#im still so proud of it there are a couple things i'd change
infizero · 11 months
my animatic btw ^_^ if you want to watch it
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howlonomy · 3 months
Ah, a return to my roots... For fun how about another comparison? (God I seem to love those, don't I?)
First up, the original(s):
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And now, the new, improved and officially colored one (Yes, I did take some slight inspiration from the "In Love And War" image for putting their talons and tail slightly in the box, it just makes so much sense for it, y'know?):
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Hey, wanna know something funny? I've been joking around a lot about how I seem to love using the "Despite everything... It's still you." line a lot, and it applies here but not in a way you'd expect.
It applies to me, here. I feel like you can definitely see some improvement in how I've drawn them, and yet I'm still the same. I've changed and improved, I've overcome hardships (learning how to draw actual animals) and yet I'm still me. Heck, I've even learned a whole new ART FORM just for this silly little AU of yours. So, I guess what I wanna say is thank you for being very encouraging and motivating me to improve myself in these fields I genuinely didn't think I'd be any "good" at, and here's hoping that I can only go up from here and improve these skills even more.
YEAAGHH THIS IMPROVEMENT IS SO CRAZY!!!!! i love how clearly you can see how much you’ve improved in just a couple of weeks, especially in the face and overall anatomy!!!! literally so fucking good dude
AND MANNN IM SO GLAD TO HAVE HELPED YOU ON YOUR ART JOURNEY!!! anyone and everyone can draw, can improve, and im really happy to have motivated you to keep going with my silly little au. so proud of you for persevering and learning new things and going out of your comfort zone with art; thats the best part about learning!!! KEEP GOING AND GOOD LUCK ON YOUR ARTISTIC JOURNEY!!!!! ✨💥
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jcbbby · 1 year
dani, i'd like to make a request. As someone who also struggles with ED, can you make a gic where reader has an ED and is went through a recovery? I mean, some years ago i was really underweight, i went through a recovery but my anorexia is still in there. and sometimes is hard to look at the mirror and see how my body changed, is hard to see that i kinda have a tummy now, see that my panties squish a little bit on my waist, see how my thighs look bigger... also my ed gave me stomach problems, i feel so much pain sometimes and it is hard to eat. reading fanfics where my favs comfort me about my body is my favourite thing to do when im feeling bad about myself. can you write one where said scenario happens with reader? (jamie x reader)
oh, bby :( I feel for you, I relate so much. I think anyone who has struggled with an eating disorder knows that it never really does totally go away. you just sort of get better at not acting on those intrusive thoughts. but I do want to make sure you know how PROUD I am of you, because nothing is more badass than waking up every day and still choosing recovery, regardless of what that voice in your head is saying. I love you, I'm rooting for you, and keep kicking ass you beautiful being!! <3
I know this is a little short, but I hope this fic brings you comfort when you need it. <3
Warnings: vague description of an ED and talk of body dysmorphia.
It was a gorgeous evening as you and Jamie were out to dinner on the Italian Amalfi Coast; a much needed vacation for the both of you. Your food arrived and Jamie immediately dug into his meal. You, however, stared for a moment at the plate of pasta in front of you as you held your fork, thinking about the couple pieces of bread already in your stomach. Jamie looked up from his food, giving you a small, encouraging smile, but letting you decide to take your first bite on your own time, not wanting to put any stress on a typical dinner that should be just that: dinner. You returned his smile, slowly twisting some linguine around your fork and bringing it to your mouth.
You had had a complicated relationship with food, exercise, and your body for a while before you started dating Jamie. They began shortly after you started college, the constant stress and change of environment had you neglecting taking care of yourself. These habits never went away once you graduated, and you carried them with you even when you met Jamie. This could have easily been shrugged off and flown under the radar to most but being thrust into the public eye exacerbated it all. There was an insane added pressure now to always look good, and more daily stress that came with traveling, planning things around filming and travel, and your own career.
When Jamie started to notice how the light in your eyes started to fade, he begged you to seek help. He told you how much he loved you and how much you deserve to feel the love he has for you, for yourself. And he was right; you knew you deserved more than what you had been giving yourself. He was with you through everything after that; your therapy appointments, doctor appointments, your treatment program, your entire recovery. Always supporting you, listening to your feelings, never making you feel like a burden, and doing whatever he could to keep you moving forward.
“Oh my god, this is so good.” You closed your eyes as you chewed.
“Damn right it is.” He smiled, trying not to show just how overwhelmed with pride he was watching you enjoy yourself eating again, allowing yourself one of life’s most simple of pleasures.
Later that evening, as you returned to your hotel room, your mental high from conquering the carb-filled dinner began to fade. You felt so bloated and your stomach loudly gurgled as it struggled to digest your food, a side effect of the years of denying it enough, often making it hard to truly feel as though you were really doing the right thing. That ugly little voice in the back of your head always loved to tell you it was a mistake to have enjoyed yourself like that.
You got back to the room and flopped yourself on to the bed, curling up into a ball. You let out a quiet groan as your stomach grumbled loudly.
“Are you okay, love?” Jamie asked, getting on to the bed with you, placing a hand on your back.
“My tummy hurts.” You whined. “I shouldn’t have eaten that…” You mumbled into the comforter.
Jamie tutted. “Oh, darling… But it was delicious right?” He sat next to you.
“Yeah…it really was. But I’m so bloated now.”
“Oh yeah? Check me out.” Jamie chuckled, standing up.
You peaked an eye open at him to see he had pulled his shirt up to his chest, pushing out his also bloated belly, cradling it like a pregnant woman. You giggled as you sat up a little bit, frowning quickly again as the adjustment hurt your stomach.
“Why don’t we get you out of that dress and into something comfier, hm?” Jamie lowered his shirt.
You nodded, getting up to let Jamie help take off your form fitting dress, twisting yourself and sucking in as much as you could to hide your distended belly. He grabbed one of his shirts that he wore yesterday, that lay draped over the chair in the corner and handed it to you. You slid it over your head, letting it fall to just above your mid-thigh. You smiled to yourself as it smelled like him. You climbed under the covers of the bed, wincing as your stomach gurgled loudly again.
“Here, take these.” Jamie held out a few Tums to you. “Do you want me to go make you some tea, too?” He asked as you took the tablets from him, popping them in your mouth.
You nodded with a slight smile, which he returned as he made his way toward the kitchenette across the room to put the kettle on. After he had prepared two mugs of tea, he came over to hand you yours. He went around to the other side of the bed, setting his mug down on the nightstand. He climbed into the bed with you, snuggling up close. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your tummy through the blankets.
“That should help.” He smiled.
You cuddled together as you sipped your tea, him caressing your back, settling in for the night as your stomach finally began to settle as well.
-the next day-
Jamie and you were going to head down to the beach this sunny, breezy morning. You sipped some coffee as you stood in your bikini in front of the large window that overlooked the water not too far in the distance. Jamie was prepping a bag of snacks and drinks to take down to the beach with you.
“Hey, baby, look at me.” You heard him say behind you.
You turned to see him holding up his phone, about to take a picture of you with the stunning backdrop of seaside Italy outside the window. You immediately frowned, subconsciously moving your arms to cover your exposed body.
“Oh, no…babe, please don’t.”
He lowered his phone, tilting his head. “Why not? You look so beautiful right now.”
You turned to the mirror that was on the wall to the right of you, pinching at your hips and thigh. You shrugged. “I guess I just…feel puffy. I wish I brought a bathing suit that covered more…” You sighed.
“My love…” Jamie walked up to you, wrapping his arms around you from behind. “I think you look so incredible right now.” He placed a kiss just below your ear.
You looked at him in the mirror, and then down at your reflection. “My bikini bottoms are cutting into my hips and my ass cheeks. I feel like it’s too tight.” You frowned, bringing your hands to your stomach. “And I still feel a little bloated.”
Jamie turned you around, now looking at you face to face, taking your hands in his. “Hey, remember what we talked about. It’s okay to feel that way. But you know it’s just that mean little voice trying to trick you. Right? And what did we decide to tell that voice whenever it got too loud?”
“…to shut the fuck up, you miserable ass bitch, because it’s just jealous of how awesome and beautiful I really I am.” You rolled your eyes while giggling.
“That’s right!” He pulled you into a hug, kissing your cheek over and over as you continued giggling. “And I, for one…” He pulled back from you, now dropping to his knees in front of you. “Love your beautiful, amazing tummy…” He placed several kisses to your stomach. “Your beautiful, amazing hips…” He kissed each hip. “Your beautiful, amazing thighs…” He kissed over your thighs.
You smiled down at him as he peppered your body in admiration and acceptance, in total, unconditional love. He stood up to then meet your lips. You pulled away from his mouth, bringing your arms around him in a hug.
“I love you, baby. Thank you.” You smiled against his chest.
“I love you, darling. All of you.” He pulled you tighter.
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regina-cordium · 15 days
me? responding to a post i got tagged in? wild!
got tagged by @renninflight
Rules: always post the rules. answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write eleven new ones. tag 11 new people and link them to your post. let them know you’ve tagged them
except. i never know who to tag for these. if u see this tagged ur it. ill put questions at the end
under cut, because as yall know im a Yapper
What's your favorite band/musician? (And tell me why! And if you've seen them live!)
