#imagine moon walking around with an umbrella
glambots · 1 year
human au but Sun and Moon haven't seen the actual sun in like multiple months so you take them home and Sun is standing in the parking lot somehow already sunburnt and Moon is standing in the shade, like 'THE LIGHT! IT BURNS!"
Their Vitamin D levels are Abhorrent.
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Seventeen and first dates (all members)
More like this on Seventeen Masterlist <3 Requests are open! Genre: FLUFF
→ Choi Seungcheol
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“You do look like a fish” he says.
You and cheol were walking around in an aquarium as your first official date. You both have been really close friends for a while before you decided to finally give into your feelings and see where it goes with each other.
You couldn’t be happier, cheol really was the best thing that happened to you, even friendship wise. The sweetest boy.
“Look, that looks exactly like you” he points to ansilly looking fish through the glass.
You put you lips out and pout like a fish.
“Close your eyes; you look exactly like this fish behind you,”
You giggle at that, you’ve never been told you look like a fish and that made you laugh,
“let me take a picture” he says.
You stand at the glass, with your lips out and eyes closed. After two clicks you feel someone in front of you and a pair of lips, pecking yours.
“Hey!” You were fully red. It was your first kiss with him. It was playful and so sweet. Nothing like you imagined but a 100 times cuter, innocent.
“Sue me! I stole a kiss” he says running away from you while you chase him.
“Come back here”
→Yoon Jeonghan
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“You can’t eat anything if you don’t catch anything!,” jeonghan tells you while you stand at this pool like area for fishes.
You and Jeonghan confessed quite mutually to each other that you liked each other. All your friends could see it, how you would kick your feet at his messages and how he would giggle at yours. You weren’t just friends.
“You’ll let your girlfriend starve?” You ask acting offended.
He pauses for a second and scans you top to bottom.
You playfully smack him while the fish catching turns into a competition about who catches more fish. At the end of the night you had 6 fishes you caught, and you couldn't possibly eat 6 fishes so you gave some away to the kids who couldn’t catch any.
“If this is how we were going to catch fish, I would’ve taken you fishing instead”
“I am somewhat of a master fisherman myself”
You giggle at the reference.
→ Hong Joshua
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You’ve liked joshua ever since he transfered to you school in high school. He was your bench mate and it wasn’t a long time before you fell for his charm, he was a handsome boy with such a kind heart. You still had an umbrella he gave you to use.
You met him again at a reunion after years and the group of friends planned to go to an amusement park that weekend at the reunion.
Seeing him again, after years set you off with some feelings, all unresolved.
You reached the amusement park as a group but little did you know it was a set up and suddenly you and Joshua were left alone.
You ended up touring the entire park, you realised he was the same crazy shua you knew and liked. Everything he did made you laugh.
“Here!” He says and hands you a bracelet he won shooting at balloons.
“A souvenir from our first date” he adds.
You look up at him in surprise.
“First date?”
“Unless you don’t want it to be”
“No, of course, I like that”
‘Our first date’ rang in your head the rest of the day.
→ Moon Junhui
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This was the first time you had gone over to your boyfriend, Jun's apartment. He liked decorating his apartment and interior design, his apartment was full of decorative items, you went through them all. it was fascinating how much you realise of a person just by seeing how they decorate their spaces.
Jun had called you over for a home cooked meal that he was so confident about. He was so excited to make you this Malapot that he knows he makes the best. He wanted to almost show off to you and impress you with his food.
You were excited for the food too, just listening to him talk about it made you drool when you made the plan.
"Ah it's ruined" you hear jun's voice from the kitchen.
"What's wrong?" you walk over.
"Somethings wrong, it's not tasting the way it's supposed to" he says dejected. You go over and he gives you a spoonful of broth from the pot. It was quite flavourful.
"It's good Jun, what's wrong?" you ask again.
"It's good, not great, I can do so much better" he was very disappointed. He just wanted you to enjoy his food and like his food.
"I'll eat anything you make junnie" you say hugging his side while his eyes never leave the pot in front of him.
You force him to look at you.
"There's always a next time, I'm not going anywhere"
He finally smiles.
→ Kwon Hoshi
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You were cycling with your boyfriend of 1 week, hoshi. You met at a fashion show and immediately clicked. You fell for his goofy personality and felt this urge to protect him from the world.
He asked you out first and you happily agreed. Both of you had some feelings some flirtatious text messages happening between the two of you.
But today you could taste blood, he was cycling way too hard and you couldn’t catch up.
He was a little ahead of you while you volunteered to crash in the grass to relax, you would’ve died if you went on for a little longer.
You were panting while the tiger came back to you to check if you are okay.
“Cycling is too hard” you say between laboured breaths.
“You have no stamina” he smirks suggesting something completely different.
It was your chance to chase him down for that comment.
“We’ll see” you blush but also respond sassily chasing him in the grass.
→ Jeon Wonwoo
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Jeon Wonwoo, your next door neighbour that had taken a liking to you, has made it routine to pick you up from office everyday, so you could go back home together.
You were still unsure about dating him and he gave you all the time in the world to come to a decision.
You wanted to surprise him today, by agreeing to date him. You had spent a lot of time together and he was a sweet guy. You were just scared of something, past relationships weren’t exactly a flower path. He understood that.
You came out of your office building, to see wonwoo, hopefully your soon to be boyfriend, waiting at his bike.
“Did you wait for too long?”
He smiles. “I’ll wait forever, if its for you”
Maybe you don’t have to wait anymore.
You take a deep breath and take his hands in yours.
“Listen, I had to talk to you about something”
His body language changes and he’s almost nervous. You fidget with his thumb, very embarrassed and shy.
“Whats wrong?” He asks getting concerned at how you couldn’t make eye contact with him.
“I gave us a thought”
He visibly freezes. Like he’s preparing himself for anything thats to come.
“I like you Wonwoo, I know I’ve been scared but Im ready to get through that”
There is a glowing smile on his face. “I’ll treat you so well, I promise” his hand pats your hair. It makes you feel safe and reassured.
“So girlfriend?” He asks putting your helmet on you and buckling up for you.
Him calling you girlfriend sets your chest on fire.
“Yes, boyfriend” you squeak out, not used to this.
“Let me take you to the moon, our first date”
“I’ll go anywhere with you” you say softly, getting on his bike.
→ Lee Jihoon
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Jihoon was a schoolmate first, your co worker second, he recommended you at the company you work at now. You became close with him being the only person you knew. Soon, this closeness turned into romantic feelings. You couldn’t get him out of your head.
You asked him out, you straight up told him, you like him and what he thinks about it. It was the first time you had seen him speechless. He took a minute to collect himself before he said “sure” and you started dating. Although his demeanour may seem as if he doesn’t care but you know he likes you too. There has been multiple times jihoon has gone out of his way to help you blend into your work and otherwise.
“Our first dinner in the studio” he said and it made you smile. You like when he says ‘ours’
“You never let me eat in the studio, how cone today you called me here”
His face turns red before he answers. “I thought it’ll be rude to have your girlfriend eat out while I work in the studio”
It was your turn to turn red. You mutter “cute” under your breath.
The power suddenly shuts down and the whole room goes pitch black. Jihoon steps out to see if its just his studio.
“I think something wrong with the generator on this wing” he says sitting next to you on the couch while you gobble up the food you brought for the both of you.
You hear him sigh and carefully lay his hesd on your shoulder.
“Are you tired?”
He shakes his head cuddling closer, you never took him for a cuddler but its like a cat, if a cat CHOOSES you to cuddle, you shouldn’t move. Thats exactly what you did.
You turn on the light on your phone and set it on the coffee table next to your food.
“Torch light dinner”
You hear him chuckle at that while you offer him some food almost feeding him.
You hoped the light never came back and this stayed like this forever.
→ Seo Myungho
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You ran an art workshop where you met Minghao for the first time. You didn’t know what he did and who he was until you saw your pictures plastered all over the internet one day.
He was the first to say he likes you. You liked him too, he brought perspective to your life and you loved that about him.
You and him were at a library having a relaxed date but the thing is you suggested going to a library when you didn’t even read.
You look over at hao, sitting by the window completely immersed in his book, he looked gorgeous. You pick out a comic to read from the shelf. You were a bad reader, even comics bored you after a while. But since Hao liked reading you thought you can enjoy it too. You sat next to him on the couch he was at.
You flipped through the pages and almost got bored instantly.
“Trouble reading?” You hear a whisper next to you.
You look up, not being able to manage this front you put on to impress him.
This was the second time he caught you looking bored.
“I’ll be honest, I’ve never been a reader”
“Everyone’s a reader, you just haven’t found the right book yet”
He’s so wise and calm, he brings stability to your chaos. He suggested a book you might like and he was right, you were immediately hooked to the premise and discovered that you like the thriller genre that doesn’t let you put your book down.
→ Kim Mingyu
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“Are you sure you don’t want anything?”
You shake your head no. Kim Mingyu was a random guy you bumped into at a coffee shop you frequented at. You madecthe first move and dared to ask his number.
Turns out he was the sweetest guy you had spoken to in 4 years. He really reset your brain and suddenly you just wanted to do everything in your power to see where things go. You felt an instant connection you didn’t want to let go of and regret later. You decided you’d go for it.
Kim mingyu comes back to your car, you and him decide to watch a screening of cars 2 in a drive in theatre. You have never been to one and he was excited to show you.
As soon as he opens his package of food, the air is filled with the smell of burrito. It makes you hungry as soon as it hits your nose. But you already told him you didn’t want any, and asking for even a bite felt criminal.
But you were subconsciously staring at his food.
“You’re staring y:n” he calls you out.
You immediately snap out of it and look away, muttering a quick sorry under your breath.
You see him dig into his package and pull out another burrito wrap.
“This is for you” he hands you a wrap.
“No, Im really fine” you defend yourself again, but you were so so hungry.
“I know what ‘im fine’ means y/n, it means you’ll get hungry when you watch me eat” he says smiling like the big puppy he is.
You can’t help but give in, you take a wrap from him smiling sheepishly. He really was the best.
“You eat so well, it could make anyone hungry” you say cutely while he gobbled up his burrito in literally 2 bites. It was insane to watch this man eat.
He pats your head softly.
“HEY! Burrito hands!” You squeal while he laughs.
→ Lee Dokyeom
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You and Dokyeom were cycling in the park. It was one of your first dates. You had met him at a coffee shop,ordering something you also liked so he offered to pay for yours too.
Here you were on another date with the goofball. The original plan was to bicycle around the park and get some lunch at a picnic spot.
But, as with dokyeom, he fell off his bike showing off some ‘cool’ moves to you. Although he made you laugh but the fall looked bad. You ended up getting him some ice from the store to press on his wrist.
“This is very normal”
“What do you mean?”
"I was a very… curious kid, i’d put my feet out on the road as a car would pass, just to see how it feels” you laugh out loud at that. “That’s hilarious”
“At least this is making you hold my hand” he says looking down at your hands pressing his with ice while your other hand hold his wrist in place.
This realisation makes your ears go red.
→ Boo Seungkwan
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“I can’t believe it” seungkwan exclaims.
You met seungkwan as a trainee and you had become fast friends. But life happened and you decided not to be a trainee anymore. You ended up going for artist management and becoming a manager.
