#im so opinionated about this but its something i feel so strongly because i deeply hate making things solely for the consumption of
honeyed-disgraceful · 7 months
Coworker offered me money to teach her how to paint. MONEY MY ASS WE WILL GO TO THE PARK ILL BRING YOU TEA AND YOU WILL LEARN NOT TO FEAR ENJOYING YOURSELF THROUGH ART AND CREATION I DONT WANT MONEY I WANT YOU TO CREATE AND BE HAPPY. I will go and not only teach her how to paint with watercolours but to enjoy doing things even if you think they're ugly while you are learning. Art is not for anyone else but for you. It is a means to an end and you put your soul in it not for it to be criticised by what you think others Think is ugly. It is for you to have a swell time and look back on and remember how you felt. It is for you at 4am to cry into and feel lighter after. It is not supposed to be pretty by master standards if you're just starting and it makes you feel better. And if you wanna pursue a more knowledgeable path you will be able to do so WITHOUT SHAME.
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trash-can-sam · 1 year
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OKAY this is a long one but I dont see people talk about Grace and I deeply adore her shes my second favorite (almost tied with first (Qi) tbh) and deserves more love.
Heres the line that I pretty much based this on:
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When I fist saw that line I was like oh thats interesting but then I learned about what she was and I was like OH MY GOD SHES TALKING ABOUT HERSELF. Because what are the chances she just happens to have a sister with a very similar job as her, and the wouldnt you get sick of a life like that implies she doesnt like her job even if she does actually have a sister.
(Also this line from her engagement letter)
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NOW THINGS THAT I IMPLY THAT ARE NOT CERTAIN BUT ARE TRUE TO ME (you do not have to read this to understand anything I just want to talk about her):
She genuinely is interested in archeology. Her collecting various things for archeolgy could have just been her making herself seem more convincing, but she does genuinely seem very informed on the topic. AGAIN, could be her being more convincing, but I wouldnt doubt if she actually majored in it (or at least took a few classes) because it would make sense to play a character with something youre kind of knowlegable about, and she seems to know quite a bit about specific school practices and genuinely be opinionated on archeology's place in the world. Also, her likes indicate this is something shes genuinely interested in and passionate about. THE DIGGING HOLES IN THE GARDEN THING ALSO IS NOT MADE UP, and she says "Old habits die hard I guess", implying (at least to me) that she did it for similar reasons or maybe that she found something that inspired her to be interested in archeology.
She definetly seems to not really have faith in the system shes in, or at least doubt in it. Im not saying shes radical or anything (IF WE ARE GETTING SPECIFIC (Using current day terms) she seems reasonably moderate, pretty center left yk but I wouldnt be surprised if she believed in more socialist policies and shes clearly informed in whats going on, partially because of her job and also because I think being informed is important to her) and she still does work for the government, but she seems to not really be completely content with it. I dont really have any concrete proof for that besides this line which is really just how she thinks:
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NOW she says she wasnt really involved in politics, which I think at the time shes saying this is true. I wouldnt be surprised if she was more involved when she was younger, but I think for the most part she has ideas. She really likes to think (also proved by this line, I think she thinks a lot of thoughts in a similar vein but for the most part doesnt share them because they dont really fit her brand) and I feel like that would translate more into thinking more of ideals than actual politics, especially since she feels like people who are noble and want to make a difference cannot under the current system.
I feel like there were more lines in quests and what not with her being more disillusioned but full disclosure this could entirely be an illlusion of the mind palace.
Since she also mentions specifically making a difference, I also decided to extrapolate that was strongly about her as well. Wanting to make a difference being attatched to her choosing the job is also something not said at all, but something I decided to connect because it makes sm sense to me
I THINK THATS ALL. But a lot of this is largely headcanon since we dont have that much info on her (Character development is still low, therefore I cry and sob and make things up completely BECAUSE ITS FUN.)
please think about her more so i dont have to make another 12 page kind of comic, mostly illustrated writing.
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vampelune · 3 years
This is your open invitation to infodump about an opinion you've been wanting to share. Go off, friend 💙
well considering my recent post, think its safe to safe to say im a strong opinion of the fact that komaeda + mikan would not be best friends, like most people seem to think they would be. i think they would strongly dislike each other, if not outright hate each other at some points.
there's a few reasons for that. for mikan, she's just... she bitter. jealous. anguished. i think of the line she said in her trial, to komaeda -- "is it because you're also someone who isn't loved by anyone?"
and i read that as mikan not only comparing herself to him, but bitterly envying him. because at this point, she knew -- she remembered their time in despair so there is no reason she would not remember komaeda's own love, toward kamukura, and perhaps she read it as one-sided.
and perhaps she's bitter, because as she knows, kamukura is alive. komaeda feels love toward someone, at the very least, who is alive. komaeda has what she doesn't, even after she killed for her love, twice over, she knows that enoshima is dead, and soon she will be too.
and she felt that way during the tragedy, seeing komaeda have what she doesn't. knowing that komaeda, as well, had earned enoshima's "love", whatever it was. felt jealous of him twice. felt angry.
and komaeda? he just thinks that tsumiki's weak. tsumiki, unlike the others, isn't into despair for the sake despair. she fell into it for love, plain and simple, and that disgusts him. komaeda can say he's in despair for the sake of the hope that will overcome, that he instigates despair to lay ground for hope, to provide stepping stones to overcome, and his classmates all still bear that hope somewhere deep within them, even as they fall to despair, but tsumiki?
she just loved enoshima. she did what enoshima told her, fell in love with despair because enoshima loved despair. she didn't idolize hope or despair, she was just in love, and then, in anguish at the loss of their love.
to me, i think they would just... hate each other because they see each other in themselves, the parts they hate most.
there's just things that they would dislike, too. jealousy, and envy. things like how kamukura certainly doesn't mistreat komaeda to the same degree enoshima mistreats tsumiki. things like how komaeda hates hospitals, hates medical equipment, hates the superficial care and compassion of a nurse who's paid to deal with him. how tsumiki is alone, after enoshima's passing, mostly because she forces herself to be out of undeserved "loyalty" to enoshima, but komaeda moves on so quickly to letting kamukura be his sole master instead of enoshima.
how komaeda, in all his similarities to tsumiki, how they are so deeply alike, how their traumas and sadnesses and attitudes are similar but far apart, how they're mistreated and hated by their peers, still has love. he has something she doesn't. and why? what does she lack, that he makes up for? why is she undeserving, when he isn't?
but they're so "kind", they play nice, now. despair is over, and the m.o. on jabberwock is to be nice. to put past grievances behind them. to get back their lost youth and be happy, with everyone there.
but tsumiki and komaeda don't let things go easily. they may play nice, may put themselves down around others in an attempt to make up for their grudges, hatred, annoyances -- but they internalize it all the same, still feel bitterness in one form or another.
tsumiki, in wanting to finally have dominance over her bullies, over others, to have control and agency when she's never had it, so she hurts others. makes them dependent on her. takes joy in it.
komaeda, when he finally finds a reason to be put himself above someone, he does. he takes joy in it, takes joy in any form of control because it's what he lacks, in his life. the ability to have a path he dictates, not luck.
so they speak to each other tensely, with teary eyes and tight-laced smiles. put themselves down in a way that reads as passive-aggressive, in a way that sleights the other. sometimes they snap, say things that go over that line they obsessively toe, and usually someone's nearby to pull them apart because they don't like to be alone with one another. don't trust one another, not at all.
they both want control. but at the same time, they just want to let go of it completely, to find comfort in the lack of agency, of letting someone else take the lead and control their lives. willingly, this time. because they chose it. chose someone like enoshima. someone like kamukura.
they need therapy, really.
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Here fr d game!
Umm im guessing ur an pisces mercury*hehe jst types wht comes to mind at 1st
Also i wont mind if u post it publicly or send me privately
Here is my birthchart(tropical)
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Anw Have a great day/night ahead🤍🥂
Guessing was fun tho..evn if i guessed wrng one💀🤣
Hey!! You did guess wrong, sorry about that xd but it's oki, don't worry about it! Have a good day too ^^
Welcome to your reading. Please remember to send feedback.
First impressions when looking at your chart: you don't have a lot of aspects, but a lot of them are exact: that wedge patter between Saturn, Venus and Mercury is very exact; you have an even distribution of planets among the signs and the houses; also, the angles (except IC) all conjunct planets or points
As an Aquarius, you are quirky, aloof, dreamy and humanist. People may think you're awkward and detached, which is probably true for you since your Sun is at 0º of Aquarius. Your originality and uniqueness are probably the things you love about yourself the most. Your mind is also quite agile, which allows you to fulfil your dreams. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the fact that the Sun is in Detriment in the sign of Aquarius. This means that the Sun can struggle here, making you feel confused as to who you are and how you can express yourself. You very much value your independence and your rebelliousness. However, you can be stubborn to a fault when it comes to your thoughts and opinions.
The Sun in the house of Libra shows that you really enjoy socializing and that's also where you shine the most brightly. The Venusian influence gives you charm and elegance, which cause people to flock to you. Also, you may show your true colours in relationships, particularly romantic ones. Having someone close to you will allow you to achieve a better understanding of yourself. You do well when it comes to working with others; this placement helps the detached, independent Aquarius Sun to be more sociable and better appreciate others. Also, the Venus influence can make people look up to you and see themselves in you, something that doesn't really happen with Aquarius Suns in generally. You may do well in associations or organizations because you have a need to be in society.
Once again, you have a planet in Detriment. Capricorn, the sign of Saturn, struggles to feel and voice the emotions they experience. Therefore, it is natural that the Moon finds this sign difficult. You think too much. Perhaps you had a complicated relationship with your mother, which may have caused you to repress your emotions. Capricorn placements, in general, tend to grow up and mature quite early, which leads to unhealthy coping mechanisms; you had to raise your walls up high, so you struggle to let anyone in. You may also be socially awkward. At the same time, you may seek validation from society, which is one of the things that may give you that emotional security that you deeply seek. You should work on letting your guard down; emotions are not the enemy, it's okay to feel what you feel. Let out your inner child once in a while.
Here, the Moon is in the house of Virgo (but lying almost on top of the Descendant). There is a strong connection between body and mind. You seek emotional safety through your work and other acts of service; you want to be useful to people and to spend your time wisely. You may be a workaholic. Your routines are very important to you; you can get distraught if someone messes with your daily habits. Your health may be a concern to you, but since your Moon is harmoniously aspected, I'd say you're generally healthy. Nevertheless, watch for any hereditary diseases or problems with food or alcohol. The square with Mars suggests to me that you can quickly let out your anxieties. You like discipline, organization and cleanness; you are determined in the pursuit of your goals. You may have a vocation to work directly with people. Your moods may change quickly.
With Mercury in Capricorn, you speak in a very structured, pondered way. You are very analytical and it shows in the way you communicate. You're a realist, but people may think you're more pessimistic. You definitely tend to be pessimistic at times, as well as distrustful and sceptical. You like to research, to gather information before speaking. You're concrete in your thinking, logical and organized. You take your time to make decisions; you weigh all the pros and cons carefully. Probably not the one to daydream or have many fantasies; you prefer the realistic and achievable. Although you're mostly serious, you can be playful sometimes.
Capricorn Mercury is similar to Mercury in the house of Virgo. You are probably a perfectionist person, determined and organized. You analyse everything, yourself and your emotions included. You're very critical, especially of yourself. You hold everyone to high standards; once again, yourself the most. Like Capricorn Mercury, you can have pessimistic tendencies. You probably repress your feelings and rationalize them instead. Additionally, your knowledge can progress through daily life experiences and through your body. You should practice meditation and mindfulness because your anxiety and stress may have a direct effect on your bodily health.
Venus is exalted in Pisces. This sign is intuitive, empathetic and emotional, which are traits that Venus likes. You feel everything and negative energies really get to you, so it's important that you find a partner that gives you emotional stability. You make a good lover, for you are caring and sensitive to people's needs, especially your partner's. Venus here gives you ethereal, alluring vibes. You can seem almost magical to people. You can be very protective of those you love, selfless; you can even sacrifice yourself for them. You're a daydreamer, you live in your own fantasy world. You have great aesthetic taste and you're quite romantic. However, be careful not to be taken advantage of; your too-good nature can land you someone whose intentions are far from the best.
Venus here acquires some Scorpio traits, namely the need to get a deep connection with someone. You are a person of extremes, not of middle-terms. In this sense, you can get effortlessly get people to open up to you, to tell you their deepest, darkest secrets. Since the (H also rules other people's money, you may get rich through an inheritance or a good marriage. Also, people may trust you with their money. In love, too, they aspire to learn everything about their partner. You seek transformative relationships, ones that will allow you to experience a different range of emotions, another dimension, even. Casual relationships are probably not your thing. You can get too controlling and dominating, so beware of that. Also, financial security is important to you; you may even have a job that has directly to do with money.
Here, Mars is in its rulership. You are quite reckless and impulsive in your actions. You like to be the first, to be the pioneer (much like Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac). You have a knack for leadership and people tend to be happy to follow your lead. You are quite competitive in just about everything; you can have a sour loser. You are quick to get mad, but after you explode, your anger will be gone in an instant. You are great at achieving goals because Mars helps you to stay motivated and determined; you are quite persistent and usually get what you want. You can also work well under pressure. Laziness is not in your blood. Your independence is quite important to you, as are your opinions. You can be quite stubborn and difficult to argue with, simply due to your relentlessness.
Your Mars is in the house of Sagittarius. This placement allows you to acquire the necessary willpower for the journey to the expansion of knowledge and discovery. Your actions should help you with the acquisition of further knowledge, as well as ideas and strengthening your freedom. This placement goes against the need of routine imposed by your 6th house placements; Mars here wants you to get out there, be free, have fun, think about life, yourself and the universe. You have strong morals and philosophical ways. This placement may make you strongly seek, hunt, even, the truth of the fundamental questions. On another note, you can develop an attraction to foreign people and may wish to move away from home swiftly and without hesitation. This can be abroad too.
Jupiter is in Detriment in Virgo. Whilst Jupiter is all about philosophy, the higher mysteries and expansion, Virgo seeks for the concrete, for what it knows, for the logical and rational. Therefore, this placement requires work. You are sceptical, you need to think and analyse everything before you come to a conclusion. Growth is achieved through responsibilities and being useful to others. A bit of idealism would be good, Jupiter struggles in Earth signs. You may think that you know more than you actually do, that you see the bigger picture when that is not true. Be careful not to grow an ego. Your beliefs will be challenged in this lifetime. You have a desire to help people, and in relationships too you want to do everything in your power to aid your partner.
This placement generally brings good luck when it comes to money and other worldly possessions. You may also like to spend money, more on your loved ones than on yourself. You may be big into giving gifts. In order to reach that emotional security, you may wish to surround yourself with material items that, to you, hold great value and importance. Once you understand how better to acquire that stability, you may become rather generous with your money. You want a comfortable lifestyle. Like Venus in the 8th house, you may be good at managing your possessions, thus causing others to go to you for financial advice. You may not show it, but you have strong philosophical convictions, which may prove to be impossible to change.
Saturn is in Detriment here, which makes it four planets in Detriment in your chart. You may feel a strong need for emotional safety, which could manifest as a fear of abandonment. There may also be some emotional blockages present that you struggle to overcome. Saturn retrograde, being the planet of Karma, may difficult your mission in life. You could be stuck on an unresolved trauma from a past life. This may be represented by a figure of authority in this life, perhaps your father. Instead of attempting to reconcile your past, try to accept the world changing around you. You may be too afraid to venture into the world and to open your heart; accept that it is part of life. Find people that give you that security, but don’t pour out your entire soul to them; find a balance. Not everything can be kept in our hearts, but not everything should be shared, either.
