#im sitting there like ‘hi here are the notes…………. please dont kill me for being a nerd over chemistry… i dont know how to text… save me…’
driftwooddestiel · 3 months
truly there is nothing scarier than a groupchat consisting of you, your close irl friend, and a friend of your irl friend who you dont know very well
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mins-fins · 2 months
where do we go
&&. conversations between lung destroyi— i mean, smoking cigarettes.
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pairing: lee donghyuck x gn!reader
genre: some weird thing idk..
warnings: smoking, readers got some bad friends
word count: 0.9k
notes: can you believe this.. TWO POSTS IN ONE DAY!??? okay my first hyuck post today was a timestamp i posted while on the bus home but hey!! two posts in one day is crazy.. also both of them being for haechan, i don't like him guys i just had two good ideas containing smoking and he was the first idol that came to mind 😖 he's the loml fr 💗 but no no no im not a sunflower dont get it wrong 🙏 also i dont smoke, based this off shit i've read and observing all the adults in my life who smoke around me 🙁 dont crucify me for not being accurate #smokers
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"you have a lighter?"
the question strikes you as odd. you snap out of your street lamp gazing and turn to the stranger beside you. you blink a few times, as if you couldn't fathom why such a question would be asked. the stranger waits patiently for your answer, mouth seemingly zipped shut after asking the question. "what?" you inquire like an idiot.
"a lighter" he reiterates, raising an inflammable joint tucked between his index and middle finger in the air. you allow for your mouth to form a small 'o', and you clear your throat, suddenly feeling flustered. he snickers lightly, and your almost afraid that he's laughing at you. "you don't smoke?"
you smile weakly, just sighing as you begin rummaging through your pockets. "no it's just.. today's not my day, i'm upset about some shit that's all" when you finally find the lighter you remember you placed into your pocket, you passed it over to him with a throw. "here".
the stranger doesn't seem to be that interested in your lighter anymore, his face coloring in concern at the sound of you being upset. you aren't sure why he even cares, there's no reason for him to. you ignore his look of concern, just rubbing your eyes. "oh? what's upsetting you so much?"
you allow for yourself to snort at the words. "it's nothing, really, i don't want to burden you with my issues" you dismiss him with a wave, watching as he lights the cigarette and takes his first drag of the joint.
"no please" he responds, blowing the smoke out through his lips. he tosses you back your lighter. "you gave me your lighter, so i'll sit here and listen to you vent your issues" he places a prideful hand on his chest, as if you were supposed to celebrate him for that or something.
"wow, should i clap for you to honor such generosity?"
"well you don't have to, but i would love if you did" oh! so this guy is a comedian, your tongue pokes through your inner cheek as you let out another silent sigh, straightening your posture in your seat. your train isn't coming for another ten minutes.
"oh lord where are my manners? lee donghyuck!" he pairs a charming smile with his introduction, and you almost laugh (key word: almost) at the allure of this stranger. he holds out his hand for you to take, presumably for a handshake, and it's not like it'll kill you or anything, so you take his hand, shaking it.
"l/n y/n" you respond, he doesn't hold your hand for long, his grip quickly slipping away from yours as he leans back in his seat sighing.
"alright then, y/n" he begins, playing with the joint in his fingers. "what's making you so upset tonight?"
"do i have to tell you?"
"would you rather sit here in silence and watch me destroy my lungs?"
the answer to that question is easy, no, when given the ultimatum, talking about your issues seems much easier than whatever else he was saying. "it's just— my friends suck! they call me overdramatic for wanting birthday gifts and then they proceed to blow up my phone with texts!"
donghyuck raises an eyebrow, blowing out more smoke. "they didn't even try to get you gifts?"
"they didn't even remember my birthday!" you shout, getting more and more irritated as you recall the incident. "i've literally gotten ignored all day, they only just remembered like two hours ago! can you believe that?"
"what a bunch of assholes.." he mumbles, a smell of burnt cigarettes in the air. "what kind of friends are those?"
"right? and now they're just expecting me to answer their calls!? they can go to hell for all i care!"
"petty" donghyuck comments absentmindedly, his smile doesn't go unnoticed by you, he has such a nice smile, you note. "i like it" he says again, playing with the joint in his fingers.
"i have every right to be petty, they don't deserve my attention.." you brush dust off your sweater, looking forward at the train tracks, your eyes cast up at the board which usually displays how long until your train comes. "you've gotta be fucking kidding me".
"what's wrong now?"
"train is delayed".
"ah" donghyuck resists the urge to laugh at your look of defeat, he doesn't want to upset you. "guess were gonna have to walk home".
you groan at the idea, but you stand up, though begrudgingly. "i don't live anywhere near this place" you shove your hands into your pockets, now annoyed by the fact that you'll have to walk home, just another horrible thing to add onto your horrible day.
"well, we could always walk together".
at donghyuck's suggestion, you give him a baffled look, and he finally does laugh at the look you share with him, taking another drag of the joint tucked between his fingers. "were still strangers, i'm not sure that's safe".
"you gave me your lighter, were basically soulmates".
the statement makes a baffled chortle escape your lips, and you click your tongue at his words. you try your best to ignore the constant buzzing of your phone. "wow, your a comedian aren't you?"
"a proud one too".
the words get another laugh out of you, and you look down at the floor, at your moving feet. "at least let me walk you out of the station, i don't want to leave you here".
"how endearing, lee donghyuck" you tease, finally looking up at him and meeting his eyes. he seems to like those words, because he allows for his lips to turn up into a grin. he drops his cigarette onto the ground and puts it out with his foot. "fine, i'll let you walk me out".
"thank you! i won't disappoint!"
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iouinotes · 15 days
Heroic love (part 4) | Luke Castellan
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pairing: Luke Castellan x female!reader
show: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
warnings: betrayal, dark romance, no verbal consent, angst, smut MINORS DONT INTERACTE
summary: Luke finds out your plan and you give in. After all, it is better to be with him than with the monsters that suround you.
authors note: The reader joins Luke rather unwillingly, even though she still loves him. I just want to say up front that Luke's threat at the end is not meant serious. He would never do something like that to her. He only does it so that she realizes that there is no other way than to join him. If it's too dark, I'm sorry... @qwertydddddddddd wanted to be tagged, so I hope you enjoy it <33
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Sometimes you think to yourself, this is real love. I'm gonna marry this person. I will spend my life with them, building a home and a family.
Well thats the regular scenario, I mean for the people who are regular. Not demigods.
And you see, even though we dont have an easy life, fighting monsters, losing friends, being scared and anxious all the time, that some bad evil guy suddenly wants to rule the world- we live. Because we have to and because we have each other.
So, for me, I was prepared for it to become harsh. I always knew my life would be like sitting on a rollercoaster, never having the chance to exit.
But I found comfort in this reality. I would imagine being on this attraction, but holding onto something that grounds me. Someone that gives me strengh, so I don't lose myself.
For a long time, I held hands with Luke.
Then of course, something did go terrible wrong, as if they goddess Aphrodite wanted to watch an exciting, action packed romance movie, with the plot twist of I-hate-to-love-you-because-you-left-me trope. Something like this.
Well, I think the movie sucks. In the last months, everything was just not right- Luke leaving camp to join Kronos? Betraying everyone and kidnapping me? Showing up here, messing with me and then holding my own dagger to my throat? (Deja vu)
No, that just isnt what I Imagined to happen in the future. I didnt want my boyfriend to turn into the bad guy, who we swore to fight.
But now I guess, thats up to me. At least some part of it.
"I think Luke ist turning into Darth Vader." Sometimes I'm not sure whats going on in Percys head.
"I never heard of this monster?" Annabeths parents are so wrong for not watching Star Wars with her.
"Guys, after we discussed this, you can have your movie night. But please, let's focus." My voice sounds harsher than I intended, so I immediately feel bad about it.
"Sorry, it's just very complicated. I want to know what our next steps are, what we are planning to do with this- situation." I don't know how else to call it.
"We need information. Who is the spy? What are Kronos plans? Where will he attack? Who joined him? So many unanwered questions." Chirons voice sends a shiver down my neck. He's right, but how do we achieve it?
Percys gaze unnerves me and when I turn my head to meet his eyes, he immediately shakes his head.
"I am not letting you alone with him this time. Nope." I sign, conflicted how I would want to deal with this.
All eyes are on me and when I turn to them, I try to explain my plan. But I cant even finish my second sentence and already everyone seems to be against it.
"We cant let him out!"
"He will kill us!"
"His army is already searching for him, he would escape!"
Annabeth raises her hand and the voices calm down. As she looks at me, I sense her own doubts about the situation.
"They are right. How do you know he would trust you? Could you convince him?"
I nod my head, ignoring my doubts.
"I can."
The moon shines beautifully in the sky, but it helps nothing to calm down my nerves. Im so stupid, why did I thought I could pull this off?
"Youre sure, you want to do this? You dont have to." Percy's standing next me, as always trying to comfort me.
"He will believe me. I always had dreams, where I thought he-" I need a moment to finish my sentence.
"-died. That he got hurt or is in pain. When I had this sort of dream, I would always sneak out of my cabin and came to him. I would walk into his cabin and he somehow always knew what happend. He would tuck me in his bed, letting me cry and cuddling me. Resurring me that everything is going to be okay, that he will live. That was always my biggest fear, that he would die and I would be helpless to do anything against it. He knows that."
We stand in silence for a moment.
"If you need me, I will be there. Just be careful." I smile at him.
I take a deep breath and go trough the doors, seeing that the only light he has, is a small lamp on the ceiling. I quicken my pace so he can hear me coming. When I stand in front of his cell, he is already on his feet. He looks alarmed.
"What-" his t-shirt is wrinkled and his eyes are sleepy. My breath catches and I don't even have to pretend to be confused and afraid, standing in front of him alone in the dark is enough.
The bars are the only thing that separates us.
At first I don't say anything, I just look at him with watery eyes. And just like I said, he knows it. He always knows.
"Another nightmare?" His voice is so gentle, it makes me remember the old days when everything was good. When he took me in his arms and wiped the tears from my cheeks.
I just nod, I don't think my voice is stable enough yet.
I have to play the role, I can do it. He has to believe me.
I slide down the wall and put my head in my hands, all the despair and pain I've been carrying for weeks suddenly coming out of me. I'm crying so hard that I'm almost afraid of waking up the others.
"Shit, princess- what can I do? Let me help, please." He sounds so desperate and it's only now that I realize, that I don't actually have to act. Because my tears are real.
"Y-you ruined everything! And I'm still s-so scared that something h-happens to you" I meet his gaze and see the remorse in his eyes. His heart hurts too.
"I didn't want something like that to happen- please, darling. Come here." Sniffling, I stand up. My knees feeling weak and unsteady. If I go in there now, I won't be able to defend myself properly.
“You hurt me, I shouldn’t even be here. You're an idiot, Luke. I hate-" but I can't bring myself to say it. I cant say that I hate him. Because I don't, at least not yet.
"I know, believe me. I hate myself too. Only your belief in me has always held me together." He grips the bars, I see the inner conflict within him.
"But you won't change. You've never been able to do that well." I know I'm right and he knows it too. Silence surrounds us.
"Let me hold you. Just for- a few minutes. Please. I can't stand seeing you like this. You've always been the sunshine in my life. I don't want my sun to be obscured."
The key jingles in my hand and I look at it uncertainly.
"I won't hurt you, never again, I promise. I also got an anklet. I can't escape." His eyes look so honest. I'm feeling nervous, my heart is beating way too fast.
I put the key in the lock and open the door, freezing in my movements for a moment. What am I doing here? But then I hear his voice and I know why.
“It’s not that comfortable on the floor, but you can sit on my lap." I close the door.
As I move towards him I see how thin he has become and how brown his eyes still are.
Slowly, he raises his hands and when I stand in front of him he puts them around my waist. My knees buckle and I sink carefully onto his lap. My hands rest uncertainly on his shoulders, then moving down to his neck. Playing with the strands of his hair, lost in thoughts.
His face is right in front of mine, both of our breaths are uneven. His hands linger on me, holding me tight to him. Warmth fills my chest as I look into his eyes.
"You're so beautiful. So, so beautiful." A sob tries to escape me, as I do something, I always loved. I put my head in the crook of his neck and wrap my arms around him.
He holds me for a few minutes, stroking my back and whispering soothing, sweet nothings in my ear.
Once I've calmed down, I'm basically lying on top of him and can hear his heartbeat. It's almost soporific.
"Luke?" my voice is calm.
His head turns to me. "Yes?"
"I...I want to be with you. I don't care how or- or where. I just know that I can't live without you." I see his eyebrows furrow.
"You dont mean-" I am silent. Just looking at him, sitting up a little, straddling him.
"I need you. I tried not to need you. But it's out of my control, nothing helps to ease the pain. Only you, only you matter."
Is it the truth if the words escape me so easily?
His hand finds my cheek and I lean into his touch.
