#im thinking maybe he cares too much about to ethan to even try anything with jesse and be super careful around him and going by the show
quin-ns · 1 year
hey ! may i request some fluff with ethan landry where he thinks she’s asleep so he whispers i love you to her but she was actually awake? (can either be established relationship or not) you can decide how she reacts :))
im so glad i found your blog because you write for many of the things that i like and it honestly felt like i hit jackpot seeing your masterlist. feel free to turn down this request/change it up !!hope u are having a good day/night <3
aw well I’m happy you found me! 🫶
writing this as a quick drabble/ficlet bc I like the idea but can’t think of a whole fic lol- enjoy!
Whispers (Ethan Landry x Reader)
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You weren’t going to the party at first, but all of your friends were going and you didn’t wanna feel left out.
Getting drunk wasn’t exactly the plan either. However, you were already getting your ass kicked by classes and you wanted to let loose.
Your friends encouraged you as they did the same, all of you keeping an eye on each other.
Except, you got a bit too far ahead and ended up having to leave your friends Tara and Mindy behind on the dance floor (aka, the frat house living room floor). You ended up on a couch nearby and closed your eyes, trying to zone out and not focus on the headache-inducing music.
Did it have to be so loud?
You felt someone sit down next to you and you heard a familiar voice ask you a question.
“You alright?”
You didn’t have to look to know it was your friend Ethan. You could tell his voice anywhere, the two of you were pretty close. You and Ethan liked a lot of the same stuff and it was easy to talk to him about pretty much anything.
You met him a while ago and coincidentally, his roommate was the brother to your friend Mindy. You all ended up hanging out in a group after realizing that.
“A little too drunk,” you admitted, your head lolling to the side. You opened yours eyes and found him watching you curiously. “And very tired.”
“If you’re tired I can walk you back to your place.”
You made a noise of disapproval.
“It’s so far off campus, I’d rather just sleep here.”
Sinking into the couch felt like a really good idea.
“My dorm isn’t that far,” Ethan suggested with a shy smile. “Chad won’t care and it’s a weekend so you don’t gotta worry about class.”
You did take him up on that offer.
“You’re so sweet,” you told him as the two of you entered his apartment. You laughed to yourself, feeling quite lightheaded. “And cute.”
Ethan smiled at that. “Yeah?”
“Yeah, but it’s a secret, so shhh,” you told him. You had a pretty huge crush on him, but you’d tried to keep it under wraps in order to maintain your friendship. But your words were coming out before you could stop them.
God, you were tired.
“Well, you’re pretty cute too,” Ethan said, then quickly changed topics when you didn’t respond right away. “You can take my bed, I’ll crash in the chair.”
He pointed towards a sad little beat up recliner.
You snorted. “No way, we can share.”
Ethan and Chad didn’t have bunk beds, so it was easy to kick off your shoes and climb into his bed. Another day you might’ve been more graceful, but it looked so comfortable and you couldn’t resist. Ethan did the same, not even changing into pajamas.
The two of you laid side by side and you tried to bite back a smile at the thought of being in bed with Ethan.
You rolled to the side, facing the wall, and closed your eyes. You were insanely exhausted and drunk, and really, really wanted to sleep.
“Goodnight, Ethan,” you mumbled to him. “And thanks for this.”
“You don’t have to thank me,” he responded. There was a moment of silence where you thought he was going to say more, but he didn’t. Instead, he just said, “Goodnight.”
You started to drift off to sleep, getting comfortable. Maybe ten minutes passed and you should’ve been asleep, but you weren’t.
“Are you awake?” Ethan asked softly.
You were right on the edge of falling asleep finally and you knew if you started talking, that would never happen. Whatever he had to say, you two could talk about it tomorrow.
“I guess you are asleep… and now I’m just talking to myself.” Ethan laughed a little and you tried not to smile. “That’s okay, you need sleep. I just wanted to say… I’m glad you trust me and that I can be here for you. I like being your friend, and I—I like you, y’know?”
It was quiet for a long moment. Your breathing remained steady and you thought maybe he’d closed his eyes and drifted off.
Instead, he rolled onto his side and wrapped an arm over your body.
“I really like you, actually. Like I lot… as more than just a friend,” Ethan continued in a whisper. You could feel his heart racing against your back and you tried to not let on that you were awake. “Maybe even love you, but that’s crazy, right? We’re not even dating and I think I’m in love with you…
You really wanted to open your eyes, but you didn’t want to embarrass him. He’d just poured his heart out, it didn’t seem like the right move to surprise him.
“I’ll tell you for real someday, if I can ever get the courage to ask you out.”
You hoped that was a promise that Ethan could keep. You liked him too—a lot—and hopefully that day he’d ask you out would come soon. You really wanted to see how things would go because you had a feeling that you could be in love him too.
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transbibennyweir · 3 years
thinking about how in the last eps ethan was the one to get jesse for help and everyone was like Why Him but ethan really thought jesse would be useful enough to help them out..... maybe i’m forgetting a plot point but why did ethan trust him? if season three happened would it be ethan that thinks maybe jesse could change for the better? like i’m really interested in their character dynamic and how it would evolve after the final esp with what everyone else would think
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Karl Heisenberg x reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: borderline nsfw like I thought real hard about it, weapons, talks of murder, slight spoilers for resident evil 8
Author’s Note: just impulsively wrote this and am posting it promptly after writing so it has not been edited. Besties im down bad about this sarcastic basterd (also if anyone wants a nsfw part 2...i am willing to provide) (or any other requests for him and Alcina, my favorite bi panic people rn)
Summary: You run into Ethan in Castle Dimitrescu on your way back to the factory.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director
(not my gif)
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Ethan Winters genuinely just wanted his daughter back. He was so sick and tired of going through this village in an attempt to save her, running into every possible inconvenience he could find and knowing that he would probably lose fingers fighting them.
Castle Dimitrescu was vast and regal. He might have liked it if he wasn’t running for his and his daughters' lives from the four vampires that lived there.
He was crouched down, holding a gun up as he walked very quietly and carefully throughout the house so as to not alert any of the Dimitrescu daughters. He opened one of the unlocked doors carefully and immediately stopped moving at the sight of someone.
You wore no cloak, to signify that you were a daughter and you were much shorter than the lady of the house. You grabbed one of the lipsticks that Alicna had plenty of and leaned over the vanity to see how it looked on you.
Ethan stood up and held the gun up to your head. You raised an eyebrow, looking at him from the mirror reflection.
“Who are you?” he asked, voice rough. Rougher than his face looked. You put on the lipstick and then rubbed your lips together.
“Do you think this is my color?” He shoved the gun further into your head and you scoffed. “Fine fine. Not one for makeup eh?” You put your hands up and turned around. He let you sit down on the vanity but not without his gun still pointing at your skull. You seemed unphased which would have been weird if Ethan wasn’t incredibly desensitized to everything ever.
“Who are you? Are you one of the vampires? One of the other family members? Who are you?!” You put your hands slowly down on your lap. He let you, but you were testing his patience.
“Not quite.” You gestured to him. “I’m human. Like you. Well not like you, I’m completely human, no mutations or anything done.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he hissed. You waved him off.
“If you hurt me, you will have Karl on your head and I imagine it won’t be pretty. It’s the only way I can get from Castle to Castle unharmed,” you told him.
“You know, fun hat, frizzy hair, has that big hammer thing. Karl.”
“Heisenberg?” You nodded.
“Yes Ethan, I thought you were smarter than this.” Ethan shook his head quickly and then regained focus, his hand holding the gun shaking a bit.
“Where’s Rose?” You shrugged.
“Fuck if I know Ethan Winters. I’m just the person who lives in a factory and becomes a nuisance for each and every Lord.” He jabbed the gun at your head and you didn’t even flinch.
“You’re lying.”
“Truthfully, I am not. If I knew where Rose was I would at least give you a hint, just to make it interesting.”
“What is Heisenberg to you?” he asked. You smiled a bit, crossing your legs.
“I’m Heisenberg's...girlfriend for lack of a better word. Whatever Mia was to you.” His mind flashed back to Mia. He had barely been able to mourn her. He shook the thought out of his head.
“You know how to get out of here and get Rose yes?”
“I know how to get out of here. How to get Rose, I have no idea. We’ve been over this.”
“But Heisenberg knows and if I can bring you to him, he can tell me.” You shook your head gently.
“Ethan sweetie...I could call for Alcina or the girls at any time and they would be in here in seconds to tear you to pieces.”
“Not before I could pull this trigger.”
“Again, if you so much as scratch me, you’ll never breath non metal infused air again.” Ethan shook his head gently and took a deep breath. He grabbed the gun at you again. He was silent and then he lowered it.
“I’ll just be going then,” he muttered, defeated. You nodded pleasantly and stood up from sitting on the vanity. You put the lipstick back on it. You walked forward and put your hand on Ethan’s shoulder. He looked you in the eyes.
“Good luck Ethan Winters.” You started to leave but turned to him. “I do suggest that in order to save your daughter you don’t kill Alicna’s in the process.”
“Any bits of advice then?” You put your hand on the doorknob and turned it, opening it just a tad.
“Grab the masks for the main room. Do you have a map?” He handed it to you, a tattered old piece of paper. You grabbed the lipstick again and marked some places. “Avoid hurting them as much as you can.”
“Why are you helping me?”
“I don’t like Mother Miranda. I don’t trust Mother Miranda. She is the one who has your daughter I’m sure or she must know where she is. But the Dimitrescus and Karl...even Donna for that matter, are people I like and trust.”
You stepped back outside the room.
“If I hear you’ve killed any of the daughters, I’ll tell them what I know of you. If you think the Dimitrescus are scary, just wait until you meet Donna.”
You shut the door in his face. Ethan shivered.
You walked up the stairs to the second floor. You knocked on the door of Alcinas room and she swang it open. She took a sigh of relief.
“Thank God. I thought you were Ethan Winters.”
“You think Ethan would knock before coming in?” She scoffed. You held her the lipstick you were wearing.
“Where did you find that?”
“Downstairs where I ran into Ethan,” you said honestly. Her eyes went wide and her lips pursed in annoyance.
“Did you see the girls?”
“No but I’m sure one of them ran into him as he left the room. He was only there a couple of minutes ago, it shouldn't be that hard to find him.” She walked past you without saying goodbye. You huffed. “You’re welcome!”
You made it back to the factory in just a couple of minutes. You had gotten so used to the walk that you were on autopilot the whole time before you were back to your room. Karl was already there, clearly taking a quick break before returning to his never ending work day.
“Where did you go?!” he asked, walking up to you from the bathroom. He put his hand on your arm and you grabbed his glasses which were hanging from his shirt. He had shed the jacket and hat, clearly about to shower.
“Relax, I was just at Alcinas castle,” you told him gently. He let out an annoyed exaggerated sigh that you knew all too well.
“How is my sister?” he asked. You took the lipstick out of your pocket. Alcina hadn’t actually taken it in her fit of rage to go and get Ethan. Now you had something extra for your own personal vanity back at the factory.
“Shy of one more lipstick.” You walked past him into the bathroom. He followed you as you placed it carefully on your vanity. You admired it for a second with a smile on your face. You wrapped an arm around yourself and turned back to him. You hoisted yourself onto the bathroom counter. “I ran into Ethan Winters.”
His face, which had been admiring your new addition to the vanity which was full of stolen things and things he had acquired for you, turned sour. Karl put his hand on your arm and raised it, checking your side and arm for injuries.
“I told you not to leave the room until he was caught,” he grumbled. He was trying to act like he hadn’t been worried about you from the second he realized you were gone. He was trying to ignore the fact that he himself almost stomped to each of the Lord’s castles to make sure you were alright. He didn’t want you to run into Ethan Winters, that was his worst nightmare. Ethan didn’t have any regard for you. Ethan just wanted Rose. “Are you hurt?” You shook your head.
“No. He asked me if I knew where Rose was and held a gun to my head but in the end we parted ways peacefully.”
“You could have brought him back here,” he muttered.
“I told Alcina where he was. I figured she could take care of him. You already had your shot.” He rolled his eyes and his grip on your arm tightened.
“You could have been seriously hurt. The Lord’s won’t hurt you but Mother Miranda might, Ethan might have.” You brought your free hand up to his cheek and leaned forward so your lips were just barely brushing over his.
“I can take care of myself.” He pressed a harsh kiss against your lips and made a low groaning noise. He let go of your arm to grab your leg and part them so that he could stand between your thighs. He dipped his head to kiss you and you pressed your body against him, feeling every inch of his breathing.
There was a harsh rasp at the door and he pulled away. You grabbed his neck and shook his head, kissing his jaw and peppering kisses down his neck.
“Come on, Mother Miranda doesn’t need you that bad,” you whispered. You pressed a long kiss to his jaw again and he had to physically tear himself away, however much it pained him.
“She might,” he grumbled. You held him until he moved too far away for you to. You groaned and put your head against the wall beside the mirror.
“Maybe I should go and find Ethan Winters again to finish the job. I mean he may only have eight fingers but he’s stayed alive this long and-” He grabbed your arm that was waving around as you spoke and looked you dead in the eyes.
“I will finish the job. You just sit tight kitten.” You kissed his knuckles and then let him go.
“Better be quick Karl. I get very restless very easily.”
He put on his hat and coat (the opposite of either of you wanted in the moment) and slammed the door in frustration against Mother Miranda behind him.
You took a deep breath and hoped he wouldn’t be gone too long.
NSFW Part 2
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hey can you write something about ethan torchio? please im begging anything at all 😩😩
𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧
𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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i think it's quite obvious that you would be the one who steal his clothes uwu
but not just in the ordinary way, like if you're that lazy in the morning, you try to slip on his jeans too, not caring that his size is much bigger than yours –tucking up the ends of the jeans, using a belt and voilá! here's the most literaly 'boyfriend' jeans.
you don't trouble yourself even when one of your family member, or one of the band members come over in the morning or on a lazy day, asking yourself "what? it's just little bit bigger clothes, and they smell extra good, so what's the point anyway."
the only one pieces of clothes you don't wear is his shoes )): they're really bigger than your little, tender feets, looks like when a daughter wears her mother's shoes. you try to walk in them only in your home, it's like a boat for you, and the platforms lift you up really well –you make stories on instagram while having fun.
stealing his socks! socks socks socks, men's socks are much more fluffier than women's, and you can tuck your sweats' in them. or even ethan tucks them into the socks in the morning, when he pulls your leg into his lap on your windy balcony in vienna. you even switch and combine them, wearing a black and a maroon, or a white with a pastel green with white stripes on with. please buy him colorful, funny socks or elegant ones, he's gonna love them !!
turtlenecks and corduroy jackets, checkered and solid blazers are a thing in the cold seasons –wearing your lover's warm clothes assures you much more warmth, did you know? combined with his, white or black long socks, mary janes or simply vans shoes can be really stylish i think, but chelsea boots are wonderful the same
on the other side, ethan wears every of your hair accessories, they can be bobby pins, pastel-coloured or simple clasps with white beads, hairbands, crunchies or simple black rubber rings –trust me, they're the same cool stuffs if they're yours.
i canon that either of you buy earrings just to share with the other, wearing a pair from it so even if ethan is on the other half of the world, you can be sure that he never taking it off until the two of you together again *sobs*
if you like to decorate your clothes with patches or simple embroideries, make him little arts too!! he absolutely shows off one of your works he wears during a concert or a party. plus, if he touches the art when you're apart from him, he feels like the two of you touch through time and space *double sobs sobs*
a/n: that's for this canon, sorry fo being short, but adding unnecessary words to one canon makes me stressed :c i hope you liked it <3 maybe i'm gonna make a headcanon with maneskin members with an artist!s/o, would like the idea? thank for liking or sharing if you do uwu
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Consequenses // Thomas Raggi
words // 1590
warnings // smut ahead hehe and not even a full smut, just a snippet honestly
pairing // Thomas Raggi x F!Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. ok please let me know on the taglist link if you have asked me to tag you and i havent right now... I lost some of the user names so yeah im so sorry 🥺
request // yes
summary // Reader has been breaking Thomas’ rules by teasing him for days. Thomas eventually is fed up and shows Reader what happens when you disobey.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @bidet-and-legolas @atremendousstrawberrycollection @otaculo @selenophiliaxx
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Music, throbbing lights and booze was the way Thomas and his partner decided to spend his weekend off. An average gathering made to feel like a party amongst the closest friends of the band and everyone’s partners. Of course the guitarist couldn’t resist bringing his lover along. He had not seen her in a while, traveling around and working on new music had made the relationship hard for the two of them, things only becoming harder when they started being unsatisfied with their more intimate relationship. The longing did not help much, instead it brought anger and anxiety, both resulting in ruining both of their moods.
The suggestion came from Y/N in the afternoon after Thomas took a break. They were sitting on the couch watching some tv show neither cared for, slowly trying to relax and potentially do more than sitting on the couch. The thought had occurred a few days ago, while the man was still not there, when his lover was maybe watching a bit of an erotic movie. “Maybe we should… switch,” was all she said. No explanation, no details, nothing.
Not much convincing was needed so here they were. Y/N being dominant was finding it a little hard to just sit there and listen. Thus the dom turned into a brat, choosing to tease the man during their first night together.
It was rather simple to get Thomas all riled up this fine night. They happened to have a small fight before the party (a disagreement over minimal things truly) so they were both in a very tense mood while at the party. Thomas was on the one side of the yard, talking with some of his friends, while Y/N was on the other, revealing clothing and lingerie (with certain movements it was visible to the man - and anyone else that paid attention, but not many did). The man was unable to take his eyes off his partner. See, she knew that the result would be pretty good.
“Keep this up and the result will not be very nice for you, amore,” he whispered in her ear when he finally approached her. His hand right above her ass, face too close for comfort.
“I am not sure I want to stop,” said Y/N, an evil smirk decorating her face. Her hips moved side to side, making sure the man could see. Back on her plotting she was.
At first things went smoothly: a bit of seductive dancing, a bit of drinking… The casual. But soon that would change as well. Ethan was sitting on a pool chair, joking about Y/N’s dancing, having a playful back and forth with each other until Y/N sat on his lap. It was nothing unusual for the two, it had happened plenty of times before, but both Thomas and her knew that this time was different.
