#imagine i later on end up writting him to add to that too
elles-writing · 4 years
When The Worlds Collide - V
Pairing: Kili x reader
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gif not mine
A/N: A new chapter!! I hope you’ll enjoy this one. I’m having a stressfull and changing times right now, I’m trying to fight with my overthinking and also trying to figure out many things and books have became my new reality, so…yeah. I’m going to be writting, but posting less, around two times or one time per week, because I want to give you good quality content around at least one thousand words.
I also could not draw, I didn’t got time for it. I’ll add the fanart later, I’m sorry about that, but I think you are going to love it. A lot.
You can send me asks all the time, I love answering them!!
I hope you guys are safe, remember, you are going to be okay at the end!!
Question of the day: Do you like C. S. Lewis‘ books as well? I personally love Narnia a lot!
Masterlist       part one        part two   part three   part four
Tags: @moony-artnstuff​  @whenputtingpentopaper​
Kili’s personality by MBTI (I was wondering about it, so I used Google) from @funkymbtifiction​ . ESFP
You were waiting for their reaction, when they decided to try tea with milk.
Both Kili and Fili grimaced.
„That’s a weird combination.“
„Wait…“ They carefully sipped again and Kili firmly shook his head. He clearly didn’t liked it, but Fili carefully sipped a bit again.
„Well,“ he said after a few moments.
„It’s not that bad.“ You looked over at Kili.
„Yeah, it’s good…“ You smirked and folded your hands on your chest.
„I can clearly see in your face that it’s everything but good.“ Kili looked down at the cup with suspicous glare.
„It’s okay, some people here dislike it, or even despise it. It’s up to everybody’s preference.“ You shrugged your shoulders.
Living with them was not the worst thing ever, though. You had to make sure everyone had a place to sleep, have enough food and introduce them to all the things in your world they didn’t had in Middle-Earth. And there was a lot of them.
The first thing, your house. The way it looked like. Then how the electricity works (which took you some googling, which was becoming a sport now, when you thought about it). How does the shower works. And a lot of other topics.
It was almost a week since they came into your life, and even if you sometimes felt flustrated, sometimes a lot, but when there was Gandalf, Balin, Bard and Bilbo, whom knew how to make sure that the dwarves (and even elves) won’t do more bad than good.
There was one dwarf in particular who was making you blush on every single opportunity he got to flirt with you, shamelessly, being cheeky and totally charming.
It was Kili, obviously.
You acted you didn’t really paid too much attention to it, but every action he did (well, aside from his cooking, that was making you feel anxious and letting him in kitchen only with somebody whom knew how to cook, which was often Bilbo or Bard) was making your stomach flip and create a bunch of butterflies flying inside your belly.
You wanted to introduce them your favourite music, but you didn’t wanted to be way too fast. They needed time to adjust and you were still trying to figure out how to send them back home.
You‘ve often dreamed about going to Middle-Earth before, obviously, but now it was a serious thing. If you’d found a way, you could maybe go with them. You didn’t wanted to leave your friends and family behind, but a simple life in a cottage with bunch of books, comfortable bed and armchairs and garden with vegetables and apple and pear trees was all you’ve been dreaming of. So peaceful and calm life, away from all the stress that took a note on your mental health from time to time…
„KILI, YOU BROKE SEVENTH CUP THIS WEEK-“ You’ve heard Fili from the kitchen and sighed. Living with them all was great, but if you wouldn’t figure out the way to get them back, you were sure you would run out of dishes you had.
You’ve decided to take a look at calendar and see what you had planned out, so you’d say you were still sick or something, because it would be a challenge to leave for like an hour to get some shopping done.
You couldn’t imagine leaving them here for eight and more hours.
You took your calendar and started flipping through it, but a thought came to you.
You looked at the date they appeared at your doorstep and in your house, and checked the moon phrase.
You froze.
It was a new moon.
You frowned and sat down to your laptop, ignoring stares you got from mostly of the dwarves and elves.
„It cannot be…“  you mumbled. Gandalf looked at you.
„What’s wrong, miss Y/N?“ You looked up at him.
„You’ve appeared here at night when was a full moon, which means new beginnings. That would make a sense.“ He sat down to you (you’ve explained them how most of things in modern world are working) and looked at the screen.
„i was probably at the same phase of moon, even if most of…“ you carefully looked over at Fili and Kili, trying out eating rice by one grain, and almost rolled your eyes.
„…most of you won’t still admit where you were and what you were doing.“ Gandalf looked at you with his “granfather“ look.
„Yeah, dwarves and elves are stubborn.“ You sadly smiled and nodded.
„That’s what they are, but I still wonder…“ you’ve heard loud ACHOOOO-! and sighed.
„Bard, get out from the kitchen!“
„That was Legolas!“
„Legolas, stop looking through the spices! You know you sneeze after the pepper!!“
„I just touched a mug!“ You deeply sighed.
„Kili, Fili, you should stop waisting the pepper, or I’m going to shave off your beards.“ You’ve heard how they choked on their rice.
„Yeah, I am being serious. I may also put some pepper to your beds sometime.“
„You wouldn’t!“ You’ve heard Kili’s voice. You smirked to yourself.
„Oh noo, Y/N, you would not!“ He dramatically announced and you shook your head.
„Wanna find out?“
„You’re evil.“ He mumbled.
„Aye, I know.“ You laughed.
You and Kili were teasing each other like this all the time. You knew he was all flirty (you never played the other two movies – they told you that the first one has turned off after five minutes, which you assumed was because electricity was turned off, and you needed to figure out how to watch the scenes where Kili was flirting with Tauriel without feeling way too jealous.), so you didn’t wanted to get your heart crushed.
But it was fun. Really fun.
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hhuta · 4 years
(3D lbqfm anon) y'know after reading ur post on it i realized i a) subconsciously noticed the de-gaying and that's probably why i didn't like it and b) somehow didn't notice ANY changes despite the fact that I watched the two versions less than a week apart,,, i thought it was just the new cravat (tho i still don't like it. the old one was better) | also,,,, is it too much trouble to ask why u don't like the 3D assassymphonie? guessing smtg to do w the women | also ur opinion on 3D vaec?
where do i start with miss l'assasymphonie.. btw u can watch the video of the two versions side by side here. and my rant got wayyy too long so ill talk about VAEC in another post ldkjasl
tw: self harm/suicide mention just to be safe
im going to start with minor differences that make me prefer the 2010 version but not hate the 2011 one
first of all his dramatic soft gay sappy ass touching his heart when talking about mozarts music i like that a lot :(
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then when he sings "killing out of spite everything i create" he metaphorically stabs himself in 2010 but not in 2011
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and i love the first version because its a nice and subtle parallel between how mozarts music makes him feel like (lbqfm) vs how his own music affects him (l'assasymphonie) as i pointed out here before. this is on different levels !! the fact that in lbqfm its his inner gay demon stabbing him, representing mozart(s music) and in l'assasymphonie he stabs himself..... bc he is killing what he creates and what he creates is part of himself... so this isnt about him wanting to kill mozart its about him being self destructive... this is crazy this is just one gesture and i can go on and on about it and honestly my rant will only get more insane.
later he grabs the knife at different moments and in different ways and i think the 2010 version is more dramatic and impactful. the editing helps too, it really made me jump, its all done at the right time. but honestly both are valid to me; i feel like in 2010 hes more angry and impulsive, like its the very first time he thinks about doing something like this, whereas in 2011 he feels sad and defeated, like hes going back to a place he fought very hard to get out of and because of this one guy hes back there, but in the end he recognises its his own fault
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another minor difference that i think is worth mentioning, and honestly i like both versions, is what he does at the "senseless (or crazy) symphony" part. in 2010 he almost covers his ears cuz obviously it goes along with the lyrics in a literal sense. meanwhile in 2011 its more of a symbolic interpretation? idk how to word it but 2010 feels like hes just talking about his music and the thoughts inside his head making no sense, but in 2011 when he looks at his writs, his veins, its like he is talking about himself as a whole; a being without any meaning, who is losing his mind, and i like that too
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and this difference goes on when he talks about the "disconcerting concert"; 2010 feels like hes literally listening to it around him, his performance in 2010 is overall more dramatic lkjslkd, meanwhile theres none of that in 2011, hes too melancholic to be jumping around
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here when hes talking about his talent (or rather lack of) u can see how hes more angry in 2010 and sad in 2011 (honestly this corroborates my theory that at the beginning florent played salieri as a legit evil villain but as it went on he added more depth)
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anyways so far both versions are good to me now........ the fucking dancers............... i move away from the mic to breathe in.jpg
theres just. so fucking much going on in 2011. there are a shit ton of people moving around, the flashing lights, the constant zoom in and out, the curtains moving the background, im gonna have a stroke????? l'assasymphonie is such a heavy song, emotionally, and florents performance is amazing on its on theres no fucking need to add 100 more elements!??!? it totally takes away ur focus from salieri ....
my biggest problem is with the dancers as u guessed it cuz honestly idk why they are there, i dont understand the need. i get that they are his inner demons, but not the sexy ones, so they are there to represent his inner turmoil and add a chaos element to the performance and a parallel to lbqfm with the whole hands on salieri part, but its way to obvious that it becomes repetitive! inner demons dancing around a character happens way too much on mor; bim bam boum in a way, j'accuse mon pere, la mascarade, comedie-tragedie, si je defaille, lbqfm and now again?!!?!?!?! bitihc dlajsdlkas
and the worst fucking part to me is when salieri goes to kill the female dancer
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.....why whY... WHY.. why make the song literal like this!!! this is not what its about??!?! i know she isnt supposed to be A Person, this isnt him being A Murderer, she is him in a way but ?? we already saw him almost killing himself??!!? why repeat that, this is just so unnecessary and it doesnt sit right with me why make him stab a woman!! it makes my blood boil. it takes away all the drama from the other scene, of him with the knife on his wrist, because it is essentially the same!
now lets discuss why i prefer the lost half naked blindfolded men. is it because its gay? yes. is it because of the kinky element? yes. u see how that creates a parallel to lbqfm but in a subtle way? yes thank you.
to elaborate i feel like the 2010 dancers represent his psyche at the moment soooo much better. its not just simply his inner demons haunting him again, making it repetitive.
his is how i interpret it and how it relates to salieri:
the blindfold: god it can mean so much... above all i think its his envy and anger blinding him, making him feel lost and afraid. but it can also represent how salieri is a stern man, he only sees things one way and is blinded to other possibilities, other ways of living. because he is so narrow minded, so used to just following the status quo, he doesnt understand mozart and how his carefree way of life is working for him. he doesnt understand his conflicted feelings towards mozart. he doesnt understand how mozarts music can be so unconventional and yet beautiful, etc etc. his world was shattered and he feels lost because of this one little guy
but honestly i think the intention was to give a shoutout to amadeus lmao which is still cool. they do mention in MOR that mozart can play blindfolded so u can view as a parallel to that too
the lack of clothes: around mozart salieri feels naked but not in a sexy and fun way, in vulnerable and seen for the first time way. imagine how strongly he considered changing his name and moving countries after the whole eh bien, maestro? trop de notes? ordeal..... he was caught off guard in that situation so he let the truth out way too much, but he knows he cant fake it around mozart any other time either
their behaviour: they look afraid, lost, in pain and are constantly falling, getting up, then falling again and being pushed up against the wall by something invisible (to me its mozarts music/influence) and honestly i dont have to say anything else ! its all there !!! it represents salieris emotions perfectly !!!!!
in summary, to me the 2010 dancers dont have a lot to do with the lyrics of the song and i think thats good. they are there to add a new element to it, to let us see inside salieris head, while salieri himself is performing what the lyrics are about. so on the other hand i think the 2011 dancers are repetitive and unnecessary, not adding anything new to the performance
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gvf-imagine · 4 years
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Part One 
warnings: none! 
word count: 2255
summary: reader goes to the water park with their roomate\best friend, while there they meet Greta Van Fleet who are playing a small live show in the beer tent. The reader sees Josh and is instantly attracted to him on many levels but what happens when Josh reveals something to her about his personal life. will they become friends or perhaps more than that?
A\N: Hi everybody! this is a brand new fic I wrote, its based on a dream I had a while ago I couldnt get it out of my head so I just had to write it! there will be a part two and possibly even more than that depending on what you all think of it. if you like it and want to be on the tag list just message me or comment ☺️ also like always all critisism is welcome and appreciated, let me know what you think in the comments! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writting it. 
thanks to @callmekane​ for beta reading! ❣️
“Are you ready to go?” your roommate questioned excitedly, a bright smile beaming on her round face. You looked at yourself in the mirror that hung perfectly on your pastel pink bedroom wall. You wore an egg shell white one piece bathing suit that hugged your body nicely and paired well with your smooth skin tone. You wore your hair down, it hung like a veil over your shoulders, framing your face and making your eyes stand out marvelously. You were very attractive although you often felt the opposite. 
“I suppose this is as good as it's going to get” you say, slipping on a pair of jean shorts and black sandals, smiling at your friend.
 “You look great!” she chimes, always your hype man.
 “Better than me,” she added.You nudge her lightly with your elbow “you look beautiful….you'll definitely get a cute guy's attention” you reply with a coy smile and a wink. Your friend breaks up with laughter , it filled the air, shattering into little twinkling shards, it reminded you of the color orange. Abrasive. Noticeable. Pretty. 
“Guys don't notice me” she said softly as if feathers fell from her mouth. The twinkling shards of her laughter faded from the air and from your mind. Ready for a fun day, the two of you got in her car and made your way to Mount Olympus, the water park. You loved water parks, they were always so fun, weather permitting. Today called for sunshine, perfect.
