themculibrary · 4 months
Peter Meets The Avengers For The First Time Masterlist
Always In Your Corner (ao3) - mttraspberrypie N/R, 4k
Summary: Peter Parker gets to meet the Avengers- except everything goes to shit.
Christmas in July (ao3) - ellyerin G, 5k
Summary: Tony has a global crisis to solve, and that means calling in all the Avengers. Only problem is they aren't exactly on speaking terms. Oh, and, he forgot to cancel lab time with Peter. To be fair though, he wasn't expecting Peter to walk into the tower, Christmas tree in hands, in the middle of July.
Cyanide? In My Shawarma? (ao3) - losingmymindtonight T, 4k
Summary: Pepper convinces Tony to bring Peter along on his first dinner with the Rogue Avengers since their pardoning.
Poor Tony had thought the whole thing was a recipe for disaster before someone decided to shove some cyanide in his food.
don't get confused, it's all about you (ao3) - kyrstalpomme G, 4k
Summary: pepper and rhodey are convinced peter is tony's son, albeit with no logical proof. they throw a surprise party for him. basically 5,000 words of the avengers embarrassing themselves in front of a 16 year old.
“Y-You guys—“ Tony started, resting himself on the island edge, “—you guys are the most idiotic group of geniuses I’ve ever met.” Peter joined in as well, turning into a fit of giggles while Steve stepped closer, “What’s going on here? What’s so funny?”
Tony wiped tears from his eyes and used his other hand to rest on Peter’s shoulder, “This is Peter Parker, also known as Spider-man.” There was a long silence before their eyes popped in realization and they yelled in unison, “What?!”
first breakfast (ao3) - RandomRuth G, 959
Summary: “Kid,” Sam says, and the only minor in the room chews, swallows, and points to his own chest questioningly. “Yeah, you. Just one question: who are you?”
(Peter has breakfast at the Compound, or, It's okay to meet your heroes when those heroes are the Avengers!)
First Impressions (ao3) - ImBadWithWords G, 1k
Summary: Somehow, even as plain old Peter Parker, he manages to find himself meeting the Avengers. Exciting? Sure. But it's only a matter of time before he proves he's not quite what he seems.
Here's to new friend's! And a new dad? (ao3) - Webtrinsic G, 2k
Summary: Peter meets the Avengers for the first time! And they can't help but notice Tony's paternal tendencies.
How Peter Met the Avengers (ao3) - Leothemonkey T, 4k
Summary: Your typical Peter meets the Avengers trope.
How to Confuse Captain America: A Guide by Peter Parker (ao3) - ginabeana45 T, 14k
Summary: “I never thought you’d be the fathering type.” Natasha’s smirk is wicked and amusing. Steve probably would have laughed if he weren’t so disoriented right now.
Tony shrugged, lifting his coffee cup up like a toast. “Yeah, well, I never thought we’d ever be able to sit in the same room without trying to kill each other again. Things change, Nat.”
All of Steve’s thoughts come squealing to a record-scratch stop as Natasha’s words catch up to him. The fathering type, she’d said. Fathering? And Tony hadn’t denied it. Not even a little bit. “Wait a minute. Was that… your… son?”
It's A Secret To Everybody (ao3) - Snapdragon_in_the_Snow T, 97k
Summary: “I have kids," Clint said. "I know dad behavior when I see it.”
Tony blinked multiple consecutive times, processing the statement. “Excuse me?”
“Tony,” Steve said now, “how long have you had a son? And how come we’ve never known about him?”
“Yeah,” Clint spoke again, “I thought I was the only one with a secret family. Turns out you’ve had one longer than me!” ------- Peter gets to spend all summer living in Avengers Tower with Tony. When the Rogue Avengers get pardoned and come back to live at the Tower too, they're confused as to who Peter is. However, once they see how Tony acts around Peter, that confusion goes away, as they know for certain who Peter must be - Tony's secret son. Tony and Peter decide to make the most of the situation, and play along. They hope they can keep up the act all summer. But they soon learn that they barely have to act at all.
Meeting the Rogues (ao3) - orphan_account T, 3k
Summary: Peter didn't actually intend to meet the Rogue Avengers like this, nor did he think about the fact he almost threw up over them.
Not What It Looks Like (ao3) - LavenderAuthor T, 14k
Summary: Tony Stark is known as many things: Genius, Inventor, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist, Iron Man. Honestly, nobody doubted any of those even when he started to date Pepper Potts. He was not, however, known for tolerating or even liking kids.
It was just something that everyone seemed to know so imagine Steve Rogers's shock when he comes by Tony's lab with a list of equipment they needed upgraded to find what looked like a teenager in his lab. Even more shocking was the teen chattering away to Tony himself.
Peter Parker Meets The Avengers (ao3) - arabellagaleotti G, 9k
Summary: “Hey Mister Stark, so I’ve got some homework and I was hop-” I cut off abruptly. Sitting in the middle of the polished granite kitchen of Tony Stark is the runaway Avengers. Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, and Sam Wilson. Strewn about, they look familiar with the space, but still slightly unused to it. I suppose months away does that. “You’re not Mister Stark?” I say, slightly awe-struck.
“No. We’re not.” Natasha says dryly, eyeing me up and down from her place perched on top of the counter.
Peter meets the Avengers, and they all love him, because how can you not?