By now Thomas is fuming. If he was in a cartoon his face would have gone comically red, smoke coming out his face in an exaggerated way. The cigarette and drink in his hand did little to help restrain him. For that, he downed the rest of his drink in an instant, smashing his cigarette on an ashtray and moving to his friends and partner. “Sorry to cut your fun short,” he smiled, trying to keep it together, “but me and Y/N need to go. Honestly, I’m feeling very tired,” he finished, taking Y/N’s hand in his and pulling her up and towards him.
Their friends did not say much, but rather voiced their goodbyes allowing the pair to leave the party.
Getting in the car was now the easy task, but one of them was dreading it. She knew that this would be so fun, but she was undeniably afraid of what could potentially happen that night. “What do you think you have been doing, dolcezza?” He all but growled, roughly turning her face towards his with his hand.
“Me? Nothing. I was just trying to have fun with my friends.” Oh, the innocent act. If Thomas wasn’t hot and bothered (more of the later) already, he certainly was now.
“I don't think so, baby. I think you have been very very naughty. I think you need a punishment.” His tone was playful but his eyes told a different story. Y/N was in for a long night, and they were still in the car. Thomas’ hands had already begun to travel all around his lover, faces dangerously close. And like that the vigorous kissing started.
“You shouldn't have acted like that tonight, amore,” he commented before he started driving back to their shared apartment. The ride was quiet but the tension and anticipation was loud as hell.
Patience was out the window the moment Y/N opened the door to their home. Thomas pushed her to the wall, attacking her neck with kisses. “I warned you enough times, my love, now it’s time for actions,” he commented, hand slowly traveling up to her neck, lightly squeezing, blocking the blood flow lightly making her lightheaded but so much more desperate for him. “Turn around and put your hands on the wall - just like that, good girl! Now, ass perked up.”
She was very well aware of what was about to happen and saying that she did not want it would be a lie. She was rather used to serving spankings to the man whenever he disrespected her - rather lenient - rules, taking such an adrenaline rush every time, but oh did she get a rush now, too. Thomas was getting more and more confident by the minute, Y/N getting rather aroused from it.
Thus she obeyed his demands, pushing her ass back, all there for him to do what he wanted. Thomas quickly got to work moving up her tiny little skirt to have her exposed to his will. Her ass looked amazing in that white lace thong she wore, making the man undeniably hard. “You know what you’re doing, don’t you? You planned for this to happen-” slap, “you knew I would not be able to hold back, didn’t you, puppy?” slap. “Answer me!”
“Yes, daddy,” Y/N responded very timidly, slightly flinching every time he struck her cheeks.
“Good, good. Now count for me, and you will thank me for each slap.”
“One. Thank you, daddy,” she began with his rhythm getting quicker and his force bigger by each slap of his palm. They reached around twenty five before Thomas decided on his next move. He said nothing but roughly turned Y/N around, pulling her towards their shared bedroom, lightly. After closing the door behind him - more out of habit than any actual practical reason- he pushed her to the bed, legs automatically falling open as he stared with lust in his eyes.
“Just sit there and do nothing,” he ordered, “no touching, or there will be consequences.” He did not go far after that, he only undressed and picked up the condoms and the lube, just making sure that she was entirely ready (not that he truly needed it at the moment - just a safety precaution) and knelt in front of his lover.
“Mhm,” he moaned, “you are looking delicious, but I’m not sure you can handle it. Maybe we should do this anoth-”
“No, no! Please, I can handle it! I can handle anything! Please, please!” she exclaimed, or more so whined, making Thomas smirk like a cheshire cat and proceeding with his actions.
“Anything, you say? Hm, we’ll see about that.” Oh boy was she about to regret those words.
His tongue started to tease her immediately as he finished his sentence. It was small short licks and little pecks on her clit, featherly but was agonizing in this case. The pace was slow, timid, really, all in an attempt to show his love in the most painful way possible. Her eyes were shut tightly, mouth hung open releasing heavenly (or rather sinful) noises - a pleasing confirmation of Thomas’ plan working perfectly. Y/N’s back was arched up as her head hung behind, chest bouncing in the attempt to gain more pleasure by Thomas.
“Thommy, please,” she whined, earning a slap on her thigh.
“You are being ungrateful, amore. I shouldn’t be giving you any pleasure at all. You’ll take what you can.” The lack of contact for the few seconds he spoke was enough to cause another fit of whines, but his breath on her heat made far worse ‘damage’.
He wasted no time moving up and away from his disheveled lover, moving to the dresser. Y/N simply sat there, mouth falling open, but this time due to confusion. It was clear that frustration had already started to pick up. Thomas on the other hand was enjoying the situation fully, finding it rather entertaining how he could make her melt so easily.
“Thommy. Come back,” she uttered in her usual dominating tone. Nothing. “Thomas, come back here-”
“What did you just say to me, puppy?” If he was pissed before, now he was livid, and it was clear as day. If this were some weird cartoon his eyes would’ve glowed red - a thought that did not help Y/N’s pleasurable fear. His hand had swiftly reached Y/N’s neck, not tightening up, yet making his stance threatening. “I think you have forgotten how things are going on around here, my love. You are not on the lead right now. I am. And you will pay for that.”
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pjisskullourful · 2 years
are you still writing that au professor!ethan? 👀✨
ps. loved the Ethan/reader/Thomas threesome bestie, thx for feeding us such good smut
thanks somuch bestie❣️ im really really happy to hea r you liked dare me cos im super happy with how it came together, i think its fire, its another one of those when i finished writing it i was like 'this is proper måneskin shit, this is so måneskin'. i wish it got some more lovin
tbh i havent touched that fic in ages of professor ethan then into a rendezvous with bad girl vic, trading that body around like currency. thats one i would need some freetime to get into the groove with& really make some progress on
but hey, preview ot what i've got thus far?
🍎teachers pet
You and your professor had lost track of the time because you had gotten overzealous with all the questions you had regarding his career being a conservation advisor for the biggest companies throughout Europe - that was the cover story you had, in case you ran into anyone or aroused curiosity during these late hours. That was how it had started, your enthusiasm for your major had led you to asking the professor so many questions, the classroom emptied out and silent around you as you sat, nodding along to everything Ethan said. He had been thrown off this flow when his phone had started ringing, he had offered to walk you to your car, which was parked on the opposite side of the expansive campus. Then another day had been spent with him as he asked about your career goals, he had so much advice and could offer to put in a good word with all the connections he had.
You were in awe of him, his lectures the highlight of your weeks at university. By the time you had realised he was hitting on you, there was no doubt in your mind that this was an opportunity you had to take. Not only was he completely brilliant, he was also the sexiest member of faculty - a fact that faced no opposition or critiques.
Now you found yourself visiting with him a minimum of twice a week, sending secret messages that had nothing to do with the curriculum. You would sneak into his office - the door locked as you sat beneath his desk, your head between his thighs while he read essays. You had been very careful and cautious, not wanting anything to spoil what you had with him.
Today was another confidential meeting in his office, you were eager to see him - he hadn't been far from your mind all day, even though watching him lecture hadn't been in your schedule for the day. He stayed in your mind constantly, thoughts of his body and his sounds lingering like cigarette smoke. You hadn't once turned down an opportunity to spend time with him, sometimes getting in your car to drive to him within the first few seconds after receiving his message.
You weren't sitting on the floor this time, he had placed you in his lap as he sat at his desk. He praised you for how quickly you had arrived, telling you he needed to send off a few more emails before he could properly lavish his attention upon you. You sat with your back pressed to his chest, not reading what was on his computer screen, instead just enjoying the feeling of his hands lazily running over your body, undoing the occasional button as he went.
"You're a good girl." He admired, moving your hair off of one shoulder and stroking his nose against the side of your warm neck. "A needier girl would try to distract me, would be impatient and maybe even demanding." He wrapped one of his strong arms around your middle. "But not you, 'cause you're such a good…" You felt his lips on your skin and your eyes fluttered shut. "Such a well-behaved girl."
"Only for you, Mr Torchio."
His mouth opened, a new feeling of heat on your flesh as his tongue skimmed across your throat. His arm around you tightened, allowing you to feel more of the impressive muscles that his clothes were too good at disguising.
He had a variety of different pet names that he would call you. But you did your best to only address him by this professional title during your moments of passion. When you had first called him Mr Torchio he'd had an instant reaction and it was as if you had stumbled upon a secret code word.
He had been screwing you differently ever since. He viewed this as your ultimate consent - he held his hand at your throat for longer, he worked more orgasms out of you, he spanked you harder. It was a sure shot at changing the tone into something more intense.
"Turn around." He said.
You readjusted yourself, facing him and feeling that stirring in your pussy when you saw that look on his face. It was the look that told you he already had a whole host of things he wanted to do to you. It was the look that told you he was prepared to do whatever it took to get you off. It was the look that told you that your knees would soon be trembling, your toes curling. It was the look that told you he was ready for every expletive you would huff out.
He pushed your button-down shirt off of your shoulders and you worked your arms free, so that you could instantly wrap them around him. He hesitated, seeming to notice for the first time that your bra was missing. He smiled as his eyes moved appreciatively over your bare skin. "Maybe you are a little impatient, hm?"
"I prefer to think of it as efficient."
He put his lips to your throat, these kisses lingering as his hands caressed over your back. You couldn’t help but put your hand into his long hair, twirling some strands around your fingers, feeling that dreamy, tingly quality that came to you whenever you received his attention. It was a rush of adrenaline every single time, it was a buzz greater than any night of boozing. You rocked into him, pressing your bare chest flush to his shirt, which was already unbuttoned down to the last three buttons.
His mouth moved lower, kisses ghosting over your skin until he was at your breasts. First, it was his tongue gliding over your nipple, before his lips were securely placed around the stiff peak, making your thighs tense as they rested on either side of his hips.
"Mm, Mr Torchio…"
His hands stopped simply feeling across your skin, now they locked onto one place, grasping your back firmly. You rocked your hips forward again, the hardness hidden in his pants was becoming more noticeable. He pressed his teeth to your nipple before sucking it into his mouth.
With trembling hands, you lifted up the skirt you were wearing, bringing the tight material up into a bunch around your waist. Your panties were already damp as you grinded against him. You worked your hips in a slow, thorough circle, wanting so desperately to fuse your body with his. He sucked on you with more force, his fingers digging into your skin. You ran your hands down his chest, feeling the heat of his skin even through his shirt.
He released your nipple, a breathy moan coming from his mouth as he did so. "Get those fuckin' panties off."
"Yes Mr Torchio." You clumsily got to your feet, tugging the lacy panties down off of your hips. At the same time, he was opening one of his desk drawers - the second from the bottom, it was the drawer you knew best. This was where he kept the condoms and, if the mood dictated, this was where he would have you drop your underwear (he got a great deal of pleasure from the idea of you driving home without any panties).
He removed his pants and shed his shirt. You held your underwear hooked over your finger, instead of dropping it to the ground as you had with your shirt. You looked at him and he nodded, answering the question that hadn't been vocalised. You dropped the lingerie into the draw and he knocked it shut with his knee. Maybe you would get them back before you left his office tonight, maybe you wouldn't.
He licked his lips, watching as you approached again. You resumed your spot on his lap, moving closer than before, seeing how dark his eyes had become. The way he looked at you was daunting, it suggested to you that you had no idea what he had in store for you, you didn't know how he wanted to ruin you tonight and it made you tremble. You were so exposed, so utterly defenseless to his desires and it only made you want him more.
With his hands on both sides of your face, he brought you in for a crushing kiss. You felt the arousal slithering all over your flesh, making your muscles tighten. You welcomed his tongue into your mouth with a moan, slumping against him.
You felt his cock pressing against you, a noticeable presence at the inside of your thigh. Your need for him was like a tickle at the back of your throat - it kept stealing your attention, demanding to be satisfied.
"Baby…" He breathed, your pussy clenching as he ran a hand down your back. "Fuck yourself." His fingers splayed out, grasping at your skin. "Put me inside of you and fuck yourself senseless on me."
You quivered in anticipation. "Yes Mr Torchio."
He graced your lips with a few more kisses, letting you briefly taste him. But he wasn't going to be distracted, he loved to watch, his eyes ready to see every reaction as they all played across your face.
You looked down, to where his latex-covered cock was awaiting you - in all of its mouth-watering hardness. You placed one hand to it, beginning with a loose grip at the tip. You saw his chest expand and his hand held to your back tighter.
You ran your hand down his shaft, exploring the sensitive twitches as he responded to your touch. You drew your hand up, then pushed down to the base. You continued this process four more times, letting your mind skip ahead. The sounds that came from him made you feel weak.
He put his hands to either side of your face, dark eyes studying every detail. His gaze was so intimidating, so complete as you tensed your thighs to lift yourself up. You positioned yourself forward, running his shaft across your moistened slit. His lips parted, his breathing becoming heavier as you tilted, bringing his tip to your entrance. You were already fluttering, so full of giddy quivers as you began to sink down, covering his dick with your wet heat.
Your head slumped, stunned by the stretch that he brought to your cunt. His hand moved to prop your chin up and you opened your mouth, taking his thumb between your lips. His other hand went to your hip, steadying you and keeping you here, so that he could push higher, pushing more of his length into you.
You were breathless, but you kept your lips fixed around his thumb, prioritising his pleasure over the need for air in your lungs. You held to his wide shoulders, taking a moment to be overwhelmed, giving your body the time to adjust to having him inside of you.
Stars danced behind your eyelids as you felt him kissing across your neck, those soft lips working over your skin. His hands moved all over your body, warming you. When he placed a hand to your ass, squeezing you, your pleasure spiked, your pussy clenching eagerly. You could feel just how much he was throbbing when he rocked forward. It brought a new tremble through your body and had you instantly wanting more, emboldening you to move through the weakness he could inflict upon you.
You started to roll your hips, letting the pressure build within you and he started to suck on your skin, not enough to leave a mark, but enough to make you swing into him with a greater force. You rushed to gain the correct momentum, to get him hitting into your sweet spot.
“Good girl.” He huffed as he raised his hips to meet your every movement. “Yes, good girl.”
A choked sob fell from your lips when he returned his teasing mouth to your nipple. Your hips stuttered, your tempo ruined briefly. You tensed, then relaxed, with giddy tingles radiating through your nerves - spreading from your nipple, to your pussy, racing to the areas that he wasn’t devoting his attention to.
His strong hand massaged at your back, your skin so tender in response to his touch. He never failed to make you feel so small, but entirely secure, with every single part of your body taken care of.
He was letting you set the pace, letting you decide how much you could take. His body meeting yours in this yearning with each roll of your hips spreading it further.
The hunger started to take over, driving you into him with more power, spending less time on the recovery between thrusts. You could feel his lips hold on your nipple losing its consistency, you heard his breathing getting shallower and it encouraged you to pump into him faster again.
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hi, do you think you could do another blurb for ethan? maybe something nsfw? like, a party hookup? im thinkin about fratboy!ethan 👁👄👁
(wc: 5.5k) pls im always thinking about fratboy ethan :,) but yes i can do this 100 % ! this ask prompted something deep in me and i ended up making a playlist to go with it as well 🤧here’s the link to that if ur interested https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4yXuVtAKBHexm5ifE9NQ2B ! A L S O i’m sorry this took forever to get to ,,,, life has been a lot recently lol . reblogs are always appreciated ! <3
AYO LOOK AT THESE ! : smut (obvious but still) , sex while under the influence (with explicit consent given) , softdom! ethan , marajuana use , alcohol use , unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it , plz) , swearing , college au , an unus annus reference if u look close enough , and i believe thats it . enjoy ! xoxoxoxo , starlight .
a little party never killed nobody
it was the exact same as every other college party you’d ever been to. shitty music, shittier alcohol, shittiest people- except for him. 
when ethan nestor had invited you to a frat party, you’d laughed in his face. you knew that he was a member of data data data, but he wasn’t the type that made it his whole personality. as far as you’d observed, he wasn’t the partying type, either, but there he was, texting you the house address.
“so you’ll come tonight? it’s going to be a pretty big thing- a lot of people coming. you should be able to walk right in, but if anyone gives you shit just tell them you’re with me,” he said, a slight smirk playing on his lips. you and ethan hadn’t been talking for long; technically, you hadn’t even known that he’d existed two weeks ago. 
when ethan had first sauntered up to you in physical sciences, that same smirk painting his face, you’d picked up on the underlying chemistry right away. he was a flirt by nature, but he seemed to play it up even more around you- the brunette boy had asked for your number the first day you met, and you’d been talking almost constantly since. he was funny and sweet and extremely charismatic, and he made your heart flip in your chest with the smallest glance. the two of you hadn’t hung out alone yet, so this party felt like a big deal.
or, at least, that's what you’d thought.
when you showed up at the front door of the frat house loud, bass-filled music was already shaking the window panes in their frames, and you could hear what sounded like a hundred different voices all talking over each other. ethan hadn’t been kidding when he said that it was a big party; at least half of your year was here, plus the older and younger students interspersed throughout the throngs of people as well. as you made your way to the kitchen, ethan was nowhere to be found. you felt as if all eyes were on you as you started to pour a drink, and dimly, you wondered if people could tell that you didn’t belong.
however, most of your anxious thoughts had been subdued after the first solo cup of vodka lemonade, and you were now well through your second. the music pounding throughout the house felt as if it had infiltrated your veins, filling them with a warm, buzzing sensation that loosened your limbs. at some point, a guy had come up to chat with you. then another. you weren't sure how many times you’d given out your snapchat tonight, but it had been a lot, and you were about to do it again. 
the guy you were currently talking to introduced himself as danny. he was some sort of business major, much like every other guy that you’d spoken with tonight, and was very clearly trying to hit on you. even through the alcohol-induced haze, you remembered who you came here for and you weren't leaving without him. you put a hand on danny’s shoulder, effectively cutting him off in the middle of his sentence.
“hey, do you know where ethan is? ethan nestor, i mean? he’s the one who invited me here.”
danny looked disappointed, but seemed to shift and slot puzzle pieces together in his head, snapping his fingers. “you're the girl he invited? that makes so much sense, actually. yeah, he’s out back- toking up, probably,” he explained, gesturing towards a door you would’ve never noticed. “out there and down the stairs. need an escort?”
you almost denied his advances but spotted an old fling loitering by the hidden door. giving danny a tight smile, you drained the rest of your drink and held up a finger. “one sec! stay here.”
butterflies flooded every inch of your being as you stumbled over to the makeshift bar, pouting a variety of liquors into your cup. you were going to see ethan outside of class. on his turf. something about it shook you to your core, but you couldn’t quite figure out why. 
sure, ethan was hot- that was obvious. but he’d been flirty, too. were the two of you a thing? if you weren’t, why had he been talking to danny about 'the girl he was inviting’? clearly, ethan had been talking about you, you just weren't sure of the context. you tried to swallow all these fears as you topped off your cup with lemonade, taking a small sip. trying not to spit it out, you added more juice; you’d made the strongest mixture you could think of, and it tasted like some sort of poison. that didn’t stop you from taking another small sip, then a bigger one. you needed the buzz.
