#so really sarah and benny would be the ones like Why Is He Here
cuntry-r0ckst4r · 2 months
request where Benny Weir gets set up on a blind date with the reader
"300 Awkward Blind Dates Later ~ (benny weir x fem!reader's version)
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tw! idk cursing ig
i forgot abt my inbox's ngl also guys putting the same req in my inbox twice is not going to make me do it faster!! also ive alr had to delete some reqs too PLEASEEE read my rules befire requesting any songs
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It was Rory's fault he was doing this. He complained ONE TIME like a week ago about being single and so Rory put him on a blind date?! When Rory had told the whole friend group about setting up a blind date tonight for Benny everyone laughed, except Benny of course.
It was way too last minute to cancel the date so he had to just suck it up and go on this date with someone he had no interest to know about. Great.
"Hey Rory, next time you set someone up on a date don't you think the people going on a date should know about it?" Benny says, with an annoyed tone, sarcastically.
Rory's eyebrows furrowed, "she knew about it, she's going on the date. So by your rules... it's fine!"
He then walked off before Benny could hit him. Ethan turned to look at him with an amused smile, so did Sarah and Erica.
"Well, we're gonna go to class. Have fun on your date tonight." Sarah said teasingly before the two girls walked off laughing.
Ethan just patted his shoulder, somewhat comfortingly but also so Benny wouldn't see him laugh.
He was sitting in class, not paying attention. Just thinking about tonight. Rory wasn't known for having the best type in woman for example: Debbie Dazzle. The evil fucking doll that was turning the entire student body, and part of their friend group, into dolls!
"Mr. Weir! Whats the answer?" The teacher yelled across the room.
He was awaken from his daydreaming, he looked at the bored and it was blank. Nothing. Shit.
"uh, France...?" Benny asked with his confused smile.
"that might be correct," the teacher begun, "if this were Social Studies, but Mr. Weir... this is Science! Care to share with the class what you were dreaming about that was so important you can't pay attention?"
The look the teacher had on his face of sarcasm and a smug annoying smile. But Benny just shook his head in response.
"Then pay attention to the lesson. If I have to get on to you again I'm writing you up." Then the teacher got right back to teaching the class.
He made it through the rest of the school day without thinking about the date, but when he was walking with Ethan home it is alll he could talk and think about.
"Why would Rory set me on a date and not tell me until that day! Who does that ya know? And it'd be too rude to cancel this last minute... wait... Rory never even told me where!" He ranted about this whole thing the whole walk home, Ethan not really being able to get a word in at all.
He went to his house, found somewhat nice clothes. Three buttons at the top sorta shirt, and jeans. It was different from the shirts he usually wears because it wasn't just vertical lines across the shirt with a bunch of colors. It was one to two color max kinda shirt. He even brushed his hair.
He called Rory and found out where this date was, and he took his grandma's car. His brain then started filling with all of the positives that could come out of this date.
What if you're smokin hot?
What if you've seen every star wars movie?
What if you were nice?
His mind was just filling up with "what if". He got to the Restaurant you two were meeting up at, not super romantic but not McDonald's kind of casual.
He spots a really gorgeous girl sitting by herself at a booth, that has to be you?
He walks over, "Hey are you here on a blind date? Set up by Rory?"
You nod at the man, "Yeah... I don't really know him that well he kind of just started telling me about his single friend..."
He laughs at that before adding on, "I didn't know we were going on a date until today. He also did not tell me your name?"
You smile at him before responding, "(Y/N), and you're... Benny right?"
He nods in reassurance.
You were both there for hours, laughing and chatting. Until the restaurant was starting to close. You had both had appetisers, main dish, milkshakes, and then more dessert.
They told you they were closing and you both realized how long you had been there.
"It's been really fun talking to you... could I get your number?" Benny asked you, with a nervous undertone in his voice.
You smile and nod your head in agreement, taking one of the napkins and a pen from the checkbook, writing your number down to talk to him more often. You hand the napkin to him, as he grabs the pen and checkbook out of your hands. He had gotten the money from his grandma before the date but you didn't have to know that obviously. He actually told her to give him more incase he wanted to buy a video game.
He wasn't expecting to stay long, just get mac 'n cheese and then decide you two won't work well together. But he didn't want the video game and the amount he brought perfectly covered the check with tip.
"Do you want me to drive you home?" Benny asks after signing the checkbook and putting the cash on the table.
You looked at him with somewhat a shocked look, "oh, uh yeah if you don't mind. My dad said he was going to be a little bit late."
He heard the nervous chuckle at the end of that, and that is when he realised he fell for you. Hard.
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agaypanic · 1 year
Hey could you write Benny with a popular cheerleader reader? Not the cult type tho
Benny Weir With A Cheerleader Girlfriend Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: here’s some headcanons to tide yall over while im gone lol also idk how things are in canada so im pulling experience from my high school in america lol
Your cheerleading friends honestly have no idea why you’re with Benny
They think you could do better; everyone wants to either date you or be you
But you don’t care at all
Benny may be considered a “loser” by some people, but he’s a hot loser
“You’re staring again.” One of your friends muttered, just loud enough for you to hear, while you and the rest of the squad shook your pom-poms. All of the students were filing into the gym for a pep rally, and your boyfriend immediately caught your eye.
“I’m allowed to stare.” You responded with a giant grin, discreetly waving at Benny when he spotted you. He waved back before getting his friends to follow him to the first few rows of bleachers, trying to get a spot as close to you as possible.
“How did you even meet him?” The girl next to you asked. “I mean, there’s no way you guys run in the same circles.”
“He was a friend of a friend.” You answered. You were really good friends with Sarah, mainly because she was dating Jesse Black. But the two of you remained friends after he had left school, and she had introduced you to her new friend group. Most cheerleaders labeled them the geek squad, but you didn’t care. If anything, they were very refreshing to be around. “Now he’s my boyfriend. Simple as that.”
“He looks like he’s never felt a woman’s touch.” Your first friend giggled. You looked up at the bleachers to see Benny and your friends sitting in front of you in one of the higher rows. Your boyfriend stared at you intently with a goofy grin while everyone else talked amongst themselves.
“I like my men like that.” You said. The gym was almost filled, so the conversation would have to wrap up soon. “And trust me, he’s definitely felt a woman’s touch by now.” Although he couldn’t hear what you were talking about, you winked at Benny, making him blush.
Benny goes to every event that you have to be at
Even if it’s an away game or competition
He loves cheering for you and supporting you
He never pays attention to the game or anyone else on your cheer squad
“Benny, you don’t have to come.” You said for probably the hundredth time as you put on your uniform. Benny lay sprawled out on your bed, watching you straighten out your top. “It’s an hour-long ride both ways, and you don’t even care about football.”
“That may be true, but I still gotta cheer for my girl.” He reached for your skirt, lightly tugging on it until you were standing at the edge of your bed in front of him. Benny sat up, letting you stand between his legs while his hands gripped the backs of your thighs.
“I thought it was my job to do the cheering.” You jested, pushing back some hair from his face. “But still, you’ll be getting home late.”
“I don’t mind.” Benny persisted. “Was thinking that I’d go on the rooter bus, and then when we get back, we could get some dinner or something.”
You smiled at the idea. Food definitely sounded good. You’d eat before leaving, but you didn’t want to risk making a mess of your uniform or being late to the bus.
“How did I get so lucky?” You sighed, leaning down to kiss Benny. Even when you went to straighten up, he tried chasing your lips for another peck.
“I’m the lucky one,” Benny corrected you. A hand left your body so he could look at his watch, and he then quickly patted your thighs. “We better get going; we can’t miss the buses.” In a panic, you jumped away from him and grabbed your bag. While speeding down the stairs, Benny replaced the bag in your hold with his hand, slinging the bag over his shoulder.
When the two of you got to the high school, he speed-walked you to the bus that the football team and cheerleaders were supposed to ride to the game on. Benny made sure to give you a kiss before handing you your duffel bag.
“See you in an hour, babe.”
“Can’t wait.”
Gets really jealous when other people look at you in a certain way
He knows you’re popular and desirable, but it still gets on his nerves a bit
Especially if it’s a jock that wants you
Since he started dating you, homecoming week felt like torture for Benny. The dress-up days were fun, and he enjoyed the dance and hanging out with you and his friends.
But the day of the homecoming game absolutely sucked.
For some reason, it was tradition that on the day of the homecoming football game, the cheerleaders would get assigned a football player and wear their jersey for the day, plus the game itself. Benny usually didn’t care so much. At the end of the day, you were solely interested in him. Plus, it was just a piece of clothing.
But this year, the jersey you were wearing belonged to a guy who didn’t seem to care that you even had a boyfriend.
“How does it fit?” The football player asked as you situated the shirt you were wearing. Benny glared at him from down the hall. The guy’s name was Josh, or Jake, or something similar. Benny didn’t really care enough to know.
“Fine, Jason.” You answered before opening your locker. Jason leaned against the wall, looking at you like you were a piece of meat. Benny suddenly wished he was a football player, just so he could see “Weir” displayed on your back instead of “Graham.”
“Maybe after we win the game, we can hang out or something,” Jason suggested, and Benny wanted to throw up at the thought. “You look really good in my clothes; I kinda wanna show you off.”
You shut your locker, giving Jason a bored expression.
“Yeah, well, I look better in my boyfriend’s clothes.” You looked past Jason to see Benny, who was eyeing the both of you. You smiled and started walking to him. “Speaking of, I see him so… bye!”
The second you were within reach, Benny had a protective, almost possessive, hold on you. He kept glaring at Jason, who scoffed at the two of you and walked away. You finally took his attention away from the boy by planting your hands on his cheeks and kissing him.
“What are you so worked up about?” You asked, but you already knew the answer. You pulled Benny down the hall so you could go to class.
“Nothing.” He answered, which the both of you knew was a lie. He muttered something you couldn’t hear, and there was a sudden yelp behind you. You looked back to see Jason spinning in circles, trying to look at something behind him. Looking closer, you notice that a tail had sprouted out from his backside.