Peter Parker Sets It Straight (and has a run-in with a fire hydrant) (ao3) - bluemoonwisp T, 3k
Summary: Peter Parker has a run-in with a fire hydrant and the Avengers.
Promises of Tommorrow (ao3) - PinkEasterEggs G, 5k
Summary: Posters of Star Wars were dotted around and there were multiple LEGO sets littered on the floor. Clothes were left lying around, some thrown on the back of the chair and some on the carpet. There was a collection of paper and books on the wooden desk, each large volume for a different school subject.
All in all, Steve would’ve said that the room belonged to a kid. The obvious youth that dominated the area confused Steve as he walked into the room further.
A loud blaring sound echoed into Steve’s ear, FRIDAY’s dominating voice cutting into the air. “You are not permitted to enter this room Captain Rogers.”
Steve jumped out of the room like the floor was on fire, his confusion only growing. “Whose room is that FRIDAY?”
“Boss has not permitted me to answer that question.”
Was Tony hiding a secret kid?
The Rogue Avengers have been pardoned, returning home for the first time after a year and a half on the run. Steve expects for things to be the same as how he left but it seems that everything has changed. Apparently Tony now had a kid.
Sharing Is Caring (ao3) - mouth_breather011 G, 3k
Summary: "I know your little fanboy brain would melt if I told you the Avengers are right around the corner."
"The—I'm sorry, what?" Peter deadpanned, staring at the billionaire. "T-the Avengers? As in, as in like, Captain America and—and the Black Widow?"
"Is that enough of an answer for you?" Tony asked as they turned the corner into the kitchen. The Rogues were still standing there as he'd asked, staring as though they'd seen a ghost. Peter gaped, arms tightening slightly around the man's neck. Clint waved shyly.
"Mr. Stark, Hawkeye just waved at me," Peter whispered.
Or the Avengers are back in the Tower, but Tony isn't very happy about it. Peter happens to come over the day they come back, and Tony is a little jealous when the boy becomes friends with the Avengers.
When People Run In Circles (ao3) - JAWorley T, 5k
Summary: Spider Man stumbles into the tower with a serious wound looking for Tony, only to find himself face to face with Captain America and the Black Widow, who aren’t supposed to be there. A one shot.
The Rogue Avengers meet Peter Parker and are completely surprised to learn that Tony has a son.
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spicler-man · 2 years
avengers and peter
masterlist here Cloak and Dagger by Velnetta
After being kidnapped with some of earth’s greatest defenders, Peter is grateful that it appears that their captors aren’t aware that he’s Spider-man.
The problem? To the Avengers, he's just Tony Stark's teenage intern- and Peter intends to keep it that way.
The Safe House by The_Mishamigo
After a threat is made against all the Avengers (and Spiderman), they all must go into a safe house. Tony is put into one with Spiderman, but the problem is that he has no idea who the man is. This was going to be great.
“Which one?” by rainraingoawae4
In which the avengers suspect Tony has another child hidden away somewhere, and they make it their personal mission to find out everything.
Tony accidentally outs himself when asked about his child and says “Which one?”
First Impressions by ImBadWithWords
Somehow, even as plain old Peter Parker, he manages to find himself meeting the Avengers. Exciting? Sure. But it's only a matter of time before he proves he's not quite what he seems.
Promises of Tomorrow by PinkEasterEggs
Posters of Star Wars were dotted around and there were multiple LEGO sets littered on the floor. Clothes were left lying around, some thrown on the back of the chair and some on the carpet. There was a collection of paper and books on the wooden desk, each large volume for a different school subject.
All in all, Steve would’ve said that the room belonged to a kid. The obvious youth that dominated the area confused Steve as he walked into the room further.
A loud blaring sound echoed into Steve’s ear, FRIDAY’s dominating voice cutting into the air. “You are not permitted to enter this room Captain Rogers.”
Steve jumped out of the room like the floor was on fire, his confusion only growing. “Whose room is that FRIDAY?”
“Boss has not permitted me to answer that question.”
Was Tony hiding a secret kid?
The Rogue Avengers have been pardoned, returning home for the first time after a year and a half on the run. Steve expects for things to be the same as how he left but it seems that everything has changed. Apparently Tony now had a kid.
He Was Actually Really Being Truthful (For Once) by bumblebmoon
Natasha looked more closely. She first saw hints of a second person in the sock poking out of the blanket at a strange angle, and the pale hand with curled-up fingers resting on Tony’s chest. Then she found a head of what looked like brown curls, tucked snugly under Tony’s arm. And eventually, a second set of sleeping breaths, slow and light. ORThe Avengers return from months of missions to find a child fast asleep on the lounge, with Tony snoring beside him. A mystery ensues. Is Tony Stark a father? (It looks like it!) How have they never discovered the kid until now? I mean, Iron Man has always been good at keeping secrets, but a whole CHILD?
The Avengers vs The Peter Factor by midnightwolf2192
No one could ever guess that The Avengers would fall to something known as The Peter Factor. This story tells of how each and every Avenger became wrapped around Peter Parker's finger without Peter even being aware of it.
Also - please go to YouTube and check out the channel PJ’s Reads. This amazing human is turning this story into an audiobook!! Seriously - go give her a listen she is simply amazing!!
Neon Liar (Hiding in Plain Sight) by isaDanCurtisproduction
Peter is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Or more literally, he's stuck between the will of ten other teenagers and the knowledge that if anyone finds out he's living with the Avengers he can kiss his normal high school life goodbye. Can he keep it a secret from his classmates that he's living with the world's loudest superheroes? And can he keep it a secret from the Avengers that he's accidentally bringing his classmates home for a field trip?
