#AU series
slashergirlnancy · 4 months
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stancy + Romcom AU (feat. rovickie)
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jbucb · 9 months
Behind Closed Doors//Masterlist//DBF Bucky
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Series warnings: Angst, Slow burn, Age gap, talks and loss of virginity, sexual topics, sexual scenes, contraceptives, awkward encounters, eventual smut,unprotected intercourse, protected intercourse, fluff etc.
A Dbf!bucky barnes x reader series
Chapter one: Cygnus
Chapter two: Honeyed whiskey
Chapter three: The drive
Chapter four: Smooth and sly
(For some context Chapter Five will be in time period between Three and Four, it will make more sense of the time jump. I apologize! )
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ateriblewriter · 1 year
Tricky Eater
Baby Ducky AU
Baby Ducky Masterlist
an: here is a start to the baby ducky au. i’m working on writing up a thing that explains more. but here’s the easiest explanation:
single dad!Jamie, Uncle Trevor, and Nanny!reader
make sense?
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Kinsley wasn’t really a picky eater, she was more of a difficult eater. When it came time for lunch or dinner, she would show signs that she was hungry, but when it came down to actually feeding her, it was a mission of it’s own.
“Nnn” The dark haired child clamped her lips shut and moved her mouth away from the green goo that her father was trying to feed her. After one bite of the green stuff and she was done, no more for her.
“Come on you.” Jamie continued to follow the spoon with her head movements. “I know you’re hungry. It’s green beans tonight. You liked green beans last time you ate them.”
“Mmnn.” She furrowed her brow like a child her age would do. She wasn’t going to eat any more.
“What? Does it not taste good? Do you want something else?” Jamie took a little bit of the baby food on his pinkie finger and tasted it for himself. He scrunched his nose, much like his baby girl did moments earlier. “Yeah you're right it is gross. I wouldn’t voluntarily eat it either.” 
“She not eating again?” Trevor emerged from his room for the first time that day, most likely looking for food himself.
“Took one bit and refused everything else I’ve given her.” 
 “You try the whole airplane or wheels on the bus thing?”
“Yes. I’ve tried everything I know, Z. How does Y/N get her to eat? She can’t be this difficult for her.” Jamie wondered aloud how the Y/N, the nanny, did it. She must have been a magician or something.
“Through drastic measures. I’ve only seen her do this one time.” Trevor went to the cupboard to retrieve that bag of mini Kit Kats. Opening the bag he held one out for the baby duck who opened her mouth to receive it, only Trevor swooped in and placed the mushed up green beans into her mouth instead of the sweet treat.
“No shit.”
“Mmmnnnn.” Kinsley glared at glared at her uncle while eating the mush. She tried to spit it back out, but Trevor scooped it off her chin and back into her mouth.
“You’ll thank us one day Kins.” Trevor laughed lightly handed to spoon and the chocolatey treat back to Jamie so he could finish tricking his child into eating the rest of her dinner. 
Please let me know what you think! Also if anyone has any suggestion for shenanigans for this weird family let me know! 
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stusbunker · 5 months
Spotless: Lontano
Chapter Seven
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela
Other characters: Crowley(mentioned), Sam, Annie, Madison, Lee, Gibson (child OMC), Pamela, Kevin, Bobby, Claire and Krissy
Word Count: 2250
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, Reader is left in the dark (for now), Reader's lack of self esteem, Pamela being kind of blunt, hinted past Sam/Annie, unbeta'd
Series Masterlist
Divider courtesy of @cafekitsune
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You laid in bed staring at the burst of sunlight sprouting out of your valances. You did not want to get up, or check your phone. It was a rare, quiet Sunday morning and you had no plans besides laundry. Bela had a big event the night before, so you weren’t meeting for brunch, for which you were kind of grateful. It felt like you had been staring at her face all week anyway, as much as you had been scrolling for chatter about her and Dean. You groaned and buried yourself beneath your comforter.
 The outside world could wait for another few minutes, not to mention the constant nagging worry of work could fuck right off. 
Because that’s all this anxiety was, work stress. The pressure from the label felt like it weighed solely on your shoulders, despite the band’s extended recording schedule for the new album and everyone’s thinning patience with Dean’s perfectionism. There was nothing else even going on in your life that could even compare. You were probably dehydrated. You shifted to peek out of your covers to find your water bottle empty on your nightstand, oh well.
Eventually, you got up, went about your business, and started a pot of coffee. Resigned to checking your phone while the coffee brewed, you shuffled back to your bedroom to pull it off the charger. Before you could even begin to sort through your text notifications, a headline alert glared at you from your lock screen. Panic flooded your uncaffeinated mind and you clicked on the link.
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Gaping, you scrolled through the short article about the benefit filled with speculation about Dean’s presence at Bela’s side. You backed out of that article and dove into the rest of your updates. The pictures were fantastic, filled with easy smiles and casual touches. Dean in a tux was a rare thing, but he kept up his end of the bargain and dressed to match Bela’s standards. Your brain still stuttered over seeing them together, two parts of your life that hadn’t really overlapped until now. A silent ‘how was I not there?’ popping up as you continued to scroll.
The shrill beeping of the coffee pot pulled your eyes off your phone and back into the kitchen around you. It was just after ten, and you had to stop yourself from texting Dean or Bela an interrogation length message each. For the most part, the publicity seemed positive and more than curious about these two from such different worlds. 
Was it actually working?!
You inhaled and finally poured yourself a mug, letting the hope fizzle in your chest as you sat down at your desk and really began to dig. Sometime after one, you were pulled out of your email inbox by the doorbell. Who in the hell? Dumbfounded, you threw on a hoodie as you rushed to answer the door. You had to kick the rug because it always folded on itself underneath the lip of the door. Grunting, you gave up, sticking your head out to answer a disinterested floral delivery driver.
“Uh, I’ve got flowers for Ms. Y/L/N?” They checked their tablet. 
“That’s me,” you said, straightening up to look at the bundled bouquet as they handed you the stylus to sign confirmation of the delivery. You had no idea who would be sending you flowers, and it definitely wasn’t your birthday.
“Alright, that’s all I need. Here ya go,” they said, presenting the vase to you with the practiced ease of a single balanced hand. “Have a good one.”
You took the flowers, which you could smell through the paper barrier and watched them get back into their truck and back out of the narrow driveway that no one ever used. Confused, you set the package down on your kitchen table and started to tear out the perfectly spaced staples. They were gorgeous, lilies in whites and oranges. Tucked into the ribbon tied around the vase was a handwritten card.
Keep up the good work. Regards, Crowley
“You’ve got to be freakin’ kidding me!” you balked. You checked the back of the card, there was no ‘gotcha’, it really was from the label exec. You set the card down face up, resting beside the vase and snapped a picture. No one was going to believe you, you needed the proof, right?
You told yourself it wasn’t bragging, no matter how smug it made you feel.
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 The adoption event was something the band did every year, helping Annie (and now Madison, too) with a pre-holiday push to clear out the animal shelter and also spend time with adorable animals. Sam was in heaven, taking dogs through the yard, parading the dogs along the side of the building in the makeshift track, and running around with the excitable pups. Madison mained the welcome table while Annie oversaw a lot of the paperwork inside, helping people get approved and matched with pets that would fit each prospective adopter’s lifestyles and hopes.
The staff knew everyone by reputation, though Sam had been a regular volunteer since before Madison had even been hired on as a receptionist. So, they helped you all get eased into your rolls for the day, however informal they were. Lee brought Gibson along and they were making small talk with a family as the mother filled out forms. Kevin, new to the event, stood back and waited to be told what to do. Bobby kept the breakroom and the waiting room stocked with coffee and pastries. Though Dean’s allergies and his unwillingness to budge on his no pets rule with Sam meant he always bowed out, you knew he was a regular not-so-anonymous donor. 
Which left you and Pamela in the cat room, playing with a litter of kittens that were too young to be adopted out this round, but were all the more frisky with all the excitement buzzing around the shelter. 
“Oh my god, hello, tough stuff! Aren’t you the biter?!” Pamela cooed at a gray tiger who was overly fond of her jewelry.
“No fiercer a predator was there ever,” you agreed, dangling a stick with feathers on the end in front of its sleeker, paler littermate.
After a few minutes Pamela leaned back and let the kitten attempt to scale her lap. “God, I needed this. This album— fuck, it’s been brutal,” she sighed.
Worry clouded your thoughts, but you knew better than to ever say the first thing that came to your mind around Pamela, she always read between the lines. 
“Everything going okay?” you asked, hearing about the sessions from Dean was one thing. He may be the lead singer, but he really was only one dude in a band of five differing personalities.
Pamela huffed and tilted her head, you felt like she was measuring your capacity for the truth. “The sound is good. We’re meshing. It’s just— since Cas leaving for that ephemeral crap or whatever that pipsqueak is calling it— Dean’s been on edge about every fucking thing. And Lee’s offered to help, hell he’s got a half dozen songs ready to go, but—”
“Dean feels like he has to do it all himself,” you finished for her.
“And he’s being a complete martyr about it.”
You nestled a kitten against your chest and hummed, ruffling its ears as you thought. You hadn’t really talked to Dean all week, after all the publicity you had to sift through after Bela’s event and trying to line things up with Meg at Rolling Stone, finally. You couldn’t have known any of this, since you were so separate from that part of the process.
“And no offense, but this friend of yours? Was it really the best timing? He’s just getting his groove back— he doesn’t need more distractions,” Pamela tacked on in her no-nonsense way.
You couldn’t stop your eyebrows from raising in surprise, because this was coming from the woman who had married and divorced her bandmate multiple times. But Lee wasn’t Dean, and you knew they still played their parts despite whatever was going on at home. The band came first, well, after Gibson.
You told yourself it was Sam that agreed it was best to keep it from the band, the extra pressure you had inadvertently put on Dean. You knew you had to toe that line. 
“Dean’s a big boy, Pamela. If you think he needs to loosen up, you gotta tell him. He listens to you more than anybody, probably even Sam. Especially when it comes to music stuff. Bela and him— that’s his business. I’m not even sure how serious it is, as much as I love them both—.”
Pamela chuckled, breaking your momentum, but you pushed on.
“I’m staying a neutral party. I can’t really play matchmaker and then question if it’s a good idea. They can make their own choices.”
Another kitten crawled into your lap and you set the one you had been holding down next to it, so they could play. You felt Pamela watching you with her knowing eyes and from experience you knew she was going to continue to throw you for a loop with whatever she said next.
“Now who’s playing the martyr?”
You sighed and looked back at her, and luckily it seemed like she was at least teasing and not being snide. One of the kitten’s claws dug through your jeans and you yelped, pulling it off of your thigh. You stood to put it back in the crate with the rest of the litter.
“Just talk to him, he’ll let Lee get a song down, I can almost guarantee it.”
You gazed down at the innocent fur balls and wished your life held more silly little pleasures than it did. But you knew you didn’t deserve it, deep down.
You dragged out your phone and snapped some pictures of the kittens, then held it up to Pamela in question. She nodded and snuggled her kitten against her cheek, scrunching up her face for the shelter website. You’d send all of your shots to Annie later, let her pick and choose how to celebrate the event and advertise for next year.
Throughout the day, you got plenty of shots of the band with animals and the workers sending happy families off with new fur members. The day was winding down, but you stuck around to help anyway you could. You wiped down the breakroom table as Sam hauled the last of the pastries out to Bobby’s truck to bring home for Dean and to the studio if they lasted until Monday.
You tried not to pay attention when two of the younger staff members came in muttering, the blonde girl making the brunette openly gape. 
“No way! Grossssssssss.” 
“Shut up, she’s still got it, for her age.”
The brunette sighed and shook her head. “Sure, I guess, but didn’t she like set them up?”
The blonde shook her head. “I don’t think so, he was just here a lot when his brother was being a dick, and then Madison and him like bonded over shit.”
After that you couldn’t help but listen, because they were obviously talking about Sam. 
“Besides the thing with Annie was like forever ago, she’s been married for like three years or something and Madison just started here over the summer,” the blonde seemed unfazed by the amount of gossip she was conveying.
“I guess I just didn’t think about how well everyone knows each other.”
“That’s one way of putting it,” the blonde smirked.
Lee chose that moment to come into the breakroom with Gibson thrown over his shoulder, but the crook in his eyebrow told you he knew the college kids were being snarky. “Hey, Trouble, you ready to go? Little man here said his Uncle Dean told him everybody could come over for grub.”
The girls seemed to freeze in place, having not noticed your presence. You looked around the room, checking to see if it was cleaned up enough to call it a day. “Uh–”
You had no reason to bail on the band, but you had been looking forward to a night alone at your place. As lame as that seemed for a Saturday night, something was telling you that you’d make an idiot of yourself if you were left alone in Dean’s presence, or even Sam’s after the juicy details you’d just heard.
“I’ve actually got to get home and start sorting through the photos, but thanks for the offer.”
Lee’s face changed, bright eyes squinting in suspicion, but Gibson started to struggle. “You sure?” he asked, flipping his son over in front of him so he was back on his feet facing you, a giggling, miniature version of himself standing guard.
You looked down at the six-year-old and couldn’t help but grin. “Buddy, will you tell your Uncle Dean that I’m busy working and I’ll see him later?”