“Benny!” You meant to say it in a reprimanding way, but let out a giggle as you turned back around.
“What?” Benny asked, smiling slightly. “I didn’t do anything.”
“Sure you didn’t.”
“Hey, do the cheerleaders do this jersey thing for other sports or just football?” Benny asked curiously.
“Just football, I think. Why?” Benny shrugged innocently.
“Just wondering. Was thinking of maybe joining the hockey team or something.”
“Oh, I’d wear a jersey with your name on it any day, baby.”
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Glimpse of Us
Ethan Morgan x GN!Reader
word count: 879 words
summary: you and ethan are dating, but he's not over sarah. and you can tell
a/n: image credit goes to sierra morgan on pinterest! im like so normal about ethan (not. i make him suffer but the next one of him will be fluff).
tags: angst/mild comfort ? not a happy ending
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You looked into Ethan's eyes. They were entirely forced on yours, and you were both leaning in for a kiss. It wasn't until he put a hand around your waist and got you closer did he start to hesitate. You slightly pulled back from his face, your eyes staring deep into his once more.
"...What's wrong, Ethan?" You asked softly. You weren't sure how to feel about this, really. Ethan laughed awkwardly and shook his head, as if to get rid of something.
"Nothing, nothing."
You sighed, his arm dropping from your waist and going back to his side. He gave you a look, almost like a wounded puppy. You felt a stab of guilt, but you came to a sudden realization.
You had to put your foot down this time. You couldn't keep doing this, not when it was only damaging you and Ethan the longer this went on.
"...Ethan, can we talk for a second? Really talk."
His questioning eyes searched yours for an answer, but there wasn't any. There was a sense of defeat, if anything. He sat down on the couch, making sure to make room for you. You sat down beside him. You came here after school, and Jane was in her room.
So there was no good time as the present! Swallowing down a rush of nerves, you turned to face him. "Sometimes, it still feels like you have feelings for Sarah." His face paled when you said that, but he didn't deny it. You felt nauseous.
You wanted him to deny it, maybe even protest and ask why you would ask him such a thing, that you were the only person he'd ever have eyes for. But you knew that was asking him for too much.
You lightly touched his shoulder, and he stiffened, eyes glazing over immediately. You sighed. He was probably going through something, again. He never told you what he was going through in the few months you were dating, which lead to arguments almost every other week.
You weren't oblivious, ignorant, or naive. Something was weird in this time, but it always felt like you were going crazy that no one was addressing it.
A few seconds had only passed when his eyes had refocused, but it had felt like hours. He looked at you fearfully. "You're... you're not breaking up with me, are you?"
You rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly. You wanted to tell him no. But his actions had answered your question, a burning question that had been nagging for you since the day he agreed to go out with you. "I am, actually."
You waited for him to protest, again. Do something, anything, without looking at you like he had just lost something that he thought he wouldn't ever lose.
"Ethan. You're always dropping dates with me and going to Sarah whenever she needs help with something. You made me walk by myself! In the dark! You know this town is creepy, it's not safe!"
He opened his mouth to speak, but you held up a finger. "Shut up. I'm not finished. Whenever you touch me sometimes, you're always getting this dazed... look, in your eyes? Like you're not entirely here. And you either excuse yourself or go back to normal. But you almost always go to Sarah. Or Benny." You laughed. Not a genuine laugh, but a short, brief laugh.
"It's laughable. I've seen the way you look at her. And you don't have that look when you're with me. I'm sorry I couldn't be what she is. I know you say you're fine, but you're not."
You were foolish. Foolish to have a crush on an adorable dork who was into Star Wars and the X-Men and anything equally as nerdy.
"I'm breaking up with you."
"Yeah, I heard you the first time." He mumbled.
"Okay. Do you have any excuses? Reasons? Explanations? Try and defend yourself, Ethan. You can do it for everyone else but yourself. It's pathetic."
His eyes darted around. "...I'm a seer."
"A seer, like I see things. I can see things from the future when I touch people sometimes, and--"
"Ethan," You sighed. "You're crying." You leaned in to dry some of his tears, but he pulled away.
"Don't. I-I- My friends, they're-- They're just like me, but not like me. I didn't want you to get involved, to get you hurt--" He sniffled.
"You don't have to worry about that, love." It's not like they ever had a choice, to stay blissfully unaware of everything around them. Everything really was in plain sight. It was stupid to think that he'd feel the same way as you.
"It's too late for us. I'm sorry." You picked up your backpack, slinging it over your shoulder. You went by the door. Refusing to look at him for quite possibly the last time, you opened the door. "Have a nice life, Ethan Morgan." You called out. And shut the door.
Maybe it was for the best you didn't see him crying, covering his face. Sure, he was still in love with Sarah. He never meant to hurt you. But he guessed that he did that anyways to you by agreeing to date you.
Its too late now, anyways.
a/n: lmk what you guys think !!!!! i wrote this.. when. maybe a year ago? almost? insane! here's to writing more mbav fics!
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spooksalotnoel · 4 months
Mbav pairings within the fandom
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requested by @ilovebennyweir
I want to start by saying these are just hc!
First off, remember that CANNONICLLY these are 14–16-year-olds. Anything within my hc I put into a more modern time. I don't know as far as aging up character's so all of these will also be within my moral thinking. I'll be providing some type of explanation with all of these. And for fun I'll be ranking them too!
5. Sarah and Ethan
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Okay I know that in the show they do like each other but just a reminder Sarah was 17 and Ethan was 14, they started dating end of season 2 leaving Ethan 15. Guys I am not sure, even when I was younger, I never really liked this ship regardless of it cannon-ness. When it all came down to it, this just felt extremely forced.
4. Rory and Erica
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again 14 to 17 age difference! And not to mention they look like they could be related. I think this one is more on Rory's part since he's a huge flirt. Other than that, I don't have much to say.
3. Benny and Erica
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(Couldn't find a gif of them together.) Again, very similar to what I Say'd about Rory and Ethan.
2. Rory and Benny
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Actually, one of my mutuals put me on to this pairing! In season one episode two, after rewatching it I noticed that Benny was really into the idea of Rory liking him. As for Rory, he is canonically pan. My mutual and someone else on here had said that this was Benny's one time he could be comfortable with his identity. They were pretty much late 90's babies, going into high school in early 2000's so it isn't surprising. I can write more about this if anyone is interested, just keeping it short for now.
1. Ethan and Benny
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Now this is definitely a fan favorite and my favorite. Honestly there's a lot of reasons why this would work why it wouldn't work but again, it's something I can write a longer post about.
Honorable mentions: Rory and Ethan, Benny, Rory and Ethan, Sarah and Erica
(Now just want to add that Rornny and Rorthan are pretty much at the same rank)
Again, if anyone would want me to elaborate anything just let me know!
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bananaactivity · 22 days
will you make au's for MBAV?
That’s a tricky one…
I’d say I more so have basic head cannons then full rewrites for MBAV. Here are some:
Ethan Morgan: His ancient ancestors who were seers developed as a weird cousin type strain whose powers developed from ancient vampires who could see glimpses of the future but slowly lost some of their vampire characteristics.
But they kept the typically pale skin, and anyone who got the domainate seer gene usually gets more years added on to their life. He can do all that jazz like in the show, and he’s very resilient to mind control or other things that disrupt the brain. ( I like to think If he was more evil he’d influence people more because seers can slightly influence people around them, think about Jasper from Twilight but for thoughts and not emotions… like a Jasper and Edward love child 💀) Ethan’s parents both had the recessive trait and his ancestory that Jessie recognized is from his mother’s side.
Ethan has a massive adoration for almost anyone who he finds to be “better” than him in all the right ways. Mainly Benny and Sarah. Benny because he’s always been by Ethan’s side with a big smile, and Sarah because she’s so sweet to everyone she knows, and becomes his really good friend. He still likes Rory but Rory’s too goofy to fall for that way( and too old) Also Jesse tortured him with the idea that his seer powers are the only thing making his friends like him by accidental influence. He knows that Ethan’s too stupid to realize that if that was the case then he would actually be popular. But Ethan angsts over that all the time. 😥
Benny Weir: Bennys magic is also a genealogical trait. It skipped his dad and went straight to him. But it’s not related to any other subspecies. ( also I don’t think Jane should get the seer trait and wizard trait, mostly because she’s literally awful, and as an oldest sibling the trope of younger sibling is an absolute rude jackass selfish nuisance is one I hate)
Bennys magic is the same as the show nothing more nothing less. But his Evil version is a reflection of something “wrong” inside of him rather then a basic evil opposite. Evil Benny is everything “wrong” with Benny reflected back into the world. He’s willing to do stuff Bennys only thought about in the recesses of his mind too. Like use really bad spells, and also maybe that’s why he’s more flirty with Ethan, maybe I dunno just a thought 🫣 but because of that that leads to EB being more of a presence to Benny. He’s always gotta think about when to pull back or what’s too far so his friends don’t look in the eyes of a remorseless monster. And you know also the whole trope of untapped raw power because you’re too righteous to use it or something.
Benny is an everybody man and a huge flirt. He may be a bit more popular than his other friends because of his charisma but he’s loyal to the weird gang tho, He loves Ethan and Rory and Sarah, in that order, that’s a direct quote from him. That’s because I can’t stand when tv shows cast charismatic and objectively cool people to play what’s supposed to be a loser that doesn’t get girls. No chance that Benny wouldn’t pull girls, it’s Rodrick Heffley all over again…
Rory Keaner: Rory is a massive goof ball and a silly goose. He loves hunting small mammals and prefers to steal blood from hospitals, “where it was just sitting there collecting dust!!” He doesn’t like actually hurting people and would prefer to do fun shit then be scary. I don’t have much to change for him because he’s perfect. EXCEPT THAT HES ALWAYS BEEN A VAMPIRE FOR HIS VERY LONG LIFE. But he’s not a creep like Jessie and just has goober fun with mortals (not in a rude way) He loves Benny and Ethan of course, but he’s kinda stupid cause he didn’t really pay attention to history and stuff. he was just goofin around, so like there’s funny hints to how old he is in like history museums where it’s just Rory in ancient art being goofy asl. Like in the mummy episode there would be a hieroglyphic of a blond man with shades like doing something goofy and Rory would be all like “ yooo what the flip! I remember that!!”
