#ima go with the ladder :))
creativeartgal · 1 month
Spoiler for lessons 44 and 45 of nighbringer
LIKE BRO I ALREADY HAVE A FEAR OF HEIGHTS!?!? IF I WAS MC ID NEVER GO ABOVE GROUND LEVEL EVER AGAIN!!!! oh wanna hangout in your room on the second floor? NOPE NOT HAPPENING! Need to use a ladder to grab something? FUCK THAT!!! IMA ASK BEEL TO GET IT
I would be so fucking traumatized after the first time. BUT TWICE!?!?
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chaos-grimlin · 1 year
Hi there! Can I request a Randy scenario where his gf or s/o reader goes through the same thing Anika does in Scream Six with the ladder and even the same kinda wound before the ladder and Randy is in the other building with Dewey Gale and Sid thank you
Finally I seen scream 6 so I can do this!!
Warning: kinda a scream 6 Spoiler
Pairing: Randy and Fem! Girlfriend reader
I changed it up slightly and this takes place during scream two...why....idk I just got the feeling...
Try not to fall (Randy meeks and Fem! Reader)
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^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^
INTRO: No one thought they'd find themselves in this situation....one where they were running for their lives from a deranged murder who taunted them for weeks...killing off their friends and family one...by..one.
After the first accident that left them all scared and fearful they moved..well...Randy, Sidney and Y/n moved.
They moved for collage and mostly to get away from Woodsboro for a bit, so maybe the could forget their past...but their past seemed to follow them close behind...
Soon, nights were filled with blood and massacre...hinting to a new ghostface killer...
News spread quickly through their town and woodsboro...everyone read the books and watched the movies..so the town grew eager and almost...sickly excited for a new killer..but the news struck worry in some...including Dewey riley...the sheriff of woodsboro that survived being Stabbed in the back by Stu macher.
Dewey was quick to make his way to sidney, randy, and Y/n...but..their meeting was nothing like how they planned it to be...
It was late at night...10:37 to be exact, and there was a faint knock on the door that made all the young adults jump fear and PTSD filling their bodies to the brim.
But their fear melted when they saw the soft smile that Dewey gave them through the small window.
Once the door was open the started chatting...but none of them cared to check if it was locked..
As they sat there catching up, laughing and talking, seeming to forget about the problem at hand..someone had snuck in....
^^^Y/n P.O.V^^^
I sat on the couch laughing at a joke Dewey had said along with everyone else.. finally I felt... normal...
Since the woodsboro massacre and finding out my bestfriends were the ones behind the masks, I felt like an outcast. I felt the eyes that lingered on me, I heard people whisper about me and what had happened to me..but I always acted like I didn't care..when in reality all I wanted was some comfort with social interactions.
I knew i had Randy..the guy I had started dating only days after the massacre..and he was amazing at helping distract me from it all, but I always ended up back in the dark places that I tried to kept hidden from my brain.
"Y/n..baby...you okay?" Randy's sweet velvety voice rang through my ears as I felt him wrap a arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to his side.
"Yeah I'm good!" I say flashing a smile as I nuzzled up to his side.
"Hold on..when did you two become a thing?" Dewey teased as a smile broke out onto his face
"Oh a few days after..ya know" Randy muttered
As soon as those words left his lips I stood up "ima go get a drink" and at that, I walked off, feeling those thoughts rise into my skull once again.
I walked to the fridge, rubbing my eyes..but then..a feeling bubbled up into my gut..the feeling of being watched...
I looked around almost frantically, my eyes dashing around too fast for me to comprehend anything.
"Dewey! Randy! Sidney! I think someone's-" as those words left my lips
In a swift motion a figure emerged from the dark hallway infront of me, impailing my lower stomach with a knife.
I felt pain..nothing but pain corsing through ever inch of my body.
A scream forced its self out of my throat as the person started dragging the knife upwards.
All i could focus on was the pain..all the pain the spread...the pain the intensified...causing me to scream louder.. and all I could look at was the blacked out eyes of the mask
I didn't notice when everyone come rushing in till shots were fired causing the masked person to pull the knife out of my slit stomach and bolt into the darkness.
I gasped for air as I fell to the floor, clutching my stomach as if trying to keep my organs from spilling out of my body
I cried
I felt the hot tears roll down my cheeks as Randy was quick to loop his arm around me, pulling me up.
I howled in agony and pure pain.
I clenched my jaw tightly and kept my hand over my stomach, whining and crying as Randy kept me up.
"We gotta go!" Sidney yelled
None of them knew how badly I was hurt...
Sidney ran to a nearby bed room and Dewey followed While randy scooped me up in his arms and ran to the room too
Whines of pain escaped my mouth as I felt my precious life fade away
Randy set me on a bed sitting next to me, gently lifting my blood stained shirt..only for his eyes to go wide and he started crying...sobbing while I felt my eyes flutter closed then jolt back open seconds later
We couldn't hide....no way in hell we could..
Dewey and Sidney started to baracade the door as Randy tried to help me..
But all it ened up doing was spreading and spilling more and more blood.
"No no no Y/n! Don't you die! Don't you die on me Y/n!" Randy gasped out as he held his hands tightly onto my stomach
Making me cry harder and let out another scream...
^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^
Dewey rushed to the window and opened it, willing to help everyone out if it wasn't too high...but once he did..he was met with a face he thought he'd never see again...Gale weathers
Gale motioned for Dewey to open the window like she had hers and Dewey compiled.
"That the hell is going on!?" Gale yelled, after hearing Y/ns cries of pain.
Once Gale spoke..someone started banging harshly on the door they had blocked moments ago..
"No time...we're trapped in this room! Y/ns injuried...badly!" He yelled as Sidney pushed on the door, keeping it closed.
"Hold on!" Gale screamed, she always had a soft spot for Y/n that she herself couldn't understand.
Gale rushed to the supply closet in the apartment she was in and then ran back..ladder in hand
"Hurry up Gale!" Randy screamed in panic as he saw Y/n become weaker by the second
Gale extended the ladder and started pushing it out the window till it met the window of the room they were in, Dewey secured the ladder in place.
"Sid you go! I'll hold them off!" Dewey yelled as he and Sidney traded spots
As sidney climbed across the ladder and to the apartment gale was in, Dewey pushed more things infrot of the door as the banging continued but louder.
"Randy go!" Dewey yelled
"I'm not leaving her!" Randy yelled keeping Y/n close
"I'll stay with her randy! Just go!" At that
Randy hesitantly let go of Y/n and went to the window, climbing onto the ladder.
Dewey rushed to y/n side, seeing she was cut deeper then he thought. "Hey hey it's all g..gonna be okay" Dewey whispered as he held Y/ns wound closed and watched Randy climb. Once he was across Dewey got ready to help Y/n over
"Let her go last!" Sidney yelled
"She injured!"she added
Randy looked at Sidney as if she was stupid "that's why we need to get her over!"
"G..go Dewey..s..Sids..right" y/n admitted knowing she wouldn't get across in time.
"As soon as he's halfway you start crawling okay? Okay?!" Randy yelled through tears.
Y/n stood on shakey legs and blood rushed from jer stomach, the banging on the door was more violent by now and some stuff they used to block the door started to fall.
Once Dewey was halfway across Y/n slowly grabbed the ladder and moved onto it, as she did she felt as if all her organs would spill out, leaving jer dead on the ladder.
Dewey was quick to get.fully across while Y/n moved at a slower pace trying not to her herself more or slip since the blood on her hands made the metal slick.
"Fuck!! Hurry Baby hurrry!" Randy screamed out as he watched..but things took a turn for the worst..
The door was busted open and the person dressed as ghostface saw the ladder
Y/n was crying in pain and fear as she tried to move faster, causing herself more pain but it was too late..
Ghostface grabbed the end of the ladder and started moving it violently, causing y/n to scream and clutch onto the metal harder as she tried to cross
"no no! Baby please! Don't fall please!" Randy's cries echoed around her as she held onto the bars screaming as the ghost face moved the ladder more, causing her body to jolt and bounce, her legs slipping.
As if by merical.. she made it close enough to reach out to Randy
Randy instantly stuck his hand out, trying to grab onto hers as whoever it was kept moving the ladder
"I..I don't wanna die" she cried out as she desperately tried to grab Randy's hand..
Disaster stuck..
Y/n loosened her grip on the ladder as she tried to reach out to Randy and due to this..one last shake of the ladder caused her to slip
Her blood coated hand betrayed her and she lost her grip..and her legs were too weak to hold her up..and she fell.
Her scream echoed through the alleyway and then all was silent other then a sickening sound her skull cracking as it hit the metal dumpster then the hard concrete
Randy froze, his body almost giving out on him as he saw her fall
His whole world died with one fall..
He felt a scream of both anger and sadness leave his lips as he looked at the ghostface with tear filled eyes.
Randy looked at them..he couldn't bring himself to look down at the only lover he had laying on the cold concrete with her head busted open.
Randy wanted to erase the memories off last year and today from his brain and remember his girlfriend when she was happy when she wasn't in pain or crying in his arms due to countless nightmares
"YOULL PAY! YOULL PAY YOU SICK FUCK!" Randy screamed out as the ghostface rushed off.
Everyone was stunned...shocked...at what happened..no one wanted to believe that Y/n had fell...but once Sidney looked down and let out a cry of disgust, sadness, and anger..they knew she was gone..and that the aftermath looked bad...
Sidney saw Y/ns lifeless eyes staring at her as her organs covered the floor along with her blood and parts of her broke skull. She saw the blood that ran from her open mouth..she regretted looking..every time she closed her eyes all she saw was her...
Randy fell to his knees, animalistic cries and screams bellowing out from him
Gale, Dewey and Sidney all hugged him tightly..they all knew and felt the hurt that he felt..
Y/n was their little ball of sunshine..their own gift from the heavens..now..the sunshine has faded and the gift had been taken..everyone felt a small part of them die along with Y/n...
Days had passed
Yet none of them could stop thinking about her...
She plagued Randy's dreams
And her dead eyes haunted sidney
Sidney felt guilty for making Y/n go last..and she knew Randy blamed her for his girlfriends death..even Gale blamed Sidney too..
Ever since the first massacre.. Gale became like a mother figure to Y/n..she even took a beating just to give Y/n a chance to escape Billy and Stu..Gale loved Y/n like a daughter...and the noise of her skull cracking make gale want to vomit every time it played its way into her mind..
Not long after her death...maybe a week...
More calls were made
And more murders were committed..
This time..
The killer had killed Randy
Yanking him into a van stabbing him repeatedly and slitting his throat, leaving him a bloody mess like his girlfriend
All because Gale and Dewey told him to keep the killer on the phone
More guilt weighted onto Gale Dewey and Sidney when the found Randy's body
Coating in blood...
Yet all of them knew
That now...
He could be with his girl now...he could be with his Y/n...
And Sidney, Dewey, and Gale all vowed that they'd kill these sick fucks in honor of their friends..
Y/n l/n and Randy meeks
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emilee-has-legs · 1 year
that one really cool sim tag thats been going around.
wasn't tagged by anyone in particular, but @loafysims and @ravensccfindss both mentioned me in this tag recently so i thought i'd give it a shot. also my need for attention is a bottomless pit so.
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1.) What’s your favourite sims death?
honestly, the classic, putting a sim in a pool and then taking out the ladder. theres no common sense to the action it's just genuinely so funny.
2.) Alpha CC or Maxis Match? 
technically im maxis mix, but i tend to lean very hard to maxis match clothing.
3.) Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
no not really. if i want them to loose weight i'll have them work out
4.) Do you use move objects?
if you dont use moveobjects, i think legally we can consider you clinically insane.
5.) Favorite mod?
this is so hard... ummmmm, probably like better build buy. i spend a good amount of time in build mode and use debug/live edit objects a ton when i build, so it's pretty useful.
6.) First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
i think it was get to work, i even bought it in a physical case thingy and i still have it lying around somewhere. (as well as seasons.)
7.) Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
LIVE mode.
8.) Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
you're asking me to pick a favorite? out of all my children?? i honestly can't pick a favorite, but here's layla, and i love her.
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9.) Have you made a simself?
yeah, i've tried on multiple occasions, but none of them have ever really captured my essence all that well. eventually i gave up and just started using my mascot sim, Nellie, for my quote-on-quote "branding"
10.) What sim traits do you give yourself?
im gonna go ahead and give myself five traits assuming we all have the "more traits in cas" mod:
creative, goofball, loves-outdoors, squeamish, foodie.
11.) Which is your favorite EA hair color?
the darkest brown swatch is my go-to.
12.) Favorite EA hair?
ima be so real rn i dont use EA hairs at all.
13.) Favorite life stage?
young adult. might be biased because that's around my age-frame
14.) Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
builder. i have the most fun in either buildmode or cas.
15.) Are you a CC creator?
not offically, but i've converted defaults and skin details for personal use before, and i've even released some load screens.
16.) Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
yeah baby, check these amazing people out.
17.) What’s your favorite game?
i cant decide, it's between the sims, halo 3, minecraft, stardew valley, and splatoon. i want to play zelda: tears of the kingdom as well, but its just not in the budget rn sadly.
18.) Do you have any sims merch?
19.) Do you have a YouTube for sims?
yeah actually, if you can ignore my 13 y.o sounding voice, check me out
20.) How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
omg so much. here are some side by side comparisons of my different eras/progression.
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(its the way the first sim looks like she could be a trademarked lego piece that gets me)
21.) What’s your Origin ID?
pretty sure its just emilee-has-legs. i have a couple of builds on the gallery if you wanna check me out, i just never posted them on here because that was before my simblr era.
22.) Who’s your favorite CC creator?
dogsill, softerhaze, greenlamas, ceeproductions, sentate, serenity and simstrouble take the cake for me
23.) How long have you had a simbIr?
i've had my blog for a minute but i only became an active simblr like a couple months ago.
24.) How do you edit your pictures?
i dont really edit except for a few touchups in picsart, and also srwe.
26.) What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
probably get together, never got around to purchasing that pack and there's a couple things i want from the ep.
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tagging: anyone who wants to have some fun. it was nice to chill on call with friends and fill this out. cya besties ily.
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yellowsugarwords · 2 years
Not sure if you're still doing TWDG stuff, but could you do the Ericson group and the Garcia reacting to Clementine being tortured by another group and talking care of her?
oooo here we go with the angst (ima do just the teen characters and not the kids for the Ericson kids). Here’s a little intro to ~set the scene~:
this is also gonna be so long guys oops I’ve been working on this for WEEKS so I really really hope enjoy it ;-; this is a long one so buckle up
Clementine didn’t know what had happened. One moment, she was fighting off Delta members/Raiders breaking into Ericson/Richmond territory, next thing she knew, she had a weapon to the back of her skull and darkness. The next four days were hell. She knew they were waiting for Ericson/Richmond to arrive - to capture more or to demand some type of blackmail - but they had already discussed this before. Under no circumstances were they to wager anything in exchange for her. She would find her own way out. Then, in the midst of a boat leak, Clementine managed to hobble away in the midst of the chaos. Swimming through water to reach land was difficult with a broken arm, and her cuts burned from the salt. She was coated in cuts, bruises, scars, and a black eye. She had a limp, and was positive her arm was certainly broken, or at the very least sprained. All she had left to do was find a way to wobble home; a task that took hours, her soaked body shivering in the cold night air.
Marlon: Marlon felt his heart stop when he heard palms slam against the front gate. It always caused a spur of panic, but spotting Clementine clinging to the gate, attempting to stand upright, he dropped everything he was holding. “Guys!” he screamed. He knew that’s all it would take to get everyone there. He fumbled with the key and ripped the gate open. “Louis, close it,” he pleaded, taking Clementine in his arms and pulling her inside. He clutched her as she crumbled to the ground, cradling the girl in his arms. “Where's Ruby?” “She’s on her way,” Mitch assured, looming over his shoulder. “Get her here faster!” He begged. He immediately attempted to identify all of her wounds, wanting to get her to treatment as quickly as possible. He clutched her, watching her writhe in pain, feeling his heart ache as they desperately awaited help.