This is quite a strong and powerful placement: you have the planet of karma in the most karmic house. Also, according to Hellenistic Astrology, Saturn has its joy in the 12th house. You may be afraid to mess with the subconscious because your emotions may overtake you. Saturn is related to blockages and yours may be due to paranoia, which is characteristic of Neptune and Pisces. You may repress parts of yourself that you are not happy about, which makes you feel better, but, at the same time, paranoia can set in and make you wonder if that is the right thing to do. That aside, you may also struggle with poor self-esteem and doubts about yourself and life. There can be problems of guilt of some sort, perhaps even related to your life itself. It is very vague, but my thoughts about this placement are, in short, that, from birth, there have been deep traumas within you that have blocked your inner peace. What does are, I do not know. ⬛️
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in-the-whisper · 3 years
I'm sorry if this is a common/stupid ask but I fundamentally don't understand religion and I couldn't imagine believing so strongly in anything, but it seems very nice(?) and possibly even optimistic to have a constant like that in your life. so in the sense I think I have an idea of what religion is, what makes you decide(?) to follow it or believe in it? genuine apologies if this comes across as patronizing or condescending, it's not my intention and sometimes I'm just bad with words ':]
dude you are always welcome here and i will never assume that you are being mean you are very sweet <3 i am very happy to talk to you!
ok so i come from a super different background so it’s hard for me to even imagine like not knowing a ton of people who are religious so i will try to explain and then if it doesn’t make sense feel free to poke me and i will try again. also it makes me happy so dont be scared i will say oh! someone asked me about God! yay! and then i will write a silly tumblr post while making this face -> c: 
okay so one of your confusions seems to be why i would believe in something so strongly. in a way everyone believes things strongly, some even more than me (i mean look at politics and thanksgiving dinner). i think the reason that my relationship with God in particular is something i feel strongly about is because i derived my faith from my natural understanding of the value of my friends and from my understanding of morality.
i love my friends very much (most people do) and the idea of them getting hurt or mistreated makes me very angry (i think people would agree). and you could make the argument that the reason that i care so deeply about people and justice is because of all the stuff ive been through but i did think this before anything bad happened to me really.
there is a difference between atheist (philosophical) morality and Christian morality. for someone who doesn’t believe in God, there isn’t anybody who is more important than humanity who can tell them what to do. if one person does something, and i don’t like it, all i can say is, “i don’t like that,” and not “you shouldn’t do that.” because im not in charge of them. i’m just another person, who am i to go around establishing moral laws for other people?
but what that /also/ means is that there isn’t any “grounding” or like /reason/ for morality or the value of life other than personal preference. this Really bothered me about my philosophy class, every atheist philosopher did this. they all wanted to say that you could make morality for yourself (looking at you nietzsche). But then what happens? What about when someone is killed? or raped? I want to be able to say, “Rape is horrible.” and not just “Rape is horrible in my opinion.” Anything that doesn’t allow for these like absolute, unquestionable, overarching standards of how people /should/ or /shouldn’t/ live just doesn’t add up imo.
Atheist professor of law at Yale, Dr. Arthur Leff, wrote an article on this exact topic called “Unspeakable ethics Unnatural Law.” The entire thing is amazing and I recommend it, but here is the conclusion:
All I can say is this: it looks as if we are all we have. Given what we know about ourselves and each other, this is an extraordinarily unappetizing prospect; looking around the world, it appears that if all men are brothers, the ruling model is Cain and Abel. Neither reason, nor love, nor even terror, seems to have worked to make us "good," and worse than that, there is no reason why anything should. Only if ethics were something unspeakable by us, could law be unnatural, and therefore unchallengeable. As things now stand, everything is up for grabs. 
Nevertheless:  Napalming babies is bad.  Starving the poor is wicked.  Buying and selling each other is depraved.  Those who stood up to and died resisting Hitler, Stalin, Amin, and Pol Pot-and General Custer too-have earned salvation.  Those who acquiesced deserve to be damned.  There is in the world such a thing as evil.  [All together now:] Sez who?  God help us.
So if I think this is true, if I really believe that death is evil, that rape is horrible, that there are some universally binding and unchallengeable truths about how people ought to live, I have to believe in a God. or i can live in a state of constant existential dread hahahahaha, , I joke but I actually did do that for a while it was pretty miserable.
i think the next question was kind of what made me believe in it? and that is kind of a difficult question because i think in a way Christianity just encapsulates a bunch of things that i already believed, and i just found like a label for them i guess. i also grew up Christian, so for me my experience questioning my religious identity was more like, three people you love are dead why do you still believe in a loving God? Rather than which religion or philosophy do i like the best?
idk maybe they come out to be the same but it doesnt feel entirely the same. i’m still a christian because of sunsets and sunrises and because the world feels beautiful and intentional, and because i’ve been in a lot of pain and it was real. it really happened. it wasn’t in my head (looking at you stoicism). it wasn’t unimportant. there is not if buts ands ors it was just awful and that’s that. so what can explain it? what can explain meaning? only God can.
Christianity is specifically the religion im interested in because it’s the only one i’ve come across that is as internally consistent, historically accurate, scientifically accurate, coherent understandings of the universe.
No other philosophy allows you to grieve. That’s why I believe in God. No other philosophy validates grief that a belief in a loving God, a belief that death isn’t meant to happen, that people are violently ripped from you without purpose and that you are meant to live together forever. It allows for a belief in the value of humanity and grace while also allowing you to believe that things that happen to you that might last with you forever are wrong and not just in your opinion. They were violently wrong, they violated ancient laws of the universe, they were an act of aggression toward God himself.
Ok im rambling now but I will leave you with this, which is what i wrote after finally deciding to remain a christian:
“There are several questions I asked that stopped me from rejecting Christianity.
Where did the universe come from and why does it exist?
Why does our experience involve morality?
Why is there love? (deep love between brothers, self sacrificial love, to die for another love)
Why is there goodness?
There are, of course, answers to these questions under ideologies other than Christianity, but I found their answers to be unsatisfying because to me, the existence of these things screams that there is something more to the universe than an unfortunate accident in a vacuum of uncaring nothingness.
When I listened to music encouraging its audience to live, when I listened to people fight for the lives of those they love, when i watched the sun set, or cried at the end of a deeply touching movie, I would think, “In light of this how can you say there is no God?”
In Christianity I found answers that profoundly satisfied my deepest questions. 
There is a universe because God in his wisdom fashioned it to be a beautiful gift. There is morality because we stand in the midst of a cosmic battle between good and evil. There is love because God’s nature is perfectly loving and the fabric of the knowable universe was woven in his loving kindness. There is beauty and goodness because life wasn’t created to be a void and an unknowable miserable darkness.
The true issue with atheism is that while intellectually and technically feasible, it gives empty answers to facets of life that do not have empty realities.
It forced me to ask myself this question: How can such a beautiful, meaningful, tragic world exist from nothing and for nothing?”
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kirishwima · 5 years
can you please do a headcannon with the rfa that’s dating an insecure mc? i’m sorry my english isn’t very good
Your english is fine lovely! I’m also not a native speaker, so im sorry if i make mistakes sometimes ^^”
* Honestly…he’s just as insecure as MC. He tries to hide it, tries to act tough and will argue with Zen when he teases him, but his facade couldn’t be farther from the truth-he’s scared, constantly worrying over his looks, the way he speaks, his intelligence, everything is a struggle and it often feels like he’ll never be good enough, neither to himself nor to others.
* Yet MC accepts him as he is-they love him unconditionally, have been there for him even when he kept using them as a substitute for Rika-they helped him see his wrongs and make them right, helped him become a better man. So to know that MC doesn’t see themselves as the amazing, wonderful person they are, it hurts him to his very core.
* He’ll remind MC constantly of how much he loves them, will praise them over every little thing-because to him it’s not compliments, it’s facts. MC is amazing, and that’s that. 
* Sometimes he’ll catch MC making self-depracating jokes; “I don’t even know why you’re dating me” they’d laugh, and Yoosung-oh boy, Yoosung’s furious. 
* “Do you hear yourself? Why date you? Because you’re wonderful! You’re an amazing, beautiful person, you’ve helped me through the hardest times of my life, you’ve been there for me no matter what-I want to be there for you too! You have such a kind soul, you love so much and so strongly and I-I love you just as much. So please-” he rubbed furiously at his eyes, bidding the tears gathering to go away, “Please don’t undermine the love I have for you. Don’t undermine yourself.”
* He’d spend every day of his life reminding MC of their worth, and that’s that.
* He’s a confident person. No, that might actually be an understatement-he’s what some would call a narcissist, albeit a high-functioning one-while he objectively knows his appearance is envy-worthy, he also knows his faults, and isn’t afraid to admit them. He knows he’s not good with technology. He’s honest to a fault, and quick to anger, but he doesn’t deem those as faults-they’re just part of who he is, for better or for worse.
* MC envies this confidence, this intimate way in which Zen both knows and accepts himself as he is, only working to better himself as a challenge from him to him, not for the gaze of anyone else. How could MC ever be like that? Would a time come where they too could confidently stand by his side, not nit-picking every single flaw in their looks, their personality, their entire existence?
* Zen’s fans aren’t all that helping in the situation either-after going public with their relationship, MC can’t help but constantly look through news articles, looking at what fans and reporters have to say about them, taking every single negative comment and locking it up in their heart, letting it infest with them until it rots-refusing to shine a light on the positive comments, the one that talk about how happy Zen looks with MC, how sweet their own smile is or how gentle their eyes are.
* Zen isn’t a fool, and he’s not blind-of course he knows MC isn’t the most confident person, and that they constantly judge their worth based on the perception of others. He tries to help them as much as he can without making it too obvious, will hold them tight when reporters stop them during a date to conduct an interview, will kiss their neck and compliment them until his mouth runs dry.
* MC appreciates it, they really do-but they’re always scared, so scared Zen will eventually realise he’s better off without them. They know, rationally, that Zen cares deeply for them, that he loves them as they are-as impossible as it seems, but this unwarranted worry never goes away, eating its way through their gut and into their lungs, making them lose their breath at the thought.
* “Do you realise how beautiful you are?” Zen asks one night, the apartment dark and quiet minus for the hustle of the city outside. He’s trailing his fingers alonside MC’s side, stopping at every hollow of ribs, pushing his fingertips on bumps and scars. “I’m not just talking about the way you look, as much as I love that too. I’m talking about this” he says as he pokes a finger to their chest, relishing in the silent laugh MC lets out as his fingers tickle them “and everything that happens in there. I love your laugh, your humor is impeccable, I love your kindness, your patience, how much you love to help others-you’re beautiful. Please don’t forget that.”
* And well, it’s hard to forget-even if it takes a long time to believe in Zen’s words, MC will always keep them to heart, remember them every time they try to bring themself down-they’re beautiful. No matter what.
* You’d think she’s very confident at first glance, and well, that’s partly true-she’s confident, in the sense that she doesn’t really care. She’s okay with the way she looks, though she’ll get bouts of worries from time to time, probing and poking at her face and body in front of the mirror, but soon it’d pass, and she’s back to normal, content with the way she is.
* it’s hard to wrap her head around MC’s worries and insecurities most of the time. She can’t understand just why MC feels so bad with themselves, not when to her they were a saving grace-taking her from the hectic worriesome state she was seen and bringing her most well-hidden dreams to the surface, making them true.
* She’ll watch MC interact with customers, how they’ll hum whilst making coffee and she’ll smile to herself, soft and sweet and falling in love all over again. How someone like them could not be confident is something she could never understand.
* She tries to help motivate MC, will lean her head on MC’s shoulder and wrap her arms around her waist from the back as MC brews coffee, whispering bashful ‘i love you’s and praises to their skin. When talking with customers she’ll frequently slip in a word of affection towards MC, praising them for their hard work and dedication-even if MC isn’t there to hear it, she just wants the world to know how amazing they are!!
* Sometimes MC gets really down, insultin every little thing about themselves. Jaehee was never that good with words and expressing her emotions upfront-so instead she did what she knows best. She wrote a report. Yes, a report, along with a whole power point presentation, explaining each and every point of why she loves MC, with facts, proof and evidence. Whenever MC talks badly about themself, Jaehee simply pulls up the powerpoint, puts her glasses back on and asks MC to take a seat on the couch, pulling up her laptop and begining to talk about each point until MC is too shy to let her continue.
* No one disses the person Baehee loves, not even themselves.
* Jumin is confident. That’s it, it’s a fact. He’s grown up learning how to poise himself, has been given constant praise to the point where he hated it, but he knows his pros and cons, and will never let anyone else’s opinion alter his own, especially not when it comes from people who aren’t even close to him.
* So honestly...unless MC straight up talks to Jumin about their insecurities, he’ll never get it. Of course he’ll notice when MC looks away when he compliments them, or how they seem a nervous wreck when out with him at social gatherings, but he figured it’s just them being bashful, not that it’s because they don’t believe his words or feel insecure around him.
* He only realises when they’re lounging together on the couch, a wine in hand and Elizabeth the 3d on MC’s lap. MC watched the way in which Jumin sat-his back straight, his profile picture-perfect, confidence in his every movement. They ran their hands through Elizabeth’s fur, looking down at her in contemplation.
* “How do you do it?” They asked and Jumin turned to face them with a soft frown of confusion. “You just...whatever you do, you do it so confidently. Like, you know what you want and how to get it and that’s it, and you-you ended up with me, who’s too nervous to even look people in the eye when talking. How do we-are you okay with this? With me?” 
* Their words were jambled, worry pooling in their stomach as Jumin’s eyes widened, his mouth ajar. “You-is this how you feel?” he asked. He tried to school his expression into something more neutral, put his wine glass back down to turn and hold MCs hands in his.
* “I love you. There’s no logic in love, and even if there was, there’s nothing about you I could not love. Your kindness, your smile, you’re smart yet modest, you’re just...to me you’re impeccable. I hate to think that you never realised all these yourself, MC, you’re wonderful. I need you to believe that you are.”
* He vowed to himself to never let MC forget it from then on. Every morning he’ll wake them with a kiss, listing at least one thing about MC he’s grateful for before starting their day. He’d do this day after day, until MC started to believe it themself.
* Lmao he’s literally an insecure k i n g. Before meeting MC, before falling in love with them, he’d be unable to list a single thing he likes about himself. He’s too much of this, too little of that, every time he looked to the mirror it’d be a war zone, his face reminding him too much of things he’d rather just forget.
* Yet MC helped him so much. Little by little, they helped him learn to accept himself as he is, to allow his heart to open and gain a little bit of confidence. He’s learnt to at the very least feel neutral when looking in the mirror, starting to accept hsi existence as just that-another human being in the world.
* Yet he knows, he knows that as much confidence as MC is trying to help him build, the less they have themselves. He’s no idiot, he’s been there, of course he knows the tell-tale signs of it-the self depracaitng jokes, the way they look in the mirror when they walk past, how they roll their eyes at his compliments.
* “You know me, I’m your resident klutz” MC started once, after a glass slipped from their hands and broke at their feet. They started cleaning it up, telling Seven to stay away since he wasn’t wearing any shoes or slippers. “Just a big ol’ idiot here to fuck things up and make life all that much harder for everyone-” they continued, laughing yet their hands were trembling.
* “Of course I can’t even hold a freaking glass correctly, why would I anyway I’m such a-”
* “Stop.”
* Seven didn’t care for the glass shards at this point. He walked to kneel across MC, wrapping his hands around theirs. “Do you hear yourself? What you’re saying is stupid, and some deep hidden part of you knows it. You’re brilliant. Stop looking at me like that, you know it’s true. You are” He smiled small and soft, drawing circles on their hand with his thumb. “No regular person could’ve gone through what you did and come out of it even stronger. You’re amazing, you’re kind no matter what you-I love you. I want you to see yourself like I see you, even if it’s cliche as hell.”
* He leaned over the broken glass, kissing MC soft and gentle. “So stop with these jokes. Start appreciating yourself, please. For me.”
* MC didn’t know if they could. But they’d try. For Saeyoung, they’d try.