Gibson nodded excitedly, showing off the gap where he’d lost a tooth, and gave you the thumbs up, happy to play messenger for his favorite uncle.
 Lee spun towards the door, guiding Gibson at his side, “I guess that means it’s just us in the car cuz Mom’s already headed out. Later, Trouble!”
You shook your head at the adorableness and pulled out your phone to order a ride. Sometimes it was a real pain not driving by yourself, but you made your peace with never getting behind a wheel again long ago.
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Tagging: @deans-spinster-witch@mrswhozeewhatsis@cosicas-cuquis@fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like@suckitands33@ladysparkles78@deans-baby-momma@stoneyggirl2@sassy-pelican@leigh70@globetrotter28
Chapter Seven: Lilt
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watermelonlovershigh · 10 months
Can you write a fluff piece with just Harry and Alex. Maybe y/n is out of the house for some reason.
Cozy Cuddles and Drunkenness (Harry-x-Reader-x-Alex) (AU)
When Harry comes home to Alex sleeping on the couch and joins him for a cuddle, but then you come home early from your night out very drunk and they have to take care of you-
po·lyg·a·my : the practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time.
AN: okay originally it was just gonna be harry and alex staring in it but then i had the idea of a drunk y/n coming home. also i've had this in my drafs for a while. so sorry to whomever requested this. it should have came out ages ago.
Here is the relationship info that will help you understand this AU universe —— >>>>>>>
Information on Harry x Reader x Alex (Male) Polyamory Relationship AU Series
(fluff, mentions of throw up, comfort)
word count: 1,927
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You had went out for the night to get some drinks with a few of your friends at a local bar in Los Angeles, meaning Harry and Alex would have the house to themselves for a few hours. Alex was off of work as an English teacher because of winter break and Harry unfortunately had to work a few hours later then he normally does in his office because of some financial trouble that arose. So by the time Harry arrived home he was knackered.
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(this is a real photo of the inside of the house i picked to have this series set in. *just picture it dark outside*)
When Harry finally entered the front door of his house at seven pm, he got suspicious when he heard how quiet it was. That's when he remembered you'd be out for the night but then it left the question of where his other spouse was. He sat his briefcase by the door and walked inside a bit further. As Harry entered the open living room, his question was answered.
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(this is a real photo of what the inside of the house looks like that i choose to have this series set in. *just picture it dark outside*)
Alex was napping on the longer sofa with a thin blanket draped over his body. Harry could see where he'd been watching some baking show on the tv before he must have fell asleep. He wants nothing more then to crawl in his husbands lap and cuddle with him, but he first needs to change out of his work clothes.
So quickly but also quietly, Harry goes up the stairs to change into some sweat pants and a t-shirt. After that, he goes back down the stairs where Alex is thankfully still asleep. He's always been the heavy sleepier of you three. Harry walks up to the couch his husband is sleeping on and gently pulls back the blanket. Then he carefully slides in beside him and places his head on Alex's shoulder and drapes his right leg over Alex's leg.
"Mhm," Alex groans, finally having been woken up and realizing who's cuddled into his side, "oh hi, baby."
Harry tilts his head up and replies, "Hi, love. I've had a rough day so I just wanted cuddles from you." At his words, Alex thinks he couldn't fall more in love with Harry if he tried. See, people looking into your relationship dynamic would think jealousy runs wild but truthfully it doesn't. You each three have a special relationship with each other individually and as a group.
People also doubt that Alex and Harry truly love you if they share such intimate words with each other privately, but that's far from the truth too. Yes, they love each other with just the two of them but no matter what they love you just as much. And you know and feel their love, hints why you never doubt that.
You've even had people tell you that Harry will end up leaving you to keep Alex for himself because he'll realize he's fully gay, but you scoff at their words. You find that to be so invalidating to the bisexual community. You're not bisexual yourself but your husbands are and just because they sometimes have sexual/romantic moments where its just them, doesn't mean when they have sexual/romantic moments with you they are any less attracted because you're female.
Tilting his head down a smidge, Alex brushes his nose with Harry's before they're connecting their lips together. The kiss is soft and gentle. Not a kiss that would lead to anything sexual because Alex can sense that Harry isn't in that kind of mood tonight and he's okay with that. Just cuddles and kisses are fine by him.
When the kiss finally breaks, Harry settles his head back on his husbands shoulder and pushes his face further into Alex's warm neck. He can smell the cologne Alex used earlier on his skin and it relaxes him further. He always enjoyed the manly scent of Alex and the more feminine scent you gave off with your floral fragrances. They both make Harry want to drowned in your smells.
Alex settles back into the cusion of the sofa and situates the blanket so its properly covering the both of them. Then he takes his left hand and begins to run it through Harry's once styled curls. Harry sighs quietly at how good the fingers through his hair feel. As the room settles back to its quiet state, Alex realizes Harry has begin to doze off on his chest and smiles at how content he was.
A few hours later you come through the door with a stumble. Unfortunately you're night was cut short when you drank too much and got sick at the bar. Your friend called an uber and rode with you back to your house. They would have called either Alex or Harry to come pick you up but decided to just have the same uber take them home after dropping you off. So it was more convenient the way they did it.
Since having thrown up most of the alcohol in your system, you're not as drunk as you were but still past the point of tipsy. You're about to attempt to climb the stairs with the heels you took off in the uber still in your hands when you see your husbands sit up from their laying positions on the couch, looking over at you. So you make a beeline towards them. "Love, you're home earlier than we thought." Harry tells you with a rasp in his voice from the nap he'd just took.
Once you've made it to the them, you don't even bother asking before climbing up onto both their laps and lean forward to nuzzle into their bodies. Their bodies being side by side. "Yeah um, Kelly had to call us an uber to take me home because, because I threw up at the bar. M'fine now. No worries." you slur as if throwing up alcohol was a normal thing to happen. Well it was common but not something that always happened to everyone after drinking.
Both Alex and Harry are in fact worried though. They knew you weren't a big drinker. Just a cocktail here and there and a glass of wine while chilling at the house. So if you drank so much it made you vomit, that was concerning to them. "Baby," Alex coos softly, "how much did you drink? You know you're a lightweight."
Now sitting up to look at their faces, you answer guiltily, "I dunno. Lost count after the eighth shot. Then I started to get dizzy and looked a bit pale so Kelly and Megan walked me to the bathroom and that's when I puked. But I feel fine now. Just tired s'all." Though you tried to act sober, your husbands could tell you were still drunk. They needed to get you to bed with some water in your system or else your hangover tomorrow will be killer.
Harry slips off the couch first beings he's on the outer edge and then leans down to scoop you up. "Hey," you gasp, "Alex is warm."
With you cradled in Harry's strong arms, he replies, "I know he's warm m'love. But we need to get you into bed and have you drink some water. Then we'll both cuddle you and get you even warmer, m'kay."
With you off of him now, Alex goes to stand up and says, "I'll grab the glass of water and meet you in the bedroom." Harry carries you all the way up the stairs and then places you on the edge of the king size bed. You fall back on the mattress when Harry lets go of you and close your heavy eyes. He pads over to your dresser and grabs you some pajama shorts and a t-shirt to wear to sleep. Then comes back over to you and helps you out of your dress.
Once the dress is over your head, your breasts are on full display because you didn't wear a bra. Except your nipples have pasties over them because your dresses top was too thin and would have shown your nipples all night. Which then would have prompted unwanted attention from men that you didn't want because you have two wonderful men at home.
Harry carefully starts to peel the left pastie off and you hiss out at the sting it brings as it pulls on your sensitive skin. "I know, love. Shh, I'm being gentle." Harry whispers softly, taking his time to pull it off your nipples so you weren't in too much pain. After both pasties were successfully removed, he leans down and pecks each nipple in a soft kiss, making goose bumps arise in your body.
The t-shirt is pulled over your upper body and then Harry helps slide your shorts up your legs. Right as he finishes getting you dressed, Alex comes into the bedroom with the cup of water in his hands. He walks over to you and instructs, "Here, drink some water, baby. It'll help minimize the hangover in the morning." He holds the glass for you because he's afraid you'll drop it.
After drinking most of the water, you annonce, "Gotta pee." Your husbands laugh at how your drunken mind announced that out loud and Harry comes back up to you, lifting you up once again.
Harry carries you over to the bathroom and helps you pull down your shorts and underwear before setting you on the toilet. Though you don't get wasted often, him helping you use the toilet isn't something new. He's helped you use the toilet a few times like when you're sick or after sex. So no embarrassment here.
When you stop peeing, you look up with a pout and whine, "Wipe me, please."
Harry giggles and retorts, "You can't wipe yourself?" You shake your head no when in reality you probably could but are too lazy and tired to do so. And you can get away with it because you're drunk right now. So being the kind husband he is, Harry pulls out some toilet paper and kneels down to gently wipe the piss off your vagina. It's not sexual at all. It just feels like an act of caring service.
Eventually you get off the toilet with the help of Harry and right before he takes you back into the bedroom, you say, "Need to brush my teeth. Mouth smells and taste like vomit." So Harry steps back over to the sink and sets you on top of the counter to help you with brushing them. The things he does for you, no way you ever have to doubt his love.
Alex has pulled the covers back on the bed and got settled in. A few minutes later Harry comes out of the bathroom with you in his arms and Alex smiles at the image. Harry carefully sets you in the center of the bed and both him and Alex helps pull the blankets over your body. Then before getting into bed himself, Harry quickly pulls off his shirt and pants so he's only left in his boxers, his usual sleep attire.
Now in bed with both you and Alex, Harry reaches to turn the lamp off and tiredly mutters, "Let one of us know if you wake up feeling sick, love. Don't need you puking in the blankets. Love you."
"M'kay." you answer half asleep.
"Love you too, babe." Harry tells Alex who's on the other side of you.
"Love you both." Alex says back, leaning over to peck you on the forehead and kiss Harry on the cheek. Then he settles back down and you all three fall into a content sleep.
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore97 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
 // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar  // @golden-elodie // @mrspeacem1nusone //  @goldenkhae // @lntwithharry // @shadowygladiatorlight  // @manifestrry  //@mendesblurb // @sunshinemoonsposts  // @depersonalizationsucks // @academiaghost // @zendayassimp // @reveriehs // @vsnnstuff // @dancinsunflowerkiwi // @quinnsgrapejuice // @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite // @justlemmeholdyou // @hsonlyangelxo // @luvonstyles // @howdey
My Masterlist Masterpost
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reader6898 · 3 months
So, I've been working on a au series with the bad batch and this is what I have so far
* The clones have equal rights and actually get paid for once
* Order 66 never happened and everyone lives happily ever after
* The Jedi found out about the chips and were able to successfully have them all removed from the clones (Fives is a hero)
* Evil Palps was "mysteriously" killed (it was Fox)
Now on for the bad batch part
* the batch are wealthy bounty hunters
* They work with Cody and Rex occasionally (Cody and Rex like to hire them for tough jobs)
* Hunter meets his partner through Omega as she's Omega's teacher
* Wrecker meets his partner at the flower shop she runs and helps her out
* Crosshair meets his girlfriend at Dex's diner as she's a waitress and also a single mother (this gives off sugar baby and sugar daddy vibes)
* Echo's partner is Omega's babysitter
*Tech meets his partner when he accompanies Omega as a chaperone when her class goes on a field trip to the science museum. They don't actually interact but Tech finds her through an escort service website that he joined and that's how they start meeting and talking to one another when they match (I don't even know how I came up with this one but Tech seems like the type to go on an escort service website and meet someone through there)
* Omega goes to school and is living a normal life as a child
* The batch adopted Omega as they didn't want her staying on Kamino
* When the batch get hired to do jobs with Cody or Rex and have to work with their men they actually get along with the regs
That's all for now. I'm planning on a doing mini series with each of these storylines and if all goes well I might do more with other clones with different storylines. Let me know what all of you think of this
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lnfours · 1 year
sideline (two) | t.h
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summary -> tom holland: the name thats always floating around campus, and for good reason. he’s the captain of the hockey team, he’s good looking, and he’s always caught up in an off and on again relationship with the president of the sorority. that’s where you come in. you two had made a deal to make your exes jealous, but we all know how fake relationships end.
wc -> a short but also sweet 2k
warnings -> mentions of family loss, language, fluff, all the feels, toms the best fake bf idk...
🎵 spotify playlist | 📖 prev/next chapter | 📂 masterlist
                                ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
it had been a week since you and tom had started ‘dating’. it was working out well and people started believing in it whenever they’d see the way you’d both put on a show in front of others. and when sarah and mia had questioned what was going on, they both happily squealed at your response. 
now you sat on your bed, scrolling through different social medias to pass the time until you felt tired enough to go to bed. you stopped your scrolling process when a messages notification popped up at the top of your screen. 
tom hey, you busy? 
you clicked on it, the screen brightening as your fingers tapped against the keyboard. 
y/n not really, just trying to make myself tired why? something wrong? 
you watched as the ‘read’ popped up under your blue message. the bubble with three little dots popped up on his end. 
tom can’t sleep lol and i’m kinda craving some ice cream  wanna join? 
you smiled, typing out a response.
y/n  sure! 
tom cool :)  i’ll pick u up in 10? 
y/n sounds good :)
you got up out of bed and threw on a hoodie overtop of your tank top, grabbing some socks and shoes before heading downstairs quietly. the two other girls were already asleep, getting their rest in before their 8ams in the morning. 
you grabbed your wallet and house key out of your purse, watching as a car pulled into the driveway. you quietly opened the front door, stepping outside and locking it behind you before making your way to the passenger side of his car. 
