#impulse 1995 tag
gretahayes · 1 year
early impulse is genuinely fucking unmatched like. god. you’re so angry. everything is unfair. everyone thinks you’re stupid. everyone would rather talk at you than to you. you don’t talk much and everyone thinks you should shut up anyway. you hate max because he’s unfamiliar and he doesn’t understand you and he’s proof nobody wants to put up with you. you know you’re just a burden to him. you hate him. you desperately need him. he’s solid and unchanging and infuriating and you love him and he never tells you anything and you don’t think he even likes you and you want to rip out his heart and his brain to understand them so you can make yourself something he could love. you miss your grandma. you don’t remember your parents. your cousin hates you and you don’t know why but you know he’s mean and you hate him right back and you know you two are forced to love each other because of duty and because you don’t know how not to. you live in the shadow of your grandfather you will never know. you care so much. you are fourteen years old. everything is too slow. nothing makes sense. you hate everyone. you love everyone. nobody understands you. you don’t know how to exist here, when everything isn’t geared towards what you love and what makes you happy, but you must learn because nobody gives you any grace. you feel like an alien in this time and place and world and body and family. you feel like a ticking time bomb. somedays you explode but that doesn’t get rid of how angry you are. you just feel empty. you don’t like being angry but you’re always so frustrated. you want to cry and scream. nothing is fair. everything is too much. nobody understands you. you want max. you want max to leave you alone. you need max to always be there. you don’t need friends. you love your friends. you don’t understand things everyone seems to implicitly. you have to make all the right choices anyway. you have to be brave. you must be kind. you go to sleep and wake up and do it all again.
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arttuff · 7 months
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this is based off the cutest panel of them. i like to think this happens often
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spee3dy · 24 days
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This is literally them so much, overstimulating bart and overstimulated tim core
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impulseowlll · 6 months
*Tim bursts into the room with news about a mission* Tim: Guys! We're going to New Hampshire! *Bart mishears* Bart: But we don't even have a hamster. How can we get a new one, if we don't have one? Tim: No, not a new hamster, New Hampshire. *Connor walks into the room* Connor: We're getting a hamster? Tim: No, we are going to New Hampshire. Connor: Oh. Are we getting a hamster from there? *Tim face-palm* Tim: There are no hamsters.
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speiceki · 5 months
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A quick Bart/Impulse doodle bc he is me and I am actually him
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plutonicbees · 8 months
impulse '95 is a really good comic run bc the homies r just out here having mommy issues
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tarucore · 7 months
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Some of my favorite Bart thought bubbles so far while reading Impulse 95
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kermit-coded · 1 year
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eeper and ooper
(do not repost w/ out permission)
reblogs >>> likes
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baambastic · 2 years
There is no greater tragedy than the supporting cast of a comic book
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maxdurden · 1 year
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random based banker from impulse be upon ye
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
Writing Notes: Emotional Intelligence
The concept of emotional intelligence has been proposed to explain why some people with a lot of academic intelligence do not appear to have a lot of practical intelligence, people skills, or what might be called street smarts.
Goleman (1995), in his book, Emotional Intelligence, presents many cases of people who have high levels of traditional intelligence yet fail in various areas of their lives, such as in relationships.
Goleman also reviews the psychological literature and comes to the conclusion that traditional measures of intelligence, although predicting school performance fairly well, actually do a rather poor job of predicting later life outcomes, such as occupational attainment, salary, professional status, and quality of marriage (e.g., Vaillant, 1977).
Emotional intelligence, Goleman argues, is more strongly predictive of these life outcomes.
Emotional intelligence is proposed as a set of 5 specific abilities:
Awareness of one’s own feelings and bodily signals and an ability to identify one’s own emotions and to make distinctions (such as realizing the fear that lies behind anger)
Ability to manage and regulate emotions, especially negative emotions, and to manage stress
Control of one’s impulses—directing one’s attention and effort, delaying gratification, and staying on task toward goals
Ability to decode the social and emotional cues of others, to listen, and to take the perspective of others (empathy)
Leadership, the ability to influence and guide others without their becoming angry or resentful, the ability to elicit cooperation, and skill in negotiation and conflict resolution
It is easy to see how these skills and abilities relate to positive life outcomes and how they are so different from traditional concepts of intelligence, such as scholastic achievement and scholastic ability.