Louis: Louis was on morning watch. In fact, he had hardly left his post since Clementine went missing. How could he focus on anything else? He just wanted her to come home. Alive. When he saw a figure sliding closer in the morning fog, he tensed, raising the bow-and-arrow Marlon had lent all shift workers in case Delta came back. But then, he saw the limp, the hand gripping their right arm, and the hat. The hat. “Clem?” He called. His heart sank as she drew closer. That was when he finally noticed her condition. She had been brutalized. “Clem! Oh my god,” he rushed to her side, sweeping his arms around her. “Ruby! Someone get Ruby! Now!” Faintly, she began to slink toward the ground, Louis clutching her tightly as he eased her down, cradling her in his arms. “Clem, please stay with me okay?” He could feel his throat slowly closing. “Please. Help is coming.” In the passing days, Louis never left her side, even sleeping on the floor of her room to ensure she was kept safe and was not sought out again by the Delta.
Violet: Violet twirled her hand axe around out of boredom, wandering back and forth around the perimeter on patrol. “Anything?” Louis called from the watchtower. “What do you think?” She tossed back. Louis suddenly went silent. “Woah woah,” he tapped the railing of the watchtower. “Violet, ahead.” Violet wandered back to the front gates, squinting, then dropped her axe. “Holy, shit.” She fumbled with the lock. “Louis, get down here.” “Is it bad?” He asked, sliding down the ladder. “It’s Clementine.” Louis said nothing, just darted after her. Violet threw the gates open, running up to Clementine and wrapping her arms around her. “Oh my God I thought I lost you,” Violet gingerly took Clementine’s weight as she fell into her, unable to hold herself up anymore. “Come on, Clem. You’re safe now, I got you.” Louis stood behind them, ensuring they were both okay. “I’ll go get Ruby,” he whispered, breaking into a sprint.
Mitch: “Stay back!”  Mitch called, aiming toward the strange figure lumbering toward the front gates. His fingers tightened, ready to fire, but the instant he heard the faint “Wait,” called out to him, the arrow shot into the ground beside him, dropping his bow. “Clementine?” All he heard was a small sob. In one swift motion, he opened the lock and pushed the gate open, rushing to her side. He gingerly took her elbow in his hands, studying her bruised and bloody face. “Clem,” his voice was breathy, attempting to hide the swelling tears. Clementine stumbled, pushing her weight fully into him. Quickly, he wrapped his arm around her back, propping her upright. Without thinking twice, he lifted her into his arms and pulled her inside. Marlon was standing by the open gates, first confused, then horrified. “Get Ruby. Now.” Marlon listened immediately, closing the gate the moment Mitch wandered inside. Gently, he started for the building, not wanting to jostle her too much. All he could do was stare down at her, eyes swelling, and heart breaking.
Aasim: Aasim was finishing the clean-up from dinner, exhausted and ready for bed. The instant her heard screaming outside, he dropped everything and hesitantly made his way to the front door, peeking nervously outside. He saw Louis, Violet, Marlon, and Mitch slowly approaching the gate, quickly opening and closing it. They were screaming for everyone, but specifically for Ruby. Aasim pushed the door open, making his way down the steps cautiously, until he spotted the familiar hat and hair. “Clem?” He breathed, stunned. Was he dreaming? But seeing the panic in Louis’ face and the tears on Violet’s cheeks, he knew he wasn’t. She was laid down on the ground and he quickly scurried to their side. “Oh my God, what happened to her?” “Delta.” Mitch spat, venom practically falling from his lips. Aasim could feel his gut twist. She was whimpering and shaking. She clearly had a broken arm, along with blood and bruises littering her body. He felt sick. How could someone do something like this?
Ruby: Ruby was waiting in the study, flipping through another dusted, aged book, when she heard the emergency bill ring from outside. She threw it to the side - practically across the room - and darted outside. The moment she got out, Luis was fumbling to open the gate. “Louis? What are you,” her voice trailed off into the night when he guided Clementine into the gates, limping and swaying into him. “Christ,” she mumbled under her breath. “Set her down over there!” Ruby called, pointing to one of Ericson’s picnic tables. “Tell someone to grab my med kit.” While calling out commands, she tore her jacket off, laying it down on the bench. The moment Clem was placed on it, she wrapped it around her in an attempt to keep her warm. “Clem? Clem, han gon, okay? I’m gonna patch you up, hun.” She felt like one of her little ones had been hurt.
Omar: Omar hated guard duty, but always passively took his role. He normally wanted to cook, clean, and head to bed early. But the second he spotted a figure approaching the gates, any exhaustion he felt vanished. He rang the alarm bell, alerting the group to an intruder's presence. “Stand back,” he said, aiming Marlon’s bow-and-arrow in their direction. “Stay,” his voice trailed off, and suddenly the bow-and-arrow clattered to the ground. “Clementine?” The question rang through the courtyard, and every Ericson kid that was walkling burst into a spring. Omar started fumbling with the lock. “Guys, help!” he yelled over his shoulder. The second the door was open, he gingerly took Clementine’s shoulders and escorted her inside. Marlon made sure to immediately lock the gate behind them, and Ruby came to aid in helping her walk. “Ruby, bring your stuff to this table.” Omar insisted. He knew they didn’t have time to bring her inside.
Brody: All Brody heard was yelling at the front gates. But by the time she stumbled out of Ericson’s front doors, she knew why. Someone was clinging to the front gates and Marlon was frantically trying to unlock it. “Oh my God, Clementine?” Her voice was breathy and lost as she fumbled down the steps, then darted to the front gates with all the speed she had in her. “Clem?” She was alive. Somehow, she had made it. “Oh my God!” She was thrilled, but the moment she drew closer, she noticed what bad shape she was in. Marlon and Mitch guided her inside and Brody darted up to her, holding her beaten face between her palms. “Clem, what did they do to you?” She could feel the tears welling in her throat. “We got you. You’re gonna be safe. You’re gonna be fine.”
and now the Garcias:
Javier: Javier paused, his heart stopping as he saw commotion at the gate. Drawing closer, he saw one of the Richmond members working security guiding Clementine inside, beaten and bruised. “Clem?” He asked, breathless. He couldn’t feel his legs, but regardless he ran. “Clementine!” He wailed. He swatted the guards away. “I got her, I got her,” he was breathless, both from terror and the run. “Clem? Clementine?” He said, clutching her shoulders. She groaned at the pressure it placed on her arm. Swiftly, he scooped her into his arms, bringing her close to his chest. “Hang in there, okay? I’m taking you to Eleanor.” His heart was racing, but he didn’t care. The burning in his legs didn’t matter. He just needed her to be okay. “Please, please don’t leave me.” He begged, hearing her whimpers of pain.
Kate: “Javi, what’s happening?” Javi stood speechless, staring toward the front gates. Hesitantly, he gestured. Kate turned, spotting two guards hauling Clementine’s weak, frail body inside. Kate clutched Javi’s arm, keeping her from falling over. She felt like the earth had been ripped out from under her feet. “Oh my,” she cut herself off as she started to run, her panicked sigh morphing into a scream. “Clementine!” She could tell the whole town probably heard her, but she didn’t care. She tripped over her feet as she ran, immediately placing her hands on her cheeks when she got close. “Oh Clem,” she heaved through gasps and tears. “Oh honey, what did they do to you?” Clementine could only whimper. Kate swatted the guards away, taking the teen into her arms and kneeling to the ground. “I’m here. I’ll stay with you until Eleanor arrives.” She flipped around, desperately hoping someone was fetching her. Luckily, the panicked stares of residents her way confirmed that. All she could do was hold Clem and cry.
David: “Approaching!” One of the guards yelled. “Aim,” David said passively, making his way up the stairs to study the threat. The moment he spotted the teen, limping toward the gate, clutching her arm, he broke into a sprint. “Call Eleanor, now.” he demanded, racing down the stairs. “Open the gates!” he screamed, darting as fast as he could toward the front doors. Just as they were barely opened, he slipped through. As Clementine began to collapse, he jumped forward and grabbed her. “Hey, hey, come here,” he flipped around. “Where is the medic?” His voice was hoarse from screaming. Once this was all over, he was going to demand a faster protocol. Swiftly, he picked her up, his heart stinging as she whimpered and cried. “It’s all over now,” he hushed. “We’re gonna get you patched up, just hang tight.” He broke into a sprint, keeping the teen close to ensure as little jostling as possible. “We need a fucking medic!” He refused to lose another daughter.
Gabe: Gabe heard a commotion near the front gates and knew something was up. By the time he could spot the gate, he could see two people on watch-duty hauling someone instead, weak and dragging their feet against the dirt. He squinted, slowly wandering closer, until he spotted that familiar hat. His heart fell into his stomach. “Clementine!” He broke into a full sprint, his legs numb by the time he reached them. “Oh my God, what the hell happened to you?” Clementine just groaned. The guards passed her immediately to him, knowing they needed to get back to their post. “Hey hey,” quickly, he wrapped his arms around her: one around her back and one around her head. “I’ll fix this, okay?” He quickly flipped around, kneeling to the ground so she could rest. “Eleanor!” He screamed. “Someone get Eleanor, now!” He refused to leave her side until medics arrived. Until then, he brushed at her hair and held her close, only wanting to keep her calm.
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 💌☕️♡
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treestargarden · 2 years
Permanent Plague
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Warnings: self-harm, semi-public sex, praise, degradation, biting, non-permanent marking, trans!Hawks, cis!Touya, Touya has a Jacob’s Ladder and Prince Albert, breeding kink (if you squint), threats of murder/violence, cannibalism imagery, slaughterhouse imagery (but no actual gore), previous fight mentioned, Touya has burn scars over 70% of his body, self-deprecation, sadism/masochism, predator/prey kink, smoking a cigarette, Touya has a split tongue, Hawks cries, implied inexperience (for Hawks), Shigaraki is there at the end lol, quirkless au, train hoppers au, mafia au 
Summary/Context: Touya and Hawks have known each other since childhood, but were separated as young teens. As adults, they find their paths cross again and Touya isn’t going to let this one chance go to waste.
A/N: I am enamored by the Dabi x Hawks ship, but I find that a lot of people characterize it as very flluffy. This is my take on the ship. Full of desperation, violence, covetous passion juxtaposed by a gentleness that is utterly foreign to Touya. Also, this is very specifically Touya rather than Dabi. If you want an idea of the imagery I accompany with this one-shot, check out @/elegiesforshiva dabihawks art (there’s a specific red string of fate one that I think fits the mood perfectly). I have a playlist I write DabiHawks to that can be found here. DO NOT REPOST
Touya’s teeth squeaked with tension, Aren’t you supposed to be good at your job, bird brain? He stretched his arms and an obnoxious yawn curled into the air in the small room. His face scrunched into a leer; the image of beauty certainly. “Let’s stretch our legs. I have a feeling ima work through the night.” 
“Lead the way, I like having the option to slip a knife into your back.” 
Touya's eyes sparkled with mock pain, “What, you haven’t hurt me enough? Gotta sink that humiliation in just a little more, eh?” A dull thunk followed them into the hallway after Touya closed the door behind him.
A pair of boots tup, tup against the concrete flooring. Hawks' footsteps were nonexistent beside Touya's. They walked in sync for a few moments before Hawks, true to his word, slowed his pace to tail Touya instead. He took note of the promise made true, but otherwise offered no reaction.
“Room could be bugged. What the fuck–” he mimed shaking Hawks by his temples,”was that? Aren’t you supposed to be quick-witted, quick reflexes…” he rattled off several other words that meant fast. “I thought you were good at being… you,” his voice softened on the last word and shifted his eyes to focus on the end of the empty corridor.
“Who broke whose ribs?”
When Touya made no effort to retort, Hawks continued, “Ah, that was–” he stopped himself mid-explanation. Touya peered at him, but otherwise made no further comment. Momentary silence. “I was thinking about something else,” Hawks eventually offered. 
A hand elongated Touya's features as he swiped it down his face with annoyance, “You’re lucky you have broken ribs, otherwise I would jab you in them for the lame fuckin’ answer.”
A scarred hand scrounged in his pocket. The rough edges of the fabric rubbed against the soft tissue. But his extensive nerve damage meant he couldn't recognize the abrasive texture against his skin. He fished out his golden flip-lighter. Slender fingers with silver and black jewelry decorated the lengths of each section. The metal reflected the indoor lighting as he plucked the half-smoked cig from behind his ear. Cigarette between his teeth, he teased Hawks, “You owe me a new car cig lighter, birdie." His neck stretched to retrieve the patient, hot flame in his fist.
Hawks lifted his chin like he was superior to the antics Touya threw at him, “I don’t owe you shit. You threw that out for fun.” His hands disappeared casually into his jacket pockets. The silence Hawks mastered so easily made Touya’s skin crawl; made him feel like he was being stalked. The fluorescent lighting above buzzed between Touya's ears.
Touya shook his head, “You’re dangerous even while tied up and injured. I’ve watched you fight,” a mild reminder of their past. Touya had always watched. Will continue to watch. 
“Don’t use me as your scapegoat. You’re a violent person who is wildly unpredictable.” Hawks threw cursory glances behind them as they walked. Always watched, but never saw what was in front of him. For a man who wanted to go fast, he had a tendency to look behind him a lot. 
Who are you leaving behind, Hawks? 
A sardonic laugh accompanied his retort, “Why would I throw something out I could use for ‘self-immolation’ purposes,” he scrunched his fingers in air quotes while he repeated Hawks words. 
He sensed they had enough distance between them and any possible surveillance in the server room. Touya's rough whisper repeated the information from before, “I said there are three of us you need to watch out for. Including me.” He glanced over his shoulder and observed Hawks’ reaction to the new information.
Touya wouldn’t kill him. Not yet. But if Shouto really was at the compound and it came between his versus Hawks’ safety? There was no competition. There would be no hesitation. 
Hawks’ glance met Touya’s in that moment and they both understood what the other was willing to do if it meant their individual lives were spared. It was just a matter of fact. This was a favor–Hawks wouldn’t be misled by the intention. 
No quip, Hawks aimed for business, “Who are the other two.”
He inhaled his cigarette, his voice strained when he replied, “The doctor.” 
Okay, that was two guys, “And the third.”
Touya shifted his eyes around the hallway, looked behind and ahead of them. The alcoves were washed in inky shadows. The smoke rings created small targets for Hawks to bounce between.
“They’re important to you, otherwise you would tell me,” Hawks playfully ducked under a smokey bullseye. 
A wrinkle in Touya’s eyebrow and a sneer glanced off his features. Hawks saw through him so easily. A subtle threat muttered, “You won’t meet him unless he’s actively killing you.” He would protect the third man’s identity to the best of his ability. He didn’t want Hawks’ talons on him. 
Hawks put his talons on Touya though. His hand clasped Touya’s shoulder, firm but not threatening.
Of course it was a threat, this was Hawks. If Touya was any other person he would be unable to detect the concealed danger. 
Fuckin’ raptor.
“Can I guess? It isn’t Thumper. We talked just the other day. She gave me her number, did you know that?”
Touya was unbothered by Rumi’s friendliness. If her mission was completed, she treated everybody with kindness. She flipped it like a switch. He was annoyed that she wasn’t more suspicious of Hawks, though, especially because he was a crafty one. But Rumi proved herself capable against Hawks; he needn’t worry about her. 
The silence accentuated Touya’s footfalls. They echoed between the rafters on the ceiling. He could feel Hawks’ piercing gaze on him, like he was a piece of meat to be picked apart. He wasn’t meant to be a slab of meat laid across the table. He hated how it made him feel small.
His voice was sweet–he was anything but, “C’mon. I’ll figure it out,” he coaxed Touya, attempted to loosen him up. “There aren’t that many in your circle,” he felt confident laying out his thought process for Touya out in the open. Touya felt chilled to his bone marrow. The prowess he emanated when he was locked on his target reminded Touya of his childhood admiration of Hawks. He wanted to be devoured. “It wasn’t that sweet boy that interrupted us. Are you that scared of me?”
He was. 
Immediately, Touya halted and took the last drag from his cigarette. A passionate ruby glared from the end and Touya ashed it out on his arm, next to his other fresh lesions. A soft tick hit the floor as he tossed the butt without a second thought. Touya stepped toward Hawks and commanded his personal space. Hawks’ mouth moved–sure to have a snide remark about Touya’s self-harm–but no words came.