Sarah Fox: also unchanged, she had the most going for her so I think she’s also perfect. She’s got a weird thing for Ethan and Erica and it confuses her. But she’s kinda leaning towards Erica…. I dunnooooo 🫣
Erica Jones: I like how she’s not reallyyy freinds with anyone except Sarah, like that’s her bestie. She and Rory’s thing did not seem reciprocated so imma just say she and him are forced freinds because of the vampire thing and Rory’s like a super old one so she thinks she has to respect him more, but Rory’s literally so chill that they become good friends. She’s jealous of Ethan tho for reasons that should be obvious.
That’s all I have I don’t have as many ideas or references for MBAV like I do descendants. It’s honestly the same for other shows too like mighty med where I love the base show so much I dont really think it needs my brain activity :D 
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Week 1: New Prompt (Favourite Ship)
Awkwardly enough, I don't really have a favourite ship— I think there's a pretty good argument for most of the pairings in the show, and it didn't go on for long enough to definitively have anyone 'end up' together. This is terrible content for a social media challenge, however, so here are a couple different pairings in 'pining and/or lovey-dovey' excerpts from fics I've written...
The Date to End All Dates (Part III) (Ethan/Sarah)
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Ethan still hadn’t fully caught his breath back. “Way to go guys!” Sarah cheered, a smile beaming on her face as she ran towards him, pulling him into an excited hug. Acting on impulse, Ethan hugged her back, tight, pulling her head onto his shoulder, one hand on her hair. She was ok! Sarah was ok! He rested his head on top of hers, breathing in her light, floral scent as they embraced. In that one moment, Sarah was ok— and that was all that mattered.
When the moment passed, Ethan pulled their heads back, adrenalized confidence slowly dissipating from his system. They were now face to face, and here he was again— lost in those eyes. He gulped a little and gave a small, embarrassed laugh. “I—” he started, no idea how to articulate the thought. He dropped his gaze, conscious of the fact that he was staring, but his eyes were only met with Sarah’s glossy lips.
“Ethan,” she laughed, brushing a little hair out of his eyes. “It’s ok.”
And that was all that she said as she leaned in and kissed him. Ethan felt his heart flutter as their lips touched, soft and gentle, and he understood in that moment that he’d been too caught up in his own insecurities to realise that Sarah was just as nervous and uncertain as he was. When they finally broke the kiss, still holding on to each other, Ethan’s breath stuttered at Sarah’s shy, wide-eyed smile.
“I don’t think our date was a mistake,” he rushed out. Another moment longer, and he may have lost his nerve. “I’ve liked you since forever,” he confessed. “I feel that we have this connection and, honestly? Sarah, I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you, or—” He trailed off, swallowing the thought. Her eyes looked deep in thought. “What I’m trying to say is,” he began, staring from the beginning again. He sighed; why was this so hard? “I really like you. I mean, like-like you, and I want more than anything for us to have another date.” He paused, searching for her reaction, “But, whatever happens, I don’t want to lose you as a friend. If you don’t want that, I mean, and—”
Benny’s loud, pointed cough cut him off, prompting him to look around. Not to his great surprise, their three friends were gathered round watching, a gaping smile on Rory’s face, and a knowing smile between Erica and Benny. Were they still holding hands?
“Just kiss her again, already,” Erica moaned, pointing to her open mouth to represent vomit. Ethan rolled his eyes.
“Erica!” Sarah complained, scandalised. Feeling his cheeks heat up, Ethan removed a hand from Sarah’s back to rub awkwardly on the back of his head. Gently, Sarah pulled it back down. “I’d love to go on another date.”
Ethan’s smile beamed. “Miiight wanna have a few less near death experiences on the next one though,” he joked.
If We Never Met (Benny/Ethan)
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“I’m telling you, dude!” an exasperated Benny shouted, shooting up to a sitting position, “Take out the vampires and the weekly monster fights, just—” he grumbled a little, frustrated at Ethan’s bemused half smirk and struggling to find the words. “Just imagine we’re a couple’a normal high schoolers, okay?”
Ethan snorted. “I still don’t think Erica would date you,” he said matter-of-factly, earning him a scandalized look. It wasn’t the first time they’d had this conversation, lounging around in Ethan’s room after an (increasingly rare) uneventful day— Benny flopped on his bed as if he owned the place, and Ethan sat at the computer. He didn’t mind really; the chair was comfortable, and it was funny to watch his best friend flop around whilst he defended his dating prowess… If it could even be called that. Benny was a lot of things, but good with girls wasn’t one of them— particularly hot girls. “Benny, it’s Erica.”
“Pre-vampire Erica, Eth!” Benny retorted, “No man-eating bloodlust and leather jackets, just a dreamy, dorky Dusker girl.” Ethan paused to consider it. “We’d’ve sat and watched The Bloodsucker Diaries on your couch, and then I’d’ve walked her home after she tucked you in.” Ethan stared Benny down with his best laser-eye look, having forgotten that this was, in fact, Benny’s master plan to score a date with Erica. “She’d probably look into my eyes and then look away,” Benny continued, sighing a little as his fantasy ran away with him, “And I’d lift up her chin with my finger— like this,” he said, performing said action on Ethan before he had the chance to react and dodge.
Suddenly, Ethan felt slightly out of breath. The moment was weirdly intimate: his face lifted by his friend’s gentle caress, just enough that their eyes met. And when their eyes met… Benny was fixing him with a look— not the cheesy, eyebrow-wiggling smirk he was relatively infamous for, but some kind of deep, passionate gaze that was focused both on him and through him at once, as if he could see right into Ethan’s thoughts. Dreams. Desires, even. Maybe if the moment hadn’t been so unexpectedly thrust upon him, Ethan would’ve laughed it off as a corny imitation of the male lead on the new Dusk poster, but for now all he could see was how green those eyes were. Not green-ish or hazel, but an almost luminous verdant green, like sunbeams filtering through a shallow sea. Ethan felt Benny’s knuckles brush against his Adam’s apple as he swallowed.
And then, just as suddenly as the moment had begun, it ended, Benny’s hands returning to his sides as he broke the stare, smiling. What had just happened?
“And then,” Benny continued excitedly, gesturing with a pointed finger and snapping Ethan back to the topic of conversation. His hypothetical dating life. With Erica. “I’d ask her if she had a date to the Dusk premiere.” When Ethan didn’t react, Benny shook his head, “We go to the premiere together, and, voila! She falls madly in love with me.”
Ethan sighed a little, looking away before making eye contact with Benny again. When he did, the awkwardness of their momenthad worn off, his friend’s dorky grin and ridiculous hand gestures inviting back the easy laughter. He really was ridiculous sometimes. “So, not only do you have to sit through a Dusk movie,” Ethan teased, noting Benny’s look of displeasure at the mention of the film, “But you expect her to fall— what was it? Madly in love with you, after that one date?”
“I—” Benny started, shimmying up onto his knees to lean down over a still-seated Ethan as he opened and closed his mouth whilst pointing, insulted and entirely lost for words which he’d no doubt say anyway. Ridiculous. “In this hypothetical, yes— I watch Dusk III, but—”
“What if she hypothetically still turned you down?”
“Then I’d have to hypothetically,” Benny retorted, making mocking air-quotes around the word, “Convince her!” He stared at Ethan intently, as if there was a correlation between how wide his eyes were and how valid his point was.
Ethan looked down through a half-laugh, half-sigh. “These hypotheticals are kinda ridiculous anyway— life without the supernatural?” He met Benny’s wistfully resigned smile with one of his own. “I’m a seer and you’re a freakin’ spellmaster, whatever that actually means; we don’t exist without the supernatural.”
Benny gave a hollow chuckle, “Heavy stuff.”
“Maybe,” Ethan conceded, “But even before we found out about all this, it was already a part of us: even if we didn’t realise it.” Sensing the confusion in Benny’s eyes, he chose to elaborate. Ethan often wondered whether his friend thought of these things as often as he did— whether any of their traits were really their own, or just a consequence of being something not quite human. Would Ethan Morgan be as perceptive if he wasn’t a seer? Would he have the same eye for details? “It’s like your grandma told you that first night,” he continued, trusting Benny to know what he meant, “At least some of your love for sci-fi and fantasy comes from some kind of… arcane pull to the unexplained. Who knows what other personality traits you have are tied to what you are rather than who you are?” Would you still have those enchanting eyes, Ethan wants to ask, but doesn’t. Benny laughed at the impassioned speech, though whether out of genuine amusement or fear of the sudden gravity of the conversation, Ethan wasn’t so sure. He was distracted by a familiar lopsided smile. “Now who’s making stupid hypotheticals,” Benny quipped. There was a comfortable silence before he spoke again, “Honestly, I don’t know who I’d be if I wasn’t born as some terrifying little witch boy,” he joked, wiggling his fingers like a cartoon villain and earning a laugh from Ethan and himself before he continued in earnest, “But I don’t know who I’d be if I wasn’t your best friend either.”
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agentsnickers · 1 year
"You know, you could have just found a place with three bedrooms."
"This made sense for a lot of reasons," Benny says, refusing to be startled by Les even though the kid has once again managed to catch him by surprise.
They're all still getting used to having Les in the house, Les included. He moved into their living room for the beginning of the school year, and Benny is still regularly surprised to find him around.
"I'm just saying, you didn't have to go all fifties sitcom couple about it," Les says. "What's your deal with David, anyway?"
"What do you mean, kid?" asks Benny. Les wrinkles his nose at the nickname, but doesn't protest. It's one of those things he fusses about if anybody but David - or, increasingly, Benny - uses.
"Well, like," Les says. He pauses to flop somewhat dramatically across his favorite armchair. “You’re raising his baby with him.”
