin (goddamn ANOTHER RETCON). so not only does this suffer from the same thing with new 52 donna buuuuuut.
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dc. this exact costume was conceived in a fan edit from the 2010s. you didn’t even fucking try. 0/10
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fatratbabyy · 1 year
hi! i really love your designs, the colours are always really well done anf the characters are full of life.. and i love how your rewrites give the characters complexity and make them really interesting to me, much more so than canon(though i am a fan of some ideas introduced there, they don’t quite turn out in ways that make sense to me)! i’ve been wondering a few things about helluva troupe for a while however and hopefully the answers aren’t spoilers, lol.. in HT, what is Fizz’s involvement with the ‘troupe’ and what is stolas’s involvement too.? i wish you much luck on your work as it is lovely to see! (also apologies for my silly username)
Thank You!
Thank you so much that means a lot!! waaAahee! It makes me happy to see people interested 🥺👉👈
With Fizz it's,,, a bit Fuzzy, because hilariously he's the whole reason I made this AU among other things But I ended up makinh him a sorta side character antag again because while originally he was going to be part of the main crew from the start of HT's storyline, as I went along in trying to write I saw some cool hcs about his star clown days and so I thought to use the more canonized view- mostly in that he's a star clown during the events of HT instead of dropping the show life to join Blitz in I.M.P. That previous version is why you see him in the I.M.P references- and hinty hoo that ol version isnt completely null and voice to the current HT
ANYWAY so yeah- While Fizz isn't as much a main character as he was he still has a great deal of importance to the story and themes I want to express in HT. When it comes to him and the Troupe itself, I could best describe him as one of the biggest foils or parallels to the main cast. Just,, he's this golden image that represents their every want fulfilled. For Blitz especially given their thick history heehooo. (That's not to say this 'golden image' is entirely as it seems btw...)
Now it sounds much like canon I know but I like to think I'm taking a different direction with it- It's not really just the "haha you suck with relationships, fuck, shit, pénis im doing better look at my good relationship" nonsense cuz for 1. Fizzarozzie does nOT exist anymore- its Mamzie now 😊 (Mammon + Ozzie) and 2. The themes with Fizz and really most of HT has less to do with the melodramatic romance "will they wont they" of Stolitz (which isnt really a thing either) and more the struggle impoverished and oppressed peoples experience with success, failure, identity, community, family, status, history, trauma, etccc. Specifically, because I am an indigenous person from Canada, a lot of the themes are drawn from my own experiences, knowledge and history as an indigenous person. Though with execution, creative liberties were taken to make the fact they're in Hell clear btww-
That very likely did nOT answer jour question but i amn,,,stoopi 😭😭😭 simpler answer i suppose maybe by chance would be Fizz is an eventual antagonist to I.M.P. Specifics and how it happens and wheNNN?? Im still not sure yet if im honest- been really busy the last year or so and so Ive hadnt had any time or energy to work as much on writing all the things! ;u; thats probs disappointing to hear cuz plaNNing and all is important if you're gonna post story stuff at all,,, but !! I do hope to work more on the story this year so i can wrap up all these floating ideas into a Concrete line of stuff cuz truly all im missing is the middle pieces. Maybe an HT comic will be real this/or next year! 👀🏃
ANYHOOT ONTO STOLAS! i rambled a bit too much about Fizz cuz im still figuring him out- Stolas might be a bit shorter cuz his role is sweet and simplisticerr.
So, Stolas is an antagonist. He and Blitz still have an exchange sort of deal, but the deal is Blitz gets to keep the grimoire for I.M.P if he handles Stolas' "errands" and gives it back on the full moon with ofc none of the uh,,hawny stuff, obv. Blitz kinda keeps this deal under wraps from the rest of I.M.P because for him, it hurts his pride to admit he's in need of some big guy's help. And Stolas is somewhat aware of this. And so, Stolas is this looming, cruel threat that Blitz carries the burden of cuz he's stubborn as fuck whilst the rest of I.M.P remain ignorant.