“You may figure it out, but I’m not helping you do it sooner.”
Touya continued walking in-step with Hawks until his heels bumped against the opposite wall. A finger taut with scar tissue caressed the edge of Hawks’ stubbled jawline. Touya was a monstrosity, but the gentleness in that touch hinted at a tenderness beneath the carnage and hard exterior.
Hawks’ throat bobbed and his pupils expanded. Touya was unsure if it was desire. Unsure if Hawks ever felt that way about him.
“You do not frighten me, dove,” and a malicious grin split his features, “actually, you excite me.” 
Instantly, Touya knew Hawks had been distracted from his quarry; Shigaraki no longer in danger of discovery.
“What’s’a matter, birdie?” a bastardization of his father’s nickname for Hawks when he was training. “Cat got your tongue?” A twitch in Touya’s fingers implored him to feel more. His thumb traveled the length of Hawks jaw and down his throat. Touya glimpsed at the space they shared between their chests. He smiled viciously, “Gotta admit I’m a li’l disappointed you don’t have your knife pulled on me.” 
One agonizingly infinite heartbeat later, Touya leaned his face next to Hawks’; warm breath stirred the air near his ear, “Have you gone soft on me?” When he pulled away, he glanced at Hawks tender lips. He pulled Hawks by the chin and he closed the distance between them. Their lips grazed past each other. It didn’t have to mean anything. If Hawks decided to walk away. 
He chased Touya when he pulled away, stretched up on his toes. He chased a high he didn’t know he craved. And then Hawks seared his handprint into Touya’s chest; above his heart. 
If the kiss was the gasoline, then Hawks’ brand was the match that ignited a decade-long repressed desire hidden deep within Touya. 
Instantly, Touya shifted Hawks’ hand to wrap around his shoulder and devoured Hawks. Marred hands reached for Hawks' thighs and lifted them around his waist. 
Utter silence from Hawks, so Touya’s reassurance is more for himself than for the asshole with him, “You say stop, and I’ll stop.” He’s pretty confident he’ll know if Hawks doesn’t want him anymore. 
The tips of Touya’s tongue are needy and sloppy. They caress each side of Hawks tongue, threatened to drink him in. Only the ambrosia that Hawks fed him will satisfy his long-standing famine. He’s breathing hard into Hawks mouth, unable to contain the desire engulfing him. Hawks matched him with just as much desperation. Agile fingertips pulled at Touya's skin on his back, his waist, his hips, his chest. His fingers were everywhere and nowhere all at once. 
Touya rolled his hips languidly into Hawks. Want–needed–Hawks to be aware of the desire he inspired. A sultry and wanton moan was cradled in the back of Hawks' throat. The first real thing Touya had ever received from Hawks. And he felt the greed spark in his chest that implored him to keep it all to himself. The non-fictitious version of Hawks was Touya’s to claim. 
They were in the middle of a long corridor, late at night. Anybody who walked past the hall would be able to see them. Hawks had abandoned any sense of self-preservation.
Pinpricks of pain at his scalp caused a cold hiss of breath to stir the air between them. A skillful hand wrapped itself in Touya’s hair. And then he was being constricted into Hawks’ embrace. The wetness between his legs was evident. 
Hawks was clothed beneath Touya, but his scent was heady and enraptured Touya's senses. He wanted to swim in all Hawks had to offer. Their surroundings melted from sight. Hawks was his only focus. 
In their fever of passion their teeth click, click against each other, and it encouraged both of them. His shirt was tugged from his chest in increasingly impatient intervals. The soft hums Hawks breathed into Touya is a lifeforce unmatched that ignited a flashfire in Touya's gut.
From his mouth to his ear, Touya licked sloppy kisses, “Touya. Call me Touya. I want my name in your mouth when I make you cum.” Some deep part of himself wanted Hawks to yell it with abandon–wild anguish, starved wanton need. Needed people to know who he was so long as Hawks pronounced it. 
The skin at the junction between Hawks’ neck and shoulder was soft, pliant. Ravenous teeth sunk in with reckless violence. The whimpering sounds and the dramatic jump ripped from Hawks fueled his fire further. Several sharp stings were littered across his abdomen and he muffled a whine into Hawks’ skin. Wicked little fingernails dug crescents into Touya’s wrinkled and scarred skin. 
He retaliated with a particularly rough thrust, his hardness stroked against the wet spot between Hawks’ legs. His chest rumbled with the drawn-out moan that quickly followed, “Fuuuuuuuuu–” 
As if brought back to life, Hawks–the little minx–shyly stuttered Touya’s name. Urged Touya to fuck him like he meant it when he squeezed him closer with his legs. 
Dopamine crashed through Touya’s system in response. He growled into Hawks’ ear, “You sound so dumb saying my name and I don’t even have you bouncing on my cock yet, little dove.” His fingers pinched Hawks’ inner thighs and he adjusted Hawks’ weight against the wall so their chests were level with each other.
A knee slid underneath Hawks’ ass to support his weight, “Hang on tight,” was his only warning before he swung Hawks’ ankles over his shoulders. His feet held upright in the air on each side of Touya’s head.
Clever fingers bunched the fabric of Hawk’s pants and pulled them up swiftly. The offensive fabric was thrown to the floor next to his feet without ceremony. An ankle flopped to the side and then gravity weighed it down to splay against Touya’s bicep. He smirks at Hawks’ pitiable arrangement of limbs, “Can’t even support yourself can you, dove?” Touya’s knee was replaced by a hand and he pressed Hawks between the solid, cold wall and his yielding, warm frame.
“Touya,” Hawks pouted again. Degenerate little fingers tugged at the button on his pants once again. 
“Greedy little dove, aren’chya. So eager to see me sink into your tight little hole, hmm?”
While Hawks’ fingers struggled with the button of his pants, Touya collected Hawks’ wetness upon his fingers. Hawks' hips canted into the sensation and the heat in Touya’s gut coiled with hunger. He inhaled Hawks’ musk that lingered along his fingers. Slender pink tongue tips slithered out for a taste, “Is this all for me?” A sharp hiss of breath reverted his attention back to Hawks. He admired the pierced cock laying across his mound. 
Touya smirked, “Go ahead, you can touch it, dove.” 
Eager fingers wrapped around his length and roughly jerked him. The piercings on the underside and head were yanked sharply by the dry skin of Hawks’ hand, “Hey, hey, easy, not so rough, shit.” Touya was entertained by the impulsiveness Hawks displayed, but the slightly uncomfortable burn momentarily took him out of the mood. 
The head was still flushed pink and the veins along the topside were visible with the tautness of his skin. It glistened with Hawks’ wetness as Touya used it to lube himself up. He soothed his ladder piercings and the one at his head with quick circles around the tender skin. 
He shallowly rocked his hips into Hawks. His Prince Albert caressed the head of Hawks' clit. The shockwaves of want that shook Hawks’ thighs made Touya growl with possessiveness. This was his.
A rough hand cupped Hawks’ ass and the other guided his cock that took one, two test strokes–cockhead ghosted kisses over Hawks’ hole–and then speared him. An unintelligible exclamation echoed through the hallway. The lights above flickered haphazardly. Each of the men panted hard breaths into the pocket of space shared between them. 
The sharp stings of Hawks’ nails bit into Touya’s damaged skin at his hip. The length of his slender throat was exposed and Touya’s mouth watered at the sight. A dull ache at his tail bone throbbed as Hawks’ heels dug into his tender muscles. He swallowed Touya’s cock with warm fervor, “More,” he begged into an attentive ear, “Harder,” he demanded. 
Touya steadied Hawks in one arm and a thumb traveled across Hawks’ sweat-slick abdomen and sank between his legs. Slow circles traced around his clit caused Hawks’ eyes to roll back into his head, mouth hung open. Touya's thrusting paused so he could focus on stimulating Hawks, “You sound so fuckin pretty when you tell me what to do,” his split tongue stiffly trailed up Hawks cheek and left a sloppy trail of saliva on his peachy skin, “Say ‘please.’”
The pathetic mewls below him were music to his ears and beat the fire steady in his groin while he sat still. Touya was overcome with the obsession to swallow Hawks. Eat everything he was willing to give him until he was a begging, sloppy mess. Fuck him so good he was just a bobbing empty head, thoughts unwilling to breach the surface of his fucked-out mind.
Touya didn’t need to wait long before Hawks responded immediately, “Good boy,” he grunted. 
The guttural moans Hawks rewarded Touya with signaled his successful ministrations, “Please,” he says yet again. 
He permitted no time for Touya to respond. The heels of Hawks boots felt like molten steel on his back. Evidence of Hawks’ permanent effect on Touya’s fate. And he thrived with the thrill of Hawks ruining him. Wanted to be equally fucked up by Hawks. His greedy hole clenched around him–demanded he continue fucking into him, “Please.”
As fast as he could respond, Touya’s forehead met Hawks’ and the force he pistoned his hips with made their heads bob in rhythmic tandem. The position and Hawks’ combined weight didn’t lend themselves to much space, so Touya only pulled out one or two inches before he slammed back into Hawks. 
He dropped his head to the joint between Hawks’ shoulder and neck and latched onto the soft skin–angry red and purple bruises blossomed across the surface. Delicate control was necessary to keep himself from breaking the skin. Making Hawks remember their tryst made the beginnings of his orgasm pool at the base of his cock.
Touya’s burning gaze returned to Hawks’ scrunched face. His eyes were glassy and there were twin wet trails that ran down the slope of each supple cheek. Touya crooned at the pathetic display, “Are you crying, sweet dove?” His voice was low and gravelly with concern. His eager tongue swiped up Hawks’ nearest cheek and salt sprang across his taste buds. Hawks was always so poised. The only other time Touya had seen Hawks sob was when he spied on him during disarmament practice in the private dojo at the far-end of his childhood home. 
He flicked the head of Hawks’ clit with a soft fingertip and it earned him another squeeze around his cock. It made his head swim. Their fucking was sloppy and messy and the hedonism tickled Touya when he reveled in the wet schk, schk, schk of his balls that slapped against Hawks’ ass.
Hawks relaxed enough so his forehead fell forward onto Touya’s. The hair tangled in wet clumps. He tasted Hawks’ delicious and broken sobs. Hardly a second passed before he gathered a handful of words on his tongue, “Touya–I need–Please!” any word that came to mind and was short enough to pronounce, he grabbed and tossed into the air. 
Touya’s hips and thumb stuttered. They threatened to lose their momentum. But he couldn’t stop. He would hold on for Hawks. As long as he needed him to.
Touya’s nose traced a ghostly trail from Hawks’ cheek to his ear, “What is it, pigeon? Use your words. Tell me what you need.”
The hallway smelled of sweat and desperate sex. Touya needed Hawks to abandon his self-control–join him in the sweet expanse of chaos and self-destruction. Wanted Hawks to give into the urges that would hurtle him towards the edge. Touya would meet him once he falls over. Touya would catch him. Even if it was just this once. 
A sharp quiet squeal as Hawks got closer, “Touya!” his voice broke on the last syllable of Touya’s name. A gasp wracked his chest as his legs shook violently between Touya’s arms. His hands twitched across Touya’s back and his hips worked to milk the cock buried deep inside him.
Touya’s eyes rolled back and his fingertips stamped small constellations of bruises on Hawks plush thighs. Something to reconcile later. Hawks heels pinned Touya’s hips against him, trapped him in a possessive vice. The wildfire erupted into a whoosh and Touya fucked into Hawks until his cum leaked down his shaft and between his own thighs. He grimaced at the sensation, but held Hawks aloft regardless. 
“C’mon, birdie. Let’s get your pants back on.” 
Lithe fingers clung to Touya’s shirt in conscious desperation. The moment too quickly passed. Then Hawks’ legs gave out and he sunk delicately to the floor. A shaky hand rubbed tiredly at the skin around his closed eyes. He willed some form of reality to enter his system.
The hairs on Touya’s neck raised when he anticipated they were no longer alone. Then he became aware of shuffled footsteps behind him. The presence wasn’t one Touya experienced often, but it is recognizable. 
Touya’s eyes pinched closed in panic and his knuckles pressed stars into the void of his vision. This was the last thing that he needed to happen. Hawks was hot on Shigaraki’s trail before Touya fucked him up against the wall. Surely, Hawks was no idiot, no matter how spaced out he seemed. He would deduce who was the third person watching Hawks closely. 
What a waste.
“This isn’t,” the voice was scratchy yet familiar, “what I expected.”
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flyboytracy · 2 years
Hi there! Since you're the only person I've seen on here who's posted even a bit about Matteo, I need your (totally serious) opinion on this pic.
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To you, does he look like either:
A) a Disney villain?
B) a young mafia boss (a la "The Godfather")?
A Matteo fan! A Matteo fan! There's two of us on here! Hello! Ciao! Bonjour!
I don't want him to die or lose out to some prince uglier than him, so ima go with young Mafia boss who is charming his way up the ladder. He's got something to prove and he's going to look damn good doing it. Yes pls.
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vixenpen · 4 years
You should DEFINITELY do a part 2 to the Dabi x teacher fic! Like it could be when they start taking their relationship to the next level and do some freaky things😏
Hot For Teacher pt.2 (Dabi x Black Reader)
Quirkless AU
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(Friendly reminder in this Dabi owns a tattoo shop and is tatted and pierced up and reader is black and thiccccc🍑💦💦)
You were completely unaware of the turquoise eyes admiring your thick ass as you erased your last lesson from the white board.
Dabi’s dick flexed just imagining what sliding between those cheeks would feel like. The material of your conservative black dress clung to your juicy butt and round hips despite the loose material. He liked that.
After a while he couldn’t take it anymore and snuck up behind you, wrapping his strong arms around your waist and pressing into you from the back.
“Dabi!” You squealed.
“Sorry, Ms. Y/n,” he chuckled against your kinky hair, “I just wanted to come by and see if it was possible to get some private lessons.”
You giggled, shaking your head, “you’re so corny. What are you doing here anyway?”
“I wanted to see if you wanted to get dinner, but I’m hungry now.”
“What? What’s the supp-oh!”
The soft material of your knee length dress slid against your body and the next thing you felt were Dabi’s big, warm hands massaging your hips and a very familiar bulge against the crack of your ass.
“Damn, teach,” your boyfriend grinned against your ear, his deep raspy voice made you shiver. “You should have known better than to wear a thong with this little dress of yours. All those pervy male teachers probably haven’t been able to take their eyes off you.”
Your eyes fluttered shut as you felt strong fingers groping and massaging your ass cheeks.
“Dabi,” you croaked weakly, “not here.”
Dabi responded by snaking his pierced along your neck. You whimpered.
One his hands squeezed your full breasts beneath the material.
“Stop, I’m serious.”
“You know, you’re really hard to resist, right beautiful?” His hard on was massaging you through the jeans.
The two of you had been dating for a few months now, and had yet to go beyond kissing and heavy petting that always left Dabi wanting more. He wasn’t sure what you were waiting for, but he did know you were worth the wait.
And boy did you make him wait for it...and work for it. It was as hot as it was frustrating. His dick was so hard it hurt, and all he could think about was fucking you on your desk until you were screaming his name.
He turned you around to face him easily and scooped you up by those thick thighs of yours.
The next few moments were a blur. You saw pens and papers knocked to the floor before feeling your big bare ass settle against the cool wood of the desk.
“My lesson plans!”
Dabi’s lips cut off your protest, and his fingers worked the black dress off your body and over your head, exposing your curves to the cool air.
It was dizzying and exciting and sexy and...inappropriate! So inappropriate. This was your job!
“D-Dabi, wait!” You gasped between the feeling of his pierced lips nipping at you. “There might be students-“
“School ended an hour ago. Trust me. No kids are in this building.” He chuckled, amused.
“The janitors might-“
“I locked the door, beautiful. We’ll hear ‘em comin’.”
Turquoise eyes roamed your thick, dark body hungrily, followed by hands stacked with rings.
“Damn, I want you.” He muttered, diving down between your big breasts to lick and suck at them.