-Send me mystic messenger headcanons/scenarios for characters’ reactions!-
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happikattwuzheere · 4 years
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im being deeply unproductive today, but in my defense i got a set of several complex pictures for the video project done last night, and i still have to actually assemble the files for editing and ill get to that but first let’s bust through some more of this backlog of deer boy au sketches and talk about ronan this time 
this is a LONG one probably, and also, yknow, because its ronan and esp because as you may have noticed he’s not exactly human in this au, there’s gonna be some discussion here of good ole ronan lynch angst-with-regards-to-his-existence-and-religion, so like, heads up there? and. discussion of like. some very sad things, but very very briefly. less discussion and more mention of them. look its ronan idk what to tell you aside from i have at least managed to avoid mentioning kavinsky for now so its not as bad as it could be anyway
(this is probably extremely rambly even for me, im so sorry. i can explain any number of things mentioned here in more detail if anyone would like) 
SO. ronan’s a cambion, at least by dnd terminology, idk how that term gets used in other contexts but the point here is he’s half-human and half-demon, BUT, v important to explain, even tho the characters don’t initially know this and it’s something they work out over time, demons are not necessarily devils; or, more accurately, there’s a category of creature that is not a fey but is somewhat fey-adjacent, follows their own very different set of rules to fey law and are reliant on ley lines in ways similar to a lot of fey beings and spaces, and that category of creatures was granted the name “demons” because that word already exists and this type of creature’s so misunderstood that people mistook them for devils. Whether the biblical demon also exists in this au i havent decided on and dont much plan to because its not super relevant 
BUT. taking inspiration from the horrible bee from canon, demons are, essentially, beings that are created due to a high degree of tragedy on a ley line, and the rules they operate by as well as their motivations are determined by the shape of that tragedy which created them. for example: the hornet demon from the books would be an example of what happens due to violence and bloodshed; it was born of blood shed in anger and life wrongly taken and as a result it exists only to destroy. however, not all demons are evil. example: take, say, a succubus (no stay with me hold on), like the one that niall lynch hooked up with made a deal with over in ireland one day. 
a succubus in this sense is a demon which is born of miscarriage; and they’re Like That because there, the tragedy is not one of destruction, but of lost potential and a life that never came to be. so a succubus is driven to make up for that lost potential in the form of, yknow, making another baby happen, 
and its that power of potential that is also why ronan’s got power over dreams still, it’s aaaall about creation and potential. and his mother, who he never actually met, she hecked off but niall kept the baby, wasn’t evil. just. operating on a different morality system but one which had no interest in hurting anybody. she’s still kicking around in ireland somewhere
RONAN meanwhile still has his two brothers, haven’t figured out yet if matthew’s still a dream thing or not, but. niall never got around to explaining how the demon thing worked before dying because it’s niall he’s terrible at explaining things. but ronan started being able to shapeshift p young--he’s got a fully human form, a fully demonic form, and a form that’s generally called hybrid but really he can shift to anywhere along the spectrum or just pop the wings or the tail out etc etc etc. his brothers both know ronan’s not human, its a family secret, its all chill, except then one day ronan shifts out the wings to help save a baby bird that fell out of a tree and someone outside the family sees that happen and from there things just get real bad and the lynches have to leave ireland in a hurry 
ronan’s demonic form actually ends up being strongly influenced by his own opinion of himself as he grows up; the church has him filled with enough doubt that he grows the horns and becomes more hulking and frightening and all that jazz, and he suspects that he would be burned or expelled from a church’s grounds if he were to shift forms on sacred ground, so he never tries it (he would not, because, as was previously stated, his mother isnt evil, but he doesnt know that) and he just. he hides it real hard. especially after niall gets himself murdered before ronan can finally just ASK about his mother
but! before that happens he meets gansey, who has a lot of interest in the fey and a theory that’s not quite right but is on the right track about demons being some poorly understood class of fey rather than something evil and that gives ronan a lot of hope for a while
yknow until he sees how much iron effs up someone who’s even got a LITTLE fey blood in them when adam gets shot and how when ronan holds that same arrowhead that put adam in so much pain it doesn’t hurt at all, rip 
he tells them that he’s a cambion well before he shows them the alt forms because there’s a point where he feels that they ought to know esp since ronan’s back to existential dread over what exactly he is, it’s kavinsky who ends up forcing him to shift in front of them for the first time, the whole kavinsky thing’s gonna DEFINITELY take at least one post all on its own a lot happens there, but for now: this is why ronan knew that pryderi wasn’t a normal deer (that and also because pryderi is a white tailed deer, which dont exist in england, so ronan was like, thats. thats not a real animal thats gotta be a fey) and also leads to some fun between him and noah because noah, unbeknownst to ronan, has decided that he and ronan are in fact engaged in a game of chicken to see who gets caught/outed for what they really are first. 
(ronan and gansey dont know what kind of fey noah is exactly. ronan assumes he’s something weak like a brownie. noah is definitely not a brownie) 
uhhh any more thoughtsssss 
last picture’s unfinished because idk why ronan’s fully demonic form is so hard for me to DRAW but he’s shaped roughly like beast from the disney movie, except as a big bird monster. also if ur someone he likes and you sleep using him as a pillow it’ll be the best sleep of your life w/ really good dreams and ronan also sleeps v well, its a thing that happens, ronan is in fact the best pillow 
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dead-ghouls · 5 years
Theres no way that i could ask for a break down of what you see in his ftes in ask format is is there?? I already love korekiyo, but I'm really curious about what you have to say.
I can do that! The only thing is that most of what he says I’ll be quoting from memory, but direct quotes can be found in his FTEs and in-game dialogue on wiki. I’ll do my best to provide as many screenshots as I can, but I doubt I will be able to find all, it’s a very long process and I dont have the whole day.V3 spoilers below, ofc. Also TW various types of abuse, you know the drill if you played the game. Long post!Let’s start from what we know about Korekiyo. What makes him Korekiyo, what makes him stand out, what’s special about him. 
- Unique outfit- Long hair- His deep knowledge of anthropology- His interest in occult/speaking to the dead- His deep relationship with death, grief and how he looks at it- His love for ropes- Being a serial killer
Now let’s break down every trait he has and where it comes from.
Unique outfit
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FTE 3, he tells us his sister made it for him to suit her tastes, claiming his school uniform doesnt suit him.
Long hairI don’t remember if it was mentioned in-game, but it was mentioned in V3 manga anthology, that his long hair is a memento to his sister, since she had long hair, so he refuses to cut it. It is stated that events of manga obviously not canon, but I dont think this claim was outside of his canon characterisation. 
His deep knowledge of anthropology
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In the same FTE he mentions that Sister was the one who “pushed him to research as much as he could”
His interest in occult/speaking to the dead + his relationship with death and griefI dont think i gotta find proof for that, he mentioned travelling looking to speak to the dead, the whole ch 3 with Caged Child + he mentioned having near-death experience after a seanse (see next bullet point), and that’s how his Sister came to him.He speaks about human mortality and coming to terms with it, but he himself cant do that. 
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He doesnt fear death, maybe he even seeks it - to reunite with his Sister [cut to him enduring his execution and seeing his spirit happy and free, ready to meet her] but no way he could properly cope with human mortality and his own grief. That’s where all the occult stuff comes in - him telling how he tried so many things and how nothing worked (?). He says it during ch3 investigation, if you wanna look for a direct quote. Him being into occult, speaking with the dead, being possessed by his Sister - all of it is just his ways of coping with loss. He was very dependant on her (I’ll talk about it more below) and couldnt stand being alone.
His love for ropesOf course it can be a kinky thing but also look closely at this exchange:
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This incident with ropes is what actually ended up “reuniting” him with his Sister. Of course he’d hold a special interest to this kind of activity after. 
Being a serial killerWell this one is obvious. Who did he kill? Girls. Why did he do it? To bring friends to his Sister. Simple as that.
Now look back at every bullet point and tell me: do you see a pattern? Yep, every aspect of his life, likes, personality, experiences, even his looks - it all traces back to his Sister. Controlling what he wears, what he does, what he likes; even after her death he is deeply affected and is devoted to doing everything in her name. Now try to recall one single thing about Korekiyo that wasn’t his Sister influence. Something he likes maybe? Something he enjoys on his own free time? Even his official dislike is a reference to a gift you might give in-game, an air refreshener that exorcises ghosts [He believes that he is possesed]. All I can think of is him telling he prefers green tea over black in one of FTEs. Korekiyo that we see and interact with in game isn’t his own person, just a reflection of grief, his Sister wants and needs. His whole existence is just a devotion to his late Sister, and it was the same way when she was alive.
Sister’s personality
From what I mentioned you should already hear the faint bells ringing in your head. “Pushed me to study” “Told me my uniform doesnt suit me” “I will kill people because her spirit told me to”He respected her, depended on her a lot. No shit, Sherlock - he was his Older Sibling. A side note, he never mentioned anyone else from his family, only said that they “had to hide their relationship from others” once. Sadly, I cant remember where it was said. No matter if he had any family present or not (having no family would worsen the case, but with family present its still fucked up) he still depended on her a lot, maybe considered her a parental figure, or at the very least - a role model. Korekiyo’s analysis on youtube brings up a very valid point - anthropology couldve been her passion as well, she just couldnt actually fullfill it because of the sickness. Explains her “pushing” him to research it.Basically we have an older sibling holding power over a younger sibling, presumably, from a younger age. More of her personality and influence can be seen in his trial. “You mustnt lose composure, you mustnt become flustered, you mustnt waver”Im linking this bit, but I strongly recommend rewatching the full version where his Sister appears. She appears to be his guardian, keeping him in check, making him act right. Telling him what to do and how to act. She appears in moments of distress when he needs comfort. He depends on her, he listens, he does everything she tells him to. Im not gonna get into the whole tulpa thing, so if youre not on board with it, I recommend reading into it more, even wiki has a brief explanation. Basically this possession is just his mind, but it does hold her true personality. So Sister is: assertive, calm, plays a role of guardian, has power over Korekiyo due her age, his respect and dependance on her, probably her being his parental figure. 
Now tell me, how this power dynamic could be healthy, consensual and (a very popular opinion in the fandom) this relationship was started from Korekiyo’s advances? How a younger sibling, that was so dependant and devoted could be in a consensual relationship with his older sibling that always tells him what to do?Korekiyo was groomed, he’s a victim. Most people in fandom hate him for being creepy and a sister-banging freak, because he doesn’t fit your cookie-cutter perseption of abuse victims. Everyone thinks that abuse victims only come in “i hate my abuser, i am currently away from them and i am healing” package. Korekiyo was never given a chance to realize it was wrong, he never got a chance to heal. He was groomed, abused, used and forced into relationship. Told that it was secret and sacred, that theyre breaking the boundaries, that’s why he mustnt tell anyone about it. Of course he believed her - its his Sister. She convinced him that his love and dependance on her was romantic/sexual love.
The same analysis brings up a good point of his Sister guilt tripping him because of her illness. Never getting a chance for romantic love, never getting a chance to make friends.
What breaks my heart is that after all of this, after devoting his life to his Sister, studying what she wanted, wearing what she wanted, killing for her sake and even being executed because of her - he says that he wasn’t enough.
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TLDR - Their power dynamic is very obvious from his FTEs and the trial, he was clearly groomed and abused, never got to recover from her manipulations. And fandom either fetishisizes their relationship, excusing their nasty kinks by saying it was consensual, or hates him because they never took the time to analyze the content. He was abused, he was manipulated, god knows what else was done to him when she was alive, and he died driven to insanity, full of grief devoted to his Sister and blaming himself for not being enough. As a side-note: it is completely okay being uncomfortable with his character/everything that happened in ch3. You dont owe anyone interacting with the piece of media depicting such topics. Your comfort and safety comes first. Kodaka is a shitty fucking writer. What is not okay is hating a character for being a victim. 
I probably missed a lot, my brain is very disorganized, so feel free to ask more questions/add your own opinion. 
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jewpacabruhs · 5 years
bruv im still jus. wow. theres so much to say but. do u kno how good it feels... to be jewish, to accidentally fixate on one eric cartman & love him more than any other fictional character for almost seven years now, and then to see him in a little yarmulke, standing at kyle's side while he recites from the torah? do you know how validating that is?
i gotta get personal for a second here. idk how, but in the last few yrs my relationship with my own jewishness has been deeply influenced and intertwined with south park, as ironic and ridiculous as that sounds. i grew up secular, completely nonpracticing; as a child, i was only ethnically jewish, and saw jews as strictly an ethnicity, and a popularly hated one to boot. and it scared me. ive talked about it before, but as a child hearing about the shoah and about antisemitism, i couldn't understand. i thought it was looks for a while, which confused me, because ive got blonde hair and blue eyes and all my family that got caught up in nazi europe did/do too. i remember thinking as a second grader that i would've been spared for that reason; why didn't a good chunk of my family? but i grew up in a mormon neighborhood, with plenty of other blonde kids, and they stayed away from me like i had a disease. this was before puberty, before my hair got a little frizzier and my nose got a little bigger, when i looked just like any of them. but already, at age 8, i was an outsider. i wasn't one of them and i never would be, and they wanted me to know that.
and then i started to get it. it clicked even more once i got to high school and got called a kike every other day - but prior to high school, you know what i found, and you know what really pushed me towards understanding what being a secular jew in america meant? south park. and as a dumb little sixth grader with no critical thinking skills, you know what shaped my opinions on my own people? south park.
and that's good and bad. good because i do sincerely think kyle broflovski is excellent fictional representation for jewish people, maybe one of the top few ever shown on television. he gets on my nerves at times, but he's good through and through, he's well written and multi-dimensional, he's not a walking stereotype but he still has prominent jewish features that jewish viewers can look at and see in themselves, his morals and viewpoints and beliefs are obviously deeply influenced by judaism, hes deeply proud of his heritage and culture... and that all means a lot to me. and by the amount of jewish sp fans that adore kyle, it means a lot to them too.
the bad thing is, yeah, i can't deny it, during older seasons, cartman's treatment of kyle probably taught a lot of young and dumb viewers how to view jews in real life. have i, as a kyman shipper and cartman stan, justified that within a fictional and narrative context? yes. but it doesn't change the real-world effect; south park, but specifically cartman, since he's the mouthpiece, likely did cause some easily-influenced people to pick up antisemitic beliefs. did this contribute to the rise of the alt-right? debatable, but to some extent, possibly. was that m&t's intention and should south park be canceled and denounced? fuck no, i'll always love it lol, and fuck censorship. but it is something that should be taken into account.
matt and trey clearly regret that, and understand that it's no longer acceptable or fitting or needed in today's sociopolitical climate - or, okay, maybe they don't even regret it; they just understand that when fiction becomes reality, the fictional jackass isn't necessary when there's one right there in real life, sitting in the oval office, yeah? old cartman doesn't deserve or need a voice, not when real, awful people actually have one right now. and m&t are actively trying to change cartman for the better and really, really backpedal on his bigotry, while still doing it in a way that makes sense from a story-telling perspective. it's not a complete uncharacteristic change of character; it's shifting with the times and writing it into the character's arc so that it's a logical and plausible development in cartman's story.
cartman's behavior in the last few seasons is consistent character development. m&t themselves are pushing it, and clearly it's sincere; cartman's not faking. unless they're building up a surprise twist over the last, what, three to four seasons, that he was faking the whole time! woah! if so it better be a damn good pay off, because that's a lot of time invested. though that seems more forward-thinking than sp tends to be. they're intentionally stuck in the short-term, aren't they? plot-wise. but their character development is pretty long-term, and right now, cartman is consistently decent, and if it comes across as faking, it's because cartman's over-dramatic in how he speaks, and trey does that intentionally.
that's a tonal thing, and it's hard to say in a fictional character, but as someone who struggles with empathy myself, empathy and sincerity don't go hand in hand. you can lack empathy while still caring enough to sincerely and wholeheartedly apologize for something and mean that apology. not feeling remorse doesn't mean you can't apologize genuinely; the two don't go hand in hand. you can be mentally ill in any capacity, even a psychopath, and still deeply care about things or people, just not in the way someone else might. so you can headcanon that cartman's still a psycho/sociopath, though right now that's actually kinda going against canon, but don't rain on other's parades if they're happy he's exhibiting healthy growth. besides, and i repeat: what could cartman exploit out of faking sincerity for several seasons? nothing, so why bother? he wouldn't, unless it's literal in-show subconscious growth.