“hey,” you smiled, getting in. he smiled back at you. 
“hey,” he looked over at your hoodie, “you like the bruins?” 
you looked down at your hoodie, “oh, it was my dad’s. hockey was his favorite sport.”
he nodded, pulling out the driveway. he handed you his phone that was unlocked, “you can choose the music if you want to.”
you clicked on the spotify icon on his phone, going through his liked songs playlist. you let out a soft laugh, clicking on the one direction song towards the top of the playlist, “you like one direction?”
he smiled back over at you from the driver’s side, “hell yeah! some of their songs are catchy.”
you shook your head, still smiling as you looked out the window. you couldn't explain it, but something about being with tom made you feel comfortable. everything about him made you feel like you could tell him anything and everything, talk for hours about whatever crossed your minds. 
he looked over at you, “you alright?”
you turned back to the brunette, a content smile on your face, “yeah, sorry. just thinking.”
you shrugged, “just about life, i guess?”
he pulled into a space in the parking lot, “talk over some ice cream?”
you nodded, the two of you getting out of the car. you both walked up to the order window, placing your order. when you went to pay, he pushed your arm aside.
“no, i’ve got it.”
“nope, this was my idea. let me.”
you huffed, sending him a look as the cashier smiled at the both of you, “i remember when my husband and i were your age. it was always an argument whenever it’d be time to pay.”
you both let out a soft laugh, smiling at the woman. he fished a few dollar bills out of his wallet, sticking them in the ‘tips’ cup propped up in the window. she smiled at him again.
“here you go, hun,” she said, handing him his card back before looking over at you, “he’s a keeper, sweetie.”
you smiled, “can’t argue with that.”
he playfully rolled his eyes at you, the two of you thanking the older woman before stepping to the pickup window. once the two of you had your ice cream in your hand, he led you back to the car. this time, he opened the door for you.
“putting on a show for that woman, huh?”
he laughed, shaking his head, “shut up and get in the car.”
you laughed back at him, sitting down on the leather seat before he closed the car door. he made his way around to the other side, closing the door.
“so,” he said after a little while, your ice cream almost finished as the condensation on the cup soaked through the napkins in your hand, “tell me everything i need to know about you.”
you hummed, taking the plastic spoon out of your mouth, “like what?”
“your favorite color, favorite song, about your hometown, parents,” he shrugged, “what cringey phase you went through in middle school,” you chuckled as he smiled, “seriously, anything.”
you sighed, “well, i don’t have a favorite color or a favorite song, there’s just too many options for both of those things,” he nodded, “uhm, born and raised in boston, i don’t really plan on leaving, either.. and i definitely went through an emo phase in middle school.”
he smirked, “i can picture that,” he said, “what about your parents?”
you bit down on your lower lip, putting your ice cream cup in your lap, “well, it’s just me and my grandmother. my mom wasn’t in the picture, and my dad passed when i was 15. ever since then, it’s just been me and her.”
his expression softened, “im so sorry.”
you waved him off, sending him a tight lipped smile, “it’s okay.”
he shook his head, “i can’t imagine,” he put his ice cream trash in the cupholder of the car, “i mean, i was wondering about your word choice earlier when i asked about the sweatshirt, but i just didn’t expect-”
“tom,” you placed your hand on his arm to keep him from rambling apologies, “it’s okay. really.”
his eyes met yours and you smiled softly, “sorry.”
you playfully rolled your eyes, “stop apologizing!”
he put his hands up in fake surrender, “okay, okay!”
you both chuckled as a comfortable silence washed over the two of you. you decided to be the one to break it, “what about you?”
he hummed before answering, “well, my favorite color is blue, favorite song changes but currently it’s ‘take me where your heart is’ by q, because unlike someone i know, i can pick.”
you playfully swatted at his arm, “fuck off.”
he smiled, leaning back in his seat, “uhm, what else… oh, born and raised in london, i’ve got three younger brothers, two of them are twins. i’m hoping to go pro with hockey, and uhm… i was a theater kid in middle school.”
“okay, being a theater kid is kinda dope,” you argued, “props to them, they have more talent than i have.”
he nodded, “yeah, it was a fun time.”
“what about your parents?” you asked and you watched him shift in his seat, unsure on wether or not he should talk about it. you gave him a reassuring smile, egging him on to talk about them.
“they’re y’know, parents,” he said, “my mom’s more supportive about other stuff, and my dad pushes me to play hockey like he did in college, wants me to be better than he was.”
“your dad played hockey?”
“yeah, back in the 90s,” he shrugged, “never made it pro, though. so i guess he’s trying to live through me to get the life he wanted.”
“is that how you ended up in boston?”
he nodded, “yeah, best school with the best hockey team. didn’t have much of a choice.” he looked back over at you, “what about you, though? what’re your plans for after graduation?”
you shrugged, “haven’t really gotten there yet. i’m hoping to land a internship with a book publishing company here in the city by the end of spring semester, and then i guess we’ll see where that leads me.”
the music was still playing softly as the two of you sat in a comfortable silence. you looked over at him as he scrolled through his spotify playlist, his face softly illuminated by the dim lighting on his phone. he looked so pretty, so soft…
no, stop it. this is supposed to be a fake relationship. no strings attached, remember?
you pulled your gaze away and checked the time on your phone, 10:45pm. even though it was late at night, you weren’t tired at all. 
“oh, i forgot to tell you,” his voice broke through the silence, “there’s a game this friday, you should come.”
you let out a soft groan, “do i have to?”
he chuckled, “part of the deal, remember?”
those damn rules.
“okay, fine. but im bringing mia and sarah.”
he shrugged, “fine with me.”
after a few more minutes of talking about classes tomorrow, you both had come to the conclusion that it was getting late and the two of you should head back. the drive was short back to your house, tom pulling into the driveway and putting the car in park.
“thanks for the ice cream,” you smiled, “i owe you.”
“you don’t owe me anything,” he smiled, “was on me, remember?”
you rolled your eyes, “fine, next time it’s on me, okay?”
he shook his head with a laugh, “whatever helps you sleep at night, love.”
you ignored the butterflies in your stomach that erupted at the nickname, smiling back at him as you got out of the car, “goodnight, thomas.”
“goodnight, y/n.”
                               ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the next morning was chaotic. the quad was filled with students trying to find their way to their classes, booths set up in the middle encouraging them to join certain clubs. you walked with your headphones in, looking down at your phone as you opened spotify. 
you typed in the song tom had mentioned the night before, listening to it. you were curious about what his music taste was like, no other reason. none at all. 
you jumped as someone tapped you on the shoulder, tugging an earbud out as you spun your head into the direction of the person behind you. you relaxed when you noticed the messy flop of brunette curls. 
“jesus, you really have to stop stalking me.”
“well, good morning to you, too, sunshine,” the british accent filled your ears, “and to be fair, this is literally the main hub of everyone who goes to this school.”
he turned around in a circle with his arms out, gesturing to the amount of people walking through. you playfully rolled your eyes, “what do you want, holland?”
“what? i can’t walk my ‘girlfriend’ to her first class of the day?” he asked, using air quotes when he said ‘girlfriend’. he held his hand out for you to give him your bag, which you obliged, knowing he wouldn’t give up without a fight. 
“where you heading?”
“english with wilson,” you said the next sentence with a sarcastic tone, “the best way to start my morning.”
“he’s such a snoozefest,” he rolled his eyes, “always talking about shit that doesn’t matter.”
you chuckled, nodding in agreement, “where are you heading?”
“oh, i’m free until my class at 2,” he said, opening the door to the building for you, “might just go sit in the lounge for a little bit.”
you nodded, walking towards the staircase, “sounds like an interesting morning.”
“oh, for sure.”
he walked you to the door, handing you back your bag, “i’ll be back here at noon.”
“you don’t have to walk me to and from, it’s okay.”
he shrugged, “i want to.”
your eyes drifted when you realized the group of boys were heading to the same room as you. your eyes locked on jack’s blue ones, a pit settling into your stomach. tom caught on that you weren’t paying attention, his eyes shifting to the blonde who walked past you.
jack’s eyes shifted from you and to tom. tom sent him a nod, smiling as jack ignored him, entering the lecture.
you sighed, “maybe i should go see advisement about switching.”
“no, this is good,” tom said, “i can come here every morning and make him jealous.”
“i guess you’re right.”
“always am,” he smiled, walking backwards as he sent you a smile, “see you at noon, darling.”
you walked into the lecture and found a seat, sitting down and thinking to yourself and shaking your head as you smiled softly. 
tom holland was going to 100% be the death of you.
                                  ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
💌  beings my tagged list has gotten so long that tumblr literally won't let me add it, the tagged list is temporarily closed until i can figure it out. in the meantime, be sure to follow and turn on notifications for @toms-gf to be notified whenever i post imagines :)
xoxo, jordan
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mizugucci · 11 months
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au series: the horror protagonist is a unique archetype, as the character rarely goes through growth. the stories themselves are not often tales of character development. rather, they are tales of survival, observing whether or not the protagonist can endure everything thrown at them.
kino (pentagon) + horror archetypes
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I just keep coming up with new story ideas and yet Midnight rain sits here staring at me like "Momma.....Im a good series....finish me"
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But I recently restarted Riverdale and.....whew....FP Jones ;)
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FP Jones....a forbidden romance turned wrong and bitter.....oh lord jesus someone help me....talk me out of writing some FP Jones Smut LOL
I know I need to work on Midnight Rain when Im not studying and learning my new job but dammit....I cant help what my brain comes up with
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iameliseposts · 1 year
Revenge Of The Ambassador - Prologue
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You practically skipped down the grand hallway. The walls were covered in decor from top to bottom. The gold banners laid across each window as they reflected the sunlight. You had finished your ambassadorial duties for the day and were prepared to be surprised. After all, this was your third anniversary with Verne. Back then, you were simply the Count. You had a passion in other regions, aside from Cariosus where you lived and Verne ruled. Somehow, your father, the late Earl, knew the King before he passed away. It seems that influence had allowed you to become an ambassador. You couldn’t believe it when the high Lord asked for your courtship three years ago and everything else felt like a dream. Like a warm sunny paradise that you lived in. Verne was your sun. Although… lately a cloud has been blocking your sunlight. It’s been taking away your sunlight and raining on the paradise in spite. 
A few months prior, a Marchioness came to visit Verne from one the southern regions of the country. You didn’t know her that well, but she seemed to know Verne. She was residing in the palace for a while on Verne’s orders. You couldn’t imagine why she’d be staying for several months, but as long as she didn’t bother you, you didn’t mind. However, your time with Verne seems limited nowadays. It’s like there was a time limit on spending time together and by going past that time limit, you were committing an unlawful crime. 
Either way, today was your three year anniversary, and by the Lords you were going to enjoy it. You could hear two voices coming from Verne’s room once you approached it. Was this the surprise he had for you? You weren’t certain he had anything planned, but it was an anniversary! Naturally he would have cared as much about this day as you. You pressed your ear to the door in hopes of figuring out the surprise, but you couldn’t hear the words. Oh, so the other person in Verne’s room was Isabella. Huh, you didn’t think they were that close, but this was a special occasion of course, Perhaps, she was in on his surprise. The talking turned into murmuring until it ended in silence. The anticipation felt heavy and your excitement grew. You needed to see what Verne did for you and this silence had to mean he was done! You threw open Verne’s bedroom doors and almost immediately, your paradise was hit with an irreparable disaster.
The two were tightly molded together in an embrace, their lips locked passionately until they noticed you. You could hear their screaming, but their words flew past your ears. You never thought to question who Verne’s affection belonged to. But now, it was clear it wasn’t you. The cold glare directed at you felt like a snowball going down your back. Chills hit every part of your body to the point you thought you’d malfunction. 
The only words that stuck were said by Verne, “Why must you ruin everything, you useless Count! Get out!” And you ran out. You couldn’t tell if it was to obey the Lord or because you couldn’t stand looking at him anymore. By the King, you couldn’t decipher a thing. How could you have been so foolish? You’ve made such a good name for yourself through your ambassador career and here is where you flop. His love felt so real too…
You take a rest in the garden. You’ve ran a ways from Verne’s private chambers and the grotesque scene. You needed to clear your head. The fountain’s water gleamed magically today. The sunlight reflected atop the pure water caused the fountain to glisten, clearer than any mirror. Cupping your hands, you splashed some water on your face. A piercing sensation hit your body. You felt damp, too damp. You weakly wiped your face with your sleeve, yet you still feel the strange sensation. Most of the pain came from your back so you reached to see what was there. Your fingers hit some sort of wood and that damp stuff you felt. Bringing your fingers in front of you, you knew what happened. Blood. An arrow pierced and stuck on your back. You saw a guard wearing the region’s armor fleeing the garden. Verne… how could he? Was this the same man you knew for years? Your vision dulled and the pain took over your aching body. One last thought left, ‘Verne… I’ll never forgive this betrayal.’