 “I heard there’s going to be a live band playing at the beer tent” your friend says bringing a smile to your face.“We should check them out” you say with a nod , of course your friend agrees with you. The two of you loved live music and were always open to new bands and new sounds.“Some band called Greta Van Fleet” she adds, you think for a moment.
“Never heard of em” you respond watching other cars pass out your window, you couldn't help but wonder where everyone was in such a hurry to be. A few minutes later your friend pulls into the parking lot of Mount Olympus. She smiles excitedly before opening her door and stepping out, you followed suit. The sun blanketed your skin making you take a deep breath, you suddenly felt tired but that feeling was quickly lost as your friend sprayed you with cold sunscreen.
“Don't wanna get all burnt up!” She speaks happily. You never understood how she could always be so warm and upbeat. You hardly needed the sun in the sky, having her around gave you the same warm feeling. When she was done rubbing in the sunscreen she handed you the bottle before holding her arms out. You sprayed her arms, legs, and torso then sprayed some in her hands so she could put it on her face and neck. “Alright let's go” you said, stuffing the sunscreen into your bag. The two of you made your way to the park entrance. Dozens of other people clad in bathing suits and towels made their way through the park gates. Endless, untraceable conversations filled your ears as everyone chattered happily, it was very busy and looked to you like colorful static. You smile as you watch the vibrant hectic specs leave the mouths of strangers and float in the ears of others. Your imagination has always been a huge part of your life, you could hear everything you see and see everything you hear. Every sound has a color and physical property in your mind, your best friends laugh for example, the orange twinkling shards of glass.
“The beer tent is this way” she says, ripping you back to reality. Once the two of you reached the tent, there was a small crowd of people gathering as the band was about to start. You and your friend wound up in front of everyone else somehow. You smiled up at the stage, patiently waiting for what was, unbeknownst to you, going to be the start of the rest of your life. A great, great adventure.Then, as if on cue, four men stepped on the stage, one settled behind the drum set and the others grabbed their guitar and bass. The last man to walk on headed for the microphone with an exuberant smile. The guys said nothing just looked at each other and a heavy groove started to play from the speakers as they handled their instruments. The drummer bobbing his head to his own beat, his dark hair blowing through the air. Just then the singer belted out the most perfect and exhilarating note possible, this stunned you and everyone else in the crowd. He sounded so classic. His words floated out of his mouth, a turquoise stream of spiraling liquid filled the air around him, his voice. Purple glitter blasted out of the speakers, their music. It was so surreal to hear and see their sound. The singer looked so focused and almost as if he wasn't here mentally, as if he was singing to himself in his head and he was just imagining everyone around him. Your best friend was completely focused on the guitarist, you could see the attraction in her eyes, you couldn't blame her, he was a beautiful man. You however, couldn't seem to take your eyes off of the singer. He had chromatic hazelnut hair, chocolate browneyes, olive skin and a voice that made clouds seem harsh. You felt your body swaying to the music.
“Oh mama what you gonna do with all that love in your heart?” he belted his body twisting and jolting with the music. You laughed at his charismatic presentation. He was having fun, they all were, and so were you. You let the music take control as you danced , letting your body flow with the beat of the drums. Just then you noticed the singer looking at you, he smiled. You smiled back as you jumped up and down to the music. Your  eyes met and locked onto each other. things went silent and blurry but only for a short moment, he looked away hesitantly and continued to sing. “Oh my god he totally just checked you out!!” your friend yelled over the loud volume of the rock and roll music. It didn't feel like he was checking you out, it felt like he was checking your soul out. Any thoughts he was having about you at that moment had nothing to do with your physical appearance or his, not yet decided, physical attraction to you.  They finished the song and you noticed the small crowd had grown into a surprisingly large crowd. There were people all around you, jumping, shouting, throwing their arms in the air. 
“JOSH I LOVE YOU!!!” you heard one woman yell, her voice was red with passion and slammed into your ear drums like a train. Ouch. 
 Nice name, you thought to yourself, strong and somehow soothing. They played a few more tunes , the one they were playing at the moment was a song , Josh announced, that was titled, flower power. It was a beautiful song and you couldn't help but wonder who he was thinking of when he wrote it. Maybe no one at all. The free spirit  of the song made you feel like you were flying with all the flowers in the world surrounding you, lifting you gracefully through the clouds and sky. You loved their music, and you were now decidedly a new fan of theirs, Greta Van Fleet. 
The singer , Josh, made eye contact with you once again as he sang “ As the days pass by my mind, are the wrong , the right, you are my sunshine. As the night begins to die, we are the morning birds that sing against the sky” and with that lovely little note , the song ended. You and your friend applauded loudly, as did everyone else. To Josh’s surprise the crowd reacted with loud continuous support. He looked to his band mates, his brothers, and smiled, he was proud of all of them. He looks back to the crowd, he had to find you.
 He looked, his eyes searched the crowd but there was no sign of you anywhere. All the clapping and cheering was muted as he focused on finding you, images of your face flashed across his eyes. ‘She was very pretty, uncommonly pretty, in more than one way’ he thought to himself then, there you were, walking away from the crowd with another girl, who was also pretty, but was eyeing Jake the whole show.“Go get her” Jake said as if he could hear josh’s thoughts, josh smiles and steps off the stage.
“They were great right?” your friend said beaming as the two of you sat down at a picnic table with some drinks. 
“Yeah they were amazing, I hope they find a way out of this town with all that talent” you respond taking a small sip of your lemonade. Your friend's eyes suddenly grew wide.
“Speaking of” she whispered, nudging you gently. You looked at her and she nodded her head in the other direction, you turned your gaze and saw Josh making his way over to you. You felt your face flush, you adjusted your posture and smiled.
“Uh hello” he said sweetly
“Hi!” you exclaimed, trying not to seem as nervous as you really were. 
“Did you enjoy the show?” he asks with a half smile, his hand reached behind him and he rubbed his neck. Perhaps he was nervous too. 
“Oh absolutely! You guys were really great, very beautiful sound, I felt like I was flying with flowers” you said. Your face burned red as you realized how stupid that last part must have sounded.
 He chuckled lightly 
“you looked like you were flying” he said softly, now his face was red.Your friends' eyes darted between you and Josh.
“I'm gonna go get us a locker!” she said standing up abruptly. She smiled at Josh and winked at you as she walked away.
You laugh “sorry about her… she thinks life is one big rom-com” you voice , playing with the straw that stuck out of your drink. Josh laughed and sat down.
 “She seems nice,” he replied. There was a moment of comfortable silence.
“Look I came over here because….I couldn't help but notice the chemistry we shared, I know you felt it too” he said. You could tell it took a lot of courage for him to say that, and that he wasn't usually a very forward person, not with women at least.
“Yeah” you smiled 
“I felt it” you added. Josh grinned with a sigh of relief. He glanced around and fidgeted with his fingers before speaking again.
“What's your name?” he asks looking into your eyes now.
“(y\n)” you answer sheepishly.
“That's a gorgeous name, im-” he began.
 “Youre Josh, I know” you interrupt with a small laugh.
 “I just heard about fifty different girls screaming it a second ago” you continue smiling, your eyes looking back over to the stage, which still had a pink aura pulsing around it.Josh smiled and looked down 
“yeah… I'm still not used to that” he admitted. Another moment of silence.
 “You know i'm not really sure why I came over here...I seen you and just had to meet you...but…” his voice trails 
“Let me guess...you have a girlfriend” you finish his sentence for him, praying you were wrong. He lets out a defeated sigh.
“Yeah….” he spoke, so quietly you almost couldn't hear him. You felt your heart sink.
“Of course you do” you speak, sadness lingers on your tongue. Josh picks up on your tone and feels as though he's done something wrong, but he didn't. He didn't like the solemn expression on your face. 
“well , are you hungry? Do you want to go get some food or something? As friends?” he asks as if he already knew what your response was going to be.
 “I don't know if that's such a good idea….is your girlfriend here?” you ask, eyes looking around the park again.
 “No” he answers quickly, maybe a little too quickly. You think for a second but don't let temptation over take your better judgement.
 “I don't know josh…” you chime.
“Well here at least give me your number” he says pulling his phone from his pocket. You think again, you knew you felt something with him and that usually didn't happen with people. You grabbed his phone and entered your number, he smiles as you type it in.
“There” you remark with a smirk as you hand it back to him.
“Great… I should go but I'll definitely text you” he assures as he rises from the table.
“Actually, the guys and I are playing at a college party next weekend if you want to come, bring your friend too. I saw Jake looking at her” he says. You laugh excited for her, she'll be all too happy to hear that.
 “Count us in” you answer.
“I'll text you the time and address tonight” he adds before smiling at you again.
 “It was really nice to meet you (y\n)” he grins. 
“You too Josh, thanks for the music” you reply. 
He smiles at you slipping his phone back in his pocket before making his way back over to the band, you watched him until he disappeared in the crowd of people.
(to be continued...)
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nctwayvangels · 6 years
Lovable surprise (Baekhyun scenario)
Genre: Fluff, tiny tiny tiny smut as it’s only basic references
Pairing: Baekhyun X You/Reader
Word counting: 5618 
Warnings : Otp 12
Notes: I apologise since the beggining for any misspelling as I was too lazy to read it over again xD To be honest I don’t really think it is that good but I promise you that I’ll try my best to get better at writting! Still hope you guys like it!!
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You took one more chip from the packet and stared at it for a whole minute wondering how something so unhealthy and salty could be at the same time so delicious. You guessed it was just like everything else in life. Everything that was awfully tempting also had its bad side.
“Please tell me you’ve not been staring at a chip during all this time.”-An overly happy voice echoed through the 4 walls and you smiled not even needing to guess who it was. Baekhyun walked towards you and without giving you time to say anything, he stole your chip with his own mouth, quickly chewing and swallowing it.
“My…My chip!!”-You yelled and he started laughing like crazy, watching you as your face expression turned into an annoyed one.
“You look so cute frowning like that.”-Baekhyun complimented,pressing the space between your eyebrows, where a frown was clearly visible.
“I don’t need you to tell me something that I already know.”-You shotted back receiving a smirk as a response.
“Is that so?”-He asked,carefully picking up the chips bag and putting it on top of the coffee table. When he turned again to you, you could swear that his pupils were definitely more dilated than before and his eyes had turned a shade darker, full of lust. He sat down on the sofa where you were layed, and he leaned down, meeting your neck. Without any kind of warning he started kissing it, sending chills all over your body. You nodded answering his question, not being able to pronounce clear words.- “From what I remember today, you still haven’t given me my birthday present.”-Baekhyun reminded you, whispering it at your ear, seconds before bitting it. You gasped,not expecting for something like that and he started chuckling. Talk about being overconfident of his effect on you.
 You sat, moving him away from you, as a smile crept on your face. You still weren’t going to give him his birthday present, but one thing you were sure. Baekhyun would definitly love it, you had no doubt.
“I know that okay? What do you take me for? You truly found an incredible girlfriend, I didn’t forget to give you something on your birthday.”-You pretended to be disappointed, sighing deeply just to add a little special touch.-” Jeez oppa, a little more faith in me please.”
“Sorry babygirl. I know that you’re an incredible girlfriend, but stop complimenting yourself. I’m not that bad either.”-He replied back to which you started laughing.
“Nae nae, you’re the best. Jjang!”-You gave him a thumbs up to which he snorted, not believing a word you were saying.
“I truly hope that was not full of sarcasm.”-Baekhyun threatned and you showed him your most serious face.
“It was not sir. Over.”-You responded, using a seriously melancholic ton of voice. Baek shrugged his shoulders, trying to think about something else that wouldn’t make him start laughing.
“I’ll give you your birthday present later tonight.”-You whispered and he quickly turned around, facing you.
“Really? You’re not lying?”-He asked almost screaming and you nodded your head, almost laughing at his childish way.-”Pinky promise!”-He grabbed your right hand, sticking up your pinky finger, entrelacing it with his.-”You promised, don’t you dare trying to escape our promise!”-Baekhyun warned, pointing at you and you nodded once again, but this time laughing.
“Besides that, we still have the dinner we all planned with the rest of the guys. Did you forget?”-By the way his eyes widened, you knew that he had totally forgotten about it. Baekhyun layed his head on top of your legs, before looking at you pouting.
“Do we really need to go? Can’t we stay here, at home?”-He asked cutely, blinking his eyes a couple of times but in the end you still answered with a no.
“It was you who planned this diner. Do you really want to cancel it only a couple of hours before it?”-You asked back and just as he was about to opwn his mouth to answer, you started shaking your hands in the air.-”You know what, don’t answer!!”-You exclaimed and he nodded smiling.
“Let’s just get ready then.”- He got up,offering you one hand to help you get up, which you gadly accepted.-”Should we go take a shower together?”-He asked smirking, and you replied hitting him in his shoulder.
“You know just as much as I do that if we do that, we’ll end up taking longer than if we took them separated.”-You said giggling,winking at him. Baekhyun stole a peck from your lips, agreeing with what you had just said.
“You’re right, we truly would end up taking longer. Anyway, you should go in front of me, I don’t really mind going second.”-He offered and you nodded as you stood in the point of your toes, trying to stand at one height that would allow you to kiss him comfortably.
“I love you Baek-ah.”-You whispered against his lips, and you immediately felt his lips turn upwards in a smile.
