#im so sick of social constructs
assmaster-8000 · 1 year
why don't clothes fit me the way they do on a skinny cis guy (<- isn't a skinny cis guy)
#being trans masc is so frustrating because i forget i got the level 1000 gyatt#go forth and find a beautiful trans woman bodily curves of mine#i have so many cool pants that would give away im kweer if i wore them not because they're from alt fashion subcultures#but because my ass and thighs and hips are too femme apparently?!?!?#when will people stop associating allat with women or something#my cis male friends have the biggest fucking asses for some reason AND THEY KEEP ON TWERKING INFRONT OF ME WHEN IM MINDING MY BUSINESS#no but *im* the female and a girl apparently#i wanna go out in tight fitting clothes until i realise i actually have a female body like whatttt#ain't that crazy#im not saying those bodily attributes are inherently femme or indicators of being a girl or a female cause just. no#im just saying that many people think that way#and it's hard trying to be perceived as masc while trying to dress the way i want to#'why do you care about how others perceive you?' because being perceived as a girl makes me feel bad like what#its different from your personality being perceived differently#im aware my gender is something i define but i can also want others to perceive me as a guy too#i cant change the minds of everybody but in the end i still am a masc identifying person and i want people to easily identify me as one#transphobes and people who blatantly refuse to perceive me as one is something else entirely#and if adhering to the binary gender norms is how i can be validated in my gender then so be it#because gender is a social construct and mine is affirmed and solidified through social interaction#other trans people wont do what i do. others do. that's fine. gnc trans people are fucking sick /pos#but unfortunately i do not have it in me to NOT care about how others perceive my gender#because it matters a lot to me and being perceived as a girl hurts
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neonvqmpire · 2 months
scrolling through job listings while too fatigued to move in my bed because i had to walk for an hour today like wdym my body couldnt handle a part time job im basically bursting with energy!???
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femboty2k · 4 months
man I'm so sick of this shit just be nice to fat women (especially trans ones!) or kill yourself idc
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vettelsbees · 10 months
sugar, spice, and all things nice
max verstappen x baker!reader
fic type: social media au
summary: max is dating a chef/baker and she basically finds out that people hate max and is genuinely shocked
note: i've decided i'm going to learn how to do smau's!! it has been a learning process so far, but hopefully, I start getting better!! this is my first one so if something is weird i am sorry! any constructive feedback is welcome
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tagged: maxverstappen1
@//yourusername: what i've been up to this week: breakfast foods!!
-@//bakingbyy/n: looks delicious!!
-@//lastlaplando: best wag
-@//maxverstappen1: ❤️❤️❤️
---@//littlelionmax: standard max response
-@//cookingisdelicious: I would kill for this cinnamon roll recipe
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@//yourusername posted on their story!
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caption: max is a little sleepy after our flight
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caption: operation bribe red bull racing to love me is a go!!
@//yourusername posted on their story!
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caption: someone is happy to head home!
tagged: @//maxverstappen1
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tagged: @//maxverstappen1
@//yourusername: weekend recap with my champ. love you, max!
-@//breadbyy/n: where's our baking mother
-@//championoftheworld: win 80 for max...again
---@//lolalovesf1: he's making the sport boring
-@//roscoandalbonpetsstan: tell him to let someone else win
---@//yourusername: I think he's happy where he is!
-@//berriesandcream: im so sick of his stupid anthem
-@//georgieferrari: i would rather any other team win even freaking haas
@//yourusername posted on their story!
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caption: enjoying our week off!!
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tagged: @//maxverstappen1
@//yourusername: date nights with max. endlessly happy
-@//purplebulls: he seems like he cant cook
-@//mercedesfan8: happy until he does mad max on your ass
-@//maxverstappen1: ❤️❤️❤️
---@//youngcharles: let someone else win, dick
-@//estelleandf1: he's so smiley around y/n!!