I'm a Hozier girlie thru and thru. he was in boston in march AND HAD NOAH KAHN AND I COULDNT GO AND IM STILL SO DISAPPOINTED. A N D HE WAS AT BOSTON CALLING AND I C O U L D N ' T G O auuuuugh
What's something you're proud of?
i dont mean this in, like, a self deprecating way. but i honestly dont know what to say. i got dean's list a couple times in college. i won some kinda award and now my name is on a plaque in the english department, thats kinda dope (i, to this day, have no idea what it was for)
What's something you like about yourself?
i do tell my parents they overestimate how smart i am, but i will say i am p good with trivia/knowing random things. nothing better than getting most of a jeopardy board right (<- needs to go outside more)
What's something you would like to do, if money weren't an obstacle?
i would literally never leave school. i love learning things (see above)
What's something you do when you're anxious or stressed to calm down and relax?
listen to music, sometimes Very Loudly
Do you have a favorite author? (If so, who?)
im totally blanking, but i dont really think so? theres not really an author that i see and immediately go "oh i gotta read ALL of their stuff RIGHT NOW" yknow?
Do you have a favorite poet? (If so, who?)
emily dickinson. yes, i am gay, how'd you know?
Do you have a favorite artist? (You can probably guess the rest of this question!)
van gogh!!!!!!! i know its such a basic bitch answer, but i L O V E the impressionists
What's a movie or TV show that had a big impact on you? (Could be something you watched growing up, a movie you saw recently that made you emotional, something you've seen a lot, something you quote with friends and family, etc)
i would watch beauty and the beast on vhs CONSTANTLY growing up. tv show wise, definitely buffy and angel and charmed. watched them with ma growing up and they have absolutely shaped my interests since then. also, and i swear im not being sarcastic, supernatural. ma and i watched every goddamn episode together since the pilot and look at me now.
What's something you wish you could forget? (Could be something personal, or it could just be a gross or weird fact)
not to get Very Fucking Morbid, but my dad almost died when i was 12 and i'd super love to forget that, actually
What's something you'd like to change about the world?
I Cannot Emphasize Enough That You Should Care About Other People
okay here're my questions. if u got this far, u are doubly tagged. idk i never know who to tag.
Song you've had on repeat lately?
Favorite play/musical (or both!)?
Book/movie/show you think somebody should read/watch to understand you better?
What's your favorite poem?
What's immediately to your left?
Favorite dessert?
Somewhere you'd love to travel, if money/accommodations were no issue?
Tv show currently/last watched?
Do you think aliens are real?
Do you think ghosts are real?
Do you have overly specific requirements for a room when you're trying to sleep?
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writerscafehub · 17 days
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From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
4.0, I've gotten better over the years, especially with just sharing over two ish years ago. I'd like to go back and brush up some descriptions but other than that I say it's good! 
What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I say the characters I decide to make each one of my characters are their own person that I can see being real. They are definitely my favorite part of my stories.
Are there any writers that inspire you?
Right now, Brandon Sanderson. I'm reading through his first novels now. The way he uses descriptions to worldbuild is amazing! And I love his characters
And all my friends on the server, the people over there write some incredible stuff!
What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
Stella Archer, I wrote that story in college it's a decade old & I never thought I'd finish it let alone share it! Stella's been with me the longest so you can see how I used to write then vs. now all in one series. 
Which character(s) do you find easiest to write and which do you find most difficult to write?
Easiest to write: George Weasley cause anything goes with him. He's goofy, sweet, confident and a wildcard. That's really fun to play with. 
Hardest/Challenging: Neville Longbottom & Druig. These two are my heads & tails. They are complete opposites. Druig's is inquisitive and there's a depth to him that I can relate too, and hes smart mouth, my favorite kind of guy lol. 
Neville is soft, confident, brave & empathic. There are things i can have Druig do that i can’t do with Neville and vice versa. I could talk about their differences forever but they are still a fun challenge to write. 
Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
Usually whatever idea I haven't done yet or I want to try. I write a lot about superheroes or powered individuals. Often with my own spin 😏. Friends to lovers mostly. 
Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about!
im working on the ending of Bloom, it's the last character arch for Neville. His eldest will be looking at school brochures and some of his past students will make a groundbreaking medicine for people who have pain caused from curses & his parents being among the ones able to get the medicine. Meaningful things happen & I'm excited to write it!!!
First fandom you ever wrote for?
Harry Potter; 😂 nothing has changed I still love the universe.
Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
I dont feel guilty about them their all pleasures; so Soulmate AUs, soft dark, Coffee Shop AUs, threesomes, genderbending.
A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
A/B/Os the structure would be all over the place. 
Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
Never Too Late, I put as many of my favorite tropes in there as I could. Soulmate AU, Coffeeshop AU, gross loving couple, old married couple, Tall boi, short girl…etc. And they fucked for a hobby. It was so nuts I made a game out of it in that universe had it's own rules & everything 😂 So much unhinged stuff happens in that fic & I don't regret any of it 😂. 
Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
OCs x main character. Which is usually an extension of me somehow cause i said so. Even the very few readers stuff i have i always pictured myself. 
Do you listen to anything while you write?
I have a playlist for each story i have & i cycle through thoes whenever i need the vibes 
One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
Both, I like both 
15. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
My ficts are day dreams haha. Hmmm I have a bunch of daydreams about Daphne & Charlie spending time with their parents as a family in some of the places they have traveled to when they didn't have kids. That and the adventures of Daphne & Lottie growing up. But I'm really stubborn about aging my OCs kids so most of them stop at a certain age.
16. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
Not scared, I just don’t know how to write it. I want to make my own villain somehow but i gotta figure out so many things first. Or the villain's spouse or something, it’s still on the drawing board. I don't do many dark things so it would be a challenge for me. 
What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
All the comments on my first dark oneshot, Sweet Dreams. It was just me playing around with Druig’s powers to a higher level then flooring it. It was fun & the ones of my first series Stella Archer that story is a decade old. So to get comments on that was special 
Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
For Between the Shadows I did cause i was trying to portray my OC for that a certain way without making her sound boring. That was a hard fic for me in many, many ways. But it turned out great! I’ve never introduced an OC in a more profound way than I did with Juni and it was refreshing to experiment with that OC. 
Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
I'm a sucker for both. I’ve written both. 
Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
I have 13 fully developed ones and the rest are side ones. But here are some of my favorites!  
Stella Archer-Asgardian Demi-god think of Gaia with all the powers of the elements. She has 4 kids. And married her highschool sweetheart George Weasley. 
Flower- a nymph of mythology origins. Her power is growing flowers and plants from anywhere as long as she has a water source. She carries a pouch of soil around with her for such an occasion. She stayed with her love even though he was cursed by the flying dutchman. 
Ruby Morgan- Charms professor, classic style of dress, her magic specialty is levitation she can make anything levitate with a snap of her fingers. She grew up in France raised by her Dad and her Grandmother. She can read Latin, speak French and loves cats.  
Angus Kohler- Scottish, loves to drink. His magic specialty is tracking. He teaches Care of Magical Creatures. Head of Hufflepuff house. Werewolf, he’s Neville’s best friend and Ruby’s too. Plays the bagpipes at every graduation in full kilt attire that matches Hufflepuff.  
If you could enter the universe of any one of your fics, which would it be and why?
I’d enter Never Too Late cause that OC is the closest to me irl and I basically gave her everything I wanted and didn't skip any details lol. I would gladly love to be in that universe. 
Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them! My ficts are day dreams haha. Hmmm I have a bunch of daydreams about Daphne & Charlie spending time with their parents as a family in some of the places they have traveled to when they didn't have kids. That and the adventures of Daphne & Lottie growing up. But I'm really stubborn about aging my OCs kids so most of them stop at a certain age. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
From Kissed by the Land; Cursed by the Sea.
In a tavern miles away sat a bard playing a tune and weaving a tale.
Let me tell you a tale about a mortal man forced to sail the reaper of the blue…His eyes as blue as the cursed seas, and hair as black as the night, it's true…
He's fought sirens, an sailors, an swamp monsters too, all while sailing souls lost to the depths, to their final steps…it's true.
The reaper of the blue captured this man, for a century or two. Till it was over. An he returned home, to his dearest its true…
This is the tale of the reaper of the blue, and a man forced to sail it's sails wide and true for a century or two…
Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
I wanna go back and write Kissed by the Land; CUrsed by the Sea as a darker tale but i have NO idea how but I totally could!!! I just played around with Fairytales in that one. Um my current series Bloom is almost over & I’m thinking of making a spin off of it only for Angus cause I love that man he’s my wildcard in every sense of the word lol. 
I love writing main character x OCs so i have an excuse to run around in all my favorite worlds as different personas!
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placentaeater999 · 20 days
More Ramblings!
I forgot to tell you, my friends, that this May 10th or 11th marked 10 (ten) whole years since I first came out as a trans man!
(Im open to asks/questions/new friends, i believe education is an important part of the path to acceptance)
TL;DR: trans kids become trans adults, trans kids you absolutely fucking belong on this planet and you are loved and cherished, if not by your own family then by me bc im adopting you now as your older brother. My experience as a trans man is below the cut
I came out at the age of 11, back in early 2014, just before trans ppl and bathrooms had really started to catch the eye of the general public.
My dad was quick to support my medical transition, and while my ma took a moment, she got there. My dad ended up only really supporting me if i matched his machismo ideals, but this has gotten a lot better over the years.