“I love you too, I seriously love you so much.”-Baekhyun said back, surrounding your back with his arm, offering more support to the kiss.-”Now you should go before I decide that we really shouldn’t go to this stupid dinner.”-You started giggling, quickly taking your leave and running upstairs,only stopping at the middle of the stairs showing him one last smile, before disappearing from his camp of vision.-”This girl wil be the death of me..”-He murmured lovingly,running his hand through his hair. 
Baekhyun sat again on the sofa, taking from his jacket pocket one small navy blue with gold details velvet box. He carefully opened it, revealing a diamond wedding ring.
“It is supposed to be my birthday, why did I even decide to ask her today?”-He rethorically asked, closing it and putting it again inside his pocket.-”I guess she will actually be the one surprised today.”
When you arrived at your and Baekhyun’s room, you ran towards yours walk-in closet, wondering about what you should wear. From what you heard from Baek, it would be a somewhat formal dinner, and even though you were almost one hundred per cent sure that the night would end up in a karaoke room,you decided that you still should wear something formal. From the amount of dresses displayed one quickly popped up, a flowy, sleeveless, black dress,with two red roses across the chest. Staring at it for some seconds, you didn’t need much to realise it was the one Baekhyun had bought you in your last birthday, and surprisingly you had never worn it before. Now you had the perfect ocasion to wear it.
As soon as you stepped inside the bathroom, you turned the hot water on, waiting for it to fill the bathtub. You stared at the full-length mirror, appreciating your figure, that in a question of weeks would start to show changes. You caressed your belly,not trying to hide your entusiasm now that Baekhyun wasn’t next to you.
“Daddy will be really surprised when we tell him later tonight, don’t you think baby?”-You asked happily,still caressing and talking to your baby.-”Still you don’t have to worry about anything my love, daddy will be really happy to know that in a few months we’ll be having you next to us. He will love you so much that mommy will be jealous of you.”-You said giggling, imagining how much of an amazing father Baekhyun would be, it was no secret to anyone how much he loved kids.
You entered the bathtub,immediately feeling each one of your muscles relax. After you were sure that both your body and hair were clean enough, you dried up and tugged both in two towels, just in time when Baekhyun finally entered the shared bathroom.
 "That was quite fast from what you usually take to have a shower.“-He stated holding his smile.-”A bath that is.”-He added, pointing at the wet bathtub.
“You’re really taking advantage of today being your birthday to tease me aren’t you Byun Baekhyun?!”-You asked even though you already knew the answer to that. 
“Well, I do also tease you this freely in the other days but yeah.”-Forget about it, you were not expecting this answer. He started chuckling as soon as he saw your face.-“I’m sorry I’m sorry babygirl, I’ll stop now.”-He said, now embracing you.- “ I should take a shower for once and for all so we can go and get over this stupid dinner and then maybe we could get some time alone and have some fun.”- He whispered in your ear, taking advantage of the position you were. Gently he brushed his lips along you ear, leaving a single bite in it, making you jump in surprise.
“Baek!!Enough come on, hurry up and let’s.”- You nagged him again and he chuckled in amusement. 
Going out of the bathroom you took your time getting dress in the space of your bedroom. Staring at your chosen black high heels, you frowned by knowing that in a few months you wouldn’t be able to use them for a while.
“Better use it while I still can.”-You conclued, shrugging your shoulders. You put your heels on and started to do your make up, finishing just at the same time Baekhyun left the bathroom. He stared at you, impressed, still not believing just how someone as amazing as you could be so in love with him. To him, you were the only thing he was sure that even if he died, he would still love wholeheartly in whatever next life he had.
“Woah babe, you look so beautiful.”-Baek complimented, surrounding your waist with his long arms, bringing you closer to his chest. Even though you were wearing high heels, Baekhyun still stood tall in front of you, not that you cared about it. After all, you always loved yours and Baek’s height difference. However, you could only cringe in embarassement whenever you stood next to either Chanyeol, Sehun or Kris, mainly those three. The height difference was almost ridiculous as you looked like a minion next to them, your only hope was your best friend Aeri, Chanyeol’s girlfriend, who despite being only 3cm taller than you, had a bigger height difference between her and her boyfriend compared to you and Baekhyun.-”On the other side why do you look so good tonight? It’s just a dinner with the guys and the girls.”-He asked playfully, arching one of his brows, making you punch his soulder lightly.
“I’ve already told you Baek, it’s a formal dinner, I can’t just show up wearing rags!!”-You exclaimed, giving him one last smile before freeing yourself from his arms, going to pick up your handbag.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, you would still good in it.”-He stated and you automatically rolled your eyes.
“Stop sweet talking me Byun Baekhyun. We’re going to that dinner.”-You crushed his expectations, kissing his cheek.
“It was worth the try though.”-He stated, sighing deeply. Baekhyun grabbed his car keys from the top of your makeup vanity, waiting for you to walk in front of him, so he could close your bedroom’s door.
After leaving the car and entering his car, you turned the radion on, enjoying each music was passing on. My House by 2PM echoed through the car columns, and you quickly started singing, enjoying the song from one of your favourite groups.
“It’s alright…”-Before you could keep singing, Baekhyun interropted you, putting his right hand on top of your mouth.
“Stop please, not only are you embarassing yourself, you’re also ruining the song!”-At his statement your eyes widened, utterly surprised at his remark.
“Well excuse me for my bad singing!”-You aggressively apologised, and tsked, turning to the side so you could face the window view.
“I’m joking babe!! You sing amazingly!”-No matter how hard you tried to sound mad, every single time everything went to waste as you could not stay mad with him for more than mere seconds. You loved him too much.
“The damage is already done, no point in coming for your salvation.”-You joked, receiving a chuckle as an answer.
“Better let you know that we’re almost there. I didn’t want to choose a restaurant too far away from home so I just opted by this french one. It’s a pretty expensive, luxurious one so I really hope those bunch of idiots don’t so anything stupid.”-Baekhyun said, grabbing your hand and squeezing it. You started laughing, not being able to control yourself after hearing him once again mistreat his friends. They were all like brothers so it was only normal to see them behaving like so when it came to dealing with each other. After being together with Baekhyun for already five years you were already more than used to hearing all of them mistreating each other.
“Don’t be so mean, they know how to behave in those kind of places. It’s not like they’re some type of wild dogs!”-You teased, unlocking your seat belt the moment Baek parked his car.
“Well….”-He started, immediately receiving a disapproving glare from you.-”I guess you’re right?”-Baek continued, sounding slighly more like he was making a question rather than giving an answer. He got out of the car, opening the door for you like the true gentleman he was. He offered you his hand to which you gladly took, enterlacing your fingers with his.-”Let’s go?”-He asked and you nodded, smiling at him. Baekhyun stopped walking, and gently held your chin up with his index finger and thumb, leaving a light peck on your lips. You giggled, feeling the cold sensation, also know as butterflies in your stomach.
“I love you.”-You said, staring lovingly at his eyes and he nodded, pecking you once again.
“I know. I love you too Y/N, more than anything.”-He told you back. 
You guys entered the fancy restaurant, getting surprised by how more luxurious it looked from inside compared to the outside. You could only imagine how much something like that was worth. You were immediately approached by one of the receptionists who guided you to your designated table. Multiple known faces, turned around, smiling at the two of you.
“Look at the love birds! Finally decided to show up?”-Chen asked, being the first one to start with the entertaining questions. Baekhyun rolled his eyes, waiting and longing for the moment all of his questions would cease.
“Happy Birthday hyung, you deserve it!”-Sehun congratulated Baek, getting up to hug him, which he did.
“One year older Baek, doesn’t exactly mean more wiser but we can’t expect everything from you right?”-Luhan joked making him laugh and you joined him. Honestly, you loved to see how close everyone was. Despite all the troubles and fights between them, at the end everything always got sorted out and their connection and frienship stronger. It was a beautiful thing to see.
 You two sat down, expecting that everyone could finally start to order their food but something stand out, the two empty chairs next to you reminded you that two people were still missing. Baekhyun grabbed your hand, and bringed it to his mouth, kissing it lightly.
“What’s wrong love? You look anxious.”-He asked slightly worried and you pointed the two seats next to you before glancing over at Suho.
“Where’s Chanyeol and Aeri?”-You asked, and just as quick as you asked, all of them started laughing.
“Why do you look so surprised Y/N? They’re late like always. It’s no longer something new coming from those two.”-Kris answered, shrugging his shoulders and you sighed deeply knowing just how true what he said was.
“Were you talking about us?”-A new manly voice asked, capting all of your attention.
"Look who decided to appear! Can’t even arrive at time on my own birthday party Yeol?”-Baekhyun asked, getting up so he could hug his best friend. Chanyeol laughed, hugging him back.
“You already know how we are Baek, don’t know what you were expecting.”-He answered, letting go of him and pulling Aeri once again to him. Baekhyun rolled his eyes, taking once again his seat next to you, not really surprised for having his best friend paying more attention to his girlfriend rather than in him, even though it was his birthday. After all, Baekhyun knew that if it was him, he too would do the same.
You looked at Aeri who was now already in Chanyeol’s arms, being pressed against his chest. You and Baek stared at each other in panic, not knowing how to deal with how cheesy both of your best friends were acting.
“Ew come on Chanyeol let go of Aeri. You guys are making me want to puke!”-Kris exclaimed, turning his head around, disgusted for the amount of affection displayed in public.
“Hyung you and the others are only thinking that because you guys are all single.”-Chanyeol exclaimed and Aeri high fived him, satisfied with his remark.
“Not wanting to disappoint you Chanyeol but in case you forgot, I’m already married.”-Xiumin recalled, lifting Sarang‘s hand, showing off their wedding rings.
“Hum also, me and Baekhyun are dating,Chanyeol.”-You pointed out the obvious and for a second both Aeri and Chanyeol became speechless, providing one rare moment of calmness. They ignored what you were saying, taking the two empty seats next to you.
“Don’t think that I’ll let you off the hook so easily Aeri ssi.”-You said teasingly, pinching one of her arms. She stared at you with a pair of overly fake puppy eyes, batting her eyelashes.-”Please stop looking at me like that. I’m not Yeol, there’s no way that will work with me. Besides that, it’s really annoying, you’re making me want to punch you.”-You confessed jokingly. Aeri gasped in surprise, completely taken back by your ruthless comment.
“Are you picking a fight with me? I would take you down anytime girlie. If I had an heart I’d say that it actually hurt but guess what, I don’t have one.”-Aeri said, acting like the over dramatic and extra self she was. You rolled your eyes due to how childish she was, still that was one of the things you must loved about her, her carefree personality always made you laugh, even in your worst moments.
Every one of you ordered a specific plate, starting the night with a couple of drinks. Baekhyun picked your glass up, ready to pour down some wine but you quickly took it away from his hand, not allowing him to pour a single drop.
“What’s wrong love? You don’t like this type of wine? Because if it’s that there’s no problem, I’ll just order another bottle.”-Baekhyun suggested, already lifting his hand to call an employee but you stopped him, shacking your head in a negative motion.
“It’s not that babe, I just don’t feel like drinking tonight.”-You said smiling innocently. You just hoped that he would believe in your little white lie, as you would hate it if he found out the important surprise you were hiding before you could be the telling him. Baek glanced at you confused, slightly suspicious wondering if there was nothing more added to it than what you were saying.
“Just order something else then to drink, what would you like, I’ll go get it for you.”-He suggested, puting a strand of your brown hair behind your hair.
“Could you get me a can of seven up?”-You pleaded and he nodded, offering you a radiant smile. Baekhyun pecked your lips, and as all of your friends started making disgusted sounds, you started laughing. Guess they still weren’t used to how touchy the two of you were, which in a way was kinda of strange since Chanyeol and Aeri were way worse than you. 
Sarang and Aeri stared at you suspiciously, arching their eyebrows.
“Are you sure you don’t want to drink tonight Y/N? It’s your boyfriend’s birthday. Besides that you love to drink!”-Sarang pointed out and although you wanted to refuse, you just couldn’t deny something that was so true.
“Gentlemen, if you excuse us, we need to make a trip to the bathroom, Sarang, Y/N, please accompany me.”-Aeri said, getting up, followed right away by Sarang. You sighed deeply, already knowing what was about to happen. Apparently, Baekhyun wasn’t going to be the first one to discover about your pregnancy. You followed to the girls to the bathroom, being showered by different questions the moment the door closed.
“Okay spit it out, what’s that story of not feeling like drinking tonight?”-Sarang asked, sounding a bit overly sarcastic in the last bit of her question.
“Woah you girls are really slow aren’t you?”-You asked teasingly, watching their faces turn into a bitter expressionn. You smiled mischeviously, arching one of your brows.-”I mean, I understand that Baek and the rest of the guys can’t exactly figure out the reason but you two? You’re kinda of a disappointment right now!!”-You overreacted as a way to prolongue the mistery. Aeri’s eyes widened and a single gasp was heard.
“No way!! Are you serious Y/N? Oh my god please tell me it’s exactly what I’m thinking!”-Aeri yelled excitely, jumping always in the same spot. You nodded, confirming her suspicions.
“Oh my freaking god Y/N! You’re pregnant??”-Sarang whispering asked, catching up quickly what Aeri was trying to say.
“Surprise surprise, in some months a new member will join our family!”-You announced, immediately feeling two pairs of arms around your frame.
“I’m so happy for you Y/N! Baekhyun will be so happy when he finds out!”-Aeri exclaimed, stroking her bestfriend’s hair.-”I’m being really honest here, I almost feel like crying right now. My best friend is going to be a mom can you believe it?”
“The first baby in our family, woah, can you imagine how excited all the guys will be when they find out they’re going to be uncles?”-Sarang wondered, making the two younger girls giggle along with her.