---@//loganraaaamerica: i'd smile if he wasn't winning all the time
---@//theredcar: maybe he'll burn himself and be out for the next gp
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@//yourusername: this is your villain. grow up.
comments have been disabled.
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i have left
hey everyone this will probably be the last thing i post on this blog albeit im keeping it up for resources.
im eternally grateful for how this community has helped me through prostitution and everything, i have amazing mutuals and i have learned so much 💜
but it has become toxic. many of yall cant handle disagreement and default to being as condescending and obnoxious as possible. one of us calling out a post is not enough, we have to dog pile everyone with a slightly shitty opinion. some of yall have severely lost the plot if you ever had it in the first place. not everything is that serious, especially when it comes to online drama.
im sick of it. so many engage in the same bullshit we accuse online trans activists of. this is an echo chamber. so many just mindlessly parrot slogans and arguments. what im very sick of is seeing single tweets or posts by a nobody, usually anonymous, being spread as receipts and shit. you know how annoying it is when everything a self proclaimed terf somewhere on social media says is taken by trans activists at face value and representative of the community when theyre not even radical feminist, just transphobic? yeah. yet a lot of yall do the same by saving and sharing „receipts“ where some random person who claims theyre trans (or not even) says some fucked up or out of pocket shit. you will always find people like that online, from any politicial „camp“ or ideological alignment!
a lot of yall seem to think that debate is about winning and not like, having an exchange of arguments and let the audience come to their own conclusion
and i just dont hate trans people. in fact i feel kinship to any female or homosexual trans person, anyone except heterosexual males. many of yall dont even realise how male centered you are when you more or less equal the trans community to heterosexual men who have a fetish for humiliation and forced feminisation or whatever. who exist and are an issue and i do wish the trans community at large would distance themselves from those men, but its not all there is to it. yes i agree that we need to protect vulnerable young people, girls and especially lesbians and gay boys, from being pushed into transitioning, i think the age of consent should be put at 21 or something, but we have to acknowledge and consider that there are people who have already transitioned and will transition in the future and i just dont understand how you cant have any empathy for them. no matter what you think about transition, many trans people ARE vulnerable and marginalised. plus consider how many detransitioned women are in this community yet yall talk about trans people as mutilated and shit its gross. in the end we can only try to establish structures that keep people from self harming, but an adult of sound mind has the right to do so anyways, including plastic surgery and trans surgeries. and i want to keep my arms open to them; but a lot of rhetoric around it spread on here will only alienate them further.
right now im saving all my essays in notes so its out of my mind. i have missed the community a lot so maybe i will return at some point but i have also been feeling better since i stopped being on radblr. i miss the rare valuable input and thoughts by other women but overall i have felt unaligned with how things have been handled on here. it has been mostly negative instead of constructive and pragmatic. ive had the impression some of yall enjoy the „being in the in-group“ community aspect more than actually being here for feminist exchange. lack of nuance, lack of empathy, lack of reason. it pains me but i have more and more come to understand why people just block us without engaging on general suspicion because ive also come to be annoyed with some of yall engaging with posts - and im on „your side“.
anyways im doing okay, im going to drug counselling regularly now and am trying to establish a stable life for those of you who inquired, and i hope anyone reading this is self reflected enough to know whether this applies to her or not. bye
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cowboyjen68 · 8 months
Hey Jen, Ive spent my whole life around acreage and ranching, and I want to get into owning land and horsemanship.. but Im not sure how. I know just enough to know what information im missing, but research only goes so far when its such a hands on skill. Would volunteering at barns be worth the time? Are queer friendly barns even a thing?
Thank you
I would say most places like horse rental facilities are neutral rather than "friendly". If you can do the job that is all they care about.
Some places like horse rescues and riding facilities that cater to therapy, special needs kids and adults and mental health improvement are probably more likely a little more aware of social issues.
My advice about getting an acreage is use your time now to pay off debt, live under your wage intake so you can save and invest is a small starter house that does not need a ton of money to fix it up. You can build equity in a small but decent house and enjoy the space without the contant stress of repair and construction. You can focus on working and saving and the house is earning you money.