does that mean he's magically developed empathy? no. is it becoming less probable he's a legitimate sociopath/psychopath (while still possibly having better-disguised antisocial tendencies)? yes. does he seem to have better coping or anger management skills? somehow, yes! he seems to be legitimately healthier. does this mean he's no longer accountable for his past misdeeds, and even his present, less-severe ones? of course not! and you can still hate him all you want, but modern cartman is not the same as older cartman, and shouldn't be treated as such. because is this growth? absolutely.
he's clearly healthier, even happier. he's less angry, he's still a little shit but he no longer relies on bigotry or cruelty or anger to get the negative attention he thrives off, rather he gravitates towards being simply annoying. you know why he called ice? pettiness, immaturity, a little bit of spite, and a need for silly revenge. he's being intentionally petty, but going about it in a sly but no longer psychopathic way. less hannibal lector and more, idk, regina george, lol. extremely different on the antagonist scale. and cartman's been both.
and maybe it's personal bias on what type of human is worse within fiction, someone unstable and bizarre with violent tendencies (which is how he's come to be viewed in pop culture & some of the fandom, as a result of eps like scott tenorman must die), versus someone inclined towards pettiness and more silent and, i dunno, social-status-and-pride-driven types of revenge (cartman in general when he's not being particularly awful, tbh)... but i think it'd be pretty universally agreed that the latter is at the very least more tolerable, manageable, and even likeable - and certainly more redeemable. let's put it this way; if cartman continued on the path he was on, he'd be one of those tiki holding fucks, wearing a confederate flag hat, and he'd treat kyle soooo much worse. instead, m&t have turned him into a hypocritical false-woke ignorant dumbass - but that's strongly less problematique than it's counterpart, and it works.
because cartman simply serves a different narrative purpose now. and that's not sloppy writing; it's well-timed evolution of a character that stepped into a pre-9/11, pre-trump, pre-social media world! so much has changed, and south park is reflecting that in its characters, most notably in a character who was stuck in the, what, 1960s with his beliefs? that was fine way back when, but matt&trey are smart dudes - they understand that sometimes things have to change. besides, they love cartman, too. he's their favorite. but they understand that when real people act like him, it's not so comedic or satirical or funny, & they don't want to look at cartman, at their creation who they've invested twenty-two years in, and see the all-too-real hate of modern radical white america.
i think we know enough about matt&trey's social stances these days, and the empathy they've seemed to develop after having kids, to understand that they're no longer in their "apathy is best, everyone is stupid" phase. current south park is left-leaning and admittedly preachy at times, but i wouldn't want it any other way. g-d knows it's better this way than if they'd embraced and decided to appeal to their right-libertarian following instead. cartman's evolved in a progressive and positive way, and it's fucking dope, especially to us cartman stans who so badly want him to be good. and he is good right! he's doing so good!
and i know im up my own ass rn but yall know how much i myself have campaigned for jewish kyman/cartman and how much i just deeply and truly adore it, and to see it actualized in a canon episode to some extent? that meant the world to me. i couldn't believe my eyes. i was tellin lai - that's the most genuine, pure, almost violent happiness ive felt in my soul in years. that was like a straight shot of serotonin to the heart. that simple little scene made me so fucken happy yall dont even know. & theres a lot to be said about the political commentary and plenty of other people are analyzing that, but im a simple jewish kyman & cartman stan and boy ive been fed good fjskfkdkdkfk!!!
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drboxleitner · 5 years
xWordgirl ships analysis
I love analyzing ships especially of my favorite heroic alien daughter, so i made a mini masterpost of my thoughts on each popular ship for becky, within reason of course. these are all speculation on them maturing into adulthood looking for love. this is all personal opinion!
long post because i don’t know how to write succinctly im sorry :’)
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the ship that needs no introduction:
 both characters need to mature before any kind of healthy romance can develop. there is friction both externally (with their villain hero conflict) and internally (both of them suffer from being prideful, condescending, and emotionally constipated), of which them being together as they are now, they both bring out the worst of those parts in one another. whether tobey goes on the straight and narrow or becky decides to fall to the darkside, or perhaps an interesting mix of the two, they both need more common ground to build a foundation on before a healthy relationship can grow. however, this doesn;t mean a seed romance cant grow where it’s planted (to say nothing of the emotional health of the two) as both lust and yearning of young dumb lovers can temporarily close any gap. however, unless they work out their moral and emotional and identity differences and, it will be a hot flash in the pan with disastrous consequences, considering the amount of firepower both parties possess.
Pros: popular ship, cute heroXvillain plots, possible redemption/descent arcs available, kissmesis, cutesy competitiveness, juicy juicy drama, relatively balanced in terms of power (becky as wordgirl, tobey and his army of robots), can weild insane amounts of gusto as a powercouple if they actually worked together
cons: unstable relationship, breakup would be very rough and destructive if gone awry, toxic competitiveness, PR problems for either one
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The sweetest sapphic couple:
you want handholding?? love poetry?? maximum fluff potential???? yo i got the ship for you. a lot about these two is conveniently already handed to us because theyre already best friends and we get to see how they function together under a variety of circumstances. for the most part, the two of them would be very openly loving. they have an opposites attract kind of relationship, the classic feeling/thinking, art/science vibes, which is cute for the most part, but can run into trouble when it comes to communication. as we’ve seen before a couple times, most notably in the series finale, the two struggle with confronting one another and reaching an understanding when things aren’t all sunshine and rainbows. both seem to be more likely to lie to keep the peace than bring up a problem, which means things can go very crooked down the line after the honeymoon phase. we have seen that violet has a great memory and while not openly, does hold grudges. we have seen becky struggle to shuffle her priorities and keep her word (hah) and have a hard time bringing up the hard truth. (theres not really a good place to bring it up but i find it very interesting that the hero is the more emotional one than the artist and the artist is colder than the hero) they need to work together to make a completely mode of communication to get through the hard times as well as the good, and if they can, they can together make the most unabashedly happiest couple on earth
pros: fluff, opposites attract, consent communication and cuddles, forgiving, with their powers combined can make the greatest art known to humankind, happy to see the other succeed, gift giving galore
cons: problems can build up fast under the surface, misunderstandings, grudges and lies, major power imbalance
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call me biased but this one is my personal favorite...:
...not because its good for them, per se, but because the dynamics are so darn interesting. while tobecky is full of classic tropes and vibecky is sweet and simple, scoobecky is a very particular kind of relationship we 1) rarely see explored as a formal, official relationship 2) have a tooon of canon interaction material to work off of, actually. this is one of those weird ones where you have to make assumptions about the current situation, eg. assume scoops and violet broke up, assume this is post-Invasion of the Bunny Lovers (IOTBL) episode, etc etc. we’ve seen them as close friends and how even like that they can kinda struggle to meet the mark and make understanding compromises (which unlike like vibecky, who does effortlessly). from what we’ve seen in post-IOTBL, they dont really have a groundwork of respect for one another they once had in wordgirl’s anonymity, but it seems to work out regardless because most of the time they get along best in times of trial and high stress (eg, zombie apocalypse, curiosity machine, rose invading on the order of things, etc). if they ended up as a couple, my best guess it was a couple out of emotional damage or desperation, a kind of functionality couple that would have a hard time handling fluff but could work together and find love during the apocalypse. they would be together for temporary comfort and security in a dangerous world, exchanging clever quips and several moments of emotional highs that will drag both of their butts through the mess they both got themselves into by agreeing to date. the highs are addictive, but functioning well as a team or friends doesn’t exactly translate to being a healthy relationship. theyre both quite petty people, and even the smallest disagreement will cast wrinkles in the cloth because both of them are on completely different life trajectories. however, i believe given good circumstances, they could in theory make it work but man is it going to take a hell of a lot of work and help. or maybe a second zombie apocalypse.
pros: exclusive interviews, mutual pining turning into a relationship trope, 
cons: major power imbalance, petty, hard to function in fair weather, not supportive
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it works because all three of them are simultaneously the third wheel. they play off one another very well
pros: you can have your cake and eat it too, have all the juicy fluff and angst of all the relationships outlined above
cons: i dunno, agreeing on the same restaurant for dinner
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I don’t know! I know a lot of other people have thought a lot harder about the other ships available, i just thought it fun to lay out my thoughts on the most obvious ships. if you have a (non-creepy) ship you feel strongly about and thought a ton about feel free to lmk i love reading about really deeply thought out character interactions
these are just my very subjective thoughts on it and considering the only canonically dating relationship among the eligible kids we’ve seen is violet and tobey, and even then thats not too explored in depth, its all speculation and analysis. id love to hear ur thoughts if you saw something different in these characters. of course, im writing all this with the assumption they are maturing into adulthood and some time has passed, the dynamic may be totally different if they were little kids in puppy love in fifth grade, i dont know! its just fun to think about all the ways u can spin these characters
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gg-astrology · 6 years
GOT7: Im Jaebum - Inner Planet Natal Chart Reading
💕Hello! It’s my obligated duty as a Capricorn to talk about other Capricorns! So today, we’ll be looking at another Capricorn-- Im Jaebum from GOT7! I was contemplating whether or not I’ll do an overview or a inner planet natal reading, but I figured-- eh, I might as well go full out! 
This will tie in somewhat to my earlier SVT series since I touched on Joshua’s Capricorn-Capricorn, Seungkwan Capricorn-Virgo and now Jaebum’s Capricorn-Taurus (see: link in note at the end on how to find your own decans).
 I hope this gives you insight onto how he behaves/reacts! You don’t have to read the previous posts to understand this. I hope you enjoy the read!
@somewhere-inwonderland​, sorry it’s been so long but I finally got around to doing a reading for him! Thanks for requesting it in, this was super fun to do! I hope this does him justice! 💕
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💕disclaimer: i’m not claiming to be an expert astrologer nor do I know these people personally. These are my interpretations and how they’re working based on my experiences/studies on them. Everyone has different opinions/studies in astrology, please be mindful of others and all interpretation/experiences is valid to an extent. However, feel free to make your own post or skip if you strongly disagree. There might be inaccuracy and difference in opinions. But the point of this post is to entertain and relate. I’m hoping to help people with similar experiences and get people excited about astrology. Also, since we don’t know most of their birth times, I’m using the standard 12.00pm💕
Im Jaebum (JB) January 6, 1994 (Goyang, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea) 
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Capricorn Sun - 2nd Decan (ruled by Venus/Taurus)
I’ve been talking about quite a few Capricorns these past few days, it’s only right that I finally get to talk about the last of the Capricorn decan -- Capricorn influenced by Taurus/Venus !
People say Capricorns are bland and boring but honestly there’s so many different types and tonality to a Capricorn they can’t just be grouped into those adjectives. 
Capricorns influenced by Venus are one of the most alluring decans Capricorns can be in. Those blessed by the planet of social relations are full of charm, and even in their native form they exude the type of charisma and comforting serenity to them that it’s hard for others not to like them.
In fact, Capricorns in the Taurus decans are usually very magnetic people. They don’t tend to be overtly aware of the effect they have on those around them, but they can often find themselves drawing eyes where-ever they go. 
Their quiet nature are often seen in one of the most favorable light, honest and naturally charming they usually have a youthful look to them. A childish, innocent aura no matter how old they get.
They’re dependable, sure. And are often reliable people, but they’re not afraid to show that they have some vulnerabilities to them. (often unexpectedly, as in when they let their guards down)
In fact they often take advantage of it, instead of seeing their softer sensitive side as something they have to guard/hide, they’re much more laid back in terms of allowing people to help them than other Capricorn decans. (There’s complications to this, see later)
These people often feels like a kid at heart. At their core, they cry easily when they feel like they’re not being supported. 
Despite trying to carry the load by themselves, and the usual Capricorn ‘facade’ -- they are the types who are much more willing to open up genuinely to other people than their other Decan counterparts once they get past the initial struggle of figuring themselves out, whether or not they want anyone to help them or not (This is just something all Capricorns have to go through). 
There’s still a sense of mystery to the Capricorn natives, but Capricorn Taurus trusts are much more welcoming and accepting of others. There’s a warmth to them that Taurus brings, different from a Capricorn-Virgo decan that relies on Mercury to facilitate intimacy through forms of intellectual balance. Capricorn Taurus trust for the sake of intimacy, and they’re often very caring and comforting people to be around.
You can’t deny that underneath all his ‘strong, cool’ persona there’s an innate gentleness to his charm. Like a shyness and a deep-rooted devotion in him for the people he cares about/let in. 
Capricorn-Taurus are almost unshakable when they set out for something. Whether it’s about their own opinion (incredibly stubborn) their sense of self or their trust on someone. Although they can be shy and appear sort of nervous when they first start letting someone through, you can be sure that somewhere along the line that devotion will turn in a long-lasting fidelity they’ll have for the person. 
Comparative to other Capricorn decans, Capricorn-Taurus are also much more optimistic and less weighed down than Capricorn-Capricorns or Capricorn-Virgos. While others might exercise caution that turns self-destructive tendencies (chronic isolation-habits, distrust of anyone, hyper-critical and suspicious of anyone who approaches them) -- Capricorn-Taurus are one of the most social of the bunch (Venus rules social relationship)
Although they’re quiet, they easily enjoy being surrounded by others. They don’t necessarily need to talk (responsive like Capricorn-Virgo Decans) but they want to feel accepted and just --‘let be’, in the groups of people they’re surround themselves with. Most of the time, it’s very homebody-attitude, they’d rather fall into comfortable familiar habit with someone than -- y know, verbally changing it up all the time. 
Taurus is the youngest of the earth signs. They’re easily appeased by Things (food, immediate gratifications, hugs, spontaneous physical contact) but with Capricorn being one of the oldest signs, they also have heightened sense of responsibility and ambitions about them.
Capricorn-Taurus are big aimers, they don’t necessarily have to know what they’re aiming for or if it’s possible. But generally, they’re not satisfied unless they have a goal/drive. The combination of the goat and the bull makes them a consistent and steady climber, a feet-on-the-ground but eyes-on-the-prize type of person. No one really knows what’s at the summit, but they’re the kind of person who would climb for the sake of reaching that top and then take it from there. 
They’re not one to -- over-worry or over-work themselves unnecessarily, in fact Taurus gives them a pretty good balance of common sense (what they can do/achieve) and relaxation. They know how to indulge in their breaks, and knows when to stop working. One of the things that allows them to make time for social interaction at all is this easy-going, laid back but balanced (disciplined) manner they have with themselves and their own mental health. 
Capricorn-Taurus might also tend to put social relationship as one of their top priorities unlike Capricorn-Capricorn who puts tradition, principle and fidelity (concepts) to the fore front. Capricorn-Taurus cares for the people they actually know. Family, friends and lovers are important. And the things they do, they consider and try to support those people around them.
To them, it’s all about balance. Between self-independence and goals while simultaneously learning how to be a good support system/be there for others around them. They’re not the type to ditch people (unless they have something else in their chart that indicates it) 
Although one thing to make note of is that they’re usually the most stubbornly tight-lipped out of all the other Capricorn decans. They���re extremely uncommunicative when it comes to their feelings unless they learn how.  
Most of the time, Taurus makes their love so deeply rooted and devoted the Capricorn self-restraint keeps them from ever speaking about it. They feel like they exude this love, this gentleness that they can often feel like verbally communicating it, is an entirely different, foreign language to them. 
Love to them comes physically, and in the context of time, devotion, actions and auras. So talking or stating how they feel about others might take some time because they have to learn how.
It’s sort of like, trying to be ambidextrous? They’ve learnt how to show their affection physically since they’re a child (imagine being right-handed) that learning a different component of showing the same kind of love can feel awkward to them (learning how to be left-handed).
Unlike Capricorn-Virgo who can become verbally communicative (but tsundere) about it, or Capricorn-Capricorn who just-- states things without emotions sometimes (doesn’t mean they don’t feel emotions, just that they don’t want to burden others with their emotions) -- Capricorn-Taurus are usually in a very awkward in-between where they feel like they have this potential and expectancy of themselves, to be fluent and good at communicating their love verbally too (because they do feel all that love and it needs to be externalized) yet at the same time, they lack practice.
