#imagine not playing a game in over a year because you named the mc after your favorite oc at the time and now you're embarrasssed...lolz
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So I started playing Final Fantasy VI again
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koolades-world · 1 year
Demons and Humans not understanding each other
Inspired by several other posts I read about this same thing <3 honestly even if the brothers insisted it was safe, I would consult Satan, Lucifer or Barbatos
this is mostly mammon freaking out
Humans think the deadliest things are like, adorable, like Cerberus. Mammon especially does not understand why Mc wants to run towards the very dangerous, very mad three headed dog. A few times he has had to throw Mc over his shoulder to keep them from staying behind
“But he’s so cute! He just needs a snuggle buddy”
Humans can also be very stubborn if they’re too hot or cold but refuse to admit it. It’s fine with Lucifer does it because he’s one of the most powerful and therefore resilient demons in Hell, but not so much when Mc does it. Beel and Mammon love playing in the Devildom snow, but given that it’s the Devildom, it’s definitely a lot colder than it is in the human realm. Even after ten layers, Mc is still freezing but refuses to admit it.
“Mc, are ya shivering? I thought ya would be too warm under all that”
“I’m sweating with this one jacket”
“I’ll live! Let’s go back to the snowman”
“no I don’t think you will”
On the same note, sometimes demons forget humans can’t withstand crazy temperatures. Asmo will invite Mc to a popular bathhouse, sauna or hot springs, forgetting that the temperature would literally boil Mc alive
“Hey Asmo this is the place you wanted to go, right?”
“Yes! Isn’t is cute?”
“Everything except the part where I boil alive”
Some foods can kill humans just by being near them so imagine how the brother would feel when they learned this, it’s giving that lunatic pudding incident with Diavolo from that one card
“Mc! You’ll love this. Open wide!”
“Asmo I feel funny”
In retrospect, humans probably sleep a lot compared to demons. Some demons probably don’t sleep at all, except Sloth demons. Setting aside about eight to nine hours of the day just to sit idly might not make sense to them until they learn they will shut down without it
“How are you feeling about the exam we just took? Exam week is finally over.”
“Mc? Mc, Satan is talking to you. Why are you on the floor”
“No, I think they’re just asleep idiot”
“oh. wait, THEYRE ASLEEP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALL lucifer is gonna kill me”
I’d say both demons and humans are social creatures, but humans will go insane without social interaction. Yeah a demon would probably be upset if they didn’t talk to someone for thousands of years but I don’t think a human could last more than ten without losing grip on reality. Humans tend to copy each other, which is probably bizarre to demons. Humans don’t even understand yawning so demons definitely won’t
Going back to the food thing, demons can probably go ages without eating, besides Gluttony demons. Humans need to eat so frequently compared to them
“So you’re tellin’ me that if Mc doesn’t eat for a whole week, their insides start to eat themselves?!”
“Yes. But, Mc ate a few hours ago.”
(Mammon was already gone when Satan turned back around)
Demons probably also play game that would definitely kill humans. My brother and I used to play crazy games when we were little (our favorite game didn’t have a name but we would put Barbies in the toy train tracks and see what would happen when different Thomas and friends character would hit her. The train tracks would glow in the dark! I did not let him put my favorite doll in the train track and he had to listen since I was the older one, she was not a barbie and had bendy feet? that’s not for now) but we never seriously got at each other throats. I cannot imagine what games demons and demon children must play. Satan was born fully grown but imagine if he was born little and the brothers had to play his favorite games with him. I feel like they would find the Barbie game I played a little weird too. Like, they would probably tell me that I should’ve done it in real life since that would be better experience or something batshit like that
“Aww, Satan, do you remember all the times we played “Five minute eye stab” with Lucifer? You were so cute. Sometimes I think Luci let you win.”
“Do not talk to me Asmodeus.”
“I’m sorry, you played what?”
“One time we gave him an actual knife by accident and since he was good, he ended up stabbing Lucifer’s eye.”
“You’ll be next if you don’t shut up and let me read”
“Oh he’s fine now, clearly. Only took him a few hundred years to regain normal eye functions”
“Can we not talk about this anymore?”
Babe it is a miracle Mc is still alive
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Devildom 'I love you' day
Imagine if there was a day in the Devildom where all demons had to show affection in one way or another. How would the brothers do it? How would the brothers express their undying love for you?
Contains: Fluff
GN!MC (Reader)
You can find more of my work here: Masterlist
You heard a knock on the door which woke you up. It was early in the morning and you had gone to bed late last night since you were playing games with Levi. So waking up early in the morning wasn't how you were planning to start the day. You sit up in the bed and groggily answer "Yeah?" You hear the door open while you rub your eyes.
-MC? Did I wake you? –You look over at the demon with fuzzy eyes. It was Lucifer. The raven-haired, red eyed, arrogant Avatar of Pride had come to wake you. You assumed that it is something important since he isn't the one to come wake you up. But then you saw a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his arms. And on top of that he was wearing formal attire. You rub your eyes once again to make sure you are seeing this properly and yes you were. The first-born was standing before you with a bouquet of flowers, wearing a costume! And the flowers were your favourite ones. Have you ever even told him you liked those?
-Uhm, Lucifer? What are these for? –You ask and look up to meet his eyes. His gaze was soft and loving.
-Today is the Devildom 'I love you' day. Every year on this day people have to show affection towards their loved ones. So here I am, MC. –He takes a deep breath and gets on one knee offering the bouquet to you.
-MC, I know I may not show it as often but you mean everything to me. I love you more than words can even begin to explain. And I promise you. I'm not doing this just because it's the Devildom 'I love you' day. –You swear you could feel your cheeks heat up and you probably have the biggest idiotic smile on your face you nod and take the bouquet from his arms. You bring it to your nose and the sweet scent of the flowers floods your nostrils. You close your eyes and inhale it.
-Thank you, Lucifer. They are lovely.. I love you too.. –You say as the demon sits next to you in the bed.
-I have planned many things for us today. I promise to make this day unforgettable. But before we start I have something else I'd like to do. –With those words the first-born grasps your chin and kisses you passionately. Your breaths mingle together while your lips dance in a heated rhythm. When the kiss ends you embrace him and inhale his scent. It was your favourite perfume. It was obvious that the day would be a success. After all it was planned by no other than the Avatar of Pride himself.
You were walking down the hallway of RAD. It was in the middle of the school day so you still had a few hours left to go. The day was overall nice. Nothing too hard nor too boring. It was a pretty decent day. And then suddenly you hear someone shouting your name from the end of the hallway.
-Yo, MC? Wait up! –You turn around and look at the white-haired second-born run up to you. You wait for him to catch up while eying him with a questioning look.
-What's up, Mammon? –You ask as the demon reaches you. He puts his hands on his knees and pants. When he finally manages to catch his breath he looks over at you.
-MC, I bought ya something! –He says and pulls out two matching keychains from his pocket.
-Mammon, what are these for? –You ask and carefully observe the keychains.
-Let The Mammon explain. So I heard some bullshit that today is some Devildom blah blah 'I love you' day. And eh The Great Mammon just wanted to show you some love, human! –You chuckle and roll your eyes. Though you can't help but feel a bit flustered at the demon's determination.
-So hear me out! Cuz I'm gonna say this only once. MC, I love ya. –He hands you one of the keychains, looking into your eyes.
-I worked hard for these keychains ya know? So you better wear it every day. Cuz I am! And I wanna match! –You smile at Mammon's little demand and nod.
-Alright.. I'll wear it, Mammon –You see a big smile draw on his expression and you smile back at him.
-I love you too, Mammon. –You lean in and press a soft kiss to the demon's lips and he gasps.
-Yo, human! What's the big idea?! –He asks and you wrap your arms around his waist in an embrace. You can practically feel how the second-born rolls his eyes which almost makes you laugh.
-Fine. The Mammon will show ya some affection. Don't get used to it though. It's just for today. –You decide not to argue with his little statement but you knew it was a lie. Afterwards you and Mammon spend a great day, filled with kisses, hugs, holding hands and most importantly –love.
It was a regular day. You were painting your nails with Asmo in the living room when suddenly you got a message on your D.D.D. since your nail polish was still wet you asked the fifth-born to read it to you. You saw him tense up as he read the message.
-It's from Levi. He says he wants to play games and is inviting you to his room. Should I write to him that you are busy at the moment? –Asmo asks and you nod.
-Yeah. You might as well. I will talk to him later. I'll have to wait for the nail polish to dry out. –The eyes of the demon before you brighten and he nods, typing a few words on your phone before leaving it on the table.
-Okay! Let me put another layer of nail polish on you! –Asmodeus says and reaches for the nail polish but your phone buzzes again. Asmo leans over and reads it.
-Levi said that he has something important. Eh.. can't he wait? –Asmo whines and shakes his head. You think over it carefully before speaking up.
-If it's something important I must see what's up. I'll speak to you later, Asmo! –You say, grabbing your phone and turning to leave.
-You are seriously leaving for that boring otaku? And leaving the nail polish? MC, you are so bad! –You chuckle at the fifth-born's words and head for Levi's room. You knock on the door and prepare to say the secret phrase but to your surprise Leviathan just opens the door for you straight away. You greet him and enter the room.
-So, Levi what's up? –You notice a small blush on his face and wonder whether to question it or not but the demon speaks up before you do.