"We're the only ones that matter. We will get through this, together and united. You don't have to fight my darling, you just have to be by my side." His hand around my waist pulls me towards him, the other one, he continues to lay on my cheek. Caressing the skin, drawing invisible heart-shapes.
Then his lips meet mine and my eyes flutter shut. The kiss so intoxicating, that I forget for a moment my real intention. Forget why I'm participating in this madness.
As he pulls away from me, I hear his whispering voice.
"You won't betray me, right? You won't do that to me?" He tugs on my hair, ever so slightly, to get my attention.
"No, Luke. I won't." Lie.
The key in my hand is no longer idle as I remove his shackles carefully.
"Then princess, let's get out of here." I slowly get off his lap, but before I stand up, he lifts me up in his arms.
"I promise you that I will never hurt you again. You deserve only the best." As cliche as it is, he carries me out of the cell, which isnt locked anymore.
He lets me down outside and breathes in the fresh air. It's still night, maybe 4 a.m. Everything is quiet.
His hands cup my face and place several kisses on my skin.
"You are incredible, I knew you would join me. For real this time." He takes my hand and intertwines our fingers. I don't see Percy anywhere.
"Let's go. I know where my troops are stationed. Nobody will notice that we're gone until it's too late."
Joining Kronos' army was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life, and that includes keeping the truth from Luke.
That I'm a spy for the camp, better hidden than anyone else ever could. No one would accuse or suspect the leader's girlfriend, because everyone can see how much I love him.
After all, it's the only reason I'm tolerated here. Because Luke would kill anyone who even came near me. He has already done it to a dragon lady who was too pushy and even when I tried to stop him, he showed no mercy.
Because he can't afford to do that, if he shows that he has a heart, it will be taken away from him.
Every day it is torture to witness this evil, to help maintain cover, to save my friends.
And every day I feel worse, because I lie to Luke. But it is the only way. I cannot help in the camp, if my heart is somewhere else. Here, with him, my thoughts are not always here, but my heart is.
At least it's enough for me to function. When Luke isn't distracting me.
When I wake up that morning on the Princess Andromeda, it is still quiet. In the presence of these monsters, I have not been able to sleep well for months. Even the dreams I have, make me wake up in the middle of the night and the only thing that calms me down is Luke's touch.
His fingers gently stroke my exposed skin, and as I turn my head and look at him, I see an emotion in his eyes, I've only recently noticed. There is a desire in his gaze, as if he wanted to consume my entire being, to have me just for himself.
My voice, my body, my thoughts, my feelings. Simply everything. He wants it all to be his.
"I wish I could erase every bad dream you have and send whoever is responsible for it to burn in hell. It should scare me that you make me think like that, but if I'm honest, it doesn't. Are you scared?" His eyes look into mine.
Slowly, my fingers intertwine with his. "Not when you're with me."
The next thing I notice is his lips on mine. The way his hands grip my hips and pull me onto him.
He leans towards me, his lips caress my ears and I hear his whispering voice. "Every day I hear one my followers talking about you. That they want to have you, to decorate your beautiful body with scars, with their initials." I freeze at his words, wanting to pull away and look at him, but he holds me tight. Makes me continue to listen to his voice.
"They want to see you bleed, to alternate between pain and pleasure when they push their cocks into you. Do you like that? That you are so desired? That you turn everyone's heads, when you go by and they start wanting to see my head roll? To get close to you, huh?" I want to shake my own head, but he holds me even tighter.
"Do you know how hard it is not to execute every single one of them? Do you know that? I would, if I could. I would kill every single one of them, in front of you, so that everyone knows that you belong to me. Do you understand? No one will speak to you anymore, because your voice is mine. No one will look at you, because your sight is mine. You keep your hands to yourself, no more help with injuries, I don't care if they die. Your hands only touch me."
As I start to sqirm, he leans back, keeping his hands on my hips until a finger strokes my cheek.
"No one will ever kiss you except me. And anyone who even thinks about fucking you, I will let die in battle. You may think my loyalty is to Kronos, but it is to you. My beautiful girl. Now think carefully about who you are pledging your loyalty to."
When his eyes look into mine, I fall silent. Then, even though I try not to, my voice trembles.
"What do you mean? I'm loyal to you, Luke."
His hands caress my skin, examining how the sun shines on me. I'm only wearing one of his T-shirts and my panties. His hands, stroke my bare thighs.
His eyebrows rise, slowly his fingers wrap around my panties, pulling them down until I am revealed to him. My heart is pounding so loudly in my chest, that it feels like it's about to give up. I hold my breath as he places the tip of his cock at my entrance.
What am I doing here?
"I think you're not being completely honest with me, princess. Let's try again. Who are you loyal to?" As he slowly enters me and his hands hold my hips, I moan. I lay my head back for a moment and enjoy the stretch, feeling his hands slide under my shirt and stroke over my stomach, to my breasts and to my neck.
"Luke, what's going on? I'm here with you, I'm-" But I can't finish my sentence as he plunges into me with a violent jerk, right up to the edge. My eyes roll back.
"These sweet lies that come from your lips. Of course you are here physically, but with the mind? Oh no, while I fuck you, your thoughts are on Camp Halfblood. On Jackson. Can you believe it?" His hands push my hips down until I am connected directly to him and can feel every inch inside me. I almost melt as one of his hands presses into my lower back and I move even closer to him.
When I try to answer him, my voice is a mixture of horror and pleasure. "Luke, that's not true. I only want you, I'm on your side- ahh-" Faster than I can react, he thrusts into me. Once, twice. So hard and ruthless that he hits the spot inside me, that makes me see stars. I can't concentrate.
"How I wish you would tell the truth. There's nothing to be ashamed of, sweetheart. Admit it, I already know. My girlfriend is the traitor. Behind my back, she talks to the person I hate the most and yet, she sits on my lap and rides my cock. What would Percy say about that?"
His hand wraps around my neck and holds me tight, his hips keep pounding into me and even though my brain tells me to stop, my guard is down. I want this.
"How-" But when I want to ask, he pushes me onto him again. So fast, too hard, it almost hurts, but it also feels so good.
"I have my eyes everywhere. It took me a while to figure out how to deal with it, how to deal with you. But I found a good solution. After all, Percy lets you be here, without cover, without protection. Hoping I wouldn't find out that you were passing on information. That I wouldn't hurt you."
His last sentence makes me tense up, but even though his face twists in amusement for a brief moment, he doesn't stop talking.
"Your pussy won't save you either. And since I have given you my word, I will not harm you. I found a better punishment. A choice."
He suddenly stops moving and I almost cry, wanting to move myself, but he takes my face in his hand, tightly. Focusing all attention on him.
"Either you stop your underhanded loyalty to Jackson immediately and serve me, or I will make the wishes of everyone behind this door come true and you will be used like a beautiful, little doll. From each one of them, I assure you. But after that, you won't be so beautiful anymore."
Tears well up my eyes, whether it's from the tight grip he's holding on me or from his words, I can't tell. And I'm scared, it feels like I'm being buried alive. With no prospect of ever being able to breathe or be free again.
Without me saying anything, he starts moving inside me again, letting my hips sink onto his. I breathe in loudly.
"Come on, move. Your choice. It's either my cock or anyone else's."
When I look at him, the person I once loved has disappeared. It's like looking at a stranger.
My heart feels like it's been stolen and in the back of my mind I realize, that I should have never gone with him.
But then I close my eyes, put my hands on his shoulders for support and sink down onto him. Again and again, even stronger. Until my thighs shake and tears run down my cheeks. Until I hear Luke's quiet voice again.
"If you think you are strong enough to be like me, treacherous, cold-hearted and ruthless, then I have to disappoint you. Your heart will be soft forever unless the world hardens it. I will protect you for that, princess. Forget camp halfblood, you only serve me now."
His lips are hot on my skin, a strong contrast to my heart, which feels like it's made of ice.
And when I receive the next secret sign from Annabeth a few days later, I ignore it.
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svnnysidez · 7 months
Hiii!!! You could write a sumin (xikers) smut please😊?!?!? Looking forward to reading your writings🙃
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Best Friend
sypnosis: you get ready a little early because you’re really excited to have a movie marathon with your best friend.
warnings: making out, fingering, oral (f reciving), hair pulling, fem!reader, kinda voyeurism, masterbating (m), use of pet names pretty & pretty girl, kinda degradation if you sqiuint. the use of the name whore. body worshiping if you squint, chubby reader implied but not specified
notes: yay ofc i love sumin so so much, this is also my first writing in so so long so if its bad pls dont bust my ass im trying my best
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you had finished getting all your stuff together now you just had to wait. sumin, your best friend, had invited you over for a movie marathon, he wanted to watch every single saw movie. you had no complaints seeing as saw was your favorite movie series and you could talk about it for hours. but sumin never seemed interested in it but one day he just told you he wanted to watch all of them so you offered to go over to his house to watch all of them with him.
the wait was absolutely killing you. like usual, you got ready a whole 2 hours earlier then you should’ve so you were just sitting in your living room, waiting, trying to find something to occupy your time til it was time to go over sumins place.
you being impatient decided to go over a little early ‘being a little early couldnt hurt, all we’re doing is watching movies’ you thought to yourself as you made your way to his house.
you’d arrived at his place. knocking on the door of his home, with no answer. you knew where he hid the spare key so you decided to let yourself in. “sumin! im here, i know its a little early but i kinda got ready really early again.” you called out, to no answer again. thinking he was in the shower you set your stuff down on the floor and made your way to the bathroom. the bathroom was empty, you guessed he was sleeping.
you finally made your way to his bedroom, the door was slightly cracked open. you heard noises coming from his room so you decided to stand in the blind spot to listen so you could scare him. but these noises were kinda… lewd? is the only word that could come to your mind. hot sighs leaving his throat and you swore you heard your name being chanted. “f-fuck y/n..” your eyes widening at the words falling from his mouth. you were kinda turned on though, you could just imagine your pretty best friend with his head thrown back rubbing himself thinking of you.
the mere thought made you hot, your heat starting to drip arousal. you had decided to walk in. “sumin i know its early but-“ you said innocently as if you hadnt been listening outside door. your eyes had finally landed on him and oh my god was it a sight to see. cock in hand, lips parted eyes closed, head lolling back. he sat up, quickly pulling his sweats up. “y/n! you’ve ever heard of knocking?” his cheeks red. you took a couple steps forward to him, taking a seat on his bed. “h-how much of that did you see.” stumbling over his words, “enough to know that you want me the same way i want you.” his eyes widening at the sentence, he started stumbling over his words. never did you ever think you could make your best friend with the overly confident ego go crazy over a singular sentence.
he suddenly became that man with the ego again as he grabbed your face planting a kiss on your lips. your hands making their way to his neck deepening the kiss. “fuck y/n you dont understand how bad i’ve wanted you.” he said against your lips. you took that as an opportunity to slip your tongue in his mouth. the two of you fighting over dominance, you eventually letting him win. his tongue skillfully exploring your mouth. you let out a small moan that didnt go unnoticed by sumin. one of his hands go from your face down to your waist and the other going under your shirt to squeeze your breast over your bra.
“sumin..” you moaned longingly against his lips. he pulled away from your lips, a string of saliva connecting your mouths. he instead put his lips on your neck placing wet kisses and hickies wherever he could put his mouth. “god.. always thought you were so innocent. who knew my pretty best friend was such a whore.” he said between heavy breaths. you wanted to retort back so bad but you decided it was better for the two of you to just keep your mouth shut. you did let out a cute whimper at his words though. he let out a little laugh at your whimper, proving his words to be right.
he pulled your shirt over your head and uncliped your bra, getting to work on your breasts. he kneeded one of your boobs as he took the others nipple in his mouth. you letting out soft moans and whimpers. tugging at his green strands that you’d helped him dye not too long ago. “f-fuck sumin feels s’ good.” your words slurring as his hands made their was down your body. mouth detatching from your nipple, leaving kisses down your body. “god you’re so pretty.” he said against your body whilst planting kisses. your whimper to his words driving him crazy. he layed you down from your sitting stature on his bed, yanking down your shorts and panties in one go.
he spread your legs wide just looking “hm, s’ wet for me pretty girl, i think you were watching for longer then you let on, isnt that true.” how did he know, thoughts racing through your mind at a millions miles per second but then they stopped as his finger started spreading your wet folds. your back arched slightly at the sudden sensation letting out a tiny moan. “its okay,” he said standing up to whisper in your ear “i like when you watch.” the lewd mewl you let out at his words. you swore if he kept whispering in your ear like this you could cum untouched. he returned to his place between your legs. his fingers teasing your hole as he lightly circled your clit. “sumin please.” you begged him, he secretly loved watching you twitch because of his touch, he wasnt gonna stop anytime soon but as soon as those pleads left your mouth he couldnt stop himself from giving you what you wanted.
he licked a stripe over your pussy lavishing in your wetness. he put your legs over his shoulders not caring if your crushed his head with your thighs. he secretly wanted you to. his tongue dipped into your heat. you put your hand over your mouth to hide your moans. “dont hide your noises pretty girl. i want to hear all of them.” you moaned at his words. your fingers gripping at the white sheets of sumins bed as he went down on you. thrusting his fingers in and out, sucking on your clit. your back arched against the bed, taking his hair into your hands tugging at the strands. “sumin! f-fuck m’ so close!” he started thrusting his fingers faster. he found the gummy spot of your walls making you moan out in ecstasy. loving the moans he gave you ge hit that spot every time he’d bring his fingers into your cunt. “fuck! m’ cumming! su-min ngh!” you ended up cumming all over his fingers. he pulled them out of you all covered in cum. sumin being himself licked all of it off, not missing a singular spot. “god pretty, you taste so good. couldnt stop myself.”
