#in a game of kiss marry kill they choose the other for everything
menomodumps · 8 months
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Pulled out every trick in the Tumblr art textbook for this one lads
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rikissess · 25 days
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pairing: Jake x Fem!reader
note:after spending several days without ideas TAYLOR SWIFT Brought ME A SCENE! >_<
( I think this is unnecessary to explain ) I'm sorry if my English is bad, it's not my language so it's a little difficult for me to write. anyway, comments and reblogs are welcome! <3
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going out with your new group of friends on the weekends was already a habit for you. you were new at school and having made friends so quickly made you happy, so you didn't hesitate to accept all the outings they invited you to so you wouldn't lose their trust.
to your surprise, you didn't know that this year you were going to fall in love. because yes, you were. from the first day you entered your new high school and accidentally bumped into Sim jake your classmate, you fell in love with him. you fell in love with the way he apologized to you for accidentally bumping into you, with his voice, with the way he bites his lip every two seconds while talking, with his glasses, his hair and everything about him. i'd be lying if i said that you accepted your friends' outings just because you liked going out and not for the simple fact of seeing him, Jake.
and here you were, in the afternoon at his house together with his other friends playing truth or dare. although, this game consisted in spinning a bottle and whoever got it had to answer a question or fulfill a dare, and for your luck this time it was Jake's turn and you had to ask him or give him a dare.
"Truth or dare?" - you asked looking him in the eyes and with an amused smile. the others just watched the scene, silent and anxiously waiting for Jake's answer.
"come on brother, pick a dare, be brave!"- heeseung said before Jake could answer and Jake looked at him with a laugh.
"Yes, do it! y/n tell Jake to dance funny!" Sunoo said with a chuckle, causing the others to laugh as well.
you looked at Jake and raised your eyebrows waiting for his answer, he bit his lip anxiously and after looking at his friends he looked back at you.
"I choose a challenge" - he finally answered. - "please don't be so cruel" - he added feigning pain.
"hmmm, if you had to marry me, kiss me or kill me which would you choose?" - everyone added an "uhh" at the same time, some covering their mouths in surprise and others just laughing at what was happening.
"come on Jake talk!" - Heeseung said totally amused and shaking Jake's shoulders.
"I choose to kiss you and marry you" he replied shyly beginning to be complimented by his friends for his response and bravery.
"and what are you waiting for!? you just plan to say just that?" - jungwon spoke interrupting the scene and making everyone start shouting for both of them to kiss.
You looked at Jake and noticed his flushed cheeks, you smiled a little embarrassed and his eyes connected with yours before he briefly licked his lips
"I can?" he asked slowly approaching you.
You nodded and smiled tilting your head to the side and closing your eyes. you smiled before you felt his lips crash against yours as if it was just the two of you in that room, as if you wouldn'thear those screams from your friends at the sight of you finally kissing.
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writing0305 · 7 months
“If you tell me what happened I can fix it. Whatever it is.”
2. "This cake reeks of resentment and bitterness." - "When we get to the party I'm going to need you to stop talking like that."
3. "Nothing could ever change how I feel for you."
4."I think I might love you."
5. "I can hear your heart beating, relax."
6. “Can… can I have a hug? Please?”
7. “Your mouth says you don’t like me but the way you stare at me tells me everything I need to know.” 
8. "I think this is the part where you're supposed to kiss me"
9. "You know, ever since I saw you that day, I haven't stop thinking about you."
10. "Everything would be a lot easier if you fucking sat still."
11. "Glad to see that you decided to show up." - "I knew you'd be bored without me here."
12. "This may not mean much to you, but I have your back."
13. "There isn't anything that I wouldn't do for you."
14. "You need to know that I have grown to care for you. Deeply."
15. "Your jacket smells like you." - "Is that a good thing?" - "It’s… It’s comforting."
16. "I trust you. More than anyone else."
17. "I would do anything to keep her safe."
18. "You put a blanket over me when I was sleeping? What are we, an old married couple?"
"The only thing about you that never disappoints, is your ability to disappoint."
2. "You couldn't live with your own failure, and where did that bring you? Yeah, right back to me."
3. “Holy shit… that’s a lot of blood...”
4. “Are you okay? does anything hurt? who did this to you?!”
5. "I don't want to see you!" "You can't be serious."
6. "You don't answer my texts or calls, how could I not be suspicious?" "No, you just don't trust me enough!"
7. “Who was that?”
8. “Just a friend, huh?”
9. “You two are so close, it’s adorable.”
10. "You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down"
11. “Please, tell me this isn't your blood.”
12. “You were never going to tell me, were you?”
13. "I get everything I want"
14. "Get the fuck away from me."
15. "I don't know why I am upset about this so much. I never even liked him!"
16. "You know what's the saddest part? There was a time that I would've forgiven you if you just showed a little remorse. No more, though. I'm no longer a fool."
17. “Don’t you dare touch me.”
18. "... who did this to you?"
19. "...who's this?"
20. "What. the. fuck. is going on in here?"
21. "I need answers and I need them now."
22. "So, what's going on between you and [name] recently? You guys seem to have gotten close all of a sudden."
23. "Why are you so worked up?" "Because they wouldn't stop fucking staring at you like they wanted to eat you."
24. “I can’t leave you alone for one second without you hurting yourself, can I?” - “I mean, I’m fine so it’s okay—” - “No, it’s not okay. Not when I feel like I’m going to go batshit fucking crazy, thinking you’ve hurt yourself.“
25. "You lied to me. was i just a pawn in your game? the easiest one you can sacrifice ?"
26. “Why are you mad?” “I’m not mad, I just think you can choose better people to kiss.” 
27. “You know I’d do anything to have you stay by my side, right? Anything.”
28. “I’m not even gonna lie, I’m just so fucking obsessed with you.” 
29. "You have no idea what I'm capable of. "
30. "I wouldn't do that if i were you. "
31. “They would be so mad if they found out.” “fuck ‘em”
32. "You have no morals, you know that?" - "Morals will get you killed someday, dear.”
33. “Have you ever cared about anyone other than yourself?”
34. “How did you do that?”
35. ”Where were you last night?”
36. “He deserves to die after what he did to you. And I’ll bring it to him.”
37. “She's my date. Fuck off.”
38. “Why was he talking to you?”
39. “You won't go anywhere with him.”
40. “He touches you again and I won't guarantee you I won't kill him immediately.”
41. “You go near him ever again and I'll kill him.”