“okay! let's go.”
danny led you out the door and down the stairs with no issue, and you quickly realized how tipsy you were - the stairs seemed to bob and warp under your feet, and you grabbed onto the handrail with a death grip. he noticed this easily, laughing a bit. “are you good?”
“great. it's the heels and alcohol- they don't mix well.” you laughed at yourself, regretting the chunky, heeled boots you’d thrown on.
“you can ditch them, if you want. we’re going out onto a deck, so you won't be in grass or anything,” danny explained, pointing to a pile of shoes by the door you were about to exit. you weren't going to argue with that, thankful that you’d chosen cute socks as you wrestled the footwear off and tossed it onto the pile. your stomach flipped as danny opened the door, cool night air biting into your warm skin, waking you up a bit. the sourish-sweet scent of marijuana flooded the small stairwell, and danny chuckled. “told you he was smoking.”
nothing could’ve prepared you for the way you felt watching ethan take a long drag off of some sort of pen, letting the vapor pour from his lips in pale blue plumes. something about the easy way the smoke seemed to float from his mouth went straight to your center, and you dug your nails into your palms, trying to get yourself under control. ethan finally realized that more people had joined the small crowd on the bench, and his heavy-lidded eyes seemed to light up as they roamed all over you lazily. this only furthered the sensation between your legs, the coils starting to tighten in your lower stomach. 
what the hell?
“y/n, you made it,” ethan said, a smile taking over his face. he quickly hopped down from where he’d been sitting on the guardrail and made his way over, wrapping an arm dangerously low around your waist. he hugged you tightly, making your heartbeat stutter as you squeezed him back.
you mumbled a ‘hello’ into his neck as ethan let his touch linger, your body held tightly to his. someone cleared their throat, conversation starting back up, and ethan reluctantly pulled away, dropping his eyes to yours. he kept a hand on the small of your back, sending electricity running up and down your spine. “having fun?”
you could barely talk as you forced yourself to respond. “yeah, lots. you’re a hard person to find.”
ethan grinned again, letting his head fall back as he laughed. “my bad. i thought you would text me when you got here. found someone to take care of you , though?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow. the facial expression did absolutely nothing for the situation building up under your skirt- only worsening your want for the tall boy in front of you. 
ethan smirked, dropping his lips to your ear. “that's what i like to hear. you look pretty, y/n.”
the way he said your name practically undid you, ripping your self-control apart at the already weakened seams. you let a hand wander up and down one of ethan’s sculpted arms, outlining the planes of muscle through his hoodie as you crossed your legs; sure, it was the ladylike thing to do, but you were desperately looking for some sort of friction, anything to lessen the need for him.
“thank you.”
ethan nodded, the hand that had been perched on your back sliding over your hip before finding your hand. he laced his fingers into yours, and you were shocked at how forward he was being. the two of you had flirted heavily- and okay, maybe you’d sent some suggestive pictures back and forth- but ethan seemed to be claiming you as he led you over to the round table where all his friends were sat. again, you carved half-moons into your palms with your nails as you added up all the chairs- there wasn’t enough. you began to let go of ethan’s hand, ready to boost yourself onto the railing, but he gave your fingers a gentle squeeze. you watched as ethan settled into the overstuffed outdoor chair, gesturing at his lap.
you took a brief moment to admire the mess you’d gotten yourself into before you gingerly sat on ethan’s lap, trying to make yourself as small and weightless as humanly possible. that didn’t last long, though. ethan circled an arm over your hips, pulling you onto his lap firmly. you couldn’t breathe as you settled into him, crossing your legs tightly. your lower body was tucked away, hidden under the table, but still. you tucked a small portion of fabric between your thighs, ensuring nothing would slip. 
you didn’t say much as ethan continued to conversate with his friends, passing the silvery, skinny device around the table. 
soon, the talk turned from school and classes to typical, stuttering stoner laughing; everyone besides ethan and danny seemed to be a complete lightweight, gone after one hit of the cartridge. however, both the boys were on at least their fourth hit and still seemed relatively composed. they’d started to talk about some sort of economic study, and you’d quickly grown bored and confused. after sitting through 10 more minutes of the terminology you didn't understand, you began to wiggle around on ethan’s lap, loosening his grip on you. 
at the same moment, you and ethan both shifted in just the right way, causing one of his legs to end up between both of yours just as your hips rolled forward. delicious friction flooded your system, and you bit down hard on your lower lip, trying to stifle a moan. you fought with everything in you not to rock your body again, sensation overwhelming your impulse control. before you could do anything, one of ethan’s large hands found your hips, squeezing just enough to leave fingerprint-shaped marks on your skin. ethan knew what he’d done- you could hear the satisfaction threaded through his voice.
“you okay? what d’you need?”
you tried to steady your voice, painfully conscious of the people around you. while most of ethan’s friends were high enough that they wouldn’t notice, you knew that danny would pick up on any changes in your demeanor. you swallowed hard before answering him.
“i'm gonna go get another drink.” another gentle squeeze practically lit your skin on fire, and ethan held the pen up to you. 
“wanna try this instead?”
you weren’t going to lie- you’d been a bit jealous of the boys, not even thinking of passing the device to you. with shaky hands, you reached to accept the cartridge, but ethan had different plans. a sinful look found its way into his slitted eyes as ethan held the pen up to your lips. “go ahead.”
you could’ve passed out from the command, the look, the way that he’d started to bounce his leg. it was as if he was trying to break you- like he wanted you to give him some sort of sign that you wanted him. you did, more than anything. desire seemed to curl its way into every inch, every cell of your body, its spurs digging into your skin. 
you met ethan’s eyes deliberately as you accepted the cold metal into your mouth, inhaling deeply. you took immense pleasure in the look that crossed ethans face as you pulled away with lungs full of the hazy drug. you held your breath for as long as possible before letting the vapor drift from your lips, just as ethan and done earlier. you watched his adam's apple bob as he swallowed hard, his eyes snapping off of yours and over to danny.
“i’m gonna take y/n to get a drink. watch them, will you?” he asked, gesturing to the rest of his friends. danny just nodded, mumbling a low ‘have fun’ as ethan practically lifted you off of his lap. adrenaline coursed through each and every one of your veins and ethan laced his fingers through yours, leading you inside. 
ethan barely let the door shut before his hands were on your hips, pinning you to the wall of the small stairwell. his lips met yours roughly, and you couldn’t hold back the whimper that had been building in your throat for the past hour. you felt ethan smirk at the soft noise before he bit at your lower lip, dragging the soft flesh between his teeth. again, you let out a whine full of pleasure- he just felt so good. you let your arms circle ethans neck, one of your hands knotting in his dark hair. you pulled at the roots gently as ethan’s tongue rolled against yours, your body entirely succumbing to him.
he forced himself to pull off of your body, and you let out a small whine; you’d been waiting on this. ethan smirked, his laugh coming out dark and much raspier than usual. “don’t worry doll, i'm not done with you yet. just can't have you here.”
the words went right through you, only adding to the ache between your thighs. ethan took your hand with a profound gentleness, and dropped a soft kiss on your forehead. “before this even starts, are you sure?” 
you nodded eagerly, getting up on your tiptoes to recapture his lips, but ethan pulled back. you furrowed your eyebrows at the tall boy, confused- until he brought a hand up to your face, holding your jaw. ethan tilted your head up, forcing you to meet his eyes. “i need words, baby. are you positive? i can-”
“so sure. i promise.” you nodded at him, your eyes never leaving his. “i want you.”
ethan swore under his breath and kissed you hard before leading you up the stairs. you started to feel the effects of the drug as ethan took you from kitchen to living room, up some stairs… you lost track of all the places you’d been, allowing the weed to cloud everything in a gauzy veil. you felt good; light and somehow heavy at the same time, and you enjoyed the way that everything seemed to slow down. finally, ethan opened a door and pulled you in behind him. you realised where you were- his room. it smelled like ethan, like citrus and musk and something you could only describe as boy. 
you let out a small giggle as ethan reached for a remote, colored lights dousing the room in a sultry red glow. “setting the mood?”
quickly, you were shut up in the best possible way. ethan kissed your roughly, all teeth and tongue and hands everywhere as he backed you against one of his walls. you let yourself get lost in him, basking in the warmth of your hunger for him. one of ethan’s cold hands made its way under your shirt, the other holding your jaw in place as he bit into your bottom lip once again, making you whine. 
“feel good?” ethan asked, breathlessly. you could hear the smirk in his voice, but you couldn’t help the way your back arched at the simple question. your nails dug into his shoulder as ethan slid his thumb under the band of your bra, and he let out a rough moan, managing to undo the clasp with one hand. ethan pulled away from you long enough to rid you of your shirt, discarding your bra on the floor as well while you practically ripped his hoodie off, desperate to feel his skin against your own. he clearly wanted the same, judging by the way he wrapped an arm around your back, pulling you flesh against his chest. 
ethan managed to capture both of your wrists in one of his hands, pinning them above your head. you were unfamiliar with the feeling of being restrained, but the sensation seemed to send your heart thrumming even faster. he kissed you until your lips were sore and your knees were weak before finally dropping his forehead to yours. ethan took his chance, letting his eyes roam all over you and you watched his pupils grow larger until his eyes were practically black. “jesus fuck, y/n. you’re beautiful.”
your voice came out high and breathy as you responded. “ ‘could say the same about you.” you were practically panting, your body no longer responding to your mind as your back arched. ethan let out a hard breath. 
“do you know what you do to me?”
your eyes fluttered shut as ethan’s lips met the sensitive skin of your neck, his tongue exploring the delicate flesh. he quickly found your weak spot and focused his attention there; he let his teeth gently sink into your skin, making you gasp before using his soft tongue to soothe the spot. he repeated this process all over your neck, sucking on your flesh when he found a sweet spot. you knew that you’d be covered in purple-blue bruises, but you’d wear them proudly- that was ethan’s motivation for marking you up.
ethan trailed soft, wet kisses all the way down your neck to your collarbones, groaning at the way you pushed your chest toward him. he hesitated, but started kissing back up your neck, your jaw, back up to your lips. he released his grip on your wrist and you quickly cupped his face in your hands, kissing him with everything in you. you wanted the boy to feel the way you wanted him, and you knew he could as his lips seemed to slow, the kisses getting deeper and deeper. you lost yourself completely in ethan, unsure of where he started and you ended. you could feel his heartbeat against your own, the two thumping rapidly, almost erratic.
the two of you stayed pressed up against each other, your back firmly against the wall for a while, until ethan finally pressed a soft kiss to your cheek. “bed?”
you nodded eagerly, wanting the boy all over you. the two of you stumbled, half kissing over to the mattress, falling together. ethan quickly situated himself on top of your body, caging you in between his arms. he began kissing down your body at a torturously slow pace, tracing the dark marks he’d already left with his soft tongue, driving you insane. ethan took his time working down to your breasts, finally taking one of your sensitive nubs into his mouth. you let out an almost guttural moan at the sensation, pleasure overwhelming your senses. ethan hummed at your reaction, only intensifying the feeling. you tangled a hand in his hair, the other digging into his back, leaving long, red scratches on his pale skin. 
ethan swirled his tongue around your bud, taking extreme pride in the way you let your head fall back against the mattress, moans of his name spilling from your lips. he tucked an arm under the arch of your back, pulling your body even closer to him- he didn’t want any space dividing the two of you. ethan pulled off of your puffy nipple with a soft moan, wasting no time in kissing over your chest, pulling the other into his mouth. he covered your chest in dark, deep bruises, admiring his work under the sensual glow of the red lights. “so pretty..”
you couldn’t form full sentences to respond with, just broken moans and pleads and tugs on his hair. ethan found it endearing, the way you wanted him so badly. he couldn’t help but give you what you needed.
he kisses hastily down your body leaving small lovebites here and there on your ribs, your stomach. ethan hooked his thumbs in the waistband of your skirt and pressed a kiss to the exposed skin right above the fabric. “this okay?”
“yes, i- please,” you pleaded, lifting your hips to make it easier. ethan got rid of the piece of clothing, discarding it on his bedroom floor, quickly followed by your panties. he let out a throaty moan, his eyes working over you lazily, like he had all the time in the world. he admired your body until you wriggled underneath him, needing some sort of stimulation. 
“what do you want, baby?”
“you,” you whined, desperation weaving through your voice. ethan pressed gentle, warm kisses on your hip bones, fighting a laugh. 
“i know that. what specifically?”
“fuck, ethan. anything, just touch me. please.”
“okay, okay. and you're positive this is alright?”
“yes. i’m so sure. i swe-” your words died in the back of your throat as ethan pressed his thumb to your clit, rubbing small, soft circles. “holy fuck.”
“already so worked up,” ethan mumbled, pressing kisses to your inner thighs. “this because of me?”
you were taken aback by the way your high seemed to multiply the pleasure by tens of thousands- ethan was barely touching you and you could feel your high approaching quickly. you couldn’t find the words to answer him as ethan shifted between your legs, giving himself a better view of your sex. “does that feel okay?”
a stream of swears left your lips as ethan quickened his pace, hooking one of your legs over his shoulder. “so fucking good, just like that.” the knots in your stomach continued to tighten as you balled the sheets in your fist, tugging at his hair with the other hand.
ethan pressed a kiss dangerously low on your hip, looking up at you. “can i?”
your hips bucked at the tone of his voice, and you nodded vigorously. ethan kept his eyes on yours as he ran his tongue through your folds, lapping your arousal up. he couldn’t help but groan at the taste of you, the way you pulled at his hair, putting his mouth where you wanted it before letting your head fall back onto his bed. ethan started to suck at your sensitive bud, rolling his tongue over the bundle of nerves and you knew you wouldn’t last much longer.
“i- fuck- i’m close.”
he hummed, the vibrations sending you over the edge. your eyes rolled back into your head while you tugged at his hair, your orgasm completely undoing you- the high only added to the sensation, making it that much better. your hips bucked under the skillful work of his soft tongue as ethan let you ride out your high on his face. 
ethan dropped a gentle kiss on your clit before peppering your entire body with them, giggling at the way you squealed. he finally attached his lips to your neck, your jaw, back to your lips. you kissed him hard, tasting yourself off of him. finally, when your exhaustion won out you pulled away, running your hands through ethan’s fluffy hair. 
“how was that?”
you propped yourself up on your elbows, pecking ethan’s lips. “so, so good,” you mewled between heavy breaths. ethan bit down on his lower lip and smiled, pride filling his system. 
“god, you look good moaning my name. you're beautiful, you know,” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. ethan looked at you with a tenderness in his eyes, placing another kiss on your lips. “think you can go again?”
ethan started trailing down your body again, not waiting for an answer. he was laser focused on pleasuring you, making you whine and whimper for him- only for him. before he could get far, though, you were grabbing at his arm and shaking your head. he flushed, peeling away from you while starting to profusely apologize, but you pressed a finger to his lips. 
“want you. inside of me,” you explained between pants, still exhausted from the first round of stimulation. ethan threw his head back, swearing. 
“jesus christ, y/n. need me that bad, baby?”
his choice of words drowned you in desire, and you were all his. “yes. please, ethan?”
he wanted to fuck you until all you could do was moan his name just like that, over and over again. before you could process what was happening ethan had his hands all over you, roaming your body as he practically drooled at the sight before him: your already fucked out body, the sweet look painting your face, begging for him. ethan could barely control himself, his words coming out as rough murmurs.
“protection? i mean, i have it.”
you bit at your lip, hard. you were on birth control, and you wanted him- all of him.
shaking your head, you explained. “birth control. we’ll be fine, if you’re comfortable.”
you jumped as ethan moved a finger to your entrance, dipping into your sex. he groaned at the way you clenched around the appendage, his cock jumping in his boxers. “want my cum inside you?”
“yes- fuck, ethan, please,” you begged, reduced to nothing. all you wanted; all you needed was him inside you, ruining your body until you couldn’t take anymore pleasure. 
“so tight,” he mumbled, lining another finger up. you bucked your hips, the sensitivity almost too much as he stretched you out, watching the way your face contorted under his influence. ethan placed a large hand low on your abdomen, applying light pressure. “if you can’t take this, you won’t be able to take me.”
you nodded, pace almost desperate for him to continue. “feels good baby. so good.”
you took note of the pleased expression that stretched over ethan’s face as you praised the boy- you were just telling the truth, but clearly he liked to hear what a good job he was doing. ethan brought his thumb up to your clit, rubbing tight circles on the bundle of nerves and you grabbed at his wrist, nails digging into skin. 
“gonna make me cum again,” you warned, but ethan only smiled at you, nodding almost condescendingly.
“wanna finish on my fingers, pretty girl?”
you wanted to say no, wait to come undone around him, but his movements felt too good. you dug your nails into his arm even harder, your other hand clawing into ethan’s soft sheets as the knots in your stomach came undone, your walls contracting around his fingers tight enough to make him moan. 
ethan let his pace slow, extending your orgasm as you practically rode his hand, crying out in absolute euphoria as he increased pressure on your clit.  unable to form words, you released your grasp on the boy’s arm, bringing your hand up to his face instead. you pulled ethan’s lips down to meet yours, whining at the feeling of his clothed cock grinding against your center.
ethan couldn’t take it anymore, quickly ridding himself of the soft sweatpants. you watched as his manhood sprung up, hitting his abdomen; the sight in and of itself enough to make you let out another bliss-filled noise. ethan let his eyes fall to yours as he stroked himself, shuddering at the heavenly friction. again, his voice came out low as he lined himself up with you.
far beyond words, you nodded and laced your fingers through his. 
ethan returned your grasp with a sweet squeeze, gliding the tip of his cock through your folds- coating himself in your arousal. the two of you moaned in sync; a sweet, satisfied sort of harmony. finally, ethan pushed into you slowly, gasping at the feeling. you couldn’t help the way your eyes rolled back into your head, the feeling of him inside you almost too much. 