Life had plans of its own when they assigned you to seungkwan and your friendship rekindled. This time the friendship took a step further and you started to love spending time with him laughing with him.
One fine day in the car you blurted out that you liked him while driving him to a solo schedule. To your surprise he reciprocated these feelings. You were the happiest girl that day.
“What what happened?” You ask. You and seungkwan had come hiking to a mountain close to his place.
“My pants tore”
You laugh out loud. “What a memorable first date” you continue laughing while he scurries to cover himself with his bag and a towel he had brought in his little backpack.
“What a story, ‘kids, your dad hiked so hard, his pants tore on our first date’” you laugh thinking about the anecdote you have now you can use. Its a funny story.
“You want to have kids with me?” He asks stopping what he did and looks up at you
You freeze at what had just come out of your mouth. You did not mean it like that but now that you think about it definitely sounded like you wanted to have his babies.
“Thats cute” he says and a sense of relief washes over you as you try to come up with something else to catch the subject STAT.
→ Choi Vernon
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Vernon wanted to watch this scary movie and you liked him so much you just wanted to be with him. But you forgot how scary scary movies can become.
Half way through the movie you were flinching and just uncomfortable in your seat, it really felt like someone was going to grab your feet from under the seat.
Seeing you this uncomfortable, vernon casually decided to put his arm around you and cover your eyes for you while you covered your ears with both your hands to protect yourself from jumpscares.
This position automatically made you lean into him a little and it made you feel a million types of a ways. He smelled good was the only consistent thought.
“Are you okay?” He asks leaning into your ears and whispering.
It sent a shiver down your spine. You nod without being able to push out any words. You liked being this close to him. ‘The things you do to me Choi Vernon’ you think to yourself.
You could watch a thousand horror movies if this is how you watch it.
→ Lee Chan
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“Its burnt!” He exclaimed looking at the marshmellow you decided to toast for yourself.
“Thats the flavour!” You defend. You liked slightly burnt marshmallows.
You and chan are childhood friends that ended up falling for each other. Your way of showing love was through constant banter.
One such banter, Chan ended up confessing his feelings for you and you found it so cute.
You move away to get some crackers for the marshmallows. As you come back you hear a scream.
“Whats wrong whats wrong?” You panic and rush to him. You see Chan holding his fingers out and hissing in pain.
You immediately take his hand to inspect.
You see that it was a little red, he probably burnt himself. You see him think for a second. He is going to say something funny, you knew that look on his face, trying to cook up a joke.
“I burnt myself so you’ll like me” he said dramatically looking into your eyes.
The lamest joke ever made you laugh so hard, only because it was Chan who said it.
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skrrts · 2 months
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the bus at 11:17PM (oneshot)
✧ gn!reader x yunho ✧ genre: non-idol, slice of life, crush on a stranger ✧ word count: 1,6k
every thursday, you wait with a handsome stranger for the bus at 11:17 pm. today, you intend to finally approach him.
a/n: how to write drabbles? this was meant to be short but oh well. thank you yuyu for all those pictures
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As you stepped outside of the building, your gaze went up to the night sky, and you admired how the rain clouds had vanished, the moon shining boldly, fighting the fake lights of the city.
“I guess I won’t need that one,” you said, dropping the small umbrella into your bag and stretching a little.
Taking a long language class every Thursday after work was still challenging, your lazy nature asking why you couldn’t just go home early instead of trying to learn a language you had been interested in for years.
All your attempts to teach yourself with YouTube videos had failed horribly.
“Y/N, are you sure you do not want a ride home? I really do not mind taking a detour, it’s late.”
Yeosang’s pretty face appeared next to you, leading you to look back at him.
You shook your head, smiling: “No, it’s okay. I like taking the last bus; it’s nice to ride without all the crowds I deal with every morning. And besides, I really do not live too far away, it’s just ten stops, and I will be right at my apartment complex.”
There was a small hint of worry. The two of you sat next to each other in language class, and he had been a great help, far more advanced than you were after years of failed self-study.
“Alright, get home safely. I’ll see you next week,” he bowed and waved before turning around to follow the other students to the parking lot.
You were a little surprised to learn you were the only one who did not have a car. It just didn’t feel convenient in the middle of a large city, not to mention the costs tied to it — money you’d rather invest in something you enjoyed.
Then, there was another reason. As you walked to the nearby bus station, you could feel your heartbeat increase and held your breath in anticipation as you stepped around the corner.
It was on the day of your first language class that you saw him for the first time, waiting for the same bus as you. The tall and handsome stranger looked up and flashed you a sweet smile before focusing back on his phone that day. You felt silly and shy for glancing at him the entire time, even when you reached your station and had to go.
Then, you told yourself it was fine — who didn’t do that with a stranger? But to your delight, he was there every Thursday, waiting in silence not too far from you.
His presence was comforting. The street was quiet and empty, but with him there, you felt safe. It sounded strange, considering you didn’t know anything about this man. Maybe it was his tall frame or the way he was so relaxed, giving you a feeling of security.
He was always dressed casually but still elegant, and you wondered if he worked somewhere around here, spending hours imagining what kind of job he held.
Your language class was about to end in three weeks, and you knew you were likely running out of time. If you intended to learn at least his name, you finally needed to find the bravery to approach him.
Your heart skipped a beat as you could see him standing there once again! He was looking good today too. White and black suited him so well, but this was the first time you saw him wearing glasses. Did he need them? Was it a choice of style?
Your bus always left at 11:17 PM; you had about fifteen minutes to change your life!
Fine, you just tried to hype yourself up to finally find the courage to do something.
Unlike all those other Thursdays, you decided not to sit down but instead stood quite close to him, looking casually at your watch like you actually just wanted to check the time.
While you used a backpack because it was simply more convenient, you carried one of your language books around today, hoping it would make you look just a little more interesting.
All those scenes from your favorite romance series flashed into your mind, where the protagonist just stood cutely at the station and the romantic interest would approach them just like that.
It would be ideal, but there it was again — your imagination running wild, just like when you thought how nice it would be to learn another language but didn’t manage without the help of a teacher.
You gave him a quick glance, but for some reason, the stranger was more engaged with his phone than usual.
He didn’t even give you that sweet and quick smile you had gotten used to because he always greeted you like that when you joined him, waiting for the bus in silence.
Did he ever think about that stranger who only showed up here on Thursdays? Was he maybe quietly asking himself what you were doing here so close to midnight?
Maybe it was better not to know; you would just be disappointed.
As you were lost in thought, you did not realize how your time was already up — not until the bus arrived, a little faster than usual. When it braked, the rain puddles splashed at you, covering not only your book but also your clothes.
The soft noise of surprise was followed by a hiss, and you stared at your outfit.
You intended to approach him today, so you had put more effort into your appearance, wearing some of your favorites pieces, which were now covered in dirty rainwater.
For a moment, you fought back tears, now embarrassed by how you had imagined your life turning into a silly romance movie when you should be more mature than that.
What made you think this would work?
“Are you okay?”
The voice next to you was foreign, but when you turned around, you saw the stranger looking at you with worry. The bus driver hissed to get in if you didn’t want to stay.
Your crush gave the old man a small glare before he quickly smiled at you, indicating for you to get in. After a moment, you blinked but hurried inside. The doors shut, and the bus station was slowly disappearing.
The stranger was standing beside you, pulling out a package of handkerchiefs from his bag.
“Here, it probably won’t help much with the clothes but the book.”
You stared at it, blushing.
“Oh, yes! Thank you!”
You accepted it with a slight bow and tried to clean off your book, you felt his gaze still on you. As you looked up, he offered a soft smile.
Realizing you did not answer his question yet, you said, “I am okay. It was my fault… I should not have stood so close to the street.”
But he was quick to shake his head.
“No, he drove too fast; it wasn’t your fault. He should be more mindful. Here, let’s sit.”
Your cheeks were red, and you weren’t sure if the heat was from being shy or embarrassed, but your body just acted, and the two of you settled on two of the seats.
“I have seen you a few times; I guess you visit the language school nearby? Ah, I am Yunho, nice to meet you. I believe you get out at Parkroad Station?”
You were surprised to learn that he did pay attention, not only to what kind of book you carried or that he did notice you after all, but also which station was your destination.
“Oh yes, I am almost done though; there are just two more lectures and it will wrap up. I was thinking about taking the next level entry though!”
Your words were rushed, and he chuckled.
“Learning a new language is good fun! I’d encourage it if you are enjoying yourself.”
He really was sweet, trying his best to cheer you up although you were strangers. Finally, you offered him your name and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear.
This wasn’t how you had imagined approaching him, but now you were just glad the two of you finally talked.
“I … noticed you too, but I admit, I was too nervous to say hi. It was nice; I felt safer waiting for the bus so late, knowing I’d not be alone,” you mumbled softly.
Yunho seemed surprised before smiling back.
“Same here. We always have a team meeting on Thursdays, but I am the only one without a car… it’s nice to know I am not alone taking the bus.”
“Oh, I feel that! Everyone at my language class takes a car except for me.”
The two of you laughed, but you realized your station was coming up soon.
Yunho looked at you before opening his bag again and pulling out his business card. You weren’t surprised to see he was head of his department — he really seemed to be kind and smart.
“It’s late, and you should get home, dry up, but maybe … we could meet for a coffee? You could tell me more about your lessons and how you like the school. I was thinking about studying a new language myself.”
You carefully put it between the pages of the book.
“I will make sure to text you my number once I am home… and I’d love that. I’m off on weekends, whenever you are available.”
“Same here. I will call you tomorrow?”
The two of you looked at each other with a smile before your station was announced, and you pushed yourself up.
“I am looking forward to it,” you bowed, and this time, you were quite sure to see how his ears were just a little red.
As you stepped outside of the bus and turned around, Yunho had moved over to a window seat; he was waving to you until you were no longer in sight.
“Wait… is that a date?!”
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andy-15-07 · 2 months
Sun, Sand, and Love
A true love Masterlist
Pairing: Rudy Pankow x reader x Drew Starkey
Summary: first vacation as a couple.
Masterlist | Outer Banks Masterlist
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Drew, Rudy, and Y/n strolled along the sun-kissed beach, their hands intertwined as they relished the feeling of the warm sand beneath their feet. The salty breeze swept through their hair, and the sound of crashing waves filled the air with a soothing melody.
"This is paradise," Drew remarked, his eyes scanning the endless stretch of coastline before them.
Rudy chuckled, wrapping an arm around Y/n's waist. "And we're finally here together."
Y/n smiled, leaning into Rudy's side. "It's even better than I imagined."
As they walked, they passed by colorful beach umbrellas and groups of people playing volleyball or lounging on towels. Drew glanced around, his gaze landing on a secluded spot under a palm tree.
"Hey, what do you say we claim that spot over there?" he suggested, pointing towards the shaded area.
Rudy nodded eagerly. "Sounds perfect."
Y/n grinned, squeezing Rudy's hand. "Lead the way, boys."
They settled down on the soft sand, spreading out a large beach towel beneath them. Drew reached into the cooler they had brought along and pulled out a couple of cold drinks, passing them around.