42. “Whether you like it or not, you're safest with me.”
43. “Yeah, I killed him! He used to hit you! What did you expect me to do?! Leave him alone?”
44. "I didn’t know where else to go. "
45. "Clean yourself up. You're getting blood all over the place."
46. "Why are you avoiding me?"
“Our babies would be so cute.” - “Oh, yeah?”
2. “Wait- we’re having a baby?”
3. “Heartbeats? Plural? There’s more than one?!”
4. “That baby is lucky to have you as a mother.”
5. “Your child has been kicking me all day.”
6. “You’re doing so well sweetheart. Just a few more weeks. My superwoman.”
7. “Go easy. You are carrying my child.”
8. "Of course I'm pregnant! Can't you see that?" - "Well, I didn't want to assume and be rude."
9. "Is there something you wanted to tell me?"
10. "Well, we both made that baby." - "Don't remind me."
11. “I have a kid?”
12. “He/she’s mine too.”
13. “Anyone fucking hurts my kid again, I’ll kill them.”
14. “I have a right to be in my kids life.”
15. “How could you hide this from me?”
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allamericanb-tch · 2 months
crimson rivers thoughts (7)
@tastetherainbow290 more!! this one is longer
chapter 12
remus pov!!
LILY MENTION i love you lily i hope we see more of her in this
oh no wait what happened
wolfstar is wolfstarring
oh no the games. ugh.
regulus pov <3 i hope he finds evan
snake jump scare
james pov already wow ok
vanity!!! she lives
them boiling the water they’re so smart i love james
taking a break to eat dinner i will be back later.
ok i am back. (i love that im saying this as if my thoughts are being shared in real time)
“you’re going after regulus aren’t you” right as always, pete.
“stop thinking with your cock” PETER you icon
regulus pov again! i hope he finds james
water!!!!! huzzah
what is this spider 😭
james pov again
omg who died
i know it wasn’t regulus but i hope he is okay
wait is the spider like the wolf things?! that’s terrifying actually
omg irene and mathias hi
james interrogating them about regulus 😭
nice one regulus look at you killing avery spider
the lovers have been reunited!!!!
reggie come on don’t kill james
“he’s absolutely gorgeous” james now is not the time 😭
“you’re hesitating, love” AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
james “if i have to tie you up and carry you there, you are coming with me” potter
why is james flirting with regulus right now 😭 read the room james
james going with regulus because regulus wont go with james
“what’s it going to be”
chapter 13
another spice warning for this chapter… more jegulus content?! or is it wolfstar. probably wolfstar. although that’s what i said last time and it was jegulus..
young jegulus ❤️‍🩹
“James has always been that infuriating mixture of wonderful and stupid” yeah that’s james.
james. sweetie. i know you don’t want to kill the cute little family of deer but your only other option is to starve to death.
ok but why is this sad
i guess they choose starvation??
james missing sirius ☹️
“we’re a great big tragedy” that is exactly what jegulus is. you summed it up perfectly, thanks regulus
“do you think we would have gotten married” james 😭
REGULUS TRIPPING OVER THAT you know what you did james
“if it was you asking, you know i would have” ahhhhh
of course regulus ate the snake that tried to kill him. icon behavior.
eeeeeeeee jegulus
THE HANDCUFFS james get your mind out of the gutter
“mum dad look away im having impure thoughts” 😭
james doesn’t have his glasses?! how is he seeing right now
me rn: 💔
i can’t even be mad about it because i love dorcas
omg dorcas!!! she’s safe
slow painful death ☹️ gotta be the worst kind
dorlene <333
why is marlene shocked that dorcas enjoyed the games when she was young. she is literally a hallow. and she was a child??
ok they’re flirting now
eeeeeee they’re kissing
ok more than kissing
“eyes up here sweetheart” dorcas im in love with you
i love dorlene this is a nice break from the arena
noooo the moment has been interrupted
fab and gid ☹️ don’t remind me
and its over.
chapter 14
im scared for this one
i really hope evan doesn’t die
“do fish even have brains” 😭 james please
james shamelessly being in love with regulus ugh i love them
of course james has a knife kink
the story <3
yeah sirius would try to eat rocks
“Your gifts at twelve were a lot different than they are at twenty-five” jamesss you
THE PARTING GIFT james you’re teasing the viewers
“everything proceeds to go wrong all at once.” oh no
evan?! i hope that isn’t you
james killed him. oh. my.
regulus is os caring ❤️‍🩹
james having a crisis
they’re holding hands omg
“all james wants is him”
run joey run (glee cast version)
ouchie that seems like it hurt (wow. great observation from me.)
“when mulciber has a sword to his throat it’s not sexy at all” i would hope not?!
“he looks rather terrifying in a sexy way” james. babe. keep it in your pants you’re about to DIE
ok regulus
this is stressful. i know they both live but it is stressful nonetheless. 
yes james you go girl
the spear. i’m getting rue flashbacks.
EVAN!!!!!!!! he’s alive and here to save the day
i love that evan calls regulus lover boy
evan is going to die and i am not ready
not regulus thinking of james as his boyfriend
“both” ahhhh reggieeeee
jegulus + evan god tier combo
my face when james calls regulus love: 🤭
is james going to go full peeta and lose his leg too
should i read another chapter….
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dearlyjun · 2 months
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it’s user dearlyjun’s birthday! (not my actual birthday; that already passed) when I started this blog exactly one year ago, I had no idea I would receive the amount of love that I have. I want to thank each and every one of my followers and mutuals for listening to me talk about non writing related things & enjoying my writing that I do put out. I know sometimes with college I am not the most active person when it comes to posting fics, so I really really appreciate the love that I receive when I do!! nobody goes unnoticed to me whether you’re someone who interacts with me constantly or if you’re a silent reader that just likes my fics. I see you!
so, in honor of this blogs first birthday, I thought of some fun things that we could do!
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even though im a chronic ~yapper~ and love to talk about anything and everything, is there something you’d like to know about me? now is the time to ask!
ask me things such as what my zodiac is, any questions about my writing or my works, favorite foods/drinks, any advice, the world is yours! can be sfw and nsfw related.
be noted that I will not answer personal questions such as like what city I live in, what I do for work currently, and things like that. I think you can read the room.