And once he starts hiding things, keeping secrets, and lying, will he be able to stop?
And even more importantly: will Ned be able to keep his mouth shut long enough for Peter's secrets to stay a secret?
At least MJ can be trusted to keep a lid on things
tony stark’s long-lost lizard baby by indexofangels, peterstank
Ross clears his throat loudly. “Back to business: sub-section 17.C demands that all Avengers check their weapons upon exit and reentry into the United States of—”
The door to the conference room slams open.
Eight heads whip around and there’s Peter, panting and gripping the wall. “Tony, you gotta help me.”
For half a second Tony actually falls for it. “What is it?”
“I feel… death’s cold grip…”
Peter promptly faints.
or: let’s play 8-Ball!
aiding and abetting: a peter parker saga by indexofangels, peterstank
Bucky Barnes stands in the middle of the produce section at Peter’s local supermarket, staring unblinkingly at the display of oranges like he’s having some kind of a war flashback.
“Finding everything okay?”
The Winter Soldier starts a little. “Yeah, no, I’m good, just—” he finally glances at Peter and squints. “You don’t even work here, do you?”
“No, but I know this place like the back of my hand.” He glances into the mini cart Barnes is pushing, which is full to the brim with junk foods: tootsie pops, cookie dough, Cheerios, and kettle cooked chips. “Have you considered, perhaps, a vegetable?”
or: 5 times peter parker runs into the rogues separately + the 1 time they work together as a team
sometimes a family is nine unrelated superheroes and an adopted teenage boy by shrill_fangirl_screaming for general_lelia
When Peter Parker is fourteen years old, he fixes one of the Black Widow's bracelets and ships it to Avengers Tower. Tony Stark hires him on the spot.
When Peter Parker is fifteen years old, he's bit by a spider and everything changes. He keeps his superhero life a secret from the Avengers team that has become a second family to him, but how long can he keep up the act?
Much More Civil War (Previously: Not So Civil War) by YeahWhoCares for madhatter_1981
“Kid, what the hell are you doing?”
“Sorry Mr. Stark,” Peter shrugged, “but I’m doing this for your own good.”
Peter forces the grown ups to sit down and talk it out, instead of fighting like they weren't a group of world acclaimed superheroes.
We Got Peter! (I Wish He Were My Kid) by Eccentric_Grace
“Where’s Tony? Is he with his kid?"
Steve froze from his spot at the stovetop, looking up with alarm. The wooden spoon in his hand hovered above the boiling water pot.
Bruce kicked Thor lightly in the shin. "Tony's got a kid?"
Thor widened his eyes, looked up and around like a startled animal. "I wasn't aware Stark had offspring?"
or: five times the avengers meet peter parker, and the one time they realize who’s training him
Aftermath by Triscribe
“So you’re Tony’s Peter.”
His mind occupied with other things, it took the kid a second to register the words, and then another to blink at Captain Steve America Rogers. “Uh. Yes?”
Oddly enough, the man just smiled at him. Covered in blood and battle-grime, looking half beaten to death and one hundred percent exhausted, the super soldier from Brooklyn smiled. At him. Belatedly, Peter realized that, despite still being encased by the comforting weight of his Iron Spider armor, he’d yet to have brought back up his mask since the battle, and Captain Rogers could easily see his own bruised and bloodied face, along with everyone else in the room.
Oh. Speaking of everyone else - there were, uh, an awful lot of people looking at him.
Five times Peter Parker scared the shit out of the avengers (and one time Spiderman did) by hallyticket
"Jeez Tony, you could have said we were having visitors."
The avengers all stared back at him from where they were seated around the room, Steve fucking Rogers clearing papers off of the coffee table and out of Peter's sight.
Tony smirked back at him from his lounging position on the velvet armchair, "But putting all of you on the spot is so much better."
five times that Peter Parker manages to scare the avengers, and on time that Spiderman does
trust is a luxury by Livinei
“So they’re coming back to New York?” Peter asks, and Tony gives him a look.
“We’ll see,” he says, pulls an old-looking flip phone out of his pocket and tosses it in the air a couple times before setting it on the table.
“The government doesn’t know where they are because they’re amateurs, so they can’t summon them. I haven’t kept tabs on them, but if I were them I’d probably go to Wakanda, and Cap’s not a complete idiot, so either they’re in Wakanda or they’ve at least visited at some point. The public announcement of the pardon will probably be today on the evening news, but it was put on record in the government about half an hour ago, which means by now T’Challa has probably found out about it. And if he knows, I think it’s rather safe to assume he’d contact Cap and Friends, which means this absolute disgrace to technology should start ringing somewhere around real soon because I’m definitely petty enough not to call him first-”
The phone on the table starts ringing. Tony flashes Peter a grin at the boy’s amazed expression.
OR Tony gets Rogue Avengers pardoned, and a lot of this is from Peter's point of view because this is taking a toll on Tony
everyone thinks peter is tony's kid by killerqueenwrites
Steve sees it the day after he returns to the Compound, his half of the team in tow. Natasha meets the kid when she invites herself to Tony's floor.
or five times the avengers think peter is tony's kid, and the one time they find out he's spider-man
The A-Team Challenge by Isnt_it_pretty_to_think_so
Tony Stark just wants to keep Peter Parker on the down low. Heaven forbid Spiderman do something stupid, like go viral.