"Cheers to our first vacation as a couple," Drew said, raising his bottle.
Rudy clinked his bottle against Drew's, a wide smile on his face. "To many more adventures together."
Y/n joined in, toasting with her drink. "And to making unforgettable memories."
They spent the afternoon lounging on the beach, alternating between swimming in the crystal-clear water and soaking up the sun's rays. As the day wore on and the sun began to dip lower in the sky, they decided to take a romantic walk along the shoreline.
"This is so beautiful," Y/n whispered, her fingers laced with Rudy's as they walked hand in hand.
Drew smiled, wrapping his arm around Y/n's shoulders. "Not as beautiful as you."
Y/n blushed, leaning into Drew's side. "Smooth talker."
Rudy chuckled, his gaze softening as he looked at Y/n. "He's not wrong though."
They walked in comfortable silence for a while, content to simply enjoy each other's company and the breathtaking scenery around them. Eventually, they found themselves standing at the water's edge, watching as the sun dipped below the horizon in a blaze of orange and pink hues.
"It's moments like these that make everything worth it," Drew murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
Rudy nodded, his gaze never leaving Y/n's face. "Agreed."
Y/n smiled, feeling overwhelmed with happiness as she looked between the two men she loved. "I couldn't ask for anything more."
As darkness fell and the stars began to twinkle overhead, they made their way back to their beach towel, where they settled down to watch the moon rise over the ocean. Wrapped in each other's arms, they talked and laughed late into the night, sharing stories and dreams for the future.
"I never want this moment to end," Y/n whispered, resting her head against Rudy's chest.
Drew pressed a kiss to the top of her head, his heart overflowing with love. "Then let's make the most of it."
And so, they stayed there on the beach, lost in each other's arms, cherishing every precious moment of their first vacation as a couple. For Drew, Rudy, and Y/n, it was a time of love, laughter, and endless possibility—a memory they would carry with them forever.
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An Umbrella Academy Season 4 Follow Along
Episode One: The Unbearable Tragedy of Getting What You Want
-Objects from other timelines showing up in this one, interesting hook
-Viktor is a disaster at dating...that tracks
-Luther is a...stripper? Didn't Reggie make everyone be super smart? He went to the moon for gods sake.
-Lila's family is alive. Do they know she's from a different timeline? Do they know she was an assassin? Like, what's the story there?
-Ben was in prison, okay....
-Allison's career has stalled and is doing laundry commercials?
-Klaus being a germaphobe is a reasonable reaction to being sober
-and Five is in the CIA...as a teenager? I don't know enough about the CIA to argue with that....
-Where is Ray?
-Did Klaus lose his hand tattoo's or did not have them and I just imagine that?
-okay, Ben acknowledging the sparrows as his family...wait where's Sloane?
-Crypto? Really man?
-So Diego thinks Lila is cheating on him because of a pinata....
-Really, what happened to Sloane? Did she die? Did they break up?
-Viktor got kidnapped by Tobias Funke!?
-Ooh a classic Lila and Five mess around. I dig it.
-One chunky husband....he looked completely normal
-well, the Cleanse sounds ominous
-Hargreeves Home for Wayward Boys...what is that.
-Seriously another fat joke? Once again, he looks completely normal
-Okay, germaphobia is clearly being played for laughs, not as a serious problem...but when are phobias ever actually taken seriously
-Trained assassin and CIA agent Five doesn't notice Ben taking the marigold?
-Let's force our sober brother to do a shot!
-Did any of them even eat anything? Why would the cook be making all that food if they were leaving?
-How did Ben get the marigold into the shots? That's what he did right?
Episode Two: Jean and Gene
-Why does Luther have the ape body?
-Why is Ben doing a villain walk down the stairs? and why does he have tails?
-How did no one see the marigold in the shot glasses?
-Good for you Klaus. Stick to your sobriety!
-Why does Luther have clothes that fit his monkey body?
-Why doesn't he just turn down the volume on the radio?
-Really, a barf scene? are we twelve
-Maybe it's the asexual/aromantic in me, but uh, maybe Diego and Lila should talk to each other?
-Seriously, another fat joke? Didn't OJ's glove fit really well?
-Was Sparrow Ben as much of an ass in the other season?
-Well, that wasn't suspicious wheelchair lady
-Once again, just talk to each other.
-Jesus christ, what the fuck is happening?
-Blink back to your family Five, don't get on the weird subway train
-The bullet thing was a sick ass move, I forgot how cool Diego's powers are
-Damn Ben, you could have just taken the gun from her
-Klaus, let me guess, they are going to give Klaus the marigold so he doesn't bleed out?
-Heaven forbid we give a character an honorable send off on his own terms.
-Okay, so didn't Ben draw pictures of Jennifer last season? Does he know her? Is this a different Jennifer?
Episode Three: The Squid and The Girl
-How did she get inside the squid? What the Fuck
-So Ray walked out? That's it?
-Okay, Diego and Lila are talking...and are completely misunderstanding each other. Great.
-So Jennifer touched Ben and now...the weird tentacles are going to explode out of his body?
-and also Jennifer is going to explode?
-So Gene and Jean don't actually know anything...their just loonies?
-Why did Lila just do a complete one-eighty? Like, literally in the middle of a mission just, let's go look around this weird subway station? That was really just, out of left field.
-Klaus, come on man, don't do it. It's not too late.
-Thank you Diego for staying on task.
-Five is really calm for a dude who ended up back in the apocalypse.
-Who is Sy? Clearly not Jennifer's dad?
-Oh so Ben and Jennifer are weirdly connected?
-Okay, so why is stuff slipping through timelines?
-so because Jennifer exists...there are multiple timelines? She clearly doesn't know anything?
-So everyone keeps saying "we haven't done xyz in five years" but the show definitely stated six years had passed. So what happened during that first year?
-So Klaus floats now and that guy is really chill about it
-Reggie's wife seems nicer than him
-Okay, she definitely knows who Sy is...
-Does Ben really need to walk like Doc Oc?
-Seriously Lila? What was the point of telling Diego that?
I'll do the rest tomorrow...
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artofkhaos404 · 10 months
"Dating Edgar Allen Poe"
Bungo Stray Dogs
Drop any headcannon requests in my ask box or the comments, I'd love to do them! My fandom masterlist can be found at the bottom of my top pinned post.
× Poe is a certified workaholic; total perfectionist. When it comes to his writing, whether it's a novel or some obscure poetry, you can get his attention on nothing else until it's exactly as he first envisioned it.
× Thus, there would be days he's working on a project and can't seem to reach those impossibly high standards. On these difficult days, when he's moping around being hard on himself and declaring he will abandon his career, it's up to you to comfort him. Remind him that his work is amazing, and so is he.
× Because that's his love language: words of affirmation. This man EATS IT UP when you give him reassurance, compliments, anything. He's having a low self esteem day? Just read over his shoulder, praise the intricacy of the written words and flirt. He'll be beaming.
× Poe is just as sweet and considerate when you have low self esteem days, maybe even more so! He's not the most socially aware, since he daydreams so much, so you'll have to let him know if you're down. When you do his response is always "I cannot imagine what for! You are as the moon in the night sky, the flowers of the valley." Corny? ABSOLUTELY. He talks to you like an 18th century poet. You thought it was weird at first, but now it's totally endearing.
× His love style is flamboyant; a traditionally romantic lover. Late night strolls and candlelight dinners- but he always does it his way. His favorite walks with you are in the rain, when you both dress in heavy jackets, you curled against his arm, under the umbrella. The candlelight dinners are always lit by black candles.
× Obviously, he's goth. If you aren't, he doesn't mind... but if you are, he'll love you even more for it.
× Though romantic, he's shy about it. Not the dashing gentleman, sweep you off your feet type. He's more the type that, when you come home from work, he'll have a surprise candle light dinner laid out with some soft goth rock playing in the background, dressed in his very best. He won't address it as anything unusual, but hopes you will praise him. And when you do, he blushes and stammers like nuts.
× I'm sure this goes without saying, but he also writes you romantic poetry. That stuff is like reading "Song of Solomon." Once again, never addresses it, but he'll leave any poetry he wrote for you under your pillow or beside your toothbrush in the morning, get up and get to work before you awaken and find it.
× He's fairly quiet and shy most of the time, content to listen to and watch you rather than interacting. But if you want to hear him talk, ask about his newest novel. He'll go on for HOURS.
× One stress between the two of you is that he struggles to take care of himself. Mind almost always on his work, he lives perpetually in his own fantasy world; the world he's building on paper. That often causes him forget to shower, eat, etc. If you've been out of the house, it's almost certain you'll return to a hungry, frail grease ball of a boyfriend leaned intently over his manuscript.
× Since he's LOADED, he spends ridiculous amounts of money on you like it's nothing. All his gifts are atrociously expensive, often times for no reason. It's rather concerning.
× And lastly, since he's more traditionally minded, he wants to wait to ~do the deed~ until marriage. However, he'll kiss and cuddle you every day, and he is SUCH a good kisser.
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raineynightswrld · 8 months
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𖥻 Light my cigarette? 𖥨 🚬
greetings. welcome to my first blog ever :). im going to keep this short and simple, my name is raine and i haven’t seen much vito scaletta fanfics on here, so i decided to step up and share some silly imagine/one shot or whatever. not proofread, cliche trope and lazy ending !
overall warnings: reader is implied to be female, smoking, strangers to lovers, cliche moments, kissing, stealing, romantic tension, swearing, slight ooc, really really lazy ending 😭
setting and fandom: mafia 2, 1951.
It was a normal, rainy night in Empire Bay. The trees were rumbling, as droplets of water fell from the night sky at a slow rate while the moon shined its light on the streets of Small Italy. You’d be either insane in the head or in a rush if you were walking around with this weather going on, especially without an umbrella.
Speaking of people insane in the head, you unwillingly stepped in a big puddle, staining your brand new coat and shoes. You hissed in annoyance and took a step back, raising your arms and cursed under your breath: “Fucking hell… can’t even go somewhere without bad luck smudging my fucking asscheeks! Shit was expensive as fuck too.. goddammit.”
Not only did you stain some expensive clothing and pair of shoes, you also forgot your umbrella at home, making this situation even more worse. You just wanted the earth to split in two, gobble you up and never let go of you again. Your hair was wet, and mascara ran down your cheeks like a river. Your coat didn’t help in keeping your black button up blouse at least semi-dry semi-wet. I’m other words, you looked like shit and looked like you just jumped in a river. The rain wasn’t even heavy!
You were always known for having bad luck. Ever since you were a child, nothing went your way. Not even assignments you pulled all nighters on and knew the answers like the back of your hand. You couldn’t figure out how you didn’t die yet, guess something went right in your life at least once.
Grunting and eventually stomping your foot on the moist cemented floor beneath, you shook your head and began walking towards a nearby 24/7 store, not wanting to go back to whatever route you were taking to go to whatever place. You were late anyways.
Lightening up a cigarette, or, at least attempting to, you groan in annoyance and breathe in to not make a tantrum in the middle of the street at two in the morning. Eventually, you manage to light the thin and long cigarette up, the smell of chocolate and whipped cashmere smoke entered your nostrils, which seemed to have calmed you down a bit.