Some bonus notes that dont really have to do with Stolas involvement with imp but jus how stuff ive changed with his canon influence the story diff than canon; so, Stella isnt a thing anymore. In general the Goetia work much differently- majority of the Goetia being the children of Ozzie instead of Paimon (who is Stolas' sibling now btw too) and the Goetia being thousands of years old instead of fucking 30- Also! While Via is existant she is but a baby instead of a moody teen,, ties heavily with Stolas' motives and how he operates as a character, royal, and Goetian and felt it would work better with how HT Stolas is as a character than it would otherwise.
Also no worries about the username! I dont like canon stolas much either lol,,;
I apologize if this didnt answer much 😭 feel free to let me know if you wanna hear about somn else gwahgh 🏃
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seelestia · 2 years
SUP', I'M BACK WITH THE Something-like-kazuha-wanderer reader thing!
ALRIGHT, So, I got more ideas for what you write last time (I'M SO GLAD THAT YOU LIKE IT! <3) SO here's more.
You said what if the Akademy put them on "their" trap or if they were really evil, sometimes you do some action that seems evil but they are not—
It could be that they didn't want to tell them because they couldn't make it their problem (they didn't want them to get involved in their mess so they choose to not tell them anything at all) but that backfire them back, it could be that they worked with the Fatui first but they didn't exactly know what they were getting into, they found out that what they did was really messed up (killing innocent people, experiments with kids cofcofDottorecofcof) so they broke their lab, killed whoever has working with them and yeah, the Akademy knows they are offering a good amount of money for them because they know stuff nobody knows (THEY WANT INFORMATION ON THE FATUI) and it could be that the Akademy wants them for themselves or they want to support the Fatui and give them to them.
They were accused falsely, they were trying to help someone but their enemy (you can put whoever you want) kills their friends and family and putted the blame on them, since they couldn't prove their Innocent anymore they had to flee from their nations. Since the Akademy knows about their enemy they want to get to them first and use a canned knowledge to get more information or something?
If they were really, really bad— Hmmm, let's just say that they were a spy? That they wanted information from them and once they got what they want we'll "Thank you for being and idiot and trust me" lmao, iM SORRY.
[ referring to this post! ]
eeeeee, anon, hiii! so nice to see you here again, welcome back >:)
1. It could be that they didn't want to tell them because they couldn't make it their problem (they didn't want them to get involved in their mess so they choose to not tell them anything at all) but that backfire them back, it could be that they worked with the Fatui first but they didn't exactly know what they were getting into, they found out that what they did was really messed up (killing innocent people, experiments with kids cofcofDottorecofcof) so they broke their lab, killed whoever has working with them and yeah, the Akademy knows they are offering a good amount of money for them because they know stuff nobody knows (THEY WANT INFORMATION ON THE FATUI) and it could be that the Akademy wants them for themselves or they want to support the Fatui and give them to them.
oml, i see! so, the reader decides to bear the guilt alone and try to run with a bounty on their head?? the storyline you're cultivating here, i am reading respectfully 👀 imo, this has the best potential because the conflict to be honest about the truth !! the hurt and sacrifice !! the miscommunication !! the angst. again, this is a vv spectacular plotline we're going with here 🍿 (and i see the scenario you elaborated for this in your other ask! i'll get to it because it's so good 😭 /pos)
2. They were accused falsely, they were trying to help someone but their enemy (you can put whoever you want) kills their friends and family and putted the blame on them, since they couldn't prove their Innocent anymore they had to flee from their nations. Since the Akademy knows about their enemy they want to get to them first and use a canned knowledge to get more information or something?
oooo, getting framed and fleeing really do establish the reader's status as a fugitive here LOLLL but i can't imagine the grief they are going thru... i'd imagine the reader would be in a worse mental state after all that when they encounter cyno/alhaitham <//3 like the reader could barely look him in the eyes but at the same time, he is the only one left. the others they loved are all dead, it's just him now — but here he is, ready to hunt them down with a weapon to their throat.
3. If they were really, really bad— Hmmm, let's just say that they were a spy? That they wanted information from them and once they got what they want we'll "Thank you for being and idiot and trust me" lmao, iM SORRY.
ouch, i could feel the sheer hurt on cyno's face and alhaitham's seething anger that is just waiting to burst from all the way over here 😭 lovers to enemies moment !!