“Baekhyun still doesn’t know, I’m planning on telling him tonight as his birthday gift.”-You explained, bitting your bottom lip. Although you were pretty sure your boyfriend would be in cloud nine the moment he found out that he was going to be a dad, the negative part of your mind was coming up with terrifying scenarios in which Baekhyun wouldn’t really react that well to the news.
“Y/N trust me, stop worrying about how Baekhyun will react to the news. I assure you he will love it!”-Aeri conforted her, pinching your cheeks.-”Now let’s get out of here before it lifts too many suspicions, we’re already taking a while here.”-She recalled, and the two of you agreed. After this dinner Baekhyun was going to find out, he was going to find out that one of his biggest dreams was going to come true.
Baekhyun arrived at the table, finding it weird the sudden disappearance of the three girls.
“Where’s Y/n, Aeri and Sarang?”-He asked, looking directly at his best friends.
“They went to the bathroom a while ago. You know how girls are, if one goes the others follow her.”-Jongin answered, shrugging his shoulders as he could not understand why couldn’t they just go by themselves.
“Do you have everything sorted out yet?”-Suho asked, changing the topic of the conversation. Baek nodded, smilling happily as everything was running smoothly as he predicted.
“I still can not understand why of all days you chose your birthday to ask her to marry you.”-Kyungsoo said, glancing up to look at him.
“I just thought that if I wasn’t able to ask her today it would take a whole while longer to do it.”-He shrugged his shoulders, not really having a special reason to why this was the day he was going to propose.-”Everything is planned, there’s nothing to worry about. It doesn’t mean I’m not extremely anxious and nervous, but knowing that there’s not a single thing going wrong eases me out.”
 You and your two friends arrived precisely at the moment Baek stopped talking, not lifting any suspicions on both sides. You kissed Baekhyun’s cheek thankful for the drink as you drank a single gulp.
All of you started eating your ordered food, enjoying the time spent together, laughing at the silly jokes Yeol and Chen cracked once in a while.
“I’m telling you, my new club is going to be an hit!”-Xiumin stated, not even trying to hide how excited he was for his new business project.-”To show you how confident I am about it, I already decided the guest list.”
“As long as we’re there nothing else matters.”-Baekhyun joked, being followed by a few laughs.
“You are don’t you worry.”-He assured.-”But now that I think about it I don’t know if thats’s such a good idea. You guys sure do know how to make a ruckus!”-Tao glanced surprised and at the same time hurt at him.
“Thanks for the amount of support hyung. You do trust us a lot.”-The blonde maknae murmured, puffing his cheeks with air. How looks could fool people. 
“Is there anything else you want baby?”-Baek asked, enterlacing your fingers with his. You shook your head, smiling.
“It’s okay, let’s just order dessert for everyone. We have the birthday cake yet to eat Baek, don’t forget about it.”-You reminded him, giving him a knowing look. He rolled his eyes at you, it was his birthday, how could he forget it?
Baekhyun glanced at Luhan, tilting his head slightly to the right, giving him the planned sign that it was time for the surprise. Luhan smiled, nodding as he understood what his friend was trying to say. He lifted his hand, letting the restaurant staff know that it was finally time for the big surprise.
All of a sudden, all the lights turned off, the restaurant only being iluminated by multiple candles, confering the space a more romantic aura but also a more festive one. You looked around you not really knowing what was going on, thinking that probably the guys planned something behind your back, afraid that you could spill the beans.
Voices started to be heard and the popular melody was quickly recognised by everyone who got up right away. The birthday song started to ecchoe all through the restaurant, even strangers joining the festive athmosphere, not minding the sudden change of their dinner plans.
One of the chefs walked slowly towards your table, holding what seemed to be the cake, not being able to be completely sure about it as it was covered. Still, you joined your friends chanting the birthday song, feeling Baekhyun’s arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He chanted the song too against your hair, leaving soft kisses in it. 
The chef put the box on top of the table as the last beat of the song ecchoed and all the lights turned on once again. As the view became clearer to you, you finally realised the countless balloons and bouquets around you, making you arch your eyebrows in confusion. Just what the hell was going on? You felt Baekhyun’s arms slowly retreating from your waits, only leaving you more confused. 
Wasn’t it supposed to be a birthday dinner? So why all the bouquets and balloons? Okay, sure the balloons fitted the theme, but the bouquets? Everything was just getting way too weird-
“What is going on?”-You asked, glancing over at Aeri who had a way too big smile plastered in her face. She winked at you, pointing at the cake , that was now finally uncovered after Kris had the dignity to do so. In the middle of the cake, written in an extremely familiar caligraphy, the words Marry me? stood up brightly, automatically making your eyes tear up. 
You turned around, no longer feeling his embrance around you, just to face your most beloved one, down in one knee, now holding an open night blue velvet box with a diamond wedding ring.
“I’ve been planning this for so long but now that the time came I can’t remember of anything, not a single word.”-Baekhyun confessed nervously, making all of your friends around you chuckle.-”I can still remember the first time I saw you, it was in that small antique cafe next to Sehun’s university. You smiled at Aeri and boom, I knew I was screwed. I had fallen in love with you at first sight. You literally had me from the first moment we saw each other, and from then on, I knew I had to have you, I knew I had to try my best to conquer the beautiful girl I have today in front of me.”-He continued as he held your left hand, now more confident and assured than never about his words.-”For the last 3 years and half you’ve seen my happy side, my sad side, from the best one to the worst, you’ve seen it all. I can not put it into words how grateful I am for having you standing by my side throughout everything we’ve been through. I can only hope I made you as happy as you’ve made me. That’s why I’ve mastered all my courage and decided to ask you tonight a special question. Y/L/N Y/N, would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?”-Baekhyun asked, staring at your eyes, that were now driping tears as if there was no tomorrow.
You nodded your head repeatedly, uncaple to pronounce any understandable words at that precise moment.
“Of course I will! I will marry you Baekhyun!”-And that, those words were all it took for your friends to erupt in cheers as he pressed your body so hard against his, you could swear you had stopped breathing for some seconds. But that didn’t matter, not when you were that happy. The man of your dreams had just asked you to marry him! You werein cloud nine.
Sehun and Chanyeol popped the champagne bottles open, making sure they hadn’t “accidentally” shook them before.
“Congratulations! You are officialy the second couple of the group to get engaged!!”-Suho congratuled, hugging the two of you as a proud mother, letting two of her kids finally go from her protection.-”I know the two of you will be extremely happy together.”
“Can you believe that in the next few months not only will we have another married couple, that is if you know, Chanyeol decide what you want to do with your life mate, but also a baby in our group? Wow my children are growing up.”-Sarang commented making Xiumin agree, having the same vision as his wife.
“Well thankfully for all of us, we can always ask here mister rich heir Sehun and sucessful CEO Minseok to buy a gigantic mansion to fit all of us more, who knows, probably some more of our girlfiends in the future?”-Chen joked and Sehun had to contain his soaring will to use sarcasm against him. He really didn’t want to make unpleasant comments in the day one of his hyungs had got engaged.
“Thank you, sinceraly. If it wasn’t for all of you, there was no way I could’ve pulled this off.”-Baekhyun thanked, demonstrating his grattitude, almost coming to his knees, bowing. However, no matter  how grateful he was, he still wanted to spend the rest of the few hours he still had left from his birthday day, alone with his just turned fiancee. That’s why, when he turned around to face you, you quickly understood what he was trying to say, both coming to the same conclusion and the precise same plot.
“Nevertheless how amazing this night is being, I would like to spend the rest of the night with my fiance. So, if you excuse us, I would like to leave!!”-You said, grabbing onto Baekhyun’s arm as you sticked yourself to him like glue.
“Oh come on man, we should party tonight!!”-Chanyeol whined but soon he too as assured that such thing wouldn’t happen as Aeri smashed her lips against his, shutting him up.
“Don’t worry about us, we’ll be okay. You’re right, you two should enjoy tonight so go ahead, I will take care of the bill.”-Yi Fan agreed, showing a sympathetic side that not many were used to. You hugged him, not knowing about other way as how you could thank him.
“You sure about that? It will probably be quite expensive.”-You told him worriedly.
“Rest assured Y/N, it’s not only rich heir Sehun and sucessful CEO Minseok that have money.”-Kris said chuckling as he patted your back.-”Take care of her Baek, she’s one of the good ones!”
You and Baekhyun bid your goodbyes, carefully walking towards your car as the chilly breeze of the night made itself felt. You wondered about when would be the perfect time to tell him the special surprise. You had just been so unexpectedly surprised with his marriage request that you had lost the path of how perfectly planed things were. You looked at the sky waiting for somewhat a sign that would assure you that the time had arrived, and when a shooting star made his way across the sky, you knew the time had came.
“Baek, I have something to tell you.”-You started as you stopped mid.track, mere meters away from the car.
“What about it love?”-He asked, lovingly caressing your cheek. You smiled at him, already knowing hor surprised but extremely happy he would be. It had alwaysbeen Baekhyun’s dream to have his own family, his own wife, his own children, his own house. It wasn’t few the times that you two spoke about it, after all you too shared the same dream.
“The surprise we previously spoke about in the car? Remember your birthday present? I think it finally came the time to tell you. Baekhyun, love, I’m pregnant.”-You said smiling from ear to ear, as a smile also teared his face apart.-”You’re going to be a dad!!”
Notes: I can’t believe I forgot I had the beggining of this scenario for so long in my drafts. As soon as I started to read it and remember what I had previously written, I knew I had to complete it. Please enjoy this fluffy scenario with cute Baek!! 
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PART (2/2): My Little Cub {Hank McCoy x Reader}
A/N: Hello Love, Took too long for me to upload part 2 IK. Anyway here it is.. 
This is the finally part so yeah. :) Oh and also sorry for any Typos.
Summary: Imagine you turned into a small baby panther, and Hank has to figure out what’s wrong with you, but ends up spending a lot of time with you and developing feelings for you.
PART (1/2)
I hope You all Enjoy this and Please do add a heart and reblog it if you like it.
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 Hank had kept me close to him like almost all the time, not that I mind it. Sometimes I would even stay with him late nights in the lab.
Scott, Jean, Peter and Kurt all found me way too cute and invited me to play with them all the time but mean ole Hankie wouldn’t let me. 
3rd Person’s Pov: 
Hank didn’t know it himself but he began to fall in love with you day by day, He loved that you stayed and listened to all stories and his projects and just the fact that you were with him. He even appreciated you like to be near him even when he changed into Beast sometimes. 
Normal Pov: 
“Where is she ??… why is she not here” Hank said to himself, because he couldn’t find Y/N.
“Y/N, Y/N” I kept calling out to her, I searched for her in the corridors but I couldn’t find her anywhere. 
So I decided to ask Charles for help, “Charles I need your help, I can’t find Y/N anywhere, I don’t know where she went ? she would never just leave me.. Help me Charles”. 
“Calm down Hank, I saw just moments ago playing with Peter and Kurt” Charles said smiling. 
Hank decided to go outside only to find you in Peter’s arms as he was hugging you. 
“Aww.. Y/N you too soft and cuddly in this form” Peter said. “Ja, I completely agree” Kurt said. 
I was really enjoying my day so far hanging out with Peter and Kurt those were so much fun to hang out with. But then I started to think about Hank, “How would he feel if he saw me here” I thought to myself. 
Seeing her in Peter’s arms; hugging her, I was too angry, I quickly rushed over to Peter and grabbed Y/N and took her away from them. 
“What’s gotten into hank?” I thought to myself. Finally he stopped near his desk, I liked his hand to ask what happened, but all he did was smile at me. 
Hank sat down on the chair not letting go of me, he placed me on his lap and I nuzzle against him. 
I slowly let out a yawn and close my eyes although Im still awake. Hank starts to speak.
“Y/N your asleep ?.. I know you can’t hear me but I don’t know why I pulled you away from Peter, I- I just saw you with him and felt a bit jealous that you were with him and not me. I know this is going to sound crazy but I think I like you. I wish I had paid more attention to you in your other form” 
“OMG!!! Hank likes me!? me ?..” I say to myself I wish I could tell him that I love him too. 
~Later that Evening~
I could feel Hank carrying me to the couch, he laid down and put me on his chest. I could hear his heart beating and the pleasant feeling of his chest rising up and down, It put me in sleepy mood.
I let out a small yawn, and reach out to Hank’s nose to tell him that I liked him too, But of course he didn’t understand, so I waited to turn human to tell him. 
Before I knew it we both fell asleep on the couch.  
Jean had come down to the living area and she woke me up, I then realized that I was turned back into my human form. I slowly rose up from Hank not wanting to wake him up but to my surprise Hank was a wake and shocked that I returned to my human form.
Hank’s cheeks turned a bright red, and you noticed that your were in just your undergarments. 
Hank got up and took out his lab coat and handed it to you. His coat was really long it looked like I wore a Oversized dress. 
Jean took me to my room where I got dressed in my clothes and I went down to the kitchen to make myself something to eat, When I felt to arms hugging me tightly, It was Hank. 
“Y/N It’s good to finally have you back” Hank said. 
“It’s good to be back Hank”. 
Hank realizes that he’s still hugging you and decides to let go. “Sorry” he says shyly, “I don’t mind” I told him trying my best not to blush. 
You realized that I was still wearing hanks lab coat, “Thank you for the coat” “It’s not problem Y/N” he said. 
Hank started to head back to lab, I realized that I should probably tell him I liked him. 
“OH and Hank about that thing you said when I was sleeping in your lap, I would like to tell you that I like you too . 
Hank’s eyes widened “What?!”