OR: Peter Parker accidently patents the superhero equivalent of the ice bucket challenge.
So, you met the Avengers... by Warlock_Writer
Peter meets the Avengers and reveals Captain America's PSA videos to the rest of the team
Peter Parker’s Accidental Guide On How To Give Tony Stark a Heart Attack by for_the_night for Nicolemoon8
Bucky’s arm short circuits and he and Steve go to Tony for help. When they arrive, Steve hears an intruder, taking them out with his shield. Only it wasn’t an intruder. It was Peter Parker.
Or: Steve hits Peter with his metal frisbee and Tony is a pissed off dad. Peter’s just happy he met Captain America.
Atonement by Bergen
Bucky returns from a ninety-five-day-long mission to find a scrawny boy poking the lock of their supply closet. There is no way a random petty thief would be able to step into the compound for casual robbery, which is the only reason why Bucky doesn’t take the intruder into an immediate head lock. “I think I’ll go warn the Avengers about you.” The intruder lifts his chin and crosses his arms. “Good luck. But for your information, they all really like me.” “Is that right.” “Yes,” he says, and he adds, still in that menacing tone: “they think I’m adorable.”
The Avengers vs First Aid by Call_Me_Coley
In their toughest battle yet, Steve and Bruce somehow wrangle everyone into completing their annual medical training but things don't go exactly according to plan when Peter lets slip that he's had to resort to some shady fixes while injured and alone.
That of course doesn't sit well with anyone, least of all Tony.
Petvengers (Or, how Peter tricks NY heroes into pet adoption) by Lurafita
Kind of a follow up to 'The wounds we see (and the scars we don't), but only in the way that all stories in the series connect to each other. This is bordering on crack, seriously. It is a lot of fun to write though. I hope you will enjoy it.
Peter has decided that New York's heroes should all have (at least one) pet. Because pets are awesome. Now he just has to convince them of it.
How to Confuse Captain America: A Guide by Peter Parker by ginabeana45
“I never thought you’d be the fathering type.” Natasha’s smirk is wicked and amusing. Steve probably would have laughed if he weren’t so disoriented right now.
Tony shrugged, lifting his coffee cup up like a toast. “Yeah, well, I never thought we’d ever be able to sit in the same room without trying to kill each other again. Things change, Nat.”
All of Steve’s thoughts come squealing to a record-scratch stop as Natasha’s words catch up to him. The fathering type, she’d said. Fathering? And Tony hadn’t denied it. Not even a little bit. “Wait a minute. Was that… your… son?”
Something Like Family by polaroid15
“You’re a dad,” Rhodey says, delayed in his shock. “How the hell did this happen?”
“I’m not a dad, alright? Not even close.”
“You brought your kid to Germany!”
“Again, he's not my kid.”
Or- five times Peter reveals his identity to an Avenger, much to Tony's dismay, and one time he saves them all.
5 Times Peter Parker Saved an Avenger by petreparkour
...and the one time they saved him.
Very Normal, Totally Regular Human Intern by Winterturtle for oriocookie
Peter being Peter, he insisted he came along. “I’ll be like a… like an emotional support dog!” And Tony being Tony couldn’t say no to those puppy eyes. The kid was just good like that. Always offering to help. “All right. But keep your head down, you hear me? I’m merely taking my very normal, totally regular human intern for a joyride, not Spider-Man.”
Rogers and his merry band are granted a parole they are to serve at the Compound. Tony made Peter promise to keep his powers hidden, but when he wakes up kidnapped along with the kid and the Rogues, it takes Peter about ten minutes to break the whole totally regular human intern façade.
5 Times Peter is Seen With the Avengers by Nexas_Hart
+1 Time They're Seen With Him
if your wings are broken, borrow mine by thelast_ofellie
The Rogues come back to the Compound.
Peter isn’t happy about it.
AKA the “call me son one more time” line from Meet Me Inside but it’s Peter yelling at Steve AKA self-indulgent Protective Peter Parker
Peter Parker: Therapist Extraordinaire by sakurasprigs
Steve looked up, expecting to see his friend’s exhausted face, but instead found him positively grinning with a small paper lunch sack in his hand.
“You seem awfully happy,” said Steve in lieu of a greeting.
Natasha and Bucky chose that moment to enter the common room as well, wearing sweaty gym clothes and with messed-up hair. “Hey Sam,” said Natasha. “How terrible was the kid?”
“I take everything back I ever said.” Sam unrolled the top of the lunch sack and showed them its contents. “He brought cookies! You’ve gotta try one, they’re literally the best things I’ve ever tasted in my life.”
Aka, the fic in which Peter volunteers at the VA with Sam, who ends up practically adopting him and tells the whole team, making them all want to meet the fabled kid. Turns out, he might be a lot more familiar than they thought.
Finals = Sleepy Spider meets Avengers by Firebird_wilmon
Peter is barely awake by the time he makes it to the penthouse of Stark Tower after finishing finals. He falls asleep on Bucky Barnes, who is with the newly pardoned Avengers, while Tony is in a meeting. Tony rushes in to get him to sleep away from the Rogues and keep his identity safe. The Rogues make assumptions as to who Peter is from Tony actions, there wrong, but not really.
Cue sleepy Peter, good dad Tony, confused Avengers.