Use the time to think about what you want. Do you want a hobby farm, an acreage that is for only a few horses? Do you want to create a business that is around horses like stall rental? Classes? Trail rides? Each of these will require a different size and location. When you do move to the country you might have to keep a city job which mean make sure you can either easily commute OR you can work from home in which case internet is important.
THe main things to decided are if you want a fixer upper or an ready to move in home. Keep in mind if you get a fixer upper that IS A FULL time job and can be time consuming and expensive. It is sometimes better to spend more for a home that is live in ready and updated
Make sure anything you buy in a rural area has a healthy well, (or access to a rural water coop), including to the barn, modern electrical (not wiring from 1920) good insulation and solid windows and access to good, if not great, internet. These basics will make life so much less stressful. IF there is room consider finding (and vetting) a roommate to share some payments and chores in the event you must (or want to) travel or if you were to get injured or sick and just need a hand for a while.
Don't get horse or goats until your fence and a cover (like a barn or lean to) is finishes and move in ready. Your neighbors do not want your goats on their front porch or you horse running into their new truck during a bad storm. IT is true, good fences make good neighbors.
Research the area for jobs and resources like groceries, hardware and make sure UPS etc WILL deliver to your home. Some places they will not. And make sure your gravel road is maintained by the county so you are not responsible to lay gravel or snowplow.
Hope some of this helps
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allis-brain · 4 months
its ur fav 😻 (me ofc)
sorry for being gone so long i actually decided that my appearance didnt matter and the social construct of skinny = good and fat = bad was stupid and that i should live freely without being full of hatred!!
anyways, i still stand by that point for everyone but me ofc <33.
im going to try and lose weight again and hopefully lose enough before summer (a bit late ik, im just sick of my thighs touching 😭) so ill hopefully be hitting the grind. 💪
unfortunately, i am still recovering from a broken foot so i wont be able to excersise as much as i should as i am physically unable too </33.
well thats all for now, stay safe and skinny mls!!<33
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mihai-florescu · 9 months
i also told half my friends about that poll and it was like, kind of doubly insulting of a comparison because i watched II when i was like 13 and am actually familiar with it. and it getting so many votes was kinda shocking to me (beyond the size/prominence of enstars' fandom playing a part) because 1. i still thought object shows were relatively niche or obscure and didnt know there were enough fans to give it so many votes in the first place and 2. the entire story is constructed so badly that there isn't even like a story to talk about. if you asked me about the plot of II i'd have to explain the history behind its existence and then how there is no concrete plot because the writers are hobbyists who don't know how to make a comprehensive story. it's so bad, it was already bad enough but then sometime way in they introduced a plotline about a corn version of steve jobs stealing alien eggs to fuel his iphone production line. his name is steve cobbs. this was meant to be a total drama esque show, what are the writers on?
anyway i dont have to explain to you how greatly interesting wataei is but i hope you know my pain at that poll. discussing enstars is getting to talk about themes and ideas and how they interplay and contrast and parallel between characters, it's stuff you can chew on. discussing inanimate insanity is just talking about the 3 simultaneous ideas they had for a show that they tried to write and failed horribly each on an individual level and also it all just clashing egregiously in tone. they wrote an entire spinoff alternative show because they knew they couldn't salvage it and were sick of making it.
so yeah even as a former fan of inanimate insanity in my childhood they just ... it's not a comparison you can meaningfully make, it's like comparing a delicious pudding to nickelodeon gak. you can do it but what's the point? they aren't the same thing, you have to talk about each in a totally different way.