“I Like you too Hank” I said making my way to the living room when Hank grabbed my writs and pulled me to him, Before I knew what was happening I felt Hank’s lips on mine, I gradually closed my eyes and let myself go deeper into his kiss when..
“Ahem” a small cough, I noticed Charles leaning against the doorway, Hank and I broke our kiss. 
“Finally you both gave me quite a headache this few weeks with your feelings for each other, both of you talking, no more like screaming for each other” Charles said in a slightly play full manner.
“So kitten would you like to have dinner with me ?” Hank asked me. 
“Kitten huh”
“Yeah thought it would be cute” Hank said. 
“Not as cute as you though, and dinner would be wonderful” I told him.
 We both let out a laugh, and Hank pulled me in for another kiss, this time not letting go to any interruptions. 
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saibh29 · 7 years
Tin Man
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Pairing: Bucky / Reader
Warning: Fight Scene... Nothing else I don’t think. 
Request:  Hi! I LOVE your writtings, they are amazing! Can you do a Bucky x Reader imagine where she, Steve's friend, lives with Bucky hiding him from HYDRA? She is just a common girl who works at a bookstore, but one day while she is making dinner for both of them, HYDRA attacks. Bucky protects her and after that he conforts her because its the first time she witness a fight. Sorry for my grammar, and sorry if its too long. Love from Spain, Thank uu🐱🐱
AN: @lachicadelamanzana request all wrapped up sweetie! Hope you enjoy it. Also don’t apologise your request wasn’t to long and your grammar is perfectly fine! Love from UK xx
Please add yourself to my taglist over here.... TAGLIST 
@just4muggles @morganlb23 @yet-another-lockup @theraputicwritings @unevenpages @littlepartofheaven @itsbubbaog @this-is-bucky-barnes @cassandras-musings @callmebucky-doll @frostbyte-horan @queendarkmuffin @justsomeboringperson @angelaiswriting @georgiagrl1990 @selldraug
The day Steve turned up on your door step with a nervous expression and another man hiding behind him sticking to the shadows was the day your life got weird very quickly. You’d stood there for a moment dumbly staring at him waiting for some sort of explanation as to why your friend was covered in cuts and bruises.
You had of course gotten an explanation, although it hadn’t exactly been an explanation that made you jump for joy, instead you’d listened quietly to him explain about Russian soldiers, mind control and a bunch of other things you didn’t really understand nor care to.
All it had resulted in was that you had somehow acquired a new house guest. A very quiet, sullen and some what dangerous looking one. James Barnes or Bucky as he insisted you call him kept mostly to himself, you could hear him sometimes at night moving around your living room and knew he didn’t sleep. He ate more than enough though and your grocery bill had tripled along with your water bill from the amount of time he spent stood in the shower.
It seemed your life now revolved around the trek from the little independent bookstore you worked at to the grocery store on the corner of your apartment building and then the struggle of carting the brown paper bags up the stairs to your 6th floor apartment. If it wasn’t for the fact that you owed so much to Steve Rogers than you’d have been kicking Bucky’s meat eating ass right out of the front door.
Gasping as you finally reached your floor you once again promised yourself that you’d go back to the gym starting tomorrow. Leaning against the wall you put the grocery bag on your hip as you scrabbled for keys in your seemingly bottomless purse.
“Bucky! I’m back” you shouted closing the door with your foot as you came into your kitchen dumping the grocery bag. “You want dinner?”
That brought him out of his room, the promise of food always would. He came and perched on one of the breakfast bar stools you’d gotten from a flea market down town. None of your furniture matched in the traditional sense but you kind of enjoyed the randomness of it.
He just grunted nodding his head at your question as you pulled ingredients out of the bag and gathered pots and pans from your cupboards. “Here” you gave him a chopping board and some tomatoes and basil. “Make yourself useful tin man, chop those up for me”
His lips quirked upwards slightly at your name for him but he still didn’t speak simply taking the knife you handed him and neatly beginning to slice up the herb.
“Do anything useful today?” you asked him filling a pan up with cold water ready for the spaghetti later, you set the flame to medium and left it to boil. “manage to come out of your room for a few hours or so?”
“Fire escape” he muttered knife still moving rhythmically over the herbs.
“Well fresh air at least” you agreed happily “or as fresh as the city ever gets”
“and you?”
“Same as usual” cheerfully moving around your small kitchen you were glorying in the normal and soothing tasks of cooking recipes your gran taught you. Blissfully unaware that your normal routine was about to be completely turned upside down.
Bucky must have heard something first because his whole posture changed, you’d thought he was tense in general but it was nothing like this. Every muscle in his body seemed to be poised ready to pounce into action. His eyes flicked to the window and he was halfway off his stool when your window smashed into hundreds of tiny slivers of glass.
You didn’t even have chance to scream in fear as three men jumped in through the now open pane, guns in hand aimed at you and Bucky.
Bucky jumped the breakfast bar he had his arm up, the metal one, and was using it to deflect bullets as he put his body in front of yours and pulled you down to the ground.
“Stay down doll” he warned you. “Y/N” he shook you gently when you didn’t answer. Your eyes met his and you managed to nod.
“Alright” crawling to the far corner of your kitchen you sat huddled as Bucky went to the other end suddenly jumping out.
All you could hear was crashing and what must be silenced gunfire. These men, they were here for Bucky. They were trying to kill him and you were sat here hiding.
Risking it you managed to peek over the top of the breakfast bar. One of the men was already down on the floor not moving, Bucky had engaged another and the final was coming towards you.
Oh god, crawling quickly back across the floor you back hit the cupboards just as the man came into view.
“Well look what we have here” he was smiling as he raised up the gun. He was going to shoot you. The though filtered through your head at just about the same time that the knowledge you were right next to the over did. The oven where you had a boiling pot of water.
Grabbing the handle of the pot you flung it at him, he screamed horribly clutching at his face and stumbling backwards as Bucky appeared once more grabbing him and quickly dispatching him as well. Then looking over at you.
“Y/N?” he came over to you, crouching down in front of you. “You alright?”
“I…” you looked at your hands, little drops of the water had fallen on you and parts of your skin had gone red and burnt. “I’ve never been in a fight before”
Bucky smiled sadly. “I’ve been in too many” he noticed your hands as well pulling you back to your feet he bundled you through the living room away from the bodies and into your bedroom firmly shutting the door behind him and sitting you down on your bed.
“What about… what about them?”
“I’ll sort it” he promised checking your bedroom window, he locked the shutter and drew the curtains grabbing his phone from his pocket and quickly sending a message. “Let me see your hands”
You held them out to him allowing Bucky to turn them over inspecting the burns there and on your wrists. You were aware that from the sudden shaking all over your body that it was likely you were going into some sort of shock.
“There’s nothing deep, it’s all surface burns” he crouched down in front of you once more.
“You’re speaking” you pointed out suddenly, not sure how that was relevant right now but just aware that you had to say something.
“Yes. I do know how”
“But you never do”
He shrugged, that half smile he’d perfected tugging at the corner of his mouth. “That’s because I like listening to you talk doll”
“Oh!” he’d gotten rid of your words again and you didn’t know what to say to that admission. “I didn’t know that” you paused again the shaking seemed to be subsiding, at least a fraction anyhow. “Did I… I mean did I kill that man?”
“No doll” he put his hand on your knee squeezing. “I killed him, that’s on me”
“I threw boiling water on him”
“Sweetheart you did what you had to” he comforted as you met his eyes.
Steve had warned you that people were looking for Bucky, that bad people were looking for him. That was why he was leaving him with you, no one would think to look for Bucky somewhere as normal as a woman who worked in a bookshops apartment. Now though, they knew where you lived, they had tried to kill you as well. You had three dead bodies in your apartment. What the hell were you meant to do next.
You realised you were having a panic attack about the same time that Bucky did because he gripped your shoulders as you desperately tried to get a lungful of oxygen past your closing up throat.
“Hey, hey Y/N look at me” Bucky’s raspy voice managed to get through the anxiety driven haze around your brain and you focused on his face. “Take a deep breath with me” he order breathing in through his mouth. You copied his movements managing to breath in and out then in and out. You breathing gradually stabilised and you broke eye contact with Bucky once again.
“Thank you”
“Can’t say I blame you” he got up off the floor to sit beside you one the bed. “Had a similar attack myself the first time I hurt someone”
“You did?”
You knew he was talking now just to keep you calm, he’d obviously messaged Steve earlier and now you were just waiting until he got here.
“Yeah, got dumped into France with the rest of my unit and straight into battle. First time I pulled the trigger, well afterwards I wasn’t much use to anyone”
“You’re just trying to make me feel better, aren’t you?”
“That depends” he took your hand with his flesh one holding it tightly. “Is it working?”
“A little” you admitted staring at his hand in your own. “What’s going to happen James? My job, my home can I stay here anymore? God my whole life…”
“Hey” he let go your hand to wrap his arm around your shoulders. “No one is getting to you Y/N, NO one. I won’t let anyone hurt you doll. I swear”
You sniffed, feeling tears build up in your eyes. You couldn’t help it anymore, you turned your face into Bucky’s chest and let his arms wrap fully around you. He lifted you up to sit on his knee and simply held you as you cried silent tears of grief for a life you somehow knew you’d already lost.
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buzzfeedreader · 7 years
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Jonathan Leibson / Getty Images
SZA’s Ctrl is a black girl’s Tumblr come to melodic, vibrant life.
SZA, who is 26 years old and grew up in New Jersey, is speaking in a specific vernacular that will be familiar to black women who spend chunks of their time in certain corners of the internet. It is apparent right from the opening song, "Supermodel," which begins with a recording of the singer’s mother speaking on the grand theme of the record (“That is my greatest fear. That if, if I lost control or did not have control, things would just, you know. I would be be...fatal”). It’s not that the lyrics come in the form of some impenetrable fancy language, necessarily — it is standard (African-)American English, after all — it is the attitude with which she throws out the lyrics that catches the ear, and then makes the words linger on the mind.
When she plaintively sings “Why can’t I stay alone just by myself / wish I was comfortable just with myself” on that opener, for example, you can almost taste the minimalist Tumblr theme; if you close your eyes you can picture an ironic Blingee lighting up on a loop behind your eyelids. Ctrl is covering much of the ground that fills my own dashboard up every single day, the hundreds of posts that essentially boil down to a quest for self-determination — self-determination in a world that seems hell-bent on pushing us into predesignated roles and situations. And that is expressed in pithy but heartfelt text posts about black girl magic in all its forms, mood boards and videos of hair and fashion inspiration, and the men and women we fancy and love, alongside photo sets and GIF sets of nostalgia-nourished TV shows and age-relevant quotes about life and love and self-care. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that SZA was for a good long time an active Tumblr user (I have followed her on there for years). Even now, via her million-follower Instagram, her preferred platform these days, SZA is still doing much of what her Tumblr used to do (minus the direct contact afforded by her Ask box). Last month she posted a screenshot of a Tumblr post about awkward flirting with the caption: “who dragged me like this?”
SZA’s reputation has been building for years via a couple of well-received EPs, See.SZA.Run and S, and her first studio album Z. In 2013, she signed with indie label Top Dawg Entertainment, the home of Kendrick Lamar and the rest of the Black Hippy crew — the first woman to do so. Three years later, she appeared on and co-wrote Rihanna’s opening Anti track, “Consideration.” Collaborating with the likes of Jill Scott and Chance the Rapper, she’s been making atmospheric, lush, and moody R&B that is as much throwback as it is forward-looking, and it is a combination that has made listeners consider her a safe pair of hands (3.9 million monthly listeners on Spotify is no small feat, after all) — the evidence of which lies in her label’s ease with releasing Ctrl in the same week as Katy Perry’s latest.
Music like SZA’s found its first home on Black Girl Tumblr. Or, at the very least, gained loyal followings there. Artists like SZA, H.E.R., Jennah Bell, Jhené Aiko, and so on were the much-cherished discoveries of like-minded girls and young women who were also yearning for their own reflection to come back undistorted. And so perhaps it is inevitable and fitting that listening to SZA’s Ctrl often feels like reading a series of all lowercase, punctuation-free Tumblr text posts. Those posts are often telling a version of the truth, comically bemused but with an arched eyebrow. SZA is earnest, yes, but that doesn’t mean her eyebrow isn’t raised throughout Ctrl.
You can almost hear that eyebrow creak upward on "Garden (Say It Like Dat)” in which she sings engagingly about self-doubt and anxiety: “Lie to me and say / my booty gettin’ bigger even if it ain’t” is a funny, relatable lyric. And even before she expands it into something more plainly stated, it carries undertones of a little sort of sadness. The latter half of this second-verse lyric, for example, is tongue in cheek and on the nose: “I know you'd rather be laid up with a big booty / body hella positive ‘cause she got a big booty” (her ad-lib — an incredulous “wow” — is pitch-perfect). But then the emotion pinballs quickly again with the quiet admission that comes by verse’s end: “You know I'm sensitive ‘bout havin' no booty / havin' no body / only you, buddy / can you / hold me when nobody’s around us?”
In many ways SZA is singing about the things we have come to expect from our indie-slash-folksy white female singer-songwriters, but what Ctrl is delivering comes as experienced and reported through a firmly black girl lens. Like another young musician who has developed an ardent following, British singer-songwriter Nao, SZA makes pop that's sincere — almost painfully so — but she is also playful and smart and funny. Even when she is not in control (of her gravity, of her ex, of the size of her booty), she’s still "finding herself" while remaining refreshingly self-aware — she knows who she is and roughly where she wants to end up. I thought a lot about Nao’s For All We Know while listening to Ctrl and had a clear thought: Where Nao’s constructions sound something akin to black girl church, SZA sounds like the aftermath of a black girl night out (one in which you might have found yourself crying in the club). It perfectly encapsulates that keyed-up post-club, pre-sleep 3 a.m. feeling when feelings are close to the surface.