“Ahh~” you dug your fingers into his crop of black hair. “We can’t.” You gasped.
“Says who?”
“Da-ahh! Mmm.” His tongue was now snaking down your stomach. Kisses and bites being left on the melanated skin below your belly button. Fuck it felt so damn good.
He admired the glistening mess between your legs, parting the thick thighs to admire your creaming pussy.
“Fuckin’ delicious.”
And then he dove in.
“Ohh go—“
Dabi slurped at your clit gently. The flick of his pierced tongue combined with the warmth of his mouth sucking the sensitive pearl sent electricity tingling through you.
Your eyes fluttered shut and the muffled sounds of heels clicking down the hall as remaining teachers walked past your locked room was the furthest thing from your mind.
This was so wrong. This went against everything you stood for, and yet...
“Moan for me, y/n,” Dabi commanded against your pussy. “Don’t hold back. Or else I’ma stop holdin’ back.”
He smirked up at your pretty brown face and his fingers glided easily into the gripping heat of your cunt.
“Ahhaaa! Fuck! Fuck...” your hips bucked against the sensation.
Months of only being able to play in your cat had given Dabi plenty of time to get to know your weaknesses. He exploited every one of them now. Throwing your thick thighs around his neck he flexed his fingers while licking at your folds.
You could only squirm against him, one hand grabbing his head to push his face deeper while the other gripped the edge of your desk.
“D-Dabi, god yes! Don’t stop! Don’t stop. B-baby, f-f-fu~”
Those sweet moans were music to Dabi’s ears. Your cum coated his fingers and your juices sprayed his face. He opened his mouth greedily drinking every drop.
Then he laughed low in his throat.
“Wow, Ms. Y/n, you really are a naughty teacher aren’t you?”
You tried to glare down at him, but it barely registered. You were too turned on to be pissed.
Dabi continued to tease you. “Letting me fuck you on your desk. Right here where you have to teach all these innocent young minds.”
“Sh-shut up!”
Dabi pressed kisses against the chunky meat of your thighs, his piercings tickled and his lips felt so good.
“Or what, Ms. Y/n?” He asked. “You’ll make me stay after class?”
He snickered and got to his feet.
You couldn’t help admiring him. He wasn’t a big guy by any means, but he was lean and well toned. You wanted to see all of him. Feel all of him.
Snatching him by his shirt, you pulled him close and locked your thick thighs around his trim hips. Your lips pressed against his, hungry to taste every bit of him.
The two of you pulled his shirt over his head and you grinned admiring the colorful tapestry of tattoos and, your favorite part, the barbells piercing his nipples.
Dabi gave a smug smirk. “What’s up, babe? Don’t wanna stop anymore?”
You cocked a brow. “Real funny for someone who moans like a bitch when I do this.”
Pulling him towards you by the waist of his jeans, you trailed your tongue around his nipple, gazing up at him in that way that drove him fucking crazy.
“Oh my god~” he sighed. “Fuuuck, y/n...”
You giggled softly, switching to the other nipple. A deep groan welled up from your man’s throat.
Taking back control, your hand slipped beneath the waistband of his pants, squeezing the thick length trapped in his jeans.
Fuck his dick was so big. You had wanted to fuck your man for the longest time. And just feeling how hard his big dick was for you only confirmed that.
You pressed kisses up along his bobbing Adam’s apple, sucking at his studded earlobes. Your lips pressed to his ear as you purred out; “Now whose being naughty?”
That was about all the man could take.
He snatched you up off the desk once more to turn you around, laying you against it.
You heard the clang of his belt buckle as he snatched off his belt. Then you felt the leather and studs of it kiss your phat ass as he cracked it against you.
“OH FUCK!” You screamed.
“Yeah?” Dabi growled. “Since you wanna talk shit and be a little tease that’s what your ass gets.” He snapped back.
He spanked you a few more times, not caring about what straggling teachers may have heard the noise.
Your mouth hung open as you felt your boyfriend’s lean body press against your body, long dick rocking between the cheeks of your butt.
“I been wanting to fuck your fine ass up for a minute Ms. Y/n.” He chuckled. “This is gonna be fun.”
He stood up admiring the view of that big, perfect ass jiggling with all its dimples and stretch marks in front of him.
God. He couldn’t wait to dive in it.
You craned your neck and admired the long dick slipping between your ass crack. A trail of piercings forming a jacob’s ladder on the underside.
Dabi caught your eye and grinned, eyes flashing. “You ready, babygirl?”
“Fuck me.” You replied.
That was all the answer he needed. Dabi wasted no time plunging deep into that juicy cunt of yours and a strangled groan escaped you both.
“Ahaaa~ fuuuuck yesss, Dabi!”
It was an odd sensation. His piercings added another sensation of texture to your throbbing walls. Your pussy couldn’t get enough of it because you felt yourself clenching and flexing for more.
Luckily he was more than happy to give it to you. His hips rocked back and forth making you feel every. Single. Inch. Every bump and ridge of your tight heat got massaged as he long stroked inside you.
“Fuckkk, y/n, you feel even better than I imagined, babygirl.”
The Angle made your big butt squeeze his cock going in and out, adding an extra grip to his dick. He dug his fingers into the flesh of your ass massaging and squeezing it while he pummeled deep into you.
“You gonna let me cum in this fat ass of yours, y/n? Huh?” He ground out through gritted teeth, fucking you sonhard your booty jiggled and the desk creaked.
“Yes daddy. You-c-can cum-ahh~where-ever you-fuccck-want!” You managed back, throwing your ass back at him as best you could.
“God damn right I can. Fuck!” He sighed.
Dabi alternated between fucking you hard and rough and slow and deep. His hand landed against your ass again and again and again. The sting barely registered as anything other than pleasure.
“Fuck yes, fuck yes, fuck fuck FUCK! Don’t stop! Don’t stop. Don’t stop.” You gasped, drool drenching the desk where your mouth hung open.
“Got you baby-ah fuck! Don’t worry. Ima take care of you.” Dabi grunted back, eyes damn near closed in a mix of pure bliss and concentration.
The desk scraped as the force of your fuck session sent it sliding against the linoleum floors slightly. Neither of you stopped bucking and fucking.
If anything, you went harder. Dabi’s balls clapped your cunt with every stroke, and your ass jumped up to meet his pounding dick over and over until-
The two of you came so hard together it felt like you had ascended to another planet. Dabi Damn near collapsed on top of you. He pressed kisses against your curls and cooed about how amazing you felt. How amazing you were, as the two of you came down from your highs.
Finally, you were able to stand shakily to your feet—with Dabi’s help—and get dressed.
You sat back against the desk, panting and watching your very smug boyfriend pull on his shirt.
“I can’t believe we just did that.” You shook your head. “I knew you were trouble the day I met you.”
Dabi laughed. “Well, hey, if I’m so much trouble I could always come see you after class again.” He winked.
You threw a marker at his laughing face which he just barely dodged.w
“Shut the hell up and clean up my classroom.”
Still grinning Dabi leaned in for a kiss. “Yes ma’am, teacher.”
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ivysimagines · 3 years
Hey, love. 💞 I hope you’re having a WONDERFUL day! Can I request a Blurb w/ JJ x Fem! Reader? The Reader is John B’s younger sister, and it’s the Hot Tub Scene? JJ and the Reader planned on being married in the future. JJ fantasized buying her a gargantuan engagement ring, but the pair acknowledged they wouldn’t be able to afford it. However, alongside the Hot Tub, Generators, and Delivery, he bought her an engagement ring too? Angst w/ Fluff, please? Thank you! 💞
of course I can! sorry it took me a bit to get to this. I’ve had bad allergies n haven’t been in the mood to write. anyways, the scenario isn’t exactly the way it is in the episode but i made it pretty similar.
pairing: JJ Maybank x Fem! Reader
request: above.
warning: mentions of abuse, cussing, angst w/ fluff, and underage drinking.
Title: Catch
(thoughts are in italics and bold!)
I sit in the backseat of Pope’s truck listening to trees rustling and the tires driving over the old rocky pavement.
They seriously need to get this road redone.
“Guys, this has gotta be done before my scholarship interview in the morning” Pope says.
I roll my eyes.
Will he ever shut up about that?
Like, he’s smart as fuck.
You’ll get a scholarship somewhere.
“Oh my god, Pope” i say, making it clear i’m annoyed.
“What, Y/N?”
“Guys, no fighting” kiara adds while reaching for her seatbelt buckle.
Okay mom.
Pope parks his truck near some trees.
We all unbuckle our seatbelts quickly and hop out.
Pope and Kie are talking about the plan to get the gold.
I hate that John B gets into this shit.
This is exactly how our dad died.
He can’t die or I’ll have no one.
I walk to the back of the truck and slip my phone into my back pocket.
I lean against the truck while Pope and Kie talk.
I shoo away some nats.
“Damn nats” I say as I kill one.
I hear Kie laugh a little.
Suddenly a shit ton of lights come on around us.
We hear a whirring sound.
“What the hell?” Pope says.
I look over to them and back at the lights.
“Who the hell is that?” kie adds.
We all begin walking towards the center of all the lights hoping to find whoever the fuck did this.
I walk behind them and we hear a cork pop.
I cross my arms and nearly trip over a stick.
We stop and I see it’s my boyfriend, JJ Maybank.
“What did you do JJ?” Pope asks him clearly concerned.
JJ smiles a little, “i’ve got a jet going straight in my butt right now.”
“Y’all should get in immediately, you hear me?”
He grabs three glasses and pours the champagne.
I can tell he’s avoiding looking at me.
“Salud!” he says as he raises the champagne.
“How much did this cost?” Pope asks.
I look back and forth between Pope and JJ.
“Uh. well, with the generator, the petrol, and oh, hey, express delivery...uh, i’d say pretty much all of it”
“All of it?”
“Yeah, all of it”
He looks over at me and then back at Pope.
“You spent all of the money in one day?”
“Yeah, burned a hole right through my pocket. But I mean like, come on guys, like, look at this! Finest in jet-based massage therapy, at least that’s what they told me.”
I stare at JJ with a look of disappointment.
JJ looks over to me.
“Babe, what?” JJ asks.
“Can’t a man have a little luxury in his life! C’mon, all this scrimpin’ and scrapin’..i mean like...guys, we- y’know you only live once, right?” JJ says.
I look at Pope and Kie.
“Like, y/n couldn’t you use some fun in your life? You’ve been all down and shit since your-” he stops himself before finishing his sentence.
“Alright, enough of this emotional shit. Get in the cat’s ass. Come on.” he adds.
“In the what?” Kie asks.
“...in the cat’s ass. That’s what i named her” JJ says while looking off to the side.
It’s quiet for a maximum of 3 seconds.
“Oh, hey, yo, i almost forgot-”
JJ reaches forward and flips a switch and it turns on some disco ball.
“Yeah, that’s right, i know. Disco mode, baby” he says.
“Are you kidding me?!” Pope says in an agitated tone.
“You could’ve paid for restitution!” Pope yells.
“Or literally given it to any charity!” Kie adds.
“Or added it to a fucking fund to get the hell out of here!” i yell.
JJ looks right at me.
“Or bought supplies to get the rest of the damn gold out of the well!” (pope)
JJ turns away and rubs his face.
“Okay, well, you know what?” JJ yells.
He stands up revealing purple and red marks on his stomach.
All these different thoughts began racing through my mind and I could feel my heartbeat speeding up.
Oh my god.
He said things were getting better at home.
...i’m gonna kill that motherfucker.
How can he do that shit to his own fucking kid?
Maybe it’s a good thing my mom dipped and my dad’s dead.
“I didn’t do that!” JJ yells.
“I got a hot tub! For my friends- you know what? No, screw friends. I got a hot tub for my family!”
I look at him and tears start forming.
He looks over to me.
“And, I got something especially for you” he says as he reaches into his swim trunks pocket.
I look at him and he pulls out something small.
“Catch” (JJ)
I open my hands and catch a ring in my hand.
I take a look at it.
It’s not just any ring.
It’s a gargantuan engagement ring.
I look up at him.
It’s silent for a few seconds.
I walk over to the hot tub and step on the ladder.
I get inside with him as he rants about ‘everything being fine’.
I pull him into a tight hug.
He starts crying into me.
“I love you” i whisper into his ear.
I rub his back.
It’s quiet as we hug.
Kie and Pope get in with us and we all hug JJ.
“I just wanna do the right thing and I thought-” he says.
“We know, we know. It’s okay, love” i say.
After a few minutes JJ calms down and Pope and Kie leave us.
*now sitting on the edge of the hot tub talking to JJ*
I mess with the ring in my fingers.
“JJ...I don't need some fancy ring” i say.
“I know, but I wanted such an..important ring to be nice”
I look over at him.
“So, this is an engagement ring?”
He smiles at me and nods.
“I know we’re still teenagers and...obviously you can’t exactly get parental consent. Plus, John B would totally kill me if we got married this young. But, we can still be engaged.” he says.
I smile at him and look back down.
“You know, you haven’t asked me”
He sighs and laughs softly.
He takes the ring from out of my hand and looks at me.
“Alright, Y/N Routledge, will you make me literally the happiest man in the world and marry me in a few years?”
I smile at him and bite my lip a little.
“Definitely, one thousand percent”
He smiles and grabs my left hand softly.
He slips the ring onto my ring finger and then places his hand on my face.
We kiss a couple times before I pull away.
I look at the ring on my finger.
Holy shit.
I’m like...engaged now.
What the fuck?
I contain my excitement and just smile.
“So, we could get married when we turn 18...or whenever using our share of the 400 mil and then get the fuck out of here. Away from the obx, away from the pogue bullshit, just...everything” he says.
I stare at him for a few seconds.
“Okay, as long as we can get a dog”
He smiles and nods.
“Named willow?”
“Of course, whatever you want” he says.
I smile at him and we kiss again.
We continue our night together and eventually head to my house.
Hope you enjoy!
Once again, request whatever you would like.
I will also be experimenting with thing like ‘dating ___ would include…’ (i love those types of things lmao)
I might start writing a lot for atypical since i’ve gone back into my atypical phase (13rw as well but idk if ima write for that series or not).
Thanks for readinggg!