Opening the door to the medium sized convenience store, you inspected your surroundings, just to see no one was there. Might as well rob the store. Taking a big puff of the cigarette, you walk around the store, blowing the smoke out of your nose and mouth. You find yourself roaming the store endlessly.
Not like you had anything else to do. You were sure as hell you wouldn’t be stepping out until the rain outside stopped.
Eventually getting bored, you grab a new pack of cigarettes you wanted to try out for some time now. You squeeze the cigarette you had in your hand from outside with the tip of your boot, and decide to betray your initial thoughts, going outside through the back door of the store.
You thought you’d be alone - that no one would be there, but just you, your thoughts, and your soul. Startled by the man who was also smoking a cigarette, you take a step back and close your eyes for a bit, breathing in before quietly greeting him. He was a tad bit taller than you. If you weren’t wearing boots with heels, he’d probably be more taller.
Raising his eyebrow at the sudden change of somewhat quiet environment, the stranger eyed you, his brown eyes staring into yours. For a moment, none of you said anything, before the man in front of you broke eye contact and moved his head so he was facing the street, and not you. Were you that ugly? You internally cackled at the thought. Sure, he was attractive, with his gel slicked back hair and the mysterious clothing choice but hell — you weren’t THAT interested.
After a moment of awkward silence, the man takes a drag from his cigarette, exhaling a puff of smoke before finally breaking the quiet tension. "Nice night, huh? Or, at least for me.” he remarks, a faint smirk on his lips.
“Yeah.. I guess.” You didn’t even know you were holding your breath. Exhaling, you open the stolen pack of cigarettes and take one, before stuffing the pack into your coat’s pocket and grabbing your lighter.
You try to light it up, but to no avail, it fails. You try again, and again, and again. Nothing lights up. You sigh loudly, before rolling your eyes. You’re starting to get pissed off.
“Need some help?” The man asks.
“Mama told me to not ask help from strangers.” You smirked and raised an eyebrow, before huffing out a laugh from your somewhat dry throat, then nodding and getting closer to the stranger. He smelled really good. Cigarette and some perfume. “Light my cigarette?”
He first puts his cigarette in his mouth, holding it still as he takes his lighter from his coat’s pocket. Due to the poor lightning, you thought both of you had matching coats - except for the fact that yours was stained with wetness. You point your cigarette to his lighter’s tip, before it shined fire. After the cigarette finally got lit up, you pull back and take a puff.
“Name’s Vito. Thought you’d need my name to thank me, sweetheart.”
“Oh!” Your mascara stained cheeks flushed in embarrassment, before huffing out the smoke in another direction than Vito’s face. “Thank you, Vito, for the light.”
You genuinely smiled at him, before you two started to talk about life. Though you were the one who talked more about your job, your overall life.. your bad luck.
“Yeah.. that’s how I got my clothes all wet and dirty. I was actually thinking of going to meet my friends and all at a club but I was already running late and I obviously wouldn’t show up at a club looking like this. When I was walking to the club, I even forgot where I was walking to and just decided to ‘crash’ here.”
You sigh loudly as Vito nods. He already finished his cigarette and didn’t bother lighting up a new one. You, however, were on your second cigarette of the pack you stole. After a few moments of silence, you look at Vito, who was looking at you too.
Your hair was now pretty dry and styled way better. The mascara that ran itself down your cheeks was gone since Vito was kind enough to give you something to wipe the mascara off. The rain stopped a while ago and you just found yourself talking to him endlessly.
Taking one last blow of your cigarette, you flicked it away somewhere on the wet cement and sighed.
“I’m out of things to say.” You laugh and look away before gazing up at Vito, who was slightly smiling.
“That was a lot of stuff to take in.” He huffed out in a slightly raspy voice.
You blink, breaking the eye contact. There was silence followed, as you breathed in. Leaning in just a bit, you straightened your back a little, before Vito leaned in fully, breaking the tension. His rough lips met your soft ones, as you closed your eyes, placing your palms on his cheeks. Your thumb traced over the scar on his chin, as he held your waist just right. You pulled back for air and breathed in the satisfying post-rain smell. No words were needed. Just a look and another kiss. After another, which turned out sloppier than the other two. Obviously, you stopped at his place after.
Guess you didn’t always have bad luck.
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Straykids as Your Boyfriend (Hyung Line)
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Pairing: fem!reader + idol!straykids!hyungline
Genre: fluff
A/N: first time doing imagines!! sorry if its a bit rusty ;(
[HyungLine!] | MaknaeLine
Warning: Nothing here is real! All fictional!
Description: straykids love language with girlfriend (you!)
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- Friends ever since u guys were born
- Confessed to you and now in a secret relationship!
- Texts you sweet messages every single day
- He's so delulu about you
- Thinks of you 24/7
- Usual relax chill dates are at the recording studio
- You're always either sitting on his lap or laying comfortably on top of him at the couch
- Gets caught by other members and always teased
- Shy and clingy around you!
- Hold hands
- Careful in public but gives you all the love you deserve all the same <3
- Talks about you nonstop with the members
- Sometimes when you walk out of your apartment in the morning for work, there's coffee and breakfast in a to go box at your front door with a note...
Eat up and goodluck at work today darling~ Love you with all my heart!
- channie
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- If someone dare asks you two who confessed first, the both of you'll get into a fight immediately
- You'll say that Minho used to bully you at school
- And Minho'll defend himself that you fell head over heels for him and asked him out
- But you vividly remember Minho dragging you into an empty classroom, trapping you between his arms with your back against the wall, and demand that you be his girlfriend
- He acts like none of that ever happened as if you guys just somehow met and started dating <3
- You love his cats and always spend time at his house everyday
- Always tends to nudge you farther away from the cars in the street whenever walking together outside
- Asks for a kiss on the cheek once in a while
- Private insta account is filled with pictures of you
- Back hugs and kisses!
- When you're having a bad day, you smell delicious food coming from your house as you slowly walk towards it.
- Right before you open the front door, a text always dings from your phone...
"You take forever to walk home hurry up the kids miss u!! Lets eat!"
- ur minho
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- You never really beleived in soulmates..
- Until u met changbin
- Introduced from a friend
- Acts loud and strong around u but inside hes a nervous wreck
- He kept insisting that his camera was for the school newspaper but actually took pictures of you
- Gets jealous easily! ^^
- Scoots himself closer to you whenever someone else starts talking to u too much
- Carelessly puts his arm around you which makes u get hot in the face
- One day you forgot ur umbrella..
- Changbin was waiting for u in front of ur locker to let u "borrow" his
- Ended up walking home together
- Confessed his feelings for you before you entered ur home!
- Restaurant dates (ofc)
- Movies
- holds ur hand and slips it into his hoodie pocket to keep u warm
- always says the cutest cheesiest stuff to you (but u secretly like it)
"I never believed in love at first sight.. but luckily for me it's right in front of me. Right here, right now."
- binnie
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- Always brings up last year christmas in the middle of dating
- The day he confessed to you <3
- Started off as school desk partners
- Always made you the main subject of every painting he ever did in art classes
- Whenever you ask who that person is, he always replied, "Someone I like."
- Loves talking tea with you
- Judges anyone and everyone together
- The big sass duo
- Took THE LONGEST TIME EVER to confess, couldve filmed a kdrama
- Finally was able to get himself in front of you and confess
- On Christmas Eve night, under the glowing moon, when the first snow of the year fell <3 eek so romantic
- You have an addiction with ice cream so ur hands and body feels cold often
- He clasps your hands with his to make it warmer
- Keeps all painting he ever drew of you and all photos he took of you and stores it all in an album
"I want to be someone's last love than their first because love is meant to be eternal. I'd like to spend that 'eternal' with you."
- jinnie
Check out masterlist for more.
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i-am-baechu · 2 years
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♡ Summary: Two years seem like a lot to some people but to Taehyung it didn’t even feel like time had passed. He’s gotten better but he hasn't healed yet. It wasn't until an interview question made him froze and remember everything.
♡ Paring: Unrequited love; Idol!Taehyung x Reader 
♡ Rating: Pg - 14
♡ Genre: Unrequited love, Idol!Taehyung, stylist intern! Reader, hanahaki disease, character death, fluff (flashbacks), and angst
♡ Based on the one-shot; Not About Angels
Silence. It can say so much but at the same time nothing at all. That’s the beauty of quietness. Most think silence can bring peace but Taehyung knew better. It brought pure and utter chaos. People say as the years go by, it gets easier. Losing someone becomes easy but the pain will always be there, no matter how many times you try to run away. 
There were days where he imagined Y/N running in flower fields and looking out into the mountains as the sun sets. The running rivers create a melody as she quietly hums with him holding her. The night sky painting over them as the winds brought them closer together, as the moon hears their secrets. How do you move on from something that never happened? The love he had for Y/N was something he never thought he would experience. She was the soft touch that healed his insecurities and he turned his tears into a guiding light. She was everything he wanted but now she was the person he remembers on the lonely nights. Maybe one day he could rewrite the stars when they are reincarnated together and keep her close at all times. Sadly, life never does us favors. No matter how much you beg.
Two years have passed since Y/N passed and Taehyung remembers everything like it happened yesterday. He spent so many nights staring out in the sky, begging for a sign of her. He went to the flower shop everyday and got her favorite flowers for his house. He even bought her favorite perfume putting it on a sweater that she accidentally left at the studio. Everyone was having a hard time and he didn’t want to make anyone worry for him more. He didn’t talk to anyone for three months. The only thing he did was cry into their shoulders as they grieved together. He didn’t want to make things harder for them anymore. He was better but the pain was still there. It will always be there no matter what. He looks back on memories and he doesn’t cry, that’s a big step. 
Today, he sat with the other guys in an interview. He wasn’t really paying attention to the conversation. He looked outside the window to see the rain hitting the glass. He smiled to himself when he remembered how he met Y/N. He felt a touch on his shoulder from Jungkook and looked at the MC with a small smile, “Sorry, the rain distracted me.” 
“No worries, the question was, have you ever been in love?” 
Taehyung blinked his eyes and looked down at the floor as his mind clouded with memories. Moments that he can’t let go. 
Taehyung walked down the street with his mask concealing his appearance from everyone around him. He raised his eyebrow when he watched a woman his age run under the hospital. She looked at the rain but it wasn’t anger, it was more contentment if anything. She was probably content after making it under. He smiled softly at this and looked down at his umbrella and then back at the girl. He walked towards her with the rain filling his ears, “Excuse me?” 
The woman turned her head and looked at him with wide eyes. She pointed to herself and he wanted to laugh, “Fo-For me?” 
He nodded his head and she gently took the umbrella out of his hand with their fingers gently touching each other. He ignored that (not wanting to embarrass himself) and she bowed at him, “Thank you.” He bowed back and waved goodbye with his eyes closed. As he walked away, he stopped in his tracks and looked behind him to see that she was gone. He smiled again and shook his head, “Cute.” 
He walked out of the restaurant and sighed to himself, he missed another opportunity to ask Y/N out. He rubbed the back of his head and re-dialed Rose's number. 
“I chickened out again.” 
He pulled the phone away from his ear and sighed, “I-I just did...She just makes me nervous.” He glanced back at the restaurant and smiled to himself as he saw her eat the ramen. 