“you okay?”
“so good,” you breathed, trying not to yelp at the feeling spreading through your lower body. ethan was well endowed- the biggest you’d ever taken- and it was an addictive sort of pain. he moved slowly, stopping a few times; allowing you to adjust around his length. when he’d bottomed out, ethan let his head fall back, groans escaping his throat.
“so fucking tiny,” he gasped, a groan cutting his statement off. “feel so good around me, gorgeous.”
you nodded at him, trying your best to meet ethan’s eyes as you praised the boy. “so fucking big- you feel so good,” you whined, your hips bucking. “want you so bad.”
a breathless laugh escaped ethan’s lungs as he maneuvered a hand behind one of your thighs, lifting your leg to hook over his shoulder. he pushed even deeper into you and black spots began to crowd the sides of your vision, the pleasure overwhelming. slowly, ethan started to pull out of you, eliciting filthy words and moans from you before he slid his length back in. 
“fucking hell, y/n. so tight,” he said, voice tipping up into a whimper at the end. he quickened his pace, the noise of sleeping skin filling the room. you could barely contain yourself, no longer fighting the stream of murmurs and swears leaving your lips as ethan continued to pump in and out of you. your next orgasm was already building, the coils tightening rapidly in your lower belly.
ethan let his hand wander down to your sensitive bud, almost coming undone at the sight of your eyes fluttering shut. you traced up his forearm, scraping at his sweet skin before knotting your fingers in his hair, tugging at the roots. 
“eyes open, baby. look at me.”
you could’ve cum then and there, the instructions only turning you on further. you forced your eyes open, meeting his as ethan sped up again. an almost animalistic noise left your throat as ethan thrusted into you roughly- you weren’t going to be able to hang on much longer. ethan felt the way your walls were clenching around him, fluttering and tightening as he increased his speed on your clit.
“close?” he asked, unable to say much more than that. your grip around him was euphoric- he was closer than he’d like to be. it hadn’t been more than 20 minutes, but with the way you were pulling at his head, almost crying in completely bliss, ethan wanted to fill you to the brim with his cum then fuck it into your sensitive pussy, overstimulating the sweet flesh.
you nodded, humming a small “mhm,” as you looked at him with wide eyes. ethan paused for a moment, shifting your leg up even higher onto his shoulder before plunging back into you. you felt the head of his cock hit a new, even more delicious spot and you became almost delirious. looking at him with furrowed eyebrows, you felt a tear crawl down your cheek.
“gonna cum, ethan-”
“fuck- me too. let go, baby.”
your entire body seemed to shake and shudder under the force of your orgasm- it hit you like a fucking train. you felt ethan’s thrusts get sloppier as he buried himself inside you, his head dropping to the crook of your neck. he whimpered as he shot his cum deep into your pussy, the sensation all consuming. the two of you stayed like that for a while- riding out your highs with each other, rough moans turned to honey-sweet mewls. 
as your heart rate started to come down, you peppered the boy's face with soft, careless kisses: ones that he gladly returned. ethan finally found your lips, pressing tender, long kisses to the swollen skin. 
“you’re a fucking god,” you murmured, stressing the word as ethan’s face flushed even hotter than it already had been.
“that,” he huffed, breathing still hard and uneven, “would be you.”
you giggled at the statement, your voice hitching as ethan slowly pulled out of you. you could feel a mixture of him and you spill out, the substance flowing over your things as ethan kissed down your body, taking in the sight between your legs. 
“so pretty, baby,” he whispered, sinking a long finger into your pussy. your whole body spasmed at the feeling, completely overstimulated. ethan pulled out of you softly, watching the way his cum seemed to spill out of you endlessly. he placed small, delicate kisses to the marks he’d left covering your thighs, admiring his work. “can i keep you here for the night?” he asked, eyes turning affectionate.
you nodded at the boy as he came back up to meet your lips, then your forehead. as you settled onto his chest, drawing lazy patterns on his skin, ethan's voice seemed to return to normal.
“such a good girl.”
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houseof-harry · 4 years
Fuck You Too | G.D.
Part 2 of Hate You Too
A/N - surprise! why im posting so late, I couldn’t tell you but here we are. im so excited to share this part w y'all, and im currently obsessed with this whole story line at this point. pls lmk what you guys think!!!!! (and @vintagedolan​ is an amazing gifer and I will be using her gifs on everything I post but we knew I loved her from the start and anyways)
Word Count - 5.3k
Warnings - some nasty, some angst, nothing new
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Kacey described it as a glow.
You hated that, because that made everything seem warm and magical and nice. That’s not what you were feeling, despite the new pep in your step.
But how were you supposed to tell Kacey you’d slept with her boyfriend’s twin that you despised and now you couldn’t stop thinking about it?
The worst part was everything was almost back to normal the next day. He was making rude comments, you were rolling your eyes, and you were flipping each other off by the time dinner came around all over again. But something felt a little different to you. The way his eyes shined a bit brighter when you caught him giving you a death glare, the way you thought about your late night activities with him whenever he flashed you his middle finger, a whole new meaning associated with the action.
You hated that he was giving you these new feelings. So you decided to hate him even more for it.
Luckily, since your mini vacation you’d been able to avoid seeing Grayson. And you thought you’d be able to continue that streak tonight. You and your friends were headed to your favorite bar for tequila tuesday. You didn’t typically participate in something that sounded like an excuse for a frat to throw down during the week, but between your constant thoughts of Grayson and your stress from heading back to work, you were in need of a midweek drink. Or ten.
So you got on your best top, your cutest jeans, your hottest shoes, and you made sure your hair and makeup were both perfect. Tonight was about distracting, about your “glow” becoming sweat from dancing with your friends, and maybe even having an actual excuse as to why you were less uptight because Kacey was getting way too suspicious for your liking.
When you first got there, your spirits were high. Your friends were quick to get some tequila in you, and before you knew it you had that warm feeling all over your body. You had hope, you were feeling good and loose, ready to forget everything that had been haunting you for almost two weeks.
But then the Dolans walked through the doors, and it was almost like you had this 6th sense they were there because the second Grayson was inside, your eyes met. You quickly moved your gaze elsewhere, anger already flowing through your veins alongside the alcohol that was continuing to fog your brain by the minute.
You hear Kacey greet Ethan excitedly, and turn your head to see her almost tackle him down. It makes you giggle to yourself because as much as you had wanted to hate them at first, they were cute as fuck. They almost made you want a relationship of your own. Almost.
“Already drunk?” The deep, and now familiar voice of Grayson comes from behind you, already way too close for comfort.
A scowl makes its way onto your face as you turn around, finding him almost directly behind you. You have to look up at him to see his face, and he looks plenty amused with how much he’s already gotten under your skin.
“Maybe. Does it matter to you?”
He shrugs casually, looking around and smiling at the rest of your friends before looking back down at you. “Not at all. Just something I’d expect from you.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes and pushing at his chest so you can step away from him. “Mind your fucking business, Dolan. I don’t even know why you’d come to a bar when you know you’re not gonna drink.”
“Oh, so I’m not welcome to hang out with you guys? That’s kind of mean, Y/N. Does alcohol make you mean?”
The teasing tone of his voice is only adding to your quickly building frustration as you take a large sip of your drink. “You haven’t seen mean from me yet.”
Before he gets a chance to respond, you walk over to Mila, a more than annoyed look on your face.
“Fuck that kid,” you mumble, finishing off the rest of your drink in a few gulps.
She laughs, shaking her head at you. “Easy there, tiger. You’ve already had four shots and two of those. You wanna be able to walk out of here by the end of the night?”
You roll your eyes, putting your empty cup on the table. “Fine, mom.”
“Damn, he’s been here for less than five minutes and you’re already a bitch,” she laughs, her eyes going to Grayson for a moment to watch him talk to Jas before she looks back at you.
“Can you blame me? He’s unbearable,” you whine, a pout on your lips. You feel a bit childish, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to care. Grayson was a nuisance. A nuisance with a big dick. But definitely a nuisance.
“I think you’re literally the only one who feels that way,” she responds, her eyes clearly raking up and down his body, and you turn to do the same. The tight black long sleeve shirt defines his muscles quite nicely, and his jeans follow the curve of his ass.
You shake your head to bring you out of your trance, knowing yourself too well. Tequila made you horny, and you refused for him to be the one you wanted to spend the night with.
“He’s shallow, condescending, and straight up rude. I don’t get how any of you even like him.”
“You’re the only one he seems to be like that too, though. I wonder why.” Mila grabs her chin, tapping her lips as she tries to think of a reason.
You can’t help the anger that bubbles right back to the surface at her statement, though. That’s all everyone tells you. He’s so nice, and cares about others, and he makes people laugh and is a good time overall. It’s just you that he isn’t nice to. And they love to remind you every time he comes up in conversation, which is more often than you find necessary. They seem to literally swoon over him. You wonder if he’s fucked them too, and that’s how he has a hold over all of them. Maybe he thought it was what would make you like him more, but it didn’t fucking work and you despised how much of a cocky ass he was about fucking you.
So you do what you do best, and find the most attractive man you can. It’s almost laughable how much he looked like Grayson. He was about 6 foot, dark hair, beard, tattoos all over his legs, defined muscles, almost a Grayson look a like. But not quite. And fortunately enough for you, he was easy to woo because he was dragging you out of the bar not even an hour later to bring you back to his place. You hoped he was a distraction enough, finally no Grayson in site to continue to ruin any type of fun you were determined to have.
You were grateful that your friends so regularly opened their homes to you. It led to many nights spent at their pools, in their living rooms, cooking in their kitchens, that all created new amazing memories for you to remember forever.
And that’s what you guys were all doing tonight. You were at Mila’s pool, floating around with everyone and going over your weeks to catch up. That’s when Mila asked about the guy you went home with, and you decided now was your moment to finally brag about the man from the bar. He didn’t make you cum as hard as Grayson did, but he got the job done and you’ll be damned if you don’t let everyone know.
To be honest, when Grayson heard you talking, for a moment he couldn’t even blame you for fucking the guy and being so proud about it. But then he remembered it was you talking, and he instantly felt his blood pressure rise.
“His hands were just so...big. And his hand print was bruised on me literally until this morning.”
All the girls around you giggle, ignoring Grayson's looming presence as he wafted in the water closer and closer, trying to seem as casual as possible with his back turned to you all.
“Oh my god and the way he just manhandled me, he picked me up without even batting an eye. It was fucking amazing.”
“Ugh, you’re really out here living the dream,” Mila sighs out, a pout adorning her lips.
“For real, Y/N, you gotta give us all the tips,” Jas adds, a knowing smirk on her face. You roll your eyes before looking at the other girls again.
Before you can respond with anything, Ethan is announcing dinner and the girls are dispersing. You decide to float around for a few minutes alone, wanting the space before you’re back at the dinner table with everyone.
“So he’s got nice hands?”
You jump and cover your mouth, fear shooting through your body for a moment as you turn to see Grayson in the water with you.
“Jesus fucking christ you dick. How long have you been stalking me?”
He rolls his eyes, sinking into the water so that just his neck and head are above it. “It’s a small ass pool, I’m not stalking you.”
You huff, looking over to see all of your friends starting to get their food and sit around the table that’s blocked by the fire pit. You could see them, but they could barely see you. “Aren’t you going to eat or some shit?”
“Aren’t you?”
“God you’re annoying.” You decide to move and float on your back, closing your eyes so you can do your best to ignore him.
“Bet he didn’t make you cum as hard as I did.”
You groan, clenching your fists as heated anger shoots through you. Of course he’s right, but he shouldn’t know it. “You’re such a fucking boy. Not everything is a damn competition. But, if it was, he won.”
For a minute you’re met with silence, and you think maybe he’s actually going to leave you alone.
“Oh my god,” you sigh, shifting your body to be upright again. You’re met with his smug face, muscles bulging as his skin drips with water from the pool. For a second you think about how he definitely looks better than the other guy would dripping wet like that, but you shut it down real fast. “First, you need to put your ego in check. This may come as a shock to you, but you’re not some god on earth. Second, stop talking about this shit while our friends are here. They don’t need to know shit happened.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I definitely don’t want them knowing I slept with the fake ass princess of town. I’m just saying it’s a shame you think you’ll ever get better dick than mine.”
“You are such a fucking asshole. Like a grade A, picture perfect image of an asshole.” You start to swim to the edge, over his antics. Your patience for him is thin to start, and he’s pushed your buttons enough for you to need another two weeks of not seeing his stupid face. You reach for the deck, getting ready to pull yourself out when you feel two large hands grip your waist, forcing you to stay shoulder deep in the water. You couldn’t stand here, but he could.
“Running away from your problems, like always?” His voice is right in your ear and you’re sure if you shift your head just a tiny bit you’d feel his lips there as well.
“So you finally admit you’re a problem?”
He chuckles softly, his thumbs rubbing circles into your hips. “Maybe. But you’re not much better.”
You cock your head to move farther from his, almost as if you’re considering his words. “Maybe,” you mock him, your muscles tensing as one of his hands slowly moves to the front of your bathing suit. His fingers dip in, quickly finding your clit and getting to work. You hate that your body naturally responds as you relax like putty in his grip, your legs spreading. “But at least I don’t have to trap random girls in a pool with me to reassure my fat fucking ego.”
He bites his lip, temporarily ignoring your words and he continues to circle your clit. He listens to your quiet whimpers as you do what you can to stay silent, both for the sake of not feeding further into his pride and to keep your activities a secret.
Soon your chest is rising and falling quickly and you’re grateful you’re in a pool because there would be no other way to explain the drips of sweat on your hairline. You can feel the fire in the pit of your stomach slowly growing, spreading throughout your entire body.
“Interesting you think you’re a random girl,” he mumbles into your ear before removing himself completely from you.
You gasp, quickly coming back to reality as your orgasm fades into the past, watching him pull himself out of the pool next to you. It should honestly be illegal how good his back looked when doing that.
He looks down at you, annoying ass smirk and all with his hands on his hips as he watches you try to process everything that just happened. “Going to eat. Or some shit.”
And with that he leaves you alone in the pool, cheeks flushed, pussy clenching and a whole lot to think about.
“You’ve got the new dick glow girl, I’m telling you.”
“Oh jesus, Kace. It’s not even 9 in the morning,” you huff, sitting across from her at your table, breakfast in hand.
“You have been happier lately,” Ethan chimes in as he watches you begin to eat the vegan french toast he claims will change your world.
You take a bite, shaking your head. “That’s not a thing, and even if it were I don’t have it. Haven’t had dick in a week.”
Although that’s technically true, your mind can’t help but go to the pool from a few days ago. There was no dick involved, but it definitely made you flush a bit. There was definitely no glow, though. If anything it was from embarrassment that you let Grayson touch you again. Or, that’s what you tell yourself, at least.
“Well you’re acting like you’re getting dick every night. Was it so good you masturbate thinking about it every night?”
“Oh jesus christ.”
Ethan turns bright red as Kacey laughs and you rub your face in your hands. Her accusations aren’t wrong, but telling her would mean telling them that Grayson was the one haunting you while you laid awake, chasing sleep but his body, his hands, his everything wouldn’t leave you alone until you did something about it.
“Oh my god, is it the feelings glow? Do you like the guy?” Kacey continues to laugh, wiggling her eyebrows as you make a face of disgust.
“Absolutely not. I don’t want to date anyone right now, and I don’t know anyone who I’d be willing to give up my single life for. Ethan,” you turn to him pointing your fork at him. “Good luck, she’s fucking crazy today.” You stand, grabbing your plate and walking towards your room. “Now I need to get ready, so stop talking about my fucking glow that doesn’t exist.”
The couple wait a few moments to hear your music blasting before Kacey turned to Ethan.
“God, she’s got it for someone. Think it’s the guy from the bar?” She wonders aloud, watching Ethan inhale what’s left of the french toast he served himself.
He shrugs. “Dunno. What exactly is the ‘new dick glow’?”
“It’s when a girl starts getting dicked down, but like actually dicked down, not just by a guy who has a ten second stroke game. Whoever the guy is definitely fucked her right, because Y/N never gets the new dick glow. She hasn’t made a joke about guys not knowing where the clit is for almost three weeks, which might be a record.”
Ethan scoffs, looking down the hall and then back at Kacey. “I know where the clit is.”
Kacey laughs, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “I know, baby. That’s why I’m dating you. You gave me the new dick glow.”
He smirks, crossing his arm over his chest. “Fuck yeah I did.”
“But that’s why I wanna know who it is, because Y/N deserves to be happy with someone who makes her happy. The only reason she got defensive was because I’m right.”
Ethan nods in agreement, thinking to himself for a moment.
“Is there a guy equivalent to the new dick glow?”
“Well, any guy who likes dick can get the new dick glow.”
“No, I mean like would I have gotten a new pussy glow when we started fucking?”
Kacey sits back in her chair, running her tongue over her teeth as she thinks before shrugging. “I mean I guess. Any pussy to a guy is good pussy for the most part, though. It’d have to be a girl they’re really into to get a glow.”
Ethan hums, clearly lost in his thoughts. Kacey raises her brow, sitting up to grab her fork. “Why, do you think you got the glow when we started seeing each other?”
“Oh 100%,” he nods, resting his elbow on the table to put his head in his hand while he looks over at her. “But that doesn’t surprise me. I just think Grayson might have the new pussy glow.”
“Mhm,” Ethan nods, now even more confident in his conclusion. “He’s just been more energetic than normal, and he hasn’t mentioned how desperately single he is since our beach weekend.”
“Who’s he been seeing?”
“That’s the thing,” he huffs, the frustration clearly starting to build as he racks his brain to put the puzzle pieces together without success. “I don’t know. I haven’t seen anyone new, and when he’s talking to his new soulmate of the month he doesn’t shut the fuck up about her before he even knows her last name. But none of them have ever given him the pussy glow, not like this.”
“Wow, the odds Y/N and Grayson get the glow at the same time? Maybe they’ll finally be able to stand one another,” Kacey jokes.
“What if they’re fucking each other and that’s why they’ve got the glow?” Ethan laughs, shaking his head before continuing to eat.
Kacey laughs with him at first, but then her face falls when she thinks about it.
“You said Gray stopped complaining about being single after the beach weekend?”
Ethan nods, looking at her confused.
“That’s when Y/N stopped with the hating all men jokes.”
They both sit there for a moment, watching each other.