also lightbrush isn't even canon because there are no romance plotlines in II (thank god). i really shouldnt have felt so strongly about the poll as i did
It's all such a fever dream of an event... but i somehow feel like the enstars fandom on tumblr is very small compared to other social medias (good. Well, either this or i live in my beautiful bubble of very lovely followers & very lovely people i follow. It's most likely the latter). Yet i cant imagine it's smaller than the ii one... but i remember it breached containment and ii fans were promoting it on twitter. At some point it became less of a "looking at it objectively" and more of a "we should win because...we should?" on both sides. For us it actually made sense tho. Were the lightbrush fans writing thousands of words and bringing dozens of screenshots to compile a measly showcase of maybe 10% of their ship's canon relevancy like i was? (Or we were, probably, i dont think i was the only one but i only focused on doing My Part, didnt really look at what others were doing. My discord name is still "brave wataei warrior" to this day after that event) No. They couldnt. We all knew that. Which is why the whole thing was baffling and infuriating. They just wanted to win for the sake of winning something despite the objective evidence. Haha lack of objectivity in the object show fandom *badum tss* thank you thank you im here all day.
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babymorte · 5 months
As someone with asthma I absolutely understand the breathing issues. 😩 Also I think you would be totally cute in oversized clothes. 🩷 But that's because you're totally cute.
I could definitely see that you hold your weight in your butt because of how it jiggles. lol *complimentary*
I would of never guessed you were a size D in bras. Then again I never really knew bra sizes that well. 😅
The lactose intolerance actually doesn't surprise me. lol
You're a BLONDE?! 😳
I tend to turn cherry out in the sun so I get that as well. lol
Your boy is the only person you ever had sex with? Considering how open you are about sex & sexuality that's actually kind of surprising. But still kinda cute! Are you attracted to women or other genders at all?
oh my gosh i haaaaate my lunch so much like they’ve gotten better over the years with proper physical therapy when i was younger but im like a grandma with emphysema with how much i lose my breath 😓 plus sometimes i just forget to breathe cuz im an idiot so that exacerbates my dumb lungs even more and i have to like take giant gasps of air 😅 i hate it so much 😤
no you’re totally right!! like from the front i look like im completely flat assed but turn me around and BAM booty for days 😂 plus because my waist is so teeny it makes it look like a proper peach which i think is super adorable 😅
honestly i still suffer through the intolerance but i always regret it like i had a strawberry birthday cake milkshake last week without a pill and i was sick for two days straight it was freaking AWFUL 😭
i am!! I don’t have any photos of baby blonde kiki but it’s like a super light golden blonde 😅 but it suck’s cuz when my hair grows out because of the contrast with the black i look like im actually balding 😭
oof that sucks so much!! I would be lathering the ever living hell out of myself with spf 10000 if I burned at all 😂 but i also try to just not go out in direct sun for too long because im so paranoid of getting skin cancer 😂
yea well we’ve been together since we were in high school so ive never really had the opportunity and despite my openness ive never been interested in casual sex or like sharing sexual intimacy of any kind unless im very serious about a person 😅 but it also takes a lot for me to be attracted to a person since I don’t really base that sort of attraction off appearances 🤣 I know it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense but my reasons are somewhat personal 😂 I mean honestly I don’t think humans in general are only attracted to one gender 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just think it’s a social construct to fit into the christian ideology that was kind of forced on us as a society. like there was even a time when it was okay for people to confess they’re attracted to people of the same gender as them so long as they said ‘no homo’ so they could still be seen as straight 😂 but if im being perfectly honest it’s not really something ive really though about aside from my general view on it since i kind of don’t really pay attention to people 😅
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variousqueerthings · 7 months
Hey, Im the anon who asked about the “sex as a social construct” post yesterday, and i just wanted to thank you for your very thorough and informative response! Definitely helped me understand what you and others were talking about. I think a lot of people wouldve assumed bad intentions (even tho im trans lol) with my question so i really do appreciate you not only taking the time to answer but explaining it so well! :)
heya, you're all good. tbh unless someone is saying something actively mean, I always assume good intentions. tone is already so hard to read irl, if I started assuming the worst of people online I'd never chat with anyone