“Oh,” says Benny. “That.”
“I know you guys aren’t involved,” says Les. He tips his head to one side, reconsidering. “I know you guys aren’t involved romantically. God knows you’re very involved in other ways.”
“I love him too much to let him do all this on his own,” Benny says. He trusts Les to take that how he means it. “And if Katie doesn’t want to do her part, I will.”
“Lots of people wouldn’t,” Les says.
“Well, I’m not lots of people.”
“I know,” says Les. He gives a vague little wave. “I don’t know how to articulate what I’m trying to say.”
“I can’t answer your question if you don’t ask it,” Benny points out.
Les sticks his tongue out. “You moved cities for him, but your relationship isn’t romantic. Why?”
“Because he was a fucking wreck and would have cut me out of his life if I didn’t,” Benny says bluntly. “If you’re asking why it isn’t romantic, it’s because I don’t do romance and David is, again, a little fucked up about that stuff.”
“And you share a bedroom in a two bed apartment because –“
“It was more affordable than a three-bed and Sean and Tony are childhood friends of mine,” says Benny.
Les doesn’t say anything else, just sits with his knee pulled all the way up to his chest on the chair.
“What’s really up, Les?” Benny asks.  
“Just Mom again,” says Les.
Lately, that could mean anything. Les is just back from lunch with his parents, which they’d wanted David and Leah for as well (not Benny), but neglected to ask whether David and Leah were available and scheduled it smack in the middle of Leah’s baby dance class.
“You know how she is,” Les continues.  “I’m wasting valuable opportunities by living here, David’s never going to find a girl if he’s sharing a room with his friend, why can’t we both just be more like Sarah, the usual.”
Benny laughs. “For what it’s worth, Les, I think you’re at least as well-adjusted as Sarah.”
“You and Dave are good for each other,” Les says. “I don’t know how our parents haven’t noticed. I don’t give a shit what they think of me living here, but it made me so mad to listen to how they talked about you. Especially since they go on and on about how Sarah found such a perfect girl and I’m not allowed to tell them what Katie did.”
“I don’t need your parents’ approval, Les,” says Benny.
“I know,” Les says. “But it still pissed me off. Good thing Lydia and Mark are decent people; at least Leah has one set of grandparents that have your backs.”
“You’re a good kid, Lessy,” Benny says. He stands up, patting Les on the shoulder as he passes him on his way to the kitchen. “Now, valiant defender who pays no rent to live in my house, come help me get dinner started before Daves and Lee get home.”
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hekate1308 · 1 year
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Prompt: Do you even know what this means
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Destiel
It doesn’t matter what Sam says – and he even seems to have learned his lesson in that regard, since he thankfully hasn’t complained about Dean’s life choices for months now, although that might have to do with his new girlfriend Sarah – Dean loves his little antique book shop, and he has never regretted that he bought it on a whim back when he was eighteen and Mr. Bythell wanted to retire.
Yes, some clients can be a handful, and he has several opinions about Amazon that he knows to keep to himself lest they get back to them and he gets buried under the power of Jeff Bezos, but still. There are a lot of wonderful moments when he finds a rare book or can help someone who has been desperately seeking for a title or just needs a break from the stress of every day life. It might be frustrating that he can’t afford a full-time employee, but Charlie and Gilda are always happy to help out, and students like Kevin are happy to take any summer job that presents itself.
And so, he has no plans of changing things. He lives his life, he sells and buys books, there are game nights with Charlie and Gilda and Andrea and Benny and Crowley, when he can get his friend to admit he is actually having fun during those, and everything’s fine.
And then things change, although not in the way he would have assumed if he had expected them to.
Because today the door bell rings out and a new customer comes in. Now, that’s nothing new in and out of itself, but the guy is – to be perfectly frank – hot.
And he says that as someone who has had his fun, if you know what he means.
“Hey” he greets him, strolling towards him. “Can I help?”
He blinks at him, looking ever so slightly confused and rumpled and oh God, Dean is in trouble. “I just moved here” he then informs him abruptly. “I’m Castiel Novak.”
“Like the angel?” he asks, only learning later he’s the only one who’s ever reacted that way.
Castiel blinks at him again and Dean holds out his hand. “Dean Winchester.”
Two months later
“You should try and do more with the internet.”
Apart from the fact that Cas just pronounced the word as if he has never heard of wi-fi, Dean can’t help but shake his head. “We all know how that would end.”
“I don’t mean just an online-shop. I was thinking about a book subscription service – they are all the range, these days. Maybe something like a mystery box, the sort of thing people unbox on YouTube. People would subscribe and you could choose the books.”
So Cas, who lives in a house where the electricity barely works, just asked him to – “Do you even know what this means?” he asks because he can’t help it – is he really supposed to believe that someone who dresses like Columbo has any idea what the internet is?
“I do sell my honey online” Cas says, sounding almost disappointed, and he’s quick to do damage control.
“Sorry, man. It’s not a bad idea – not a bad idea at all – just – do you think there’d even be a market for it?”
“I don’t see why not” Cas shrugs. “You still sell books, don’t you, even though everyone seems to think they are going out of style, as they say” oh God he’s actually doing quoty fingers and it looks much much cuter than it has any right to “so why should it not work when you develop your own way of doing so in the Internet?”
It might just work, Dean reflects. And really, what has he got to lose? Yes, his bookshop, but he’s always on the brink of doing that anyway…
“Alright” he decides, “Any ideas?”
Cas looks at him and they are back at the staring one another thing, great.
Yet he can’t bring himself to mind too much.
Three years later
“Cas are you smuggling books about bees into the boxes again?”
“They are really interesting! Remember, we got several emails about them just last month…”
He can’t help but admit that, so he kisses his husband instead of saying anything. “Fine” he announces, drawing back, “but next month I get to pick the theme.”
“It’s going to be old-timers” Cas grumbles.
“Are you really going to tell me that I only have one topic of interest?”
Cas looks so guilty that Dean just has to kiss him again. “Hey, look, as long as the customers don’t mind, and they don’t seem to…”
This time when they separate, Cas is smiling at him and Dean – with the roof leaking again, a customer having tried to steal several books yesterday, and Crowley and his mother once more at odds – has never felt more blessed in his life.
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morganweir · 2 years
t4t bethan moment
swapping more than spit
find it on ao3
Benny shoves off her jeans and throws them at Ethan, excitedly picking up the skirt that the boy had just thrown away in disgust. She’s a ten year old girl and she rarely, if ever, gets to wear the things that she likes, so she thinks it’s perfectly valid for her to be so damn excited about it. Damn is the only swear word she can say without Ethan looking at her like she killed the prime minister or something, or else she would probably say worse stuff. He’s sensitive about stuff like that, like Grandma Weir and Ethan’s parents will just know if she says anything someone deems as inappropriate. 
It’s dumb, but it’s a small price to pay to have Ethan. Having Ethan is worth just about anything. 
“How do I look?” she asks when she slides the fabric properly over her thin hips, unable to catch it on a wideness that isn’t present in her, but sliding it up to her belly button instead. It’s a little long on her - purchased for the fact that Ethan is taller than her (for now) rather than Benny’s shorter stature. She likes being shorter than Ethan, sometimes. He’s her best friend, and it makes her feel… delicate, in a way that she rarely can. To everyone else, she’s Benjamin Weir, a boy. In Ethan’s bedroom, with just Ethan and the soft sunlight coming in through the window and the clothes they swap more often than they don’t, it feels like everything is okay. She’s just Benny. 
They keep doing it. Middle school comes and goes and high school arrives and Benny still wears skirts and dresses at Ethan’s house when no one can look at her and everything is good when she’s there. She tells Grandma at some point around her twelfth birthday, unable to hold it in anymore, but she still doesn’t get Grandma to buy her skirts of her own. The ones that are Ethan’s first fit better, even when Benny shoots up and gets taller than her best friend and feels a little sick about it. 
Ethan’s parents know that he’s Ethan and that he’s a boy, but they still buy him skirts. Everyone knows that they’re not for Ethan. Everyone plays pretend. 
Benny isn’t out to the rest of their friends. No one uses pronouns to your face all that often, and most of the time she’s fine - she can forget that most people think she looks like a boy and that Rory calls them his guy friends and that everything kinda sucks when she concentrates too hard, because this is what survival looks like. Ethan moved to Whitechapel at an age old enough that no one knew that once upon a time, he didn’t look like a boy, but Benny. Benny was born here. There’s no way to introduce Whitechapel to the fact that she’s a girl quietly, so she doesn’t want to do it at all. Even if it means just being herself in her own home and the house across the street from her’s. 
It’s a small town. Sometimes, you have to do small town things. 
When Ethan starts dating Sarah, Benny does her best not to feel jealous. She tries her best to not get angry. She tries her best not to cry, even when her longest, closest friend seems to care for someone else more than he cares for her. It’s a small price to pay to have Ethan. Having Ethan is worth just about anything. 
She’s still a little happy when Ethan breaks it off with Sarah. It just means that they get to hang out more. She gets her best friend back; she had fun hanging out with Rory more, goofing off and surfing the web with her other best friend, even if he doesn’t know some of the fundamental things about her. She still likes him. That’s why they’re friends. She just… Ethan knows more. He has more of the ability to say the right things on her bad days, to tell her she’s pretty even when she thinks he’s lying, to make her feel like she really is. They get to hang out more again. Of course she’s happy. 
Also, a tiny, petty part of her is pleased as punch that it was her Ethan that broke it off with a hot girl like Sarah Fox. Yeah, Ethan is hot and handsome and pretty, but no one else seems to see it as much as Benny always has. She’s just pretty goddamn happy that he was the one to do it. 
“Benny, do you want to go on a date with me?” Ethan asks one day when Benny is lying upside down with her head hanging off of his bed, and she completely and totally cannot be blamed for falling off of the bed. She recovers well enough, she thinks, rolling onto her feet clumsily. She stands and Ethan stands out of his seat and he’s still not as tall as her, but he has so much presence to him that sometimes it feels like he is. She could be okay with the fact that she’s taller than him. She kinda likes how small he is. Like she could carry him around everywhere with her and no one would bat an eye. She startles when he reaches out for her, settling a hand on one of her hips. 