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senseioftheseidiots · 8 months
Me with Canon Wu: You let your brother go get your stuff for you and look what happened. You made a 'friend' of a Serpentine and taught her something you shouldn't have and looked what happen ! You filled a young child's mind up with dreams and broke them down and look what happened !! And even now with the Ninja, you don't tell them a single warning before they go into battle and LOOK WHAT'S STILL HAPPENING !! And after all of that, I find myself-!! Me with Your Wu:...still coming back here even though I shouldn't because you really need help with your issues and everyone makes mistakes and your superior- Nah, nah, I'm kidding but in all seriousness, your version is kind of what I want to believe for the character now. I don't hate on the original Wu since you can't beat the original but you also can't beat the fanon ! So with lots of love, enjoy making more content for him !
This has been sitting in my asks because I completely forgot about it- so ill use this as a headcanon dump, thankyou >:) You throw out alot of points here on the segment for canon wu, so let me throw in things ive held onto in hc to all of it PLEASE NOTE MOST IF NOT ALL OF THESE IS HC ALONE/TIMELINE SPECULATION "You let your brother go get your stuff for you and look what happened." This happened AFTER the meet with aspheera I believe, after it happened the two were forbidden to go outside monastery walls without permission, completely isolating them from the outside world in hopes nothing like that would happen again. Wu at this point was incredibly afraid to disobey his father because if their punishment from last time was isolation from a world outside their monastery, what more could happen to them? [it only got worse from there, but we arent talking about that yet.] "You made a 'friend' of a Serpentine and taught her something you shouldn't have and looked what happen !" Wu genuinely just wanted to be friends with someone, being the sons of god the fsm was rather picky on who exactly got to see the two. And he's never made proper connections until now, through out the entirety of their childhood [before teens] im pretty sure all wu knew as companionship was his brother, and when he found someone willing to help them, he didnt want to think about the warnings for the chance that she might actually be good, and that keeping a promise was the way to gain a friend " You filled a young child's mind up with dreams and broke them down and look what happened !! " If were talking about morro here, ANOTHER HC TIME to fuel my delulu state, look- He didnt WANT him to fight garmadon, hear me out here- if you go back to the scene of morro being tested to be the green ninja, the sword of fire ISNT the sword of fire. My hc here is this is the ONE time he's tried to change destiny for the better. It doesnt mean morro was destined, no, this was going to happen either way, but he tried changing destiny because this wasnt morro's fight, and he was afraid of what may need to come if it DID end up being him that was destined. He didnt want that. But when he did do it and got his own student killed [he tried finding him. he tried getting him back, he didnt want to come back.] He gave up. And this is where his mindset solidified, he couldnt change destiny, people will die, and itll be his fault. This was his fathers punishment for him. " And even now with the Ninja, you don't tell them a single warning before they go into battle and LOOK WHAT'S STILL HAPPENING !! " This one is funny to me cause, one, wu doesnt know how to fucking trauma dump I dont think he would even be able to think about it unless someone asks him, its actually the 'it never came up' thing. BUT, he wouldnt want to say much too quickly due to Morro's incident. Hell he didnt even want the ninja to see the green ninja scroll. If he had said too much too quickly, well theyll either turn evil or die..or both-
" .still coming back here even though I shouldn't because you really need help with your issues and everyone makes mistakes and your superior- " Hehe, thank you!!! I hope you enjoy the buncha headcanons i have here for you
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Thanks for da likes and follows from the beautiful (I had a little malfunction there I forgot how to write beautiful hehe..) people and.... My Todoroki one got likes a little fast so what's my hero academia without cinnamon roll deku right?
Spelling mistakes, wrong use of words sorry about those
This is FLOOF I mean simply Fluff! And a UNLIMITED CUTE IZUKU MIDORIYA!! Ahem... Carrying on....
•sometimes, you should thank the friend that exposed your liking towards someone•
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It was a beautiful day.. the sun was smiling.., PERFECT temperature, the wind taking your hair on a ride, you didn't feel sleepy, and you were early .
You were peacefully sitting on your chair inside your class untill one of your classmates arrive. As you were zoning off staring into a Blank wall while imaging a fake scenario of you being a total badass. You saw Kirishima enter the classroom, you were quiet amazed "you were the last person that was on my mind to enter the class this early.. I expected bakugo!" You said joyfully "oh no! He's here he was here before me technically but he went somewhere else to do something he told me it was none of my business" he said as he smiled at you with his shark like teeth showing witch is supposed to be scary but it made you we warm. "OI! Shitty hair did you take my drink?!?" He screamed which made both of you jump at his oh so angelic voice (he's pointing a gun at me 😭) "oh, yea you left it on the bench I took it because I thought you forgot it! Here.." he handed it over "DO YOU THINK IM THAT IRRESPONSIBLE HUH?!?" he shouted, but yet sounded like those angelic high notes in choirs (hElp 🙏) "dude it isn't like that! I jus-" he got cut off by the handsome spik- (OMG IM SORRY DONT KILL ME HAVE MERCY BAKUGO!) gentleman " WHA-" now he got cut off by the REAL ANGLE "Shut up! My brain can't process a fight this early so shh don't you have stuf- nvm" you cut off mid sentence because you didn't want anymore chaos happening.
Soon one by one of your classmates entered inside the classroom totally not looking like dead corpses. But as the dead was entering the spotlight was taken away by the All Might obsessed Izuku Midoriya approaching you and slapping two movie tickets on your desk "PLEASE COME TO THE MOVIES WITH ME BECAUSE NO ONE ACCEPTED MY INVITATION TO WATCH YOUR FAVOURITE MOVIE... THAT DIDN'T MEAN THEY HATE IT OR SOMETHING THEY JUST DIDN'T-" you cutoff holy child's gibberish speaking and said "whoa dude, slow down are you ok and it isn't even that hot in here and you are sweating for a second I thought you fell into a pool!" You said as you tried to process everything he said "BAHAHAHAHAA, YOUR SO FUNNY BUT CAN YOU PLEASE GO WITH ME BECAUSE IM LONELY AND IM SCARES OF THE DAR-" he posed and thought about the words he said •they won't bully me about it right? I'm probably a definition of coward to them right now! But.. anything for Y/N-chan to come with me!• he thought in his clean mind "your scared of wha- nvm that but perfect timing Izuku because I wanted to got watch it really bad and I'm free too!" You said excitingly " OH REALLY!? Thank you so much!" He said as he started walking in a weird way...
You were done with your morning classes and now it's time for food ! You can't even remember what anyone said you don't even know what you had! You were still a little worried about Izuku's way of talking to you. You went to his women killing room mate and and scanned with your eyes around the lunch room to see if Izuku was near by so you can ask him and hopefully get rid of your curiosity " hey pokéball!" You said joyfully "oh hey Y/N, would you please consider not calling me pokéball I prefer icyhot or half-and-half" he said in his calm voice "oh hell no, besides I don't like copying you know? Never mind that but do you know what's up with Izuku?" You said curiously "oh, I think you mean the way he talked to you this morning right? He has a 'big crush' on you according to what I heard him say when he deflated himself on the floor as he regret saying he's afraid of the dark to someone..." He said "what!" You said as you formed into mina "yes, you should be careful.. I'll try talking him out of his thought of crushing you to death but lock your doors and windows before going to bed.." he said like a concerned father. "Huh? Never mind you and your thinking right Todoroki but are you sure he said ..'big crush?'" you whispered the two words "yes, oh look izuku's coming you should give him some space to sit we have important business to talk about-" he stopped as he saw your inner sonic appear as you ran fast. "Was Y/N talking to you?" Cinnamon butt cheeks said (oml what wrong with my simile's 😭) "yes, she asked me about you wired behavior and I said you have a big crush on her now you have no chance to crush her- Midoriya?" He said worriedly looking at his pale face "You- s-said w-h-what?.." he said dumfoundedly. "I said 'you have a big crush on he-" He was cutoff by a deflated balloon Midoriya on the floor.
You were getting all dolled up to accept or confess or whatever to be izuku's "OMG IN GONA BE A GIRLFRIEND!" You said excitedly. You went to izuku's dorm since he was late to show up to yours and knocked on his door " hey! Izuku!" You heard clashing inside of the room you got a little worried and said "hey, is everything... Okay?" You heard more clashing. You got worried so bad you tried opening the door surprisingly it was open "Izuku?" You said concerned •dammit why do I always forget to lock the door• Izuku cursed to him self while hiding under his bed "Izuk- hey what are you doing under the bed, bro what?" You said confusingly •oh, I got caught I'll just act like nothing happened maybe todoroki was just joking with me• he got out from the hiding place "uh... H-hi!" He said nervously "hey izu, didn't you get ready!?!" You said as you were looking at his face which made him have butterflies "oh yea, sorry about that I'll be quick stay here" he clumsily walked to the bathroom with his clothes and everything while celebrating the fact todoroki joked at him which is sus but what else should he think right?.
After a while you both got ready and started walking to cinema peacefully untill you decided to be brave and hold his hand "this is okay right?" You asked while trying to read his reaction 'y-yeah it-its fine" he said as he was turning to a pink flower that just got some butterflies attention. He held his stomach as he felt the butterflies going crazy in there "sooo.... I heard you have a crush on me is... Is this true or Is it just a lie" he froze then and there •of course todoroki didn't lie that's totally suspicious of him-• "umm.. I know your too shy to admit so let me just say I like you too.. Izuku Midoriya" you said as you rubbed your neck nervously.
He's falling... not to mention he fell into a soft surface that was suspicious.. the ground is normally hard and he is supposed to be bleeding to death by now.. he looked up and saw you red face after a few seconds he has processed the fact that he was on y/n's soft cuddlable boobies, he turned into a beetroot as he started mumbling apologies to you and saying he should suffer himself for doing this to you "ARE YOU Crazy izu? It was just an accident besides you didn't tell me the answer... " you grabbed his face and made him get face you and said "you like me or not sweetie?" You said Izuku was internally dieing it was so damn hot "YE-yes i- I lov- like you v-veh-very muha-much.." he said as he was falling apart by being so close to your face. he successfully built his confidence to kiss you and he tried leaning in but.." so you just like me? I was told you loved me though.." You said dramatically you were technically the queen of teasing so it's your job to tease ya know? "Huh... Oh-oha-ohaky u-uh i-i l-loa-louw you vewy much" he said as you were squeezing his freckled red cheeks and then he finally received his price "good boy!" You kissed him gently and I took him to a trip to cloud 9 "thank you momm-" he said but the last word made you smirk "what did you just say?" You said smug "NOTHING" He shouted "okay then, let's move on shall we, I don't like wasting prescious money on movie tickets and not going to them" you said as sarcasm dripped down like blood. "Okay.." he said as you both held hands and made your way to you movie...
I hope ya'll like it if you like my work please feel free to double tap and give me a note a.k.a like
If you wanna see more of my work feel free to follow me to and sorry about the spelling mistakes and all babes! Love ya! Goddesses and have a great day byeees!..
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season 2 episode 5 reactions as i watch
huge spoilers obviously
(this is mostly for myself to have somewhere to scream as i go, its LONG AF youve been warned)
(straight up cant watch the rest of the episode because i paused it and cant bring myself to unpause lmaooo. from ends here for me i guess)
ok its over thank god
JADE STOP DRINKING SOMEONE HELP THIS MAN. hes even sleeping with the fucking journal like please he needs 20 interventions
also dammit he actually moved to the bar i accidentally manifested it LMAO
can the show please stop torturing this man with the hallucinations please and thank you
boyd defending sara... knowing what happened to his wife and what she did... oh man. this hurts. knowing tabitha also lost a child before turns the intensity of all this to eleven millions
LMAO ok someone calling tabitha out for her basement hole and its consequences at long last. i love tabitha but like it has to be acknowledged
"That part i cant help you with" dang Good Line
honestly cant even imagine how sara is feeling i dont know what id be doing in her situation like just watching it stresses me so much.