What makes Jaebum such a good leader is his striving nature. Capricorn-Taurus are set to pursue whatever it is they made their mind up to. Once they make it a goal, they’ll aim for it and won’t stop no matter the set back. 
Capricorn Sun makes him extremely resourceful, and having that Taurus decan working for him makes him good at flipping a bad situation to stabilize the whole team (optimism and realism). No matter how ‘world ending’ a situation can be, he’s the type to tell others ‘its ok, we’ll keep trying’ -- a natural fighter, but in a grounded and stable way. 
He definitely needs space, since Capricorn does tend to make him need his time away from others. Usually, it’s with people who are too nosy or Air/Fire signs who pushes and pushes too much into his business. He likes his independency, yet at the same time doesn’t like to admit his weaknesses/vulnerabilities. 
Although he knows that he craves intimacy to others and the only way to show people he cares is to let his guards down. His Capricorn remains stubbornly fixed on maintaining a facade in front of others, and it lead to becoming a defense-mechanism that might cause him misunderstanding or appearing ‘two-faced’/’cares only for his statues’ when he’s with people he truly cares about. (He does it to protect himself/them that it becomes misunderstood instead. Can often feel like being stabbed in the back from the person you’re protecting. ) 
Watch for being stuck in a relationship that may be toxic, more so than the person, he himself can be fixed in trying to work the relationship alone. Like all the other fixed-signs, he can try to maintain a failing relationship just because he’s devoted himself to it already (emotional intensity/commitment).   
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Sun (Capricorn) - Conjunct - Mercury (Capricorn)
He possesses great mental prowess, often times a great and eloquent conversationalist and leader. His voice and his sense of self aligns, making him seem reliable and dependable.
Has great magnetism and power in the way he talks. People listen and feel awestruck by him. He can be soothing but also commanding.
A direct talker and thinker, he comes across as someone honest and honorable. What he says holds weight to whoever is listening. 
However, he tends to be an over-thinker, and a bit of an over-worrier. His pride lies on his mental and verbal capabilities, takes on responsibilities so seriously that he can often feel like he’s disappointing people around him (even though he’s just disappointed in himself).
This might be his downfall considering he probably goes back and hits himself over everything he says, because he thought he could’ve done better.
Watch for self-decrepitation or destructive behaviour that comes from self-doubt or frustration at not being ‘enough’ or ‘doing enough’. He often feels like he has to be more, prove more and has to be accepted/loved by everyone.   
He causes himself worries over the future and tends to stress himself out, even on things that hasn’t even happened yet. 
Because he puts the weight of those who are depending, on him on his own shoulders. He likes to ‘hard carry’ everyone. 
It might become a habit, and therefore it’s much more detrimental to him than anyone else. His biggest pride is also his biggest downfall, doesn’t know how to let anyone else in.
Incredibly stubborn on his performance and perception of himself, his self-worth is tied to his mental fortitude/ability to ‘wow’ others. Incredible hard to let his guards down, and doesn’t really know how to let others support him back.  
On a lighter note, he’s extremely humorous. Often witty and takes alot of care/pride in cheering other people up due to his quips and humor, he can tend to feel hurt easily (gets whiney/sulky) if he feels he’s not heard or ignored. Especially if he made a ‘funny joke’ and tends to look for others for validation (can even point it out blatantly ‘look at what I did’ looking for some praise-- which is, endearing.)
When he’s talking to people he’s comfortable with, on a topic that he’s interested in he can become very expressive and animated. He doesn’t like being made fun of for that, since his joy and sense of self can come across looking very pure, naive and sometimes childish. Despite how his facade makes him ‘mature’ -- he really is more childish at heart.
Humorously, unless the conversation is about him he doesn’t really care for it. Can have a dramatic, often ‘me-first’ attitude (Sun) towards conversations (Mercury). Likes talking about himself best. 
Sun (Capricorn) - Conjunct - Venus (Capricorn)
His sense of self (Sun) is tied to his social relationships (Venus). Again, it can be a double edge sword especially since Capricorn (in both planet) places an emphasis on fidelity, responsibilities and establishing a long-term relationships with others.
Even when the relationship might be taking advantage of him, or even if he’s uncomfortable in the relationship -- devotion and fidelity might sometimes be enough to keep him tied in it anyways. 
He can also often feels like he has to carry over the burden of others along with him, and tends to worry about things he usually isn’t responsible for. Underdeveloped Capricorns finds it hard to say no to people when they come to them for help, even when they don’t have the resources to spare. This can lead him into a lot of stress/worries in disappointing others, and therefore-- more self-destructive behaviors.
Because he’s so naturally well-liked, and gifted in appeasing others, people come to him in flocks. He’s admirable and honorable, and often draws the awe of everyone else around him to him.
Has a gift for mediating and being diplomatic, but often times it can feel stifled or dogmatic in his approach. Because his Venus is in Capricorn, he ‘reviews’ the overall objectivity of the fight (whether it was a valid thing to fight over in the first place) to be the deciding factor sometimes. Can have a hard time not upsetting one-side because he doesn’t really know how to deal with emotional-fights, or one based on subjectivity. 
He relies alot on people coming to him, and often doesn’t really know how to pursue other people. He can often find himself confused whether or not he is actually, genuinely attracted to someone for who they are, or just because they like him, that makes him automatically likes them.
The lines between what he actually looks for in his friend groups, or people he surrounds himself with can be blurred. And he may find himself in people who are just sucking up to him or looking to take advantage of him. 
Sun (Capricorn) - Conjunct - Mars (Capricorn)
Work comes first above all. He’s strongly disciplined and possesses great self-restraint. In fact, he does fantastic in his roles and job that he’s often promoted and trusted to do more. He thrives on an environment that is structured (JYP is pretty big, and well established) and often very adept at climbing the ladder. 
He feels he can control this part of his life (which is so important to Capricorns) the self-restraint his Capricorn has truly comes in handy when he needs to abstinence himself from some kind of pleasure (which-- he takes pleasure in abstinence himself). 
He feels like he’s truly working hard to make his goals/achievements come true, and when he’s given the opportunity to face challenges- he does so with willingness and a spirited direction. 
It’s truly passionate person that comes from a place of deeply productive energy. 
A balanced mix of feminine and masculine energy, often times he tends to overdo the masculine part just a bit. But it’s forced the feminine part of himself into being hurt, he should just let himself be sometimes. 
Sun (Capricorn) - Sextile - Jupiter (Scorpio)
He likes to help others, whether it’s sunbae or hoobaes. Often times he’s very generous and would willingly go out of his way to make first impressions on someone.
He especially enjoys guiding others or assisting those around him, being helpful or seen as a dependable person is important to him.
Capricorn and Scorpio here makes one seek to be reliable in both their internal and external environment, what this means in combination to Jupiter is that he wants to be seen this way. 
He wants others to feel like they can depend on him because he is internally stable (Scorpio), but also wants others to see him directing and organizing his external environment as well (Capricorn). He wants to be seen as truly a calm and controlled, balanced and stable person. 
Generally very well-liked by other people, and enjoys hanging out with friends. Outside of his professional setting, he’s a popular person. 
Sun (Capricorn) - Conjunct - Uranus (Capricorn)
He feels himself obstructed or contained inside of traditions. Often times, it’s a confinement he can work by. He sometimes agrees with it, or sees it as ‘acceptable’-- he works hard under the social construct of what’s ‘traditionally acceptable’.
Yet there’s also part of him that questions some of the harsher aspect of it. He can’t help but admire those who possess an unconventional mind, and likes to assist them in navigating how to become accepted even to the conservatives. 
Sun (Capricorn) - Conjunct -Neptune (Capricorn)
He often has big dreams, and big intuitions. Often times he has great sense for what’s going to happen, and can sympathize greatly with people. 
He possesses a big heart, and often very comforting to be around. He’s easily moved or touched by others but might have a hard time expressing it.
His sentiments are often slow, not very showy but very touching. He feels touched by others often, and tries his best to make sure they know he sincerely appreciates him.
To him, supporting and loving those around him is so important. He’s genuinely happy for people he’s close to for achieving their dreams, the type of person who’s just--- genuinely happy for others without feeling any kind of jealousy for their personal achievements. He’s proud of them. 
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Scorpio Moon - (0′ degrees) 
His Moon (depending on his birth time) might have been in Libra, but without an accurate time, he possesses a Scorpio Moon. In this post we’ll take into consideration how Libra might play into his Moon as well. And his overall personality in the process. 
Social relationship is so important to him, it cannot be understated. Coming from the earlier Capricorn-Taurus and combining his Scorpio Moon, he often finds himself drawn to try and reconnect himself with others around him.
His emotions are deep and sensitive, often possessing an abundance of intensity that he finds it hard to control. Often times, with the combination of Capricorn needing external stabilization and Scorpio needing internal stabilization, everything can sort of feel like it’s melting or breaking out of control all the time.
He either deals with stress very well or he doesn’t at all, there’s not a lot of in-between here. For others, he can always put on a brave face and has an incredibly steady hands. But internally, he might find himself repressing his emotions more often than not.
He knows this, and it weighs on him more so than any other combination. Without stabilization inside or outside of himself, he can often feel like he’s constantly swinging from a pendulum, from one extreme to another.
Thats why he seeks out others, he possesses so much strength and self-restraint. A formidable giant. 
But when the time comes, when he can relax and let himself be -- there’s so much emotion and suppressed thoughts inside of himself that it can come gushing out in floods of vulnerabilities.
Wants someone there who can truly care and support him, even when he’s feeling weak. He doesn’t ever want to be seen as weak but he knows there’ll be instances where he has to be, and he doesn’t ever want to be defined by his softer side constantly.
Wants to be seen for his duality, his tough exterior and his soft delicate emotions-- and accepted for it. You know, normalize it? But in a very sincere and honest way. 
Often, he’s much like a gentle giant who only wishes to protect and be loved at the same time.
Possesses great analytical skills, in fact he possesses great strength and intensity in his emotional response alone it can be hard for him to even trust someone up close (because he’s constantly analyzing them and he can’t stop).
He feels drawn to those who are more emotionally in-tune or sensitive. Although he’s awkward with his affection, he does his best to receive affection from them and protect them.  
Has deep romanticism in him, and alot of sentimentality. He devotes himself to someone, he does it entirely. There’s no holding back with him, he wants to experience everything with his partner. 
May sometimes dream or get very whimsical for the idea of a perfect partner, romantically or platonically. He might feel bouts of loneliness on the inside if he doesn’t truly ‘have’ someone with him. He seeks people who can perhaps handle all the emotional intensity he has inside of him. 
He wants to pursue others and want others to appreciate all the effort he puts into it (because it doesn’t come easy to him at all). With so much power and love to give, if he truly settles for someone who he feels secure enough with-- he wants to be obsessed with them to the point where they feel flattered by it (not in a creepy way, just in a way that he wants to learn all their tics and traits, wants to be ‘their ultimate best friend’ or someone they can be proud of, he wants his effort to be reciprocated.)
When his emotions are hurt, he can tend to have a very critical and sharp tongue. He lashes out emotionally, more so than any level-headed open minded approach. He says things he knows would hurt the other person the most, even when he actively tries to hold himself back. 
His insecurities often turns to suspicion of people, and that can lead him to under-appreciating them or hurting them intentionally to test them. 
Often appears emotionally ‘cool’ or mysterious to those who truly doesn’t know him, he seems level-headed but actually loses his temper pretty easily. Has a cool, restrained kind of anger to him. 
Because of his Capricorn and Scorpio in his chart, there’s a struggle that feels more of like a brawl most of the time. One side has to be smacked down for the other to reign victorious. It’s like a pendulum, again. 
His intellect/principle (Capricorn) and emotions (Scorpio) are often clashing. None of these signs wants to lose to each other, and they both exude a stronger sense of masculinity for him on the external front (even though they’re both feminine). 
He may seem emotionally distanced, or personally detached from others-- most of it’s due to his own internal problems.  
At this point, it wouldn’t even be called inner tension. Instead of just the normal push and pull, tug of war or tightening of the corset. Jaebum’s internal self/emotions often either feels like a complete meltdown or a god walking through the burning flames of hell going ‘this is fine’. 
Whichever sides wins at the moment, the other side will get up again and fight continues. This might also be because it’s at a 0′degree (Scorpio Moon) so he has to constantly relearn and grow from the experience over and over again.
Other than that, he’s actually a really soft and sensitive person when he lets himself be. He’s naturally perceptive to others, and can handle all kind of emotional stress/duress from others. His depth of emotional intensity allows him to handle others well, yet at the same time it always feels like he’s caught off guard by his own emotions/internal development.
In tune with his own emotions, but whether or not he’ll actually express it is another matter entirely. 
Considering how he’s both dramatic and intensely critical he is at the same time, it can be his biggest downfall (doesn’t know how to accept vulnerabilities within himself without feeling like he’s publicly embarrassed himself. Even between private manners.) 
Moon (Scorpio) -Trine- Saturn (Aquarius) 
He sometimes has (what he considers ‘insane’) thoughts of just letting it all go. Not in terms of duties or responsibilities, but his idea of ‘relaxing’ or ‘letting lose’ is more about indulgent in being less traditional. 
He thinks it’s absolutely insane to just-- idealize things or let himself go with hypothetical thoughts sometimes. When dreamier placements like Pisces or Taurus brings up the idea of an idealized world, he likes to fuel into this imagination. (gosh you can tell how rigid he is sometimes even with all the sentimentality he has)
His Scorpio Moon makes him find joy in indulging them, creating a structure and some resemblance of reality for them, while his Aquarius Saturn makes him come up with ideas for an generation that lives in such world.
It’s alot like-- world creating/building? (such a Capricorn/Aquarius thing) Because he finds it so hard to lose control, the most optimistic he can let his emotions go is to this extent. Idealizing ideas, and to a certain extent, entertaining semi-believable thoughts. 
Despite possessing alot of intuition and want inside of him (Sun-conjunct-Neptune/Uranus) he doesn’t like his feelings being out of control. 
In fact he tends to repress them more and more in his daily life. He feels like if he loses control, it’ll break down all his credits, his reputation, his respectability. It’s usually not the case, but he’s paranoid about it. Over-dramatic, but also intensely critical. 
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Capricorn Mercury - 2nd Decan (ruled by Venus/Taurus)
Again, he thinks a lot about others around him. But in this sense, he’s consciously aware of it.
He works best when there’s people around him, people supporting him. He wants love and he wants possession over those love. He wants it in tangible matter, fan letters, fan gifts and small projects of dedication (birthday projects/donations), he keeps them close and reminds himself everyday that he is loved.
In fact, he’s so fucking hard on himself naturally from his Capricorn placements and Scorpio moon that he truly sees his relationship as something that’s saved him. It’s his reason to move, the reason to get up every morning. He truly feels like it owes it to everyone else, who made him who he is today-- to continue fighting for them.
He’s merely a vessel in the overall scale of things, his disciplined nature and all his efforts are just the middle-man for realizing the fan’s ideal into the world. He gives-- so much, back to the world. Words really cannot understate how much he cares about others. To the point where he’s humbly careless about himself.
Sometimes he’s riddled with so much self-decrepitating thoughts, he sees himself only for his worst self. And constantly blames himself. He  everyone else who loves and supports him on a pedestal instead. 
Whenever he feels down, he probably pulls out letters just to read them over and over again. So he can feel less lonely, less fucked up than how he is. 
Although I doubt he does this often anymore, when he faces hardship this probably happens alot to fuel him to work even harder. To remind himself that, in that point in time, someone truly appreciates what he does. And it does matter. It does impact someone other than him and that-- is enough to keep him moving forward. 
His mind reads impressions off of people, Capricorns are so observative and astute when it comes to taking care of the people around them. 
The reason they feel like they’re not doing enough is because there’s dissatisfaction from the world around them, and they soak in these emotions all day every day. They’re almost like-- Pisces in a way. But in a way that they take it as it is and work with it. 
So just, when there’s a moment in time; that’s captured. Where someone is just-- so genuinely happy he’s here; doing things, expressing their sincerest whole hearted support for him, the impression is so much more important for him.