You woke up. Getting out of your bed in a jolt, you ultimately felt no pain nor arrow wound. ‘What is happening?’ You look outside. It was pouring heaps of rain, a stark difference from the bright sun that lightened up the fountain. You head out into the hallway and the maids are scrambling to put up decorations. 
“Excuse me? How come the decorations aren’t up? I saw them up a while ago.” You asked one of them. The maid sighed, keeping his eyes down. “We were informed about Marchioness Isabella’s visit only recently. Forgive our incompetence.”
You were taken aback. You couldn’t see your own face, but from the maid’s expression, you must have looked like someone shot you in the back. Ironic. “Wait, what do you mean by her visit? She’s been here a while…” “I unfortunately have no clue what you mean, Ambassador.” You stand stunned for a solid minute, trying to make sense of the situation in your mind.. ‘But Isabella has been here for months. I also have no idea how I got inside the palace again with no guards coming after me. My arrow wound also has disappeared… wait-’ 
“What day is it?” You ask, not sounding sure of a simple question. The maid looked around at the decoration. “Why Ambassador, it's the third of September.” ‘...Yes the third of September was when Isabella first came to the palace. But… how? I’ll ask more maids.’ The maids might think you’re in a dire need of a therapist, but now you could be certain you were taken to the past. Before being able to question anything about your situation, a hand squeezes your shoulder. You knew that hand and it made your stomach spin, like an antique ballerina doll.  
“I’m honored I get to see you before having to meet the Marchioness. I’ll be busy for the next couple days, so don’t miss me too much.” Verne teases, squeezing your shoulder again. Your breath gets caught in the depth in your throat. This was the man who just glowered at you- oh. That hasn’t happened yet, as this is the past. But it was still too real. “Oh, I believe she has arrived. I’ll be seeing you.” He leaves to his throne room. 
…that almost felt like too much. To think earlier today you were ready to bolt into his arms. Now, even his hand was enough to disgust you out beyond belief. ‘That’s it. I can’t handle Verne’s presence anymore. Not him. Not Isabella. They don’t deserve a thing. Especially not this land.’ If your death was discovered in the future, the King would surely not take this news well… you think. He did request a promotion for you and a request of a King is law. If Verne ruled as he does, he’ll run Cariosus into the ground. Not to mention that the King has a special liking to Cariosus. What if your death was never discovered and Verne was declared the King’s successor. You didn’t know if your spite convinced yourself of this or it was genuinely what you believed, however it doesn’t matter. ‘I’ll convince the other countries that Verne is not fit to rule and dethrone Verne myself. I won't let history repeat itself and this time, I won't die.’ 
You quickly slipped into your study before any members of Verne’s court could question you about your duties. You pulled out a map out of its roll and laid it across a large table. ‘Ok so..’
Cariosus was a part of a nation called Twisted Wonderland, that was ruled by a King. Cariosus was surrounded by different countries by all sides. Even if Verne can’t be dethroned now, if the remaining countries side with your claim, the King will think about removing him. To get the other countries to agree with the claim, you’ll need to show that Verne is unfit for the position. All the countries are trying to take advantage of the others and you did know the Lord for several years. You had plenty of dirt, if the other Lords are willing to listen. Other than that… well you can hope for the best. You can easily be allowed to leave Cariosus since you’re an Ambassador and can guise your intentions under want to build relations, but then what?
An optimal solution would be to acquire the aid of the Merpeople, as the whole Twisted Wonderland is surrounded by water. This would be a good escape plan. Should plans head south, heading to another nation entirely can be an option. However, that is not an easy solution. Marchioness Isabella’s land is right at the edge of Verne’s land, bordering the Coral Sea. It wasn’t particularly a rich region in terms of materials, but as was near the sea, most international exports and imports are transported from said land. Because of this, Verne and Isabella have known each other since childhood, but had drifted apart due to Isabella needing to study to become head of her house. Unfortunately even if you were a Count, Isabella outranked you. You’d have to recruit the Coral Sea when you’ve proven you were capable enough to gain support from some other countries. Your land bordered Briar Valley, a country known for the Fae people. Briar Valley was a dangerous place, best to leave that for last. The safest place to head to this time of year was… ‘The Queendom of Roses.’
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ask-missparker · 3 months
And all I've seen, Since eighteen hours ago / ONCE UPON A TIME AU
This continues the trend of the series 1 finale —> click here to read it
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Pairing: Snow!Amelia x Charming!Nikolai, Rumple!Cole x Hook!Jeremy
Extra characters mentioned: Ethan, Liane, Cassie, Bella, Marlene, Melissa etc
Note: I tried my best with this one but i like how it turned out
A/N: I might need new songs for titles very soon 😂
The streets were full with the dim lighting of the gray skies. The clouds covered each and every square of sunlight that tried to keep entering the town with such intensity just like the people in it.
A light blast waves through the air and past people who were simply walking around, trying to enjoy their day as that sudden explosion of light came through them. A shock wave of smoky memories entered folks from across the streets, as it all came from the hospital where Liane was just woken up from her slumber by her Prince. Ethan, Ace Of Hearts.
Mia was nursing a killer headache with another stroke of Advil, she might as well pass out from the tension on her forehead, that’s when she felt a shocked sensation come across almost immediately dropping her bottle of water.
Memories slowly started to brace for impact like being unlocked from a tightly packed closet. She looked over her shoulder gasping, rushing to swing the door open as the others followed suit.
“Snow?” Liane said with a hush tone, her eyes watered.
“Mal!” She replied rushing to carefully pull her into a gentle embrace.
She smiled at Ethan who winked at her remembering Cassie and watching Belladonna. Her mind was still fuzzy herself from the day she has had, trying to piece together what happened. She listened to Liane and Cassie joked with each other as Bella went to hug mother.
Still being a nurse and noticing herself as Amelia, she caught wind of Liane’s concern placing the patient staff in front of her.
She remembers Cole leaving that staff here for some reason before waking up then left without telling her anything else. She wondered where he headed of to now…
“Col—Rumple, left it here if you believe that. Found it a supply closest of all places.” She added.
“Is it still magic? Am I still magic?” Liane asked with a hopeful hint of wonder in her eyes.
“Uh, no one knows yet. But everyone is waking up. Wait—Nikolai!”
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Oh shit her husband?! Amelia quickly tugged off her white coat and went rushing out the door hearing her friends laughter. She yelled at her fellow nurses Judy—who was really one of the knights wives of their land—oh dear god was her head was foggy, that she will be back later.
She raced out of the double doors into the main streets of the town finding people, who were her other friends running around looking for their loved ones, tripping over things.
She found Marlene crashing into her frantically trying to wrap her head around this whole thing and asking for Melissa. Mia blinked saying she’s at the hospital, as the tall brunette thanked her with a hug running over to find her girl.
Amelia—Snow, she walked around wondering if she will find him and her—oh my goodness gracious her son! She placed a hand over her stomach at the feeling started racing back to her body. She remembered a couple of things before passing around back in the enchanted forest, one of them being the last few moments with her son as Jeremy and Nikolai took her to the wardrobe.
Meanwhile Nik was sitting on the rooftop of his home thinking over his crazy week. From plenty of customers coming to get a tattoo to his kid being kidnapped by his brother. He took him to the hospital a couple hours ago to get a quick check-up after the bomb dropped at home.
Just as he was about to open the bottle of beer in his hand a sudden burst floated past him and crashing down his head. He sucked in a large breath as he moved backwards in his seat, his eyes closed then blinked open looking around confused for a split second. Like a light switch, the memories came pounding down at him.
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Both Prince Charming and Princess Charming. Jeremy being Captain Hook, Cole being a wizard of their land, Ethan as Ace Of Heart, Melissa as Belle and the list went on. He was in pure shock and surprised scrambling off the rooftops, down the stairs and into the window that led him into of his loft. He went searching for his jacket then paused as his eyes caught the baby blanket in the hallway behind the wall, inching over his memories start to forward onto that day.
Flashbacks and echoes never wanting to let go. The laughter, the cries, the pain and faces. He reached the edge of living room where he found him sitting on the couch flipping across the tv screen for something entertaining to watch, locking eyes with him.
Joshua. His beautiful boy was now 16 years old with a small bruise of his arm and two tiny cuts on his face. He smiled and nodded sitting down beside him, cupping his face and just held him in his arms. All he wanted to do was apologize for leaving him alone for so many years. His son looked at him oddly as of trying to pick up the piece seeing the glimmer in Nikolai’s eyes.
“You remembered..? Y-you’re awake?” Joshua asked, not knowing weather or not to believe it.
Nikolai just nodded, “Y-yeah, bubba. I’m awake..oh god I am so sorry I didn’t believe any of you kids in the beginning.”
“It’s alright..it’s okay, does that mean everyone else is?”
“Y-yeah, it’s gotta be. You found us. You found really us…oh my god your mom and friends!”
“I’ll go find your mother and my friends. You go check on the others.”
The two stood up grabbing their coats rushing out of the loft. Nikolai knew there are so many things he needed to do later on, but his thoughts came rushing down to his wife. Joshua smiled running out the door as a glimpse of hope started to emerge from his eyes noticing the chaos of the streets rushing to find Bella and Ethan. He helped a couple of others that were still trying to desperately find their loved ones.
Rick and Luna were even seen reunited with their family at the diner.
Nikolai went around the corner, searching for his friends as the crowded streets went cold. His mind was running a miles a second faster than his body can handle, noticing couples running into each other’s arms, kids looking for their friends and some of his teammates piling up. He looked over his shoulders to notice the stack of bouncing brown curls in black jeans and top that seemed to be light blue scrubs.
He allowed a breathless smile reach his cheeks and yelled out, “Snow!”
She paused turning her head standing next to the pair of trucks, taking a breath as she muttered, “Charming…”
The two stumbled onto the middle of the streets, falling into each other’s arms. Amelia cupped his face for a split second, as her hands reached to grab the collar of jacket breathlessly taking in his features. His cheekbones were covered with a layer of cold blush and his curls acted a little wild but beloved nonetheless. Nikolai held her close, embracing her touch pushing the short brown layers out of her face, scanning every inch of her face like he was lost in translation and drowning, finding coming up for air.
“I missed you…you found me again..” She said joking softly
“Of course I would.” He responded with a small laugh, “You have you no idea how much I missed you..”
“God, it was right in front of us this whole time.”
“It’s okay. We were just as blinded as they were.”
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Without a second thought, the couple pulled the other into a long awaited kiss, every bit of longing was brought into that moment. A hand was placed on the back of Amelia’s neck as they kissed, meanwhile a small hand stayed on Nikolai’s chest.
A small muttering voice was heard causing them to pull apart, reconnecting the very same thought to their son. Joshua stood there awkwardly smiling at his parents who pulled him into a tight embrace, hushing whatever worries or concerns he had. Amelia saw her baby again, that’s all that mattered to her as she kissed his forehead, the same forehead she stitched up a couple of hours ago. She had so many questions and things she wanted to truly know about him. Nikolai rested a hand on his head and pressed a kiss onto his forehead, remembering the last moment they shared together when he was just born, now he had another memory—another chance to rebuild up that list of moments lost.
On the other side of town, Cole and Jeremy were talking about something, hiking up a hill near the woods. The two reunited in the middle of the streets a couple of minutes ago, telling one another how much they missed their husband very much.
As the two embraced it clicked for Jeremy that his husband he woke up first and didn’t think of waking him afterwards. He wasn’t too upset about it, just questioned how handled waking up to wake up from the curse and didn’t try to knock some sense into him.
Cole was holding his husband’s hand and sighs, “For the last time, I’m sorry for not waking up you up sooner!”
Jeremy softly glared returning the favor of keeping him closed as he responded, “You let me go on for more than a few weeks, under this spell as the most doe eyed husband known to man. With a damn prosthetic hand!” 
“Oh hush, you were happy under the curse for years and not taking my ear off! It was kinda funny coming home to you not wearing your leather and red vest.”
“I was wearing blue jeans, flannel and sneakers every day for years. I miss my thick boots..and I love prosthetic hand, but I kinda my hook, babe.”
“I know you will like the flexibility to use both. We’re going to go searching for it in my shop after we’re done. And I’ll take you out to dinner for an apology, I promise.”
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Jeremy grinned hearing that part, knowing he more than deserved a whole week alone with his husband now that the curse was over. He knew he has to find their friends afterwards but first he wanted him.
Cole smirked and pressed a kiss to his lips, missing that cheeky grin of his loving man as they reach the wishing well closed to the town. The water of run below are set to have the powers to return what once was lost. Yes there was magic small enough to sprinkle in tiny corners of the town, but not as much as they would like.
They just needed a little more.
Cole let Jeremy to the honors, holding a small bottle of mist that was coated with true loves magical elements. The two were able to take a few flowers from the store across the pawnshop, crush the seeds within to create a misty powder, mixing with the other elements they could find.
It didn’t have to be a lot of magic. A trickle to a certain roar would do enough to breathe life back into the town. Cole rested his head on Jeremy’s shoulder as his husband poured the powder down the well.
They waited for something to take place.
“Nothing happened.” Jeremy said blunted, with a humorous tone.