-So uhm MC.. I h-heard that today is.. uhm Devildom 'I love you' day and uhm.. I wanted to give you this as a token of my feelings.. –He stammers out before handing you a figurine of both of you's favourite anime. Your eyes widen and you take it eagerly. Thank you Levi!
-Y-yeah... No problem.. know that.. uhm.. I.. I l-love you.. okay? –the third-born speaks and you nod.
-Yes, I know.. and I love you too, Levi! A lot. –The demon's cheeks heat up in a pinkish color and you chuckle to yourself before leaning in a pressing na soft kiss to Levi's lips.
-Wh-what are you??? –He questions but you silence him.
-Let's make the best of today. –You state and hug the purple haired demon, wrapping your arms around his neck. He only nods. You and Levi proceed to have a nice day filled with love.
You were sitting in the living room, scrolling through your phone in the company of Mammon, Asmo and Beel. The three of them were doing their own thing. Mammon was counting money, which resulted in a silent "one hundred to thirty-two" for example. It wasn't often but it happened from time to time. Asmo was reading a beauty magazine. He looked almost lost in it. Like he wouldn't be able to move his gaze away from it while Beel was eating a pizza and a devil burger at once. At once.. oh and he was drinking soda along with it too. That demon is impossible. Suddenly you get a call which draws everyone's attention to your phone. You grab your phone and check the ID to see that the Avatar of Wrath was calling you. You pick up and your first words draw frustration in everyone in the room.
-Yeah, Satan? What's up? –You speak and wait for him to answer.
-I want to speak to you. It's important. Could you come to my room for a bit? –He asked, hanging up before you could respond, leaving you with little choice but to make your way to his room. Standing up from the couch you walk to the fourth-born's room. You knock on the door and soon enough you receive a firm. "Come in, MC" from the other side. By walking in you could smell the faint scent of Satan's perfume. He was wearing a formal attire with a book and a rose in hand. You shot him a questioning gaze and he chuckles.
-Oh MC. Why are you looking at me like that? Don't you know what today is? –The demon asks and you shake your head.
-No, not really.
-Let me enlighten you then. Today is the Devildom's 'I love you' day. People on this day show their love and appreciation towards their partner. And I would like to do the same. –He offers you the book and the rose, by taking it you feel that the thorns have been cut. For as long as you can remember you'd always poke your finger into a thorn. But not today. Supposedly Satan thought about that as well and clipped out the thorns. The book was one that you have been wanting to get for ages but never got spare money to do so. You look over at Satan and smile. -Oh my gosh! Thank you, Satan! That means so much... –You speak and see a faint blush cover the demon's cheek.
-You flatter me, MC. And here I thought that today was the day I got to pamper you. But let me tell you. I love you, MC. More than words or any book can express. –He says and takes your hand. You look at his eyes and feel the sincere love he feels for you.
-I love you too, Satan. –You smile and lean in to press a soft kiss to the demon's lips. Afterwards you and Satan share a nice and romantic day together.
You were helping Lucifer run some errands around RAD and it was honestly tiring. The man himself seemed exhausted and was barely holding up considering he is one of the most powerful demons in the Devildom. So what's left for a human like you? You felt like you could collapse any minute now. And then all of a sudden you get a call from Asmodeus, the fifth-born. You answer and continue trying to catch up to Lucifer.
-Yeah? Asmo, what's up? –You ask and continue walking.
-MC, sweetheart... I've got something for you. Meet me in the cafeteria. –He speaks up and you watch Lucifer walk faster and faster into the distance.
-Sorry, Asmo. I'm kind of busy right now. Heyyy! Lucifer, wait up! –You call out for the eldest who didn't seem to hear your words.
-Lucifer! –You try one more time but it was also unsuccessful. The demon was lost in his own world. Meanwhile Asmodeus was giggling on the other side of the phone.
-MC, Lucy won't notice if you slip away. As I see he isn't even answering you. –You stop in your tracks and think about the fifth-born's statement. Perhaps he was right. But Lucifer would be pissed if you left him like that. Though do you care? You've gone through his punishments millions of times. It's not as if you cannot do it again. So there you were. Making yet again another poor life choice which you'll be scolded for.
-I'll be right there. –You say to the speaker and hang up the phone, heading to the cafeteria, instead of running after the lost in thought Avatar of Pride. Not long after you finally reach the cafeteria. When you opened the door you heard Asmodeus shout.
-Happy I love you day, sweetheart! –The fifth-born speaks and throws heart-shaped confetti your way. You chuckle and look over at Asmodeus.
-Thanks, Asmo. This is awesome! –You speak with the biggest smirk on your face. Asmodeus on the other hand claps his hands before walking up to you, wrapping his arms around you.
-I love you, MC. So so so so SO much! <3 –He speaks up and leans down, capturing your lips in a loving, yet passionate kiss. It lasted for a couple of minutes and when you finally pulled away, you whispered into the demon's ear.
-I love you too, Asmo. –The day you and the Avatar of Lust shared was irreplaceable.
You were in your room, quietly scrolling on your phone. The day was pretty decent. You had a few errands you had to run but it wasn't something hard to do. And now that everything was done you had some free time left to do whatever you want. That's when suddenly Beelzebub the sixth-born barged in through the door. You looked at him with a questioning gaze. You didn't expect visitors. Or so you thought. After all your room is a public place and free to use for certain 7 demon brothers.
-Hey, Beel. You need something? –You ask and look over at the orange-haired demon before you. He had a hopeful look in his eyes. It felt like he was expecting something from you. Though you weren't sure what. Was there something you have forgotten? An outing with the twins? Or to make Beel his favourite demon sandwich? You weren't sure exactly why the sixth oldest would come into the room just like that.
-Yeah, MC. I heard from Lucifer that today is a Devildom 'I love you' day. And I wanted to show you how much I actually love you. To use the day as an opportunity. –The demon says and falls into complete silence before looking out the window.
-Well evening.. not day.. but.. will you spend it with me, MC? –The demon asks and you nod your head.
-Gladly, Beel! Let's go.. –You stand up and take the sixth-born's hand, leading him outside your bedroom.
Soon enough you and Beelzebub find yourselves in Hell's kitchen, waiting for your order. The sixth-born takes your hand, making you look into his eyes. You saw that same loving, yet innocent gaze he had. One of the many reasons you loved Beelzebub.
-MC, I want you to know how special you are to me. And how much I love you. –The demon speaks up while caressing your knuckles.
-I love you too, Beel. You are also really special to me. –You say and lean in, closing your eyes and gently pressing your lips to those of the Avatar of Gluttony. He smiled against your lips while they intertwined in a passionate dance. You and Beel proceed to share a nice dinner at Hell's kitchen.
It was a regular morning. You and the brothers had just shared breakfast though you cannot deny how wild it actually was. Mammon and Satan argued the whole time about the ingredients in the Devildom hell sauce. Asmodeus was painting Beel's nails while Lucifer was lecturing Leviathan for using his phone during breakfast. That was pretty much a regular morning at this point. And if it was peaceful you'd know that there is a problem. Suddenly the first-born finishes scolding Levi and turns to you.
-MC, could you wake up Belphie for me? I don't want him to be late to a meeting once again. –You listen to the raven-haired demon's words and nod before excusing yourself from the table. You walk over to the twin's room and knock on the door. When you didn't receive an answer you walked in. To your surprise though the Avatar of Sloth wasn't sleeping like he usually would. Instead he was sitting on the bed, wearing his school uniform. In his hand he was holding a little jewellery box. Playing with it and moving it from one hand to the other.
-Good morning, Belphie. Why aren't you at breakfast? –The demon turns his gaze to you and smiles. It seemed like his mood immediately shifted when he noticed you.
-MC! There you are! I was waiting for you. –He stood up and walked over to you.
-Waiting for me? I don't remember you asking me to meet you? –You question and the demon chuckles.
-I didn't call you over because I knew Lucifer would send you to wake me up at some point. But anyway. I have a little surprise for you. –Belphie says and opens the box, offering it to you. Inside there are two necklaces. Matching ones. The first one was formed like a moon and the other one was like a little sun.
-Happy Devildom 'I love you' day, MC. This is a little something I bought to show you how I feel. They are matching necklaces. One is for me and the other is for you. –He speaks up and reaches for the sun-shaped necklace. He wrapped it around your neck and clipped it.
-It suits you perfectly. Would you mind putting mine on? –The seventh-born asks and you nod. Taking the moon necklace you wrap it around the demon's neck and clip it up. And there you were. Wearing matching necklaces with Belphegor. You smiled and pulled Belphie into a hug. Wrapping his arms around you he leaned down and whispered into your ear.