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simply tell me about yourself (hobbies, interests, your ideal date, zodiac signs, mbti – anything you’d like) and I will ship you with a member of txt or seventeen! please specify which group(s) you’d like to be shipped with in your ask.
example: hi ash! my zodiac sign is aries, i love working out, coffee, looking at cars & going on long drives. my ideal date is going to a car show and getting lunch afterwards. my mbti is infj. id like to be shipped with a member of seventeen! thanks!
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simply give me a scenario with two different idols and make me choose one! (can be other than just txt and seventeen – bts, enhypen, ateez are other options!) can be sfw or nsfw!
example: hi ash! choose between a picnic date with soonyoung or learning guitar with jay
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opposite of kiss marry kill, and there’s no violence involved :’) simply give me 3 idols to choose from. again can be anybody from txt, seventeen, bts, enhypen or ateez!
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☆ please submit your asks from now (may 2nd) until may 16th. I will answer a few each day depending on how many I shall receive, and will continue to answer them should I not get through them all when the event ends.
☆ the amount of asks you can send is unlimited, however if you’re asking for a ship; the limit is one per user.
☆ all posts surrounding this event will be tagged #happy birthday dearlyjun ⋆⭒˚.⋆
☆ my anons are welcome to participate in this game as well!
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Jonathan Crane does not celebrate christmas. His grandma did and it was hell and he just hates everything that happens after Halloween anyway. Except Jervis Tetch is absolutly a christimas fan, the songs, the lights, the decorantions, the music, the food, the snow, Santa Claus, Jervis loves everything about it. His house is always the best decorated if a little bit over the top, his dolls are all dressed for the occasion and he even helps poor kids dressed as Santa before going for his own house and having a themed tea party.
Now Jonathan Crane hates most things and he specially hates christmas but he loves Jervis. And that means that suddently christmases aren't just another work day perfecting his formula and studying it's results anymore. Decemeber isn't the same month. He spends it decorating the house and putting a beutifull tree that would likely make Ivvy murder them if she ever sees it. He goes gift shopping of all things (and worse he has to call Edward and Harley to help him choose something for Jervis!)! He wears the most stupid elf costume and likely scares the kids Jervis is helping. He cooks! And he sings stupid cherry songs. And he hates everthing about it but it's soo damm worth it to see Jervis beam with joy and his eyes crinker and the soft hugs and passioned kisses and the soft ones at the mistletoe and even how cute Tetch looks in the dumb Santa hat.
- / -
Ivvy is not very into christmas, she sees it for the capitalistic waste that it is and while she enjoys gift making, her only celebration is to put her pine three on the front of the house as an statement that growing your own tree is waay better to all parts than to kill one.
Harley is jewish. She likes Hannukkah but where jewish celebrations are concerned is not really as important or showey as christmas is for christians and neither is her favorite. So different of what people might expect Christmas Eve is not really important in the Harlivvy household. During the weeks leading to it Harley decorares Ivvy's tree and goes to gift shoppings with Eddie and Selina and recently Crane and Ivvy celebrates Hannukah with her even if just to show support. The day itself is mostly spend cuddling in the sofa with take out and watching bad romance movies. They love it.
Edward does not care for christmas and never truly did. His mother was jewish and his father was an asshole. Hannukkah with his mom was nice, it was almost as if there was only the two of them for a while. Christmas after his mother was bleak and either just a bunch of nothingness and hidding under the sheats with the knowledge his dad was getting drunker downstairs or worse his dad would cry and say he regretted everyting and try to pretend it was all okay and do a nice father-son christmas day, it never lasted and the wait until things went wrong was unsuferable.
Diedre's christmas were full of catholic guilty and sexist parents and expectations she would never truly met. Of having her girlfriends be called close friends and listening to old aunties ask when she would settle down and marry already even though she wasn't even eighteen. Of treats of hell and treats of violence. It's not really surprising she stopped liking it at age eight and never went back.
Nina's parents never cared. Her dad was ethinically jewish and her mother was a chinese imigrant and neither could really give a shit about Jesus birthday. Not going to school was nice. And her parents deserved a day off for how tired they were all the time. They would play board games and her dad would make some simple and delicous meal. Christmas on the orphanage was full of people pretending to care for one day only and she was glad she only stayed a year before getting her emancipation and her late parents tiny appartment to bolt.
Their first time together was akward glances and shy gift exchanging (between the girls and Eddie, Diedre and Nina played by different rules with each other) and plotting to do a heist just the three of them only to give up and end in a bent up sofa watching bad horror movies and eating chinese and it was better than annyone had expected. It became a tradition. Nina would cook her parents old recipies and Diedre would create beutifull decorantions that were completly off brand from spider webs to easter bunnies to just ridiculous random themes like collages of shakesperean characthers and Edward would make not even a little bit christmacy playlists and sing anything from the soundtrack of Phantom of the Opera to The Beach Boys back to the poor confused carrollers who dared to ring their bell (it wasn't that he was a bad singer but answering to "we wish you a merry christmas" with Taylor Swift was a certain way to rise some eyebrowns) and somehow find the funnier worst horror movies ever made.
They would shop separadly both for the surprise effect of the presents and becase the girls did not like it as much as Nygma. Edward was enrapted by the puzzle of finding the perfect present and was a massive fan of dressing up wich ended with him going not only for himself but again for Jonathan and Harley and any other rogue who wanted his assistance.
It was their own little traditions and their own little family in the end.
Victor used to love christmas. Mostly because Nora loved it and appeared to shine in the hollyday sheer. They would decorate the tree and make a pretty snowman and just be happy together. She would always point out that more than the lights and the food and the gifts and anything really she was just happy to do it all with him. He would annoy her by singing "All I want for Christmas is You" in her ear while she failed to complain as all her trials were stopped by laughter until they were both laughting together.
Without Nora christmas was just another day of work. Another day trying to find a cure. One day she would be back and he would still be lonley because they still had to much to mend and he couldn't see himself as worthy. But this would pass. And one day she would be back and they would be together and this time she would sing "All I Want for Christmas is You" and he would try to deny it, to point out how she needed and deserved much more, only to end up laughting and they would kiss and things would be alright. One day. Soon. But not today.
Christmas for Harvey was bittersweet. His stepfather was a dick and growing up seing the good christmas on TV he wanted that. He had that for a while with Bruce and Gilda and the Gordons, the perfect christmas. The tree and the food and the feeling of belonging for once.
But good things aren't meant to last and christmas as Two-Face was bleak and empty and he would toss a coin for either going to the Iceberg's boring party or comiting a crime. It was empty.