Let's take Peter Parker down by Bergen
The Avengers really appreciate everything Spider-Man has done for them. Not to mention, they feel kind of protective of this – clearly rather young – new Avenger. So, Natasha and Clint are in agreement: Tracing down that annoying Daily Bugle photographer Peter Parker, and getting him to stop harassing their spider-friend is the least they can do.
bring him home by parkrstark for geekymoviemom
During the clean up after the Battle of New York, Steve finds a little boy in the rubble of an orphanage. He finds out this little boy is almost as strong as he is, and he knows he can't let anyone get their hands on him. People would do crazy things for a mutant child. Steve vows to protect him so he can grow up as a child and not as a lab rat.
tip of the iceberg by OnlyForward
Tony invites Peter to an Avengers training session, where he spars with Captain America and proceeds to knock him to the floor with one hit.
Whumptober Prompt 28: It's just the tip of the iceberg
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fictionescapism · 4 years
Fanfic Rec #78 Tony Stark & Peter Parker (Marvel)
First Impressions by ImBadWithWords Somehow, even as plain old Peter Parker, he manages to find himself meeting the Avengers. Exciting? Sure. But it's only a matter of time before he proves he's not quite what he seems.
The Third Option by Uncertainty_Principle Homecoming A/U. Ben and May divorced before Peter’s parents died, so when Ben is murdered Peter goes into foster care. It takes just a tiny taste of superpowers for Peter to decide he doesn’t want to put up with his horrible foster father anymore—the streets are infinitely more appealing. All he wants is to be Spider-Man anyway. So he leaves. Simple. Simple, that is, until Iron Man needs Spider-Man’s help. Peter isn’t about to turn down an opportunity to fight alongside Tony Freaking Stark, but he also isn’t going to let his hero know that his recruit is a fifteen-year-old homeless dropout. So they strike a deal. Peter will help Tony. In return, the mask stays on. And that’s when things get complicated.
It’s Above My Clearance Level by tsk In which Peter's class goes on a field trip to Stark Tower, and no one knows why this kid has such high clearance.
Hot Chocolate by Isnt_it_pretty_to_think_so “So,” Natasha says smoothly, raising an eyebrow. “You’re Spiderman.” The kid is practically hyperventilating, staring at her with those damn eyes. “You . . . you . . .” “Relax,” she says, heading over to her secret stash of cocoa. “If I wanted to kill you, you’d be dead. Do you want some hot chocolate?” OR: The first time Natasha meets Stark's kid, it's almost three in the morning; spiders don't sleep, after all. Natasha is just used to being the only spider.
Gone Kid by Jen27ny Tony tries to mind his own business, he really does - but when he finds out someone sneaks into one of the rooms of the vacant Stark Tower, he gets curious. Especially when he sees the footage of said someone climbing the outside of the Tower by sticking to the smooth surface to reach the room on the 92nd floor. But when he finds the blood in that room, the concept of “minding his own business” is quickly thrown out of the window. That’s how Tony finds himself trying to befriend the costumed vigilante who comes and goes as he pleases and seems to have a talent for getting stabbed and - wait, how old is he?
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irondadfics · 5 years
Got any fics celebrating Peter's birthday? :)
On this blog, we ignore canon saying that Peter is technically ‘dead’ in the year 2019 and celebrate by reading some fluffy birthday fics!
HBD Loser by forensicleaf
“Up and at ‘em, champ! Otherwise you’re not gonna have time to open your presents before school.” May wiggles her eyebrows.Presents?Peter feels a smile creep across his face, and May’s own widens in response. He’d almost forgotten.“Happy birthday, honey,” May says, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. Then she ruffles his hair, laughing as Peter rolls his eyes and pushes her away. “Now come on. I made breakfast.”
a very, merry unbirthday by ciaconnaa
“What’s all this, huh?” Peter asks. His eyes don’t leave the table as he wanders over to stand by where Tony is sitting, wrapping him in a gentle hug and pushing his head into his chest. Tony smiles before he tugs gently on the sleeve. Peter gets the message and leans down, allowing Tony to kiss his temple in greeting.“You threw me a birthday party,” Peter accuses, smile going all dopey.“An unbirthday party,” Morgan corrects. “Like in Alice in Wonderland. For all the ones you missed!”
birthday gifts by sapphirestark
“You didn’t have to get me a present, though. Really, you already do so much for me -” Peter started rambling, and Tony smiled inadvertently. “Yes, and I’m about to do even more - because I want to, kid. Really, Pete, we’ve had this talk before, haven’t we?” He reached across the lab table and ruffled Peter’s hair. “Hey!” Peter ducked away, laughing. “Okay, fine. As long as it’s not super expensive, or rare, or dangerous -” Tony’s eyes twinkled in suppressed laughter. God, that kid was too precious for this world.“…It’s all three, isn’t it?”
messy chocolate frosting by ImBadWithWords
Swing by the Tower after work, I’ve got some gear for you, the text reads. The phone buzzes again a second later. Happy b-day, squirt :). Peter smirks and stuffs it into his bag before his boss notices.
Young and Sweet, Only Seventeen by TheHotdagaIsTrueArt
It’s Peter’s birthday!
Surprises by xxx_cat_xxx
“What happened, kid?” Tony asks, stunned. Peter is pressing a rag against a wound on his ribcage, which seems to be the main source for the blood, but it’s all over his body, some drops have even made it to his hair. “I thought you went to sleep, not crime fighting!” -or- All Tony wanted was a peaceful night to work on Peter’s birthday gift. But his kids make sure that this doesn’t happen.