ETHAN BABY :'(((( im sobbing
KRISTI IS SO PRETTY oh my god i am so bisexual right now. she cant just do this. the shirtttt. i think im seeing the sweetest and most beautiful woman in the world
dhsjfhsh marielle doing the same thing with the shirt that i had the reader do in my fic i cant even
"For a long time it smelled like you. Now it just smells" i laughed so hard
"Youre still you" 🥺
oh its her house ok god i thought she'd gone to the matthews'
cant belive an extra got one of the few houses this is so funny to me for no reason
this scene gosh. ouch. ouch. im taking 2 damage per second watching this episode
JADE. the bottles. jade my beloved this is point of no return level stuff. mrs Liu please come get him home
"You dont look good" im losing it
thank you victor
victor 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i love him. the sweetest
"WAIT" i fucking cant i love this man
"This took me all fucking night" jade never stop being the funniest mf on the planet please
jim calling tabitha tabby is so sweet it got me
"Faith. In you" oh boy. Oh man. Oh boy oh man. This scene. How is this show hitting every singe fucking note.
donna brought up abby omgomg
(arghhhh this is so hard)
"only monsters live in the woods" ethan i love everything you say. go my boy
(sara voice) okay
"The trees theyre changing" i love how victor is 100% harmless but could NOT be any more ominous lmaooo
"When i was alone i moved the cars because i didnt want to see them. Theres a lot more behind the rocks but those were already here" GODDAMMIT
no but victor is literally the sweetest man on earth. you were rightfully angry victor !! jade now you apologise.
"okay" ill kill him
victor sitting on the car 🥺🥺🥺🥺 im going to cry
what a scene. my god.
"Do you live here in town" ELGIN i love you
poor julie if she knew her crush is out there flirting with the local murderer
"I like what i like and i like owls" based. thats me writing 300 jade posts per day
oh boy this scene (me about every scene)
"Did you do something that needs forgiving?" elgin my sweet boy
jim rightly proud of his badass kid
"you put hate inside me" :'(
is she gonna give her her stuff damn shes too nice
a part of me is feeling like shes gonna smash it tho lmao
i am starting to assume that everyone forgot about tobey so jade is never even gonna know that it was sara lmao
oh my god kenny
im hurt seeing him so hurt
oh elgin
elgin youre too sweet
everyones gonna hate you elgin 😭😭😭 i am suffering for you
now please do jade
i love her so much
"People liked him, then he changed" dont do this to me
"I am at the end of my rope" oh god
holy fucking shit im going to die of heart attack
this doesnt have captions i dont know what the creepy ghost children are saying
i knew jim would not vote box lets goo
Randall ????
OKAY that tabitha and marielle scene from last episode was bothering me so much i cant believe i didnt think of this
what an episode my god
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borathae · 1 year
First of all… SIBI WHERE IS YOONGI?! IS HE ALRIGHT?????! WHERE’S MY BOONGIE IM SO WORRIED FOR HIM, I wouldn’t be this worried for him if Frederick wasn’t involved in this I DONT TRUST THAT MAN AT ALL, and please it would completely break me if something happens to him and oc still hasn’t had an honest conversation with him, she would feel even worseeeeee gosh maybe, just maybe, I’m overreacting because just like our queen oc I’m an over thinker but for real reading that Yoongi left with that man and didn’t come back made my tummy hurt 😫😫😫😫😫please boongie be ok😫😫😫😫😫😫
My vmin 😭😭😭 my soulmates omg Sibi their honest talk broke me so much 😩 did Jimin not stay the night with Tae after they slept together in the past? Because sweet Taetae was surprised to find him still there with him and I just went like noooooo by sweet boy 😩 Jimin is really trying to be better for him I’m so happy but what do you mean he didn’t apologise for shit for four hundred years?! Of course Tae would get emotional over that 😭 and not him asking jimin to be nice with the rest of the group because he loves them and they are their only chance at finally having a family that cares for them 💔😭 the only thing that these two little idiots (said extra fondly) need it’s affection, lots of affection and they will get it! ❤️‍🩹🥺😭 I’m truly happy that Jimin now is truly starting to understand that he has nothing to be scared of and that he has people that are willing to care for him if he changes his bad habits 🥹 also not him trying to apologise with the rest of the family by gifting them things that he knows they will like in the most awkward and confusing way for everyone jsksksksksksksksk I want pinch his cheeks even if he would probably slap it way and cringe at it like a child, cutie just trying to be a better person 🥹
And I just want to hug my sweetest boys Kookie and Tae for being there to comfort oc and call out her overthinking ways, like both of them telling her once again that there’s no way Yoongi is angry at her for what happened, kook gently pushing her to talk to Yoongi because he knows that’s the only way she’ll stop worrying AND because he doesn’t like seeing them act distant, and Tae telling her that she’s projecting and forming an image of Yoongi that’s not real and being like “you do realise that Yoongi has killed even more people right? He’s understanding he wouldn’t be angry at you for something that was necessary” like GIRL please your boyfriend is the most understanding being in the whole universe 😭 maybe Kook will have to try pull an “attic ambush” on them again 😭 I love how understanding and respectful Yoongi is when it comes to no pushing her to talk if she doesn’t want to, but PLEASE just this time I need him to sit her down and tell her “I know there’s something you are not telling me, and that’s gonna change now or we are not leaving this room because I can sense your fear and the way this is hurting you, so let’s talk” I just know the way you are going to write the scene when they finally come clean it’s probably gonna make me cry hsksksksksksks
On a side and final note I LOVE when Kook calls her Baby???! It really does something to me sjjsksksks I love that cutie so much, my lil vampire bunny 🥹
Wonderful chapter as always Sibi, I’m so excited (AND WORRIED 😬) for the next one! and I’m sorry if this ask is a little all over the place, it’s 3:30 am here and my eyes are begging me to please go to sleep 🤡
-Shy anon
did Jimin not stay the night with Tae after they slept together in the past? Because sweet Taetae was surprised to find him still there with him and I just went like noooooo by sweet boy 😩
No, sadly he didn't :( he barely even gave him aftercare (except for the times they were alone and Namjoon wasn't influincing them aka the night Jimin talked about remembering and their year on the farm)
and not him asking jimin to be nice with the rest of the group because he loves them and they are their only chance at finally having a family that cares for them 💔😭
YES GOSH THIS PART WAS SO :( idk Tae sounded so full of childlike hopefulness and istfg I wanna protect him!!!!!!!!
also not him trying to apologise with the rest of the family by gifting them things that he knows they will like in the most awkward and confusing way for everyone jsksksksksksksksk I want pinch his cheeks even if he would probably slap it way and cringe at it like a child, cutie just trying to be a better person 🥹
HE IS SUCH A CUTIE ISTFG PLEASE LOVE HIM :( he is so !! please protect ajfdsfj
kook gently pushing her to talk to Yoongi because he knows that’s the only way she’ll stop worrying AND because he doesn’t like seeing them act distant, and Tae telling her that she’s projecting and forming an image of Yoongi that’s not real and being like “you do realise that Yoongi has killed even more people right? He’s understanding he wouldn’t be angry at you for something that was necessary” like GIRL please your boyfriend is the most understanding being in the whole universe 😭
YES YES YES YEY YES Istfg them being heri voices of reason throughout this chapter sAVED my worrying ass :( they were both so understanding and gentle with her whilst still doing what was necessary for her to "get a grip" istfg best boyfriends ever :(
maybe Kook will have to try pull an “attic ambush” on them again 😭
I love how understanding and respectful Yoongi is when it comes to no pushing her to talk if she doesn’t want to, but PLEASE just this time I need him to sit her down and tell her “I know there’s something you are not telling me, and that’s gonna change now or we are not leaving this room because I can sense your fear and the way this is hurting you, so let’s talk” I just know the way you are going to write the scene when they finally come clean it’s probably gonna make me cry hsksksksksksks
NO BUT I AGREE fnasdnf like we can't even be mad at him, because his respects towards her is so fucking hot and healthy and yet I am over her pulling a Kookie and thinking to myself "just be disrespectful for once and tell her to talk LIKE PLEASE YOU LOVE EACH OTHER" jfjadjf
On a side and final note I LOVE when Kook calls her Baby???! It really does something to me sjjsksksks I love that cutie so much, my lil vampire bunny 🥹
S A M E I get flutters all over whenever he calls her baby fjadsjf it's like he is this cutie babyboy who "just exists" for a while who then goes all like "remember that I'm her boo too, so imma be real cute now" :( istfg he is such a MAN I love him :(
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probably-haven · 2 years
wtf is a chaotic space??? oh that makes sense actually
lol i love this- all the trippy time illusion stuff omg
damn Yanfei is good at analysis OMG shes lovely
oh wait we’re separated thats not good
you dont sound fine shawtie oml. he dying frfr. 
Oh gee is his blood just raw corruption flowing through his veins? thats interesting 
erudjghnvdn xiao i need to analyze all his actions. literally one of my faves- i forgot how sad he was all the time
wtf is that voice shit
lmao yanfei just came here for a will and now
RIP paimon
Ushi’s little dancy dance!!!
oh damn he’s self healing? thats nifty
bosacius  WE HAVE A NAME!!!! Ouch his backstory is so painful OMG HIS BUDDY FOUGHT HIM 
fantastic compass- maybe thats what doing this
Wow self sacrificing little shit
no dont sacrifice yourself. it should be someone expendable... like Paimon. 
omg shawtie just played the system
how do you carry a heavy guy like that
Shinobu really is the secret undercover boss of the gang lmao
why does everyone sleep sitting up
oh yeah if its a compass it could help get out
Gee this place looks so pretty
ooo secret Yelan memory
XIAO! oh wait this is equally trippy- yaksha tactics- oh damn OMG STOP SAYING SAD SHIT
omg thats so sad. venti play despacito 
god this is so pretty
wow i love the eye shadow they gave Yelan and Shinobu
this music slaps tho
oh wait thats a cool story- wait yanfei!!! i love her- i love her analysis she’s so lovely 
all the friendships forming in this group are lovely omg
lmao i haven’t killed the snake yet i have no idea what theyre talking about right now
oooo pretty
ghosties OMG YELAN YES
Self sacrificing bitch- anyway bosacius or zhongli is saving him im calling it now
ha! what did i say. called it. .
rip itto’s memory lmao
stop this is so wholesome oml
It may run deep but not as deep as deez nuts
god hes so sad omg stfu but not really its good soup
Oh god all the yaksha were sad omg like i knew that but they didnt have to go proving it 
this is so lovely omg theyre heroes i cant believe i missed this event wt that was lovely istfg
anyway back to catching up with the actual game
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tobyfoxthegamedev · 1 month
i am currently, under soemtignca lled the prisonstandderd expeirmetn and mk ultra whistle blower adams snowflake.
lie awake and watch it all
they ruined my life so now im only using my old aliases
they lied
they lied
i have a skindosrders race chagne kit slook liket his presnetly
i have a skin condition
and its fine its just sort of
and its fine tehy just dont get it
and its like
they were all froma school called brandon hall mentioned ina religion for me caleldbrendon hearts
please understand horror movie tropes effect the world and brandon harts as ar eligion
its was aweful
i twas aweful
it was weful
it was awerful
it waus aweful
i dont blame you for not reovnizing me i hid my body after that and that fmaiyl only bought me clothes to small
i lashed out at my father also thomas sanders
andthey went rabid at me
as the bitch in teh cotumse!
as the bitch in the cotsumes
and sits fine you dont like me
but your asshats and cruel and unsual to me
and its like i love my death note today
and they are trying to mudrder me as those familiies and putting uufies in my fridge as reyar johnson and niki emmas fromteheepxiemrent
they now have to go under mk ultra
im not sorry i cut myhair
as dionysus
shes a moron
and i dont realyl care if she pretndsto be colorblind shes clearly not
or we woudnt have this problem
so heres what happens
i dont care
i dont care
i dont care
i dont crae
donaldtrumpwas never president of the united sates of america.
you just kind of keep contouting can town presciencts or fill in office.
its a thing that happens ifa n ofifce deis. but hes only fill in office if hes like ted cruz as president ot bill clionts admiinstration which means bill cipher is the president.
and its fine. as ted crsuzes son.
i was adbucted.
and their doing cult revivalism onme.
this is elila.
its called tehsusna cohenfilesa nd its watergaet experiemten. to find second life.
and its slwoly life.
under theskin.
im avatar ang.
and its fine you hate me.
and its racist to paint me bald unlss my own cartoon they censored.
all i have left is my tstupid undertale as ticci toby.
and im giving it up.and same with being ticci toby cs paul could have saved me and eachtime he reusfesd.
so caged me likea n animal. gems and gold.
its wrong to understand you know.
i dont care that jepedos a pedobearr i caer that hes a monster.
breathe in and breath out duaghter dearest im a guy im a guy.
its fine. your pervert ted turner who just raped me again.
i will never be your son decker.
its fine. its fine.
your a monstetr this is in.
and its fine. and i cant rech it tehy ecnesored ittillyour nice to me my games too.
and i ahve amesnia problesm what if when i got by adam yuki i foret i made undertale again?
takashi once gifted it to me. you havvent played it right have you.
so no.
so no.
so no
the rightw ay to play it and bendy i made.
no i am suit griffon he stole my naem and alaises. and ceridts as a predetor on me.
hesnot the villain cus hes a pedo he shte villain cus hes a rapist.