This time he was in Arkham and christmases in Arkham were always bad. The staff was pissed of that they were working and it would always end up bad for the inmates. Except this time they took him to the visitation area. For an old man with glasses and a young woman with red hair. The Gordons didn't go for the Wayne party for once.
Christmas with the Gordons was bittersweet. But that was just how he liked it. And with his belly full of cheap turkey and microwave lasagna, playing Mario Kart with Barbara and a videogame illiterated Jim, Harvey felt like he belonged once again.
Christmas with Selina meant christmas with the Waynes for a long time. The difference was that before it meant go to the cover up high society partys and steal some jewelry, now it meant family celebrations.
It was not fair to call it chrisrmas, most of the Waynes (and Co.) were jewish and the ones who weren't weren't christian either, Dick was romani, Thalia was hindu and Duke and Steph (her mother usually worked on Christmas because being a nurse meant that hollydays turns were a likely possibility) were atheists from birth. But they had a tree and a feast and they loved each other.
The cat, the bats, the birds and the assassins. They made a weird picture and Selina loved it. She loved Dick jokes and hugs and Jason begrudgingly presence and well though home made gifts he would badly lie about finding in the garbage. She adored Steph sheer and sarcastic quips and Tim obligatory game moments. Duke's wild tales and Damian competitviness and sweet tooth. She would have the time of her life with Kate's childhood stories and Helena who would always appear late and lie she didn't care but also bring some new desert she totally didn't spend weeks learning with Alfred's help. She would melt at Bruce's barely hidden excitment over having they all there and Thalia's not even a little bit hidden kisses. The Gordon's didn't appear this year: family emergencies they said. And it was sad but it was okay. Harper and Cullen did and she was sure that was only the first of many times and they were happy and was cute.
Selina had a family now. A huge one. And she had no idea what it meant but the days were warm.
For Oswald Christmas Eve meant organizing the Iceberg Anual Party to perfection, grating his patrons a good time in exchange of his own enjoyment and being called a Grinch and other way less polite insults by all his workers. He didn't care. Growing up christmas with his family was good but scarse, the Cooblepot name was disgraced, they had no money and his dad had abandoned them the moment he realized his kid was truly disfigurated. The celebrations were only him and his mom and she did her best, god bless her soul, she truly did, she would starve to give him a book about birds from Santa, but they always had soo little. He dreamed of giving her the best. Maybe he did. In her last days. But it wasn't enought.
And maybe it had turned him a bit bitter. Or so his workers thought, he would do the celebration and count the dollar bills. He would go to church on Christmas Day and pretend to be a good catholic boy only to go back to his second party round and make his employees life hell (with maybe some murder involved). He was just a bitter Scrooge they would say behind his back. But Oswald didn't care.
The real celebration for Penguin was neither of those days. His true moment of joy was the 26th were he would host his dinner for all the A-Lister Rogues not currently arrested (with the exception of Joker as he was just too trigger happy for the occasion and after their break up it was also a matter of chosing either the clown or Harley and it was not a hard choice at all). It was all he had wished with his mother, full of pretty lights and food but still full of joys and friends and warm.
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vayalda · 2 years
Braime fic rec list part 2 (once again in the order I read them)
Alright, let’s start right away...
I don’t think I need to say much about @sigilbroken’s amazing stories. But I do need to tell you that my absolute favorite is the “In This Light” series. I love everything in these stories, but especially the Jaime-characterization. He’s so ‘raw’ for lack of a better word, as if his soul was laid bare for us. A perfect example of how beautiful writing meets a great plot.
@ladyinredfics has written so many great fics and I must mention at least four of them here, starting with the epic “Battle is the Great Redeemer”, which should be included in all Braime fic rec lists. Because it’s a genius way to fix the eighth season, because we get an amazing Arya/Jaime friendship in it (I especially love how Arya takes so much joy in killing Jaime over and over again. Lol) and because it is that good. Then there’s the fic “The Gift”, which is a truly magical story and a wonderful gift for any Braime fan. But my absolute favorite story is “Little Lion Man”. This one is so precious and adorable and simply purrfect! I love a great ‘Brienne or Jaime is turned into an animal for a time’ plot and this one is at the top of its game!
The third author is @angel-deux-writes whose writing is out of this world because she combines creative plots, perfect characterizations and great pacing with pure talent. We need to talk about quite a few of her stories here. First her series: “two halves of a sword” is a two-part series with the same story written both from Brienne’s and from Jaime’s POV. And this is done utterly brilliantly because the two fics complement and add so much depth to each other. It is writing ability at its best! Then there’s the five fics in her series “we should kind of forget about season 8”, each one of them proving that angel-deux should have written the damn eighth season and we would have all loved it! Also, don’t even ask me which of these five is my favorite as I couldn’t tell you. Because married Braime pining for each other! Because Jaime as king! Because bloody amazing Jaime/Sansa friendships (even though I’m not normally a big Sansa-fan). *chef’s kiss* Her third series is “Deliverer”, in which Brienne and Jaime have a daughter. This one will hurt, but then it will also mend your heart, and you’ll be left smiling at the adorableness that is Jaime with Cat and Brienne with Cat and Jaime with Brienne and all three of them together. As for her single stories, I definitely need to mention “for beauty is found within” because it’s the most perfect Braime/Beauty and the Beast mash-up with everyone being completely in-character. As well as her epic “Honor Compels Me”, which is not only one of the longest Braime fics in existence, but also one of the very best - holy heck, what a journey and emotional ride she’s taking us all on here! Sigh, I could go on and on, as there are so many more: You’ll find everything from Brienne being a spy over Braime accidentally getting married to Jaime temporarily being de-aged. Just make sure to read them all…
For these rec lists, I mostly choose authors who have stopped writing or are on a break (I really do hope that most of them are just on a break), but this time I needed to make one exception and mention Ealisaid as my last rec for today. Not only because “Valiant” was the gift I received for the Braime fic exchange this year, but also because it was a pawfect story! The characterization of Jaime and Brienne was on point and, on top of that, it’s all shown through a dog’s POV, whom you’ll all fall in love with on the spot.
Saying all that, just head over and read all the stories of these authors because my rec lists are too small to include all the magic they create.
 TBC (but I’m slow… sorry)
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kiestrokes · 10 months
F, M, K and you cannot break up the pair no matter how many times @minisugakoobies may try to convince you to:
Hongjoong/Lee Know
Astrological insight is always appreciated.