-I love you, MC. –And with that he proceeds to capture your lips in a loving kiss. You were in a great mood for the rest of the day. Toying with the little necklace when you missed the youngest brother in class.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 10 months
i NEED mc being upset that Mammon constantly wants to hide that he likes them! Like y r u ashamed of me? U want me to love u and only spend time with u and not pay attention to any one, but every instance u could have to prove that u love me u fold? Mc who DOES love him back but isn't willing to be treated like an embarrassment/burden??? I neeed this 🥺
hi anon! I really like this idea! I hope I do this right, enjoy!
be honest
-> mammon x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: fighting
Every day Mammon brags about being your 'first man' to his brothers. Every day he gets jealous any of them sit next to you at dinner. One time, Levi accused him of being 'absolutely smitten' with you and like usual, Mammon started avoiding any eye contact, his body language turning more reserved while denying Levi's statement. At first it was sweet right? Having such an energetic, confident demon turn all shy the second it's clear he loves you. It honestly made you like him back more too. But, it's been years. Years of Mammon clearly having a crush on you to the point the average person passing by on the street could tell but denying it in the least subtle way possible. You know, maybe he doesn't want to commit to you. Is it because you're a human? Is Mammon afraid of what others may think of him when he starts dating a human?
You finally had enough during game night with Mammon, Levi and Beel. In the game you were playing, you needed to be in teams of two. Beel and Levi were one team, leaving you with Mammon. Levi was joking about how Mammon kept using every healing item he got on you, while Beel nodded silently in agreement Of course, the second brother made up a silly excuse like 'Mc has lower health' or 'it was an accident.' The more he kept fighting Levi on this, the more annoyed you got to the point of going to your room early this game night.
Of course Mammon went right after you, calling your name until you finally turned around. The confusion, anger and sadness in your expression was clear to him. Before he could ask what was going on, you kind of blurted out how awful you have grown to feel about his 'I don't love Mc' act. You told him to just drop the act if you're so enbarrassing to date and reject you properly. It would hurt, but not as bad as the constant denial. Like just be honest, Mammon!
Mammon however did not see this coming. He feels awful for making you feel this way, especially since he really didn't mean to. You must really hate him now, no way you'd agree to be his lover, right? He apologised to you. 'I, well, it's my own issue' he explained. It's not you he's ashamed of, it's his own way of acting. But now is not the time for shame, you want him to be honest.
Mammon confessed to you. It was not how he imagined it to be, over a candlelit dinner with roses, but in front of your bedroom door after a fight. 'I'm sorry I hurt you, Mc.. I'd still like a relationship, you know, if that's alright.' Clearly embarrassed and afraid, Mammon looked down at his shoes until you gently touched his arm. Despite everything, despite still being mad at him, you still love him back.
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hollowwrites · 1 year
Meet the MCs
I’ve been suffering from the worst Art block since I’ve been playing Hogwarts Legacy but I’m such a visual person I NEED to see my characters to imagine them doing stuff. So here’s AI Art of my MCs and a little info on them all, accompanied by poorly drawn Wands and their partners wands (I tried to get them to match I hope that’s obvious (Other than Evelyns but that’s just cause I thought it was pretty)
(Also just as a blanket HC for all characters because I live blissfully in denial of the actual ending of the game, Anne’s curse is semi cured after Rookwood dies so each MC has a way of prolonging the Catacomb mission until this happens.)
Evelyn Hollow
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Slytherin, Muggleborn, x Ominis Gaunt
“Aaaaand wouldn’t you like to show Sebastian just how much he’s annoyed you these past few years. It’s a great stress relief pummelling him into the ground”
Is a Slytherin because: Pride. Otherwise a total Hufflepuff. Exceptionally prideful to a fault. Won’t ask for help for anything from anyone.
Mother passed away before coming to Hogwarts in Fifth Year, Never knew her father
Cares for Anne after the events of HL
Her wand is a bird skull. She assumes it’s because her mother used to call her ‘Dove’ when she was little because her hair was bright white.
Became close with Ominis after: The Common Room. Love at first sight obviously. He offered to help her whilst she was at her most overwhelmed. After the events of the Scriptorium, they only became closer and it enabled them to slap some sense into Sebastian.
Her and Ominis confronted Sebastian to get the book and Relic from him. I’ve wrote about it like 80 times I’m very passionate about saving Seb!!
See: All of my Ominis content is with Evelyn. She my main baybee
Maeve Bramford
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Hufflepuff, Half-blood, x Garreth Weasley
“Chompers? You named it? It’s a cabbage” Garreth asked, a confused knot forming over his brow.
“It’s a very good cabbage”
Is a Hufflepuff because: Patience. She has to, to be with Garreth.
Completely clueless about magic despite having a wizarding Father. They kept magic from her from fear of her feeling inadequate and due to her fathers family disowning him for being with a muggle.
Avid Herbologist
Became close with Garreth after: some point after her first Herbology and Potions lesson. My HC for her is that she met Garreth going to Hogsmeade and so when she got introduced to the Room of Requirement and started growing her own plants she immediately started dealing providing ingredients to Garreth leading to lots of late night experimental sessions and lots of trips to the Hospital Wing.
Prevented Sebastian from going insane by telling Garreth everything that happened. Him and Sebastian are good friends (don’t fight me on this) so having Maeve, Garreth, Ominis and Anne overwhelm him caused him to breakdown and stop using Salazars Spellbook.
See: The Gardener and The Alchemist
Victoria Grey
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Gryffindor, Pureblood, x Sebastian Sallow
Is a Gryffindor because: Determination.
Very popular immediately in Hogwarts. Literally the worst person for Sebastian to be with, with his Jealousy but…hey ho…who doesn’t love a little drama.
Sketches constantly. Spent a lot of time with him in the Undercroft drawing and studying.
Talked Sebastian out of his Dark Magic BS immediately. She sat sketching with him whilst he studied in the Undercroft and whilst he mumbled to himself about dark sacrifices and inferi relics she just argued with him until he saw reason. She probably agreed with a lot of what he was doing so when she said ‘No’ to him it was a gut punch. They stopped speaking for a few days (not very long but if they’re together everyday?) until Sebastian broke into the Gryffindor Common Room to see her and apologise and told her he wanted to get rid of the book.
Becomes close with Sebastian after: becoming Crossed Wand Champion. Sebastian argues with Lucan that she shouldn’t be considered champion until they duelled each other. Immediate regret. Gets annihilated…again. Worse after she has her own wand.
See: I DONT HAVE ANYTHING WITH HER IN!!! I’m very new to being a Seb girly so hopefully soon. I have a request that could be her…
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devilscreekballad · 1 month
Idk if you'd even remember me. I was like gone for a year because life yk? Then I started played RDR2 and I was like "Cowboys? i know other cowboys? Wasn't there a cowboy named Charlie in RDR2?" And I spiraled before realizing I'm not insane and found my way back here lmao.
My RDR2 obsession is at it's all time high. So can I ask who do you think the group here is most like in the Van Der Linde gang? It feels wrong to say Charlie is like Sean just because I think he'd resemble an older version lmao so personality wise please. If you don't do asks anymore please ignore me.
Sending love and best wishes from a lonesome cowboy♡
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As I can't actually remember answering this particular ask (the initial one) you might either have to link me to it (my memory is all over the place at time)
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You are right on time as we'll be updating the game soon. to a new look first (moving form twine harlow to sugarcube), as well as finally getting the next chapter up. If you've been playing on dashingdon, though, I will not continue updating the version there. (unless at some point CoG changes it's rules about publishing and allows multi-format or something, then I might port things to CS, but only time will tell)
I think by all means... Charlie's most like Hosea? Maybe? (Also, I might have said the following already, but have you yet tried naming your MC after some of the RDR2 characters?) And fun fact: Finley is, in a small part, inspired by Kieran.
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As for the second ask, and while we're on the topic of Finley: I think the only characters I really have literature down for are Finley and Florence, as they share a love for adventure and mystery, as well as for what by all means falls under Sci-Fi.
Also, tiny little funfact under cut because silly spoiler:
As Ballad is set in the same universe as Curious Cuisine, and thus there's a multi-reality portalthing somewhere between New York and the rest of the northern hemisphere where people that died in one reality might very well end up in the Ballad/CuCu reality alive and well and sometimes years younger... I will admit that I did kinda start out imagining Hosea and Bessie to be Seán's adoptive parents. Shhh ;)
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Since Kaiju Grim! Is bigger than lil Yuu! (Presumably - correct me if I'm wrong) does he, like, try to be a big bro? Do he scoop the tiny human (and fail because he's a clumsy fool) once he's emotionally attached? (I'm a sucker for familial bonds lmao)
Also also - are there any Kaiju who you feel would be confused as to what to do/how to react when they encounter Yuu and Grim (like how some people don't know how to hold babies and worry about how they seem so small and easy to accidentally bump or something - which I feel may be a Deuce thing to do hehe)
And on the flip side - any who would immediately be all grabby hands 'lemme see the babyyy!' type of deal (I know in my deepest heart and soul that Lilia would be like that) - or at least correcting other Kaiju on how to handle Grim and Yuu if they lift them up wrong (perhaps Leona?)
Kaiju!Grim is approximately the size of a medium-large horse (maybe a little bigger if you wanna imagine him carrying the main first year gang on his back!). c: Don’t worry, I’ll get a height chart out on these guys soon! It’s just a little tricky figuring out the best conversion for maximum fluff and terror. 😂
Anyway, yes! Grim would try to be a big brother to his tiny hooman sibling~! It takes a lil’ while though (just keep giving him yummy snacks, scritchies, and tummy rubs though, and he’ll be putty in your lil’ hands~!), and at first it might seem like he’s only with them so Crowley and Crewel don’t chew him out…literally and figuratively! But it does create situations like this:
Yuu: *-trying to reach for something hanging from a branch over the ledge of a nearby cliff-*
Grim: *-annoyed-* “If ya fall, I’m not gonna catch you.”