“A date?” she asks, hating the way that her voice cracks, but it needs to be said. Ethan still has a hand on her hip, her hip that has the skirt of a dress that Ethan’s parents bought covering it, and Ethan’s hand is so warm and feels good, and like it belongs on her skin. She loves him like breathing, especially when he breaks into a smile. 
“A date,” Ethan confirms, his hand moving just slightly so that the palm of his hand is against her hip, his fingers doing slow, comforting circles against her. All she feels is butterflies in her stomach, the warmth of Ethan’s hand against her skirt, and her pounding heart. She breaks into a smile of her own. 
“A date sounds nice,” she says, leaning down to set her forehead against Ethan’s. When he leans up and kisses her, that’s nice too. 
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all-for-geek · 11 months
It's Halloween Time, You Know What That Means: My Obligatory MBAV Post!
So this is actually gonna be an outline for a fanfic I had an idea for a few years ago. I would work on it on and off, but I never had the motivation to fully write it out. I did however write out an outline of how I would do season 1 of the fic, so here it goes. I might still write this at sometime in the future, but I doubt it. Enjoy!
So this fic was going to be Benny x OC where the OC is Cali. Cali is secretly Calliope: the Greek muse of writing. She wanted to learn more about human and supernatural relations for a story, so she moved to Whitechapel. Also the episodes aren't in proper order because I was going off of Netflix and what made sense in my head.
Season 1 Outline
Lawn of the Dead - Cali moves to Whitechapel on the same day that the demonic animals start attacking. She bounds with Rory over writing fanfiction, and she meets the rest of the gang through him. Cali starts off hiding her true nature from the fang gang and vice versa.
Three Cheers for Evil - Cali would have been roped into the spying on the cheerleaders plot and magicked into a Stephanie's drone. Honestly might have skipped this one because the episode itself would not have changed much. At some point she runs into Grandma Weir and Grandma senses something off about her.
Friday Night Frights - Cali can see the ghost coach and remembers how he used to mistreat the nerd of Whitechapel. She misses out on the wrestling match because she is meets up with Hades in the Underworld and convinces him to unleash the Gym Locker of the Nigh.
Blue Moon - Rory and Cali find themselves hanging out more and feeling rejected by the rest of the group. Cali because she still isn't in on the vampire secret and Rory because of the whole werewolf thing. Rory accidentally lets slip that he is a vampire, and after the Werewolf!Ethan situation, the whole group. Cali does not reveal herself yet because she's worried that it will spoil her research.
Blood Drive - Cali is helping Sarah deal with cravings. When they go after the vampire nurses, the gang wants to leave Cali behind because she is "human", but that is short lived after she kicks the vampire nurses butts.
Doug the Vampire Hunter - Cali is starting to feel guilty about not telling her friends what she really is. She plans to tell them, but those plans are put on hold when Doug shows up in town. After he goes on the hunt for Sarah, she comes up with the LARPing plan and uses her powers to make it more believable.
Guys and Dolls - Cali is actively trying to tell her friends the truth, but everytime she tries to seems like something else comes up. When the doll comes to life, it drains Cali of some of her lifeforce and makes a comment about being stronger. Afterwards, the group confronts her and she tells them the truth.
Double Negative - Cali is getting used not having to hide her muse abilities in front of the group. When Evil!Benny comes around, he tries to persuade Cali to run away with him. She considers for a moment (before she realizes that it's an evil doppleganger) but is unsure why.
Smells Like Trouble - Cali walks into school is a horrible cold. The body that she came down in is prone to mortal needs and weaknesses like disease and hunger if she is on Earth long enough. Her nose is so clogged that she can't smell anything, so she is not affected by the love potion. She starts feeling jealous about all the attention Benny is now getting, but is not willing to admit it to herself yet. She goes over to Grandma Weir's house for a cold remedy, and they have a heart to heart. When she finds out that Benny made a love potion, she blows up and separates herself from the group.
Die Pod - Cali is still ignoring Benny. She puts in her earbuds to listen to music and becomes the girl infected by the plant. Most of the chapter is in Benny's perspective while he, Ethan, and Sarah work to save Cali. Afterword, Benny and Cali have a long talk and are back to being friends.
The Brewed - Cali, Benny, and Ethan are fighting against the zombies. Cali gets bit instead of Benny. She doesn't mention it because she assumes that she can't be zombified due to her being a Muse. She doesn't realize she's wrong until she's too late. As she's turning, she uses her last breaths to kiss Benny. The kiss slowly turns into a bite as her transformation completes. Afterward, Cali insists that she only did it because she thought she was dying and that they should just be friends.
Three Geeks and a Demon - Tensions are high between Benny and Cali as every time Benny tries to bring up the kiss, Cali shuts it down. When he suggests the seance, they get into an argument, and Cali leaves. Cali finds herself hanging with Erica for the night. Erica doesn't get Cali's crush on Benny, but she suggests Cali give a shot just to stop all her moping.
Jesse's Girl - With the dance coming up, Benny and Cali decide to try going to the dance together. They're plans are interrupted by Jesse coming back. During the fight, Cali gives Jesse a run for his money, but she isn't fast enough to stop Ethan from getting bit. The season ends with Cali and Benny deciding to try being an actual couple.
I didn't fully outline season 2, but there was going to be a throughline of the longer that Cali was on Earth, the more mortal she would become. After the Hottie Ho-Tep episode, she would go back to Olympus to recharge only to make a dramatic re-entrance at the talent show with her sisters to take down Serena. The end of season 2 was going to have Cali defeat Stern and the Lucifractor but have her lose her immortality in the process.
I hope you enjoyed! If enough people like this idea I might do drabbles or one-shots in this world here or there, but I probably won't do a full story. I'm working on three WIPs already as it is.
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cuntry-r0ckst4r · 4 months
request where Benny Weir helps the reader overcome their fear of small spaces heights or the dark and stage fright
Nyctophobia ~ benny weir x reader
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summary- headcanon's of how your boyfriend helps you overcome your fears of the dark
tw- nyctophobia
I couldn't think of it as a fic, but I could think of it as a hc! Inbox is now closed!
established relationship! (Benny x reader)
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-Let's get one thing straight, he loves you so much. You're his first and probably only high school girlfriend.
-He wants to help you overcome your fear of the dark, show you that he really cares.
-He comes over to your house after school and repeats that he has a surprise to show you.
-He was expecting many many many protests, so he brought Sarah along to help out in case any monsters of night excuses came up
"hey babe... so ya know how you have a fear of the dark..." he had started off, suspiciously.
You looked at him weird before responding. "Obviously I do, yes." you had replied, suspiciously.
He had sighed, "Nevermind, will you come outside with me? I have a surprise."
You had followed him outside still somewhat suspicious of why he asked and then took you outside into the dark.
"Benny, where is this surprise? I don't want to go behind the house into the woods." You say standing with your arms crossed, watching him go closer to the dark tree's.
-He definitely gets frustrated that you won't follow him blindly into the woods??
"babe just come on! your surprise is in here!" he somewhat whines, practically begging you to go.
-after begging you for like 10 minutes, he had finally convinced annoyed you into going in the woods with you.
-you were definitely gripping onto his arm the whole time, unbeknownst to you Sarah was following behind you two.
-after walking into the middle of the forest there is no surprise and you start to get annoyed.
"Where is this surprise that you so begged me to come see Benny!" you say pissed off.
"So, don't get mad, this was the surprise. bringing you to the woods to face your fear and show you that just because it's dark doesn't mean that it's dangerous and scary!" Benny explains to you, as he explains you start to become more aware of your surroundings.
You felt your heart doing backflips as he continued his speech. Then you thought of the contradictory, "do you remember how to get out of here?"
-Which is when he told you to turn around and you saw Sarah, he explained that she would get you both out because he was not paying attention.
-As Sarah led you both out of the not so scary dark woods you were still holding his arm, but this time it wasn't for safety.
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agaypanic · 1 year
can I request benny weir with a vampire gf?! ayghhh theyd be so cute together because she feels the need to protect him at all times and he gets all flustered and stuff ykwim😭
Benny Weir With a Vampire Girlfriend Headcanons
Request Something!
I like to think vampires are territorial to some degree
So the second you start dating Benny, you become way more protective than you would be of a friend
If someone’s flirting with him, you put a stop to that right away
Even if he’s trying to tell them that he’s not interested because he has a girlfriend
You were waiting for Benny in the cafeteria with the gang. Usually, you’d walk together, but you had forgotten to grab a juice box of blood for lunch, so you had to race home to grab one. 
“Shouldn’t Benny be here by now?” You asked the group. None of you were in his period before lunch, so he usually kept to himself. This meant that if you didn’t walk with him, he’d race right to the cafeteria. But it had been ten minutes, and he still wasn’t here. “I’m kind of worried.”
“He’s probably fine, Y/n,” Sarah said reassuringly, patting your arm. 
“Why don’t you just listen for him?” Rory asked. You raised a brow.
“Don’t you mean look for him, Rory?”
“No, listen. If he’s anywhere in the school, you could probably pick up on it.” It had suddenly occurred to you that one of the perks of being undead was you had gained an incredible sense of hearing. 
“Huh, Rory having a good idea. That’s a first.” Erica muttered. You started tuning everyone out, searching for your boyfriend with your ears. You shut your eyes tight to focus. Starting out faint, you started to hear his voice.
“I should really get to lunch.” He said, laughing somewhat nervously. You didn’t have to wonder why because a voice near him responded.
“Oh, okay.” It seemed pouty, but soon turned flirtatious. “Wanna walk together?” Your stagnant blood started to boil. He was talking to some girl, probably from his class. You could practically hear her playing with her hair, trying to get more of his attention. 