There is also a firmness in SZA’s persona on this record, best exemplified by her grandmother’s short, spirited interlude at the end “Love Galore”, addressing SZA by her given name, Solána Imani Rowe: “But see, Solána? If you don’t say something, speak up for yourself, they think you stupid. You know what I’m saying?” It’s a nod and a wink to the listener. SZA knows who’s listening, and who that message is for. Another noteworthy and matter-of-fact exemplification comes straight out the gate on “Doves in the Wind”: “Real niggas do not deserve pussy.” Which is self-explanatory.
On “The Weekend,” a soon-to-be sidepiece classic, SZA is funny: “My man is my man is your man / heard it’s her man too,” she coos dismissively before telling her paramour to make sure he’s at her place “by 10:30 / no later than / drop them drawers / give me what I want.” And on “Drew Barrymore” (a geniusly titled song, effortlessly conjuring as it does images of '90s teen rom-coms and coded norms of suburban insecurity and acceptance), she is sharp: “I’m sorry you got karma comin’ to you.” When she sings wistfully about the titular character from 1994 film Forrest Gump (first in cinemas when she was 4), SZA’s being cute but also serious — imagine a world in which pussy was given to only deserving men! “Where's Forrest now when you need him?” she intones almost solemnly on "Doves in the Wind.” “Talk to me.”
The dip into the '90s oeuvre of Robert Zemeckis notwithstanding, Ctrl is very much of the now. Even with its dizzying array of producers, the entire record sounds cohesively and fluently like 2017: Peep the references to Netflix show Narcos (which also got a shoutout on Stormzy’s 2017 LP Gang Signs and Prayer) or the aforementioned “body positive” (a term whose overuse has given it an unearned negative reputation on Tumblr and beyond). On “Normal Girl,” SZA borrows liberally from Drake’s 2016 single “Controlla” (“You like it / when I be / aggressive”). Even the nostalgic TV Ctrl harks back to is curiously very current again: that period in the '90s that young people have rediscovered and which they quote liberally from, thanks to streaming. SZA refers to comedy sketch show MadTV on “Doves in the Wind,” and on “Go Gina” she uses one of Martin Lawrence’s catchphrases from his sitcom Martin.
Ctrl is a mishmash of so many influences, which will continue to reveal themselves as it beds in with listeners. Its pop DNA is evident in its many catchy hooks and choruses (“Prom” sounds like a 2017 update of Gwen Stefani’s “Cool,” for example), and her guest stars — Kendrick Lamar, Travis Scott, James Fauntleroy, Isaiah Rashad — add weight but are never overwhelming. SZA has an ear for what is aurally pleasing and commercial: Upon my third listen to the record, I was struck by how happily pretty much every song would sit on the soundtrack of a teen show (won’t someone invite her to score a black girl coming-of-age movie, please?).
What sells the record best, though, is SZA’s own conviction. Like the black girls who live their multi-adjectived lives on Tumblr, she is the best chronicler of her own life. It’s an expansion of self-identity that stretches beyond Strong Black Woman (which is not entirely discarded as one facet) and travels into the territory we have always known was in us. SZA’s music is vulnerable and sweet, self-questioning and self-affirming, all at the same time, in a way that is performative, yes — but also intimate and tender. It is a snapshot of one 26-year-old’s life right now, much like all those Tumblrs are moments in amber. Ctrl feels “Dear Diary” real, which is to say it is Black Girl Tumblr writ large. Control, in all avenues, is the defining characteristic, and it is powerful. “I belong to nobody / hope it don’t bother you / you can mind your business / I belong to nobody” SZA sings on “Go Gina.”
Listening to Ctrl, you don’t doubt it.
—Bim Adewunmi on SZA’s new album
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Flying Away: Chapter 7
Word count: 2126
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 
At first this chapter was supposed to be about fluff, but it ended up writting itself of its own accord, and before I knew it it was 3 in the morning and I had half a chapter of father/daughter bonding. I’ve given up on the characters doing what I want them to do though, so that’s fine! Plus I managed to add a part of fluff, AND angst that is going to be so much more present in the next chapters! I hope you’ll like it :)
Tagging my inspirations as usual : @cupnoodle-queen, @themissimmortal, @atarostarling, @lupanaoflaminar, @stunninglyignis, @blindbae, @nifwrites
She sat bolt upright in her bed. What the hell had that been??? A dream? A memory? “Did that man just say he was my father?” she thought.
This was so grotesque that she almost laughed out loud, remembering just in time that four men were asleep next to her. Instead, she decided to get up, and get some fresh air.
Sitting in one of the guys’ chair, she looked in the embers of the dying fire. Now that she was wide awake, confusion had fled her mind. She realised that the gap in her memories was gone. She could remember every second of her encounter with her biological father…
“My f-father?” She stared at him blankly, not sure she understood.
“Has your mother never spoken to you about your origins then?” came Ramuh’s powerful voice.
“All I know is that I was born in Denmark. I was adopted a few days after my birth, and a year later we moved to England. My parents never mentioned anything about my origins, since they knew nothing.”
Sadness fell over her grandfather’s -no, Ramuh’s disguised- face.
“Do you mean to tell me that your mother died giving birth to you ?”
“Yes, at least that’s what I was told. She lived long enough to give me my name though.”
She chuckled then, remembering something.
“I guess that part makes sense at least. In Danish, Lyn means lightning. My mother… Did she know what… I mean, who you were?”
“Come sit, child, and I will tell you the story of your birth.”
Once she was comfortable on the couch Ramuh had motioned to, he began his story.
“I had never been closely interested in humans. I loved them as a whole of course, after all, my mission was to protect mankind, but I had never taken the time to come to know humans as individuals. Until I heard your mother’s voice. She was singing a song to the gods, and she had such a pure voice, it reached me and appealed to me. When I discovered where the voice came from, I decided to take on a human appearance so as to talk to her. Upon getting to know her, I came to feel things that I had deemed impossible for an Astral to feel. When she revealed her pregnancy to me, I gave in to fear. I feared that upon discovering your existence, the other Astrals would annihilate you and your mother. I especially feared what Ifrit, the Betrayer, might do to harm me, through you both. You see, your mother and I had always met in secret, none of the Astrals knew of what we shared.
So I decided to hide you. Though it pained me to know that I would never see your mother’s face again, I decided it was our best chance, and she agreed with me. I sent her to an unknown world, a world where my magic could not reach her once she was there. Which meant that she was safe from the wrath of my fellow Astrals. I never heard of her again, of course, and I had assumed you were happy together. It grieves me greatly to know that you had no time together, and that you were left alone.
When the Chosen King tried to summon the power of the Astrals, he somehow called out to you, probably in the attempt of reaching me. The moment you came to Eos, I became aware of your presence, and came to your help. Through our blood we are linked, that is why you can use my power, and I can feel you. When you get stronger I suppose we will be able to communicate with telepathy as well.”
Too much information. Lyne didn’t know how to process all of this. She felt like this was not affecting her, like the god sitting next to her was telling her someone else’s story. She kept silent for a few minutes, trying to assimilate the revelation of her birth.
“Wait, so, that means I’m a… demigod?”
“We mostly use the term Astral on Eos, but, yes, I suppose you can say that.” He replied with a kindly smile.
“How do I call you though? Daddy?”
The Astral chuckled at that.
“You can call me whatever you please. You are my beloved daughter, and nothing will change that, but if you wish to stay away from me and act as if you knew nothing, I shall respect that as well.”
“Why would I wish to do such a thing?” she asked, incredulous.
“If I remember right what you have just said, you have adoptive parents who must love you greatly, so I suppose my place has been taken already.”
Lyne sighed heavily. The hurt was still so present that she had to choke back tears every time she thought about it.
“My adoptive parents, they… They died in an accident two years ago.”
Ramuh extended his hand to take hers, but seemed to hesitate, as if waiting for her permission. She gave a small nod, and thus she had her first physical contact with her godly dad. She was surprised at how natural it felt.
“Where are we?”
“I took that memory in your head when you were starting to panic, I assumed it was the place where you grew up as a child.”
“No, I mean, are we still in Eos? Is this a dream?”
“Ah, the answer to that is more complex. I would simply say yes, and yes. We are in an inter-world, a place connected to Eos, that humans can sometimes reach in the first moments of slumber. Some call it the astral plane. We Astrals can travel through it, not just with our mind, but our body as well. It is essentially the place where we reside. Each world has its own astral plane.”
“How long will I be able to stay in Eos? Will I stay forever?”
“I wish it was the case. You came through the Chosen King’s summoning, and as long as that power lingers, you will stay. The day the King fulfills his destiny though…”
A wave of dread washed over her. One day, she was going to have to leave this place and go back to her former life. A few tears fell on her lap.
“I would give you a different answer if I could, but I do not wish to lie to you. Still, knowing that you must depart some day, I hope you will decide to make the most of your stay here while you can. Now, I feel the Chosen King calling out to me. I must answer his call and grant him my blessing, and you need to be on you way. Do not be frightened, some time will have passed when you get back to your friends. Exiting the astral plane takes some time when you are not used to it, but it should not be more than a few hours after your departure. One last thing though. You are not to reveal your true identity to anyone, especially your travelling companions. If the Chosen King knew, the other Astrals would be able to learn of your existence through his mind and I dare not imagine what would happen then. Can you promise me you will keep this to yourself?”
What else could she do but agree to her father’s demand? It was for her own safety, and for her father’s as well.
“Now child, I will guide you to the exit. I trust we will see each other very soon…” he said, smiling warmly.
Lyne hadn’t realised how cold she was, until someone put a blanket on her bare shoulders. Jumping, she turned to discover Ignis looking at her, with a concerned look on his face.
“Is everything all right Lyne?”
“Yeah, thanks, I just… couldn’t sleep.”
“Have you had any recollection of what happened when you went missing?”
Clever Ignis, too clever for his own good. Could he read her mind, or what? How she wished she could tell him the truth! Instead, she chose a half truth.
“Not really… I just remembered something, I can’t tell you how I know it, but I know that it’s true. My presence here is linked to Noctis. When he… When he does what he must, I will go.” Saying that out loud sent shivers through her spine.
Looking defeated, Ignis took the chair next to her, his shoulders slumped.
“I had somewhat come to the same conclusion, he replied in a whisper, although I very much wished I was wrong.”
The look he gave her then, and what Ramuh had said about making the most of her time in Eos, triggered something in her. For a moment she forgot about her frightened, shy self. She got up, and came to sit on Ignis’ lap, curling up against him, her face buried into his neck and one arm around his waist. She could feel his surprise at first, but he responded almost at once, putting his arms around her, as if he never wanted to let her go.
Morning found them like that, asleep and finding solace and warmth in each other.
Gladio could tell that something had changed between Ignis and Lyne. He wasn't sure what that was, but they seemed to be more comfortable around each other. Ignis would make quips, and would get a sarcastic reply from the young woman. They trained together every morning, and Lyne was getting better at wielding her daggers with each passing day. Although that was nothing compared to her ability to use lightning. Sometimes during fights, when she unleashed all her power to shorten a fight that was taking longer than expected, Gladio would come to think of what she was able to do as a form of art. It looked like it had become a reflex to her, and she'd never hurt them by mistake again. She still needed to learn how to fight with weapons though, since some foes were impervious to lightning. But more importantly, using her power too much drained her physical strength.
 As she was getting to know the guys more, she showed her true self. She was as witty as Ignis, and could be as immature as Prompto, with whom she shared her love of photography and video games. With Noct, she shared an ability to oversleep, although the prince would get jealous because somehow, Ignis never lectured her the way he did with him. And Gladio had found out that she loved reading as much as he did, so they had a common subject to talk about. Apart from that, people could have thought that the king's shield and the petite woman didn't have much in common, but he felt otherwise. Her presence in the group was refreshing, and he liked being in her company. Making her blush was his new favourite thing to do; she was so pretty with heat creeping on her cheeks. He was not blind though. He could see the way she looked at Ignis. His friend looked at her in the same way, but the both of them seemed to lack the confidence to believe what was happening between them.
One night as they'd come back to Lestallum to collect the bounty of their last hunt, they were in a bar near the Leville hotel, where they were staying. Prompto, Noct and Lyne were having fun with Justice Monsters Five in the far corner of the bar. Ignis and Gladio remained in the booth, sitting in silence.
"So Iggy, what's between you and Lyne?"
The lean man looked taken aback at his friend's boldness.
"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean."
"Well, you together or something?"
"Pray tell, did we do something that would have made you believe we were?"
"Come on, I've seen the way you two ogle each other."
"Gladio, does it look like we have the time for this kind of things? We have a duty to the kingdom, a duty to Noct. We cannot allow ourselves to be distracted in any way."
There it was. He knew he'd won. He chuckled, savouring his victory.
"I see. Well then you don't see any problem with me taking my chances with her, right?"
Ignis was speechless. He could either admit that Lyne was more important than his duty to the king, or stay silent and see the girl he liked slipping from his grasp. Gladio knew his friend too well, of course. He opened and closed his mouth several times, at a loss for words. When Gladio got no answer, he got to his feet, beaming.
"Let's get this party started then!"