“Nah, there’s no way. Grayson can barely stand to be around Y/N for five minutes. There’s no way she could give him the glow,” Ethan speaks up first, shaking his head.
“Yeah,” Kacey sighs, a slight frown forming on her lips. “You’re right. Would kinda be the perfect love story, though.”
2:53 am.
That’s the time your phone says it is.
And somehow you’re wide awake, Grayson haunting your thoughts.
You’re not sure if it’s the exhaustion or the way he seems to consume every part of your mind and body that has you opening your messages with him. There’s only a handful of texts there, all of them short. Your last conversation with him was from when you were out with your friends, but Kacey and Ethan had too much fun too fast. They needed to get home, and being the best best friend, you willingly put your ego on the line by texting Grayson to come get them.
That one word was staring at you, mocking you almost from the screen, knowing that despite how much love Grayson has for his brother, he was still barely willing to do what you asked just due to the fact it was coming from you. It made a small pang of sadness shoot through you, but it was quickly overpowered by anger, and that anger was only heightened by the fact that his snappy attitude and the way he was able to get such a rise out of you made you so fucking wet.
You’re snapped out of your thoughts when you see the three dots pop up on the screen in front of you for a few seconds before they disappear. You hold your breath, unable to move from the anxiety of being caught staring at these messages looming over you for no reason. It was probably him trying to reach someone else and he didn’t realize he was typing to you.
But then they pop up again, and for almost a full minute before they went away again.
You lay there, waiting to see if he’ll actually say anything to you, but the three dots don’t come back. The time at the top of your screen says 3:01, and you can’t believe he’d even be up right now. Hell, someone probably had his phone and was trying to text you as a prank or something.
But fuck it. You wanted dick, his dick.
you up
You press send before you can think too hard about it, knowing if you let one brain cell evaluate your decision, you wouldn’t have done it.
As you read the message back to yourself, you see why. What kind of douche ass shit was that? That’s something you’d expect Grayson to send you, not the other way around. What were you going to say after he responds? If he responds. What would you say the next time you saw him if this didn’t go as planned? What even was the fucking plan?
As you continue to spiral, your phone dings and lights up in your face, his name popping up.
what do you want
You purse your lips together, surprised by his response. First, the fact he responded and also by the fact he didn’t totally dismiss you either.
But how the fuck do you respond to that?
You decide honesty is the best policy, and at this point there isn’t anything you could do too make things worse than they are because they are already so fucking bad.
thinking about your dick
Shit. You can practically feel his ego growing from your comfortable position under your sheets, even though he lives almost a half hour away. Maybe you should start consulting your brain cells after all.
did you just fucking booty call me 😂
Great. Just more fuel for him to add to the fire.
no. it was a text and i didnt ask you to come over.
thats a shame
You sit there dumbfounded, his response confusing you even more than every feeling he stirs up inside of you. Did he want to come over? Was he thinking about fucking you? Did he actually mean to try and text you before and pussy out?
Ethan and Kacey were at the guys’ house, leaving you alone in the apartment. Realistically, you could totally have him over for a quick fuck without them noticing, as long as he snuck out and back in without waking either of them up. Did you trust him to be able to do that? No. Did you care about that more than getting fucked?
guess im going to bed
A double text from the Grayson Dolan himself. Maybe you weren’t the only desperate one here.
what would you do if you werent going to bed rn
if it were up to me id come fuck you
gonna unlock my door. don’t let k or e hear
You throw your phone face down on the bed as you get up, slight panic running through you. This could quite literally be the dumbest thing you’ve done in a long ass time, and especially sober.
But there’s no time to harp on that, preparing for Grayson’s possible arrival taking the cake. So you get up, moving to the front door and unlocking it before rushing back to your room to get ready. You do what you can to freshen up, changing into just an oversized shirt for easy access, and cleaning up the room, doing what you can to make it as nice as possible. He’d never been there before, and you had no interest in him picking apart anything before getting to what you really want.
Just as you’re fluffing your pillows, you hear the front door open and shut. Butterflies explode in your stomach, nerves you’d been ignoring unable to hide deep within you anymore as you anticipate finally seeing him after what felt like so long.
You check the time on your phone. 3:33. Only a few minutes earlier than you thought he would get here.
You turn as soon as you hear your bedroom door opening. His wide shoulders take up the majority of your doorframe, his white shirt tight across his chest, and his casual stance making you practically drool. And you let yourself enjoy, taking in his athletic shorts that show he is definitely not wearing anything underneath and he is also definitely excited to be there.
He chuckles, crossing his hands over his chest. “Did you tell me to come here just to check me out?”
The minute you hear his voice, your eyes quickly meet his, and his gaze seems to be burning into you.
“Dunno. Do you know how to do anything besides stand there and look pretty?”
He rolls his eyes, making his way into the room and kicking his sneakers off as he gets closer to you. “You and I both know I can do a lot more than that.”
“You’re gonna have to remind me, then,” you hum, a smirk on your face as he finally grips your waist, pushing you gently against the bed so that you have to sit in front of him.
“That shouldn’t be a problem.”
Your hands come to rest on his biceps as he grabs your chin to lean down and kiss you. His lips are soft against yours, moving slower than you expected. The kiss is sensual, slow and hot as he makes sure you can feel every part of his mouth on yours. You bring a hand to his wrist, the sensation of finally having his lips on yours making your head spin. You’d missed it more than you’d like to admit.
He begins pushing your body down so you’re lying on your back, your shirt riding up your thighs and exposing the warm skin there. He rests his free hand by the side of your head to lean his body over yours, his knees resting on the edge of the bed in between your legs. You could feel his hard dick against your abdomen and you moan against his lips just at the thought of finally having him again.
He pulls away from your mouth for a moment, both of your breathing a bit more ragged than before as you look into each other's eyes for what feels like the first time. It’s pretty dark in your room, the lamp in the corner the only source of light, but you can still see all the different colors and emotions that seem to be dancing behind his irises.
You lick your lips and pull on his wrist to bring his face back to yours and he seems to hesitate for a moment before conceding, meeting your lips with his again for a moment before dragging them down to your chin. His kisses along the skin there are lighter and quicker, until he is finally trailing them down your neck and finding the spot there that makes you gasp.
He pays attention to this spot, kissing and sucking until you’re sure there’s a bruise there, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
While he focuses on your neck, he lets go of your chin to drag his hand leisurely down your body and to the hem of your shirt. His fingertips dance along the skin just below it, and you feel the goosebumps quickly forming in a trail behind them. He pushes the shirt up slowly, letting himself enjoy the feeling of your skin that hadn’t left his mind since the last time he had been able to touch it.
He grabs the collar of your shirt from the inside, his forearm pushing the fabric up to completely expose your body while also showing some new skin where your neck meets your chest. He lets his lips drag down there, and you let out a breathy sigh of contentment.
“So soft for me,” he mumbles, and you melt into the way his tongue feels against your skin, his hand moving from your collar to your chest and allowing his finger to brush over your nipple
“Grayson,” you mumble, eyes closed as you enjoy his soft touches, but the warmth coming from them is overwhelming. It was caring, gentle, even nice. That’s not what you need from him, though. Not when you’ve already been so confused.
“Hm?” He hums against your skin, licking over the dark spot there.
“Gonna put a pep in your step or what? Thought you came here to fuck me.”
He lifts his head at that, his eyebrows quirked as he looks at you confused. “No build up allowed?”
You huff, assuming he’s only acting this way to get a rise out of you. He wants to hear how ready you are from him, and at this point you don’t care because you want to get your shit rocked.
“I don’t need the buildup, that’s some romantic ass shit. You’d know I’m wet as shit if you touched me where I know you want to.”
You swear you saw disappointment rush over his features for a split second before they harden, his jaw tightening.
“I wasn’t being romantic, I was just doing what I always fucking do!” He stands from above you, backing away as he rests his hands on his hips.
You sigh before sitting up, assuming he’s just throwing a fit and will get over himself to finally do what you’ve both been anticipating.
“That was some soft shit, Gray. Last time you literally told me all the things you hate about me.”
He groans and mumbles under his breath as he closes his eyes to collect himself. You lean back on your hands, amusedly watching him try not to completely lose his shit.
“Do you always have to be such a fucking bitch?”
His words make the smirk fall from your face, and they cut way deeper than you’d expect. You can see from the look on his face that he’s not teasing you, he really meant what he said. You’re not sure if he expected an answer, but before you can think of anything rational, your anger takes over.
“I’d rather be a bitch than a fucking idiot?”
“Oh, so caring about people makes me a fucking idiot?” Grayson’s teeth clench, his skin still red as his fingernails dig into his palms.
“No, caring about you would make me an idiot,” you do your best to be as nonemotional as possible, pushing the anger that is aiming to match his down while ignoring the implication that he cares about you. Of course, anger is a secondary emotion, and the fear of actually caring for someone you’re supposed to hate is what’s triggered your fight or flight, but that’s something for you to work on alone. Or in therapy. But not with Grayson.
He scoffs. “You know what Y/N? Fuck you.”
He walks around the room, gathering the few things he brought with him before slamming your bedroom door.
You let all of the emotional baggage of the past ten minutes take over, tears quickly filling your eyes as you mumble, “fuck you too.”
Read part 3 here!
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hacknet · 2 years
no game reviewers are allowed to touch the winters games anymore i decided
"the areas in the game feel too different from eachother and it feels like capcom strung them together badly" to YOU maybe. i recognize that th plot of the game is Literally about some woman inviting/forcing random people she just met to be part of her family. she is so intent on having a family that she doesnt care about whos there or whether they want to be or not. Granted i think capcom couldve gone a little more obvious with the making them feel like a ""family"" thing..... you kinda dont get the impression anyone cares about anyone but miranda (even if heisenberg just wants to kill her) so its less like a family and more like a cult focused on one woman
whcih uh. if that was the intention congratulations i suppose but i dont know if it was? they seem to have been trying for it at first making dimitrescu and heisenberg argue like children over who gets to kill ethan. they couldve used some more of that kind of thing but i think those two are the only ones that do anything like that in game and its only right at the start..
their areas are very self contained yes but also like Thats cause they aren't actual siblings and came from entirely different places and situations. Do you expect them to just mesh together perfectly the whole point is that they dont
like the 4 of them have very different relationships to miranda right. like dimitrescu is constantly talking about how shes mirandas favorite and how devoted she is to her. but she cares about her daughters more than miranda anyway. as evidenced by when she says something like "SCREW THE RITUAL IM GOING TO KILL ETHAN MYSELF" which is like. Oh the ritual? oh the ritual shes been trying to do for literal centuries to get her child back? that ritual (put a pin in this final few sentences for now i just had another realization abt them)
and moreau is constantly trying to prove hes as good as the rest of them are and he does actually seem to care about miranda and what she thinks of him. even though she made him the way he is (he used to be a scientist!!!! the cadou literally gave him brain damage) he feels like a failure because of it
and heisenberg again wants her dead more than anything else. focusing his life on killing her like to the point where he doesnt understand why someone would not want to help him do it
donna, uhh... Ok honestly i dont recall much being said about donna. shes the quiet one she doesnt say anything so i still dont really know her deal ill have to replay the game for her. i think i remember noticing that she seemed to not want miranda to bring her kid back? "it would have been better if rose was never born" does imply that to me at least. unless she was just saying that to fuck with ethan, which is kind of her whole thing so if thats the case im back to 0 with her.
SPEAKING of bringing her kid back. thisis really interesting to me circling back to the pin from earlier. ethan, dimitrescu, and miranda all love their daughtersso much. they love them more than anything else. ethan loves rose so much he repeatedly throws himself into certain death for her. dimitrescu loves her daughters so much she goes against mirandas whole plan for them and goes moldy apeshit trying to kill ethan when he kills them. and miranda......miranda did all of this in the first place to get her daughter back.
and its like ohhhhhh i see so miranda and ethan are sort of doing the same thing here. they both want their kid back. they both are willing to kill for them. and they both literally die trying to stop eachother from taking their daughter from them. obviously she kidnapped rose and that IS NOT her daughter. but she convinced herself she will be because shes focused on researching this for like a century, possibly even longer and cannot consider anything else (kinda like heisenberg! moment)
dimitrescu kind of makes the "all these people love their daughters" theme come in way early so that when you find out thats what miranda wants too youre like. Ohhhhh . though most people werent paying attention to those aspects of dimitrescus character at all -_- which is unfortunate for her but expected from a story perspective
just. aaaaaguggdhhdh. i couldnt possibly word this part how i want but the way they are so so dysfunctional as a "family". its all at at least partially because miranda does not care about them past the point where they're useful to her. its making me disintegrate
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spine-buster · 4 years
The President Wears Prada (William Nylander) | Chapter 7
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Saturday November 9th, 2019
Aberdeen Bloom was nervous.  
Halloween night has been…interesting, to say the least.  After Will had walked her home and tried to kiss her, she’d gotten into the elevator and started a quick, mad scramble of flailing arms and limbs about what had just transpired.  She couldn’t believe it – how he tried to kiss her and she flat-out denied him – when every single fibre of her being wanted to kiss him back.  But she knew she couldn’t, for her own sake and for Will’s sake, too.  There was no way she would jeopardize her job like that, and there was no way she would jeopardize Will’s good standing with the club, particularly Brendan, who was fond of him.  It was an internal fight she needed to win; reason needed to triumph over passion.  
When she got back into her condo, she took off her costume, washed all her makeup off, and brushed her hair through.  When she was done, she looked at herself in the mirror – really looked at herself.  To try to see what Will apparently saw.  The long, brown, wavy but frizzy hair; the thick eyebrows; the Greek nose; the pink lips with their cupid’s bow.  She was pretty, somewhat, though she knew beauty was in the eye of the beholder.  Not as pretty as Siena though, who inherited much of their father’s elegant Persian characteristics, so much so many people didn’t believe they were sisters; and not as striking as her brother, who was a perfect mishmash of Mizra’s Persian and Orla’s Scottish, with his olive skin and blue eyes.  She wondered what Will saw in her to make him say “I want you”; what he saw to make him call her minskatt, his treasure, when she didn’t really believe so.  
Her first text to him was that night.  text me when you’re home safe please
A few minutes later, she received what she wanted.  im home minskatt
Every time he called her that she couldn’t help but swoon.
But the show had to go on, and Aberdeen still had a job to do, despite what happened on Halloween and despite all her swooning.  She still needed to be Brendan Shanahan’s personal assistant.  She still had to travel with the team when needed.  She still needed to share charter flights with them, stay at the same hotels, and show up at the same continental breakfast areas.  She still couldn’t let anybody know anything had happened between her and Will.  And when she was on the job, running around and fetching coffee and Prada shoes and Gucci suits and organizing meetings and accompanying other teams’ general managers and presidents to Brendan’s office, while simultaneously trying to shield comments from Ethan, she was too busy for her mind to be constantly preoccupied by Will.  But the second she saw him, in work out gear or a suit or in his jersey, she was done for.  She tried not to let it show.
Though every part of her wanted to kiss him back that night, at the same time, she didn’t want him to get too close.  Halloween had her feelings had bubbled to the surface.  That wasn’t the problem, because she could suppress them, especially on the job.  The problem was Will.  He apparently couldn’t suppress them like she could, especially on the job.  He started to flirt.  Openly.  Not in front of Brendan or anyone else in the office, but definitely in front of the team.  And definitely more when they were alone.  She knew it was part of his personality, to be an open flirt, but he’d started asking her how he looked in his suits walking into the arena.  
So she’d have to come up with retorts.  
Saturday, November 2nd, against the Flyers, he’d asked, “How do I look?” when he walked in with a perfectly tailored grey suit.
He looked fantastic.  But nobody could know she thought so.  “You look like you can save me 15% or more on car insurance,” she responded.  His lightning fast wink wasn’t caught by anyone or any camera.
On Tuesday November 5th against the Kings, he’d asked, “What do you think?” as he walked in wearing a black suit that made his blonde hair stand out.
“You look like a honey glazed ham,” she responded.  Jason, who was walking with him, spit out his water all over his suit.
On Thursday, November 7th against the Golden Knights, he’d walked into the arena with the most ridiculous ensemble she’d ever see a person wear in her entire life, and she went to school in downtown Toronto.  He had a Sugo hat – from the great Italian restaurant on Bloor – secure on his head.  Stubble.  A more prominent moustache.  Vintage eyeglasses on.  A blue, yellow, and black throwback Reebok tracksuit jacket on, unzipped slightly to let his chest breath and just enough to show off his chains.  Matching trackpants.  Best of all, a pair of the most absurd looking Leafs Uggs.  They were alone at that point – he was one of the first players in for the morning skate, and even arrived before the media – and she audibly scoffed when she saw him.  “How do I look?” he asked, smiling.  
She knew that he knew he looked completely ridiculous.  She could do nothing but shake her head.  “I don’t even have the words.”
“Find them,” he practically begged.  That’s when she knew this would become a thing between them.
“Honestly?  You look like my father when I see pictures of him living in pre-revolution Iran.  Except blonde.  And more facial hair.”
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” he asked.
“My dad’s awesome, so take it as a compliment.  But fourteen year old teenagers don’t exactly have the best fashion sense.”
“Maybe I’ll get to meet him and see that picture one day,” he quipped.
“No chance, William Nylander.”
Tonight, on a Saturday Hockey Night in Canada, the Leafs were facing the Flyers again, the second time in a week, back to back Saturdays.  This time, however, the Leafs were at least at home, though everyone had to get on a flight after the game to head to Chicago for a game tomorrow.  Busy as usual, she walked into the staff kitchen to warm up the snack wrap she’d bought to get her through the day.  When she walked in, she saw Ethan making a tea.  
“Hello,” she greeted him, trying to be polite to him though he had never really been polite to her.  
“Hey Girl Friday,” he said.  He wasn’t even looking at her, so she had an opportunity to roll her eyes.  “What brings you into the kitchen?  Shouldn’t you be fetching coffee?”
“I’m heating up a snack wrap,” she said, walking over to the microwave and popping it in for a minute.  
“Should you really be eating that?”
Aberdeen’s back stiffened.  “Why shouldn’t I?”
“Do you really need it?” he said, finally looking at her after he finished making his tea.  “Nobody likes a piggy working for a hockey team with some of the most in-shape guys in the league.”
She couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of his mouth.  Her jaw dropped open as she couldn’t find the words to respond to him.  “W…What?” was all she could muster out pathetically.  