“Are you comfortable with me?”
“Yeah, that’s you though. She's different...She’s the first flower in spring and I-I-I love her like how fate gives people second chances. She makes me want to experience love.”
“Tell her this, you idiot.” 
Taehyung took a deep breath and looked into the interviews with a sad smile, “Ye-Yes...I have.” 
“Really!? Can you tell us about it?”
Taehyung smiled and ignored the concerned looks from his members. He rubbed his hands gently as he licked his lips, “She was...She was beautiful. She was the greatest painting that I have ever seen in my life. Filled with vibrant colors that were only for my eyes. She was a mirror of my dreams and all I wanted to do was make those dreams come true. She was the song in summer that connects souls and the chill in autumn that brings people together....She was the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.” 
The MC smiled at this and nodded his head, “She sounds very important to you. Would you like to say anything to her?” 
Taehyung nodded his head and glanced at the dark sky before looking back at the MC, “I love you...forever more.” 
As soon as those words left his lips, the rain stopped and a bright light came through the darkness. Taehyung's eyes widened and stood up. He slowly walked up to the window and gently placed his hand on the glass as he looked at the sun with tears in his eyes. Y/N, did you hear me?
“I think Taehyung’s confession made the sun come out of hiding.” 
He felt everyone’s eyes on his back but he didn’t dare to turn back. Not when he felt her warmth through the glass. It’s been so long since he felt her warmth, that he could crumble to his knees at this moment. It was as if she was sharing her memories with him at this moment. Their memories intertwined at this moment to touch his heart as he stared at the sun. 
Y/N watched Rose and Jungkook argue about something with a soft smile, it was rather cute. She noticed everyone was focused on something else or the argument, making it the perfect time to escape for a bit. She put her glass on a random table and walked out of the small room onto the balcony. The cold air hit her face as she closed her eyes letting the cold create goosebumps on her arms. She opened them and glanced at the sky to see the bright stars twinkling like gems. She leaned against the railing and continued to look out into the city. 
“Y/N? Why are you out here?” 
She jumped and glanced over her shoulder to see Taehyung drinking with his eyebrow raised. She let out a small cough and rubbed her arm gently, “I needed a breather...” 
“Don’t like social gatherings?” 
“I like them...my social battery just drains fast.” 
Taehyung nodded his head and made his way toward the woman. She watched him closely, still trying to figure him out. He stood next to her and looked at the sky with his cup so dangerously on the railing, “It’s peaceful, isn’t it?”
She turned her body back to the sky and nodded her head, “It is.”  
“Here.” Before she could say anything, Taehyung took off his coat and put it over her shoulders. Her eyes widened at this and brought the coat closer to her body with a small smile, “Thank you.” 
“Wouldn’t want you to get cold.”
The rain made this walk in the park melancholy but somehow Taehyung made it joyous. His boxy smile made her smile even with the drops of water creating images on his umbrella. She put her hand out of the umbrella and she felt his eyes on her but she didn’t dare to look. She felt the cold water hit her hand and it caused her to smile, “Do you like the rain?”
“I do, it's peaceful. It gives you a moment of serenity as well.” 
He nodded his head and glanced towards the sky, “But it makes the sky look so sad.”
“Sadness is still an emotion, it's better than not feeling anything at all.” 
“I guess, you're a deep thinker.”
She looked at him with a raised eyebrow as she let out a small laugh, “What?” 
“You're like Namjoon-Hyung. Always thinking, I’m jealous.”
She shook her head and slowly moved her head to hit his arm (showing him her version of affection), “You think differently, it's colorful. I like that about you.” 
“Oh, so you like me?” 
She didn’t answer that but she didn’t move her head off of his arm. She didn’t see the small smile on his face. 
He smiled at the memories and remembered them from her point of view. He remembered reading it in her journal. He loved that she wrote like Jane Austen about everything. The story that never got the ending that it deserved. The last thing she wrote in it was how much she loved his smile and how it was the sun. Today she was his sun. 
“Taehyung, are you coming back?”
He smiled to himself and nodded his head before wiping his eyes, “I’m coming...I’m coming.”
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cosmickyeom · 2 years
Well now that you’ve so perfectly done vocal unit and hhu the only thing left now is dance unit 😊
If you don’t mind of course 😆
a/n: the teeny tiny text definitely made me laugh, HAHAH. thanks for sending in the request, lemon! i hope you have nothing less than a wonderful day today! a/n(2): thank you to everyone who has given this series so much love! opening this app to find requests in my inbox always had me starting me day off on a good note! be sure to check out the other units here: vocal unit, hip hop unit! word count: 0.4k genre: fluff
⋆ ﹕₊˚ junhui ! as a play off of the korean version of his last name, where he is the moon, you're the sun. despite existing perfectly independently from each other, one does not exist without the other and that's what makes your relationship so special. i don't see him using this nickname super often. instead, i think more often than not, he leans towards treasure/baobei. when he's being more playful and mischievous than usual, he would definitely pull this out of his arsenal to get on your good side again. HAHA. imagine, his arms are securely wrapped around your shoulders as he's swaying you both back and forth, whining for you to look at him again. how could you ever say ignore him? ⋆ ﹕₊˚ soonyoung ! it's cheesy, but i see him tossing around favorite, a lot. he would pick up the phone and ask how his favorite baby is doing. whenever you both spend time alone together, he would make comments about how there's nothing he would rather be doing than being with his favorite person. by being his favorite, you get all the preferential treatment and it definitely shows. you will always get the first and last bite of your shared meals, the better seat when you're together, and most of the coverage when sharing the same umbrella on a rainy day. soonyoung also enjoys making a scene by going 'IS THAT MY FAVORITE PERSON?!' every single time you walk into the same room as him. ⋆ ﹕₊˚ minghao/myungho ! for the artistic soul in minghao, he calls on his significant other as his muse. despite it not being in his repertoire to only paint portraits, most of the inspiration for his works comes from all of the different ways that you make him feel. warm, bold, and calm. sometimes, the colors of his palette are pulled from memories that you two share. for example, the color scheme of the quirky cafe where you both met, or the outfit that you wore when he asked you to make things official. like with his art, each word and gesture is done with so much purpose and care. he's able to create wonderful pieces for others to appreciate because of the wondrous beauty that you bring into his life, his muse. ⋆ ﹕₊˚ chan ! his significant other, without question, his safe space, his home. despite being so well loved by his hyungs, chan finds a great sense of security in the company in you. when the day seems to be running a little longer than usual, or the teasings are a bit too much, you're the one that he seeks out for. there's something to be said about your relationship where you feel comfortable enough to be the unfiltered versions of yourselves, knowing that you'll always be met with support and love.
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Hello there, how would the harem react with a (GN or Male) s/o that's a really gothic vampire? Really into the scene and a real life bloodsucker
Hello, fellow goth 🕷️ I’m more of a vulture (bone collector) than a vampire so I will do my best with this request!
To put everyone in this gothic vamp mood, here’s some Type O Negative. Unless you’re more of a sisters of mercy goth
Baki Head Canons
Gothic vamp s/o
Hanayama Kaoru
He saw you walking around the streets with a black lace umbrella during the day time and he was entranced. How could someone not be pooled with sweat during broad daylight?
You reminded him of a vampire so watching you actually be one was fascinating to him. He’s never met anyone like you before
Would definitely give you lots of gothic jewelry and dried roses. He doesn’t mind your style or quirks at all. If anything, it adds to your charm
Shinogi Kosho
Now I think Kosho is goth. You two met at a concert and he was spellbound by you.
You two start off as friends and he is just mind blown by how devoted you are to your aesthetic. Especially your Victorian style. He couldn’t imagine how much time and money you spent collecting every piece. And you even made some? Fascinating!
He would probably bring you blood from using his cord cutting techniques on people (and his connections to Kureha). He would drink red wine just so he feels included
He would want to try some of your styles on himself. And he would be over the moon if you did his makeup. He’s always wanted to get better at it
He would dye his hair with you too if you dye your hair. Teach him everything you know
He brings you bones and jewelry her finds as gifts
He’s probably the perfect match for a gothic vampire
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nicsalazar · 10 months
Coiled truth || Kaden & Nicole
TIMING: Recent. LOCATION: The woods PARTIES: @chasseurdeloup & @nicsalazar SUMMARY: Kaden and Nicole deal with a snake that's impossible to kill by normal means. CONTENT WARNING: alcoholism tw, gun use tw.
Nicole could hear Leah’s voice reprimanding her — rightfully so— for not checking the forecast before deciding to go out. Wicked’s Rest had a never-ending supply of crazy scenarios and supernatural beings to surprise her with, yet somehow, a potential storm had never crossed her mind. She had been too busy throwing items in her bag for other, more peculiar enemies to spare a minute to consider the weather.
There was an umbrella at the bottom of her backpack, Nicole recalled, navigating as quickly and safely as possible despite the mud already sticking to her boots. Her car wasn’t too far from where she was when hell broke loose. So yes, she had something to fight the storm with, though by now, soaking through her clothes, it felt like using a bandaid for a bullet wound. She’d be fast and on her way home in no time and all would be forgotten.
Nicole was glad there was no one in the vicinity, because when she caught a glimpse of glowing eyes amid the trees, she almost climbed her way up one from the fright. Almost. Her brain had some sort of miscommunication because her limbs did not move accordingly and instead of finding herself in the air, she slipped, diving face-first onto the forest floor. 
Fortunately, other than a bruised ego, Nicole managed to get up with nothing but dirty clothes. When her gaze landed back on the site where she’d spotted those eyes, it was empty. She frowned. Did she just imagine a wild creature or was it on the move? 
She knew it didn’t matter in the end, because she was supposed to be on her way back to her car, not chasing strange wildlife. So, Nicole spun around to continue her path just in time for a silhouette to flash before her eyes. “Jesus fucking—” she huffed, closing her eyes in relief when she spotted a man. A hiker, most likely. No glowing eyes to account for. “You almost…” she shook her head, waving her hand dismissively though pressing it against her chest a beat later. “Did you see it? There was a—” she gestured a ball, a head really, but she hadn’t spent enough time staring at it to know what its body looked like. “Saw some glowing eyes. Right there—” her thumb pointed behind her. 
There were already plenty of reasons not to be out in the woods attempting to hunt. The first of which was his wounds from the last full moon that were still healing. The second was the rain pouring down on him. The windbreaker and hood wasn’t going to be enough to keep him from getting soaked, though it was doing its best at the moment. 
Kaden was about to turn back and head home, just accept that he wasn’t going to do anything helpful today, when he saw someone else appear on the trail ahead of him. She seemed to be short of breath, a little wide-eyed. Putain, guess he wasn’t heading back just yet. “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.” He walked closer, hands raised in a sort of surrender.
His brows knit together before one raised at her statement. “Did I see what?” He leaned around her, trying to spot what she might be referring to, but he couldn’t see anything. Yet. He knew better than to trust these woods. “Glowing eyes?” That certainly didn’t narrow it down, too many fucking monsters fit that description. His hand went to his belt and pulled out one of the knives hitched there as he crept towards the direction she came from. 