I have been extremely INCREDIBLY lucky to be able to come out and successfully begin my transition at such a young age and every day im grateful for that. That being said, I lost a lot of family because of it. I lost close and important friendships because of it. I felt shame for such a long ass time because of it. I was bullied by students, parents, and teachers. I've been assaulted, Ive faced medical discrimination numerous times, I was the first trans patient at this psych ward i went to and got weird treatment. I have struggled a lot with feeling like i belong in this world. And now at the age of 21 I still do sometimes.
With all the bad things that've happened.
The family that stayed ive grown closer with. The new friends i FINALLY made in college are so incredibly supportive and I'm lucky that most of them are also trans or queer in some way (most of my friends are long distance but idc theyre my best friends). I wouldnt trade them for the world. I I havent had a typical teen experience but I've gotten to lead important projects for the safety of trans students at my high school, I've been a part of my university's qsa, I've gotten to serve on a panel for GLSEN Los Angeles where I worked with city officials on how to make la safer for trans/nb people. I've had my art about being trans get into galleries and I've won a couple awards for it. I get to attend other queer events near me and sell my art there and meet other queer folks in a town that's not a super safe place to be queer in.
I've gotten to see people grow and change their opinions on trans ppl bc now they know one and understand the concept better. Ive gotten the absolutely honor of people telling me that because I'm so open about myself that they began to feel comfortable exploring more about thelmselves.
I've lived more in these past 10 years than a lot of people will in 20. And as hard as its been I'm so FUCKING proud of how far I've come and I can't wait for the next 10.
It's not always glamorous, it's fucking hard as hell. For a long while I'd trade being a trans man for being a cis woman in a heartbeat, but now I wouldn't trade being trans for the world.
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elialys · 2 months
OMG im so 🥺
That i have to talk...I'm in shock !
How can someone like Torv and not follow her teachings? Love others as they are!Yes she always said quote Helen is Anna Torv "I love you just the way you are"it should always be people's motto!
And another quote she left this year EMPATY...OK you Dont like the person but you have to respect.Then its ok leave...why criticize something if we have no comparison?
You don't do anything so so wrong unforgivable to a human and everyone sometimes make mistakes!
I am sometimes surprised and outrageous by people pointing the finger só easily at small things that they perceive differently and be silent or quiet at big problems around them or even looking at themselves! I'm just saying one thing.  Of all of us.... ALL of us, YOU were the one who dedicated the most time YEARS -DECADES, had the most patience (countdown the minutes of the 2 years without premieres? ) and fought for each series, each Anna Torv's work(things like uniting fans, posting videos, talking about her, supporting her unconditionally... Fauxlivia is still your protégé, right?🤭and fighting Helen Dale dont stop )... and for me it is extremely commendable and I admire you immensely for never stopping fighting and share Anna Torv!
Your neurodivergent brain may have flaws...but What brain don't have sometimes a little's error ?
NOBODY is Perfect right? And qualities as a fan fic writer, fan, woman, friend, caring, and empathetic you have and they are huge And guess what...people who prefer to criticize SHES A REALLY TREASURE !
I could list about more than 100 things you did that were important! And if you wanna i can make a list...my nerd brain remembers all good gestures 🥰
And this is for all there fans no fans humans that read...
When they criticize you...choose the other path...which Anna Torv has also advised...
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Thank you so much for your kind words, Maria ❤️❤️❤️
Honestly, I am genuinely at a lost as to why some people get so mad and unforgiving over honest mistakes, especially when I mean it when I say I never meant any harm, and will listen and change my behavior if it's not appropriate. I have been in this fandom for a very long time, and I've always tried my best to be nice, and to do better when I can do better. And anyone who takes the time to actually get to know me at all, unlike those people who have honestly been very closed-off from the start, knows that I'm the opposite of an asshole, and that my life motto literally is 'let's be kind and show empathy'.
I swear twitter puts a negativity filter on everyone's brain, they expect the worst of everyone. The fact that they thought I'd sent people after them to 'harass' them, when I wasn't even aware of what was going on until my friend reached out to me to tell me about it, at which point said friend had already gotten involved, just baffles me. I'm a 36 year old adult with bad social anxiety, I live my life hoping to avoid drama or situations in which people will get angry at me in any way. The last thing I would ever think to do is have that kind of vindictive behavior, especially about something I knew I could have handled better. But you can't have conversations with the twitter crowd, you just can't. They will assume the worst of you and that's it.
I haven't been on twitter for a couple weeks now, except to post fic links for my followers who care about them, and honestly, I don't know if I'll be back, not when there are a few people who seem to enjoy scrutinizing the things I do or say.
I still want to do the Anna project because I want her to receive love from her fans, but my anxiety about this is too high at the moment, and my brain a bit too unkind.
I'm very thankful for fellow fans like you, Maria, I mean that 😘😘😘
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honestmouse20 · 3 months
I am Back from vacation! Thought on new ninjago season under the cut :)
First off, I just wanna say that I watched it at 6am in my hotel room with headphones while my friend slept next to me lol. So I watched it all again yesterday too. Turns out I'd missed a Lot.
I really loved the pacing in this! Each character to me felt like they all had something to do and it all went towards the plot. Wildfyre learned to slow down and let herself heal, Kai and Nya both learned the paitence and tecnique to do Rising Dragon. Lloyd OFC got a Lot to do with his visions and panic attacks! I really liked how they handled his mental health in this one. Cole being back didn't feel forced! he was there bc Bonzal was essential to Ras' plan. Sora got a ton of development and I do wonder if they'll have her learn spinjitzu in part 2. And of course, Arin. Boy is Going Through it. It's a nice parallel to Lloyd also having a rough time. While Lloyd is haunted by possible futures, Arin is terrified of not being Good Enough to contribute to the team Or to make his parents proud.
This post would be hella long if i rambled about everything i loved in this season But I wanna highlight Some of my favs!
Cole and Geo Constantly holding hands and leaning on eachother (and geo's flashback to s1 being changed so they're holidng hands More)
Bonzle's whole arc and how she's a person now! Hella trans implications and also just a really sweet story when they show that she Does have agency and her creator Does recongnize and care for her
Sora and Arin's dymanic continues to be Really Good! I like how the initial excitement for being a ninja has worn off and they're starting to struggle.
Speaking of Arin, I stg that scene of him and Ras fighitng in the last couple episodes makes me think we're gonna get a dark Arin arc. Maybe he won't Stay evil (I don't want him to be a villan but they Could go that way if they want) but seeing Lloyd's reaction to his student turning sides would be very angsty and Very good
Also Lloyd in this was So good! Even tho he's trying very hard to be a Master and the keeper of the monastary, he's struggling and these visions are only making it harder on him. I'm sure we havn't seen the end of these visions and I'm sorta hoping they'll come to some big breaking point for him in part 2. Where he'll have to drag himself back up and Never Quit despite everything falling apart just like the visions said it would
Once again this show made me like kai again lol. HIs relationship with Nya and Wildfyre is So good and you really can see the similarities in how he interacts with them!
lloyd's power confirmed to be life????
why is no one talking abobut that ? did i read it wrong???
Onto some things i didn't Quite like but definatly didn't hate!
Ras' master is like 90 percent gonna be the Overlord. I'm aprehensive on this bc he's not really my favorite villan. Plus like he was Just the villan in crystalized so i feel like it's too soon for him to come back. once again gonna give this show the benefit of the doubt bc they've done a lto of stuff Really Really well. I'm just sorta hoping it's Not the overlord. Plus the powers were golden and that's Not the overlord's colors
what is timeline?????
i thought the shorts were two years after s1 and that s2 was gonna be between the shorts and s1???? but now the shorts are at the Beginning of the season and ryu is a teenage dragon? how long has passed? If it's been a couple years since season 1, it's a little less believable that arin and sora havn't progressed much fruther in their training. also no one Acts like it's been years?? But if it's Not a couple of years and Ryu just Grew up like that it's still a bit iffy. Ik they probably won't tell us exact times but I hope it's implied or Something bc im hella confused
so, tldr: This half of the season was Fantastic! From the animation being Incredible and the relationships between the characters being super interesting and realistic, this season was a ride from start to finish! I'm excited, and a bit scared, to see what part 2 brings!
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mykindoffairytale · 6 months
This year
This year has been an absolute nightmare, from undergoing the trenches that was KKH paeds, absolutely fearful of the coming day, to loving and being proud of myself that I actually made it. Remebered the blurry mornings, the painful history takings, my seniors slogging it out with me, kind seniors and those that hated my guts. I remembered being somewhat happy when things started becoming better, of course I loved the prerounding. Even managed a Sasha Sloan concert midway through. Then it was Taiwan, that was pretty meh but also pretty glorious.
Onto GS, where I was enjoying myself very much the first few months before everything came crumbling down, slowly but surely. Regretful actions were made but I'd generally attribute that to the wrong crowd- GS was definitely full of the absolute wrongest people. Made it to Laufey, made it to indo once again, and finally went to Uk. Saw glasgow who held my heart since I left, but going back I realised I had taken all she had to offer. Every month, mistakes were made, plenty of I wish I didnt say that till the very end. Thankful for everyone that loved me and stood by, and thankful for myself for never giving up on me.