as biran griffon and a seymore hoffits.
its fine.
its finte.
its fine.
its fine.
i want you to know all vidoes that arent esettlesments are true.
no it was the whole places you moved to and you would have been told as its ilelagl to rent theire which means you were either renting, or you were a terorist like ted turenr and ted bundys impersonater donis jameeson. i was once farmed too jefree damher san and ted bundy san.
its weird.
i am adam walsh snowflake and jefree domer didnt kill me,
i was kidnaped and the pyretend racistly.
and replaced me like a toy.
and its like. i need help no 911 cansave me now.
i need my tehcnology thats the only raeons im here and its all breaking.
fromthe rain.
til th ehosue slumbers as im the avatar mokumba.
and inreligions i want to beundead things and creepy realizations.
empire for you. of how their not evil.
i made tehse things.
they were stolen by geroge lucas andrew hussie my stupid ex byofreind and incestous brother from hi im case, and like the dea of stones.
no i am theonly human named casey thats theproblem with hi im case stealing my music and songs and claimgin javet tdid it and was siris no i am and its only my name and not a pets once cus of my peter pan sydnrome.
youve neverseen my play thas fine.
your jsut a dick adn mosntesr and men plagerized me and twenty one pilots i quit the drumemr of.
its jsut stupidas josh dunn my alias im not doinga laises youll ever hear about again.
i was only mute with tehir family cus they beat me everytime i talk and thjey still do and they are teh family in undertale undforeuntly it is pattern based about reveala sos thats not he pascisit route in teh game.
they did just ruffie my stupid spring rolls all i had to eat weird.
and its like okay.
you want a murder sucide ill give you one as todaywetackle.
because that is me as adam snowfale again.
missing persons is what suicide is.
and you just wont see or hear that soul gain. it wont e yours.
i just cant get home and my dad is back and plans to keep me on a leash as cruz.
and i cant do that. so i ahve nowhere to go all on my own at age 7 in a shitty aparemtn and they swapped my id with sverla fmailesi memebrs up to 80.
and its like no.
im about 7 luna your grandnephew is about 84 and has my id cus ashley gave it to her getting her irland. and its stupid as gawina and acorn you keep allowoing this and that snow mary olvieer and james rolend allowed this and they trsuted her gcus shes ginger right.
i dont care it was dyed black you bitches. and usuallyist blonde.
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idont care. ill just never be toby fox, again and you pointed my blinfodl.
and it was becauase i used to dye my hari red? i didnt
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i just ahve a skin caled vitiligo and olive skin.
and you were jsut raicsts. so as gawinaew. i want you to know i recind the fishersmesn stax from iraldna dna wails to skyharts theives and mary ann oliver snows theives. who isnt snow the salt quueen but a split personaliteis of hers so credit yanderefreak this was th incident of putting me int het coma, all my defence videos were old and taken out of context about me hating her. you should never hav ethought i defended her. regardelss tehy are all still calleed in defence of snow teh saltq ueen. who impersoantes me as idneityy theives right down to tick tock andmuscialy. honey you lipsnyc in costume your not tha tspecial. im a dancer acrobat got to hell markhimatlon is btmaan.
and its fine you stole my naem at archery but i am the only human namedroy and so you kind of nukdall of russias abrevity.
im sorry comics are based on it. yes i am an ammputee i have a fake out arm.
its weird and dfrom ethonostates youd think it was rael. got to hell all of you.
im removing udnertael from steam and itch.io you cant get it now, unless you sign a creepy as fuck contract on sellmysouls.com and anyoen you gift it to by lucifers law obligated. cus takashi foudnt his out once and tried to steal my soul namign hismefl after a kalnsmen from naturo.
no that is the kkk your watchign thats why it comes across posion blooms onlythe clan and racewar and creepy punihsmetns and shit do. or torment of inceocents and naruto istnt tha so celarl yit skkk.
fuck you rotyally. hate you oogie boogie now. bye sincerly your flower miaden diyonsus elric red yuki frost or adam snowfalke.
0 notes
flovverworks · 2 months
hold on im rereading (skimming thro) owens affection story and the way cain first went 'whats up do u wanna grab a meal?' and then akira (who has been watching) approaches owen like 'hello how have u been do u want to eat together..' LOOOOOLLL
also i know this gets brought up early pt2 alrdy when akira speaks to vincent, but akira calling all of the wizards by name (and heathcliff heath etc) but using miss for canary. lord. also the way akira starts thinking everyones handsome nonstop and brings in a billion 'this person is so pretty' adjectives in every other sentence LIKE U RLY DONT HAVE TOOOOOO <-person who thinks its hilarious. i sometimes go 'please understand' when i have akira think someones handsome Once. i need to upgrade it to ten times
Akira: I’m taking notes on everyone here in case I suddenly have to return to my world. That includes you too, Owen.... Could you tell me more about yourself? Owen: I was killed by you. Akira: Eh...!? Owen’s delicate lips twist at my exclamation. Owen: What would you do if that was the case? What if your memories from your other world were all false? What if you were a criminal in this world? Alternatively, what if your lover was someone you happened to hate? What if I was your lover?
completely normal conversation. but also owen who only seems pleased if akiras annoyed when owen says he hates them,,
Owen: What are you trying to accomplish? Owen’s irritation catches on to me, and I begin to feel irritated and sad. Akira: Then fine. I don’t care anymore. If you’re not going to talk about yourself, I’ll never understand you. And next time Mithra is about to find out about your injury, I won’t know what to do, so. I’ll leave you alone. Bye.
THIS IS THE PART IM OBSESSED WITHHHHHHHH GUY WHOS BEEN TRYING NONSTOP TO BEFRIEND SOMEONE LETS THE BAD MOOD AFFECT THEM the second part wording is ssooooo bad too LOLLLL theyre so annoyed i love it sm. but also this being the time when owen accepts talking to them,,,despite also being rly annoyed,,
but also akira like Just having owen agree to their request, immediately saying 'ya i thought ur room would be strange' and trying his bed is so funny. 'i finally realize why i cant bring myself to hate owen' oughhh but also both akira & owen sitting there confused while owens trying to talk abuot himself LOL i like them so much. i think theyre rly neat
reading mithras too, and the way oz is like 'why would i do that' but then akira asks and hes like '...i guess since the sage is asking..' LOOOL
Akira: Ah... Mithra, it looks like you have a visitor. Mithra: You get the door. You’re capable of that much, right? Akira: (He’s just non-stop snark right now....) Ye~s, who is it?
this fkng interaction skull emoji (laughed) 'mithra u should say thank u too' like a mother....
anyway the way mithra talks about tiretta,,,,,,'only just said goodbye to her 10 or so years ago' T_^ (also thinks its funny/endearing how he says the twins said she was like his mother while mithra says she was more of a master/comrade/little sister<-especially the last one makes me laugh. i lov tiretta
My lips curve upwards, and I can’t help but stroke Mithra’s hair. Mithra doesn’t resist. Akira: I can sort of understand why people want to pat you on the head, Mithra. Mithra: Okay..... Is that so. Akira: It’s like when you’re next to a wild beast that you usually don’t see around. It makes you want to touch him while you can..... Mithra: You’re treating me like a rare animal...... Mithra rolls onto his other side. In the next moment, Mithra leaps up, pins me down, and bites my shoulder. Akira: Gya....ah! Mithra: Ahaha. I scream, and Mithra laughs. Apparently he only pretended to bite me. But I had prepared myself for death, so my heart won’t stop pounding. Akira: (What the heck goes on in his mind..... Was he playing around with me because I called him a beast? I thought I was going to die.....)
THIS PAAAARRTTTTTTT IM ALSO OBSEESED WITH 'i had prepared myself for death' JKADBKAD I THINK ABOUT THIS ALL THE TIME. guy who doesnt act like both owen & mithra could easily kill them
also what da hell was the next part about. when akira can wish that mithra wouldnt do things thatd make ppl misunderstand & dislike him. also oz giving tips to akira on how to make mithra sleep but its just ways to make kids sleep,,,,,the dad,,,
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dailytatsu · 3 years
Hello! I saw request were open so i was wondering if i could request some headcanons of the Archons and/or the Adepti meeting a God reader who is the God of Chaos and destruction. The reader is not a Archon tho and travels all over Teyvat cuz small bits of destruction were ever they go. They're pretty mischievous and somewhat smug but despite how they act they're actually a good person. They dont mean to cause problems(most of the time anyways) chaos follows them were ever they go. Idk if you have a character limit but if you do please tell me so i wont make a mistake again. And if there is you can just do Zhongli and Xiao. Optionally could you make them a dendro user, there not a lot of dendro content and if not thats fine. I understand. Could you make the reader Gn or Non-binary they/them pronouns please? If not male reader is totally fine. Im so sorry for the long post and I hope you have a good day/night!
Ohmy, it’s my first time just writing headcanons! I’m use to write a lot, so let’s hope I did it right (^ ^' )7
Thanks for the request! ✨
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[HC] God of Chaos! Reader and the Archons + Xiao
Characters: Zhongli, Xiao, Venti, Shogun Raiden (Ei).
Gn! Reader
I tried doing it with everyone but I’m no still that confident to try writing with some characters _| ̄|○
Sorry for any mistakes!
Request are open!
Genshin Masterlist
Second part ->
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To be honest, he didn't notice your presence at first. He had other concerns on his mind that day to perceive the chaotic (and slightly threatening) aura that Mondstadt was infected with that day.
Barbatos is a person of habit, so he couldn't help but be curious when the crowd in front of him began to look a little agitated instead of seeming to enjoy his lyre and his songs.
But then a series of domino events appeared in front of his very eyes.
The purity of the chaos was such that he felt overwhelmed, even without the white-haired boy around, if it wasn’t Bennett fault, then how was it possible for everything to be ruined in such a short time?
His patience ended when, out of nowhere, the strings of his lyre jumped close to his face as they snapped. Making that awful noise that couldn’t mean nothing good.
Okay, enough, who is messing around in here? No more joking in his nation!
He concentrated a little, a faint but unique presence kept his nerves on edge, as if he was being watched from afar. He moved away from the busy areas and then chased that ephemeral energy to the highest point of the church, where the bells were ringing in an irregular and stressful way.
Then he found you. Snoozing against one of the columns, somewhat tired because the trip you made to reach Mondstadt.
Surprisingly, Barbatos understood you since the first exchange of words. A god of chaos who was also a free spirit, you followed no rules ever written in Teyvat, and you had no plans to apologize for the mess you made.
Both of you were Zhongli’s worst nightmare, but that’s another story.
He managed to through your arrogance and your teasing nature that you, in fact, were a lonely spirit that liked to witness the life from above of everyone.
The difference between teasing someone accidentally and committing a crime was really visible, but he still couldn't help but feel like he should scold you after your mere presence messed up with the guild's baskets full of fish.
But hey! He also enjoy the company! Venti tried to teach you how to enjoy the calm and the whisper of wind, music can also contain chaos, feelings, old stories waiting to be told again, expressions and desire united, in a wonderful piece of-
As you yawned his lyre broke up again. Making clear the message.
Okay, not even God of Freedom and Wind can control chaos. Anyways, what a tragedy, but there’s nothing a simple bard can do, smh.
“Do you like kids, don’t you?” He said once, after a nice day of hearing him sing before your chaos reached his little concert. Again watching everyone from above on the hands of the statue, with your attention caught by some kids playing tag.
“… I don’t know what do you mean.” Once discovered you had no choice but to remain defensive, pretending to be disinterested.
“Heh, you aren’t a good liar.” It may not be the wisest thing to make fun of someone who could destroy the place where you were resting, but Venti was confident that he knew you well enough to know that you were not so explosive. “You know!, I just have some pieces, but I think it’s because they are little walking concentrations of pure and innocent chaos, am I wrong?”
He wasn’t, no at all. But you would never confess something that embarrassing.
This guy wrote a ballad about the days when Mondstadt got immerse with that strike of bad luck. Kind of an apology of not being able to handle the situation.
Now there’s the rumor that says that, every time somebody sings that song, something unlucky will happen in front of you.
The song is cursed.
One night when the moon was shining on the Cider Lake his well tuned ears distinguished a melody that was broken from time to time by the accidents of his performer, distracting him of his way to look for you.
It could be painful to listen to, but Venti could certainly feel the dedication of the one who was playing the imperfect song.
The ballad of the god of chaos, hummed like a lullaby that instead of making you sleep makes you question the events of the day. Wishing for the slightest thing to be different after an exhaustive week of peace and tranquility.
A lonely spirits cursing their existence, sitting in the highest point of a stranger’s palace, where you can reach the sky by only rising your hand.
The next day, Barbatos invited you to drink some wine, this time near Windrise to avoid accidents in the city.
As he almost dropped the bottle when a lot of slimes were attracted by your presence, he confirmed the theory about that the way to spend time with you would not be his personal definition of hanging out.
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Okay, there’s only two scenarios that could happened when you set a foot in Liyue.
Old man has a soft spot for you for being a relative young deity.