LUCE 😭 I thought this was going to be difficult, but it was actually kind of easy. I really love Hoba though. I am Yoongi-coded, love my Jihope.
Marry HJ + Lino: Three cats? We would all coexist so well together. Which is fucking funny because I don’t particularly choose to hangout with Scorpios. But in my opinion Scorps are the Aries (me) of the water signs. So we would all be affectionate enough for one another, and understand each others need for space and solo time. 𖤓 Scorp: bonus! we potentially get divorced because the scorpios love to keep secrets. My dad and one grandfather (not the one I adore, he's a leo) are both scorpio men so you could say I'm a little (a lot) traumatized. but for the most part, a scorpio is just vibing in the world, with their cute little dark thoughts and quiet affection. brb running to look at lino's chart- BBY HAS A SAG MOON LIKE ME 🤗it's meant to be. tbh nothing is explaining why he's so touchy, bet his rising sign is libra.
Fuck Mingi + Changbin: Even THOUGH astrologically I am more compatible with these two leo’s…idk if I could handle their super touchy asses all the time in marriage. But for some hookups 👀 let’s go. Manhandle tf out of me Changbin! Mingi I request all of the cuddles post sex, make my 5’10” ass feel small for once being spooned by this big man. 𖤓 Leo: ok Luce, sorry if I'm about to read you for filth. once a leo finds a person they like more than themselves...it's game over. that person is their person. they get jealous if they aren't receiving at least daily surface level attention, but it's not in the possesive way you see with air/water signs. it's kind of cute.
Kill Kiss Jeongin + Hobi I have a v strict no Aquarius dating/fucking policy. I’ve been with too many and broke off an engagement with one 😬 but I will kiss Jeongin’s cute little cheeks and forehead. And Hoba can have any kind of kiss he’d like, with those pretty ass heart shaped lips 😌 𖤓 Aqua: they are incredibly particular about nearly everything and have trouble saving space for you and your opinions in the relationship. They might love you immensely but tend to only want you to be the person they see/imagine.
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kallistcs · 5 months
Top 10 most significant moments in Paris' life:
choose ten moments within your muses' life - moments that have impacted them the most - and explain why. moments can be good, bad, or both
tagging: @stygicniron @soulgathered @twistedtangledfate @stardustedstories
10. Competing over Antheus - Not so much a single moment, this, but it culminates in Antheus choosing Deiphobus over him (since I'm certainly not going to go with the "accidental killing" end of this), which is one. It's also certainly the first moment he gains some understanding that he might not be enough (especially to other men) in himself, to always win out. Too, that the things he fails to live up to might have more effect than he'd already figured out, up until this point. It makes him a lot more hesitant making the first move when it comes to men from this point out.
9. Bullfighting with Ares - Who knew innocently and cheerfully throwing your best bull at all and sundry and declaring that anyone's bull that can beat his will be given the golden crown he's crowning his own bull with would draw divine attention?? Paris is completely unprepared for the strange bull to turn into Ares, yes, but the fact that it does go as well as it does is undoubtedly part of why he has such faith in general, later.
8. Falling out with Oenone - She's his first (he's done other things both with Oenone and other nymphs before he has actual PiV sex with Oenone, but still), and before their relationship grew as strained as it did, Paris did have vague assumptions that she would Be It. You don't usually get involved with a nymph seriously and not marry her, after all. But their expectations and needs are vastly different, which culminates in a last argument just before the Judgement, and an informal break-up.
7. His first kiss - A revelation, of a sorts, really. Foundational, certainly. Relatively innocent as kisses go, but he did get said kiss from a nymph, which means there was no mutual awkward fumbling around; Paris got the gift of kissing someone experienced and quickly learned from there. (Like the Judgement and choosing Aphrodite might be described as "confirming who he already is by confirming who he will be", his first kiss is finding out and reaffirming that finding out.)
6. The Achaeans landing at Troy - Up until the Achaean fleet appear on the horizon and basically flatten Tenedos, Paris did rather and fully believe that they were safe. Not that he hadn't done anything wrong (breaking xenia and committing adultery and running off with someone else's wife is definitely several wrongs!), but rather that, since it was a result of the Judgement, and he'd been ordered by Zeus himself to adjudicate, he had indeed believed that any results from that were divinely sanctioned and would be protected as such. The Achaean fleet hitting the wrong city during their first attempt and then being scattered by a storm only reconfirmed his belief. This is the moment that belief is proven wrong.
5. Reunited with his Trojan family - The moment that changes everything for the first time in Paris' life (as far as he's aware, anyway). If I'd go with the funeral games version when he's sixteen, it'd be even more shocking in a way. As my default is that he's ten and slightly less dramatic, it's still something that upends everything.
4. Aphrodite gifting him a lyre - Could also use the first time she rescues him during the war, they would mean about the same. But the point here is, it's not just a reconfirmation of what relationship they've been building post-Judgement, but something unconnected to the Judgement and Helen. It's not something she needs to do, and that makes it mean so much more to him.
3. The first time Hektor insults him - I'm cheating and including what's two separated instances; the first time Hektor called him 'Duspari', and the first time the wish he'd never been born/had died before he could cause trouble is uttered. (I wouldn't think the instances in the Iliad are the first one, but especially the death wishes are probably far, far more rare that calling Paris 'Duspari'.) It's a moment where the frustrated depths of Hektor's anger becomes unavoidably clear, and sure, it doesn't mean he's tossed out/killed/etc, either the first time or any time after it, but it shakes something that had been something of a foundation in Paris' relationship to his biological family in general, and Hektor in specific.
2. Meeting Helen - sorry Helen this must end up at second place dfhbdfjd Kind of a given, I think. Aphrodite has of course described her in whatever way before Paris lays eyes on her and their gazes meet, but - this is The Moment. The singular moment that cements his willingness to go through with what he must do to gain what Aphrodite has promised him and to keep refusing to give Helen back.
1.The Judgement - A sublime, utterly terrifying moment of death-certainty and breathless awe. He sees too much, is offered too much; can't refuse and can't leave and simply has to do what he's told and take what he most wants. What makes it worth it is the moment with Aphrodite, completely aside the gift she offers.