“Seriously Girl Friday, do I really have to spell it out for you?” he asked.  “Your clothes might be stylish but I can see right through you,” he said, leaving her hanging as he walked out the door.  
Aberdeen couldn’t believe what had just happened.  The words that Ethan just said.  Commenting on her snack and the fact she was eating.  She couldn’t believe he had the gall.  He’d used the word piggy.  PIGGY!  What man in their right might would say something like that to another human being, let alone a woman?  She looked down at her body, covered by a black cable-knit sweater and skinny black plaid pants.  Did…did she really…
Ethan Baker was just being a colossal fucking asshole.  
Instead of getting low on herself, she got angry.  She had been nothing but nice to him, and had succumbed to his stupid hazing and initiation, and he still treated her like shit.  What else did he want from her?  Why was he so incessant on making her life a living hell?
As the microwaved beeped to signal it was done, Aberdeen felt a buzz from her phone in her pocket.  It was, of course, from Brendan.  Please go meet Cliff Fletcher at the entrance and bring him to my office.
She left her snack wrap in the microwave, taking the elevator down to the main floor and walking towards the entrance.  On cue, Cliff was getting out of a black SUV.  She opened the door for him.  “Hi Mr. Fletcher,” she said.  She tried her best to conceal the anger and annoyance in her voice, but she could hear it.  She wondered if he could.  “How are you?”
“I’m great, Miss Bloom.  How are you doing?”
“I’m fine,” she said as they walked towards the elevator together.  She pushed the button and waited for the light.  
“Excited about the game tonight?” he asked.
“Sure,” she shrugged her shoulders.  The elevator pinged and the doors opened.  They got on and the doors closed, with Aberdeen pushing the floor button.  “Hope that we don’t have to play Philadelphia for a while after this.”
“Why not?”
“The jerseys.  They’re awful.  Their home jerseys at least are awful.  That hideous orange,” she made a face, sticking her tongue out in disgust.  “Imagine having to wear that all the time?  Who’d want to be general manager?”
“My son, actually,” Cliff said, chuckling slightly.  
Aberdeen’s face dropped.  Oh, shit.  Here we go again.  Aberdeen just had to go and open her big mouth again.  She just had to let her emotions get the best of her; had to let Ethan Baker get the best of her.  “Are you for real?”
“I am for real,” Cliff mimicked her, smiling.  “My my, Miss Bloom.  You’re really keen on speaking your mind.”
“Mr. Fletcher, I’m sorry—” she said as the elevator door opened.  
“That’s quite alright, Miss Bloom,” Cliff waved her off as they stepped off the elevator together.  “It’s quite refreshing to hear your take on hockey jerseys, but if I can give you a word of advice, be careful about who you speak your mind to.  You never know when their son could be a general manager of the team with the hideous jersey,” he winked.  “Or, conversely, if that general manager’s father used to be in charge of the Maple Leafs.”
“Mr. Fletcher—”
“I’ll see myself to Brendan’s office,” he said, making her stop dead in the tracks.  “I’ll see you during the game, Miss Bloom.  I’ll be looking forward to seeing you in the box and hearing more of your thoughts.”
“Aberdeen, can you come in here for a minute?” Aberdeen heard Brendan call out as she sat at her desk outside his office, busy entering some new appointments and meetings into his Google calendar.  She stood up from her seat and walked into his office.  He was standing near one of the windows, moving eventually to lean against the frame.  
“Yes sir?”
“I just had an absolutely wonderful discussion with Cliff,” he began.  It was a normal start, but Aberdeen noticed that he hadn’t corrected her like he usually did when she called him sir.  That automatically made her nervous.  “We talked about his time here, we talked about how the kids were doing, his son who is somewhere in this building…and then we talked about you.”
Aberdeen gulped.  He was going to absolutely annihilate her, just like he’d previously done.  “Mr. Shanahan—”
“Do you know why I hired you?” he asked, interrupting her.  “I always hire the same sort of person.  Male, workaholic, of course…worships the team.  But so often, they turn out to be – I don’t know – disappointing and, well…stupid,” he began.  “So you, with that impressive resume and the big speech about your intelligence and your so-called work ethic…I – well, I thought you would be different.  I said to myself: go ahead.  Take a chance.  Hire the smart girl who knows nothing about hockey.  Hire the girl with immigrant parents who grew up in an old bungalow in Etobicoke,” he used her own words from that disastrous interview.  “I had hope.  My God, I love on it.  Anyway, sometimes you end up disappointing me more than…more than any of the other silly boys.”
She bit her lip.  She didn’t even care that her eyes were watering and he could see that she was about to cry in his office.  “I really didn’t mean t—”
“That’s all,” he dismissed her coldly.
Aberdeen turned and walked out of the room.  She didn’t even bother going back to her desk.  She didn’t want him to hear her cry.  But instead of going to the staff kitchen, instead of going to the women’s bathroom or outside or just anywhere else that wasn’t the office, she found herself walking directly towards Kyle Dubas’s office.  He wasn’t her therapist.  He was barely her friend – hell, barely her acquaintance.  But for some reason, she gravitated towards his office because she knew, at some level, he would listen.  
Kyle watched as she walked in to his office, and he could automatically see the redness of her eyes.  He didn’t put his pen down or close his laptop.  “Everything alright, Aberdeen?”
“He hates me, Kyle.”
“Brendan.  I don’t know what else I can do because if I do something right, it’s unacknowledged.  He barely says thank you.  But if I do something wrong, he is…vicious.”
He knew what he had to do here.  He knew his role.  “So quit.”
Aberdeen looked at Kyle, furrowing her brows at his words.  So simple yet so direct.  “What?”
“I can get another person to take your job in five minutes.  One who really wants it,” he said with such confidence it made her worried.
“No!  I don’t want to quit!  That’s not fair!” she raised her voice.  The notion, to her, was completely ridiculous.  “But…I…you know, I’m just saying that I would like a little credit for the fact that I’m killing myself trying.”
“Aberdeen, be serious.  You are not trying.  You are whining,” Kyle deadpanned.  She stared at him, surprised that for such a soft-spoken and articulate guy, he was laying down the law.  “What is it that you want me to say?  ‘Poor you.  Brendan’s picking on you.  Poor you’?  Wake up, Aberdeen.  He’s just doing his job,” he said harshly.  “Don’t you know that you are working at the place that housed some of the greatest and influential athletes of the century?  Bower.  Clancy.  Sundin.  And what they did, what they created in this city, was greater than the sport, because you looked up to them,” he said.  He stopped momentarily.  “Well, not you, obviously, but most people,” he fixed his mistake.  “You think this is just a company, hmm?  Just a hockey team?  This is not just a hockey team.  This is a shining beacon of light for…oh, I don’t know, let’s say a young boy growing up in Sault Ste. Marie who couldn’t continue playing hockey because of concussions but worked his way through the offices until someone like Brendan had faith in him and gave him a chance.  You have no idea how many legends have walked these halls.  And what’s worse, you don’t care.  Because this place, where so many people would die to work you only deign to work.  And you want to know why he doesn’t kiss you on the forehead and give you a gold star on your homework at the end of the day.  Wake up, sweetheart.”
He was right.  God, she knew he was 100% right.  He was wrong about nothing.  And for him to be so open with her – she knew he was referring to himself when he spoke about the young boy growing up in Sault Ste. Marie.  She was being a complete suck.  “Okay, so maybe I’m screwing it up,” she acknowledged.  Kyle cocked his head to the side in agreement.  “But I don’t want to.  I just wish I knew what I could do.”
“Well, for one, you need to walk into this building everyday knowing and understanding the history of this hockey club beyond just the surface level and what Brendan tells you.  But you already know what to do, Aberdeen,” Kyle said confidently.  “You just need to find it within yourself and do it.”
Aberdeen didn’t know where her mind was for the rest of the night.  Kyle told her she already knew what to do, and that she just had to do it, but she didn’t know what that was.  At least not yet.  It occupied her mind for the rest of the day, until the team started walking in and she greeted them all before they went into the locker room.  
When she saw Will, he was on his way up the stairs with Auston Matthews.  Word had gotten around the locker room that she’d been saying these things – that she had a wicked sense of humour – and now everyone wanted to hear it for themselves.  The game-time roast of William Nylander.  She saw him wearing a tan wool coat.  His face was red from the cold wind outside.  “You like what you see?” he asked.
“You look like a Costco hot dog.”
Auston almost fell over.  His shriek was so loud she closed her eyes from the noise.  “Jesus Christ, Auston,” she pretended to plug her ears.  
“I always knew you had it in you, Aberdeen,” he said, shaking his head and wiping the tears that fell from his eyes from laughing so hard.  
“What’s it?” she asked.
“I don’t know.  It,” he looked back at her before walking into the locker room with Will.
Now he was in on it too.  She had it inside her?  What the hell were he and Kyle talking about?  She didn’t think she was anything special, especially in the world of hockey.  
Instead of winning in a shootout like last week in Philadelphia, the Leafs lost in a shootout at home.  It was dumb, and she knew the players hated the shootout.  Aberdeen and Brendan arrived at the locker room at the tail end of Mike Babcock giving them a stern talking to about something they did wrong during the game, and after he was done, the boys dispersed and began to take off their gear as they always did.  She watched quietly as Will pulled his jersey over his head and began unstrapping his gear.  
Brendan was looking down at his phone when she looked at him next.  He was furiously typing something.  “Can you go pick up guests at the door, please?” he asked, not looking up from his phone.  He was probably still mad at her for earlier.  
She nodded her head and began walking down the hallway, only for Will to show up beside her, his hockey socks still on.  She figured he was being deliberately annoying, taunting her knowing that Brendan was in the same room and in close vicinity.  “Get out of here,” she mumbled.
“You get out of here.”
She rolled her eyes, reaching for the door handle and opening it.  She was greeted with a man and a woman.  The man was tall and bald, already with a smile on his face, a grey polo shirt and slacks on; the woman had long blonde hair and striking blue eyes, wearing a simple pair of jeans and a Leafs jersey.  “Hello,” she greeted them politely.  “You’re here to see Mr. Shanahan?”
“Actually…” the man began, smiling at Will.
“Hi mama, hi papa,” Will said, smiling from ear to ear, leaning in to hug both parents.
Aberdeen’s face dropped.  She took another look at the man and the woman.  Of course.  Of course they were Will’s parents.  He was a carbon copy of both of them; a perfect mix of his mother’s blue eyes and his dad’s smile.  “Mr. and Mrs. Nylander!  Hello!” she said, suddenly nervous.  When they were finished hugging their son, she extended her hand.  “I’m Aberdeen Bloom.  I’m Mr. Shanahan’s executive assistant.  It’s so nice to meet you!”
“Aberdeen?” Michael said, smiling slightly.  “Det här är flickan som du berättade för oss?” he switched to Swedish as he looked at Will.  [[ This is the girl you told us about? ]]
“Ja.”  [[ Yes. ]]
“Så hon var varför du var älskar sjuk hela sommaren?” Camilla asked her son.  [[ So she was why you were love sick all summer? ]]
“Jag var inte älskar sjuk,” Will furrowed his brows slightly at whatever Camilla said.  [[ I wasn’t love sick. ]]
“Säker,” Michael rolled his eyes.  [[ Sure. ]]  He focused his attention on Aberdeen again.  She’d been looking in between all of them speaking Swedish, trying to pick up on any semblance of word that sounded like English.  “It’s very nice to meet you Aberdeen,” Michael smiled.  “Will mentioned that Brendan had a new assistant.”
“There he is!” Aberdeen heard Brendan’s booming voice from down the hallway.  She looked behind her to see him making his way towards them, a giant smile on his face.  “Nice to see you guys!  Come in, come in!”
“William was just introducing us to Aberdeen,” Camilla smiled, motioning to her.
“Ah yes, my new executive assistant,” Brendan smiled at her.  She smiled nervously.  “Come come, let’s take a walk.  We need to catch up.  How is Jacqueline?”
As Michael and Camilla followed Brendan down the corridor, completely ignoring their son and Aberdeen now, Aberdeen and Will were almost alone.  She felt him grab at her elbow gently.  “You don’t actually think I look like a Costco hot dog, do you?” he asked.
She snorted, biting her bottom lip to stop from letting out a laugh and having Brendan, Michael, and Camilla look back at them.  “You really are no thoughts, head empty, aren’t you?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means you have no thoughts going on in that little brain of yours,” she smiled.
“I think about one thing…two things,” he clarified.
“Hockey’s one,” she knew that already.  “What’s the other one?”
The revelation hit her like a tonne of bricks.  He had to know by now that he couldn’t just say stuff like that and expect her to have a normal reaction.  “You just love to see me squirm, don’t you?” she asked.
“I just love to see you, minskatt.”
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sapphicambitions · 4 years
like when I say I think Luke Castellan is gay I don’t mean it as a cutesy “don’t u wish ur fave was gay” kind of way I mean textually and seriously I believe he was gay. 
I could cite the petty stuff like “he only had female friends growing up” and “he clearly never showed interest in women even though many women were interested in him” or “he is one of the few people in the series who didn’t actually have a serious love interest / partner” or whatever but i feel like it’s actually much deeper than that. Luke was a young person who had a difficult and strained relationship with his parents. He saw how flawed the system was and how it was treating people like him, and sought to change the system, give power to people like him, and start it all over. (Yeah, he fell victim to people who influenced him to the dark side but that had nothing to do with his gayness, imo.) He just reminds me a lot of characters like Nico and Catra from She-Ra: repressed gay with a strained relationship with parental figures, angry and willing to take down the world. In this essay I will-
.......like no but seriously
Luke had a very troubled childhood because of his mother’s damaged mind, and the fact that she was constantly having fits and telling him how terrible things were going to be for him. When Luke is (angrily) describing his childhood to Hermes he says: “You could’ve helped me when she was having one of her fits, shaking me and saying crazy things about my fate. When I used to hide in the closet so she wouldn’t find me with those glowing eyes,” like!!! he even mentions hiding in a closet (let me find the subtext where i want it)  but seriously, you know what’s one of the first things my mother said to me when I came out to her? “You know how much harder your life is going to be, don’t you?” So then Luke ran away from his home and found a new family, one that looked out for each other and loved each other more than their blood family ever did. This is a queer narrative!!
And with Hermes, it was all sorts of fucked up. His father kept him at a distance. Made Luke feel like there was something wrong with him, like he didn’t love him. His dad made it very clear to him what his expectations were of him, tried to encourage him to be a great hero, like all the heroes before him (when he was talking to him about sending him on a quest and Hermes said “You will get a change to be a great hero before…”) but Luke didn’t want to be the person his father expected him to be. He wanted to be something new, something true to himself. Luke was always burdened down with the weight of his parent’s expectations, both the expectation that he should strive to be a perfect hero and the knowledge that his future was doomed. 
So one time i was at a bar with friends and me and the only other queer person there were talking and he was like “gay men and their dads, you know what i mean?” and I was like “yeah also gay women and their moms” and we had a whole discussion about growing up with a certain set of expectations of who you’ll be from your parents and the gendered expectations they have for you and having to crush all of that when you come out to them and navigating the difficulties that come with that when you want to be your own person so like there’s your real world comparison / evidence for that argument
ALSO Luke ran away from home but then kind of immediately went to Camp Half-Blood where he was shoved into the Hermes cabin with all of his siblings and undetermined kids and then still expected to scrape part of his food in the fire and be thankful to his deadbeat dad. That would suck! He was already harboring all of this rage inside of him, and then he went on his quest. Saw the world. Was exposed to other schools of thought. He understood that he was just being used as a pawn. He came back a different person, he didn’t quite fit in at camp anymore now that he’d seen the world. Kind of like when I went off to be gay at college and then came back to my childhood home and had to be straight around all my high school friends. just saying.
Luke saw the flaws in the system, the way the gods ruled the world. The way the gods treated their children and how much it hurt them. He felt so betrayed and hurt and abandoned by his dad and all the gods, so instead of sitting with it, he thought “I can do better.” Luke sought to rebuild the world, scrap it all and start new. Start with new leaders who took better care of everyone, who did things completely differently than the way it was done before, and raze anything before it. We’re going to ignore the fact that he was influenced to the dark side for a moment because it’s not related to this essay, but I also feel like this is a very queer narrative. (how many times can i say that phrase in this essay) Seeing the flaws in the way the world is treating people like you and wanting to do better. Luke said (this not an actual book quote more of a dramatic sentiment): “I won’t be used and I won’t be who you want me to be. I will become my own person and there’s nothing you can fucking do to stop me. I will make a new world, better than before, without you, for people like me, and I will tear down the walls of the previous world if I fucking have to” and i just think that’s very gay rights of him.
A thing that I’m a big fan of is seeing specific character types and relating them to each other. For example: our fave Nico di Angelo and Catra from She-Ra. (If you haven’t seen She-Ra, she’s the DEFINITION of an angry repressing gay) We can see from Nico’s narrative and from Catra’s narrative and also just straight up my own personal narrative that sometimes when you’re gay and repressing and afraid of becoming the person you are warned against, while also knowing that you were meant for more but maybe not quite understanding what that more is yet, and overall just want to feel accepted and loved as who you truly are but not receiving that, it can tend to make one lash out in angry and irresponsible ways. It can make one isolate themselves from those they previously were close to. It can lead to irrational and impulsive choices for all the wrong reasons because you don’t feel right and you don’t know why. Not at all saying this is the same across the board for queer people, it’s just something that honestly happens to some people and I can relate to when i see it in characters. 
I see that in Luke. He is weighed down by everything his parents want him to be, both good and bad, and is trying to scrap the world and make a new one for people like him. He wants to take his turn, pushing aside anyone who’s hurt him. Luke was someone who was constantly being torn apart by the world and just wanted to feel safe and secure in who he was and the world he was in. He was acting in anger and fear and hurt and revenge for his childhood and because he still felt like there wasn’t a place in the world for him. He lashed out against his father and his family and his friends and pushed them all away. Sure, he had some friends at Camp Half-Blood, but Annabeth’s devotion to him was not enough to make up for like, all of his childhood trauma. First everything with his mom and then being on the run for so long and then meeting his dad and then losing Thalia (which also fueled his anger and hatred of the gods but like we knew that) and his quest and just everything. He was dealt a cruel hand and he didn’t handle it well. Not that that has anything to do with him being gay but I’m just lamenting over the tragedy of his life. Anyway.