You don’t know what came over you. You knew Benny could handle himself, but there was some instinct in you telling you to get that girl as far from him as possible. One second, you were sitting in the cafeteria, about to leave dents in the table from how hard you were gripping it in anger. 
The next, you were rounding the corner, heading straight for the two. 
The girl leaned against the lockers by Benny’s classroom, staring at him with a dreamy look. You were even more pissed, only you got to look at him that way. Luckily, Benny looked like he was looking for any way out of there. And you were about to give him his escape. You were just waiting for an opening.
“I usually walk with my girlfriend, who’s waiting for me right now. So I should go.” The girl seemed disappointed in his answer, but quickly recovered.
“Well, she doesn’t seem like that good of a girlfriend. If I was dating you, you’d never have to walk anywhere alone.” Wow, that’s fucking creepy.
“It’s a good thing I’m here now, then.” You said, stepping into their view. Benny’s mood visibly brightened while the girl scowled. “Ready, Bens?” You held your hand out, which he grasped immediately. The two of you walked back to the cafeteria, leaving the sulking girl in the dust.
“Thanks, Baby. That chick would not let up.”
“I was about to suck her dry.” You grumbled. 
“Well, I know something else you could suck dry,” Benny smirked at his own joke.
“Oh my God, you’re disgusting.” You pushed him away but still laughed.
You scare him with mirrors
A lot
It’s not intentional half the time
After all, it’s not your fault you don’t have a reflection anymore
You and the gang were having one of your regular sleepovers, complete with video games, junk food, and having to watch after Ethan’s little sister. Luckily, you all stayed up later than Jane, so she was soon tucked into bed and out like a light.
“Benny, go wash your hands when you’re done. I don’t want pizza grease on my controllers.” Ethan grimaced as he watched his best friend practically inhale the food. Sometimes Benny joked that he was eating for the both of you, since you weren’t able to enjoy human food anymore. It was a sweet gesture, but it also baffled you how much he could eat without getting sick.
“Ugh, fine,” Benny responded after swallowing his last piece. He went to give you a kiss, but you pushed him away.
“When you’re less messy.” He pouted, sulking all the way to the bathroom. You leaned against the island, immediately getting off when you felt something on your arm. Someone must have spilled some soda because there was a small puddle on the island, and your arm was now wet and sticky. 
Grimacing, you went to the bathroom to wash off your arm. Stopping at the doorway, you waited for your turn as Benny washed his hands. When he washed all the soap off, you thought he would dry off. But instead, he grabbed one of the washcloths in the towel cupboard that the Morgan’s had and dipped it in the water. He leaned in close to the mirror and started washing his face. 
When Benny’s face was cleaned, he threw the washcloth in the laundry basket. Thinking he was alone, and being the dork he was, he started doing random poses in the mirror. You would’ve kept watching if you weren’t so bothered by your sticky arm. But luckily, he spun around and jumped in surprise at your presence. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“How long have you been standing there?” He asked, a bit embarrassed. You nudged him a bit, so you had room to wash up.
“Just a few minutes.” You said as you scrubbed. “I’m surprised you didn’t see me in the mirror.”
“Uh… Y/n…” You looked up, confused but soon realized what he meant. Sometimes you forget that having no soul meant no reflection. But you tried not to think of it like that, so you laughed.
“Oh, right.” You dried off and looked at Benny, just to see that he was already looking at you.
“Can I kiss you now?” He asked. “I’m mess-free.” He held up his now clean hands and gestured to his clean face.
“Sure.” You grinned, arms winding around his neck to bring him to your level. He pressed a hand to your back to bring you closer as he kissed you.
The two of you probably would’ve stayed in there forever if you weren’t interrupted.
“No making out in my bathroom!”
You always team up when you and the gang are fighting monsters or looking for clues
A warlock and a vampire are a dynamic duo
Especially when they’re dating, and the vampire won’t let anything happen to her warlock
This fight seemed very ironic to you. Ethan had a vision that the school’s annual blood drive was being run by vampires. You couldn’t let these nurses get away with all this blood for themselves. But while you fought them off, you were fighting your own urges to break into the truck that had all the blood.
But there was a problem with the truck. Two fellow vampires, Rory and Erica, were stuck in the truck that was full of blood. So while you, Ethan, and Sarah tried fighting the demonic nurses off, Benny tried breaking Rory and Erica out. Your job was to keep the nurses away from Benny so he could focus on opening the doors.
“How cute. You seem to have your own blood bag.” One nurse sneered at you. “Mind if I have a bite?” She sped at you, and it took all your strength to keep her away from your boyfriend. Kicks and punches were thrown with fangs bared.
“Find your own blood bag!” You launched her across the small parking lot with a powerful kick. You turned to Benny, who was now staring at you. “You okay?”
“That was so cool.” He whispered. You grinned, about to respond, when you sensed the nurse recovering. You raced towards her, and the two of you continued your fight. Benny stared at you, somewhat flustered, knowing you were doing all of it to protect him.
“Benny!” The boy was brought out of his thoughts by Ethan yelling at him. “Focus!”
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discocandles · 1 year
sorry rant time but jesus christ i can't take it anymore or hold it in any longer cause i just gotta know what is it with everyone in the mbav fandom on here calling my favorite character B man i don't understand is it really so hard to call him by his actual real character name?! plus if i see anybody call him that one more time i'm gonna lose my mind/shit cause it honestly just bugs me so much and annoys me i know it shouldn't cause it's a small little nit pick thing that doesn't matter at all but it does to me because i just keep seeing everyone continue to call Ethan Erica Rory and Sarah by their names but not Benny so it really feels like to me that everyone is calling him that on purpose/out to spite Benny fans like me by not paying attention to his character and ignoring him thinking that he's less important and doesn't matter that to them he doesn't even need an actual name cause why should he no one likes him um NEWS FLASH I DO plus it's not like it's written down somewhere that the character is called B man weir HIS NAME IS LITERALLY BENNY WEIR FOR CRYING OUT LOUD PEOPLE!!! i just want and wish people would include Benny's name in posts again to show that he matters in the world of mbav is that too much to ask for?!
Doesn't Ethan call him b man in the actual show?
If you have any ideas of fun little nicknames for Rory, Erica or Sarah, I'd be happy to hear them (Ethan is Eef in my heart, or e dee bean)
And calling Benjamin Middle Name Weir "b man" is not a form of malice to me. It's like calling bruce wayne "brucie" or Damian "dami" except in those cases, both characters seem to dislike that nickname very strongly.
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m00nz-writes · 1 year
Blood Drive - Blackened Angel chap. 5
When the blood drive comes to the school, Sarah struggles with her intense blood lust and Alyssa becomes irritated with the blood drive due to not being a human. She eventually caves in and gives a pint of blood until Ethan informs her that the nurses are vampires.
"Why don't you just try?" JJ suggested as he, Alyssa and Maria had a look at the blood donation line. Lyss frowned and looked at the taller teen with a scowl on her face.
"Because I'm not even remotely human. Who knows what kind of effect my blood would have on a human being?"
"Maybe it would give them superpowers!" Maria said with a bright smile on her face as the other two looked at her in disbelief. Alyssa reluctantly followed with a heavy sigh as they joined Ethan and Benny in line. Alyssa reluctantly followed, sighing heavily as they joined Ethan and Benny in line.
"You don't look so hot." JJ said, glancing at the seer.
"Ethan's afraid of needles." Benny said, keeping an eye on the attractive nurse. Alyssa frowned, feeling a pit in her stomach as she studied the two nurses. Something about them just seemed… wrong.
"I'm not a chicken! I'm a hawk with… razor-sharp talons and laser eyes!" Ethan shouted after Benny started to tease him about being scared, breaking Alyssa's train of thought as she looked over at them. Ethan glanced back at the nurses before he started to feel queasy and almost fell over. Alyssa quickly put her hands on his arms and helped him to his feet, her eyebrows furrowed.
"You sure you wanna be here?" she asked softly as he nodded.
"Yeah… yeah… I just…" he trailed off before the group saw Sarah. "I need to talk to Sarah." he pulled away and started to walk over to her. Alyssa looked at JJ as he motioned for her to follow the seer, she rolled her eyes and brushed her fringe from her face as she quickly followed him.
"Hey." Alyssa said as she and Ethan made their way to the fledgling. She gave an absent-minded greeting and Lyss furrowed her brow.
"You okay?" Ethan asked and the teen nodded, still shoveling chips into her mouth.
"Sure… don't I look okay?"
"You're practically covered in chips." Alyssa said as the other teen looked at the two of them and sighed as she wiped her face.
"All of this blood is really getting to you, huh?" Ethan asked and Sarah huffed.
"It's like letting the contestants from The Bigger Loser loose in a chocolate factory!" she whined, looking between them as Alyssa snorted and shrugged.
"Do you need help…?" Ethan asked before looking at Alyssa. "We could be your diet buddies," he added before Lyss lightly slapped his arm.
"Or you could just feed off me." she suggested as Ethan looked at her wide-eyed. "What? I'm not even close to human. I highly doubt that drinking my blood will turn her into a vampire or whatever."
"It's Erica I'm worried about. She doesn't have much self-control, and if…" Sarah trailed off before the said vampire turned around and startled Alyssa, who turned around to look at her.
"Hey, Sarah." Erica said casually, holding a tray of cookies that caught Alyssa's attention. "Cookie?" she asked before the hunter grabbed a couple of them and immediately shoved one of them into her mouth. Unsurprisingly, they were relatively dry, but at least they were sweet. Erica quickly snatched the second one from Alyssa's hand, causing the nephilim to frown. "Those are not for you!"
"I don't see anyone else taking any!" Lyss complained, trying to get the cookie back. Erica held it up too high for Lyss to grab, being taller than the Slayer, causing her to groan and finish the cookie she still held. "Bitch…" she muttered, earning a kick from Erica. Lyss grimaced and quickly knelt down to hold her shin, glaring up at her.
"Stop it!" Sarah snapped, looking between them. Ethan grabbed Alyssa by the arm and pulled her back to the line where JJ and Maria were laughing at the interaction.