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immermagical · 5 years
List of Tony Stark being Protective or Irondad stories. (Set 1)
No one asked for but still.
Since late 2017, I am reading too many Iron dad fanfictions, be it on wattpad, AO3 or FF.net. It is like one of my favorite time passes. Due to too much reading, my mind generated a very complex chemical reaction by mixing storylines and I ended up being a confused soul. So this list is more for myself but I will be happy if the list also helps you guys. Enjoy, I hope some of you get to read some new stories which you haven’t read yet. 
• First Impressions by ImBadWithWords  - Where Peter meets Avengers and proves to be worthy.
• Messy Chocolate frosting by ImBadWithWords - Swing by the Tower after work, I’ve got some gear for you, the text reads. The phone buzzes again a second later. Happy b-day, squirt :). Peter smirks and stuffs it into his bag before his boss notices.
• It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas by RoboTitaness - Two years after the civil war, and Tony spends a day with his team, his family.
• You're Killing Me Smalls - Phoenixhp5 ( To be honest, this story is one of my favourite) - This story explores the growing father/son relationship between Tony and Peter, and all the trouble a teenage superhero can get himself into. WARNING: this story will contain disciplinary spanking at some points, but it is not the main focus.
• It's My Problem by Namikaze Artemis - In which Peter is Tony's illegitimate child, and he's prepared to do anything to keep that a secret. Although, that doesn't stop him from trying to get Tony's approval. He is Peter's idol, after all.
• Sien, Illien by niewypowiedziane - (Not about or related to spiderson but super cute featuring dad Tony, if you haven’t read, give it a try. I kind of love this one) - Tony is bringing up his autistic son. The world - and the Avengers - are oblivious. They just think Tony is being typical self when he disobeys orders or just disappears. Encounters through years. Pepper, Rhodey, Natasha, Steve, Thor, Bruce, Clint, the team.
• I'm Sorry By Dawnstorm101 : The final battle's first casualty is possibly the worst casualty of all. To one person, it definitely is.
• What You Deserve by everythingsace : “Oh, no.”Quivering pathetically, Tony lifts his gaze off the floor, the vodka sloshing in the bottle and spilling onto his shirt. He finds Peter standing at the door, looking heartbroken at the scene. Tony drops his gaze to the floor with shame. God, fuck, this is why he was trying to stop in the goddamn first place. He’s a fucking wreck.
• we've got no one to toast our own by queenofthestarrrs : We formally invite you to the Graduation Ceremony for Midtown High School's Class of 2017.Try not to get too choked up.
I will be back with my next set of stories with links, as and when I clean my bookmark tab. 
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Technically a redraw of a certain episode but this scene tho.. hm hm not good with words Artist:Mayte I. Martinez #mayteimartinez #mayte.i.martinez #2017work #adventuretimefanart #brokenpath #digitalart #photoshopillustration #personalmeaning #imbadwithwords
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captainkirkk · 7 years
Hey I hope this isn't weird but I check your ao3 account almost daily for new Spider-Man fics or just any updates in general. I LOVE how you write peter and just the general angsty, beat-the-cutie vibe you got going in a lot your fics. I'm so desperate for new material to read (no pressure on you!!!). Are there any fic or author recs you could give me?? Anything at all, seriously I'm NOT picky. I trust whatever you'd recommend!
I have a fic recs tag here! And I’ve been getting back into Spider-Man fics, so here, have some recs:
Overload by ImBadWithWords - When Peter first put on the suit, he knew there would be risks. He knew there would be danger. He had thought he was ready. He wasn’t.
what would tony stark do? by IntrovertedOwl - Peter wears Iron Man tees to school. Tony finds out.
the wrath of may by Nokomis - Aunt May decides it’s time to have a serious talk with Tony Stark about Peter’s internship.
The More You Know by Nokomis - Peter’s first post-mission Avengers hang out goes about as well as one would expect.
Motivational State by HallowHolmes (WIP) - It’s not like food grew on trees. Well some of it did, but money didn’t and besides that, there aren’t many trees in New York, and anyways-  Peter Parker is constantly hungry. It’s kind of a problem.
In Your Corner by asterisms - Five adults who try to be the reasonable authority figure Peter needs in his life post-homecoming and one who was there all along.
a little gray area (where I can keep you safe) by DivineProjectZero- Peter thinks he doesn’t need to be protected. (Some adults disagree.)
Trust Falls by garamonder - Even after the Avengers reunite, Peter harbors doubts about his place on the team.
critical hit by drewgon - Peter is hurt. Badly. But there are some secrets that must be kept, even from his makeshift family – some identities he can never reveal.