Something rustled in the bushes nearby and if he wasn’t seeing things, he was pretty sure the motion of whatever was there was a slither. Putain, if these were more baguettes he fucking swore to hell and back. 
“It’s fine,” Nicole waved him off, blowing another shaky breath. Not the first time she had run into someone like that. Not the last time it’d happen either. She was just thankful this one didn’t come at her threatening her life. 
Nicole nodded curtly when he asked for confirmation, uncertainty beginning to creep inside her. Maybe she’d imagine said glowing eyes. Maybe it had been some sort of… lighting effect? Abnormal…gas emanating from the forest floor? She may never know. What she did know was that she didn’t want to stay under the fucking rain to figure it out. If it had been sunnier, and if she had been dryer, then yes, her curiosity would’ve won. Not this time. 
So she motioned for them to leave the woods, but he had to go and pull a knife from his belt, slowly approaching in the direction she had pointed towards. Nicole raised her eyebrows at that, wondering if she should look for the hatchet inside her backpack. Strength in numbers, just in case. She liked his confidence as he decided to investigate, she supposed. However, that sort of attitude usually led to terrible situations. ‘Fuck around and find out’ and all that. He was definitely fucking around. And she wasn’t leaving… because? 
Well, what if he got hurt?
“I heard that,” Nicole warned as the bushes rustled again, heartbeat picking up as the threat became more real. She followed his line of sight, downwards, and caught a glimpse of the creature responsible for the noise. Oh. A snake? Well, she didn’t particularly like reptiles but— wait, with a scorpion tail? “Ah, no. Fuck that. Is that one of the deadly ones? The tail is weird” Do we have to kill it? Is what she wished she had asked instead.
Kaden jumped back as a snake shot out from the bush. “Putain.” It was bigger than he expected. But it wasn’t black and white nor was it a piece of bread so that was some kind of strange relief. His brows creased together when he noticed the tail on the serpent: it looked like a scorpion. 
Clearly, he’d cursed too soon. It was a fucking monster. It looked like a beithir, but a little different. Before he could say or do anything, the snake slithered towards the woman and went to lash out at her. Kaden rushed over and grabbed her arms to pull her away, the stinger slamming down into the ground right where her foot had been. “Sorry, just wanted to make sure it didn’t–” 
The ranger looked around and the snake was gone already. Putain de merde. “I’ve seen these fu– uh, snakes before. They’re fast. Can be deadly. Uh, maybe. Unless they’re not the kind I think they are.” And it was possible considering that tail wasn’t the barbed variant he was used to seeing. The rest was similar, though. “You should get away. I’m animal control, I’ll handle this.” If he could. That fucker was fast and he wasn’t sure he had the right weapons to deal with a supernatural snake in the rain. 
The monster was deceptively agile for such a large snake. Though it was becoming increasingly obvious it wasn’t just a snake. But Nicole would have to worry about indexing the creature in her list of Wicked Rest’s unique fauna later on when they weren’t about to be eaten by it. She had turned to look at the man, who appeared to be putting things together a lot faster than she was, when she felt the quick movement of the creature. Heard it slither fast toward her.
She was being pulled back in a split second, watching the heavy creature strike the ground instead of whatever part of her leg it might have latched onto if he hadn’t reacted so fast. “Appreciate it,” she breathed out, dismissing his apology. Maybe she would’ve had the reflexes to move away on time, but she was thankful she didn’t have to test them. 
Her eyes were narrowed, listening to him explain the situation. She’d gathered most of it, except the deadly part. However, that didn’t surprise her. Because, why wouldn’t there be deadly snake-looking monsters in Wicked’s Rest? She was with him, until he suggested she got away. Nicole stared at him like he had grown two heads. “Uh, No. No fucking way. What if it bites you?” Most of all, she really wished people stopped asking her to leave them behind. “I can stay behind, I'm not…” if he was Animal Control, she wasn’t gonna try and overstep. He must’ve had training, but she could assist if needed. “Got anything else on you besides that knife?” her lips pointed at his hands. “I’m carrying a hatchet” she offered, eyes darting around when she heard the slithering once again.
Of course, she wasn’t going to leave. Kaden sighed and accepted the fact he was going to have to look after her in the meantime. It was never his favorite when he had to protect civilians while hunting a monster but it wasn’t unfamiliar. “If it bites me, that’ll be my problem, not yours.” He knew that probably wasn’t the best way to frame things but it was worth a try. And unsurprisingly didn’t convince her to walk away. 
“A hatchet?” he repeated. Alright, that was better than nothing. And she looked athletic enough and wasn’t outwardly panicking or freaking out to the point where she was flailing or screaming or anything like that. Maybe this wouldn’t be too terrible if she stuck around. “Hold onto that,” he told her as he reached for his pistol. He didn’t like grabbing it as his first defense but it seemed like the practical solution at this point. “You know how to throw that?” he asked. 
He held the gun at eye level, scanning the bushes around them for any signs of the beast. He heard it before he saw it, rustling leaves from behind them and he spun around in front of her, placing himself between it and the woman. He took aim and fired at the scales as they shimmered, catching the light. 
Strange. He was pretty sure they hit, but it sounded like the bullets bounced off metal, or something similar. Kaden was about to check that it was loaded properly when the snake-like monster slithered out from the foliage once again. The ranger didn’t wast time and shot at it again. He knew he didn’t miss. In fact, this time, he saw the bullet clink off the creature’s scales.
“Putain,” he muttered in awe. The stinger lashed out at him and Kaden stumbled awy. Even so it, it managed to clip the side of his calf, tearing through his jeans. It didn’t graze his skin. Yet. Fuck. Bullets didn’t work. He had a feeling the blade wasn’t going to do much better. But if it was a beithir, this should have been the perfect weather to injure it.
Unless… It occurred to him that this might be one of the rarer variants of the beast. It wasn’t a bolla, he knew that. Did that make this a fraus? Must be. Fuck, what injured a fraus? He tried to remember the pages of the hunter journals he read day in and day out for years. Fraus. Scorpion stinger. He remembered the word false. That was the word he’d associated with it. False. Lies. Okay, but what about them?
Lies. Right. It was made from lies. A lie come to life. And the truth hurt it. “Hey! I got it. I think.” He was backing away from the fraus arms out to try and shield her if it tried to lash out again. “Start telling this thing truths. Quick!” That would work, right? He fucking hoped so. 
Nicole watched him draw his pistol, her grip on the hatchet tightening in response. “Better at hacking than throwing, but I can try”. How hard could it be? Her hand-eye coordination was nothing to write home about, but it was decent. Serviceable. She’d throw it if it came down to it. It seemed, however, that the man wanted to try with his gun first. Smart move, as they didn’t have many options at this point. 
The gun didn’t work for shit. Just what they needed, a bulletproof snake. Nicole saw it with her own eyes, no matter how many times he fired and hit his target, the snake received no damage. “What the fuck?” she hissed at the same time he grumbled something that sounded close to ‘puta’. She didn’t need translation to understand what he was saying. She felt exactly the same. 
The monster finally managed to get some of its body onto the man, who almost tumbled to the ground, pants torn in the process. Shit, probably bitten. Her heart thundered against her ears and Nicole did the only thing she could think of: She threw the hatchet at it. But it turned out, one thing was aiming, and another was landing a hit. It was a lot harder than she thought. The weapon clattered against a trunk, the handle weakly bumping against the reptile as it bounced on the ground. Well, fuck. That was pretty fucking stupid. She inched closer to her companion, intent on checking for potential injuries, but she didn’t get too far ahead and was instead shielded away from the creature. 
Nicole knew the stakes were high, understood he was under an incredible amount of stress, but at no point she could’ve predicted the words that came out of his mouth. He wanted— Did the bite make him insane? “No? The fuck does that mean?” She looked at him as if he had completely lost it. Not only was his solution ridiculous, but he was also putting her in the spot, everything she knew about herself slipping from her mind with one simple prompt. What was a truth anyway? Would any do? Was she seriously considering this? It all sounded a little too simple, too uncomplicated when it came to dealing with a Wicked’s Rest’s exclusive. What in the Pinocchio type bullshit was this? She brushed the wet hair off her face, suddenly aware that the rain was still pouring. Her hands grasped at the air, mouth opening a few times without words making it out. “I’m…I’m 5’7?” Nothing happened. Or— what was he expecting to happen, anyway? The snake slithered towards them, and if she hadn’t had such quick reflexes it would’ve sank its fangs on her. But she stepped aside, and in the process, her balance was gone. She slipped on the ground. Again. Fuck.
Putain, looked like the hatchet wasn’t doing them a whole lot of good, either. “It means what I said,” Kaden shot back at her. He really hoped it worked. He really needed this to work. Because he wasn’t convinced any of the weapons he had on hand were going to work. She spoke, and he was sure he was going to see the reptile-like monster writing in pain any second now.
Only it didn’t and lunged toward them instead. He jumped one way and she went the other, avoiding the serpent’s fangs. She fell back and slid to the ground, but the fraus appeared to be just as strong and agile as it had this entire time. 
It hadn’t worked. Why didn’t it work? “Uh, try again?” he said as he dodged away from her. “Hey!” he shouted at the snake, firing a bullet onto the ground inches away from the fraus’s body. “Over here you piece of shit!” He hoped it would catch the beast’s attention long enough for her to get up. Thankfully for her, it worked.
Unfortunately for him, it worked. “Merde,” he grumbled as the serpent turned to face him. He darted to the left, and the stinger followed, lashing out at him again. Kaden jumped up and threw himself to the ground to try and get out of the way. His entire side skidded against the mud, the rocks, and rough dirt scratching his forearm and face. Fuck, they had to figure out how to hurt this thing. The truth was supposed to be the thing, he knew he had that bit right. So then why wasn’t it working? There had to be something more to it. Some way to make the truth painful. 
Putain de merde. The truth would hurt it but only if the truth also hurt to say. The truth itself had to be painful to inflict pain. He hated the supernatural. Fuck this. Why couldn’t it just be taken down with a goddamn knife like everything else? Shit, the fraus was hissing and inching toward him, clearly ready to strike. He had to say something and he had to say it fast. “I, uh… I still love my sister,” he tried. The monster shriveled in pain. Only a little but that had harmed it more than the bullets had. “Painful truth! Has to be painful truth!” he yelled back at her. 
Try again. Nicole stifled a sarcastic comment that would have come to the surface if she hadn't been so busy trying to use her brain. To think. Why didn’t her truth work? Was she… shorter? How would the snake fucking know? Maybe it wasn’t a truth as much as an objective fact. Again— what was truth, really? Just feelings. Vibes, Leah would say. She didn’t like that word. She hadn't even begun to process that this guy had suddenly figured out how to handle the monster, which meant— what did that mean? Was he like her, aware of the supernatural? Of course. He’d been carrying weapons and all. Why else would he need them?  
The weapon he was carrying proved useless once again, but at least served as a distraction. He kept shooting at it trying to get its attention, and while very honorable of him, it also kept Nicole incredibly on edge. It hadn’t stopped raining, everything was too slippery. He was one misstep on the mud from— Yeah. She grimaced as he tumbled trying to dodge another thrashing, almost feeling the pain of his landing in her own body. Gingerly, she crawled over to his side, retrieving the discarded hatchet in the process. It would do nothing if the snake chose to go at them again, but… at least it was something. Emotional support. Especially as the creature slithered closer to Kaden again. Fuck that shit.  