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warped-historian · 3 years
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Anti-Flag (Played 6/29-8/19)
Billy Talent (Played 7/20-8/19)
Bowling For Soup (Played 6/26)
The Bouncing Souls
New Found Glory
NOFX (Played 7/1-8/8)
Simple Plan (Played 7/24-7/26 and 8/1-8/5)
Story of the Year
Taking Back Sunday
Tiger Army (Played 7/20-8/19)
The Used (Played 8/19)
The All-American Rejects (Played 6/25-6/29 and 7/29-8/1)
Alkaline Trio (Played 6/25-7/24)
Bad Religion
Coheed and Cambria
The Early November (Played 6/25-7/18)
Flogging Molly
Good Charlotte (Played 8/12-8/18)
The (International) Noise Conspiracy (Played 7/28-8/19)
Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards (Played 7/20-8/18)
The Sounds (Played 6/25-7/26)
Sugarcult (Played 7/20-8/19)
Thursday (Played 6/25-7/18 and 8/6-8/14)
The Vandals
Allister (Played 7/20-8/19)
Avenged Sevenfold (Played 7/20-8/19)
The Casualties
From Autumn to Ashes (Played 7/20-8/2)
Hazen Street (Played 6/25-7/18)
IMA Robot (Played 6/25-7/16)
Jackson United (Played 7/7-7/13 and 7/20-8/2)
Lilix (Played 7/13)
Mae (Played 6/25-7/18)
Matchbook Romance (Played 7/20-8/19)
My Chemical Romance (Played 6/25-7/18 and 7/24)
Piebald (Played 8/5-8/8)
The Red West (Played 6/25-7/20)
The Revolution Smile (Played 7/15-7/26)
Rise Against
Rufio (Played 7/20-8/19)
Senses Fail (Played 6/25-7/18)
A Faith Called Chaos
Alexisonfire (Played 8/12-8/19)
Another Damn Disappointment (Played 6/29-6/30, 7/8, 7/13-7/15 and 7/24-7/28)
Arkham (Played 7/9-7/13, 7/16-7/23, 7/29-7/31 and 8/6-8/10)
ASG (Played 7/1-7/8, 8/1 and 8/12-8/19)
Autopilot Off (Played 6/25-7/6)
Bleed the Dream (Played 7/20-8/2)
The Briggs (Played 7/24-8/19)
Chronic Future (Played 7/25-8/4)
Die Hunns (Played 6/25-7/6)
Don't Look Down (Played 7/7-7/18)
The Eyeliners (Played 6/25-7/2)
Fall Out Boy (Played 8/10-8/19)
Fear Before the March of Flames (Played 7/20-7/24)
The Fuck Ups (Played 6/25-7/18)
Go Betty Go (Played 6/25-7/23)
The God Awfuls (Played 6/25-7/15)
Guttermouth (Played 6/25-7/11)
Juliette and the Licks (Played 6/25-7/7)
The Kinison (Played 8/7-8/19)
Lennon (Played 7/28 and 7/30-8/7)
Letter Kills
Minority (Played 6/28)
Motion City Soundtrack (Played 7/16-8/8)
Potluck (Played 7/1-7/6)
Pulley (Played 7/7-7/18)
Rose Hill Drive (Played 8/8-8/19)
Side 67 (Played 7/15)
Single Frame (Played 6/25-6/27 and 7/16-7/28)
Washington Social Club (Played 8/4-8/19)
1208 (Played 7/11)
Amber Pacific (Played 6/25-7/13, 7/28-8/12 and 8/17-8/19)
Audio Karate (Played 8/4-8/19)
Before Today (Played 7/6)
Big D and the Kids Table (Played 7/20-7/26)
Black Fire (Played 6/25-6/30)
Black Furys (Played 7/3)
Bottom Line (Played 8/15-8/17)
Break Dance Vietnam (Played 6/25-7/6)
Break the Silence (Played 7/16-7/26 and 8/10-8/19)
Bytch Kiddy (Played 8/12-8/14)
Candy Ass (Played 8/4-8/10)
Carne Asada (Played 7/17-7/26)
The Code (Played 8/5-8/8)
Codie (Played 7/21-7/22)
The Commercials (Played 8/10)
Crowned King (Played 7/13-7/15 and 8/10-8/14)
Early Man
Eden Row (Played 8/16-8/19)
Eight Fingers Down (Played 6/25-6/29)
El Centro (Played 7/20-7/23)
El Nada (Played 7/24-7/26)
The Erks
Fear Nuttin' Band (Played 8/7)
Fighting Jacks (Played 7/8-7/9)
Happy Campers (Played 6/25-6/30)
Harpo (Played 7/22)
H is Orange (Played 7/1)
Holden (Played 7/2 and 7/7)
Hurry Up Offense (Played 8/4-8/7)
The Hurt Process (Played 7/1-7/11)
Insofar (Played 7/1-7/23)
J4 (Played 6/25-6/29)
Jersey (Played 8/7, 8/10-8/15 and 8/18-8/19)
Keg (Played 7/10)
Killradio (Played 7/16-7/26)
Lakeside (Played 7/28-7/29)
Losing Team (Playd 7/16-7/17)
Lylah (Played 6/25-6/29)
Madison (Played 7/28-8/8)
Madrepore (Played 7/4 and 7/7)
The Matches (Played 8/12-8/17)
Number One Fan (Played 7/18-8/19)
O're The Ramparts (Played 7/18)
Only Crime (Played 7/18)
Opiate for the Masses (Played 7/28-8/8)
Oreon (Played 8/16-8/19)
Pipedown (Played 7/7-7/10)
The Planet Smashers (Played 7/28-8/4, 8/10 and 8/15-8/19)
The Q (Played 6/30-7/8 and 7/31-8/3)
Reeve Oliver (Played 7/28-8/8)
Rolling Blackouts
Scatter the Ashes (Played 7/20-7/24)
Silverstein (Played 8/2-8/8)
The Skulls (Played 8/19)
Slowdance (Played 7/7-7/18)
Spell Toronto
Stereogram (Played 7/11-7/18)
Stole Your Woman (Played 7/8-7/13)
Suffocate (Played 7/20-7/26)
The Swear (Played 7/28)
Thought Riot (Played 7/2-7/6)
Truth In Fiction (Played 7/24-7/25)
Unit F (Played 6/25-7/2)
Van Stone (Played 7/4-7/7)
Victory Within (Played 7/10-7/18)
Wanted Dead (Played 7/1-7/8)
Windsor (Played 7/1 and 7/6)
Zox (Played 8/16-8/19)
A Thorn For Every Heart (Played 6/25-7/1, 7/6 and 7/24)
The Academy (Played 7/24)
All Rights Reserved (Played 8/5-8/8)
All That's Left (Played 7/29-8/1)
Away From Here (Played 7/13-7/15 and 8/12-8/14)
Bayside (Played 8/15-8/19)
The Bled (Played 7/29-8/8)
Brazil (Played 7/1-8/19)
The Break (Played 7/22-7/28)
Day Two (Played 7/16-7/18)
Deville (Played 8/12-8/14)
Don't Look Down (Played 7/20-7/26)
Dynamite Boy (Played 6/25-6/30 and 7/16-8/19)
Eighteen Visions (Played 6/25-7/15)
Emery (Played 7/9-7/11)
Facing New York (Played 7/4)
From First To Last
Hidden In Plain View
Kiros (Played 7/13-7/15 and 8/12-8/14)
The Matches (Played 6/25-7/11)
Moments in Grace (Played 7/31-8/3)
Northstar (Played 6/25-6/27)
Not Quite Bernadette (Played 7/17-7/18)
Over It (Played 7/16-8/4)
Plans for Revenge (Played 7/3 and 7/8)
Roses Are Red (Played 7/16-7/21)
The Silence (Played 7/2 and 7/7)
Silverstein (Played 8/10-8/19)
The Snake, The Cross, The Crown (Played 7/2 and 7/7)
Somerset (Played 7/25)
The Spill Canvas (Played 7/16)
Stars Hide Fire (Played 8/2-8/6)
Still Life Projector (Played 7/8)
Stimulator (Played 7/1-7/8)
Tokyo Rose (Played 8/15-8/19)
Trophy Scars (Played 8/7-8/10)
Yesterdays Rising (Played 6/25-7/30)
5 Knuckle Surprise (Played 8/13)
13 Attempts to Fail (Played 7/9)
21 Rest (Played 7/6)
1090 Club (Played 7/16)
A Common Threat (Played 7/16)
A Second Chance (Played 8/7)
Abandon All Hope (Played 6/29)
Abstract Giants (Played 7/24)
Addison (Played 8/3)
Aiden (Played 7/10)
Air Tight Alibi (Played 6/27)
Allotic (Played 7/6)
Ambry (Played 8/19)
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Arson Cried Fire (Played 8/17)
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Best Interest (Played 7/2)
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Box Elder (Played 7/29)
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BXF (Played 7/11)
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Capitol Speedway (Played 8/1)
Capone (Played 8/15)
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Chances Are (Played 7/8)
Cheap Suits (Played 8/14)
Cherry Bing (Played 8/18)
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Clearmotive (Played 8/18)
Coat of Arms (Played 8/5)
Crooked Edge (Played 8/1)
De La Vega (Played 7/9)
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Death in Graceland (Played 8/16)
Deep Enough To Die (Played 8/10)
Delay (Played 7/23)
Delinquent Monastery (Played 7/3)
Deville (Played 7/15)
D.O.R.K. (Played 7/18)
Dramatic Still Life (Played 7/16)
Drane (Played 6/26)
DV8 (Played 6/25-6/27)
Each on Set (Played 8/12)
ElseWorth (Played 7/2)
Emotional Distress (Played 8/13)
Ender (Played 7/15)
The Escape Engine (Played 8/8)
Existing Away (Played 7/19)
Fail to Follow (Played 7/17)
Fallen From the Sky (Played 7/31)
Falling Process (Played 6/29)
The Feds (Played 6/26)
The Felix Culpa (Played 7/20)
Fell Far Behind (Played 8/6)
Final Underground (Played 7/9)
Firekills (Played 6/27)
Forever July (Played 8/2)
Ghetto Lust (Played 7/1)
Good With Guns (Played 7/26)
Grand Poo Bah (Played 8/14)
Her Candane (Played 7/17)
Highland Drive (Played 8/18)
Hit The Lights (Played 8/16)
Holiday (Played 8/19)
How About No (Played 7/23)
Hydra (Played 7/2 and 7/7)
I Voted For Kodos (Played 7/20)
Ill Figures (Played 7/4)
In This Day (Played 7/29)
International Businessmen (Played 7/10)
Intro5pect (Played 7/1)
Jacobs Ladder (Played 7/31)
Jane Eyre (Played 7/7)
Johnny Action Figure (Played 8/10)
Johnny Psycho (Played 7/23)
Johnny Rock (Played 7/26)
Junior (Played 6/26)
Just For A Day (Played 7/31)
JV Allstars (Played 7/26)
Kane Hodder (Played 7/10)
Key to Arson (Played 7/8)
Kick Over The Traces (Played 8/8)
Kid Deposit Triumph (Played 7/4)
Kincaide (Played 7/13)
Last Action Zeros (Played 6/30)
Last Annual (Played 7/24)
Last Collapse (Played 7/1)
Left Alone
Legbone (Played 8/17)
Light the Sky (Played 7/2)
Logik (Played 6/30)
Losers Luck (Played 7/21)
Lucked Out (Played 8/8)
Ludo (Played 7/13 and 7/21)
Made of Koncentrate (Played 8/12)
The Malcontents (Played 7/22)
Minority (Played 6/26)
Minus Vince (Played 7/3)
Monday In London (Played 8/2)
Monty's Fan Club (Played 7/7-7/17)
Much the Same (Played 7/24 and 8/3-8/10)
My American Heart (Played 7/6)
The Nancy School (Played 7/22)
Nervous Nellie (Played 7/28-8/1)
New Tomorrow (Played 7/6)
No Red Flags (Played 7/11)
The No Talent Show (Played 8/3)
Not Long After (Played 7/11)
NSF (Played 8/12)
O'Doyle Rules (Played 6/25)
Oktober (Played 6/30)
One Mile Wish (Played 7/2)
One Way Letter (Played 7/28)
Once Over (Played 7/6 and 7/8)
Oreon (Played 8/5)
Pacer (Played 8/13)
Patent Pending (Played 8/7)
Pennyroyals (Played 8/8)
The Phoenix Rising (Played 7/24)
The Pink Spiders (Played 7/28)
Plan B (Played 8/19)
Pleased (Played 8/12)
Poopan (Played 7/7)
Powderburn (Played 6/27)
Praxxis (Played 6/25)
The Preps (Played 8/10)
The Prime (Played 8/8)
Punos (Played 8/2)
Quietdrive (Played 7/20 and 7/24-7/25)
The Radikills (Played 7/23)
Rain Fur Rent (Played 7/3)
Red With Envy (Played 7/8)
Reno Divorce (Played 7/18)
The Response (Played 7/20)
Rise or Rust (Played 7/25)
Rockett Queen (Played 6/25)
Rory (Played 7/29)
Rubberhead (Played 6/27)
Rudesquad (Played 7/30)
The Salads (Played 8/14)
Same Old Crap (Played 7/26)
Sarcasm (Played 8/7)
The Scrubs (Played 8/16)
The Second Track (Played 8/1)
Sedona (Played 8/2)
The School Play (Played 7/11)
Shadow Agency (Played 8/1)
ShotBlue (Played 7/1)
Side Out (Played 7/29)
Silence The Wake (Played 8/15)
Silent Opposition (Played 7/10)
The Skeptics (Played 8/19)
Skylar Blue (Played 6/25)
The Skyline (Played 7/21)
The Slurs (Played 7/22)
Sometime in April (Played 8/6)
Sometime Never (Played 8/7)
The Sophomore Year (Played 7/28)
Soulfound (Played 7/30)
Sound Riot (Played 8/4)
The Spicolis (Played 8/14)
Spil (Played 7/22)
Spit for Athena (Played 8/15)
Split Habit (Played 7/24)
Spoiler (Played 6/29)
Spun On Ambition (Played 7/16)
Still Life Projector (Played 7/3)
The Story Changes (Played 8/17)
Straight Forward (Played 7/7)
Strutmore (Played 6/26)
Suburban Shock Syndrome (Played 6/29)
Suburban Tragedy (Played 7/30)
The Swellers (Played 7/23 and 8/15)
Tabula Rasa (Played 8/5)
Tel Star (Played 8/5)
Ten Second Epic (Played 7/15)
Ten Years From Now (Played 8/3)
Thin Dark Line (Played 8/4)
Today's Not Tomorrow (Played 8/18)
Tokyo Rose (Played 8/7)
Trace Element (Played 7/7)
The Trademark (Played 7/17)
Tragedy Andy (Played 7/3)
Transition (Played 8/5)
Truly Sunday (Played 7/30)
Uncrowned (Played 7/28)
Underscore (Played 8/4)
Unlabeled (Played 7/13)
Unjust (Played 7/3)
Useless (Played 8/6)
The Utmost (Played 7/4)
Victim 26 (Played 6/30)
Viscera's Recital (Played 8/13)
Waiting for Daryl (Played 7/9)
Westcott (Played 7/21)
When All Else Fails (Played 8/3)
When Sparks Fly (Played 8/16)
Youth in Asia (Played 7/26)
Youthinasia (Played 8/14)
Astronautalis and Mes
B-Girl Temper
Cellar Door
Community Service
Crisis Center
Immortal Technique
The Lordz Of Brooklyn
Pearl Crew
Sisters of the Underground
Bring Your Own Weapon (Played 6/30)
Calabrese (Played 6/30)
Casket Life (Played 6/30)
Half Empties (Played 6/30)
Point 9 Percent (Played 6/30)
Scary Kids Scaring Kids (Played 6/30)
Sidetracked (Played 6/30)
Groovie Ghoulies (Played 7/1-8/19)
The Phenomenauts (Played 7/1-8/19)
A Wilhelm Scream (Played 8/16-8/19)
Alone at 3am (Played 8/16)
Amity (Played 7/13-8/19)
Anadivine (Played 8/7-8/8 and 8/18)
As Tall As Lions (Played 8/10-8/13)
Bear Vs. Shark (Played 7/22-7/24 and 8/15)
Before Braille (Played 7/16 and 7/18-7/20)
Before Today (Played 7/13-7/18)
Boys Night Out (Played 8/2-8/19)
Days Like These (Played 7/16-8/19)
Day Two (Played 7/21)
Don't Look Down (Played 8/6-8/7 and 8/10-8/15)
Emanuel (Played 7/21-7/24 and 8/2-8/6)
Endicott (Played 8/16-8/17)
Facing New York (Played 7/13-7/17)
Fear Before the March of Flames (Played 7/18)
Fifteen Minutes Fast (Played 7/21 and 7/26)
Fire When Ready (Played 8/7-8/8 and 8/18-8/19)
From Here On Out (Played 8/14-8/15)
Haddonfield (Played 8/13)
Half the Battle (Played 8/14-8/15)
Halifax (Played 8/4-8/14)
Haste The Day (Played 7/22-7/24)
The Higher (Played 7/13-7/17)
In Passing (Played 7/29-8/1)
In Reverent Fear (Played 7/13-7/15 and 7/18)
Junior Revolution (Played 8/17)
Kiros (Played 7/16-7/17)
The Letters Organized (Played 7/28-7/30)
Lightweight Holiday (Played 7/13-8/19)
The Matches (Played 7/13-7/17, 7/23-7/25, 8/2-8/6 and 8/18-8/19)
Much the Same (Played 7/21-7/22 and 8/16-8/17)
Noise Ratchet (Played 7/18-8/1)
Nor Am I (Played 7/21-8/19)
Nuclear Saturday (Played 7/28 and 7/30)
Offset (Played 7/18)
Salt the Earth (Played 7/26)
Secret Lives of Freemasons (Played 8/1-8/3)
Silverstein (Played 7/25-8/1)
The Snake, The Cross, The Crown (Played 7/13-7/15)
The Softer Side (Played 7/29-8/1)
Socratic (Played 7/31-8/1 and 8/3-8/5)
Split Sense (Played 7/26)
Staring Back (Played 7/13-8/19)
Tokyo Rose (Played 8/8-8/10)
Tora Tora Torrance (Played 7/25)
Waking Ashland (Played 7/13-7/15, 7/20 and 7/25)
The Working Title (Played 7/29-8/1)
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mypimpademia · 4 years
Levi and jaegar boy going to there s/o's family reunion or cook out ( I LOOOVE U MORE QUEENN!!!!)