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landograndprix · 2 years
°☆`- 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝟏.𝟑𝐤 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫
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I hit a pretty amazing milestone earlier, so welcome to all the new lovely faces around! thanks for following silly ol' me, it means a lot and may we get to hang out a lot together on this hellsite we call home! ♡ 
figured I could organise something a little fun; maybe a better way to get to know me and get to know each other. a week long sleepover maybe? 
from Mon, August 1st till Friday, August 5th. 
let's play some games 
🩸 fkm— send in 3 characters/people and I'll let you know who I'd fuck, marry or kill/kiss 
❣ this or that— make me choose between scenarios/things/people
let's create a little something
🌹— tell me your headcanons about a character (can be any stranger things character— smut, fluff or angst, everything is welcome)
♦️— send me a little something for one of my headcanons or a short drabble for a character of your likings (can be any stranger things character. Romance related only for steve and eddie— smut, fluff or angst, everything is welcome) 
♥️— send a little something about yourself and I'll ship you with any stranger things characters. (Send preference for gender, something about yourself, platonic or romantic– I don't ship anyone with the kids; only platonic friendships.)
🎸— I'll shuffle my playlist, first song that comes up will keep you from being vecna'd
🥁— I'll shuffle my playlist to make you a playlist of five songs
let's have some fun!
you can send in as many things as you want but don't go too overboard! I'll tag everything as #1.3ksleepover if you don't want to see any of this and want to black list the tag. 
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taintedsoul-if · 2 years
well it's not like i am homophobic or something.if they can't control who to love than i can't control if i feel weird about that.(nothing against them.they are free to do whatever they want.)i just want to say that we don't have choice in start to select if mc is married to camdus or not.it's weird for me if he is after me.sorry if anyone felt bad because of my words. specially sorry to author. it's your wip and it's your choice how you want to write it.
your story is awesome by the way.😉
Anon you used the vomiting emoji. And you said you didn't want to be gay.
Anyways that is something that happened yesterday. Today is a new brand day. I clearly misunderstand you so I do apologize for that.
I do respect your choices and I understand. And that is why I said that most will be steered from this if. I hope to finish this if and get myself published under hosted games label. Being stuck on one single prologue will not do any good for me. It will only drag me down. At this time my story is in the first phase. Which is the rough draft.
I am not good with words. Nor do I believe that every solution to an argument is to get into an heated discussion. I tend to get emotional at times. Coding is mentally draining. Just when you think you know something, there comes another problem to smack you in the face. Anon let's just let sleeping dogs lie. If you're still uncomfortable then there's really nothing I can do about it.
Nyala/Nyssa, Trista/Trysten romance is already stressing me out. It is hard enough to write a romance route for one RO. Imagine writing it for four. For me everything plays a big part in my story. If I say there's going to be romance there's going to be romance. I won't have my characters cuddling up with each other at the ending of my if, whispering words of love. Readers won't even know how they ended up there in the first place. My plate is extremely full. Writing a completely different route would just be me forcing words out of myself that does not exists.
Cadmus has his reasons as to why he's bonded to the pc. In the prologue he destroyed a country because the pc was killed in such a gruesome way. In the beginning of chapter one. I do admit that he kissed the pc. But at the same time there was another choice where you as the reader could evade that kiss. The reader could also choose to take a nap... Which would result in them being plagued by a nightmare. Two different routes that had nothing with Cadmus forcing himself on the player character.
I do not believe in forced love and Cadmus is not that type of person. If your pc no longer has feelings for him, then he won't object to you wanting to see other people. He won't break the bond that he has with the pc, because of the promise he made to the pc years ago....
I am glad that you're enjoying the if so far. Thank you for reading.
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Bisexuality Masterlist
but then i hear u calling (there u are) (ao3) - orphan_account Michael/Luke N/R, 933
Summary: michael and luke have always been the closest. friendly kisses lasting no longer than 3 seconds are shared frequently between the duo- calum and ashton watching from a distance, almost admiring their friendship. until it wasn't a friendship anymore.
Confidence (ao3) - LoserLamoWannabe Luke/Ashton, Michael/Calum M, 1k
Summary: Ashton Irwin has dealt with too much, and someone finally comes along to take care of him.
i'd still choose you (ao3) - IWillNotBeSilenced Michael/Like T, 500 
Summary: 'I think I'm bisexual.' 'Okay. That's okay, Luke.'
In which Luke comes out, and his feelings are more important than Michael's Playstation.
It will all work out in the end (ao3) - notgonnamessthisup Luke/Ashton N/R, 3k
Summary: "Luke calm down" Ashton tried to comfort him, confused as to why he broke down from nowhere. "No cuz you can't fucking say that!" The youngest almost shouted. "Why not?" Ashton looked hurt. "Cuz you're acting like you're gonna kill yourself!" Luke cried out, making Ashton take a step back. "What the fuck"
Ashton begins self-harming again and the boys confront him. As secrets uncover, Luke discovers there is a very simple solution to Ashtons problems.
Not Just a Stupid Game (ao3) - coffeemuke Michael/Luke E, 2k
Summary: A game of truth or dare leads to Michael following through on a dare.
Parade (ao3) - orphan_account Luke/Ashton N/R, 1k
Summary: It was June 26, marked on the calendars as the day same-sex marriage was legal nationwide in America. Everyone went out to celebrate, and as a proud pansexual Ashton went too. He surely wasn't expecting to get lost and meet a cute blond along the way.
Stars in your eyes - @vasattope (vasattope (rachelsheart)) Luke/Ashton M, 5k
Summary: So Luke finds boys attractive. That’s no big deal.
“But that also happens to me and it doesn't mean I'm not straight. You can appreciate when someone’s attractive even if you're not attracted to them.
”Luke clenches his fists and shifts a little on his spot, clearly uncomfortable.
“Yes, but the thing is that I am attracted to them.”