She clutched at his shoulder, determined to help him stand up before the beast could get the best of them, but his voice stopped her. The shrivel almost sent her back to the ground. That thing was hurting, but how? And— what did he say again? About his… “Painful?” Nicole whispered flatly, eyes filled with questions as she glanced at him. Why wouldn’t he love his sister? The monster twisted in agony, but it could only last a moment. “I’m—” They didn’t have all the time in the world for her to dig into her soul and find the most painful truth she could think of. She had to say the first thing on her mind. Or, rather, someone would have to rip the truth right out of her throat because words weren’t working and they never had. How was she supposed to do all of this with a stranger right next to her?
Truth… truth, she thought — her chest aching as she realized what she was going to say— felt a whole fucking lot like secrets. “I—” Everything was in slow motion yet sped up somehow, “I’ve… I think about drinking— every day”. She didn't need to look at it; she could hear it, both hissing and writhing on the floor. Nicole’s gaze shifted to the opposite side, truth pounding with more venom than whatever that creature could sink in her. She wondered how many more of those truths they’d need for the snake to die. She wondered if she’d rather take its fangs instead. Briefly, at least. Until her attention returned to the monster and Nicole noticed how painful the truths were to the creature. Of fucking course. She’d deal with the mess later, this was working. If she couldn’t think of truths, she could think of secrets. A slew of them. “I’m…I’m a balam” she tried once the silence fell on them again. This time, she knew it’d work. That one seemingly small truth had tormented her for too long not to leave a mark on the monster too. 
Kaden wanted to shrink away and shrivel up as much as the snake had at his own words. At least it was working. He wasn’t sure if there was a whole lot of comfort in that. He fumbled back up to his feet with her help, a chill running down his spine as her hand touched his shoulder. He was glad she was avoiding anything remotely close to eye contact. Especially as she spoke her own truth. It hurt to hear it, even though he didn’t know her, even though he didn’t know why she felt that need to drink whatever it was that plagued her away. The fraus felt it, too. Only it wasn’t dead. It was very clearly hurt, but it was still trying to slither towards them, to lash out one last time.
Kaden was getting ready to try and contribute something more when her next truth nearly threw him back down to the ground. Balam. She was balam. The reaction to her touch and the alert coursing through his body made more sense now. He’d felt it, he knew some sort of shifter or beast was nearby, but in the heat of the moment, he’d ignored it. That or he was so out of tune by now after living with Alex and hanging around Gael and Alan. Putain, he was going soft. He didn’t know if that was a problem or not but it still felt disgraceful all the same. 
Still, it didn’t matter if he had recognized what she was before then or not. It didn’t change what she was. And it didn’t change the words that lingered at the tip of his tongue. His eyes locked on her for a moment, wondering if he would need to defend himself a few seconds from now, and then drifted back to the snake. It hissed and tried to lunge towards them. All hopes that he wouldn’t have to say what he was going to say next vanished. There was no way that this wouldn’t be a killing blow. There was no getting out of speaking the one truth he knew would hurt the most to say right then. 
“I’m a ranger.” 
The fraus hissed and screeched, writhing in one last bout of agony before it stopped moving, the rain still beating down on them and its corpse. As much as Kaden wanted to pretend that maybe the rain had drowned out his words, he knew that wasn’t the case. And he didn’t know what to do now. 
With the final blow, the creature screeched and twisted until it was dead on the forest ground. Nicole, however, hadn’t looked at it once. A ranger. Her hand slowly slid off the man’s shoulder, stepping carefully as she retreated away from him. She watched him, eyes wide in fear, waiting for him to make a move. To pull another knife, or a different gun and get rid of her. It never came. Droplets fell down her face, the only sign that time kept unequivocally passing. Because Nicole had frozen in place, his words echoing still. Not even if she had been an expert in concealing expressions, she could’ve hidden her pain. 
She remembered the knife that tore through her shoulder blade at fifteen. The one that almost sliced her throat at twenty-seven. Where would his blade go? The chest? Her stomach? Had he sensed her before? Had he been following her, then? Was the snake a simple hiccup in his original plan to hurt her? He was going to lunge at her now that they killed the snake, right?
Her first attempt at speaking resulted in nothing but a shaky breath, throat hijacked by emotion. She raised her hatchet, instead: A warning. She could never strike first, but she would defend herself, if it came down to it. She would do what needed to be done to survive. Always had. He had the weapons, the strength, and the hunter knowledge while all she had was her unfaltering, intrinsic desire to persist. She fucking liked her odds. “Swear I won’t fucking miss this time”. There they were. Words, trembling with fear but aloud. She didn’t plan on following through with her threat. But sometimes, she looked intimidating enough that people wouldn’t suspect her a coward. She only needed to buy herself some time. Or maybe even — hopefully— allow him to clear the air between them. “I’ll— I’ll— I go my way. You… go yours”. He was wounded after all. Maybe not bitten, but shaken. Maybe he didn’t want to engage in a fight. Maybe. If she were to pray, she’d pray for this man to be a lot more like Andy than her previous hunter experiences. Andy. She was a sliver of hope. She’d shown her not every hunter was the same. Some renounced their calling. Some had no desire to hurt the innocent. Some instead, helped shifters fight horrible serpent creatures. 
Her heart pounded violently in her throat, and Nicole felt the weight of her words before she even spoke them. “Thank you for…” she swallowed, eyes flickering to the monster, then down to her boots. She had to make sure her steps were careful on the mud because she couldn’t allow herself to slip during her escape.
Kaden held his shaking hands up above his head. His words dropped like a bomb, just like he’d expected they would. Putain. Guilt sunk in, down into his bones, right down to the marrow. This wasn’t the first time someone looked at him with fear in their eyes and he was sure it wouldn’t be the last. How the fuck had he brushed it all away in the past? How did he manage it back then?
Of course she held up her weapon at him. He didn’t blame her. And some part of him wondered if he was making a mistake not reaching for his own. What would she do now that she knew what he was? Now that she had the upper hand? A moment to even the theoretical odds, take one more hunter from the world and leave her with one less threat to her safety. 
Kaden couldn’t tell if he was hearing his own heart pounding in his ear or hers or if it was just the overwhelming sound of the rain crashing all around them. “Okay,” he said, voice shaking. “I don’t–” Putain, it was stupid to say he didn’t want to hurt her, right? Why should she believe him? He knew more hunters than she did and he knew damn well how much they lied; how much he’d lied. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He said it anyway. Might as well, right? Might as well give it a shot. It’s not like he had a whole lot of experience on how this shit was supposed to go now that he wasn’t trying to kill her. No one ever taught him the choreography to this particular song and dance. Hell, he wasn’t sure there was any to follow in the first place. 
Nicole wasn’t sure if many ruthless hunters would’ve put their trembling hands above their heads in response to her threat. The man had seen her fail at throwing the hatchet, he knew her words were easily disputed by her actions, so— what was she supposed to make of his reaction? A rouse? An attempt at lowering her defenses, surely. Why would a hunter be anything but deceptive? She took another step back, and waited, blinking away the tears that had pooled in her eyes. Or the rain. Nicole wasn’t sure what was what anymore. 
Her fear receded, looking at the man in front of her attempting to speak, a sight too painfully familiar to her. And though she remained highly aware of the situation they were in, confusion flooded her mind. He wasn’t going to hurt her. Did Nicole— hear him right? Her frown deepened, mouth agape as her facial expression reflected the current state of her mind. “Okay…” she heard herself speak, but it sounded like a question. She was waiting for the other shoe to drop, for him to jump her with a new weapon he had concealed somewhere on his body. She wasn’t tempted to run anymore, if that was something she was capable of. His words were infused with some sort of freezing spell. However, the pause allowed for logic to knock on the door. 
Why would he attack? Why now? He had the gun loaded before, could’ve spared a few bullets for her. Now it was empty, all his ammo used on the snake. He could’ve let the creature do his job too, yet he insisted on shielding her from its fangs. Her mind drifted to Andy again. She had to believe there were others like her. He had acted so similarly to how her friend would have in this scenario. She could— maybe she didn’t have to make up her mind on whether all hunters were good or bad, but— truce? That was attainable, wasn’t it? If he didn’t have any intentions of hurting her, she had no plans to retaliate. “Alright,” she rasped, awkwardly. Her skin crawled, uncomfortable with the uncertainty. But slowly, she lowered the hatchet. What the fuck happened now? 
“We should— Might be— better get the fuck out of here, then,” Nicole pointed out, because what ensured there were no more trauma snakes around? As soon as the words left her lips, she realized how it sounded. Like an invitation, like they should go down the same path, now that it didn’t look like there would be a confrontation. Shit. It was still better for the two of them if they parted ways. She didn’t want to deal with any potential change of heart. “Have to get back to my car,” she explained, gesturing to her left. It didn’t escape Nicole, how similar this was to that awkward goodbye moment between coworkers. What if he was heading in the same direction? “Ah— Careful out there,” she offered a nod of acknowledgment. She’d already thanked him, he didn’t need more. Especially if he turned out to be a proper hunter. Then she’d look fucking stupid. Thankfully, the rain still poured, making the silence a lot more manageable. Nicole didn’t have any words left, and likely wouldn’t until she’d fully processed what had transpired. And then— she wasn’t sure she was brave enough to deal with the consequences of confronting those truths. Particularly—
She jolted, chasing that thought away. Not the time. Her eyes met the man’s one last time, too stumped to say anything else. He looked it too. So for both their sakes, Nicole stepped aside, following the path toward her car, careful to never give her back to him. Just in case.  
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hauntingcryptids · 2 years
Soaked Through To The Bone
Whittaker!Doctor x Reader
Summary - The Doctor becomes flustered after seeing the though The Reader’s soaked shirt.
Based On This Request -
Tumblr media
Warnings - The Reader not knowing that their shirt is see through, suggestive themes, so 18 plus please
Word Count - 1082
A/n - Female Reader. Requested by this lovely anon from my old Tumblr account. I hope you enjoy!
You rushed to open the door to your flat and finally get out of the rain. The Doctor offered you a cheerful hello and you tried to give her the same energy back but weren’t able. You were too cold and wet from being drenched by the evening English rain to respond cheerfully.
The Doctor had asked to stay with you for a couple of days at your apartment. You allowed her to but questioned why she would want to do that. The Doctor explained that she needed to do some maintenance on The TARDIS, and she needed a stable environment to do so. Apparently, the last time she tried to clean some of her TARDIS’s core coils while floating through space, she almost crashed into the moon of a neighbouring planet, and she wasn’t keen on repeating that experience.
“Ugh! Why do I always forget my umbrella on rainy days?” You shifted your soaking coat off of your body and hung the object upon the hall coat rack, a rung away from The Doctor’s silvery-light blue coat.
“Coincidences! The universe was just having a bit of fun …” The Doctor’s sentence trailed off into silence once she got a good look at you.
“Well, I’m not having fun!” You huffed while trying to untie your wet and grimy shoes.