Yuu: *-hand slips and they pitch forward with a shriek-*
-0.2 seconds later-
Grim: *-half hanging over the edge, claws digging into the rock as Yuu dangles from his teeth by the seat of their pants-* “Ur ooh thupid!?!”
Don’t worry, he does care! He is family after all~ UvU (Found family is my ultimate weakness if you haven’t figured this out yet. If I could turn it into a hoodie, I’d never wanna take it off!)
Another sibling aspect is that Grim and Yuu would literally fit the “needs the get-along-sweater” because they keep getting into bickering fights with one another (especially when he tries to steal their food)…except, they don’t have a sweater. So how would this work? Easy:
Crewel and Crowley utilize the “discipline branch” by hanging/setting the two on the edge of a precarious branch on the highest point over the edge of a cliff, and neither of them can get down without getting injured or having one of their adoptive dads get them down. Needless to say, the moment Crewel gives the warning growl, both stop “misbehaving” and play the quiet game for a bit. 🤣
Now, as for the other Kaiju, yes, there would be some (*cough* ALL *cough*) who might struggle to figure out how to react to the smallest members of the “Teacher’s Pack” (this is just a placeholder name until I figure out what to call the staff in this AU 😅 Suggestions are open if anyone has any thoughts though!). Deuce and Jack were prime examples of Kaiju who would either freeze/lock up into a pure ball of anxiety worrying they’re going to knock them off/hurt them, or moving slowly—ever so slowly to keep them from falling.
Kinda like the kitten and bulldog from Looney Toons! (Except even bigger 😂)
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Funny enough, Idia wound up climbing the highest point of a tree the moment the tiny human squeaked up at him unexpectedly (he was okay afterwards, just momentarily spooked! He grows fond of Yuu/MC/reader the same way his in-game self adores kitties, so he’ll likely want some human snuggles—an SSR event he never thought he’d get to experience!). Idia becomes one of Yuu’s biggest fans, if I’m being honest, because who can resist the tiny cuteness? 🥰😍🥰
On the flipside, Kaiju like Cater, Floyd, Rook, Ortho, and Lilia would absolutely be the ones who would be “I wanna see!!! Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie~!” towards Yuu and Grim (mostly Yuu). Unfortunately, more than half of this selection would have unintentionally given the two nightmares! 🤣
“But Faun! What about Kalim? Surely he’d be happy to see Yuu and Grim too!”
Well, dear reader, you’re right: he would be happy to meet them…under normal circumstances. Here in this AU, though, he had a rather bad series of interactions with humans in general. If they weren’t attacking him out of fear (before the researchers arrival), they were trying to capture him for his ability to create gold and jewels (pre- and post-researcher arrival but not the researchers themselves). He just wanted to make friends, but human fear and greed say no. ;^;  (this is tied into how his in-game self would go through similar plots by the way, just on a monster scale!) Poor baby was so scared after one recent attempt left a scar on his nose, that he started pushing piles of his treasure hoard towards Yuu on first meeting and tried to hide. Q^Q
Have no fear, though! Like a skittish dog or cat and with gentle love and affection, our favorite ball of sunshine will be singing and playing with the tiny human friend in no time~! >w< In fact, you could say that Yuu is his first human friend ever to join his many other Kaiju friends!
Also, you’re right that a couple of the Kaiju (outside of the staff) would absolutely correct the others on how to properly carry the smol ones. Riddle and Vil are notorious for this, while Sebek might accidentally startle the one carrying them. XD Generally speaking, though, it takes a while for all of them to figure out what works, and in the end, Yuu/MC/reader will become the best Kaiju rodeo champion in the world! ÒvÓ
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13rie · 2 months
The world of Pokémon is vast: in the vast regions you journey through, amongst the creatures you grow close to, in various people you meet. Many tales can be told as one makes their way through the generations, no matter what game you begin with or at what age you start. Even if the story ends all the same, it’s the in-between that has entertained many for years.
With every game I play, I like to create little backstories for the MCs I play as. I also like to have one game as a girl and one as a guy. I’ve ever only beaten Gold though since that was the only game I had when I was young. While I’m away from work (due to mental health issues), I’ve been playing a lot of Pokémon lately and I thought I’d share them in this post. Even if no one ends up reading any of this, it’ll be something for me to look back at and maybe add to along the way.
NOTE: I always name my character “Burrows” but it’s treated more like a last name than their given name. Also not every game has a backstory yet because I’ve yet to play them.
Crystal is linked to Legends Arceus because at the end of the battle with Red on Mt. Silver, Kris ends up being teleported to Hisui (if I’m playing a female) by Arceus. She’s also Lyra’s older sister.
Platinum is linked to Legends Arceus because couple of years after Dawn becomes Champion, Lucas ends up being teleported to Hisui (if I’m playing a male) by Arceus.
In HeartGold, Lyra sets off on a journey with the motivation to find what happened to her sister, Kris.
In Sword, Victor is originally from somewhere that’s the equivalent to Germany and has had a crush on Hop since they were kids. In Shield, Gloria is Hop’s cousin.
Brilliant Diamond also has Dawn being related to Barry (since I play as a blonde in that game and I immediately thought of her being related to Barry when I saw them together).
Legends Arceus has been briefly explained already but I also like to imagine an alternate timeline where both Lucas and Kris have been sent to Hisui, with Kris being sent a few years earlier than Lucas.
Both Kris and Lucas came from timelines where they were the assistant to their region’s professor so they’re good with researching for Professor Laventon.
Kris is better at battling than Lucas but Lucas is better with problem solving and is more book-smart to Kris’s street-smart.
Neither lost their memories. They aren’t Fallers since they didn’t arrive to Hisui through a wormhole, Arceus was the one who brought them over (I know you can technically play as if you have amnesia in the game but I like the idea of the MCs retaining their memories better).
Kris doesn’t know who Ingo actually is but Lucas does and it’s pain-! He tells Kris and they both make it their mission to help Ingo recover his memories.
Kris was dropped in Hisui feeling accomplished and is determined to find a way back home. Lucas was dropped in Hisui feeling like he might be better off in the past because at least he’s being appreciated and remembered (things weren’t exactly going great for him back in the Platinum timeline).
Kris and Lucas still meet Rei and Akari in this timeline but they’re kids, not teenagers (makes for some cute bonding moments since they remind Kris of Lyra and Lucas was an only child).
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
I'm thinking of an AU where Joseph still gets shot but lives, maybe Gene grazes the side head or ear. Babe's still in make up when it happens and rushes to his side but he's still concious and clings to her for comfort. Their careers could be very different but things between them get stronger and one thing Joe decides after his near miss is that he's proposing immediately. Babe doesn't lose her vibrance but does gain a little anxiety and overprotectiveness towards Cont-
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First off I absolutely love this it's so beautiful. I love the thought of Joesph living a semi normal life with babe. I think the depending on the show looks after Joesph's recovery is depending if the show continues or not. Jean was never caught, but doesn't mean he wasn't suspected and ostracized by the rest of the crew so he would leave to else where. Always watching his back just in case.
Second as for the relations between Joesph, babe, and the Sunny time crew. Joesph looks back on the show as sort of a God send. Sure he almost got killed, but in exchange for a scar that goes from his temple to the back of his head he got to keep you. He loves that you dote on him because it reminds him oh loved and cared for. Lowkey sometimes plays it up just so you could hold him longer.
Even if Joesph lives I would still headcanon babe as the parent of MC (mainly because can you imagine how both Joesph and Babe would react to Ian being Jean's kid and mc ends up dating Ian??). Mc is the oldest of three, and they have a close relationship with their family. The second oldest is 16 year old girl named Jill. She take more off of Joesph look wise, but has the personality of her mother. Jill has mixed her two favorite things into one and has became an ameture face painter. The youngest is a 12 year old boy named Vincent or Vince for short. He is a healthy mix of his parents appearance wise, as for personality he takes more after Joesph when he was younger which worries the two parents. Vince is more into games and tends to keep to himself he just seems to have a hard time finding where he belongs.
Joesph and babe are so vibrate they almost looked like they haven't been touched by time. You can only tell when you get close to see the white peppered through their hair, and the crows feet at their eyes from the happiness all these years. Both Joesph and Babe have gotten more tattoos over the years. They both have matching tattoos of their little family alongside the tattoos of their interests and past experiences. Joesph does have a tattoo of either a sun or clown smile that was once on his belt on him. It reminds him of the sunny time crew because again it reminds of how lucky he is.