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vampirkit · 7 months
questions 4 lucy <3 (non-bloodkeeper au) how did she survive after kamilah turned her? how did she feel after All That happened? also what does she think of lily, jax, and adrian? :3
(and also sooo sorry my response took so long ! im taking more shifts at work)
Lucy's first decade as a vampire was not easy. Because she Turns without anyone to guide her, Lucy learns about her new abilities from trail and error - including sun sensitivity. Lemon cake tastes like sand on her tongue (and: 'why does Mina's neck look so enticing?'). Late nights - a new normal for Lucy - always bring back the question of her savior. She never mentioned her name, and certainly nothing of lingering illness.
idunno exactly what you are referring to but the non bloodkeeper lucy bb storyline is a lotttt different than canon bb (and i wanna keep the major plot divergences as a surprise for my fic), so i’ll just cover some of her feelings about a more canon-aligned moment. Gaius' return keeps Lucy up at night. She finds Kamilah on the couch sometimes, and they talk about their favorite memories from various eras; but a laugh and Kamilah's small smile doesn't stop the feeling creeping up her neck, utter terror (Kamilah shares the feeling, which definitely doesn't help). Lucy has seen his red eyes before, and that feels important, but she has no idea where and why. Until she asks Kamilah:
"Hey, Kamilah?"
"Can I ask you something?"
She looks up from her computer screen, "Sure."
"Uhm..." Lucy pauses, burying her head in her knees, "What... what happened? How did I... nearly die? Why did you save me...?"
Lily is Lucy's first friend in the United States, and the first person Lucy meets who also knows about her abilities (she calls them 'vampires,' or something).
Lucy helps Jax and the clanless whenever they need; their situation is another horrifying discovery on top of all the revelations after meeting other vampires, two council members. Jax gives Lucy fighting lessons whenever she feels useless, and in that split-second moment before a feral attack, Jax always steps in front of her.
I HAVENT FULLY FLESHED OUT ADRIAN AND LUCY YET... lemmegetbacktoyou because i need to chomp on it a bit more first
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All Orch residents can become original characters. Orch is relevant because Alex lives there and one of the Lenses is attempting to set up residence. Fundy was supposed to be from Ywscore originally but was dumped into Orch by the Lense, are we keeping this plot point? 
Should we change the Saponite family's best food from muffins to something else? 
Sleepy Boi Inc going down from four to three members, have a friendly older character, intimidating bounty hunter character, and a chaotic young character? Possibly? They are the main Traveler family that actually interact with Karl for any length of time, kinda like a stray feral cat.
Should we cut down the Quarry trio to just Saponite and the [Ender Knight]? George's character was kinda just there and never really added much to the story. Plus it makes it more angsty when we have the whole “I raised the devil and meant to betray you” thing.
Ranboo’s character is supposed to be an amnesiac Traveler. Perhaps Sap and Cue assume Karl doesn’t talk much about his home because he can’t remember it and we can show what the effects of amnesia have on a normal Traveler. Likely nothing good.
 Tubbo was a robot bug child. Do we keep him? How should we change him? His plotline was intertwined with Ranboo’s and depending on the direction that goes in, I can see us keeping or discarding this character.
I feel like we should try and remember Alex in the plotline of all of this. Like what are they doing during the Clemintine Lens? What were they doing before they found their family? What do they think about all this plot stuff?
We should add more of these side dimensions and stuff to this document, like Mary and the superhero dimension we talked about over discord. We don’t have to name every single one, but having a list to come back to and reference for jokes and such would be good. 
For Quarry, XD needs a new name. 
Should we change the Inbetween to just Between? The Other Side should be fine, plenty of media use that name for stuff, but to distance ourselves from ksq, should we change it?
Need to review Quarry’s dimension in general, I don’t think we got to change much, but we need to rebrand from “The Ender Dragon” and other Minecraft stuff.
Foolish needs a new name. I think a name that is also a describing word that you wouldn’t associate with a god would be nice.
Alright, that's everything I thought about needing to address for now. some are actual suggestions, some are points that likely deserve their own post, and some are just "hey we need to do this". If you don't have any ideas for something just put "tosses the ball to you" instead of an answer. I'll kick off the conversation.