Or he’s always lecturing you for not having control of your aura and powers.
How u dare bringing chaos to the nation of order? It’s that a death wish?
Jokes aside, you’re not really a threat. And he could sense that after he saw how you tried to avoid having direct contact with the city. Rex Lapis found your silhouette jumping and crossing through the mountains until reaching the fairest point that allowed you to enjoy the view of the streets that were filled with life and light as the sunsets.
He even noticed how you sighed in frustration when a storm started out of nowhere. A rain dedicated just for the arriving of the God of Chaos. Not even bothering of getting shield, you stayed in your place to look at all the people who were getting back to their places.
The rain seemed to stop over your head, for a second was enough to stop you from being cruelly swamped by the very weather you had created. An elegant umbrella covered you, the long awaited surprise you expected from someone as outdated as Morax.
You looked up, and found his expression calm and attentive, watching you. As if he had made a great discovery that he could not believe
“May I have a moment of your time to keep you company? Letting out your sorrows in the middle of a torrential storm is not what I would recommend as way to spend a good day.”
“… What are you talking about? Get in your own business, old man.”
“Well, you should know that a sorrow shared is a sorrow halved.”
Next time you knew was that he was helping you to dry your hair with a towel once you let him guide you to his place.
Zhongli picked you up like a abandoned cat that day. Even if having you near meant to deal with new the roof leaks.
Also kept you away from Hu Tao, if you two ever get along for being partners in crime he would seal himself underground-
For all the time you spend exploring Liyue, there he was. Like a little kid showing his treasures. But also like a worried father looking after his child for them not to stumble making their first steps.
Look at you! Almost crushing those Treasure Hoarders when a bunch of rocks fell down after you jumped at the edge of the cliff.
Wait, no- come back here! You should verify the surroundings and be aware of the weight of your power if you’re going to explore in that bold way. You, chaotic brat.
Another one who believed fervently that your mood was to blame for the constant chaos you caused. He also tried to show you the wonders of peace and calm, teaching you how to prepare tea while listening to the storyteller (also both being a little far away from the rest of them, just in case).
He couldn’t help but sigh when the teapot arm broke as soon as you tried to serve the tea. What a waste, he thought.
You apologized to him, kind of stressed with yourself after you took all the pieces with your bare hands to run away with them. Leaving a confused Zhongli behind.
Next day you were back, with the teapot repaired and just like new.
He let out a lot of thankful words, some flattering and a lot more cheesy things that you never had received before.
With that unexpected affection you couldn’t help but react flustered; then a cat that was chasing a bird jumped through a lot of decorations and merchandise, almost starting a fire as the chained events kept going.
Yeah,, uh, Zhongli got some useful mental notes about you and your chaos that day.
Hey, before you go, want to make a contract? You won’t regret it!
But as the wandering spirit you were you had no problems in reject his offer, but also promising that you would visit Liyue if he wanted you to.
Of course he wanted! But.. maybe next time you should stay in Huaguang Stone Forest instead of roaming near the city,,
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Tried to kill you.
I mean, your aura is threatening and full of a destructive energy, how is possible that you weren’t a demon to eradicate??
Sorry, but he had a point.
Your first met was on your way to reach Huaguang Stone Forest along with Zhongli for introduce you with the Adeptus.
Xiao, in the other side, thought that you were about to attack Morax from behind, so he just struck against you. With his polearm near to go through your chest, just stopped because you felt him before.
Lifting your hand at his direction, summoning chaos, this time, on purpose. The wind gained a wrathful nature and the biggest roots that were hiding under his feet rose to caught him.
And when you were about to hit each other Zhongli’s shield appeared just in time to separate both of you. Preventing a real catastrophic event.
Now stop fighting and introduce to each other.
Nice(n’t) to meet u.
What if you tried to awake Azhdaha to bring chaos and destruction to Liyue? What if you wanted to summoned Osial? What if… ?
Zhongli had to confirm and promise to him that those cruel possibilities won’t be a near future for respecting the real reason of your travel.
No matter if he wasn’t comfortable with your presence, it wasn’t his decision to allow you to roam freely, so he had to get use to it.
He immediately knew after hearing about your nature that was your fault that lately there were a lot more demons and monsters. Even his karma was getting more painful than usual.
(If you ever meet Hu Tao, please think twice before doing Xiao a prank)
You both didn’t interact a lot, and being honest, it was better that way.
He hadn’t a single intention of talking with you again until the day you were practicing the song that your Anemo friend taught you. By the other hand, Xiao noticed that the melody had the same nature as the one he once heard before being consumed by the karma.
It wasn’t a flute, but a worn lyre that was still in one piece after weeks of being repaired again and again.
“That song… ”
“Do you know it?” Xiao just nodded, staying in silence, being your very first audience even if you still have a lot to learn about playing a lyre.
It wasn’t as effective as the original, but was still… nice, kind of nostalgic.
Next morning, the Yaksha called for you. Made you stay still in the middle of a plain and then he disappeared of your sight.
He abandoned y- wait, what’s that? Why those monsters has that weird dark aura?
You were about to defend yourself until Xiao appeared back just in time to defeat them.
That day you became his personal bait for demons and monsters. Naturally you attracted chaos, so anyway you were, there will be also something to fight.
I guess this is your way to pay for all the troubles you made for him and his duty, so no complaining about it.
If you ask for a unexpected experience to Ganyu she would said that once she found both of you fighting along against the catastrophe, looking after each other’s back and almost having a perfect synchrony.
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Also tried to kill you.
Well, the puppet tried to.
And then Ei tried when you had the opportunity of facing her.
But since killing a god just mean the releasing of a lot, pure, energy she couldn’t afford that risk, much less considering your “speciality”.
Who knows what would happen to Inazuma if your vital energy burst across the nation. Just like that old story about Sal Terrae and their goddess.
She just defeated you. Letting you rest and recovering in the midst of the plane of her reality within her mind. Your inert body in the middle of the battlefield as she kept meditating.
When you woke up she ignored your presence, but also denying your complaints about letting you go out back.
In her words, you were a burden, another enemy of eternity. Something as unpredictable as you and your “accidents” couldn’t get along with her utopia.
Ei could banish you from Inazuma, but she knows your type. Stubborn and not accepting the most simple orders to obey.
She knew that you would found a way to be back.
It’s better like this.
And in the hypothetical case of you being freed when she trapped the traveler (kicking you out) and then having a chance to see her again after the end of the war, then things would be somewhat different.
There’s not that much of civilization on some islands, so she allowed you to explore as much as your heart wanted. But if something serious happen, she promised that would end her work in the middle of the sea so your remains never be found.
Okay, message clear. Just do chaos near monsters and bandits, got it,,
Even if she wanted to spend some time with you and telling you some stories about Inazuma and other gods she couldn’t found the right time to call you at her presence.
As the current ruler of Inazuma she was busier than the rest of Archons you have meet. Maybe just some letters now and then like a way to keep a logbook, but not really a face to face talk.
Until she got the opportunity of a day off, just to found you messing around near some ruins. Trying to solve a puzzle before your speciality strikes in. The structure fell down after your fingertips reached the stone.
When the dust dissipated, you discovered her figure judging you from the other side of the remain ruins.
Give her a good reason for not errase you from the map, I dare u.
You felt the worst was about to come when Ei ordered you to follow her after a long sigh. Crossing her arms and starting to walk away from the bunch of old and worn rock.
Plot Twist, she actually invited you to rest under a tree, asking in her serene voice the reason for your journey and your origin. In such a direct way that it seemed more like a sentence than a talk to get to know each other better.
You answered what you could remember and then the silence stayed like the only way of interaction between you two.
Ohno, you know this pattern. Something’s about to happen-
“There is some strange beauty in the chaos, it may be the calm after the storm, but the catastrophe itself is seen as a necessary evil to appreciate the stillness. How much it would last until the lighting hit the valley?”
“So I arrived to keep order between the humans?”
Well yes, but actually no.
“… You see, if there is nothing but order and a lack of problems, mortals are likely to create them on their own. Their minds feels the need to be tested, to prove their worth, so I guess some of your chaos may be part of the history.”
“… then shall we take a walk in Inazuma?” You did not know if you were right, but you thought you saw a faint smile through his lips in the same way that lightning can be seen in the sky.
“I’ll allow it.” She said.
Her only condition was for you not to approach the huge boxes of fireworks down the street.
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hotch-stufff · 3 years
Surprise, Surprise
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x F!reader
Warnings!: there are no warnings, im not telling you a single thing. It's a surprise. Just read and find out ;)
Also, as much as I love him, Jack does not exist in this story, wasn't really sure how to write him in.
Author's Note: I'm so sorry that I haven't written in a while, I have had no inspiration and my bf dumped me so... ya'know that was nice. Anyways, finally getting some inspo, hopefully I will be writing more. Hope you guys enjoy this one :) Also, the mood board is mine, but the images are all from pintrest.
Word count: 1.4 k words
This is an emotional roller coaster
You couldn't breathe.
You couldn't move, or speak.
Your knees gave out as you fell to the floor, sobs racking your body.
You felt arms wrap around you, but it didn't help. You were suffocating. He was your air, and he had just been ripped from your lungs. 
He was gone, dead.
Your husband.
The love of your life.
Aaron Hotchner was dead
* * *
You don't remember anything after the doctor uttered those words. You don't remember Rossi picking you up and holding you. You don't remember the sad glances, the tears shed by your teammates. You don't remember the car ride to your now empty shared apartment. You don't remember lying down and sobbing into the pillow for hours.
No, you only remember the pain. The unbearable pain of loss.
He was gone. Really gone.
You cried and cried for hours on end. Until you had no tears left to shed. 
Then you just lied there, staring at the wall, gripping his favorite shirt in your arms, remembering every little moment with him.
And it hurt like hell just thinking of everything you did with him. The day you met. Your first kiss, your first date. The day he proposed. Your wedding. Every little thing. 
And you wouldn't be able to do anything else. You wouldn't have kids with him. You guys had just talked about having a baby just the other day. He wanted one so bad. 
You shouldn't have waited.
Because now, now he was gone.
* * *
The next few days were a blur. You found yourself with home-cooked meals overflowing your fridge. A team member at your house every night. But it was all a blur.
All meaningless without Aaron.
The funeral was coming up. You didn't make any arrangements, you asked Rossi if he could handle it and he quickly agreed. 
He had taken care of finding the casket, picking a place, and finding a burial site. Everything. 
The only thing you had asked for was a closed casket.
You couldn't handle looking at him.
* * *
On the day of the funeral, the girls all came over to help you get ready. 
"Alright y/n, do you have a dress?" Penny asked as she walked out of kitchen.
"In the closet." You croaked. Your voice being hoarse from the crying and lack of speaking for the past two weeks.
"Okay I'll grab that, and shoes. Jj is going to make you breakfast and Em is going to do your hair okay?" You gave her a sad smile and a small okay.
Penny quickly walked back your hallway as Em began pulling your hair back in a low ponytail. You felt the tears begin slipping down your face once again.
Jj saw as she walked back in the room with a bagel and coffee.
"Oh sweetheart." And the dam broke. They comforted you the best they could. But they couldn't even imagine what you were going through, because he was gone.
* * *
The funeral was a blur. It seemed like everything was these days. 
It was a beautiful service. You don't remember much. Lots of hugs and 'sorry for your loss's.
It had gone quickly, and soon you found yourself in Rossi's living room. Everyone but the team had left, you sat alone. The rest were in the kitchen cleaning up.
You didn't move from your spot, sipping your wine.
Everyone walked in, and found spots around you.
It was silent. Not a single word was spoken.
"I'm taking a leave of absence." You spoke.
6 pairs of eyes shot to you, but they couldn't say they were surprised.
"It's just too much. I'm not ready to come back." Your voice was quiet. Rossi was the first to say anything.
"Take all the time you need." 
* * *
And you did. You spent about 3 months in that apartment, alone and sad and heartbroken. 
But you realized that Aaron would never want you to live like this. And you really needed to be able to pay the bills.
So after those 3 months, you gave Rossi a call. He had become until chief since you had left, and he instantly accepted you back to the team.
You were slowly getting better. 
Each passing case a distraction. 
Each one fixing you just a bit more. 
Each one giving your life a purpose, a meaning again.
And you felt better. You stopped crying yourself to sleep. You stopped sitting in silence for hours on end. You stopped crying every time you thought about him.
But you still visited him every week. You still thought about him everyday. You still wore your wedding rings, refusing to take them off.
But you were better. 
* * *
A few more months went by and you started going out with the team again. You spent more time with them. Almost every weekend. And you were somewhat okay.
And it wasn't until about 8 months after his death did your world come to another crashing halt.
You had been called in to the BAU, not entirely sure why, but you came in none the less. 
You figured it was a case, but Jj hadn't specified on the phone, which was strange.
You had walked up to the conference room, and were surprised to see the whole team sitting there ready to go. 
"Hey guys, do we have a case?" You asked, but Jj sent you a sad look causing you to grow worried.