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sugar-omi · 1 year
(The inner mermaid loving child in me heard Our Life mermaids and RAN-) Okay but on the topic of mermaid AU's for OLBA hear me out, Mermaid AU where either the MC or Cove is a mermaid that through some sort of means can shift back and forth from a human form and a mer form, but they keep it a secret
If Cove is the mermaid I imagine it's kind of a "mysterious stranger" situation. Where as a kid the MC is playing alone on the beach when they find some boy (Cove) that they've never seen before just sitting on the beach and staring at the ocean. They go over to him to say hi and while Cove seems really jumpy and wary when they first speak to him he does calm down a bit after meeting the MC and they become fast friends. From that point on Cove just kind of becomes the strange kid that appears on the beach every now and again when no one else is around, and also MC's new playmate (though Cove's really insistent on the MC's family never knowing about him.. wonder why?). Skip to when they're both 18 and the MC is walking along the beach earlier than they usually would and come across either a tide pool or a cove (like the place, not the person haha-) and see a real life mermaid inside! It just seems to be laying on their stomach and hanging out but oh my god its a real mermaid!! MC thought they were fake but theres one right in front of them!!! Man the stories were right about mermaids being irresistable cause dang this one is really pretty.. look at those back muscles- oh the mermaid noticed them! Wait a sec.. IS THAT COVE????? Cue panicked screaming followed by a panicked explanation from Cove
If the MC is the mermaid I kind of got inspired by this one webcomic I read which I forgot the name of but basically the MC is just staying on land which their moms and Lizzie (who may or may not also be mermaids idk) because for some reason they can't stay in the water with their actual parents, and it's basically the same start as the canon game where the new neighbours move in and it's Cliff and Cove and him and the MC become friends, just now that whenever Cove suggests going in the water whenever they hang out MC kinda freezes and nervously declines, Cove is a little bummed he cant play with his favourite person in his favourite part of the world but he assumes they're just scared of swimming or the ocean and respects that. Then when they're both 18 Cove finds out MC is a mermaid similarly to the last scenario where he's walking along the beach late at in the afternoon when no one else is there when he sees the MC lounging in a tide pool and excitedly calls out to them and runs over, then when he reaches them Cove sees the MC freeze and try to stutter out something which confuses him until he actually processes everything he's seeing and oh my god his best friend and crush of 10 years has been a mermaid this entire time Cove thinks he's gonna faint-
I rambled a lot here my goodness the mermaids got me thinkin-
omg asking cove "so.. are you gonna lure me into the sea?" and when cove is all confused you remind him. "you were worried abt a pretty merperson taking me away, so are you?"
he's so flustered...
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seoafin · 2 years
Can we get some trivia for violinist!mc , like was she the secretly popular at school but doesn't recognise/ doesn't care about it, whats her favorite food that she mix and match from the konbini? 🥺 or is it too early for that? she sounds so precious just from the 3 posts
yes ofcccc you can get some trivia <3
it's funny you ask whether or not violinmc was popular in school bc i wrote about this exact thing in reo's POV about the time he was trying to figure out more about nagi (bllk episode nagi) but finds out that nagi is lowkey the school cryptid LMAO
It seemed inescapable, how your name would always come up in conjunction with Nagi's. Nobody knew much about Nagi, but you were somewhat of an infamous figure within the school. Popular opinion was divided. You had spoken up about some male teacher’s overly touchy ways, which prompted several other girls to speak up. An investigation was opened. He was quietly fired. Some female students admired you for your outspoken ways, while others thought you too bold. Male students steered clear of you after you had curtly turned down a confession of a well liked athlete, irritated that it had cut into violin practice. You were well regarded in the drama department, garnering fans from the few performances the school had forced you to do during the school's culture festival.
people definitely thought violinmc and nagi were dating in hs but also thought it was crazy because violinmc was considered out of his league LMAO also ppl think violinmc is kinda intimidating bc she very easily defaults into defensiveness but if that's just an act. violinmc gets hurt very easily!!!!
violin!mc gets a lot of bentos and onigiri from the konbini! sometimes she adds a iced coffee or a pocari sweat. she doesn't really cook that often and it's just easier to buy premade meals than to cook since cooking takes time away from practice. it wasn't until she met nagi that she started getting more snacks like jagariko or toppo or even some bread. i feel like she unconsciously adopts some of nagi's tastes in sweets. i'd imagine that they eat dinner together a lot. well, it's more like eating dinner at the same table. nagi is playing a game on his phone and she's looking over some sheet music, but they're doing it together and that's what counts ig 😭
violin!mc is not good at studying. nagi is a horrible tutor. every year she barely managed to pass enough to keep her scholarship but she did it! somehow. nagi would always accompany her in the library though while unhelpfully pointing out things that did not help 💀
before she met nagi when she needed a change of pace she would go to the riverbank near her house and sit on the bench overlooking the river. she would just sit and listen to her previous performances while watching the kids play soccer. after meeting nagi she just goes to his house next door and watches him play games LOL
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Your character backstory of Legacy kinda inspired mine.
Asper Willow (my MC) was considered a squib. And he was heavily mistreated by his pureblood family because of it. One day, at age of 15, at a family gathering in July, after a lot of insults and attacks, he snapped, sending a huge table over the wall, breaking it. His family then, after realizing he is indeed a wizard, started to treat him differently, with more respect, except one member: his brother Rumos Willow. After a chaotic adventure before getting to Hogwarts, Asper gets sorted into Slytherin, mainly for his ambition to become the most powerful wizard of all time, as he sees that the more powerful he is, the more people respect him, and no one will look down on him, ever again. Once he finds out he can see and wield Ancient Magic, oh boy, he will do whatever it takes to harness as much of it as he can: lying, manuplating and backstabing whoever he needs to
Yeah, you can see he is a bit messed up. But I plan him to improve throught the story. I also plan on giving other characters more development. Mainly, Isadora is the main villian, not Ranrok. I have a little twist in my sleeve that may have already been used, but yeah, Ranrok is not the main villian. I actually have a touching scene with him and Asper: Ranrok giving the gauntlent we saw him using, and Asper promising he will return it after he dies
*Rubbing my hands together* Oh, I love me a long inbox message. It's like walking through a wonderland. And I'm sorry, did you say I inspired you? Because this is the part where I melt into a puddle, cartoon style. You are so very kind to say so, my dear anon, even if Tumblr has forced you to sign up. Welcome to the Account Plane!
First of all, the name "Asper Willow" is freaking beautiful, it just rolls off the tongue so nicely and gives an edge that I can dig. And I'm already feeling both pity and fear at how powerful he is with no training and the anger that would fuel that power. Come to think of it, if magic builds up over time without being recognized, is it possible that it could grow stronger? Y'know, like aging a Scotch? Is that why The Fifth Year, and other "late bloomers" are in tune with Ancient Magic? Is that why Obscurials like Credence Barebone are so powerful?
I'm already curious about Rumos. I both dislike him...and also strangely respect him? At least he, unlike the rest of the family, isn't disingenuous. At least he didn't change his behavior or his treatment of Asper for no good reason. It's funny, I've been working on siblings for Peri, and I actually did give him one that he still doesn't get along with called Athena. (Goin' for that Greek theme, oh yeah.) And just hearing that Asper will do anything for more power...oh this is so boss and so scary. I suppose I don't need to ask about whether he harnesses the Ancient Magic at the end or not, but now I am curious about whether he stands with Sebastian or betrays him...
Honestly, the more I think about it, and the more of Akemi Stormborn's Let's Play that I watch...the more I think to myself that this was a wasted opportunity. Politics aside, Ranrok's potential aside...he's just pretty boring, at least in how he's presented in the released game, compared to Isidora. She mirrors The Fifth Year in so many ways and her descent into darkness was very well handled. Can I just say that I love that moment you described between Ranrok and Asper. That is exactly what we should have gotten. Imagine MC and Ranrok discovering an artifact together and the player can choose how to react, with there being an option to immediately say, "Who was it's maker? Do they have any living kin?" And Ranrok just. Stops. And stares at them. Like he doesn't dare believe what he's hearing.
Just. The potential of this game was limitless and I will be forever sad at how it fell so short of that. It's still an enchanting adventure, but I can see the truly breathtaking adventure it might have been, hidden between the lines...
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gryffpex · 1 year
Sorry for not posting in awhile! I realized that I've never introduced my MCs, so I thought I'd do that for fun.
Spoiler alert for anyone who hasn't completed the game!
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This is Alistair Porter. My favorite Hufflepuff boy (Sorry not sorry, Cedric :))
I see him as a good person who does bad things, but rarely for the benefit of himself. He's a good person in the sense that he will happily help everyone around the map with anything they need, no charge whatsoever. But once he gets attached to someone, that's when it gets bad.
I haven't finished playing the game as him, so I'm saying all of this as just what I imagine.
I imagine for the first half of the game, he is nice. Does good things all of the time, and there is never a sign of him being a bad person. That is, until he gets close to someone. Poppy. I feel like he kind of has an obsession, but not the stalker kind and if I can't have you then no one can, but mostly where he is just so protective of her because he likes her. If Poppy would have said the names of the Poachers in the camp she left with Highwing? They probably would have been dead not long after.
Alistair is protective over Ominis as well, but not on the same level as Poppy. Considering Alistair agrees with Ominis more than Sebastian, he hangs out with him more when he can, which leads to the protective nature growing.
I do feel like he was close with Sebastian at first, though. He probably admired that he wanted to help his sister. But when it became crazy and it seemed like he didn't care if others got hurt? Alistair decided not to be on his side anymore.
And yes, he chooses the evil ending. In his mind, the power will only make him stronger when it comes to protecting those he cares about.
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Arya Daniels. (I realize I need to come up with actual before Hogwarts backstories for these OCs, but I've been too invested with their lives after showing up at Hogwarts 😅)
The earliest thing for Arya is that she got her scar from the dragon attack while on the Hogwarts.