1)Agreed. I think Alex could take up that storyline.
2)Yeah, if we need anything for it at all.
3)I was thinking we could change the dimension Sleep to Dream-something to better reflect it's ever-shifting nature. We could keep the three tavalers and then have their parent be the dimension itself, the way Phil was a personified version of it. Like a less evil version of Ego.
4) I'm okay with that. I like the worldbuilding of the Micealium Isles but story-wise it can be overcrowded for a character from each.
5) Im not sure what you mean? I need to refresh that plotline I've forgotten it It feels like.
6) I like keeping a child from Ywscore. Since Ywscore and Orch are pretty important for the Azure lens plotline, i'd like to keep just a regular person who remains from Ywscore.
7)Depends on what order we're going in again? I remember it was from Opal to Mauve, Indigo, Azure. Since we meet Alex in the Azure lens and the Traveler Trio (SBI) in the beginning we could seed out her storyline with the Ywscore Child who's with them having connections to her in flashbacks or with seeded moments?
The Opal lens I figured would be just the epilogue of the main three getting to know each other. Maybe 4-5 short chapters (Meeting Prowa, Meeting in Quarry, All three meeting, and all three going on a regular adventure-like adventure, setting up the formula. Then the "real" story begins where we meet the whole cast and expand the world.
8)Agreed. I haven't opened the document in a while.
9) We talked about this before a little but didn't settle on anything I don't think. We talked about wanting to keep two letters that could be the face, but I'm open to making anything. Especially if you want to redesign the God altogether or something! (Your DM design is inspiring)
10) I like Between. In Between has been used for a similar place in a lot of other media too so it's not as original as i'd have liked regardless. I noticed that close to the beginning but didn't want to change it to fit with the ksq lore.
Do you like the name Twixt? I like Between too if you don't, though.
11) I'd like to keep it as a dragon or dragon-like but not call it a dragon? Giving it a more creature-esq design to combat the otherworldly god design is cool. I've always loved the motiff of angels being so much less human than demons (creators being less earthy than destroyers)
12) Spitballing: Trite, Mundane, Daft, Inane,
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breadandblankets · 1 year
Im posting some of my ideas for a less shit railroad here so that i can reference them in my fics, you can look at them too ;)
runs their operations down the main arterial railroad of the commonwealth (bedford station, greygarden, oberland, all the way into boston), which is where they got the name
mainly focuses on counterintelligence operations, seeking out synth infiltrators, wiping their memories, and releasing them out of the commonwealth where they hopefully won't run into people that
The railroad they call home is the Boston & Maine which goes all the way up to portland, maine (connections with acadia? B&M connects to the Maine central with connections to bar harbor via bangor)
This RR would be created explicitly to oppose the institute's actions on the surface and by extension, to protect people
This RR still sees synths as people tho, and works on “rehabilitation,” which is a nice way of saying implanting false memories, it's much faster and easier than doing therapy at them
This is a heavy point of contention with both the nat born (to steal a term from star wars lmao) and synth born humans within the RR
Ditto the fate of gen 1&2
Deacon has a much much heavier role in this au, seeing as the focus is no longer on running synths and more on intelligence, he probably has an even wider spy net than in canon
in this canon, the institute only creates gen 3s for the purposes of above ground
Gen 1s and 2s are used as manual labor inside the institute
synths in this don't "replace" people that storyline kinda doesn't make any sense re: Art random encounter
in this synths are created and placed in a way that they can assimilate into communities and report back
coursers run operations that require a... less delicate hand
institute scientists will refer to gen 3s less as "property" or "machines" and more like "assets", still dehumanizing but like in a more "friendly acceptable capitalism" dehumanization
Barbara (she may or may not have been independent) still makes sense here, the UP deathclaws still make sense here
McDonough is not a synth, hes just a bigoted asshole
Someone else high up in diamond city is institute tho (geneva? Who knows)
synths in this instance are more like communists of the 50s, in that they may indeed be working for "the enemy" or... they're just people
main message here is that you can't make generalizations about groups, that people are people
This makes the brotherhood Extra asshole-y and fashy in this version
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hey there!! as someone who loves writing (but never posts) but hates reading OOC fics, i need your advice, if you're willing!