Levi x reader x Eren
TW: Swearing
and girl I am so sorry this is late my dumbass went to bed last night talkin bout ima write it when I wake up then when I woke up I got distracted bc I was hungry 😭
There's a good chance Levi has met some of your family before
But by complete accident
Like they were at the store at the same time (probably in the cleaning isle)
And hes met your parents an a small portion formally at least once or twice
So when you told him your family was having a cook out he wasn't too alarmed
Normally, he wouldn't be alarmed at all, but when you said your whole family would be there, something about it made him nervous
You either love Levi, or you literally wanna stomp on him
And both of you were of course hoping they'd all take the ladder
Showing up, everyone came to greet you and Levi
You knew Levi was nervous, even if he didn't show it
So you decided to knock the unknowns out of the water
One by one, you took Levi around to introduce him to different family members
Most of them took and immediate liking to him, others needed more time to get to know him to decide
But all in all, they all liked him
Once you got settled in, Levi helped on the grill a little, and played with younger kids
Meanwhile, you were cooing to your favorite cousin and best friend about how adorable he looked playing with children
Levi being Levi didn't eat much
He probably had a steak or a few wings
But he drank like 60% of the iced tea
Helps with cleaning up
Results in him cleaning the entire backyard, the living room, and the kitchen
Your family thought he was being super considerate, so anyone that wasn't 100% is now
But really it was like 20% being considerate and 80% ocd
Still a win though
Hes only met your parent(s) so he was extremely nervous about your whole family being there
To make him feel better, you tell him a few pointers about different family members
But upon arriving, his mind goes blank as his anxiety grows
You say hi to your parents first, then take Eren around to introduce him
Hes probably smiling like a dumbass the whole time because of how nervous he is but he makes it through
They all liked him, but they all also thought he needs to calm his nerves
He helped out on the grill a little
Made like a few burgers but he's not the best cook so he couldn't do much
But Eren mostly went back and forth between stuffing his face and play with the little kids
The kids most likely almost topple him over more than once
2 on his legs, one under his arm, and another that somehow managed to get to his shoulders and almost his head
Since he ate so much, he offered to help clean
Took out the trash, helped do dishes, all of that
Your family just really loved him by the time you left
You had no clue if it was him playing with the kids, him helping clean, or just the initial vibe they got from him
Either way, it all worked out
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fading-lace · 4 years
Lavi with a short s/o :)
A/N: ok so im fucking short- like literally 5ft tall short- and not me over here reading the manga...continuing my VERY LONG crush on allen- (ima gonna fucking die one of these days- like ima be legit stepped on like a bug and die.)
Lavi X female!reader
warnings: swearing...teasing...angy short people like me-
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it was one NORMAL day after a totally NORMAL mission. other than the fact that you were trying to reach for a FUCKING BOOK in komui’s office. it was finally cleaned and you were FINALLY able to grab some of the books from behind his desk- BUT YOUR SHORT-ASS SELF COULDN’T REACH.
“....(y/n)? what are you doing?” Lavi said coming up from behind you while letting out small laughs.
“shut up- im trying to steal one of komui’s books.”
you desperately tried to reach your hand out farther, going on your tip-toes and everything. just to reach this. one. BOOK.
Lavi let out a hardy laugh while you stood there...struggling.
“i wonder how the weather is down there~” lavi joked. fucking ANNOYING JOKES-
“i hope you know your head is literally the perfect armrest for me”
you growled and glared at him, piercing KNIFES into his soul.
“you look like you still have a lot of growing up to do.”
“your so short you must need a ladder to reach your dreams.”
“fighting you would be animal cruelty”
“coming down the stairs must feel like skydiving to you.” 
“your literally the definition of down to earth”
“someone said that two short people having sex sounds like plates breaking.”
that. was. IT. 
“your so tall that you tripped and smacked your head on the moon”
lavi’s face fell as you fought back. he was honestly surprised and...impressed. and a little hurt also-
“what do tall people have nightmares about? ceiling fans.”
“your so tall that when i break your legs you will be needing ladders as crutches.” 
“your so tall that when you swim in the middles of the ocean, you end up wading”
lavi blinked and smirked. his eyes glimmering with mischievousness as he crept up to you.
“lavi...what are you doing?”
he stayed silent and slowly backed you up against a wall, and pinning you there with one arm. 
“short people get angry easily because they are closer to the ground and the anger doesn’t dissipate very well”
you looked at him and his smug grin and pouted, crossing your arms and looking away. lavi laughed, clutching onto his stomach from the lack of air he was getting before getting back up and wiping a tear away from his eye. 
“babeee!! im sorry!!” he laughed again.
you didn’t say anything and closed your eyes tightly shut. not wanting to pay any attention to lavi. but before you knew it, lavi kissed you cheek. making you snap open your eyes and see him holding the book you were trying to grab. 
of course he also had a shit eating grin and you grabbed the book from him. “thank you...lavi..”
“your welcome...beansprout.”
“sure did!!”
“im not a beansprout!!”
“hmm....gimme a kiss and maybe i wont call you that~”
you glared at him, fire burning in your soul. why?? why did he have to tease you like this??? just...why???
“fine..” you said as you went on your tip-toes once again and gave him a small, gentle kiss on the lips. 
he smiled and picked you up and gave you a deeper, love filled kiss. you rolled your eyes and kissed him back before pulling away with a glare. 
“you said “A” kiss...”
“i know, i just wanted to kiss you again! hehe”
“pfft your such a dork
“but im your dork!!”
you sighed and smiled at him. “sadly..”
(ok dont think i hate lavi- because i dont- he’s just a little shithead sometimes lol) 
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indestinatus · 5 years
Something blue (part 1/?)
read it at AO3 if you prefer 
idea originally from @b99peraltiago​, so send her some love.
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If she'd imagined moving was going to be this difficult, she'd probably never even start packing, just continue to live in her parents' house.
Tali struggled to pull a box stuck under her very small, outdated bed, which left her feet scraping the end of it. She didn't mind it too much, but it'd be weird to bring someone home when your bed wasn't made for a twenty years old human being.
"Aaaargh, finally!!!," she let out, painting after she managed to pull the old box from the small space.
Dust covered her fingers so she wiped them on the sides of her old jeans. Tali got up and sat on her bed, putting the old beige box on her lap. She traced the white bow carefully wrapped around it, fingers slowly making her remember a certain pattern...
"Is this..." she whispered to herself, "HEY, MOM?"
"YEAH, SWEETIE?" a voice came from the garden, where Ziva had been stationed since this morning to pick up the oranges from the mini orchard Tony had arranged for her on their backyard, "NEED ANY HELP?"
"No, I was just wondering," said Tali, walking barefoot towards Ziva, who was up on a ladder with a basket on her hip, the rays of sunshine lighting her hair in an almost angelic way, “is this box the one I used to play with as a child?”
“What box?” Ziva finally looked down at Tali, covering her eyes from the sun even though she was wearing a big straw hat, “Oh, that box.”
She descended the stairs already smiling, the wrinkles around her eyes the only thing that revealed her age. Everyone said her mother aged beautifully, and that Tali was lucky to have a combination of her parents' genes. But Tali knew the truth: Ima just aged well because her dad couldn’t stop making her laugh. All the damn time.
Ziva looked at the box with watery brown eyes, long fingers tracing the white bow back and forth, a small grin noticeable on her lips.
“You used to ask me many times to tell you this story when you were little.”
“What story?”
Ziva sighed but her lips opened up in a big smile she couldn’t hide, “Why don’t you open it, Tee?”
“You have that crazy I’m-so-in-love-with-your-father look in your eyes again, mom. I won’t open it,” said Tali, handing the box to Ziva, “you do it.”
Ziva huffed a laugh, “Don’t call your mother crazy. Here, let’s have a look.”
She untied the bow and carefully folded the ribbon in her hand, putting it in the pocket of her overall. 
The box wasn’t big, but Ziva had to hold it with both her hands. The inside of it was covered with old parchment paper, that she gently lifted and put it on a nearby table. Ziva had a feeling she needed to sit down and Tali followed her, the packing she had to do long forgotten in her room.
“This was the best day of my life,” declared Ziva, lips in a smile but a few tears streaming down her cheeks, ones she quickly wiped, “everyone was there. Gosh, even aunt Netty was there, now that I think of it.”
“Must have been a hell of a party then,” said Tali, smiling as well. Both she and her mother knew that aunt Netty only came if there was wine involved.
“Yeah...yeah, it was.”
Ziva fingers traced the object inside the box repeatedly as if for a few seconds she was transported back to the past, eyes becoming unfocused. Tali coughed softly.
“Oh, sorry, I completely placed out for a moment there,” said Ziva, taking what was in the box to place it gently on the table. 
“Spaced out, mom, spaced-”
Her words died in her throat as Tali glanced at what was in front of her.
It was a photo album, its pearl-colored cover like new despite the years being stored under her bed. A message embroidered in gold could be read in its center, one that Ziva traced with her fingers again and again.
I was made for loving you.
"I remember now. I remember," said Tali, eyeing curiously the unopened album in Ziva's hands, "wasn't dad who said that?"
"Yes, it was a part of his vows."
She opened the album.
A photograph was placed on the center of the page, fixed with small metal plates in each corner.
"Look at him," said Ziva, pointing to the picture, "he was so handsome."
"Oh my God, mom, gross," but Tali was smiling.
Tony was carrying Ziva laid on his shoulder and his other hand was up in the air making a victory fist pump. Ziva's face could be seen looking at something out of the frame, a bouquet still in her hand, even if most of her body was turned back to the photographer from atop his shoulder. They both were grinning broadly, her father with an open mouth smile as if it was the happiest moment of his life, and her mother in surprise as if the shot was snapped the moment he had lifted her up in the air.
Tali remembered the many times she had opened the box just to see this photo when she was little, fantasizing about her prince charming and falling in love like that.
"Yeah, sweetie?"
"Would you... would you tell me that story again?"
Ziva caressed Tony's face in the photograph, a gesture she had come to do many times over the years.
"Oh, of course, mon coeur," she sighed, "well, it all started..."
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the-tiva-og · 4 years
His Ninjas
Final chapter of my fluffy fic for @talisbirthdaychallenge​!
Chapter 3: Like Ima Ninja, Like Daughter Ninja
“Cat town, cat town, cat town,” Tali sang, swinging her and her father’s joined hands as they departed the hotel. They set out toward Yanaka Ginza, a shopping street that Tony and Ziva wanted to visit to see the shrine and that they had lured Tali into agreeing by telling her that, on quiet mornings, there were sometimes stray cats roaming the streets.  Unfortunately, their first cat spotting took place as Tony was absorbed in reading his map and, not looking where he was going, trod on the tail of a black cat sunning himself on the sidewalk. The cat yowled and darted off and Tony jumped as though he had just stepped on a landmine.  “Daddy!” Tali cried out, “Did you hurt the kitty?!” “Not on purpose!” Tony insisted, looking for the cat. He spotted him, perched on a wall and watching Tony with a look that, Tony would insist, was pure hatred. “See,” he gestured toward the cat, who was now casually licking his tail, “he’s right over there, he’s fine.”
The rest of their visit to the neighborhood went smoothly, Tony was definitely more careful with where he placed his feet, but they spent most of the time looking at the traditional crafts and foods. They didn’t pass back by the wall for at least an hour. Tony initially sighed happily, seeing that the black cat had apparently found somewhere better to be. Then he heard Tali cooing, “Kitty, kitty, kitty.” Tony turned to see his daughter crouched and holding out her hand to the black cat, leaned cooly against a bicycle. It only took a few more coos from Tali before the cat was rubbing against her legs and purring happily while the girl giggled and gently pet his silky black fur. “Ima, look!” Tali called.  Ziva knelt beside her daughter and scratched the cat behind the ears, “He’s pretty, isn’t he, Tali?” “So cute!” Tali said with a smile, “Do you think he’s the same cat that Daddy stepped on?” Seeing how loving the cat was to his partner and daughter, Tony decided to kneel down and try giving the cat some attention. The cat walked toward him, sniffed, raised the hair on his back, and hissed at Tony before returning to Tali. “I would say that this is definitely the same cat your father stepped on,” Ziva said, fighting a laugh. Tony huffed and turned away, “We need to go so that we don’t miss our train.” Ziva rolled her eyes and stood, beckoning for Tali to follow.  “Bye, kitty!” she called, waving at the black cat and following her mother.  As the girl reached out to grab Ziva’s hand, she asked innocently, “Can we get a cat when we go home?” Tony could only grit his teeth.
After a trip to an arcade and filling their bellies with gyoza, they arrived at an aquarium. Ever the animal lover, Tali always begged to visit zoos and aquariums. Tony always tried to sway her to pick an aquarium since they tended to be indoors and, in his opinion, didn’t smell like a county fair. The excited little girl pinballed from one exhibit to another, calling to her parents anytime she saw something notable.  “Daddy! Look! Stingrays!” she called out, watching with awe as a massive ray gracefully swam through the tank. Before Tony really had a chance to respond, she was at the next exhibit, calling, “Ima! An octopus! A real octopus!” The tank of reef sharks held her attention long enough for her parents to actually get to look around, but once she spotted a tunnel of jellyfish, they were back on their trek.
“Where does she get the energy?” Tony sighed, throwing his head back as Tali oohed at a tank of piranhas before trotting off to look at some salamanders. “You were an athlete,” Ziva commented while Tali called for her parents to hurry because she had found the seals, “are you telling me that you were not an energetic child?” “Look at the seals, you guys!” Tali insisted as they stood in front of the large icy tank, “Aren’t they cool?” “I had plenty of energy,” Tony quipped, Tali too absorbed in the animals to realize that her parents had not responded, “but this feels more like a Ziva trait.” “Ha!” Ziva laughed, “Of course you would say that.” Tony didn’t have a chance to ask her what she meant because Tali grabbed his arm, calling, “Daddy! Daddy! Look! It’s Dory and Nemo!” The final area of the aquarium was almost more excitement than Tali could handle. Between the otters and penguins, jumping fish and sea lions, the little girl was practically buzzing with excitement. 
This excitement only built as they went to the mall next door to get a snack and ended up finding a Snoopy store, Disney store, and something called the “Pokemon Center MEGA TOKYO,” that Tony never thought they would drag Tali out of. “How about we go to a park?” Tony offered as they left the mall, desperate to go somewhere that wouldn’t have Tali insisting on buying more souvenirs. Ziva, who was now holding the energetic child’s hand, quickly agreed and mentioned a park that they had found in the city guide. Tony found the dog-eared page and the trio set out for their next destination.
The park Tali and Ziva picked out turned out to be, essentially, a massive obstacle course.  “Perfect place for my ninja duo,” Tony joked, standing to the side while Ziva led Tali across a balance beam.  After a seemingly endless string of rope ladders, rope bridges, climbing walls, and rope nets, they reached a bridge made of a series of log platforms. Watching several people ahead of them wobble on the platforms, linger for too long, and begin to sink into the shallow pond, Tony shook his head. “Nope, I’m out,” he said. “I’ll wait for you guys here.” “Scared of a little water, Tony?” Ziva teased.  “I just don’t want to spend the rest of the day walking around in wet socks, Zee-vah,” he replied, “but if you think you’re so graceful, go right ahead.” Her eyes lit up with the challenge and she completed the obstacle with ease, Tali following a bit more clumsily behind her.  Next came a log bridge and a zipline, which Tony observed from the ground, teasing Ziva anytime she gave an indication of frustration. “Our little ninja’s got some skills,” Tony quipped as they watched Tali paddle a round wooden boat through the next obstacle, “still not wanting to admit that she gets that energy from you?” Ziva grinned, looking at their daughter with so much pride, “She does get that from me.” Tony laughed a little, wrapping his arm around Ziva’s shoulder and giving her a little squeeze as Tali clambered out of her boat and ran to the next obstacle. 