Then very quickly it was NPL, that was spent lazing around, Jakarta, Seoul- which was greatly healing, and Bali- Labuan Bajo. The latter of which carried news Ive always dreamt of in nightmares, waking up in tears, safely forgetting the pain that I have dreamt. However, this time the pain was much to real, till now I try not to think about it, because I wish you had been kinder- especially because I had loved you so. Sadly it was towards the end, when I came home that I realised how bitter you were, and how although you provided, I was never your pride and joy. But by this time I knew how much I had laboured, and how much I had thought of/for you. Giving up quite abit of indulgence from guilt, stressing from the concept of "limited wealth" you had put in my head. No doubt I am ever thankful that you had given me a once in a lifetime experience - that was the best in my life. But at the end of it, my sadness was quickly blunted by self-preservation, I remembered your cutting words, my earnest love, your great providence and the joy of your presence. At the end, I'd call it even- not your lifetime full of contributions and the shortness of mine, but in general the positive influence you had on my life, although I wished you were more and myself slightly "less". I still miss waking you for snacks, thankful for your ever peaceful departure. Thank you for Malaysia and Glasgow.
Oh I forgot about Vietnam, the food great, the company peaceful. My alternative sister from different parents.
Oh I too forgot about Nik, who has been a steady source of comfort on work days, thankful we got to grow together, again its not about counting the gives and the takes, not about giving what you got, but a giving from what God has given to us.
The end of the year in Cardio has been the best so far, Cardio was a soft landing spot into the realm of MO ship, Ive gone to more services, exercise classes and received an exceeding amount of grace despite my underperforming ass. Im reconsidering IM because of her, but also very aware of what stands ahead. Nothing much has changed, the motion remains very much the same, fear-grace-growth, sprinkled with regret here and there.
The proposal this year was too a highlight- true love, girlhood. Definitely felt the love, and for an all too deserving couple <3
These moments of quiet reflection come less frequently, expecially with baseline "anxiety" and lack of spirituality. Thankful that pondering over money has gotten me here.
Looking forward to a better year next year, with more looking to Jesus rather than the ways of this world.
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Hellooo id like to request matchups for Genshin Impact, MHA and Obey me! One of the brothers for Obey Me and a boi for the other two if thats okay <33
General stuff/Appearance
The names Jade, I'm female (she/her), 17 years old, straight, zodiac is pisces and mbti is intp. Im relatively short (160cm, idk what that is in feet Im European :,)) maybe 5'3??)). My parents are from Turkey but I was born in Austria so somehow I can speak 6 languages now- My skin tone is comparable to toast (lmao its a bit darker then toast but i am pretty pale), I have a diamond shaped head with sharp facial features, my hair is straight and dark brown with lighter variations in certain hair parts. I tie 'em up in a loose ponytail often tho. I let my shorter hair strains at the front do their own thingy, it's more fun xD. Brown eyes, straight nose, thin lips- all that stuff. Body type is hourglass.
One will realize pretty quickly that I am in fact not normal lmao- i'm a bit weird but i'm living for it. I'd describe myself as rather introverted though I'm not shy or timid. I just like to relax and do things my way. I have a lot of pride and discipline as well and I'm very proud of that. I'm also pretty easy to talk to if I do say so myself and laid-back as well. I have a lot of acceptance and tolerance so I am not quick to make unreasonable decisions. I'm also funny apparently (my friend's opinion. Lazy too but we don't talk about that HA-) I can snap pretty spontaneously tho if you push the right buttons. I'm still working on the anger management xD
If you couldn't already tell by my ability to speak a lot of languages I am really interested in them. I love to learn new stuff and expand my knowledge in general- I also LOVE listening to music (my earphones are my bebes) and sometimes drawing is pretty tempting as well. Idk why but designing / decorating is something I tend to enjoy doing even though I don't realize it. Gardening is also a hobby of mine. (Just smaller note because of my dislikes- i have no dislikes in that sense but if id had to settle on one it would be people being late to meetings or events in general, like bro u had one job-)
Just a few more smaller facts- My love language is quality time and I'm not overly experienced when it comes to relationships. I'm also more on the giving end than on the receiving end- I have trouble accepting help and kindness from others but am willing to love the other person unconditionally if I get to initiate the affection. I tend to be drawn to people that are confident and know how to handle any kind of situation.
Thank you in case my request gets accepted <33 bye byeee~
Hi Jade! Oh my goodness six languages! I can only speak English and a tiny bit of Italian. I'm trying to learn Japanese but it's slow going. Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchups!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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You and Diluc are the definition of the straightlaced and weird couple. Diluc doesn't let his hair down a whole lot so having you in his life definitely brings a lot of strange energy that he hasn't had since his childhood.
He wouldn't change that for the world though. He loves listening to you talk about your interests. They're so different from all the wine business he has to deal with on a daily basis so it's a nice break.
Would like it if you sent him song recommendations. He would like to expand his music tastes a bit.
He'll listen to everything you send him and give his comments the next time he sees you.
Diluc loves spending quality time with you. I see his love languages as quality time and physical touch (he's without a doubt touch starved, please give him hugs).
He knows what it's like to feel like you don't deserve affection but he'll try to help you feel better about accepting help and kindness. He's always going to be there for you if you need him.
In My Hero Academia, I match you with...
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Sero is the supportive person you need! He's going to support you unconditionally in everything you do. If he sees you need help but are struggling to ask for it, he'll approach you.
If you decline but he sees that you really wanted to say yes, he'll do little things to help out. Dinner? He's already cooking it, no need to worry. The laundry? He did that an hour ago. You want to go for a walk to clear your head? For sure!
Loves it when you speak in other languages. If you go off the headcannon that Sero speaks Spanish, he'd start replying to anything you say in another language in Spanish. Whether he understands what you've said or not, he's saying something back in Spanish.
Music is something that unites you. Please send him songs you like. He'll send some back!
Makes playlists for you that are combinations of his favourite songs, you favourites, and some that remain him of your relationship. They're his study playlists now.
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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Lucifer definitely knows how to speak a bunch of languages. He's been around for who knows how long. Chances are high he speaks the same languages you do, plus a few.
Loves talking to you in other languages when his brothers are around, especially if he knows they don't speak that language. It feels more intimate (and makes his pride blow up).
Please introduce him to gardening. He would find it relaxing and it's a good break from doing paperwork for days on end.
Also please introduce him to songs that came out a little more recently than the classical music he listens to. I think he'd be a fan of rock ballads and songs with the same vibe as "Line Without a Hook" by Ricky Montgomery.
Enjoys spending quality time with you. He needs a break sometimes and there's nothing quite like having a mid-afternoon nap with someone you care about.
Lucifer likes that you have a point where you will snap. It makes him more comfortable letting you roam around the Devildom. He knows you won't let some random demon walk all over you.
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kaleidodreams · 1 year
2022 Fanfic In Review
Since I did the whole Fanfic Review thing, I'm just going to do one of those year-end questionnaires I usually fill out.
1. List of fics completed this year
Yuri!!! On Ice Welcome To The Family The Language of Music The Morning After In The Closet The Baby Question Everything Changes Hot and Bothered Before The Final Such A Fool Never Too Old Beautiful A Cup Of Good Cheer A New Home
Sailor Moon (Im)perfect Proposal Tell Me A Secret Pinkie Promise Welcome Home Forevermore Adding Some Spice
Plus, Eternal Dream, my still-unposted fic for the Drops of Moonlight anniversary zine.
2. Number of words written: 62,797 which is a bit disappointing since I had like a 100,000 more words last year, but, eh, if you include WIPs and the zine fic that hasn't been posted yet, the number would be bigger.
3. Your most popular fic: I'd say it might as well be a tie between "Welcome To The Family" (100 kudos) and "In The Closet" (99 kudos), but WTTM has six comments to ITC's three, so I guess "Welcome To The Family" is technically the most popular.
4. Your personal fav: "The Baby Question", if I have to choose.
5. Your fav scene: Probably the part in "The Baby Question" when Yuuri and Viktor have just decided to have a baby and are making out on the couch. I just love the little exchange they have where Yuuri reminds Viktor that he can't actually get him pregnant, and Viktor's like, "Don't ruin things with your science and logic!" I'm also rather fond of the dinner scene between Otabek, Yuri, and their toddler son, Lev, in "Never Too Old".
6. A fic or scene that challenged you: Oh, the first version of "Adding Some Spice" was definitely a challenge! I wrote it for the SM Quickies event, and 1,000 words is simply not enough to write an engaging threesome. I did get a chance to expand it later for Sailor Moon Smutember, though, which helped. Also, "A New Home" was the first time I wrote a fic in first person in at least a decade, so I was definitely out of practice!
7. A line of writing you’re proud of: Well, this is more a passage than a line, but this is the part I was talking about in Question #5.
One kiss, of course, inevitably turned into two, then three. By the fourth, Yuuri had fallen on his back against the seat cushions, Viktor's lips journeying down his neck while his warm hands found their way underneath Yuuri's sweatshirt.
"Vitya…what are…you…doing?" Yuuri asked in between increasingly feverish kisses. "I thought…you were…tired?"
"Got a…second wind." Breathing heavily, Viktor propped himself up and grinned mischievously as he looked down at Yuuri beneath him. "Besides, if we're going to have a baby, there's no better time than the present to start trying, right?"
Yuuri laughed. "Didn't we go over this earlier? You can't get me pregnant!"