“Wait for it, love.” Cole added inching for them to take a step back.
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A mere two seconds later, a lower misty cloud crawled up the well and out pouring its down the slope of hills and mountains below, seemingly leading itself across town like a light blue sea of fog.
Sometimes the grandest gestures came from all packages. The misty clouds floated over the floor of the buildings and streets catching a slight breeze of attention for everyone. It wasn’t huge, but effective nonetheless.
It was subtle. 
The couple grinned at the sight, it was wild and soft whisper. Oh boy were they gonna have a nice dinner tonight.
The town slowly but steadily noticed the glimmer of light blue smoke that reached above their feet. Even if none of them noticed, others have felt in their bones. Some people felt it quicker than the rest.
Good chance some might’ve gotten the bouncing feeling of magic surrounding them the moment the curse broke and others, the would’ve touched that side of themselves later on.
Liane felt it in her back as she lay across in her hospital bed, Ethan was more than concerned with their friends to notice. Bella noticed something small out of the corner of her eye, so did Cassie.
Alexander was in his office, glancing out the window to notice the blue smoke coming across the streets, he stood there confused then smirked wondering what would happened next.
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Citizens of the town looked over their shoulders to notice the mist crawling from the ground like a breeze.
Nikolai’s eye widen grabbing his eye and son’s hands ushering them to somewhere else safer than the middle of the street.
Joshua’s narrow his eyesight as his mother held him close to her chest, watching the smoke start to pour onto the edges of town then slowly disappear. Amelia kept a hand on his head watching the smoke clear, leaning against her husband.
She knew whatever happens next, all that matters is they’re alive and kicking. Weather they have magic or not in these streets…
Th-th-that’s all folks! Hopefully more will be revealed soon hehe. 😜
Anyways I hope you guys enjoy it, tell me what do you think?
Thank you @missstrawbs2001 for coming on this journey with me! I honestly didn’t expect this to grow and become what it is haha it was originally intended to be a one off thing. 💕 Thank you @gcthvile for creating such amazing content to bounce of off, I love your work and taking time to explore this universe of storytelling 💘
Tags: @rooster-84 @cherrysft @gaminggirlsstuff @purpleprincessonfyre @luna-d-marsh @rickb-chaos @sherloquestea @thecavalrywife @thisgirlisonfayeeer @cherrykissthings @mera-xebella and etc
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slashergirlnancy · 5 months
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stancy + The Hunger Games AU (mentor!Nancy and tribute!Steve)
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pixypunch · 2 years
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au series: the subgenre magical girl is centered around heroines that, after a specific transformation, gain magical powers. these heroines use a scepter or similar weapon to channel their energy to defeat the forces of evil. common themes include femininity, youth, and friendship.
rocket punch + magical girls (insp. by @hvseul)
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Run to You ~ Chapter Twelve
Chapter Summary: The pair are a filthy, sweaty mess. Kasey surprises Dean with an unexpected gift.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Kasey Belmont (OFC)
Warnings: Language; Here, there be smut; and lots of it.
Rating: Mature 18+ NSFW
Word Count: 10,028
Series Master Post
Beta: @princessmisery666 and @wayward-and-worn
Movie Reference/Quote: Titanic
Song Reference: Love Will Keep Us Alive - Eagles
Author’s Notes: This is an AU. While there are several SPN characters mentioned, basically no one has the same connections as they did in the show, and Dean and Sam are not related.
Written for: @jay-and-dean -Jay’s 3K Celebration and @spnaubingo.
SPNAUBingoSquare Filled: Fugitive AU
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Kasey’s chest rises with a deep inhale, legs sliding off him and fingers stilling in his hair. Rolling off her and onto his back, he scrubs a hand down his face and inwardly groans.
What the hell is wrong with me? 
It’s as if she’s cast a spell over him. He hasn’t been able to contain any of the feelings he typically hides away from the world. All he’s done from the moment she asked him to tell her the truth is spout a fountain of thoughts and emotions that he never imagined he’d feel, let alone say aloud. 
It’s astounding how everything fell so quickly into place. Alarming how easy it is to picture himself happy with her, building a life together. So the demons of his mind come calling to remind him that he’d tried for the apple pie life once before, and look how that turned out. Right now, there’s a big red target on his back, and the need to protect Kasey from any more of his crazy life looms heavy in his heart. The thought of harm coming to her as a consequence of simply knowing him causes his breath to catch in his throat and his muscles to tense. 
Dammit, why couldn’t I have met her sooner? Before I got married. Before, my life ended up being a living nightmare.
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Dean feels the mattress shift, and then her shoulder is pressed to his, fingers smoothing back a lock of hair from his face as she murmurs his name.
Turning his head to look at her, he’s greeted with a soft smile, and she confides, “We’ll figure it out. Right? We promised to trust each other, remember.”
It’s not a question. It’s a reminder, and just like that, the anxiety melts away.  
How does she do that?
The grip on his heart eases, muscles loosen and flex, and his breath comes fast but easy. Placing his hand over hers, he kisses her palm, then pulls her on top of him. One arm securing her around the waist, the other wrapped around the back of her neck as he claims her mouth in a bruising kiss, teeth clacking together with the surge of emotion. He pours every bit of that emotion into the kiss because even though he’s been running off at the mouth, there are still words that wouldn’t make sense to say to someone he’s only known for three days.
She kisses him back with just as much passion, hands cradling the top of his head, thumbs massaging his temples. He doesn’t break the kiss until they’re both struggling for breath. Kasey immediately buries her face in his neck, bringing her elbows closer to his body. He hugs her tighter, caging her against him with both arms. Sweat coalesces between them—hot, slick, and admittedly a little gross, but neither moves to remedy the situation.
Until her stomach loudly growls in the weighted silence. Chest vibrating against his with a bubble of laughter, a smile is pressed against his flesh. 
“Maybe I should have let you have a taste,” he husks into her ear. 
Sharp teeth nip at his skin before she pushes off him with a small cry, “Shit, the food!”
Dean reluctantly releases her, each groaning at the squelching sound when their bodies slide apart.
“Why didn’t you tell me it was so damn hot in here?” she grumbles, slipping from the bed. “I would have found another fan for you, or we could have taken the plastic off the windows.”
“Honestly, it hasn’t been that hot until now. You brought the heat with you.” He wiggles his eyebrows at her, earning an eye roll in response. 
Hands ruffling through the twisted sheets, she tilts her head and lightly slaps the side of his thigh. “Lift your leg.” Arching an eyebrow, he obliges, bending his knee. Her eyes scan the space, the corner of her mouth curling up when she apparently finds what she is looking for. Blunt nails graze his flesh, causing his leg to jerk, and he grunts in surprise. 
She holds up the hair band that had been stuck to the back of his shin with a triumphant smile, then quickly pulls her hair into a high ponytail before wiping her body down with a corner of the sheet.
Dean stares hungrily at the smooth, tanned skin covering lithe muscle, the curve of her ass as she bends to pull her dress up her body, the arch of her back as she glides the material over the swell of her breasts to retie the knot behind her neck.
Dick twitching in response, he drops his gaze, pulling the sheet over himself to wipe away the moisture dripping down his chest. She’s already down the hallway by the time he looks back up, calling out to him, “Are you coming?” He chuckles and shakes his head. He probably could come again just thinking about how good it felt to be sheathed inside her.
“Be there in a sec,” he hollers back. Closing his eyes, he commits it all to memory—the sultry air heavily scented with warm bread and cinnamon, the drag of nails over his flesh, the pull and slide of sweat-slicked skin, the softness and weight of her, the lust-filled, honeyed rasp of whispered words and pleading cries.
He’ll keep it securely tucked away in his heart and mind, a happy memory, so when he’s back in that godforsaken cement cage, he’ll have something to remind him there’s light, even hope, out there. Dean heaves himself out of bed and pulls on the discarded pajama bottoms, padding down the hallway after her.
When he enters the kitchen, he finds Kasey poking her fingers into a large round of dough. Leaning against the doorframe, he watches as she folds and reshapes the mass before placing it into a loaf pan next to the other three. She huffs a breath and swipes the back of her hand along her forehead, leaving a trail of flour behind.
“Saved it.” Brushing her hands together to clean them, she gives him a pleased grin which turns into a pout as she looks around the space. “Hmm, not so much the other stuff, though.”
Dean smiles and pushes off the frame. “What can I do?”
“Take care of what’s on the table?” 
Feeling Kasey’s eyes boring into him, he asks without turning, “Like what you see?”
Her reply is swift, voice coated in adulation, “I most certainly do,” and further informs him, “especially since the thin cotton covering that perky ass and those beefy thighs is nearly transparent in the sun.”
Stopping at the end of the table, he widens his stance, hands on his hips, and stares out the large window for a moment, chuckling at the huff of breath and cute grunt he hears in response.
About forty minutes later, he places the last pan in the drying rack. Leaning back against the sink, he follows Kasey’s movement around the room as she hums along to the song on the radio, once again contemplating how ‘normal’ this all feels—the domesticity of it all—something he’s never experienced on this level before. It was never like this with his wife, and he starts to wonder why they ever got married. 
Making a conscious effort not to spiral down that rabbit hole, he picks up a discarded towel from the counter as he makes his way over to her. She scrunches her face when he grips her chin, turning her head so he can brush the powdery streaks from her forehead and cheek. Kissing the tip of her nose, he tosses the towel back onto the marble, asking as he steps back, “It’s like Dante’s seventh circle outside. Why all the baking?” 
“I was frustrated. Baking has always been a way to help me calm down. Besides, it wasn’t quite as hot when I started.”
“Must have been pretty frustrated,” he teases. “How’re you feelin’ now?”
Entirely unprepared for her response, he doesn’t have time to move before being covered in a mixture of flour and crumbs from the scrap pile on the island countertop. Blinking, he feels the silky powder drift from his lashes to float away on the sun-dappled air. “What the-” He shakes his limbs, trying to dislodge some of the dusty mix, but it clings to his damp skin like the mist of heavy fog.
Bent over laughing, she almost misses seeing him lunge for her, but she skirts out of his reach and tries to put the island between them. He’s quicker, though. Snagging his fingers in the back of her dress, he pulls her flush against his chest.
She squirms in his hold as he rubs the side of his face against hers, smearing the sticky mess across her skin, and growls, “That wasn’t very nice.”
Scooping up the remaining floury debris, he mashes the mess into the hair on top of her head. Kasey laughs louder, her ponytail loosening as she struggles fruitlessly against his hold. She shrieks when he spins her away from him, grasping her hand just before she’s out of reach. 
A wispy halo of white surrounds her head, bits of dough are caked in her disheveled hair, and lumpy cream-colored streaks trail from her hairline to her chin. She looks beautiful. Eyes sparkling and a lighthearted smile. 
Feeling his chest swell with his escalating heart rate, he tugs on her arm, and she falls into him, warm and pliant. He immediately captures her lips in a hungry kiss, running his hands up her arms to cradle her neck, thumbs gently stroking along her jawline.
Body trembling with the intensity of the kiss, he tries to ground himself in the feel of her. Kasey’s breath hitches as the tips of his middle fingers lightly brush down either side of her spine unhurried. When he reaches the small of her back, his hands fall to gently rest on her hips, and her entire body seems to sigh as she drapes her arms over his shoulders. 
The song changes, and he sways them to the slower tempo. Breaking the kiss, he presses his forehead to hers. “This is the song that was playing when the power came back on.”
“Hmm, one of my favorites.” She pecks his lips and then lays her head on his shoulder. He reaches back to take a hand in his, and her fingers wrap around his thumb, the other hand resting against his shoulder blade, letting him dance her around the kitchen. It’s easy and comfortable, intimate, and the same feeling of contentment that struck him when he agreed to stay settles in his soul.
Timothy B. Schmit’s high tenor comes around, and Kasey softly sings along. Dean’s heard the song hundreds of times, but as the low harmony of her voice fills the air, he latches onto a new meaning behind the words.
“I was standing, all alone against the world outside. You were searching for a place to hide.”
Kasey snuggles closer to him, and a sense of hope fills him as she slides her hand over his bare skin to wrap around the nape of his neck.
“Lost and lonely, now you've given me the will to survive.”
A lump forms in his throat at the realization of how closely their lives mirror the lyrics- 
“When we're hungry, love will keep us alive.”
-and his pulse quickens over the last line of the chorus. 
She met him at the worst possible time in his life, has seen him at his lowest, yet chose to trust him, is willing to face the consequences of helping him overcome the biggest challenge he’s ever faced, has given him hope, and has shown him kindness.
Time has lost all sense of meaning for him. It’s like she’s always been with him—in the back of his mind, his peripheral vision, his dreams—waiting for him to truly perceive her. The fact that he only saw her for the first time three days ago is incomprehensible. He wasn’t lying when he told her he had been hers the minute he stepped onto the porch. He hadn’t realized it then, too focused on the need to survive, but once he knew he was safe, he recognized the feeling for what it was—it had felt like coming home. She feels like home.
He promised no more running. He promised to trust her and told her this was where he felt he belonged. So he shoves down his insecurities and lingering misgivings and chooses her. Chooses to trust his heart. Chooses to stay with her and fight his demons in the same vein she has chosen to fight for his life.