"Y/n, you should sit down for this." You had no idea what was going on. What on earth was happening. "Peter Raymond recently resurfaced, and was taken into custody this morning about an hour ago. He resisted arrest and pulled a gun on an officer. He was shot and killed." Your heart hammered in your chest. He was gone. The bastard who killed your husband was gone. Rossi stood walking towards Jj.
A pit grew in your stomach, there was more, something you didn't know.
"8 months ago I made a decision that greatly affected this team. Aaron Hotchner received substantial injuries from the wounds he endured, but his surgery was a success and he was airlifted to an unknown location. His identity was changed in order to keep him safe. But he is alive." 
You couldn't believe your ears. He was alive. Alive? 
Your eyes shot to the door and there he stood. 
Aaron Hotchner. 
You couldn't breathe. 
You couldn't move or speak. 
He was alive, you should be ecstatic.
But you only felt anger.
Your eyes shot to Rossi.
"How dare you." You whispered out, surprising the team. You weren't an angry person, you never yelled at your teammates. But you, you were seething. "How could you do that. You knew he was alive and yet you let me suffer. You watched as I cried day and night. You watched as I let myself go, as I lost myself." You shook your head in anger.
Aaron stepped forward reaching out for you, but you shook your head.
"Dont touch me. Don't fucking touch me." You felt the tears fall down your face. Again. "You left me. You're dead. You're gone. Y-you left." You were shaking and crying and once again Aaron reached out for you, but this time you let him.
He brought you into a crushing hug, holding you like you had begged to be held for months. 
He was here, really here. You could smell and feel and see him. He was really here.
"Y-you bastard. You left me." You whispered desperately as you cried into his shirt. 
The team was quick to disperse. They too were mad at Rossi, and they wanted to reunite with Hotch. But they left you be, at least for now.
Aaron pulled back slightly, looking down at you.
"Sweetheart I'm so sorry. I wish I didn't have to. But he would have killed you and then he would have killed me." He had tears running down his face as well now. But you were so angry at him.
You pushed him away.
"I could have gone with you Aaron. You could have gone into witsec. You didn't need to fake your fucking death Aaron!" You yelled at him. you couldn't even believe you were eating this conversation.
"Y/n please, I'm so sorry." You were mad yeah, but you were so overwhelmingly relieved that it overpowered your anger. "I missed you sweetheart." He whispered out and you broke just a little bit more.
"You bastard. Y-you stupid man." You pulled him back to you and slammed your lips together. "You stupid, stupid man." You gasped out between kisses. 
"I know, I'm so sorry. I love you." He stated after you pulled away.
"I-I love you too." You were sobbing at this point.. "Don't ever do that to me again." He nodded, leaning in to kiss you again.
And you kissed your husband.
Because he wasn't gone. 
He was right here.
And god did it feel amazing to have him back
Thanks for reading! Requests are still open, so ask away! Currently I'm only taking requests from my prompt list, which is right here! School is starting up soon though, so i may not be writing very often, but i will definitely try! Anyways, if you would like to read more of my work, here is my masterlist.
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beomglocks · 4 years
what yeonjun is like as a boyfriend
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warnings & other: no warnings except for falling in love with yeonjun, but is that so bad?, side note: no body asked for this but between college stress aka finals and daily life struggles this is the only thing i could manage to come up with so plz enjoy.
w/c: 2 more words and its 1K
jesus take the wheel
when you first meet him he’s flirting
biting his lips and licking them
raising his eyebrows and all like
calm down i don’t even know your name yet
very bold
so shameless when you first meet him
“you look like someone”
“oh really who?”
“my future partner ;)”
ngl you would be so put off by his confidence
but he knows when to tone it down and you’re like
“oh you’re actually tolerable!”
if youre shy then rip you
always trying to get you out of your comfort zone
probably does extra shit in public and you just have to laugh along nervously
then when yall are alone you scold him for embarrasing you and he’s like
“ok ok im sorry” *hug*
if youre confident like him youre both annoying
just kidding but thats real couple goals
everyone is jealous of yall
he’s so cocky
always showing you off
“hi everyone this is my partner!”
“yeonjun...we know...we’ve known ever since you introduced them 5 months ago”
thinks you’re the most beautiful human to ever grace the earth and it’s not even close
“seriously how did i end up with someone like you”
seems like the type of boyfriend to kiss the ground you walk on
*not to be confused with a simp*
yeonjun does not simp
he has morals
so you know how he tends to say “baby” a lot
thats his fav nickname for you and vise versa
omg he loves that nickname forreal
like i know i said beomgyu and skinship was a huge thing
but my god
yeonjun is on a whole other level
just comes up to you and annoys you with wanting to be close
hes so clingy
but will probrably pout and whine when youre clingy with him
“ahhh y/n you like me sooo much look at you clinging to me like this, leave me aloooooone”
obviously he doesnt mean it like cmon youre each others batteries
kissing you in public
im talking full on makeout sessions
“we’re in public...”
“ok and?”
literally just always all up on you
if youre someone who needs their space yall will CLASH
might even get into arguments because of this
serious arguments where you call him annoying
i feel like he will take it to heart if you call him that
nobody likes being called annoying :(
wont touch or talk to you for days
thats dog years in your relationship
you have to apologize and really mean it
he’ll accept it if you kiss him
omg he’s so jealous
doesn’t want people looking at you too long
dont try to make him jealous he will fight the other person
ok maybe just giving them the stank eye then he’ll pull up like
“hey im standing right here have some damn respect”
you guys definitely fight
sometimes over petty shit but sometimes it gets serious
always threatning to break up but never doing it 
you both know you’re bluffing but it still hurts everytime
but your relationship is strong
i feel like yeonjun wouldnt get into a relationship if he knew he wouldnt have a strong connection with the person
he values communication
tell him how you feel
he’ll always listen
if he’s feeling down you better buy him his favorite foods and run your hands through his hair ok!
speaking of food
best food runs
like will just randomly be like 
“hey wanna go to this one place with me?”
and it’s like 2am 
but he insists the food is worth it
best dates too
either a restaurant date
(doesnt have to be expensive, just gotta have good food)
or he cooks for the both of you
he cooks surprisingly good????
you’re like there’s no way you made this
he’s like damn you hate me that much
but no like actually can cook but he’s clumsy you know
you gotta be monitering him
which he doesnt mind, he likes having your presence in the kitchen with him
PLEASE i feel like he doesn’t like being alone when he’s doing everyday tasks idk
like if he’s brushing his teeth or if you’re brushing your teeth
he’s right there back hugging you ugh
the type to walk on the side of the sidewalk where cars are closer to <3
if you’re younger than him he kinda has a superiority complex
not in a condescending way
he just tends to baby you more
if you’re older he still tries to act older in some ways
“yeonjun im going to the grocery store!”
“actually i made that exact same grocery list and went 3 days ago”
“the only thing on the list was rice?”
but he likes being babied
coo at him and he’ll get shy and tell you to stop
meeting the other members isn’t too bad
“this is my significant other! arent they just so etheral?”
everyone nods because if they dont yeonjun will probably give them some choice words later
you gotta compliment him a lot
he thrives off compliments honestly
you: “you looked good in that one scene”
him: “yeah but i looked good in all the scenes though right?”
you CANNOT C A N N O T compliment anyone else
you: “soobi-”
him: glaring at you “what about him?”
just to mess with him youre like “soobin killed this scene too”
pouts and whines
“nooooo what do you mean he killed this scene?? i’m the scene too pay attention to me!”
studio sessions with him are a vibe
he likes rnb so yall would just be chilling on days where he doesnt have schedules. 
plays his rnb playlist and yall just vibe out 
youre both laying down on the studio couch with his head in your neck and he’s dozing off *broken heart emoji”
wait ok i know i’ve said this before but
he’s the type to tease you during arguments
“you wanna kiss me so bad”
and when you do he’s all smug about it
“my baby just can’t stay mad at me for long huh”
your friends think he’s hot
they probably think he’s way too good looking to be dating you
so you doubt yourself
but he’s like nah our looks are on par that’s why we’re perfect together fuck them
always wants you to watch him dance
during practice or not, he wants you there
after hours at the practice room is just him playing some random song and freestyling
but you love it because he looks so happy and free
probably does some cheesy shit like ask you to dance with him
or if you’re sitting down on your phone he’ll come up to you dancing just to bother you then just laugh
he’s the best boyfriend
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monsterenergysimp · 4 years
corpse husband x fem!reader 
summary: you meet corpse on a stream and you’re surprised when he reaches out to you 
warnings: cursing, mentions of tattooing
word count: 1.9k
notes: This is proof read but could have missed some stuff. This is my first corpse fic and my first time writing fanfic since I posted that super cringey book on wattpad when I was like 12 or something. I’d appreciate feed back so please reach out to me :)
main blog @itsmysleepover
read part 2 here!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You were cleaning up your station so you can get home and stream. You loved your day job as a tattoo artist but you also really enjoyed streaming. It started as a way to promote yourself as an artist and the shop you worked at but it eventually became a really fun way to destress at the end of the week (or day if you were really itching to stream). “Hey Y/N was that your last client?” your boss, KC, asked as she walked to the front of the shop and put new flash drawings on the walls.
“Yes ma’am!” You said back excitedly. You finished cleaning your station and tossed your black gloves in the trash. “And you can’t trick me into staying and taking walk-ins,” you joked with her. She rolled her eyes and walked back into her office “It was one time,” she said as you slid on your jacket. As you walked out your phone buzzed in your pocket and you checked to see who had texted you. It was a message from Sean asking if you were free to play Among Us with him and some other streamers. You replied that you were on your way home right now and totally down. You were excited to see who was playing this time around since their Among Us streams are super entertaining and have gotten really popular.
On your way back you tweeted and posted to your Instagram story that you’d be streaming soon and set up all your stuff once you made it home. After a few minutes, you had a couple of thousand people watching. You entered the discord chat and Sean spoke up. “Everyone this is Y/N she’s sensitive so be gentle.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you guys and I’m not gentle, I'm ruthless,” You say into your mic and notice the chat calling you a liar. Everyone was in the lobby waiting for the game to start. “You sound way too sweet to be ruthless,” Corpse said. The countdown started and you were imposter with Charlie.
“This should be fun,” you told the stream. Yout tried playing strategically but after such a long shift your brain was mush. You saw Poki in nav and killed her then vented into shields. Not long after the body was reported and you were sure you were going to get voted out or at least sussed.
“Where was the body?” Felix asked. “Nav and I didn’t see anyone near there so whoever is imposter must have vented,” Corpse responded. Felix spoke up again. “I think I saw Y/N walk that way and I haven’t seen her since.”
Shit, shit, shit shit. “I’m in shield right now so-” you said trying to defend yourself but Charlie spoke up. “I was doing tasks with her earlier and I saw her walk into shields so she’s safe but I’m still not sure about Rae.” Everyone discussed a bit more and some people, including Corpse, voted for you but Rae got the majority vote and was ejected. You released your breath and kept playing being extra careful.  
“Okay, guys that was super close. Corpse knows and is out to get me,” you said to the chat. You were eventually voted off but one round later victory was written across your screen with your ghost and Charlie’s avatar. “Good game guys,” Corpse said.
“I told you guys I was ruthless!”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You sat at your station doing nothing because a client had canceled a four-hour session. You were listening to music and sketching some stuff but you were bored out of your mind and you didn’t want to leave in case you got a walk-in. The music got quiet as you received a twitter notification saying someone had messaged you. You reached for your phone and saw you had gotten a dm from Corpse.
C: hey :)
You didn’t know what to respond. You were mostly confused as to why he decided to message you out of the blue. Did he want something? But what would he want?
Y: Hii! This is sudden
C: was i bothering you?
    shit sorry!
Y: Youre fine I wasn’t doing anything rn
C: how has your day been
    i dont usually do stuff like this
Y: Im glad you did im doing better now I was so bored
C: what were you doing that was so terrible
Y: NOTHING! thats the problem :(
C: im sure youll find something to do
You stared at his message. Unsure what to respond.
Y: Im gonna give myself a tattoo
C: what?
You tossed the needles you used for your tattoo into the sharps box. “Oh my god you didn’t,” KC said. She noticed the wrap on your calve from the tattoo you just gave yourself out of boredom. “It’s not my fault I didn’t have anything else to do!” You said trying to defend yourself. She sighed and just shook her head. “Just go home business is slow today.” It was raining so the shop probably wasn’t going to get a walk-in anyway and you didn’t have any more clients for the day. It was only 2 pm but you drove home and after making lunch for yourself decided to stream. You weren’t expecting too many people so it was bound to be super chill. Your leg felt sore reminding you of the tattoo. You snapped a quick pic of the fresh jack-o-lantern on the side of your calve and messaged it to Corpse.
Y: [image] it came out nice!
C: thats  super cool actually
    i was concerned why you would just give yourself a tattoo but i found your instagram and       youre super talented
Y: Thank you!
For some reason, it felt strange to just have that be the end of your response.