little ramble incoming: it's a big subject, and I just scratched the surface -- and not just in that ask, but as someone who's also on the journey of thinking more broadly about how we define worth and segregate one another in material ways that try to get to the heart of some of our flawed ways of thinking that create these structures in the first place
I'm fundamentally an idealist and optimist, albeit in a longterm sort of way. I think we can shift things for the better a bit within our lifetime and hopefully leave good signposts for the generations to come to continue the work, and the fact that we're having these conversations (wherever they're happening) shows that we're trying to broaden our understanding. the next step is of course how do we turn that understanding into material change, but there, too, from what I've read, there's been good progress
so to go back to that ask. it's naming something that I'm not sure if we were as able to name at one point (although perhaps someone understood this already 100 years ago, it's not unlikely. I always think about dr james barry in the early-to-mid 1800s going "hey, if people don't suffer from poverty and starvation and violence, then they won't get sick so much. worth thinking about") -- and now we have the naming, we can poke at it more and perceive how it affects the way humans build systems
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dcggone · 2 months
i feel like i told myself my antisocial nature and love of solitude and general desire to be away from others is a symptom of me being unwell, something that will eventually repair itself as i work through other Issues. I really question what my evidence was for that but I doubt I had any. I really want to be a social butterfly kinda character and I imagine my ideal self having all these friends and being confident and carefree when interacting with others. i imagine shedding this armor of mistrust and suspicious, opening my heart to share with others. but its all just a fantasy ive constructed where everyone is friendly and welcoming and interested in other people, willing to be patient with each other, nonjudgmental, altruistic, willing to make a friend out of any other human. It's what I wish the world could be but it's just not that. I don't have any evidence that it's anything like that. and all my experiences show me just working on & with myself is how i find fulfillment, peace, happiness, comfort, and unconditional love in the form of self love and self determination. On the other hand I've been denying that I have any of that, telling myself im so lonely, so in need of human contact and attention that frankly has never done anything worthwhile for me. And maybe that's my real sickness.
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this feels so silly to come to vent blog but here i am lol
i feel like i'm never going to grow out of my insecurity. i'm not insecure in the way i see it portrayed with everyone else. i'm fourteen and if these are what hormones are like i don't think i can do it. i've always had anger issues, i've always been sensitive and i've always been unhealthily jealous but as i've entered teenagehood, it's only gotten worse.
i'm constantly, always lashing out at the people i love and getting angry at them whenever they call me out on it. i hold onto grudges even weeks after the incident has passed and tell other people about it as if it just happened to make myself seem like the bigger, better person. i form wickedly strong attachments to people that i've just met and create such unrealistic standards of who they'll be that when they inevitably don't meet them i come apart at the seams and feel like my life is over and i need to take drastic measures for two weeks, then i lose the attachment and form an arguably worse obsession where i'm bitter and angry and jealous and want nothing but the worst for them but they dont feel nearly as vividly as i do so i feel stupid and it creates this cycle that im really fucking sick of because i've never met anyone who loves or hates as strongly as i do and i feel like im going crazy
i am such an awful person because of my insecurity and i hate myself for it
it's been so long and i'm so young and i know yo7 cant get rid of insecurity overnight andnit's a "self-love" thing but i'm really, really suffering. i wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy. i have periods of time where i'm good, i feel really fucking fantastic and i don't care about other people and online shit and i think "i was just being dramatic, im actually fine" and then something small happens and i fall apart all over again and it gets worse every time
i dont even know what to do. im sorry if this is too much to put on a vent blog, please ignore this if it is im just feeling weird and it's 9pm and thats probably why im so emotional right now i just want to know im not alone
Alright first things first- never base your perception of anything on the way books or shows, any kind of story made for entertainment, portrays them. They can help if the team making them is particularly attentive, but they little inherent benefit to being accurate.
Good news- It isn't just hormones. Yes, hormones can make your issues worse and cause instability, but there is always something you can do to fix this problem by your own hand.
Additionally, you just happen to be asking someone who's gone through something very similar!