Closing his eyes, he tightens his hold and brings their clasped hands to rest on his chest. “You know,” his voice is steady, further solidifying his resolve that this is where he is meant to be, “this sounds like us.”
Kasey pauses on the following line but doesn’t say anything right away, and he wonders if he should have kept his mouth shut. Then he feels her smile. 
“Yeah, I guess it does.” She sighs, fingers playing with his hair while she goes back to singing.
The inevitable happens, and the song comes to a close, but even though the faster-paced strains of Traveling Riverside Blues begin to float through the space, he keeps her close, continuing to sway slowly in place, not wanting the moment to end. 
If it were possible, it feels like she melts even further into him as he begins to sing. “Your voice is beautiful,” she whispers into his chest. “I could stay right here like this all day.” Squeezing her hand in agreement, he continues to serenade her as they drift around the room. 
About halfway through the song, though, he feels her body shake just before her laughter reaches his ears. “As seductive as your voice is, I think we should finish cleaning the kitchen and then get cleaned up ourselves.”
Regretfully, he has to agree, feeling the tug on his skin as she pulls away, the flour having turned into a sticky paste between them.
Another twenty minutes later, the dishes have been put away, the countertops are gleaming, the floor has been swept and mopped, and the bread is in the oven.
Dean picks at a dried clump of goop on his chest as he leans against the counter, catching the flaky pieces and tossing them into the sink. Sitting next to him atop the surface, she bumps his shoulder.
“Go get in the shower. I’m going to wait for the bread. It’s almost done.” 
He’d like nothing more than to wait for her so that they could shower together. However, his skin itches, and he feels gross, probably smells gross, too. Pushing off the counter, he kisses a clean spot on her forehead. “Yeah, okay. Feeling pretty disgusting right now,” he grimaces.
“Me too,” she laughs, pulling a chunk of dough from her hair. 
He laughs with her as he heads out of the room, stopping to look back when she calls out to him. 
“You can use the one in my room. It’s bigger. Has the fancy shower heads and everything.” She wiggles her eyebrows with a flashy little show of jazz hands. 
She wasn’t kidding when she said it was bigger. The wide glass door opens into a walk-in stone slab and river-rock-lined space that should be located in a spa or some million-dollar mansion. It’s slightly larger than his jail cell had been and sports a stone bench, recessed niches for storage, a rain shower, and two multi-function shower heads.
Modern and sophisticated, not at all something original to the home. It appears that the only item left of the original bathroom is the cast iron claw-foot tub placed beneath the large window looking over the side yard. 
The update is an interesting contrast to the way Kasey seems to have preserved the rest of the old farmhouse. A unique reflection of her refined yet down-to-earth personality. Perhaps, a piece of the city she couldn’t leave behind.
It takes him several minutes to figure out the controls, but when he finally does, he’s treated to a pulsing cascade of water from almost every angle. He’s just beginning to relax when Kasey surprises him by slipping her slender arms around him from behind, and he nearly elbows her in the side. She squeezes him tighter as he grips her forearms to keep her from slipping. 
“Sorry,” she chuckles. “I couldn’t wait any longer to get this crap out of my hair. I hope you don’t mind.”
Gently tugging on her arm, he pulls her around to face him. “Not at all. Was actually hoping you’d join me.” The smoldering look she gives him as her hand slides over his hip to grope his ass makes his cock swell. 
After helping each other remove the more tenacious gunk from their bodies and a round of satisfying and only slightly complicated shower sex, they head back downstairs to eat lunch. Opting to forego clothing, they’re each wrapped in only a large fluffy towel, which does nothing to diminish his hunger for her. Now that he’s tasted her, felt her around him, he craves more. He’d love to bend her over the counter and rail her.
Turning from putting the dishes away, her eyes spark, and the corner of her mouth twitches when she catches him staring. He feels the heat spread across his chest and neck, knowing that she knows precisely what he’s thinking, but then she covers her mouth to stifle a yawn, reminding him of how little sleep they have both gotten the past couple of days. Standing from the table, he holds a hand out to her, and they make their way back upstairs to her room. 
“Is it always this hot around here?” Dean huffs as he plugs in the fan from downstairs to supplement the ceiling fan in Kasey’s room. Ensuring it’s set securely on the small side table, he momentarily stands in front of it, letting the forced breeze cool his skin.
Kasey laughs as he walks toward the bed to lie beside her. “Not this time of year. It appears you brought the heat with you when you obnoxiously collapsed on my porch.”
“Ha ha, funny,” he grouses, lifting his arm for Kasey to lay her head on his chest. “I could have died.”
“Not on my watch,” she states almost vehemently, causing him to smile at the protectiveness in her tone. He likes the feeling it gives him.
“It seems like this is healing nicely.” Her fingers drift down his body to trace the edges of the fresh bandage she insisted on applying after their shower, where she fussed over the fact that he got it wet. “It feels okay? Doesn’t hurt?”
“It’s fine,” he huffs in exasperation, then yelps and slaps her hand away when she pinches the skin about an inch above the wound. “Hey.”
“Don’t get testy with me,” she derides, but he can hear the humor lacing the edges of her retort. “I’d hate to see it get infected.”
“Seriously,” he grips her forearm and pulls it over his body, “it’s fine. It’s pretty much healed. I got the bullet out and cleaned the wound. I just didn’t have time to stitch it up. Having to constantly do a parkour routine to keep ahead of the law kept opening the wound. That’s the only reason it was still bleeding. I didn’t have time to rest and let it heal properly.”
“You know, you could have made it worse by taking the bullet out,” she sniffs.
“I couldn’t leave the slug in my gut. It definitely would have gotten infected or caused more damage.” Tears dampen his chest, and he tightens his hold, pulling her a fraction closer. “It wasn’t deep. The guy’s hand was shaking; it ricocheted off of a seat, slowed it down. Besides, it’s been over two weeks. If it was going to kill me, it would have already,” and runs a soothing hand over her hair.
Bringing her hand back to lightly rest over the bandage, she mumbles, “Not letting it happen ever again.”
He kisses the top of her head, relaxing into the soft bedding, fingers tracing random patterns on her arm. Moments later, the rhythm of her breathing lets him know she’s asleep, and he follows shortly after.
Dean wakes to a dimly lit room. The sun is low in the sky, deep, vibrant shades of purple and orange painting the view outside the window. Stretching lazily, he tries but fails to recall the last time he’s felt this relaxed. Rolling to his other side, he finds the space next to him empty and a slip of paper on the pillow. Sitting up, he turns on the small lamp on the nightstand. Not sure why he’s surprised to find that her handwriting is just as beautiful as she is, he chuckles.
Get dressed and meet me on the porch. ~K
He’s quick to obey and make his way downstairs to find her lying across the swing, a leg thrown over the side to keep it in motion.
“Finally,” she huffs, sitting up as he steps up next to her. “I was beginning to think I would have to drag you out of bed.”
“Why, what’s up?”
“You’ll see.” 
Kasey holds out her hand for him to help her stand, and he tugs on her arm, making her wobble with the momentum. 
“I’m not big on surprises,” he drolls, setting a hand at her hip to help steady her.
“Oh, I think you’re going to like this one,” she quips, reaching into the pocket of the Daisy Dukes she’s wearing. Coupled with a bikini top, the outfit leaves little to his imagination. “But hey, I can always just tuck these back in your jeans.”
She hooks a finger into his left front pocket, and he bites his lip as she runs it over the fabric against his skin. The jingle of metal draws his attention to her other hand, where she twirls the small ring that holds Baby’s ignition key around her finger. “Thought you might like to go for a drive.”
Stunned, mouth agape, his eyes repeatedly flick between her and the key as he absentmindedly pats down his pockets. A flick to his nose makes him focus, and he rubs a finger over the tip, remembering how she’d done the same thing that first night when they’d been drinking.
“Did I break you?”
“Phftt… No,” he hedges, rolling his eyes like it’s the most ridiculous concept to ever be voiced, then immediately implores, “Are you kidding? Please say you’re not kidding.” 
“I’m not kidding.” Turning his hand, she drops the key in his palm and curls his fingers around the cool metal. “We have a track on the ‘back forty’. It’s dirt, but it’s well-maintained. There’s even a couple of areas where you can get a little heavy on the pedal.” She winks. “Come on, Winchester, take me for a ride.” Taking his hand, she pulls him off the porch and down the steps.
Son of a bitch. 
Dean knows that her comment was about the Impala, but the image that springs to his mind of her moaning his name, tits bouncing and silky walls squeezing, as she comes undone while riding his dick again almost sends him to his knees. He stumbles on the last step, nearly knocking her down when he topples into her.
She holds her ground and manages to prevent him from falling in the process. “Hey, are you okay?” 
Her eyes scan his body, and when they meet his once again, the tips of his ears burn bright. The coy smile lets him know she has seen the evidence of his wayward thoughts.
“Wow. Should I be jealous of the car?” Her lips twitch, the corner slowly curling up.
“I- What? No,” he splutters. The warmth of embarrassment spreads across his chest and into his cheeks. “That’s not- I-” 
She’s full-on laughing now, and he huffs a breath.
Wait. Jealous?
Eyes narrowed, he scrutinizes her demeanor. “Why would you be jealous?” The thought of her being possessive in relation to him makes him simultaneously happy and intrigued. He truly believes that having sex with him is more than a convenience fuck for her, but he never dreamed that her feelings might be on the same level as his.  
Kasey’s eyes widen, and the laughter immediately dies in her throat. “What?” She looks shocked, a little frightened, but quickly schools her features. Turning away, she calls over her shoulder, “Let’s go, or we’re going to miss it.”
“Hey, wait. Miss what?” He has to jog to catch up with her. 
Once inside the building, she doesn’t give him a chance to bring up the subject again, practically sprinting to the back of the barn and disappearing into a room on the left. When he finally catches up, he finds her in a sizable office, leaning over a glass-topped wooden table. “Here, come and look.” 
Dean steps up beside her to find what appears to be a large sheet of paper covered in geometric shapes in various shades of green and brown, sealed beneath the glass. Upon closer inspection, he realizes it’s a plat map of the farm. Golden-yellow lines mark the property lines of each acre. Pale blue squiggles and circles show the creek's path, tributaries, and what he assumes to be a couple of ponds or small lakes. 
“This is where we are.” Her finger taps a small square near the bottom middle third of the area before gliding over the surface to a tan-colored line about a quarter-inch thick that splits in two. “See this?” Not waiting for a response, she continues. “Off to the left is the path we took to the creek the other day. It’s narrower and rougher. But here,” her slender finger moves to the right, tracing over what he assumes is the dirt trail she mentioned before, “see how it’s wider, less curvy? That’s the route we’re going to take.” 
He follows the trail that cuts through the top third of the property before circling back to the fork in the road where she started. It’s almost like a long race track. If it’s as well maintained as she says it is, he could let Baby loose on that top stretch. The thought of feeling the power of her engine, the wheels eating up the dirt beneath them, sends his pulse racing like a freight train and blocks all other thoughts from his mind. 
“Dean, let’s go!” The impatience in her tone and the light slap to his bicep bring his attention back to her. “That’s the second time you’ve spaced out on me. Maybe I’m the one that should be driving?” 
“Oh, hell, no.” Bending, he flips her over his shoulder and heads out of the office door, not stopping until they are next to the Impala. Setting Kasey down on the trunk, he wedges himself between her legs, cradles her face in his hands, then plants a firm kiss on her lips.
When he breaks away, her confused eyes scan his face. “What was that for?”
“For… everything.” Emotions surge through him, but thankfully the tears remain at bay this time, replaced by the ramble of words that spill from his lips. “The bed, the clothes, the food, taking me in, helping me, this,” he waves his hand in the direction of the Impala, “for saving me… for- for being you.”
Kasey stares at him, stunned, lips parted around a word she can’t seem to voice. He shakes his head and adds, “I’ll never be able to repay you.”
Her features morph into a provocative pout, eyes gleaming with mischief. Hooking her fingers into his belt loops, she tugs, sliding closer as she pulls him to her. “Oh, I can think of a way you could start to repay me.” 
Licking his lips, he plants his palms on the cool metal on either side of her and arches a brow. “Oh?” The thin material of his t-shirt does nothing to hinder the scrape of her nails as she dances them up his torso while pressing her core against his still semi-hard cock. He leans into her and growls, “And what would that be?”
The hard shove to his chest is a surprise, throwing him off balance. Kasey’s laughter echoes around the space, “Show me what you can do behind the wheel of this car.” Sliding off the trunk, she ducks beneath his arm and is opening the barn’s large double doors before he even has a chance to comprehend what just happened.
Fuck. She’s going to be the death of me.
He knows there are much worse ways to go, though, so he shakes his head and smiles. Adjusting himself, he walks around the car and slides in behind the wheel, running a hand over the dash as he closes his eyes. The smell of leather and motor oil is tinged with a fresh sweetness that was never there before. He’d caught a hint of it last night, but hadn’t given it much thought, too overwhelmed and lost in memories.
He inhales deeply, trying to identify the not unpleasant scent. It doesn’t take long for him to realize the same scent surrounds him whenever he’s near Kasey. Unlike the murderous sentiments that usually fill every molecule of his body when thinking about someone else driving his Baby, there’s a strange calmness in knowing that she sat in this same seat and had taken such good care of his most prized possession.