Or, Luke figures out his sexuality and makes Ashton doubt everything he thought he knew about himself in the process.
unmute (ao3) - allsassnoclass (brightblackholes) Luke/Ashton M, 21k
Summary: In 2011, Luke Hemmings met Ashton Irwin for the first time. In 2020, he told the world they’re married. This is the story of everything that happened in between.
up to your mouth, feeling it out (ao3) - orphan_account Michael/Luke, Luke/Ashton E, 9k
Summary: Ashton's the one who suggested it; after all, he would know how well Luke would do in the industry, since he spent most Friday nights with his best friend's lips around his cock. Luke, on the other hand, didn't know he would end up fluffing for a record-breaking pornstar who is like, really really hot, and definitely his type.
or, Luke is broke and has a talented mouth (and a tongue piercing).
when i think of summer, i think of you (ao3) - mimi_reads Luke/Ashton, Michael/Calum T, 2k
Summary: Heat settles over the city and with summer come the thoughts of Luke.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
helloo! i hope that you’re having an amazing day!! i saw your blog through one of my mutuals and let me tell you, im amazed! you are so talented. do you have a watt pad? or will you publish books in the future? id love to support you. 🤍
okay im sorry if that’s too personal I just got carried away 😄. i wanted to join your ship game if its still possible. fandoms i choose are peaky blinders, harry potter and stranger things.
about me: she/her, heterosexual, infp
little bit more:
i love reading and annotating books.
i love baking especially things that have chocolate in.
i love Winter and snowy days .( im happy that they’re close now anyways)
i am afraid of bugs (sadly) but i hate it when someone kills them.
i like drawing and sketching.
i am fascinated by different cultures but always keep a safe line between so I don’t come off as disrespectful.
i love it when people are thoughtful and understanding towards each other.
i hate conflicts and people misunderstanding me.
fun fact; i love ballet and bella hadid (but I have many more loved celebrities like lily rose 😌) 🫶🏼
i like vintage and retro stuff
my personality: quiet and cold from outside but if you’d get to know me i am not cold 🤧. would say emphatic and sensitive but I don’t know how others see me 😄.
okay that’s it! Thank you so much for your time energy and patience. Have a great day, waiting more posts from you 🫶🏼🥰
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Want one? Here be the rules 🦋
I am LITERALLY DOING PUPPY DOG EYES RIGHT NOW, why would you say such a nice thing! I'm actually going to cry. Your support means so much to be. I actually am writing a book! I started it for my uni assignment and I decided I want to publish it someday (although there's a long way to go before THAT ever happens <3)
What each ship has in common:
⋆ They’re usually the leader/in charge ⋆ Responsible  ⋆ The person who people look to for advice ⋆ Get shiz done ⋆ Get along well with kids (I mean Tommy might not fit in this but he does love his children very much)
𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬
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I ship you with Thomas Shelby! I can see your relationship firstly being a fake one. Where you have something he wants and vice versa; you get married to so his business can progress even further, and you do it so your family is protected/safe/well-looked after. While spending more time with each other, you fall in love. 
・Very sarcastic and witty with each other
・Relationship tropes; ‘partners in crime,’ ‘fake relatiopnship > falling in love > actually happy you married each other.’ 
・He buys you anything and everything. I mean it gets excessive. You probably donate a lot of stuff to charity/neighbours/family/friends. He doesn’t mind. He just wants you to have everything you ever dreamed of
・Isn’t big on pet names, probably calls you a variation of your first name. Maybe even your last name
・Rocky relationship until you understand Tommy’s motives; not just about the business, but himself, his backstory, the war etc
・You’re always protected  - you’re literally apart of the Shelby family. No one tells you what todo, actually no one even denies you anything. I feel like you could do WHATEVER you wanted and no one would bat an eye
𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
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I ship you with Remus Lupin! (Whatever age you wish) the only difference would be that Older Remus is a bit more mature and ... has suffered more ... I’m so sorry I could have worded that better but my brain is having a hissy fit <3
AND! I actually want Joseph Quinn to play young Remus Lupin? Tell me he wouldn’t fit the role so fricken well?? 
Okay so I think you two would be such a good match! I get the sense that you’re very kind, moreso then you realise. Compassionate and caring also, which would catch Remus’ eye. 
・Being so so soft with each other - like holding hands, stroking each other’s hair, swift kisses, rubbing the palm of his hand. 
・He likes to rest his head in your lap. It’s where he feels safest, and the most calm. 
・On full moon nights, (when he isn’t able to take his potion) he will lock himself in a room, chain himself up and you have to listen to his cries/whines/howls all night...
・Being a really really strong couple - your relationship is founded on honesty, real love and understanding. People look up to you guys. 
・He likes it when you hum, or sing. It makes him feel all fuzzy inside - he hadn’t ever dreamed of someone falling in love with him. 
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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I ship you with Steve Harrington! I get ‘it’ girl vibes from you to be honest, like you would totally be queen bee - but not in a mean way - not at all negative. I just think you would do really well in a leading role! 
・Making fun of his hair, trying to mess it up and Steve is like “Hey! Woah woah woah what are you doing little missy!” And he’s swatting your hand away
・THE KIDS LOVE YOU. If Steve is the Mum then you would take a more relaxed approach. Because I love it the thought of him being absolutely worried about these kids and so overprotective. “Dustin put that down,” “Lucas do not make me come over there,” “Max I WILL pull this car over!”
And you’re like, “honey it’s okay. Really it’s alright.” Trying to soothe your flustered boyfriend who is taking this babysitting thing so goddamn seriously
・Making a playlist for him, and it’s about how you feel. He gets giddy dude.  “For me? Babe! I love it!!!” And he scoops you up and spins you around. He plays it all the time. Everywhere. In his room. In his car. In other people’s car. He takes it everywhere with him. 
・Is so much more responsible then people give him credit for - like your parents (or single parent/guardian up to you) thought Steve was a playboy who was  up to no good. But he was literally the one making sure everyone else was safe
・Getting drunk with Steve, can you imagine? He comes up with the most randomest stuff. But I also feel like he would be worried what you’d say (because of what happened with Nancy) but you just gush about how much you love him and never want to be without him. He is literally a blushing mess and won’t stop repeating ‘I love you y/n’
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@imprvdente​ sent: ❤ for Rick & Fish Ultimate ship meme || Accepting !