It can almost be a life changing experience the first time he receives that kind of validation. It’s truly amazing, when they stop in a single moment to just breath and look around them and realize that wow, they’ve changed someone’s life. 
That minuscule impression, that moment in time where they might’ve influenced someone for the better. That means the world to them. 
He’s not the type to dwell, but I wanted to touch on the vulnerable moment in a Capricorn’s shield. 
There’s so much emphasis earlier on his internal conflict, this Capricorn Mercury truly is the main mastermind in how his Sun and the rest of his chart becomes so Capricorn heavy. It controls everything in his life, makes things 1000x harder for him. 
But at the same time, it’s how he’s lived and how he feels pleasure from living his life. It’s how he’s going to achieve success-- his way, and sometimes that path isn’t going to be easy (he doesn’t want it any other way anyways). 
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Mercury (Capricorn) - Conjunct - Venus (Capricorn)
He strives to bring others together, often time by mediating between people. He knows when a situation is going to go wary and what to do to stop it. 
He uses himself as a shield to protect others, his instinct is to keep a cool, calm level-headedness at all times. 
He’s perceptive, and would most likely-- after the conflict is avoided, look back at the person he’s protecting and give a subtle ‘you ok?’ 
He’s so quick on picking up on cues and scrutinizing others, he’s naturally guarded and protecting others is something he feels-- he can show his dedication to them, shielding them from harm. It’s how he shows he cares and that he loves someone.   
He doesn’t make a big deal out of it, allows his actions to speak louder than words. 
At the same time, he leaves it at that. He takes your word just as it is, if you say you’re ok. It’s not because he’s detached, it’s just that he trusts you. If you truly need someone to talk or make sure you’re ok, he trusts that you’ll come to him and be honest about it.   
Mercury (Capricorn) - Conjunct - Mars (Capricorn)
His mind and his actions are aligned, he often possesses great power to accomplish his goals. In a way, his Scorpio Moon would benefit from this too. 
Although it’s not directly correlated, he feels like his internal struggle, his emotional ones can be pushed forward through his actions. In combination to his Capricorn it makes him formidable. He’s an unmovable shield for his teammate, and a great power to push them up from.
If anyone ever needs his reassurance, that he won’t ever let any of their fucks up -- no matter how bad of a fuck up they might have made -- make them feel like he values them any less. He won’t drop them, he’s a steady presence that’ll stand by them and support them. Even if he has to discipline them in a gentle manner (Taurus Decan). 
 He cares for others and it shows. He’ll speak up about it, although he’ll feel more comfortable showing that he cares than actually speaking about it-- especially in terms of feelings.
He’ll speak about it in a way that’s very direct, straight-forward. But it might seem kind of detached, or more like-- someone older/more experienced looking after someone younger. 
Mercury (Capricorn) - Conjunct - Uranus (Capricorn)
He’s sociable, yet at the same time ingenious. He often tries to break free from the mold, and feels inspired by others around him. 
He enjoys company from people who are also hoping to change the world in some way. He likes the thrill it gives him, a little rebellious side to his nature. 
He feels engaged intellectually, feels like it brings a purpose to his nature. 
He often tries to contribute his strengths, whether or not that means his actual strength (active/physicality) or just his level-headedness. He tries to be anything that they might need, and he knows he can do .  
Mercury (Capricorn) - Conjunct - Neptune (Capricorn)
He finds it easy to be creative, he often takes action/initiation over his own work and his artistry. 
He finds it thrilling to his personal sense of self (Sun) that he gets to express himself this way, he has a natural inclinations for the arts. 
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Capricorn Venus - 2nd Decan (ruled by Venus/Taurus)
You would think he’s soft and gushy, and he is! But he’s so much more than that.
The way he shows his love, is kind of different but really in line with who he constructed himself to be on the surface.
I’ve put so much emphasis on him being ‘seen’ a certain way throughout the post, and also a lot on ‘possessing’ a certain trait and ‘obsession’ (see: tendency to blame himself) It’s all because Capricorn, Scorpio and Taurus all talks about similar things and that all points to scrambling to gain some sort of ‘Control’.
‘Control’ for him comes in form of constructing himself, constructing a shield in order to stop ‘obsessing’ over his faults and hyper-fixating his ‘habits’ (self-destruction, needing validation, feeling lonely/isolated). He keeps an inventory on his pros and cons (his traits) in terms of ‘possessing’ certain things to be proud of (’imagine’ regulation or ‘shield’ maintenance). 
His pride/ego/sense of self (Sun) and how he views or feel about himself (Moon and Mercury respectably) is all tied to this-- obsessive habit he has of constantly accounting his possession in order to feel some kind of self-worth within himself. 
He’s not vain at all. He’s just trying to find something to be proud of and to call his own. Something he can stand by indefinitely.
It’s a cautionary warning for those who has alot of Capricorn in them, but also an abundance of the sister signs -- Scorpio and Taurus. The way he goes about things can become an overabundance on it, all under the tonality of Capricorn which makes it all the more harder. 
If you think about it, he has an emphasis of Saturn over everything in his chart. And then you have Mars and Pluto, and Venus working at the same time. There’s bound to be some clash within himself, but through it-- alot of internal change and turmoil.
That’s four opposing forces trying to fit in together. Saturn and Pluto might have similarities, but you can also see it as the planet of trying to find long term stability and hardship, meeting the planet of turmoil, change and transformation. And Venus and Mars finding the find some sort of balance between each other, but with Saturn and Pluto taking precedent they end up in a wrestling match most of the time. 
So just-- keep that in mind when thinking about all this. I figured that, I should explain it at some point. And since I did talk about the softer light of Capricorn Mercury earlier I felt I needed to expand more on this as well. 
Now, onto the part about his Capricorn Venus:    
He’s kind of a slow and steady person, but once he decides on something he absolutely devotes to it. The initial state of making a decision isn’t really the biggest factor for him, he can make a decision pretty easily.
Capricorn Venus tends to have criteria they’ve already set for what it is they’re evaluating, if everything ‘feels’ right and is ticked off (simple things: like integrity, respectability, dedication) -- the part they’re truly dedicated to is the showing that they care part-- it comes afterwards. 
He puts in so much effort into seeing his dreams created, his dreams come to life. He wants to see his artistry become something that withstand time.
The decision wasn’t hard, the hardest part was the path. That’s truly what it’s like to really understand a Capricorn Venus. 
Not really one to put it out there, but there’s a sense within them that goes ‘alright, let’s do it’ and they shift gears towards pursuing those goals.
Hard work isn’t something they cower from, instead they encourage it. They want to feel like they’ve achieved something from it, like they’re truly worthy of the reward at the end of their victory (success/reputation/praise) 
It’s like-- winning a medal isn’t really worth it if you’re naturally gifted for it y know? Winning a medal is only worth it if they put in work, if they felt that grind, if they’ve shared that experience with those around them and truly-- be adored for it at the end.  
It’s the support, the camaraderie that comes with it that truly matters. To Capricorn Venus, it really is the journey that matters most.
They’re often not very vocal about their wants or needs, but they’re the type to be pretty direct once prompted. Like, they wouldn’t start a conversation about it but they would reply pretty honestly. 
If the subject something about work/objectively they’re trying to gain something from it, they’ll often just-- stare really hard until the other person become self-aware and asks them themselves.
They know they’re not good at conversation, which is why they rely on others to instigate it for them. Contrary to like-- being a cardinal sign, he does things more through actions than words. 
Honestly though let the boy sing! He has such great potential for it and he truly would’ve liked to be a great vocal at some point (acknowledged for it) y know? 
With Taurus influencing his love for artistry he wants to become an accomplished singer by like-- some point in his career. 
He’s actually quite studious and takes training very seriously, like he’s good at it. He’s good at theory and practice, and he actually gets things pretty fast.
In fact he can be so perceptive of like-- subtle cues or hint that he just lends a hand to others (people he cares about) as well. He’s observative, and then he kind of just-- explains it to those around him. 
A bit of an individual study kind of person, he needs time to grow into something or learn something. The way he does it best is by himself, through practice.
Relies alot on muscle memory but again-- he’s cautious about it. Doesn’t tend to put all his cards into one goal and but spread them out instead, this way he has more than one option to fall back on (very thorough).
Makes him multi-talented in a lot of different things, and a stable base to go from. He can honestly go into so many different field just by this alone. 
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Venus (Capricorn) - Conjunct - Mars (Capricorn)
Puts his effort into what he loves. To him, there has to be passion in what he does. 
Often he knows he possesses a strength of will and need for activity, the goal he sets for himself in order to pursue/externalize those energy is important.
Once he decides he wants to be in the entertainment industry, there was really no stopping him.
Aim to reach a certain level of stability in his achievement, wants to be acknowledged and viewed positively by the public. He wants to be seen as someone who’s maybe a bit mysterious, but good-hearted and dependable. Someone who’s in it for the long-run and admirable for others to look up to. 
Maybe in the future, he wants to be one of those people the younger generation would say they want to be like him. It’s one of the greatest goal. 
Venus (Capricorn) - Sextile - Jupiter (Scorpio)
Posseses alot of charm and strength, people are attracted to the sensitive yet powerful side of him. 
He’s abit reserved and humbled by it, but you can see he appreciates it nonetheless. 
His softer side comes out when he’s flustered? Or slightly embarrassed. He’s more of a receiver than an instigator but is willing to meet others half-way most of the time.
Would like his relationships to be fair, with the public, with himself and with his personal relationships too. 
To him, the external public (general public) may be his personal relationship. While his personal relationships are treated like they’re external public. 
Meaning he’s much more open about himself in the public than he is with his immediate interpersonal relationships (in terms of intimacy).
Venus (Capricorn) - Conjunct - Uranus (Capricorn)
Needs his space and independency in his relationships. Doesn’t do well with someone who’s clingy or doesn’t let him have his space. 
He doesn’t like-- people nosing into his business or nagging him on what to do. In fact he takes it quite seriously. Would be hurt by it because it breaches a sense of trust they have. 
He trusts the other to have their independence and autonomy from him, he respects and gives space to other people. So he naturally wants to be treated the same way. 
If he feels like he’s being suffocated if he has to be-- reporting what he does all the time, he’ll get really uncomfortable about it. 
Venus (Capricorn) - Conjunct- Neptune (Capricorn) 
Has a true love for the arts, really its the only way he feels like he can truly express himself properly without being judged for how awkward he is sometimes. 
There’s a purpose here for him, can sometimes be so focused on the actuality of the career that he needs to just step away and switch gears into the creative process of things. 
These are usually slower to start up, but once he’s in the zone-- he carries on with it and then he has to switch gears again to deal with the other side of his career (responding to the public versus his private creative process). 
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Capricorn Mars - 2nd Decan (ruled by Venus/Taurus)
He’s amazing at keeping his temper in control. In fact he absolutely hates losing control over himself. So much that expressing anger can lead to even more self-decrepitation.
The only moments he actually loses control and gets angry is when it’s prompted emotionally, as in an instantaneous reaction. (from his Moon’s response).
He feels like he’s been wronged in the most serious manner (as in, objectively, it’s not something petty. It’s a huge breach of trust, sensitivity or moral code), or someone close to him is being mistakenly taken advantage of unfairly. 
Highly protective of the people around him and insanely perceptive to other people’s intentions-- he can see it coming and the way he protects others can sometimes get-- out of hand.
Scorpio-like anger from his moon; cold, chilling, cutting and powerful. Self-doubt and years of decrepitation externalized outward into actual anger (self-manipulation turned outwardly is very powerful).
Combined with Taurus here it makes him incredibly scary. It’s persistent rage. It’s shouting and yelling, it’s in your face and not backing down type of anger. It’s not listening to anyone else-- because that was the end of the line for them. 
You can imagine that these sister signs are scary for a reason. Despite all the magnetism and romanticism about them, don’t ever cross them. 
Given, it takes alot to get him to that point if he ever gets to it at all (considering his Capricorn’s stronghold). But if it ever happens, beware.
In fact there’s not a lot to stop him from being angry and staying angry. He’s one to hold grudges for sure, but also the kind of anger that doesn’t go away even when the other person apologizes or begs. There has to be a vindictive justice from karma and the entire downfall of the other person’s world for him to be truly satisfied. 
See, as much as he loves people so deeply and is incredibly loyal to them-- when he’s absolutely hates someone he’s especially thorough as well. (powerful devotion-- it takes ALOT to get him angry.)
If it’s a person he-- cares and trust, and they’re wronged him. He usually just takes a deep breath and sit them down to talk. He’s more of the objective disciplining type. Or rather he holds himself back and then when he knows he’s calm and controlled-- he addresses the problem in a very private manner.
The type to be more about-- collaborating and understanding each other rather than ‘you’re wrong and this is why I’m right.’ -- he knows full well he has Problems of his own so he’s always going to come from a place where he’s not going to be unsympathetic, y know?
Like he’d like the same sort of mercy/lee-way given back to him. So the anger described earlier, it’s if he’s SURE it’s absolutely unacceptable, that it’s personally offensive to him-- with or without his own faults.  
He truly doesn’t think he’s perfect and he’s always willing to work through it-- and be as honest about it as well when it comes to-- working through individual problems with others. (this is the stiffest way to describe it, but it would absolutely be the way he would describe the process himself as well.)  
See that the self-decrepatition is so ingrained inside of himself that sometimes, people do take advantage of him for it. Subconsciously or intentionally, make sure he’s not around emotionally volatile or manipulative people would help a lot. 
People who are quick to blame him for things, gaslight or becoming extremely passive aggressive towards him are going to hurt him the most. There’s no sincerity there. And Jaebum is genuine through and. through. It’s in his core. Even when he absolutely can’t see it within himself, and scrambles to find his worth in something else (’tangible’ traits) he’s absolutely blind to his own strengths and how honest he is sometimes. 
Being especially aware of how some people deal with their own anger in a defensive and ‘messy’ way-- and not letting that or their relationship define him (because god forbid he’ll think it’s his responsibility to reassure or teach them how) can really help him.
Defining a sense of self that’s away from others, and letting himself grow and prosper from that really would help him develop his Capricorn better. 
The problem here might be taking on too much responsibilities when it comes to other people that he blames it on himself. Again, he has to really regulate a balance between the two.   
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Mars (Capricorn) - Sextile - Jupiter (Scorpio)
Comes across as a very sincere person, often direct and sensitive. At the same time it’s easy to see when he’s trying to put up a ‘facade’ and can lead to people assuming he’s ‘two-faced’ or ‘hard to get to know’ because of this defensive mechanism. 
He tends to take it personally as well, and tries to bring down his own walls even though it’s there essentially to protect him and it’s good for him because it defends him from people who tries to take advantage of him. 
He trusts others so much, remember the part where he’s more ‘free’ to be himself to the public than his actual interpersonal relationship? Might’ve stemmed from this. 
He values people’s opinions that sometimes, he’s too readily trusting of others even when it’s not good for him. Can be kind of like a kid in a way, naive and innocent to a certain extent (and will retain this sense to him even when he ages, a purity to his aura) -- needs someone to truly help guide him with his best intentions at heart. 
Someone who is people smart and with the know-how, wont be lured to listen to others easily and is self-assured. That someone should also be a person he can trust, and can take care of him even in his innocent side. 
That someone should want him to be free, and has a strong sense of independence and a visionary. Needs to be accepting of his emotional depth and sensitive side as well.
If you’re looking for a match (romantically or otherwise) someone with a Sagittarius, Scorpio Mercury but with a Capricorn somewhere (Venus/Mars) and Libra somewhere. Capricorn/Aquarius would also help because he has too much Capricorn not to look for it in others (Saturn aspect or decan) or possibly a strong Taurus person (developed). Platonically (or otherwise), a Virgo would get along great because they can share some of the burden together and it’s more of a balanced dynamic where he doesn’t have to suffer alone (they understand each other’s suffering/Virgo Moon).  
Mars (Capricorn) - Conjunct - Uranus (Capricorn)
He likes working in the public, for the public. Maybe a specific audience but he knows his appeal. He tends to appear in a very traditional way -- as in, his charm is more of the ‘traditionally handsome’ kind and he knows he can get some support from people who likes that. 