A loud whistle breaks his reverie, and he looks up to find Kasey standing in the open doorway with her arms out and a ‘what the hell are you doing?’ expression etched on her features.
Smiling sheepishly, he turns the ignition key, and the engine roars to life. He maneuvers the car out of the garage, stopping just outside the entrance to allow Kasey to get in. 
“You sure you don’t want me to drive?” she huffs before even closing the door.
“No, sorry. I’m fine. Just got caught up in some memories,” he shrugs.
She smiles warmly, getting comfortable in the seat and rolling down the window. “Alright then, let’s roll.”
When they hit the first long stretch, Kasey tells him to floor it, and they shoot down the trail doing eighty-five. It’s exhilarating. He’d missed this feeling—the adrenaline rush, the sense of freedom, of being one with his Baby and the road—missed it deep in his bones. Never imagined that he would ever experience it again. 
The trail is better maintained than he could have imagined. If he didn’t know better, he would have thought they were traveling over freshly laid asphalt.
He sneaks a glance at Kasey. Her arm hangs out the window, hand riding the air currents, laughing as the wind whips her hair around her face. She’s carefree... captivating. He’d give anything to stay in this moment forever, but he needs to pay attention to the road. He’d prefer not to crash and possibly injure Kasey or Baby. Taking the curve at a more reasonable speed, he prompts, “You do this with your truck, don’t you? That’s why the trail’s so smooth.”
“Maybe,” she giggles, brushing the hair from her face. “We race the ATVs too.”
“Oh. Yeah, uh, my friends, the farm workers, neighbors...” She waves a hand in the air like it’s no big deal. “We have a huge celebration after the harvest. Everyone brings food, and there’s a local band that does great rock covers. Usually lasts the entire weekend.”
“Where do all these people come from?” Worry churns in his gut, and his grip tightens on the wheel. A sudden influx of people on the property would not bode well for either of them. She brushes back the hair at his temple but quickly drops her hand when he jerks away. 
“Hey. It’s alright.” Her voice is hushed, and he glances over to see a tender smile. “This is the lull before the storm. We still have a couple of weeks before the bunkhouses start to fill up. We’ll be well into your case to free you by then, and I have an idea about controlling exposure. But we’re not discussing that tonight. Tonight, we’re going to enjoy this beautiful evening and each other’s company.”
The luminescent smile she gives him when he looks her way again nearly forces his heart from his chest, and he almost misses the next curve, swerving at the last minute to keep them out of the field. Kasey grips the door frame to keep from sliding off the seat, her high-pitched squeal ringing in his ears. 
“You know, I honestly thought you’d be a better driver.” she taunts.
He would have been offended, except there’s humor feathering her words, and when he looks, her eyes are shining with mischief and crinkled at the corners with glee. Gripping the hand flattened on the seat, he roughly pulls her across the leather and growls, “I’m the best damn driver you’ll ever meet.” 
Putting his arm over her shoulder and hugging her close, he stomps on the gas pedal as they hit the bottom straightway of the makeshift race track, Kasey’s joyful shout urging him on.
After two more laps, she points to a side trail and asks him to take it. The sky is fully dark now. The car’s headlights cut through the eerie reddish glow of the waning gibbous moon as it rises. The path is narrower and rougher, too, so he slowly eases the Impala over the small ruts, not wanting to damage the suspension. A few minutes later, the tree-lined path ends at a clearing containing one of the small lakes he had seen on the map—a little oasis among the acres of corn.
Kasey exits the Impala from the driver’s side, sliding out behind him. Scanning the area, he hears a door of the car open and turns to find her ass in the air as she bends over the backseat to grab something from the floor on the opposite side. He’s really not sure how much more he can take. His dick strains against the soft, worn denim. It hasn’t fully softened since he found her stretched out on the porch swing. He’d love to take her right there on the back seat and have her ride him just like he imagined.
“Stop staring at my ass and come help me,” she laughs.
Shit. Busted again.
“I wasn’t- that’s not-,” he stutters. 
Kasey stands, “Really?” handing him a lantern, then reaches back in to pull out a small green cooler she sets off to the side. “You weren’t just thinking about having sex on the backseat?”
Turning on the light, he places it on top of the cooler. Eyes dragging up her body as he straightens, he nearly bites off his tongue, seeing her tease her nipple through the bright purple fabric barely covering her plump, perfectly sized breasts.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“No? Nothing to say?” Gaze intent on the movement of her fingers, he startles when she palms his crotch and pouts, “Too bad because I was.”
Hips instinctively shifting, he presses into her hand with a moan, ready to lose his goddamn mind over the simple touch. It only takes a couple of seconds for the circuits in his brain to reconnect, though, when she starts to pull away. He flattens her hand along the firm line of his shaft with his own and grinds into it.
“Such a tease.” He wraps his other hand around the back of her neck, eyes scanning her form. “Wearing this skimpy little outfit,” he rolls his hips, “that pretty little mouth so full of sass.” Using his entire body, he pushes into her space, only stopping when her ass hits metal.
Laying his forearm on the roof of the car by Kasey’s head, he leans in until her back is flush with the vehicle, her hand trapped between their bodies. “Maybe I should fill it with something else.” He thumbs over her lips, hears the moan she tries to swallow, feels the rapid rise and fall of her chest, “Or maybe,” he snaps his hips forward, hard, the delicious friction nearly knocking him from his course of action, “you wanna ride this?” 
“Yes.” One thing he’s learned about her is that she’s not one to back down easily, so it’s no surprise when she curls her fingers as best she can and defiantly replies with a squeeze to his sac. “I do.”
Her other hand pushes against his chest, and he doesn’t fight her, amused and turned on by her confidence. He shuffles back a couple of steps as she continues to grip him tight, eyes locked with his. “I want to ride this big beautiful cock,” she forces the heel of her palm against his shaft, making him choke down a groan, “in that glorious black beauty,” her fingers massage the denim covering his balls, and his hand tightens around her nape, “until I’m screaming your name.”
Jesus fucking christ!
There’s no containing the growl that rises from his chest. He has no explanation for how she seemingly knows precisely what he wants exactly when he needs it, but it’s a helluva turn-on. Kasey grips his forearm, the other slipping beneath his t-shirt, fingers popping the button and dipping into the waistband of his jeans. 
With a low grunt, he pulls away. “In the car, now.” Turning her, he gently shoves her toward the open door. 
Kasey’s laugh coasts on the breeze. Eyeing him over her shoulder, she croons, “Yes, Sir.”
The sultry voice, coupled with the innocent bat of eyelashes, is like a backdraft settling in his groin before being ignited by his sharp intake of breath to burn through his veins. He’s never before felt the level of desire she sparks in him and takes a moment to close his eyes and palm himself through the denim, trying to relieve some of the pressure. 
The sight that greets him when he peels his lids open only makes him harder. The tiny shorts she’s wearing barely cover any flesh, the seam pressed into her crack, giving him a peek of the purple lace beneath as she crawls across the seat. When she stops and steps back out of the car, he challenges, “What are you doing?”
She leans back into the car without a response, and he follows the long line of her legs down to her bare feet. Catching sight of the cooler she’d set down earlier, he notices what appears to be a familiar dent. “Hey, this looks like my old cooler,” he states, the tension easing from his voice.
“Probably is. It was in the trunk when I bought her.”
Dean shakes his head, not even fazed that she has yet another cherished object that belongs to him. It’s like an unseen entity has been gathering them up and placing them in her care until he could come along and collect them again. Maybe there is something to all that destiny crap. But right now, he has far less philosophical matters to attend to. 
Bracing a hand on the door, he bucks his groin against her backside, causing her to fall forward onto the blanket she is spreading over the backseat. “A little warm for that, isn’t it?”
Looking over her shoulder, she pushes back against him, stating matter of factly, “It’s this, or we’re going to be peeling our skin off the leather.”
Gritting his teeth against the pressure on his cock, he growls, “Have I told you how sexy that brain of yours is? And that it gets me really, really hard?”
“You may have mentioned it,” she wiggles her ass, “and I can certainly feel it, but why don’t you get those clothes off and show me?” she challenges, folding her arms over her chest as she straightens, leaning against the rear quarter panel.
“Seriously. The death of me,” he grumbles under his breath, but he doesn’t hesitate to quickly rid himself of his clothing. As he steps out of the denim, he laughs to himself. Every time he thinks he has the upper hand, she pushes back and turns the tables, but he can’t deny that he’ll willingly dance this little dance with her for as long as she’ll let him.
“Your turn,” he taunts.
Kasey pushes off the car with her ass, eyes locked with his. Stepping up to his side, she ghosts a hand over his chest, letting her fingers trail down his arm as she walks around behind him. Her movements are slow, deliberate, and his breath quickens. 
Like the stroke of a feather, the tips of her fingers trace the curve of his butt cheeks. His pulse jumps, and the muscles twitch beneath her caress. She comes round to his other side, her chin tucked, eyes roaming over his flesh. He attempts to make a smart-ass comment. The words lodge in his throat, breaths coming shallow and quick, heart pounding against his ribcage when those delicate fingers he’s obsessed with tickle the palm of his hand, and he watches in anticipation as they drift over his thigh only to stall.
The air is punched from his lungs, heartbeat arrested, the moment she drops to her knees in front of him and takes him in hand. His legs nearly give out, and a hand falls to rest on her shoulder for support when she flicks her tongue through his slit. He barely registers her comment over the rush of blood pulsing against his eardrums.
“You’ve already denied me once. I want a taste before anything else.”
Eyes dark with desire, peer at him through thick lashes, tongue continuing to tease before slipping him into her warm, wet mouth and sucking as her plush lips seal around his head.
“Shit.” The pressure builds. His fingers compress into the curve of her shoulder as she sucks him in further and moans. His sac tightens when her tongue massages the sensitive v near his tip. “Fuck.” He stumbles backward, dick releasing from her mouth with a pop.
Dean grunts, mouth agape as he holds her at arm’s length with one hand and squeezes his tip with the other.
“What?” Though her voice is laced with angelic innocence, her eyes harbor a wicked glint. “I just wanted a taste.” Kasey curls her fingers around his wrist at her shoulder and stands, licking her lips. “Yum.”
Roughly pulling her closer, he locks her against his body with one arm around her back and cradles her head with his other hand as he claims her mouth in a searing kiss. Kasey pushes up on her toes, fingers pressing into the flesh of his shoulder blades, the heat of her body fueling the fiery embrace. Dean lifts her and walks the short distance to the car. Once he reaches the open door, he releases her lips and sets her back on the ground, careful not to bump her head as he maneuvers her down onto the blanket-covered seat.
Kasey smiles at him and crooks her finger, summoning him to follow as she wriggles to the other side. He doesn’t need coaxing and scrambles inside, leaving the door open for air. It’s not like anyone is going to see them anyway.
As he situates himself in the middle of the seat, Kasey kneels against the bench, hunched over as she shimmies out of her shorts and underwear. Losing her balance as she kicks them off her ankle, her hand slaps down on his leg, nails digging into the tender flesh of his inner thigh. 
His dick jumps, slapping against his stomach at her touch. “C’mere.” He’s done with the foreplay. He needs to be buried inside her, and he needs it now.
Kasey reaches behind her back to untie her top, but he grips around her waist and moves her until she’s straddling his lap. “Leave it.” She stares down at him, each searching the other’s face, a silent communication of their desire for each other. With a small whimper, she cups his face and smashes her lips against his as she rises to her knees.
Dean takes the hint. Gripping his dick, he runs the head through her wet folds, she’s practically dripping, and he strokes her slick over his shaft. “You ready?” he mumbles against her mouth. When she tilts her hips to catch the tip at her entrance, he lets go to grasp her waist and help ease her down his stiff cock. Kasey, however, isn’t waiting. She slams her ass down on his lap, taking him in completely. 
Swallowing her moan, his fingers clutch at her flesh, holding her in place as she tries to rise again. She feels like tightly wrapped silk around him, and he struggles to keep from immediately blowing his load. “Shit. Give a guy some warning.”
“Hmm,” she nips at his earlobe, “what was it you said?” licks along the shell, and he shivers despite the heat, “Oh, yeah. ‘Why? It’s more fun this way.’” She bites the muscle in his neck, fighting his grip to roll her hips, and whines, “Let me ride you. Let me ride you hard and fast until we’re both screaming.”
“For fuck’s sake,” he growls. “Can’t argue with a request like that.” As soon as he loosens his hold, she’s up and quickly drops down on him again, rolling her hips.
He settles into the seat and runs his hands up her stomach to the soft flesh of her breasts, cupping them beneath the fabric and letting the weight of them nestle into his palms. If possible, the view is even more amazing than the first time she sat atop him. 
Hands flattened against his chest, head tilted to the side, mouth parted around a moan, and body gracefully arched, she’s like a beautiful erotic painting, an image preserved in the throes of delight.
Her beauty should be captured and kept for a lifetime. Yet she’s flesh and blood, hunger and heat, sensual and supple within his grasp. The pace she sets is swift and steady, rougher than the first time, and he can’t help but wonder just how rough she’d be willing to get. 