"Yuuuuuri!" He collapsed on top of Yuuri, burying his face in Yuuri's sweatshirt. "Don't spoil the fun with your science and logic!"
8. A comment that touched you: All of them! (Well, except for the one that called me "manga-toxic" for writing Reinako, and a couple of other troll-y FF.net reviews.)
9. Something that inspired your writing: @soulfulweaver's beautiful Mamotoki fanart was the inspiration behind "Pinkie Promise".
11. Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc): Definitely hosting Sailor Moon Rare Pair Week! It was more successful than I dreamed it would be.
12. Do you have any writing goals for next year?: I'd really like to at least start posting the pre-canon JJBek fic I've been working on for the past couple of years. Also, just write more in general, I guess?
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homonculos · 4 months
sorry to longpost complain. aita at my workplace (i kno im not im j mad)
my boss is so fucking annoying.... i had an informal performance review with him yesterday and here's how it went:
boss: how do you think youre doing?
me: um ok i think? im still getting my feet under me but im enjoying it so far [been abt 2 months since i started]
boss: yea youre doing a great job. so uh what happened w the car break in? [company property was stolen in the process]
[i explain the story; expressly indicate that i want to make it right, including fulfilling a clause in the equipment policy that says the $ to buy new equipment can be taken out of my next paycheck. boss is incredulous; says that is likely not necessary. im relieved.]
boss: so it seems like youre having trouble with [z], so i sent you some ideas.
me: i saw that email, looks great. ill take a look at those in the coming weeks. also, here's a long list of ideas that i got from a different meeting this morning.
boss: oh, looks great. ok. any other questions for me?
me: um not really. i guess i'd ask, do you want me to focus more on X or Y? [the long list of ideas i brought to meeting are all X-related]
boss: uh well i guess both when you can. we haven't had much X lately since i started running this operation, so that's welcome. feel free to work on things i cover as well [his stuff is mostly Y].
me: ok, ill start looking into Y and X things as they come around. another question, is 3 projects/week still an ok productivity level for you?
boss: uh i dont know where you got that idea. 5/week is what we all aim for. that shouldnt be a problem for you since you did 3 projects/day at your last job.
me: oh ok, ill start doing more.
boss: yea i dont know where you got that idea. i help out where i can [meaning he writes a couple 6 sentence paragraphs/week and calls those complete projects] but everyone does 5/week. that shouldnt be a problem for you.
me: its not a problem! i just didnt know. ill start aiming for that.
i turned in a project later that afternoon. the project in question follows a very contentious, months-long event that has disrupted the community our org works with and resulted in two major leadership changes. no response from boss when i notify him.
at 7pm boss replies to me:
[paraphrasing] "i appreciate you researching this and handing in a complete project, but it could have just been a 6 sentence paragraph." [end paraphrase]"
8:45 am this morning, unprompted: (direct quote, excluding brackets for privacy)
"not sure where you heard 3 [projects] a week. Even [colleague 1] does that many and he edits 2 days a week. He sometimes does 5. [colleague 2] and [colleague 3] both do 5-10 [projects] a week. Anyway, since you did 3 [projects] a day at your last job I don't think that should be a problem for you. It's really easy to do a project in 8 hours. In fact most [projects] we do should take half that time. Even long and complicated [projects] shouldn't take longer than 2-3 days."
is it just me or was this not a problem until I BROUGHT IT UP.... like u have every right to be mad at me if i wasnt doing something u wanted me to do. but you have to TELL ME TO DO IT FIRST!!!!
also we already talked about this in person??? why are you repeating yourself and chastising me???
fucking boomers man. this guy retires at the end of the year fortunately but its really annoying to deal with him. it's been problems ever since the beginning too.
and as an addendum, i have a friend who is fighting for their dreams to get into grad school right now, and im so proud and so so so jealous. and they love their job right now too! its renewing their interest in our shared field! im so happy for them but im so bitter that i made a life-changing choice a year ago and its turning out like this. i should journal! i need to journal ack
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yanawildstar · 6 months
Do you Believe in Miracle?
Every person have to love at least one bad partner in their lives to truly thankful for the right one. Before I met my hubby, I do  have quite a handful of exes too.. Hehe.. My rebellious bad girl phase!!!  Mostly they are great guys. I just tend to get bored easily back then and often end up asking for the break up.. I mean, hey I was young and carefree back then k, so don't judge me. At least I'm honest towards them and i don't cheat behind their back. Or worst I'm not using them for my own benefits. I do have a heart k. I do care. But not too much. I'm not 100℅ heartless bitch. Sooo.. After all those bittersweet past, somehow i tend to tell myself i have to change my mindset on relationship sooner or later. Cannot be that free wild girl.. Must think about my future.. Settle down n grow up..
So on early June 2010, when I'm still in a complicated on off relationship with F, I receive a miss call from an unknown number. I msg the no back asking who was this, since I hate talking on the phone with unknown no. It took the person a few hrs to reply, so I just forget abt the miss call. and I'm still continue with F at that point of time. soon things getting from bad to worst on mid July.. F was getting more controlling n his temper is worst. So one of those day I just had enough of his attitude n do what i shd hv done long time ago, call it quit n end the relationship with him for good. Just liddat. No hard feeling tho. Well I have to admit, I do had my "fun" moments with him but I have decided to move on.. I just can't see my future with him.. N I think that what he thinking too. So after that day onwards, remember the miss call guy?! well guess what i finally get to know him! Hehe!
We agree to meet up under my block one day after his work. 😂😂 Up till now I can even still rmbr what he wore on that first day we met! (Plain black tee, blue jean, brown sling bag, brown echo shoe!) It was like a dream come true!!! Its more like love at first sight. Since dat first meet,We talk otp n sms almost every single day!!!Hehe. So one month later, we decided on getting engaged!! Yup yup! I only know this guy for a month n already agreed to get engaged for 2 year! Haha that's how much I trust this man! Crazy idea but hey I trust my gut alright! Deep down I know I'd made the right big choice in my life! He is my Mr Right. N yupyup im glad i made that choice! So Yeah, like any other couple, We do had our ups and downs through the journey of our relationship till our wedding day.(Dec 27' 2012) But we managed to overcome it bit by bit. Every obstacles we facing we solve it together as one team. The main key thing is Trust. So after what we been through, look where we are now!!! Alhamdullilah, We r happily married n living a blessed humble life.. Even after all these years,(coming to 11 years!) being his wife, I sometimes still couldn't believe that I had landed myself such a warm loving perfect sweetheart as my husband. I'm proud to say that my hubby here was living proof that there's still special men out there capable of LOVE! I guess I'm that one blessed, lucky girl, one proud wife!
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
If They Get Married I'd Be Your Uncle
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, flirting, Bruce is frustrated
A/n:So been in a dc mood today and couldn’t get this out of my head i really hope you enjoy it xx
Bruce meets you when you both get called into the school and instantly wants you to himself.
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If They Get Married I'd Be Your Uncle.
You grumbled as you walked up to the pretentious school pissed that it wasn't near any bus routes, cos these type of people don't use that sort of thing. The walk was long and arduous especially after the 10 hour shift you just finished cos some stupid little twat decided he didn't feel like coming in today and called in 'sick' at the last minute even tho you heard his giggling girlfriend in the back ground. Sighing you pulled out your hair tie slapping it up into a neater messy bun as you made your way into the school reception stopping ,you raised an eyebrow at the receptionist as she gave you a side glance pretending not to notice you. You looked up to the ceiling praying for some restraint because you'd had just about as much as you could take today and didn't need the snobby attitude of these people. After a few moments you looked at her.
"Excuse me I'm here to see Mr Koleman I'm running a bit late so could you sign me in?" you said as calm as possible she rolled her eyes.
"Mr Kolman doesnt take personal meetings on the school grounds" she said snidely dismissing you , you growled at the implication.
"I'm Jack Cookes sister you phoned me earlier?"
"oh? you have an appointment?" she said. you grit your teeth.
"Trust me if I didnt I wouldnt be here" she gave you the once over then reached a perfectly manicured hand beside her screen lifiting a clip board
" and your Mrs?" you shook your head
"Miss Cooke with an e" a chuckle and whispers rippled through the office as she checked you in and handing you a visitors pass. You snatched it and made your way down to the hall to a mini reception outside the principles office. As you opened the door you spotted your little brother supporting a bloody nose ,cut cheek and eyebrow. Ignoring everyone you ran across the room stopping before him and his best friend.
"Oh for fuck sake Jack, here let me look" you said tilting his face this way and that you looked beside him swivling on your feet pulling the boys face up.
"Damien are you ok- seriously you to?" you cut yourself off seeing a dark bruise on the boys jaw you tutted rummaging through your bag pulling out a pack of ibuprofen and small bottle of water passing it to them both.
"here take these" stopping as the principles secretary snapped at you.
"Miss! you cannot give medication to other student's god knows what they are!!" you rolled your eyes giving the sleeve of tablets to Jack who then popped out two and gave them to Damien before taking his own.
"Happy?" you quipped at her with an innocent smile then turned to Jack
"Jack please please tell me you still have all your teeth" he smiled showing a full set then looked at Damien who copied. You sighed in relief smoothing both boys hairs then placed a kiss on each of their heads. You continued coddling them unaware of the man behind you watching shocked as damien sat still letting you fuss over him. Bruce didnt know you from adam but damien apparently did
"Was it them again? I told you if your gonna retaliate keep it off campus!" you said kneeling in front of them hand on either boys knee.