Early on she likes Ominis, and develops - not really a blind loyalty - but a strong one for barely knowing him, and it only grows as she gets to know more about him. And because of this, she disagrees with almost everything Sebastian says throughout the story. Almost as if Ominis's opinions are now her own.
I don't have a lot for her other than that, except for the fact that she chooses to be good in the end. She wants to take the magic for herself, and she almost does until she sees Professor Fig, whom she had grown close to. And she thinks of Ominis. When she decides that it isn't what Ominis would have wanted, she doesn't take the magic for herself.
A funny thing about her is that even though I have it so it's her and Ominis, I got an interesting picture of her and Poppy 👀 I wonder what Alistair would say?
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And lastly, Althea Clarke (I made her middle name Jade so that people could call her AJ - I don't know I just thought it sounded like a nice idea 😭)
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I just made her recently, so I don't have much for her. But personality wise I feel like she is flirty with her close friends for fun, and she is nice to everyone. But if someone tries to get her in trouble? Or tries to interfere with her studies consider she is a fifth year trying to catch up on everything? Prepare for a million death glares and maybe a few punches.
And I'll give more details on her features considering Hogwarts Legacy doesn't have all of that 😅
Her hair is a darker turquoise, which is why I mostly keep the pictures with the darker lighting on her hair. And her scar? She got it from a werewolf when she was young, but it thankfully wasn't bad enough to make her one.
She has grey eyes, but the eye with the scar is a little bit whiter because she became blind in that eye. The scar also goes down, cutting off the bottom of her earlobe.
I do feel like she becomes good friends with Garreth later on, despite her keeping the fwooper feather for herself. And because of a picture I got, I feel like if Everett isn't her best friend? Then he is at least one of her best friends.
If anyone has any ideas for Althea or even ideas for my other two OCs, I'd love to hear them! This fandom is so creative when it comes to OCs :)
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rainbowxocs · 2 years
How did you come up with everyone’s names? I see a lot of them are Japanese in origin?
That’s a very interesting question actually!!
So, specifically the Okutama crew are from Japan. I’ve been doing a plotline with them so that’s why most of the names on the blog are Japanese atm. Lol.
My characters names come from, all sorts of places. But I’ll just talk about Okutama specifically because it’s very interesting to me.
Most of My Okutama characters Date back to around.. 2015? 2016? Somewhere around there? They originally were fan characters for a VERY problematic game which I shall not mention. In fact, I use to run the most popular role playing group FOR that game on deviantart. It was a very weird time.
(Also warning, I am learning Japanese- but like.. I’m essentially a -1 year old while speaking in Japanese. So bare with me-)
Are Yoru- Are was the first character I ever made for this fandom, She originally was a self insert because the game allowed you to customize your MC and I essentially made a weird murdery version of me. Their original name was: アレクシス (Arekushisu) よる (Yoru), Which was essentially a very badly google translated version of my dead name, and the word Night (because she was edgy you see), Her name is now just Are because 99.9% of the time back then we called them アレ-ちゃん (Are-Chan). (And also the connection to my dead name made me feel weird lol and the connection to ME made me feel weird as well). Are is probably the most incomprehensible name in actual Japanese.. cause アレ is not, a name. But she has been called Are for so long I can’t imagine calling them anything else.
Yukai Mori (Yukai Hayashi)- Yukai was the second character I made, I’m like 99% sure. She was the first OC I posted to the roleplay group. She hasn’t changed much over the years, besides just, generally making her more realistic. I don’t remember the exact origin of ユカイ 林 (Yukai Hayashi). I remember wanting to give her a very unassuming name, so knowing like 11 year old me I might have just been like “Popular Japanese Names 2016” or whatever. Her new last name 森 (Mori) however comes from the word Forest. Hayashi means Woods. You can tell cause both kanji look like groups of trees 林森 . It was a subtle way to make her distance herself from her family while also still being connected to it. Her nickname is Kai-Chan! Or カイ-ちゃん
Chie Hayashi (チエ 林)- Chie’s origin is Actually really cute! She’s named after my Moms college roommate. I made her because Yukai originally had like- 12 sisters or something? But that’s shrunk down to 2- because jfc.
Kyandi Amai- Kyandi is very easy to.. figure out. she’s a person made of candy.. so.. キャンぢ 甘い (Kyandi Amai), She canonically named herself, cause I don’t think her mom would.. just name her candy baby.. candy.. She’s named after the borrowed English word for Candy, vs the word Ame (あめ), Amai however does mean sweet.
Ai Amai- Kyandis Mom, She’s a witch who accidentally turned a piece of candy alive. 愛 甘い (Ai Amai) her name is ALSO a pun. Ai means love, therefore her name would essentially be Love Sweets or I love Sweets.
Hana Seta (花 瀬田)- HANA! my beloved! She was the first one in my second generation of Okutama OCs. Where I shifted from roleplay groups to solely roleplaying with my friend Morgan. Hana was originally created as a mascot for Instagram, but solely shifted into a wackier character. I don’t remember Hana’s name meaning anything in particular. Her name means Flower and her last name means essentially rice farmer.
Kagayaki Tekikya (輝き滴下)- Originally based on J.D from Heathers.. which.. is an incredibly funny fact when you look at the character now. His last name is based on Tekiya which are the predecessors to the Yakuza. Over the years the extra K was added in and, I just cant spell it any other way. I don’t think that Kagayaki itself tho had a specific origin for me, though it does mean shiny. His nickname is Kaga-Kun or かが-くん, He can also go by 빛나는 테키키아 , Which is what his mother use to call him in her native language (Korean), he doesn’t often go by this though.
Keh Spo (ケースポ): So in Japan, normally before you get to know someone you would say their last name first, like for example Doe John instead of John Doe. So Keh’s name is Spo Keh… cause.. he’s spooky… and a ghost hunter.. thats it thats all there is too it.
Makai Mori (魔界 森): The last of the Hayashi Sisters. Makai essentially means hell or evil. Her name was not given to her by the Hayashi family, it was more of a nickname given to her before she got adopted. Makai’s demon name or True name is Beelzebub, She was named after the real Beelzebub due to her being a glutton demon and also due to her carnivorous nature attracting flies. Demons have two names, due to havinf a demons true name means having power over that demon. She also has a tendency to be called a Hellion but in a very literal sense.
Evey Aiki (イービー あいき): Aiki is a word for love. Which relates to Evey’s um… obsessive tendencies.. However I believe I chose the name Evey just because it sounded pretty. Its not a Japanese name but it is a Latin one apparently! And it means life! Which is… ironic… considering its um.. Evey..
Uru Nanamo (ウルナナモ): I do not fully remember why I named Uru this, and the translation of his name doesn’t give me much clues. However her name means to possess and budding flowers. Due to him being adopted allot, she has a few other last names as well. 朝原 (Asahara which means Field) (たなか, Tanaka, which… also means field..). He is also called Onee-Uru or Big Sister Uru. As a term of endearment by Atsu.
Atsu Kaigan (アツ 海岸): I also do not fully remember where Atsu’s name comes from exactly. BUT: It means Twin Coast!
Yuki Sho (雪翔): I wanted Yuki and Mizuki’s names to rhyme some what because they’re twins. Yuki means snow, and Sho means Royal essentially? I chose Sho because it comes from the Ryukyuan kingdoms Royal family.
Mizuki Sho (ミズキ翔): Mizuki’s name is based on a flowering tree! So he is based on spring vs Yuki who is based on Winter.. They both have a yin yang sort of thing about them. Mizuki is normally a feminine name but it is sometimes used as a male name.
TW: Because some of my characters are from the past, there are some darker themes in the story. Nothing below here goes into detail however i will explain the basic description of certain things.
Specific TWs: Child Abuse, Prositution, Historical Sexism, Just Yknow general stuff you’d find in the 1400s unfortunately.
Some Titles my Characters Have:
Yukai: Former Wakagashira of The Hayashis. Essentially what that means is that Yukai use to be the second highest ranking in her family and would handle allot of the different jobs and what not and organize things. (Side note, The Hayashis would be essentially a small town mafia. So- yknow. They would have different rules than your most popular Yakuza organization.. so just suspend your disbelief a little that there’s,, high ranking women in this mafia... cause thats not accurate irl—-)
Are: HOLY SHIT SHE HAS SO MANY TITLES. Okay. So. In order of which she got them.
Kamuro (A child courtesan who was being trained by an Oiran (a high ranking prostitute) They would be in charge of running errands and getting food for their Big Sister/Oiran)
Oiran (A high ranking Prositute, who was trained to do performance art, like tea ceremonies, dancing, music, etc.)
Maiko (A young girl who is training to be a Geisha.)
Geisha (A Entertainer which specializes in the performing arts, Mostly singing and dancing)
Maid (Low Ranking Servant, mostly does chores and cooking)
Otoshiyori (Personal Servant/Assistant to the Emperor and his Wife, the Empress)
Sokushitsu (Concubine)
Kikoe-Ogimi (Grand Royal Priestess)
Myobu (High Ranking Kitsune)
Chie: Current Oyabun of the Hayashi’s, Basically the leader of the Hayashi Family mafia due to her parents dying.
Hana: Hime Hana, Princess Consort of Hell. because she’s currently the wife of Lucy Ferr, one of the princesses of hell, she has a Royal title specifically only in hell. (It’s a Long Story). There are more common terms for princess than Hime, but due to Hana’s kinda old fashioned style she would probably use Hime. She also does not have the title “Her Imperial Highness” due to her not being in a ruling position in Japan.