Another rope ladder, another zipline, another log bridge, and a rope swing led to a bathroom break. Tali came charging out of the bathroom, intent on finishing the course. She made it through most of the remaining obstacles only taking help from her parents with great reluctance. As she slid off the log slide at the end of the course, she made a running jump at Tony who reacted just in time to catch her. “I did it! Daddy, I did it!” she shouted, “I finished the ninja path!” “Hey, yeah, you did,” he said, squeezing her, “Great job, T-Bird, I’m proud of you.” “Does this make me a real ninja now?” Tali asked excitedly. Tony smiled and nodded, “Yeah, you’re a real ninja, just like Ima.” He tossed a wink at Ziva who smiled and rolled her eyes. “Just like Ima,” Tali said proudly, raising her head from her father’s chest. 
They took the train to Odaiba and spent the late afternoon playing in arcades and browsing in a retro candy store with Tony just as eager as Tali to buy all sorts of mysterious snacks and sweets. Ziva, however, insisted that this would not be eaten instead of a meal, leading Tony to snark, “You’re such a mom, David.” Which, between any other two people might have been an insult, but the smile shared between the couple made it clear that Tony was using the lighthearted jab to continue his assurance of Ziva’s role in their solidifying family.  The family ended up in a conveyor belt sushi restaurant, which Tony had spotted in the city guide and insisted that he had to see it in action. Like her father, the little plates crawling along the counter fascinated Tali. She wanted to grab the first one that she saw, but with a parent positioned on each side, her picks were a bit more policed.  They were cautious with her at first, letting her take egg, shrimp, and grilled pork nigiri, as well as a cucumber roll. Anything she didn’t finish was finished by either Tony or Ziva, but there wasn’t much of that. Despite being a picky baby, Tali had grown to be an adventurous eater, another thing that each parent would insist was a trait inherited from the other. She swiped a tuna nigiri from Tony’s plate and a salmon nigiri from Ziva’s. They began offering her half of everything that they took from the conveyor belt and were happily surprised to see how much of it Tali enjoyed. She barely even flinched at the heat of the wasabi on a piece of squid nigiri. However, she almost spat a piece of eel back onto the plate. Tony laughed a little at the disgusted face that she made while he ate the other piece. Fortunately, the only other similar incident took place when she excitedly grabbed a roll from the belt before Tony or Ziva could stop her. She smelled the sushi and tried to refuse to eat it. Ziva insisted that, since she took it off of the belt, she needed to be responsible and eat at least one piece of it. Tali whined and pouted for a while, but Ziva did not relent and eventually the little girl managed to eat the natto maki. Tony volunteered to eat the remaining pieces from the plate and they wore matching grimaces until they were able to wash the taste out of their mouths.  As they left the restaurant, Ziva praised their daughter for being such an adventurous eater with Tony adding that she even ate the “stinky bean thing.” Proud of herself, Tali puffed out her chest and walked with a purpose. 
“We’ve got some surprises for you when we get back to the hotel room,” Tony told Tali as they left the train station in Asakusa and began walking back to their hotel. Tali gasped, “More surprises?!” Tony held his hands up in a defensive pose, “Now, I can’t promise that they’ll be as good as a trip to Disneyland, but I think you’ll like them.” Ziva smiled at him, knowing what he had planned and also knowing that her morning run had taken her past a bakery today and that there was a small strawberry shortcake currently stashed away in the room’s refrigerator.  Tali skipped the rest of the way to the hotel and waited impatiently for the elevator. “Your surprise won’t be there until we are, kiddo,” Tony laughed, watching the little girl shift her weight from one foot to the other, a spitting image of her mother. Tali huffed as the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. 
Once they got up to the room, Tony went to his computer to set up the surprise while Tali opened up a coloring book she had gotten at one of the plethora of shops they had visited on this trip. “Okay,” he called out, gesturing for the little girl to join him, “come sit in the chair and close your eyes.” Tali hopped off of the bed and rushed over to the desk. She clambered into the chair and squeezed her eyes shut tight.  “No peeking, okay?” Tony said, lightly, starting a program on the laptop.  The little girl clapped her hands over her eyes and nodded. “Alright, just give me a second, okay?” he said.  “Okay,” she agreed.  Familiar voices called out, “Happy birthday, Tali!” and her hands flew from her face and her eyes opened wide. “Uncle Tim! Uncle Jimmy!” she shouted, looking at the faces of her parents’ friends on the laptop in front of her, “Hi!” “Hey, kiddo, how’s Tokyo?” McGee asked. “Your dad said that you went to a ninja restaurant, that’s so cool,” Palmer added.  Tony smiled in the background, happy to see his friends, but also happy to let Tali have some time with her unofficial uncles. He could tell from the background that they were huddled around the computer in Palmer’s office in the basement. It was just a bit past seven a.m. in Washington, so he wasn’t exceptionally surprised that they were both there and looking wide awake.  Tali was regaling them with stories of their trip and all the places that they had gone and about the surprise trip to Disneyland they were taking tomorrow for her birthday. The men listened in rapt attention as she told them about the souvenirs she had bought for Victoria, Johnny, and Morgan and how she couldn’t wait to meet them in person so that she could give them their gifts. As McGee was promising to come visit Tali and her parents really soon, Ziva called out to tell Tali that they had one more surprise for her. Her head whipped around to her mother and her eyes widened, “Is that cake?!” “I know that today is not actually your birthday and I am sure that you will have many treats in Disneyland tomorrow, but since we are having your birthday with family tonight” Ziva said, eyes twinkling and smile brightening when she said ‘family’, “your father and I thought that we should have a birthday cake.” The cake was small, but still large enough that they would probably each get to have another slice or two before it was gone. It was iced with whipped cream and topped with florets of cream and slices of strawberries. Tony had poked six small candles into the icing and they were currently burning with little, dancing flames. “Go on and blow out your candles,” McGee encouraged.  Tali nodded excitedly as her mother placed the cake between the little girl and the computer. “Don’t forget to make a wish!” Palmer added. Tali nodded again, closing her eyes for just a second before dramatically blowing out the candles.  Her family clapped and cheered, then Tony wiped the computer screen and Ziva set to cutting slices of the cake for the three family members currently sharing a room. They talked for a while longer, long enough for Tali to finish her slice of cake, but her eyes soon began to droop. “Hey, kiddo,” Tony said, putting a hand on her shoulder, “why don’t you say bye to your uncles and start getting ready for bed?” Tali nodded sleepily and exchanged goodbyes and good nights with Palmer and McGee before sliding out of the chair and heading toward her pajamas. 
“So, everything good with you guys?” McGee asked, once Tali had left the area. Tony looked at Ziva and smiled, “Yeah, things are great.” Jimmy’s face somehow grew even brighter, “It's so great to see you guys together, I mean, really together together. You’re just… so damn cute!” Ziva chuckled and Tony rolled his eyes, “Slap him for me, McGee.” McGee rolled his eyes back at Tony and said, “I agree with him.” “I didn’t ask if you agreed, McCupid,” Tony snarked, hiding a smile. McGee chortled and gave Jimmy a light smack to the back of the head. Tony smiled and nodded, “You’ve all gone soft. I never got such a gentle hand when I was there.” “And that explains so much about you, mon cher,” Ziva teased, taking the seat vacated by Tali. She leaned over and pressed a light kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Eww! Cut it out!” McGee teased, “Gross!” “You know that we made a child together, right McGeek?” Tony said as Ziva leaned back, smirking. McGee grimaced, “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I have to think about how you made one.” Tony continued teasing, “You see, when a mommy loves a daddy very much--” “Hey!” McGee called out, “Everyone here has been involved in the baby-making process. We are all very much aware of how it happens.” “Oh wow,” Palmer interrupted, “We’re all parents.” There was a moment of silence as the former coworkers let that sink in, as they all took in how much their lives had changed since they met. “We are,” Ziva said, voice full of the emotions that they all felt. “That’s crazy, isn’t it?” McGee vocalized, “I mean, did you ever imagine that happening?” Tony shrugged, “I mean, I certainly didn’t.” “We’ve gotta get all the kids together sometime soon,” Palmer said.  They all nodded or voiced their agreement. 
In the silence that followed, Tony spoke up, “Uh, so… we’re engaged.” “What?!” Palmer and McGee shrieked. “When?!” McGee asked while Palmer shouted, “Really?!” over him. “Yeah, last night at the Skytree tower thing, I just sort of… asked if Ziva would marry me,” Tony shrugged. “Well, you first asked, hypothetically, if you proposed, would I say yes,” Ziva corrected. “And you told me that I should ask,” Tony replied, “and I did.” Ziva smirked, “He didn’t have a ring.” Tony smirked back, “You still said yes.” “He’s had a ring for ages, Ziva,” McGee said, smiling from ear to ear, “Trust me, I’ve seen it. It’s perfect for you.” Palmer nodded in agreement.  “So everyone knew about the ring except me?” Ziva asked, shocked. Tony shrugged, “Well, I had to get the approval of my council of men.” Ziva gestured at the screen, “Your ‘council of men.’” Tony chuckled, “I said what I said.” Before the bickering could continue, Tali called out for them from the other room. “Ah, duty calls,” Tony said, turning to the screen. A faint buzzing sounded through the speakers and McGee pulled out his phone, “Yeah, that’s Gibbs. Looks like we’ve got a case.” “Give the best to the old man for us,” Tony said. “Will do,” McGee responded with a little salute. “Take care of yourselves,” Ziva called. “We will,” Jimmy responded, “Congratulations!” The call ended and Tony and Ziva were left looking at their reflections in the blank computer screen. Reflections of the people they had became-- parents, partners, fiances, civilians.  “Did you ever think we’d get here?” Tony asked, standing and offering a hand to Ziva. She shook her head, “I never imagined it. Never let myself imagine it.” He pressed a kiss to her temple, “And now?” She smiled, leaning against him, “I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”
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metal-sporks · 4 years
dannymay day 17 childhood
"danny?" maddie turned her head up to look at her son
"yes mommy?" "how did you get up there?" Danny giggled and said "ill never tell!" Danny was always a hyper child always climbing and running around. Most of it would be for "training to be an astronaught" though sometimes it was just to be a hyper child. But this time Danny was on top of his preschool the care taker called maddie after the fire department as there was no access to the roof anybody can get too. and looking around there was no way for Danny to climb up there by himself. "can you get down?" maddie asked her child "i don wanna mommy"Danny said "and why not young man?" "it took to long to get up here" "why did you go up there anyways" "because!! its closer to the stars!!" ah so it is a space thing "honey the stars dont come out for a long time." "how long??" "you would have to skip desert to see them" "really! that long? i don wanna skip that..."danny complained "well your gonna have to come down" "fine"danny started to walk towards the side of the building "wait sweetie how are you gonna get down?" Danny pointed towards a tree "ima climb down that!" If thats how he got up there then it mightve been that he floated up to the roof because there where no low brances a four year old could grab "sweetie what if we wait for the firemen come?" "Okay mommy! i wanna see the big ladder! thats on top of the truck!" As Danny said big he waved his hands to show how tall the ladder is.
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yellowsugarwords · 5 years
Ericson kids reactions to their s/o coming back to the school on the brink of death after they thought they were already dead? (But they live cause I need some happiness)
I do too anon so I hope you enjoy this ❤️ ima write this in the context that they needed to leave their partner behind in the woods (gotta throw in a smidge of angst)
Clementine: Clementine was off since needing to leave Y/N behind, so she often stayed up on the observers deck. But for the first night in ages, she spotted something below. “Hey!” She called, darting to the locked gates. “Don’t co…” Her voice trailed off, recognizing the jacket of the stranger. Given her commotion, other Ericson kids clambered up behind her, which meant when she threw off the lock they were there to understand. Clem had tears blocking her vision before she reached them, accepting their pale face in her hands. “Y/N? Y/N,” it was the only word she could say. She couldn’t stomach anything else. She helped whisk them into the gates and into Ruby’s ready arms, laying them on the ground to start working on them. Clementine paced, chewed her nails, taking every beaten part of them in. She couldn’t believe they were alive. It was a miracle; a gift.
Marlon: Marlon felt sick for days, the guilt of what they’d done eating him alive. He was sure the guilt would never leave, but that was until he spotted a figure approaching the front gates. “Hey.” He said assertively. “Stay back.” He thawed the moment he spotted the familiar jacket. He said nothing, his eyes wide and his throat dry, as he stared. Was he seeing things? Was this real? Watching them fumble to stand, he knew it was. “Y/N,” he whispered. He threw open the gates, running toward them at full speed and wrapping his arms around them. “Y/N holy shit.” he sighed. “You’re alive. Thank fuck. Thank fuck you’re alive.” His words were flustered and fumbling, blurring together. He lifted them into his arms, darting back inside and screaming for Ruby, for Louis, for anyone. Somehow, he’d been given another chance. He wasn’t about to waste it. He needed to save them. He was going to. He needed to prove to them that he wasn’t going anywhere this time. “I got you.” He’d say softly, laying them down as Ruby began working on them. He brushed at their hair and cheeks, squeezing their hands and arms. “You’re safe now. You’re gonna be okay.”
Louis: Louis had been silent for days, and that’s how everyone knew his guilt was killing him. So when he started screaming for everyone to approach the front gates, everyone knew it was something big. Louis was fumbling with the lock, throwing himself outside and booking it to the faint, struggling figure approaching the gates. “Y/N? I got you, I got you.” He cradled them in his arms, studying their wounded face and fragile body. “Come here.” He hushed, brushing at their face before accepting them into his arms. He gently walked them inside, not wanting to jostle them as he scurried in. After laying them in the grass, watching Ruby unpack her supplies, he whisked off his jacket to wrap around them. “Hey hey,” he’d whisper, sweetly brushing at their face and keeping them awake. “You’re here. You’re okay now, okay? We got you.”
Violet: Violet had become extra hostile since needing to abandon Y/N. She did her chores, but begrudgingly. It’s why she was dreading watch duty, but the dread vanished the second she spotted a figure. She threw herself down the ladder, darting to the front gates and unlocking them. This was someone different. This wasn’t a threat, this was a blessing. Standing outside, her heart pounding and hands shaking, her thoughts were confirmed accurate. “Y/N?” It came out as a whisper due to how nauseous she felt. Her legs felt weak, but it didn’t stop her from running toward her partner, desperately clutching at their torn jacket. “Come with me. Come here.” Everything was whispered and faint, but her actions were forceful and strong. She accepted her partner into her arms, helping assist her inside, screaming Ruby’s name. “Louis, lock the gate!” She demanded, kneeling down as she laid her partner in the grass, forcefully pushing Ruby to work faster. She needed them to be okay. She needed them to be.
Mitch: Mitch squinted as he stood by the gate. Aasim had mentioned in passing that something was approaching and Mitch had offered to take a look. What he hadn’t expected to see was Y/N, bloodied and sluggish, weakly approaching. While his heart leapt into his throat, he didn’t hesitate for a beat. He snapped the lock off, bolting outside to meet them halfway. “Y/N, holy shit.” He whispered, settling his hands on their shoulders and getting a read on their face. “Oh my God.” He swept them into his arms, booking it back through the gates and laying them on the grass. “Aasim! Aasim, get Ruby!” He yelled, his hands never leaving the fragile form of his partner. “You’re gonna be okay.” he said, attempting to keep them awake and conscious. “Just hang on, okay? Until Ruby gets here. She’ll help.” The entire time Ruby worked, he had a hand on them at all times, reminding them that he was there. That he wasn't going anywhere.
Aasim: Needing to abandon Y/N was devastating, and Aasim hadn’t been himself since it happened days prior. So, he didn’t know what to do - used to his new depressing routine - when he spotted a slouched figure approaching the front gates. The second he spotted what they were wearing, his chest seized. “Y/N?” He asked, fiddling nervously with the lock and throwing it aside. He was crying before he’d even reached them, sobbing so violently that he felt as though his heart might burst. “Y/N oh my God.” Dispute how badly his arms were shaking, he’d wrap his arms around them, helping them into the gates, kneeling with them as they laid on the ground. “I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry.” He heaved, closing his eyes and setting his head on their chest as Ruby darted closer, medical supplies hanging off her arms. “I am so sorry I left you back there.”