"Dude, you really need to cut back on the amount of sweets you eat." JJ teased while Lyss rolled her eyes in derision.
"This coming from the guy who practically eats protein…" she muttered as she crossed her arms. "I was robbed of that second cookie."
"To be fair, those are only for people who give blood." Maria commented, holding on to JJ's arm as she looked over at the hunter.
"I'm an athlete," the taller teen added. "I need protein to keep me strong."
"You're built like a bodybuilder at 15. Why on earth would you need more protein?" Alyssa rolled her eyes and looked over at Ethan as he tried to make his way over to Erica and Rory, only to faint at the sight of a needle. Alyssa's eyes widened as she rushed to catch him, stumbling with him in her arms as a nurse came to check on him.
"You should take him to the nurse's office." she said, looking up at the hunter as she nodded and awkwardly picked him up. She sighed and rolled her eyes a little as she carried him out of the room. A few students laughed at the scene and Lyss turned around to quickly flip them off before continuing on her way.
Alyssa stumbled into the office with Ethan still in her arms, still unconscious. The school nurse panicked at the sight of them and quickly got up from her desk as Alyssa placed him on the bed and left the room to wait in the hallway. Eventually, she sat down near the door and took off her backpack, pulling an energy drink out of it, and opened it up. She grabbed her phone and scrolled through her timeline in a mind-numbing manner, her eyebrows furrowing as she focused on the stupid things people said when they were behind a screen.
"Hey.." Ethan muttered, leaving the office and sitting beside her with an ice pack. He made a small grimace at the pain, and Lyss offered him the can, from which he took a reluctant sip. He grimaced at how it tasted when Alyssa giggled and smiled at him. "How can you drink this stuff? It's like… battery acid."
"It's an acquired taste." she teased, giving him a light nudge. "You definitely had no complaints when we were at the concert."
"Yeah, because I was too focused on the fact that the lead singer almost fell off the stage several times." he commented, looking back at her as she shrugged her shoulders.
"I was more worried about all the pictures that Kimmie kept trying to take of us…" she admitted, sipping her drink as she looked back at the screen of her phone. "I mean… I don't mind letting my friends see me with you, but I'm more worried about what other baddies might think." she admitted with a small shrug.
"You don't have to worry about me." he assured her but she shook her head.
"Of course I do… I've been training my whole life for what we're going to deal with now, but you've been thrown into it." he frowned at her. "If you got hurt because of me…" she trailed off before leaning against him and resting her head on his shoulder.
"It'll be okay." he said quietly before his phone rang. He pulled it from his pocket and answered it as Alyssa sat up, watching him rise from the floor. He talked to Benny for a little while and Lyss frowned when she heard a loud crash close by and pushed herself up to look down the hall and see that Sarah had broken the vending machine. Slinging her backpack over her shoulder, Lyss stood and walked over to her.
"My offer stands." Lyss commented as the fledgling's gaze fell on her.
"No way. What if I seriously hurt you? Or I turn into a full vampire?" she said as Alyssa giggled.
"I could always ask V is he can help you out." she suggested but Sarah shook her head. "So you would rather stuff your face with junk food until this whole thing passes? That's still a few hours, Sarah."
"I don't want to hurt you." she said as Alyssa shrugged and put down her backpack, pulling out a larger bag of unopened chips and offering them to her as Sarah quickly snatched them out of her hands. "Do you always carry junk food with you?"
"My family isn't really known for eating a healthy diet." Alyssa shrugged as she stood up straight. "Not that it's a problem. My metabolism is crazy, and my body doesn't need to eat as much as the average person." she said, smiling a little before she looked back at Ethan. "I'll see you later." she called out, starting to walk down the hallway as he waved a little.
At the end of the school day, Alyssa made her way to her locker and opened it. She put all of her textbooks back in the locker except for the few she needed for study and homework, closed the locker, and walked away as she thought about the blood drive. It was the last call and she was thinking about maybe giving some blood… sure, she was half demon, but she was also half angel. She wasn't entirely sure if her blood would do any good, but maybe if it could be of some real help to people, then it would be worth it.
Alyssa hurried in right after the last guy and looked at the younger nurse before waving her over. She walked over to them with a friendly smile on her face as she looked over at the hunter.
"Okay… this is going to sound super weird, but…" she trailed off, thinking for a moment about how to phrase the next thing she was going to say. "If someone donated blood as, say… an angel/devil hybrid, would that cause any problems?" she asked, the woman laughing softly.
"I know you're a Nephilim." she assured her, Lyss nodding despite a slight frown. "If you wish, you can donate blood." she added. The woman led her over to the empty chair, made her sit down and began to get everything ready. She cleaned the area where she was going to take the blood from, not bothering to be as careful as she usually was, since Alyssa was going to be completely fine right after this. "This is only going to hurt for a moment." she said as she prepared the needle and inserted it into Alyssa's skin.
In comparison to everything else she had been through in the past few months, the insertion of the needle was barely noticeable. She felt the ink on her skin begin to shift and wriggle as the needle came dangerously close to where everything rested. She mentally apologized to Shadow for disturbing her slumber in the ink. When the blood withdrawal was complete, the nurse withdrew the needle from her skin, almost inhaling the scent of her blood.
"And you're all done." she gave the hunter a friendly smile before Lyss sat up and the wound healed in an instant. "Feel free to help yourself to a cookie." she added as Alyssa got out of the chair and walked over to the tray, grabbed two cookies and was about to head out of there before she noticed Ethan. She hesitated as the nurses turned their attention to him, immediately intrigued by his appearance.
"I know I missed last call, but… I have a pint of blood sloshing around inside of me. I promise I won't faint." he offered an awkward smile as the blonde nodded and led him to the chair. Alyssa walked back into the room and came to stand next to Ethan as he looked up at her. "You don't have to stay." he assured her, but she shook her head.
"I want to make sure you're gonna be okay." she assured him as she offered him a hand, which he reluctantly took. He held on to it as the nurse made sure that he was ready to have his blood drawn. He squeezed Alyssa's hand a little as he started to panic, but Alyssa lightly stroked the back of his hand with her thumb, which helped to calm his nerves a little. When the nurse touched his arm he had a vision and panicked again as Alyssa's brow furrowed and she put her free hand on his shoulder, reassuring him that he'd be okay.
"It's okay. I don't bite." she assured him as he looked nervously between her and Alyssa.
"Promise…?" he asked softly as she prepared to insert the needle.
"Annie, let's go!" the other nurse said as the woman in front of the teens sighed.
"Maybe another time." she said as she leaned down to inhale Ethan's scent. "Too bad, you smell… interesting," she said before getting up and making her way to the last container of blood bags. Lyss watched her intently, her eyebrows furrowed as Ethan was in a state of panic again.
"She's a vampire." he said hastily and Lyss looked at him and released his hand.
"I knew there was something wrong with her," she hissed, her eyes back on the door. "I bet they don't even donate the damned blood." she added, unclenching her fists frustrated before Ethan stood up.
"We don't know that." he said, looking over at her as she turned back to him. They both looked over at Sarah's entrance as Ethan informed her of the situation they were in. The girl panicked at the smell of Ethan's blood and Lyss picked up more cookies and handed them to her before taking the rest of the tray and tossing them into her bag. "Gross…" Ethan muttered before she gave him a light kick and a glare.
Alyssa kept her mind on the road as she sped to meet the gang at the warehouse Benny had sent her the address for, pulling into the relatively empty lot before speeding toward the already open door. She came to a screeching halt between Sarah and Ethan and the vampires, releasing Shadow from the ink as the two vampires seemed to recoil in fear of the demon. Shadow growled at them as the older woman looked at Alyssa.
"You're Dante's daughter." she said as Lyss frowned slightly and got off the bike to look at her. "I knew there was something familiar about you."
"Who gives a damn whose daughter I am?" Alyssa asked, pulling the Ultimatum out of the hidden holsters as she pointed the gun at her. "You have my friends, and I am going to beat the crap out of you." she said as the woman laughed.
"You are not as strong as your father. You have no power here."
"She's a lot stronger than she looks." Sarah interjected, glaring at the two vampires.
"She's strong, but she can't control what she's doing." the vampire said bluntly before the younger one groaned.
"Enough talking! She hissed, lunging at Alyssa as the hybrid hit her as hard as she could. The vampire slammed into the nearest wall at the force of the blow and collapsed to the floor as Lyss gave her a small shake of the hand and a grimace.
"Damn… that fucking hurt…" she murmured as Shadow tried to attack the other vampire. Sarah took care of Annie while Alyssa made her way to the truck and tried to open the door when she doubled over in pain and let out a guttural scream. She looked over at Shadow and saw that she was lying on the ground, having been badly injured.
"You're bound to the demon." the woman scoffed at the sight of Alyssa in excruciating pain. "If I were to kill her, then you would be dead as well." she added before Alyssa shot her in the shoulder, causing her to scream in pain and stumble backwards as she held onto her shoulder.
"Kill her and I'll drag you to hell!" Alyssa yelled as she looked down at the demon before she ran over to the vampire. The woman kicked the gun out of her hands and grabbed her by the throat, lifting her up as the nephilim struggled in her grasp, letting out a choked sob as the blonde's hand tightened around her throat. Alyssa tried to kick her as she struggled for breath, but another shot rang out and both Alyssa and the vampire looked over at Ethan to see that he did indeed have the Ultimatum in his hand.
"Put her down!" he shouted shakily, getting nervous holding an actual gun. The vampire smiled at him as she looked back at Alyssa, her smile quickly fading as she saw that Lyss' arm had transformed and she hit her as hard as she could, the claws on her Devil Arm slicing into her face as she dropped the nephilim and screamed. Alyssa fell to her knees as she took a few deep breaths. She looked back at Shadow before crawling over to her and placing a hand on her head. The demon lifted her head to look at Alyssa, caressing her head and planting a soft kiss on her muzzle.