Former Wakagashira of The Tekikya Family.
Maiko (Geisha and Maiko is traditionally a only female practice, however, considering theres literally portals to hell in town, most people don’t care in this universe-)
Jenn-Chan, Onee-Jenn (Full Name: Jenn-Da-Benn, or Big Sister Jenn. This is Kagayaki’s drag queen persona, Her style is mixing together modern j-fashion and traditional clothing such as Kimonos and what not. Known for accidentally shattering a window with one of her heels)
Itako (A Blind spirit medium)
Miko (A Shrine Maiden in Shintoism)
(Both of these terms tend to be female only, but gender is fucky in this universe so-)
Yokai (This is a self proclaimed title, He also sometimes calls themself a protector of Yokai)
Grand Witch of Okutama (Shes a very powerful witch lol)
The Original Onna Musha (Onna Musha is a term to refer to Female warriors normally alongside Samurai, due to Ai being old as dirt and also being a very powerful Warrior she is often called this)
Makai: Former Shateigashira of the Hayashis
Uru: Kami no Okurimono (Gift of Gods, A title given to him from his first family. Who was yknow.. a cult..)
Atsu: Hogo-Sha no Kami (Protector of Gods)
Hime Yuki (Princess Yuki)
Waremechan (Essentially means Cunt-Chan. A very offensive title given to her after she died)
Oji Mizuki (Prince Mizuki)
Shi No Oji (Prince of Death, Given to him after his death as a way to respect him.)
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dsknsk · 9 months
Games I have played in 2023
These are the games I have started with playing this year (so not the games I've continued playing in 2023).
AI: The Somnium Files
Played in: January
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An extremely good story-driven game. The way the world exploration works, despite it mainly being point-and-click really did make for something different from what I was used to. I did use a guide but I deliberately left some parts for myself to explore.
The game is not without certain difficult parts. Since the bulk of the game (and the most novel things that set it apart) consist out of exploring dreams, the solutions to the puzzles you solve within those dreams also consist of dream logic. If you're not using a guide like me, I can imagine it's something you can get stuck on.
As a second, you are on a time limit of 6 minutes and actions cost time, even though standing still also dilutes time. Actions done are marked as the words become greyed out, and even though it is nowhere stated, you can repeat those actions (but it isn't necessary). In fact, the first screenshot was taken because I only had gotten the solution to that particular part when I realize you can (and have to)) repeat a certain action. Also, because that part was extremely tight on time so I was quite content with being able to clear it with a minute left on the clock.
As a third, there are quick-time events and in my case, sometimes they didn't react to the key I had to press, leading to a failure. However (I'm not sure what causes it), a quick save and restart of the game caused the quick-time event to bind to another key, saving my game quite a few times.
This game is like I said story-driven and it does have an extremely well-written story, especially for its time. It did drive me to create all sorts of stupid theories while I was still halfway through and I love how they implemented Egyptian mythology ever so subtle in the story.
AI: The Somnium Files - Nirvana Initiative
Played in: January
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Now this game is the direct(?) sequel to the previous game. Speaking about its price, it had a steep increase in price when compared to its prequel, but to be fair, I had bought its prequel when it was on sale and it cost like 10 euros (even less than your typical book). This game cost me at least 5 times as much as that.
While I am happy I have finished this game and known the story it told, I can't help but feel like I preferred part 1. Even so, I really liked playing as Mizuki this time around and because almost all of the old mechanics were still there (including a reference to an old joke back in the prequel) it was less hard than part 1. That aside, it also had difficulty controls to allow me to focus more on the story rather than stress over quick time events.
There's a lot to be said about the story, I know. While some twists confused me and I didn't like all of them, I can still say...it's fine, you know. It's especially fine in itself. And I can't help but confess that Mizuki's character at least inspired one original character of mine.
Also, my sideblog is named after her as it's named dtmzk. Just in case you didn't notice.
Limbus Company
Played in: February (start)
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With all that has gone down, it is kind of hard to realize that this game only was released in February of this year.
It gave me something to do again and it certainly didn't disappoint. Somehow I have a knack for only sticking with media that have a good storytelling because I certainly regard this franchise's storytelling as one of the very best. There is actually quite a minimalistic cast that the story focuses on (12, plus MC and two guides) but by discovering every main character's story one by one you get to know them better bit by bit.
The battle, which I have portrayed above, may start out as daunting but in its bare basics it is rather simple. I would not say it is stat fight, even though stats have a level of importance. Bigger number beats smaller number, and there are factors to manipulate your number. But it is very clear that either you are stomping the enemy or getting stomped, and there is very few in between.
Is that bad? No. It simplifies things for the newcomer, and lessens the things you actually need to focus on. It may seem like much, but the basics are so simple that after some fights you can certainly get the hang of it.
I love how the sprites move, especially in normal fights when everyone goes to duke it out together. They have swift animation, yet their battle motions (which have a fraction of a second between them due to them being tied to coinflips) are actually telegraphed and thus rhythmic. I love this. It immerses me in battle while also being reminded that what they do is the result of my own choices.
Book of Hours
Played in: September (start)
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I love this game.
The atmosphere, the vibes and the music of this game is stellar. You're not forced to do anything, you can just sit by and relax. There is a near endless amount of things you can discover; from the hidden witty remarks in the item descriptions (check out the chickens in the chicken coop!) to the secret puzzle with the busts in the hallway, to the seasons being tied to what you can find on the beach: there's pretty much always something to do.
And you learn skills from books that you can learn to get higher on the skill tree you unlock. Your base path is decided by the elements you choose at the start (I'm a Twiceborn) but you're in no way forced to follow that path.
Currently, I am at the endgame, but I love this game so much that I don't want it to end. I want to keep exploring, keep immersing myself in this world more and more. When this game was released, I have bought this game which causes a very nice side-effect of all future DLCs (implying that they intend to make them!) will be free for me. This was a very nice bit of courtesy from the creators and I really like that bit as well.
Played in: October (start)
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This is my current sidegame. And it performs really well as being a sidegame. It's very polished, because despite it being a game that doesn't use 3d models all that much, the battle mechanics are smooth and easy to use, so it doesn't have much of a learning curve. In fact, the mechanic of using and fusing cards really reminds me of Hyde & Seek, where it was also integral.
However, as it stands...I don't have much of a drive to go back. The story...while definitely quite unique (it's not the same dystopian alternate universe many gacha games have nowadays), it and its universe...kind of failed to get a grip on me. The characters, while few of them are in the main story themselves, have lore to them, but it is brought in such an abstract manner that I haven't been able to bind myself to them. They're more or less just concepts from the real world, condensed into characters.
Does this mean the story and the characters are bad? No. The story will certainly have people who love it, and the same goes for the characters. There is a multitude of languages you can choose from in which the game will be dubbed (I chose Japanese, of course) and that's also the bit that I would really like to be added - a note which voice actor actually voices the character! I'm not sure if I just haven't found it, but I've found that to be a little bit of a lack.
Another note is that the player is forced to play as a female character. This is more personal, but I prefer to either be able to choose, or play as a character with they/them pronouns, like the Doctor from Arknights. I don't have much issue with playing a male character, as long as he doesn't get a harem of female characters. Being forced to play as a female character, however, triggers my dysphoria a little bit too much for me to still be immersed in the story. (Mizuki was an exception because my dysphoria wasn't that heavy as it is now back in January.)
Despite all of this, the battle system is for me the best part of the game and it's really well executed in itself.
I will certainly keep checking out more games in 2024, depending on which ones catch my interest enough.
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kakujis · 1 year
ah, that would be great because i actually searched cpl on urbam dictionary before i asked lol and i typed in a super formal way so that doesn't help either. apparently, the archive also glitches via the app too, tumblr definitely need to divert their focus from desktop to the app.
that's true, leander must be a hard cookie to pull of that feat and leander does seem like the type where you'll always guess what his next move will be. that's a good point considering kuras was able to attach the mc arm back to her body and make it almost brand new. his background would probably be the most important one.
i think their will probably be release when their character designs are finally confirmed/done but considering the game is coming out in 2025, we might get their sheets in 2024 :(
it's a bit hard to figure out vere's relationship with kuras and their dynamic since we didn't see them properly interact as a pair in the demo but it just goes to show how smart the studio is with dropping the right hints/clues for everyone to be head over the game.
mhin's relationship with the senobium also seem complex too so their and kuras/vere might be interlinked together in a certain way. well, i just hope that the game doesn't get delay to 2026 or something considering it's such a small studio. the demo took them two years to make.
that would be a sweet drabble to read and mhin's outfit is a nice finishing touch too. canva is a useful tool to make something like that, it's easy to use. that's true but i feel like with ais, he can afford to take that risk with his behaviour considering he does have the soulless as his servants.
i get where you're considering from because vere's outfit definitely seem to be the most gender neutral among the cast. i agreed with you but i feel like the studio chose the palette/outfit that suited the personality most of each character. but i feel like mhin got black streaks in their hair or may just be the roots or maybe i'm just overthinking it.