The Doctor saw the colour of your bra through your now sheer, wet blouse. It was a light blue with dark blue lace accentuating it. It was probably unnoticeable when your blouse was dry, but now the light blue of the bra was staring The Doctor down. The Doctor had to turn around with a groan and a quiet “Oh, brilliant” when she saw the tiny dark blue bow in the middle of the bra, right between your breasts. She couldn’t help but imagine that you were wearing a matching pair of panties with a little dark blue bow in the centre. Like a little bow on top of a present that she desperately wanted to unwrap.
“Are you alright, Doc?” You questioned The Doctor’s distant attitude as you drudged toward your bedroom in order to change out of your wet clothes.
“What?! Yes. No? What are we talking about?” The Doctor’s eyes were wide and looking around everywhere and her hands were flailing around more than usual.
“I was just asking if you were okay, Doctor. You seem a bit … distracted.”
“Everything’s fine! I swear. Absolutely brilliant!” The Doctor then began shifting from foot to foot while hiding her mouth with her fist shaped hand.
“Well, I’m going to go change into some dry clothes, okay? Then we can order in and watch a movie or something.”
“Yeah, that sounds great.” The Doctor held up a thumbs up, ran out of the conversation. You watched as she jumped over the back of your couch and landed on the seat before being to scroll through your television for movies.
When you got to your room and finally saw yourself in the mirror you groaned in embarrassment when you saw that your chest and bra were completely visible through your shirt. No wonder The Doctor was acting weird! You paced around your room for a moment, cursing yourself, before finally drying off and changing. However, even though you changed clothes, your mind wouldn’t stop racing. You slowly walked out of your room, scared of how The Doctor would be acting.
“I already ordered your favourite! That one thing from that one place that you introduced me to my first day I stayed over. And I picked some movies.” The Doctor mainly looked at the floor, only occasionally looking up to you but she would quickly look back down. You could tell that her eyes never ventured up to your face, they would always stop around your chest. Her face was also permanently tined red with a deep blush. Under different circumstances, you would have loved knowing that The Doctor couldn’t stop staring at your chest. However, right now, you were just worried that you made her incredibly uncomfortable. 
You and The Doctor ate in worrying silence, apart from the movie that you were barely paying attention to. It was a children’s movie, though. That you gathered. And thankfully, it did lighten the mood and clear your head a bit regarding the soaked through shirt incident. After the movie ended, you prepared to ask The Doctor about what had happened earlier.
“Doctor, can I talk to you about something?”
“Yes, you can always come to me for anything.” The Doctor seemed to be in good spirits under all the franticness, so that was a good sign.
“Did you see my bra through my shirt earlier?” The Doctor took a deep breath and turned away for a moment. When she turned back, she was staring a hole in the floor of your flat.
“Yes, I happened to see it.” The Doctor responded with trepidation, causing you to groan again in embarrassment. The Doctor wanted to reassure you, but you beat The Doctor in speaking.
“Doctor, I am so sorry! I never want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Y/n, why are you apologising? I am the one that should be apologising to you.” You shook your head and tried to argue against The Doctor, but she wanted to set the record straight.
“You never made me uncomfortable. I should apologise to you because I couldn’t stop staring at how beautiful you looked. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” You sighed in relief and collapsed into The Doctor’s body. You were so relieved that you hadn’t made her uncomfortable, that was the last thing that you wished to ever do. Because of your stress, it took you a moment to realise what The Doctor had just confessed. You popped back up from The Doctor’s arms to look The Doctor in the eye.
“So, you think I look beautiful, Doctor?” You smirked with sudden confidence.
“I - Well, of course, I do. Of course, I think that you are beautiful. You are the most beautiful person in the world, Y/n.”
“Do you really mean that?”
“Yes, absolutely.”
“I’ll forgive you for ogling my chest, then.” You kissed The Doctor’s cheek then jumped up from your couch in order to get a drink of water from your kitchen. With the eyeful The Doctor received earlier in the evening, she could handle some teasing now. Maybe a bit of teasing would cause something more adult to occur tonight.
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nkjemisin · 2 years
Almost forgot about this! I built a playlist for The Great Cities on Spotify (before Spotify pissed me off over the Joe Rogan shit and I cancelled my account). Probably needs to be updated since I put this together for THE CITY WE BECAME and hadn’t yet written THE WORLD WE MAKE. I’ll get around to it -- and move it over to Tidal, my current music scrip -- eventually.
Not all of these are songs by New York musicians, obvs; some just fit the mood of the book, or particular characters, or particular scenes. Frex:
“Umbrella”: the scene where Manny rides on top of the cab to umbrella-joust with an otherworldly eruption on FDR Drive
“Cha Cha Cha”: a character song for Brooklyn, whose “MC Free” life was modeled on MC Lyte
“Ain’t No Half Steppin”: a character song for Bronca and her magical steel-toed boots
“Breakthrough”: a character song for Padmini/Queens, because I imagine something like that playing in her mind while she’s working through math in her head
“Move Bitch”: when Brooklyn and Bronca drive the gauntlet of 2nd Ave, with Padmini backseating
“Bad Moon Rising”: that particular eerie cover (which I heard for the first time while playing “Mafia 3,” lol) was perfect for Chapter 16, as Certain Doom looms over the city.
“Sympathy for the Devil”: the Woman in White’s character song, of course. (Also Manny’s.)
“New York New York”: Grandmaster Flash version -- this is the song Brooklyn plays on her phone when Manny first meets her in Chapter Two.
“In Da Club”: I just imagined all of the avatars walking down the street to this, in a kind of slow-mo “look at these badass mofos now that they’ve finally gotten their shit together” moment
“Return of the Mack”: the primary’s character song, after [spoiler]
There’s more, but you get the idea!
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hi! Can I have a matchup for Tokyo Revengers please?
Pronouns: she/they
Preferably matching with male, as a romantic relationship.
Zodiac signs: Scorpio sun, Sag moon, Pisces rising
What I value in relationship : honesty, gentle, peace, loyalty, security, respect, and a little bit of exploration
My type is probably someone who is so kind to handle, or someone who just don’t talk much but decide to do things instead. Kinda like the vice captain thingy if you know what I mean…😅
For my personality, I tend to be so quiet (and maybe intimidating) at first but tbh I’m just shy. The more ppl know me, they’ll see that I am responsible, serious, hardworking, but also chill and laidback at the same time (But don’t ask me to be very honest cause I’ll do it with no filter and some ppl might hate me for that) and if I was super mad (like the final straw) I will cut off that person without any warning.
Hobbies : singing, reading, writing, drawing and listening to music!
I am the youngest daughter but smh being the one who is more responsible amongst my siblings. And fyi I’m scared of someone yelling at me (especially from men… tragically)
And lastly, for the scenario. I want to see how that someone you’ll get for me will do if I came home late due to weather and traffic jams
Thank you so much!
1000 Follower Event Matchup #26
This event is now CLOSED. You can find the masterlist for it here.
Note: So sorry that it's super late, but thanks, for your patience :) hope you enjoy!
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I match you with: DRAKEN
Runner-up was: Shinichiro
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Draken is definitely your type
He’s not verbal with his affection for you, but he shows it more through his actions, like having you walk on the inside of the sidewalk while he walks on the side closer to the street, or shoving his jacket over your head when it starts to rain and you both forgot to bring an umbrella–subtle yet sweet
He’s an incredibly loyal vice captain, and he’s just as loyal as your boyfriend, no other person catches his eye, only you!
Try cutting him off if you get mad at him, he won’t let it happen…he’ll just look at you like “-_- really?” like you really thought you could get rid of him? That’s funny
He knows how to handle someone with spontaneous emotions, he’s Mikey’s friend after all, so he handles your shyness and anger (if that ever happens) pretty well
Draken would never raise his voice at you, he can be pretty intimidating since he is 2nd in command of Toman, but you’re his special someone and he never uses that authority over you, he’s very soft and kind with you
I think someone responsible like you would be perfect for Draken since I think he’s also pretty mature for a guy, he’d need that same level of maturity in a partner as well, and you definitely have that
How does he react to you getting home late for unexpected reasons?
He’s worried of course, but he remains calm
I can’t imagine him overreacting for something like that unless you’re usually home around 4pm and it’s 10pm and you’re still not home…only then would he start to really worry and get antsy
But if you’re usually home by 4pm, but don’t get home until 6pm, then he’s totally calm
He would probably give you a call if it gets too late to figure out where you are and if you’re okay
Like I said, Draken is very mature and level-headed so he knows how to stay calm in situations like these
Gets a little more worried if you don’t answer his calls, but he still wouldn’t run to find you in the streets or anything (unless his gut is screaming at him that something is wrong, but 9 of out 10 times, he knows you’re okay)
Lowkey though I picture that he’d always want to have your location so he has you on life360 or something so he knows where you are at all times
He’s in a dangerous line of work so if anything were to ever happen to you, he’d want to be able to get to you quickly!
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Posted: 08/23/2023
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veryberryjelly · 1 year
🥐 - chocolate croissant ( send me some info about yourself (and a fandom if you wish ) i'll ship you with a character )
Hiya, so I’m a huge marauders fan! I love walking in the rain (without umbrellas) I love stormy days and I’m a huge animal person, like I literally have a whole army of pets. Um my favorite movie is The Breakfast Club, and I absolutely love Bender cuz he’s an angel🫶🏻 My big three are Scorpio Sun, Gemini moon, and Scorpio rising. I play the guitar for fun and I play Trombone for band, and I will admit I’m an absolute nerd, like I will walk around quoting anything from Lord of The Rings to Star Wars, but ofc I’m always a bigger sucker for Harry Potter. I paint a lot in my free time, and I like to draw portraits of mainly the marauders in my journal. I’m a big extrovert, like I see an interesting person and I’m immediately like ‘oh I like your braces, what’s ur favorite movie?’ My friends often call me random because I change the topic like constantly. I’d say I’m pretty sarcastic but uh who knows🤷‍♀️ oh and I’m not exactly sure what info I needed to tell you so sorry I’m advance, but I have long blonde hair (don’t judge, I swear I’m not stupid, mostly����) I have blue eyes and I’d say I’m about average height, oh and my favorite muggle sport is baseball🫡 Anyways thanks for taking the time to read this whole book I wrote☝️ Love this celebration have a lovely day Thanks y’a!!
𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
i'm so sorry this took me so long !!
i ship you with ...
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sirius black !!!
i think sirius gives total bender vibes anyway, very bold and not giving a fuck.
he will let you rant and rave about anything you want even if he doesn't know a thing about it! { but he will definitely look into it after you go on about it so he can have another thing to talk to you about. }
because sirius does quidditch, i feel like he would be very willing to learn about baseball as well. you at the bat and him fielding all by himself lmao
sirius would 100% model for your drawings
whether he knows it or not
sometimes he'll just sit there and look beautiful
and other times you'll actually get him to sit still for something just by saying you want to draw him.
he'd definitely have some of your drawings up on his wall by his bed or have one framed on his bedside table.
i think it is definitely canon that sirius plays guitar [ shhhh ] so imagine the two of you trying to play together.
omg. playing gimme gimme gimme with sirius on the guitar and the two of you always being told to bring out your guitars at the end of a party when everything is dying down for a little sing along and its the most adorable thing ever!!
i hope you liked it <3
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