Bad news- I got through the worst of it through sheer force of will, heavy dissociation, and several years of unwilling social isolation. So lets hopefully avoid that for you! (Even if it does, its really not the end of your life)
Its going to really tough. I mean it. Sometimes it'll feel like you're not making progress at all. Sometimes you won't want to get better. You might make some Bad decisions.
What do to- therapy. I often recommend therapy, because seriously, it is heavily underrated. Your therapist can provide you with many exercises, resources, and its very good to have someone listen who can respond in a constructive manner. I was able to get therapy because my highschool offered it for free, and by my second year I was old enough to make those decision without parental permission thanks to local laws. See if your school, local community center, or other provides similair services.
Support system! A good support system is essential to getting through this. It's going to feel counterintuitive, but stick around those people that didn't meet your standards. It's important to build a social network, and upon learning to tolerate them, you may find yourself truly loving and caring for one or several of them.
Journaling! When having trouble with your thought processes, this is very good! You can get an overview of your stream of consciousness, physically get a look at the areas you need to improve on, and take steps to correcting your attitude. Changing the way we think is important to healing, and this can help catch harmful thoughts. It can also help you catch bad ideas before you try to execute them irl.
Overall- ^^These are just the things I feel are most relevant to your situation. There are many different steps you can take, and plenty of resources online to help you determine whats best for you. THE most important thing however, is to want change. That seems easy, but none of this will change fast. This is the sort of thing that can easily take years. It takes a determination that can be easy to let go of in favor of instinctual reactions and whatever gives you dopamine. These emotions will come and go, and the best you can do is sometimes simply trying to not let them drown you.
Remember, you're not irredeemable. You're just a kid, and being a kid is fucking difficult. <3
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thesleepingnini · 8 months
men will always find ways to ridicule women, im fcking sick of it.
kakabwiset yung 299 ring na yan, tas sasabihin yung mga ayaw tumanggap, di naman maganda??? anong konek?? HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH kayo tong di pa kaya bare minimum tas kasalanan na naman ng babae pag-ayaw namin tanggapin gago.
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also ano to pakababoy, nababawasan ba ang pagkatao pagdi na virgin??? virginity is not even real. it's a social fcking construct created by men themselves. IM SO FCKING TIRED. CAN ALL MEN JUST DISAPPEAR?!
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characterpunchh · 1 year
storys untitled <3 but heres a list of the guys im currently going crazy over
Jude - 16 y/o commoner girl who gets hired as a castle guard during a diversity drive and IMMEDIATELY attracts the attention of the princess. they have a silly little gay romance while everything falls apart
Nara - the princess!!! 16 y/o bluntest person youve ever met. like shes polite but shes very sheltered and has NO understanding of social norms at ALL
King Cyneheard - THIS GUY. the king. naras dad. ok so his main thing is that he killed his wife. like that was a pretty significant thing he did. newayz what hes up to these days is death threatening his royal advisor for literally no reason because theyre the biggest doormat ever
Auden - the aforementioned royal advisor! total doormat. was a witness to the queens murder as a servant and immediately got promoted because they were obviously NOT going to tell on cyneheard & he needed Someone to help him out w/ the whole ' i killed a woman' thing
The Queen - SHES DEAD LOL. bonded to a light construct (little magic critters in my world :}) and got absolutely murdered for it <//3
Lydia - queens lady in waiting slash affair partner. to be fair cyneheard genuinely couldnt care less that shit was apolitical marriage. anyway now that the queens dead shes going super detective mode
Lottie - 14 year old assassin boy whos also bonded to a light construct! (their names oso). hes chillin. he was sent to kill nara but then he got arrested on the grounds of SPYING and hes REAAAAAAALLY cranky about that. i did not spy on ANYONE i was here to KILL YOUR PRINCESS---
Seraphina - mid-30s bigender person who isj ust another BREED man. like okay. so. his husband geo is a rebel against the throne. and she... works in the castle. obviously this is not a good mix especially when the king is Like That. so whats his response to being told if he doesnt separate from geo the king will have him (geo) executed? divorce the guy with no explanation leaving him to raise their 3 year old child alone. obviously. because if she gives an explanation geo wont be pissed and because hes a self sacrificial IDIOT (/aff) he cant have geo trying to 'Help Her Out'...