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Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection [[ Rick would show affection towards Fish only if disguised as teasing, so he’d pick the things he can excuse as him pulling her leg a bit. Or if he can excuse them as something done in the afterglow of a good fuck. ]]
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car spaceship | BDSM | No sex [[ To ne honest, Rick is kinky as hell and he’d try everything at least once. So whatever Fish is comfortable with, you can bet that he’ll do it xD I left those two options in italics ‘cause I don’t know if they are Fish’s cup of it. If they are, then you can bet that he’ll be up for them. As for the “morning sex part”, they don’t really sleep sleep together, so the occasions for that are pretty rare to start with. ]]
Dates; Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates [[ Since they aren’t really together, Rick would mostly take her to get wasted and dance to some space clubs, where they can either hook up with each other or with other people...or both xD ]]
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No [[ I mean, he did drunk marry her, but if asked to pop the question sober, he’d say no. Not just because he isn’t in love with her, but also because, after how it ended with his Diane, he’s not the marriage type anymore. ]]
Have sex on the first date? Yes | No [[ They don’t date (yet), and they start off as fuck buddies first and foremost, so they had sex even before the first date xD ]]
Confess their attraction first? Yes | No [[ He was the first one to give in and kiss her, so I’d say that he was the one to “confess” first, even if it took them a while and a lot of tension to get there xD ]]
Have children/adopt? Yes | No [[ After losing Beth, I can’t see Rick having an other kid. Besides, he has Morty (even if he’s more of a friend than anything else) and Summer, so that space is already filled for him. ]]
Die for your character? Yes | No [[ He cares for Fish, even if he won’t admit it, but he’s still a very selfish person with an unfinished revenge business. They aren’t close enough for him to make a sacrifice like that (the only person he’d kill himself for it’s probably Morty, canonically wise too). So if he had to choose between the two of them, he’d either find a way to save them both or save himself. ]]
Cheat on your character? Yes | No [[ Rick is a lot of bad things, but he isn’t a cheater. If he and Fish ever started an actual relationship, he wouldn’t cheat on her. ]]
Lie to them? Yes | No [[ He lies to everyone, so she wouldn’t be an exception to that rule. At times he’d do it for selfless reasons, others for selfish ones, but he’d definitely do it. ]]
Cuddle after sex? Yes | No [[ He’d never admit it out aloud, but he likes cuddling after sex. So if Fish is game and accepts not to tease him about it, he’ll cuddle the shit out of her pretending to be already half asleep xD ]]
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
Chenford + date night
“Whoo - yeah! You suck!” Lucy was doing a strange king fu like victory dance - made even more entertaining and enticing by her already short skirt shimmying up her thighs, revealing smooth, soft, tanned legs, and socks and shoes. She was decked out in a blood red wrap dress that she had to retie every so often as it fell off her shoulders repeatedly. Her hair was back in a loose pony tail and she was as beautiful as he’d ever seen her.
Earlier in the evening, during dinner on their 4th date night, she’d had on very high heels with long ribbon straps that wound up her calves and he’d had his hand on her bare inner thigh all through dinner- his pinky stroking that super sensitive skin just enough for her to murmur sighs of naughty things to come, as they sat next to each other in their secluded booth surrounded by starlight, candles and a lone violinist playing old top 40s. Who knew “you oughta know” and “only you” would be highly romantic when played that way. They spent a luxurious evening feeding each other butter soaked seafood, and garlicky lobster, licking the sauces off one another….
For his part, he was dressed in dark blues, nothing matching but everything going together. Blue/black pants, black boots, her favorite blue striped button down, under a midnight blue sweater….
On the way home to what he thought would be a night of wanton passion and fantasy, they passed a bowling alley and Lucy started clapping saying, “let’s stop here!” Tonight she got to choose everything they did, so they stopped, rented shoes, she out a large safety pin in her dress and they bowled. And he was getting creamed - she was killing him in more ways than one and Tim is not a good loser. But he knew how to throw her off her game…. As she’s getting ready to roll her last frame, Tim pulls out the little blue box he’s been carrying around for weeks - ever since that kiss in her living room - when he realized she was it for him. That he loved her and was going to marry her.
Lucy winds up, rolls the ball, but only 7 pins fall, she turns and to picks up the ball and roll again, when she sees Tim on one knee holding a ring that catches all the light and her breath…. Lucy, will you marry me?
I love bowling in fancy clothes! We’d go bowling after sorority formals in college.
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eddiecranes · 1 year
Hey ♥️ Its your secret Santa again! I'm sorry for the very late reply! Life has been a drag these past two weeks. I was aost done my reply just an hour ago, then tumblr wiped out my reply. Aye.
I hope you're doing well and life is going decently for you 😊. I'm always here to listen and understand if you need someone to talk to.
So I love your music taste! It rocks!!! Love all those groups except I don't listen to The Monkees and The Who. I listen to Bowie occasionally. But the others you mentioned, I love them. I grew up listening to Elton John. The Doors are out of this World. I love Motrison Hotel! Peace frog, Blue Sunday, Waiting for The Sun!
Also Love her Madly, Roadhouse Blues (always getting stuck in my head!!), Break on Through. I could go on « but you get the point. 😂
Elton John is wonderful. I love The Way You
Look Tonighy, Whisper, Sacrifice, The One,
Blessed, Sad Songs, Crockodile Rock. There are
so many and I know I'm forgetting a lot haha. I live
The First two Queen albums as well as the last
album and The game! They're awesome. The first
band I really got into. I literally listened to all their
stuff and demos and everything! My fav members
are Freddie and Deaky. Used to be Bri a while ago.
Please send me song recs if you'd like 🥺. I love
song recs. Also.let me know if you'd like song
recs. I love love love sharing music I love with
friends! ♥️
Some questions for you 😁
- your fav album and song of all time (of top three
ranked if too hard to choose).
- which artist you'd 1. Kiss 2. Kill 3. Marry.
(I love asking this. it's super fun!)
- most favourite live performance you'd kill to see?
- what you love about your fav band/artist and why they're your fav.
I don't really have many Christmas plans. Just to relax. Hopefully I can go to Christmas Mass. I like that ♥️ and candles and peaceful tranquility.
What are your plans?
Your secret Santa ♥️🍓
I'm sorry to hear about life getting you down :/ Unfortunately it seems all too common this time of year, but I hope things get better.
But yeah, your questions! My favorite song of all time is Across the Universe, my favorite album wavers between Abbey Road, Rubber Soul, and The White Album. The Beatles have been my favorite band basically my whole life. They have such a varied catalog for such a short time, they broke so much ground in music, and the songwriting (lyrics but especially music) really reaches me.
A band I would love to see live.......oh man, I'd like to see Bob Weir but I know I'd never be able to handle the weed stink of that audience. I would also like to see Nick Mason to round out seeing every surviving Pink Floyd member, as well as Neil Young so that I could say I saw every member of CSNY (going to see Graham Nash in June!)
Now the FMK thing, there really aren't any musicians I would do any of those things to! My boyfriend and I are literally discussing as I type this which musicians can actually sustain a marriage. It's a longer list than I thought, actually, but still tiny in the grand scheme of things.
I don't have any specific plans for Christmas except to not go to work! It's the one day of the year we're closed.
So what are your answers to the above questions?
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