"It's okay, Shad. You can rest…" she whispered before the demon returned the ink and Lyss felt her body finally stop hurting as Shadow began healing inside the ink. Alyssa got up and ran over to Ethan and grabbed the gun from him just as Annie grabbed Sarah and smiled at them. The other vampire turned to face them, the wounds from the attack not having healed in the slightest. Ethan grabbed Alyssa's arm as she looked between the two vampires in a bit of panic.
"Kill her and I'll kill your friend." Annie yelled, holding on to Sarah even tighter as the attention of the hunter turned to her.
"Let her go." Lyss warned, pointing the gun at them as Sarah panicked and fought harder.
"Or what?" the blonde smiled a little wider. "One wrong move and she's dead." Alyssa's hand shook before she lowered the gun and dropped to her knees to put it down as the vampire finally let go of Sarah. The girl ran over to Alyssa and hid behind her next to Ethan as both vampires glared at them. Both of the vampires ran towards them and Alyssa screamed, holding her arms in front of Ethan and Sarah as the vampires came closer, but she opened her eyes to see that both of the vampires were… seemingly frozen in place. "What the hell?!" Annie yelled as Alyssa looked at them, her eyes widening at the realization that she was the reason they were stopped.
"I have my dad's telekenisis…" she whispered before releasing the vampires as they both collapsed. She lowered her arms before reaching for her weapon.
"You brat!" Annie shouted in anger as Alyssa pointed the gun in her direction.
"I really have no desire to kill either of you," she admitted with a scowl. "But if the two of you are serious about trying to kill us because you kidnapped our friends and are running a blood donation scam, then all right. I'm gonna tear you both apart and feed you Shadow."
"What do you want?" the older vampire asked surprisingly calmly, looking at the trio.
"What I want is for you to give me back my friends and for you to stay the hell away from Whitechapel!" Lyss snapped. "We have enough problems here as it is. Go bother some other people and leave us out of it!"
"Give us a pint of his blood and we'll be on our way," she replied as Alyssa looked over at Ethan and quickly held an arm out in front of him for protection. "You care about him…how sweet." she rolled her eyes as Alyssa growled at her.
"You should watch your words. Keep in mind, I'm the one who can easily kill both of you." she glared at both vampires. "I'm giving you the chance to escape with your lives."
"I'll do it." Ethan said quickly, taking both Alyssa and Sarah by surprise. "But I want Sarah to do it. I don't trust either of you." he added as Lyss had a slight frown on her face but lowered her arm. Both stood up and Annie tried to charge them, but the other blonde stopped her.
"Why do you have to do everything the hard way?" she yelled, shoving the younger vampire back before grabbing an unfilled blood bag. She handed it to Sarah as Alyssa put her gun in the holster and looked over at Ethan, putting a hand on his arm.
"Are you sure about this…?" she asked and he nodded.
"Yeah… if it means they leave for good and nobody dies, it's a win-win." he assured her, smiling nervously. She nodded and gently took his hand in an attempt to help him relax as Sarah reluctantly walked over. Ethan gripped Alyssa's hand tightly as he squeezed his eyes shut, while Lyss put her free hand on his shoulder and looked in the direction of Sarah. The fledgling took a deep breath and began to draw in the blood as Ethan jumped and let out a yelp of pain as the hunter lightly rubbed his shoulder and rested her head against his as it ended just as quickly as it had begun. She looked up at Sarah as Annie grabbed the bag out of her hands and Lyss looked down at Ethan.
"You did a great job." she said reassuringly as he gave a nervous smile. She helped him stand, still holding his hand as Benny ran over holding a strange device.
"Behold! The power of technology!" he shouted, pressing a button to no avail. Benny slapped the device before pointing it at the truck. "Doorus openus." he said as Alyssa looked at the doors and used her new found power to swing them open. Her eyes widened as she saw Erica and Rory kissing and she stared at them with her mouth hanging open in shock.
"He wouldn't shut up! Kissing him actually seemed like a good idea!" Erica said as they got out of the truck. The other vampires closed the doors with a roll of their eyes.
"I'm surrounded by vampire noobs." one of them muttered as Alyssa covered her mouth and giggled.
"Do you need a ride home?" she asked Erica as she shook her head and looked at Rory.
"Nah… it's a nice night and we could use the flying practice." she waved her hand dismissively before she and the other blonde walked out of the warehouse. Alyssa cringed as she heard Erica slap Rory and laughed softly as Benny and Sarah made their way out and the blood truck pulled away from the warehouse. Lyss finally let go of Ethan's hand and smiled awkwardly before she started to get on her bike.
"So… that wasn't Benny's horrible attempt to open the door that worked, was it?" he asked and she scoffed and got on.
"Doorus openus?" she mocked, pretending to use a wand as the Seer laughed. "No way, that was me… which I'm impressed with, because I just found out that I have telekenisis and I can… kind of control it." she smiled at him as he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Are you okay…?" he asked as she looked up at him with a shrug of her shoulders as she leaned against the handlebars.
"I'm fine… it's just…" she frowned, resting her chin on her arm. "I'm having trouble finding my place…"
"What do you mean?"
"You, Benny, Sarah… you all have your place in this shit." she sat up and looked at the Seer. "Sure, I've been in training for all this stuff. My whole life has been nothing but training for the moment when I have to step up and take over Devil May Cry… and yet it feels like I'm just kind of fucked."
"You're the reason any of us are still alive." Ethan assured her as she gave a small smile.
"I know that… if it wasn't for me, you'd probably be dead," she teased before the smile faded. "I don't know… I guess I just suffer with this… thing. You know, when things are going great but you still feel like you're failing?"
"Imposter Syndrome." Ethan clarified and she snapped her fingers.
"That's the one." she nodded with a sigh. "Maybe I need to pay a visit to my uncle…" she muttered as Ethan frowned at her.
"Vitale?" he asked as she looked up at him and his eyes went wide with surprise. "You're not talking about the other one… are you?"
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transbibennyweir · 4 years
thinking about how in the last eps ethan was the one to get jesse for help and everyone was like Why Him but ethan really thought jesse would be useful enough to help them out..... maybe i’m forgetting a plot point but why did ethan trust him? if season three happened would it be ethan that thinks maybe jesse could change for the better? like i’m really interested in their character dynamic and how it would evolve after the final esp with what everyone else would think
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bloodykora · 3 years
Remember Me This Way (Jesse's Girl Epi)
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The Casper dance scene has a firm grip on my heart, so I'm now putting it in all of yours'.
MBAV Masterlist
Summary: Rory and reader go out to the field to have a slow dance.
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Somehow in all of the chaos you and Rory escaped into the peaceful night for a moment.
“So I’m guessing Jesse has been taken care of?” You ask, feet skimming over the pavement
“Not sure, I remember Benny told me that everything was taken care of so I left.” Rory answers, helmet bobbing along with his head as he spoke.
“Well, based on Ethan still being alive I would assume everything is fine.” You reassure yourself. You hear a new song come on in the gym, sound echoing out.
“It’s nice out tonight.” You comment, the air not nipping at your skin but just lightly cooling it.
“One time I tried to fly during a thunderstorm, I ended up tangled in a tree with a squirrel.” Rory tells you, you chuckle a bit.
“I, uh, like your suit.” You compliment, admiring his different choice of dress for the dance.
“It’s so cool! I almost didn’t wear the helmet but luckily I did or it would've looked wrong.” Your foot bopping to the beat of the background noise.
“You think Sarah will be okay?”
“Oh yea! She’s been in worse situations, like when she got possessed.” Rory answers.
“I still can’t believe she didn’t kill you three when she came back.”
“What can I say? I’m too charming to kill.” You laugh as he speaks. You feel his body lean into yours a bit.
“Rory?” He whips his head to you.
“Wanna dance?” His face lights up at your questions and nods. You both bust into a groove, embellishing in the absence of others. You laugh as Rory dances completely off beat, not having a single care in the world. The music slows to a calmer song, one of those horribly cheesy pop love songs. Rory gestures his hand out to you, a smile on his face.
“You want to slow dance to this terrible song?”
“Why not? If I had my choice it would be something from Star Trek or sci-fi related.” You grab his hand, shaking your head at his dorkiness.
“I guess you’re right, it’s a space theme dance with no space music.”
“I know! They really missed out on the opportunity." The two of you rocking back and forth, Rory being shorter than you so you have to look down.
“It’s better being out here. I can hear you, no splitting headache and no spilled drinks on me.” You say, feeling the weight on your feet lighten. Mind deciding on it being the calmness of your body.
“The whole gym smells like sweat and let me tell you, it’s not good.”
“I always forget about your guy’s super senses. I don't know how I would handle it if I was a vampire.”
“You just get used to it. It is helpful when you wanna eat late at night. You can smell which stores are still open.” By now you realize how close Rory held you, you break eye contact. Seeing your feet were no longer on the ground, Rory had floated the two of you while dancing. You grab a tighter hold on him, scared of falling.
“I promise I won’t drop you y/n.” He says, you just nod internally panicking. Holding on for dear life, if he wasn’t a vampire you would have been scared about hurting the blond boy.
“Can I keep you?” He whispers, the sound of crickets being the background. Your eyes go back to his as he lowers the two of you. Your feet graze the ground again, your arms loosen now in the safety of the cement. Rory smiles again at you.
“For a slow dance I would say it wasn’t bad. I told you I was a good dancer.” He says, a familiar blond is seen in the distance. Huffing out about Jesse and she stomped towards the pair of you.
“Come on! We gotta go, we’re meeting at Ethan’s house!” She yells before bolting away.
“Sounds like they need our help, get on my back and I can get us there.” He begins to turn but you grab his arm.
“Wait.” You say, grabbing his helmet and planting a kiss on the top of it. Leaving a mark, Rory’s face goes starstruck for a moment. Then he re-focuses as you jump on his back.
“What was your night like y/n?” Ethan asks, trying to desperately change the topic of him getting bitten.
“Well.” You sit for a moment.
“Rory and I slow-danced, then he quoted Casper and I kissed him.” You boast, smile on your face.
“What!” E and B both yell.
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