Does things like posturing and plays up his masculine side for those people, it’s possibly just for them not really for himself (since it’ll be detrimental to himself) 
He feels good when he’s playing the part because he feels like he receives love and adoration that way. 
The same kind of feel it is when you see someone playing sports and thinks they’re cool? He’s the person you’re admiring and he knows it. He’s having fun, and at the same time he has fans. You know? It’s really nothing bad, it’s a healthy kind of ego thing. Self-confidence!
Mars (Capricorn) - Conjunct - Neptune (Capricorn) 
He likes people who are outside the box, dreamier or can tap into their creativity easier. 
Often he feels stimulated by other people’s wisdom and experience, he’s humbled by it. Wants to learn from it.
It feels a lot like-- innocence in a way.
Like being on a boat trip in the middle of the ocean, blankets all around you and looking up at the starry night sky. Someone talking to you about their experience, and the world is infinite. You’re just a tiny speck of matter in the whole magnitude of everything, and he goes ‘woah’ and feels humbled by that. 
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Other Aspects
Saturn (Aquarius) - Square - Pluto (Scorpio)
Can make him kind of narrow minded, talks over other people. Doesn’t like changes. 
He can tend to see the worst in others if he makes his mind up that they’re not really people he should trust. 
Feels like his ego/mind is above others or that he knows best (Sun-Conjunct-Mercury), can be dictatorial in the worst way when he’s pressured. He just has to watch out for that. 
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Libra Juno
Looks for a relationship that’s of equal partnership, a life long partner. 
Ties in pretty well with his Capricorn who needs established ties. Isn’t one to rush in easily but definitely one to commit and stays in it for a long time. 
Would need a partner who would try as hard as he does in keeping the relationship afloat, makes sure he’s not taken advantage of and both of them working equally hard at achieving their own goals. 
He tends to give so much into the relationship and into others that he can have a hard time taking care of himself. He doesn’t want to feel like -- losing control or being coddled. He just wants someone who can meet him at a balance, and help him keep that balance. 
Makes him feel like he’s ok-- everything about him isn’t so topsy-turvry all the time.  Someone who is his constant and someone who can regulate him. Not afraid to call him out but in a manner that’s non-intrusive. 
Someone who doesn’t need to spend any effort or thinks its hard work to help him like that-- like it comes naturally to them.
Also a romantic, he likes romanticism so much. 
He’s very sentimental and soft remember? So it’s only fair he gets to actually externalize all these hidden desire for romance onto a relationship. 
He doesn’t want to overdo it, so someone who can meet him half way or lead him somewhat would help (reign him back). 
Has alot of deep-rooted affection and infinite love, so he needs someone who can be in it for the long run and not like-- give up on him as soon as the emotional part runs dry for them 
Committed is so important. Like the actual decision making to stay committed is important and not just-- the passionate emotional roller coaster that might bring them together for a while.   
Virgo Chiron (R) 
Not being too hard on himself is something he has to learn. 
Wants to serve the world yet at the same time his biggest hurt is that the world spits back in his face. 
Wants to be publicly accepted, possibly for his work to be acknowledged and seen as a thorough, detail-oriented hard worker. 
Wants to be respected and honorable person (he is-- but in a different way) wants to be seen for all the hard work but also his studious side. 
Aries Lilith
Likes action, wants to be more action-oriented in his life. 
So people who are bravely themselves, reactive, dynamic and unapologetically outspoken appeals to him. 
People who are direct but not crass, head strong and instigative really inspires him. 
He wants to have that as a trait for himself as well. Wants to learn from others who has that factor.
Someone with a good balance of Venus-Mars like him. 
Possibly someone he doesn’t have to expend himself to help too much/too often, who’s pretty balanced and has their life developed so he doesn’t have to nag is good for him. 
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I think the main focus here that’s dictating his life might be the Sun-Conjunct-Mercury, both being in Capricorn and working strongly in his life it has domain and control over things that he does. 
It keeps his Scorpio Moon in check, at the same time Jaebum has so much Venus influencing his chart that he truly deserves to be loved and appreciated for everything he does. 
He has a great balance, due to his Sun and Mercury conjunction to his Mars. So between Venus and Mars, he possesses both the spirit and the sensitivity to be great at both.
The struggle for him here is embracing his Venus-influence somehow, his Scorpio might act temperamental and push him towards his Mars, but his Capricorn truly wants to be more Venus-aligned.
It’s a confusing and interesting mix. Because unlike any other readings I’ve done it really does feel like he’s constantly trying to wrestle each side of himself down into submission in order to actually ‘be’ anything (his authentic self). 
Every day is a fight and it’s truly-- something amazing to witness someone continuously doing this and coming out on top without ever stopping or complaining or even talking about it. He just-- walks along the step like everyone else with this large burden on his soul that he just deals with naturally?
He never takes credit for his strength or how incredible he is as a person because that’s just how he is. He never asks anyone to sympathize or understand him completely. But he truly deserves people around him who can see this and help him anyways, because he doesn’t deserve to be alone (platonically or otherwise) -- ever. 
I have never met someone with such strong Capricorn in their chart, along with this much conflict from their Scorpio and Taurus. It’s honestly kind of amazing? 
A homebody, truly loves art and simple things in life. Wants peace and harmony, just wants to live in nature and be surrounded by animals.
An actual Softie Confirmed. 
Such a sweet, genuine and sincere person who? just wants to have fun, goof off and do well in life. 
Wants to be appreciated and love. 
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💕That’s it for JB! Gosh this took a turn i didn’t expect. It’s been so good to just look at his chart, I actually cried writing a bit of this because it just hits me so hard. I hope this gives you a little bit of insight/thoughts on his character.
I feel like this sort of feels more like a scenario than an actual analysis mostly because of the way I wrote it. But I actually feel satisfied with that surprisingly. Usually with astrology, you tend to leave a lee-way for another possibility (like ‘possibly’ or ‘perhaps’ or ‘maybe’) but with this reading-- I just went for it. 
Again, we don’t know them personally, so maybe don’t take this so seriously. I hope it helps you feel some type of way for him though! 
PS. If you want to find your own decan, I answered an ask about it here. 💕
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fictoromanticism · 6 years
hey !! idk if this sent before (i sent it from mobile so idk) but like. im p sure im a waifuist for an oc of mine. the only thing is, r/waifuism doesnt really accept people who are in love with their ocs (even if you created ur oc months before u fell in love with them or anything like that) so i feel p alone. at the same time, i just cant feel this way for anyone else, not any other fict chara makes me feel as much love and compassion and happiness. idk what im asking for tbh sorry ;~;
hello! we did get your ask, and my response to it is actually in our drafts right now. sometimes we keep posts there for a couple days in case we want to change anything. anyway, since this message added some information, i’ll reply to this one instead.
first, let’s get some terms straight. i feel strongly about this, so i hope you take it to heart. if you identify as attracted to fictional characters, that makes you fictoromantic. this is not the same as being a waifuist. there is overlap, but waifuism is a specific term used by a specific community of people who operate under VERY specific rules. most waifuist spaces forbid polyamory, for example, and if you have more than one f/o, you will be decried as “not a real waifuist.” the same applies to original characters. these are the rules you’d have to abide by if you chose to identify as a waifuist.
this is why being a waifuist isn’t really something you discover on accident. it’s a group of people you choose to join. being in love with a character doesn’t make you a waifuist, and you don’t have to be a waifuist in order to be valid. the point i’m getting at is that it’s completely and totally valid to have a relationship with your oc! the opinion of a bunch of waifuists really doesn’t factor into it. you don’t need their blessing in order to have a relationship.
there are plenty of fictos/self-shippers who love original characters, so you’re definitely not alone there! my advice to you is not to give up—if you put yourself out there and meet people in the tags and in servers, you’ll surely find people you can relate to! and you don’t need to stick to rules in order to do it.
- mod sun
wanted to add in my own two cents here. sun is absolutely right - i think sometimes there’s a tendency to look at waifuists as very similar to fictos and selfshippers, but really, there’s a lot more that’s radically different than there is that’s the same. this is long, so i’m putting it under a cut.
of course there are varying opinions from waifuist to waifuist, and community to community, but as a broader group, waifuists are almost exclusively people who interpret their feelings for their f/os as a literal, binding relationship. the existence of the myriad qualifying rules in many communities is designed to weed out anyone who isn’t serious, because the intent is mostly to create an environment that’s dedicated to people in relationships with characters which they treat with the same gravity as IRL relationships. it isn’t really the same as anything you’d see here on tumblr, where i feel there’s an approach that validates multiple experiences and degrees of commitment - waifuism is rigid because it seeks to unite people under the banner of an incredibly specific shared experience.
to be a waifuist isn’t the same as being a committed ficto. ficto implies an experience under a larger umbrella which is inclusive of many varied things, due to the fact that it was coined as a label for an orientation. just as not all gay or bi people are going to feel the same about their experiences, so not all fictos will have the exact same experiences or level of commitment. waifuism isn’t an orientation, it’s an intentional thing; you decide actively to take up those beliefs and become part of that community and movement when you call yourself a waifuist.
in my experience, to sum things up, ficto is an orientation and group of diverse experiences with some commonalities; selfship involves a bit more of a hobby approach for some people, but still is a diverse thing with people who have a few things in common; waifuism has its own sort of diversity, but is a very structured, intentional belief system centered on a very specific and narrow relationship model. ficto and selfship have a lot in common, but neither of these things are very similar to waifuism, and i think most people in the ficto and selfship communities here on tumblr wouldn’t really like the waifuist community or find a lot in common with the people and culture there.
i’m saying all this to make the point that what waifuists consider valid is not at all what you need to focus on in deciding whether your feelings are permissible, real, or okay. their rules are extremely narrow, as far as i’ve seen, because they worry that anyone who doesn’t fall within them is not serious and therefore infiltrating their movement, which i could honestly spend another few paragraphs explaining. your feelings are your own. it’s okay to be in love with your OC, even if you DID make this character for yourself to love.
waifuists are not the arbiters of what is or is not okay. waifuists aren’t even really a goal to aspire to. they’re just a group of people with a very narrow set of beliefs. as someone with experience with them, i’d say most people are probably better off not becoming waifuists, especially if they feel any conflict with the community or with the set of rules it operates under. you can have a committed, binding relationship without being a waifuist. (you may notice that i consider my f/o my real partner, and i don’t identify as a waifuist.) you can, in fact, have any kind of relationship you like!
tl;dr, your relationship with your OC is valid, and it would be valid even under different circumstances. you’re not wrong for loving your OC. you may not be able to join r/waifuism, but that isn’t the only place for people who deeply love fictional characters - and regardless of if you could, i strongly caution against it. despite wanting to remain fairly neutral and non-judgmental here, i have some serious problems with the community there and don’t feel it’s right to claim otherwise. do your relationship however you want, for the sake of yourself and your partner, rather than trying to adhere to sets of rules made by other people concerning its validity. you’re fine as you are, and you don’t need r/waifuism’s approval to have a relationship.
- mod moon
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horrormanga · 4 years
That’s fine, reply whenever you’d like. I’ll send them through text since there’re only three (I guess they’re just at powerful degrees?): moon conjuct Pluto, Mercury trine Pluto, and Venus trine Pluto.
I forgot to mention these in my last ask, but thanks for taking the time to write such a thorough response. I’m already pretty familiar with my placements and what they mean, so I was more interested in *your* opinion of them, but there were bits of that throughout as well.
Most of my placements ring true with the exception of my Venus and Mercury, and I’m by no means especially charming or alluring, but I do seem to get a lot of people opening up to me with things they’ve never told others *very* early on. Glad you haven’t had anything too serious happen because of your Pluto placement.
As for ending it like a business email...
Kind regards,
omfdnvkjfngv im so sorry I didn't mean to mansplain urself to u oh my god...whenever ppl ask me stuff abt astrology I just assume that they don't know much 😅im glad most of it rang true for you, my biggest fear is that one day I’ll get someone completely wrong and they’ll call me a phony or something I would DIE. also im sorry but w/ some of ur placements and u being venus dominant I find it very hard to believe you aren't alluring😒but I digress.
first thing I just wanna say is a quick disclaimer: I mentioned pluto can deal w a lot of dark stuff, so im gonna tell u what I know, but im not trying to definitively say any of this has happened in ur life and im not trying to air any dirty laundry of yours. just relaying knowledge from books ive studied and stuff ive picked up online throughout the years.
moon conjunct pluto: in your childhood, there may have been some manipulation at home, particularly with your mother or an older woman, such as a big sister or aunt (since the moon in astrology represents a mother figure). this mother figure also may have also been someone who didn’t respect your privacy (she could have been someone who was extremely paranoid or just overly suspicious about everything), controlling, and just generally guilt-trippy. because of this, you may react more strongly than normal when you feel that someone in your life is trying to control you, even if they don’t have any malicious intent. this is also a deeply emotional placement, not in the sense that you go around crying all the time, but in the sense that when you feel an emotion, you FEEL it. it’s all encompassing, and it can be hard to shake off. especially darker emotions. mercury trine pluto: this isn't rly a dark placement, since mercury has more to do with the mind and communication. I think that you're someone who’s really smart (doesn't have to just be the typical “book smart,” can apply to any field) and analytical. you like researching and getting to the bottom of things. in particular you might enjoy the ~scary stuff~ that pluto placements are stereotyped to like, such as horror, true crime, the occult, psychology, etc. also I know you said you aren't ~charming~ but usually mercury trine pluto people are really persuasive and 99% of the time can get ppl to do whatever they want. venus trine pluto: this also generally isn't a dark one, although it has its...moments. but its not as crazy as moon conjunct pluto. now that I know you have this placement, it kinda makes sense that the venus I talked about yesterday didn't resonate with you. as you know, venus deals with love and pluto makes everything more intense, so when you love, you love hard, almost to the point where the object of ur affection can be a little terrified of you. you take relationships of all kind, but particularly romantic ones, VERY seriously (also ive heard venus trine pluto ppl fall in love easily but im not so sure?? but I wanted to put it out there just in case it applies to you). I also think that....you may be a little materialistic 😼you might love expensive things that just scream elegance and beauty.