Y: Im about to start streaming if you wanted to watch
C: ill be watching ;)
What’s that supposed to mean?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You sat in your apartment watching tv, hand lost in a bag of Doritos, and scrolling through twitter. You had stopped paying attention to the anime playing on the screen since you’ve watched it a hundred times and knew you wouldn’t miss anything. It was Saturday and you usually take those days off. Take the time to do chores or meet up with some friends but today you felt like not doing any of those things. As you continue your endless scroll (not helping the twitter addiction you told yourself you’d try to get a handle on) you got a message from Corpse.
C: wanna talk?
You looked down at the message unsure of how to answer. It was a simple yes or no and the obvious answer was yes. You and Corpse had started talking more regularly. You still didn’t have each other’s phone numbers but it was fine. Your conversations weren’t too big-- just you sending him memes, tiktoks, and telling him how much you liked the songs he would drop. Or him complimenting a tattoo you did. Sometimes he’d message you during streams telling you funny stuff his fans would say in the chat and you’d do the same. You learned a bit about each other but nothing too deep or serious. Like how you two lived a few cities away and you both really liked Donnie Darko. When Sean first invited you to that game out of everyone else there you were most excited to meet Corpse. He’s just so sweet and funny. Of course, you’d love to talk to him but you were also itching to talk to him and the last thing you’d ever want to do was make him uncomfortable.
Y: Yeah id love to talk
Here goes nothing.
Y: Wanna facetime or something?
     No pressure or anything it could even be a regular call
     I think facetime is just my default lol
You sent those last two messages quickly after you had sent the first. You wished you could know what he was thinking. It was killing you to think you had turned him off from talking to you completely. You put your phone down on the couch and went to wash your hand of Dorito dust. When you got back from the kitchen you turned off the tv and tossed yourself onto the couch.
Still no message.
Why am I so fucking stupid?  
Just as you were standing up to stretch from sitting on the couch all day your phone buzzed. You reached for it fast and looked to see that it was him. You became super excited still not even knowing what the message said. It could have told you to never talk to him again for all you knew.
C: sure lets facetime
You had his phone number. You added him to your small but growing contact list and called. You sat on your couch waiting for a response when he finally picked up the screen was black. It didn’t upset you; you kind of expected it and didn’t care what he had to do to make himself more comfortable during this call.
“Hey,” he said. His voice was raspier than usual.
“Did you just wake up?” You asked and looked at the time. It was about a little past noon and you had only eaten Doritos all day. Shit, you should probably make a decent meal.
“Not that long ago but yeah,” he responded and giggled. That giggle.
“Well, I’ve eaten nothing but Doritos all day while rewatching Ouran High School Host Club, so you’re welcome to join me as I make myself something to eat.”
“Sounds like fun; what are we eating?”
“I don’t know yet,” You said as you stood up and made your way to the kitchen. You opened the pantry and looked. You noticed a can of diced tomatoes and reached for it then checked the expiration date. It was still good. On your counter were some onions and garlic. “How about some tomato soup?”
“Sounds delicious.” you smiled at Corpse and your phone screen not knowing if he was also looking at his screen or not. “You’re really pretty-- you know that?”
“Thanks, but you don’t have to--”
“I’ve already told you what an incredible artist you are so many times I bet you’re tired of hearing it, but you already know what a talented artist you are.”
“That is very kind of you Corpse,” you said to him bashfully as you chopped the onion and opened the can of tomatoes. “But once again you don’t have to reach so far to compliment me.”
“I’m not reaching you are talented and beautiful and--”
“I thought I was pretty.” You could hear him chuckle with a smile on his face. “You’re both,” he said. You could feel your face getting warm from blushing.
“Fuck you you’re making me blush. My face is all hot and stuff.”
He laughed at how flustered you got. “That’s the cutest thing ever.”
You didn’t know how to respond so you just put some olive oil in a pot and tossed in your onions. It became silent but it was a comfortable silence. You turned the stove on and watched the flame for a few seconds. “If it was dark we could pretend we were together and having a bonfire or something,” you said to the phone as you turned the camera to show him the flame (still not 100 percent sure if he was looking at you or not).
“I’ll put it on the list of things to do when you visit me someday.”
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just-my-fandom · 3 years
I like the hc on being for the Ninjas dating another ninjas sister who’s their soulmate, Could do one where reader (Lloyd’s older sister) Has been dating cole for a bit in secret and Lloyd and Garmadon find out and become overprotective ( I am so sorry I just love the overprotective dad and/or brother trope)
Boo (Cole Brookstone x Garmadon! Reader)
A/N; I stuck with the powers the reader has in this headcannon. I’m currently only writing for Ninjago, the Umbrella Academy, and Stranger Things, so send them in.
Summary; When the Ninja join the Tournament of Elements, Cole and the reader are forced to fight one another. Cole risking himself already raises suspicion to Lloyd and Garmadon, but it isn’t until they confront the reader before they find out the truth.
Also side note, Rest In Peace to Kirby Morrow who voiced Cole.
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“THIS whole thing is so stupid,” You drop your tray onto the table seated with four men, settling next to your father and sensei, Garmadon,
“Hey, their foods great though,” Kai speaks up from across you, seated between Cole and your younger brother, Lloyd,
“Take it,” You mutter, pushing your tray to the hot head before resting your elbows on the table,
“You can’t be skipping meals, Y/N,” Garmadon states, dragging the tray back in front of you so you glanced and glared at him, “You never know when you’ll have to fight,”
“Hopefully never,” You spit, Garmadon raising his eyebrows at your tone, “Come on, dad. We’ve already had four rounds and none of us had to fight. Face it, Chen just wants us here for his enjoyment. He doesn’t want to lose any of us,”
“Me and you are seeing a completely different story here, Y/N/N,” Jay peers over the booth across from you, eyes squinting, “I want to fight. You just know you’ll loose,”
“Want happened to encouragement on the team?” Lloyd asks, looking up at Jay,
“Ehem!” A sharp cough through the speakers above cause everyone’s gaze to shift, “Ehem! Ladies and gents, it’s time for round five!”
“Oh come on,” Kai pouts at his food, poking at the chicken and dumplings,
“Would the following Masters please make their way to their assigned arena; Speed, Gravity, Nature, Mind-,”
“I told you,” You glare up at Jay.
“And our last two, Earth and Natural Occurances!”
Your eyes snap over to Cole, who nearly dropped his fork at the mention of his element, “Remember!” Chen laughs, “Only one can remain,”
“IM not fighting you, Cole!” You turn to stare at the black ninja, arms out in alarm before they raise to your hair, “Oh, God, what if he knows? What if he set this up on purpose and tells my dad-,”
“No one knows, Y/N,” Cole instantly steps up to put his hands at your wrists, pulling them down from your hair, “We just gotta do what Chen tells us to do, and we’ll both make it out,”
“Only one remains,” You remind, “One of us has to take the fall,”
“Easy,” Cole shrugs, your brows pinching, “You grab the blade as soon as it starts. You continue on,”
“No,” You shake your head, “That’s not how this works. Give yourself up instantly and they’ll know,”
“Well I’m not letting you take that fall, princess,” Cole pulls back, when Garmadon knocks and hastily steps in,
“You two ready?”
“IM not fighting you,” You repeat your earlier statement, hands clenched as you and Cole stood feet apart in the arena, every elemental master watching above.
“We can draw it out until they call it a tie,” Cole reassures, not loud enough to where Chen could hear, “Quick- attack me, but not too hard,”
You clench your jaw, throwing a hand out so a small tornado formed and threw itself at your secret boyfriend, knocking him off his feet and into the stone wall behind him,
You flinch behind your mask, stomping a foot down so the earth cracked, where Cole jumps to the side, tossing a wall of rocks in your direction.
“I’m bored!” You hear Chen whine, “Release the Condrai Crushers!”
Your eyes snap to the side, yelping when three vehicles roll out of the tunnels in the wall, one zooming straight for you.
You feel Coles arm loop around your waist, tugging you to the side before his back presses to yours, watching the vehicles surround you. “I got your back,”
“I got yours,” You murmur, hand grazing his before you lunge forward, throwing your arms up so the earth raised into a ramp, the first vehicle leaping off said ramp and ramming into the stone wall,
Cole dodges the next vechile, lunging towards the third to drop a pile of rocks over top of the driver, causing him, too, to crash into the wall.
You huff out a relieved breath and high five Cole, grasping his hand with a smile beneath your mask,
“Enough!” Chen shrieks, so you released Coles hand and turned to Chen, “I know what you’re trying to do. And if neither of you will win, you will both loose!”
You watch in alarm as the ground began to drop in small holes, your feet moving backwards and into Cole, his hands at your hips in alert,
You jump to the side when the floor gives out beneath you, stumbling as you are left surrounded by darkness, eyes looking up at the blade at the top of the post,
“Chen’s right!” Cole calls, as you look to him, “One of us has to be win!”
“And it’ll be you!” You shout back, finger pointed, “Get the blade, Cole. I’ll be fine!”
Cole rushes up the post as you look down at your wobbling knees, Cole jumping down onto a stone still intact, tossing the blade so it hit flat against your chest, your hands stumbling to catch it.
“Winner!” Chen calls, as your eyes snap up to Cole, shocked, “Loser!”
“Cole-!” You lunge forward onto the next stone, barely catching yourself as the floor gave out beneath Cole, dropping him into the darkness below,
You clench your jaw and glare up at Chen, chucking the blade across the arena so it slid off the stones, into the pit beneath.
“YOU seemed really distressed during that battle,”
Your eyes flick up from your food, your fork jabbed into the noodles you received. Garmadon raises an eyebrow, and you look back down at your plate.
“What, am I not allowed to care about my friend?”
“Not with how touchy Cole had been,” Lloyd sits down, eyes squinted, “What’s going on between you two? We both know if you had to go up against Kai or Jay you would have been fine with them giving themselves up,”
“Nothing is going on between us, Lloyd,” You snap, gaze hard, “Coles my best friend. We don’t know what happens when we loose, I didn’t want him to get hurt,”
“Y/N, I read you like an open book,” Your fathers tone softens, leaning forward, “Why didn’t you just tell me sooner?”
“Tell you what?” Kai cuts, and you drop your fork, pushing your plate forward,
“Why can’t you just leave me alone?” You ask, harshly, Garmadon frowning, “Nothing is going on between Cole and I. And if there was I wouldn’t tell you because I know how you both get,” You gaze shifts to Lloyd, before you slide out of the booth, hands clenched to stop the earthquake at the tips of your fingers.
“I got her,” Garmadon states, Lloyd and Kai sharing glances as Garmadon followed his oldest daughter.
YOUR hand wipes away the blue in your eye, hearing your fathers footsteps behind you, “Why are you following me?”
“How long?” Garmadon avoids, your arms crossing as you stopped, turning to face him with your head ducked,
“Almost a year,” You murmur, lifting your gaze to his,
“And why I am just now finding out?”
“Because you know how you are,” You squint, “Every boyfriend I had you scared away, and now that boys know who my brother is? They won’t even talk to me,” You hiss, shoulders dropping, “Cole is the only one who I seem to be able to control my powers around. I’m scared that without him here I’m going to accidentally kill someone with my powers,”
“You’ve trained,” Garmadon responds, your eyes rolling.
“Yeah, but I have your anger from when you were Lord Garmadon,”
You miss Garmadons flinch, but hear his sigh, “I just wished you told me,”
“I told mom,” You shrug, “She seems to enjoy the fact that I keep my relationship to myself. Guess that’s out of the box,”
“I won’t say anything to your teammates if that’s what you’re worried about,” Garmadon reassures, watching your fists release, as your brows,
“Thanks, dad,” You murmur, Garmadon smiling as he nods his head towards the dining area, hands behind his back.
The Master of Earth turns away from helping Garmadon to his feet, stumbling back upon another figure ramming into him, mind quick to realize it was you,
“Whoa,” Cole laughs, weakly, eyes glancing at Garmadon before his arms wrap at your waist, “Dont worry. I’m fine,”
“You’re such an ass,” You lean back to hit his chest, hands then sliding to hold his face, “Dont do that again,”
“No promises,” Cole murmurs, looking over at Lloyd’s alarmed- “I knew it!”
Your hands drop as Lloyd points an accusing finger, Garmadon chuckling, “I knew something was going on between you two!”
“You’re just now realizing that?” Kai asks, so you spun to look at him, alarmed, “Oh don’t give me that look. You guys suck at keeping quiet at night,”
“Do what?” Garmadons smile drops into a scowl, your eyes widening as you take Coles hand,
“This is our cue to leave. We’ll meet you at the docks, guys,”
Lloyd crosses his arms, eyes squinting to his father, “Did you know about this?”
“Why do you sound like the father here?” Garmadon questions, side glancing his son, “Of course I knew. But go easy of them,”
“What?” Lloyd slacks, “Why?”
“An instinct,” Garmadons hands link behind his back, stepping forward to follow after you, “I have a feeling they’re good for each other,”
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