Also not to quote the Lighting Thief because it’s not technically in Rick’s canon but i still think they perfectly understood the characters so I’m including it, but the idea that Luke has tried to be a good kid, he’s tried to do what was expected of him, he’s done everything they ever asked of him, but it didn’t pay off. It didn’t matter. It still wasn’t a world he belonged in. “you know this world will never be ours as long as our parents rule over the stars” and “it’s time to make the world our own” strikes me very much to the tune of LGBT activism. once again ringing in that idea of “if you won’t make the world better than i will do it with my bare hands” he also sings “the gods were never on our side, so i think it’s time we watched them fall” which gets to me every time because like he was just a kid! he was just a kid who had so much hurt and anger inside of him and he went about everything the wrong way but he was just a fucking kid! 
also YES to be petty and shallow but while Annabeth and Thalia refer to luke romantically, he never mentioned the same for him. Kelli the sexy monster hits on him during Battle of the Labyrinth and was clearly interested in him and he pushes her away without any hesitation. IN FACT the only demigods referenced on Luke’s ship are Chris and Ethan (why we didn’t see any of that trio, I’ll never understand), with Ethan working much closer with Luke and being a major player in the Titan War. (also I think Ethan is queer too but that’s a battle for another day.) And Rick LOVES romances. pretty much every character gets paired up with someone in the original series (percy and annabeth, grover and juniper, even Clarisse and Chris) which is fab thank u rick for my percabeth rights but Luke is the only character who does not get a girlfriend!! because he’s a homosexual!!!! you know what other character didn’t get paired off in the original series??? NICO, a known homo!!!  i do think that luke is a case of “accidentally written homo” because this was before rick saved the world and gave us nico’s coming out and really started pushing for queer rep in the books (thank u again rick!!!!), so I’m allowed to find my gay subtext in the original series, thank u very much!
listen all im saying is that my favorite character narrative is “angry gay coded villain who is repressing and lashing out at the world because of it” and i truly believe luke fits into that narrative and I stand by my argument.
Thank u for attending my TED Talk
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urlocalbunny · 4 years
Small kinda weird and NSFW question. How would the guys and girls react to a female s/o that either was born without a clit or has scar tissues covering it. ( I was just told that happen to me and Im kinda freaking out )
It's not weird at all, anonie! I hope you will calm down eventually and see what could happen! By guys I take it the LI's, maybe Neil?
You did not tell me if you can feel stimulation yet or not, so I made it quite vague so that you can visualize it. Let's do this!
Aaron: Honestly will care the least because he is scarred all over. He might ask if you're comfortable to do something sexual yet because he knows just how self conscious of scars one can be and if you'd feel ok with him touching you whether you feel stimulation or not. If you say yes, he will carry on like nothing ever happened. He loves you and this won't change anything. Will always give you reassurance if you need it.
Raphael: He probably feels it and after you explain your situation to him, he will understand and carry on too, but he might be a little flustered because he'll get the feeling that he hurt you for reasons that are similar to Aaron's. He doesn't want you to think that he finds you to be less or weird. Tells you that, kisses your temple and that's pretty much it.
Beliath: Will be confused. Why are you acting like he didn't notice it before you? He's going to laugh at how cute you are thinking this changes anything. Won't immediately carry on, tho. If you're both talking about sex life on his bed over a wine glass he'll mention it to you and ask you how would you feel more comfortable with him addressing it: would you want him to ignore it? Do you feel good even if your clit is covered? If not, you know he'll compensate on another areas, right? And don't think about being sad over it, he won't let you.
Vladimir: Might lock up a little. It's not that he cares or thinks it's weird, but he thinks he's going to hurt you no matter what he says or what he does not say. He's just going to say he loves you anyway and it doesn't matter, but you might have to reassure him that you'll be fine with his touches again. He's going to be extra careful because he doesn't think you will understand that he just doesn't want you to be hurt or think he doesn't love you enough to see past physical contact.
Ethan: Will treat you like you're a patient for a hot minute, then he will frown at you if you look sheepish. If you just open your legs as if nothing is happening, he will praise you for being confident and say that that's what he likes, but if you try to warn him he'll say that you don't owe him any explanations, and that you've got to stop giving a damn about what he thinks and just enjoy yourself. If you're saying that because you don't feel much, he'll just act cocky and say you won't need it as long as you both are fucking. Honestly does not give a damn, you're hot and if he got to the point of loving you, he won't stop because of something simple like that.
Ivan: Might back off of you after you say it and give you space because he thinks he isn't good enough to say everything he wants or to show you he loves you and your body no matter how. He loves you and he thinks the only thing he does to you is fuck you up. After a while, though, he will man up and test your body again with trembling fingers. He's really afraid you'll break. Says he loves you no matter what and you'll think this whole situation is affecting him more than it should by now. Just hold him and tell him to chill. He'll come back to normal and say he's sorry and that from there on, he'll deal with you better if you just be patient.
Neil: Pfffff, he doesn't care at all. Guaranteed he'll look, realize, forget all about it, and fuck you like there's no tomorrow because while it's nice if you feel something, he doesn't need your clit to make you feel everything he wants you to. If you can't feel anything tho, no pressure, he won't be pouty. There are many, many other things about sex that he will show you.
Farah: Another person that knows how it is to have scars AND she is a woman at that. She's not going to care much too, but will ask you if you want to talk about it since the discovery of something this rare isn't something you do every day. Will be very adamant on your consent to touch or not, respecting if you have insecurities or just don't care at all. If you don't care, she will be very proud of you.
Constance: Will genuinely say she does not know what do say or do but wants you to show her what to do. She will feel a little powerless and that might make it look like she's angry but you know it's not with you, she just didn't think about this situation and now you need her maturity and her comprehension on your decisions since you're building a sexual life together and she doesn't know jackshit. Shell come around if you show her what would be the best behavior to you.
Leandra: Another person that realized before you did and does not give a fuck. She's going do be there if that's a difficult subject for you, but she can make you feel all sorts of things if you just sleep, so she tells you not to worry if you want to experience things and you can't, she doesn't even need your body to make you feel good. That's not an Issue. If you don't care and you just like to say what you found out, she'll laugh and say "It was about time you found out, honey."
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eef-is-an-egg · 4 years
for your thing ab sending more crankiplier prompts to write instead of big fic (which is so fuhcking relatable)
one of them is a minor villain (like petty theft or smth) and gets hurt. other takes them in and cares for them and they're like?? i literally steal things why do u trust me
maybe?? I have more general but I don't want this to b really really lonk
listen i may have written a whole ass novel here so.... take some vampire eth (also im totally going to write something for that second prompt at some point thats such a cute idea)
“You sure about this?”
Mark nodded shakily, swallowing the lump that had appeared in his throat. Ethan looked up at the older man cautiously as he rolled Mark’s sleeve up to his elbow.
“Listen, it really is okay if you don’t want to do this,” Ethan said, holding Mark’s forearm carefully, as if Ethan would break his arm if he gripped it tighter. Which, admittedly, he might be able to do that. Mark didn’t know, and frankly, he didn’t want to find out.
“No, no, it- It’s fine, I’m not worried,” Mark lied. He was definitely worried, crazy worried, but this was Ethan. He wouldn’t hurt him on purpose, even if he was technically going to hurt him. It was just a little blood, he had plenty to spare. “I want this.”
“You look like you’re going to vomit,” Ethan noted, moving his hands down to hold Mark’s calloused hand. “I can find something else, if-”
“Ethan, I want this. You literally need this, and if I can’t give it to you, what sort of boyfriend am I?” Mark laughed nervously, trying to make light of the weird situation they were in together. This was weird. But he loved Ethan. So what’s a little blood?
"Yeah, yeah, but I don’t want you to feel obligated,” Ethan mumbled, looking down. Was Ethan really feeling guilty about this right now? Mark didn’t really know why, like he said, he needed it to live.
So instead of saying anything more, he just moved Ethan’s hands back to his arm and nodded enthusiastically as a confirmation. Ethan nodded back and looked down at Mark’s arm. He hesitated a moment, but lifted it up to his face, eyeing it hungrily. 
If Mark was honest with himself, it was always strange to see Ethan like this. He’d always just been this dorky dude who looked like he couldn’t hurt a fly, but when he was hungry, he was hungry. It was like he was in a whole other mindset - which, now that Mark thought about it, he probably was. 
But he still managed to be sweet and understanding and undeniably Ethan. That’s what Mark had to remember, that he was still Ethan. He’d always be Ethan, and that was what mattered. Mark was suddenly jolted out of his thoughts as Ethan planted soft and sweet kisses along his forearm. He rolled his eyes affectionately, a small blush dusting his cheeks. He wasn’t exactly expecting it to get sensual, but hey, this was Ethan after all. The sap.
Ethan flicked his eyes up at Mark again in the middle of a kiss, like he was asking permission for what he was about to do next. Mark looked knowingly into his eyes, hoping he got the gist.
Ethan did.
It felt... weird. Painful? Maybe painful wasn’t exactly the right word. The initial contact and breaking of skin stung, but it didn’t last. What was more prevalent was the pressure and the feeling of blood flowing out of his arm. It wasn’t necessarily anything new - he’d had IVs inserted into his arm before, but it was certainly different. The idea that there was a mouth on the other end didn’t help, especially the fact that it was Ethan’s mouth. But it felt strangely nice, like a hickey but not.
Oh my God. Ethan was literally sucking his blood. And Mark was sort of enjoying it. Did this make him a masochist? He wasn’t a masochist. Was he? His heart started to pump faster, his brain started to get fuzzy and he couldn’t make out his own thoughts. He was hoping this was because of blood loss. Blood loss sounded like a good excuse.
He suddenly shook his head vehemently, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding after Ethan detached from Mark’s arm.
“Sorry,” Ethan murmured, wiping his face off with his sleeve. “I got a little overzealous. Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Mark managed to breathe out after a few seconds. He looked down at his arm and saw two apparent holes in it. They weren’t actually that deep, and thank God there wasn’t any blood gushing out of them anymore, but it was still a weird sight to see. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
“Okay, let’s- let’s get you patched up,” Ethan said, taking Mark’s hand.
Everything still felt a bit blurry as Ethan dragged him to their bathroom. His head felt like it was buzzing, but he simply sat on their toilet, waiting patiently as Ethan dug through their cupboards, looking for bandages. He didn’t know if the pit forming in his stomach was from anxiety, blood loss, or something else, but it definitely wasn’t pleasant. “Alright," Ethan chirped, straightening himself out and turning to face Mark, bandages in hand. “Hold your arm out, babe.”
Mark did as he said, albeit slightly delayed - his brain was still foggy. “You seem surprisingly chipper.”
“I was hungry,” Ethan explained as he started to wrap Mark’s wound. “It’s like the Snickers commercials say - ‘You’re-’”
“‘-not you when you’re hungry’, I know,” Mark cut the younger man off, a small smile appearing on his face. “God, you’re such a dork. Aren’t vampires supposed to be sexy or something?”
“Heeeey!” Ethan whined, pausing the wrapping as he looked at Mark with one of his ‘pity me’ faces. “You’re saying I’m not sexy? Wow, I’m hurt, Mark!”
“Okay, you’re a little sexy,” Mark rolled his eyes, the smile on his face only getting bigger. “But not, like, Edward Cullen levels of sexy.”
“Edward Cullen is not sexy,” Ethan giggled, continuing with the wrapping of Mark’s arm. “He’s not even an accurate representation of vampires!”
“It doesn’t matter if he’s not accurate! Accuracy and sexiness don’t relate to each other at all, Eth,” Mark added. “You’re just jealous.”
"Jealous?” Ethan scoffed, tightening the bandage (which in turn makes Mark wince) and tearing it off the roll, making sure the stray end of the bandage is tucked in neatly underneath the rest of it. “He’s a creep. I’m not jealous of shit.”
“Mm, you make a good point,” Mark hummed, looking down at his arm. The bandage was slightly pink in some spots, but overall it wasn’t looking too bad. “Maybe you are sexier than Edward Cullen...”
“You bet your ass I am,” Ethan grinned. “Anyway, enough about Twilight. How are you feeling? Was everything okay?”
“Fine, actually. A little lightheaded, but okay,” Mark replied, fidgeting with the new bandages on his arm. “And yes, everything was fine. It felt kind of strange, but you know I’d do anything for love, baby.”
He tacked on a cheesy wink which gets an eye-roll from the younger man.
“Was the kissing too much? I hadn’t exactly done this on another consenting human who was also my boyfriend, so...” Ethan mumbled, running his hand through his hair.
“Nah, I thought it was cute,” Mark smiled. “Made it feel a little less like you were eating me and more like you were making out with my arm.”
“Is that really any better though?” Ethan giggled, looking up at Mark with a grin on his face.
“Yes, it is. Trust me,” Mark reassured Ethan and gave him a grin back. “On another note, though - is this going to become a regular thing?”
“Not if you don’t want it to be,” Ethan said. “It’d definitely be helpful, but I can make do if you were too uncomfortable with tonight.”
“No, I mean- I think I’d be fine with it,” Mark stuttered, taking a quick glance at Ethan. His facial expression was soft and understanding, and Mark wanted to hug him right then and there. “I wasn’t uncomfortable, it was just... different. Not- not like, a bad different or anything.”
“Oh,” Ethan said simply. There was a hint of surprise to his voice, like he wasn’t expecting Mark to be so willing. “Did you like it or something?”
To his tragic demise, Mark’s whole face immediately flushed as soon as Ethan said that. Stupid blood. “I’m not going to deny it, but-”
“Christ, you absolute masochist,” Ethan laughed. Mark looked at him quickly and noticed that his cheeks were pink too. Was he embarrassed or weirded out or..?
“Shut up, I just like to see what my body can take, okay?” Mark insisted, covering his face with his hands. Even if Ethan wasn’t embarrassed, he sure was.
“Listen, bub, I’m not gonna judge you,” Ethan said, putting a reassuring hand on Mark’s shoulder. “I mean, it’s a win-win scenario, right? I get food, you get... some amount of enjoyment from it?”
“Please shut up,” Mark groaned.
Ethan just giggled, gave him a quick kiss on the top of his head and went over to the door of the bathroom. “Love you, Mark.”
Mark just groaned again in reply.
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sweetblink · 5 years
Frozen in Time.
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Frozen in Time.
Connor Rhodes x Reader.
Requested by: @megafandomsxassemble
Maybe an imagine where yn gets shot and either Jay Halstead or Connor Rhodes is dating her and they freak out when they find out shes in a coma cause the shot was lethal. Again angsty and feels.
Warning: blood, angst?
He was frozen.
For the second time in his life, Jay was truly frozen in his spot, heart beating like crazy, and everything around him, muffled. He wouldn’t talk about the first time because he never wanted to remember what he saw.
“Y/N!” He yelled so loudly, it caught the attention of the rest of them team, as he sprinted to your side. Hank Voight had seen what the shooter had done,  the suspect shooting down one of their own and about two other cops, quickly, with Al, and Antonio, they shot down the man, while the rest rushed to Jay’s side.
Tears sprung to Jay’s eyes as he desperately tried to stop the bleeding on where you had gotten shot, noticing that you were quickly losing a lot of blood. You were staring at him in shock, taking rapid breaths as you felt pain sear through your abdomen.
Jay was instantly covered by your blood, when he noticed the second gunshot wound, Kim was by his side, hands shaking a little. “Y/N, you’re going to be okay, don’t close your eyes please.” She begged as she began to rip part of her shirt
Jay began to caress your face, placing his forehead down on yours. “Please, Y/N, don’t leave us now.” He whispered. Upton was beside Ruzek, as Erin called for back up and ambo.
While all that went on, all you could really do is just stare at Jay, as you continued to gasp, and felt pain all over, including feeling lightheaded as well, thinking that what if this was really it? You were going to leave behind your fiance, Connor, who finally proposed after three years of dating, your two brothers, you loved dearly, because they took care of you the best they could and the rest of your Chicago family that you made.
Slowly your eyes drooped, and soon you closed your eyes, last thing you heard was Jay’s desperate cries.
Connor was finally finished with his night shift, finally ready to go home and rest, and after a successful night of saving the one patient that was brought in, he felt content. He was in the lounge room, putting his coat up, when Will entered, the room with a small tired smile.
Connor smiled and saw as Nat passed by the room, with a small smile of her own. “So, are things going good now? Are you guys finally together?” he teased.
Will narrowed his eyes. “You spent so much time my sister, you’re starting to sound like her.” He teased.
Connor barked out a laugh and shook his head. “Hey, don’t complain, you and Jay are both the same, we’re just too nice to point out how much of you Halstead’s are gossips.” He teased back.  
Will began to laugh and shook his head. “So how are wedding plans coming along? Y/N, turned into bridezilla yet?”
He shook his head and smiled fondly at the mention of your name. “Just for that, I’m telling your sister.” He teased.
Will looked scared for one second and shuddered at the thought of you yelling at him. “Please don’t, I still haven’t recovered from the last time she was angry, god, who knew she was a small devil in disguise.”
That just made Connor laugh at him, he grabbed his phone from the place he had left it, while Will made his way over to grab his own coat, just as he put on his coat, commotion was heard outside, Connor ignored what was going on, too tired to want to see what was going on.
It wasn’t until Will looked up and saw that it was Y/N that was being rushed into the OR, while Jay running in crying and looking like a mess, that his heart dropped. “Connor.” He croaked out. Connor frowned, and looked at Will, who was looking distraught now. “They just brought in, Y/N.” he said, making his way out the room.
Connor paused for a minute and followed Will out the room, heading in the direction towards where h e saw the whole Intelligence team, Gabby, and Sylvie, with Ethan and Dr. Latham. “Y/N!” He called out, rushing towards where they all were, he glanced at Kim and Jay, who were both covered in blood, that made him run even faster.
“Hey what’s going on, what happened?” he asked, trying to remain calm. Jay turned to him, and tried to talk, but nothing was coming out, which didn’t help, because he felt his anxiety building up every second Jay didn’t respond, as Will began arguing with Goodwin.
Finally, Kim answered him. “We were going to bring in the suspect on our case… and when we got there, … a group of three began shooting at us, Y/N got hit twice.” She replied in a monotone looking blankly ahead.
Without muttering a word, he quickly made his way towards the staircase and sprinted up, wanting to catch up before they take Y/N into surgery, in fact he wanted to be in the OR just to be sure that everything was going to be alright.