"We didn't start it." your brother stated and you believed him , he and Damien get themselves into trouble I mean there a couple of teenage boys there bound to act up but he doesn't just 'verbally disrespect people and attack other students' as the teacher on the phone had put it.
"Ok what happened?" you asked they both looked down Damien spoke up first
"They started calling us names again, kyle tripped and blamed Jack for it getting him told off so i called Kyle out on it then they started calling us names again we told Mrs Hatt and she laughed saying sticks and stones" . Jack continued
"So I called her a drunk fat bitch who was at best a fucking baby sitter, kyle slammed my head into the desk for it cos he's a little ass lick." you sighed as Damien took over
"SoIi punched kyle in the face knocking him on his ass and Clarence hit me and Jack headbutted him then we were pulled apart"
"yeah were did you learn to punch like that? he went down like a sack of shit" Jack asked laughing damien joined him laughing you deadpanned as they high five'd one another.
"Ok guys thats neither here nor there the point is your teacher sat back and watched?" they nodded there teacher seemed to have a problem with your brother due to your social class, he'd been accepted as part of a new law that all private schools must accept a certain number of full scholarship students to give everyone 'an equal opportunity' you'd been complaining to the school about the bullying and the teachers attitude but nothing has been one it seems.
"So you didn't hit them first?" you asked Damien shook his head at you. you believed them they were good kids.
"Good but you know fighting isn't the answer right?" they shook their heads you stood up fully taking a seat beside them.
"Damien thank you for helping him and Jack fuck sake don't you know headbutting hurts you more than the other guy. I'm sorry this is still happening guys but I'm gonna take care of it ok? trust me?" they both nodded at you still looking a little sorry for themselves you swung around in your seat only now seeing Bruce sitting opposite you.
"Bruce Wayne, you must be Jacks sister Y/n was it?" you nodded as his hand devoured your in a hand shake.
"Yep that's me. sorry your boy got dragged into this" he chuckled waving it off
"He will always find trouble at least this time its for sticking up for his friend, im glad to finally have a face to put to the name they talk about you alot" you nodded at that couldn't help your breathing hitch slightly at his smile his eyes seemed to burn into you analyzing you. You flushed slightly under his gaze
"Good things i hope" he nodded at you licking his bottom lip damien sighed you loked away before smirking at Jack.
"You really called her a drunk fat bitch?" he laughed proud of himself
"Yeah, sticks and stone and all that thought id test it" you laughed out loud
"To quick for them huh? I see where your going with it tho smart ass" he smiled sheepishly
"Well it worked for you, had to give you a leg to stand on" you laughed high fiving him . Bruce flinched as the display made you look your age. your relationship with your brother was a strange one. One moment you had to be the 'politically correct parent' the next you could return to being his 'cool older sister', there was 12 years between you but it didn't bother either of you , it wasn't that long ago that you were in school so you understood him. You struck up a conversation with the two boys, Damien had been the only one in the school to get along with Jack and you were thankful that they found each other two peas in a pod and he seemed to be coming round constantly it hadn't taken long before you started mothering him to. They were always together at your house or the manor but youd never met bruce jntill today sure damien had spoke about him, convinced that the two of you would hit it off, you just laughed him off saying it was wishfull thinking, but you couldnt help but wonder as you sat across from the handsom man well aware of his eyes watching your every move. Bruce watched fascinated as you seemed to be on the same level as the boys , if he was honest he was happy to see Damien relaxed around someone. Damien constaly gushed about you to him and he could see why as his eye scanned you up and down taking everything in , you was certainly beautiful petite and slightly heavy set you had a young carefree air about you that still held a nurturing aspect , probably what drew damien to you the boy had never had a motherly type of women around him, hell even he felt drawn to you in more ways then one, he noted as he felt,his blood rush south. It had been a while since any woman had coaxed such a strong reaction from him. He'd never been one for the young domestic type but there was something in him that wanted you. He tried reasoning that it was because of the way you had coddled his son, or maybe it was that he missed that motherly affection himself, but no there was something more then that a deep atraction pulling at him.He could see why Damien had taken a shine to you he'd be lying if he said he hasn't already been thinking of a reason to meet up with you outside of school. It was rare that someone caught him by surprise and you had defiantly caught him by surprise. Clearing his throat he re-position himself on his seat as his boxers became tighter embarrassed and admittedly a bit confused as watching you mother the two teens had begun to arouse him. You looked over to him with concern.
"Are you ok Mr Wayne?" he inwardly groaned at the name and way you looked at him so innocently ,no idea what you were doing .fuck. He forced a charming smile
"Yes just wish they'd hurry up." you sighed pouting slightly
"It seems a bit stupid calling this an emergency then making us wait this long. twats." you snipped crossing your arms across your chest huffing he chuckled hearing the barely held back irritation, imagining just how bratty you could be, and exactly how he could deal with said bratty behaviour a shiver ran down his spine, he sucked through his teeth as his cock twitched at the thought his mind racing to other tempting scenarios of you and him, shaking his head he had to snap himself out of it. The door opened and you were both called in. He watched wide eyed as you rose your demeanor changed completely, gone was a fun loving motherly young woman and there stood a less than impressed mama bear under 5ft tall but walked like a giant. He blinked and staggered in behind you thankful that he opted for a longer blazer that helped cover his 'situation' once in the office you set down in front of Mr Koleman the principle a stout balding man that was king of his own little castle and like to let everyone know it.
Mr Koleman looked at you with distaste then smiled shaking hands with Bruce.
"Ah Mr Wayne good to see you again tho I hoped it was on better terms. Miss Cooke I'm glad you could come down today I wasn't sure you'd make it this time." he said condescendingly you smirked putting on your polite 'adult' voice.
"well I've been trying to get an appointment with you about these issues that I'm sure your fully aware of, however you seem fully booked so I'm glad I finally have the opportunity to straighten a few thing out" he grimaced as he took a seat behind the desk.
" Yes well I am a very busy man." he said
"Yes I noticed that when the receptionist mistook me for a personal visitor." you hear Bruce cough covering a laugh as the principle opened and closed his mouth speechless.
"Any way what was it you wanted to discuss Mr Koleman?" he scowled not used to being shut down by a young women. He leaned forward shuffling papers
"yes well we've been having problems with Jack for a few months as your aware-"
"Yes I'm aware that he is being targeted by his teacher and bullied by other students in the class which is being over looked and in some instances encouraged by the staff at this school. but go on." you interupted him staring at him unblinkingly Bruce gapped before collecting himself sitting back to watch the show the distinct feeling that you were going to rip this man a new arsehole.
"Uh-oh i was not aware of that"
"do not lie to me" you growled 'and here we go' Bruce thought he'd been with enough women to know that all hell was going to break loose as the quiet sweetheart form out side became a little spitfire in the office and couldn't help the a quick fantasy of you being this fiesty for him in his office. You pulled out a small red diary from your bag turning to dates in it.
"On the 4th of March I phoned the school and spoke to a Mrs Hatt to discuss cases of bullying she said that it was being taken care of and that I had no reason to worry. March the 12th Jack came home with bruises on his back caused by the same students they had tied knots in there ties and whiped him with them while getting changed for p.e, I had raised concerns about it nothing was done. I phoned again and once again was fobbed off by Mrs Hatt that there was nothing happening, then Jack comemhome with a sprained wrist, then it was bruised stomach, then a cut forhead and a brokennfinger from them smashing it in a door etcetera these incidents continued and I continued to report them and it was always the same names that popped up, the same three boys. I'd had enough on May 21st I phoned and asked to speak to you instead I got through to a Mrs Hamsten? the vice principle?" you watched as his face became paler and paler as you spoke he nodded. Bruced leant back eyes blown finding himself getting hotter as he watched you tear down the man infront of you.
"Yes and she said that the boys had been put into detention for it which turned out to be a lie another student confirmed that nothing had been done. I then put my issue in writing, I wrote a letter sent by recorded post to you about the issue and received a reply, sighed by you, that you have a no tolorence policy and would look into it, nothing has been done and now you have the audacity to call me up and have me come in here because he finally had enough and stuck up for himself because this little shit split his face open on a desk whilst the teacher watched? tell me Mr Koleman do you still want to pretend you dont know what I'm talking about because I've recored all the calls I've made about this." you tore into him as he shrunk further and further into his seat not prepared for you to come at him so direct. Bruce didnt know what the fuck happened to the sweet little thing he saw outside but what he did know was that was one of the sexist things he'd seen as you asserted yourself beautifully not giving the man time to respond. If it wasn't for Mr Koleman sitting behind the desk he'd already have you spread out on it underneath him. 'Another time'he thought to himself he licked his lips tugging at his trousers again trying to ease the ache in his cock as it strained against its confines.
"Ah yes well, now that I think about it I do remeber a letter" he stumbled over his words you nodded your head
"Yes I'm sure you do. Today was the inevitale blow up." He collected himself looking at Bruce for some sort of back up instead the billionaire scowled at him.