Go to Chapter 8
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happycircumstance · 3 years
Wisdom For The Twenty Year Old Me
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This is you-- young, happy, energetic, naïve, shy, indecisive. The list could go on. You are experiencing something dramatic in the family that will crush your soul and break your heart. Don't worry dear, it gets tougher as you grow older. The journey ahead isn't smooth and full of detours. You will take shortcuts and experience set backs, but hey, you'll be fine. Here's what I want you to know now and remember as you live life year after year until you reach me today-- in ten years.
Lets start with your health. You are actually in your best shape now. Trust me, you'll add more to the scales when you start working so be confident in your body! Wear appropriate clothes that will make you look decent and presentable. Listen to your mama when she disapproves what you wear, you will thank her later. Start wrapping your head around the fact that the food you are eating is not always good for your body so choose what you put inside your gut and practice discipline. Your health will be the number one priority as you try to balance it from school, work, and church activities. So, be careful and maybe experiment on what type of exercise is best for your body. Sleep early. I promise you the best sunrise is when you've had good sleep the night before. So, listen to your body. If you love it, it will love you back and show up for you better than anything else.
Next is your family relations. Oh, the drama. You love it when you're young and full of anger against people who are against what you think you believe. Dear, let people be. Everyone has their own opinions about who you are and what their role is in your life. They will always choose what's best for them so you gotta be a little selfish and leave something for yourself, okay? You'll see that "family" won't always mean people who are related to you by blood, but that's anyone who'll extend their hand and heart to you especially when you think you have failed. They are the best ones, so keep them warm and close.
Forgive. It's the greatest sacrifice you can give because you don't easily forget. You love and care so deep that when you feel like your trust is being betrayed, you shut people out. Like stain, it never goes away for you. Remember your own imperfections and would that sit right with Jesus? Nah, I don't think so.
Oh, to be young and in love. What a terrible combination. Don't let love fool you. Enjoy every moment you have with that special someone but don't take every heartbreak too seriously. There's literally so much in store for you than when you allow that one argument ruin your life forever. The boy who broke your heart is also one of the many reasons why you smile when you think about the past. College is exciting and fun! Study harder, meet new people, talk to the nerds, be polite to your professors, come to class on time, learn from other peoples' experiences, and take that risk--audition for the university choir. You'll grow as you go.
Your first paycheck isn't much but it's worth something. Your first purchase from that hard-earned cash is a decent looking, cheap watch but you gotta keep an eye on her because you will lose her on one of your train ride to work. Save up some cash for emergency and always leave some for tithing. You know what I learned from mama about survival? Is that you have to take away that ten percent first before you spend everything else on bills and whatnot. Trust me, this is your insurance from heaven. And about health insurance, take that seriously too and study which insurance company is best for you and your money. Start investing while you're young. You won't regret sacrificing that extra scoop of ice cream because that too is saving you from diabetes and extra pound on the scale. Everyone wins.
Rescue a cat and love him/her. Period.
See places. They say travelling helps you gain a better perspective on life and culture. True, it will also help you heal a broken heart. Trust me and trust the Spirit that will lead you there. If some time you lose yourself in travelling, don't be afraid to go back because that's where you will find yourself again.
One priority at a time. You don't need to juggle everything just to prove something. The holy writ says you must not run faster that you have strength so don't act wiser than the scriptures. There will be missed opportunities but I need you to know that these could also mean a blessing in disguise. The Lord is not obligated to explain every setback to you--that's not His job. But it's your job to ask Him for help and guidance. It's your job to act on spiritual promptings so that those setbacks will hopefully make sense. It's your job to keep yourself in tune with the spirit. You will eventually learn how to identify it so be patient. Be very patient.
Pray like tomorrow depends on it. I cannot imagine what life would be like without this solemn communication with the Lord. When you feel like everyone is against you and that your problems are too heavy to bear, when you feel like you're fighting your battles alone, pray. Strengthen those knees and bend them before the Lord. It's the best therapy I assure you. Your problems or trials or whatever you want to call them are the ones that will lead you closer to God. So embrace those problems and thank them. As long as you are breathing, they will stick around so live with them anyway and come out stronger every time.
But, you know, you're not perfect. You'll mess up and make mistakes. You will consider giving up just because of the petty things around you. You'll lose friends. You'll find yourself counting your tears. You'll end up on the wrong road. Several times. But I want you to know that even if you don't do these things, you will still survive. That's because you will learn deeper about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. You will learn about the Plan of Salvation. You will repent and turn your life around. You will see that light at the end of your tunnel. And I promise you as you see that light, the pain will be gone and it won't hurt anymore. The countless tears that came from your broken heart? He counts them all. So take His hand. Don't be shy to be on the receiving end. Allow people to take care of you because that is how He is mindful of you and your needs. And always, be grateful.
I wish you peace and happiness. As I move forward and upward, I can't help but sincerely thank you for your strength and courage. For taking all the pain and hurt so that we can be who we're supposed to be.
Thirty Year Old You
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littlestarofthewest · 5 years
Hi, I love your fics and wanted to know if you have some tips for someone who wants to start writing? English is not my main language and I don't know if it's worth writting on my first language and then translate/adapt to english...
Hey anon, sorry this took me so long to answer, but I just wanted to do a somewhat decent job with it. Also, thank you. I'm really honored that you consider me to be someone who can actually give valid advice. I put this under a read more because it got super long (I’m sorry if that’s not at all what you were looking for).
Important side note: While I use phrases like "this is better," everything below is my personal opinion and not some sort of universal truth. I'm not criticizing any writers. I'm sure they know what they're doing, and we're all just looking for ways to put out the best works we can.
A lot of writers use things in their stories that I try my hardest to avoid, and they still have lots of happy readers. It comes down to personal preference, and all I'm offering here are a few ideas for you to consider.
Let's start with the language issue. When I started writing fanfic I thought about the same thing. I think you have to consider 3 things:
1. Do I have the time / am I willing to translate everything?I'm usually so excited about finishing a story that I want to post it right away. You won't be able to do that if you need to translate it first. Also, writing itself can already be exhausting, and you're going to have to do the same work twice with each story.
2. Is my native language interesting for others?I'm German, and since the majority of the German people I'm in fandoms with speak English, there's no need to post anything in German. If the source material is English, they will consume English fics.
If you know your language to be interesting for other people, it would make more sense to post both languages to reach a bigger audience.
3. How close is my native language to English?Again, I can give you the example of German. The two languages are very different when it comes to sentence structure and how to phrase things. So, if I were to write in German first, a translation would be quite tricky. I'd probably end up "rewriting" the story rather than translating it word for word because the English wouldn't sound so good.
In conclusion: I know it's tempting to write in your own language because it seems more natural but unless you have good reason to do it that way (as mentioned above), I'd probably try to write in English right away. That's what I ended up doing. If you want to find the best way for you, try it both ways and see what works best.
Judging from your ask, I'd say you have enough knowledge of the language to write in English, and while it might suck a little in the beginning, it gets a lot easier over time.
1. Write! Practice is key. Talent might be a thing, but what makes you better at something is actually doing it. You don't have to publish everything, but the fact that you wrote it will help you to get better. I cringe whenever I look at things that I wrote 6 years ago, but it's also great to see how much better I am now compared to then. If you keep at it, you'll definitely see that change at some point.
2. Don't get discouraged if there's no significant response. Even for amazing writers, it takes time to get some traction. Especially on tumblr it's tough to be seen. There are also a ton of reasons why people might not interact, like forgetfulness, blog aesthetic, laziness, shyness, etc. That doesn't mean they don't enjoy your work. I hate to say "write for yourself," but that's the mindset you need. It should be still fun for yourself, even if you don't get a lot of feedback.
3. Have a healthy attitude towards your work.It's absolutely okay to love your own stuff, and if you enjoy it, feel free to show it. Still accept if not everybody else likes it, though.
BUT… don't hate on your work. A lot of writers are a little unsure about themselves, and that's okay, but if you say things like "this is garbage" about your own fics, you shouldn't be surprised if people don't read it. Why would they, if even you don't like it? So, don't put yourself down. Putting words on paper out of nothing is hard work, and every fic is worth at least the time and effort you put into it.
4. Read! My English improved a great deal just by reading. You'll pick up vocabulary and ways of phrasing things without even trying too hard. Read with variety. Fanfic is great, and it's a good idea to see what's out there, but fic writers are still a certain kind of writer. Mix it up with published books (even if it's hard to find LGBTQ+ content), preferably with different genres you're interested in.
5. Mingle. It's hard to put yourself out there, but don't be shy to promote yourself a little. If you feel like doing that, offer to take requests. Check out other writers. One great way to find readers is actually to interact with other writers. We can all need the support, and you might end up picking up some good advice.
Be respectful, though. I've seen people leave comments just to go like, "Hey, you wanna read my stuff, too?" Not nice. If you interact in a friendly manner, there's a good chance they'll check you out anyway. No need to pressure them.
6. Make an effort. I learned that one early on, when someone commented on one of my first fics that they "almost didn't read it because of the way it was formatted." It kinda sucks when you finally have something to post and then need to "waste time" with that stuff, but it's just as important as the story itself.
You don't have editors who will fix every little thing but try to do the basics yourself.- correct your punctuation- try avoiding walls of text- make enough paragraphs (when different people speak etc.)- check for major spelling errors
7. Consider advice / ignore haters. When someone gives you advice (if you asked for it or not), consider it. It's not smart to reject it right away, but you also don't have to do what others tell you. Pick out what works best for you. If someone's rude, kick them out of your life and don't waste a second on them. It's not on you to teach them to be polite.
8. Be mindful of your readers. It's their job to construct a safe atmosphere for themselves online, but you can do a great deal to help them. If you post on AO3, tag your stuff!! I hate to give away spoilers, but a lot of readers will feel better reading your stuff if they know that you look out for them.
On tumblr, use the right tags. Don't tag every character and ship in the universe. People will hate you (for a good reason). Go with what's actually in your story. Mentioning the basics in your post might be an option, too. (I give a quick overview on top of each story, but many writers don't. That's personal preference.)
And due to recent events, a plea from myself. Please consider all genders, sexualities etc. when you post. Tag your male/gn/female/trans reader inserts, tag your ships, tag major triggers, etc. You can't know every dislike of every person, but you have a bit of responsibility here, so please make an effort.
9. Write first - edit later. I'm shitty at this myself, but it's still great advice. A good way to avoid writer's block is just to put down the words, no matter what. It sounds like garbage? It doesn't matter. Did you use the same verb three times in one paragraph? Fix it later. No idea how that sentence should go? Add [character is doing some great action move to defeat the villain] and move on. Fill it in later.
Neil Gaiman said: "There is no first draft worse than a blank page."
You can always change and fix what's already there, but you can't work with nothing.
10. Take writing breaks. You don't have to crap out 2k of words a day to be a writer. In fact, letting your mind rest can be a great way to gain motivation and inspiration. Do something you love and don't hate yourself if the words don't come right away. They'll be back.
There's one golden rule: You want your readers to be so enthralled by the story that they forget that they're reading it.
These are some things that I picked up and still look out for to get exactly that effect. If you do that or not is totally up to you, though.
1. Use paragraphs when another person speaks. Although pretty much every advice blog tells you this, I still see stories that don't do that, and it's super confusing for readers.
NO:Arthur stands up and comes your way. "Are you sure?" You put your arms around him and nod. "Of course."
YES:Arthur stands up and comes your way.
"Are you sure?" he asks.
You put your arms around him and nod. "Of course."
There are a few ways to do this, but the important part is that your readers know who's talking at all times. The second they have to ask and maybe reread to find who says what, they're thrown out of the story.
2. Don't be afraid of "said" and "asked." I know there are these great lists of other words, but there are a time and place. Imagine yourself in conversation. Do you switch between sighing, whispering, growling and shouting with each sentence? Most of the time, people just say things. Use said and pepper in other words when it matters. Also, people tend to read over said. When you switch each sentence, they'll notice which breaks the golden rule.
3. Read out loud. If a sentence is weird, that might help you distinguish what doesn't work. If you notice a point that makes you reread or pause for a moment, chances are your reader will too.
This is also a great way to find weird dialogue. Actually speak the words, and you might notice that nobody talks that way. It's also great to find "the voice" of a character. Read it in their voice and dialect (nobody has to know if you suck at it), and you'll see if that's something they would actually say.
4. Only use epithets if they are absolutely necessary or convey an important fact!!! (This one is a real pet peeve for me because it's so dominant in fic)
NO:The Blonde leaned over, holding out his hand. You shook it, and were taken aback by the older man's shining blue eyes. The cowboy had a voice that made your skin prickle when he finally talked to you.
This is bad for a few reasons:a) You have to come up with all those epithets and oftentimes, they're not very good. b) It can be confusing because it might seem as if you're talking about more than one person. c) Your readers will focus on each new epithet, which breaks the golden rule.
It can be great to introduce a character as the tall, handsome stranger, but as soon as you know how they're called (and you should try to get there fast), for the love of God, use the name. It might sound repetitive to you since you're the one writing it, but readers usually read over names.
If you have to use a workaround, stick to one. The same person is always "the stranger," the next one is "the loudmouth," etc. That way, you can have multiple unknown characters without confusing your readers.
The only!! other reason to use an epithet is to emphasize a particular fact.
YES:"It hurt Arthur to leave John behind, but he wants his brother to be safe."
You could just write "he wants him to be safe," but in this case, "his brother" isn't only a replacement but is supposed to show that Arthur thinks of John as a brother and not just a friend. It actually means something and might even convey information your reader didn't have up until this point. It works well in dialogue, too.
"I need to go with them," you tell Karen, "and try my best to keep tall, dark, and handsome out of trouble."