Ruby: Ruby had been a silent wreck, hiding away from everyone after needing to abandon her love in the woods. So, when she heard people frantically calling her name from the front gates, it was the first time in days she’d moved quickly. She moved even faster, despite stumbling, when she recognized the figure on the ground. “Y/N?” She wailed, voice strained. She collapsed to the ground, the medical supplies scattering around her as she placed her hands on their face, studying them. “Y/N? You’re alive oh my God. Oh my God.” She was trying to compose herself so she could work, but he tears and shaking made it difficult. Other Ericson kids, desperate alongside her, offered to help. “Clean that,” she sobbed to Louis, pointing to a wound and passing him supplies. “Please I need help to save them. I need to.”
Omar: Omar would feel his heart leap into his throat seeing a figure approaching the gates. As he gripped the knife in his back pocket, ready to ward them off, he froze. Their statue was familiar, he recognized their clothing, but as they drew closer, he recognized them. “Y/N?” As he spoke he was already fumbling with the lock, tossed it, and threw himself out the gates. “Y/N, I--” He paused, clutching their arms, finally getting a read on how weak they were. He stopped talking, whisking their arms around him and helping cart them inside. “Guys!” He yelled. They’d understand the moment they laid eyes on the two of them what was going on. Omar was teary eyed as he laid them on the ground, his hands brushing at their face, keeping their eyes trained on him. “You’re okay. You’re gonna be okay. Just keep focusing on me, okay?” He couldn’t help his thankful tears escaping him. He’d been given another chance with them. He wasn’t about to let them slip away again.
Brody: Brody had been in hiding ever since they abandoned Y/N in the woods. Hearing havoc from outside only made her want to hide more, but she knew she couldn’t. Emerging outside, she was glad that she didn’t. Clinging to the gate was Y/N, bloodied and wounded. Her breath hitched as she stumbled down the gates, barely able to hold herself upright. “Y/N?” It came out as a whisper. She could barely breathe. She could barely function. By the time she had crashed to the ground beside them, watching as Ruby began treating their wounds, Brody was in hysterics. “Y/N, oh my God Y/N you’re alive.” She was barely audible, and the rest for the Ericson kids were trying to pry her away so Ruby could work. “They’re alive!” She wailed. “They’re alive.”
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badass-women-league · 4 years
Part 18 - Good Cop, Bad Cop
It was the end of the day. Tali was playing with Emily, the neighbour’s daughter, in the backyard. Ziva walked down the stairs when she saw Chewie running through the house with one of Tony’s most expensive shoes in his mouth. Of course Tony was running after him. Ziva thought: “again ?”. Adam whined as she placed him in his playpen: ⠀
-“Ima is coming back, she have to save Chewie’s life”
Tony was running after the dog and Ziva was running after Tony when the doorbell rang. Ziva opened the door and was very surprised to see Vance standing there:⠀
-“Good evening agen…” he paused “good evening Ziva” ⠀
Behind Ziva appeared a triumphant Tony with his shoe in one hand and Chewie on the other. He waved the shoe and shouted: ⠀
-“I GOT IT !” ⠀
He froze with his shoe still up in the air as he saw Vance in the entrance. ⠀
-“Director ? What are you doing here ? Something’s wrong at the office ?”⠀
-“Nice shoe DiNozzo. No, everything’s fine at the office. I am here to talk to you about something”⠀
They led Vance to the living room and offered him a drink. Vance said:⠀
-“I am here to make you an offer. Two of our training officers have resigned. I need 2 training officers to train the future NCIS agents and I want you to handle that task. I know this is nothing like the work on the field but I thought ‘who would be more qualified for this job than 2 of my best former field agents” ⠀
Tony smiled like a child after Vance’s last words and said: ⠀
-“probies… probies everywhere” ⠀
Ziva was suddenly more tense. She had been thinking about getting back to work but she was not sure NCIS was a good idea. Vance noticed her hesitation and said: ⠀
-“I don’t need an answer now, I just want you to think about it” ⠀
Tony who was still fantasizing asked:⠀
-“can I have a parking spot with my name on it ?” ⠀
Ziva was not even surprised that Tony had already made up his mind about it. She remained silent for most of the discussion. ⠀
It was late. Ziva cuddled up to Tony’s side. She was still torturing her mind with Vance’s proposition. Tony asked:
-“you are still thinking about Vance’s proposition?”
She sighed:
-“What about the kids ? Who’s gonna take care of them. I am not sure this is a good idea”
-“And I think this is the best idea”
Ziva laughed:
-“of course you do, you will be able to talk about yourself and your exploits all day long and get paid for that”
-“and you will be able to kick some probies ass all day and scare them to death.. and for the kids: come on ! You are not going to stay at home forever with them. NCIS has a great daycare system or we can hire a nanny. You have to think about your needs sometimes. You need this. We will be a hell of a team, good cop, bad cop, working together again.. I will definitely be the good cop”
-“I will be the bad cop? They are going to hate you !”
-“what ? Why ? I’m a nice guy.”
-“yeah a nice guy who’s gonna call them ‘probie’ or give them stupid names and brag about his glorious NCIS career as ‘very special agent Anthony DiNozzo’. And by the way, if you brag about how many women you’ve dated thanks to your badge, it’s your ass that I’m gonna kick !”
And Tony’s work was done. By just talking about what working at NCIS could be, he had succeeded in soothing all of Ziva’s concerns. Tony went back to his more serious attitude and said:
-“come on you know this is what you need. Working for NCIS again but no more danger, no more ‘hurting people with the decision that you make’, just teaching probies to be as good of a cop as you were”
Ziva smiled and whispered:
-“I love you”
Tony smiled back and said:
-“I understand, I am a pretty handsome, funny and caring husband...”
Ziva gave him a punch in his groin which made him moan. He said with a moaning voice:
-“alright, not the answer you were waiting for. I love you too”
As they kiss Tony’s attention was dragged by the sound of leather being chewed not far from them. He looked at Chewie with resignation and said:
-“why is it always MY shoes ?”
-“it’s his way of showing that he loves you too”
-“are you sure you gonna be able to handle them on your own Tony ?”
-“don’t worry, we’ll be fine ! It’s just a couple of days and let me remind you that I received the title of ‘number one dad’ ”
He showed his mug that was made at school by Tali for father’s day a couple of years ago.
Ziva was going to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers in Georgia for a couple of days to get ready for her future work at NCIS as a physical training officer.
Ziva kissed and hugged Tali:
-“you listen to Aba”
-“I will”
Ziva added in hebrew:
-“don’t drive him crazy ok”
And the little girl laughed and nodded.
Ziva rose to face Tony and said:
-“I’ll call you when we arrive. Don’t let her watch movies she’s not supposed to watch EVEN if you are hiding her eyes, understood ?”
-“copy that boss”
-“I’m gonna miss you”
She kissed Tony. He held her head to make the kiss last longer.
Adam, in Tony’s arms, babbled. Ziva turned her attention to him:
-“Yeah, Ima’s gonna miss her little baby too”
And she kissed Adam’s forehead and chubby bare feet.
Ziva stopped right before leaving and said to Tony:
-“be nice with Chewie..”
Tony put on his displeased face and answered:
-“I will”
Ziva walked out of the house. Tony turned to Tali and asked:
-“cereals for dinner ?”
Tali raised her arms and yelled:
First day without Ziva. Tony was spending his time running after the dog, stopping him from chewing every furniture in the house, watching over Adam, whose favorite hobby was to try to climb the stairs, helping Tali with her homework, changing diapers and picking up chewie’s poop (he had actually considered the idea of putting a diaper on chewie to solve this problem). Tony thought that handling the kids all by himself for the weekend would not be harder than when Ziva goes to her gym class but he was wrong. He haven’t been able to sit since he got up this morning. His new favorite sentences were “Adam stop pulling your sister’s hair” and “take that out of your mouth” since he was almost saying these every 5 minutes. Tony decided to take the kids to the park.
Tali was playing with other kids on the playground while Tony was playing with Adam on the sandbox. He was amazed by how fast his son was learning and growing up. Adam’s hands were dirty so Tony walked back to the stroller to get some baby wipes. The stroller was only a few feet away and on his way to get there he heard a woman’s voice calling him. He was shocked to see Wendy, his former fiancé. What was she doing here.
-“oh my god Tony. It’s been a while”
-“Wendy ! What are you doing here ?”
Tony was clearly uncomfortable with this meeting. She answered:
-“I should be the one asking..”
They talk for a few minutes but Tony was more preoccupied by Adam who was trying to answer the question: can I eat sand ? When he moved his hand full of sand to his mouth Tony apologized to Wendy and rushed to the sandbox.
-“hey buddy, what did Aba said about eating sand ?”
Tony washed the sand off Adam’s hand and took him in his arms. Wendy was shocked:
-“who's that handsome little man ?”
-“that’s my son Adam”
-“nice to meet you Adam. I was sure that this would happen someday you know, with all your one night stands, one of them had to end up pregnant”
Tony couldn’t believe it. She was really thinking that Adam was the result of a one night stand accident. He smiled and said:
-“a one night stand yeah. Actually let me introduce you to someone else. TALI, COME HERE ONE SEC’!”
Tali ran to her father.
-“Wendy, this is Adam’s big sister, Tali and no they are not ‘one night stand accidents’ ”
This was not entirely true but it did not matter. Tony showed his wedding ring with a proud smile
Wendy was embarrassed, she mumbled:
-“Tony I am so sorry I didn’t mean to be rude..”
-“don’t worry it’s fine. I can’t blame you”
Tali asked:
-“aba can I go back now ?”
-“yeah sure go back”
Wendy asked:
-“aba ?”
-“it’s hebrew, it means dad”
-“hebrew ? So I guess you finally opened your heart to her. I knew she was the one”
Tony sighed:
-“it’s way more complicated than that and I guess I will never have enough of one day to tell you the whole story but yes Ziva is the one”
Tony was looking for Tali. She was not in her bedroom. He has been looking for her through the entire house. He looked through the kitchen window and saw some lights coming from the treehouse in the front yard. Tali has been pretty quiet and reserved since Ziva left. He climbed up the ladder, worried that it might not handle his weight and said:
-“knock, knock. Can I come in ?”
Tali looked at her father and just shrugged her shoulders.
-“do I need a password ?”
She shook her head, apparently not really in the mood. Tony climbed up and sat on the floor next to Tali. His position was pretty uncomfortable, the house was clearly not made for someone as tall as Tony. He asked:
-“this is a nice house.. you should get a password for it”
She shrugged her shoulders again.
-“you want to tell me what’s going on ?”
There was a long silence, then Tali said:
-“I miss Ima”
Tony placed his arm behind Tali’s head and pulled her closer:
-“I miss her too you know”
-“I dreamed that Ima was gone again and our house was on fire…”
Tony’s heart ached when he heard her last words. He kissed her forehead and hugged her tight. He whispered
-“my baby.. Ima is fine.”
Tony knew that Tali was too young to remember the fire back in Israel but maybe somewhere in her mind some traces of that traumatic event were still hidden. Tony grabbed her face and said:
-“what about tomorrow, we make some cool welcoming decoration for when Ima comes back ?”
Tali smiled and nodded.
-“alright then. Come on before we have to call Ima to tell her that I am stuck in that very tiny house”
As they walked back inside Tali asked:
-“can we eat Pizza tonight ?”
-“Pizza ? Hm… sounds like a plan”
Ziva would be home soon. The decoration was ready. Tony was standing on a chair in the middle of the entrance, to set the homemade welcoming banner that Tali had crafted for her mother. Tali was giving him instruction to place it. He finally found the right spot and got off the chair. He proudly said:
-“there you go ! Ima’s gonna love it”
Tali and Tony high fived and Tony’s look stopped on the living room table. It was a complete mess. Paint, paintbrush, papers and scissors everywhere. Tony winced and said:
-“but she’s not gonna like that” He paused “Alright Little Agent Tali DiNozzo. Our mission, should we choose to accept it is cleaning the living room before Ima comes back”
Tali winced. This was not as fun as painting decorations. She asked:
-“Can I go take my super-agent cap ?”
Tony smiled and said:
-“of course, this is mandatory to walk on a crime scene like that”
Tali rushed upstairs and came back a few seconds later with her NCIS cap on her head. Tony took his deepest voice to add a dramatic effect on what he was going to say:
-“alright super agent, let’s clean up that living room”
The cleaning mission was aborted after 20 minutes because Tali, who was her father’s daughter, had started a paint battle with her father. A battle that she was sure to lose. The living room was now clean but Tony and Tali were definitely not. They washed the paint away from their faces and hair when they heard a car on the driveway. Tali shouted:
-“IT’S IMA !”
She grabbed her father’s hand and ran downstairs.
It was time for Ziva to come back home. She had missed her family so much. She nervously walked to the door and opened it. She was welcomed with cheers and dog barks. Tony and Tali were both standing in front of the stairs, Adam in Tony’s arms. The handmade banner saying “Welcome Home Ima” was floating above their heads. Tali rushed to her mother with some flowers she had picked up in the backyard and crashed into her arms:
-“We missed you Ima”
-“I missed you too sweetheart”
Ziva kissed her daughter and then walked to Tony and Adam. She grabbed Adam from Tony’s arms and kissed her son. Tony said:
-“no kiss for your husband ? Your husband who really rocks at handling two kids and a dog all by himself ?”
Ziva kissed Tony. She noticed some dry paint on his cheek and said:
-“I can see that, the three of them are alive and the house is not on fire. Maybe I should go on a trip more often”
-“alright hold on ok, it was not a walk in the park ! How can such a tiny human have so much energy. By the way I think our son it trying to reconnect with his origins, he has a strong passion for sand”
-“really ?”
Tali added with a lot of excitement:
-“yeah we went to the park and when Aba was talking with Wendy, Adam tried to eat some sand”
Tony panicked, Ziva frowned:
-“Wendy ?”
Tony stammered:
-“yeah well, it’s not a big deal ok, she just happened to be there and we talked”
Ziva was clearly jealous. Tony tried to change the subject:
-“alright why don’t we go to the kitchen and show Ima what we baked for her ?”
Ziva followed them in the kitchen without saying a thing but Tony clearly knew that she was not done with him.
After dinner. Ziva was in the kitchen. She was finishing cleaning some plates. Tony walked in, a glass of red wine in his hand. He stopped to take a look at his wife. She was quiet. But he could clearly see that she was still thinking about his encounter with Wendy. She was sexy, when she was upset, even more when she was jealous. He bit his lower lip and walked closer to her. He stopped right behind her, moved some curls away from her neck and placed his lips on the crook of her neck. She did not react. He just whispered:
-“you are jealous”
She kept washing some kitchenware:
-“I am not jealous”
He placed his hands on her waist, kept kissing her neck and with his sexy whispers he added:
-“yes you are. You’ve always been jealous. You’ve been jealous about EJ, you’ve been jealous about Jeanne and Wendy..”
Ziva drew a large kitchen knife from the sink and waved it in front of her so he could see it:
-“are you really sure you want to talk about them when I have this in my hand ?”
Tony spun her around. She was now facing him. He locked his eyes into hers and said with a calm voice:
-“Even if I think jealousy looks very sexy on you, you don’t have to be jealous Ziva. She doesn’t mean anything to me anymore. Actually we talked a lot about you, I told her how good it was to have a bride that does not run away. And yes, my eyes stayed on her face the whole time. Satisfied?”
Ziva knew she had no reasons to be worried about it but it was in her nature. She was jealous. She has seen too many women around Tony in the past. She was about to say something when Tony grabbed the knife from her hand and threw it back into the sink. He placed his hands back on her waist, pulled her closer, pressed his body against her and asked:
-“Now, can we stop talking about my ex and can you please let me show you how much I’ve missed you ?”
Ziva bit her lip and smiled. It was definitely the answer Tony was looking for. He captured her lips with his and they never broke the kiss until they were finally lying in their bed.
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