Once a Loser, Always a Loser by  sameuspegasus - Why can no one else see what Flash sees when he looks at Peter? They’re so blinded by his puppy-dog eyes and his brilliant brain that they don’t notice the things that Peter does. The lying. The neglect of commitments. The secrets and disappearances and attention-seeking claims of being mentored by a tech genius. But Flash notices. And tries to tell people.AKA Flash bullies Peter because he’s jealous
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outtacommission · 7 years
do you by any chance know where i could find some good spiderman homecoming whump? it seems to be in scarce supply :O
i probably can’t recommend a whole lot that you haven’t already found since, as you said, there isn’t that much, but here are some i’ve enjoyed:
heroes don’t take sick days by carefulren (aka @toosicktoocare)
this broken city sky like butane on my skin (it reaches in and tears your flesh apart) by hidefromeveryone
critical hit by drewgon
That’s Not a Hug: Part 2 by EowynPevensie90
Gyps indicus by ImBadWithWords
Sing Me a Lullaby by Withstarryeyes
Not Yet by Princessfbi
Hurt Little Spider by TastyBrownies
there some others in the illness and injury tags you might want to look into but i’m not recommending them
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ao3feed-daredevil · 7 years
High on Life
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2otvhjL
by ImBadWithWords
Matt took a moment to lie back on his bed, groaning.
How the hell was he supposed to get a teenaged superhero sober and home in time to avoid suspicion from his aunt? How the hell had this become a situation he was supposed to deal with?
Words: 4417, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, Daredevil (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Peter Parker, Matt Murdock, Claire Temple
Relationships: Matt Murdock & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Claire Temple
Additional Tags: Non-Consensual Drug Use, Drugged Peter, Protective Matt, AKA Daddevil, Nightmares, Hurt/Comfort, this was supposed to be a short crack fic but then it developed feelings and a plot and im sorry
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2otvhjL
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fernandidilly-yo · 7 years
Who are your favorite fanfic authors?
I’m gonna keep it down to two fanfic authors for each one of my fandoms because otherwise, this could get really long. 
Spider-Man Fandom
Aloneintherain everyone knows her, her fics are amazing at keeping Peter in character and they are always heartfelt and filled with emotion. My favorite fic from her would have to be Fitting In (Tiny Spaces) this is a fic that I have read a dozen times, it always helps me to get out of my writer’s block and to get writing myself. 
ImBadWithWords her fics are so good?!?! Even though they are all one-shots somehow she is able to write so much emotion and feeling into her stories and they are wonderful every time.  My favorite fic written by her would have to be Managing I love Peter and Clint’s relationship, so this was my jam. 
Young Justice Fandom
Black Friar if you love Dick Grayson and enjoy having your heart ripped out and then stomped on, go read her fics! She keeps everyone in character and Dick and Bruce’s father-son relationship is incredible. My favorite fic from her would have to be Coming Of Rage that story is so intense and emotional, kills me every time.
Paganpunk2 writes Dick Grayson of all ages, but no matter how old Dick is he and Bruce are super close. They have a bunch of stories, and I have yet to read them all, but I plan too. My favorite fic by them would have to be To Catch A Predator holy crap this fic is incredible. I reread it every few months. 
Voltron Legendary Defenders Fandom
Maychorian every Voltron fan needs to read this person’s stories. They are all gen and so incredibly in character. They blow me away every time, and I stalk them relentlessly. I can’t pick one fic, but their series Boom Crash is so incredible and emotional it is my favorite series on AO3.
GriffinRose they don’t have a lot of Voltron stories as of yet, but as they post, I swear they get better and better. I look forward to reading more work from them.My favorite fic of their’s would have to be Insomnia I love everything Keith centric, so this was plan awesome.
Big Hero Six Fandom
Sandfire Kat I thought I should include this person, even though I don’t really read BH6 stories anymore. They are able to write deep emotion and their stories have made me cry multiple times.My favorite fic of their’s is Breathe this was the fist fic I ever read, and it is super emotional and sad. 
Midnako I stumbled over to them because of VLD, but discovered they have some amazing BH6 stories as well. Lots of feels, they depict grief in a really real and raw way.My favorite fic from them is I said I’d Never Miss You But Now You’ll Never Know Aunt Cass having to watch Hiro try to heal.
Good mixture of angst, hurt/comfort, whump, and fluff in there…
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fandomness-imagines · 5 years
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themculibrary · 1 year
Clint & Peter Mentor/Bond Masterlist
Build you up, while fixing myself too (ao3) - marvels_blue_phoenix T, 3k
Summary: Clint let the visions of his nightmare slip away as he sat with the teen until he was done before helping him shakily get to his feet, flushing the toilet before helping Peter swill his mouth out and brush his teeth. As they turned to walk out the door Peter’s knees went weak, Clint held him and slowly lowered him to the floor feeling his heart break as Peter curled around his arm. The man held the shaking teen close to his chest. ~ After the fiasco with Mysterio, Peter is broken. Clint is there to help the kid and promises to build him back up
Hawks Are Supposed To Eat Spiders (ao3) - robin_writes minor clint/phil G, 1k
Summary: Peter’s not sure what to make of the too large, redundant air vent system at the Avengers Compound. He asked Mr Stark about it once, but then Mr Stark got a weird far-off look on his face and Peter made sure never to ask again.
Or Peter makes himself at home in the air vents and then Clint returns and they watch Star Wars movies together in the vents.
I'm your open window (just give me a call) (ao3) - ScarletPotter G, 1k
Summary: Clint finds out Peter's getting bullied.
Lake days (ao3) - y2w bucky/clint N/R, 1k
Summary: Peter needs to work on his excuses, luckily he has a quick thinking archer to help him out.
Lost and Found (ao3) - Emily_F6 G, 3k
Summary: Clint Barton just wants a hot dog. What he finds is a spider.
Managing (ao3) - ImBadWithWords T, 5k
Summary: Peter Parker is a mess. Clint Barton is too, but that doesn't mean he won't try to help.