If these notes inspire you in any way, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read your work!
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gretahayes · 1 year
People point out how Bart was going from video game mechanics to real world mechanics, and how that would obviously be tough for him, but one thing I haven’t seen anyone point out that Bart was going from a world quite literally made for him, to cater to his desires and wants and needs, to one that wasn’t anywhere near as accommodating, especially for people who think and act like he does. Of course he struggled. Of course he was always a little disjointed, a little disconnected from our reality, a little unwilling to fully integrate, it’s nothing like the one he knows.
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arttuff · 9 months
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spee3dy · 9 days
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impulseowlll · 3 months
*Connor talking about his TTK.* *Bart and Tim just not listening because they have heard it all before.* Connor: And that's how I officiated Batman's wedding to a toaster. Tim: Wait, what?! Bart: I'm sorry. What? Connor: Yep. It was a beautiful ceremony Alfred was the best man. And then Alfred and I started a pyramid scheme. *Tim and Bart in unison*: What?!!
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miss-eli-starfleet · 5 months
Okay. This post is gonna be about Bart Allen, and all the Thawne-Allen stuff.
Tagged bc we both love Bart’s Thawne Allen problem: @themaybewoman
This is what I’ve gathered so far about his existence is hopefully comic accurate, but maybe not continuity accurate:
It starts with Iris West. Apparently, it’s recently revealed to me (today) that this girl is actually from the 31st century. Because of the semi-dystopian era of her birth, her real parents sent her back in time to the 21st century to keep her safe. She was adopted by the Wests, but she doesn’t know her future origins until later on.
She meets Barry as a news reporter, and they marry. When they were thinking about having kids, Reverse Flash/Eobard Thawne comes along and murders her because his likes to make Barry’s life as miserable as possible. But because she’s from the future, her parents found some magic comic book science to “revive” her, thus placing her in the 31st century to live her life.
Barry finds out she’s alive in the future, and basically goes into retirement to live with her in the 31st century. He passes the mantle of The Flash to Wally West. Why he doesn’t just get her and bring her back to the 21st century, I’ll never know. Or he just wanted her to be with her real parents (which i would assume she barely knows lol).
I was trying so hard to find out why Barry decided to raise their children in the 31st century, but we have our answer there. Iris is future girl. Their children, Don and Dawn Allen, later operates as the Tornado Twins much like Barry did as the Flash. In Central City, I’m assuming. There was some clashing with the Legion of Superheroes, basically the 31st century’s version of the Justice League, but whatever. Not really important to Bart’s existence.
Dawn Allen marries Jeven Ognats. They have a daughter named Jenni Ognats, who later joins the Legion of Superheroes as XS. Jenni is Bart’s cousin.
Don Allen marries Meloni Thawne, and that’s where this gets more complicated.
Meloni Thawne is the daughter of Earthgov President Thaddeus Thawne, who irrc is a direct descendant of Eobard Thawne. When President Thawne learned of this marriage, the dude’s pissed because the Thawne-Allen feud is still on in his mind. He disowns his daughter, indirectly has the Tornado Twins killed via Dominators, and then kidnaps Bart.
Idk where Barry is in all this, maybe he went into the Speedforce and just chilled there through all this?
Now Bart had this hyper-accelerated aging thing going on as a side effect of being born a speedster (I think). Like nearly a teen by two yrs I think. Thawne grandfather stuck him in this VR so he can grow up “normally”, intending to make him a living weapon against the Flashfam. I’m pretty sure Meloni was locked up or something during that period of time too? Otherwise she would’ve done something about this.
Iris kidnaps Bart, and takes him to the 21st century via the Flash Museum’s Cosmic Treadmill (how they used that idk), hoping that Bart would have Wally West as a mentor. Instead, Wally ditches him to Max Mercury to be trained, and it plays on his low self esteem. Wally was pretty mean to him at some times, like when he gets recruited for the Teen Titans as Kid Flash.
But, hey, Wally did run him around the world fast enough to fix his accelerated aging problem.
Anyways, he gets some visits from his other cousin, Jenni, and his mom in the Impulse 1995 series, which was so fun to read. It was so cool to read them talking to each other in Interlac he Max being all confused.
This all makes me wonder: was Meloni ever Don’s lightning rod? As to Iris is Barry’s lightning rod?
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