Within minutes he feels her walls fluttering, and he flicks his thumbs over her taut nipples and rasps sordid sentiments in her ear. She clenches around him, nails digging into his skin, lascivious words and broken pleas falling from her lips, juices coating his shaft. 
He’s so ready to burst, it’s almost painful, and he sits up as she collapses against him, ready to flip her over and fuck her hard like he wanted to earlier. Kasey pushes against his shoulder, stopping him as she pants against his cheek, “I’m not done with you yet. I said we’d both be screaming.”
“Make it quick,” he begs. “I’m ‘bout to explode.” Dropping his hands to her waist, he sucks a mark into the top of her breast, right next to the one he left that morning, and she grinds her clit against his pelvic bone, tugging at his hair, pulling his mouth away from her flesh.
“Settle in, Sugar, ‘cause I’m about to break in a mustang.”
He can’t help but laugh at the over-the-top Texan drawl but howls in surprise with the forceful slap she applies to the side of his thigh. “Hey!” The contact makes his dick pulse in response, and her knowing smirk offers a little more insight into her proclivities. Her countenance turns questioning, and his fingers dent her flesh while giving her a nod.
Gripping his hair tighter, she rises until the very tip of his cock rests just inside her. If either of them moves the wrong way, he’ll slip free. Ever so slowly and with minimal movement, she lets go of his hair and removes her top. Tossing it out the door, she eases down an inch, smiling coyly as her fingers trace lazy circles around his nipple.
She winks, and in that space of a heartbeat, he finds freedom. Freedom to release his remaining doubts, to give Kasey the trust she seeks, lay bare his soul, and open his heart completely. He’d give her anything she asked for and more.
He bites his lip, teeth grazing the swollen flesh as she slides back over him in one smooth motion, reducing his existential contemplations to raw, primal lust.
He shifts lower in the seat, causing her to lean forward, and her breasts hang freely above his face, inciting his dick to twitch inside her.  
She squeezes tight around him, rolls her hips, and then starts a frustratingly slow pace. Her hands roam his body, nails scratching, moist lips and heated breath teasing, every touch leaving his skin tingling like he gripped a live wire.
“Damn, you feel good.” He captures a hand in his, kissing her wrist before setting her palm on the curve of the seat next to his head, then does the same with her other hand. Using the seat as leverage, she speeds up her movements, arching into him, her pelvis tilts, taking him deeper. “That’s it. Shit. So tight.”
Her entire body shudders, followed by a whimpering sigh when he ghosts his fingers up her sides, and he does it again to hear the sweet sounds it elicits. Her breath hitches, “F- f- fuck,” when he palms each breast, kneading the soft flesh, rolling the nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. 
Sliding a hand down her stomach, he laves his tongue over pebbled flesh, and her pace falters. She quickly recovers, though. 
“Guh… that feels good.” Fingers tangle in his hair, “...so f- fu- …big …shit …right there, right there, right there,” she whines as he massages her clit. Nails dig into his flesh when she braces her other hand on his shoulder as her walls ripple and contract. 
On the next downward thrust, he latches onto her breast, teeth grazing over the taut bud. Warm slick coats his throbbing dick as she convulses around him, clenching hard enough to nearly push him out. Squeezing his fingers into the globes of her ass, he plants his feet on the floor and gives a hard thrust upward, staking his claim, burying himself and pulsing deep inside her, shouting her name to the heavens as she curses his.
When they’re both spent, he drops his hands to his sides, and Kasey falls against him, elbows set on his shoulders, chin resting on the top of his head as he presses his forehead to her chest, panting. When his softened cock slips from inside her, she slides off his lap to sit next to him, a knee cracking as she unfolds her legs. 
“Ooof.” She rubs a hand over the joint before picking up his hand and holding it between hers, intertwining their fingers as she kisses his shoulder. “That was one helluva ride.” she breathes.
“Better than riding shotgun in Baby?” he goads.
“Oh, that’s a tough call,” she muses. “I may have to go another round or two on both to ensure I have thoroughly done my research and have all the evidence to make an informed and objective opinion.”
He stares at her in stunned silence, unsure how to take the seriousness of her face and matter-of-fact tone, but when she purses her lips, throwing him a kiss, he bursts out laughing, head tilted back and body shaking. Kasey joins in seconds later, laying her head on his arm and squeezing his hand.
When he’s recovered enough to speak, he kisses the top of her head and asks. “Hey, what were you afraid we were going to miss?”
“Oh.” She leans back to look out the rear window. “Perfect. Come on.” She scurries out of the car, tugging on his hand. 
“Nooo,” he whines, playfully fighting her pull. “Wanna stay here.” Honestly, he’s not sure how she can even stand right now. After all, she did all the work. He feels like a blob of jello. The woman definitely has some stamina. He makes a mental note to test her limits at a later date. When she continues to yank on his arm, he falls to the side in a heap. 
“Fine,” she drops his hand and huffs, “be an old man.”
After a few moments of silence, a low growl escapes him, and he shifts his head, peeling an eye open to see what she’s doing. She’s facing the lake, standing butt naked a couple of feet from the car, staring up at the sky. As quietly as he can, he scrambles from the vehicle, scooping her up in his arms just as she turns at the sound of his approach. He runs toward the lake as she squeals in his arms. 
He knows the lake is deep; she had told him while they were driving how she would spend her summers here as a child, floating on a makeshift raft, acting out grand pirate adventures, pretending to be the lady of the lake, or jumping from the rope attached to the tree a few feet away. So he doesn’t slow as he nears the water’s edge. “Old man, my ass.”
Arms locking around his neck, Kasey shrieks his name over his shout to hold her breath as he leaps toward the center of the water. Letting go of her legs, he holds her chest to chest as they sink. Kasey presses her lips to his, arms still wrapped around him as they drift downward. It's a welcome relief when the water is warmer than he expected, and he gets momentarily lost in the otherworldly quality of it—the seductive silence, the pressure of the water buoying their bodies, the feel of her skin sliding against his as darkness encompasses them.
He jolts when she starts kicking her feet, fingers tapping on his spine, recognition sinking in that they will soon need air. Kicking out, he swiftly propels them upward, each gasping for breath as they break apart when they breach the surface.
Kasey swims to the far side of the lake, pushing herself up onto some kind of narrow platform. Lying on her stomach, she paddles back to him. 
As she drifts closer, he notices the tattered tarp covering a row of slender logs that have been expertly lashed together. Assuming this is the raft she made, he bobs his head in admiration of her handiwork.
“Sorry, Jack, there’s not enough room for you,” she pouts, coming to a stop to float next to him.
“Oh, there was plenty of room for him,” Dean argues. “The issue came down to buoyancy. The added weight would have submerged the wood and made it unstable. Any movement would have made them slide off. Besides, Jack had to die.”
“Seriously?” Kasey stares at him like he just kicked her puppy. 
Dean chuckles, gripping her hand between his he pretends to shiver. “...promise me you will survive....that you will never give up...no matter what happens...no matter how hopeless...promise me now, and never let go of that promise.”
“I promise,” Kasey replies, overly dramatic.
“Never let go,” Dean responds just as dramatically. She squeezes his hand and something shifts in her demeanor.
“I promise. I will never let go, Dean. I’ll never let go.”
The impassioned edge to her tone, the way she grasps his face, eyes boring into his as she says the words are gut-wrenching. He doesn’t miss the fact that she uses his name or that he can taste the salt from her tears when he kisses her.
“Dean, I-” 
She tucks her chin, but he tilts it back up with a finger crooked beneath it. He’s close enough to see the multitude of emotions swirling in her anxious gaze. Just as she can read and decipher what he leaves unsaid, he understands her uncertainty, the hesitancy to voice the words that lie heavy in both their hearts.
“I know.” He thumbs the moisture from her cheek, and she gives him a brief nod before rolling onto her back with a sniff. He takes a moment to calm his heart and swipe away the tear that spills over his lashes. Stars shine brightly overhead, twinkling little dots in the water. Crickets chirp and frogs croak, lending a melodic soundtrack to the charged moment.
Struggling to find the right words, he falls back on humor to break the tension instead. “You know, for someone that doesn’t own a television or any way to stream, your movie quote game is pretty impressive,” he chuckles.
Kasey snorts. Stretching an arm over her head, she reaches for the back of his neck, fingers slipping as she attempts to tug him around to the side. He takes her hand and moves of his own accord, folding his arms on the edge of the raft, keeping her hand in his as he kicks lazily to stay afloat. 
“I worked long hours, and aside from a handful of friends, I kept mostly to myself. Movies were my ‘thing’, plus I have a good memory.” She waves a hand in dismissal of his admiration. “You seem to have a pretty impressive knowledge of movies yourself. Curiously enough, ones that could be considered chick flicks in that repertoire. Titanic?”
He huffs, “There was a girl...”
The little boat rocks with her laughter. “Say no more.”
“Seriously. Made me go see that damn movie five times, but would never agree that there was enough room on that door. If they had just put Rose’s-” 
Before he can finish his explanation, she cuts him off, pointing to the sky and exclaiming, “Look!”
Dean lifts his gaze to catch a thin strip of light streaking across the sky. Two more quickly follow, and then the sky is filled with shooting stars. “Perseids,” he whispers in awe.
He holds her hand as he rolls to lie back and float on the surface. When he starts to drift too far, Kasey pulls him back. Arms on the edge of the raft, chin sitting atop his crossed hands, he gently kicks them around the small lake as they watch the universe's light show. When she begins to card her fingers through his hair, he turns his head to watch her instead.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" she whispers, still staring at the stars.
How the hell did I get so lucky to be pulled into her orbit?
Shifting her glance to him, she softly smiles. “I agree.”
As the meteor shower dwindles, they return to the car. Kasey pulls the blanket from the back seat, spreading it over the ground, while Dean grabs a beer for each of them from the cooler. Relaxed and sated, they let the warm summer air dry their skin as they spend the next couple of hours discussing the classics—music, cars, movies, and cheesy pick-up lines.  
After polishing off the six-pack and the remainder of the pie, they get dressed, pack up, and head back to the house. The return drive is quieter, a comfortable calm permeating the air around them. Once Baby is back in her delegated space and the house is secured for the night, they crawl into bed. 
Kasey falls asleep almost immediately, using his chest as a pillow, and Dean stares at the ceiling, stroking her hair. There’s a lot they need to talk about yet, but that’s a conversation for tomorrow. He still has to deal with what feels like a cosmic battle for his life, but the day was the break he needed to refuel and find hope, and he has her to thank for that.
Sated and content with Kasey tucked into his side, he kisses the top of her head and falls asleep feeling safe in the knowledge that he can survive anything that comes his way as long as she’s with him.
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Love Me Some Pie
@123passwort // @akshi8278 // @asgoodasdancingqueen // @calaofnoldor // @compresshischest09 // @deans-baby-momma // @deaneverafter // @deans-spinster-witch // @deanwanddamons // @flamencodiva // @globetrotter28 // @iamsapphine // @idreamofplaid // @jerkbitchidjitassbutt // @justagirlinafandomworld // @justrealizedimmascifygurl // @ladysparkles78 // @lyarr24 // @michellethetvaddict // @mrswhozeewhatsis // @mvdeanw // @princessmisery666 // @shawnie74 // @thinkinghardhardlythinking // @thoughts-and-funnies // @waynes-multiverse // @wayward-and-worn // @waywardbaby // @weepingwillowphoenix
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leoneliterary · 2 years
Stooop omg, Cheerleader!Mc would be so cute!!!
My mc would get distracted by Sutek and I bet Sutek would be distracted by MC too 👀
Ahhhhhh imagine
MC is on the sidelines, rustling pom poms and clapping.
Sutek is on the field, the play starts, and he makes the mistake of looking in the MC's direction. He gets distracted, and is just starring.
The ball is thrown to him and her catches it absentmindedly, still looking at the MC, and then just gets tackled.
I mean he gets full on laid out, sideswiped, cartoon birds flying over his head style
Goodness that would be funny
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wolfs-howling · 6 months
When this idol became your utted? - Masterlist
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Welcome to my first serie!
That serie I call "When this idol became your utted?" I'll share with you all when each one of my utimate idols conquer me and after I finished I'll make a fic based in every scenario!
I hope you all enjoy that serie, and if you want to share When your Utimate became your utt, put a #when this idol became my utted and i'll be looking for your moments with your special idol or idols!
So, Let's Start!
Stray Kids
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When this Idol became My Utted?
Wip: Soon!!
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When this Idol became My Utted?
Wip: Soon!!
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When this Idol became My Utted?
Wip: Soon!!
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When this Idol became My Utted?
Wip: Soon!!
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When this Idol became My Utted?
Wip: Soon!!
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When this Idol became My Utted?
Wip: Soon!!
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When this Idol became My Utted?
Wip: Soon!!
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When this Idol became My Utted?
Wip: Soon!!
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When this Idol became My Utted?
Wip: Soon!!
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When this Idol became My Utted?
Wip: Soon!!
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I'll att as soon as I remember when I start to utt the idols missing. Some fics will be fluffy, some will be smut. Depends on the Idol.
I'll make just with the boys groups I utt for now. Who knows... Maybe I made a part 2 with the Girls?
I hope you all like the series and for now, see you all soon!
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