Miscommunications (ao3) - Isnt_it_pretty_to_think_so T, 14k
Summary: Five times the Avengers learn about Peter Parker, and the one time the rest of the world does, too.
One Of Those Nights (ao3) - OofBoost T, 3k
Summary: As soon as the cold and harsh metal comes in contact with Peter's skin, let alone his flesh, he's screaming. He's screaming louder than he's ever screamed. His voice is hoarse and his throat raw. It hurts right away but he doesn't care. He would move and squirm and shake, but the human restraints wouldn't let him. Instead he shook his head back and forth while screaming, along with holding tightly on to the white sheets until his knuckles turned a ghostly white. He swears he's never felt pain like this before.
Peter Parker's night takes a turn when a bullet manages its way to his abdomen. Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, and Steve Rogers do everything in their power to help him. It's just like any other night, right?
(Featuring, Dad™ Hawkeye)
Pancakes To Cure Long Nights. (ao3) - Skeleton_Wolf T, 4k
Summary: When Clint can't sleep because her words won't leave his mind, he goes for a late-night wander to the kitchen. He doesn't expect anyone else to be awake, so he's surprised when he sees a spiderling sleeping on the ceiling. Maybe his long night can be broken up with pancakes and a friendly face.
Peter's nightmare is interrupted by games and toasties.
sight of the sun (ao3) - orphan_account N/R, 1k
Summary: Peter knew that he should currently feel bad. He had, after all, just destroyed six months of hard work in the space of about 11 minutes.
or: Peter has a bad day and needs some help coping. Clint comes round to lend a hand
sleep (is for the weak) (ao3) - angels_creative, Brentinator G, 3k
Summary: "What I'm really worried about, though, is the potential brain damage that can occur if he falls asleep, so I want to take precautions and have him stay awake for a full twelve hours to ensure nothing happens."
After Peter is injured during a drug bust, Natasha and Clint make it their mission to keep him awake.
stuck (ao3) - y2w N/R, 712
Summary: Peter Parker needs help, but there's only one person he trusts.
Target Practice (ao3) - SilverWolf3313 N/R, 2k
Summary: Clint takes some time to train Peter. However, it doesn't quite go as planned.
The Archer and the Spider (fanfiction.net) - Beauty In Her Darkness T, 12k
Summary: No one in their right mind would let Clint babysit Peter, which Clint himself would tell you. So Clint had to ask himself how on Earth he ended up sitting in the Avengers Facility, waiting for a certain web-slinging hero to climb in through the window and why he always ended up patching up reckless young heroes.
the secrets that we keep (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor ned/peter T, 10k
Summary: In which Clint has never told any of the Avengers, not even Natasha, about his son Peter. His sister Laura is the only person he’s ever told, trusted. Clint has only ever wanted to protect his son, to keep him safe from harm. But, when the accords come around, things get a little complicated. And Clint finds out that he’s not the only one keeping secrets.
The Spidey and the Hawk (ao3) - Kevy_Grayce G, 2k
Summary: A fun fight sequence and banter with a stressed out Tony, a playful Peter, and a sarcastic (comic) Clint Barton.
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 6 years
Things Lurking in Shadow
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2N909yg
by ImBadWithWords
When a chemicals manufacturing lab is robbed using remnants of the Vulture's tech, Peter has to do the less interesting part of crime-fighting: looking for clues. What should have been a simple job gets far more complicated with the addition of a few surprising faces.
Words: 3932, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Peter Parker, James "Bucky" Barnes
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes & Peter Parker
Additional Tags: Team Up, Hydra (Marvel), BAMF Peter Parker, Super Soldier Serum, when crime-fighting means more than hitting people, sometimes you have to use your brain
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2N909yg
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irondadfics · 6 years
Hey! I don’t necessarily know if this is the best blog to ask, but do you, or any blogs you know of, have a list of fics in which peter lifts mjolnir??
Here are some good ones!
Worthy by stanleysrichie Peter just wanted his classmates to have a fun field trip. He didn’t think his idea would backfire. 
What a Whap by justjellyjackal After a battle, Peter and the other Avengers are having a party when Peter does the unthinkable…
Peter Parker is Worthy by lizzybizzyzzz Peter slipped on his Spider-Man mask, almost smacking against his bed frame. He giggled. “Karen?” “Yes, Peter. You seen intoxicated. Blood Alcohol Level seems to be 2.7%, shall I alert Mr. Stark?” “No!” He yelped. “How do I get it out?” “Get what out?” “Peter?” Mr. Stark asked, opening the door to the dark bedroom. His worried expression turned blank. “You’re drunk, aren’t you.” Oh, and Thor’s there too. 
Just A Hammer by UnknownUncut Thor has lost his hammer and can’t seem to find it. 
First Impressions by ImBadWithWords Somehow, even as plain old Peter Parker, he manages to find himself meeting the Avengers. Exciting? Sure. But it’s only a matter of time before he proves he’s not quite what he seems.
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jodinia · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Spider-Man - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Avengers Team Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Thor (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton Additional Tags: First Meetings, Peter Has A Huge Crush On Steve Summary:
Somehow, even as plain old Peter Parker, he manages to find himself meeting the Avengers. Exciting? Sure. But it's only a matter of time before he proves he's not quite what he seems.
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imnotgoodwithwords · 8 years
Hey, wow lookit! I wrote a song about a college crush and its not half bad! Maybe give it a listen? :)
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