Karen looks over to John and rolls her eyes. "Good luck."
Of course, the reader character knows John's name, but using the epithet here gives a little insight into how they think about John and that they're comfortable sharing that information with Karen.
5. Check your punctuation. Nobody's gonna kill you if you forget a comma, but try to get it right as well as you can, especially with dialogue. Those are a few rules that aren't hard to understand, and it's especially important if your native language does them differently.
English:"Would you just shut up," says Arthur, giving Micah a mean stare. "One more word, and I'll have to shoot you."
German:"Würdest du mal die Klappe halten", sagt Arthur mit einem bösen Blick zu Micah. "Noch ein Wort und ich werde dich erschießen müssen."
In German, you put the comma after " while you put it inside " " in English. It's a subtle difference, but it threw me a lot when I started writing in English. And if I notice, then readers might notice which again breaks the golden rule.
Besides, we're trying to make some effort, right? Let your story look pretty and professional. You can google a lot of useful guides about comma rules, dashes, and correct punctuation in dialogue.
6. Passive voice can be avoided. Or better said, avoid passive voice. I'm not saying, don't use it at all, since some very common phrases use passive voice, but try not to overdo it.
In most cases, there's always a better way to phrase a sentence, and active voice usually has more dynamic and drives your story in a way that passive voice can't.
7. Adverbs. Most writing advice blogs will tell you to avoid them like the plague. When I first started writing, I was a little on the fence with that advice, but by now, I agree with all my heart. Again, not saying that you can't have a single adverb in your story, but on many occasions, there's a better alternative.
NO:With his heart beating rapidly, Arthur moves quickly around the wagon, pulling out his gun. He fires back, shouting angrily at his attackers, "You gonna pay for this!"
YES:With his heart almost beating out of his chest, Arthur darts around the wagon, pulling out his gun. He fires back at his attackers, his anger sounding like a lion's roar in his voice. "You gonna pay for this!"
I'm not saying that version B is THE best way to write this, but I dare say it's way better than version A. Maybe that's because I'm not a native speaker, but it hurts my head if I have to read 3 words ending in -ly in one tiny paragraph.
A lot of writers very much abuse adverbs in their dialogue tags, which can make things repetitive and takes away the opportunity to put better information there. BUT, there's definitely a time and place for adverbs.
"He speaks quietly to her" is NOT the same as "he whispers to her," and that's the hill I'm going to die on.
8. Strong verbs. I suck at this myself, but this is where you should actually look for long lists of "other words for." This might be especially helpful when you have the above mentioned adverb problem (e.g., dashes, darts > goes quickly).
Still, don't overdo it. You might find words that sound fancy, but chances are that even native speakers might have no idea what you're saying.
9. Past or present tenseWhen writing in German, I often used past tense, but somehow I'm more comfortable with present tense in English.
From what I gathered over the years, most fic readers don't care either way; the only important thing is: pick one, stick to it! It's a widespread mistake a lot of writers make that they somehow switch tenses while writing. It happened to me a lot in the beginning and still does to this day. So be warned ;D
10. What POV should I use?
Again, google is your friend. There are a few different POVs you can use, some of them are very common in fic while others seem to be less popular (like 1st person as in "I do this, I do that"). There are 3 rules that I find important.
a) Don't switch inside of the story. Decide which one you want and stick to it. It's very confusing to switch at some point.
b) After you picked one, look out for the traps. If you write from one character's POV, they can't know things unless somebody tells them about it or they were present for the event. It's easy to suddenly have a character know something because YOU know it. Make sure it makes sense within the story.
c) Don't switch mid-sentence or mid-paragraph. I've seen this a lot lately in reader fics. You have 2k of story from the reader's POV, and then when they interact with the character, the author suddenly ventures into the feelings and inner thoughts of the character. That's confusing, especially if it happens without any marker or break in the text.
Don't switch just because it's convenient. If you want to give them both a voice, do it from the start. And if you do, switch where it makes sense, e.g. every other chapter, in the middle of the chapter with a visible break, etc.
That's all I can think of for now. I hope it helps you in any way, and feel free to talk about it with me whenever you want. I can ALWAYS talk about writing.
Good fortune with your writing!!!
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kimbisaurus · 6 years
My first almost D&D but Not DND session!
Soo way back when, my dad gave me a book - a AD&D DMG from a market stall. And it was soo intriguing - but completely almost incomprehensible. A DMG made some sense - but all the numbers & mechanics were weird alien concepts that followed no simple path (some went up, others went down - and there was all these weird changes to add or subtract everywhere! AD&D was a chaotic book to say the least). Later, I’d discover my school had an original D&D players guide (ok, it was actually just the D&D book. There was only meant to be one. It was the very first book every made & meant to be a all in one concept). Suddenly things made sense - and we even had 2 modules. D&D could be had! Sooo I went to a friends house & he loved the concept. He also loved elves - no really, you have to understand he worshipped elves soooo much his ears gear almost 2 inches longer & pointy when he was leaving highschool. it was OMG scary. No surgery, no fakes - just straight up brain power misspent to reshape his body after his favorite image. He was already kinda tall & thin. And a pale skinned gaming geek naturally... So all he needed was to grow out his hair & grow pointy ears. Sooo he did... Kinda freaky... Kinda explains a lot about being human - and yeah, ‘Worshipped tolkieen type elves’ is the best description I have. But otherwise a nerdy nice guy. Annyyywayyy, I went over (pre-elf state) & asked about D&D. And he produced a rulebook - for Lord of the Rings. I didn’t care, we’re doing this. So we rolled up some characters. He had a Warrior or a Paladin I think. And I had a rogue - were-tiger. The LOTR RPG was a point buy system similar to white wolf games. You buy advantages and flaws to gain talents/powers/magic/skills & flaws. I found some for balance, jumping & damage resistance. And something like claws/teeth. Add in some rogue skills & movement skills & I was set! Now my friend was the by the book type - which I thankfully cured immediately by suggesting we do a ‘By the seat of our story pants’ session - we just started. Soon we were running atop rooves of the city doing a chase scene - totally awesome for a thief. And the paladin was running below trying hard to keep up. Rogues are totally awesome! Ooohhh yes! Anyway - we dived into this brave new RPG world. We had lots of fun. At some point we decided our setting was Faerun’s Waterdeep - we’d read a D&D novel about it & that was all the inspiration we needed. We also grew our party to like 3-4 people, maybe 5? And we were working for the political movers & shakers of Waterdeep. But we started with 2 characters chasing a thief across rooftops... Using a completely alien system that had almost no magic what so ever - improvising everything from rules to dice. We knew D&D needed d20s, so we rolled d20s plus our skills. That worked well. Damage was a d6 or 2d6 for something big. Life was soo simple - then we got loot! And we had a DMG for that! OMG, but my mate surpassed me here. Suddenly we had a gnomish inventor with a self moving carriage. It was steam powered.. ish... Magic steam I think... And we ended up with a self shooting crossbow on top at somepoint. That was actually scary - it shoot anyone & everyone, sometimes even us! I remember leaping from the rooftop of our carriage as it steamed it’s way over snowtopped fields, leaping for our opponent’s horses & chariots. I had to make so many agility checks (or was it balance?) - and aced them all. I was a were-cat & I knew where to specialise. Movement skills! Later our paladin died - and we wanted him back. So we planehopped over to the elvish heavens to steal his soul back (we’re adventurers after all! We know we’re here to loot the place!) So the GM distracted us with various scenes of heaven. I was really tempted to try and open this ornate obsidian door that seemed to glow with red runes everywhere. It was chained up with heavy mithril chains & magic locks - and omg it was so tempting... But the party managed to guess it might actually be a portal to the Nine Hells & dragged their curious kitty away... Then the GM tried to distract another player with a beautiful glade. However it was the Kitty who ended up wandering inside & being all curious. There was an elf there & we talked a lot. We kinda got into a debate about religion - and realized we had the same goals, but completely opposite perspectives on how to achieve it. We laughed a lot as everyone else realized the GM & I we’re arguing the same points from the opposite side of the lens. After that, I decided I liked this god - and well our campaign was slowly getting a VS Evil Hell Demons vibe. So believing in a particular god was appropriate. We did a lot of the ‘I pay homage to each different deity when I do something related to their portfolio’ type of prayers - partly as jokes & partly just to be characterful. So having one God was kinda cool. Anyway this elf asked if I wanted to start on the path as a cleric. Sure I said - now the other players had noticed when the GM said this god was forgotten on our world (it was a grey hawk god I think? Some other setting besides Faerun either way). And we’re pretty powerful folk now. We dance with the city’s politicians, royalty & gentry. We go to fancy parties & hang out with the royal poisoner, do work for the head Assassin sometimes & we even helped out the temple of helm so much we have a writ from the High Priest of Helm - allowing us shelter, food, aid & even a few coins from any temple of Helm. Amazing right? Well imagine my surprise when someone introduced me as a cleric of ‘Long Forgotten God’ when we finally retrieved our Paladin’s soul, avoided accidentally opening the door to hell a second time (It glowed and everything! I mean spoilt sports!) and we went to a royal ball to our success & our Paladin’s resurrection! Cleric’s were kinda a rare thing - we had lots of priests. But they could do no more than light healing (cure wounds & disease, produce food & water kinda magic. Very limited- because the system was also kinda limited in regards to magic) but clerics could open portals, summon angels & do real magics. Of course, I had 1 spell (*cough I had just enough exp to buy 1 ability cough*) - and slightly elfin features. There was the promise of an elven lifespan if I was a dutiful cleric though. So almost immortality was a pretty cool boon for a were-kitty... Now you’re wondering what the catch was - because there was one. I was just a cleric of this god. The only cleric actually. I’d been charged with spreading the word & given a cool title. Cleric! And then someone finally completed the sentence - we walked into the Royal Ball - and I was announced as the High Priest of ‘Long forgotten Elven God’... High priest... Yeah... The GM saddled me with ‘promote my faith’ & ‘High Priest’ in a political campaign... Now the GM was cool - the royal folk gave me a plot of land to cultivate into a druid glave with an underground cave/temple space. Which was cool. I even got a gold grant to help transplant soil & plants to the space. And it was near the Temple of Helm. The High Grand Temple of Helm... Where we have that lovely writ of aid... Soooo I maybe started preaching on the steps to the Temple of Helm... About my new god. And that made the High Priest of Helm just a little mad... Then we summoned a angel. The GM read about this spell where you could trade goods & gold to gain the service of angels. And they were anime angels that could build cities in days instead of months. Or nuke cities filled with undead and such... Sooo we traded some stuff from our stash & roll a d100 like all good gamers asking for a miracle. Got a 99 or was it a 100? That called forth some angels, saved our city in a big climatic battle & then sponsored a massive party - and our Angels turned DJs & Dancers and we jammed all night long! I mean we literally had them in our service for 2 days, so we just jammed & partied, then cleaned up the city some the next morning.  Amazingly, given how rare Clerics with real magic were, this had an impact on the populace... Preventing the Devil Apocalypse, Summoning Angels & Jamming with the rarest of planar beings after kicking all the BBEG’s collective butts! Yes we made an impression... Now prior to this I had established a kitty theme for loving high places. I always liked to sleep atop these massive columns that adorned the Temple of Helm. 20 to 30m tall columns that were under an even taller roof - so I could nap up there or watch the city flow below me like ants... it was awesome! Which meant I was now awoken by crowds of faithful, flocking to the temple of helm, to wake my charrie up with shouts for wisdom & sermons. I’d tell stories on the front steps (just so I was taller than the crowds. They had a bunch of statues to climb over and leap atop too!) & it was sooo fun! Anddd the GM was secretly making rolls to see if the High Priest would finally snap & do something evil against me... Even turn to the devils just to ‘silence’ this menace to their god... I totally stole so many of their followers... I mean the GM saddled me with being a High Priest... So I lied, tricked & teased my way into becoming the most popular cleric in the city. You let the rogue make a faith after all. This is totally before we ever read Terry Pratchett btw - So you can’t think I’d ever read Going Postal or Making Money. All original madness I’m afraid :) - And yeah... I nearly broke apart the campaign world in my childish teasing of Helm’s chosen... Heeh... Still almost no remorse there :P Sooo that was my role in our first campaign. I mean, we fought wars, assassinated assassins trying to kill us in our supposed sleep, raced steam chariots & besieged armies! We stole artifacts, invented flawed intelligent items like repeating crossbows (we had a sciencey type player who got on well with the mad gnomish inventors guild) and ended up nearly killing the party 3 times with our own repeating crossbow (twice we luckily ran out of arrows, the third time we had to throw a boulder onto our carriage - and boy was that expensive to fix...)  And don’t get me started on the politics... It literally flew over my teenage head... I was so clueless then. I even was tricked into being a high priest... Seriously, our party laughed me out of the room when I realized my easy-street lazy rogue was now saddled with actually working & promoting something, raising funds & even having to preach to get followers... And then people worked out I was actually a really good talker & on state debate teams... I just really enjoyed being lazy, stealing & leaping my way through problems... Anyway... long rambling stories... Probably not that interesting - but OMG my fondest memory is just that beginning - we rolled up characters & started playing before we read the mechanics. We invented everything we needed in 5 minutes & learnt some real rules later - which we half ignored as we tried to recreate the spirit of DND with d20s & Lord of the Rings Character Sheets. Still have that sheet too! If you ever want to start a game - just take whatever books you have and go for it. Don’t stress about the rules, make stuff up. Borrow the Advantage/Disadvantage system from fifth Ed - and just go with the flow. If it feels like success, tell the player. If it doesn’t, describe the player's misfortune...
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