"Be that as it may there is no excuse for calling a teacher a drunk fat bitch." you nodded
"I agree how ever it was for science. Your member of staff who has neglected her duty to keeping my brother safe on school grounds ,has brushed off his bullying useing 'stick and stones' so he decied to test that theory by calling her a drunk fat bitch, turns out names do hurt and caused her to become agitated that she allowed him to have his face smashed into a desk by another student cutting open his eyebrow, cheek and bloody his nose. I dont think she should be able to teach if she cant practice what she preaches and certainly shouldnt be left incharge of children if she is that unstable that she would allow an attack to happen because her feeling were hurt."
"yes well he dragged Mr Waynes son into this-"
"Damien and Jack are friends Damien saw Kyle attack Jack and defended him which is more I can say for the staff at this school. I'm warning you Mr Koleman sort it out before I go to the press. How do you think that would look? when your school board find out that Mr Wanyes son was injured defending his friend when the teacher didn't lift a fucking finger. You wanna go there? cos I fucking will I've had enough." he sat up straighter alarmed, Bruce moaned deep in his chest but watching you was really doing it for him he didnt know why or care in all honesty he just wanted more of you.
"No, no theres no need for that. We can sort this out between us no need for the governors or press. Mr Wayne is there anything you'd like to add." he said trying hard to wrap up this meeting. You looked at Bruce who frankly you forgot was even there he shook his head looking strange, shifting in his chair uncomfortably.
"I think Miss Cooke summed everything up wounderfully, and she has my full support sort out these kids, I know that they have been causing Damien problems name calling getting him in trouble such and he has said the teacher dosn't do anything about it. I wont stand for it any more , if its not sorted out by the end of the week I will bring Miss Cooke with me and we will speak to the school bored in person." You let out a breath you didnt know you was holding relief flooded you as he said this slightly worried that he'd throw you under the bus. He locked eyes with you his pupils were blown wide and he was breathing heavy he winked subtly, you flushed looking back to the man behind the desk as he cleared his throat.
"Right well I will see to it personally and it will be sorted by the end of the week, you both seem to have concerns with Jack and Damien's teacher so as of tomorrow I will have them moved into another class whilst I investigate. I will phone you both up to check in with the boys I'm terribly sorry that it has been left this long." he stood motioning for you both to do the same ending with.
"The boys can leave early today while I deal with this." Bruce opened the door letting you through growling as the principle made a point to oogle your ass as you left, quickly standing between you blocking his veiw of you he glared at the fat prick his message was clear. That hot little spitfire is mine so back off. He stared down at him chest puffed out standing taller and broarder intimidating the little weasel until he looked away. Bruce smirked then left the office slamming the door behind him finding you explaining to the boys what was happening, joining you as they stood up getting there bags .
"you boys go out and wait by the car while we sign out at the front." Bruce instructed they nodded running ahead to the school enterance.
"The car?" you asked looked up at him shyly
"Yes i will give you both a lift" he said leaving no room for argument. You thanked him then spoke quietly looking down trying not to freak out as he stood closer then you thought was neccasary.
"Thank you for sticking up for me in there, I dont usually get like that but you know I get a bit protective." he chuckled at you showing off a brilliant smile
"Its no problem, to be honest I found the whole mama bear thing very sexy your lucky we we'rnt alone" he said winking you blushed
"Wh-what? sh-shut up" you squeeked out he shook his head at you as he put an arm out over you holding the doors to main reception you thanked him queitly skipping through feeling small catching yourself breathing deeper to smell more of his fresh scented cologne.
"No I'm serious any where else and well" he wiggled his brows at you making you giggle
"and the way you are with damien?ive never seen him like that" he asked trailing off
"Yes well he is a sweet kid, he comes over quiet a bit as you know Alfred drops him off and the boys go off doing their thing, just sort of started to mother him a bit sorry" he smirked at you
"Well if I'd known how stunning you were it'd be me dropping him off. And dont apologize I'm not mad just a bit jealous. Tho not for long" he said handing his pass to the snooty receptionist who gave him bedroom eyes before glaring at you for keeping his attention.
"J-jealous? of Damien why?" you stuttered then bit your lip blushing. He groaned the site of it as he throbbed agin nearly cumming as his cock rubbed harshly agains the soft cotton of his boxers, he just couldnt control it. oh he was definatly gonna have you for himself, somehow you turned him into a horny teenager all over again.
"Well he got to have all your attention earlier, hurts a mans pride when his son can capture a beautiful woman's attention and he cant." you looked away from him giving your pass to the secatary who snatched it with a snarl.
"Im hoping you'd show some mercy and come out for lunch with me?" you gasped snapping your gaze at him.
"Wh-what you mean to talk about the school?"
"No as in a date" he explained you froze feeling butterflies in your tummy looking at the gorgeous man.
"Date? now? like right now?" he nodded smirking thoroughly enjoying you being so flustered.
"yes now I dont have anything else planned for today." you gulped when he gave you a heated look you felt like a meal taking a step back
" I'd love to but I have to clean up Jack and-." you began your excuse only for him to cut you short.
"Nonsense he can come to the manor and spend the day with Damien, Alfred is a good nurse he will patch them up." you blinked trying to think of another reason as he stood staring you down at you waiting to for to decide feeling like a deer in the head lights you realized this alpha of a man wasn't going to give you much of a choice.
"O-ok if your sure alfred wouldn't mind watching him." you nodded shyly Bruce gave a triumphant smirk and threw an arm across your shoulders tucking you against him walking to the main doors.
"Alfred wont mind watching the boys." you both walked outside to the boys Damien sighed at his dad before Jack spoke up.
"Told you he was looking at her ass"
"JACK! He was not!" you screeched at him damien laughed and bruce unlocked the range rover
"I thought I was being subtle about it" you gaped at him speechless as he opened the passenger door the boys gagged getting in the back. You got in the car pouting to yourselfand Bruce climbed in.
"Fucking hell I've never seen her speechless, how'd you do that?" Jack said Damien scoffed
"Dad just keep your boner in your pants until were out of the way."
"Yer shes my sister dont need to see her sucking face." You blushed trying to shush the boys
"DAMIEN! He does not have a boner!"
"Uh yer he does look."You tired not to look you really did but it just sort of happend you squeeked covering your mouth faceing forward and jumped as bruce leant over buckling your seat belt whispering in your ear.
"I did tell you the mama bear was sexy" puljng away he spoke to the boys
"Dont worry boys, we will behave until your out of ear shot" You gapped as they cringed with cries of 'ew dad no' and 'come on thats my sister' he laughed at them patting your thigh before pulling out of the school
"So you asked her on a date yet Dad?" Bruce raised and eye brom looking at him in the rear view mirror pulling out onto the main road.
"Well we are dropping you both off at the manor does that answer your question?"
Jack groaned not sure if he likes the idea of his sister dating his best friends dad.
"dont you hurt her Mr Wayne I know where you live" you smiled at that finding it cute him trying to be the protective little man. The drive was quiet for a while before jack piped up.
"Holy shit if they get married I'd be your uncle" you groaned holding you face in your hands bruce only laughed
"Jack its one lunch date jesus"
".....Can I walk you down the isle?"
"What she means is well cross that bridge when we come to it" you stared at Bruce as he smirked enjoying teasing you the boys snickered in the back. You sat back wondering just what you'd gotten youself into.
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gettin-bi-bi-bi · 3 years
I don't think Im alone in this but I've often wondered if I'm really gay or bi but attracted to one gender 95% of the time he time & maybe struggling with internalized biphobia cause fam I genuinely have no idea anymore. I didn't think I had any because I've got other bi ppl and supportive allies around me & haven't really gotten sh!t from ppl I respect. And I've felt pretty proud of being bi & secure in my identity until now so that's what makes me think this might be me questioning for a 1)
2) for a good reason. I know where it comes from, there's a lot of misunderstandings about all the different ways one can be bi, but it kinda sucks that it feels like some ppl go so far in the other direction to where if someone expresses the feeling that they think they might be gay actually the knee jerk response is often to assume they've internalized biphobia whether or not that's true. Sorry if this doesn't make sense I just wanted to share an experience I wonder if itd common.
I know a person who has been out as bisexual for years and who is a journalist in a couple of nation-wide newspapers and Europe's biggest queer magazine. Internalised biphobia is one recurring theme in her articles because, guess what? Even after so many years and being a vocal bi activist she still gets hit by internalised biphobia.
Personally I haven't felt it nagging at me for the past ~5 years but I don't think it's safe to say that it will never get to me again because there is still so much biphobia out there and it can come in so many different shapes and forms, some might not even be invented yet. So if your question is whether people can still experience internalised biphobia after years of feeling secure in their identity then yes, definitely. Unfortunately. Would be much nicer if it didn't exist at all.
Now, whether you are gay or bi with a strong preference....? Only you can decide that. And though people like to push the whole "sexuality isn't a choice narrative" I do believe that on one level it kinda is. You can't choose whom you are attracted to of course but in the sense of which label you want to use that is totally up to you and the lines between gay/lesbian/straight versus bisexual don't have to be totally sharp because sexuality can be fluid - for some people more, for others less. At the end of the day those labels are there to make your life easier, not more difficult. They are supposed to help you communicate something about yourself. Now, what you want to communicate might change over time or depending on context. It's totally fine to go with gay until you meet that one person that makes you go "oh, this is one of the rare cases that make me feel very bi". Likewise it is okay to always call yourself bisexual if you want the world (or potential partners) to know that even though you have a strong preference you are still open for other genders, too.