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maskmakervega · 5 years
A bit of alcohol still left in me, went to plague and it was pretty empty so i just experimented with the bartender on a bunch of wierd shit.  There are a lot of things i’d like to discuss with X, or even just say, but she is so sensitive and unable to see straight, that any level of contact would make things worse... i think she will need to hate me to move on.  Here i am talking about her needing to move on, i do see the irony. The fact of the matter is that i am further along the “im over you” trail than she is, by far.  I have the advantage of initiating the breakup though, it was not mutual. I think i would first try to reclarify my points, about how I myself am fundementally broken and not suitable for a long term relationship (being demisexual, that means really any relationship).   1.) I am a being of chaos, which sounds more fun than it is. I wish I could describe what its like to feel that burning passion one day, and the next day get so irritated that i legitimately wish x would just break up with me. Other times i’d feel that passion so strongly that it would drive me higher, and then some bullshit drama would occur and i’d feel the pains and stresses so deeply that *poof*... i’d “blow a fuse” as i call it, and be emotionally dead for days, unable to show that im feeling anything, and not entirely sure what i actually feel. Spans of time where everything is great, then one bad day sets everything on fire and the walls come crashing down. That was our relationship in a nutshell, it was as chaotic as I was. You’re only as strong as your weakest link?  When we were good, we were great. When we were bad, we were terrible. There was no middle ground, it was all or nothing. 2.) X has no ability to see things from a “logical” perspective, when it comes to me. This has many layers, but i suppose we can break it out like this: 2A) X’s absolute best friend in the world, and roommate, is her X that she was with for 5 years. She said the breakup was mutual, but considering the fact he tried to hook up with her shortly after the breakup, and many times asked why she was with me and not with him, indicate he was still in love. The “if you’re not in a relationship with me, then you need to move out” ultimatum lends weight to that too. However, that isn’t all his fault, she doesn’t understand that you can’t be best friends with an X that you grew that close to, because its ridiculously unfair to them. She went on week long vacations with him, multiple day road trips, concerts, weekend trips (all while we were dating), and he’s not supposed to get mixed signals?   She never saw this though, she never understood.   It put a huge strain on the relationship because he didn’t want me over there, and if i was there, I couldn’t hug her or even cuddle up next to her. The whole thing is ludicrous, i don’t know how or why i put up with it. 2B) After all the breakups, and our friends/family seeing just how badly we affected each other, it is easy to see how our loved ones would begin to hate and distrust the person they perceive to be hurting us.  That part she gets. What she doesn’t get is that when EVERYONE, literally everyone, thinks its a terrible idea for you to be with someone, that you would be alienating yourself from them just to appease the other person. That is something i couldn’t get past. It would have been one thing if she put in any level of effort to get to know my family and prove she wasn’t a psycho bitch (met my parents twice, a 3rd time in passing, within a year and they live 10 mins away), but that effort was never made because of her fears. I would try to hang out with her friends and they would either cancel plans, or the other group of friends just hated me too much to even want to get to know me.  Did i mention that 4 of her 7 best friends, were in love with her and actively tried to sway her opinion of me? Now that 2 of those 4 have girlfriends they want nothing to do with her... odd. 2C) Hypocrisy. This was a steady thing, because she never got how hypocritical she was being.  With the roommate situation, i’d see his girlfriend maybe 2-4 days a month, for like 10 minutes each time. This is a person i knew for almost 15 years, and had sex with a handful of times when we were both depressed and trying to feel normal (no chemistry, no attraction to her).  X would get super bent out of shape any time this person was brought up, and always be the same arguments, yet it was absolutely fine for her to live with an ex of 5 years, go on vacations with him, be besties teeheeheeheehee... “it is so different” was the answer i’d get. I have another friend who i on and off talk to, for about 15 years, we sometimes go years without talking, but we can get in hours-long, really interesting conversations. I had romantic feelings for that person years ago, but it never went anywhere and we’ve never actually met. The same thing, because i had some kind of connection, i was supposed to stop associating with this person... she never got the hypocrisy (until it was too late). 3) Horror movies, some music, and food. That was the extent of what we had in common. I am very much into the paranormal, occult/other dimensions/existential theories, big topics that can go on for years with the right person, and she seemed to have no interest. Truth be told, she never really told me her passions and never wanted to get into it. Any time we were together it was just a cuddle party, and we’d sit around getting fat together, eating and watching movies.  That’s good once in a while or a few times a week, as long as you exercise, but i tried on several occasions to exercise and she’d usually find some way to snake out of it and then i wouldn’t bother.  We had very little to talk about, and when i instituted “talk for an hour” mondays, she seemed to be fighting just to get to the end of that hour, like super anxious to just start watching movies.  Was i that boring, was i that repellent? If so, wtf did she see in me? 4) dishonesty: after the breakup she stopped going to therapy, and refuses to go. she doesn’t want to talk to a stranger, but she also won’t tell her friends all the details because she was lying to them about us being together.  This really tore into the relationship that last month because she was spending more time with those friends and less time working on making sure we were doing ok, and saying she needs to focus on them (2 of those 4 or 5 people no longer hang out with her because they have girlfriends). She couldn’t try and get us to hang out, she didn’t want to be judged, so she lied. That puts me into the forced position of needing to lie as well, and i absolutely hate lying. We all get to a point where an unavoidable fight closes in, but we have a secret we need to time the release of information for, but not when you’re coworkers and not when its numerous people. Leading us to... 5) we work together, closely. This makes things really, really fucking uncomfortable because she is super emotional a nuclear warhead during an argument, which she has no qualms about having over the work chat. It makes it impossible to work effectively, makes chat messages that can’t be deleted, linger around as grim reminders, and then there is drama that other people pick up on.  It is a bonehead move to date someone you work closely with, and i should have known better.  She understands, or at least says she understands, that this is one of my non-negotiable points of why we could not get back together, but she seems to have forgotten that as of valentines day. 6) Explosive temper, says mean shit during it.  She has a lot of freudian slips, that and/or she says intentionally mean shit when she’s frustrated. After a breakup she would, at work, rattle off every insult to my character that she could think of.  Telling me i’ll never have a meaningful relationship, that i never loved her, that i’m a piece of shit, that her friends are right, that she made a huge mistake in dating me, etc etc. She’d then play it all off like it never happened, but a lot of what she says, she meant and either didn’t know it, or just tried sweeping it under the rug.  7) back to me, i am not positive of what i want. I’d think about moving out, and where i wanna go, and i want to try and buy a shitty but livable house and work on it for the next 10 years.  Entirely livable, just needs minor work that can be done over time.  She is the kind of person that could not deal with that, she is a “i need a $300k starter home” kind of person, has very expensive tastes. I was always torn and it would cause me problems, when i thought that far into the future because i wouldn’t want to commit to buying something with her and thinking the relationship might fail and problems arise... very logical given how many times we broke up.  on the other hand, i wanted to start off in an apartment together, but it would need to be one that one of us could afford on our own, should the worst happen.  That didn’t foster “confident” feeling about the relationship, always feeling a contingency plan was necessary. Yet... through it all, i still love her very deeply, and wish there was some way for us to be happy together.   It would require too much change to take place, we would have to be different people.
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terminallydepraved · 7 years
what do you think of ppl who hate on characters such as chrollo, hisoka etc because what they had done is morally wrong
see this is a complex thing to ask, since any answer i could give you is going to be long-winded and rambling. ill do my best to give a decent answer.
can you hate a character who committed genocide (like chrollo)? yeah. can you hate the zoldyck’s for their child abuse? yeah. can you hate hisoka for you know… being hisoka? yeah. i think you can hate them for that. i dont have a beef with people who feel strongly about that kind of stuff, because thats understandable. those are really, really serious topics and for a myriad of reasons a person could have issue with that.
do i think that people should hate these characters on principle BECAUSE of these acts? fuck no. i think that the process of consuming literature or media of any type means that you are going to be engaging with complex ideas in complex ways. a character can be morally reprehensible but still have many redeeming features, or, you know, be a well-written character that deserves exploration of their thoughts, motivations, and characterization because people are complex entities. they can be complicated. they can be contradictory. that makes them interesting, and that complexity is was makes them worthwhile studies of human nature. if everyone were lawful good, we would have very, very boring stories. we would have boring heroes.
i love villains and anti-heroes because i see myself in them more than i do in the heroes. do i understand that other people feel differently than me? hell yes i do. people can like and hate whoever they want. they have their reasons. but if people hate on characters without understanding and taking into account context, then i think they’re poor readers who aren’t engaging very deeply with the source material. its very easy to say “i hate chrollo because he killed kp’s fam”. its true, certainly, but its not very thoughtful, and its certainly not understanding chrollo’s role in the story as a reflection of the supposed monster kp thinks he is. when it comes to works like togashi, a man who thrives off subverting tropes and expectations, making sweeping generalizations about good/evil, hero/villan, you’re just showing how little you really understand the story.
im not saying i dont respect these peoples opinions, or that i think theyre stupid or dumb or whatever my tone is making it come off as. they’re not. i think people have very visceral reactions to the atrocities these characters committed, and those reactions are rightfully placed. i just think that once that reaction fades, they should take another look at what the intent behind these character choices are, and in doing so, i would hope they would see something deeper beyond the typical tropes they’re falling back on when they profess their undying hatred of these sorts of characters. its just the difference between reading subjectively vs reading objectively. no character writes themself. chrollo didnt make togashi write him committing genocide. togashi made a conscious choice to present his character in that way, and he did it for a reason. its our job as readers to realize why togashi made that choice, and in doing so, realize the lesson lying within.
basically, what im trying to say is that theres a very big difference between justifying villainy and understanding it. i think that the people who hate (and usually hate very, very vocally) these sorts of characters speak from a place of subjectivity. they have their reasons for hating has strongly as they do, but that is no reason to condemn the characters entirely and believe that no one should think differently, or engage in deeper study of these characters. there is always something to learn, no matter how reprehensible the character. you just have to put aside that knee-jerk hatred to find the lesson buried within.
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cuntboysupreme · 8 years
I dare you to answer all of them
Okay but you have to read all of them ;P1: How tall or short do you wish you were?I wish I was taller than I am. I wish I was 5'8" or so. 2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not)I really like big dogs, but if this is a dream I want a lion.3: Do you have a favorite clothing style?I either dress like I'm a skater dude or like I'm emo, but I like the pastel grunge scene. I just can't afford or pull that off.4: What was your favorite video game growing up?Super Mario Sunshine probably. Or Pikmin. 5: What three things/people do you think of most each day:My boyfriend Logan, my mother, and probably homestuck (please save me from this suffering where everything reminds me of homestuck)6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?Self-destructive depressed piece of sunshine. Please feed.7: What is your opinion on [insert person/thing here]?I can't answer this one without a prompt.8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic]I took this test once. I think I was phlegmatic???? Fuck man i don't remember.Update: I just took it real quick I am indeed phlegmatic as fuck. Next is sanguine, shortly after that is melancholic and last is choleric, which i was not much like.9: Are you ticklish?Yes.10: Are you allergic to anything?Pollen??? I guess??11: What’s your sexuality?Pansexual, but I find myself leaning towards masculine people because I'm trash 12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?cocoa13: Are you a cat or dog person?Yes. People would say I'm a dog person, but I love cats too.14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?Merperson.15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber?Not really16: How tall are you?5'6"17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?lol, I've already changed my name and it's Zu18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]shrug probably like 190?19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?Sure why not20: Do you like space or the ocean more?the ocean scares me so space21: Are you religious?Kind of. I was raised Jewish, but my beliefs are more agnostic.22: Pet peeves?Chewing loudly, dishonesty, putting a mess in my space, being manipulative.23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]?I am nocturnal so the other one24: Favorite constellation?I'm pretty sure??? there's like these two bears in the sky??? and like one is a mom?? and the other is a baby bear??? yeah that one25: Favorite star?My boyfriend Logan, the brightest thing in my life26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls?i do not like dolls because they scare me27: Any phobias or fears?Thunderstorms and being lied to28: Do you think global warming is real?Yes??????29: Do you believe in reincarnation?Sure why not30: Favorite movie?Scott PIlgrim Vs. The World 31: Do you get scared easily?I want to say yes32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime?If fish do not count then 3 and if fish do count then fuck idk33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.]i know that logan sent this but since its anon im not gonna do it heh34: What is a color that calms you?yellow i think35: Where would you like to travel and/or live?Not America36: Where were you born?Detroit, Michigan37: What is your eye color?I would call it hazel but that's not doing it justice38: Introvert or extrovert?introvert39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs?shrug 40: Hugs or kisses?high fives41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now?LOGAN42: Who is someone you love deeply?My mother43: Any piercings you want?Cartilage 44: Do you like tattoos and piercings?Yes45: Do you smoke or have you ever done so?I do not smoke cigarettes46: Talk about your crush, if you have one!My boyfriend is actually the best in the world ever but he lives in Ann Arbor which is closer to where I'm from than where I live now and it makes me sad that he lives so very far away because he is a cutie patootie and i wanna be gay and kiss his face47: What is a sound you really hate?chewing gum loudly48: A sound you really love?Music i guess49: Can you do a backflip?no50: Can you do the splits?yes!51: Favorite actor and/or actress?no52: Favorite movie?I already answered this53: How are you feeling right now?I'm okay. I'm kinda doing this to break while doing my homework.54: What color would you like your hair to be right now?I want it to be pink and purple but i'm not currently in posession of my hair dye55: When did you feel happiest?i have no idea56: Something that calms you down?Music57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]Depression, anxiety58: What does your URL mean?it was 2 am and i thought it was the funniest thing in the world59: What three words describe you the most?1. trans 2. sad 3. gay60: Do you believe in evolution?science61: What makes you unfollow a blog?posting something i strongly disagree with or something that triggers me62: What makes you follow a blog?they post content i like??63: Favorite kind of person:decent human beings64: Favorite animal(s):big dogs65: Name three of your favorite blogs.1. i 2. don't 3. know66: Favorite emoticon:sparkle heart67: Favorite meme:the dog in the room thats on fire and it says "I'm fine."68: What is your MBTI personality type?INFP69: What is your star sign?Taurus70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog?YES71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most?Steven universe shirt, dark jeans, beanie, sneakers.72: Post a selfie or two?/tagged/my-face73: Do you have platform shoes?i used to74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself?i can sing the alphabet backwards75: Can you do a front flip?no76: Do you like birds?sure77: Do you like to swim?i suppose78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you?you cannot fall while swimming79: Something you wish didn’t exist:there are many things80: Some thing you wish did exist:time travel81: Piercings you have?both my ears are pierced and my septum is pierced82: Something you really enjoy doing:watching su83: Favorite person to talk to:logan84: What was your first impression of Tumblr?I would go on omegle and people would just send "WHAT IS AIR" and then disconnect85: How many followers do you have?36486: Can you run a mile within ten minutes?no87: Do your socks always match?no88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?yes89: What are your birthstones?emerald90: If you were an animal, which one would you be?probably an otter, but a chubby one91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be?idk92: A store you hate?shrug93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?i have no idea94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?fly. i dont want to hear other peoples thoughts95: Do you like to wear camo?no96: Winter or summer?summer97: How long can you hold your breath for?i have no idea98: Least favorite person?the guy who sexually assaulted me99: Someone you look up to:my mother100: A store you love?belmont army surplus101: Favorite type of shoessneakers102: Where do you live?Chicago103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why?no104: What is your favorite mineral or gem?i think sapphires are cool you can get them in any color105: Do you drink milk?a lot106: Do you like bugs?sure107: Do you like spiders?if they arent in my space i dont mine108: Something you get paranoid about?Everything.109: Can you draw:no110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked?any question related to my genitals111: A question you hate being asked?any question related to my genitals112: Ever been bitten by a spider?yes113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach?yes114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?sunny115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now:Logan.116: Favorite cloud type:none117: What color do you wish the sky was?i like it being blue118: Do you have freckles?on my shoulders119: Favorite thing about a person:eyes or voice120: Fruits or vegetables?cucumbers121: Something you want to do right now:see logan122: Is the ocean or sky prettier?depends on where you are and what time it is.123: Sweet or sour foods?sweet124: Bright or dim lights?dim125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature?what is this question asking me126: Something you hate about Tumblr:mobile127: Something you love about Tumblr:mobile128: What do you think about the least?how would i know what it is i think about the least129: What would you want written on your tombstone?"he ded"130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now?no one131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?being trans132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?yes133: Computer or TV?computer134: Do you like roller coasters?yes135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness?no136: Are your ears lobed or attached?attatched. my boyfriend talks about it sometimes. otherwise i would not know137: Do you believe in karma?sure138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are?-25139: What nicknames do you have/have had?Zuzu, zuzu pet, zulander, zeus, zubat, etc140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?probably.141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?yes several142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?i do not think that everything i do is good but i also do not think that my influence on people can be quantified in "good" or "bad" measurements143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?giving 144: What makes you angrywhen people do things i asked them not to145: How many languages do you speak fluently?two146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binary people?boys147: Are you androgynous?i guess??? sometimes i dont pass but i code myself as male pretty hardcore148: Favorite physical thing about yourself:my hair or my eyes149: Favorite thing about your personality:i like how patient i am150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person.1. logan 2. laura jane grace 3. my dog151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose?i do not want to live in the past this is the best it has ever been for trans people and it's still horrible.152: Do you like BuzzFeed?Sometimes i like the content they produce153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.]We met through a mutual friend 154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons?i love platonic kisses!155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?yesssssss156: What embarrasses you?when people point out things about myself that i wish they didnt notice157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:seeing someone i dont like158: Biggest lie you have ever told:"I'm a girl"159: How many people are you following?622160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)?15,234 on my main161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)?0162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?20,548163: Last time you cried and why:i dunno and probably because i'm Sad164: Do you have long or short hair?short165: Longest your hair has ever been: to my waist166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon?im not getting into this167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created?no i wasnt there and i probably never will be168: Do you like to wear makeup?not really my thing but i think its awesome169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds?no170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully?yes
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