Geo - mid-30s man who is sooo sick of it dude. hes so tired. this poor guy. rebel against the throne, probably bonded to a light construct? ui havent totally decided. anyway this poor poor bastard just got divorced with absolutely no explanation and suffice to say. he is.... pretty upset.
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ickie-vicky · 2 years
just read your response and whilst i appreciate the time you put into it, i cannot appreciate the 'argument' put forth. the idea that gender = oppression of women is....well its flawed.
the idea that the gender binary is a social construct designed to oppress i can agree with (which is why I'm a gender abolitionist...not a terf), however that does not mean that gender in and of itself is a social construct designed to oppress. gender binary ≠ gender. they are separate things.
in my opinion gender is an extremely personal felt sense, hard to even put into words. its a combination of so many factors. intrinsically it has nothing to do with society, or others. the way I feel internally about my gender is just that, how i feel. how ive always felt. that is not harming women.
HOWEVER, we live in a society that has forced the gender binary down our throats from birth. shit, even before birth. so it is completely logical that some people will use these binary ideals as a way to reinforce the validity of their gender in the eyes of others. or, in a kinda sick way, in their own eyes as a sort of "right of passage". i can understand how that can be perceived as potentially harmful.
what i cannot understand about your view is that you then direct your hatred of the gender binary at those most affected by it. you, as a cis woman, have not experienced the depth of oppression of being a trans person. i say that as someone that was raised and socialised as a girl, but is not one. since transitioning i have had to face so much more violence and discrimination, and i still get gendered as female most of the time! but the "otherness" of my expression is enough. my deviation from the binary is enough.
there is no logic around directing this venom you have for the patriarchy at trans people. it just doesnt make sense. noone is trying to steal your gender or make women not important. we are all important.
im not sure what your point was about clothes and gender.....a man in a dress is a man in a dress and thats great! but thats not a trans woman. i cant just wear "masculine" clothes and feel comfortable because its deeper than that. i have required hormones and surgeries for my dysphoria. but im not a binary trans man, im non binary. the gender binary isnt even a factor in my identity (im also autistic so...thats that haha). the argument youve made, which i see made a lot in terf spaces, rests on the belief that gender dysphoria is either a)not real or b)can be "fixed" through......conversion therapy essentially. both of which are false ideas aimed at controlling trans people's bodies. why is someone transitioning harmful? why is someone identifying as something other than the binary gender imposed on them at birth a harmful thing? you havent actually explained that.
we need to stick together and create understanding to fight against these oppressive systems, not punch down and harm those with less privilege than us. your hatred is misguided and i hope you see reason one day.
have a read of my first response again as you have admitted you don’t understand it
gender is sexist, so transgender ideology is sexist
you have made no argument against this
you can’t even define gender apart from saying it’s some nebulous internal feeling or identity that is hard to put into words
if your definition of gender is *feeling* like a man or a woman or non-binary that’s still sexist
what does a woman feel like? what does a man feel like? the whole concept of gender is bioessentialist sexist bullshit
i have no hatred or venom towards trans people specifically. i feel bad for you that you feel you must change yourself or change your ‘gender identity’ to align with society’s sexist expectations. do whatever you want but gender isn’t a real thing - it’s a sexist ideology.
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This was supposed to be better than the capitalistic b.s. we are sold but it's still pissing me off so I'm gonna scream into the void. Fuck this assessment.
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Physical self care
I eat the same thing every day i don't think about it
Who has the fucking money for prevention or medical care
Fashion is overrated bullshit made up by thin ppl who dont even make shit in my fucking size
I'm disabled. I don't do physical activity. I exist and that's enough.
Hot take, it's not my fucking responsibility to constantly try to think positively about myself in a world that tells me they want me dead. I'll be a fucking realist and not lie to myself about shit.