I'd also like to add that I don't think it is always helpful to try and quantify how much you are attracted to one gender versus another. Many bi people are being faced with this "but what gender do you like more?"-quizzing, as if this was scientifically measurable. This causes many of us to feel like we constantly have to over-analyse our feelings and attractions and trying to keep tabs on how many people of which gender we liked and in what way and if it counts as ~real~ or not yadda yadda... this is also an effect of internalised biphobia and it kind of robs us of the chance to just experience our sexuality freely and let things evolve naturally because we are trapped in a cycle of having to prove our sexuality to ourselves and others.
Bisexual people do not need to be able to hand in a peer-reviewed thesis about their sexuality before they are allowed to enjoy themselves.
That's all just an aside, and of course if you wanna identify as gay then that's great. But if you are attached to the bi-label and wanna keep it but the whole reason for this new "questioning" is simply a spout of over-analysing yourself then here's your permission to say "fuck it all" and stop overthinking it and just taking a deep breath and enjoy being bi.
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justsomefluff · 4 years
OMG I LOVED that reaction you did, and the scenario like thing was really good!! I loved it, thank you!! Can I request another reaction (mini-scenario)? Like ATEEZ confessing to their crush while they (ATEEZ) are drunk? (San said Yeo does aegyo/is cute when drunk I'd like to see this ^^)
This is so cute, I would pay good money to see them tipsy no lie lmao. also this is fluff and crack at the same time so...I hope you like it lmao
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(^ he’d do this during a drunk confession you cant change my mind ^)
Okay so when he’s drunk I feel like he sees himself as being really composed and cool
but in reality... not so much
and, even if he hadn’t been planning on confessing to you
oh boy, his body starts shaking a lil and you’re low-key like... 911?
like his body is telling him to ABORT MISSION but once his drunk brain has made the decision there's no going back
So, in his mind, this is what he’s saying out loud okay
“Y/n, I just wanted to let you know that I have some serious feelings for you. I know you may not feel the same way, but I just needed to tell you.”
Super awesome, everyone wishes to be that composed right?
Well here’s what he really said:
“Listen here, you cute mother-, no I shouldn’t swear at you, my bad. I’m totally in love with you right? Watchu think bout dat?”
and then he’s quiet, and smiling bc he’s proud of himself and you’re just like um????
like that’s not how you imagined this would go
But you also know that he’s gonna be super embarrassed about this in the morning so you just say
“Let’s talk tomorrow, Joongie?”
and he smiles at the nickname and nods and kinda puts his head down
You honestly cant wait to tell him you feel the same when he’s sober
and make fun of him for getting wasted
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so Seonghwa, unlike Joong, is actually pretty composed
like at first, he’s wildin’ and everything
but then he just calms down super fast
like so fast you get whiplash
and he just smiles at you and you’re like “...freak”
then he frowns and he’s like “I like to look at pretty things that make me smile”
“You make me smile too, Hwa” :)
then he just grabs you into a hug and starts swaying you guys side to side
like some awkward and forced middle school slow-dance 
“What are you doing?”
and he shushes you to preserve the moment but you're like “I want answers”
then he finally leans his head down and his lips are brushing the shell of your ear so softly you barely notice
“I think I love you”
he strikes me as the kind of person who wants to confess but also isn’t ever 100% sure he wants to confirm that he loves you so he throws that “I think” in there to cushion the blow if you reject him
but, luckily for him, you do feel the same
you just turn your head ever so slightly to the side and peck his temple
he smiles and rests his head on your shoulder and squeezes your hips before wrapping his arms around you completely
“I kinda need to hear you say it”
“I think I love you too, Hwa”
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okay this big ole baby right
I feel like he’s the kind of drunk who is crazy for a little bit but gets tired really fast
so after like an hour of insanity, his eyes are drooping and you’ve settled on a couch (or seat, wherever your location might be)
and he smooshes his cheek into your thigh and you’re totally aware that he’s gonna fall asleep on you
but you’re cool with that, I mean who wouldn’t be
and after a couple minutes of silence, you think he’s knocked out completely
he suddenly turns his head to look up at you
and you look down at him to ask if he’s okay, or if he needs anything
he just starts laughing and then this IDIOT
pokes your double chin (bc I mean why does he have to look at you from that angle) and goes “How is it that I like you so much, even your double chin is cute?”
part of you is like “omg he likes me” and the other part of you is like “...im gonna slap him. don't talk about my double chin”
so, given your inner turmoil, you're silent for a minute and he starts to pout
“you don’t like my double chin?” and he makes a double chin and grabs your hand to make you poke it
“say you like my double chin too, please”
“Yunho, I like you too... double chin and all” (you had decided that you are not going to slap him after all)
and thats kind of the end of the night bc after that crackhead confession he actually falls asleep
but you are lucky enough that he remembers it all the next morning and it becomes kind of a thing in your relationship to make double chins at each other then say “I love you” 
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drunk Yeosang and aegyo here we go
whiny baby voice and big eyes and pouting all the way
like he’s not so much into doing the cutesy actions like finger hearts and stuff
but refers to himself as “Sangie” and talks about himself in third person too
not necessarily cuddly, but always has to be holding your hand or else he’ll cry
calls you pet names like Jagi and my love and stuff
and at first you’re like aw he’s a cute drunk and tease him a little bit
but then he pouts even harder and murmurs “I'm serious”
you’re like O.O
“you mean it? you really like me, Sangie?”
nods his head furiously like you seriously think he’s gonna get a concussion for about .5 seconds
like okay I get it, you mean it, please stop doing that your head is not a maraca
“I like you too”
cue the biggest, goofiest, toothiest grin you’ve ever seen
makes big ole fishy lips at you, and points at them to ask for a kiss
so you just give him a quick peck, bc you don't really want either of you to be drunk for your first real kiss
but that satisfies him for the time being :)
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Sannie best boy, I cannot stress that enough
the sweetest lil drunk okay
tries to take care of you even though he’s the drunk one
thirsty? he’s gonna get up and get you a glass of whatever you want even if he spills half of it trying to give it to you
hungry? he’ll get you some if you agree to share
so halfway through a tub of ice cream he decides to lay some truth on you okay
“I like my ice cream like I like you”
and you, of course, having seen that meme, respond with “ugly?” and you cackle at your own joke
but he’s so offended
“apologize to yourself and this ice cream”
“wtf? why?”
“because ice cream is the second most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen after you. apologize”
literally holds the tub of ice cream up to your face, and will literally carve a sad face into the ice cream to make you apologize quicker
and when you apologize he eats the sad face and draws a smile
sentimental cheeseball is all he is in that moment okay
“you really think I’m pretty?”
he looks at you like “...duh”
“I think you’re pretty too, Sannie” and he smiles so big :’)
and both of you know that this would be the start of a really happy relationship aww
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I bet Mingi is the cutest drunk okay like if you thought he was a giant puppy before get ready you aint seen nothin yet
and you don't even get a warning before he confesses bc he says it so out of the blue
like his whole plan was to drink some liquid courage iykyk and then he was gonna confess
but he ended up getting a lil more tipsy than originally intended
and he just blurts it out and he’s stuttering and lisping and just struggling to get all the right words out
but you just think it’s super endearing
“Minnie, are you drunk?”
he starts blowing raspberries in the air and starts shaking his head “you think I’m drunk?” 
literally hiccuping after every word lmao
like yes, Mingi, I think you're drunk
still blowing incredulous raspberries all over the place
and you blow one on his cheek and he starts giggling like the baby he is
“why you do that”
“bc I like you too, Minnie! also you were starting to spit and I needed you to stop that”
he giggles and nods at you, just happy that you feel the same way
nuzzles his head into your shoulder and plays with your fingers for the rest of the time youre together
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okay he’s a crackhead already so I don't even think alcohol would be something he’s even offered most of the time lmao
but when he is all hell breaks loose
no subtlety about his confession at all
like he literally screams it at you
he had been paying extra attention to you all night, which you didn't even notice bc you liked him too and never imagined he felt the same
so you’re like he so friendly and clingy when he’s drunk
but five minutes later he’s like “DID YOU KNOW IM IN LOVE WITH YOU”
and you’re so taken aback because
1.) he just screamed in your face
2.) he just screamed that in your face
and then he’s quiet and just staring at you, waiting for a response
you’re so dumbfounded that all you say is “you too”
but thats enough for him
and thats basically the end of the conversation bc he gets easily distracted
you have to remind him the next day that that conversation had even happened actually
and he’s like “oh yeahhhhh”
then you’re able to actually talk about what you both feel and be almost normal for about ten minutes lmao
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since he’s on the quieter side compared to the rest of the group, I think this shows even more when he’s been drinking
but it’s almost concerning how quiet he is
like if you had never seen him drunk before you’d probably be really worried
and that’s exactly what happened
you went to check on him to see why he wasn't joining in the fun and he looks at you, a little teary from the alcohol
or maybe he’s just deep in his feels who knows
we’ve all been there amiright
and he’s like “just like you a lot you know that?’
you’re like “I was most certainly unaware of that, sir”
and he apologizes??? like why???
“I like you too, doofus, why are you sorry”
then he smiles and means it for the first time that whole night
he feels like he could crack all of the apples in the world he’s so happy
side-note: he probably could break all them apples fr
so basically you just made him the happiest apple murderer in the world
he’ll break all the apples for you baby
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