i will try not to esp irl but i feel like just from my replies to you/texting style, any fan can see that i mimics/or similar to mhin in some way lol. i actually said to my friend irl that if i send her text messages like you're my bff and i love you and stuffs like that, you would think my phone had been hacked and she was like i really would, LMAO.
that's nice! i find that easy to believe because you give those vibes off a lot on tumblr and just from your general replies with me. i slightly know about seventeen (kpop fan many years ago) it is awkward but at the same time, i'm pretty sure that his stage name (?) how did you get into kpop though?
tbh, i do wish that some otome games would focus on the breakup of platonic love because dealing/accepting it can be quite hard esp the aftermath. that's a great idea! it's hard to find that content altogether in most fandoms so that would be interesting to read and the representation too. what fem characters do you have in store? (if you don't mind revealing them)
it is annoying but sometimes, the studio use it as a trope to create conflict in the character troupe but there are other way to do that, they just need to brainstorm more ideas.
er, i would find that terrifying and morbid but i'm not a proper ais stan. well, leander was the only one with blushing/shy emojis so you are heading in the right direction regarding him. i suppose in that situation, it would be a lot easier for leander to play the victim card too like he could say i look after you so much, why are you being mean then? to the mc or something along those lines.
i think there are some yan! servers that you can join on discord to get help from other writes or just general advice if you want to improve. tbh, i remember seeing a yan! request regarding three characters from TR and one was Chifuyu but the writer replied i cannot do him because i can't imagine him as a yandere at all so it does happen!
what's nightowl? i think kazutora is a great candidate considering how unhinged he was in season 1. the best thing about ao3 is that the platform have a feature that tell you how many users had read your fics!
i'm looking forward to them! are they oneshots or headcanons? well, idm sharing because my username is different on ao3 but my writing style is quite particular and i'm not entirely sure whether you're a bnha fan but my tr fic is quicker to read compare to my bnha one.
i dk how to add links in an ask or if it's even possible so i'll just copy and paste them down below.
here you go!
i played the demo late at night so i didn't notice these things unless that was mention in the other origins route (?) he is and i do like how he give others a chance otherwise i'm sure he wouldn't want to know mhin.
it definitely sound like sen is super cursed then and she's most likely to appear in leander route the most. well, even his character design play that stereotype but anything can happen. i know who reo is LMAO.
well where i live, there was an event that increased the general price for postage/shipping so that's probably a factor but it is a bit too much for fans outside North America.
i never heard of paku romi so i can't make a comment on that but i trust your judgement! do you think the voice acting would only be the scenes with the CGs? at this rate, i wouldn't be surprised if the studio run out ideas for stretch goals lol.
that's a nice mindset to have and that's completely true, do you have any posters in your room? i got mini one where my count is probably 20 and i'm getting more soon. what's breed is your dog? well, anything is possible! what's your favourite game?
i suppose that it's not shocking because it's technically a form of fanservice but i do feel like the female characters are sexualised more.
i know about obey me as a game but the notifications would overwhelm me and i deleted/reinstalled the game a few times and seeing the amount was like hell/trying to catch up for me so i gave up LMAO. are you an obey me fan?
really? wow, i have undermind the power of obey me, i did not realised that some fans were super devoted like that towards the game.
he actually would but we may get a cg of mhin smiling towards the end but his bad ending might be really good nightmare fuel. i think all those tiers are gone but i felt like the best one was the sketch commission.
heyo nonnie, sorry this reply took a bit!! i feel like tumbly will always be glitchy lool, i've been on here for soo long even back then it was super glitchy!
yes! even though ais is my favorite, i think kuras and mhin have the most interesting back stories for me! especially kuras like, what are u hiding angel man?! not gonna lie, sort of hoping the chara sheets come earlier than that. i think they might to keep interest!! also what i found interesting during the demo is that vere was able to stay within the same space as kuras though, during the tavern scene!
from what i got from mhin's dialogue, i think mhin may have been a student at the senobium who was kicked out? or something along those lines! and i agree with the delay, but i'm also thinking that i could handle a delay in order to get the best finished product!
also eee, ngl i've used canva maybe once or twice and it's soo confusing to use for me *_*... i'm really bad at any type of editing or graphics, so i try to find premade things... but i really do wanna start making better banners for fics and such T_T.
eee i still have that ais drabble i'm working on but i feel like i'm in such a creative rut lately!! not sure why. >..< yes yes i agree! each outfit is def tailored to them <3 and they all look soo good eee. i was just thinking mhin stands out a ton for me personally!! also do they? i have to play the demo again soon! oo how i'd love to cosplay vere someday <3!!
LOL no worries!! talk how you talk, if u talk like mhin then soo be it! and LOL, that's so funny!! i used to be a lot like that, but sprinkle in a ton of social awkardness + anxiety, so whenever i'd say something kind or nice my sisters would message me back like: are you okay? mentally and physically? ┐(‘~` )┌
ah which kpop groups were u into??? also, i used to play a game called audition online (OOF REALLY OUTING MYSELF HERE!!) and there were toons of kpop songs on there! i naturally fell into it that way :'). i was a big 2nd gen fan and did listen to some of 3rd gen, but not much. love love love jun from seventeen tho ehe. like whenever i see him i'm just like: ♡ ( ̄З ̄)
ahh i see what you mean, i think the aftermath of platonic breakups hurts a lot more than romantic ones! (at least for me! but i've only gone thru one serious break up :p). and AAA well, definitely yuzuha from tokrev since she's my favorite!! but i'd love to write for the other tokrev ladies especially senju <3. i'm also a big mt. lady fan from bnha so maybe her as well ^^; idk why i'm suddenly blanking on my favorite charas LOL.
ahh see, i reeeallly love monster designs and stuff! claymore is one of my favorite series of all time and there's tons of monsters + body horror characters within it. i also really like blood and violence (fantasy ofc), so thats probably why i gravitated towards ais. but omg.. when u first meet mhin and they reach their hand out- im gonna pass out goodbye!! OMG you are SO RIGHT on leander's dialogue!!! ugh there is so much juicy potential with these charas i'm!!
ah.. i would i join a discord server, but i'm genuinely very very shy ;//;. i'm in a ton right now and i barely talk in them. even after a good convo, it's hard for me to start again cause i overthink a TON! also, nightowl is a character from the game blooming panic! it's a free game on itch.io! you should give it a try, you essentially join a discord server and fall in love with one of the members. which member you get depends on your dialogue choices too! i remember wanting to get quest first but i got nightowl and i was HOOKED from there, eep. <333
yes yes! i was thinking of that kazutora! obviously of age, but i think unhinged kazutora was so sexy eee. same with izana!!! AHDSFSDJF i love love love izana. wbu? also i really do need to get on with uploading my fics to ao3, i'll try to do that this weekend!
they're both oneshots! they're on here ... somewhere, i think they're listed on my masterlist? i'm really bad at self reblogging so they kinda just fade off into the distance oops! also i got the links!!! i'm not able to read them fully rn, brain too mushy from school...╥﹏╥ BUT i do have them opened up in another tab and i read a bit from both and what a wonderful writing style you have!! <333
i think it was mentioned somewhere in a post about him but i'm not entirely sure eep. i'm going to give the demo another go through tonight, probably on the alchemist origin and see if i pick anything new up!! i wanna know who brought sen back!! was probs the senobium but still! arghh tell me nowww red spring studios!!! alsoo, i'm TERRIFIED im gonna get mhin's bad end.. i feel like i always fail with these types of characters LOL. but smiley mhin <333 i'd die for that eee!!
oo! so have u watched blue lock or read it? if so what are ur thoughts on it? ^^ argh sorry about the shipping! hopefully in the future it'll be more affordable D:... i've seen that a lot with toons of brands, especially smaller ones where the shipping is double the amount that the product itself is which is INSANE!!
personally, i think the voice acting would be only for cgs or special scenes! like unless they did unvoiced main protagonist video game style and added in grunts, laughs, etc. for the LIs but i think that would be odd? and same here LOL, idk what else they could do for stretch goals!
i do! i just haven't hung them up LMFAOO. theyre literally sitting in a corner like "hello... anyone here??" i have a bleach painting of ichigo kurosaki <333 and a bnha poster! what posters do you have? and my pup is a bichon frise!
hmm, for favorite game it's probably ... dragon age: origins. i've replayed that game soo many times, i've been itching for another playthrough heh. besides that... stardew valley, dragon's dogma, and ffxiv definitely! what about you? you have any favorite games?
yess fem charas are sexualized soo much! i won't lie tho, i do have a kind of inappropriate figure of shion from that time i got reincarnated as a slime! i wanted it sooo bad, but i cant even display it i'm soo embarrassed hahha.
yes!! i'm a big obey me fan! LOL NGL i have over 100+ texts from the demon bros i just don't even read em anymore. sometimes i'll click the most interesting one buut, idk its so much reading damn. i'm so behind on the main story omg. but like, they keep coming out with side events that i wanna play!! its so hard to keep up! i used to play their ooolllddd dating sims from when they did the Shall We Date? series, i installed like every single one and was so into them. idk why i didn't get into obey me sooner eep.
yes the obey me fandom is mind boggling sometimes!!! i know the seiyuus go to anime expo and i wanna go sometime and meet mammon's seiyuu in person!! hes so cute!!! we're getting a new game called, obey me: nightbringer. and we're going back in time for this one!
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