how do you find that pocket of in-character, while still fitting the storyline?
sorry if this sounds delirious and jumbled. I really admire your writing and wafwaf :)
okay, this is going to sound absolutely ridiculous and I have NEVER told anyone this before EVER, and I have no idea if this is something other people do or if im just a fucked up human being, but here me out:
so basically. I roleplay with myself. like, I spend a lot of time alone (which is fine im just a Huge Introvert) and I get bored easily, so when I was a lot younger I would just pretend to be my favorite characters from media and then when I was alone id talk and act like them and pretend to talk to the other characters in their universe. it helped me flesh out their backstories and behaviors, and with the added bonus that it gave my young ADHD brain something to do that wasn't destructive in any way. so like. it's kind of like larping, because im somewhat acting out what im roleplaying, but im not dressing up and it's just me, alone, pacing around my house. in hindsight it IS kind of pathetic and maybe I should tell my therapist about it, but if there's one thing you should know about me it's that I do NOT like being me and so I pretend to be other people as an escape.
well. in doing so, naturally, im going to get better at acting out the mannerisms of each character. and by that point, if you can act it out, then you can write it out. im very much a visual learner, so being able to picture the exact gestures and expressions each character would make while they talk etc helps SO much with writing! and sometimes I even take notes about specific mannerisms I notice while im watching the show (like brad frequently interrupting people, david's voice cracking when he's upset, etc), so that I can reference them while im writing to make sure I stay in character. I also watch a lot of youtube compilations from the show, so even if im not going back and rewatching the whole series, im still exposed to their distinct behaviors and speaking methods. it REALLY helps to just pick one or two characters at a time and study them exclusively, because you tend to notice a lot more about a specific character if your entire focus is on them.
now, could I write ian, or rachel, or poppy well? probably not, because I dont pay attention to their mannerisms when they're on screen since theyre not characters im personally invested in. but when david and especially brad are on screen, you can bet your ass im studying every tiny detail and change in their expression and tone, so that I can recreate that in my writing as necessary. my goal is that people will be able to recognize each character I write with exclusively dialogue and zero names mentioned. like, let me give an example:
"Hey man, did you get that report I sent you earlier?"
"Wh- uh, what report? I didn't get a report. Are you sure you-"
"Yes, I'm sure I sent it."
"Oh. Well then I'll, um, I'll check my email again. Are you sure you sent it to my work email?"
"Well I didn't send it to [email protected], if that's what you're asking."
"Oh, okay. I'll, uh- I'll get back to you on that report then I guess."
see? now obviously the email kind of gave away one of the speakers, but hopefully it was more apparent as the dialogue progressed that the first speaker was brad and the responder was david. because david stutters a lot and uses a completely unnecessary amount of filler words when he talks, so he's pretty easy to write! and brad (typically) doesn't talk excessively, so it's common for him to give short responses only a few words in length. I basically write brad like he's perpetually fed up with everyone around him, because that seems most in character to me based on what I see in the show! lots of eye rolling, groaning, and frowning.
my goal in writing is for people to be able to visualize the characters saying what I write for them as if it's quoted directly from the show. now, im not going to claim to always succeed at that, but being able to hyperfixate on these characters helps a lot! so does reading other in-character fanfics, because it's sometimes tough to convert tv show acting into writing. luckily, at least in most fandoms, other people have already done it for you!
whenever im writing, especially when it comes to dialogue, im always picturing the characters in my head. I'm seeing the way their expressions shift, the way their hands gesticulate, the path they walk when theyre moving. im hearing them say the dialogue im writing in their voices, which probably makes me sound absolutely insane but im like 90% sure it's just my ADHD so dont worry! being able to see and hear the characters helps SO much, and I wouldn't write half as well without that skill.
im sorry this turned into such a long ramble! everyone has their own methods of figuring out characters, but roleplaying with myself, visualizing the characters, and studying the show helps me immeasurably.
as an aside, im always happy to beta stuff and check to see if it sounds in-character, and offer pointers/edits for anything that sounds too ooc! I've totally been there before, and obviously im not perfect, but I enjoy helping where I can and at this point ill do pretty much anything to help get more mq fics out in the world LOL
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