Finally, what like felt forever for Connor, he made it towards his destination, only to stopped by Goodwin. “Sharon?” he growled lightly.
“I can’t let you go past those doors, Connor.” Sharon Goodwin said in a light stern voice.
“But Y/N, inside there, I need to be in there with her, helping.” He began to argue, but Goodwin shook her head.
“I’m sorry, Connor, but I can’t allow you to go in that OR. You just barley got off a long night shift, and you’re way to close to this.”
Connor glared at Sharon, but in the end, he broke it off and looked away trying his best not to cry. He began to pace out in the waiting area, just as the rest of the group, along with Will came. Connor walked over at them.
“What they say?” Voight asked.
Connor shrugged. “I don’t know, I can’t go inside, but it’s a bit early to tell.” He replied. The sergeant nodded, and told his team to get comfortable, claiming they weren’t going anywhere and was calling backup to take care of the case. Connor ended up sitting next to the Halstead’s and tried to his best to calm his nerves.
Waiting was the hardest part for Connor, its been hours and there was still nothing on Y/N. He kept pacing back and forth, Jay was staring blankly ahead, while Will was dozing off in the seat next to him.
Finally, after what felt like forever, Ethan came out of the operating room Dr. Latham standing a few feet behind, instantly everyone stood up, Connor, Will and Jay all stood closer to Ethan as he prepared to give them the news.
“The surgery was a success, we managed to get the internal bleeding under control, and the bullets out clean.” Ethan began. “Unfortunately, Y/N’s slipped into a medical induce coma, one of the bullet wounds hit close to her lungs…”
Connor for the first time seemed to zone out what Ethan was trying to explain, a coma. Y/N was in a coma. “Oh god.” He whispered. Jay looked at him and let out a small frown that was laced with pain.
Ethan looked over at him. “She’ll heal, and she is expected to wake up”
Jay looked at him. “When?”
Ethan looked at him. “I don’t know.” He replied. Jay just looked away, and Will placed his hand on his shoulder as the brothers quietly cried.
Hank stepped forward. “Are we allowed to go in?” he asked. Ethan nodded, and allowed them to go in pairs, but that the siblings and Connor were the first to go in. Connor nodded and allowed for Jay and Will go in first and waited his turn.
Hank came over and patted his shoulder. “Y/N’s a strong girl, I’m sure she’ll wake up soon.”
Connor looked at him. “Could’ve lost her today Sarge.” He croaked out. “I don’t know what’d I do if I lost her.” Hank just patted his shoulder again but didn’t say anything. Finally, the Halstead brothers was out the hospital room and it was Connor’s turn.
He quickly made his way inside and his breath hitched when he saw you lying there, looking very pale. Silently making his way over, he sat on the chair and grabbed your hand and held it against his cheek. “You know. I was looking for places to get married, and I think I found a place, baby.” He began, his eyes watering.
“I just need you to wake up so you can finally agree on a place and become bridezilla.” He lightly teased. He looked at you, but nothing. Finally, he felt his tears trickle down his cheek. “Please Y/N, you have to wake up soon.” He croaked.
After a few minutes of talking to Y/N, a knock on the door was heard, and he hesitantly got up to open it. The whole intelligence team was outside and slowly allowed them all to head in. Will, Jay and him stayed behind the gang as they all muttered their words to Y/N.
Will turned to Connor. “You alright?” he asked. Connor shook his head and looked up at the ceiling.
“Yeah, I’ll be alright.” He replied. Will and Jay nodded.
It went on like this for two weeks, when one day you finally woke up. Connor was in the room reading when he saw your hand shift, he stood up and walked over to you. “Y/N?” he whispered, smiling now.  
Hearing your name, your eyes snapped open.
Things probably came out wrong in this so I’M SORRY. 
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wiinterrose · 4 years
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          ( xavier serrano , male , he/him, 23 ) omg ! i was walking yonge street downtown , and you’ll never guess who i saw . 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐋 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐒 ! i just saw a post about them on sixsecrets ! i think it said something like “ 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐘 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐒 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐀𝐓 𝟓 𝐀𝐌 : 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐄𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ?” . isn’t that wild ? i guess it makes sense through , since they’re apparently 𝐃𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐒 and 𝐂𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 . but i’ve heard they’re also 𝐎𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂 and 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂 ! i’ll just stick to giving them the benefit of the doubt . i mean , it’s not like i know them personally — they’re a famous 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 / 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐁𝐄𝐑 ! you know , i’ve actually heard rumors that ██████████████████, but they’re just rumors … i think . i dunno . if you happen to run into them , tell them i’m their biggest fan ! ( ollie , they / them , 21 , est )
— mikey was born and raised in winnipeg because i think it’s funny when characters are from winnipeg. if you’re from winnipeg i’m so sorry. definitely was born on the coldest day of that year ( so like some point in january )
— but because of those long, cold harsh winters, mikey found himself in a dance studio a lot. his aunt was a dance teacher and with rather absent parents who meant well but both had long hours at the local hospital, he spent a lot of time with her. he fell in love with dance pretty early on, always having a certain fluidity and grace even when he was young.
— random but he also played hockey up until he was like 16 or whatever because he’s canadian and i’m not stupid. it happened. he can still skate tho. in a slightly different life he probably would have been a pretty good figure skater huh 🤔🤔🤔 but anyway...
— also feel like it makes sense that he did gymnastics. and trained in classical ballet.
— he went to university of toronto for college, studying kinesology and dance, and danced at one of the prestigious studios in the city.
— his big break moment was when in his sophomore year at ut, he made it onto the second season of world of dance in early 2017 ( lets pretend that show has been on longer than it has bc i don’t want it to be the first season of it sldk ). he made it all the way to the finals and quickly become a fan favorite along the way. though he ultimately placed second and missed out on the million dollars, that was the beginning of many doors opening for him. ( for those who, might have the vaguest clue what i’m talking about : i’m highkey feeling like, michael dameski style which is an idea i had after i named him michael so don’t @ me for him having the same first name ).
— millions watched that show, including some prominent agents and scouts who were able to help him launch a professional dance career : something he never thought he’d see himself actually doing. his first big gig was making the dance team for some singer’s north american tour, and he ended up not returning to ut to pursue a professional dance career full time. since then he’s danced in a few music videos for some uber famous musican ( same one he went on tour with or not idk ?? also a wc ?? maybe ?? ), a tv show, couple movies, and other various gigs around the city. he works part time at a studio when he has time, and has been honing his choreography skills as well.
— he makes enough dancing, but certainly not enough to make him RICH. no, that come from an impromptu vlog he did while on tour with aforementioned singer. having already garnered a following from world of dance, he soon rose to youtube fame as well, something he never could have predicted. i feel like his videos are very just, day in a life with various random challenges mixed in, and various workout and flexibility tips. he also still does pieces and duets with other prominent dancers just for fun too. his natural charisma and attitude really just carries him through easily lmao.
— mikey developed a bit of a habit of sleeping around when he left for college, all the newfound freedom was just intoxicating and well. he was hot so. it wasn’t like it was hard alsdkjf. that stuck around well into his blossoming dance career. nothing that was enough to be scandalous, but he made his way around. and then a year and a half into this unforeseen new life, he met matthew glass.
— he’d had a couple serious relationships before, one in high school, one his freshman year of college but neither of them could hold a flame to what he felt when he was with matt. perfection wasn’t something mikey believed in, but he almost did with what they had.
— it was like for over a year and a half he lived in this insane dream, and then mikey and matt broke up and he was devastated ( behind closed doors and with curtains pulled tightly shut ).
— he then proceeded to broadcast how perfectly fine he was doing by going back to his old ways and sleeping around obsessively, this time with very little regard as to how many headlines he was making. as far as coping mechanisms go, i guess sex is better than alcohol ?? not to say he wasn’t also drunk at times l o l.
— mikey is a... how do u say... im gunna write manwhore bc it’s accurate so pls don’t take offense. inch resting bc i’ve written smut like once in my eight year rping career but that’s what he decided he was gunna be and who am i to deny that.
— very bi. very much does not care. if the world didn’t know he was before, it definitely does now lmao. he hasn’t come out in the sense he’s like posted a video about it and said “i’m bisexual” but it’s pretty obvious from the media and maybe he has gotten asked in interviews and has just shrugged and been like does it matter ?? i’m sorry he’s not the vocal bi ally we need. perhaps we will work on that.
— hasn’t dated anyone since matt bc he’s highkey lowkey still hung up on him but no one needs to know that right. outwardly, he’s very much the same : seemingly happy, but he’s a lot more careful with his heart and letting people close to him. if anything he’s become a bit of a two-way mirror, always seeing out but never really letting people see in, just what they want to see.
— probably goes without saying but extremely flexible. idk if any of you know who juuse saros is but apparently he can twerk in a split and i’m not saying mikey can but like. he just might be able to...
— straight up does not get cold. never wears more than a hoodie, probably danced shirtless in the middle of winter just fine. at least being from winnipeg is good for one ( 1 ) thing.
— i feel like people call him flower. idk guys. maybe im just thinking too much abt hockey goalies.
— he tends to be extremely underestimated as he comes across a bit dumb and generally has a pretty positive outlook on life which people confuse for him being naive when that isn’t the case. but he’s found he can use that it his advantage and that sometimes, people will tell him things they think he can’t understand but he hears and remembers everything. it’s helped him out of a few difficult situations before.
— i feel like he has a bit of ethan dolan’s personality & dumbass energy idk guys...
— live in the moment kind of dude. his motto is probably like : you just gotta know what you want to do next. i mean looking back on his life it’s been pretty crazy and that’s only solidified his outlook that like, you really can’t control too much. just let it go where it takes you.
— people do like him though and they like talking to him for whatever reason. generally has pretty trustworthy vibes but he’s more slippery than he comes across. he’s a selfish person at heart and always has his own best interests in mind, even if it doesn’t seem that way at first.
— extroverted. i think ??
— 6′1″. chocolate brown eyes. curly brown hair. he has a lithe but extremely fit build due to his career. his core strength is especially impressive. 
— he has a monochromatic lineart tattoo of a rose on his left forearm / wrist and a butterfly ( again monochromatic & just lineart ) on his right shoulder. small scar at the base of his neck by his ear from an unfortunate hockey accident.
— needs glasses but usually only wears contacts unless he’s in his apartment late at night.
— he’s not overly fashionable, going more for comfort than how he generally looks. on a regular day, he’s probably got the whole... college athlete look going if you know what i mean. a big fan of mirrored aviator sunglasses. wouldn’t know what dressing up meant even if it slapped him in the face.
first and foremost i want to say that i like to vibe and brainstorm with people to come up with unique connections between our characters but here are a few ideas:
— the singer whose tour he danced on — singer whose music videos he’s been in — mayhaps even actors for that tv show / movie he was in ( v small role but whatevs. maybe they just Vibed yknow ) — flirtationship 😔 — always ye ol good hookup l o l — we keep running into each other idk maybe we should talk ??
          hey guys, i’m ollie. my intros are either written really eloquently or a big mess bc im trying to rub together a couple braincells at 1 am and whatever comes out, comes out. no need to guess which category this one falls into lmAO. anyway, i’m a slow plotter bc i’m easily overwhelmed trying to do too many things at once but i swear i will try to get to as many people as i can. and yeah this entire character is inspired by my love of world of dance don’t @ me... if u made it all the way down here u should watch this bc 😳 & mikey has the same athleticism and strength.
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
A tie between us and some hope // E.T.
words // 1505
warnings // a little bit of angst but overall fluff
pairing // Ethan Torchio x GN!Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. ooof im really feeling like a mess today i hope it does not show on this one, i thought i'd feel better than yesterday but my mental state is worse todays... anyway, my oversharing ends here, i hope you enjoy this lovies!! oh also, i am using some epithets (lol) in italian with the endings in -o because i can not for the love of me find specifically gn pet names on the internet or im just bad at looking but i am tired of only ever using 'amore' lol.
request // yes through a reblog so i will not link it right now
summary // Part three of Secrets and fights and Torna a casa. After Ethan showed up in readers house that night the two have started trying to work on being together again. But there are always new problems to arise.
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After that night passed, when Ethan had found himself on his love’s doorstep things started looking up. The man started being more consistent in taking care of himself, finally feeling like his able to breathe, like things were taking their rightful place again. He kept himself and his space put together, finding himself far out of the rut he was put into after the short-lived breakup.
Although things seemed to be better, nothing was yet back to how it was between him and Y/N. The two found themselves constantly around each other, be it little dates around the city- not caring about paparazzi at this point, other times just staying in and cuddling while watching a movie, or even going on a walk some nights, smoking and joking while talking about the deepest and shallowest things the pair could think of. It felt as if the intimacy that was previously been built had not gone away, it was still there, strong as ever, the trust being hard to be built again.
“Goodmorning, dolcesso,” uttered the man, a soft smile on his face as he walked through the open door, a bag of fresh pastries in his hands, the refreshing smell of coffee embracing his presence in the small home.
Y/N, barely awake, but always with a deep love for the pastries Ethan picked up, moved towards him, taking the bag from his hands, humming in appreciation as they opened it, looking at today’s picks. “These smell wonderful, Ethan,” they mumbled before taking a bite from the first one they found.
He smiled a bit, looking at the person before him, mumbling a quiet response. “I always pick the best ones for you, beautiful.”
If it was possible to fall in love with a person again, then Ethan was definitely living that moment when Y/N gave him the stupidest and most childish smile, a spark in their eyes he missed while they were awake.
How could I have said those things to them, he thought while looking at said person enjoying their breakfast standing in front of the small kitchen and admiring the minimal city view. It was not much but it surely was something they enjoyed watching in the mornings or as the sun set. No matter how bad it would imprint on the photos they took, it was a breathtaking view they never got enough of.
Just another thing Ethan loved about them, finding such beauty in something so seemingly insignificant. He loved looking at them in moments like that, knowing how much in a trance they were, too deep in the beauty their eyes took in to say anything. Before the man could stop himself he utter the same three words from a few nights ago, “I love you”.
Y/N’s eyes widened, the information was not new but they did not expect this to be brought up again any time soon. “Ethan - I-I, uh-”
“You don’t have to say it back, cucciolo. I know how I feel, I am very sure of that. You don’t have to be there yet, you don’t have to say it… Not after what I said.”
They took a deep breath at that, one they had not realized they held back, still feeling guilty about their inability to simply say words. It is not that they did not feel it, was it?
It was not the last time this would happen. Only a few nights later, a similar incident occurred, Ethan admiring the person he is in love with, their eyes focused on their book, or at least trying to in the dark light they found themselves, a cigarette alternating from their lips to the ashtray on their side, looking like the perfect view at the side of the beach. Considering how hot the weather had been, the pair and their friends agreed on a field trip, the idea being they would either camp there that night or book a hotel room last minute. No one was going to drive that night, no one had to worry about having some alcohol in their system, so beers were a big thing around them, being passed back and forth.
“Hey, Y/N, do you want a beer?” Asked Victoria, getting up to pick one for her self, the other person nodding before she gave them their beer.
“I’d ask you as well Ethan, but seems you are too drunk on Y/N to drink any more beer,” she commented bringing forth a heatwave to happen on Y/N’s face and causing a big grin to cover the drummer’s face.
“What can I say? Can’t hide that I love them, can I?” Everyone laughed it off, Y/N included, but they felt slightly uncomfortable at the man’s words.
They had thought about it last time Ethan brought his feelings forth, knowing very well how they felt the same. They simply could not bring themselves to say it back. Maybe it had something to do with their life before him, and they would have a hard time saying it anyway, or maybe it had something to do with the loss of trust in the man after the pictures of the two kissing. Did he really love them if he was willing to say those things.
“Stop worrying so much about it, amore,” whispered Ethan, noticing Y/N’s state. “I told you, you don’t have to say it back, every one takes a different amount of time to do that.”
His tone and expression were reassuring but they knew this was hurting him a lot on the inside. So they apologized, looking down, ashamed, unsure… The whole situation created a whirlwind in their mind they could not control at the moment, instead opting for jumping into the cold water of the sea beside them, being sure that a bit of swimming would clear up their thoughts.
The same incident happened a few more times, Ethan never being able to contain his words, justifying it by saying how “I am simply trying to remind you that I meant what I said that night”. But Y/N was feeling pressured, as if the man was giving them a timeline, a reminder that they need to decide or it will be to late. One night, they could not take it any more, so they simply confronted him about it. He had just said it again, thankfully they were alone this time, meaning they could say all that they wanted.
“Why do you keep saying that, Ethan?”
“What do you even mean by that, Y/N?” He was simply taken aback, expecting everything but such anger after mentioning how he loves them.
“You keep saying how you love me, and you simply remind me of it, but man does it feel like you are trying to pry these words out of my mouth.”
“I would never do that and you know it!” Now the man was getting fed up as well. How could they accuse him of such thing?!
“Do I, Ethan? Do you even truly love me?”
“Wha- of course I do! What is this? Where is this coming from?”
“Did you love me when the photos of us came to the public?” They asked, voice now quiet, a contrast to their previous tone.
“What are you talking about amore, of course I did,” he responded just as softly, placing the palm of his hand over their face, swiftly collecting the few tears falling from their eyes. “Why are you crying, my love? What are you thinking?”
Y/N could not take it any more, they broke down in seconds, falling into Ethan’s open arms, soft sobs leaving their lips. “You- you said all those things that morning, a-and,” they hiccuped, “I-I am scared, Ethan…”
Their eyes were cast to the floor but Ethan could still see all the thoughts behind them. He finally realized what was happening, so he placed a kiss on their forehead, prompting them to finish their thought. “Could you really say those things if you loved me?” They whispered, moving away from the tall Italian, eyes cast to the floor and ever meeting his.
“Hey, hey look at me! What I said that morning came from a place of anxiety, overwhelming one at that. It does not mean it’s ok that I said that, of course not. But never doubt how much I love you, Y/N.” He paused for a second, his voice trembling as the words came out.
“Cause I do, and I did, but I could not control my emotions, instead I ended hurting yours. I don’t how many times I’ve apologized, but I will apologize that many more. I am sorry, sorry I made you feel so horrible, sorry for all the things I said, sorry for everything.” He said just as softly as before, hands cupping their face before leaving a deep kiss there.
“I love you,” finally said Y/N, feeling more sure and secure than they have for a while.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11
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