What is it with these pretentious fucks and massages? Noone is fucking touching me and I'm sick of it being so fucking normalized. I will NEVER get a fucking massage and you can't fucking make me.
Psychological self care
Who the fuck has money for vacations? What even is a "day trip"? Driving is exhausting.
What the fuck is "my own personal psychotherapy" even supposed to mean? If it's just a more pretensious way of saying get a therapist, fuck no. I'm not going back to therapy until therapists stop being dicks who gaslight with cbt and work with cops.
The internet is the only place I can interact with other ppl that I don't hate. Taking breaks is harmful.
Who is this written for? How much reading did the creator of this little list think the average person read for work? Bc I don't know anyone who reads for work honestly.
Do you not notice your own thoughts 24/7? How does that even work?
Engage my intelligence... this is one of those ppl who can turn off their brain to watch trash toxic stuff like reality TV isn't it?
Bold of you to assume I'm an expert in anything
This list is so fucking weird. It's like stuff that I don't even think about or stuff that is not helpful at all.
Be curious... this is why I hate so many ppl. If you have to be reminded to be curious I honestly don't understand why you are alive.
Yeah work stays at work but that's just fuck capitalism don't be taken advantage of.
Journaling is such a basic ass thing and after a while it's pointless. I haven't done that since I was like 16. Not to mention it's exhausting. I'm not writing stuff down by hand esp if I'm the only one that's gonna see it. I'll rant out loud in my apartment bc that's at least not a waste of fucking time. Like who even has a thought long enough to write it down like that?
Emotional self care
I.have.no.support.system. that means no fucking ppl to hang out with.
I HAVE NO SUPPORT SYSTEM. Fuck those toxic ppl that gave birth to me and all the fucks related to them. They can go dissolve in the toxic sludge they created.
I am autistic. Rewatching things is kind of required.
Express outrage... ironically that is what I'm doing right now. Again, fuck this assessment
Fuck affirmations. I'm not lying to myself. It's not actually healthy to tell yourself you're a good person. Bc you're not. Nobody is. That's black and white thinking bullshit. I am a person that does good and bad things depending on my capabilities and I know that bc im not a fucking lying allistic that thinks they don't suffer from black and white thinking.
I'm autistic and for me that means i have uncontrollable bouts of crying. There is no allowing myself. Privileged ass person who made this can apparently controlled their crying. How nice for them.
Now here's where the REAL anger starts
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Wtf is going on with this whole "spiritual self care" bullshit? Why is it so hard for ppl to grasp that not everyone thinks like them? And they say autistics have a lack of theory of mind.
Causes aren't spiritual. They are opinions and values.
Reflection isn't spiritual, that's just using your fucking brain to analyze yourself, we already covered that, how many reminders do you boring allistic ppl need??
Non material aspects of life? Wtf does that even mean? Am I aware that there are abstract concepts? Yes, social constructs are abstracts, like Religion is a social construct and im not interested, it's boring.
Find spiritual connection or community?? This bullshit is why atheists are so lonely. Yall can't build any community outside religion.
Relationship self care
Partner. No. Fuck that amatonormativity.
Relatives? Fuck those toxic ppl.
What posting on tumblr isn't enough?
Personal correspondence? Did someone forget to upgrade to modern language? Why does this sound like some 19th century person talking about writing a letter to send along the pony express.
There are no people to do things for me. I have been asking for help and there is noone. I hate this fucking state, I have nothing in common with these ppl. There is nothing for me, I don't like any of the things that ppl do here, and they don't have any of the things I like to do.
Literally all I have is my cats, and I had to Pavlov them into loving me.
Workplace self care
Chat with coworkers??? Why the fuck would I want to do that? At best I tolerate ppl enough to do my job. Peers?? There aren't even ppl my own age here. I can go days without talking to anyone at all. support groups at work??? This is some fancy blue state shit isn't it?
Can't balance shit when you don't have shit.
Fuck self care
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